#tagged prompt
settriigh · 7 months
basic information
legal name:  Settrigh
most known as:  Sett , The Boss
nicknames:  Cat boy, Boss, Bastard, Beast
date of birth: January 15th
gender:  male, he/him
place of birth:  Ionia, Navori
currently  living:  Navori
spoken languages:  English, Korean, Vietnamese
education: PhD in kicking your ass (dropout, high school at best)
hair  color: Red
eye  color: brown, blue in heartsteel verse
height:  6 ' 9 " ft. / 205 cm.
family information
siblings: only child
parents:  Mom and Dad
children:  no.
pets:  Two cats and a dog (Ernst!)
relationship information
sexual orientation:  Pansexual
relationship status: N/A
since when: N/A
tagged by @moonlightviigil and @apostisms Tagging: eh, whoever's reading this
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butchfalin · 7 months
the funniest meltdown ive ever had was in college when i got so overstimulated that i could Not speak, including over text. one of my friends was trying to talk me through it but i was solely using emojis because they were easier than trying to come up with words so he started using primarily emojis as well just to make things feel balanced. this was not the Most effective strategy... until. he tried to ask me "you okay?" but the way he chose to do that was by sending "👉🏼👌🏼❓" and i was so shocked by suddenly being asked if i was dtf that i was like WHAT???? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME?????????? and thus was verbal again
#yeehaw#1k#5k#10k#posts that got cursed. blasted. im making these tag updates after... 19 hours?#also i have been told it should say speech loss bc nonverbal specifically refers to the permanent state. did not know that!#unfortunately i fear it is so far past containment that even if i edited it now it would do very little. but noted for future reference#edit 2: nvm enough ppl have come to rb it from me directly that i changed the wording a bit. hopefully this makes sense#also. in case anyone is curious. though i doubt anyone who is commenting these things will check the original tags#1) my friend did not do this on purpose in any way. it was not intended to distract me or to hit on me. im a lesbian hes a gay man. cmon now#he felt very bad about it afterwards. i thought it was hilarious but it was very embarrassed and apologetic#2) “why didn't he use 🫵🏼?” didn't exist yet. “why didn't he use 🆗?” dunno! we'd been using a lot of hand emojis. 👌🏼 is an ok sign#like it makes sense. it was just a silly mixup. also No i did not invent 👉🏼👌🏼 as a gesture meaning sex. do you live under a rock#3) nonspeaking episodes are a recurring thing in my life and have been since i was born. this is not a quirky one-time thing#it is a pervasive issue that is very frustrating to both myself and the people i am trying to communicate with. in which trying to speak is#extremely distressing and causes very genuine anguish. this post is not me making light of it it's just a funny thing that happened once#it's no different than if i post about a funny thing that happened in conjunction w a physical disability. it's just me talking abt my life#i don't mind character tags tho. those can be entertaining. i don't know what any of you are talking about#Except the ppl who have said this is pego/ryu or wang/xian. those people i understand and respect#if you use it as a writing prompt that's fine but send it to me. i want to see it#aaaand i think that's it. everyday im tempted to turn off rbs on it. it hasn't even been a week
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
I love you translator notes I love you translators caring that I fully grasp the meaning of the original text I love you translators adding cultural context and specifics so I can better understand what's going on I love you long rants on why a joke is impossible to translate I love you translators adding their little comments to the scene I love you translators feeling human and involved in the material I love you translating as a form of art I love you little t/n abbreviation
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calocreek · 1 month
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Saw it was treebark week so enjoy some assorted treebarks 🐺
(my minecraft + mcyt tag)
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fern-writes-whump · 10 months
so obviously drinking blood from someone's neck is incredibly homoerotic, it's a classic for a reason
but someone drinking from your wrist? getting to look at them as they sink their teeth in your skin?? being able to watch as their eyes flutter close and they barely hold back their instincts to devour you whole??? Being just as enthralled by that sight as they are by your taste???? hello?????
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mansand · 11 months
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ikiprian · 3 months
Mr. Fenton is a competent teacher. Almost too competent.
If Mr. Daniel Fenton had any more than a BS (with a minor in education), Tim would’ve flagged his profile as a potential Rogue. That’s the way of most charismatic academics, at least in Gotham. (Got a PhD? Instant watchlist.) Instead, he’s Gotham Academy’s newest celebrity, as a young, passionate, out-of-towner substitute while the chemistry teacher’s on maternity leave.
Tim gets the hype. Fenton seems to genuinely love teaching, and is invested in the welfare of the student body. He hands out bananas during exam week, hosts a “study habits seminar” each month to coach effective learning strategies, and the third time Tim falls asleep in his class, he even pulls Tim aside to ask if he’s doing okay. With all the late work he accepts and the protein bars he sneaks Tim, he’s every teen vigilante’s dream teacher. He could’ve been Tim’s favorite.
