#spencer reid pregnant
rynbutt · 1 month
safe. | spencer reid.
You were pregnant but JJ had just left the team and they needed you. You hadn't told anyone; you hadn't even told Spencer.
my masterlist!
cw: fem!reader, pregnant!reader, guns, violence, mentions of murder, mentions of drugs (antidepressants and opioids), mentions of car accident, gunshot wounds, death of pregnant woman, general criminal minds themes.
wc: 6.2k
a/n: bruh this was a looooong one! dw some banging smut coming in the next one with post-prison reid >:3
now playing... Fare Well by Hozier
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This was really starting to piss you off.
You fell to your knees as bile pushed up your throat, your skin paling as you vomited for the third time today. You tried to keep something, anything, down but you would just wind up curled in on yourself and sweating in the corner of the bathroom stall. You ate a couple of crackers and sipped on water to keep your empty stomach satiated– But you always ended up right back here on the bathroom floor with your head between your knees trying to will the pain away.
Emily noticed your pale complexion and how exhausted you looked, offering to get you some medicine or ask Hotch about sitting out of the next few cases. You told her you were fine, that it was just stress. That answer seemed to satisfy her enough, though she wasn’t fully convinced. To be fair, your workload had increased tenfold since JJ was forced to accept the job at the Pentagon, and you missed her terribly but you were proud of her. But you really could have used her advice right about now.
Because you swore this baby had it out for you.
You found out you were pregnant just over a week ago and you still hadn’t told Spencer. You were still wrapping your head around the whole thing because initially, you didn’t think you were pregnant, you just thought your body was dealing with the stress and workload in, frankly, a bizarre way. Hotch had wanted you to take over doing JJ’s job as communication liaison, which were rather important shoes to fill. He had total faith in your ability to do JJ’s job as well as do your own as a profiler, but you weren’t so sure anymore. 
You would tell Spencer when you were ready and right now was not a good time. Everyone was surviving on four hours of sleep a night, far too many cups of coffee and sheer willpower. The absolute last thing they needed was to lose another team member. So you soldiered on like a champion– a champion who still held her head over the bureau’s less than impressive toilet while she threw her guts up.
“Y/N?” You didn’t even hear the bathroom door open, the ringing rattling around your skull distracting you from your surroundings. Penelope’s heels clicked against the tiles as she cautiously peered around the wall of the last stall where you kneeled on the ground. “Oh my god, sweet thing! What’s wrong?”
“I’m fine, Pen,” your voice was hoarse when you finally replied. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand and tried to smooth your hair down, attempting to look at least semi-presentable before you left the bathroom to pretend everything was okay.
“No, no, my girl, you are not fine!” Penelope stood in behind you, pulling your hair out of your face as you vomited the last remnant of your soul into the toilet. “You need to talk to Hotch, you’ve got a bug or something, my dear. You shouldn’t even be at work when you’re this sick, let me talk to him for you and you just go home–”
“I’m not sick, Penelope!” You didn’t mean to shout at her, you really didn’t, you just felt awful and felt like a shell of yourself with how poorly you’d been sleeping and eating paired with all the stress of doing JJ’s job as well as your own. It was just a lot.
Penelope went quiet but stayed close to you, still holding your hair as you sat back on your heels, running your hands down your face. She let out a soft sigh, knowing you didn’t mean to shout at her. Penelope was stressed too– everyone was.
“I’m sorry, Pen,” you mumbled, your throat hurting from all the vomiting and coughing you’d managed to do today– it had to be a record honestly. 
Penelope just shook her head at you, reaching her hand out toward you, “you don’t have to apologise, sweet girl, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate.” You shook your head, you still felt bad and shouting at sweet Penelope was not the way to deal with all the emotions swirling around in your head.
“It’s not fair,” you replied as she helped you to your feet, gently guiding you over to the basin to help you clean yourself up. “You’re stressed too, I didn’t mean to yell.”
Penelope brushed some of your hair out of your face, her gaze narrowing as she watched you, waiting for you to tell her what was going on. It never came and she knew she would have to push you a little. Penelope thought it was necessary though because seeing you like this was awful and she couldn’t even imagine how Spencer would react if he knew how sick you were.
“What’s going on?” Penelope’s voice was soft; gentle, just trying to get you to talk so she could help. You were stubborn when it came to asking for help and by the time you did, you had hurt yourself more than necessary trying to solve it yourself. Not this time though– Penelope refused.
“I’m okay–” you looked at Penelope and she raised her brows at you, not accepting that answer in the slightest. You sighed, knowing this is a fight you wouldn’t win. “I’m pregnant.”
Penelope’s jaw nearly hit the floor. She knew something was up with you but pregnant? That was not on this year's bingo card. “What?? Y/N that’s–” she gauged your expression and she really couldn’t tell if you were upset or happy about being pregnant. She cut herself off before she finished her sentence, pulling her lips into a line. “Are we happy about this news or are we…?”
“We’re…” you were happy. Honestly, you were. You and Spencer had talked about having kids one day, ideally after you were married but that didn’t seem to be going to plan. You’d been with Spencer for three years, in the BAU for four, it’s not like your relationship was new or in the honeymoon phase, it just wasn’t the original plan and that scared the hell out of you. But you were happy to be carrying his child– the timing was just piss poor. “We’re happy… just scared.”
“Oh, baby,” Penelope cooed. “Of course you’re scared, it’s a huge adjustment. But I know you and I know Spencer, you guys will nail this parenting business.” Penelope managed to prove time and time again why she was your best friend. You often wondered if she knew you better than you knew yourself, which wouldn’t really surprise you given her job.
“I hope so.” You smiled softly, feeling somewhat human again after splashing water on your face and washing your hands. You knew Spencer would be a good dad, he was so good with kids and he was so gentle and patient with you. He was meant to be a dad. You just weren’t sure if you were meant to be a mother. You wanted to be a family with Spencer, it made you feel warm just thinking about it, but you were a person who worried about almost everything, even the things out of your control. What scared you was how in control you were. 
“I’m surprised Spencer hasn’t told everyone, that boy is obsessed with you and you’re making him a dad? God, it must be killing him sitting on this–” Penelope suddenly looked at you wide-eyed, connecting the dots all on her own. You winced as you watched her figure it out, gritting your teeth as she let out a soft gasp. “You haven’t told him?!”
You covered your face with your hands, letting out a muffled squeal of frustration into your palms. You would tell him eventually, just not right now, he was far too busy and was already stressing about his own workload, you couldn’t imagine how much more stressed he would be if he found out you were still in the field while pregnant.
“Pen, please,” you turned to her, “please keep this to yourself. I– We can’t deal with this right now. JJ’s gone and everyone is worked to the bone, I can’t do this to everyone right now, especially Spencer.” Penelope looked at you sympathetically, you knew you were asking a lot of her to keep it to herself, especially when Penelope wasn’t great at keeping secrets.
“Y/N, sweetie, you’re going to have to tell them eventually– You’re an FBI Agent. Being in the field is so dangerous and you don’t just have yourself to think about anymore.” You knew Penelope was right. You carried a gun around for Christ’s sake, you literally hunted down serial killers, active shooters, total psychopaths and everything in between. The field was no place for a pregnant woman. 
“I know, I know,” you sighed, resting both of your hands on the basin in front of you.
“...How far along are you?”
“Twelve weeks,” you said softly, resting your hand against your belly. You didn’t have much of a bump yet but you were sure it would sneak up on you before you even realised. Lucky for you, you wore a lot of baggy sweaters around the office so you had some wriggle room when it came to hiding it.
“...My money’s on a girl,” Penelope was trying to make you feel better. She really was helping because the idea of Spencer hosting tea parties, getting covered in kitten stickers and his hair being covered in tiny butterfly clips made your heart swell.
You let out a soft laugh, “I think so too.”
“Alright, my love, I think we should leave this bathroom before they send out a search party,” Penelope laughed, linking her arm with yours to guide you out of the bathroom. 
You honestly did feel better after talking to Penelope and throwing the rest of your guts up. She made sure to remind you about ten times to call her if you needed anything, you promised you would because it did make you feel better knowing that someone knew about your pregnancy and you didn’t have to bear the weight of the news alone.
You sat down at your desk with a sigh, sipping on your water bottle to soothe your raw throat. You popped a piece of gum in your mouth, willing the taste of bile away. You let out a huff of air as you stared down at all the paperwork you had to do. Doing JJ’s job proved to be intense, especially when you were doing your own work on top of her’s. You picked up your pen when you felt Spencer press a kiss to the crown of your head as he placed a mug of hot coffee on your desk in front of you.
You smiled, craning your neck to look up at him. Spencer took the opportunity to kiss you softly, one of his hands resting on the side of your desk while the other rested on the back of your chair. You smiled against his lips, “shouldn’t you be working?” You teased.
“Are you trying to get me to go away?” Spencer looked at you curiously. You rolled your eyes playfully because of course you didn’t want him to go away. If anything, you wanted him to pick you up and take you home right this second.
“Yes, Spencer,” you replied sarcastically, “I’m trying to get you to go away.” Spencer wasn’t great with sarcasm but he had come to understand your humour over the years. He just grinned and pressed another kiss to your lips.
“Sarcasm is rooted in truth, angel,” Spencer retorted with a gentle smile. 
“I am joking, but we both have a lot of work to do, Spence. I don’t know how I’m going to manage doing JJ’s job as well as my own,” you sighed, leaning back in your chair.
“There’s a reason Hotch wanted you to do it. I don’t think he could have picked anyone more capable,” Spencer replied. Maybe it was the hormones and the fact you were carrying a baby, but the comment made you want to cry. Spencer frowned as he watched your face fall, “what’s wrong, angel?”
“No, nothing,” You replied, sniffling quietly. You gave him a genuine smile, “I’m fine, Spence. I promise–”
“New case just came in,” Morgan called to the two of you, gesturing toward the meeting room at the back of the office with a manila folder in his hand. 
You looked at Morgan with a confused expression because now it was your job to decide what cases the team took after JJ’s departure. Morgan told you the case went straight to Hotch this time; an old friend had called in a favour. 
Spencer pulled a chair out for you, taking the seat right beside you in the meeting room. You opened the case file the moment Penelope dropped it in front of you.
“The victims are 20-year-old Evan Miller and 21-year-old Daniel Clark, both engineering students at Caltech. They were shot three days apart outside their family homes in the local area of Pasadena, California.” You followed along with Penelope as she gave a run down of the victims and the circumstances of their deaths.
The killings were straightforward, the UnSub didn’t try to dispose of the bodies and the men were simply shot in the head execution style. It didn’t seem like the doings of a serial killer who would usually seek some kind of sexual release from torturing and killing their victims. If anything, it seemed like revenge killings.
“They were just shot?” Emily questioned, eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the crime scene photos. 
“Once in the head,” Hotch replied, “there were no witnesses around which suggests the UnSub knew the routine of the victims and the neighbourhood.”
“Could be a stalker?” Penelope suggested.
“Stalker victims are usually the object of a stalker’s affection, they rarely act in violence let alone such a blunt killing,” You replied, confused by the nature of such a straightforward murder.
Spencer flicked through the victim’s files, “the single shot to the head suggests the UnSub just wanted them dead. No physical evidence of sexual release or torture… This could be some kind of revenge killing.”
“Did these victims know each other?” You asked.
“According to their parents, they came from the same friend group,” Penelope replied. 
