#th: we don't have time to unpack all of that
Some thoughts I have on cute story line/au
Wally and dick are dating took them forever to actually admit they got feeling for each other even if everyone else alrighty knew.
Wally is the flash berry is still alive and the flash. They kind of both are at the same time. No it's not confusing unless your arent from key stone or central city. If your from bludhaven you are to scared to ask due to seeing Nightwing and flash kissing. If your from anywhere else then you are probably confused.
Bruce gets lost in the time line
Dick unfortunately has to take up the mantle of Batman
Wally doesn't like that but support his boyfriend in any and everyway he can.
Dick moved back into the manner makes Damian Robin and works closely with him. Wally just about spends every night there even if he isn't living there technically. Since his name is on their old apartment and they don't fully want to lose it yet.
Dick and Damian become close. And thus Wally and Damian become close.
Damian starts seeing them as his parents. Calling them dad in different languages they don't know
Dick has an idea of what's Damian is doing. He knows his Damian even if they don't say it. Dick and wally refers to Damian as their kid.
Wally and Dick go to all meet the parents and Damian art shows and just every and anything they can. Damian will not say it but he is glad to have them there. He gets so upset if anything wrong happens cause he doesn't want them to think he not good enough anymore.
Wally and Dick get engaged Damian knew it was happening. He when with Dick to help pick out the rings. Well he when with Dick to help look at rings and get an idea of style. then waited as Wayne enterprises made something that would work for a speedster. He also inspected the ring very closely to make sure the people who made it didn't mess up.
Bruce comes back
Damian thinks he has to go back with Bruce and Wally and Dick won't want him anymore. Bruce of course thinks he is entitled to Damian. Wally and Dick are heart broken but think its best if Damian stays with Bruce.
Everyone but Bruce cry
Bruce is a bad parent and doesn't see Damian as anything but the killing machine he was trian to be and how he was right when he was dropping off at Bruce door step a few years ago.
Damian is the ring bearer for the wedding of course and hoes with them on wedding planning.
Alfred hates how Bruce is not showing love and how excited Damian is when Dick and wally come over. And how sad he gets as soon as they leave.
Alfred prints out adoption paperwork for what feels like the millionth time and instead of giving to Bruce puts in Dick pile of papers.
Wally and Dick almost cry when they find it and fill out what is their part. They take Damian out for ice cream. And ask Damian if he wants to be with them. Damian of course says yes and how their his dads and please don't leave him again.
They go back and start packing up stuff and go to the bat cave to get Bruce to sign the papers.
Bruce says no he will not and that they baby Damian and he needs to be watched carefully. Dick and Wally are going to get killed if they trust Damian so easily. And he will not let them take him.
Dick and wally are so upset dick gets mad. And yells at Bruce about how he been gone and Damian been hurt so much by him. Wally ends up being like Bruce you have 3 days otherwise we are taking this to court and taking our child back the hard way.
Damian doesnt understand why he can't go with them now. Wally unfortunately understands that it looks worse if they kidnap Damian by taking him now. They promised it only going to be a little bit and they get him very soon.
Damian spends the next three days packing up everything when he not busy. Alfred brings him boxes. Bruce tried to unpack things saying he not going anywhere. Alfred starts moving the boxes to a safe space that Bruce can't get to. But isn't Dick and Wally's place.
Bruce doesn't sign the papers
They go to court Dick and Wally get a lawyer for themselves and one for Damian. Bruce says it stupid for Damian to have his own one. And it's actually Dick and wally having two.
The judge ends up picking Damian a new lawyer and whoever wins have to pay for Damian's.
A lot of Damian's teachers are called in. Damian art teacher is one of the ones who help a lot. She brings up a project about their family tree and how Bruce and Talia are on there. But also Wally and Dick are on it. And Damian has put himself under them but arrows to Bruce and Talia with blood parents.
Talia ends up showing up. Which no one really knows how she knew what was happening. She says wants her son with Bruce that's why she drop him off at his place. (To train with the Batman)
I need to go to bed about 40 minute ago I'll come back and finish my thoughts
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the-kr8tor · 7 months
Im all good to put the ideas into multiple asks! I’m so glad u liked my ideas 🥰🥰!!
First one was TTN hobie and reader when they have reunited and they r going on a date after being separated for so long and just spending time together and hanging out
-🕊️ anon
Ly 😘 thank you again for the ttn requests!! ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, drinking, a bit suggestive, TTN! Hobie, TTN! Reader, set after the epilogue.
Thread the Needle Masterlist
TTN Oneshots Masterlist
"My favourite? Piña Colada" you nurse a cranberry vodka in your hand, voice whispering in Hobie's ear so that he can hear you through the loud chatter inside the busy pub.
Your back is resting on the chipping wooden wall of the ancient White Horse pub, body fully turned towards Hobie, your hand comfortably lying on the small of his back. He practically squishes you inside the booth with his arm around your shoulder, fingers absentmindedly kneading over your nape. Legs touching yours, a smile never leaving his lips, half full pint forgotten in front of him.
He would've preferred a much quieter place for your first date back home, but you wanted to visit his old haunts, and you were in a drinking mood. Hobie doesn't seem to care though, as long as you're with him, he's golden. Even if you suggested going to the sewers or God forbid a Mall, he would've said yes in a heartbeat. Because it's you, fresh from L.A. you who haven't finished unpacking yet even though you've been home for three days. He doesn't blame you though, how could you find the time to unpack when you two are busy snogging and reacquainting yourselves.
"Thank fuck" he chuckles. "Thought it would be worse like a can of whatever piss water they 'ave"
You roll your eyes, "Piña Colada is really good. I can make you one if you like"
"Sure, as long as it's not whiskey sour" Hobie mimics an American accent with his last word causing you to laugh out loud above the prattle of the pub.
"Do that again" you poke his side. "Come on"
"Fuck off, that's a one time thing" he hides his smile with his pint.
"You know back in America I had so many pints, it's insane" He raises a brow, knowing you're not much of a drinker. You continue on with your sentence. "Pints of ice cream"
"Is it too late for you to go back? Because I can ask for you–"
Leaning slightly, you kiss the corner of his lips as an apology for your attempt at humour. "I know, horrible joke. I blame the drink"
"Not the company though, right?" He says against your lips, long eyelashes fanning over eyes, looking down at your besotted face.
"Great company, ten out of ten" you press a cranberry filled kiss fully on his lips, lingering for only a moment. In that tiny booth with the squeaky leather cushions, you feel like you and Hobie are the only people in the world. "What do you say we go home." Whispering, you bat your eyelashes at him.
His eyes sparkle in the low light, "And?"
You don't miss his knowing tone so you decide to tease him more. "Or we can go to my office and ask for me to get transferred back to L.A."
"I like your first joke better, too soon, love" Hobie dramatically touches his chest like he's been hurt.
"You did it first!" You finish your drink, hand grabbing your bag from the table.
"And I did it better than you" Hobie takes your coat for you, standing up, reaching to help you out the booth.
Looking up at him, you smile mischievously. "Do an American accent first"
He rolls his eyes, "no" flexing his fingers, he feigns annoyance.
"Please? Just say one thing and I'll get up"
With a huff and a hidden smile, he surrenders. "Whiskey sour" Hobie does his best impression of an American man who's impatient to get his drink from the bartender.
Giggling, you still sit in the booth. "Say 'wassup, dude'"
"Don't push it, love or I'll start calling you bruv again"
Sliding out, you take his outstretched hand. "If you're into that then I'm open to try it." You laugh at your own quip.
"What have they done to my Gromit?" hand in hand, you and Hobie weave through the crowd whilst he guides you with his tender hold.
You snuggle closer to him, avoiding a guy with ten drinks on his tray. "Same Gromit, I promise"
"Love you still even if you weren't" He whispers back with fondness.
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It sorta bothers me that post-series people are still complaining about 3Below being disconnected from the rest of Tales of Arcadia. For me, it was a refreshing break from the densely-packed fantasy lore and an intriguing peek at the way the universe beyond Arcadia and Earth functions. I liked the character arcs and interpersonal connections. And there was ample room for me to come up with a bunch of my own headcanons, which I love! I absolutely love being able to slot pieces of my own mind and soul into an existing world! I don't like shows where I'm told how every little detail works, that's way too much to remember. Instead I want enough to create an idea of the rules and how things might have gone/might continue to go and fill in whatever else I want.
Also, I think 3Below was SUPPOSED to be a lot more connected before Wizards got cut down. Tons of ideas didn't make it into the limited series run- I remember hearing stuff about Mordred being involved, a lost Krel arc, and I'm sure a lot of lore that would have bound the worlds together more closely. When they mentioned Gaylen's core came from Earth, there was clearly supposed to be more to that, but it got cut out. I'm like 93% sure Gaylen was a being who was part of or similar to the Arcane Order, but was drawn to the cosmos rather than to a part of the Earth. That would indicate that Akiridion tech and magic are compatible because Akiridions' energy-based life was initially magical, but those roots were largely forgotten because of how old a civilization Akiridion is. They've been spacefaring since humans were cavepeople. If the Order existed from the primeval dawn of the world, and Gaylen left not long after that, Akiridion could be millenia ahead of Earth. Or, heck, maybe Earth was the first or only livable world, and Gaylen created the Order to look after it before going off to try to find or create life elsewhere. I always headcanoned that Seklos was more powerful than most Akiridions or even the Royals that came after her, given the fact her core alone was enough to stop Gaylen while in the modern era it requires two royal cores. Maybe she was created by Gaylen to be Akiridion's version of an Arcane Order type being, and she created normal Akiridions, which she then had kids with, diluting her power in the Royals that followed. There's so much ancient history to unpack from just the tidbits we were given.
As for the modern era, there seems to very distinctly be a major intergalactic connection. The drunk ship operator in episode 3 of 3b s1 that the Zerons interrogate talks about ship classifications, which indicates a universal or at least an interplanetary system of ship ratings. We also see interplanetary tourism, and signs that Akiridion is one of the most advanced and influential planets out there.
3Below doesn't need to continue the plot of Trollhunters to be a valid part of Tales of Arcadia. It brought an energy to ToA that was somewhere between Star Trek TNG and Babylon 5, and I love how it expands the weirdness of Arcadia. If it was supposed to be a continuation of Trollhunters, they would have made more Trollhunters. But it's not Trollhunters, it's 3Below. And Wizards isn't Trollhunters either! I honestly think that Camelot, Douxie, and the world of wizards could have been written such that the Trollhunters cast was much less focal, and that if they'd given the show the time it needed and deserved to tell its story, it would have been fleshed-out and fascinating all on its own, with or without the TH gang. Where are the magic users beyond the reach of Camelot? Are there merfolk, sirens, harpies, dryads, more dragons, or other sapient races living on Earth with their own civilizations and magic and cultures? There are so many worlds and so many potential stories out there, on Earth and beyond, in the Tales of Arcadia universe. Arcadia just happens to be the narrative meshing point of them all. And I think that's a really cool way to build a universe.
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TED talk, here's more Akiridion development as a treat for making it this far.
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themetaphorgirl · 1 month
where I've been
hello friends! it's me!
I know my presence has been really hit or miss over the past year and change. if you want the short version, life has just been really tough, but I'm at the point where I really want to feel like life feels more normal again, which includes writing and posting and being more active.
if you'd like the deluxe edition of what's been going on, I do feel like I want to share what's been happening. it's been really rough and the next steps are only going to be more difficult, so knowing I have friends rooting for me will really help.
you don't have to read if you don't want to, it's kind of a bummer! the biggest takeaway is that I've been going through a garbage time but I want to start writing regularly again, so hopefully you'll see a lot more of me moving forward.
everything else below the cut!
tw: pregnancy, pregnancy loss
okay so. y'all know I got married in December 2022 (and we are still very happily married!!). we've known from the getgo that we want a family, but hadn't quite pulled the trigger.
well, there was another situation that happened that made me realize that I really wanted to start trying now, but it also unlocked a really deep trauma. when I was 23 I was in a really horrible relationship, and I got pregnant. and I ended up miscarrying pretty early on. and I got zero support. that's the short version.
I ended up, I guess for my own sanity, blocking it out. there's big gaps in my memory that just. don't exist. and for a long time I told myself it didn't happen. later, when I acknowledged that it did happen, I told myself that it was for the best, that I would have been a bad mother at that point in my life, that I would have had to maintain contact with my ex, that it just wasn't the right time and it was a good thing that I lost my baby.
the problem was I never grieved. I never healed. it was all just locked away and festering and killing me slowly.
so I ended up spending a good part of last year grieving and trying to deal with pain that I should have dealt with years ago. which...let me tell you, it's a rough process.
and at the same time, I realized that I wanted to start trying. my whole life I've wanted to be a mom. I've wanted five kids for as long as I can remember. Every time I pictured the future I pictured children. And I didn't want to wait anymore. which...is extra complicated to start that process when you're also in the midst of unpacking trauma.
and as you might have guessed...I'm not pregnant yet.
I'm very lucky that my work has a great medical program and they don't have waiting periods to see fertility specialists, so I started seeing doctors last April. And there's nothing wrong. I've done bloodwork, I've done ultrasounds, I've done so many tests, Shane has been tested. We've done three medicated cycles with trigger shots. They can't find anything wrong. They keep shrugging and saying that it's just the matter of the right time.
Unexplained infertility is a bitch.
It's so painful. It's so unfair. And because of my job I'm constantly doing orders for pregnancy announcements and gender reveals and baby's first Christmas. I cannot tell you how many times I've run to the bathroom to cry because I just can't handle being surrounded by reminders that I'm not anybody's mother yet.
I'm currently on cycle 17 of trying. which. that on its own hurts so much. s e v e n t e e n.
we have to hold off on starting the next steps because Shane lost his job (which is another absolutely insane stressor) but he's in a new job that he loves and pays better, and I'm getting a referral for a new clinic for a second opinion. but it looks like we're going to move forward with IVF.
I'm very very lucky that my work will pay for a significant amount towards IVF, but there's still payments we have to make, so we're working on getting our ducks in a row. and it's a terrifying prospect. medications and egg retrieval (my first surgery ever) and transfers. and the crippling fear that they won't get enough eggs or none of them will fertilize or the transfer won't be successful. it's eating me away. I've been feeling like such a shell of myself, every failed cycle feels like another piece of me has faded away.
right now I'm trying to focus on getting myself in as healthy as a place as possible, emotionally and physically, before we start procedures. am I still hoping that I'll get pregnant without IVF? oh, desperately. but at this point, nearly a year and a half into trying, this is probably going to be our best bet.
so moving forward, I'm hoping I can start doing things that make me happy again. I've spent most of the past year and a half being incredibly depressed and not really doing anything other than laying around in bed. I did discover Lockwood & Co thanks to Maeve, and that's helped so much because it gave me something new to think about and fixate on (and write for), but it's still been rough and sporadic. which, actually, is a good describer of how the past year has gone. I need to get back into living again.
in the meantime thank you for everybody who's checked in on me, especially QuiddoDitto. I haven't really had the energy to message back, but I've seen the comments and messages and it's meant so much to me while I slog through this.
hopefully things will get better soon! hopefully I start feeling like a person again! hopefully I'll be writing and posting regularly because I miss it!
and hopefully there'll be a baby in my arms soon.
