#tessa and bee
sitting-on-me-bum · 4 months
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Taken By Tessa Storey
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mxwhore · 1 year
🐰 u are just a little guy, a birthday guy! With incredible knowledge abt biology(?) and excellent art skills! 🍰<- for u
GAAAABABABABFBBABSBBABABABABABA (devouring cake with the sharks bloodlust)
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ttlmt · 2 years
my show line up for the next few months >>>
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walkingwithoutadonkey · 2 months
Wasteland Art
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travelersspark · 9 months
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Literally when on break since I've been busy with college and work😅. Now I can get back into the swing of things ! Since I'm here , might as well make a new headcanons post ~♡
𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑻𝑳𝑲 .ᐟ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒔 𝑮𝑵.ᐟ𝑯𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔
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First off. Cayde had a meeting with you at your local job. You and Cayde were close since he practically raised you along with Tessa . You were running late and Cayde was inside Optimus. Optimus had heard about you but never thought much about it.
He'd ask about you to Cayde and Cayde talked fondly of you so Optimus could sort of trust you. So could Cayde. Hence why he was gonna finally explain to you whats been going on for the past year.
Of course you are insanely confused when you get in the truck and Cayde starts being cryptic saying. “ Y/N. You know you can trust me right ? I would always tell you if somethings up.. ” -Cayde
You are dumbfounded at first while the silent drive fills the cabin with awkwardness. Then it hit you. “ Have you been looking for girls on tinder Cayde?! God I swear - ” - Y/N.
Facepalm from Cayde. Optimus almost laughed in his alt form but Cayde coughs before having to disprove your idiotic suspicion. He basically rushes an explanation of the autobots and decepticons and everything that has happened for the past year since you haven't really seen him.
Annnnnnnnndddd. Your not buying it. After the drive he tries explaining more but you brush it off basically just tired from work and chalking up his excuses to him being tired and or drunk.
Well.. until you see a group of vehicles strolling around and stopping with their headlights nearly blinding you (Kind of like the introduction the team from TF1) and with some loud noises and rumbling. You see them. Giant robots standing among you.
You Fucking FREAK. Definitely bout to be ready to throw some shit. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK CAYDE ! Cayde has to mostly calm you down as well as Optimus surprisingly trying as well explaining that they would never hurt you.
After a couple of minutes of losing your shit. Optimus introduced himself explain his motives and his following. Your still apprehensive but sort of star struck. Ootimus's voice and tone was totally different than his remorseful and sort of stern tone. It even surprised Cayde.
Optimus certainly finds you intriguing due to the stories Cayde told him Since you now know of thier existence they have to basically become your body guards in a sense. You don't mind it but you still have your worries. Mostly about the part with the decepticons.
He reassures that he would do anything to try and keep you and the other humans safe.
A couple of banter from the crew but with one Stern glance of Optimus they shut it.
You two might have a quite interesting partnership - in a good way.
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oh. This mute bot is EXCITED to meet you ! He was the first one to transform and show himself to you after optimus.
Kind of flustered and worried when you lost your cool about seeing them. But after he calms his excitement and lets his leader explain himself.
He flashes his sick moves which makes you smile and laugh a bit. He gladly would do it again to make you smile.
Bee is one of the first bots you considerably found yourself talking to.
When you found out he couldn't speak like the others and communicated through a radio, you though he was quite a special bot.
He's like you in a way. You to pair together so well. Bee thinks of you like his old partner Sam.
Oh. He can get protective of you. Mainly when Crosshairs or Hot Rod get a bit flirtatious or silly around you.
Casually offers a drive after a few hours of meeting which you don't really refuse. You had to admit. He was a dream ride of yours.
Its love at first sight in his eyes. He already finds himself crushing on you from day one. And he hopes that you stick around with him.
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God another Squishy thing?! Let's just say he wasn't amused.
Well until you basically cursed the hell out of Cayde. Now he's impressed
Now he's made it his mission to figure out what makes you tic.
Weirdly he can he either considerate or just a complete jerk. But a loveable one at that.
He finds himself always trying to be flirtatious with you. But when you do it back he gets completely flustered and curses you out (his love language according to drift)
Fights about the miniscule things with you. Like if you eat in his alt form and there's a crumb he's gonna scold you.
Never saw himself being friends with a human but he would definitely enjoy his company with you.
First meeting him he is pretty serious about not wanting you around a bit but it shifts to wanting to hang with you more.
You two are FUCKIN GREMLINS TOGETHER. yall annoy the hell out of optimus and cade at times. God you two are a mess
Starts out as not being protective of you to being ULTRA protective. Mans always worried about you but tries to play it off.
𝑯𝒐𝒕 𝑹𝒐𝒅
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Omg him and Bumblebee fell HARD for you when Cade introduced you to the crew. Literally he couldn't stop gawking at you.
Already trying to one up everyone else with his flirtatious and suave energy.
Placed a bet with bee to see if you'd like him more.
First to offer you rides from work, school or whatever. (He figured you showing up in his alt form would make you popular or cool. And he wasn't wrong either.)
Immediately asks Optimus to assign him as your guardian. Let me tell you, he is smitten by you and in the best way possible.
Says small pet names in french
Arrogant little bastard. Can't take any hints when you need space.
Overall hes just wanting time with you but doesn't exactly understand the idea of patience is a virtue.
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Another human huh. Cool, hope they useful type energy.
Hes pretty chill about it to be honest. Definitely hesitant at the idea but understand where Cade is coming from.
Would personally introduce himself to you if you find him a bit intimidated. Secretly he's a big softie and jokes terrible behind closed doors.
Once he finds out you are just as handy as Cade is hes all over you. Don't expect him.to leave you alone with random weapon scraps and ideas he has in his head.
Probably would take you out to test some grenades with him or something.
Pretty protective on first meet. Mostly since he knows he can keep you safe with his experience and skills in war.
If you don't like the sight of anything remotely similar to cigars and smoke. He would actually stop puffing his bullet in front of you out of respect.
Doesn't care much about your habits as long as you don't get your ass in trouble that is.
Not the type to drive you around since he's a big ass military vehicle and that would definitely cause alot of suspicions.