“Wheels up in thirty. Garcia, you're coming with us. Get your go bag,” Hotch said, quickly standing up from his chair. Penelope made a small noise of surprise before quickly ushering out of the meeting room. Hotch didn’t usually have Penelope come along but given you were short a very valuable member of your team, Penelope had started coming along more often. Not that you would ever complain having Penelope around. 
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You pinned up the last of the crime scene photos on the board, standing back with your hands on your hips. Spencer was writing on the whiteboard next to you, jotting down all the things you knew about the victims and possible motives of the UnSub. Hotch and Morgan were engaging in formalities with the local detectives on the case while Penelope got herself settled in the makeshift office they had set up for the team. 
“The parents of the victims are here,” Emily poked her head into the office. “Y/N, Hotch wants you to talk to Ben and Sarah Miller, I’ve got the Clarks.”
“Alright, I got it,” you replied, letting out a dejected sigh. 
“You okay?” Spencer gently tucked some of your hair behind your ear, turning his full attention to you. You let out another sigh, nodding your head tiredly. “You can do this,” he said quietly, his eyes shifting between yours.
“Yeah, I know,” you smiled softly. Spencer planted a soft kiss on your cheek before leaving the office, leaving Spencer and Penelope alone. 
“...I think she needs a break,” Penelope said after a beat. 
Spencer looked at her, eyebrows furrowed, “what makes you say that?”
Penelope tried to be as inconspicuous as possible, “she’s doing JJ’s job and her own. I mean, I think she’s the right girl for the job but… you know what she’s like.”
Spencer sighed, he knew exactly what you were like. You always held yourself and your work to such a high standard and you often overworked yourself to make everyone happy. “Yeah, I know. I’ll talk to her when we get back to the hotel.”
“I think that’s a great idea, lover boy,” Penelope grinned.
You opened the office door, files in hand. Mr and Mrs Miller immediately stood up as you entered and you gave them a sympathetic smile. Mrs Miller had clearly been crying, still clutching a tissue in her hand while her husband paced around the office.
“Please, have a seat, Mr Miller,” you said gently.
“I’ll stand,” he replied firmly. You decided not to argue and sat down on the chair opposite the couch where Mrs Miller sat.
“Mrs Miller, I’m Agent L/N, I’m with the Behavioural Analysis Unit in the FBI–”
“FBI?” She questioned. “Was Evan in trouble?”
“We suspect he and his friend Daniel were killed by the same person,” you explained. Mrs Miller let out a soft gasp, her hand coming to rest over her mouth. 
“Is it alright if I ask you a few questions about Evan?” You asked. Sarah didn’t say anything but she nodded her head, fresh tears forming in her eyes. “Daniel and Evan knew each other, right?”
“They went to high school together,” Sarah replied, her voice shaking. “They were so excited when they both got into Caltech,” she smiled sadly, fresh tears streaming down her face.
“Do you have any idea who killed our son?” Ben asked, his voice sounding angry.
“That’s what we’re here for,” you said, “we’re here to find who killed your son and why–”
“‘Why”?” Ben repeated, “he was just a kid.”
You sighed softly, “I understand that, sir. We’re just trying to figure out a possible connection.”
“Evan and Daniel were good kids. They would never hurt a fly,” Sarah frowned, sniffling softly as she began crying again. 
“Did Daniel and Evan hang around the same social groups?” You asked, turning your attention to Mr Miller, who was still pacing around the office with his arms crossed. “Maybe in some kind of extracurricular activities?”
“They were both on the college basketball team,” Ben said after a beat. “Why? You think this asshole is going to kill more of these kids?”
“I am just trying to get an idea of the social groups Evan and Daniel were a part of,” you didn’t want to get into the gory details of why you were asking such questions and decided they were both far too emotional for you to keep asking them questions; you would let Hotch handle it. “I need to speak with my team but I’ll be right outside if you need anything.” You rested a hand on Mrs Miller’s shoulder and you couldn’t shake how much you missed JJ doing this part.
You let out a sigh as you left the office, rubbing the tension in the back of your neck. You slowly walked over to Hotch, “Evan was on the Caltech Basketball team, he and Daniel went to high school together and Evan’s parents were adamant he was a good kid. I think he was a good kid, just got involved with the wrong people.”
Hotch let out a breath, “I want you and Prentiss to go to the school, talk to the faculty, basketball team coach, anything you can get.”
You nodded, gesturing to Emily on the other side of the bullpen. She firmly nodded at you and the two of you left for the school.
The team worked the case for two days before another body showed up. Everyone was starting early and finishing late to find the person who was doing this and you worked closely with the detectives and other officers on the case. Hotch gave the profile as soon as the team was certain but given the demographic of the suburban areas he was targeting these boys, it was rather unremarkable. The third body belonged to 21-year-old Oliver Marsh, another Caltech student studying Physics. He was shot once in the head while walking his dog no further than a block from his house. 
You stood in the middle of Oliver’s bedroom staring at the posters and certificates that littered his walls. Spencer rifled through papers on his desk, mostly finding papers related to physics journals and essays for school. Emily and David were downstairs talking to the parents while Hotch and Morgan went to see the crime scene.
You walked over to his bedside table pulling it open. There were a lot of birthday cards and a game boy but what caught your attention was the little clear yellow bottles with white caps. You lifted the first bottle out, reading the label–
“Oliver was taking Oxycodone,” you said softly, catching Spencer’s attention. “...And Escitalopram,” you spun on your heel, showing Spencer the two bottles. Spencer took the bottles from your hands, eyebrows furrowed as he carefully read the labels. “Chronic pain?” you suggested.
“Could be,” Spencer replied. “He could have been taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories too, they’re typically over the counter.”
You rifled through the drawer again, pulling out a blue box, “Yeah, he was taking Ibuprofen too.”
“We should talk to the parents,” Spencer said. You nodded and the two of you ushered down the stairs to where his parents sat in the living room with David and Emily. “Was Oliver suffering from chronic pain?” Spencer quickly questioned before he even fully made it into the living room.
Oliver’s mother held a tissue to her nose, glancing at Emily with a confused expression. You put your hand on Spencer’s bicep, “Has Oliver injured himself recently? Maybe a fall or injury while playing sports?”
Oliver’s father shook his head, “No, not recently. He’s been on those antidepressants for a few years and takes the codeine when he has– had flare-ups.”
“Flare-ups?” David asked pointedly.
“He was in a car accident four years ago,” Mrs Marsh said, “He was in the passenger seat and was in a coma for two weeks… he hadn’t really been the same after that, got really sad and antisocial… he was in a lot of pain too.”
“He had to stop playing Football and running track, his body just couldn’t keep up,” Mr Marsh added, his eyes glazing over. “He lost a lot of friends, I don’t think I ever saw him hang out with anyone, Physics became everything to him.”
“Do you have evidence of his medical records anywhere?” Spencer asked. “Just so I can look them over.”
“Uh, yeah, of course,” Mrs Marsh stood up, Spencer following her to their home office on the other side of the house.
You sat down across from Mr Marsh, “The accident he was in,” you started, “what happened?”
He looked at you with a pain in his eyes, “He was in the car with some of his friends and they were driving home from a party and it was late. I think they were all…” he hesitated for a moment, “they were all drunk.”
“Who was in the car?” Emily asked, not liking where this was going.
“...Evan Miller and Daniel Clark,” his father began to cry, holding his hand over his mouth. You felt your eyes widen, this was a revenge killing.
“Who was driving, Mr Marsh?” David asked quickly.
“Um, god–” He sniffled softly, “Peter… Peter something, he was older than them, I really don’t remember.”
“Thank you, Mr Marsh,” You stood up, quickly moving to the front door to call Penelope. You pulled out your phone, dialling her number. She picked up after the first ring.
“How may I be of service, oh queen of my country?” she sang, her fingers typing furiously against her keyboard. 
“I need you to look into an accident for me, four years ago,” you said with your hand on your hip. “Oliver Marsh, Daniel Clark and Evan Miller were all in the accident too. See if you can find newspaper articles, news segments, anything– I think we know who the last target is.”
“Right, give me a moment,” Penelope replied. You heard her typing before she stopped, “Oh no…” she mumbled softly.
“What’s wrong, Pen?” You furrowed your brows.
“Peter Harvey,” Penelope sighed, “he’s the last boy… He was driving with three other high school boys; Oliver, Daniel and Evan when they struck an oncoming car and killed a pregnant woman on impact; her husband walked away without a scratch.”
“Shit.” You cursed, “What’s his name?”
“Jonathan Hughes, his wife was Katherine… she was 8 months pregnant, Y/N.” Penelope sounded so pained and you knew she was thinking of you and the small baby you were carrying. “Y/N…”
“I know, Pen… After this case wraps up… I’ll tell everyone,” you replied with a gentle sigh.
“And you’ll take time off?” Penelope sounded like she was lecturing you.
You smiled to yourself, “Yeah, Penelope. I’ll take some time off.”
“Okay… I’ll send Hotch and Morgan Jonathan’s last known address, I’m sending you Peter Harvey’s address–”
Your phone beeped as Penelope sent the address through. “Where would I be without you, Pen?”
“Nowhere good, my love,” you could hear the smile in her voice. You quickly hung up before walking back into the Marsh’s house. 
Emily and David turned to look at you, “We’ve got him.”
“Alright, you guys go, I’ll grab Reid and we’ll be right behind you,” David waved you off and Emily quickly ushered the two of you to the car. 
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Emily was speeding toward the address Penelope had given you while you called Hotch and Morgan, filling them in on all the information Penelope had given you. They agreed to go to Jonathan’s address to hopefully intersect him before he left for Peter Harvey. You were always nervous when it came to these parts of the case because you couldn’t control the outcome no matter how hard you tried. A grieving man was going around killing these young men and while it was awful what he was doing; you could sympathise with him and the pain he was feeling over losing his wife and unborn child. 
You instinctively rested a hand over your belly, your thumb stroking the small curve. You couldn’t even imagine how much pain Spencer would be in if he lost you, let alone your child too. You would tell him and you would ask Hotch about taking some time off later in your pregnancy and sitting out of cases like this. 
“Shit he’s already here,” Emily cursed when she noticed Jonathan’s SUV parked a couple of blocks from Peter’s address. “Call Hotch.”
You dialled Hotch’s number and he picked up almost instantly, “What is it, L/N?”
“He’s already here, his SUV is parked a couple blocks down from Peter’s address. He’s already out looking for him,” You quickly said.
“We’re on our way, units are already on route,” he hung up after that. 
Emily pulled the car up on the gutter, the car skidding to a stop. You immediately pushed the door open, holding your gun by your thigh as you ran across the lawn to Peter Harvey’s house. You knocked on the door and a woman answered after a beat.
“Mrs Harvey?” You asked, panting softly.
“Is your son Peter here?”
“No, he went to the store down the street an hour ago, he should be back soon… What is this about?” She asked, her hand gripping the door in concern.
“We believe someone dangerous may be looking for your son,” Emily said. Mrs Harvey rested her hand over her mouth, a soft gasp leaving her lips.
“Mom?” You spun around and Peter stood with a plastic bag of groceries in his hand in the middle of the lawn.
It all happened almost in slow motion. You saw a figure wearing dark clothes stalking across the lawn and without even thinking, you darted toward Peter as the UnSub pulled the gun out of his coat, aiming it straight at Peter’s head. You could hear Emily yelling at Mrs Harvey to go back inside before she pulled out her gun and aimed it at the UnSub; but it was too late.
