#thats my hot take for today sorry.
gearslips · 2 years
really thought the way people talk about nacho's death would get less romanticized as time goes on but instead there's this retroactive decision that he never did anything wrong, was the most moral character in the show, and that shooting himself in the head so he wouldn't be violently tortured to death was a heroic act of love.
16 notes · View notes
hopkei · 3 months
10.25.23 Itsuki ig story
3 notes · View notes
sugume · 4 months
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✧・. on vacation with your family, you discover that your biggest fan may not be a mystery after fall.
( TW ) f!reader. camgirl!reader. stepbrother!Geto (in a plot device way, no nii-chan and stuff.) unprotected sex. cream pie. phone sex. squirting. fingering. mutual masturbation. cunnilingus. deception. mentions of bullying. misunderstandings. hurt/comfort. explicit content.  
word count - > 6.6k
authors note. can you see I wasn’t creative with the username? I have a love-hate relationship with this fic because I feel like it goes from 0 to 100 real quick lmfao. This is heavily inspired by the book Eyes on Me! 
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“I bet you look handsome.” You smile at the black screen with the default profile picture floating in the middle. 
‘Nah.’ User @Sssman72  types into the chat the takes up the left half of your computer. 
“Stop! Don’t say think bad things about yourself,” You laugh, making sure your tits jiggle in the flimsy red lingerie you're wearing. “I know your handsome baby.” You reassure your favorite client. The man who alone gives you 50% of your income. He’s the one who bought you this pretty lingerie set you're wearing.  
‘You look tired babydoll...how was today?’ He types. 
“I’m fine, I promise, just had a long day, was on a few other private chats with some other customers the entire day.” You confess. In all honesty after this call you were planning to pass out and try to get a few hours of sleep before you had to fly out to your family's vacation home. Today on your live stream, you told your followers you were going on vacation for the next two weeks and wouldn't be online. You didn't plan to get on a call with @Sssman72 but he had texted you as you were getting ready to go to bed that he had a bad day and wanted to see you. Before you had a chance to protest, he spent you 500 and said it would only be 30 minutes. You gave in because first he was your biggest supporter and you wanted to be there for him in some way with all the money and gifts, he sends you and second, you didn’t mind chatting with him, you thought he was the sweetest and you struck lucky the day he joined one of your lives.  
‘I’ll let you go then, I want you to get some rest before your flight, sorry for keeping you up beautiful just needed to vent about my ass job.’ 
“I’m always here for you handsome, I'll make sure to send you those pictures you requested through the week.” 
‘Make sure you enjoy your break babydoll, don’t gotta worry about me. Goodnight.’ 
You say your goodbyes and end up falling asleep in the lingerie bought you as soon as you shut your laptop. 
“How’s college y/n?” Your stepfather asks when you slide into the back seat of the car. Your mother fitting the last of your luggage into the trunk.  
“it’s fine, some of my classes are difficult but nothing I can't manage.” You answer as you buckle in. 
“Oh yeah? Thats good. You mom tells me you started a job a few months ago, how's that working out for you?”  
You tense under the small blanket you’ve thrown over yourself. 
“u-uhm yeah its good—yeah it’s been fun.” 
“I’m sorry sweetheart, I don't remember what you mother told me you did again.” He chuckles. 
“Uhm—I'm a bartender, m-my friend works there and got me a position.” You tell him the lie you've rehearsed hundreds of times. You start to sweat under the blanket. Did he buy it? What if he and your mom found out what you did? Are they planning to ambush you when you get to the house? They're going to make you drop out and chain you up in the basement when they find out. You throw the blanket off, suddenly too hot and alert. Guess that nap you were planning on taking during the drive wasn’t happening. 
“Oh, that’s fun sweetheart, I remember I bartended awhile when I was in college, got fired for stealing the alcohol though,” He laughs at the memory before turning to look at you. “You wouldn’t do that though, you’re a good girl.” 
You nod, thankful that your mom decided now to take your stepdad's attention away and get in the car. 
“Alrighty were good to!” She cheers. Your stepdad turns back around in his seat before starting the car. 
“Finally, thought we were going to get a fine parked here another minute.” 
“Oh, shut up! Y/n are you excited to go back to the vacation house? You haven’t been in years!” You mom asks as you guys pull out of the airport.  
“Yeah, I can’t wait to, I missed the hiking trails and the waterfalls. None of that in the big city.” You answer truthfully. You did miss the silence of the secluded house you vacationed at every summer since your mom married your stepdad. It was the company that you hated. As if your mom heard your thought, she says something that makes your heart drop. 
“Suguru feels the same way, we didn't even have to blackmail him to come! That boy...” 
“Suguru is coming?” You scream.  
“Coming? Sweetie, he’s already arrived this morning. I’m so excited were all together as a family again.” 
“Are you fucking serious mom? Turn the car around and bring me back to the airport!” You screech. You were not going to spend the next week with your bully of a stepbrother.  
“Y/n!” You mom gasps. 
“Sweetheart, he’s changed.” Your stepdad tells you as if that's going to make it better. 
“That’s what he wants you to think! He’s the worst human being on planet earth, please don’t make me spend the next few weeks with him, please mom,” you lean over the consul. “Please dad.” You pout at your stepfather. You know he gets weak whenever you call him dad. 
“No! You aren’t sweet talking your way out of this, he’s changed. He isn't the same teenager with a chip on his shoulder, he’s matured. He even told me the reason he’s coming is to apologize and bond with you y/n.” 
“He’s lying mom! He doesn't care about me; I wouldn't be surprised if he told you that just so he could drown me in the lake. You guys own the land so nobody would find my body!” You start to tear up. You were going to jump out of the car if your parents didn't turn back around. Your stepbrother was your biggest tormentor since the day you met him. From picking on you at home to getting the girls to bully you at school. He made your life hell for four years. The day you left for college you screamed how much you hated him and told your parents that the four of you would only be in the same room again when you lay in a casket. 
“Oh, don’t cry sweetheart. Your mother is right, he’s changed, I wouldn’t have allowed him around you if he hadn’t. Give us a week and if you want to leave, I promise I'll drive you back to the airport and you’ll never have to see him again, please?” 
“No.” You cross your arms and look out the window despite knowing that they’ve won. You can’t jump out of the car now that you are on the highway, and you didn’t bring your own car to drive yourself back to the airport. 
“We’ll give you the master suite, the whole attic floor to yourself.” They bargain. You act like you’re thinking of accepting the offer. With the master suite taking up the entire third floor you could lock yourself up there and ignore Suguru. You could also film videos and even go live because the room is soundproof. You perk up at that. You could just spend your vacation on stream and chatting with @Sssman72. He’s somehow always free for you and told you that if you get bored you could call him. He’ll make up for your stepbrother’s awful behavior. 
“Fine, I’ll take the master suite.” 
“Okay that's the last of your luggage, we’ll be having dinner in a few hours on the dock.” 
“Kay, thanks.”  You watch your stepdad shut the door. Once he does you release the tension in your shoulders. You lock the door before running to throw yourself onto the huge king bed. You sink down. You didn’t see Suguru when you arrived, you mom told you he was probably in town. You hope he stayed in town for the next two weeks.  
After laying it bed thinking about how much you hate Suguru with a passion you pull out your phone and open the porn app. You click on messages and open your chat with @Sssman72. 
‘Hey...I know I told you I was on vacation but I already wanna go home. You don't have to answer lol.’ You send. He immediately starts typing.  
‘Of course, I'll answer you babydoll. What’s wrong?’  Your face heats at the pet names. You wish you knew what he looked like, all he told you about himself was that he was in his twenties and worked for his father's company. You want to know more, what he looks like, what he sounds like. If the messages he sends make you sweat, you wonder what’ll happen if he spoke to them to you. In your head he’s a handsome bachelor who just so happened to find you and deem you worthy of his time and money but hell, he could be lying. He could be some old rich man in his eighties who likes young girls like all the rest of your viewers. The romantic part of you ignores that and is convinced he is who he says he is and that one day you’re going to meet in person and fall in and have a bunch of his babies. 
‘You know that stepbrother I told you about?’ 
“Mm, that asshole who bullied you?’ 
‘Yep, that asshole. Anyways I bet you won't guess who's here on vacation with me?’ 
‘Are you serious?’ 
‘Dead serious...my parents didn’t tell me until I was already trapped and now, I have to spend my vacation away with a man who hates me for no reason.’ 
‘Wow that’s crazy lol. Did your parents tell you why he chose to vacation with you if he doesn’t like you?’ 
‘Apparently he’s here to make amends...he’s probably here to kill me so he gets all the inheritance.’ 
‘Well, what if he’s really there to make amends baby?’ 
‘You should've heard the groan I just let out. I can’t believe you’re on his side babe. When I tell you that he too evil for that I mean it.’ 
‘Hey, you know I'm always on your side babydoll, I'm just giving you a man’s perspective on it. Maybe he realized he’s fucked up and he feels back so he wants to apologize for all the wrong he caused you’ 
‘Yea well from a women's perspective he’s an asshole who doesn’t care about anyone else but himself!’ 
‘Don’t say the baby...hypothetically what would he have to do to get you to forgive him?’ 
‘Hypothetically he's going to have to get on his knees and beg for my forgiveness every time he sees me until I deem, he's forgiven. And he’s also gonna have to send every dollar in his bank account to me AND be my slave for the rest of his life...hypothetically.’ 
‘Lol you never know babydoll, he just might be willing to do anything for your forgiveness. I know I would.’ 
‘That’s because you’re perfect and care about my feelings...now I'm gonna go get some sleep before having to eat with the devil. Pray he doesn’t poison me and I survive the night.’ 
You sit at the dinning room table waiting for Suguru. Of course, he’s late, he doesn’t care about anyone's time but his. You say so to your parents. 
“Y/n stop being so harsh and give him a chance please.” You roll your eyes and go back to scrolling on social media.  
“Sorry I'm late.” You jump at the deep voice before whipping your head to the left where your stepbrother stands looking so...so different. 
“Suguru! No need to apologize! Come sit.” Your mother points to the empty seat opposite you. Suguru glances at you and smiles before walking to the seat. You gasp. You don’t think you’ve ever seen him smile at you or anyone else. Actually, you know he hasn’t smiled at anyone, he was know for being so stoic. You watch intensely as he pulls out the chair and sits. He looks like a different man, his hair is long, down past his shoulders, the black shirt he's wearing stretches around a huge chest. He looks like he spends half his day in the gym. And those eyes—those eyes that always had heavy eyebags and glared at everyone that looked his way, look at you with gentle look you can’t place. They even crease with the smile that he’s wearing. Your eyes widen, he has a fucking dimple. He looks like a gentleman, he looks handsome. You can't stop staring at his smile. 
“Y/n? You alright?” You Stepdad breaks through the haze you were in. You look at your parents and back to Suguru who all have concerned expressions on their faces.  You feel your entire body heat in embarrassment.  
‘Uhm—yea I'm fine.” You look at your parents, refusing to look back at that smile.  Suguru has different plans. 
“Hey y/n, it’s been a long time yeah?” Suguru says in that deep voice that has your heart beating faster.  Out the corner of your eye you watch as Suguru reaches over the food, holding his hand out. Does he really think you’re about to give him a damn handshake?  
...Are you seriously thinking about shaking that huge hand? No, you won’t. 
You purse your lips and cross your arms over your chest. You swear you see him glance down at your cleavage but the next second, he's holding eye contact. You blink and look away with a ‘hmm’. He lowers his hand.  
“Alright guys let's eat, okay?” You mom breaks the tension. Everyone grabs their share, and you eat in silence for a while, nobody brave enough to speak and you simmering with anger at Suguru. You throw glare at him every time you look up from your plate which happens more times than you’d admit.  
“You got something there.” Suguru points the sharp end of the fork at you. 
“What?” You ask. 
“There,” He grabs his napkin and starts to reach for you. You tense suddenly locked in place. Suguru brings the napkin to the corner of your mouth and wipes it. “There you go.” 
You stare at him like he's grown three heads. Maybe he’s dying and wants to make amends? Why else would he be treating you like this. Maybe someone took over his body? That has to be it. 
“Uh thanks?” You mummer, unsure what to say. 
“You're welcome little sis.” You choke on your spit. What the hell did he just call you!? He must be messing with you; you’re suddenly filled with rage. You glare at him, hoping he disintegrates with the sheer force of your stare. 
“You’ve grown up.” Suguru says after another blinking contest, you lost. 
“Yea, have you?” You snarl. He stops smiling. 
“I have,” he says seriously, setting his fork down. “I want to talk about—” 
“I don’t care.” 
“No!” You slam your hand on the table, and he goes silent. You’re overcome with guilt before you remember that he bullied you for a year, that he told the entire school to bully you after he graduated. Fuck him. 
You slam the door the door of your room speed walking to the bathroom. You strip your clothes before turning on the tub. You finally breathe when you settle into the scolding hot water. You needed to wash his gaze, his touch, off your body. The entire dinner after your conversation was awkward, your parents didn't really speak, and you refused to glance back up at Suguru who wouldn't stop staring.  
You hated him. You hated him. You—you can’t bring yourself to hate him. For some unknown reason you can’t bring yourself to hate him despite everything he's put you through. Why? You shake your head. You don’t want to think of Suguru while you're trying to relax. You phone dings. You pick up and a smile replaces your frown. @Sssman72. 
‘How are you babydoll, you alive?’ 
‘Yes, wish I wasn’t though.’ 
‘Why what happened during dinner?’ You sigh and send him voice message detailing everything that happened. 
‘Oh wow.’ 
‘I know.’ 
‘You gonna give him a chance to explain?’ 
‘I don’t know I don’t want to but also, I want to hear his explanation...can we call I really don't want to type all of this out?’  
‘Course, give me a second. I'll call you.’ You wait a few minutes before you hear the familiar ring. 
