#swing back in on a rope or something HES SMART OK
petricorah · 9 months
i saw this post about probending zuko and got swept up in the euphoria of planning a zukka probending au before remembering sokka doesn't bend.
so anyway. pro bending sokka where he gets high on cactus juice and gets in an argument with katara and registers himself as a jerkbender, saying "i (hic) totally (hic) bet you i can beat all of you in pro bending tournament" and signs up high off his ass
he wakes up in the morning with Regret. But is too stubborn and arrogant to back down. so he goes. after all, he fights benders all the time, right? (he realizes one mistake when he's not allowed to bring weapons into the ring and is plopped into the arena completely defenseless)
he manages to beat the first few in a combination of smarts and dump luck. And yeah he gets bruised a lot but there's no way he's going to let katara say "i told you so" This is now for non benders Everywhere, okay?
and so he gets better about using the arena and the benders' strengths against them and his plans and he gets into further and further along. And maybe he spars and practices with Zuko because they're on opposite ends of the bracket and haven't fought each other yet. And Sokka always beats Zuko in swords but now the tables are turned, and how the hell is he going to beat Zuko at probending when he can't even take his eyes off his crush to spar?
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Back To Krypton - Chapter 28
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Read Back To Krypton on AO3 here!
So, their first night on the outskirts of The Scarlet Jungle sucked major balls.
They were only in their tent for about an hour before they heard some not-so-pleasant sounds around them and the H’Raka started whining so they did what they deemed to be the safest thing to do, retreat.
They packed up their things in record time and got onto Bolt’s back, taking up into the sky and seeing exactly what was stalking them without them realizing it, something they can barely make out, something huge and looming. Yeah, they flew further away from the forest and set up camp atop a hill, tent strung up between two trees and Bolt tied beneath them, the wind swinging them and rocking them to sleep.
Well, it was rocking them to sleep until one of the ropes gave way and they awoke to a startling drop, not a large one, just a couple of feet, but enough that they were all hit with a nice dose of adrenaline big enough that they couldn’t sleep properly, instead lying there in the dark with their eyes closed, praying that that alone will give them enough rest for their upcoming day.
Kara and Lena had eventually managed to get some beauty sleep but for Alex, who was the one to head outside and check that the rope wouldn’t slip further, citing Kara’s rope skills to be useless, it just wasn’t in the cards so today, she’s the grumpiest Kara has seen her sister in a long time.
They ended up flying back to the outskirts of The Scarlet Jungle at dawn, being careful to assess the area they touch down in before beginning their search for the samples they need, a feat that is much more difficult than any of them had thought it would end up being.
There are plenty of plants around, that’s for certain but the majority of them are the ones they have already seen, the palm tree types and such, so there’s not a chance in hell Astra will be able to use those because she already has access to them so she isn’t going to be impressed if they show up with them.
If they want something different, they have to go deeper.
“Watch out!” Alex calls out, annoyed because Kara is walking pretty close to a line of plants, her sisterly protection only working to keep Kara physically safe because her tone is sharp and snappy in the way she knows upsets her sister but she can’t bring herself to care even a little bit about that.
Lena pulls Kara a little closer to her by her sleeve, wrapping her arm around Kara’s once she’s close enough. “Don’t worry about it, Alex, I have her and I won’t let her do anything stupid.”
“Why do you think I would do anything stupid?” Kara asks, jaw-dropping at the insinuation.
Lena holds her a little tighter, “Darling, you’re the dumbest smart person I’ve ever met. You might have the brains of a genius, but you’re kind of clumsy and it’s one of my favourite things about you when we aren’t surrounded by killer foliage.”
Kara tilts her head in acquiescence. She can’t deny that one in the slightest. “Ok.”
“Glad we’re on the same page,” Lena says with a little smile, lacing her fingers with Kara’s and double-checking the position of the sword sheathed to her belt loop. If she’s ever going to need it, it will be in this place while there are all sorts of horrible things around that can hurt them so she’s very wary of keeping it on hand.
Her hand rests on its hilt as they walk, careful to plan out their path with precise movements since they have to find ways to move where they can take Bolt with them and he won’t get hurt. Some of this does mean that Lena has to use the sword to chop at the plants and move them aside with the blade but they have only had to do that less than a dozen times in the few hours they have been walking.
They were certain that they would already have the samples by now and already be heading back t meet the others but they have to keep going.
Astra’s people must have gone in quite far because there’s no way there’s any different plants coming up any time soon.
“Do you think we should take back off when we reach another clearing? Get a bit further in by air to see if we can spot anything from the sky?” Kara offers, her eyes growing tired of staring at the same few plants that they have already seen a thousand times before.
“I don’t think that’s a bad idea, darling,” Lena responds.
“See, and you thought I was dumb.” Kara jokes, tapping on Lena’s arm.
To her credit, Lena doesn’t respond in any other way than pressing a chaste kiss to Kara’s cheek, ending the back and forth with that simple action.
Alex stomps on behind them, eyes wary of every rustle of a leaf and every gust of wind and annoyed that Kara and Lena think they have time to be all lovey-dovey when they know for a fact that there are dangerous animals out here just as much as there are dangerous plants.
“We can do that but you two need to stop, Kara draw your knife and Lena, your sword. I have my gun. We need to be ready, not just on edge but fully prepared for something to happen because the chances are, if you can think of it, it will actually happen.” Alex ends her snappy rant with a sharp tug to the rope still attached to Kelex. Alex refuses to use just the remote now because she’s decided that it takes less effort to just have him in hover mode and drag him along.
The tug sends Kelex flying forward quicker than she meant and he smacks into her back. Alex grunts and Kara has to press her lips together to stop herself from laughing while Lena silently chuckles to herself.
“Not a word.” Alex demands.
Sensing that there isn’t much tolerance left in Alex’s system, they do exactly that. Even Bolt stays quiet, trudging along after Kara silently apart from his big snapping footsteps breaking all of the twigs his feet come into contact with.
Lena draws the sword again, not missing the way Kara’s eyes darken at the sight of her with it, a lovely little reaction that is worth noting for when they are back on Earth. She pulls her sleeves further over her arms and takes her gloves out of her pocket. She’d totally forgotten that she’d packed them in the first place until a couple of nights ago when she’d decided to reorganize both hers and Kara’s packs, Kara supervising because “I can’t miss this view, Lena!” as she stared at her with a sappy look across her face.
They are leather gloves but, unfortunately, they are fingerless so not as protective as she would like them to be. Still, they are better than nothing so she slips them on, double checking her sleeves are pulled down properly, and then takes a swing at the plants blocking their path.
From the other plants she’s chopped out of the way, she’s found that they take a few good swings to get through them, the stems particularly strong and durable against any kind of force, it really speaks for what they endure further into the jungle, more specifically, what force from the inhabitants of the jungle do that have to put up a fight against?
This time though, Lena swings and the blade soars right on through, not a single bit of resistance. Using the tips of it, she pushes back the razor-like leaves and takes a closer look. They have all been snapped at the base already and from the look of it, they haven’t been sliced with a blade of any kind in a similar way to how Lena’s breaking the plants, they have been chewed.
“That brings me zero ounces of comfort,” Lena mutters, pushing the plants to the side, finding that the entire bunch of them Lena was trying to get passed have been chewed off and then, she thinks, piled up here.
She keeps pushing them aside, confused about it until she notices something, something that turns her blood to ice.
“Oh no.”
“What’s wrong?” Alex snarls, not appreciating the delay or the fact that the only thing she can look at from the back where she’s standing is the H’Raka’s behind.
“There’s a nest with some very scary-looking leopard-like baby animals in it. They’re actually closer to panthers, black with purple leopard print and very big sabre teeth.”
Alex rolls her eyes. “If they are just babies, why are you so scared?”
“Because I’m willing to bet that their parents are around here somewhere and any creature that makes a nest out of super sharp plants, are not animals we want to come across, let’s hurry and find that clearing so we can get out of here!” Lena’s whisper-yelling by the end of her sentence, her nerves rattled by seeing the animals, as cute as they are, she’d only like to see them again when there is a very thick pane of glass or a cage wall between them.
Kara is afraid too, but the dumber part of her brain, the part that is trying to convince her to pick up one of the animals and squeeze it because it’s cute, is also in play. She shakes the thought out of her head. “I suggest moving very quickly, I have no idea what animal this is and that can’t be a good sign because it means that the chances are, it’s not documented, meaning that anyone who has come across it before, hasn’t lived to tell the tale, get on the H’Raka now!”
Kara jumps onto Bolt’s back first, Lena right after her and then Alex, pulling Kelex in tow.
They immediately start off at a good pace, Kara pushing Bolt into a decent trot so they are going faster than the average human run. They keep their eyes peeled for both a clearing so they can take off and any signs of the parents of those animals showing up.
For a while, they think they might have gotten away with it, especially as they realize that Bolt is actually really good at vaulting over the plants they were wasting their time chopping down before, but their luck does run out eventually.
An adult version of the animal they saw earlier jumps out in front of them, teeth bared and back arched ready to pounce onto Bolt, who rears up, causing them all to slip back and hold on for dear life.
They all look around, their eyes wider than they have ever been before as more pop out of the bushes around them, an entire pack of them by the look of it, a rather large pack because they are pretty much surrounded.
“Oh shit.” Kara gasps, doing the only thing she can do, she pulls up.
Bolt does as he’s told with barely any resistance, terrified and aware that the only way they are getting out of the situation is by going up.
They smash into branches of trees and get whipped by all kinds of vines, leaving tiny cuts across any exposed skin they have but they manage to get into the sky soon enough, Bolt whining unhappily at the whacks he took on his way up but still letting out a fiery breath of relief when they get up into the sky, something Kara has never seen a H’Raka do before but it still makes her giggle.
“You’re laughing? We just almost got eaten!” Alex asks, her tone laced with disbelief and barely hidden fear. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking that we just almost got eaten and Bolt was so relieved to get out of there that he just actually breathed fire, it’s a shame you couldn’t see it from back there!” Kara grins, keeping them hovering around just above the trees.
Lena peeks over the edge and down towards the hole in the canopy where they just burst free and her heart leaps back up into her throat. “So, you know how cats on Earth are really good at climbing trees?”
“Yeah,” Kara asks, head tilting in confusion.
“It turns out that’s true on Krypton too,” Lena says, eyes pinned on the scene below her, the panther-like creatures scraping their way up between the branches and getting closer. “Pull up!”
Kara trusts Lena and she trusts that when Lena yells like she just did, she better jump to it and get the job done so without even thinking, she pulls Bolt up even further, making sure there is plenty of space between them and the animals below.
They sit there studying the creatures for a moment, watching the intriguing way they pounce up between the branches, obviously something they must do often and something they will have to watch out for when they land again. They don’t want to be collecting the samples only to have a panther atop of them.
Kara only directs Bolt to move when the panther creatures start to leap up into the air, their jaws snapping and claws outstretched as they try to grab them, they are really angry, probably territorial based on the way they are snarling at them too. A couple of the jumps get much closer than they would like so it just solidified Kara’s need to get them all out of there, she might have wanted to cuddle with the baby ones, but she doesn’t want to cuddle with the adults, no way.
They fly over the top of the trees, eyes watching in a mild kind of wonder as the trees turn from green with the odd red one, to completely red, not a hint of green in sight unless they really squint down at the lower growing plants.
Looking out for plants that they haven’t seen before, they have to really keep their eyes open because it’s really difficult to differentiate between them from the height that they are at.
They are still looking out over a few different clearings, dropping down just low enough to take a better look around when they spot something that makes all of their jaws drop, something that none of them could have ever possibly predicted that they would stumble across.
“Holy fu—”
“Hey! Watch your language, Alex!” Kara cuts her off but she has to admit that Alex’s words say exactly what she was thinking.
Below them, nestled in the trees and partially grown over by the surrounding foliage and vines, is a Kryptonian ship akin to the size of the Legion ship.
What’s cooler than that is the fact that it looks like the things growing over it might just be the perfect plants for getting samples off of so they can just land on top of it, get the samples and then be on their way.
“I think our luck is back.” Lena smiles into Kara’s neck, her arms wrapped tightly around her waist since she helped her take it off not long after they took off again.
“I think you might be right.” Kara smiles, spotting a great spot for them to land just above the massive doors at the back of the ship.
She brings Bolt down, a task made more difficult by his displeasure of being back in the jungle again, his natural instincts telling him that it’s a bad idea and that there is danger lurking nearby.
Kara has to really push him to get him to land and it makes her feel kind of guilty that she’s forcing him to go somewhere that scares him but there really isn’t much of a choice here, they have to go and get the samples or else they will be stopped by The Rebellion before they can even make it to Kandor’s centre to get the blueprints they need from her father’s lab.
“Come on, my guy, you can do it, we won’t be here long.” Kara urges him as they make contact with the ship, Bolt’s claws making a horrible scraping noise as they come into contact with it. “Just stay calm, buddy, we’ve got this.”
She lets Lena and Alex slide off his back before doing so herself, taking her pack from Alex as it’s offered to her and sliding it onto her back, making sure that it is clipped properly at the front before taking out her dagger from where she has it stabbed through her belt loop.
Kara holds it loosely in her hand, facing the blade out from her body. “Alright, we can take some of the vines, some of the bushes growing over to the left and there looks to be a few types of flowers over behind the bushes, let’s see if we can take a sample from each and then we can head off and leave this cursed place behind us.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Lena says, digging through her pack for a few little containers she has saved from some of the food they have from the accommodation. She’s had them stored for specifically this purpose. “Once we have the samples, we’ll put the containers inside Kelex and we’ll cover his top with something so they don’t fly out with the speed of Bolt’s flying.”
“Let’s get on with it then. “Alex says, making her way to the vines first.
The sample gathering is going to take all three of them but it’s mostly just going to be Kara with her knife. They can’t touch any of them themselves because they have no idea what any of them will do so they just simply have to do everything as delicately as they can, something that they aren’t the best at doing when they aren’t in a life-threatening situation.
Together, they work quickly, cutting through the vines and finding pockets of seeds inside them, perfect for what Astra will need. It does make them a little nervous that they will be handing them over to The Rebellion and it could change history with them having these types of plants but with the planet already well on its way to dying, it won’t make a big enough impact that they have to worry about it massively.
Lena very carefully closes the lid to the container and deposits it into Kelex’s hollow centre. “One down, a bunch more to go.”
The bushes are harder, what they really need is seeds or something akin to it but all they can really get is branches and twigs. “What if we see if we can get some of its roots?” Alex offers when they don’t seem to be getting anywhere.
“Maybe,” Kara frowns. “Lena, can you chop it with the sword, please? Maybe we can get a tiny section of it with roots intact.”
Lena takes the sword out again and does just that, managing, with pinpoint precision to break off a tiny twig of the bush with its roots still attached to it. Kara picks it up with the blade of her knife and drops it into another container which is then stored with the other one.
“Just the flowers now. Let’s just take the heads of each.” Alex says, hand hovering over her gun that is on her hip, getting more and more nervous the longer they are out there.
Kara chops four different kinds quickly and drops them into more containers, popping the lids on and then letting Kelex look after the probably very dangerous samples. Lena takes part of a bag they had grains stored in previously and uses duct tape to secure it over the hole where the Kelex head should be, stopping the containers from being able to fall out.
“All done, half a dozen is plenty so we can go now and—”
A loud snap of a branch off to the side of the ship they are standing on makes them all freeze.
Their heads whiz around so they can get a good look at what made the noise but before they can identify what made the noise, there’s another snapping noise from the other side, and then somewhere behind them and then they are once again surrounded.
“Did these panthers follow us all the way here?” Lena panics, grabbing hold of Kara and Alex quickly by the sleeves and trying to back them up towards Bolt so they can get out of the maiming distance of the animals.
“I guess they hold a grudge,” Alex says, turning suddenly to run toward Bolt, who is looking around him, the anxiety palpable with the way he’s franticly turning around.
Kara tries to calm him so Alex can get onto his back, first and then Lena but only Alex manages to get on before he tries to fly off. Luckily, Alex knows how to fly so she keeps him grounded, his feet not getting more than a couple of feet off the floor before he’s back on his feet, this time running.
Alex tries to get him to stop but the panthers are getting closer and he’s just getting more and more agitated as the seconds pass.
He jumps off the edge of the ship right beside where they first landed, taking Alex by surprise when he does a full U-turn and dives inside the ship. Kara and Lena come sprinting down to them, following Bolt’s lead and dragging Kelex behind them by the rope.
They drop down onto the ground below hard.
Lena cries out as her ankle twists but Kara’s arm around her waist quickly drags her back and in through the open door of the ship, which looks sketchier than an abandoned school after dark.
Lena is then deposited on her ass just inside the door and she squints through the dark to see the mighty dragon-like H’Raka curled up in the far corner of the room like a dog hiding from thunder. Wuss.
Alex and Kara start pushing the door shut. It’s rusty and old and it takes a lot of heaving before they even manage to get it to shut an inch and the panthers are heading their way.
“Alex!” Kara calls out, panicked beyond belief.
“I know, just keep pushing!”
They work together, putting as much strength behind themselves as they can as they try with every fibre of their beings to protect themselves.
They’re here. Alex spots one of the panther-like animals leaping towards them and with her quick reflexes, whips her gun out of its holster and shoots at it. It falls back and whines but the bullet doesn’t pierce its skin. It makes sense really, their nest was built from razor-sharp leaves so they must have thick skin but this is insane.
She shoots again when another one comes near but it’s only a temporary fix and they’re getting angrier.
Kara almost has the door shut, just a little more and they’ll be safe. Two more come and try and get close, but Alex can’t shoot both. She spots vines behind the panthers, the same ones that were in the ravine, the same ones with the pods that release pollen so thick they couldn’t see. Alex shoots a pod. The door clicks shut.
They pant, now in the thick darkness of the ship, safe but not completely. Now they face the unknown.
Lena goes to rifle through her pack to find her flashlight but it’s still outside, still on top of the ship. She doesn’t have it with her. “Kara, my pack is still out there.” She says, pressing her back to the wall, scared.
“I don’t care, you’re in here. Thank Rao we all made it.” Kara says, unclipping her pack and fumbling for the zipper. There’s a glow-in-the-dark strip inside that helps her find her flashlight and she clicks it on, shining it around the space for a moment before directing it at Alex, Lena and then Bolt, checking on all three of them.
If having a very bright flashlight shined into their eyes wasn’t enough to make them half-blind, having the light reflect off of Kelex and then into their eyes then is, little white spots appearing before their eyes manage to adjust again.
Once she’s certain that everyone is relatively ok, just the minor cuts from their less than graceful exit through the trees earlier, Kara shines the light around the space, mapping it out in her head and moving tentatively forward towards the cowering Bolt.
“Hey, buddy. You’re alright,” she carefully runs her fingertips over his monstrous head, attempting to calm him down since he’s actually quaking.
“Great, we have a massive flying dragon and it’s so scared that it’s shaking,” Alex says, helping Lena up while Kara works on Bolt.
Kara doesn’t say anything, just keeps petting him until she feels that he has managed to collect himself a little bit. Once he has, she steps away from him and shines her flashlight down the massive hallway beside them, trying to make sense of where they are.
“Oh, we’re in the cargo bay of the ship, if we can get to the front of the ship then we can get some electrics on and from there, we can figure out our exit strategy so we can get out of here. We have the samples so all we need to do is get to a good place where we can take off and head back towards the others again.” Kara announces.
“What about my pack?” Lena asks, tenderly trying to put weight on her twisted ankle.
Kara shrugs. “Well, I don’t think we really need it, you can share my stuff for the few more days we’re here and then we’ll be back on the Legion ship on our way home so we can get by without it.”
“What about my books though?”
“I will buy you as many books as you want when we get back just so you shut up,” Alex says, her grumpiness back again.
“I’m holding you to that,” Lena’s lips quirk up devilishly.
Alex shrugs, “I don’t care, I just want to get back to the others alive, I’m not dying over a couple of books.”
Lena nods, “fair enough.” She can’t really force them to go back for her pack but her heart does ache a little when she thinks about what’s inside it, Kara’s spy beacon that was entrusted to her by Kara’s aunt. She promised to keep it safe and she hasn’t been able to keep that promise. She can feel guilty about that later though, they have to figure out a way through the ship to the control room first. “Wait, won’t we be tracked if we turn the ship’s electrics on?”
“No, the navigation system doesn’t kick in until the ship is readied to take off, which we won’t be doing, so we can turn the lights on and plan out what we’re doing undetected, it won’t be an issue,” Kara answers, edging her way further down the hallway. “What might be an issue is that the door was already open when we got here.”
Lena sighs. “Are you telling me that there might be wild animals on this ship?”
“Potentially.” Kara grimaces.
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icanfixhimclub · 3 years
"You're insufferable." "I'm glad."
This is part 2 to this, so go read that first!
Blue strided pridefully to the stage, standing beside who she now knows is David, as Jack waves to everyone. "Carrying the banner!" Jack yelled and everyone in the stands cheered. "We've come a long way, but we ain't done yet. And maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on. But that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it!"
Everyone cheered while Jack started speaking again, "But also...also we gotta get smart and listen to my pal david," some cheered, mostly like Manhattan newsies, "Who says, 'stop soaking the scabs.'" Blue scoffed stepping to look at Jack. "Hey look Kelly, when me and my boys see scabs, we soak 'em. Period."
Every cheered as Jack looked very displeased. "No, no, no!" David cut of the cheering, "That's what they want us to do! If we get violent, it's just playing into their hands." "Hey look, they're gonna be playin' with my hands alright?" Spot said sternly. "It ain't what they say anymore, it's what we say." Blue cut in, scowling at David.
"And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em." Spot adds on. Everyone started cheering again as Spot and Blue glanced at each other. "You got no brains!" Kelly shouts, "We're starting to fight each other, it's just what the big shots wanna see! That we're street trash! Street rats with no brains, no respect for nothing including ourselves!"
Everyone started sitting and quieting down. "So here's how it is," Jack begins again, "If we don't act together, we're nothing! If we don't stick together, we're nothing!" "Tell 'em Jack!" A kid yells. "So what's it gonna be?" Murmurs of agreement could be heard from the crowd as Spot and Blue paced. "So whadda you say Spot?" Jack asked.
Spot looks out into the crowd, "I say what you say...is what I say." Some of the crowd cheered but not all of it as Jack turned to Blue, looking hopeful. "I say you're an idiot Jack Kelly...but that ain't always a bad thing." Blue spit on her hand with a grin as Jack repeated the actions and the crowd cheered. Suddenly the lights went out and a spotlight got turned to the curtains, a red haired woman stepping out at the crowd cheers and wolf whistles.
"Oh boy." Blue mutters, slipping past people to leave the theater, having no mind to deal with the boys obnoxious behavior. Just a minute after she sat down, Spot Conlon did too. They sat in silence for a while until Spot spoke up, "Why do you hate me?" Blue chuckled in response, "Why shouldn't I?"
She turned to look at the dirty blonde, gaze questioning. "I can be a good guy!" Spot argues as Blue busts out laughing. "You? As if! The only thing 'good' about you is how you and Brooklyn use slingshot's, but even then my boys and me are better." Spot huffed, crossing his arms, "You're insufferable." "I'm glad."
Blue smiled a smile that made Spots face heat up, but he hoped the darkness would hide it. Then, an old man who don't look too friendly starts heading into the theatre. "Hey mista, you ain't s'posed to be in there right now." Blue reminded, standing up and blocking the door, Spot standing up shortly after.
"Move it little girl." The unknown man pushes Blue away, her head hitting the wall as Spot stops her from hitting the ground and the man enters the building. "Hey, Blue, you ok?" Conlon asks, sitting Blue against the wall. "Ya," She winces as she brings her hand up to rub the forming bump, "Just hurts a bit, nothing I'se can't handle."
When they hear the clopping of horses, they both turn their heads and see the bulls heading their way. With a knowing look, they both run inside. "Jack!" Blue yells, searching frantically, but she instead finds Bolt. "Bolt! Get the younger boys out, the bulls are here!" She's frantic and the loud noise doesn't help her head but Bolt nods as Blue flees to search for Jack.
Just as she sees Jack run, she all hears the deafening whistle of the bulls, ringing in her head. Everyone started trying to leave, some staying and fighting. As Blue saw a bull trying to take one of her younger boys, she ran to them, pulling the man back and punching him right in the gut, then kneeing him in the face when he doubled over.
She didn't even see it coming, another man landed a punch right where she had hit her head just a few minutes before. She heard the faint call of her name, but she was unconscious before she even hit the ground. Spot saw red, charging at the man, swing his fist with all his might be picking up Blue and running.
He saw an open area and ran backstage, right out the back doors. "Please be okay." He whispered, gently setting her down on the ground before running back inside, praying she was okay
"All rise, all rise. Court is now in session. Judge E. A. Monahan presiding." Blue groaned quietly, holding the ice pack against her head. "Are any of you represented by a counsel?" The judge asked. Spot, Racetrack and Blue all shared confused looks. "No. Good, good. That'll move this along considerably."
"Hey, ya honor, I object." Spot spoke up. "On what grounds?" "On the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor." Everyone laughed, even Blue let out a giggle that had Spot glancing down at her. The judge banged his gavel, unamused by Spots behavior, "I fine each of you 5 dollars, or 2 weeks confinement at the House of Refuge."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey we ain't got 5 bucks." "Hell, we ain't even got 5 cents!" Blue added on to Race's statement. "Hey your honor, how bout I roll ya for it? Double or nothing." Everybody laughed once again at Racetracks remark while the judge banged his gavel again. "All right, move along, move along."
