#speaking of! look at this masterpiece :D
monthofsick · 2 years
He that will not hear, must feel
Nov(emeto)ber 2022, Day 8: Torture
OCs: Jamie, Yujun
(First of all - feel free to delete this, but THANK YOU SO MUCH for your tags! They’re giving me so much life in this stressful time and I’m honestly excited for them every day. <3)
Hands down, this is the darkest story I’ve written so far. Which makes sense, given the prompt. I instantly had this scenario in mind and because of the inevitable psychological impact, I knew it had to feature new characters. Now I’m low key in love with them and want to continue their story.
TW: Vomit, force feeding, torture, manhandling
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Jamie had never been so angry before, and that was saying a lot.
Instead of living his best life, enjoying summer break to the fullest, he had been sent to a behavioral modification ranch. What a nice coincidence that his dad’s election campaign was in full swing and it didn’t hurt to have the troubled son out of the way. Or maybe it was a last attempt to fix Jamie before he was coming of age and it was bye bye parental rights. Whatever his reasons, Jamie’s father couldn’t have picked a worse time to start caring about his offspring.
Jamie wasn’t even a criminal or an addict or whatever his dad was obsessing about. Maybe he had turned up wasted in school once or twice and passed out during a boring class. Yes, there was this unfortunate incident where a teacher had been a huge pain in the ass just because Jamie was a tiny bit hungover, so he had settled the score by puking in said teacher’s bag. Which had been hilarious, by the way. Oh, and then there was the night when Jamie had borrowed and crashed the Lamborghini of a fellow party member…
Okay, maybe he deserved to be here, but it still sucked. It wasn’t like he had asked to be the flagship project of an upright local politician. Now he was stuck in this glorified boot camp where he had to get up before dawn and work all day for free while being yelled at by wannabe drill sergeants. One of them actually went by the monicker Sarge and refused to reveal his real name, which radiated maximum amounts of small dick energy. Then there was the big boss himself, Mr. Abel, who basically looked and acted like every Southern villain ever created. Last one of the top dogs was the foreman Huxley. So far, no one had found out if that was his first or last name.
Therapists and other qualified staff members were suspiciously absent.
The only bright spot in this dire situation was Yujun. The ranch inmates slept in a claustrophobic room full connected wooden bunk beds. Yujun had picked the matress right next to Jamie‘s and they hit it off right away. At night, Jamie often turned around so they could lie face to face and whisper for a while until someone complained or the steps of the night guard approached.
At first glance, Yujun looked perfectly innocent – like one of those K-Pop idols every girl in Jamie‘s class was drooling over. He had bleach blond hair and a cute little smile and didn’t feel the need to prove his superior masculinity 24/7. It felt good to have someone Jamie could share his frustration with, and this very night, his frustration level had reached an all time high.
After working on a damaged road in the sweltering heat the entire day, one of the school bully archetypes had fucked up royally when he had been caught smoking a cigarette he had smuggled in. As punishment, dinner had been cancelled for everyone. They were sent to bed with empty stomachs, bodies aching from the unfamiliar work, just because one idiot had broken the rules.
„I can’t sleep when I’m hungry“, Jamie growled.
„Same“, Yujun frowned and rubbed his belly. „And my parents wonder why I ran away from home. Twice. Might as well run away from here.“
„I’m in.“ Jamie began to chew on his lower lip. „They rarely ever check on us at night. Probably cause we’re trapped in the middle of nowhere anyways.“
„And because we’re too tired and hungry to run.“
„True that.“ Suddenly, a switch was flipped inside of Jamie’s head. His grumpy face lit up with a mischievous smile. „But we don’t have to go far to solve this part of the equation. Just a short trip to the pantry and back.“
„Are you being serious right now?“ Yujun clapped both hands in front of his mouth. „That is amazing! We have our private little midnight snack.“
„I know, right?“ Jamie snickered into his pillow to muffle the sound. „It’s just down the stairs and to the left. There’s not a lot that can go wrong.“
„I’ll keep watch.“ The hungry boys exchanged a conspiratorial glare before they snuck out of the room.
The ranch lay in silence, shadows creeping up from every corner. None of the watchdogs was in sight. Jamie and Yujun tiptoed down the staircase and towards the storage room. While Jamie went inside, Yujun stayed on the lookout. Jamie quickly collected food items that could easily be opened and consumed – granola bars, premade sandwiches, chocolate cookies – and put them in his shirt he had folded up as a makeshift bag. He took a moment to listen. Yujun hadn’t made a warning sound, so Jamie assumed it was safe to go. Quietly, he slipped back into the main hall.
Sarge was already waiting for him, covering Yujun’s mouth with one of his big hands. Jamie hadn’t heard the giant man coming, and apparently, neither had Yujun.
„Looks like we have some thieves in the house“, Sarge declared with a menacingly quiet voice. „Now what do we do with such shameless criminals?“
„We were starving“, Jamie tried to defend themselves. „I mean, we didn’t even do anything wrong and we worked so hard today.“
„You can’t avoid a penalty by committing another crime.“ Sarge’s face remained cold as stone and twice as hard. „Off to the dining room, both of you. There we will decide about the consequences of your misbehavior.“
The entire group of boys had been hauled out of their beds and gathered like spectators in a courtroom. Jamie and Yujun stood in front of the jury consisting of Mr. Abel, Sarge and Huxley.
„This one committed the theft“, Sarge proclaimed, pointing at Jamie. „What are we supposed to do with him?“
„Let the punishment fit the crime“, Mr. Abel announced the verdict. „Make him eat until he pukes.“
„What the fuck?“ Jamie had managed to stay quiet so far, but now it burst out of him. „You can’t do that. Pretty sure that counts as assault.“
„Oh, but your father has contractually agreed to any disciplinary measure necessary.“ The hint of a smirk curled Mr. Abel’s lips. „He that will not hear, must feel. It is one of our core principles and our success proves us right.“
„What about the other one?“, Sarge asked with a nod towards Yujun. After the first judgment, Yujun had moved closer to Jamie, looking both perplexed and frightened.
„He gets to clean up after the ringleader, now and for the rest of the night. It should teach him not to follow the wrong order.“
„You’re insane!“, Jamie blurted out while Sarge and Huxley made him sit down on a chair in front of the entire crowd. „What if I refuse to eat, huh? You can’t force me.“
„You stay right here until punishment’s completed.“ As always, Huxley sounded like he was aggressively chewing gum. „Don’t care if you sit on that chair until you piss and shit yourself or anyone else does. No one leaves until you done.“
„Sick fuck!“ Jamie tried to get up, but the two henchmen immediately pushed him back onto the seat. Both men were significantly taller and burlier than him, so his chance to escape didn’t look to bright.
„Why don’t we drop all this nonsense and get it over with?“ With a nod, Mr. Abel gave Huxley a silent command and he instantly left the room. Sarge towered over Jamie until the foreman returned with two baskets that were filled to the brim with all kinds of food. Without even looking, Sarge grabbed a glass of hotdogs, opened it up and put one of the sausages in front of Jamie’s mouth.
„Whatever“, Jamie snarled. „At least I won’t go to bed hungry.“
When Jamie opened his mouth and took the first bite, he wasn’t fully convinced that the overseers would actually go through with the absurd penalty. It was too preposterous, maybe just a scare tactic to give everyone a shot across the bow.
Unsurprisingly, the cheap frankfurters were rather bland and mushy. Good thing Jamie’s stomach was empty enough to appreciate any type of nourishment. The six sausages went down easily and were immediately followed by two ham and cheese sandwiches. Not exactly Jamie’s favorite, but at least they were soft enough to be chewed up and swallowed without much effort. Next up was a whole bag of prepackaged brownies – definitely the highlight so far. They were moist and sprinkled with chocolate chips, perfect for dessert.
Except that it wasn’t dessert, just a randomly picked part of his neverending meal. Jamie began to feel full at this point. If he had stopped eating now, he would have been perfectly content. Sarge, however, didn’t give him a break. To Jamie’s horror, the sadistic bastard pulled out a pickle in a pouch. The overpowering odor of vinegar was probably the worst possible contrast to the chocolatey aftertaste that lingered on Jamie’s tongue. He had to force himself to take a bite. The pickle was surprisingly chewy with a strong note of dill – not too bad on its own, but absolutely revolting as a brownie topper. Jamie let out a burp, which brought up even more of the acidic taste.
It was right back to sweets for him with five large macadamia chocolate cookies. At this point, Jamie had slowed down significantly. Whenever he took his time for a moment of recovery, Sarge pushed the crumbly dough against his lips. Unwillingly, Jamie ate up every single cookie, doing his best to focus on the objective deliciousness of the baked treats.
Chocolate bars with peanuts and caramel followed, then a double pack of hummus and pretzels. Sarge shoveled big heaps of the smooth paste on the salty snacks before shoving them into Jamie’s mouth. The chickpea spread seemed to swell as he chewed, making it harder and harder to swallow. Jamie moaned and put a hand on his stomach. It already felt tight and bloated, bubbling under the surface. The wild mixture of food didn’t agree with him at all.
Jamie was granted a brief pause while Sarge peeled a banana. His fingertips dug into his aching belly, treating it to a firm massage. He managed to work up a thick belch, followed by a gurgle that was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. One of the spectators chuckled. Before Jamie had a chance to glare at the culprit, Sarge held the banana in front of his mouth. Jamie sighed and took a bite. The fruit was overly ripe and intensely sweet with an alcoholic touch to it. Nausea creeped up Jamie’s throat, lingering back at his uvula. His body begged him to stop eating, but Sarge already opened a cup of vanilla pudding, feeding it to Jamie by the spoonful.
Droplets of sweat formed on Jamie’s forehead. It was sickening to feel the jiggly mass slide down his esophagus. A big, heavy lump weighed down his stomach. Another burp turned into a gag that could barely escape him before the spoon was pushed into his mouth again, setting down its artificially tasting load. There was no time for relief when the plastic cup was finally empty. The next course was a large donut, hitting Jamie’s nose with its yeasty and sugary scent.
Jamie couldn’t bring himself to go on. He pressed his lips together in a desperate attempt to keep out the fried pastry.
„My, my, what is it now?“ Mr. Abel sounded thoroughly amused. „You were so greedy before.“
„Get it in there“, Sarge commanded. Jamie frantically shook his head. Without hesitation, Sarge grabbed the boy‘s hair and held his nose shut until he had to gasp for air. As soon as he opened his mouth, the donut went in. Jamie winced in pain and disgust, but eventually he had to bite off. Greasy dough and a thick cream slipped over his tongue and Jamie’s gullet spasmed to prevent a gulp. Sarge, noticing his struggle, clamped his hand over Jamie’s lips and nostrils until the swallowing reflex took over, allowing him to breathe again. „Down the hatch it goes.“
Jamie coughed, then burped up whatever air was left inside his overstuffed belly. At this point, his churning stomach resembled a cement mixer more than a washing machine. The nausea had become excrutiating, but Jamie didn’t want to be choked again. He forced down bite after bite of the oily donut until his abdominal muscles were over it and clenched tightly. Jamie’s chest jumped with a wet gag as sour liquid flooded his mouth. He squinted his eyelids and swallowed the hot bile with some of the gelatinous custard.
„Barf bomb’s about to explode“, someone in the audience cackled.
„The next one who laughs has to eat every single chunk he pukes up“, Mr. Abel declared. It immediately became quiet again.
Out of everything in the baskets, Sarge had to pick a mini salami with cheddar dip. It was probably Jamie’s least favorite food, enough to make his stomach turn on his hungriest days. The overpowering smell of smoked meat and ammonia instantly forced out a convulsive retch. There was no way Jamie could put this nightmare into his mouth.
„I’m sorry, okay?“ Jamie couldn’t stop his voice from shaking. At this point, he wasn’t even scared of throwing up – he desperately wanted to get rid of the dense mass that tried to burst his guts. He just didn’t want to do it in front of everyone. And, most importantly, he didn’t want to add even more food to the boiling hotpot inside of his belly. Honestly, he felt like he never wanted to eat again for the rest of his life. „I am sorry and I promise I won’t cause any more trouble.“
„It’s too late now“, Sarge brushed him off. „Should have thought about that before. Now man up and stuff it down.“
Trembling all over, Jamie parted his lips and bit off the cheese-covered tip of the cured sausage. A pungent flavor of dried meat, salt and smoke overwhelmed his tastebuds. The fatty mouthfeel, combined with the gooey dip, was enough to send Jamie into a retching fit. He fought hard to keep on chewing, but his production of saliva increased rapidly until it dripped from his lower lip. Shaken by another heave, Jamie involuntarily spewed out the shredded pieces of salami before he could force them down. Sarge picked up the disgorged food and shoved it back into Jamie’s mouth.
Jamie swallowed desperately. His body lurched forward with a gag that sounded wet enough to be productive. Painful cramps stabbed his belly. And still, the sausage was right in front of his face again, dripping with even more cheddar gloop.
„At least give him a bucket!“, Yujun cried, his voice coming from a mile away.
„Is someone trying to avoid his sentence?“, Mr. Abel inquired with a feigned smile and a menacing tone.
„No, but… isn’t this punishment enough, without the extra humiliation?“
„He brought it upon himself.“ There was no hint of compassion on the man’s face. Sarge didn’t show any mercy, either. While Jamie retched helplessly, the torturer took the opportunity to push the salami between the boy‘s lips.
It was too much for Jamie. He felt thick vomit shooting up his throat, way too forceful to hold it in. Sarge stepped back just in time to avoid the massive wave of undigested food gushing out of Jamie’s mouth. His body jerked while he puked up big chunks of sausage and deep fried dough, banana pap and slimy custard. Jamie shivered with disgust as the warm mush soaked into the fabric of his clothes. The nauseating blend tasted even worse than it had going down, bringing back the rancid sibling of every single flavor component.
As his abdominal muscles clenched again, Jamie turned to the side so he wouldn’t throw up on himself again. Big, chapped hands – was it Huxley? It had to be Huxley, but when had he stepped behind him? – grabbed his head and forced him to look straight forward. Jamie could barely let out a broken groan before the next surge of lumpy vomit spilled from his lips. It had the color and texture of grainy hummus, but the pieces of cookies and pretzels were still surprisingly crispy, scratching Jamie’s raw throat. He coughed and spat, trying to expell what had been caught in his mouth.
His body didn’t let him catch his breath – it was hellbent on emptying his overstuffed stomach. Doubling over with a violent retch, Jamie gurgled up a brown mash of chocolate sponge, mixed with soggy lumps of hotdogs and cheese. He cursed himself for not having chewed more thoroughly. Brownie porridge with frankfurter nuggets was beyond disgusting and the big, mushy chunks constantly triggered his gag reflex. The cake mix from hell plopped moistly on Jamie‘s boxers and the naked parts of his thighs.
Once again, Jamie was seized from behind, this time by the shoulders, and straightened up. When his upset belly pumped up another flood of foul smelling slurry, it poured down his chin and all over his front. Jamie retched desperately and expelled two smaller waves of vomit, followed by a bitter, sticky liquid that stubbornly clung to his lower lip. His muscles convulsed under several dry heaves before his wrung out stomach finally calmed down.
„Let this be a lesson you won’t forget“, Mr. Abel lectured, his voice dripping with unabashed smugness. „And for everyone else, take it as a warning. If you engage in criminal behavior, you will have to pay the price.“
Only now Jamie noticed that tears were running down his cheeks. The entire process of being stuffed to the gills, just to puke it all back up, had been agonizing, but the feeling of total humiliation was even worse. He had been harmed in a way that went deeper than anything else he had experienced before. Jamie felt dirty to his core, and it wasn’t because he was drenched in his own sick. It was something that couldn’t be washed away with soap and water.
„Time to carry out your duty.“ Mr. Abel turned his attention to Yujun. Huxley rushed into the kitchen and returned with cleaning equipment. Apparently, he was assigned to do the legwork.
Yujun firmly pressed Jamie’s hand before he began to clean him up. There was an entire buffet spilled all over Jamie‘s body, many pieces completely undigested, so it took a while to remove the solids. Then Yujun did his best to wipe away the pulpy and liquidy stains before he subjected the floor to the same treatment.
„Can he please take a shower?“,  Yujun asked with pleading eyes when he was all done.
„Well, he’s not supposed to soil the bed, so go ahead“, Mr. Abel allowed magnanimously. „The rest of you – back to sleep. Tomorrow is another working day.“
The boys left in silence – some pale, some green, some shaken and dumbfounded, some giggling nervously. No one had expected the gruesome spectactle to actually play out in front of them to the bitter end. They had probably realized by now that they were at the mercy of the ranch leaders as well, and mercy definitely wasn’t their forte.
