#the nightwing killer
cyberxhex · 2 years
Any ShadySide Killer headcannons in general?? I need more of this found family
i’ve got a few more yeah!
-cyrus is a pretty chill guy. strict in the “hes from 1666” way, but has picked up mannerisms from everyone else.
-ruby radiates bi energy.
-ryan and billy are like chaotic brothers that play pranks on everyone else.
-ryan calls cyrus “no eyes” sometimes when he’s mad at him. it’ll upset him.
-the farmer of death and isaac are really good friends.
-they all find games to play as a “family”. i love them.
-after figuring out what really happened, tommy spends a lot of time wondering what went wrong for nick to do this to him. to all of them. ruby and ryan are his support systems for this.
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incorrectbatfam · 4 months
Rating mental breakdown spots in Gotham
Gotham subways: 5/10. Can blast emo music through your headphones. Train occasionally stalls. Other passengers too burned out to notice you. 
Gotham U: 10/10. You're likely not the only one. School mascot hands out free tissues. 
Batburger: 8/10. Semi-public depending on seating. Tears make the fries soggy. Line cooks are wrestling in the background. 
Crime Alley: 0/10. People think you're drunk. You're a prime mugging target. Kids laugh at you.
Sewers: -2/10. Smells bad. 50% chance of Croc attack. 
Iceberg Lounge: 3/10. Judgy rich snobs. Bathroom full of people doing coke. Drinks too expensive to drown yourself in. 
Wayne Gala: 4/10. Also judgy rich people. Must dress formally. Can't stick your head in chocolate fountain. Dick Grayson will become your therapist whether you like it or not. 
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babyyoda234 · 2 months
Gotham is an environmental NIGHTMARE⚠️
This may be a really niche topic, but my degree is currently in Environmental science, so this is on my mind constantly.
Think about it:
The Joker is constantly messing with the air quality with his "laughing gas".
Poison Ivy's pheromones are definitely going to end up in the water supply.
Killer Croc lives in the sewers? Imagine having to deal with a sewer emergency and your boss goes "Dammit Waylon. Again?"
He's not even the only person who lives in the sewers canonically.
Bruce Wayne is constantly flying private. Don't even get me started on Batman and the Justice Leagues carbon emissions...
The Joker is constantly crashing planes/ cars into Gotham Harbor. You know that water is polluted beyond repair. Imagine having Aquaman step in because all the fish are in Gotham are dying...
Not to mention, Batman's rogues are constantly poisoning that water supply.
The Rogues' are also poisoning themselves by working out of old abandoned buildings that are riddled with asbestos....
On the topic of my girl Poison Ivy...
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Can you imagine having this woman in class? Freshman year she teaches the hardest intro level botany course offered. You spend every week going to her office hours hoping to pass her class, then a decade later she is bullying you for not remembering the exact equation for photosynthesis while you clean up the mess SHE MADE. The drama.
Might write a fan fic about this in the next couple months. Comment if you would be interested!
Edit: I started writing a fic similar to this called the intern if y’all are interested! Check it out!
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murdockbuckley · 4 months
surely gotham water is contaminated or it's been contaminated enough times that gothamites just refuse to use it.
like yeah it's probably fine but they aren't about to risk it with all of the rogues they have. just think how many chemicals are in that. plus not to mention killer croc is somewhere in the sewer system anyways.
so they bulk buy bottles and jugs of water from elsewhere and only use that for everything. need a drink? yeah there are bottles in the fridge help yourself. need to add some to the food you're cooking? this brand works best for that. you got injured whilst walking around outside? here use this to wash it before you use anything else. the only thing they don't use it for is showering but even then they shower quickly. 5 minutes most. In, wash, out.
they aren't risking being taken out by water of all things. this is gotham. if they're having a premature death it's going to have to be better than that.
queue non-gothamites visiting, for whatever reason, and they just don't know. and they're freaked out when everyone just starts yelling when they're about to fill a cup up from the kitchen sink.
