#spider ova
eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
Hannah: We must obey the master…
Camera: *pans down to her tits*
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mitsame · 2 years
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a bunch of my favorite red/pink characters for a twitter meme
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livxa · 2 years
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Hunter × Hunter (1999): Original Video Animation // Episode 8
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pico-digital-studios · 3 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: MtOU Post-Credits
Many months before MtOU...
Dimension ALT-2006
06!Tails: Heh, I never thought you'd be late getting here.
LM!Sonic: Even with my speed, I can't be everywhere at once.
06!Tails: I mean, using the communicator could've worked.
LM!Sonic: I was away for a few hours. What happened while I was gone?
06!Tails: Okay, okay, okay. I know what all this looks like, but I got some good news!
LM!Sonic: Ah, great. Here we go.
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The events of OMT!Mina's crossover scuffle are shown around 06!Tails.
06!Tails: The wider multiverse HASN'T collapsed.
LM!Sonic: Ah, sweet!
06!Tails: A little touch and go, but it worked out!
LM!Sonic: Great story. Did you finish your gizmo, by the way?
06!Tails: Don't get too excited, Sonic. It's still a prototype.
LM!Sonic equipped the device on his wrist.
06!Tails: But you could be one of the first to make a proper multiversal jump! Or the last.
LM!Sonic: So we're just gonna roll the dice and see if it works?
06!Tails: Mhm. So, where do you wanna go first, Sonic?
LM!Sonic: Let's start from a beginning point, one last time; Dimension OVA-1996.
Dimension OVA-1996 - North Pole
LM!Sonic leapt out of a portal in front of OVA!Sonic.
OVA!Sonic: Huh? What the-?
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(It's in the Sonic Advance style in this mockup, but in-universe, both are animated in the OVA's art-style.)
LM!Sonic: I'm Sonic. I need you to come with me.
OVA!Sonic: And just who might you be? Another of Robotnik's robots?
LM!Sonic: I-I just told you. Now, listen, I'm from the future.
OVA!Sonic: Urgh, how much are you gonna keep talking and pointing?
LM!Sonic: Wha-?! You pointed first!
OVA!Sonic: Ain't it rude to point?
LM!Sonic: YOU'RE being very rude! You're not even believing what I'm saying, you're saying I'm not who I say I am when I tell you who I am —
(at an aside point)
OVA!Knux: Er, which one was pointing first?
OVA!Tails: It's gotta have been one of them.
OVA!Eggman: Sonic pointed first, obviously!
(back to them)
LM!Sonic: You're pointing at me right now, as you say that! Look at you! Look at your finger! Look at your finger right now! What is it doing? You are pointing at me — YOU'RE ACCUSING ME OF POINTING AND BEING A FAKER WHILE YOU'RE-!
OVA!Sonic (at the EXACT same time): I'm not pointing, you're pointing! I'm just pointing at your pointing, which is different than normal pointing! Strange, isn't it? You haven't seen pointing until I'm through with you, and then you'll know-
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velvet-vox · 1 month
Hi, I'm Velvet-Vox! I'm an avid media consumer that specialises in character analysis, essay posts, and general art/writing rants. Consider this post a work in progress that might be rewritten over time.
Come here if you seek analysis on any of these works:
- Murder drones (I'm specialized in Doll analysis but I can vary)
- Wakfu (only the first 3 seasons, Ogrest, Nox and Goultard special)
- DuckTales 2017 (I prefer to talk about the villains)
- Undertale/Deltarune/Undertale Yellow
- Kung Fu Panda (the first trilogy)
And you can also ask me questions about these other things in particular:
- A hat in time
- Bloodborne
- Amphibia
- The Owl House
- Avatar the last airbender
- Spiderverse
- Hollow Knight
- Shovel Knight (all four campaigns)
Hope to be useful to some of you!
You can ask me anything but I tend to avoid personal questions and if you make me feel uncomfortable I will take countermeasures. Be warned.
I speak Italian/English and I am currently learning Russian and could be swaved into learning French if you convince me.
