#the enhanced series
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 1
Summary: Reader gets caught hiding out in the avengers tower. In the end it turns out for the best.
TW: non-sexual nudity, illness, fainting, swearing
Words: 4.1K
A/n: Super long first chapter
маленький паук – Little Spider
It defiantly wasn’t part of your life plan to be living with your bother again in your adulthood.
You had spent an excellent few months on your own having finally moved out of May Parker’s apartment, it had been perfect. Well … as perfect as life could be for a parker.
Then … you guessed it … parker luck struck again. There was a huge fight, one you had been itching to join but your brother, peter parker, had it covered. And since nobody knew that you sometimes wore the spider-man suit when peter wasn’t able to, it would all be over if two Spider-Man’s ended up fighting some of the weird aliens that had invaded New York.
You see, you and your brother had more in common than most siblings did. Peter parker had been bitten by a radioactive spider on a school trip as was known to a few people. But, at the same time, you had been eighteen and chaperoning the field trip.
When peter had snuck off to the side you had gone after him. When he was bitten, so were you.
But for now, you had decided to try and stay away from the superhero lifestyle. But when the itch came, peter lent you his suit so you could scratch it.
You had helped him refine his web-fluid and had your own web shooters as well as one of his old suits just in case. May knew about you and peter after finding out a while ago. However, peter and you had kept everything about your existence from the avengers so you could live a semi-normal life. At least for now.
But the day the avengers were fighting off the aliens, New York had taken some heavy damage. You had been running a small illustration business out of your apartment in queens. Your apartment … which was now levelled in the fight was gone. Along with your business.
Since you had moved out young, May only had one spare bedroom in her apartment which peter was occupying. Leaving the Parker’s with one option.
As peter had a room in the avenger's tower, you could stay there or with aunt may. Peter being Peter didn’t want to ask tony if he could stay in the tower for the unforeseeable future without arousing questions. So, you had been secretly living in the tower for about three days now.
Peter brought you food and had bribed Jarvis to keep your existence a secret. You had his old suit if you wanted to leave the tower, you could swing away instead of walking through the building and getting caught.
It was a pretty solid plan and it had been working pretty well. Until the day you got sick.
Peters' bedroom in the tower was on the floor with the other avengers, meaning you had to be somewhat quiet so Natasha, clint or the others didn’t find you. But it had begun to get colder out, and Peters old suit didn’t have a heater. It had been made before tony had found out spiders, including peter and yourself, can't thermoregulate. And swinging around New York without a heater in the nippy winter air had left you with a pretty nasty cold.
Unlike peter your powers didn’t give you super healing. In fact, your powers differed from peters in more ways than one. For one thing you had small fangs which you could retract, they didn’t do much, but they were cool, and peter was mildly jealous. Another thing was you had taken on aspects of jumping spiders as you could jump higher due to your super strength and some weird spider quality peter lacked.
Like peter the bit had given your excellent eyesight, increased metabolism, a lack of thermoregulation, the weird sticky thing, the spider sense and super strength and the allergy to peppermint. But due to sharing the suit anytime you went out as “Spider-Man” you had to refrain from using your own unique powers, so you didn’t give anything away.
The thermoregulating thing may have finally come back to bite you now that you were in peters old suit. After taking one of his patrols for him so he could finish his assignment and you could get out of his room in the tower, the cold had made you sick. Heres the thing about having a high metabolism when you don’t have an increased healing factor. It went one of two ways. Either you had flash colds which were taken care of quickly and at a much faster rate than the average human, or if it was stronger than your immune system, it was quickly made into a bigger problem than it should have been due to your body processing things faster and speeding up its strength.
Anytime this had happened in the past, due to not being able to go to a regular hospital, you had thanked the gods for May choosing a career in nursing. Though she had been able to treat you superficially with regular medicine and not anything made for super soldiers or spiders as that was a Bruce banner specialty that was unique to the tower's med bay. So, you often just had to ride it out and if things got really bad, peter would try and smuggle you some of his medicine out of the tower for you.
So, this is where you ended up. Curled up in Peters bed in the tower, stifling rough sounding coughs into his pillow and making a mental note to wash his sheets soon. You were doing your best to remain quiet and not alert either of the super spies to your presence or any of the other avengers. You thanked Thor that only you and peter had super hearing which meant you could usually tell if someone was in the halls.
Feeling miserable you buried yourself further into the sheets and shivered, it was so cold but in reality, you probably had a high fever. Your lungs let out a wheezing noise whenever you exhaled, and you were beginning to think maybe your asthma was back. Unlike peter you had not been so lucky as to have had it cured by the bite.
Your asthma puffer was one of the few things that survived your apartment being destroyed. As you laid in bed feeling awful you thought back to that day.
You thanked the gods you had been out at the time. You had gone to a coffee shop downtown with your sketchbook, laptop and usual things you took out, including a range of art supplies and of course your emergency puffer which peter had managed to smuggle out which had doses that worked with your metabolism.
You were broken from your daydreams as another harsh coughing fit wracked your body. From what you could hear nobody was in the halls, but you did your best to keep quiet regardless. The wheezing that trailed after each breath was getting worse and your lungs were feeling tight.
You had been trying to use the puffer sparingly so it didn’t run out because you didn’t know if and or when peter could get you another. But as drawing breath grew harder you made the executive call to use it. You rolled over in the bed and threw an arm down to fish around for your red backpack. Finding it you fiddled with the zip before your fingers wrapped around the cool plastic of the device. Tony being tony had insisted it have a Spiderman case thinking it was peters which ended up being rather ironic as it was fitting for you too.
You tried fruitlessly one last time to draw breath before achieving nothing but a crackling wheeze. Screw it. You uncapped the red lid and held it to your lips, propping yourself up on an elbow in an attempt to sit u straight to take it.
You exhaled and inhaled repeating it once more before drawing in a lungful of the super-medicine. Almost straight away you began to feel better. Your fast metabolism speeding up the medicines process.
Feeling like you could breathe again you replaced the cap and put it on the nightstand before curling up in the sheets again feeling cold still but also slightly damp from the thin layer of sweat that had been forming all morning.
You were dressed in spider-man pjs which had a thin t-shirt and long pants. You had considered getting up to grab one of peters hoodies to get warm or another blanket but the idea of standing up made your head spin.
You nestled back into the sheets and let your eyes fall shut despite it being almost midday. The curtains were drawn and so it didn’t bother you too much. You began to drift off into a semi-peaceful sleep broken by harsh coughing fits which were becoming harder to stifle in your half asleep and fevered state.
Meanwhile the avengers had just finished their morning training session, one which Peter had joined for once. Peter being Peter had barely broken a sweat and as a result had opted to hang out on the communal floor while everyone went o freshen up.
Stark had designed the tower well. With Peter’s bedroom being on the same floor as Natasha’s who was rather protective of her younger spider counterpart as well as Wanda’s, Yelena’s, Kate’s and a few spares. The rest of the avengers were a floor above.
At first peter had been a bit miffed about being on a floor of just girls but he ended up liking it a lot. And he had a second bedroom in the master suite with tony and Pepper which he proffered anyway. The one on the avenger's floor was more for if Tony and Pepper were away, and he wanted to be around the others.
Natasha was headed for her room after waving goodbye to peter who had settled down to watch more star-wars, when she paused in the hallway.
Retracing her steps she found herself stood outside peters bedroom door. Frowning she pressed an ear to the door and froze. Someone was inside and coughing. Knowing it wasn’t peter, nat carefully twisted the door handle.
Peter being peter had prepared for almost anything. As soon as Natasha had set foot inside peters room Jarvis had alerted peter of her presence.
Meanwhile Natasha peered into the dimly lit room. The lump in the bed was wriggling around and coughing. Nat was on high alert by now. She realised this person was ill but how had they managed to get in without Jarvis knowing? And why were they in peters bed?
She crossed the threshold and walked over to the bed. Taking note of the backpack on the floor and puffer on the bedside table as well as your spider-man pjs which had been a gag gift from Peter last Christmas.
Nat stood and observed for a second. Looking down at your flushed face which was burning with fever and the harsh coughs that were wracking your weak form.
Nat watched helplessly for a second unsure of how to deal with a sick intruder.
She hesitated before extending a hand to your forehead and feeling a very high fever. She sucked a breath. Despite being an intruder she had some ideas as to why you may have been here. Your likeness to peter wasn’t hard to spot. Yet. She was unsure.
Peeling of the blankets to get a better look at you, as she did you made a small noise of discontent and curled into a shaking ball still fever addled and half asleep.
Before she could continue the door opened and peter looked in.
“Uhh M-Ms Romanoff…” Peter said looking guilty as he stepped in and closed the door again.
“Peter, do you know who this is?” Natasha asked getting straight to the point. Peter hesitated and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Y-yes.” He said looking at your sick form with a frown.
“Peter.” She said crossing her arms. “Care to share whats going on?” Nat said as she headed for Peter’s bathroom.
“Um… She … she’s,, my sister.” Peter said unsurely. Natasha returned after a second and nodded. Now holding the first aid kit from peters bathroom in her arms.
“Anything else i should know?” She asked walking over to the bed and sitting down to rifle through the first aid kit.
“Petey?” You mumbled hearing his voice.
Peter seemed to break out of his trance and came to your side. “I’m here Y/n.” He said.
“‘S cold.” You mumbled making peter frown.
“Actually, I think she has a fever.” Nat said as she found what she was looking for, pulling out a thermometer from the kit.
Nat gently placed the thermometer under your tongue and turned to look at peter.
“Pete, you’re not in trouble but i need some more information.” Natasha said.
“This is Y/n. She’s, my sister. Her apartment was levelled in the last attack and so she’s been staying here ever since. She’s not a threat I promise.” Peter said almost tripping over his words in order to explain.
Before Nat could respond the thermometer beeped and she removed it to look at the small screen, drawing another round of coughs from you. Natasha rubbed your back with one hand while frowning at the screen.
“Peter… she should be dead. This says 106. There’s more isn’t there.” Nat said with some urgency as she began peeling the rest of the blankets off you in an attempt to cool you down.
