#sorry i had these saved in my drafts and now it's everyone's problem
2old-2man-2hell · 7 months
thoughts about critters (1986): 1. he's so beautiful. 2. this is the funniest shit I have ever seen. "thanks" THEY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING.*
*wrong. they shot up a bar, crashed into a church, and threw a cop through a window.
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ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused · 2 months
Hi!! I have a one shot request (I hope I’m in the right place lmao)
What about a autistic (fem)reader who is super smart and seems to notice things about the case that the others haven’t and every time she tries to state her thoughts a rude sherif cuts her off/infantilising her and Emily defends her
Honestly my brain stopped at the thought of Emily, I need more of her 😔🫶
-anon ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
autistic fem!plus size reader, wc: 517.
cw! asshole elders :/
a/n: i have had this finished but sitting in my drafts because i was too lazy to post it, but here it is! i hope that i was able to capture what you were looking for right! :] this can either be read as platonic or romantic!
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You have been spoken over and shut down for the past hour, twenty minutes, and thirty seconds. 
You hated being silenced, but one thing that trumps that was being infantilized. You worked hard to get where you were now, and you hated being treated like a child just because your way of thinking was different from your peers. 
You have saved thousands of people and you’ll be damned if you continue to be treated like this.
“If you look closely, you can see that the area that these women were killed in must hold some kind of sentimental meaning to our unsub.” You grab the black marker and go to draw the inevitable triangle on the printed out map before you’re stopped by the sheriff.
“I beg your pardon?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
 “Hold it now, sweetheart. Don’t just go markin’ up stuff.”
“I’m sure the area these women were killed in was just pure coincidence, so we don’t wanna risk coloring in the paper just ‘cause you think you know somethin’.” He spoke as if he knew more than you did like he was the one with the degree, his tone absolutely rolling in condescension. 
“I’m sorry but –” You try to say but the old fart cuts you off. “I’m sure you are –”
“Excuse me, sheriff, but I’m afraid Special Agent _______ made a great point.” Emily was quick to come to your aide, emphasizing the words ‘Special Agent’ just to reinforce her point.
You could see it in her narrowed eyes, and everyone else’s really, that she was about done with the Sheriff’s embarrassingly large ego. You send her an appreciative – albeit shy – smile, and she gets up, her eyes trained on the map as well. 
“She’s right, because if you look here,” She points to the first crime scene and motions for you to draw a mark. “And here,” Her finger trails down to the second location and you follow close behind. “And here.” Her path finally ends, and so does your black ink. 
There it was, just like you had first thought, a perfect triangle connecting them all.
“The most important thing should be right –” You finish her words and color in a big circle in the middle. “Here.” Emily sends you a proud look and it threatens to weaken your knees.
“I mean… I suppose that makes sense.” The man grumbled before leaving with his tail between his legs. 
“Thank you.” You say quietly. The conversation was meant to be kept between the two of you. Of course you loved and trusted everyone on your team, but Emily was your comfort person, and she made time to understand you.
“No problem,” She responds back. “Everyone was done with his shit anyway.”
“Still, thank you.” You pressed the conversation, because you don’t really think she realized the gravity of the situation, of your appreciation. 
For most of your life you had never been given a voice, and having someone stick up for you and even paving the way for you to make your point known was something that no gratitude could give.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love @fandomsarelifee @theendofthe70s @nomajdetective @mgg-theprettiestboy @phoenixblack89 @celtic-crossbow @hallecarey1 @bunnybabe-babydoll @dixonzzgirl @violettavirus @khxna
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taeraeszn · 9 months
how zb1 fell in love with you
a/n: hi everyone!! i guess this is my return?? i haven't really got the motivation to write but i wanted to finish this.
this was in my drafts ever since i created this account but never got around to finishing it, so enjoy <3 also can u believe this is my first non-requested writing??
btw my new username is taeraeszn! my old username was zb1luvr :)
description: everyone has a different story of meeting their life partner, just like how zb1 members met you.
warnings: mentions of food, please lmk if there's anything else!!!!
kim jiwoong - at the cafe
being stood up was something that jiwoong didn't expect but he also didn't expect to see someone walk in that made his heart pound. you were there at the usual time you arrive to order the usual.
jiwoong was waiting for his date to arrive but it had been an hour and he was losing hope, but you came just in time to save the day.
as you were sitting, taking sips of your coffee, jiwoong couldn't help but stare at your face. taking in every feature of yours, while simultaneously blushing hard.
his admiration montage was cut off when he saw you get up to toss your drink away and leave the cafe. in a panic, he ran after you, forgetting about his own latte that was left at his table.
just as you walked out, you heard footsteps trailing behind and someone tapping your shoulder lightly. you turned to see the most handsomest guy you've ever met in your life.
"i'm sorry but.." he said, panting while trying to compose his words, "i saw you in the cafe and i couldn't let you out of my life this quickly." you felt the corners of your lips rise at his words. he quickly took his phone out and handed you it.
"your number?"
you were taken back by the man's word but couldn't help but fall for him as well.
"i'm flattered. what's your name?" you grinned, he shyly looked at you.
"kim jiwoong."
"nice to meet you. i'm (name)."
rest are under the cut!
zhang hao - at the cafeteria
the cafeteria was absolutely packed to the brim at your university. you were able to snatch a seat with pure luck as someone left just as you walked in. the seat beside you was empty and you were left alone to eat your burrito while doing some schoolwork.
just then, another person took a seat next to you. as you looked up, you thought your eyes were messing with you as such a handsome guy decided to sit near you.
he noticed your facial expression and chuckled, "sorry. it's just really crowded here and i needed to sit."
you shook your head, "no, no! it's fine." you were too shy to admit to the boy that he was cute.
but now you couldn't focus on your work as he was all you could pay attention to, whenever you two made eye contact, you felt butterflies forming in the pit of your stomach.
"your studying psychology?" he questioned, you jumped at his abrupt question.
"uh, yeah. what about you?"
"just music." he opened instagram on his phone and slid it towards you.
"let's chat more. i can help you in studies."
sung hanbin - at the han river
as life had been getting more stressful, you knew you had to take a break and head to the han river to relax. it was your go to spot to chill and avoid all of life's problem.
your blanket was laid out with your lunch box ready to be devoured. as you got your utensils out, someone was standing in front of you, you looked up and a guy, just smiling at you.
you were puzzled but slightly smiled at him.
"hey, i'm sorry for disturbing you but is there any bathroom near here?"
you turned your head to take a look around you but shrugged when you faced him again.
"i'm not too sure, i'm sorry." he chuckled then abruptly sat down next to you. you were taken aback by it but he chuckled, revealing his adorable face whiskers. you swore you almost died on the spot.
"well there actually aren't any, i just needed an excuse to talk to you." he revealed.
he put his hand out, "my name is hanbin."
you two shaked hands, "nice to meet you."
hanbin gasped at your lunch box, "wow! did you make that?"
"yup! i usually come here to take my mind off a few things whenever i'm stressed."
hanbin grabbed his lunchbox too and opened it, grabbing his chopsticks as well.
"me too. want a bimbimbap?" and hence, you fell for him.
seok matthew - on an airplane
though your flight got slightly delayed from the original take off, you were able to get on the plane. your seat wasn't too great but it was the most you could afford.
one good thing though, you claimed the window seat. you melted into the seat as you sat down, immediately checking your phone to see if anyone sent you a call or text.
"oh shoot, sorry!" you heard someone say, you looked up and saw a guy who was clearly struggling to place his luggage up in the cabins as his one suitcase nearly hit everyone around him.
but someone kindly offered a hand and he made his way to the seat right next to you.
you took notice of his face and how cute he looked, he had round glasses on as well as a hoodie. he was clearly planning on being comfy this flight.
"hello!" the canadian boy greeted you. his smile was addicting and you felt yourself suddenly being grateful that you chose this seat, matthew could say the same.
"hi." you waved, he tapped on the screen in front of him, "you're heading to seoul too?"
you nodded, "yeah, visiting for a while."