Yujun helped Jamie up and put an arm around his waist to support him on the way to the bathroom. He took off the vomit-soaked clothes, then guided him under one of the showers. Jamie was in a trance-like state, not putting up any resistance whatsoever. When the cold water poured down on him, he didn’t even flinch.
„It’s okay, you’re safe now, I’ll take care of you“, Yujun tried to get through to him. He gently wiped Jamie’s face, his chest, his arms and legs. Finally, he turned off the water and wrapped Jamie in one of the scratchy towels. When Jamie remained motionless, Yujun took it into his own hands to rub him dry and lead him to the sinks. „Come on, rinse your mouth. It will help you get rid of the taste.“
Just focusing on the nauseating concoction of flavors that still plagued Jamie’s tastebuds was enough to send him over the basin with a sudden lurch. He spewed bright yellow bile on the cracked porcellain. With a shaking hand, he wiped his lips.
„So-sorry“, he mumbled.
„No, it’s fine. Honestly, I’m just glad you’re talking again.“ Yujun smiled faintly and opened the tap to wash away the slimy fluid. When the sink was clean, Jamie bowed down and thoroughly rinsed his mouth at least ten times. Yujun stroked back his wet hair. „Are you a little better?“
„I… I don’t know.“ Jamie felt utterly helpless and deeply disturbed. He had no idea what to do with himself. Yujun didn’t inquire further, he just hugged him close. All of a sudden, Jamie’s legs gave in and he sank to the floor, pulling Yujun with him. He pressed his face against the smaller boy’s neck while his body was shaken by convulsive sobs.
„I’m here“, Yujun whispered, rubbing Jamie’s back in firm, soothing strokes. „I promise I’ll get you out of here. We’ll run away and they will never hurt you again.“
The words covered Jamie’s troubled mind like a comforting blanket. He clung to Yujun and cried until he ran out of tears. Everything would be alright, he told himself.
They would run away together.
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Archive of our own: Up all night to get Bucky
tumblr: birdnamedenza
12 notes · View notes
1000sunnygo · 2 months
Law's artist side isn't talked about enough, so here's a smooth brain ramble.
He prefers abstract arts over realism. Unlike Kid who forms animal or skull figures with metals, Law creates strange 'sculptures' with his victim's bodies/belongings:
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And, of course, the tattoos.
I like how all of his tattoos accentuate the shapes of his torso and arms, especially the joints and muscles. Combined they look like a single stylized drawing of human upper torso.
Seen theories that the tribal style could be a lost trend from Flevance (as seen on the arm of a miner in his flashback), but it could just be his personal style. That said, his upper arm's heart tattoos look similar.
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(Something that artists probably noticed long ago but I'm only noticing recently: Law's upper arm's tattoos have been simplified over time. There used to be two spiral-like protrusions, but Oda has been omitting them in later arts)
The "DEATH" tattoos have a straightforward message. According to the Law novel, these were his first tattoos.
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Speaking of death, ghosts and spirituality have been implicitly a theme for Law, especially during Dressrosa. Doflamingo referred to Law as Cora's 'vengeful ghost'. Law's (cursed) sword Kikoku's name means 'wailings of a restless ghost". Ironically, Law having a hidden name was also a tradition that related to dead people.
The orange jolly roger (red in the sail) could be many things, I think it's a stylized way of drawing the sun.
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Sun symbols are everywhere in the One Piece world. Law's lower arm tattoos are different types of 'suns'. Law might've subconsciously carried those symbols from his hometown for their aesthetic appeal.
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The tattoos on the back of his hands reminded me of the church lady's cross, which is slightly different from the cross seen at Kuma's church. It's possible that various faiths in One Piece world are interconnected, leading to a prophecy about the sun god and Dawn. Law, at the very least, believes in the will of D and his own fate being tied to a purpose.
The chest tattoo, clearly a tribute to Corazon, could have some elements of catholicism. Kikoku also has crosses all over its sheath. Originally this wasn't my observation, but Law seeing Cora as a sacred being makes a lot of sense.
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Carving a heart at the dead center of his chest by creating small wounds - the process itself reminds of Cora doesn't it
The custom-made Dressrosa coat is another tribute to Corazon, but IMHO he designed it specifically for Doflamingo, as a mockery.
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A cross and circle like dangling a pistol target for Doflamingo's shooting practice, with a grinning face copied from Doflamingo's own jolly roger, but it's Corazon. Like his brother has returned to face his pistol again. A vengeful ghost indeed
And boy did it work...
Doflamingo shot it until the mark was completely drenched and unrecognizable.
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Assuming he draws for all of his clothes himself, here's this masterpiece:
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Or maybe it's gifted by his crew mates. Either way, it's adorable.
Since he's a surgeon (and a comic nerd), he should be skilled at drawing human anatomy. How does he draw realistic arts? Does he doodle while taking notes?
We've seen his handwriting in punk hazard arc and it wasn't particularly stylized. Regardless, it'd be nice to take a proper peek at his notebook.
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jamil-s-wifey · 10 months
If you're taking any scenario request. Maybe could I request funny/silly one where Leona and his S/O are married and live in the Royal Palace. Leona's S/O has gotten lost somehow in their own home and when found their response is "This place is too damn big I'm sorry!"
You have NO idea how much I love these types of fics! Wholesome crackheadedness at its finest✨ We love a spouse with 0 orientation skills. (I'd know, I get lost in supermarkets) This was ONE OF THE FUNNIEST THINGS I've EVER written. I hope you enjoy!
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"What the actual fuck."
A turn here. A turn there.
Oh, would you look at that - the exact same vase you passed 5 minutes ago. But was that really the same vase? Or was it its evil twin, trying to further confuse you, only for you to get lost even more and die of starvation, eventually BECOMING ONE WITH THE PALACE...
God, whoever built this palace should have their head on a stake. Haha, that sounded a lot like the Red Queen of Hearts. Perhaps Riddle was rubbing off on you. You two did text occasionally since graduating from NRC.
Speaking of graduation, you married Leona. (yay!) And it's not like you weren't happy. Life was relatively peaceful. You two moved back to the palace. Arrangements had begun for you two to take over a certain part of Sunset Savannah, as something akin to a *Peerage. (They had their own name for it, you are currently far too annoyed to remember.) A lot of (semi-forced) communication set the road to reconciliation between the two brothers. (Admittedly a very long road. A road that puts Gulliver's travels to shame.) The Royal Family™️ accepted you with open hearts. (albeit a tad wary at first)
Really there was only one major problem.
The ROYAL PALACE IS LIKE A GODDAMN LABYRINTH. And that's rich, given your history of painting the white roses with Ace and Deuce in Heartsabyul's maze. So here you are, lost.
Scratch that.
Lost: again.
And all you wanted to do was find Cheka's room. You had a gift for the little cub.
"An architectural masterpiece, my ass. This is an architectural disaster. A disaster with a capital D. D for Vitamin D - what I won't be getting, because I'm trapped within these walls, where the SUN CAN'T REACH ME-"
Okay. Calm down. It's not that bad, sure there isn't a soul in sight, but you're bound to stumble upon somebody at some point, right? There had to be servants, or guards, or somebody! UNLESS! This is all an elaborate plan to get rid of you.
Aha! That must be it. The Royal Family wants you dead and they intend to make it seem like an accident! But Leona wouldn't allow that, right? He loves you! Dearly! You're his spouse, his one and only! Ah, cruel fate.
Is it just you...or are these walls moving in on each other. So this IS an assassination attempt! And you presented yourself on a silver platter. Good job, s/o. Splendid work. A royal for a few months and you're already about to be assassinated. Your name shall remain the book of "Dumbest ways to die." Goodbye cruel world-
Leona's voice rang through the empty hallway, "What are you doing out here."
Ah! And so tragedy was avoided once more!
"Leona, my LOVE! Thank God."
"Did you just- get lost in the palace... again?", his eyes read annoyance but his tone was teasing.
"It's not MY fault this place is so damn big, what do you need all this space for anyways? Indoor badminton? Hide and Seek or Die?"
"Definitely that last one. That's how we get rid of our enemies."
"AHA! I knew it! So this IS an assassination attempt!"
He simply rolled his eyes, pulling you towards him to wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you on the forehead.
"This isn't an assassination attempt. You did this yourself. It's called idiocy."
"You should build a better palace."
"What I should do is put a collar on you. With a tracking device on it. Like a pet."
"Oh, Leona~ Who knew you were into that~"
"Next time I'm leaving you here to rot."
"Then I'll haunt you to Hell and back."
He smirked, pinching your cheek as you were both making your way far from the cursed looping corridor.
"At least you won't be able to get lost."
"I told you, it's not my fault."
"Nah, of course not. The Palace is just cursed."
You both knew this isn't the last time you'll be getting lost. And Leona was seriously considering the tracking device.
Perhaps he'd already ordered it too.
You were about to find out.
*Peerage - collective noun for titles like Duke, Duchess, Count, Earl etc. Comes from "Peers of the Realm" where one could hold one or more of these titles. It differs from monarchy to monarchy. THAT'S YOUR WORD FOR THE DAY FOLKS!
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thehandsresisthim · 9 months
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“bitte, bitte”
content: nsft, könig (cod) x reader, d/s dynamics, gn!reader, ‘master’, dom!reader, no desc. of readers body
word count: ~500
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"W-what?" it comes out small, like he's trying to convince himself that he didn't hear you right.
"You heard me! Look, you basically came-," you gently run your fingers around the tip of his dick, wetting your fingerstips with the sticky white precum and lift your hand to his face to show him, "it's so much! It's all over you! Maybe that should be enough for today..." You hum in fake thought.
The man before you looks like he might actually start to cry. "N-no... It's just... pre... I-I didn't..." he argues, as if he's genuinely thinking that you believe that he came.
"Look, König, it's so much... Surely, that's good enough for you, huh?"
He shakes his head. It looks like there's genuine concern in his eyes. To be fair, you had been edging him for a bit. Employing your strong tendencies to be a bit mean to your boyfriend, you had brought the poor man to the edge again and again, only to deny him. The amount of milky white liquid pooling around his dick was more than enough proof of that.
"You're being... So cruel..." he stutters out. It's actually adorable, how the big strong soldier crumbles with a bit of orgasm denial. You deny your own urge to take a photo of him in this debauched state. Although you're certain such an image would be a masterpiece, you're not certain about whether or not your boyfriend would like it.
"Mmh. I guess." Whilst you speak, you run your fingers around his tip.
"Please. Bitte... Bitte... Es tut weh... Bitte... Kann nicht mehr..." he murmurs in German. This only spurs you on further. You know you've properly broken him when he mutters in his native tongue.
"Say I let you cum, like, for real," you run your fingers over a particularly sensitive spot and he involuntarily thrusts his hips up, "do you think you could do it a few more times afterwards? Make even more of a mess than you have already?"
"Ja, yes! Ich mach' was immer du willst, alles, alles, bitte, bitte lass mich... Kann nicht mehr... I'll do whatever... Bitte, es tut weh..."
You apply more pressure to the tip. He whimpers. You can see his hands twitch, probably with the urge to join your hands on his cock. But he remains obedient. His hands lay balled into fists next to his thighs.
"What a good boy... Doing so well." you say and hum in thought.
"I think I'll let you cum."
"Yes! Yes! Thank you... Danke, danke..." he whimpers with relief.
You take your hands of off his dick. He whimpers at the loss, thrusting his hips up in an attempt to chase the touch of your hands. You chastise him with a quick slap to his thigh.
"Do it yourself. Don't stop once you've cum."
He bites his lip and nods. "Y-yes, master."
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thank you for reading ♥️
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redheadspark · 5 months
Can i have prompt #6 with Benedict Bridgerton?
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A/N - I do like this request! Thanks for requesting this, my friend!
Funny Thing
Summary - Beneditc's childhood crush comes back, and Eloise calls him out because of it
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Warnings - Just some fluff
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“Benedict, we need to discuss this nonsense,”
“It’s not nonsense, sister, I wish not to discuss it any further,”
“Truth be told, your own scowl and bitter energy must be addressed before our guests are to arrive,” 
That made Benedict look up from his sketch pad, seeing his younger sister with her book in hand waltz over to plop down on the chair next to his own in their sitting room.  He saw the smirk she was giving him, to which he snapped his sketchbook shut and stuck the pencil in the back of his ear as Eloise spoke up again with the smirk even heard in her voice.
“Tell me, dear brother, when was the last time we spoke to the Hamptons?” She asked Benedict, who was thinking to himself for a long moment.  It has been some time since the Hampton family has had relations with the Bridgerton, given the fact that they had to move away with their father’s new business opportunities that were on the other side of the country.  In fact, the Bridgertons and the Hamptons grew up as neighbors, their parents were cordial with one another, and the children played together.  The Hamptons had 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls.  You, being the youngest girl and the third eldest, was close in age with Benedict and was more of a tomboy and willing to get dirty compared to your elder sister.  Nonetheless, your childhood as neighbors and childhood friends was amazing and filled with laughter.
Benedict, like the rest of his siblings, felt his heartbreak when you and your family had to move away.  He was almost a teenager at the time, already developing feelings for you around the same time your father shared the news with his own father about his new job.  He thought of you as someone filled with adventure, not wishing to be the dainty flower that your mother wanted you to be, and you were never afraid to speak your mind.  Holding back was never your nature, and Benedict found that enduring and perhaps attractive.
But as time went on, he found other girls and young women to fan the flame that was deep inside of him.  But one afternoon, reading the paper in the social section merely because he was bored and looking at future galleries and upcoming events, he recognized a name.
Your family name.  You all were coming back to your old stomping grounds for a few balls.
“Back when we were teens,” He replied, Eloise grinning as Benedtic shrugged, “You were far too young remember them,”
“Oh, I remember them far too well, especially the certain young daughter who made you trip over your own feet and fall face first in the mud,” Eloise reminded him, Benedict instantly throwing the pillow that his elbow was perched out in her direction.  Thankfully, she ducked it just in time as she laughed, Benedict huffed and shot up from the couch, moving over to place his sketchbook on the mantel as Eloise spoke again.
“Benedict, we all knew you liked her,” She explained as Benedict scoffed.
“I never liked her in such a manner, merely as a friend,” He reasoned, though his sister was not buying it for one moment.
“Denial is not an attractive trait, Benedict.  I should now, being the reader and all,” She advised him as he looked over his shoulder and glared at her, “Come now, I’ve heard she has taken to the arts and is quite good at identifying an original masterpiece and a fake.  Being in a male-dominated field, I must say that is quite amazing and an eminence feet to conquer at one’s age.”
“I don’t wish to discuss it anymore,” Benedict said in a scoff, though Eloise eyed him in suspicion.
“Sounds like someone is still horning some pent-up feelings—“
“I do not want to see their face, hear their voice or their name for that matter.  Stop talking about them,” Benedict said in a warning tone, but there was no real heat in it.  He was defensive of course, merely because he had no clue as to how he was going to act in front of his old childhood friend and old crush.  He merely never had someone as close to his heart as you, no one who seemed to know Benedict deeply and with affection.  Other women tried to come close, and although the pleasure was amazing at the time, he still never felt that kind of affection when he did with you.  
“Denial is a funny thing, brother.  But it won’t last forever,” Eloise advised him calmly.  Benedict could hear the sincerity in his sister’s tone, knowing that Eloise would never steer him wrong since she admired him as her older brother.  As much as a pain that she was, Eloise still had pearls of wisdom that she would bring to her family in times of need.  Maybe she sensed that he was using denial to hide the fact that he was nervous about seeing you, and she saw right through it. 
Bless her.
“Ah, there you two are!”  Benedict and Eloise looked over to see their mother and Matriarch, Violet Bridgerton, waltz into the room with two people behind her.  Benedict knew it was the Hamptons, both himself and Eloise stood tall in greeting as your mother and father smiled at the two siblings, “I must have missed the pair of you.  Our guests have arrived,”
Both Benedict and Eloise walked over to bow and shake hands with your parents, who smiled widely in greeting.
“I hope your travels were in your favor, Sir Hampton,” Benedict said to your father.
“Quite pleasant, actually.  My wife and I are glad to be back at our stomping grounds,” your father replied, then looking over his shoulder, “You remember my daughter?”
Benedict looked, and his breath was instantly lost.
You were walking down the hallway in a mint green dress and curls in an elegant bun. The highlights in your hair, the softness of your skin with a hint of blush on your cheeks, even the infamous smile that Benedict knew you’d had all your life was etched on your face.  You were taller, the twinkle in your eye and your smile as you two locked gazes at one another.  No longer was he thinking of the young girl with gangly elbows, the young girl who could outrun him tenfold in a foot race.
He saw you as an ethereal being with the same smile that shined like the stars.
