#st. andrew's fall
foldback · 1 year
Blind Melon - "St. Andrew's Fall"
I finished a book yesterday, so today I started Shannon by Greg Prato, which a friend let me borrow, like, months ago. So I got to the part about their 2 Meter Sessies section, which caught them between their debut album and Soup, and, man. They were just so goddamn good. Too good for the shitty, cynical rock press of the time to understand. They half listened to this and thought, "these guys are done." They had so far to go, and they were so much farther along than most could appreciate.
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eurolibra · 2 years
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damnjackiemore · 1 year
I just watched pretty in pink and st elmo's fire back to back...
Can you spot the common denominator? ^_^
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weliketheiroldstuff · 2 years
FALLING IN REVERSE wsg Escape The Fate, and Fame On Fire @ Saint Andrew's Hall
TICKETS All Ages DOORS @ 7pm
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Kinktober (25)- Bondage
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Natasha X Reader 18+
Summary: Tied up against the cross, Natasha can't do anything but let you play with her body, knowing you were going to do everything in your power to drive her mad.
Warnings/Tags: Dom Reader/Sub Natasha, X-Cross/ St Andrew's Cross, Restraints, Fingering, Oral, Overstimulation, Multiple Orgasms, Safe words, Aftercare
Kinktober Masterlist
“Oh love,” you sigh out lowly, stepping back from your girlfriend as her chest rose and fell with ragged breaths, anticipation buzzing through her body. Your eyes slowly raked over her body, her arms and legs chained to the X-cross that her back was to, spread out for you to ravish for as long as you wanted. “You look so pretty spread out for me,” you murmur, moving back towards her and pressing a soft kiss to her lips, her trying to chase after you when you pull back. “Colour?”
“Green,” Natasha replies, her eyes staring into your gradually darkening ones as you smirk at her before leaning forwards for another kiss. Hunger and desire take over this one, your tongue sliding into her mouth and dominating it as she moans into your mouth, hands clenching into fists as she can’t fight the restraints. “Please Dorogaya,” she whimpers out when you pull back from the kiss, your mouth attaching to her neck to litter it in marks, claiming her as yours.
“Please what, love?” you murmur, your hands roaming her bare skin, enjoying the way it reacts to your touch.
“Please just touch me already,” she sighs out when your mouth descends to her chest, tongue expertly swirling around her perk nipple while your fingers pinch and tug on the other, a whimper leaving her when your teeth scrape over the sensitive flesh.
“Hush love,” you mutter before taking her other breast into your mouth, peering up at her and smirking around her nipple as you see the pleading look in her green eyes. “I want to play with you first,” your fingers draw random patterns on her inner thighs, her body trying to move closer to your touch but failing, a frustrated groan leaving her lips.
Unhurriedly, you explore every inch of her body, kissing every part of skin you can so she is mad with your touch, craving you to touch her where she needs you to. You drop to your knees, mouth still placing opened mouthed kisses across her lower abdomen, placing an appreciative kiss on each muscle of her toned stomach. Pleas fall from her lips like a chant, the sound of her, Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, needy for you clouding your thoughts with lust and desire.
“Do you know how beautiful you are? It’s truly distracting,” you mutter at her thighs, a groan reverberating around the room as you're so close but so far from where she wants, no, needs you. “I bet you’d look even prettier with my fingers inside you though.”
“Please,” she practically whines, arms struggling against the cross, “I need you to fuck me, please make me come,” her words are cut off with a guttural moan when you thrust a finger into her effortlessly, her arousal dripping onto your hand as you pump the long slender digit inside her.
“What was that love? You want to come?” Natasha throbs around you at the tone of your voice, the way you're looking at her like she’s a goddess, “Well then, let’s see how many times you can come for me.” Your mouth finally takes her clit into it, sucking on it while your fingers curl perfectly inside her, pleasure fogging her brain as it becomes hard to form sentences. Your tongue moves to lick at her clit now, occasionally sucking on it to have her pathetically try and buck against your face.
“Right there,” she groans out sinfully, the encouraging noises spilling from lips making you eat her out like you're starved. “Please,” submission drips from her voice as you continue to curl your finger in her, adding another causing a moan to be ripped from the back of her throat. “Fuck, I’m gonna come,” her body tenses against the cross, her cum gushing around your fingers while her legs tremble next to your head as she loses herself in the pleasure.
Moans pour out of her mouth when you don’t stop, simply smirking into her core and speeding up the pace you were mercilessly thrusting your fingers into her, tongue flattening against her clit and letting her rut against it. Her head lolls back against the structure, showing off her marked neck and defined jawline as you glance up, moaning into her core at the sight of her beauty.
Natasha’s mouth parts into an ‘o’ shape as her second orgasm crashes through her body, your name falling off her lips like a prayer while her pussy spasms and clenches hard around your fingers. You pull away from her clit, giving her a brief moment so you don’t overstimulate her and watch as your fingers slowly pump into her with long, deep strokes.
“Fuck,” you mutter, eyes fixated on the sight of her greedy cunt swallowing your fingers, “You take my fingers so well.” Another lewd noise escapes her at your words, you peppering kisses across her thighs again while she whimpers your name again. “Colour?” you ask again, knowing this was an intense scene and not wanting to push her too far.
“Green,” she pants out with no hesitation, you bite down on her inner thigh playfully before moving your fingers that were covered in her arousal to draw circles against her clit, your tongue sliding into her. “Yes, that’s it baby, just like that,” she sighs out seductively while you swirl your tongue inside her, feeling her clench around you and groaning at the sensation. “Shit, I’m coming again,” she screams your name as another orgasm tears through her body, liquid gushing out of her as she squirts over your face, panting heavily as she bucks against you trying to ride out her aftershocks.
“Red,” she says when you experimentally give her another soft lick, body becoming overly sensitive to your touch. You stop your movements, pressing a soft kiss to her thighs before standing back on your feet, cupping her jaw softly and pecking her lips. Her mouth claims yours again, not wanting to end the kiss yet while your hands release hers from their restraints against the cross.
“You were perfect for me love,” you praise quietly when you part for breath, her arms wrapping around your neck and holding onto you for support, legs not stable. You let her hold onto your head when you bend down to release her legs from their bounds, then return upright and snaking your arms around her middle. “Do you want a bath or a shower?” you murmur, starting her aftercare as she buries her face at the crook of your neck.
“Bath,” she whispers, breath tickling your skin as you scoop her up into your arms and guide her out of the room to the bathroom. You gently place her to sit on the toilet seat, apologising when her skin makes contact with the cold material before running the bath just how she likes it. Soon enough, the two of you are in the bath, her leaning back into your embrace as you just let her enjoy the water relaxing her body. “Thank you for taking care of me,” she softly says, looking over her shoulder slightly at you.
“You don’t need to thank me love,” you lean forwards till your forehead rests against hers, “I’ll always take care of you. I love you.”
“I love you too, Dorogaya.” 
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nataliasquote · 4 months
Lost In The Fire | F1 au | n romanoff
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Summary: A horrific crash tests Natasha’s nerves to the limit as she has no choice but to sit back and watch from the garage. Her girlfriend and her sister push themselves for that all important win.
Warnings: car crash, fire, panic attacks, mild hallucinations
wc: 4.5k
note: this is for all my f1 lovers out there. combining my favourite things: Natasha Romanoff and Formula 1
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Yelena Belova and Y/n Y/l/n were some of the best drivers that Formula 1 had seen and were also the first females to ever set records during an F1 season. McLaren had taken the racing world by storm with the first ever all-female driver line up and were Red Bull's fiercest competitors.
Under the guidance of Zac Brown and the rest of the team at McLaren, they had had a teammate on the podium for every single race of the season. Yelena was in the running for the World Championship... well, she would be with who her race engineer was.
Natasha Romanoff had been the head strategist for Mercedes for years until she made the move to McLaren as Race Engineer last year, and she never looked back. She preferred having contact with her drivers and she and Yelena had a good professional relationship, putting sisterly squabbles aside to focus on the main goal for the team. A power duo that fans adored and sponsors just couldn’t get enough of.
Y/n Y/l/n was brought in as an emergency replacement during the middle of last season due to an accident and Zac had decided to keep her permanently. Not only did the young driver catch the attention of the press, she also caught Natasha Romanoff's eye.
She was feisty, fast and courageous on the track, making overtakes that seemed impossible to onlookers. She shot down all negativity and sexism that she faced in interviews and held her trophies above her head with pride for everything she had achieved, quickly becoming an idol for young drivers across the world.
Nat was quick to fall for her, and Y/n soon followed. Their relationship was kept quiet and only a few members of their team knew, including Zac and Yelena. They stayed professional and unbiased and Natasha purposely didn't swap places with Y/n's race engineer, Andrew Jarvis. Guiding her sister was one thing, but her girlfriend? Too risky. Her job required objectivity that often went out of the window with Y/n.
But having relationships with both of her drivers, Natasha often found herself a mess of nerves during each race weekend. Formula one was extremely dangerous, but her girls were sensible. They didn't race recklessly and they left the room they needed, their overtakes well within track limits and never at the expensive of another driver. Plus they didn't race each other too much, unlike other teams she could mention. They were sneaky, but never dirty.
The Bahrain race was Y/n's favourite. She adored night races and something about the lights illuminating around the circuit lit a fire inside her that had her bubbling with excitement. But she kept her cool, qualifying in P2 alongside Max Verstappen in P1, beating her by 0.02 of a second. One of her closest friends off the track, but her most annoying rival behind the wheel. Yelena was in P6 after an issue with her steering that was making her car difficult to handle around the corners.