“Hi handsome.” you smile at the blank profile. Right now, you’d do anything to see him, to hear him comfort you, to be in his arms. He could be the ugliest man in the world, you wouldn’t care. 
‘HI beautiful. Talk to me.’ He types into the chat box. 
“I don't know. like I said I want to hear him out but also, I don't want to hear it because what it it’s bad, what if it doesn’t excuse it? But also, what if it does and I feel like shit for being mean back—it's just so stressful.” 
‘I know babydoll. I wish I could be there right now and hold you. I would do anything to take that hurt away. I'm sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.’ 
“Stop, don’t apologize you didn’t do anything. If anything, I should apologize for using you as a therapist when you paid to see me naked.” You laugh. 
‘Beautiful girl—I would rather pay to hear all your problems and be able to comfort you than see you naked again.’ 
“Wow you don’t want to see me naked, I'm hurt. Just kidding, thank you for saying that handsome.” You feel your heart skip a beat at his message. Maybe you can convince him to turn his camera on tonight. 
“I kinda wanna take my mind off everything right now.” You murmur into the phone before turning on your camera. You hold it above you and smile so he can see everything.  
‘So, fucking beautiful, prettiest girl in the world. You gonna give me a show?’ 
“hm,” You use your free hand to tap your chin. “Only if you do something for me.” 
‘And what is that?’ 
‘Can you turn your camera on? And before you say no, you don’ have to show your face—maybe you can just show your dick or something else. We can masturbate on the phone, please handsome please.” You whine giving him your best puppy face. You watch as the chat bubbles disappear and reappear. You’re about to back out but all the sudden you’re looking at a dim lit room and a huge cock between a big hand. Your eyes widen and the sight. 
"Y-you probably won’t be able to type and jack off at the same time” You suck in a breath. Please turn your audio on please... 
‘I’m gonna turn my audio on but I won’t talk, okay? Think you can get off on my moans babydoll?’  
You nod. 
‘Good girl now show me that pretty pussy, make it squirt for me.’ 
You lift yourself up to sit on the corner of the tub, propping one leg on tub and spreading the other that rests in the water. You flip the camera so your mystery man can watch you finger yourself. You hear him groan and spit onto his hand. 
You moan softly at the sound, teasing your entrance. You wish he was talking to through it, but you’ll settle for this for now. One day... 
“Mmm, wish you were the one fingering me right now,” You circle your clit before gliding your fingers out your cunt. 
“Wish you were here, holding me n' fucking me.” You curl your fingers into your g-spot and moan. You look back at your phone, watching your stranger play with the tip of his long cock. It looks so big compared to his hand, you know you’ll struggle to take it. Your pussy clenches around your small fingers that do close to nothing compared to your dildos at home.  
“Wan’ your cock in me so bad, it looks so big you’ll have to force me to take it, you’ll have to hold me down and make me take it.” You cry out. You watch as he squeezes his hand up and down his cock. It looks painful. He grunts louder. 
“M’gonna cum for you handsome, m’gonna give you what you want and make a mess,” You speed up your fingers to match how fast he slides his fist up and his cock. You moan louder, thankful that you got the suite and aren’t in the room next to your stepbrothers, how embarrassing it would be if he could hear you pleasuring yourself.  
You clench harder around your fingers. Your stranger starts to grunt and groan louder. You shiver at his deep voice on the edge of cumming. 
“Please please let me cum please! Can I come for you please?” You cry, your pussy starts to squelch, spurts of liquid coming out. 
“Yes, cum for me.” Your mystery man groans in an all too familiar voice but before you have time to think about it, you’re squirting, the grip on your phone loosening and falling into the water. 
“Yes, this phone is done for, your mother and I are heading into town we can try to find a company that sells phone, but you know how small towns like this are.” You stepdad stares at your phone that’s been sitting in a container full of rice since last night.  
“Fuck, I need it for work! What am I going to do?” You look up at him in distress. 
“What do you need your phone for bartending?” He looks down at you incredulously. 
“My boss is sending me some important email and I didn't bring my computer.” You lie. 
“Well, you can use Suguru’s laptop, I saw him using it this morning in the sitting room. Think he left it there before he went on his run.” Your stepdad points down the hall as your mother rounds the corner.  
“Ready to go honey?” She asks your stepdad. 
“Coming! Use Suguru laptop to check your email, if we come back and you haven’t got the email you can use my phone. Bye! Have fun and be nice!” Your stepdad waves before following your mother. You wave back. 
 Of course, you had to use Suguru’s laptop. Maybe you can just log in, tell your stranger that you’re okay and that you won’t be able to contact him until you get a new phone and then delete the history before Suguru comes back from his run. It’ll only take a few minutes...you hope he doesn’t a password.  
You run to the sitting room, but you don’t see a laptop anywhere. Dammit, he always has to make things hard for you. You walk up the round staircase and down the hall until you're standing in front of Suguru’s room. You look around, as if Suguru's gonna pop up out of nowhere and attack you from going into his room. You shake the thought off and open his door. You stop and stare at the bed, you feel like you've seen that duvet. You chalk it up to a bunch of man having the same bedding before turning to scan the room for a laptop. You quickly spot the laptop on his desk and run to it. You sigh in relief when it opens to the last tab he had opened. Thank you Suguru for not caring about who gets into your shit. You click new tab and start to type in the name of the website you use before you freeze.  
You only need to type in three letters before the website popped up in top hits. You stop breathing. No... He couldn’t know what you do. Is that why he came here? Was he going to expose you to your parents? Was he acting nice to butter you up before crushing you? Your vision starts to blur. All boys watch porn, maybe he just happens to watch porn on the same website you film on. You can block your account from him so that he never finds you. You swallow before clicking the tab. You shakily move they pointer over to the search bar before you spot something in the left corner that makes you dizzy.  
Right where the username of the viewer is supposed to be is the username @Sssman72. Your heart stops and you feel wetness hit your hands. This can’t be real. You move to chat and cry out when you see your username. The last text he sent was asking what happened. No—this is a dream; you’re going to wake up and this is going to be a bad nightmare. You refuse to believe the man you’ve been slowly falling in love with over the last six months is your stepbrother, your bully. The man you confessed all your darkest secrets is the man who never showed you an ounce of kindness. Is this a part of his master plan? Is he going to blackmail you and hold all the nudes you’ve sent him and all the secrets you’ve told him over your head. You’re going to become his slave, doing whatever he wants of you until you die. You curl into yourself and cry harder at the thought.  
“Y/n? What are you do—” Suguru stops when he sees what's on the screen. “Let me explain please baby.” He reaches out to touch your shoulder. You flinch away from his touch.  
“D-don’t call me that,” You sob staring at him with such heartbreak in your eyes he wants to drop and beg for your forgiveness. “You-you, it was you the whole time.” Your voice breaks. 
Suguru nods slowly trying to reach out for you again. You take a few steps away. “Was this some masterplan to hold me under your thumb for the rest of my life!?” You scream at him. 
He’s grateful your parents went out of town; this would be an absolute shitshow if they were here.  
“No babydoll—” 
“I said don’t call me that you asshole! Stop pretending. I hate you Suguru! You win okay, you win!” You tell him before you run out of his room. He curses before running after you, you run up that stairs and into the suite but before you can shut the door Suguru shoves it open. You drop to your knees to pull your suitcase from under your bed. 
“Please listen to me y/n. I wasn’t faking—stop packing and let me explain.” Suguru pleads as he watches you throw your clothes into your suitcase. 
“Y/n, baby, please listen to me please” He grabs your arm, and you try to fight him, but he pulls you down onto the bed with him. He hugs you around the waist and you push in this chest trying to break free. His heart aches. He hates seeing you hurt, he hates that he was the one who made you cry like this. He hates that you only associate him with the version of himself that he created to stop anyone from seeing what he was truly feeling. He hates that you won’t accept the real version of him now that you know it was him. He holds you tighter as you scream and cry. He whispers sweet nothings as you whisper how much you hate him. At some point you stop fighting and wrapping your arms around his neck. You sniffle into his neck, and he rubs your backs and rocks you.  
“Why?” You ask hoarsely after all the anger leaves your body. Now you feel numb, like you're watching your life from a third perspective.   
“I never hated you, I never lied, and I never planned to blackmail you—I know you don’t believe me baby but everything I've ever told you on that app was real. Everything I feel for you is real.”   You pull your face out of his neck and stare up at him. You don’t believe him. 
“I have never hated you y/n. I swear it. I hated the fact that my father replaced my mother with yours not even a year after she died. Baby, I never fucking hated you. I was just a teenager who didn’t know how to express my emotions so I took them out of the person I knew I could hurt the most. It was bad I know; I feel like shit to this day. When I graduated and got away from my father, I realized how bad I was to you, and I got into therapy. I wanted to be better for myself, for you, for everyone around me. I didn’t know that the bullying continued when I left. I didn’t know how bad people had taken it until that day I came back home. When you told me off about it, I was so confused. I’m so fucking sorry. I want to reach out and apologize for everything and the day I planned to do it Satoru—my best friend, you remember him—well he sent me the link to your account and so I made an account and it all just spiralized out of control after that. I was too embarrassed to tell you it was me and then we started to form a connection, a real connection, and I didn’t want our conversations to end so—fuck I'm sorry. Everything I told you; I meant it. I fucking meant every word.”  
You sit there stunned, trying to comprehend everything he said. You never knew about his mother. You thought she had passed away long before your mom and his dad had met. But you remember when your stranger told you that. God, you remember when your not so mystery man told you about his family the seemed so familiar to yours. And he didn’t tell all those people to bully you after he left? Did he mean every word? Every word of affirmation he gave you. Those times when he told you that you were capable of being loved and that you were going to find someone who would love every part of you, the good and bad. Was that the same Suguru? You try to wrap your mind around the fact that the man you love is your stepbrother. 
“I know it’s a lot of information.” 
“It is.” 
“Do you believe me?” He looks at you with furrowed brows. You do. Despite everything you find yourself nodding. He sighs and you feel the tension release from his shoulders that your arms are wrapped around. You suddenly realize the position you two are in and feel your face heat. Your arms are wrapped around his neck and your legs are on either side of his thick thighs his cock, the cock that you saw last night, is right underneath you, if you lower yourself an inch, you’d be sitting on it.  
Suguru grips your waist with one hand, the other cupping the right side of your face. You look up at him and sniffle. He leans down until your foreheads are touching.  
“If you give me achance, I'll treat you like the queen you are. I’ll love you the way you’re meant to be loved. One chance is all I ask for.” He mummers rubbing your noses together.  
You hesitate, one part of you wants to run away with him because he’s the man you’ve wanted for the last six months. The other part of you wants to run away from him, he’s your stepbrother, he lied, and you don't know if he would’ve ever told you the truth. But isn’t that what he came here to do? Can you blame a little boy for being mad at the people who replaced his mother?  
You give him his answer by grabbind his neck and push his lips towards you. If this does go to hell at least you’ll have a story to tell your feature children.  
Suguru kisses back before standing and pulling you off him. “What—” 
“You said you wanted me on my knees, didn't you? I’m ready to serve you in any way you want. I can have my savings transferred to your account by tomorrow night.” He says as he drops to his knees. You stare at him with wide eyes as he holds your legs and starts kissing from knee to right where your pussy starts.  
“Shh babydoll let me take care of my girl, show her how sorry I am for hurting her.” He mummers before dropping your leg and picking up the next one. He repeats this a few more times before finally asking you to lift your hips so he can pull your leggings and panties off. Suguru throws your pants behind him before standing up to pull your tank top off. You reach behind to unbuckle your bra and toss it on the floor with your other clothes. Suguru chuckles, reaching up to kiss all over your face. 
“Take your clothes off too Sugu.” You giggle, reaching for his sweatpants. You get a firm grip and yank them down. His thick cock bounces out. Your mouth goes slack. The phone call didn’t do it justice. It somehow looks bigger than before and if you weren’t wet before, you are now. That thing is going to be inside you soon.  
“Like what you see beautiful?” You nod dumbly as you watch Suguru step out of his pants and take his shirt off with one hand. He’s so fucking sexy.  
He drops back down to his knees and pulls you until your ass is hanging off the bed. “Lay down and let me please you.”  You comply and watch as Suguru lifts your legs up and buries his face in your cunt. Your hands fly down to his long shiny hair. 
“Suguru!” You moan as he licks you from asshole to clit. He sucks on your clit before biting both lips. Your pussy clenches. “Feels s’good Sugu!” You grind down on his talented tongue. Suguru hums into your clit before setting one of you thighs in his shoulder and bringing his fingers to your entrance. He teases you, only pushing his fingers into the joint before taking them out. You cry out in frustration before pulling on his long hair when he finally slides two big fingers into you. 
Yours definitely don't compare to his long thick ones. Your back arches off the bed as Suguru fingers jackhammer into you all the while his mouth sucks on your clit.  
“S’good Sugu! Don’t stop!” You scream letting go of hair with one hand to cover your loud mouth.  
“Don’t hide those sweet moans from me babydoll. If you want my cock, you’ll let me hear you scream my name as you cum on my fingers and mouth.” 
You bring you hand back to hair and grind hard as you get closer and closer to orgasm.  
“Gonna cum! M’gonna come!” You cry, as you release all over Suguru's face. He moans and sucks even harder before adding another finger. You cry at the sudden intrusion. It doesn't take long before you’re coming all over again, this time liquid shooting out of you and onto Sugu’s chest.  
“Yes baby, that's it—what a good girl,” He praises as he slurps up all your juices. “Such a fucking good gril f’me.” 
“Gimme a kiss.” You say between heavy breaths.  
“Does the pretty girl want kiss?” You nod, pulling Suguru down with you by the shoulders. 
“Want you to kiss me while you fuck me for the first time. Want it to be special,” You confess shyly. Suguru leans down and pecks you on the forehead, then the nose, and then both of your cheeks. 
