#strange new worlds fancast
pixiedane · 10 months
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The only casting I’ll accept.
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tinderbox210 · 2 years
Thanks for sticking this idea and fan casting into my head because this would be amazing!
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Probably not going to happen but La’an’s brother turning out to be alive after all would be an amazing twist. I have so many headcanons about Manu and his relationship with his sister and I would love for them to get a second chance similar to how Spock and Michael got a (albeit brief) second chance to get to know each other again.
I have a lot of headcanons about Spock and Manu meeting as well of course! I think Manu would be very protective (but also very proud) of La’an so he would be bumping heads with Spock at first, but given how he cracked the Gorn code I headcanon him also being very smart which would lead to him and Spock finding common ground.
Also, me being weird here again and I'm probably be the only one liking this idea, but since I’m already in the fan casting territory got to say that I would love if they’d bring back Harry Treadaway to play Sybok. From what I know the age gap between the brothers is like 5-6 years(?) so technically Sybok doesn’t have to look that much older than Spock...
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(... okay maybe I just want to see them on screen together for artistically reasons, can’t blame me 🤗 )
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fireofthestars · 2 years
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Two fandoms meet... sort of. Ethan Peck (grandson of screen legend Gregory Peck-Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird) from Star Trek Strange new Worlds. From the episode The Elysian Kingdom where an alien places the characters inside a book, like they do.
I normally don't go down the rabbit hole that is fan casting, but here he looks the way I always imagined Feanor from the Silmarillion to look, but people on the facebook page said they thought he would be a better fit for Maglor. Either way, I think he's a Feanorian.
Yes, I know he needs a shave....
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liaa--qb · 8 months
[ Dark yan (male) Arya x Daenerys
WARNINGS : DUB con, possessive, Dark, Yandere (male) Arya, obsession, fingering, oral, explicit, cheating, manipulation, angst
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Summary : Daenerys arrives at Winterfell to rule with John but things may not go well planned as her strange brother in law takes some special interest in her, extremely special interest.
Part 2
( Young Garret hedlund is boy Arya fancast here; U can have ur own✌ or may be Harry Gilby is my other fancast)
Once I saw in suggestions, i liked idea of this ship, I want you guys to tell me how was it before I continue this further ! would love likes and share ❤ Thankyou
Dany arrived at Winterfell, and she couldn't help but sense an unfamiliar tension in the air. The villagers and city folk did not seem particularly welcoming, which heightened her unease. John, on the other hand, appeared less concerned, and she considered that he might be right. It was likely because she was a newcomer, and history had shown that outsiders often brought trouble with them. Perhaps John's approach of allowing time was the wise one.
As she neared the main palace gate, she spotted two figures standing there. A striking young woman with long, luscious red hair stood next to a young man in a wheelchair, lost in his own world. Their gazes upon Dany held different expressions.
John dismounted his horse and greeted her with a smile. "Come meet my family, my sister and brothers," he said. Dany nodded and walked alongside John to meet them. After a brief introduction between her and John's sister Sansa, Sansa responded, "Winterfell is yours, Your Grace," though her smile appeared uncertain and forced.
Thankfully, Bran was more approachable, and a short conversation with him eased Dany's nerves. Meanwhile, John asking Sansa, "Where is he?" as he scanned the surroundings, to which Sansa merely shook her head and smiled, replying, "You know him, John."
As the temperature dropped and darkness settled in, they made their way inside for dinner. Dany couldn't help but conclude that her journey to the winter-ridden North was not as picturesque or thrilling as she had anticipated.
The place exuded gloom and a lack of joy, and the people's welcome seemed lacking in enthusiasm. Along the way, John was accosted by unkempt individuals who seemed to have an urgent need to speak with him. Dany found herself once again left alone, her attendants and friends having gone inside. She initially decided to wait for John to join her, but his conversations with his old friends seemed interminable.
While waiting, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone's eyes were fixed on her. She scrutinized her surroundings, but there was nothing to suggest anyone was there.
It was likely just her imagination may be, but the persistent unease began to wear on her. Annoyed, she eventually approached John, urging him to come inside with her, but he politely declined, suggesting she go ahead and rest, assuring her he would join them later. Her irritation grew; it was only her first day in Winterfell, and she was already disenchanted with her new surroundings.
As she walked down the corridors, the sensation of being watched and closely observed persisted. She tried to dismiss it, attributing it to her unfamiliarity with the place and its inhabitants. To combat her unease, she focused on her surroundings and tried to maintain a cheerful facade. Nevertheless, the feeling of someone's unwavering gaze bore down on her, sending shivers down her spine.
As Dany ventured further into the labyrinthine passages, she found herself in a towering, cave-like hallway. Its obscurity was offset by massive square-cut windows etched into the grey stone walls, offering a panoramic view of the exterior. Her heart quickened as the human presence dwindled, leaving her in a haunting solitude.
In this dim expanse, she suddenly perceived an elderly woman engaged in a haunting chant, reminiscent of a sacred invocation. She ceased her incantation and turned her gaze upon Dany, a faint but eerie smile gracing her lips.
The woman's attire was unremarkable, typical of the denizens of Winterfell, but her conduct unsettled Dany. It was evident that the woman's attention was not fixed on Dany herself but rather on something concealed behind her.
The elderly woman tenderly took hold of Dany's hand, her eyes reflecting warmth and kindness. Although the sudden gesture alarmed Dany momentarily, she found solace in the idea that an old woman's blessings were preferable to the disconcerting silence of strangers. Her anxiety grew as the woman continued to peer beyond her, prompting Dany to inquire, "What troubles you? Is there something amiss?"
With grace, the old lady replied and, for a moment, lowered her gaze, not releasing her grip on Dany's hand. She then presented a necklace adorned with dark beads. "Take this," she murmured, "for you are the Dragon Queen. May my ancient gods watch over you. I pray for your well-being, our radiant queen."
Dany hesitated as she accepted the small trinket, yet the genuine warmth displayed by the elderly woman, unlike others, persuaded her to retain it. "Thank you," she replied with an uncertain smile, "I hope to win the favor of all here."
Eager to depart, Dany bid her newfound acquaintance farewell. However, the old woman clutched her hand firmly and, with widened eyes, whispered urgently, "Listen to me. Trust no one here too readily; people are not what they appear to be. They wear many faces. Be vigilant."
This sudden shift in demeanour startled Dany, and she quickly withdrew her hand, nodding her acknowledgement before hastening her steps. Regret washed over her for venturing alone, compounded by the plummeting temperatures and chilling gusts that did nothing to alleviate her growing unease.
Dany quickened her pace as she approached the grand hall's entrance, determined not to squander a single moment. Many well-wishers sought to greet her, but she merely acknowledged them with a nod and a fleeting smile. Her mind was abuzz with questions about how people perceived her—wondering if they thought of her as a queen racing about like a madwoman. Thoughts raced through her mind: "Would these people accept her? What did Sansa make of her?"
