#straykids os
ourdadai · 5 months
oi ane, faz muito tempo que não dou as caras aqui mas saiba que ainda te aprecio muito!
se não for incomodo poderia fazer locks dos minsung — straykids? preciso delas para uma personalização específica e nada melhor do que pedir para você. você quem faz as locks mais bonitas!
stray kids [ minsung ] lockscreens ♡
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oiii, muito obrigada pela preferência e pode ficar a vontade para fazer seus pedidos, amo os minsung <3
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sassycheesecake · 16 days
Thank you so much for the tag @animetrashandotheraesthetics ! I honestly teared up when I saw the tag because knowing that people enjoy my writing makes me beyond happy. ❤️ Back to the tag game, I have like currently three things in the oven. 2 Haikyuu things and one Straykids OS… due that I am in physical rehabilitation every day I am way too exhausted to do much else lol. So I am gonna give three quotes from three OS 🩵
"Please share your last sentence; or, if you don't have one, share a plot bunny or idea!"
"Hello everyone, I’m going ta do a -" The young Miya chef starts to speak into a video camera, his black shirt carrying his restaurant logo over his right pec muscle. His black messy hair looks like he just rolled out of bed ten minutes ago, which he secretly did because Atsumu has shown up at seven in the goddamn morning to remind Osamu of the bet that the younger twin has lost only a month ago. (#1 is a quote from a timeskip!Osamu Miya x Reader OS I am working on it’s been in my drafts since about a month now T_T)
You see, one of the men that is on your protection squad had the audacity to steal your heart with his stupid warm chocolate-brown eyes and his ridiculous charms and hot body. (#2 is a yakuza!Oikawa x Reader OS where Tōru is the bodyguard of the daughter of his boss and secretly dates Reader)
“That’s it. I am officially the sex police from now on.” (#3 is my first Straykids OS I am working on, I got into Straykids when I was in the hospital and was trying to kill my boredom by reading some BTS fics and then Straykids popped up and I was intrigued and checked them out, watched videos etc and they deepened my love for Korean men even lol)
Luckily, all three are almost done and I am posting them this weekend! @animetrashandotheraesthetics I hope it will be to your liking! ❤️🩵
I nominate @millenialfanfictionaddiction and @slut4msby because your writings crack me up on my darkest days!❤️🩵
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lucuslavigne · 4 months
Amigos 💔 vcs já assistiram Given? É um anime bl muito bonito, sério!!! Aí eu parei pra pensar que daria super pra alguns idols interpretarem os personagens principais em algum live action
E aí vão eles:
Mafuyu - Felix (straykids)
Uenoyama - Jiung (p1harmony)
Haruki - Ten (nct)
Akihiko - Mino (winner)
E vamos para as fotinhas de comparação:
Mafuyu e Felix
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Uenoyama e Jiung
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Haruki e Ten
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Akihiko e Mino
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Podem me chamar de maluca, mas agr eu nunca mais vou olhar pra todos eles do mesmo jeito, sempre vou ver um no outro
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httpangely · 1 year
Nicks darks / BLACKPINK
⠀ ⠀⠀⠀◍⃘⠀ּ⠀ׅ⠀ᄉ᤻⠀۫⠀𝐉𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐎⠀۠⠀۪⠀🕸️⠀𓏰
Bios Darks / JUNGKOOK
⠀ サ⠀۫⠀ׅ⠀𝐆𝐆𝐔𝐊⠀۟⠀🕷️⃞⠀⠀ׅ⠀𝟏𝟗𝟗𝟕⠀ׄ⠀۪⠀◗
⠀ ❒⠀ׄ⠀ׅ⠀𝟫𝟩⠀⠀𖧚⠀۟⠀𝗄ᦅᦅ𝗄⠀ׅ⠀۟⠀🕸️⃞⠀ׅ⠀꩝
⠀ ★᤻⠀ׅ⠀۟⠀전정국⠀ᯓ⠀𝟣𝟫𝟫𝟩⠀⠀۟⠀🏴⃝⠀ׅ⠀ּ⠀𖤩
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Bios softs / TAEHYUNG
Nicks softs / STRAYKIDS
𖠒⠀ּ⠀ׄ⠀۪⠀⑆⠀ׄ⠀𝗅𝕖͠𝖾 𝕗𝖾꯭𝗅𝗂𝘅⠀۪⠀۫⠀𓏰⠀ׄ⠀🧻⠀۫⠀⃘◌
𖤍⠀ּ⠀۪⠀ᄊ᤻⠀ּ⠀۪⠀۫⠀𝗅𝕖𝗲 𝗄𝗇͠𝗼𝗐⠀🏐⠀۫⠀۪⠀𖧚⠀ּ⠀𖧷
𖥯⠀ׄ⠀۪⠀★᤻⠀ּ⠀ׄ⠀۪⠀𝗁𝗮︡︠𝗇 𝗃𝗂𝗌𝕦꯭𝕟𝗀⠀🧂̸⠀۪⠀ׄ⠀ּ⠀𒄬
Nicks softs / BTS
⠀ ⠀❛⠀ׄ⠀𝟿𝟻⠀⠀𝗃𝗂𝗺꯭𝗂ᴎ⠀ׄ⠀۪⠀🍥̸⠀ּ⠀☆᤻⠀
• todos os nicknames são retirados do Pinterest 🍒
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linoguy · 8 months
latinas/os roll in we won
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skzoombie · 2 years
Hey! Eu gostaria de fazer um pedido de reaction do straykids. seria de como os meninos reagiriam com a melhor amiga deles gostando deles e tentando atrapalhar o namoro da y/n com eles! Explicação melhor: seria basicamente a y/n sabendo que a melhor amg deles está tentando atrapalhar o namoro, e ela tenta falar pra eles mas eles não acreditam e acabam ficando contra ela e ela meio que se cansa disso e quando isso acontece a tal melhor amg deles finalmente mostra a vdd falando que gosta deles e que é melhor que y/n e ai eles caem na real e tentam concertar as coisas. (A melhor amg deles atrapalha eles fazendo eles largarem a y/n pra ficar com ela, tipo quando um dos meninos finalmente tem tempo livre pra ficar com y/n ela inventa que está doente apenas pra ele ir cuidar dela e é nesse momento que y/n cansa disso e deixa eles :))) FICOU GRANDE DESCULPA
OIII! esqueci de avisar mas seu pedido já foi escrito e está lá no masterlist, espero que goste.
