#the abuse these people experienced
yugocar · 1 year
truly one of my favorite consistent writing choices in succession is that whenever there is something with massive (political or otherwise) implications at stake; the roys always argue about a dynamic they established as children.
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cemeterything · 3 months
Please in no way shape or form feel obligated to answer this but since I so rarely hear about MEDICAL abuse as opposed to, ya know, the more traditional verbal/physical type (tho I think that they often go hand-in-hand) and I want to compare experiences. Was your mom "always" alternative for EVERYONE or did she make exceptions for herself? For example my mom never got me vaccinated and, like yours, withheld all sorts of medication under the guise of "protecting" me but when she got diagnosed with a chronic illness she started taking whatever the doctors gave her under excuses of her pain being "unbearable" or HER doctor not being a quack like the others, etc. Honestly it's been 4 years since I've had any contact with my mom but what makes me the maddest looking back was her hypocrisy.
my mom is on the opposite end of the spectrum in that regard. she categorically refuses to participate in any medical treatment that conflicts with her personal principles, and claimed she would kill herself if she was faced with no choice but to be vaccinated during covid (needless to say i haven't told her i'm fully vaxxed), and i believe her, because once when she had a fever so high her body seized up and she went into shock she refused to let us take her to hospital and told me she'd never forgive me if i dialled for a doctor. the whole experience needless to say didn't make me trust her opinion more, and i'm aware of how ableist and dangerous her "if your body isn't strong enough to deal with its health issues naturally it's because you're doing something wrong" stance is. i'm really sorry your mom is such a hypocrite though, that's hellishly infuriating.
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vole-mon-amour · 8 months
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sinistersuns · 2 months
its so fucking frustrating to have grown up experiencing misogynistic abuse—including emotional abuse, verbal abuse (which was sexual), and a grooming attempt—from cis men, and now being told “uhhh lol no you don’t understand Women’s Struggles TM because you’re an evil dirty MAN.” like okay i guess the 11 y/o girl seeing porn maliciously drawn of their persona and pregnancy “jokes” thrown at them and having all of the above things done by cis boys/men who were at MINIMUM 5 yrs older than them just doesn’t fucking exist! and while that’s the worst of it that’s not even fucking all.
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estravenlover · 4 months
HATER NATION!!! what’s the most annoying fan interpretation of aziraphale and crowley
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thatdiabolicalfeminist · 11 months
Disabled people deserve to have our needs met without sacrificing our autonomy.
We deserve to be treated with respect and dignity regardless of how much support we need.
And we deserve to receive that support regardless of whether we personally know anyone able and willing to provide it, or have access to enough wealth to hire helpers.
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scitties · 2 months
Recent events has touched me in a way that's hard to explain.
I owe so, so much to Shelby because it wasn't even two weeks ago that I opened up about my own situation with an abusive ex, closely aligning with the events of her situation.
I was met with the reaction I feared the most, however—complete disregard for me and my well-being. The first person I opened up to made it entirely about themself with no empathy towards me whatsoever, the second called me inappropriate for sharing conversations between my ex and I, and the third straight up ignored me once I revealed who it was about. I chose to open up to three people that were mutuals friends between him and I—that saw things unfold—and all of them turned their backs on me.
Everything keeps playing on repeat in my head, constantly circling between confidence and courage to plaguing uncertainty that I'm in the wrong. I keep thinking that I should've sucked it up. That I presented everything disproportionately. My anxiety has improved significantly since last year, but I really took a hit for this one. Were it not for my other, closer friends, I would've most likely gone down another spiral of self-loathing.
Were it not for Shelby opening up about her own experiences, deep down I would've kept thinking it was my fault for getting those responses.
Yes, you have the right to be dubious. There are false claims made out there to stain reputations for entirely selfish reasons, and it's something we should stay wary of.
But your first reaction to someone opening up about this? To let themselves be this vulnerable? To talk about something that many, many will never speak up about?
Regardless if it ends up true or false, you take it seriously and listen.