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yotd2009 · 3 months
will the reaper time !!
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shironezuninja · 1 year
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I hate false alarms when it revolves around a music system that you love so much. You can come out of your homes, Everyone.
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revretch · 11 months
I see people getting confused about what "male" and "female" means for non-human animals (and plants), because it is not at all the same thing as the way it's used for humans, because there are too many variations across many different animals. (I won't even touch on how weird it is for plants.) So to break this down:
Sex: The gametes an animal produces (female for the big gametes, or ova; male for the small gametes, or sperm; monoecious/hermaphrodite for both; asexual for neither). When referring to non-human animals, literally the only thing this means.
Gonads: The organs that make the gametes (ovaries for ova, testes for sperm). Sponges can make gametes without gonads, so gonads are not required for having a sex.
Genitals: A dizzying array of parts that can be used to transfer gametes between individuals. Some males have claspers for opening. Spiders have "penises" in their "hands." Female bark lice have siphons for sucking the sperm out of males. And the vast, vast majority of animals have no genitals at all, because they live in the ocean and just spray their gametes into the open water. Because this varies so much and can even be lacking entirely, it is also not the same thing as sex.
Genotype: What's genetically encoded in an animal. In some, like humans, there's an XX/XY chromosomal system to determine whether an organism makes sperm or ova. In birds, it's ZZ/ZW (that is, two of the same chromosome for males). In wasps, ants and bees, it's haplodiploid, where males have only one set of all chromosomes (the females, like almost all other animals, have two). In some animals, it's not related to genes at all--in crocodilians, sex is determined by the temperature the eggs are incubated at! So, genotype is not the same thing as sex.
Phenotype: The physical expression of an organism--the body. Up to you whether you're including gonads and genitals with that. This can vary depending on sex, to make it more likely animals producing different gametes will be able to identify each other. In some animals, there is absolutely no difference in phenotype between sexes at all. So, this is also not the same thing as sex.
Sex-Linked Behavior: Again, not even present in a lot of animals--or if it is, usually limited only to courtship and mating, because most animals aren't social. Also not the same thing as sex.
Gender: A complicated system that varies dramatically across cultures and is specific to human beings, and tied very closely to human language. Some cultures have only two genders. Some have three, four, or more. What an individual thinks of gender can vary irrespective of culture. It ties in with all the previous things in so many overlapping, intricately linked ways I could not go into them here. This can also be considered "sex," but not at all in the sense that we use it to refer to animals. Likewise, animals cannot be considered to have gender, because they lack the specific human language and culture that gender arises from.
Tl;dr: Please stop using "sex" the same way for both humans and animals. The human definition makes no sense for non-human animals because they get so weird, and it's just plain rude to refer to humans in the animal sense.
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vibingpyro · 3 months
General Hobie Headcanons!
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-He definitely carries a penny in his pockets just so he can use, "Penny for your thoughts?"
-Has the randomest shit in his pockets. Crumbled pieces of paper? Check. An half eaten bag of chips he was saving for later? Yep. Turning those tiny crumbled pieces of paper into balls to toss at Miguel when he isn't looking? You betcha.
-Snacks non stop yet gains nothing. He would be wandering around HQ bored as hell and eating his chips in one sitting, then eat a burger, then drink an soda in like ten minutes and still be hungry. He would stare into your soul while refilling his soda in a water cup down at the spider cafeteria.
-Hobie just has the warmest hands. He's a heater, so he gets warm very easily so him wearing crop tops and tanks should be expected frequently, I see this man just chilling in his boxers briefs at his place, absolutely miserable in the heat and only giving one word hums or grunts in response to anything he's asked.
-He has stabbed himself with his pins on more than one occasion. He switches out his pins depending on the day, but he has some sentimental ones that he refuses to take off. "Ova' my dead body, more like."
-definitely has a weird sense of humor and talks to himself on the daily, although most of it might be late night delirium because he is for sure a night owl. "Is darkness just the lack of light or is light the lack of darkness?" A pause..then a whispered continuation. "Am I just darkness with the lack of light???" Proceeds to stare at his hands as if they personally wronged him.