“I do,” Benedict replied in a breath as you approached him, bowing slightly as him as he did the same.  When you two locked eyes again, it felt as if you two were young again.  But it was different, the smile on Benedict’s face was infectious as he found his voice once more, “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Lady Hampton,”
“The same to you, Mr. Bridgerton,” You replied, Benedict, feeling his heart flutter from hearing your voice. 
Eloise merely grinned, hiding her giggling behind her book.  
The End.
January Prompt Session
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hyunsvngs · 3 months
content warning: masochist,gymrat(kinda),bf!hannie, sub!hanjisung, cockstepping, scratching (m. rec), hair pulling (m. rec), switch!reder, foot stuff (duh), dirty talk, degradation (m. rec), aftercare/ implied aftercare, safe word mentioned but not used
“Jisung, why do you wanna get so big? Are you a masochist?” You eyed him as you both walk to your shared apartment.
“A.. a masochist?” He stops dead in his tracks, which has you turning to face him two feet away. The tips of his ears are turning the prettiest shade of pink and his boba eyes are so wide, mouth slightly agape.
“You’ve put on quite the muscle since I first met you a few years ago,” you begin, images of Jisung walking into your college mathematics class looking considerably toned, but slightly thin. A small smile finds it’s way onto your face as you finish your sentence, “and every New Year’s Day I ask you what your resolution is, but the answer is always the same.. ‘I wanna get bigger’.”
He looks down at his physique and makes a unsatisfied face. “I just don’t think my physique looks that nice,” he begins walking and grabs your hand to lead you on the sidewalk. You almost think you didn’t hear him correctly when he whispered “and maybe being sore feels really good.”
And heard him correctly you did.
A week later, Jisung asks you a question you never thought you’d hear.
“Hypothetically? Are we sure this is a hypothetical question, Hannie?” One of your eyebrows is raised out of suspension while he plays with a loose sting hanging from the bottom of his grey sweatpants shorts. You walk over to his figure on the couch from your previous position in the kitchen and sit next to him. His body sinks towards your weight, his face vulnerable.
“I thought about what you said.. and it makes sense. 1000%. I enjoy feeling pain. I like how it feels when I’m done doing a set of exercises, and I especially love being sore the next day. I just- I wanna try it. Please.” Jisung shifts his body so that he’s facing you, almost frantically. Like he can sense you pulling away, even though he knows you wouldn’t leave him because of this..maybe you would find him weird. He doesn’t want that either though.
“Are we talking barefoot? Sneakers? Boots? High heels?” Your head tilts and you even look away a little to think about what he would want as the first step.
“H-huh?” There’s no longer a pit in the bottom on his stomach, just whispers of heat beginning to stir under his waistband. He’s beginning to fall apart at the seams and nothing has even happened yet.
You had already toe-d off your house shoes before he realized what’s going on. “You can’t seriously be hard already.. we just started talking about it!” You laugh and he covers his semi with both of his hands. “I-I’m sorry baby.. sorry.”
Without a word, you slapped his hands. He knew what you wanted.. his hands away and to not return until told otherwise. He’s gripping and unclenching the couch cushion with anticipation and desperation, head already a little numb. It’s always easy to spot when he gets floaty- his ears and neck (even upper chest) become splotchy with a dusty pink hue, and his hands are restless.
“Hannie, you look so pretty like this. Can you tell me the safe word?” You stroke his cheek and wait for his answer. The word is spoken softly, almost like he is too scared to speak any louder- terrified he may ruin the mood after he built the courage to ask you such a question. “Perfect baby, sit up a little for me.”
Jisung sits up slightly, allowing you to remove his loose black shirt. His heated, splotchy chest looks like a masterpiece paired with his tanned skin; it invites you to places kisses against the muscle. Your right hand flies to his waist and dig your fingertips into him. He jerks at the feeling of your lips and hand- he wants, NO.. needs more.
“Please hurt me, pleasepleasepl- AH!” His hips lift from the cushion as he feels your teeth nip harshly at the skin next to this left nipple, your hand following to scratch at his side.
“Jisungie.. shhhh. Let me play with your body.” You whisper against him. You place your right hand on top on his clothed cock, and the most sinful and beautiful moans are coming out of his mouth. As quickly as your hand appeared, it disappeared and he makes his disappointment known. You shoot him a glare to shut him up and he listens. He knows you mean business right now- you always do when it comes to his pleasure.
At his side, next cushion over, you lean back on both hands and lift your right leg. Bent at the knee, ankle loose and foot firm, you hover it over Jisung’s hips. He’s watching your every move with scrunched eyebrows and mouth unhinged. The ball of your foot begins to press down on his erection, not stopping even though gravity has done all its work. The force starts to push into his bladder but still no mind, he’s now staring at you like you put the damn stars in the sky and you’re drenched. You can feel your panties sticking and it won’t get better from here because you know he won’t want to stop any time soon.
“Hannie, does it feel good? Or do you not want it to feel good?” Even you’re breathless.. the view you have looks straight out of some cheap porno. His red and bitten-raw lips open, his cheeks flush and his eyes heavily lidded with lust, even his labored breathing.
“Need more. More pain. Please” Voice cracking on his last word, you get up as fast as you possibly can. This newfound confidence in yourself after seeing what you can do for your boyfriend has you reeling. Jisung lets out a yelp of surprise when you grab a fist full of his hair and begin to drag him off the couch and to the center of the living room.
“Take off your shorts and lay down. Now. And I didn’t tell you to touch yourself, did I?” He had grabbed his base over his shorts when you tugged on his hair. He feels so pathetic like this, he could totally get off on this but he doesn’t want it to end soon. He stripped himself of his shorts and laid down on the carpet floor, even the navy blue underwear making for a great view against his thick thighs- threads stretched taught against the muscle.
The second his whole body made contact with the floor, you raised your right leg again. Bent at the knee but with a firm ankle and firm foot, you dug your heel into his cock. Jisung took in a sharp breath and a few moments later, released a shaky one. “Oh fuuuuuuuck!” His eyes rolled into the back of his head.
You’re dripping, and you’re about to lose your mind seeing Jisung strung out on the carpet like this. You don’t even wanna blink because you’re afraid you might miss the sight like he could disappear.
“How about this, Hannie? You like this shit?” You scoff, “What a fucking painslut. Getting off to me stepping on your dick.” You moved your ankle back and forth to dig into his skin even more and you can hear the carpet being scratched at. He is trying his hardest to stay grounded so he can feel this bliss for as long as he can, but you go just deep enough and he’s done.
“I’m gonna cum! Gonna cum!” He’s breathing frantically.
“Just from this??? This is all it takes, Hannie? Just need me to step on you??” You put as much weight into your right foot as you can for a few seconds to help him reach his orgasm.
“Yes! Yesyesyesyes! I’m cumming! Gonna come so hard!” He’s babbling and you watch him break.
His fingertips are white from digging into the carpet and his body twitches as his underwear becomes soaked with fluid. His moans and gasps are so loud you don’t doubt there would be a complaint or two tomorrow. There’s so much cum, you question if that’s all it is and nothing else. His back is arched in the prettiest curve and his neck is on display as if saying ‘I still need more, please bite me’. He stopped breathing towards the back end of his orgasm as if to prolong it (asphyxiation is something you will bring up another time).
The aftershocks are still hitting him when you drop to your knees next to his head. He’s so dazed and spacey. You give him a quick kiss to his forehead and tell him you’ll be back in a second. You come back with a new pair of underwear and a towel to wipe him with. You help him change and sit him up.
“You doing okay baby? How’s your penis? Does it hurt too much?” You ask while giving him a scalp massage, trying to relieve what you caused earlier.
Jisung shakes his head and whispers “I feel so good right now. Can we lay down on the couch?” You both make it to the couch and you offer to make him some food and get beverages. Only after 10 minutes of cuddling, kissing, and ‘i love you’s ’,does he allow you to do that.
“I know the initial conversation we had about this was about a week ago, but if it wasn’t obvious… I really like your physique, Jisung.” You say as you place the plates of food on the coffee table. Your cheeks heat up at the confession, but all he can think about is your lips on his body. He shoots you a quick smirk and says “Yeah, totally wasn’t obvious.”
OMGoMG i know i said hard thot (or was it hot thot????idek) LMAOOO i got carried away sorry <3 also the end is rushed but i hope you enjoyed
Jjesus what
THIS BROKE MY BRIAN. i meant my brain but also
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"The force starts to push into his bladder but still no mind, he’s now staring at you like you put the damn stars in the sky and you’re drenched." holllly HOOOOOOLY THIS WAS SO GOOD. I WAS CHEERING MAKE HIM PEE MAKE HIM PEE MAKE HIM PEE!!
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whenlostinthedarkness · 10 months
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Pairing: Ellie x Reader
Warning: Alcohol intake
Summary: You get to know Ellie a bit more when the both of you are paired up on a patrol route. When Ellie asks you to hang out..you don’t expect what happens next. Sorta angsty, but lots of fluff too
AN: Got this AU from @dailyau and had to run with it; “I thought you asked me on a date but turns out it’s a group hang”.
Word Count: 3.4k
Present Day
The sun had just begun to set on Jackson as your feet moved against the paved road.
All the nerves you’d been feeling for the past two days were continuing to feel like static through your hands and legs, but you couldn’t deny the equal amount of anxiety and excitement you had for tonight.
Ellie had asked you out.
Ellie-fucking-Williams asked you out.
You ended up having to cover for someone on patrol last minute. Thus, you ending up on a patrol route with Ellie. When the both of you weren’t shanking clickers in the head or searching through a building to ensure it was clear, the conversation was constant and flowing naturally. And even though it had only been a one day thing, you couldn’t help but feel butterflies for the auburn haired girl anytime she looked at you that day.
Ellie was someone you would consider an acquaintance. You knew of her, and let's be honest, who didn’t know who she was in Jackson, but the most you’d gotten to actually know her prior to this was quick ‘hello’s’ and friendly smilies while walking by one another.
That night, when you had both checked back into Jackson, post-route, Ellie ended up walking home with you-Insisting that you didn’t live far from her anyways and she was enjoying your company.
Watching her speak was truly a masterpiece. Her facial expressions when she was telling a story, the way her full lips moved as she spoke, her body language as she used her hands and arms to speak along with her. Masterpiece.
God, and her smile. Such a simple thing to do, yet she made it look ten times as beautiful compared to all the smiling faces you’d ever seen. The way her eyes would reflect against the street lights as her nose scrunched up, making her freckles that much more pronounced and complementing to her facial features.
As you reached the front door of your home that night, you found yourself not wanting the conversation to end; Ellie felt the same as well.
“So uh-h. Would you uh..maybe want to hang out sometime?”, Ellie asked cautiously as her eyes diverted away from you and one of her hands came up to scratch at the side of her neck in a fidgeting action.
Suddenly, the butterflies in your stomach were lurching from within, past your lungs and up into your throat until they were fluttering around you, making your face glow with a nervous smile that you were trying so very hard to not make stretch across the entire width of your cheeks.
“I’d love to Ellie.”
Present Day 
Two days had passed since that day with Ellie. Two days of thinking and wondering and rehearsing what you would say, how you would say it ; what you would wear and how you would wear it. 
Your mind had been busy, that was for sure.
Ellie was also finding herself daydreaming about what the night would look like...which included pestering her friends about you every conversation.
Past: Ellie POV
“D, you don’t understand.”
Dina rolled her eyes as Ellie and her walked side by side, “I get it Ellie! She’s hot and you like her.”
Ellie felt you like a racing horse in her veins. Her thoughts being utterly and completely consumed by your last interaction. 
“Fuck, how could one day with this girl entirely alter my brain?”, Ellie thought.
“Sorry, I know I keep going on and on and on about this chick-”
“Mhmm”, Dina hummed, looking at Jesse on her other side with a smile.
“-but I just really want to make a good impression on her so you have to be good.”
“When are we ever not good Ellie?, Jesse mused as he peaked in front of Dina to glance over at Ellie with a mischievous smile.
“I’m serious guys! I don’t wanna fuck this up.”
Dina shook her head as her and Jesse exchanged matching laughs, “Chill Ellie, we’ll be good!”
Ellie seemed satisfied with Dina’s answer as she turned to look straight ahead and continue walking down the road.
Present Day
You could see it in the near distance. The large wooden building adorned with its very own etched sign that twinkled against the fairy lights that swayed on the edges of the awnings. It truly acted like a lighthouse among the darkness of Jackson in the evening hours. 
The bottoms of your only non-ripped or stained combat boots kept your body moving as the lights became brighter the closer they got, until your hand was resting on the cold metal door knob of the Tipsy Bison.
Your body seemed to pause as all of the thoughts and feelings and nerves caught up to you all at once. 
What if you both didn’t vibe this time for some reason?
What if it was awkward?
What if we didn’t have anything to talk about?
What if I hyped this up too much?
“’cuse me,” a deep voice spoke behind you, making your body physically jolt.
The man towered over you with a kindness in his eye and smile on his lips. “You heading in?”
You nodded, embarrassed by your body freezing and disregarding the life around you for a moment, simply because you were nervous over some girl that you met two days ago.
“Get your shit together,” you internally yelled at yourself.
“Allow me then.”
You moved your eyes from your hand back to the stranger before you took the hint and dropped your hand from the doorknob as the man reached out his hand to pull open the door; an immediate sound of various conversations and clinking glasses overtaking the once bare quiet you had experienced walking over here.
You were left alone now as the man went his own way. Immediately, your eyes began scanning the crowd in search of a place where you belonged among all of these people. It was rush hour, as you liked to call it. A time just after dinner, when most people’s job duties of the day were over and allowed time for rest and unwinding. The majority of Jackson was in attendance it seemed as your eyes squinted, trying to differentiate between all of the bodies, until your eyes met Ellie’s green ones.
Your smile widened as the both of you made eye contact and Ellie’s hand raised up in the air to wave you over. You couldn’t move your feet faster as you bobbed and weaved through the crowd of primarily tipsy attendees.
But finally, you made it.
“Hey you”, Ellie smiled, raising her chin up in the air to greet you just before she lifted her honey colored glass to her lips, her eyes still holding themselves on you.
“Hey yourself”, you greeted with a smile as you relaxed your elbow on the edge of the bar with your body turned towards Ellie.
Ellie wore a faded grey plaid shirt that was relaxed in fit, yet didn’t shy away from her lean figure that hid underneath the fabric. The sleeves were rolled up just below her elbows, perfectly showing off the fern that adorned her fore arm as well as the slight tan that had settled in below it.
Her hair was pulled back this time, allowing full access to her facial features, unlike her messy half up style she was sporting the day you first interacted with her on patrol.
Not that you were complaining.
As you were busying your eyes by taking in Ellie, she too was mimicking your behavior; Taking in your hair, your clothes...how your body looked in the clothes. Her pupils were growing by the second as she devoured you more and more with her gaze.
Of course, neither of you noticed the other fawning after the other. Conveniently, you both were grabbing eyefuls at the exact same time, keeping the nerves warming within your stomach a secret to the other person.
“Ow,” Ellie yelped, feeling a nudge at the back of her shoulder, almost forgetting the two friends that were accompanying her tonight. 
This broke both of your trances as you looked towards Ellie with a concerned look on your face.
“Oh yeah..these are my friends Dina & Jesse.” Ellie gestured to both of them as they smiled at you, quietly analyzing the girl Ellie had hyped up to them for nearly 48 straight hours.
But what Ellie didn’t know was the way your heart instantly began to sink; a literal drop in the middle of your torso as you began to put together the pieces of the puzzle.
You weren't the only one invited to this night out at the Tipsy Bison. This wasn’t a fucking date at all, this was...just a casual night out with her friends. Ellie wanted to be your friend. Just your friend.
How could you have been so stupid?,” You thought to yourself as your lips pulled down into a frown that quickly changed into a faux smile as your manners kicked in and you looked at the two strangers stood at Ellie’s side.
“Hi”, you said timidly, with a shake of hand to each of them as you attempted your very best at ensuring nothing was wrong.
Nope. Everything was fine. You totally weren’t feeling like a complete and utter fool who had envisioned a date night perfectly crafted by a human who was perfectly sculpted in your eyes.
Though you were trying your absolute best to completely mask your true feelings to the outside world, Ellie, of course, noticed. Her eyes had been trained on your mouth after all, so when it faltered, turning from a grin that cascaded downwards into an unhappy expression, she quickly looked to your eyes to tell her the truth. But even your eyes knew how to cover up your feelings or at least leave them to be hidden behind a dark veil.
Ellie disrupted the silence with a brief introduction of her friends. Sensing the thick tension in the room, that she wasn’t sure was a figment of her imagination or the truth, but either way, this was her one shot at getting you on a good note with her closest friends and she wanted to make it as smooth as possible.
Dina and Jesse went back and forth about their lives in Jackson, all of you finding a common ground seeing as you were in the same age group, same town, and same fucked up apocalyptic world.