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hexpea · 3 months
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Ch. 6 - Dinner
When the two of you arrived at the restaurant, car pulled into the valet spot, Gojo swiftly and smoothly got out to grab your door just as he had when you departed from the hotel. He offered you his hand with a classic 'Gojo' smile plastered on his face.
As you swung your legs out of the vehicle, glaring directly through that damn blindfold, you opted to use the car's door as a stable surface rather than his hand. Feeling dejected, he quickly put his hand away, flattened his facial expression, and closed the door to quickly follow you into the restaurant. 
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You stepped inside and were immediately welcomed with the familiar soft glow of candlelight that cast shadows on the intricately designed wallpaper. The melodious notes of a grand piano echoed through the air.
"Hello," the maîtred' greeted politely with a cheeky smile as you as the two of you entered, "do you have a reservation?" It seemed like a frivolous question considering you had to have a reservation to get in.
"Hey, Yuki," Gojo greeted the host on a first name basis as he strolled up behind you. You ground your teeth and glared up at Gojo through the side of your eyes. 
It was clear the host 'knew' Gojo with how quickly her expression changed and how her cheeks turned bright pink despite the dim lighting of the restaurant. "Satoru," she blushed, "of course, right this way." She nodded to the two of you and began to make her way through the restaurant.
The two of you followed her to one of the private terraces at the back of the restaurant, outside where the summer's night could be enjoyed. She kept her eyes trained on Gojo the whole time as she seated you, even as she slowly closed the door to the small, enclosed patio. Her smile was unmistakable, just as with nearly every woman he encountered, she was completely smitten.
The patio itself had just enough room for the glass table and metal chairs. The few private patios were separated by black, wooden outdoor dividers. A few flowered bushes were placed in the corners to create a comfier environment. The metal chairs also came with plush cushions so the two of you wouldn't be sitting on something cold and hard. The only light came from the lit centerpiece and the already dim restaurant lights coming from the window on the door to inside.
"So," Gojo started as you began to browse the small menu, the font as tiny as could be despite the sizable paper it was typed on. You both sat across from one another, a sense of tension in the air. "You and Seiko-"
"Do you have the papers?" You suddenly asked in order to cut him off, your eyes quickly flickering up to meet his blindfold. "Please don't tell me you 'forgot' them."
He smirked and leaned back in his seat before reaching into his jacket to grab them from the inner pocket. "Now, sweetheart, what would make you think I'd forget them?" He placed them on the table in front of you and gave them a little pat. His face held a seductive grin. 
You snatched and unfolded them. They were just a bit wrinkled and still no signature. Before you could request he sign them again, the waiter quietly entered the room and began pouring ice water into the small glasses in front of you, momentarily breaking the tension. 
"Can I get the two of you anything to drink?" The waiter asked as he finished pouring, politely looking between you. "For reds, the night's special is a dry Malbec. White is a sweet Malvasia. And we, of course, have our usual variety of hard liquors."
"Just water," you answered quickly, already knowing Gojo would decline to drink as he always did. Out of respect, you didn't want to order anything alcoholic.
"We'll take the Malvasia, the bottle, please," Gojo answered at the same time as you, voice a little louder. You snapped your head toward him at attention. The waiter nodded and quickly slid out of the area and back into the restaurant. "What?" Gojo shrugged, clearly proud of himself. "We're going to need it with all that we need to unpack tonight."
"What's there to unpack?" You shook your head with confusion and a bit of irritation. The divorce was already finalized once. This time, all you needed was a signature.
"Let's have a drink first," Gojo reassured you, putting a hand out as a motion to calm. "Then we can talk all we want." 
The waiter had made his way back, showing the two of you the label of the bottle before uncorking and pouring it into your empty wine glasses. The two of you sat in awkward silence as he placed the bottle at the center of the table. Gojo was the first to grab his glass, taking a confident sip as you looked on with a bit of a shocked expression.
"Drink up," Gojo nodded with a crooked grin, motioning with his glass. He hid the grotesque expression he wanted to make from the taste of the bitter liquid, despite it being a sweet white wine.
In the same moment, he comfortably let his blindfold down, revealing his icy, blue eyes. A shiver had run down your spine and your pulse quickened with his intense stare. You hadn't realized just how he was looking at you from behind its fabric, he was piercing you with that gaze. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, but picked up your glass anyway and took that first sip. Right away your taste buds were flooded with the intense taste of fruity alcohol. You could taste the flavor of white grapes with hints of pear and citrus. It reminded you of a warm summer's night. It's scent burned your nostrils as you finished your prolonged sip, visions of fireworks danced through your imagination taking you back to a certain moment in time as you watched your white-haired dinner partner. 
You began to place your glass back down, realizing that his choice of drink was somehow deliberate, but before you could Gojo's fingertips had stopped you. He gently applied pressure to tip the glass back toward your lips as you continued sipping, the warmth of the alcohol incredibly welcoming. His grin taunted you as you began to feel the subtle effects setting in, your tolerance for alcohol very light. He had joined you, still sipping down the wine while reaching across the table to you, his stare almost paralyzing you. What's the harm in loosening up a bit? It's Tokyo anyways.
"Brings back memories, doesn't it?" Gojo licked his lips as he put his finished glass down and went to pour himself another, no water in between.
"Gojo," you shook your head as you placed your nearly finished glass down. 
Gojo began to fill it for you. At that point you could feel it starting to mess with your vision, your temperature already rising. You hadn't had much to drink that day, your dehydration making it hit you a bit harder quickly.
"What?" He asked you in a higher pitched voice before sipping on his second glass. He nodded toward you as a signal and you found yourself listening. "I simply want to remember with you, remember us and what we had together."
"We didn't have anything," you rolled your eyes with a smile, taking a break from your sip. At that point, the waiter had arrived again and briefly took your orders before slinking away. "We were...friends, forced into something our parents wanted us to do," you continued once you were alone again.
"Was it really that forceful for you?" He asked genuinely, a hint of innocence in his voice. His smile had only momentarily faded before growing again. "I care for you, Y/N. Forgive me if I want to reminisce a little, there's very little in my past that's positive. Having you in it was one of the highlights," he chuckled and pressed the glass to his lips again, beginning his third glass and this time swallowing a bit slower. 
You found yourself blushing. You blamed the alcohol. "Fine," you mumbled into your glass, your voice muffled as the tart liquid hit your tongue.
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The evening was meant to be about signing the divorce papers, a final chapter in a relationship that had long since run its course. However, the somehow nostalgic atmosphere, coupled with the subtle allure of fine wine, led the two of you down a different path. Time slowly progressed, and as the conversation flowed, you both found yourselves getting a little too tipsy a little too quickly. The wine had a way of rekindling old memories and making even the most painful moments seem bittersweet.
Between sharing those bittersweet memories, Satoru shared stories of the chaotic missions he'd been on, leaving you in near stitches, and he laughed heartily at your anecdotes from your time apart. The awkwardness that had initially hung in the air between you had transformed into a sense of camaraderie. With every glass emptied and refilled, the food doing little to sober you up, your inhibitions softly slipped further and further away. You reminisced about the silly arguments you used to have, your quirks that used to drive each other crazy, and the small gestures of attempted affection that you admitted once meant so much. 
As the night reached its peak, you found yourself completely intoxicated and smiling obnoxiously at your dinner partner. He, too, didn't hesitate to return the favor as the two of you sat in silence. Just the soft piano music could be heard through a small speaker attached to the wall near the door to inside. Satoru's expression shifted, somehow even more playful than it once was.
He came to a stand next to you and offered his hand. His playful smile shifted to one of sweetness and warm invitation. You stared up at him, visibly enamored by his height.
"Care for a dance?" He offered with a sly grin as you stared. Without a verbal answer, you gently took his hand while keeping your eyes trained on him. 
It was an offer drunk-you couldn't resist despite the small patio with little room for movement. His hand enclosed around yours while his other found your waist and hugged you tightly to his body, his abdominal muscles feeling very present against you despite the white button-up and black jacket. Your opposite hand found his neck, gently resting your fingers at the base of his undercut and over top of the blindfold he had pulled down around his neck earlier. As the two of you swayed delicately to the music the area around you seemed to fade away, and, for a moment, it felt as if nothing had changed between you. 
After some time, you found your closeness becoming closer. Your clasped hands had released, yours finding the opposite side of his neck and his the other side of your waist. You could feel the pressure of his fingertips against your pelvis, bringing you closer to him. Heat rose to your face, more than it already had that night, as your breasts pressed against his chest. Even in marriage, you had never found yourselves this close besides that one, single night.
"This isn't where I expected the night to go," you murmured and looked away as soon as you realized how close Gojo's face had gotten. You could feel his breath over your face, coated in alcohol.
The two of you had ceased your movement at that point as Gojo slyly held your chin between his index and thumb, bringing your attention back to his low lids, a reminiscent sensation from that single night. He was grinning from ear to ear, his cheeks as red as could be from the wine. 
"Seiko seems good for you," he whispered, leaning down toward you and brushing the shell of your ear with his lips. He peppered it repeatedly with feathery kisses, each one sending shivers down your spine. 
"Satoru," you muttered with your brows furrowed, fists clenched against his chest, quickly realizing how far Seiko had gone from your mind. 
Satoru lowly chuckled as he squeezed you even closer, his head beginning to tilt downward toward your neck. You swore you could feel something hard against your thigh as he lessened the already barely-existent gap between you.
Without another peep out of you, he pressed his warm lips against the soft skin of your neck, his kisses becoming more urgent and demanding. You could feel your pulse from your carotid thumping against his kiss. You found yourself melting completely at his touch, a delicate sigh escaping your lips as your eyes began to close. As you felt his tongue press and begin to suck against your neck, your knees began to buckle. He prevented your fall by holding you even tighter and allowing you to fall into him. You gripped the collar of his jacket for dear life as you felt the hickey forming above your clavicle, a mark of his fiery desire.
He met your eyes as he pulled away, his gaze filled with desire and longing. You were in a complete trance, hypnotized by his allure. In an instant, you were teleported away. Now finding yourself inside of his flat, on the other side of the door this time. The living area was dimly lit, the glow of the city illuminating portions of the room from the floor to ceiling windows. He had released you, letting you stand on your own despite the dizziness.
"This is a bad idea, isn't it?" He asked you, his voice nearly a whisper, his eyes burning with intensity.
Your jaw was slightly agape as you dreamily looked up at him. He was so right...for once. You so badly wanted to agree right then and there, things had already gone so far, too far. But you found yourself closing your mouth with a certain confidence, your mind going to mush from the alcohol. 
"Fuck it," you replied in a single exhale before clashing your lips to his. On the receiving end, Satoru's eyes went wide as he captured you in his arms once again, his hands beginning to relentlessly explore your body with a burning desire.
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 6 months
P&C | Ch. 15: You Don't Want Me?
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➪ Playlist (Spotify) l Series Masterlist
11 p.m. 
“OH MY GOD, how I missed the feeling of fresh air,” Tae whines, virtually sprinting out of the hospital. It has been a month since we were placed in the labour and delivery unit, but, the adjustments to the hectic workload have yet to be made. All I can say is that nursing is not for the weak. We have weekly clinicals on Mondays and Fridays, each lasting eight hours. Because Tae and I are both night owls, we picked the night shifts. I would rather be dead on a stick than wake up at 5 am to work for free. 
“Tae, be careful it's dark out there,” I yell out from the entrance, shivering in my scrubs. He looks like a child, skipping side to side, waving his hands at the passing airplane in the sky. 
“Miraya, hurry up, the train is gonna leave soon,” Tae says, before pulling my backpack over his shoulder. He doesn’t have a car and I don’t have my licence so in terms of transportation, we rely on the late-night transit system. All is good until we stumble upon people who have consumed too much alcohol or indulged in some illegal substances at our station.  
“Stay close to me, ok?” Tae whispers as the train doors lock. Putting on my earphones, I lower my head, eyes focused on the Pepsi can rolling down the aisle. Succumbing to the fatigue I can feel my eyelids getting heavy, before dozing off on Tae’s shoulder. 
Knock Knock Knock 
Shifting in my bed I let out a deep sigh as my body trembles from the long stretch. The sun is barely out as the clock strikes 6 a.m. Making my way towards the door, hair in a messy bun and body covered in a Hello Kitty robe I look at the peak hole. 
“Jungkook, what on God’s green earth are you doing here?” I whisper, pulling him inside. 
“Get ready Peaches, we’re going to the gym,” he exclaims, placing his bag on the table. Left dumbfounded, I try to analyze his face, searching for any hints of this being a joke. Unfortunately, he looked pretty serious as he filled up my water bottle and packed some snacks to go. 
“Pardon?” I scoff, hands now folded over my chest. 
“Your clinicals finish too late, it’s a dangerous world out there,” he grins, pulling me closer by the robe string. Cupping my face he places a soft kiss on my forehead, before looking back at my face, which was still vividly confused. 
“I have Tae,” I reply softly, eyes focused on him. 
“Thank God for that, but you still need to learn some self-defence. Pretty girls know how to fight,” Jungkook chuckles, caressing my cheek with his thumb. 
“I’m too tired Jungkook, please can we just sleep?” I whine into his embrace, arms tightening around his torso. With a soft smile, he leans his head back as I sneak in a few minutes of rest before being awakened once again. 
Entering the gym we bow to the receptionist before Jungkook leads the way toward the boxing room which surprisingly, we were not the only ones occupying. Giving a quick smile to the girls stretching at the back, I begin unpacking my stuff. I am not dressed in proper gym attire because I simply don't own one, so a white crop top and black sweatpants had to do. Jungkook, on the other hand, blended right in with his black muscle tee and red boxer shorts. Making sure the gloves were not too tight on my hand, he clasps the velcro in place before going through some preliminary stretches. 
“Okay Peaches, if someone comes up behind you and grabs you by the shoulders, what will you do?” Jungkook asks, proceeding to stand in the hypothetical position. 
“Curse them out? I don't know,” I sigh, shaking my head, body still tired from the night before. 
“Miraya, you have to focus please,” he whispers into my ear, hands gliding down to my waist as I flinch at his bare touch. Grabbing my hand he attaches it to his, signalling the twisting motion of his arm. 
“Twisting their hand will buy you some time to run,” he explains, gaze focused on my concentrated expression. 
“If you want, you can also kick them in the balls, that'll definitely get them,” Jungkook chuckles as I sigh at his energetic state. 
“Why can't you just be with me at all times?” I whine, leaning into his chest and placing my arms around his neck. 
“You have those dreams too?” he grins, tightening the grip on my waist as I can't help but roll my eyes at his teasing. 
“Mira, do you want anything from the cafeteria?” Tae asks as we make our way toward the lunchroom. Today has been extremely difficult, both emotionally and physically. An older “gentleman” spit right at me, insisting to see a real doctor. While another one made me chase him around the room before I could get his vitals. 
