#sorry it took so long but that was a lot
musiclover2732 · 1 year
I know you liked the response murakamijune gave, so I will ask you the same questions: You a big fan of Zexal? Any favorite ships, characters, episodes, etc.? Do you watch sub or dub? Sorry if the short skirts and fanservice in the sub was offensive. 😣😔
thank you for asking this! i am a huge zexal fan, i might go as far as to say it’s my favorite show ever. i watching it during my very formative teen years and it strongly influenced who i am as a person. i’m gonna answer these questions based on both how i felt when i first watched the show and how i feel about it now.
shipping in zexal has been a wild ride as a multishipper. my big ship has always been IV and Shark because it opened my eyes to the whole enemies to lovers thing. at first i couldn’t understand the appeal and then it just clicked (this may have been helped by some smutty oneshots, who’s to say) and i’ve been a huge fan ever since. i love their dynamic a lot. obviously i’m huge keyshipping fan and it’s kind of the ship that’ll happen no matter what i write. they are two distant souls connected by an unbreakable bond. i love Yuma and Vector as a pair (especially one sided stuff) but also i’ve recently gotten deep into Vector and Nasch so combining those has been fun. Kotori and Cathy is always a given for me because they are so obsessed with each other and spend so much time together it’s kinda ridiculous that they don’t stop fighting and just kiss already. wasn’t a huge fan of Tetsuo and Rio initially but upon my rewatch i just love them together, like yeah he swoons a bit to much but she finds that endearing and he does respect her as a person and a duelist unlike mostly everyone else. i also like Charlie and Akari and wish we got more time dedicated to them (or even just Akari as a whole) cuz they were cute together.
characters are what keep me hooked on a show and zexal is no exception. when i was younger i really liked Kaito (because i had a crush on him), but Shark was probably my favorite for the majority of the show and now. very gender envy but also just a cool and dynamic character. Vector was a favorite from the moment i first saw him (i saw the Sargasso duel before starting Zexal II) and has remained in the top spot for me. i am perpetually rotating him in my brain like butter in a microwave and occasionally he explodes. i love Flip Turner as a character because he’s just such an agent of chaos but he cares a lot about Yuma and all his friends but that never stops him from being an ass to everyone else. mostly everyone else is like, “i am friends with Yuma so i have to be good now” but not Flip. he continues to create problems and only regrets getting caught. short king. i also love Ukyo Kitano, he is such an entire husband and i may be aroace but he is the exception
i’m doing my rewatch rn and honestly i don’t know if i have any favorite episodes because each one is well crafted enough that it stands up well. even episodes that i thought i didnt like or had trouble remembering blew me away a second time around. i guess that speaks to the writing and pacing. i never felt like i had to “get through” an episode because they were all enjoyable. Yuma vs Nistro during the WDC holds a special place in my heart because it’s the first episode i saw. it got me hooked instantly and got me back into ygo as a whole. had i not seen that episode, i wouldn’t have a tumblr or all the friends i do now.
one thing that set zexal apart from a lot of animes i watched at the time was just how many damn outfits they gave the girls. like seriously it astonished me that they did that for them and not a lot of them pertained to the plot, just put them in a new outfit for fun. as someone who’s always been into fashion i enjoyed that extra detail and it helped me connect more with those characters since the narrative often wasn’t kind to them (Rio should’ve won her duel against Shark, it would’ve made more sense from a plot perspective). the foreshadowing is also stellar and surpasses a lot of other more highly praised shows of that time.
i’ve only seen the dub because it’s all i’ve had access to. i started watching zexal on nicktoons, the the nickelodeon website, then Vortex, then the ygo webite, and finally ended on hulu which is where i watch it now. i’ve seen many clips from the sub and know what was censored/changed but honestly i prefer watching the dub. the voice acting goes hard and the dialogue is funny. the skirt lengthening is actually a little annoying cuz it looks so poorly done sometimes (they gave up on Rio after a few episodes) and Astral’s blinding light of modesty can be distracting (it looks worse on 96 tho). the lack of blood is annoying but i also just like blood and guts. it doesn’t ruin my enjoyment and honestly neither does the fanservice of the sub. the r*cism and m*sogyny can be a little blatant and uncomfortable but it’s infrequent and negligible enough to me and present in both sub and dub enough where i don’t blame one or the other.
