#taina sport
chicinsilk · 9 months
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US Vogue September 1971
Barbara Carrera wears a yellow suede cardigan and shorts set. By Traina Sport. Boots by Latinas. Necklaces, Alexis Kirk, gloves, Grandoe, purse and boots, Latinas, tights by Bryans.
Barbara Carrera porte un ensemble cardigan, short en suède jaune. Par Traina Sport. Bottes par Latinas. Colliers, Alexis Kirk, gants, Grandoe, sac à main et bottes, Latinas, collants par Bryans.
Photo Irving Penn vogue archive
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rookthorne · 10 months
⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐫
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War thrummed through the blood of a Viking warrior, it was a known phenomenon, and it wasn’t to be questioned nor tested. But what lay beneath the surface of your Viking was far more than that, and his wrath would be a testament to Tyr in his vengeance.
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჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 ⇁ Viking!Bucky Barnes x Fae!Reader
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 ⇁ 1.5k
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 ⇁ Heavy angst, whump, dark themes, graphic injuries + gore and violence, touch her and you die to the extreme, fluff, a certain someone makes an appearance
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 ⇁ This is my first attempt at dark themes, and I wrote this to help funnel my pain into something. ⇁ SC, if it weren’t for your song rec, this wouldn’t have happened. Thank you for taking my pain and helping me turn it into something that I can be proud of. I love you.
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒔 ⇁ Tyr by Wadruna ⇁ Taina by Schepetkov, 2WEI
჻჻჻჻჻჻჻჻ 𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒂 ⇁ @smutconnoisseur
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐨𝐠𝐫 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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Dark shadows extended over the path before you, and you whimpered quietly. The pain of movement, the sheer excruciating labour of moving each limb one by one, had become far too much to bear, and by the Gods, you were knocking on the Aesir’s door. 
Blood pooled and dripped in your wake from the open wound on your side, and the scrapes and slashes to your legs and arms stung viciously. 
Cloudiness had seeped from the inky sky to your vision, creeping in tendrils from the edges of your consciousness, and had started to consume you from the inside out. 
Bucky – where was Bucky? You scanned the trees around you, desperation welling up from the depths of your being at the lack of a proud snorting steed, or the lack of Bucky’s rasped voice after hours and hours of searching for you. 
You hadn’t meant to venture so far in your determination to find a gift for your Bear, a price you would pay right there on the forest floor – succumb to the loss of life essence and be taken by the Valkyrie. 
And there was nothing you could do to prevent it. 
Time dragged as you pushed on, each breath more painful than the last. You had no idea who the men that attacked you were – no idea as to why they hunted you for sport. Maybe that was a lie – you knew deep down precisely the reason, but you had been claimed by one of the fiercest Hersir known to the sagas.
How could this have happened? 
“Mouse!” a voice bellowed, and you shrunk back, cowering in fear – blood loss and hysteria had long taken your senses and interpretation of reality. “Mouse! Mouse, fuck–can you hear me, little one?”
You blinked and glanced up. The snow white fur of Bucky’s steed, Ragnar, filled your vision – but that was not possible. The God’s were offering you one last favour, one last chance to see him before you perished, surely. 
Unbidden, your hand reached out to touch the soft, scratchy fur of Ragnar’s shoulder, only you met with resistance. The strong muscle and bone of a mount from Hel was under your touch, tough and resistant to even Death’s own hands. “Rag-”
“Mouse, darling,” the voice continued a little louder. “Can you hear me?”
Slowly, you looked up to meet the gaze of the spectre, but it was Bucky. You blinked hard, and your hand touched his chest – the solid bulk unmoving under your gentle hand. “Bear?”
“It is me,” Bucky rushed, and you felt his hands on your elbows. “What in Thor’s name happened?!”
Pain laced through your side, and you crumpled to the floor, the impact only lessened by Bucky’s grip. “Hurts…”
“Darling, please–God’s please, I need you to get up. Get up,” Bucky pleaded, the crack in his usual stoic tone siphoned alarm down your spine and through your being. “Up–Ragnar, here,” he continued, and the stallion snorted and stomped his hoof as he stepped closer. “He will keep you safe.”
A low nicker was the last thing you registered before Bucky lifted you bodily up off the moss-strewn ground of the trail and into Ragnar’s saddle. “Stay. Protect her, boy,” he ordered, pulling free his axe. It was then you heard more heavy footsteps and war cries in the distance. 
“Bear,” you whimpered, reaching for him, but Ragnar turned, stepping back with his ears flat. “Please.”
“Stay.” The sharp, decorated axe gleamed in the dying light of the moon. Bucky advanced forward alone and unprotected, with no hesitance or qualm of facing the possible army. 
Figures appeared on the trail ahead of Bucky, and they stopped. A scream had lodged itself in your throat at the sight of them, and Ragnar growled, his sides heaving with angry breaths.
The advancing war party hollered and called upon the sight of the lone Hersir; and you managed a glance at their battered shields – they were from an unknown clan of unknown origin, and it was plain as day that they had only hate in their hearts. 
“You touched what was mine!” Bucky called, his voice filled with vitriol and fury. “And by the God’s, if you do not turn around and go back to whatever Hel you crawled from…” The axe glinted with bloodthirsty intent, and you watched Bucky square his broad shoulders – a stance of a bear preparing for battle. “You will find yourself in the pits where no hope for Valhalla will come.”
Ragnar pawed the ground and breathed heavily, the feel of his muscled back tensing and preparing to battle unmistakable. 
Silence filled the trail – a tangible thing you could taste like the blood on your tongue. 
“We will take what we claimed,” one of the men rallied, his sword handle banging against the worn wood of his battered shield. “And you cannot stop us!”
You watched Bucky stand stock still as the men closed in one by one until he tilted his head. “Well…” Something changed in the air – thick with poison and the stench of rotting flesh. “May the God’s cast you from Valhalla for having the gall to touch what is mine.”
War cries and shouts filled the air, and Bucky launched forward into the battlement of men, roaring his fury – blades flew and clashed in a hail of sparks as the war party surrounded him, but each blow glanced off his back as though he was made of iron. 
“Bear!” you screamed as they overwhelmed him, and Ragnar bellowed, a sound that should never leave such a creature so kind. 
It was like you were melded to his back as Ragnar ploughed forward, headstrong into the clashing men. Leaving you to watch in awestruck horror as Ragnar’s teeth clamped onto the back of one man’s neck and pulled him back – the once fierce warrior now slumped to the ground with his head stuck in a jaunted angle. 
“Ragnar! Hlaup!” Bucky growled, and Ragnar backed away, mouth stained with blood and his sides still heaving. “Go, take her!”
Hooves stomped the forest floor as Ragnar reared and bellowed back, staying steadfast. 
The sound of even more hooves on the trail caught your attention amongst the warring battle. You turned to see a black steed carrying a man – blond hair flying behind him, and you gasped as the black steed skidded to a halt beside Ragnar. 
“Buck!” the man yelled, dismounting. 
“Get back!” Bucky replied – still swinging his axe. “Protect her!”
The blond man looked at you and baulked. “By the Gods,” he rushed, coming closer. “You are paler than death, sweet one,” he continued, his hand on your thigh. 
A roar from the battle made you both look up to find Bucky in the throes of bloodlust, his teeth grit and face painted crimson. The axe in his hand swung and swiped a man over the throat, downing him in a gurgling heap – another was hit in the flank, the iron meeting tissue and sinew with a squelch. 
“You will not,” Bucky shouted, pulling the axe free and turning to meet the last four men head on. “Touch what is mine!” Each word was followed by a swing of his axe – now wet and slick with blood. 
All of the war party had fallen at Bucky’s feet – a perfect circle of bloodied corpses that painted the earth with rivers and pools of blood.
Silence reigned, and you started to sob with relief at the sight of Bucky standing victorious over the hunting party. You watched Bucky’s shoulders rise and fall with a laborious effort – the bloodlust clearly starting to fade with the loss of adversaries. 
“Bucky,” the blond man cautiously said, his tone still firm. “Come back, you’re not there. You protected her.”
Before you could think better of it, you slid from Ragnar’s saddle – the spell long gone, and you limped as fast as you could to the towering Viking, still sobbing heartily with relief. “Bear–Bear, please!”
“Mouse,” he breathed, falling to his knees on the soaked ground. You collided with his chest with a wet slap, and you gripped at his shoulders, his back – anywhere you could find purchase as you wept from the fear, pain, and the relief. “You are safe, I have you.”
You looked up from Bucky’s neck to see a shadow down the path – a wolf, grey in colour, with white, glowing eyes. The creature watched you for a moment before it turned and evaporated into wisps of smoke. 
Footsteps on the sodden ground behind you brought you back to reality. 
“Let us get her home–our home,” the blond man said softly, his hand on Bucky’s other shoulder. “Her wounds will need tending to.”
Bucky nodded, and as he stood, you were swept up from the ground in one fluid motion. Hoofbeats splashed on the blood soaked ground, and you blinked hazily as Ragnar nosed at your thigh. “Good boy,” Bucky whispered. “Thank you.”
Ragnar blinked at Bucky and turned, offering his side. “Let us go home.”