"that's cool! i'm matthew by the way."
"i'm [name]."
kim taerae - at a recital
since your mom was too busy to attend your younger sibling's singing recital, you took it upon yourself to attend it for her. you were always proud of your sibling for their hard effort in doing what they like and you knew they would be excited to see you.
as you were sitting in the audience, a guy who looked to be around the same age as you sat right next to you as the seats were filling up one by one.
"oh-excuse me! sorry, coming through.." he apologized while trying to get through, "it's really busy here huh?" he joked.
"definitely." you replied. from the corner of your eye, you swore he was staring at you, even when you were on your phone.
"is one of your relatives also here?" you nodded, "my younger sibling."
"oh, my younger cousin is here! see? she's in the blue dress." you could tell right away as she stood out with her dress colour choice.
when the recital ended, you were holding hands with your sibling and heading to your car when you heard someone shouting behind you. it was the guy from earlier!
"i couldn't help but want to talk with you more." he gave you his contact number.
"oh! sure." you were surprised that he was interested in you since he just seemed like he wanted to ease the awkwardness between you two from earlier.
as you finished adding his number, you looked up at him but he was already going the opposite way.
"i didn't get your name!" you shouted, he turned and that's when you saw his adorable smile.
"it's taerae!" you smiled to yourself, writing it in with a heart beside it.
shen ricky - at the basketball court
you and a friend just happened to come across the basketball court in your neighborhood during a small walk. the weather was stunning and everyone was outside. the court was situated near a park where kids were playing on the swing sets.
as you got closer, you noticed a tall blonde guy shoot the ball into the hoop which got everyone nearby excited and cheering for him.
your friend smiled and hit you playfully, "hey, isn't he super handsome?" you didn't even reply as you were too focused on his looks.
it seemed that he noticed your gaze since he turned at that exact moment and gave you a sweet smile, causing your heart to beat rapidly.
after the game wrapped up, you planned on walking back home with your friend when you heard someone behind you say "excuse me."
"yes?" the cute blonde player was standing there, his cheeks heating up.
"i couldn't help but notice you watching the game, i want to get to know you better, is it okay if i can have your number?" he had his phone in his hands.
"oh really? well...sure! my name is (name) by the way."
"i'm ricky." he smiled.
"it's nice to meet you ricky." you then entered your number in his phone with your name as the contact name.
"i'll see you around then?" he suggested.
you giggled, "of course."
you both waved goodbye with your friend continuously asking what he said as well as you blushing at the thought of texting him.
kim gyuvin - on a walk
you were taking your dog on a walk since the sun was shining and the weather was too perfect to not. you took notice of all the dogs that were walking outside too, your dog was also very excited with their tail waggling and tongue out.
you got distracted at the sight of the sky turning purple that you accidentally bumped into the person in front of you. your eyes widened as you were ready to turn and make a run for it, already feeling the embarrassment.
but instead, you were greeted by a handsome tall man who was also taking his dog on a walk.
"i'm so sorry, i didn't see where i was going." you apologized, your dog got thrilled at seeing another dog and began barking loudly with the man's dog also doing the same.
"can't blame you, i also found myself looking up at the sky." he replied, causing you to raise your brow.
"how'd you know?" he chuckled and you almost died at the spot seeing how cute his smile was.
"i know everything, well not really, but-HEY EUMPPAPPA STOP!" he abruptly shouted when his dog eumppappa began running after your dog in a circle.
"well, i guess i'll be going now. it was nice talking with you." you announced then heading straight until the man was once again in front of your view.
"WAIT! is it okay if we can hang out sometime? i want to talk to you more." you were taken aback by how straightforward he was but it made you like him even more.
"but i barely know you." he shrugged, "that's why i want to hang out, to get to know you better." he smirked while taking out his phone and handing it to you.
"your number?"
park gunwook - in the bus
"why is it so crowded today?" you muttered to yourself as you hopped on the bus to get home. it was absolutely packed (which was your nightmare). you got a look around and saw that a seat in the back was not occupied, you rushed to sit there and rested your bag on your thighs.
just then someone sat right near you, you didn't look at their face but noticed that it was a guy.
as the bus drove, more people began getting off to their stop, but the guy beside you didn't. it seemed that you two might be getting off at the same stop or his is far away.
"ugh thank god everyone got off." the guy beside you murmured. you slightly chuckled, "tell me about it."
you didn't even realize that you replied to him until a few seconds later. he was probably talking to himself and you made yourself look like an idiot.
"glad that someone else feels the same way. i feel so trapped inside these buses when their packed to the brim." he said. it was then that you looked up and saw him looking out the window, you froze seeing his face.
he was good looking, but you were too shy to stare for longer and shoved your face back into your phone but your eyes began to get droopy. you attempted to keep them open but lost the fight as you fell asleep.
you woke up a while later with the guy beside you slightly poking your shoulder, "hey, i'm not sure if this is your stop but it's the last stop." you blinked and looked around at your surroundings. it was your neighbourhood.
"thank you! i must've fallen asleep." he giggled, revealing his gummy smile.
"of course! i'm getting off too." he stood up and exited the bus, not without thanking the bus driver. you followed and once again thanked him.
"thank you...uh..?"
"gunwook." your smile widen, "yes, thank you gunwook!"
"no worries. i'll see you around then." you two went different paths with gunwook heading left and you going right. but even after when you approached your house, the thought of gunwook still lingered around.
now you couldn't wait to head home tomorrow if you saw him again.
han yujin - in the gymnasium
your class was in the gym playing soccer, but unfortunately you had gotten injured and were stuck to sit on the bleachers watching everyone.
however, this was good since you got to have a glimpse of your crush yujin. he was great at playing soccer which had you smiling like an idiot the entire time.
your friend approached you, "(name) are you doing okay?" they sat beside you. you nodded, "yeah, look at yujin! isn't he too good?" just then yujin got another goal in the net which caused his team to cheer and go hug him.
"he really is, nobody has been to get a goal on the other team because he keeps snatching the ball." (sorry i suck at sports terms lol)
your friend left you alone to rejoin the game. however it began getting boring and you began doing some schoolwork as you had your bag with you.
as you were lost in the world of math, you heard footsteps get closer to you and you looked up to see...yujin?
you were stuck on what to say but luckily yujin began the conversation.
"hey are you okay?" he said, looking at the cast on your leg.
you quickly nodded, "y-yeah i'm fine, totally fine, i-it's just a minor injury." you were already cringing at how much you were stuttering.
"well i hope you get better soon." he then sat down beside you with your hands not too far apart from each other.
"thank you." it got silent for a while as yujin decided to take a break from playing and watch your classmates. but you were still focused on him, occasionally taking some glances at him while trying to not look weird.
after class ended, you ran out as it was your last period. you were heading out the front door when yujin approached you once again.
"hey...(name)." you were surprised that he knew your name. "is it okay if we walk home together?"
you began blushing, "of course! is your place far?" he shook his head, "is yours?"
you shook your head, "it's next to the convenience store." he grinned, "same!"
with that you two began walking home. yujin continuously asked if you were okay and reminded you to take your time while walking home. he was considerate of your condition and helped you get home safely. you hoped that this would happen tomorrow too.