"Your honor, I'll pay the fines," Everyone turned to see Denton enter the court room, "all of them." David entered as well, the 2 walking over to the others. The dull throb in Blue's head made her zone out, Denton words sounding miles away. She only zoned back in when she heard Race yell over to Jack.
The only thing Blue could focus on was the warmth that shot through her body when Spot grabbed her hand and lead her outside with the others, all heading to the restaurant. "Blue, get that ice pack back on ya head." Spot ordered when he saw Blue drop it on the table. "I'se fine, besides, my arm is hurtin'." She complained.
Everyone greeted Denton as he walked into the restaurant. "Why didn't the sun print the story?" David questions immediately. "Because it never happened." Everyone talked over each other in forms of confusion. "If it's not in the papers it never happened. The owners decreed that it not be in the papers, therefore..."
Blue could hear Spots heavy breathing, most likely of anger. "Anyways, I came to tell you fellas goodbye." Silence fell over the restaurant, nobody dared to speak. "What happened, did ya get fired?" David steps forward but Denton was quick to shoot down the idea. "No, I got reassigned back to my old job as the sun's ace war correspondent. They want me to leave right away. The owner thinks they should only cover really important stories so..."
David walked away in what seemed like disappointment. "They don't always fire you, David. I would be blackballed from every paper in the country," Denton tugged David's arm to get him to face him, "Hey, I'm a newspaper man. I have to have a paper to write for." David still stayed silent as Denton sighed, "This is the story I wrote about the rally. And, I want you to read it at least."
Denton took out a price of paper from inside his pocket, but David still remained quiet so Denton kinda forced the paper into his hand as he started leaving. "Bill," the waiter turned around, trying to tell Denton to keep it, "No, no, this should cover it." Denton handed the man some cash and left. David pushed off of the wall and crumpled the paper.
"God David, stop being an ass." Everyone turned to look at Blue, unready for her comment. "Excuse me?" David asked as Blue stood up. "You heard me. Denton had no control over being reassigned and he has to make money too. Boo hoo, we're not in the paper, suck it up and stop acting like a upset toddler."
Blue fiercely gazed at David, her annoyance evident. David shifted his gaze to the table infront of him. "We get Jack out of the refuge tonight. And from now on, we trust no one but the newsies." Everyone agreed, standing up and leaving. After leaving, Blue grabs David's wrist. "Hey, I'm coming with, rather you like it or not." She said, letting ho and walking away.
That night, her and the boys snuck past the Refuge gates following a carriage. David points to a lighted window, "That's where we saw Crutchy." A whistle blows and they all hide. Everyone could see it was Jack. "Where they takin' him Dave?" Mush asked as the loaded Jack into a carriage. "Only one way to find out," David took off his hat and waited for the carriage to leave." I'll meet you guys by the square."
As everyone watched David leave, Blue walked out, staring up at the window. "Aye, whaddya doin' Blue?" Race asked watching her intently. "Mush," The girl whipped around, staring at the tallest of the boys, "You're tallest, get me on your shoulders, Blink, I need the rope." Both boys nodded and walked over to her, Blink handing her the rope.
Mush bent down and helped Blue onto his shoulders, standing up and getting close to the wall. She tried throwing the rope up into the window bars, trying to get it to fall back down over something. When it did, she motion for Mush to set her down and he did. "Alright, which one of you'se is the strongest?" Mush, Blink and another raised their hands.
"Alright, your going to hold the rope still on this end while I climb up the other." The 3 nodded and walked over, grabbing the end of the rope. Blue grabbed the other end and used to Rope to help her scale the wall. When she reached the window, she nodded on it, a unknown kid opened the window. "Is anyone in here go by Radio?" She asked timidly.
The small girl looked sad, looking down. "Radio got real sick and died a few days ago." Blue's breath caught in her throat. She almost let go of the rope, everything slowing down. "T-thank you." Blue nodded and slid down the rope. Everyone's voices were fuzzed and Blue could feel the tears in her eyes. So she ran. She ran faster than she ever had before, faster than she thought she could go.
She ran until her legs gave out under her, right on the Brooklyn Bridge. Uncontrollable sobs ripped from her throat, everything seemed to disappear as she cried. She sobbed so loud she didn't even hear Spots footsteps, not even aware of his presence until he sat by her and puller her into his side. She started to hyperventilate, barely any air in her lungs.
"H-h-He was j-just a b-b-boy!" She subconsciously leaned into Spots comfort. "Hey, Blue, hey, calm down, easy does it." Her loud cries had slowly turned in small sniffles and tear stained cheeks. Spot slowly moved to sit in front of her, cupping her face in his hands. "Now," He brushed his thumb across her cheek, wiping away a tear, "Tell me what happened."
"He's gone." She choked out, her hands grabbing at her shirt, "He was to young to d-die. He was 8 Spot, 8! He shouldn't of died at 8! He was gonna become a writer! He was," She choked back another sob, her voice cracking as she spoke, "He was gonna write a book 'bout all of us." The last part came out as a broken whisper, so heartbroken it made his clench.
A small, broken sob left Blue's lips, leaning into Spots touch as he wiped her tears. "Come to my lodge with me. It too late for you to be walkin' back to Queens alone." Too tired to respond, she just simply nodded, eyes already drooping. She didn't say a word when Spot effortlessly pick her up, heading back to the Lodging House.
About half way there, Spot looked down at her to find her peacefully asleep, head resting against Spots chest, the smallest snores escaping her mouth. Spot let out a small chuckle, continuing the long walk back to his Lodging house.
A/n: whew, that was long. Anyways, there's definitely gonna be a part 3 and possibly a part 4, so stick around for that!
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elvish-sky · 3 years
The Temptation of Regality: A Sense of Belonging {Thorin x Reader}
A.N: So first of all, this is not the big falling out/angsty part of the story, that’s in a few chapters. The troll scene is one of my favorites in both book and movie, and I actually wrote a full separate thing using all the dialogue and stuff from the book and movie but figured that if you guys wanted that you could just read/watch them. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Please consider voting/commenting, it really makes my day! 
Word Count: 1,786
Pairing: Eventual Thorin x Reader
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Thorin is a jerk
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Part 2: A Sense of Belonging
“Uh oh.” You paused mid-swing as the sounds of fighting died down around you and looked up to see two of the trolls holding Bilbo. You backed up to stand with your dwarf companions, waiting to see what would happen. As you stepped back, your foot caught on a root and you tripped backward to sprawl on the ground, weapons dropping around you as you did so. You saw a pair of feet next to your head, and you looked up to see the angry face of Thorin attached. “Get up!” he hissed, and you scrambled to your feet, trying and failing to look nonchalant as the trolls reached out and grabbed Dori and Dwalin, tying them onto a spit over the fire. You gulped, praying that they wouldn’t try to fit all of you on it at once. 
“Ouch!” you exclaimed as you hit the ground in a sack. A hand quickly clamped over your mouth as you spoke, and, angry you turned your head to see the king-to-be tied in a sack next to you, shushing you. You shook your head and dislodged his hand. “What d’ya think you’re doing?” “If you talk, they might eat us sooner.” “Thorin, they already caught us, I think they’ll eat us whenever they want. Besides, Bilbo’s talking right now!” You listened as he said something about skinning dwarves, causing the pile of them in sacks around you to wiggle and yell.
 Then the realization hit, “Wait. You meant the trolls would eat us faster if specifically, I spoke. You really think I’m that awful that something would eat me just to shut me up.” He wouldn’t meet your eyes. “Well!” you huffed, “apparently you do have a sense of humor, it just decides to show itself at the wrong moments,” and shifted yourself so that you were facing away from him, lying in between him and Balin. 
You wiggled in your sack, trying to reach your boot to grab the knife you knew was tucked in next to your sock. As you did this, you bent at an awkward angle and glimpsed a flash of grey between the trees surrounding the clearing. You noticed Bilbo’s eyes flash with recognition as he saw it as well, and silently encouraged him to keep stalling. Then the pile of dwarves around you erupted with cries of “I don’t have parasites!” and “you have parasites!” Figuring it was a tactic of Bilbo’s you kicked Kili to make him shut up. It seemed like Thorin had had the same idea as well, for Kili glared at both of you before it hit him. “Mine are the biggest parasites!” he quickly corrected himself, catching on. You and Thorin glanced at each other before quickly looking away, embarrassed. 
You went back to fiddling for your knife, until, with a whispered cry of satisfaction, you caught it between your fingers. You brought it up to your chest and began to saw on the rope tying you in the sack, wishing you had a larger, more efficient blade like one of your daggers. Just as you finally cut through the rope, cries came from the trolls, and your eyes lifted to see them quickly turning to stone, Gandalf standing triumphant on a rock behind them. With a sigh of relief, you shrugged the sack off and stood up, stretching. You turned to Balin and began to cut him free, finishing and then making your way through the rest of the dwarves.
“Y/N, how did you get free so quickly?” Kili asked as you sawed on the rope trapping him. “I mean, the second the trolls were stone you were up with a flash!” “I spent most of the time in the sack trying to reach the knife, it was sheer coincidence that I cut the rope at the same time the trolls froze.” “Ahh,” he nodded in understanding. “Well, it’s good to know that had Bilbo and Gandalf not defeated the trolls so cleverly, we would have eventually been freed by you...” His voice faded at the end of his sentence, and his eyes were gazing at something just beyond you with a look of fear in them. 
You stood and turned to see the leader of the company glaring up at you. “What is this about you having the means to free us and not using it?” “I was going to use it, I was just trying to get to it. Also, it’s rather small, it would have taken a while to cut everyone free.” You held up the knife to show it’s size.
“Still, if you had that all along, why did you not cut us all free?” Thorin gestured to your knife as he spoke. “Because I. Could. Not. Reach it!!!! I spent the entire time I was in that sack trying to get to it, and once I did the trolls were stone! There was literally nothing I could have done to help free us, and if there had been I would have done it! In case you didn’t notice, my king, I was also about to be eaten!” 
You stomped off towards the ponies, only to realize that, in fact, the ponies were gone. “So I guess we’re traveling on foot now?” Kili asked. Thorin shot him a glare, and his nephew clammed up and hurried to start walking. As the group set off, you lingered close to the back so that you could hear what Thorin and Dwalin were muttering about. “Don’t blame the lass, Thorin,” you heard Dwalin speaking in low tones to his friend. “She couldn’t have freed us any quicker than Bilbo had.” “Still,” the king replied, “she shouldn’t have just focused on freeing herself. If she’s not going to be able to help the group in situations like that then she is utterly useless.” 
You felt your cheeks growing hot with anger as tears started to fill your eyes. You had always cried when angry, ever since you were little, but it had never presented itself at a more inopportune time. You were about to turn and confront the two dwarves but paused as you heard Dwalin speak again. “Thorin, you couldn’t have done anything else to free us either. Neither could I. It was sheer luck that Bilbo was smart enough to stall for Gandalf. We should not blame Y/N for not being able to do something that none of the rest of us could do either.” With that Dwalin increased his pace and left a bemused and slightly remorseful Thorin behind.
You collapsed onto the ground in the campsite that Nori and Bofur had picked out for the night, spreading your bedroll to claim a spot slightly separate from where you knew the dwarves would soon be squished together. Sure, sleeping farther from the fire did mean you were colder, but it was worth it to be slightly farther from the snoring. 
With a sigh, you slowly drifted off into unconsciousness. You weren’t awake when Thorin, seeing you shivering on the ground and feeling slightly remorseful for his words earlier, picked his way through the campsite of sleeping dwarves to stand over you. He studied you for a moment, hearing the faint chatter of your teeth with cold, and shrugged off his fur coat, draping it over you and tucking it in around your neck, hand lingering on your cheek as he brushed the hair off your face. He smiled as you unconsciously leaned into his touch and snuggled down with his coat covering you.
“Uncle?” Thorin whirled around to see Fili, standing at the edge of the campsite with arms full of firewood. “What are you doing?” “Nothing! I just noticed that the human was cold and figured it would be bad if she froze, that’s all.” “Ok,” Fili clearly did not believe Thorin but was willing to let it go. “If that’s all…” he tossed the wood onto the fire as he said this, making the flames die down and then shoot up fueled by the addition. Thorin bounded across the campsite to grab his nephew by the shoulder. “Listen to me,” he drew Fili close so that he could see his eyes. “If you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, even Kili, of what you just saw, I’ll kick you off this quest so fast, it’ll make your head spin.” “Ok, Uncle.” Fili walked away and settled into his bedroll with a smirk. He eagerly anticipated what you would do when you woke with the king’s coat draped over you the next morning. 
You awoke the next day to the sounds of birds chirping and the sun shining on your face. You sat up and stretched your arms above your head, gazing at the canopy of leaves through which the early morning light filtered through. As you did so you felt something heavy slide down from around your shoulders. It was a fur coat. Figuring it was Fili’s as you’d seen him wearing furs before, you walked over to where the golden-haired dwarf was packing his belongings. “Thank you for this,” you held out the coat for him to take. He smirked as he saw what it was. “That’s not mine, Y/N.” “It’s not?” “No. In fact, I believe it belongs to my uncle over there.” He pointed at Thorin, who was sitting on a log across the clearing sharpening his newly found sword. Shocked at this revelation, you questioned Fili. “He hates me. Why would he give me his coat?” “Maybe you should just go ask him, Y/N.” 
So you walked over to Thorin and held out the coat. “Um, thank you for the coat. Why did you give it to me.” You were surprised to notice a faint blush on his cheeks as he rose. Shrugging the coat on, he spoke, “I noticed you get rather cold at night. I gave you my coat to prevent that, it wouldn’t do for one of my company to be unable to sleep because of something so easily remedied.” You shifted back and forth with a little embarrassment that he would notice. “Well, I appreciated the extra warmth, I certainly slept better than I have been.” 
You turned and walked back to your bedroll to pack it up, trying to hide your sudden happiness. After his words yesterday, you had feared that he hated you, and would never accept you as part of the group. Now, though, you felt a real sense of belonging and acceptance, although you thought you might have felt a little more than that from Thorin. It was probably just your imagination, though. A dwarf would never feel for a human in that way.
Everything tag💞: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1
Lmk if you want to be added to a taglist for this series, all my writing, or anything else!
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Love Finds A Way
(sequel to “see You Again”) ( A Harry Hook x reader love story)
Part 8
Just over on the other side of the metal pipe Hadley, Evie and Mal were waiting.
When the limo stopped Carlos hopped out of the back and Jay and Lonnie got out of the front.
“Lonnine?” The three questioned.
“I made them bring me.” Lonnie said as she hugged then.
“I'm so glad” Mal said.
“Welcome to the Isle” Evie said as she side hugged her.
Jay and Carlos went to the trunk opening it up to reveal a stowaway.
“And Dude.” 
“I told you to stay” Carlos scolded
“I flunked obedience class.” 
“Great and he can still talk” Jay looked at Carlos.
“You're lucky I love you” Carlos said to Dude as he pulled him out of the trunk.
Jay grabbed the case of swords and slung it over his back before shutting the trunk.
“Ooh. Here let me see it” Mal reached her hand out for the fake wand.
Carlos handed it over to her and she inspected it.
“Wow, what a beauty” 
“Guys, it's noon” Hadley glanced at the pipe.
Mal handed the wand back to Carlos who stuck it in his jacket.
“Alright. Are we ready?” Mal looked at each one of them.
” Yep”  Evie and Hadley both held up the bags with the smoke bombs.
Mal nodded and took the lead, heading through the tunnel.
Hadley and Evie followed, Lonnie behind them and Jay and Carlos at the every end.
The walk through the pipe was only a minute but to Hadley it felt like hours.  A million thoughts ran through her mind. What if they couldn't get out in time and she had to fight him? What could she say to him? What else would he say?  The broken look on his face just hours earlier burned into her brain.
Evie must have seen because she grabbed Hadleys unoccupied hand and squeezed it.
Hadley gave her a small smile and they stepped out of the pipe and on to the docks.
 The Lost Revenge was swarming with Umas crew.  
Hadley immediately caught a glimpse of Harry's jacket.
He was pushing a bound Ben and Ruby towards the end of the ship.
He pushed them  hard and been stumbled, Harry opened his arms,
The VKs stopped at different points on the dock. Jay, Lonnie and Evie behind Mal, Carlos on the upper deck, and Hadley directly in front of the plank. Watching Harry torment Been and Ruby over the plank. Harry looked up and saw Hadley watching him, the sadness present in her features made his heart clench but he shook it off and continued.
Huh, let's get this party started
I swear I'm cold-hearted There's no negotiation I'm not here for debatin' You need some motivation? Just look at Ben's face Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart
Now, let's all just be smart Although for you that must be hard You'll get your wand No one has to come to any harm Don't try to intimidate Your bark is much worse than your bite Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight
Let's go, bring it on Better give us what we want It's the wand for the crown If you don't, it's going down
Let's go, make your move Peace or war, it's up to you Give him up and do it now If you don't, it's going down
We want the wand Or else the king is gone Your time is running out You should really watch your mouth
Let's go, pound for pound We're prepared to stand our ground Put your swords up, put 'em up It's going down
Oh, oh, oh, make the trade Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank Oh, oh, oh, make the trade Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank
They gathered around Mal at the gangplank, listening to her plan.
Mal walked up towards Uma pointing to Ben and Ruby.  Harry noticed Mal getting closer to Uma and left the two royals stand-in on the edge of the plank and walked over, pushing Gil towards them.
Ok, look, this is not a conversation It's a do-or-die situation If you don't give me back the king I'll have no hesitation I'll serve you right here And I don't need a reservation That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration Release him now, and we can go our separate ways Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs
So that's your big speech, huh? An empty ultimatum?
 Harry got in front of Uma, getting closer and closer to Mal.
Jay and Hadley walked up behind her.
All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him And if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him All it takes is one long look and I'll
As he spun around, Hadley grabbed his hook, stopping him.
Harry! We get it, chill
Harry smirked at her and sauntered away back to his post at the plank, continuing to push Ben and Ruby around.
Let's go, bring it on Better give us what we want It's the wand for the crown If you don't, it's going down
Let's go, make your move Peace or war, it's up to you Give him up and do it now If you don't, it's going down
We want the wand Or else the king is gone Your time is running out You should really watch your mouth
Let's go, pound for pound We're prepared to stand our ground Put your swords up, put 'em up It's going down
Carlos pulled the wand out from his jacket and handed it to Mal.
She walked back up to Uma ready to hand it over.
Hey, we don't have to choose We don't have to light the fuse Mal, whatever you do, it's gonna be a lose-lose There's gotta be a better way Uma, I promise I'll give you your chance You'll have your say
Silly king! You? Give me? You're gonna give me a chance? Well, not a chance
Oh, oh, oh, make the trade Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank Oh, oh, oh, make the trade Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank  
Mal handed the wand out to Uma who held her hand up.
“Hold up. To easy.”
Mal took a step back.
“Why don't you give it a test drive. We want to see it work.” 
Mal sighed “you always were quite the drama queen”
“Oh and nothing to big or else Ben and Ruby are fish bait.” 
Mal looked behind her and  Carlos nodded his head to the upper deck where Dude was sitting.  Mal smiled at Uma and leaned against the railing.
“Although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word.” She waved the wand and Dude did nothing.
Mal turned and smiled at Uma and glared back at Dude.
“Talk dog.”
The smallest voice came from Dude.
“Does this vest make me look fat?”
The crew around Uma cheered.
“Does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?”
Uma laughed as Mal turned around.
“Give me the wand!” 
“Give me Ben and Ruby!”
Uma looked over to where Harry was holding them close to the edge of the plank.
“Harry, bring them over.” 
Harry sighed but reluctantly pulled them both over to the gangplank, kicking the backs of their knees making them fall to their knees in front of Mal.
Hadley ran up to retrieve Ruby.
Uma reached for the wand and Mal pulled back, reaching her hand out for Ben, nudging Hadley to do the same.
Hadley decides looking at Ruby was the best thing to do because looking at Harry would cause her to break.
“Cut ‘em loose Harry.”
Harry grumbled as he pulled out his sword and sliced through the rope binding Ben and Ruby hands.
“ I never get to have any fun”
Their hands flung up and grasped Hadley and Mals hands.
Uma hand darted out for the wand and Mal placed it in her hand.
Hadley pulled Ruby up and started pulling her up the docks, but Ruby started pulling her way back.
“Ruby! Come on! We need to go!” Hadleys voice barely went over a whispered but it was urgent enough to get Ruby's attention.
Hadley happened to look behind her to find Harry's eyes watching her retreat, that broken look from night before present but poorly masked by the joy of getting the wand.
Hadley managed to pull Ruby to the docks by the time Uma found out the wand was fake.  Before she knew it there were pirates swinging from ropes, smoke bombs were being set off left and right and she was handed a sword.  The metal object felt foreign in her hand, she tried to remember the tricks and moves that Harry had taught her when they were younger.
Hadley disarmed a few pirates, looking for one in particular. She saw the flash of red and looked up, finding Harry now fighting Jay.
She cursed herself mentally and ran to the upper deck, dodging swords and pirates the whole way up.
Just as Harry was about to bring his sword down on Jay, Hadley's clashed with his.
Jay looked surprised to see Hadley able to hold him off.
“ Jay go help Evie and Ruby, I've got him” Hadley grunted as Harry pushed down harder.
Jay hesitated.
Jay ran and it was just Harry and Hadley.
“You never could win against me.” Harry sneered.
Hadley pushed with all her strength and threw Harry backwards catching him off guard.
“There's always a first time”
They squared up and Harry brought his sword down first,she was able to block it.
“Harry we need to talk”
“A little late for that now ain't it”
“No, Har, I never meant to leave you here.”
“Then why did you?”
Harry spun around her trying to throw her off.
“I tried to get you over. I really did!” Hadley ducked as his sword came dangerously close to her head.
“Please Harry, I never forgot about you! I couldn't even if I tried!”
Harry laughed.
“Yeah, that's why your aren't wearing me necklace hu?”
He swung again, Hadley pushed him back enough to use her other hand to pull the necklace from under her shirt.
Harry stared at her and the necklace, looking back up to her.
“I have not taken your necklace off since you gave it to me”
“But, the coronation.. I watched… it wasn't there...” 
Hadley shook her head.
“ I had it tucked under my dress.” 
Harry looked to the side away from her, their fight momentarily forgotten.
“You left me here, wondering if you were ever coming back.” Harry looked like a kicked puppy and it took everything in Hadley not to run up and hug him.
“I know, and I'm so sorry Harry. I tried, every day I tried to talk to Ben about bringing you over but something was always more important.”
Hadley moved a little closer and he looked up at her his eyes softened and Hadley wanted to tell him what she felt for him, but their moment was interrupted by Uma shouting at him from the lower decks.
Harry face quickly handed again and he brought his sword down quickly, catching Hadley slightly off. 
“Harry please!” Hadley pleaded pushing him off and swing at him.
“Please believe me"
Harry said nothing as he swung again and again, each strike causing a spark to ignite between the two swords.
Harry had Hadley backed up against the railing and brought his sword down using his hook to hold her sword away from him.
Hadley kicked at his knee, pushing him back. Harry brought his sword down and Hadley moved making his get stuck in the railing. 
Hadley knew she had little time before the others made it to the pipe. 
She looked around while he struggled to free his sword.  Her eyes landed on his hook, the only thing he cared for more than anything else.
When Harry's sword was finally freed he lunged at her but Hadley moved and thrust her sword blade through the hook and twisted it freeing it from Harry's grip and dangling it from the edge of her sword.
Harry stood there dumbfounded before throwing his sword down at her feet and reached his hand out for his hook. 
Hadley took the hook off her sword and held it looking at it.
"Harry, there's something that I should have told you a long time ago, but I never knew how."
Harry looked away from him hook in her hands up to her eyes.
"And what's that?"
Hadley hesitated.
"I… I…"
"You what?"
Harry stepped closer, the movement making Hadley look up from the hook.  Their eyes met, Hadley could see the emotions swimming through his ocean blue eyes.  
She let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.
"I love you…"
dun dun duuuuun!!!! oh boy anther part down... If you liked part 8 and would like part 9 please like and comment!  As always you can read the illustrated viersion over on my Wattpad (@phelpsphan). If you would like to be added to the tag list please message me!!! <3<3<3
Summary: You would think that six months in Auradon would do any villain kid good.  Well, not Hadley.  After the events of the Coronation, Hadley's mood took a downward spiral; and for one reason, guilt.  She'd broken a promise and left her best friend on the Isle of the Lost.  How will she handle seeing him again when certain circumstances bring her back to the Isle? Will she finally tell him what she really feels?  
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters in Descendants.  Hadley and the plot between her and Harry are mine.
Tag list: @unded-bride 
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stardust-walker · 3 years
High Hopes: Chapter 15
Previous Chapters:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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word count: 3897
Julian didn’t know what to think of the new group that had just come onto the farm. He didn’t trust the one guy, that was for sure. He’d gone into the city with Otis and had come back without him. Otis was a good person, but it didn’t sound right. He probably would’ve done anything to save a little kid but the guy seemed sketchy. He felt sort of relieved when it seemed like not everyone bought his bullshit either.
He was jumpy as he waited for Maggie to get back from her run to the store. Since Otis, the thought of people leaving the farm felt like they were marching off to their deaths. A smile was on his face as he finally spotted Maggie riding up on her horse with Glenn. That guy didn’t seem too bad, at least. Unable to contain himself, he leapt off the porch and had the reins of Glenn’s horse in his hands before the other man could say anything. “Let me help you put the horses back,” he said brightly.
