#support independent theaters
mai-komagata · 11 months
“Force is that which makes a thing of whoever submits to it. Exercised to the extreme, it makes the human being a thing quite literally, that is, a dead body. Someone was there and, the next moment, no one. [...] 
The force that kills is summary and crude. How much more varied in operation, how much more stunning in effect is that other sort of force, that which does not kill, or rather does not kill just yet. It will kill for a certainty, or it will kill perhaps, or it may merely hang over the being it can kill at any instant; in all cases, it changes the human being into stone. From the power to change a human being into a thing by making him die there comes another power, in its way more momentous, that of making a still living human being into a thing. He is living, he has a soul; he is nonetheless a thing. Strange being—a thing with a soul; strange situation for the soul! Who can say how it must each moment conform itself, twist and contort itself? It was not created to inhabit a thing; when it compels itself to do so, it endures violence through and through.”  ― Simone Weil, War and the Iliad
one movie turns a thing into a soul, another turns souls into things.
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iamnotapalindrome · 2 years
Someone I am very close to is one of the creators of this production. I've been really excited about the script/concept for a long time so I want their Kickstarter to get funded! It essentially uses lycanthropy as a metaphor for depression, but...knowing the person who wrote the script (who is an incredible writer), it's gonna be both dark and hilarious. If you can't donate, please share! And for those not in the local area who wouldn't be able to attend the show in person, if the Kickstarter gets fully funded, they're planning to make a digital copy of it available.
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performing-personhood · 5 months
My friend is a Shakespearean scholar as well as a playwright and has written a play based on his works. (I am like 75% sure they've based it on As You Like It, but they are much smarter than me so I don't know.) It's their second complete play, and hopefully will be the second play to be fully produced.
If you or someone you know is a small theater company that does independent plays based on Shakespeare's works, HIT ME UP and I'll put you in contact.
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kajmasterclass · 10 months
#From Inmate to Entrepreneurshi#Unleashing Your Artistic Potential: Insights from Kevo Aregbe Unleashing Your Artistic Potential: Insights from Kevo Aregbe Kevo is from#Texas and holds an MFA degree. His art ranges from painting to theater production#highlighting racial dynamics and human experiences. He is the director of a non profit for arts#Kevo Arts Studios#and teaches at a college#with over 10 years of experience as the owner of a successful tattoo studio. Additionally#he has a background in Stage plays and film-making#and has written and published several books. His story was even featured on Fox 26 News in a segment called highlighting the journey from i#Kevo Day#April 6th#where he is honored for his value to the Houston community Connect with Kevo here: https://www.artbykevo.com/ ABOUT THE HOST Khudania#content entrepreneur#podcast host#and independent journalist#brings global Masters of Money and Business to his audience through The KAJ Masterclass LIVE. With over 20 years of experience in renowned#Reuters#and Press Trust of India#Ajay now helps his audience succeed through his LIVE Masterclasses. Connect with Ajay: https://linkedin.openinapp.co/kaj Business inquiri#you support our channel at no extra cost. We earn a small commission from each sale#helping us create high-quality content for you. Thank you for your support! Apparel & Clothing: Shop authentic handloom sarees here (Get#Magazines & Podcasting: Connect with top hosts & guests at PodMatch for podcasting success: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/kaj Get Smarte#Youtube
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softceleste · 10 months
Not gonna discuss what I just saw in my local movie theater but actually movie of the year, holy shit. 🥺
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midwestphotography · 1 year
IV and the Strange Band live at The Hook and Ladder Theater in Minneapolis, MN- 11/6/22
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willowparkfanclub · 2 months
this watcher news is so insane to me for lots of reasons but i cant help thinking of starkid. an independent musical theater company that has put all their musical productions on youtube for free for over 15 years. recently, those projects have cost easily over 200k EACH. yet, they keep posting it for free. why? because doing that provides for their fanbase, which supports them monetarily in other ways. they produced 2 musicals back-to-back in summer 2014 to still be able to support the company, and still put them both on youtube. they hit their 250k kickstarter goal in 3 DAYS LAST WEEK. they have tons of prizes and exclusive content that people can get for payment. people willingly give them that money because they are ultimately creating art for all of us to see, for free. it would have made perfect sense for them to stop doing this years ago, but they didn't, because that would go against everything that helped them become as big of a production as they are. imagine if avpm was never released on youtube for free! i guess my point is that there IS a way to make a profit and still release "free" content for the masses. watcher just doesn't seem to want to put the work in for that.
