#summer concer
falsenote · 7 months
in the context of other poliziotteschi flicks thinking back on la polizia ringrazia just makes my head spin like there you have the "good" policeman realizes the system is corrupt archetype and all the other routine components to it but this movie just takes that and gives depth to them and makes every character's motivations very ambigous and layered. it really feels like reading an essay, you have to really pay attention to understand what is being said which is something i used to not like that much but i've been enjoying lately so it was a hit for me like so much that i was very taken aback by all this. it's just hysterical to me that this very genre movie could have this complexity like pack it up francesco rosi.......
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bunn-iiii · 3 days
why the fuck did my dad decide to wake me up at 10:40am. DURING SUMMER BREAK
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airbendertendou · 11 months
a small compilation of moments between autistic!reader + connor happy disability pride month <3
anon requested : hi! i was wondering if you could do something with connor and the autistic reader and like them going nonverbal and how he would handle that? You don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna! :)
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please do not use this as a way to self-diagnose. having one thing in common does not necessarily mean you are autistic. im not a therapist or doctor, if you think you’re on the spectrum, talk to them. <3
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
temperature irregulation ♥︎
hank was a firm believer in a cold house. when the summer season came and brought a heatwave with it, the older man wouldn’t allow anything other than a brisk, chilly living room.
it was often you’d come over to go over old cases and study with hank. interning with the detroit police department was fun — the academy, however, you could live without. you’d learned to dress warm when visiting hank’s house, having a hard time warming up once you were cold.
“here,” a thicker sweater is placed over the couch, the sleeve laying on your shoulder. you take it without thought, swapping your thinner one for the new one. connor smiles at the pattern on your fuzzy socks, the sight of your toes curling in delight at the warmth bringing something tender to his brain. “better?”
you nod with a hum, “thanks, detective.”
hank rolls his eyes, hiding the curl of his lips at your obliviousness. “anyways, as i was saying—”
[interrupted] routine ♥︎
every day at 12:10 pm, you’d wander into the breakroom for a snack and drink refill. connor didn’t mean to memorize your specific regimen — but after watching you do the same thing for a week straight, it stuck to his mind.
you loitered in the doorway to the breakroom, peeking in occassionally to see if it’d emptied out any. gavin caught your gaze, rolling his eyes at your hesitance. it was then you spotted the mug in his hands — your mug, the one you always used. your frown deepened.
connor budged his way into the crowd, bumping into gavin and causing his drink to spill. every curse leaving the human’s mouth went ignored — connor only watched as you cowered away from gavin’s angry steps as he left. grabbing the dropped mug, connor rinsed it four times before holding it out to you shyly.
you crept into the breakroom, grabbing the handle of the mug and shooting the android a thankful grin.
stimming with pressure ♥︎
hank opened the door to his house with a sigh. connor’s eyebrows furrowed as he tilted his head, questioning the elder silently. hank leans against the door, “[name]’s been here a while, s’all. won’t leave my bathtub.”
a safe zone, connor concludes, somewhere small and compact ; where you could see every corner and every threat. he makes his way to the bathroom without another thought, pausing at the sight of you.
your eyes are closed, face crumpled in displeasure as you clench and unclench your fists in a pattern. connor knocks on the door, announcing his presence without startling you. your eyes fly open, “hello, detective.”
“you can call me connor, if you’d like.” the android steps further into the bathroom slowly, allowing you to object if you need to. your eyes stay on him — his thirium pump stutters in his chest. “anything i can do to help?”
taking in a deep breath, you puff your cheeks as you release the air. “maybe. if you don’t think it’s weird.”
connor stares down at you, his upper lip curled in hesitance as you lay in hank’s bed. you adjust yourself, wiggling around until you’ve splayed your limbs where you want them. you blink up at him, “well?”
“it is a little... strange.” connor tries to be nice, he really does. but asking an android to lay on you — to put their full weight on you — he’s concered. “i will crush you.”
you roll your eyes, “i have a weighted blanket at home ; it’s no different.”
“i weigh quite a bit more than—”
“are you going to lay on me or not, connor?”
maybe it was the sound of you saying his name for the first time ; maybe it was the way you looked so defeated. whatever it was, connor found himself laying on you as gently as he could. the relaxation was immediate — he could feel the breath of relief you let out ; the way your body sagged.
you fell asleep that way — with connor holding his breath and tensing up the closer you got.
sensory overload ♥︎
the scene you were going to was a lot. it was nighttime now, the sirens and flashing lights bringing everyone’s attention this way. hank leaves the car first, grumbling as he goes. the sound that leaks through his open door causes you to whimper.
connor turns his head to you, “everything alright?”
your gaze hasn’t left the window as you squint, blinking at all of the lights. you gulp before biting your lip. “i’ll be fine. this is what i signed up for.”
you’re barely out of the car and already wincing at the noise and the lights. you can’t see hank ; can’t hear or understand anything being said around you. the world is blinking in hues of red and blue, wailing sirens going off with every flash of the lights.
the sound grows muffled as soft and sturdy hands cup your ears. a thumb moves from your ear briefly, just long enough for you to hear a whisper. “close your eyes and i’ll lead you into the house. that’s where the lieutenant is.”
trusting connor’s words — a little too easily — you squeeze your eyes shut. your hands go up to cover his, sealing your ears from the harsh sounds around you. stumbling a little here and there, you eventually feel a difference in temperature as you enter the house.
letting out a sigh, your shoulders moving with the motion, slowly your eyes peel open. you glance at connor, ignoring the tenderness of his gaze. “thanks, connor.”
he lets out a deep breath, ignoring the sly grin hank sends his way. “no problem, [name].” 
verbal shutdown ♥︎
it happened so quick. your safe foods had vanished from their designated cabinet ; your chair’s wheel was squeaking incessently ; hank hadn’t shown up today. everything was piling on and you finally exploded.
the evidence locker was empty as you shakily typed in hank’s password. you hit the wrong button a few times, squeezing your eyes together at the little beeps. your breathing picks up — you hold it in your chest and shake your hands, releasing the tension built inside you.
you all but crawl into the secure room, your back hitting the wall as you sit down. your eyes squeeze shut again and you go through the motions, choosing the less destructive ways to calm yourself down.
none of them work.
when connor finds you, you’re drawing shapes on the floor with your finger. you’ve curled into yourself, not making a sound ; your usual means of comfort absent from your lips. he walks to you cautiously, “[name]? hank has returned. he’s asking to see you.”
you don’t move ; not a sound falls from your lips. connor sits in front of you, crossing his legs as he waits. from his suit pocket comes a ring of multicolored notecards — your eyes flash to his at the sight of them. connor holds them out further so that you can see them properly. “want to use these?”
a miniscule nod, but it’s enough to make him smile. “alright,” he flicks through the blue cards — feelings. stopping at your set of upset verbs, he slides the ring your way. “any of these describe how you’re feeling?”
a shaky finger hits the word overstimulated before dragging over to panic. connor nods, flipping to the pink set — solutions. “what do you want to do? go home ; nap ; have a snack ; get your puzzle book ; coloring book...” connor holds them up to you, reading out each one until you nod — except you don’t. pausing, connor speaks up again, “want me to leave?”
you shake your head. slowly, your hand crawls across the floor until it meets his. you nudge his hand, curling your fingers under his. connor holds his breath, adjusting your fingers until you’re holding hands properly. his eyes stay to the floor, “this is okay, too. let me know when you’re ready to leave.”
emotional regulation ft. lots of crying ♥︎
“connor,” your voice brings him out of his work. standing beside his desk, connor watches as you sway side to side. he tilts his head and it makes your eyes water. “i’m going to cry.”
that was his cue to take you into his arms. connor stands to do so, gathering your body against his and rocking you side to side slowly. your body hiccups a few times, sniffles leaving your nose occassionally. you seem to calm down even more as he rubs your back soothingly — connor’s led light flashes yellow as he stores that information for later.
you pull away with a deep breath, rubbing your face with the hoodie you’re wearing. connor frowns, “better?”
you nod, “needed that. thank you.”