“Just some coffee please,” I reply with a soft smile. Unpacking my meal prep, I offer Hanbin a seat at our table since he was the only other group member from our cohort. With the hectic workload, we barely get time to actually get to know our coworkers, so small chit-chats over lunch will have to suffice. 
“So, are you enjoying nursing so far?” I break the awkward silence, as Hanbin heats his food. 
“If you consider mental breakdowns enjoyable then yeah, sure” he chuckles, leaning back on the cupboard. 
“So real, I don’t remember the last time I smiled, to be honest,” I giggle, taking a bite of my salmon. 
“But, hey, at least we have the Winter Formal,” he replies with a grin. 
“Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot,” 
Remembering how excited Tae was about this dance, I realized that I was not prepared for it at all. I guess I got so caught up in all the schoolwork that it completely slipped my mind. Plus, I’m not much of a party animal unless a drop of alcohol enters my system, then, there’s just no going back for me. 
“No worries, have you thought about your plus one?” Hanbin chuckles, bringing his chair closer to mine, gaze focused on my lips. Technically, nothing happened but suddenly the ambience of the room felt different. Moving my stuff closer, I reply with a soft smile before Tae barges in with coffee in one hand and a sticky note in another. 
“What took you so long?” I let out a relieved sigh, eyes locked on Tae’s, hoping he could also sense the tension in the room. 
“I just got myself a date for the Formal,” he grins, parading the yellow piece of paper. Taking a seat between Hanbin and I, he takes a bite of my salmon with no questions asked. Before I can slap his forearm, he calls a truce with the hot coffee in front of me. 
“This whole time you were flirting with some stranger?” I sigh, rolling my eyes at his teasing smile. 
“A sexy, tall, blonde stranger,” he adds, poking my nose as I huff at his childishness. “Anyways, what were you guys talking about?” 
“Oh, I was just asking Mira about her plus one for the Formal,” Hanbin says, both of their eyes now focused on my blank face. Obviously, my mind went straight to Jungkook, but I doubt he would be interested, especially since he wouldn’t know anyone there aside from Tae and I. 
“Surely, it will be Jungkook,” Tae’s voice interrupts my thoughts as Hanbin lets out a soft gasp. Trying to avoid eye contact with either of them, I busy myself with the rest of my lunch. 
“Jungkook? Is that your boyfriend?” he asks softly, leaning back on his chair as Tae proceeds to nod his head. 
“Yeah, they’re basically dating,” Tae exclaims, looking back at my dumbfounded expression with a teasing grin. It seems like I have no say in the conversation about my life, as my attempt at clearing things up is interrupted by the sound of a pager. 
“That’s a wrap everyone,” Tae chuckles as we rush back to our unit base. 
Mira: Hey, are you busy?
Jungkook: Just finishing up at the gym, what’s up? 
Mira: You don’t have to but, if you are free on Friday, do you want to go to the Winter Formal? 
Jungkook: With you? 
Mira: … well don’t sound so excited -_-
Jungkook: No, I mean as your date? 
Mira: I guess? We don’t have to put any labels though. 
Jungkook: I would love to ;) 
Touching up my makeup, I scramble through the mess on the bathroom counter hoping to find the last Q-tip. I’ve never been good at makeup but thankfully, it seems that the beauty gurus have possessed my body today because smokey eyes have never been my forte. Taking the last set of curlers out of my hair, I’m interrupted by the knocks on the front door.
“Hi Peaches,” Jungkook grins, gaze focused on my Hello Kitty robe. That's the thing, I have yet to pick an outfit, I mean I have options but none of them left me in awe. He on the other hand looked really good. A tux does that to a guy, I guess. Waving him inside I hurry to my room, praying that a perfect outfit would just summon itself before I get there. 
“Ok, what do you think, is this too much?” I say out of breath from all the adrenaline. Walking out in a black silk dress with a slit at the front, I nervously pat the sides of the waistline as a grin forms on Jungkook’s face. Nibbling on his rip rings, he can’t help but let out a small chuckle shaking his head. 
“Hello? How do I look?” I scoff at his teasing. 
“Hot, but you look better under me,” he finally says, before pulling my form on his lap. 
“Ok, that’s enough. Do you think it’s too much though?” I say softly, trying to ignore the tension building between our close proximity. 
“I can fight, Peaches. Wear whatever you want,” he whispers into my ear before placing a small kiss on the soft skin, tightening his grip on my waist. 
Entering the hall decorated in a beautiful white and blue palette, Jungkook and I wave to Tae who was accompanied by a mysterious blondie. It’s obvious that the student council did not hold back on the budget, I mean there was live music, an array of various cuisines and a whole ice sculpture just plopped at the entrance. I guess our tuition is being used for a good cause. 
“Sheesh, you guys do look like a couple, is there something you aren’t telling me?” Tae exclaims, looking us up and down before placing his hand around the girl next to him. 
“This is Minji, she is also a student nurse but her placement is in the ICU,” he says excitedly, boxy smile on full display. 
“Pleasure to meet you Minji, I’m Mira and this is Jungkook,” I say, reaching out for a handshake, as Jungkook gives her a small smile. She was wearing a lacey, mini-pink dress with a sweetheart neckline. Side by side we would look like an epitome of yin-yang, just light and darkness. 
“Pleasure is all mine, Tae has told me all about you,” she replies, leaning into his chest as he welcomes her into a soft embrace. Letting out an awkward chuckle, I can’t help but think about the tea he must have spilled with his blabbermouth. My thoughts, however, are interrupted by the sudden feeling of a hand on my back. Flinching at the sensation, I naturally turn to Jungkook, gaze focused on his confused face as he lets out a soft hum. 
“Hi guys,” Hanbin says, wrapping his hands around Tae and I’s shoulders, before focusing his gaze on Jungkook who was already looking directly at him. Moving my body closer to his, Junkook rests his hands on my waist, tracing little circles on the fabric. 
“You must be the Jungkook,” Hanbin exclaims with a grin, before reaching in for a handshake which Jungkook quickly declines with a slight nod. 
“And you would be?” 
“Oh, I’m Hanbin, has Mira never mentioned me?” Hanbin asks, letting out a small chuckle before meeting my eyes. 
“Never,” Jungkook scoffs, leaning his head on mine. 
“Well, I would kill for a drink right now,” I say promptly, feeling the tension rise between the two men. Meeting Tae’s eyes, I plead for assistance as he quickly ushers Hanbin and Minji inside. Following them I pull Jungkook’s arm, trying to avoid his eyes which are now filled with questions. 
“Oh shoot,” I softly yelp, tripping over my slippers as Jungkook leads my tipsy self to the bedroom. The party was a blast, we danced, ate, talked, and most importantly drank. Well, Tae and I did. Jungkook settled for a can of Coke as our responsible designated driver. 
“Miraya, where is your towel?” he asks, rummaging through the aftermath of my outfit selection fiasco. Handing me a pink towel, we walk towards the bathroom as he stops at the door.
“Jungkook, I need help,” I whine, eyes irritated by the bright light. 
“Peaches, you can do it yourself,” he exclaims, resting his head on the doorframe before succumbing to my cries. Moving my hair out of the way his hands find the dress zipper before slowly pulling it down. I flinch at the feeling of his soft breath on my exposed back, turning my gaze towards his dark orbs.  
“Thank you,” I whisper, letting out a small smile, before pushing him out of the bathroom. 
Unable to respond as the door slams shut, Jungkook plops his fatigued body onto the bed, careful not to get it dirty. Scanning the room, he grins at the plethora of baby photos hanging on the wall before coming in for a closer look. 
“So, you’ve always been cute,” he chuckles, looking back at my freshly bathed self. Hair wrapped in a towel, I was repping my iconic Barbie pyjamas before virtually melting into the soft duvet. Still tipsy, I pull him over, leaving no space between us as a soft frown forms on his face. 
“Hanbin … does he bother you?” Jungkook says, eyes lowered on my hands. 
“No, we just work in the same unit,” I mumble, letting out a small yawn. 
“So, he has never made a move on you?” he says, eyes now focused on mine. 
“God no, Jungkook, what are you on?” I scoff, falling back on the soft pillows, as my eyes finally rest. 
“Well I don’t know, he seemed very comfortable tonight,” he explains, as I reach for his hand. 
“Jungkook, I want you,” I whine softly, eyes barely staying open as my fingers intertwine with his. Surprised by the sudden flashlight, I look up at the phone camera in front of me. 
“What are you doing?” I yelp, pulling the duvet over my face. 
“Recording this for evidence or else you won’t believe me tomorrow,” he grins, placing the phone back on the night table. 
“What? You don’t want me?” I say, eyes peeking through the covers. Scoffing at the remark, he can’t help but shake his head with a grin, before moving in closer. 
“That’s not fair, you know exactly what I want and what I need, Peaches”
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what are ur feelings on the execution of the magic reveal??
ok so i have manymanyMANY feelings on in which ill try to wrap up as cleanly as possible so lets just get into it
the way they like speedran the magic reveal??
to paint you a picture: i was super impatient when i first started the series lmao, and so i had watched maybe 4-5 episodes of the first season when i googled "when does arthur find out about merlin's magic"💀💀 i ended up getting the wrong answer because im stupid as shit so i was just surprised as everyone else when it ACTUALLY happened, but thats besides the point.
the point? this was a SUPER important plot point. everyone was waiting on the edge of their seat, every single episode, for merlin to finally pop arthur's bubble and reveal his magic. but five seasons passed, and we didn't get it until the last episode?? are you kidding me?? and because we only got it on the last episode, where arthur was dying, arthur was robbed of any true explanations or declarations or apologies like he—we—deserved. instead, arthur's reaction to it was brief and just not enough. he was disbelieving, then shocked, then angry, then sad, then accepting, all within what, like a day and a half? forty minutes of screen time? im sorry, after spending around 46 hours watching this series and waiting for the magic reveal, that just doesn't cut it.
2. we have to admit, the magic reveal in the last episode felt so NATURAL
sometimes i really struggle to hate the magic reveal, because no one can deny how perfectly everything fell into place. he got trapped in the cave, his father spoke to him, he escaped the cave and transformed himself into that old guy, he single-handedly wiped out the Saxons, arthur was struck, merlin found him and carried him away from the battlefield, merlin turns back into merlin, and then the fucking "I defeated the Saxons. The dragon, and yet— and yet I knew it was Mordred that I must stop." / "The person who defeated them was the sorcerer." / "It was me." / "Don't be ridiculous, Merlin. This is stupid. Wh—why would you say that?" / "I'm—I'm a sorcerer. I have magic. And I use it for you, Arthur. Only for you." (Your welcome for that, day after Christmas<3)
like, you CANNOT TELL ME that doesn't flow perfectly!! that everything that happened in that episode didn't flow perfectly!! the magic reveal was always going to be impossibly difficult to get right, but they got it right in the finale!! that is one thing i will always give the writers—I may have not liked the circumstances of the magic reveal, but the magic reveal itself was beautifully executed.
3. too little, too late
i read an article recently that really pointed this out, and while i disagree with most of what they said in the article, i agree with one thing: the ending was so, so unsatisfying. the magic reveal was so, so unsatisfying. what was the point of him even revealing his magic? the magic reveal was great, sure, but nothing actually came out of it. oh, for the next 24-48 hours of life, arthur can accept him!! but that's it.
there's the implication that gwen will legalize magic after the series, but merlin and gwen don't even get a final scene together! all in all, the magic reveal just wasn't enough. we ended so much more time for arthur to sort out his feelings, for there to be good days and bad days, to watch them relearn trust and love again. we deserved that kind of ending. we deserved the magic reveal to be in, imo, The Death Song of Uther Pendragon, or s5e3. give them an entire season to get through everything. you can still kill arthur!! but let them have that animosity. if anything, have them start out those last two battles on bad terms. let the travel to the lake be them relearning trust and love. let that be the emotional baggage they have to unpack in the finale.
just overall, do anything except what you actually did lmao.
alright!! i think those are the main three points? i think that wrapped everything up pretty nicely, so ty sm for the ask!! these are always the highlight of my month lol.
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certified-ni-ki-lover · 6 months
Chapter 1: First Encounters
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Summary: The most popular boys of Decelis Academy are intrigued by the new student, who happens to be the first girl who seems to be completely unresponsive to their breathtakingly gorgeous looks & their irresistible charisma. So the three boys decide to make a bet on who would be able to win the new cute girl's heart. Now everyone's curious to know who would be able to win her heart.
Word Count: 1523
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You had just gotten off the flight. Your family had moved to Korea after your dad's business changed his location. You were frustrated at the thought of leaving all your friends behind & moving to a whole new country, but it was a great opportunity for your dad.
With a tried sigh leaving your lips, you place your luggage in the taxi trunk & get it. You must have dozed off cause you were being shaken by your mom saying you reached your new apartment.
When you stepped in, you noticed it wasn't very big. It wasn't that small but for your family, it was pretty small. "Um, Mom don't you think this apartment is a little small for all of us?" you asked. That's when your dad told you that he wouldn't be staying here during weekdays & would only stay sometimes during the weekends cause his new workplace was far from here. "Then why didn't we all just move closer there?" you asked getting slightly annoyed. "Cause there weren't any good schools in that area honey. This apartment is close to your new school. It's only 10 minutes away." your dad said trying to make you understand. You just nodded your head & dragged your suitcases to your room.
After a couple of hours, your new room was looking much better. You had decorated it & were happy with how it turned out. Looking at the time you realized it was pretty late so you headed to the kitchen. Your mom was still busy arranging all the furniture & unpacking everything so there wasn't anything made. "Y/N honey sorry I didn't get time to cook anything. Here take this & go down to the convenience store & get something for dinner," she said handing you some cash. "Thanks, Mom!" you said stuffing the cash into your pockets & heading out.
Your AirPods in your ears you headed to the convenience store. On the way there you passed by a basketball court. You saw it was empty except for a boy with blonde hair in a school uniform shooting baskets. Before you could observe anything else, the ball the boy had just shot, bounced off the rim & hit you at the back of your head. "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!" you yelled rubbing the spot. The boy turned around & you noticed he was very attractive. His face reminded you of a puppy's. You expected an apology from the puppy boy but instead, the boy just shrugged & mumbled out a "my bad" & went back to playing. You were shocked by the audacity of the boy "Um, EXCUSE ME? ARE YOU NOT GOING TO APOLOGIES?" you yelled at him. "No? Why should I. You should look were your going lady" he said. You just scoffed at him & left.
Once you made it in the store you started searching the aisles for your favorite ramen. You spotted the last one on a shelf & went to grab it but before you could someone else did. "Hey!" you called out. The guy turned around. Once again you were surprised by how good-looking he was. You noticed he had a bunch of gorgeous moles decorating his face. You also noticed he had the same uniform the puppy boy who hit you had. "Can I help you?" he asked raising his eyebrows at you. "Yes, I was going to buy that," you said pointing to the ramen. "Well to bad. I grabbed it first" "But that's the last one & it's my favorite," you argued. "Well it's also happens to be my friends favorite & he's going not going to be happy if I get the wrong one" he said. " Well tell your friend to get his own food," you said before grabbing the ramen out his hand & going to the check out. "Hey! I grabbed it first" the guy said following you. "Well to bad. I just paid for it so now it's mine" you said exiting the store.