“Don’ tease meanie!” You laugh when he kisses the corner of your lips. 
“M’sorry baby, can you forgive me?” He pouts.  
“Hmm—I’ll forgive you only if you kiss me right no—” You don’t even finish your sentence before Suguru shoves his tongue down your throat. You kiss him back and your tongues fight for dominance. Suguru wins and smiles into the kiss. You can’t believe this is happening. Your bully, your stepbrother, your mystery man is kissing you right now. Your about to make love with said man. 
“You okay babydoll?”  
“Mhm, just can’t believe this is all happening.” 
“Me too beautiful, you sure you want to do this right now? We can always wait.” 
“No, I want to. I want you.” You raise your hand to tuck his hair behind his ear. He smiles, showing you that adorable dimple. You kiss it.  
Suguru kisses your lips once more before he grabs his cock, rubbing it up and down your cunt. 
“Fuck—I don’t have a condom.” 
“I’m on the pill—please Sugu.” You beg, frustrated from all this foreplay. You’ve been on edge since last tight in the tub.  
“Alight beautiful,” He pushes the head of his cock into you. “Fuck me—you feel so good. Always knew you would.” You feel his fist guide his long cock into you. You moan. He fits you perfectly.  
“Sugu—feel’s s’good, want more!” You cry, fisting the blanket’s underneath you.  
“Does my baby want more—does she want to orgasm on my cock?” You nod watching Suguru lift your legs to his shoulder. He leans down, bringing your feet to the side of your head. You whine at the stretch. 
Suguru groans as he pulls his cock in and out of you.  
“S’too much!” You moan into his shoulder. He just laughs and picks up his pace. The fancy headboard above the bed starts to slam against the wall. You watch with blurry eyes as the stock photos hung on the wall shake.  
“Said you wanted more baby, ‘m giving you more.”  he says before biting into your neck. Hard. You scream, back arching at the pain. Your hands fist the sheets even tighter, knuckles turning white. Suguru unlatches his jaw. Lifting his head to admire his mark. Now all your customers will know you belong to someone. To him. He kisses the mark. 
“Sugu, It’s too much. Hurts! m’gonna cum!” You cry, tears soaking the blanket breath you. 
“Oh, don't cry baby—shhh—you’re so beautiful y/n. So damn pretty.” He whispers, coaxing you to orgasm. Your eyes roll to the back of your head. You stop breathing for a second as your pussy contracts around Suguru's cock. Suguru follows in suit, spurting his cum deep inside your pussy. 
“Fuck,” he draws out, collapsing onto you.  
“T-that was—” 
“The best sex ‘ve ever had.” 
“Same.” You smile before wincing. 
“What’s wrong babydoll.”  
“You're about to break my damn hip if you keep my legs up any longer,” Suguru lefts himself enough to bring your legs to his sides. “And you probably ripped a chunk of my neck off with that little trick of yours.” You grumble. 
“It’s not bad, promise.” He kisses the bite mark softly. 
“And all the pictures fell of the wall.”  
“I’ll put ‘em back up baby,” He laughs into your ear. “Just let me hold you for a second.”  He kisses your cheek before snuggling deeper into you. You throw your arms around his shoulder while you both try to wrap your head around everything that happened.  
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tinycoffeeroom · 1 month
just friends | lando norris
face claim: none ♡
request: here !
part 2 !
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📍 sass cafe, monaco
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👤 bffstagram, landonorris liked by bffstagram, landonorris and 59,203 others
y/nstagram dj lando came out of retirement for the night🤠
landonorris 😎 only for you xx ↳ y/nstagram i'm honoured mr norris 🫡 ↳ fan i love my besties who don't know they're my besties
bffstagram bro my tummy hurts ↳ y/nstagram i'm coming round with coffee and croissants you big baby ↳ bffstagram i love my gf ♥️ y/nstagram
fan i wanna party with y/nlando so BAD dude ↳ y/nstagram if you ever find yourself in monaco hmu xx
user ew flipping off the camera so ladylike ↳ y/nstagram idk your mum quite likes my fingers 🫶 ↳ fan ☠️☠️☠️ i love her
fan bffstagram is so hot, i need her ↳ bffstagram thank u babycakes 💗
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liked by bffstagram, lilymhe and 69,928 others
y/nstagram rainy days in monaco 🌧️
lilymhe i deserve financial compensation for the emotional turmoil tfios sent me through ↳ y/nstagram don't,,, sat and sobbed my eyes out at the last 100 pages
fan how to lose a guy in 10 days... tfios... who hurt you y/n? ↳ y/nstagram hahahah nothing like that! i promise i'm all good!
bffstagram i still have a headache from crying at that book, next time i choose what we're reading for book club ↳ y/nstagram BORINGGGGG who doesn't love doomed romance? ↳ fan you guys have a book club? thats so cute 😭 ↳ y/nstagram yep! it's me, bff, kika, lily and flavy!! ↳ alexandrasaintmleux and no one thought to invite me?? ↳ y/nstagram come join us babe!! ❤️
landonorris wow, didn't take you for a sappy romance reader ↳ y/nstagram there's a lot you don't know about me comment deleted ↳ y/nstagram tfios can make even the iciest bitch cry (it's me, i'm the icy bitch)
landonorris also answer ur damn texts ↳ y/nstagram sorry idk how to read suddenly ↳ fan The Lando Norris gets aired, there's hope for the rest of the bitchless community ↳ landonorris dude...
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liked by fan, fan and 103,028 others
f1gossip Eagle eyed Sass Cafe goers managed to capture Lando Norris getting cosy with an unknown blonde girl. Rumoured girlfriend Y/N L/N was nowhere to be seen. Trouble in paradise for the young duo?
fan delete this rn y'all are fucking up my y/nlando chances
fan rumoured girlfriend?? i thought they were just friends ↳ fan that's what they both say, but they're always very close whenever they've been seen out together ↳ fan i'm pretty sure there was like a super grainy photo of them kissing but you can't really tell if it's either of them ↳ fan hey how about we don't speculate on people's love lives???
fan y/n has been absent from social media for like a month too ... its so over for us y/nlando'ers
fan her instagram is girlstagram! from what i could see before she went private, she posted a selfie of her and lando and they looked very close ↳ fan damn the fbi needs to hire you or smth
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liked by bffstagram, estebanocon and 65,928 others
y/nstagram thuggin it out (i've listened to your best american girl 34 times today i think bffstagram is about to smother me with a pillow)
fan um who hurt my bestie ???
fan whoever hurt y/n must die at the hand of my sword
fan lando norris i am in your walls FIX THIS
bffstagram i would never smother you xx also come out of ur room it is boring as FUCK out here ↳ y/nstagram damn cant a girl go through it in peace? ↳ bffstagram absolutely not, i have wine and nibbles get out here NEOOWWW or i'm breaking into ur room ↳ y/nstagram the door is open babygirl
fan ik this is a parasocial friendship but are you ok y/n? ☹️ we love you ↳ y/nstagram oh sweetie ❤️ i'll be fine, sometimes you just gotta be a lil sad y'know? thank you for asking, ily ❤️ ↳ fan ily, take care of yourself 🥺 ♥️ y/nstagram
estebanocon chérie, i don't know what's wrong but i hope you're ok! lets grab coffee soon, flavy misses you! ☺️ ↳ y/nstagram thank u este 🫶🥺 text me when you're free! tell flavy i love her 💗 ↳ flavy.barla i love you too 💕 ♥️ y/nstagram
fan no lando like, i have one (1) fear ↳ fan do not even speak that into the universe
fan after f1gossips post, i have my speculations ↳ fan dude, if he fumbled y/n he really will be lando nowins
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liked by flavy.barla, francisca.c.gomes and 10 others
y/npriv absolutely not thuggin it out lads
flavy.barla chouchou (sweetheart) 💔 that's it, me and este are taking you out for lunch tomorrow ↳ y/nstagram nooo don't let me ruin your date time!! ↳ flavy.barla nope it's already done! este's booked that little restaurant you like on pl. du casino ↳ y/nstagram le salon rose?? oh i could do a little weep, i love you guys 😭 ↳ flavy.barla we love you so so much y/n 💕
lilymhe i will hit him with my golf clubs ↳ y/nstagram i haven't even mentioned anyone? ↳ lilymhe we all know their name rhymes with bando borris ↳ y/nstagram wdym we all know? who else knows? ↳ flavy.barla ... me ↳ alexandrasaintmleux ^ ↳ francisca.c.gomes ^ ↳ lilynzeimer ^ ↳ heidiberger_ ^ ↳ carmenmmundt ^ ↳ kellypiquet ^ ↳ iamrebeccad ^ ↳ y/nstagram ok ok i get it damn
kellypiquet want me to ask max to rear end him with his race car? ↳ y/nstagram as if max would ever be behind lando ↳ kellypiquet 😳😳😳 ↳ y/nstagram i may l*ve him but i am also a realist ↳ y/nstagram ok no i do feel bad
y/nstagram uploaded to their story
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[caption 1: love of my life, apple of my eye, the thelma to my louise 💖 @/flavy.barla] [caption 2: damn stole my girl from right in front of me 😔 @/estebanocon @/flavy.barla]
seen by landonorris, flavy.barla and 67,394 others
flavy.barla mon ange (my angel), you know you're the only one for me 💕 ↳ y/nstagram tell that to your giant of a boyfriend :(
estebanocon i'm not a giant 😠 ↳ y/nstagram stop reading flavy's messages weirdo ↳ y/nstagram but on a real note, thank you for dinner, i really needed it ↳ estebanocon of course, i'm not sure what lando's done but we hate seeing you so sad ↳ y/nstagram who said it had anything to do with lando? ↳ estebanocon whenever me and flavy have an argument she pulls out the mitski lyrics, i know the signs ↳ y/nstagram that's different, you and flavy are dating ↳ estebanocon and you and lando aren't???? ↳ y/nstagram what? no? we're just friends ↳ estebanocon oh mon amie naïve (my naive friend) friends don't look at each other the way the two of you do
landonorris can we talk? seen
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anyone interested in a part 2?
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evie-sturns · 16 days
wrong video - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: where your best friend matt accidentally sends you a video of him jerking off instead of the pictures you two took together earlier, you can't help but want him.
contains: smut, switch!matt, fluff.
matt's been my friend for years now, we've hung out the whole day today and took instagram pictures together, now we are laying on the couch together watching some random rom-com.
"matt?" i ask chirpily, looking up from my phone over at matt. his eyes gaze over to me,
"yeah?" matt mumbles, looking at my eyes.
"can you send me the pictures we took earlier, i think i should post some of then." i say, fidgeting with my fingers as i scroll aimlessly through my phone.
"oh yeah of course." matt nods, he picks up his phone again as '10 things i hate about you' blasts through the living room.
i get the notification from matt, i instantly tap on it which takes me to messages.
theres the 4 pictures we took today plus another video..?
i swipe through the pictures then make it to the video.
i press play and my eyes instantly widen.
the video starts off with the camera pointed at the blank celing, then matts hand reaches out and adjusts the camera, the camera points to just his length.
he's running his hand which is covered in rings, repeatedly up and down his dick, his tip is flushed pink and dripping precum down the long vein that travels up the side of his cock. small whimpers and curses fall from his lips before he releases.
i pause the video instantly and look over at matt whos tapping at his screen with his eyes almost bulging out of his head.
"oh fuck- shit no i didn't mean to send that!" matt panics frantically, unsending the message.
"what just happened." i breathe out with a small embarrassed laugh,
"i am so.. sorry." matt whispers, his cheeks a deep red.
i just witnessed my best friend jerking off through a video.
matt stands up and runs a hand through his hair, "i-i'm gonna go to bed." he stammers before walking out of the living room.
i dont even notice but i've been squeezing my thighs together ever since i first looked at the video, it was hot.
i pick up my phone to look at the video again, but its deleted.
the video plays through my mind over and over, i feel weird, why am i thinking about my best friend like that?
i jump up off the couch, letting the blanket fall to the floor.
i almost run down the corridor towards matt's room, i knock twice on the white wood of the door.
"mm?" matt hums shyly from inside, i creak open the door and i'm met with him laying on the bed, wearing just sweatpants and a loose chain.
"matt. i want you to fuck me." i state blankly, i dont even process what i'm saying before it spurts out my mouth.
"sorry." i mutter,
"if you want me to fuck you i will." matt says while standing up off the bed and walking over to me.
i turn around to look at him, hes looking down at me with his eyebrows slightly raised.
i grab his chin and pull him into a passionate kiss, matt kisses me back, his tongue quickly slipping into my mouth.
he lets out a small groan against my lips, letting his submissive side slip and thats enough for me to take control.
i guide him back towards the bed, pushing him down lightly onto the mattress.
i straddle him quickly, matt looks up at me with his bright blue doe eyes.
"fuck- i need you." matt whispers as i grind myself against the bulge in his sweatpants
"do you?" i tease into his ear.
"please.." matt whines, throwing his head back as i feel him grow fully hard under me.
i shimmy my sweatpants down my legs, revealing my white lacy panties.
i tear my shirt off of my head, revealing my bare chest right infront of matt's eyes.
"you're so pretty.." he mumbles
i pull down his sweatpants, his large length springing out, the same one that i saw over text 10 minutes ago. "you ready?" he ask, tearing open a condom and rolling it on him.
"i really like you.." i whisper, hovering above his raw tip, "i like you too sweetheart." .
"you need help?" matt speaks, holding my ass and pulling my panties to the the side.
i didn't, i just wanted to feel his hands on me.
"yes,- yeah please.."
he lowers me down onto him, halfway down. suddenly he drops me, my ass colliding with his thighs, i let out a gasp as he smiles, he lifts me back up to his tip, before loweiring me again.
i press two of my manicured hands on his bare chest and push his back down onto the mattress as i start to bounce on my own,
i trace mindless shapes on his skin, "oh fuck- fuck you're so tight" he whimpers.