“want to tell me what upset you? only if you want to.”
connor never knew what to expect your answer to be. sometimes you just shook your head and snuggled close to him again. other times, you did talk about why you were crying and it made connor realize the extent of human emotions. 
“no more chocolate in the snack cabinet.”
“had a nice dream.”
“hank is wearing yellow.”
“it’s such a pretty day today!”
“too much noise.”
“gavin cut his hair.”
you let out another sniffle, lips pouting in thought. “not too sure this time. jus’ felt like i needed to cry.”
connor nods to himself, his led light whirring yellow once more. “i’m glad you feel comfortable with me, [name]. i’ll be here if you need another cry.”
you grin, meeting his eyes for a brisk second before reaching out to hold his hand. you swing your entwined hands lightly, grin softening into something gentle. “i know. thanks, con.”
the detective was sure he’d implode because of you soon. just not yet — not when you’re still holding his hand.
——♥︎—— for some reason my brain tells me to only write autistic readers n pair them w connor. like?? work w me here!! anyways. i hope this was okay, remember to take your meds, drink some water and have a nice snack!! airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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cherry1sblog · 8 months
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PAIRING: Lee heeseung × fem!reader
GENRES:smut, fluff, bullying, alcohol,party, unprotect ed sex (rember to wrap your Willy so the out come won't be silly
WARNINGS there is bullying in this heeseung is basically a dick to y/n and nothing in this story is real!!! This is fan fiction and the way I write about heeseung is not the way I portray him as he's a person himself this is simply for entertainment only !!
SUMMARY:heeseung had always bullied you through your 3 years of Highschool but never let anyone touch you other then him and if he found out someone did that was the end of it you were basically marked as his toy that's until the summer of your junior year you had enough you were done with him always making fun of you and you hated the fact that after all he did I to you you still adored him and liked him but it dosent matter cause you wanted to leave your senior year with a banger so you were no longer your nerdy self still smart asf obvi but appearance wise different you got contacts new clothes thank god you guys didn't have a dress code and most importantly you spent all summer learning how to do your makeup..
“Heeseung hyung do you know why y/n just left?” Sunoo asked “we had an argument cause she was being a bitch again “ sunghoon heard heeseungs remark and was upset “heeseung I know it’s your birthday but fuck you dude y/n was the one who organized everything with sunoo” “yeah hyung she even spent all night planing the decorations I know that you only do this to get her attention but we’re not in 7th grade anymore bulling her isn’t and was never going to work so stop being such an asshole “ heeseung washed with guilt he felt bad yes but sometimes he didn’t know any other way to show you how he felt and right now he felt really bad and realized how messed up he was being to you leaving his own party in his car trying to find you he realized it started to rain as it was the middle of October he knew you weren’t home yet cause the drive was around 20 min so the walk would be twice as long he felt the horrible now realizing you were walking in the rain but then he doted you sitting on a curb on a couple minutes from jakes house crying concer he got off and walked to you being to your level “hey y/n why don’t we go into the car it’s rai-“ you had pushed him he landed on his ass and now his butt was wet upset but not saying anything besides picking you up and putt you in the car slamming the door “what the hell heeseung “ “doll please just let me take you home it’s the least I can do enless you wanna walk in the rain” you hated how he had a point but you really didn’t wanna walk in that rain you were already soaked “here my coat “ he handed you his coat realizing that you were going in the opposite detraction of your house “hey my house isn’t this way” “my house is closer” you were gonna argued with him but you really just wanted to get out of these clothes “oh and um t-hanks for setting up my party “ you were surprised they Lee heeseung was saying thank you not even caring that he found out you were the one who planned it all “wow they Lee heeseung is thanking me “ he laughed “don’t get ahead of yourself now “ he said as you guys pulled into his driveway and hell heeseung house was big not as big as jakes but still really fucking big “are you coming inside or just gonna chill in the car “ running to his front step cause of the rain “my parents aren’t home there on a business trip so you can spend the night “ nodding at him admiring the decorations in his house followinghim up stairs and into his room “uh I don’t really have anything that will fit you” he said as he handed you some pj pants and a t shirt “thanks “ you said him just nodding thinking he was gonna leave or go change in his bathroom but he just looked at you “um where can I change” “oh right sorry you can change in my bathroom” walking into his restroom you not I’d it was a lot more clean than you thought everything was organized you put on the clothes as they were obviously super big but that was fine walking out you saw heeseung changing you covers your eyes “you can open your eyes “ peeping realizing he had clothes on now cheeks red as you just saw heeseung shirtless “sorry I was. Just about to get my shirt “ “not its okay” he laughed at you “what’s so funny “ he just shook his head “havent you seen a guy naked before or without a shirt? You saw sunghoon without one so what’s the big deal “ you’ve obviously seen guys shirtless before many times in porn at the beach but for you to see them all alone with just the two of you it made you nervous your stomach turend with butterflies and sometimes you thoughts being in the gutter “I have obviously but still” he lifted his brow “but still what exactly?wait don’t tell me your….” You don’t under stand what he meant you looked at him as he smirked and laughed you didn’t get it “ wow doll are you still a virgin” you got embarrassed “ you really had me thinking you were actually a lit when really your just a innocent bunny” you scoffed at his words “you didn’t even let me answer” “ go on then answer
He told you but you had no idea what you were going to say so you just blurted anything “we’ll um if you reallly wanna know I’m not a vigrin anymore I’ve had a lot of sex before and given amazing head “ he look like didn’t believe you one bit with he shouldn’t you felt so stupid you says yeah I’ve given so much head before ughh “um okay? Yeah doll it’s okay if your a virgin it’s natural “ you shook you head “ but I’m not I just told you I’ve-“ “ then show me “ you didn’t know what to say mouth hanging open “ if your so good at giving head then show me “ you really didn’t know what to do only what you’ve seen on porn but you weren’t going to let heeseung win so you were just gonna try and reenact what you’ve seen on porn “ u-um okau” he say on the bed man spreading you walked over kneeling down infront of him undoing his belt but he grabbed your arm stoping you “ wait I know your lying y/n it really is okay i was just messing with you “ he looked at you with sorrow “ I don’t want you to do something and feel forced into it it’s okay to be a virgin and this is something you should lose with someone special “
You smiled at him knowing he cared but you were already infront of him so you might as well do it so then you could maybe learn “ I’m already infront of you and I want to do it you can help me along the way “ he looked confused “wait a minute you want me to be you what sex guide?” You nodded “ only if your sure “ you were sure and on the inside heeseungs heart was pounding and now growing hard thinking of you around his cock just as he always wanted you nodded to his question he released your arm you rubbed your palm over his pants as you seen the girls do before heeseung crowed to it throwing his head back you slowly zipped his pants down ridding him of his sweats and then you saw the tent in his boxers the outline already scared you heeseung saw that panick in you face “you don’t have to continue doll if you don’t want “ you shook your head your wanted to do this you pulled his boxers down and he was so pretty that your mouth started to drool “ so big” you started to moved your hand up and down spitting on his shaft moving up and down then adding your mouth to his tip swirling on his slit his eyes rolled back “fuck y/n you feel so good “ he bunged your hair “may I “ you nodded he started to fuck your face he was so big he had you stuffed gagging on him he kept rolling his eyes back “ah fuck you like being a slut for me don’t you “ you didn’t say anything but you were getting wet “my own slut my doll so I can use you whenever I want right” you gagged on him again and he can you couldn’t breath but it was worth it he came all in your mouth you swallowed it he pulled out of your mouth “did you swallow doll” you stuck out your tounge to show him “did I do good “ he grabed your jaw “you were amazing “ he placed you gently on the bed your heart was racing you were nervous and I’m pretty sure heeseung can tell by the way your eyes were closing “hey pretty girl look at me we don’t have to do this we can take it slow okay “ he looked at you like you were the most important thing to him you felt wanted by him “I want to do it “ you said it but with hesitation he held your hand “look we’ll see if you wanna go thrue with the rest after I’m done eating this pretty little pussy” you smacked him as he giggled he slowly took off your pants seeing the wet patch on your cute pink underwear rubbing his finger over you there was a barrier you needed more it felt to good already “he-heeseung m-ah” he licked a strip on your underwear sliding your underwear done now feeling a bit exposed you closer your legs “don’t hide from me cause now this pussy belings to me and only me okay doll” you nodded he went down on you he licked sucked and fucked your hole with his tounge and fingers and it felt so good but you wanted more you wanted him as close to you as he could be “ah hee-“you moans so loud as he started to go faster you were close “please heeseung don’t stop feels so fucking good “ your eyes rolled back you couldn’t hold it any longer cumming all over his tounge “ you taste so good doll” you blushed at his comment “heeseung please “ “please what baby?” You go shy you didn’t wanna say it “use your words or I don’t know what you want “ checks turning a bright rosy red as you told him what you wanted “please fuck me need it so bad seungie “ the nick name was knew to him but he loved it