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Not bothered but skeptical of your arrival. Let's just say he isn't too fond of the idea of another human around
Probably would discuss his concerns to cade and optimus about the risks but would be told that it was mostly for the best.
He gives up and pretends you just another one of the bots.
Pretty distant at first since he's still weary of you.
But if you compliment him during training of something and use the right terminology of the kata forms and martial arts he will definitely open up to you.
He appreciates someone who can understand his dedication. As well as someone educated in the sacred arts of Japanese and Chinese traditions.
Offers meditation lessons after some time if you are willing to do so.
Silent but deadly type of protective.
Has fought with crosshairs one time.when he was picking on you.
Very tsundere at first but overall he knows you are a good person and wouldn't mind getting to learn more about you
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erinartemis · 3 months
OMGOMGOMGKFMSGSKB IM FREAKING OUT IT'S HERE!!! MURDER DRONES EPISODE 7 TEASER!! EEEEEE!!! I went frame by frame and picked out some cool scenes I wanted to scream about, so get ready for a bunch of crazed ramblings and some theories !! (Long post ahead, folks)
Okay first of all- just- the lighting in these shots ✨ simply gorgeous... Also that "poster" thing in the background of the first image is very interesting.. obviously it says HELP (though that looks scrawled-on afterward with probably blood), and it looks like there could be possibly eyes? EDIT: it's not eyes it's two drones standing !!!
Also can we appreciate how creepy cool that hole in the ground is :00
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Good to see we've still got a bit of that classic md humor: "not to be overdramatic but core collapse" xd
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N oh no N IS HE OKAY?? what am I talking about ofc he's not (I'm going to cry at this episode)
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This thing. What is this thing. Probably part of the Solver, as it's all organic and eldritch-y, and it has veins. It looks lit from behind, almost like we're looking out from the inside of something? I think it's possible somebody gets dragged into one of those physical manifestations of the Solver, and this could be their perspective from inside it! Oooor we're looking at it from the outside, and there's something glowing inside the mass.
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Next up, these guys??? So many possibilities here... They look like humans, but they aren't necessarily so, just like the "Tessa Isn't Human" theory. And from what little you can see in the teaser, they are moving in an odd way- suspicious. I originally thought they could be manifestation of the Solver or something, created to confuse, but after considering it for a bit, I realized it's more likely this scene is a flashback to when the core collapsed.
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Okay. This shot is a bit confusing; can't really make out what's going on- To me, it looks like something is possibly exploding? And the red string things are lasers or something? Also the blobs in the foreground definitely look like Solver hands, but- that's all I've got for this one
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Tessa. Tessatessatessa tessa are you pulling a sword on Uzi? oh no, you are, aren't you, ohh no
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WHAT DID UZI SEE. ON THAT TV SCREEN. HELP SHE LOOKS SO TRAUMATIZED- Also also wanted to point out the "freaking ninja star" on the ground.. little callback there :,)
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the crucifix will be important, oo religious imageryyy eee
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Small thing, this is clearly the same scene from the GLITCHx 7/8 teaser, but it's the shot from a little bit before the clip in that teaser plays. I wonder how much control Uzi has over herself at this point... These robots are going to so much pain someone help them
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OMGOMGOGMOGMOMG YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HYPED I WAS WHEN I SAW THIS- WE'RE GETTING MURDER N YALL!!! FIRST TIME SINCE THE PILOT EEEE!!! Oh my gosh I just KNOW it's going to be an emotional response to something horrible happening- something to do with Uzi getting fully possessed, or almost dying, or N THINKING she's dead, or just all the stress of EVERYTHING, along with V's (hopefully not actually) death, and it just pushes him to his breaking point OH AND all the repressing he's been doing this whole time WILL NOT BE HELPING WITH THAT !!! I'm SO EXCITED TO FIND OUT AAAA-
Oh it could also be that N gets factory-reset, causing him to actually lose his memories or something, which is AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PILE OF ANGST, but personally I hope/think it'll be closer to the first one... It seems very likely to me that all of the stuff N's been going through (and how he's just been pretending everything's fine) would catch up to him, and it would lead to an "outburst" of everything he's been bottling up. PLUS do y'all remember that merch ad?? I know it was just a promo, but merch stuff has been shown to be kind of relevant to the plot in the past soo... yeah I'm feeling very good about this theory-
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Okay so this is the same guy from the earlier image with all the humans- That feels notable, like they're going to be important. And is it just me and my poor video quality or does the Sentinel hand look glitchy?? Could it have turned on the humans like the one that turned on "Tessa" in Cabin Fever??
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Oh dear, that's oil (or blood; they whole thing's too red to tell) coming from Uzi's eye... Feeling like the same thing that happened to Doll happens to Uzi... agh the ANGST hdfbsjsb
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DOOOOOLL DOLL DOLL !!! SHE'S THERE !! I THINK SHE HAS BUTCHER KNIVES AGAIN !! I wonder who she's fighting... (I mean it could be a sentinel, but it looks like she's talking, so I'm guessing it's one of the group) ee I'm excited to see where Doll's character goes from here !!