With unwavering determination, she resolved to win Sansa's favor in the days to come. Having endured her fair share of hardships, Dany believed that Sansa, too, would empathize with her. They would undoubtedly form a deep bond over time. However, one thing was certain: tonight, she would not grant John access to her bedchamber. A mischievous smile naturally crept onto her lips at the mere thought of it. He deserved this playful retribution, for he had kept his queen waiting for far too long. Dany envisioned the delight on John's face when she teased him or, even better, when she whisked him away on a dragon ride. His startled expression would be a sight to behold.
though lost in her tender thoughts of John, she failed to notice a treacherous broken pipe beneath her, resulting in an impending stumble. However, in the nick of time, strong hands grasped her waist firmly, preventing her from meeting an unfortunate fall.
Dany opened her eyes, her breathing slowly returning to normal, while attempting to discern the nature of this timely intervention. She found herself on the brink of tumbling onto unforgiving rocks due to her misstep on the shattered pipe. A pair of rugged, calloused hands held her securely.
As she gingerly touched those hands, her gaze shifted upwards to encounter the face of her savior. A breath, momentarily held in suspense, now hitched in her throat. It was a man, a rather young man by her estimation. His profound, obsidian eyes scrutinized her with an intensity as though she were an enigma he was diligently trying to unravel.
Only then did Dany realize the potential awkwardness of her situation, a woman cradled in the arms of a man in such close proximity.
 A quiet cough from the man snapped her back to reality, prompting him to readjust his stance.
In a moment of self-consciousness, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She couldn't help but ponder the judgments that others must be passing, wondering if she should have conducted herself differently. Despite the scrutiny of onlookers, she maintained her composure and attire, maintaining eye contact with her rescuer.
"It was exceedingly kind of you to save me," Dany replied with a gracious smile.
The man was slender but possessed a commanding height, surpassing even John in stature. His jet-black hair complemented the darkness of his attire. He gave a subtle nod and responded, "It was a mere duty, Your Grace. Queens must be protected, especially a queen as auspicious and exceptional as yourself." His voice was youthful, crisp, bearing a certain frigidity, yet oddly soothing to the ears.
Dany was confident that he was much younger than John, perhaps even herself. His attire resembled that of a skilled warrior, absent armor yet markedly superior to the typical resident's clothing, reminiscent of what a prince might wear. She thought he appeared to hail from a noble court, evident not only in his demeanor but also in his visage. His face exuded a striking beauty—different from John's but characterized by a wild, captivating allure.
Observing her contemplative gaze, he couldn't resist a smirk that carried a hint of cruelty and intrigue. "Is scrutinizing my face providing you with any insights, my queen?" he quipped with a challenge in his eyes.
Dany, somewhat flustered, shook her head in a mixture of embarrassment and self-deprecation. "Please forgive me, it's just that I have a peculiar habit of assessing people. As a queen from a distant land and a newcomer... it helps alot?" she stammered, concluding her words with a self-conscious, almost awkward laugh.
"Indeed," he responded, his tone swift and frigid. His demeanor exuded an air of unshakable confidence as he stood tall, his posture erect, and his folded hands behind his back. Their eyes met, and within his gaze, there sparkled a glint of curiosity, as if he were peering deep into her soul with a trace of amusement.
Internally, Dany grappled with the overwhelming sensation of nervousness he invoked in her. She had just met him, yet his presence was exceptionally daunting. This unfamiliar unease was unsettling; no one before him had ever stirred such profound trepidation within her.
"I would appreciate an introduction," Dany uttered, a warm smile adorning her face, despite the fact that her breaths hitched beneath the weight of his penetrating gaze. He tilted his head, his response delivered with an air of nonchalance, "I thought my queen possessed the magical ability to discern everything about me with nothing more than her prolonged and enchanting stare."His words flowed with a soothing cadence,
 and Dany found herself incapable of sustaining eye contact with him. She frequently glanced around as she conversed, feigning composure. "Yes, it is regrettable that I lack such a power... I do wish I possessed it. Alas, you'll have to offer this new queen an introduction of yourself," she conceded, her voice a gentle, measured tone, her eyes returning to meet his as she toyed with her fingers.
She longed to meet his gaze directly, but her inability to do so weighed upon her as she sensed his intense scrutiny, patiently awaiting her response. Her tongue seemed to falter as she struggled to form even the simplest of words. In an effort to gather her composure, she gradually raised her eyes to meet his, delving deep into the bottomless depths of his own.
Undoubtedly, she mused to herself, he possessed a striking countenance. Yet, Dany couldn't help but believe that he likely viewed her as a fledgling queen, unable to produce even the most basic reply. Internally, she felt the weight of impending defeat pressing down upon her.
Their silent exchange was mercifully disrupted when John's voice rang out from behind, shattering the oppressive tension. Dany was profoundly grateful for the interruption.
 John warmly embraced the young man and then turned to Dany, introducing him with unbridled enthusiasm. "Dany, allow me to present Arya !, Arya Stark, second son of Eddard and Catelyn, Prince of House Stark and Winterfell and my little brother," John announced, patting Arya's back while grinning broadly.
Arya acknowledged Dany with a brief smile and a nod, introducing himself as John's brother continued. Flustered by the sudden revelation, Dany managed only a hurried apology. "Oh... I didn't know, pardon me, Prince," was all she could stammer.
"No need for such formality, my queen. You may call me by my name if you so desire. I find little pleasure in such titles," Arya interjected. John intervened, taking charge of the situation, "I intended to introduce you, but it seemed you had vanished into thin air." With that, he guided both Arya and Dany into the hallways, where their dining awaited, thankfully dissipating the tension.
The chill in the air continued to intensify, and while the snowy landscape outside exuded its own unique beauty in the nocturnal stillness, a prevailing sense of gloom and silence also hung in the atmosphere. Dany reclined on her bed, wrapped in a long, loose, and thin gown, her fingers gently toying with the strands of her cascading hair.
After the passing of two or three days, it became increasingly evident to Dany that the task of endearing herself to her newfound northern family was proving to be quite arduous. No one extended themselves to her; no one inquired about her well-being, her contentment, or her happiness.
She found herself isolated, even though it was only her fourth day in this place. Her second day had largely been consumed by rest, much like everyone else who was fatigued by the extended journey. Dany couldn't hold anyone at fault for this, especially considering the frosty weather, which only encouraged her to remain within her chambers, ensconced by the warmth of a crackling fire.
One aspect that deeply perturbed her was John's minimal presence. He only appeared during supper or dinner, never taking the time to meet or engage with her privately in her chamber. Had he become so engrossed in reuniting with his old friends that he had inadvertently neglected her? Dany admonished herself for allowing such thoughts to fester, reasoning that it was only natural for him to require time to reconnect with them after enduring so much suffering.