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crumpetz · 8 months
Are You ok? I'm worried
I am okay! Don't worry! This goes out to everyone in the past months who's sent something like this too. I'm sorry I never replied. I was tired, saved it for later, and then forgot. If i seem like i'm blowing you off, this is probably the reason every time :')
I was putting off giving much detail, cuz i didn't want to share so much about my personal life that it felt burdensome for ppl just there to read i guess? but being vague is actually having the opposite effect so, if you don't wanna know, please skip this!
what's been going on with me is mostly a connective tissue disorder i've had since i was born, and it's the kind of thing that gets worse over time. around my last update of Big Road Home, it had one of those "getting worse" checkpoints.
i lost a lot of strength and dexterity in my hands, meaning there are some days typing isn't doable. i've had all these new food allergies and sensitivities, so a lot of my life is just in the kitchen trying to make food i can eat without reacting. i had to go off my pain meds cuz they were making the food reactions worse, so i've been spending a lot of my life managing pain (it's been surprisingly good, btw, it's just time consuming). i also had covid again, and the long-covid brain fog is so bad this time :'''( i'll be halfway through writing a sentence and forget what i just wrote and where i was going with it.
written out like this, i'm aware this seems like a lot. and it is. but i really don't want anyone to feel burdened by it. i'm not trying to do toxic positivity on myself or anyone else. i just see all this, PERSONALLY, as part of my life? like most adults have jobs they have to go to, my job that i have to go to is taking care of my body, which is trying really hard to do what i ask of it (i think working in childcare may have influenced how i think of it lol for me my body is a tired toddler and i gotta be proud of it for just showing up).
i've had these problems all my life, so i got most of the frustration out about it when i was a kid/teen. now, i've trained myself to view new limitations as a quest to find out how i'll adapt to living with that. and sometimes i do get scared i won't succeed on the quest (pain management, i'm looking at you) but so far, i've been very lucky with finding things that work for me.
all that is to say, i'm fine, just taking my time. thanks to everyone who's asked or reached out to me <3
(and just a note about the fic for anyone wondering: i'm trying to have multiple chapters ready before updating Big Road Home because otherwise there will be a cliffhanger without a quick follow-up. but the parts i'm at just happen to be when my rough drafts get really rough and are missing entire scenes because those parts were so complicated that i was saving them for later. jokes on me that i'd have brain fog when that later arrived ;v; wish me luck)
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danielfuckingricciardo · 11 months
16 + Charles and 26 + Pierre please ❤️
Sorry this took so long, I’ve been in such a writing slump lately and this has sat unfinished in my drafts for weeks! But I finally did it and I hope you like it!
The Charles one is also in progress, I’ll make sure to tag you in that one when I post it :)
Song 26 - Creep//Radiohead
Pairing - Pierre Gasly x Reader
Word Count - 3.8k
Content Warnings - swearing, discussion of mental health issues
When you were here before Couldn't look you in the eye You're just like an angel Your skin makes me cry You float like a feather In a beautiful world I wish I was special You're so fuckin' special
Your therapist called it impostor syndrome. She mentioned it a lot during your weekly online meetings, and you usually laughed it off with some cringy internet joke about being ‘sus’ and tried to change the subject as quickly as possible. You’d receive a concerned glance, as you always did when you apparently ‘used humour as a coping mechanism’, but she would eventually move on to another topic, usually something about taking care of yourself physically as well as mentally.
Taking care of yourself physically was never a problem. You had nutritionists and personal trainers, physiotherapists and masseuses available whenever and wherever. The team made sure of that. To Alpha Tauri F1 team, your physical health was their top priority. Your mental health? Not so much. It was easy to lie to them and say that everything was fine, so that’s exactly what you did. You didn’t want to risk losing your seat because you told the truth about how you actually felt inside, so instead you saved that for the therapist you hired for yourself, and every Wednesday at 2pm you unloaded a week’s worth of thoughts and feelings you couldn’t share with anyone else.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, (y/n), we all feel like we don’t belong to some degree. And the bigger you make it in this world, the stronger those feelings will be.” She says, and you scoff.
“I’m not sure about that. The rest of the guys on the grid all seem so confident in themselves, and it’s definitely not a facade. They believe that they are the best of the best. I wish I could feel the same.” You say, and your therapist gives you a small smile before scribbling something in her notepad.
“You can’t know that for sure. Everyone experiences self doubt at some point in their lives, but they beat it, they get through it. Look at you, (y/n), against all odds you made it to where you are now, and you can’t tell me that the powers that be would have you there if they didn’t believe in you. You just need to learn how to believe in yourself as much as they do, and as much as your fans do.” She says, and you nod.
You know she’s right, but you wish that she wasn’t. You wish that your feelings would be vindicated so that you didn’t feel like such much of an idiot for having them.
“Is there anything else you’d like to talk about today?” She asks, and you open your mouth to ask a question, but are immediately interrupted as your phone begins to ring.
You look over at the screen and check the name - Pierre. What the fuck does he want? He never calls you, hell, he hardly ever talks to you unless he’s obligated to. This was definitely weird, something was definitely wrong.
“Sorry, I’ve gotta take this. Work stuff.” You say, and your therapist nods.
“Okay, let’s end the session early this week. Please do text me if you have any concerns you’d like to discuss.” She says, before ending the call and sending your computer screen back to her website.
You take a deep breath in and out before pressing the green icon on your phone screen.
“Hi?” You say, to no reply.
“Hello?” You repeat, and you receive no reply once again.
After a few moments of nothing but shuffling and breathing on the end of the line, you hear a quiet voice in the distance and strain your ears to hear. It’s clear Pierre didn’t mean to call you, it was probably a butt dial or some other similar fuck up, but you couldn’t help but want to listen in to whatever conversation he was having.
It was probably wrong, a total invasion of privacy, but your curiosity got the better of you, and you turn your phone’s volume to maximum.
“The fact of the matter is that Pierre feels as though he isn’t getting anywhere with Alpha Tauri, and therefore, as a team, we have made the decision to make the move to Alpine for the 2023 season.” You hear a familiar voice you cannot place say on the other end of the phone.
You let out a gasp and immediately clap your hand over your mouth, hoping that your shock had not be heard in the silence that had descended across the room.
Pierre was… leaving? After all this time? It was no secret that the two of you had never really bonded following your ascension to Alpha Tauri’s second seat, but you depended on him a great deal. He was great with the media, the fans, and the other drivers, and you felt comfortable following him around the paddock like a lost puppy, laughing and smiling along with everything he said and did.
You probably annoyed the hell out of him, and that was probably part of the reason he was eager to get away, to find a team mate he could actually have some meaningful banter with. Sure, you knew that he hadn’t always seen eye-to-eye with Esteban, but they had grown up together, and had an awful lot in common with one another. It seemed like a solid ground for a relationship, one that would definitely be more popular with the fans than your own.
You hear shuffling through the phone handset, and a whispered ‘fuck’ before the call is ended and the line goes dead.
“Fuck.” You echo, and you throw your phone down on your couch and pull your legs up to your chest, burying your head in your knees as you let out a single tear.
You didn’t think that you were crying for the loss of Pierre, that didn’t make sense, after all, the two of you hardly spoke outside of work. But at the same time, you couldn’t imagine being without him? You hadn’t realised until now just how much you had relied on him, and how much he had helped you over the years. He was the only friend you really had, though he probably regarded you as an acquaintance at best. All of your other friends had been left behind the day you moved your life to Faenza to be closer to the team, and you spent so much time travelling here, there and everywhere, that you hadn’t really had the chance to make any closer to your new home.
You hated to say it, but Pierre was your rock, and you had grown to care for him deeply, and now, losing him, what would it mean? You hoped they would call up some other, more experienced driver, like Daniel perhaps, to take the first seat. He could more than make up for your lack of confidence with his outgoing, loveable persona. But the alternative? The alternative scared you. If they were to call on some rookie to take his place, suddenly you would be the experienced one, the one to teach the newbie what to do and what to say. You barely knew yourself just how to play the game, you wouldn’t exactly make the best mentor.
You suddenly become aware of your breathing becoming faster, and more erratic, as your mind races, and employ one of the techniques your therapist had taught you to slowly regulate and steady yourself. God you regretted ending your session early, you could really do with someone to talk to right now.
Shakily, you reach for your phone and begin to draft out a text to your therapist. She had said to text if you had any concerns, and this was a real fucking big one.
Your phone begins to vibrate in your hands, and it almost slips out of your unsteady grasp as you read the contact name at the top of the screen - Pierre.
You take a shaky deep breath in and count in your mind, 1,2,3,4. You squeeze your eyes shut and squeeze your lips together tightly, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Finally, you exhale, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, and you accept the call.
