#superantural fic
hbo--spn · 1 year
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Every Day, We Find a New Way to Cope ~
Dean finds out something about Sam he never knew before -- Amongst other things.
They stand there, for what feels like forever, while the other waits for someone to make a move. He is waiting for me, Sam realises. Dean won't be the first one to make the move, he wants it to happen, so bad. He would never be the first one to make that choice, Dean wanted to drag Sam down to hell with him, but only if Sam did it with a smile.
In their childhood, there were no distractions, no friends, just each other. Of course they ended up fucking in a run-down neon lit hotel room at 3am after going out to the bar and picking fights for money. There was no way around it. But John didn’t want to see the product of his neglect, he wanted to pretend. And he would fucking pretend until the day he died.
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eleonkraken · 5 months
Other than it being bad, the ending of superantural has also fucked up my relationship to destiel fic because the only thing I wanna read now is widower era dean with cas coming back from the empty years after he died
There's just something so captivating about the idea of dean only figuring out cas was the love of his life and already functionally his partner after he dies and taking up a widower role in a new community with people who never knew any different.
and cas coming back only to realize that dean's whole perception of reality has shifted in the time he's been gone
I could chew on this premise forever
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pugs-cats-bb-8 · 10 months
AO3 Stats Meme
Rules: Give us the links to your wonderful words with the most hits, most kudos, most comments, most bookmarks, most words, and least words.
Most Hits-
Most Kudos-
This is the 2nd one because Autonomy Is Within My Reach is number 1.
Most Comments-
Old Coldest Hits fic.
Most Bookmarks-
Once again this is the second one.
Most Words-
This is actually the third one.
Least Words-
Old Superantural fic.
This wasn't included but.
Most Subs-
This is actually the fourth one.
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cuddly-dean-baby · 4 years
Omg you’re such an underrated writer I swear! I just read your Dean x Toddler reader and I died of cuteness. 😭😭😭 Could I request a Sam x M!Toddler reader where the reader is always trying to get hugs and kisses from his dada and Uncle Dean and just overall being a cute little snuggly boy?
Naw, thank you! 🥺 I hope you enjoy this one! 😁
Sam’s Snuggly Boy
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Waddling into the lounge room, you see your father, Sam, and uncle, Dean, sitting on the couch with something random playing on the TV.
You grip onto the couch cushion in between them and manage to climb onto it with a bit of help from Sam pushing against your nappy-covered butt.
 You crawl into Sam’s lap, standing to your feet in the small gap of his legs and your small, chubby hands against his chest. Blowing a raspberry and sticking your lips out, Sam and Dean both know the meaning of it. 
Chuckling, Sam presses his lips against yours and blows a raspberry against you. You giggle at the vibration. “Hi, baby.”
“Daddy.” You press your body against his, his arms now under your butt. He shuffles down in his seat to settle your butt on his stomach, your lower back against his arms.
Turning your head, you see your uncle having a small pout on his lips as he’s secretly the one who’s in love with your baby snuggles with him.
Crawling out of your father’s hold, you go towards Dean, who doesn’t see you coming until he feels your small hands against his thigh. Sam sits up properly.
“Unca Bean.” He immediately smiles and brings you into his arms. You press a kiss to his cheek before blowing a raspberry against it, making him chuckle. “Unca Bean wuvs hugs.”
“He loves hugs from you,” he returns the raspberry kiss on your cheek, yourself giggling. He shuffles in his seat to get a little more comfortable to have you press your cheek against his chest and hearing his heartbeat.
You fall asleep from the soothing sound and your body relaxing against his.
“Apparently, you ‘wuv’ hugs.”
“Shut up, so do you.”
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daisyjohvson · 4 years
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moodboards :: evie andrews
❝ I'm not dying at the hands of some cocky demon. If I go out, I go out with a bang and a demon is not on that list. ❞
tag list: @ahsokatonas @freakingbradleys @fleetwoodmcs @aaudace @megdonnellys @villanele @chlobenet​ @paulsmunskys  @julianblackthcrns [ want to be added? ]
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huntershelper25 · 5 years
Path of the Chosen: Ch 5
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Summary: Dean lay dying. There isn’t anything Brooke can do. She wrestles with some old memories and ultimately comes face to face with the death of an old friend.
A/N: I suck at summaries. Feed back is always welcome here!
Disclaimer: There are some direct quotes and scenes from the show. I do not own any of it. I only claim the character of Brooke and how she fits into the story. All else is credited to the writers and copyright holders of the show Supernatural
Warning: There is some smut thrown in randomly for the first few chapters as flashbacks to establish timeline, character building, and relationships, but after that the smut dies down to infrequently. I will let you know when it pops up.  Also, let’s just assume condoms are implied. They aren’t mentioned, but let’s assume they are used.
Word Count: 3297
Pairings (through entire story): Dean/Brooke (OFC), Sam/Brooke (OFC)
Previous chapters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
All chapters released on AO3 before shared on tumblr
Chapter Five
           He looked so small lying in that hospital bed, hooked up to machines that were beeping and humming. The only time she had ever seen Dean in a hospital was when he had been scratched up something awful by a werewolf when they were just kids, but even then he only needed some stitches and bandages, nothing like the condition Brooke found him in as she stood in the hallway and watched a nurse examine the machines and take notes on a clip board.
           Sam hadn’t said much before he and Bobby left for the impound lot, just that Dean was in bad shape and even that appeared difficult for Sam to say. She didn’t press him for details, just hugged him once more and told Bobby she was going to stick around and look in on Dean.
           “Excuse me,” Brooke reached out and tapped the nurse as she passed.
           “How is he?” She turned and looked at Dean’s still form.
           “Are you family?”
           “He’s my…. Cousin.” It wasn’t really a lie.
           The nurse sighed, obviously contemplating how much information she should divulge to someone who wasn’t immediate family, “He’s suffered some head trauma and is in a coma.” The nurse finally stated when she saw the sullen look on Brooke’s face. “Doctor’s won’t know the extent of the damage until he wakes up. If he wakes up.”
           “If he wakes up? Are you saying there’s a chance he might not wake up?” She looked from the nurse back to Dean and was shocked at how much smaller he looked, how helpless he looked, and at how scared she was.
           “I’m sorry,” the nurse said under her breath as she walked away.
           Brooke stood in the door way watching his chest rise and fall with each breath. She couldn’t bring herself to enter the room. She felt that if she remained in the hallway that it would all go away, that she would wake up at Bobby’s at any moment and this would all have been a dream, but she didn’t wake up. It was real. Dean was lying in that hospital bed.
           She took a deep breath and made a move to walk into the room when the hair on the back of her neck stood on end and a chill ran through her body.
           “Damn it. I hate hospitals,” she said as she shook it off.
           This sensation was nothing new to Brooke, just like with Meg. She had been able to sense the presence of ghosts and demons ever since she was 12. She never knew why it manifested itself at that age, but she remembered the first time it ever happened. She had been on her first hunt with her father and felt the same chill run through her body and got the sense that someone was watching them just before the spirit manifested itself. She hadn’t told her father because she thought it was a coincidence, but when she sensed her first demon she knew she had to speak up. Demons were different than ghosts, they made her slightly light headed and dizzy, almost like her brain was sloshing around in her skull. Sometimes if there were many demons involved it would cause her pain, almost like a dull, nagging head ache.
           Because of this, hospitals had always made her feel uneasy, with all the spirits of the recently deceased floating around awaiting their reaper and of those that simply couldn’t move on. Prolonged stays in hospitals always made her feel schizophrenic with an extra dose of paranoia.  
           She took another deep breath and slowly walked into the room. She stopped at the foot of the bed and had to hold back tears. It was one thing to see his motionless form from the safety of the hallway, but to see him limp and lifeless up close was another story.
           Brooke crossed her arms across her chest and sighed. For some reason all she could think about was that night five years ago. Dean was possibly dying right before her eyes and of all thoughts her subconscious decided to drudge that particular night up. What happened that night had impacted their lives more than anyone could have imagined and in usual Dean fashion he had blamed himself for how it had played out. But he wasn’t at fault, not entirely. She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she realized that this may be the last and only time to tell him this. To tell him she was sorry for her part. That he shouldn’t have blamed himself for any of it. That she was probably more to blame than he was. After all, she was the one that threw caution to the wind and walked across that hotel room.
           Another tear fell. He had to know.
           “Dean, I-“ she was interrupted by a soft rap on the door. She turned to find John being pushed in a wheelchair by an orderly.
           She moved to wipe away her tears as the anger inside her grew but thought better of it. She wanted him to see the pain and devastation he had caused. All of this was his fault. Dean lying in that bed, Sam hurting inside and out, her father being killed, Caleb…it was all John’s fault.
           “Brooke.” John said as the orderly excused himself and John wheeled himself into the room.
           She didn’t speak, just glared. She was done letting him off the hook and using the excuse that he was doing what he thought he had to do. This was going too far. Putting his own children in death’s path was beyond reproach.