Maggie and Glenn exchanged a look before Maggie replied. “Sure thing. Thanks for all your help out there, Glenn.”
Julian looked over his shoulder as the other man hurried off to join the rest of his group by the tents as the dark haired woman from before and her redneck companion came out from the trees. “What do you think,” he questioned Maggie before he clicked his tongue and began to lead to horse to the stable.
“Nothin to think. They find that little girl, odds are my daddy’s gonna make them leave,” Maggie shrugged her shoulders from atop the horse.
Julian nodded his head slowly, “You see anything out there?”
“We didn’t see her out there if that’s what you’re askin me, Jude.” Maggie shook her head before she let out a long sigh.
Julian’s shoulders slumped. He couldn’t help but stare out at the barn in the distance as he opened the door to the horse’s pen. A shiver ran down his back before he averted his eyes. “Better than the alternative, I guess.”
Dove rested somewhat easily that night, she felt some comfort in the fact that the next day would mean the search was in full swing. She still hated doing the laundry, though. She would rather be out there in the woods looking for Sophia, but Carol had roped her into her chore. “C’mon. No one wants to help me with this. Andrea’s off tryin’ to play Annie Oakley somewhere and Lori’s still sleepin.”
“I wish I was still sleepin,” Dove grumbled as she picked up a basket of clothes. She squinted her hazel eyes at the closest well. “Jesus, what happened over there?”
Carol shook her head. “You missed it. They sent Glenn down into the well. Apparently there was a walker down there.” Dove opened her mouth to reply but Carol cut her off. “I know you woulda raised all types of hell if you were here, but Glenn’s fine. You’ve seen him.”
Dove huffed and blew a stray hair out of her eyes. “I’m gonna give that little bastard a piece of my mind for not tellin me about that. When I’m done with him, he’ll wanna go back down that well.” She let out a chuckle.
It felt like hours, but it wasn’t too long until she was sitting on top of a picnic table, basket of wet clothes next to her. She handed Carol a wet shirt to hang up as Lori stepped out of her tent. “Mornin, princess,” Dove called over cheerfully, “Nice of you to join us.”
Lori managed a weak smile as she walked over and greeted the two sisters. “Can’t believe I slept in.”
“You probably needed it,” Carol smiled at her.
“Yeah, I think we all need to take turns sleeping in. It feels amazing,” Dove yawned as she ran a hand through her ponytail.
“You feelin ok,” Carol scrutinized Lori carefully as the other woman nodded. “I have an idea I wanted to run by you two. That big kitchen of theirs got me thinking, I wouldn’t mind cooking in a real kitchen again.” Dove smiled as she thought about Carol’s cooking. She definitely wasn’t a five-star chef by any means, but Carol was a good cook. There was no doubt about that. “Maybe we all pitch in and make dinner for Hershel and his family tonight. Kind of looking for things to keep my mind occupied.”
Dove leaned back on her hands with a heavy sigh as she looked up at the sky. She really wanted to be out there. She wanted to help look for Sophia, but she knew Carol would fight her on it. Maybe the right place for her to be was here on the farm; she needed to be with her sister.
“Seems like the least we could do,” Lori agreed.
Dove nodded her head, “Yeah sure. I’ll try to help. I’m not real good in the kitchen, but I’ll try my best.” She flashed her sister a quick smile.
“You mind extending the invitation,” Carol smiled at Lori. Would feel more right comin from you,” Carol reasoned.
Dove eyed Lori. “You’re like our unofficial First Lady,” Carol joked.
Lori and Dove both rolled their eyes but Dove let out a snort of laughter. “President Rick Grimes? I don’t remember votin, but that sounds about right,” she raised an eyebrow at Lori and raised a hand quick enough to block a clothespin from hitting her face.
Meanwhile, Julian had made his way over to the group by the car. He felt like he should be trying to help them look for that little girl. Every person out there could make a difference in finding her or not. He would want people out there looking for his sister like this if he had any idea where she was.
“She might have gone further east than we’ve been so far,” Rick stated as he laid the map out in front of them.
“I’d like to help,” Jimmy spoke up first and Julian narrowed his eyes at the younger man. Hershel would kick his ass for trying. Jimmy was just a kid, but Julian was grown enough to make his own decisions. “I know the area pretty well and stuff.
“I think I know the area better than you, Jim,” Julian spoke quietly as he approached the group.
“Hershel’s okay with this?” Good question. Julian would like to believe Jimmy, but he couldn’t help but think the kid was full of shit trying to look cool in front of his girlfriend.
“Nothing about what Daryl found screams Sophia to me,” Shane spoke from the car.
Shane gave Julian the creeps. “They found Elizabeth Smart nine months after she went missing on pure chance of someone noticing the people who took her,” he remembered seeing something about it when he was younger and it just stuck with him. Shane might be a cop, but it seemed like he wasn’t too invested in the search.
“Whoever slept in that cupboard was no bigger than yay-high,” Daryl held his hand out to about elbow height. Definitely seemed like a little kid and unless Georgia was suddenly overflowing with feral children, Shane was full of shit.
“Maybe we’ll pick up her trail again,” Rick sounded hopeful.
“No maybe about it. I’m gonna borrow a horse,” Daryl pointed at the map. Hershel won’t be happy about that, Julian thought but didn’t speak. He didn’t want to get on the bad side of this guy.
“Good idea,” T-Dog spoke up, “Maybe you’ll see your Chupacabra up their too.” A short laugh echoed from behind Julian and he turned to see Dove, still perched on the picnic table, shake her head.
“Chupacabra,” Rick inquired.
“You never heard this,” Dale sighed. “Our first night in camp, Daryl tells us that the whole thing reminds him of a time he went squirrel hunting and he saw a Chupacabra.” Julian shuddered at the thought of the goat sucking monster; Jimmy laughed. Julian gave him a quick slap to the back of the head as Daryl spoke again.
“What are you braying at, Jackass?”
“You believe in a blood-sucking dog,” Jimmy questioned.
“You believe the dead walk,” Daryl sneered.
“He’s got you there, Jimbo,” Julian shrugged his shoulders as he rested his hand on the hood of the truck. Jimmy reached for a gun, man that kid was really trying it today.
“Why don’t you come train tomorrow,” Shane offered. “If you’re serious, I’m a certified instructor.”
Andrea spoke up, “For now, he can come with us.”
“If it’s alright, I’d like to go with Jimmy.” Julian turned his attention to Rick. He didn’t feel like going in a car with Shane. The last man to go with him somewhere didn’t exactly seem to fare too well. Even if it meant going with the woman that he didn’t really know and someone who’d made fun of someone for believing in a Chupacabra.
Rick nodded his head and held out his hand to the younger man, “Alright. Thanks for helping us, kid.”
“Julian, sir.”
“Rick is just fine,” the sheriff smiled a little.
“Right, sorry. Not used to bein too friendly to the police. But, no problem, Rick. It feels right to help. Just hope we find her,” Julian nodded his head. The others didn’t notice him tense up as he turned his attention away from the barn and focused on the search plan.
Dove let out a heavy sigh as she turned her attention from the parting group to the house. She couldn’t keep Carol waiting much longer or she might send out another search party for her. As she ascended the steps, Glenn caught her attention. He seemed out of it. “Yoo-hoo. Earth to Glenn,” Dove waved a hand at him.
The man jumped slightly as he turned his head to look at his friend. The smile on his face fell slightly as he realized who was standing in front of him. “Hey, Dove. You not heading out today?”
“Nah, decided I might as well tend to my womanly duties,” she flicked her hair behind her shoulder in an exaggerated manner. “You alright, bud? You see kind of out of it since you got back yesterday.” Dove frowned as she leaned against the post.
“I’m fine. Just…a lot going on in my head, you know,” Glenn smiled sadly as he rested his hand on the guitar in his lap.
A sly look was in Dove’s eye as she spoke. “Well channel all of that emotion into a song and I’m sure you can woo yourself a farmer’s daughter in no time,” she wiggled her eyebrows at him.
The blush that shot up into Glenn’s cheek answered any questions she might have had. “What are you talking about?”
“Nothin! Just that I think a blind man all the way in Korea can see what I’m talking about! But that’s none of my business,” she shrugged her shoulders and took a step closer to him. “But if you do happen to want to talk about it, just let me know! I’m your friend and I’ll always be here to listen. Plus, no better person to go to for girly advice than a girl.” She chuckled as she ruffled Glenn’s hair.
Glenn smiled at the woman as she took a step back towards the door, “Thanks…”
Dove thought that Hershel’s house was nice and she made sure to tell them so. “Well thank you,” Patricia nodded her head politely.
Dove bit her lip as she looked around the hallway. “I just want to thank you,” she turned her attention back to the older blonde. Her expression seemed to be unreadable. Something about these people was off to her. They all seemed nice, but something wasn’t right about any of them. “For letting us stay here while we look for our niece. It’s not something you have to do especially now, you don’t know any of us from those walkers in the streets.”
Patricia held up a hand to stop her, “It’s not a problem. I just want to make sure that Rick and Hershel have made it very clear to you…”
“Once we find Sophia, once Carl is good to roll, we’re gone,” Dove nodded her head. “But still. Thank you,” she smiled as she turned on her heel to walk into the kitchen. “Just hope you don’t mind your mashed potatoes with a little crisp,” she called as she entered the room, “I suck at cooking!”
Carol shook her head at her younger sister as Lori laughed. “You can measure the ingredients,” Carol patted her arm.
“Listen, we all have skills. I was not made to be a house wife,” Dove raised her hands in surrender. “You, however, were a better housewife than any man ever deserved.” She winked at her sister.
Slightly uncomfortable, Lori changed the subject quickly. “You know you weren’t made to be a housewife?” She looked over her shoulder at the younger brunette as she began to peel a potato.
“Sure do. I was a few months away from trying it out, but let’s just say I had to cancel the subscription before the free trial ended,” Dove popped a piece of carrot into her mouth.
Carol clicked her tongue disapprovingly, “Still think you were better off. He seemed unstable.”
“Who? Owen,” Dove questioned her sister with a raised eyebrow. Carol just turned her attention to her. Dove rolled her eyes as she picked up a bigger carrot and started to peel it. “I mean he was a little…quirky.”
Lori let out a small groan at this, “Honey, we all know what quirky means. Quirky is code for ‘you’re unstable but I love you’.” The older brunette elbowed Dove lightly.
Carol let out a quiet snort of laughter at this, “You got that right. The one time when we went up to visit, we stayed in DC so-”
Dove cut her off with a panicked laugh, “Alright listen, I get it! Owen was unstable and I have terrible taste in men, but it’s over now so…we don’t have to rehash that story! Alright.”
It was quiet in the kitchen for a moment before Lori whispered, “You’ll tell me later?”
“Oh, you bet,” Carol whispered back as Lori picked up a bucket to go collect more water.
“The hell you will,” Dove shouted as she picked up a carrot shaving and whipped it at her sister. “Be serious and cut up your god damn carrots,” Dove laughed and shook her head. Still, her thoughts went back to her life before everything went to shit. Actually, this was more like her life going to shit take two. Carol was right, she was way better off.
“Bout time you strolled on up here, Dixon.” Daryl’s attention snapped to the side, back to the direction of the farm.
“Hell do you want,” he snapped at the figure in front of him even though he knew she wasn’t real.
“Should really be getting home,” the figure spoke as she twirled a small pendant between her fingers. She wasn’t really there, but her hazel eyes stared right into his soul just like if she were there, “getting dark out.”
“Shut up,” Daryl snapped as he started stomping back towards the farm. The figure was a few steps ahead of him as he shuffled forward. “Don’t give a shit anyway.”
“Like you said. Merle wasn’t there for you, so why should you listen to him,” the voice was further ahead now and he glanced around before he spotted it a few yards ahead between the trees. “So man the fuck up and use you head for once, asshole.” When Daryl blinked, she was gone.
Dove had decided to take a break from the kitchen, but she didn’t seem to be able to find anyone that she wanted to see. Glenn seemed even more miserable than before, the other men were back without much news, and Daryl still wasn’t back yet. The last part made her feel uneasy. It was getting dark out. A creek on the porch made her turn her attention. “Julian, right? You find anything before,” she stepped towards him.
The young man lowered his binoculars before he shook his head, “Not a thing. Sorry. Maybe your friend found something?”
“The redneck guy. Daryl?”
Dove scoffed, “I don’t think that you can really say that me and Daryl are friends but…”
Andrea’s panicked shouts about a walker cut through the relative silence. Dove felt her pulse quicken and Julian shook his head, “we don’t get many walkers out this far.” He stepped quickly off the porch to help out and shoved the binoculars into Dove’s hand as he went.
Something in her gut told her to look through and when she did, the binoculars fell from her hand as she took off at a run. “Wait,” she shouted as she ran faster than she thought she had in years. She didn’t even realize how quick she was running until she was about halfway across the field.
“Is that Daryl,” Glenn said.
“Holy hell, man. You look like shit,” Julian shouted.
“That’s the third time you’ve pointed that thing at my head,” Dove heard Daryl reply and she slowed down to a walk as a relieved laugh left her lips. “You gonna pull the trigger or what?”
It was silent for a few moments as Dove continued to approach the group. Glenn turned and noticed her but as Dove opened her mouth to call out, a gunshot rang out. What left her throat instead was a panicked scream as adrenaline took over and she took off again. She didn’t even realize what she’d done until her knees hit the ground. Rick was screaming back at Andrea and there was blood on her hands. “Jesus Christ, what the fuck,” Dove turned her head back in the direction of camp before she turned her head back to the sight in front of her. “Dumb fucking bitch, cmon don’t be dead please.” Dove muttered as Rick dropped to the ground next to her. “She shot him in the fucking head,” Dove’s voice shook as she reached a shaking hand out and turned Daryl’s head slightly.
“Good thing she’s a bad shot,” Rick mumbled as Daryl let out a pained groan. His eyes fluttered open for a moment and Dove felt relieved as she realized that he might look out of it, but he wasn’t one of them. He wasn’t dead yet. A hand on her shoulder pulled her to her feet as Glenn wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
Glenn gave her shoulder a squeeze as they watched Rick and Shane haul Daryl to his feet. “I was kidding,” he growled before he passed out.
Anger flared through Dove as Andrea approached them asking if he was dead.
“He’s wearing ears,” Dove heard Glenn’s panicked voice over the pounding of her blood in her ears. Her gaze fell to T-Dog as she fought to control her anger. How could you be so stupid Rick told you not to do it, she raged internally. Even the sight of Sophia’s doll couldn’t calm her down. All she could think of was how, if Andrea had killed Daryl, they would never know where Sophia might be.
She reached a boiling point as they crossed over into camp. All of the bullshit thoughts and prayers about Sophia. All of the wanting to save people and act like she was big and tough. On top of losing Sophia, it was too much. “I’m so sorry,” she heard Andrea say again as Glenn finally released her arm.
“You’re sorry,” Dove rounded on the blonde woman. The few people who hadn’t rushed into the house froze, Carol put a hand over her mouth and shook her head. “You’re sorry that Sophia’s missing. You’re sorry that you wanted to blow yourself up. You’re sorry that you fucking almost killed the one person who might have the best shot at finding Sophia,” Dove’s voice was eerily calm as she stepped closer to the blonde.
“I thought he was a walker! I was just trying-,” but Andrea didn’t get to say what she was trying to do. There was a shout and all of a sudden, both women were on the ground. Dove only managed to land two punches to the woman before she was wrenched away from her.
“Bitch,” Dove shouted as she was pulled back towards the house. She watched with narrowed eyes as Dale helped Andrea back to the RV.
“Holy shit,” Julian mumbled as he held the squirming woman tighter as he tried to pull her towards the porch. It was quite a task, but once it was accomplished, he sat her in a chair and hurried off into the house.
Dove’s attention finally turned from the RV as she winced. A quick look down showed her that a cold washcloth was being placed on her knuckle by Carol. “You shouldn’t have done that,” Carol mumbled.
“Yeah well, she shouldn’t have shot someone,” Dove closed her eyes and shook her head.
There were quiet footsteps as she heard Carol walk back into the house. She sat like that for a while before the door creaked open. She opened her hazel eyes and her shoulders slumped as Rick walked out. The sheriff knelt next to the chair and she felt her shoulders tense as she waited for him to reprimand her.
“I’m not here to yell at you,” Rick sighed as he ran a hand down his face, “I very well should be for the stunt you pulled. I don’t wanna have to hear about you tryin to fight like that in front of my son like that. I’m sure you understand,” Rick glanced over at her.
Dove nodded her head before she turned her gaze over to Rick. “Sorry…I just got,” she took a deep breath, “I got real angry like I haven’t in a real long time.”
Rick frowned and nodded his head, “I understand the last few days have been real hard on you and Carol, so you don’t need me to be hard on you too.” Dove sat up a little straighter and faced Rick fully. “But I just wanted you to know that Daryl’s just fine. He’s resting, we didn’t tell him that you punched Andrea.” She raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s a discussion that you should be able to have by yourself. But he did tell us where he found Sophia’s doll. Pointed it out on a map and everything so we have an even better grid to look for her,” Rick smiled and Dove felt the corner of her mouth quirk up into a smile.
“Thank you, Rick,” Dove whispered.
“Not a problem,” Rick patted her arm.
Dove moved the washcloth from her hand and flexed her knuckles, “Guess it’s best if I don’t sit next to Andrea at dinner, huh,” she joked and Rick chuckled quietly.
“I would advise you not to do that. Just in case,” he rose to his feet and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I want you to know that I’m gonna do my best to find her. I promise.”
@crossbowking​ @momc95​ @chaotic-gary-king-stan​
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allegra-writes · 5 years
Peter Parker NSFW Alphabet
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Hi! Could I please please please get a cute and a NSFW alphabet with Peter? Thanks!💕
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He’s the most tender and thoughtful of lovers. He just loves to lay in bed with you in his arms for hours, just holding you close, and caressing your back or your arms or any part of your body he can reach, really. He could spend entire days and nights like that, just laying next to your naked form, tangling his finger with yours and talking. His pillow talk is the most interesting too, he can talk about everything from quantum physics and the intricacies of how gravity bends space-time to how Brussel’s sprouts are just basically fun sized cabbages.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s not one for vanity and he actually kinda doesn’t like how bulky he’s gotten since that spider bite years ago. But he likes that he it made him strong. He likes being strong to protect you, and even to help you with domestic, ordinary things, like moving your couch up four flight of stairs to your dorm room. And of course, he loves being strong enough be able to carry you and hold you up with just one arm without any effort, to fuck you standing up without needing a wall for support.
His favorite body part of yours are your legs and where they lead: he loves your feet, your calves, your strong thighs, your gorgeous butt and… well, you can guess. He loves having those legs around him, either while he pounds into you, or while he carries you swinging on his webs across New York, or making out with you sitting on the kitchen counter while he stands between them. He just loves how he fits perfectly there, like that’s where he belongs.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He loves to mark you, he loves physical manifestations of you being his. But he hates to hurt you, and he refuses to leave lasting marks like hickeys -that, admittedly, are pretty painful because of his super strength- and bruises on purpose, that’s just out of question for him.
So, the alternative he so creatively found, is to mark you with his come. He still loves to come inside you, but pulling out just in time and paint your chest, your belly or your butt in white ribbons just drives him crazy
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has heightened senses, and his sense of smell is no exception. He has an unconfirmed theory that he can perceive pheromones, at least on some level. Specifically, human pheromones. More specifically, yours.
He thinks that because your perfume drives him insane. Not like the bottled perfume you use when you guys go on dates, but your natural scent. It smells like home. It smells like mate.
It’s just so animalistic, so feral that he would never tell you, but sometimes, when you are away, he buries his face on your pillow or your clothes, and gets himself off like that, solely on the smell of you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
While he is not underage, thank you very much, he is young. So he’s had some experience but not a lot.
However, he is a fast learner, and pleasuring you is a fascinating subject for him. He painstakingly catalogs and commits your reactions to memory, and quickly becomes an expert on you and what you like.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
As mentioned before, he loves having you wrapped around him, so the lotus, missionary, standing up or up against a wall, anything with a lot of skin on skin contact.
Positions like doggy style, the necklace of Venus, etc, just don’t feel close enough. He wants intimacy, he wants to look at you in the eyes when he makes you fall apart, he wants to bury himself deep into you, he wants as much of you as he can get.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Not as much goofy as he is playful; he likes to make you smile and he likes to have fun in bed, but it’s sex, it’s not stand up comedy.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He shaved everything off once. It was itchy and miserable and he’s NOT doing that again. Like, ever.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Peter Parker wears his heart on his sleeve. The bedroom is not exception. What he feels for you is deep, it’s fiery, it’s all consuming, and it translates into meaningful, intense sex. Even when he fucks you roughly it still is making love, because he loves you and he just can’t hide it or turn it off. Not that you would want him to, anyway.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
His sex drive is quite high, so he masturbates a couple times a day if you are not near or simply not in the mood.
K= Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Don’t let those big brown innocent eyes fool you, he is a kinky bastard.
In real life he respects -and actually loves- your independence, and how powerful and empowered you are. But in bed, his possessive streak is released. He loves to dominate you, call you his own, make you beg. More than once he webbed your hands to the headboard, or tied you up in beautiful, intricate kinbaku or shibari designs using his web.
He also has a huge praise kink, always telling you how beautiful you are, how good you are, how perfect for him. He calls you his Queen. And it goes both ways, because he is such a sucker for you telling him how great he is, how good he feels. It’s not exactly dirty talk, but it’s hot non the less.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
While any place he can get you alone is good enough for a hot make out session, for the actual sex he prefers the bedroom. Or anywhere in your apartment, as long as he can be sure you two are alone and not likely to get interrupted. He’s NOT into exhibitionism or public sex, he can’t stand the risk of someone walking in and accidentally see you like this. He respects you too much for that.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You are his biggest turn on. Your body, the way you move, the helpless little moans you make when he hits that spot… yeah, he doesn’t need anything else to get him going.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He won’t ever endanger you or hurt you in anyway. He could never stand to cause you pain. So nothing like breath play, or spanking, etc. Even when he plays with ropes (or webs), he’s always making sure you are ok. Your safety is the most important thing for him.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He is a giver, his greatest pride is to make you fall apart. Add to that the way the taste of you drives him wild and, well… He could -and have- spend hours between your legs.
He is not as much into receiving it because he’s afraid of loosing control and hurt you by pounding into your mouth too roughly (sometimes having super strength can have disadvantages), but you will convince him of indulging in it every once in a while.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He can be both, it truly just depends on his mood at the moment.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He is more of a fan of long marathon sex sessions, he likes to be able to take his time and have his way with you as he pleases. But you both are busy individuals and sometimes, when you have been separated by long periods of time (Like, a week. Hey, it’s a long time for him!), His aching for you get to be too much, and he’ll take you anyway he can. At those times is urgent, and passionate, and frenzied and just so hot!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s curious, definitely would try anything once, as long as it’s safe for you of course.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
There’s a reason he likes marathon sex, he has the stamina to go for hours, maybe even days. Anything shorter can appease him but won’t fully satiate his hunger for you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’s extremely creative and good at using everyday objects as toys. In his talented hands, an electric toothbrush or a snake venom extractor can become the perfect tool for the most exquisite torture.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He likes to tease you to the point of it being almost unbearable, until you are a moaning, begging mess. Then and only then will he give in to you. And to his own need, because the truth is he wants you just as badly and desperately, he just has slightly better control.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Peter is a very expressive guy, and it’s no different in bed. He makes the hottest (and horniest) faces during sex, and yes, the hottest sounds too. Starting with little moans and growls at the beginning, as his pleasure increases so does his volume. He can get very loud when he comes, and you always can tell when he is close because he swears a lot.
You love it, because it makes it so easy to know when he likes something, and makes you feel so powerful, even in your more submissive roll, to know it’s you the one that’s making him feel so good, the one he wants so badly that it almost physically hurts.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He is a great photographer, he has an aesthetic Instagram he is quite proud of. But by far his best work, at least according to him, is the huge collection of pictures he has of you.
Always analogic, he takes the time to develop the film himself, at home. And not just because of his love of old school photography, but because even if most of them are artistic close ups and compositions, some of them are just filthy and unadulterated porn. And in all of them you are very clearly naked.
And he’s a smart guy, he knows just how easily a device or system can be hacked, so there is no way he is taking any chances of exposing you like that by being dumb enough to have any image of you in digital format. No, that’s a show for his eyes only.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
The spider bite that gave him those drool worthy biceps and lickable abs, gave him… other… mouthwatering… assets. Impressive assets.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
To misquote Dr. Banner, that’s Peter’s secret: He always wants you.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s highly energetic so it takes a lot to wear him out. And I mean a lot. But afterwards, he has the most restful sleep, secure in the knowledge that the most important thing in the world to him, is protected and sleeping in his arms.
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nojaemblog · 4 years
Yandere!A.C.E reaction to you trying to run away
Warnings: yandere, attempted suicide(skip Donghun’s part if you are uncomfortable, but I reassure you that nobody dies), punishments, manipulation, violent themes, suggestive content
Type: mature
Requested: yes
You would try to sneak out during the night when he wasn’t at home. He told you he had to do some groceries. You were naive enough to believe him. Little did you know that it was actually a test. You packed few of your necessities in a bag and moved towards your door. 
You couldn’t believe that you are a few seconds away from freedom. You opened the door and immediately felt the fresh air hit your face gently. You inched fast towards the road and called a taxi. 
