#the fucking we are mothers and we are RAISING SAINTS and we are AWESOME
scrunchie-face · 1 year
Doesn’t all this “traditional” motherhood hype ever get old? Doesn’t it ever start to ring hollow? Doesn’t the constant stream of “you are doing the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER by being a mom” homilies and meditations start to reek of just another industry that thrives on your isolation, insecurity, and loss of identity?
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quarthly · 3 years
Twilight characters as random animals that I think are oddly fitting
(Also yes, I am roasting the animals as well)
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Edward: He would be a Cheetah. Now I know, seems like a cop out just because of his speed but hear me out. Cheetahs are, at face value, pretty cool. They used to be my favorite animal as a child, but then I grew up.
Cheetahs, through no fault of their own, are severely inbred. Now thats mainly because of poaching, but the cheetas anxiety also comes into play. In captivity, cheetahs are usually given emotional support dogs. I will admit it is cute but it negatively affects the population. Excluding one in the wild, cheetas can be to anxious to breed and thats not good for conservation efforts.
Cheetahs can hit up to 80 miles per hour in a couple of seconds. They are designed for fast running and agility. Their claws are similar to that of a dogs for better traction and they have elongated spines for longer strides. They have a thin build, long legs and a long tail for balance.
This has downsides though. Many times after making a kill, it will get stolen for them by larger predators. Thats right, they get absolutely bodied by the other animals. I should probably make these shorter but I'm on a rant now, so I guess this will be semi educational.
Throughout the series, we see Edward over estimated his abilities and value, constantly getting bodied by others. He's essentially a perfect mormon, though thats on S'meyers. He constantly judges others, dehumanizing them to their baser flaws, without doing any self reflecting. Him viewing himself as a monster doesn't really count to me. While he definitely hates himself, the only thing he is truly demonizing is being a vampire.
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Bella: Picking up from Edwards, Bella is a Chocolate Labrador. Yes, she is his therapy dog. I feel like this is really fitting for her. I know Golden retriever would make more sense, as thats the most common breed for service animals. However, I kind of focused on her appearance. Only at first though! I just know that Edward raved about her human qualities and that would pass over as animals as well. Her chocolate eyes and brown fur, very average and boring. Thats essentially Bella. Even Edward wasn't into her until he got a wiff. Labradors a very loyal dogs and while they have more personality than Bella, I just couldn't shake it. Their also very stupid. Ok that's kind of mean, they're not stupid but when it comes to love, then yeah they are stupid.
I used to have a lab, loved him to death, but god he was something else. Very much danger prone, from their own stupidity or their lack of survival instincts. I know that labs are almost aquatic. They love water, swimming, all that jazz. We can just say that bella has a few screws loose in her dna and is just "not like other labs."
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Rosalie: Now she was hard. There are quite a few animals that I think would fit for her. I'll list the other ones, but that one I went with is the Swan. Like Edward, seems a little on the nose, but I have my reasoning.
I was going to pick a predator for her, as she is shown to be very vengeful and viscous. I would have pick some type of cat, most likely a purebred, from a rich family. It could still work, but the swan just speaks to me on this one.
Swan's are known for being beautiful, graceful, and are pictured as the symbol of love. They are also very vain. Edward constantly brings up Rosalies vanity. She was constantly valued for her beauty as a human, so of course that crossed over in the transformation. She was raised to be married into wealth, she was used as a bargaining chip to increase the family's standing.
Rose has a very strong character and makes her opinions known. She's assertive and aggressive at times. She's not afraid to get dirty.
Swans mate for life and like geese, are known for being great parents. I was also going to choose geese as an option for the maternal instincts. I was wary at first because swans can be really aggressive. Like actually, you think geece are bad? Yikes bestie...
I was conflicted because swans are known for drowning dogs and sometimes people. However, I can actually see Rose drowning Bella. It's not that unbelievable lmao.
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Emmett: Now this one is just ironic. I only associate him with bears. Its inevitable, but picking a Grizzly or Black bear is too obvious. So I went a slightly different route...
So I was going to pick the Sun bear just because of looks alone. Like, I'm not exaggerating, it looks like someone wearing a bear costume. I don't think it fits him but I know for a fact that he would dress up as a sun bear and sneak into a zoo to see if anyone would notice. I'll put a pic of it here
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Like look at this thing. I have no words...
Anyway, what I picked was a Sloth Bear. Now Sloth bears are mostly nocturnal, which either way works consider vamps don't sleep. Their diet is also odd but honestly so is the cullens. They're native to the Indian subcontinent, and are known for being aggressive towards humans. Its said that for the most part they're pretty calm, so I think its just fear of humans that make them act aggressively. Honestly, that's a good thing because they are listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red list.
They have some similarities with sloths, which is where they get the name. They have long claws and unusual teeth. They are known to hang upside down from tree branches, and is described as having a messy appearance. Honestly, Emmitt has a messy personality. Sorry bestie but you're a lot of work.
Now heres the biggest reason for choosing this bear. Aside from Baloo from the jungle book being a sloth bear, they are known to run fades with Tigers. Honestly, how fucking badass is that!? Now I don't think there are recorded instances of a Sloth bear killing a Tiger, but when push comes to shove, they can hold their own and I find that incredibly impressive.
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Carlisle: This one was somehow the easiest as well as the toughest. I know Owl seems like the obvious choice, and I can see it. However, I believe Carlisle values emotional intelligence as much or if not more than academic intelligence. He is so charismatic and values other's above himself. He might not be as Saint like as Edward thinks, but he does try and I think he genuinely cares about others. For that reason alone, I choose a Elephant.
Elephant's are very social animals and are extremely intelligent. I could rave about them for ages, I love them so much.
Now elephants live in a familial unit and are usually matriarchal. Bulls usually are on the outer edges of the herd or form little groups with other males. Honestly, they're not that bad aside from when their in musk.
In the group of males, the elder ones will teach the younger where to get the best food, water, how to use things as tools, and every other thing that will increase their odds of survival. This is really cute to me tbh, they do this because the females usually choose the older males because they've proved that they are intelligent and strong, that they have survived and will continue to for awhile. Teaching the younger males these things are to make the odds of them getting chosen to mate more likely. The whole unit just reminds me of a father that has to deal with rowdy teens.
Carlisle likes to take in strays, he might not have a herd but he will make one and teach them to thrive. That's how he envisions it anyway. He just has a found family and is trying his best.
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Esme: Now this might seem like an insult, but I promise it's not! This is in no way misogynistic. I love cattle and ever since I took animal science in highschool, I have appreciated these grass puppies like they deserve. Call me Castro because I love cows.
Yup! I chose a Cow for her. Specifically a beef cow. That might sound weird but its because beef cows have higher maternal instinct than dairy cows. I'm thinking Scottish Highland based on vibes alone.
They are nicknamed the Gentle Giants of Scotland. Super maternal and sweet and ugh look how cute they are!
Esme came from a abusive marriage and had just lost her child, she was depressed and desperate. Her changing was, in a way, salvation. She just fits in. She adopts all these strays along with him and will protect them to the death. She might be gentle by nature, but don't fuck with her family. She lost her first one and she isn't going to lose this one.
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Alice: She's an odd one. There are so many possibilities and maybe I'm biased, but I feel like she would be a Crow.
Ok listen, I'm definitely biased but it just feels right. Crows get a bad rap, they are so cool! They are so intelligent and have the ability to actually sit and think about the past, prest, and future. I forget what its called, but this was only seem in humans! Maybe other apes, I can't remember exactly, but either way its awesome. They do live in groups, or murders, and remember people and faces. They remember locations and are able to pass down information through generations. They essentially have their own language! They are able to use tools too!
Alice's story is really sad. When we first meets her, it revolves around the death of her mother and her institutionalized. She was essentially tortured and forgot everything from her past. All she had was the future and even that wasn't constant. Crows a often viewed as omens, they are associated with death. I personally believe that instead of being the cause, they just know something is going to happen. They are very inquisitive and can be creative.
If you befriend a murder of crows, sometimes, depends or the group, they will bring gifts. Its can range from food to shiny metals and colorful plastic. Hell, I think I've seen a post of one stealing things from people just to gift it to their human.
Alice's love language is gifts. Even if they are focused around fashion, she still goes out of her way to get something that will look good and at least be a little comfortable. By that I mean she tends to forget peoples comfort zones, but she means well.
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Jasper: Honestly not to sure what to put for him. I know a predator would be more fitting, but for some reason I can see a donkey working. I know, seems like I'm clowning on the confederate. Fair, but I'm serious about the donkey thing. Honestly, it would be perfect if it wasn't a herbivore. Porcupine would also work.
Being a predator would make more sense. Given his backstory and his characterization, it wouldn't make sense for him to be a prey animal. Usually I wouldn't count this, but given his gore filled past and trouble with the diet, it seemed fitting.
I see him as a Big Cat. Honestly, vamps in general just give cat vibes. Jasper though especially have some cat like qualities, which originates from hunting and being a soldier.
I specifically see him as a Mountain Lion. Aside from him being blonde, he just has the predatory stealth to him. In midnight sun, we see him use his gift to make the nomads overlook him. He's honestly really powerful.
Mountain lions are known for being stealthy with an air of grace and power to them. They are stong animals. And I mean strong. They can jump 40-45 feet.
They're very elusive and quite. They stalk their prey and tend to attack from behind but don't think they won't hold their ground if need be.
Jasper was changed during the Civil War and forced to fight in the Newborn wars. He was a soldier as a human and as a vampire. He's able to feel and manipulate others emotions. He's covered in scars and is very intimidating.
He still struggles with the diet and honestly I hate how the others handle it. Like they have no room to talk. I don't want to defend the confederate but it just pisses me off. He has to deal with his hunger on top of everyone else's. Like damn, besties always on edge! Everyone doubts him which I don't think helps any.
Also, Mountain lions and Cheetahs can purr!
@aquanova99 I'll do a Volturi one too. That one will be fun lmao
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lawgrain · 3 years
Scrapped Chapter: Spiteful
Soooo explanation for context, this is something I originally had written for spiteful (an anon asked about it recently <3333). I felt it was a tad too forgiving and took it out and that vaguely kills me but oh well. This takes place when Bakugou still doesn’t have his hearing aids. As it has been scrapped, I’m not sure how well I edited it. I also can’t say whether or not I might end up recycling any of its contents. Buuuuttt it’s he for y’all to enjoy regardless <333 
Chapter 24: A Notebook Chat
Kirishima felt the rug pulled from under him the moment he heard Bakugou’s mother threaten his former friend. Everything was so wrong and he couldn’t keep up. It started with their argument. It was so intense and unlike anything Kirishima could compare it to. He expected the woman to be more yelly and he guessed she might be sometimes, but not at that time. Instead she was… dangerous.
He could never imagine either of his mothers being like that and yet there was a woman in the room that felt like a threat to her son. Kirishima couldn’t comprehend what was happening and then Bakugou’s mother hurt him. And that couldn’t have been his friend's life.
Bakugou couldn’t be used to this because Kirishima would’ve noticed. He would’ve noticed if his friend was being beat at home. He had to have noticed. He just had to.
Then he thought back on it and he didn’t know if he would have. He didn’t know if he had ever asked about his friends mother or father. He hadn’t even noticed that Bakugou randomly ate somewhere outside of the cafeteria before the class started to shun him. He didn’t know a thing. All he knew was that he had liked Bakugou for his manliness.
And what did he even know about manliness anymore? He had been so mad at himself for finding Bakugou manly even after he had heard about how he had bullied Midoriya. And now he had watched Bakugou being told to kill himself and not even flinch. Unlike Midoriya, he had heard them from his mother. He had been hit by his mother.
He still thought it was wrong to say those words to Midoriya, but now Kirishima wondered if there was any way for Bakugou to have known that when he had said it. Was there a way for Bakugou to have known it was wrong to hurt people? Whoever that woman was surely didn’t teach him. Did Bakugou have anyone who told him that it was wrong? More importantly, Kirishima thought, did it matter?
Should Bakugou’s background matter when the class turned on him? Would they have reacted the way they did if they had known? It shouldn’t matter if Bakugou’s mother was a saint or a troll, they shouldn’t have treated him like that. He shouldn’t have treated him like that.
Kirishima knew he hadn’t actively partook in anything against Bakugou. He knew he wasn’t as adamantly against him like Uraraka was or throwing insults like Jirou. He didn’t approve of Kaminari’s antics to set off the 1-A timebomb. He didn’t do any of that but he still felt bad. He did nothing. He hadn't even tried to do anything.
The only thing was, well Bakugou was wrong. Bakugou might not have known any better at the time but even today, he still treated Midoriya horribly, he still threw around insults, he still treated people like they were “extras”. And Kirishima wouldn’t ignore that but he also could no longer ignore that the rest of the class was doing the same to Bakugou. So no matter what his opinion about Bakugou was, one thing was clear. He had to apologize to Bakugou Katsuki.
The same Bakugou Katsuki who had an explosive temper and obviously hated Kirishima now.
He didn’t know how he was going to be able to do that but he knew it wouldn’t be easy. He was almost thankful when Aizawa asked Kirishima to take notes for Bakugou. He couldn’t help but feel a pang when the teacher asked the favor. Apparently, Aizawa wasn’t aware that the two hadn’t really spoken. He seemed to think Kirishima was the closest to Bakugou when in truth, Kirishima didn’t know if Bakugou had anyone on his side. Along with that request, Aizawa had asked him and the other students who had witnessed Bakugou get hit, to respect Bakugou’s privacy and not share the events with the rest of the class. Kirishima knew that none of them had a desire to spread around what had happened there.
Later when Kirishima gave Bakugou his notes, he felt himself literally flinch away from Bakugou’s aggression. Kirishima figured it was well earned but that didn’t make standing in front of Bakugou’s door any easier. And knocking on that door was terrifying.
Until he realized that there was no way Bakugou would’ve been able to hear the knock and there was a doorbell thing right there for him to press. He felt like an idiot and he hadn’t even talked to Bakugou yet.
He held his notepad and pen waiting for Bakugou to open the door. When the door swung open it revealed a vaguely pissed off looking Bakugou who just raised a questioning eyebrow. Kirishima turned around his notepad with a prewritten question on it.
K: Can we talk?
Bakugou read it before answering out loud, “The fuck you want to talk about?”
Kirishima didn’t even consider that Bakugou would still be able to talk, nevertheless scrambled to write down an answer.
K: I want to apologize and ask you how you’ve been.
“Apology received. I’m fine. Good now?” Bakugou kept his words short and Kirishima could feel how unwelcome he was. He still had to try though. He wouldn’t leave this how it was and wrote another word onto the paper.
K: Please?
Bakugou sighed before grumbling,“Just get in.” He widened the door and Kirishima hastened to enter. Once in, Bakugou continued his speaking, “What did you actually want?”
K: I really do want to apologize.
“I don’t want your pity,” Bakugou responded upon reading the words.
It wasn’t that. Or at least Kirishima didn’t think he felt pity. On some level he probably felt bad for Bakugou but that wasn’t why he was there. So that’s what he tried to write.
K: It’s not that. It’s just I think you were right. We’ve all been acting horrible.
K: I know but, can you give me time to write this out?
Bakugou looked unimpressed with the request but gestured for him to continue. Kirishima had to think about what he was going to write carefully. Eventually he just decided to wing it. He was already taking too long and Bakugou didn’t care for pretty words.
K: I still think what you said to Midoriya was shit. But I think I may have just traded one shit action for another. What we’ve been doing isn’t any better and I wanted to apologize for it. I shouldn’t be letting them say those sort of things to you and I’m sorry that I have.
Bakugou took a whole lot less time reading it then Kirishima took for writing it. Bakugou scoffed. “Just realize you’re all hypocrite assholes? Don’t care.”
“Please Bakugou, I just-” Kirishima started before cutting himself off, realizing his words were literally falling on deaf ears. He picked up his pen again
K: I get it. I screwed up.
“I don’t fucking care if you screwed up. Everyone screws up,” Bakuou’s voice was biting. “I don’t want your shitty ass apology. If you feel guilty, get over it.”
Kirishima felt a flush of indignation. He wanted to argue back. All he was trying to do was apologize and Bakugou wouldn’t even listen to it. Did he want Kirishima to grovel, because he wouldn’t. He bit his tongue though. He was there to apologize because he screwed up. He might be getting mad but he’d own up to doing something. So he gripped his pen tightly before writing again.
K: I let you get bullied an-
Bakugou snatched the notebook from him, tossing it away. Kirishima flinched. “What the hell is this? Sorry people are pricks? Sorry you went along with it? Guess what asshole, I did the same stuff in middle school. Don’t think you know shit just because you saw the hag hit me. Nothing’s changed.”
Both boys froze for a moment. He realized where he went wrong. It wasn’t that Bakugou wanted him to grovel, it was that he was under the impression that the apology was ingenuine. He thought Kirishima was only apologizing because he saw what his mother was like. Carefully, Kirishima went to pick up his notebook to reply.
K: Your mom is terrible but you’re right, that changes nothing. Even if you had an awesome mom, I made a bad choice.
Kirishima handed the notebook over for Bakugou to read and watched for his reaction. The other teen was unpredictable and Kirishima was beginning to see he didn’t have a grasp on what was going through his head. Before everything had seemed so much easier. Bakugou read the note with a resigned sigh and pushed his head into his hands.
“Fine. Whatever,” Bakugou said after a moment sounding tired, but lifted his head up. “Apology accepted. Happy now?”
Not really.
Kirishima thought he understood Bakugou’s initial rejection of the apology now. He still felt the same. He still felt like nothing was fixed. Even with the apology and with the acceptance, there was too much being left unsaid. Kirishima would still have to leave the room with nothing changed. He meant the apology but it didn’t change anything and Kirishima was not leaving the room like this.
K: No
Bakugou rolled his eyes, already reading what he was writing. Kirishima hesitated before writing his next words. It was… it felt like a risk.
K: I want to go back to how it was before. But I don’t understand. I don’t get why you would treat someone like that. I don’t get why you think that it is okay to bully someone.
“Who the fuck said I think bullying is okay?” Bakugou exclaimed, confused. Kirishima was also confused. Did Bakugou not know he still treated Midoriya like shit.
K: You kinda bully Midoriya. And call everyone names?
“Tch,” Backugou scoffed. “Telling me you cared when I called you Shitty Hair, Kirishima?”
Kirishima floundered. He hadn’t thought about it until Bakugou just used his real name like an insult. Now that he thought about it, no he hadn’t. He never took it seriously before he had started thinking of Bakugou as a bully. If anything it was a playful tease that gave them an excuse to tease him right back with pranks and nicknames of their own. But that still left out one thing. Instead of rewriting the question, Kirishima underlined the part about Midoriya and added more question marks.
“All I do is tell him to piss off. Creep doesn’t listen.”
That answered nothing.
K: You yell at him and hate him and he does nothing
“Don’t fucking assume things.” Bakugou’s eyes were fiery. “I yell at him, I hate him. He doesn’t back off.”
Bakugou was shaking with anger. His entire body tensed and he looked like a cornered animal backed into a corner. Kirishima wondered for the first time if he perhaps missed something about Bakugou and Kirishima.
“Okay, okay,” Kirishma spoke out loud, hoping the other would understand and calm down. Bakugou looked barely appeased but he no longer looked about to lash out. So Kirishima approached the topic agai.
K: Okay. I got it but you still can’t bully him
“Fuckin-” Bakugou started exasperated. “Did any of you fucking extras ever seen me bully him? Because if you did then I didn’t know you went to our middle school.”
Kirishima… What? Kirishima did not compute. Did Bakugou mean he wasn’t all of the still thought it was okay to treat people like crap. Bakugou picked up on his confusion.
“Dipshit. Y’all ever see me say shit to him when he leaves me alone?”
No but… Bakugou still said shit whenever he did speak to him. That was still a thing. Kirishima shook his head as an answer to Bakugou.
“Exactly. Freak leaves me alone then there’s no problem.”
Kirishima still didn’t compute. Did that mean if Midoriya stopped caring about Bakugou everything would’ve been okay? How did any of this make sense? It couldn’t be as simple as that. Kirishima could admit that Bakugou probably wasn’t a bully to anyone in the class before this had happened. He was gruff, foul mouthed, and rude but he didn’t go around trying to make people feel bad about themselves. But the idea that he could consider his harsher tone towards Midoriya as provoked… That hadn’t even occurred to Kirishima as an option.