She yearned for the moments when he would take her along with him during his work or reunions with his old friends, rather than leaving her on the sidelines as if she were invisible, bearing witness to their animated conversations.
Although she acknowledged the irrationality of her sentiments, she still found herself feeling isolated during their gatherings for supper and lunch. However, she steadfastly believed that with time, they would all come to cherish her, and she drew strength from that conviction.
Remaining idle in her quarters wasn't contributing positively to her mood. Dany concluded that if she truly desired the affection and admiration of the people, she would have to actively engage with them, getting to know them on a personal level and earning their regard through her actions. With this newfound resolve, she rose from her seat and exchanged her attire for a beautiful blue gown, a dress that evoked memories of her early travels and felt intimately familiar.
Emerging from her chamber, Dany ventured outdoors, her steps accompanied by Missandei. The surroundings appeared vast, resembling a sprawling expanse, except for the blanket of snow that enveloped everything. There, she spotted John and Arya engaged in conversation, with children playfully darting around them. As she approached, it was evident that they were discussing the training of these young ones.
"Greetings to both of you. What's happening? Any noteworthy developments?" Dany inquired, her demeanor exuding a bright and sweet smile. John responded with a warm smile too, while Arya, displaying a hint of irritation, distanced himself and began preparing his bow and arrow. Dany found this change in demeanor unsettling for a bit.
"It's merely a minor discussion. Arya suggested that we continue training the children, but I proposed that, thanks to the dragons, our situation has improved considerably. We need not risk the lives of these little ones; they are unprepared for the impending war," John explained.
Dany nodded in agreement, asserting, "Yes, I believe children should remain unharmed at all costs. Their lives are precious, as it is their safety for which we are all fighting." She gazed at John with profound admiration and leaned in for a passionate kiss, their moment interrupted by the resounding thud of Arya's arrow hitting its mark.
Arya, his tone chilled, addressed Dany, "So, are you not precious, and are your dragons not precious to you, my queen?" He pointed his arrow toward its intended target.
"What do you mean my prince ?" Dany replied to Arya's assertion.
Arya, his bow now lowered, fixed her with a piercing gaze. "Yes, you heard me correctly, my queen," he continued, his tone unwavering.
"Do you genuinely believe that anyone's life among us holds less significance than another's? I, for one, do not share that opinion. Regarding your heartfelt concern for these children's safety, let me remind you that I, too, was once a child, and I faced some of the most perilous trials. So did Sansa. I don't believe you were much older yourself when you were sold to Khal Drogo's Dothraki horde."
Those words acted like pointed daggers, thrusting into Dany's consciousness and summoning the shadows of her painful past. She felt vulnerable, her humiliation laid bare by those memories, now exposed so openly in front of everyone by this boy. The urge to shout or shed tears swelled within her, but she remained speechless, her gaze cast downward. But she had made a vow to herself to rise above these emotions.
"Let me correct you, Prince. I was not sold. I was Khal Drogo's wife, their queen, just as I am yours. I chose to go to them, and I ruled them. I was not their slave. Yes, my marriage was far from a dream, but I was their queen. They worked for me, and they killed for me," Dany replied, voice tinged with a sigh, conveying the weight of her complex history. In the midst of it all, she felt John's reassuring touch, his hand gently rubbing her back.
now Arya's expression had shifted, no longer bearing the edge of provocation but now displaying a genuine sense of admiration. It appeared he had something to say but held back.
John intervened with a diplomatic tone, saying, "She's right, Arya and please I understand that your intent wasn't to hurt her, but it would be more gracious to use polite words in her presence. She's new here and unfamiliar with your straightforward demeanour. I am confident that you'll find common ground with time. Let's set this topic aside for now and return to it later, shall we?" He offered a small, reassuring smile to ease the tension in the air.
Dany found herself reveling in this moment, for it felt far more gratifying than the others. She was now with all of them, nestled close to John, and embraced by his warm hands, basking in the semblance of a harmonious royal family.
She held John a bit closer, her eyes filled with affection, as she playfully inquired, "Will you visit my chambers tonight? I've been missing you." A shy, yet wide smile began to form on John's face, which he attempted to conceal while casting his gaze in all directions. "I have some important matters to discuss, but if you want it, I shall certainly come."
Just then, the extreme resonant thud of Arya's another arrow hitting its target again shattered the moment, jolting both John and Dany slightly. "Oh, my prince, it appears you're poised to break everything around us in mere moments," Dany quipped, her voice steady.
Arya regarded her with a sly smile playing upon his lips. "It appears, my queen, that you may be unfamiliar with the intricacies of defence and weaponry, aside from your dragons," he taunted, a challenging confidence gleaming in his youthful and notably handsome countenance.
His youthful face radiating a kind of wild, captivating beauty. Yes, he was, indeed, pretty she thought. Dany now felt certain that Arya possessed the same sort of "wild beauty" that Viserys had spoken of, the attraction that had captivated Rhaegar with Lyanna Stark.
She recalled Viserys describing Lyanna as not an extravagantly glamorous princess, yet undeniably possessing an alluring quality that had ensnared many a prince, including Baratheons. There was no denying it—Arya exhibited precisely that captivating allure that Viserys had attributed to Lyanna Stark, and the familial bloodline seemed to cast a striking imprint upon his features
 Dany was not one to readily back down from playful challenges, especially not when it involved her future brother-in-law. "Indeed, my prince, I may not be well-versed in the ways of weaponry, but I am eager to learn and would greatly appreciate it. While I may not wield a sword like a seasoned warrior, I do engage in daily discussions about warfare with my army," she responded with a childlike grin, snuggling closer to John's side.
Arya emitted a wry chuckle, and John chimed in, "Would you like to give it a try? It's not all that difficult, really," his lips curving playfully.
"Do you think I should?" Dany asked John with an innocent, childlike curiosity.
Arya, however, interjected, "One can only fully grasp the art of weaponry when they know how to wield it. There have been many kings who shy away from the battlefield, hiding like cowards. But I know you're not like that. While it might be a challenge for someone as extraordinarily beautiful as you, perhaps those around you have unintentionally discouraged you—indirectly pointing at Ser Jorah," Dany's heart swelled with appreciation for Arya's words, though she couldn't help but feel sorry for Jorah, who stood nearby.
"But I wholeheartedly endorse your acquisition of even a modicum of expertise in weaponry. It's for your own benefit. A person cannot fully understand their possessions until they know them—how to hold them, how to use them to the fullest. Simply listening to armies and commanders is insufficient. It would serve you well, my queen," Arya said confidently, his words resonating with a truth that struck a chord with Dany.