After a few minutes, the most intense minutes of your life to be exact, since you feared that Jun might come home and see you outside, the cab appeared in front of you. You entered the car and told the driver the address of a motel outside of the town. 
“Oh. I’m sorry, miss… But I can’t do that.”
“Why? I know it’s far, but I assure you I have enough money to pay. Now , please. Just go!”, you spitted this words so fast out of your mouth, just wanting to finally drive away from there.
“I have no doubt that you have the money. But Junhee is a dear friend of mine and I owe him big time.”, the driver smiled at you.
“W-what?”, you tried to exit the car, but it was locked. “Let me go!”
You screamed and cried for few more minutes, hoping that a passerby might hear you and help you. Somebody finally knocked on the window next to you and you immediately turned to it, with so much hope in your eyes. Only to be welcomed by a smirking Jun waving at you.
“Missed me, baby? Oh, and thank you Byun for helping”
“No problem. The pleasure was mine to help!”, the driver answered back while he unlocked the doors.
Junhee took you out of the car and dragged you back to the house.
“I knew I shouldn’t trust you so easily! Don’t worry, you have me. I’m always here to teach you how to behave. Maybe one day you’ll learn, smart ass. Now, since this is your first mistake, I will go easy on you. I’ll let you decide. You can either come here and bend over my knee or I can pay a visit to your friends. I haven’t seen them in awhile”
“So what’s your choice?”
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The rope entangled your neck, you could feel the rough texture scraping your skin,but you don’t have the time to worry about it. You tried everything, trying every method out there to run away from Donghun. Since there was no way out, you thought that taking your own life was the only way to escape.
 “Ah, there you are” Donghun walks into the room, not showing any signs of worry about the position you’re in. Instead, he inched closer to the sofa in front of you holding an outfit in his hands, then he glanced at you
 “You know, I invited your family over today as a surprise. You’ve been acting so good to me lately. They’ll be here any second now. ” He pauses, waiting for the words to sink in. “Now, how do you think they’d feel if they see you like this? You haven’t spoken to them in such a long time, and the first thing they’ll see is your dead body? That’s the greeting you’re giving them? Really, Y/n? How can you be so selfish, babe? You want all the attention, don’t you?” He places the clothes on the sofa and then walks towards you calmly, a smile on his face. Donghun’s hands are outstretched, reaching out to you. 
“Come down from there, love. Even if you make mistakes, I love you…You are so bad to me, yet I still forgive you…”, he cupped your face gently. “And you should get dressed up, your mom said she was going to take a lot of pictures. After you finish, please help me fix my tie. I should look perfect for my future mother in law.”
“I’m the only one who could ever love you.”
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You quickly moved around your room trying to gather all your things, shoving them inside your backpack. You were trembling with anxiety as you hurried to pack your things and leave, but just then you heard the door handle moving and the door swing open, with Sehyoon standing there in shock as he stared at you from the doorway. 
  You were shocked, you slowly turned to look at him. You couldn’t move anymore. He wasn’t supposed to be home for another hour or two. You knew you were caught red handed and worried for what might happen next. 
“What- what are you doing..”he asked suddenly after a long pause of heavy silence, though he already knew, but a part of him wished he was wrong.
“Sehyoon, I-”
“If you think you can leave me, then you are extremely wrong’’ he cut you off. “ I won’t let you go! I can’t let you go!Oh, God…It was something I did wasn’t it?” he put his hands on his head, tucking at his hair strands,as his lower lip quivered violently. “I-I..you know I would never do anything wrong to you, right? I love you so much! I would do anything for you! Why? Why are you trying to hurt me?”, at this point he already started crying and shaking.
 He inched closer to you, trying to engulf you in his embrace, but you grabbed your bag and stepped away from him. “I-..I’m leaving..” 
  Hearing this, he stopped for a moment before going up to you and trying to get the bag away from you. “Please… Don’t do this...”
  “Stop!You are too much, Sehyoon! I can’t move an inch because of you! I am so done!”, you huffed while moving away from him.
“Ok.”, he simply said, his face motionless.
“Ok?”, you didn’t expect this, you have never taken in account the possibility of him letting you go away.
“If this is what you want, then just go… I love you…”, he gazed into his eyes.Even if you were the victim, you somehow felt guilty for leaving. Yes, he is extremely clingy. And yes, you feel suffocated by him. But did he actually ever did something bad to you? At this point, you started to doubt your actions.
Little do you know, Sehyoon actually knew you were trying to escape him, having plenty of time to prepare his melodramatic act. Did you really think that he would let you leave that easy?After all he had done for you?
“I wish you would just let me have you…”
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He was always extremely hot-tempered, so you were on edge when you planned your escape. You had to be careful, making sure that he wouldn’t find out, especially since you were having one of your friends, help you move out, a friend which technically you weren’t allowed to have.  It was finally the day of your escape and Byeongkwan was out of the house for the day, or at least that’s what you thought. 
Your friend came in, trying to reassure you that everything was going to work out, but you couldn’t help but feel as if the two of you were being watched and you were right. Byeongkwan was standing in a dark corner of the room you were in, quietly hiding until he couldn’t take anymore and he appeared right in front of you, making you slightly jump with a small gasp. 
Your friend asked what was wrong as he picked up one of your bags, but as soon as he saw Byeongkwan, he was thrown off guard as he took a step back. Byeongkwan walked up to him and grabbed him, his next move scared you, he was knocking his fist against his face over and over again making you scream. “Kwan! Get off of him! Stop!” 
At the sound of your voice he stopped for a moment, and looked over at you, huffing with a look full of anger as he remembered that you were trying to leave, and with someone else. 
“Don’t even dare to call me like that. You tried to escape me! With some random guy…” He turned back at your friend and smirked at him.
“Do you like cars?”, Byeongkwan asked your friend all of a sudden
“Cars? I-i like them…W-why?”, your friend stuttered the words out.
“Well… I thought about it. Since I clearly won’t allow Y/n leave me, it would come off rude if I didn’t drive you back home. I have a new car, you might like it”
“O-ok”, your friend accepted the offer.
Big mistake. It was an enjoyable ride for Byeongkwan, but he had to keep the volume of the radio pretty high, since your friend’s muffled screams were pretty loud as he was tied to the back of the car and dragged on the sore asphalt while Byeongkwan drove to his address.
“They should do something about these bumpy roads. It’s not good for the skin, don’t you think so?”
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He thought you were perfect. So perfect, that the only person who deserves you is him. No other person deserves your love. Only him. 
It scared you. You wanted this relationship to be over and so you told him. He didn’t believe you. You are his everything, you can’t leave him. You love him, right? You probably just don’t know how to act out your feelings. But Chan is willing to teach. 
Next day you packed your stuff and you were ready to leave but the door was locked and you couldn’t open it.
“You are still here! I knew you were joking! Baby, you scared me to death yesterday and I decided to change the locks.”
“Chan, let me go! I am so done with this, with us!”
“Oh, baby you are so naive. You don’t even acknowledge your own feelings.”, he sweetly smiled at you
.“Chan, get this in you head. I. Don’t. Love. You.”, you accentuated every word clearly.
“Oh, Y/N. I hate you too~”, he cutely said.At this point, you thought that he was completely crazy, sick in the head, you did not even know how to react.
“Baby, I am kind of hungry. Do you want to help me prepare something?”. Chan was simply a difficult person to you, he clearly was not healthy, nor sane.
“I am not helping you with anything. I am leaving.”, you moved away from him, but he inched closer and closer until your back hit the door.
“And how are you going to do that, baby?”, his dark gaze tore into your soul.”What? Cat got your tongue?” Chan snickered at you, enjoying how you became more and more scared.
 “I was so nice to you, but since you declined my offer, I am not going to give you anything to eat for the rest of the week. Maybe if I will feel generous, I’ll let you lick the plate. How does this sound, baby?”
“Do you really think you can get away from me?”
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tobeathief · 4 years
Prophecies and Spiky Cats Chapter 3: Also available to read on Ao3, fanfiction.net and wattpad
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Two weeks had passed since Sabetha had decided to leave Karthain, to leave Locke and Jean, at the strong encouragement of Patience. The ship's crew had taken to calling her the demon tamer, due to the fact she would scarcely be seen on deck without Locke, the little cat she had adopted, around her neck.
He refused to go near anyone else and would hiss and scratch at them if they so much as looked at him the wrong way, a fact Sabetha felt very amused by. The cat kept any would-be handsy sailors well out of her path, and for that, she was very very thankful.
They were just south-east of the Sea of Brass when a storm picked up around the ship, whipping the deck into chaos. These past weeks had been a leisurely cruise, idyllic weather every day, that with the quickness that this storm came in, it could only be God's given.
The ship was quickly turned into chaos and Sabetha didn't know what to do. For the first time in her life, she was in a situation she didn't have any skills in. She didn't know how to hoist the mainsails or man the wheel.
Her hair was whipping in her face, drenched by the cold rain and seawater, as she noticed the lifeboats clattering cautiously in the wind. Thunder rumbled all around her and mixed with the shouts and screams of the crew.
Locke was wrapped frightened around her neck, hiding in her hair. His claws digging into the sensitive skin there, Sabetha tried not to grimace. One of the sailors rushed past her, knocking her to her knees on the wet deck as a bolt of lightning split the sky and hit one of the ropes of the lifeboats, breaking it effortlessly. The lifeboat began to sway with the force, and dangling by one rope, started swinging dangerously close to the crew's oblivious heads.
Sabetha scrambled to her feet, Locke still firmly fixed on her neck and raced for the snapped rope. She leaned over the railing grasping for it as the ship swayed and creaked beneath her feet. After a few perilous tries, Sabetha succeeded, pulling the rope down just in time for the lifeboat to swing up and narrowly miss decapitating Solus Volantyne. He clutched his chest in shock as in his worried state trying to keep the crew in order, he hadn't seen it swinging for him.
"I owe you my life Verena," he remarked as Sabetha struggled with the rope.
"Don't thank me yet."
Volantyne then continued to shout orders at his terrified crew, and Sabetha was left to wrestle the rope herself. The rope creaked and strained, burning her hands as it tried to pull out of her grasp. Sabetha bit her lip with the strain, and Locke yowled in fear.
Another big wave crashed onto the ship, drenching Sabetha and Locke to the bone. The cat let out another yowl. In the shock, the rope began to pull again, finally slipping out of Sabetha's grasp. "NO!" she shouted, reaching over the railing again. Another wave crashed on the deck and washed Sabetha over with it.
She hit the water with a painful splash. The ice-cold water biting her as she struggled to stay afloat. Locke was miraculously still attached to her, stiff and shivering, tension down his long body. Sabetha tried to shout up, but the commotion was too load, the storm too violent. Nobody could hear her. So she continued to kick uselessly at the water. A few metres away something else fell into the water, causing another splash to coat the pair. The lifeboat Sabetha had been wrestling with.
Sabetha tried not to think too much as she felt something rub up against her leg and paddled for the empty boat. Reaching the side, she grasped ungracefully for the rim. The hardwood pinched her palms as she struggled to pull her weight up into the boat. After a few useless pulls, she finally did it, and woman and cat splattered into the hull.
Locke was shaking and was no doubt as scared and wet as she was. He was wide-eyed and his fur was sticking in all directions. Both hacked up seawater immediately, the feeling of it burning Sabetha's throat, and then collapsed in a heap.
When she had caught her breath, Sabetha again tried to shout and signal the crew on the ship. She cautiously stood up on shaky feet and waved her arms about, pleading for anyone to notice her, but no one did. And they were drifting further and further away. Locke yowled an even uglier sound and hide beneath one of the benches as they watched another bolt of lightning hit the Volantyne's Resolve, setting fire to one of the mainsails.
"Shit. Shit!" Sabetha cursed, shouting again with all the air in her lungs. She continued shouting until her voice was coarse, and the Volantyne's Resolve was too far out into the horizon. She collapsed back into the hull and coughed again. This time blood spattered onto her and wiping her mouth decided it was in her best interest to ignore that.
Locke looked at her nervously from his hiding place and she just sighed, before everything went dark.
Sabetha woke up to burning hot sunshine, and with Locke nervously licking and nipping at her face. She brushed him off and he let out an excited and relieved meow in response. Her neck and shoulders killed from where Locke had been digging his claws in for so long, and her whole body ached. She could barely move.
The calm ocean was a mockery to what it had been the night before, and no ship could be seen as far as Sabetha could see off into the horizon. They were well and truly lost at sea.
It served her right. She should have stayed with Locke and Jean, discarded Patience's words. At least then she might have been able to die with her family. She had run to protect a future she will no doubt not get. She would have been a useless mother anyway. She's too stubborn and aggressive to ever hope to be the calm and caring mother she hoped to be.
Patience had tricked her. And she fell headfirst for it. Locke yowled and started to bite at her hand. He was no doubt still frightened and hungry. She was too. But this was how they were to die. Miles from home, from the man she loved. In an empty boat with a grumpy cat. If she was to die first, the cat would no doubt eat her. By the time anyone came across her corpse, it will be half-rotted and mauled. Completely unrecognisable.
Locke will no doubt think she had abandoned him forever, found a wealthy man and lived a wild life. He'll no doubt die alone and cold and bitter. Cursing her name in his last dying breath.
Jean would hate her. That she knew. Hate her for the pain she will have caused his particular friend who he is devoted too so tenderly. A devotion that caused ice to form in her heart.
That second night was one of the worst. One she spent the whole time awake. Locke had propped himself up on the edge of the boat and tried to drink the seawater, but she battered him down telling him how dangerous it was.
In the early glow of the morning, Sabetha spent a few hours trying to grab a curious fish to eat. Eventually, she succeeded, but it was barely longer than her finger. She fed it to Locke. He needed it more than her.
As the third night crawled in, cold wrapped itself around the boat. Locke snuggled into her for any remaining warmth, and they laid curled up shivering.
By the fourth morning, and the blistering heat, Sabetha drank the seawater.
The fifth morning, Sabetha woke to shouting and banging. Locke was freaking out, yowling with all his little lungs could muster. Sabetha sat up groggily to be face to face with a pirate and she yelped.
"I'd be damned Captain. The redhead is alive!" Sabetha tried to shuffle back only to notice she was stuck in her little lifeboat surrounded by pirates. Sabetha threw up once again, seawater coating her shivering form. The last thing she saw was a striking woman, with black skin and braided hair, rings pierced the arch of her ear and her eyes burrowed into Sabetha's soul, and then everything went blank.
Sabetha awoke in a cabin. Not as lavish as her one of the Volantyne's resolve, but smart and cosy enough. She could feel a little hand stroking her head and for a minute she thought it might be the little cat. To her surprise when she opened her eyes, two pairs of striking young eyes stared down at her, Sabetha sat up with a start.
"Ok, give her space now you two." The children backed off immediately and sat legs crossed about a metre away patiently. "I hope you don't mind, they were worried about you and I've been trying to teach them about medicine." Sabetha shook her head. The owner of the voice was the woman she has seen before she had passed out, but Sabetha had been sure she was the Captain, why would she be nursing her? "Now drink this." Before Sabetha could argue, a cold sour liquid was forced down her throat. It was probably one of the worse things she had ever drunk, and she gagged. "Ah ah ah," the woman warned, "don't go throwing that up in my lovely cabin, I won't be able to get the smell out for weeks, and it's good for you, you need the nutrients.
"How long have I been out?" Sabetha said, the sound coming out a raspy whisper.
"A few days. You have woken up a few times like this, I've shoved this tonic down your throat, and you've fallen back asleep. Something I suggest you do again."
"What about the cat I was with, he's mostly black and he's got a little dot of white on his neck."
"The cat is safe too. Already running the mice on board wild."  
Sabetha smiled in relief and let herself slip back into sleep.
It had been a week since she had initially woken up on the ship when Sabetha had enough strength to take a walk up onto the deck. As she pushed open the door, she was momentarily blinded by the brightness of the sky and swayed unsteadily on her feet.
"Oh, steady their redhead, don't want you falling overboard when we've just fixed ya up." It was the pirate she saw when she first awoke. She stood about an inch shorter than Sabetha and had light brown skin with cropped dark hair. Her eyes were the beautiful green of seawater, and her face was slightly flushed with the sun.
"Thank you," Sabetha said, rather breathlessly gripping onto the arm she held out for her.
"The names Asha, I'm the second mate on the Poison Orchid, nice to meet you," Sabetha smiled. It was welcoming to have a friendly face and Sabetha was put at ease.
"I'm Sabetha." Before she could stop herself, her true name slipped out of her throat, she cursed herself for being so clumsy and hoped it wouldn't come back to haunt her.
"Sabetha…" Asha let the name roll on her tongue a few times, "unusual."
"Uh, thanks," Sabetha replied, still squinting in the brightness of the sun.
"Want to take a turn around the deck with me and then go and eat something?"
"I've already had my tonic today."
"I don't mean that corpse shit, I mean some proper food. We haven't long stopped off at shore, so we've got stocks of it, and it's more than just ships crackers!"
Sabetha smiled again, "That sounds great." Asha linked her arms through hers and took her for a walk around the ship. Asha muttered on about all the different parts and where not to go, as well as the latest crew gossip. Sabetha smiled a real smile for the first time in a while. It had been a very long time since she had had a friend like this.
Memories of her times with Nazca at the last mistake, sat on the roof drinking brandy filled her mind. They would both talk over each other in an excited rumble Sabetha was surprised they ever understood each other. Nazca would talk about her brothers, and her dream to be Capa one day and laugh about all of the men who would hit on her to try and win her father's favour. Nazca had only told Sabetha as far as she knew that she was only interested in women. She kept it a secret from her father and brothers and though they loved her very much, she knew it would go down like a sinking ship. If she was to be Capa, she needed to have children to pass on the legacy. Something Nazca had no interest in doing.
Nazca often told her about her dalliances with women. They were frequent, and rarely with the same person. Sabetha often thought that Nazca might have a sex life to rival that of the Sanza's. She'd even slept with both of the Berangia sisters. To think they caused her father's death filled Sabetha's stomach with disgust. To think they were flirting with Nazca while plotting her father's death. They deserved the death they got at the wrong end of Jean's hatchets.
"Are you ok? You've gone all glassy-eyed?" Asha said, breaking a roll of bread in half and offering one half to Sabetha. She took it and didn't hesitate in taking a bite. Her first real bite of food in weeks. The bread was slightly bland, but Sabetha ate it as if it was the last thing she would ever eat, and then helped herself to another full roll.
Asha didn't comment, just offered her olives and little fish, which Sabetha graciously accepted. "I'm good, just really hungry apparently," Sabetha smiled between mouthfuls. Asha nodded and then walked her back to her cabin.
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athedemonsqueen · 4 years
The King and Queen of Kattegat (Vikings)
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Chapter one might be a little confusing, but just like any beginning, you must establish a grounding. I’m not exactly sure when I’ll post on Wattpad. If you would like to be tagged so you can get first dibs on the stories please let me know I’ll be happy too! Happy reading!
Chapter one
We women are like the Norsemen. We are fearless. We are cunning. We are smart. Monstrous when we want to. We can love. We can hurt. We can be all this and when you cut our wings we continue to fly. We can love with such unbridled passion, and we can hurt like a knife through the heart. This is the story of Yrsa. Yrsa is the daughter of the King, Svend. 
Yrsa is not like many young girls in her tribe. Yrsa is wild, she is fearless, and she is manipulative. Most girls are already married, but not Yrsa. She is said to marry a man just as cunning and fearless as her. Yet she has not found him. If she is not captured by her eighteenth year, she would have to be sacrificed to the Gods. 
Yrsa does not fear anyone. She does not fear death or the threats of The Seer. On Yrsa’s seventh birthday, she was sent to the North. There she grew an army and became a Queen in her own rite. Yrsa means wild, and that is what she exactly is, wild and untamable. A blood-thirsty butcher just like her father and his father before him. She wears her colors proudly. She would happily wear the blood of her enemies on her face everyday.
She is a skilled swordswoman. It is said to admire Lathertha, the wife of Raranor Lothbrok. She can take down two men that tower over her. She loves the fight and she loves to win. She is said that her mother was a fox, she is a cunning woman. She can scale buildings without someone noticing her. She can sneak up behind you and end you without you even knowing. She is truly a monster.
Also like all women she is protective of her heart. She hides her virtuality behind her brutality. She loves no one, and she has no respect for anybody but her father. 
Since Yesa was sent away she has made her Kingdom behind her army. Her men and well being come first. Yrsa along with her army raided kingdom after kingdom. Village after village. That is until one day Yrsa reached Kattegat the year of her eighteenth birthday. This is where her life will change forever. 
June of that year, she led an army against Ivar the Boneless. She has beaten him twice in battle and plans to move in until she has conquered all of the East. 
Ivar the Boneless, the youngest son of Ragnoar Lothbrok. The monster. The cruel and evil Ivar Lothbrok. Never in Yesa’s dreams has she ever met such a person before. It was right in Kattegat that she saw him for the first time. His blood covered face screaming into the air in what seems like a victory for him. The rain blinding Yrsa’s vision as he makes his way through everyone. 
Although Yrsa is not impressed a lot she was truly impressed by Ivar’s rescenince. He did not fear her like all the men have in the past, and despite Ivar’s disability he manages at his full advantage. Today is a very important day. It’s the day where Yrsa will cry out,
“Retreat!” It is not a familiar word to her men, but it’s a word that did not have to be repeated twice. 
“Retreat!” I cried. How I hated that word. I rode on my horse through the small streets of Kattegat. I’m not sure if Ivar is behind me, but to live another day I must get away. 
Unfortunately, the call did not get out in time for my ships to get away. I jumped onto the first dock ship and managed to untangle the rope by swinging on it. I turned to my left to see Ivar leaning against the barge for his support. He is out of breath, but once I make my move he will attack.
“You’re Ivar?” I asked, playing stupid. My ship is already ready. Once it is I will make my escape.
His hard face calmed as he said bluntly, “Yes.” 
“Huh, you’re not much,” I said.
He growled, charging at me. I flipped off the ship and into the shallow end right on my feet. By the time I landed my ship had already made its way into the deep end. Ivar cannot swim; he will die for sure.
“Bye, thanks for Kattegat!” I said, waving goodbye. Ivar roared, screaming on top of his lungs in defeat. 
I made my settlement in Kattegat, the people fear me and that’s ok. I do not want any of them. I just want their land. Although it is the home of Ivar, I can tell by the decor of skulls and human bones. It was a beautiful large home nonetheless. I placed my armor down and laid on the bed, sighing deeply. I’m exhausted.
“My Lady Yrsa?” 
“May I enter?” 
“Yes” I said, sitting up.
It is my loyalist soldier and friend, Frode. He has been by my side since the beginning. My father assigned him to protect me. Although I was protesting about this, Frode has proven himself to me as one of the best I’ve ever had in my camp. 
“Frode” I smiled, holding my hand out.
“What do I owe the pleasure?” 
“An amazing achievement today!” He said, collapsing on the bed. He was only inches from me.
He is a handsome man. Dark blue eyes, a viking style haircut, built and tall. My father tried to trick me into marrying him, but I’m too smart for the father’s trickery and declined him.
Frode smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I pulled away, “Would this be a kiss of love or a kiss of friends?”
Frode pulled away and sighed disappointingly. “Yrsa…” He said in our language. 
“You are almost eighteen and the prophecy says if you do not marry soon, they will not accept you in Valhalla.” 
Frode always fears for my safety and well being a little too much, and it’s charming. 
“And if you’re not there when I arrive, how can I enjoy myself?” He said, softly. His bloody fingers grazing my cheek.
I sighed, leaning over and placing a kiss on his nose, “My dear friend, we will both be there someday, for now-” I got up and turned to him with a big smile, “We shall feast in our new home!” I put my arms up and spun around.
After a night of feasting and celebration everyone, including me, fell into a deep slumber. Then I had a dream. I dreamed of beautiful flowers covered in blood. I heard the laughter of children, but I did not see them. The sun blinded me only allowing me to see as far as my hand. I put my hand on my belly and realized I’m with child. Then suddenly I held a child in my hands. I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl, all I knew was that I was happy. I looked up to see Frode standing in the distance. 
“Frode, come look! It’s yours!” I didn’t know how it was, I just knew the child was. I looked down to see the baby had disappeared and everything became dark. A black horse with red eyes suddenly appeared with a monstrous driver, approached Frode, cutting his head off and coming towards me. I looked closer to see Ivar coming towards me.
I woke up in a horrible sweat. I’m still in Kattegat. I got up quickly to see that everything is as it should be. I went to go check on Frode who was sound asleep in a pile of hay outside the hall. I went into the little cubby he resided in and kneel down to him. I regret not marrying him. He is a good man. A fine warrior and we would produce beautiful children and yet he is not the one I know- the Gods have told me.
My fingers grazed his face as I pulled away. I’m also a guarded woman. I don’t want to love. I don’t want to hurt. I sighed,
“Frode?” I whispered.
He slowly opened his eyes to me, “Come sleep in my chambers, not out here, not so far away from me,” I whispered. Frode slowly rose to his feet, and followed me inside. 
He fell to the bed and went back to sleep. Then I did something that I hope he will never know, I kissed his cheek and confessed.
“I love you.” Soft enough for the Gods only to hear. I could never be with him despite the idea he would be perfect for me.
My soulmate, my future husband, the man who I would give sons too is out there. I just have to wait patiently. I just hope when I do meet him, the Gods will bless him with dashing looks, beautiful blue eyes, perfect smile, and charms that would sweep me off my feet.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Meant for you chapter 7) Welcome to Reim
”Cheif Rametoto, I the warrior Hinahoho am grateful for your presence” Hinahoho said. 