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ALLLLRIGHTY!! This has been a breakdown of my personal thoughts on the teaser! I am SOOO excited; these next two weeks need to go by FAST but ik they won't- Anyways... thanks for reading ! :D
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deancas-stabfest · 6 months
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Stab me senseless by MalicMalic Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 1,587 Pairing: Meg/Anna Milton
Finding Another Way by arlington-chamber-of-gay Art by keikakudom Rated M 🔪 3,816 Pairing:Castiel/Dean Winchester
This Blade for Hire by friendofcarlotta Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 20,011 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Primordial Bond by hexentaenzerin Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 1,892 Pairing: Eve/Amara
Silver knives and blood stains by Pyro29k Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated M 🔪 5,636 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
he’s gonna take my files by autisticandroids Art by coydahlia Rated E 🔪 6,191 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Am I Standing Still? by doctorprofessorsong Art by free-to-be-impaled Rated E 🔪 11,208 Pairing: Pamela Barnes/Tessa
there’s a danger in lovin’ somebody too much by pregstiel Art by kingdumbass Rated E 🔪 1,890 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Soulmate At First Stab by hexentaenzerin Art by hectatess Rated E 🔪 10,811 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Give In To No Man by Arlington Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 2,001 Pairing: Rowena MacLeod/Mary Winchester
Everlasting by entropic-saudade Art by golby-moon Rated M 🔪 10,227 Pairing: Kaia Nieves/Claire Novak
This Tainted Love You’ve Given by lazarus-rose Art by xfancyfranart Rated E 🔪 17,100 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
to wound as sharpened swords by duckkin Art by hexentaenzerin Rated M 🔪 3,737 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Angels, Demons and Dogs by mbqnoyolo Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,764 Pairing: Anael/Ruby
the starving faithfuls by pluto Art by sidewinder Rated M 🔪 8,972 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
You’re In My Blood by follows-the-bees Art by hexentaenzerin Rated E 🔪 8,576 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Laughter in a Corn Maze by castielafflicted Art by hectatess Rated M 🔪 5,804 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
The Man in the Rock by friendofcarlotta Art by kayliemalinza Rated E 🔪 7,331 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Frightland by melancholictearz Art by neversleepuntilfive Rated T 🔪 7,404 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
900 Days by howldean Art by kayliemalinza Rated M 🔪 4,005 Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Revenge for Dummies by Ola Art by Kazi Rated M 🔪 10,060 Pairing: Jo Harvelle/Meg Masters
Desire (i want to turn into you) by an_ardent_rain Rated E 🔪 10,100 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Tourbillon Dreams by kayliemalinza Art by coydahlia Rated M 🔪 40,402 Pairing: Dean Winchester/Castiel
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cybertroniannugget · 7 months
What if… Sam had a sibling who is very chaotic!!!! And they survive through out the Bayverse movies and when they meet Hound, Crosshairs and Drift, how would those 3 react to the crazy lil human?!? ;-;
(Could you possibly add Optimus Prime and Bumblebee!?)
Okay this is the first ever request I answer, kinda nervous tbh.
Hope you like it, and thanks for requesting^^
It's called Haiku...
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Also, I don't know what pictures to add lmao
About this fic: sfw, gn reader, takes place in aoe
901 words
Sitting in the passenger's seat, squished next to Shane, you look out the window.
Sure, it was uncomfortable, but there were only 3 seats for the 4 of you.
You didn't say anything though, after they had just lost their friend, complaining would be of no use.
So you watch the wide desert landscape going by.
A white truck drove by on the other side of the road, but you didn't pay that much attention to it.
That's when the truck you four were in started rumbling. At first you didn't know what was going on, but when the seats shifted back roughly, the worn down leather replaced by more comfortable fabric seats you kind of got an idea.
"A man of taste I see. Western Stars are pretty nice.", you complimented, after seeing the symbol on the steering wheel, before the autobot logo took its place.
You opened the window to take a look at the Prime's new altmode.
Red flames across the blue paintjob, and everything was just so shiny.
"I must say, you looking good Prime!", you laugh, sticking your head back in.
"It was awesome but it was insane!", you heard Shane yell out excitedly.
The Prime's deep voice echoed over the radio, calling for his Autobots.
"I wonder If I'll see Bumblebee again. I missed that guy."
"Bumblebee?", Cade asked.
"Yeah, he's an Autobot don't worry. He's no giant insect, if that's what you thought about."
The man just raised an eyebrow at you, making Tessa chuckle in amusement.
After a few more minutes of driving you all got out of the truck, after Optimus opened the doors for you.
"Your dad is nice, but he needs to relax a lil...", you whisper to Tessa.
"He sure does, but he's trying his best."
"Never doubted that, don't worry.", you add, nudging her arm gently.
Optimus transformed, being greeted by his bots.
"Mr. free leader of the galaxy. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted it."
"Just who are these guys...", you mumble, looking around.
The green one with what looks like a cape suddenly turned to point his guns at you.
"Oh okay, that one feels like killin today...", you say, raising you arms sarcastically.
When the biggest one started lifting his guns was when you started sweating though.
But having fate on your side, like always, Optimus stopped them.
"Thanks Prime, I thought I was done for this time."
"🎶...Survivor! 🎶", Bee's Radio echoed.
"What's he mean by that now?", Hound asked, adjusting his cigar.
"We go way back. I saw Megatron so many times already. He nearly killed me twice but meh, still alive and kicking"
"Wait, aren't you that human from the fight in-?", Drift turned to ask.
"Chicago? Yeah, I've been there. Threw a brick at Megs myself.", you interrupted, proud of your past actions, arms crossed before your chest. "I've been there since the beginning. When it was just about a pair of glasses from my crazy great grandfather."
"They have fought with us. They're the only human I know I can trust."
"Rude...", Shane mumbled under his breath.
"I mean, how'd a squishy survive all that?!", Hound asked into the round of Cybertronians and humans
"Who you callin squishy?! I'm not the big one here."
"Pff, that's just armor. I'm as fast as a horse!"
"Well first of, it's as healthy as a horse. And also, it's none of your damn business how I survived all the shit I've been through. Because honestly, I don't even know myself. Maybe I'm just lucky"
You shrug, looking up at Optimus, who's serious demeanor made your heart sink.
He's always been serious yes, but a kind soul. Always open for questions.
Now he's just, well... dark.
"Well, but I'm sure as hell gonna survive this, so when we startin?!"
"Enthusiasm, I like it.", Crosshairs mentioned, spinning a gun in his servo, before tucking in back into his belt.
"🎶Where have youuuu been?!🎶", Bumblebee sang over the radio.
"Oooh, Rihanna, you got some mad taste Bee!"
Sticking your hands into the pockets of your worn down jeans, you look up at the yellow and black bot, who's optics were fixed on you.
"Well, after Chicago I needed a new place to stay. So I applied to work in a different hospital. And it led me to Austin, Texas."
You laugh
"In the good ol' south", you say, mocking the southern accent.
"I think I like that one", Hound says, leaning back against a rock wall.
"They have what it takes, like sunset colors on blue,
strength guts and virtue.", Drift added.
"If this is another hiku I swear Imma blow you to shreds...", Crosshairs murmured, turning to walk away.
"It's called Haiku!", you correct him.
"What?", he mumbled annoyed.
"I don't care what it's called. I just want to leave this place."
"Well, I like it, thank you.", you say to Drift, smiling at the bot.
