#stop victim blaming
chronicallycouchbound · 8 months
“Appealing to your oppressors gets you nowhere”
Sometimes, it gets me back home without being killed or seriously injured or even just called a slur so yeah it does.
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nando161mando · 30 days
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Stop victim blaming
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geminni5 · 6 months
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notdelusionalatall · 10 months
To my ex best friend... I hope you go through the same shit I went through and someone tells you "well...what did you expect". :)
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Why I despise Book!Mistle
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I felt the need to write this based off this comment. "if she wanted Ciri could have stopped herself from being raped." Like, wow, way to victim blame, buddy. Honestly, I am shocked there is any question this was rape. I studied psychology so I could go into a big rant about it, but I will try to keep this short. Let's start here. People argue it's not Stockholm, but what IS Stockholm syndrome? "Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response that occurs when hostages or abuse victims' bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse."
People who have Stockholm syndrome have:
Positive feelings toward the captors or abusers.
Sympathy for their captors’ beliefs and behaviors.
Negative feelings toward authority figures.
Although Stockholm syndrome was named based on the location of a bank robbery-hostage situation, some of the same behaviors and feelings are seen in victims of other types of trauma, including:
Sexual, physical and emotional abuse.
Child abuse.
Coach-athlete abuse. One example might be athletes who agree to extreme, abusive workouts because they believe the coach knows what’s best for them.
Human sex trafficking.
Other symptoms are similar to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and include:
Feeling distrustful, irritated, jittery or anxious.
Can’t relax or enjoy things that you previously enjoyed.
Trouble concentrating.
I am confident in saying that Ciri's sympathetic behavior towards Mistle and the Rats was a survival skill. So, with that out of the way let's take a look at what happened.
Ciri was about to be raped by Kayleigh when Mistle saved her. Her aggressor just saved her. She is now trusted by Ciri. Ciri is grateful. She finally feels safe after having lost her parent figures, being lost in the desert, losing her powers, losing little horse, being kidnapped by trappers and nearly raped. Not only by the rats, but one of the trappers suggested they wanted to take her into the barn. Let us not forget. Ciri is emotionally and physically drained. So, what has Mistle done? She is pretending to save her. That she's only here to comfort her. That what she's doing is to make her feel nice. She's playing the game. That is part of the grooming and strategy of perpetrators. "Quiet, everything is fine." Mistle tells her. How many abuse victims have heard these words I wonder? Mistle proceeds to touch Ciri without her consent. This is rape, but now Ciri is trapped between a rock and a hard place. She has a choice. She could be raped by Kayleigh or she can be raped by Mistle... well... Kayleigh has a weapon between his thighs. Mistle doesn't. Which one is worse to be raped by? It is a shit choice, but she has to make a choice and she makes it. For Ciri it comes down to "This is the price of not being alone." "The price of protection" "The price of safety and security" To suggest that Mistle could not have raped Ciri because they form a bond is naive. Many people have bonds with a partner who is a narcissist, but does that mean they were not abused by said narcissist? No. It does not. It is clear from the shame and the disgust that this is something that she did not want. To suggest that "because it felt good, it was not rape" is naive. Pleasure during the act is not proof that Ciri wanted it to happen. Many, many rape victims struggle with shame over this very issue. It does NOT mean they wanted to be raped. What happens next to further prove this? It says she RAN to the river to try to wash away what had been done to her with TEARS. If it was someone you enjoyed being with you wouldn't want to wash that away. You would want it to linger on your skin. No matter what way you look at it this is NOT a healthy relationship. Mistle is a rapist. I think it really culminates with Hotspurn, but that is another post entirely. If Sapkowsk didn't mean for this to be a rape scene and instead some epic romance? He did a pretty shitty job.
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Hey this is my first little writing post, I'm just posting some things I wrote for class last year and have been itching to post. :)
This particularly was intended for a slam poetry type of performance for context, I live in the US as well so that's the political climate being discussed.