But the blonde Russian had a fire in her stomach and she had her sights set on P1. She remained iron focussed during the race build up, running over the plan for the race with Natasha with a stony expression, fully in race mode. Natasha was the best coach and settled her nerves so she could drive the best she possibly could. She felt the cameras on her but refused pre-race interviews. The Russian didn't need any reporters riling her up before the big race.
Y/n left Yelena alone after they did their ritual little handshake, something they were both too superstitious to avoid. She knew Yelena would race hard, but Y/n also wanted that P1 spot and her biggest focus was getting a good start and pulling ahead of Verstappen before turn one. A good start would set her up for the rest of the race and winning would mean she'd become a threat to the championship title. A world championship in a driver's first year was almost unheard of, but Y/n Y/l/n loved attempting the impossible.
Her gloves gripped the wheel as she set off on the formation lap, keeping control of the car whilst also weaving to warm up her tyres. Being on the front row was good, but her tyres also had longer to cool down as all the other drivers made their way around the track too. She heard Jarv’s voice through her radio but part of her still wished it was Natasha. They didn't get much alone time during the race weekend because the cameras and reporters were everywhere and they couldn't risk getting caught. It was a small price to pay but it hurt Y/n more on weekends like this.
Y/n pulled her car into her spot on the grid and readjusted her gloves as she waited in anticipation. This part was the worst. Every weekend the wait felt longer, and all she could hear was the blood rushing past her ears. The crowds were blocked out by her helmet and the roar of the engine was second nature now.
The world seemed to go silent as the five red lights flicked on at the front of the grid and Natasha held her breath. There wasn't much she could do to guide Yelena through the first few corners and more often than not it was total chaos. Every single driver would be pushing to overtake and sometimes driving three abreast along the track and through narrow corners. She could only pray that both girls made it safely through.
Yelena stared at the lights, fingers hovering over the buttons on her steering wheel, her lightning fast reflexes kicking in immediately as the red lights went out and all the cars surged forwards. She accelerated hard, quickly swerving around another car in front of her and pulling alongside him. She could see an AlphaTauri in her wing mirror coming dangerously close but she kept her focus ahead, trying to spot a gap to slip through to join Y/n who had just managed to pull slightly ahead from Max.
A gap opened up along the inside line of the track and Yelena made a move, pulling across the racing line and angling her car towards the empty space she could see. Natasha spoke calmly down her ear, telling her the cars behind her and also what was happening in front of her. There seemed to be a surge of cars, causing everyone to slow down and others to slip around the outside, but Yelena was headed in the wrong direction.
She cut across the track and tried to drive up the inside of a Ferrari but felt something hit the back of her car and suddenly she was spinning off into the gravel, the car completely out of her control. There was radio static in her ears and she could do nothing but take her hands off the steering wheel and brace for the impact that was sure to shake her as her car collided with the barrier at an incredible force of 67G. She heard a loud crack and felt an immense wave of heat before blackness overtook her vision.
Meanwhile, Y/n had managed to secure her position in-front of Max before she saw the red flags waving from the Marshall posts that she drove past. Crashes were not uncommon during lap one, but a red flag was never welcome sight.
"That's a red flag, Y/l/n, box please," Jarv spoke over the radio.
Y/n saw the flames ignite in her wing mirrors but couldn't identify who it was in the rush of cars. Her heart dropped to her stomach at whoever was in danger. They may all be rivals, fighting it out for the championship title, but these guys were also her friends. The pain of a crash wasn’t something she wished upon even her worst enemies. Especially not a crash like that.
"Who was that?"
"Just return to the pits please Y/l/n, return to the pits."
"Jarv, who was it?"
There was a slight pause and Y/n had become a bit too good at reading the subtle switches in her engineer's voice, even through the crackly radio. "No," she breathed out, eyes becoming slightly blurry with tears that she tried to blink away as she lead the pack of cars around the track and towards the pits at a slow speed. "Is she ok?"
"We haven't heard anything yet," Andrew admitted, making Y/n curse. "You'll know the moment we do."
Y/n's mind instantly flickered to Natasha who would be losing her mind right now. She wanted nothing more than to speed to the pits and run to her girlfriend, but she didn't want to get disqualified for going too quickly under red flag conditions. With shaking hands and very laboured breathing, she guided her car down the straight and around the corner, driving fully on autopilot.
"Is she out of the car?"
"Negative. Still nothing." These updates were beginning to piss her off.
Once all the cars were in the pit lane, the drivers all jumped out of their cars and rushed to their engineers, trying to hear any updates. They may all be competitors vying for that top spot, but when an accident like Yelena's happens, everyone comes together in solidarity.
"Please tell me you've heard something!" Y/n exclaimed, running into the garage with her helmet and balaclava tucked under her arm. All the screens were filled with pictures of Yelena's car, and the young driver felt like she was going to throw up.
In front of the metal barrier was the back part of the car... but that was it. The papaya McLaren chassis had completely split in half and lodged the front part well within the barrier, which was engulfed in flames. Marshals and fire crews were surrounding the scene with extinguishers but they were hardly effective against the roaring and fuelled flames.
Silence had fallen across the entire circuit, no one daring to breathe as they waited in sickening anticipation. Y/n felt the room begin to spin and she desperately tried to ground herself before she crumbled.
Y/n tore her eyes away from the horrifying images, searching around the garage for the bright red hair of her girlfriend. Natasha of course was hunched over her station, hands clutching the mic attached to her headset, repeatedly talking over the radio but never getting a response back. She stepped away from her screen and ran her hands over her face, trying to hide the tears from the rest of the crew around her.
But Y/n noticed, and in that moment she didn't care who saw them. She marched over and pulled the shaking redhead into her arms. No one really noticed, they were too busy anxiously waiting and watching in shock.
Natasha felt the strong arms of her girlfriend encase her shoulders and she crumpled to the floor, knocking her pen onto the floor as she fell. Y/n cradled her head close to her chest and gently pulled off her headphones and mic, ignoring the redhead's weak protests.
"No, Y/n, I need-"
"Hey," she spoke softly, looking down at Natasha's teary face. "Zac is also on radio, it's ok."
Natasha shook her head and pressed her face into the smooth fabric of Y/n's race suit. She tried desperately to stop the tears from falling, but the moment one rolled down her cheek, the rest just wouldn't stop. The tiled floor of the McLaren garage was uncomfortable to kneel on but she really didn't care. Her chest and body ached so much she could do nothing but cry, knowing the situation was out of her hands.
Y/n slowly dropped to the floor with her, keeping a tight grip on the woman in her arms as she stared at the screens ahead, waiting for any sign of Yelena. But as the seconds ticked on agonisingly slowly, hope slipped away from the young driver and reality started to set in.
In all her years of racing, never had she seen a crash that intense. It was always a risk, but with the increased safety precautions that the latest cars now had, chances of surviving a crash were higher than ever.
With her face still buried in her chest but eyes peaking over Y/n's shoulder, Natasha let out a small whimper as the fire surged towards a group of marshals and sent them running backwards. There were several cameramen inside the Mclaren garage now; it was their car in the wall so of course they were there. But their presence didn't stop Y/n from pressing a kiss to the soft hair on Natasha's head and leaning her cheek against it, her palm rubbing comforting circles on her back.
"She'll be ok, I know she will."
"You don't know that Y/n," Natasha said with a shaky voice, pulling back so she could look her girlfriend in the eyes. "What if-?"
"Don't do that to yourself Natasha. Yelena is the toughest girl, you know that. She's got her suit, her gloves, her helmet, she's going to be ok." Natasha didn't look convinced but she didn't comment, staying tightly in Y/n's hold for a few more moments.
After a few deep breaths, she shakily pulled herself to her feet and held her palm out for Y/n to do the same. Nat wanted nothing than to stay on the floor with Y/n blocking out the rest of the world, but her job wasn’t finished. Although sometimes ignoring reality was far more tempting.
But when they stood, instead of dropping hands, the redhead kept a tight grip on the race driver's hand and walked over to Zac who was watching the screen with his hands clasped to his chest.
"Still nothing?" Natasha asked, referring to the previously silent radio.
Zac turned around and his eyes darted to their intertwined fingers before looking Natasha in the eye. He shook his head sadly and chose not to comment on her tear stained face.
Natasha stepped behind Y/n and draped her arms over her shoulders and clasped them in front of her chest, sighing in relief when the driver held them close. She needed to keep Y/n in her vision to remind herself that she was ok. Her fingertips brushed the race suit material absentmindedly in a comforting and grounding motion.
But the longer the silence lasted, the more panicked Natasha became, despite her best efforts to calm herself. She hated how vulnerable she felt, but seeing those flames and no sign of her sister crumbled her stony facade, tearing down her walls with immense force. She had to hold on to Y/n to steady herself. One of her girls was here, she was ok, so the other needed to be too.
She tried closing her eyes, but the images of the roaring flames were burned into her mind and she was unable to escape from this nightmare. She only realised she had spiralled into an anxiety attack when the soft palms of her girlfriend gently held the sides of her face to get her attention.
"Breathe with me, you've got it." Y/n exaggerated her breaths but Natasha ignored her, swallowing thickly and turning her attention back to the screens once again. She needed to get a grip of herself, this was no place to fall apart. But her chest still heaved despite her efforts, constricting her throat and every muscle in her body. “Nat, look at me.”
Y/n watched her side profile and the bob of her throat as she forced down her anxiety and her laboured breathing. Natasha didn't have the healthiest coping mechanisms and Y/n was never happy with how the redhead dealt with her feelings, but she was as stubborn as they came and she couldn't be convinced otherwise.