She felt a tinge of regret for never having shown an interest in defense training, solely relying on her dragons and armies. What if, someday, there were no dragons?
With confidence etched across her face, she turned her gaze towards John and Arya. "I would love to try. You're absolutely right, Prince," she affirmed. John enthusiastically nodded in agreement, saying, "Go for it."
Dany made her way toward Arya, gently slipping out of John's warm embrace as she approached the bow. However, uncertainty shadowed Arya's expression as he cautioned, "I hope you'll be able to handle this..." Before he could complete his sentence, the hefty bow and arrows began slipping from her grasp—too heavy for her to manage. She attempted to maintain her composure, but it was proving to be quite a challenge. John couldn't help but laugh. "Doing well?" he teased.
Dany, feeling irritated by his playful taunt, retorted, "Yes, yes, laugh all you want. Perhaps later, it'll be my turn to have a good laugh at your expense." She struggled to manage the unwieldy weapon, contorting herself into bizarre positions in her determined efforts.
At that moment, Ser Davos and Tormund, a massive man whom John referred to as his friend, joined them, engaging John in a conversation. Dany's focus shifted from the bow and arrow to their discussion. Ser Davos, after exchanging glances with Arya, turned to him and said, "Prince Arya, we require your presence. I wish to share something with you and John. I would appreciate it if you could join us."
Hearing this news left Dany feeling a bit disheartened. She couldn't help but wonder why John always had to leave her alone among strangers, and why these northern men seemed hesitant to share their matters with her. "Not right now, but I will join you later. Thank you. In the meantime, feel free to share everything with John," Arya replied to Ser Davos, his attention focused on polishing his sword.
"Certainly, my prince, as you wish," Davos responded with a nod. He swiftly set the bow and arrows aside and made his way over to John. Dany took John's hand with a sweet, pleading expression. "But what about our practice? I thought we were going to have some family time."
John shook his head, asserting, "It's important. Arya is there to guide you; he's exceptionally skilled with swords and bows. You are having a family time, and both of you will spend time together." Dany nodded, her gaze lowered.
"Listen, I know he can be a bit brusque with outsiders at first, but believe me, no one will adore and protect you within the family like he will. You two will get along well, and we'll have our time together alone later definitely," John assured her, offering a warm and comforting smile. As Dany moved back towards Arya's direction, not before turning  and calling out to John, "I'll be waiting, and we need to discuss our important matters as well." She flashed a mischievous smile at him, to which John bashfully bowed and departed.
Arya instructed her, "Pick it up and give it a try." Though he shouldn't have been so commanding with her, his tone bore more authority than request. Annoyance flickered across Dany's face as she replied, "As you wish, my prince."
After enduring Arya's continuous barrage of instructions like "pick it up," "you're holding it wrong," and "wrong again," Dany finally summoned all her strength, a force she rarely exerted even during her dealings with her dragons. She managed to grasp an arrow and the bow, taking aim at the target board.
The bow proved too heavy; its long wires pinched her skin, causing her to lose her balance on the weapon once again. However, this time, it didn't fall. Arya swiftly moved behind her, snatching the bow and steadying Dany's hands, holding onto the weapon more firmly. They stood close, too close, now. His cold breath brushed against her neck, making her even more nervous and causing her to shiver.
"Don't shiver. Why are you moving again? Stay in the position I showed you," Arya whispered into her ear. She understood it was part of a teaching lesson, but she wasn't accustomed to such proximity with anyone. Not even John had been this close to her in their early days. His warm breath tickled her, something she desperately wanted to ignore but couldn't. It distracted her once more, and she lost her balance on the bow, but Arya promptly caught it and forced his hands on her even tighter onto it.
Now he was so close that no air could pass between them. He pressed her body tightly against his, not allowing her to move, his other hand holding her waist firmly. "Yes, this is the correct position. Now, see and feel," he whispered again near her ear.
Dany wanted to move away from him, but how could she convey that it was too much for her to bear—this closeness, this proximity? He would surely mock her for having such thoughts. In the end, she felt she had no choice but to go with the flow; at least she might learn something. She struggled to keep her focus on the bow, arrow, and target. However, her concentration was constantly shattered by his whispered commands, his breath caressing her neck, and his firm grip on her waist, pulling her back against him to improve her balance. The sensation made her cheeks flush. Even lovers rarely held each other this closely in open.
Once, Dany suggested, "I believe I've learned enough, and you should go to John. He might need you." However, Arya rejected the notion, murmuring in her ear, "What about your needs?" as he adjusted her hands on the bow and positioned the arrow.
 She began to turn and face him, yet his firm hands halted her, compelling her to remain in her current position. In a composed tone, he reassured her, "Don't move, be still. You have no reason to hide or be shy around me and I have no intention of leaving you alone."
Dany couldn't help but be overwhelmed by a mixture of shame and an uninvited desire that coursed through her. Some part of her body reveled in this intimate closeness, the strong possessive hold, and his seductive whispers. Her whispered "Thanks" didn't sound like gratitude but more like a suppressed moan, which only deepened her sense of shame.
Abruptly, Jorah interrupted, saying, "I believe they're summoning our queen for dinner. Missandei informed me to bring her." Dany gazed at Jorah, who kept his eyes away from their direction, wearing an expression of discomfort and avoiding any acknowledgment of their closeness.
She quickly moved away from Arya's grasp, in her hurry to set aside her sharp arrows, inadvertently cutting her skin in the process. A whimper escaped her lips, which prompted Arya to grab her injured wrist once more, his eyes fixed on the bleeding cut. "Oh, I'll tend to it myself. Ser Jorah, please ask Missandei to prepare a herbal paste; this is a minor injury," she replied to Arya, though it seemed he wasn't even listening to her.
Dany felt a shiver run down her spine as she observed him place her injured finger in his mouth and begin to suck on it which she wasn't expecting. Her heart raced at the intimacy of the moment. Ser Jorah appeared clearly annoyed but remained in place. The situation was highly gross, particularly for two individuals who were essentially strangers, especially considering the potential future relations between them. He held her wrist firmly, engrossed in the act as if he was savoring it more than anything else.
Finally, he released her finger, and Dany hastily withdrew, saying her goodbyes. She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze properly. In that moment, she realized that Princess Sansa was also present, watching the scene from the upper floor of her chamber. Dany nodded at Sansa, who reciprocated the gesture, and then quickly departed with Ser Jorah.
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starlightervarda · 1 year
Trekkies, who’s your fancast for SNW!McCoy?
I’m starting a Strange New Worlds!Spirk fic soon and can’t envision who’d go with this version of Kirk
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Hi. This is a weird question but I was wondering if you have any fancasts for the Flashfam or LOSH?
I have actually received this question multiple times and each time I am so out of my element because I just don't do fan-casts.
Only one, for Max Mercury.