TW: S/A, misogyny, light mentions of s/*c*de, read at your own discretion b/c it's a heavy topic <3
The Unspoken Rule
By:Neptune :D
They always romanticized growing up viewed as a woman
"You'll find Romeo on your doorstep someday,
with a ring in his hand, ready to whisk you away"
And then you grow up and realize Romeo and Juliet is make believe
It's funny how they never mention the real story
The story of a daughter who's family ignored her words,
to the point where she ran off with the 'love of her life'
and died by her own hand
It's almost the unspoken rule of your life when you're raised a woman
Listen, don't think, don't form opinions
'don't walk late at night'
'lose weight’
'Gain weight’
'don't cut your hair short’
‘Wear makeup’
‘Don’t wear makeup, men like natural women’
'don't be such a prude, leave something to the imagination'
'cover up, you're asking for it'
At the ripe age of seven
Then you mature, and you ask questions
It makes people uncomfortable
‘You're too loud’
‘Take up too much space’
And asked if it's 'that time of the month'
And when grown men don’t respect your body
Your choices and boundaries
It’s your fault
‘Did you see what she was wearing’
‘She was definitely asking for it’
‘What a whore’
You grow up understanding your body is like the Mona Lisa in an art museum
For men to admire, critique, ignore, or surround
But never touch
That is the difference between women and art
Not the silence, the beauty, the critiques, and the admirers
Not the story behind them
But rather the protection they receive
Because women are touched
In fact about 1 in every 5 women are touched
And they stay silent
Because it’s the unspoken rule of being raised a woman
Listen, don’t think, don’t form opinions
And they realize they were lucky
Because in a state just one flight away
Women are arrested for taking control of their bodies
Her body but it isn’t her choice
Her body, but you don’t listen to her voice
Ps: sorry for any gendered language, I tried my best to make it as ungendered as possible however It was quite hard lengthwise and beat/rhyme wise to. Regardless of the wording, rvw being overturned is a gender inclusive struggle.
Aside from that thank you for taking the time to read and acknowledge my writing<3
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A female's Father/Brother/husband/son: All men are the same. You should be the one to be more careful.
Male populous: *unanimously approves*
Female/any victim of harrasment: All men are the same. We should be vigilant at all times, better safe than sorry.
Male populous: *simultaneous shouts of 'not all men' and 'that's not true I'm now like that'
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justjaemi · 2 days
The Hidden Crisis: Failure to Provide Medical Transportation in Healthcare Today
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In the United States, access to healthcare is a basic human right. Yet, for many individuals, a crucial barrier stands in the way of receiving the medical care they need: the lack of transportation. This issue, known as the failure to provide medical transportation, is a significant obstacle that leads to missed appointments, disrupted care, and ultimately, poorer health outcomes. In this blog post, we will delve into the impact of this issue on accessing healthcare, explore the challenges faced by those affected, and discuss potential solutions to overcome this critical barrier. Join us as we shine a light on the invisible struggle of those left behind by the failure to provide medical transportation.
Understanding the Scope
The lack of medical transportation is not just a minor inconvenience; it is a widespread issue affecting millions of individuals across the United States. A study published in the National Library of Medicine revealed that in 2017, approximately 5.8 million people, accounting for 1.8% of the population, delayed seeking medical care due to transportation barriers. This staggering number highlights the profound impact that the failure to provide medical transportation has on individuals' ability to access essential healthcare services.
Disparities in Access
Notably, the burden of transportation barriers falls disproportionately on individuals who are economically disadvantaged and those with chronic health conditions. This vulnerable population often struggles to afford private transportation or lacks access to reliable public transportation options. Consequently, they face significant hurdles in attending medical appointments, obtaining medications, and accessing vital healthcare services. The disparities in access to transportation further exacerbate existing health inequities, perpetuating a cycle of poor health outcomes for those already facing significant challenges.
Disproportionate Impact
When it comes to the failure to provide medical transportation, the impact is not evenly distributed. Individuals who are poor and living with chronic conditions bear the brunt of this issue, facing significant hurdles in accessing essential healthcare services. Addressing the disproportionate impact of transportation barriers on marginalized communities is crucial in ensuring that everyone has equal access to quality healthcare. By acknowledging and actively working to overcome these disparities, we can move one step closer to bridging the gap in healthcare access and improving health outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status or geographic location. Through targeted efforts and strategic partnerships, we can create a more equitable healthcare system that truly serves the needs of every individual.
