#that all being said I'm going to go sleep and enjoy my long weekend :3 goodnight my loves!
gloomysoup · 5 months
when the world stops turning (my heart stops beating) - pt. 3
happy holidays to all who celebrate! as it stands, i'm posting this on christmas eve after a full evening with my dad's mom and his siblings and all my cousins, before i go to bed to deal with even more family all day tomorrow (we have my mom's side in the morning for brunch and then my dad's dad's house in the late afternoon/evening) BUT i did FINALLY get this part figured out and i couldn't wait to share it! i would apologize, but we all know i'm not actually sorry... oops
anyway i hope you all enjoy it!
ao3 pt. 1 pt. 2 pt. 3 pt. 4
cw: mentions and discussions of drug use, addiction, sobriety, relapse, referenced overdose, etc. y'know, the usual
The first time Steve ever got high, he was fourteen. Tommy had scored some weed off one of the older basketball guys, Steve’s parents were gone for a weekend. It was perfect. Steve, Tommy, and Carol laid back on the roof of Steve’s childhood home, overlooking the blue glow of the pool and the line of trees beyond the yard, passing a joint back and forth. It was a warm buzz, making his head go all fuzzy. It was nice. Until it wasn't, at least. He liked the feeling of being high. What he didn't like was what came after.
The comedown from that first high was rough, to say the least. Carol was fine; Steve didn't know why it didn't affect her as badly. Steve and Tommy, however, were not so lucky.
It was a while before he ever smoked weed again. He never did anything more than that, though there were plenty of opportunities. And he never smoked alone. It was always parties, or hang outs with Tommy and Carol. It slowed down when he met Nancy. She wasn't a fan of drugs, and always asked him to stop. He never could, but he definitely cut back. Then Nancy shattered his heart, so he picked it back up again. Started smoking on his own. Anything to chase the free feeling of the high. He spent so many nights trying to escape his nightmares and heavy thoughts. He smoked until his head was floating in the clouds. He kept the high until he ultimately passed out, hard, into a fairly dreamless sleep.
And then Starcourt happened.
That was a different high. Slower. It was loose lips, but firm thought. Tethered, but not quite there. It took longer to hit the peak, to really float. When he finally hit it, it was the best he'd felt in a long time. And then he came crashing down. It was the worst he'd felt in his life, aside from the time Billy bashed his head in with a plate. It sucked. It ruined weed for him, if he was honest. Every time he tried after that, his body panicked. His brain would get fuzzy, he'd start to float, and then he'd seize up. His brain would shock him back into reality. He vowed, with the help of Robin, to never get high again. He would finally quit. It wasn't worth the panic attacks and anxiety and trauma response that came with it anymore. He was successful for a while, at least. He'd been sober for almost a year.
That didn't last long after the final battle with Vecna. He and Eddie were friends. They were starting to grow into a little more than that. Steve’s nightmares were awful again. His body was sore and his scars stretched uncomfortably every time he moved. It was Eddie who initially suggested weed, even though he had stopped smoking himself.
“It's actually a pretty good method for pain management,” he said with a shrug. “You just gotta be careful about it. Stick to the natural stuff.”
Eddie didn't know that Steve was sober. Steve never told him. He'd been itching for a good high again anyway; something to clear his head, take some of the pain away, get a good night’s sleep for once. Eddie had handed him an extra joint, leftover from his own stash that he hadn't touched in weeks. Steve went home that night and lit a joint for the first time in almost a year. His sobriety went down the drain, just like that. The worst part? He didn’t even regret it. Not one bit.
He didn't tell Robin. He couldn't. He knew she'd be disappointed in him. She would go back to watching him like a hawk, following him around, and never leaving him alone long enough to even think about getting high. She'd spend every night with him, just like she did those first few months before. He couldn't let her do that to herself again. Not when she was doing so well with Vickie. He wasn't going to ruin her good thing with his own problems. So Robin never knew he relapsed. And Eddie never knew that he was supposed to be sober. He never told a soul.
Steve carried it with him for years. Every time he lit a joint instead of a cigarette, he thought about Robin. Two puffs in, he wasn’t thinking about her anymore, just how nice it felt. He smoked until his head was empty and floating, and then he smoked some more. He smoked by himself a lot. Then the band got recognized, and they were all smoking again too. Steve would smoke with them any chance he got. He never told anyone the secrets he was hiding. He never told anyone the weed wasn’t quite enough anymore. He was perfectly content with what he had, sure, but some deep part of him itched for more. He got cross-faded more times than he could count, just to feel something more.
His first experience with harder drugs was at a party with the band. Their manager had gotten them an invite for promotional purposes. There were supposed to be some high-end producers and such they wanted to network with, and Steve always went with them to these sorts of things. It was innocent, at first. Steve stepped out on the back deck of whatever big shot artist’s house they were at to light a cigarette while Eddie talked music with some people in the living room.
He took a deep inhale, feeling the nicotine saturate his lungs before he blew out the smoke. What he really wanted was some weed, but Eddie had it all on him and Steve didn't want to bother them. This was good for the band. They needed this. Still, a cigarette couldn't only do so much for the itch under Steve’s skin. He had a beer on the railing in front of him, but that's not what he needed. He took another inhale, holding it, hoping it would keep him satisfied until Eddie brought him a joint. It wasn't really working, but Steve was trying to convince himself otherwise.
“Mind if I join you?”
Steve turned to see a slightly older man standing in the doorway. He vaguely recognized him as another musician, but couldn't place his name. “No, not at all. Honestly, I could probably use the company.”
The man nodded and stepped onto the deck, closing the sliding glass door behind him. He took up a place beside Steve, holding out his hand. “Billy.”
Steve laughed at the irony and took his hand. “Of course you are. I'm Steve.”
Billy gave him a curious look. “Something wrong with my name, Steve?”
He shook his head. “No, not at all. It's just a little funny, I guess. I knew a guy named Billy once. Broke a plate over my head, gave me a nasty concussion, and then he died a few months later in a fire at the mall I used to work at. The universe likes to have a good laugh, apparently.”
“Ah, yeah, I'd probably feel the same way then.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a joint, gesturing toward Steve. “Mind if I light?”
“Only if you share,” Steve replied with a laugh before taking another drag of his cigarette.
“Of course, man.” Steve watched Billy pull a lighter from his pocket and light the joint, taking a puff before holding it out toward Steve.
Steve stubbed out his cigarette on the wood railing before taking the joint between his fingers. He took a deep drag, holding it for one, two, three seconds, and then breathing it out slowly. He looked up at the stars as he passed it back. “God, that's exactly what I needed.”
“Tough day?”
Steve shrugged. “More like a tough life. I'd usually be smoking by now anyway, but my, uh, friend has all the weed on him. He's busy talkin’ shop with some other music guys in there, and I didn't wanna bother them. It's important to him.”
“Not your scene then, I take it?”
Steve huffed, taking the joint back between his fingers. “I'm more… emotional support for his band, I guess. Though, I'm not sure they ever needed it. They do just fine on their own.”
“I'm sure they appreciate it anyway.” Billy glanced back at the house as he took the last drag before putting it out. “What do you say we go back in, Steve? I know a guy upstairs with something a little better than weed, if you're interested.”
“Hell, at this point, I might try just about anything. I don't do needles, though. Bad experiences and all.”
Billy laughed and motioned with his head. “Promise, no needles unless you ask.”
“Lead the way, then.”
Steve was floating on the best high of his life. He didn't know how much time had passed, but he didn't really care. He hung out upstairs with Billy and some other industry people for God only knows how long, smoking and laughing and snorting lines of cocaine. Eventually, Steve stumbled his way back downstairs with Billy, laughing the whole way. He bumped into Eddie, physically running into his back where he was scanning the house.
Eddie turned and wrapped his arms around Steve’s waist, holding him up. “There you are. I was wondering where you went.”
“Eddie!” Steve exclaimed, grinning brightly. He turned to Billy, who had his arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Billy, Billy, this is him. This is Eddie.”
“Oh, yeah! So you're Eddie! You've- you've got a good one, man. Steve's such a riot.”
Eddie seemed taken aback at first, looking between the two of them. His eyebrows furrowed as he took in Steve’s slightly disheveled appearance and wide eyes. “Steve, are you high right now?”
Steve giggled, leaning his face into Eddie’s neck. “Soooo high, baby. I feel great.”
“Alright, I think it's time we go home,” Eddie declared. “Come on, let's go find the guys.”
“But I don't wanna leave,” Steve whined with a pout. “I wanna dance, Eddie. Can't we dance? Please?”
“We can dance at home, Steve. Come on. It's time to go.”
“No fun,” he huffed.
“Steve, look, here, I’ll give you my number,” Billy said, still leaning heavily against him. “You call me. We’ll hang out again sometime, yeah?”
“Definitely. Definitely do that.”
It took Eddie fifteen minutes to drag Steve through the house and track down the rest of his friends. When they found the rest of them, Jeff frowned at Steve.
“What's up with him? Is he okay?”
“Apparently the whole time we were talking to that producer, my boyfriend was getting high off his ass with Billy Corgan. I'm sure he’ll be fine once he sleeps it off.”
“Wait, Billy Corgan?” Gareth asked, eyes wide. “Like the Billy Corgan of The Smashing Pumpkins?”
“Apparently they're best friends now.”
“Oh, yeah, Billy’s great,” Steve said through another bout of giggles, leaning all his body weight on Eddie. He cupped his hand around his mouth to whisper, but it wasn't really a whisper. “He knows who has all the good shit, guys.”
“Okay, he is really high,” Grant said. “Guess that's our cue to leave?”
“I don't care if you guys want to stay, but I'm taking Steve home. Just didn't wanna leave without letting you know.”
When Steve and Eddie finally got back to the apartment, Steve sloppily kissed Eddie in the entryway. His hand slipped under Eddie’s shirt, but Eddie pulled him back.
“Baby, no, not tonight,” he murmured. He pushed a lock of hair from Steve’s face. “You're too high for that right now. You need sleep.”
“Want you, though,” Steve whispered, ducking down to suck at his jaw and throat.
“Steve, no. I'm serious. You need to sleep this off.”
Steve huffed, a pout on his full lips. Eddie kissed him softly before wrapping his arm around his waist and leading him to the bedroom. Steve slumped back against the bed immediately upon impact. Eddie carefully and gently undressed him before tucking him into bed. He brought a water bottle and some meds for the morning, placed them on the bedside table, and then changed his own clothes. Steve was out like a light, snoring softly. Eddie held him all night, unable to sleep. He'd never seen Steve get that high before. Part of him worried it was more than weed, but he trusted Steve. He'd ask him in the morning, but he wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. He didn't think Steve would do more than that. He didn't think he had to worry.
The next morning, Eddie made sure Steve was safe and okay before bringing it up.
“So, last night,” he said over breakfast, poking around at the scrambled eggs he'd whipped up for them.
“Oh, right! How'd it go with that, what was he, a producer?”
“It was fine, but that's not what I'm talking about, Steve.”
Steve frowned. “What is it then?”
Eddie swallowed, not looking at Steve. “You were really high when I finally found you after you wandered off. I need you to be honest, Steve. What did you take?”
“It was weed, Ed. Strong weed, but just weed.”
“You promise?” He looked up, meeting Steve’s eyes. “You promise it's just weed, Steve? I can’t- You have to understand how dangerous that other shit is. I can't lose you to it.”
Steve smiled so easily, like he wasn't lying right to Eddie’s face. Like he didn't have a baggie of coke in the pocket of his jeans, which were laying on the bedroom floor. “I promise that's all it is.”
And Eddie believed him, like an idiot. He trusted him, because it was so easy to fall for those eyes and that smile. He didn't think Steve would ever do anything like that. He had no reason to believe otherwise. He didn't know that Steve had been sober for almost a year before that spring break from Hell.
Steve lied for years, to everyone. He was good at it. It was easy. He didn't even think twice before the lies tumbled past his lips. The problem was how simple it was to score. How easy. He never had to turn far. He was listed as a personal assistant to the band. He was handing drugs to pass on to them all the time, but Corroded Coffin didn't do any of that stuff. They always turned it down. They knew what it did to people, especially in the industry. It was a dangerous thing. Every time the members ignored the drugs being passed to them, Steve slipped them in his pocket instead. No one ever noticed. The more fame and recognition the band got, the easier it became for Steve to score whatever he wanted. Pills, tabs, cocaine, heroin, the works. He never strayed far from coke and pills, still wary of needles from the Russians, but it was a high he couldn't get with weed alone. It was addicting. He wouldn't have been able to stop on his own even if he wanted to.
He snuck off to do a line or two every chance he got. If the band’s backs were turned for even a few seconds, he was popping a couple of colorful pills. He smoked weed every other night, whenever Eddie wanted to smoke. He smoked on his own occasionally, slowing down his body through the rush of a good high. It was nothing like he’d ever experienced before, and he couldn't get enough of it.
Then he was at the biggest show of Eddie’s career. Sold out at Madison Square Garden. Roaring crowds, electricity flowing through Steve’s veins. He was only going to do a quick line. He just wanted to keep the energy, soothe the itch. One line turned to two, then three, then some pills. Then everything went dark.
The first thought to cross his mind as his vision tunneled and his body began to shut down was that he should have told them the truth. He never should have lied to Eddie, or Robin. He never should have taken that joint from Eddie all those years ago. He should still be sober. But he wasn't, and now he was going to die, and it's his own fault. He fell to his vices. He didn't talk to Robin, like he always promised he would do if the urges came back. Instead, he got into the harder stuff, and now it was going to kill him. The clock had finally run out. The Reaper was knocking on his door.
That would be the end of Steve Harrington.
tag list: @mugloversonly @djohawke @acowardinmordor @hallucinatedjosten @geekyfifi @slowandsteddie @estrellami-1 @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @canmargesimpson
(if you saw this upload twice no you didn't. i definitely didn't forget the tag list)
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kiiwiigii · 9 months
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Night-Time Reading
Alec x Fem!Reader
Summary: You are having a rough day managing your POTS/CFS. All you want to do is relax and Alec is there to help.
Fluff! Nothing but tooth rotting fluff.
Word Count: 400+
Requested?: Yes!
So I'm going through a really rough time, I'm disabled (pots and CFS) and my cfs is acting up badly cause school started and I've been so busy I haven't had a break period, constantly walking and running and being busy. now I have a three day weekend so my body is letting myself feel the consequences of pushing myself too far, so I was wondering if I could suggest some comfort? Alec with a mate that either has cfs or just has some symptoms and just him keeping them as comfortable as possible while they're in pain Common symptoms (including the ones I'm going through) - joint pain (I can barely go up stairs and walk -extreme temp fluctuations (really hot to really cold quickly) -brain fog (brain is foggy. I'm too weak to open a bottle of coke so I left it open and while talking I tipped it over and forgot it was open) -migraines/headaches -sore throat -trembling -really tired but can't fall asleep and/or sleeps for a really long time Thank you for listening 🫶🏼 -🦊
A/N: Hey nonny! I am so, so sorry it has taken me this long to write this. Honestly, I was (and still am I suppose) intimidated to write this, simply because these illnesses are not something I am not even remotely familiar with. But I also want to thank you because it's a good writing exercise for me. I'm also sorry that you're having such a rough time. I can't even imagine. So here's a fic, just for you, darling. I hope you're feeling better.
