#the fact that it’s acceptable to say such things makes me sick and so full of rage i don’t even know how to speak
yelena-bellova · 8 months
People are cheering on the senseless murder of Israeli women and children.
But no, that’s not antisemitic at all.
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hyomaslut · 11 months
──★ ˙🍓 ̟ !! what is this? boyfriend material.
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☆⌒(ゝ。∂).ᐟ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀʀᴇ ʙʟʟᴋ ʙᴏʏs ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪɴ ᴀ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ ᴘᴛ. 𝟷
✿ ─ characters: isagi yoichi, chigiri hyoma, reo mikage, nagi seishiro ✿ ─ cw: fluff, gn!reader, no pronouns but there are a few 'fem coded' things referenced like make up or skirts, aged-up!characters, established relationships, pet names, kissing, groping, pda, use of foul language, suggestive themes, proofread so many times so if there’s a typo ill cry ✿ ─ notes: this is my first post ♪(´▽`) i haven't written stuff like this in a pretty long time so bear with me ‹𝟹 this is some hybrid of headcanon and drabble idk
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ISAGI YOICHI is a full-fledged bonafide simp...
he suffers from tragic a condition. when he’s not trying? flirting supreme panty dropper. however, when he tries to flirt with someone he likes? bro is fumbling. at first he seems like such an instant charmer. hes a classic gentleman, great listener, and super attractive. but the second he gets an inkling of a crush, he ruins it for himself. stuttering and getting his words mixed up, saying the most embarrassing jumbled combination of what he actually meant to.
follows you around to all your tasks because how else would he spend his free time except hanging with his baby. to sephora, to the grocery store, to the salon, the the ends of the earth if that's where you're heading that day. more than happy to hold onto your hand as you go about your business, rambling about global soccer statistics and looking at you like you hold the world. yoichi is a prideful purse holder too, his arms and pockets and car being full of your belongings makes him insanely happy for some reason he can’t put his finger on. always ready to press the lip gloss you’re patting yourself down for into the palm your hand, taking a kiss as payment.
he’s bad at planning dates, so don’t put him in charge unless you want to be late to a reservation at a restaurant 2 hours away with mediocre food. he’s good at paying for them though!! the dates he does get to plan are usually to the mall. what can i say, man likes to spoil you.
at the mall isagi can kind of trick you. because typically if he were to offer to buy you a couple hundred dollars worth of things, you would absolutely refuse. buttt if its just one thing from this store and one thing from another, and maybe its the fact that you dont feel the weight of all the items as your boyfriend carries it all, but it flies under your radar. and at some point you look at yoichi… and he has a lot of shopping bags. surely some of those were his right? the little pleased love sick smile on his face says otherwise.
its so worth it to isagi tho. he gets to spend time with you, make you happy, be a doting bf. but it also means that he can pick out clothes for you. as generous as he was, he could be a bit of a greedy gifter - never leaving the mall without a new skirt of his choosing. will personally pick out a pile of things he wants you to try on just for him.
once youre with isagi for a few months, he reveals his true colors. man is a serial PDA offender. he just thinks you’re so pretty, and it gives him such an ego boost to be the guy by your side. better hold his hand or its going in your back pocket. leans in under the guise of giving you a quick, generally acceptable peck on the lips… but all of a sudden he wants another before you even fully pull away from the first and its all downhill from there. sits on your side of the table at restaurants instead of across from you so he can rest his hand on your thigh and sneak in small squeezes when he thinks youre not paying attention. and be careful about walking in front of him, he’s not strong enough to resist the urge to smack your ass.
if the PDA thing wasnt a dead give away, isagi is just very affectionate in general, honestly has a hard time leaving you alone when you’re in the same room as him. he just gravitates towards you no matter what he was previously doing. very easily distracted, very easy to bribe. he’s the type of guy where when he goes to get out of bed in the morning to go to practice, and you cling to him and ask him for just 5 more minutes, theres nothing that could stop him from sinking right back into your arms. his attendance record has definitely suffered because he is unable to deny you a single thing you ask for, especially if that thing is him.
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CHIGIRI HYOMA is taken and makes sure everyone knows it…
hyoma’s partner very quickly becomes his best friend if they weren’t before they started dating. it’s not even intentional, but he gets very quickly attached to you. sure, he has a decent amount of friends, but none of them know him like you do. he loves to hear you talk about your life, invested in your daily drama and indulging you with all of his. he likes to hear your input and insights on situations. he takes notes in his phone when he sees things he thinks you would like, or conversations he had that he wants to tell you about. forever surprised by how much he misses you when you’re apart, chigiri is used to not needing anyone the way he needs you. is so much grumpier at matches that have him go abroad without you, texting you often throughout the day, whenever he can get his hands on his phone.
because you’re now his best friend and partner, chigiri’s a bit tied to you at the hip, but he would never admit to being clingy. not that you mind, hanging out with him is fun and surprisingly intimate. he never fails to hold your hand wherever you go or throw an arm around your shoulder. on dates he’ll lean in close to your ear to whisper little observations and jokes about the people around, the two of you sharing witty comments and secretive snickers behind your hands. when hanging out with mutual friends, the way yours eyes meet his wordlessly, both holding the same micro expression, indistinguishable to other people, that says “we are so talking about that later”.
speaking of clinging to your side, hyoma can have a bit of a possessive streak at times. i feel like it’s something you don’t really expect of him until there’s a guy flirting with you in a store. the way your boyfriend is at your side before you can even answer, standing at his full height, squaring his shoulders with a sour look on his face, not at all shy about the way his arm snakes around your waist. “they’re not interested.” he states plainly, as if it were obvious, but if you payed close attention to him (which you always did), you would notice the distasteful curl of his lip or the venom seeping into his tone or the way his usually gentle fingers hold onto your side with a firm grip.
he doesn’t meet your eyes after, already sensing the knowing smirk on your lips. his ears turn red when you break the silence to tell him that green was a good color on him. but, your ever clever boyfriend is quick to reply, “that’s cute baby, but i’m not jealous. you haven’t seen me when i’m jealous.” the mischievous glimmer in his eye and the smug smile he wears reminds you to not test him.
king of matching outfits with you. not in the novelty shirts cheesy way, but he always asks for a fit check before he picks you up on dates. chigiri is outside your apartment within the hour, wearing a jacket that matches the color of your shoes and a sly grin. generally starts to shift his style to be a bit more cohesive with yours, he loves going out and looking like you belong together.
not to mention, matching outfits give him more excuses to take pictures with you. photos of you and him are plastered all over his instagram, your handle in his bio and everything. he’s no amateur either, always able to catch your best side, in perfect lighting. really makes you feel as pretty as he seems to think you are. hyoma is a bit of a show off too, so he gets a bit of an ego boost getting to let everyone know how cute you are, and that you’re all his.
hyoma greatly values the alone time he gets to spend with you. the best part of his week is sitting on the couch as you help him with his hair care routine. you running a mix of the comb and your fingers through his hair as the two of you catch up on the k-drama you started together. your touch and your attention and your warm presence enough to make the stress of a pro soccer career melt off his shoulders. makes you teach him how to do your nails and learns your skin care routine so that he can return the favor, although he’s much better at the latter.
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MIKAGE REO is ungodly whipped and more than a little dramatic…
if we’re talking about social media boyfriends, reo is near insufferable. let’s be real, reo was already flexing on the gram before you got with him. constantly posting pictures of his car and expensive watches and exclusive clubs. he just becomes worse when you agree to go out with him. his story is full of aesthetically blurry shots of you, sometimes featuring him, anywhere and everywhere. in his car, on dates, cooking in his kitchen. he even found the audacity to post a picture of you in his bed, your bare back in full frame, the sheets pooled around your waist. “i’m so lucky” was the caption and the only context provided. unsurprisingly the lifespan of that post was quite short once you caught wind of it, with the assurance that he wouldn’t be getting so lucky in the near future.
i totally think reo is the type of guy that tries to act like a fuckboy but is secretly a hopeless romantic. in other words, reo is a huge sap™. has a picture of you in his wallet. you’re his screen saver and all his passwords feature your name. nagi is the last person left that will still listen to reo ramble on about you, all of his other friends having gotten tired of it.
we already know that reo is taking you to fancy dinners on the regular, but more unexpectedly i think he is a big fan of outdoorsy dates. previously mentioned hopeless romantic tendencies means reo loves a picnic way more than he lets on. his favorite is when the summer comes around and he gets to take you to the beach. if reo dies and goes to heaven and it's not you rubbing sunscreen into his warm back in a skimpy swimsuit he picked out for you himself, he's not interested. a close second favorite of his is late night drives with you. all the windows of his luxury sports car down, blasting a playlist the two of you made together, singing loud and ugly down the empty freeway. in these moments you make him feel weightless and he swears it’s addicting.
king of clingy. every time that you feel your phone vibrate, there's a good chance that it's your boyfriend. never with anything important either, asking where you are, how was your day, sending you pics of whatever he is doing, even resorting to imessage games when he runs out of things to talk about. he just always finds himself itching to open your contact. if mikage reo could eat up all of your attention, he would not hesitate to do so.
reo is usually the caretaker. when he obtained status of boyfriend, you automatically went on his list of special people in his life, only really consisting of you and nagi, and this granted you the exclusive privilege of walking all over him if you so please. truly a pushover and weak to your pouts. while we’re on the subject of ways to get him to fold, reo is surprisingly easy to flatter. your compliments are honey to his ears, no matter how many people have said the same to him before. his heart thumps loud in his chest whenever you do any act of service or labor of love for him. just wait for the day you buy this man some flowers. got his hand splayed over his red face, his palm not wide enough to cover his infatuated grin. "they're really for me, babe? god i knew i picked you for a reason.”
reo's feelings for you run extremely deep. scary deep. you make him feel stupid and irrational. he can't think straight, he's impulsive. you have to keep a close eye on him because give reo enough time alone and he'll convince himself that getting your name tattooed across his chest is an amazing idea, a grandiose display of his affection and devotion to you - sick as hell too. god forbid you go on a trip by yourself, there's honestly a decent chance you'll come home to a marriage proposal and explanations on how "no no, don't worry babe, i know its sooner than you expected but i've got it all planned out.” just be glad that up until this point he has resisted the strong urge to drop a fourth of his trust fund on a ring, a price he's more than willing to pay to make you all his.