In this moment of peace, it was of course Crosshairs who needed to add something unnecessary.
"Nah, it's lame"
Without warning, Drift jumped at him, swords drawn, ready to attack.
"And I thought I was crazy...", you whisper to Bee, rolling your eyes.
The bot snickered.
"Lord may you give me strength to not make anyone here short circuit on purpose..."
You squint your eyes, thinking.
"I don't even know their names yet... Wow"
"🎶Still don't know your name🎶"
"Oh you're right tho Bee.", you laugh
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acepodcastweek · 8 months
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ashecampos · 2 months
a little Regina x reader
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Warnings - swearing, mentions of cheating, mentions of anxiety. Regina being Regina. Hurt. Angst
The POV switches between reader and Janis (I use — when I change the POV)
there will be more parts to this, make sure to reblog and comment and I will get the next few parts up as soon as I can, happy reading lovelies 🫶🏼
I am startled awake by a familiar vibration next to my head, i squint to see who’s phone is ringing, of course it is mine. I groan and sleepily wiggle out of Janis’ arms, grabbing my phone while exiting the room to take the call, I find my way to the bathroom again and sit against the bathtub, answering the call not bothering to read the caller ID, assuming it’s Tessa or Damien.
“Y/n?” The person on the other end asks, as if they knew there would be a chance someone else could’ve answered. I instantly freeze up recognising the voice on the other side of the phone call. “B..Bea? Why the fuck are you calling me?” I say as I start to pace back and forth. “I know im the last person you want to hear this from but I was told you have been seeing Janis Imi’ike, im so sorry y/n” she says, obviously putting what she needs to say off. “Just spit it out bea, whatever you must say, say it” i speak with a sense of urgency “me and Janis have been seeing eachother in secret for a few months now, she had admitted she only helped you that night to make sure you broke up with me” she says. I search for a reason for her to be lying about this but come up with nothing, all rational thoughts gone. I make quick work of ending the call and storming back into the room where me and Janis were peacefully sleeping not even five minutes prior. I grab my hoodie and jeans, throwing them on, I then grab my shoes and leave.
One foot after the other I make a run from it. Like I ran from bea when she cheated. Like I’ve ran from every situation that’s caused me pain. I make my way back to my house, seeing a figure sat on my poarch, it seems they had saw me before i got the chance to see them. The person stands up and walks over. Only now do I realise the hot, sticky tears running down my cheeks causing my ability to make out the person falter. I desperately rub my face using the sleeves of my hoodie, silently praying it’s not my mom who is the one to see me like this. Thankfully I see blonde hair. Bleached blonde hair. Regina George.
She makes her way over, her pace quickening when she sees the state im in. “Oh y/n what happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” She bombards me with questions while gripping my chin and tilting my head up to look at my face properly. A frown upon her own. “I’m fine I just want to be alone, go see Aaron or something Regina” I choke out trying to hold back the tears threatening to pour again. She shakes her head, unhanding my face and instead grabbing my hand, dragging me into the house. And up the stairs into my room. “Jesus y/n why is your room so dark. No wonder you’re so pale..no offence” she says while running to my curtains, pulling them open and allowing the natural light inside. I wince at the brightness of the morning sun.
She sits me down on my bed, leaning closer to me. “So tell me what’s got you so upset?” She says gently and in a genuine tone. So I tell her everything. I mean it’s Regina George. She may be seen as the ‘queen bee’ but honestly she’s never been bad to me or my brother so I trust her.
“So let me get this straight. She got you to break up with your ex so she could get with her then continued to see the both of you behind each other’s backs? Oh my god. I’m going to kill her” the blonde says while grabbing her phone out of her pocket and aggressively typing away. After a few seconds she looks up and smiles sadly “you’re gonna sit with me and my group at lunch now, trust me she won’t bother you baby.” She says while putting her phone away.
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I wake up and stretch, extending my arms out, feeling the surface of the sofa to find it empty. My eyes shoot open looking for the girl. She’s nowhere to be seen. I groggily stand up and head for the bathroom. She wasn’t there either. I sigh assuming she got asked to run some errands by her mom or something. I turn some music on and start to move the basement back to how it was before the date.
The day goes by so fast. The day turns into the next and then the next. No word from y/n at all. She must just be busy.
Entering school on the Monday was probably one of the worst decisions of my life. First everyone was looking at me. Then I got to my locker and there she was at hers. She sees me and walks away quickly. I frown assuming she was just in a mood with it being so early in the day or something like that.. until I see Damien and Tessa storming over. “Janis ‘Imi’ike I have known you for fifteen years but this. This is a new low even for you” the boy starts. “Tell me this is some sick joke right now Janis I swear to god” Tessa says almost immediately after Damien. I look at them taken aback at their sudden disgust and anger toward me. “Can someone please tell me what I done?” I say slamming my locker shut, staring both of them down. “you used her to fuck her ex. Janis I thought you genuinely liked her” Tessa snapped before Damien could say anything “what are you talking about? I do like her. And I despise bea” I say, frowning. “well the morning after you and her had that date night, I got a call from Regina telling me to haul ass to y/N’s house because the poor girl was hysterical, turns out Bea had called her and told her everything about you and… oh fuck, it’s a setup. We need to get to y/n before they do anything else”
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These past few days Regina has been the nicest I’ve ever known her to be, yes she is the ‘queen bitch’ of north shore but she’s always been nice to me for some reason. After what happened the other day, she’s only been nicer. I haven’t really spoke to anyone about what happened. I kinda went off the radar until Tessa turned up at my house demanding to know why I hadn’t been answering. Naturally I broke down and told her everything and after reassuring her (a lot) that i would be okay, she left to go home and sleep for school. Aaron didn’t really care about what happened. Not that I really told him. Yes he’s my twin, I’ll always love and be there for him but we don’t really associate with each other anymore. So when I woke up this morning I decided to ‘suck it up’ as my dad would say. I threw on a hoodie and some baggy jeans. Then Regina called me. “Hey short stuf- oh Jesus please tell me you aren’t wearing that?!” She nearly screams down the phone, I cringe looking down at my outfit earning a sigh from her. “I’ll be over in five, do your makeup and I’ll pick some clothes for you when i get there okay?” She asks in a sweet tone. I smile and nod before hanging up and grabbing a joint I rolled last night ready for today. I stare down at it for a few minutes contemplating what im going to do if Janis approaches me today. I haven’t spoke to her since the phone call. I didn’t confront her, I just ran. Shaking my head I light up and take a few drags of the blunt with laying on my bed, all tasks out of sight and mind.