You shoved Peter to the ground as he fired, feeling the shot burn through your shoulder as both you and Peter fell to the ground. You instinctively pressed a hand to your burning shoulder, warm blood oozing from the wound and through your fingers. 
“Jonathan Hughes?” You said, your breathing heavy as you tried to fight through the pain. He held his gun right in front of your face.
“Move,” he grunted, his eyes glassy.
“I know what happened to your wife,” you breathed trying to stall him as more police cars with blaring sirens pulled into the street.
“They killed her,” tears streamed down his face and you honestly felt bad for him. 
“It was an accident,” you replied softly.
“They were drunk,” he almost yelled, his hand shaking as his gun was still trained on you.
“I know,” you said, “It was a stupid mistake that haunted them, Jonathan. I know it doesn’t change what happened but these boys–”
“They’re monsters!” he shouted, hot tears streaming down his cheeks.
You saw David and Spencer get out of the car. Spencer’s heart was in his throat when he saw you kneeled on the ground, shielding Peter with your body while your hand and shirt were covered in your own blood. He didn’t even pick up his gun as he began stalking toward you.
“Y/N?” His voice was soft when he called you at first, then it turned to outright concern and anger, “Y/N? No, no!”
David grabbed Spencer’s arm, pulling him back as Spencer fought against him, trying to get to you. It was irrational and it was dangerous. David quickly picked up his walkie, “An agent has been shot, we need an ambulance.”
“Who was shot?!” Penelope’s voice rang out in the car as she spoke to Morgan and Hotch.
“I repeat, agent L/N is shot, we need an ambulance,” David spoke before putting his walkie away to hold Spencer back, pulling him to the ground.
“Morgan! Oh my god!” Penelope felt tears form in her eyes.
“It’s okay, babygirl, she’s going to be alright,” Morgan said, trying to reassure her as Hotch stepped on the accelerator. 
“No, Morgan, you don’t understand–”
“We’re going to get an ambulance–”
“She’s pregnant!” Penelope blurted out, not knowing what else to say for them to understand the gravity of why Penelope was so upset and concerned. 
Hotch hesitated for a moment, “She’s what?”
Penelope let out a shaky breath, “she’s twelve weeks pregnant, Hotch. She wasn’t going to tell anyone until after the case– and now she’s been shot.” Penelope began to cry, holding her hand over her mouth as tears slipped from her eyes.
Hotch hadn’t sped that fast since he found out Foyet was in his house. He cared about his team a lot and he had a soft spot for you even though he wouldn’t admit it. The tires skidded along the road as Hotch pulled on the handbrake, both him and Morgan training their guns on the UnSub as they approached.
Morgan’s heart hurt at the sight of you, your skin slightly paled as blood bloomed from your shoulder, drenching your arm and your hands. You looked so scared as the UnSub trained his gun on you, unmoving. Emily had her gun aimed at the UnSub, yelling for him to put it down.
“Jonathan Hughes!” Morgan’s voice caught your attention. “Put down the gun!”
“Don’t move!” Jonathan shouted, “I’ll shoot her!”
“No you won’t, man,” Morgan shook his head.
“How do you know that!? She’s in my way!” He shouted back.
“She’s pregnant,” Morgan sighed. Your eyes widened as you looked at Morgan, who looked back at you with a sad expression. 
Spencer stopped fighting against David, his breathing evening out as the words fell on his ears. You were pregnant. You were carrying his baby and you got shot and now you had a gun held up in front of your face. Spencer didn’t even realise he was crying, his tears cold against his warm skin. All he could do was watch, there was nothing he could do.
Jonathan glanced at you as you held your hand over your belly. “W-What?”
Morgan reached a hand out as he got closer. “Just like your wife, Jonathan… You wouldn’t kill a pregnant woman like those boys did.” 
Jonathan seemed to dissociate, staring at you with such a hurt expression as Morgan leapt forward, grabbing the gun from Jonathan’s hands and tossing it across the grass. He pushed Jonathan to the ground, pinning his hands behind his back. You let out a breath as you felt yourself grow tired. Emily caught you before you fell the rest of the way to the ground, holding you close to her body as she screamed for a medic. 
“You’re okay, you’re okay,” Emily gently rocked you, “you’re going to be fine.”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, tears running down your cheeks.
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Your eyes were heavy as you attempted to pry them open.
You let out a shaky breath as you finally pulled your eyes open, the smell of disinfectant hit you first, followed by the sounds of beeping. You were in the hospital. You glanced down at your arm, an IV stuck in your arm while a pulse oximeter was clipped to your finger. Despite the fact the doctor had prescribed pain medication, you still felt like shit and your shoulder was killing you.
A soft noise caught your attention and you glanced at the chair next to your bed, Spencer sound asleep in a chair with a hospital blanket draped over him. You smiled softly as you saw the flowers, balloons and plushies littered around your room, most likely a courtesy of Penelope.
“She’s awake,” Morgan smiled, standing in the doorway. 
You grinned at him, “Hi, Derek.”
Morgan slowly walked over to your bed. “Feeling okay, pretty girl?” Morgan gently grabbed your hand, giving it a soft squeeze.
“I’m okay,” you replied. You almost didn’t want to ask but you knew you had to, “...is the baby okay?”
“Your baby is fine,” Morgan replied with a soft smile. You let out a breath of relief as you placed a hand over your tummy protectively. “...You scared the life out of everyone though.”
“I know,” you sighed.
“Especially your lover boy,” Morgan said, “he hasn’t left your side.”
“Sounds like my Spencer,” you laughed softly. 
“Y/N?” Spencer’s voice was laced with sleep as he opened his eyes. He quickly got up, ditching the blanket on the floor to tend to you.
“I’ll leave you to it,” Morgan quickly said before leaving the room.
Spencer’s warm hands cupped your face as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “I thought I lost you, Y/N.” He let out a breath, pulling away to stare at your face and stroke your cheeks with his thumbs. You reached a hand up to grip his forearm.
“I’m sorry–”
“You don’t need to–”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” Tears formed in your eyes as you stared up at him, searching for any kind of anger or resentment. There wasn’t any, he could never be mad at you.
“I wouldn’t have let you come on the case,” he replied after a beat. “I wouldn’t have let you leave the house.”
“That’s why I didn’t tell you… I knew you would be protective– more protective,” you corrected with a soft smile. 
“I’m aware,” Spencer pulled his lips into a tight smile. “You know the odds of… complications are higher in the first trimester, angel. You should have told me,” he frowned.
“I know, Spence,” you sighed. “I just wanted to make sure I was in the clear before I told you… I understand being shot isn’t necessarily helping with that but–”
“I understand,” he replied. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
You stared at him for a moment, “are you happy?”
“That I’m pregnant? I know we’re not married and our jobs are crazy but–”
Spencer cut you off by pressing a kiss to your lips, he pulled away slightly, “I’ve never been more happy,” he whispered.
You beamed with happiness, a bright smile tugging on your lips. Spencer hesitantly pressed a hand to your belly, his thumb stroking your tiny bump.
“Penelope thinks it’s a girl,” you muttered.
“...What do you think?” He asked curiously.
“I think she might be right,” you giggled softly.
“You know you can’t actually tell yet,” Spencer said and you rolled your eyes playfully.
“You asked what I thought!” you retorted.
He laughed softly, “Yes, you’re right, you’re right.”
“Mmm, did that taste like poison to admit?”
“Are gunshot victims supposed to be this mouthy?”
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a/n: phew! i hope you guys liked it <3 i know i disappeared for a hot minute but here she is!!!
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little baby lime | s.r. x pregnant!fem reader
“does reid have a girlfriend?” emily asked derek and jj. they both shared a quizzical look with pouted lips, taken aback by the random question.
“not since that one time thing with that lila actress,” derek mumbled. now it was emily’s turn to be thrown off by this new information, “an actress?”
“an old case,” jj informed her. “spencer doesn’t seem like the dating type, mostly. never mentioned anything that might point to it, always doing his usual routine on his days off.” the blonde shrugged off her sentence.
“why do you ask?” derek turned back to emily who jerked her chin while looking behind the two, “cause he’s hugging a girl who might also be pregnant.” an impressed smirk to her mauve lips.
derek and jj wiped their heads fast around you could hear a crack from their necks. true to emily’s words, doctor spencer reid, well know to be a germaphobe, was wrapped in a tight embrace with a shorter woman. his back was to the trio but they could see that his arms were over her shoulders and hers were snug around his torso, also noting that spencer was giving both bodies a gentle sway.
“well that’s a sight,” derek teased. then jj followed with, “why might you think she’s pregnant? we can’t see with tall boy swallowing her.”
emily tapped the side of her nose, “saw her enter just before i asked the hundred dollar question and her tank was a bit snug on her stomach and she even gave it a rub.” eyes moving to the mystery duo then back, “then when spencer went to her he, one kissed her forehead then two also touched her stomach.”
three sets of eyes honed in back to spencer and his mystery guest. you leaned apart, head leaving spencer’s chest but arms wrapped to his back. you smiled brightly at spencer’s rosie face, “you’ve gotten prettier in only a week. not fair.” pouting exaggerated as you rubbed your palms along spencer’s spine.
he smiled nervously at the compliment. “that’s statistically not true. only with time and sometimes diet does your skin start to shift and change. like your body is doing now while going through pregnancy.” a quick peck upon your oily forehead, you sweat too much and sucks that summer is rolling in.
“this little lime is slowly stretching some of my clothes out. but i’m gonna be a sexy mama, like rachel green from friends. so i expect you to defend me against anyone.” teasing spencer since you already know he’ll defend you even over an argument about clothing.
before spencer could reply there was a loud, exaggerated cough from behind. stepping out of spencer’s hold you waffled your hands together and leaned your head against his bicep. a trio of agents you haven’t met before smiled questioning spencer’s way.
“pretty boy, you didn’t tell us you had a gorgeous girl waiting for you.” a tall dark skin man teased like an older brother. he looked at you and smiled his white teeth, “derek morgan, part of the bau.”
“oh, the playboy of the unit. i’ve heard a thing or two about you.” cocking a brow while derek showed surprise but covered it with a laugh, “glad to know i always leave an impression on pretty boy.”
“and thank you for the new nickname, i will be stealing it.” causing the two women to chuckle. a petite blonde woman stuck a hand out and you automatically took it, “i’m jennifer jareau, but you can call me jj. i’m the liaison for the team, deal with media and dictate our cases.”
“and a beaut. glad i snatch up spence before you had the chance.” spencer ducked his chin to his chest while jj just raised her brows, “think it’s for the best you took him off the market first.”
“lucky for me.” pointing a manicured finger to the left of jj, “now you, sexy lady must be emily prentiss since i already know wonderful penelope garcia. if i hadn’t know spencer earlier you would’ve been on my mind twenty-four seven.” a playful wink thrown her way, she didn’t protest to your suggestive words.
“maybe we can get together and see what i’m missing out on. but also, how long have you known reid? we didn’t know you existed.” a huffed laugh.
“use to live in vegas as a kid. thirteen my freshman year to have the local boy genius, twelve year old senior tutor me in algebra. with his help i didn’t need summer school. and i didn’t see him for a while until a few years ago when he’d make visits back into town.” cartoon hearts filtered through your eyes as you recounted your love story. “been dating two and a half years and then this dolt,” a light smack to spencer’s chest, “forgot to practice safe sex and here we are.”
all three of their faces showed complete shock at your last sentence and you can understand why. “don’t worry, spencer takes very good care of me. day and night if you know what i mean.” wiggling your brows suggestively.
spencer sighed, “i think they do, sweetheart. and i wish i could forget this whole conversation.” displeased at where this headed, but still stared towards you like you were the stars in the sky. “now if you’ll excuse us, garcia would like to see her favorite person.”