But when had he seen Bakugou seek Midoriya out just for the sake of being cruel? A fat whopping never, is when. The only times that were close was when the two were forced together or being compared. But then, why did Midoriya keep seeking Bakugou out? It was such an obvious pattern; Midoriya engages Bakugou, Bakugou says “fuck off”, they argue. Come to think of it, they had even asked Midoriya about it once. He just said he was worried. And while Kirishima didn’t think that was bad, it was really weird that Midoriya would still seek out Bakugou like that. It only caused more problems to worry about. There was something not adding up about everything. He couldn’t place what though.
K: Am I missing something here?
Bakugou let out a bitter laugh. “A lot of somethings. And none of it’s your business.”
K: Let me get this straight though, you won’t be mean to Midoriya as long as he leaves you be?
“I’m mean to everybody fucker,” Backugou snipped. “But I guess. Just don’t like the shitstain anywhere near me.”
Kirishima considered this. Okay, he could let this go. He could accept that he didn’t know what was going on between Midoriya and Bakugou. He had gotten what he needed to know; Bakugou wasn’t a bully anymore. Bakugou made some messed up choices and he was aware of it. And there was something really weird going on between Bakugou and Midoriya that Kirishima was not about to understand any time soon. And while Bakugou would probably still blow up at Midoriya, it seemed as if it was a dual effort.
K: So… You met a cat at Ground Beta?
“Get the fuck out.”
With that, Kirishima laughed knowing things were going to be okay. He just didn’t know all of what was to happen before things could truly be “okay”.
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doudecim · 4 years
So, I was reading We Do (K)not Always Love You novel because I was very thirsty for Bleach content and I came across that horrifying scene where Orihime’s dinning with the Kurosaki family and suddenly there was some weird af talk about how much Orihime looked like Masaki and the twins saw her as their mother I’m just no. Hell to the FUCKING NO, bitch.
Let me begin by saying that this is an absolute disservice to Orihime. She’s INOUE ORIHIME, not Kurosaki Masaki. Second of all, Orihime is barely into her twenties in the novel. T w e n t i e s. She’s at the age of discovering herself, finding her path in the world, having fun, becoming the smart, successful career-woman she saw herself becoming by the earliest chapters of the manga. She shouldn’t be idealized as the mother of two motherfucking teenagers, and SPECIALLY SHOULDN’T BE IDEALIZED AS HER BOYFRIEND’S DEAD MOTHER!!!!!!!!!!
To be quite honest, Orihime and Masaki do have physical simmilarities. And, from a very shallow point of view, they both are very easy-going, bubbly and smiley people. But their resemblance ends there. Orihime is a sweet girl, yes! But she is far, far, far away from being nurturing the way Masaki was portrayed. Orihime’s main goal is portrayed as one through the whole series: Ichigo; (or whatever idea she had of Ichigo.) All the series, her main motivator was Ichigo, to get close to him, to be with him. Romantically speaking. Let’s be real, y’all: Orihime is self-centered as fuck. That doesn’t make her a bad person, that just makes her human, like you and me. All Orihime works foward in the whole series is to achieve what she wants. No one can blame her for that! Orihime grew up by her own, and she had to think of herself first and foremost if she wanted to stay alive, because no one would do it for her.
Now, let’s speak of Masaki. Masaki is basically the glorified saint of selflessness. She is the ultimate protector: the last person she thinks when a complicated situation arises is herself. She was compliant to marrying Ryuuken if that assured the well-being if the Ishida family that took her in. Even if that meant sacrificing her own happiness. And then, when she sees Isshin about to be killed by a Hollow, what she does? She just bursts in the battle to save him, even if it cost her life. Let’s not forget that Isshin was a Shinigami, her natural nemesis. And then comes her biggest sacrifice: her life for her son’s. Masaki’s life philosophy was to do all the things she could do to help others, even at the cost of herself. She preferred to die than to see anyone suffering.
Now, dude, do you dare to look me in the eye and say that they are sooo alike like OMG they’re twinsies!!! and shit? If Masaki saw those adorable scenes in the Hueco Mundo arc where Orihime is crying over Ichigo’s lifeless body and shit she would have had an aneurysm. Because Masaki is a fighter. When she sees a loved one down she rises up for the fight, how powerful the enemy is doesn’t matter for her. BY THE WAY, THIS IS HOW MASAKI RAISED ALL OF HER KIDS. Even Karin, as powerless as she is as a human girl was willing to face a much more stronger and dangerous foe to protect her friends, and don’t let me start on how much Yuzu sacrificed of her childhood and how she was forced to grow up and fill her mother’s shoes and did so without complain!
BITCH, TATSUKI IS MORE OF A MOTHER FIGURED TO THE TWINS THAN ORIHIME!!!!! One of her first instincts after she wakes up in the Winter War arc is to check up on Yuzu and Karin!! 
And don’t come after me with that bullshit that they are both orphans and grew up surrounded by hostile blood relatives/caretakers and therefore they are soooo selfless and caring. Cuz’ you know what, bitch? If that makes a mother then Uryū is the real soccer mom of Bleach.
Btw, I’m not saying Orihime is incapable of being a great mother. She does seems like an awesome mother, in fact! It’s just that Orihime learned to be a good mother with her own child and with time. It doesn’t mean she was just Motherhood Material from the beggining, nor should she. AND SHE SHOULDN’T BE COMPARED TO ANYONE. (I swear that if someone came to face and said “you’re so much like my mother! you’re so motherly!” I would fucking set them on fire.)
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rthoney · 4 years
Here is an ask... put your favorite line(s) from each song in Hamilton
alexander hamilton- My name is Alexander Hamilton and there's a million things I haven't done but just you wait just you wait
arron burr sir- oui oui mon ami je m'appelle Lafayette
my shot - ( i may have sung all of this trying to pick a line) Don't be shocked when your history book mentions me
the story of tonight- raise a glass to freedom something they can never take away
the schuler sister- (i also sang all of this) ( im sorry but i could pick one line so..)Excuse me, miss, I know it's not funny But your perfume smells like your daddy's got money. Why you slummin' in the city in your fancy heels You searchin for an urchin who can give you ideals? Burr, you disgust me. Ah, so you've discussed me. I'm a trust fund, baby, you can trust me!
farmer refuted- My dog speaks more eloquently than thee
right hand man- Here comes the general  The moment you've been waiting forHere comes the general the pride of Mount VernonHere comes the general George Washington
winters ball- laDieS
helpless-My life is gon' be fine cuz Eliza's in it I look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit I'm (Helpless!) also as long as im alive eliza swear to god youll never feel so
satisfied- ALL OF IT
story of tonight reprise- well i hurrd you gotta special someone on the side burrr whatcha tryin hide burrrrrr
wait for it-  Life doesn't discriminate Between the sinners and the saints It takes and it takes and it takes.
stay alive- hit em quick get out fast CHICKAPLOW
ten duel commandments- Leave a note for your next of kin Tell 'em where you been Pray that hell or heaven lets you in
meet me inside- CaLl mE sOn OnE mOrE TiMe
that would be enough- If you could let me inside your heart Oh, let me be a part of the narrative In the story they will write someday Let this moment be the first chapter
guns and ships- ALL OF IT
history has its eyes on you - Let me tell you what I wish I'd known When I was young and dreamed of glory You have no control Who lives, who dies, who tells your story
yorktown- Freedom for America, freedom for France! Down, down, down Gotta start a new nation, gotta meet my son Down, down, down
what comes next- awesome. wow.
dear theodosia- my father wasnt around( my father wasnt around) i swear that ill be around for youuu
laurens interlude- (im including this becuase it should have been in the soundtrack) tomorrow there'll be more of us
non-stop- hamilton wrote THE OTHER FIFTY ONE
what’d i miss- ALL OF IT
cabinet battle one- Hey, turn around, bend over, I'll show you where my shoe fits
say no to this- ALL. OF. IT.
the room where it happens- My God In God we trust But we'll never really know what got discussed Click-boom then it happened
Schuyler defeated-They don't need to know me they don't like you  excuse me 
cabinet battle 2- before he was your friend he was mine 
washington on your side- i'm in the cabinet, I am complicit And watching and grabbing the power and kiss it If Washington isn't gon' listen to disciplined dissidents This is the difference, this kid is out
one last time- whatever it is jefferson started it 
i know him - they will tear each other into pieces Jesus christ this will be fun
adams administration- sittdown john you fat mother fucker
we know- my wife you decided to whaaaaaaa
hurricane-And when my prayers to God were met with indifference I picked up a pen, I wrote my own deliverance
the reynolds phamplet- well he never gonna be president now
blow us all away- then ill see you on the dueling ground- father what is a duel
stay alive reprise- elizas scream
its quiet up town- ALL OF IT I CRY SO FUCKING HARD
the election of 1800- as your vice president- HA
your obedient servant- then stand alexander, wehawken. dawn. guns, drawn. youre on. 
best of wives and best of women. well im going back to sleep- hey, best of wives and best of women  God i cry so much in this 
the world was wide enough- ElizaaA my love take your time, ill see you on the other side   so many tears 
who lives, who dies, who tells your story- ALL OF IT 
that took such a long time. all of hamilton is my favorite tho so...
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Mötley Crüe Christmas Imagines
A/N: Guess who decided to post a Christmas fic when Christmas is over? Me! ( I just hope they don’t suck, lol)
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“I can’t believe you did all this, for me!” You said as soon as entering your house.
Every Christmas decoration was already set up: the Christmas tree looked beautiful with all the colorful lights and the golden balls. Also a wonderful breakfast was placed on the kitchen table. Your boyfriend Vince shrugged his shoulder ( like it was not that big of a deal), then he smiled, not with his usual charming smirk but with a genuine smile.
“Well I know that you’d be tired from your night shift, and well Christmas is a stressful period, so I wanted to help !” He said opening his arms, waiting for you to come.
It’d always blow your mind how the Vince you knew was so different from the one that the rest of the world was used to know. He was kind, generous and sweet, other than like a sex machine; surely you two weren’t saints, but he could be also romantic. Many people didn’t get that, and that’s why a first they tried to convince you to not date him, but you were glad that you didn’t listen to them, you ended up with the sweetest boyfriend ever.
You crashed in his arms and he picked you up, bridal style, then he placed you on the couch. You two kissed passionately but, when you tried to spice things up, you noticed two mugs of hot chocolate; you started to smile widely since you loved drinking white hot chocolate at Christmas.
“How do you know that I loved white chocolate specifically?”
“Well… your mother could have told me that the last time we visited your parents.”
“You’re the best boyfriend in the world !” You affirmed happily.
“Well my love, I think we should eat something and then you go right to sleep !” He stated serious.
“But it’s Christmas Eve !” You protested like a baby.
“Yeah and I need you to be awake tonight for opening your present !”
“ You mean my presents.”
“Yep those, too !” He said with a malicious smirk.
You punched him playfully then you went to grab the trays on the table and bring them in the living room. Vince already put the TV on a stupid Christmas movie, while you went to his side and you two started cuddling.
When you turned your gaze towards the window, you noticed that everything was white. Was it really snowing or you were just dreaming?
“Vinnie, it’s snowing outside !” You said excited as a little baby.
“Well we better go to see it, then!” He replied and picked you up, walking towards the door. You tried to fight while laughing, but his grip was strong.
When he arrived in front of it, he simply stopped, turned you to face him and place a soft kiss on your lips.
“Later we will do a snow balls battle. If you win, you can make me do whatever you want for the night, if I do, I decide!” You decided.
“If you want to do dirty things to me, you can just ask.” He replied with a malicious smirk.
“ Nice try baby, but I really want to see that film, now!”
Both of you sat on the couch again, Vince embraced sweetly while he played softly with your hair. You closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling.
Everything seemed so perfect, almost a Christmas miracle.
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You opened your eyes, your heart still pounding in your chest as you went to turn at the other side of the bed. There was nobody.
You started panicking, rushing to the kitchen as soon as you could. Today was Christmas, and you were well aware what happened one year ago to this very day : your boyfriend Nikki overdosed, died and was brought back to life; also you had just dreamed about losing him again, waking up only to find and empty bed and it seemed like your nightmare had become reality.
But as soon as you entered into the kitchen, you could hear some soft noises. Nikki was kneeled on the floor, searching into some cupboards something that you didn’t know for sure.
“A-Are you okay Nik?” You asked worried, and your boyfriend turned in your direction. He had to see the concern written on your face, because he rushed to your side, crushing you in a hug.
“Is there something wrong, babe?”
"I-It's s-silly don't worry about it!" You dismissed it.
You didn't want to admit that you were scared to lose him again. It was supposed to be an happy day and you didn't want to bring the mood down.
"Nothing about you is silly, you can talk to me !"
"I- I woke up and you weren't there. S-So I-I thought that you were gone, again. Like last year." You whispered the last part, too scared that if you said that out loud, it'd be reality.
Nikki pulled you to him even tightly, as he started to whisper sweet nothing into your ears.
"I'm so sorry honey ! I woke up early and I wanted to surprise you but I couldn't find a thing. I didn't mean to scare you !" He said sadly, as he started to rub some circles on your back to calm you down.
"It's okay Nikki! You're so thoughtful. It was just a stupid fear, you are here now!" You said like it was still hard to believe it.
"I'm so sorry to have put you in so much pain. Wanna set up the last decoration while I cook some eggnog and we play some dumb board games?"
You nodded weekly than started to heading towards some boxes put in a corner : you could see a mistletoe, a little hanging Santa and a picture with written :" Merry Fucking Christmas"
You laughed a bit and put them as quickly as you could; then you rushed into the kitchen and hugged koala style your boyfriend.
“Here's your eggnog, my love!"
"You're my best present ever. I don't what to think what I'd have done if I had lost you that night!"
"But you didn't and now I'm too grateful for this second chance to waste it. And you won't get rid of me that easily, this time!" Nikki kissed you with so much love, then you two sat on the kitchen's counter, drinking you eggnog and enjoying each other's company.
Nikki was there and he was okay. And that was what mattered.
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You were well aware that Tommy was a child, but you never thought that he’d asked you to buy him a kid’s toy.
“Tommy, you’re an adult, do you understand it?” You said exasperated.
“C’mon baby, I want it and it’s Christmas !” He protested, whining.
“It’s a little robot! I doubt you’ll play with it much with the tour and all of that.”
“ Sweet pie I promise you that I’ll use it. And it’s a bomb ass robot, who cares if it’s meant for children ! I’m a kid at heart.” He tried to convince you again.
“First of all don’t “sweet pie” me. Then I can guarantee you that you won’t use it and either I have to play with it or it’ll rust in a corner. Even worse, you can just break him in two days, because you are were drunk!” You were not angry, and Tommy knew it, but also you tried to be the adult of the situation ( failing a bit).
“Yeah whatever, now I have to go to rehearsal. I guess I’ll come home and I’ll be sad and disappointed, at Christmas, the most joyful time of the year !” He said dramatically, hoping to convince you (and damn it was working); then he simply left you there in the store, your eyes fixed on the robot.
You rational part was trying to convince you that it was a stupid and quite useless idea, but your heart was totally crazy for that childish drummer, so you sighed in defeat and  decided to buy it. Even if you surrender at the idea to gave the toy to Tommy as his Christmas present, you wanted to prank him a bit, so you decided also to buy an ugly Christmas sweater.
When you heard Tommy entering through the door, you had been in the house for 10 minutes already so you put your present under the tree and went to put up the last decorations.
“How did rehearsal go?” You asked smiling.
“Good, my love. This album will be so awesome !” Then he turned his gaze to the Christmas tree. "Is it my gift?" He said pointing something under the tree.
"Yup! You can open it now if you want to." You said nonchalantly.
He bolted towards his present, excited as a kid, and opened it : his happy face turned into a disappointed one, pretty soon. He totally had to see the sweater.
“I-It’s r-really b-beautiful, my love.” He said, trying to be as polite as possible. You wanted to play along for a bit more but you couldn’t keep your laughter any longer.
“I’m so sorry love, but the look on your face is too funny! I couldn’t resist it! The real gift is behind the tree.” You admitted, continuing to laughing, your cheeks becoming red as a tomato.
Tommy flipped you off, then he went to grab the mysterious hidden box. If he wanted to be pissed off with you, as soon as he saw the robot, he totally changed his attitude and a wide smile appeared on his face.
“ Thank you, Y/N ! Dude, it’s awesome I thought you didn’t want to buy it !”
“Well, I guess that I’m that of a sucker for you !” You answered back, your heart full of joy because of your boyfriend’s happy face. Tommy hugged you so tight that you almost suffocated, then he lifted you and made you spin.
“I love you so much Y/N!”
“I love you too Tommy. Only you could make me buy a children’s toy as a grown man’s Christmas present.
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“Wow, you really went overboard with decorations, didn’t you?” Your boyfriend Mick said, raising an eyebrow as he was looking in the chart. You two were at the mall, trying to find the last Christmas decoration to put into your house.
“This is what people do at Christmas, Mick !” You said, rolling your eyes.
You were not a holidays fanatic, but also you really enjoyed being in the festivity mood. On the other hand, Mick was really not that into Christmas and just found all the decoration, the presents and the big amount of food, totally excessive and unnecessary.
“Then people should calm the fuck down!”
You looked at him with a fake pouty face. You were a bit upset by Mick’s attitude, but you also know that his grumpy façade would eventually fall off, with some puppy eyes and sweet kisses; and you also love him for his being an “old man”, even tho you were just two years younger than him.
“You totally upset me now! You just ruined Christmas !” You said dramatically, trying to get a bit on his nerves.
“C’mon Y/N don’t be that dramatic! I admit that there are not that many decorations. For a Christmas addict.” He stated, smirking.
“What did you just say?” You replied horrified.
“Well we can’t deny that!”
“ Okay old man, now I AM going  to buy some more decoration, while you buy some like Halloween stuff or I don’t know!” You tried to sound angry.
In reality you were a bit disappointed with his behavior, because Christmas has always been that time of the year where you could feel like a child again, trying to forget all the responsibilities of an adult and just enjoy silly Holidays music and decorations. But also you knew that he didn’t really mean it, and that you should be upset, he just do that. You know the real Mick, the sweet and caring one that he only showed to you; maybe you should just wait to let things cool down and then come back and explain your reasons.
You decided to do it, and after five minutes and two new Christmas balls ( they were too cute, not to be bought) you reach your boyfriend looking at some random trees. As soon as he saw you, he pull out a fake mistletoe and raise it on both of your heads.
“What’s happening?” You asked, confused.
“ Usually people kiss under this thing.” He replied unfazed.
“Is this a subtle way for asking for a kiss?” You said, with a laugh.
“It’s a way to say that maybe you’re not that much of a Christmas addict. And maybe that I should just be less angry about it.”
“Aww, it’s okay. I kinda love when you act like the Grinch; but I think I also should just told you that Christmas means much to me, and not act like an offended baby. Now we should really kiss under this mistletoe!”
You two shared a softy and quick kiss, not wanting to show off in public.
“ I think it’s better if we go home to put this decorations up!” You said, a bit excited.
“At Halloween I’m going to choose what to put up in our house.” He decided with a serious tone.
“Yes sir.” You declared, playfully.
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lou-is-creative · 4 years
Unpredictable (pt 8)
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ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: 6 Underground
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: Four/Billy // Eight/???
ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Four/Billy x male!Oc
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7: Other plans
ꜱᴏɴɢ:  Death of me - SAINT PHNX
𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
AN: Pic isn’t mine, sorry this took so long, have fun!!
TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!!!!! VIOLENCE !!!!!!!!!!!!
Eight had stopped his car in front of a small bridge. He and the others observed the scenery quietly.
Six security men were eying the car suspiciously, while holding their guns a little tighter. One of them, who seemed to be a little bit lost and unsure, was pushed forward to do a check up.
The ghost opened his window, putting on a slightly frightened face to maintain his image.
He greeted the stranger and the other looked quite happy to not be the only one who didn't quite know what was going on.
"Who are you and what do you want? This bridge is private property."
"Uhhhh I am.. Jacob, I want to visit Amanda... But I guess I'm at the wrong address?"
The man in front of him started to relax a bit.
"Oh okay, you're Jacob. Well that is something different. We were told that you'd come here. Not exactly that you'd come with such a cool car, but we knew you'd come"
Eight smiled, genuinely happy he found someone else who liked his car. Five groaned.
"You like it? It's brand new."
"It looks very nice. And- oh, you have a watch in the same colour?"
The guy asked and the proud owner of the matching watch on his wrist looked at it, smiling cheekily.
"I do, yeah. Thought it looked great together."
Now even the guy with the gun started to look rather interested than business like.
"It does, so what model is it exactly?"
He let his gun sink and eventually even put it away to take a better look at the interior design of said car.