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hlaupa = run
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⠈⠂⠄ 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨𝟑 ⠄⠂⠁
⠈⠂⠄ 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 ⠄⠂⠁
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Falling in love in ten days - Day six to ten Part three of “Eh, what the fuck is wrong with him?” Part One can be found here Part Two can be found here
pairing: Max Verstappen x reader
warnings: mention of crash and injury (minor, such as bruising and concussion), swearing, use of y/n but some established family relations (mentioning of death of a loved one), enemies to lovers
summary: After your crash, you and Max are spending some deserved time-out in Portugal. And under the Portuegese sun and warmth, the two of you are slowly warming up to each other.
notes: The first part was written inspired by a prompt saying: one-sided rivalry where one of them wants fierce competition and the other one is just “eh? what the hell is wrong with this person?” Since we love ourselves some good enemies to lovers, I really wanted to write this. The second and third part are rather fluffy. Let me know if you would want to read a fourth part :)
taglist: @hungryhungarian @marciabito @idkiwantchocolatee @taina-eny @holy-macncheese-balls @maxxiemoo
disclaimer: English is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes. Feel free to leave comments and/or feedback <3
word count: 2.9k
Day Six – Saturday
You woke up to loud music blasting. “Y/N!!”, Max pounded against your door, “It is time to wake up!!” “Oy, fuck off!”, you shouted, but laughed out loud. “Can I come in? Are you dressed?” “Yes!”, you yelled back. Max busted into your room, radiating happiness, his phone in his hand. “You are filming?!?”, you exclaimed. “Yes, for all the people out there spreading rumors about us two dating!” “What the fuck?”, you laughed even louder and grabbed one of your pillows. With all the force you could gather you threw it in Max´s direction, hitting him in the head. “I hope you filmed that!”, you said, howling with laughter.
He nodded. “I actually did film that, you idiot!” You sat up in bed and looked at him. “So, what´s all this for?” “Today we are working out together, I will see you outside your room ready in 10 minutes.” You rolled your eyes. “Fine!”
The two of you had gone for a morning run, as well as a workout in the gym. It was quite nice, working out together. You were surprised how quickly you had healed with the proper rest. Still, you were taking it a bit slower. You wore nothing than your sports bra and leggings, your usual workout look. Max ditched his shirt after a while, and you could not help but steal a look from time to time. He was quite attractive indeed, and you were surprised that he had not landed any model jobs yet.
It was not like it was a usual thing for Formular One drivers to be casted as models – Danny and you were in front of cameras for shootings quite regularly, and others drivers occasionally got cast too. “Hey Max”, you approached the man while you were still running on the treadmill, “Why is that you never do modeling jobs? You clearly have the physique and the looks for it – do you simply not want to?” Max shrugged his shoulders. “I don´t know, there was never an offer that convinced me. And I also don’t think I could do as good as a job as you.” You were surprised. “You saw my pictures?” Max nodded, while he got up on the treadmill next to you. “I follow you on Instagram, and maybe I have googled you once or twice before.”
“You have?!?”, you said with an exaggerated gasp, “Stalker much?” You nudged him in the side with your hand, grinning at him. “You gotta be up to date with the competition, Y/N”, Max laughed, yet you could see a slight blush on his cheek. “Whatever you say.” You grinned at the man and shifted your focus back on the exercises.
After the workout you were sweaty and warm, so you looked pleadingly over to Max. “What do you want from me, Y/N”, he laughed and playfully rolled his eyes at you. “Go for a swim with me?”, you gave him your best puppy eyes and Max could not resist. “If it is your biggest wish, I will.” “Thank you!”, you shot the man a smile, grabbed your towel and walked through the door, the Dutch following you.
The two of you stood in front of the ocean, took in the view of the water against the skyline and you were once again stunned by the beauty of this place. You dropped your towel in the sand and looked at Max. “On three?” “Sure!” You grabbed his hand. “One, Two, Three!” The two of you sprinted towards the water, and into the waves. You splashed each other and laughed freely.
Day Seven – Sunday
On the seventh day you realized that you were slowly but steadily falling in love with your teammate. It was different, it did not feel like being a teenager, your heart was not racing, and your hormones were not going crazy. It was… more mature than that. Since you had all the excitement on the tracks, the nerves also stretched thin, you had started to look for something else in love that blushing and nervousness. You needed someone that could ground you. Someone you could relax around, someone that could made all the stress you were under disappear with just a gaze in your direction or a simple touch.
And that man was Max Verstappen with his ocean eyes. You were not overwhelmed by your emotions because the Dutch was openly mirroring your feelings. The two of you hadn’t talked about it, but you could feel it in the way you looked at you, smiled at you and the way he behaved around you. Of course, you could not be entirely sure, but you had known him for a while now, so you were able to at least read most of his emotions.
It had been another very relaxing day, and you felt very calm and at ease. Being it with Max felt easy, and natural to you. You unfolded in his presence, shaking of the stress of the Formula One World. And you could feel that it was the same for you. You had not seen him laughing this much, and he seemed so relaxed.
“Being relaxed looks good on you”, you said to him after dinner, and took a sip from your wine. Max smiled at you. “Thank you, Y/N. I don’t think I would have been this relaxed at home to be fair.” You tilted your head. “What do you mean?” Max smiled at you. “You help me calm down. One look at just doing normal things like reading, or smiling, or anything really, and I am suddenly at ease. I have not felt this relaxed in a long while, and I wanted to thank you for that.” You smiled shyly, a little brush creeping onto your cheeks.
“I have to thank you, because I feel the same. Being around you feels so… natural. I feel alive and free, and I love that. Thank you, Max.” You two smiled widely at each other and enjoyed the comfortable silence. “Y/N, I know this might come off weird considering that I did not talk more than a few words to you a couple of days ago, but actually I have been enchanted by you since the first I have met you”, the man took a deep breath, seemingly to gather his courage, “So I wanted to ask if you would maybe do me the honor of going on a date with me tomorrow?” “Max, I would love nothing more than that.”
Day Eight – Monday
You decided to go to one of the villages close by again, after a chilled start in the day with some work out and a nice breakfast. First, the two of you had both thought about going to Lisbon, but you were not really that keen on meeting any fans.
Normally, you loved taking pictures and talking with them, but this time off was just for Max and you. And especially today was just for the two of you. You had decided for the new summer dress you had bought on the market, and your favorite pair of shoes. When you had met Max at the car, he smiled widely. “You look gorgeous, Y/N.” He looked very handsome himself. Some denim shorts paired with a short dress shirt. You thanked him for the compliment and entered the car.
This time, the drive was a bit longer than the last time. You turned on some chilled music and the two of you sat in comfortable silence. After a few minutes, you thought about Max asking you out again, and you had to smile widely. For a moment you hesitated, but then you placed your hand on his, which was resting on the shifting stick. Max looked at your hands, looked at you, and then smiled widely at you. Then he grabbed your hand, so that it was now under his and on the stick. You giggled a little and just enjoyed the physical touch the two of you were sharing.
When it was time to get out of the car, you broke the physical contact for a moment and you were almost sad, until Max walked around the car and reached for your hand again. It had both of you smiling like idiots, and maybe part of this falling in love was teenager like after all. The giggles, the nervousness, and the grinning widely.
You took a walk around the little alleys, enjoying the sun and discovering the beautiful architecture of the small village. You had ice cream, which you insisted on paying for. Max let you, but only if you agreed to let him pay for dinner, which you did – after a long, playful discussion back and forth. You chose one flavour, Max argued that if you were breaking your diet, you should take more, which is why he ordered three different kinds.
It was a pain to eat the ice cream, as it was hot, and the ice cream melted in an instant. Max fought ferociously against losing any drops to the ground and it made you laugh out, because it looked absolutely hilarious. You had already finished up and just watched him struggling. “Just laugh, schatje”, you blushed a bit at the pet name, “Meanwhile you have ice cream in your face as well!” You stuck out your tongue. “I think you are lying to make yourself feel better!”
“No, really”, Max said and cleaned his hands with a napkin. He had finally finished, and his hands were now free. He carefully moved his hand towards your face and gently wiped his thumb over the corner of your mouth. “It was… right there”, you could hear his breath hitching in his throat and you blushed at the sudden intimacy. You looked up to Max and could see that he was smiling at you. You smiled back and for a moment, time stopped.
“Saia do caminho! Está a bloquear a rua inteira!” (Get out of the way! You're blocking the whole street!), a man on a small moped honked at you. You shrieked in shock and Max pulled you out of the way. The driver passed you with a ridiculous speed for that little moped and the uneven streets. You both looked past him in disbelief and then at each other, and then you started laughing.
“He should join Formula One, he was that fast!”, you laughed, taking a sip from your wine. After the moped incident, you and Max had walked to the restaurant. It was located in the upper part of the city, which provided the establishment with an amazing view over the water. Max and you had just recalled the moment the driver drove past you. “Well, he is faster than you for sure!”, Max teased. You were fake offended, gasping and putting a hand on your heart. “That hurt, Verstappen!”, Max smiled at you.
“Jokes aside”, the Dutch said, “I admire you. I imagine that your journey of becoming the first female Formula One driver wasn’t an easy one.” You shook your head. “I don’t think that journey is easy for anyone.” “I think this is what I admire most about you. Other drivers have achieved less than you – they are not as good, nor they are the first female driver, obviously – and yet they think they are important, and they brag about it. You never do that. You are always kind and humble. And you never lose your temper nor your smile. Even if you have a shitty day, or if the media tears you apart again, or if someone makes fun of you because you are a woman. You get up, you continue, and you fight. I get shit from the media a lot, but not nearly as much as you. I can’t imagine how that must be.”