"Not now, Y/n, please," Nat replied, her voice fragile. "I just need to see Yelena." She tried to wish it into existence, but the seconds ticked on and there was still no movement from the flames. Yelena's chances of survival were becoming smaller with every spark.
Slipping her hand back into Nat's, Y/n offered her comfort silently. She could feel the trembles in Natasha's fingers and only squeezed harder. She hadn't given herself a moment to register her own anxiety; it wasn't good as a driver. It only took one small thing to send her mind reeling into a bout of overthinking and stress, pulling her focus away from the task at hand.
She could see some of the other drivers lined up along the wall, some with their heads down and others looking up at the night sky as everyone willed and prayed for Yelena to be ok.
"I can't-" Natasha's broken voice pulled Y/n back to the present and she stared into the blown pupils of her lover with concern. "I need her. I need to see her!" The race engineer was usually so collected, never once cracking under the immense pressure of her job. But this had rattled Natasha, and rightfully so, but it was still an alien sight to see her so distressed.
"It's ok, it's ok," Y/n muttered, pulling her into her chest once again and locking her back muscles as she felt Nat's legs buckle. The redhead was exhausted, they all were, but Yelena was the only family she had left. She couldn't afford to lose her, not now. Not ever.
"Don't leave me please, don't leave me!" Natasha sobbed into her ear as Y/n tried to guide her over to a set of plastic chairs at the back of the garage. Still in sight of the tv screens, but far enough away to give Nat some space to breathe. The humidity of the air wasn't helping with how suffocated she felt either.
"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, I promise."
Nat's head dropped onto her girlfriend's shoulder  as she tried to hide her tears from the cameras that were definitely on her now. Y/n glared at the closest one, but her main focus was on Natasha. Not some middle aged man with a camera.
She wrapped her arms around her shoulders and muttered into Natasha's hair, holding her tightly to try and combat the shaking that was currently wracking the redheads body. She'd never seen Nat this worked up before; it scared her slightly. But she had to be the tough one right now. That was her soon to be sister-in-law out there, her teammate. Her Russian blood made her a fighter and Yelena Belova never gave up that easily.
A gasp suddenly broke out amongst the garage crew and Nat lifted her head to see what the commotion was about.
And there it was.
Yelena's figure bursting through the flames, marshals rushing around her and offering their hands as she clambered down from the barrier. The fire still surged around her but she had made a break through... and was still able to walk.
Natasha rushed forwards, frantically wiping her eyes on the backs of her hands to rid her vision of her cruel mind games. But they weren't games, they were real. Yelena was out.
Yelena was alive.
She let out a noise somewhere between a sob and a laugh and begged Zac to let her go. He wasn't stupid enough to argue with her, so he nodded and she rushed off down the pit lane, leaving Y/n back at the garage. Her hand felt empty from the sudden loss but she clasped both palms together, knowing Nat didn't mean to leave so abruptly.
The young driver watched her red hair disappear and looked longingly, but Zac stepped in.
"We need you for the race Y/n, I'm sorry." He knew how badly she wanted to see Yelena, but the FIA wouldn't allow a driver to run off as Natasha did. She was family, so there were exceptions. But Y/n wasn't.
She shook her head, choking down the lump in her throat as she turned back to the screen overhead. Yelena looked... ok? She was holding her hands out in front of her carefully and she only had one shoe, but she was walking ok. Her helmet was still on, visor down, so it wasn't easy to see everything yet. But walking away from an accident like that was something that would go down in the history books for sure.
Y/n fiddled with the velcro on her suit and a tear rolled down her cheek as Natasha came into view on the screen, running over to Yelena with tear stained cheeks as the ambulance arrived. The Russian driver was placed on a stretcher and bundled into the back of the ambulance, Nat climbing in too, her palm on her sister's forehead as she tried to stroke her hair back. She was keeping Yelena talking, not letting her eyes close just in case.
No one knew what the hospital results would say, but Y/n was just relieved to see her alive. Deaths in motorsport weren't as rare as they should have been, but she was too young to have ever witnessed one before, never mind her own teammate.
The relief washed over her in a stronger wave than she was expecting and her chest tightened, leaving very little room to breathe. Not even bothering to check with anyone around her, she darted off towards the back of the garage and into the washroom, slamming the door shut with a click of the lock.
Her palms were clammy, sticking to each other as she clasped and unclasped her hands in a desperate bid to calm her breathing. Natasha wasn't here to help, so she had to deal with this one all on her own.
She was only 21, only having lived a very sheltered racing life before coming to Formula 1. The reality of just how dangerous the sport was had come crashing down and had shaken her confidence to the core, rattling her nerves of steel and allowing doubt to set in.
The young driver stared at her exposed reflection in the mirror, harsh white lighting illuminating her dark circles and flushed cheeks. She breathed deep and slow, trying to imagine Natasha's voice in her head guiding her through it, hands on her chest to ground her, heartbeat to heartbeat.
But flashes of the fire still burned in her mind, the light flickering behind her eyelids with each blink. The race wouldn't be cancelled, she'd need to get back into the car at some point tonight. But all she could hear was the rush of blood streaming past her ears that sounded scarily like a roaring fire, phantom heat crawling up her spine and neck, setting each nerve alight as her muscles locked in place.
She wasn't on fire, yet she pulled off her race suit as if she was, slamming on the cold tap and dousing her entire face and neck in ice cold water, shocking her mind out of its hallucination. 
No. She couldn't have this now. No matter how much water she used, her skin still felt like it was on fire, prickling under the intense heat that was now shooting down her arms and extending towards her fingertips. She shook her head frantically, bottom lip trembling as she stared her reflection down, forcing herself to notice how there were no flames on her.
"You're ok. You're ok. You're ok," she kept mumbling over and over, not daring to blink in fear of the horrors that lay waiting behind her eyes. She was ok, but in the isolated confines of the bathroom with no one but her mentally shaken self, it was hard to be convinced.
Y/n reached up and tucked a stray hair back into her loose french braid that Natasha had quickly done that morning. She retied the elastic several times to keep her hands busy, swearing at the hairs that got caught around her sweaty fingertips.
Her hair now looked exactly the same as it had done before, but her mind was quieter after visualising Natasha gently tugging the soft strands into the french braid, nails scratching softly across her scalp as she gathered more hair. It was one of the most relaxing sensations she'd ever felt, and just imagining it had eased her crumbling mind. Her body wasn't burning anymore, only smouldering in the ashes that were left behind, a faint tingle still evident along the hairs on her arms.
Her fingers now dipped to the necklace that hung loosely around her neck. Drivers weren't allowed to wear piercings or jewellery for safety reasons, but her necklace was tucked far enough under her fireproofs that no one knew it was there.
Except Natasha. It was her necklace after all. The little arrow was her symbol of luck and she'd given it to Y/n on her first race once they'd made their relationship official. It gave the worried redhead a small piece of mind that Y/n was safe. It may sound stupid to outsiders, but Y/n never started any race without clasping the tiny silver arrow in her palm and wishing hard, truly believing it helped her.
She held onto it now, wishing that Yelena was ok. There was more commotion outside which only meant one thing: the race had been given a restart time.
Splashing another round of cold water to her face and wiping it with a paper towel, she zipped her suit up and rolled her shoulders back as she looked herself in the mirror.
Y/n Y/l/n had a race to win. A first place podium to win for Yelena. Because no one deserved to be up there more than the blonde Russian did. So Y/n was going to do it.
For her.
And two hours later, Y/n stood on the top step of the podium, trophy held high above her head as tears glistened in her eyes. She looked at her team down below and grinned widely. This was for them.
She noticed a large tv camera angled towards her and she turned, bringing the trophy to her side.
“Yelena,” she mouthed, nodding towards the trophy before kissing the cool metal. This win was for the team, but also for Yelena, who deserved that number one spot. She was the true winner, so Y/n proudly dedicated her win to her future sister-in-law and the best teammate she could ever have asked for.
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f1crecs · 11 months
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Fic Rec List - Fernando/Lance
you might enjoy: Canadian Fest, eh - for more Lance content.
If your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
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i won't lie to you, anon... I thought we'd agreed on Strollonso as the pairing name. 🤭 my vote still goes to Lando.
i hope you enjoy these ❗️🤍
nsfw: El Dick Plan by @waddlingpenguin | E | 800 Lawrence and Fernando have a misunderstanding at the dinner table. This fic is hilarious - unashamedly unhinged, just as Strollonso should be, and so unbelievably funny. This was one of the first Lance/Fernando fics I read. I think it rearranged my brain a little bit.
'In fact, Lance literally has his foot so far up Fernando’s pant leg that Stoffel is surprised he’s not choking on Canadian toes each time he opens his mouth to talk to the engineers.'
shatter my life apart (see me for somebody else) by @vicsy | M | 1.4k An exploration of Lance and Fernando's relationship. This is a stunning fic. This author has just the most beautiful writing style - it's like poetry, and flows in the most stunning way. This is as much a love letter to Lance as it is to Strollonso - I really, really loved this one.
'Fernando Alonso is a perpetual wildcard and Lance builds his attitude around this little image, prepared for some sort of psychological warfare but it never happens.'
nsfw: victor's spoil by venerat | E | 1.9k Following Fernando's first pole for Aston Martin, Lance is invited to his room - a Winner's Room AU. The vibes here are suitably unhinged/rancid/possessive. If I were to recommend a fic to help someone get Strollonso, to understand the essence of who they are together, I would recommend this one. I love everything this author writes.