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impyssadobsessions · 4 months
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Scenes from Chapter 10 of my fanfic Raising Phantom. >w< I made some transparent ones because I think its so cool/cute. LOL
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arkhamknightd · 3 months
While Tim isn’t exactly the most interesting Robin I think it’s notable that out of all the protégés he comfortably has the best Rogue’s Gallery and it carries him a long way. Barb has Killer Moth, and formerly the Cavalier I guess, and Damien has his family but all of them are mostly Bruce’s villains. And everyone has rivals in Bruce’s rogue’s gallery but those connections never stick. Tim’s got Anarky, King Snake, and the General as pretty much exclusively his nemeses, and he’s got a great dynamic with all of them, like Lonnie, Dorrance, and Ulysses are all full fledged rogues with history, and most of that history is up against Tim. Steph is the only competition, but Cluemaster is ontologically pathetic by design and it’s tougher to have him be a recurring threat yknow. I think it’s worth putting energy into, because otherwise you end up with Dick’s most recurring foes being Blockbuster and Double Dare, I like Blockbuster and Double Dare more than most, but if they’re your arch-villains then something is wrong.
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evilvvithin · 1 year
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polarspaz · 1 year
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Bloodbird AU
Tim’s Bloodbird form is perfect for handling really strong villains, like Killer Croc and Bane. ᕙ(  •̀ ᗜ •́  )ᕗ 
((Dick is asking Killer croc if he’s suffering from a bad drug overdose, but finds out that no, It’s not drugs. Instead Croc is having another bad cannibalistic episode. Lucky for Dick, Tim shows up in time before Croc can take a bite.))
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Something very Stephanie Brown about Stephanie Brown is that Bruce, Alfred, Babs, Damian, Kate, Tim, and Cass are all like "Wow! Dick Grayson's so spontaneous and wild and happy-go-lucky and rebellious and gung-ho and a ray of sunshine..." while Stephanie's like "OHMYGODDD, this guy's such a stick-in-the-mud!!".
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Stephanie is literally chaos incarnate and Dick couldn't handle it (initially).
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Most of these stories are happening around the same time by the way.
It also feels pretty hard-earned when these two do come around with each other, at the end of the Core Requirements arc. They had a cute dynamic and they're so similar in so many ways (Bruce even said it during The Road Home). We were robbed of more. It was absolute genius: "hmm...what if...Batman and Batgirl....were ROBIN!".
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Sources: Batgirl (2009) #5-7, World's Finest (2009) #3-4, Batman (1940) #682 & #689, Nightwing (1996) #143, Detective Comics (1940) #872, Batman and Robin #9, and Batgirl (2000) #58.
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cyberxhex · 2 years
my inbox is empty i request fear street asks.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Batman sometimes asked the rogues to keep their villainy at a minimum when his at the time Robin had a big test the coming week.
They don't. Instead, they bombard them with study trivia while fighting.
Two-Face: What's the derivative of y = (√2x - 3)/6?
Duke: √2/6. *punches Two-Face*
Ivy: What's the proper name of a temperate grassland biome?
Damian: Savannahs in Africa, steppes in Eurasia, pampas in South America, and prairies in the North. *slices through her plants* Give me a real challenge.
Killer Croc: Define a vestigial organ and name three examples.
Dick: They're rudimentary anatomical structures that are retained in a species despite having lost their primary ancestral function. *flips behind him* Like the appendix, wisdom teeth, and tonsils.
Harley: I hate this guy as much as any self-respecting psychologist, but who was the founder of psychoanalysis?
Steph: Ugh, Freud. Can we get back to the car chase?
Riddler: Riddle me this. I'm thinking of a failed military operation in 1961 aimed to overthrow Fidel Castro's government.
Tim: What is the Bay of Pigs? *throws a batarang* And why did I answer that like a Jeopardy question?
Mad Hatter: What point about humanity was William Golding making in Lord of the Flies?
Jason: Trick question. It's a satire written in response to popular works of the time depicting young privileged boys as successful in their adventures and aimed to showcase the more accurate behavior of that particular demographic when faced with isolation and uncertainty.
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babyyoda234 · 15 days
The Intern (Day one)
Working for the Gotham department of environmental protection is not for the weak of heart. Follow along for a day in the life of Gotham’s newest environmental intern.
What did he say in the interview? “We typically don’t take interns.” With each slippery stride through god knows what, I think I understand why. Who’s takes the intern on a tour of the sewer on their first day?
I don’t complain though; Dr. Harrison is not kind to complainers. If you can ignore the horrendous smell and the suits ability to become a sauna within a couple steps, it is really just like any other job. My boss calls over his shoulder.