I feel if we EVER got a live action Impulse (I sincerely hope not) or if Max ever showed up anywhere live action (hurk), Anson Mount would be perfect for the role. His prose, his blend of seriousness and compassion, his goofiness, his range would be spot on. And he's hot.
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He's probably most known right now for his role as Captain Pike on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (and Discovery).
As for anyone else I am at a loss. I have nothing. 🤷‍♀️
If anyone else has fan-casts they're more than welcome to add on.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Strange New Worlds fancasting: Rhys Darby as General Trelane.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 9 months
Hey Dolly!!! 🥰 I saw that in Layla Dupreti’s post that she develops a bond with Christine Chapel (because YES!!!! I agree! We're pretending she actually has a role in the movies instead of just being mentioned) and I was very curious to see if you have a fancast for her, if she was in the newer films??
I know there’s Jess Bush who plays the character in Strange New Worlds (The new tv series with Paul Wesley and Ethan Peck as Kirk and Spock), but my curiosity is very edger to know, who’d play her in the Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto films?!? 😉
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💙✨
Thanks so much for asking about this, Alexandra, because it forced me to actually think about who I wanted to play Christine (😅).
Now, Jess Bush is amazing in Strange New Worlds, and when I was first considering Layla and their relationship I was just going to say she was in the movies too, but I did reconsider that and I finally settled on Nurse Chapel being played by Dianna Agron!! I really think she fits the role and could play Christine well, plus I think she bears somewhat of a resemblance to the actress who plays Christine in the original series, so she’s perfect!!
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Again, thanks so much for asking!! I’m super excited to share more of Layla with you and everyone!!
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sugiwa · 9 months
What do you think of the live action if you’ve seen it? Who would play Penny? Thank you!
I have watched it and there were parts that I liked very much and parts that I could've done without. Visually, it was incredibly stunning and really encapsulated the world that we all love. For what it was trying to achieve by creating a new medium for One Piece to be introduced to the world, I think it served its purpose, but I think it did so to the determinant of keeping some of the sincerity we've come to expect from the manga and characters in One Piece.
One of my main criticism would likely come down to the choppy writing and pacing in some episodes. I was not the biggest fan of the Garp story-line, nor what was done with the Marines in general as I felt that rather than witness first hand some of the corruption involved, we're told about it and have characters verbally point it out, which is fine, but it did sometimes make me feel like someone was sitting me down and explaining the world, rather than letting me experience it for myself.
There were lines and character decisions that sometimes made very familiar characters feel strange or awkward to me. The Foosha flashbacks were a particular disappointment to me as I felt that we didn't sit with those moments long enough to really understand the importance of them. Luffy has some big emotional growths within the first chapter of One Piece that really set the tone for the rest of the story. In the live action, it often felt like we were checking off point A, B, and C, rather than having an organic story flow out.
Particular standouts: Buggy was superb and honestly, I could have a spin-off with his adventures and not grow tired of it. Sanji's character maintained his kindness while also answering the criticisms many fans have about his behavior towards women. The scene between Mihawk and Shanks was among my favorites. Zeff and Sanji's relationship was very aptly transcribed to the live action.
Particular Downfalls: At times, you could feel the lack of a woman in the writers room when it came to Nami. I greatly disliked how they changed her arc and her relationship with Nojiko. Nami being a physical-fighter from the get-go is fine, but I think her dynamic with fighting in the manga is much more interesting because it puts her instinct to protect herself at odds with her desire to help her friends. We continuously see Nami reinforce this choice throughout the manga each time she fights. Even though she may express a desire to run away, Nami never does. To me, that's far more interesting narratively than having her be a femme fatal from the get-go.
It feels a bit odd to speak about Penny in this context. I don't have a particular fancast in mind for her as I haven't really thought much about how well she'd translated out of a FanFiction into Live Action, so I'll leave that for you guys to decide 😊
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threebooksoneplot · 2 years
Episode 1: “We Like Mike” (Show Notes)
Content warnings: 
Skinhead discussion: 38:13—41:38 (racism, xenophobia, nazism, anti-semitism, brief discussion of 2012 mass shooting 40:00—40:18)
Discussion of Edward wanting to murder his class: 54:10—end
[00:03:56] Damn Shannon I don’t recall burning YOUR crops poisoning your well razing your house to the ground and salting the earth
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[00:06:20] Read Lexie’s fic here!
[00:07:28] Lexie’s social media handles: AO3, fanfiction.net, tumblr
[00:08:06] Ashley Greene’s NFT. (Ashley Greene is the actor who played Alice in the Twilight movies, for anyone not in the know. Also note that we recorded this episode in April, shortly before the great NFT crash)
[00:11:16] Transcript of Shannon’s Life and Death summary:
Beaufort Swan “Beau” moves from Phoenix, Arizona to a small town called Forks, Washington to live with his father, Charlie, after his mother, Renee, gets remarried. He is decidedly not fucking happy about it and is loathe to be in Forks despite taking it upon himself to lie to absolutely anybody who asks him about it (ever the martyr.) While there, he struggles with the inadequate experience of what we know is called “being a goddamn teenager.” He crosses paths with a mysterious and not-cognito family, and when he quote-unquote “meets” his new Biology partner, he suddenly has more questions about Edythe and her strange but sudden hatred of him.
[00:13:30] The top Kristen Stewart’s Bella is wearing in the very first scene of Twilight:
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[00:15:09] Wikipedia’s basic breakdown of economic info on the real-world Forks, WA
[00:18:59] Bella on her reading list in Twilight: 
It was fairly basic: Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner.
[00:20:36] The “canonical” heights for Jasper and Emmett, respectively: 6’3”/190.5 cm and 6’5”/195.6 cm
[00:30:10] Scroll to the bottom of this old blog post to see Stephenie Meyer’s original fancasts for Twilight characters (She had Jackson Rathbone as an Edward possibility?? oh my god)
[00:30:41] Some old, pre-movie era edits of Emily Browning as Bella:
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[00:31:02] Shannon is metaphorically on crack here. Gerard Way was actually who the fans wanted to play Edward, though Stephenie Meyer is an MCR fan and says their music inspired her when writing Jacob’s character (source.)
[00:31:21] Henry Cavill in gold contacts, looking about as unlike Edward Cullen as a white dude can look:
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[00:34:18] Anyone else notice that Shannon says “Rosalie” super weird? She also says “pillow” weird. Ask her to say it sometime.
[00:39:36] The SPLC’s timeline on skinheads (cw: racism, xenophobia, antisemitism, injury, murder)
[00:42:27] A blog post on the Tiffany Problem
[00:48:44] Advice for Edward:
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[00:52:13] Fanlore’s definition of “fanon”
[00:54:24] Fanlore’s article on AUs
[00:54:34] The filmmakers even shot this as a deleted scene! And you are not prepared for the sheer brilliance of this 2009 Youtube DVD rip set to an A+ song choice (sound ON and pay particular attention to the background actors)
[00:56:19] In this most iconic scene from the first Twilight movie, Bella walks into the forest with Edward (without being asked) to confront him about his vampirism
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[00:56:28] Renesmee, for anyone not in the know.