You were walking back home, exhausted by the encounters you had today. You just wanted to go home & lay on your soft bed. You looked at both sides before crossing the road when suddenly a car zoomed right at you. The driver had to turn suddenly to see you. You were furious! How had he not seen you? You saw him get out of his car readying to chew him out about driving slower. When he turned around you were met with his face. You cursed in your head. Why were all the men in this city so fucking handsome? It was starting to frustrate you. "Lady did you not see my car?" he yelled at you. "Excise me? Did YOU not see ME?" you yelled back. "I had looked both ways before crossing the road. Your stupid car came out of nowhere. Who even gave you your driver's license? You drive like a maniac." you said glaring at him. That's when you noticed this guy had the same uniform as both the other guys. You guessed this school was filled with a bunch of attractive rude guys. "You should drive better," you said before walking back home.
Once you reached home, you exhaustedly flopped onto your bed from the challenging day you had. You quickly took a warm shower, changed into comfy clothes & got it bed ready to fall asleep.
Since you were starting your new school tomorrow, you wanted to get plenty of rest so you could wake up early & not be late on your first day.
??? POV:
I just started at the girl exiting the store & walking down the street. It was the first time a girl talked to me like that. It was....different. She was pretty cute though. Since that girl had taken the ramen, I went back to aisle in search of another one.
After paying for everything I went out of the store waiting for Jay to arrive. After a few minutes, I saw his familiar car & got in. "Bro, what took you so long?" I asked him. "Some crazy girl didn't see my car & I almost hit her," he said "What?! Is she okay?" I asked knowing that Jay does drive pretty fast sometimes. "Yeah, she just screamed at me & left," "Damn a crazy girl screamed at me in the store too" "What? Why?" "She wanted the same ramen Jake wanted but it was the last one. She just grabbed it & ran from me in the end," "Oh damn. Did you get Jake another one? He's gonna be grumpy if he doesn't get his ramen," Jay said rolling his eyes. Soon we reached the basketball court where Jake was.
"Yo Sunghoon, Jay!" he said coming up to us. "What took you guys so long?" "Sorry man, we got into some problems," Jay replied. "Like what?" he asked & we explained what had happened. "Oh damn, that girl really took my ramen?" he asked. "Yeah sorry dude, I got you another one though," I said tossing it to him. "Thanks! Oh yeah I just remembered, some girl had yelled at me as well early when I accidentally hit her with the basketball," he said. "Wait isn't this a little weird," Jay said. "How did your girls look like?" I asked "She was pretty short," Jake started "Had (Y/H/C) hair," Jay said "& she was wearing a pink sweatshirt with shite sweatpants...." we all said at the same time. "So wait hold up," Jay said "We all ran into the SAME girl & she yelled at ALL of us?" he asked. "Yeah looks like it," I said. "You know it's too bad she seems crazy. She was pretty cute. I might have asked her for her number if she didn't go all psycho on me" Jake said shrugging her shoulders.
, That's when I got an idea. "Wait there's a chance we might see her around, & she might be going to Decelis so what if we made a bet?" I proposed. "What kind of bet?" Jay asked raising his eyebrow at me. "Well, it seemed like she didn't fall for either one of us. But there's no way she would be able to resist us totally. Especially considering we're extremely good-looking & how every girl always manages to fall for either one of us at least. So what if we made a bet on who she would fall for first?" I finished off. "What do we get if we win?" Jake asked. "Hmm, how about only the two losers have to fund every party we have for the next three months?" I asked. "Ok we're in," they said. "Well then get ready to lose," I said. "Please in your dreams," Jay said rolling his eyes "Yea she'll obviously fall for me first. Every girl loves my Aussie accent," Jake said. "No way. Every girl always falls for Park Sunghoon," I said. "Sure, we'll see," Jay said rolling his eyes once again.
We all headed back to our dorm ready to start our bet tomorrow.
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Tag list: @ibsysbsfsunsbs firstclassjaylee @en-happiness lol6sposts (Send ask to be added)
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Silence: Part 4
I got new glasses and the slight change in environment has motivated me to write some more because I totally don't have college assignments to do
It was silent throughout breakfast. The small noises only came from metal hitting the ceramic plate as Lou poked and prodded at his food. "Eat. You didn't eat anything yesterday."
Lou was halfway into opening his mouth to argue before remembering the food offering Nolan had made a habit of bringing to the shed. It had been left untouched. Darn. A scoop of scrambled eggs filled the place of useless words. Nolan nodded in satisfaction and went to clean his plate off.
"Why are we going to LuckyBat's?" Lou asked again. This made the third time he had asked. Nolan made him drop it after the second.
"To talk."
"About what?"
"You'll find out when we get there." Oh, sure, yes, because that made Lou feel all the better about it. Curiosity quenched.
"But why can't I know now? It's about me, I'm assuming." Lou turned halfway in his chair to look at Nolan.
"Because I said so." Nolan closed his eyes as he said that, head tilting toward the blond authoritatively.
Lou's bottom lip poked out. "I'm not a child, so stop treating me like one."
"How would you know if I was treating you like a child?"
As simple as the question might have seemed, it held a heavy load of implications to it. Lou...didn't actually know. He'd never met or seen a child. He'd only read about them. And it was really about how they played or treated their dolls. "Well stop treating me like I'm your doll. I'm not." There. That he understood.
"Then how do you plan on getting taken care of?" Nolan leaned against the counter, hands behind him on the edge of it. "And don't say 'I can take care of myself' because we both know you can't. You proved that to me every day in that shed when I dropped off food for you."
Lou narrowed his eyes. "I'm not going to LuckyBat's."
"Good to know. But it wasn't an option."
"I'll be fine on my own here. You can go talk." Lou raised his nose in the air.
Nolan walked over, one hand on the back of Lou's chair and the other on the dining table. He didn't look impressed nor swayed by the idea. "I said I'd help you and that's what I'm doing. We're going to be doing some emotional unpacking when we get to Lucky's."
"I'm not doing therapy!" Lou was appalled at the idea.
A hand shut his jaw. "Inside voice. And yes, you are. You need it. It's one thing to bottle up feelings and hurt yourself. It's another to get to the point where you do it in your sleep. I'm not cleaning stuffing every morning."
"Please don't make me go." This was desperation talking. Anger didn't phase Nolan in the slightest. The only thing that stirred him was raw, quivering submission and pleading. "I don't want to be around them. The Uglies. Any of them. It's humiliating enough that they put me in this position. I don't want them...I don't...th-the satisfaction of seeing how they defeated me--"
"There. That's what I want to hear." Lou parted his mouth in confusion, brow raising. "I want you to stop telling me the 'what' and start telling me 'why'. I want to know why you didn't want to open the door for me this morning. I want to know why you're angry. I want to know why you don't want to do therapy." Nolan softened his gaze, head tilting to give a soft smile. "It's not that difficult to read your expressions, Lou. Or your body language. I know when something is wrong, I just need you to tell me why."
Lou put his hands on the table, thumbs fiddling with each other. He gave a shy glance up at the brunette. "So...if I do that I don't have to go to therapy?"
Nolan snorted. "Oh, no, you still have to go." Lou's shoulders slumped and he opened his mouth to plead again. Nolan cut him off with a finger to the air. "But it will go a lot smoother if you just learn to keep explaining yourself instead of leaving us with unanswered questions. The more we know, the more we can help you."
Stupid logic and stupid brunettes with their stupid logic. Nolan took Lou's silence and attention back on the food as submission. He ruffled Lou's hair as he walked by, miffing the blond.
"W-Why don't you be my therapist?" Lou gave a nervous smile. He stepped in front of Nolan from where they were about five steps from Lucky's door. "You're smart. A-And I don't hate you like I hate the Uglies. It could work!"
"Nice to know you don't hate me, but we're still going. Lucky is a lot smarter than I am. He's wise--"
"You're wise!"
"Lou," Nolan chuckled in an exasperated way. The blond clung to his arm, desperately trying to tug him back. "This isn't supposed to be a punishment." He tugged Lou forward and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, forcing Lou to walk with him. "It won't be bad, trust me. We'll stay for, like, thirty minutes and then we can leave."
Lou let out something of a mix of a whimper and a hum. Nolan knocked on the door three times and Lucky called out from inside saying he'd be there in a moment. "Just relax. We're not getting into anything serious yet, anyway. We'll probably just start at the beginning."
"Beginning of what?" Lou really didn't want to be here.
"Your life. Something happy before we get into the nitty-gritty of it. Like when you were first made."
Lou looked even more worried. His creation wasn't exactly a happy moment. How could they start with that? What about something else? Like...like when Ox first showed up. Or when they would run around the Institute playing the game Ox had called tag.
The door was opened by a smiling LuckyBat. He ushered them to come inside, offering tea. "It's great to see you here, Lou," Lucky spoke softly. Nolan had texted him in advance to be gentle. Make Lou feel welcome. Lucky was all about being gentle.
Still, Lou frowned down at the bat and hid himself partially behind Nolan. Lucky sent a small smile to the brunette and went to go make the tea. "You two can go ahead and have a seat! I'll be back in a moment!"
"Thanks, Lucky!" Nolan called back. He reached behind him to usher Lou toward the sofas, but his hand met air. Lou had eased the door open a few inches before it was shut and crushed his hopes with it. "Sit down," Nolan took Lou by the shoulder to nudge him away from the door. When they were finally seated, Nolan kept himself turned to Lou, legs crossed and one arm propped up on the head of the sofa. "Why don't you wanna do this?"
It was that stupid why question again. Lou gave a determined look. "Because I don't need it. I'm fine. Honest."
"Alright. Now answer my question again while telling the truth."
Stupid brunette seeing right through him. Lou lowered his voice, head tilting down as if that would help. "I don't want to talk about this stuff."
"We'll just start with the happy stuff, Lou. Nothing too heavy."
Lou made a quiet, frustrated noise. His hands clasped in his lap and he looked close to tears again. "I don't...know if I can do that."
"Why not?" Nolan played with a few damp strands of Lou's hair. The blond would be loathed to admit that it was soothing. Stupid brunette. Stupid comfort and care and warmth.
"Because...I don't remember anything happy. Not really." Lou looked down at his lap. "There's Ox when he first came to the Institute. But those memories hurt now, too. Or the time when the first batch of dolls came...but then they left so fast to the Big World and...a-and I hardly got to enjoy their company. All of my happy memories got ruined somehow."
Nolan watched those blue eyes water and his lip quiver. "How'd you sleep last night?" He asked instead.
The question obviously caught Lou off guard. He sniffed and looked over at Nolan. "Huh?"
"How'd you sleep last night?" Nolan continued playing with Lou's hair.
Lou scrunched his brows for a second and used a sleeve to wipe his eyes. "Good, I guess...except for ruining all your work." He gestured to his arms. "I...I had a nightmare, so maybe that's why I did it."
"Talk about the nightmare, then," Nolan suggested.
Lou let out a frustrated puff of air. He reached up again to wipe at his eyes and left his arm there for a moment. "I don't want to tell him about it. He'll tell Moxy o-or Ox or one of those other Uglies and then they'll tell the other dolls a-and then everyone will know I'm pathetic a-and they already humiliate me--"
His chin was grabbed and he looked into heterochromatic eyes. Nolan smiled softly. "He won't do that. This is a private conversation, okay? And you're not pathetic. You're not broken or weak or whatever else you've been calling yourself." He remembered those muttered words from this morning when he listened in through the door. "And you're not stupid. You just need help and guidance. That's why we're here. Because it sounds to me like you've been handling everything on your own and it's time we change that."
"Why can't it just be you that helps me?" Lou whispered pleadingly. "Not anyone else. Just you. I don't trust anyone else."
"And why do you trust me? What makes me different?"
"Because you never left." Now, Lou's voice began to shake and some tears trailed down his cheeks. "You always came back every day and I didn't even have to do anything. And you're still here."
Nolan sighed, looking into Lou's eyes. "Then just talk to me. How about that? I know I say it and when Lucky gets in here you'll still be nervous, but just pretend. We'll pretend together. Because Lucky still knows things that I don't. He'll know some techniques or something to keep you from hurting yourself. All I can do is be here for you."
"That's all I want, Nolan. I just want someone to stay. That's it." Lou sounded and looked desperate again.
Nolan had to look away from those eyes. it was like hurting a puppy. Heartwrenching. He let out a sigh and reached down to hold Lou's hand while staring at the wall. "Okay. We'll try a different approach. I don't want you to be uncomfortable, but you still need help. So, we're gonna meet halfway on this, okay?" Lou nodded quickly, hoping against hope that the result would be back in the comfort of Nolan's home.
LuckyBat wobbled into the living room with a tray of tea and set it on the coffee table. Nolan set one in front of Lou. "Hey, so...," Nolan let out a breath, "we're gonna try something different."
"Oh?" Lucky looked at Lou who had his head turned away. It was obvious he had been crying.
"Would you be okay with kind of hanging out in a different room and listening in while Lou talks to me? You can text me any questions you want me to ask him. He just...," Nolan squeezed Lou's hand, "This is new."
Lucky nodded in understanding, giving both boys a smile. "Of course! I understand. I'll be in the room right over there." He gestured a wing to one not far from the living room. "And you just start whenever you're ready," he spoke to Lou.
The door was left open. Lucky was not in sight. Nolan wrapped his other arm around Lou's torso. "Alright. Let's talk about that nightmare."
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
🔥🔥🔥🔥 of course, some beyond evil hot takes 🔥🔥🔥🔥 but also, what is some controversial opinion that you have about something entirely mundane :^0
ask me ask me ask me baby (Disclaimer: I started writing this, then had dinner, watched an episode of Bros on Foot, then had a shower and now I'm pretty exhausted (thanks rona + bad health). So my answers may seem a lil disorganised... they most likely are) Oh, gosh. I don't think I have that many opinions that are actually controversial when discussing be. But I shall still give it a go. I going to put a break here 'cause I really didn't know when to shut up. Also, sorry Iva but I feel like my answers are things we've already spoken about. So, I don't think any of this is new information to you 😩 TL;DR: Dong Sik and Joo Won shouldn't be represented by one aspect of their character. They're more complicated than that. (Including a mundane opinion at the end) (please excuse any weird funny business in this post (writing, grammar, spelling, clarity), we're trying our best here at Lamps HQ)
i. We as a fandom baby Dong Sik too much. I love Dong Sik. I adore him. He has seen and experienced far too many traumas, and I want nothing but good things for him in his future. What happened to him and his family when he was 20 was a tragedy that could have been avoided if the system (which should be in place to aid victims) wasn't systemically corrupt. He was beaten by police officers whilst in custody. He was framed and belittled, degraded, and humiliated. (the trauma he experienced is so layered and would take a lifetime for him to unpack and get closure from).