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newworldwritings · 2 years
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f - (fluff) | a - (angst) | os - (one shot) | au - (series)
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bang chan
The Bet (au , smau) f,a DISCONTINUED
lee know
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SKZ AS YOU BROTHERS (texts) - fluff, humor
hyung line maknae line
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janalima90 · 6 months
Cap único: Eu te amo...para sempre!
S/N on
Amiga, você tem que sair, ver gente, beber , dançar, se distrair, vai ficar aí remoendo o término com o yoongi até quando? -falou minha amiga Sunny, tentando fazer com que eu aceite sair com ela e mais 2 amigos.
Tudo bem, vamos!- aceitei mais pela insistência da Sunny, do que pela minha vontade.
Encontramos com nossos 2 amigos , Christopher e Changbin num café que também tinha música ao vivo, onde bebemos dançamos e até que me divertir ao lados deles.
Yoongi on
Jimim não insisti , eu não vou sair, não tô afim de festa , só quero ficar no meu canto. - Mais yoongi hyung você não pode ficar nessa fossa o tempo todo, foi você que errou com a ela, com todas as crises de ciúmes e ela nem culpa tinha, quem vai querer viver em um relacionamento assim? Disse Jimin tentando fazer com que eu fosse com ele para uma cafeteira encontrar o jungkook e o RM. Ta certo Jimin, você venceu , vamos!
Sunny, já passa das 22:00 hs vamos embora? Falei para a minha amiga, pois eu já estava cansada e tinha que acordar cedo para uma reunião de trabalho. Vamos sim amiga, meninos, nós temos que ir pois já é tarde e precisamos acordar cedo amanhã! - Levamos vocês! Falou o Christopher.
Yoongi on
Chegamos e encontramos os meninos. Ficamos lá nos divertindo , até que em um determinado momento eu olhei para uma mesa um pouco distante da nossa e não acreditei no que eu vi , a S/N com sua amiga Sunny e mais 2 caras. Fiquei o resto do tempo observando todos os passos que ela dava, ela estava linda , que falta ela esta fazendo na minha vida, não posso nem imaginar que ela pode está saindo com outro cara, e logo o Changbin que é rap e idol também como eu, não ela não pode fazer isso comigo. Peguei o celular para ligar ou mandar mensagem, mas ela nem pega no celular.
Em um momento de distração, eles sumiram, onde poderiam ter ido? Será que ela foi terminar a noite com ele? Não , não quero pensar nessa possibilidade, ela me ama , eu tenho certeza, apesar da mágoa que ela pode está sentindo, ou até mesmo ter deixado de me amar! Vou ligar...droga ela não atendi, infelizmente nesse momento não posso fazer nada.
S/N on
Já passava das 06:00 , pulei da cama , fui ao banheiro tomar um banho e fazer a higiene pessoal matinal, fiz um café forte e liguei o notebook para começar a reunião.
A reunião terminou já passa das 11:00 hs , liguei para o food, pedi comida e lembrei que meu celular estava desligado carregando. Corri e liguei-o, 30 mensagens do yoongi, e mais de 20 chamadas, misericórdia o que aconteceu para ele ter ligado tanto? Vou ouvir o último áudio. - " Mesmo se você não quiser me ver atender vou na sua casa agora para conversarmos"! O que?????? Ele está vindo aqui ? Corri para trocar de roupa e passar uma make básica. A campanhia toca, meu coração dispara, é ele! Corri para atender a porta e aparece yoongi abatido, triste e com cara de cachorro morto. - Oi! Posso entrar?- ele perguntou com a voz mais grossa do que o normal. -Claro , por favor entra! Meu coração só faltava pular pela boca.
Ele sentou no sofá e eu sentei ao seu lado. - Você se divertiu ontem com seus amigos, na cafeteira? Perguntou ele olhando para mim.
- Como você sabe? Perguntei curiosa em saber quem o tinha contado.
- Eu vi , estava lá com o jimim , jungkook e RM, vi você em uma mesa com a Sunny e os dois carinhas do straykids. Depois vocês sumiram e minha cabeça ficou a mil, pensamentos diversos ficaram rolando em minha mente , mas eu tinha certeza dentro do meu coração, que você tinha vindo para casa e sozinha.
-E vim! Eu fui para cafeteria porque a Sunny insistiu para eu não ficar sozinha aqui.