By the time I finished the joint, Regina is in my room and looking through my closet, she looks over at me her smile fading while she grabs an outfit that fits ‘plastic’ standards, but is still in my style. Then she comes and sits next to me on the bed. “So what’s the plan?” She speaks before I can, I shrug “go into school and show her who she messed with” I say in a mocking tone earning a smack over the back of my head from the blonde, she laughs and drags me off of my bed, keeping a tight hold on my wrist to keep me steady. She drags us into my closet and sits me down, pulling my hoodie off and replacing it with an old band shirt I made into a cropped vest, she smirks and grabs my backpack, throwing it at me. She grabs my hand and we are out of the door, in her jeep and on the way to school.
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I stand at my locker waiting for Regina to find Gretchen and Karen and come back to get me so she can introduce me to them. Looking up from my phone I see Janis, I roll my eyes and walk the other way, not wanting to start a fight twenty minutes before homeroom. I pull out my phone and call Regina to ask where she is.
Minutes later im stood with the plastics. Gretchen looks me up and down trying to figure me out, while Karen just stands there smiling at me. “I love your shirt, where can I get one?” Gretchen starts off, I smile with a little bit of a blush forming “oh uhm I made it actually” I say looking at the shirt I made a few weeks ago just after meeting Janis. The girls eyes light up as she leans closer “omg so your like an artist and a musician, that’s so fetch” she bounces with excitement. A laugh erupts from beside me “what’s fetch?” Regina asks cringing a little. “Oh it’s like slang from some movie I saw” the girl explains the plot of the movie, I smile at her and her little quirks “well that movie sounds fetch, we will have to watch it one time, right Regina?” I nudge the blonde, knowing how mean she can be towards Gretchen at times. Karen looks over my shoulder and gasps a little. We all turn around to see the commotion. Tessa and Damien are shouting at Janis. I guess Tessa told Damien. Well at least they’ve got to her before I could. Not that I’d even know what to say. “Hey cmon we should get to PE so we can get changed out of sight from the creeps” Regina tugs my arm. I know she’s never early for anything, which lets me know that she is only suggesting that so I wouldn’t have to see Janis. She grabs onto my hand as we all walk to the changing rooms. I drop my bag to the floor and pull off my vest, replacing it with the track hoodie I originally had put on. I change into some shorts and put on my not so white converse. Once we are all changed, we sit on the benches outside of the changing rooms, waiting for the bell to ring and for everyone to come to class, I put my hair in a messy bun before looking up to see two faces laced with shock “you have a tattoo?” Karen says with a smile, earning a confused look from me “you guys don’t?” I answer the question with another question, they all shake their heads making me laugh, I shrug the interaction off and pull on the strings of my hoodie.
The bell eventually chimes and people start flooding into the changing rooms, Janis and Damien included, the both of them are glared at by the three girls while I stare at the floor. The coach shows up, smiling at me, waving his arms around like a goof “y/n congratulations on last weeks race kid” he enthusiastically says before patting my back. “Thanks, hope the next one is just as easy” I laugh a little. To say track is stressful would be an understatement. Some people join to have something to put on their college forms, some join because they love sports, me, I joined because my dad wanted me to be apart of every hobby, he wants me to have as many skills as possible. I know he means good but the pressure to be the best at everything is crushing. I get snapped out of my thoughts when Regina’s hand holds onto mine, I look around and see people leaving to head to the field, I look at Regina and she mouths “you okay?” towards me, I simply nod, I wasn’t about to scare off the person who offered me a safe space this fast.
Approaching the field I see the teacher is holding a bag full of equipment, I look over at Tessa knowing what’s in the bag. Fucking rugby balls. I’ve never liked rugby but Tessa on the other hand. She loves it. It’s her whole life. She has been scouted by professional teams since we were kids. Me on the other hand, not the type of person to tackle people, I would happily just stick to track.
I look up to see Tessa running over to me, a massive grin on her face. “Y/n cmon we are doing rugby” she waves a ball in my face like an excited child. I look over to where she is pointing and see Damien and Janis, I frown and shake my head a little “wait T you aren’t in this class, why are you here?” I laugh a little knowing she is meant to be in English language class right now. Once again she waves the ball in my face “coach pulled me out asking if I would help with some tackling drills.” She nudges me before going to grab me to go see Janis. “Actually im going to stay here and help the plastics” I mumble knowing she won’t like me hanging around with Regina. “What why? Your not like in love with my cousin right?” She crosses her arms and stares at me “you and Janis need to talk. Sooner than later I suggest” she lectures me just as the coach blows the whistle.
Me and Tessa both get forced to grab a tackle practice pad and hold them up ready for the coach to tell people to try tackling us both. A lot of them don’t try to tackle too hard, a few manage to push me back a little but one manages to knock me. Regina. She stands staring at me like a predator scoping out its prey, she then gets a running start, getting lower to the ground with every stride closer she gets and eventually she has her arms around my torso and she manages to buckle my legs and she’s on top of me, smirking down at me with a satisfied grin. “Falling for me already huh?” She leans closer to my face with a cheeky grin, we stay like this for a few seconds before she gets off of me and we both stand up. I take my place back at the line, bag in hand ready to go.
I tilt my head to the side and see Tessa and Janis laughing, Tessa looks over at me with a sympathetic expression, it seems like she knows more about this situation than she’s letting on.
Once the lesson is practically done and everyone is walking off of the field I jog a little to catch up with Tessa and nudge her. “Hey can I grab you for a sec after we are changed I need to tell you something?” She says with a sad smile, she glances at Janis and Damien who are a few feet in front of us, then she looks at Regina and the plastics who are a few feet behind us. “Omg yes, I feel like I haven’t seen you since last week, sorry for going off the rails though” I frown feeling as if im to blame for this situation “that’s actually what I need to te- …oh hey Regina” she starts before Regina comes and joins us causing her to quickly change the topic of conversation. “Hey Tes, you should totally come sit with us, y/n has finally agreed to sit with me and the girls” Regina almost brags, a massive grin plaster across her pretty face.