However, the entire time you felt your mind was blurring every word; Never fully paying attention because it wasn’t allowing you to hold concentration on small talk when you felt a massive amount of grief for the scenario you thought would happen tonight.
Ellie could tell things were off, despite your best efforts. She didn’t know how or why, but you were different somehow.
She would mentally scoff at herself for thinking such a thing when you were a new human to her mind, but then your lips would fall almost immediately after a, what appeared to be, dead smile grace your mouth. Or your eyes weren’t holding any sort of real emotion to them, almost as if you were going through a robotic set of motions that was covering the bare minimum when it came to social standards.
And that’s exactly what you were doing.
Now, it wasn’t that you were upset with having to share Ellie’s attention, it was more so the fact that you had dreamed too much about this evening and how it would go. You were mourning a night that you thought would go entirely different than it was currently.
If Ellie had just mentioned to you that her friends would also be there, it wouldn’t have made you feel this god awful. Sure, you would’ve felt a little disappointed, but at least you could’ve dreamed up thoughts that could’ve actually happened in this exact scenario. Instead, it felt like you were dreaming up a fairytale evening that had a surprise curve right smack dab in the middle of it.
At least you were able to admire Ellie in her lightly intoxicated state as all four of you emptied your third..maybe fourth drink of the night. Dina was nuzzled into her, what you assumed to be, partner, Jesse, as she rested her head on his shoulder, her back leaning onto his chest as his hand naturally rested on the side of her body.
“I think I’m going to head out,” Dina spoke drowsily as she let out a loud yawn, one that had Ellie laughing as she patted her friend on the back.
“Yeah me too..I think they close soon anyways.” As the last word gently slurred off of Ellie’s tongue, her eyes drifted from her friends to yours.
“Can I walk you home?”
All of a sudden you felt shy about having one on one time with the girl you were currently fond of, but you still nodded in agreement. “I’d like that.”
Even if you weren’t entirely sure if you did want that.
The four of you headed out the door once your tabs were paid. A harsh breeze was in the air, one that must’ve came in while you all were indoors. 
Dina & Jesse quickly said their goodbyes as they both clutched their jacket’s closer to their bodies to keep in as much of their body heat as possible.
“Fuck, it’s freezing,” Ellie mimicked her friends movements as she squeezed her body together as much as she could while her hands stuffed far down into the deep pockets of her jacket.
“Do you want my extra set of gloves”, you offered, noticing Ellie’s teeth beginning to chatter from the cold.
Immediately, Ellie closed her mouth, clenching her teeth together as hard as she could to disguise her discomfort, even though her skin felt like it was being pricked by a thousand little needles with each gust of the wind. 
No, Ellie was strong. Ellie didn’t need any help - at least that’s what she liked to tell herself. Appearing weak to you would make Ellie not strong in your view point, again, at least thats what she like to tell herself.
“’M fine.’
You laughed, reaching for the extra set of gloves in your pocket despite and grasping them in your already clothed hand, “Ya sure? You look kinda cold.”
“N-n-no, I’ve got it, thanks.” Ellie chattered as her thoughts scolded her body to just act fucking normal.
“Ellie, please.” Ellie looked up at you as you spoke, “just take them.”
Your tone was small yet stern, something Ellie didn’t mind from you as she nodded and took the extended gloves from your hand.
You watched as she unveiled her bare hands, the skin on them a burning red color that could barely grasp the material to begin with.
This made you chuckle in a quiet manner, yet still didn’t go unnoticed as Ellie slid the material over the palm of her hands.
“Something funny?”
You shook your head as you continued to watch the stubborn auburn haired girl struggle to get a simple winter essential onto her hand. “You always this stubborn?”
Ellie quirked up, noting the drastic difference in how you were acting inside the bar and now that you both were alone. Much more relaxed, silly, and not afraid to speak her mind. 
“Someones feeling better I see.” Ellie’s words dripped with a teasing nature, yet it made you feel so deeply self conscious that she was able to tell that you were not feeling like yourself.
You didn’t say anything despite Ethels prying eyes attempting to get a word out of you. Instead, the both of you simply started walking, and quickly, to your home that was just down the road.
“Did you have a good time tonight?”
Ellies voice was almost screeched as she attempted to talk over the wind and snow swirling around in the air. 
“What?!”, you yelled, getting a laugh out of Ellie as she smiled at you with thin eyes.
Suddenly, Ellie took ahold of your hand and nodded in the direction of the next building directly to the left of the walking path.
You didn’t question it, just allowed her to lead you to the front door of this mysterious location, until Ellie was twisting the key in the lock and dragging your body inside along with hers.
Ellie let your hand go so she could close and lock the door behind you before she started sifting the leather jacket off of her shoulders.
“Where are we?”, you spoke, your mouth agape with awe as you stared around at the unknown surroundings.
“My place.”
You were confused as you watched Ellie begin to shed off all of her winter gear near her front door.
“Why what?” Ellie questioned as she untied the laces on her boots and slid them off of her feet.
“Why am I at your place? I thought you were taking me home?”
Ellie glanced up at you, looking doe eyed. “I mean..I can if you want. I just wanted to talk to you and it’s hard with this weather.”
You didn’t nod, merely continued standing in your place with all of your winter clothing still on and your mouth slightly open. You hadn't truly moved since you’d gotten in the door and you weren’t sure if it was because you were cold, nervous, or...more nervous.
“Is this okay?”, Ellie questioned as she felt concern, regretting that she didn’t somehow scream louder above the wind in order to get consent from you about coming to her place.
“I’ll just take you home, I’m so-”
You panicked, watching Ellie anxiously and quickly begin to put her boots back on.
“No, it’s fine!”
This made Ellie pause and straighten her back out so she was back to standing tall.
“I just wasn���t expecting it is all, but this is fine.”
Ellie slightly smiled as she, once again, removed her untied shoe from her foot. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you slightly smiled, and this time it felt genuine.
With her back turned to you, Ellie smiled, having the urge to lift her fist in the air and shake it with enthusiasm, but she fought it off as she walked towards the chair at her desk.
“Help yourself to the couch.” Ellie nodded in the direction of the drearily colored piece of furniture as she watched you discard your gloves, coat, and boots.
Per Ellie’s suggestion, you made yourself at home on the couch, plopping down  with both of your knees bent and your sock clad feet comfortably resting on the same side of your body, creating a lounge position.
“So,” Ellie chuckled in a mimicking, yet playful way.
You rolled your eyes jokingly, “So you bring me here and have nothing to say?”
“I didn’t say that.” Ellie shrugged, making you silently laugh.
“What do you want to talk about.”
Ellie shrugged again; you made a note of how she did that a lot.
“Just wanted to make sure you were okay is all,” she said with eyes settled on the floor and fingers picking at the cuticles on her hand.
You swallowed a lump of a saliva that was daring to get caught in your throat before you answered, “I’m fine”.
Ellie scoffed as she brought her eyes back up to you. “I don’t believe you.”
You found yourself following Ellie’s actions as you too shrugged and went  several seconds without saying a uttering a word to fill in the silence.
“I know..” Ellie started, but seemed to quickly retract her statement, hoping that you either didn't hear her or ignored her attempt at questioning you further.
“You know what?”
“Damn it”, Ellie thought.
Ellie took a deep breath as she began. “It just-you just seemed sort of off tonight. Wanted to make sure you were good and that if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable I'm sorry or i-if Dina or Jesse did any-”
You smiled, watching Ellie full on word vomit, until you interrupted her.
She suddenly went quiet, eyes going wide in realization. “Sorry..I just want to make sure you're okay.”
Your lips pursed together as you wagered in your mind how to say what you were feeling or IF you should say exactly how you felt.
“Was it the bar? We can totally go somewhere else next time like tha-”
You started chuckling again; this time, Ellie got the hint and didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, her eyes watched you in observation.
“It wasn’t the bar and your friends didn’t do anything, I promise.”
Ellie felt a moment of relief for a second, until she realized you had never mentioned her. “Was it something I did?”
You began digging your top row of teeth into your bottom lip, still debating on what you wanted to say.
However, Ellie took the silence as your confirmation, “So it was something I did.”
“I mean,” you began, “Sort of.. but probably not in the way that you think.”
Ellie squinted her eyes as she hunched over, resting her elbows on the tops of her knees with her hands clasped together. “Tell me then.”
Her voice was almost pleading, something that made a tinge of guilt hit you. 
“I just thought that tonight...,” you paused in hesitation, but looked up at Ellie’s concentrated face, which instantly made you continue.
She didn’t deserve your lack of communication. She deserved the truth, especially when it was something she probably wasn’t even aware of.
“I thought that tonight was just going to be a me and you thing, but when I saw that your friends were there..”, your voice trailed off and immediately Ellie understood as she moved her face upwards, looking towards her paint chipped ceiling.
“You thought it was just going to be us”
You nodded in confirmation, “Yeah, I thought it would just be the two of us.”
Ellie felt like an asshole as she retraced yours and hers initial conversation when she had invited you out tonight. Not once did she say that her friends would be coming along; which made perfect sense that you had thought that it would just be the two of you hanging out.
“Damn it,” Ellie huffed at herself in frustration. “I’m so sorry,” she spoke in a stressed tone as her hands combed through her pinned back hair. “I totally get why you thought that it would just be me and you.”
You shook your head, “No it’s my fault too, I shouldn't have assumed it was a date.”
Ellies head suddenly quipped up at the mention, “A date?”
“Oh no,” you thought. But Ellie’s eyes were stuck on yours; you knew you couldn’t avoid conversation anymore than you already had.
“Yeah..a date.”
You watched as Ellie’s mouth turned up into an amused grin.
“So you came out tonight thinking that it would just be the two of us...and we were going on a date,” Ellie stated.
With a nod, you answered quietly. “Yeah.”
Suddenly, Ellie was standing up from her chair and walking over to you.
“Can I tell you something.” Ellie was now towering over your seated form, looking directly down at you as you nodded silently.
She sighed for a moment before continuing, “I wanted you to come hang out with me and my friends tonight so I could get the approval from them.”
“Approval?”, you thought with a crease digging deep in the middle of your forehead.
“What do you mean?”, you questioned, watching as Ellie pursed her mouth together, almost looking nervous to continue, but, just like you, she knew she couldn’t avoid this conversation any longer.
“I wanted to make sure they liked you before I properly asked you out.”
Ellie’s words came tumbling out at a faster speed than her usual speech pattern, so fast that you had to take a moment to properly take in exactly what she said.
“Wait, so you were going to ask me out?”
Ellie nodded as she watched your body stand up from it’s seated position- the both of you now standing directly in front of the other
“My friends are my family... and I wanted to make sure they got good vibes from  you before all the dating stuff.”
The small smile on your face only showed a fraction of the massive grin that you were fending off from consuming the entirety of your lips as your stomach did flips and your mind began being pumped with chemicals that were making you feel almost euphoric.
“Well?” Your tone was questioning, which made Ellie feel confused.
“Well what?”
“Did they like me?”
Ellies eyes gained a sparkle to them as she looked away from you briefly, trying to contain the smile that was now daring to spread along her mouth. 
“Yeah,” Ellie nodded, “Yeah, they really liked you.”
Your senses were flooded with the various emotions you were feeling in this very moment; relief, pride, joy, anticipation - it was as if you were able to finally breathe after going the entire night having to mask your disappointment that had now turned into every single synonym of the word ‘joy’. 
“Well..I'm free Sunday,” you said, the confidence Ellie enjoyed now pouring back out of you.
“I could come by your place after my route?”, Ellie suggested, a confident look on her face as she dared to move in even closer to you.
You nodded, your fingers absentmindedly playing with the hem of Ellie’s flannel, before you realized how close the both of you were; not to mention you were touching her as if you both had known each other for longer than 2 days.
“So, it’s a date?”
Ellie nodded, looking straight at you. “A date,” she stated in a matter-of-fact tone, ”and just the two of us, I promise.” ,she emphasized.
You chuckled, briefly peering down at your hands out of happiness and nerves all rolled into one; the energy between you both could be compared to teenagers experiencing puppy love for the first time. And whose to say you both weren’t.
“Thanks for the clarification Ellie,” you slightly taunted, but Ellie knew it was justified as she moved her tongue so it could be seen poking through the skin of her cheek.
“I’ll try to be better at that in the future,” Ellie responded with a boyish grin.
A/N: May do a part 2 if there is enough interest 👀
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ken-dom · 7 months
Keyboard Smash
Steven Wingdings x afab!reader
1k words
∘₊✧ Summary: fonts drive him crazy in more ways than one.
∘₊✧ Author’s notes: this is the drabble I was toying with writing… don’t @ me! This was entirely encouraged by the usual suspects, and I simply couldn’t resist
∘₊✧ Warnings/content: nsfw, rough sex, dubious consent, slightly creepy vibes including a storm, very silly, probably classed as a crack fic if it wasn’t also pure smut, crying, meltdowns, font kink
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Your fingertips tapped the keyboard, the little squares clicking the letters into being on the screen before you.
You knew he would disapprove of this font, but it was easy on the eyes and you always managed to write more when you used it.
You could always change it afterwards. He would never need to know. What’s the harm?
You leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms and sighing, tired but so close to finishing up.
You relaxed into your seat, amused by the eerie atmosphere in the room. The bright white light of your computer screen provided the only illumination in the room, aside from the occasional forks of lightning lighting up the night sky through your window. You smiled. He’d probably like that.
And with a loud clap of thunder and another dramatic flash of lightning, he appeared behind you, his shadow flooding your desk with darkness. It was as if he materialised out of nowhere. You jolted up, spinning around in your chair to see him standing behind you, furious and dripping with rainwater.
He didn’t say a word at first, his piercing blue eyes fixed on your screen, carefully taking in the words you’d written. And the font. Oh fuck. The font.
‘Comic sans,’ he muttered under his breath, taking his glasses off to wipe them clean of raindrops and place them delicately back on his face. ‘Comic fucking sans?’
‘I intend to change it when I’m done, but-’
‘Spare me!’ he roared, falling to his knees before you. ‘You’re writing a masterpiece like that in comic sans?! It’s tainted. I’ll never unsee it. You actively clicked on the font drop down, scrolled to C, and selected it, knowing how it would look!’
He was practically sobbing at this point.
‘I- I’m sorry, Steven, at least it’s not Pap-’
‘Don’t speak its name in front of me!’ he screeched.
‘Why don’t we just change the font right now, hm? What do you like? Times New Roman? Calibri?’
‘You can change it, but I’ll never unsee that hideous clown scribble!’ he wailed.
‘Is there anything I can do?’ you offered, beginning to feel at a loss, until a stroke of genius struck. Or so you hoped. ‘Here, how about-’
You turned back to the computer, highlighting the entirety of your work and choosing a new font. Something that would throw him off. Bring him back to you.
There was one you’d never used that caught your eye with its name alone; Satisfy. It seemed like it would be awkward to write in and more appropriate for titles, but it’s cursive style and sensual name immediately got your attention — perhaps it would get his too.
You read over some of your work while you waited for him to finish up his dramatics. It looked a little bit like his handwriting and you smiled at that, wondering if he’d actually copied it for his own penmanship.
Another flash of lightning and he was up again, his hand at your shoulder, warm and caressing.
‘Oh?’ he breathed.
You didn’t speak. Not yet. You let him take it in, biting your lips together in anticipation as he looked over you.
‘Oh, that’s very nice, that’s- mmh…’
‘See? That’s better,’ you smiled, pleased with yourself at having calmed him.
‘Over the desk,’ he instructed, low and commanding. ‘Now.’
You stood, heat flooding to your core at the suddenly seductive tone of his voice, and began to move the keyboard away for space, but a big, strong hand wrapped around your wrist and pinned it to the desk.
‘No. Leave the keyboard. I want to see our work.’
Excited, you propped yourself above it, while he made quick work of unfastening his trousers and sliding yours down, his elegant fingers immediately flying to your folds, circling your clit and ghosting over your slick entrance.
‘Mmh, soaked… you like it too?’
In all honesty you couldn’t say you had ever been aroused by a font. But then you’d never had a screaming, crying meltdown over one either. You guessed his reaction to Satisfy must have been as strong as his reaction to Papyrus had been all those weeks ago when you’d dragged him inside off the road, wet and shaking.
‘Yes,’ you agreed, not wanting him to stop.
Much to your disappointment, he did stop, but only for a moment; the next, he slammed his cock into you hard, stretching you open and driving his hips in sharp snaps against you whilst his free hand pushed your head into the keyboard.
An assortment of random letters and numbers burst onto the screen, displaying more of that delicious font, and he whined desperately.
His other hand snaked around your belly and to the apex of your thighs, rubbing furiously at your sensitive nub, making you squirm back against him. It was too much and not enough all at once, and you were ready to explode.