Another A/N: So the wonderful and amazing @alecvolturi did an amazing edit of Alec reading the first bit of The Hobbit. Please give it a listen as you read. It's PERFECT.
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I was fucking miserable.
It began just by sitting up. I could feel the migraine building, and I was already in the throws of a hot flash. It didn't help that the pain in my joints was flaring up again.
It was 3 a.m. and I was already this close to crying. I couldn't remember the last time that I had a proper nights sleep. I just wanted one day, one day where I didn't have to be in pain or worry that any movement I made would set off a whole other series of symptoms, all of which almost all of them were painful.
"Darling?" Alec was next to me, his cold hands running over my heated skin, trailing goosebumps behind in his wake.
His hands were a sweet, cool balm on my flushed skin. It gave me a little relief. I leaned into him, enjoying the cold. His lips pressed to my forehead.
"Scale of 1 to 10?"
"7 to 8." I mumbled.
One would think with how long that I've lived with this disease that I would have a high pain tolerance. That couldn't be further from the truth. I could already feel a few tears slipping from beneath my lashes. I just wanted something to make the pain go away.
I whined as Alec disappeared, only to reappear with my meds and a bottle of water a moment later.
"Here, drink." He handed me the pills and water, and I took them gratefully. He pulled the comforter from the floor where I had kicked it off, bundling it back up on the bed for us to lay down on. He then grabbed my phone, pulling up my favorite playlist, the one he made for me to help me calm down when I felt like shit. The music started flowing through the speaker near my bed at a low volume.
"What book, darling?" His eyes were already scanning my bookshelves.
"Uhm…" I blinked back at him slowly, trying to process what he said.
"How about The Hobbit?"
"Perfect." I rasped with a small smile.
He was next to me again in a flash, his back against the headboard as he pulled me gently to him, a pillow already ready in his lap.
"In the hole in the ground, there lived a Hobbit." His voice lilted over me, and I felt myself begin to relax as his hands gently ran through my hair and along my neck.
The fine mist that signaled the use of his gift began to unfurl from his fingers and I felt myself begin to numb. The first time he had done this it had been disconcerting, but now I welcomed it with relish. A small reprieve from the pain. I smiled to myself, letting my eyes slip closed as I listened.
Then finally, sleep came for me.
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{Masterlist} // {Request Guidelines}
Taglist: @alecvolturi @lack-lust-3r @rosedpetal
Wanna be notified when I post a new fic? Ask to join my taglist!
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typingatlightspeed · 9 months
TF2 Fanfic - Complex Carbohydrates
Following the events of Expiration Date, Engineer decides to invite Medic for a few beers out back of the base, as a final sort of come-down from everything they'd been through over the weekend. Some easy conversation and light flirting seems a pretty good way to celebrate being alive.
A giftie fic for @missjamiekaye, and thank-you for that lovely Sword Van piece! <3 They asked for some Engie and Medic being flirty bros. I hope this passes muster!
It had taken hours, but finally, the last of the giant, mutant bread monster had been disposed of. Most of the work had been done by Pyro, if they were all honest. The firebug had delighted in torching that big mess of grains and tentacles, reducing it to ash which was then unceremoniously dumped in a nearby ravine, hopefully not polluting any groundwater after the fact.
Not like the groundwater here could get any more polluted than it already was, anyway. Not without changing its colour and viscosity, at least. The lead levels were already more than enough to scare even penny-pinching RED into supplying an external water source for its mercenaries, whom had never been known to be the recipients of much in the way of creature comforts from their employers.
Thank goodness the paychecks were huge.
Engineer hung his hardhat and goggles up on the pegs he'd installed next to the door in his quarters. He scrubbed a hand over the stubble of his shaven head and let out a long breath, now that everything was said and done. He was exhausted. It had been the longest three days of his life. Terror, shame, determination, panic, and entirely too little sleep had filled the time between the discovery of just what teleporting does to bread, and the discovery that what teleporting does, it just does to bread. He didn't think it possible to chug along on adrenaline for days on end, but now, as it leaked away, he wasn't just tired, he was weary.
Even so, he wasn't headed to bed just yet. There was something important he needed to do.
The door to the infirmary opened slowly but not quietly, the door's hinge squealing almost as a defense measure. Engineer made a mental note to oil the damn things tomorrow.
The room was only half-lit, theories and calculations still scrawled on the chalk board, wall, floor, anything chalk could cling to; evidence of their weekend-long desperate bout of research and development. Engineer hadn't worked that hard that fast since college, though he had to say, the company was much better. Medic was at least as much the mad genius as he was, and it had been nice to have someone on a similar wavelength to bounce ideas against.
"Hallo?" Medic asked, turning, bent over in front of his open refrigerator. Likely chilling what few samples he'd managed to wrangle after Pyro had befriended the small, angry loaf of mutant bread the doctor had managed to keep contained for most of the weekend.
"Hey there, Doc," Engineer greeted with an easy smile.
"Ah, Engie. I'm surprised to find you awake. I had assumed you'd be dead to the world at this point." Medic chuckled lightly, standing and closing the fridge.
"Still too wound up from it all. Exhaustion's finally crashin' in but my mind ain't done turnin' yet. You know how it is."
"Indeed I do." Medic took a deep breath, feeling the same fatigue creeping over him. His nose scrunched up in dismay. "Ach, this whole room smells like yeast."
Engineer chuckled at that. "Weren't gonna say nothin', but you ain't wrong. But speakin' of..." He lifted his hand, showing the gift he'd brought: a six-pack of frosty, cold beers. "How 'bout we go partake of some more yeast out back? Actually enjoy some of this weekend 'fore we gotta be up for work in the mornin'?"
"Those are the only carbohydrates I think I'll be interested in for some time," Medic chuckled. "My friend, once again you prove to be the idea man between the two of us." He gladly followed Engineer out the door, shutting the lights off in the infirmary behind him.
The night sky stretched out for what seemed like forever, dampened only by the light pollution of a few stray lamps along the perimeter fence. Engineer switched off the porch light, saving their eyes a bit of strain in the dark, and settled on the edge of the dry, creaky old structure, the six-pack of beers separating him from Medic.
The cool breeze of the night air caressed them gently, neither chilling nor buffeting them, merely whispering past in a gentle sussurus that seemed to ferry away the stress of the prior three days. Engineer snatched up a beer and popped the cap on the edge of the porch, then handed the bottle to Medic before doing the same for himself. They lifted their beers and clinked the bottles together in a silent toast before taking a pull.
"Thank you for inviting me," Medic said with a wistful smile, watching a stray cloud drift past the moon, its light illuminating it with a silver halo.
"'Course," Engineer demurred. "After what we been through, some cold beers with a good buddy is just what this doctor ordered."
Medic snorted a laugh at that. "I'll admit, this is a far better way to spend time together than in utter, mortal terror, furiously experimenting for three days straight."
"Amen to that. If I'm gonna be experimentin' with you, I'd much rather it be relaxed, 'n after a couple of beers." He smirked against the lip of his bottle, a proper smile pulling at his lips as Medic blushed and tittered in reply.
Medic didn't look at him, a laugh caught in his voice. "So is that why you asked me out here?"
Engineer split into a crooked grin. "That depends on whether it's gettin' me anywhere."
Lifting an eyebrow, Medic took another swig from his bottle, letting the silence stretch on just a bit. "You know, one of these days I'm going to call you on your bluff and take you seriously."
"When that day comes we're both in for a lot of trouble."
"I worry far more for everyone else."
They shared a laugh at that, downing the rest of their beers. Medic glanced sidelong at Engineer. It had been a long, long weekend. Though, truly, even if their initial theory had held true and it had been the end for them, he could scarcely think of a better way to go, throwing science at the wall and trying to crack a nearly insurmountable problem with Engineer at his side. He was the only man he'd ever known whose ever-churning mind could keep up with his own. If he had just a few fewer morals he could even surpass him, which made Medic glad that his friend had at least some scruples left to his name, if only to save his own pride.
Engineer's thoughts must have followed a similar path. He withdrew another beer from the pack and gestured to Medic with it. "Still can't believe we both managed to jump to a conclusion like that. Somethin' affectin' bread like that sure is gonna be one-to-one with humans." He scoffed. "We were so wound up we straight skipped over where that didn't make a lick of sense."
Medic shrugged, nodding with the assessment. "To be fair, it isn't exactly like there are reams of research on the side effects of teleportation on the human body in the first place. Our daily use of them and the records kept about it is probably the closest thing to a study that's ever been done, which is hardly saying anything. Something, anything, showing a reaction like that is cause for concern, since it was such an anomaly. We were working with the data available, which was very incomplete." An impish grin crossed his too-white teeth, "We did manage to untangle the problem. After all, we had the two greatest minds of our generation working on the project."
"Shucks," Engineer demurred, blushing a bit. "I'm just glad this weren't the end. Would'a been a sad way for a bunch of hardened killers to go. All that fight in us just to die from tumors? Shame."
"Agreed. Even living as we do, it would be cutting everything far too short. Too much left undone, too much left unsaid," he took a sharp breath, realizing how personal that sounded, and quickly rejoined, "too much yet to learn and discover!"
Engineer let it slide, not taking the easy opening to needle his friend. "Ain't that right." He used the edge of the porch to finally open the bottle he was holding and offered it to Medic, "Doctor?"
"Doctor," Medic replied, accepting it gladly with a giggle.
Engineer opened his own beer and they clinked the bottles again. "To wheat."
"To complex carbohydrates!"
They chuckled and knocked back their beers, settling into a comfortable silence as they stared out across the desert, the pale, silvery light of the moon lighting up the rusty sand a fetching shade of blue.
"Y'know, Doc, I—"
Engineer turned to look at Medic, lifting an eyebrow. "Pardon?"
"My name is Ludwig."
Medic finished his beer, taking the pause to sort out his thoughts. "We just stared Death in the face and watched him flinch so hard it was physically indistinguishable from a seizure. We spent three days with barely any food or sleep, experimenting and theorizing and calculating, around the clock. We've just been through a special Hell together; we deserve know one another's names, OPSEC be damned, don't you think?"
"Awful poetic of you," Engineer replied, his voice soft. He was a bit touched, truth be told. "Alright, Lou. You can call me Dell."
Medic smiled at that, more than a little amused by the American's immediate need to create a nickname for a name that was only two syllables long. "Dell. Sehr gut."
"Nice to meetcha," Engineer teased. He finished his beer and set about cracking the last two, handing Medic his and lifting his own for a final, silent toast.
Medic grinned, and their bottles clinked, and the chirping of crickets filled the easy quiet that settled there as the exhausted, trimphant mercenaries spent the last hours of their weekend enjoying one another's company.
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eveandtheturtles · 1 year
Yay, this one is finally donezooo. This was a request from.... I don't remember who, I'm very sorry but it's past midnight on Sunday night and I need to get to shower and sleep REALLY soon. Enjoy y'all! And lemme know if I did any good lol Reblog! Don't repost!
Tag for: @madammuffins @turtle-babe83 @thelaundrybitch @pheradream15 @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow (anyone else who wants on this list let me know!)
Rating: E, like Explicit. Like Eyyy, this is some smut!
Pairing: Leo x fem!Reader.
Summary: You were stressed, Leo got ideas.
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You were stressed and anxious. It was nearing the end of the finals, your job was trying to cram more shifts into your already busy schedule and your old ass mattress wasn’t helping you get proper sleep. On top of that your vigilante boyfriend was busy trying to bust some gang operations in the city. It all resulted in you being a bit more on the cranky side.
You tried to stay strong, it soon should all clear out and you’ll get your long overdue cuddles. Yeah, you could do that.
You pulled your headphones back on and tried to focus on the text. When 10 minutes later a bottle of soda got placed in front of you you jumped up a little turning to see who the intruder was.
“Leo!” You exclaimed tearing your headphones off of your head. Immediately you stood up and wrapped your arms around his neck. “I missed you so much.”
Leo leaned down to make it easier for you but his hands were a bit too busy holding pizza and a plastic bag of snacks to hug you back. 
“We bagged the baddies early, I thought I might surprise you,” he said and you two kissed sweetly.
“So thoughtful.” You chuckled relaxing against him for a second, then you snatched the pizza. “What did you get?” You opened the box all giddy. The smell reminded you you haven’t really eaten in the past couple of hours. Truly, Leo had the best timing. “Pepperoni!” You answered your own question and he huffed a little laugh.
Soon you both were on your bed with your laptop in his lap as you watched some new Netflix show. You were only half watching, enjoying how his fingers felt over your shoulder and neck while he stroked your skin absentminded. His cheek was resting over the top of your head and he’d kiss you from time to time. He really enjoyed the texture of your hair.
You tried to snuggle even closer despite almost laying on top of him but the angle you chose was a bit off and your back decided it will not have that.
You hissed and sat up.
“What’s wrong?” Instantly, Leo was alert.
“It’s just my back. It’s been difficult couple weeks,” you explained. “Not - crime-fighting, life-risking difficult but y’know.”
“Hey, don’t sell yourself so short, okay?” He frowned. “Just because we deal with different things doesn’t make it more or less hard. Let me see.” He coaxed you gently to turn your back to him.
“Is this going to be the bit of a sexy massage montage?” You joked and then hissed as he pressed his finger to a particularly hard knot on your back.
He was right. It wasn’t, it hurt like hell before it felt good. And when it felt good you quickly fell asleep. Then Monday rolled by you wrote your exams and the week just blurred until it was the weekend again. 
You finished your shift at work and were about to head back home when your Donnie-issued cellphone dinged with a new text. From your boyfriend. You smiled and opened it.
FearlessInBlue: "Do you have time tonight?"
You wondered what he could be planning. 
"Yeah, what's up?"
FearlessInBlue: "Drop by the lair. Everyone will be out."
A thrill bloomed deep low inside your belly. 
"I'll be there in 3 hours?" 
FearlessInBlue: "Awesome."
You raced to your place to get ready and then to get to the lair. You looked around and confirmed that indeed everyone was out.
“You’re early.”
You almost jumped out of your skin when you heard Leo’s voice right next to your ear. You spun around to face him and felt a rush of blood to your head. The way Leo was looking at you was simply dangerous. The intense blue gaze eyed you head to toe, hungry.
“Y-yeah.” You swallowed hard. “So, um- where is everyone?”
“They all went to watch a game,” he said. His body swayed a little as he wrapped one arm around your waist. “I said I had plans with you.” He pulled you close and nipped at your ear.
“O-oh.” You bit your lips.
“Come on.”
He pulled you with him to his room. When you stepped inside it you let out a deep sigh. It looked so intimate. Leo placed some loose red fabrics on the walls and lit up candles giving the room a soft glow. There were rose petals scattered around; elegant, white bottles, towels; a brown, mystery basket and soft pillows all of it around the centerpiece that was the mattress. The room also felt warmer than usual.
Leo stood behind you, his hands on your arms, and he kissed your shoulder.  
“You did all this?”
“I just ran with your idea,” he admitted with a low chuckle.
“Sexy massage?” You raised your eyebrow, amused.
“Sexy massage,” he nodded sagely.
You both smiled, Leo breaking character a little, as you pulled him further in with you. 
“Will you help me undress then?” You wrapped his arms around his middle looking up at him.
“I was planning to, yes.” He leaned down for a sweet kiss.
His wandering hands were already attempting to remove your shirt. You parted but held each other's gaze. The shirt slipped off of you to the floor. Next, Leo knelt down in front of you. He kissed your bare stomach, while his hands slipped around your waist. Off went your bottoms and underwear. His palms glided down your legs and took off your shoes.