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richincolor · 25 days
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New Releases - Tuesday, May 14, 2024
We missed one title last week, so we wanted to make sure to highlight it this week.
Perfect Little Monsters by Cindy X.R. He Sourcebooks Fire
Someone has murdered the queen bee of Sierton High School. All the dead girl’s friends are suspects. And each one has a reason for wanting her dead.
Ella Moore was the most popular girl in school…and also the most hated. When she’s murdered at her own party, there are too many suspects to count--and too many people who think she deserved it. The police’s prime suspect is the new girl, Dawn Foster. She was the last to hand Ella a drink on the night Ella died. Plus, all of Ella’s friends with a motive for wanting her dead are more than willing to implicate Dawn.
But Dawn refuses to go down without a fight. She’s determined to clear her name. As she delves deeper into the past, she discovers that Ella and her friends had enemies, and someone is out for revenge. She must uncover the truth before the police arrest the wrong suspect and before the next person dies.
Now on to the many books for this week:
Blood & Fury (Chaos & Flame #2) by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland Razorbill
A single kiss set Chaos ablaze.
Picking up months after betrayal transformed Darling Seabreak into the long-lost Phoenix and every House regent into their empyreal form, Darling struggles to make sense of her destiny as a legendary creature. How can she, an orphan with no family, be the one to reunite the fractured houses and bring about peace, if she can’t control the magic of her new Phoenix body?
Talon Goldhoard, still in love with Darling but wounded by her betrayal, is tasked with ending the vicious war that his family instigated. With the Phoenix reborn, Talon is hopeful that the bloodshed will end swiftly. Instead, the kingdom grows more fraught, with the threat of violence ever present – especially from dark, conniving forces within the walls of his own House Dragon.
As Chaos reigns, Talon and Darling must find their way back to each other – not only to survive but to save the kingdom. Can Darling harness the power of the ancient magic that runs through her blood to bring about a new peace? Or will the fury that House Dragon fueled for a hundred-year war be too strong to break?
A Crane Among Wolves by June Hur Feiwel & Friends
Hope is dangerous. Love is deadly.
1506, Joseon. The people suffer under the cruel reign of the tyrant King Yeonsan, powerless to stop him from commandeering their land for his recreational use, banning and burning books, and kidnapping and horrifically abusing women and girls as his personal playthings.
Seventeen-year-old Iseul has lived a sheltered, privileged life despite the kingdom’s turmoil. When her older sister, Suyeon, becomes the king’s latest prey, Iseul leaves the relative safety of her village, traveling through forbidden territory to reach the capital in hopes of stealing her sister back. But she soon discovers the king’s power is absolute, and to challenge his rule is to court certain death.
Prince Daehyun has lived his whole life in the terrifying shadow of his despicable half-brother, the king. Forced to watch King Yeonsan flaunt his predation through executions and rampant abuse of the common folk, Daehyun aches to find a way to dethrone his half-brother once and for all. When staging a coup, failure is fatal, and he’ll need help to pull it off—but there’s no way to know who he can trust.
When Iseul’s and Daehyun’s fates collide, their contempt for each other is transcended only by their mutual hate for the king. Armed with Iseul’s family connections and Daehyun’s royal access, they reluctantly join forces to launch the riskiest gamble the kingdom has ever
Save her sister. Free the people. Destroy a tyrant.
It Waits in the Forest by Sarah Dass Rick Riordan Presents
Unlike the other residents of the small Caribbean Island of St. Virgil, Selina DaSilva does not believe in magic. With a logical mind and a knack for botany, Selina used to dream of leaving the island to study Pharmacology—until a vicious, unsolved attack left her father dead and her mother in a coma.
Now her guilt over her mother’s condition keeps her tethered to the island, relegated to conning gullible tourists with useless talismans and phony protection rituals. But when one of those tourists ends up at the center of a string of strange murders, the truth that Selina has been denying can no longer be there is evil lurking in the forests that surround St. Virgil. Another thing that can’t be avoided? Selina’s ex-boyfriend Gabriel, newly employed at the local newspaper and eager to put his investigative skills to use.
Desperate to put an end to the killings and claim justice for Selina’s family, these two former lovers race to find answers. But evil bides its time. And as long-buried feelings and long-hidden secrets about Selina’s family’s past begin to reveal themselves, only one answer remains—and it waits in the forest.
Thirsty by Jas Hammonds Roaring Brook Press
It’s the summer before college and eighteen-year-old Blake Brenner and her girlfriend, Ella, have one goal: join the mysterious and exclusive Serena Society. The sorority promises status and lifelong connections to a network of powerful, trailblazing women of color. Ella’s acceptance is a sure thing—she’s the daughter of a Serena alum. Blake, however, has a lot more to prove.
As a former loner from a working-class background, Blake lacks Ella’s pedigree and confidence. Luckily, she finds courage at the bottom of a liquor bottle. When she drinks, she’s bold, funny, and unstoppable—and the Serenas love it. But as pledging intensifies, so does Blake’s drinking, until it’s seeping into every corner of her life. Ella assures Blake that she’s fine; partying hard is what it takes to make the cut.
But success has never felt so much like drowning. With her future hanging in the balance and her past dragging her down, Blake must decide how far she’s willing to go to achieve her glittering dreams of success—and how much of herself she’s willing to lose in the process.
10 Things I Hate About Prom by Elle Gonzalez Rose Joy Revolution
The best things in life come in pairs. Peanut butter has jelly, Taylor has Selena, and Ivelisse Santos has Joaquin Romero. They are not only next-door neighbors; they’re platonic soulmates. Ive gets Quin like no one else.
At least, she thought she did before Joaquin shocks her by revealing that he wants to ask Tessa Gordon to prom. Tessa freaking Gordon. The same Tessa Gordon who spread the rumor that Ivelisse started the infamous Second Grade Lice Outbreak. Why her?
Tessa and Joaquin are a match made in popular kid heaven. The head cheerleader and the star of the baseball team going to prom together makes more sense than Joaquin and Ivelisse—a member of tech crew—would. But just because it makes sense doesn’t mean it should happen.