“Ahh … yes. She had powers. Like mine. She … she wears the suit sometimes.” Peter said standing nearby and watching with a worried expression.
“Ok. So, she has spider powers? High metabolism, super strength, etc.” Nat said and Peter nodded. “Why hasn’t her healing fixed this?” Nat said feeling your forehead again.
“She doesn’t have it. Her powers differ slightly.” Peter explained as Nat cursed softly in Russian.
“Her fever’s still rising.” Nat said making a decision. “We need to cool her down fast before she gets too hot for her own good. Jarvis?” Natasha said and peter looked panicked for a second worried about more people finding out about you.
“Ms Romanoff-“ he started.
“Pete, we need to cool her down stat. I need some help.” She said and peter nodded still looking nervous. “Jarvis call wanda to Peter’s bedroom.” Nat said and peter relaxed slightly. Wanda was ok. She would be good for the situation.
“What are you going to do?” Peter asked.
“She needs a bath and I doubt you want to do that.” She said with a small smirk and Peter flushed for a second.
“Defiantly not.” He said shaking his head.
“Is there someone we can call? Someone who she’d be ok with dressing her once we cool her down. She may be sick but i don’t want to invade her privacy.” Nat said as she scooped you up from the bed and into her lap while they waited for wanda to arrive. You cough harshly again and wheezed making nat frown and look to peter.
“Asthma.” He said.
“Runs in the family huh?” She joked reaching over for the puffer on the bedside table.
“Uh… about that.” Peter said looking guilty. “Mine was cured by the bite. I need the puffers for her.” He said looking sheepish. Expecting Nat to be mad she grinned.
“You’re a good brother.” She said as she uncapped the device and pressed it to your lips.
“Exhale.” She instructed and by some small miracle you complied. When you went to inhale, she administered the medicine and told you to hold.
Recapping the device, she rubbed a hand up and down your arm. “Good job sweetie.” She said and felt you relax into her arms some more as you let out a breath.
The two sat in silence for another second before the door opened again and wanda slipped inside.
She was freshly showered, her hair damp and she smelt like jasmine and honey. She was dressed in a simple faded black t-shirt and grey track pants.
“Whats-“ she began before pausing, her eyes caught on you laid in Natashas lap half asleep.
“Wanda,” Nat said. “Meet Y/n. Peter’s older sister.” She said.
“Okay…” Wanda said looking lost before her expression morphed to concern as you coughed. “Is she ok?” Wanda asked.
“No. That’s why you’re here. Long story short, peter smuggled her into the tower, and she has spider powers and her fever is really high. We need to cool her down.” Nat said and wanda swallowed and nodded. “Peter?” Nat said turning to the younger parker.
“Yes?” He said looking up from where he had been studying his shoes closely.
“You never answered my question. Is there someone we can call to come and get her dressed after wanda and i bathe her?” Nat asked and peter blushed again and nodded.
“I can call May. It’s her day off.” He said and Nat nodded.
“You do that. Wanda and I will look after Y/n. We promise not to go further than her outer clothes.” She said and scooped you up into her arms. She headed for Peter’s bathroom with wanda trailing behind. You remained limp in her arms snuggled into her chest in an unconscious need for companionship.
Once the two redheads had you in the bathroom wanda looked at nat. “Now what?” She asked and Natasha smirked.
“Now we take her clothes off.” She said and gently she lifted your arms from where you were laid on the floor in her lap and pulled the spider-man t-shirt off over your head. Wanda blushed slightly at the sight of your red sports bra despite having seen Nat and herself train in about the same if not less clothes.
“You wanna help?” Nat asked with a grin that only served to make Wanda’s blush deepen. You squirmed slighting in Nat’s lap but stopped when she gently rubbed your arm after you buried your warm face into her stomach.
Wanda rolled her eyes in an attempt to feign nonchalance despite being way past that point.
She lifted her hands, and the familiar red glow of magic surrounded her hands. Her magic lifted your hips so Nat could slide off your pants. Wanda blushed again at the sight of your Black Widow boxers. Natasha however grinned at them finding it both adorable and very cute.
After a beat Wanda met Nat’s eyes again. “Now what?”
“We get her in the bath. She needs to be cooled down Asap.” Nat said hoisting you into her arms again as you wriggled, turning and grumbling into her chest.
“Not gonna lie she’s pretty cute.” Nat said and Wanda avoided her eyes as she used her magic to fill the bath with tepid water.
Natasha gently lowered you into the tub ignoring your whining protests and running her hands through your hair which seemed to calm you down as you relaxed again.
“So … now we wait?” Wanda guessed and Natasha nodded.
“Yep. Unless you really want to steal May’s job of getting her dressed again.” Nat teased making Wanda splutter slightly. “Im kidding.” Nat said. “I know what hot women do to your brain.” She winked and wanda slouched slightly.
After a second you grumbled and blearily opened your eyes, squinting at the two women.
“Peter is so dead.” You mumbled before letting your eyes drift shut again. There was a pause before wanda and nat both started laughing.
You groaned. “Peter!” You yelled before coughing again making Wanda and Nat frown. But before they could do anything the door opened to show a beat red peter with his hands covering his eyes.
“Yes?” He said in a small voice.
“When I get out of here, you’re dead.” You mumbled with a foggy glare sent in his direction.
“Hey. Peter did the right thing.” Another voice said from behind Peter.
“May?” You called. “Oh, wtf is going on right now.” You mumbled.
“Whats going on kiddo is that, once again, you failed to ask for help which landed you here.” May said entering the bathroom with a change of clothes.
“Nice to see you Ms Parker.” Nat said and wanda echoed.
“Please. Call me May. And thank you for looking after her.” May said and you groaned.
“I hate all of you.” You said hiding your face in your hands.
“Uh huh. Sure, you do.” May teased.
“It was no problem. Ms- May.” Wanda said. “We’ll wait in peters bedroom while you… yeah.” Wanda said before making a hasty retreat. Nat laughed and followed her out.
May gave you a disappointed frown once she had shut the door and turned back to you with a sigh.
“Honey.” She said.
“I know… I know.” You said still feeling like death but slightly less so. “Did the black widow and scarlet witch just really see me in my underpants?” You asked.
“Yes, and I serves you right for hiding illness … again!” She said as she came over, rolling up her sleeves and helping you out, practically holding all your weight for you as your head spun.
May frowned and guided you over to the covered toilet seat to dress you again.
Gently she began to towel you off and change you into fresh clothes.
“I can do it myself.” You whined but May shot you a look and you knew better than to challenge the angry Parker and you and peter had called her as kids when she was upset at you for something.
“Now, once you’re dressed you are going to thank those two for their kindness and your coming home with me.” May said.
“But-“ you began.
“No buts.” She said and helped you up, now fully dressed.
She helped you over to the door opening it despite still holding you up. The two of you shuffled into the room where Peter, Nat and Wanda were sat on Peter’s bed talking in hushed voices.
“Pete. I love you but I can hear everything you’re saying dumbass.” You said rolling your eyes and May lightly hit your arm.
“Right.” He said rubbing his neck. “Super hearing.” He nodded.
“I’ll add it to the list.” Nat grinned and you groaned before May jabbed you in the side and looked at the two girls.
You coughed at her actions making her frown but quickly got it under control for the sake of your already fragile image.
“Thank you, Wanda and Natasha, for helping me.” You said still leaning heavily on May. Now you had been standing for a bit the room began to spin. Your face went a shade paler making Natasha frown and stand. It was a split second before you stumbled, almost bringing May down with you in the process. Luckily strong arms wrapped around you, and you looked up into Nat’s pale green and worried eyes.
“Y/n?” You finally registered she was talking to you. “Y/n?” She asked again a little louder.
You let out a soft groan and she huffed. “Right. Up we go.” She said hoisting you into your arms and making the room spin again as you buried your face in her arm.
You felt her gently set you down on the bed and feel your forehead.
Distantly you heard May saying something along the lines of taking you home and the sound of Natasha arguing they were better equipped to help with your powers and sickness. May relented and you went back to dozing.
“What happened?” Peter asked from where he was stood by the door.
“Probably got too dizzy from standing up. Her body’s already trying to fight off sickness.” Natasha said and Wanda nodded.
“Peter? Don’t you have a super high metabolism?” Wanda asked.
“Yeah?” He said looking lost as May seemed to catch on.
“Y/n when did you last eat?” May asked and you groaned and buried your face in the pillow. “Well, that answers that.” May said rolling her eyes.
“Peter, do you have any of those energy bars that steve uses?” Wanda asked and peter nodded and headed for his bedside drawer.
He fished around and pulled out one of them and passed it to nat. She unwrapped it and shoved it into your hands.
“Eat.” She said and you made a groan of protest. “It’ll help.” She said in a softer tone.
“Fine.” You said sitting up against the headboard and nibbling on it slowly.
“Better.” Nat said and you frowned.
“You know you’re cute when you’re mad.” Wanda said looking surprised by her own words and blushing at Natasha’s knowing gaze.
“Get some rest маленький паук” Nat said once you had finished eating, and she begun to shepherd everyone out of the room.
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buckrecs · 1 year
2023 𝙗𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 1
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masterlist | ✨- fav fics | status - complete
All of them are COMPLETE Series.
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1. hurts like hell by @extremelyblackandwhite
Bucky x Maximoff!Reader
she loses him at the battle of wakanda and grows into a morally grey witch trying to gain him back.
2. Broken by @soulgazingwithbucky
Bucky x Reader
You built the bridge between you and Bucky Barnes, but he only knows how to watch things burn.
3. Blood Petals by @picassho-18
Mob!Bucky x Assassin!Reader
When the famous death hungry assassin, the Blood Mistress, and the charismatic mob boss of Brooklyn city, James Barnes meet, heads will most definitely roll.