Aligning hip tip with your entrance before he put his tip in he was so big in you he could feel just how tight you were “holy fuck your so tight” heeseung and you throwing you heads back as he bottomed out “tell me when I can move baby” you didn’t want to wait anymore “please just fuck me heeseung “ and with that he slowly thrusted not wanting to hurt you witch it felt werid at first but it felt so good after awhile “omg fuck” heeseung starts kissing you slowly “been wanting to do this for so fucking long always have that big ass mouth of yours “ you couldn’t say anything other than “fuck y-“ heeseung started to pound into “what’s wrong doll I swear you were saying something “ you were to fucked out to say anything you felt a coil in your stomach but at the same time it didn’t feel like how it felt when you would touch yourself so you had no idea what was happening it felt so strong “omg wa- ah” heeseung pressed on your stomach wear his duck was bulging from it felt so god that right then I’m the the coil broke it felt so good your body felt so warm “did you cum baby” heeseung starts kissing down your neck and still keeping his pace you feel sensitive but I’m a good way “fuck keep clenching on me doll” and you did you could feel heeseungs dick twitch inside you and then you felt the warmth of his cum you felt so full heeseung panting both of you out of breath as he laid besides you “holy shit that was amazing “ you said “wait shit “ heeseung looked at you confused realizing that you just slept with heeseung your biggest enemy it was too late now but you didn’t want anyone to know “can we maybe keep this beetween us?” Heeseung seemed hurt “uh yeah sure” you didn’t understand why but he did but he always makes stupid remarks of course “ wait is it cause you don’t want people to know how dumb fucked you were over my dick” playfully hitting his chest “no heeseung cause I don’t want people knowing my business but I’m tired can I sleep now “ he nodded giving you a shirt and holding you while you slept
//The next morning \\
You woke up in heeseungs arms and it actually felt nice you didn’t want to get up but you had to you slipped as careful as you could not wanting to wake him as he looked so peaceful grabbing his and your clothes and making way to find his washer and dryer you went to go washed up from your pervious night activities and by the time you were done you undies were done drying slipping them on and throwing one of heeseungs black shirts on going to make breakfast but before that you wanted to wake heeseung so you tried to wake him up by tapping on him but that didn’t work so you set on him and slowly started to kiss his lips then his cheek and then his jaw you were going down more but he stopped you “doll it’s too early for you to be acting bad “ you faced him “all I wanted to know was if your hungry I wanted to make you some food “ he smiled at you and pecked your lips the rest of that day you spent with heeseung not answering anyone just the two of you together until someone showed up at his door you opened the door not knowing who it was but you found out it was Sunghoon you were fucked “y/n? What are you doing at heeseungs place “ you didn’t know what to say at all “um he took me here after I left cause I was walking home in the rain so he said it would be bad for him to just leave me in the rain “ he didn’t seemed like he believed it not one bit “so where’s heeseung then “ the dort opend more “right here “ heeseung said as he showed himself “why are you just standing at the door come in werido “ you were so confused heeseung was acting to normal “I’m the werido you had everyone thinking you two were dead “ and really hit you your parents but then also realizing your parents weren’t home either they too were on Bissnens trips “well I’m not see we’re standing perfectly fine “ sunghoon rolled his eyes “well I can see that now but if he just wanted to make sure you don’t get sick why are you still here then it’s like 6 pm not only that you wearing hyungs shirt ?“ you looked at heeseung sunghoon got you both there I mean to everyone eles you guys are enimes in reality heeseung should have just left you there to walk in the rain but this isn’t like that At all “uh that’s a good question “ heeseung looked back at you both no knowing what to say but before sunghoon could speak you interrupted him “ I stayed because both are parents are on trip right now so we thought it be better to stay together cause I get scared being home alone and I wasn’t going to sleep in my dress duh “ you were hopeful he believed that “oh ok I mean I Gusse that makes sense but why haven’t you guys answered anyone “ see we’ll for the past like 8 hours you and heeseung have been bing watching the summer I turend pretty so that wasn’t something you had to come up with
“y/n wanted to watch the summer I turend pretty and I thought it was stupid but it’s actually a really good show we’re almost finished with it wich you actually interrupted” Sunghoon honestly was questioning why he’s even freinds with the both of you but sunghoon also came to say that “we’ll another reason I came and why we’ve been calling you nonstop is cause jake got into a fight with someone at the party “ you were conceded Scince jake was super nice like a golden retriever and seeing him hurt would upset you “WHAT is he okay????” Sunghoon nodded assuring he was fine but the other guy was not “ I don’t get it what was it wall about? Why did they even fight “ sunghoon sighs “well actually I think it good that y/ms here now but it’s a bit upsetting” you were confused what’s so bad that invoked Jake getting into a fight cause of you “the guy I Guess was taking pictures up girls dresses and skirts and you were one of them “ you were grossed out your heart sank you felt like you were gonna puke tears forming at the corner of your eyes “but there’s more I Gusse he had posted the pics he took of girls on accident and a bunch of people are calling all the girls whores “ you were definitely upset but still didn’t get why jake got into the fight “not only that but the guy got all up in jakes face cause he called him out for it and then he said some stuff about you being a whore “ heeseung looked at you to see a reaction they both did “I’m. Not sure what to say who tf is this guy?” He wasn’t really sure either he saw him but didn’t know who he was “apparently your freind soobin knows him but the dude is like a complete loser his name is minje that’s all I really know “ Minje that name sounded so familiar to you but you don’t know why after that sunghoon ended up calling the boys and chu and some of the other girls so everyone was at heeseungs you all decided to have a game night
“During the game “
“Fuck you this ain’t fair jake hyung keeps Stealling my money “ it’s been 30 min into the game and the boys were already arguing “it’s not my fault you don’t notice this monopoly dosent have rules so suck it up” everyone was laughing at them but this game was gettin absolutely no where so you asked if they wanted to play a diffrent game “what game did you have in mind?” You were think but you didn’t really know “uh I’m not sure this game is boring that’s all I know “ “oh oh wait I have an idea “ chu said “how about we play spin the bottle scince there’s a good number of us “ there were 7 girls and 8 boys so chu was right we all went into a circle heeseung grabbing a beer bottle placing it in the center “okay who wants to go first “ Jake being jake he went first “oh shit I’m scared “ Jake said but it landed on chu every one in the room went ooooooo chu and jake ended up kissing but you guys weren’t in middle school anymore so you suggested a little more “istead of just a kiss why don’t we do make outs scince well kissing is a bit boring “ everyone agreed with you beomgyu went he needed uo kissing yerim and then jungwon went he kissed Yuna and then it was your turn you were nervous but exited you kinda were hoping for heeseung but you landed on sunghoon it’s not like you haven’t kissed before but you guys didn’t really understand what you were anymore more confusing at the fact that we’ll you had slept with heeseung nothing really made sense to you about this but it’s just a game right no actual feeling involved right? “Do I have to come to you or ?” You spaced out but went to sunghoon and he just grabbed your wait and pulled you in you guys probly made out for a good minute but when you went back to your spot you could see heeseungs death glare at you after 2 more people went it was heeseungs turn he  spined  the bottle and what do you know thank you lord for making this more awkward then it had to be you were really reconsidering your life “holyyy shit y/nnie your got two kissies in one night” but then as sunoo said that jake smacked him “shut the fuck up sunoo rember there not the best of freinds “ everyone kinda gose silent “hey if you don’t want to y/n it’s ok “