“second favorite,” derek cheekily pipped in. you waved him off as spencer walked the both of you away and further in the offices. to garcia’s dungeon or lair, whatever she’s feeling that day.
with a polite nock to her closed door and a muffled, “enter traveler,” you rushed inside for her bear hug. “penny!”
“oh my gosh! how are you sexy mama?” penelope rocked you side to side, cheek pressed into her neck. you giggled at the nickname, “is bean pole taking care of you?”
“bean pole?” spencer’s voice was mumbled but an unladylike snort escaping your nose. “i do have a thing for tall, lanky boys.”
“i don’t like this conversation either.”
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chrisevansleftpeck · 1 year
Little Spook
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Spencer Reid x Pregnant!Reader
Summary: Reader finally starts to show just in time for Halloween and Spencer’s birthday.
You stood in front of the full-length mirror in you and Spencer’s bedroom, cradling your arms around you exposed stomach. Two months in, you were finally showing. And at the best possible time too: one hour until Spencer’s birthday. 
Something stronger than love stirred in your stomach as you admired the way your baby was beginning to settle into its temporary home. But between that moment and your hormones, you didn’t even hear Spencer sit up in bed and call for you. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You turned to see Spencer’s fluffy hair in an entangled mess. 
You accidentally laughed at how perfect he looked even then, “Nothing. Nothing at all. Somebody actually brought you an early birthday present and Halloween spook.” You said, smiling at Spencer as he gained cognitive consciousness. 
“It’s eleven pm, did somebody stop by or-” Spencer asked sleepily, stretching to turn on his bedside lamp and join you beside the mirror.
“No.” You shook your head, biting your lip to contain your smile. “They’re right here.” You grabbed Spencer’s warm hands and pressed them against your stomach. 
Spencer knew your body like the back of his hand, so he noticed as soon as his hands touched your belly. “Oh my...” He trailed off, kneeling to his knees so he could place a kiss on your stomach. You felt him uncontainably smile into the kiss. “Well hello.” Spencer whispered into you.
You toyed with his hair as he spoke to your stomach. “Somebody wanted to tell their daddy happy birthday.” You smiled, twisting a curl around your finger. You stood comfortably as a short silence followed before hearing small sniffles come from Spencer. 
Affectionately, you reached for your husband’s chin, tilting his head up. Spencer stood up to throw his arms around you in a tight hug. “Thank you so so much.” He cried into the comfort of your neck, rubbing your back as he did. “Thank you for carrying the best birthday present I could ask for. Your body is so amazing.” He pulled away, wiping away his tears. Yet, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your stomach.
You tried to make some joke to ignore the tears building in your eyes. “Maybe she’ll grow if you talk to her more.” You laughed then climbed into bed, letting Spencer pull the covers away and tuck you into bed beside him. 
“How about I work on that and you work on resting for two.” Spencer suggested. You nodded into a yawn and peacefully snuggled into Spencer’s chest, letting him rest his hand on your tummy and swiping his thumb over it, telling his baby about all of the Halloween outfits he has planned for it. 
Spencer rattled off ideas started at age twelve all the way down to the baby’s first Halloween, which you forced yourself to secretly stay awake for so you could fall asleep with the complete story. “And finally, first year is a cow, for sure. That way Mommy and I can be farmers and you can be our baby cow- which is called a calf, by the way. So technically, we’d be farmers and you’d be a calf.” Spencer seemingly ended his story before exhaling a long withheld breath and whispering his goodnights. “Goodnight, baby,” He whispered to you, placing a small warm kiss on your cheek. “And you too, little spook. I’m gonna get you back for this early surprise.” Spencer whispered and quietly laughed into his pillow, careful not to wake you and his baby.
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michelle-is-writing · 2 months
Welcome Home, Spencer Reid
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Word Count: 1.7k~
When Spencer returned home from a long case, he sometimes had to ask himself whether or not he was truly helping people. Yes, his job did involve saving victims and keeping criminals behind bars, but was it all worth it? Did the good outweigh all of the bad? Or was it the opposite, and his job really wasn't worth any of the time he devoted to it?
Questions like these wrestled throughout Spencer's mind, but they only went away once he arrived home from those long cases. He was reminded of two, soon to be three, reasons why he continued working his job. Once Spencer saw them, he reveled at the fact that his job consisted of protecting families like his. Even though Spencer didn't see it this way, his wife, four-year-old daughter, and soon to be newborn-daughter all knew they had a true hero in their lives.
However, despite all the encouragement and love he received in return, Spencer still felt a little ashamed when a case happened to go awry. This time, it was a case that involved children, and Spencer wasn't the only one to be affected by the outcome of the mission. The only difference between him and the rest of his team was the fact that most of the kids taken looked like the very little girl that he held closest to his heart. On the way back, Spencer was plagued by never-ending predicaments.
What would Spencer do if he was ever put in a predicament such as the ones he sees parents go through on plenty of cases? How would he and his wife be if they were to go through something horrible like that? Spencer knew he should never think these things as they never lead to anything good. Most of all, he knew that worrying about such things wouldn't get him anywhere, and instead, it would just cause him more anxiety and stress that he didn't need.
So, once he got off the plane and headed home, Spencer pushed all those thoughts aside and instead decided to focus on what was most important to him - his family. He had been missing them for the duration of the time he was gone, and now, all he wanted to do was hold them close. Although this was the case, he decided to wait to do anything until the next day. It was three in the morning, and he wasn't going to wake up his family and ruin their night's sleep.
After unlocking his front door and walking into his dark house, Spencer placed his bags down on the ground as quiet as he could before heading to his bedroom with the softest footsteps. Although, he soon found his gentle movements to be useless as his wife was already up and awake, her bedside lamp illuminating the room for him to see. Despite it not being the sight he wanted to see, Spencer still found himself smiling at his beautiful wife as she sat up against the headboard, one hand on her eight-month-baby-bump while the other rested a book against it for her to read.
Once her eyes caught Spencer's form emerging form in the doorway, she smiled back at him before getting up from the bed with only a little struggle after Spencer helped her up. "What are you doing up so late?" Spencer couldn't help but ask, wrapping an arm around his wife as he held her close to him. He knew that the growing child in her was becoming more of an issue for her each day, but she refused to ask for help. She was the same way when she was pregnant with Sophia, and when she became pregnant once again, Spencer knew it would be no different this time either.
"Couldn't sleep," (Y/n) simply explained, resting her hands on Spencer's shoulders as she gazed up at his face. She could tell that something was wrong with him. She could see it directly through his eyes. Spencer had a good habit of putting up a facade that everyone usually fell for - not his wife though.
"You okay, baby?" (Y/n) asked, moving a hand up to brush his wild curls from his face. At the feeling of her gentle touch, Spencer relaxed, but the reminder of the case still lingered in his mind. There was no sense in hiding it from her either. He knew that (Y/n) would eventually make him breakthrough his wall and admit something was wrong. She knew him inside and out just as much as he knew her.
"Today was... horrible," Spencer murmured, leaning forward to lay his head against his wife's soft chest. Despite the slightly awkward position Spencer was in, he welcomed his wife's touch with another small sigh as she slid her arms from his shoulders to his neck. "I can't get the case out of my head, and even though we solved it, I still feel like it's ongoing, and in a way, it is. It's never over for either party.
Understanding his words completely, (Y/n) nodded her head and kissed her husband's temple before gently pushing him onto their bed where he fell back with a small thud. Just as he began to pull his wife to lie beside him, she gave him one last kiss before walking out of their room and into the hallway. She had a plan - Spencer could see this plain as day.
Choosing to stay in their room as his wife directed him to, Spencer quickly changed out of his wrinkled and worn clothes and into soft pajamas that smelled just like the person he loved with all his heart. (Y/n) did do the laundry, after all. When he was away for work, something as simple as that could remind him of home; plus, it didn't help that she was always there to help him unpack when he did make his way home. She always did this without Spencer asking her to, and he wondered perhaps she was just happy that he was home.
Now wearing more relaxing clothes, Spencer sat back down on the bed with his head against the headboard as his wife had been doing when he first arrived. Although, before he was able to start questioning why it was taking so long for (Y/n) to come back to their room, her figure emerged from the doorway with their half-asleep four year old in her arms. Immediately, two things crossed Spencer's mind. He had been missing his daughter for the past week, so this was a blessing. On the other hand, his very pregnant wife was carrying over forty pounds when she shouldn't have been carrying any at all.
Within a quick second, Spencer was off the bed and onto his feet where he took Sophia from her mother's arms gently and held her close to him. Her arms went around her father's neck quickly, her soft hold on him like magic to him. Within an instant, Spencer felt like he could fully breathe again. His wife just with her appearance alone assured him things would get better, but the little girl that she gave him four years ago showed him things were in fact already better.
"I missed you, daddy," Sophia muttered, clutching onto his cotton sweatshirt with her small, yet strong hands. Her little voice made Spencer thankful that he even got the chance to hear it. This previous case had done a huge number on him, and somehow, (Y/n) and Sophia were conquering his bad thoughts with just their love.
At that, Spencer smiled, and as he turned his eyes over to stare at his glowing wife, he felt the emotions he always felt when he came home from a case. He felt welcome and whole. No matter what, he could come home and always have his family eagerly awaiting his arrival. Without them, Spencer wouldn't be Spencer, and he certainly wouldn't have something to look forward to in his life in general. Ten years ago, Spencer's heart and mind were consumed by books and his grueling job, but now, they were currently in the possession of his family - much better than plain texts on pages.
"I missed you guys too, sweetie," Spencer murmured, kissing the top of his already-sleeping daughter's head. At the same time, (Y/n) stepped closer to run her gentle fingers through Sophia's brunette curls. Her hair was just like Spencer's, and as he looked back at (Y/n), he saw her curling her fingers around Sophia's messy ringlets like she always does with Spencer's own wavy locks.
Smiling back at Spencer, (Y/n) leaned up a bit to kiss his lips, only to be pushed back down onto her feet by Spencer. The last thing he wanted was for her to strain too much and go into premature labor. Carrying Sophia was enough heart-attack material for the night, and Spencer definitely didn't need anything else that could cause a panic.
Copying (Y/n)'s actions from earlier, Spencer moved his free hand from her arm and up to her shoulder where he nudged her to sit down on her side of the bed. Already tired of being on her feet, she obliged without arguing and slowly laid down in her previous spot with her hand resting atop of her bump. Soon enough, Spencer was beside her with Sophia lying between them, her hand subconsciously finding its way to her mum's stomach as she got comfortable under their covers.
Quietly laughing from their daughter's movements, Spencer and (Y/n) looked at each other for a short second before Spencer moved forward and returned her kiss. It was only a few moments later that they pulled away as Spencer laid his arm over three of the most important people in his life, earning a happy smile back from his wife. "I'm really happy to be home," Spencer repeated himself, resting his head on his perched arm to look at his family before him. "There's no where else I'd rather be."
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whiskeyghoul · 6 months
Hi!! I have huge baby fever rn (mainly for Spencer) and was wondering if you would do dad!Spencer or spencer x pregnant reader, just fluff bc I love Reid. Feel free to ignore it you don't want to :)
The playground || [dad!Spencer Reid x f!reader]
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A/N: Thanks for the request. Spencer would be an amazing dad so this was fun to write. Though also a bit of a challenge. I hope you enjoy it. Also look at me adding more pictures. Doing the most out here.