           “I take it you made it to Bobby’s alright,” he continued as he pulled the chair up to the side of the bed.
           She nodded.
           John nodded his approval and turned toward Dean. Over the years she had learned what John looked like when he was deep in thought and expected to see that now, but what she saw was defeat. She was taken aback slightly. This was John Winchester and John Winchester was always on top of things, always one step ahead, always ready to run head long into a fight. Yet here he was looking like a lost puppy.
           “So, what’s the plan?” she inquired.
           “There isn’t one,” he replied, almost too quickly.
           “What do you mean there isn’t one?” she had to strain to keep from yelling at him. She couldn’t believe he had no plan. “John, there has to be something-“
           “There isn’t,” he tossed her the look he always gave to Sam that said the conversation was over.
           Her heart was pounding and her hands were shaking. All the anger she felt towards him for everything he had done, not just recently, but everything, was building up. For how hard he rode Dean, for how he expected Dean to be the parent and watch over Sam, for how he would never listen to Sam, for how he chased Sam away, for her father, and for what he had done to her that night in Illinois. Dean was dying and he had no plan. Dean was dying and he wasn’t even trying. She suddenly had the strong urge to shoot something and at that moment John was that something. She moved her eyes from John to Dean and in her mind promised him she’d be back, then turned and walked out of the room.
           She roamed the halls of the hospital trying to remind herself that despite the way she lived her life, she wasn’t a violent person. That right now, no matter what her feelings were about John, he was right, there probably wasn’t anything they could do for Dean. Every faith healer she had ever heard of always turned out to be a hoax, most hoodoo healers were a joke, and witchcraft always required a price that Dean wouldn’t want anyone to pay for his life.
           She was used to feeling useless, her father was an expert at that, but she had never been helpless. There was honestly nothing she could do in this situation but wait and she hated that. She just lost her father, the only constant in her life, and she could possibly be losing Dean as she walked. Dean. One of the only people in the world she trusted with her life and there was nothing she could do to save his.
           The words Dean left on her voicemail all those years ago popped into her head, “I promised I would always have your back and I let you down.” She sighed. He had never once let her down, ever. Especially not that night five years ago he had been referring to….
           They walked into the motel room, shrugging off their coats, on a total high. They hadn’t bargained for the ghost to give them as much trouble as it had. It was supposed to be an easy job, but the ghost had tossed them both around pretty good. They each sported contusions on their arms and face. The deep gash above Dean’s left eye still trickled blood, it needed stitches.
           The entire way back to the motel they had laughed and talked about each action and reaction they had taken earlier that night like it had been an epic football game.
           “and when you cracked off that salt round point blank right into the back of her head,” he gave her a big smile, “awesome!”
           Brooke couldn’t help but laugh at him. This was the first job either of them had done completely without their fathers’ help and he was blatantly excited that it had been somewhat of a challenge. “Alright,” she said taking the responsible adult role, “sit.” she pointed to the end of one of the beds and grabbed the first aid kit out of his duffle.
           Dean sighed and rolled his eyes as he walked over to the bed, obviously frustrated that she was putting a stopper in the fun but knowing full well that he needed stitches.
           She set the kit next to him on the bed and placed her left knee on the bed, in between his legs, to steady herself. He inhaled sharply when she placed an alcohol wipe on the cut. She knew it had to hurt something awful, it was a pretty nasty gash, but she also knew he would never let her know just how much. She finished cleaning the wound and readied the needle and thread. “You ready for this?” He cringed as he nodded, closed his eyes and placed his left hand around her waist to steady himself, as she had seen him do when Sam or John stitched him up.
While she stitched the cut, which was smaller than it originally appeared, she became very aware of his hand on her lower back, flexing and unflexing with each stitch. When she tied it off, he let out another long, heavy breath and his hand relaxed, but didn’t move. She glanced down at his face as she reached for some dressing, his eyes were still closed, and she realized that they were level with her chest.
           Her heart raced as she became aware of their proximity to one another. She began to tape the dressing in place and became conscious of her shaking hands. She took a moment, closed her eyes and drew in a long steady breath. She adjusted her weight just slightly as she opened her eyes to return to the dressing, but when she did, she felt just how close to him her knee was. Her realization was matched by his when he swallowed hard and sighed, eyes still closed.
           She told herself to relax and focus on the task at hand. ‘Dress the wound, stand up and walk away.’ She thought to herself. She proceeded to tape the dressing in place, slowly due to her shaking hands. In her head she pictured herself patting him on the shoulder saying, ‘All done.’ Standing up and walking away, but for some reason, beyond her understanding, she didn’t move. She couldn’t speak, she was afraid if she did her voice would crack. Her heart was racing so fast it felt like it was about to jump out of her chest.
           She closed her eyes and gave herself a firm talking to, ‘Just stand up. Just walk away. MOVE! Do something!’
           While she wrestled with herself, she felt his hand slowly move from her waist to her thigh. She gripped the roll of tape she still held in her hands tightly and forced herself to open her eyes, but instead of standing up and walking away, she looked down.
           She looked straight into his piercing green eyes. Her heart began to pound at an alarming rate as she felt his hand tighten its grip on her thigh. There was a hitch in her breath when he reached his right hand and placed it on her cheek.
           She closed her eyes, ‘This is not happening. This is not happening.’
           Suddenly his lips were upon hers, soft and gentle as he coaxed hers into responding. She dropped the roll of tape, placed her right hand on his arm, and her left found its way to the back of his neck as she leaned into the kiss. Accepting it.
           She had known Dean for years and she had always thought of him as being a little more aggressive, but she was surprised to find him so smooth and gentle. As she lowered herself to his level her knee shifted forward which resulted in a soft moan to be emitted from his lips. With this new closeness she became aware of the growing situation, especially his growing situation, and her mind switched back on. ‘This is Dean, what am I doing?’
           She pulled away from the kiss, stood and took a few steps away, her back to him. This was Dean, the guy she had grown to think of almost as a sibling. She was scared. She was nervous. She had never been with a guy, not like this. She had always wanted her first time to be with someone she cared about, for it to be special, in that cinematic mushy way.
           She heard the bed creak. She turned to see him walk to the table on the other side of the room and shove the kit back in his bag, his back to her. She watched as he just stood there. She watched his shoulders rise and fall with each deep breath he took as he raked his hand down his face. All the while she thought, ‘Your idea of this amazing love and this amazing person and losing your virginity in this amazing way is ridiculous. You know damn well that relationships in this life never work out. That you are never going to have that kind of love, never going to have that amazing night. So, the very least you can hope for is that the guy at least cares about you on some level, any level. And you know that Dean cares about you in his own way. He’s always had your back, he’s always been there to save your ass. Yeah, sure he has a reputation with the ladies, but isn’t that a good thing? It’ll just be another fun night for him, no expectations. It’ll be a win-win.’ She fought with herself as to whether it was a good idea to go forward or not, when he turned around and saw her looking at him. They both stood there, staring at each other, not saying a word.
           “Screw it.” she said aloud as she walked across the room, threw her arms around his neck, and pulled him down into a kiss.
           For an instant his body recoiled in surprise, but without tearing his lips from her’s he recovered, wrapped his arms around her back and pulled her in closer.
           He was a little more aggressive this time, he grabbed at her back, ran his hand up into her hair and pulled out the elastic band letting her long hair fall around her shoulders. All while he slowly walked forward, forcing her to take a few steps back until her legs hit the side of the bed.
           He pulled away and looked her in the eye. She sensed he was checking to see if she really wanted to go this far, to go down this road. She ran her hands down his neck and under his over shirt, pushing it back off his shoulders. He shrugged out of it and resumed their kiss.
           He ran his hands down her back and around to her sides, grabbed the hem of her shirt and slowly began to inch it up, clearly waiting for any sign of objection. She wished he’d stop expecting her to object at any second, it was frustrating, and the only way she knew how to show him that he would find no objections from her was to reach down and undo his belt.
           He froze and looked down at her hands as they made easy work of his buckle, even as they shook, and began to pull the belt out of its loops. He brought his gaze up to meet her’s, a look of surprise on his face. He hadn’t expected prude little Brooke to be so forward. Once she had freed his belt, hands still shaking, heart still racing, she slowly removed her own shirt and looked him straight in the eye. ‘You can’t turn back now,’ she thought to herself.
           She watched as he took in her shirtless body for the first time, before he brought his eyes back up to her’s. She could have sworn she saw a smirk twitch at the corner of his mouth as he removed his own shirt, wrapped his arms around her and put his lips to hers again.
            At some point she had found a chair and sat leaning forward, face in her hands. That night, as innocent as it had seemed in the moment, was where everything had begun to fall apart. She leaned back, closed her eyes, and rested her head against the wall wondering if she hadn’t walked across that room, if she had just waited, that maybe, just maybe things would have played out differently and they wouldn’t be here. That Dean wouldn’t be dying.