You let his words sink in for a while. You took a sip of water before you formulated your answer. “I am aware of what I have achieved, and I am proud of it. I have worked hard for it. That is why most of the time the comments do not get to me, because I am living my dream. But some days it gets too much, and I think what makes it so hard is that there is no one I can turn to. I don’t have a father who is a driver, and I don’t have another person like me as a role model. Yes, everyone on the grid is very supportive, and I have a lot of close friends there, but they do not share my struggles.” Max nodded understandingly.
“I just want to let you know that despite not understanding your struggle, I am now here for you. I am sorry I haven’t been before. I should have been a better teammate.” You smiled at him. “That would have been nice, but you are really making up for it now. Thank you, Max”, you took a sip of wine, “I admire you two, by the way. I see great potential in you. I am sure one day you are going to be champion of the world.”
The food came soon after this conversation, and it was delicious. You and Max continued talking, and you were even more surprised by the Dutch man. You never took him for a man of many words, but before either of you realized, the owner came to your table to inform you, that the establishment was closing soon. You thanked him for the amazing food, and Max paid.
You walked through the little alleys back to the car. The ride home was spent in comfortable silence, Max resting his one hand on your thigh, drawing little circles and you just smiled happily. When you pulled into the driveway, Max somehow managed to exist the car in super speed, running to open the door for you. You laughed. “Almost as fast as Mister Moped!”. The two of you laughed.
Half an hour later you found yourself sitting on the porch looking at the stars. You were now dressed in comfortable attire, your legs resting on Max lap. You both scrolled on your phone, occasionally showing each other memes. At some point, you started yawning. “Max, I really enjoyed this day, and I would love for it to never end, but I am very tired. I think, I will head to bed!” Max nodded. “Do that, y/n, I will stay outside a little longer. You got up from your position, but before you walked inside, you leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Max´s cheek.
You were just about to go inside, when Max called out for you. “I also really enjoyed today. Would you be up for another date?” You turned around and smile at the Dutch. "I would love nothing more." And with that you went inside and straight to bed.
Day Nine – Tuesday
Tuesday was an uneventful day. Max and you had agreed to have another date soon, after the next race. You used the day for yourself, talking a long way on the beach, working out, calling your father, brother, and your best friend. You didn’t tell them about your date with Max yet, just that you were starting to get along better. You wanted this for yourself, at least for now. You knew that if this was to continue, which you hoped it did, you would have to come clean soon. Soon, but not now.
Max spent the day like you – reading, relaxing, talking to his friends and family. He thought about the situation and you a lot, and he came to the realization that he was falling for you, hard and fast. You had always enchanted him, even when he pretended to hate you. Now, that he didn’t pretend anymore, he had to realize that you had stolen his heart completely and he hoped that you felt the same.
Day Ten – Wednesday
“I don’t wanna leave here”, you said to Max after dinner. It was your last day in Portugal, you were scheduled to fly to the next race tomorrow, properly preparing there. “Me neither. I wish I could just stay here like this with you, for the rest of my time. I´d die a happy man.” You couldn’t help but smile and the man’s word. There were laced with an unusual softness.
“We should go for one last swim”, you suggested and looked at Max. The stars and the moon were shining, and the beach was faintly illuminated. “Sure, lets go.” The two of you changed, and then you walked down the stairs to the beach. Max grabbed your hand as soon as you left the house, leading the way, you were walking behind him.
You made it to the bottom, and suddenly Max started running. You started laughing, and shortly before the water you dropped your towel. You followed Max into the cool waves, diving under. When you arose from under the surface, you pushed your hair out of your face and found the Dutch man looking at you. The moonlight illuminated your faces and silhouettes. Max and you both took a step towards each other, suddenly you were in very close proximity of each other.  
“Fuck, you are beautiful”, Max whispered as he tugged a strand of wet hair behind your ear. You looked up at him smiling, as he cupped your face with his hands. “I think I am falling in love with you, y/n. And I hope you feel the same.” Instead of an answer, you put your arms behind his neck and pull him in for a kiss.
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itsohh · 1 year
Compromised Judgement
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A/N: Female reader, I think I rewrote this like 3 times, all completely  different takes on this prompt. But its done! Some places I’m not too happy with but meh.
Word count: 3726
Warnings: NSFT, smut
The memories were direct in her mind. On one hand, she berated herself, she should have known better. Yet, on the other hand, blaming herself would take away from your work, and your achievement. Taina would learn from the experience and do better next time. "She's good." Taina leaned on the desk while Nøkk sat on it next to her, Sam in the office chair.
Taina had the advantage over Nøkk, sneaking up on her and taking her down with ease. Yet two paces behind her, your light feet were almost silent on the floor and she hadn't seen you until it was too late. Her interrogation was cut short as your knife came up to her throat, signalling her elimination. A whisper in her ear. There hasn't been a fight, it had been a swift, clean elimination fitting for someone in your role. Yet, her mind stayed on you a little bit more than in a professional manner. The way you moved without a sound, your soft but firm grip on her shoulder as the blade stayed against her throat- it was ingrained in her mind.
"She's a good addition." Sam piped up behind her, snapping her out of the daydream that had started to form. "I'd like to see her hand-to-hand more." Anything less than perfect could be a major detriment. Taina pushed off the desk and looked out the window showing where you continued to train below. "That can be arranged."
Max was glad to catch up again, it had been far too long. The pair of you had been in a deep conversation about the admittedly more reckless of your hobbies. "Probably one of the scariest things I've ever done. Not knowing how secure and table that old rollercoaster was and then god looking down was terrifying." You had been explaining one of your trips to an abandoned theme park out in Japan where you scaled one of the coasters. Max had been delighted to hear the story and the way you gushed over it.
So wrapped up in your story, you didn't notice Taina who had joined you in the room. With your guard down she paused, staring at the smile on your face and the way you gestured in conversation. You had slipped into her team with ease, immediately adapting to the situation and bonding. Only when she called out your name did you end your conversation.
At her approach, you smiled at her. "Ma'am, how can I help you."
"Ugh, none of that. Taina please." She immediately waved off the formality and nodded towards Max in greeting.
"Nøkk says you're good in the ring, let's test that. Wrap them up, let's go." Her touch on your shoulder burned into your skin in the seconds that it patted your shoulder and you nodded at her.
"We can talk more later Max."
"Sweet as."
Taina had ditched her gear and shirt leaving her in a sports bra and shorts. Her hands were wrapped like yours preventing any damage from occurring with any punches. Max hadn't left the room, opting to watch with the rest of the small crowd that had gathered. Who wouldn't want to see the new operative in action? Sam and Nøkk had joined him alongside Ana. "So, how are we playing this?" You found your way to the corner of the ring while she prepared in the opposite corner.
"No weapons, no proper injuries, no other rules."
"Alright, let's go."
A groan left your lips as you sat with Max. The fight had been relatively even and the rounds didn't stop for a while. You won the first round but she won the second. Eventually, the pair of you exhausted each other out and Sam had to send the pair of you off for dinner. That smile on her face though, she had enjoyed it. An enjoyment that you had shared.
Max showed you the small pest on the table as you operated the drone. In a moment the pest jumped onto the drone and you lost all access to it. "Aww, my little buddy." He laughed at your voice. "How demoralising." You muttered as he spun the drone around.
"Exactly to design." He wiggled his brows as you stuck your fork in your mouth. It was relatively late, the pair of you the only ones there. "Ready to see how good these lil drones are?" He asked and you shrugged.
The drone finished its little doughnut and he angled his phone so you could see it better. It raced around on the ground weaving around the facility. Most of the building was pretty empty but a yellow light from an open door caught his eye. It was your name that you heard and Max turned to look at your face for a moment. Perhaps it wouldn't be the best idea to continue. Yet that thought was shelved as you heard Nøkks voice speak up throughout the speaker, it was hard to tell her tone. Was she annoyed or amused? Even after all the amount of time you had known her, it could still be hard to tell her emotions right away.
"You have seen her in a gunfight, seen her hand-to-hand but you still have reservations"
"Sam will be the one making decisions about her. That's final Nøkk." Her voice was stern, cemented in the matter.
"Can I ask why?"
"You can ask but I won't answer."
"Come on Cav." A sigh left Taina's mouth from Nøkk's insistence. A sigh of defeat.
"She's good Nøkk, really good. Max knows how to pick them. I just don't trust my own judgment on the matter." The reason shocked Nøkk and she flinched back, she hadn't been expecting that answer. Not at all.
"You don't trust your own judgement? Since when?"
"Since I'm in a senior role Nøkk. I can't be making such decisions when I'm so compromised on the matter."
"Compromised?" Max echoed and the pair of you exchanged a look. Silence came between the two women until Nøkk finally spoke up.
"...You have a crush on her." Her voice turned into one of delight, rocking back in laughter. Her giggles filled the room and Taina abruptly stood up from the desk.
"Nøkk." Her voice hissed.
"Aww Taina, that's adorable. The big bad Caveira finds love."
"Não quero ouvir um piu de você" Her voice was harsh as she commanded the woman to be quiet.
"Oh shit." Your voice finally came as the pair of you stayed stunned. "We… were not supposed to hear that."
"What, that Taina, the scariest operative in the entirety of Rainbow, thinks you're hot?" Max's head turned, a grin on his face.
"Yes!" You started to panic.
"Question is, do you feel the same?" He leaned ever a bit closer for your response.
"Yes, obviously, look at her." You gestured and he laughed out loud. "But that won't matter if she finds out we were spying on them. Yeah, she's stunning but also dangerous as hell. Max, how long have we known each other?"