Hina, Sinbad, Amaris and a woman who’s name was apparently Rurumu, knelt in front of an old weathered man, Rametoto, cheif of Imcakk. Hina stood, “We are here to ask for your permission, will you allow us, Hinahoho and Rurumu to get married? And leave the Imchakk clan?”
’Hina, choose your words more carefully’ Amaris thought. ‘You do not talk to a girl’s dad like that’
“Answer this question, warrior Hinahoho, what are you able to provide for my daughter? Wealth? Power? Status? My daughter has been cultured to be a warrior, she’s wanted nothing else her entire life. She has everything you can think of. So, I ask again; what can you provide to a person like her?” 
“At the moment, I am unable to provide her with anything” Hina replied. ‘Bad answer’ Amaris though with a wince. 
“Bastard! Who in their right mind would dare to insult the great cheif of Imchakk!? I’ll mangle you!” 
The cheif yelled, jumping down and swinging his staff just above Hinahoho’s shoulder. Amaris was surprised he didn’t even flinch, ‘Hina, you now have my respect’ Amaris thought, trembling from the sudden commotion.
”I am unable to provide anything for her in my current state” Hina said calmly. “That being said, we can work together to make our dreams come true” he said, turning to face Sinbad. 
“That is my master’s dream”
’Again, WHAT ABOUT ME!?’ Amaris mentally yelled. 
They were off, with an agreement with Imchakk. They would sell things from Imchakk, and make a name for themselves as great merchants. But, there was a downside to this...
”A dress!? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Amaris yelled as Rurumu held a white dress in front of her. Rurumu frowned slightly “You are a lady, you should dress and act like one” 
The white haired girl ran behind Sinbad “Sin-kun, protect me!” Amaris yelped, hiding behind Sinbad. 
“I don’t see a problem with this. You would look good in that. Plus, she’s right. We’re not street kids anymore” 
Sinbad was dressed in fine clothes, having changed out of the ones the Imchakk gave him. He looked good, more clean, but Amaris wasn’t digging her outfit options. Sinbad sighed, knowing he wouldn’t win if she decided to argue, he pushed her further into the room and shut the door  behind him “Have fun!” 
Amaris trembled as Rurumu cast her shadow over her. “Ummm...”
“It’s truly a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ja’far, and I’m what you would call a merchant. We’d be honoured if you could stock our products in your lovely store- What the hell am I saying!” Ja’far fumed. Amaris sighed beside him, “Don’t worry. Sometimes I wonder why I’m here too” she muttered. She was dressed in a simple but beautiful white dress held together by a rope, her hair was free of it’s ponytail and hanging by her shoulders, a gold circlet set off her white hair “I’ve had enough of this you old hag!” The boy yelled, slamming his fists in the table. 
Rurumu’s eye twitched “Old hag?”
Amaris and Sinbad jumped as Rurumu karate chopped the poor kid’s face. 
“How many times to I need to tell you; when addressing a mature lady, you address them and ‘miss’ or ‘madam’. We are now a part of Sinbad’s merchant crew, we have to act the part. The way we carry ourselves is the key to building strong and true trade relationships” the Imchakk women scolded.
A few minutes later....
”HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING IF YOU CAN’T EVEN READ!? YOU MUST ALSO LEARN CULTURE, GEOGRAPHY, AND OF COURSE MATHEMATICS!” Rurumu scolded. ‘I should have paid attention to my teacher’ Amaris thought, regretting not listening paying attention to her classes in the other world. But there was more hell to come. 
“Ja’far! Correct you’re posture!”
”Stay standing!” 
Soon enough, the three kids were on the ground exhausted. They saw Hina, Vittel, and Maho standing over them. “Hey how are you guys? Hanging in there?” Hina teased. “C’mon! You’ve got this!” Vittel encouraged. Amaris groaned while Ja’far grumbled about his headache. 
“Lunch time everyone!” Rurumu called. 
“I should have stayed in Parthevia...” Amaris groaned as Sin pulled her up. He patted her back with an apologetic smile. “Remember your manners now!” Rurumu said. Amaris saw the boys cringing, but she was used to this crap and just dug in. ‘Man this is good’ Amaris thought, taking a bite of the well cooked meat. 
An hour later, they were back to studying. It was just grammar and speech, Amaris was pretty good at it. Having spent most of her life in a world where everyone had the right to an education, she was a few leagues above the boys. “Hmm, Amaris dear, you sound like you know these things rather well” Rurumu said, checking her work. 
“Well, it’s not that hard really” she replied. 
“Indeed, for a noble, at least” Rurumu said, eying her almost suspiciously. 
“Yeah!” Sinbad piped up “I’ve always wondered why you’ve always been so smart, being able to write and read like that. But maybe you were a noble before we found you”
”Found her?” Rurumu repeated “I thought you two grew up in the slums together” Amaris sweat dropped nervously but Sin came to her rescue. 
“When we were eleven, we found Amaris passed out a little ways past the village. She had amnesia so we took her in” Sin explained. 
“Oh, well, I’m glad you’re starting to remember” Rurumu said, patting her head with her large hand. “And since you’re one step ahead of all my lessons, I won’t need to teach you anymore” 
“WHAT!?” Sinbad and Ja’far yelled. “Thank you!” Amaris exclaimed before heading off to tell Hina so he could assign her something to do. “No fair” Ja’far whined. 
Many nights passed and Amaris got to know everyone else better. She learned that Vittel was incredibly funny and that Maho was amazingly good at handling delicate things. And that Ja’far and her got sunburnt easily. Yep. (Haha I can’t relate since I have dark skip ;P) 
It was one faithful day when she saw the docks of Reim up ahead, Sinbad had climbed up onto the mast for a better view, she would have joined him but she couldn’t do shit in a dress. 
“All right, let’s get to business! There’s no time to waste so let’s go!” 
“Come one come all! Get you’re exclusive imported goods from Imchakk” Sinbad and Ja’far advertised while Amaris just hung back. A crowd of people gathered around to look at the goods. Most of the women over Sinbad, and most young men over Amaris. “Eh” Amaris sweat dropped nervously at her new admirers.
”What a beautiful girl” 
“Such fair skin” (I’ve been watching way too much Saiki k...) 
Over the crowd, Amaris could see Vittel with an amused look. “Help me!” She whisper yelled. Vittel shook his head and waved at her as he dealt with some customers. But, her saviours were the guards. “Break it up, break it up!” startled, the citizens cleared out. 
“You don’t have permission to set up shop here young man” one of the guards said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry sir” Sinbad replied “We’ll begin the appropriate procedure right away. Where do I go?” 
“You mean you don’t know anything about trading in Reim?” The first one said, the other sighed. “All universal transactions must go through the Reim union, which controls everything. Only the companies approved by the union are permitted to sell” the other one explained. 
“If there aren’t anymore questions then you can leave. That goes for all of you, move it!” The guard said. The people muttered as they walked away. A man in a blue cloak walked up and asked for the proprietor, Sinbad Of course answered him while Amaris helped clean up. “Yo Amaris! Box up everything we have! We have a deal!” Vittel yelled. 
A sac of silver coins clinked onto the ground “Please accept this. I hope to do business with you again” the mysterious man said, and with that, he boarded his carriage and left. But that night, they were in for a surprise. 
“What’s going on here? These are our products” 
“And look at the price! They’re five-no-times higher!” 
“We were duped!” 
“That jerk took advantage of us” Hina growled. 
“He must make his money by buying and reselling goods” Sinbad said. “That being said, he plays it safe and targets non union merchants like us”
”I see” Rurumu said sadly when they met up and told her what happened. 
“How much did we loose Sinbad?” Hina asked. (I’m too lazy to write Hinahoho ok?) 
“I don’t know” was the purple head’s reply. Amaris sighed, “So much for our effort” 
“Bottom line is we need to join the union in order to conduct business in Reim. There’s no point in arguing about the resale” Ja’far and Vittel looked down. “I agree. I underestimated the trading business” Vittel said. “We all did” Rurumu sighed “But this is the reality of our business” 
“When it comes to trade, we’re total amateurs” Hina said. 
“What are you saying!? Isn’t that the fun of being in this business!?” Everyone looked at Sinbad, shocked. 
“But that guy made us look like idiots!” Ja’far protested. 
“Look at the big picture! That’s why it’s fun” 
“I respect merchants. Is you ask me I think they’re the shrewdest people to ever live! The world is run by money, and merchants move money. They have a huge roll in this world. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I said that merchants move the world! Just think of it guys! We get to compete with people of that caliber! It’s nothing short of mind blowing!” 
Amaris felt the Rukh buzz in excitement, she didn’t know how but, it was a feeling. “I cannot believe you’re talking me into this again” Hina scoffed. “Our leader has spoken, and it is our duty to follow him!” 
“Sinbad, are you sure about this?” Rurumu, Hina, Ja’far, Vittel, Maho, and Amaris were in their boat. “Yeah. Head back to Imchakk as fast as you can and come back with new goods. Hopefully when you return I’ve settled things with the union” 
“Got it. We’re counting on you Sin” and they sailed off, leaving Sinbad on the docs. When they were about fifty yards away from the docs, Vittel grasped Amaris’ shoulders “Ok, spill  it. Do you have a crush on Sinbad?” 
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charbax · 5 years
Solitaire (TFGraves fic)
After a bad run-in with pirates, Graves is left to pick up the pieces of this card pick-up and find his way to TF. The more things change, the more things stay the same.
In between scene fic for @albawrites‘ fic, 52 Pick-Up. Read the ‘On the Way to Piltover’ series for this to make sense (it’s GREAT and has lewds so go on, skedaddle over there).
Also, I'm late to the TFGraves party but that's a-ok! I got another idea tossing around in my head for these two but it's still in the cards (ha, the jokes, I make them).
(AO3 link here!) 
His first thought upon waking up is ‘Aw, hell.’
The immediate follow-up is ‘Ow.’
His bullet-blasted side aches something bad, radiating outwards to the rest of this body, like ripples in water. He groans and tries to feel his side to gauge the damage. His arm stops partway, something rattling, and he looks down with a frown.
There’s a cuff around his wrist, chaining him to the bed. He lets his arm fall back to the bed with another groan, this time of frustration. He might as well look at the trouble he’s in, he reasons, and starts taking in the room - it’s a small clinic, a shelf full of neatly lined medical tools and potions, and a chair dragged next to the bed. It’s empty. That doesn’t surprise him. No-where could keep TF down, not even him in a hospital bed.
What does surprise him though is that the room is empty of any other visitors, such as two police officers of Piltover. With such a large bounty on his head - several thousand serpents worth- it’s a wonder why he isn’t being guarded by at least a half dozen squad of officers inside. That means there must be a bigger problem in Piltover than guarding a mangled outlaw who was in recovery.
They are not without their precautions though, the cuff is evidence of that. Graves exhales through his nose. He’ll find a way out. He’s escaped from the locker. A little handcuff should be a walk in the park.
He glances around. Caitlynn and Viv seemed smart enough to leave the shelf of shiny, sharp-looking medical instruments from arm’s reach of the bed. Damn it. Graves looks down at his wrist again, contemplative. Not the first time he’s had to dislocate his own thumb to slip out of cuffs before, but it makes healing a bitch.
With his other free hand, he starts feeling his bed and the surrounding areas for a stray pen dropped from a doctor, anything; out of desperation, he tries his pillow, and that’s when his fingers hit something hard, and definitely not the soft sheets of the standard clinic bed.
He pulls out a knife, and TF’s smile flashes in his mind. He grins in response.
It’s easy break open the lock on the handcuff; it’s less easy to get out of the bed. His mind is still groggy from the mix of medicine and pain, and his stomach turns like the choppy waters of the Guardian’s sea, but he manages to swing his legs over the bed’s edge. He can stand, at least, as long as he doesn’t rush.
Too bad Graves is bad at taking it slow. He can’t afford it, not when he’s still in dangerous territory. Just because Piltover’s two most competent police officers weren’t around, doesn’t mean there were none lurking outside the clinic’s door. If he had Destiny, then it might’ve worked, but he’s still armless, save for Fates smuggled knife.
For once, he’s going to have to think like Twisted Fate.
If he were the swindler, where would he go? Definitely not through the front door, that’s just walking straight into the arms of whoever might be waiting outside. He looks at the window. It’s a two-story fall, but maybe that’s a good thing, because the street below is empty. If it were TF, there would be no doubt that it would’ve been guarded. Guess they figured that Graves, who just had his insides blasted outside, would be too incapacitated to climb down.
However, they didn’t think about Graves being too much of a stubborn bastard to remain comatose for long.
He makes quick work of the bedsheets, tying them together to make a rope. It’s the oldest jailbreak trick in the book, but it works. After testing it with a few tugs, he ties one end to the bed post and flings the other end out the window. He tugs the anchored end one more time before he was climbing out the window and down the rope.
Each movement is halted and stiff, which made his descent painstakingly slow, success counted in inches. Relief floods him when his boots hit the pavement. He glances one more time at the window, then after a quick look around, he darts off in the direction of Ceecee’s workshop.
While his main concern is Tobias, he is even less than useless right now - still fighting off the pain and fatigue of being shot, and he would be useless in a brawl. And knowing the swindler, where he went, trouble usually followed, and Graves would not be able to keep that trouble off, not unless he has Destiny in his hands.
When Graves makes it to Ceecee’s shop, there is a ‘Closed’ sign swinging on door, but he disregards it and bangs on it anyway. “I’m coming, I’m coming!” Came her reply, and then muted footsteps. “Geez,” Ceecee said once she opens the door. “Can’t you read the sign? It’s closed o’clock right now-“ She stops short, eyes bugging out in disbelief.
Graves offers a shrug as an apology. “Can’t wait ‘til morning.”
For the second time in Graves’ week, Ceecee’s shriek pierces his ears, causing him to cringe. “Malcolm!? But I thought the coppers got ya! When your snake of a partner came in without you, it took all my patience not throw him out for double-crossing ya again. Well, I thought he did, but then he said ya got caught by the coppers, and I nearly threw him out just for abandoning you. But I’m glad to see that ain’t true.
“Now don’t just stand there, c’mon in before anyone sees ya!” She ushers him in quickly. She shuts the door behind him and scurries to the back of her workshop, past the table with a steaming bowl of soup and half-eaten loaf. Malcolm has little time to feel sorry for interrupting her dinner when she emerges with something that looks sleek and shiny and familiar.
The new Destiny feels right in his hands when Ceecee hands it to him. “She’s already oiled and tuned, she just needs ammo.” She hands him a small clinking bag. “Oh, and don’t worry about paying it off. Your ‘partner’ did that earlier too.”
Always one step ahead. Graves smiles to himself. “I owe him a drink when I find him again. Speaking of, did he tell you where he ran off to?”
“He said he was gonna go back to you, so I thought that’s what’s happened.”
Huh. That still doesn’t help him. Still, he has Destiny now. That is better than before. He thanks Ceecee and leaves her to her meal, glancing around the street. Now, if he were a slippery card shark, where would be go while waiting for his partner?
Before he could brainstorm, there’s a tremendous boom! in the distance, followed by the sound of rumbling. There's a good chance that was Twisted Fate, whether caused by him or happening to him. Strapped for ideas, Graves takes a deep breath and (carefully) jogs off in the direction of Fate.
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Spiderio? o.o
oh, as in spider-man/mysterio? ok, here goes:
DISCLAIMER: both peter and Quentin beck are adults in this au, from the first time they meet. they have a complicated relationship here, but nothing that is romantic/sexual. while this mysterio is definitely the one from the mcu, this fic's peter takes inspiration from his ps4 incarnation.
quentin beck doesn’t really notice the frazzled, bespectacled intern working on his Intuitive Projection Device (working title) team for a long time. for one thing, there are a lot of frazzled, bespectacled college students running around in his lab looking to snazz up their resumes and hopefully a job at stark industries, and for another, peter parker never really stands out. oh, sure, he’s smart–you didn’t study bio-engineering on a scholarship in empire state and land a spot on beck’s team without having some level of intelligence–but for the most part, he does what he’s told to without fuss and doesn’t really speak up much during team meetings. which, whatever. beck’s looking for people with ideas and bombast and, well, presence, so when parker’s internship ends, he’s off on his merry way. end of story.
on the eve of his project’s big launch, tony stark takes over. says he’s going to do the honours. which–all right. beck was hoping to be a little more present while his life’s work was unveiled, but he knew what he was getting into by agreeing to work under someone like tony stark. he hands everything he has over to his boss.
tony renames his blood, sweat and tears Binary Augmented Retro-Framing device, or BARF, to an audience full of (ignorant, fucking ignorant!) laughing college students. uses it as a gimmicky side-show while unveiling some other completely different initiative, while beck stands backstage, staring, slack-jawed. there is not a single mention of the years it took to put together even a prototype of the thing, what it means to have a technology so intuitive that it’s the new cutting edge in biotech, the endless legal and ethical loopholes that beck had to circumvent to test the thing, the endless possibilities that it opens–
stark’s taken it all away. the project that consumed the last ten years of his life–gone. signed away to a fucking megalomaniac in a metal suit.
beck goes back to his empty apartment that night, numb, opens his liquor cabinet and goes to town. the next morning, drunk and blind with fury, he storms up to tony stark’s office to give him a piece of his mind. of course, he doesn’t actually make it anywhere near tony’s office; he’s thrown out on his ass by security before he can make it past the lobby. he’s fired by email later that day; told that they will press charges if he tries anything like he did that day again. 
beck doesn’t explode, contrary to stark’s claims of ‘instability’. he’s not giving tony the satisfaction of flaming out and fading away into obscurity. after all, he was the brains of the operation, and stark can’t take that away from him. he can focus on clowning around in that suit of his all he wants; beck’s going to come up with stuff that’ll blow his company fucking out of the water. all he needs is patience, and time, and–
a team.
he sends emails to everyone from his old team. only a few reply–and even they are reluctant to risk their jobs at stark industries to work with him. only one person replies positively and agrees to meet him.
the next day, quentin is sitting across from a nervous peter parker at a mcdonalds and he thinks: this is where it all begins.
peter parker is… weird.
when he’s actually present, oh, he’s a fucking revelation: the kid has a knack for making something out of virtually nothing; he’s worked wonders on the few pieces of old tech that beck was able to wrangle by calling in favours with old acquaintances. he rambles and makes silly jokes, but there’s always something fresh and insightful to what he says. it’s like his mind is not just a few steps ahead of everybody else, but fucking doing somersaults on the ceiling. more than anything else, he believes: in the potential of beck’s work, the ways it could revolutionise any number of fields, how it could help people. he’s all beck could ever ask for in an assistant, in a partner, and he can scarcely believe this is the same man as that unassuming intern who worked for him so many years ago.
the kicker, though, is that peter parker isn’t often… present. he often comes in late or cancels altogether, citing one emergency or the other. there are several mornings when he stumbles in, utterly exhausted, hands closed around a jumbo-sized coffee like it’s his lifeline. for a long while, beck is willing to let it go: after all, peter’s pursuing his phd, working in another lab that actually pays him, and looking after his aunt. besides, he’s a twenty-something young man in new york city who’s handsome in a charming, dorkish sort of way–of course he’s going to have a social life. 
still… it’s worrying. he’s not sure he wants to sit peter down and talk about it  (that would be mortifying for both of them, beck thinks); he settles for working even harder to put a couple of projects together so that he can apply for funding and actually pay the kid like he deserves. in the meantime, he makes sure to buy peter a meal whenever he can, and if his insides wobble a little whenever peter beams at offers of a pizza night, beck will have you know that it means nothing, okay?
when beck discovers that peter’s spider-man, it’s an accident. 
he goes to the lab in the middle of the night to pick up his phone that he’d forgotten; peter cancelled on him again that day, and beck’s long, long rope is starting to fray. when he turns to leave, he hears a muffled thump. across the dark, cavernous room, spider-man–spider-man!–climbs through an open window and collapses in an ungraceful heap on the floor. beck stands stock-still as the hero groans and tugs at his mask–to reveal peter parker’s face, stark and pale in the moonlight spilling through the window.
for a long, seemingly interminable moment, beck holds his breath. 
in that moment, a lot of things start making sense.
spider-man–peter parker!–reaches one hand out, makes some sort of gesture, and a web shoots out of his wrist, snags a water bottle and brings it to his hand. peter tips his head back and chugs. he’s still not gotten up from the floor; there are rips in his suit, and beck thinks he can see blood–
no. no. he doesn’t want to see anymore. it feels weirdly intimate, and beck isn’t sure if he ever knew the first thing about peter parker after all. he closes his eyes, turns, and slips away quietly.
quentin beck doesn’t go back to his lab for two days, doesn’t answer calls or emails. peter is particularly persistent, even offering to visit his apartment, but beck puts that off with a terse, ‘no. i’m fine. call you later.’ he spends most of those two days staggering with the sheer magnitude of the secret that he’s just discovered–no wonder the asshole was always late! he was too busy swinging from buildings and taking down costumed supervillains!–and the betrayal, which overcomes him in waves. all the while beck was looking fondly on peter, even considering him a protege, he was doing something that beck had repeatedly spoken of with profound contempt. and peter even agreed with him several times! with a straight face! he’s nothing but a two-timing, manipulative sociopath, just like stark–
–oh dear god.
oh no no no no no. 
he’s seen spider-man help out stark and the avengers a few times, hasn’t he? he’s never been announced as an official avenger, but these costumed freaks all flock together often, yeah? was peter parker assigned to spy on beck? did stark put him up to it? he must’ve; stark probably didn’t like that beck was smarter, better, capable of so much more–and that he was all of this without having been handed an entire multi-million dollar company on a silver platter.
and yet–
all of peter’s wide-eyed sincerity, his belief, his passion–beck can’t have imagined all of that, right? there has to be at least a part of him that beck can–can still love–
fine. if he can’t ever get away from these costumed weirdos, then he’s just going to do what he’s always done: work with what he’s got.
the next time beck sees peter, it’s three weeks later and he says, “i know you’re spider-man.”
to peter’s credit, he looks surprised only for a fraction of a second; if beck wasn’t looking for it (if beck didn’t know peter as well as he did) he would’ve never noticed. 
peter laughs. “fine,” he says. “sure, and you’re iron man.”
beck hasn’t the time for games. “i saw you in costume, peter. i won’t lie and tell you that i wasn’t hurt that you’d hide that from me, but rest assured that i will keep your secret.”
peter’s face freezes in a half-smile, mouth slightly open, as if he’s just lined up his next joke to dismiss what beck said. suddenly, his smile disappears and he… deflates. “sorry,” he says, his gaze shifting to the ground. “i didn’t mean–it’s just–i try so hard to keep my day job and my… other job separate, you know? and i don’t want to put the people i love in even more danger than they already face by just living in a world where there’s an alien invasion every other week, so, i just. you know.”
beck firmly dismisses the way his heart flutters at people i love and says, “i know. and honestly? given what the world’s like these days? it’s great you’re out there doing what you do.”
peter gives him a tentative smile. “dr. beck, you know, i’m so glad you’re taking this so well–i came so close to telling you so many times because i felt so bad making up excuses for missing out on such exciting work, and–”
“but peter, you’re fired.”
“–if i’d known that–wait.” peter blinks once, deliberately. it’s almost comical. “what?”
“i said you’re fired, peter,” beck tells him pleasantly. “i appreciate everything you’ve done tremendously–and rest assured that you will get credit where credit is due–but going forward… this just won’t work out, pete.”
“what? no, no, no, wait.” peter leans forward. “i’ve–we’ve made it work so far, right? i’ll find time–i’ll cut back on… other things. dr. beck,” and now he has the audacity to grab beck’s hands, and beck thinks he’s going to rip apart at the seams from all the emotion that’s coursing through him right now, “what you’re doing is inspiring. it’s going to help so many people. please let me be a part of it.”
“you’re already helping people.” you’ve helped enough.
“dr. beck, ple–”
“come on now, peter, spider-man doesn’t beg!” beck looks away from peter’s pleading, desperate eyes. he needs to remember that these superhero types always love to put on a show. whether that’s stark, or pe–spider-man. “this doesn’t mean the end of our friendship, peter. i’ll see you around.”
he walks away before peter can say another word.
beck collects more of stark industries’ rejects and malcontents for his team, but this time his pitch is different: if the world has moved on, if the only way to be important and beloved and heard is to fly around with a cape and lasers shooting out of your hands, then that is exactly what he’s fucking going to do. he focusses more on illusion technology, fashioning spectacles that will only ever be limited by his own imagination. it’s slow, arduous work, but–ironically–peter has already done most of the ground work, and it’s a matter of building from there.
peter tries calling him for the first few weeks after their last meeting; beck never answers. it takes longer than beck thought it would for him to stop trying. kid was always tenacious as hell.
then ultron happens. the u.n. blows up. then the sokovia accords.
the avengers split up, going for each other’s throats: iron man on one side, captain america on the other. beck’s a little relieved to see that spider-man isn’t on either side. 
the whole thing ends up going to hell, and a complete PR disaster for stark and co. there’s far less superhero activity after that, and stark’s operations shrink considerably–which honestly just means beck has more disgruntled, brilliant ex-employees to recruit to his cause. even spider-man goes completely underground.
(peter parker, though, is teaching at empire state. so beck is not too worried. yet.)
it’s the perfect time to debut mysterio.
it always ends on a bridge, in the eye of a firestorm.
peter’s grip is inhumanly strong; beck can feel the bones in his wrist grind and pop. he drops the gun he was pointing at peter’s head and tries to twist away.