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NAGI SEISHIRO is greedy and will readily take a mile if given an inch…
nagi is… new to the whole boyfriend thing to say the least. not to say he’s bad at it or anything, but i imagine that in the beginning of your relationship, things are a bit, for a lack of better words, lukewarm. he struggles a bit with recognizing that the switch from friends to more than friends is more than just the title, letting you completely take the wheel. but his passiveness doesn’t last long. not when he can’t escape the way you are constantly on his mind. he thought it was overwhelming enough having a crush on you, but now that he’s falling for you it’s on another level. he thinks of you when he first opens his eyes, facing the obnoxious blue light of his phone to send you your daily goodmorning :x . he thinks of you at night, when he’s restlessly fighting to fall asleep before he ultimately caves and facetimes you so that he can drift off to your tired mumbles and even breaths. he thinks of you when practice drags on, the anticipation of seeing you after the only thing keeping him from giving into his exhaustion.
nagi can’t get you out of his head for the life of him, but to be fair he doesn’t put up much of a fight. seishiro is used to getting what he wants, so what does he do when his desire for you becomes a hassle? he makes it your problem. constantly calling you and asking you to pick him up from social functions because he misses you. insisting that he stays the night at your place or that you come to his because he needs his daily dose of you. and he doesn’t have the shame to be shy of telling you everything on his mind either. he unintentionally says very flustering things, unabashedly demanding your touch and your company, no matter who is listening. it’s your fault he’s like this after all, you might as well take responsibility and give him what he wants.
and what he wants is affection from you, as much as he can get. serishiro is mesmerized by your reactions. being in love with you is uncharted territory that he maps out with piqued curiosity and newfound greed. especially kissing. once nagi gets his first taste of kissing you for real, messy and needy and drawn out, he never wants to go back. not after seeing your red face, eyes lidded and lips parted so cutely he just has to steal one more. now his day dreams revolve around you, what flavor of chapstick you’re wearing, what perfume do you have on, are you thinking of him as much as he does you? thats one thing he never really finds the courage to ask, but that he secretly hopes is true.
he loves to find things you can work on together, even if you always end up being the one putting in more effort. nagi will insist on cooking dinner together, and maybe you get his help for a good 10 minutes before he’s slumped in a seat at the counter eating the ingredients. buys tons of lego sets for the two of you to put together and while you’re following the instructions, he’s stealing pieces you need so he can build a little car to push around the table while he watches you figure it out. he’ll even settle for a puzzle and a movie, but your out of luck if you expect him to do anything but the edges.
the lazy genius only really has the time and energy to have a couple of important people in his life, but once you make it into that inner circle, that shit is permanent as far as he’s concerned. it begins with him telling you that it only makes sense to leave some clothes at his apartment, you’re at his place half the week anyway. and then its him smuggling over your favorite pillows and stuffed animals to his bed instead of yours. then he’s asking you to go grocery shopping with him every week. the jokes he makes about the fact that, “you keep all your stuff here anyway. just move in with me already,” are far too frequent to be subtle. but when he hits you with the puppy eyes, which are annoyingly effective, how could you say no?
you’ve put yourself in his orbit after all and now the solar system that is nagi seishiro will use his gravity to pull you inevitably closer. it’s doomed.
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is my bias obvious?? cuz i feel like it might be… lmk which one was your favorite!!
© 2023 hyomaslut. please do not copy, translate, or repost any of my content onto any other sites.
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ecoterrorist-katara · 21 days
“Katara deserves a quiet life after the war, so becoming a healer (who made no contributions to the field) is actually a good arc!”
It is already bizarre to me that in ATLA, Katara is this confident & combative & ambitious girl who LOVED to fight and wanted nothing more than to help as many people as possible…then comics!Katara and TLOK!Katara showed neither her previous personality traits nor a career commensurate with those traits…
but it’s even more bizarre to me that ATLA fans would defend her trajectory as if it were some kind of progressive story of recovering from war trauma.
I’ve seen multiple takes like this. “Katara is not a YA heroine, she’s not a bloodthirsty girlboss who loves fighting so it’s actually a good thing that she doesn’t have to fight anymore” “after everything she’s been through she deserves a quiet life and a loving family”
For Katara, fighting in the war was actually empowering. It didn’t burn her out. It didn’t disillusion her. It didn’t take more out of her than she can give. Katara is not Katniss Everdeen, who needed to step back and discover her own agency and a sense of peace after fighting in a war she never chose to start. Katara’s war trauma largely happened before she took an active part in it. After she chose to be a part of the war, she became a waterbending master, made close friends, found her father again, got closure for her mother’s murder, defeated the Fire Lord, and met the love of her life. If Katara were a real person, maybe she’d be traumatized, but nowhere in the text of ATLA does she exhibit the sign that she’s tired of fighting on behalf of the world. If anything, she just got started.
If you take her post-ATLA arc at face value (vs as bad writing), it’s a tragedy of a woman who has learned to minimize her own relevance and her own power. In The Promise, she begins deferring serious decisions to Aang. She doesn’t even express a strong opinion about the fate of the entire colony of Yu Dao, or the fate of her friend Zuko. In North and South, she accepts Northern encroachment of the South in the name of progress. In TLOK we see her not as a politician or a chief, but rather as “the best healer” — albeit one who apparently never established a hospital, or trained acolytes of her own, or done anything to help people at scale, which she has always wanted to do. It’s even more egregious when you remember that in Jang Hui, she was not satisfied to simply heal the sick as the Painted Lady. She wanted to solve the root of the problem, so she cleaned the river and committed full-on ecoterrorism. Just because the war is over doesn’t mean she wants to stop helping people. In fact, the problem she addressed in Jang Hui is exactly the type of problem that would become more prevalent after the war ends, judging by the rapid industrialization between ATLA and LOK.
In the original ATLA, I think Katara is about as close to a power fantasy as you can get for a teenage girl, because she gets to be messy and goofy and powerful, even though she also had to perform a whole lot of emotional and domestic labour. But post-ATLA, she doesn’t get power and she doesn’t get to make a change. She gets love and a family. That’s it. And her grandkids don’t even remember her. Her friends and peers, on the other hand, were shown doing all sorts of super cool things like, you know, running the world they saved.
It’s not feminist to say that a female character deserves “rest” when she’s shown zero inclination that she wants a quiet life. Women who want a quiet life deserve to get it — I think Katniss’ arc is perfect — but women who want power deserve to get it too, especially when they’re motivated by compassion and a keen sense of justice. There’s nothing feminist about defending the early 2010s writing decisions of two men. Like just admit that they fucked up! It’s fine! Maybe they’ll do better in the future!
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adventuringblind · 4 months
A Little Sick
Carlos Sainz Jr. x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Sick fic
Summary: Carlos' struggle to take care of his girlfriend who's both sick and regressed. Lucky for him, he knows how to get her to nap.
Warnings: Agere/age-regression, non-sexual ageplay, non-sexual use of daddy, sinus infection, fear of doctors, mentions of past trauma
Notes: Haven't written for Carlos in so long T_T
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Carlos knew the second he heard sniffling that something wasn't right. The way fatigue seems to drip from his lover didn't go unnoticed.
The problem is that was two weeks ago. She'd claimed allergies or a minor cold. Her disgust at anything having to do with sickness and doctors showing through her lack of acceptance.
Carlos has half a mind to just lay on top of her and force her to rest. Alternatively, if he could get her to regress, this would be immesley easier.
He can see her forcing herself not to. The delicate line between headspace getting blurrier with each day.
It's when she wakes up in tears, the Carlos knows something has to be done.
"Princessa?" He rolls her over and bundles her up into his arms. Her entire body is on fire and when he touches her face, she wails in pain. "We should go see a doctor, amor."
She's non-verbal all morning, trying desperately not to slip in headspace. Until Carlos finally take the initiative. He hates doing this, but he's been doing this long enough to see when she needs to slip and let Carlos take care of her.
Carlos starts small by picking out her clothes. Comfortable, obviously, since they are just going to the doctor. Then he puts her shoes on for her and ties the laces. By the time he's done, he can see the look in her eyes. The one that aches with the need for comfort. Desperate to not face the object of her nightmares.
Carlos grabs her comfort item and places it gently into her hands. He kneels down in front of her. "I won't leave you alone, okay? I'll be with you the entire time. Can you be brave for me?" She gives him a shy nod in response.
Carlos gets her into the car and buckles her seatbelt for her. He turns on soft music and she bobs her head along to the words. He coos at her with how adorable she looks at the moment.
She freezes up the second he pulls into the parking lot. The fear in her eyes says everything. She's on the verge of a breakdown, but Carlos is there to calm her. He holds her hand and helps her breathe before helping her out of the car.
He manages getting her checked in since she's still non-verbal and on the verge of tears. Eyes glassy with terror over being in the place she despises.
Carlos runs his fingers along her spine. "You're doing so good, carina."
She freezes when her name is called. Her body trembling in fear and squeezing the life out of Carlos' hand with her own. He swiftly wraps an arm around her and whispers into her ear some reassurance.
She doesn't say a word to the doctor, only watches him with suspicion. He ends up prescribing antibiotics and sending them on their way.
She wails the second they are in the safety of the car. All the nerves she'd been biting back finally able to burst free of their confines. Carlos has to get her to breathe. The hyperventilation nearly making her sick. He doesn't let go of her hand the entire way home.
He carries her inside, still sniffling from the overwhelming emotions from earlier. Carlos feels awful for having to put her through such a thing. The fact he knows full well why she hates it making it even harder to do.
He settles her on the couch. One he can see her from despite being in the kitchen and hastily throwing together soup. The television is playing her movie of choice. The background noise has become soothing to both of them.
He ends up having to feed her the soup himself. Not that he minds, it just means having to change her clothes afterwards. Which is no easy task considering she's deadweight in his arms. On purpose, mind you, but she's giggling about it, so Carlos makes no complaint.
Carlos puts the movie back on afterwards. Her head resting on his lap as she curls up on the couch. The mountain of blankets obscuring her body and stuffed animals she dutifully brough with her.
"I did good, papá?" Her squeaky voice carries from where the blankets muffle it.
Carlos keeps a steady rhythm, fingers running against her scalp in a comforting manor. The repetition has always put her to sleep within minutes. "The best, amor. Sleep now, the more you rest the sooner you'll get better." Ke kisses her forehead. Her eye's drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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cthulhuwritesstuff · 11 days
Full Moon spoilers below.
Thoughts on that scene from the other point of view.
Stolas was protecting himself. He is heartbroken.