           “Code 500 to the ER. Code 500 to the ER.” Came a voice over the PA.
           Ever instinct told her something was seriously wrong. She got up and started moving down the hall. She saw nurses and a doctor run into a room and her heart sank when it dawned on her, ‘That’s Dean’s room!’ she practically broke into a run as she fought her way down the hall through the mass of people that seemed to have come out of nowhere. She literally ran into Sam as he came into the hall from another room.
           “Sam, it’s…” was all she could get out as she grabbed the sleeve of his shirt and pulled him down the hall. It didn’t take much effort because Sam was in a near sprint already.
           They came to a sliding halt right outside Dean’s room and her heart fell out of her chest at the sight before them. The monitors were giving off a constant high-pitched squeal and the doctor was shouting orders at the nurses who were scurrying around plunging needles into Dean’s IVs, pushing buttons on the monitor, and pumping air into his lungs as another gave him chest compressions. The doctor stepped in and said, “Clear” just before shocking him. Brooke’s chest felt every jolt as she watched Dean’s body raise of the bed with each shock.
           She reached out and grabbed Sam’s arm as they stood and watched this all unfold. This was all too surreal. Dean was dying right in front of them and there was nothing either of them could do.
           Suddenly, the hair on the back of her neck stood on end again and her entire body was flooded with the sense of spirit presence, but it was different, this presence was almost familiar. “No,” she said out loud, she could have sworn the presence she was feeling was Dean.
           Her grip on Sam grew tighter. She was mentally thrown suddenly when she felt Sam tense up and look around the room. Before she could ask him about it, she heard the monitors stop their constant high pitch sound and resume the soft rhythmic beeping of before.
           “We have a pulse. We’re back into sinus rhythm.”
           The energy in the room changed dramatically at that point. Both Brooke and Sam let out the breath they hadn’t realized they had been holding. Dean was okay. For now.
           She found herself standing at his bedside as the hospital personnel filed out of the room. She scarcely heard the doctor say, “Let’s go speak with your farther.” As he led Sam down the hall. She was in a daze. He had flat lined. He had technically been dead for two whole minutes. She instinctively reached out to grab his hand but pulled back. Dean hates touchy feely crap. She looked down at his face. The face of a sleeping Dean, one she had seen a thousand times. Her heart clenched. This wasn’t a sleeping Dean. She ran a finger softly across the top of his hand then gently worked her fingers underneath his and closed her small hand around his as tightly as she could. For her.
           She had forgotten how big his hands were, his strong capable hands. The hands that had pulled her out of the fire, figuratively and on a few occasions literally. The first hands that had ever really touched her.
           Her pants had been discarded, kicked across the room, and she now stood before him in just her bra and panties. As he kissed her, he slowly slid his hand down her side and around the front. She sharply inhaled as he slid his hand between her thighs.
           He brought his lips to her throat, planting soft kisses along her jaw line as he went, his free hand in her hair. She buried her face in his shoulder as his hand skillfully found its way beneath the thin cloth and found what it was looking for.
           This sensation was nothing new to her, years of spending long nights alone in a motel with smut on pay-per-view has taught her a lot, but to have someone else do the work while she gripped his biceps and dug at his back with her fingers was something else entirely. And boy did he know what he was doing.
           The hand that was in her hair moved its way to her chin and gentle pulled it upward, so she was looking him in the face. He held her gaze all while his hand continued its work. The combination was almost too much for her to handle, she let out a soft moan just as he put his lips to hers.
           He stepped back, leaving her standing there panting. Arms idly at her sides she watched as his eyes slowly panned her body. When his eyes found hers again, he licked his lips then gave her a cocky smile as he kicked off his boots and unbuttoned his jeans. Leaving his boxers on he kicked his jeans out of the way giving her an eyeful of that growing situation she had felt with her knee earlier.
He stepped back to her and placed one hand on her shoulder, the other on her hip, and gently guided her on to the bed.  
A tear ran down her cheek. The full reality of losing him began to sink in. She wished she could have the opportunity to tell him, just once, that none of it was his fault. That she was sorry for putting him in that position. She didn’t regret any of it, only that she wished she had handled it better. She was young and naïve. She didn’t know what it all would mean. She hadn’t been ready for that step, but she was glad that it had been him, someone who cared about her.
“Dean, I’m sorry,” She finally squeaked out as more tears began to fall. “I wish things could have been different. I wish I had been more adult about it. I wish I had had a chance to tell you…. To say that I…”
Just then she heard someone cough. She turned and saw Sam standing in the doorway holding a paper bag. She reluctantly pulled her hand from Dean’s and wiped the tears from her face.
“Hey,” he said bashfully pretending he hadn’t overheard, “this may sound weird, but I think Dean is here.”
“Like in spirit form?”
“Yeah.” He moved into the room.
“I felt something earlier-“
“I did too and so I thought maybe…” he pulled a box out of the bag and revealed a Ouija board. “I know it’s kinda lame, but I figured it was worth a shot.”
“No, that’s actually a great idea,” she said as she took the box from him and began to open it.
She saw him smile proudly out of the corner of her eye.
They sat on the floor side by side and laid the board out in front of them. Sam placed his fingers on the planchette as he asked, “Dean, are you here?”
They both jumped as the planchette began to move. Brooke followed it with her eyes as it hovered over the word Yes.
“It’s good to hear from you man. It hasn’t been the same without you, Dean,” Sam laughed.
The planchette immediately began to move again as Sam read the letter aloud, “H.. U… N… Hunting? Are you hunting?”
The Planchette moved to Yes.
“Is what your hunting in the hospital?” Sam asked.
“Do you know what it is?” Brooke asked at the same time.
They both let out a nervous laugh.
“What is it?” Sam rephrased.
The planchette began to move again as Brooke read the letters out loud this time, “R… E… A…P…E…R.”
Brooke and Sam exchanged nervous looks.
“Dean, is it after you?” Sam asked hesitantly.
Brooke inhaled deeply as the planchette moved to Yes.
“If it’s here naturally, there’s no way to stop it,” Sam sighed. “Man, you’re um...”
“Screwed,” Brooke finished for him.
Sam suddenly moved to stand up and began walking to the door, “No, there’s gotta be a way. There has to be. Dad will know what to do.”
Brooke sat on the floor eyes still on the Ouija board. A reaper. She had read about them but had never faced one. What she did know was that a reaper was a bringer of death. They collected souls of the dead. Dean really was screwed. Another tear got loose and ran down her cheek. She gasped when he cheek became suddenly cold as though someone with a cold hand had placed it on her face.
Before she could say anything else, Sam was back.
“So, he wasn’t in his room,” he said as he sat on the edge of the bed, “but I got dad’s journal, so who knows. Maybe there’s something in here.”
He leafed through it, mumbling the words as he read them and turning the page when he didn’t find what he was looking for. Brooke stood over his shoulder.
“There. Go back.” She said.
He turned back a page to see the word Reaper written across the middle of the page.
Sam read the page aloud.
“There isn’t anything in here about how to catch one.” Brooke said as she crossed her arms and began pacing the room.
Suddenly she felt it. That under water feeling accompanied by slight nausea, ‘Demon.’
Sam’s attention still on the book, she walked out into the hall. She paced up and down trying to pin point where it was, but with all the spirit activity and the stress of possibly losing part of her family, her senses weren’t as sharp as normal. Panic set in as she realized this may be the demon they were after. The one that had gotten Dean here in the first place. She hastened her search, trying to calm her mind and focus on the sensation. Where was it the strongest? Where did it fade?
She wandered into rooms, garnering threatening looks from their occupants. The feeling was consistently stronger near the stairwell to the basement, she began to descend the stairs, one hand on the rail, the other pulling a flask of holy water from her pocket, when suddenly it was gone. The nausea ended and the dizziness vanished.
She spun around. That was Sam. She broke in to sprint up the stairs and down the hall. When she rounded the corner into the room she stopped in her tracks. There were nurses and doctors bustling about like last time, but this something was different. She gasped when she saw him. Dean. Sitting upright in the bed trying to pull the breathing tube out of his mouth, fighting with the nurses as they tried to get him to lie back down. She saw Sam in the corner of the room and walked over to join him. Her eyes staying on Dean.
“He just sat up,” Sam said quietly, but with excitement, “He was lying there and then suddenly his eyes were open and he was sitting straight up. I don’t even know how it happened.”
Brooke reached over and took Sam’s hand in quiet celebration. Dean was going to be okay.
The nurses eventually got Dean to relax long enough for them to remove the breathing tube and convinced him that he needed further tests to make sure he really was okay. The Doctor informed them later that everything was fine. His brain swelling had vanished, his internal contusions had healed. It was as if nothing had happened. The three of them sat there in awe as the doctor left the room.
“Wait, so you said a reaper was after me?” Dean asked as soon as he knew that doctor was out of ear shot. Sam had spoken with Dean about what had all gone down while they waited for one of the scans.
“How did I ditch it?” He asked looking at Brooke.