Your breath hitched watching him work. The gentle way he moved made you feel like a deity. Worshipped.
“Lay down,” he whispered. “On your stomach.”
You obeyed and waited. 
Leo moved on his knees closer to the mattress. He opened the basket first. You eyed him curiously. The very first thing that came out of it was a feather. He tickled your ear and you giggled. He smiled softly and trailed it over your shoulder blades, down your spine, setting pleasant shivers in your body. The feather ghosted over the small of your back, circled each of your cheeks and down your legs. Your toes curled a little as he did all that and managed to make it so sensual. 
You certainly wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon.
Next he took one of the white, ceramic bottles and some kind of liquid dripped onto his hand. He worked it between his fingers for a moment, warming it up. You were getting excited just by watching him. So focused on his task. He noticed your look and huffed a chuckle. 
“What?” He asked.
“I love you.” You smiled
“I didn’t do anything yet.” He shook his head but leaned down to kiss your head. “Let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable, okay?”
“Okay,” you agreed.
Soon you felt him touch your back, slowly working your back muscles. From your shoulders moving down. The gentle kneading, the way the heel of his palm and fingers were undoing all those kinks you got over the week. The oil made it all smoother, the repeated motions warming you up.
“Mmm, god you are so good at this,” you sighed.
“Thank you. This is just a start," He promised. 
That's when he slipped over your ass. The thumb and forefinger spread pressing over the cheeks and going down. Then with a stronger grip of his whole hands. 
You let out a soft groan. It was getting to the good part. You felt his nails getting in on the action with gentle scratches over your skin. 
"Turn around," he told you and you eagerly did so. 
Now you had a much better view of him as he began to massage your arms. The slow, circular motion was turning your bones into goop. Then he got to your hands. A gentle press of his thumb, a kiss on each knuckle. He basically studied and explored your hand. And then sucked on a digit. His eyes were on you with such intensity… the way he slowly took your finger in his mouth, the sensation- you couldn't help but moan. 
A victorious, lustful smirk bloomed on his mouth. 
"Tease," you jokingly complained.
"That is the point." He said, proud of himself.
Then he repeated his magic on your other arm. 
Next, his thumbs rubbed over your clavicle, loosening the muscle there. You were already feeling like putty in his hands but were not protesting. You shivered as his hands slid down between your breasts. With the back of his fingers and knuckles, he circled lightly over them, stroking the undersides then squeezing them lightly. Always avoiding the hardened, dark peaks of your breast. You whimpered and shakily inhaled. 
He continued to tease for a minute, two, it stretched into infinity. Your nipples stiff almost painfully from the anticipation. You groaned, impatient.
"Shh," he shushed you. "Patience."
But he rewarded you. When he lightly pinched them between his knuckles, you moaned loudly. He lowered his mouth, helping himself to you. 
Feeling the rough texture of his tongue on you, you arched and cried out. Your oiled fingers tried to grip on his head but you kind of slipped. 
He chuckled, then took your hands then placed them back down. 
"No touching, sweetheart~" he kissed you sweetly and you whined in protest as he moved away.
He moved back down, slowly rolling your nipples between his fingers, pinching and pulling. He tested different strengths and watched your reactions. He implemented his tongue, slowly rubbing it over the stiffened peaks, making your toes curl. You were panting, gripping onto the fabric underneath you. 
Regretfully in your opinion, he moved away from your breast. Now it was time to knead your sides. He tickled your belly a little and made you laugh, giving you time to catch your breath in this high-intensity situation. 
You inhaled and exhaled as he positioned himself between your knees. He now was rubbing circled over your hip bones and traced kisses over your underbelly. 
You bit your lips. The next sensation was his nails lightly scratching the insides of your thighs. The knowledge of how close he was to your sex built up the anticipation further. You suspected that you were going to fall apart the moment he'd touch you there.
Leo could see the wet stain you created on the sheets and felt incredibly proud of himself. You were shivering with pleasure under his touch. All he did to you was making you breathless and the thought of that just swelled inside him. 
"You're gorgeous," he said and kissed your thigh. "You're like my personal deity." He kissed the other one. "I wish to worship you every day of my life."
You moaned hearing his honeyed words.
"Leo… please."
"As you wish," he said and kissed your nether lips, making you jump a little. 
He was definitely taking his time, frustrating you further. You could feel your core just scream for him already. His tongue, his finger, his cock. 
"Just fill me up," you whined but he didn't obey. 
He licked over your folds, then kissed over them. His tongue slowly pried them open to trace the edges. You realized he was tracing his name over you. Each letter was precisely licked and engraved over you. L, E, O, N, A, R, D, O. With one hand up he reached up to your breast, to tease it while he worked. 
Then with the tip of his tongue, he rubbed the seam between your clit and entrance. He put more pressure in there, movements rougher. He was tracing the now sensitive muscles that led inside you and you begged the gods for him to breach it. You were so fucking close. 
He didn’t. Instead, his mouth wandered up again. Wrapped around your pearl and gently sucked.
You cried out, your legs wrapped around his head, locking him in a tight prison and you wouldn’t let go. What’s more important he didn’t. He continued to stroke and suck on your clit, stronger, harder, with a vicious purpose. Your body was victoriously wrecked with wave after wave of orgasm. You didn’t even know you were crying out until you stopped, whimpering helplessly and your throat burned.
You laid there before him, completely boneless, head empty, twitching and whimpering when he pulled back as he gently pried your legs from around his neck.
He must have seen something in your eyes because he hovered over you and gently kissed you. His whole beak was soaked in you and you could taste herself on his tongue.
You couldn’t talk. You were just in pure bliss.
“Was it good?” He asked and you nodded. “Good,” he chuckled with a sense of accomplishment and a job well done.
He tried to pull back but you stopped him. A question appeared on his features.
“More,” you managed to utter. Your jelly knee nudged his waist. You were not going to let him sleep after that.
He pushed down his pants, stiff and ready after all that he did to you. He laid between your legs and slowly pushed himself in. 
You moaned, hands going around his neck and nails into his skin. 
“Yeeeessss,” you moaned into his ear. 
Oh, god this was so good. Just to feel him stretch you, fill you. You nearly sobbed you wanted him so close. 
“Don’t let me go,” you begged him. 
“I won’t,” he replied. He remained still for a moment, letting take it all in. Your breath evened out and you nuzzled his cheek.
“Move,” you ordered and he did.
He tried to be slow, but you could tell he wanted to chase his pleasure as well. He was so good to you.
“Please, Leo, fuck me,” you hissed into his ear. Your inner muscles squeezed him tight. You heard him moan and you knew you won this time. He may have still been going slow, but the hard and sharp thrusts were bringing stars into your vision as he bent you in half. Your tights were going to have his imprint on them and you definitely ruined all the fabrics he had gathered for the scene. And by God, you loved every second of it.
Hours later, both of you sweaty and barely conscious, laid on the mattress, entwined together in a way you couldn’t quite tell where you ended and he started. You were so happy.
“So,” you spoke from atop his plastron, “I will rate this massage experience 10/10, will you write me down in your books for another appointment?” 
“Sure, let me just check my calendar,” he replied.
Your eyes met and you both started laughing. You kissed but kept on giggling. Mmm, yes, an experience to repeat for sure.
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deepperplexity · 6 months
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Prompt: 16. Keep Warm [B5]
Pairing: Snape x Fem!OC
POV: First, OC
Setting: Hideout Cabin somewhere in Scottland
Continuation of: Prompt 2. Restless Waiting, 3. Snowballing, 7. Stormy Reunion & 8. Rosemary For Holly
A/N: It's Saturday and we're really digging in on the second half of Rickmas2023 now! As you probably remember I'm celebrating the first of three Christmas events this weekend so this fic is a bit shorter and I'm afraid there is a bit of a cliff at the end 👀 But, it's Snape time and even if he's not a lot in today's fic I'm hoping you will enjoy the build-up, after all, getting closer to real Christmas so I'm certainly feeling some building excitement over here 🤭👏
Tags/TW’s: Worry, Light Anxiety, Waiting, Being Alone, Receiving Gifts, Potion Drinking, Loss Of Bodily Control, Wishing For One's SO
Word Count: 1.6k+
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Over a week had passed since I last saw him. Every day that passed my heart hurt worse. I caught myself wishing I'd never decorated for him, had never stayed and waited for him, had never tried to get close to him. The hurt of now knowing he felt for me as I did for him was almost too much to carry, waking each day wondering where he was, going to sleep each night hoping he’d return but never falling asleep knowing it would happen. He hadn’t told me how long to stay, when he’d be back, or even if he would return at all.
“Christmas is turning out to be horrible this year…” I muttered to myself as I shoved my feet into the too-big boots to fetch wood from the shed behind the cottage. I don’t have to stay, I could just leave… But of course, I wouldn’t do that. I would wait for him, stay hidden as he wished, and hope he’d come for me one day. I busied myself as best I could with upgrading the cottage, stuffing cracks with old rips of sheets, covering the creaky and cold floors with rugged mats I'd found in the attic, and even washing every piece of cutlery and china I could get my chilled hands on in the old kitchen. I did everything the muggle way, to make it take longer and drain my energy so my mind wouldn’t spin.
I grabbed the door’s handle and a swoosh filled the air, but it came from behind me. As I spun around I saw nothing at all.
“Down here, miss,” a squeaky voice said and my eyes lowered to the floor by the sofa. An elf in the strangest of clothing stood all proud and smiley with the biggest set of eyes trained on me.
“H-Hello,” I said while turning to face the little creature. “And who might you be?”
“Dobby, miss. A free elf,” he said, all proud and sweet-looking.
“Hello, Mr Dobby,” I said with a slightly confused smile. the little elf gasped and seemed to melt with emotions by my knees; a rather adorable sight with those big eyes of his and the raising of his wobbly ears.
“Here with goods, miss.”
“Yes, miss. Dobby has all the goods,” he said and I nearly laughed at the use of words.
“Well, what, umh, goods are you here with, Mr Dobby?”
Only Dobby, miss. No Mr." I nodded at him in compliance.
The little elf snapped his fingers and appeared right by me, opening a little bag that seemed to just keep on opening as he pulled on the fabric. Eventually, it covered most of the floor with a gaping black hole as the only content.
“Give Dobby a minute, miss.” I nodded and he jumped into the bag that was more of a blanket of nothingness by now. Things began to fly out of the bag, piling up next to it by the entryway to the kitchen. Decorations of all kinds as well as books, clothes, food and lastly a present wrapped in green silken paper with a black string all around it. From Severus?
Dobby appeared next to the big pile with a great big smile stretching his face almost weirdly wide.
“Is this all for me?” I asked.
“Yes miss, miss has many friends.”
“Yes, miss. Dumbledore sent Dobby, Dobby loves to help, miss.”
“I-, I don’t know what to say,” I confessed as I looked at the elf and the pile. “Do they know where I am?”
“Dumbledore knows everything, miss. He’s a great wizard, he knows they can’t trace Dobby, miss. Dobby is an elf.”
“Yes, yes I can see that, a very handsome elf with such, umh, colourful clothing.” He beamed at my words, even if they weren’t fully honest. He looked more like he’d robbed a second-hand store of elf and jester clothes but it was cute, in a way.
“Dobby will leave you now, miss.”
“Oh, wait, no, won’t you stay for just a moment?” I asked while taking a step forward.
“Dobby has a lot of work, miss.”
“I-, well, of course you do. I’m sorry. But, can I ask a question?” The elf nodded. “Is Severus well?”
“Professor Snape, miss?”
“Dobby has not seen him, miss—” My heart sank. “—but the package is from him. Dangerous man, miss. Miss should stay away from him. Harry Potter says he is a very bad man. Dobby has seen him many times at-, at Dobby’s old master's house, miss. Bad men, bad women. Miss should stay away.”
As I had already been dressed I elected to go fetch the wood before getting a fire going and moving in on the big pile of stuff the elf had left. With my wand, I moved the things to the right rooms before I bent down and picked up the gift that remained on the floor. The silky paper was soft to the touch and the black string matched the one tying up the rosemary to the garland above the fireplace.
I exhaled a too-deep breath. “Thank you, Dobby. But he’s not a bad man, he’s a good man. One day, the world will know what he has done.” Dobby tilted his head so his big ears not covered by the three hats atop his little head flopped about.
“Miss sounds very sure?”
“It’s not my secret to tell, and I heard you, as an elf, is good at secrets and know the value of them?”
“Oh, yes, miss! Dobby is most good with secrets, only telling secrets when Dobby needs to, miss!” I don’t think that’s what it means to be good with secrets…
“Thank you, for the company and gifts, Dobby,” I simply said and the elf smiled once more before sweeping his hand out to magically gather the bag anew before he nodded at me and snapped his fingers. He was gone, and I was alone once more.
I sank down on the sofa, the gift shook in my trembling hands while I did all I could to hold back my emotions and keep my thoughts in check. If I didn’t, I’d go mad in the cottage and perhaps do something stupid that would risk not only Severus’s life but the lives of many if his cover were to be broken. No matter how it hurt, I’d simply do as he asked. Stay, hide, do my part to keep him safe. To help him in any way I could even if it meant feeling useless and worried.
I opened the gift, not caring it wasn’t Christmas yet — there was no note telling me to wait either. Within the box, nestled among layers of crinkled paper, lay a vial with a purple liquid within. It shimmered and shined as I held up the bottle, the content appeared to move of its own accord in there, forming mesmerizing swirls. The label simply said Keep Warm and nothing else.
What am I supposed to do with this? Drink it? I wondered while rummaging around in the box only for a piece of paper to cut my finger. I hissed and sucked at the wound by instinct. I hate papercuts . But I didn’t think more of it as I picked up the little yellowish piece only to be met by Severus’ handwriting. My heart instantly kicked up a stir.
“Lay down and drink, think of the thing you want most. Keep warm and be fully dressed.” Well, that makes little sense… But it was in his handwriting, I’d know the harsh but pretty swirls of ink anywhere. So, I didn’t wait for the night to come. If Severus took the trouble of brewing a potion and getting it to me it was surely worth it. I already knew the thing I’d think about was him being with me.
I followed his instruction, stoking the fire, dressing well and readying the bed with extra blankets to keep myself warm for however long the potion would keep me under. My blind faith in him, it was nearly scary. But Christmas was the time of miracles, and that’s what I thought of as I snuggled up under the blankets with several candles lit in the room and my body fully dressed from head to toe.
I drank the thick liquid, it seemed to crawl down my throat rather than slink down like any other drink. It tasted sweet, like honey, and the texture wasn’t much different from the gooey golden substance. My mind only held the thought of wanting to be with Severus as I slowly became heavy and immobile. My mind turned sluggish yet I held on to the thought of him, the want of being in his arm and seeing that he was safe.
I had never thought I’d end up in a blizzard, ravaged by slicing winds and attacked by tiny flakes of ice and snow that nipped at my skin with what seemed a wish to draw blood. I lay immobile in the deep snow, feeling it turn to water from my body heat only to chill me through my clothes. My body was still stuck in the grasp of the potion while I tried to get my bearings despite not seeing anything but swirling snow around me.
...To Be Continued...
“Belinna!” came his voice from far away. “I feel you!” he called but the storm seemed to swallow up the words.
“S-Severus,” I whispered, my words a mere fog of breath.