He doesn’t understand that he is asked to turn around and face Blitz, because yelling and insults don’t work for him (someone mentioned that this pattern of arguing on Blitz’s side is probably coming from his relationship with Verosika and how they used to communicate, and I agree with that 100%). Yelling and insults are very triggering for Stolas. I can bet that he heard and saw his wife in that moment, and he never expected that from Blitz. It broke him. Of course it did.
Another thing worth mentioning is Stolas’s drastic overthinking tactic that he deploys upon himself each time something close to heart comes his way. He is a traumatized, survival-mode 24/7 character, that hasn’t known romantic love his whole life. He is convinced his feelings aren’t reciprocated because that is what he can deal with and it is something he is familiar with. That is what he already had in spades.
His “I want you to stay with me, only if you want to” line was very hopeful and yes, very heartbreaking, but he doesn’t understand that the other person did not spend so much time in their head thinking about all the ways they’d be rejected. Blitz has never seen Stolas this way, and Stolas cannot see that, because in his head EVERYONE sees him that way: pathetic, love-sick, desperate, unworthy of love. Blitz’s reaction to that only proved him right (in his head) and he decided he was finished with the conversation, because that was the only way he could save some dignity.
Him arguing back with “This is answer enough, you needn’t say anything else” while walking away was his way of trying to put distance between him and Blitz so he can shield himself; but for Blitz, that was dismissive and rude and “rich fuck behavior”, and “here I go again, I am getting tossed to the side again like a thing played with. I won’t let you do that.”
So when Blitz lashes out and tries to communicate that — very poorly, mind you, no matter how much we get what he meant, he did it poorly — he does it with his whole chest, and he is ready for a fight, for more arguments, but for Stolas all that is just making things worse. His mind and heart are clouded with pain that he had already harbored for so long, that had forced him to twist his own ideas of himself and what he deserves, and he couldn’t handle that approach at all.
What hurts us as the audience is that we all know what is really happening, but they do not. What makes us frustrated is the fact that we know they care, even if Blitz himself is not ready to admit that to himself yet, and even when Stolas is creating this gap between them in order to do the right thing.
Stolas is honestly offended that Blitz “does not” accept his feelings, and acts as if they’re a joke, and that is perfectly understandable.
When he says “I want you to want to stay with me”, all he sees is Blitz trying to get their role play going (his piss poor way of saying “of course I want to stay, I am not going anywhere, let’s just do what we usually do and have fun, cause that’s what I am confortable with”). Stolas sees this as Blitz not being serious, and not taking him seriously. It breaks his heart.
When Blitz says “Can I have a minute to think”, all Stolas hears is “you pompous rich asshole”
When Blitz clearly communicates that everyone else always plays with his feelings, Stolas is absolutely destroyed because he is put int he same basket with everyone who had done him wrong.
This is a great learning curve for them both, a great way of portraying miscommunication and emotional damage it can do.
I am looking forward to the future development of this relationship.
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w1ldthoughts · 8 months
House Call
Series Masterlist
Synopsis: Zoey gets sick and Jack comes to Miami to take care of her.
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Everything hurt and she was dying.
Ok…that may be a little dramatic but Zoey couldn’t remember what it felt like to not wake up with a skull crushing headache and a smoker’s cough so…things weren’t looking great. But the real icing on the cake was telling Jack that she couldn’t make it to Louisville this week because of her untimely illness. The universe gave her the most stable relationship of her entire life and took away her ability to breathe through her nose. He giveth and He taketh away. Life is all about balance.
At least that’s what she was telling herself while maintaining a steady diet of lemon tea with lots of honey and cool berry cough drops. She was on day two of waking up with all the bones in her body aching, feeling more sore than she did last month when her best friend dragged her to a pilates workout in a sauna which was by far the worst 30 minutes of her life. This was a very close second.
She was woken up from her second nap of the day by footsteps that sounded eerily like they were coming from her kitchen but that must’ve been the DayQuil playing tricks on her. The footsteps continued moving about, placing bags down on the counter and opening things like her cabinet and the fridge. Zoey must have been dreaming because she swore that she saw Jack walking into her room before this intense wave of exhaustion took over.
Jack on the other hand had been worried for the last week. Exactly seven days ago his girlfriend had been sniffling on the phone while they had been discussing her Louisville trip. Then two days later when he called her and her voice sounded off and scratchy, he knew something was up. But when she canceled her trip? He knew he had to do something. The fact that she was feeling sick enough to not be able to travel to come see him was all he needed to get on the plane and get to her as soon as possible. As soon as he landed he got into his rental, grabbed the essentials and headed over to her apartment complex. All of the lights were off inside and the only sign of life in the place was the cup of orange juice in the sink and a thermometer on the counter. When all of the stuff he brought with him was put away, he headed into her room to check on his patient.
Zoey woke up feeling a little worse than before, a coughing fit jolted her out of her less than comfortable sleep. A curly haired figure rushed in soon after, placing a hand on her sweatshirt covered back, rubbing large soothing circles onto it. He handed her the freshly warmed cup of tea in his other hand which she greatly accepted, taking careful sips.
“You okay? Do you need me to grab you anything?” Jack eyes, his eyes full of concern with a hand still on her back. Maybe he was rubbing it more for his own comfort now than hers.
She laughs, leaning her head on his shoulder. “What are you going here? I thought I saw you before I went to sleep but I swore I was dreaming…or in heaven.”
“Well I’m more of a handsome devil than an angel I think, but I’ll take either one.” He says with a giggle, placing a kiss on her forehead, humming sadly at the warm feeling of her feverish skin. “Come on. We’re gonna get you in a lukewarm bath so you can relax.”
In all of her relationships she was used to being the caregiver, the one to drop everything anytime her partner ever needed it. And now to be on the receiving end of the care was new and kind of made her want to cry. Or maybe that was the Vicks VapoRub that he’d lathered onto her chest and neck.
After the bath, Jack helped her dry her hair and carried her back to bed even though she told him repeatedly she could walk. “You changed the sheets. And they’re warm. Aw Jackman, you’re the best boyfriend ever.”
“I do what I can.” He beams. “You stay right there I made you some food so I’ll bring your food in here and we can watch Ugly Betty.”
“I love you.” She whispers, her body melting into the bed. Harper hopped on to the bed as soon as Jack was out of sight, purring happily at the warm sheets and blankets.
About half an episode in, he came back with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, blue Gatorade and fresh bread from True Loaf Bakery. He set the platter on the bedside table and fluffed her pillows for her after helping her sit up then gently placed the tray in her lab while eyeing the cat seated firmly at her side. Zoey patted the spot next to her on the bed, welcoming him to join.
“Nah,” he shook his head, crossing his arms like he was preparing a temper tantrum. “I’m not sitting with her in the bed. She’s always spreading out her little body so that I’m practically scooting off the bed. I know she does that shit on purpose cause she’s jealous.”
Zoey looks down at the cat sleeping peacefully next to her and laughs, putting her spoon back in the bowl. “You guys both need to be nicer to each other,” she pats the cat on the head and gives them both a stern look. “Please don’t make me choose between the two of you because if I do…Jack you’re outta here.”
“Wait forreal?” He gasps. “You’re—you’re not being serious are you?” Jack sits on the bed, on the other side of the cat and gives his girlfriend his best puppy dog eyes. “Actually you know what, don’t answer that.”
She nods and finishes her food, cuddling into Jack’s side while the show continues to play. “Thank you for coming to take care of me. You really didn’t have to do all of this but I’m glad you did.”
“You know I’d do anything for you, my sicky baby.” He laughs, placing a short kiss on her cheek. “You feeling any better?”
With a yawn, she nods slowly, her eyes feeling a bit heavy. “Much better already. Probably because I have the best doctor in the entire world at my disposal, I didn’t even know you made house calls Dr. Harlow.”
“Only for you Zo. My favorite patient,” Jack runs a hand across her forehead and is pleased that she’s a lot less warm than she was when he arrived. “You should get some sleep baby, I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
“You promise?” She asks, the cold medicine and sleep were starting to take over.
“I’m not going anywhere…ever. I promise.”
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AITA for telling my friends girlfriend to stop being a massive hypocrite?
so my (17) friend who i'm gonna call riley (18) has been dating this girl who i'll call olivia (17) for just over a year. i'm childhood friends with riley and i've known olivia the whole time they've been dating and i love them both very much.
just like every teenage couple they've had ups and downs but one frequent issue they've come across is olivia's mother. her mom is super strict about oddly specific things and it has time and time again ruined plans to go on dates and to even celebrate their anniversary. the most recent time this happened was their one year anniversary in early january which riley had been planning for three months in advance. the day before, olivia's mother told her she she couldn't go and forced them to cancel everything riley had spent time and money on. riley handled it really well and told olivia numerous times that he wasn't upset and didn't blame her or her mother at all. he's repeatedly had to deal with this and has always been patient and kind about it.
this week riley got grounded by his mom. he's not allowed to see anyone or go out (as per typical grounding rules). olivia has been non-stop complaining to everybody who will listen and it telling the story in a manipulative way. her exact words to me were "he's banned from seeing me and i don't know why. it's not fair" when i asked riley he said he didn't know that she was telling people but that she knows full well that his mom grounded him (not even because of her or anything to do with her).
olivia kept making comments about rileys mom to me and i've grown up with her (rileys mom) so i was getting a little defensive. i always try to stay out of their problems because it's not my relationship and i don't ever want to overstep but riley and i are super close and olivia has a tendency to overshare. it almost felt like olivia was provoking me by saying things like "ugh rileys mom is the worst and she's so over the top" or "i can't believe he can't see me! we had plans and his mom has ruined them" even "i don't know why she has to be such a bitch all the time"
just for context the plans that were cancelled by riley being grounded were the two of them going to a park together. olivia had spent no money and the plans were made by riley.
i was trying very hard to not say anything and maybe point olivia towards the fact that her mom has done this several times before when eventually i lost it. i told her "have you ever seen riley throw a tantrum like this just because your mom cancelled an activity that he had planned? no. he handles it like a caring boyfriend and you can't seem to do anything but bitch and moan about the first time this has ever happened to you. stop being a massive hypocrite and think about your words."
i didn't yell but i feel like i went over the top. i feel especially bad because it's not my relationship but i was 1. sick of hearing olivia complain. 2. defensive of both riley and his mom. and 3. so annoyed at the hypocrisy when he never does this to her.
if the people think im the asshole (which i feel like i might be) ill 100% accept that but i just wanna hear some reasoning for both sides. i appreciate any and all thoughts on the matter!