“You brought that pepper spray right?”
I pause for a moment to adjust my suit.
“Yes sir.”
Why would they create a hazardous waste suit with such narrow eye holes? Fumbling with my mask, I stumble straight into a surprisingly solid member of my group.
“I’m so sorry!” I apologize backing away.
Pulling my arms out of the external sleeves, I manage to wipe out the fogged up interior goggles. Once my field of vision clears, my heart drops.
The scales draw my attention first. In the dark, they shimmer and shine against the waste water. I’ve never seen anything like it. The hulking figure peers down at me with eyes that glow yellow in the dark.
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When I was a kid, I used to love Animal planet. It didn’t matter how cruel the animal kingdom was; I was enthralled learning about it. Crocodiles have the strongest jaws in the animal kingdom. They can cut through bone… easily.
Trying to ignore the vivid image of a crocodile crushing a pigs skull on network television, I smile awkwardly underneath all my layers. He has a skin condition; this is a human man.
“I didn’t see you there. Thank you for steadying me.”
The prehistoric looking man regards me with curiosity. He is human…A human with razor sharp claws that have allegedly skewered other humans for dinner…Nobody’s perfect?
Before I can contemplate what my skull would sound like getting snapped in half, Dr. Harrison interrupts the silence.
“Waylon, meet our newest intern. You two will be running into each other quite a bit this summer.”
Hesitantly, I reach out my trembling hand.
“It’s nice to meet you Mr. Jones. I hope to see you around.”
The reptilian eyes regard me with suspicion. In a swift motion, Killer Croc’s scaled hand envelops mine in a slightly painful shake.
“The last one said the same thing before I had to pick them out of my teeth.”
Oh god. A loud burst of nervous laughter explodes from my chest.
“I’m afraid that won’t be necessary. I carry floss on me.”
Both men flash incredulous glances my way.
This is going to be a long summer.
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chepib3 · 2 months
maybe being dumped into the ocean while handcuffed is just another tuesday for dick but considering the amount of times he has almost drowned/been waterboarded(? i don't think that man would be normal around water
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restinslices · 6 months
Ryan Torres was saving money so he could leave Shadyside. That’s why he worked at the mall. Like others, Ryan was scared everyday that one day he’d be added to the list of dead young adults in Shadyside. Sure, he joked about it, but that’s what he did. He used humor to make others happy and therefore, it made him happy. Ryan didn’t just wanna leave Shadyside. He wanted to take everyone he could with him, especially Heather. They weren’t dating or anything, but he never wanted to leave her behind. Plenty of times Heather told him “if you have the chance, get the fuck outta here” and Ryan always told her no. He’d never leave without her.
Tommy Slater didn’t have any distinct goals. Like others, he wanted to escape Shadyside but he also wanted to give hope to young kids. He didn’t want the Shadysiders to feel lesser than Sunnyvalers just because they were born on the “wrong side” of the line. That’s why he was a counselor. He wanted to make those kids feel cared for and loved. He wanted them to feel like someone had their back. He didn’t know how he’d do it, but he wanted to fix Shadyside. Not just run and pretend nothing was happening.
Ruby Lane used singing as an escape. Shadyside could take so much from a person, but it could never take her voice. She sung for anyone at anytime and anywhere. She was the sweetest girl with a beautiful voice. The second she started singing, the world seemed to slow and everything seemed better. When she was a little girl, her mom would sing her lullaby’s and now that Ruby was older, she’d sing for her mom instead. Ruby always dreamed of leaving Shadyside and becoming a professional singer. She had a whole book where she’d write her own lyrics. Some songs were about her friends, her mom, some even dedicated to the kids of Shadyside.
None of that mattered in the end though. Only a small group of Shadysiders would know that they weren’t monsters. Only that small group would know they didn’t just go crazy. Only a small group of people would know that they were victims, not the villains the media painted them to be.
Everyone else though would only know them as the kids who went crazy. The despicable humans who killed others just because they could. Their names would forever be linked to crime sprees. It didn’t matter who they were before. All that mattered now was what the Goode’s made them do.
That’s how they’d forever be remembered.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 6 months
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Titans: Beast World Tour - Gotham #1
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