“Hey! Did I call you just now?” Pierre asks, and you hesitate.
“Umm…” You say, unsure whether to lie, or to tell the truth.
“How much did you hear?” He asks, and you chuckle awkwardly.
“You still live at the same place? I’m coming over, I think we need to talk, yeah?” He says.
“Yeah, same place.” You say, and he hangs up.
You stare at your phone for a moment, your mind racing as you wonder exactly what Pierre wants to say to you. Was he angry at you for eavesdropping? You knew you should have hung up, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You were always taught that knowledge is power, and you just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to discover something new, even if it came from a blatant disregard for your team mate’s privacy. Hell, you’d be angry too if someone eavesdropped on a private conversation of yours, it’s only natural, so you wouldn’t blame him if he wanted to come over to yell at you.
Why else would he be coming to visit? It’s not like he owes you an explanation, or an apology. You meant nothing to him, you were just some overgrown rookie hanging off of his coat-tails, nothing but a burden.
Lucky for you, you weren’t left waiting long, as your apartment was only a few blocks away from Alpha Tauri’s headquarters, and you soon heard a rhythmic knock on your front door.
You take a second to breathe once again; in for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, out for eight seconds, before getting up to answer the door.
“Hi.” You say quietly, opening the door for Pierre to enter, your eyes not leaving the ground for a second.
Pierre follows you inside and takes a seat on the chair opposite the sofa where your things were spread out; a blanket, your phone, your laptop, a hoodie, and your favourite stuffed animal.
“Before you yell at me, let me bring my tissues. I always cry when I get yelled at, it’s not a guilt trip thing, so don’t feel bad, it’s just this thing I do, I can’t control it, I…” You say, walking over to your side table where you kept your tissues ready for a particularly sad movie or dog video.
“Who says I’m going to yell at you?” Pierre interrupts, and you turn to look him in the eyes for the first time.
“You’re not?” You ask, blinking away the tears that already threatened to breach your waterlines.
“No, why would I… That’s not why I’m here, I just wanted to make sure you were okay after hearing all of that.” He says, and you let out a shaky breath of relief.
“Me? Okay? You don’t have to worry about me, I’m fine.” You say, throwing yourself down on the sofa and closing your laptop, which still happened to be open on your therapist’s website, which Pierre had, no doubt, already seen.
“Oh, thank you! I expected a little more from my long time team mate after finding out I was leaving! Maybe not tears, but, something?” Pierre says with a chuckle, and you shake your head.
“No, no, don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely devastated that you’re leaving, and I’m going to be completely tragic and sad next year without you because I’m a total loser with no fans, but I’m happy for you, really.” You say, and Pierre gives you a warm smile.
“You’re not a total loser, (y/n).” Pierre says, and you give him a small smile.
“But you do think I have no fans?” You chuckle, letting out a small sniffle.
“You know I don’t think that. I’ve seen it myself, how many fans you have out there.” Pierre says, and you scoff.
“They’re all your fans, Pierre, and they’ll be leaving with you. We all know they only tolerate me because of you.” You say, and Pierre shakes his head.
“It’s true! I mean, I have practically no personality when it comes to media stuff, I freeze at the slightest interaction with the media, I post like twice a month on Instagram because my life is just that boring, and, not to mention, I spend my free time talking to my therapist in the company of my fucking stuffed animals.” You rant, and you feel tears running down your cheeks as you speak.
“You really don’t see it, do you? How much they like you because of those things. You’re relatable, (y/n), you’re normal. You’re here to race, not to be a celebrity. You’re not an attention whore posting shirtless selfies for likes and saying stupid shit to keep your name in people’s mouths. And people like that.” Pierre says, and you scoff.
“Yeah, as if.” You sniff.
“If you don’t believe me, then just look online.”
“My therapist said googling myself was a bad idea. Besides, I don’t just wanna be normal and boring. I want people to know me, but I just get so… scared, I guess? Scared they won’t actually like me the way they like you.”
“Well, the little of you that I know, I like.” He says with a smile, and you feel your cheeks heat up. This was the first time you’d heard Pierre compliment you before, and you couldn’t deny the fuzzy feeling it gave you.
“I just wish I was more like you. You’re so popular, with the fans, the media, the other drivers. I see how everyone crowds around you, you were made to be the centre of attention and you’re so fucking good at being in the middle of everything. You have this winning personality, everyone wants to either be you, or fuck you. Or both. If I could just have one tenth of that charisma, that personality, that vibe, then maybe, just maybe, I’d be able to do this thing properly. But I don’t. I’m just (y/n). A loser.” You say, and Pierre shakes his head again.
“But you don’t need to be me, (y/n). You don’t need to pretend to be something you’re not for people to like you. The other guys like you just fine, they just wish you would talk to them more so that they can get to know you. Fuck, (y/n), I don’t think I even know you properly yet. I’d like to, and so would Charles, and Lewis, and Lando. You know, they ask me about you, a lot. I think they would talk to you more, but they don’t want to scare you.” Pierre says, and you chuckle.
“Ha, they know me well enough to know I’m terrified of social interaction, so there’s a start.” You say.
“You know that me leaving doesn’t mean I’m abandoning you, right? I’ll still be there for you.” Pierre says, and you look up at him, sniffing away your tears.
“Really?” You say, and Pierre smiles.
“Hey, I wouldn’t do it for my other team mates, but I guess you’re special.” He says with a chuckle.
“Well, that genuinely means a lot, really. Thank you.” You say, looking up at Pierre to briefly glance into his eyes.
He smiles at you, not breaking eye contact for a moment, and you feel the warmth of a blush creeping up your cheeks.
“I have to go, I have so much shit to do today, but don’t be a stranger, yeah?” Pierre says, standing from your chair and heading for the door of the apartment.
“I won’t.” You respond, and he winks at you before disappearing behind the door, closing it gently with a click.
Once you were sure he was out of earshot, you grab your phone again and immediately dial your therapist.
Ring. Ring. Ring. The call connects.
“Hey, um, I know this isn’t strictly therapy stuff but I need some advice.” You say, and she chuckles down the phone.
“I’ll help as much as I can.” She responds.
“So, I think I have a crush on my team mate, well, and don’t tell anyone this, he’s technically gonna be my former team mate. But yeah, I need help.” You say, and she laughs again.
“Oh, well that’s interesting. Let’s see how I can help then, yeah?” She says, and you exhale a shaky breath.
One Year Later…
You look out at the sea of fans, cheering and screaming for you and your team mate as you walk out onto the stage. You give them a wave, a smile, and a wink, and notice just how many of them are wearing your number on their shirts and caps. It gives you a fuzzy feeling on the inside, knowing that Pierre was right, losing him as your team mate wouldn’t mean you’d lose their support.
If anything, losing Pierre helped you. You did take his advice, and with the help of your trusty therapist, who was no longer your therapist at all but your closest friend, you had managed to come out of your shell more and show the world your true personality. And it felt good.
You take your seat beside Nyck on the stage, and turn your attention to the interviewer, who was waiting for the fans to stop their cheering to ask you the first question.
“Okay, okay, any more cheering and we’re gonna run out of time! Let’s get to questions, hm?” The interviewer asks, and you smile.
“Actually, I don’t mind the cheering! Keep going guys, let me hear you!” You say, your voice dripping with enthusiasm and excitement as the crowd goes wild once again.
“First question then, who are you and what have you done with (y/n)? You were so quiet and reserved these past few seasons, but now you seem to have really grown in confidence, and I’m sure I speak for everyone here when I say that we love it!” She says, and you chuckle.
“Well, it’s true I struggled a lot during my first few seasons. I honestly didn’t feel all too confident in myself and my abilities, and that really made it hard for me to be so outgoing. But, things have changed, and I owe it all to my former team mate Pierre. He’s really helped me to grow as a driver and as a person, and given me confidence that I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to have. Even now we’re not team mates, I’m still his biggest fan and just so grateful for his support. So yeah, I really really owe it to him.” You say, and the audience cheers and whoops at your mention of Pierre.