"Mercedes C-class, AMG of course. Engine too. Maybe I can show you later, if we have some time left"
The boy in the car let the guy look, completely aware of what he was doing, as he heard a familiar voice speaking. Familiar, but not necessarily liked.
"Eight stop talking about your fucking car, no one cares."
Not letting anyone see how pissed he was, the newest member of the group just smiled it off.
"You'd do that? It would be awesome."
"Of course, but only if I have the time. Could be that I gotta rush back, if you understand. But it would be nice for next time!"
He looked at his watch shortly.
"God, I really have to go, can I pass? I swear we're gonna talk again after all of this but I really have to leave."
Eight raised his hand to say good-bye and the security man stepped aside, giving his colleagues a sign to let him pass.
"By the way..."
Eight started his engine and looked at the security man one last time, smiling softly.
"Keep that up, you're doing a good job. I was shit scared to be honest."
And the smile he got back was the most sincere the man with the gun could offer. A quiet 'thank you' left his mouth before Eight passed the bridge. It was one of his talents to know exactly what a person needed to hear.
"Thank god you're finally done."
He heard Five groan and his hands immediately clenched around the steering wheel.
"Okay, that's enough. I know exactly how to do my job and I don't need your comments. So watch your mouth and focus on your own task."
It got very quiet for a moment in the room in which all the other ghosts were in. Everyone was holding their breath.
With Eights natural born gift, to know exactly what others wanted to hear, it wasn't very hard to determine ones weak spot. It does sound like something very practical, something good even, but paired with his lack of impulse control, it did more damage than anything else.
Just like it did at this exact moment. He started a war.
"Listen here, you little brat. If you knew how to do your job, I wouldn't have to say anything."
Five fired back and Four got tensed. He knew exactly how much of a bad idea it was to refer to Eight as little.
"Did you just call me little brat?"
"Are you deaf?"
"Oh no, my ears work very well I just figured you might be a little smarter than that. But seems like I was wrong."
"My mother told me to always tell the truth. And what are you besides an annoying little boy with a weird obsession with his car?"
"I think you need a snickers. You're being a bitch."
Before Five could say anything, One interfered.
"Concentrate on the mission, Eight. You can continue your quarrel later."
"She started it."
Eight stated.
"God how old are you two, twelve?"
Seven interfered and Five snapped once more.
"He is."
"Oh don't confuse your mental age with mine, honey."
"SHUT IT. Both of you."
The ghosts turned around. Four, who was sitting in the very back of the room, couldn't hold it anymore. He hated fights. They were stupid and totally unnecessary. And they also reminded him a lot of the things that happened in the past. He didn't need to see people fighting. Again.
Silence spread and Eight passed the second security stage. He pulled his car over to the parking spot he was guided to and stopped the engine before smoothly getting out of his car.  He didn't need to turn around to know that his girlfriend would rush over to him and nearly suffocate him with her hug. But he just chuckled lowly and turned to wrap his arms around the petite girl, pulling her close.
"I'm so happy to see you again."
He whispered, placing a gentle kiss on top of her head before hugging her even closer. She eventually let go and looked at him with shining eyes.
"Me too. God I'm so glad my dad took interest in the car you drive. Or else he wouldn't have invited you. He's obsessed with Mercedes, you know? So he wanted to see your car."
Eight hid his grin well and smiled instead before he laughed nervously, scratching his neck.
"Well I am very glad he has such a great taste in cars. And that I chose this one."
His eyes lingered on her slim figure.
"Is it just me or did you get even more beautiful?"
Amanda grinned a little and hit his shoulder.
"You're unbelievable."
She giggled as she checked him out from head to toe.
"You look decent. Like a guy my father would accept."
Eight chuckled softly and shook his head before he clapped his hands once.
"Great, it was the look I was going for. So, where do we go now? And should I be afraid? I mean after the two security check ups..."
"No, that's just routine, don't worry! Oh and, we should go inside before he thinks that you're late. That would be unfortunate. Come with me."
The blonde girl grabbed Eights hand and pulled him along. She was excited, he could tell. And so could the other ghosts.
Watching a person who was at the brink of falling in love was truly amazing. It was their energy, their smile, their way to express themselves which never failed to make others jealous. And so did Amanda.
She left an impression. Two and Three intertwined their fingers, Five glanced at Four and he couldn't help but smile back.
Maybe it was fate. Maybe all of this was supposed to happen. But no one would ever question Amandas role in this.
Eight, who now found himself in foyer of the mansion turned around a little, his eyes widened and his mouth opened a little.
"Wow it looks nice in here."
Amanda shrugged slightly as she looked around.
"It's good for a prison."
Eight turned to her and raised a brow.
"I mean, I'm locked up. My father will not let me go anywhere more than once a week."
"Are you in danger? Because that would explain the armed guys at the bridge."
"They aren't just at the bridge. They are literally everywhere. Well, not completely everywhere. I've convinced him to send them away from my rooms."
She told him proudly and Eight nodded shortly.
"So, will you show me your rooms later? I bet they look pretty."
"I think you're being a little too fast, young man."
Eight looked up and there, at the upper end of the stairs he stood. Jim Wright. Father of Amanda Wright, subject of this whole mission.
"That is why I used the term later, Sir."
Eight grinned a little as he faced the man who was now walking down the stairs to greet the two of them.
"My name is Jim Wright, or Mr. Wright for you. I'm Amandas father."
Eight shook the other mans hand and looked at him with a strong gaze.
"It's an honour to meet you, Sir. My name is Jacob."
"Strong handshake, I like that."
Mr. Wright looked at him until the boy gave in. The man then took his hand away and eyed the boy.
"I thought you'd be taller."
Eight bit back a growl and although he heard Five laugh, he didn't say anything to it.
"Well, I may not be tall, but height is no indicator for ones intelligence or future. And that's what really matters."
"Well said, well said. So, Jacob, what are your plans for the future?"
"Get a proper job, buy a house, maybe found a family, the usual stuff, Sir."
Again, he was eyed suspiciously but he didn't mind.
"And what would that proper job be?"
"Dad can't we talk about this while having lunch? I bet Jacob is hungry."
Amanda spoke up, being kind of annoyed by her father who just sighed and gave in.
The three of them walked upstairs and Eight grabbed her hand before he faced her shortly. The way she smiled told him more than a thousand words ever would.
She was falling for him. For the way he looked at her, the way he caressed her hand in his, the way he spoke to her with words so sweet.
But she didn't know him. She didn't know the man that held her hand. She didn't know the eyes that lingered on her. She didn't know the mouth that voiced all the sweet words she was longing to hear.
Because it was his decision what she saw. It was his decision to hide the man he really was. The boy that was devoured by anger and the desire for revenge. The person no one saw because it was no one anyone would want to see.
Still, there was good inside this mess. Even though, within the chaos of his being, he sometimes doubted that it was still there. Because he couldn't see it, he couldn't find it. But when he saw people laugh because of him, or smile, he knew it was still inside of him. A part of him. Although he would never see that it was bigger than the wish for revenge, the anger and despair. There was one person who would show him.
While Eight was completely into the mission, the other ghosts were focussing on other things. One, Five and Two had an eye on their youngest ghost while Three, Four and Seven were in the middle of a heated card game while drinking beer.
"Okay so, you think you're good, huh? Just because you have one card left?"
Seven asked before separating the cards in his hands in three different parts and placing them on the table.
"King, ace, one, two."
He stated and continued.
"Three queens."
Seven placed the next three cards on the table and Four and Three looked at him with a death glare. But that would never stop Seven from placing the cards he had left on his hand on the table before putting one of them aside.
"And seven, six and five. I won."
His grin was, again, bigger and wider than anything else.
"Oh come on, Seven you're cheating again."
Four complained, throwing the one card he had left on the table. Like a child who didn't get what it wanted for Christmas.
"In the job I used to do, cheaters were shot in the hand."
Three said and played with his gun while looking at Seven.
"No one gets shot in the hand in here, for fucks sake. What are we, a group of children?"
One interfered and Three placed his gun aside. Close enough to reach, of course, while he focussed on Seven.
"I didn't cheat. Not this time!"
"Of course you did! Wanker."
Four said and grabbed the deck before mixing it again.
"Why don't you believe me? I really didn't cheat this round!"
Seven defended himself and watched the blonde place the cards on the table again.
"That's why playing with you is no fun."
"He is right. Maybe we should play with the new kid instead."
Three said and Four nodded.
"Well, I think Four and the new kid are playing their very own games, Three."
Seven joked and the skywalker raised a brow.
"What do you mean?"
He asked and Three looked just as confused as Four.
"Oh, don't you play that little game where you test each other’s boundaries?"
While Sevens grin grew bigger, Fours cheeks heated up.
He was just about to say something, but he then paid attention to One.
"Eight don't do anything stupid now."
The voice of their leader sounded so serious, that even the three guys in the back were now completely concentrated on the monitors. They saw a room with a huge desk and various golden decorations. And they heard a door close and an exchanging of words.
"So, Sir, you wanted to talk to me alone, right?"
The tall man turned around and looked at the boy in front of him. He looked small and a little bit frightened.
"Yes I did."
"Good, because the two huge security guards make me really nervous."
Mr. Wright laughed a little and shook his head.
"They won't say anything, they will just stand there."
Eight turned around and looked at them in concern before he faced the father of his girlfriend again.
"But you said alone, not with two big guys waiting to strangle me. I think the strict father of the beautiful girl I am dating is frightening enough. Your whole person is enough authority to be scared."
And again, the young boy did know exactly what it was the man in front of him wanted to hear. All he needed to do was patting the guys ego. And the other gladly ate what Eight fed him.
"Well, I guess you are right. Sasha, Drake, you can take a break. Eat something or... Whatever."
The two big men who were covering the door walked out, keeping their faces straight.
Eight didn't pay much attention to them anymore, while the man made the mistake to turn his head towards the door.
It was already too late as he faced the boy in front of him again. His fate had already been sealed.
Eight, who took the opportunity to ram his knee in the others stomach and push him down on his knees, had now gotten out the small knife he had.
"One scream for help and your daughter will die."
He whispered as he gave the back of the man a strong kick so he'd face the ground, not being fast enough to catch himself with his hands.
One asked, voice as tensed as the speaker himself. The other ghosts were quiet. What on earth was the boy doing there?
"I assume you know what I need, and I suggest you give me the information I came for if you don't want to die."
If the guy wouldn't have been so afraid at this moment, all of that wouldn't have worked in the first place. But he was.
Eight knew enough to know it would be working. One had told him plenty of things and the way the man behaved only confirmed his assumptions.
He was a coward. Scared to die, no willpower, he was nothing. A no one. Someone who was intelligent enough to earn a lot of money but needed a sense in life to feel good. He needed to be part of something big to have at least a glimpse of power to him. Losing power, losing his grip was something the man was afraid of. But there was one thing he was more frightened of. Death. To lose his home, his daughter, his life.
And through that, Eight knew that thinking of the possibility to die scared him more than anything else.
"Give me the coordinates. Now."
"I- I don't have them!"
"Wrong answer."
Eight hummed and kicked the mans side. He whined in pain.
"Shh, don't be a pussy, you don't want your daughter to get hurt, don't you?"
"Don't- don't hurt her..."
"Start talking and I'll take it into consideration."
"The address is saved on my computer."
"Sounds good, why don't you go get it for me, hm?"
Eight grabbed the man by his shirt and pulled him up.
"Hands behind your head. Keep them where I can see them. Good."
He then led him to the computer and forced him to sit down on the chair before placing the beautiful blue knife on his throat.
"One try to make a noise and I will end your life right away."
The gulp of his victim was audible as he typed the password with shaking hands and searched for the address.
As soon as it was visible, One grabbed his smartphone and searched for the address via google street view.
"Thank god for technology."
He mumbled and took a closer look at the pictures he found. He was looking for one specific sign, a logo, that would confirm that it was the right information. And he wasn't left disappointed. The moment One found what he had been looking for, he turned to face the monitor.
"It's the right address, now get the fuck out of there so I can kick your ass for being such an idiot."
One advised and Eight slit the throat of the man with one swift motion, careful not to dirty himself.
"Shh, lie down, there you go."
The boy waited for his victim to give in to his fate and laid down his head on the table. It looked like he was asleep.
Satisfied with his work, he cleaned his knife on the black chair before he hid it under his dress shirt again.
He made his way to the door, ready to leave the place, as he heard footsteps approaching. The door he was hiding behind was opened and someone walked in.
Eights heart wasn't the only one that stopped for a mere second.
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rainhalydia · 4 years
The character game: Theon Geyjoy (because I can't resist and need more validation for my boy, especially with the last month I've had), Elia Martell, Asha Greyjoy, Ashara Dayne, Arianne/Oberyn/Doran Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Jaime/Tyrion Lannister, Gonna Lannister, Saint Seiya: Scorpio Milo, Aquarius Camus, Andromeda Shun, Virgo Shaka, Sailor Moon: Sailor Pluto, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Venus
Hey, nonny! Sorry if the last month sucked, I hope the next one is better!
Thanks for the ask! Have all my opinions!
Theon Greyjoy
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HIM!!! MY RESILIENT TRASH SQUID PRINCE!!!
In a less histrionic note, it’s amazing how well-written he is. It’s my dream to one day write something so beautiful and well-crafter as Theon’s whole arc.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Robb most of all, but also Kyra and Patrek Mallister to a lesser degree. Even so, I feel like Robb was the love of his life and even if he has a romantic endgame in Jeyne P., it’s going to be a Loras situation all over again.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jeyne P., because no one else can understand them like they do given their shared trauma, but also Wex and Asha. And Dagmer!
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s never ever done anything wrong ever in his life   Everyone who dislikes him is wrong Seriously, he’s competent. People love to ignore that because he’s such a mess, but it’s worth noticing that we’re inside his head and privy to all his thoughts and feelings. He doesn’t come across nearly as insecure and headless to other people as he actually is, or he wouldn’t be able to control his men in Winterfell or during the raids, or to take control of Moat Cailin later.
Also, while it’s true he picked all the worst choices, he had no good options.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He has to survive. I speak this into existence! I love him too much for him to die, and I’m sick of the redemption equals death trope. He better survive and become an explorer.
Elia Martell
How I feel about this character: Deserved so much better in all fronts :(
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one, really. Her husband fucked her over, and so did the other characters I’ve seen being shipped with her (Lyanna and Arthur Dayne), plus I don’t know her enough to be invested. Maybe that suitor Oberyn says she was interested in? The one who farted.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Oberyn and Doran! They love her so much! I like to think she’d get along very well with Ellaria too.
My unpopular opinion about this character: That I’m not nearly as invested in her as most of fandom? Or maybe that I think that before the Queen of Love and Beauty fiasco, she loved Rhaegar, possibly even after still. He’s handsome, courteous, sensitive, a prince who will make her queen in time. What is there not to love? I think she was completely blindsided by the Lyanna thing, both at the tournement and when Rhaegar disappeared with her.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she had taken Rhaenys to visit her uncles in Dorne right after that tournement and stayed there while the whole thing developed in the capital
Asha Greyjoy
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER!!! If she’s not queen by the end I’m suing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Qarl! Alysane! Tris when he learns to shut up about the pimples.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Her uncle Rodrik and Theon! For all that she’s friendly, I think Asha is pretty reserved and hard to know.
My unpopular opinion about this character: That whole part when she pretends to be Esgred is cringe-worth. I know people find it funny, but as an older sister to a loving shy dumbass, I die from second-hand embarassement for her more than for Theon. She manages to come across as worse than Theon, and that’s saying something! It’s just not okay to grope your brother, Asha! And still, that scene says a lot about Asha’s own insecurities and the person she has to be to keep her place and freedom... and yet, I find it difficult to say her actions were justified.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I feel pretty confident she’s going to live, so I want her to become queen and start some deep economical and cultural reforms with the surviving ironborn.
Ashara Dayne
How I feel about this character: Indifferent. Even more so than with Lyanna and Elia, I don’t feel like I know her at all. We know she was very pretty, that she used to laugh and that she met a tragic end, but that’s pretty much it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one, especially not Barristan.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Again, no one. I know people seem to think of her and Elia as friends, and w know she was at the tournement, but again, not much to go by.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Don’t know how unpopular this is, but she definitely had sex with Brandon that time, not Ned.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don’t know, I think it’s very unlikely, but it would be fun if she turned out to be secretly alive after all for some perspective on the past generation and the events pre-rebellion, but I don’t want her to be Lemore nor Howland’s wife.
Arianne Martell
How I feel about this character: She’s okay, her chapters are entertaining, but not favorite material
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Arys and Daemon
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Her friends Drey, Garin and Sylva
My unpopular opinion about this character: This is way more on GRRM than on her, but it’s plain umconfortable how she had a crush on and very sexual thoughts about Oberyn at such a young age.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she could actually meet Quentyn and see that he was never a threat to her :(
Oberyn Martell
How I feel about this character: I like him, but I like Doran better. He could have done a better job raising his daughters.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ellaria! They were very in love and committed, and I feel like she brought out the best in him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Doran and Elia
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s not as hot-headed as his reputation leads us to believe. He’s in complete control in KL until the end, it was pretty much bad luck that got him killed. Which makes me believe that all the other things that he did to earn his bad rep were done with open eyes.
He’s also not as awesome a father as fandom seems to believe. Maybe he got better with the younger ones, but I don’t really like the Sand Snakes and I think the way they are willing to walk all over Doran and talk badly about Ellaria reflects badly on him. And what we do know about his parenting style (taking Obara from her mother the way he did, saying they’ll need to kill any abusive husbands they get because he won’t help) makes Doran look like father of the year.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That he got justice for Elia and her children, that he took Tyrion to Dorne and they became friends.
Doran Martel
How I feel about this character: I like him and I think he’s smart. His plans could do with a bit of feedback, but he’s not dumb.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one, really. I feel like he’s still hung up on his wife.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Oberyn, Elia, Aero
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think he’s overcautious or too slow, I think he has internalized that his first duty is to Dorne so he can’t go starting wars willy-nilly. If he could, he’d rain as much revenge on Elia’s murderers as Oberyn
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That he had shut the Sand Snakes down harder when they called him a coward.
Brienne of Tarth
How I feel about this character: MY DAUGHTER! SHE’S SO SWEET!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Jaime, maybe Hyle if he repents and gets his act together
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Pod, Catelyn, her dad
My unpopular opinion about this character: She would probably be happy being a regular lady if things went that route for her, especially because as the heir to Tarth, she’d be the one rulling her land and having a consort, not the other way around... I also think she would be good at it and be respected. Yes, I think people did ridicule and bully and disrespect her, but the fact that her septa, who was her main caregiver, was in on it, might have warped her perception of how others saw her. The bet too. Her master of arms, for example, respected and liked her, Cat too, so Brienne can and does inspire loyalty.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I don’t think she’ll find Sansa, but I wish she would find at least Arya and get part of her oath to Cat done.
Jaime Lannister
How I feel about this character: I enjoy his povs a lot, he’s very funny, but he’s not one of my favorites
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Brienne
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Tyrion, his squires, that guy who has stopped shaving
My unpopular opinion about this character: I feel like, even if he had confesssed the reason why he killed Aerys, people would still judge him as a Kingslayer anyway. I don’t think it’s reprehensible that he kept quiet in the circumstances. Maybe it was irresponsible to just let the wildfire lying around, but he had no way to know it was dangerous.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want him to be the one to kill Cersei, but I want it to be because she’s becoming Aerys 2.0, not because he’s jealous.
Tyrion Lannister
How I feel about this character: I love him a lot! He’s sadly relatable, though I’m definitely not that smart. The way he won’t let people forget he’s there, that he’s smart and capable and that he won’t accept them walking all over him is the best.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dany! I think it’s a given that he’ll fall for her. I also think it’s a given that she’ll fall for Jon, but I’d like her to at least have some feelings for him as well, to be divided, etc. Though if it comes to that, I’d rather she ended with Tyrion.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Jon, Bronn, Pod. I like to think the mountain clans think fondly of him as well.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He never really loved Shae. I don’t know how unpopular this is, but he didn’t love her and he was wrong to kill her even with the public humiliation and everything, and I think he’s aware of these facts. Not to say the sense of betrayal wasn’t real.
Also, he was 100% in the right when killing Tywin. It’s sad only because it sends Tyrion to such dark places, but really, a public service.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Third head of the dragon, baby!
Genna Lannister
How I feel about this character: She annoys me!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one. I wish she felt happier with her husband, but shipping is too strong a word.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Joanna Lannister. She very much doesn’t strike me as someone who has close friends.
