#spooky grub
s0ft1y-r0tt3n · 4 months
I saw someone else do this so I decided to make my own! Credit to Tumblr user fur-and-feathers <3
What I am:
Alterhuman, Otherkin, and a Therian
What I say I am to people:
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streetdevil96 · 2 years
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phoebejanedraws · 11 months
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halloween grubs
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junkfl0werboy · 1 year
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Two more little paintings I did today! I love the grub, his name is Pete.
I’m gonna make more of these! Maybe I’ll sell em :0
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nightmaresyrup · 3 months
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It's all fun and games until the dragon talks like an aged sorcerer and places an excruciatingly painful curse on you.
Auugh! How is DD2? I heard the rumors, but the money grubbing crap are optional right? Not in your face advertised in game I hope.
Time lapse for funzy! Not gonna Iie, Grigori is spooky AF!
You thought you gonna fight a rawr grr monster until he grabs and talks to you like yer nuthin, then cast a horrific curse on you for laughs!
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cosmic-charm69 · 3 months
more Bugbo headcanons!!! yay!!!
2#: Bugbo is kind of an enigma. he doesn't really resemble any type of bug at all. even the creator doesn't know Bugbo's species. so, instead of making him a specific insect, i'll just make him his own insect. it gives me creative liberty to give him characteristics of bugs that i like.
if he were to resemble a bug, i guess he looks like an ant the most? not because he actually looks like one, but because he doesn't carry any iconic traits other bugs do. no stingers or stripes, no beautiful wings, no blood-thirsty suckers, nada. therefore, i like to think he says "Togetherness makes anything effortless" because ants work together in colonies, which makes work for them easier.
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(sorry for the lazy backgrounds, i'm crap at drawing backgrounds)
additionally, his favorite food would be honeydew melons because fire ants like honeydew.
i think it'd be cool if he had green blood like slugs do. i'm actually not quite sure why they have that. i searched it up, and i think it's due to biliverdin? correct me if i'm wrong, though.
it'd be cool if he squeaked like a moth. unlike moths however, it isn't to confuse predators, but when he's confused himself. i like to think that Bugbo doesn't really show emotion (except for the smile), so noises are hints to what he's actually feeling.
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so, for example, when he's happy, he'll softly buzz like a bee because he's buzzing with excitement. or when he's bored, he'll chirp like a cricket, because that's associated with an empty audience.
spooky scary headcanons: he can smell a rotting corpse like a blow fly. those guys can smell a corpse from over 30 meters away, like holy grub. also, like a bullet ant, his bite feels like a gunshot. to add onto that, he can transmit diseases like a rat flea. so, if he bites you, you're double fricken dead.
that's basically it. thanks for listening to my insane ramblings.
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ok-i-draw · 7 months
Happy early Halloween!!!
Trick or treat? I bring you 8 treats today!
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Unfiltered and close up shots down below! 👇
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Spooky introduction!
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Hopper: Jack Skellington
Come by the library and hear the tale from the great pumpkin king! Tales of old and new, granted to give you a scare!
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Toshie: Cruella De Vil
Come and experience her haunted mansion, full of fright. Terror around every corner!
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Bobby: Jack Sparrow
An adventure who is willing to give you a tour around the “spooky” forest and the “terrifying” lake to hunt for treasure! ( chocolate gold coins! )
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Benny: Will Turner
While “Jack” takes the a group out to go and explore the treasure, his first mate will help chaperone around the neighborhood!
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Martínez: Day of the dead Mariachi
Come on down to the plaza and not only get some good grub, but also live entertainment for one night only from the amazing Martinez Mariposa!
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Maria & Marcos: Flotsam & Jetsam
Be wary, for if you come across these two, you’ll be given a riddle. If answer correctly, you will get a treat, but answer incorrectly….TRICK!
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Ellie: Charlotte La Bouff
Another spot at the plaza to come and visit! Test your own strength, aim your best shot, grab the most apples!