Since Pierre’s move to Alpine, the two of you hadn’t been able to spend as much time together at work, but that didn’t stop you from spending time together at all. You had both made an agreement with one another to go out together at least once a month, and you had even taken a trip together during the winter break at the end of the previous season. Naturally, this meant that speculation was wild with fans over the nature of your relationship, with some insisting that you just had to be a couple.
But the truth was, you weren’t really sure what your relationship with Pierre even was. Sure, a few drunk kisses had been exchanged, and there were hugs aplenty, but as far as Pierre was concerned, you were just friends, even if you did desire something more.
“You mentioned Pierre there, and I’m sure everyone in the audience has seen the photos of your little dates and that ski trip you took back in December, so, are you really just friends?” The interviewer asks, and you blush.
“Yes, yes, we are just friends, really.” You chuckle.
“But if he asked you out, what would you say?” She asks, and you shake your head, a smile playing on your lips.
“Put it this way, I wouldn’t say no.” You laugh, and the audience erupts into loud cheers at your response.
Once the crowd’s shouts and whoops had quietened, the interviewer directs her attention to Nyck and you sit and listen intently until you are ushered backstage with a smile and a wave.
“You wouldn’t say no, huh?” You hear a familiar voice say, and your cheeks immediately heat up.
“I mean, I’d be a fool to say no right?” You say, trying to play it cool despite the anxiety rising within you.
“Then I’m taking you out Wednesday. Properly. Wear that black dress, you look sexy in it.” Pierre says, and you can’t help but stare at him, your eyes wide and your mouth dropping open in shock.
You try to search your brain for a response, but it seemed to have become completely blank the moment Pierre called you sexy. You can’t quite believe he actually said it, and for a moment you wonder if you were hallucinating, or dreaming, and pinch yourself on your arm. It stings, like a bitch, and you realise you most certainly weren’t dreaming. It was real.
“Okay. See you in practise tomorrow, yeah?” You finally manage to say, and Pierre smirks at you.
“I’ll be looking forward to it.” He says, winking at you before joining Esteban who was waiting in the wings ready to step out on stage.
The pair step on stage to roars and cheers from the fans, and you chuckle in disbelief, taking one more glance out to the sea of hats and shirts that bore your number. You were finally able to be you, unapologetically so, and the fans loved it, Pierre loved it too, but most importantly, you loved it.
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pinievsev · 1 year
I'm going to start sobbing. I wore the whole fucking thing and I tried to save it as a draft but it didn't fucking save! Anyways! Here I go again!
!Remus lupin x reader here!
Sirius black X GN!Reader
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Warnings; slight mention of abuse, not proof read. Fluffy fluff!
Again before we start!
You walked around the grounds of hogwarts, your jacket tightly wrapped around you, the snow falling on your beanie, changing it's crimson colour to an almost white. You had stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas, your parents had to visit some distant relatives and you couldn't go back and stay alone. The rest of your friend group has gone homs, except for Sirius. As you walked, you heard sniffling coming from behind a pillar.
As you approached the sound, you found it to be familiar, as you peaked through the pillar, you spotted Sirius, your best friend and long time crush since sitting year (you're now in your fifth) sitting there on the ankle deep snow, only wearing his uniform. His tie undone, loosely hanging around his neck as he shivered and sobbed, his face red from the cold. You quickly walked over, kneeling down beside him and slipping off your jacket, Handing it to him. He went to protest, but you beat him to it "Pads come on. You'll freeze to death out here, let's get you back to the common room" you helped him up, and led him inside.
You walked in silence through the basically empty halls of hogwarts, stopping by the kitchens to get him some hot chocolate on the way despite his protests. You handed him the mug, getting one for yourself just so he would accept. You'd never seen him this way, the lover boy of the school, wrapped up in your jacket sniffling.
As you neared the gryffindor tower, you spoke "You wanna talk about it?" He shook his head "Just, just my family again is all.." you noticed his voice breaking at the word family but you didn't push. That's what he liked about you. The way you understood him. The way you never pushed anyone and the way you always respected everyone's boundaries all while still trying to help them, even when you didn't know what the problem was. Finally, you entered the common room, which to no surprise was empty, ignoring the fat ladies calls and questions as to why "Mr. Black looked like a mess" according to her.
You took off your beanie and shoes, sitting down on the couch, Sirius following. You sat there for a moment, sipping on your drinks, you watched as he zoned out, the red colour of his face slowly disappearing "You know what.... Maybe I should talk about it" you nodded "Only if you want to pads. I'm listening tho" he turned his body to look at you "I... I got a howler again." He took a deep breath "I've- I got disowned" your eyes widened, as you placed your mug down, his eyes were glistening from the dim lighting of the room still, the way he looked at you, waiting for a reply of sorts broke your heart.
"Sirius I... I'm sorry" he went to speak, but you cut him off "I'm sorry. You don't, you don't deserve this pads. None of it, the way they treat you. Everything you've told us it's just-" you couldn't find the right word to describe how disgusting the way the blacks treated him was. "I just, I hope you know that, no matter what. You'll always have a family. The Potters, the lupins even! All of us, me, James, Remus, Peter, lily. I could go on..." You turned to look at him fully, only now realising how close you were. Both your breaths hitched, you, without thinking, reached over and wiped his tears, keeping your hand there for a few seconds.
"Thank you..." He finally said, hugging you. He felt safe with you. Someone who understood him. He felt like he could let his guard down, show vulnerability. And so he did, the second you hugged him back, he broke down clinging to you. You calmed the boy down. pulling away to look at him "you alright pads?" He didn't answer, debating whether or not he should do it. "Sirius?" Nothing. Just as you opened your mouth to speak again he leaned over kissing you. You returned the favour kissing him back. "You're too good" you shook your head "No, I'm not. No one can be too good" you kissed the side of his lips once more pulling him to you "Feeling any better?" He nodded into your chest, you heard him yawn and layed back. 'what the hell just happened..?' was the last thing you both thought about as you drifted off to sleep hugged by your unnecessarily oversized jacket
Finally, It's not half as good as the other one I had made but like I said. I lost it for some reason! See you next time<3!
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JHS- Twisted Feelings (7)
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Summary: After working at an award show for 2 years everything had become normal, idols were no longer exciting to see, performances became dull and every day blended together, that was until an unexpected man asked for your help.
Warning: mention of blood! Implied threat.
A/N: I split this one chapter into 3 as it was so long :((
Ch.06 | Masterlist | Ch.08
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The Hybe building was clearly in disarray, staff were fleeting from one room to another, and manager Sejin had been in meetings all morning, every time you had tried to talk to him you’d been asked to wait a little longer. You hadn’t had a glimpse of the members this morning, your shift wasn’t supposed to start for another 75 minutes, and you doubted any of them were even here yet.
You weren’t entirely sure what had gone wrong, you’d already seen the news articles about it, every single one saying the same thing - “We are currently waiting for an update from the company”. You knew that wasn’t a lie, there would need to be some clarification.
“Yoongi-ssi.” You nodded your head towards him, standing up to meet him over by the elevator doors.
He had a coffee cup in one hand, and his phone in the other. He had it silenced but the screen was flashing every few seconds with a new notification. “You’re here early, Hoseok won’t be here for a while.”
“Oh, I know I’m here because of the other issue.” You looked to the floor, you hadn’t done anything wrong, not directly at least, but you still felt guilty.
He thrummed his fingers against the side of the cup. “You got called in for it?”
You’d never wished that you’d been at a job longer than you currently did, you hadn’t exactly had a lot of time to earn their trust. “Not directly, I worked at the company the mistranslation happened with.”
His eyebrows furrowed, you couldn’t tell if that was anger or confusion but either way it felt bad. “How do you know it was a mistranslation, why aren’t you just like everyone else and assuming that it was something we actually said.”
“Because I translated that before I left, I know what was said. I still have the drafts of your speeches saved on my work laptop. Someone must have edited it.”