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daffodiline · 2 years
didn't get a summer student job bc i was relying on the fact that i'm gonna work during the school year at the theater but now that i got my schedule i don't think that's gonna be possible.... i'm so so pissed and annoyed why why didn't i get a summer job
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castielreal · 8 months
Go on and watch Nerdy Prudes Must Die on YouTube. Go support independent musical theater. They’re giving you this top quality shit for free!!!! You know you want to.
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sensualnoiree · 4 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.2
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 4th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fourth house of home and family, you are blessed with a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and inner stability. Your home is a source of comfort and sanctuary, providing you with a strong foundation from which to navigate the challenges of life.
Your emotional resilience and stability make you a pillar of strength for your loved ones, and you may find that you are able to offer wise counsel and support during times of difficulty. Your relationship with your mother is particularly close and nurturing, and you may find that she plays a significant role in shaping your values and beliefs.
Family gatherings and traditions hold special significance for you, and you may take great pleasure in creating a warm and welcoming environment for those you hold dear. You have a deep appreciation for the importance of roots and heritage, and you may find that you are drawn to explore your ancestry or preserve family traditions for future generations.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become too attached to the past or overly protective of your emotional boundaries. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to cling to familiar patterns or resist change, even when it is necessary for growth and evolution. Remember to embrace the opportunities for expansion and growth that come from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Overall, Jupiter in the fourth house blesses you with emotional security, familial bonds, and a deep connection to your roots. Embrace the blessings of home and family, and use them as a source of strength and inspiration as you navigate the journey of life.
Jupiter in the 5th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fifth house of creativity and self-expression, you possess a boundless imagination and a zest for life that is truly infectious. Your creative talents are vast and varied, and you may find that you excel in artistic pursuits such as music, theater, or writing.
Your love life is characterized by passion and romance, and you may find that you attract partners who share your love of adventure and excitement. Your children, if you have them, are a source of joy and inspiration, and you may take great pleasure in nurturing their talents and encouraging their dreams.
Creativity and self-expression are central to your sense of identity, and you may find that you are drawn to activities that allow you to express yourself authentically and freely. Whether through artistic endeavors or playful pursuits, you have a natural gift for infusing joy and positivity into everything you do.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to overindulge in pleasure or become overly attached to external validation. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to seek validation and approval from others, rather than finding fulfillment from within. Remember to cultivate a sense of self-worth that is independent of external recognition, and focus on expressing yourself authentically from the heart.
Overall, Jupiter in the fifth house blesses you with creativity, romance, and joyous self-expression. Embrace the blessings of love and creativity, and use them to infuse every aspect of your life with passion, vitality, and purpose.
Jupiter in the 6th House:
With Jupiter gracing your sixth house of health and service, you are blessed with a deep sense of compassion and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. Your work ethic is strong, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to serve others or contribute to the greater good.
Your health tends to be robust, and you may possess a natural talent for healing and holistic living. Whether through physical fitness, dietary choices, or spiritual practices, you have a deep appreciation for the importance of maintaining balance and well-being in all areas of your life.
Your generosity knows no bounds, and you may find that you are constantly seeking opportunities to lend a helping hand or support those in need. Your compassionate nature and strong sense of social responsibility make you a valuable asset to your community, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to advocate for justice and equality.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly self-sacrificing or perfectionistic in your approach to work and service. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to take on too much responsibility or become overly critical of yourself and others. Remember to prioritize self-care and set healthy boundaries, ensuring that you are able to give freely without depleting your own resources.
Overall, Jupiter in the sixth house blesses you with compassion, service, and a deep desire to make a positive impact in the world. Embrace the blessings of health and well-being, and use them to create a brighter, more compassionate world for yourself and those around you.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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genderkoolaid · 2 months
sorry if you've talked about it already, but what is it that makes KOSA's idea of online safety wrong? I don't know much about the bill, what does it intend to do?