4. It’s A Match by @ofstarsandvibranium
Chubby!Bucky x Reader
You’re back home for Spring Break and you’re swiping through Tinder in the middle of the night. You come across the profile of your high school history teacher that you may or may not have had a slight crush on. Throwing impulse control out the window, you swipe right. Lo and behold, you’re shocked to find that you matched.
5. Ruin by @sinner-as-saint
Mob!Bucky x Reader
You work at a café owned by your family, close to your uni. And most of your days are pretty laid back and calm, but that is until you catch the eye of the mob boss. Your cute skirts and soft sweaters make him weak. Your innocence captivates him. And he wants you, badly. He wants you in his bed, wants his hand under those cute little skirts… he wants to ruin you. 
6. A Taste for Older Men by @seventven
DBF!Bucky x Reader
y/n is moving back in with her parents after breaking up with her college boyfriend. due to an emergency at work, y/n’s dad is unable to pick her up and sends his friend bucky in his stead. to bucky’s surprise, y/n is no longer the innocent girl he remembers from years back.
7. Always by @jadedvibes
Best Friend!Bucky x Reader
Bucky realizes he's in love with you right before graduation, but you accepted a job offer across the country. Fortunately, nothing, not even distance can hinder the way you feel about one another.
8. Running From the Past by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Bucky x Mutant!Reader
Reader is a mutant who was experimented on by HYDRA. Due to her unique powers, she escapes without being seen when the Avengers attack the Hydra compound she’s been kept in for the last 5 years of her life. Her mutations and Hydra experiments allow her to blend in with her surroundings and change her appearance in minor ways, though the changes are only temporary. She’s now on the run, avoiding both Hydra and SHIELD.
9. Operation: Faking It…? by @povlvr
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
Surely faking a relationship to improve the public opinion of one beefy super solider known as Bucky Barnes would be the easiest of mission for two well seasoned Avengers? Tony Stark seems to think so & decides to task you with 'Operation: Faking it', but what happens when you realise there might be less faking needed than originally planned?
10. Misconceptions by @firefly-in-darkness
Bucky x Reader
Bucky Barnes overhears a conversation that he shouldn’t have…
11. Bucky & the Beast by @thejamesoldier
Assistant!Bucky x Boss!Reader
“You were an asshole back in high school but now you’re my boss.”
12. Buckyvision by @fictionalmemories ✨
Bucky x Reader
While fighting Wanda with you, Bucky gets hit with her power and wakes up to a reality that’s not his own.
13. Best. Date. Ever | Best. Proposal. Ever by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Bucky x Reader
This wasn’t quite what you had in mind.
14. Just Like You by @ladyfallonavenger
Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader
The Reader loses Bucky in the snap and life presents a whole new challenge.
15. Heart of Steal by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Knight!Bucky x Princess!Reader
Sir James is known throughout the lands as the most fearsome and honorable warrior. Ballads have been written about him. Men fear him. He is the most trusted knight of the King Henry. So why has he given up the glories of war and pledged his loyalty to Princess Y/N? 
16. will you love me tomorrow? by @buckys-darling
Bucky x Reader
You and Bucky are friends who fuck and nothing more. That’s what you’ll keep telling yourself, at least.
17. I Needed You by @ofheroesandvillains ✨
Bucky x Reader
Reader tries to make sense of her feelings, it doesn’t really go too well, especially when Bucky already has a girl. 
18. sweet by @noceurous
FWB!Bucky x Reader
it was something cliche but your fuck buddy fell for you nonetheless, even though you swore you would never do relationships again. But rules are meant to be broken.
19. Hope Of It All by @bethdutten ✨
Bucky x Avenger!Reader
set between WS and CW; after saving Steve and breaking from Hydra, Bucky remembers you from the helicarrier. He doesn’t know where else to go.
20. Season Of The Witch by @msmarvelwrites
Bucky x Enhanced!Reader
Your witchy abilities get you in quite a bit of trouble from time to time… But this time you don’t mind so much. 
21. The Last Word by @thefallenbibliophilequote
Bucky x Reader
you and Bucky never get along, it’s not that you hate him- it’s just that he always finds ways to get on your nerves. You’ve had enough of it.
22. Super Mom by @marvelous-imagining
Bucky x Single Mom!Reader
23. Take Me Out by @shamevillain
Assassin!Bucky x Assassin!Reader
You and Bucky are both professionally trained assassins. Both contracted to kill the other. Both completely unaware.
24. Like I Want You by @tmpestuous
College!Bucky x Reader
you and bucky have been best friends your entire life and it’s never been anything but platonic. so why do things get so bad when he gets a new girlfriend?
25. Overthinking by @galaxy-siren
Bucky x Assistant!Reader
Tony and Bruce’s lab assistant, Y/N, is harboring feelings for Bucky. When she accidentally texts him that he’s cute, she overthinks the whole situation. It might just take the meddling of the other Avengers to work this out.
26. So This Is Love by @ofstarsandvibranium
Chubby!College!Bucky x Reader
friend and roommate, Bucky, is a bit of an annoying fuckboy. He sleeps around as well as tries to be as annoying to you as possible. But here’s the thing: you don’t mind any of it.
27. Some Alpha by @/ofstarsandvibranium
Alpha!Bucky x Reader
Bucky is an Alpha, but can never seem to find someone who wants him to be their Alpha. Until he finds you, a Beta, who’s as firey as an Alpha, yet also tender-hearted like an Omega.
28. The Favors by @bbyboybucket
Virgin!Bucky x Reader
Reader assumes that Bucky is experienced due to him being a ladies man in the 40s, however, she finds out that he’s never been touched and decides to help him out.
29. take my breath away by @buckycuddlebuddy ✨
Dilf!Neighbor!Pornstar!Bucky x Reader
who knew that your silent, very good-looking neighbor with the cutest kid was such a devil under his grumpy and quiet behavior... 
30. Capital Letters by @sinner-as-saint
Writer!Bucky x Assistant!Reader
James Buchanan Barnes, one of the best, most admired and affluent authors of your time turns out to be nothing but a heartless man... or so you thought. 
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pharawee · 5 months
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"Tharn. I’ll do everything to be with you. I’m not going anywhere. I’ll stay by your side. I’ll do whatever it takes so that you won’t be sad or lose me. I promise."
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crazyunsexycool · 2 months
My Little Love
Chapter 34
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 4.8k
Warning: fake medical scenario (you'll see), So much fluff, this is so fluffy!!!!!
A/N: If you haven't done so I suggest reading this ONE SHOT before you read the chapter because it will be referenced in the chapter. All I can say is that I hope you guys like this chapter...
Series masterlist
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Bucky sat completely still. He only moved or answered questions when he was told he could do so. The people he was with were bossy and wouldn’t take no for an answer. Bucky had no choice but to comply.
“Deep breath.” 
Bucky takes a deep slow breath. 
“Say ‘aahh’”
“I’ve found the issue.” 
“What is it doc?” Bucky asks worriedly. 
“You have a cat in your belly.” 
“A cat? That’s not possible.” 
“We’re gonna have to remove it. Nurse, get the patient ready.” 
Bucky tried to not laugh as Henry and Lottie played doctor with him being their only patient. 
“Be a good boy, dada.” Lottie pats Bucky’s cheek. 
“Please lay down, sir.” Henry instructs and points at the couch. “Baby it’s not dada, it’s sir.” He whispers to Lottie.
Bucky does as he’s told and gets comfortable on the couch. Lottie stands by his head and takes the toy stethoscope that had been resting around her neck and checks his heart. 
“Is stwong, dada.” She says, referring to his heartbeat. 
“It’s sir.”
“It’s dada.” Lottie sends Henry a pointed look, hoping he would drop it.
Ever since you started working exclusively at the medbay the kids had been fascinated with the idea. They still didn’t like the actual hospital portion of the tower you worked on but they liked visiting your office. In an effort to show them what you did, you got a toy medical kit and explained what everything was. You even used Bucky as a patient and showed them what you did with each item. Now they loved playing hospital. Unfortunately for Bucky he was usually their patient and Henry and Lottie loved to play for hours. They even switched on who got to play doctor and nurse.
“Habe to gibe shot dada. Be bwave.” Lottie says before giving him a so-called shot with the fake syringe from the play kit. 
“Wow nurse, you’re so good at that. I didn’t even feel it.” 
Lottie smiles as she places a pink princess bandaid on Bucky’s metal arm. Then she leans in and places a kiss on top. 
“Is bettuh.” 
“Definitely but,” Bucky fakes a yawn. “I’m so sleepy now.” 
“Quick nurse, we have to get the cat out now.” 
Both kids ran around giggling and supposedly performing surgery. Bucky just laid back with a smile on his face as he listened to Henry and Lottie talk amongst themselves. 
You walked in just as Henry was holding Alpine above Bucky’s belly. Lottie was pretending to listen to Bucky’s heart again.
“Is good.” 
“Sir, everything was a success.” Henry informs Bucky. 
“What is going on here?” 
Both Henry and Lottie turn their heads to you. They start laughing when you narrow your eyes at them and then they run off. 
“I had a cat in my belly, apparently.” Bucky explains. “They were removing it.” 
“Oh. Well I’m glad they caught it on time, you know, before Alpine had kittens in there.” 
Bucky rolls his eyes but chuckles. He opens his arms as you walk over to him, inviting you to cuddle with him on the couch. You gladly accept and lay over him. Bucky pulls you closer and you sigh once you’re comfortable.
“Bad shift?” He murmurs.
“Kind of.” 
“I heard about the agents that came back.” 
“Yeah, it was pretty bad. They’re hanging in there but it’s very touch and go at the moment.” You sigh as Bucky moves his hand up and down your back. His body heat and soothing movement are slowly lulling you to sleep.
“They’ll pull through. I mean they have you taking care of them.” Bucky says but doesn’t get a response. He shifts a little and realizes you’re already asleep. 
Henry and Lottie walk back into the living room to find their parents cuddled up. When Bucky sees them he presses a finger to his mouth so they know to be quiet. Henry nods and runs off, coming back a few seconds later with a blanket he drapes over your sleeping form. He even places a gentle kiss on your cheek, which Lottie repeats. They leave the living room quietly and head to their shared room to continue playing. 