“Beats me.” She said.
“Dean, you really don’t remember anything?” Sam asked.
“No, except this pit in my stomach,” He looked up at Sam with a scared look, “Sam, something’s wrong.”
There was a knock on the door, and they all turned to see John leaning on the door frame.
“How you feeling, Dude?” He said as he stepped into the room.
“Fine, I guess. I’m alive.”
“Well, that’s all that matters,” John replied.
“Where were you last night?” Sam asked with an angry look on his face.
John looked from Sam to Dean and back, “I had some things to take care of.”
“Well that’s specific.”
“Come on, Sam,” Dean sighed in annoyance.
“Did you go after the demon?” Sam accused.
“No,” John quickly replied.
“You know, why don’t I believe you?” Sam began to raise his voice.
It all makes sense. She HAD felt a demon last night. She stared at John wondering what he had done.
“Can we not fight,” John asked calmly as he stepped further into the room. “You know half the time we’re fighting I don’t know what we’re fighting about. We’re just buttin’ heads. Look, Sammy, I’ve made some mistakes, but I’ve always done the best I could. I just don’t want to fight anymore okay?”
“Dad, you alright?” Sam asked with a quizzical look and a tone of concern.
“Yeah,” John said with a smile, “I’m just a little tired. Hey, Sam would you and Brooke mind getting me a cup of caffeine?”
“Yeah sure,” She and Sam both said softly as the each turned to leave the room
Neither of them knew that would be the last time they would ever speak to John. They would return from the cafeteria to find John on his back on the floor of his hospital room. His heart had stopped. The doctors said that there must have been a complication from the injuries he had sustained from the accident. That they had no way of knowing, but Sam, Dean, and Brooke knew better. None of them wanted to admit it to each other or themselves, but they all knew it had something to do with the Demon.
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sparrownatural · 3 years
dean gets hurt on a hunt and sam patches him up? lots of im fine sammy im not five bc he doesnt want sam having to take of him but sam is clearly nervous and there's lots of yearning?
oh yes good good yes good
Sam's fingers were shaking as pressed his lips together and placed what felt like layer after layer of bandages around the four deep gouges in Dean's chest.
"I'm fine, Sam," he huffed, taking yet another long, deep swig from the bottle of whiskey he clutched in white knuckled fingers. "Barely even got me, okay?"
Sam didn't reply and only continued focusing on bandaging up his brother.
Dean watched him.
Something was wrong.
Sam's fingers trembled. His lips were pressed into a thin line. His brows were narrowed.
Dean swallowed hard.
"You almost died, Dean," Sam suddenly spat from between grit teeth. For a moment, his eyes flicked to Dean's. Then they went back to his work on his brother's chest.
To Dean's shock there were tears in his brother's eyes.
"Okay, but I didn't," Dean replied, scoffing, trying to make it funny, trying to make Sam smile.
He failed miserably.
Sam pulled away entirely. He seemed completely unable to look his brother in the face. For several long moments he stared out the window, watching nothing but the dark night and the clouds making their way across the moon.
"I meant what I said when you went to Hell, you know," he said at last, still not looking at Dean. "It's my job to protect you too."
Dean wasn't sure he agreed. Sam was his little brother. Not the other way around.
That isn't all he is, an insidious voice gasped in his mind.
His fingers trembled and flexed.
He ignored it.
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Girlfriend- Part 7: The Mission
Series summary: Sam’s suspicious behaviour has you and Dean curious enough to follow him, to find out he is meeting with a Demon in secret leaves you both in shock. Based on S4 demon blood story line with a darker ending.
Pairings: Dean x Reader, Sam x Ruby, Sam x Reader (Platonic) 
Chapter summary: Operation: bring Sammy home! This is a bit longer than usual, but it has a lot of action! I really enjoyed writing this chapter, possibly my favourite one. Hope you enjoy reading it! 
"Everybody understands what they're doing?" Dean spoke to you, Bobby, Garth and Cas as you all prepared your weapons in Bobby's front room. You all answered yes in unison, Dean had gone over each step of the plan in great detail 5 times already. You couldn't blame him for acting so erratically, this was his baby brother. Or at least it used to be, and you were hoping that inside his body, there was some part of his soul that didn't have black smoke filtered through it.
Everyone got up and got to their cars, you and Dean took the impala, Bobby and Garth took a van and Castiel agreed to fly and meet you there in a few hours. The car ride was tense and Dean's body was a statue. He had no music on, wallowing in his frightened thoughts about his kid brother and what he had become. He blamed himself entirely for Sam, he believed that he should've put a bullet in him as soon as his dad even mentioned it, but how could he? Sam was his world and his dad drilled it into him from day one to take care of him, Dean never thought those words would have a different meaning.
"Baby?" You asked softly.
"Hm?" He didn't move his pursed lips to respond and his body stayed stiff with two tight fists on the steering wheel.
You slid over closer to him, and rested your hand on top of his that was on the wheel. It relaxed slightly under your touch and after a brief moment he landed it in your lap where you laced your fingers with his and traced over his knuckles with your thumb.
"I know you don't want to talk, I don't either. But I just have to say this." You took a deep breath before speaking. "None of this is your fault." You began when you felt his hand tense up in protest against your words. "Listen to me. It's not. You raised Sam well, you looked after him. But he's nearly 30, he makes his own choices, and in this case he's trusted the wrong people." you spoke lowly afraid of startling the anger in Dean that was on the brink of explosion. "But please don't blame yourself. We just need to focus on the plan, and try and get him home, ok?"
"mkay" He replied. You knew he wasn't accepting your words, but that would never stop you from telling them to him like a broken record.
It had been two months since you saw Sam, and from all of your sources he hadn’t yet completed the ritual to summon Lilith. This brought comfort to you, you thought that meant there was still a lot of humanity in him and that he wasn’t willing to kidnap and harm an innocent human. However, after torturing a few demons you learned that he was in fact just waiting for another eclipse. There had been one the night you met up with him and Ruby, and there was another tonight. You and Bobby had been torturing demons for weeks, attempting to gather intel. You had figured out where Sam was holding up, however he had a lot of black smoke on his side now. 
An hour and a half later, Dean’s impala pulled up to the agreed meeting place before everyone else. He clambered out of the car and charged straight to the trunk where he checked over his weapons bag once more. You followed him, not really knowing what to say or do in this situation. This was something you’d never gone through before and Dean was a lit fuse ready to explode at any minute.
He dropped his duffel at his feet and slammed the car boot down. He leaned both his hands on it an bowed his head, sucking the air through his teeth to keep his breathing under control. You moved beside him gently slid your hand across the car and landed on to his. As soon as your hand touched his, his teary eyes met yours. You put your back to the car and leaned your body against it, keeping his hand and spinning him round to stand side by side with you. 
“You have to keep it together Dean, just until we get through this,” You spoke softly. 
He took his hand from you and raised his arm over your head before gently laying it on your shoulders, pulling you tight into a side hug and nestled a kiss into your hair. 
“I need to thank you, y/n” Dean started with his trembling voice.
“No seriously. “ He caught your eyes. “We don’t know what could go down in here, I need to tell you a few things” 
Your soft eyes gazing into his own prompted him to continue. 
“I’ve been such a mess these last months, i’m crying, i’m angry, i’m not even me half the time.” His gaze returned in front of him as his words got deeper. “But you have been my rock, you’ve been so patient dealing with my sorry ass and you’ve kept my head above water.” 
“Y/N, you’ve been incredible and I want you to know that. A man couldn’t wish for more. I love you.” He said the words and they meant more to you than they ever had. You both had said ‘I love you’ before, but it never felt like this. It never made your breath catch in your throat like it just had. You planted a brief kiss on his lips, enough to let him know that his words meant everything to you, but not enough to distract from the mission at hand. 
“You’ve helped me through so much too, Dean. I appreciate it so much” You stood in front of the hunter with no room between you. His face was still tense, but there was a hint of a smile threading to come through at your words of appreciation. You cupped his stubbled cheeks. “I love you too.” He pressed his lips gingerly to yours to seal the confessions, the corner of his lip tugged up into a smile as he pulled away, but his eyes were telling a different story. A story of defeat and exhaustion. You just needed this mission to be over and done with.
Castiel flew in at the exact moment that Bobby and Garth pulled up to the lay-by. You let Dean stay by the car to gather his emotions before the mission, and took lead in getting the group ready. 
“Got everything?” You asked the men as you walked the few feet to the van. Garth’s head was buried in the back trying to find all his equipment. Bobby was fiddling with his revolver, his shaky hands were struggling to get the bullets in. The gun expert who had been loading guns for longer than he hadn’t all of a sudden couldn’t put a simple six bullets into his favourite gun. 
“Balls!” He yelled as he dropped them all, he raised his hand to chuck his gun but he stopped himself.