What do you think is a good way to protect kids from things like online predators or just seeing things that they shouldn't be seeing? (By which I mean sex and graphic violence, things which you'd need to be 16+ to see in a movie theater so I think it makes sense to not want pre-teens to see it)
From stopkosa.com:
Why is KOSA a bad bill? KOSA uses two methods to “protect” kids, and both of them are awful. First, KOSA would incentivize social media platforms to erase content that could be deemed “inappropriate” for minors. The problem is: there is no consensus on what is inappropriate for minors. All across the country we are seeing how lawmakers are attacking young people’s access to gender affirming healthcare, sex education, birth control, and abortion. Online communities and resources that queer and trans youth depend on as lifelines should not be subject to the whims of the most rightwing extremist powers and we shouldn’t give them another tool to harm marginalized communities.  Second, KOSA would ramp up the online surveillance of all internet users by expanding the use of age verification and parental monitoring tools. Not only are these tools needlessly invasive, they’re a massive safety risk for young people who could be trying to escape domestic violence and abuse.
I’ve heard there’s a new version of KOSA. What’s the deal? The new version of KOSA makes some good changes: narrowing the ability of rightwing attorneys general to weaponize KOSA to target content they don’t like and limiting the problematic “duty of care. However, because the bill is still not content neutral, KOSA still invites the harms that civil rights advocates have warned about. As LGBTQ and reproductive rights groups have said for months, the fundamental problem with KOSA is that its “duty of care” covers content specific aspects of content recommendation systems, and the new changes fail to address that. In fact, personalized recommendation systems are explicitly listed under the definition of a design feature covered by the duty of care in the new version. This means that a future Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could still use KOSA to pressure platforms into automated filtering of important, but controversial topics like LGBTQ issues and abortion, by claiming that algorithmically recommending such content “causes” mental health outcomes that are covered by the duty of care like anxiety and depression. Bans on inclusive books, abortion, and gender affirming healthcare have been passed on exactly that kind of rhetoric in many states recently. And we know that already existing content filtering systems impact content from marginalized creators exponentially more, resulting in discrimination and censorship. It’s also important to remember that algorithmic recommendation includes, for example, showing a user a post from a friend that they follow, since most platforms do not show all users all posts, but curate them in some way. As long as KOSA’s duty of care isn’t content neutral, platforms will be likely to react the same way that they did to the broad liability imposed by SESTA/FOSTA: by engaging in aggressive filtering and suppression of important, and in some cases lifesaving, content.
Why it's bad:
The way it's written (even after being changed, which the website also goes over), it is still possible for this law to be used to restrict things like queer content, discussion of reproductive rights and resources, and sexual education.
It will restrict youth's ability to use the Internet independently, essentially cutting off life support to many vulnerable people who rely on the Internet to learn that they are queer, being abused, disabled, etc.
Better alternatives:
Stop relying on ageist ideas of purity and innocence. When we focus on protecting the "purity" of youth, we dehumanize them and it becomes more about soothing adult anxieties than actually improving the lives of children.
Making sure content (sexual, violent, etc.) is marked/tagged and made avoidable for anyone who doesn't want to engage with it.
Teach children why certain things may be upsetting and how best to avoid those things.
Teach children how to recognize grooming and abuse and empower them to stop it themselves.
Teach children how to recognize fear, discomfort, trauma, and how to cope with those experiences.
The Internet makes a great boogeyman. But the idea that it is uniquely corrupting the Pure Innocent Youth relies on the idea that all children are middle-class suburban White kids from otherwise happy homes. What about the children who see police brutality on their front lawns, against their family members? How are we protecting them from being traumatized? Or children who are seeing and experiencing physical and sexual violence in their own homes, by the parents who prevent them from realizing what's happening by restricting their Internet usage? How does strengthening parent's rights stop those kids from being groomed? Or the kids who grow up in evangelical Christian homes and are given graphic descriptions of the horrors of the Apocalypse and told if they ever question their parents, they'll be left behind?