“we could’ve accomplished so much together.” peter looks angry, but he sounds… mournful.
beck tastes blood at the back of his throat. “we still can,” he gasps. “it’s not too late.”
peter doesn’t say no, and he clings to that even as darkness consumes him and he falls.
( send me an au and i will give you 5+ headcanons about it! )
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islareeveswriting · 5 years
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Progress is better than perfection.
Slowly, but very surely, Molly was coming to terms with that concept. For as long as she could remember, she’d been a perfectionist, always striving for more. There was nothing wrong with that, at least she never thought there was, and everyone had always told her it was a good thing - it meant she was driven, determined, had passion. It was all true, Molly didn’t doubt that. However, recent events had taught her that maybe perfection didn’t really exist. At least not so simply. Perhaps it looked different for everyone, and even more than that, perhaps it looked different in each situation, different every day. Perfection in her uni work, wasn’t the same as perfection in her love life, or home life, or her happiness. And perhaps progress could look a little like perfection if she wasn’t so reliant on perfection being the finished article.
Of course the progress she really wanted wasn’t Harry stood in a boxing ring, hands encased in heavy black gloves, bouncing on the balls of his feet as hits came his way. In fact that looked like the last thing she wanted. What she wanted was for Harry to be able to walk faraway from anywhere that caused him any kind of harm, but that just wasn’t on the cards, seeing as he was adamant the only way Aaron was going away was if Harry gave him the fight he’d been promised. The fight Harry had promised him the night Molly had walked out of his flat and left him alone.
If there was something to be said for it, Molly supposed at least Harry was training in a proper boxing club, with proper trainers, who knew what they were talking about, and were training him to fight not just to punch, but also to avoid serious injury. It was clear that hadn’t been a consideration before. The first time Harry stepped in the ring with Martin, two days ago, it was very obvious that all Harry had ever worried about once he had a pair of gloves on was getting hits on his opponent. He wasn’t actually thinking, just fighting, just hitting. There was no thought about how his movements left him open for attack. He was clumsy, never planning ahead, never thinking about anything other than getting his fists into someone. Even Molly could see Harry had a lot to learn, she didn’t need Martin to say it, but he had.
In Harry’s defense, he was picking it up quickly, he was good at it, he had the head for it when he actually did think about it. But that didn’t make Molly feel any better, because who he was stepping in the ring with, didn’t. He would be exactly like Harry was when he’d first stood opposite Martin. All Aaron would want was to hurt Harry, and all the thinking ahead and mindfulness in the world wouldn’t stop him. It was the second time Molly had stood on the sidelines to watch Harry train, and he was definitely more equipped than the first. Only he was equipped for the drills Martin shouted at him, or the hits Martin threw. Molly couldn’t help but fear he was nowhere near equipped for the viciousness of what Aaron could, and, no doubt, would swing his way in two days time.
The new club was smart, clean, tidy. Nothing about it felt seedy or dodgy. There were a few punch bags hung from the ceiling, a weight training section, a few machines that Molly didn’t want to guess what they did, apart from the obvious stationary bike and treadmill, and the centre ring where Harry seemed to spend most of his time. Molly didn’t feel uncomfortable in the setting, the only thing that made her feel off kilter was the reason she was there watching Harry break a serious sweat as he threw heavy punches into Martin’s pads as the older, slightly greying but in serious shape, man called numbers at Harry.
Molly hadn’t been there long, perhaps twenty minutes, stood at the edge of the ring, and her eyes hadn’t left him as he seemed to dance around the square. Harry had acknowledged her with a smile, but Martin quickly called his attention back, reminding him he couldn’t afford to get distracted for even a second. Harry had told Molly, Martin was the best man for the job. He knew people like Aaron, knew how they worked, he’d come from a similar background, started the club to get kids like Harry out of bad places. If only Harry had found Martin earlier perhaps they’d find themselves somewhere very different.
There was a heavy sweat leaking through Harry’s t-shirt, turning the worn grey material much darker as it seeped down his back. Hair from his tied back bun was pinging into tight ringlets around his forehead and sticking the skin like it was glued there. Molly could see he was getting tired, his arms were getting lazy, and his breathing heavy enough that Molly could hear it over the music, and Martin’s shouts and her own head, which was perhaps the loudest thing in the room for her.
All she’d done, for as many days as it had been since Harry told her he was going to train for the fight, everyday after work, was overthink everything. Every move she’d made, every word she’d said, everything that had led them to the point they were at. Nothing made her want to walk away, but there wasn’t a part of her that wanted to see Harry go through with it. Even when Martin praised him, and told him he was doing a good job before lowering his arms.
“You ok?” Molly looked up from where her eyes had dropped to the blue mat under Harry’s feet, to Harry. He was lowering down to a crouch, undoing the straps that held his gloves in pace. The skin underneath was red and marked from how tight it had been, but Molly knew that would be nothing to how tight the bandages underneath were.
“I hate this,” Molly admitted quietly, and it wasn’t the first time. Harry reacted much the same, just dipping his head as he unwound the sweat stained ribbons from his hands. There was nothing to say, nothing he could say to make it better, it was the way it was, and Molly knew that too. “You sure there’s no other way?” Molly asked, like she had everyday since he’d told her what he was planning to do. Harry lifted his eyes, looking at her through his lashes, bottom lip pouting a little before he shook his head.
“Lol, you know there’s not, I’ve told you,” Harry sighed, and Molly nodded, her head dropping. “Once it’s done, it will be done though, yeah?” Harry reminded her tipping her head.
“Are you sure though? Aaron doesn’t seem like the sort of guy who just b-
“I’ve said, he will fuck off after, so he will, ok?” Harry’s voice was sterner than Molly would have liked, it made her recoil, frowning up at him and pushing his hand away from her face. They just stared at each other for a few seconds, Molly sucking her cheeks in and Harry kissing his teeth.
“You seem very sure about it,” Molly pointed out, narrowing her eyes. Harry just shook his head, eyes dropping to his hands, refocused on his bandages, unravelling them carefully and neatly. His knuckles were red, a little bruised from all the training he’d been doing, and a little swollen, but Molly had been assured that was normal. There was something over Harry’s face, lingering in his lowered eyes, that Molly recognised and she didn’t like it. It was the sight of him almost literally biting his tongue, she’d seen it before, and she hated it. “So you gonna tell me whatever it is you’ve decided I don’t need to know, or we going to do that whole thing again where you keep it from me?” Harry didn’t look up as Molly folded her arms across her chest, just let his jaw hang slack, slightly off centre, hands frozen on the last of his wrapping.
“How am I ever meant to keep secrets from you when you can see right through me?” Harry smirked, finally lifting his eyes as he shook the last of his bandages of and began to fold them, hands working without needing his eyes or even really his mind. That part he was well rehearsed in. Unwrapping his hands and tidying up after himself.
“You’re not meant to,” Molly grumbled, and Harry cocked an eyebrow. “Not about this Harry, I need to know what’s going on, stop trying to keep me in the dark, it’s not fair,” Molly forced, and Harry sighed, swallowing and shaking his head a little.
“There’s just somethings I’d rather you didn’t know ok?” Harry told her, getting back to his feet and beginning to clamber through the ropes to hop out of the ring.
“No, not ok, not even a little bit ok,” Molly told him a little frantically, but entirely frustrated. “Just tell me, at this point, I think I can take it,” Molly pointed out quietly. She watched his eyes move to her covered neck, the zipped sweatshirt she was wearing done up to the top. No one seemed to question her choice of outfit, more appropriate for Autumn than the warm weather they were experiencing, though she had got a few double glances. Even Lauren hadn’t questioned it when Molly had seen her the day before. Thankfully Jimmy had decided to go home in between his last two exams, because Molly knew for a certainty that if anyone was going to ask why Molly, someone who loved summer clothes, was wearing jeans and a jumper, it would be her best friend.
“I’m going to lose the fight,” Harry told her, calmly, his voice still and monotonous, eyes locked on Molly, waiting for what he was saying to register. At first she just frowned, staring up at him, trying to compute.
“What do you-?” But then it clicked and her face fell, head beginning to wobble slowly from side to side. “Harry, no, you can’t, are you mad? He’ll kill you,” Molly pointed out, as Harry’s words sunk in and she realised all the training in the world would make no difference. “You’re seriously telling me this fight is fixed?” Harry nodded, slowly, still as calm despite Molly’s rising tone, yet lowered volume. “Then why are we here? What’s the point?” Molly asked, laughing sarcastically, shrugging, hands flying around wildly.
“Because I still want to put in a good fight,” Harry told her, and Molly scoffed, looking down at the floor as her eyes began to fill. “Lolly, it’s going to be fine,” Harry tried to promise, stepping closer, but Molly only stepped away.
“How? How is it going to be fine? He told me he’d kill you, and you’re going to let him,” Molly reminded Harry. Aaron’s words, his threats, had bounced around her head every second of the day since he’d whispered them in her ear. It was all she could really remember fully, everything else, before, after and in between, seemed like a blur.
“He’s not going to kill me Molly, if you’d just listen-” Molly cut Harry of with another scoff and she saw the way it wound Harry up, the way he strained his neck as it crawled over him. “Listen to me for fucks sake, you don’t know what you’re talking about so just let me explain,” Harry seethed stepping closer and taking her wrists gently in her hands. “You’re so fucking stubborn, if you’d just give me a chance, you’d realise I do actually know what I’m doing,” Harry told her, and Molly quietened, shoulders dropping as she fell back a little. “I’m going to let him win, it means he’ll get a good payout because odds are on me to win, understand?” Molly didn’t react. “Part of the deal is he doesn’t actually knock me out, I’ll just go down in the sixth and that will be it, ok?” Molly didn’t really know what any of that meant, and she just swallowed. “He’s not going to kill me, he’ll get what he wants, and I can walk away ok?”
“You trust him, the man who did this to me, just be clear,” Molly told him bouncing her wrists, one of them still a little yellow in colour from Aaron’s grip.
“I don’t have a choice,” Harry reminded her and she went limp then, dropping her head, chewing at her lip. Harry sighed and let go of her wrists, wrapping arms around her and pulling her close. “I’m sorry,” He whispered, kissing her head, and Molly just shook her head, sniffing back as a couple of rogue tears leaked out of the corners of her eyes. Her mind started to unravel, there had to be something, some other way. She went over everything. Went down every alley, turned every page, rethought everything she’d said and done. There had to be something.
And then it clicked. Suddenly and from nowhere, in Harry’s voice, stood in his bathroom.
I need you to report this Lolly.
“I need you to take me to the police station,” Molly mumbled lifting her head more to herself than anything else, and pulling Harry’s arms from around her. She didn’t look up, just moved to get Harry’s bag, lifting it onto her shoulder. Harry just stood and watched her move, like a woman possessed, like she’d forgotten herself and everything around her. Like the only thing that mattered was getting to the police station.
“What?” Harry frowned staring after her, as she collected her own bag, full with lecture notes, and essay work and all manner of things that should have been filling her head in the final weeks before deadline.
“I need to report him,” Molly spoke, beginning to head for the door, only glancing over to Harry for a second, but he saw her hand move, without thinking, to her neck. Harry chased after her then, taking a few quick long legged strides to her. Harry reached for her wrist, as her other arm began to push the door of the gym open. It stopped her in her tracks, and her head twisted quickly to him.
“You don’t have to do that Lolly, you don’t want to, you don’t feel ready, and that’s fine,” Harry implored, the image of her scared and backed into his bathroom wall too burned in his mind to ever forget, but especially not yet. There was a little fear in her eyes, but more than that there was a fire, a determination as she stared back at Harry.
“I want to, can you please take me,” Molly insisted. There was no room for argument, Molly was adamant, and what she needed was Harry to just agree, and be by her side. So Harry nodded, let his hand slide down her arm, to take her hand.
“Ok,” He breathed. “Just let me get changed first?” Molly nodded and passed him his bag, taking a seat by the door while Harry disappeared off to the changing room.
As Molly sat, she tried not to think too much about having to go over what had happened to her in detail with someone she didn’t know. Talking to Harry about it had been hard enough, and it was why she’d been so adamant she didn’t want to tell anyone else. There was a feeling of shame, and guilt, maybe she’d made some bad decisions that had led to what happened. There was fear of what people would say and think about her. There was a fear of how Aaron might lash back. But he’d already done his worst. What more could he do? Harry was already prepared to let him win the fight, to be black and blue all over to get rid of him, and what was worse than that realistically?
When it was all out in the open, there was no way he could squirm his way out of it. He wouldn’t be able to get to Harry, or Lola, or herself. And Harry would only ever have to visit this boxing club, train a little, get a little sweaty to blow off a bit of steam after a hard day or minor frustration. That she could cope with. Having to be in a room with Aaron again, while he threw punches at Harry, and Harry let him, the thought alone was unbearable. She didn’t know why it had taken her so long to realise what she had to do, but she knew now, and she supposed it was better late than never.
All the way from the gym to the station, Molly chewed at her nails, not caring for the fairly fresh paint on them. Her mind was working in overdrive, trying to remember every little detail of what had happened, making sure none of what she said crossed over and made her look like a liar. She was trying to remember all the words, but she’d found afterwards that all she really remembered him saying was how he was going to kill Harry, and how he knew about Lola. They were the things that had kept her awake at night recently, and they were what played over and over in her head. Everything else seemed fuzzy, even how hard he’d held her and touched her seemed hard to remember, but only because she’d been working so hard to forget it.
Now she was doing the opposite, and it seemed counterproductive to moving past it, but she knew she was going to get questioned hard, so she had to be sure of herself, she couldn’t flounder or hesitate. So Molly just kept answering the questions she imagined they’d ask making sure she sounded as confident as possible.
“Are you sure about this Lolly? I don’t want you to feel like you have to do anything you’re not ready to do, it’s fine,” Harry checked once he’d turned the car engine off, shifting in his seat to face her properly. There was a whole world of emotions in Harry’s face as he stared back at Molly. No matter how many times Harry made sure she was ok, and Molly told him he was, the guilt in his eyes never subsided. That might have been the worst part for Molly. The bruises would fade, the cuts would heal, and eventually Molly would learn not to glance over her shoulder at every turn, but Harry’s guilt seemed as strong and resilient as ever.
“I’m sure, I want to do this, it’s the right thing to do,” Molly nodded. Harry moved forward and kissed her. They didn’t say another word as they walked through the car park towards the double doors, paint chipping and faded. Molly felt tense as Harry pushed the door open and stood aside to let her in first. His eyes were glued to her as she walked past him and towards the front desk, and he stood by her side, taking her hand again wrapping his fingers around hers and just squeezing them as she explained why she was there.
Molly’s voice was strong, held tight at either end by a riddance of emotion. She became a statue, still and calm, until they were asked to sit and wait and she began to shiver. Her leg bounced, heel hitting the floor and tapping against the mass produced plastic tiles underneath them. Harry just watched her as she seemed to be processing things, staring into space and blinking, biting her jaw together. The man behind the desk had said someone would be with them shortly, but it hadn’t been shortly by Molly’s definition or Harry’s, the time seemed to be dragging on and the more it dragged the more Harry wanted to take Molly out of there and faraway, somewhere safe, somewhere she could forget about what had happened and move on properly without having to go through it, without Aaron peering over them all the time.
“Miss Thomson.” Molly looked up then to a friendly faced, middle aged woman, dark hair tied into a neat bun and a nude lip gloss glistening under the bright lights of the station. Molly nodded and stood. “My name’s Jane, I’m a DI here, just want to have a chat with you about the report you’ve made, nothing to worry about,” Jane was doing her best job to reassure Molly, but it wasn’t really working. Inside Molly’s tummy was turning and she felt nauseous, her palms were getting clammy and her throat was dry. But she nodded nonetheless. “Would you like to come with me?” Molly hesitated and looked back at Harry nervously. “Your friend can come with you, that’s fine,” Jane smiled, and Molly visibly relaxed, just a little, but enough to notice before together they followed Jane back through the doors she’d come through.
The place was cold, but not just because of lack of heating. Molly felt goose pimples forming under her jumper as they wound through corridors behind Jane. Other police officers, ones in uniforms, some in plain clothes like Jane, some in suits, passed them, but Molly didn’t even acknowledge them, certain she could feel every pair of eyes in the place gauging into her.
Finally they came to a door, that Jane unlocked and let Harry and Molly into first. The walls were almost grey, but the chairs were soft and red. Molly knew if her skin touched them they’d make her itch, but luckily she was fully covered. There was low table covered in leaflets but Molly didn’t take them in, and a water cooler in the corner. It wasn’t the dark, dingy interview room Molly had been expecting, but still she didn’t feel easy as she took the seat nearest the wall and Harry the other. Molly glanced at Harry as Jane took the remaining seat opposite them, taking out a notepad and pen from somewhere. He had his hands on his thighs, and he was looking back at Molly, offering a reassuring, supportive smile. Part of Molly had panicked they wouldn’t let Harry come with her, so she was glad he was there beside her.
“Do you mind if I call you Molly?” Jane asked, and Molly shook her head. “Ok, great, I just want to start by saying anything you tell me in this room is in strict confidence, at this point, nothing you tell me will be shared until we decide the course of action, is that ok Molly?” That time Molly nodded. “My role is to just talk to you today and have a chat about what it is you want to do and what you feel comfortable doing, I just want to make sure you feel safe at home?”
“Yeah, fine, this happened in the street, outside where I work,” Molly told Jane, and Jane nodded.
“That’s fine Molly, currently you don’t feel in any danger, you’re ok, and you feel safe to talk to me today?” Jane questioned, and again Molly nodded. “That’s great, ok, I’m just going to explain what’s about to happen,” Jane started, before telling Molly how she was going to record their conversation and how it might be used in evidence if Molly wished to proceed with pressing charges, but there was no pressure to do anything she didn’t want to. Molly already knew what she’d be doing, but she just nodded along as Jane spoke, taking it all in, though it felt like it didn’t really sink through. “Is that all ok with you Molly?”
“Yes that’s fine,” Molly assured.
“Sir, can I ask your relationship to Molly before we begin?” Jane asked, turning to Harry. Molly did the same, sure that was the moment she asked him to leave. They weren’t blood, they weren’t married, in fact Molly still wasn’t sure what they were. It still wasn’t a conversation they’d had.
“Molly’s my girlfriend,” Harry told Jane, and Molly swore she felt her heart flip as his eyes flicked to hers and he let a corner of his lip curl up at her. Molly just smiled back at him and licked her lips. It was a strange time to feel the way she did, but there was certainly a sudden buzz in her thanks to Harry’s words. “We haven’t been together long though,” Harry added. Molly could have laughed, but she didn’t. It certainly wasn’t the place for that.
“No problem, just need to know before I start the recording,” Jane informed Harry, who gave her a little nod. Jane leant forward and pressed record on the tape machine, it whirred to life and Molly instantly felt anxious, like anything that had been left after Harry’s words washed out and nervous energy washed in. Jane told the tape the date, the time, and introduced who was in the room, before lifting her eyes to Molly. She asked her when it had happened, and the location first, and Molly gave them both clinically. “In your own time Molly, can you tell me what happened?” At first Molly just swallowed and nodded, taking a deep breath that did nothing to help her find any stillness left inside her, but then she spoke.
It came out slowly. At first it was steady as Molly walked herself back through what had happened quietly. The more she spoke though the quicker and more frenzied her talking got. It was hard to keep her cool when in her head she could feel him on her and hear his voice in her the deepest part of her mind. It made her feel nauseous, and it made her shake. Her mouth felt dry but her eyes felt wet, she knew she was going to cry. Molly couldn’t look up at anyone, not at Harry, and not at Jane either, she didn’t want to know how they were looking at her, she was sure she could see the disappointment in their eyes anyway, wondering why she hadn’t reported it sooner, said something sooner, why she hadn’t followed Liam’s advice and reported Aaron after their initial interaction in the bar, why had she stepped out into the alleyway on her own in the first place? They were things she’d asked herself over the past few days, especially now she was sat there, letting it all spill out, so she couldn’t blame them for wondering the same and judging her accordingly.
“Ok Molly, you’re doing a great job, you’re ok,” Jane assured, and Molly glanced up then meeting Jane’s eyes. It looked like she meant it, but Molly didn’t feel like she was doing a good job, it felt like she’d left it too late, like all she’d made was bad decisions, and what she was doing wasn’t fixing anything. For months she’d begged Harry not to fight, made him promise her he’d never go back, and then she’d all but asked him too, told him it was ok. He was willing to do that for her, but she couldn’t tell anyone why.
“You ok baby?” Harry asked, reaching out for Molly’s hand and taking it. There was a gentle squeeze, Molly watched him do it, his hand tensing around hers, before she looked at him and nodded, biting her lips together. “You still sure you want to do this?” He asked quieter, keeping her eyes in his, somehow making her feel like it was just him and her. Again Molly nodded, and Harry followed suit, still just staring back in her eyes until Jane spoke.
“Molly, do you still have wounds from this attack?” Jane asked, drawing Molly and Harry’s attention. Within seconds though Molly felt Harry’s eyes on her, and his hand seemed to tighten a little. Molly nodded quietly. “Would you feel comfortable to show us?” Molly hesitated, breath halting for a second. It was possible the lingering reminder of what had happened that was worse, it was hard to move on when it still hurt to twist her wrist, or touch her thigh, or sometimes breathe too deep. “If you wish to go forward and press charges, which remember there is no pres-”
“I want to,” Molly interrupted quickly, from nowhere, taking even her by surprise. “I want to press charges,” Molly affirmed a little more confidently, clearing her throat and nodding a little.
“Ok,” Jane nodded. “In that case, we will have to move this somewhere more formal, we will need to take photos of your injuries, and we will need to take blood samples, fingerprints and all that stuff,” Jane told Molly, and she nodded again. Jane went on to explain exactly what would happen from that point, Molly sat quietly, her hand held in Harry’s, taking it all in as calmly as she could, trying not to feel overwhelmed, trying to keep in all under control.
Molly went through the motions like it was an out of body experience. She gave her statement alone, Harry gave one alone too, about when Molly had turned up at his. Molly stood in her underwear and felt like a mannequin as photos were taken of the bruises and marks on her skin, in an almost silent, sterile room. She gave samples of everything they asked, and she did it all without shedding a tear or even flinching. It didn’t feel like it was her it was happening to, it felt like she was just stood outside of her body, watching a drama about someone else who just happened to look like here.
When it was all over Molly left the police station with Harry. They got to his car, they walked in silence, and it was only when they were stood by his car, with the passenger side door open, that Harry wrapped his arms around her and she wept, sobbed, quietly, but sobs that wracked her body. It was almost relief, there was definitely a sense of something that made her feel lighter, but there was more to come and she knew that it might get harder, and feel more suffocating before it truly felt any better. She breathed Harry in, finding an escape in him and his comfort. The warmth of him, the smell of him, the feeling of his breath and skin, was everything she needed. It was easier to believe he was right when he said everything was going to be ok, when he made her feel the way he did.
“I’m sorry I told you it was ok for you to fight, that was wrong of me, after everything we’ve been through,” Molly spoke, twisting her head and resting it on Harry’s chest. Her voice was quiet, but simply because it was drained, she was drained, physically, emotionally, mentally, she’d never felt so hollowed out.
“Lolly, you don’t need to be sorry I understand,” Harry told her, squeezing her just a little.
“What do you mean?” Molly questioned, raising her head, frowning up at Harry, not sure what there was to understand.
“You were scared at first, you didn’t want to talk about it, and that’s ok, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Molly rolled her eyes at that because she couldn’t agree. Being so adamant about not reporting what Aaron had done, about it being ok for Harry to fight him, she knew that was the wrong thing to do, and she hated how long it had taken her to realise that fully. “You haven’t, don’t let anyone make you feel like how you handled this is wrong, no one has the right, no one was in your position apart from you, and you had to handle it how was best for you, and you have, that’s all that matters, that’s all I’m worried about, as long as you’re ok with everything that’s happening, that is all that matters, ok?” Harry told her, his hands still linked behind her back, resting on the lowest part, where her spine curved as she looked up at him.
“You’re too good sometimes, I swear,” Molly sighed, and Harry just let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head at her. Obviously he was thinking that if it wasn’t for him they wouldn’t even be in the mess they were in, Molly could see it in his eyes, but she wasn’t really looking it like that. If she’d have just reported it when Harry had first mentioned it, they wouldn’t be in the mess they were in, as far as she was concerned at least.
“Let’s get you home, get some rest,” Harry suggested, quickly pecking her lips with his, just a little, before letting go of her and nodding towards the car door.
“Will you stay with me?” Molly asked, sliding into the car, though she really needn’t have. Of course he would stay. Of course he would do whatever she wanted him to. He thought he’d made that much clear over and over again, but still she felt the need to ask for his time.
Once they were home, and curled up on Molly’s bed, it didn’t take much for her to fall asleep. In fact it was surprisingly easy, easier than it had been for what felt like months, but was of course barely weeks. With Harry tucked up behind her, his chest on her back and his heartbeat against her spine, his knees folded under hers, and his arm rested over his middle, it was very easy for Molly to give into the overwhelming exhaustion she was feeling. It was a peaceful, dreamless sleep, the kind she hadn’t had since before Clive had died. There was nothing in her head to disturb her, and so she slept through easily for a good few hours.