Sunghoon said “no it’s fine I mean it’s just a game after all” you said it’s so nonchalant but you were nervous for some reason acting like you didn’t just sleep with heeseung “hurry up doll your taking to long “ heeseung was sitting down man spreading as you went to his side of the room with the couch you say on his lap you knew he was tryna be a bit of an ass but no everyone was kinda shocked that you were being so bold before heeseung could even initiate the kiss you grabed his jaw and started to make out with heeseung for a good 2 min “okay okay we get it stop before I bulge my eyes out “ jungwon said “I felt like I was watching the intro to a porn “ Everyone laughed at yunas comment “okay well I thinks it’s time for a movie no” everyone got exited but offfff course it had to be a scary movie you liked scary movies but y’all were gonna watch the nun but honestly something even scary happend the fact that you were sat tight in between sunghoon and heeseung you wanted to kys in that moment but something happens while you and sunghoon were giggle to the point where heeseung just didn’t wanna sit next to you guys anymore wich was werid “I’m actually gonna head up to bed you guys I’m getting tired but feel free to do whatever “ you guys all looked confused but continued with the movie
\\half way thrue the movie//
You had gotten scared 3 times and by this time sunghoon suggested you just on his lap instead of jumping on his lap like 70 diffrent times so you were seated on top of him sunghoon was grabbing onto your shirt but cause we was also trying to cover his eyes and then “BAM” you all jumped and screamed chu thru all the popcorn on the floor “ your so fucking stupid we should have known you didn’t have to pee” yuna told Jake “first of all that’s was rude second of all you all looked like you shit yourself” you were moving so much you forgot you were sitting on sunghoon put his hand on you thigh and squeezed it “please stop moving “ thats when you felt it you felt bad but also felt butterflies you didn’t stop moving through the movie it wasn’t like sexual it’s just when a scary scene came up you’d move more then you needed too that’s when “hey y/n come get more drinks with me “ you looked at him confused “huh?” But everyone ofc wanted a drink but no one wanted to get up “ommggg get me another soda please “ chu said so you went with sunghoon as you walk in sunghoon closed the kitchen door and went behind you whispering in your ear “you think your little game is cute huh?” You were confused “what game “ you said defending yourself “I know you and heeseung fucked if he really only let you borrow his clothes he woulda gave you some pants “ you were caught in your own lie you were fucked “so you let heeseung fuck you before me “ he said as he started to kiss your neck you turned around to get him off of you a bit “cmon pretty gurl I already know it obvious let me make you feel good hm”……….
I’m so sorry this took so long. I know you guys have been waiting for this so I try to make it as long as possible there was a lot going on so I didn’t have as much time but I hope you guys enjoy this in the meantime. also this is a proofread inside so long, but I have been wanting to start another series so for the next part of this might be may be a bit longer or maybe sooner but I’ve been wanting to start a new series so I’m trying to figure out some stuff, but I think you guys will be very patient and I love you all so much🩷
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nakunakunomi · 10 months
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This drabble is part of my summer celebration collection! Prompt: Sunburn Characters featured: Luffy (One Piece), 2nd person GN Reader Requested by: anonymous
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Luffy either was super serious and mature, doing his captainly duties and leading all those he cared about a step closer to sailing the entire world, a step closer to legendary treasure and a fairer word, or he had loaned out his three functioning braincels for Zoro for the day, and there was little to be done with him. 
Today had been one of the latter days, and your captain -and lover- had thought it a great idea to lay on deck like a starfish, soaking up the sun. To be fair, he wasn’t necessarily sunbathing, he was moreso sulking because most of the crew was too busy for shenanigans with him and on top of that, Sanji had told him to wait till dinnertime to eat. 
He hadn’t really accounted for the sun’s rays being extra potent today, and after an hour or three of sulking, instead of looking sunkissed- the way he usually did- he now looked more like a lobster ready to be devoured. You couldn’t believe your eyes when he first approached you, looking about as red as his little vest, surprisingly not in that much pain. You were very worried, immediately making a mental note to check if Chopper had any ointments or aloe in stock, but your worries were quickly waved away by Luffy, who just sat in front of you, laughing.
“Look y/n”, he said, pressing his finger onto a red arm, making white lines into the skin, “I can now draw on myself like this! Isn’t it fun? Shishishi”
You had to use all your might not to roll your eyes. Despite all his serious moments, your boyfriend could still be a real goof sometimes. “You absolute idiot. I’ll get Chopper to make something against these burns, and ask Sanji if he can fetch you water. This is not healthy, next thing you know you actually have a heatstroke.” 
Luffy’s face only lit up at your words, instead of the expected concer. “Whoah, I get early snacks and drinks AND a backrub with ointment? Should’ve laid in the sun much earlier!” 
You made a mental note not to get him that sulky again for a while.
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A quick analysis of the new official artwork
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Who would've expected haha Time for my first analysis of this year! As always, more underneath the cut ^^
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To begin with, Fyodor and Dazai look beautiful here. I’m especially enchanted by Fyodor, because as far as I’m concerned it’s the first time we’ve seen him in colour while he’s wearing his usual outfit, but not his hat and he looks absolutely stunning. I’ve been wishing for a depiction like this and my wishes have been heard. He looks so comfy, I’m jealous. This time his shirt is also a turtleneck and now I have a theory that the shirt is for spring/summer and the turtleneck is for autumn/winter. Dazai of course looks beautiful as well, and I always appreciate it when Harukawa draws his shirt with details such as buttons.
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My next observation is concering the screens. They’re obviously meant to represent the prison screens and who’s on whose side. On Fyodor’s side we have Nikolai who has this cheeky smile on his face that reminds me of that time when he asked Fyodor if he already had a plan, but it’s also a very typical facial expression for him, so I wouldn’t pay too much attention to that. Underneath we have Chuuya who has this eyes averted and I think it’s partially because he’s a vampire and partially because he’s not actually on Fyodor’s side. On Dazai’s side we have only one person and that’s Sigma who’s not having the best time.
For the 3 remaining screens I want to start with the 2 on Dazai’s side, because the top one shows a room being targeted and it’s most likely the drowning room as I like to call it (the room where Chuuya and Fyodor are currently drowning) and the bottom one is broken. Now, the broken screen could symbolize many things such as Chuuya leaving his side, but personally I think it’s meant to symbolize Oda who was Dazai’s biggest ally and is now dead therefore he cannot physically impact the outcome any further and can’t switch sides. Both Sigma and Chuuya have switched sides (whether willingly is not important right now), so a broken screen representing Chuuya would mean he can’t come back to Dazai side, but that’s still possible.
I find Fyodor’s top screen more intriguing, because it looks as if it was hacked. It displays the letter R (which may stands for Rats, but also for something entirely different), has 3 stripes (and we have 3 doa members present in Meursault now) and blue and yellow colours, which were probably chosen for the aesthetic purposes, but thise are also the colours of the Ukrainian flag and Nikolai is Ukrainian, so it could be a possible reference if Nikolai plays a really big role in this arc. There’s also one more think I’d like to mention and it’s the black markings on the screen. The top one definitely reminds me of an eye, which is a nice symbol for being observed and the 4 of them are being recorded on CCTV. There’s a possibility of someone who we haven’t met watching them as well. Unfortunately the rest of shapes don’t remind me of anything, but if anyone has any ideas what they could symbolize, I’d love to read them!
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Another interesting thing is the yellow line, and it’s a really short point of mine, because it simply reminds me of blood and cutting throat, because of the way it’s drawn and positioned. It runes from one side to the other, connecting the two sides and it’s located directed over Fyodor’s and Dazai’s throats. It could be a strong of fate too, but as we know I always think of the most morbid possibilities first haha
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Next thing I’d like to mention are the black creatures in the background. Personally I have 2 theories. The first one is that they’re butterflies, which symbolize rebirth and in the context of bsd being save from death’s door. Them being present could suggest Fyodor and Chuuya surving the drowning room even if that seems impossible, escaping the certain death. My other idea is that they’re moths and moths are known as creatures of the night, so it would fit this eerie picture. Also if butterflies symbolize life, moths could be used as a symbolism of death, and I find this implication interesting since in bsd’s context it could mean a sudden death when someone seems safe. In this case, my bet would be Sigma dying in this arc despite not being a target. But who knows.