Tags: fluff, pregnancy mention, dad Spencer, reader has a daughter, using children to trap your significant other, no y/n.
Word count: 1.2K
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It was early spring as you sat on the park bench. Still wrapped up in many layers of clothing to keep warm in the chill of the afternoon. The sun shone with a warm glow, making the exposed skin of your face heat up ever so slightly. A sigh of content escaped your lips as your eyes fell closed for a second. Enjoying the calmness of the moment that was joyfully interrupted by high pitched laughter that was practically music to your ears. Blinking your eyes open they landed on the little, 4 year old girl who was running around the playground structure being chased by the man you called yours. It had been your idea to head out that day to the park and enjoy the first rays of the spring sun. There had also been something keeping you busy. Spending time outside always makes you calm again.
Spencer was slightly bent down, trying to catch your little girl in a game of what seemed to be tag. A smile split your face as you watched his hair get ruffled by the wind as he almost caught your daughter, she skillfully dodged under the slide and out of his reach with a shriek. Samara, who looked so much like her father with the messy brown curls, big brown eyes that you would do anything for, and that smile full of joy. But her nose was yours, and the shape of her face, and oh that personality, she was mom’s girl after all. She took after you in the way she responded to people, she was kind, gentle and smart. Spencer scooped her up and you watched her writhe in his arms while laughing. “I got you! There’s no escaping now.” He laughed before spinning round and round. “No! Put me down!” She called between laughs and shrieks, her small, red scarf flapping around in their wake. You laughed at the sight, brimming with joy and love for them. 
Spencer stopped spinning, he looked in your direction and you watched his chest heave slightly with each breath he took. The smile that crossed his face was blinding. You watched him crouch down, putting Samara on her feet and he got to eye level with her before whispering something inaudible to her. She nodded her head, a look of determination in her eyes as she wiped some of the stray curls out of her face. They were definitely plotting something. You got up from your seat with suspicion settling into your stomach. Something in you said it would be better to be upright and standing instead of in your seat. Spencer nodded his head and Samara came bounding over to you with Spencer in tow. There was a matching look on both their faces, one of feigned innocence. “What’s going on?” You asked, giving a sideways glance. “Oh, nothing.” Spencer answered as he snaked his arm around your waist, pressing a kiss to your cheek gently. Warmth spreads through your body just from his touch, the butterflies still never left.
He pulled away and you watched him nod towards your daughter who full force tagged your leg, “You’re it.” She grinned as she ran away. Spencer’s arms around you left as quickly as he had pulled you close as he ran in the opposite direction from Samara. You gasped, standing in place as you had realized their plot to envelope you into their game of tag. Spencer being the distraction for your daughter to sneak up and tag without your complaint. “That’s playing dirty!” You exclaimed though the smile on your face betrayed your feigned upset. You quickly ran after Samara, knowing that their tactic of splitting up made you choose between who to go after first. Your daughter, with smaller legs, would be your first target. Already planning how to convince her to join in capturing Spencer later on. 
Quickly catching up to the four year old was easy enough, letting her escape a few times to make it more fun for her. She clambered over different playground items, using her small stature to her benefit. She crawled into one of the tunnels, following close behind you finally caught up to her. Once you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her close she let out another “Nooo!! Mom!!” while laughing as you kissed her cheeks repeatedly. “You’re it!” You said as you waited for her to stop squirming. The weight of her in your arms was absolutely right. She was getting bigger every week it seemed.
“You want to help me catch dad?” You whispered once she settled down. The competitive streak that you have clearly had rubbed off on her as she nodded her head yes. She clearly didn’t frown upon double crossing her dad if it meant winning at tag. “Do I need to tag dad again?” She asked, eyes big, voice soft and hushed just in case Spencer was close to hear. “Actually, I want you to distract him.” You responded with a smile, “Can you go up to daddy and tell him you’re going to be a big sister?” You asked her in a hushed tone. Samara’s eyes went wide and a grin broke out on her rounder face, “I am?” she asked surprised and excited at the same time. In turn you nodded your head yes.
You had found out three days ago, while Spencer was away on a case and when he had returned last night it wasn’t the right time to tell him. Now, using your first born daughter to tell him and to win a game of tag, that was the perfect time to tell him. “Go on, tell him.” Your arms unwrapped from her and she quickly scrambled out of the play tunnel calling for her dad. You crawled out with some struggle, crossing your arms as you watched as Spencer once again picked up the little girl. You dusted off your pants and jacket as you walked towards the two of them.
“What is it, princess?” Spencer asked, looking quizzically at her perhaps thinking you plotted against him. “I’m gonna be a sister! I’m gonna be a sister!” Samara spoke sing-songey as she settled in his arms. Spencer’s eyes widened and his head shot up to look at you. Eyes full of questions and surprise, the gears in his head going a 1000 miles a minute as he processed the news. Trying to decide whether it was real or not. You walked closer, a gentle smile on your lips as you kissed his cheek. “Are you-?” He asked hushed as you pulled away. “Yes, I am.” you whispered back earning you a kiss on the lips. Filled with joy, happiness and warmth. The butterflies in your stomach would probably not settle for the rest of the day. 
You pulled away from the kiss gently, your hand reaching up and you pressed your finger to his chest. “And…” You watched him as he looked at you with baited breath, hanging onto every word that would come out of your mouth. Your lips curled into a smirk.
“Tag you’re it.” 
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
hi could you please writer a spencer x reader where she finds out she is pregnant and comes to the office to tell spencer but doesn’t want everyone to know just yet??? thanks so much
A/N: I know I don't really write for Spencer that much anymore, but every time I do, it just feels like coming home... oh and i wrote this with the mindset that it was planned and that it finally happened, just fyi
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
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“Um, hi, Y/n,” Spencer blinked, taken aback by your sudden appearance in the busy bullpen, “what are you doing here?” 
“Hey,” you bounced nervously on your feet, “can we talk a moment? Alone?” glancing towards the familiar faces around him. 
“You can go up and talk in my office if you want,” the suit-clad man beside him chimed in. 
“Thank you, Aaron,” you smiled gratefully, “I promise I won’t keep him too long.”
After the office door shut behind the both of you, Spencer’s co-workers still faintly visible through the slivers in the blinds, he spoke apprehensively, “so, what’s up, honey? What couldn’t wait a few hours before I got home?”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about there suddenly being a case and you flying off to take care of that, and I think I might have just kinda blinked and now I’m here, with you, because I really wanna tell you this in person, not over the phone, and I don’t think I’d be able to wait till after you get back because I mean, sometimes that’s a lot of days and especially with this it will end up feeling even longer, so-”
“Y/n,” he grabbed both your hands, effectively cutting off your anxious rambles, “breathe a second, okay?” none of what you had blurted out so far had worked at calming his growing nerves, “what is it?”
Looking him in the eye, you then freed one of your hands and dipped it into your deep coat pocket, fishing out a small plastic stick and placing it in his still-open palm, “I kept having this nagging feeling,” you uttered softly as he inspected the item you’d given him, “so then I checked the calendar and noticed that I’m late and so I just went out and bought this and-”
“You’re pregnant?” he marvelled, tearing his eyes away from the test to look at you.
“Y-yeah,” you beamed. 
“Oh my god… oh my god! Y/n!” his long arms pulled you into a tight hug, “I-… holy shit,” his giggle vibrated into you. 
“I know,” you said just as joyfully as him. 
Feeling his lips press messily against your hairline, he uttered, “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” your arms tightened around him for but a moment before being disturbed by a knock at the door. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” Hotchner peeked his head through the door, “but Reid, we just got a case.”
“Yeah,” he slowly let go of you, still completely enraptured by the news, “I’ll be right with you.”
“Happy to see that you didn’t pop by just to break his heart, Y/n,” the stoic man joked before you responded giddily. 
“Oh, no, actually, Aaron, I just found out that-”
“That, um,” Spencer cut in, nearly slapping his palm over your lips with how hastily he reacted, “we got the house we wanted to move into.” 
“Really?” his boss’ dark eyebrow quirked up at the lie, “I didn’t know you guys were moving, you love your apartment so much.”
“Yeah, well,” Spencer shrugged, the smile still plastered to his face, “it’s just feeling a bit small these days…”
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© 2023 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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patty-08 · 1 month
Spencer Reid x pregnant!reader
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Warnings: none just fluff
Author’s note: English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
I woke up feeling kisses on my shoulder
'hey, time to get up honey' Spencer said gently and lovingly
'Five more minutes,' I pleaded sleepily
'I know you're tired, but we have to get ready for the ultrasound' he reminded
Oh yes, the ultrasound. This is the last one considering the upcoming due date. It warmed my heart just thinking that Spencer and I would have a daughter. I turned towards him and slowly opened my eyes and murmured
'good morning'
‘Good morning, how are we feeling today?’ he asked
'as you mentioned earlier, I'm tired because your daughter won't let me sleep'
'ah now she's my daughter'
'that's right,' I continued joking
'well we can't have that, can we' he said, placing his head gently on my belly, 'I know you want to let your mommy know that you love her, but unfortunately it doesn't let her sleep... And daddy gets hit for it' that last part he whispered
'hey' I exclaimed, laughing while feeling my heart melt, 'you're going to be a great dad'
'and you will be the best mom' he assured 'ok let's get up... Hop' he helped me get up from our bed
We went to the kitchen, preparing breakfast together, although Spencer assured me that he could handle it and that I could sit down, but I was stubborn. As I reached for cups for the tea (Spencer stopped drinking coffee with me in solidarity), I felt a pain in my back.
'ah' I grabbed my back
'hey wait, here' he said, standing behind me, placing his hands under my belly and lifting it gently. I immediately felt great relief and put my head on his shoulder.
'Thank you... Soon we will have our own little family' I said, thinking about the future
'yes... our family'
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emberfrostlovesloki · 3 months
Protection Spell [Spencer x Reader]
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Photo credits: Center Left (@thinkpink212) Center (@reidcoffeemoon) Rigth (@flowersforfrancis)
Prompt: The reader reflects on when she and Spencer found out they were pregnant with their first baby, a little girl, and the reader asks Spencer what he whispers to their child every morning when he gets up. 
Pairing: [established relationship] Spencer x BAU!reader, pregnant!reader. The reader uses she/her pronouns. 
Category: fluff/comfort 
Word Count: 2.7K 
Content Warnings: Pregnancy [reader], morning sickness, prayer {no deity named], lots of fluff. Let me know if I missed any. 