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starry-eyed-werewolf · 8 months
Hey hey! My names Vesper/Ves and this is my side account, my main is spooky-grub !!
I'm an Alterhuman, so here's a list of my kin types!
Snow leopard kin
>this list is always subjected to change, as I as a person change often<
I'd love to make some Alterhuman friends! Especially friends that share my kin types. Always feel free to send me a follow or a message!!!!
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pokemonheadcanons · 7 months
Spooky Canon # 718
The pheromones from Vespiquen's grubs attract Combee's prey...as a trap
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rp-meme-central · 2 years
Stardew Valley - Villagers’ comments during Spirit’s Eve - sentence starters
1. “There’s gotta be a secret passage somewhere around here.” 
2. “I believe I’ve eaten a few too many slices of pumpkin pie.” 
3. “Oh! You found me... The truth is, I got too scared so I came here to hide. Don’t tell anyone.” 
4. “Hi... I was hoping you’d find me here...” 
5. “I have no idea how those skeletons are walking... creepy. It’s pretty cool, though.” 
6. “Why is there no more pumpkin ale?” 
7. “I can’t go on... spiders...” 
8. “Do you like the jack-o-lanterns? I carved them myself.” 
9. “Eek! I’m too scared.” 
10. “I get scared easily... I think I’m just going to stay right here.” 
11. “Mmm, hi. Sorry... mouth full of blackberries.” 
12. “I may have had a little too much pumpkin ale...” 
13. “I think I’ve already been this way... no, wait... I’m lost.” 
14. “The vapor from this cauldron... it’s making my head spin, but I can’t seem to leave...” 
15. “I get scared very easily. I’ll leave the haunted maze to the younger people.” 
16. “I wish _____ would include some vegetarian options. Some zucchini skewers, maybe?” 
17. “Hmm... smoked turkey haunch? I guess this festival isn’t all bad.” 
18. “It’s a lot of fun to cook with pumpkin. Such an interesting fruit.” 
19. “But ______! I wanna go in the maze! I’m not scared!” 
20. “_____’s upset that I won’t let him/her/them go into the haunted maze... but he’s/she’s/they’re just a little _____!” 
21. “I’ll come to any event with free grub! You won’t see me in the haunted maze, though.” 
22. “_____ won’t let me go in the maze. *sob*”
23. “Don’t get too close to the cage.” 
24. “Have you ventured into the haunted maze yet? It’s quite spooky.” 
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byrdblood · 1 year
First off, I wanted to say that your spooky month oc is very cool and very spooky, I love the design.
Secondly, what’s their relationship to Bob? We see them going to the Grill and Boys restaurant to see Bon and eat burger (which is cute as hell), but how does Bob view them? He seemed “happy” (insane) when he saw them, but they looked a bit like- shocked! So really, what’s the relationship between these two? How do they see each other?
again sorry im like 12 billion years late on all the asks ive got but
so, "keegan" as an entity is actually a tulpa -- that is, basically an imaginary friend that someone believed in so much that it became self-sufficient. they're not really of any world, they just travel freely between them, yoinking some poor fucker's body and occasionally customizing them like a Mii for their short time on our barren earth.
their goal is only entertainment. they have need for very little else.
so, keegan visits this town in the middle of the ass crack of nowhere, solely because they're attuned to the metaphysical (being made of thought-stuff themself) and they can tell this town is Fucking Weird as Hell, AKA prime entertainment opportunity. and in this town, as always, their first priority is "good fucking grub", because they're a hedonist and any second without some material pleasure being experienced is a moment wasted, in their opinion. so they just went around to the shops in their funny little outfit and their funny little body they plucked from a town nearby, and end up in bob's shop, where they very promptly develop a huge crush on this guy because wow, he's fucking humungous, and keegan, being a creature of culture, loves a big fucking man.