Bucky kept his arms around you and couldn’t help but think that this was heaven. He could hear the kids playing and laughing in their room. He also enjoyed your weight on him as you napped. Lottie’s question kept playing in his mind over and over. Bucky already had a plan; he was just waiting for the right day to do it. But the more he thought about marrying you the more excited he got about finally asking you. So the moment you woke up he’d start actually planning the proposal. Everything would be perfect for you, it’s what you deserved. 
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For the past two weeks Bucky had been acting weird. He was secretive and jumpy whenever you walked into a room. He’d always give you a lopsided smile but his eyes looked slightly panicked. Like he was about to get caught doing something he shouldn’t be doing. Half of you found it funny but the other half was curious as to what was going on. Whenever you’d ask he acted like he had no clue what you were talking about. You wanted to laugh, he made the same face Charlotte and Henry did when they were caught doing something they weren’t supposed to be doing. 
“You should never play poker.” You tell Bucky while stares at you like a deer caught in headlights. He had been in the living room typing away on his phone when you found him.
“No idea what you’re talking about.” 
“You’re being very secretive.” 
“Again, no idea what you’re talking about.” Bucky shrugs.
“Alright then, keep your secrets.”  
His eyes narrow and lips part slightly. “Did you just quote the Lord of the Rings?” 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  
Bucky chuckled. “Fine, I might be planning a surprise. But that’s all I’m saying.” 
“A surprise? When do I get to see this surprise?” 
“Soon. Now, I love you very much and I love being with you but you have to go.” 
“Fine. I’ll go. I have plans with the kids anyways.” 
Bucky gives you a kiss and gently pushes you out of the living room before grabbing his phone again. Everything was almost ready, he just had to finish writing out what he wanted to tell you. 
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It was time.
Bucky had chosen what he thought was the perfect date, the day Charlotte was found. He had help from everyone to get this right. There was nothing that made him more nervous in his life than this but it was the good kind.
 With Wanda, Nat and Sofia’s help he bought you a red dress and accessories. The dress was similar to the one you’d worn on your first date. They’d also help you get ready. Molly and Luke had agreed to watch Lottie and Henry. Clint had advised Bucky to just speak from the heart. Steve had been so giddy that Bucky had to keep reminding him to not accidentally say anything. Sam wouldn’t stop teasing Bucky but it was all in good fun. Tony was of course Tony and said he had a surprise of his own if you’d say yes to Bucky. Bruce, Josh and Vision had congratulated him and kept Steve busy. Eddie was the last person Bucky spoke to right before the date. Eddie gave him some much needed fatherly advice.
And it would be, it had to be. 
You’d taken his breath away when you walked out of your shared bedroom. The dress he’d chosen fit you like a glove but that shouldn’t have been a surprise, Bucky knew your body well. He looked just as handsome in his suit and white button up shirt. The top two buttons were open and his hair was styled to perfection. As soon as you were close enough Bucky pulled you into his arms. 
“Absolutely beautiful. What did I do to get so lucky?” He asks before placing a kiss on your cheek. 
“Me? What about you? You look very handsome.” 
“Stop.” Bucky blushes but can’t hide his smile. “We should go or we’ll be late.” 
“Ok. Lead the way.” 
Bucky pulls away but takes your hand and heads out of the apartment. He was so nervous and as the elevator took you both down to the private garage he kept going over his plan. Bucky knew everyone was already where they needed to be. All he had to do now was get you there. 
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You were confused when Bucky pulled up to the compound. Tony had said that the renovations had been completed and that soon enough it would be up and running at full capacity. It still didn’t explain what you were doing there now when you should be on a date.  
“I’m sorry Sugar, I should’ve told you I had to stop by before we went on our date.” Bucky says as he opens your door. “It’ll be quick I promise.” 
“Ok.” You said softly as you looked around. 
It felt like a lifetime ago the last time you were here. That last day at the compound started the three worst months of your life. Being back felt surreal. You decided to wait outside for Bucky. From where you stood you could make out the small playground the kids used daily, the training grounds you’d use with future agents and the area that Tony loved to use for outdoor events. 
“Agent Y/L/N?” A security guard called you. “It’s good to see you again.” 
“It’s good to see you too, Smith.” You smile. 
“This is for you.” 
He hands you a piece of paper and walks off before you could ask him anything. Opening the note you saw Bucky’s handwriting asking you to meet him at the main hangar. You were growing more confused by the second. Still you headed into the main building to meet Bucky. 
At the door you find a sign that says ‘wait here’. You do what you normally would and lean against the doorframe. Walking in from around the corner you see Steve and Bucky heading straight toward you. Steve looks way too excited to be here while Bucky gives you a coy smile. 
“What’s going on? I thought you were on a mission.” You ask Steve.
“I am.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“This is my mission.”
“This is where we were standing about three years ago.” Bucky starts as he looks between you and Steve. “Yeah, it’s just about right.” 
“This is where I truly met you for the first time.” Bucky admits. “It was the middle of the night and I was coming back from Wakanda. I was nervous and a bit scared that I wouldn’t be welcomed by the team. And there you were waiting to welcome me.” 
“I think she was waiting for me, Buck.”  Steve jokes.
“Don’t be a jerk.” Bucky elbows Steve playfully. “I’m doing something here.” 
“Focus, I’m still not sure what’s going on.” 
“As I was saying, you looked so beautiful that night. I thought that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to live here.” 
“That night was the first time I saw a glimpse of my best friend for the first time.” Steve adds. “I was worried about him but when I saw the way he looked at you I knew there was something special going to happen.” 
You smile at that. Bucky pulls out a piece of paper and hands it to you. It gives you instructions on where to go next. 
“You’re not coming with me?” 
“Nope.” Bucky smiles. “I’ll see you later.” 
You narrow your eyes in his direction but turn around and head to the next location. When you get there, to Steve’s office, you’re surprised to see him sitting at his desk. He was acting as if he’d been working.
“How did you get up here before I did?” 
“I ran.” He says coolly. 
“Ok then. What is supposed to happen here?” 
“I was sitting right here and,” Steve assesses where you’re standing. “Take two steps back.” 
You do as he says and stop at the doorway. 
“You were standing right there. It had been a few weeks since Bucky had been back. I was trying to keep him in and you were arguing that he should be going out.”
You smile, remembering that conversation. 
“I think you also told me to go get laid.”
“I still stand by that.” You joke and Steve rolls his eyes.
“Anyways, even since then you’d been looking out for Bucky. I still stand by what I said, I knew something special was happening between the two of you.”
“And I was standing right here.” Bucky’s voice startles you.
You step out of Steve’s office to find Bucky leaning against the wall not too far from you.
“You heard?” 
“I did. I was actually on my way to Steve’s office to tell him I needed to get out. You beat me to it. Always looking out for me.” Bucky holds his hand out. “Next stop, c’mon.” 
You take his hand and he takes you down to one of the common areas. Girls just wanna have fun is playing but it’s Clint singing. When you turn the corner the living room is set up similar to the bar you’d been at that night. Bucky’s hand falls to your waist as you laugh at Clint’s dancing. 
“That night at the bar, Steve told me you would have said yes if I asked you out on a date. I wanted too but I thought you deserved better. I still do. It was the first time I admitted to myself that I liked you and wondered what it would be like if we had a family.” 
“Baby.” You felt a lump of emotion form in your throat. “Really?”
“Yeah, I was crazy about you then. I’m crazy about you now.” Bucky kisses your cheek. “We should keep moving, we have a few places to see.” 
Bucky takes you to a few places across the compound and recounts all the memories he’s had with you. Along the way the team keeps popping up with their own little stories about watching you fall in love.  
The next stop was the medbay. Specifically the room where Lottie stayed when she first arrived at the compound. Bucky opens the door and you step in. To your surprise the crib is still there and a special guest too.
“Hi mama.” Lottie greets you from inside the crib.
“My sweet Angel, what are you doing here?” 
She looks over at her father who places a finger to his lips. Lottie nods as she sports a knowing smile. She waves you over so you lean in. 
“Is suwpwise.” She says before covering her mouth with her hands and giggling. 
“It has been exactly a year since we found Charlotte. This is where you spent a large part of your time once Lottie was found. You stepped up when she needed someone. It’s also where I heard you tell her what you thought about me.” Bucky says as he gets closer and picks Lottie out of the crib. He sets her down and she runs out of the room. 
“Will you tell me what’s going on now?” You were starting to get suspicious but didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“We are almost done.” Bucky takes your hand and brings it up to place a kiss on your knuckles.
There were a few more stops. Like the waiting room where Bucky sat, desperately waiting for news when he thought he’d lost you. Twice. The conference rooms where you flirted and the staircase where you had full make out sessions. The last stop was your apartment. Well what was left of it. Bucky gently moved you so that you were standing with your back to the door. You looked up at him curiously as he placed his hands on your hips.
“This is where we shared our first kiss.” 
Bucky leans in and gives you a quick kiss so as to not mess up your lipstick. He reaches around behind you and opens the door. The apartment was bare. It was completely redone but all of your belongings were missing. There wasn’t a single thing that reminded you that it was yours. Of course this had been the target for the missile so nothing would have survived the impact and subsequent fire. 
You take a tentative step inside and a slew of emotions hit you square in the chest. This apartment had been a witness to the love you’d had for Bucky from the very start. It held many good memories and even some bad ones. Your eyes welled up with tears at the memory of your last time in the living room, it was the night Lottie had her vision. Still that didn’t diminish every happy moment. 
“Hi mama.” Henry stood by the kitchen counter. 
“My sweet boy.” 
He smiles at you. “This is where you taught me how to bake. We had a lot of fun times here.” 
“Yeah we did.” 
“We habe tea pawties he-uh mama.” Lottie poked her head out of her room and smiled. 
Henry ran past you and into his own room. You followed closely behind.
“You read me lots of bedtime stories here.” 
“Me too mama.” Lottie adds. Henry leaves his room and takes his sister’s hand as you and Bucky follow. 