“Belinna!” he called again, closer this time as my fingers began to twitch, the sluggishness slowly subsiding yet I still couldn’t move.
“Where are you?” he shouted over the howling winds while my heart began to thump too hard in my chest. His voice was farther away.
“Here,” I whispered. “I’m, here, Sev…”
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A/N: Well, okay, cliffhanger it is today. I'm sorry darlings for leaving you at en end like that and for the fic to be shorter but I'm in the middle of celebrating Christmas with my mom, hubby, and daughter so forgive me for the shortness 🙈❤
TAGLIST: @lizlil @snapefiction @darkthought15 @monstreviolet @flowerdementia @marvelschriss @once-upon-an-imagine @ravennight41 @caseydoodles98 @slytherinprincess03 @theconsultingdetectiveswife @grimmyhild @monster-energies @myobscureimaginarium @snowblossomreads @eternal-silvertongued-prince @cherryglossie @setsuna-meiou31 @helena211 @a-queen-and-her-throne @justsaturn0 @turvi @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @sunnylikesfrogs @mamawolfsmith16 @dianilaws @sassanoe @snapesrn @bernadette-peters12 @sammy-13 @smartowl999 @castleofthorns @serenanight87 @leah1243
Q: Would you rather walk around for a week dressed as a Christmas elf or a Christmas reindeer?
A: I think, since I'm tall as it is, the horns would be annoying for me. I'd bump into stuff overhead (like in doorways) so I'll have to go with the elf costume - even if it has really big shoes and way too many stripes according to my idea of an elf 😂
@morphineisouthoney @meteoritewolf69 @bionic-otp @elizabeth-baelish @romanceandsarcasm @severuslovebot @glowstar826 @rickmandowneyjr @yellowbadgermole @snapesangel @a-queen-and-her-throne @impulse-anchor @commodoreseverus  @writewithmarites @alisongurl13 @yan-senna @writewithmarites @reinekefoxart @nixislight @lokisbjchnl  @lght-n-drk @ladykardasi @lyrixsnape @sunset90 @mamawolfsmith87 @snowblossomreads @ladykardasi @a-queen-and-her-throne @eternal-silvertongued-prince @lyrixsnape @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @daddythanatos
Want to be tagged? 💚 You can tag yourself HERE! Or tell me and I’ll gladly tag you! 😍
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kyber-crystal · 5 months
Okay bestie how about Christmas HCs where Obi-Wan is spending Christmas with you and your strange family ❤️
also i'm so sorry if my writing seems off, i'm lwk rusty from not having written anything in a FAT minute. anyway enjoy some festive obi-wan!!
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you and obi-wan were born on complete opposite ends of the galaxy, on different planets
this meant different cultures, different traditions, different ways of life
obi-wan doesn't remember much of his childhood—he can barely recall who his family was and only has a few fading memories of them—while you remember your loved ones in great detail
so when he hears you talk about your family and sees how your face lights up when you do, it's very bittersweet for him
now, life day (i believe this is christmas in star wars terms lol) is quickly approaching but you had been too busy throwing yourself into teaching an introductory sparring class for the younglings, along with your personal training, to realize it
if it were up to master windu's doing you wouldn't be getting as long of a break
but it's master yoda in charge here, and he grants you a long weekend to rest—which you and obi are incredibly grateful for as you've gotten a combined 6 hours of sleep in the past 3 days
(pathetic, you know...especially when it's drilled into your heads from day 1 of being in the temple that rest is the key to a happy, fulfilling life)
your family stories are always filled with lots of laughter, vibrant colors, and more love and compassion than he could even describe
so when you invite him to come to your home planet with you he's obviously excited
though outwardly he expresses how he feels a bit nervous
they've all heard about your best friend and wise master, but have never spoken to him in person
"it'll be fine, trust me! i have a big family but i promise you they're the nicest people you'll ever meet."
so he agrees, and you fly out that following morning
you can tell he's nervous as you get to the front door
so you intertwine your fingers together, giving his hand a squeeze
it's your silent way of telling him it's going to be just fine :)
and your family instantly LOVES him
of course, you're first bombarded with the classic "are you two married?" "when's the wedding?" "y/n, this is the first time you've brought a man back home!" "he's so handsome!" and whatnot
meanwhile, obi stands there with flushed cheeks...
the older women of the family—your mother, godmother, grandmothers, aunts, etc—instantly love him since he offers to help you out in the kitchen
in the meantime, you sit in the living room with your siblings, cousins, and the rest of the men
"where is the ring on your finger, y/n?" your favorite uncle asks you. he has this GIANT grin on his face and he's wearing THAT "ugly sweater" with a pink loth cat on it
ever since you got it for him, he's made it a yearly tradition to put it on at every holiday gathering
so it's hard to not laugh at first when you're trying to respond
"uncle ted, you know jedi can't get married!"
"who said you had to follow the rules?" he raises a brow at you and you laugh again
"y/n," your dad adds on, "he's right. you should be getting married soon..."
"but the jedi code!"
"it's not a crime if they don't find out, right?" your oldest cousin, cal, says
...and all the men murmur a "yep" or "touche" at that
obi wan catches part of this conversation and comes over, "who's marrying who?"
"she's marrying you!" your younger sister, layla, exclaims with a giggle
and now it's time for both you and obi to get extremely flustered
"SORRY," you quietly tell obi in your mind. "my family can get a bit...chaotic."
"it's okay, don't worry about it," and he smiles at you
while you're eating dinner, you catch him looking around the room—at your family, the eccentric decorations on the fridge and walls (courtesy of layla, cassie, and cal), the most stunning tree standing tall in the corner, the golden stockings with hand-stitched names of each cousin hung above the crackling fireplace—and your heart swells with warmth
in all his years of living so far, obi-wan has never felt so much at home as he has now, with you by his side
even amidst the chaos of the day, he tells himself he wouldn't want to be anywhere else, & he means it
later, you're making gingerbread houses together (apparently obi has never heard of this tradition before, so you take it upon yourself to teach him all about it)
but despite knowing little about it, he ends up making the best house out of everyone
you come in close at 3rd place, though you're sure your house is only one breath from falling apart
there's frosting all over your hands
and on your chin, apparently, but obi wipes it away with a quick sweep of his thumb
the longing look in both your guys' eyes doesn't go unnoticed by the rest of your family
long after everyone has gone to bed for the night, you stay by the fireplace together with glasses of warm milk on the coffee table in front of you
"you're really lucky, you know," he tells you. "to have a family you can remember and spend time with when you can."
"i really am..." you agree, "but obi-wan, you're always welcome to come over. my family loves you. i know it's only been a day but they already want you to be a part of the family."
(neither of you realize that he's taken ahold of your hand and started to gently brush over your ring finger)
and just around 4 short months later, you wake up one morning to find a sapphire ring on that exact finger
"just so you know, i'm saying yes," you squeeze his shoulder before going off to continue with the rest of your day
(how the council doesn't suspect anything, you have no idea. but you're grateful for it lmao)
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ok i'm so sorry idk what i was doing with the ending there but I HOPE YOU ENJOYED &&&& merry christmas & happy holidays!!!'
tags (once again, this list hasn’t been updated in a while so apologies if it seems off haha): @voguesir @fl0ating @lady-elena-adeline @katelynnwrites @freeshavocadoooo @buckysbeloved @kelieah @kaleidoscope1967eyes @lam-ila @amelia-song-pond @unstablecaffeinatedmind @elenavampire21 @joyfullyswimmingface @arkofblake @hellotherekenobi
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mywritingonlyfans · 7 months
can you give us a spoiler about the smut part? 😼
I didn't answer you because I felt bad for not knowing how to answer 😅 I'm not going to do that because it's not a long fic and I think it will end up losing its effect if I post it before, idk, it makes sense to me, and no I didn't finish it yet 😭but anyway, I'm posting the beginning of it, but it's before the smut, I don't think I'll cheer you up much 😔
And using you as a vent (I still don't know how people wait for teacher's pet because I'm a mess but thank you), I'm a little tired of writing the same thing for a long time and I'll probably try to write some fluff and post it in the middle of these parts of fics that I have to post... besides, I don't think I'll be able to finish this one over the weekend because I have a test on Monday 😪 (I tried to make an effort to write but it's being very difficult to keep my attention; and at the exact moment my head isn't very excited about smut itself, unfortunately it was clear at the beginning of the fic as you can read lol; but I'll try to post it over the week). I feel like I shouldn't feel sorry about this but I kind of do, it's just that life hasn't been that kind recently.
"Hey, Mr. Turner," your tongue curled at the pronunciation and a smile stretched your lips.
He shifted his focus away from the book, placing it aside, and then his gaze landed on you. The knee-high stockings perfectly intact on your legs, well above the knees, and the button-up shirt with thicker collars and edges covering your body; you were and looked beautiful, despite the tired expression.
Without insisting on taking one last drag, he promptly disposed of the cigarette, hating the idea of affecting you with it. Judging by the appearance of the lit cigarette between his fingers, he had just ignited it, yet he didn't hesitate to discard it. You didn't consider it necessary, but you couldn't deny that you found it to be a sweet gesture on his part; which you had already been used to by now.
"Tired, little one?" He said softly, in tune with the starry night on the balcony. His hand was both firm and gentle on you, his fingertips comfortable through the fabric of the socks, while your arms held him tightly against your body.
Your face was nestled in his neck, the comforting and familiar scent already so well known. You raised your head just enough for him to look into your eyes, his faint smile leaving you slightly breathless. Reluctant to untangle from his warmth, you continued, "When are you goin' to bed? I don't want to fall asleep without you. I was thinking of waiting for you." You were cautious, your inquiry devoid of any emotion except tenderness. You knew he was finishing up something important for one of his upcoming classes, but it was already very late.
"You're going to wait for me?" He raised an eyebrow, the cute wrinkle right there, studying you nestled against his chest. " 'ere?" He chuckled, the vibration that filled his body making you feel even more at home.
The fact that both of you knew he wouldn't return to that task was fun. And Alex didn't feel bad about it. He liked having you there, enjoyed the idealization that you had been tossing and turning for the past few hours, hands between your thighs, almost sewing holes into your socks, unable to sleep, until you came to him with your silly smile and timid steps. It was 3 am, he was the one who was wrong.
He held your chin firmly, his nose brushing against yours, his tousled hair grazing your forehead, and then he kissed you, in the same gentle and lingering way as the night. You moaned into his lips, slowly pulling away and realizing how breathless you were as he looked at you with his eyes full of sleep and his face all red, you wanted to bite him all over. As if he could read your mind, he nibbled on your cheekbone, laughing lightly at your reaction until he went to your neck and rubbed his growing beard there. Your mind, which didn't have many thoughts due to tiredness, emptied as the tip of his nose dipped into you in a silent sigh as he ripped the air out of your lungs in a rigorous bite.
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ifancyharry · 2 years
The bookshop in the corner (part III)
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Hello my loves!!! i'm so sorry it took me so long to update, i was just in a bad place this past week, but i feel better now <3 i hope you enjoy :)
Please, if you're liking this story so far let me know, i kind of feel like no one likes this because i never get asks hahahahah so please lmk 🌚
warnings: none
word count: 4k+
(read part I, part II)
Harry’s late. YN knows he’s late because it’s 3.30 in the afternoon and he’s still not here. In the past two months she spent hanging out with him, she realized he’s never late. He even told her himself once. They were hands deep in the cookie dough and Harry started talking about how much he hates being late and latecomers in general. He said it was because he hates wasting time. He’d admitted he loves the attention that comes with being late, but hates knowing he wasted precious time he could’ve spent doing something productive. YN hadn’t asked, and she still doesn’t understand why Harry sometimes feels like he has to tell her something about himself. She feels as if he does it just to fill the silence, and she hates that. She could never share something about herself so lightheartedly. So maybe it’s not really a matter of hate as it’s of jealousy; she wishes she could be like him.
When he told her, she’d nodded because she understood in a way, she figured he was Harry Styles so it kind of mattered if he was late to something. YN, on the other hand, rarely got invited to things, so she didn’t quite know what kind of person she was.
She wonders if something happened, not necessarily bad, but bad enough to make him late. She knows she shouldn’t worry because it’s not like they established a rule regarding these weekend hangouts, but she has to admit she’d gotten used to his presence, and she likes the little sweets he bakes her, so she can’t help but wait for him. 
She decides she’ll wait an hour, and if he’s not there by 4.30, she’d go on with her work and not spare him a single thought. 
She’s writing down her groceries list on her notes app when she realizes it’s past five and there’s no sign of him. She sighs and tries to shrug it off, but she can’t help but wonder if she did something wrong to make him act this way. Perhaps she made him uncomfortable; perhaps he’d gotten tired of her and moved onto the next thing. She doesn’t know Harry well enough to know which one it is. But she does know herself, and she knows how she can be, so she figures he decided to leave her alone after all. 
It’s okay, she thinks. It’s what you wanted, she has to remind herself.
She doesn’t know why she’s still thinking about him a couple of hours later when she’s getting ready to close the bookshop. She knows it’s probably a matter of comfort; she’d gotten used to having him around, so it takes a little to get accustomed to the thought of him not being there.
You see, she knows she’s being irrational, she knows it doesn’t mean anything, it could just be a one time thing. Maybe he didn’t feel like seeing her today and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it has come to a point for YN where she has a tendency to protect herself even when protection isn’t actually needed. She realizes she’d gotten quite comfortable with Harry, at least comfortable enough to the point where she doesn’t feel suffocated by his presence as she did the first time she saw him. Maybe that was her mistake all along. It’s always a matter of mistakes with her. 
The problem is that when you’ve been alone for so long, even the slightest intrusion can feel like the biggest, and despite her cold exterior, she always felt inside her this pathetic longing for human connections that she never got the courage to satisfy. But she knows that takes a kind of braveness she doesn’t feel she has mastered yet. So after all, she figures, it’s better this way. She’s glad Harry didn’t come, she has to tell herself that in order to get a good night sleep. She hopes he’ll keep doing that until she forgets the taste of everything he baked her. 
The next Sunday, when Harry doesn’t show again, she feels a certain smugness at being right. She knew this would happen and she’d spent all her life alone to avoid this kind of feeling. All those years she didn’t go out weren’t wasted, because she was right in protecting herself, and she feels stupid for even thinking otherwise.
YN’s serving a costumer when Harry walks in, two weeks later, so she doesn’t really pay much attention to him. Only when he walks in front of the cashier she sees him, and he’s smiling politely at the old man who’s putting away his wallet after buying his book. 
“Hey,” he says once he’s standing before her, he raises his hand and shows her a white tote bag which he’s holding tightly between his fingers, “I was thinking pumpkin pie today”.
YN finds herself at a loss for words. It’s been two weeks since she’d last seen him. A lot happened in two weeks (not really), but it did for her standards. Two weeks. 
Since she’d last seen him, she read five books, found a new favorite candle scent and (almost) managed to forget his annoying voice and twinkly green eyes. A lot can happen in two weeks. Maybe, she figures, two weeks mean nothing to Harry, that’d explain why he’s suddenly acting like nothing happened.
She doesn’t know how to act, because she’s aware nothing actually happened between them, but she still hasn’t forgotten how it felt waiting for him for two weekends in a row. And she wouldn’t recommend.
“That’s nice, but I have a lot of work to catch up to” she shrugs, picking a blue pen out of the ones scattered across the counter and scribbling down on a piece of paper what seems like a list of book titles and their respective authors. 