A/N: Hi loves! This is my first submission for @imagining-in-the-margins wonderful March and April Prompts. The Prompt I used was “The couple enjoys trying for a baby.” These are tropes/plots that I have never written for before so I hope you like it. I did some research on pregnancy but not a ton, so forgive me if some things are off. I love being challenged as a writer to try new things. I hope you like this little fluffy fic and that you are having a great start to your week!. This was really fun to write. If you enjoy this fic, likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated! I hope you’re having a great start to your week and thanks for reading. Love Levi - ❤️
List with all stories 
y/n = your name 
_y/f/f_ = your favorite food 
At first, it was the best thing to happen in the world. And it was still the best thing in the world. The little baby girl growing in y/n’s belly over the months had not only brought her and Spencer unbridled joy but also brought the team together in a stronger way. The way everyone had come together to help y/n and Spencer ensured her that their baby would be the most looked after and safest baby in the whole world. How couldn’t she be if with the BAU and half the Quantico office knowing about her already? As y/n lay in bed next to Spencer who was still asleep, belly round in the largest size paternity pajamas that the store had, she reflected on when they’d first found out they were going to be parents. 
y/n and Spencer had been trying for some time now. They had been to the doctor multiple times about it, both getting checks on their sexual health. Both y/n and Spencer got an all-clear from the doctor, however, y/n’s OBGYN had told y/n that her stress level and anxiety might be factors that might be affecting their chances. But despite these issues, Spencer and y/n had continued trying. They always made love at the peak window for y/n in her cycle, as well as much much more than that. y/n loved Spencer so much as he did this. It never felt like a chore to either of them. It was a joy to even be trying. They’d had a difficult conversation and both agreed that they wanted a child and wanted to give it the best life possible. So that fateful morning when y/n walked out of the bathroom feeling sick and just trying a pregnancy test that they now seemed to stockpile, and she saw the two pink lines, y/n screamed with joy. Of course, Spencer hadn’t taken it that way. He rarely heard y/n scream, so he rushed into the bathroom expecting something bad, but instead, y/n was standing in the center of the bathroom holding something in her hand like it was the most precious thing she’d ever seen. He was confused. The tall agent walked over to y/n and asked, “y/n, what’s happening?” With a kind of happy dazed look, y/n opened her palm so Spencer could look over her shoulder and see the positive pregnancy test. As soon as Reid’s brain registered what was happening, he froze. Suddenly his brain which could work ten thousand miles an hour came to a standstill. In a half whisper, Spencer asked, “For real?” y/n felt the tears building in her eyes as she nodded her head yes. 
As soon as the non-verbal gesture was done, Spencer rushed forward and covered y/n in an embrace. He hugged her tightly and picked her up off of her feet as he placed his head in the crook of y/n’s neck. He just took in the wonderful woman in his arms, not even having the right words to tell her apart from that he loved her over and over again. The couple waited a few weeks to tell the team. They didn’t want to give anyone false hope. Not even themselves, though immediately they started talking about names and baby rooms and the crib They couldn’t help themselves. They started making a list of names but decided to wait till their baby was born to name them. When Reid and y/n were more sure, with the advice of the doctor that things looked good, they broke the news to the team. The members of the BAU responded with jubilation. Everyone had asked y/n how she was feeling and if she needed anything like she might break if she as much stepped down the stairs. y/n reassured them all that she was fine to work, just a bit more nauseous than normal. After everyone had calmed down and y/n and Spencer had reassured them all that they would keep them updated, things went as back to normal as possible when a member of the team announced they were pregnant. 
Later that day, Aaron pulled y/n aside in his office for a little talk. For whatever reason y/n was a little nervous, but she did not need to be. Hotch asked her to sit, and she did. Aaron moved behind her to his desk and sat down as well. He had a small smile on his face and he started by saying, “Congratulations, y/n. I’m so happy for you and Spencer.” y/n blushed and replied, “Thanks Hotch. It means a lot to us.” Aaron nodded and then continued, “I want you to know that I’m not going to baby you. I’m going to let you do your job here, but I need you to tell me if you need a break. For anything. If you’re sick or just need a minute, I fully understand. You just need to let me or Rossi or anyone on the team know.” y/n nodded appreciatively that he wasn’t treating her like glass, but that he also understood that she was going to need time and space sometimes too. y/n had rarely seen Aaron like this, to take this tone. She assumed it was from his experience with Haley and Jack. He’d pretty much seen it all with that pregnancy. Of course, y/n was aware that all pregnancies were different, but it was nice to know someone who had seen this before with a job like theirs. Of course, Aaron didn’t give birth to Jack, but he was as attached to Haley as he could be when she was pregnant with Hotch’s son. Aaron broke the peaceful silence and concluded, “Obviously, when things progress I want you to be as safe as possible. We all will, so when that time comes, you, Spencer, and I can have a conversation, okay?” y/n nodded and Aaron couldn’t help himself from asking, “So, how are you feeling? Everything okay?” At the honest question, y/n’s face broke out into a huge smile and she said, “I’m happy Hotch. We’ve wanted this for so long, and it’s finally happening. Sometimes I don’t even know what to think.” Hotch nodded and said, “Well take your time, there will be plenty of that before it’s all over.” 
Aaron had been right. There was a shocking amount of time, and yet it seemed to fly by at the same time. All the things had happened mostly normal. Spencer and y/n had found out the sex of their baby girl at twenty weeks, then there were the more constant checkups and ultrasounds. y/n had raised blood pressure and bad morning sickness. Later The BAU ladies and some of y/n’s friends had held her a baby shower early just in case a case popped up. Then there were the more obvious signs of pregnancy like her belly swelling and the first kicks of the baby that nearly had y/n in tears. As great as being a new mother seemed, and as excited as y/n was, it was still hard. As her baby and body accommodated to the changes happening, y/n found it harder to move and her emotions started to play up more than normal. Like the first few days before a period but all the damn time. 
Hotch had slowly been phasing y/n off the active team and keeping y/n more and more in the precincts and sites that didn’t have any imminent danger on cases. By the third trimester, Spencer had encouraged her to take a full-time roll back in Quantico until their baby girl came. Aaron had agreed with Reid and said he’d approve the paperwork for the temporary shift in roles. After a few conversations with Spencer, y/n agreed. The stress on the field, even if she wasn’t on on a case, could still be bad for her or the baby, and she didn’t want to risk it. This was fine for a bit until y/n got bored silly with the work and wanted back on the field. The only thing that saved her was Garcia sharing her lunch breaks and telling her all kinds of amazing stories that y/n was certain were made up. 
By the middle of the third trimester y/n was ready to step back as things were hurting her more, and she had the instinctual desire to nest and to make their home ready for the delivery of her and Spencer’s baby. y/n asked for the last month off and Aaron granted the time. It was on the first day of y/n’s rest and preparation period that the crib came in. It had been a conversation y/n and Spencer had had time and time again about what model looked most comfortable and safe. Which was the best for the money they had. So when a delivery man came to the front door with a large, heavy package, both y/n and Reid were baffled. Spencer signed for the delivery and the man moved the package inside the living room. y/n and Reid moved toward the package and Spencer grabbed a pair of scissors and carefully opened the top of the package. Nestled inside with a lot of newspaper and other protective material was a dark crib that clearly been handmade. It shone with a dark stain and at the top was a letter in a cream colored envelope. Reid pulled out the letter and opened it up. He already had an idea about who it was from, but the carefully crafted note that brought small tears to his eyes told y/n what she needed to know. After Spencer had taken a few minutes to read and reread the letter, he handed it over to y/n. She took it with trembling hands and read the contents: 
Spencer, y/n, 
I might have heard through the grapevine, or a very communicative and persistent technical analyst, that you were expecting someone special soon. I’m sorry I can’t be there to support you more practically right now, but the road calls, and I must follow. I hope you find this gift useful. I miss you both and I wish you all the luck in the world. I know you will both be the best parents. Please let me know when my Godparent duties begin. All my love, 
y/n had the same emotional response as Spencer, and they embraced and spent a good part of the day deciding where it would go in the baby's room. 
At this stage in the pregnancy timeline, y/n was very dependent on Spencer but also felt the need to make everything ready. Their baby was due in a little under two weeks, and y/n could be found sometimes scrubbing the floors and counters, as well as going through her hospital bag again and again and again, even though Spencer had helped her pack it with her most comfortable clothes and supplies she would need for the day of the delivery. y/n had spent hours over this period talking about what she would want to eat after she gave birth and how her favorite _y/f/f_ would taste so, so good. Their normal routine now, when Spencer was home, was that he’d wake up and make her breakfast, then help her with things in the bathroom. Often y/n woke and Spencer would have his hands on her belly feeling for kicks from their baby girl, and more often now, he would be hunched over and talking to their baby quietly, like they were sharing some secret conversation just between the two of them. Spencer had read every book he could get his hands on about parenting and pregnancy. After a while, y/n had called for a ban on buying new books and reminded Reid that he had his public library card and access to databases from all of his prior universities. Spencer had known about talking to babies in the womb, and he’d questioned the science behind it, but as y/n had needed to spend more time in bed in the mornings, she’d find him talking to her belly, and she found it very cute. Even though she did wonder what he was saying. 
This morning, y/n woke before Spence who was sleeping soundly beside her as the baby gave a few sharp kicks to y/n’s side. y/n placed her hands on her side and said softly, “I know baby. I’m just as excited to meet you too. It going to be a big day when you come, sweetheart.” y/n lay back and considered turning on her side but didn’t. y/n did move her hand up to Spencer’s curly hair and threaded her fingers through his locks. Spencer naturally turned on his side toward her. After a few more minutes of slumber, Spence lazily opened his eyes. He smiled when he saw y/n and he sat up with a stretch. “How was your sleep, sweetheart?” y/n smiled over at him and replied, “I’m good. I had to get up a few times to use the bathroom, but I slept well. I had a dream I was on the field again, but I was this far along. It’s safe to say I wasn’t very useful.” Reid chuckled and said, “Well I’m glad you slept well.” Spencer leaned over and kissed her softly on the mouth and said, “Let me just say good morning to our baby girl and I’ll get you your breakfast in bed today, love.” y/n smiled and nodded as Spencer leaned over and kissed her tummy, running his hands over it before he leaned over and softly, almost inaudibly spoke to their baby. This procedure happened every morning. y/n assumed it happened even when she was still asleep and Spencer went in early. y/n’s hands found their way back into Reid’s soft locks which she massaged gently. Spencer’s eyes flickered up to hers and then back to his task. When he finished, Spencer looked up and y/n had to ask, “What do you say to her every morning?” 
Spencer's smile brightened and said, “Promise me you won’t think it’s silly?” y.n cocked her head and said, “Of course not Spence.” His response made y/n wonder what he was going to say even more. Reid let out a little chuckle and said, “Well, I start by telling her good morning. And then I tell her how excited we are to meet her. Most times I count down the days till she’ll come so she learns her numbers.” y/n nodded along and then Spencer said, “And I also pray to every goddess of pregnancy and fertility I know for a safe delivery and good day that she’s born. Just asking for some help when I get very stressed out on the day of.” At this admission, y/n quicked an eyebrow. She didn’t laugh, she thought it was cute, but not much in Spence’s character. y/n ran her hand over Reid’s sharp jaw and asked, “You never came across as much of a religious person Spencer? Is this something new?” Spencer sheepishly looked at y/n and said, “Well, I don’t know if I believe my prayers are reaching anyone I’m asking for help. But, I’ve learned as much as I can about what’s coming, but that doesn’t mean I know what’s coming. I suppose I can’t predict everything, and having some extra help, even if it’s a placebo can’t hurt. Think of it like a little protection spell. You and our baby girl are the most important thing in the world for me. And I’ll do anything, anything to keep you safe. Even participating in a bit of superstition to make sure it happens.” y/n smiled warmly and pulled Reid into a hug, burying her face into his chest. y/n knew that Spencer was going to be the best father ever. They had a team behind them ready to support them. But as y/n took in just how special Spencer was to her and their baby, she sent up a little prayer of her own for anyone who would listen, thanking the universe for bringing them together. 
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babyjackdaniels · 5 months
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bubbleebubz · 6 months
Hiii!! I saw ur spencer x pregnant reader and I feel betrayed that we were ridden of spencer ever having children. What I am saying is could u please do some dad!spencer, because that man would be an amazing father🫶🫶
HEY! TYSM for the request! I'll do my best!