My unpopular opinion about this character: She’s not a cool aunt or a loving aunt or whatever. Her talk with Jaime in his pov doesn’t strike me as them having a close relationship, and she’s basically a non-entity in Tyrion’s and Cersei’s thoughts from what I remember. For all that she criticizes Tywin, she seems to be a lot like him imho.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Well, if she’s not in the Red Wedding Redux (if that happens), she’s got to be aound it. It would be interesting to see her reaction to it.
Scorpio Milo
How I feel about this character: He’s alright. Bit of an asshole, which I like
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one. People seem to ship him with Aioria and Camus in particular, I’m okay with that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: The other gold saints
My unpopular opinion about this character: His signature attack is cool in theory and lame in practice.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That he got more character development. He gets little even for a minor character.
Aquarius Camus
How I feel about this character: He’s okay. I’m not very invested
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one. He seems to get paired up a lot with Milo, I guess that’s fine.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Hyoga, the other gold saints.
My unpopular opinion about this character: By adding the Crystal Saint, the anime turns a touching moment into something hilarious when Hyoga and him fight and trace back their saint genealogy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That he hadn’t frozen Hyoga. What the fuck did that even accomplish???
Andromeda Shun
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HIM! He was the first character that made me stop and think a little deeper about morals.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Hyoga in the anime, June in the manga
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Seiya, Ikki, his master
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s the more mature of the bronze saints, not only because he’s quiter and calmer, but because he’s the only one to think things through. He’s the only one who reflects about their situation in a conscious way. And he’s smart.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he had actually died in his Hades arc. I think it would make for a better story
Virgo Shaka
How I feel about this character: I like him a lot, his Hades arc helped a lot with that
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one... I’d read whatever back when I was more into Saint Seiya, but I have no particular preferences
My non-romantic OTP for this character: The other gold saints, especially Aioria. They’ve come a long way and it was really sad how angry Aioria got about his death.
My unpopular opinion about this character: He’s way more of an asshole than people give him credit for.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish he had lived, but again, they had to die, such is the nature of shonen manga XD
Sailor Pluto
How I feel about this character: I don’t know, she’s not as interesting as the outer senshi, but she’s alright
All the people I ship romantically with this character: No one
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Haruka and Michiru
My unpopular opinion about this character: None, really. I don’t have a lot of opinions on her.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m more than okay with the end of Sailor Moon, including hers
Sailor Jupiter
How I feel about this character: I did not appreciate her enough the first time I read this manga, but she is awesome
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ami, just a little bit
My non-romantic OTP for this character: All the other senshi
My unpopular opinion about this character: Much of the sense of her being an outsider gets lost in translation, which is a pity since it’s such an integral part of her character.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m pretty happy with how things turned out for her :)
Sailor Venus
How I feel about this character: I had such a crush on her growing up XD
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don’t actively ship it, but I think her and Mars are cute together
My non-romantic OTP for this character: All the other senshi, Artemis
My unpopular opinion about this character: The anime made her more immature than she was originally, but that doesn’t mean she was super adult in the original either. She had a lot on her plate so she stepped up. Her growth was more subtle than for her anime counterpart, but it was there
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m pretty satisfied with the way the story ends, everyone including Venus alive and happy. Western authors, learn something from this!
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distant-rose · 5 years
I just read the last chapter of Once and a Future Thing and it was amazing! I was wondering if you could maybe tell us or write about Beth's adjustment to the world and the rest of her family's reactions? Thanks so much for your awesome writing! I always love when you update Little Pirates and I always enjoy your other stories!
Notes: Okay, I owe you the biggest apology. This has literally been in my inbox for half a year? I honestly don’t remember when this entered my inbox but I know it was a long time, so long that whoever sent this probably forgot all about it. I wouldn’t be surprised. Anyway, I hope you can forgive me for how long this fucking took. I was inspired to work on the Jim and Beth reunion by @clockadile and I knew that I couldn’t work on it or post something new OAFT-related without doing this. Now, I don’t really have Beth adjusting to life in Storybrooke, so much as her family’s reactions to her return, namely Harrison’s because he is legitimately the sanest and most well-adjusted member of the Jones family, and I say that objectively. He is. So, I felt his POV might be best for this chapter or coda or whatever. Anyway, a special thanks to @shireness-says and @optomisticgirl for allowing me to spam them with this nonsense. I hope you enjoy it. There’s a bit of Arabic in it, but it’s translated at the bottom.Summary: Beth’s quest for vengeance against her boyfriend’s killer goes a bit haywire when she and her former best friend Jim Hawkins are sent into thirty years into the past. Now, they must figure out how to find a way back to the future without wrecking the first meeting between Beth’s parents, Emma Swan and Killian Jones. Rating: T+Chapters:  One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Epilogue | Coda IWord Count: 4,300+
The large clock on the wall said 6:30am and years ago that would have meant that it was way too early for him to be up, but Harrison Jones didn’t sleep anymore. Time had simply muddled together and all that mattered was that he got at least one cup of coffee on the hour or his brain was going to ooze out of his ears. He wasn’t quite what he was going to die from first – his heart exploding or exhaustion.
His fingers tap impatiently against the kitchen counter as he stared down the ancient machine gurgling to life. He never liked coffee, in fact he hated the very taste of it, but it become so integral to his daily functions that he no longer gagged at the bitter taste.
Feeling agitated, he began rummaging sluggishly through the cabinets in search of the sugar. When he found the container in the back of the spice shelf completely empty, he threw it against the wall while muttering dark curses under his breath. He knew exactly who was behind this crime against humanity. No one had a bigger sweet tooth than Wes and he had a tendency of finishing off products without replacing them.
He hoped his younger brother’s wifi wasn’t working this morning. The asshole deserved it.
Bitter and disappointed, he put as much cream into his coffee as he could. Taking a seat at the breakfast table, he picked up his kindle and began reading the last few chapters of his Ken Follet novel. The house was quiet at the moment and he was going to enjoy it while it lasted. As long as he had been alive, the Swan-Jones house had been one prone to chaos and any lull of silence was worth its weight in gold.
“Holy Christ, Harrison, you still live here? At twenty-seven? Jesus.”
The coffee mug slipped from his fingers, missing the table by a fraction of a hair and falling to the floor with a loud crash. Pieces of ceramic glass shattered as they made contact with the hard tile, scattering everywhere.
Harrison barely registered it.
He was too busy staring at a ghost.
She looked so much older and impossibly thinner than the last time he saw her, but there was no mistaking the green of those eyes and that riot mess of untamed dark hair. His sister, whom he hadn’t seen in three years, was standing in the doorway in a probably the most dramatic pirate gear that he had ever seen.
“خرة,” he breathed out in disbelief.
“What did you just swear at me?”
“In Arabic, yes,” he responded faintly.
“I’ve never been prouder of you,” she laughed merrily, tossing her hair over her shoulder. He continued to gape at her, unable to process what exactly was happening.
“I swear. Always have. I’m not a saint, despite what you all think.”
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his father move past his sister as if everything was normal and ordinary. Without even commenting on the broken mug at Harrison’s feet, Killian Jones made a beeline for the coffee machine and made himself a cup. He offered no comment on the fact his long-lost daughter was standing in his kitchen.
“Are you going to just gawk at me like an idiot or are you going to say something?” His sister asked somewhat impatiently, crossing her arms in front of her chest and arching her eyebrow at him mockingly.
“You’re alive?”
“Did you think I was dead?” She snorted in amusement at the question, but Harrison didn’t find anything about this to be funny.
“Well, yes.”
“Well, considering I’m standing right in front of you. I can assure you, I’m alive.”
“Considering how sleep deprived I am, I was convinced you were a hallucination.”
She scoffed at him, stepping forward. She rose up on the tips of her toes and poked him between the eyebrows like she used to do back when they were kids; back when she was trying to get his attention away from his guitar. It was annoying then and Harrison found it even more annoying now.
“I can’t believe you thought I was dead. I’m insulted.”
“Well, I haven’t heard from you in three fucking years, Beth. What the hell was I supposed to think?”
“That’s…fair…I guess,” she replied. She took a step backwards, shifting on her feet uncomfortably. The move reminded him of when they were younger. She always did that whenever she was caught doing something she shouldn’t.
Simpler times.
Her eyes shifted back towards their father who was still leaning across the cabinets, watching them both with tired eyes. She seemed to be silently pleading with him.
“Don’t look at me,” he said to her as he took a sip of his coffee. “This is your hole to dig out of, not mine.”
“Thanks Dad,” she replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
“No problem, minnow. I told you this wasn’t going to be easy.”
“Yeah, you got that right.”
“Well, honestly, Beth, what did you expect?” Harrison replied, raising to his height and crossing his arms in front of his chest, anger fueling him faster than caffeine could ever have. “I hate to be repetitive, but it can’t be ignored. It’s been three years. Three fucking years. No phone call. No note. No nothing. You just vanished. As if it was nothing. As if we were nothing.”
“I understand why you’re mad. Look, I get it —"
“No, Beth. You don’t get it,” he interrupted, nostrils flaring in anger.
She flinched at his words, but he having a hard time feeling sympathetic. Her disappearance had nearly torn them all apart. He still remembered the sound of their mother crying in the back room of the police station, the amount of times he had to walk their father back to the house because he had drunk himself into a stupor on the docks waiting for her to come back and how they had put Ned through counseling because he thought it was all his fault. He could see Wes in his mind’s eye running himself ragged trying to find the right locator spell and how he had torn through her room trying to find a single strand of hair to use.  He could still recall the nights of he stared blankly at sheets of paper, unable to write music because his mind kept drifting back to her and the maelstrom of emotion she had left inside of him. His knuckles were still scarred for the times he had tried to beat his self-loathing and anger into a punching bag until it broke, and sand spilt onto the floor of his basement. She owed him at least seven bags.
“You don’t get it,” he repeated. “And you don’t get to say that because you weren’t here and that isn’t okay. This entire family almost crumbled when you left. Ned almost failed out his senior year and almost didn’t get into college.”
“Ned’s in college?” She whispered in disbelief.
“Yeah. He’s in his second year and if you were here, you would have known that!”
“That’s not fair, Har.”
“No. What’s not fair is that we’re still picking up the pieces that you left behind and now you think that can be just swept under the rug.”
“Harrison.” Their father straightened himself up, giving him a warning look. “Enough.”
“Are you kidding me right now? I know she’s your favorite but this is ridiculous! She broke our hearts! She broke your heart, Dad!  You drank yourself into the bottom of a bottle waiting for her to come back! You’re just going to let bygones be bygones?”
“I don’t have favorites, Har.”
“Bullshit. Look me in the eye and tell me if I pulled the fucking nonsense she did that you wouldn’t punch me in the face if I dare showed my face afterwards.”
A muscle in Killian’s jaw ticked and there was a dangerous look in his eyes, but Harrison stopped being scared of his father the minute he was taller than him.
“Don’t go putting words into my mouth, lad. I never said any of that. There is a time to address things. And that time isn’t now. Right now, let’s focus on the fact that your sister is home.”
Harrison worried at his jaw, glaring at him. He took three steps forward, away from his sister and crowded into his father’s personal space. Any other man would have shrunken away from a fight with a man of Harrison’s stature, but not Killian Jones. He met his son’s gaze with his own furious blue eyes, straightening his shoulders and refusing to backdown. For a brief moment, Harrison thought his father might actually punch him.
“Good morning everyone.”
The tension in the room was immediately cut by the appearance of Nasira. She gave them all a tired smile as she walked into the kitchen, their three-month old son cradled in her arms. Harrison immediately turned his back on his father and ignored the choked noises Beth was making in the background. His focus was on the love of his life and his infant son.
“هلتتصرفبنفسك?” She asked him, raising her eyebrows at him as she rose up on her toes to kiss his chin. He was making an effort not to be insulted by her insinuations about his behavior.
She gave him a look like she didn’t quite believe his reassurances but didn’t say anything to him as she adjusted her hold on their son and turning to address his sister.
“Hey Beth. It’s been awhile. When did you get in?”
All three Joneses jolted at Nas’s nonchalance. Her tone held no underlaying sarcasm or anger. It was a friendly, casual remark, as if she were talking to someone that she had seen almost every day of her life. Killian nearly spat out his coffee while Beth stared at her, clearly shaken by the question.
“She got in this morning,” Harrison answered tersely, scowling still.
“توقف,” Nas responded, striking Harrison across the abdomen in reproach. She then turned her attention back to Beth and smiled at her. “Your brother can be an ass.”
“I’m well aware,” Beth managed to croak out, still looking a bit uneasy. “You’re too good for him.”
“Absolutely not. I can be an ass too. We’re just the perfect amount of ass for each other,” Nas responded with a laugh. “But how have you been?”
“Busy. But you seem to have been busy as well…” She gestured to the child in Nas’s arms.
“Yeah, yeah, I definitely have,” Nas beamed. “Between him and his brother, I’ve been very busy.”
“B-brother?” Beth’s eyes went wide. “You have more than one?”
“Yep! I had Sam nearly three years ago. He was a bit of a surprise, but we loved him so much that we decided to have another. We’ve had Kam for three months now and he seems pretty good, so I think we’re gonna keep him.”
“You have babies.” Beth looked like she was one second away from having a panic attack.
“Yep!” Nas responded brightly, deliberately ignoring his sister’s obvious discomfort. “They’re great. I would ten out of ten recommend.”
“I don’t think that’s in the cards for me.”
“Nas, my love, my jewel,” Harrison spoke up, giving Nas a tight smile. “I’m so glad you’re happy and proud of our children, but I feel the need to point out to everyone, because clearly seems you’ve all forgotten, but Beth has been out of our lives for three years. She left us. For three years. Without a word.”
“Harrison, my love, my sweet, gentle, understanding man,” she responded, giving him the same time smile and now speaking a sugary tone that belayed a message that was more steely than sweet. “I’m so glad that you’re happy for my happiness, but I feel the need to remind you that this is Storybrooke. We deal with all sorts of things from time-traveling witches, cursed gems, megalomaniacs and not to mention brothers who try to pull political coups to try and steal your kingdom. This family drama? It’s honestly just a blimp on the radar. We’re getting married. Your sister is going to be in the wedding party. I’m not having the groom feuding with his sister.”
“You guys seriously aren’t married yet?” Beth asked in disbelief.
“No,” they answered at the same time, Harrison sounding angry while Nas was wistful.
Beth immediately turned to their father. Killian merely shrugged his shoulders at her and sipped his coffee.
“I don’t know why you keep looking at me for answers. You’re all adults. I have no control over your decisions.“
“We just haven’t found the right time,” Nas replied, giving a placating smile.
It was then that Kam started crying and Nas began making shushing noises, bouncing him up and down in hopes of calming him. Harrison envied his infant son’s ability to be so free with how he felt. He wanted to scream too.
Harrison opened his mouth to make a comment but was stopped when the front door opened loudly, and a very familiar voice called out.
“Good morning Vietnam!” Wes shouted merrily, making his way towards the kitchen. Harrison winced at the volume, afraid that his brother was going to wake his still sleeping three-year old and their mother.
Wes seemed to be in good cheer, chuckling to himself as he swaggered in. He was dressed in a black leather jacket and the tightest pair of pants that Harrison had ever seen. The smell of cigarettes immediately filled the kitchen and it was quite clear that he had come to the house straight from closing up the bar.
The smirk died the second Wes’s eyes land on their sister. For a brief moment, the entire room was silent, save for the tail end of Kam’s whimpering. No one spoke as Wes stared at Beth. Their eyes met for exactly five seconds. Harrison counted them.
“Nope,” Wes said quietly, shaking his head and turning on his heel.
“Wes!” Beth shouted, stepping forward to run after him.
He stopped at the sound of her voice. He turned again to face them, his face pinched with concern. He tilted his head and took a tentative step towards her.
“Guys,” he said slowly, still staring at their sister. “Don’t get mad at me, but I think I might be a little high from getting hotboxed all night at the Hole…because I’m legit seeing Beth right now and there’s no way that could possibly be happening right now.”
Beth scoffed, rolling her eyes at him.
“Good to see you haven’t changed a bit.”
“She’s snarking me right now. Fake Beth is snarking me, guys.”
“Fake Beth is Real Beth and she’s five seconds from punching you in the face.”
“And now, she’s threatening me!”
“We know,” Nas snorted. “She’s real and we can hear her and so help me, Westley Jones, if you’re high around my children, I will castrate you with a rusty spoon.”
“Oh,” Wes blinked dumbly before turning to look at their father. “Dad, I’m going to need your flask, because…damn.”
“Sorry, it’s empty,” Killian responded, not looking up from his coffee. It was very clear to everyone in the room that he was lying.
“Okay,” Wes responded, drawing a shaky breath before heading towards the sink. "This calls for drastic measures.”
He bent down and took out the emergency bottle of rum that they kept behind the dog treats. He uncorked it and placed it down on the counter before grabbing a clean glass from the drying rack. He contemplated it for about three seconds before placing the glass back down and deciding to drink straight from the bottle. He took a long drag from it before turning to address them.
“Okay, good,” he said, smacking his lips. “Good. Now I can deal with this.”
“Are you going to share that?” Beth asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Absolutely not. You owe me at least ten years of alcohol.”
“I was gone for only three!”
“Yeah, three years plus the seven extra years I’m going to spend talking about this in therapy. Welcome home, sis.”
“You’re an ass.”
“So are you,” he replied, taking another sip. “It runs in the family.”
“Why am I not surprised that you’re taking this so casually?” Harrison snapped, feeling irritated.
“Well, to be honest, I’m still not convinced I’m not hallucinating right now and it seems kinda silly to argue with a hallucination.”
“Trust me, I thought she was a hallucination too, but I got past that pretty quickly.”
“Yeah, well, you’re more well adjusted than me. I’m a little mad at my subconscious right. I mean, seriously? My sister? Why couldn’t my hallucinations be more hot? Kate Hudson? Sienna Miller? Giselle? Something I could actually enjoy seeing?”
Beth moved forward and hit Wes across the shoulder. He let out a yelp of pain, massaging his shoulder and glaring at her.
“See? Not a hallucination.”
“God, I forgot how vicious you are.”
“You’ve gotten soft without me.”
“Well, it’s not like I have any good sparing partners. The last time Harrison and I fought, he picked me up and tossed me over the fence like I was Benny Booth.”
“Benny Booth?” Nas asked, frowning in confusion.
“The asshole who nearly knocked up our sister. Harrison threw him over a fence, except he didn’t quite clear it and Moe French had a fence with an ass shaped cut out for like three weeks,” Wes explained with a quirk of his lips.
“He didn’t nearly knock me up,” Beth scowled.
“Henry bought you a pregnancy test. He nearly knocked you up,” Wes volleyed back at her.
At that comment, their father spat out his coffee and began to cough profusely. Harrison gave him a healthy whack on the back.
“He did not!”
“He did!”
“He. Did. Not.”
“Yes. He. Did. Your eggo was almost preggo.”
“Ugh! Stop talking! To think I actually missed you!”
“You actually missed us? Wow, maybe you’re the one whose gone soft.”
Their mother was standing halfway down the stairs, staring at her daughter the same way Harrison and Wes had previously – like she was looking at a ghost. Beth returned her gaze with one of her. This time she didn’t look self-assured, however. She looked on the verge of tears.
“Beth? Is that you? Is that my daughter?”
Emma didn’t wait for an answer. She raced down the stairs, nearly tripping over the final step. The stumble seemed to wake something inside of Beth because she finally regained her senses and was scrambling past Wes to meet her. Their mother grabbed onto their sister’s arms and yanked her almost violently forward. Beth fell into her arms and a loud, almost inhuman sob sounded through the entire kitchen as the two embraced each other, rocking side-to-side in a forceful but erratic sway.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Beth’s voice was muffled by Emma’s shoulder, but Harrison could still hear her words as she kept repeating them like a broken record.
“You’re home” was their mother’s mantra. He could tell by the waver in her voice that Emma was also crying.
Harrison couldn’t stand it.
It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He couldn’t handle this any longer. If he stayed, he was going to break something. His father and Wes’s easy acceptance of Beth had been hard enough to swallow but seeing their mother tearful and happy to see the daughter that had abandoned them was just too much.
Nas seemed to sense this.
“هلانتبخير?” she asked, looking at him in concern.
“Can you give me the baby?” he asked in a barely measured tone. “I’m thinking he could use some air.”
Nas studied his face for a moment, frowning. He briefly thought she might not comply with his request, but she gave him a curt nod and handed over their son without a word. Kam was whimpered loudly, clearly unhappy with being given over to his father.
“Thank you,” he murmured, bending down to kiss her cheek before making his escape.