Children live in the same world we do. There are children who are already intimately aware of violence and "adult" topics because of their lived experiences. Actually protecting children means being concerned about THEIR human rights, it means empowering them to save themselves, it means giving them the tools to understand their own feelings and traumas. KOSA is just another in a long line of attempts to "save the children!" by dehumanizing them and giving more power to the people most likely to abuse them. We need to stop trying to protect children's "innocence" and appreciate that children are already growing, changing people, learning to deal with discomfort and pain and the weight of the world the same as everyone else. What people often think keeps kids safe really just keeps them ignorant and quiet.
Another explanation as to why it's bad:
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
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Jenny Jugo (Victoria in Dover, A hopeless Case, Our Miss Doctor)—I just love her! She was an Austrian actress during the 20s & 30s & 40s who was among the big UFA stars. She was beautiful but still appeared to be natural and likeable. Often she played witty, smart, independent and confident (for the time) modern women both in silent and in talking movies. For example in one movie she's a maths teacher who has to prove herself to her male colleagues who doubt she is actually good at mathematics. And she ends up not only being successful at teaching the high-school graduates but even getting to lecture mathematics at university afterwards. (Our Miss Doctor) Or in A Hopeless Case she plays a young woman who is very superficial and spoilt at first but then decides against marrying the good situated man her father wants her to marry and instead is dedicated to successfully study medicine although everyone advises her to stop. She's really a great actress who I always enjoyed seeing in movies ever since I was a child. (Also she always appeared to have thick curly hair which was a great representation for little curly haired me because in movies you rarely see women with that hair type being considered beautiful as well.)
Mary Pickford (Coquette, Tess of the Storm Country)—"America’s Sweetheart”, “Queen of Hollywood”, her and Douglas Fairbanks were the og it couple, owned her own movie studio, had both a drink and a hairstyle named after her
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Jenny Jugo:
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Mary Pickford:
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She was a pioneer in early cinema! She acted, wrote, and produced numerous films and was one of the founders of the United Artists film studio, along with Charlie Chaplin and her husband, Doug Fairbanks. At the height of her career in the 1920s there was nobody more famous. She was widely known as "America's Sweetheart." She won an Oscar in 1929 for her performance in Coquette (1929) and then a lifetime achievement Oscar in 1979.
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She was an absolute pioneer in the very early days of feature films. She co-founded United artists and managed her career brilliantly.
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Mary Pickford wasn't just a silent star, she was a huge historical figure for film. I really cannot emphasize how involved she was in creating and shaping the film world. She was completely passionate about the theater world (from a young age!) and still revered even after she lost relevance. Her tenacity, her beauty, and her intelligence is what made her the first actress labeled as "America's Sweetheart." She just has this glow, a wonderful sweet disposition, and warm heart. She often introduced other women to motion picture and helped them showcase their talent. She was an astute business woman, although when asked about this she said "Well you know this business angle is much exaggerated, because most people don't expect much sense of a woman 5 feet tall. If I were 5 feet 8 they would say I was a very poor business woman!" She was friends with Amelia Earheart and had terrible luck in love. Please just learn about or give thought to my sad small sweet girl.
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starsworldd · 1 year
✿ 𝟴𝘁𝗵, 𝟵𝘁𝗵, 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝟭𝟬𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗽𝘁. 𝟯) ✿
• reminder to go listen to domino 1 by iamsagsssssss :> ⭐️
• once again, thank you so much for the support!! ⭐️
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saggitarius rising: 👾
❖ cancer 8th house - family may have been a cause of concern for you. maybe there’s lots of secrets or taboos in your family. the past and your childhood are difficult things for you to confront as well. you may be scared to feel the range of your emotions and may often keep them repressed because you somehow fear them possibly.