You didn’t realise you were so worried about his response until he gave one.“How do we know it wasn’t you.”
“Why would I take a job at your company after potentially sabotaging your career and image? That would only put me at a disadvantage would it not?” You looked directly at him, wanting to prove your sincerity now more than ever.
He shrugged taking a sip of his coffee. “Or you could be trying to cover your tracks, have you spoken to Sejin?”
“No, I’ve been trying to.” You too wanted this cleared up as soon as possible.
For the first time since your interaction started, he unlocked his phone, you looked away to give him privacy - they clearly had a lack of that already however with how close you were it was impossible not to hear that he had called Sejin who had agreed to meet you instantly. “Let’s go.”
“You’re coming?” You sounded harsher than you wanted to. “I mean sorry I don’t want to interrupt your day I know you’re already busy.”
He waved a hand at you, holding the door to the manager's hall open. “It’s fine, I’d rather make sure you’re trustworthy before allowing the rest of my team near you.”
As understanding as his reaction was it still hurt, you would never do something so low.
“Ah, Yoongi-ah! YN! I haven’t got long so let’s make this quick what’s the problem?”
You looked to Yoongi who only spared you a nod. “Go ahead.”
“As you know I worked at the company that produced the mistranslations, I was the one who translated the speech before I quit and transferred here.”
Sejin's face hardened. “So you were the one who caused this?”
Yoongi laughed lightly, shaking his head. “Let her finish.”
“No it wasn’t me, I still have the original drafts and recordings of it all. I can prove that wasn’t what was said but someone definitely sabotaged them. I submitted the correct translations you’ll see that from my emails, I have a friend who still works there I could talk to them and see if they know anything more but I wanted to see what you advised first.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose, his shoulders tense. “Have you got this proof with you?”
“Yes, on my laptop.” You were already reaching into your bag to pull it out. “Here.”
“Take a seat, show me what you have and we can figure this out. Yoongi-ah you’re free to go.”
Yoongi once again refused, simply taking a seat beside you. “I’ll stay.”
You slipped into the chair and began digging for the materials without any say-so, you could feel both of their eyes on you but you ignored it, in this situation it was understandable. “Here it is.”
You placed the laptop onto the desk, turning it around so they could both see. You pointed to the various boxes on the screen, explaining each one. “Here is the recording you can play it back and you’ll hear what they actually said in the meeting, this is the initial draft, these are the speaker notes, and here is the final draft.” You closed the document opening up the one you had sent to the submission team. “And here is the submitted transcript.”
“Wow, you were thorough.” Yoongi applauded, leaning forward to see better. “You really didn’t do it?”
“No, you’re humans, you deserve respect.” You replied it was simple but you didn’t want to risk allowing yourself to be offended by the accusations that you had indeed been the one to do something so unkind. “I wouldn’t do that.”
Sejin finished reading through them. Pulling out his phone. “Can you send these to me, I’m going to call the company and try to find out what happened.”
“Do you want me to ask my friend?” You should have asked earlier. Na-Rae may know nothing but it was worth it.
“Yes,” Yoongi replied first. Followed by a nod from Sejin. “I'll wait with YN whilst you make your calls.”
Despite your attempt to help the situation it was clear, there was still some level of suspicion as understandable as it was it was unjust, you didn’t think it would be wise to comment on it. The situation was clearly stressful for him.
You were thankful that Na-Rae didn’t have the highest level of work dedication. She often sat around on her phone whilst working so the fact she picked up on your second call wasn’t surprising. You put the phone on speaking, laying it on the desk so Yoongi could hear it too. “Nara I need a favour”
“Not even a hello?” Yoongi sighed, resting his head against his hand.
You rolled your eyes, huffing. “Rae not now, seriously I need your help.”
“What’s wrong?”
“The translations, who took over after me.”
“Uhhh.” She hummed. “Let me check.” The sound of her keyboard filled the line, the awkwardness that once rested in the room with Yoongi and you had somewhat lessened. “Some newbie, a Jeonghan”
“Jeonghan what?”
“Kim Jeonghan.” You knew that name, you definitely knew that name. “Wasn’t that the guy you got the job over last time?”
Yoongi looked at you but you shook your head, mouthing that you’d explain after. “Yeah. Have you heard anything else about the BTS issue?”
“The CEO is coming in, he wants a full review done. I think their company is pressuring him.” You heard Yoongi snort. “He deserved it.” She continued.
“He does, he was such an ass. ” The company wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t great. “Anyway, if you hear anything about it let me know okay?”
“I will.” A pregnant pause. “How did it go with you?”
“Still dealing with it, I want to clear it up as soon as possible. I know I submitted it correctly, I just can’t understand how it would have been edited, only someone with clearance could do that.” After two years there you still remember the system structure, everything was exclusive to their respective departments. The vote counters were the only ones who knew the winners, the translating team were the only ones who could edit the transcript, and the only ones who could override that would be management. “What about the managers?”
“They wouldn’t, it would be too traceable.” She countered. “It has to be the newbie.”
“Just let me know if you hear anything okay? I’ll call you later.” You lent back, you hadn’t found out anything overly helpful other than a familiar name.
“Don’t forget your parents expect us for dinner this weekend, your eomma called me today.” You quickly sat up, taking the phone off speaker and bringing it to your ear. “I’ll call you later. Bye.”
You hung up, gently dropping the device back on the desk.
“You go for family dinners still?” Yoongi asks, pointing to the phone. “How old are you again?”
You nodded. “24.”
“How often?”
“It used to be once a week but then got moved to once every two weeks, now I just try to go once a month. We talk often but with work it’s hard.” You explain, confused by his sudden interest. “Why?”
He shook his head, clicking his tongue. “Curiosity I suppose, forgive me if I crossed a line. You seemed to recognise the name your friend gave you.”
“We applied for the same Job, and we were asked to do a week's trial, I ended up being given the promotion and he was put on the waitlist for any future positions. I don’t think it has any value.” You couldn’t see someone sabotaging someone you worked with just because of that.
Yoongi clearly disagreed. “You’d be surprised by what people are willing to do to make money.”
You wanted to question him but Sejin came back before you could, instead you filed the question for later.
“Was your friend of any help?” He asked, sitting at his desk. His focus is trained on his computer screen.
“She gave the name of a new employee but nothing else,” Yoongi answered for you, replying to a message on his phone.
The office door opened, and Namjoon and Hoseok paired as they enter. “This is a colossal mess.”
“You’re telling me.” Sejin laughs lightly at namjoons remark. “YN has given us what we need to clear the situation up, it doesn’t help us solve who edited the translation but it does give us some kind of image restoration. I suggest each of you make a post to your fans, maybe a live.”
You look towards Hobi who firms his lips in a line. “We can do that.”
“That’s fine, Sejin I’ll stay with you, Hoseok go and have your lesson with YN, Namjoon I think you should be the one to post something after all you’re the best out of us all when it comes to emotional support.” Yoongi was clearly in a mood to get this resolved as soon as possible, no one argued with him and soon enough Hobi was ushering you out of the room.
You’d never felt wary of the man before, today was different - understandably so but still, the tension made you nervous. Even as you settled into your work room and began pulling out materials the dark pit in your stomach didn’t budge, you knew if someone had asked what was wrong you wouldn’t be able to answer, not until Hoseok closed the door, folding his arms across his chest, calling your name. “YN?”
You gave him a confused look, setting your pen down. “What’s wrong?”
“We have to talk.”
He was right, neither of you couldn’t focus on teaching English whilst he was so tense. “Okay, are you sure you don’t want to take the lesson first?”
“I can’t focus on that. Not right now. I need to know exactly how you helped.” He sat back down, his foot tapping against the floor.
You knew he was going to ask and you didn’t have a problem telling him, you explained it to him the same way you had both Sejin and Yoongi. He seemed to take it better, with a more trusting attitude towards you even if his questions were somewhat misconstrued.