- Eu te amo S/N , pensei que esses dias longe eu poderia te esquecer, porém a cada dia eu sentia mais tua falta, eu te chamava pela casa , eu te procurava na nossa cama, eu lembrava dos nossos banhos de banheira, de nossas caminhadas de mãos dadas pela praça, das nossas conversas no estúdio onde você dava ideias para minhas músicas, dos nossos jantares, das nossas noites de amor, tudo isso contribuía para cada dia mais eu ficar triste abatido dentro daquele apartamento. Então o jimim veio falar comigo pois os meninos estavam no café nos esperando e aceitei há contragosto ir, e foi aí que vi você lá. Fiquei louco, principalmente quando não te vi mais, liguei várias vezes e você não atendia.
- Meu celular descarregou, coloquei para carregar desligado e esqueci de ligar, até agora pouco!
- Volta pra mim? Não aguento mais viver sem você! Eu te amo...e amarei para sempre! Eu fui tolo, egoísta, infantil, imaturo, ...você pode dar o adjetivo que quiser para minha atitude desprezível com você, mas eu estou profundamente arrependido, ninguém suportaria em viver em um relacionamento a base de ciúmes e desconfiança sem fundamento, você nunca me deu motivos para isso, mas eu sempre com medo de te perder , por você ser estrangeira, negra , bonita e outros coreanos tentar te roubar de mim, ficava brigando o tempo todo, sem entender que a única pessoa que poderia te tirar de mim, era eu mesmo, com meus ciúmes. Mim perdoa , volta para mim amor!
Fiquei ouvindo tudo aquilo no mais profundo silêncio, e a cada palavra que ele dizia, meu coração disparava, sentindo todo o amor que ele estava naquele momento demonstrando, e sentindo todo amor que eu sinto por ele explodindo dentro de mim.
- Você não vai falar nada? Isso só demonstra que você não me aceita mais na sua vida . Desculpa ter vindo aqui, mas eu precisava te falar tudo que estava guardado dentro de ...! - antes dele terminar eu pulei no pescoço dele o beijei demonstrando que sim,eu queria voltar para ele, que o amava muito mais que antes.
- Posso considerar que esse beijo seja um sim? Perguntou ele com a voz rouca de desejo. - Claro que sim meu amor, eu te amo muito, esses dias foi muito difícil, senti muito sua falta , falta de tudo o que vivemos , falta do seu carinho, do seu amor, dos seus beijos, dos seus abraços, da nossa intimidade, ...para de achar que alguém pode separar a gente , porque ninguém vai tirar você de mim e eu de você! Somos um do outro, e ninguém vai destruir isso!
Ele beijou meu pescoço, dando um chupão leve sem deixar marca , e depois me puxou para seu colo , onde passou as mãos pelas minhas pernas e fui subindo até encontrar meus seios depositando suas mão grandes e brancas neles. - Se moldam perfeitos, que saudade de te tocar, de te amar, estou quase explodindo aqui. Nos beijamos e ele puxou minha blusa e desabotou o meu sutiã jogando para longe. O ajudei a tirar a camisa e a calça de moletom que ele usava, ele mim suspendeu para puxar meu short. Comecei a rebolar em seu colo fazendo nossas intimidades rocarem por cima das peças íntimas. - Ainshi, que saudade dessa rebolada gostosa , vai amor , rebola mais que já tô duro aqui! Ele falou isso começando a mama nos meus seios. - Amor , você sabe o que eu quero agora né? Vai faz seu yoongi feliz! Falou isso fazendo com que eu ficasse de joelho e tirando sua cueca box preta, deixando livre seu membro duro, e fazendo movimentos circulares até a glande rosada. Depois ele direcionou a minha cabeça para seu membro fazendo com que se iniciasse um oral delicioso. - isso amor, isso , que saudade dessa boca gostosa , chupa , isso , acaba! - está gostando amor?perguntei sentindo que ele estava adorando aquele momento.
Ele por sua vez, trocou de posição comigo, tirou minha calcinha e introduziu 2 dedos na minha intimidade fazendo com que eu gemesse de prazer, começou a fazer movimentos de vai e vem e a chupar meu clitóris me levando a loucura. - Amor não to aguentando, vou gozar, gritei baixo para os vizinhos não ouvirem. Ele deixou que eu gozasse para começar a introduzir seu membro no lugar de seus dedos, juntou minhas pernas para cima e começou a estocar forte. Depois pediu para eu ficar de 4 pois estávamos no sofá da sala. E começou novamente os movimentos de vai e vem onde estava me levando a loucura. Chegamos ao clímax juntos. Yoongi sentou no sofá e eu sentei em seu colo, nos beijamos ofegantes , e sorrindo de satisfação e prazer.
- Que falta você me fez amor! Disse yoongi, Prometo te fazer feliz pelo resto de nossos Dias!
- Também te prometo fazer a nós dois felizes pelo resto de nossos dias!
-Eu te amo para sempre!
Essa é uma fanfic , nada disso é real, fantasias iludidas de uma Army! Espero que tenham gostado.
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yukheiboiii · 3 years
You smell so good
this is a lil something because i haven’t posted here in ageeees :) 
Pairing : Felix X Reader
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 1324
" Hey Y/N...do you have plans for this weekend?”
“Hey Felix” you smiled “I don't, why ?” You chuckled, putting your math copybook in your backpack.
“Hum I was just wondering if-” He started.
“If you wanted to come with us at Hyunjin's”. Said Jisung, his best friend, slapping Felix on the butt.
“Yeah why not! When is it?”
“Saturday night 'til Sunday” Jisung replied, winking at you “Just the 6 of us, having fun...”
“Okay I'll come, See you later guys!”
You took your backpack and waved at them before leaving the classroom.