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Now, let’s look at the bottom of the picture where there are hands reaching out to the two characters. I find it a bit ironic, because both Dazai and Fyodor are known for using their abilities through hands, but not necessarily in a good way. Dazai’s ability nullifies other abilities and Fyodor can kill through touch, so they’re not really people one would want to touch. I wonder if those gestures appeared in the manga beforehand, but I’d have to make an extensive research to try and figure this out, because it first glance they don’t remind me of any particular scenes.
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Lastly, there’s the tree in the background that seems like it was taken out of the horror movie. The branches, the tied strings, it all created a spooky vibe, and with the context of the yellow line, I’d also add that it could be a hanging tree.
In conclusion
This is without a doubt one of my favourite official artworks. It looks quite scary for the standards of bsd and it makes it even better. I love how characters are positioned, that Dazai, Nikolai and Sigma look directly at the viewer, and Fyodor looks somewhere else (something very characteristic for him to always be scheming), it created a nice effect and will look gorgeous in print. It has this feeling of symmetry, while also not being perfectly symetrical and that’s something that always brings me joy. Oh, and I also aboslutely adore the colours used here, I nearly forgot to add that haha
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cherryrainn · 9 months
hi hey hello fellow angst lover, I have a request for Lackadaisy! :D
We all know Mordecai is nowhere near a good headspace or mentality, especially over the years where he's done some messed up shit. He may even be secretly anxious in certain situations, but it usually doesn't escalate, considering how calm and collected he is. May I request a platonic, angst and hurt/comfort oneshot where Nico and Serafine experiences Mordecai having a panic attack over a situation that triggered some awful memories?
Have a good day and I hope to see you around!! <3
━━ ✧ 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞
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─ ✩ 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 ; no pairing, just the marigold trio
─ ✩ 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; i love you. I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU!!! we're best friends now.
─ ✩ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 ; panic attack, emotional distress, mention of past trauma
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the old abandoned building loomed in the distance, its broken windows and crumbling facade telling stories of a bygone era. it was the kind of place that most folks avoided, a relic of a time when this part of the city had been alive and bustling. but for mordecai, nico, and serafine, it offered a rare moment of respite from the chaos of their lives.
the trio had been wandering the city's outskirts, trying to keep a low profile after a particularly messy job for the marigold. nico and serafine had been regaling mordecai with one of their typically animated conversations when they stumbled upon the decaying structure. despite the foreboding exterior, curiosity got the best of them, and they decided to explore.
nico lounged against a weathered wooden beam, his red bandana loosened as he talked animatedly with his sister serafine. their laughter echoed through the empty halls, filling the space with a strange, dissonant kind of joy.
mordecai, normally the picture of stoicism, stood a few feet away from them. his tuxedo-colored fur seemed darker than usual in the gloom of the building. he appeared lost in thought, his olive-green eyes distant. the conversation around him was a distant hum, like the buzzing of bees on a warm summer day.
as nico and serafine continued their banter, mordecai's mind was a turbulent sea of memories and emotions. he had always been skilled at burying the past, locking away the horrors and regrets that haunted him. but today, something had triggered a flood of memories, and he was drowning in them.
it started as a subtle unease, a tightening of his chest that he tried to ignore. he clutched his glasses tighter, his fingers trembling imperceptibly. the memories clawed at the corners of his mind, threatening to break free.
nico noticed the change first. he paused mid-sentence, his eyes narrowing as he studied mordecai. "hey, mordecai," he called out, concern lacing his voice, "you look like you've seen a ghost. you alright?"
mordecai's throat felt dry, constricted. he tried to speak, to reassure nico that everything was fine, but the words caught in his throat. his chest tightened further, and he could feel the panic clawing its way up from the depths of his soul.
serafine, her creole accent lilting through the air, chimed in, "yeah,, you don't look too good. you ain't never been this quiet before." she took a step closer to him.
mordecai's breathing quickened, each inhale feeling like a struggle. his heart hammered in his chest, a deafening rhythm that threatened to drown out the world around him. he felt trapped, suffocated, as if the walls of the old building were closing in on him.
nico, always quick with a quip, attempted to lighten the mood. "come on, don't leave us hangin'. you're killin' the vibe here," he said, flashing a lopsided grin. but his smile faltered when he saw the terror in mordecai's eyes.
mordecai's vision began to blur as tears welled up, unbidden. he couldn't let them see him like this, couldn't let them see the vulnerability that lay beneath his usually calm and collected exterior. but it was too late.
serafine, known for her lack of empathy and her ruthless nature, didn't usually concern herself with the well-being of others. yet, even she couldn't ignore the turmoil in mordecai's eyes. her voice, while still carrying a hint of her usual dispassion, softened as she spoke. "mordecai," she said, her accent lending an unexpected warmth to her words, "what's troublin' you?"
mordecai couldn't find the words. ge shook his head, his breathing ragged and uneven. his body felt like it was betraying him, like he was spiraling out of control.
nico and serafine exchanged a worried glance before closing the distance between them and mordecai. they reached out simultaneously, each placing a reassuring hand on his shoulders. it was a simple, silent gesture, but it conveyed their understanding.
as nordecai's panic attack raged on, they remained by his side. they didn't need words to comfort him; their presence was enough.
serafine, usually devoid of loyalty or empathy, began to speak softly, "it's alright... you ain't alone in this."
nico nodded in agreement, his voice gentle and caring. "yeah, we've got your back... you can let it out."
mordecai's shoulders trembled, and he finally found his voice, a hoarse whisper of pain and fear. "i...i can't...i can't control it."
serafine's hand moved to his cheek, her touch comforting. "you don't have to. just breathe with us."
nico joined in, his voice steady and reassuring. "inhale, exhale, mordecai. nice and slow."
and so, in the dimly lit and forgotten building on the outskirts of the city, they stayed together. nico and serafine, normally the jokers, became pillars of support and understanding.
as the minutes stretched into hours, mordecai's panic attack began to subside. his breathing steadied, and the crushing weight on his chest lifted, if only slightly. he wiped away tears with the back of his hand, ashamed of his own vulnerability.
serafine offered a small, understanding smile. "you did good."
nico nodded, his lopsided grin returning. "yeah, you're tougher than you think."
and as they left the old building behind, the weight of mordecai's memories was still heavy on his shoulders. for now, there was nothing he could do. but that's okay.
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helloescapist · 5 months
I'm so sorry to send another request so soon, especially since my other one hasnt even been answered yet, but I got an idea recently too good to pass up. That doesn't mean you have to do it soon, you can do it whenever you want. But basically, heres the idea:
Headcanons of Gyutaro (KNY) and (Michi) Reader's reincarnations in the modern world still living with congenital syphilis, but this time they become close friends instead of enemies? Like, they still get targeted for their condition, but despite that, support and help each other through the dark times?
Basically a sequel of sorts to Parallell Paths
I love this! I love this! I love this!
Converging Paths | Gyutaro
Word Count: 4284
Setting: modern!Gyutaro x gn!reader (platonic)
Content Warning(s): mentions of psoriasis, child neglect, abuse
Summary: an unlikely meeting between former opponents.
A/N: due to the modern world’s perinatal care, congenital syphilis is not as likely to occur in the majority of first-world countries such as Japan, I’ve opted for a non-specific skin condition as there are a number of conditions that can easily be confused for syphilis (and an attached stigma) to express a more modern experience.
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Fresh and earthy, the crips scent that carried the impending summer weather touched upon the breeze that drifted between the slips of sheer curtains. Rolled with each breeze, touched upon citrus, and unnamed flowers, small touches of salt that carried upon the light air. Air that pressed against your skin, the small touch of sweat that threatened its way through your bangs, as the scent of bamboo caught upon your nose. Warmed your breast and dampened the mundane task of paddling the musk from classroom. Stroke the fibers one against another, paused breaths as the fine dust formed clouds upon the drafted classroom air.