“So it wasn’t you?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
“I’m sorry if Yoongi and Sejin were harsh on you, we are all valiant in our attempts to protect each other, army and Bangtan as a whole.” You found it endearing how he felt he had to Apologise for something that he wasn’t at fault for, in all honesty, you are sure you would have reacted the same way.
You waved your hand, smiling as best you could. “Don’t worry about it, the situation wasn’t ideal but I knew it was an emotionally driven response.”
You heard your phone ringing, on the off chance it was Na-Rae with more information you checked it, shocked to find half a dozen messages from your parents. “I have to take this I’m sorry.”
“Do you want me to leave you alone?” He asked, already beginning to stand.
“No no, it’s fine.” You reassure him. “It’s just my parents it’s probably something related to dinner this weekend.”
You called your mother's number, she was always more reliable with communication than your dad ever had been. True to herself she picked up instantly.
Her worried voice crushed your mood. “Someone sent a letter, I thought it was some leaflet or something so I opened it.”
“And?” You asked, impatient. “What was it? What’s wrong?”
Your mother usually had a strong resolve, her tolerance for such things was unusually high, yet her voice still wavered. “It’s a letter, telling you to leave those BTS boys alone, I think there’s a smear of blood on it.”
You hated that you were forever unable to school your facial expressions, your horror clear enough for Hoseok to step in. “What’s wrong?”
“Someone sent a letter to my parents, telling me to leave you and the other members alone, my eomma said it seemed like there was blood over it.” He looks just as horrified as you.
He reached a hand out, his fingers close to your own. “Please don’t be afraid when I say this but I don’t know if these people are targeting us or you.”
“What do I do?” You whisper, still cautious of your mother on the phone. “I can’t just quit.”
“I’ll call everyone in for a meeting, if this is because you’re working for us then it’s a company problem.” He explained, already unlocking his phone.
Maybe if you’d been at the company longer than a few days it would have been a company problem, but you hadn’t had that luxury. You were still new. “Hoseok-SSI forgive me but I don’t want to jeopardise my job here, I'm sure they would just fire me.”
He glanced up from his phone, face stern. “They won’t.”
“How do you know?” You whispered back.
“Because I won’t let them.”
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Sometimes I think about Charlie and how we know very little about her reason for wanting to redeem demons. "Save them from the extermination", sure, but why? What reason does she have to care about people who, for the most part, have given her no reason to?
I would love to hear your take on this, but I also tried to come up with my own take.
Charlie grew up in Hell, a place where she never really felt like she belonged. She's felt like a failure most of her life, or to put it differently, like nobody understands her. So she knows what it's like to feel lonely, like nobody believes in you and just throws you away like garbage if you mess up. Charlie wants to be the one person who can give hope to the sinners, to show them that they aren't a lost cause. Because what is life worth if you don't have hope?
We know Charlie is a kind person by nature, which is why she often looks for hurt sinners after the extermination she can help, despite them not being the most grateful. Like we know, she finds Vaggie one day, the first sinner to actually show some gratitude. As Vaggie and Charlie get to know each other, Vaggie shows more of her supportive and protective side. In turn, Vaggie is the first person to make Charlie certain that sinners aren't a lost cause, because if someone as kind as Vaggie can be a sinner in Hell, surely there's hope for sinners yet! So Charlie decides to start her hotel because of this.
Oh my god, I don't know what I can add from my side because maybe I considered why it was Charlie who started this redemption project and why she's so special but I've never wondered why she chose this exact method and why she opened the hotel now. But it makes so much sense to assume it was Vaggie who gave her hope that such a thing was even possible. This is pretty ironic considering Vaggie is not a sinner but an angel. That adds extra angst to episode 8 because Charlie not only realized that her girlfriend lied to her but also that her whole idea of redeeming sinners being a simple task was built on false assumptions.
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Anyway, about Charlie caring about terrible people: I think it's a result of Lucifer's idealism and Lilith's love for Hell mixed with Charlie's innate sensitivity and a tad of naivety coming from her privileged position (which is very obvious during "Happy Day in Hell"). You know, a comfortable life allows you to think about the world's issues and grow as an altruist, so Charlie probably had enough time to self-actualize and understand that she's only this nice because she was given an opportunity to grow as a person instead of fighting for survival. By eliminating the threat of extermination, she wants to give others a similar chance, although she largely underestimates other factors like the overlords benefiting from sinners' fears and fueling them. She wants to make everyone stupidly happy. I think she still hasn't fully grasped that some people are just inherently evil, so in her mind, giving an opportunity for redemption solves all the problems.
this post spent like a month in my drafts, i'm so sorry Anon, brain is not braining
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mimiteru · 3 months
dude this is what happens when you have shity internet Dx i know there was a option to edit but before i realize that i deleted the post 🔫 idc anymore i'm gonna write it again
how tf does this app work i'm sorry mutual who reposted my draftJDKS
tw: death of a character, mentions of vomit
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• Remember Kahil? You know the vampire who once was user of the datusha/kriss and bc of it's power he kill most of the Vaeternus, moments later he commits suicide trapping the sword with him?
Well lets put more emotional damage and say this was a relative to Nitara, maybe a brother why not
(i rewatched the Nitara intros and her mother also died damn, that's rough buddy)
they had a really strong bond, so Nitara was broken and devastated by his brother's tragic end, and after a long time of grief, this "revelation" as she would say, came to mind. From this time she tries so hard to save her so no Vaeternus could face the fate of death
And you know, "trying" is a strong word, the coven at this point are kinda tired of her all the time visiting them and bringing her failed ideas
The coven are like: "yeah yeah you know why don't you go and try to take over outworld or something" as a joke just to get rid of her.
And she did go to Outworld so..
• Now, her voice... It's not the best, it's so monotone and she doesnt realize it
But now i can't stop thinking about her with a valley girl accent, the way she would say the word "like" repetitively in one sentence is insane
There were times when Havik just rip of his own ears to not hear her, she talks a lot
She likes to do monologues, i feel like it's normal for Vaeternus to have this... Theatrical way of speaking, that goes on and on
Nitara does not know how to lie, if you dig enough she would accidentally say the truth or let out her plans without knowing
• At first the interactions Nitara has with Rain were harsh but later he starts to understand the big problem that the Vaeternus were living in, so maybe these two will be allies in the future??? Please??
Tho at this point she is trying to persue ppl to help her cause, whether it's from the good guys or the bad guys, and not even god itself wants to make a solution to help the Vaeternus yeah she's fucked
With the fictional dead family i create around her it makes a little bit of sense when she's trying to make Smoke a vampire too, Nitara sees herself since the guy also lost his mom and sister
or instead he sees her brother in Smoke, which is kinda creepy and dark but thats how my girl copes <33 /j
• The Vaeternus have a way to go to Earthrealm from centuries ago, this could mean that the vampires have more noledge of human traditions, slangs and even technology than Outworld does
This can also includes Earthrealm pop culture, influencing the way they dress or act, there could be Vaeternus who moved to Earthrealm permanently, hiding in the shadows
Imagine miss girl tries to make chitchat with Havik, Darrius and Sareena making a Earthrealm references and everyone just look at her like "wtf r u talkin about?"
This is chronically online comunicating with normal people
Nitara finds Earthrealm movies about vampires fascinating by the way of how they portrayed her kind, bc sometimes those movies are so wrong and sometimes they are so accurate its scary
She finds the "familiar" character to be very useful, she will have it in mind and maybe find one of those to help her look for food and other plans
• There was a time when the vaeternus didnt need blood to maintain their survival (idk if it was on Liu Kang or Geras intros) and there was were other things they could have feed on, but little by little vampirism began to be part of their nature that it was impossible to change their ways, condemning their own species.