❖ leo 9th house - a way to help you with these problems is to foster your own creativity. you may find that your own personal discoveries are found through things like singing, dancing, theater, etc… not being afriad to express yourself is your way of making the most out of your transformations :))
❖ virgo 10th house - you’re known as someone who puts their best into the daily grind. with both luminaries in the 8th and 9th houses, your healing journey reflects both aspects of the ego and that’s not an easy journey to go through! but nonetheless, your potential lies in inspiring others how to reinvent their routines to match their best self. from dealing with familial/emotional struggles (cancer 8th house) to establishing your own separate independence and smarts because of those struggles (virgo 10th house) <3
capricorn rising: ⚡️
❖ leo 8th house - someone who may be afraid of the spotlight. music, dance, creativity in general is your superpower and is very transformative for you. you may have been afraid to show your talents or might have gotten a lot of backlash for sharing them. self-expression wasn’t always easy for you </3
❖ virgo 9th house - to escape this, you work on your skill set. someone who practices their talents or trains how they want to express themselves on a public level to some degree. applying your skills in a helpful way is what helps you heal and sets you free!
❖ libra 10th house - because you’ve established yourself as someone dedicated to their craft, people love you. people admire your hard work and you inspire others to work hard as well. you come off as someone who knows the balance between having fun and being able to do difficult tasks. pretty similar to scorpio rising in the sense that you went from someone who was scared to show off your creativity and fun side (leo 8th) to someone who is loved and admired by others for your work (libra 10th)
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aquarius rising: 🫧
❖ virgo 8th house - practicing your skills is what sets you apart. you may have been shamed for the type of service you do, or the way you live your life in general. you could be afraid or may seem reluctant to transforming your daily routines and jobs. what you practice for a job or for a hobby could be shamed upon by others.
❖ libra 9th house - your way of escaping this torment is to be a diplomat. you find self-discovery through friendships and making in-depth connections with others (could also be romantic ;>). making connections with people outside of your circle sets you free and maybe creating businesses or some sort of monetary partnership with them is also possible.
❖ scorpio 10th house - with great power, comes great responsibility. people are jealous of how well-liked you are by others, or they’re just jealous of your skills and smarts. you inspire others to make use of their skill sets and talents amongst others and to find power within each ourselves. in my opinion, this rising has one of the most distinct setup of houses out of the rising signs, of course each sign has a unique flair to their setup though. for being shamed to your work ethic and skills (virgo 8th) to becoming someone of great power and status (scorpio 10th).
pisces rising: 💫
❖ libra 8th house - you may have had trouble with your relationships or friendships. people shame you for the way you make connections with others, your charm. accessing venusian subjects such as romance, music, etc.. we’re very transformative for you and you could possibly profit off of it. someone who doesn’t like to be tied down by their connections.
❖ scorpio 9th house - you reinvent yourself in order to escape these painful experiences with others. it’s kind of ironic how in the house of the heavens you have to go down to hell to find your own heaven. facing your fears and own personal struggles is what sets you free. this definitely isn’t easy, but it is what will gain you greater freedom. your belief systems and faith could all be about about transformation (and maybe they themselves change a lot as well)
❖ saggitarius 10th house - after going through all the pain, you’re someone who spreads the optimism and perseverance that people need in order to get through life. you spread your wisdom amongst others and come off as someone who is wise as well. you inspire people because you project an image of happiness even though you’ve been through so much. from fearing personal connections (libra 8th house) to someone who isn’t afraid to give in-depth knowledge to others at large (saggitarius 10th house)
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✿ hope you enjoyed! let me know what you want me to post next :> ✿
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beefcake-penguin · 3 months
So... this post is going to be quite different from my usual "blorbo-posting" and fandom related shenanigans, but I really want to put this out there, make my position clear, and maybe alert others who haven't heard this unfortunate news yet.
I am an avid horror film fan. I am always seeking out any and every new release. So I was eagerly anticipating getting to see Late Night with the Devil when it came out today.
Unfortunately, now that the film's creators themselves have confirmed that A.I. art was used within the film, I absolutely will not be supporting this movie.
It's hugely disappointing to me that a movie - and an independent movie at that! - would resort to using generative A.I. in this manner and I'm appalled at the creators of the film for doing this.