 As soon as you left, Felix pushed Jisung.
“Dude! Are you serious?! I was going to ask your out!”
“I know but you looked so pathetic I had to do something for your own good” the boy replied, softly laughing
“You're an asshole...”
“I know baby”
 Felix took his bag and left the classroom, followed by his best friend.
They were walking with Hyunjin to the convenience store to buy things for the weekend.
" So, what do we need?” Asked Hyunjin, pushing the cart
“Snacks, ramyeon, instant rice and alcohol...” Said Jisung, putting bags of potato chips in the cart.
“By the way, Y/N is coming” continued Jisung, which instantly made Felix blush
“Yup, I invited her! Felix was too scared to do it”
“I wanted to but he came and humiliated me!” Said the youngest, hitting Jisung’s arm
“Anyways...no one cares about who invited her” cut Hyunjin rolling his eyes
“Yeah, the important info is that she’ll be here ~ I can't wait!” Continued Jisung
" Where is that damn shoe?! You screamed as you were finishing to get ready for the little party at Hyunjin’s.
After 15 minutes of intense research, you finally found it under your bed and put it on before taking your bag.
You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time and exited your house.
Hyunjin’s place wasn’t actually far from your house so you could go by foot.
A few minutes later, you arrived and rung the bell.
Jinsung opened the door.
"Hey! You're here! GUYS Y/N IS HERE!”
Chan exclaimed the moment you entered in the house.
“Hey guys!” You smiled, grabbing the red cup Jisung was handing you.
“Wow this is really good!” You stated, drinking a little bit of the blue drink.
“You like it? I made it, it’s a special mix!” He bragged, causing Felix to roll his eyes.
Suddenly, one of your favorite song started playing, you put the cup down and walked towards the living room, where Hyunjin and two other girls were dancing.
“I love that song! Who wants to dance?” You asked,
Felix and Jisung looked at each other, as if they were in a competition.
“Me!” They exclaimed at the same time.
The three of you started to dance together.
Felix was in front of you, your hand was on his shoulder while Jisung was behind your, his hand on your hip and his head on your shoulder.
Felix was pissed off. Jisung was his best friend but he kept on flirting with you while he knew he had a crush on you.
You were beautiful, Felix knew a lot of people liked you but Jisung already had a "girlfriend"...In fact, Mina wasn't really is girlfriend...they were more like friends with benefits, even though Felix was pretty sure Mina had very strong feelings for Jisung.
 A few hours later, the mood was still up and you were looking for something fun to do.
Felix was just chilling with Hyunjin because Hyunjin was god-knows-where and he didn't want to go look for him.
 You were really drunk, you knew it though, so you weren’t totally wasted.
You were going to the kitchen to drink some water when a hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you.
You landed on a totally wasted Jisung's lap.
“Heeeeey youuu ~” He said smiling like an idiot.
“I think you're drunk Jisung!” You laughed because you were too.
“Wooow since when do you have freckles??? Wait. imma count’em…” He slurred, approaching his finger from your face
“wait do I have freckles?” you replied, not being able to think straight
He started to count your imaginary freckles really seriously and you cracked up because he was actually really cute.
“You know you ...are... really cute. I love how you dress too…I wanted to tell you buuuut..oh butt hihi butt!” You said, feeling your head spinning
He kissed your forehead.
“You’re a bit too high”
He kissed your nose.
“Still too high...”
The moment he pecked your lips, Felix entered the kitchen with Mina and Hyunjin.
Felix was mad. He grabbed your hand and led your upstairs.
“Waaait …Lee Felix what are you doing??? Okay slow down I’m gonna be sick”
“Shhh!” he simply replied
He pushed you in one of the bedrooms and closed the door.
“You're so annoying! Why are you like that? Don't you see that he just doesn't care about you like I do?? Gosh I hate this...” he complained
You lied on the bed, ready to fall asleep
“Ugh…nothing…just forget it.”
He sat on the bed next to you.
“I know you're drunk and probably not even listening to me but...” He started
You took the end of his shirt and started to play with it which made him softly chuckle.
“-but I just wanna say that I really like you, even if you like Jisung more or don't like me at all, I just wanted you to know that...”
You stayed silent and kept playing with his clothes like a child.
“Yeah...as expected you're not even listening...”
He was about to stand up when you said seriously:
“I like you Felix…”
He literally froze in place and turn around.
“Huh?? what did you just say??”
You were talking really slowly
“I said: I like you Felix at least I think I do”
“Are you serious though???”
“you're nice and funny...Jisung is nice too...and cute…I think he kissed me earlier…”
“Yes... he did.”
“Oh…but why though? Because I like you not him.”
“Because you're totally adorable and pretty...and since he knows I've had a crush on you since middle school, he wanted to piss me off...and he succeed.”
“You had a crush on me all this time? That's cute.”
you stopped to think about what you wanted to say.
“I guess I kind of had a crush on you too at some point...like, last year when we were next to each other in English class? Every time we had to work together, I would feel my heart beat faster.”
Felix was shaking, a drunk Y/N was "confessing" to him in Jisung's parent’s bedroom at 1:26 am.
You were talking as if Felix wasn’t even here
“Or you know when we did a giant "spin the bottle" game in p.e class in 8th grade and you had to kiss this girl, I don’t even remember her name…? I didn't leave because I went to the bathroom. I was just jealous... And when you performed the school drama with Chaeyoung, I wished so bad I was her…you know I like you a lot but I will never admit it…because at school all these guys hit on me every day but in fact I've never had a boyfriend in my life...and I secretly wish you would be my first...you know…”
Felix was probably smiling like an idiot.