"im not going to last long- im sorry" matt warns, gripping my waist as i sit fully down on his dick, i rub my clit against his pelvis as i rock back and forth.
suddenly matt flips us over, my back hitting the mattress.
he groans as he slides all the way out to his tip, then pushes all the way inside me again. "fuck.."
he whimpers as he starts to thrust in and out faster "matt oh my god." i moan as he presses on my lower stomach with his free hand, so he can feel how deep he is inside of me.
i clench around his length, feeling all pleasure coarse through my body at once.
i release all over matt's dick, he finishes into his condom then pulls out of me slowly, being careful not to overstimulate me.
matt pulls off his condom and chucks it into the bin on the other side of the room,
he throws his arms up lazily, "trick shot!" he laughs
matt collapses down next to me, "you okay gorgeous?" matt says, pulling me close to him.
"i needed that" i giggle, matt scoffs lightly before picking me up.
he carrys me over to his desk and sets me down on the chair before sorting through his various clothes.
he brings me over some of his sweatpants and an old shirt, "and... arms up!" matt says, pulling the shirt onto me.
he leans over and tugs the sweatpants up my legs.
matt pulls on his pants from earlier and picks me up again, throwing me on the bed.
he flops down beside me and tugs up the covers with a small exhale.
"that was the last thing i expected from tonight." matt says, closing his eyes.
"me too honestly, not mad about it though!" i clarify with a grin.
i pick up my phone from next to me and open up matt and i's messages,
i scroll through my photos, then pick out a specific picture before sending it to matt.
matt picks up his phone, "why'd you send me something i'm right her-" matt starts but cuts himself off.
"shit.." he laughs nervously,
matt opens the picture of me naked in front of my mirror, a small gasp escaping his lips.
he tugs the covers up over his lap as i see his cheeks flush.
"please- don't delete that." he whispers.
"matt.. are you hard again?" i laugh, tugging down the covers.
matt grabs my wrists and pins them above my head.
"how could i not be when you just sent me a picture like- like that!" he protests
"it's okay" i laugh,
matt presses a kiss to my lips, "go to sleep."
@luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @ecilphttlunar @bitchydragonparadise @thematthewlover r r @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @chrisgetsmewetterxo @mattsonly @justalittle47 @mattsturnioloisbae@sunsetsturniolos @sturniolo04 @similartokayyz @pkfferoo @sturnsintrouble @ilovemattsturn @raysmayhem-72 @75sturn @sturniol0s @secret-sturniolo @hfkeclnendmwodne @sturniolosass @gxldenlush @stonermattsgf @101sara @beccaluvschris @oliviasturniolo21 @imwetforyourmom m @tylerstacobell @sunsetsturniolos @aliceloveschris @jayz4dayz4 @sassysturniolo2008 @nyktoxs-lover @nathandoesgf @starsturns234 @cristiana-heartzzchris @chrissturnsss s @joemamaaa42069 @sturnthepot @zayyluvz @realuvrrr @livialifesblog @sturnioloblogs s @riowritesitall
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rafeandonlyrafe · 3 months
pussy privileges
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words: 1.6k
warnings: 18+ only!, smut, female receiving oral, p in v sex, multiple orgasms, partying, drinking, mentions of a drunk driving crash, rafe is kind of mean but in the grand scheme of rafe not really, established relationship
“i thought we were gonna go on a date.” you cross your arms as rafe finishes buttoning up his shirt. 
“we are going out.” rafe tries to justify, but you shake your head. “you’re taking me to a house party, rafe. thats not a freaking date.”
“ill take you out tomorrow. dinner and a movie?” rafe offers to pacify the angry look on your face.
“fine.” you shrug, knowing there is no convincing rafe to not go the party if hes set his mind on it. you point at rafe, making sure he’s paying attention to you. “but im not happy about it.”
you don’t talk to rafe the entire ride there. you would have told him you were staying home, but you already got dressed up and don’t want to waste a full face of makeup and outfit.
“be right back, baby.” rafe says, making you throw your hands up as he walks away to talk to topper, having just entered the party a few minutes ago and your boyfriend is already abandoning you.
“god, rafe is being a dick today.” you groan, stomping up to your friend, who simply shakes her head and hands you a drink. you know that rafe isn’t really being a dick, not in comparison to how he treats other people, but you can’t resist the urge to complain.
“promising to take me out on a nice date night only to take me to a party and fuck off with topper.” you roll your eyes, downing your drink quickly before refilling the cup.
rafe finds you half an hour later, dancing with your friends. the music is so good you don’t stop him when his hands land on your hips, joining you in dancing.
you grind against him until your feet start to hurt, the song shifting to one you haven’t heard before. “rafey.” you whine, leaning back into him. “wanna go home.” “come on, you can wait. keep dancing.” rafe pushes his hips into your bum, making you roll your eyes. “no! im tired.”
rafe taps your hips, trying to encourage you to move, but you keep yourself standing still, much to his displeasure. “baby.” rafe turns you around so you’re facing him. he cups your cheeks as he speaks, “a bit longer. i like you dancing up on me.”
“fine.” you sigh. “gotta get me another drink though.” “thats my girl.” rafe smirks, grabbing a white claw off a nearby table before quickly coming back, pushing it into your hand before twisting your hips around, almost causing you to stumble as he presses his chest into your back, dancing into you again.
“rafey.” you whine when you realize he didn’t even open the can for you like he always does, but hes far too into dancing into you to hear your complaints over the loud music.
you manage to open the can without breaking a nail, grinding back slightly into rafe until you’ve finished the can, the alcohol moving through your system enough to ignore how much your heels are beginning to hurt, dancing back into rafe.
“god, you’re hot.” he groans into your ear, pressing a kiss under your ear before moving to your neck, burying his head in your soft skin, inhaling your scent.
“rafe!” you shout when his mouth presses against your skin and he sucks an incredibly visible hickey into your neck. you pull away quickly, but know it’s already going to bruise as you turn with a frown, your hands on your hips.
“sorry.” rafe says, but the smile on his face shows that he’s not actually sorry.
“whatever.” you sigh, rubbing at the spot. “just take me home.”
“fine.” rafe sighs, reaching for your hand, knowing it’s getting too late anyways. he tugs you through the crowd until you get outside. 
“did you drink or take anything?” you ask, raising your eyebrows at rafe when he walks towards his truck. it’s only a short drive home, but you don’t want anything to happen.
“barely.” rafe says, unlocking his truck and opening the passenger side door for you.
“lets just walk home then.” you shake your head. “it’s so close.” rafe knows how much you hate drunk drivers ever since one hit your sisters car, thankfully she was fine besides a few bruises.
rafe sighs, head tilting back to look at the sky. “why didn’t i just lie?”
“ugh!” you stomp your foot. “rafe, that is so wrong!”
“baby, i really had just like two sips when we first-” rafe tries to explain, he’s truly not even buzzed, but you are already walking away, heading down the sidewalk towards tanneyhill. you don’t make it very far, rafe trailing behind you, until you have to kick off your heels.
rafe would usually pick you up, carry you home, but he knows your mad so decides to stay back, letting you walk barefoot home.
“baby-” rafe finally speaks when you get to the front door, but you just walk in, leaving it open for rafe to follow.
“y/n…” rafe tries again when you both get inside his room, but you ignore his call of your name and begin to take off your jewelry, before moving to your dress, quickly putting on pajamas once you’re naked.
rafe takes it as a sign, undressing himself for bed, relieved when you climb under the covers next to him.
“come here.” rafe holds his arms open. you hesitate for a second before moving in, allowing him to cuddle into you and press kisses all over your face.
“i’m so sorry, princess.” he says softly, connecting your lips in a kiss. 
“you can make it up to me tomorrow on our very nice and well planned date.” you give a look to rafe, who quickly nods.
he leans in to kiss you again, and you accept it, allowing his hand to wrap around your waist and pull you in closer, bodies slotting together underneath the covers.
“i love you baby.” rafe says, his hand moving to underneath your flimsy pajama shirt.
“love you too.” you say, reaching to pull his hand back out, placing it on top of the fabric.
rafe frowns slightly before kissing you again, this time trying to move your leg so he can slot himself in between. you allow it, until he starts to grind into you. the second you feel him begin to swell in his pants, you pull away, pressing your thighs together.
“baby.” rafe whines. “i want you, come on.”
“and i want you to not be a dick.” you shake your head. you may have accepted rafes apology for his behavior, but aren’t willing to so quickly allow him to have sex with you.
“i said sorry!” “you can fuck me after you make it up to me tomorrow on the date. and it better be good, or i’ll get myself off and leave you alone.” you threaten, smirking when rafes eyes widen.
“okay, okay.” he nods. “tomorrow.”
rafe does everything right. flowers, a dinner reservation to a fancy restaurant, a new dress and necklace, as well as doting on you throughout the entire date.
“did i make it up to you?” rafe asks.
“hmm…” you tap your finger against your chin, rafe barely able to wait as you stand before him, new dress wrapping around your body like a present just waiting to be pulled away by rafe to reveal what he really wants to see.
“i don’t know. maybe the date was a little too good.” you let out a fake yawn. “a bit tired. might just have to go right to sleep.”
“baby-” rafe whines. he hasn’t gone this long without having you since you first started dating.
“but i guess you could eat me out and we can see if you deserve to fuck me.”
rafe smiles, knowing as soon as he gets between your legs, that you’ll be begging for his cock in no time. he undresses you completely before he even begins to work on his buttons, giving you a show as you lay naked on the bed, head propped up against the pillows as he strips away the layers of clothing until he’s nude, cock already straining.
rafe crawls between your legs, sighing with relief when you spread them, letting him view your pussy as he immediately buries his face between your legs, eating out your pussy like you’ve intentionally starved him of it, not just denied him sex one night.
“god, i fucking love how you taste baby.” rafe mumbles, his words vibrating against your cunt. “‘m so sorry i was a dick. won’t happen again. love you too much.”
you can’t help but smile when you reach down to fist your hands into rafes hair. his tongue gets you to orgasm three times until you’re whining for his cock too much, tugging at his hair.
rafe gives your sensitive clit a final kiss before crawling up the bed, connecting your mouths in a kiss, knowing how much you love to taste yourself on his lips.
“fuck me, come on.” you tell rafe. “need it so bad.”
rafe pushes his cock against your entrance, making you moan as he slowly brings his hips forward, sinking inside of you with ease.
“god, that was as much of a punishment for me as it was for you.” you laugh slightly when rafe is fully inside of you, still for a moment for you to adjust.
“certainly taught me a lesson.” rafe admits. he didn’t realize how hard it would be to go without fucking you. just one night felt like a century, his dick literally hurting when he woke up in the morning with a hard on, one that you would usually crawl beneath the covers to take care of.
“no pussy privledges when you’re mean.” you nod, confirming the rule, even though you hopefully never have to enforce it again.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @wearemadeofstardust0 @leighbronk @starkeysheart @pradabambie @tobesolovelysstuff @alexiskirkland @rafestar @brioffthegrid @magicalyoura @die4niyahhh @juniebugg
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lewisvinga · 4 months
ultimate wag | alex albon & lily muni he x fem! reader
summary; alex and lily soft launching their relationship with y/n but everyone keeps assuming they’re friends, so y/n takes matters into her own hands to hard launch
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; suggestive comments
taglist; @namgification
notes; requested! ALEX AND LILY ARE MY SHITTT, i am actually so in love w them both , they’re soooo🤭
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, alex_albon, and others
lilymhe: thailand 🌴⛱️🌊🛥️🇹🇭❤️
tagged; yourusername, alex_albon
yourusername: got a sunburn 😞 but 100% wanna go back😩
lilymhe: i got aloe vera gel i got u pretty girl
username: ALEXLSKD
username: her friendship w y/n is so cute! and i love how alex is close w her too!!
username: couples trip ft y/n😭
alex_albon: cool
lilymhe: u were the least cool out of all of us
alex_albon: wah wah
yourusername: she’s right you were
carmenmmundt: i miss you girlies!! we need to link up soon !
lilymhe: YES i’ve miss you too😢
yourusername: girls trip this time?😁
georgerussell63: not you guys keeping the bad bitches out
alex_albon: how rude!
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liked by lilymhe, yourusername, and others
alex_albon: recharging 🔋
tagged; yourusername, lilymhe
yourusername: lils was thinkin’ hard
alex_albon: thinking hard or hardly thinking
lilymhe: you both know what i was thinking about 😼
yourusername: oh!
alex_albon: there are children (logan) here, lily!
logansargeant: oh! 2x
username: idk yall i’m not feeling the 2nd picture
username: the way y/n is holding onto alex and lily???? seems more than friendship to me😭
username: nah she’s always been cuddly, that’s how she is i think
landonorris: did you fall
alex_albon: wtf no
yourusername: liar! i have a video of it!
landonorris: SHAREEE
username: alex and his gf and his gf’s gf
username: lily is stronger than me bc if my friend was holding my bf’s face like that, we wouldn’t be friends anymore
lilymhe uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; happy birthday, pretty girl💗💗] [caption 2; too tired to walk in her heels😴 ( told her to not wear the ysl heels bc we were going to walk a long distance 🙄 )]
alex_albon uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; happy birthday, sweet girl🌸] [caption 2; my girls post 2 bottles of wine]
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liked by lilymhe, alex_albon, and others
yourusername: f1 driver bf x golf player gf = the ultimate wag ¿
tagged; lilymhe, alex_albon
alex_albon: the ultimate final boss wag
alex_albon: lily wait THATS NOT EVEN FAIR??
yourusername: lils called dibs sorry 😕
alex_albon: love you, sweet girl❤️
yourusername: love you, my best boy💗👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
lilymhe:wow we are all so hot liked by yourusername!
username: so true
lilymhe: my pretty girl!! love u💓
yourusername: love u lils😣💗
username: OHMYOGSIDJ
username: my parents
username: goodness gracious
username: whatta sexy couple
username: alex winning at life w 2 pretty girls by his side
yourusername: u hear that albono?? alex_albon means stop being mean
alex_albon: you only call me mean because i try to limit your coffee intake 🙄🙄
lilymhe: BOOO
logansargeant: ur bf was mean to me today btw☹️☹️☹️
yourusername: i’ll protect u from alex_albon 🤺
alex_albon: u americans are snitches😕
username: i’d do anything to join this throuple
username: this is so weird
username: womp womp , they’re happy so who cares liked by yourusername, alex_albon, lilymhe!
username: i didn’t expect this at all
username: bye i thought alex and lily were monogamous this whole ass time
username: im literally like 😦😦😦 bc since when were lily and alex poly???😩
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junglemindless · 11 months
okay, so. i have loved pjo since i was 12 and this can definitely be explained also by the fact percy is so freaking hot. this days i was thinking about our boy and just have to share some of the stuff i thought about him in all this years. here we go with some headcanons of bf percy and percy in general;;
• i have a thing for silver chain necklaces. you know, one of this things every hot guy has? yeah. percy does wears one. his mother give it to him probably. and he never takes it off. it reflects the sun when he's surfing, stands out on his tanned skin, touches your face when he's on top of you kissing you or whatever else
• percy IS an nba obsessed. he will invite you to watch the games with him and will give you his personal opinion about the players, the moves, even the uniforms if you want to know.