“Habe seepovers.” Charlotte says when you get to your room. 
“Yup. You would pick us up and lay us down right in the middle when we were having nightmares.” 
“Mama and dada gibe us cuddles.”
You took a deep breath to try and keep the tears at bay then turned to look at Bucky. He only smiled before looking past you and toward the bathroom.
“I believe you were in this room when I called you once. You’d been back from a bad mission and had been hurt. I was ready to drive down here but you told me Bucky was taking care of you.” Eddie says from his spot. 
“You’d talked to me about him before but it had just been in passing. This time though, I knew something was either going on between you or something was about to happen.” He smiles at both of you. “And I was right. You sure do know how to choose them kitten, Buck here is one of the best men I’ve ever met.” 
You smile and take Bucky’s hand, giving it a small squeeze. 
“Go on ahead.” Your dad says and you look at him suspiciously. 
When you walk out into the living room your siblings, Molly and Olivia are there. Luke is the one that speaks up. 
“This is the first time we had an actual conversation with Bucky for the first time. You were still sleeping after Lottie’s birthday party. After he welcomed us in he sat us down. He warned us that he wouldn’t allow anyone to disrespect you in any way.” Luke looks between you too. “He protected you and I knew he was meant to be at your side.”
“It was low key hot.” 
“So hot.” 
Sofia and Molly agree and you laugh. 
“Will you tell me now?” You turn to look at Bucky. Your family walked out quietly.
“One last stop.” 
Henry takes Charlotte’s hand again and runs back out ahead of you. This felt like old times. The good memories outweigh the bad in this place. You let Bucky lead you out of the building and on to a golf cart. He drives past the training area and he admits he used to always check you out while you were training. The playground is next when he reminds you that it was where Henry first laughed. The jet where you watched Lottie take her first steps. You weren’t sure where he was taking you until you went further into the tree line. Bucky reminds you of the second date. One that you planned. It was just the two of you, the back of a pickup truck and music. That was the night you’d asked him to officially move into your apartment. It was also the night he asked you to adopt Lottie.
“When the hell was this built?” 
“You know Tony.” Bucky replies as he stops the golf cart.
 There was a huge two story house there. A dance floor took up the front yard. Fairy lights were strung up above and around the dance floor. There was a dj booth on one side, speakers surrounding the dance floor and your favorite flowers all around. You walked toward the center of the floor and looked around in awe. 
“We haven’t had any memories here.” 
“Not yet.” Bucky says from behind you.
When you turn to look at him he’s down on one knee. Your breath hitches as your hand rests on your chest. In one hand he holds a small box, the other reaches out to you. You take a step closer and put your hand in his.
“Everything that you saw before was just the start of us. It’s led us to this moment. Y/N, you mean so much to me. When I first left Wakanda I asked myself what reason did I have to keep fighting, to be better and there you were waiting at that door. For the first two years I tried to deny my feelings for you because I thought you deserved better, you do deserve better.” Bucky clears his throat, his eyes filling up with unshed tears. “You push me to be better, so that I can be the man you deserve. A better father and friend. You’ve been an amazing friend, girlfriend an even more incredible mother to our children and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” 
A few tears had already rolled down your cheeks as you waited with bated breath for what he would say next.
“Y/N will you marry me?” 
“Bucky-“ you whispered, unable to get another word out you nod enthusiastically. 
Bucky immediately shoots up and takes you in his arms, lifting and spinning you around as you both laugh. He sets you down and you pull him in for a hug. Bucky rests his forehead against yours. 
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
For just a moment you’re in your own little happy bubble soaking up the moment. 
“Mama, did you say yes aweady?” Lottie called out from somewhere. You and Bucky laugh at her innocent impatience.
“Yes, I did.” 
The door to the house flies open and Henry and Lottie run out. They both reach you as the rest of the team, better yet your family, walks out. You and Bucky each take turns hugging them before you turned to receive your congratulations from the group.
“Let’s see the ring.” Sofia asks as she holds your left hand only to find your finger bare.
“Oh right.”  
Bucky opens the small box to reveal a beautiful gold ring. It had an oval diamond in the center with smaller stones around it, reminding you of a mosaic. Bucky takes it and slips it on your ring finger. 
“Baby it’s beautiful, I love it.” You pull him in for a kiss before everyone is looking at the ring and complimenting Bucky on his choice. 
“Actually I have to give credit to Charlotte. She was the one who picked it out.” 
“You did?” You looked down at your daughter and she nodded excitedly. 
“When did you even get this?” 
“Towards the end of July. I snuck the kids out to the jewelry store in town.” 
Your mouth dropped at the information. 
“I was going to propose the night when we were at the restaurant on the roof of that hotel and got called back.” Bucky informs you. 
“The night it happened?” 
Bucky nods and you’re left speechless. 
“I actually found the ring in my go bag a few days later, I’ve been holding on to it since.” 
You hug him again and he holds on to you for dear life. 
“Let’s celebrate the two love birds!” Tony announces as the music starts to play. He walks over to you and turns to look at the house.
“It’s lovely Tony. I didn’t know you were building yourself a separate place to live.” 
“I am but this one isn’t mine. It is my engagement gift to the two of you.” Tony informs you. Both you Bucky turn to look at him better. Tony just shrugs. “I’ve been working on building houses on this land. You know, so that we can have somewhere outside of the main building to live. The apartments can be used for our most trusted agents or employees if they need it.” 
“Tony, this is amazing, thank you so much.” You give him a quick hug and Bucky shakes his hand. 
“Don’t mention it. I think the kiddos would love all the space to run around too don’t you think?” 
Tony winks at you and walks away to find Pepper. Steve quickly takes his place.
“It was about damn time, you two.” Steve smiles brightly as he hugs first Bucky and then you. 
“I’m surprised you kept it a secret.” 
“Since July I might add. This is amazing, I’m so happy for you two, really.” 
“Thank you Steve.” 
You can’t stop smiling as your siblings and then the rest of the team come up. Eddie is the last person to congratulate you.
“My little girl is getting married, I can’t believe this.” He places a hand over his heart. “I’m so happy for you kitten. You have a good man. I don’t have to worry about you being happy.” 
“Thank you daddy.” You hugged him and for a moment you felt like you were little again.
“And you,” Eddie points at Bucky. “Remember what he talked about. I won’t hesitate.” 
“Yes sir. I’ll spend the rest of my life doing everything I can to make her happy.” 
“And yourself, Buck. Your feelings are just as important.”
“As long as I have my Sugar and my kids are by my side I’ll be as happy as can be.” Bucky said as you tucked yourself under his arm. One arm around his back the other on his chest. 
“That’s all a father can hope for. But how about a dance for the newly engaged couple.” 
The music changed and it was slow. Those eyes by New West starts playing. Everyone steps off of the dance floor Bucky can’t stop smiling as he leads you in the dance. You can’t help but mirror his beaming smile. When the song comes to the end Bucky dips you and connects his lips to yours. There’s whooping and hollering from all around. 
The music changes again to something more upbeat. Lottie and Henry come back and the four of you dance together. Then all the women pull you away as they gush about the ring and celebrate with you. 
You however can’t stop looking over your shoulder at your fiancé. It was heart stopping to think about. You’d be getting married to the love of your life. By the twinkle in his eyes it seemed like Bucky was thinking the same thing. 
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 “Wow.” You said as you walked into your new home. 
Your new home wasn’t furnished, which was fine by you, but it was incredible. The wraparound porch alone was more than enough. Immediately when you walk in is the living room to the right. On the wall is a recreation of the collage of pictures you’d had in the apartment that Bucky had made for you for Mother’s Day. The kitchen was of course state of the art and had been equipped with every gadget you could only dream of. Henry was ecstatic when he saw all of the baking supplies. There was also a breakfast nook, a formal dining room, a half bathroom, an office space and what you knew would become a playroom.
 Upstairs were the bedrooms and there were plenty to go around and just in case you wanted to have more kids, which you did. Henry and Lottie chose their rooms, right next to each other of course. Everything was perfect and you couldn’t wait to make it your own. 
Standing on the porch, Bucky had his hands on your hips and his chin resting on your shoulder. You were leaning into him completely as you watched everyone dancing and talking. All of them coming together to celebrate you and Bucky. You sigh happily. Henry and Charlotte’s laugh draws your attention. They’re in the middle of the dance floor holding hands with Olivia as they jump and dance around. You smile,  seeing the pure joy on their faces. The kids call out for both of you to join them. Bucky takes your hand and leads you down to the dance floor.
Raising Henry and Lottie together only brought you an overwhelming amount of happiness. The love and joy was there. Through the ups and downs you and Bucky were side by side. You had each other’s back and there was no one else you’d rather spend the rest of your life with. 
Ch 35
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galedekarios · 1 month
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aghhh i’ve been thinking about the httyd books again and how Absolutely Insane they are…. i ADORE watching people react to them because there’s this one point in the series where everything just feels different. and they don’t give you time to process what on earth happened before launching you head first full speed into one of the best pieces of literature i think i’ve ever read
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paintpanic · 7 months
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oh yeah did i ever tell you guys i 100%'ed triple deluxe
96 notes · View notes
fivewholeminutes · 5 months
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A Series of Small Offerings
PART ONE -7- Jaws
The whites of your eyes burn / From across the room
Brain went "blue fire and stained glass from the first verse" and I had to work with that. But hey, I do like the result!!!
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
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Just a casual reminder that Wolf’s Rain was all hand-drawn pencil animation :,)
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comicchannel · 3 months
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Transformers Generations R.E.D. Coronation Starscream Hasbro F0740
Link para compra BR: *Possível importar pelo Link abaixo
Buy here: https://amzn.to/3TnsR34
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plzsnz · 9 months
watching a movie with someone in the comfort of your home. they start to sniffle a bit more often, rub their nose, maybe their nostrils are flaring... finally, their nose cant take it anymore and they stifle a series of quiet, forceful sneezes into their fingers, trying not to interrupt the movie, until they just cannot hold back anymore and spray snot all over their hands and now they have to excuse themself to clean up, even though they couldve taken care of it before it got bad
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buckrecs · 1 year
𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙘 𝙧𝙚𝙘 : 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙪𝙖𝙧𝙮 1
masterlist | monthly fic rec masterlist
This is a monthly Bucky Barnes oneshot fic rec that i’m going to update every time I read a new fic!