It almost completely ruined his life and future prospects, and it would have been done if Nam Sang Bae hadn't come in with his lvl 100 guilt and tried to make up for his actions. Dong Sik tried to make the best out of the awful circumstances that befell him and I sincerely admire him. Not everyone is as kind and loving as Dong Sik.... But but but... Buuuuut that doesn't absolve him of his actions. He murdered someone with his bare hands and allowed the system that was once put against him to be used in his favour.
Police officers shouldn't be murdering civilians. full stop. Yes, he was emotionally compromised- technically it could be seen as self-defence, but an unconvicted man, a suspect, was murdered and Dong Sik didn't face repercussions. Nam Sang Bae skewed the evidence so Dong Sik didn't get into trouble. Dong Sik took a year (?) off work after that event and to "help" him recover, Sang Bae got Dong Sik transferred to his substation (which Sang Bae had been demoted to as a result of one of his rookies dying on the job. Although, it wasn't deemed much of a punishment considering he was so close to retiring anyway). All the while, Dong Sik feels justified for his actions (as he did when he moved Min Jeong's fingers). (Screenshots from the translated script book/author's notes doc)
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I think it's best that when discussing and exploring Dong Sik's character, we remember that he is a man capable of murder. He is a murderer. (Do I blame him for what he did? No, not really. I can see why he did it. Objectively, I fucking love it for the narrative lol). But yeah, he isn't a guiltless sweet baby angel who never did anything wrong in his life. (DISCLAIMER: obviously jokes are just jokes. I love them and I never want them to stop. I am super guilty of participating in this line of joking and I'm not about to stop any time soon. But when discussing DS in serious conversations, we shouldn't erase his history. By doing that, we are devoiding him of agency and retribution (which is one of the main arcs/themes of his character development)).
ii. Joo Won is autistic and people need to stop calling him stupid. I will die on this hill, I don't care. I fully encourage everyone to bully Joo Won, because, well, he fucking deserves it. I know that bullying him is a hilarious love language the fandom has developed and I fully participate in this pastime. I honestly love it. Yes, he has done a lot wrong and shouldn't be absolved of his sins (that being said, we should allow him the space to learn and grow. We should learn to forgive whilst still keeping him and ourselves in check). But where I draw the line is when people outright laugh at his characteristics/actions which are derived from the fact that Joo Won is coded as autistic.
I know not everyone is going to be particularly versed in neurodivergent symptoms and that is completely fine. I even didn't fully clock Joo Won being autistic the first time I watched the show- I "labelled" his actions as a result of one) his obscenely privileged upbringing and two) the fact that he (imo) has some degree of OCD (which is a type of anxiety disorder). Then it hit me one day that he is soooo autistic. A few examples (I'm too ill to list each one or go into full detail): 1- People say that he's a bad detective. Which, ugh. 2- That he should have seen the "obvious" signs that Dong Sik wasn't the killer earlier. This sentiment completely ignores the timeline of the show and the fact that the viewer is provided information that Joo Won doesn't have access to. And it also removes Dong Sik's accountability for being purposely obtuse and antagonistic. 3- the whole (very minor) narrative that joo won is lame because he has terrible people skills (or something along those lines, I can't quite remember the tags I read as it was a while ago). This one, in particular, ties in with Joo Won's autism coding. With a (relatively sound) understanding of what autism looks like in male adults, to me, it would seem that a lot of what Joo Won does (speaking bluntly, getting easily confused when provided a lot of information during an intense situation, overwhelm, struggling to gauge people's emotions/tone, being very black and white, hyper focussing on a topic of interest, struggling to adapt to new social environments, masking, issues with food and sensory stimulation, etc) can be credited to autism. Perhaps I'm connecting dots that don't exist and am projecting an ideal onto his character, but as someone who grew up with multiple friends and family members who are neurodiverse (and is neurodiverse myself), I can see so many similarities between Joo Won's actions, thought processes, and mannerisms to that of a person with autism.
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^ (credit) here is an overview of some characteristics of autism in adults (obviously, it's a complex topic which differs from person to person. But I can definitely connect many of these examples to joo won's character and actions). [I feel like I could say a lot more about this subject, but it would be distracting away from the original point. I have thoughts on Joo Won masking and how he struggles to mask around Dong Sik]
How does this relate to Joo Won being "stupid"? One may ask. I will try to explain it as best I can (even though I don't fully have my answer planned out). Labelling Joo Won as stupid, as a stuck-up nepo baby who did nothing for the storyline, or just a useless dolt that needed Dong Sik to spoon-feed him, completely misconstrues the source material. Joo Won is intelligent, hard-working, determined, stubborn, foolish, annoying, pompous, proud, narrow-minded, snobby, short-sighted, dedicated, loyal, loving, persistent, and perceptible to change (and even more than that). We wouldn't have a story if Joo Won was stupid. We wouldn't have a conclusion if Joo Won was stupid. Downplaying Joo Won's intelligence and chalking up his characteristics as something that makes him less-than does a complete disservice to his character as well as his importance within the story. Beyond Evil is a story with TWO leads. It's not the Dong Sik show. I can NEVER subscribe to the act of bringing one character down in order to hold another up. Dong Sik is not this all-seeing, all-knowing, flawless character. If he was, he would have never been framed for murder, he wouldn't have been stuck for 20 years, and he wouldn't have needed help in uncovering the truth. He needed Joo Won (and Ji Hwa, Jae Yi, Jung Je, Ji Hoon, Du Soo, Sang Bae, etc). Without Joo Won, he may have never found out the full truth of what happened to his sister (as how many people in his life had a part to play in the traumas he faced). So, I think it's about time that people start to recognise Joo Won as a neurodivergent character (and stop giving him a hard time for not seeing signs that WE were given), as well as stop downplaying him. Kim Soo Jin, Sim Na Yeon, and Yeo Jin Goo created such a multi-dimensional, complex, flawed character with good and bad qualities, it does a disservice to their creativity and hard work when one belittles Joo Won down to one descriptor. Dong Sik and Joo Won aren't just the idiot and the downtrodden. They're more than that and fan interpretation shouldn't rewrite the facts of the show.
Anyway... there's a point in there somewhere... I think... I have no idea if I managed to construct a reply that makes sense. I don't think I fully relayed all my thoughts on this particular matter, but we live. tbh, I feel very icky when an autistic character gets labelled as stupid or useless. It gets on my nerves and if it wasn't obvious, I am pretty protective of Joo Won (maybe I shouldn't be, but... well... here we are!). Also, as a note: I don't expect anyone to agree with my opinion that Joo Won is autistic. But yeah, I was going to include more "controversial" opinions for be, but I have already said way too much. This post reads like a rant - which it probably is - and I don't want it to ruffle anyone's feathers. It's not an attack, it's just my opinion.
As for the mundane opinion: iii. kiwis are the scum of the fruit world. They're nasty and a lot of effort to eat (considering they don't taste great), and their texture is gross. But I do think their furry shell is pretty neat, even if it makes my skin cruel. (idk why this was the first thing that came to mind lol)
(sorry Iva. Maybe one day I will learn how to give short answers😂🫣)
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enigmatist17 · 8 months
9-1-1/9-1-1: Lone Star (Pt 1)
"You're going to get a crick in your neck if you don't stop looking back there, Cap."
There's a quiet laugh, followed by a shrug.
"I suppose so."
"Cap, it'll be okay."
"Yea, yea I know."
There's a sigh as Bobby sits back in his seat, eyes finally looking out the window at the Texas desert passing them by. In the drivers seat Howard reached over to pat the older mans knee for a moment, giving a small grin before looking back out at the road.
In the backseat Christopher and Buck snoozed away without a care in the world, Christopher all but curled up in Buck's lap while the firefighter drooled a little in his sleep.
It had been only a few short weeks since Buck had been electrocuted on the job, and at the behest of a few stations who were more than happy to step in, the 118 crew had decided on a vacation together. At the moment the two senior firefighters lead the rest of their crew, idly chatting while they slowly got closer and closer to Austin. Buck had been excited to ask they head there for a part of their road trip, as he'd only been there before to fight a massive fire before heading right back home. While Austin wasn't what some of the others had in mind, no one could really object with Buck at the moment, so Austin was plotted with the biggest stop and the journey begun.
"So, you think they'll finally confess?"
"Excuse me?" Bobby blinked as he glanced over, the grin on Howard's face not a surprise.
"Ya know, Buck and Eddie." A glance in the rearview mirror shows that Buck is still out for the count, and he sighs in relief. "Between you and me, I've got 50 bucks it's on this trip."
"Here I thought I was cheap with the 100 I put down." Bobby chuckled to himself, and Howard has to bite back his laugh. "Who knows? I may have noticed that Eddie hasn't been far most of the trip, but then again they're as thick as thieves, so who's to say otherwise?"
"Oh come on, don't cop out on me." Bobby just grins, and the other lets out a groan. "No fair."
"So you say."
The convoy finally rolls into Austin late, Howard and Bobby getting out to stretch their legs once they'd rolled up to their hotel for the evening. Eddie and Hen aren't too far behind, laughing about something with Ravi as they park and slowly pile out of the car.
"The two of them still sleeping?" Hen chuckled, watching Eddie peer into the backseat to see that neither his son nor Buck had moved.
"Oh yea, figure we'll check in first before we wake them." Bobby chuckled,
"Roger that Cap." Hen gave a mock salute before going to pop the trunk of her car, and there's the usual bustle of activity as everyone unpacked their trunks that resembled tetris a bit too well. Christopher is the first one to wake up when Ravi closes the trunk of his car, yawning a little bit and looking around before shaking Buck.
"Buck, c'mon it's time to get up." The firefighter grumbled at the initial shake, but cracked an eye open when Christopher shook him again. "Buuuck!"
"I'm up I'm up." The younger giggled a little bit as Buck stretched with a grumble, blearily looking around to realize they've stopped. "We here?"
"Think so, I can hear dad." Buck smiled a little before rubbing his eyes, finally able to see most of the others were standing around and chatting.
"Okay kiddo, let's go and get him then." Buck ruffled the boys hair before reaching over and opening the door, allowing Christopher to get out first before following.
"Well well well, look who's finally awake!" Howard grinned, holding out his hand for a high-five, chuckling when it was reciprocated. "Get enough sleep?"
"Mhm! Buck makes a good pillow."
"I do? Good to know." Buck laughed as he looked around, cracking his neck with a hum. "How long was I out?"
"Eh, a good three, four hours?" Chimney grinned. "However, now that you're up, help me unpack the trunk?"
"Sure! We figure out who gets what room yet?" Buck hums as he circles around to the back of the car.
"Yep, You, Eddie, and Christopher get the smaller room, we get the pretty fancy suite." Hen grinned, and Buck rolled his eyes. "I was not going to sleep on a trundle bed."
"I don't much blame you, that last place was not the best." Buck watched Eddie and Christopher wander off with Chim to look at the nearby lake that glittered with the signs littered through the city, and smiled a little as he finished pulling everything out. "It's so much nicer when you're not fighting a nasty fire threatening to take out the populous, you know?"
"Mhm, sounds right." The paramedic nodded, not missing the way Buck seemed to be looking more at a certain coworker rather than the water and backdrop.
"Alrighty, I have keys!" Bobby's call got everyone's attention, and soon keys are handed out and the two groups diverge once they've reached the same floor for opposite sides of the hallway. Christopher was delighted to find he had his own bed that was able to be curtained off by the window, and sets about dragging his suitcase over to unpack.
"So uh, I thought there were going to be more beds?" Eddie clears his throat, the couch not a pullout bed as he had expected.
"Well, we can share a king bed no problem!" Buck didn't seem fussed by the remaining bed, flopping onto it with a happy sigh. "Oh it's so soft."
"Is it now?" Eddie sat beside the other, and lets out a pleasantly surprised noise at how much he sank into the surface, letting himself fall onto his back. "Okay this is nice."
"Careful about looking one up, don't need another coffee maker incident do we?" Buck giggled when he received a playful slap, and Eddie snorts as he shakes his head.
"I still have nightmares about those damn ads."
Somewhere across the room Christopher giggles, and Buck can't help but laugh in response.
"You two laugh, I'm going to shower." Eddie sat up after a moment, finally kicking off his shoes and stowing them under the bed as Buck turned to lounge on his side. "Won't be long."
"Take your time, I'll see if we can get anything other than infomercials this time."
Eddie chuckled and grabbed his to-go bag before heading for the bathroom, unable to stop the grin on his face. Ever since Buck had been released Christopher had been nervous in his own way, going so far as to camp out at Buck's apartment "just in case" the man needed anything more than videogames. Eddie hadn't minded it at all, that tense feeling in his chest when he went to work always fading when he came back to find the two having fun or hanging out on the couch together, and whatever protests he could muster always faded at the twin smiles thrown his way.
Eddie thinks about how nice it would be to always come home to that fuzzy feeling, falling asleep to the sounds of Buck and Christopher giggling over something he couldn't care to figure out.
The bed was way too comfortable for proper thought.
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caxycreations · 3 months
Tylvinian Tales: The Wolf's Den
Chapter Nine: Sweet Tooth
Ferusian Law, Third Sequence, Article 3: Law of Trespass
Ferusian citizens are entitled passage and habitation of any residency or public space as recognized by the Department of Home and Business.
Citizens are strictly forbidden from passing through, entering, or inhabiting any residency or public space owned privately through individual or business contract, such as homes, apartments, or private contractors.
Citizens are also forbidden from entering any space designated as Hazard Level C or higher by the Department of Risk Assessment, such as some condemned buildings, glassed towns/cities, or storm-wrecked districts.
Citizens caught in forbidden areas are fined no less than $10,000 and given a minimum of two months community service, up to a maximum of six months imprisonment.
I woke up to the sound of a claw tapping on glass, and for a minute I worried I'd been out here so long security flagged me as a risk. A glance out the window brought a smile to my face instead of a scowl, seeing I was wrong. A pale blueish gray caxy was standing at the window, dark markings in the shape of a cats eyes framing their forest green eyes. Ears pierced ten times each, and sharing Davina's signature studs above the eyebrow.
A lip ring adorned the thick, black bottom lip they shared with their mother. Brown hair, fluffy and thick, messy but swept to part on the left side. They were wearing a dark green bomber jacket, one that matched with David's, and Davina's, in style if not in color. A hand-drawn, stylized S was on the left side of the chest. Trace's logo.
I chuckled, unlocking the doors and stepping out, pulling the young hybrid into a hug. "Howdy, pup. How's life?" I asked, smiling. I could guess easily how life had been. Life with Davina was always interesting, given her habits. But I was still curious to hear how they'd been, and what they'd been up to, apart from that. Moss shifted in their seat, trying to get comfortable before giving me an answer.
"It's been good! Mom's been stressing over my weekend trips like usual, but she did mention something about taking my driver's test next year, so soon I'll be able to start practicing!" They said, half excited. Moss smiled, buckling into their seat and looking at me expectantly.