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nullbutler · 9 months
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I love season 2. Season 2 is the reason I'm here. But, I also hate season 2. I must fix season 2. I owe my soul to season 2.
That being said, I present to you BLACK BUTLER: BOOK OF SPIDERS. A movie made out of season 2, with most of the filler scenes cut out and all of the gratuitous violence framed tastefully or otherwise removed. Made ENTIRELY by yours truly, with no additional footage added. I'll never be able to fix the season, but I'll try. Forever. I'm the ouroboros. Sisyphus and his rock.
Some notes!
The costume ball sadly had to be removed (it was entirely filler)
Ciel is in a much more passive role. This is intentional, he's practically a doll thrown around by the demons.
I could not think of a way of removing the Druitt without severely mangling the episode he's in. Sorry.
Alois's trauma is portrayed much more violently, but the Former Earl gets an on-screen death :)
Spider OVA has been absorbed into the product
It is also considerably darker, because most of the tone whiplash was cut out. This is a very sad, gruesome story about a demon manipulating the boy he's cared for for so long, while another demon tortures his own master, and the two children struggle to break free.
Do you wish Alois was treated sympathetically in the narrative? Do you wish Hannah was more than her fanservice? Do you think Claude's creepiness could have been portrayed without it being SO INCREDIBLY bad?
as my dear mutuals have said:
"You got rid of that Ciel screaming scene and that's like 5 stars for me." -- @warmmilk-n-honey
"Truly proves that less is more." -- @pain-in-the-butler
"An actual digestible version of Season 2." - @mantomhive
I present to you. if you narc i swear to god Black BUTLER : BOOK OF SPIDERS
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
The Spider OVA: *five whole minutes of just birds tweeting*
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drefear · 11 months
They Know (Drabble)
I got this from a post by @miggyyyyohara
TW: violence, a little bit of smut, nothing else really. (Second hand embarrassment?)
It wasn’t an easy mission.
Usually, Miguel and Jess could handle things just the two of them, and the other teams could handle the smaller anomalies. Gwen, Hobie, and Pav were a team, Ben, Lego Peter, and cowboy Spider worked together sometimes, and the list went on. Today, a Lizard got through to Earth -1563 and Miguel called for backup, which was something he genuinely hated doing. When he didn’t see any portals opening after a few minutes, he made a second call.
Swiftly, Ben, Gwen, and Hobie popped through.
“Where’s Jess?” He yelled, anger bubbling at having to deal with the others- mainly Hobie.
“Jess is having bad morning sickness!” Gwen called out, swinging to land a blow to the Lizards abdomen, until its claws dug into her suit and threw her into the concert wall.
“It’s 4pm!”
“Innit funny how it can come at any time but it’s called mornin’ sickness?” Hobie smashed his guitar over the Lizards head, but it barely flinched and he moved backward to save Gwen. The portal opened again and Miles and Pav ran in, glancing around at the bloodied Gwen and exhausted others.
“Take Gwen somewhere safe, Pav.” Miguel instructed and Pav nodded, then pulled Gwen into his arms and ran back into the portal. Miguel glared at the green being, whose strength seemed to be a bit much to handle for the group.
“Hobie, Miles, use the electricity powers to stop that thing, Ben and I will keep it busy until you do and when you can, trap it.” He instructed and Miles nodded, as Hobie sighed.
“I’m only listenin’ cause that’s what I was thinkin’ a doin��.” Hobie then went with Miles to start shooting webs, making a decent trap for the large anomaly.
Meanwhile, Miguel and Ben fought against the large reptile villain. Ben flipping and narrating everything made Miguel practically seethe with irritation. He would remind the Spider-Man to stop doing that.
“Now!” The two boys shouted and Miguel flipped out of the way. He caught sight of Ben, who obviously didn’t hear the signal, and continued to fight the Lizard.
Miguel jumped and soared to Ben, pushing him out of the way, but he was a bit late.
The electric currents from the two younger spider-boys shot through their webbing and into Miguel, as well as the Lizard.