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too shy? by @arigatouiris
loving him was red by @mediocre-daydreams
New Year’s Day by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Throwing Pillows by @writingcroissant
first name basis by @baroquebucky
Affection by @cloudybarnes
Baby Fever by @printedpeterparker
you by @lovelybarnes
Feelin’ Sick by @hellfiresangel
Alpha!Bucky by @angrythingstarlight
Back to School Night by @believeitseeitdoit
The Ask Out by @delaber
Five Times You’d Put Bucky’s Breath Away by @sebabestianstan101
“Why is she wearing my hoodie?” by @writing-soldiers
In Secret by @bi-disaster-yn
baby by @ugh-supersoldiers
The Barista and the Novelist by @/ugh-supersoldiers
I Love Drunk Me by @loving-barnes
Stuck by @bucky-at-bedtime
Your Touch by @marvelettesassemblenow
You’re A What Now? by @floatingpetals
for b. by @imagine-docx (Chubby!Bucky)
To The Rescue by @ghostofskywalker
Your Age Is Showing by @floatingpetals
Posies by @buckyalpine
Just A Little CrPush by @sidepartskinnyjeans
Back to Where We Started by @hopelessromantic423
A million invisible threats by @bitsandbobsandstuff (Winter Soldier!Bucky)
Need You Like Water by @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky
Good Cop, Bad Cop by @buckys-bitchhh (Dad!Bucky)
A Good Thing by @vanderlustwords (Mob!Reader)
Rats by @iwillbeinmynest (Enhanced!Reader)
ephemeral by @earlgreydream (Winter Soldier)
Back Again by @delaber
Let Yourself Be Human by @subwaysurf45
Nerves by @wicked-mind
interested by @/imagine-docx (College!Bucky)
Losing You by @watchmegetobsessed
Keep your eyes on the road (aka an unexpected sex pollen adventure) by @bitsandbobsandstuff
I’ve Got You by @sweeterthanthis
‘Tis the Damn Season by @sweeterthanthis
Flash Bang by @crushedbyhyperbole
Reunions and Birthdays by @law-nerd (Chubby!Baker!Bucky)
In Your Arms by @sleepypanda27
it’s really you (on my mind) by @heavysoldat (Best Friend’s Brother!Bucky)
Feel You by @x-ladyathena-x
Live Stream by @/buckyalpine
no other place i’d rather be by @bonky-n-steeb
Unfortunately Yours by @weepingvoidpenguin
I Love You by @ugh-supersoldiers
Perv by @kinanabinks (Best Friend!Bucky)
What We’ve Been Missing by @buckysho
Best Friends? Nah. by @/wicked-mind (Biker!Bucky)
Paper Thin Walls by @/watchmegetobsessed
Bubble Baths by @/floatingpetals
510 notes · View notes
The Bear || Chapter 2
Pairings: Wanda x R || avengers (platonic) x R
Word count: 3K
TW: swearing, violence, hangover, injury, fainting (more like getting knocked out but ok), implied trauma, vomiting, medical inaccuracies (maybe maybe not), concussion (+ adjoining symptoms)
Summary: You join your uncle tony in the avengers, it wasn’t your original plan but you never planned for your powers either so here you are. Now your at the avengers tower and falling for the girl of your dreams. With a haunting past and interesting abilities can you navigate your way through the challenges of being a hero? After a mission gone wrong and a cruel twist of fate the team starts digging for answers. Can tony keep them from finding out the truth?
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 || PART 4 || PART 5 || PART 6 || PART 7
A/n so far i have four chapters planned out for this series so i hope you guys like it lol
The next morning when you woke you were grateful for nat making sure you hadn’t made a complete fool of yourself. Your splitting headache subsided slightly with the pain medicine and still in your pjs you slipped on your fluffy triceratops slippers and shuffled out into the kitchen. Wanda’s breath caught in her throat when she saw you. You were so cute with your bed head and pj’s with the cutest slippers she had ever seen.
“Ahh theres the party animal.” Tony said slapping you on the back.
“Too loud.” You groaned “need coffee.” After nudging tony away nat pressed a warm mug of coffee into your hands.
“Im not sure how how you like it but its better than nothing.”
You took a sip humming at the taste as your shoulder slumped in satisfaction. “Perfect nat thank you.” You said shuffling over to the table and sitting next to Wanda.
“It’s Clint’s morning to cook so we’re having pancakes. I hope thats ok.” Nat said sitting on your other side.
“Sounds perfect.” You grinned.
“You obviously don’t know Clint very well then.” Nat teased and laughed when she felt a burnt pancake hit her in the back of the head thanks to Clint.
“Shuddup” he huffed and went back to cooking pancakes.
About half an hour later the team was sat munching on the pancakes Wanda had cooked after Clint nearly set the tea towel on fire trying to fan the pancakes which were also on fire.
“Damn these are really good thanks Clint.” You teased and Wanda rolled her eyes zapping you with a small flick of red magic. You burst out laughing and nearly choked on the pancakes but nat started smacking your back hard enough that you stopped. She handed you some water and you shot her a grateful look as you took small sips.
You were about to make another comment when Jarvis piped up.
“Ms Maximoff, Ms Romanoff and Ms L/n director fury is requesting your presence in the meeting room.” Jarvis said and you groaned in sync with Wanda as nat stood up.
“Duty calls.” Nat winked and dragged you and Wanda out of the kitchen.
It was a simple mission really. Nothing you hadn’t done before with tony before … well … before everything. So far nobody had seemed to question your ability to fight like a pro or the way you naturally seemed to have all the experience to match some of the older team members like Natasha or Steve even. But they had just assumed tony had trained you or more likely paid someone else to train you. They could not have been more wrong. But you preferred it that way.
You threw a few things in a bag before stripping down and changing into your new suit tony had designed. By spinning your ring on your left pointer finger left then right then left again the suit appeared starting at your finger tips and then melded over the rest of your body. It was red and black. Kind of like peters suit but the mask was a skull mask. You weren’t ready for the world to know who you were and you had valid reasons for it. Throwing a few knives onto your belt and a gun on your waist you stepped onto the jet a few minutes before Wanda. Wanda did a double take at your outfit. She had to admit you looked pretty badass. Black combat boots, your mask, your suit and an old tactical jacket with the logo ripped off the sleeve and chest made you look awesome.
As you stepped off the jet you walked up to Wanda deciding to take a chance and get some adrenaline running. You whispered in here ear your lips almost touching her neck. “I love the outfit, but I’d love it more on the floor of my room later tonight.” With that you went on your tiptoes and kissed her cheek. Wanda flushed, the two of you had been flirting for a while but nothing so outright as of yet. Until now. Wanda couldn’t wait until the mission was over. Carefully she tried to retrain her mind trying to focus on the mission.
The mission was going well, good even. Nat had taken the floor above and Wanda the floor below. You were in the middle. Te hydra base was nearly empty on a skeleton crew. Things were going too well and you knew your luck would run out soon. Rounding the corner and walking down a long hallway you stopped and pressed against the wall hearing voices in the room beyond the door.
“Nat” you whispered into the earpiece. “I’ve got company.”
“Ok I’m coming, Wanda meet me at y/n’s location. Do not engage until we get there.”
Your luck however had finally run out as the door opened and the men saw you.
“Shit” you swore and pulled out your gun. Dodging the bullets and taking out the guards was second nature although you were a bit rusty. Once most of the men had fallen or run you entered the room cautiously. When suddenly a guard appeared from nowhere and punched you in the face. Your mask cracked and fell to the floor. Your cheek bled from where it had cut you. Quickly you took the man down. After taking a minute to breathe you heard a slow clap. Your body stilled, swivelling on your heals you pulled you gun on the man and froze. It was him. The man who had haunted every night terror you had since you escaped. Your blood ran cold. Ice stilled in your veins and you were afraid your heart would stop beating. Hell it felt like it had. Your breathing stuttered and you didn’t register Wanda and Natasha arriving still frozen in place.
“Guards.” The man said and before any of you could react a burly man threw you into the wall. Your head collided with a sickening crack and you fell slumped on the floor, back still against the wall, out cold. “Y/N!” Nat yelled and ran over to you while Wanda jumped into action and fought off the two men who escaped.
Nat held you close to her in her lap and check you over. She knew you would have a nasty concussion and a hell of a headache when you woke up. But what concerned her most was that you froze. She had never seen you so afraid before. And it puzzled her why this seemingly random hydra scientist had such an impact on you.
“Wanda can you cover us?” Nat said into coms “we need to get her out of here she’s out cold.” Nat said and Wanda agreed.
Careful not to jostle your head nat scooped you up and carried you bridal style in her arms out the room. Carefully she jogged slowly making sure the action wasn’t moving your head too much until you could be properly assessed by Bruce back at the compound. Wanda stayed close behind making sure to cover the three of you and taking out any of the guards along the way. Nat had actually just gotten what they came for moments before you ran into trouble so at least the mission was a success in some senses.
When the three of you finally reached the jet Wanda carefully took you from Nat’s arms who gave a tight nod before going to pilot the jet. She would be back once they were up in the sky and she could put Jarvis in control.
Wanda laid you down on the floor with your head in her lap. The jet didn’t really have anywhere else for you to lie down so the floor was the best option. She carefully stroked the hair from your eyes and inspected the cut on your cheek. It wasn’t deep but it was bleeding. Reaching for the first aid kit without standing up she used her magic to bring it over. Carefully she cleaned the cut with some anti sceptic before putting on a plaster to keep it clean. And because you wouldn’t know any better she pressed a small kiss to the bandaid and stared lovingly down at you. Sure she was worried you hadn’t woken up yet but you looked so peaceful lying there. Carefully she checked your pulse and was glad to feel it strong adjacent her finger tips. She hummed and went back to running her hands through your hair. She paused momentarily as your eyes fluttered but stayed shut. Carefully you opened them winced and then closed them again.