so yeah, despite its problems, i love zexal and always will! it’s influenced a lot of my own art and writing; i’ve created characters to exist alongside the zexal cast, made a self-insert oc that’s helped me better understand myself, and gottne more interested in different forms of art because of it. i’ve discovered new music from fics and amvs. i got into fandom as a whole because of it. i’ve joined other fandoms because of people i met through it, including Hetalia which is the reason i started this blog. most of all i’ve found a lot of community and made friends with other creators and both taken lart in and witnessed a lot of deep discussions about the show from character analysis to the themes of christianity in ygo it’s been so cool and always so respectful. did this answer turn into a sort of love letter to the show: yeah, but how could it not. i’m just bery passionate and wanted to be thorough!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Lan Wangji Goes To Lotus Pier AU: Part 3: Enveloping Feelings.
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 4 (soon))
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#lan wangji#Yungmeng Jiang training arc AU#I wanted to try out a different paneling style for this one - sorry I'm a day late! (there will still be a post tomorrow to keep on track)#The original 3 panel comic idea was fine but the point of this new schedule was to take time to push myself a bit more.#I was taking a look back through some comic artists I felt inspired by#and I really loved how Lynda Barry fills her gutters with patterns and doodles!#Obviously I'm not going as absolutely wild with it as she does but it was a great exercise!#I truly think the gutters are the most important and most overlooked part of any comic. There's lots going on in that space.#It's the same with timeskips. The implied movement between moments that we don't see changes depending on how wide that gap is#You're here for the funny tags so here's some that ties this time talk together:#I think LWJ was thinking about that second note from day 2 but it took him 7 days of hazing to commit it to paper.#I think he sends it a day later and immediately regrets it. Chasing down the messenger and everything.#You know if something actually happened to his brother he would never ever forgive himself for putting the bad vibes out there.#Third time skip was the hardest because there was so many possible flavours of jokes here. Day 8/9 was a personal favourite.#day 14 was also funny (week by week). I think the debate on 'how long does lwj take to catch feelings' is more or less:#'how long does it take for him to arrive at a particular stage of grief and yearning (and awareness of it all)#This is a symphony. There is an act by act structure. Every day he is fighting to keep his old sensibilities. He is losing so badly.#(I'll be returning to the main comic soon but there is more of this AU to come!)
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hollytree33 · 5 months
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Finally, her fourth and final card for Trespasser!!
1. The Hanged Man
2. The Chariot
3. The High Priestess
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gotchibam · 7 months
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Espeon, Dusk Lycanroc, and Sylveon ko-fi doodle for Kaitlyn!
I'm accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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insertsomthinawesome · 8 months
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[requests are closed] Anon i'm sorry this is so late I finished these months ago. I meant to draw more but never got around to it UUUH. SORRY SLDKJSLDGKJSD I love them so much. I need to draw them more. ;;v;;
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fishfission-dc · 1 year
Batfamily Powerpoint Night! (Part 6: Stephanie)
<<Part 5: Cass    |    Part 7: Damian >>
Steph: Okay my turn! Bruce I think you’ll be impressed by research and persuasiveness.
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Bruce (head in his hands): How do I already have a migraine from this
Steph: My words are just that powerful, B-man.
Tim: I like the typo, really gives the impression of “professional social media manager”
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Duke: Steph you are so brave
Tim: I’ll be surprised if you make it out of this alive. But you’re so right
Babs: Yeah like I applaud you for saying what we’re all thinking but it will probably get you killed within the next five minutes
[disgruntled Bruce noises]
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Jason: HA not the list of descriptors in the bio
Tim: For someone with “father” as 50% of their twitter bio you could tweet about your kids once maybe
Damian: It is very clear that you only post what is asked of you by your corporate underlings.
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Dick: You met Kris Jenner???
Bruce: I don’t think this information is relevant to my duties
Tim: You don’t know who Pedro Pascal is?
Babs: You’re a celebrity, Bruce, I think it applies very heavily to at least one of your double lives
Jason: Even I know this stuff and I actively try not to
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Jason: I don’t know how much he’ll love you after this
[Bruce migraine noises]
Cass: (signing) He loves you :)
Tim: Another typo...
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Duke: Steph how much time was it
Steph: Nope. We’re moving on
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Babs: You made a Go Fund Me to make a... “Spoiler Signal”...?
Steph: Yeah do you want to donate I can text you the link
Babs: I think I’m good
Dick: I hate that tweet
Jason: You did it to yourself dude
Damian: Did you receive that footage of Timothy’s fall?