• he secretly is zodiac guy. like, in front of his friends or any public conversation he will deny it. but if you're into it, and just says something like "our zodiact signs are compatible!" he'll be happy about it and feel like he's part of something magical, you know? like he's known all along that you're supposed to be together.
• talking about interests: he definitely will listen with heart eyes whatever you talk about. books? shows? basketball or another sport? celebrities drama? taylor swift folklore's love triangle? he's here for it. laying on his bed with you sitting by his side telling him about it, and he's just staring at your beautiful eyes and playing with your hair
• he also love movies. he has an letterboxd account which he is religiously active on. also, he give extra stars to the movies you watch togheter just because he is on a good mood.
• btw, when he's calling you to watch a movie, it is to watch a movie. boy take the movies thing really serious.
• he will be watching barbie AND oppenheimer. and he will take you to both.
• percy can't sleep without being tangled with you. he's an huge touchy guy, bear hugs, forehead kisses, hands on your waist, head laying down on your chest. he just loves the feeling of your body with him
• bro is an biology princess. is the only thing he really found interesting. he loves nature, the sea, the animals.... everybody knows he's going to do marine biology. he's not an working-on-office-all-day type of person so 99% of chance of him working saving marine animals on an research group.
• his instagram profile would totally be about animals he saved. him just doing ✌️🤘👉👍with some type of turtle or an aquarium of clown fishes
• you gave him different marine stuffed animals and he keeps it on his shelf, right on the side of a picture of you and him on a beach day.
• as soon as he gets money, he will take you to a summer on greece.
• he is so fucking loyal. he CAN'T like anyone else. he just thinks about you. in a way that is almoust obsessive.
• also, kind jealous. okay, im trying to be nice with him, he's very very jealousy guy. not because he doesn't trust you or your love for him, but because he doesn't trust other people. at least, thats what he says everytime he sees this one friend of yours
• percy is a tattoo guy. he will have symbols, greek words, abstract stuff, strong animals.... and your initials on his chest once he knows for sure you're here to stay.
• i saw that jeremy allen white keeps a letter of his wife with him to read when he's missing home and i just can't get it out of my mind. percy will totaly take a small peace of paper with something you wrote to him when he's traveling to research or smth and read it before going to sleep 😫😫😫
humm alright. i think that's it for today. i love percy he's so fucking sweet. also, english is not my first language and i had never write for tumblr before soooooo sorry for anything.
hope you enjoyed and stuff 💪
HEY! we have a part. 2 :)
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|| Across The Spiderverse •Incorrect Quotes• ||
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Miguel O’Hara: Do you want to explain the text you sent me last night?
Reader.: It was autocorrect.
Miguel O’Hara: Autocorrect wrote "You're so hot. Please step on me."?
Reader.: Yes.
Miguel O’Hara: Sorry I’m late, I was doing things.
Reader: Hi, I’m ‘things’.
Miguel O’Hara: Y/n, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Reader, naked in Miguel O’Hara's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Miguel O’Hara, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Reader: Someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
Peter B. Parker: But they said not to touch the masterpieces.
Reader: Well somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
Miguel O’Hara, on a walkie talkie: This is Miguel O’Hara, those idiots are fucking around in the East wing again.
Peter B. Parker: This totally sucks, man.
Miguel O’Hara: This is horrible.
Peter B. Parker: Yeah, I know, I mean look at today’s news.
Miguel O’Hara: No, it’s not that, it’s Y/n.
Miguel O’Hara: It’s just like, I can’t get them out of my head and every time I look at them I have this pains in my chest, and I just know it’s their fault, that bitch!
Reader: *yawns*
Miguel O’Hara: Yeah, being that pretty must be tiring.
Reader: Then you must be exhuasted.
Peter B. Parker: Will you two shut up? Some of us are lonely.
Peter B. Parker: We have a problem.
Miguel O’Hara: No, YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps making them.
Reader: Ha!
Miguel O’Hara: I think I just figured something out. I got to go.
Reader: Aren't you forgetting something?
Miguel O’Hara: Uuh...*hesitantly kisses Reader's forehead before running out.*
Reader: No, pay your bill! Damn, who raised you?
Miguel O’Hara: I love you.
Reader, not paying attention: What was that?
Miguel O’Hara: I said I’m selling you to the zOo-
Peter B. Parker: Is this your plan B?
Reader: Technically, this is plan P.
Peter B. Parker: Plan P? Is there a plan M?
Reader: Yes, but I marry Miguel in plan M.
Miguel O’Hara: I like plan M.
Peter B. Parker: I didn't drink that much last night.
Miguel O’Hara: You were flirting with Y/n.
Peter B. Parker: So what? They're my partner.
Miguel O’Hara: You asked if they were single.
Miguel O’Hara: And then you cried when they said they weren't.
Reader: Would you like something to drink? *opens the fridge* We have water, milk, juice, spiders, Dr. Pepper-
Miguel O’Hara: Spiders?
Reader: Spiders it is then.
Miguel O’Hara: No, that wasn't-
* But you were already pouring them a brimming glass of spiders…*
Reader: I made tea.
Miguel O’Hara: I don’t want tea.
Reader: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea.
Miguel O’Hara: Then why are you telling me?
Reader: It is a conversation starter.
Miguel O’Hara: That’s a lousy conversation starter.
Reader: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Reader: Must be hard not being able to laugh
Miguel O’Hara: I do have a sense of humor you know
Reader: I’ve never heard you laugh before
Miguel O’Hara: I’ve never heard you say anything funny
Reader: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Miguel O’Hara: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Peter B Parker: Smad.
Reader: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Miguel O’Hara: *turning to Peter* How tall are you?
Miles Morales: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Reader: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Peter B Parker: I got distracted about halfway through.
Miguel O’Hara: Ignoring you was a conscious decision
Reader: Yo is Miles sleeping or dead?
Miguel O’Hara: Hopefully dead, I hated their guts.
Peter B Parker: Yeah, so did I.
Miles Morales: Okay first of all, fuck you-
Reader, setting down a card: Ace of spades
Miguel O’Hara, pulling out an Uno card: +4
Peter B Parker, pulling out a Pokémon card: Jolteon, I choose you
Miles Morales, trembling: What are we playing
Reader: Why is Miguel so sad?
Peter B Parker: They took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes
Reader: And...?
Miguel O’Hara: I got Miles Morales.
Reader: I think we're missing something.
Miguel O’Hara: Teamwork?
Peter B Parker: Cohesion?
Miles Morales: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Reader: I think Miles Morales was right.
Miguel O’Hara: I'm surprised they haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Peter B Parker: They wouldn't do that.
Miles Morales: You're right, Peter. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Miles Morales: *turns around, the shirt they're wearing says 'Miles Morales Told You So' on the back*
Reader: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness.
Miguel O’Hara: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you.
Peter B Parker: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Reader: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Miguel O’Hara: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Peter Parker isn’t
Reader: In my defense, I was left unsupervised.
Miguel O’Hara: Wasn't Peter with you?
Peter B Parker: In my defense, I was also left unsupervised.
Miguel O’Hara, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Reader: You look nice, I want to kiss you.
Miguel O’Hara: What?
Reader: As top in this relationship, I think we should-
Miguel O’Hara: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Miguel : Y/n and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Reader: Sentences.
Miguel : Don't interrupt me.
Miguel: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Miguel: No! Four to five seconds!
Reader: Too late!!!
Miguel: I'm so tough, I'm on alert even when there's no danger!
Reader: Miguel, that's PTSD.
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heartsfourdazai · 9 months
๋࣭ ⭑ bad period cramps. bsd x reader
gender: gender neutral
type: headcanons
characters: poe, ranpo, dazai, chuuya, atsushi, and akutagawa
warnings: unedited writing, cursing, ooc characters(?), misspelt words :(
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๋࣭ ⭑ edgar allen poe 🖋
"oh, dear..." he whispered to himself.
there you were. clutching your stomach tight, your head thrown back on the large sofa cushions.
you were silenty sitting their, suffering. there were some fresh and dry tears falling down your face.
he watched your from afar, watching you taking deep breaths in and out.
he saw pills on the drawer and a un-plugged heating pad that has fallen of you stomach, he assumed you were using it from your stomach.
"y/n..dear?" he called out, your head turning toward him. he locked eyes with your glossy ones has he walked toward you from the door.
when he reached you and knealt down close to your head, karl jumped off his shoulder and jumped onto the arm of the couch and huddled in on himself.
before he could reach his hand over and rub your stomach, you grabbed his hand and placed it on your stomach.
he smiled softly and started to rub, "you told me you were fine..." he sighed sadly, his cheek leaning against the arm of the couch that your head pillow was resting on.
you whined at the pain again before smiling softly, "i'm sorry, dear...:
"do you need anything?" he asked, looking up at you as he waited for a response.
you shake your head, "you're all i need right now.."
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๋࣭ ⭑ ranpo edogawa 🔍
"it hurts!"
"i know.."
"it's hurts so damn much!"
"i could only imagine..:
"ranpo!" you whined, leaning your head against the work desk you at in. ranpo was sitting on the table across from yours, you and him the only ones in the room.
it was only hour 3 of your full day shift at the agency and you already want to bury yourself six feet under.
the detective eyed you, sucking on his lolipop.
he squints his eyes, watching you clutch your stomach tight and moving side to side slowly.
"then why did you come to work today?" he asked, the lolipop still in his mouth.
you sighed, leaning your head up and rested it on your palm.
"because kunikida will literally have my head if i'm not in...but i don't want to tell him about my period cramps because their embbarssing!"
and your head was back on the desk.
ranpo dug a hand into his pockets on his pants pulled out another sucker. he hoped off the table with a 'hmft!' and waltzed toward your suffering body and tapped your head with the lolipop.
you looked up from the desk, "it always helps me when i'm in pain." he winked, handing it to you and circled around you.
before you could say anything, you felt him lift the chair up and pratically knock you off.
"ah! ranpo-?"
he shuts your mouth with his own sucker and smiled, "you go home and relax, i'll let kunikida know you left early."
"but..i can't just.."
"yup! yes you can, because i said you can! don't worry, i'll talk with kunikida.."
but talk he means just say you left because of period cramps
he kissed your lips and winked, "now go, i got this."
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๋࣭ ⭑ osamu dazai 🩹
"awh~ is my belladonna on their period~?" dazai asked, kneeling down close to your face, which was smushed up against the pillow of your shared bed.
almost pratically making out with it, thats how close you were to it.
you groaned loudly into the pillow hearing your boyfriends words.
he watched you enter the apartment with your bag hugged against your stomach, and small tears dared to fall from the corner of your eyes.
without a word, you stomped into the bedroom and slammed the door. dazai smiled to himself, stirring the tea he held in his hand, hot and ready for you to drink. however...you never even noticed he was here.
that was, until he walked in the room a couple minutes later with two cups of tea for him and you.
he's stands up striaght, walking toward the door to switch off the light. with a click, the room turned dim, the only light was the evening sunlight and the screensaver on the TV that hung high above the ground.
"you do know...a hot bath could help~?" of course, he meant that in a way to calm you down and show you a bright side, however you could'nt help but blush slightly hearing it come out of his mouth like that.
he waited for you to reply, walking back toward you, however you said nothing and just shrugged.
he said nothing as well as he laid in bed with you, however he laid on his back while you lied on your stomach.
"don't put to much pressure on it." he said, talking about your stomach. "it's better to have something soft and light on it..."
he smiled as he watched you slowly turn on your side and cuddle into his side. he followed you, mirroring your actions and grabbed a pillow and gently placed it on your stomach and rubbed the top and back of your head.
sooner or later, you fell asleep...getting a good talking to from kunikida for sleeping in late the next morning.
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"does it hurt that bad? chuuya asked softly, rubbing your stomach gently as you laid in between his legs. your back was resting against his chest, feeling his heart beat once, then twice...and so forth.
you whined softly, grabbing his wrists, following his hands as he rubbed your stomach.
he kissed your ear when he saw a tear fall from your eye and down your cheek.
"sshh.." he shushed your, his breath tickling your ear.
"it hurts!" you cried, resting your head on his shoulder. "it hurts fucking hurts.."
"i know..." he whispered, "i know, baby."
over an hour went by with your cramps literally killing you, and in the moment chuuya's been thinking of ways to help.
you've had period cramps before, and chuuya's been there for you when he's not at work or has a break, or as a day off!
he hates seeing you in pain. when your hurt, he's hurt 10x worse.
he leaned forward, you being forced to follow in his actions and watched him pull out a towel from the drawer.