'Imagining Fernando with them makes Lance want to chew through wire. Again: fucked up, truly and extensively. He’s just really fucked up about Fernando.'
nsfw: I make two grand an hour by @kritischetheologie | E | 3.1k Lance meets Fernando for the first time at a sponsor event. I adored this fic. It is so funny and well-characterised and hot. One thing that I really love about this author is their ability to weave in detail - you could read their fics over and over again, and still pick up something new each and every time. It just makes for the richest, most delicious stories that draw you in every last time.
'(Lance had almost just said fuck it and gone into banking when he graduated two years ago, like he’d always known he probably would eventually, ever since the day he showed up at St. Andrews and realized that the entire world economy ran on fake numbers on a half-dozen computer screens, but the whole point of trust funds was supposed to be not having to be boring. Who the fuck else was going to make art? Humanity needed him to be living dramatically, falling in love with a thousand beautiful men whose lips he could immortalize in poetry.)'
nsfw: green light, red wine (and i don't feel fine) by @vicsy | E | 9k (wip) Fernando is a crime boss caught in a long-standing feud with Lawrence Stroll - things get complicated when he meets Lance. This fic is fantastic. The vibes are unmatched. This author has such a beautiful, almost melodic writing style, which I love. Also. This is fucking hot. 10/10.
'There aren’t many opportunities Fernando deliberately missed in his life. He wouldn’t be on top if he did. Right next to him, clad in a tight white t-shirt, sits an opportunity for a power move, the one Fernando would take all the way.'
nsfw: silver platter by @wewentcarracing | E | 9.7k Lance and Fernando grow closer, much to Esteban's dismay. This is delicious. Full of unhinged and intense moments. Every word of this is perfection; something I particularly appreciate about this author is their ability to build tension - you won't be able to put this story down once you've started it. Perfection.
'Lance laughs, off-guard and delighted. Fernando has this way of deciding what's true in his own mind and then forcing it into reality with brute strength alone. He's decided that Lance will make it to the podium this year, and so he will. It feels so, so good to hear coming from another driver—any driver, really, but the fact that it’s Fernando. Two-time WDC. Veteran. It doesn't feel like he's being toyed with; it feels real.'
nsfw: Not Even Jail by @baldrmoon | E | 9.9k (wip) Lance is a rookie detective with a new partner - they've met before. This is such a fantastic start to what I know is going to be an incredible story. The world-building here is fantastic. A world away from F1, but with so many of the dynamics and relationships mirrored in a totally new setting that feels very organic and true-to-life. It's just very well done, and I am excited to see what the author does next!
'Lance was charmed almost despite himself. The guy – Fernando, Lance made a mental correction, – smiled, a bit sideways, narrowing his eyes. Lance immediately felt flustered under his intense stare.'
199 notes · View notes
janksfatass · 8 months
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Pt 2
Smut 18+
F!Reader x OC, F!Reader x Jake
Word count: 1400
Warnings under the cut
Warnings: tumultuous marriage, adultery, cursing, 0ral f!rec, f!ngering, kind of dom!jake
The elevator dings as you reach the bottom floor and the doors slide open to reveal a hallway lined with sconces and a metal door at the end of it.
“You ready?” He asks you.
“I guess ready as I’ll ever be.”
He walks you towards the door and stops to press his thumb against a fingerprint scanner.
“What is this? Some secret evil lair?” You joke.
“It is secret, that part is true. But it’s not entirely evil.”
He then opens the door and your jaw drops. It is a dungeon. A sex dungeon. There’s a spanking table, a St. Andrew’s cross, a sex swing, chains, whips, paddles, and a similar bed to the one upstairs only this one seems to be sitting on top of a cage of some sort.
You turn to face him. He must have removed his mask while you were distracted. The man standing before you is absolute perfection. Which makes you more nervous than you already were (if that was even possible).
“So tell me, love. Have you ever experimented in the bedroom? Maybe your husband smacking that perfect ass of yours? Handcuff you to the bed while he eats away at your soul from the outside in?” He draws closer to you and his eyes begin to darken.
You find yourself nearly speechless, looking up at him with doe eyes.
“N-no, I can’t say that he has done any of that.” You meekly respond.
He lifts up your mask and traces his pointer finger along your jawline. “Fuck, you are truly gorgeous. Did you know that? Does he tell you that?”
You simply shake your head.
“What a shame. You know, I could show you what it’s like to be worshipped. I could introduce you to a whole new world of pleasure. In ways that he couldn’t in a million years. All you have to do is say the word.”
“He pleases me just fine, thank you!”
He gives you a look that you can only describe as pity. “No he doesn’t. Because if he did, you would be with him right now. Not down here with me.” He pulls your bottom lip down with his thumb as the last sentence leaves his lips.
He smirks and spins you to face the wall, placing his hands on your hips and leaning over your shoulder to whisper directly in your ear, “Let me in little lamb.” He slides his right hand to the front of your dress and begins lowering it closer and closer to your center. You let out a soft moan which he takes as the go ahead to continue his path. When he reaches your heat, you inhale sharply. He unzips the back of your dress and it falls to the floor, pooling at your feet.
He slides his hand under the band of your panties and breathes in your ear once again, “You’re already soaking wet.” His voice changes into almost a mocking tone. “Is the little lamb needy? Does she need someone to take care of this sweet pussy?”
“Yes. Yes please.” You breathe out shakily. With that he starts moving his middle finger in gentle circles around your clit.
“Mmm that’s it lamb. So wet and ready for me.” He drops to his knees and loops his thumbs into your panties. He pulls them down around your ankles and you lift your leg to help slide them off. Then he pushes your legs further apart and starts nipping the backs of your thighs, alternating between them and soothing each bite with his tongue. He places one hand on each of your cheeks and uses his thumbs to spread you wide for him.
“Fuck. You’re even prettier than I imagined. So wet, so pink, so perfect.” Suddenly he licks a stripe from your clit to your ass, stopping to swirl his tongue around your untouched hole.
“Oh fuck!” You cry out, closing your eyes and involuntarily arch back into his face.
“Oh she liked that didn’t she? Dirty little thing aren’t you? We will have to come back to that later. First, I need more of that divine pussy.” He turns you to face him and pulls your right leg over his shoulder then places a soft kiss to your clit. He wraps his lips around the sensitive bud and sucks it into his mouth, causing your hand to fly to the back of his head. It’s impossible for him to be any closer to you but that won’t stop you from trying. He then begins to flick his tongue over you as you feel him insert one finger. After a few pumps he adds another and starts working them inside you.
“Oh fuck! Oh god!” You wail as he devours you like a man starved.
“Cum for me. I need it. That’s it little lamb. I know you can do it. Almost there. Cum for me love.” He quickens his movements as your vision starts to blur and the knot inside you grows tighter… and tighter… until it quickly snaps and your knee buckles. He doesn’t miss a beat as he wraps his arm around your thigh to keep you from dropping straight to the ground.
Gradually, he slows his fingers letting you come down gently from euphoria. The feeling is something you’ve never experienced. No man has ever touched you like this. Like they weren’t just doing a chore. Like they wanted, no… Needed you to cum. This man that you had never met before, did exactly what he said. He just ate your soul from the outside in.
He gives one last kiss to your clit before he stands to place another on the side of your neck. Then your lips.
“So. Fucking. Sweet. Like fucking peaches. The most ripe, juicy fucking peach.” He lands a firm smack to your ass that makes you jump. Then starts kissing and biting your neck, repeating the same soothing motion with his tongue after each one.
“I need to feel you from the inside.” He grinds himself into you and he is much bigger than you had anticipated in both length and girth.
A soft moan escapes your lips as you feel the clothed tip brush against your clit.
“I’m gonna need you to use your words lamb. Either tell me you want it or tell me to stop.”
This gives you a moment to think about what’s about to happen right now.
‘What on earth am I doing? Here with a stranger that’s about to fuck me in his sex dungeon?
“Stop. I’m sorry I can’t do this.” You place your hands to his chest to move him away from you and quickly pull your dress back up. You run out of the room back to the elevator, and frantically press the button. Once inside, you zip up your dress (as much as you can).
Upon reaching his bedroom, you try to gather yourself and then walk back down the stairs and start looking for Steven. You see him sitting at the bar and make a beeline straight to him.
“Hi honey, sorry I took so long. This place is easy to get lost in!”
“Oh, I didn’t even realize you left!” He says with a laugh.
“When will we be leaving?” You ask while trying to subtly keep an eye out for the masked stranger.
“Here pretty soon. There is one person I’d like to speak with before we leave but I haven’t seen him yet. Oh, speak of the devil, here he comes now.” Steven stands to shake the hand of someone. You reluctantly raise your head to meet the eyes of none other than the man who just had that same hand in your pussy not even 10 minutes ago.
He smirks and extends an open palm to you, “Pleasure to meet you, my name is Jacob Kiszka, the owner of Sinergy Consulting.”
“Nice to meet you Jacob.” You place your hand in his and he brings it gently to his lips.
“Please, call me Jake.” He looks back over to your husband. “Steven, who is this stunning woman on your arm?”
“Oh, my apologies sir. This is y/n, my wife.” Steven says with a somewhat confused expression.
“Y/n. What a delicious name. Leaves a delightful taste in the mouth doesn’t it?” Jake says as he looks back at you with a wink.
“Well sir, I think we’re going to call it a night. Thank you so much for having us but we must be going.” Steven shakes Jake’s hand once more and starts heading for the door.
Jake leans into your ear, “Have a good evening y/n. Hope to see you again soon. Also, you might need these.” Jake whispers as he places something in your hands.
Your panties.