“Don’t stop” you murmured and Wanda smiled softly before running her hands through your locks again. “‘S too bright” you mumbled and used your arm to cover your face. Wanda carefully pulled your arm away.
“No none of that. You need to be carefully y/n/n you probably have a nasty concussion and we need to get you to Bruce before you start touching your head.” She said and pulled you closer to her front as you were now fully curled up in her lap. Tears pricked your eyes as the headache hit you in full swing.
“Aww bubs come here.” She said hating to see you in pain. she pulled you closer again and you hummed into her stomach as she still was carefully stabilising your head. Wanda giggled slightly at the vibrations on her skin and hummed in content. Soon after Natasha returned and sat beside Wanda.
“You two look comfy.” She smiled.
“Shhh too loud.” You whimpered and both girls hearts broke for you. Nat hadn’t been speaking loud at all you simply had one of the worst headaches you had ever felt in your life. You buried your face into Wanda’s stomach again and missed the concerned looks the girls exchanged before looking back at you. They smiled slightly at the soft snores they heard coming from you a few moments later.
“Should we wake her up?” Wanda asked concerned
“No she probably needs all the rest she can get its a long flight home anyway. Also here take this you never know if she’ll need it.” Nat said handing Wanda a plastic sick bag.
“She might be sick?” Wanda asked raising a brow and badly hiding her concern. Nat simply shrugged.
“It can happen with bad concussions so its better to be ready than be covered in it.” She said masking her own worry better than Wanda could.
You slept for a few hours before you felt the plane start to descend. Without opening your eyes you felt yourself being lifted from the floor and the warm tingling of Wanda’s magic surround your head as she carried you inside keeping your head stable with her magic. You turned you face into her chest and she chuckled slightly.
“You sure are cuddly aren’t you.” She said smiling softly and you simply gave a sleepy hum of agreement.
“Come on cuddle bunny lets get you to Bruce baby girl” she said mind running back to the way you had kissed her on the jet before the mission. She wanted more but knew you needed help first. She would ask you to be her girlfriend later your head was more important right now anyways.
Nat’s silent footsteps followed Wanda as the three of you headed towards the med bay, nat had alerted Bruce already that you were coming. They were almost in the clear, nat still had the sick-bag in her hand as you stepping into the lift. However your stomach and head did not like the jolt as the lift began to move and nat noticed your face pale as the nausea peaked.
“Y/n/n? Are you ok?” She said carefully. You shook your head as a spike of pain hit and a slight green tinge took your skin.
“Gimme that.” Wanda said urgently as she used her magic to put the sick bag under your chin. Because she didn’t have any hands free nat quickly went to help Wanda. Guiding the sickbag to your chin and holding it there with her nimble fingers. A second later you threw up into the plastic sick bag and sobbed slightly as it made the pain in your head worse.
“Shhh shh shh” Wanda shushed whispering encouragement and sweet nothings in your ear as you heaved again. Nat frowned at you feeling bad you were sick and she couldn’t help. Nat held the hair from your face as you finished and went limp in Wanda’s arms. Body no longer tense as you stopped throwing up. Nat brushed the hair from your face and e your eyes fluttered they knew you were awake ad hadn’t passed out again, you were simply exhausted.
“Are you done y/n/n? Not got any more?” Nat said carefully
You weakly hummed a no snuggling further into Wanda’s chest. Nat took the bag away deciding to believe you. She wasn’t grossed out she and Wanda had seen much worse. She tied off the bag and as the lift opened the two of them stepped out, you still in Wanda’s arms as nat went to find Bruce and discard of the bag.
Wanda went to set you down on the bed, freezing when you began to whine as she was concerned she had hurt you.
“Y/n?” She said sounding alarmed, if you were sick again she didn’t have anything else to give you. “Whats wrong sweetheart?” She asked carefully.
“Stay” you said in a small voice as you tugged the collar of her shirt. She was pleasantly surprised and sat on the medical bed with you laid on-top of her. A moment later nat and Bruce arrive and nat raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything but Wanda’s cheeks heat regardless. Bruce hurries to your side gently positioning you so he could see your face and he began to feel the back of your head. After hearing you were thrown into a wall he wanted to first check the site to make sure there was no bleeding.
Satisfied there was just a large bump he laid you against Wanda again. Wanda hummed and noticed nat was holding another sick bag, she raised a brow at her and nat mouthed ‘just in case’. Wanda nodded and drew circles on your back and Bruce shone a light in your eyes to check the pupils reaction. After a few more tests and a scan, Bruce determined that you had a bad concussion which made nat scoff as she predicted it from the start.
He said you were free to go back to your room but to stay away from screens, bright lights, loud sounds and to rest for a bit. He then turned to nat and Wanda and told them they would need to monitor you just in case due to the severity of the concussion. Bruce said that if you got worse or they grew concerned to check in with him and if needed bring you back to a reevaluation. He rattled off a short but concerning list of possible symptoms to expect but reiterated concussions were different case by case. He handed nat a couple more sick bags before discharging you with some pain medicine. Wanda sighed as she realised you still weren’t going to let go. She stood with you in her arms still. Its not that she didn’t want to spend time with you but she did simply want a shower. This time the lift didn’t seem to set you off but nat was ready regardless. As Wanda walked into the room you were glad you had put your drawings of her and nat away before you left. Your sketchbook was on the bedside table along with your pencil-case of essential supplies. You clung to Wanda who sat on your bed.
“You take a shower I’ll take the first shift.” Nat said peeling you out of Wanda’s arms and taking her place on the bed.
You nuzzled into her still only half understanding what was going on.
“Thank you i wont be long.” Wanda said shooting nat a grateful look as she headed for the door.
“Take as long as you need we’re gonna have our hands full with this one.” She said jabbing a thumb at you while you began to snore softly in her arms. Wanda held back her desire to coo at your cute form, instead she settled for a shower and slipped out the door.
You barely remember nat feeding you the pain medicine but you do remember it tasted like burnt cardboard and paint. As an artsiest you had eaten your fair share of paint, accidentally of course. Painting before lunch and then it getting in your food. Only small amounts though nothing harmful.
Wanda returned a while later and swapped spots with nat who carefully handed you to her and by some small miracle you stayed asleep. Wanda prayed you would stay that way until nat returned from her shower, she knew how to care for people and despite being experienced she felt out of her depth with you, she didn’t want to make a mistake and hurt you in anyway. But she knew she wouldn’t.
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crazyunsexycool · 9 months
My little love
Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced!Reader
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: just fluff, implied smut at the end,
A/N: here’s some good old fluffiness for our favorite family. A little bit of Fury and Lottie interaction.
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“What are you doing here?”
“It’s beefing.” Lottie says as she takes a seat at the table. She smiles at Fury who stares at her from his place at the front of the room.
“She means briefing.” Henry says as he walks in right behind Charlotte. “She can’t say her ‘Rs’ and ‘Ls’ sometimes.”
“Hm. And where are your parents?”
“Mama will be here in a minute.”
“Good, you know kids shouldn’t be in briefings right? There is a lot of information that can’t be talked about outside of the meeting.” Fury says.
“Yup, you talk about secrets.”
“What secwet?” Lottie looks over at Henry curiously.
“It’s like a surprise, you can’t say anything about it.”
“Oh, no say suwpwise. Am good.”
“You still can’t be in here.”
Lottie pouts and crosses her arms while Henry giggles at her antics. You walk in a minute later with a few agents in tow.
“Your dad is waiting for you two down the hall. He said he had something fun planned.” You lean down and kiss Henry and then Lottie before she hops off the chair.
Once the kids are gone and the door is closed Fury begins his briefing.
“Alright doll, let me make sure you’re strapped in correctly.” Bucky says as he looks over the seatbelt on the car seat. He tugs on the straps and when he’s satisfied that everything is in place he closes the door and walks around to Henry and makes sure his seatbelt is on properly.
Steve slides into the passenger seat as Bucky starts the car. He turns back and smiles at the kids.
“Ready to have a fun morning?”
“Yeah.” They both say at the same time.
“What did Y/N say when you told her you were taking them into town?”
Bucky looks at Steve out of the corner of his eye and gives a little shrug. The SUV is already in motion and heading toward the main gates of the compound.
“You didn’t tell her? Are you insane?” Steve is slightly panicking and the kids giggle in the back seat as his voice goes up in pitch. “We are so dead.”
“I’m sorry what’s the issue? You know why we’re going out and I want the kids to be involved in it. They’re with us, plus Nat and Wanda are meeting us there.”
“I’m too young to die. There’s so much I haven’t experienced yet.”
“You’re being so dramatic. Everything will be fine.”
Wanda pushes off the car she’s leaning against once Bucky parks behind her. Steve gets Charlotte out of her car seat and Bucky helps Henry. Both of them run to Wanda and hug her as if they haven’t seen her in years.
“Where’s Nat?” Bucky asks as both men walk up to her.
“In the store she’s checking the security.”
Nat walks out to meet everyone.
“Everyone has already signed NDAs and all of the security is good.” She tells Bucky before explaining the emergency exit routes.
While they were only a few minutes away from the compound this was the first time the kids had been outside of it. Anyone and everyone they’ve ever interacted with were agents. They were very surprised as they kept looking down the street. Bucky takes a knee in front of them.
“Ok, do you remember what I said?”
“Stay close.” Henry says.
“No wunning away.”
“What else?” Bucky asks.
“Listen to you.”
“Or Steve, Nat and Wanda. And don't touch anything.”
“Kay.” Lottie says as she takes Henry’s hand. They walk side by side as they follow the adults inside.
“Sergeant Barnes, my name is Victor and it is an honor to be able to help you today.” An older man no taller than five feet with a big belly and balding head greets Bucky as soon as they walk in. He smiles and holds his hand out which Bucky shakes. “Before we get started I would like to thank you and Captain Rogers, you saved my father during the war. If it hadn’t been for you and the commandos who knows what would have happened to him.”