"Hell yeah! You gonna practice with 'Vina or Trace?" I asked, starting up the truck and pulling out of the lot, heading for the nearest Mac Patty's.
"I think I'd like to practice with Trace. Mom's great, most of the time, but I don't think she'd be very good at teaching me while she's busy fussing over every little thing I do behind the wheel." They said, letting out a chuckle. It was wild imagining Davina of all people fussing and fretting over little things, but I understood. Moss was special to her like that. We pulled in and got out, heading in and placing our orders before settling down at a table.
"How's it been here? Been good or...?" Moss trailed off, smiling curiously. I chuckled, shaking my head.
"Well, David's avoidin' home for a while. Tired of th' empty space, I reckon. Can't say I blame'im, he's got next t' nothin' unpacked there an' it's a damn depressin' little apartment." I responded with a dismissive wave. "Other'n th' houseguest I've been entertainin', it's been same as usual. Got a job offer though, security at th' club David had his 21st at."
Moss suddenly lit up, smiling wide at me and setting their burger down. "Oh yeah! I wanted to ask you, do you think you can get me in some time? I'm here every weekend, can't you get me in?" They asked, excited and almost pleading. They made wide, hopeful eyes, the smile on their face warm and eager. A hope, warmth, and eagerness I had to crush, unfortunately.
"No can do, pup. Ain't old enough an' they card ya at every turn in there. Davey almost gets thrown out ten times a night when he's in there, they have such a hard time trustin' his ID." I answered, half-sad at having to deny them. "Y'wouldn't be able t' get on th' dance floor, wouldn't be able t' get t' th' bar t' order water, an' ya wouldn't be able t' get in th' front door. Even if'n I helped ya by, they'd card ya inside an' we'd both be in trouble." I said with a sigh.
I watched them deflate, shoulders sagging and smile fading to a frown, eyes shifting to look at their food again. "Oh…Okay, sorry Uncle Rye." They apologized, low and quiet. I hated being the bearer of bad news. I glanced at the menu and chuckled, seeing a few pies, cakes, and ice cream options. I tapped one I knew they liked, a personal sized mulberry pie, and raised an eyebrow, smirking. They looked at the menu where I'd tapped and laughed a little, then looked at me.
"Are you sure, Uncle Ryder? I don't wanna cost you too much…" they said hesitantly. They glanced back to the menu, and I heard a soft, quiet mewl from them. I nodded, laughing a little and waving over a waiter, ordering two of the pies and a third to-go. Moss smiled, still not as energetic as they had been, but noticeably better than they had been a minute ago. We finished our food in silence, and when the pies came out, we ate them quickly and left.
Moss smiled as they sat their take-home pie in the floorboard, buckling in. "So guess what Trace said he would buy me today!" they said excitedly. I chuckled, shaking my head. Gifts from Trace were always bad news in the best way. I couldn't help but wonder what the fox had planned.
"What's that, pup?" I asked, smiling at them.
"Running shoes! There's a new shop that opened a few blocks from the mall, and he said when we leave there he'll buy me a pair!" the little caxy exclaimed. I smiled, nodding.
"Hell yeah! Well let's get ya back there so y'can get'em then." I said with a grin, putting the key into the ignition.
Starting the engine, I pulled out from the lot and headed back for the mall, settling into a space near the doors. Moss and I headed inside and, with a little searching, found David and Trace in Sugar Shack, a candy store David seemed incapable of skipping over when he came here.
"Trace! They have them this time!!" He exclaimed, bouncing giddily as he pulled a bar from the shelf. Double-stuffed king-sized cream bar, one of his favorites. Chocolate coating, Kanorian egg cream inside, and almonds throughout. He put several of the bars into his basket and skipped off to one of the scoop carts, grabbing a bag and filling it with various treats.
"Yep, I see that, did you leave any for anyone else?" the fox said with a smirk, walking over to keep up with David. Moss and I walked in and I grabbed a basket of our own, smiling.
"Go on, pup. Grab whatever y' want, I'll pay." I said, nodding to the candy. Moss shook their head and took the basket from me, quickly rushing off to fill it with their own selection of treats. I followed behind, tallying up the cost as they went. I knew better than to think they'd let me pay for it, and the only way I'd get the chance is if I was up there before they were and had the money ready to go.
"Oh my gods!!!" The exclamation turned every head in the shop, all eyes on the little grey caxy that had shouted. David was standing there holding a large box, a logo stamped on the back. He still hadn't noticed me, or Moss. I smirked, resigning myself to overpaying and just getting change back when Moss was done. Heading over to David, seeing Moss do the same out of the corner of my eye, I settled into place behind him, crossing my arms and looking over his find.
It was a gummy wolf, blue raspberry flavor. Industrial sized, the ones as big as a teddy bear. The eyes were peppermints, orange and white swirls meeting in a single point in the center. Trace had noticed me, but hadn't said a word, merely offering an acknowledging glance before focusing on David's presentation, the caxy now turning the box to face Trace.
"IT'S RYDER!!!" He yelled through his giggles, smiling wide. Moss, now approaching from behind Trace, nodded at David. The youngster nudged Trace, who nudged back with a grin, casually grabbing a couple of things from Moss' basket and slipping them into the inner pocket of his jacket.
"Sure is, Dee. I can definitely see Ryder." Trace said with a smirk, glancing at me again as he spoke. My smirk turned to a grin and I reached forward, grabbing the box from David's hands and heading for the front counter, carrying it under my arm and pulling my wallet out.
"Hey, that's-!" I heard David cut his words short, most likely realizing I had been the one to take it. I heard footsteps following, and as I set the gummy wolf down on the counter, David smacked my shoulder.
"That was rude, you know!" He scolded. I let out a chuckle and pulled a couple of hundreds from my wallet, looking around the store for a minute before nodding to myself and looking at the clerk.
"Here, $200, paying for everything these guys plan on getting. Whatever's left over you can pocket." I offered, holding the money out. The cashier, a black and brown husky, looked at the money and nodded, smiling.
"Understood, Sir! Take your time and stock up, we're closing for a few weeks for renovations in a few days so we won't be available much longer!" They responded, setting the money into a space beside the register to use when we checked out. David gave a mrow of disappointment and smacked my shoulder again.
"I was gonna pay for our candy…You need to save up-" I cut him off with a look, sternly locking eyes with him.
"Jus' cause ya got more'n we'll ever have in our lifetimes don't mean ya gotta pay for all our shit. Sometimes we wanna do somethin' nice for ya an' that's that." I said, relaxing into a smile. "Besides, I planned on payin' for the candy Moss grabbed an' figured I may as well cover all th' stuff if'n I'm gonna cover any of it."
David gave another indignant mrow before shaking his head, smiling wide and taking off to continue filling his basket. Moss gave me a playful glare before running off to stock up their own basket. Trace just stood beside me, rocking on his pads and watching the two boys collecting candy.
"Not gonna get any for yourself?" I asked him, looking over curiously. Trace simply smirked, making a show of shaking his head while his hand shifted in his pocket. I knew that signal perfectly. His coat was stuffed with snacks, tucked away in his 'special pockets' he'd had put in. Connections in the underground paid for themselves, I guess. "Understood." I said with a chuckle, shaking my head.
Had it been anyone else, I might have tried to stop them. Paid for their goods myself, at best, convinced them to pay themselves at worst, but Trace was a special case. We'd never seen eye to eye on this sort of thing, and learned early on in our relationship it was best not to ask where Trace got anything, and even better for us not to question the methods if we did find out. I watched David and Moss, giddy over the snacks they were finding, sharing excitement across the store.
Moss was athletic, healthy, they didn't indulge in sweets much, but a candy store like this had plenty they could enjoy. David was even helping, pointing out anything he found that wasn't some sugar-filled monstrosity of cavity-inducing sweetness. I leaned back, watching them, from David's tail, long and freely swaying in his joy, to his hair, flying every which way as he turned sharp corners, excitedly darting from shelf to shelf. It was too cute not to laugh a little under my breath, smiling wide.
Trace nudged my side, raising an eyebrow at me. "You ever gonna ask the lil guy out? Come on, man. You've been making puppy eyes at him for the last ten minutes." He asked, causing me to look at him with wide eyes, my brow furrowed.
"Jus' so y'know, I ain't got any intention'a askin' David out. We ain't like that, ya oughta know that by now. Jus' cause y'like fuckin' your friends don't mean everyone with a best friend is pinin' t' pound'em." I scoffed, shaking my head. Trace smirked a little more, flashing his teeth at me.
"You're just jealous it's so easy for me, but face it, anyone with eyes can tell you want a little more than just a night of caxy magic, you want the caxy himself." He accused, turning to face me properly. I frowned, shaking my head. The odd feeling here and there didn't mean anything, it was natural for folks as close to each other as David and I were to wonder once in a while, but that didn't mean we had to pursue it. I knew better than that.
"Might wonder now an' then, but I learned pretty well that friends don't make good mates. Learned that from you." I said pointedly, hoping the jab might make him drop the subject.
His own smile faded into a frown, and he sighed. "I'm different. I liked you. You loved me. Doesn't work if it's not a real back and forth, dumbass. Gotta be mutual." He said, leaning back against the counter and pulling his hands out of his pockets, crossing his arms. I nodded, looking at David and Moss again. Moss hardly had anything in their basket, focusing on the healthy treats, the sugar-free stuff. Comparing that to David's was an anthill to a mountain, David now carrying a second basket, the first piled high. I hoped I'd paid enough for all of it.
Moss ran up and set their basket on the counter, smiling. "I got all I wanted, Uncle Rye!" they said with a wide grin. The cashier scanned the items, a few bars, a couple bags of chips, some gum, and used a bit of the money I'd given to pay it out. Moss smiled, taking the bag of candy and settling in between Trace and I. Trace nudged Moss, the young caxy looking at him curiously. "What was that for?"
Trace nodded towards David idly. "Y'think Ryder and Davey would make a good couple, kiddo?" he asked casually, leaving me glaring at him. The last thing I needed was Moss thinking about that sort of thing.
"Aren't they already?" They asked the fox, genuine curiosity in their voice.
"No, pup, we ain't. Jus' friends." I answered before Trace could corrupt the situation any further. Moss looked at me, confused.
"But he lives with you, y'all sleep together most of the time, too. And you're always watching out for him, buying him gifts like today. Are…you two not dating?" they asked, and I began to wonder what sort of things Davina had told them, or neglected to tell them, about David and I. I shook my head, sighing. This subject was starting to wear on me.
"No. Davey's my best friend, ain't nobody like'im, but that's all. Gotta be mutual. An' it ain't." I said, looking over at the little grey caxy across the store, grabbing a few more candy bars and bounding towards one last display. "Th'feelin's ain't there, pup." I said plainly.
"Oh." The younger caxy said, idly pulling one of their snack bars from the bag and starting to eat it quietly. Trace looked at me, shaking his head and letting out a sound that was half a sigh, half a growl. I looked over just in time to notice him grabbing my shirt hard, pulling me with all his strength out of the store. I could have resisted, but if he wanted to talk, better hear him out than have him make a scene in the store.
"Moss, stay there and make sure David uses what Ryder paid before he tries paying himself. I've gotta talk to your Uncle." he said, scowling. We made our way out of the store, settling in a few stores down with Trace glaring up at me, arms crossed.
"Do you have any clue how dense you are? Any idea at all?" He asked angrily, scowl only strengthening. "David looks up to you, admires you, adores you, trusts you more than he does any of us, even his own damn sister. We see you two together every time we see one of you, can't get an hour alone with either one. Even when you took off with Moss, you were back in forty minutes. Just can not stay away. But the feelings aren't mutual?"
I started to answer, but he cut me off. "Nuh-uh, quiet, not done. I've watched you rush in like a bat out of hell for the kid, but I've never seen you hurry like you have for David. Nobody else gets that privilege." His expression softened, and he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, though he tried hard to hide it. "Not even me, back then."
I was taken aback. Trace was always the blunt one, having this explosion was rare. He always spoke his mind in the moment, and I wondered why he had bottled this up. But I wasn't about to ask and risk getting hushed again.
Trace returned to his scowl, shaking his head. "The feelings weren't mutual on your end, Ryder. Not then. But now? Now anybody on Relan can take one look and see that you'd take on Gaius himself if he were a danger to David." He accused, shifting his weight from one paw to the other.
"Trace, I do all that for David cause ain't nobody else done it." I said, sighing. He had a point, one I wanted desperately to ignore. I didn't want David and I to go the same way Trace and I had. I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't hurt him too.
Trace glowered at me, then let his shoulders slump. "You are…too stupid for your own good." He said, frustration in his voice. "And for David's."
His words came with a finality I didn't dare question or add on to. I watched him pad back towards the store and followed quietly. He had said his piece and I had no idea how to respond besides simply going back with him. I felt a tightness in my chest, heat rising in my heart. Anger, remorse, regret, blame, all fighting on equal ground to decide how I was supposed to feel.
We got back to the store, David and Moss waiting by the door. Trace smiled, wrapping an arm around each of the caxies. "Got your goods, boys? Gods know I do!" He said with a laugh, letting go of David to pat his pocket, the sound of cellophane crinkling as he did. I stepped up behind Moss, ruffling his hair and putting on my best smile. I ruffled Moss' hair, earning an angry mrow from the young caxy.
David looked at me and mrowed curiously. "Everything okay, Rye? What did you and Trace need to talk about?" He asked, obviously a little worried. I shook my head, smiling.
"Jus' some old wounds needin' t'be licked, that's all." I said casually. Trace nodded, grinning.
"Yeah, he licked my old wound real good~" He said with a smirk. Moss playfully smacked his shoulder, laughing. I admired how easily he could slip back into his casual, playful attitude.
"Trace!!" the younger caxy exclaimed, trying to quiet their laughter. The four of us headed for the front entrance, and Trace stopped us at the doors.
"Alright, David, remember the game plan?" he asked, a wild smile on his face. David nodded excitedly.
"Yep! Tomorrow night at eight, you pick me up at Ryder's and we head out. I've got my stuff at my apartment so we'll make a stop on the way home so I can get it!" He answered eagerly.
Moss smiled, nodding. "I've got my gear in the back of the car! So we'll be all set and ready to go!" They said confidently.
"Y'all wanna tell me what this is about?" I asked worriedly, looking at the excited trio. Trace grinned at my question, like he knew how the answer was going to make me feel.
"We're going ghost hunting at the mall in Old Town." he said proudly, like it was worth bragging about. Old Town was no joke. Spire in the area failed during a storm, and the entire district was lost to a lightning strike. Hundreds, gone in an instant. The stories of ghosts ran rampant after that, and with the damage to structures, I didn't like the idea of David going out there one bit.
"Y'all ain't doin' that. Not with David. I know you'll be fine, Trace, y'got that wind shit ya do, an' I trust Moss t' take care'a themselves jus' as well. Davey, please tell me ya ain't goin' with'em?" I asked, half-pleading.
David simply shrugged, smiling. He was going, and wasn't about to give me a chance to turn him away from it. I sighed, nodding.