You quickly shove them into your clutch and rush out the door.
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autistpride · 2 months
Autism Acceptance
Prompt day 5: April 5
Word count: 1219
Remus walked down Station Hill trying hard to keep his overwhelm in check.
Lily was supposed to meet him at the train station when his train arrived but she got called into work on her day off. Something about a kids game day that needed to be prepared for. When Lily had texted him that she wouldn’t be able to meet him, Remus had immediately started to panic. Lily must have been able to tell, or she just knew him well enough by now, that she followed her message up with the exact address and a screen shot from Google Maps with the walking route Remus would need to take to make it to the Waterstones she worked at.
Remus had plugged that route into his phone that he wore on his Autistic AF lanyard and listened to the directions as he went.
Remus wore his headphones over one ear and left the other uncovered to listen to his surroundings. Remus turned left onto St. Andrew’s as the voice in his earphones called out to him, pulling his small rolling suitcase along behind him while his free hand spun the bright pink fidget spinner he always carried with him.
He passed by the bus depot and picked up his pace as a group of guys behind him walked the same direction as him. He knew he was likely overreacting. This was just a bigger city than he was used to and he knew he was an easy target because he was obviously new to the area and appearing to not be paying attention.
He hadn’t anticipated having to parade through what felt like the entire town dressed in the rainbow jumper his mum had excitedly knitted for him his first pride after he came out.
As soon as he entered the shopping plaza he exhaled and slowed down. Remus knew that generally speaking, he was safer in the throngs of people out doing their shopping, eating at Nandos, and just meandering about in the warmer spring weather.
He passed a few shops that he was vaguely interested in, reminded himself that he needed to purchase some new socks later if he could remember when he saw the sign for the clothing store, and made a left to continue on his journey.
There nestled snugly between two other store fronts was the biggest bookstore he had ever seen. Remus knew it wasn’t even the largest one. Lily had told him about one of the others that was much larger, but he couldn't imagine that when he had this glorious two story bookstore literally steps away.
Remus just stared at the building in awe before entering the shop. Remus didn’t know where to look, books sat on tables in the centre of the room and shelf after shelf covered the walls. Even the stairs had books stacked on them!
Remus wandered through the building, eyes darting back and forth before an employee made his way over to him. Remus let out a gasp. The man was tall with lean muscles. His button-up rolled up, a tattoo of a wolf howling at the moon on his forearm. Wispy curls framed his face, but the majority of his dark hair was pulled up into a messy bun.
“Can I help you find something?” The man asked, stepping closer to Remus as a woman with a pram tried to squeeze behind him.
Remus tried to take a step back as he shook his head no, forgetting his suitcase behind him and falling comically backwards over it and into the stacks behind him.
“Oh shite!” The man yelped “Are you okay? I’m so sorry mate!” The man said before rambling about how clumsy he was at times and how it often annoyed his coworkers as he crowded Remus to try to help him up.
Remus’ breaths came in shallow panting breaths, all sound in his ears a sudden buzzing, as he rose to his feet and ran through the shop until he found a secluded corner somewhere upstairs and sank to the floor, knees to his chest.
Remus had no idea how long he was there before soft grey eyes and dark hair were in front of him. The man from before didn’t speak, he didn’t try to touch him nor try to make him talk. He just gave him a bright smile and then sat next to Remus.
After a time, Remus lifted his head up and looked around, realising the light in just the area they were in was turned down and the man from before was still sitting quietly next to him.
The man offered Remus a smile and waved his fingers when he noticed Remus was looking at him. Remus buried his face in his knees and groaned.
A chuckle escaped the other man before he whispered, “You don't have to be embarrassed. I’m sorry I overstimulated you Remus.”
Remus’ head popped up quickly at the sound of his name whispered on this man's lips and his cheeks flushed at the brief thought of hearing his name said in the same way but for another reason.
Remus was grateful the man seemed oblivious to his thoughts as he continued speaking. “I’m Sirius. I work here with your friend Lily. You’re safe here, with me.” Sirius gave Remus another smile and then rose to his feet and left.
Remus didn’t see Sirius for the rest of the evening. Eventually Lily approached him and told him she was off and guided him back down and out the employee door and to her vehicle parked in the lot.
Remus thought of Sirius after that, often, more than he would care to admit. If Lily noticed anything she didn’t call him out on it. Remus spent all of the hours Lily had to work in one section or another of the shop. Sirius seemed scheduled just as often and around the same hours as he was frequently spotted by Remus stocking books, helping people find the titles they searched for, and reading stories to the little kids in the children's section.
Sirius wasn’t hard to spot, he was loud and energetic. His friendly tone filled the shop and the kids gravitated to him. He seemed to know the kids by name and asked about their days and exchanged some good natured ribbing with some of the preteen boys.
But everytime Sirius was free, he somehow always found Remus and sat with him. Sirius would whisper to Remus, speaking of everything and nothing, and Remus listened happily until Sirius had to return to work.
On his last day, Remus followed Lily back into the Waterstone’s, a take away tea in hand. He waved bye to Lily and began to wander around, before slowly making his way back to the very first section he explored. The one at the top, hidden near the back. The one he ran to his first time in. As he made his way over he spotted Sirius, sitting down in position all too familiar to Remus. Remus slowly knelt down in front of Sirius and offered him a small smile. Sirius gave him a watery smile back.
Remus set the tea down onto the floor and slowly wrapped his arms around Sirius. “I’m Remus. It’s okay Sirius. You’re safe here with me.”
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finleyforevermore · 3 months
Bryce Charles (top), Emilie Kouatchou (middle), or Kanisha Feliciano (bottom) as Natalya "Natasha/Natalie" Rostova
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Denée Benton as Natasha in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Michael Arden (left), Josh Young (middle), or Shafiq Hicks (right) as Pyotr "Pierre/Peter" Bezukhov
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Josh Groban as Pierre in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Emilie du Leslay (top) or Lucy St Louis (bottom) as Sofya "Sonya" Alexandrovna Rostova
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Ingrid Michaelson as Sonya in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Nathan Salstone (1st pic), Daniel Tracht (2nd pic), Henry Thrasher (3rd pic), or Gavin Creel (4th pic) as Prince Anatole Vasilyevich Kuragin
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Park Kang Hyun as Anatole in the picture. (2021 South Korean production)
Kimberly Marable as Countess Hélène Vasilyevna Bezukhova
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Amber Gray as Hélène in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Willemijn Verkaik (1st pic), Micaela Diamond (2nd pic), Saycon Sengbloh (3rd pic), Brandi Chavonne Massey (4th pic), or Eden Espinosa (5th pic) as Marya Dmitrievna Akhrosimova
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Lulu Fall as Marya in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Jason Tam as Fyodor "Fedya" Ivanovich Dolokhov
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Choi Ho Jung as Dolokhov in the picture. (2021 South Korean production)
Emily Rohm as Princess Mary Bolkonskaya
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Gelsey Bell as Mary in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Nick Rashad Burroughs as Balaga
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Vitor Moresco as Balaga in the picture. (2018 São Paulo production)
Ben Crawford as Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (top) and Prince Nikolay Andreevitch Bolkonsky (bottom)
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Nicholas Belton as Andrey in the top picture, Blake DeLong as Prince Bolkonsky in the bottom picture. (2016 Broadway production and 2013 Off-Broadway production respectively)
Andrew Samonsky as Prince Andrey Nikolayevich Bolkonsky (if Andrey and Bolkonsky isn't double casted; Ben Crawford would just play Bolkonsky)
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Nicholas Belton as Andrey in the picture. (2016 Broadway production)
Theatre credits under the cut.
Bryce Charles - Wendy Darling in Lythgoe Panto's Peter Pan
Emilie Kouatchou - Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera
Kanisha Feliciano - Ann in Flying Over Sunset, Maria in West Side Story, Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera
Michael Arden - Quasimodo in The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Josh Young - Judas Iscariot in Jesus Christ Superstar
Shafiq Hicks - Tom Collins in Rent
Emilie du Leslay - Pearl in Starlight Express
Lucy St Louis - Christine Daaé in The Phantom of The Opera, Glinda in Wicked
Nathan Salstone - Chorus/Orpheus understudy in Hadestown
Daniel Tracht - Chorus/Orpheus understudy in Hadestown
Henry Thrasher - Pierre in Natasha, Pierre, & The Great Comet of 1812 (Carnegie Mellon University)
Gavin Creel - The Wolf / Cinderella's Prince in Into the Woods
Kimberly Marable - Persephone in Hadestown
Willemijn Verkaik - Elphaba in Wicked
Micaela Diamond - Lucille Frank in Parade
Saycon Sengbloh - Elphaba in Wicked
Brandi Chavonne Massey - Elphaba in Wicked
Eden Espinosa - Elphaba in Wicked
Jason Tam - The SQUIP in Be More Chill (Broadway), Peter in Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert
Emily Rohm - Jane Doe in Ride the Cyclone
Nick Rashad Burroughs - Lola in Kinky Boots
Ben Crawford - Erik in The Phantom of The Opera
Andrew Samonsky - Phoebus in The Hunchback of Notre Dame
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blacksupremacy86 · 5 months
The Hypno Bachelor
Welcome to the bachelor! This is new dating show for a Hypnotist not traditionally what is demanded for but he is for this guys who are competing to be his Hypnotic subject for a year long battle.
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I walk in to a spare room to find this hottie Luke Macfarlane laying on the bed with thus sexy smile on his face as I enter taking him in l while shutting the door behind me and flicking a switch. Suddenly! The ceiling wall slides open allowing a silver disco ball that is blowing up in a multitudes of color is hot burning up in to the area shooting laser left right and center. Two aim straight for both of his eyes hitting him dead on as he goes totally slack and his body falling in to a lack of function as he stares at me mindlessly ready to be reprogrammed for more then just fun.