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[00:58:27] Alice walking into the Bio classroom after Edward’s finished snacking
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[00:58:47] G references the Trolley Problem from philosophy/ethics
...and that’s all we’ve got for Episode 1 show notes! We hope you enjoyed this Happy Birthday Edward edition of 3B1P!
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cynicalbastard74 · 1 year
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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[HPMA] Farid Sikander Moodboard
fancasting Dev Patel as Farid
“Here I am alone, though it feels the same -- I don't know where I'm going... I'm here on my own, and it's not a game, And a strange wind is blowing... I am so amazed at the things that I see here... Don't want to be afraid...I just don't want to be here! In my mind this is clear --  What am I doing here?”
~“Soon as I Get Home / Home” from The Wiz
After Albus Dumbledore’s death, Fawkes the phoenix went into mourning, flying free with no master for many years. Then one day, as a twist of fate, Fawkes was injured by a Muggle hunter in the woods of Ireland. Unable to properly tend to his injury, the magical bird hobbled helplessly until a Muggle teenager wandering the wood came upon him. Fawkes refused to let the boy come near him at first, but little by little, over the span of a few days, the boy wore down his defenses enough by feeding and talking to him that Fawkes let him take the bullet out and bandage up his handsome scarlet and gold wing. Then the boy continued to bring Fawkes food and keep him company until he’d fully recovered. It was then that Fawkes decided -- this boy, Muggle he might be, would be his new master. Unfortunately not long later, the Ministry of Magic caught wind that a Muggle had come across a phoenix and Obliviators were deployed to modify the boy’s memories -- and Fawkes, upon realizing that they would be separated, used his own magic to disappear with his new master in a flare of fire and smoke. He brought the boy to Hogwarts, to Minerva McGonagall, who got in contact with the boy’s uncle -- the once-Muggle Studies professor, Arif Sikander. From there, Farid Sikander’s journey into the Wizarding World and the amazing magical creatures he befriended without any spells or wand tricks -- constantly on the edge of being erased from his mind forever -- began. 
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foralwaysandforever · 2 years
Hello love, I came across your account and saw that you were doing matchups, so a Harry Potter matchup would really put a smile on me (either era, or both… it’s all up to you!) <3
So about me, I’m bisexual without any preference. I’m a 5’4 female, taurus, INTP 4w5 and my hogwarts house is slytherin.
I don’t know if this really matters but here’s a physical description of me. I have blond, shoulder length and wavy hair. My skin is pale with slight dark circles under my eyes. Talking about eyes, mines are green and bright, although sometimes they do look grey. The way I dress changes every week, like honestly. I go from full on dark academia one week to rather ”preppy” the other.
Other than that I play guitar, and I’d like to say and think I am good at it bc when I play you could mistake me for being a musician. Lowkey. Anyways I used to have very little confident but then I started wearing eyeliner and now I feel like I rule the world.
I’m over all introverted. My friend and family describes me as intelligent, which I can agree on partly. I’m a good at speaking and arguing when someone has disgusting and terrible views such as homophobia, rasicm etc. My humor is straight up terrible. So dry and dark. I’m the kind of person to die laughing at my own shitty jokes. I’m very very ambitious. I am a good listener and I really try to help people with things that is bothering them. One of my flaws is how pessimistic I am and how I always complain about the smallest things. I’m trying hard to change that though. Like currently I’ve been complaining about my constantly cold hands for weeks (yea I feel pretty bad for my poor friends)
As you might have noticed, I love music. The possibility of finding me dancing and jumping around to songs no one likes but me is definitely huge. Other than that I read quite a lot. Usually it’s realistic books about mental instability, or those about crime. I love watching true crime even though it makes me scared of everything. Also, horror movies. Omg I love them. Moving on I write poetry as a way to express my feelings when I can’t get them out of my mouth. I’m not an active person at all, like I’ve tried a bunch of sports and I dislike em all.
Here are some other random facts about me: I love learning new languages, i’m currently trying my best to learn both italian, spanish and french (french only so I can write a love letter to absolutely no one 🙄) I’m addicted to matcha latte and Iced coffee. I curse too much. I love candles, especially those who smell good. I really enjoy museums and I like history over all. I’m so good at cooking omg. My favorite tv shows are american horror story and euphoria.
That’s about it. My prounouns are she/her btw <33 have a great day and thanks in advance
Here you go! A couple of things: 1) I picked a picture of a fancast for Remus because I imagine you with younger him rather than older him. If you don't like that picture or already have what younger Remus would look like in your imagination, by all means imagine him that way :) and 2) spoilers if you haven't checked yet but I specifically think you match with book Ginny with her sass and unique personality. Anyways, I hope you like it <333 also your description of yourself is super cool, I love it! Poetry is fire hehe
I match you with Remus!
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-Remus loves to hear you play guitar. Remus was never musically inclined (as strange as that may sound, he seems like a violin or piano sort of guy to me) but he loved listening to you play your guitar. He always thought any piece of music sounded better when you played it, and he loved the way you could do it so effortlessly. He was never one for dancing, but he would dance with you to your favorite songs, even if he felt he looked ridiculous doing it. The effects of love, right?
-We all know Remus is a sweetheart, so he would literally do anything for you, especially if you were hurt or upset. You honestly reminded him of Sirius, something that you would snort at whenever he mentioned it. But there was something about you. Whenever you sensed the slightest change in Remus's attitude, you would check up on him. And in return, whenever you were looking the slightest bit downcast, Remus was there to invite you to sit by the lake with him. You often would read stories to each other while sitting by the lake, taking turns leaning against the other person as they read. Forehead kisses are something that is constant in your relationship.
-Remus hates confrontation, but you will always find him by your side whenever there is a debate between you and someone with despicable views. He loves how you can always defend your beliefs rationally and logically. He also likes your humor. Probably not as much as James and Sirius do, dark humor is their favorite type, but you can always count on Remus to groan at your jokes, a bit of a grin on his face. Whenever you feel your pessimistic outlook on life start to creep up on you, you can always turn to Remus. He has an almost optimistic look on things, even though his werewolf situation weighs him down a lot. He loves to find the good in things, he learned a while back that if you focus on the good, the bad gets smaller and smaller. So he'll point out the first flower of spring, or comment on how beautiful your hair looks, or admire how shimmery the lake looks when the sun shines right above it. You can't help but feel a bit happier when you're with him.