"i can run you a warm bath? relaxing your muscles should help with your cramps." chuuya said, rubbing your stomach once again before kissing your temple.
"can we havce mcdonalds for dinner?" you looked up at him with pouty lips, your knees close to your chest.
he chuckled, "your a sucker for them fries, aren't you?"
he taps your butt, "now, go get changed! i'll get the bath ready."
before he could leave, once he stepped out of bed he kissed your lips real quick.
"i love you.."
"i love you, too..."
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๋࣭ ⭑ atsushi nakajima 🐅
"do you really not need anything else, y/n? a heating pad? food? i can make you some chicken soup? how about more pads? tampons? i have trouble going to the store and grabbing you some-"
"atsushi!" you snapped, cudding closer to him and rubbing his arm as he held you like a baby in his lap.
he shuts up real quick, rubbing your sides and stomach gently to calm the pain.
"sorry...i just-" he sighed, kissing your cheek before talking again, "i hate seeing you in pain..."
you were quiet for a moment, resting your head to his chest near his heart, taking a breath in and out feeling the sharp pain in your abdomen again.
"i know baby, i'm sorry, i know your trying to help.." you whispered, feeling his chin move a little on your head.
atsushi leaned his back against the bedframe of your shared room and apartment.
"can i be honest?" you asked, and your boyfriend hummed in response, his eyes closed as he rubbed your stomach in a circle.
"having you here is much more then i need to feel better..."
you closed your eyes after saying this, your legs tangled up with atsushi's.
he blushed slightly hearing your words, however he smiled and kissed your temple, leaving his lips there for a little bit bfore putting his chin back on your head.
"i'm gald...i love you."
you smiled, eyes still closed, "i love you more.."
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๋࣭ ⭑ akutagawa ryūnosuke 🩸
"i don't know how to hold you..." he spoke nothing but the truth.
he sat criss-cross on your bed while you were lying on his lap, your head basically in between his legs near his thighs.
he had his hands in the air, almost like he was meditating, which made you laugh despite the sudden pain in your stomach.
"just.." you took his hand and placed it on your head, moving it up and down for him.
he froze, feeling a blush creep up to his face but he covered it with his free hand, coughing and looking toward the open window of your apartment.
once you let go of his hand and rested them on your stomach, he rubbed his fingers into your hair and skull.
you smiled happily, melting to his touch.
he was quiet for a moment, listening to the sound of your breathing.
"i'm sorry...i don't know how to help you properly..." he confessed, feeling bad he can't do more for you.
you almost forgot to respond, feeling his other hand rest on your shoulder and gently rub it.
you scruched your shoulder up when he got close to your neck, and pulled away both hands in fear he may have hurt you.
"aku~..." you laughed, leaning up and pushing yourself closer to him, taking his hands and smiled, "you being here to at least try and help me is all i need from you."
he kissed your lips out of embbaressement and leaned his forehead to yours.
"i only wish i could help you more.."
you thought for a moment,
"pay for my takeout, take a bath with me, and you've done everything to help me!"
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jkmyluv · 7 months
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Pairing : Boxer jk × Female reader
Genre : Established relationship, Boxer au
Summary : Spending the whole day going on various dates with your boyfriend, starting from amusement parks to trying sushi for the first time with your boyfriend.
Warnings : Female reader, Butt taps, KISSES, a few suggestive comments but no actual smut, making out, shy reader and jk, Reader hates sushi (sorry if u don't lmao), cringe couple shit.
The bright light shines down on your and your boyfriends face as you struggle to get into your boyfriends car. "Need help getting your cute ass in there?" He asks causing you to groan, "Its all your fault jeon, shut up" you speak up glaring at him.
He feigns innocence and teasingly replies while holding his chest pretending to be hurt, "baby it was not me who was whining yesterday night to go faster"
"Its not my fault my boyfriend doesn't know how to fuck properly that I have to beg him to do the bare minimum" you look up at him with a teasing glint but immediately regret it when you see his dark gaze.
"And thats why you squirted three times yesterday, was yesterday not enough brat?", causing you to immediately smile and peck his cheek,
"I'm just kidddinngggg jungkook, don't be mean and start the car, I wanna go ride all the rides and don't be scared ill protect you",
causing jungkook to scoff, "Lets see whose the one who ends up crying like a baby". The car ride is pretty silent except for jungkook singing and cursing at people for not driving properly.
"You're so handsome" causing jungkook to look away from you and blush "get down baby we're here"
Here you were standing in the line for about 40 mins to get on the ferris wheel, because according to jungkook its very romantic, "jungkook i can't do it please, its so hot i can't even stand" you say while taking heavy breathes causing jungkook to look at you while rasing his eyebrows, his hands grip your waist and pulls you closer, " If u wanted me to carry you so badly, all u could've done is asked instead of whining" he smirks and abruptly lifts you up causing you to yell at him.
"Jungkook are you dumb, put me down there are kids here, put me down you idi-mmph"
You feel jungkooks lip press onto yours harshly and his hands grip you tightly in his arms, you start feeling all giddy inside until u feel him pull away and lick a stripe up your cheeks. "JUNGKOOK YOU'RE DISGUSTING"
Jungkook puts you down and back hugs you so that you won't be able to hit him, "baby thats just how I show i love you, and u smelled so good" causing you to admit your Defeat.
The sun starts setting down and jungkook decides that its time to picnic in the park,so you and you're beloved boxer boyfriend sit on the mat that you layed out.
You both were lying on your stomach and facing each other, jungkook had one of his hands on your hips holding your long flowy skirt down, and your hands were caressing his eyebrows, eyes, his scar, his lips, as you lean to Peck his lips.
"Did I tell you, you look really pretty today and the skirt looks really good on you"
"You did" , "nothing wrong with saying it again, you're so pretty, the prettiest and the cutest, even though we argue like kids sometimes, but that's something I wouldn't change for the world." This makes you tear up a but as jungkook was never really someone who spoke his feelings, you push his chest and make him lay on his back and lay on top of him with only your lower body on the mat and your upper bodies pressed together, you start pecking all over his face and whisper lovingly " i love you so much jungkook, you're so cute, the cutest cutie pie"
causing jungkook to groan, "I'm not cute baby, way to ruin the moment" causing you to giggle, "just like how your hard on is ruining the moment by poking my stomach, can't even be romantic with my boyfriend" you huff and lay down on your side facing away from him pretending to be mad.
Jungkook pinches your hips, "cmon turn around" and you don't.
But jungkook takes this as a perfect opportunity to hit your butt, the sound of his hands hitting your butt echoes through your ears as you yelp and bring your hands to cover your rear. "Stop that jeon, it hurts" making jungkook coo and rub your butt and he proceeds to pat it, " there you go all better or do u want me to kiss it better?"
"Talk to me when your hard on is gone", you say.
Jungkook sighs and lifts your head and slides it onto his arm, as a pillow and hugs your waist from behind. "What are you doing" , "spooning my baby, what can I do when my girlfriends being all cute and sexy, ofcourse I'm gonna get hard" you blush as you feel his hard on on your back.
You turn around in his arm and wrap your arms around his neck, making him wrap his arms around your waist, you both smile at each other and you slowly inch closer, you feel his breath on you're lips and you pull him closer and press your lips on his, his hands immediately grip you tighter and pull you closer causing you to whimper. Jungkook groans at that and pushes his tounge inside your mouth roughly and grips your chin to pull you even more closer, making you pull away from the absence of air, whimpering. But you have no time to catch your breath as a pair of lips proceeds to press itself on your lips and jungkooks hand pulls you even more closer, you try pushing him away by his chest, but he doesn't even budge.
"I c-cant breathe m-mphh* resulting in jungkook to finally pull away and giggle.
All this loving peace lasts for a moment until we see an old couple walking up to us yelling about public indecency causing you to freak out and get up and trying to make jungkook get up, "jungkook come on let's run", "baby tf are they gonna do, let them fucking come ill take care of them, don't be scared"
"JUNGKOOK IF YOU DONT GET UP RIGHT NOW I SWEAR IM GONNA CRY" this threat results in jungkook complying as you both hold each others hands and make a run for it as the old couples curses slowly dissappear into thin air and the only thing that's audible is the laughter that vibrates off of your chest, and the pure love you have for each other, at this moment you silently look up at jungkook and admire him and you realize how lucky you are to have a man like him.
"Stop looking at me like that if you don't want me to eat you", "you know what I'm hungry jungkook". After a back and forth argument of where to eat, you both decide to eat at this sushi place, as you told you're boyfriend you've never had sushi.
"Come on baby order anything you want, I'll pay" causing you to giggle "ofc sugar daddy"
"I can be your daddy if you like"
"JUNGKOOK", "I'm sorry"
You regret this, you can't eat it, you feel like throwing up, "it tastes so bad, how do people eat this?" Causing jungkook to act like he was offended "how dare you say that to my baby, she tastes so good, baby you don't have to eat it, order something else If you want"
That night when you had food poisoning, jungkook was the one who held your hair back when you threw up, he was the one who made sure you fell asleep with no discomfort, he made sure to stay awake to ensure you don't wake up in the middle of the night due to discomfort, he was the one who made sure you were warm and comfortable, he was the one who loved you, he was the one who put up with your tantrums, he was the one who let's you cuddle him every night even though he pretends to hate it, he is the one who always offers a shoulder to cry on or put your legs on.
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spookitapes · 10 months
Hello, i love your fics! Im a bit embarassed but i had an idea earlier today. Imagine beig on a relationship with Ted while hes a trip visiting every margaritaville or rain forest, whatever you prefer and you miss him a lot so when you can finally go visit him on the trip he shows you how much he missed you by fucking you so good you barely walk the next day. Okay thats all, thank you bye!
a/n: oh my gosh don't be embarrassed! pls send me more stuff I love it !!! and thank you so much for the support< 33 it's mainly RFC buuuut i did a little bonus of margaitaville ft. schlatt at the end :))) sorry it took me a minute to see this in my inbox!! but I hope you enjoy it bc this was actually super fun to write !!
surprising ted on his rainforest cafe roadtrip hc's
❧ getting the trip schedule from eddy so you can pick which days works best for you
❧ planning it weeks before they even leave
❧ ted having literally no clue what’s happening
❧ stuffing his face with safari fries when he hears an all too familiar “teddy!” coming from behind him
❧ thinking he’s finally going crazy bc why is he imagining your voice amongst the animatronic themed restaurant's ambiance ??
❧ almost tackling him out of his chair when you finally reach him bc you didn’t realize you were full-on sprinting in the rainforest cafe
❧ a very sweet reunion that takes ted entirely by surprise
❧ (don't worry eddy gets a good angle) it's some nice behind-the-scenes footage for you two :))
❧ “jesus christ honey i didn’t know you’re that strong!”
❧ ted laying his head on your shoulder anytime he can
❧ sharing a sparkling volcano for the memory of it
❧ getting back to the hotel and making out in the elevator on the way to the room you booked
❧ him immediately pinning you to the door when it closes
❧ he's missed you so much
❧ missed your body so much
❧ he'd been having to take cold showers
❧ and that worked until he found the nude polaroids you had left him in his luggage
❧ he's been reduced to jerking off, switching to hot steam instead of a standing ice bath
❧ so you can't really blame him for taking you right there
❧ stripping you of only what's necessary
❧ if your wearing jeans? gone. pants of any kind? bye bye. shorts? across the room...but a dress or a skirt? he's just pushing it up your hips
❧ pulling your panties to the side (if you're wearing any op-)
❧ hiking one of your legs up onto his hip as he barely gets his cock out of his pants before pushing into you
❧ both of you letting out a gasp as he bottoms out
❧ him holding your hand against the door with one hand and rubbing your clit with the other
❧ eventually bringing your leg around his hip up over his shoulder so he can hit deeper
❧ him fucking you so rough the do not disturb sign's swinging on the other side of the door
❧ once you both cum he'll carry you over to the bed so he can finish stripping you
❧ slowly peeling the clothes away as he kisses your skin that appears
❧ him pushing your face into the sheets to muffle the porn star level moans leaving your mouth
❧ "god baby, you're gonna get us kicked out if you keep screaming like that."
❧ but how can you stay quiet when he's balls deep drilling you from the back giving you the best dick of your life ??
❧ him getting fed up so he puts one of his big ass hands over your mouth as he fucks you harder
❧ just the sounds of skin on skin slapping, ted's groans, and your muffled sobs fill the room
❧ going at least three more rounds before he's carrying you to the bathtub to clean you up
❧ begging him to get in with you and getting him to after pulling out the big eyes and jutted out bottom lip combo
❧ scooting up so he can slide in behind you
❧ just holding each other in the warm bubbley water
❧ "i love you so much baby, remind me to never go on a trip without you again."
❧ it's followed with a tender kiss on your forehead
❧ you pause a moment before shifting your head so you can catch his eyes, a smile overtaking your features
❧ he thinks you're gonna say something sappy, something that'll probably make you tear up
❧ "you can go on as many trips as you want if that's how you're gonna fuck me."
❧ he splashes you with the bath water...
❧ the next day he's calling you to hurry up and get ready, something about needing to be back on the road
❧ he gets met with a long, loud, angry groan in return
❧ "uuhhhh honey, you alright?"
❧ him being met with your pouty face looking up from the mound of pillow you had it buried in
"i don't wanna talk to you. you did this to me!"