"Take care'a Davey out there then. Ya put'im first, 'fore yourself, got it, Trace?" I insisted, baring my teeth. The fox shrunk a little at that, but nodded.
"We'll take good care of him, we always do!" Moss said with a smile. The little caxy nudged Trace and pulled his jacket a little. "C'mon, we gotta go get some sleep if we wanna be up all night tonight!" they demanded, grinning.
Trace nodded, following suit and waving his hand at us. "You two be good, and don't forget what I said, Ryder!" he yelled our way, heading for his car.
David and I shared a laugh, my own being more tense than happy, and headed for the truck. If David was going to go, at least I knew Trace had agreed to watch him like a hawk. For all my worries, I could trust Trace to keep his word. I had to hold on to that.
I had to trust David would be safe without me tomorrow night.
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stackthedeck · 10 months
Can I ask what you thought of the flashbacks in the new Good Omens season? They felt narratively unnecessary to me and I don't fully understand why they were included- the latter two, anyway, I did very much like the Job flashback. But the Blitz and grave robbing flashbacks felt to me like they didn't do anything that wasn't already established somewhere else in the show. But I do recognize that I'm not particularly skilled at media analysis and could easily be missing something, and you're SO good at analysis, so I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Can I tell y'all a secret? I did not want a season two of good omens and maybe it's because I'm a massive fan of the book, but I just felt like the story was complete and anything more would feel like fluff and filler. And season two did feel like fluff and filler, but that's not necessarily a bad thing because I enjoyed myself immensely and it did explore aspects of Aziraphale and Crowley I was curious about, but like it wasn't as good as season one
oh god, this got very long so I'm putting it under the cut. TL;DR, the flashbacks were fun, but not as interesting as the season one flashbacks and they felt a little redundant in establishing information that we already knew from season one.
And the flashbacks (to actually answer the question lol) were definitely the most fluffy and filler-y. Season one had that excellent cold open of Aziraphale and Crowley throughout history and that wasn't in the book so it's definitely possible to add really interesting things to the source material. And I agree with you anon, I really didn't love the addition to the blitz and the grave robbing, but I did like the other two so let's unpack why this might be
So first we have the before the beginning flashback. This is the flashback that's doing the most narratively. It is Chekov's gun for the ending. We are shown that Aziraphale remembers who Crowley was before the fall, how happy he was doing heaven's work, and as an extra bonus for fan service, we also get the confirmed headcanon that Crowley helped make the stars. This flashback sets up exactly why Aziraphale still believes in heaven and why he still thinks Crowley could be happy in heaven. But it also sets up how Crowley sauntered vaguely downwards, showing us exactly what was wrong with heaven to Crowley. To Aziraphale this time shows the miracle of creation but for Crowley, it's the oppression of obedience. To Aziraphale heaven is what you get to do, for Crowley heaven is what you can't be. (I also wrote a fanfic that's the reverse of this flashback, Crowley remembers Aziraphale from heaven, but Aziraphale doesn't remember him but I wrote it in 2019 so idk if it's still good)
I adore the Job flashback, but that might be because Job is my favorite story in the Tanakh, mostly for the wide variety of interpretations of the story. What I found really interesting about this season was that it was deeply uninterested in what God thought of anything, even more so than the previous season. Crowley takes the cynical approach that all the misery Job is cursed with is simply God trying to win a bet and we don't really get any confirmation if that's true one way or the other. Job's relationship with God is the background to Aziraphale finally experiencing doubt. What felt weird about this was that Job's kids were the catalyst to him doubting which I don't know, Aziraphale and Crowley never seemed to care about humans specifically, rather what they create. Like in the book and season one, I always thought Crowley and Aziraphale were saving Earth—meaning everything on it like books and wine and cars—but like specifically humanity. This flashback made me feel for the first time that Crowley and Aziraphale comprehend life enough to grieve it. Maybe for others, they always felt that way, but I really liked the idea of an Angel that is in love with the earth not because of the inherent beauty of humanity, but because of materialistic worldly things. But the role this flashback plays for the larger narrative is that it establishes the first time Aziraphale goes against the plan—or at least bends the rules—and gives into the "temptations" of Earth. This is when the angel becomes the person we're familiar with. And it also leads us to end because it establishes that Aziraphale does not want to be just a soldier, he wants to make decisions, to lead, to make things better. This looks like doubt to Crowley and to us the audience, a signal that the two of them are on their own sides. But it also doubles as Aziraphale having a very strong sense of justice that he wants to implement.
And then we have the continuation of the Blitz flashback. I'm of the opinion that less is more in storytelling so the fact this massive moment in Crowley and Aziraphale's lives was so short and concise gave it so much weight. The extended flashback was used to give more context to Aziraphale's fixation on magic and also to show that Crowley and Aziraphale can trust each other without the power of heaven and hell behind them. But I liked that the magician thing makes no sense and it's just a random detail, we don't need it explained. And like wasn't the agreement(tm), raising the (fake) anti-christ, and stopping the end of the world proof that Aziraphale and Crowley trust each other enough to lose their connection to heaven and hell? This flashback told me that they're really close and trust each other with their lives and like...I knew that already. Also, I didn't like that the nazis came back as zombies and then weren't tortured for all eternity. And like I guess there are zombies running around and it's just never come up or caused problems?? (I need to watch that episode again, maybe I missed how they handled that). The whole magic show was a fun and cute moment and I did enjoy it, but idk maybe they could have done it in a different time period like the 1920s?
And then there's the Victorian street urchin whose digging up bodies to sell. And again this was fun, I enjoyed it, but it felt like filler. So what Aziraphale learns from this adventure is that it's hard for poor people to be good because they're trying to survive and the web of morality is complicated because sometimes bad things have to happen in order for good things to happen. Which is the thesis of The Good Place, but nonetheless, it's interesting and more than one tv show can explore it. But this idea is really complicated and frankly they could have written the entire season around it, in my opinion, this revelation to Aziraphale felt and little rushed and a little clumsy. Like you're telling me in Aziraphale's thousands of years on Earth and hundreds of years of having the agreement with Crowley, he's just now realizing that actions have consequences. Like grave robbing is bad, but medical knowledge is good so therefore grave robbing also has to be good. But like Aziraphale, you watched the crucifixion, you know that bad things lead to good things, this is like a mandate from heaven. I think this flashback could have been more interesting if Aziraphale tried to make the urchin spend her money on more holy things or something and then like Aziraphale's hypocrisy around "temptation" could have been examined. I'm not saying this is what the show should have done, but it would have been funny if Crowley and Aziraphale tried to turn people into murderers so they could kill them for the urchin could sell the bodies guilt-free. But the meaningful part of this flashback was Crowley saving the girl from killing herself and then being punished by Hell. This explains why he wanted the holy water and gives it an extra layer of angst, but I'm not sure how much this changes about season 2. Crowley was already running from Hell after season 1's events what does Crowley being punished add to this? There is certainly something there but I think I need to rewatch the show to piece it together. (also this is 100% nitpicking and I think that's bad faith criticism, but Crowley gets swallowed up by the earth immediately after doing a good thing, but he keeps the holy water in a safe in his apartment, so like if the holy water was to stop that punishment from happening again, shouldn't Crowley keep the water on him?)
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duhragonball · 2 months
Neon Genesis Evangelion 25
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It... really isn't though.
Last episode, Shinji killed the last Angel, albeit reluctantly, and that pretty much wraps up the main conflict of the series. So now we just need to wrap up all the loose ends. You know, answer the lingering questions such as:
What is an Eva?
Where did the Angels come from?
When did the Second Angel show up? Did I miss that somewhere?
What's the deal with Rei?
What was SEELE up to?
What was Gendo Ikari up to?
No, really, what's the deal with Rei?
What actually caused Second Impact?
Where did the Dead Sea Scrolls come from, and why did SEELE and Gendo believe the apparent predictions that it made?
Why did they need fourteen-year-old children to pilot the Evas?
What is the Human Instrumentality Project, exactly?
I'm not kidding, what the fuck is the deal with Rei? You can't just dodge the question; she's one of the principal characters. You put her on all the merchandise for crying out loud.
Did Pen-Pen get reunited with Misato after she sent him away to live with friends just before the final battle?
Wow, that's a longer list than I realized. Anyway, Episode 25 takes a long hard look at those unanswered questions and then wads it up and throws it in the trash, then sets the trash can on fire and burns down the entire house. Then Episode 25 goes back in time and erases the very concept of information from the fundamental design of the universe, so that no coherent answers can possibly exist.
If you enjoyed Neon Genesis Evangelion, and are curious to know what happens after Episode 24, Episode 25 wants you to know that it hates you. When you watch Episode 25, you know less about this show than you did before you watched it.
Now, I expected something kind of abstract and surreal. I've heard about this. Fans were dissatisfied with the way the series ended, which eventually led to the release of "End of Evangelion", which promised to deliver a more satisfying conclusion to the series.
I never quite understood, until today, just how dissatisfied the fans really were at the time. I feel like I heard once, long ago, someone complaining that NGE was simply unfinished. Like it got cancelled or something or the writers gave up without writing the rest of it. But that appears to be untrue, so I'm left to assume that whoever said that was just being sarcastic. It's like that xkcd cartoon about the Matrix movie, and the characters lament the fact that they never made a sequel. The joke is that they know there were sequels, but they prefer to pretend that they didn't exist.
And I think at some point I found out that End of Evangelion was like a retelling of the story, but I assumed it was just because you see that a lot in anime. Adolescence of Utena basically does a whole other version of the story in the Utena TV series, basically.
But no, I eventually found out that fans just really, really hated Episodes 25 and 26, and EoE was a make-good. Like, it literally functions as a new Episode 25 and 26 for the TV show, from what I understand. I was looking over an episode list on Wikipedia, and that's how it's listed. There's Episodes 1-26, and then 25A and 26A.
That's wild. I've been curious about this the whole time, and now I'm here and man, Episode 25 is some serious bullshit. I kind of expected it to be weird, and maybe inconclusive, but still in a good kind of way. Like... well, Revolutionary Girl Utena is probably a good example. I watched that show a few years ago and I'm still baffled by most of it, but it had a charm and beauty to it that kept me engaged. I would have preferred a more coherent narrative, but I still found enjoyment from it.
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But NGE 25 just sucks. There's no other way to say it. It doesn't advance the plot, it doesn't reveal any secrets or solve any mysteries. It doesn't really do much of anything. I'll try to explain this mess, but fair warning: I don't think there's much to unpack here.
So we start with Shinji agonizing over the way he killed Kaworu, the 17th Angel, at the end of the last episode. This might be promising, except he already agonized over this at the end of Episode 24. I mean, he could continue where he left off. That would be fine, except this episode even repeats the same scene where he talks to Misato about it and she assures him that he did the right thing. No new insights are introduced here.
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Shinji imagines himself in the grasp of Eva Unit 01, and laments that he still has to pilot the Eva, even after all that's happened. Uh, who said you have to keep piloting the Eva, sport? I'm not saying this is true or untrue, but why does Shinji assume this when he has no more enemies to fight, and his dad hasn't assigned him to a new mission?
This is what pisses me off. In a good episode, the story would just move forward in linear time. The battle with Kaworu would be over, and everyone would dust themselves off and ask what's next. Gendo would either tell everyone what to do, or they'd defy Gendo and try to stop him. Or something. Someone would have to tell Shinji that he will have to continue piloting the Eva, or that he never has to pilot it again, and he could react to that information.
Instead, we have him whining about facts that aren't even in evidence. Does he have to keep piloting the Eva or not? We don't know! Neither does he! And we can't find out because this stupid episode is some sort of dream sequence/acid trip instead of being set in the "real" world!
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And again, I kind of knew it would be like this, that NGE ended with Shinji having some weird introspection instead of a proper finale. But what drives me nuts is that we really don't learn anything new about him. He hates his dad for abandoning him! He does what he's told because he's desperate for the approval of others! He's afraid of people hating him! He hates piloting the Eva but he does it because people appreciate him for it! We already know this! Dammit, we've been hearing about it for the entire run of the show.
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Hey, did you know Asuka's bio-mom hanged herself when she was little? Yes, you did, because we found out in Episode 24. Episode 25 just... shows us all over again like it's new information. It doesn't do anything new with it. It just rehashes the same observation that Asuka craves attention and glory and praise because she fears losing her identity without it. Nothing is added nor resolved.
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I think the one new tidbit we get from this episode is that Rei has longed for the day when she would no longer be of any use to Gendo Ikari, and he would discard her. She waits for death, but now she fears it, which is pretty dark. Assuming that this is even the "real" Rei making that statement. We'll come back to that.
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Oh, hey, Ritsuko Akagi is dead. When did that happen?
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And so is Misato. Okay, maybe we're getting back to the real world, and seeing events play out. Gendo has triumphed over the Angels, and now he's liquidating his allies as he moves on to the next phase of his plan...
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Wait, no, they're alive again, and arguing over the merits of the Human Instrumentality Project, which Ritsuko claims is designed to merge all human consciousness together into one big collective mind. Except... I don't believe that explanation, because it's being presented in a surreal fantasy. Ritsuko had a bullet hole in her a second ago and now she's fine. How can I accept any information presented in this scene?
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Episode 25 then examines Misato's character for a while, under the pretense of proving some sort of oblique thesis, but in reality it just slut shames her for having casual sex with Kaji. The episode accuses her of giving in to base, carnal desires, and she screams denial after denial. I kept waiting for some deep dark secret to be at the heart of all of this. Like Misato only drinks and fucks to hide some secret shame, but no. She just drinks and fucks, because she's a grown-ass woman who can do whatever she wants when she's off-duty. This isn't catharsis, it's just filler disguised as drama. Who is she even arguing with?
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Finally, Shinji finds himself in an empty theater, surrounded by other characters from the show. Like a Greek chorus, they inform him that this is but one of many realities, and what he's experiencing now is the reality he chose, a world cut off from everything that could possibly cause him discomfort. Also, he can't escape this fate, because he chose it, even though he repeatedly denies doing so.
And this is where I wrote off the episode as trash, because the like "This is real, but only one of the many realities" is the biggest cop out ever. So we're saying everything in this episode both happened and didn't happen? Then why does any of it matter?
This is why I question the point of Rei admitting she longs for death. If the real Rei thought this way, then it would be powerful. We know Rei. We've come to care about her over the course of the series. But the Rei we see in this episode may only be a figment of Shinji's imagination. Or she may not even be that. What she admits or denies in this episode is meaningless.
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Anyway, yeah, fuck this episode. The only takeaway here is that Shinji has somehow gotten lost in his own head. He created a private haven for himself, but it's nothing more than a prison. Whooptee-shit.
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Yeah, yeah, the next episode preview has deteriorated to mere script drafts instead of visuals. It's not cute anymore.
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bengiyo · 1 year
2Cutie2Pie Ep 3 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we used avoidance decently for the first time in this series. Nu-Kuea received an offer from Cosmixo Entertainment in Korea, and this will inevitably affect their wedding plans. Speaking of which, neither are on the same page about their wedding despite the nudges from Yi and Kon Diao. Syn and Nuer continue to have the most fascinating relationship, what with the way piety impacts them. Having a good time, honestly.