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“Oh! There you are Lawrence! I love nerdy types please don’t keep me waiting like this anymore and can we just get to the action please you are driving me craziness with all of this nerdiness.” He says to me when I am approaching him but ignore him instead as I bend over and pick up a remote control on the night table then point it at him as I click it and he freezes. “Sorry Henry boi! I do not need any of your lip at this momentous level of occasion because I am your new Master now, but simply to state I am about to truly rock your world and I crawl over the bed till I am on top of him and undoing his clothes also his lips with my lips.
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“I am too tough for this Hypno shit.”
“You think so? Why are your buttons undone”
“Fuck! How did…”
“Sleep! “
“You ba-st-at-d”
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Release the strings”
“I transformed you earlier “
“You are a puppet”
“Push your shirt to the side “
“Feel yourself up”
“Take a dive “
“Don’t be afraid “
“Real good”
“Get in to the crevice “
“Why don’t shift your jeans “
“Feel your lower level “
“Your horny “
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“Oh Lawrence!”
“Get off the couch
“Did you like the lollipop ?”
“It’s addictive “
“It’s my original flavor “
“How did you make it ?”
“Laced it with blood and pee?”
“What the fuck?”
“It’s mine”
“Why on earth?”
“You drank that up “
“Obsessed over it”
“Oh my God”
“My new favorite flavor “
“I know “
“Suck another “
“You are fucked up”
“Nah! I am going to the dark side”
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“ Oh Master Lawrence! I’v been wearing this in hope you show off, my best shorts are so hot me. Don’t you think so! I do think you are cute in everything, please don’t be shy or bashful because no one can or would ever doubt you.” Andrew is all a glow smirks so brightly as he blows me a string of very powerful kisses, a warm embrace hugging me tightly in every way and I can feel my hand on every crevice. He digs his hands ma under my shirt lifting it over my head as he presses his lips on to my skin raging hot under my skin and he revels in the lust and the unburdening of his soul as he fell in to deep submission.
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“I spotted you the moment you rocked up in to the villa Jamie since you have for some odd reason caught my attention off the foreseeable future and I want to ravish you right now. Stand up to attention look right ahead at the wall, remove your shirt, pants, and underwear let it drop to the floor and sit on the bed awaiting me for the longterm.” I tell Jamie he is a good lay while walking closer to his knees pat them and he wraps his arms on me and mine on his waist he smells my scent and it drives him wild so much he could jolt up the walls.
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Golden boi! “
“Yes Sir!”
“Rise up “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Leave your pants”
“Shake your booty”
“Do a dance?”
“Who is your God?”
“You are sir”
“Crawl over here”
“Kiss my boots”
“What are you ?”
“A pussy “
“Who are you?”
“Your golden boy”
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“The show “
“Are you ready?”
“Camera “
“Oooohhhh yyyeeeaaahhh!”
“Check this pussy out”
“Your fast”
“I know what I want “
“‘My fist in your ass”
“That would be heaven”
“I am yours”
“Suck me off “
“Good boi “
“The most marvelous taste in the world “
“It is fabulous “
The end
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princessanneftw · 11 months
A rare insight into the usually unreported work of Princess Royal
Visiting military graves of unsung heroes was fitting appointment for perhaps the hardest working member of Royal family
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By Victoria Ward for The Telegraph
Of the many war heroes buried in the windswept Dover chalk grassland is one Sgt Maj Charles Wooden, who was awarded the Victoria Cross after saving a fellow soldier’s life under heavy fire during the Battle of Balaclava.
The Princess Royal studied his grave closely as she was told he was “a bit of a drunkard” who had unfortunately met a sad demise.
Suffering from excruciating toothache, he had tried to dislodge the offending tooth with his gun, only to blow his brains out. “The ultimate pain killer,” the Princess, 72, observed drily, with the wry humour that is never in short supply.
Another, Gunner Andrew McDowell, had been blown to bits as he sat with two other soldiers in Dover harbour out of sight but directly in the firing line of a new 42-pound cannon.
The firing party thought someone said “fire” and duly fired. Gunner McDowell’s arm was found in the local town. The Princess peered closely at his newly restored grave, decorated with a cannon. “It’s almost adding insult to injury putting a gun on there, isn’t it?” she remarked.
The Princess, patron of The Remembrance Trust, was at St James’s cemetery, in Dover, Kent, to inspect its latest work restoring the military graves and memorials of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
It was the second engagement of at least four on her itinerary, but as a royal who opts to get on with her work under the radar, most of it – as always – will go unreported.
However, on Tuesday, The Telegraph was invited to join the Princess as she travelled to Kent for an update on the work of the Trust, of which she became patron in 2021.
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Engaged and unguarded, she delighted the small band of charity trustees and council dignitaries with her easy humour and obvious interest. “You can’t fake that kind of fascination,” one observer said later. “She’s great fun and you can talk to her like a normal human being.”
The Princess, accompanied by her husband Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, 68, made a point of chatting to each member of the small gang of around 15 that was on hand to greet her.
Introduced to charity trustee and “tomb expert” Dr Roger Bowdler, she joked: “See tomb, will travel.”
Darren Solley, head of parks and open spaces at Dover District Council, told the Princess he was trialling a new approach to managing the cemetery land by leaving much of it to grow wild, improving biodiversity.
“It’s quite a difficult balance, rewilding,” she commented. “Actually, you do look after it but it doesn’t look like it.”
Warming to the theme, she continued: “You do have to cut it but it’s when you cut it that’s key – and what you do with the leftovers.”
Former corporal Steve Davies, a military grave restorer who has worked with the trust since its inception and preserved six of the seven graves on the Princess’s one-hour tour, proved an enthusiastic and informative guide.
The Restoration Trust returns graves to their former glory while at the same time creating a database spanning more than 200 years.
Founded and chaired by North Sea oil pioneer and former Grenadier Guards officer Algy Cluff, 83, it has a vast remit covering an undefined period up until 1914. He was motivated to help future generations understand the nation’s military past after working on the graves of British troops killed abroad.
Those killed from 1914 onwards have their graves kept by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, funded by the Commonwealth governments, but those killed earlier fall through the cracks, their headstones left to fall to ruin.
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One of those whose grave has been lovingly restored is Maj Gen William Sutton, who received the Second China War medal and Companion of the Order of the Bath but who requested none of the usual pomp and circumstance at his funeral and asked to be buried in a common grave alongside soldiers of other ranks.
It was fortuitous then, that of all the well-known faces to visit his resting place almost 160 years after his death aged 56 was the Princess Royal, that least showy and no-nonsense member of the Royal family.
“It doesn’t say who he served with,” the Princess commented as she studied his headstone. “56? I’m surprised he lasted so long.”
Mr Davies ushered her along. “We’ve got to hit the hill now, ma’am,” he said. “Don’t worry, I live on the side of a hill,” came the reply as the Princess ploughed on, stopping to study several other graves along the way.
“Oh, it’s a Sherwood Forester, well, well well,” she said, pausing by one that she was keen to point out to her husband.
When Mr Davies told the Princess that he had queued for 14 hours to see her late mother, Elizabeth II, lying in rest, it prompted a discussion about the merits of certain footwear.
The Princess admitted that the boots that form part of the Blues and Royals uniform were none too comfortable. “Which is why I didn’t volunteer to walk after the Coronation, I was riding,” she laughed.
Later, the Princess and Sir Tim retired for a private lunch at Dover Castle before moving on to the next engagement.
Meanwhile, those who had enjoyed her company that morning were unanimous in their praise.
“She’s got common sense running through her like Brighton Rock,” one said. “But she’s enormous fun and absolutely interested and engaged. One couldn’t hope for a better patron.”
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octuscle · 10 months
Hello, Chronivac support? This is the first time I am using your app and I am not sure how to set the right settings, I hope you can help me. You see, I have a boyfriend who is submissive, and I am the dom of the 2. Even if I am not very dominating and sometimes I just play along to feed his submissivemeness, I thought it was enough for him and that he liked it... but now I realize I was wrong.
The other day he heft his laptop on the table, the incognito browser was open and I could see he had been watching pics and videos of what I would call... real doms. Tough guys, cigar smoking guys, some wearing leather or rubber gear, some tattooed, some pierced... many different kind of doms, but none of them were like me, not a single one. I dont have the body or the attitude he wants...
But I have seen a lot of different guys in his laptop, so I don't know what does HE wants eiher. I thought that maybe this app can be set in a way that I am transformed in the kind of man he really wants to his side, the dom boyfriend, master or whatever he really wishes for... I want to set Chronivac so I am changed exactly into what he dessires, and every time he changes his mind about what he wants, I want to change along.
Can you help?
Ever heard of a werewolf? I could try something experimental with you. A weekend where your friend can live out all his fantasies. His darkest thoughts control your transformation. Not only yours, but his as well. You will not be aware that you are changing, you will spend the weekend like a werewolf. In a completely different body. But I will configure the transformation so that on Monday morning you can remember every single second. And then let's see if you want to do that more often.