You two kept silent for a long moment and when Felix talked again, you didn’t answer.
“Y/N? Oh she’s sleeping...I should leave then.”
He stood up but you grabbed his hand.
“Can you…stay? It's cold…” you whispered
He took off his jacket and laid down next to you.
You snuggled up against him and put your head in the crook of his neck.
-You smell...so good…
Felix was so happy that he felt like his heart would explode. It was probably the best day of his life.
Its been such a while I missed writing sooo much ! For some reason I have troubles modifying stuff on my blogs so I decided to start over ! This is my new blog on which I’ll post my writings and other stuff ;) feel free to follow me @uchukiyoo 🧡
Stay safe and don’t forget to smile ✨
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h0pela · 4 years
BLOOM // Yang Jeongin
Genre: Neighbor!au  ; students!au ; highschool!au ; tutoring!au ; fluff ; friends to lovers
Summary: Where Yn and Jeongin are neighbors and they went to the same school. Yn have some difficulties in science class so she needs to have a tutor which is, Jeongin. And feelings are going to blooming.
AN: a lot of fluff, and since I don’t know the names of jeongin’s brother a put them faked name. (it’s my first long post, if you see any fault please let me know politely^^)
WC:  3,5 K
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 You were sitting next to the window; you weren’t interested on what your teacher was saying even if he was nice, he was also strict and science classes wasn’t your kind of interest. You sighed at annoyance looking at outside to find something distracting.
 -        “YN WAKE UP” had yelled your teacher, making you wake up and making your classmates laugh.
-        “hum sorry mister” you said tiredly
-        “I’ll talk to you after classes”
 You know what is going to say all your teachers say the same thing “you should be more investigate on your works blablabla” it was normal for you. Until the end of your classes you tried to pick up all of your stuff as quickly as possible to skip the conversation with your teacher, but he caught you.
 -        “Well YN, it’s not possible anymore for you to sleep at my classes, you have the exam at the end of the years. Look I don’t want you to have bad grades and don’t have any diploma so I asked a student for tutoring you” he said while he was cleaning the board.
-        “But mister I can make it by myself, I can study at the library don’t need to have any of tutor” you said tried to convince him.
-        “YN I do it for you, plus he also need help for English subject so it could be cool for both you, don’t you think?” he answered you.
-        “Well yes, who’s the person?” you asked him
-        “It’s Yang Jeongin, I don’t know if you had ever met him.” You nodded at respond.
And yeah you know him, he’s your neighbor and also your childhood friend. You still friend with him like sometimes it was possible that you came back with him and spend some time with you. But you weren’t too close with him.
-        “Oh, then go meet him”
-        “Okay, I’ll go Mr. Choi, have a great day” you said while you were leaving the classes.
 You left the school early today so when you came at your house you weren’t surprised to see anyone there. Your mother was a nurse at the hospital of the city. So, you get used to not see her every time, and you father was never there for you. You get used to be alone in those walls.
You’re up the stairs to your room and then you go to your room. It was a whole mess and since you don’t have any homework to make, you had the idea to clean up your room. While you were cleaning your you saw through the window of the light that was shining on Jeongin's room, meaning that he had just entered. You sent him a text for telling him that you knew about the tutoring so you asked him to go out for talking about the stuff.
 He hadn’t answered you at the moment, but only ten min later he answered you to meet up outside your house. To be honest you were a kind of stressed because Jeongin and you weren’t really friend. You felt a little guilty because you know you were a burden.
You just took a little jacked and you went in front of your house waiting for him. It was only two min later that you heard the sound of a door closing. The more he walked close to you, the more you became stressed. When he was in front of you, he just smiled brightly.
-        “Hey Y/N what’s up?” he said
-        “Hi, well I’m sorry to bother you about all the studying stuff”
-        “It’s okay don’t worry.
You talked about the whole tutoring stuff. And he informed to you that he will do it free because first, you were his friend and second, if his mom would know she will probably kill him. Mrs. Yang was like another mother since she was always there for you when you mom had to leave for working. And he also said that the tutoring will start after the week-end.
 Today was the day that Jeongin and you are starting the tutoring, so you spent your week-end trying to review some lessons. You, really tried because you didn’t want to feel like an idiot next him. Since you woke, you felt a little stressed, you didn’t why since it was just Jeongin.
 You hadn’t classes with Mr. Choi today, but during the lunch pause he sent you an email a list of all the things you should study with Jeongin. You though that your teacher clearly wants you to suffer. Even if he was sometimes a lot behind your back and he was very nice to you.
 At the end of the class, you sent a text at Jeongin saying that you’re going to end the classes. He only replied to you that he will join you in front of your classes.
 Your bestie Min-ha who was sitting next to you, where looking at your phone, so she saw the text you sent him. She was clearly confused because you didn’t tell her the fact that you would have to be tutored by YANG JEONGIN.
 -        “Oh my god you’re dating Yang Jeongin?!” She asked loudly.
 Everybody was looking at Min-ha and you. All you wanted was to hit the ass of your friend. Your teacher looked at both of you badly and when he finally turned his back, you hit her.
 -        “He’s just tutoring me, idiot” you said and she rolled her eyes.
-        “Well, your crush since the primary school, is going to tutoring you. Are we stuck in a webtoon like Extraordinary you or?” She replied not convinced at all.
-        “Shh okay maybe he was my crush, but it’s over now” You reassured her.