“Hey.” You said softly as you picked up the bullets and gently took the gun out of his hands. You loaded it and returned it, closing his hand over it and offering him a comforting squeeze. He looked at you with eyes filled with almost as much worry as your boyfriend’s. Dean had wandered over to the group and handed you your shot gun, and you gathered everyone close. 
“Kill every demon in sight and get this boy home. Stick to the plan as best you can. Be careful everyone.” You gave a final pep talk to the group before you all broke. Dean squeezed you from behind and placed a quick peck on your cheek, wishing you good luck as you split up. Cas, Garth and yourself headed off down the road, just ahead of the small rest stop where you had left the cars. Dean and Bobby jumped over a fence to the right which led to a field. There was one acre of grass and crops to cut through before they reached the back entrance to the old farm where you knew Sam was held up. 
Castiel few you and Garth to the front entrance of the farm after the agreed time to ensure you arrived at the same time as Dean and Bobby. The atmosphere was tense, no-one was talking. Not even Garth spoke a word and he loved to chat. The stakes were too high here to become distracted, every ounce of concentration was on getting into this farm and locating Sam, and bringing him home. 
The three of you creeped stealthily through the entrance to the farm, ahead of you was a block of 4 stables and with a swift examination as you slinked past you could see there was nothing worth stopping for. To the right was a large barn that Bobby and Dean were heading towards the back of, and off to the left there was an old cart shed that needed checking. You signalled to Cas to check it for Demons as you and Garth continued quietly along the path. You both crouched behind a few old hay bales in front of the barn and remained silent until Cas got back. You seen the cart shed briefly glow, and then again a few seconds later. Cas arrived at your side after that. 
“2 demons. Dead.” He mouthed. 
“Ready?” You moved your lips with no sound. You could hear noise in the barn there was definitely people in there and you didn’t want them to hear you. Cas looked up at the barn and his face hardened. His eyes traced over something that you were unable to see, and when he looked at you with pursed lips and shook his head you realised there was angel warding on the barn.
You motioned your hands for him to stay put, afterwards pointing at yourself and Garth and then to the barn. Both men nodded their heads and you gripped your salt-loaded shot gun tightly as you stood up from behind the bales and edged along to the barn door. You peered through a gap in the structure and your face drained, the sight in front of you brought the tears you had been holding back all this time to a fore front and you snapped your head away from the view. Garth placed a hand on your shoulder an gently patted, but you both knew there was no time for emotion because Bobby and Dean were on the other side of the barn ready to ambush. You drew a deep breath to compose yourself and nodded at Garth who busted the barn door open. 
As soon as Bobby and Dean heard the sound of you entering, they took their own entrance in through the back. You scanned over the situation while simultaneously fighting the demon that was manning the entrance who jumped you instantly. You could see at least four in your immediate line of sight, and as you shot a round of rock salt at the one at the door, you immediately felt another grab you from behind, knocking your gun out of your hands. You had just enough time to kick the first demon out the door where Cas would be able to smite him from outside which he immediately did, before throwing his angel blade through the open door and into the head of the demon that had just grabbed you. You nodded your head as a thanks before turning back to grab the angel blade from the demons skull when a foot on your wrist stopped you. 
Your body dropped to the ground as the pressure on your arm heightened. You traced the foot right the way up as you winced in pain. Your stomach turned as your eyes met those of Ruby’s who laughed as she stomped on your arm, breaking your wrist, causing you to yell out in pain.
“Y/N!” Dean yelled from the other side of the barn when he heard you scream which grabbed your attention. You looked at Dean who had a struggling demon at his feet, and Bobby was in the corner flinging holy water into another demon’s face in such a torturous way it caused him to smoke out and the meat suit to drop. 
You snapped up, pushing Ruby off you. She stumbled slightly giving you an opportunity to grab the angel blade from the demons head. You had it in your grip, pacing threateningly towards her, adrenaline taking the pain in your wrist away momentarily when you heard Dean scream. The demon he was fighting had got the better of him and he needed a weapon. Bobby’s holy water had ran out, and his salt rounds that he was firing were only causing the demon to flinch. Meanwhile, Garth had just dropped the demon he had been struggling with. 
You launched at Ruby slashing her face, causing her to shriek in pain and fold over. You took advantage of her stance and pushed her down, as she dropped to the floor your eyes caught the sight of her magic knife on her hip. You slashed her once more as she started to squirm on the floor and grabbed her knife from her belt.
“Help him!” You looked over your shoulder to Garth as you slid the angel blade across the floor to him. He dashed across the barn and plunged the weapon into the back of the demon who was beating Dean near half to death. 
You pulled Ruby up by her hair and she shifted around under your grip trying to get free. You back her into the wall and put the blade to her throat and drove it in enough to draw blood, which had her begging to stop. 
“Where. Is. Sam.” You asked sternly, you weren’t going to ask again. You heard a few creaks above your head and the shuffling of feet and your eyes wandered up to the hay loft of the barn to see the man stood with a gore-covered white shirt and blood dripping from his chin. 
“Here I am.” 
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sammy-moo · 4 years
The Hunter’s Son Pt. 11
Characters: Sam x Reader, Jonah
Words: 2,319
Warnings: Smut lies ahead. 
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You were stunned by your son’s wish as he sat behind his cake, a big smile on his face.
Sam was practically mirroring the same expression you had before you moved into action of cutting the cake.
Thankfully the kids just talked about how cool it would’ve been had his wish came true, while the few adults there just gave you and Sam a look.
Your brows knit together as you passed out the cake and ice cream, looking to the closest mom when you were done. “What? I don’t understand that look everyone is giving us?”
“Because we’ve all been there. Well, more or less. My daughter wanted a sibling when she was three. Or at least she thought she did. Once she found out she was getting a sister, her world was over. Jonah just thinks he wants a sibling, but once it happens he may feel differently about it.”
You paled at that, “Well that’s okay. I doubt Sam wants another kid anyways.”
“Uh huh,” she said folding her arms. “Tell me that again when you realize the way he looks at you. He’s crazy about you. You’d be crazy not to see that he’d want another one. I mean, what’s more special than creating a child with someone you love?”
Color began to flood your face all at once. She couldn’t help but laugh and walk off, leaving you at the counter completely flustered. Thankfully you were able to work the blood back through your body as you had to help gather up the dishes when the children finished eating cake and ice cream before Jonah would open presents.
With Jonah, the presents zipped by along with the hours the children played. And before you knew it, you and Sam had the house all cleaned from Jonah’s 7th birthday party and plopped onto the couch with a sigh.
“It’s so much quieter now with all the kids gone.”
“I’ll say,” Sam said happily. He turned his head to look at you, resting against the plush backing of the couch. “About Jonah’s birthday wish tonight….”
And suddenly you were going to die from blood not getting to your heart again.
He bit his lip as he looked away, “I mean, I’ve never really thought about it. I never really thought I’d be a dad to begin with but this past month getting to really know Jonah, and the last half year being with you and him…. I kinda want that. I want another kid with you. I wanna,” he let out a pained sigh before adjusting, turning his body to face yours as he rested his elbow against the couch, head in his hand. “I wanna be able to experience what I missed.”
You had to do something. You had to move, breath- pretty much anything.
You gulped and adjusted, “I want another kid with you Sam, I really do, but I want to make sure this is something we really want- something Jonah really wants. I mean, he didn’t have you growing up for pretty much six years of his life. There were things you missed that I know he wanted you there for. I don’t want another child getting those things he missed and him being jealous or angry with you for it. So can we please just talk with him before we start trying?”
Sam nodded and got up, “How about we go talk with him then?”
“What? Now!?”
“Well yeah,” he scoffed playfully. “I haven’t had you all to myself yet and this really gives me an excuse.” He smirked and walked towards Jonah’s room, leaving you to follow.
You nervously left the couch and followed behind him, going through the hall and into his bedroom.
Jonah was playing with his new toys while Riot took the foot of his bed, just laying there watching him.
“Jonah, can we talk with you for a moment?”
His actions stopped as he immediately plopped onto his bed. “Sure!”
Sam bit his lip as he stared at his son.
How the hell was he supposed to do this??
You moved in more, stepping in front of Sam and closer to the bed, taking the open spot between Jonah and Riot. “About your wish tonight… Do you really want a brother or sister?”
Jonah hummed then nodded. “Yeah!”
“Well you do realize it’ll be a long time before you can play together right?”
He frowned a bit. “No but that’s okay! I have other friends.”
Sam moved closer and knelt down. “Still. Friend aside, I’ll be around for a lot. Stuff that your sibling will get that,” he let out a sigh. “That you didn’t get growing up. We don’t want you hating me or your sibling for it. With that in mind, are you sure about this?”
Jonah blinked. “You think I won’t get to experience it? I get to live it through them! I’m gonna be there for it too!”
You sat next to your now 7 year old in shock, wondering just when he had become so wise. And part of you was ready to question if it worked, but then you remembered the amazing things Jonah brought back into your life. Things that lost their magic years ago because to shine again, and you got to experience how amazing the little things truly were. So it was definitely possible he would get to experience something similar with his sibling.