-Remus knows you love poetry, and it just so happens that he's actually pretty good. He'll show you rough drafts of his works and ask for criticism. He'll also ask if you wanna share any poetry with him, he's always impressed at how well you have a way with words. He jokes about you being the next brilliant poet, but he really believes that you could go places. Speaking of words, Remus knows several languages. He volunteers to tutor you, and every week he makes time to teach you some vocabulary. Sometimes, he’d decide that you needed a quieter place to study, so he’d take you to museums to work on French, and then take breaks to look at the art or sculptures. 
I match you with Ginny!
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-Ginny loves your outfit spontaneousness, so she often will try to match you whenever it's possible. She would invite you to Hogsmeade, wait to see what you were wearing, sprint back into her dorm, and emerge with a matching outfit. She thought it was the most hilarious thing, but she also genuinely enjoyed it. Over all, she just adores you. You have so many quirks and unique abilities that leave her breathless. She had never met a person as wonderful as you, and she was sure she never would meet another. She would fawn over you whenever she could get the chance, her siblings often ask you, “where is the real Ginny, what have you done with her?” because they had never seen her act so deeply in love until she found you. She loves laying her head in your lap, reading aloud to you some fairytale novel that you can blissfully imagine yourself as a character in. 
-Ginny's humor is about as “horrible” as yours, she will always add onto your jokes with an even worse quip. It usually ends up with both of you leaning on each other, doubled over with laughter. Do people find it strange? Maybe, but at this point, you both couldn’t care less. As a result, a lot of inside jokes would appear between you two. Ron would roll his eyes whenever he was near you two, but Hermione thought you both were so endearing together. Your life wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but you knew you could always fall back on Ginny if ever the need be. Her attitude would always put a smile on your face. 
-You don't play sports? Even better, you can attend Ginny's Quidditch games. You're her number one supporter, she loves being able to look into the crowd and spot you in a moment. You always stood out from everyone else, sometimes she'll make an extra lap around the stadium just to pass you again. After an inevitable victory, Ginny would drop everything and race towards you, jumping into your arms, kissing you all the while. Afterwards, when you get home, she’d give you play-by-play’s of her favourite parts of the game, and you would listen patiently. She especially loved to do that next to the fireplace, wrapping a blanket around your shoulders while she played with your hair. She likes to keep you warm, no cold hands here. Sometimes, she’ll unconsciously hold onto your hands, rubbing dainty circles on them until she feels them warm up. If there was one thing that you never doubted, it was Ginny’s love for you. You were certain that if it ever came to it, she would give up the moon and stars for you in an instant.
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asongofsilks · 4 years
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Random fancasting --> Favorites of Rhaena Targaryen: Hannah New as Elissa Farman
“The scant writings she left behind show that even as a child Elissa Farman was convinced the world was ‘far larger and far stranger than the maesters imagine.’ Not for her the merchant’s dream of reaching Ulthos and Asshai by sailing west. Hers was a bolder vision. Between Westeros and the far eastern shores of Essos and Ulthos, she believed, lay other lands and other seas waiting to be discovered: another Essos, another Sothoryos, another Westeros. Her dreams were full of sundering rivers and windswept plains and towering mountains with their shoulders in the clouds, of green islands verdant in the sun, of strange beasts no man had tamed and queer fruits no man had tasted, of golden cities shining underneath strange stars.”
Another shoo-in from Black Sails for ASOIAF’s seafarers, this is one lady who perfectly looks the part for this fascinating character.
House Targaryen fancasts here
Main series era House Martell here
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Any Spock/Uhura fics for the new streaming Treks?
*psst* Has anyone written any Spuhura fanfiction set before or after Discovery season 2, or in the new show, Strange New Worlds?
I know, I know. It’s the prime universe, not the Kelvin timeline! We know what’s going to happen in TOS and the films. We know they don’t meet until later and there’s never a romance (that we know about) between them. We know!
Still! Give us all the AU Spuhura fanfics for Disco and SNW. I want (fancast) Uhura with Bearded Ethan Peck Spock. If you have to retcon TOS to give it to me, so much the better... I want. 
*rubs hands together*
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My pitch for an alternate version of the Star Wars sequel arc (Episodes 7-12):
(NOTE: Aside from some characters being reused, this is completely separate from the actual sequel trilogy) 
1) All six movies comprise of one arc but episodes 7-9 and 10-12 can be seen as their own trilogies. Think of this like a TV show season; the first half of the season is different from the second half. 
2) The initial main protagonists are Ben Solo and Rey Nebula, Luke Skywalker’s proteges and the top two students of the reformed Jedi Academy. However, there’s a change in protagonists after episode 9, which I’ll explain when I get there. The main protagonists from episodes 10-12 are Nico Palpatine (Emperor Palpatine’s granddaughter), Finn (a former stormtrooper), Poe Dameron (a Mandalorian bounty hunter), and Rose Tico (an inventor from Coruscant).
3) Episodes 7-9 focus on defeating the last of the Imperial forces (renamed “The First Order”) and Luke ordering the capture of Nico Palpatine, the last of Emperor Palpatine’s line. The trilogy is set up like a traditional Star Wars story; Empire and Sith are the villains while the Republic and the Jedi are the heroes. However, in episode 8, we start to see the cracks in the story. Nico, despite being a Palpatine, is revealed to be a scared, severely depressed young woman who is trying to escape her legacy. She’s not interested in the Sith or even avenging her grandfather, she just wants to live her life. In addition, it’s revealed that there’s unrest in the Republic with Leia’s government becoming more unpopular each day. The main concern is that, in their quest to stamp out all traces of the Galactic Empire, people are fearing that the New Republic is on the road to becoming a fascist dictatorship as well.
4) While all that is going on, Luke learns about this “Force boogeyman” who has resurfaced. This boogeyman, known as “The Equalist”, is a legendary figure who is feared by both the Jedi and the Sith. Apparently, they have survived for thousands of years (using the Force to extend their lifespan) and they have an intense hatred towards both orders of the Force. The Equalist is the main antagonist of the sequel series. 
5) The big reveal in Episode 9: Rey Nebula, who was presented as the main heroine of the sequel series, is revealed to be “The Equalist”. She entered Luke’s academy with the intention of infiltrating the Jedi Order and destroying it from within, as well as getting close to Luke. In addition, she’s the one who has been influencing the political unrest in the New Republic. The reason for her hatred of the Jedi and the Sith is that she was part of an ancient order of Force users that predated the Jedi and the Sith (think: Dai Bendu). Her order, instead of emphasizing the differences in the Light and Dark sides of the Force, preached a “Grey” interpretation that believed the Light and Dark sides worked in tandem. Rey reveals that her order was destroyed by both the early Jedi and Sith as they felt threatened by the “Grey” interpretation of the Force. 