-        “Oh really? As if I would believe you” You rolled your eyes, tired for debating.
The bell rang announcing the end of the lessons but also the tutoring with Jeongin who was waiting for you. You wait for Min-ha to pick up her stuff and you two leave the class, then you see him. He was focused on his phone, so he didn’t see you, but Min-ha coughed to resolve that problem. You give her a dead look, and he just laughed. Oh god his smile is like the sun, you gulped trying to convince yourself that he’s just a friend and nothing else.
 -        “Hey, where do you want to study?” he simply asked you.
-        “I don’t know maybe my house or yours” you replied.
-        “Then, let’s go to my house” he said happily.
Min-ha was still there and she’s enjoying this exchange, smirked at you and raising her eyebrows suggestively. Thanks to god, Jeongin hadn’t seen so you just give her a fake smile, said goodbye and you followed Jeongin.
 On the way back, you two talked about the tutoring how it would be, the planning and the organization. You were a little nervous and he could feel that so he smiled at you and tell you that you don’t have to worry.
When he opened the door, you could feel the smell of a cake cooking, and now you’re hungry and even your belly rumbled make you embarrassed. He just laughed and convince you to work with some snack.
You two worked a lot, probably three hours with one pause since his mom wanted to see you and talk to you. She was so kind, really to pure for this world.
Since he was very late you decide to come back home, sleeping. All this study stuff make you tired and you clearly need to sleep.
Being alone on this special day was something that Jeongin never understood. It was your birthday, should go outside and enjoy this day. And since both you started to become closer, he decided to take you out, of course in a friendly way.
You were eating the breakfast that your mother made today, and you heard the bell rang. You didn’t care how you looked so you just opened the door, and you were surprised of who was there.
-        “Jeongin what are you doing here?” you asked him surprised.
-        “I’ll take you out” he simply said.
 At his word you choked, you weren't at all prepared for that kind of response.
-        “Oh my god, I’m not ready, wait twenty minutes there and I will be ready!” you said while you were running through the stairs.
  -        “I’M READY!” you yelled make him jump surprised.
-        “Let’s go make this day more special” He said excited made you laugh.
-        “Well, where we are going?” You asked him curious.
-        “Surprise” he answered smirking.
You drove during a few times, the songs played loud you and him singing along. You watched outside to see if you could recognize something, but you can’t. Five minutes later you finally came. When you opened the door, you were in front of a big arcade. You jumped excited to go there, so you took his hands and you walked quickly.
-        “Do you like it?” he asked you.
-        “Yeah of course I like, I have always wanted to go one day at an arcade” you said, stars in your eyes.
 A few hours later, you two were walking through the arcade to see anything to do since you already do a lot of games.
 -        “Awnn Jeongin look at this kirby bear, he’s so cute” You told him
-        “Well, I can win it if you want” he answered you
-        “Such a liar” you replied playfully.
 He grabbed your hand and took you to the stand. And it was the funniest thing you have ever seen. He missed a lot of target so he had to throw some dart a lot of time to finally win the little plushie that you wanted. He seemed to be proud of him, so you gave him a little kiss on his cheek in appreciation, then he blushed very hard so you pinched his cheeks.
 You didn’t want to leave the arcade because it would mean the end of your date. You have spent an amazing day with him. On the way back you two talked a lot and sung with the song played loud in the background. A few minutes later you two finally arrived home.
 - “Thank you for this amazing date, I will never forget this day” you said shyly.
- “It’s your birthday so he’s normal to take you at” he replied sweetly
- “I promise that I will take care Innie” you told him
- “Who’s Innie?” he asked confused then you showed him the Kirby plushie and he nodded.
You kiss his cheeks again as a goodbye and you go back to your house. You directly went to your room and you put the plushie on your bed and you would clearly take care of it. He was now a precious memory.
Min-ha was talking to you about her new boyfriend when you received a new text. You checked who was, and you saw that it was Jeongin who told you that he would wait in front of your classes.
-        “I’m sure that it’s Jeongin” she said confidant.
You didn’t say anything because you know she would tease you about it. Of course, she knows that you had a “date” with him, and she was sure that it wasn’t in a friendly way.
 -        “It’s obvious that he loves you idiot” she said desperate.
-        “No, it’s just your imagination oh my god” you replied annoyed.
-        “Then why he’s always waiting for you?” she asked you.
-        “Because he’s my friend, and friend make this” you answered to her.
 She sighed and doesn’t said anything during the rest of the lessons. You know you were sometimes stubborn but you will not fall again for Jeongin so you don’t want to believe your friend.
 When the bell rang, you waited for her and you two walked out of the classes to join Jeongin. When he saw you, he directly pulled his phone on his pocked and smiled at you. Then you felt Min-ha elbowing you with her look literally saying "see I told you". You rolled your eyes and giver a kiss on her cheeks as a goodbye and you walked next to him.
 You decided to kiss his cheeks since it was a habit that you had only with him. Like always, he was flustered, you giggled finding him very cute. On the way back at home you two talked about the exams. So, he informed you that he had a program for you.
 Since the last time you two studied at his house it was now the turn of your house. Nothing really special happened, he just explained the program for the exams and some lessons of science since this subject wasn’t your cup of tea. He stayed with you about four hours with you, but he had to leave you because of his mother who needed him for something.
 When he left your house, you have decided to just chill out. You went at your room and played loud your favorites songs, you didn’t care which hours were.  You just wanted to dance and sing loudly, it was just you, you enjoying the life.