and so they keep going back. like, longer than they usually visit any world, which is 2 weeks tops -- they probably visited bob once a week for the course of half a year, at least. just re-visiting the same bookmarked tab, seeing what's changed, reading the new chapter. and keegan is fucking weird as hell, just like, as a person, and if you know anything about living in a small town, it's that there's jack all to do, so the town weirdo sometimes becomes the town's gossip. to bob, keegan was just suddenly there, weirdness galore, and they were nice, and genuinely loved his food (even though the way they chewed it and the glances they gave him made him sweat, sometimes, the percentage of sureness that they knew what was in the meat steadily ticking up each visit), and so bob eventually started looking forward to this freak coming by. on slow days, they'd talk, each of them testing their respective waters. on fast days, keegan would sit in the corner with some sort of notepad, and their aura would get so thick, and for a few precious hours bob felt, inexplicably, like he could do anything in the world. it didn't hurt that keegan tipped heavily, or that they seemed fascinated by the morbid stories he told, prompting him to up the ante each time, unsuccessfully trying to freak them out -- and being pleasantly surprised then their response was to tell him weird stories about human flesh, too. things that no normal person should have known. details about how people reacted to pain, not just "oh, this is how most carcasses are so im going to say that humans are like that too just to try to freak him out."
it made him think, just maybe, that keegan was like him. the signs were there, none quite as huge as the fact that keegan stopped mid-chew on the first "veal" burger he ever sold them, made eye contact through the unnatural darkness of their hood... and then kept eating.
and then bob slipped up with lila and got caught.
3 years down the drain, rotting in a cell, biding his time. for the moment, that weird, entertaining little customer he kinda-sorta-liked was thrown to the back of his mind; he had far bigger concerns and far bigger angers to take out. and, in turn, having lost their favorite plaything in this particular world, keegan's visits slowed. they could tell he wasn't dead, just not where he was, and therefore settled for just checking in once or twice a year, whenever they thought of it. opening the fridge each time you walk by, looking for something that isn't there. maybe he ran away, they thought. maybe he'd realized what they were, and gotten scared. maybe the other god in that town had gotten possessive and stolen him away. (because there was another god, one far older than them but still undeniably smaller, and keegan had been tapdancing on their territory like a schoolyard bully throwing pebbles at the little kid with glasses. as always, they weren't worried about consequences. they just wanted to be entertained.)
that night, bob came after them like they were prey, and for a short time, keegan forgot that they were a god. they were too immersed in the role of the doll they were playing with, too absorbed in the VR, forgetting that their time couldn't be cut short. the natural instincts of their borrowed body screamed at them to avoid the bigger animal, because there's no way for a human body to realize that it has become bigger than it looks to its own eyes. infinite lives, infinite quarters, and yet, for just a moment, the stakes felt so real. keegan ran, and bob gave chase. it had been 3 years, and he was starving.
...but then bob recognized their voice, and suddenly 3 years hadn't passed at all. the fridge was full. the game had resumed, and yet all the rules had changed. there was no more time for them to dance around unspoken rules, two predators bonding over the corpses of smaller things. bob now had the cult to deal with, and he had his suspicions about the thing that lay in wait under keegan's clothes and skin and hair, just as they had their suspicions about the food he fed them and the stories he told. bob was desperate, on borrowed time.
it was time for them to have a talk.