‘Say it,’ he cried hungrily, ‘say it!’
‘Satisfy!’ you moaned, not even needing to sex up your voice in the slightest. The font might not turn you on, but he did, and his request for you to say its name opened the floodgates into a string of needy moans.
Feeling you begin to clench around him, it took only a few more ragged thrusts and he emptied his release into you with force, a guttural growl echoing around the room while you milked him of all he had.
He collapsed, weak and groaning, on top of you, heavy breaths loud in your ear as he withdrew his length, carefully tucking himself back into his trousers and standing as soon as he was able.
‘Keep up the good work,’ he praised you.
And just like that, he was gone again, leaving you limp over the desk, leaking your combined juices onto the floor, Satisfy leaving a long trail of F’s and C’s and D’s in the space beneath your work where you were still pressed against the keyboard.
‘Comic fucking sans,’ you whispered, laughing to yourself as you peeled off the keys. ‘I’ll give him Satisfy.’
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yandere-daze · 1 year
hey hi! is it okay to request hcs for yandere tatsumi x a reader who loooves drawing him? and how would he react? thank you!
Of course! Tatsumi is a wonderful character ^^ Now, it´s actually been a while since I last wrote something for enstars if I´m not mistaken, so I´m sorry if I´m a bit rusty!
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, worshipping of reader, religious themes ( talks of god, comparing reader to an angel), brief mention of death and implied burial in the end (it´s not actually important to the story or something that actually happens. )
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Yandere! Tatsumi reacting to a darling that loves drawing him
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It´s no secret that Tatsumi greatly admires you and everything you do. He treasures every single smile you send his way, every word you speak to him. You are utterly divine in his eyes, an angel sent by god himself to walk this earth.
Oh how blessed he feels, being alive at the same time as you and being allowed to breathe the same air. There is no doubt in his mind that you are an angelic being deserving of praise and worship and so much more.
Everything you touch is a masterpiece, so Tatsumi is utterly enchanted when he sees you draw something for the very first time.
He hadn´t intended to walk in on you while you were deep within your creative process, he had simply meant to check up on you to make sure that you were feeling alright. And of course he had already started missing you after a short while of being away from you, but he vowed to restrain that part of himself.
Nevertheless, he had found you hard at work, staring at your work-in-progress in full concentration. He didn´t dare say anything, afraid that he might accidentally break your focus if you did.
No, whatever you were drawing deserved to be brought into this world in all its glory, ready to be admired by every person that happens to look upon it.
So Tatsumi took this rare opportunity to simply admire your form. What he adored most about you was certainly your personality, it´s what made him fall in love with you in the first place, but he would be a heathen to ignore how wonderful you looked as well.
To say he was surprised when he managed to catch a glance of the piece you were working on was an understatement.
You were drawing him.
It was unmistakable. At once, Tatsumi felt as if an arrow had shot right through his heart as he felt it wildly thumping in his chest. Oh how lovely you were, to dedicate this drawing to him of all people! What had he done to receive this great blessing? Your kindness truly knew no bounds!
Stuck in blissful reverie, Tatsumi promptly gathers his thought again and then slowly makes his way over to you with a gentle smile on his face, still utterly awestruck and full of love for you.
He had vowed to not interrupt you but seeing that you were drawing him, he felt obligated to properly praise and thank you for your work. It was truly moving!
Tatsumi really couldn´t believe his luck, he would be very flattered and encouraging if you were to ask him for his permission to keep drawing him. You know he could never deny you but especially not when you would do something so kind for him!
If you were to gift him your drawing, he would be beyond grateful and would make sure to cherish it as it deserves. He stores it somewhere in his room, either keeping it in a secret hidden box or proudly displaying it on his wall. He both wants to keep it safe but also display it for the entire work to see. Everyone should learn how truly divine and awe-inspiring you were!
But he´d still prefer to be your greatest worshipper in the end.
You wouldn´t really notice just what big of an effect your drawing had on Tatsumi, he was acting as he normally would, very level-headed and kind. Tatsumi was very low-key when it came to his yandere tendencies and rather abnormal worshipping of you.
All you see is a gentle and comforting man that´s always there to lend a helping hand should you ever need it. Someone you can rely on.
But to him, you were something so much more. The sole light in his life, the embodiment of all that is good in the world. And he would cherish you forevermore until the day his body would be buried within the earth you walk upon.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Ashes Falling | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x Reader
Genre: smut, crack, DadYoongi!AU, BadCop!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: weapons - guns, switching POVs, angst!, allusions to murder, mentions of blood/wounds, fighting (hand-to-hand), shooting, Yoongi shows off that tongue technology (oral sex - f receiving), rough fucking (protected sex), Yoongi is not a good guy (ymmv)
Word Count: 5.3k (whoops)
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: I see the ashes falling out your window There's someone in the mirror that you don't know And everything was all wrong So burn it till it's all gone
A/N: And we've reached the end! This series came out of absolutely nowhere thanks to @minttangerines's beautiful brain and it's been fun just writing with no plan and no expectations. Thank you for riding along! 💜
Chapter title and summary from Agust D's masterpiece Burn It 🔥
Unbeta’d as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Part 6 💵 Bad Cop Masterlist
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Yoongi sits across from you, one hand resting on the dining table, the other playing with a glass of whisky. Around and around, the caramel liquid swirls. If you didn’t know better, you’d swear he was trying to hypnotize you. 
And it might work, if you were anyone else. Of course, anyone else would already be under the handsome man’s thrall. Especially the way he looks tonight - in his tailored suit, bespoke undoubtedly, since money is apparently no object for him, and with his dark hair slicked back to reveal more of his gorgeous face.
When he’d asked you to dinner tonight, you’d felt a slight thrill of victory, knowing that your plan was working. You’d succeeded so far in inserting yourself into his life. All the secrets the Bureau wanted so desperately for you to discover were practically within your grasp. You just needed a sign from him to confirm that you’re in. 
“So are you thinking of extending your contact?” Yoongi asks, sipping at his drink. You’d told him when you’d first met that you were working for Da-som’s school for a year, with the option to extend if the school agreed. He speaks casually, almost disinterestedly, but you can hear the true question beneath - are you staying?
“I think so. I really like it here.” 
A hint of a smile crosses his face at your answer. Long fingers reach into the inside pocket of his jacket and produce a cigarette, which he lights with the click of a flashy silver lighter. There’s not supposed to be any smoking in this restaurant, but no one’s going to stop the chief detective of the city’s police force, and he knows it. It’s a power move. 
“Good,” is all he says, blowing a smoke ring towards the ceiling. 
Anyone other than you would be affected by his reaction. By the heated look he gives you, gaze slipping down your face, down to your waist, and back. Not you, though. You know better than to fall for any of this. 
This is what you remind yourself as you push your thighs together, trying to still the sudden throbbing there. 
Your waiter returns with the bill and Yoongi simply reaches into his pocket, dropping a stack of cash on the tray without looking. Another power move. 
“Thank you for dinner,” you smile shyly, setting down your dessert fork. “I’m - I’m glad you asked me. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know you better these last few weeks.” 
He leans forward, reaching his hand across the table to where yours is resting. When his fingers tap you, you flip your hand over and he slides his hand on top of yours. You immediately register something cool and hard between your palms. 
“Me too,” he says softly. “And I don’t want to stop.” 
He pulls his hand back a little, curling your fingers around what he’s left behind. Yoongi stands, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to the back of it as he bows. 
“I’ll be waiting,” he murmurs, lips humming against your skin, and then he walks away. You track him as he saunters confidently through the crowded room, until he reaches the entrance of the restaurant and vanishes. 
Opening your hand, you stare down at the piece of plastic lying there. A room key, to the hotel next door. There it is - your sign. 
The excitement that blazes through you is the ecstasy of knowing you’ve succeeded. Of realizing that you’re one step closer to the win, and nothing else.
This is what you tell yourself as you rise to your feet, and follow. 
Your bag rests on the passenger seat as you hurtle down the highway. The car you’re driving is a piece of shit, but you were in no position to barter when you’d asked Seokjin if he had anything you could borrow to finish your mission. He’d called a friend of a friend and mere minutes later you were on your way. 
The police cruiser is still at Seokjin's, along with Jungkook. Your partner had been sleeping when you’d left, whispering a quick goodbye, telling him to stay put and rest while you finished the job. Seokjin promised he’d take care of him and you had no doubt that he would be safe there. 
The car’s shocks are fairly worn, meaning every little bump in the road sends your satchel bouncing. Instinctively, you reach out, searching until you find the little key tucked away in an inner pocket. The cold metal soothes you as you clutch at it anxiously. This is it, the final key to bringing Yoongi down. 
Your plan is, frankly, insane. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Thankfully, Seokjin gave you access to his personal arsenal, which is not small. But even if you’re strapped to the teeth, you’ll practically need a miracle. 
However, you’re not the praying type. Your faith resides solely in yourself. So you breathe deeply, and keep your eyes firmly on the road as you run through your plan again and again in your mind. 
As the bay comes into view, you pull over, parking the car near the entrance to the neighborhood where Yoongi’s second house resides. You’ll have to go on foot from here, to remain unseen by his men. Yoongi’s too careful to leave this place unmanned. 
You approach the fence bordering his mansion, peering between the iron bars. His vacation home is massive, a sprawling ode to excess, flaunting his new wealth. The layout of the place is fresh in your mind, thanks to floor plans stolen from the developer. Unfortunately, that’s not going to help you much if you’re outnumbered by Yoongi’s men. If only you could’ve waited for sundown, to give you more cover, or waited for backup, but right now you don’t have the luxury of time. 
A hand suddenly slips over your mouth and your eyes widen as someone presses their body against your back. Fuck! You grasp at their arm, readying yourself to attack, when a familiar voice hisses, “Don’t scream! It’s me.” 
“Jungkook! What the fuck!” 
Your partner releases you. He’s a little paler than usual, but otherwise looks like himself, even in Seokjin’s clothing, a black t-shirt tucked under a Kevlar vest, colorful sleeve of tattoos bright in the midday sun. 
“Did you really think I was gonna let you do this alone?” He grins, ignoring your scowl. “Now what’s the plan?” 
There’s no point in arguing with him. He’s here now, and even though you’re full of conflicting emotions - anger that he didn’t listen to you, guilt that you’re the reason he got injured - the feeling that overrides them all is pure, intense relief. Of course he’s by your side. You’re not alone.
It doesn’t take long to fill him in. You’re basically just going in there with guns blazing, hoping to fight your way to where you believe Yoongi’s safe sits, holding the box with the secrets that little key will unlock. 
Jungkook just nods when you’ve finished. “Got it.”
“We should probably call for backup.” 
“Already did, on the way here. They’ll be here as fast as they can, but something tells me that you don’t want to wait.” 
“I don’t.” You need this to be over, now. 
“Okay then. Ready when you are.” 
“Jungkook.” You pause, unsure how to say this. “I’m sorry. For everythi- ”
But he stops you with a shake of his head. “None of that. We’ve got a job to do.” He cups his hands, waiting to give you a boost over the fence. “Come on. You lead. I’ll follow. Like always.” 
With a nod of your own, you step onto his hands, and climb the fence.
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Yoongi glances at his watch. It’s only been five minutes since he left you sitting at the table, but it feels much, much longer. Too long. He loosens his tie a bit as he waits. His suit jacket is folded over the back of the chair beside the bed. The room is quiet. 
Is he rushing things? It’s very like him to do that. He could move more slowly with you. But, well, he doesn’t want to. He wants you now.
Which is why he’s here, perched on the edge of the bed, staring at the door. Waiting.
It’s not just about sex. If Yoongi only wanted to get his dick wet, he wouldn’t have to take anyone out on several dates first. That’s not arrogance - it’s a fact that he radiates power, and women are attracted to that. And he knows he looks good. He has mirrors. 
No, it’s more than that - although he’d be lying if he said he hasn’t been imagining this moment since the first time he saw you in Da-som’s classroom. He’d been so distracted by your beauty at the parent-teacher conference that he’d accidentally agreed to chaperone a class trip, just nodding along to whatever you were saying while picturing what you’d look like if he bent you over your desk right then and there. But beyond his baser needs, there’s something else. Something that draws him to you. He senses a kindred spirit. He needs to know how deep that connection goes.
There’s a loud click and the door suddenly opens. Yoongi stands as you enter. 
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long,” you say, biting your lip before smiling sweetly. 
In just three steps he’s across the room, pulling you into his arms for a passionate kiss. 
He quietly orders you to lift your arms, and the gorgeous dress you’d worn to dinner crumples into a soft ball of fabric on the ground. With sure steps he maneuvers you towards the bed, helping you sit on the edge, kindly freeing your breasts from the confining corsetry of your bra as he goes. While you settle onto the soft sheets, he slides your panties down your legs, taking care to rake his fingers along the soft skin there, delighting in the way you shudder at his touch. 
The plush carpet gives way beneath his knees as he kneels, leaning over to kiss you, getting lost in the incredible softness of your lips for a moment, until your hands reach for the buttons on his shirt. His hands lightly push yours away as he shakes his head. 
“Not yet, baby.” 
“But I wanna see you,” you say, pretty mouth turning down in a lovely little pout. “It’s not fair that I’m naked and you’re not.”
He just chuckles. Smoothly, he undoes one cufflink, then the other, rolling his sleeves to his elbows. His forearms flex with the motion, drawing your attention, and he smirks. 
“Don’t worry,” he assures you, “I’ll still put on a good show for you.” 
He kneels again, gently pressing his fingers into the bare skin of your stomach, urging you to lie back. One of your thighs comes to rest on his shoulder, then the other. With one hand he spreads your folds, saliva flooding his mouth at the glistening sight in front of him. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, you look good enough to eat.” 
You mewl as he kisses your dripping cunt, over and over, getting his mouth all sticky with your desire. Yoongi always follows through on his promises, and this is no exception. You can’t tear your eyes away from the dark-haired man as he rubs his lips, his tongue, his nose all over you, maintaining eye contact the entire time. Occasionally your head drops back, your eyes closing as if overwhelmed by the sensations, but then they immediately open again, not wanting to miss a second. 
Panting moans fill Yoongi’s ears as he drowns in you. When he finds the right rhythm with his tongue on your clit, a rapid lapping that has your hips lifting off the bed, he slides a finger inside your slick warmth, then two, three, and your moans become cries. Pleas, broken and desperate, begging him for more. 
Impatience roars up inside him again and he lets your legs slide from his broad shoulders. His cock aches as he tears off his clothing, sheathing himself with the condom waiting in his pocket, and you’ve barely moved up on the bed to make room for him when he’s sliding inside you. Fuck. So warm, so tight. A space carved out just for him. 
The headboard smacks into the wall repeatedly as Yoongi thrusts into you, hips slapping your ass with every sharp snap. You’re babbling, an endless stream of words pouring from your mouth, but the only words Yoongi can make out are “Yoongi” and “more.” 
“You want more, baby? I’ll give you everything. Anything you could ever want.”  
He goes harder, faster, driving his cock deeper and deeper. His hands grope at your breasts, your ass, as you take everything he has to give. When he feels your walls start to constrict, it’s almost a relief, because he’s not going to last much longer. And sure enough, when your orgasm hits, your cunt grips his cock so tightly that he cums, head dropping onto your chest as he fills the condom with his hot release.  
He lies that way, cheek pressed into the curve of your breast, breathing heavily as you both come down. From here, he can feel your heart pounding. It’s not identical to the way his own drums, but instead compliments it, a wild syncopation beating along to the steady pulse of his own tempo. His fingers tap along your sternum. 
“Is that morse code?” Your voice is just barely above a whisper, as if you don’t want to shatter the peaceful stillness of the moment. 
He lifts his head, smiling. “That’s your heartbeat. I’m playing along.” 
“Playing what, my collarbones?” 
“My piano.” His fingers dance over imaginary keys, caressing your skin so, so gently. 
“I didn’t know you had a piano. Or that you could play.” 
There’s so much you don’t know about him. So much he wants to show you. But he knows that it will take time. He has to ease you into his world. 
“I’ll play for you sometime,” he says, crawling up your body until his face hovers over yours. “If you’d like.” 
“I would like that. Very much,” you reply, lips curling into a shy grin, and he kisses it away until you’re breathless. 
Eventually, he has to go. He needs to get home to Da-som. Yoongi can defeat any enemy - except a babysitter with a curfew. 
He sits on the edge of the bed, fixing his tie, as you watch him from beneath the sheets. “The room’s paid for until tomorrow, so you can stay all night if you want. Order some room service in the morning. Treat yourself, sweetheart.” 
The corner of your mouth twitches. “You keep calling me that.” 
“Is that okay?” 
