#space dancer from rhythm heaven
koromida · 6 months
What the fuck was I on
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ermmwhattheflip · 3 months
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Even "space dancer" is confused (I hate I think paddler and space dancers are the same but yet I do these fanarts which is actually confusing since in reality they have no g3nitals I think. Confused asf.)
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hello here's my amazing high-quality tier list of where i think every game takes place it took like 15 minutes. <3
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i'm insane. also ummmmmmmmm to go over the varies n other tiers. i don't know why i put ds remix 1 in varies but i'm too lazy to change it now. megamix's remixes are a mix of earth world n rhythm heaven n also citrus n honeybee have the void too. gotta love those dang rhythm heaven voids (why are there so many). all the normal games except blue bear n second contact are there cuz their practices are in the void but the games themselves aren't, blue bear is cuz like. the dream part is in the void but the not dream part isn't (that's confusing wording sorry-). n second contact is cuz the main part is on earth but laso mars control is. y'know. in space. cuz. mars is in space. little known fact. uhhhhhhhh. oh yea the other tier. donk-donk n hole in one 2 are both outside rhythm heaven (i am ignoring megamix hole in one 2) and quiz show is in rhythm hell because i am incapable of having serious headcanons klfsjdklfdjskldfjfsd- anyways.
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jojolimons · 1 year
augh just got hit with a cursed idea for a drawing
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morganmnemonic · 4 months
Hazbin hotel songs rated by whether or not they happened diegetically
Always chasing rainbows
While this is background music, it does not strain credibility to think that this song exists and has been sung before by Charlie in the hazbin universe.
5/10 not diegetic but not entirely metaphorical
Inside of every demon is a rainbow
The singing for sure happened. Some of the visuals strain credibility for what could have happened in a news room.
Inside of every demon is a lost cause
This literally happened.
Happy day in hell
Charlie is for real just like that.
Hell is forever
It's possible that Charlie did just start singing to Adam, and if that part is diegetic than Adam's lyrics are too. The visuals do get pretty metaphorical, however.
Stayed gone
Vox spent 7 years writing a disstrack for alastor, only for alastor to come up with a cutting rebuttal in all of 2 minutes. They are iconic. The metaphorical parts of the visuals happen in clearly marked metaphorical spaces.
It starts with sorry
I'm at a point where I'm assuming any singing done by Charlie is literal. The background strays from the world of the show, but the characters never do.
For the songs that we know for a fact to have happened to have happened, one of the givens of the world is that there is musical magic in hell. With this in mind, there is no reason why this song couldn't have happened.
Whatever it takes
They are having a duet from miles away. No matter what magic is in play, I just don't buy that that is a thing they can do.
The only way this song could be diegetic is if Valentino spent all night filming an erotic music video, and the idea the song didn't come from angel diminishes it's impact.
Loser, baby
An outside observer comments on the song
Hells greatest dad
The singing happened. Absolutely none of the visuals did.
More than anything
Charlie takes after her father, who will also appearantly just start singing. Where the visuals differ from reality, it is flashback, not a metaphor. The singing is still happening in physical space, the audience just doesn't get to see it.
Welcome to heaven
This happened, and it's interesting because it implies that heaven might have the same song magic. But at the same time, it almost feels like a rehersed routine.
You didn't know
What the hell. Heaven has song magic too. That might as well be true.
Out for love
It adds meaning to say that this happened. Carmine is dancer. The rhythm is part of her characterization.
Ready for this
We are explicitly told that this happens several times.
More than anything 2.0
As a couple, this is just how they have important conversations.
The show must go on
Ok so if the spatial distance broke my suspension of disbelief in whatever it takes, and the timespan the song takes place over broke it in poison, there is no way this song can get a pass. It takes place over at least several days, between characters that are miles apart, and it happens out of chronological order. This did not fuckin' happen. Like at all.