FLUFF!! some suggestive stuff but nothing to cray-cray
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We had just gotten back from the hospital, with our new baby boy. Spencer couldnt stop smiling on the drive home, looking over at me every red light and stop sign.
I was excited too, tired but excited none the less, finally being able to bring little Peter home. (so sorry I'm terrible with names 😃)
Pulling up to the drive way, Spencer runs around the car, opening the door for me, before getting the car seat from the back.
I look in the mirror for the first time in a couple of days and wince in disgust, my hair was greasy, and it looks like I haven't slept in days.. because I haven't.
"Your beautiful Y/N" Spencer says, coming up behind me, wrapping his arms around my freshly wounded waist. Kissing the top of my head while looking at me in the mirror with a smile.
_____________________________________ TIME JUMP 6 YEARS.
I awaken, confused that Spencer isn't by my side.
Looking at the clock I see it's 9 AM on a Saturday. I quickly get up looking for Spence and Peter, only to find him reading a dinosaur book to him, not a picture book either.
"Sorry I slept in" I say, interrupting the precious moment reluctantly, after staring for a long while.
"Don't be, you needed it" He says, looking up at me, pushing his glasses up giving me a soft smile.
My heart throbbing at his beauty.
"MOMMY!!" Peter says, getting up and running to me, jumping into my arms.
"Hey buddy, was daddy reading to you?"
"Mhmm! About dinosaurs! Did you know that the supersaurus was the longest dinosaur? It was 137 feet long!" He says, happily sharing the information.
"Wow your smart just like you daddy then, huh?" I ask making him shake his head and giggle, "no one is as smart as daddy, mommy!" He says. Spencer approaches us, giving me a kiss on the cheek and hugging us both, in a group hug, we both pepper kisses all over Peter's face, making him giggle loudly.
"I'm tired" Peter says yawning.
Making me question what time they have been up since.
I look over to spencer to see he is already answering my question.
"5 AM" He says yawning aswell my eyes widen with guilt, I ruffle Peter's hair and take him to his room, putting him to sleep.
"Thank you Spence, I really needed that sleep" I say, hugging him, snuggling my face into his chest, taking in his scent, he was still in his pj's, just a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His hair messy.
"Ofcouse baby" He says, peppering kisses down my neck.
"You look so beautiful" He says sweetly.
"Making me want to put another baby in you" He says, making me blush hard.
Then Peter walks out of his bedroom.
"I'm not tired anymore!"
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chartface · 6 months
Me about to beat the shit out of an author who writes Spencer Reid x pregnant!reader fics but clearly knows nothing about pregnancy or birth:
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grapefruit and tacos | s.r. x pregnant!fem reader
“oh look my grapefruit, daddies home! and very early i might add.” waddling as you rubbed soothing circles over your growing belly. spencer met you halfway in the living room, not even bothering to straighten out his shoes and hang his satchel.
“how are my favorite people?” spencer’s big palms cupped around your chubby cheeks. pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose then up to your forehead and finally down to your awaiting lips. you sighed from ease, not realizing how much you were missing him today.
spencer pulled away first before giving one more brief peck. “missing you,” answering his earlier question. his hands traveled down to your stomach which has grown in the past two months. “hi bub, are you treating mommy nice?” his warm thumbs rubbed at the skin beside your bellybutton, your baby will kick sporadically, a lot of times when spencer’s voice is within distance.
“they’ve been good. been craving a lot of strawberries lately, but i’m not complaining.” lifting your left hand to drag on the side of his head, tucking his growing hair behind his ear. “why home earlier? not complaining, but i haven’t done much housekeeping. mostly sleeping.”
spencer turned to kiss your wrist, “finished my paperwork and hotch said i could leave earlier. he understands the struggles of a new pregnancy.” he kneeled to the grow and pressed three kisses onto you stretched skin, three i love yous.
“now why don’t you sit down and i’ll order us takeout. what are you in the mood for?” spencer’s hands holding your shoulders and steering you in the direction of the suede brown couch. you were waddling like a penguin, “uh maybe some tacos. what do you say my grapefruit? tacos?” trying to see if they kick for an answer. you felt a same thump at the tip of your thumb, you looked over your shoulder at spencer while smiling, “tacos please.”
“tacos for my loves. i’ll get some chips and guacamole as well.” making sure you were comfortable before looking for his stack of takeout menus hidden in a kitchen drawer. your eyes just watched his every move, how his lips moved as he recalled the last time he used them. he used the landline, yes spencer still had a landline in his home, and called your usual taco spot just a block away.
within thirty minutes the two of were side by side on the couch with reruns of old doctor who, the wibbly wobbly sound affects a comforting white noise. you closed your eyes and hummed while chewing your food, even swaying your body and head. opening your eyes as you took a drink, you looked to your left to see spencer smiling at you, his food barely touched.
“what?” taking another bite as you waited for spencer to say something. you bet you were the picture of a squirrel or chipmunk, cheeks puffed and mouth pouted.
“i love you and i like seeing you this happy.” sweet and syrupy. you felt your eyes start to water as you took a swallow and set your food down. “oh don’t say that,” you whined, “you know my hormones are at eleven.” wiping away a few stragglers from your warm face.
spencer couldn’t help but to chuckle as he took over the job of tear wiper. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry. just- just can’t believe this is my life.” voice getting a bit distant, “i have an amazing girlfriend and a baby on the way… still can’t believe you choose me over millions of other guys.”
the waterworks started again, “i’d choose you time and time again. there’s no one in the world like you and i’m glad i snatched the rare gem.” taking spencer’s sculpted face into your hands and starting an assault of messy kisses causing him to squirm and laugh.
“our baby is gonna be so loved.”
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le0ni318 · 23 days
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he is so cute in the first episode, i'm going to get him pregnant 💕
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mshalfemptygirl · 1 year
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ppl, my dream family. Just saw it on Twitter I have to share this with you guys bc i think about it the whole damn time...i’m not crying, you are.
p.s: thanks @derekangel on tt for your post, this save my day 
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
two little pink lines — spencer reid
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request: Hello, I love your writing! I have a request - a story where spencer and the reader both work at BAU and reader finds out she’s pregnant. Spencer initially is unhappy about it (angst maybe a fight go with whatever feels right!) but when the reader is captured by the unsub he realizes that he actually loves their baby and wants to raise their little family with fluffy ending? summary: when reader finds out they’re about to start a family, spencer does not give the reaction she expects. pairing: spencer reid x pregnant!fem!reader category: angst with happy ending content warnings: discussions of being pregnant, reader kidnapped by unsub, reader restrained using rope word count: 2.2k
summer of fics masterlist masterlist want to join my taglist?
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Life doesn’t go the way we plan, not all the time. That doesn’t always mean the deviation is a negative one, though. Sometimes people don’t know what they want until the choice is right there in front of them, and someday they wonder how they could have ever imagined a different life. Spencer would be the first to tell you that—lauding his decision to join the FBI despite growing up always wanting to be a professor. 
You wondered what Spencer would say now if he could see the little white stick carrying lines that changed your entire world.
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You tried to ignore it for weeks. Maybe it was a false positive, or maybe Spencer would figure it out on his own and you’d never have to tell him. But as time moved on and you began having to get clothing just a little bigger to accommodate the growth you knew it was time to be honest.
Unfortunately, it happened on a case, the moment you felt right telling him. 
“Have you told him?” JJ asked when the two of you had gotten back to your shared hotel room after the first night on the case. There hadn’t been many breakthroughs so you were able to leave the station early, giving all of you some semblance of a good night’s rest.
“What? Who?” you asked in return, turning away to start unpacking your go-bag when you saw the look on the other woman’s face.
“Spencer,” JJ explained. “Come on, Y/N, I recognize the signs.”
It should have been terrifying. You’d been desperately trying to hide it, trying not to let anyone know that this miracle was happening when neither of you had planned for it. And yet, the moment those words left JJ’s lips, a surge of pure relief rolled through your body. Your shoulders relaxed maybe for the first time since taking the pregnancy test.
“I know I need to tell him,” you answered, re-folding the clothes that had gotten haphazardly thrown into your bag the last time you’d washed them. “But it’s not like we meant for this to happen. I don’t know how he’ll take it.”
“Will and I didn’t plan for Henry.” You knew that of course, you did when your boyfriend was the godfather to the little boy. That didn’t stop you from feeling like it was somehow different for the two of you, because Spencer was the guy who planned for everything and you seemed to always have a plan in case of emergency. “You’ve seen how Spencer acts with Henry, he’s so good with him.”
“Yeah, but being good with kids doesn’t mean he wants one of his own, especially now,” you sighed, continuing to fold clothes if only to keep your hands from instinctively pulling on your hair. “Hell, we haven’t even talked about marriage or anything yet.”
“Now’s the perfect time to.” JJ offered but thankfully didn’t say anything else about the topic until the two of you were ready for bed. “It’s better to tell him now than panic him later when it’s too late for him to think through the situation. You know Spencer better than anyone else.”
That you did. Which was why you woke up earlier than normal the next day if only to beat everyone else to the station. That is, everyone except your darling boyfriend who liked to have a bit of time alone early in the morning to really dive into the evidence and think things through.
You brought him coffee, for the first time holding onto a juice for yourself and pretending the smell of his coffee didn’t make you jealous. “Good morning, Spencer,” you greeted, thankful your voice didn’t shake to giveaway the nerves kickstarting your entire fight-or-flight response.
You didn’t have to tell him anything. You could tell him but say he doesn’t have to worry about it even when you had no idea how you were going to handle this alone. You could do anything, and yet all you seemed to be capable of at that moment was standing there, hand still slightly outstretched from handing over the coffee cup. 
“Are you okay?”
You’d planned a thousand different ways to tell him. There were cutesie things with fun props and silly witty jokes that only he would find funny, even one idea that involved the entire team.
Instead, all you had the strength to do now was say, “Spencer, I’m pregnant.”
If a human being could buffer, then you witnessed it in that moment. Spencer stared at you, unblinking, lips parted and hand quivering so badly you thought for sure the coffee cup held within it would be lost to the shitty carpet under your feet. He grew pale, impossibly pale, and then all of a sudden seemed to reboot with an answer.
“How?” Spencer demanded, beginning to look less shocked and more panicked.
“Well, when two people love each other very much—”
“I know how sex works, Y/N,” Spencer snapped, hands in his hair as he fought to gain control over the situation unfolding around him. “I mean how could you be pregnant? I thought we were careful.”
“I thought we were too,” you answered, trying to keep your voice as gentle as possible if only to keep the local officers on the other side of the conference room wall from thinking anything bad was happening within. “But I took three tests a few weeks ago and all of them came back positive.”
“A few weeks ago? Why didn’t you tell me then?” That was a fair question. It was one that made your cheeks grow warm as you were called out, questioned.
“I wanted to,” you tried to explain, “but I was shocked too. I needed time to figure out what I was going to do before I told you.”
“We can’t have a kid right now.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, a hand immediately flying to your stomach as if to protect the life there from hearing those words. “I know it’s not what we planned, but I know my parents would help babysit when we’re working and w—”
“Y/N, what makes you think I want a baby right now? We work a dangerous job, we’re never home, I can’t do this!”
“Then what do you want me to do? It’s not like I made this happen on purpose!”