In reply, you pull him in for another kiss, and he sighs, wishing he could stay. Or take you home with him. But he’s not ready to have that conversation with Da-som yet. Even though he’s rushing everything else. 
He taps his fingers on your chest. “Sleep well, sweetheart.” 
He starts to rise, but you grab his wrist, holding him in place. 
“Yoongi. I don’t…” 
He says nothing, waiting for you to find your words. 
“I don’t do this with every father I meet, you know,” you finish, flashing that beautiful bashful smile again.
“Just me?” 
“Just you.” Your hand reaches out to straighten his tie, but then you gently brush your fingertips over his chest, mimicking his actions from earlier. Tap-tap-tap. 
In that moment, Yoongi knows. He’ll do anything for you. Like he told you earlier, when he was wrapped in your arms - he’ll give you anything you want. 
All you have to do is ask. 
Bodies. So many bodies, scattered around the grounds of his house. Yoongi blinks dispassionately at them all. He thought he’d hired the best. Clearly, he was wrong. 
Yoongi honestly hadn’t known what to expect when he and Jimin arrived at his house on the bay. One of his guards had called him while he was on his way here and alerted him that you’d been spotted near the fence bordering his property. He’d hoped that when he got here, he’d find you waiting for him, tied to a chair by one of his guards. But it appears that he’d underestimated your skills, if you managed to take out so many of his men at once. 
No one appears to be dead, but they’re all knocked out or wounded. Interesting. Are you afraid to use lethal force? Or are you just saving your best shots for him? 
Together, he and Jimin sweep the first floor, finding nothing but his more useless guards. With a few silent signals, Jimin indicates that he’s going to scout ahead, and begins to climb the stairs. Yoongi watches him disappear down the hallway with a growing sense of unease. He tightens his grip on his gun. 
Jimin reappears after a moment, shaking his head. There’s only the other end of the hallway to explore now. The master suite is down that way. Where, in one of the walk-in closets, nestled in the corner, sits Yoongi’s safe. 
Maybe you’re not here. Maybe you’re already gone, with the contents of the safe firmly in tow. Maybe it’s all over, and any second now, this place will be swarming with feds. For the briefest of moments, Yoongi feels the strangest sense of relief at the thought. 
And then the moment is broken as a very loud “God damn it!!” rings out. 
Jimin instinctively points his gun in the direction of the screaming. It’s coming from the master suite. Yoongi joins him at the top of the stairs. 
“It’s her,” he states in a hushed tone. “That’s her voice.” 
“Sounds like someone might be giving her a rough time?” 
There are no other sounds coming from the direction of the suite. No more curses, no scuffling, none of the sickening noises that a human body makes when someone else is beating the shit out of it.
“Nah. She’s working on the combination.” 
“At least it sounds like it’s not going well.” 
For the moment. You have the key to the safe, but it’s a dual lock system, requiring a combination as well. Yoongi has no doubt you’ll figure out the date he used. It’s just a matter of time. 
So he’d better not give you any more. 
Yoongi grimaces, the gun suddenly heavy in his hands. “You ready?” 
Jimin nods. 
Silently, they creep forward. The door to the master suite looms at the end of the hall, and Yoongi feels his already frantic pulse increasing with every step. 
And then a floorboard creaks under Yoongi’s foot. Loudly. 
Both men pause, staring at one another. Listening. Waiting. 
The door at the end of the hall starts to open. Jimin dives into an empty room to his left, while Yoongi dashes into the bathroom on his right
The mirror mounted on the wall faces towards the end of the hallway. As Yoongi hides, he stares at the reflection of the person emerging from the suite. Shit, it’s Jungkook, gun drawn as he carefully sweeps the other open rooms down the hall. So much for Jimin’s incredible marksman skills - the rookie cop slash undercover agent doesn’t look any worse for wear, let alone dead. 
The door at the end of the hall opens again. Yoongi’s breath catches. With a fiercely determined expression on your face and that gun in your hand, you look nothing like the sweet, shy teacher he met all those months ago. A mirthless chuckle bubbles up in his chest. He clenches his jaw to keep it down. Funny how he was right - you are a kindred spirit, after all. Just a funhouse version of one. Staring at him from the other side of the mirror.
“Jungkook,” he hears you whisper, tracing your partner’s footsteps. “Where are you?” 
“In here. Did you crack it?” Jungkook reappears, gun lowered, and - 
A bullet slices through the air between you and Jungkook. The two of you immediately dive, raising your guns in the direction of the gunshot - which, of course, was just Jimin announcing his presence. 
“Drop your weapon and come out!” you shout. 
Jimin just laughs, shaking his head. “Does that shit ever work?”
“Goddamn it, it’s that maniac again,” you hiss, loud enough for Yoongi to hear. 
“Did you miss me, love?” Another wild cackle. Yoongi glares at the younger man, but says nothing, not wanting to give away his location. 
Faster than lightning, Jimin fires another shot towards the end of the hall. 
“Fuck!” Jungkook yells, placing himself between you and the line of sight to the room where Yoongi can see Jimin crouching just inside. “Get back in there and keep trying! I’ll handle this asshole.” 
As soon as the door closes behind you, Yoongi looks at Jimin. He points to himself and then the door at the end of the hall. Jimin nods. 
“Oh, you will, will you?” Jimin taunts Jungkook. He grins at Yoongi. “I think - HEY!” Jimin dives aside as a bullet pierces the doorway, embedding itself firmly in the open door that Jimin was just leaning against. “You son of a bitch, you almost clipped my hair!” 
“Next one’s going in your forehead!” 
“As if you could hit my forehead!” 
“How can I miss a target that big?” 
“THAT’S IT!” Jimin roars. “YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME?” He rolls up his sleeves, giant snake tattoo on his arm practically dancing as he clenches his fists. 
“Yeah! You already took one from me! It’s time for payback!” 
Jimin unbuckles his harness, letting the weapons hit the floor. “Then let’s do this! I’ll tear you apart with my bare hands!”
“LET’S GO, MOTHERFUCKER!” Jungkook screams, and suddenly there are two blurs flying down the hallway towards each other. They collide with a loud “whump!” and Yoongi quickly slips out of the bathroom and towards the master suite. 
He opens the door slowly, much slower than the adrenaline coursing through his body wants him to, but he doesn’t want you to hear him entering. The two men behind him pay no attention, lost in their frenzy, powerful blows landing left and right. Yoongi closes the door just as carefully, twisting the knob so the lock clicks quietly into place. 
Gun raised, he takes one step towards the closet. Then another. The door is wide open, but the closet is so big that he can’t see the safe in the corner. Or you. 
As soon as he crosses the threshold, there’s a loud shriek as you jump out from behind the door and tackle him. His gun goes flying. He lands on his side, the breath in his lungs whooshing out hurriedly as you roll on top of him, thighs straddling his chest. 
“Don’t. Fucking. Move.” You cock your gun, aiming it straight at his head. “I knew that maniac didn’t come alone.” 
Although your hands are steady, your chest rises with every panting breath you take, Yoongi notes. He feels his entire tensed body relax. You’re scared.
Yoongi smirks. “What are you gonna do, sweetheart? Shoot me?” He grabs the barrel of your gun as you gasp, but your finger doesn’t squeeze the trigger, even when he pulls it down until it presses into his forehead. “Go ahead.” 
“Stop it!” You try to yank your gun free, but he refuses to let go. You tug harder and harder, until he finally relinquishes his grip, and the force of your momentum throws you off balance. Yoongi scrambles to grab his gun as you’re knocked into a pile of hangers and clothing lying in a heap on the ground. When you rise, there’s a bright red line of blood seeping down your cheek, from where a hanger has cut you.
The two of you face off, guns drawn. Yoongi tuts. 
“Oh, sweetheart, your face. That looks nasty.” 
“Don’t call me that,” you snarl. 
“No? But I thought you liked it?” 
“I never did.” 
“Ah. Right. All part of the game, huh?” Yoongi laughs. “None of it was real, huh.” 
“It’s all over now.” Blood trickles down your cheek, dripping onto the pristine white carpet below. “Put the gun down, Yoongi. Think about Da-som. Think about -”
“No!” Yoongi takes a step forward. You hold your ground, but he swears he catches a flash of fear in your eyes. He should know, he’s seen it many times before. “Don’t you fucking tell me what to do! No one tells me what to do! I make the rules around here. I call the shots!” 
“Not anymore! We know everything. Everything. Your empire is burning down, Yoongi - don’t throw your life away trying to protect ashes!” 
“Oh, you know everything?” The mad laughter that’s been choking him finally slips past his lips. “Do you really? Fuck! You have no fucking idea!” Another step forward. He keeps his gun raised, but he’s cackling so wildly that his aim is all over the place. “Do you have any idea what I would’ve done for you? What I would’ve given you? Anything you wanted, anything you needed, it all would’ve been yours!”
“It wasn’t real, Yoongi!” 
You freeze, eyes wide, as his shout echoes through the suite. Faintly, Yoongi can hear Jungkook and Jimin still fighting in the hallway. But it’s dead silent in the closet, where you’re still gazing at his face, as if searching for some sort of sign. 
Yoongi lowers his gun. He closes the gap between you, ignoring that your gun is now pointed directly at his heart, and reaches out with steady fingers.
The silence in the closet is stifling, pressing in on him. But then you take in a shuddery breath. When Yoongi dares to look up, he sees tears in your eyes. 
But time, it seems, has run out. 
In the distance, but growing closer, he can hear the blaring wail of sirens. 
“YN!” Jungkook yells. The doorknob rattles. “Are you okay in there?” 
Yoongi’s fucked. He’s going down, and -
“Go,” you whisper. “You have to run.” 
There’s a loud thumping. Jungkook must be trying to break the door down with brute force. He’ll probably go grab his gun and try to shoot his way in next. Or any moment now, agents are going to come crashing through the windows. These are the panicked thoughts that race through Yoongi’s mind and prevent him from understanding what you’ve said. You drop your gun and grab his arms, shaking him. 
“Yoongi! Do you hear me? You have to run!” There’s a ferocity in your eyes that Yoongi’s never seen in anyone’s gaze but his own. “I know you have a back way out of here. You have to go now. Yoongi? Hey!” 
There’s a white-hot sting on his cheek. 
“Fuck, sweetheart!” He rubs away the pain left behind by your slap. 
A ghost of a smile crosses your face. The door has stopped shaking. “Listen, Jungkook will be in here any second. My team is likely already setting up a barricade and surrounding the place. You have to get to the water. Grab Da-som, start running, and never look back.” 
Da-som. Son of a bitch, he can’t lose her. The weight of everything he stands to lose finally comes crashing down. “Fuck, what have I done?” 
There’s a shout from the hallway, a berserker cry, and Yoongi realizes Jimin must have rallied for one last attack. Quickly, you take Yoongi’s hands, guiding him to stand again, and then lead him to the far corner of the master bedroom, where you push aside a bookshelf to reveal a darkened passageway, hidden from the outside. You really did know everything.
Or at least, now you do. 
The screaming sirens have stopped. Yoongi can hear voices out on the lawn. 
“I know you said you’re the one calling the shots, but you need to listen to me now. I’ll take care of everything else. But you - you can’t ever resurface, Yoongi. This is a one-time deal. Take Da-som and disappear. Please,” you whisper, clutching his hands. “Please, do this. If not for Da-som, if not for you - do it for me.” 
Even with his impending doom hovering just on the other side of the bedroom door, Yoongi can’t stop the way he feels. Of course he’ll run. 
Anything for you. 
Footsteps begin to echo throughout the house. Yoongi pulls you into his arms, embracing you one last time as his lips crash onto yours.
And then he runs.
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You open the door to your apartment, kick off your shoes, and flop onto the couch. Another fucking long day. The planning for your latest mission is completely draining your energy. For not the first time in recent weeks, you wonder if you should listen to Jungkook’s advice and put in for that time off request. You could definitely use the break. 
Unconsciously, your fingers rub at the scar on your cheek. It hasn’t hurt for years, but in the last few weeks, it’s been itching like crazy. Jungkook always jokes that he can tell that it’s going to rain whenever his bullet wound aches. You wonder what the scar is trying to tell you. 
Eventually, you drag yourself off the couch and shuffle down the hallway towards the bathroom, dying for a shower. But then you hear a soft sound coming from the door behind you, like something’s sliding along the floor, and you freeze.
There’s an envelope laying in the entryway. Instinctively, you place a hand on the holster of your gun as you peer through the peephole. No one there. No one in the hallway, either, when you open your door. 
The envelope has your first name on it, nothing else. With careful fingers, you tear it open, and read the scrap of paper inside:
35.9285° N, 128.5774° E
Coordinates. To what location? 
You flip it over: 
I’ll be waiting.
You sink onto the couch, staring so intently at the words that you’re surprised the paper doesn’t burst into flames from the intensity of your gaze. 
It’s been five years with no word on Yoongi’s whereabouts. Once Jungkook finally knocked out Jimin and shot the door open, he’d found you lying on the floor, pretending to be unconscious. Yoongi had given up and fled the scene. The Bureau believed your story, likely helped by the fact that Yoongi had left behind his safe and all the secrets it contained. His empire crumbled.
Even though Yoongi’d evaded your capture, you were hailed as the hero of the day and moved on to the next case. And the next, and the next. Days turned into months turned into years. 
Once the mission was over, you never brought it up again. Occasionally, Jungkook or Seokjin would try to get you to talk. But you simply told them that you had nothing to say. The case was closed. 
(To say nothing of your heart.) 
And yet… it wasn’t entirely true. If you’d chosen to talk to your friends, you might have told them that you still found yourself thinking about it from time to time. About Yoongi. And where he was. That sometimes, when you couldn’t sleep, you’d scour countless resources, searching for him. Yet no matter how much you looked, you never found a single sign.
Until, maybe, now. You glance at the paper, and it dawns on you what it really is.
A key. 
You rise to your feet.
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
353 notes · View notes
capricoopla · 1 month
hey, sorry you're sick! i hope it gets better for you, i look up to you and your art!! thanks for making my day with your masterpieces and doodles, and i hope that you find what you seek as well as recover from things you may not speak of!!!
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i send you emotional support blåhaj to help as well :D
Hey, thanks a lot! Steady recovery is steady but surely-
The blahaj have really brightened my day, they're very cute, I appreciate it!
35 notes · View notes
beescomet · 4 months
V E L O C I T Y || PART 1
A/N: WOOP WOOP, finally part 1 is DONE, I've been writing it for so long now lmao. Anyway, I, once again, ask everyone to go and thank @crackedpumpkin for giving me the courage to write this (and also go read their fics, it's literally a masterpiece like 💖). There might be errors as I haven't proof read this yet, so if you find anything lmk please !! Enjoy!! (Also it's 2 am here, and I got a lecture in the morning, so I'm genuinely warning yall, there might be some odd mistakes)
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The smoke hangs thick in the air, twisting and billowing like ghostly tendrils as it mingles with the sharp tang of burnt rubber and the pungent scent of gasoline. From the haze, You watch as the familiar wave of energy flows all around you and the people present. Gray mist, speckled with red, similar to the mist after a night of rain in your street, the red from the lights illuminating the road. You feel a smile threatening to form as you absorb this energy.
You nearly jump in surprise when a familiar voice speaks through the earpiece you're wearing—a reminder of why I'm here in the first place. "These damn kids and their cars," the voice says, frustration evident. "Can't tell a damn difference between a wrench and a screwdriver even if it slapped them on the face", You let out a breath of amusement from your nose at the complaints . You slowly turn the steering wheel, guiding the car to it's dedicated position for the race. "Behave now D, that's not why we're here. You got eyes on me?"
The atmosphere is electric, charged with anticipation and excitement, sending a shiver down your spine as you drive into the dimly lit space. Around you, the cavernous expanse is alive with activity. Sleek, customized vehicles gleam under the low lighting, their polished surfaces catching the colorful splashes of graffiti art that adorn the walls.
"You know I do, I even got the cameras set up on the track and possible escape routes."
The crowd buzzes with energy, a lively mix of spectators and racers moving in a chaotic dance. Mechanics hustle around, their tools clinking and clanking as they tinker with engines, striving for that perfect performance. Drivers, their faces set in determined expressions, huddle in small groups, discussing tactics and strategies in hushed tones. Onlookers lean against the walls, their eyes wide with anticipation, eagerly awaiting the start of the races.
You watch them all from the safety of your car, the music and shouts muffled by the glass. You recognise a few of the people around, your nerves now on edge. You start to speak, your voice lowered to a whisper, following the group with careful eyes. "They're here"
A crash sounds from the earpiece, followed by a string of curse words. "Wait really? Fuck, you really hit the nail on the head with that one. How many can you see? Ah wait never mind, I got eyes on 'em. Damn that's a lot of screens to look at-"
You tune him out, deciding to focus on the group ahead instead, counting the members. 1, 2, 3. An annoyed sigh escapes past your lip as you rest your head on the steering wheel, muttering a curse. "Three, I was counting on at least four to get enough cash.."