"Six years."
"Yeah, those six years will be all we will ever know if she finds out we were spying on her right now. Because she will literally gut us alive." You hadn't known the woman long but her personality was rather… pronounced. While your heart was in the right place, the timing was all wrong. Max made the grave mistake of moving the drone while both Taina and Nøkk were completely silent.
The sound of its gears turning alerted both women to its location by the door. "Que porra é essa?" Taina swore out immediately jumping to action. Nøkk didn't move as the drone zoomed away from the doorway, Taina trailing it.
"Shit, this isn't good." Max cursed out as the drone made its way towards your location.
"Don't take it to us!" You shoved him in the arm. The drone made a sharp corner into the rec room and Max hid it under one of the side cabinets. The pair of you could only see her shoes on the floor. Searching for the drone Max spun it around so she couldn't see the small LED's on it.
"Merda." Taina's voice came out under her breath. In such a large room it would be pointless to look for the drone, the damage was already done.
Both you and Max let out a breath and he slumped down in the chair. "So… that's how the pests work." He lightened the mood and you scoffed at him. "So, what are gonna do about it?" Max gestured to the screen.
"Well, you gotta tell her you feel the same right?" He folded his arms across his chest, his glasses low enough for you to see his cocked brow.
"You think so?"
"Nah yeah. Why not? You heard her, Sam's making any decisions about your role assignment. The woman deserves a good time and you seem just the type." You slapped him on the shoulder.
"All respect to the pair of yah." He held his hands up in defence. "Look, what do you have to lose? You seem like a pretty good chick yeah? Taina's hard on the outside, sometimes got a stick up her ass but she's how do it put it- she cares. A lot. Give it a go."
"I'll think about it."
"Atta girl."
In front of her office door, you stood, hand clammy and heart racing. A part of you wanted to dip. A part of you wanted to sprint away and pretend you never heard what she said. Perhaps she was lying? Perhaps it was a weird test or something to get Nøkk off her back. A sigh left your mouth as you fought internally with yourself. Then the door opened. Taina nearly slammed into you. She spoke your name in shock before she took a step back. The papers in her hands could wait. "Come in." Taina turned away from you as your fist fell to your side and you swallowed. No going back now. The small stack was placed on her desk and she sat on the back on it in a half-sit half-lean.
"How can I help you? If you're wondering about your assignment, Sam's dealing with that but I can help explain it for you." She was tense, her body rigid as she kept your eye line.
"Actually I came here for a personal matter." Her eyes widened slightly in interest and she didn't dare look away from you as you stepped towards you.
"I have time, shoot."
"Heard a little birdy saw something they weren't supposed to last night." Her hand clenched the edge of the desk staring at your face, your lips.
Step by step you stalked toward her, eye second growing in confidence. "Did you mean what you said to Nøkk?"
"Going to have to be a lot more specific." She was playing dumb, just encase. Taina had no idea how long the drone had been there.
"Have I-" You let out a breath, your chest lowering as you wet your lips with the top of your tongue. "Compromised you?" Her jaw locked at your words and stayed silent. Another step and you were at arm's length, directly in front of her. Taina had to crane her neck upward at your standing state. Your thumb brushed against her lower jaw, tracing it upward as your knuckles kissed her cheek. Taina's eyes fluttered close at the soft contact, no protest in sight.
"For the moment. Yes." Taina was a professional, now she had accepted her feelings, and she would clear her head. Give or take a week or so.
"Can I kiss you?" Your voice was so quiet, so soft and for a moment you wondered if she had even heard you. Taina's eyes fluttered open only for a second. Her hand that had been damaging the desk flew up to your shirt pulling you down against her. Your lips smashed against hers and everything was let loose all at once. The quiet and unsure moment was thrown out the window as she poured everything she felt into the kiss.
Wet and full of passion you moaned against her lips as her hand let go of your shirt. Her hand slid up your shoulder and wrapped around your neck. With her newfound grip, she pulled you flush against her. All too eager you leaned forward against her which pushed her back against the desk. Your hands pinned next to her on the desk as her leg hiked up around your waist.
"Gods you're fucking gorgeous." You mumbled out as you both parted slightly breathless. Your lips kissed down the side of her jaw as her hair spread out on the desk. With a hand on her breast, you gave it a squeeze, one to test the waters. A moan slipped out of her lips and echoed throughout the room. Slowly your hand started to drift down and crept under her shirt. The woman was intoxicating, your head practically spun in her presence.
Then all of a sudden she let out a growl and pushed you back. Stunned and confused you stumbled back, hurt on your face. At first, you thought it was anger on her face but she quickly grabbed your hand. "Not. Here." She hissed out. Without a chance to say a word, she pulled on your hand. The door practically slammed open as she dragged you down the hallway.
She was on a path of pure determination. Luckily no one else was on her path to her dorm room. Almost no one. Max. He had been the only one the pair of you came across. He snapped to the side of the hallway and put his hands up. But when you turned your head walking past he stuck two thumbs up. Two thumbs that Taina glimpsed in the reflection of a nearby glass window. "We are going to have a talk later on Goose." Her voice snapped over her shoulder and you could practically see the sweat run down his face.
Max soon dispersed from view and Taina continued to drag you along right to her dorm room. She tore the door open, and it slammed behind the pair of you before she pushed you down on the bed. Her shirt was ripped off as she unclasped her bra. Taina couldn't handle it, she needed to touch you so desperately. Her pants undone at the top she crawled over you. Once again her lips pushed against yours. Immediately you wrapped your arms around her. Taina's sweet lips were all that you knew as you buried a hand in her hair giving it a light tug.
A line of saliva connected the pair of you when Taina pulled back ever so slightly. "I hope you know what you're getting into. I don't share." She growled against your lips.
"Do you know what you're getting into, Caveira?" You challenged her with a sly grin on your face. "Because when I have a taste of something I want, I don't let it go. Frankly, your the sweetest thing I've ever tasted in my entire life." Your voice matched her tone and it took away her breath for a moment. That power, that determination that she saw on the field came to play. Taina's mind wandered back to the first time the pair of your met. A blade against her throat, your voice against her ear. At that very moment, she knew you were good and at that moment she knew she wanted you.
Taina didn't reply to your taunt, your confession. Instead, her lips were a storm against yours, demanding everything from you but giving everything she had. The kiss was a fury of tongue, hers fought against yours a demand and trail of domination that you eventually gave in. wet open mouth kisses remained, nothing could take you from that moment. All that tension, desire, and affection that had built up were finally and completely realised and put into action. A mutual feeling that the pair of you so completely shared. Slender fingers found the bottom of your shirt, and she parted from you to fling it over her shoulder alongside your bra that she practically ripped from your body once the clasp was undone.
"Your mine." She growled biting her way down between your breasts and giving your now hard nipple a squeeze which turned into a pull. Her hand spread out, grabbing and feeling you up. Taina was greedy, so greedy and she knew it. You willingly had given yourself to her and she was going to take in every single piece of you that you so graciously gave her. Her fingers hooked around your pants and started to drag them down, the elastic allowing her to do so with ease.
Your underwear came with it as her lips left your body to fully pull the pants off with your sneakers that slid off with ease. Caveira paused as you lay completely bare for her. It had been a while since someone was so willingly vulnerable and open for her. It took her breath away just for a moment as she stared at you, taking in every small inch of your body. Taina would sear the image into her mind if it was the last thing she would ever do.
Knuckles brushed against your legs which caused a shiver to take control of your body. With dry lips, you swallowed and looked up at the woman. Her eyes finally found yours and her bottom lids twitched. In a fury of movement, she snapped towards you. Hands on your thighs she pulled your legs up and over her shoulders. With your body half in the air leaning against her, her mouth found your cunt. Right away her tongue licked against your entrance. She took in your taste for the very first time. That one lick had her pause, really savouring the moment before things were kicked into fifth gear.
Taina's tongue went to work to furiously lick up each and every drop that your cunt gave her. Like a woman starved she ate you out, never faulting for a moment with her grip on you. Each lick had teased at your entrance right until her tongue flicked up to your clit. Right at that moment, her eyes flickered focus from your cunt to your eyes. She peered down at you and a smirk formed on her face as she took in your expression. Lips gaped parted with your jaw dropped and eyes wide with bliss it was a screen she wished to recreate for the rest of her life. Yet she was greedy, she wanted more.
Like everything in her life, she was willing to get dirty to achieve her goal. One hand was secured on your side to keep you steady, her other was free for use. Three fingers slid into you with ease. A wet sound mixed with her kitten licks at your clit. Taina knew the ins and out of the human body and she was going to use that knowledge well. Her fingers curled and brushed against that sweet spot with the tip of her fingers. Her short nails, a blessing.
"Oh fuck, Cav." You moaned out at her motion and it was pure music to her ears, exactly what she wanted to hear. One of your hands tangled in her sheets while the other gript onto her hair. With your hand secure, your hips started to buck against her, your grind ground against her face desperate for more. "Please, please, please." You started to chant, beg. Your legs wriggled over her shoulder and her fingers dipped from inside of you to slap over your thigh. Punishingly hard her hands held your thighs still while her tongue worked.
"Taina please." You drew out the words and choked on your own breath, tears had started to form in the corner of your eyes. So close. So fucking close she had you. Mentally you prayed that she didn't stop, that she wouldn't edge you, you were sure you couldn't handle it. Yet she wasn't without mercy, Taina continued stimulating your clit until you were pushed over the edge. A choked-out cry of her name left your lips and you shut your eyes while your body vibrated against her. Careful not to overstimulate you, she stopped and started to press kisses on your inside thigh.