To make matters worse, Joaquin wants Ivelisse’s assistance planning the grandest, most elaborate promposal Cordero High has ever seen. To win the queen bee over, he’ll have to go bigger than any of their peers have ever gone. Ivelisse would rather wrestle a bear than wingwoman Joaquin.
But with senior year coming to an end and their paths diverging, she’ll take all the quality time with Joaquin she can get. So, she swallows her pride. At first.
True Love and Other Impossible Odds by Christina Li Quill Tree Books
College freshman Grace Tang never meant to rewrite the rules of love. She came to college to move on from a grief-stricken senior year and to start anew. So she follows a predictable Attend class, study, go home and visit her dad every weekend. She doesn’t leave any room in her life for outliers or anomalies.
Then, Grace comes up with an algorithm for her statistics class to pair students with their perfect romantic partners. Though some people are skeptical, like Julia, Grace’s prickly coworker, Grace is confident that her program will take all the drama out of relationships. That’s why she keeps trying to make things work with her match, a guy named Jamie. But as the semester goes on and she grows closer to Julia, Grace starts to question who she’s really attracted to.
In award-winning author Christina Li’s YA debut, Grace will have to make a choice between the tidy equations she knows will protect her from heartbreak or the possibility that true love doesn’t follow any formula.
Road Home by Rex Ogle Norton Young Readers
This final, essential chapter in Rex Ogle’s memoir trilogy recounts being forced from his home and living on the streets after his conservative father discovered he was gay.
When Rex was outed the summer after he graduated high school, his father gave him a choice: he could stay at home, find a girlfriend, and attend church twice a week, or he could be gay―and leave. Rex left, driving toward the only other gay man he knew and a toxic relationship that would ultimately leave him homeless and desperate on the streets of New Orleans. Here, Rex tells the story of his coming out and his father’s rejection of his identity, navigating abuse and survival on the streets.
Road Home is a devastating and incandescent reflection on Rex’s hunger―for food, for love, and for a place to call home―completing the trilogy of memoirs that began with the award-winning Free Lunch.
The Dangerous Ones by Lauren Blackwood Wednesday Books
1863, Pennsylvania
War doesn’t scare Jerusalem—she’s a Saint. Thanks to powerful demigod-style reflexes, endurance, and strength, she’s fearless. And ever since the Confederates declared civil war, partnering with the vampires who benefitted off slavery, she and her battalion of Saints are essential to the Union army.
Jerusalem herself had been enslaved by a vampire, escaping North only after her family was murdered. She knows the enemy better, hates the enemy more than anyone in her battalion, and has been using it to her advantage since she joined the war a year ago. More than anything she wants revenge, but if she can help Black people gain freedom and equality without having to steal it for themselves like she had to, then all the better.
But she never expects to have to team up with a vampire to do it. Alexei is one of those handsome, arrogant Ancient Vampires. But he’s on the Union’s side, and in the year they’ve known each other, has never done anything but prove he’s on hers.
Together, they set out to change the course of the war and take down the vampire who destroyed everyone Jerusalem loved. But for her, it’s about more than justice.
It’s about killing a god.
This Night Is Ours by Ronni Davis Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
It’s the longest day of the year, and eighteen-year-old Brandy Bailey has just received the worst news of her She’s been accepted to a top nursing school, making her mother overwhelmingly proud.
The thing is, Brandy wants to be an artist. She knows all the risks of chasing her dream. She’s heard them from her mother over and over.
On top of that, Brandy’s annoying classmate from high school, the startlingly handsome Ben Nolan, is catching his far-fetched dream of being an actor. Why does he get to be fearless while she has to be practical? Ben is the last thing Brandy wants on her mind, so of course today is the day he decides to glue himself to her hip. Now his perfect face is right there in the cacophony crashing through her head.
Spinning in too many directions, Brandy’s emotions clash with the flashing lights at the town’s summer carnival. Can she have one extraordinary night before everything changes?
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mxwhore · 2 years
chia, chamomile, aloe vera?
chia -> inside joke i have with someone else? me and my friends say hello (hola) to each other by saying 'bolas' (balls) <3
chamomile -> what kind of things do i like receiving as gifts? LISTEN. i LOVE when people make me things. it doesnt matter what. i have letters written by friends from when i was 10 years old. for my 18th bday my best friend made me a papercraft version of Ness' house from Earthbound and i literally screamed when i saw it. there is no greater love than the gift of creation. BUT, not a lot of people have the time for that, so i guess if you had to buy me something id have to be something that smells really good... like soap or a really nice candle... or maybe some marine life or paleo plushies...
aloe vera -> something mundane id really like to experience? honestly? id love a spa day :)
ask me things with flowers!
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wifeyifey · 1 year
HI THERE!! Can you write general romantic headcanons or a short scenario with bayverse crosshairs x reader? Ty! :)
Hi!! Thank you for being my first request! I tried to keep this gender-neutral so if I made a mistake I’m so sorry! I wrote a short scenario, but it was becoming too long so I did headcanons. Lmk if y’all want the scenario!
Proofread: no so there may be a few mistakes
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Crosshairs x gn!human!reader
Romantic headcanons:
- You were best friends with Cade since childhood and Tessa considered you to be like the cool aunt/ uncle. You did everything with her that her dad couldn’t like shopping and giving her relationship and friendship advice. Lucas was more of the weird, but funny uncle. When things went down and you guys were saved by Optimus, that’s when you met Crosshairs. It was after the battle that you guys finally started your relationship.
- To be honest, he thought you were just a random person when Optimus brought you to the group. Until he heard you talking with Tessa and Shane. He saw how protective and motherly/fatherly you were with them.
- He knew you were different at that point.
- He LOVES taking you for high-speed drives. He loves hearing you shriek when he speeds up when you were talking about something that bothers him because you push yourself into the driver's seat so nicely. It feels like a hug from the inside :)
- He’s a great listener and conversationalist. Enjoys all your conversations except when you get insecure about your relationship.
- He doesn’t know what to say other than telling you how important your life is to him.
- Is the type to unironically say you're his sparkmate.
- When he’s in his human form, he loves putting you on his shoulder.