When she woke up, she was warm, comfortable, cosy, and actually felt well rested. The room was dark, the sun had set and there were no lights on in Molly’s room. She sighed blissfully before rolling onto her back and twisting her head to face Harry. His arm was still draped over her lazily, his fingers hanging and brushing her waist where the strappy t-shirt she’d changed into had rolled up. No one was home, and no one was going to see her apart from Harry, so she thought nothing of finally taking off the jumper. In the dark all she could see was Harry’s eyes glistening, and she liked that was all he could probably see of her as well. He couldn’t see the marks that seemed to refuse to fade on her neck, the things that always drew his eye, made him swallow on nothing and chew on his lip, staring at the marks with heavy lidded eyes.
For a few seconds they just blinked at one another, bathing in the darkness and the silence. Molly flicked her eyes to Harry’s lips, even in the dark she swore she could see how plump and perfect they were, how irresistibly kissable they were. Harry seemed to read her mind, moving forward just a little and pressing those lips into hers, cushioning one another softly at first. But slowly Harry’s arm moved tighter around Molly’s back his fingers gripping at her, tips pressing into her skin heavily, encouraging her closer. Molly let her lead her, let him pull her closer, let his other arm slide under her and maneuver her body on top of his. She used his chest to prop herself up, legs knotting into Harry’s, almost every inch of them pressed together.
There was a heat between them that hadn’t really been there before. It was different to anything before, far more intense, far more electric, and somehow far more primal. Molly felt like she was working purely on instinct, like there was no real thought to what she was doing. Her body was driving her, and Harry’s responses were the fuel.  Harry’s breathing was heavy through his nose, breathing deep as Molly moved above him, getting comfortable, and simultaneously grinding her body against his. There was a stumble as Molly lifted her knee a little too close for comfort, Harry freezing, but they quickly adjusted and the kiss that resumed was only more heated for the break.
There was an understanding that Harry hadn’t been with anyone since Ellie, but it didn’t seem to phase him. His tongue crept out of his mouth to Molly’s, nudging hers just lightly, it was nothing forceful, but he didn’t forget it was there, tickling the underside of her top lip just a little before disappearing again and leaving her wanting more. There was a glimmer of hesitation, and it pulled Molly back, out of the feeling inside her, the sparking and jumping flames, to who it was she with. Who it really was she was with.
“You ok?” She asked quietly. The room was still as dark as the sky outside, but somehow she knew they were looking in each others eyes, finding the glittery parts and staring back. They were the only ones in the room, in the house, but it felt like they could have been the only ones in the world in that moment, or at least the only ones that mattered to them.
“I’m fine,” Harry assured, just as softly, one of his hands lifting from Molly’s back to tuck one side of her hair behind her ear. His fingers were delicate, everything about him was delicate and gentle, taking his time, being careful not to waste a second he was that close to Molly.
“We don’t have to do this if you’re not ready,” Molly told him, and she saw Harry shake his head, his hand trailing down her neck and over her shoulders, raining over her until he was holding her hip.
“I want to,” He promised and they didn’t say another word, Molly simply nodded before ducking her head to one side and catching his lips again. Harry had missed the weight of her on him anyway, but this was different and it was dreamy in a completely different way to her head resting on his chest, her legs tangled with his, her hands on his stomach. “I meant what I said earlier, I mean if that’s ok with you, I’d like to call you my girlfriend,” Harry bumbled pulling back for a second to try and catch her eye, obviously somehow a little nervous. Molly giggled and nodded.
“That’s ok with me,” Molly affirmed, leaning back into him. There was a deep intake of breath from both of them as their bodies seemed to push closer together.
Molly sat up on her knees placed either side of Harry’s hips, her jeans pulled tight over her thighs, but for the first time it didn’t seem to aggravate the mouldy flesh underneath. Her mind was miles from any stain on her body. With her eyes on Harry’s, she worked at his belt, deft fingers pulling the clasp apart before unclipping the buttons. She felt Harry steel himself against her touch, muscles going rigid as she lifted his t-shirt slowly up his body, rising up so she could pull it over his head. His hair brushed over her hands, and combed her fingers into it, lifting his face to hers and kissing him softly.
Harry groaned wantingly as she pulled away, and Molly could help but giggle against his skin as she pressed a kiss on his jaw, leading to his ear, knowing all the most sensitive places to leave the warmth of her breath ghosting over him, and the remnants of a kiss firing through his veins. She moved slowly down his body, over his shoulders, his collarbones and straight down the centre of him. Over his chest bone, down the body of his butterfly until she was at the waistband of his boxers. She glanced up to him through her eyelashes, and she could see him looking down at her, biting his lip tightly and watching her every move, watching her breath make her chest expand and deflate. Molly was second from dipping her fingers into his boxers and moving them down just enough, she could feel him twitching in the constraints of his jeans, aching for her touch.
“Ba-” A loud crash cut Harry’s word in half, and both of them jumped quickly, Harry rising to his elbows Molly snapping her head to the door, freezing over Harry. “What the fuck?” Harry asked, moving more, his legs sliding from between Molly’s as she shook her head, clambering off the bed. “Where you going?” Harry asked, a little breathless, frantically trying to do his jeans back up.
“Shh,” Molly instructed, sliding on the wooden floor towards the door. No light had come on, and Molly quietly pulled the door open, peering out into the dark hallway. The kitchen light caught her attention, “Hello?” She called, heading that way, pulling her bedroom door closed behind her to save Harry’s modesty. It was Jimmy who appeared in the doorway, a little dishevelled and rosy cheeked, obviously having walked from the station, Molly wasn’t worried about that though, just relieved to see a friendly face. “Oh it’s you, I thought you weren’t ba-”
“What the fuck happened to you?” Jimmy questioned quickly, eyes narrowing as they raked over her skin. Suddenly Molly was very aware of the purple tones of her neck, and when she swallowed back on the panic rising in her, she felt an ache where she hadn’t for a few days. “Molly, what’s happened?” Jimmy’s voice was getting sterner, and she could see the way his mind was reeling, and the way his nostrils were flinching. “It was him wasn’t it? Where is he?” Jimmy asked, but didn’t wait for Molly’s answer, bouldering past her, pushing Molly out of the way and marching towards her bedroom.
“Jimmy,” Molly tried to call after him,. The panic just filled her quicker as she tried to chase after Jimmy, calling his name, aching to grab his wrist and pull him back. “Jimmy stop,” Molly screamed, her eyes full and spilling, as Jimmy pushed open her bedroom door and was out of her sight. Molly followed quickly, frantically, eyes quickly finding Jimmy, steaming towards Harry who was stood at the foot of her bed and fully dressed once more. Anything that had been there before, fully gone.
“Did you do this?” Jimmy seethed moving closer, not hesitating. Even Harry could feel the fury, taking a step back, but then stopping and letting Jimmy approach.
“Jim,” Molly tried, quietly, trying to get closer.
“Fucking tell me, did you do this?” Jimmy shouted. Harry shook his head, but it didn’t calm Jimmy, instead he just growled and pushed at Harry’s chest and back him into a wall.
“Jimmy stop,” Molly cried, moving closer again, quicker that time.
“You’re a fucking piece of work, you know that?” Jimmy hissed into Harry’s face, and Molly watched Harry take it all in as she sobbed watching on, feeling a little helpless and at a loss for what to do. Harry just took it, just let Jimmy shout at him and accuse him, and hold him there against the wall without even a little bit of resistance. “You’re ruining her fucking life you know that don’t you?” Jimmy seethed viciously, pushing a little harder into Harry’s chest.
“Jimmy please stop it, just stop it,” Molly choked. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” She insisted, pulling at his shoulder. Jimmy stepped back, stumbling a little and giving in eyes still focused on Harry, nose still upturned a little, grimacing in Harry’s direction like he was a flea ridden dog that had been dragged in through the dirt. He shrugged Molly’s hand away coldly, and turned his eyes to her, scanning over her face and shaking his head.
“Who was it then?” Jimmy sneered.
“Just some bloke, you don’t know him,” Molly told Jimmy, pinching her lips together and trying to stare up at him, trying to hold his eyes but it was difficult through the tears that kept spilling and his insistence on continuing to look down at her throat.
“Do you?” Jimmy asked Molly, and she shook her head, Jimmy turning to Harry. “Do you?” He asked.
“Yes,” Harry breathed, and Molly watched it come over Jimmy again, the anger and confusion and disappointment.
“It wasn’t his fault Jim please,” Molly begged reaching his for his arm again, though Jimmy just snatched it away and shook his head.
“Why are you here?” Jimmy taunted with a twist of his jaw. No one said anything, and Molly watched Harry drop his head to look at the floor. “Why are you fucking here?” He flared, demanding an answer.
“Because I fucking love him you idiot,” Molly bellowed suddenly from nowhere eyes still on Harry and the way he was looking at the floor. They quickly snapped to Jimmy though when he froze, and Harry’s head started to lift. It wasn’t the way Molly had wanted to tell Harry, but it had just happened, just slipped out of her because it was the only real answer she had for any of it. It worked to explain nearly everything. “Because I love him, and I want him here” She spoke quieter deflating a little. She swore she saw a the corner of Jimmy’s mouth flicker but it quickly fell as he shook his head.
“I think you’re making a huge mistake,” Jimmy told her honestly, not holding back, his voice calmer and collected. They both knew it made no odds, she’d make it anyway, but they also knew if Jimmy didn’t tell her his feelings it would eat him up inside.
“That’s fine, but it’s my mistake to make,” Molly told him, and Jimmy nodded. “And this,” Molly pointed to her neck then, jabbing the skin, and she swore she saw both Jimmy and Harry flinch. “Is not Harry’s fault, and I’ve been to the police, and it’s being dealt with,” Jimmy nodded again.
“I do love her too Jim, never loved anyone like it,” Harry spoke up then, stepping forward, and Molly felt everything in her trip over itself. It felt like she stopped and restarted again, and was slightly different for it. She’d had her suspicions, but hearing it was different. She saw Jimmy nod, as he deflated a little more, getting back to himself. “All I want is for her to be happy and safe,” Harry added, again Jimmy nodded. “I love her,” Harry said one more time, and Jimmy moved to look at Molly whose eyes were welling and who was wearing the tiniest of smiles. It wasn’t how she’d wanted it, or planned it, or imagined it, but in some ways it was better because it was raw and real and came from something more honest than anything else.
“I know,” Jimmy sighed, and it felt like maybe he meant it, and maybe he’d known it for longer than the two minutes since they’d said it. Perhaps it had just been Molly and Harry who hadn’t realised how obviously in love they were, and how obviously it was the thing that had the potential to break them to a million pieces, but could also be the one thing that would truly make them.
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So managed to get it done and up, I proofed as best as I could but there might be a few things and if there are I’m sorry it’s been a strange week lol.
Next week is the penultimate chapter and I can’t quite believe but wow. Also next Friday is a bank holiday so I’m going to try (not a promise) to have it up on Thursday, if not it will be up on Tuesday after the bank holiday and we’ll see how the rest pans out from there.
Anyway I hope you enjoy looking forward to hearing your thoughts eee! 
Have a great weekend <3
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hymn2000 · 5 years
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Alternate Ending to Avengers Endgame - for snarkofstark - C4
Alternate ending to Endgame, aka The Film That Should Not Be Named. This was done mostly to the headcanons @snarkofstark sent me about what happens (should have happened) at the end of Endgame. I have put my own twists on it, as per the first chapters disclaimer.
Previous chapters: 1 2 3
You can also find me on AO3
@snarkofstark I’m so sorry for the delay in updating! Hope you enjoy the chapter regardless (also I completely forgot about your nanotech support headcanon until after I’d written most of this, so what Tony makes is a little different. Hope that’s ok!)
Warnings/themes: alternate ending, illness, injury, PTSD (mentioned), family, recovery, hospital stuff, general mental health stuff
Chapter 4 - Maybe You’ll Get A Replacement
Peter swallowed. Tony probably hadn’t meant it, but it sounded like he was placing the responsibility of this aid on his shoulders. 
“Hey, lend me your hand” Tony said. “No, the right one”
Peter held his arm out, and let Tony take hold of it. He watched him take out a black marker and start drawing an outline on him. 
“I think your idea is better” Tony said, sketching in supports. “It’ll be better than clunking around in an Iron Man gauntlet. Maybe not as cool, but more practical. It’ll be easier to fix and modify if it’s just this, too. Kinda like a skeleton, right? Or a spiders web”
Peter didn’t say anything. He looked at the blueprint taking shape on his arm. It looked pretty cool, and the idea was sound - but he did wonder if it would actually work. He’d seen Tony get cross about his bad arm a lot while he was in hospital, and Peter didn’t know enough about the medical side of his condition to know whether he’d ever recover properly. But what he did know, was that if this product - this prosthesis, as it were - failed, well, Peter didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Tony’s anger again. 
The sound of the door opening made Peter jump. Pepper took one look at the ink on his skin, and folded her arms over her chest.
“What are you doing?”
“Planning” Tony said. “We’ve found a better design for my thing”
“Peter, why don’t you go and have a bath and try to wash all that ink off?”
Peter knew it wasn’t really a suggestion, and he got up obediently.
“Wait, wait” Tony said, grabbing Peter’s arm. “I need to take pictures first, and then I can make a 3D simulation of it. We’ll start 3D printing it later, or at least a prototype, ok?”
Peter nodded, and let Tony take photos of his arm from all angles. 
“Thanks, kiddo. You’d better run now”
Peter did, leaving Tony and Pepper together. Tony shrugged at Pepper.
“What’s that face for?”
“You remember that conversation we had about doing your physio?”
“I do do my physio” Tony said. “But my way is better and quicker”
“Oh really?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve stopped believing in me after all these years”
Pepper sighed, going over and winding her arms round him, resting her chin on his shoulder. 
“I want you to get better. I want you to be happy, but I also think maybe you putting all your efforts into ‘fixing’ your arm isn’t the best use of your time” she said. “I love you, Tony, but I can’t let you, let this, consume you. Can’t you step back, focus on the family, and on the kid while he’s here?”
“I love you too, Pep... But I want to be able to lift my little girl up in both arms, and I want to be able to work again, properly” he said. “I can’t fix the scars, but I can sort my arm out. I just need some time to get it right”
“You always have to be so stubborn, don’t you?” she sighed. “I’m not going to be able to change your mind about this, am I?”
“I’m not putting myself above you and Morgan. You’re my priority, but this little replacement thing, this prosthetic - if you will - it’s good for all of us, right?”
“I know why you’re doing this” she said. “But do you really think getting the kid involved in making this thing is a good idea?”
“Peter’s a smart kid. He’ll be able to help do the fiddly bits and stuff that my hand can’t manage right now. He likes this kinda stuff; it’ll be fine. We’ll get this done, and then we can get on with domestic bliss, just us, here”
“That isn’t really what I meant” Pepper said. Tony didn’t respond. “Take a break. Go and get something to eat”
“I’m not hungry”
“I didn’t ask”
Tony laughed slightly. “Alright, alright. Where’s Morgan?”
“Eating. She’s the only sensible person in this household” 
“God knows where she gets it from” Tony said, knowing full well. He stood up. “Fine, I’ll take a break, if it’ll make you feel better”
“Good. Now go and eat”
Morgan looked up when her father came into the kitchen.
“Are you in trouble?”
“You betcha, kiddo” Tony said, sticking a slice of bread into the toaster. 
“Where’s Peter? Is he in trouble too?”
“Nearly” Tony said. “Don’t worry about him; he’s just having a bath. Hey, do you want a biscuit?”
“I’ve already had one”
“Well, have another” Tony said, finding the packet and giving her one. “Just don’t tell mum, or we’ll both be in trouble”
Morgan giggled, and put a finger to her lips, silently promising to stay quiet.
“That’s my girl” Tony smiled fondly. “So, is your school back in session now you’ve had lunch?”
Morgan shook her head. “No more school. I’m gonna play something else”
“Oh yeah, what are you gonna play?”
“I don’t know yet. Bikes, probably”
She sounded so serious that Tony couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry, sorry!” he said, throwing his hands up in defence at the little glare she fixed him with. “Bikes. Very good idea”
“Can you make it light up?”
“Your bike? Sure, I can give it a go, modify the wheel spikes a bit, add a bit of flare, maybe make it so you can see a picture when the wheels are spinning. You’ll help design it, right?”
“Yep! Set it on fire!”
“Woah, woah, that’s a bit far” Tony chuckled. “We’re not turning it into a weapon. A light up bike is good enough for now. I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff knocking about that could work. We’ll work on it some time”
“I’ll hold you to that” 
Tony laughed, and gave her a little hug. She was a funny kid.
For a while, Tony managed to forget about the modification for his arm. He spent the afternoon with Morgan, planning the lighting work for her bike, and then messing about outside. The weather was mild, so there was no stopping them. Peter joined them later on. He was more active than Tony, and closer to Morgan’s speed. It was good having both kids together. Peter still happily did whatever Morgan asked, smiling and singing silly old childrens songs to make her laugh. In the middle of one of their games, Tony stopped and thought to himself just how good it was to be out of hospital, to have all this space to himself and the people he loved. Sure, things weren’t perfect, but they were getting pretty damn close.
After Morgan had gone to bed, Tony wheeled her bike into his work space, and sat down to start making the lighting modifications for the wheels. They’d brainstormed lots of ideas, but Morgan had eventually decided on a simple daisy-type flower, yellow in the middle, with pink petals, and a green border. A very cute, little-girly idea, and one Tony was sure would be simple to execute. 
Peter had asked for a slab of strong wood, and he sat at the other end of the workbench, working away.
“What’cha working on there, kiddo?” Tony asked. “Didn’t know you were into woodwork”
“Well, we do a little bit at school, but that’s it, really” he shook his head slightly. “Have you got some heavy duty rope knocking about?”
“Uhh, I think there’s some out in the shed. Should be, anyway” Tony said.
They both worked quietly for a while, the sounds of their work tools being their soundtrack. Peter finished sizing his creation. He sanded the edges, and bore a good sized hole on the short sides of the rectangular block of wood. He filed the inside of the holes, and carved grooves around the edges of the block, making a dented outline on the top surface. 
“What are you making?” Tony asked.
“Hm? Oh. Um... Well, I told Morgan I’d make her a swing”
Tony looked up. “Oh?”
“Yeah. We were talking a bit when we were messing about on the trees. They’d be perfect for it, yknow. I thought I could knock one together pretty easily, just wood, and then rope to tie it to the tree” Peter said. “Uhhh, I don’t suppose you’ve got a book on knots anywhere? I wanna make sure I use the safest one”
“Not as far as I know. You might just have to google it” Tony said. “That girl! She’s got you wrapped round her little finger already!”
“That’s what Pepper said” Peter smiled. “She’s sweet. I like her...”
Peter shrugged. “I’m still getting my head around the fact that you’ve got a daughter, yknow. The whole, being gone for five years without realising it, it’s a funny one”
“Yeah, I can imagine. Still, we’re all here. We can get back to normal - or, whatever ‘normal’ is!” 
Peter glanced up at him. “Have you got a burny tool?”
“What, a soldering iron?”
“No, like, one of those burny tools you can use to write things with. I don’t know what they’re called”
“Ooh. It’s pyrography, isn’t it? I think they’re literally just called pyrography wood burning tools” Tony said. “I’ve got one somewhere, I’m sure of it”
He stopped what he was doing and started rummaging through his work bench drawers. Peter waited patiently. Tony found the old tool buried at the bottom. He turned it over in his hands before handing it to the boy.
“I’d maybe practice on some old wood first. Don’t burn yourself”
“I won’t. Thanks, Mr Stark”
Peter spent a while practising. Tony watched him, and he got up when he put the tool to the swing seat. He kept a safe distance, but kept a close eye on what he was doing. Peter’s writing was a little shaky, and darker in some places where he’d pressed harder, and lighter in others where he hadn’t pressed quite so hard, but that didn’t matter. For Morgan, from your friend Peter, it read, and he’d burnt a lopsided little heart into the wood after his name. He put the wood burner down, and Tony reached out and ruffled his hair, much to Peter’s surprise.
“She’ll love it” Tony smiled. 
Peter smiled a little nervously. “You really think she’ll like it? I know it’s a bit amateur, and not really like the kind of swing you can buy”
“It doesn’t matter: it looks good. No one else will have one like that. We can put it up tonight, and it’ll be a surprise for her in the morning”
Tony squeezed his shoulder. “Let’s find some rope and look up some knots, kiddo”
Putting the swing up took longer than expected, but after a lot of redoing of knots and readjusting of ropes, they got it hanging evenly on the strongest tree, close to the den. 
“There! Done!” Peter said, feeling quite proud of himself.
“You should test it”
“Uh... ok” Peter sat on the swing. It didn’t fall down, which was a good sign.
“Have a swing, then”
Peter shifted awkwardly. “I feel silly”
“Get up a minute”
Peter did. Tony sat on the swing, and pulled Peter onto his lap. 
“Hey! Wait, I don’t want to hurt you!” Peter said, feeling his face flushing.
“You’re not that heavy, kid, don’t worry” Tony said, putting an arm round his waist to keep him there. “Hey, if this thing can hold us two, it can definitely hold Morgan”
“Yeah, I guess so” Peter said.
Peter didn’t dare move. He was actually sat on Tony Stark’s lap. Wow. He felt a little awkward, but, truth be told, he quite liked it. Tony always felt like a safe person to be with, and this was another one of those nice, safe, moments.
“Still, better to test it properly” Tony said, kicking off to put the swing into motion. 
It held up well, which they both suspected it would. It was strong and secure. It felt like any other swing now. Tony gradually brought the swing back to a standstill. 
“I think it’ll be fine” he said, slowly releasing Peter.
Peter got up, and Tony did too. They both looked at the swing. Tony gave Peter a playful punch on the shoulder.
“Good work, kid. Now all I need to do is finish the bike lights, and she’ll be well away”
Peter nodded. “Yeah, cool. Can I help?”
“Sure. You can do all the fiddly boring bits for me”
Tony put an arm round Peter’s shoulders, and lead him back to the house.
Pepper watched Morgan riding her bike around with flowers lighting up on the wheels, and turned to Tony.
“You spoil her, you know”
“Well, what can I say? I’ve always been good with the ladies” 
“You’re an idiot” Pepper said, kissing him gently. “It does look good, I’ll give you that”
“She likes it. That’s all that matters”
“How long did it take?”
“A few hours” Tony shrugged. “Peter did the fiddly bits for me, otherwise it would’ve been longer”
Tony sat on the new swing, Morgan on his lap, kicking against the floor to keep the swing going.
“You can go pretty high on these things once you know how” Tony said. 
“What if I go too high and go right over the branch?”
“I don’t think there’s too much risk of that” Tony said, resting his head against hers. “You don’t have to go high if it scares you. You can swing just how you like”
“It’s a good swing” Morgan said.
“Yeah, Peter’s done well”
“I like the heart he drew. And the little message”
“Cute, right?”
“He’s my friend” Morgan said, putting her hands over her fathers. “But you’re my friend more”
Tony paused, and kissed her on the temple. “You’re my friend too”
Morgan craned her head to look at him. “Best friends?”
Tony smiled. “The best friends ever”
Peter felt like Tony’s plans for the arm support had been put on the back burner, so it was a bit of a surprise when Tony laid the blueprints out in front of him at the work bench that evening. 
“So, this is where we got to the other night. And this is where I got to while you were with Pepper” he produced the 3D printed skeleton of the support they’d designed. “I’ve been tweaking it, but it’s still fitted to you, not me. Here”
Peter took it, looking it over. it was a lot lighter than it looked. It looked a little funny, but it looked smooth, sleek, almost like a finished product. As he looked closer, he could see evidence of the electrics and adjustments Tony had made. 
“Stick it on. You’ll be able to tell me what it’s like. Morgan put it on but it was too big for her, of course. She said it looked cool anyway, so that’s high praise” he said. “Go on, put it on. Tell me how it feels”
“Is it switched on?”
“Just squeeze that bit at the back of the wrist. I’ll make it an auto thing later, but this is just the prototype, so it’s just a button” 
Peter squeezed it, feeling the button click, and then slipped it onto his hand. It felt a lot better than the gauntlet. It was light, and more comfortable. The bit near the inner elbow cut in a bit, but it didn’t seem like anything that couldn’t be easily fixed.
“Well, move your hand about a bit, then” Tony said, getting a little impatient.
Peter did as he was asked, moving his wrists, moving his thumb and each finger individually, clenching and unclenching his fists, pinching his fingers together and crossing them. The resistance on the gauntlet version had been very obvious and distracting, but it was so much better on this. He could feel the support, feel the aid in moving and stabilising his fingers, especially when using pincer grip, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It did judder a little bit in places, probably due to it being a rush job, but it felt good. Promising. 
Peter relayed all of this feedback to Tony, and Tony’s lips twitched, and he soon smiled.
“We’re on the right track, kiddo” he said. “We’ll tune it up, and then we’ll practice with strength and stuff before we make one for me, ok?”
“Well, ok, but... I don’t think we can test strength with me”
“Right, why not?”
“Well, uh... With all due respect, Mr Stark, I’m not the one who can’t heavy lift with one hand”
Tony was quiet for a moment. “Ok, good point. Well, we can fine tune all the rest of it on you, and then we’ll work on the strength when we’ve made one to fit me”
Peter nodded. “Sorry”
“Don’t be: you’re not wrong. Anyway, just show me where it needs adjusting by the elbow. We can sort that first, and then we’ll start on the inner mechanisms. I might need to use your hands for some of it”
“Ok. So, just this bit here? And maybe take some of the like, lines? Lines, yeah, from over the elbow bone, and like, just have it as a loop over the outlines, maybe with a band round that bit of the upper arm, if you need extra support to keep it on. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, I get you. What do you think for the colour, anyway? Should we try to make a clear or flesh tone one?”