Blood pumped in your ears and she slowly started to lower you back into the bed. Your legs still quivered from your receding orgasm. "T-Tania. Fuck." You swallowed, and your pulse started to slow while she gave you the smile of the devil at the end of the bed. Like a tiger, she stalked over you. Her body on top of you she pressed her lips down against yours. You moaned against her as you tasted yourself on her lips; a taste that mixed with her own unique flavour. She let out a small moan of your name, it was obvious she had enjoyed the taste of your lips against hers.
But that moment was soon stopped when a knock came on the door. "What." Her voice was harsh and you immediately saw the change on her face. Annoyance and anger consumed her.
"Taina, have you forgotten about those documents I needed? I need them now." It was Sam's voice.
"They're on my desk. Feel free to collect them. She looked over her shoulder for a moment. "I'm busy."
"Your door to your office is locked." His voice was tired and deadpan through the door.
"Then open it, Fisher."
"Electronic lock remember." She cursed out under her breath as she rolled off you. Curses continued as she grabbed a shirt- yours- she hadn't noticed. It slipped over her and she quickly did up her pants. The door was yanked open and you quickly pulled her sheet over your body. The door yanked a little too far and Sam's eyes peered into the room and immediately made eye contact with yours. With an awkward half smile, you gave him a little wave before Taina cut you off from view with the door. Sam's eyes flickered to Taina, her eyes daggers at his.
"Ah." He let out still standing in front of her.
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ginagirl808 · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Oscar Sport 7 (37) winter boots rabbit fur on calf suede warm ski.
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djfreddyrey · 7 years
Djfreddyrey.net #djfreddyrey #urban #edm #hiphop #dancehall #reggaeton #dembow #rocklatino #progressivehouse #dubstep #traplatino #afrobeats #music #artist #actor #model #dancer #talent #film #videogame #sport #fashion #business #arleneg #salsa #diva #taina #puertorico
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williamsmybeloved · 3 years
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1.900 posts. 600 followers. 127 days. Some motivation, 1 creator and we’re here.
0,6k, which feel unbelievable
I’m really thankful for all of you🥺🖤
I want to tag some of you because this summer was hard for me and never thought I’d say this, but you made it survivable❤️
@lucalovesf1 my olli, my everything🥺 im really sorry about hungarian gp but we will eventually meet, i hope💜
@twoninesevenpointone my mum😂 oh id be lost without you
@caiocollett you helped me live thru all the long travellings at night, sometimes i love timezones😂 also im really glad we kinda got to know each other, would love to talk more😌🤍 how do we call it? Same vibe, different timezones?😂
@cheekydger such a random coincidence yet one of the best things that could happen😂💀
@ishepretty i hope we’ll get to chat about nando more and simp little max as he adored this man❤️
@thisisaworkinprogress ahh jane, really enjoyed past few days💀
@dams-racing daily dose of serototnin and food for my eyes, i really enjoy your work
@maxleqlerc - love your edits and graphics, another dose of food for my eyes but this time f1, also love the lestappen ramblings😂
@babssionate i would be so fucking lost without you, george… love your presentations, they really helped me with getting into f1
@georgeinamerc comfort. comfort person🥺❤️
🤍and some people, that i dont hsve something to say about in particular but they also took part of making my stay here more enjoyable, even tho they may not know it:
@princegasly @berndmaylander @multifandomboii @maxfew @seb-aston-vettel @shelswrites @lxndonorris @vandoorne-vettel @vandoorne-devries @micksschumachers @thatmercedesamgsafetycar @donaidk @f1schumi @stuckonspidey @imthebadguyyy @ferraricharles @widdajan @tedkravitzs @formulola @formulaunoo @formulas-world @justamotorsportlover @taina-eny @mushroomlance @another-lance-strolls-fangirl @robwinfrijns @x-lipstickstain-x @sports--addicted @umflowers 🤍(sorry if i accidentally forgot to tag you🥺 im just kinda out of my mind from school and tend to forget more things)
again big THANK YOU to everybody❤️ see you next time, hopefully even before half year celebration in november 😂🤍🤍
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Face your feelings? Mask your feelings?
Summary: you always find little ways to brighten Poe’s day. Even when you’re away on a mission, somehow, you have the power to make everything better.
Author’s note: didn’t plan this at all, but was craving some soft, Poe fluff and woke-up with this idea in my head, so here you go!Very quick blurb!
Word count: super short. (Getting better at writing short things again!)
Warnings: it gets mildly suggestive towards the end so rated TEEN. Otherwise pure fluff, sweets!
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Poe can’t help but crack a radiant smile as you stand opposite him in the pokey motel refresher, carefully smoothing green, fresh-smelling goop over his face with your delicate fingers.
“Poe!” you giggle. “Keep that pretty face still!”
Poe looks fondly into your eyes as you concentrate on applying the concoction along his jaw-line, looking altogether too serious for someone sporting blue goo all over their face.
“Can’t help it,” he professes, cracking again, his warm voice suffusing into your bones. No; eroding your bones away like the blast of warm sand over rock. Making you boneless and giddy and jelly-like. Quaking.
His smile is infectious. “Don’t you dare make me laugh, Dameron!” you scold, trying desperately not to crack the stiff, dried paste on your face.
“What was that, Threepio?” he mocks, as you try to keep your face as still as a protocol droid’s and fail miserably.
Your laugh lilts into the tight space between you, your fingers padding carefully around Poe’s lips to apply the mixture. You can’t help but notice how plumped and pink his lips look in contrast to the insipid green. Then, you make the mistake of looking into his warm eyes, set amongst the green like tempting, shining glasses of whiskey on a dull, Formica table.
Poe’s eyes positively beam as he looks at you, a spark there like the tinkling of ice cubes, inviting you to take a drink of him.
You always make everything better, he thinks. Even the worst things. Even the worst days.
Who in the galaxy takes face masks along with them on a mission?
You do.
You always make everything better. Always find some way to treat him or surprise him or comfort him. Even today.
Poe smiles broadly again, the war very briefly forgotten.
Kriff, he wants so badly to kiss you.
And, damnit, he’s gonna.
You look mildly horrified as his face dips towards yours, pillowy lips mere centimetres from you, and his gooey, minty chin hovering moments away.
“Poe, don’t even think about-“
“Can I kiss you?” he interupts, his clay-clagged hands spreading colour over your white shirt as his arms encircle your waist.
Momentarily, you try to resist his heat, but your protest is as hazy and weak and fictional as a desert mirage. “But you won’t realise the benefit unless you...”
“Honey,” he interupts again. “Your dedication to my skincare routine is adorable, but let me mush my face on yours, please? I gotta.”
You harumph once more in protestation, but then your resolve fades into nothing at the sound of his sandy voice. His warmth washes over you, filling in all the empty spaces in your boneless body like the steady flow of a sand dune, until you feel buried under it. Buried under him.
You could stay buried here for an eternity, feeling like his treasure. Could stay hidden from the cold world in this pocket of warmth.
You tug Poe into you and your lips meld, the shape of him effortlessly familiar. Then, you are a muddle of blue and green; smeared colour on noses and necks and cheeks, all fingers and thumbs and pink tongues blending this hasty palette together. Getting messy, but making just about everything better.
He’s warm. So warm under your fingers, like sand beneath baking sun. So warm pressed-up against you. So warm in his heart, which beats to do good.
Poe pulls away for air and his face is beset by the giddiest of grins, your kiss having trailed a smattering of blue around his mouth like a sea engulfing a hot shore. As soon as your kiss recedes, he is baking again.
“Kriff,” he asks throatily. “Can we make out some more?”
Humming softly, your fingers come to his face to test the consistency of him. You smile, and this time you don’t even care that your mask splits.
“In... 2-3 minutes, sure thing, Dameron.”
“For real?” he complains, dipping his head temptingly towards yours and pressing himself needily against you.
“Look, Dameron,” you tease fondly. “How can I fully utilise your face unless you wait for all of this to peel off?”
His eyebrows briefly pop-up in surprise before his eyes darken. A soft yet gritty groan fans over you. “F- fully utilise? Y-you mean, like...”
You hum again in confirmation, gentle suggestion. You were half-joking, but before you know it, Poe has thrown his face beneath the tap and is practically drowning himself as he hastily scrubs everything away. His enthusiasm bodes well, you think.
You laugh as you watch water spray everywhere, flattening the inky curls which frame his pretty face and making the collar of his shirt sodden.
Maker, you adore him.
He always makes everything better. Even today.
For the briefest of moments, you forget there is a war, and choose to remain hidden in this pocket of warmth.