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brisquad-unit-4402 · 1 year
slow dancing with ike
turning up to luca’s 12 minutes stream early in the game when you can dance with your wife got me in the mood to listen to some romantic oldies while writing my next request but then blue moon by dean martin came up, and i made the connection that ike is blue, and that he sings, and that you can dance with your wife and agh argh aggh just take the fluffy warmup
update from the day after i wrote that author’s note: just finished the 12 minutes stream. no spoilers but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AUAUGH AUGH GGGHAHHH AAAAGGAAAH GWAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH [distant minecraft injury noise]
anyways check this out while you read i promise it’s worth it
tags: fluff, just straight unadulterated fluff, yeah okay i finally used älskling are you happy now, gender neutral reader
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Hey. Hug me?”
Ike wraps himself around your body, and you sink into his embrace. As gentle as the novelist is, when he holds you it’s always just enough that you feel sensitive but secure, like a treasured plushie. 
You aren’t sure exactly what got you in a clingy mood today. You both spent the day on errands by yourselves, and by the time Ike got home after you, you were both too pooped to cook, so you called a delivery pizza and called it a day. 
Maybe the candles had done it? Earlier that afternoon, you met up with a friend and he dumped some unused votives on you as thanks for a favor. When you got home, you figured you’d light them and try out the scent. Sure enough, your home was filled with an aroma that smelled something divine, and when the pizza arrived, neither of you bothered to flick the overhead light on and instead dined in the romantic candlelight with a decidedly unromantic dinner.
Doesn’t matter now. Your appetite was satisfied, and with Ike around your grasp, you were at peace. What a beautiful night, and what a beautiful man. He’s got to be an angel on Earth, there’s no way there’s someone this perfectly kind, perfectly witty, perfectly handsome just shows up naturally. And for you, no less, what a gift it is to be held by Ike!
You lift your head off his shoulder to aim for his lips, and when he meets your kiss you’re certain, this is your heaven.
The space in the crook of his neck is the perfect resting place for your head, and you lean back into him as you sway from one foot to another. A hand trails down his arm to meet his fingers and rises with his palm in yours, and just like that you’ve got him in a position perfect for slow dancing. In fact, he’s picked up what you’re trying to do already, and goes along with your lead.
“This is what we’re doing now?” Ike asks the question innocently, like he doesn’t know the answer.
“If you’d have me.”
“I’m not much of a dancer.”
“Me neither.” With the next step, you circle around your living room by the candlelight and sweet scent in the air. “I don’t really care for the complex styles of dancing with a partner. I just like doing it.”
“Well, I can’t complain about that.” Ike wasn’t lying about his inexperience. His first steps are unconfident, but he follows your initiative relatively well, and soon enough you move as one, simple but in sync.
The steps are slow, and when the circle is complete Ike lets go of one hand. You unravel yourself in a flourish, and before a moment passes you’re back in his grasp. The light tailwind brushes a lock of his hair to the side, and his seaglass eyes crinkle in quiet delight. “This is nice.”
“I’m surprised it took me this long to goad you into it,” you say. “I wish I played some music before we started, though. I don’t wanna leave, but dancing in silence is tough.”
“Let me remember something.”
Ike’s eyes close, and he squeezes your hand as if a silent plea to keep him safe, to never let him go. You keep a predictable rhythm and hold him closer. You’re leading, after all, and it wouldn’t do if you lost track of him when he trusts you to keep him steady. 
When he returns to you there’s a faraway look in his seaglass, the type of foggy clarity that only comes to him when he has a song in mind. “Blue moon, you saw me standing alone with a dream in my heart, without a love of my own…”
You dance, and Ike sings. His voice meshes well with the rhythm you lead him in. The candlelight casts shadows upon his features as you place your lips along his cheek down his neck. 
“Blue moon, you knew just what I was there for-” You don’t miss how his breath catches when your kiss falls right under his earlobe. “You heard me saying a prayer for someone I really could care for.”