While everyone was focused on the reunion between mother and daughter, Harrison made his escape with his son in his arms. He went out the back door and leaned against the deck railing, staring out into the backyard at the old rusted swing set. It had been a long time since anyone had used those swings and he tried to think of the last time Lucy had used them.
It was equally surreal and frightening to think that his own children would soon be old enough to use them.
“Do me a favor, bud, and don’t grow up too fast,” he murmured to the infant.
Kam stared up at him crankily but waving his arm in displeasure and hitting him across the nose. Harrison jolted at the unexpected contact, rearing his head back away from his son. He adjusted his hold so he could massage his injured nose. He felt equal parts proud and embarrassed about getting whacked in the face by a mere infant. It was almost comical.
“You might have more Jones in you than we realized,“ he mused aloud, trying to appease his unhappy son.
“Which is a bit shocking considering he’s your kid and you’re a helluva lot more Charming than you are Jones,” a voice called out.
She was standing in the doorway, her arms crossed in front of her chest and looking at him with pensive expression.
“Aren’t you supposed to be chatting with Mom?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow at her.
“You know when you do that, you look disturbingly like Dad. Like really disturbingly like Dad. I didn’t really see it when we were kids, but I can see what everyone was saying now. You look a lot like him.”
“So I’ve been told,” he responded, eyebrow lifting even higher on his forehead. “And you’re avoiding the question.”
“I am,” she nodded.
“You know, when people ask questions, they kinda expect a response.”
“Those people should get used to disappointment.”
“They already have.”
Beth flinched, staring down at her feet and biting her lip.
“Look, I know you hate me, but —”
“Beth, I don’t hate you,” he cut her off. “I honestly wish I did. Things would be easier then. If I hated you, I wouldn’t care. I wouldn’t have lost sleep worrying about you for the last three years. I wouldn’t have cried. I wouldn’t have let Nas stall the wedding for you.”
“Nas stalled the wedding? What!” She looked horrified.
“She accepted my proposal and refused to plan the wedding without you,” Harrison responded, trying to keep his voice even. “She said if you weren’t there, I would regret it for the rest of my life.”
“I’m sorry…”
“You can be sorry. I’m glad to hear it in fact, but that doesn’t mean I have to forgive you…”
“I know,” she sighed. “I know. And I don’t blame you.”
“I love you. You’re my sister and you’re always going to be my sister, and someday I’ll probably forgive you, but I can’t today. Not today. There’s been too much pain, Beth. I can’t just forget that. I can’t look at you without thinking about how Dad destroyed his liver over you, how Mom threatened the Dark One to find you and how they tracked to track you for years despite the fact you obviously bought protection spells against that. I can’t just forget that Ned went to actually depression and almost stopped playing baseball, which he loves more than life itself. Henry worried himself sick enough he had ulcers. And Wes? Wes was so focused on finding you, he forgot to shower and Gideon begged me to come over and literally force him away from his research. I can’t just get past that. I’m not like that them, I can’t forgive and forget like that. I know you guys like to call me perfect and if I was, I could forgive you, but I can’t.”
“Oh, Harrison, they haven’t forgiven me,” she laughed bitterly. “No one is letting me off the hook. They’re just in shock right now. Like you said, I’ve been gone for three years. Once that shock fades away, the anger will be there. Just you wait.”
“That anger is justified.”
“I know that,” she snapped, hot angry tears spilled down her cheeks. “Lord knows, I know that. I know I deserve it. I half expected to be disowned upon arrival.”
“We don’t do that.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” she replied, wiping her cheeks and turning away from him. “I’ve come to except the worst.”
“Expect the worst but hope for the best.”
“Hope is a very dangerous thing. Nothing worse than false hope.”
“Dangerous, but powerful. A little hope can go a long way, Beth. You’ve proved that, yourself.“
"You really are a Charming. You legit sound like Grandma.”
“I know you’re trying to mock me but I’m being serious,” Harrison replied, slightly frustrated. “The thing about hope is that…it can drive you, but it can’t take you all the way there. You have to put the work in too…No one is going to forgive you unless you actually try. Don’t just say you’re sorry. Show us you’re sorry. Until you put your money where your mouth is, nothing is going to get accomplished. I can’t forgive you until I see it.”
“That’s what Dad said…That the path to forgiveness…I need to put the work in.”
“He would know better than anyone else,” Harrison said gently. “And I’ve never known you to back down from a challenge.”
“Never,” she responded fiercely, eyes flashing with determined. And for the first time since he saw her, Harrison felt a flash of warmth. He had missed her fire.
He pushed himself away from the railing, tightening his hold on Kam as he did so. He made his way towards the doorway, his sister watching him warily. He bent forward and placed a brief kiss on her cheek.
“Nice to see you, Beth.”
“Nice to see you too, Har.”
خرة - shitهلتتصرفبنفسك - are you behaving yourself?دائما - alwaysتوقف - stopهلانتبخير - Are you okay?
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Four
Part One , Part Two , Part Three
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx X OC
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Language, sexual situations, mentions of drug use, brief allusions to abuse of power
Tag List: @fandomshit6000 @lilmou5ie @tamedhearts @divaanya @allieburakovsky @kingbouji3 @evrsncnewyork @6ixx6ixx @ratedrkohardychick91 @floregrohlssard @oldschoolimagineblog @thanks2pete @abaldboi @swoopygorl @liith-ium @justjodeye
**Let me know if you want to be tagged**
The slow push and pull of absolute ecstasy drives me to near insanity, my eyes closed as my head tips back, a soft whimper brushing past my lips because the feeling is just so good that I can barely breathe. 
A sweat-slick chest moves against a sweat-slick chest, my legs encircling his waist to get more of him, in a worn down bedroom that smells strongly of alcohol and cigarettes. A scent I’ve grown fond of the past several weeks, but I won’t admit that to anyone.
Another push in to me, another hit of my drug of choice, another whimper, another change of position.
His hand grasps at my hair, pulling it to one shoulder so his lips, tongue and teeth can explore where my neck and shoulder meet. My nails scratch at the back of his neck, a moan mixed with a gasp escapes my lips as he grabs at my waist and displays just as much control underneath me as he showed above me.
I feel cross-faded, my mind completely gone as I continue to take what he’s willing to give me in as big of a dose as I can get it.
With one last stroke in to me, he finishes what he started.
The both of us try to catch our breaths as he falls back, causing me to fall on top of him, and my head rests on his chest as his hand starts massaging my scalp.
“Tommy does not find out.” I tell him quietly, closing my eyes.
“Couldn’t agree more.” Nikki replies in a light tone and I smile.
I wake up from my dream in a frenzied sweat, glancing around my room. After a few deep breaths, I groan, and fall back on the bed, wanting to pull my hair out as I grab my pillow and scream into it as loud as I can.
“You look like shit.” Mick tells me mercilessly and I choke on my Coke, the acidic liquid stinging my nose as it drips out of my nostrils, sending me in to a coughing frenzy which entertains Tommy and Vince.
It’s Saturday, so I decided to come spend it with Tommy at the apartment he’s recently moved in to, with Vince and Nikki, since I couldn’t spend time with him the other night after their first sold out show. My parents think I’m with Tansy again, though.
“Gee, thanks, Mick.” I rasp out as I start to get control of my coughing, leaning forward in my seat on the couch. “I didn’t sleep last night.” I tell them, my eyes watering as Tommy hits my back as if trying to dislodge something from my airway. I hit his hand away from me and he gawks as if I just told him to go to hell.
“Are you sure you’re not on your period this week?” Vince pipes, glancing up from his Playboy magazine to watch my reaction to his question. “I’ve noticed girls look like shit and act like it, too, during that time of the month.” He licks the tip of his finger to turn the page of the pornographic picture show before him.
“No tampons.” Tommy tells him, shaking his head as he takes a bite of Captain Crunch from his cereal bowl and Vince gets a confused look on his face.
“What the fuck do tampons have anything to do with when she’s bleeding or not?” He asks Tommy.
“Are you seriously having a conversation about my bleeding vagina?” I ask them, grossed out.
“They save the more conservative topics for when you’re around.” Mick mumbles, continuing to tune his guitar.
If this is their “conservative” talk, I’d hate to hear their more perverted topics.
“Her mom won’t let her wear tampons so I have to sneak them to her.” Tommy explains and Vince gives me a look.
“Why won’t your mom—“
“She thinks it’s sexually immoral to have a piece of cotton shoved up in there.” Tommy interrupts just as Nikki comes back in from outside.
“Can we please stop talking about my anatomy?” I ask them.
“Absolutely.” Vince surprisingly agrees.
“Thank you.” I sigh out, and the room gets quiet as Vince turns another page, making an impressed facial expression as he turns the magazine to get a better look at whatever he’s seeing.
“We sure as fucking hell can talk about Vicki Lasseter’s anatomy, though.” He grins and Tommy and Nikki rush to his side to see what he’s seeing, tilting their heads to match his, oohing and ahhing and I gag. “Hey, Viv, why don’t you try to get in to one of these?” Vince asks, waving the magazine.
“I’ll pose for Playboy when you do.” I tell him without thought.
“Oh, please, Saint Vivian would never lower her standards to match that of those worthless whores with lack of morals and spiritual compass.” Nikki mocks my voice and I look at him.
“You’d be surprised to find that I don’t think the same way my mother does, Devil-Spawn, and if you would stop writing me off all because I go to church and pray to a God you couldn’t believe in any less, you would discover I don’t think any less of the women who pose nude, I don’t think any less of troubled rockstars and I don’t think any less of people who don’t share the same beliefs that I share because if everyone kept their clothes on, only listened to mundane music and agreed on everything, the world would be a boring place.” I argue, giving him a smug smirk when he rolls his eyes and steps to the kitchen.
“You don’t look as shitty as I thought.” Mick tells me blankly.
“Awe, thank—”
“Just take the fuckin’ compliment and shush Virgin Mary.” He waves me off and I give him a closed mouth smile, flattered he complimented me...sort of.
“Hey, Tommy, do we have rubbing alcohol?” Nikki asks, about to light a cigarette.
“Under the bathroom sink, why?” Tommy answers and in a few seconds, Nikki’s in front of us, holding the bottle of rubbing alcohol in one hand and a box of matches in the other with his cigarette hanging from his lips.
“I have an idea.” He tells us and we look at him blankly. “We need more special effects for the shows, man.” He adds with a raised brows, as if that makes it a better idea.
Apparently I’m the only one with a brain because Vince and Tommy jump up with bright smiles.
“Dude, it’ll be fuckin’ awesome!” Tommy exclaims and Mick and I exchange looks.
Before I can say anything, Nikki’s offering the bottle of rubbing alcohol up to Vince and he starts dousing Nikki’s leather pants in the stuff before taking a match from the match book.
“Um, you’re doing that in here?” I ask them before Vince can start any fire.
“Sure, why not?” Vince shrugs and I take a few steps back, waiting for him to light his friend on fire.
The crowd’s screaming gets louder and rattles my eardrums once Vince lights Nikki’s leather clad legs on fire during the middle of “Live Wire.”
I watch from behind stage, not feeling like dealing with the pushing and shoving of the crowd.
Once they’re done with yet another sold out show, they’re stumbling backstage, high off adrenaline and tipsy on Jack and I’m a few paces behind them as they head in to the dressing room.
I stop at the payphone, getting ready to call my parents and check in with them, when someone catches my attention from the corner of my eye.
Turning my head in that direction, I see a mass of curly, blonde hair that compliments blue eyes that seem a little lost as she looks around.
“Tansy?” I ask from where I am and she looks at me, her face brightening.
“Hey!” She rushes to me, careful not to trip in her bright red heels and I hang the phone up, deciding her appearing at a place like this is far more important.
Tansy Reilen, who would later become Tansy Rose, was the walking incarnation of perfection. Her natural hair color was so blonde it almost appeared white, her eyes captivated whoever she was looking at with their vivid bright-blue color and standing at 5’3” made her the perfect size to fit in your pocket and take her with you anywhere. She had a voice that could calm a Hurricane and enough strength in her to start one.
Her one and only flaw was that she was a people pleaser. Even if it meant pleasing the wrong kind of people. She would do whatever anyone wanted, not because she wanted to but because she hated telling people “no”, afraid of being a disappointment or making someone unhappy. Everyone took advantage of that when we were growing up, especially boys once we made it to high school, but the industry slowly violated everything of her’s there was left to violate after she got recruited for modeling at age 19. Her own “god fearing” mother, who became her manager, turned her out to whatever photo shoots paid the most, including nude and everything else in between.
By the mid 80s, Tansy made sure she was either too doped up or too wasted to care who photographed her naked and plastered her on a magazine...or who abused their power and got a lot more out of her than a photo session.
“What are you doing here?” I ask her, not trying to sound rude.
“Vince called me and wanted me to come.” She tells me, the excitement still hasn’t left her face and I raise my brows.
“Vince?” I ask, all of it starting to come together and she nods. “The same Vince that cheated on you multiple times freshman year?”
“It’s been, what, four years? Maybe he’s grown up a little.” She tried to reason with me and I clear my throat, knowing the Devil is a liar.
As if on cue, I hear the familiar sound of Vince’s current girlfriend’s voice, shouting angrily.
“Fuck you! Piece of shit! Motherfucker!” She screams, the echoing of her hitting Vince bounces off the walls as he keeps saying “babe” trying to reason with her for whatever he did wrong.
“My pants! Babe!” He pleads.
“Fuck you!” She yells back, marching up the hallway angrily, giving me a glance when she passes me, carrying the high-dollar pants she bought for Vince that he loves so much.
Tansy’s confused until Vince appears, naked as ever, hand cupping his privates.
“I fucking love those pants.” He complains weakly, giving me a pouting look.
“Your swimsuit parts are out.” I inform him and he cuts his eyes at me, before he sees Tansy over my shoulder.
Then the pouting stops and his inner peacock comes out.
“Hey, Tans,” he grins like an idiot and I put a hand on his bare chest to keep him from approaching us any further.
“Go put clothes on.” I order him, and he gives me a roll of his eyes before doing so, giving us a full show of his butt as he walks away. “You had sex with that.” I remind her and she exhales.
“Yeah, he hasn’t changed a bit has he?” She asks me, disappointed.
“He’s gotten worse.” I sigh out. “C’mon, let’s go see Tommy.” I grab her hand, pulling her in the direction Mick, Nikki and Tommy went after they got off stage.
Just as we turn a corner we see the three of them walking in our direction in their street clothes. Tommy sees me, opening his mouth to say something, but he stops when he sees Tansy and gets a smile on his face that’s at least a mile long.
“Tansy fucking Reilen!” He pipes out, eagerly accepting her hug, bending down a little so she could wrap her arms around his neck before he picked her up.
“Hey, Tommy!” She replies with just as much enthusiasm.
The three of us haven’t hung out together for almost a year due to Tommy and Tansy thinking they could have sex one time without it making anything weird. I guess this was their official “it doesn’t bother me anymore” because neither of them are acting too awkward.
He puts her down, introducing her to Nikki and Mick in time for Vince to rejoin us, fully clothed.
“We’re about to head down to the Rainbow.” Tommy tells us, looking at me. “If someone’s willing to stay out late.” He clears his throat, raising his brows at me and I look at Mick, Nikki and Vince, who wait for me to answer.
“Fine.” I finally relent after weeks of their pressure.
“Hallelujah. Thank fuckin’ God.” Vince states with a relieved sigh, throwing his arm around Tansy.
When we get to the Rainbow, Tansy pulls me in to the bathroom so she can touch up her makeup and when she’s done she glances at me and licks her lips.
“So...have you lost your virginity?” She asks me and I scoff.
“No.” I tell her honestly and she purses her lips.
“Oh.” She mumbles.
“It’s just...” She starts but closes her mouth again. “Nothing.”
“Tansy.” I say, starting to get a little frustrated. “What is it?”
“Nothing. I just thought you and that Nikki guy have messed around or something.” She admits and I feel my body freeze up, my heart racing as flashbacks from my dream a few nights ago cloud my mind.
“I—eww...why would you think that? We haven’t.” I shutdown her assumption and she holds her hands up in surrender.
“I’m sorry, I just thought you had.” She tells me truthfully.
“What makes you think we have?”
“There’s a tension.” She argues with a smirk.
“There is not a tension. There is so not a tension.” I almost laugh at how ridiculous she sounds. “We argue. All the time. He thinks I’m a self-righteous prude and I think he’s the spawn of Satan. If there’s a tension, it’s because we hate each other.”
“You don’t have to like someone to have sex with them.” She points out almost in a sad tone, and I know she speaks from experience. “I really like him for you, though. You get all riled up and firey when he’s around.”
“Oh, please.” I roll my eyes.
“I just met the guy and I can tell he has you acting different. You used to be so quiet and shy around people you don’t really know, now you’re jumping in to conversations just to piss him off and prove him wrong.”
“Because I don’t like him.” I shake my head. “And he doesn’t like me. That’s where the tension comes from. See? It’s full-circle.”
“Hate-sex is always an option.” She suggests with a shrug.
“Do not even start.” I point my finger at her.
“What? It gets rid of all the aggression and ill-feelings.” She explains.
“So does their shows. Did you know they encourage people to get their feelings out during a show so they go home chilled out and not so uptight?” I tell her the exact quote from Nikki and she gives me an unconvinced look. “And it works.”
“Yeah, until he gets off stage and then you get all hot and bothered.”
“I get hot because he’s Devil-Spawn and the heat from hell radiates off of him and I get bothered because he’s an arrogant idiot.”
“Or you like him and don’t know why you do so you displace your frustration and confusion on to him.” She doesn’t give up. “I was honestly joking about the hate sex okay? I don’t want you to go jump in to bed with him if you don’t want to but you two were fighting like cats and dogs the whole time we were on our way here. I think you should try to let whatever kind of bravery he evokes in you come out in a way that’s not in the form of riled up anger or fiery hatred.” She recommends and I nod slowly. “Now, c’mon because I have a slutty blonde waiting.”
Once we get to the rounded booth the guys are at, we’re met with a man who walks up to the table just as soon as we slide in, that I’ve never seen in my life.
“Hey, Guys, I’m Tom Zutaut. I work for Elektra Records.” He holds his hand out for a handshake.
“Nice to meet you, bro.” Nikki tells him lazily, taking a sip of his beer at the same time Vince says “hey man.”
“I would love, uh, the opportunity to talk to you guys if you have a second.” He offers them.
Tommy does his infamous cigarette trick, one of them, at least, where he sticks the end of his cigarette under his curled lip.
“Wanna sit down?” Tommy asks him in a voice that’s not his own and Tom chuckles.
“That’s really cool.” He motions to Tommy’s cigarette.
“Sit. Do it.” Tommy says as his eyes flash to the empty space by Vince at the end.
“Thank you.” Tom accepts the invitation.
“Scoot over, dude.” Vince tells the guys, and Nikki scoots closet to Mick, I scoot closer to Nikki, Tommy scoots closer to me, Tansy scoots closer to Tommy and Vince scoots closer to Tansy, allowing room for Tom.
As he starts talking, I feel something shift under the table and just as I’m about to see what’s under it, Nikki stops my hand from lifting the table cloth, nodding to Tom.
“Just watch.” He whispers in my ear and I ignore the heat that spreads through me when his lips brush against my skin as glance at him, before looking at the man trying to sign them.
“Look, I’ve been seeing what you guys are doing in L.A. and I think, with my help, I think I could really do something for you—” He snaps up and stumbles back, his zipper pulled down and his face full of shock.
The guys all laugh, Nikki throwing his head back before doubling over at the reaction.
A blonde girl’s head peaks up from under the table, resting her elbows on the now empty seat Tom sat in.
“Oh, my God!” Tom let’s out, surprised to see the girl but he quickly gathers himself.
“No?” She asks him. “Not for you?” As the guys continue chuckling. Tansy and I just exchange speechless expressions.
“No, thanks.” He tells her flatly.
“You sure?” She asks.
“No, thank you.” He repeats and she smiles.
“Okay.” She says before pulling the table cloth down and disappearing under the table again.
“Anyway,” Tom sits back down and stammers on. “Let’s get back to, you know, what I was talking about. So, uh, what do you guys say? Do you want a record deal?”
“Uhh,” Nikki says it like he’s thinking, but he reaches across me, grabs a handful of Tommy’s hair at the back of his head, and knocks his forehead into the table a few good times, the members of the band laughing like fools when he stops and I shake my head a little.
“Is that a yes?” Tom asks them and Vince cuts in.
“I don’t know if we can trust a dude who turns down a free blowjob.” He states.
“Yeah,” Tommy echos, his eyes cut slightly at the man suspiciously.