Tagging: @adventurous-nerd, @starryeyedstories @wheresthewater, @tonightletspretend, @gooddaykate, @mrscrain-x7, @mndalorians, @theindiealto, @maximoffzinha, @darksideofclarke, @gottenintomybloodstream, @hkmultifandom. @spider-starry, @loxxiepenguins, @itsamedeemoney, @thottiewinemom, @taina-eny, @arkofblake, @khood84, @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol, @gennyanydots, @shakespeareanwannabe, @fanfiction-trashpile, @hollymac79, @brooklynsblurbs, @tammythompson-singslikea-muppet, @takenbymyfandoms, @galacticnerd-78, @starwarswh0re, @imaginecrushes, @twomoonstwosuns, @leahsafae, @thirsty-flygirl, @woakiees, @damnyoudameron, @galaxy-of-stories, @bluengreyfox, @thescarletknight2014, @pandora-evermore, @el-lizzie @atletino @starlightstories @theliterarymess @melanietrancy @justrunamok @aellynera @damerondjarin @lostgirlheather @phoenixhalliwell @blushingwueen​
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woonanamin · 4 years
Operator Elliott “Judas” Köhler
Name: Elliott Fynn Köhler
Organization: Grenzschutzgruppe 9 (GSG9)
Codename: Judas
Age: 27
Birthday: June 13
Birthplace: Berlin, Germany
Height: 6’0
Weight: 141 lbs
Primary: M870, 552 Commando
Secondary: P12
Gadget: Deployable Shield, Impact Grenades
Unique Gadget: The Weasel
Elliott Köhler was born on June 13, 1992 in Berlin, Germany. He was born to rich parents, Wolfgang and Katrin Köhler. His father was a lawyer while his mother was a stay at home mom. Being the first child of the family, the boy was held high on a pedestal. Not only was he the first, but he was also the last. His parents had tried for years for another boy, but Katrin was infertile which caused a problem in her’s and Wolfgang’s relationship. Several years later, Katrin passed away from a terminal illness leaving Elliott in shambles and Wolfgang acting just fine. The day his mother passed was where Elliott’s life began to get difficult. It was the beginning of the difficult life with his own father.
In high school, Elliott was an intelligent young man who had no direction for his career. He began to act out to make others laugh because it seemed to be the only thing to cheer him up since his mother had passed. Elliott rarely talked about his problems to anyone and his father acted like Katrin never existed. Elliott tried to do that as well, but it would soon bite him in the ass.
At the age of 16, Elliott began to explore who he was. Without a mother’s guidance and a father’s support, Elliott was scared. Sneaking a guy in his room, Elliott began to experiment on his own sexuality. He kept this hidden from his own father knowing there could be consequences. This lasted for months as Elliott kept bring in both women and men. It wasn’t until his father walked in on him experimenting on the same gender. That night Elliott was beat to a pulp and cut off from the family allowance. Only month’s later, Elliott was disowned and kicked out onto the streets with nothing.
Elliott continued going to school, acting as if nothing happened. He seemed to stay the same while everything bad was happening to him. Half the time, Elliott scavenged on the streets for something to eat as everyone walked passed him. His existence in the world felt invisible and it caused the sixteen year old to feel unimportant. It wasn’t until an old man came into his life and decided to take him under his wing.
It wasn’t an odd thing for Kaspar Blaschko to take in young children from the streets. He only did it because he saw himself in all of them. Kaspar, also known as Opa (grandfather) by Elliott, was once a child who lived on the streets and he had always wished for someone to pick him up randomly by chance. He had no support system and it was all he wanted, all he needed. Kaspar was forced to fend for himself and teach himself the way to survive in the awful world. Now, he lived in a small wooden shack being the support system for children who needed it.
Elliott looked up to Kaspar as a part of his family— his true Opa. The old man taught Elliott ways to survive by training him in different fighting styles and ways to take items he dearly needed. Because of Kaspar, Elliott really enjoyed the idea of technology making life better. Kaspar taught him everything about making technical projects to help him in life, thus formed the first version of Elliott’s infamous gadget— The Weasel.
After a whole year of training with Kaspar, Elliott found himself constantly stealing rather than trying to make his life better. For most of his life, things were handed over to him and now he was forced to live on the streets with no guidance. Perhaps it was the sadness over his mother or perhaps it was just pure rage over his damned father. But, something devious was growing within him and Kaspar saw it. Kaspar warned the boy plenty of times that if he didn’t stop his mischief, something would happen to him. Elliott grew angry at the old man from that day forward which causes a lot of tension between their relationship.
Elliott disappeared from Kaspar with no intentions of ever going back. The boy never learned his lesson until an undercover cop finally caught up to him. He was taken down to the local police station where he found out about the year long investigation on him. Panic was settling into the boy’s chest as he felt his heart tighten inside. Elliott and the undercover cop sat in a room with a black glass mirror. The boy truly never thought he’d end up here, but now, he understood what Kaspar was talking about.
Luckily, the undercover cop was caring to the seventeen year old boy. He saw the boy for who he really was under the mask he had been wearing. He wanted a good future for this boy, so he made that his next mission. Elliott went home with the cop, Wes Möller, who decided to give him another chance. Though Elliott didn’t get completely away from being in trouble (he had to do a couple months of community service), he was given another chance at life which made him truly feel wanted and loved. Because of Wes Möller, he finally had a dad, but he also had a reason to live in the now.
Psychological Report:
I find that Operator Judas has a calling in life. He was given several chances to fix his life and it was a journey to get where he is now. Wes Möller played a very big part in Elliott Köhler’s life. He was the reason Elliott become a police officer who strived to be a part of the German counterterrorist group, GSG9.
From my studies on Elliott, I have noted his multiple traumas being important points in how he works. Both on and off the field, Operator Judas sports a mischievous nature that many operators call silly or even just plain dangerous. Elliott has a certain bump in his step that makes people think he lived the best life.
From his mother’s death to sexual identity, from losing everything to gaining everything with a swipe of his hands. All of that led Elliott to where he is today. It shaped his silly personality, his odd ways of showing care to other operators, and even with all that, I know it’s just a mask he hides behind. A mask that he never lets slip until he is finally alone with himself.
I will write back again soon once I figure out Operator Elliott “Judas” Köhler. For now, take note that Mr. Köhler must not be alone at all times. We will check up on him monthly until we are sure he is okay. He is no threat to Team Rainbow, but only a threat to himself.
— Dr. Harishva “Harry” Pandey, Director of Rainbow
Device Evaluation:
Device: “The Weasel” drone
Operator: Specialist Elliott “Judas” Köhler
Evaluation Lead: Specialist Taina “Caveria” Pereira
Specialist Elliott “Judas” Köhler and I understand each other hand in hand. Judas stayed back to tell me everything on his gadget and what got him to this point. He stated that this gadget has been in the makings since he was sixteen years old and was meant to help him steal certain items with a small grasping claw. Köhler continued to explain that the gadget started to evolve into something new because of his job in the German Police Force. Key points in our conversation was how he use to interrogate many terrorists/suspects in the police force and with the GSG9. Köhler, who scavenged for information on certain subjects, made this device for a simpler, much safer way to gather information. While driving the small drone to a suspect, it can be unseen and helps Specialist Köhler get what he needed. To make this gadget pleasing for Rainbow, he decided to mold both version one and two of The Weasel together to combine what we know as the damned drone on the field. What Specialist Elliott “Judas” Köhler has is something that can benefit us all on the field. This gadget needs no fixes and should be good the way it is.
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sushigal007 · 5 years
The Shifting Paradymes
According to their bio, they decided to form a band because they all love music so much. Their bio is a liar.
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Ladies, please! I haven’t even started makeovers yet!
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That’s a no from me.
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Jasmine moves on very quickly though and gives Guy a call.
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Jasmine: Wanna lose our virginity? Guy: Oh, I don’t know if I’m ready for that.
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Jasmine: This is not what I wanted to put in my mouth tonight.
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Guess who doesn’t own a fire alarm! Thankfully I managed to get her to call the fire brigade before there was too much damage done.
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Ophelia: Our planet’s use of oil is unsustainable. Gunnar: I wanna rub some on your body though. Ophelia: What? Gunnar: What?
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Enjoy this rooftop band scene! There’s only one member of the band in it!
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Jasmine and Zoe are playing football instead. Sport isn’t either of their OTH’s, by the way. It’s tinkering, which I won’t find out for three semesters.
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Caption this challenge, because I can’t think of anything.
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Zoe: Besties! *slams a glass into her eyes*
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Zoe: *splat* Zoe: +1000
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Then I sent her and Jasmine to the student union for a couple of hours. 
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Terrible place to start a fight, you two. Cheerleader: But a perfect place to throw a cow off a roof.
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Jasmine: Uh huh, yeah- Cheerleader: DEATH TO THE COWS! Llama: Pretty lady. Jasmine: Sorry, excuse me a sec, I gotta ditch my cheer squad.
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Cheerleader: I’ll ditch him for you. Or at least his head. Frances: KILL HIM.
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WOW, she actually did as well!
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Llama: Let’s see how YOU like it.
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Eh, the cheerleader’s win was more dramatic.
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OK, it’s getting boring now.
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Now this is interesting!
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It’s a little late to invite her over now though, so Gunnar spends the rest of his evening playing guitar on the roof.
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A+’s all round!
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Jasmine needs mechanical skills this semester and they didn’t own a bookcase, so instead of just buying one, I thought it would be more fun to send her out to the library. Jasmine: You were wrong.
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Meanwhile, Gunnar needs about a million logic points. But he doesn’t actually want to skill, so I sent him to the plaza and made him stand near the chessboard until he finally started skilling on his own. Gunnar: On my own, got it?
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You sure you don’t wanna play any more? Gunnar: I’m sure.
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Llama: I hate you and your stupid nightgown. Get lost. Jasmine: I live here!
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Gunnar: Why hellooo professor. Excuse my state of undress haha, let me hold you to my strong and manly chest.
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Mailman: Do I have to be here for this? If I do, then you do.
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Zoe has decided not to be there. Plus she needs mechanical skills too. Zoe: Do you think Stella’s gonna be a pollinator when she graduates? Stella: I HEARD THAT.