- One time he got in an argument with Bumblebee while you were on his shoulder and he was getting a lil too heated so you had to pull his head towards you and he instantly calmed down.
- Definitely goes “yer lucky they’re right here or I woulda brought the pain.”
- Calls you ‘doll’ or ‘kid’ but when it’s just you two he calls you his sparkmate.
- Obviously super protective of you and if he has to he’ll speed his ass out of trouble with you buckled in the driver seat.
- Your guys’ banter is quite the thing to hear. Like anyone around thinks you’re an old married couple.
- Does not give a shit what the other autobots or people think cause he straight up loves you so much that nothing else matters when he looks at you.
- You guys rarely fight… Except the one time you sided with Bee and he felt so betrayed that he wouldn’t talk to you for a whole day and that was pure torture for you. HOWEVER he forgave you when you came crying to him crying cause you had a klutzy moment and tripped and got hurt. He was in a panic that he immediately forgot he was mad and took you on a drive.
- loves when you give him kisses on his face too like he’s a sucker for them.
- Loves taking you to scenic places just to watch the sunset.
- When Crosshair loves, he loves hard. You’ll never be rid of him.
Requests are open!! If you have any comments lmk! I’d love to hear from y’all
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
Tom Holland
I’m sorry mummy
Tessa and Rocco
I’m just tired
Family isn’t just by blood
Prank wars
Lost nephew
Pregnant and emotional
Please help me
Oh my..
Family pranks
panic attack
‘Tom’ (Blurb)
Locked in
Jealous boy
We gotta go!
Biting you
Peter Parker
Video game
Your alive?!
You saved me?
Cold Hands
First time
what happened?
After care
Holland sister
sibling fights
Missing Tom
bad words
caught in the act
Harrison (blurb)
Toms daughter
Clingy (Blurb)
The birds and the bees (blurb)
Requests are open!
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Choices Kindness Event [Part 1]
Shout out to @tessa-liam for being so supportive of me and my fanfics. She's so sweet and a true gem. That's why Liam loves her 😘
@artbyalz beeing so kind to me and always talks with me. Her art is one of the best 😍 Choices bestie!!
@dutifullynuttywitch talks and gossips so much with me. She's kind and pretty fun to talk with. One of my Choices & RC besties 🩷
@lilyoffandoms spreads kindness and positivity. Holds the fandom together, writes so well and creates amazing art. She also supports underrated fanfic writers 👏👏
@liviusofpella I might not be a Tyril stan, but you're writing is hella gorgeous. You're so talented and... Aaaaaaahhhhh, soooo good 🥹
@jdstar88 Thanks for beeing so kind, supportive and you're doing a great job for @thedistantshoresproject . Can't wait!!! Also very excited for the Heaven's Secret + Nightbound crossover fanfic. Angels & Demons. Dino, Lucifer, Mimi and more... ✨️
@justanotherrcblog You're just too kind and always a pleasure to talk with you. Thanks for all your RC advice. Wish we could talk more 🥺
@stars-are-within-me I admire you so much, but I feel too overwhelmed. You're kind, sweet and spread kindness. I hope my asks and the gifts I gave weren't disturbing ☺️
@thosehallowedhalls Why am I meeting you now? Where have been before? You're super cool 😎 *boops you back*
@liaromancewriter I know we don't know eachother very well, but you seem sweet, kind, supportive, generous and I admire you. I love your blog too!! 💎 Blue Diamond for you.
@rosepetals1 I miss you, friend. You're so kind and sweet. Here is a 🌹 for you.
💛 @tessa-liam 💜 @artbyalz 💙@dutifullynuttywitch 🩷 @lilyoffandoms 🤍 @liviusofpella ❤️ @jdstar88 🧡 @thedistantshoresproject 🩵 @justanotherrcblog 💖 @stars-are-within-me 💛 @thosehallowedhalls 💜 @liaromancewriter 💙 @rosepetals1
Edit: Please note, Lily is misgendered above. Lily uses they/them pronouns.
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charlieslowartsies · 10 months
Cade getting taken with Optimus instead of Tessa in age of extinct. How different would the events turn out or would it be the same
I think it might depend on Cade's priorities vs Tessa's in the scene.
When Cemetery Winds attacks the Yeager property (as Optimus is yeeting people and storming out of the barn to defend his new whoomans) Cade LEAPS to action, grabbing the little eye in the sky thing, defending himself, getting to Tessa to protect/guide her etc. This moment shows his quick thinking in literal life or death moments. He's far from useless when the chips are at stake. Cade shows more than once he can be clever enough when the adrenaline is pounding to make different choices than Tessa does. (Of course, Shane also has to physically stop Cade from sprinting after his daughter when she's captured by proxy during the scene with Lockdown collecting Prime. (His reactiveness can be helpful and also cause him to start shit he shouldn't.) And there's nothing wrong at all with Tessa's main priority to get the FUCK off the creepy ass alien ship. Especially since she and Optimus get separated pretty quickly! I don't blame her for wanting to piece out, being frightened and panicked. (And she's still not so panicked she makes poor choices, so kudos to her reluctant bravery.) Esp since Cade's crusade was to fix Optimus, then get revenge on CW for threatening her. Tessa's goals are...keep her dad alive? Stay with the autobots for protection, etc. Different goals = different responses, but I do imagine the outcome would eventually be the same.
For one, since the Prime 2.0 team are by now more familiar to her, she would be just as adamant they help her rescue her father I'm sure. Bee especially would be easy to persuade, or take none at all.
Replacing Cade and putting him in the netting with the SUV instead would be different but I guess similar. (Like, the scene would likely end with the bots sneaking onboard, saving Prime/Cade.) Although obviously Cade would want to get off the ship and return to Earth ASAP, I could also see him more intent to stick with Optimus, even if it's just out of sight (However hard that might be.) And to use the chaos of the moment to get nearer and take shelter to wait for a chance to help in whatever capacity that looks like. Because he's already displayed a desire to help Optimus before. Seeing Mr. Leader of the Free Galaxy literally tossed into a cage and strung up upside down like a piece of meat in a butcher's house would not sit well with Yeager. He's too much of a protector for that, he has to do something.
I could see Prime seeing that as both foolhardy while also quietly touched by the sheer loyalty Cade gives him.
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