You looked to Sam and smiled, “Alright. We’ll make sure that wish comes true.”
Sam shared a smile and looked to Jonah. “It’s gonna take a while though okay? We gotta….” He quickly thought, “We gotta call the stork to make sure they deliver the best sibling you could ask for.”
Jonah smiled big, “Tell them I want a brother!”
“We can’t control that but we’ll try,” laughed Sam. He straightened up, “That’s all we wanted to talk about. Your mom and I will go call right now.”
Jonah nodded and you rose up, following Sam out.
“Do you want another boy?”
Sam laughed and pulled you into the room, kissing you. “While I’d love one, we already have Jonah. And I want a little girl. Maybe if we’re lucky she’ll be a spitting image of you.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Yeah with my luck though she’ll look like you too.”
Sam rolled his eyes at you before pecking your lips with his in a quick kiss. “Is this what you want? Because if not, then we don’t have to do this. We can just tell Jonah the stork said this isn’t the best time?”
It was your turn to roll your eyes as you let out a small chortle. “Sam, I want this. I’ve always wanted to have this family with you when I had Jonah. I longed for it and knew it wouldn’t- couldn’t happen… But now? It’s all I want. I just want us to have this happy little family.”
It was like a flip switched on in Sam. It was like all he had been thinking about since Jonah opened his mouth was having you in his arms.
He moved like you were his prey as he pulled you back into his arms, keeping your body so close it was like he was crushing you into becoming one. His teeth gently pulled at your bottom lip, leaving you gasping. He took that chance to deepen the kiss, his tongue practically dancing with yours as he pulled a low moan from you.
He’s giant hands slid down to your ass, sliding further to lift you up into his arms. Your legs snatched around his waist in an instant as he walked you to the bed. He dropped you back, the air you got immediately leaving your body as your face flushed. You looked up at Sam with darkened eyes, watching as his eyes scanned over your body.
You sat up to kiss him but he stopped you to remove your shirt, sending it crashing onto the floor. His fingers quickly fumbled with the button on your jeans, pushing the denim down. With a little help from you he quickly sent those to the floor. You scooted further onto the bed, eyes never once leaving him. Within a second his shirt was tossed with yours, his chest rising hungrily as his fingers quickly popped his belt and jeans. Once they were heading down his thighs his cock sprung free from its denim prison.
Before he made his way for you, you quickly discarded your bra, making Sam freeze in his movements. His eyes scanned your body once more, taking notice of all the imperfections you developed since the last time he saw you like this.
Stretch marks decorated parts of your body, and your stomach still had that little bit of baby weight you never had the ability to lose. Years ago you never had those lines etched into your skin, or that bit of extra weight, and your breasts were a little smaller. But now? You were perfect just as you were back then.
His eyes fell back on yours, your teeth drawing in your bottom lip. In a flash he was over you, lips pressing hungrily to yours and down to your neck. You threaded your fingers into his hair as he focused on your pulse point, making you arch into him.
Your body tingled wherever his lips touched as he made his way down, ripping your panties away from your body.
He groaned at the smell of you, wanting nothing more than to taste you and having you cumming from just his tongue. But he needed to feel you.
Instead he peeled his boxers away, finally fully freeing his cock from any confines. He wedged himself between your legs and brushed his cock through your folds, making you whimper, “Sam please. Fuck me. Put a baby in me.”
Sam snarled and kissed you, pushing into you in one swift movement, swallowing your moan at the way he stretched you.
The burn was delicious as he pushed his member fully into you, his moan erupting from him.
He pulled back slowly before thrusting back in, a soft moan leaving you. Sam began to fuck into you roughly, your moans fueling his movements like a drug. He wanted to make you scream, but with Jonah in his room it would have to be saved for another time.
You pulled grunts and moans from him as your nails dug into his skin, meeting his thrusts. Your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him in even further.
“Fuck Sam…. You feel amazing…”
“Bet you forgot what it felt like having your pussy stretched like this,” he snarled. “Bet no other man has filled you up this much. But I’m gonna fill you up even more.” His teeth dug into the flesh of your neck before his lips made their way to your ear. “Gonna pump you so full of my cum. Gonna be pregnant with my baby again.”
You whined loudly, blushing by just how loud it was, “Sam… Please.”
“Please what?” He stopped his movements, making you whimper.
“I wanna cum.”
Sam hummed. “Doesn’t sound like you want it that badly.” He began to thrust slowly, dragging his movements as he’d push back in and brush again, striking the right spot.
Your legs trembled around his waist, inching closer and closer to your release that still felt so far away.
“Sam please….”
Sam smirked and pressed a hand between your bodies, his thumb pressing against your bundle of nerves. He began to rub at your clit just as slowly as he thrusted, making you whine in frustration.
It was driving you crazy.
“Sam please let me cum… I need to. Cum with me and fill me up, please!”
His eyes darkened even more, practically becoming black holes absorbing any color from his iris as he snarled, thrusting and brushing his cock right against your g-spot. His thumb pressed and rubbed your clit, egging you on as he leaned closer, his lips brushing yours as he spoke, “Cum,” before colliding and eating up the moans that came from you as your body shook.
Your legs tightened around his waist as your walls fluttered and clutched around his member, pulling his own orgasm from him as his thick, hot seed coated your walls.
He slowly pried his lips from yours, panting and sending his hot breath fanning across your face.
You looked into his eyes, finding the color slowly escaping. “Sam.”
You watched as a quick worry came across his face, “Yeah?”
“I love you.”
He chortled in relief before kissing your lips gently, “I love you too, Y/N.”
You wanted to scream, instead you laid underneath him with the goofiest and happiest grin. But that was soon replaced with a whimper at the loss of him as he rolled to lay beside you, his chest glistening with sweat.
“You’ve gotten better with age.”
He laughed and rolled his eyes, “I can say the same about you. Next time though, I’m going to make sure it’s just us.”
It was your turn to laugh as you rested your head on him. “We can’t fall asleep. One of us has to be sure Jonah goes to bed.”
Sam immediately put his finger to his nose, a giant smirk on his face as you huffed and slid from bed.
Just as you put your weight on your feet and attempted to get dressed you quickly crumbled.
Sam laughed and got up from bed, “Kidding. Let me do it. You need to stay in bed anyways. Keep those chances high. Unless you want round two?”
“Just get out,” you peered playfully as you tossed his boxers at him.
Sam quickly dressed before darting out.
Meanwhile you collapsed back into the bed, a smile on your face as you placed your hand on your bare stomach.
Tags: @bakinginhell, @growningupgeek, @charlotteswinchester, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @super-not-naturall, @goldenolaf25, @addie4602, @goldenangelbloodcastiel, @keelzy2, @sea040561, @heyitscam99, @destie1745, @babypink224221
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everything1506 · 6 years
Wearing His Shirt (Dean Winchester Fluff)
Summary: You wear Dean’s shirt hoping to spark something between you to and your plan might just work.
Author Note: all mistakes are my own please share if you liked it but give me credit, comments and likes are loved so much, give me a shout out if you want and thanks for reading.   
You were home at the bunker when you had an evil idea, tease Dean. Your relationship with him was complicated, it was filled with lingering hugs, longing touches, flirty conversations and banter. You liked him even loved him but he never seemed to show whether he had the same feelings towards you. It was getting annoying so why not find out for sure.
So here you were in the bunkers steel kitchen in just one of Dean’s flannel shirts and a lacy pair of pants (panties for you Americans). You had got this shirt from the laundry room instead of risking getting a shirt from his room, it was a red, white and grey and was mid-thigh length for you given that you were a foot shorter than his 6″1 frame. 
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The shirt clung to your boobs and hugged your figure pretty well for a oversize shirt, you had the first two buttons undone leaving your chest slightly exposed. You had been making chocolate chip pancakes for yourself and the boys, although Sam did mostly only eat ‘rabbit food’ as Dean would say he loved a good chocolate chip pancake on a sunny Saturday morning, not that he would know because we’re underground. 
You turned around with a shock as you saw Dean mouth agape stood by the breakfast bar. This was your time to play, “Something wrong Dean?” You stood there the most innocent look you could conjure on your face as you stared at him, his eyes racking over figure.
“N-no, nothing just wondering why you were wearing my shirt,” he stuttered but soon regained his Dean Winchester charm and confidence. You smirked to yourself not showing it of course, years of pretending to be a FBI or newspaper writer has taught how to not show any real emotions. “I can take it off if you want,” you said, innocent and sorry, going to the hem of the shirt ready to lift it up. 
“No sweetheart your alright it looks better on you than it ever would on me anyway.” Your heart fluttered at the pet name and at his words. You moved your hands away from the hem and let them fall at your sides, “Well I’m not sure about that Winchester because you look damn hot when you wear this shirt.” He blushed at that and it made you smile.
“I made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast if your feeling hungry,” you said plating three up and handing them to him.  “Sweetheart have i ever told you i love you?” You were shocked to say the least.