What are these acronyms?
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Hii, I'm here to drop a request~
Okay so, i have a thing for self-distrustive characters. Here's the idea: give me a self-harming hero who is too weak to act on it alone and willingly surrenders themselves to villain assuming (hoping maybe) they would torture them for information. Villain tho reluctant, doesn't hesitate to hurt the hero not too seriously tho. But for our self distrustive hero whatever the villain is doing is not enough to make them feel the relief they're seeking so~ let it slip out. Let them thoughtlessly cry out for more. And then give me a shocked villain. A concerned, regretful and lastly caring enough to treat their wounds villain. Give me an unresponsive to the villain's treatment hero. If you'd like to ass anything feel free <3
Much love to you friend, stay hydrated, we love you ~<33
It wasn’t like it didn’t hurt. 
It just didn’t hurt enough. That’s why the hoarse please had slipped from their tongue. And it was why the weak more followed. Judging from their actions, the villain hadn’t heard it right away but when the hero cried harder, the villain’s hands came to a stop. 
They’d broken three fingers, not to mention the shattered ankle. What had happened to their ankle had felt just but once the villain had moved on to their fingers, the hero had secretly begging them to break harder bones, like their collarbone or maybe even their ulna. It was sick, they knew it in their heart. It was maniacal and disturbing to feel like this.
Heroes were supposed to save people, even if their own well-being came in last. Saving themselves counted too.
The villain let go of their hand, eyes darting between the hero’s.
“What did you just say to me?” The villain’s hands went through the hero’s hair, getting a full grip of them, pulling them up.
The hero thought about their broken ankle. About how they wouldn’t be able to walk for weeks, maybe even a few months…? They always concentrated on the pain, rather than the period it took place in. By the time old pain faded, the hero always managed to get themselves into new trouble.
Letting injuries heal had never been an option. The villain let go of them.
It was hard. It was hard to lie there and accept their defeat, the fact that the villain had found out about their secret and more importantly, that they had stopped bruising the hero.
“Please,” the hero sobbed. “I can’t do this anymore.”
Their nose was running and their tears gathered together, falling down their cheeks like raindrops from the sky. Breathing was hard, their lungs felt frail from these past months and the world came crashing down around them.
When their sobs echoed from the walls, they felt truly defeated, humiliated, and the pain wasn’t enough to forget that. 
For a moment, nothing happened. Neither of them said anything. All that was left in the room were the villain’s questions and the quiet sobs the hero made. Feeling overwhelmed by the horribleness of it all, the hero rolled themselves into a little ball, crying into their torn sleeve. They were ready for everything. Ready to die, ready to be bled, to be beaten, anything.
“Hey, easy there.” Once again, the villain combed their fingers through the hero’s hair but this time it was much more gentle and softer, leaving the hero with the taste of bile on their tongue. They braced themselves for new pain, impatiently waiting for the lashing out and the violent actions but nothing of that sort came. Quite the opposite: the villain scratched their scalp softly. 
“Darling, what happened to you?” Their nails scraped across the hero’s skin, taking their time. It was oddly comfortable. Even though their muscles ached, they looked up at the villain crouching above them. 
“Please,” the hero begged again. “Please hurt me.”
The villain was silent, biting their inner cheek as if they were considering it. But when they answered with a tender “no,” all hopes the hero had were crushed. 
“You’re a mess. Hurting you seems to be what you want. I don’t want to give you what you want,” they explained. They wiped away a tear.  “Don’t mistake this for compassion. This is me controlling your desires. This is me taunting you.” 
They pulled the hero who had exhausted themselves and was completely defenceless into their arms. 
“And this is me wanting information. Why did you say that?” They held them close and embarrassingly enough, it dawned on the hero how touch-starved they were.
“I am so alone,” they whispered. They mumbled the words, not even believing their own mouth for saying it. No one was supposed to hear this.  “I am so alone.”
They started sobbing again. It was hopeless. The villain was the only comfort they had — even now that they weren’t hurting them.
“You will never be alone with me,” the villain said carefully. “I’ll make sure of that. Now, come on. Let’s treat your wounds.”
In all honesty, the hero had never done that. They weren’t sure if there were rules to it.
“If this is you taunting me,” the hero said, “then why do you want to treat my wounds?”
The villain gave them a grim look that didn’t leave room for protest.
“I’m asking the questions, not you.”
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gabrielllas · 29 days
Favorite Marvey headcanon?
That Harvey buys Mike his shitty sugary cereal despite his hatred for it.
I think it‘d go like this:
Mike doesn’t notice it straight away, he doesn’t know how he doesn’t, what with his brain and all, but he blames it on Harvey. Their new relationship taking over his mind and seeing Harvey in a domestic form just makes his mind go all gooey.
The point is, he does eventually notice it and then he can’t see it.
His boyfriend buys him his cereal that’s full of sugar and certain things that ‘shouldn’t go into the body of any human’ as Harvey puts it, because Mike likes them.
It’s not even the best part Mike thinks to himself, it’s that Harvey got him options.
Anyone who has too much of one food gets sick of it eventually and Mike knows he stopped having Cap’n’Crunch for this reason. He kept going to work with only an apple or something light because it was early in the morning and he wasn’t in the mood for Cap’n’Crunch.
Then one morning he notices it. Alongside the Cap’n’Crunch is a box of LuckyCharms.
He fills up a bowl while Harvey finishes getting ready and digs right in. He forgot how much he loved them until he saw the box. Soon after he gets up for another bowl and as he’s sitting back down Harvey pours himself some coffee.
“I can’t believe you gave me shit for eating sugary cereal but you stocked up on LuckyCharms.” Mike says before shoving more into his mouth to keep the lie going a little longer.
Harvey looks at him while taking a sip with a smirk on his face, “You think I got them for me and not for the 32 year old shovelling them down faster than I can settle a case?”
Mike blinks mid spoon to mouth, “For me?”
He could be an actor Mike thinks to himself.
“They aren’t for me pup.”
He blinks again and he can’t help the smile forming on his face. In fact, smile is being misleading, Mike was cheesing like a fucking idiot.
“You’re a sap.”
Harvey narrows his eyes at him. “We’re gonna be late, finish up.”
Mike shakes his head and laughs, he abandons the cereal and rounds the counter to face his boyfriend. Harvey turns his body so he’s facing him and accepts Mike’s arms around his neck.
“You love me so much you got me cereal you hate but know I love. And gave me options.”
“Is all I’m getting from this your arms on me? Cause I gotta tell you, I’m gonna need something a lot better to keep the place stocked with it.” Harvey counters back, putting his hands on Mike’s waist and squeezing his hips.
“Oh I think you’ll do it even if you don’t get a reward.”
“Oh yeah, why’s that?”
Mike continues to grin, hasn’t even stopped grinning at any point during this exchange. “Because you love you me.”
Harvey looks down at Mike and can’t bring himself to say anything another than, “Yeah, something like that.”
They’re late in that day and Donna doesn’t believe it’s because of cereal.
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jflemings · 5 months
— grave
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pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: chris can’t commit and you’ve finally had enough
warnings: drinking, angst, mentions of sex but no actual suggestive content
a/n: i know i said that a matt fic would be next but after watching chris’s interview i couldn’t shake this idea!! hurt my feelings will be the next one tho :) ALSOOO for the sake of the fic, y/n is friends with sophia birlem, halle vaneta ect <3
your heart dropped straight to your ass when you finished watching the clip of chris that had come across your for you page.
you had honestly been so excited for him to go on the zach sang show, having watched a few interviews yourself, and had done nothing but support and praise chris when he told you. now though, you felt stupid.
“i’m not looking for love, my goal is to meet someone and be starstruck by them” is what he has said when the topic of relationships had come up, further pushing the narrative that he wasn’t really interested in them. you were left speechless as he said that, not fully expecting him to say it the way he did and it had left your heart breaking in your chest.
you felt used and humiliated the more you watched the clip that had been posted by the fanpage. a lump had lodged itself in the base of your throat and a deep pit was achingly present in your stomach. chris had, essentially, been using you for the past six months to get what he wanted out of a relationship without actually being in one, and you had let him.
as the cogs turn in your head you begin to realise that everything the two of you did together meant nothing to him. the vulnerable conversations, the dates, the sex, all of it had been for nothing in the long run; he had just told the internet that he wasn’t in love with you. you knew chris, and his dating habits, but you had foolishly thought that maybe things were changing for him, that maybe he was beginning to feel the same way you had been feeling for far too long.
the truth was that you were in love with chris and that you had been for a little while now. he treated you with the upmost respect and kindness, always paying attention to your needs and the little things you did. he was constantly checking up on you and asking about how your day was, buying you lunch when you had to work and even getting you ‘just because’ flowers whenever he felt like it.
you just felt fucking sick.
throwing the covers off yourself, you begin to gather your things from around his room. you emptied the drawer full of your clothes he kept for you, took back your makeup wipes and spare toothbrush that was in his bathroom and stuffed it all in the overnight bag you brought with you everytime you stayed the night with him. frustrated tears pool on your waterline as you slide your shoes on and throw your bag over your shoulder, not even paying attention as your phone buzzes in your hand.
you don’t look at your illuminated screen as you walk out the door and straight to your car. you unlock it swiftly and waste no time in sliding into the driver’s seat and backing out of the driveway. you were just lucky that the triplets had all stepped out for a little while, meaning that you didn’t have to face chris and the truth just yet.
there’s no music playing through your car speakers and you still haven’t looked at your phone. the longer you sit in silence with the text message on your mind, the more tears seem to form in your eyes.
when the two of you started your ‘relationship’ chris had mentioned that he wasn’t necessarily looking for a long term thing, and that he was just enjoying his time getting to know you. at first, you were pretty accepting of this due to the fact that you felt the same way but over time, your feelings started to change.
chris was just such a gentle person in every way. he was constantly making sure you felt comfortable and okay around him, never once over stepping a boundary or putting you in an uncomfortable position. he didn’t pressure you to follow him to events or make you go out when you weren’t feeling up to it, always just brushing it off and giving you a kiss as he left, telling you to call if you needed anything.
similarly, you never made him feel like he had to hang around your friends or show you off to any degree, always trying to keep it casual and comfortable for him whenever you got the feeling you were getting too close. his commitment issues had been the topic of conversation before and you had reassured him endlessly that you didn’t expect him to step into the boyfriend role if that wasn’t what he wanted to do. he had appreciated your words but ended up ignoring them anyway as he began to give you the girlfriend treatment without you ever saying a word about it.
chris was the one who initiated a lot of the couple-y stuff. he was the one who wanted to introduce you to his friends and family, and now he was the one going on a podcast and saying how he wasn’t looking for love.
you pull up to your apartment and practically throw the car in park, your movements harsh and frustrated. with heavy eyes and a tear-stained face, you trudge to your apartment almost mindlessly, the sound of you shuffling shoes echoing on the cold ground. immediately upon unlocking and opening your apartment door, you are faced with a hoodie that chris had carelessly thrown onto the back of your couch.
after staring at the article of clothing for what felt like an eternity, your phone began to buzz repeatedly from your back pocket. the messages come one after the other, sending anxious vibrations up your spine.
you reluctantly pull the device out of your jeans and quickly sift through your notifications. one from sophia and four from chris.
soph is telling you, rather than asking, that you’re her plus one for a party tonight. she ends the message with ‘don’t ditch me for chris pls’ and you can’t help but smile bitterly. you quickly shoot her a text back confirming that you most definitely will be there tonight before going into your conversation with chris.