“Okay, I’ll help you then and we’ll bake once we’re done.”
“I don’t need your help, Harry.” She says firmly.
“Fine, then I’ll bake while you’re working?” He suggests, his tone seems serious and she really doesn’t know if he’s trying to make fun of her. 
It’s when she doesn’t say anything that Harry understands. “You’re mad.” He nods, more to himself, really. He’d spent the entirety of the past week trying to imagine how their encounter would’ve been like. He’d considered the possibility of her getting upset, but discarded it with a shake of his head. There’s no way she’d be mad. He thought he was actually doing her a favor.
“I’m not.” 
“I think you are.”
“Well, you’re wrong!” She snaps, closing the pen with its cap and placing it in the breast pocket on her blouse. She takes the white paper and walks out of the counter toward the left, where she keeps the poetry section, Harry following closely behind. Once she’s standing before the tall wooden bookshelf, she scans the books with her eyes, tilting her head so she can see up until the very last shelf, and once she spots the book she was looking for, she takes the pen out of  her pocket and crosses with a line the book title she wrote just minutes ago.
Harry, who’s never been one really good at confrontation, stands behind her, following her every move with his eyes. He feels like he should say something, but doesn’t know how. People never really get upset with him, even when he knows he deserves it, so he’s never been in this kind of position.
“You don’t like pumpkin pie?” He jokes, nudging her shoulder with his softly. 
“I really don’t have time for this, Harry” she wonders wether she means his jokes or their “friendship”. Maybe both, although she did miss him and she does like pumpkin pie, very much actually.
She debates wether she should just let it go and pretend him standing her up for two weeks didn’t hurt in any way. But how can she? 
“Okay,” he nods “Can I stay here, though? I won’t talk.”
“Yeah, I doubt that.” She rolls her eyes, but doesn’t send him away.
After less than an hour, YN’s done with her list, she found the books she didn’t have in stock and ordered them online, Harry helped her put in the correct alphabetical order the books that were misplaced, and they managed to not talk if not strictly necessary. Despite the silence, Harry felt relaxed for the first time in two weeks; he doesn’t know if it’s the coziness of the bookshop or this new candle she has burning. 
YN has some music playing softly from her computer when she hears a loud groan coming from Harry, who’s sitting cross legged on the floor reading a book quietly, with his back against the counter on which she’s sitting: “can you skip this song, please?”
“Why? I like it” she shrugs, lowering her head to look down at him, her hair falling in front of her face.
“It’s the song I lost my Grammy to.” He explains, but he doesn’t raise his head to look at her, his eyes still planted on the book open in his lap, albeit she knows he’s not reading anymore.
“Okay.” She nods, grabbing her computer from behind her and changing the song like he asked.
YN can’t obviously know what it means to lose a Grammy, but despite being upset with him, she’s not cruel and she understands that Harry has something in his mind he’s not telling her.
She figures it must be something rather important, because he’s not one to be shy about his feelings (if only she knew…).
She’s debating wether she should ask him what’s wrong when Harry closes the book around his index finger to mark the page, and raises his head to look at her. “It’s fine.” He says.
She furrows her eyebrows but doesn’t say anything, she’s gotten used to him, and she knows he needs some time to gather his thoughts before speaking again, so she lets him.
“It’s not like I was expecting to win,” he shakes his head and shifts his gaze back on the closed book, “and I’m not angry about it. — he states — I could never be that ungrateful.”
YN nudges his shoulder with her leg to get his attention, “You’re allowed to be angry. It isn’t ungrateful. It’s okay if you wanted to win.” 
Harry lets out a humorless chuckle: “it’s embarrassing.”
“I don’t know”, he says, shrugging, “sometimes I feel embarrassed I want things. Like in some way I don’t deserve them.”
“Okay” she nods, because she feels like she understands what he’s saying. 
“That’s why I didn’t come. Those two weeks. I just… I didn’t want anyone to see me. It got so bad.” He’s looking up at her now, their eyes locked, and suddenly YN’s hyper aware of his shoulder brushing against her leg and she feels so bad for everything she thought about him those past two weeks she feels nauseous. How could she possibly have known? And what does it mean now that she knows? 
“I didn’t want anyone to see me like that.” He repeats, closing his eyes and pursing his lips as if he’s remembering something and is disgusted by the very image of it. 
Harry doesn’t know why sometimes he feels so comfortable around her he gets the sudden urge to tell her at least one thing that’s going on in his head. 
He’s glad she rarely asks, he fears he’d tell her everything. He doesn’t like that. He’s so scared of people knowing him he hides self-help books from his own manager. He doesn’t want people to see that. He feels as if no one would like him if they saw him like that. 
To him, it’s just easier being happy all the time. And when he can’t find it in him to be happy, he’d rather disappear for two weeks than to come to terms with his own failures and with the fact that he’s not perfect. It’s never easy, being happy, but at least it’s less scary. And to Harry, which is someone who despises being scared, that counts as a lot.
They sit in silence for a while, Harry’s words lingering in the air between them. He wants to tell her how bad it got. He wants to tell her he was so angry at himself he got so drunk he blacked out, and he never drinks while he’s on tour, so that counts for something. 
“I understand.” She says, startling him, “I’m scared of people knowing me, too. But sometimes I really want to be understood, you know? I wish to be understood more than I fear people knowing me.” She whispers, lowering her gaze.
“I know what you mean” Harry nods, he feels warm in his chest, “sometimes I imagine this cooler version of myself in my head, and he gets to do all these cool things I never do. He makes it seem so easy I almost believe it. Then it comes a point when I have to speak up about something and I just can’t. I can’t say anything. All I can say is okay. You know? — he looks at her — I say: it’s okay, don’t worry, I’m not angry, it’s fine, it didn’t hurt me. But it’s not okay. It’s not. And I see him in my head, and he’s so disappointed in me. I picture him shaking his head at me. I feel like a loser. But at the same time I feel safe, you know?”
At this point, he’s rambling. He’d never told anyone that. It took a lot of courage, and suddenly he feels ashamed and exposed. He wonders what she’s going to think of him now that she knows such a intimate detail about him.
He uncrosses his legs and stretches them before him. He wants to leave. He feels restless and he regrets being so open, her silence only confirming his thoughts. 
“Harry?” She says, nudging him once again with her leg. He hums, signaling he’s listening and to let her know she can go on, “you don’t have to say it’s okay with me. I understand.”
And he doesn’t know how, but she really does understand. So he nods. He watches her as she lowers her torso towards him, reaching for his shoulder with her hand and squeezing it in a reassuring way: “plus,” she smiles, “why would I care about Grammys when you’re the best baker in the world?”
“We’re not baking today.” Harry says when he walks in the bookshop the following Sunday, pushing the door open with his back as his hands are too full to open the door. 
“What? Why?” She pouts, jogging towards him and taking one of the shopping bag from his hand, freeing it from his grip. At that, Harry lets out a relieved sigh. He’d only carried the bags from the tube — yes, he takes the tube regularly now (he quite likes it, but would never admit that to Jeff, who’s convinced Harry takes a cab) — to the shop, which isn’t that long of a distance, usually, but it is when you’re walking with four heavy bags digging uncomfortably in your skin. He’s positive they left a mark, and he recalls if doing your own grocery shopping means carrying the bags too, he’s a bit glad he doesn’t have to do it.
He closes the door behind him with his foot and follows YN, “Why?!” He exclaims, “It’s almost Christmas and you still don’t have a tree!”
“Harry!” She rolls her eyes, putting the bag on the counter, “I don’t need a tree.”, but there’s already a warm feeling blossoming from her chest, all the way down to the very tip of her fingers and she feels tingly all over.
“I think you do.” He gives her a firm nod, “Don’t worry, I thought about everything.”
“That scares me a little” she admits, but there’s a smile across her face as she helps him with the rest of the bags. She doesn’t remember the last time she’d felt so excited over a Christmas tree. She almost wants to squeal from how much she’s looking forward to this, not that she’d ever tell Harry. He doesn’t need to know Christmas is her favorite holiday ever.
“That’s Jeff with the tree!” He cheers, once they hear the unmistakable sound of tires screeching against the asphalt. YN peeks her head outside the big window and notices outside the shop, a red pick up with a big, green, Douglas fir tied to its roof. The car’s headlights illuminate the otherwise dark street, and YN follows once she sees Harry head toward it; he lets her go out first, stretching his arm to hold the door open for her with his hand splattered against it.
“Oh God,” she says once they reach the car outside. From up close the tree is even bigger than it seemed, and she feels herself fluster at the thought of Harry doing this for her. He bought her a tree. Not only for her, but for the bookshop! How could she even begin to repay him! 
It’s so cold out she has to wrap her arms around herself to feel some kind of warmth as she’s shivering in her place, a white, condensed cloud leaving her mouth when she speaks excitedly: “is it going to fit through the door?” 
Harry laughs and eyes her briefly before greeting Jeff who’s just gotten out of the car. 
“YN,” he says, gesturing towards his manager, “this is Jeff.”
“Hi” she waves, smiling gently at him, “thank you for this.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ve done way worse for him” Jeff replies, nudging Harry in the shoulder with his fist. At that, Harry blushes a little and prays Jeff won’t do anything that’d embarrass him too much. 
When Harry had told him he wanted to buy her a Christmas tree, Jeff tried not to read too much into it, because he knows how out of his way Harry can go for others and to make good impressions, so he thought he’d forget about it sooner or later and go on to the next crazy idea. But once he saw how Harry was when he came back the Sunday prior, especially after how devastated he’d been after losing the award, he understood maybe there was a bigger meaning to their friendship not even Harry had quite grasped yet, so he decided to bring up the idea of the tree again, and Harry had smiled so hard, Jeff felt relieved he still had it in him.
YN helps Harry and Jeff unload the tree from the car and once it’s on the ground, they drag it inside the shop by the top branch. YN trips on her feet once in a while (the tree is really heavy) and Harry has to hold her by the arm to prevent her from falling. 
She’s thinking it’s nice, to feel like this once in a while, to rediscover the giddiness and carefreeness of small moments like this, that isn’t small at all, after all.
Once the tree is inside, Harry assembles the base and all three of them lift it so it’s in a standing position, big and proud and green and once again so so big!
YN feels so ecstatic she doesn’t even acknowledge Jeff leaving, too busy admiring the tree to notice. When she realizes she feels so bad she begs Harry to text him saying how sorry she was she didn’t say goodbye. 
“I didn’t know which color you’d like, I figured classic gold and red?” Harry says as he’s rummaging through the bags to take out all the Christmas balls and ornaments he bought.
“Yes! I hate those new colors… like blue? Why would you want a blue Christmas tree? It’s blasphemous!”
He laughs at her, throwing his head backwards and squinting his eyes. 
“Here” he says, handing her the first golden ball to put on the tree. She takes it from his hands and hooks it in one of the branches in the middle.
“Harry! No! The small ones go on top and the big ones under” she exclaims, taking the red sparkly ball from his hand as he was just about to place it on one of the bottom branches.
“I didn’t think there was a textbook about Christmas tree decorating” he mumbles, looking at her bewildered with an amused smile painted across his face.
“Ah Ah” she rolls her eyes, “c’mon, it looks so much better” she gestures to the small ball which she placed near the top.
“It doesn’t make much of a difference”, he shakes his head, but he has to admit it does look better that way, so he just decides to go with it and follow her advice.
Nearly three hours later, both the bookshop and YN’s small room are decorated, and it’s gotten so late it’s past 8 o’clock, both their stomachs grumbling in the quietness of her backside room, where they decided to relax a bit, Harry reading a book on the couch while YN tidies up after the mess they left with all the bags and plastic packages.
“Should we order something?” She asks once she reaches for her phone and sees the time.
“Okay” Harry nods, “i’m really craving sushi.”
She smiles at him and nods her head before sitting close to him on the couch. She unlocks her phone and opens the delivery app, showing Harry the menu. After they place the order, she locks her phone again and places it on the coffee table. 
It’s not the first time he stayed over for dinner, they usually eat on the couch as they chat about this and that. Harry noticed, after a couple of times he stayed over, she’d get chattier when he’d brought up a book he’d read, so now all they really talk about as they eat are books.
He tells her his favorites and she shares hers, he promises overtime to read what she recommends but never does, and she laughs when he asks her because she knows he’ll never read them, but she tells him anyway. Because she likes talking. Which comes as kind of a surprise to her. Because she was never one to be talkative, but she guesses no one really took the time to ask about what she liked. Harry does that. He isn’t straight forward, he tries to understand and catch traits about her from things she says (he pays a lot of attention to what she says, and he stares really hard at her lips when she talks sometimes she forgets what she’s saying and has to start all over again), and sometimes he doesn’t get them right, but he tried, which is more than she could ever ask.
So really, her no talking rule, only ever gets used once she’s feeling overwhelmed and needs some quietness. Harry doesn’t feel as suffocated anymore when she tells him, because he knows he’s respecting a boundary she set, and he recalls he read on one of those self-help books it’s important to set boundaries but it’s important to respect them too. So he does it, albeit most of the times he breaks the silence not even half an hour after with a stupid question he deems necessary.
Harry doesn’t wonder whether she chose the kitchen color anymore. He doesn’t know why. He feels that if she did indeed decorate the room, it wouldn’t be that bad, because he likes green anyway. And because he bought her a Christmas tree and decorated with her, so he figures it’s too late to worry now.
After that one time Harry disappeared for two weeks, she always asks him (wether he seems overthinking or especially careless with his thoughts) “what are you thinking about”, and Harry never really had that. People somehow always assume they know what he’s thinking about. They don’t. They don’t know how fast his mind races, how much his breath catches in his throat when he has to say something off script, how incredibly scared he feels all the time; YN probably doesn’t get it either, he thinks, but she asks, with is more than others do. And, somehow, whenever she asks, his mind get so quiet, like she put it to rest with such a simple question. He tried to do it to himself once or twice, but it never worked. He figures she has to do it. It’s a little scary because it just makes him depend on her for his well being, but he was always one to depend on people so it’s just a habit, really.
He tries the best he can to do it with her too. He knows she’d never answer if he’d ask her what she’s thinking about, so he tries to listen carefully to everything she says so he can understand her better. He doesn’t know why he feels the need to understand her. Maybe he felt like she’d asked him. Maybe he just wanted to. 
“I’ll see you next weekend, yeah?” She says, once they’re sitting side to side on the tube, and she’s getting ready to hop off since it’s almost her stop.
“Actually,” he grabs her arm to catch her attention, “i’m throwing a Christmas party next Sunday, do you want to come?”
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cholie · 1 year
Back to masterlist
Pairing: Best friend!San x Gn!Reader.
Word count: 533.
Genre: Fluff, very slight angst.
An: It's been way too long since I last wrote a fic so this is probably a little ouff, hope you enjoy it anyways!!
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"Please, as if I'd wanna be with you anyways, you're not anything else than a crying mess. "
That was the last thing you heard from your now ex-partner before closing the windows of your parent's car you borrowed over the weekend to actually visit your partner. but now you're driving away as fast as possible, probably over to San, no negative thought could enter your head and it was making you crazy.
"Perfect." You mumbled as 'Ily' by The Rose popped up on the radio, tears leaving your eyes making it harder to drive in the already pouring rain.
After knocking violently on San's door for 2 minutes he finally came to the door.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY I'M COMING!!" You could hear from the other side, steps getting closer and closer to the door.