“Dean shut up.” 
“No Y/N I’m serious i love you, you do so much for me and Sam and you never blame us although most things that happen are because of us and your just amazing.” There’s tears in your eyes, he was being serious he felt the same as you.
“Well Dean Winchester I love you too, more than words can say.” You stifle through tears as he comes up and wraps his arms around your waist and gives you the sweetest most tender kiss you have ever had.    
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bensonstablers · 3 years
author tag
tagged by @mego42​ to talk about my fic Why don’t we go to Venus? (thank you kindly, my dear 🥰)
Oh boy, this got long 😭😭💀 so I’ve put some of what I had to say plus who I’ve tagged and the rules below the cut!
Okay, so, the actual plot/storyline of Why don’t we go to Venus? came about because of The Expanse which I finally got around to watching s1-4 of back in August 2020. Basically, I was either lazing about or drifting off to sleep? I can’t remember for sure but regardless, I started thinking about the idea of Rio killing Beth but getting to reunite with her (in a way in which he doesn’t die to do so) and that was all thanks to the meeting/reunion scene between Miller and Julie in 2x05 (which refused to leave my mind because it’s so beautiful).
Now, at this point, I had already written another fic — Until Long After She Takes Her Final Breath — where I got to break the surface of exploring the ‘what if’ of Rio killing Beth towards the beginning of s3 and it definitely opened the floodgates. Flashforward a little and thanks to The Expanse, I suddenly had an opprortunity to properly explore Rio’s grief and the death of a favourite character in a way I hadn’t before. It also seems in the show (at least to me) that Rio knows what to do get himself through killing someone so I thought it’d be interesting to see him post killing someone like Beth especially when in Why don’t we go to Venus? (as well as in canon) he’s pretty in denial of how much she means to him lol.
So I had the core/main thing but the following bullet points were things I knew I wanted to include in the fic. Things that were pretty much on the table in the very early stages of planning/figuring out how I was going to write the story without it being a) bland and b) too much like the Miller/Julie story in The Expanse, haha. Anyway:
Removing the alien side of things was an instant decision. I’m very picky about AUs and it can take me a while to warm up to certain ones so explicitly bringing aliens into Good Girls was just not my jam at all. I didn’t want to step too far away from those vibes though which is why I had the superantural elements.
I definitely wanted Rhea and her friendship with Beth as well as her history with Rio and how that would kind of put her in the middle of being loyal to him but also greiving over Beth.
Marcus and his friendship with Jane which would be an added factor of the consequences of Rio’s actions.
(Also, Rhea’s thoughts on the Boland kids and what they’re up to since Beth’s death. This is why I had the funeral and also why I mention that Annie is in therapy and Ruby is using Stan’s contact to get info on the investigation in Beth’s death. All to show the full scope and complications of Rio’s decisions).
Outside of them, Mick and Gretchen were really the only characters I was pretty confident would make appearances (if they made any at all).
I wanted to use drinking as a coping method for Rio and increase it as the story went on, going from it being something he can’t help but gravitate towards to something he deliberately seeks out.
Nightmares (and dreams) were always going to be a way to showcase Rio’s greif and build up his guilt and were the first hint (I guess you could say) to the supernatural elements prior to deciding to have Rio see/hear Beth around his apartment.
For the actual writing of it... The nightmare of Rio following Beth down a corridor in chapter 3 and the stuff in her bedroom that follows was orginally going to be the fic in its entirity (a one-shot) but I kept having to put a lot of (terrible) exposistion in to explain how and why we were at that point so that’s when the idea blew up into nearly 40k words and 3 chapters so I could build up to those scenes instead, haha. I also think it works way better and allowed me to fully explore Rio’s emotions and actions in a way that makes those scenes in Beth’s bedroom more satisyfing.
After that, it became basically about keeping things balanced and focused.
Also, Rio hearing Beth’s voice and seeing her around his apartment and stuff was based on Miller seeing/hearing Julie leading up their meeting/reunion in 2x05. And the chapter titles are quotes/a conversation from The Expanse 2x05 that really stuck with me but it also made me decide that I didn’t want Beth and Rio’s version of the story to end with as much finality (or rather the same finality) but I still wanted it to feel like a conclusion to the story nonetheless. 😌
tagging: @xstrawmari​ to talk about ‘lets put on a show’ (or the ‘bucket list’ series as a whole), @medievalraven​ to talk about ‘in the dark’, @sdktrs12​ to talk about ‘Touch (without leaving a trace)’, and @blainesebastian​ to talk about the ‘plans wrapped in rubber bands’ series (or a particular installment if you have a fave!) — also if any of you have been tagged for these stories, feel free to use this as an excuse to talk about another fic you’ve written 👀
questions under the cut!
recently I have become really fascinated with fanfic authors and what exactly was rumbling around in their brain that inspired a fic?
Was it a line of dialogue you couldn’t get out of your head?
A scene you wrote WAY in advance and then crafted the whole story around?
An image in your mind?
Inspiration from another form of media?
Maybe someone suggested something to you and it just TOOK off from there?
What is the root of your fic? The cornerstone -what is it all built around? The idea that started it all?
Tag an author & their fic. Let’s hear about what sparked your story. What exactly got your booty movin’ shakin’ motivated and writin’
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its-me-theicequeen · 4 years
Fanfic Author Tag Game
Tagged by @felix-the-white-wolf​  Thanks for tagging me and prompting me to look at some older works of mine.
Ao3 name: TheIceQueen
Fandoms: Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, The Walking Dead, and a few others. (I started out writing about YouTubers but don’t write RPF anymore) I’ll probably add more down the road, maybe; Chicago Fire, CSI, Vampire Diaries, Glee, Riverdale... 
Number of fics: Published: 119. (of which 5 is WIPs) Unpublished: Only one WIP I plan to publish (Superantural-fic). I have countless fics lying around I’ll never publish, most of which are original works.
Fic you spent the longest time on:  “More Than Perfect”. My WIP at the moment and the first fic I started in the Shadowhunters (Malec) fandom. (I’ve finished a few others along the way). It’s been going on for nine months but with 26 chapters as of yesterday, I’m pretty happy with the pace. 
Fic you spent the shortest time on: “The Only Thing Left” 505 words I wrote for a card prompt. Dean has lost Sam and deals the only way he can. It’s weirdly enough one of my favorites too.
Longest fic: “More Than Perfect”. I never thought I would write anything that even came close to a word-count of 170.430 but it took a life of it’s own and here we are.
Shortest fic: “Close”  296 words. It’s a single scene in a The Walking Dead AU series of short and longer works. Kinda cute.
Most hits: “More Than Perfect” with 17.274 
Most kudos: If this had been a few months ago “Only One” would have had the most. It’s a Reid/Morgan fic and the first fic I wrote in the Criminal Minds fandom.  Now it has 485, while “More Than Perfect” has 574
Most comment threads:  Again “More Than Perfect” with 202 threads. 
Fave fic written: I have no idea. To be honest, it’s probably one of the ones I will never post, but if I had to choose one from my AO3 catalog and it not being one I’m working on right now, I’ll pick “Another Hospital”.  It’s nr. 18 (right now, I’m dropping fics early in the series still) in a Daryl/Jesus series called “Tired Of Fighting”. It’s basically what I love to write; lots of angst and physical and mental pain, and even more comfort. 
Fic you want to rewrite: I don’t write RPF anymore. I can’t explain to detail why, I just don’t like it. That being said, one of my favorire works is “Diving”. It’s a Buttercreams (and friends) fic I guess. Where Conor struggles with depression. It was written from a prompt, but it’s also written from personal experiences.  If I had to pick one to re-write I’d choose that one and make it about fictional characters or me.
Part of a WIP: Well there’s only the one WIP I haven’t posted anything from yet, so here’s a part of my next installment in the series “Sam’s Blue Book.” A series of independent works where Sam or Dean (or both) always gets royally screwed and has to seek help in Sam’s list of more or less educated doctors.