You were dancing in your pajama as if it was the last time you would dance. And of course, you forgot something, you didn’t close your store, and since your room was in front of his. He saw everything and something hit him. He knows you since always, he knows every little details of you, the worst and the best. And when he saw you dancing made him want to see every side of you and be always there for you.
He laughed, you were so cute it killed him, he grabbed his phone and texted you.
 Tired of dancing, you decide to take a rest so you grabbed you phone to watch if you had some messages. And you saw that Jeongin sent you something. “You should join the dance club” you were so embarrassed that he saw you like that. You walked closely to your window to watch if he was still there, and you were right. He was laughing, you rolled your eyes, pouting. He clearly find you cute, but he didn’t know what to do since it was the first time that he was in love with someone. You just smiled embarrassed and your greeted him before closing your stores.
The exams start in a few days. And is this why, you and Jeongin worked a lot together because he could help you and to be honest, he doesn’t like studying alone. You were with him at the library of the city, studying hard.
It’s been two weeks that you and him go every day after school at the library. You have never worked so hard in your life for grades so it was a new whole stuff. Especially that you don’t handle the stress very well, sometimes all you wanted was to give up and go back at your bed watching some Kdrama.
 Your head on the desk, you sighed desperate to understand the lesson. Jeongin raised his head from his notebook to ask you what’s going on.
-        “I can’t understand this lesson and I feel like what I’m doing is never enough” You said tears started to show up, but you handle them.
 -        “I swear that all the suffering stuff would make you stronger, and you will success these exams okay” he got up from his chair to sit next to you and give you a hug.
You felt relieved in his arm, he was like a safe place made only for you. You wish you would be able again to being in his arms because you felt protected and loved.
“Yn, you’re smart, generous and someone with a beautiful heart. It’s not some exams and lessons who can stop you.” He said while he was stroking you head and also playing with your hair.
You removed your arms to hug him too, your hands were holding his sweet. You buried your head so he wouldn't see you cry. He felt bad and sad to see you crying like this, he never saw you crying like this even when you were younger.
- “I’m sorry, I ruined your hoodie” you finally said while you rubbed your eyes.
- “Don’t worry, it can happen sometimes” he replied.
He finally explained you the lesson and after that, he decided that it was enough of study so he asked you to eat at his side. He didn’t want you to be alone today, and how could you refuse when he makes his adorable smile. Plus, you needed some recomfort and Mm. Yang made the best food ever.
 His parents and brothers were so happy to see you entered in the house. You talked a lot with his mother and you helped her to make the dinner.
It's been a long time since you have seen the whole family, and it's been nice to feel part of their family. You stayed late at their house since his little brother Jaekyun asked you to play with him. Because of him, you fell asleep on his room. So, Jaekyun called Jeongin to bring your asleep body on his room.
 The next morning when you woke, you felt bad since you saw him sleeping on the sofa of his room. You took the little cover on his chair to put it on him to make him more comfortable. You really tried to not look at his face, you were afraid of the feelings that were starting to grow.
Before leaving his room, you decide to make a little note and paste it on his face
“Sorry for being such a mess and thank you to invite me, it was very nice. I owe you a new hoodie lmao -xoxo YN”
You walked silently and closed the door, you thought you would leave the house easily without meeting anyone of his family. You were wrong, when you came down the stairs, you passed her parents quietly eating breakfast. They offered you the breakfast, but you refused since you felt a bit intrusive. So, you thanked them and left the house.
You received a few hours later a text from him saying “I will give you all the hugs that you need if he can stop your tears and sadness”. And oh god, you never were so red.
After all these stressful days you could finally live again. You never had worked so hard and clearly you didn’t know if all this work you have made would be successful. You wish your mother would be proud of you since or even Mr. Choi.
 One week had left since the exams and you were impatient to know your results. You were afraid to not pass the exams since that would mean that you have to repeat your year. But you were confident since you had Yang Jeongin as a teacher.
 The answer of all your questions and doubt would be uploaded today. Of course, you know that the website of the school would crash since all the students were trying to know their results. You’ve decided to go at Jeongin’s house since you didn’t want to be alone when you’re going to know your results. You texted him if you could come over and he accepted your position.
Clearly you didn’t care about how you looked to him so you just came at his house on pajama. Which mean jogging and a large tee-shirt (the one he gave you). When he opened his door, he was hit by the girlfriend material you gave him. He was trying to control his heartbeat, but then you greeted him shyly, and god do you want him to die?
 -        “Hey sorry for disturbing, but I can’t connect to the website and I thought that maybe it would be easier if we share the same computer” you said playing with your hands.
 -        “It’s okay don’t worry, follow me” he replied
 You followed him, and hell yeah you were so nervous like even your legs could shake. You liked his bedroom, it was simply, comfortable just like him. He told you to sit on his bed, and you watched him brought his computer to sit next to you
 -        “Do you know your result?” you asked him curious.
-        “No, I will discover it with you, but we now let’s start with you” he said playfully.
-        “Huh I hate you” you replied to him and he laughed so hard.
-        “I guess I gave to read yours results” he said and you nodded.
You were so anxious and even Jeongin could see that. He held your hand trying to comfort you, the only result of this was your cheeks turning red and also him, but he tried to hide it.
 -        “Are you ready?” he told you softly
-        “No, but let’s say yes” you laughed.
After a long silent, he finally said the result that your wished to have.
-        “Yn you did it great!” He said happy.
 You were probably about to cry since you never had a note as high as this. You were so excited that you hugged him tightly, you didn’t though about what you have made.