“I don’t know, Y/N, maybe you should’ve figured that out before you told me since you spent so many weeks supposedly doing that.” This wasn’t like Spencer. You’d never seen him get this genuinely angry, this upset. Deep down, you knew a lot of it was from the absolute panic of the situation but still, you couldn’t unhear him telling you that, essentially, this was your problem and he didn’t want to have any part of the figuring it out stage.
“Fine, I’ll figure it out on my own,” you snapped, shouldering your bag from its temporary spot on the table and making a quick exit before the rest of the team knew you were even there. Through the tears rapidly forming in your eyes, you were able to send Hotch a quick text letting him know you felt sick and were going to stay in the hotel for the morning to see if it would get better.
You felt your phone buzz against your leg with his reply, but you didn’t have the energy to read it. Instead, you spent time exploring the little town you were stuck in until the case was over.
Most of your cases occurred in small towns, where most people knew their community and could never imagine anyone within it could commit such atrocities against their own. These towns were often the most dangerous to live in, because every wolf wore sheep’s clothing even when they were being questioned by one of the BAU team members trained to see through the disguise.
You were so lost in thought about how terribly the announcement had gone with Spencer, that you missed the man casually walking behind you. It was just some guy from the small town in the middle of nowhere Nebraska, but unknown to you until the very moment he caught up with you that unassuming man was the unsub you’d traveled here to find.
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No one ever told you how exhausting being captured was. You’d woken up around mid-day tied to a chair and ever since the man had you, that was where you’d been. Your shoulders began to ache from the awkward stretch of them behind you, and your legs were antsy as they grew far more aware of the fact that you hadn’t been able to move them in a while.
By the next day, you were sure the waiting would be the worst part.
There was no way to tell what the unsub wanted from you, or why. Were you another victim meant to fall to his cruel hands, or did he take you because he knew you were a part of the team sent to catch him?
Either way, with all the time left for you to think, your mind found plenty of new and old regrets to dredge up. Most present in your mind was the fight with Spencer and how horribly your admission had gone. Maybe you should have told him sooner, and given him time to process the information as JJ had suggested. Maybe you shouldn’t have told him while you were on a case, where tensions were running high already. 
There were too many ‘what-ifs’, and so little time to fix any of them.
“Drop your weapon!”
The yell came too suddenly, causing you to yelp and jump in your seat as best as you could given the rope tethering you to it. The sound came from upstairs, a familiar shout that could only come from one Emily Prentiss when one of her own was threatened. Sounds of a clear arrest assaulted your ears next until the basement door finally opened, flooding light in and revealing a shadowy figure with curly hair standing at the top of the stairs.
“Spencer,” you called out, voice raspy from the hours without water. You’d tried to call out, to test the sound-proofing capabilities of the room but it hadn’t worked.
“Y/N,” Spencer practically gasped as though he’d gone this time without you also missing any chance at air. “Are you hurt? Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
Spencer was on you within a second, long fingers working nervously on the knots keeping your hands locked behind you.
“You know when I imagined me being tied up in a room with you, this isn’t how I thought it would go,” you tried to joke, your tone falling flat amidst the adrenaline drop at the knowledge of rapidly approaching safety. Your body had been trying to keep you alive and alert for well over twenty-four hours, it would make anyone exhausted even without a second life to think about.
“Y/N,” Spencer half-heartedly chastised, audibly sighing with relief as the rope around your wrists finally fell away. He took only a moment to rub life back into them, thumbs ghosting over the rope burn before he moved back around to your front to work on your ankles. “You scared me. I thought...I thought I’d lose the two of you.”
The two of you.
Spencer was scared of losing not just you, but the little baby you’d screamed over the day before. “You were scared for both of us?”
“I’ve always wanted children, Y/N, I just...couldn’t imagine how realistic it would be given my career choice. I needed time to process it, then you were gone and I thought...” There were no words needed to explain the thoughts, the images, that must have run through Spencer’s mind while you were taken. 
“It’s okay, I’m okay,” you told him, hands rushing to push back his hair from his face the second they’d stopped trembling. 
“We’re okay,” you thought to add a second later, trying to keep your hands on him because you knew the second the paramedics came down the stairs you’d be separated. “We’re okay.”
“It’s going to be difficult. I still don’t know how we’re going to handle it but I do know that we can figure it out together,” Spencer spoke hurriedly, practically in one rushed breath. “I can’t wait to start a family together.”
“I can’t wait for that either,” you spoke like a promise, keeping Spencer’s hand tucked between yours and your stomach until the paramedics asked him to step back, wondering how the case could have started so badly but ended with such a breathtaking moment.
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c-m-stuff · 1 year
-Description: You and Spencer are together. If you guys are babysitting on Henry, you reveal some excited news.
-Warnings: Fluffiness, pregnant
-Word count: 1482
-Note: Hope u enjoy!
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'Thank you so much for babysitting on him.' JJ told us, as we both arrived at her house.
It's not the first time, we're babysitting on Henry. This evening, JJ and Will, are going to the theater. They have these tickets for months now, and are really looking forward to it.
'No problem, JJ. We and Henry are going to have tons of fun.' I assured her, seeing Henry giggling, while Spencer is holding him.
'Are you ready, cher?' Will came towards us, while JJ nodded.
'Be good for auntie (Y/N), and uncle Spence.' she went through his blonde locks, and kissed him on the forehead. Will did the same, as we said our last goodbyes, before they left the house.
The sweet part was, that I'm not actually Henry's aunt. That's Penelope. They knew each other longer than me, since I joined the BAU later. I'm totally okey with it, but my heart always melt as Henry calls me also "auntie (Y/N)".
'So, what do you want to do?' Spencer asked the little boy, while he placed him back on the floor. JJ already bathed him, and changed him into pajamas.
'Drawing it is.'
We took a place to the kitchen table, while Henry took his drawing stuff. He placed all the pencils, markers, and paper on the table. We began to draw.
After a little while, Henry gave a look at our drawings.
'Is that a bird, auntie (Y/N)?'
'I'm glad you can recognize it.' I smiled, as I took also a look at his drawing.
'Woah, that is a beautiful car.' I complimented him, looking at the red race car, he drew. He thanked me, before turning to the quiet genius.
'What are you drawing, uncle Spence?'
'The USS Enterprise.' I giggled at his response. Of course he was drawing that.
A few minutes passed, as we all finished.
'Can we play with the lego?' he asked us, as I glanced at the time.
'I'm sorry, Henry, but it's your bedtime. Let's go to bed, so uncle Spence, can read you a bedtime story.' the 5 year old, pounted, sadly, before heading upstairs.
'Which book do you want me to read?' my boyfriend asked the blonde, as he was deep in thoughts.
'This one.' he made his final decision, handing the book to Spencer, as he climbed into bed.
I tucked him in, and Spencer began to read. I gave a loving look at the two boys, as eventually the story came to an end.
'Sleep tight, Henry.' I said, and gave him a kiss on the head.
'Sweet dreams.' Spencer spoke, as he also gave his godson a kiss on the head.
We turned the big light off, so only his little lamp was shining. We pulled the door, not quite closing it, as we made our way downstairs. We both brought some paperwork with us, because it was too early for us to sleep.
About 40 minutes later, we finished, considering we already made a part at work. We decided to cuddle up in the couch, as I rested my head on his lap. I lifted my shirt a little higher, as Spencer began to draw random shapes on my belly. He probably thought, that I was in pain, but not this time.
'You were great with Henry.' I broke the comfortable silence, as a smile formed on his lips.
'I can say the same about you, love.' this time, it was my turn to smile.
'You are going to be a wonderful dad.' as soon as the words left my lips, he stopped drawing random shapes, and froze.
'Wha-what do you mean, (Y/N)?' he asked, still a little in shock.
'I'm pregnant, love.' I finally spoke out the words, waiting nervously for his reaction.
'We're going to be parents?'
'We are going to have a baby, Spence.'
Then, the biggest smile was on his face, as he stood up, and lifted me off the ground. He placed me gently back on the floor, as he wrapped me into a tight hug.
'I guess, that this means that you are happy.' I asked, pulling a little further, to see his face.
'Happy? I am more than happy, I am the luckiest man in the world! I can't believe, we're going to have a baby. I love you, (Y/N).' he spoke, while a tear escaped his eye.
'I love you, forever.' he gave me a loving kiss, as suddenly, we heard little footsteps walking off the stairs.
We ended the kiss, as we turned around, to see Henry coming towards us.
'Why are you crying, uncle Spence?' the 5 year old asked, as I also whipped a tear away.
'Because, I've heard some really excited news. This are tears from happiness.' Spencer answered, as we both squatted down to his eye level.
Spencer gave a look at me, gesturing to continue the story.
'Inside my belly, is growing a baby. Uncle Spence and I, are going to be parents soon.' I told the little boy, as his eyes went wide.
'That's great!' Henry exclaimed, as he gave me one of his sweet hugs.
I hugged him back, ad he went to Spencer, and did the same thing. After ending the hugs, I needed to ask him a favor.
'Henry, you're the first person to know, your mom doesn't know from anything. We would like to keep this a secret just a little longer. Do you think you can do that?' I asked him, as he nodded his head.
'Great, now why are you not sleeping?'
'I can't sleep.'
'What about, we read you another bedtime story?' the blonde his eyes light up, as he already ran upstairs.
We followed after him, and soon enough he was laying under the covers, while Spencer was reading. Not much later, he fell asleep. Quietly, we left the room, to go back downstairs, towards the couch.
We lie close to each other, as we drifted off to sleep by ourselves.
The next day:
Yesterday, after JJ and Will, came back home, we woke up, and went to our shared apartment.
The elevator doors opened, as we made our way into the BAU. As soon as JJ saw us, she immediately walked towards us, and pressed me into a hug. Then, she pressed Spencer in one.
'Congratulations guys! I'm so happy for you.'
'Henry, told you, didn't he?' the genius asked, as JJ nodded her head.
'Not quite with words, but I needed to give this drawing to his uncle Spence and auntie (Y/N).' she handed us the drawing.
There were 4 people on it. A woman, a man, a kid and a baby. Most likely, it were me, Spencer, Henry himself, and our unborn baby. The drawing says it all.
'That is the sweetest.' I answered, before placing it in my purse, not wanting to lose it.
'We want to tell the team, can you help gathering them in the conference room?' I asked, as she nodded her head.
Spencer went to Aaron his office, while I went to Penelope's. JJ gathering the rest. I opened the door from her office, as she was sipping her coffee.
'Hey cupcake, how are you doing?'
'Hey Penny, great actually, do you want to come to the conference room?' I asked her, as she stood up.
'Of course, do we have a case?' she asked, while we were walking out of her office.
'Nope, we just want to tell you something.'
'What is it? Please, (Y/N), you need to tell me!'
'You'll see.' I said, with a smirk, as we reached the conference room.
Aaron and Spencer, also just arrived, as everyone took a seat. Spencer and I, went to stand for the empty screen, as they all gave us confused, but curious looks.
'We made you guys come here, because we have something to tell you.' he began, while I continued.
'Since you guys love to bet, you can all guess if it's going to be a boy or a girl.'
'I'm pregnant.' I added, as they all looked surprised, but also really happy.
'OMG! OMG! OMG!' Penelope exclaimed, while she came to us for a hug.
'You're going to be awesome parents!'
'I'm so happy for the both of you!'
Everyone came, to congratulate and hug us. They were all smiling, and genuine happy for us. This child is going to be so loved. And, probably also getting spoiled. Oh well, what's stopping them?
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