I like these two so much more when they're expressing themselves clearly to each other.
NuNew is a pretty good crier.
I do like the dynamic between these two. Ever since @shortpplfedup called this a bodice-ripper I've enjoyed it so much more.
What the hell is going on with Yi and Lian??
Nuer's steadfast support of Syn is really touching.
Nu-Kuea is finally learning some knife skills, and ALSO PULLING A COUNTER LIFT ON LIAN!!!
Oh I like this morning in bed scene. Lian is making Nu-Kuea get up, but takes the opportunity to ask about an unspoken boundary that has formed in their sexual relationship. I like that Lian noticed, but hasn't asked about it in months since he usually waits for Kuea to say something. I like that the answer was actually sweet.
Yi is much more relaxed since everything is clear. It's refreshing.
Foei, my dude, why are you so disheveled!
Loving these gay little friends trying not to hate the decorations.
Aww, poor Foei. It seems he really got let down by a provider.
Oh good. Everyone is helping.
This pantomimed conversation in the background was hilarious. Syn balking at being asked to lie, and Nuer just jumping in to fake sick is adorable.
"They're engineered majoring in acting." 😂 okay, Yi
Tonnam is back!! Everyone is showing up for this party.
Boun and Prem weren't available for Lian's party, but I want to say how much I like that he feels his marriage is important for Nu-Kuea's grandfathers. Any show will win me over if it honors queer elders and ancestors.
I am actually curious to see more unpacking of Yi and Kon Diao in the future. Glad Kon Diao followed him to bed.
Holy shit do I have a lot to say about this bed scene with Syn and Nuer. It Four Moons (2014) and Love Stage!! (TH) for favorite first time scenes.
First let's talk about how Nuer is very clear about his intentions as he asks permission to remove barrier and get closer. Next, I actually like that they had a mishap while making out. We haven't had a first time that had to be figured out since maybe Four Moons (2014), and that's my favorite first time of all time. Third, moving Syn's hands to pull Nuer's shirt off is one of the hottest things we've seen in forever. Fourth, Nuer is so patient about advancing things with Syn, even as he accidentally gets kicked (likely from being tickled). Fifth, Syn is a menace for the amount of mishaps they've sustained. Still, they both seem satisfied that they tried.
So much waiting and anticipation. I will riot if they don't get married next week.
I find it hard to believe they won't have a plan for rain considering how much it rains in Thailand.
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always-andromeda · 2 years
ii. Flock | Eli Sunday x fem!Reader
Eli Sunday x fem!Reader
Word Count | 2,797
Summary | "And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." Genesis 2:25
Author's Note | hey guys. remember that post i made that one time saying that when i write smut, i feel like i'm possessed by some sort of demon? yeah, this is one of those times. i think it speaks very heavily on my religious trauma that the religious aspect is all the more hot to me?? anyhoooooo, we don't have time to unpack ALL OF THAT.
Warnings | smut, religious themes, breeding kink, Eli is such a sub, Daniel is terrible, nothing else I can think of! (MDNI)
Parts | i. | ii. | iii.
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The wedding was humble. It took place in Eli's church, the sun shining bright through the cross cutout in the back of the room. Attending is Eli’s family and a handful of congregation members. But you didn’t mind. You are just relieved that your father isn’t there.
You’d gone to him and gently told him that you were getting married and that nothing would change your mind. Daniel asked who the man was, though he didn’t need to. In his eyes, Eli Sunday would always be trying to punch back at him for not paying him the money he was owed. This was just about a grudge. If the boy wanted validation from Daniel, he’d have to die waiting for it. So Daniel refuses to give his blessing. Calls you a harlot; nothing more than a cheap whore who crawled to the first man who showed you attention. Says that one day that Sunday boy will surely disappoint you and he won't take you when you come running back.
But you don't care; you can't make yourself care. You are never going to crawl back to Daniel Plainview. Not even if you were at death's door. You were soon to be freed from the oppressive grasp he’d had over your life for far too long.
You are not nervous as you walk down the aisle in your unassuming gown. The lacy fabric covered you from your neck to your toes and the floaty veil trailed behind you as you got closer to your husband to be. Of course, you'd allowed Mary Sunday to be the flower girl; she followed behind you, shyly tossing petals from her woven basket. H.W. was the ring bearer. His tutor has escorted him since Daniel declines to have any involvement.
But that turns out to be a positive as well. The tutor shows you a few simple signs to help you communicate with H.W. The most important one being 'I love you.' It had been a very long time since you'd been able to tell him that. And with the way Daniel had turned him away, you knew he needed to know it.
You allow him to see you before the wedding and you crouch before him, gesturing the little sign, albeit a bit unpracticed. H.W. tilts his head a little before finally understanding and wrapping his arms around your neck and burying his head in your shoulder. You nearly cried then, feeling guilty that you'd be leaving him behind, but feeling comforted knowing that now he has his tutor looking out for him as well.
At the altar, you tap his shoulder twice, your signal to H.W. to give the rings to you and Eli. You smile at him as you pick up yours. Eli's hand shakes as he slides the simple silver ring upon your finger. He is not surprised when yours stay still.
Of course Eli writes his own vows. They're long and he rambles a little bit, but it's clear that he is utterly devoted to you. He recites line after line with the same zeal as his sermons, proclaiming how he will never forsake you, he will stay faithful to you, and he intends to grow old with you, giving you everything your heart may desire. It's a bit intense, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
Both you and him are buzzing that it's actually real now. No longer are you a Plainview. You are a Sunday. And the name has never sounded sweeter than when Eli says it directly after kissing you, his bride. The rest of the reception passes by in a blur. The guests gather around as you two dance. Luckily, one of the members plays the violin. So he plays a lively tune and the rest of the guests create a beat with their claps. Eli is about as off the beat as H.W. is, struggling to keep up with your speed as you dance wildly. Soon, everyone is joining in.
For the first time in your life, you are grateful for oil. Oil is what brought you to Little Boston. Oil led you to Eli Sunday. And oil made you into Mrs. Eli Sunday.
The congregation had helped build you and him a little home. One large, main room that held a stove, a table with chairs, and a rocking chair, a slighter smaller bedroom for you and him, and an even smaller bedroom with one piece of furniture inside: a cradle. A not so subtle hint at the church's hope for your future. It makes you smile though when you step over the threshold and see the roots of your new, beautiful life with Eli Sunday.
Your breath catches in your throat when you step into the bedroom, seeing the bed that's big enough for the both of you to lay upon. The undisturbed white sheets tucked into the mattress strike you as an omen of some sort so you keep your gaze from them and instead center your attention on the beautiful vanity against the wall to your right.
The setting sun is visible through the window leaving the room in a faint light. You step towards the vanity mirror, staring into it when you feel Eli approach you from behind. He wraps his arms around your waist and makes you sway back and forth with him. He hums softly, taking a deep breath of your skin's musk as he nestles his nose in your neck.
"My lovely wife. Lovely Mrs. Sunday. So beautiful." He mumbles.
Eli is gentle. The pecks he leaves on your shoulder barely suggest what he wants; what he's been waiting to do for a very long time. But you didn't marry him to stay demure. You turn on your heel and bring his face down to yours, ravishing his lips with messy, inexperienced little kisses. One hand on his neck and the other on his lower back, commanding him to come closer. And he stumbles forward, just a bit, but enough that he lets out a breathy, nervous laugh.
"I wouldn't have thought you would be so insatiable, my angel." He smiles slightly. 
"Only for you-" You're fumbling for the words to describe the feeling in your stomach that's only spreading to the rest of your body. And then you say the wicked words that make Eli want to turn wild once more, "Eli, please make love to me."
You're inching him closer and closer to the edge of the bed until he's sitting back on it. As you mount his thighs, he knows what you want him to do to you. But he's afraid; feels that pit of doubt that takes shape every once in a while. He wonders if this is right. If it would be a sin to take your virtue and to chain you to himself. He wants you more than any worldly thing. He pushes the fear down before it can get bigger but you catch it. You notice how for a fraction of a second, he hesitates.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Eli brushes the question away and presses his lips to yours, hoping you will just forget his momentary uncertainty.
But it's your turn to pull back and speak, "Eli, you must tell me. I'm your wife now. You must share what you feel with me, please."
The emotional appeal has him chewing on his lip before he answers, "I don't want to hurt you. If we do this...there is always the chance that I could lose you. You and I have both heard of the mothers all across the country, bleeding out in their beds. The motherless children and...widowed fathers...I couldn't bear it if I made you do this -- made you fulfill my self serving wish -- and lost you."
"Have I ever told you that I once told my father that I never wanted children. I told him I would rather die than give him a grandchild. And I meant it then. But the thought of bearing your child...I want that more than anything. I want you. You promised you'd give me a family. That you'd give me all the love you possibly could."
You shift closer, slow breath hitting his ear as you whisper, "Fulfill that promise." 
And Eli finds himself heating up the way he did all those lonely nights under his sheets. But this time you're here. And he is finally allowed to have you. He is fumbling with the buttons at the back of your dress, eager to rip the wretched white fabric away from your nakedness.
For a moment, he is glad that Eve defied the Lord. For if she hadn't, this view wouldn't be exclusive to him. He decides that the birth of all sin is righteous and just, as long as shame keeps you from being unclothed around anyone else. It fully sinks in that you belong to him and, more importantly, he belongs to you.
He stares in awe as you stand again, letting the pesky garments fall away and pool beneath you, one by one. In this little room he now shares with you, you are an angelic vision. His mouth waters at the sight of the cavern between your legs, obscured by a patch of pubic hair. He doesn't know why, but he wants to taste you there. He wants to swirl his tongue around the spot until he becomes acquainted with all of your unknown parts.
So he does just that. He reaches for your hips and pulls you to his quivering lips, allowing his curiosity to run free. You gasp and clutch his short hair between your fingers as he laps at your folds with no consideration of technique or your squirming figure as his nose brushes against your clit. He's reaching his tongue as far into your hole as he can, barely catching a breath before you tug him by his hair away from you. Already, you're overwhelmed by his passion. You're sensitive, never having felt anything but your own hand there.
"Do you know what you're doing?" You take a deep breath in order to recover.
Eli looks up at you then, all starry eyed with red lips and a chin covered in shining slick, and shakes his head. He wants to know. And judging by your reaction, he figures that he's already found the place where he is supposed to enter you. The thought of his own length being inside of the tight passage he'd stuck his tongue in makes him firm up inside his dress pants.
"Can I show you?" You ask gently, lifting his chin with your index finger. He nods desperately. For this long, he had been your teacher in all things holy. Now it was your turn.
You tell him to strip himself bare, just the way you had. He couldn't be happier to remove his restricting trousers. He's impatiently rushing to unbutton his shirt, the puffy sleeves getting in the way of his progress. You steady his hands and make quick work of the buttons with your own nimble fingers. As the shirt slips down his shoulders and falls back on the bed, you admire his pale chest. Untouched by the sun from the years of being hidden behind his clothes and now from his cushy position in the church. Having not had to do manual labor on the Sunday Ranch in months, his shoulders are a bit less built. But you still love him this way.
As evil as it is, you are eager to corrupt him in the best way possible; to make him experience a divine release outside of his pulpit. You circle one of his soft pink nipples with your thumb and his breath hitches. Returning to your place on his thigh, you ignore his swelling cock.
"Oh, Eli, you've been so pure, so virtuous. It's such a shame that it took this long for someone to see you this way. Because you are so beautiful." Eli could moan out loud at your words alone.
You lean forward, applying the smallest amount of pressure to the shaft. "Would you like to be rewarded now?"
"Please, my angel, please," He begs. You smile innocently before latching your lips to his collarbone, hoping to taint his clear skin. Your fingers continue working on his chest, flicking his hardened nipples with your thumbs and smirking every time his chest twitches.
Eli needs you wrapped around him, completely at your mercy. "Darling, please, please give me relief. I have yearned to be inside of you for so long." He whines.
God, the heat that sends to your core is enough to make you let up on your torture.
You kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips, "Ask and you shall receive," Your voice is hushed. Gently, your delicate fingers take him by the shaft and bring him to your folds. Eli breathes jaggedly through his teeth and you swipe the tip across yourself, covering him in your wetness. Though your cunt clenches in anticipation, you yourself are nervous. You've heard horror stories about red weddings and his girth makes you worry that he'll tear you apart.
So you're slow as you sink down inch by inch, familiarizing yourself with the curve of his cock and the way it stretches you out. It isn't quite painful, you're surprised to find. But it takes some getting used to. It's an uncomfortable ache that floods your cunt that gradually becomes more manageable. And it just starts to dissolve into a weak spark of pleasure, Eli thrusts suddenly.
He hits something deep inside you -- a place that you'd never reached with your own fingers -- and it makes you jolt, letting out a sharp, "oh!"
"Have I hurt you?" Eli's voice is tender. He has never done this before. All he knows is that the hold you have on him is far better than his own hand could ever be. You're wet and slick and warm. Maybe this is why the Lord commands his creations not to touch themselves. 
You're lifting your hips up and down, trying to keep the friction alive, "No, no, no, no, feels...good...keep doing that, darling."
With new confidence, Eli plunges deeper now and you try to meet his pace with your bouncing hips. You try to put a bit of a curve into the movement, trying to get him to hit that spongey ceiling he had before.
Eli groans, "Right there, right there, keep doing that," He's entranced by the way your tits bob on your torso and reaches a hand forward to palm at one of them. His moans grow louder upon touching the malleable ball of flesh.
You take the hand on your tit and bring it down to your clit. You struggle a bit to get one of his digits on the throbbing bundle, but once you do you say, "Do you feel that? I need you to touch me there." And before you know it, his fingers are roughly rubbing your clit. His movements are messy once more, but the friction is enough that you let him keep going. You’ll have all the time in the world to teach him properly after this.
It all builds up and up and up until the flames are threatening to burn through you entirely. The white hot inferno consumes every rational thought in your head. It leaves you with the scorching desire to spend Eli for all he is worth.
"Are you ready to take my seed?" Eli pants.
You're right there with him as you choke out, "Please, Eli, please give me your child. Please give me everything you have."
"You've done so well preparing me for this, it is time for me to reward you." His mouth hangs open, barely able to control himself from how hard he is focusing on putting all of his love and devotion into each thrust. And you're ready, taking his uneven but passionate ruts with ease.
He practically yells when the glorious release hits him, his heavy, warm seed spilling deep inside of you. So much so that it's already leaking out around him, staining your brand new bed. But you are happy. Happy with the peek of heaven that he has given you. 
Eli holds you to his bare chest afterwards, his fingers pushing every bit of cum that escaped you back inside. He needs this pregnancy to take. He will fulfill his promise.
His tired eyes droop as he repeatedly murmurs, "I'll give you everything. I'll give you everything you could ever want, my angel." All while caressing your bare stomach, praying that in time, there will be life growing there.
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