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you can’t stop your eyes from rolling dramatically. there was no way he could know what the problem was, and you honestly didn’t expect him to, but you really didn’t have the energy for this right now. there was nothing else that could be said to try to change his mind and you were done trying.
heavy bass thumped through your chest as sophia’s hands snaked around your waist from behind you. she held you loosly whilst guiding your body with the beat, the two of you being lost in the sweaty bodies and the music.
chris had called you so many times that you’d had to turn your phone off completely. tonight was not about him, and you were not about to fall back into whatever you had with the youngest triplet after what he said.
on one hand you felt stupid for being so petty but on the other, you felt like it was deserved. you had tried your hardest to communicate though your actions that you wanted more with him, that what the two of you had was no longer enough.
you lean back onto soph and smile wide. locked out of heaven’s pre-chorus begins and soph’s grip on your waist tightens as the two of you begin to sing loudly along with the crowd
“cause your sex takes me to paradise, yeah your sex takes me to paradise!”
the two of you raise your solo cups to the ceiling in unison, halle making her way over to join you. she sways her hips along with the two of you and you turn on your heel so that the three of you are facing one another in a small circle. halle’s arms wrap around both you and sophia’s shoulders and she pulls you in along with the music.
your eyes screw shut with glee as you laugh with your friends. adrenaline and dopamine flood your brain and your body, the problems of today being momentarily forgotten the longer you scream bruno mars. you open your eyes to look at sophia, only to see chris making his way through the pool of bodies. his eyes are trained on you with relentless determination, causing you to pause. sophia and halle don’t notice until he’s right up in your space, breaking the safe circle the three of you have created.
his cologne floods your nose as he leans into your ear “we need to talk” he says sternly, his mouth pressed to the shell of your ear.
you shake your head and bring your cup up to your lips, taking a big gulp whilst looking him in the eye. he watches your throat bob as you swallow and looks into your eyes, the determination melting into pleading.
he doesn’t like your answer, and makes sure to let you know by grabbing your wrist and dragging you off the dance floor. whether it’s the alcohol or the fact that you’re just weak for chris, you don’t know, but you allow him to pull you into an empty room off to the side.
chris clicks the door shut and you slide down the wall next to the door, your eyes still trained on your drink
“y/n” he starts “what’s going on? you haven’t answered any of my texts or calls today and none of your stuff is at my place”
“i know” you slur “whoops” you respond nonchalantly, shrugging your shoulders
he sighs deeply “whoops? are you kidding me? what’s going on!” his hands run over his face in annoyance at your useless response, clearly not wanting to do this with you right now.
“just let me take you home to sober up and we’ll talk, please”
you can’t help but scoff “i’m not going home chris. i’m having a good time with my friends” you spit at him, raising your cup for emphasis “and i’d rather go home with anyone else at this fucking party, at least then i’d know that they’re just using me for sex”
his jaw goes slack and his eyebrows raise in both surprise and confusion “what the fuck are you talking about”
“i’m talking about you leading me on! the least you could do is be honest with me” your words begin to slur at the end of your sentence “stupid fucking boys” you mumble, your head leaning back against the wall with a thunk.
“you’re drunk” he whispers whilst looking down at his shoes
you look at him down your nose through half-hooded eyes, the liquid courage suddenly increasing “no, i’m over you”
chris’s head snaps up suddenly, his eyes blown wide with hurt evident on his face “you don’t mean that”
“i’m done asking you to want me” you laugh bitterly “especially after you get on a fucking podcast and tell the internet that you’re not looking for love”
everything seems to click for chris in that moment. he crouches down in front of you and sits back on his haunches, his pretty blue eyes finding yours “baby…” he speaks softly to you.
tears begin to form in your eyes and you place your drink down on the floor next to you “no, chris! do you know what that felt like!?” your voice raises “what, did you only treat me like your girlfriend so i’d keep having sex with you? was that the reason you kept me around?”
venom drips from your words as you begin to shout “or was it because you KNEW how i feel? huh, chris? did i boost your ego enough that you felt like you didn’t need me anymore?”
chris’s eyes soften as he looks at you. your makeup is well and truely ruined by now, your mascara now running down your face. he opens his mouth to say something but closes it when he realises he doesn’t know what to say. your own mouth drops open in shock, a sarcastic laugh leaving your lips when you realise that he really wasn’t going to answer you.
you abruptly stand, leaving chris to fall backwards onto his hands. you look down at him with a sneer, disgust and hurt cloaking your normally soft features “so you can go on a stranger’s podcast and run your fucking mouth but you can’t defend yourself to me?”
the semi-dried tear tracks on your face are replaced by fresh ones as he still says nothing, the look of hurt never leaving his baby blue eyes.
scoffing, you pick up your drink and turn on your heel to walk out the door “fuck you christopher. you’re nothing to me”
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willowser · 7 months
haiii willow!! i was reading through your work (as i usually do when I’m on here) but i wanna know your thoughts on whether young, early 20s bkg - who currently has a thing for reader - would he feel this impending urge of sexual attraction?? i feel like at that point of time he wouldn’t be having much sex, if any at all but ofc reader is beautiful and sweet and gorgeous!! do u think he’d ever have moments where he’s ogling or he’s just back in his bedroom and all he can think are perverted thoughts and he’s like, “fuck.”
i will continue stalking ur page and reblogging so that’s all! love u🩷🩷🩷👼
oh i am smooching you smooching i say, bc i love this scenario it is my freaking bread and butter 😌✨️🩷
i think he definitely would !! not a total clueless virgin, but he's not really feeling it with anyone, and maybe hasn't for a while—if ever. and maybe he's just like, eh i've got more important things going on rn than who i'm having dinner with i hardly have time to have it with myself 🥺
bc i imagine early 20s bakugou very specifically, especially after what's going on in the manga, so i can completely see him being so sidetracked and not even interested in romance—and then you come along 🥺 and i think it would take him a while to get there, honestly, like. he's got you in the back of his mind for a whole year, even. doing his best not to think about it, but every now and then when things are quiet, his mind is wandering until he's thinking about how you wish him a stupid good morning ! every day and always make small talk with him about all kinds of random shit 😒🥺 he resists the idea that you give him butterflies and tries to tell himself you make him sick LOL
but then—something happens. something small, i think, that is such a non-event but it launches you to the forefront of everything, all at once. maybe you say something funny that makes him do his little evil smile or ask him a question and really listen to what he's saying with big beautiful eyes or you wave at him as you pass each other in the hall and kirishima is with him and then turns to him, grinning so fucking wide, and he's like "bro....why're they smiling at you like that ?? 😏😏😏" and that has bakugou thinking to himself.....oh shit........are they smiling at me like that ??? and then he's so totally gutted by the fact that—he wants you. oh man, he wants you so bad. and i've said this before but i think because he tries to fight that feeling for so long, once he finally accepts it, he's like full speed ahead. he opens that door and it's like the floodgates, the dam has broken, he's neck deep the minute he stepped over.
and i really think bakugou's attraction to someone—like his deep, genuine, heart-achy kind of attraction to someone—is based on who you are, and so the more time he spends with you and the more he thinks about you and the more he gets to know you, it just builds and builds and builds LOL and then that sexual attraction comes bull-dozing in, i think. and i love to talk about this but he thinks he's so not a meat-head that thinks with his dick but he definitely catches himself checking you out and is SO MAD LMAOOO
he's also such a—make a plan, make it happen kind of person, so once he decides he can't stand doing nothing, he's trying to figure out how to make you his. and in trying to plan that out, he's going through scenario after scenario, thinking about what differently he could do when he sees you and how you'll respond, imagining it late at night, dreaming about what you'd say and what you'd do.....what that would lead to, eventually AND HE FEELS LIKE SUCH A PERV LMAOOO he's such a dork
god i literally could go on and on about this forever you don't understand akdhfjskkq this is one of my favorite scenarios for him it's just my default thinking state this point LOL hiiiii friend !!! tysm for asking !!! 😌🩷✨️
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cowboysandpilots · 2 months
Secrets of a 30-Year-Old Flyboy — ch. 3
Fake Roonix, Secret Hangster | Words: 780 | Warnings: Blood, medical stuff, sickness, miscommunications, and boys being stupid.
"They said he had a dangerously high fever, and his appendix burst. That's all I got before they rushed him into surgery." Tears had gathered in the blue eyes behind glasses but he was trying to hold them back, keeping up appearances. Bradley had looked so similar to after the accident, blood on his face and unconscious.
Stepping closer, Mav wrapped his arm around Ice’s waist and leaned into his side. He held him tightly. Mav knew what Ice was remembering. “It’s not like that this time,” he murmured to him. “Appendixes happen all the time. It’s routine surgery.” Maverick didn’t voice that he was worried about the fact that Bradley had been in the air. He’d been sustaining G-force pressures with a bad appendix. What kind of damage did that do? He knew it was normal for the average person, but this wasn’t normal. Because, of course, nothing had to be normal about Bradley.
Phoenix shooed the squadron to take seats. She focused on them to give her something to do while being sick with worry. The least she could do was make everyone give Bradley’s Godfathers some privacy. She felt awful because she had teased Bradley in the locker room instead of asking how he was doing. She’d seen that he didn’t feel good.
While everyone else took a seat, Jake hadn’t been able to do so. He stood off to the side, with his back pressed against the wall. He couldn’t stop the fine tremors that were running through him or the waves of dizziness. "It's not like last time." Ice repeats with a nod, exactly like Bradley would do when he was trying to convince himself of something. A mannerism that he must've picked up from the other man.