Steph: Yeah I’ll airdrop it to you :)
Tim: Yeah maybe let’s get rid of the vigilante twitter accounts
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Jason: I clearly was coerced into that statement
Bruce: Jason why don’t I have your phone number?
Jason: Stephanie
Steph: He knows a lot about Gotham’s vigilantes
Tim: Where did you get his number? Why did he already know it was you?? 
Steph: Oh we talk all the time :) Anyway,
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Bruce: I’m sure you all remember why I was in GCPD’s headquarters.
Tim: To be fair that was mostly Damian’s fault
Damian: Todd purposely provoked me, the blame is his.
Jason: Okay but why would you bring a grenade to a gala?
Dick: We’re all sorry for fighting at the party can we not rehash this right now guys
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Jason: See I would follow this Bruce Wayne. 
Tim: Except Steph you’re definitely not the favorite, especially after this 
Duke: Why does “The Batman” only tweet in the third person
Steph: I think it fits the vibe
[noises of collective agreement, and Bruce’s pain]
Steph: So Bruc-
Bruce: No.
<<Part 5: Cass    |    Part 7: Damian >>
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snarkspawn · 4 months
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happy (belated) valentine's day @pharawee ❤ but also @ these two idiots
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windlullaby-arts · 3 months
I'm not sure if I can request drawings but.......rengoku wholesome drawing?? Pretty please 🥺🎀❓️
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I hope this is wholesome enough for you but if it’s not, his character alone should be enough :D
If you enjoy my works please consider buying me a coffee ( ´• ω •` ) thank you for your support! <3
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mimimar · 2 years
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my completed illustration series based on the 5 books of TGCF♡
you can now get them as dust jackets for the english translation of the TGCF books here! 
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lennsart · 5 months
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DONE !!!
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thatmooncake · 11 months
If you want some questions then here!! If they could eat/drink what would be their starbucks order? What would be their wormsona if they could design it 👀? What is your favorite part of them to draw 😊? Is there anything specifically that would make you go "they would not say that!!" in regards to dca 🤔🤔?
Don't feel pressured to answer any of this btw!!! You can completely ignore this 👌 And sorry if any of this came off as rude or patronizing 🙏🙇‍♂️
I love every ask like this btw now it’s crazy stupid time
If Sun and Moon could eat or drink they would eat your coffee cups the moment you’re not looking, they’d “confiscate” items only to hide them in a little space somewhere in their miserable room (they’d look so smug about taking them just to hide them for later), I think caffeine would make Moon a little loopy because I think Moon is a bit of a spider. Have you seen what happens to spiders on caffeine?
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Like, this is Moon on caffeine, he’s made his web and now he has to lie in it.
I like to think if Sun could get hyped up on caffeine the effect would stick when they switched and Moon would not be happy about it.
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I think if Sun could like a drink he would like those summery drinks like frappuccinos the most, I bet if he could drink caffeine he’d have an extreme response like either he’d be restless for DAYS or he’d unexpectedly short circuit and actually run out of energy. Maybe both.
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(Like, that is the face of a playmate, right?)
Maybe one followed by the other.
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Sun and Moon worm on a string would be stripey or starry perhaps:
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I happily accept contributions, let’s share the joy of the worms.
Their expressions are the best no matter what. Other than that I think it’s gotta be the sunrays or the hat because they can be so expressive as well just based on how they’re placed or how they move. You can pry Moon with a prehensile hat from my cold dead fingers.
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(There’s no limit to his capabilities - but perhaps there should be)
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Another thing I love is Sun’s rays popping in and out to express his emotions.
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And the ray spin - can’t forget the ray spin!
(They’re both such creatures)
They would not say …hm. I don’t think they would swear but it is funny to imagine the sorta thing that would bring them to do that, so I present you with this:
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And have a nice day!
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nibbelraz · 1 year
cumplane gay chicken
They're very competitive about it
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Also a bonus of them setting the challenge pre transmigration
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medicalunprofessional · 4 months
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and i didnt even know it?
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gotchibam · 3 months
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Pidgey with toast ko-fi doodle for @beingatoaster from @0nlyfiends!
I’m accepting pokemon ko-fi doodle requests here! ✨
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
here's my final comic for my storytelling class!! super super happy with how this turned out :))
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recalled11 · 6 months
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Directionless Pt. 1
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