"WH- Oh my god y/n are you okay???" San's face went from annoyance from being woke up by the knocking to as if he'd just seen a ghost.
"No." Was all that managed to escape your mouth as you just silently stood there, dripping from the rain and as stiff as a tree, sobbing quietly.
"What happened?? Did they do anything?? WAIT wasn't this the supposed that was reserved to spend the weekend with them????" San couldn't stay quiet and filled your head up with questions.
"Can I come insi-" You didn't get to finish your sentence as San literally dragged you inside after that, wrapping you in a hug not caring if he'd get soaked as well, seeing you cry broke his heart.
"Wait okay so after all this time, your relationship was just a bet? What in the 2000's rom-com is this..." San said, making you both laugh a little.
"Yeah, it's weird, right? Some people apparently just can't seem to be honest, honestly making it through half a year impressed me." You said, not tearing up as much, sipping on the hot beverage San made you, he even let you borrow his giant hoodie and made the couch comfy with blankets.
Neither you nor San checked the clock and before you knew it, the clock was 3 am and you were laughing at stupid memories.
"Okay but remember when Yunho made that challenge with Yeonjun and they both ended up in detention because the teachers caught them?" You said, San laughing so much his stomach started hurting.
"Good times." He said, snuggling closer to you, eventually making you both feel tired, you eventually both ended up falling asleep on the couch in a weird but comfy sleeping position that'll probably make your body hurt in the morning.
Waking up to each other wasn't something odd, you've been having sleepovers or cuddling countless times.
"Morning." You said in union, smiling to each other.
"Wanna go get brunch and ice cream after? Heard Seonghwa is covering the shift today so if we're lucky we'll get a discount!" He said, you nodded excitedly.
You grabbed some clothes you knew you had at his place and borrowed a jacket and off you were to spend a sunny day together, trying to forget about your dickhead of an ex, at least you had your best friend to comfort you, always.
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midwestmade29 · 5 months
Unexpected 🩵 (Part 3)
The 3rd and final part of the story is here! I'm conflicted about what part of the story is my favorite...it very well could be this one! Thanks for reading along if you made it this far. I hope you enjoyed picturing Eddie like this just as much as I did 🖤 Word Count: 1,319 Divider by: @saradika-graphics
Due to the mature themes throughout, minors do not interact. If you're not 18+ years old, please KEEP SCROLLING.
Part 3 disclaimers: Pregnancy, ultrasound descriptions, description of labor/labor pains, newborn baby.
Be sure to read [Part 1] and [Part 2] first 🙂
The final countdown is on! Soon it won’t be just you and Eddie anymore…
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The next 3 months went by in the blink of an eye! You now had a slight baby bump that Eddie loved resting his head on and talking to whenever he got the chance! He never missed a doctor’s appointment, happily sitting by your side and holding your hand while staring in amazement as images of your little baby showed up on the screen in black and white. “We did that, Ma. We made that!” he said completely mesmerized. The ultrasound tech giggled along with you at his commentary! “This is the part of the ultrasound where the sex of the baby will be visible. If you’re not wanting to know, go ahead and turn your head to the side now. It should only take me a minute to get what I need.” The tech cautioned. You and Eddie whispered to each other debating on whether you wanted to know what you’re having or not. “I don’t think I can wait that long to find out! It’d be a lot easier to get things ready if we know ahead of time,” you pleaded your case. “That’s true but think of what a huge surprise it would be if we waited to find out until the baby is born! Everyone would be on the edge of their seats waiting to hear the news,” was Eddie’s rebuttal. “Alright, I have everything I need with this part of the ultrasound. This is your last chance to find out the sex! Would you like to know?” Eddie studied your face, already knowing your answer. You were just waiting on him to cave in! “Yeah, we wanna know,” he laughed. “If you can see where the little cursor on the monitor is, that’s where to look. Congratulations, it’s a boy!”
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“That’s my guy! Looking like a little alien right now though. Hopefully when he comes out, he won’t have my mug. Let’s pray he looks like you!” Eddie teased as he peaked over at the sonogram pictures the tech sent you home with. “Oh hush! If he comes out looking like you, he’ll be one handsome little guy. I know for certain he’ll be strong, stubborn, and tough as nails like his daddy! He’ll probably make me worry with his shenanigans and give me gray hairs like his daddy does too!” you teased. The rest of the car ride home was filled with laughter and exchanging thoughts, hopes and wishes for the sweet baby boy you and Eddie can’t wait to meet.
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You and Eddie were in the baby’s nursery sorting and going through all the gifts you had gotten at your baby shower over the weekend. Boxes of diapers were stacked in the corner, tiny clothes were hung in the closet, and boxes of baby gear that needed put together sat in the center of the room. Eddie stood with his hands on his hips staring at everything around the room, shocked that someone so little needed so much stuff! “Love, I don’t even know what half this shit is! A bouncer? Swaddle blankets? A sleep sack? Are we going to be raising a potato?!” he knew he was being ridiculous, but it made you laugh so he continued. “And don’t even get me started on a bassinet! This kid already has the Rolls Royce equivalent in a crib! Does he really need a bassinet too?! I’m pretty sure his mattress is better than ours. Seriously, touch it! It feels like a freaking cloud!” Your belly bounced up and down as you laughed, making the baby shift around inside. “Ouch!” you exclaimed. “I think his foot is in my rib. Oh, he moved again! Come here and feel how strong his kicks are!” Eddie placed his large hand right where the baby’s foot was, letting out a hearty laugh when the baby pushed against it. He lowered his face and pressed his lips against your stomach and whispered “Go easy on your mom, wild man! I’ll teach you some moves when you break outta there in a couple months!”
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It was now time for the main event! You had gone into labor on your own 3 days after your due date. Eddie was on an airplane on his way home to you, leaving Dynamite immediately after you called and told him what was going on. Both of you knew that it could take hours to deliver your little man, so that gave each of you some comfort knowing that Eddie had a little time to spare. It would crush him if he missed the birth of his son! You tried breathing through the pain as it rocked your entire world, a nurse encouraged you trying to help you get past the strong contraction. Your moans and groans filled the hospital room the more frequent and stronger your contractions got. The door to your room burst open, Eddie walked right over to you and instantly grabbed your hand. He was out of breath asking the nurse all kinds of questions about everything that was going on and she answered them all kindly and patiently. “T-took you long e-enough,” you teased. “I know love. I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner! You’re doing great, baby. Toughest little Mama I’ve ever seen!” The hours ticked on, bringing you that much closer to holding your sweet baby boy in your arms. Eddie was in awe of you and your strength as you handled all the aches and pains that came along with being in labor. He never left your side, continuously telling you how amazing you are and giving you words of encouragement when you needed them the most. When you felt like giving up, he wouldn’t let you. “You didn’t come this far just to give up now! You’re a badass baby. You got this! I know you can do it. Come on, breathe with me.”
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“Congratulations mom and dad!” the doctor cheered as she placed your beautiful baby boy on your chest. Tears flowed freely from you and Eddie, your little man joining in eventually. “You did it, love! You’re incredible. I love you so much!” Eddie whispered against your forehead. He leaned over the side of your bed, staring at his newborn son as the nurses started cleaning him up a bit. “Wrinkly little thing, isn’t he?” he joked. “Edward! He’s perfect, wrinkly or not. I can’t believe he’s finally here.” While the doctor took care of you, Eddie was with the nurses and your son getting his official measurements and getting him all nice and cozy in a hat and blanket. Tears fell from the corners of your eyes as you watched Eddie talk sweetly to his son, beaming with pride when the baby boy gripped his pinky finger. He shouted over in your direction the baby’s length and weight, making you laugh at his stunned expression. “You really carried 8lbs 6oz inside of you?! How is that even possible!”
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Seeing Eddie hold the precious little baby the two of you created was as amazing as you thought it would be. He stood at the foot of your bed, swaying back and forth trying to soothe the baby when he started getting fussy. Your phone was already filled with gobs of pictures of your little family, your favorite being one of Eddie touching his nose to his son’s with his eyes closed and a soft smile on his face. He caught you staring and walked over to your side. “How’s our little Mad King doing?” you spoke softly. “Good, I think. Might be getting hungry,” he replied as he placed the baby in your arms. “And how’s the big Mad King doing?” before Eddie responded, he leaned over and kissed your lips, pulling back afterwards and whispering against them, “I’m great little Mama, amazing actually. Thank you for this gift. Thank you for giving me a son and loving me. I’ll never forget this day as long as I live.”
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pbandjesse · 1 month
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I have had a migraine for hours and hours. It is finally starting to go away. But it was kind of a rough day because of this head ache. But I tried hard to not let it ruin my whole day.
I slept weird last night. I woke up in the middle of the night all confused and in pain. I let myself sleep an extra half hour. James was there and being sweet. They had to leave for work a little before I did. But I got myself together and headed to camp.
It wasn't a bad drive. And when I got there I went right to the art building. I would spend my first hour or so resetting the fibers boxes because Sarah will be leading a few different programs next week and I want it to be easy for her.
This would take me a while. But once I was done I would do some general cleaning. I can't wait until summer to clean the building for real. But it's very hard with all the tables and chairs stored in there.
I would set up for my bead program later in the day. And I made a small bead lizard to add to my bag. I checked outside and saw that everyone else was in now so I would pack up what I was doing and drove my car down there to park for the day.
It was a nice morning. I would spend a little time emailing and looking at some stuff. Joe would come ask if we could move some paint for him. And once I was done typing up my list of program things for Alexi, me, Joe, and Sarah took the gator to the lodge.
Sarah got rid of the recycling while I moved the paint, and Joe checked the aed. And after that I worked on putting away some of the art in the bedrooms down there. There wasn't time to hang them before the wedding this weekend so we wanted to make sure it was at least neat.
We all were supposed to go on a walk to discuss program areas at 1130. So I would eat some of my lunch before it was time. And it was a long walk. Almost 3 hours! But it felt productive.
I think one of my issues is that I don't know what is possible. Both in what can be changed to the landscape of camp, what we are budgeting monetarily, and physically what we have the manpower for. So this was eye-opening. Talking about taking down trees and leveling the ground. It was honestly really interesting. And for the first time in a bit it felt like we were making real, tangible progress on what we want to have done this summer and an idea of what we want for next year too.
Me and Sarah were getting pretty tired. I'm sure everyone else was too but me and her were commiserating about it. At least at the Adirondack and at the lodge we could sit down. But my attention was waning and I wanted to go eat before our late 4pm programing.
I would go and help feed the chickens during this walk around. And had trouble catching them to give them a hug. They are not being socialized enough and are super skittish. I hope Sarah and Chloe work on that, since this was their idea. They are very pretty chickens though and I enjoyed holding them.
A little after 230 we were free. And I went to eat but then I was texting James to check in about our flight on Sunday. I had been asking about the meal on the flight and how to request a vegetarian meal. And Paul didn't know. So I started looking into it and that is when I discovered they spelled my name incorrectly on my ticket! I freaked. I was franticly texting James, who was apparently in a meeting and away from their phone, for the next hour because they won't let me on the plane if my ticket and passport don't match. And I worked myself up so bad. I was so upset.
James would get back to me and called Paul and he said he will get it fixed. I hope it's as easy as he thinks it will be. I had to reset and calm down. My head was hurting so bad from stress and probably dehydration. But I had to pull it together.
I didn't feel like myself. I still don't really. But I tried to be pleasant event if I wasn't as loud of a personality.
The group today did an 8 mile hike and we're exhausted by the time it was time for our programs. So I had a much easier time getting some of them to come do art. And we were making bead lizards. And they did so good. Some tried to do the more intense and complicated things and I was so proud of them. I worked to make sure I could help when needed. And I gave away the lizard I made. it was fun. A good hour.
Even though my head hurt.
I was ready to go home. Getting them out of the building was tough but it was fine. I chatted with the chaperones a s we all got the table clean and then we were off.
I stopped at the office and said goodbye to everyone and went home.
The plan was to get James and we would go pick up their tux and we would get dinner and then we would go drop off our new key with Callie. A busy evening.
There was a lot of traffic. And when I got home there was no where to park. And I was stressed. I called James and they would just come out and take over and we would just leave right away.
My head hurt and it would only get worse. We started with the tux. And it was so good. I did not take a picture but James looked so handsome. The jacket was a little bigger on the shoulders then I'm used to seeing on my husband but they looked really good.
We left there and went to friendlies for dinner. Where we got sandwiches and fries and shared a fribble. That we discovered is a milkshake made with soft-serve. Sure. It was good and we had a lot of laughs. Even though my eyes were trying to pop out of my head.
It was decided James would take me home and they would run to drop off the key with Callie. This was the right call. I felt terrible.
Being home helped. I was feeling really nauseous and was afraid I was going to throw up. But I would take a cool shower and that helped a lot.
I sat on the floor in our room and drank water. And tried to perm my lashes. Very mixed results. My right eye went great. My left eye went terribly. But it is done and I think it still looks good.
Ja.ss got home and they would hang out downstairs and have the free ice cream they got from friendlys (they got rocking Poppin cotton candy with fruity pebbles on top. Which is objectively a hilarious name and combination for a 30 year old person). But once they were done they joined me upstairs.
Drinking water helped. And I am feeling a lot better now. Now I am just really tired.
Tomorrow should be a good day. And then tomorrow evening I'm taking a painted screen class at creative alliance and I'm really looking forward to that.
I hope I feel a lot better tomorrow. And I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourself.
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lorei-writes · 11 months
Hello! For party weekend!
5 positives: 1. Smart 2. Hardworking 3. I have ambition 3. I am aware of other people emotions 4. I don't give up 5. I am able to easily catch nuances and make a efficient argumentation.
5 negatives: 1. Can't read the room or wont't read it on purpose 2. Competitive 3. Provocative, I kind of like a bit of trouble 4. Shy, but also won't let people get near on purpose 5. Things have to go my way.
5 likes: 1. Writing 2. Listening to music 3. Reading 4. Playing video games 5. Sleeping
5 dislikes : 1. Some textures 2. Some sounds 3. Zucchinis 4. Kumbucha 5. Doing things because of tradition when said tradition is stupid of inefficient.
Pet peeves: Not flushing the toilet. Lack of critical thinking. When people thinks that if you don't succeed, you didn't do good enough and don't believe having contacts can make you succeed. Being oblivious even when being put the facts before the eyes. "NoT aLL MeN!"
Deal breakers: Deciding for others what is worth being sad and crying over, add with that the excuse of " I just don't like see you crying". Also, deciding what is worth being nervous over. Also, saying that even if things are unfair, you should be doing that thing that way, orherwise, you'll be in trouble. When the person saying that doesn't live with that reality, it's even more frustrating.
Wild card: Living the night, sleeping the day.
That's all for me.
From the thought diary...
As I was reading this, I started seeing Clavis everywhere. By the end, I was afraid that if I go to the bathroom, he'll be sitting on the toilet -- with that signature smile of his, no less. (Huh. Now, it actually makes me wonder whether he'd maintain it while being walked on like so.) The other thought I had was that you may like some parts of Chevalier, but want to chew off his face for, well, the other ones, hahaha.
I think you'd do well with suitors who are intellectually stimulating, but who are also flexible enough to try and see your point of view -- after all, in certain situations, there isn't one "right" way of doing things. It may be better if they weren't too bent on having everything go according to their plan, though. Some challenge and thrill is good, but have the entire relationship turn into NOTHING but competing against each other and it can become stale.