Steve offers Victor a smile before he ushers everyone further into the store. Other than two other employees the store is empty and closed so that Bucky could shop in peace. One of the other employees walks up to Bucky and the kids and leans down to their eye level.
“Hello little ones, would you like a hot chocolate?” She asks.
Henry and Lottie both look at their dad for permission. He gives them a nod but Henry is way too shy to speak up.
“Yes pwease. Bubba habe one too.” Lottie answers for him. The employee smiles and excuses herself.
“Sergeant Barnes, why don’t we sit over here and we can talk about what you’re looking for.”
“Well it’s simple. I’m looking for a ring.”
They had been there for about 45 minutes. None of the rings Bucky had been shone felt right. He had even asked everyone’s opinions on the rings and they didn’t really like them for you either. Fortunately the kids were entertained by some crayons and coloring pages so they weren’t fussy.
Bucky was about to give up when he felt Lottie pat his arm.
“Are you ok doll?” He asked as he looked at her.
“Found it dada.”
“What did you find?”
“Wook it.” She said as she pulled his arm toward a display case at the front of the jewelry store. “This one dada. Mama wikes it.”
Victor immediately opens the back of the display and starts pulling out one ring but Lottie stops him. This happens until finally he grabs the set she was talking about.
The ring was beautiful. It was gold and had an art deco style to it. It would have been something he would have picked back in the 40s for sure.
“Are you sure, doll?” Bucky picks Lottie up so that she can see better.
By now Steve had joined him and was holding Henry so that he could also look at the ring. Nat and Wanda were also looking and gushing over the choice.
“See it dada.” Lottie says as she touches her head. Victor looks completely confused by what Lottie’s saying but no one seems to notice.
“Ok, I’ll take it.”
“Do you know what her ring size is?”
“It doesn’t matter, she can adjust it.”
“Are you sure about that? I wouldn’t want her to lose it.”
“She works with metal.” Bucky says and it dawns on Victor who he’s referring too.
“I will box this up for you right now.”
Victor walks away while Steve, Nat and Wanda talk about the wedding and proposal. Lottie wiggles her way out of Bucky’s grasp and looks around at all the beautiful jewelry. After a few minutes she pulls Bucky toward a display with necklaces and bracelets and points at one specific item.
Bucky and the kids walk into the apartment a few minutes after you did. It was a good thing Bucky had asked Nat to keep the ring hidden.
“Woah did you guys go shopping without me?” You joked as you watched the trio walk in with bags in their hands.
“Yeah.” Henry says happily as he sets his bags on the couch.
“Habe fun mama.”
“Wait,” you looked up at Bucky. “You really went out? Did you take the kids?”
“Mama, habe suwpwise.”
“Just a minute sweet Angel.” You say as you take Bucky’s hand and pull him toward the kitchen. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
“Steve, Nat and Wanda were with me. We were out for maybe an hour and a half.”
“But hydra is still looking for them. What if they have people placed in the town? What if someone would have taken them?” You ask worriedly.
“Hey,” Bucky cups your face so that you look at him. “I wouldn’t have taken them if it wasn’t safe for them to go. We didn’t go far and it was only a few stores. Besides, Lottie saw the trip and she knew it wouldn’t be bad.”
“Ok. You’re right I’m sorry it’s just I worry about them.”
“It’s because you’re a good mom. You have all the right to worry about them.” Bucky smiles and leans in to give you a few kisses.
“Mama, can I show you what we got?”
“Of course, sweet boy.”
“I think the only problem we do have is that they’re little shopaholics.” Bucky murmurs as you walk back into the living room.
You laugh as you take a seat on the couch and let Henry and Lottie show you everything they got. It went from something simple like some shoes to a video game console that Nat insisted Henry needed. A few video games and extra controllers so that you could all play together. He even went so far as to get a few toys and treats for Alpine.
Charlotte got a few more bows and extra nail polish for her ever growing collection as well as extra kid friendly makeup. It also seemed that she went by an art store because she had all kinds of painting and drawing supplies. Thanks to Steve you were sure. But what caught your eyes was the little plastic bead kit she had.
“I used to have something just like this to make bracelets with.”
“Can make together, mama.” Lottie says as she holds up the kit.
“Of course we can.”
After that she showed you one or two more pairs of sunglasses as well as a pretty new dress and a purse. Finally she grabbed the last bag which had the name of a jewelry store on it.
“Mama, habe suwpwise.” She pulls out a long velvet box and hands it to you.
“For me?”
“Yeah mama.”
You open it to find a locket in it.
“Oh sweet Angel, it's beautiful. Did you pick it out?”
“Yeah mama, wook it.” She says as she pulls on a chain around her own neck and she reveals the same locket.
“We have matching lockets. I love it.”
“Open mama.” Lottie says as she struggles to open her own.
Once she does though she shows you what’s inside. She looks up at you and smiles as she displays its contents. On one side there’s a picture of Henry and on the other it’s a picture of you and Bucky. She points at yours and you open it. Inside there’s a picture of Bucky on one side and a picture of the kids on the other.
“Oh this is perfect. I love it so much, thank you.”
You bring her up to your lap and give her a hug.
“I got you something too.” Henry says as he gives you a bag.
When you open it you find a lovely summer dress inside.
“Henry, this is beautiful, did you pick this out all by yourself?”
“Yeah, daddy just helped with the size.”
You bring him in for a hug. “It’s perfect and I love it, thank you.”
“How about we have a family date.” Bucky says as he gets up and starts cleaning up.
“A family date? That sounds fun.”
“It will be, Sugar. Meet me on the roof in an hour and a half. I’ll have everything ready.”
“Alright kids you heard your dad, let’s go get ready.”
When you and the kids get up to the roof of the compound you’re surprised again. A picnic has been laid out as well as a projector and a screen. There are also a few board games set to the side for you to play together.
“This is amazing.” You say as you step up to Bucky and wrap your arms around his waist.
“I’m glad you like it. Now everyone, go get comfortable.”
Henry and Lottie run over to the laid out blanket and pillows and pick their preferred spot. Bucky offers you his hand and you sit down. Then he starts fiddling with his cellphone until the projector is running a movie. It’s more for background noise than anything else.
After everyone is done eating you move on to some board games. You teach the kids, and Bucky, how to play candyland as well as chutes and ladders. Once the board games are done Bucky shows you that Henry’s new game console is also connected to the projector.
After showing Bucky how the racing game works you all get ready to play. While you and Lottie are happy to just play together Henry and Bucky get very competitive. They push each other or cover each other's eyes. It’s very childish but entertaining to watch. It gets to the point where they completely forget they’re playing a video game and start to play-fight.
“Yay mama!” Lottie exclaims from your lap.
Immediately Henry and Bucky stop their play fighting to look at the screen and realize that you in fact were in first place.
“That’s not fair.” They both say at the same time and you laugh.
“Well if you would have focused on the game instead of trying to cheat you would have won.”
“Wook mama.”
“Look at that Lottie you came in 8th place. Good job.” You say with a chuckle because Henry and Bucky still hadn’t crossed the finish line.
They scramble to get their controllers and at least beat each other but they come dead last. You and Charlotte laugh at their matching pouts.
“Let’s play again. I’ll beat all of you this time.” Henry says as he starts to reset the game.
“How about you two play and Lottie and I will be over here making bracelets?”
“Fine but I wanna play against you too.”
“That’s fine by me. I know you can beat your dad because he’s an old man and he doesn’t know what he’s doing but it’s going to be harder to beat me.”
Bucky holds a hand over his heart. “Me old? You wound me Sugar.”
“And grumpy.”
“No, don’t say that.” He fake cries and Lottie runs to Bucky and hugs him.
“Mama, no say that. Not nice.”
“That’s right, it's not nice.” Bucky gives you a wicked grin while he lets Lottie hug him for a bit longer.
“I’m sorry. Could you ever forgive me? I’d do just about anything.”
“I’ll think about it.”
You roll your eyes as Lottie pulls away and gives Bucky a kiss on his cheek. He murmurs sweet little loving words just for her to hear which make her preen under the attention. By the time she finally sits back down on your lap you have what you need to start showing Lottie how to make bracelets.
“Ok the first thing we have to do is pick out some colors. What do you want to start with?”
Lottie examines the colors before picking three.
“Make fo Steebie.” She says as she starts to grab some red, white and blue beads.
“He’s going to love it.”
You teach her what she needs to do and she picks up on it rather quickly. After about three bracelets are made and a few rounds of video games you call it a night. Bucky sends you back down to the apartment while he cleans up.
The kids had fallen asleep rather quickly in Henry’s room. You didn’t even get to read more than three pages of the book they had chosen. But they had a big day so you couldn’t blame them.
The extra time did give you a chance to change into something more revealing. You could hear Bucky walking down the hall and then checking in on the kids before making his way into your shared bedroom.
“Sugar? I’ve been thinking a lot about forgiving you.” He says playfully. “And I’ve been thinking about what you could do.”
“Would this help?” You open the door to the en suite bathroom and step out in the lingerie set you’d chosen.
“Fuck Sugar, you could give an old man a heart attack dressed like that.”
“Good thing you’re not old.” You quip as you stop right in front of him.
Bucky picks you up and tosses you toward the bed. The sudden movement causes you to yelp and Bucky is on top of you before you realize what’s happening.
“You gotta keep quiet Sugar,” he says between pressing kisses up your neck. “Or else you’ll wake up the kids and I want to have a seepover with just you tonight.”
You giggle as your lips meet his. And you both get what you want, a seepover with just the two of you. Once you're asleep on his chest Bucky can’t help but picture when he asks you to marry him. He has it all planned out and he can’t wait to spend the rest of his life with you.
Ch 27
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alien-ally · 6 months
shoutout to last twilight for having the first ever watchable and LOVELY singing scene in a thai bl.
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lunacornfan2k24 · 5 months
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Leave it to me to create art for a fic and then forget to include it in the fic
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