“Yeah.” Mick even says from behind his sunglasses, smoking his own cigarette.
“He said we could possibly score a five album deal, Viv, why aren’t you happy about this? I thought you wanted us to get signed?” Tommy asks me as I throw my keys across the living room, in to the kitchen, angrily, causing him to flinch.
“You just told me you were dropping out of school, Tommy! We are so close to graduating, can’t you just wait?!”
“No, I can’t! I can’t just wait because what I wanted is happening and I need to focus on the band right now more than ever!” He argues, motioning to Nikki and Vince as they stand with Tansy by the door, observing our disagreement.
“Your education should be your main focus, at least until you graduate! You are so close to being done, Tommy, why can’t you just—“
“Because I don’t give a fuck about school, Vivian! What I am passionate about doesn’t require a diploma, and I’m sorry if me dropping out makes you feel like I’m leaving you behind or whatever the fuck you feel, but I’m not sorry for wanting to focus on my main priority!”
“What I’m hearing is that I wasted hours of my time throughout school trying to tutor you and help you all for you to throw it away on the idea of being some hot-shot rockstar with girls and drugs and booze—”
“Oh, my God, you act like you would have had better things to do with that wasted time!” He throws his hands up and I roll my jaw. “And it’s not a fucking idea, it’s fucking reality and you’re only mad because you have no control over it!”
“I’m mad because we talked about this and everything we agreed on, everything we promised each other, is absolute void to you now that it’s actually happening!”
“Shit changes, Viv, people change! What I considered important junior year is completely different than what I consider important now.” He calms down, sighing.
“We agreed we would both graduate high school and I could either put off college or drop out if I needed to...” I trail off, trying hard not to cry in front of Tansy, Vince, and Nikki. “That was our plan to avoid this,” I motion to him. “From happening. To avoid you leaving me behind.” I give him back his own words and he gives out a shaky breath. “You considered me important junior year when you came up with that plan. When you promised me you wouldn’t go on to bigger things without me and forget me. And now...” I take a step back as he tries to step towards me.
“Viv, I didn’t mean it like that.” He tries to tell me.
“No, you’re right.” My whole body shakes with nerves and anger, I feel like a complete idiot. “Shit changes.” I curse for the first time in my life and even in this moment he’s shocked about it. “People change.” I continue. “Glad this is happening now, though, so I don’t waste any more time on a completely different page than you, Tommy.” I struggle to not let my voice crack, stepping to the kitchen to grab my keys.
“Viv—“ he tries to grab my arm as I head to the door but I snatch away from him.
“Fuck you.” I crack, my voice barely coming out as tears spill over my lashes.
Nikki and Vince step aside to let me leave, Tansy looks like she might follow me but decides against it and I slam the door shut.
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Chapter 14 - Happy... New...
Brooklyn New York, December 31 1994
"Hey babe, you ready in there?" Kenny calls from his living room while I stand in his bathroom still applying my make-up, my classic black smoky eye that I always do because one: I only own 1 eye shadow pallet, two: it's the only type of eye that I know how to do and three: well... it just enhances my metal chick appearance.
"Yea, yea I'm just... ugh, I feel like if I get one eye perfect the other one just always looks wonky or something," I call back to him and I hear him continue on with whatever he was playing on his guitar, the distortion emitting from his amp filling the apartment.
It was new years eve and we were heading out to Saint Vitus Bar and Night club tonight to celebrate the new year. Johnny is also meeting us there with his girlfriend Carrie and I was excited to go and hang out have a few drinks and ring in 1995.
Spending Christmas with Kenny was amazing. We didn't really do much other than Kenny introducing me to his mother, which was so weird for me, but at least it was just his mom. Since Kenny is an only child just like me and his father is completely out of the picture, it was nice not to have a lot of people to meet all at once, especially for the first time. His mom is really sweet and so much like Kenny, so funny and talkative, it makes you wonder where he gets it.
It got a little emotional though when she started asking stuff about me, especially when she asked about my mom. Even though I'm passed most of the pain with losing my mom, it's still hard to talk about. Especially when I put myself back to that moment when I watched her die in the hospital and you know we don't even need to get into talking about when I lost my baby girl.
"Do I look ok?" I ask when I come out of the bathroom and look down at myself, smoothing out my ripped denim mini skirt and adjusting my silver studded belt. Kenny flicks his eyes up to me while he continues to play as I try and fix my Black Sabbath band shirt that I had all cut up and styled.
"You look hot babe," He says as he stops playing for a moment, his eyes wondering over my body while he raises his eyebrow at me. He was already ready to go in his leather jacket, a plain black t-shirt and black jeans, his curls perfectly passed his shoulders. I feel bad that I'm taking so long but I feel self conscious for some reason and I don't know why. I think I just need a drink.
He starts to play again, his black Gibson SG that Peter had spray painted which finally dried only just a few days ago resting across his lap. Kenny was so pissed when Peter did that but that's what you get for Halloween pranks I guess. I thought it was hilarious, but not the part where Kenny had to re-string his guitar right before going on, that kinda sucked and I felt bad about that, but Kenny's reaction when the black spray paint ended up all over his arms and hands... that was funny.
As he closes his eyes for a moment, lost in the riff that he is playing I glance at him and smirk, then lean down and take his can of beer that was sitting on the coffee table in front of him and take a sip.
"Hey, what the -? What are you doin' with my beer?" He says, his thick Brooklyn accent coming out and immediately flicks his eyes open to look up at me.
"I'm thirsty," I say and take another sip.
"Well then grab a beer outta the fridge," He says gesturing to the kitchen.
"I don't want a whole beer though," I say.
"So? It's my beer," Kenny says and I start to giggle.
"Oh I'm sorry, your majesty," I say sarcastically giggling and pretending to bow in front of him.
"You're gonna be sorry, come here," Kenny chuckles though clenched teeth, grabbing my belt and pulling me to him as I laugh. I take another sip as he lifts up the bottom of my shirt, his guitar still resting in his lap and places his lips to my stomach, tickling me as he brushes his lips across, then gently biting and I yelp in surprise while he laughs.
"Kenny!" I laugh.
"Nah you're in for it now babe," He says and he slides his guitar off his lap, making random distortion noises out of the amp and takes the beer out of my hand takes a quick sip, setting it down on the table and pulls me back to him, his hands moving up my thighs, pushing up my skirt and gripping my butt cheeks firmly under my skirt.
"I fucking love it when you don't wear any panties baby," Kenny says raspy and deep as he places more kisses on my stomach.
"But I am wearing panties, well a thong anyways,"
"Really? Lemme see," He says so seductively as he lifts my skirt up even further, revealing the black lace of my panties.
"Kenny, no... we have to go, it's already 7:00pm and were supposed to meet Johnny," I giggle as he continues to brush his lip across my skin, tickling me.
"Urgh," He groans as I pull my skirt back down.
"We just fucked like 20 minutes ago," I laugh.
"20 minutes? More like an hour ago," He says.
"Ok, then an hour ago... anyways, we need to get going," I say as I step away from him and pull my shirt back down.
"You're just excited to drink more," He smirks raising his eyebrow as he reaches for his beer and takes the last sip as I slip on my leather jacket, pulling my curls out from underneath.
"Fuckin' right I am, It's new years eve baby," I say and he laughs. He stands up from the couch, switches off his amp, pats himself down making sure he has his wallet and cigarettes, then adjusts himself which makes me smirk.
"What?" He says.
"Nothing," I chuckle.
"Well I can't go out with him trying to escape my pants," Kenny says as he walks towards me and I laugh.
"Don't laugh, you," He says which of course makes me laugh more. He grabs my butt again and pulls me against him, placing his lips to my earlobe, gently nibbling and I know he's just doing it to turn me on like he is, but I'm not going to let it work. But damn does he ever smell really fucking good.
"Ok, ok... let's just get out of here," I laugh as I push myself away from him and he chuckles as we head out the door.
Saint Vitus Bar and Nightclub
"Ok... who's having a shot with me?" Johnny asks as he looks around at the group of people that were with us. We were all up at the bar, Kenny behind me with his hand on my lower back while I sat on a barstool beside Johnny, Carrie standing on the other side of him trying to flag down the bartender to order some shots.
"You, want one Andi?" Johnny asks.
"Do you really have to ask?" I smirk and he laughs as he hands out some shots for everyone who was around to drink some with him. I take it from him and he hands one to Kenny, then once everyone has their shots Kenny calls to raise them up in the air.
"Alright, lets have a fuckin' awesome night mother fuckers," He says excitedly and we all down our shots at once. As I down my shot I realize that it was just a Jagermiester  shot which basically did nothing for me at all. I set the cup back down on the bar and flagged the bartender down to order a couple of Jack Daniels shots.
"You wanna have a real shot with me now?" I ask and Kenny raises his eyebrow at me, setting his cup down on the bar.
"A real one? That wasn't real enough for you?" Johnny chuckles.
"Real? More like really weak," I joke and Kenny starts to laugh and Johnny just smirks at me. I take the shots that sat in front of me on the bar and pass one to Johnny and the other to Kenny.
"JD?" Johnny asks as he takes the shot from me.
"You know it,"
"Fuck dude, she's hardcore,"
"You have no idea," Kenny chuckles.
"Well you think he would since I just spent 5 months on the road with you two," I giggle as I look back at Kenny and Kenny just shrugs.
"So you gonna take the shot with me or what?" I giggle raising my eyebrow at Johnny.
"Fuck yea," Johnny chuckles and holds up his shot glass. I clink his glass with mine and then Kenny and we all down it at the same time, feeling that sweet burn trickle down my throat.
After a little while and a few more of those lovely Jack Daniels shots, I begin to feel that wonderful glow of drunkenness while all of us laugh and carry on and it was amazing to say the least. These last 7 months have been some of the best times of my life and I was finally able to enjoy drinking without feeling like I was trying to drown my pain like before.
I feel good. I feel amazing. Who knew that I would eventually get to know Type O like the way I do now, given the fact that I started out as a fan first. Never in a million years would I think that I would work for 2 of my favorite bands and have them accept me the way they have. Never in a million years would I even think that I would fall in love again, though that day at the airport when I was leaving for New York had me second guessing myself for a bit.
Running into Chris was the last thing I wanted to do. Ever since then, as much as I hate to admit it to myself, I haven't been able to stop thinking about running into him. It's scaring me too because just as soon as I think I'm ok and that I've moved on, Chris somehow shows up one way or another, either in my dreams or in reality and it's like I'm being pulled in one direction or the other.
"Andi, would you come to the bathroom with me?" Johnny's girlfriend asks as she bounces over to me.
"Uh, yea sure," I say and I slide down off the barstool and realize those shots have hit me harder than I thought as I nearly fall to the floor
"Whoa babe are you alright?" Kenny laughs as he helps me steady myself and I lean back against the chair while Johnny and Carrie chuckle at my clumsiness.
"Well there's all sorts of gravity in here," I slur a little as Kenny laughs.
"I'm just going... to... where were we going again?" I start to say to Kenny then turn back and ask.
"The bathroom," She laughs.
"Oh right... I'm just going to the bathroom," I lean into Kenny, whispering in his ear, trying to act normal but clearly I'm a little drunk.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," He says slyly and I pull away giving him a confused look for a moment then realize he's just being funny.
"Just go baby," He chuckles though I still give him a confused look but Carrie takes my hand, laughing as she leads me to the bathroom with her.
"So... have you asked her yet?" Johnny say taking another sip of a shot and setting the empty glass down on the bar. Kenny takes a sip of his beer and says nothing for a few moments.
"Well dude you better ask her before you lose your nerve, or at least before that ring wears a hole through your pocket," Johnny chuckles as the bartender sets down a bottle of beer in front of him.
"I know, I know... I just... I need the right moment. Every time I think it's the right moment, we get distracted or... I don't know," Kenny says and takes another sip of his beer.
"Ask her tonight man. It's new years eve. It's the perfect time," Johnny says taking another sip.
"Maybe," Kenny says glancing down at his beer and taking another sip.
"Maybe? What, are you afraid she's gonna say 'no'?"
"Holy fuck, Andi I'm so drunk... how bout you?" Carrie says from the bathroom stall as I check my make -up in the mirror.
"Yea, yea I'm a wee bit smashed," I say imitating an Irish accent and Carrie starts laughing.
"Just a wee bit?" She asks imitating the same accent.
"Yep,  a wee bit," I laugh. I look down at myself and adjust my shirt, making sure everything looks alright.
"I just have to say that you and Kenny are so freaking cute together... I never thought he would find someone that matches him so perfectly," Carrie says as she flushes and stumbles out of the bathroom stall.
"Really?" I ask as I look up to see her walk up to the sink, flipping her long straight locks out of her face, examining her make - up just as I did before.
"Well yea, like... the chemistry between you two is crazy, I mean anyone can see it from the way he looks at you. I've known Kenny for so long, well as long as I've been with Johnny obviously and he's never been this way with any girl. He's always been a flirt of course but with you, it's like you can see him light up when he talks about you and when you're around he's just like... locked to you... it's fucking amazing. You should definitely just move here. I'm honestly surprised you haven't yet," She gushes to me as she fixes her eye make-up in the mirror.
I had no idea what to even say to that. My drunken clouded head feels elated that everyone notices how much I love him, but a part of me is still so unsure. Like I said before, I never thought I could fall in love with anyone again, let alone as fast as I did with Kenny. He is so perfect for me. He really is.
So why the fuck can I not get Chris out of my fucking head?
"Well, I don't know but, I think I need another drink, how about you?" Carrie asks breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Yea, another drink sounds perfect," I smile and we giggle as we head out of the bathroom.
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laryna6 · 5 years
The Outsider is pretty easy to figure out knowing his backstory. He hates those who sacrifice ‘the little people’ for power or ease or because ‘it’s not like they matter’ because he was one of those little people. That’s why he’s so happy when Corvo Does Onto people who do things like release a plague deliberately to kill off commoners. 
My guess is that he marks those who have experienced being powerless only, so hopefully they’d have some empathy, who have the potential to make things better for the street rats like him - then there’s the Lonely Rat Boy, which was flat-out seeing himself in the kid. 
He gave Daud power and then Daud paid him by becoming a tool of the wealthy and powerful. Jessamine was an Empress who actually cared about the common people and helping them, which is very, very rare in a classist setting like that, and what did Daud do? Instead of becoming a force that helped the common people himself, he killed her. Someone with power throwing the little people under the bus for the sake of more money/power. Daud was ‘boring’ because he became another example of something the Outsider saw over. And over. And over. When he must have had hope that Daud would use his power to help more than just the Whalers.
Then there’s Delilah, who got the idea that ‘Jessamine gets treated fairly because she’s the rightful empress’ and from that ‘people only get treated like people if they’re the emperor/empress’ and from that ‘if I want personhood I have to be empress’ and ‘if people aren’t the empress it’s okay to throw them out on the streets and otherwise do horrible things to them so it’s okay if I do horrible things to people that aren’t me.’ 
But I’m wondering if the Outsider gave Delilah the Mark because there were potential futures in which Delilah realized that ‘wait, if it’s okay to treat commoners like crap, then what happened to my Mom was okay, and that was NOT OKAY.’ ‘It doesn’t matter if someone is empress or not, they still deserve personhood.’ 
And became a ...still power-hungry and fairly amoral (but the conventional morality in the setting is fucked up, so not entirely a downside) person who shared their power with the powerless. 
I have this scene in my head where Delilah uses her paintings to cure a weeper woman and then asks her if her husband beat her, and when she says yes one of Delilah’s adoring harem gives another a meaningful look and they slit the throat of the weeper husband and toss him in the pile of bodies to burn. 
Where Billie shows up with Emily and Delilah is inwardly ‘I don’t want this’ bc she doesn’t want anything to do with her sister. But ‘They think I’m a good person and a good person wouldn’t leave their niece in a whorehouse WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY TOLD HER THEY’D FORCE HER TO BE A WHORE IF SHE WASN’T OBEDIENT ENOUGH AS EMPRESS.’ So like. Girl losing her mother and now at the mercy of the world. She doesn’t WANT to see Emily as ‘mini me’ but it’s happening, especially since she’s spent years taking in other girls she sees as ‘like me.’ 
But like. She has someone put Jessamine with the Lonely Rat Boy and her harem’s kids (she has a soft spot for single moms bc her mom) and then like later she goes to her shrine and the Outsider shows up and is all ‘Corvo put the heretics brand on the corrupt Overseer, that’s such delightful karma, he’s even more entertaining than you Delilah’ and she’s all ‘Wow so that’s what my sister saw in him’ bc Campbell was on her hit list for what he did to sex workers. And then she tells her people to find Corvo bc. ‘Jessamine I am on my way to steal your man.’ 
So Emily sees Delilah as awesome Aunt Delilah and while Corvo is grieving and doesn’t take Delilah up on the offer of comfort he’s very glad that someone with power is protecting Emily. And the Loyalists are ‘shit I’m not fucking with her’ so they don’t betray Corvo. 
Delilah giving Daud a The Reason You Suck speech so he realizes how he disappointed the Outsider by becoming a tool of oppression instead of blaming the kid for his choices like the abbey does. The Outsider shipping Delilah/Low Chaos Corvo bc his two favorite people and Emily gets a new mom. 
Delilah being convinced she’s a bad person bc she likes sex (you get power over people - and being powerless sucked - AND orgasms), but she doesn’t love the people she sleeps with and she thinks she inherited that from her father, who slept with her mom but didn’t love her. And her adoring pansexual (but mostly women bc women get kicked in the teeth harder in a ‘verse like that) harem is ‘but you listen to me! and care about me! and respect my personhood! No one else ever did, you’re the best Delilah!’
Emily going pleasepleaseplease bc she wants the mark, which is less annoying to the Outsider than usual bc she wants it to be like Corvo and awesome Aunt Delilah instead of for power. Or Auntie Delilah gets more of the pleading eyes ,because come on, she gives everyone else superpowers! Corvo’s agents and some of Delilah’s harem both breaking into the place of someone plotting against Emily simultaneously. Like, not on Delilah’s orders, Billie was like ‘if something happens to Delilah’s niece she might be SAD and we will gut anyone who makes Delilah SAD.’ 
Not sure if I want Corvo/Outsider or for Corvo to be the one who frees him (the Heart/Jessamine can speak the name) and be Bird Dad. Like, once Emily’s grown up he needs someone to Dad. Delilah didn’t succeed in adding him to the badass harem so she’s Wine Aunt. The Outsider is much less trouble than Emily was despite coming pre-teenage bc this is the first time he’s had a parent?
During the plague, the Overseers going after Delilah instead of Daud bc she’s helping people and therefore gathering a following/spreading Outsider worship and the Harem having planned for this so there’s walls of light kill zones and people who haven’t been given powers but did get given weapons for rounding up weepers and things. Women shooting from cover knowing the Overseers would kill them and take their children to raise in the cult. 
Not that Delilah isn’t planning the destruction of the Overseers because. I’m betting they’re not good to single moms. 
So the attempted Coup is The Establishment (nobles/overseers) vs. Emily, who has pushed for rights for prostitutes bc she’s not putting up with her subjects experiencing what Burrows’ group threatened her with, and also rights for workers etc. Plus Delilah’s grassroots group (and also Daud, bc redemption/Delilah and Corvo are paying him). Outsider ending up the symbol of being vs. the Overseers/nobles plus he chose Delilah so, good taste. 
There does end up being an organized religion of the Outsider and the whales after the dust settles, but their doctrine is ‘the Outsider chose to become an ordinary powerless human because Ordinary Powerless Humans Have Value, being a god/having power and money doesn’t make you special.’ Delilah as the patron saint of sex workers and single moms and women and sexuality and magic. Corvo gets love and parenthood and mercy/vengeance ‘fight for justice but killing people is wrong bc people’s lives have value.’ Lonely Rat Boy is St. Francis - animals but also health and long life bc. he had the rats stay away from where Delilah’s people were during the plague and he lived a long happy life. Orphans are Blessed bc the Outsider and the Lonely Rat Boy were both orphans and Delilah lost her mother so virtue signaling is via adoption of not just babies but up to teenagers. 
Magic becomes folk magic rather than something a cult can keep for themselves or like tech where it favors those who can pay for equipment. Factory safety regulations requiring anti-accident charms around the workplace and employers having extras bc much cheaper than the payout required if someone gets injured on the job. 
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap/review 14.13: “Lebanon”
THEN: They hit me right in the face with gorgeous young 1.01 Dean saying "Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and beautiful baby 1.01 Sam saying "we've got work to do" and we end with 14.12 and Sam furiously punching his brother and then furiously hugging him and Dean saying "let's go home" and does anything else matter? No.