I'm thinking visionary types. Dedicated types. Ones that don't generally mind how they're perceived for as long as they do what they consider to be right.
I'd probably steer away from the overly mothering suitors. I imagine they could turn rather nagging fast, and well, they may be more willing to uphold artificial principles. (After all, the monsters under your bed are not real, unlike the bedtime.)
I'm a bit torn on ore-sama archetype characters, though. I could see it going both ways? For instance, I can see you having a love-hate approach to IkeSen Nobunaga, but... I can't shake the feeling you may enjoy some of the later developments from his route. (Think... Charismatic, confident, competitive, dominant, but he later learns to listen to his emotion more and he does consider your input... A bit of a tease, a bit boyish sometimes.) I suppose the question is whether you'd be willing to wait for him to even get to that point, hmm...
+Let's throw in "good at networking" here too.
Suggested characters: Shingen, Mitsuhide, Sasuke (maybe?), Comte (maybe? I can see him appreciating your character a whole lot, not sure how it'd go the other way around), Arthur, Clavis
Weekend Party
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lab1rynth · 1 year
Hi!! It's 🌻 :3 I'm sending this in for your Fit for a Yandere event, if it's not open yet or closed please feel free to delete!!
I'd say I'm a pretty nerdy person, most of my interests fall in the nerd stereotype. I'm really into tabletops (D&D, MoTW, VTM, etc.), I currently play in 4 campaigns! I'm playing very support based characters right now!! That being said, I love reading and learning new systems. Video games also go in hand with my love for ttrpgs. I love story based games.
I'm also studying botany and entomology! I'm considering branching more into mycology. I spend most of my time occupied with school related things. When I'm free, I usually try and keep myself busy. I have a bad tendency of overworking myself and find it really hard to actually take time to myself.
I'm not sure if this is too much or too little,, I'm a bit nervous to send it either way!! Have a good day/night pb!! <3
𝙒𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙄 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝙄'𝙢 𝙗𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚. . .
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I ship you with...
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You both met over D&D, you, a few friends, and a few of their friends joined up on Discord to play D&D online since most of you were either too far to drive to a specific spot to play, or just didn't want to go through the hassle of making an actual board.
Yan!Gamer was introduced to you from one of your friends, they met over COD and eventually clicked, becoming close friends leading him to joining this little group. You both enjoyed talking and you both eventually grew closer. You knew how he was, how he looked and how disorganized and trashed his house was, though to you it didn't matter much since you both were long distanced, you did try to encourage him to clean up though.
He loves hearing you rant about things you enjoy, books, videogames, your interest in your studies, all of it. Every time you go to school, he searches up about things you've told him your interested in, wanting in on your ranting. He saw how you acted when he knew a little about a game you liked, the wide smile on your face behind the screen as he told you what he knew. He wanted to see you happy, happy he knows about your likes.
He makes you sleep with him on call, he doesn't want to keep you up too much due to school but every weekend he asks you to read him a chapter of your favorite book, falling asleep and soothed by your voice. You're basically the only reason why he has a good sleep schedule.
If you move in, before you do he's absolutely on it, trying to clean up everything and anything, even the smallest things. His house looked cleaner than it ever did, despite the mountain of trash bags sitting outside on the lawn, waiting for it to be taken away by the local trash company. He also made sure to take a shower, despite his dislike for the water, he does an everything shower, using all of the soaps he has. He also decides to order some star patches for his acne, plopping them on the red bumps on his face. He thought he looked quite cool!!
He tries to maintane himself when your around, same with his house. You guys play games together and read together, you both even got a cat! He normally helps you afterschool with school work (he searches it up), and he cuddles you whenever you're relaxing. I believe you would turn Yan!Gamer around quite a lot!
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. . .𝑨𝒎 𝑰 𝑷𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 𝑵𝒐𝒘?
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arachnidiots-a · 9 months
“I gave up trying to understand my mom’s deal a long time ago. Somewhere along the way, the anger just faded away and I had to focus on other shit. Talking to Emmett just makes me angry all over again. How do you have a kid this fucking amazing and not bat a fucking eye at the fact they’ve run away?” — Liam Kaz, SYNESILK: Return to Color issue #7
there’s a lot of messages, calls, emails, etc that liam won’t ever get. they’re lost to the period of liam’s venture through the multiverse. when they’re settled with a new phone, there’s a flood of the things that did manage to go through or were waiting to. they don’t bother to look. where to begin? the 99+ calls? the 10,000+ emails? they bury their head under a blanket and try to sleep. sitting amongst the countless texts is one from an unknown number. it’s been there for 2 weeks. liam won’t see it for another 3. it reads:
[sms] : hi!
this is emmett jeffries (your half brother, i'm carla's son). i got this number from her because i wanted to reach out and maybe get to know you more again :) i don't know how much you remember me and i hope this is the right number because she said you guys haven't talked in a while
hope to maybe hear from you!
emmett jeffries was born six years after liam, to their mother carla kaz and his father christopher jeffries. unlike liam’s parents, the two were never married, with carla barely being officially divorced. they stayed together on and off for nearly four years while raising emmett, juggling the occasional young liam whenever she was with them for occasional weeks. they officially broke things off around emmett’s fifth birth, and liam and her mom moved out of the shared apartment. 
he was raised mostly by his dad from there on, with the odd weekend or handful of days at his mom’s. liam was there some of the time, and they made the most of the rather quiet apartment. other times, he tried his best to hang out with his mom who would only rarely meet him halfway. 
for emmett his childhood is a weird assortment of memories. he remembers normal, good days with his dad. he remembers walks from school to home, talking about his day. he remembers following his mom around on errands and in the home. he remembers laughing and getting piggy backs from liam. there’s a memory here and there of martin too— mostly at holidays when he’d spend it with his mom’s family. what he doesn’t remember is what he was like, who he was. em can hardly recall what home life really consisted of or how school went for him. 
liam chooses not to tell him about the fights, or the arguments that he had with their mom. she chooses to skip over the fact he broke his arm on one failed family vacation when she hadn’t been watching him because she was sick of listening to christopher and their mother argue. instead, when and if he asks, they tell him there’s nothing to remember. it was a boring childhood, full of kind of sucky and closed off people, and out of the bunch of them, emmett was always the friendliest. it’s not entirely untrue. he’d wave to strangers, say hi seven times over, and try to talk to any adult who stood too close to the shopping cart he’d be sat in. with other kids, he’d stand a little awkwardly around till someone pulled him into a game— and they usually did. there’s a couple of childhood bullies he does seem to remember. liam was sunshine and rainbows too, but emmett was quieter, nice, polite. liam was always the scream nice things kind of kid. 
the two siblings weren’t necessarily the closest as kids. liam was fairly independent, constantly between parents just as he was, and angry on occasion at the idea that there was someone else in their mess of a family. sure, they were less alone, but she never wanted the responsibility. it shouldn’t have been their responsibility. when they were together, liam would play with him, and they’d enjoy a movie or game. some days they’d be inseparable and other days liam would be sure to add “half” when their mom told them to look out for their brother. despite the animosity, they never pointed any of it at emmett himself other than in small instances of not wanting to spend time with him or being upset that stuff was taken. 
while liam was having trouble accepting the role of a sibling, emmett always saw liam as his sibling. she’s in so many memories of his, and he couldn’t understand for the life of him why she ever became just a person in some stories and photos on the mantle. he’s quite a proud little brother, even if he doesn’t know them that well. up until they do reconnect, liam’s not aware of the impact of any of those messy 12 years together. 
liam leaves for college when emmett is 12. by then, they’ve spent such a jumble of days together and they’re no longer as close (or whatever closeness they had is mostly gone). it gets harder between all the back and forth with parents, and they’re both growing up. emmett’s gotten into sports, he plays a little bit of everything with baseball and soccer and track. it keeps him busy, and keeps him around other people.
he spends most of his time living at his dad’s. it’s not as quiet nor as independent, and the two get along quite well. chris works a job in real estate, which lets him be around much more often, and emmett would consider himself to be close with his dad. chris tells him everything, sometimes too much, and emmett’s not too worried about being blunt with his dad about when those moments come or when he doesn’t approve of some decision. he still spends time at his mom’s and it’s a weird breath of fresh air on occasion— even if it is lonely. the two still argue from time to time, they just can’t seem to understand each other, and em learns what he can about liam from a perfectly intact bedroom and the rare phone call she makes home. liam hasn’t returned to st. louis since the summer after their freshman year of college. 
“The universe is full of truths and mysteries. Aunt Carla fucking sucks, is just one of those universal truths.” — Martin Levy, SYNESILK: Return to Color issue #7
after having not heard about liam after a particularly long period of time, emmett’s curiosity comes to a large swell at 17. a rough argument with carla about whether or not she even knows if liam’s graduated college yet or alive leads him to swipe their phone number off of her phone with a simple mission to accomplish: know liam again. he fears she might not remember him, which is quite a ridiculous fear to have, but it still rings loud as ever in his head. he fears she might not want to know him again, and after days and then weeks of not hearing back he loses hope. 
until two 2 am texts:
[sms] : the emmett jeffries? the extraordinary emmett jeffries? best magician in all of st.louis missouri? 
[sms] : would you believe i lost my phone?
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vividachromatic · 2 years
A Dream We'll Never Wake Up From - Part 1
read on Ao3:
next chapter
[Notes: Sooo... this is a story I've been working on for some time. When I wrote it, I had a specific original character in mind. Even though I changed their name to Y/N, when I uploaded it, the character I created follows a specific mindset, rather than having a view that may be agreeable for most people. Also this character uses she/her pronouns. If people are interested in the future, then I wouldn't mind to change the reader to gender neutral at all. But for now, I don't know how many people will read this, so I decided to keep it that way. English is also not my first language and I don't have any beta readers as of now. So if anyone would be interested....(: The reason why I decided to write, and eventually publish this story, is because I've had ideas about this for a long time. But I recently got back into my danganronpa phase and... because I know how happy it makes me, when other people share their headcanons and views of the game, I decided to do the same. I think I want to write more one shots and stuff for danganronpa, but for now... I want to start publishing my main story in the danganronpa universe. Like I said, it'll follow the main character through her life before the tragedy, during the tragedy, the killing game and after. So it starts in the Danganronpa 3 (anime) Soooo, I hope some people will enjoy to read this(: ]
Y/N is a student of class 77B. She is known as The Ultimate Poet. While Hope's Peak Acedemy didn't seem that exciting at first, that quickly changes with their new teacher. Y/N gets to know her classmates and learns to love them. Nagito Komaeda is the one she is especially close with, despite his and everyone else's warnings, that only bad luck follow those around him. Still Y/N seems to be able to avoid his bad luck and they are happy. But after some time... people die, friends go missing, everything gets dark... She begins to wonder if she should have listend to all those warnings after all.
Already being in school at 8 AM was very unusual for you. Well... Being in school in general was very unusual for you.
But your friend Ibuki - who had the habit of suddenly breaking into your house - appeared at the foot of your bed this morning while you were still sleeping.
In some kind of half-asleep state, you recognized a figure and nearly died of a heart attack. Ibuki didn't seem to care all that much and already explained her plan for the day, while excitedly jumping up and down.
You were supposed to actually go to school on time today. Because Ibuki just had to try the new music equipment that was delivered on the weekend and you wouldn't get the keys to the Light Music Club after class started.
"Soo... You think they will just hand us the key before the class starts if we ask them nicely?"
"Well ", Ibuki explained while jumping up and down again, "We're just gonna say it's for the sake of the betterment of the world! They're gonna believe us, I'm the Ultimate Musician!" She proudly put her hands on her hips now, like she just said something really smart.
So here you were now, actually in school when you were supposed to be. Even though you still weren't in class...
But it's not like it mattered in this school anyway. As long as you showed up for your exams, the school didn't care whether or not you're absent.
You were also attending your regular student council meetings, but except for that... you didn't put much more effort into it than you had to. Your position as a student council member was not something you were passionate about anyway. You got offered the place at the same time you were scouted, because of the recommendations of the high school, you've attended before Hope's Peak.
Currently, Ibuki was singing with her whole chest, while aggressively smashing around on her guitar. It surprisingly still sounded good.
You were singing a gentle ballad. A song you wrote only a short time ago.
Sounds like it may be pretty... unfitting together?
Well, surprisingly (or not, if you'd know the two of you) this combo is not so uncommon. That doesn't mean you necessarily sounded good together, but at least you had passion.
You being the Ultimate Poet and Ibuki being the Ultimate Musician brought both of you - despite your differences in approach - quite close.
Both of you had regular 'training' meet-ups, where you would write songs together and exchange your ideas. (Or at least that's the plan, most of the time, you'll just end up doing something completely unrelated)
Well anyways... Your eccentric friend was precisely the only reason you were here this early. You usually don't have too much energy by yourself, so Ibuki's personality was a welcome change from your normal life and both of you made quite the good duo.
Not only immersed in your singing but also your thoughts, you didn't even notice other people being there until Ibuki stopped playing.
In front of you was almost the whole 77th class and some older girl you've never seen before. They all looked at you expectantly. Even Ibuki turned her head to you now. ''Ummm...''
"What's going on?"
It turned out, your class got some kind of new substitute teacher, who was very determined to gather the whole class for once. While kinda annoyed by this unexpected change of schedule, you supposed it was okay, since you were already awake.
If the teacher would have woken you up by knocking (or worse, suddenly standing inside your room, like a certain someone) you would have been pretty pissed.
So after neatly folding the paper you wrote your song on, you joined the group.
So... the ones missing should be...
Nanami, Komaeda and Mitarai. According to your memory.
Next up was Komaeda and your class was searching for him on some kind of sidewalk in front of the school.
"Oh no! When that guy's around bad things always happen!" Kazuichi whined.
Right... the Ultimate Lucky Student.
Surprisingly unlucky despite his title. At least from what you've heard. You've never really witnessed his luck yourself, even though you heard several stories from Soda and Saionji.
The only thing you did witnessed yourself, was a baseball, that destroyed the window and hit him directly in his face, because he coincidentally happened to look outside that time.
Needless to say, he fell unconscious.
And this has just been your second day at school...
While certainly unlucky... these kind of things happen to everyone from time to time, right?
You watched him, putting in coins in front of a vending machine, but not getting anything.
How sad.
Just as your class was about to make their way up to him (Kazuichi staying back as if Nagito was some kind of bad omen), a truck turned in some kind of loop that shouldn't be physically possible and crashed near them. And it hit... Kazuichi.
"Well, that's just tragic," you whispered, while everyone was quickly rushing to his aid.
"True." A quiet but firm voice answered. Peko Pekoyama. The Ultimate Swordswoman. You gave her a small smile.
It was obvious from the point you were standing, that Kazuichi wasn't seriously injured, he just hit his head lightly but acted like he was dying. He certainly did enjoy the attention your classmate Sonia was giving him.
Chisa soon seemed to recognize that as well and quickly retracted herself from the group gathering around Kazuichi, on her way to Nagito again.
Who... thanks to the crash was now surrounded by cans of drinks, that suddenly came out of the vending machine with the message 'LUCKY'.
"Hahaha. Well, I guess my luck isn't that bad after all." He sounded pretty pleased, not even turning around.
Didn't he just notice the literal truck crashing behind him?