 -        “Thank you Jeongin, I think without I wouldn’t succeed these tests.” You told him happily  
 You looked like a puppy, Jeongin’s heart can’t handle your softness. When you finally looked directly at him you could see his cheeks turned red. And since you’re a brave girl who can’t think before acting, you kissed him. You could feel him being tense, so you pulled away and didn’t look him.
-        “Listen Jeongin, I can’t hide my feelings any longer, it’s been to long now. I have been in love you since a long time and I swear I tried to erase these feelings, but I can’t.” You were avoiding any eye contact with him.
You pinched your lips feeling embarrassed, you were about to leave without a word. And you felt him catching your hand to finally face you. He softly took your chin to kiss you gently.
-        “Is it a proper answer to your question?” he said with a soft smile, you nodded happily, before kissing him again.
-        “I thinks it’s more proper if I owe you date rather than a hoodie” you said make him blush.
Maybe be Mr. Choi was your angel guardian after all.
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gnuinart · 2 years
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Recently @pantone revealed #SkinToneValidated, first-ever skin tone validation technology. So I bring you this skin tone rainbow inspired by that big step on design history with some people I've been wanting to illustrate for so long! 😍 Also you know I stand for inclussion cause It doesn't matter "You're Black, white, beige, chola descent, You're Lebanese, you're Orient" You were #BornThisWay baby! 💙 Seeing the different skintones together It's beautiful! Don't you think? Hope you like It 😊 Recientemente #Pantone ha lanzado un verificador de tonos de piel que ayuda a aplicar los colores auténticos en patalla, así que os traigo este arcoiris de pieles inspirado en ese gran paso de la historia del diseño. Además, he aprovechado para juntar algunas personas que llevaba tiempo queriendo ilustrar. Ya sabéis que apoyo la inclusión y ver las pieles de colores diferentes juntas me parece tan bonito 😍 Espero que os guste 😊 #art #arte #artist #artwork #design #diseño #illustration #ilustración #skintones #HwangHyunjin #HunterSchafer #AronPiper #JayAlvarrez #DojaCat #KekePalmer #LilNasX #Kpop #StrayKids #Euphoria #ElDesordenQueDejas #Fashion #PlanetHer #VirgoTendencies #Montero #diversity #genuine #gnuinart https://www.instagram.com/gnuinart/p/CYt04Utols1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lalirosie-blog · 2 years
Eu sei o nome de quase todos os meninos do straykids, só falta 2
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não conheço nem um,só conheço +/- o menino que falam que é irmão gêmeo da Yeji 💔
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vinttypie · 2 years
#$@@$#@#@# as coisas que você posta são tão--- prefeitas!!! Parabéns pelo ótimo e excelente trabalho!! Poderia fazer um moodboard do Taehyung - BTS e do Hyunjin - Straykids (separados, não é couple), por favor? Desde já agradeço imensamente 😖💞
olá, meu bem! muito obrigado pelo elogio e preferência e me perdoe pela demora demasiada :( aqui e aqui estão os moods! faça bom uso 🤲🏻
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beatrizkaorisworld · 3 years
𝓟𝓸𝓻 𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓪 𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓿𝓪 𝓮𝓾, 𝓮 𝓸 𝓢𝓮𝓷𝓱𝓸𝓻 𝓸𝓾𝓿𝓲𝓾 𝓪 𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓱𝓪 𝓸𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓪̃𝓸. Beatriz: Significa “a que traz felicidade”, "aquela que faz os outros felizes" ou “viajante”, “peregrina”. Kaori de origem Japonês que significa "Perfumada como uma linda flor". Todos os detalhes foram pensados com carinho… #tbt #enfeitedeportamaternidade #enfeitedeportamaternidademenina #queasestrelassempreiluminemseucaminho . . . . . . . #beatrizkaori #kaori #beatriz #kids #likekaori #rosa #bebe #baby #kidsfashion #kidsmodel #kidsofinstagram #kidsfashiontrends #kidsportraits #kidsofinsta #kidsphotoshoot #kidswithstyle #straykids #kidsbookstagram #kidsgram #kidsstyling #kidswear #kidsphotography #brasil #japao #portugal #𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘦𝘭1:27 (at São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRpVCRCnbI3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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saintnistweb · 3 years
OIEE MO 🌷desculpa se já cheguei a pedir muitos moodboard, acho que foi apenas dois mas mesmo assim sei que dá trabalho encontrar imagens que fiquem boas com os icons, mas poderia fazer um moodboard de Seungmin do StrayKids com aquela receitinha que você fez o mood da momo?😽😽✨
Oie neném, feitos amor😚😚💘💗💗
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babykbee · 3 years
oii anjinho, tudo bem? eu amo muito seus moods eles são tudo pra mim sério!! fico triste em ver que eles tem tantas poucas curtidas :( espero de coração que isso mude e que eles comecem a ter bastante! quando você ficar famose vou me sentir em poder dizer que te acompanhei desde o começo. 😏😏😏✋
enfim, você poderia fazer um moodboard do bangchan (straykids) prfv? agradeço desde já! 😸💗
-❄️♡.Oii anjinho, eu estou ótima!💗 Não acredito que você ama meus moodboard aaaa <3, verdade antes eu era uma pessoa que pensava que nunca ia ganhar curtidas etc... Mais hoje que eu estou fazendo os meus moodboard eu estou mais confiante😊, espero que tenha mais curtidas também mais você me motivou agora 💗 muito obrigada pela motivação que me deu agora 💗. Bom... Espero que goste do moodboard fiz com muito carinho 💗
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