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itspkuwu · 2 years
Some imp headcanons
First Pain -When he was a tiny impling, a bat swooped down and took a big bite of his wing. (that’s why I think that bite is there, since on the fandom wiki it says it’s a bat bite)  And ever since then, he’s been terrified of the blood sucking demons, so he likes to call them. -He thought of the name “Pokey” for the pregnant sheep because it was a nickname for “Slowpoke”. -He’s learning how to make potions. Hence why Hades trusted him with the mortal potion for baby Herc. -He really likes soft fluffy animals (besides bats of course) but won’t admit to anyone but Panic -He uses big words to sound smart. Like “dashing” and “chummy” for example. As we saw. -He HATES going down stairs. (since he’s so clumsy) Up stairs is fine however. -He feels really bad after fighting with Panic. (aww) -His favorite color is light blue. -His favorite treat are those weird grub worms, especially if they’re plump. -He doesn’t mind being chubby, in fact he kinda likes it. It cushions the boo boos a bit. -Despite falling, slipping, and tripping so much, he doesn’t actually scar, bruise, or bleed. Since he’s an immortal creature with serval power after all.  -The first thing he ever shape shifted into was a kitten.  -And finally, he nibbles on his tail as a stim. (a stim is something “quirky” he you have autism. Like making sounds, jumping, chewing, etc)  Next is Panic -Whenever he has a freak out moment, Pokey’s soft wool helps him calm down. -He named Pokey’s baby sheep Pancake. -His favorite color is pink. (yes he does keep that a secret unless it’s in front of Pain)  -His favorite treat is soda. -He’s extremely ticklish  -He puts on make up in his spare time just for fun. (yes he also keeps that a secret too)  -The first thing he shape shifted into was a lion -His biggest phobia is thunder… and Zeus…  -He secretly sees Hades as his adoptive papa, despite Hades having anger issues. (aww again)  -He likes it when you scratch behind his horns. -And finally, he has a secret Greek love shrine he made for Cassandra that he visits weekly. Only he knows about it.  Lastly, the underrated noodle known as Neurosis -He hasn’t learned how to shape shift yet -Every time a piece of his hair falls out, it instantly grows back. That’s another one of his powers. -He hates loud noises, bright lights, and over all most spooky things.  -His favorite color is reddish orange. -His favorite treat is banana cake. He’s only had it like one time though. -He often softly cries himself when he’s alone. (another aww)  -He was once upon a time one of the imps trapped inside of Pandora’s box, but the another imps kicked him out for being too “weird”, ““annoying”, “creepy”, you name it.  -And finally… despite everything he might do or say… all he really wants is to be accepted and have a happy, loving family that cares about him. (BIG AWWW)  I already shared these with my friend @jesshq but I wanted to make them public.  So thanks for reading :) 💖 Also you don’t have to agree with me, these are just my opinions. 
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jeeperso · 2 years
D&D Quotes Without Context
Spooky Halloween Two-Shot Edition, part 1
“Well, if we don’t get the money the bank is going to foreclose on the orphanage and sell it to Old Man Keraptis! Who wants to turn it into a haunted amusement park!” "Rhett Surt, professional insurance instigator.” “I’m sure he’s just deeply misunderstood.” "I'm pretty sure he's a lich.” "We gotta do this tonight. In the event I'm right and he IS a lich, word has it he's gonna be out in the marshes, screaming at the moon with the Wizards of Whatley place. That gives us a window, assuming Mr. Johnson hasn't screwed us.” "Wait, Jotunsdotter. Are you related to a giant?” Janna shrugs. “Mom never really talked about dad much. Said he was slippery, silvertongued and tied up somewhere these days.” Shank nods: "Ah yes... those types often end up like that when they get into trouble they can't talk their way out of.” “This place is… unclean. I mean, it’s filthy, but it’s also unholy.” "Don't be silly, there are plenty of holes.” "Never split up in a spooky place that a religious person says is unholy!” "Ah, a wine cellar. Good vintage. Peanut of the Night.” From the pit, four large man sized mushrooms with long tendrils emerge. "I've read enough Tijagnoman Bibles to know where this is going!” Suddenly there is a gnome among you, in a long elven cloak clasped with the symbol of Poom, God of Suddenly Being There. Will: "Sorry I'm late: had to make sure the Truck wasn't following me.” You dodge the first tendril, but the other two grab your wrists. You slip out easily, but where the fungi touched you your skin bubbles and sloughs away. "Gah! I hate mushrooms so much.” "But they are tasty sautéed with wine.” The fungi are fun died. "Well done! That was unpleasant. What on the planes are they? and why are they here?” "Someone forgot to clean the basement for a decade or two?” "Time to head upstairs, no way I'm going to the Underdark: I've got enemies down there.” “And they have sexy spider ladies! I mean, regular spider ladies!” "I don’t see any journals, or strange discs. Or unmelted hands.” All these spirits are long since spoiled, or infected with fungi and mold. They might make serviceable vinegar, or give you a really bad trip before eating through your small intestine. The freezer opens with some effort. Its very dark and cold inside, several large sides of beef hang inside. The closest one is covered with what appears to be maggots. "That does not look like it is well-aged beef.” "We got a skitterer!” “This place has problems. We need a property flipper.” ”Rot grubs. Jeebus H Koala, this is no milk run.” “...This place is in dire need of an exterminator... or some arson.” "Yeah, let’s save the murderbasement for the return trip.” “Oh, hello, Mr. Squeekers!” "Probably stole some cheese from the larder.” “I think anything from this house's Larder more likely to eat the rat.” "Alright. This. Nobody said anything about running into this twisted nature and abominations. Did I miss a note that was passed around? Am I the only one out of the loop on this one?” "We're robbing a lich. What, you think this is Gravesoil parish with the chainsaw ponies?” “Those ponies are surprisingly polite.” "It'd take some omniphobic weirdo with too light a constitution for math to make that up.” "I found the door guys, let’s...Oh score that's a Pickman original.” "Is that a Owlplatypus?” "Okay, standard rules, grab anything that—the FUCK is that?” [insert Great Race of Yith picture] "Some kind of sea life, maybe?” “Fuck this shit with a dragon dildo. Let’s get the fuck out of this fucking fuck.” "It's like one of them mind-flayers banged a roper…" "Shank, you back in there?” “Yes. Now excuse me I need to stab a bitch in a glass case.” "Well, he's not smiling, so that's a maybe?” And as for you goblin. You should feel honored one of your kin was chosen to host one of the Great Race of Yith. “Wow. You are super racist. We don’t go for that kind of thing around here! Anymore!” I am not racist. All races are equally inferior to the Great Race. “Yes. That’s being racist!” "Yeah, but we weren't the ones with so much cotton stuffed up the ass that I expect you to cough up sheep.” "And Jeebus did say FORK YOU!” We have enemies. The flying Polyps. “If you’re over 40 you’re supposed to test for those every few years.” It sounds like a cat having angry sex with an accordion. OOC: So voiced by Gilbert Godfrey. Gotcha. Stop. Stabbing me. You. Stupid. Subcreature. “We aren’t subs! Well, I’m usually not, and I just me they rest so… you shouldn’t make assumptions!” Will looks down (well, sideways) at the dead alien. "So we're all agreed? We get out, torch the place, and tell the Goonion we found it like that?” "Is it the Truck, man? Is the truck coming for us?” GM: No, Truck-Kun is on another job today. "Okay. I know we said everything goes into the bag... But put the windows back.” "Mr Van Ghoul!?”
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charmsandtealeaves · 2 years
Ministry of Magic Monthlies | October 2022: Fall and Spooky
Prompt: [Dialogue] “I hate halloween”
Read it on AO3
Summary: Sometimes holidays aren’t always happy for everyone, and sometimes boys are clueless. 
Words: 517
Holidays Aren’t Always Happy
The Gryffindor common room had been relatively quiet until James Potter made his entrance. Startling a group of fourth years who were trying to play a game of cards. He’d dressed himself as a giant jack o lantern, and was carrying around a small cauldron filled to the brim with sweets from his last trip to Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. 
“Happy Halloween!” James cried, throwing handfuls of candy around the common room at unsuspecting students. “Happy Halloween Evans” he greeted trying to hand her a chocolate frog, her favourite. 
“No thanks, Potter. I’m good.” Lily shook her head and waved her hand at him, hoping James would let her return to her chess game against Peter in peace. He was her only worthy opponent other than Mary these days. 