Friday night. Your friend is sitting in front of the TV. You're cooking. Vegetarian vegetable curry. Suddenly it hits you like a blow. You throw the spoon into the pot. Fuck! What a pain this is. With one blow you hurl the cooking pot off the stove. A huge noise. A huge mess. Your friend comes running into the kitchen. You are breathing heavily. Your huge hairy chest rises and falls. You snap at your boyfriend that he should be a good slave and clean up the mess. Your friend looks at you with wide eyes. And gets down on his knees to wipe the floor. And while he does that, his body starts to twitch. The hair of the bitch becomes short, as you always shear them. And his beard grows. His polo shirt becomes a harness, his bare ass sticks out of his chaps. "Leave the dirt, lick my boots!" you command. "And then slowly work your way up with your tongue." Your kitchen changes. Your apartment is changing. There is a smell of sweat, tobacco and poppers in the air. Black, worn furniture, lots of leather, raw concrete. Instead of a TV, a St. Andrew's cross on the wall. And in the bedroom a cage for your boyfriend.
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"Fuck yeah, that's my good boy," you grunt as your friend arrives at your stinky wet armpit. It's still early in the evening. There is still plenty of time before you fuck your boyfriend in the sling of the darkroom of your favorite bar. You take your cock out of your pants with your free hand. And then you push your boyfriend's head back down. The weekend starts promisingly.
48 hours of sex later you are sitting naked on the sofa. A cigar in your face. The face of your friend on your cock. Boy, did you have fun. And now a final climax. You shoot your load and your friend swallows greedily. Then you fall into a deep sleep. It's 04:00 in the morning when you wake up. The TV is on. Both of you have fallen asleep on the sofa. You lead your still half asleep friend to bed. And you realize that it was not a dream.
Fantastic inspiration by @eurobeef 
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hlficlibrary · 1 year
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- HL Fic Library's Winter Fic Rec -
Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find our other recs here.
❄️ In A Twinkling by jacaranda_bloom / @jacaranda-bloom {Explicit, 89k}
Louis’ Nan just wants him to be happy, to settle down with a nice boy, and bring him around for Christmas.
Louis is too busy with his career to bother about relationships, but in an attempt to appease his Nan, he sends her photoshopped pictures of him and his pretend boyfriend, Harry. The fact that the man in the pictures is none other than Harry Styles, world famous Gucci model—and recurrent star of Louis’ fantasies—is irrelevant. It’s not like their paths will ever cross…
So it comes as somewhat of a surprise when Louis returns home for Christmas and walks into his Nan’s sitting room only to find the real-life Harry Styles happily chatting away with the grey-haired ladies of his Nan’s Crochet Circle.
Featuring Niall and Liam as Louis’ childhood friends, Harry as the painfully perfect man of Louis’ dreams, Zayn as Harry’s very protective best mate, Louis’ Nan as a well-meaning matchmaker, and Louis as a guy who thinks he’s happy with his life, until a certain someone shows him what he’s been missing.
❄️ the impossible now by stylinsoncity / @aliensingucci {Mature, 64k}
A wish on Christmas Eve sends Louis to an alternate dimension where Harry is a member of One Direction.
❄️ Yet in Thy Dark Streets Shineth by @juliusschmidt {Mature, 57k}
Louis’ life has become the very thing he’s always dreaded: routine. His job is steady, his bills are paid, his friends are preoccupied, his siblings are mostly old enough not to need him, and his mom keeps pestering him about attending church. Apparently, the new minister pulls rainbows and unicorns out of his robes.
Advent arrives three months into Harry’s first call as associate pastor at St. Andrews. Life is… not perfect. He’s still figuring out how do his job and the holidays bring a whole bundle of extra stress. On top of which, he has no friends or family nearby with whom he can decompress. Louis Tomlinson shows up to worship in the nick of time.
❄️ like cranberries on a winter evening by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou {General, 47k}
Louis hates Christmas. With good reason, too. And no, he doesn’t want to talk about it.
When research for his next novel leads Louis to the website of a quirky little hotel in Northumberland, there is exactly one room available for the two weeks that Louis really wants to get away from his family.
Will the fairy lights, kind smiles, homemade pastries, and genuine friendships awaiting him in Harry Styles’ hotel be enough to cause Louis a change of heart?
❄️ Ideal: An Advent Fic by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox {Mature, 40k}
All Louis wanted was some god-damned time to write his novel. He didn’t expect to move his and Liam’s entire production of a Christmas variety show to a small inn in Vermont just before the holidays. He didn’t expect to save Niall’s inn. He didn’t expect Liam to fall in love. He definitely didn’t expect to fall in love himself. And he certainly didn’t expect it all to feel so much like a Christmas movie.
Oh hell. There’s a lot of things Louis didn’t expect.
A White Christmas au, complete with drama, fluff, choreographed dance numbers, and idiotic boys falling in love. Just your typical Christmas fun.
❄️ The Happiest Season by @sadaveniren {Explicit, 37k}
“You’re going to spend Christmas -and your birthday- with his homophobic WASP parents? That’s gonna be hell.”
Louis closed his eyes in frustration. “It was either that or be apart and I don’t think that’s gonna be good for either of us this year, you know?”
A fic loosely based on Happiest Season but make it ... different
❄️ All Your Mates Are Here by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup {Teen&Up, 36k}
"The pack is... It's folding, Harry."
Like every werewolf does when they get to a new town, Harry joined one of the many local packs when he started university. Now, three years into his program, he's hit with the news that his pack is giving up, going their separate ways. In the wake of the holidays, the three single wolves from the Majestic pack are pointed in the direction of a new pack to join; one that's got struggles of its own.
A new pack, a new house, and two new roommates with personal space issues... Plus exams, of course.
❄️ From the Start by @allwaswell16 {Explicit, 32k}
Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.
❄️ One Minute to Midnight by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {Explicit, 29k}
Louis Tomlinson is at the height of his game in Boston's financial scene. He's got the instinct, and he's got the guts to take calculated risks that make everyone around him a lot of money. Everything is going well until the day after he gets promoted when he wakes up forty years older than his actual age.
Two years later he's adapted to his new life as a retiree, but he's lonely and desperate for company closer to his real age during the rigorous holiday party season. He gets some questionable advice from Niall and turns to the Seeking Arrangement app where he finds Harry Styles, a local actor he's been a fan of since they had an undergraduate class together. But what happens when a few dates here and there isn't enough?
❄️ all the lights are full of colour by @infinitelymint {Explicit, 26k}
So, fast-forwarding eight years from the day Harry met Louis, he is now a twenty-seven year old owner of one of the most up-and-coming eating establishments on the London restaurant scene, father of two wonderful boys and… separated from his husband. Now, that last part definitely was never a part of the original plan.
Or, Harry and Louis are separated, but for the sake of their two sons, they choose to spend Christmas together. It may just lead to a Christmas miracle.
❄️ Yours In Fractions by @kingsofeverything {Explicit, 23k}
Louis and Harry are strangers who, because of a mix up, share their mutual friend's apartment and bed over the holidays.
❄️ Three French Hems by @100percentsassy , gloria_andrews / @gloriaandrews {Mature, 20k}
In which Louis is a designer at Burberry and Harry spends December wearing Lanvin… and Lanvin… and Lanvin.
❄️ Take Your Time 'verse by @laynefaire {Explicit, 20k}
When Harry finds himself in the middle of a messy break-up with no place to live, Louis offers a spare room in his flat. Unbeknownst to Harry, Louis has been infatuated for years. Over the objections of their friends, who know the truth, Harry accepts. Can Louis survive Harry moving into his home…and closer to his heart? Will Harry see what's right in front of him?
❄️ You'll Be Home For Christmas by @2tiedships2 {Not Rated, 15k}
“Honesty, Lou, just ask Harry for help.”
Louis remained silent as he continued to scowl at the Christmas calendar Niall had hung on their refrigerator.
“And be nice to my calendar filled with holiday cheer,” Niall instructed. “You’re going to burn a fucking hole in it from the way you’re glaring at the innocent thing. It’s not the calendar’s fault that your heat is starting so close to Christmas.”
❄️ Naughty or Nice by noellehenry / @noellehenrymain {Teen&Up, 10k}
Louis never intended for his boss, the very attractive Harry Styles, to find out he has a temporary, additional job as a Christmas Elf at Harrods Department Store. When he gets a request to show up in his elf costume at Mr. Styles' office, after office hours, Louis' mind goes wild...
❄️ and marshmallows by BriaMaria / @briannamarguerite {Explicit, 10k}
Louis Tomlinson’s ass was wet. Well the whole back of him was wet, but it was really, really seeping through the thin jeggings that he swore to Lottie were jeans. In this moment, though, lying spread eagle in the snow bank that was his front yard he admitted that they were indeed some kind of useless fabric that wasn’t denim.
“Ummm.” The voice was deep, hesitant and came from the little walk leading up to Louis’ house. Fucking fantastic. Someone to witness his misery. “Are you alright?”
Louis squeezed his eyes shut hoping that the person would just go away.
The one where Harry has a personal attachment to Louis' house, and Louis can't stop picturing the beautiful stranger dancing in his kitchen.
❄️ you've set my soul to dreaming by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed {Teen&Up, 9k}
At first, when Harry wakes up on Christmas Morning with a warm body in his bed he wonders if he pulled someone last night. He’d met some friends at the pub, none of them really having anyone to spend Christmas Eve with, and he knows he might’ve had a few drinks to numb the loneliness for a while, but he didn’t think he got that drunk that he’d ended up pulling someone and forgetting all about it.
Or: Thirty year old Harry Styles goes to bed single on Christmas Eve, only to wake up on Christmas morning with a husband in his bed and a son down the hall.
❄️ Nothin' I Would Rather Do by @lululawrence {Mature, 9k}
“Louis,” Anne said sternly. “You know I have no problem with you working overtime if you need to, but I can’t have you running yourself ragged. At this rate you won’t have the energy or stamina to make it to the party yourself!”