While the beast was indeed captured, Miguel caught a breeze against his skin as he felt his suit malfunction. Glaring at the ground, he stood with his backside to the group as they stared at him. He huffed and spoke.
“Lyla, use my emergency application suit.”
“Nice buns-“
“Lyla!” He growled and she immediately covered his body with a new suit, rolling his shoulders in the holographic fabric. It was a bit tighter than the newer one, now having his new measurements, but still working to keep him modest.
Later once he was back on his platform, he ran diagnostics on his suit, fixing the technology and trying to find a way to not let Miles and Hobies powers affect it so much to where he’s completely naked every time. Hearing footsteps, he turned and hit a button to lower the platform.
“So I heard the mission was a success.” Peter spoke, lightly teasing the bigger of the two as he hopped onto the platform. A few others were behind the father and Miguel heard a few stifled laughs.
“It was. Now spit it out.” He glowered, waiting for the punchline to whatever ridiculous joke the group was trying to make. Turning around, he saw Gwen, Pav, Miles, Hobie, Jess, and Peter. Miguel folded his arms and raised an eyebrow at them all.
“We got a good look at ya backside.” Hobie stated and the others looked at Miguel with smiles.
“It’s the same as anyone else’s, don’t be immature.”
“It definitely was not the same as everyone else’s.” Miles mumbled, making Miguel’s eyes snap to his with a lingering question in them.
“I mean, sometimes my back looks a bit like that, depends when my girl is ova or not.” Hobie smirks, winking at Pav as he lets out a laugh.
“What?” Miguel asks, still confused.
“Miguel- can you take the back of your suit down? Just your back, not your butt?” Jess asks, making the large man think for a second. Without another thought, he lets the back of his suit dissolve and Gwen gasps. Jess and peter stand, eyes wide, and finally Peter clears his throat.
“I think the kids have some sort of paperwork to do.” Peter moves to rush them all out, Hobie shaking his head.
“Finished it all, so who’s the lucky lady?” He dodged Peter’s grasp before he can push him out of the room, making everyone stop.
Miguel furrows his brows. “I don’t understand, is there something-“
And then you walk in.
A bouncy little pep in your step, making him want to pepper kisses all over your face, and his face relaxes a bit. You’re in mostly casual clothing, shorts and a t-shirt with those cute little boots he loves so much. You two had been dating secretly, not wanting the spider society to make a big deal of it.
“Who’s got a lucky lady?” You inquire and Hobie nods to Miguel.
“Big boss man’s got some serious evidence of a good night all ova ‘is back. We’re just asking who could he be smashin’.”
Silence covers the room as Miguel finally understands.
He immediately covers his back.
He was with you last night.
You, with your legs around his waist as he sunk into you over and over, causing you both to practically break the sound barrier with your moans. You with your nails dragging all across his back, your mouth leaving hickeys all over his skin, and Miguel returning the favor. Him, leaving hand shaped bruises on your thighs.
Ones that were very visible right now in those little shorts.
Your eyes swelled as you somewhat understood what you just waltzed in on.
“W-wow, maybe I shouldn’t be here right now-“
“And what are those?” Hobie bends down to your thighs, making you freeze as you and Miguel refuse to break eye contact.
“You have a secret partner too?” Pav asks, shock filling his voice. Gwen and Hobie look at each other as it sinks in and Miles takes a step back to the door.
“I-I got those on a mission.” You sputter, trying to save some face.
“The hickeys and fang-marks too?” Jess crossed her arms, not believing you as you just shrugged, face red as a beet.
“Everyone get out!” Miguel roared, embarrassed by the obvious being revealed.
“Fine, but try not to get distracted, yeah?” Hobie says, strolling out with his hands in his pockets. Gwen follows him out with a hand covering her face while Miles drags out Pav, who just keeps trying to ask questions. Jess and Peter glance back to you and Miguel, before Peter mumbles a happy little ‘good for them,’ and Jess pulls him away.
You two stare at each other before he sighs as you ask,
“You think they know?”
“They know.”