Well, whatever. Maybe he's just a chill guy. Or he's probably used to his luck acting up like that.
Speaking of which... Now, this seems to be exactly the kind of story Soda would later tell them. Only that you've witnessed it yourself now... Soda and Saionji tend to exaggerate, but they seemingly weren't exaggerating about that.
Huh... if his talent really works like that... wouldn't this be like one of the most amazing talents ever?
Well, now you were back in the classroom. This time with one additional person. The only ones left now should be Nanami and Mitarai.
Chisa was already ready to search for the remaining two but the rest of the class was laying around, not even thinking about taking another step. Chisa was pretty disappointed but ordered you to clean the classroom instead,  since it was really dirty.
"Heyyy, Miss Yukizome. I'll gladly help you gather the remaining two students!" you gave her a closed-eyed smile.
In all honesty, you just didn't feel like cleaning up at all, you hated it more than anything. And walking around, while Yukizome would do most of the work didn't sound too bad...
"You just want to ditch cleaning duty, right?!" Chisa grinned.
"Haha, just kidding! Of course, I'll accept your help!"
So... your next step was Mitarai. For some unknown reason, Chisa knew exactly the location he would be at right now.
Ryota Mitarai was a nerdy boy, who spent all of his time - in case you even did see him - on his tablet drawing something.
Chisa instructed you to knock on the door, while she would wait at the window, in case he tried to sneak out from there.
So you did just that.
*Knock Knock*
You heard a quiet sound - probably the window opening - and a shocked gasp.
"Weren't you at the front door just now?!?!"
So Chisa knew he would escape from there... How did she? Well, not that it matters, now you've gathered another student. Even though he seemed like he would run away as soon as he had the chance to...
Chisa seemed to notice that and watched him with hawk eyes while walking.
This woman... could be quite scary. She looks sweet but you certainly wouldn't want her as an enemy.
Now you were on your way - with Mitarai whining about something that had to do with animation and his deadline - to the final student. Chiaki Nanami. The Ultimate Gamer.
In all honesty, she was probably one of your favorite classmates until now. Although you didn't have to do much to do with her outside of school, you appreciated her calm aura.
When you arrived at the fountain Chiaki was standing at, you found her with another student. According to his school uniform...
"This uniform... You're from the Reserve Course, right?" Chisa seemingly noticed, too.
"Yes.." the boy muttered. He introduced himself as Hajime Hinata.
The topic seemed to make him a bit... uncomfortable? You hoped it wasn't because he felt bad being around Ultimates.
It was a well-known fact, that the Reserve Course students were often looked down upon by the Main Course students. Mostly because they didn't have any talents and 'bought' themselves into Hope's Peak.
But all this fuss about talents was stupid anyway. At least to you. In your opinion, the most important thing was to have passion for something you love. Whether it gets recognized by others or not. People that cling to concepts like that, were just weak and insecure.
Chiaki seemed to be unaware of the Reserve Department, so she listened to Chisa and you explaining. Surprisingly Chiaki's attitude towards the boy didn't change at all.
No, that shouldn't have been surprising at all. Chiaki was a very kind person and she isn't that focused on the academy's view of talent and hope.
"Uhmm..." Hajime started and looked at something behind Chisa.
Mitarai... who was starting to sneak away. But, well Chisa was already catching up with him. Poor boy... You should probably never compete in anything against Chisa... You've already gotten that in the first couple of minutes after meeting her. But Mitarai seemed to still have had some kind of hope to get away. Immediately crushed by Chisa catching up to him in mere seconds.
You didn't feel the need to run after them, so you stayed with Chikaki and Hajime. You gave them a small smile.
This Hajime boy... looks like a nice person. If he is friends with Nanami, it can only be a good sign, too.
He gave you a polite smile back, watching amused as Mitarai and Yukizome ran around. "People from the Main Course... Are more ridiculous than I expected. I thought they'd be more like elites."
"Hmmm... well you're right. There are a lot of amazing but also annoying people, who have Ultimate Talents. Just like those who don't. We're not much different." you told him. You also wanted to encourage him a little and show him that you weren't arrogant about this kind of thing. Even though your opinion is actually a bit more complicated than that.
But Hajime seemed to look right through you. He looked at you like he was dissatisfied with your answer. "That's not true... You're completely different than me.", He looked at his hand and his gaze turned a bit sad "I mean... all of you have incredible talents. If only I had a talent as well..."
"It doesn't matter whether you have a talent or not," Chiaki spoke up now. She doesn't usually talk much, so you were glad she did now since she not only supported your point, but also because Hajime seemed to value her opinion. He looked at her very expectantly. Maybe they were close?
"That isn't the goal, you know. And you have greater freedom than we do." Chiaki didn't even look up, as she continued talking. Hajime seemed a bit confused by her opinion but didn’t refute it. "All I have is a pile of video games. You can go anywhere you like. And become anything."
"Sorry for the wait!!" Chisa stormed to you again, dragging Mitarai along. Chiaki still didn't look up at that. So Chisa poked her cheek. "Come on... we'll go now." She turned to Hajime now and smiled apologetically "Sorry to drag Nanami off like this."
"Ahh, it's okay!" He defensively put his hands in front of his face with a nervous smile. Chiaki still didn't seem like she planned on moving anytime soon. So Chisa decided to carry her over her shoulders. Chiaki went along with it, still not looking up from her game.
You gave Hajime a polite nod and went after them.
Now you were back in your classroom again. This time with all of your classmates and a clean classroom.
Yukizome seemed happy about the results and praised the class for cleaning.
"When Ibuki does something, she does it right!!" Ibuki confidently remarks.
"Cleaning is one thing I'm good at," Nagito said with a polite - kinda fake-looking - smile. "I'm really glad, we now have a classroom that's worthy for others' talents to shine."
Nagito seemed to have a passion for talent and hope. That was already noticeable in your first couple of school days. He didn't have any friends, but rambled about this to like... anyone, in the weirdest moments.
"Great! And we'll pick up here tomorrow!" Miss Yukizome proudly exclaimed.
She doesn't seriously want to gather everyone like this again tomorrow? Or does she really think everyone will show up?
"That's quite the assumption to make," Gundham Tanaka voiced everyone's thoughts, "As long as we're focusing on our talent, I heard we could show up to class, as we deem fit."
"Freak face is right!"
"Class is a pain!"
"Ibuki wants to perfect her performance!"
"I just really don't want to get up early in the morning..." you added to their complaints.
"True, that's what the school rules say, but...", Miss Yukizome's face turned serious and she crossed her arms, "There's more to life than just talent. Interacting with others will build character and help you make memories. Let's make something more important than talent shine: Your hope."
You were impressed by her earnest reasoning. She truly seemed like a good teacher. Like someone who honestly wanted to help you and not just waste your time.
You softly clapped your hands once. Now you've decided. At first, you were hesitant, because of Yukizome's forceful attitude, but she seemed to be great at motivating others. Even you. Even if getting up early in the morning was a pain... Maybe you would even be looking forward to it now.
The opinions of the others were mixed.
"What? Let me build an engine instead."
"No, this is what youth is about!"
"I know, right, Miss Sonia?"
"Hope? That sounds wonderful!"
"Huh? Is there dust packed where your brain is supposed to be?"
"Well, I think it's great as shit!"
"M-Me, too!"
"You shut up, you rotten orange!!"
"I'll come and get you all tomorrow, too!", Yukizome excitedly leaned forward.
When you entered the classroom the next morning the tables were moved to the side. In the middle of the room were Akane and Nekomaru fighting for some unknown reason.
As no one else seemed to be doing anything about it, you just decided to sit near the wall and watch them, just like the rest of the class seemed to have decided.
Except for Nanami - who was extremely immersed in something in her game - and Komaeda, who... well, was just a pretty chill guy seemingly. He looked like he wasn't scared something would hit his face or anything similar...
The way his luck acted you didn't really think that was the smartest thing to do, but you probably shouldn't interfere.
You sat next to Ibuki, who was already waving to you to come over. You asked her if she's seen how the fight started and Ibuki's description of events wasn't very insightful.
"Oh! They were like... in the classroom... and suddenly they were fighting!!"
Hiyoko Saionji entered the classroom a short time after you. She started trying to end the fight (by yelling) for like five seconds - her face completely red - until she collapsed.
Was it from shock or anger? Well...
Mikan quickly rushed to her side, obviously concerned.
"Eh?! What are you doing here pig face? Get your piggy bacteria away from me!"
Hiyoko seemed to be perfectly fine again.
"I-I'm sorryyyy...." Mikan sobbed, she still didn't leave her side and seemed to scan her for any injuries with her eyes.
You turned to Ibuki again after watching their... conversation. "Don't... you think we should like... call a teacher or something?"
"Huh, why?"
"Well...", did you seriously have to explain? "They are both pretty strong, so, if they both get serious..?"
That seemed to have convinced Ibuki, as she quickly stood up in the search of a telephone. You helped her searching. When you found one, Ibuki quickly dialed a number and shouted.
"Please help me, Miss Yukizome! They're too much for me!"
Then she put the phone down again. "...You didn't even wait for her response."
"Well, so that she hurries up!!"
"Well, I guess, this is quite effective then."
Not even a minute later the door opened again. Was this woman the Ultimate Runner or something? Or maybe she could teleport...
"Hey, what are you doing-"
Before Chisa could finish talking, Akane was slammed into the blackboard, breaking it.
Chisa ran between them to resolve the fight. Which didn't work... so she simply retreated.
The fight continued a while longer...
Now Hanamura came in to give Akane some kind of suspicious drink - saying it'll make her stronger - which she immediately took without question. 
Their class ended early that day because everyone was exhausted.
...Also your classroom was literally destroyed. You also had to help repair the classroom. Although that was probably a mild punishment, considering the circumstances...
You sighed. What a disappointing day...
The next day you showed up again anyway. You were hoping for this to work out, even though you were all very different.
The day went pretty normally, with everyone doing the usual subjects like Maths and Geography in a spare classroom. After that, you had to stay to repair the classroom together... which almost nobody did.
The only ones who stayed besides you were Ibuki (because of you), Nagito, Mikan, Nekomaru, and Mahiru. You were supposed to report the classmates, who didn't show up (or anyone breaking any rules) as a student council member, but you didn't care.
You yawned and looked out of the window. 'How boring...'
Still, you were looking forward to making friends with everyone here. All of them seemed like fun. Even though... you weren't the kind of person to go up to people. But Ibuki was.. maybe she would help?
At break time you decided to eat with Chiaki. She was a relatively easy person to start with as she wasn't very loud but also not too shy.
You asked her what kind of game she was playing and if she would explain you about it. Figured, talking about something someone liked, is an easy way to start a conversation. And you were into some video games as well.
Chiaki's eyes lit up and she started rambling about the game she was playing in the moment. Only shortly after, she was already talking about Easter Eggs or behind-the-scenes stuff players weren't supposed to know.
You tried listening attentively. It would be impolite not to, and also Chiaki looked cute when she was passionate about something for once.
After you were pretty much done talking about the game, you decided to bring up another topic you were curious about.
"So, the boy, who was there when I and Miss Yukizome picked you up... Was he your boyfriend?"
"..."  Chiaki stopped pressing some buttons for a second and shortly after, the message 'GAME OVER' was written on her screen.
Did you surprise her so much that she failed the game?
"No." Chiaki then quickly answered and restarted.
Hmmm.... suspicious.
"But you like him."
She was answering quicker now.
"Okay then..." you decided to let go of the topic.
...Mostly "Well I think he liked you."
"You think so?"
"Yeah, I do."
"Well, even if that is true..." Chiaki paused her game now. "I'm bad at stuff like that."
"What do you mean?"
"Dating Sims."
"Well, this is real life."
"I'm even worse at that."
"Pff-"  You started laughing with her now. Chiaki chuckled lightly as well.
"Well, he is kinda cool... he likes video games."
"Oh, maybe you can invite him to an arcade or something sometime!"
"You think so?"
"For sure!"
"Hmm..." Chiaki seemed to actually think about your advice now.
"Thanks. I'll think about it." The bell rang now to announce that the break was over. Just when you were about to head back, Chiaki stopped you.
"Uh... actually... L/N?"
"Could you help me with something?
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bamboo72498 · 1 year
Ship Ask Game
2, 3, 5, 11, 14, 22, 27, 31, 39, 44, 48
I picked totally at random, lol. Feel free to seek vengeance 😂
Okay, so my buddy said it was dealer's choice on the ship, so I'm giving you information on two of my kids, Austin and Christine. Enjoy!
2) Who wakes up early/ Who sleeps late?
neither of them are early risers, but Christine whines about it less if she has to wake up early. Of the two of them, Austin will sleep as late as humanly possible.
3) What was their first impression of each other?
Christine thought he was the stereotypical preppy Lacrosse boy, but she liked how kind he was to everyone because not many jocks at their school were. Austin saw her looks before anything. She was the most beautiful girl he'd seen up until that point. But then, he got to know her and saw her spunk and sass and kindness and fell even harder for her.
5) Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
Of course they argue! What relationship doesn't? But their arguments are not full-blown shouting matches, they're more hissed conversations and dirty looks. They vowed to never yell at each other if they can manage it (it happens, but rarely). And they usually argue over communication breakdowns. It's their biggest hurdle as a couple: communication.
11) How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
Both are very neutral on nicknames and pet names. Christine calls him 'princey'. She also uses 'baby/babe' a fair amount and 'love/my love'. Austin calls her 'Chris' or 'babe/baby'
14) Do they enjoy PDA or are they more private with affection?
They use PDA to an extent. They would full-blown make out in front of everyone, but a kiss or holdings hands is fine. Some things are better left for the privacy of home.
22) Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
Joking, being sarcastic and playing around with each other is the foundation of their relationship! They play off each other so well and commit to the bit at all times. It's actually how they come back together is though remembering how good to felt to play together again and laugh.
27) How do they say 'I love you' non-verbally?
the blue heart emoji, a hand on the other's side, touching noses after they kiss, squeezing hands.
31) Do they often go out on dates? What are they like?
when they first started dating in high school, they went out nearly every weekend. Usually, it's to dinner or the movies or mini golf. Simple things. In college, they're long distance so their in-person dates are few and far between so they have to make those big. Wine and dine and love, everything. But they do do virtual dates a lot at that time. Lots of video chats and LONG phone conversations. When they get back together they go back to going out as many weekends as possible. Sometimes smaller dates like drinks or a movie, and sometimes they go all out. They make it a priority to devote time to each other.
39) When and how did they admit they loved each other?
The first time? Austin was the first to say it. He was so shy and scared to, but once he did, he knew she reciprocated it. They were, ironically, at the park on the swings. It wasn't some big grand thing, just him admitting his feelings and saying it.
The second time was trickier because they had been broken up and just reconnected. But Christine knew this guy was the one for her. And she hated that it took her that long to fully realize it and not be scared and waiting for the other shoe to drop. She was at work and this feeling washed over her of not wanting to lose him again. So she called him right then and there and said it.
44) Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
Christine LOVE to cuddle. It's her favorite way to be with him. She could spend hours tangled together playing with his hair or rubbing his arms. She loves that physical touch. Austin, not so much. He enjoys it to an extent. There's a limit. He can only tolerate it for so long then he needs a break.
48) Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
Not really. They realized after a while that the universe was in control of their path together and there was no stopping it. So they just gave in and let it take control. Though they do dream of spending the rest of their days together, even when they are both old and gray and grouchy.
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