“Aw come on, Evans. Where's your holiday spirit at?” quizzed James, continuing to waft the unopened chocolate frog in her face. 
“I don’t have one. Not for this holiday.” Lily swatted at the frog crossly. 
“Why not?” Peter asked, moving his rook into position to take out one of Lily’s pawns. 
“I hate Halloween,” she answered honestly. 
“How can anyone hate halloween? It’s a chance to prank your mates and stuff your face with sweets.” James argued in mock offence, withdrawing his offer of a chocolate frog. 
“Because. It’s just a big money grubbing commercial holiday really isn't it? Originally it was about celebrating allhallowtide, remembering the dead and departed. Now as you say it's all about trickery and sweets.” 
“Aren’t you a peach today Evans. You’d be better off going to Nearly Headless Nick’s deathday party. Seriously, who hurt you as a child for you to hate halloween? Do you have the same opinion of Christmas too?” Sirius mocked, who was lounging lazily in one of the overstuffed arm chairs. He earned himself a swift kick in the shins and a shake of the head from Remus. Yet Sirius remained oblivious to the significance of what he’d just said and to whom.  
“You know what Peter, sorry I’m really not feeling it this evening.” Lily apologised, abandoning their chess game. 
Lily’s facial expression said plainly she was hurt by Sirius’ words, but she retreated up the stairs to the girl’s dormitory before anyone could question her about it. Marlene and Dorcas each shot Sirius a filthy look before they followed Lily up the stairs. Mary however took Lily’s place opposite Peter to finish the game. 
“You really are an ass.” Growled Mary, refusing to dignify Sirius with a look. 
“Why am I the ass?” 
“Her mum died in a car accident last halloween you dickhead.” tutted Remus. “Do you not remember her going home for the funeral?”
“Oh. Yeah I do now you mention it.” said Sirius in embarrassment. “I should apologise.”
“Me too.” James agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t put the dates together.” 
“She won’t come down til morning now. So if I was you I’d take the time and make it a good one.” Mary admonished, using the awkward silence that followed to take out two of Peter’s pieces in one swoop.   
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mima-sama · 2 years
Happy halloween Mima, Flandre and Akai! What are y'all planning for halloween?
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"I'm handing out candy to all the little ones in my clan," She says, holding up a lollipop. "Would you like one?" It appears normal at first, but upon closer inspection, there is a grub encased in the confection. Well, that's to be expected, they're bats after all.
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"There's a Halloween party going on upstairs, but I decided not to participate this year. I'm just playin' spooky games instead." You hear growls and explosions coming from her computer. It seems like she's playing DOOM right now.
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"This year, I decided to observe Samhain somewhat properly for the first time in... gosh, 450-or-so years? I started a bonfire," Mima says, gesturing to a smaller-than-normal bonfire in front of her, "and set an extra place at the dinner table for any relatives who are visiting from the afterlife... I know that might sound strange coming from someone who's a ghost themself, but I'm an earthbound spirit-- we're a little different."
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"Aaaand since I'm a spirit m'self and all, after I'm done chuckin' rocks into this bonfire, I'm gonna go door-to-door and scare the shit outta people! Or not, if they give me something to eat~"After saying this, she stares at you. Expectantly.
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roswell-rp-archive · 2 years
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the shocktober scare co. has partnered up with roswell’s local foodie hotspots to bring you a wide variety of one-of-a-kind treats ( you’ll have to visit the attractions for the tricks !! ). head over to the selection of themed food trucks and enjoy ghoulish pizza slices, bloody jam donuts, and many more options galore !!
amongst beloved bestsellers, pizza planet is selling a one time only halloween remix of classic toppings, all in the affordable range between 5$ - 8$
Black Olive Spider – a generous topping of tomato sauce and cheese, hosting large black olives sliced and arranged to mimic a giant spider.
Cheesy Ghost – cheesy chunks melted into ghostly forms, with black pepper acting as the eyes and mouth.