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livxa · 2 years
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Hunter × Hunter (1999): Original Video Animation // Episode 8
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pandorahshards · 11 months
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Old Peni Parker OVA that was recently discovered...It's name is "The End of Spider-Geddon".
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000marie198 · 3 months
The Tails Squad find out that they can bring back "Souvenirs" from the games they went to (Basically anything they can hold onto/fit into a bag/some form of storage before going back to their world)
They immediately go to loot games like RaC, several RPG's, and Minecraft
And to think it all started when Sails forgot he was holding some random sword from an open world game they went to.
The Squad would be bringing overpowered artifacts and weapons when they battle someone. Bringing guns to a fist fight.
When they grounded from tech and get bored, they start LARPing with actual magic infused stuff. One of their friends asks to join and gets shocked to the core when those things work and now one of them has a chicken head (yes I'm stealing from TMNT SHHHH!)
Sonic sees a very familiar weapon and promptly freezes.
"Tails, Tails, where did you find Excalibur? TAILS?!"
*IDW Tails and Modern playing some futuristic action games on console or something*
"Such a cool gadget."
"I wish I had it."
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
The two foxes grin at each other. 15 minutes later, the so called gadget is missing and npcs are freaking out
"Is that the golden apple?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about." *Crunch*
Ali and the Forty Thieves
Aka SatSR Tails and his counterparts pilaging videogames for cool artifacts. They have a secret storage 'cave' for the treasure under their collective hangout lab
Like mysterious cottages in the woods where you can get magic stuff or whatever, the Squad now has potions. From Minecraft. They craft it and then take it. Menaces. Absolute menaces.
Tails totally did not spike Sonic's chilidogs once with the slowness potion to win a race against him nuh uh no sir.
Random videogame protag: "Wait- where did my staff go?!"
Meanwhile, evil cackles and magic explosions occur 3 dimensions away.
Oh hey look, freshly cooked lovely delicious meals and snacks from those cooking games.
Something happens in Modern's world and they need a very particular vehicle very quick, no time to build it, need it NOW quick. All the friends freaking out over this and Tails goes, "Don't worry I got this"
He fiddles with Miles Electric and within 5 minutes, a hanger that had stood empty an hour ago opens to reveal the exact vehicle they needed, Boom giving them a casual wave as he drives it.
He stole it from GTA
Every object in games that can be grabbed or picked up by the player, can be brought back with them.
Now some crucial clues and keys from those point and click mystery games are missing so nobody could break their high score
Not Nine and Tails pulling a heist on Octavius and Spidey to steal the Iron Spider-Man suit and those tentacles for Halloween costumes
GUN's systems go haywire with warning of unknown unlicensed unverified spacecrafts and rockets and shuttles and satellites appearing out of nowhere all of a sudden and the entire HQ freaking out when two get launched while giving off separate and opposite but very similar mirror like tragectories.
Team Dark goes to investigate and finds that Classic and OVA got carried away playing Space Flight Simulator
There are so many fun things that can be done with this idea. Gamers, take it away!
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kudotsurugi · 6 months
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One random day, on a bridge in Mac Anu, a popular meme was re-enacted.
For Those of you unaware, the original .hack//(pronounced "dot hack") games by CyberConnect2, starred the character Kite, a new player to the in-universe MMORPG "The World". There have been many iterations of The World in the .hack// franchise, and also as many character expies of Kite. So much so they made their own visual guide to tell you who's who.
So, I decided to take 5 'Kites' from the franchise and recreate the Spider-Man pointing meme.
From top left to bottom middle, we have:
Kite, protagonist of the original .hack// games(Infection, Mutation, Outbreak and Quarantine, "IMOQ" for short)
Shugo, the protagonist of the anime and manga .hack//Legend of the Twilight
Sakuya, the lead character in the anime OVA .hack//Quantum
Sora/Kite, aka Sora Yuuki, the protagonist of the Feature film .hack//The Movie: Beyond the World, and guest character in the PSP game .hack//Link.
"Tri-Edge"/Azure Kite, the initial antagonist of .hack//G.U.
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