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I never knew Sims could autonomously read the magazines.
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Back home, the girls wanted to throw a party, and as you can see, it’s off to a great start. Frances: I’m flattered, honestly, but my fiance is standing right there.
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Blossom: How about me? Frances: No.
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Dunno what happened to these two to make them fall out of crush. Maybe one of them tried to snog Frances too.
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DJ: Mind if I- Aldric: I mind A LOT.
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Everyone: Why is a teacher here?
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Ophelia: Ow, what the fuck!? Gunnar: Oh, speaking of fucks- Ophelia: NO.
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Professor Taina: Ah, now don’t you look pretty in your nightie, dear. Jasmine: Aww, thank you! I mean, it’s inappropriate, but thank you.
Anyway, I forgot to screencap the final score (I don’t think there was even a pop up), but the party was a total dud, probably because of all the raging sexual harassment.
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Unfortunately, as he has a grilled cheese secondary, Gunnar has no intention of ever cooking the new meals he’s learned.
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Just a nice, family dinner.
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Coach: GET DOWN AND STRETCH! Leave her alone, she’s writing her term paper.
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Gunnar has decided to use another method to raise his grades. Johnny: If I keep my eyes closed for long enough, they’ll go away before I’m completely scarred for life.
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Unfortunately I have to stay and watch this. Professor Taina: I’m having second thoughts. Oh thank God.
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Jasmine writing her term paper.
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Zoe: Time to get smashed! Great idea! I’m gonna go pour myself a G&T.
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And not a moment too soon. Gunnar: Still having second thoughts? Professor Taina: I only have a single thought now.
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Professor Taina: Bone down!
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Gunnar: A C+? Is that it!? Yeah, turns out you still need to skill and unlock the performance metre for all that sexxxing to count. Gunnar: What a con! What a swindle! Whatever shall I do!? Study?
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Haha, nope! Instead I brought a crystal ball and let him flirt with Roxie Sharpe. Gunnar: Let’s take this some place more romantic. Looking at that toilet, literally anywhere else would be an improvement.
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Oops lol.
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One quick cure later! Roxie: Mmm, he’s dreamy. He screwed his teacher in that bed. Roxie: Don’t care.
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Well in that case, have fun sending my post into content violation again! Hopefully this time they’ll at least give me a chance to appeal it.
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Any number of places they could hang out and they’ve decided to do it on opposite sides of the bed.
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I got tired of sending them out to the Plaza every time they rolled a want to skill (plus I was worried the want would roll away when they arrived and I have other things I want to lock) so I decided if they roll a want to skill and there isn’t an object that does it, I will buy one.
tl;dr: I brought them a telescope.
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Gunnar: So about grilled cheese- Roxie: LA LA LA LA LA CAN’T HEAR YOU. Gunnar: I cannot believe I let a cheese-hater like you anywhere near my penis.
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Day drinking? Jasmine: What else am I gonna do? Your term paper? Jasmine: I have a better idea.
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Jasmine: Guy! Wanna bang?
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Jasmine and Guy: SLURP.
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Jasmine: I can show you the world. Guy: ... Jasmine: Or you could just lie back and think of England.
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Guy: So long as I don’t have to think about Brexit. Trust me, we’re all trying not to think of that shitshow.
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Gunnar: Remember when she kept trying to kiss Frances? And he’s engaged to Mickey? Jasmine: HAHAHAHA. Jasmine: Ruined our party, that did.
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Jamming your tongue down his throat isn’t making him any more interesting, sorry.
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This helps a little though. Jasmine: OMG Guy protect me. Guy: *gallantly stands in front of her totally on purpose honest*
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We haven’t seen a lot of Zoe recently and that’s because I put the bubble blower on the balcony next to the telescope so she’s been huffing bubbles since sunrise.
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So I sent them all out for a nice jog.
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Gunnar’s still scraping through with the bare minimum, but Zoe and Jasmine make the Dean’s list.
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I really need to put a karaoke machine on some more lots.
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Lots with showers.
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Jasmine: Keg stands! BORING. You could do something with Guy. I mean, he’s right there. Jasmine: What a wonderful idea. Guy! Would you be an angel and do something for me?
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Excellent, now maybe the newspaper girl will start delivering papers again.
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Zoe: Oil, yeah- Coach: WARGLEBARGLE Zoe: Ugh, excuse me, I gotta go do crunches.
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You know that’s not your bed, right? Jasmine: I need it.
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Jasmine: Y’know, in case I need to convince Guy to clean the house again. Guy: Is that the only reason you keep me around?
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Jasmine: I’ll make it worth your while. Guy: :D Jasmine: Oh, and be a dear and make the bed afterwards. Guy: Yes ma’am.
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Gunnar: Mars is bright- NO SHUT UP.
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Gunnar: Fine, I’m gonna get high instead.
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Turns out letting him spend the entire night outside was a bad idea oops lol. Jasmine: I had sex. Yes, we know. We watched.
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I know I should hide the punch barrel until spring, but honestly, watching them thaw each other out with hairdryers is way more entertaining.
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Gunnar: Grilled cheese? Jasmine: I’m in favour. Gunnar: +1000 or maybe 500, I can’t see around speech bubbles.
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Guy’s looking a little frostbitten too, so Jasmine’s taken it upon herself to warm him up with her lips.
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And other body parts. Jasmine: Move. Zoe: Moving.
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On the one hand, you may die. On the other hand, you need logic points to pass.
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Oh! Hello!
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This is probably not a good idea.
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Of course, I did absolutely nothing to stop them.
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Finally got enough snow for the girls to have the snowball fight they’ve been wanting for three days. Jasmine: I immediately regret this.
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Back down to the student union for even more charisma skilling.
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Jasmine: Look at this graph. Tom: Fascinating. Tell me more.
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Sing. Jasmine: But I don’t want- SING.
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Jasmine: Ugh, fine.
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Don’t you have anything to do? Jasmine: No.
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Probably a good thing it’s finals time then.
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And it’s time to say goodbye to Gunnar. He wasn’t interested in throwing a party, so I just sent him back to the main hood.
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Zoe and Jasmine both waved him goodbye.
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And I moved him into a tiny apartment in Strangetown. All the Bella clones showed up to welcome him. Hi Bella! Hi Bella!
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ALL the Bella clones. Hi Bella! Hi Bella! Hi Bella!!!
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soupylips · 5 years
Bold tag game
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag people to do it
Tagged by my book co-parent @tainas-t-t
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
Tagging: @vesililja @mistermooneyes @just-a-regular-geek @ridiculouslycurlyhair @obidad-kenobi
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Bold tag game
Rules: bold the ones that are true and tag people to do it
Tagged by @city-lights-girls thank you bby!
I’m over 5’5” // I wear glasses/contacts // I have blonde hair // I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // I have one or more piercings // I have at least one tattoo // I have blue eyes // I have dyed or highlighted my hair // I have gotten plastic surgery // I have or had braces // I sunburn easily // I have freckles // I paint my nails // I typically wear makeup // I don’t often smile // I am pleased with how I look // I prefer Nike to Adidas // I wear baseball hats backwards
I play a sport // I can play an instrument // I am artistic // I know more than one language // I have won a trophy in some sort of competition // I can cook or bake without a recipe // I know how to swim // I enjoy writing // I can do origami // I prefer movies to tv shows // I can execute a perfect somersault // I enjoy singing // I could survive in the wild on my own // I have read a new book series this year // I enjoy spending time with friends // I travel during school or work breaks // I can do a handstand
I am in a relationship // I have been single for over a year // I have a crush // I have a best friend I have known for ten years // my parents are together // I have dated my best friend // I am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // I have a long distance relationship // I am an only child // I give advice to my friends // I have made an online friend // I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell // I have watched the sun rise // I enjoy rainy days // I have slept under the stars // I meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // I enjoy the smell of the beach // I know what snow tastes like // I listen to music to fall asleep // I enjoy thunderstorms // I enjoy cloud watching // I have attended a bonfire // I pay close attention to colours // I find mystery in the ocean // I enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // I am the mom friend // I live by a certain quote // I like the smell of sharpies // I am involved in extracurricular activities // I enjoy Mexican food // I can drive a stick-shift // I believe in true love // I make up scenarios to fall asleep // I sing in the shower // I wish I lived in a video game // I have a canopy above my bed // I am multiracial // I am a redhead // I own at least three dogs
Tagging: @onewslucifer @mistermooneyes @tainas-t-t @vesililja
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incorrectvalkyrie · 6 years
Valkyrie, sitting down at the kitchen table: I dreamt of an amazing dream guys.
Valkyrie: I married Taina.
Valkyrie: We bought a big house.
Valkyrie: We owned 5 dogs and a sports car.
Caveira: Are you awake? We are married. It's been, four years.
Valkyrie: *Whispering* Holy shit, I'm a god.
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vigorousways · 3 years
Travel to Holguin, explore this part of Cuba in 2021.
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Located in the warm Caribbean Sea, the island of Cuba is a major tourist destination, where Havana and Varadero, share almost half of the visitors who arrive each year. However there are other places that stand out, today I will show you how to travel to Holguin and what you will find in 2021. You will discover a region that has everything to satisfy the most diverse tastes: beautiful beaches, excellent hotels, biodiversity, history, culture, safety (childproof), and a friendly and polite population. That magical town is called Holguín, and it is located in the northeastern part of Cuba. Although it does not have the glamour of Havana, the history of Santiago de Cuba, or the exclusivity of the beaches of Varadero and Cayo Largo, little by little it has been positioning itself as the third most important Cuban tourist destination.