❧ he's about to question you before you throw your legs off the side and go to stand...only to go tumbling over before ted leaps across the room to save you
❧"your hero," he's smirking down at you, hands around your back and hip as you dangle mid-air
❧ "...more like my murderer." you murmur it out
❧ "oh and who exactly did i kill? you look alive to me."
you two definitely fuck at jschlatt's during margaritaville
❧ setting it up with schlatt bc you promise him a gift (WINK)
❧ you jump out and surprise them when they get to schlat't's place
❧ him almost tackling you this time
❧ "i fuckin' told ya! HA mother fucker now you owe me $50!" schlatt's laughing maniacally as usual
❧ ted fucking you in front of schlatt as a thank you for the surprise
❧ "this is way fuckin' better than on facetime." (read my other work to get the refrenceeeee)
❧ making you ride him as schlatt records it on ted's phone
❧ reverse cowgirl to get good angles of your pretty face and so ted can watch your greedy hole swallow up his big cock
❧ schlatt shoving the camera in your face when you start getting sloppy, thighs burning from riding your lover for so long
❧ "go on and look at me, angel," he's using his free hand to grip your throat to look at him but your eyes are still closed
❧ ted's interrupting him for a second, "do ya wanna cum? keep on bouncin' then. I'll rub your slutty lil clit if you keep takin' my dick so good."
❧ "be a good little bitch and smile for the camera—thaaaaat's it, honey."
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teddynivvy · 1 month
ive been DEVOURING every little thing you’ve posted today
ok i’ve posted a ton of smut today so pls forgive me but this request has been sitting in my brain and i fear a pathetic lil schlatt makes me feel very 🥰🥰 so here we go (nsfw, afab!reader, heavy mommy kink!!)
sub!schlatt who loves being your good boy. kissing up and down your body, you barely paying attention to him as you keep your focus on your book.
he’s begging you to pay attention to him - touch him, anything - his cock aching in his boxers as he ruts up against the side of the bed and kisses your thighs. you part them slightly, giving him just enough access to nuzzle over the lingerie he purchased for you, feeling the warmth of your pussy against his lips.
his fingers hook along the lace, looking up to meet your gaze. “can i please?” he asks, warm brown eyes full of need. you look down at him, nodding slightly before he eagerly pulls down your panties and gets to work. mouth on your warm pussy, kissing, lapping at you as if it was the last thing he’d ever taste. his facial hair tickled your inner thighs as you finally put down what you were reading, carding your fingers through his hair and cooing at him.
“such a good boy for me,” you praise, feeling his tongue start to lap at your hole. “you’re being so good for mommy, aren’t you?”
a sharp tug on his hair when he doesn’t reply - “yes, yes mommy, i’m your good boy.” his lips glistened with your slick, drunk on the taste. “what do you say for not responding?” he gulps, eyes falling. “sorry, mommy.”
“good,” you smile, taking his chin in your hand and flipping to position your pussy over his face. you lean back, watching as he begins to kiss your clit again, hot tongue against your core. “yes, don’t stop.”
your hand finds his achingly hard cock, and he moans when you wrap around him. thick in your palm, you lick a broad stripe up and begin to jerk and twist, watching as his hips bucked up into the slickness.
he moans deeply into your pussy, hands coming up to hold your thighs. he begins to whimper, and you look down as he continues to work hard on your core.
“are you gonna make mommy cum, baby?” he nods fervently, tongue against your hot wet cunt as you ride his face to your heart’s desire. reckless abandon as you grind into him, his tongue in your hole and nose rubbing against your clit, forcing you to gush all over his face as your grip leaves his cock to dive forward and steady yourself.
once you catch your breath, you push his hair out of his face and grin down at him. his chest is heaving, pink tip flopped over onto his stomach, ready to burst. your hand finds it again, jerking him off and watching as he began to unravel.
“you were such a good boy for making mommy cum, weren’t you?” he nods between your thighs. “you want me to make you cum, baby?”
“please,” he breathes out, eyes screwing shut as he tries to hold off. he’s so embarrassed to be like this, pink cheeks, pinned under the weight of you on his chest as you jerk him off helplessly. “please let me come.”
“ok,” you laugh, and he almost thinks he heard you wrong. “can i?” “you want me to say it again?”
he loves when he’s challenged - when the woman he loves and trusts is on top of him, telling him what to do, taking complete control. that thought makes his cock explode, white ropes of cum painting his stomach and whimpers from his mouth being muffled by the skin of your thighs still covering his mouth.
“good baby,” you coo down at him, feeling his cock twitch as a few last spurts come out. “such a good boy for me, aren’t you jay?”
spent, fucked out, all he can do is nod. he kisses your thighs, smiling up at you as he catches his breath. “thank you mommy.”
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crushculture03 · 8 months
please do a vinnie imagine about her girlfriend taking off her promise ring after an argument
No Promises
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Summary : Vinnie and you get into a fight, which escalates into your taking of your promise ring he gave you
Pairing : Vinnie Hacker x Fem!Reader
Warnings : Cursing, fighting
Notes: Hope you enjoy anon! i’m sorry it’s so short
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"Vinnie, where are you?" you shout as you walk up the stairs, anger courses through your veins at each step. This wasn't the first time something like this happened, he had forgotten to pick you up before, but this time was even worse since it was currently pouring outside and you had forgotten an umbrella, so now you trudged up the stairs angry and soaking wet.
You swing his gaming room door open, "Hey baby what's wrong?" he asks, not even taking his eyes away from the screen. "What's wrong?! What's wrong is my boyfriend rather play video games then pick me up from work" you shout. Vinnies eyes go wide, he immediately pauses the game and turns toward you, finally taking in your appearance. "Fuck baby I'm so sorry, I was streaming and time got away from me" he says. You roll your eyes "This is the 3rd time this has happened! And this time I was stood in the pouring rain" you yell, gesturing to your water soaked clothes. "I know I'm sorry baby please I'm sorry it won't happen again" he pleads. "Thats what you said the first two times" you shout back, still in shock that he had forgotten to pick you up again.
"You know what? It's fine really it's fine" you scoff, before turning on your heel and walking to the bathroom so you could change and take a hot shower after being stuck in the pouring rain. Once you were changed and freshly showered, you made your way down to the kitchen to get something warm to drink. You see your boyfriend out of the corner of your eye, but decide to ignore him, as you were still incredibly upset with him.
"Have you calmed down now?" he asks, which infuriates you, he still seems to not be taking anything seriously. "Fuck off Vin" you say, before stomping out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Come on baby you know it was a honest mistake" he says, starting to feel himself get upset at the fact you won't just accept his apology. "Yeah a mistake that happened 3 times" you say back, "Come on you know how important it is to get these streams in, it's what makes money so we can live here!" he snaps. "More important than your girlfriend?" you yell back, in disbelief, "I didn't say that and you know it" he responds back, "Yeah but you implied it" you sneer. "Look if the streams and games are more important, maybe you should give this to your computer" you shout as you pull the promise ring he gave you off your finger and throw it at him, before storming out of the living room and into the guest bedroom.
You slam the door behind you, quickly locking it, before crawling onto the bed and crying. You didn't care if he thought you were overreacting, you knew you had a valid reason to be upset. "Baby please open up" you hear him say as he knocks on the door, but you refuse to move. "Go away Vinnie" you shout back, not wanting to see him.  "Please Y/N can we talk" he begged, "Please just go away" you yell back, before breaking into a sob.
You knew deep down you needed to tell him how you were feeling, not just about this incident, but about your guys relationship. You felt like he started to ignore you lately, you would try to do things with him but he would always say he couldn't because he had to stream. Today was just your breaking point, and when you realized that his games seemed to mean more to him then you.
Vinnie slid down against the locked door, throwing his head in his hands and sighing out of frustration. He knew he fucked up big time, and hoped he could find a away to fix it. "I'm sorry y/n, I know i've been dismissive towards you lately, fuck i'm so stupid. I guess sometimes I get so in the zone I forget what's going on around me, which I know is a shitty excuse but its true. You have every right to be pissed at me. I've been such a shitty boyfriend lately, just know things are going to be different now I promise." he says, before standing up.
Before he could walk away you opened the door. He turns to face you "Baby I'm so sorry" he says, and walks towards you. "I know vin" you say back, "It just feels like this relationship has been so one sided lately and I feel like I'm just not important to you anymore" you say as tears pour down your face. His heart breaks when he hears you say that. "Y/N, you're the most important thing In my life, I'm sorry that I ever made you doubt that" he says and pulls you into a tight embrace.
The two of you cry in eachothers arms for a few minutes before pulling away. "How about we watch movie together, then tomorrow go out on a date and just spend the whole day together, just you and me, no technology" he suggests. You nod your head "Sounds good Vin" you respond. You hope that what he promised would come true and knowing Vinnie it probably would.
"Do you have the ring?" you ask, as the two of you are curled up on the couch. "Yeah" he says, as he pulls the ring out of his pocket. You put your hand out for him, signaling for him to slid it back on your finger. He finally takes the hint and slowly slides the promise ring back on your finger. "I love you" he says, "I love you too" you respond, before pulling him in for a kiss.
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evie-sturns · 14 days
sick - Matt Sturniolo
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summary: when you come down with a bad cold, the only person you want is your best friend matt.
contains: fluff, bestfriend!matt, comforting, a little bit of crying.
a/n: just a short one today due to the fact i'm literally bed bound sick.
i roll over in my messed up sheets, my whole body practically on fire and my head throbbing. i let out a frustrated groan as i wait for matt to finally come over to my place,
i invited matt over around 20 minutes ago, meaning he should be here at any moment.
the door to my bedroom opens and i'm met with matts sorry face. "matt!" my voice croaks, which quickly turns into a fit of coughs.
"you look like hell" matt laughs slightly, "such a gentleman matthew." i scoff with an eye roll.
"are you feeling okay?" he asks, walking over to my side of the bed and picking up the piles of tissues on the floor.
"oh- matt you don't have to touch those tissues." i protest, "its all good." he smiles before chucking them in the bin thats in the corner of my room.
i go to get out of bed, then stumble over into matt. "careful there" he says, grabbing my arm.
"my hair is like matted i need to brush it." i sigh,
"lay back down, i'll get your brush." matt says, helping me back down into bed. i lay down against the plush of my sheets.
matt disappears into my bathroom and comes out a couple seconds later with my baby pink brush and a few hair ties.
he jumps into bed next to me and pulls me onto his lap as he sits up against the headboard.
i sit facing the front, i can feel matt's light breathes coming from behind me as one of his cold hands finds its way into my hair.
"do i just.. brush it?" matt asks, "obviously." i laugh,
matt runs the brush through my hair gently, "does that hurt?"
"no it's okay" i smiles, rubbing my nose with the palm of my hand.
matt bunches up my hair in the back and ties it into a loose low bun, "that feel better?" matt asks, i nod before laying back against matt's chest.
i feel my body shiver all though i'm boiling hot, my sinuses are completely blocked and my throat feels like it's being cut by 1000 razor blades.
"my stomach hurts." i sniff, wiping my eyes as i feel myself grow overwhelmed.
"i know it does, i'm sorry." matt whispers,
i feel a couple tears fall down my hot cheeks, which quickly turns into a small sob.
"oh no- sweetheart don't cry." matt rubs my arms, "i feel sick." i mumble,
"i know you do, you've got a bad cold haven't 'ya?" matt coo's, i nod with a small pout.
matt continues to hold me close, his warmth comforting against the cold temperature of my body. i lean into him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest with each breath.
"do you want me to get you some water?" he suggests softly, his fingers gently tracing circles on my back.
"please," i manage to whisper, my voice barely audible through the congestion.
matt leaves the bed. i hear him moving around in the kitchen, the clinking of mugs and the sound of water spilling, followed by a small 'shit'.
he returns with a glass of water. he hands it to me carefully, his eyes full of concern.
"thank you," i say hoarsely, taking a sip. it feels like a balm to my sore throat, easing the rawness with each swallow.
matt sits back down beside me, pulling the covers up over both of us. he wraps his arms around me, holding me close as i drift in and out of a feverish sleep.
"i feel like death." i say with a cough, matt laughs slightly "you're gonna be okay, i promise."
"i don't want you to get sick matt-" i say, shooting up in bed.
matt grabs my arm and pulls me back down onto the matress, "you won't, i'm like 'fuckin superman or something, i don't get sick."
"oh your tough" i tease him, earning a small flick to my arm
"shush" matt scoffs, wrapping his arms around me, "you should just be grateful i haven't thrown up on you." i point out
"if you throw up on me i'm going home y/n" matt states, rubbing his eyes with a grin.
"then i'll try to keep my lunch down!" i say stupidly,
"thank you for your consideration" he laughs, i rest my head on his chest as i shut my eyes.
"go to sleep you idiot." matt sighs, i nod tiredly into his shirt.
matt presses a small kiss to the top of my head, and with another crunchy cough i feel myself slowly doze off to bed.
@luanetaluenta @sturnsssbow @mattfangirl @luvr4miya @luvtay111 @lolasturniolo @freshloveforthefit @ruedowney @lovingchrissposts @333michelle @h3arts4harry @sonicmacks @jamiesturniolo @chrisstopherfilmed @itzdarling @sturniolo-simp4life @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @ev3rgreenxtrees @lovergirl4387 @certifiednatelover @solarsturniolo @mattsenthusiast @yomamaslays4lyfe @peachmels @alinaa131 @pepsiluvr0209 @creamoncreamoncream2 @szobofc @mattscoquette @blahbell668 @sturniolo04 @ecilphttlunar @bitchydragonparadise @thematthewlover r r @sturni0l0 @ratatioulle @sturnsfav @chrisgetsmewetterxo @mattsonly @justalittle47 @mattsturnioloisbae@sunsetsturniolos @sturniolo04 @similartokayyz @pkfferoo @sturnsintrouble @ilovemattsturn @raysmayhem-72 @75sturn @sturniol0s @secret-sturniolo @hfkeclnendmwodne @sturniolosass @gxldenlush @stonermattsgf @101sara @beccaluvschris @oliviasturniolo21 @imwetforyourmom m @tylerstacobell @sunsetsturniolos @aliceloveschris @jayz4dayz4 @sassysturniolo2008 @nyktoxs-lover @nathandoesgf @starsturns234 @cristiana-heartzzchris @chrissturnsss s @joemamaaa42069 @sturnthepot @zayyluvz @realuvrrr @livialifesblog @sturnioloblogs s @riowritesitall
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lovelyiida · 1 year
making mha guys jealous~
WARNINGS: implied gender neutral reader, sexual themes, vulgar language, sexual language
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just for one single day he’d let it slide, he thought.