--The constant ear-splitting ringing was slowly boring a tunnel from one ear to the other. The white glowing pain through his head was his whole world for what seemed like an eternity, but eventually a subtle clicking broke through the sound and divided the tune into loud flareups pressing to get out of his skull. Cold darkness was surrounding him and the overwhelming sounds, allowed only little room for thought to break through. Shit… my head… What…? I’m… The act of concentrating on more sounds made his brain scream that he needed to throw up, but nothing happened. At least he didn’t think so. He wasn’t sure if he was moving. There was no fighting anything, not that he was sure that he should be. The reddish darkness that encased him wasn’t letting go and he didn’t know if it was the place he was in or from his eyes not opening when he told them to. Where am I? Trying to feel around was not possible. His head didn’t let him think about anything else that the pain surrounding his skull. He wasn’t sure it would explode or cave in, but if there was no change it would happen soon. It could have been ten minutes, or even only two, but after what felt like days, the ringing stopped fighting with his brain over what little room they had to share. It slowly subsided to only vibrating the skull it was trapped in with a persistent low hum. Over the hum, a melody of clicking and hissing became clear. The redness in the dark broke though and showed itself more vibrant. Are my eyes closed? I need to see… Red became white, and glowing iron bored holes through his eyes and to the middle of the brain, making him feel the mistake all the way down his neck and out his shoulders. Again the signal to be sick didn’t reach further than to make him panic and getting ready for what would come next. With his eyes shot tight again, he felt the last of the adrenaline try to move out of his body, but nothing moved, and it just slowly went away. His fight response was not present. Red darkness and the relentless rhythm of sounds came back slowly and settled him back in the state from before.--
People I would like to play along: @sarasaurussex, @reinavalerianox and @ohheyitsg
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ao3feed-destiel · 4 years
Last Call: DeanCas
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/364RwOU
by Teemfr3_Cherryscone
Based off of Last Call in Season 15. Original script written by Jeremy Adams. Characters created by Eric Kripke. First bit of dialogue pulled from episode, written by Jeremy Adams. Episode directed by Amyn Kaderali. SPN Fan Fic, "Deleted Scene".
Words: 1294, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel, Castiel (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy
Relationships: Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Cuddling & Snuggling, Domestic Castiel/Dean Winchester, Past Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester in Love, Post-Break Up, Sexual Tension, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Men Crying, Crying, Weak Castiel (Superantural), Loving Dean Winchester
Link: https://ift.tt/364RwOU
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Sabriel Week 2019: Day 1
Sabriel Week Day 1: Hunting for Peace Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Teen Warnings: None Pairings: Gabriel (Supernatural)/Sam Winchester Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Tags: canon compliant, set sometime after 6x13, hurt/comfort, end of a solo hunt Word Count: 762
Summary: A solo hunt goes wrong for Sam. Very wrong. Or very right?
Thanks to apple for the quick and excellent beta :D
Read it Here
ALSO, apple doesn't have a tumblr, but does have a Sabriel Week Day 1 fic. Title: More Dashing Fandom: Superantural Rating: Teen Characters: Gabriel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester Tags: Pre-Slash, Hurt/Comfort, Depowered Gabriel (Supernatural), Fluff, Injured Sam Winchester, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Flirting, sabriel week 2019 Words: 425 Summary: First aid kits are simple enough to use. It's just a few stitches, right? you can read apple's fic here
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karateficrec · 5 years
Chapters: 32/32 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Ketch/Crowley Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Arthur Ketch, Balthazar, Bobby Singer, Jack Kline, Claire Novak, Michael (Supernatural), The Empty (Superantural), Anna Milton, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Gabriel (Supernatural), Naomi (Supernatural), Hannah (Supernatural), Samandriel (Supernatural), Cain (Supernatural), Benny Lafitte, Dmitri Krushnic, Lucifer (Supernatural), Rowena MacLeod Additional Tags: Alterantive Universe, Destiel - Freeform, The Bodyguard (Film) AU, Omegaverse, A/B/O, Alpha Dean, Sub Dean, omega cas, dom Cas, BAMF Cas, Possessive Cas, D/s undertones, romance tropes, Bodyguard Cas, Sam Cas Friendship, Singer Actor Model Triple Threat Dean, Wannabe cowboy dean, gender politics subtext, past brief mention of megstiel and cas/other, Ruby is a puppy in this verse and she is very sweet, Case Fic, Minor Sabriel, mention of ketch/crowley, But it is like a tiny mention mostly for funz, set in 1992 Summary:
Dean has a music video to film, a new album to promote, he’s in the running for an Oscar for heaven’s sake. Sam worries too much, just because Dean hates being tailed by security, there’s no need for Sam to go hiring some ex-FBI agent to watch him like a hawk. Sure the new guy Cas is nice on the eyes and so very sweet on the nose, Dean really couldn’t have an omega guarding his alpha ass, could he?
A Destiel x The Bodyguard AU
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Meeting Cas Part 2: Getting Too Close (Cas Imagine)
Hey I was wondering if it would be too much to ask you to write a sequel to your "meeting Cas" imagine. I really enjoyed it and although I lack the creative spark to throw plot at you xD I would love to read anything you'd put in that'd tickle your fancy. I'm okay of you don't here anything to put in another one though :3 Please do keep doing a bang up job, you are rose-worthy.
Thank you so much. Hope you like it! PART 1
The echo of the angel’s wings filled the room as the two men appeared in front of you, Sam, and Dean. All jumping in sync, the beings catching you off guard as they teleported into your motel room.
“Another seal has been broken” Castiel spoke, although his tone was emotionless, he was quite obviously angry at this as every time he appeared, with any news regarding the seals, it was never good, and he was never happy. He walked towards you, being new to earth he had no sense of personal space or any social skills for that matter. He closed the gap between you and stood mere inches from your face.
“How did this happen?” He asked sternly, his voice vibrating through your body as you studied his lips, subconsciously licking your own. This angel was mean, and you always seemed to be on his bad side but you could not help but feel such a strong sexual attraction towards him.  
Your mouth bobbed up and down while trying to find an answer as the angels eyes searched yours with confusion, as to why you were acting this way. Cheeks red hot and flustered, palms claming up. 
“Castiel, we’re sorry, we were caught up in another case” Sam interrupted, clearly seeing you were struggling. Castiel went to walk towards him but his gaze lingered at you for a bit longer, head tilted before his attention turned to Sam.
“Lilith is the priority. If we call, you come from now on. Understood?” 
“Yeah” you breathed out almost at a moan, your hand chasing the word up to your mouth to conceal the embarrassment on your face. A disgusted look from both boys followed. 
“Are you alright.. you seem different” Castiel asked you, walking back towards, contenting your gaze with his whilst furrowing his brows. He took two fingers and placed them to your forehead, confusion written all over his face for a moment before he almost cracked a smile.
“Human emotion is something I still haven’t came to grasp with, but I am flattered” he spoke in a serious tone before disappearing before your eyes, along with Uriel, who seemed to just be there as the brute as Castiel was the brains.
“What was that?” Asked Dean.
“I think he read my mind” you cried, crippled with embarrassment you folded over at the waist with a groan, Sam laughing at you from across the room.
“And what was on your mind?” Dean pressed.
“God you don’t want to know” you stood back up, still cringing but tried to brush the whole thing off. 
You were packing up your stuff from this motel room as your hunt was completed and it was time to move on. You were replaying the moment in your head again. He was flattered. The solider of heaven who visits earth to command about humans in order to stop the rising of Lucifer, the powerful being who could smite anything in front of him with the click of his fingers, was flattered by your awfully disgusting and inappropriate thoughts about him. 
You were thinking how you’d like to rip that tired trench coat off him and see what’s underneath that suit, how when he he tells you what to do all you imagine is him dominating you in the bedroom. And he heard it all. And he was flattered? It made no sense.
A few weeks had past since Castiel had visited the three of you, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. Waking up in the morning, hoping he would grace you with his presence today, and going to sleep at night hoping to dream about him, which you often did. You laid across your knackered duvet in the rotten motel of the week, looking up at the questionable stains on the roof when you heard him. He whooshed in like he knew you were just wishing he would. You jumped off the bed and stood up to face him.
“Y/N I couldn’t come any sooner, I was busy in heaven. What do you want?” He asked. It was just the two of you in the room as Sam and Dean were out in their suits playing Feds to get some leads on a possible case. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, confused how he knew you wanted him. 
“You’ve been praying to me. You think so passionately about me coming to earth that it comes through on angel radio as a prayer. Now what do you need. Resources?” 
“This is really embarrassing.. I don’t actually need anything. I just.. wanted to see you” you trailed off, beaming with embarrassment that he could hear everything you thought! 
“Is this about what I saw in your head last time we spoke?” He asked, as he walked closer to you. You didn’t answer, just nodded once and shyly put your head down to look at your feet, hoping to hide the mortified expression on your face. 
“Y/N I have been taken off this assignment. It has become apparent to angels higher up that I am becoming too involved in this case. And the humans I am involved with.” Castiel explained with sorrow in his voice. He was too involved? He was distant, barley showed, was stern, demanding and bossy. How would he act if he wasn’t ‘close’ with you three. Your heart got a little heavier when you realised you might not see him again. You took a deep breath to build confidence for what you were about to do. This angel played on your mind day and night and you could not let him go without doing something about your feelings. You marched over and grabbed on to the lapels of his coat, pulling yourself on to your tippy toes, and pausing in front of his lips momentarily before planting them on to his. You pressed yourself deeply into the kiss, he barley reciprocated as he very loosely rested his hand on your elbow awkwardly. You pulled back and giggled nervously. He smiled. For the first time he had a proper smile on his face.
“Don’t stay gone forever” you spoke taking a few steps back from him, he nodded at you and flapped his wings, leaving you only with the gust of wind that follows him whenever he goes and a massive grin spread across your face.
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