Consequences of Missed Appointments
When individuals miss medical appointments due to transportation barriers, the repercussions can be severe. Here are some of the key consequences of these missed appointments:
Disruption of Continuity of Care can result in ineffective management of chronic conditions and delayed diagnoses of new health issues.
Increased Healthcare Costs: Transportation barriers often force individuals to seek care in emergency rooms, which is costly and inefficient.
Worsened Patient Outcomes: When they miss out on crucial screenings, tests, and follow-up visits this can lead to worsened health outcomes, increased disease progression, and ultimately, a decline in overall well-being.
Psychological Impact: The stress, anxiety, and frustration of not being able to access necessary healthcare services can lead to feelings of helplessness and isolation, further impacting their quality of life.
In conclusion, the consequences of missed medical appointments due to transportation barriers are far-reaching and detrimental to both individuals and the healthcare system. By addressing these barriers and implementing solutions to improve access to medical transportation, we can help mitigate these consequences and ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities to receive the care they need for better health outcomes.
Ensuring Equal Access
Specialized transportation services play a crucial role in ensuring equal access to healthcare for all individuals, regardless of their transportation limitations. By providing dedicated services for those with mobility challenges or financial constraints, healthcare systems can bridge the gap and ensure that no one is left behind due to transportation barriers. This proactive approach aims to create a more equitable healthcare system that prioritizes the needs of every patient.
Healthcare Costs
Healthcare costs are significantly impacted by the failure to provide medical transportation. When individuals are unable to access primary care and preventive services due to transportation barriers, they often resort to emergency rooms for acute care, resulting in increased expenses for both patients and the healthcare system. Missed appointments contribute to the inefficiency of healthcare delivery, leading to unnecessary expenditures that could have been avoided with proper transportation services. By addressing transportation barriers, healthcare providers can reduce the financial burden on patients and improve the overall cost-effectiveness of the healthcare system. According to a study by Kaiser Permanente, 3.6 million Americans are prevented from receiving medical care each year due to transportation barriers, resulting in a significant strain on the healthcare system.
Improving Health Outcomes
In conclusion, the failure to provide medical transportation is a critical issue that impacts the lives of many individuals across the United States. The inability to access healthcare due to transportation barriers leads to missed appointments, disrupted care, and ultimately, poorer health outcomes. Addressing this issue requires a collaborative effort involving specialized transportation services, community organizations, and government initiatives. By working together to provide reliable and affordable transportation options, we can help individuals overcome this barrier and access the healthcare they need.
Improving health outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their transportation limitations, is crucial in ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to lead healthy and fulfilling lives. Let's continue to shine a light on this issue and work towards a future where access to healthcare is truly universal.
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dieserr · 3 months
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if I try working on this anymore I’ll explode probably just take it
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newsfrom-theworld · 5 months
25 of November
November 25th is the day against violence against women.
Why does violence against women happen?
Violence arises from this cultural and structural/economic need to keep women in this condition of subordination, to take care of others. Simply put, they are caused by a system of cultural beliefs that frequently pushes women to be considered in a hierarchically inferior position to men. Why is it celebrated on November 25th? In 1981, at the first Latin American and Caribbean feminist meeting held in Bogota, Colombia, it was decided to celebrate November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, in memory of the Mirabal sisters. On November 25, 1960, in the Dominican Republic, three political activists, the Mirabal sisters (Patria, Minerva and Maria Teresa) were killed by order of the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo.
That day the Mirabal sisters, while on their way to visit their husbands in prison, were blocked on the road by agents of the Military Intelligence Service. Taken to a hidden place nearby, they were raped, tortured, beaten with sticks and strangled, before being thrown off a cliff in their car to simulate an accident. What is meant by ''violence against women''? The United Nations defines violence against women as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or mental suffering or harm to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty. What is ''victim blaming'' and how does it work and why does it need to be stopped? By victim blaming we mean the blaming of the victim, it occurs not only within the walls of the family but sometimes also in the work environment, or in any case in society: it is no longer the person responsible for the violence who is blamed, but those who suffered the abuses. Some examples of ''typical phrases''are: '' but look at how she was dressed'' ''she was drunk'' These are the typical phrases of the patriarchy.