The song pauses as you toy with his sensitive ears. You look up at him with a mix of pouting and pleading. 
“Darling, if you want me to sing, then don’t tease me. That comes later.”
“Party pooper,” you joke. 
But you obey, and weave your arms around his neck in a new embrace, more intimate than the last. Your head rests against his collar, and you catch a hint of his cologne. Coffee and traces of fruit follow you as you feel his heartbeat. 
The song continues. “And then there suddenly appeared before me, the only one my arms will hold.”
Ike’s hands reposition. One curls around your waist to keep you stable, while the other cards through your hair. “I heard somebody whisper, ‘please adore me,’ and when I looked, the moon had turned to gold.”
The hand on your head tilts you to meet Ike’s eyes, glistening with tenderness through the green and blue. His gaze goes straight through your heart and into your core, until his long lashes flutter closed and his lips are against yours.
Ike is soft. He always has been, and there’s so much strength in being so soft. His mouth fits against yours perfectly, and every little movement enchants you more and more.
The hand on your waist pulls you closer, tighter, and travels up the small of your back along your spine to your shoulder while keeping your head in place even as you shift to get closer to him. You’re never close enough. But you still have him by the neck, and your nails glide along the nape of his neck as you cling to him. Just like that, his sweet kiss is even more magnetic. 
Your eyes are slow to open once you part, but when they regain their vision Ike is the handsomest man in the world, and everything apart from him blurs away.
“Please don’t let me go,” you whisper. “Please don’t stop. I need you.”
“Älskling,” Ike purrs, and you can’t even pretend to resist anymore. You return another kiss like a second life. You pulse in pure adoration when you meet the other side of his mouth, so warm and inviting. Ike intoxicates you until every last thought is how he plays with your hair, how gorgeous his little noises are, how good it all feels. 
You’ve never felt more loved.
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definegodliness · 9 months
The creation of the universe
Sequestered Among softest silhouettes shaped in Unbridled imagination, Behind The comfort of
C l o s e d e y e s,
Where, liquefied, The phantasmagoria play.
Shape-shifting Figments of adoration, created to dance Upon the Stage, burgundy red; Undulating To the pulses Of creation's catalyst, Till, reached, A cataclysmic beat; Ever intensifying, seeking The primordial breath; That first sigh of thermal air, Expelled as an answer to the beckoning Heavens.
Fingers stretch out indefinitely, Shaping silken ribbon galaxies, Flowing, as of yet, Covertly; unseen, Yet Shimmering, like silver rivulets, At the deepest thuds Of the core-drum, Light's herald.
Shadow dancers, with Twinkling toes, and tantalising fingers, Lift And carry, Till weightless Levitation; a flight, beyond The universe's ever-expanding veil, Where the soul abolishes all tangibility, Propelled paroxysmically As rhythm conjoins With hymn.
A song Like a thousand voices Deeply reverberating; awaiting That one crystalline tone to Release the all-time's first incantation Into Reignition.
The light.
The light, A fervorous flame Surging sweltering supernova, Unleashed from within, and within is now At the heart of a whole New world.
Time halts At the beat of the core-drum, crescendo, As the primordial breath Escapes the desperate lungs As an aria, shaking Reality's Foundation.
Eyes open.
Uncountable stars Flash forward, illuminating What once was little more Than the void of space; shadows And shadow play.
Now, it is
In wanton wonder. In sanctified Song, upon the altar of creation.
Collapsed, the cynosure of sparkles, Flows over the sleek marble, Holy in afterglow.
Reborn, the sole deity, Worshiped.
--- 28-8-2023, M.A. Tempels ©
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robocooki · 1 year
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I made a Paddler/Space dancer box from Rhythm Heaven! =D
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octowoman2419 · 5 months
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the space kicker and the samba dancer
a drawing of a space kicker from rhythm heaven with quattro from pop’n music
i thought about this idea since quattro’s great and win/fever win animations in pop’n music involved her kicking a soccer ball
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shes probably showing the kicker that she can do the high kick toe
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catovyen · 2 years
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Which side are you on?