6) Some dialogue I came up with for Rey/The Equalist: “When the universe was first formed...do you think the Creators had a set of morals in mind for the Force? The answer is no...we were the ones who gave meaning to the Force. The problem is...we couldn’t agree which interpretation was correct and, as a result, millions of people died. Over a difference of faith. How pitiful.” / “The Jedi preaches that the Dark Side is evil. The Sith preaches that the Light Side is evil. But yet, despite the differences in your religions...you both agreed that my people were a threat. We were a threat...for believing that the Force was neither good or evil. For our beliefs, you sentenced my people to death.” --> author’s note: If this sounds like Pain from Naruto or Zaheer from Legend of Korra, I admit that they were inspirations for the Equalist. 
7) Ben Solo goes from the main male protagonist to the secondary antagonist of the series. Although he starts out as an honorable Jedi, he becomes swayed by Rey’s mission to destroy the Jedi and the Sith once he learns their “hidden history” (namely, the destruction of Rey’s old order of Force users). He also becomes disillusioned by the New Republic when he learns about the war crimes and atrocities that the Rebels committed during the war with the Galactic Empire (history that was also buried by the New Republic). Ben feels betrayed as he was taught that the Jedi and Rebels were pure heroes, leading to him joining forces with Rey. So in this version, Ben’s turn to darkness comes from his inability to see the world through a grey perspective; he’s stuck in a black-and-white moral mentality that makes him unable to comprehend the nuances of war and politics, which then leads to him helping Rey in her dangerous revolution. 
8) Nico Palpatine goes from a supporting protagonist to the main protagonist of the series. Although she’s treated with much hostility from Luke Skywalker in the beginning, Luke slowly warms up to her when he realizes she’s nothing like her grandfather. Also, when we get to know more about Nico, we learn that she has a strange connection to the Force. She’s as powerful as Emperor Palpatine but she doesn’t feel a strong connection to either the Light or Dark sides since she was never formally trained. As a result, she’s developed a sort of “Grey” relationship to the Force, just like Rey. However, Nico’s pure heart clashes with Rey’s thirst for vengeance, which leads to them becoming archenemies. 
---------------------------> side note: my fancast for Nico is Jessica Henwick (Colleen Wing from Iron Fist) 
9) Finn, Poe, and Rose are all elevated to co-protagonists in episodes 10-12. They start out as supporting allies in episodes 7-9 but are elevated in importance when they befriend Nico and form her inner circle. So if Nico is the Luke of the sequel series, Poe and Rose share the Han Solo role while Finn fills in the Leia Organa role. In this alternate version, Rose is an inventor who sells state-of-the-art weapons to the New Republic, Finn is a former stormtrooper who has enlisted in the New Republic’s army, and Poe is a Mandalorian bounty hunter who specializes in hunting down Sith lords. 
10) Just as a side note, I pictured Finn being more important than Poe and Rose since he also has a subplot where he learns that he’s Force-sensitive.
11) Episodes 10-12 focus on Nico, Finn, Poe, and Rose trying to stop Rey, Ben, and their faction from destroying the Jedi, the Sith and the New Republic. We learn that Rey’s grand plan is to cause as much unrest in the New Republic as possible, causing the Republic to fall into a civil war. Combined with the ongoing war against the First Order, this would eventually lead to the Republic collapsing into complete anarchy. So as a stark contrast to the original and prequel trilogies, our main villain isn’t a fascist dictator but a vengeance-fueled anarchist who wants to destroy all traces of the Jedi and the Sith. 
12) Fates of the OG trio: Han Solo is killed in episode 8 during a battle with the First Order. His death sends Ben Solo into full despair, which Rey takes advantage of. Leia Skywalker is killed in episode 10 by Ben. Leia tries to convince him that Rey is the real threat and, in response, Ben stabs her through the chest (so she gets Han’s death from TFA). Luke Skywalker heroically sacrifices himself in episode 12. He destroys a Death Star-type weapon that Rey had taken control of while still inside. 
13) There’s a major time jump between episodes 9 and 10 because Luke Skywalker has taken on Nico Palpatine as his protege  Episode 10 takes place six years after episode 9 in order to explain how Nico is suddenly a capable Jedi, as well as how Rey and Ben were able to raise an army while hiding in the shadows. 
14) The ending scene of episode 11 is Luke Skywalker naming Nico Palpatine as the next Grandmaster of the Jedi Order. When Nico protests, saying that she should be disqualified due to her lineage, Luke reminds her that his father was Darth Vader. He says something along the lines of, “You may be a Palpatine by blood...but you’ve proven more than once that you are your own person.” He also says that the Jedi could benefit from Nico’s “Grey” view of the Force since she could teach about the Dark Side without falling into it and becoming a Sith.
15) Showdown in episode 12 is split between Nico’s confrontation with Rey and Ben, as well as the New Republic engaging the Equalist Army. Both conflicts are resolved in a way to symbolize that the galaxy is willing to make an effort for peace. First, the New Republic is assisted by the factions that were threatening to break away, signifying that Rey’s plan for complete anarchy has failed and that the New Republic is whole again. Second, after Rey is fatally wounded by Nico, both women decide to sit together in peace and discuss their place in the universe. Before she dies, Rey says that Nico has a chance to be better than her predecessors and to not repeat the mistakes of the past Jedi. 
16) Ben survives but is imprisoned for life due to his actions in episodes 10-12. 
17) Ending of the series: Nico takes her place as the new Jedi Grandmaster, Finn joins the Jedi Academy, Poe is made a leading general in the New Republic (the first Mandalorian to take on the position), and Rose becomes a Senator. 
Some more thematic stuff I forgot to add:
* Aside from being “Grey Force” users, I wanted Rey and Nico to parallel each other in the sense that they both are the result of a hateful environment. Rey’s people were senselessly destroyed since their beliefs were feared while Nico’s very existence made her a target of the galaxy’s hatred. 
* In the original trilogy, the main sin was pride. In the prequel trilogy, the main sin was envy. For this sequel series, the main sin is wrath (Luke hating Nico’s existence before getting to know her, Rey’s hatred fueling her anarchist campaign and Ben’s anger after learning the hidden history of the Jedi and the Republic)
* The first half is set up as a traditional Star Wars story in order to set up the contrast of the second half. We go from having a Skywalker as the main protagonist to a Palpatine as the lead, the main villain isn’t a Sith but someone who challenges the beliefs of both the Jedi and the Sith, and the conflict isn’t about toppling an empire but making sure the current regime survives the unrest. 
* EDIT: Another thing I forgot to add. The conflict between Rey’s Grey Order, Jedi, and Sith was inspired by real-life religion. Rey’s order is a Pagan religion while the Jedi and Sith can be seen as parallels to Catholicism or Christianity (both orders believe in the Dark-Light belief of the Force, but differ on which side to follow). The destruction of Rey’s order is a parallel to the Inquisitions. 
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