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Holguín Boulevard, one of the most popular sites in the city. Photo credit: Manuel de Nacimiento. According to the Statistical Yearbook of Holguín, published by the National Statistics and Information Office (ONEI), a total of 439,464 tourists travelled to Holguin in 2019. Let's close our eyes and take an imaginary journey through the region. This way you can find the answer to the question that gives this article its name. Related link: - Best rated experiences in Holguín - Get Your Guide. Interesting:On January 18, 1752, in the presence of all the neighbors the Marshal Arcos and Moreno made to record in order of date and years indicated that obeying to orders of the King of Spain he gave the title of City to San Isidoro de Holguín, being able to enjoy in front of all the privileges, honors and proper franchises of these institutions.
Travel to Holguin: how to get there
Frank País International Airport is only 10 kilometers from the city, and also has a terminal for domestic flights to Havana and Santiago de Cuba. Built in 1996, it is considered a medium-sized airport, capable of handling a flow of up to 1,000 incoming and outgoing passengers. In 2020, the runway was resurfaced to receive large aircraft. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkhEXpJvJ84 It offers car rental services, cafeterias, travel agencies, medical and currency exchange services, specialized services for the handicapped, duty free stores and VIP lounge. A total of 13 airlines connect Holguín with cities in all continents except Asia and Africa. Among them are: Jet Blue, Air Canada, Arkefly, Belair, Blue Panorama, Condor, Monarch, and Neos. To get to the main city, cabs are readily available at a cost of approximately 15 USD. But if you are a sailor in search of adventure, Holguín offers you the Marina Internacional Puerto de Vita. This port, located only 40 kilometers from the city, has 38 berths and all the necessary amenities. It is also the starting point for catamaran excursions, fishing trips, diving and jet ski rides.
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Loma de la Cruz, in Holguín, is a viewpoint of important tourist interest.
Holguin, the City of Parks
The existence of more than 70 parks in the perimeter of the city has earned it that title and is the first thing you will notice when you travel to Holguin. Although if you ask any Cuban, or a foreigner who knows the city well, he or she will surely tell you that its main distinguishing feature, besides the Loma de la Cruz, is the cleanliness and straightness of its streets. They will also tell you that in spite of the distance that separates it from the capital, its inhabitants are lovers of good art and that they have the privilege of having one of the three Lyric Theaters of Cuba, the famous Rodrigo Prats, one of the best dance companies, Codanza, and the Chamber Ballet of Holguín. So, if you wish to enjoy lyrical singing, contemporary dance or ballet, in Holguín you will not lack options. The presentations take place mainly in the beautiful Eddy Suñol Theater and in the different hotels of the northern coast.
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The city's ancient architecture is one of its greatest charms. However, if your thing is not classic, don't worry, we also have Discotheques, Cabarets, Bars, Cafes and Night Clubs. The city's nights are very lively, especially between Friday and Sunday. Names such as El Nocturno and Bariay, open-air cabarets in the style of the world-famous Tropicana, as well as El Pétalo, Shambalá, El Benny, Pico Cristal, El Siboney, Jazz Club, Piano Bar or Las Tres Lucias, are widely known nationwide. There are cultural events that have acquired international renown: the May Pilgrimages and the Vladimir Malakhov Dance Competition and Grand Prix of the North Atlantic. Related link: - Top 5 experiences in Holguín - Get Your Guide. - What to do in Holguín - Vigorous Ways.
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The Romerías de Mayo is an important traditional popular festival. The Romerías are celebrated at the beginning of May, and although originally a religious festivity, they have become an international Youth Festival. Concerts, street theater, photographic exhibitions and works of art, dance shows, and poetry are continuously happening during a fun week. Moreover, since 2014, the famous Ukrainian dancer Vladimir Malakhov (First Dancer and Director of the Berlin Opera Ballet), has established together with the local dance company Codanza, an International Ballet and Dance Competition that attracts numerous visitors from abroad and from other cities of the island. This year, it will be held in September, albeit virtually due to the presence of COVID 19.
Gastronomy, Habanos and cycle tourism on your travel to Holguin
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Hotel Iberostar Selection is a popular accommodation in Holguín. Gastronomy in Holguin To taste the local flavors, the city has about 30 restaurants that offer delicious dishes of Creole and international cuisine. Prices range from 10 to 20 USD in private establishments. Keep in mind that 1 U.S. dollar is currently traded in the informal market for 50 Cuban pesos.Tweet State-owned establishments are more economical, although they generally have less variety and quality in their offerings. Payment is made in local currency. Based on Tripadvisor surveys, popular opinion, and my personal experience, I have compiled a list of the 10 best restaurants in Holguin in 2020: - Restaurante Bar 1910 - La Pasión - Delicias Cubanas - Ranchón Los Almendros - Maragato - Restaurante Bar Parrillada San José - La Torre - La Bodeguita del Medio - Avilés - Noi Due https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aubiEDB5LPM Habanos Cigars in Holguin Inhaling the smoke of the famous Cuban cigars can be harmful, but it is the ambition of many tourists. In Holguín, it is possible to visit an important cigar factory located in the center of the city. In addition to seeing how they are manufactured, you can also buy them at advantageous prices. There is no shortage of major brands: Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, Partagás and Hoyo de Monterrey. The factory produces 16 million units annually and uses as raw material the leaves harvested in Pinar del Rio, the mecca of Havana cigars. Related link: - Top 5 experiences in Holguín - Get Your Guide. - What to do in Holguín - Vigorous Ways. Cycling when you travel to Holguin A tourist sport activity that has developed rapidly in the region is bicycle tourism. The well-asphalted road that links Holguín with the seaside resort of Guardalavaca guarantees a safe trip full of beautiful landscapes. The 54 kilometers of mostly straight and flat roads lead to the paradisiacal beaches of the north-eastern coast, famous for their white sands, warm waters and all-inclusive hotels.
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The beautiful Pesquero Beach should be one of the places you cannot miss on your trip to Holguín. The town of Sao Arriba is located just 11 kilometers from the start of the trip. If you are passionate about mountain biking, you will find trails and paths that cross the picturesque region: hills, rivers, caves, pure nature. After traveling the first 30 kilometers, and always turning off to the left side of the road, we will first find Playa Blanca, famous for witnessing the arrival of Admiral Christopher Columbus to Cuba, Don Lino, Vita Bay, Playa Pesquero, Naranjo Bay, and Playa Esmeralda.
Beaches and All Inclusive Hotels in Holguin
If there is something that differentiates hotels in Holguín from those in the rest of the country, it is the quality of service. Professionalism, responsibility and experience are evident as soon as you arrive: speed, command of several foreign languages, friendliness and empathy towards the client. You can choose among the 14 hotels that serve the region's beaches. Four of them are 5-star hotels: Paradisus Rio de Oro (for couples only), Playa Pesquero (the largest hotel in Cuba), the brand-new Iberostar Selection and the recently built Hotel Almirante. The rest are 4 stars except Villa Don Lino with 3 stars.
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Hotel Paradisus Rios de Oro, in Holguin, Cuba. Interesting:With a cost of only 2.00 USD per pax, and three daily frequencies, comfortable buses travel between the different hotels, Guardalavaca, La Aldea Taina, and the Naranjo Bay Dolphinarium. A must visit site is the Aboriginal Cemetery and the Taino Village. There you can discover our pre-Columbian history in a museum located on the remains of an ancient indigenous cemetery. It exhibits 56 of the 180 skeletons found to date. The village recreates the environment of an aboriginal tribe from 5 centuries ago: dwellings, 38 human sculptures, work tools, recreational objects, clothing, etc. Are you bored spending all your time at the hotel? No problem, the different Travel Agencies propose excursions through sales points in each establishment. Don't forget that the province has a total of 17 protected natural areas, including two national parks: Bahía de Naranjo and La Mensura.
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Jeep Safari Adventour is one of the best-selling excursions. These are 10 of the most popular excursions: - Jeep Safari Adventour - Crucero del Sol - Catamarán Gibara - Cayo Saetía en Catamarán - Baño con Delfines en el Acuario Bahía de Naranjo - Cayo Bariay - Aldea Taina - Island Paradise - Ocean Paradise - Jeep Safari Salto del Guayabo. These and other excursions may be available through Get Your Guide, a secure site where you can book quality experiences.
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Although we are discovering the beach hotels, it is worth mentioning that there are three very good hotels in the city, located in old and centrally located buildings that have been very well restored: El Caballeriza, Esmeralda, and El Saratoga. The latter was inaugurated in 2020. Private accommodations are also a good option, but this will be the subject of another article. We hope you already know why it is worth taking as you travel to Holguin‼. Read the full article
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gekadesignz · 4 years
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Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Unisex Twill Hat#taina #puertoricanartists #blackart #latina #puertorico #gift #afrolatina #womanart #boricua #trendy https://etsy.me/2ZM70Gx
0 notes
shabaababa · 6 years
I got tagged (a long time ago)
I got tagged by @bitterkarma a long time ago
Rules are pretty simple. Bold what applies to you and tag nine people.
 I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
 I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
 I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 push ups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts
 I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (not as a patient.) I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
 I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
 I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
 I have break danced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
Oh boy, time to tag but I don’t have 9 people soooo @bleuberrygliscor , @tainas-t-t , @a-lonelycat , @jemthebookworm , @etysky  and anyone who wants to do this.
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