"What happened last time?" Bob asks, clearly listening and not reading the room.
Phoenix tried to shush Bob, flapping a hand in his face. “Not now, dude,” she hissed. She knew a little bit about the accident, just a few things Bradley had said or that she figured out.
Maverick turned his glower to Bob. All of his sour attitude from earlier returned full force and once again focused on the entire squadron. “There was an accident,” he said, voice clipped. “Now keep your noses to yourself about it.”
"Sorry," Bob says softly, immediately backing down and looking away like a little kid getting scolded by their father.
It's about 5 minutes later when they're all sitting in the waiting room. A nurse makes his way to Ice and pulls him off to the side. "Sir, your son came in with these on around his neck. We had to remove them for the surgery and want to make sure they're kept safe." She explains, handing two sets of dog tags to the admiral.
Accepting both sets of dog tags, Ice frowned and looked down at them in his hand. He rolled them until he could see the stamped text. Bradley’s and…Seresin’s? He frowned as he turned his attention back to the nurse. “Thank you,” he said, glancing down at the tags again. “He was wearing both sets?” Ice can’t help but ask, not understanding what was going on with this at all. It was bad enough that Bradley was in surgery. He couldn’t focus on much beyond his worry.
"Yes, sir. They were both around his neck when he came in." She places a gentle hand on his arm. "I'll be back to give you updates on the surgery when I have them."
Nodding, Ice looks back down at the tags in his hand before he steps away. “Thank you,” he says again before he returns to Maverick’s side. Sitting heavily in the chair next to his husband, Iceman stares at the tags in his hand for a moment longer before he shifts and slides them into his pocket. He glances at where Hangman is leaning against a wall on the opposite side of the room before he turns his attention back to Maverick. “No update yet,” he said with a heavy sigh. “She just wanted to give me his tags, for safekeeping. And Seresin’s as well. Bradley was wearing them.”
Maverick turns and blinks at his husband. "I'm sorry... what did you just say?" He frowns.
“You heard me,” Ice said dryly as he leaned back in his chair and took Maverick’s hand in his own. There was a fine tremor in Ice’s hands that he was trying to hide from everyone else. “He was also wearing Hangman’s dog tags.”
Maverick is absolutely stunned, speechless. "But he... they..." He clears his throat a little. "Are you sure they're not Phoenix's dog tags?" He asks quietly.
I wanted to make this one longer but I forgot about Tumblrs stupid text limit. 😭 Thanks for reading! 💕 Donate to my food fund if you want. 🥰
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thejudeduarte · 3 months
Today I'm gonna be talking about my babies wren and oak cos I love them so much. And I've also been seeing people say they don't really know them?? It might help y'all out since I've spotted lots of parallels between them and I'm obsessed 😭😭
(ps I'm really bad at writing these type of things so it's prolly gonna be a bit all over the place but nevermind lmao)
At the end oak says this massive paragraph basically declaring his love for wren. I think it's really beautiful and gives a really good summary on why they romance is just o beautiful 👌💕
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He says at the end that noone gets us but us and I think the reason for this is they're more similar then you think
These two both hold family ay the very basis of everything they do (okay maybe not everything) family is their EVERYTHING and they'd do pretty much anything for them. Oak would put himself into conspiracies and risk his life for them constantly so Jude and Cardan could stay on the throne. And wren sacrificed everything she loved and cared for for her unfamily, a family who she hadn't seen in years and didn't think cared for her any longer:
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Oak had been willing to sacrifice wren for Jude and Cardan - wren who was his everything - and wren had been willing to sacrifice herself. What I love is I think each other RECOGNISES this is the other.
2. They both know each other wears a mask around other people. When they're with each other, it's one of the only time that they let this mask fall. Not only does this show the trust they have towards each other but the care.
When they're with each other it's the ONLY time they can be their true selves. No more hiding. And I think this is super important in a relationship:
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They both see and don't deny that they're both monsters. But they love each other anyway. I think the reason oak gets so mad at the end is because he thought he KNEW the real wren. But he gets worried that that was all just an illusion. A lie. What's important is that they don't have to hide away from each other, oak and wren both love each others flaws. Oak felt like he couldn't be loved properly because he didn't think anyone truly knew him but wren does.
3. They both want to be loved SO SO badly. Wren yearns for love. She craves it so badly it hurts:
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Holly's writing here is so poetic I love 👌
And oak loves to be liked, he's also mentioned this many many times. However, he believes himself to be a monster so doesn't think he's capable of being properly loved (and also due to the fact that noone knows the true him):
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4. They both believe themselves to be monsters. Oak due to his bloodlust and wren due to her being a hag and such. What I like is they don't deny that they monstrous. They accept it and love them for it. They understand the pain each other has been put through and understand why they are full of this rage and pain:
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Overall, they're just two babies with such a raw understanding of each other it makes me SICK!!😭 They just get each other which I don't think is something Jurdan entirely had. Oak needed wren and wren needed him. They can't hide from each other. They see through each other. I want I love like this, I ache for it. I love these guys so so much 😭
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iblisterbottoms · 4 months
This was something my wife wrote almost 12 years ago. About coming out about your fetsh to your partner.
When I was just getting started as a fledgling perv was I total nervous newb. I’d had pervy fantasies since approximately forever; in fact, the first sexual fantasy I can remember having involved spanking and anonymous sex. But I’d kept it a DEEP DARK SECRET. I mean, I did not tell a single human being at all, ever, not even a little.
Hell, I kept my complete irredeemable pervitude a secret from MYSELF. I’d say things like, “Oh, those are just fantasies. I don’t REALLY want to do them.”
Uh huh. Suuuuuuuuuuuure.
Eventually I did come out of the kinky closet and while hair-raising it was also amazing and cataclysmic and changed my life and was totally worth it.
But here’s what I wish I had done differently. It’s only one thing, but it’s a big one.
When I was coming out about my kinks, I wish I had separated my desire for my partner to KNOW who I was as a sexual being from my desire for them to DO kinky perverted things to me.
I tell you, the torment I endured and I see other kinkyfolk endure. ”But what if they don’t want to DO that stuff with me? What if they think I’m totally awful and sick and broken and disgusting?!”
What a terrible feeling, to feel like the person you love might be completely disgusted by you if you tell the truth about who you are. How horrible and sad!
Our sexuality is so tender and personal that I think it’s impossible for us to refrain from taking negative reactions to it personally. What could be more personal? And what could be more painful than being rejected in such a personal, private way by someone you’re intimate with?
Here’s what I think you can and should expect from a partner: I think if you tell an intimate partner something private and sensitive about your sexuality, they should respond to you in a kind and caring way. If they don’t, call them on it.
Here’s what I think we CAN’T expect from a partner. We can’t expect that they want to do the same kinky pervy stuff that we do. We can’t expect them to instantly get used to the idea and immediately fall all over us doing deliciously awful things to us. We need to give them time and space to think it over, and although it’s sad, we have to accept the possibility that they might never really be into the stuff we’re into. (That, of course, is scary, because depending on the circumstances you might end up in Should I Really Stay In This Relationship territory).
So. Listen up, New game plan.
We’re gonna Divide. And we’re gonna Conquer. (Or be conquered, whatever floats your boat).
If you’re going to out yourself to a sweetheart about what a giant spanko you are, don’t make it about them doing those things with you.
Make it about them knowing you.
Wait until you can say that the reason you’re telling them this stuff is that you want them to know who you are as an erotic being, full stop.
Tell them that you’re telling them this because you want them to know, and while you would love to do this stuff with them, you’re not going to pressure them to do any of these things. Ever. At all. And mean it.
That’s scary, isn’t it? Yeah. What if they never come around to the idea? Is it the end?
It might be. Or it might not be. But if it is, you wanna keep your dignity. You don’t want to remember that the end was preceded by pressuring them to do things they really didn’t want to do. If they don’t want to do it, and you decide that it’s important enough that you really do need to find a partner who’s closer to your own sexual stripe, there’s no point in pushing them.
Obviously, that’s not the outcome most of us are looking for. So separating the “this is who I am” talk from the “hey remember that stuff we talked about…what do you think?” talk raises the chances for a positive outcome.
Why? Well, I think a lot of people react negatively to a partner’s revealing a kink because they immediately think that they’re under pressure to do whatever that kink is, right now, or their partner will be upset. Add this to the fact that they may have all kinds of extreme and stereotypical ideas about that kink, or that they have to work out how that kink relates to who they are.
Separating telling them about who you are from doing kinky stuff is critical because it gives the other person TIME to react as their best self. It puts you in a better place to have a compassionate reaction to them if they’re freaked out and think you’re going to leave them for the spanking commune.
You’re probably going to have to come out more than once, even with the same person. Coming out is a process. It’s likely that a partner’s first reaction isn’t going to be the reaction that you expected or wanted.
What I hope for you is that you tell your partners about all your fabulous kinky pervy stuff and they fall all over you and rip your clothes off because they think it’s so uber hot they can’t stand it.
And if that doesn’t happen, what I hope for you is that your sweetheart eventually comes around to the idea that it is super hot and fun even though they were kinda skeptical about it at first and wondered if they’d have to wear leather chaps, and they’re so grateful to you for expanding their erotic horizons and they just think you are the best thing ever.
And if none of that happens, what I hope for you is that you can be kind to each other and keep your chin up. You’re not awful and disgusting. You’re a badass awesome kinkyperson from the badass spank tribe. Don’t forget that.