The small respite of a breeze that greeted the crept of the windows, pressed between fingers that grasped upon the panes. Locked at the tips, as your classmates greeted the summer day. Small clips of commodity pressed between giggles, squeezed into the idle chatter from behind you as the distinct stifled yawns caught on the edge of another. Your own gaze drifted at the task of hand; nose slightly wrinkled at the press of the coarse material between your fingers. Stale, and uninterested in entertaining the gossip of the remaining assigned cleaning crew. Chatter that spewed latest gossips, delighted in rumors of recent lovers, cooed over split pairings, tossed in flirtatious remarks, and purred wishful encounters. The humdrum of junior high school girls fantasizing of unlikely rendezvous unremarkable amongst the drifting summer day. Routine and mundane expected as the small hushed utters that had fallen as you rolled up your sleeves, subjecting yourself to the task at hand as well as the murmurs that passed between clasped hands.
Though the school year had passed without incident, the consistent shuffling of those assigned club activities, cram schools, and drawn repeated rough drafts had ensured your cleaning companions were rarely repeat classmates and remained subjected to the onslaught of pressed smiles. Murmurs whispered at the catch of the bumps that kissed at your flesh, splattered amongst your skin in abstract formations. Raised edges of blossomed bumps that met the day’s air, less inflamed than the remainder of patches touches of salmon that dipped into shades of China rosed. Agitated hues of carmine red and blistered at the scrape of your school uniform that clasped at your elbows, the scratch of the collar pinned and aching.  Dry and irritable abrasions that littered your forearms, the depths of your condition had always surprised your peers despite the notable fall of scars that lined your cheeks, touched beneath your eyes as though the fallen beauty of spring, succumbed petals of winter seared into your skin.
              The hush of the girls piercing and low, small, pressed whispers amongst each other. One that expressed concerns, questioned your condition and ability to complete the chore of cleaning the chalkboard and erasers. While the disgust met the other girl’s, clear and reprimanding recoiled her willingness to offer further interactions. Openly berating the kindness of her friend for the harrowing realities such conditions could bear, hissed well intended warnings to her confidant, insisted horrors of shared medical conditions. Bore similarities to the ostracizing of lepers, uneducated disgusted dripped in fears of unfamiliar circumstances.
The small sigh pressed between your lips as your eyes met at the sleeve rolled to your elbow as your worked in discomfort. The tip of her voice tainted with repugnance though you had known all too well that her ire was born of miscomprehension. Drawn in silence, pressed at your lips, whispered the small touch of a bitter smile. All too familiar and understandable. The pressed smiles of customer service employees who did their best to maintain a professional air between close encounters; mothers who hushed manners and disbursed their children’s inquiries. The shock of would-be suitors whose attraction and devotion changed at a moment’s notice. Confusion and ill ease, fears born of contamination, admirers distraught at your growing disfigurement as they mourned your delicate features. The sympathies of the educated, melancholy smiles that shattered with pity. Though you knew all too well your classmate’s concerns and understood all too well that it was born of fear, but the pain that it bore was all too familiar as you allowed soft sigh to release between your lips, your shoulders to relax, as you scrubbed the board.
              “Oi, Takahashi, take a look at this,” Morita hummed, fingers pressed against a cloth between the windowpanes, having slid the windows in his duties. Dark eyes drew forward the tilt of his head, beckoning his friend forward.
One of the few reoccurring encounters you had had in the school year, Takahashi nonchalant in his interactions with you lent itself to the bored yawn he tucked not his hand. Disconcert at the tilt of his own head, eyes that found the courtyard. “Hmm?” Mused and jaded as the stale gaze as his brown eyes fluttered out the window. “Geez, you think he’d just ignore them.” The sigh pressed and sympathetic at the toss of his head.
“How can he? They never leave him alone,” Morita sighed, shaking his head.
“Hey, [LN],” Takahashi waved you over, “do you know this guy, you know with—well…” small gesture that wiggled over his own cheeks. Absolutely lacking in any situation awareness despite the dig of Morita’s elbow in his side.
Gestured to the windows, the sigh evident on your breath shaking your head, placed the erasers to the board before allowing your uwabaki to scrap against the flooring. Heavy foot that bore your unwillingness to endure whatever drama the school yard to drudge up for entertainment. Hand against the window seal fingers touched upon the warm glass at the scene before you. Four third years considering the size difference against one second year, the small details of their school motifs, a small indicator of their class year. The older boys standing a bit taller, the jostle of their laughter crude and near unbearable.
Mocking, and antagonizing, taunting that drew inspiration from the lower classman’s physical. Small gestures of drawing attention to the under dog’s facial features. Another upperclassmen, Okada from 3D if you remembered correctly—a real ass slumped over, as if to mock the natural dip of the boy’s shoulders that folded down. The tuck of his head, the small of his chin sharp from what you could tell as it dipped to his collar bone. Bones that met at joints, skin that plunged into the gaps, wary and tired as it endured the weight of its own skeleton. Muscles that strained, rocked from heel to heel, the dip of thin, spindle fingers that caught at his elbows. Tucked into himself, paper-thin eyelashes that attenuated round eyes. Sunken inwards, exhausted, and warn down. Trembled lips that caught on jagged teeth, the junior high boy anxiously surveying the older boys, searching for an escape. The touch of nervous chartreuse eyes that strayed, averted gazes, and jumbled at the clear snip of a voice that wrangled from his bones.  A mop of hair that captured a spring bud’s emerging warmth, touched upon a shade only pears could envy. Hs voice graveled, and nervous, the small reveal of anger beginning to furrow. Purce flesh bumped against abrasion. The litter of corrosion, rashes, and bumps that marred his complexion gave way to scars. “Shabana, Class 2C,” Morita sighed sympathetically. The met of his eyebrows as he shook his head, “poor guy really knows how to attract them.”
Shabana’s clumsy steps drawn backwards, shattered at the back of the schooling as your eyes followed the scene through the second-floor window. The snippets of conversation leave little to the imagination—it would appear the second year had made the mistake of growing brave in the past week. The staunched remarks a common form of entertainment for the upperclassmen, was unappreciative of the sudden growth of character of their target, called into action the audacity of the boy daring to retort back to his senpais, now corralled the mid classman as though he were livestock. Flanked from all sides, jeers, and taunts open and available with only onlookers offering sympathetic regards. None daring to impart intervention nor step their foot into the affairs-- Okada was notorious for his fowl temper, a junior high student that stood a near foot taller than everyone else. The rumor mill had circulated him for some time, murmured mentions of gang activity, others depicted that he had been held back (not that you would be surprised, he lacked any form articulation, and his grades were…), and the occasional swore that he was in fact a grown man with a wife and child at home masquerading as a junior high student. Yet, there was a quiver in Shabana’s bones, the nervous ache that met a small snarl, a pup with a little bite left to bear. “Take it back,” he growled, his eyebrows quivering as they met the height of his sunken state. “Take back what you said about Ume, now.”
“Ha,” the grin blossomed across Okada’s features. Met at a crude state, snickered shamelessly. Eyes that met his lackeys with a scoff, “nah, little bastard. Everyone here knows what a slut your little sister is, it’s only a matter of time before she’s screaming my name.”
The crack was shattering. Cracked knuckles, threatened to shatter on contact. The snarl undeniably, suddenly dripped with distain. Tainted in wrath and coiled as a snake that threatened to strike a second blow furrowed at the gnash of his jagged teeth rolled in the sway of his collar bone and uneven at the rock of his bones. “I said. TAKE IT BACK.” Rolled at the sway of interlopers, Okada’s features morphed and surprised. The bruising already beginning to set. The odds of four against one as clear as the track of the window wretched open beneath your hands, and the memories that flooded your senses. Drew you backwards, as though stepped through time, through memories left in another life, your reaction no longer your own, but of a ghost who guided your movements as you slipped out the second floor window.