Peter thought for a moment. “Flesh tone would look weird, and I don’t think you could make a clear one: it’d just show all the inner workings. I think the black looks fine. I mean, as long as it works, that’s the main bit, right? I don’t think it matters if it’s noticeable. Lots of mobility aids are...”
“Yeah, ok, we’ll stick with the black. So, sounds like it’s working already, so that’s a good sign. I think we can get this prototype done tonight, and we’ll start on mine tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
“Ambitious” Peter said. “But considering you managed to get all of this done in like, three hours, I think it’s doable, especially with two of us” 
“Good answer. Right, just a second” he went out to the kitchen, returning hardly a minute later and handing a litre bottle of pop to Peter, and keeping another for himself. “Ok, stick the stereo on, and let’s get to work”
‘Ambitious but doable’ ended up being the correct assumption. It was hard going, and sometimes Peter found it hard explaining the issues to be fixed properly, but the music in the background helped then along in calm workmanship, and eventually, the prototype was finished. They both looked at the plastic mesh, Peter flexing his arm and testing it again. 
“You know, once you’re used to it, it looks kinda cool” he said. “Shall I try the weights again?”
“Sure” Tony said.
Peter spent a little while messing with the dumbbells. Even though he didn’t have the weakness that Tony had, they’d worked out that there was a definite difference between lifting heavy objects with and without the support of the prototype, and they thought it was a fairly good basis for working out strength. 
“I think that’s enough testing” Tony said.
Peter put the dumbbells down. “Well, you were right in saying it could be finished tonight”
“Yeah, I was, wasn’t I?” he put an arm round the boys shoulders, and couldn’t help but laugh happily. “We’ve done it, kiddo! We’re another step - no, another leap - closer to fixing my bad arm! I’ll be back to my old self before you know it”
Peter still agreed with Pepper; that maybe this support wasn’t the best way to go, and that maybe Tony should just focus on his physio and on his family, but he couldn’t very well tell him that, and he certainly couldn’t shoot him down in his moment of triumph. So, he just grinned at him.
“It’s a pretty cool thing! I’m kinda, well, I’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out”
“You should be proud, kiddo. Couldn’t’ve done it without you” Tony gave him a quick squeeze. “Ok, it’s late, and I’ve got a feeling my lovely wife might like some company. Let’s call it a night in here”
“Ok, yeah, it’s getting pretty late” Peter said, slipping the prototype off his arm and putting it back into it’s lockable box. “I don’t think I could work much more tonight”
“It’s been a long one. Why don’t you head on up to bed? Can’t have you burning out” Tony said. 
“That does sound pretty tempting. Thanks, Mr Stark”
“Still always so formal” Tony said, shaking his head fondly. “Go on, then. Goodnight, kiddo” 
“Goodnight. See you in the morning”
Tony was in good spirits all day, arguably the best he’d been in since getting out of hospital. They all had a good day, and that evening, after Morgan had gone to bed, Peter had finished talking to May on the phone, and Pepper had settled in front of the telly with a glass of wine, Tony grabbed the boy and took him back to the workbench. 
“Right, let’s resize this digital blueprint and get my support done, ok?”
“Ok. Did you make notes of all the fixings and stuff?”
“Yeah, I uploaded everything onto this file, and scribbled a bunch of notes after you’d gone to bed last night. Barely took a minute. Right”
Peter watched Tony playing with the projected blueprint, sizing it to his own arm and adjusting it where necessary. It didn’t take him too long to perfect the sizing, and send it to the 3D printer.
“Ok” Tony said, sitting back while it was printing, and grabbing a notebook. “We’ve worked out all the mechanisms, all the fixings, so we know exactly what we’re doing. Here, take this list, get out everything we need”
“Sure thing, Mr Stark” 
Peter obediently took the list, reading it over.
“Um, Mr Stark?”
“Can we put some music on? It’s easier to concentrate with background music”
Tony smiled. “Sure thing, kiddo. I’ve got something you’ll like”
Peter looked at him. They never really talked about music. The only thing Peter could remember telling him in the last few weeks was that he’d recently gotten into Elton John. Tony pressed play on his music - and it was obvious he’d remembered what Peter had said.
Hey kids, shake it loose together The spotlight's hitting something That's been known to change the weather, We'll kill the fatted calf tonight So stick around, You're gonna hear electric music Solid walls of sound
Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet Oooh but they're so spaced out, B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets, Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful Oh Bennie she's really keen
She's got electric boots, a mohair suit You know I read it in a magazine, B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets
Peter felt good. Tony was happy - or at least if not truly happy, then at least contented, and hopeful. Peter went and made them both a mug of coffee while the 3D printer was still working away, but they barely had a few mouthfuls before both mugs were left to go cold. 
Tony was right: they knew what they were doing now. The guesswork was gone out of it. Peter wore the prototype, just because it felt like the right thing to do. They worked together on each part of the plastic webbing, installing everything exactly as it had been on the prototype. It was incredibly complex doing all the electrics from scratch, and Peter was glad he didn’t have to do it alone, as it felt like it was way above his skill level. Tony saw his hesitation, and kept encouraging him, demonstrating some of it, talking him through everything and congratulating every completed section. 
Even with Tony’s instruction and Peter’s dexterity, it took a good hour and three-quarters to finish, but at least it was done. Peter pieced together the sections of the support, and then stayed with it in his hands, touching the inner supports and the smooth plastic. He looked up at Tony, and carefully held it out to him.
“It’ll work” Peter said, seeing his hesitation. “Mine works, and it’s just the prototype. This one will be fine too. And if it’s not, you can always blame me”
Tony laughed slightly. “You’re a funny kid, you know”
“Yeah, you say that a lot”
Tony smiled at him, took the support from him, and slipped it onto his arm. He adjusted it a little, making it sit properly. He clenched and unclenched his fist. It didn’t feel any different. It was still an effort, and it still felt juddery and funny. He frowned, and Peter carefully reached across, squeezing the button at the wrist of the support to turn it on. 
“I’ll get that sensor put in some time” Tony said, choosing to laugh at himself for forgetting something so simple. “Ok, moment of truth”
He took a deep breath, and clenched his fist again. He paused, unclenched his fist, spread his fingers, crossed them over each other, tapped his finger tips against his thumb. It felt a bit weird - but effortless. He straightened his arm, and bent it again. It was... fine. It wasn’t a huge effort. He could feel the supports of the aid working, and he was grateful that he could. It definitely worked. He just had a couple more things to test.
“Hey, Pete?” he said. “Do me a favour: go and get a plate and a bag of Skittles out of the cupboard in the kitchen”
“Morgan won’t be happy” 
“We’ll get her more. This is important”
“Ok” Peter went and got the Skittles and plate, and went back to Tony.
“Good. Right, I need to test something”
“Pincer grip?” Peter guessed, opening the Skittles and pouring them onto the plate.
“Exactly. It’s been very hit and miss since that whole infinity gauntlet business” Tony said. “And much more miss than hit. You’ve probably noticed”
“Yeah...” Peter watched him for a little while. “How does it feel?”
“It’s funny, because as much as I hate the whole thing, I must’ve gotten used to having a knackered arm” he said. “This feels weird, but it feels like - well, I think it’ll take some getting used to... Pass me one of those dumbbells”
Peter wasn’t so sure. Still, he did as he was asked, carefully choosing one of the lighter ones. Tony shook his head.
“No, give me one of the heavier ones”
“Are you sure that-”
“Do as you’re told”
He sounded so much like a dad that Peter was visibly taken aback. He picked up one of the heavier dumbbells, and put it in Tony’s right hand.
“You can let go now, kiddo. I’ve got this”
Peter bit his lower lip, and let go. Tony held the dumbbell for a while, turning his wrist, and then doing a slow bicep curl. He held the weight by his shoulder for a moment, and then lowered it. He managed a few quicker, controlled curls with ease, and he started laughing.
“It works! Oh god, it actually works! We’ve done it!” he grinned at Peter. “It works!”
Peter didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet. Tony put the weight down on the workbench, and stood up.
“It works!” he repeated, throwing his arms round Peter. “I knew we could do it! I said you’d help fix me, and you have! We’ve done it!”
Peter hugged him back, suddenly hit with the realisation. “So it feels ok?”
“It feels great!” Tony held him at arms length. “This is- oh my god, I don’t even know what to say! It’s always felt like such a hopeless concept, but now here we are, and it works, and I can pick up Skittles without having to concentrate for all I’m worth, and I can lift weights without my arm giving out! Oh god, this is just- I need to tell Pepper! Pepper!!!”
He let go of Peter, rushing off to find Pepper, and knocking over a mug of cold coffee as he did so. Peter stood there for a moment, not sure what to do, but opting for cleaning up instead of following Tony. He didn’t want to get in the way.
When Peter went through to the living room, Tony was still rambling excitedly to Pepper, demonstrating his new artificial strength and dexterity for her. He was trembling, his eyes watering with the adrenaline and happiness and pure relief of this triumph. Pepper had turned the telly off, giving him her undivided attention, sharing in his glory, asking him questions and trying not to let her own relief get out of hand. Maybe her relief was for a different reason, but it was there nevertheless - and seeing her husband smiling like he was had turned into such a rare occurrence, and it was simply beautiful to see.
Tony grinned at Peter as he cautiously approached.
“This is your work as well as mine, kiddo! You should be proud. I’m proud, I’m proud of us, I’m proud of you! Come here, I bet I can pick you up now!”
“Umm, we haven’t really modified the strength for you properly yet” Peter said, stepping closer. “Shouldn’t we stick with weights for a while?”
“When did this kid get so serious?” Tony said, smiling at Pepper. “Let’s give it a go. Humour me, right?”
“I’m still not sure” Peter said, but Tony’s smile was infectious, and he couldn’t help smiling too.
“Right, good. So, your legs are obviously gonna be the lighter bit, so I want them over my left arm, so stand this way, and-”
“Mr Stark, w-”
“Shush, ok, let’s do this”
“Tony” Pepper said, smiling at him. “Don’t overdo it”
“It’s be out of character if I didn’t” Tony said, and before anyone could protest further, he scooped Peter off the ground, bridal-style.
For half a second there, it was fine. But then Tony’s bad arm gave out, and as he was still holding onto the boy, he fell with him. Pepper winced as they crashed onto the living room floor, landing in a heap. Peter shook his head, as though shaking the shock of the situation off.
“Mr Stark, are you ok?!”
“I’m fine, kiddo” Tony said, pushing himself up and sitting back on his heels. He grinned at Peter, and at Pepper. “I’m good. Ok, so we need to sort out and work on the strength, but we’re getting there!”
“I told you not to overdo it” Pepper said, and she knelt in front of him on the floor and kissed him hard.
Peter made a point of turning his head away while they kissed. It was a proper kiss, too: a proper film-star, madly-in-love, kiss. They held onto each other, and Pepper could feel the strength in Tony’s right hand. His aid - support, prosthetic, whatever it was - it worked. Maybe it wasn’t perfect yet, but it worked. Tony needed that: not just for his arm, but for his peace of mind. It was another step closer to recovery. It wasn’t conventional, but that didn’t matter.
“We’ve got an audience, remember” Pepper said, after slowly breaking the kiss.
“You make it easy to forget” Tony smiled, his eyes glowing with love as he looked at her. 
Pepper smiled and shook her head, looking at Peter.
“You ok there?”
Peter nodded. “I’m fine”
“Hey, what’s up?” Tony said, noticing how he was cradling his arm.
“Hm? Oh... Uh, you kinda landed on my wrist. It’s fine though!” he quickly added.
“Let me see” Tony carefully took hold of him, and Peter sucked his breath. “Sorry, kiddo”
“It’s nothing, honestly”
“Wiggle your fingers for me... Now move your wrist, like, in a circle” Tony told him. “Ok, well, it might hurt, but it’s not broken”
“Yeah, I said it was fine” Peter said, trying to smile reassuringly. “I’m fine”
“We should still get you some ice” Pepper said, giving his shoulder a squeeze.
“Pep’s right, kiddo. Come on, kitchen. Don’t worry; I won’t try to carry you this time”
Peter couldn’t help laughing, and Pepper did too. He was still the same old Tony, no matter what.
Tony made them all a drink and they spent a good while sat at the kitchen table. Peter didn’t seem phased by the ice pack around his wrist, and continued to smile.
“So, have you got a name for it?” Pepper asked. “This whole mixing between aid, support, thing, or whatever, is getting a bit confusing even for me”
“You know, I was so busy making it, I didn’t even think about names” Tony said. “Any ideas, kid?”
“Umm... I’ll have to have a think” Peter said. “It does need a name though, I agree with that. I keep getting mixed up with what to call it as well”
Tony laughed slightly. “Right, let’s have a think. See if we can find something that means something”
They were all quiet for a few moments, sipping their drinks and thinking.
“A.S?” Pepper suggested, not sounding overly convinced with the idea.
“Simple enough” Tony said. “Could work. Kid, what have you got?”
“I’ll be honest, the only thing coming to mind is ‘handy gadget’, and I don’t think that’s so great”
Tony and Pepper laughed at him, shaking their heads.
“I think it needs a name with meaning, even if it’s not necessarily descriptive like A.S would be” Tony said. 
“Newbie?” Peter said awkwardly. “Signifying a new start?”
“It’s a decent idea: I can see where you’re coming from. I think you should have a say, anyway: you came up with the webbing design, and we built it together. We got to this point together...”
They all went quiet again. They’d left the music playing in the other room, and part of a song drifted through the door. 
And if there comes a time, Guns and gates no longer hold you in, And if you're free to make a choice, Just look towards the west and find a friend
Tony and Peter looked at each other, and as their eyes met, they both knew exactly what the other was thinking. Pepper looked at them.
“What?” she said.
“We know what to call the arm support thing” Tony said. 
“Oh. What?”
Peter and Tony smiled at each other.
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kaienmoved · 6 years
coming to terms
read on ao3?
this is my first ok ko fic and im really proud of it. its about dendy coming out as agender :0c i hope i got everyone in character.
KO’s feet plopped on the ground as he speed walks to his class. His mind raced and his face was full to the brim with excitement as he awaited to meet his best friend in class. He swung open the door to Miss Quantum’s classroom and immediately waved for his best friend, Dendy, who sat across the room. She looked up from a paper she was reading and waved back at KO, her v shaped smile on her lips. KO quickly went to the side of the classroom and put his bag in a cubby, taking out a binder and a small composition notebook. He sped over to Dendy’s desk and dropped his binder onto it, tossing his notebook onto the desk in front of hers.
“Hi Dendy! How are you today?” He said, grabbing the legs of his chair and turned it around to face the front of her desk..
“Oh, currently I am fine. Except for one thing.”
"What’s wrong?” KO stopped as he was trying to climb up onto his chair, one knee resting on the seat.
“Well..” She rubbed her neck as she tried to gather her words. “I do not know how to properly say this but, something does not feel right.”
“W-Whaddya mean?” KO tilted his head to the side before turning it up right, stepping back onto the ground.
“I mean that there is something wrong with me.” Dendy said, slipping off of her chair to stand in front of her friend.
“Are you sick? We HAVE to go to the nurse if you’re not feeling well!” KO grabbed Dendy’s hand and turned around. He bolted towards the door, though not making any distance as Dendy would not budge.
She sighed. “That is not what I mean.” She sat back on her chair, and KO sat on his. He folded his arms and rested his face on them as he leaned on Dendy’s table. “KO, what are you?”
KO’s eyebrows wrinkled slightly in confusion. His eyes jumped around as he thought Dendy’s question. “Well, I’m… me!" He had no idea what she was asking. KO is KO, what else could he be?
Dendy shook her head. “No no. What are you?”
“A hero…?”
She stared at him with unamused, half lidded eyes.
“A…..boy…?” His voice strained as he wasn’t sure what answer Dendy was looking for.
“Yes! Exactly. You are a boy. And what am I?”
“A girl?”
“Yes, and that is where I believe we are both wrong. What everyone deems as a boy and a girl is something I-”
The door to the classroom whipped open, slamming into the wall as their teacher stormed in.
KO squeaked, grabbing under the seat of his chair. He crouched in his chair and sprung himself up, causing the chair to jump off the ground. While it was above the floor, he managed to swing the entire chair around so it was facing his desk. The legs made a loud clunk as it resurfaced with the floor, and proceeded to make low scraping noises as KO scooted forward to meet his desk.
He stood on the seat of his chair and turned around to face Dendy, holding out his arms as his hands were motionining to his binder.
She stared for a moment looking between KO'S hands and his binder, before realizing what he was asking for. Dendy handed his binder full of Pow Cards back to him which he quickly took and shoved in his desk.
“Good morning class, did you all do your homework?” Their teacher said enigmatically.
There was a very brief silence before some students lowly said, “Yes… Miss Quantum…” Some snickered at the fact that most of the class had not done their homework again.
Miss Quantum stood at her desk, one hand on the tabletop and the other on her waist.
“Take out your homework and show me what you've done.” She said, a slightly irritated tone in her voice.
KO opened his notebook, getting more anxious as Miss Quantum went up his row, drawing closer.
Ooooh..!! Miss Quantum never starts on this side of the room! I know I did my homework but what if she's not impressed! She's never impressed, what do I do?! I wish I were as smart as Dendy..!
He was too caught up in his thoughts to even realize that his teacher was already at his table, looking at his notebook. A quick noise of fear popped out of him when he noticed her in front of him. She glanced down at KO for a second, who was holding a painfully awkward smile. Quantum’s gaze returned to his notebook. What was inside was a mess of work and bad handwriting. There were some drawings in crayon strewn around all of his work.
She dropped his notebook back onto his desk and said nothing as she moved to Dendy’s desk. Her notebook was already open and filled with slightly messy handwriting but organized notes. Miss Quantum quickly just looked at it from the desk and moved on.
After about a minute of waiting for Miss Quantum to go to the next aisle of desks over, KO turned his head to look at Dendy.
“What were you saying earlier? Are you trying to tell me that you're not a girl?” He tried to whisper, though the class was relatively silent. “If you're not then I-”
“Stop. Talking.” Miss Quantum said from across the room.
KO sulked and turned to face the board again. Their teacher returned to the front and pulled down the projector screen from the top of the whiteboard. She turned on a video and sat down at her desk.
“Take notes, no talking, yada yada yada.”
The students watched the video like zombies, it was talking about dirt or something. Worms. No one really cared. KO bent over the back of his chair to look at Dendy upside down.
“Hey, pleeeaaaase finish what you were saying!”
“KO.” Miss Quantum glared at him before going through her papers again.
He groaned and sat up properly. He flipped to a blank page and scribbled at little something on it. He tore it out of his book which made a horribly loud sound, and the sound made him shiver.
Regardless, KO did not stop. He turned around and leaned over on his chair and tried to hand the note to Dendy. She was shaking her head no and was looking back and forth between KO and to the right of him.
A gloved hand firmly grabbed his wrist. His heart jumped as he looked up at his teacher, who was visibly irritated.
KO was stood on the edge of the detention/suspension balcony bound with rope. The end was tied onto a hook in the ground. It looked like it could come loose at any moment.
“Any last words?”
“Dendy! I'm so sorry! I should've waited until class to talk to you! Or maybe even during a partner exercise!”
“KO, it's okay! We can talk after school!”
Miss Quantum pushed him over the ledge. The two yelled each other's names as their voices both faded out.
KO stopped falling abruptly as the rope caught him. His body hung upside down and slapped into another person.
The student yelped and looked at the newcomer. She was a purple bear with two poofy buns on the side of her head as well as a pink hat and glasses.
“Oh! You're Bu-.. Ba- Boo Boo!” KO said.
“Right, sorry! ….How long have you been down here?”
“About a week.”
“Do they feed you…?”
“Yeah, they have to!”
A long silence grew between the two.
“At least there's no homework.” She said.
KO was half unconscious, half asleep by the time school was over from all the blood rushing to his head. He felt something cold and metallic prodding his face.
He opened his eyes and saw Dendy upside down. Four metallic legs extruded from her backpack and held her sturdy on the side of their elementary school.
“KO, I am here to rescue you. Miss Quantum has left and I believe she forgot to untie you. Possibly purposely. I am about to cut you from this rope.”
She turned to Bobo.  “Do you want to be cut free as well?
“Nah.. I think I'm used to living like this. And I like the view!”
“Very well,” she turned back to KO. “Get ready.”
“W-wai- wait! I'll -!”
She swiftly cut the rope with one of the robotic legs, immediately sending KO plummeting towards the ground. His screams were louder than when he was put on detention.
The ropes around him became loose and flew up off of him. He flipped himself so he was no longer going to hit the ground head first, but instead everything first.
“Do not worry!”
Dendy was right next to him. She quickly grabbed him and held him in her arms as they quickly approached the ground. The mechanic legs once again sprouted out of her bag. All four landed on the ground, the only sounds they made were the impact of hitting the ground and the joints winding around. It hit no bystander exiting the school, though some students did bump into it.
She stepped on the ground and placed KO next to her. The legs went back into her bag with ease.
“I also have your backpack!” She pulled it out from behind her and handed it to him.
“WOW, DENDY WHEN DID YOU MAKE THAT?” He exclaimed, holding his bag with both arms.
“It has been a work in progress of mine for a while. I thought it would be good to experiment creating mechanisms. Oh look, your mother has arrived.”
He gasped. “ Now we can talk to mommy about what you're going through! She knows everything.”
KO ran up to the curb as his mother pulled up in front of him.
“Hey kiddos! Ya bringing Dendy to the plaza today, KO?”
“Yeah but she has some important things to talk about with you! You're smart and know a whole lot, you can help, right?”
“Well, I can try to help but it depends on with what.” She leaned back in her seat to look at Dendy. “But the main question is, do you want my help?”
She nodded. “I just have something I'm confused about.”
“Alrighty, just hop in and we can talk while we're on our way to the plaza.”
KO swung open the back car door and hopped into the left seat, putting his bag between his legs. Dendy climbed into the seat adjacent to KO. They both slipped on the seat belts, it clicking simultaneously.
“Let's go!” Carol said as she pulled out from in front of the school.
“Alright sweetie, what's on your mind?”
Dendy fiddled with her hands as she tried to figure out what to say.
“The only thing I've been thinking about is… I feel like I am not a girl.”
“Can you be a little more specific, hun? Do you feel like a boy? Something else… Something in between?”
“I feel like nothing. All I feel like is myself.”
Carol nodded, thinking. “As I say to KO, you know yourself best. So if you don't feel like a boy or girl or whatever then you shouldn't worry about it too much!”
Dendy smiled. “You're right. Thank you Ms. KO’s mother.”
“Don't worry about it! Now, do you still want to be known as a ‘she’ or something else?”
She hummed, thinking about it.
“For starters, you could start out with ‘they’. It works as a uh.. neutral territory. Heck, maybe you can get more creative. I've met some people who use ‘ze, xim, fae..’ and fancy stuff like that. I don't get it but as long as it works for them, it's fine with me.”
Dendy held up her hand in front of her. “I feel as if ‘they’ will be sufficient for me. It feels right.”
“Okay, Dendy. I'll make sure to remember to refer to you as such.” Carol said, smiling.
“WOW DENDY YOU'RE SO COOL! Coming to terms with yourself so easily, I'm so impressed!”
KO took their hand and waved it around violently out of excitement.
“Ha, KO if there's anything you're confused about, you can talk to me too.” Carol said.
“I know mommy… Hey Dendy, do you want to tell Enid and Rad about this? I think they'd be so proud of you!”
“I'm okay with that.”
Carol's car pulled into the plaza’s parking lot. She removed her keys from it and removed her seatbelt. She turned back to the kids in the back seats.
“If there's anything else like this you're curious to know, I can always tell you. I'll never judge you for anything.” She said to both children.
She pet Dendy's head, and gave KO a big kiss on the cheek.
All three excited the car and Carol waved them goodbye as she headed off to her dojo.
KO and Dendy held each other's hands as they made their way to Gar’s Bodega. The automatic doors opened and they strolled in with ease.
KO waved with his free hand to his co-workers who both sat at the front register. “Hey Enid! Hey Rad!”
“Hey KO. Hey Dendy.” They said simultaneously.
“Dendy has some big news!” He pulled them in front of him.
“What's up Dend?” Enid asked, putting down her phone to look at Dendy.
“Well.. How do I say this..?” They hummed. “I have realized and come to terms with the fact that I do not feel like a girl. I am merely just me.”
“Wow, congrats Dendy.” Rad said, smiling.
“Yeah, congratulations!” Enid said, beaming. She went over and crouched in front of Dendy. “I know how tough and confusing this all can be. It's relieving when you finally figure it out, right?”
They nodded.
“Yep. It was so good realizing that I could be a ninja and a girl.”
KO slid in next to Dendy to look at Enid.
“Wait! So you were a boy when you were born? I can't even tell!”
“Haha, yeah. To be honest that sounds like a compliment to me, KO.”
“I couldn’t tell either, it’s amazing.” Rad said smugly, resting on the top of Enid’s head.
She grabbed his arms and tossed him out the door. “Anyway, Dendy do you want to celebrate? This is a big moment after all.”
“I do.” They said.
KO cheered and jumped up and down while holding onto their shoulders.
“Since we can’t leave the bodega right now, we can raid the shelves for snacks. I don't think Mr. Gar will notice.” She got up and walked over to the snacks aisle, KO running right behind her. Radicles floated past Dendy, face puffed up from the embarrassment.
“NOT cool, E.”
“You had it coming.” She chuckled.
Dendy followed the trio to the snack aisle. They watched how happy they all were, and how proud they were. It made them so happy.
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