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alicentsgf · 1 year
i think saying 'rhaenyra was afraid for baby joffrey' is such a huge misread of that scene and kind of a disservice to rhaenyra honestly. like that is not what was happening. it was all about power and the amount of influence they hold over viserys. alicent was showing rhaenyra what she had the power to do whilst also indicating that she was aware of her childrens true parentage. to me it seems clear alicent had been consistently using the strong boys as a way to put pressure on rhaenyra to concede her claim. but rhaenyra refused to be indimidated and immediately exercised her own power and won. she didnt have to get up and take joffrey herself, she wasnt afraid for him, rhaenyra made a conscious descision to rise to meet alicent's challenge. she was (very understandably given the circumstances/her pov) antagonising alicent right back.
so how can it be that all those years alicent was "abusing" rhaenyra when we see very clearly there would need to be different circumstances for that. a power imbalance or some kind of manipulation that isnt reciprocal. no, it was just a feud guys. they were feuding. alicent ranks higher technically but rhaenyra so firmly holding viserys favour evens that out. rhaenyra making decisions that endanger the people around her and alicent subsequently being a bitch to her about it doesnt make anyone abusive. its just two women having the most prolonged, fraught, not-so-covert confrontation in westerosi history. rhaenyra being so distressed by all of it that she leaves for dragonstone doesnt mean she was The victim, there is no victim, or if there is its either both or neither - they are literally both at the end of their tethers - we definitely see alicent at her most neurotic during this time period as a result of rhaenyra and viserys actions. who was more justified in their motivations is at least somewhat subject to perspective and interpretation but the fact is.... we see rhaenyra and alicent both abuse their power to act against the other.
and thats the point. they are narrative foils. they exist parallel to each other. respresentative the two types of womanhood this society overwhelming allows for; the hostage or the whore. that neither is inherently good or bad or right or wrong is important. what rhaenyra wants for herself isnt wrong, she should be allowed to freely experience love and desire, but given the context how she goes about that comes across short-sighted and often selfish. likewise, what alicent "wants" is demonstrably damaging to herself and other women, but she pursues it out of fear, trying to protect herself and her family and other women (as we see with dyana) from a world she understands all too well. for either of these women to be an abuser and the other the victim would be damaging what is indisputably the core element of their stories.
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mylittleredgirl · 1 month
starting any new medication with intended or unintended mental effects is so weird. it’s not exactly like waking up with a whole new brain but it definitely feels like my mind got reformatted. this latest nervous system one is doing some what it’s supposed to physically (thank god) but it’s definitely doing… something to my thinking patterns and emotional responses. i’m not sure what. it has some overlap with the symptoms of an early manic upswing in the sense that the “regard for consequences” segment of my brain is sending an out-of-office message, so i thought it was that at first, but that’s definitely not it. but. something.
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devilsskettle · 5 months
also you guys know that “generational trauma” means like. passed down through several generations, right? in the haunting of hill house tv series, the trauma is experienced by the characters directly, it just happens to have effected their whole family. because it happened directly to their whole family
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bonerot19 · 17 days
I was wondering, what makes Steph and Jason’s characters different to you?
ooooooh okay I'm gonna be speaking generally here bc most of my Jason and Steph brain is taken up by my au which is obviously not canon-based
I'll start with their similarities, and then get into how I think they diverge
the most obvious similarities are their upbringings/childhoods. both with moms who are addicts, and dads in the criminal world (now, Jason's mom obviously dies and Steph's doesn't. and Steph's dad was a villain and Jason's dad was a 'goon' so there are different degrees to this)
they both grew up in poverty, were both Robin, both died (or, 'died') brutally at the hands of a villain. I think they're both underestimated and mistreated by the other bats
these similarities, though, make for very different characters. I think Steph can be seen as a impulsive, brash, eager to prove herself. she cares deeply and fundamentally wants to do good
Jason, on the other hand is angry, meticulous, pessimistic (but also, so so so secretly hopeful. like, he wouldn't keep coming back to Bruce is he didn't have some hope. he wouldn't do the whole utrh final confrontation if part of him wasn't at least a little bit hopeful it might actually go his way)
I think Steph looks at a fucked up world and thinks she can fix it (restorative justice), even if no one else thinks she can. and she's going to try and do it her way.