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His head hurt. His head, really hurt. The ache across his cranium came in waves, thundered against the cap of his skull. Slammed as though he had rattled his brain, his teeth shook with each breath as his thin eyelashes batted lazily. His thoughts felt jumped, Gyuutarou struggled to grasp his surroundings. Grappled with his cognition, the faint recollections… a fight? No? Ah wait, there had been something. He had been made, madder than he had been in a long time. The last time he could recall being dragged to the depths of such hatred had been at the hands of one of his mother’s temporary flings, and before that… Who had it been?
The press of memories, small and insignificant in away he could not grasp. The mangle of chartreuse hair, jaundice in appearance. Sickly and deformed, jagged teeth dipped in blood. Revenged as a nightmare amongst the night sky—no, it wasn’t that he could not recall. When he squeezed his eyes, when his conscious threatened to fade to sleep, when his mother had slapped him harder than expected, or the shake of her boyfriend enough to rattle his teeth—there were glimpses. Fleeting. Small recollections of a battle, of morbid curiosities and a misplaced soft smile that met his blade. A tender smile, soft and understanding, far more connected than a stranger passing on the street, but in his entire life, he had never been able to place whose smile it had belong to, and to be greeted with the faint recollection dipped into his groggy state as his yellow-green eyes traced the clouds above, it left a gnawing impression. Ume, that’s right. He had gotten his ass handed to him.
            Gyuutarou needed to get up; he knew this. Knew his little sister was likely waiting for him at the school gates, if she had not already gone home to prepare dinner. He could feel the crack of dried blood that met his pursed lips—he needed to wash up. Needed to scrub all evidence of the scuffle from his complexion. It was something, he couldn’t quite put in to words. Displaced understanding, but ah, it may have been the concussion forming at his temple. The touch of the blades of grass beneath his hands, it had always been this way, or at least so he thought. Some small touch of a promise, a soft smile—he didn’t want Ume to see him this way. He wanted to grow, to ensure they left their mother’s dingey apartment. College, Gyuutarou wanted his little sister to go to college. The crushing sigh that slipped between his lips.
            “Awake?” your voice resonated in his ears. Soft, curious, but its sudden intrusion left him off center. Nervous. Drew him from his laid-back position. Shocked and furrowed, back arched as an irritated, cautious cat that threatened to yowl.  Positioned to his side, unbothered by the pass of day to night. The quiet of the school yard, students slipped home from clubs, bid farewell to friends and retreated to home. The touch of a popsicle between your lips as you peeked at him curiously, “You’ve been out for a few hours.”
Nonchalant and smooth, pressed between the blue popsicle. Comforted against summer, allowing your fingers to rummage across the remainder of the package. Procuring its partner and probing it forward. Offering to share. The littler of your scars at the high of your cheeks, the soft gaze of your eyes as your eyes met their own. Blisters that formed marred the soft roundness of your cheeks. Dainty features that would draw the envy of his mother, and furrow of his sister. Black hair as luminous as spilled ink, and thick eyelashes could make a mockery of any doll. The small press of the popsicle, as he cautiously eyed the offering before allowing you to press the stick between his fingers. His eyes left to wander from the treat, back to you, and back again. Confused? Was it his head? No, no this was weird, odder was the touch of nostalgia. The touch of peace that threatened to dull his senses, whispered comfort and reassurance in a way he could not trace. Nor comprehend. The frayed edges of his nerves slipping from his fingertips oblivious to the way the corner of his mouth caught at the kind offer. Drew forth a shy smile, as his eyes traced the popsicle given by a complete stranger.  “It appears not much has changed in 200 years.”
            Gyuutarou Shabana could feel his soul quiver. As though a broken piece of himself had been set to a flame, vibrated in a frequency unheard amongst any other as his eyes met your own. Shattered memories. Mashed together, slowly than quickly. Rattled his consciousness, slammed his bones, left his thoughts reeling. As though it were a track that threatened to skip. Small snippets as though a movie tape that had been torn from its hinges. Scenes of blood, of battered bones, shattered ribs, reeked of lavish perfumes, and the soft glow of a smile that met his gaze. Recollections slowly glued back together as the soft glow of your smile upon him once more, just as it had so many years ago.
 “But I have to say… Oni-chan, you look beautiful when you smile.”
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Modern Day Headcanons | Gyuutarou Shabana
Since reincarnating, Gyuutaro has tried his hardest to turn things around. He has done his best to ensure that Ume is raised properly this time around, but that doesn’t mean that the stars have aligned for him.
Once again, fates have left him in a neglectful mother’s care. One who would opt to entertain her current boyfriend, even if it means abandoning her children to their own devices for weeks on end. The earliest back he can recall being left to fend for Ume and himself was when he was only six years old. Terrified and doing his best to cook packaged ramen on the stove using his step stool. His mother had sold the microwave to chase her addiction.
He caught on early on through his school education, that what a mother was, or what a mother should be was not what he had been given, and though he was little and could not understand the abuses he endured, and often faced at the flare of her temper, or those of her most recent fling, some small part of Gyutaro clung to the faint reminders of a soft smile.
In the hopes that one day, someone might smile for him like those of his memories.
So, he pressed forward.
Gyutaro continued to get rise early every morning even in his first years of elementary to prepare Ume for the day. He would wake up long before his little sister’s alarm went off, crept throughout the small run down apartment for fear of waking his mother, and gather small breakfast items together.
Then, he would wake his sister, brush her hair, do his best to style it in a way she liked he melted with pride when she delights in her hairstyle. Gyutaro helps dress her, and often if she’s too tired from listening to their mother’s arguments with her supposed lovers, he would carry her to the babysitter before taking off for school.
Skipped meals to be able to buy her a birthday cake.
When she entered elementary school, he realized that all of the other children had bentos lovingly packed by their parents. Up until now, he simply skipped lunch to ensure he had money for Ume. So, he set to work doing his best to clumsily peel apples, cook rice, and pack lunch. It- It wasn’t cute at first, and at one point he felt a deep sense of shame before wandering back to the babysitter who had cared for Ume all of those years, a little granny in the neighborhood before asking her to teach him.
He swallowed his little pride.
Ume never cared how messy her lunches were, she would punch any kid in the face who said anything about her brother’s bentos.
His skin condition is miserable, without proper care, Gyuutarou has been left to suffer the symptoms of his condition. He’s often itchy, blistered, and his bones ache, but he has never allowed Ume to catch him feeling this way.
His mother never prioritized taking care of him, and so, Gyuutarou simply did his best with the basic hygiene knowledge he acquired through television cartoon shows, and remedies offered by the school nurse. At night when Ume is already in bed, he will slip out frozen cooked rice to place on his recent flare ups for just a moment of peace.
As you can imagine, even in the modern era, Gyuutarou has not lived an easy life, but he clings to the small snippets of a memory, one in which a stranger smiles at him, and another person sought better for their sister. He tells himself he can do it too.
He’s clinging.
As a child, Gyuutarou is… well, he’s what you would expect as a child of abuse and impoverish areas. He’s quite, withdrawn from his peers. Any opportunity to connect to others is nearly snubbed out, and as his flareups began to occur with no medical care, his isolation hit a peak. He grew accustomed to his classmates either pretending he didn’t exist, or prayed they would forget him.
Frequently a victim of bullying.
Did his best to hide his face when he would pick Ume up from school, worried he would embarrass her.
A really, really sweet kid who just wanted attention. Clung to the first teacher who gave him attention. Regularly continues to greet them, even after he has long since left their class.
Really, he tends to cling to anyone who showed him any attention, or kindness in his youth. Routinely greets Ume’s old babysitter, has really just adopted her as his old grandma.
Let’s be honest, no matter how good of a friend you are, Ume and Gyuutarou have hit a delinquent era in their later junior high to early high school years. I wouldn’t say they are as dark as their pat life in the Meiji Era (I mean, they’re not eating anyone).
It’s- It’s to be expected.
For Ume, you can expect a lot of behaviors to dance into her prior life as an oiran.
However, for Gyuutarou, there will be moments where he slips into his old self. No so much out of pride, but rather as a protective layer. The easiest way to cope with rejection, is more often than not to reject those around you.