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w0rmdahl · 5 days
are you listening? — SKNS
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gif ©: w0rmdahl, madsofrps-blog
show: skins s1 (2007-2008)
synopsis: joey may have fallen first, but love fell on anwar.
word count: 4.1k
featuring: anwar kharral, (oc) joey park, maxxie oliver, mention of jal fazer, mention of tony stonem
warnings: (it's skins yk) strong language, sex, early 2000s
a/n: so much to say about this piece omg. check the replies for everything i have to tell you guys lol (p.s. i think swear i can write in present-ish tense but i can't begin without the bg set up womp womp)
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next-door neighbors turned childhood best friends, anwar and joey were widely regarded (at least by the 13 people who knew them) as two peas in a pod; an inseparable duo that always happened to be together even when they weren't really supposed to. most — if not all parent-teacher conferences were chalk-full of complaints about their inability to stop talking to the other, and numerous family gatherings had been defined by the odd man out chatting happily as usual with their other half — their other half being a spikey haired anwar standing significantly shorter than he was now or the brace-faced joey who'd refused to make eye contact with anyone else.
over the near-seventeen years they were friends so tightly knit you couldn't even fit a coin between them, joey and anwar had obviously encountered their fair share of pros and cons that came with the territory. on one hand, they always got away with whatever mischievous schemes they'd come up with because no one ever expected them to be in on it together. however, the most pressing issue by far had always been the dating allegations.
for a long time even the mention of romantic feelings lingering around had them up in arms, vehemently denying the allegations with an iron fist as they cited how ridiculous it was to assume just because they were a boy and a girl. and though they began this uphill battle before even reaching double digits, the accusations would only grow worse the older they got and the further into their friendship they ventured.
anwar had always been the very first to deny, always saying the same thing; "you're sick and perverted, joey's my best mate! she's not even like a girl to me!" and for some reason young joey always found this to be hilarious. nowadays, however, not as funny. actually a little hurtful to be completely honest, but she knew why.
the god-honest truth was; joey had loved anwar since the start. she grew up with the hopeless gnawing of yearn at her fingertips, familiar with the fungus-like growth of blush on her cheeks as they walked home from school or shared a cigarette under the stars. she'd spent years tossing restlessly in bed every night in an attempt to tune out the annoying hum in her chest until it eventually became nothing more than white noise in her ears — somewhat manageable but still tender like a bruise when pressed.
by 14 she had figured out a way to better conceal the jealousy that bubbled inside whenever he drooled over the nearest being with boobs, that is, until she found herself whining under the covers like a sick dog. by 15 she finally came to terms with the fact that he'd never even look in her direction with romance in mind, and by her 16th birthday spent with the blubbering drunk, joey finally put the hopes of ‘something more’ to rest as she fell asleep with his elbow dug into her ribs and a lump of acceptance in her throat.
on the contrary, however, anwar was not afforded the luxury of carefully unraveling the warmth in his chest until the burden met his open palms. no — unlike joey's lifelong pining, poor dear anwar happened to be speaking with maxxie when the realization fell on top of him like bricks squashing a bug.
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"i just — i don't get it! why does she do that?" he huffed before taking another swig of whatever liquor it was that they'd found at the park, sat leaned against his bed with the absence of her fairy lights reflecting into his window further grating his tender feelings. "of course i don't want to hear about some wanker trying to chat her up! that's disgusting!"
maxxie almost laughs at him, though he refrains. "oh, come on, anwar. you know joey's like mother teresa, i bet she didn't even let him dream about it. is it really that big of an issue?"
"it is! because now i have the image of this bloke shoving his tongue down her throat and if i think about it any longer i'm gonna spew!"
now pausing to catch the sad-faced-clowns gaze, maxxie snatched the bottle from him before shrugging, voice small like he already knew what would come next. "well..." he hummed, "have you ever thought about telling her?"
the aforementioned clowns eyebrows furrowed together. "telling her what?"
"come on, an, it's obvious. i've seen how you look at her. you'll never know until you give it a shot."
at first, anwar would fully brush him off. "maxxie," he'd say with the disapproval already written in his grimace "it's not like that — it's never been like that. i've never even thought of joey like that." but when his stripe-wearing friend finally went home and left him all alone to mull over their conversation, poor dear anwar would think of her like that. he'd find himself in a similar position that night, unbeknownst to either parties, curled into a ball under the covers as he clutched at his chest almost like he was ready to rip the frantic heart right out.
as jal would say months after this initial incident; "joey may have fallen in love first, but love fell on anwar." she was right, as always, but this wouldn't come to fruition until a period of continuous push-and-pulls between them.
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of course, the days and weeks following proceeded as typical as usual; anwar and joey hung out for the majority of the day, partied on the weekends, found themselves waking up a tangled mess on the floor surrounded by the rest of the gang covered in a typical amount of vomit. nothing significant immediately changed — much to his dismay — but instead it seemed as though a list of strange circumstances added up over time to grow into the change they both so desperately longed for.
first it was anwar. joey noticed only a few days after he'd originally got upset with her that he started accommodating her more — at least more than usual. it started with the bag of chips they'd bought to share between their parallel windows. usually he'd try to convince her not to get the spicy chips due to the fact that it always ended with tears, but on this fateful day, anwar picked her absolute favorite without so much as a flinch before paying for it himself.
it didn't strike her as exceptionally abnormal until she finished her drink without realizing and was yet again left sniffling, eyes wet as she reached over the gap to hand it back to him with dust-covered fingers. he'd resume leaning against the window frame in search for his drink to hand over only to turn back and find her with a thumb between her lips, tears dripping down her pink cheeks. she laughed.
"they're just so good."
joey would wait for her expected response, something along the lines of 'you're a monster/addict/freak,' only to have his dumb grin be the entire response. she could see his gaze surveying her warm face before fixing on her eyes and staying there, utterly unmoving until she'd grumble.
"just say 'told you so' or something! don't make me stew in it."
anwar was careful not to stare for too long after that, he knew she didn't like feeling 'seen' anyway. but you'd best believe he was studying her features every time she wasn't looking, skin so much softer and lips so much rosier now that he saw her in the new light. he could've sworn she existed solely in a hazy glow colored by every new feature he witnessed pulling him in deeper. if only he could reach out to make sure — to check and see if she was really as radiant as he'd observed. how didn't he notice it before?
it would get to a point that, on a foggy drunken night, anwar would reach out to test his theory.
"— so, when i went home, i got to tell my mom all about how well i did and how many compliments i got from the teachers. she said she'd make my jjajangmyeon tomorrow, too!" from her seat on the counter, joey sat swinging her legs with a cup full of absolute jungle-juice swishing inside as she told him about her successful friday quizzes. "i'm just so happy it's over. i could drink myself to death!"
anwar swore he was listening — he swore he was paying attention to each and every detail about her exams and all the people and especially that bloke dominic — but from his inebriated place against the adjacent island of this posh house he could not for the life of him keep his mind off of the yearn to bring his pounding heart as close to hers as possible. with slow blinks emphasizing his glossy eyes, anwar set his drink down and pushed himself to stand up in one swift motion, arms already wrapped under her shoulder blades by the time she understood what was happening.
it wasn't like they'd never hugged before — they have hugged plenty of times, in fact. physical contact was not a foreign language to them after a long childhood of sleepovers ending with him using her as a blanket because they fell asleep on the floor, but it definitely became less frequent the older they got. waking up on the floor with his head on her stomach was still a common occurrence, but tender interactions like hugs were typically reserved for serious, gloomy moments that called for it. like when her cat died. not, for example, while she was around 7 shots in telling him about her awesome day.
"wh—what's up?" she chuckled nervously, pulse against his as her fingertips subconsciously found his spine, "this is super haram." there was an anxiousness to her voice that even an intoxicated anwar picked up on, especially when pressed so close he could hear the vibrations of her vocal cords. anwar took a deep breath before he pulled away to reclaim his spot against the marble.
"i'm happy you're alive."
a flash of furrowed brows appeared across her face before she was then setting her cup down, sliding off the counter to put her jacket back on. "okay, annie, time to go home. i want you to remember this in the morning when i nurse you back to health."
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anwar declared to maxxie the following day (after recovering from his hangover) that he needed to be more careful with how he went about this with joey — if he was gonna muster the courage to talk about it, he had to be careful until that point came. he couldn't just find himself stumbling into it; he had to be smart about this and prove himself worthy as someone for joey, the famously proud virgin who ran off any guy looking in the wrong places for something 'haram' (as his dad and joey would say, though he was certain joey was only teasing.)
"how do i know she even likes guys? or anyone, for that matter!" anwar is almost spiraling with his eyes fixed on the ceiling fan, "the only people she's ever liked are all celebrities! sure, norman bates is an interesting choice, but everyone loves ralph macchio he's-the-fucking-karate-kid!!!"
maxxie, as per usual, was cool as a cucumber. "well, why don't you just do some spy work?” he suggested, “ask her sneaky questions...point her in that direction?"
this ingenious yet devious plan from the third musketeer would eventually be how joey accidentally stumbled into revealing a little too much, unknowingly lead into the territory by her best friend with a sinister motive as they waited on tony and michelle to stop shagging upstairs.
"hey," he'd inquire, innocent in the face as he looked over at her. "can i ask you something?"
"of course."
"the other day chris said mostly men have foot fetishes and mostly women have hand fetishes. is that true or..."
joey looked over at him already irritated, likely suspicious of a looming joke in poor taste. she sighed as she shrugged in an attempt to play off her genuine intrigue before actually pausing to think about it. it sounded true, didn't it?
"i mean...i have no sources, so don't quote me or anything, but i'd say it's probably true."
anwar leaned in a little closer. "but...so...you think a lot of women like hands?"
"i don't know, man," she chuckles and visibly leans away "i know some girls do. why are you so interested?"
"do you?"
now she's actually raising her guard, he can see it in her eyes as she grimaces at his questioning. "well..." joey starts, gaze flicking around the room so as to avoid his. "kind of."
anwar's mischevious smile would grow upon hearing this response, restraining the urge to tease and nudge her with an elbow in favor of continuing his spywork. "kind of?"
"i wouldn't even say it's a fetish like a foot fetish is —" she's speaking quickly the same way she did when trying to fight embarrassment, "it's just — girls can appreciate pretty hands when they see one — i can appreciate pretty hands. it's just an added bonus, you know? if you're hot that's awesome, if you're hot and you have nice hands..."
he didn't even have to think about his next line of questioning. "do i?" anwar asks, presenting forth a warm (and a little clammy from the nerves) palm toward her. joey's eyes would finally return to his, wide and utterly perplexed, before peering down at the fingers outstretched toward her.
"well..." she mutters, shaky fingertips grazing his knuckles as she turned his hand over. "i'd...say so. you have...um..." joey's almost crumbling under the pressure. her face is growing hotter by the second, covered only by the long locks of hair she let conceal her features while she tried to navigate this sticky situation. how to be honest while also not revealing that she had thought about his hands in detail plenty of times to recognize each and every vein and scar in the skin?
"well," her tone is stronger now that she's cleared her throat, "you don't have any visible diseases, so that's a start. your fingers are long — but not like, salad fingers long. and you have big hands, too, girls like that. — i think."
finally looking up from the back of the hand she knew well, joey's pupils are darker than before, a shy smile curling her red lips once she noticed his. 'sly' he thought, 'but not sly enough.' she'd set his hand back down in his lap as the creaking bed upstairs finally came to a halt.