Eyeball Slice – choose between pepperoni or circular cheese slices to emulate either a bloody or healthy-ish eyeball, topped with a black olive to complete the caricature.
Basket of Witch’s Fingers – stringy cheese rolled into garlicky dough and topped with slivers of red pepper to emulate a severed witch’s finger.
nebula eatery is selling a variety of different vegan sweet treats, sure to fuel your run from the gleeful squeak of clown shoes. the selection ranges between 3$ - 7$
Pumpkin Spice Popcorn - an irresistible basket or cone ( price depending on portion size ) of bright orange popcorn, smothered in belly-warming pumpkin spice.
Vegan Clown Cupcakes - from pennywise to the clown with the tearaway face, spot all of your favourite brightly colored monsters painted straight into vegan friendly icing.
Vegan Spiderweb Brownies – gooey chocolate squares decorated with sugary strings shaped into nightmarish spiderwebs (flavors vary between sugar, pumpkin spice sugar and caramel).
Frankenstein Donuts – his monster isn’t the only thing frankenstein’s been working on. these green-topped donuts are skewered with mini marshmallows in place of screws, while chocolate sprinkles act as the monster’s hair, and a line of sugary stitching keeps his gooey flesh together. 
Skeleton Cookies – forget gingerbread men, these cookies are all about the spooks !! in place of a smiling, rosy-cheeked face you’ll have a sugary skull; the gumdrop buttons have been replaced by a rattling rib cage.
don your tinfoil hats and visit the crashdown café’s grub truck for experimental burgers and milkshakes in science beakers. just mind that nobody sees you pocket the latter as a ‘free’ souvenir. prices vary between 10$ - 3$
Spooky Burger Sliders with Fries - generous dollops of food coloring tint sesame-sprinkled patties in hues of gory red, mucus green and deathly black.
Bat Wing Waffle Fries – miniature waffle fries cut into bats. choose between sweet potato or regular potato waffles, bearing in mind that sweet potatoes cost a little extra !!
Radioactive Milkshakes - topped with whipped cream and bright green sprinkles, these scientific breakthroughs promise to leave you with a sugary high... or a sharp dose of brain freeze.
Saturn’s Onion Rings – oversized onion rings deep fried in herb-infused batter for your crunchy satisfaction.
Devilled Eyeballs – soft avocado paste smeared in hefty dollops atop a hard boiled egg, topped with black pepper to mimic an out of this world eyeball staring straight into your soul.
had your fair share of demons for the night ?? take a break at cosmic candy’s vibrant stall, where an array of nightmarish treats will help bring those sugar levels right back up, for the reasonable price of 2$ - 8$, of course
Pumpkin Spice Truffles - tiny truffle spheres coated in bright orange icing, decorated with little green stems made from melted caramel.
Phantom Apples – caramel apples dipped in blinding white icing so you can carry around your very own ghost on a stick.
Halloween Pick ‘N’ Mix – squishy, chewy, sugary treats taking spooky halloween shapes. vampires, ghoulies, witches, oh my !!
Candy Skull Crushers – tiny skull-shaped white chocolate chunks filled with sugary syrup that’ll burst right onto your tongue.
Cauldron Fondue – have a seat and enjoy this bubbling cauldron of rich chocolate, in which you can dip bone-shaped marshmallows or, if you want to compensate with a little bit of something healthy, sliced up strawberry and banana.
La Ventana Sureña are selling some dastardly dishes that will surely haunt you as much as the demons lurking in number 17. prices vary between 4$ - 8$
Ice-Cream Taco – a crunchy wafer moulded into a taco shape, hosting up to three scoops of whatever flavor you might like !! we recommend the strawberry brains with a dash of blood-red sprinkles
Jalapeño Mummy Poppers – cheese stuffed spicy poppers wrapped in soft dough. just makes sure to remove the googly eyes before you dare taking a bite into this fiery snack !!
Taco-Spiced Cornbread Pumpkins – something to soak up your cocktails (or mocktails). a classic cornbread recipe with a warm, hearty spice mix, cut into pumpkin shapes with various creative carvings. 