So, he does.
He becomes louder, noticeably bristled when people stare.
Fowl language, is known for casually using obscene language.  Tattoos, piercing, finding comfort in the alternative aesthetic. Let’s be honest—the prep look will not work out for him. There is also the issue of his own skin conditions, the starch often used for the fine lined clothes are more likely to irritate him. Where as the  vintage clothes have a tendency to have the “worn out” affect, softer material, and tension pulled from them.
They just don’t irritate his skin as much as the more mainstream clothing.
Actually, I would believe Gyuutarou has an anxiety disorder of some sort causing him to pick at his blemishes, further irritating his rash.
Scratch that, Gyutaro in the modern world very well could have Sensory Processing Disorder. Sensitivity to the noise and blusting around him, agitated by the noise and lights, distaste of perfumes, or sticky textures. Being TOUCHED. Wearing shoes! I can see it I can see it, but this could also be a manifestation of abuse. Must be investigated.
Gyuutarou takes a lot of your advice seriously. If you are the more rational type, he at times may use you as a sort of guide—a conscious to consider if this is the best course of action. The truth is that he has no real guardian in his life, and without a proper guidance, he’s worried that he will (again) ruin Ume’s life, and because of this, he takes any of your counsel into great consideration.
However, this is not always the case.
There are times, where his anger gets the best of him, where his circumstances, his upbringing in this life and the last overwhelm him, threaten to drown him indesolation. He becomes biting, lashing out to those around him, even his little sister. Desperate to flee, eager to seclude himself. To turn away from the outside world, from school, from his sister, from his duties, and even you, his best friend.
Depression is a common issue for Gyuutarou, and one that he will grapple with admitting to. It’s not that he’s embarrassed per say, but—who would really care how he feels? Struggles with self-worth for obvious reasons.
I headcanon that the reader from parallel paths was reunited with their mother in the modern world, born to her in a healthy condition, one in which she does not have to bid you farewell. Fiercely protective of you--- fretting if you are remembering to take your medicine, your ointment for your skin condition. Ready to beat anyone who dares say anything about your blemishes.
She’s beautiful, as lovely as the oiran of the past, but there’s an unspoken beauty. A softness, warmth in her regards. Life that was not there, she has fully adapted to the modern expectatiosn of a house wife—in fact, finds a joy in having the opportunity to actually RAISE you. An overly doting mother.
Happily welcomes Gyuutaro and Ume’s drop ins when they visit, without so much a comment to their odd state of dress, or the new jewelry addition to Ume’s tongue. Rather, her first response is to look Gyutarou over, touch his cheek, and inquire if they’ve had dinner yet. Of course they haven’t. Always happy to welcome them to the dinner table.
Frets when they insist on leaving—shamelessly pulling out reserved frozen cooked rice, curry, snacks, whatever she can think of. Has taken to having a few snacks on hand for when they pop in.
The obvious pout when Gyutaro and Ume do not spend the night--- she knows that more often than not their mother is not consistent with paying the water bills. Worries about their wellbeing, and frequently slips ointment into Gyutaro’s backpack when no one is looking. Accepts the boy does not want his sister to know, but also understands your own condition enough to know. He. Is. Miserable.
As friends, Gyutarou needs someone who can feel at peace with the world. That can remind him of the simple beauties in every day. The sunrise, and the sunset. The welcome of spring, and cherry blossoms. The touch of snow upon your finger tips, or the tip of your tongue. The small smile upon witnessing the arrival of butterflies, or the crunch of leaves beneath your feet.
He’s stressed, and far too captivated by adult responsibilities, that having a friend who reminds him that—well, he’s still a child is essential. Even more is having someone to listen to him. To notice him.
To smile at him.
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notmaplemable · 2 years
Ghosts Of Summer 20: Pick Me Up
Ruby and Jaune: *Walking through the Beacon courtyard after meeting*
Summer: Quick, say the line I taught you.
Jaune: *Concered look*
Ruby: What are you looking at?
Jaune: Nothing just-
Summer: Say it!
Jaune: Ruby your eyes are brighter than any stars.
Ruby: *Blushing* Wh-What?
Jaune: And you're fairest rose I've ever seen.
Ruby: *Embarrassed, but flattered rose noises*
Summer: *Happy mother noises*
Jaune: *Tired knight noises*
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inz-lokisdottir · 1 year
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I posted 3,205 times in 2022
That's 2,861 more posts than 2021!
555 posts created (17%)
2,650 posts reblogged (83%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,339 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#bugeater 🪳 - 575 posts
#antpapa - 299 posts
#papa scott - 151 posts
#buckpapa 🦾 - 141 posts
#baby inz 🧸 - 133 posts
#ooc post - 120 posts
#inz answers - 105 posts
#swag grey thing - 92 posts
#rudy - 87 posts
#inz mun - 79 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#((i started a few months ago and dropped it last month- but the summer holiday for me starts late july so i’ll try and start again too :d ))
My Top Posts in 2022:
👀.. So Peter told me that we might not actually be related.
- @official-rose-barton
So we are or aren’t-? I mean…Clint’s my uncle, Loki’s my dad, the whole family tree is confusing—
91 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
How are you doing kiddo? You hungry? I’ll cook something for you if you’re hungry.
“I’m doing good, and honestly, now that you’ve brought it up, I am kinda hungry. I didn’t notice-”
92 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
"They better be domesticated, young lady."
“The dragons? Uhhhh….most of them are!”
105 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
"Welcome to the "never home for christmas" club."
“You too? Well…I’m sorry about that, Siegfried. Is it a busy time for you or something?”
182 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*Bucky is fighting off enemies as he crashes into you* "Oh shit - fuck - sorry...Wait, what are you doing here? Are you with them?" He questions, slightly concered. "No...you can't be with...them. S-Sorry, kid."
Inz in the meantime is also fighting off…the same enemies, her focus strong on her task before she bumps into Bucky, taking a few steps back. “…Bu…uhhh..” she was about to say his name before remembering he probably wouldn’t know who she was, unlike her who knew multiversal variants. “No no, I’m not with them. It’s fine Sergeant.” She replied before turning around to pull her dagger out and she was quick to…unalive them. “Sorry-”
375 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Sieg stop taking over my year in review >:[
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tempestinmysoul · 2 years
Everyone I know should be a little concered for me because this summer (break from uni) i saw Top Gun Maverick in cinemas 8 times and read all 27 Jack Reacher books <3
I legit turned to my friend and said "Also, I'm making a bad descion" and his response was "Top Gun?"
He was right.
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chrismasvanessa · 2 years
What is Facebook?
Facebook is a social networking site that makes it easy for you to connect and share with family and friends online.
Why is it popular?
Facebook is popular as you can follow what your friends and family are doing, message people through messenger that are overseas for free.
Facebook consists of several features such as newsfeed, timeline, Messenger, wall, events, likes, comments, and reactions, groups, notifications, and others. What is Facebook’s new feature? This summer, Facebook launched a new feature called “ Forecast ” also referred to as a “prediction market”.
What is good and bad about Facebook?
Facebook is great to send photos and information to anyone is the world that your friends with, but what bad? You can have spam messages or ads that consistently come up when you say your not interested.
Personal information being sold used by 3rd parties at 55%
Invasion of privacy issues by 43%
Internet viruses 36%
US citizen had information stolen 4 times least in 2019
We can use Facebook for retailing, we can make business pages, create groups, advertise sales.
i have never bought anything off Facebook but I could have if I was able to.
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levok · 9 months
I don't get why Ten won't get Omar more gigs. If he's only planning realising music without promoting it on social media/by doing concers why even bother realising them 💁 that won't get you more dane and streams. Look at happier streams, its lovers that for example she fell in love in the summer
I cannot tell you. I also feel like we’re going through this every blue moon 😭 it is what it is. Maybe he will one day surprise us, or he will not.
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sources-across · 1 year
FitFlop launches the perfect summer sandal collection
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imsherlock-duh · 5 years
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I like to take pictures. I also love going to concerts. I’m in Colorado and am willing to travel. Hire me. 
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