Father of Music with his army of Stepswitchers, or the Music Train Conductor with his fellow dancers ft. Buff Paddler?
Recently, TwoSetViolin dropped a banger about 5 music composers and it inspired me to draw this!
The person on the left is Bach with his Stepswitchers! Bach is a bit different than the one that appears in Rhythm Heaven since I referenced him from the historical Bach.
The person on the right is The Conductor (Dvorak) with the space & cosmic dancers! He is also Cosmic girl's father!
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I can't say that he is my OC since he is heavily inspired by a character from Classicaloid named Dvorak (human form), his abilities are also similar enough. It's more of a crossover-
The style of the artwork is also inspired by Classicaloid's album covers. I also provide the colored version as well, but I prefer the monochrome version since it looks more pleasing imo.
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A picture of a space dancer from rhythm heaven with a cute galaxy background plz :)
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koromida · 4 months
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It's fucking cannon now that the paddlers/space dancers loves hatsune miku
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ermmwhattheflip · 3 months
WARNING!!!!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⚠: pooping, weird, parasites it's kinda inappropriate?
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Comic about paddler having hard time that he had parasites and diarrhea. But his butt was squeaking. So the space dancer and cosmic dancer tried helping him. Space dancer was trying to help him get those parasites out. Until paddler has the biggest diarrhea parasites dump in the world. Space dancer was shocked. But cosmic dancer was cheering him up. Is it a good question to ask. How did all of that fit in his stomach? Maybe because his whole stomach was full of diarrhea and parasites. This is exactly paddlers first time having such a big dump.
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just found this tag i put on a post the other day.
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the only real constants of life are clappy trio, sneaky spirits, space dance, night walk, rap men and tap trial being referenced-
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cosmic-showdown · 1 year
cosmic showdown round 1
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annie of the stars (skullgirls): She doesn't LOOK very cosmic, but her powers are cosmic. To the point where, according to the wiki, she and her stuffed rabbit (Sagan) she got that power from are named after astrologists. Id definitely recommend watching a movie set. Also, double entendre, she's also a star in the movie setting. I also like her because she's immortal-they made her the anti-loli (she's forever 15, but hates everyone (sassy, since she's a hero she doesn't actually) and there's only two canon relationships in the series. Annie is also incapable of swearing, drinking or anything like that because her curse is to be "young and innocent forever." Basically, think of her as the "obligated hero/magical girl"
space/cosmic dancers (rhythm heaven): they never got submitted but i did a teeny fuckup where i put one participant in twice so these guys are here now. all the love to anon
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My brain: Is note important to rhythm heaven lore? Is q maou important to the lore? Are the demons from every game important to the lore? Were there any wars in the rhythm heaven world? Why is there so many humanoids and species that don’t exist in the real world in rhythm heaven? How did they exist? Is marshal basically a humanoid meowth? Are the trio in rhythm heaven fever somehow a humanoid version to Team Rocket? What would it feel like to live in rhythm heaven? If there’s three chorus kids on glee club, more must exist, what is the species called? Why are the frogs from frog hop sentient but the frog in the fever endless game isn’t? How far up is heaven world? Does Trey and their ancestors know about the lore? Were they ever involved? Did they help in any potential wars? Why do marchers exist in rhythm heaven? Why does note make so many cameos but doesn’t play a role? Does note also take part in the war? Does the species have other, more powerful, forms rather than taking form of a small ghost? Can they be powerful? How many notes are there left? Are there any continents or seas with names in rhythm heaven? Is there a huebird island with only huebirds? Do the space/ cosmic dancers perform on earth? Is the rhythm league important other than rating your performance in remixes? How do they get together for meetings and shit? Why do I look like all the rhythm girls ,like Yuka/tap girl, that one girl in DS and the girl in fever, if they were all one person?
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