In fact, Mr. Fenton was Tim’s favorite. Up until Tim walks into Mr. Fenton’s chemistry classroom for a forgotten textbook, an hour after the final bell.
On the board where tallied scores for today’s review game had been kept, “THE CHEMISTRY BEHIND DR. CRANE’S FEAR GAS: ANXIOGENICS, NERI’S, & YOU,” is now scrawled. A detailed diagram of the human endocrine system projects in front of a small crowd of adoring and attentive students.
Fenton is wrist-deep in the skull cavity of an anatomical model. A short tug, and out pops the brain.
It’s plastic. It’s fake.
Tim identifies the nearest emergency exit.
Fenton turns to the door, and in the dark classroom with the projector illuminating half his face, his eyes almost seem to flash red. “What’s up, Tim?” he asks. His friendly grin is too big for his face. “I didn’t know you wanted to join the Just Science League!”
[OR: Danny’s a science teacher at Tim’s school. Gotham’s a pretty wild place, even for someone who grew up a superhero in a ghost-infested town, so he takes it upon himself to start a club teaching kids how to manage themselves in the event of a crisis. These Gothamites are pretty hardy, but a little extra training never hurt anybody! And he suspects one of his students might be a teen vigilante, like he’d been, back in the day. As a senior super, it's Danny’s duty look out for him! Surely, this is the subtlest and most appropriate way to give the kid pointers.]
[Tim immediately assumes supervillain.]
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Duke, new to the family, awkwardly entering the kitchen where various members of the Waynes are hanging out/baking/drooling over the baking: Uh… random question, is Tim dating someone?
Steph, all her training focused on stealing baked goods: oh yeah he’s got a boyfriend, why?
Duke, just wanted a book, utterly disgusted: I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t outing him if I told you he’s currently defiling the library.
Jason, slamming down a bowl of brownie batter: he’s fucking WHAT-
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nerdpoe · 4 months
Danny is overworked, over stressed, and he may have just pushed himself a little too hard.
He's been staying up all night, only to go to school, he's always looking over his shoulder for his parents weapons or a ghost attack or a Vlad attack, and there's only so much stress the human body can take before it just tries to force you to slow down.
Unfortunately for Danny, this happens as he's walking the streets of Metropolis while his parents are at a convention.
He starts to see double, can't really tell if he's touching the ground anymore, and runs into a massive chest. He looks up and sees black hair and blue eyes wearing a weird suit.
"Oh, hey dad." Is all he manages to say before he passes out in the man's arms.
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settriigh · 11 months
Where Should You Be Kissed?
it feels as though you have fought every day of your life. sometimes, you cannot even tell how much of the blood on your hands is your own... and how much comes from those who've tried to hurt those you defend. you deserve the gentleness of a kiss to your bruised knuckles and broken skin, a reminder that you are not only made of violence.
Tagged by: @feytherstorm
Tagging: @perfect-fourth @ofshojin err idk who hasnt done this so if you havent DO IT!!
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oc-factoids · 6 months
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Tag the OCs
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cannivalisms · 6 months
inspired by @ crimeronan & @ ghostzzy's respective codependency polls. cue round 3, ft. dynamics i've encountered in the wild with my own ocs 👍
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stars-obsession-pit · 15 days
It turns out that if Danny switches from his ghost form to his human form while holding onto another ghost, he can bring them along for the transformation, forcing them into a physical form.
For some ghosts, this is horrible. But for others, though, it’s a prize of immeasurable valuable. And unfortunately for Danny, word spreads quickly throughout the Ghost Zone of this ability.
And thus begins the illustrious adventure of Danny the necromancer.
…running away from the restless dead that are trying to force him to revive them.
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In which Zim disappears for a decade.
This looks like such garbage, but this has been sitting in my head for a month and I needed it OUT OF ME!!!!
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petite-phthora · 4 months
Dp x Dc prompt #5
Ra’s is staring at the creature— as that is is no way a regular human— that just crawled out of the Pits.
It’s glowing green, the same shade of the Pits, with stark white hair and eyes that same green color. It’s floating in the air, with no legs to speak of but instead some kind of spectral tail.
The creature is wearing some kind of black and white jumpsuit underneath a safety vest. It also has a hard hat on its head and is holding a pen and clipboard.
Any blades that his assassins have used just move right through the creature. Though the creature has not shown any hostility so far, mainly looking around with curiosity, it still—
“Where are the railings?”
“Excuse me?”
“The railings.”
The creature gestures towards the pit.
“… There are none?”
It makes a note on its clipboard.
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