"you're cheeky."
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moments such as these, tense and somewhat awkward but certainly suggestive, would be given the time to grow into an entire catalogue (later discussed between maxxie and anwar) that eventually built up into one final, fateful friday.
it was a friday like any other for the pair, the beginning of the weekend spent walking home side-by-side after school in order to drop off their bags before heading to some posh party tony had invited them to. but, halfway through the getting-ready process, anwar would decide to make a catastrophic play;
"do you know if kelsey will be there?"
joey, from her place laid flat over his covers, almost scoffed. "um...why would i know?"
"she's in your last period," anwar shrugged nonchalance before pulling a different shirt over his head. "just thought you might have overheard her say something about it." from the corner of his vision he could see her sit up for the first time in 20 minutes, her arms propped behind her back as she looked over at him, though he couldn't see her expression.
"how do you know that?"
"she told me yesterday." he'd say simply. joey only inched closer, her full and individed attention on him now as she sat at the edge of the mattress.
"she told you? what does that mean?"
anwar couldn't help the smirk that found it's way to his lips at the obvious jealousy in her voice. he turned to look at her — wiping the grin from his face first, of course. "it means she came up to me yesterday before last period to ask to hang out." he stated plainly, watching as her gaze became sharper, "but i said no cause i didn't wanna cancel our movie night."
"oh, how thoughtful of you."
anwar was immediately certain he'd made a severe miscalculation by the absolute venom in her voice, low and barbed and filled to the brim with animosity as she rolled her eyes — a gesture he didn't see often. joey sat tense with her arms folded over her chest so tightly that her nails dug into the skin like she was holding the leash of a rabid dog.
she spoke again.
"so thoughtful, in fact, it makes me wonder why you even bothered to bring kelsey up at all. you could've just kept that to yourself — and yet here we are. why is that, anwar?"
he audibly gulped, his mouth agape as he searched for an explanation to offer other than the real one. joey was too quick, however, too well-versed in anwar-isms to not notice his obvious tells of dishonesty. within a beat and a half she's shooting to her feet with her pointer finger angled accusingly at him.
"you know what? i'm sick to death of your double standards, anwar, and i never got an apology after you totally brushed me off over the dominic thing — so it's funny that you decide now is a great time to tell me all about how badly that cunt kelsey wants in your pants. did you think i'd be happy you canceled because of me? that i'm the roadblock?"
in their near-seventeen years of friendship, never has anwar seen joey so angry. of course they'd argued in the past, especially over trivial things, but jo typically spoke in this distinct whine that came out whenever she felt cornered. maybe that was just how he made her feel at the time, and maybe that was how she effectively wanted to make him feel — but he didn't have the time to think about that now.
"n—no, no," anwar is backpedaling, his mind spinning the wheel on where to begin — what to do. "i wasn't—i just—it's different!" he's incomprehensible through the fire in her veins.
"what's different, anwar? your hypocrisy? — telling me all about how well you and kelsey kerr get along but i'm the bitch for telling you how massive of a cunt i was to dominic?" her eyebrows are almost touching, the lines of disgust visible by her flared nostrils, teeth bared like a violent beast. joey's almost yelling by this point, "you made me feel like bristol's town slut for telling that — that fucker off and yet here you are asking me if your stupid hookup is coming to this stupid fucking party!"
anwar begins sputtering for the right words to say, nearly unintelligible as multiple explanations meld together into a frantic jumbled mess. "jo — no — it's different now! i just mean — i didn't — i was just trying —"
she's over it. "you know what!?" joey interrupts, her volume close to the loudest he'd ever heard her voice (minus the spider on her shoulder.) "i don't want to hear it!" and without another word she's already turning on her heel, stomping her way out the door before slamming it behind her. thank allah his family was out.
of course anwar followed after her! what else was he supposed to do? he'd be hot on her heels the whole way down the stairs, blubbering a slew of apologies and explanations and pleads as they exited his front door and walked right up to hers. joey then turned as her fingers gripped the knob, face to face with him from her spot on the top step, and wholly severed any lingering conversation to be had.
"shut up, anwar! just shut the fuck up! i don't know if you think it's funny to piss me off or what — but now i'm pissed off! so what i need from you right now is to shut your mouth and fuck off because i don't want to say anything mean to you because i love you—so.for.the.love.of...god or allah or whatever! — go away!"
anwar went back to his room with his tail tucked between his legs, head hung as he flopped onto his bed. he'd turn to look out his window — the one that had always been their own personal menagerie for the other to watch and occasionally sneak into — only to find her blinds closed. with a heavy and distinctly discouraged sigh anwar would spend another hour or so going over everything that had happened — everything that could happen after this passed. he'd find that the longer he thought about it, the worse the outcome between them spiraled in his mind, his hands and his legs restless — itching to get up and do something about it. so he did.
first anwar tried tapping on the glass to see if anyone was actually inside there, rightfully earning himself a middle finger that emerged from below the windowsill. he took it on the chin with a short nod of acceptance before turning around just to brainstorm another option, then deciding to throw pebbles at the street-view glass. that was rom-com-ish, right? maybe he could charm her enough to hear him out, to just listen from the top of the tower she'd barracaded herself in, to understand the love inside that begged to be seen.
although this attempt was completely ignored instead, anwar was not discouraged, finding his own resolve by his side; he'd either burn every bridge to joey in one fell swoop, or he'd make it to the other side unscathed. using a trick from his sisters who'd gushed over john cusack after watching that one movie from the 80s, anwar would head back inside only to emerge with the biggest boombox he could find propped on his shoulder, the tape she'd made for his 14th birthday already playing one of her favorite songs.
it took a moment (the entire first chorus) for a response, but soon a glossy-eyed and puffy-faced joey appeared in the window, arms still folded over her chest and brows still furrowed despite his determination.
'and you do your best to show me love.'
he held the boombox taller, stronger atop his shoulder as he watched the grip on her own arms loosen.
'but you don't know what love is.'
anwar offered a weak, apologetic, pathetic smile.
'so are you listening?'
finally, the outline of her smile would be revived as she let go of her flesh to pull the window pane up, lifting it over her head to lean over the edge. she couldn’t resist paramore.
"trying to get arrested?" she asks, obviously teasing although her tone remained the same as before.
anwar wouldn't waste even a second, setting the still-booming speaker on the ground to dive head first into redemption, calling up to her with a muddled and quivering voice.
"joey, i'm sorry! i'm sorry i'm not a better friend to you! i'm sorry i'm a hypocrite and a dick and a caveman and a jackass — i swear i'm good inside! i can be tender! i can be kind! please let me show you! i — i have all these feelings inside me and to you it's just words and you know i'm not good with my words!!"
joey pauses. there's a lot to sort through here and not a lot of context, so she's mid-filling in the gaps when he starts hollering again.
"i'm sorry about dominic! i know it was shitty — i just — i couldn't stand the thought of him — !" anwar nearly chokes on the words "i just wanted to make you jealous! i wanted to see if you felt as awful as i did! and i'm sorry, jo! i'm sorry i l—" he stops himself to gauge her reaction.
there is a smile of utter disbelief on her face now, teeth growing more and more visible as she stares down at him from her place on the second floor. even under the familiar streetlight he can see her cheeks blushing a deep red, eyes sparkling with what he'd describe as hope. with a deep breath and a leap of faith, anwar would finally say the three simple words that sealed the deal.
“i love you!!” anwar calls up to joey from his place on the sidewalk, the prince at the bottom of the tower calling up to the princess. and what does she say?
“i think about you when i touch myself!!”
anwar had never been so sure about anything in his life.
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hanasnx · 8 months
Kinktober: House of Amateurs - S1E13
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SUMMARY: october 13th | behind the scenes | the daring interviewer, zena daren, isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty and advertise krayt house’s first full-length pornographic series. the new frontier of breaking through this industry’s stigma is a challenge she’s up to face. joined by any member of the cast that’ll lend their mouth to the microphone, zena wants to know the answers to questions the people are too afraid to ask. WC: 0.5k | CHARACTERS: anakin skywalker, zena daren (oc) WARNINGS: no reader | adult film au | spoilers: october 9th | mentioned: sexual content, adult film industry, knife play, butt plug
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“Episode nine was a surprise, I must say.” Zena muses, adjusting to incline into Anakin’s direction.
“Oh, the pet play thing?” he confirms, mirroring her movements in effortlessly smooth motions. “Yeah, it’s different than usual.”
“Why do you say that?” a sly tone knits itself into Zena’s question as she draws her pen from her clipboard, she points it at him, tracing a circle at him in a gesture. “I thought your whole brand was seeking out new experiences.”
“That’s what I mean. The girl introduced the idea— think she’s done it a bit before— and I’m-” He glances to the side with a shrug. “-not one to back down from a challenge.”
“I heard different.” Zena tilts her head, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips as she tucks the pen back under the clip. “She told me you wanted to modify the scene a bit. Wanna tell your fans what you had in mind?” she goads.
The camera on him is granted one of his famous cold stares. “Coordinator didn’t have a bunny headband and butt plug tail lying around.”
“You wanted to dress her up?” That truth has a specific effect on Zena, as if she’d uncovered gold. So he’s direct about his desires on set; not only did he accept the proposal but he wanted to add his own spin on it. The only obstacle being the fact the supplies weren’t on hand. It sells the fact that episode was a spur of the moment decision.
“Why not? She would’ve looked cute. More like a pet, anyway.”
“So was the episode slot open for some reason? What idea did you replace with pet play?”
His gaze lays on her, and he gives her a single nod. A scoff creates a wry curl to his lips. Is she mistaken, or is he impressed by how quickly she caught on? She’s noted how he doesn’t like to make things too easy for her, an air of mystery surrounding him, never giving too much away. A sick sense of pride blooms in her chest. “It was knife play.” he responds, without a hint of hindrance.
Zena’s brows visualize her genuine intrigue. “Cold feet?”
Anakin’s gaze is unwavering, as always, when he replies calmly, “No.”
How can a man say so much with so little? Not to mention his fierce protectiveness over his co-stars. He doesn’t throw anyone under the bus as to their boundary toward a blade and how it threw a wrench in production, while simultaneously bragging about his interest in it.
“Will you explore knife play in the future on your own channel?”
That curl to his mouth deepens, scanning her figure in a deliberate and shameless motion. “Maybe if I meet the right person.”
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