And I've already seen the bandwagon counter-arguments on reddit, so let me be clear: I don't care how "minor" the presence of the art is in the film. I care that this was done at all. These are the types of "baby-steps" that have led to A.I. being such a prolific cancer already. For it to infiltrate actual, studio-funded and released films, now?! That's too far. And for the argument of "Oh, its presence in the film is so small! It's really not that big of a deal!" I would respond that commissioning/hiring an artist to create something so "small" wouldn't have been a big deal in the grand scheme of the film's production budget, and would have been a HUGE deal for that lucky artist to get their work to be shown in a feature film. And it also wouldn't have supported the blatant art theft that is generative A.I., so that's a pretty big deal too.
Another response I'm seeing is: "How sad these people [aka: people like me who refuse to support the film in theaters because of this shit] are going to refuse to see this great film over something so minor!" To which I would say: I'm upset too, to be quite honest. I'm upset that greed and laziness in such a "minor" part of this film is going to keep me from seeing a movie that - for all intents and purposes - looks like a lot of passion was put into from the cast and crew and really looks like a horror film that would be right up my alley. But it is more important for me to stand on this principle: I absolutely refuse to support any project that contains ANY use of A.I., no matter how "insignificant" it might be. Because of course it will start small. A title card here, a poster in the background of a scene there. But is it "insignificant" or "small" to the artists whose work this A.I. is scrapping to generate its images? No, and you can be certain that it will also not be a "small" matter to other studios that see this and think that they can incorporate this abhorent technology into their films as well. A "minor" use of A.I. is a slippery fucking slope and it is NOT one that I will support or encourage.
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midwestphotography · 1 year
Pleasure Horse live at The Hook and Ladder Theater in Minneapolis, MN- 11/6/22
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satoshi-mochida · 5 months
Revue Starlight: El Dorado launches August 8
Gematsu Source
(Possible spoilers for Revue Starlight below)
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Visual novel Revue Starlight: El Dorado will launch for Switch and PC via Steam on August 8, publisher Bushiroad Games and developer Frontwing announced. It will support English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese language options.
In Japan, it will be priced at 3,980 yen for the physical standard edition, 14,980 yen for the Starlight Edition, and 39,800 yen for the Super Starlight Edition. The digital standard edition will cost 3,300 yen on Switch, with the PC price still to be determined.
The contents of each edition are as follows:
Standard Edition
A copy of the game
Weiβ Schwarz PR card
Raffle ticket for the stage to be performed in November 2024
Starlight Edition
A copy of the game
Blu-ray disc of Revue Starlight Re LIVE Reading Theatre Part 4 El Dorado – Includes performances of the reading stage performed on December 16 and 17
Weiβ Schwarz PR card
Raffle ticket for the stage to be performed in November 2024
Super Starlight Edition (limited to 999 copies, sold via Bushiroad Online Store raffles)
A copy of the game
Copy of original drawings with serial numbers
Blu-ray disc of Revue Starlight Re LIVE Reading Theatre Part 4 El Dorado – Includes performances of the reading stage performed on December 16 and 17
Weiβ Schwarz PR card
Raffle ticket for the stage to be performed in November 2024
And here is an overview of the game, via its official website:
The vast ocean sings to me. I must go and conquer it! Our last summer at Seisho Music Academy… With the 101st Seisho Festival “Starlight” coming up, we the students of the 99th class take up the challenge to perform “El Dorado,” an oceanic epic that Japan is proud of, for our summer performance. The exiled admiral, Salvatore Guglie. The heir to a royal Spanish family, Alejandro Javier Cavallero Cruz. Who will “we” choose… between the “two protagonists” of this story?
Karen Aijo – “No matter what waters I have to cross, I will… definitely reach you!” A Stage Girl who traded fates with her childhood friend Hikari to “stand on that stage together someday,” after being entranced by the stage play “Starlight” she watched as a child. She gave her all in performing “Starlight” with Hikari, and now begins to walk towards the “next stage” by herself.
Hikari Kagura – “I don’t need destiny or oaths anymore!” A Stage Girl who has loved stage plays since she was a child, and was led into the world of stage plays after watching “Starlight” with Karen. After performing the “fated stage play” with Karen, she has currently returned to studying at London’s Royal Institute of Dramatic Arts. She is striving towards becoming a stage actress while dreaming of the day she reunites with Karen on the stage.