One fucking day.
It was currently a calm Sunday afternoon at the UA dorms, everyone at peace as they settled themselves for another long week of rigorous training and classes.
and here you fucking are, sitting next to Midoriya on the couch laughing at whatever he was showing you on his phone.
Bakugo knows that you know he despises the fucker, so why are you basically insulting him to his face at the moment?
Bakugo grumbles as he stares down at the text you sent to him nearly 30 minutes ago, "on my way up babe” he reads.
a damn liar you were
you and him were supposed to watch a move earlier before curfew hit, checking the clock he grows hotter by the second.
almost 3 hours before the 8PM curfew, that may be a lot of time to some. but on this glorious sunday, the day was gone before it even started.
your boyfriend watched as you giggled with your friend, knees huddled into your chest as your face shined bright with a smile.
why were you smiling so hard?
only he gets to see you smile that way.
and here goes this fuckwad.
round, sprinkle faced, curly-topped bastard.
Bakugo couldn't stand the looks of Midoriya sometimes, he just looked so punchable. he can't believe that he has the audacity to take you from him, knowing that the both of you were gong to be doing something at this exact time.
he may seem like this ball of sunshine to you, but he sees his true intentions.
watching the both of you even harder, he noticed how he was showing you pictures of something, eye lids pulling close together as he tries to make out the images on the phone and the words you were saying at the same time.
As midoriya scoots closer towards you. Bakugo feels a pang in his chest, it almost felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. bodies bumping into each other as his head accidentally bumps yours.
Today he thought he was gonna let it slide, he really did think that.
pulling away from each other, the both of you laugh, and thats when he saw it…
Midoriya was blushing.
"oh, piss off!" Bakugo darkly grumbled, hastily marching over to the both of you. he got madder with each step, fists growing hot and smoke fuming out.
as the both of you continued to laugh, you feel a heavy dip in the couch. you also see your friends expression, a laid back happy smile to quiver-lipped state of fear.
before you could ask whats wrong, you felt a strong arm wrap around your waist and pull you in tight.
"so this is what you've been doing, conspiring with the enemy?" Bakugos deep voice mumbled into your ear, making you jump. "w-what?" you stuttered.
"you texted me almost—40 minutes ago, that you're on your way, what the fuck?" Bakugo whined. you rolled your eyes, "bakugo, I was coming until I saw Midoriya! I haven't spoken to him in a while and decided to catch up."
looking over to the man of the hour himself, he lets out a shaky nod. "yeah! w-we were talking I was just showing them some pictures and–"
"what pictures?" Bakugo looks at you for an answer.
"nothing really!" Midoriya barks, earning a scowl from Bakugo.
"I wasn't fuckin' talkin' to you dumbass!" he yelled.
"now like I asked you, what pictures?" he says, his voice scarily calm.
"they were...pictures of you and Midoriya when you were kids," you admitted, Bakugos eyes widen as his face becomes warm.
"dude, what the fuck!" his free hand fling towards his face, poorly hiding his embarrassment. "I know, I'm sorry Kachaan! but your mom found them, and then she sent them to my mom…and she sent them to me!" he explained to the blonde.
"I don't give a fuck how you got them! just delete 'em!" He rubs his brows with his free hand to try and cope with the embarrassment. Finally having enough of this torment, he pulls you off the couch with ease and hurried to to the elevator.
stepping in, he lets out a breath.
"and stop fucking calling me that!" Bakugo yells, the vision of the green haired boy nodding in fear was the last thing you saw as the doors slide shut.
You sit in the elevator awkwardly as the sounds of the the elevator moving from floor to floor fill the void.
after a long moment of awkward silence in the elevator, you both finally make it to his dorm. Shutting the door, you plop on the bed, a smug smile not fading for a second.
You watch the blonde roam around his room, cutting on the tv and picking some random action movie he wanted the both of you to watch that you’ll most likely fall asleep to. Hearing him curse to himself as he trips on his shoes on his way to turn off the lights.
Crawling into the bed, you make room for Bakugo to lay in. Bakugo crawls in and throws the blankets over you and pulls you in tight.
As the movie begins to play, you couldn’t help but you let out a chuckle, “what now?” He groans. Smiling you look at him with hooded eyes, "you're so cute when you're jealous,~" you purr.
"i wasn't jealous!" he protested, making you luagh.
Bakugo pulls you in closer into his chest, which you kindly melt into. Burring your face into his chest, you let out a sigh.
"Midoriya misses you, y'know that?", you mumbled into his broad chest. The faint smell of sweet smoke fills your nostrils.
"I don't care" he spits.
You scoff at his reply, lightly hitting him on the chest. "oh come on! just for one day, hang out with the poor guy. you're always hanging out with me!" you complained, pushing his shoulder with your fist. Bakugo lets out a light chuckle, a smile barely present shown on his lips, nuzzling into your neck, he sighs.
"you're different."
“Hey honey, are you ready for our study session?” Iida smiles brightly towards you, chest broad and stature straight.
You're currently outside the UA dorms, sitting out on the bench enjoying the sunlight after a week of rain with your favorite book.
“Oh baby, I promised I would study with you didn’t I?” You frowned at him. Interested to hear your response, Iida tilts his head. “I don’t understand,” he says.
Closing the book you were holding, you straightened your back. “Well…I forgot to let you know that I’ll be studying with someone else this weekend, please don’t be upset!” You pleaded.
Iida softly smiled at you, “I could never be upset at you, as long as you’re still learning I don’t care who it’s with.” His strong hand reached for your face, causing you to melt into iida as he caresses your face.
And it was true, as long as you stayed successful in classes. Studying with someone else is the least of his problems.
He looked into your eyes, your deep loving eyes. The both of you chuckle at the display of affection.
That was until he heard the door open. Sharply pulling away from your face he automatically shot his hand straight into the air.
Even though the both of you are in a relationship, the both of you tried to make it seem you weren’t together. In other words, intimate moments like these are only shown in private.
“Are you ready to leave?" a calm voice asks.
“Todoroki!” You jump up with a smile. Grabbing your book bag, you throw it over your shoulder and walk towards him.
Iida didn’t care who you were studying with…
Until he found out it was Todoroki.
Recently, Iida has been seeing him eye you more than the rest. It didn’t bother him until this moment. He also overheard a particular conversation the other day as well.
“Dude, if you had to pick one girl from 1-A to marry, who would you choose?” Kirishima asked.
Currently in the locker room, changing out of their hero suits. Iida was tying his shoe laces, not really interested in the conversation.
“I’m not sure,” Todoroki said.
“Okay, who was the first person that came to mind?” Kirishima says, his sharp toothy grin beaming bright from ear to ear.
Iida perks up at this, not turning towards them. He simply stands straight up and walks out.
Today, Iida stares at Todoroki, his lips slightly twitch as he sees him chivalrously grab your book bag. Watching the both of you leave he cursed under his breath.
There’s no way Todoroki has a thing for you right?
It’s simply not possible, even though no one really knows that the both of you are together, it should be a given.
He hoped today would be the only time it would happen. However, later in the weekend, he realized that both of you got to know each other way more intensely than he thought.
When he’d wake up and go to the kitchen, he'd see both of you sitting down next to each other, eating breakfast, talking about whatever happened the day before. talking about likes and dislikes, the two of you even had secret inside jokes that no one else knew of.
It irritated him, knowing that the special bond that he had with you was slowly deteriorating over the span of the weekend.
It hurts Iida that you spent almost your whole weekend with Todoroki.
Holding on tight to the short moments that the both of you would have, whether it be sitting down on the couch talking, or in his room cuddling.
Either you'd see Todoroki or he'd send you a text (he didn’t even know that he had your number). If it was true that you were going out with him, you would quickly apologize by kissing him on the cheek and saying your goodbyes.
and that’s what happened over and over and over again.
It was safe to say that he missed you dearly, even though you don’t really take you out on dates too often. he considers the study time the both of you have as a date. Even though there are no roses or chocolates or fancy dinners, he loves the time he spends with you.
He doesn’t want it to be taken by someone else.
That following Monday, the two of you were currently in the lunchroom. Iida didn’t sit next to you, but he was close enough to where he was able to see you within eyesight. Everything was fine until he saw Todoroki with lunch tray in hand, sitting next to you and began to converse with you.
He watched how you giggled at his words, whatever the both you were talking about. It must have been very funny. He's never even seen you laugh that hard at his jokes. Swallowing his food, he let out a deep sigh.
Staring the both of you down, he noticed that Todoroki had a light pink blush on his cheeks in a soft, faint smile that only his eyes caught.
You were so busy laughing you didn’t even notice that your knees were pressed up against each other. Throwing your head back in laughter, a thick strand of hair cascades over your face.
Don’t do it he thought don’t even try it
Todoroki reached out towards your face and softly tucked your hair back behind your ear. Eyes widening, you shyly thank him with a bow.
Iida didn’t even realize that his feet were moving by the time he got close to you. Grabbing your arm with such force it shocked you, as you were dragged out of the lunch room. It even shocked him that he was doing this.
Taking you to a classroom that is empty, he shuts the door.
"Honey, what's wrong?" you asked, slightly shaken up by Iida’s performance. “I don’t want you to hang around him anymore. He obviously has feelings for you.” he spit, his tone was sharp as you could tell that he was angry.
Your eyes widen for a moment until you frown, “is that what this is about? I assure you, Todoroki has no feelings for me.”
Your arms crossed against your chest as you huff out of breath. Iida scoffs at your words. "You may not see it, but I do! I know for a fact that he has feelings for you. He even said it in the locker room the other day!” he exclaims.
You let out a light gasp at his words. After a brief moment of silence, you giggle.
this makes him frown even deeper. “I don’t understand what you’re laughing about," he says.
You laugh, "I can't believe you're jealous right now," you say. Iida gross hot at your words.
“I mean, I have every right to be, don’t I? Todoroki has taken you away from me and it seems like you don’t even notice!” he exclaims.
Playfully poking your lip out, you walk towards Iida, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as you pull him into your embrace.
“y'know all of this could’ve been avoided if you just let everyone know that we’re in a relationship.”
He blushed as you spoke softly to him.
“And what happens if I do? What if you get made fun of because of me? Because they find out you’re dating such a loser…” His words trail off as you can tell that he’s visibly upset.
Your brows furrowed after hearing his words.
“you? A loser? Iida, you are the president of class 1-A at UA high school. I’m basically dating the top student in the entire school! You are definitely no loser in my book” you reassured him.
A soft smile appears on his lips as his hands slide around your waist. “you mean that?” he says.
“I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it” you mumbled.
Pulling in close to you, your lips press against each other softly. You breathe into the kiss, your hand racing from his shoulders to the back of his neck as you push him in for a deeper kiss.
Before this steamy make-out session could go further, you hear the door slam open. Gasping, you pull yourself away from your boyfriend.
Todoroki doesn't see himself as a jealous type. He has no reason to be jealous not to make him sound cocky, but he has a good personality. He knows he has good looks and he's just a good person. What more could a person want?
You always thought the opposite about yourself, you never really understood why Todoroki chose you out of all the other people that desperately wanted him, but you never saw how Todoroki saw you.
You are a kind, caring, witty, and so funny a lot of people would die for a person like you, but you never saw that.
Or at least you never noticed, until today.
Today in class one a you were all sparring and training your quirks to the maximum ability. Todoroki stares at you from across the classroom. She noticed you were talking to someone in particular Denki Kaminari.
And bright yellow hair, a lean muscular build, a pretty face with a golden eyes, he's known to meet people on the school as a very attractive guy, and also a known heartbreaker.
He's no good, Todoroki thought.
He stares at the both of you, he noticed the way dinky I do his bright eyes gliding over, figure ever so carefully so that he wouldn't catch you because it be caught.
Denki knew you were already in a relationship with him with Todoroki, of course. But he could really care less. He still wanted to shoot his shot and maybe give you a little test of loyalty.
"Hey, is that skirt new? It looks Hella good on you." Denki says, sly smirk plastered on his lips as he spoke to you with ease. He noticed the way you blushed his comment you awkwardly laugh it off.
"no, this is the same skirt I've been wearing since the beginning of the school year. Thanks for the compliment, though." you give him a slight bow, somewhat thankful for his compliment.
"y'know, somehow I think it would look better if it was a tad bit, shorter...or maybe even off, your legs are so pretty! I wonder how they look thrown over my shoulders" Denki purrs, letting out a dark chuckles at his own words. he fawns over the way you tightly grip your skirt with your balled fists.
"you can't talk to me that way Denki! you know that Todoroki is my boyfriend. What if he hears you?" you whispered. Denki rolls his eyes at your words. leaning into your ear, he whispers.
"and if he did? what would you do princess?" Denki whispers, earning a shiver down your spine. pulling away, he notices Todoroki's sharp colorful eyes looking straight towards him.
Denki smiles brightly and even waves at him, he watched Todoroki smack his lips at his fake act. He chuckles at this, watching Todoroki stomp his way sighs.
reaching for a strand of you hair, he sighs as it slips from his fingers. "playtimes' over, gotta go beautiful!" Denki chuckles. Walking away before Todoroki could get to him.
Soon you felt a tight embrace on your back, "Todoroki!" turning towards him, you hug him tightly.
"what did he say to you?" his voice deep and filled with anger.
"nothing different, casual Denki being a pervert" you laugh, Todoroki only holds you tighter.
Todoroki isn't a jealous person.
But this time, he was.
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hey guys!! almost at 200 followers, thanks sm guys!
— lovelyiida ❤︎︎
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