“I’ll be fine, Anne. I swear.”
Her bright eyes sparkled as her smile turned a bit more coy and Louis knew immediately what was coming next.
“I hope so, because you know, my son will be in town and coming to the party.”
Louis froze. In all the months of her talking about her son and saying they should meet, she never once mentioned that he would be coming to the Christmas party. Well, fuck.
or...the one where Anne is determined to set Louis up with her son, but he's perfectly happy with the random sexting "relationship" he has running with the random he met at a bar several months back.
❄️ 12 Days of Kissmas by @haztobegood {Not Rated, 8k}
A collection of 12 Christmas ficlets, each one sealed with a kiss
❄️ so c'mon c'mon (and dance with me baby) by theweightofmywords / @rockstarlouis {Not Rated, 3k}
Louis and Harry meet at a corporate holiday party, drink copious amounts of champagne, dance like fools, steal rich people's food, and possibly, just maybe, fall in love.
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jezunya · 4 days
"Ssshut up," Crowley hisses, not bothering to unslump himself from the tabletop. "You're in love with a human, you don't get an opinion."
"Better a human than a loyalist," Sherlock sniffs, and that gets Crowley to jerk his head up.
"Oi! He's not— I mean, he wasn't—"
"He was, then he wasn't, then he was again," Sherlock singsongs, before turning serious. "Once a good little loyal subject of Heaven, always one. Face it, the very fact that he hasn't Fallen means that he will always go back to them."
Crowley cradles his head in his hands, feeling far too drunk for this, or perhaps not nearly drunk enough. "That's not… He wasn't…"
A little tidbit of a scene from a much, much larger AU that I'm honestly not sure will ever get written in earnest, but that has been a project @sheliesshattered and I have circled back to many times over the years
This is post s2 of Good Omens and… somewhere in the BBC Sherlock timeline, probably post s2 but s3 & s4 don't really work with this au. Set in the universe of Tim Powers' novel Declare, though I'm hoping to write this such that you don't have to have read the book (but it certainly helps). Sherlock (and Mycroft, and others) are another form of Fallen Angel who have remained earthbound rather than ever joining Hell, and Sherlock & Crowley are ofc frenemy drinking buddies
More under the cut
For anyone who has read it: After the end of Declare, Andrew & Elena retired somewhere in the UK together, taking on the very common name of Watson. They settled down and had a couple of kids. Twins, in fact. Almost like one person split in two, you might say. Which they try not to be too freaked out about, but also they're really tempting fate when they name the kids Harriet and John, after Harry St John Philby. John (and Harry, to some extent) grows up to follow in his parents' footsteps, including certain secret missions in the mountains of Afghanistan. When he's invalided home, he assumes Declare has no more use for him, until he is contacted once more to be a 'special assistant' on one of their higher-level projects here at home in London, at which point he is assigned to shadow Sherlock & assist him in any way he might need. John doesn't know exactly what Sherlock is, at first, but he's weirdly reminded of some of his parents' stories of 'Our Stepmother' in the USSR, and he's about to learn that Operation Declare is a lot deeper, older, and closer to home than he ever imagined.
That's the starting point of Part 1 of this AU.
For those who haven't read Declare: Sherlock (and Mycroft, and others) are a different sort of Fallen Angel, who never joined Hell after falling from Heaven, but rather made a home wherever they could on Earth, becoming known as nature spirits, fae, djinn, etc. (Djinn is the most commonly used term in the universe of Declare, so that's the terminology John uses, and they are explicitly stated to be fallen angels.) They've been neutral in the Heaven vs Hell war, tho Heaven definitely views them as enemies and Hell views them as… frenemies? Enemy of my enemy? Not worth bothering with? They are largely free agents, with some different powers & limitations compared to angels and demons, since they don't have the power concentration/strength in numbers of either Heaven or Hell behind them, and their own schisms and internal power struggles, separate from anything to do with Heaven and Hell.
Part 2 of the au would be after Crowley and Aziraphale fend off the apocalypse in GO s1 and become free agents themselves. Suddenly, Sherlock has a couple of rogue agents, formerly of Heaven and Hell, in his city, where before they were Officially Posted There, so he (mostly) would avoid them, though he and Crowley have definitely crossed paths before. Those two are very much frenemies, especially since the Notpocalypse. (John, for his part, has largely come to terms with the whole djinn thing. He is not happy to learn about angels and demons in the truer sense, though.)
And this scene here? IDK, Part 3, I guess, but maybe just a little aside for Crowley angst after GO s2, maybe not a whole fic, until/unless there's some interesting fodder for this au in GO s3, thwarting the second coming with Sherlock & John in tow maybe… (and Crowley and Aziraphale having to figure out their relationship while the other supernatural entity/ies around them already have their shit together)
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topguncortez · 1 year
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The Mighty Have Fallen | Prologue
Masterlist | next part
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synopsis: Sports & Boys had been the only thing on your mind until everything changed in an instant.
word count: 900
warnings: cursing, description of gruesome injuries, car crash
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The rain seemed to be coming down in sheets, which was a rarity for Los Angeles. Y/N was hardly paying attention, sitting in the back seat of her parents SUV, texting rapidly on her cell phone. She was half pissed that the softball game got canceled because of the rain, but she was more mad that her parents wouldn’t let her ride home with her boyfriend, Jesse. 
“Bun, I know you’re-” 
“Don’t call me that,” Y/N huffed, cutting her father off. He was going to try and play the good guy, give some justified reason for not letting her go home with Jesse. He would probably even use the rainfall in his favor, since ‘california teens don’t know how to drive in the rain’. But he was wrong, her mother was wrong, they were both wrong. Jesse grew up in Oregon, and certainly knew how to drive in the rain. Y/N had turned 18 two months ago, and was set to graduate high school in less than six weeks. She had already signed to go play division one softball at the University of Texas in the fall.  To Y/N, her parents seemed to be struggling with the fact that she was no longer their little girl. She was an adult, and hell she wanted to be treated like one. 
“Leave her be, Frank,” Y/N’s mother, Miranda spoke up, “She wants to act like a brat about not leaving with that delinquent.” 
“Jesse is a good guy!” Y/N argued. 
“Then why have you been skipping practice!?” Miranda turned in her seat to look at her daughter. Y/N narrowed her eyes at her mother, and crossed her arms over her chest, sitting back in her seat. She knew the next words out of Miranda’s mouth was going to be about how hard they both worked to put her through St. Andrew’s, pay for all the softball necessities, and take time off of work to go watch her play. It was the same spiel every time they fought. 
Miranda and Frank did work hard to be able to provide the best for their daughter. They came from next to nothing, growing up in a small, desolate town in the midwest. They had met when they were both at CalPoly, Miranda studying nursing and Frank studying journalism. Frank currently worked for the Union Tribune as a sports writer, and Miranda at the local hospital. Frank took Y/N to as many baseball and softball games as he could, making her fall in love with the sport even more. 
Their family wasn’t extremely wealthy by any means, but they lived comfortably. Y/N had been lucky to get a scholarship to St. Andrew’s Preparatory School, which had one of the best softball teams in San Diego county. It put her one step closer to achieving her dream of playing D1 softball. 
“Miranda, I think she’s allowed to be upset about the game,” Frank spoke and his wife  huffed, sitting back in her seat and crossing her arms over her chest. Poor Frank, he had gotten lucky to get a daughter who was almost exactly like her mother, from the looks to the attitude. He sighed, “This dang rain! It just will not let up!” 
“Do you think we need to pull over?” Miranda asked. It seemed as though they were the only car on the road at this point in time. 
“No! I just want to get home!” Y/N yelled. 
“You are not the one driving, young lady, so can it!” Miranda scolded her daughter. 
“Ugh! Does anyone ever listen to me!” Y/N threw her hands up. 
“Alright, I have about had it-” Miranda turned in her seat again, as Frank shouted. 
“Miranda, turn around, please- Shit!” 
Miranda had barely turned in her seat as Frank swerved from hitting something, no, someone, in the middle of the road. Y/N put her hand on the seat in front of her to brace herself from hitting it. The breaks squealed as the car spun out from the rain, and into the lane of oncoming traffic. Miranda let out a scream, as Frank tried to correct the spin and stop the car. Something that sounded like a cry for Jesus Christ filled the car, as Y/N’s eyes locked on the headlights coming towards them. 
— — — 
Y/N couldn’t remember much as the car finally came to halt after what seemed like forever. Glass covered her body as she blinked her eyes open. Her cheek felt cold and wet, and her hands reached out, feeling hard metal beneath her. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but she realized the car was upside down, and she was laying in the spot where the sunroof was once at. Her breath started to pick up, as the sound of a blaring horn filled her ears, and the coppery scent of blood filled her nostrils. It made her nauseous. 
“Mom? D-Dad?” She called out to them, seeing two bodies in front of her, neither one moving, “Mom! Dad!” Y/N cried louder, and tried her best to reach for them, but something had her body pinned, “Mom!” Her voice cracked, “Oh my god. . . Oh my god!” Y/N looked around the car, trying to pull herself free from whatever had the left side of her body pinned. She couldn’t feel her left hand, she wasn’t even sure if it was still there, “Help! Help me! Someone!” 
The crunch of footsteps on the glass caught her attention. She looked up the best she could as black boots stood in her line of sight. Y/N jumped a bit as the person put his hands on the ground, and then laid himself down on the ground. 
“H-help?” Y/N said softly. There was a chuckle, and the last thing Y/N could remember seeing was a pair of red eyes looking right through her.
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