Maya Tendo – “May my revenge shine beautifully as my fuel.” She is the top student at Seisho Music Academy. A thoroughbred, with both parents being prominent figures in the world of theater. Despite overflowing talent in acting, singing, and dancing, she is a proudly independent Stage Girl who has never become conceited and continues to aim to be the best. Aiming to join the New National First Theater Troupe, she imposes strict lessons on herself even today. Maya-sama continues to be Maya-sama even in her third year.
Junna Hoshimi – “I myself emit glimmering lights… A lighthouse star on the Evening Star!” A Stage Girl who keeps taking on stage plays with her vast amount of reading and solid knowledge, she is the most talented girl since the inception of Seisho Music Academy. She was once desperate to catch up with the frontrunners of the scene, but now aims to be a “dazzling protagonist” and sets her eyes far ahead in her own future. She is the former 99th Student Council President of Seisho Music Academy.
Mahiru Tsuyuzaki – “I will decide my own drama… burning myself like the Sun!” Karen and Hikari’s roommate. She is a cheerful Stage Girl with a vast range of expressiveness, and is looked up to by her juniors, but can get extraordinarily scary when angered. She gave Hikari a push of motivation and sent her on her way to share the fated stage play with Karen. She aims to join the New National First Theater Troupe, in order to become a Star who brings smiles to everyone.
Nana Daiba – “I’ll… go slicing for a bit.” She is Junna’s roommate, and at the same time, a Stage Girl with extraordinary talent in both performing and stage creation. She often has the chance to bake together with Mahiru, and she is affectionately nicknamed “Banana.” She loves everyone who helps to create the stage together, and that is the reason why she sometimes shows a ruthless side.
Claudine Saijo – “Thanks to you and my unjustified resentment!” She is a former child actress who has starred in numerous stage plays and movies from a young age. A pure-hearted and highly experienced Stage Girl who knows the ropes of a stage play. Although she honed her skills against Maya as her greatest rival, she returned to her roots in France after graduation and is slated to join a revue in Paris.
Futaba Isurugi – “I don’t want to see a version of you who’s good-mannered and runs neatly!” Unmatched when it comes to sword fights and action. She is a Stage Girl with great expressive power hidden in her small frame. She and Kaoruko have been stuck together since young. They both enrolled in the same school, and she drives them both to and from school on her motorbike. However, she has decided to walk her own path by accepting the challenge of the New National First Theater Troupe, and has entrusted her beloved bike to Kaoruko.
Kaoruko Hanayagi – “A competitive performance between the top stars of the Senka-ryu School and New National… I’d like such a stage play, someday.” The granddaughter of the head of the family that runs the Senka-ryu School of Japanese Dance. After graduation, she returned to Kyoto. She is a Stage Girl who lives a life of history and traditions, and will succeed the name of the 12th Head of Family, “Suisen Hanayagi.” After a huge quarrel, she accepts Futaba’s chosen path and sends her on her way. She is currently considering what to do with the motorbike that Futaba left behind with her, while grumbling that it is “a bother.”
Kiriko Masai and Shion Amemiya – “We are from the Stage Play Creation Program, in 99th Class Group B!” “In order to create an even stronger, even better Position Zero, become even greedier!” From the 99th Class Group B Stage Play Creation Program. Amemiya writes scripts with all her body and soul, while Masai flutters around controlling the stage. The two are also roommates. They stand at the forefront of Group B, having worked on many of the 99th Class’s stage plays, taking on hardships even while clashing and arguing. Before their final summer in the exchange program, they challenge making a stage play with a certain resolve in their hearts.
Judy Knightley – “If you seek a new universe… tear apart your wailing, and overcome the sea of blood!” A Stage Girl who boasts having top grades at London’s Royal Institute of Dramatic Arts, a school that is renowned for being the hardest in the world to get into. With outstanding acting skills and expressiveness that has been lauded even in the British theater world, she is a professional stage actress with a promising future. She has arrived at Seisho Music Academy for an exchange program, and stands in the way of the students in the 99th Class with her overwhelming brilliance.
[Update: Added the opening movie.]
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