The sound of laughter grabs your attention, slowly lifting your head as your eyes narrow at the sound. "Well about that, you don't need to have more than one person against you in that race.."
You immediately grab your phone, looking at your bank account and checking the balance. You choke on air once you see the number, sitting up straight and nearly hitting your head on the car roof. "Daisuke what the hell did you do! This better not be Amelie's college funds or I swear-"
Another laugh, interrupts your rant, this one louder than the last, your eyes going to glare right at one of the camera's set in the location. "Relax, this isn't my kid's college fund.. it's some of my retirement money my wife and I saved up back when she was alive. It's no use to me right now, so I thought it would help."
You could feel your heart drop, the anger in your eyes quickly replaced by one of guilt. "Daisuke I ca-" You start, closing your mouth as he interrupts you once more. "Don't even try to send it back Y/N, you went through hell for Amelie and I, this is just how I'm saying thank you. Now focus, you need to kick ass and bring the winning money back home!"
A pained laugh leaves you because of his words, bringing your hand up to rub your nose as you sniff. You could feel the tears threatening to fall, but you gather yourself together before you start breaking down.
You step out of the car, reaching for the duffle bag next to you before you do, and start heading to the middle of the room.
Every sound, every sight, adds to the cacophony of excitement that fills the air, creating a palpable tension that crackles like electricity. It's a world unto itself, this underground car meet, where the rules are few and the stakes are high. You get caught up in the whirlwind of activity, feeling the pulse of adrenaline coursing through my veins. You can feel it, all of it —the energy, the anticipation—it's all here, waiting to be unleashed. Your eyes flicker to the metal bracelet on your wrist that had started beeping, a number flashing on it.
A confident smile now on your face, the night is only just beginning. Oh how fun this is going to be.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
The duffle bag hits the table with a loud thud, silencing the group of people in the area as their attention shifts to you. But you keep your eyes on one man, the gray mist around him thicker than the others around him.
He tilts his head to the side, his smile growing once he sets his eyes on you as he adjusts his stance, leaning on the hood of his car. His grey eyes holds your E/C ones. He tilts his head back for a moment, chuckling. "Well then, look who we have here, the Red Devil has finally graced us with her presence. Come to race against me then?"
An annoyed huff leaves you, crossing your arms over your chest as you glare at the man, raising one brow. He stares back, grinning, a golden tooth glistening under the neon lights. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of the tooth, how can you not? You were the reason he had to get it done in the first place.
"I was planning to, unless you give me the money that I'm going to win anyway, would make this whole ordeal go so much faster" You state, shrugging your shoulders as you hear some people laugh. Kaji growls, standing up and going to the table standing between you two, opening the duffle bag and peering inside. He looks back at you, the scowl quickly replaced by his infamous grin. "That's a lot of money, are you confident you'll win?"
"That damn bastad, why I outta-"
You ignore Daisuke's words, keeping your attention on Kaji as he waves two fingers to the other two goons with him, they bring in three duffle bags, placing them next to the one placed earlier. You glance at them, unfolding your arms from over your chest and reaching to the duffle bags. You open the first and quickly check the cash placed inside to make sure none were fake, repeating the same process with the other bag.
You nod, stepping back as you watch someone (who you assumed would be this race's starter) shove the duffle bags into a locked box, placing the key on a chain around their neck. You turn around and begin heading back to your car, raising both hands as you yell over the crowd who began to gather around the both of you.
"Be at the track in 10, I got more important places to be at later, and I'd hate to be late because of you"
The bracelet beeps once more. Your focus shifts to it.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
"You sure you want to do this Y/N?"
You snap out of your thoughts once you hear Daisuke's voice from your earpiece, nodding your head for a moment and letting out an affirmative hum. You could hear the sigh from the ear piece, and you can just imagine him in your head shaking his head and rubbing his temple.
"Just stay safe out there would ya? God knows none of us needs anymore loss"
A grin forms on your face, a soft laugh as you nod once more. "You got it captain" You look ahead as the cars pull up next to yours, people starting to gather around the track and the screens mounted on the wal starts to broadcast the race.
Your heart hammers against your chest, causing your breath to come out staggering. This was it, the moment you and Daisuke have been planning for the past year. You close your eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath before opening them again, your hands on the driving wheel as you stare right ahead.
You have to win.
Losing was not an option.
A quick glance to the metal bracelet on your wrist, checking the number.
The starter started counting down, the sound of engines rumbling, adding onto the excitement that filled the air. You could see the red specks in the mist growing, showing that what happens after would be utter and pure chaos. That was exactly what you needed.
Beside you, Kaji, revved his engine, glaring at you from his car. You roll your eyes, any other time you'd have given him the middle finger, but right now you needed to focus.
Kaji shot forward like a bullet, his car a sleek silhouette cutting through the darkness. The gleam of determination in his eyes was unmistakable, a silent promise of fierce competition to come. You weren't far behind, both your engines growling with power as you both jostled for the first position in the opening moments of the race.
Behind you, two other competitors fought tooth and nail for their place in the pack, their cars weaving and swerving in a frantic dance of speed and skill. The air crackled with tension as the four of you raced, Kaji at the lead, you second, and the kther twi battling it out for third.
You let out a curse, glancing at the rearview mirror as you watch the others separate from behind you. You look at the side-view mirrors, seeing them going to either side of you.
"Watch out, 3 o'clock. He's speeding up, seems like he's gonna try and crash into you."
You look to your right, and sure enough, hes speeding your way, eyes on your vehicle as he tries to have you crash into the other one on your left. His eyes meet yours, and you couldnt help the smile on your face as you move your hand, raising the middle finger to him. You see the anger in his eyes as he swerves to your direction, and you quickly hit the brakes, your car slowing down and creating space between you and him faster than he could react. You watch as he barely misses your car, a fleeting moment of eye contact before he crashes into the other car.
A laugh escapes your lips as your foot quickly went back to the gas pedal, your car revving back up to life and going to catch up with Kaji.
Two down, one to go.
"Holy FUCK-! Y/N are you okay?"
"Just perfect! Cant say the same for the other two though" You snicker, glancing at your rear-view mirror to look at the crash site, the two guys getting out of their busted cars and telling at each other. "What's the power at??" You ask, turning your attention back to the road ahead, taking a sharp right and finally Kaji's car is back into your line of sight.
"75% and counting, did you purposely make them crash to suck the energy?”
You didn't answer, so he took your silence as confirmation.
As you hurtled down the straightaway, the neon lights of the underground tunnel flashed by in a blur of color, casting strange shadows upon the sleek surfaces of the racing machines. The pounding of your heart echoed in your ears, a steady rhythm that drove you forward, pushing you to new heights of speed.
"Two laps left"
A curse leaves your lips, your eyes glancing at your bracelet as you watched the number slowly increases. The space between you and Kaji was so small, yet to you it was almost oceans apart. Your teeth grits together as you think, shaking your head after a moment.
"D, What's the nearest shortcut to the front?"
The man at the other end sighs, you can hear him move around from his desk and the sound of him pressing buttons on his keyboard. "Take a left in a minute, you'll be in the market area, after 5 minutes with the speed you're at take a right, you should be ahead of Kaji by then."
You nod, quickly turning the steering wheel as the sound of the tires skidding reaches your ears, you can imagine the confusion on Kaji's face as he watches you disappear from behind him, the thought making you laugh a bit as you continue to drive.
Daisuke was right, you found yourself driving near the marketplace, swerving left and right through trucks and wagons filled with food. You glance at the clock, 2 minutes before the turn.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
Kaji looks at the rear-view mirror slowing down as he sees you disappear. He looks around him, trying to find any signs you were going to appear but...nothing. He started laughing, pressing harder on the gas pedal, he could feel it, the sweet taste of victory, his victory against the infamous Red Devil.
The finish line was close, it was right there. He couldn't believe it, not only did he just guarantee a win, but he had won thousands from this race alone. He started cheering, hitting the car horn as people started to circle around the finish line.
But just then, he could see something coming out of an alleyway from the corner of his eyes, causing him to swerve as he saw the familiar grey car appear from the shadows. "What the fuck! Where did she come from!?"
You grin at him, giving him a quick salute as you turn the car, you had just stolen first place from him! You laugh, your head thrown back. Kaji never thought he could despise you more than he already did, but clearly he was wrong.
You glance at your bracelet, seeing the familiar number beeping, 100%. "Let's fucking go"
You look at your hands, watching as the energy mist you had been absorbing starts to leave you, your veins glowing gray and some sparks of red. The energy transfers from your arms to your car, you close your eyes, the familiar feeling of your element around you. Pure chaos.
You open your eyes, glancing at your reflection in the mirror, and sure enough, the familiar waves of energy come out of you like waves of an ocean during a storm, feeding more power to your car as it increases in speed.
This was one of the very few perks of being able to control the element of chaos. And arguably, your only favorite.
Cracks had started to form on the ground beneath the car, but it didnt matter, the finish line was right there. And with one final burst of power from you, your car reaches almost unnatural speed, finishing the final lap in a matter of seconds.
You drift your car, shutting your eyes tight as you press on the brakes to get it to stop before hitting the forming crowd, the sound of your wheels screeching against the road before it halts. There was a moment of silence, the only thing you can hear was your heartbeat. Then loud cheers erupt from around you, people running up to your car and shouting your title.
"Holy fucking shit we actually did it. WE WON! Y/N YOURE GETTING OUT OF HERE-"
You flinch at the screaming in your ear, your hand reaching up and muting the earpiece as your eyes looks for the man holding your prize money. You step out of the car, taking deep breaths as you try to ignore the hundreds of eyes on you.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and you jump in surprise, quickly turning and seeing who it was. You visibly relax, seeing the man carrying the three duffle bags and handing it to you.
"Good race there Red, I have to ask though, why did you take that shortcut? It could have cost you the race" He asks, watching you as you throw the duffle bags into the backseat. You shrug, glancing at him from the corner of your eyes.
"I got lucky... Now, if you'll excuse me, i need to be somewhere"
You get back into your car, the crowd parting as you quickly make your way out from the underground parking. You sit in your car in silence as you make your way back to Daisuke's location, every nerve in your body on edge. This was it. You were finally going to leave.
The mechanic shop wasn't that far, so you managed to get there in time. Quickly getting your car into the garage, Daisuke runs up and closes the garage entrance after you. "Holy fuck, we did it, for a second there I thought that was it!" Daisuke yells, running up to you and opening your car door. You step out, handing him your car keys then you grab the duffle bag, setting it on the nearest workbench.
"It's not over yet, I still need to sneak past Kaji's people and reach the city." You remind him, opening the bags as you started to count the money to be able to split them. "Did you get the other car ready? I can't leave with mine. It'll stand out" You ask, glancing at him for a moment before pausing and seeing a familiar set of keys in your face. Your eyes wide and you grin, quickly snatching the keys.
"Daisuke you did not-" The words leave your mouth faster than you can think things through, looking at the otherside of the garage and seeing the car you were meant to take. "You said it would take you months to fix it up!!"
You look at the car, a 1957 Cadillac series 62 painted navy blue. You walk around it, your fingers running over the smooth surface of the car. If it was possible to marry a car, you would have done so already. You pause, realising that he was actually giving you the cat, you look back at Daisuke and you see him smile at you. You move your hand, trying to hand back the keys. "I can't accept this, the money, the car-"
He raises his hand, and you close your mouth, your brows furrowed together in annoyance. He takes a few steps towards you and places his hand on your shoulder, giving you a small smile. "Y/N, you listen to what I say and listen well.."
"I want to give these to you. You've done so much for me and my daughter already, and you still continue to do so when you didn't have to in the first place.” You turn your face away from his gaze, biting the inside of your cheek as you fight away the tears threatening to spill. “Hey, hey look at me-" He gently grabs your chin, turning your face back to him, similar to what he would do with his daughter when he has something important to tell her.
"I'm so grateful for you, Amelie as well. You've come a long way to get to where you are now. Your father would have been proud of the person you became" He states carefully, pulling you into a tight embrace. You wrap your arms around him, burying your face into his shirt as you hold him tight.
"I'll come back for you, all of you, I promise"
He laughs, wrapping his arms around you and patting your hair in a calming manner. "I know you will kid, you're too kind for your own good" he muttered, his voice wavering. You both pull away from each other, looking at each other before you give him a sad smile.
"I'm serious, I'll come back and help you leave, then we'll open up a car repairs shop together and restore beauties like this one" You push, pointing at the cadillac nearby.
Daisuke laughs dryly, shaking his head for a moment before crossing his arms. "Alright alright, I trust you, now you better get going, you need to be out of this goddamn hell hole before sunrise, chop chop!" He urges you back to your new car, opening the door for you and you get in. "I already put your bags in the trunk, Amelie left you some snacks in a lunchbox, but i'm pretty sure it's some form of clay" You laugh at the comment, shaking your head as you think of the little brown haired girl you had grown to love.
"Thank you.. for everything" You state softly, looking at him with a soft smile. Daisuke smiles back, giving you a curt nod as he steps back, opening the garage door once more.
"Don't mention it kid, now go, I'll hide the other car later tonight" You nod, backing out of the garage and into the night, the Cadillac perfectly blending into the darkness of the town.
⋆。 ゚ ☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚ ☾ ゚ 。 ⋆
A figure watches from afar, his hand going up to run over his beard. Wu watches as the young girl drives away, a heavy sigh leaving him as he turns to leave. He reaches up and runs his hands over his dragon, carefully mounting it as it soars up into the sky.
"She gets stronger everyday, I fear we may not have enough time to prepare”
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askew-d · 2 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "askew-d "?
hello, there! sorry for the long wait, i forgot to check my notifs :( i will do better next time. thank you for this question! i feel like i’ve waited ages for someone to ask me exactly that, lol. i could talk about well-written fanfics forever!! can i give you a hug? because this is wonderful, really.
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let’s go for it! my range of fanfiction that i enjoy vary, but one thing remains: i will adore your fic, no matter the fandom, if it’s written with passion and if it contains good, poetic introspection. i love poetry. for me, if there’s melancholic tropes of any kind i’m into it. immortal character and reincarnation? give me now. supernatural elements or slice of life with doomed narrative? i’ll ignore sleep to read it. angst with happy ending? my endgame, for sure.
however, i also adore silly, comedic, cute pieces of domestic life or otherwise. i had a hard time choosing from my bookmarks for this, and i also reviewed some of my favorites, it was fun. before we continue, here are some of the tags that i don’t dive into for whatever reason: porn without plot (it personally just doesn’t interest me at all), non-con, gore, a/b/o dynamics, soulmates au. sorry if you were hoping for it! i’ll try classify them into an order of what i like most.
1. jellyfish, by mystery twin, for the haikyuu!! fandom — i read this when i was finishing high school and coincidentally the story talks about finishing high school! i have a personal attachment that makes me reread it every year. it’s some sort of tradition at this point. not to mention i love kagehina dearly.
2. teen project to change the world, by animeloverhomura, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — respectfully speaking, i would find this author and give them a big hug. their writing is spetacular! if you've never seen this one and you're into mdzs, know it's a story where the characters get to see every event from the novel and donghua, even the dead characters. they watch wei wuxian journey, can you believe it? so goddamn entertaining. promptly waiting for the next update!
3. a hundred or so hellos, by iwillstillopenthewindow, for the haikyuu!! fandom — remember i said i love melancholic stories? well, this one broke me so hard, i had to mention how i hold it with tenderness (we love things that breaks us, dont we?). this fandom manages to write the cutest, most unhinged things sometimes. even it's an anime about sports. i always get amazed by it.
4. no certainty of doors between us, by betts, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — certainly the most silly little fanfic i've ever seen, it's hilariously sweet. i want everyone to read this masterpiece because, seriously, whoever did this deserves only the best. so, so, cute. it had to be in my top 10!
5. their kindred encounters, by fireflavoredwhiskey, for the untamed rpf fandom (bjyx) — you know those kinds of shows, books, any piece of media, that tears up apart? well, this one was it for me. it's a very famous one that deserves all praise, certainly well-written and enjoyable to the core, with doses of angst, romance and beauty overall.
6. as the clouds part and clear, we finally meet again, by 12262325, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — aaaaa, i was truly torn between putting this in the third or fourth place, but i ended up putting it here. come on, i love an age difference kind of story, especially for wangxian, and this one was perfectly done. sweet and funny. the development? the yearning?? outstanding!! i read this many times already, i'll never get tired.