NOW: We see the reflection of Sam and Dean walking up to a pawn shop, with a nice selection of guitars and sunglasses and that weird monkey that was in Rocky's Bar. The proprietor seems friendly enough. Dean flashes him a wad of hundred dollar bills because they're looking for "the really good stuff." This gains them admittance into a secret back room full of things hunters would be interested in, including a hockey mask (?) and a perfume atomizer full of dragon's breath. They tell the guy they're looking for the skull of a specific woman who was executed during the Salem witch trials, and the fact that he has it basically proves that he killed the friend of theirs who previously owned it. (Also Sam picks up a teddy bear and starts to pull the string to make it speak and the guys warns him not to and this is Dean's role, isn't it, messing with things he shouldn't be messing with? But I don't care because chastized Sam and eye-rolly Dean are precious to me.)
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Sam goes through a ledger of the guy's inventory and says he's got a lot of occult objects that they should take with them. (Dean plays with the dragon's breath. Sam ducks and flinches and does the really, Dean? thing with his hands and face. I laugh again.) Dean agrees they should take the stuff home.
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Title card!
The Impala zooms past a sign welcoming us to Lebanon, Geographical Center of the USA. Then we find ourselves in front of a movie theater showing Beetlejuice and Hell Hazers (All Saints' Day is coming soon, and I imagine Route 666 can't be far behind), where a group of teenagers is talking about... somebody. "People say they're brothers," a kid in a knit cap says, "but all I know is, I was standing right here, and I heard this bam from the trunk of their car. And then, this like, shallow breathing." I'm pretty sure this is a fake-out, and it will turn out he's talking about someone else, but the Impala pulls up in front of the theater and Knit Cap Kid says "that's them!"
As the Winchesters get out of the car and enter a liquor store (decorated with that Family Business neon sign from Rocky's), Sam is still reading the ledger, which lists things like a hangman's rope, fairy dust, and John Wayne Gacy's cigar box. Well, that's oddly specific! The guy working there greets the "Campbell brothers" and knows their usual order. Oh, wow. I love that they're actually known in Lebanon, and that they're going by Campbell. And we know that actual Lebanon, Kansas is too small to have a movie theater or this much business downtown, but I'm happy to handwave that.
What do you mean, "happy to handwave that?" You're always complaining about the inaccuracies regarding tiny Lebanon having traffic cams and whatnot.
Well, maybe this episode just MAKES ME HAPPY, okay?
Anyway. Sam thinks cataloguing the confiscated items would be a good way to take Dean's mind off "things," but Dean's pretty convinced nothing will ever take his mind off that.
Outside, the teens are asking where the guys even come from, and what about their weird trenchcoat-wearing sidekick, and "that kid with the dumb Bambi look on his face all the time" (!) One girl says that, whatever the deal is with these guys, they do have an awesome car, and no one can argue with that. And the other girl, Max, who seems to smitten with the first girl, gets an idea.
Inside, Sam has discovered something significant in the ledger - the "beyzoo" (no, I know that's not how you spell it), which is one of eight ancient Chinese treasures. A pearl that gives you "what your heart desires." Oooh, getting rid of Michael, maybe? But as the guys are discussing this, Dean sees the Impala drive by the window. Guess Max figured out how to impress that other girl! (BTW, there are couple of COOL old trucks on the street.)
The guys see Knit Cap Kid standing on the sidewalk looking confused, and while Sam tells him the car is dangerous to whoever stole it, Dean looks like he wants to murder someone. And yet the Winchesters are confused when the kid says he doesn't want to die. (Or get locked in the trunk!) He says Max is new and he doesn't know where she lives. Dean raises a fist, but Sam pulls him away.
Post office. There's a poster of stamps featuring old cars behind the customer service counter. I'm really getting my old truck fix tonight. Sam comes in with his sweet anxious smile and asks for help finding the girl who washed his car, since he forgot to tip her. Post Office Lady is not amused or helpful, or the least bit swayed by his sweet anxious smile. Then Dean comes in and calls her by name and asks about her grandson and she MELTS and he gets sincere and puts his hand on hers and she does exactly what I would do, which is offer up ANYTHING YOU WANT, ANYTHING AT ALL, WOULD YOU LIKE MY SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER WHILE I'M AT IT? Unfortunately, all she knows is where Max's mother works.
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(Sidebar: Have I mentioned that Sam is wearing that nice blue jacket from the episode where he killed the alpha vampire? I like it. Toss that stupid orange jacket, Sam, and wear this more often. And Dean's wearing the black jacket that I always love.)
At the restaurant where Max's mom works, we learn that she has no idea where her daughter is, because she was supposed to be in school. But the guy working in the kitchen knows February 7 is Skip Day (is it always February 7? what about when that falls on a weekend?) and that she'll probably be at a party at this old house on Route 36. (Yes, I did confirm that Route 36 is just outside of Lebanon. Yes, I did use Mapquest. I'm old school up in here, y'all.)
Party house. The little batch of delinquents has taken all the boxes of occult objects out of the Impala for some reason. Including the evil teddy bear. Luckily, someone announces "pizza's here" before a girl pulls the teddy bear's string. At some point I've got to find out what would happen if you pulled it. Fic it for me, friends! (Also, I just noticed the teddy bear's mouth is SEWN SHUT and that's not creepy AT ALL.) The camera slowly pans to a wooden box, and we watch the lid open to reveal a smoky/dusty ghost hand. With a ruffled sleeve. Uh oh.
Knit Cap Kid runs in to warn the partiers that "those guys" are looking for Max, and he's told to chill. Another teen goes into the bathroom, where the mirror frosts over and then the CREEPIEST CLOWN EVER comes out of it. Seriously, creepier than the clown in Plush, which you wouldn't think was possible.
The Winchesters pull up in yet another antique truck, where Dean greets his car with "Baby, Baby, please tell me you're not hurt." Sam's more concerned about the boxes of dangerous occult objects missing from the back seat. Ghost Kid comes running outside and the girl following him tells the brothers that he saw a clown ghost that tried to kill him. Maybe it's my imagination, or maybe Sam has a flash of crap, a killer clown ghost expression before they run into the house.
Dean announces they're FBI and everyone needs to get out, now. Once the room is cleared, he asks if "anything screams clown to you?" Sam immediately notices John Wayne Gacy's cigar box and guys, I'm ashamed to say I didn't put the two together until now. The killer clown ghost is John Wayne Gacy. And Sam is freaked the fuck out about it. "We should burn that right now," Dean says, in a lovely holding-in-the-freakout way, and Sam rushes to throw it into the fireplace. Then Dean says "I mean, this is like a best worst thing that's ever happened, because you love serial killers, but you hate clowns" and I'm DEAD. (I'm also loving TWO gifts from the Continuity Fairy in once sentence.) The lights start flashing before Sam can get his lighter lit, and then the killer clown ghost shows up and tosses Dean around. Knit Cap Kid and the girls run back inside just in time to watch John Wayne Gacy's ghost go up in flames. So the kids get the "monsters are real" speech and are told to keep it secret.
Back at the bunker, Sam's going through the occult goodies and thinks he found the magic pearl. Dean's ready to use it right now, and dismisses Sam's suggestion that they call Mary or Cas. If it doesn't work, he doesn't want to have gotten their hopes up. Sam looks distressed at the idea it won't work, but agrees. The pearl doesn't come with any instructions, so Sam suggests Dean hold it and concentrate on what his heart desires. "Michael out of my head," Dean says, and I'd have been more specific. I'd have concentrated on Michael out of my head and destroyed, and me perfectly fine, but, well, what do I know?
(Also, I KNOW all you Wincest and Destiel fans are gonna have your own ideas about what - or who - appears in front of Dean when he’s granted what his heart desires. This setup is better than sex pollen. Have fun, my kinky little friends.)
Dean clutches the pearl and concentrates, and the lights flash and then go out, and in the red emergency light we see someone in the bunker. Someone fighty, who knocks both brothers down and then pulls out a shotgun and says "don't you move," but it's a familiar voice and then the lights come on and what do you know? Winchester Surprise!
So, was anybody truly surprised? I covered the guest stars on first viewing, as I always try to do, but I noticed on rewatch that they didn't even credit JDM at the beginning of the episode. Which they sometimes do, to avoid spoilers. And yet. Has there been a single episode of this series that was more spoiled? I don't think so.
(Sidebar: What do you think would have happened if Sam had taken the pearl and made a wish? I think Michael would be gone. Because I don't think there's anything Sam wants more than saving his brother.)
Back to our story. Everyone is shocked. John thinks Sam should be in Palo Alto, apparently in his 14th year of post graduate work. He thinks he's still in 2003, and he doesn't notice his boys are older. And they apparently don't notice that his hair is very short and a lot greyer than it was when we last saw him. (I mean, really, they slapped a wig on Samantha Smith to make her look like The Last Version Of Mary, so why couldn't they do the same thing with JDM? It's distracting.) Sam figures they must have accidentally summoned John from the past. So they do what one does in this situation - sit down and drink.
John's astonished. Dean's proud. Sam's visibly anxious. We don't get to see exactly how much of the backstory they tell him, but they do tell him about the apocalypse and Lucifer and living with "an angel and Lucifer's kid." And now John thinks he died "taking out Yellow Eyes," which... not really? But okay. And they don't tell him Mary's back, until he mentions her and Sam's, all, yeah, about Mom, and then she comes in and John hears her voice and tears up and dammit. This reunion is everything I didn't think I ever wanted. I mean, I've made no secret of the fact that I'm not a fan of John Winchester. He's a fascinating character and JDM does a great job with him, but he's such an awful father (don't bother arguing with me, you will not change my mind) that I can't really like him. And I'm not too impressed with resurrected Mary, either. But when these two come together... damn. It's good. It's very good. Well done, you two.
I love that the boys give them some privacy, because it's been over a decade since John saw them, but it's been even longer since he saw his dead wife, and this should really be a John and Mary reunion.
Out in the hall, Dean's gleeful and Sam's all, how the hell did this happen? Dean explains that he's wanted this since he was four years old (oh, my heart) but Sam warns that messing with time will not end well. I don't actually remember Sam being that concerned about the unintended consequences of time travel, but I'm sure there's a good reason he's bringing it up now. Dean doesn't care. Dean just wants one family dinner together (oh, my heart again, remembering his one last dinner with Mary).
Sam, sans Dean, runs into John in the library, because Mary's off making a shopping list and he decided he'd rather examine the bunker than be involved in that I guess? Okay. But then this happens.
I screwed up with you a lot, didn't I?
No, that's okay.
No, it's not. Sammy, tell me the truth.
I don't want to talk about that.
You didn't have a problem talking about it before you left.
Dad. For me, that fight, that was a lifetime ago. I don't even remember what I said. I mean, yeah, you know, you did some messed-up things. But I don't... I mean, when I think about you... and I think about you a lot... I don't think about our fights. I think about you... I think about you on the floor of that hospital, and I think about how I never got to say goodbye.
Sam. Son. I am so sorry.
I'm sorry too. But you did your best, Dad. You fought for us, and you loved us. And that's enough.
OH MY GOD. This is everything I ever wanted.
1. John admitting he was a crap parent to Sam.
2. Sam trying to sidestep that - because he's Sam Winchester and that's what he does - and John not letting him.
3. Sam finally calling him out instead of just saying nah, it's fine.
4. John calling him Sammy.
5. Sam pointing out that he didn't get a goodbye from John. (Did he ever find out that Dean got praise and an apology?)
6. John apologizing.
7. Sam forgiving him.
8. "And I think about you a lot."
9. The way Sam keeps having to stop talking and look away and make that little "hmmm" noise.
10. And the tears.
10b. The way Sam tears up even before The Talk, when he remembers them as kids trying to make Winchester Surprise.
11. The shaky voice.
12. And Sam's shirt.
13. And the way Sam's expression looks so much like his expression in Sacrifice, when he tells Dean that his confession was about how he let his brother down.
This, right here, is two minutes and 24 seconds of the best television I've ever seen. I don't care what else this episode does, this 2:24 is worth it. And yes, this is three weeks in a row that Jared Padalecki has ripped my heart out of my chest and STOMPED ON IT.
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And I love it.
Meanwhile, Dean gets the shopping list from Mary. Sam finds him and tells him he's right, because Sam also just got everything he ever wanted, and then offers to go shopping with him. (Saaaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmm!!!!!!!)
When they get to town, the guys split up - Sam to the grocery store, Dean to the liquor store. Dean's surprised to see the liquor store guy, the one who remembered his "usual" earlier in the day, has no idea who he is. If Dean had ever seen "It's a Wonderful Life," he might say this is just like when George Bailey goes into Martini's Bar and isn't recognized. But apparently Dean Winchester, pop culture aficionado, has never seen that movie (no, I haven't gotten over that, and I never will) so he doesn't recognize a classic uh oh, we changed the course of history moment when he experiences it.
Meanwhile, Sam steps out of the grocery store and finds that neither Max nor the postal clerk recognize him. And then he sees a wanted poster in the post office window. Dean Winchester, wanted for assault, murder, and credit card fraud. Whoops! He trots to the car, where Dean is waiting, and tells him they have a problem. "Yeah, we do," says Dean. "Check this out."
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So, those of you who were spoiled... did you know about this? Or did they actually keep THIS AMAZING THING under wraps?
Sam Jobs tells his audience that being your best leaves no time for hobbies or a family, and Sam has seen enough. He tells Dean about the wanted poster, and Dean says yes, of course he googled himself too ("a lot of beheadings," hee!!!) and wonders if there are alternate versions of them running around. Sam thinks it's a "temporal paradox," and time is self-correcting, changing to the new one. If they don't fix things, they'll become those alternate versions of themselves. "Well, I'm cool," Dean says, "but you're, ugh." Sam's less worried about them, and more worried about what else might have changed.
(Sidebar: You know, I could quibble about why bringing John forward in time has such a significant butterfly effect, but bringing Mary back, and their other time travel, and Henry's time travel, changed nothing. I absolutely could. But I choose not to, because SAM JOBS, Y'ALL. But okay, let's think about it. 2003 John would have disappeared while Sam was at Stanford. Dean wouldn't have gone to get Sam. Or Sam would have refused to go. Maybe the hurt on both sides was still too fresh. Maybe that's why Dean's hunting alone, and Sam's an internet-famous lawyer.)
What else has changed, you might ask? How about ZACHARIAH? That's right, my favorite angel is back. And with him is ORIGINAL FLAVOR CAS WITH HIS FLUFFY HAIR AND THINGS JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER AND BETTER. Zachariah calls him "Constantine" and Castiel says "I don't understand that reference" and THANK YOU BABY JESUS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT I DID TO DESERVE THIS, BUT THANK YOU. They enter Max's mom's restaurant and ask who's been messing with time. (Because she would know?) And if they don't start talking, he'll have Cas murder all of them. "My name is Castiel," he intones solemnly. "I'm an angel of the Lord." YES YOU ARE. He reveals himself like he did to Dean (no, not like that, jeez) with the shadow wings. Outside, the Winchesters see the bright light of an angelic reveal coming through the restaurant windows, and they know something's up.
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They herd everyone out of the restaurant, and are shocked to see Cas and Zachariah. Zachariah is equally surprised to see them. He says they had big plans for the Winchesters, but then their father disappeared and... and he doesn't finish, so we'll never know why yoinking John out of 2003 changed any of that vessel stuff. (Handwave!) Cas, of course, doesn't know them, and when Zachariah orders him to kill them, he complies.
Dean pulls out an angel blade but is, of course, unwilling to actually kill Cas, so he starts hitting him with other things. And Cas, for whatever reason, doesn't just put a finger on his forehead and kill him dead. (Handwave!) Zachariah chokes Sam and asks him what they did, even though he can't talk because he's choking (handwave!) and Sam acts like he's trying to speak so Zachariah gets closer to hear him, and Sam stabs him with an angel blade. Cas continues fistfighting with both of them, and slams Sam head-first into a table a couple of times, leaving him spitting blood on the floor. Which Sam uses to paint an angel-banishing sigil while Cas is choking Dean. Smart Sam for the win!
Bunker. Pretty bruised Dean has explained the temporal paradox, and John accepts that he has to go back, or else Mary will probably disappear. "Okay," he says. "I mean, me versus your mom, that's not even a choice." DAMMIT JOHN WINCHESTER DO NOT MAKE ME CARE ABOUT YOU. Elsewhere, pretty bruised Sam explains it to Mary, and tells her John won't remember anything.
John tells Dean he never meant Dean to have this kind of life. He's proud of him, but he hoped he'd be able to have a normal life, with a family. "I have a family," Dean says. They sit down and have one final family meal together, and everyone's quiet and sad until John points out that they can either think about what's going to happen, or appreciate what they have right now. They cheer up and listen to Bob Seger (well, we listen to Bob Seger) and talk and laugh and have the family dinner Dean has always wanted.
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Later, while doing the dishes, Sam says how unfair it is that they all had this and then have to throw it away, and John has to go back to being Dad. He thinks it would be nice for John to go back knowing what he knows now. "I used to think that too," Dean says, and admits that he's blamed both John and Mary for their crappy lives. And if they could send him back to 2003, or even earlier, maybe none of the crap would happen. "But here's the problem. Who does that make us? Would we be better off? Maybe. But I gotta be honest, I don't know who that Dean Winchester is. And I'm good with who I am. I'm good with who you are."
Later. Mary and John are holding hands, and I guess they're doing the thing now. I'd hoped they'd at least let these two have one last roll in the hay (especially since I'm pretty sure Mobby is permanently done after this), but no. They have a very sweet goodbye and their sons are brokenhearted and I am too. John tells his boys to take care of each other and Sam says "we always do." That's a nice change from telling Dean to take care of Sam, isn't it? He tells them both (BOTH) that he's proud of them and loves them, and they have a three-way hug and Sam wipes his eyes and Dean says "love you too" and I REALLY CAN'T, BOYS, YOU HAVE TO STOP. Then John takes Mary's hand again and Sam crushes the pearl (why does Sam have to be the one to do it?) and John glows and then fades away.
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We get a quick glimpse of downtown Lebanon returning to normal, and the three teens talking about how cool it is that "those guys hunt monsters," and then we're back to the bunker. Cas walks in the door and sees the remaining Winchesters, obviously distressed, and asks what happened. "Well, there's a story," says Dean.
And finally, we see the Impala WITH HER ORIGINAL KANSAS PLATE. John's asleep in the driver's seat when he gets a phone call from Dean. "No, I'm okay, I just had one hell of a dream. No, it was a good one."
When I heard there was going to be a musical episode for the 200th, I was sure it would suck. When I heard about the Scooby Doo crossover, I cringed, because I knew it would be awful. WHY AM I ALWAYS SO WRONG.
Eh, who cares why. Let's just appreciate what we were given. Happy 300, my friends. Here's to 300 more.
(Please help me stay unspoiled for future episodes, thanks!)
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ivarsshieldmadien · 6 years
Le Trio Mortel
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This is for readers 18+ 
This is a spooky awesome collab I am doing with @grungyblonde and @laketaj24 I love these girls and I love this fic!! I hope everyone enjoys this and if you haven't read the prologue yet, read it HERE 
1821 New Orleans
A chill of relief shot through my body when the younger looking, undead woman handed me my grimoire, “I thought it was lost forever.”  I said, looking back to the pale woman, her cheeks were sunk in and she was so thin she didn’t look like much of a threat. She seemed relived and excited as she raises to sit on her knees and said, “My name is Melisandre D’Amour. And I seek refuge and revenge against the vampire coven of New Orleans.”
“Melisandre come sit with me. It seems we have a lot to discuss.” I said, reaching out a hand to help her off the ground. Her hands were ice cold, “first, you need to feed.” I look over my shoulder, “Leandro.” Leandro sauntered over to Meli, “take off your shirt.” He obeyed and waited for my word, “kneel.” His brown skin glistened in the candlelight and I run a sharp nail up his toned, muscular back. When I got to the top of his head I yanked it back exposing his neck to her. Meli looks up with a mixture of emotions in her eyes, “go on, you need to eat,” she opens her mouth revealing her fangs and she, hastily, clamps down on his neck. I think to myself, she must be new at this because this girl was a messy eater. She was done in seconds and Leandro’s limp body fell to the floor. I waved a hand, and someone dragged his heavy lifeless body away. “Thank you.” Meli said wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. I nodded in response.
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“Tell me Meli, how did you come to possess my grimoire?” I asked running my fingers over the cover of my sacred book as she began her story.