This has consequences, on a psychological level, which can be serious: fear, a sense of helplessness, low self-esteem, even depression and loss of trust in others and in institutions. Those who suffer secondary victimization are effectively "blamed" for what they have suffered.
This need to stop.
Stop the violence against women
and fuck the patriarchy
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zefirmartina · 5 months
"tu sei mia", "vestita così non esci", "senza di me non vai"
scappate! andate via, chiedete aiuto.
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itsambersworld · 8 months
It’s so fucking ironic how black men (and pickmeisha’s) are trying to find any & everything (even a motherfucking SKIT of all things) to use against that black woman who was attacked by a crazy sick man, when that’s the EXACT same thing racist white people do to justify the murder of innocent black victims. This community is a fucking joke.
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notdelusionalatall · 5 months
Shout out to my ex best friend.
One time I sent a witchy meme in the group chat and she said
"I am so tired of this, you probably cause harm to others/pass your misfortune onto others"
Now, I do "witchcraft" but not in a harmful way + I joked on my behalf all the time and I still joke about it sometimes with my family.
I start defending myself and she brings up that time I got sexually assaulted by some weirdo in the cemetery (he kissed me without my permission).
I can't go into much details, but I will say that I was clearly in distress and crying and he took advantage of that.
This is all her saying
"Who hangs out in a place like that?"
"What did you expect?"
And the final straw
"Only perverts love you".
Ohhh and she mocked my suicide attempt saying:
"You would rather overdose than get help."
Of course I went to her house and banged on the door, but she was hiding inside with her dad hahahahaha.
This was someone who I saw as a sister, she knew more about me than my family did. She was my childhood friend. I NEVER expected her to say something like this, even though we've had arguments before.
I think that she wanted to say all of that shit waaaaaay before I gave her an opportunity. She just has venom in her soul.
About six months later I met the same guy in the cemetery and gave him a few punches (police were involved).
I managed to tear his son in law's shirt and damage his car too.
Looking back, I can see how tolerant I was to all of her bullshit.
The meme in question:
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I am not over it. I obsess over it every day. I feel filthy.
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thelunaticartist · 10 months
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TW: mentions of s@
A bit BTS:
I posted a video with the song savages by Marina and The Diamons, my focus was on portraying how s@ could happen to anyone and everyone regardless of gender, age or ethnicity
The people portrayed are (mostly) fictional:
1. John Reilly from the movie Sleepers
2. Endymion from Greek mythology
3. Medusa from Greek mythology
4. Lisbeth Salander from the Millenium Trilogy by Stig Larsson
5. a fictional Indian school girl
6. Dinah from Christian/Jewish religion
7. a fictional gay man from Africa
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gay-otlc · 1 year
Actually I think we should talk about how incredibly fucked up it is for sapphic women to say shit like "I'm no better than a straight man 😔" when attracted to a woman in a way that isn't 100% pure and wholesome, or act like men's attraction to women is inherently dirty, predatory, or objectifying.
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justjaemi · 3 days
Hey guys I'm back.
So today, thinking about Jaemi and what that means for me and my followers as a whole. I think I just wanted a place like what I would write about in my journals but I know now that I should've been a part of life in those moments, not this wallflower that I always succumbed to be but something that keeps me motivated as a whole is seeing that world that I envisioned all those years ago and even now today, I can't stop until that's my world but I have only recently come to accept that can only be achieved with my *zero tolerance for abuse and bullying". With that in mind, I can't help feeling like I am faced with the hardest thing I've ever had to do, which is stand up for what I know is right, in a world where somebody else has created a narrative to be the total opposite of that.
The word "Just" isn't just something I'm throwing around or something that is supposed to sound "catchy". Justice and being approached by those closest to you as you are and not what society has painted you to be, it's probably the worst pain you've ever felt to fight for something that should be given freely and oppression is not just a storybook writer in your seventh grade class while you're studying the Holocaust. These polar opposites, being, oppression and liberty are not easily matched like a thread you can just intertwine together, package up with a neat little bow, and be on your way. It's a constant thing I'm battling and a constant thing I'm fighting for. For me and so many others like me.
O.k. so that's all I got from this morning's meditation. If you guys want to see more, love this post and follow Just Jaemi on Tumblr. Remember to stay safe in this hell hole and I'll see you soon!
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