Chilli Brains ( vegan option available ) - a biodegradable bowl of stringy cheese and steaming chilli, just make sure that you ask for the right spice level !! these things’ll make your eyes water
Tarantula Tostadas - slivers of freshly baked bread topped with grilled cheese, diced tomato and black olives arranged into a spidery mimicry.
milky way maki, a japanese-themed hut at hatch food court, has infiltrated one of the many pirate coves at the black lagoon, bringing some high quality sustenance to either cool you down or relight your fire after a trip around the lagoon. make sure you wait three hours before heading back into the water, or the leeches will get you !! food priced between 5$ - 10$
Carrot Rice Pumpkins – fluffy, sticky rice balls tinted orange thanks to a tōgarashi (red chili pepper) sauce.
Spooky Sushi – your go-to favourites, this time taking the shape of beloved halloween creatures and critters, from frankenstein’s monster to blood-sucking bats and deep sea horrors !!
Skull Seafood Ramen – served in a skull shaped bowl, dive deep into this platter of tonkotsu ramen, floating in a steaming miso broth, with menma, prawns, tender crab meat and fortifying spinach.
Trick or Tentacle Squid Ink Soup – floating in broth as dark as the ocean depths, you’ll find chewy chunks of calamari in this fishy feast.
‘They’re Only Noodles, Michael’ ( vegan flavours available ! ) – cartons of ramen cooked at high speed in high heat, served with different spicy and mild sauces, along with a selection of ingredients such as pork, chicken, tofu and a wide selection of vegetables to taste.
Juice-Ton We Have A Problem and Planet 7 have come together to collaborate to make some fun cocktails/mocktails. Beneath a 21+ tent at the festival there are all the cocktails you need to get the blood pumping.
Witches Brew — Sparkling apple cider, cranberry juice & ginger ale with a den of gummy snakes to decorate. 
Bloody Mary — A spicy tomato base, taken to the next level with vodka and a garlic - stuffed olive for garnish. 
Sleepy Hollow  — Tequila - based with hints of pomegranate, orange bitters and cinnamon.
Vampire’s Kiss — Mezcal, lemon juice and hibiscus juice for a tasty take on a blood-sucker’s favorite.
Fright White — Malibu Original, coconut cream, apple juice with a garnish of white cotton candy. 
Pumpkin Cauldron — A hollowed out pumpkin full of spiced rum, cinnamon, orange zest and allspice. 
Cthulu — A spice rum old fashioned cocktail, made with Kraken Rum. 
Poison Apple — Apple cider with a splash of cranberry juice and fireball whisky. Topped off with some Grenadine and edible gold glitter. 
Jekyll & Gin — Gin mixed with lemon juice and grenadine. Then top with tonic water and ice, you can add a glow stick too! (this drink will look coral in daylight but under a black light, it will glow bright white).
Sweet Poison Cocktail — Combine light rum with coconut rum and Blue Curacao. Once shaken, fill the rest of the glass with chilled pineapple juice, then garnish with a pineapple wedge. 
Dracula’s Blood Punch — Cherry juice, oranges, a red chilli (thumb sized), with some cinnamon sticks, cloves and slices of ginger. With some vampire fang sweets to decorate. 
Hocus Pocus Punch — V8 Peach Mango mixed with Izze Peach and then top it with some Mango Sobert. 
Gummy Bear Mocktail — Place a selection of different coloured gummy bears onto a plastic swizzle stick. Coat a champagne flute with granulated sugar, dropping a handful of gummy bears to the bottom of the glass. Pour sparkling apple cider into the flutes. 
Moonrise Mocktail — Mix orange juice with a few drops of green liquid food colouring into a highball glass filled with ice. Pour grenadine down the side, unroll a liquorice wheel, trim and cut the end to make it look like a snake head. Use to decorate the glass, along with jelly snakes and laces. 
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