“My father was an affluent aristocrat in France and he moved me and my mother to New Orleans a few months ago to flee from the war. One night, I was at a party with my parents when, none other than, Count Saint Germaine came up to my father and asked for my hand in marriage. My father refused, he thought I should make my own decision on who I wanted to marry. After that, everything was kind of a blur. The Count moved so fast, there was blood everywhere and I looked around and everyone was dead, including my mother and father. The Count took me to, some kind of, cellar and asked me if I would be his wife. I spit in his face.”
I let out a scuff, I like this girl, she is feisty, I thought to myself.  She continued, “He turned me shorty after I refused him, and he chained me up. I knew my soul left me and I could feel my body changing into something else, something different. All I could think about was my hunger. He starved me and kept me chained like that for days, weeks, I honestly don’t know. He thought he would wear me down, make me bend to his will. I remember the darkness of the cellar. The longer I was down there the more my eyes adapted too little to no light, to the point that candle light would make me squint. My hearing was so sensitive, when the Count would bring someone into the room, I could close my eyes and hear their thick, rich blood pumping through their veins, and it was all I could think about. So, one day I over heard the Count talking to someone about you Marie.”
My eyebrows shot up, revealing how intrigued I was at her story, “Yes, go on.” I said, encouraging her to continue. “He spoke of a very powerful spell book that he possessed and a soul he trapped, away from you. On the night I escaped, I knew I had to find you and return this to you.” She said reaching out and touching the book. “Marie, you are the only person that can help me inflict the pain and suffering the coven deserves. I pledge my undying loyalty to you Marie Laveau.” Meli finishes.
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I leaned forward and reached out my hand and touched her cold, pale cheek, “They took someone very dear to me too.” Her eyes grew, “The soul they are keeping trapped is my lover. They killed the love of my life like an animal in front of me and they are keeping his soul from me. I need it back for when a strong and righteous vessel comes along his soul will enter and we will be reunited.” I nodded and said, “I will grant you protection and I will help you avenge your family’s demise.”
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 Present day, New Orleans
Ragnarssons POV
He gripped her golden tan skin hard pulling her against him. She was hot and wet around his aching cock. Her moans were melodic and so fucking sexy, “Ugh I-I’m gonna…” Ivar woke up, panting in a cold sweat, to Hvitserk snoring in the room across the hall.
He had the same recurring dream about the woman every night for a month. It is what caused Ivar to talk his brothers, which wasn’t very hard, into flying to New Orleans. He didn’t know why it had to be New Orleans, it was like something was calling him there. His brothers loved the idea right away and they were pumped to party on Bourbon Street. Ubbe had been on his phone most of the flight over researching the best tittie bars and drive thru daquiri shops, Ubbe was always on that damn phone and it was his younger brother’s biggest pet peeves. Hvitserk on the other hand, hasn’t stopped talking about all the amazing food he was ready to eat. Right when they got off the plane and headed to their Air B&B, Hvitserk made Ubbe pull over so he could run into Café du Monde to get some beignets. That boy was always eating something.
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Ivar attempted to go back to sleep and it wasn’t happening, so he sat up and pulled out his laptop and started looking at cool things to do in New Orleans. He was scrolling through a list of haunted ghost tours and the computer jumped to a page for St. Louis Cemetery. A chilling whisper drifted across Ivar’s ear, like someone was right there next to him, “come. Come to me,” it said.
The sun’s up and Ivar is sitting at the kitchen bar drinking a glass of water when Hvitserk walks in, “Ivar, check this shit out. Ubbe, come on man show him.” Hvitty says motioning his oldest brother to come over, “show him the picture on Insta.” Ubbe held up his phone and there was a picture of a huge bloody mary with an entire fried chicken sticking out of it. “We are going right now.” Hvitserk said excited.
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After a delicious breakfast the boys started walking down a street by the French Quarter. Hvitserk, was trailing behind Ivar with Ubbe and was already discussing what he was going to have for lunch, “I definitely want some fried catfish, some etouffee, oh and I gotta have some gumbo.” Hvitserk continued to spout off any dish that was remotely southern while Ubbe was face deep in his phone, looking for Odin knows what. Ivar turned down an alley way and his brothers, not paying attention to where he was leading them, followed him. “Come to me.” He heard the cool whisper again. Next thing he knew, they were all standing in front of a blood red door. “Ivar, where are we?” Ubbe asked, finally looking up from his phone. “I don’t think this is where the brewery tour is.” Hvitserk said. Ivar didn’t even knock, he just, pushed the door open and saw her, the woman from his dreams.
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Marie’s POV
Before the door opened I knew he was there. I turn in my chair slowly and stop when I saw his familiar piercing blue eyes. He looks just like my soul mate from so long ago. All three men in front of me were gorgeous. They all resemble each other so it is easy to assume they are brothers.
“Tu es revenu vers moi.” I say under my breath. I turn to my right and Charlot has stopped grinding herbs in her mortar and pestle, she is distracted. Of the three men, her eyes were scanning the toned body of the oldest brother.
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My gaze turns back towards the three men in front of us when Melisandre slides out of the shadows behind them. She feed recently, and I know she can control herself around them but it’s a matter of if she wants too. She hovers behind the tall one with his hair tied in a bun, “mmm this one smells delicious.” She says making the man jump and turn to look at her quickly.
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“Bonjou, what is it I can do for any of you today?” I ask already knowing their answers. Still studying his uncanny resemblance to my lover, he answers honestly, “ugh I really don’t know. Something drew me here, like something was calling me.” I let a smirk slide across my face. I am the reason he is here. I cast a simple spell, so I could find an ancestor of my lover Baron, and here he is, standing in front of me staring with those same crystal blue eyes. “what are your names?” I ask and each of the brothers rattle off their names like roll call, “I’m Ubbe.” Says the older one, “I’m Hvitserk.” Says the one with, I think the kids are calling it, a man bun. “And I’m Ivar.” My blue-eyed lover says. He is perfect, and I knew in this moment he is the vessel I had been searching for, for so many years.
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itsanerdlife · 6 years
You Belong to Me 13
(MC Series)
Pairing: Tattoo Artist! Biker! Peter Parker x Single Mom! Reader
Warning: Swearing, mentions of violence, living on the run, angst, panic, guns mentioned, slight violence towards the end.
You work in a diner raising Ade on your own. Peter is in the Saints Revenge MC Club. During a family day at the preschool, they met. Peter runs a shop - St. Skin, when you are in need of a cover up from your past, Peter offers his help. You know better than to get involved with a MC, again. Peter is making promises, you know he can’t keep, not against what wants to get you back into his possession, again. But you don’t want stay away from Peter. But what about the little girl you’re raising the death bed promise you made your sister. Can you risk Ade’s safety letting a biker into their life, risking someone finding the two of you?
Tag List Is Open!!
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“Hey Y/N. For you.” Bucky sets a coffee cup in front of you, you eye it for a moment. Peter watches you, Steve looks like he’s swallowing hard. You pick the cup up and sip from the plastic cap, with a small opening. Oh, my favorite. You sigh, taking another drink.
“What do you want?” You look at them, setting the cup down.
“So Bucky and Nat got some news.” Peter clears his throat.
“Two makes three.” Buck nods, lips pressed together suppressing the grin on his mouth.
“She’s pregnant. Congrats. What do you want to borrow Ade for practice?” You snort.
“Not exactly.” Steve sighs. “Down side to Nat being pregnant, she can’t handle certain smells.” He nods.
“Like sterile solution.” Peter smirks at you.
“If you want something, spit it out before I take my coffee and go back to Peter’s bed and enjoy my day off there.” You fold your arms over your chest. Peter grins at you, Steve chuckles softly, nudging Buck.
“We need someone to cover the counter, the front of the shop at St. Skin. We were,” Steve and Peter clear their throats looking at him. “I was, I was hoping you would work for Nat. The pays good, and you know this way Peter can stare at your ass when he’s not busy.” Bucky chuckles. You roll your eyes, Steve shakes his head, Peter shrugs as if Bucky wasn’t wrong.
“Fine, but” you hold up a finger at him “you are dropping Ade and Sarah off to Carrie before tonight’s little fight night thingy.” You hold up your second finger. “And I want coffee again later.” You smile at him.
“Is she always so demanding?” Buck looks over at Peter, who presses his lips together not saying anything. You both know if anyone was dominating and had demand in them, it was Peter. You sip your coffee smirking. “Deal.” He nods. “But I’ll have to take one of your trucks with the seats.” He looks from Peter to Steve.
“You’re going to have to get a grown up car now Bucky.” You smile.
“I have a grown up vehicle.” He grins.
“You’re gross.” You squint at him, you shake your head, turning you head for the stairs.
“Oh it’s okay when Parker does it, but not when I do?” He calls after you.
“It’s hot when he does it.” You blow them a kiss heading up the stairs as they shake their heads.
“Are those tattoos?” A woman asks looking at your thigh. Your cut off shorts left the sharpie tattoo of a half naked mermaid Peter had drawn on your thigh last night. On your other was an image of Red Riding Hood with the side of her face ripped apart, her red hood pulled up.
“No, my boyfriend drew them with sharpies.” You laugh.
“Holy fuck those are awesome. I want this.” She points to your thigh with Red on it. “Who’s your boyfriend?” She grins at you.
“Peter.” You laugh. “Come with me.” You wave her after you. You pull back Peter’s curtain, he’s sitting at the desk sketching. "Got some free time good lookin’?” You nod towards the girl.
“Hello Darlin’, what can I do for you?” He grins at you.
“She wants Red.” You smirk, showing him your thigh.
“Really?” He chuckles.
“That’s sharpie? I can’t imagine what you can do with a gun.” She grins.
“You can show her.” He nods at you, you turn lifting the back of your T-shirt. The anchor and flowers visible to her.
“Is this connected? Or more sharpie?” She laughs.
“Sharpie. It’s Rapunzel.” You laugh, lifting your shirt higher, exposing your side, her long hair wrapped around your anchor.
“Sign me up. I want Red.” She turns grinning at Peter.
“Sounds good.” He chuckles, turning to his desk.
“I’m out front.” You wave leaving the room. You walk back towards the front desk, a few guys sit waiting in chairs, one of them whispers something, making the others make a sound of ‘mmm’ together. Your head snaps around looking at them, they smile and nod at you. Wasn’t anything worse you hadn’t dealt with before, drunks at the diner and growing up around a MC Gang, you’d basically heard it all.
“Drink?” Peter’s lips brush your ear.
“Tequila.” You grin at him, he turns to Frank holding up two fingers at him. Frank laughs, pouring two shot glasses, you turn picking up both, you quickly throwback both. “Are you drinking tonight?” You give Peter a cocky grin.
“Is this what you get like without short stack?” He chuckles, Frank slides two more shots towards the two of you. You pick up one smirking at Peter before putting the glass to your lips and swallowing.
“Well when my boyfriend doesn’t want to draw on me in his bed.” You set the glass down on the bar. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have a four year old who likes a good night call.” You pull your phone out, heading off to find a quieter room.
“Drawing on her?” Frank chuckles.
“She was reading.” Peter grins, taking the shot. “But that was just the start of it.” He chuckles. Frank nods, proud as he pours another shot.
“You better keep up with that girl.” Frank laughs.
“Can I use your phone?” You hold your phone out to Peter.
“Yours dead?” He chuckles.
“Yes.” You shrug. Frank takes your phone, plugging it in behind the bar. “You’re the sweetest for looking like a smile would crack your face.” You giggle.
“Here.” Peter puts his phone in your hand, kissing your lips quickly. You turn on your toes grinning heading away, you walk past a couple of guys their eyes traveling over you slowly.
“That ass of hers. Fuck me, please.” A guy with jet black hair grins, patting his friend, the three of them grinning and nodding along, each watching you greedily. You turn looking back, your eyes slip over to Peter who is glaring, Frank looking the same from behind the bar.
“The fuck did you just say?” Peter calls out, people around the room stopping to look.
“What?” The guy who made the comment looks at Peter, he’s still laughing. You chew your bottom lip, holding Peter’s phone tightly in your hand. You knew Peter was protective, but this was a new side of him you hadn’t seen yet.
“Tell me what you said?” Peter pushes off the bar taking a few steps towards the three men.
“Just said, that ass of hers.” He shrugs, laughing like it wasn’t a big deal. Peter’s eyes slip to you, you stare at him, swallowing quickly. “I saw her in St. Skin earlier, talk about a MILF.” He and his buddies laugh. The person who spoke up surprised you, but Peter didn’t even blink.
“That’s his girl. That the mother of his daughter.” Clint sets his beer down on the table he’d been playing poker at before this happened, he stands up walking over. “You think it’s acceptable to talk about another man’s woman like that?” Clint folds his arms over his chest waiting for a response.
“I had no idea. I didn’t know.” The guy looks fucking nervous.
“He made some comment about me in the shop as well.” You speak up, Peter tips his head clearly, he’s surprised you hadn’t told him before. “After I left the girl who wanted Red.” You slip your hands into the back pockets of your shorts.
“What’d you say?” Peter glares when he looks back at the three guys.
“That was hours ago, I don’t remember.” He babbles quickly.
“Something about my thighs.” You recall the only word you caught from their muttering. Peter closed the space between them, his fist snapped back slamming into the guys face hard.
“Alright. Free hit Parker. You know the rules.” Steve pulls him back.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Peter straightens up. “I got a call to make before bed time.” He looks up at Steve who grins nodding. Peter starts for you, his arm slips over your shoulders, walking you towards the front door.
You Belong to Me: @mo320     @rileyloves5   @irepeldirt   @sweet-honey15   @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked   @travelwithwords @lesmiserablememelovingfuck     @yallneedtrek   @pcterpvrker   @petersunderroos   @sarahp879   @i-love-superhero   @lovemarvelousfics   @msshadowboxer   @thinkpretty-blog   @importanttimemachinenerd   @bethanystan   @live-for-the-avengers   @elle88531   @nerdyandexhausted   @buckybarnesappreciationsociety     @live-for-the-fanservice   @mooniessuniverse     @addalaidehoran   @kazuha159   @amandab-ftw   @wintersoldierz107   @youtubehelpsmesurvive     @lovingholland   @mariekoukie6661     @bloodybalerina   @paranoiadestroyah   @sebbystanlover-vk  
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themarydragon · 7 years
In the Words of a Thief
So I wrote a thing.
I’m not ready to write any more of the thing - I’ve got too much on my plate as is - but it’s a thing I’ve been loving on for awhile now and I wanted to share it.
I’m putting it here, because y’all are awesome. And I don’t want to put it on AO3 and get a whole bunch of strangers giving me the Screaming Gimme Act.
Putting it after the break so as not to wreck your dash.
The letter wasn’t meant for me.
I wasn’t particularly excluded, of course. If the woman who had written it had known it was my hands it would someday fall into, I was sure she would be perfectly content that one of her daughters, at least, had wanted to read it.
But this, like all things, had been meant for Cass.
I wasn’t envious of my older sister; not like most middle children were. Jo was unequivocally the baby, the favorite. Cass was the firstborn, the light of our parents’ lives and the apple of their eyes. She was the child raised alongside a Queen, she was the owner of our parents’ home when they had passed. She was the legal heir.
Nothing that she had was what I had wanted, however.
My mother has near-mythical status in Thedas. Her name consumes entire chapters in history books. She bumped shoulders with Queens and Gods, and had a hand in the shaping of the world as we knew it. I think a large part of that came from her ability to see right to the heart of people, to see their worth with a glance.
It was no different with her children. She knew me, the second I was born. She named all three of us aptly.
My older sister, named for the Divine, my mother’s dear friend and once-protector.
My younger sister, named for a diplomat, the kindest soul our parents had known.
And I, the middle daughter? I was named for the Nightingale, and raised with blades in my hands.
So, no, the letter wasn’t addressed to me. But I suspect that Mother knew it would be my hands that found it.
Dearest Cassandra, You, and your sisters, deserve the truth. Nothing in this world is so simple, though. If you want it, you must find it. In the place your picnic was ruined on Jo’s birthday, I’ve put the answers. All of my love, Your mother Evelyn
Cass had no interest, of course; I told her about the letter I found and then did not argue her when she dismissed the endeavor. We already had the books – mother’s letters to our father, Uncle Varric’s original manuscript, even Papa’s journal – and Cass had never deigned to read them. I had devoured them and been left with a sick sense of loss.
This was not the truth.
When I stumbled across the letter, I almost could not believe my eyes. Mother had not been along on the picnic – she was away so much, it was less common for her to be in a memory than missing from one – but our Captain had surely told her, surely taken her to the very spot, if not hidden the clue himself.
The place was easy to find – a wide field some five miles from the house we’d grown up in – but the answers I sought were more elusive. I camped there for three days before I found the flat stone with a tiny bluebird carved into it. The bluebird wasn’t a sign my mother had ever used, but I recognized it immediately; our Captain had painted it onto the tombstone of his friend Aillis when she’d died. That slab of marble had become a symbol of the solidity our Mother had sought and never found, and wouldn’t have meant anything to anyone outside of her family.
I lifted the stone and found a sturdy wooden chest. It was oiled to the point of being almost slimy, but the latch and hinges were in good repair. I was surprised when I saw the lock – a simple four-character combination lock, something my namesake had developed. I rolled the barrels idly, looking at my options. The obvious answer, given the characters available, was my sister’s name, the person to whom the letter was addressed.
This was my mother, though. I knew better.
The letters seemed random, but I could see the different words she could have spelled. I rolled the barrels until the characters showed L-I-L-Y and the lock clicked open.
The letter had been for me, after all.
Inside the chest was an oiled leather bag, containing two waxed parcels – one a simply sealed letter, and the other heavy, like a book. The inside of the chest was bone dry, but the contents were obviously important to her, to be so protected. I opened the letter first.
Dearest Child,
I don’t care which of you followed my clues, although my suspicion was spelled out in the lock. Regardless, there are things about me that I have long wanted you to know, but could never tell. First and foremost, beloved child, you must know that your Uncle Varric is a dirty fucking liar. I love him dearly, but the book he wrote about me, about my torrid romance with your father, about the Inquisition and the battles we fought… it was all carefully crafted propaganda. The grand wedding in Skyhold never happened. Cassandra was a toddler, Lillian a dream beneath my heart, when your father and I married in secret at Halamshiral, with that fucking dog as our only witness. You are the products of love, not marriage, and that is just one of a thousand tiny details that my girls should know about their mother. You should know that I love you. You should know that you are my greatest legacy, my best creation. You should know that Varric is horrible bloody liar (did I mention that already?) and that I am not the saint he made me out to be. None of us were. Marian Hawke was a great woman, but she made decisions based on guilt and loneliness, as every member of her family died around her. She was flawed, as we are all flawed, and it haunted her. Moira Cousland became a Warden as a means to vengeance, to stay alive long enough to kill the man who had betrayed her family. The night the Blight ended was the worst night of her life; it was the night she lost her purpose. Those are not the insights Ferelden needed about her Queen; thus another lie is spun, this one of Valor and Justice. Never forget your father, and his near-death to lyrium addiction. And your mother? Your mother has lived her entire life in fear. Every decision I have ever made has been based, ultimately, in crippling fear. I was a thief, a burglar, an assassin; if I rose above that it was from being in the wrong place at the right time, and graced with the gift of luck. You deserve to know this. You deserve the real picture of your parents. You need to know that the people you grew up with, the people who raised you, these massive names in the annals of recent history, are ultimately human, and flawed. The reputations we have are impossible to live up to for even us; to hand those shoes to our children to fill is the worst sort of cruelty. I would never wish that sort of pressure upon you, although there was no way to fight against the propaganda machine which is your lying Uncle Varric when you were small. So, instead, I leave you this, and wish that you find it before you have gone too far in your life to take solace from it. I’ve worked on it for years, and it is my ultimate legacy to you. May you feel my love from across the Veil, Your mother, Evelyn Trevelyan Rutherford
The other parcel was a book.
It was leather-bound and not as old as I might have expected, although the runing along the cover spoke of dear Dagna’s handiwork in preservation.
The surprise I’d felt at holding the first letter from my mother was nothing to flipping over the cover of this book and discovering hundreds of pages covered with her handwriting. I felt like I would recognize the scrawl anywhere; she’d been absent for much of our lives and filled that space with countless letters. She was a diligent correspondent; that much, at least, Uncle Varric had been telling true.
I closed the cover and hiked back to my campsite, breaking it down and packing up. I made the trek back to the little house in Honnleath, and holed up in the room I’d grown up in. I had a half case of candles, hogshead of water, and a determination to leave my room as little as possible until I’d devoured the book I’d found.
I flipped open the cover on a bright spring morning.
I was born in Ostwick, the last daughter of a good woman and a total asshole…
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