Jason looks at a fucked up world and thinks he can control it (preventative measures). like, I think part of his personal philosophy is well, someone has to do it I guess it'll be me since no one else is willing to do what needs to be done.
also Steph is, like, nice. and Jason is, in general, an asshole (affectionate)
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alicentes · 5 months
We could all learn a lot from Lucy Gray. If your partner is showing red flags no matter how subtle the red flags are or how sure you are about your interpretation. Then trust your instincts and RUN. It's better to overreact and be wrong about someone than to be trapped in an abusive relationship that could get you seriously hurt or even killed.
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eclaire-went-bam · 24 days
scrolling thru narc abuse truthers blogs is so fucking funny bCS DO YOU GUYS KNOW WHAT THIS TERM EVEN MEANS ???❓❓❓❓❓❓
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delusions of grandeur are ALSO present in mental illnesses like SCHIZOPHRENIA and BIPOLAR DISORDER. PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS !!! me when i claim i've experienced schizophrenic abuse
also idk y'all i also have psychosis and i think i can say pretty confidently that when i'm experiencing genuine DELUSIONS of grandeur, i don't care as much of maintaining my image because yes i do genuinely believe i'm an incarnate of god so why would i need other people's opinion???
me when i tell someone experiencing psychosis that their symptoms (grandiose delusions) are NOTHING compared to ✨my✨ experiences
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freakinhorse123 · 18 hours
I really want the negative parental/parental adjacent relationships in the cast of unordinary to be explored more. cause like. at the moment it seems a lot like God-Tier families are absolute shit. Like John’s mum ran away from home because they wouldnt let her be with William. But also. 2 of them are physically abusive.
We see Sera’s negative relationship with her mum explored when she gets suspended. Her parents cut her off from the outside world and from her friends so she is forced to do what they want, and just in general her mum treats her horribly.
But also, i want to draw your attention to the similarities between this panel:
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and this one.
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Sera’s mum and valerie are the same type of shit
I desperately want to see Arlo free himself from val, like how Sera managed to get her parents to leave her alone. She treats him horribly to get what she wants and despite how some people think, she doesn’t care about him. If i could find the panel where she says ‘i have other nieces and nephews’ then that would prove it.
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g0thiclem0nade · 7 months
I remember seeing a post a while back that was from a sexual assault survivor speaking about Astarion’s experience. And how some people considering him more asexual after that experience belittled SA survivors experiences.
But like, all due respect you’re belittling asexual people and more specifically asexual people who are that way because they’ve experienced assault. Directly calling people who would consider Astarion asexual as considering him broken. Asexual people aren’t broken just like people who’ve been SAed aren’t necessarily either.
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rathologic · 7 months
glad I had a little more time to parse this one in text, but the idea I was getting at with being uncomfortable at The Background Racism being completely unchanging in patho2 is that I think it presents an idea that that racism is an unavoidable fact and there's no way for the townsfolk to do better. which is in line with the story P2 wants to tell about the Town and Kin being incompatible, but is such a deeply worrying idea in the world of real social issues... like much like here it's a belief systemically and socially embedded in the Town and one vital to the exploitation of the Kin, but the game doesn't acknowledge potential decolonial or anti-racist actions outside of the character writing of Artemy possibly dealing with his alienation from his heritage, especially b/c its final choice is also fully on the haruspex. nobody else in the game has to or is even asked to put in work (for the millionth time, in the game where side characters don't do anything concrete); the entire social slate gets wiped clean by the Special Guy and suddenly the historical tension of the settlement isn't a problem anymore. while, and because, it's presented as its immodifiable fact in the course of the game. the way that artemy always has the internal option to choose how he feels about the Kin, but not the options to tell someone else that their feelings about the Kin are wrong, is something I think a more cognizant game could have used as a statement (in connection to how racism affects real-world people of color; by all means this shouldn't be artemy's responsibility! the microaggressions do reflect, as others have discussed, life in a racist society. talking about their use as a device of constant emphasis for the "incompatible parts" idea here) but in patho2 unaddressed it becomes the same "side characters don't do anything" that afflicts every area of its writing... and while there are plenty of other things for characters to be worried about during pathologic, it's still an ideological stance to assert that decolonization is unimportant during a crisis situation (where, again, it's a major plot point that the plague hits the Kin hardest due to the Olgimskys' organization of the Termitary and social/economic control over its workers), one that is absolutely used IRL to hinder any movement towards change. basically any character development would have helped avoid this. 😐
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