7. pursuit, by emleewrites, for the haikyuu!! fandom — mystery, romance, lawsuits, poker games, adventure, slice of life, AMAZING depictions and so, so goddamn well-written? that's what you're looking for in any fanfiction. the author dedicated herself entirely for this story, and, like i said, i love stories that are written with passion, you can see it pouring through every paragraph. besides, highly entertaining. i'm not very into long fics, but once i started it off, i couldn't stop. that's how addicting it is.
8. linger by the door (i’ve always been yours), by piecrust, for the mo dao zu shi fandom — epistolary?? have i mentioned how i love it?? some of the phrases in this are gold, in my bookmarks you can check some of them (i ought to make a list of my favorite fic quotes, btw, i will sure do it). through each letter i could comprehend more of wei wuxian's feelings and his internal conflict. i love feeling this connected to a character.
9. all the world is ours to take, by khrys, for the fugou keiji fandom — i have more than one favorite fanfiction for this couple. you know these kinds of developing relationship where the transition from (maybe enemies too) friends to lovers happens so smoothly that it feels like they've been soulmates first and foremost at the end? i don't even know how to explain. i just love how, when they finally are together, it's like they've been together for years. and they just... made it official? i like it. i love my mr. kambe haru.
10. he won’t tell you that he loves you, by hellshandbasket, for the house m.d fandom — i found this to be the most fitting, perfect story for this specific couple. they deserved more stories like this, but we dont see it anymore. i would hightlight the feelings realization in this one, that is so fucking real? haha in any case, it's a fanfic that i enjoyed a great deal.
that's it, i guess! i wanted to add link click fanfics also, however i barely started reading fanfictions from its fandom, i'm drowning in it lately but it's just a start. perhaps very sooon!
oh, i’m gonna finish explaining about the name! in my native language, i’ve heard someone tell me before that ‘life’s a little askew, nothing’s ever perfect’, and that quote remained in every biography of any english website i ever went to. then in literature class someday i had to write about historical women and came across this one named anne askew (i wanted to write about the mostly barely-spoken women). it was the second time i saw this word. i didn’t think of it as a proper name before, but then i had to create a nickname for my ao3 profile and thought, humn, why not just ‘askew’? the quote has been engraved in my heart anyway, so i went for it. we’re all flawed and askew. so, yeah, it just… fit? the ‘d’ here on tumblr it’s only because my surname has a ‘de morais’ in it. i also liked that it resembled ‘alaska’, the john green character i was kinda of obsessed with back in my teenager grunge phase. i don’t like these kinds of books anymore, but i guess some details stay with you. do you think it’s weird? never thought of changing.
thanks for this outstanding ask, it certainly entertained me. and hope you have a nice sleep today, big hugs coming your way! 🤍
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iosagol · 8 months
second time watching OTGW and I might be losing my mind
I'm just rewatching this masterpiece most certainly NOT on internet archive and certainly probably not silently dying because the first time I saw this I only saw the way Wirt's selfishness was being pruned out of him by the Fae world, and I only saw the grief on the Woodsman's side, but there's so
There's so much else to see on the second time through
Like the frog? George Washington? Being able to speak English when all the other frogs can't and yet not being able to speak English when it's just him and the humans? He's sort of a look into Greg's point of view? And he's this point of weird messed up communication because he's something Wirt and Greg were supposed to find together, hunting frogs like bros n stuff
But it was kind of half done; Wirt didn't want to be a part of that adventure and he was focused on Sara for all of the duration of it. Greg did most of the work, so that's why Washington reflects him most (he can communicate to everyone, but those of his own species speak a different language than him and seem to miss his points)
I'm sorry I'm thinking too hard into this but BUT IT WARRANTS THIS
Also I didn't realize how much Wirt actually seems to love Greg
Like yeah he's selfish
But that's very much towards the back half of the episodes, and by then he's genuinely had his trust shattered and he's struggling to carry burdens and Greg doesn't get that because he sees the world completely differently, he's got zero preconceived notions burned into him
Wirt has notions, he's old enough for it
And he's kind of hampered by them
Only looking at this twice did I actually see the fog that he steps into in the eighth episode, the genuine fog, and how he kind of shuts down
It's... depression?
And Greg's response is that of a kid who doesn't understand depression in the least because he just isn't old enough to have run up against it yet
I get the sense that Greg asked the lady of dreams to make him take Wirt's place, or something like that, but he has no idea what he's stepping into
Greg is so much smaller and it's really not his role to be the big brother
The beast (who could represent a whole host of stuff like depression? Fear? Self-flagellation?) demands he do impossible things and reach impossible goals and Greg does them at first but then he gets so worn out because it's so hard to sustain a beast like that
So he ends up completely immobilized by these vines of atrocious levels of fear? And he's so tiny? and he's never been through something like that
While Wirt, for all his faults, is hardened by his failures and fears to the degree that he can look his grief in the face and say "I'm not indulging you; your move."
Faerie changes Greg in a sense because it exposes him to realities that he doesn't fit, but he really doesn't seem to retain the effects of these negative realities. That or they simply don't affect him back in the human world. I mean Greg is a champ at seeing eldritch terrors and going "aw hey there, Barnaby! :D" and moving on with the retention span of a happy cucumber so maybe he just did that again. Maybe he still doesn't necessarily get the line between a bad dream and a deep truth. But I kind of get the sense he wasn't as deeply affected because the trip into Faerie wasn't for him.
Wirt, though, went through the classic Faerie-story process of being taken down to his lowest point in order to find himself, and that experience absolutely stayed with him.
I just remembered that Wirt and Greg jump out of a cemetery as the first step to get into the Unknown and the way it goes is Wirt cries "that's it, this is the end" like the drama queen he is and Greg immediately interprets this and jumps off the wall a moment before Wirt does
Greg knew a moment before Wirt moved that Wirt was going to jump, so he jumped first
He never ever hesitates to follow/lead his brother into deep trouble because he
Greg just
He has no concept of fear
They enter through water, and when they go back, they're returning through water.
It reeks so hard of baptism/rebirth symbolism and I'm scrambling to grasp all of it
Also the fact that Quincy Endecott has a gravestone in that cemetery
So he really is a ghost, humanly speaking ❤️
Yeah I just really love this show to my bones and I cannot wait to look into more of it and scrape more thoughts together
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azurlily · 1 year
Day 8 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. This yandere is very creepy, I'm officially only using they/them pronouns for Hange! So just an fyi.
Hey so I finally finish this one. It's shitty, I didn't have many ideas, but I wanted to get this one out. There are more on my page, for those you found this off of a tag or something. It's also super short so I'm sorry about that too.
Hange takes lets you see their masterpiece. The monstrous idea scares you, now Hange has to fix things. While keeping the reason behind it all a secret.
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Yandere!Hange Zoe ANGST AND FLUFF
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It has been weeks since they'd finished it. Hange had been wanting to show you their masterpiece for so long, and now they could. It was something they'd been planning for about 3 months, and they'd finally had the resources to begin the project.
What project you may ask? Well the "Titan Steam Body" project. It isn't a great name, nor does it properly describe it, but it's good in its own way. The project is comprised of titan body parts, Hange learned how to preserve them for up to a week.
They'd learned that if they pole certain parts it will let out more steam than others. They made molds and sticks them on the poles, so when they steam came out. It would be the shape of a word. So they found a way to give you a ring, not a marriage one. Far too early for that, but a promise ring. Erwin had mentioned something about it and Hange adores the idea.
The found a way to pole specific parts of the mangled body parts, slowly making the words PLEASE ACCEPT MY PROMISE RING!
It took so, so, so long to finally get it right. They'd used so many titans, it was almost scary how many they used. Hange couldn't wait, literally, they decided to do it earlier than prepared.
"This way, this way! You'll love it!"
Hange tug you along, pulling you into a large room you didn't even know existed. Hange had their hands over your eyes, wanting to keep it a surprise for a little while longer.
Hange takes their hands from your eyes, showing you their masterpiece. A megawatt grin on their face, they press a button nearby. The pins and needles slam into the titans letting out steam in the right areas.
". . .W-well? Do you like it, my love?"
You stared in horror. What the actual hell, Hange!? That's what you were thinking. You wanted to yell, to ask questions. You opened your mouth before closing it once more. You had all recently learned that titans used to be people. Why would they do this? Knowing what they know...
When Hange noticed you weren't smiling, they assumed that you didn't want the ring. They looked away, feeling tears in their eyes.
"Oh god, we're moving too fast aren't we? Oh I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have even thought or the idea."
You looked up at Hange, it was obvious they didn't feel bad. No, they were unhappy that you didn't like it. That's why they looked so down, not because they felt some form of remorse.
You finally found the courage to speak. You told Hange this was beyond fucked up, that you felt you didn't need to remind Hange that these people used fo be HUMAN! Hange listened to you yell, for a little while. After some time they put a finger on your lips.
"Honey, is that why you're mad? If it makes you feel any better these are titan shifter limbs. I made sure Eren was okay with it before I did it."
Oh. It took you a second to get your grounding back. You look at Hange again and breath a bit easier. You tell them it still thought it was wrong, you know how scared Eren got about the experiments in the past.
"I'm sorry...d-do you not want the ring?"
Oh no, Hange rarely cried(unless they were tears of joy) so this wasn't something you were used to. You tell Hange you want the ring, giving them a small kiss on the cheek. You wrap your arms around Hanges shoulder, giving them a big hug. You whisper 'I love you'
"I love you too pumkpin..."
While Hange was smiling and holding you, their eyes weren't as happy. This could have gone horribly wrong, this could have ended your relationship. All because you were scared about a bunch of random titans!? Why!? Why are some random monsters you don't know better them them!?
Hange grips you a bit tighter, their smile fading. They notice you struggle a bit in their grasp, they let go gently. Hange looks at your face, sees the worry, the love, the gentle kindness. They see it all, and they melt.
"Oh sweetie! I love you so much!"
Hange starts to gently kiss your face pulling you into their warm arms. While you laugh and giggle. Your mind was full of happiness, theirs was full of ideas on how to convince Eren to lie to you.
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helpinghanikan · 1 year
König NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He overcompensates for every touch and taste he makes. Worried that he hurt you or did something wrong during your session. Convincing himself that you need to be held close and offered water at least twice.
A warm washcloth is the next step after sex. If you’re fine with raw dogging than it’s required before letting you fall asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves your face. Holding it when he kisses you, your expressions when he penetrates, and especially your lips. Liking to have his thumb over your lips when you’re just holding eachother. But absolutely loving how those lips wrap around his cock.
His favorite part of himself is his thighs. He’s overhead the comments people make about them. He knows just how thick they are and strong. It’s part of what makes him dangerous in the field. So to see your hand sliding down his thighs in appreciation is a great compliment.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
König cums a lot when he finishes. Whether it’s on your face in your pussy, it’s gonna make a mess. Something that actually likes but isn’t willing to do without your okay first.
If you are cool with raw dogging it then there’s a little date you gotta go on first; both of you would need to get tested. This isn’t an insulting thing but König comes in contact with a lot of bacteria and fluids with unknown origins at work. The last thing he wants is to give you anything. And it’s only fair that if he gets tested than you should to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He has a tattoo of a snake running from the small of his back, over his asscheek, and down his thigh. He got it after joining the military and realizing just how common tattoos were. Pressure to conform brought him into a tattoo shop with a buddy before he was twenty. Thinking back on it he’s pretty proud that he didn’t get one on his arm or back like the others. All he could think about while getting it was what his mother would think if she found out.
 A bit of money was put into the design, too. The dark lines and red scales were still holding up years later. It’s also a reason that he works to keep his ass and thigh muscles tight.
It’s created a little part of him for you to admire. When he lays on the bed in his shorts you’ll usually find yourself next him. Running gentle fingers over the line of his tattoo, following it, and tickling him while doing so.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
While not a virgin he’s never been one for just finding someone for the night. Preferring to a have a real relationship before letting them into his way too small bed.
So his experience is little to none. Call it a pride thing but he’ll never admit it. Instead trying to hide his inexperience behind wanting you to take the lead.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes missionary. He gets easy access to your face and breasts. Able to move your legs up and over his shoulders, to lift your hips with both hands and watch the masterpiece he makes with your body and moans.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He’s only goofy at the beginning. When he’s trying to subtly get into your pants. He does this by jokingly biting at your neck or by lifting you up suddenly and kissing you fiercely.
During sex he’s taking it much more seriously. When he speak it’s either to ask if something felt good, or it’s to compliment you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He’s not too attached to his pubic hair, let alone how it looked. Rather he just lets if be, sometimes trimming it down when it got in the way.
He waits for you to say something if you wanted him to do anything different.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s a hopeless romantic through and through. Not in the way of restaurants and expensive gifts but more in the little details: like knowing what flavor of lube you liked better or constantly complimenting your body.
Little appreciations slip out of his mouth like music when he fucks. Appreciating your breasts, becoming almost aghast at the sight of your body, and simply thanking you for being so good to him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates whenever he’s away or if you’re not in the mood. He’s never been ashamed of his habit. It’s just something he does in private, no different from using the bathroom.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He likes that he’s bigger than you. But not in a domination way, he likes to have you be the powerful one in a relationship. To submit down to someone and feel a comfort in that you would take care of him properly.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Your apartment, more specifically your bedroom.
He likes to feel safe, to be in a comfortable environment, and not to worry about what’s going on around him. Sometimes he’ll be adventurous and take you in the kitchen or living room. But, as a rule, your shenanigans aren’t going to leave the house.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Being home, being around you, it makes him want more than just to fuck you. He wants to appreciate you in any and every way he can.
This can make it annoying for when he comes home. When you just wanted to jump his bones he’s all huggy. Asking if had dinner yet or not.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Public; the idea of being caught is a nightmare. What would be even worse is the idea of being caught in a civilian area. This wouldn’t just result in his firing; it would put you in danger too.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He likes to receive more than to give. This isn’t to say that’ll he’ll ever say no to you, or demand to get before he gives.
It’s not so much because of the feeling, but more of the view he gets. Watching your head slowly move back forth down his cock. Whatever lipstick or lip gloss you choose decorating his skin. If he’s lucky than it will leave color on his cock.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
No matter how fast he starts off he’s always going to start to slow down. Liking to press you in close, feel your soft skin, and pull you so close that you’re practically a single entity.
His kisses slow at the same pace. Replacing his kisses with words of praise and thanks in a language you may or may not understand.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Not his preferred way of going at it, but sometimes the want is just too much.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Any and all risk only happens inside the safety of your bedroom. It’s the only place he’ll feel safe giving himself over to you fully. Anywhere else he’d be too worried about someone seeing you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go twice before needing a break. Personal stamina and training gave him this gift. Seeing the results of cumming deep inside of you also has that effect on him.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Most of what would qualify as toys in your relationship is mainly lingerie. Some little dresses and nighties, stockings for König, and underwear that has mostly been bought as a gag gift.
A few months ago you and König made a little trip to you local sex shop. A dildo and strap on combo caught your eye. Comfy straps in a light color that wrap around your hips. It came with several dildos of multiple sizes for different levels of experience.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s not a teaser, he honestly wouldn’t know how.
Instead he prefers to be teased. Loving when you don’t outright state that you wanna be railed but giving hints by bending over, wearing a certain piece of clothing that draws his eyes, or simply asking for a massage/rubbing on him.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
It’s adorable how hard he tries to keep his voice down. Pressing his face into your shoulder or biting down on his own lip.
It takes some coaxing before you lets himself make noise in bed. When he does it comes out in a shout while cumming. Pressing a hand over his mouth one night when you had snuck into the barracks. Luckily no one was going to snitch on a soldier getting some.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The best moment in sex, in his whole life, is that eye-contact after you cum. He might still be hard inside of you but if you have that glossy, cock-dumb, look on your face it’s all over for him.
It’s an award to see this. Better than any metal he ever could have gotten. Knowing that he was the one who made you cum makes him the greatest man on earth.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
About eight to nine inches and decent in girth. Honestly, your first time seeing it did make you reconsider for a second. But only a second, after that it becomes a mountain that you are determined to climb.
Just make sure you got some lube within reach at all time.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
For an inexperience man König has a surprisingly high sex drive.
Every morning is going to start with some kind of hard wood against you. If you don’t reciprocate, or simply don’t wake up, he’s not gonna force it or even ask. He just takes care of it himself in the bathroom.
Cuddling in the afternoon? Expect his hands to slide up the back of your shirt.
He’s making dinner? Well, that’s not the only thing you can eat.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He’s still awake after finishing up. Maybe it’s his training or maybe he was a deer in another life. Either way he’s up and moving around after making sure you’re all set.
That post nut clarity is real and strong. For some reason cleaning you up reminds him of whatever chores that need to be done. More than once you’ve seen him doing the dishes in the buff, as if they couldn’t wait the few seconds it takes to pull his briefs up.
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