Trying to get back to a normal diet probably would take another millenia
And if they eat or drink something no blood related i imagine them vomiting A LOT and with a horrible stomach pain, not the best moment for a vampire
• Her eyes glow in the dark
Once Nitara tried to sleep upside down bc she saw it in one of those movies, and she find it so comfortable??? It's kinda embarrasing for her but she keeps sleeping on that position from now on
She's a failure, she's a loser, and i think that's beautiful
Yeah i don't have more to say, also
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Yeah that's it bye
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thatblackravenclaw · 8 months
Look In My Bottom Drawer
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(images above are from Pinterest)
Blog Details | Let's take a trip
Eddie Munson x a Black!fem!reader
a/n: holy shit, it's been almost 3 months since i've posted. how's everyone doing? sorry for the disappearance. i had some issues with my university that left me unmotivated. i got everything fixed but now i'm on my period with a sprained knee, so enjoy an old draft.
warning(s): cussing, sort of proofread, fluff, self-indulgent, format is weird because i turned this in as an assignment back in April
word count: 3.4k
Does he even like black girls? I mean he isn’t racist, nor does he seem to have a preference. I don’t know, it’s just that sometimes it feels like I shouldn’t even try. People would probably look at us weird considering we’re in Hawkins fucking Indiana and it’s 1985. If I keep staring in the mirror with existential dread I’m gonna be late for school. Not if I speed… Let me get up.
I look in the mirror one last time. I take the last perm rod out and fluff my hair a little. I already know the humidity is going to fuck up my hair, but nothing I can really do about it, but put a scrunchie on. I’m gonna get judged for my outfit, but so be it. I’m always judged for my outfits because it isn’t como se dice what’s in right now. I mean tennis skirts have been in since the 20s, but this top I actually made myself. It’s a lilac long sleeve (Yes, I know it’s 87 degrees outside. Shut up.), but it doesn’t button or anything. You put it on like a sweater and then there are two ties in the front. One right above my bust and another one right below my bust. It shows enough of my boobs to consider me a whore, but not enough to get me dress coded. I slipped on my Vans that I usually only wear to skateboard, but I’m running out of time, and they were the closest. My socks are a bit thick, but that’s a problem for a later time.
This backpack is heavier today, I swear. I took shit out and it’s still heavy. Whatever I don’t need I’ll just throw in my locker. I step outside and the heat is already blazing. Do I regret my shirt choice? No. Am I hot as hell? Yes. Oh well. I look at my baby. My pride and joy. My 1983 Audi Quattro that I spent for fucking ever saving up for. I get in and put my bag in the passenger seat. I probably should’ve turned the AC on before I got in the car. Better late than never. I bring my wrist closer to my face and sternly stare at my watch. I have ten minutes to get to a school that’s fifteen minutes away. About to Back to the Future this shit.
Okay, so I don’t actually end up going 88, but I do go a good 50 in a 30. Luckily no police are around. I still can’t believe the DMV let me get my license. I think I ran probably like three curbs. I take another quick look at my watch and see I have four minutes left. Good thing the school is finally in view. You would think I’d managed my time better since I’m a senior, but old habits die hard I guess. I’m about to pull in when Eddie’s van zips in front of me and gets in first. Fucking asshole. I pull in right after him and hurry and park. It’s not the best parking job but fuck it. I take my keys out and hurriedly grab my bag. As I’m locking the door I hear Eddie get out too. Any other time I’d sneak a glance at him, but I have two minutes to get to class and I don’t feel like hearing any of Mrs. Brown’s shit. I start jogging toward the doors when I hear Eddie’s voice.
“Sorry about that, princess,” He yells to me. Nothing but humor is detected in his tone, so I just flip him off and continue to pick up my pace.
Made it to class with one minute to spare. I still got the “You were almost late. I expect more from you” look as I walked to my seat, but that I could deal with. Whoever gave me Trig at the beginning of the day must have it out for me. How am I supposed to focus on quadratic formulas at the ass crack of dawn? This blows. It doesn’t help that Mrs. Brown’s voice drones on and on. I decided to just doodle in the back of my notebook And by doodle I mean to write “Mrs. Eddie Maguire” in different fonts. Corny, I know, but doesn’t hurt to dream, right? I mean, he doesn’t really seem like the marriage type, to be honest. I’m buggin’. I wish I didn’t think about him all the time. Let’s start, now.
College. What are we doing? I applied to Lincoln. The one in Missouri though because the one in Pennsylvania was just a bit too far. I could’ve chosen an HBCU that was closer to home like Central State in Ohio or Simmons College in Kentucky, but neither appealed to me. Lincoln is a small school and everyone that I’ve talked to in administration was nice. It’s also pretty affordable considering I’m an out-of-state student. God, I hope I get accepted.
I continue switching topics until the bell rings. I’m usually the first one out, but since I came in late I’m in the very back and therefore the last to leave. I made sure to put my headphones on, so I could escape anybody that tries to talk to me. I also got Tears for Fears’ new album on cassette so I figured I could just listen to it all day since I don’t pay attention in my classes much anyway. I do however pay attention enough to remember that I have every class with Eddie after 1st period. There goes my streak of not thinking about him. Not like he shows up anyway.
I should’ve knocked on wood. Why the fuck did he show up? I’m sitting in the left corner in the back when I see him stroll through the door. I tuck my head into my elbow and face toward the wall.
“Hey princess.” You’ve gotta be kidding me. “I really am sorry for cutting you off earlier.”
I roll my eyes before sitting up and looking at him. Maybe he was being sincere. I look into his eyes until I’m satisfied with my decision.
“Sorry for flipping you off. I was just running late and was really irritated. I woke up late and then my curls weren’t coming out how I wanted them to, so I took most of that anger out on you.” He nods his head in understanding before turning to the front. I take out my notebook and continue my drawing of Marvin the Martian. I’m testing out what designs I want to put on my board. I kind of just have a hodge-podge of shit on it so it looks messy. Probably just gonna clear the whole thing and start over.
“We match.” A whisper says from beside me.
“Our hair. It matches.” He says a little louder. I take a look at his hair and sure enough, it’s pretty similar. I give him a quick smile before going back to my doodling. I turn the page and facing me is the name “Maguire” in Metallica font. I try to turn the page but hear a whispered “holy shit!” as I’m in a half turn.
“Was that my name?”
“What? No.” I say in a completely obvious tone. I hurriedly turn to the next page and tell me why it’s a page that has “Eddie” in big font across the middle with hearts surrounding it. I just close the notebook and look up front.
He’s staring at me. He’s been staring at me for the past 45 minutes. I slipped my headphones back on about 40 minutes ago, but that didn’t deter him. I wish he would just say what he wants. Right then, a note makes its way in front of me.
“Do you like me? Yes or no.”
It takes everything in me not to chuckle out loud. I respond by writing, “Are we in middle school?” and tossing it back on his desk. At this point, I’m just watching the clock which is like watching a pot of water boil. Just a few more minutes. The paper lands in front of me again. “Depends. Yes, if that means you’ll answer the question.” I roll my eyes at his answer. The bell rings and I get up fast. With the note tossed in some random page of my notebook, I walk out the door and to my locker. I hopefully lost him in the crowd. I’m so thankful that my locker is nowhere near his. My lock decides to be on my side today and the combination works on the first try. For once my locker is actually decent, so I take unnecessary books out of my bag and add them to any empty space. I look through the notebook I had last period and find the note. I take the pencil that was in the spiral part and circle yes. A defeated sigh escapes my lips as I toss the note in the locker too.
“Hey Kendrick.” With the smuggest fucking face. I bring my headphones down to their original place around my neck.
“Yes, stalker?” I respond while walking towards our next class. His arm wraps around my shoulder which makes me smile internally.
“You gonna answer my question?” I stop on the side of the hallway so as not to be in anyone’s way. I look deep into his eyes. I hate the height advantage he has over me. I scrunch my face as if I’m thinking. I know the answer though. It’s been the same answer for years.
“Yes,” I respond with a smirk before continuing my way to class. Luckily it's study hall which doubles as lunch, but there are five shifts and ours is shift four which isn’t for about an hour. I walk in and it completely slipped my mind that the desks are doubles. The seat next to mine is usually empty since I don’t really mess with anyone like that at this school.
Right on cue, as soon as I sit down, Eddie pulls into the chair right next to mine.
“Yes you’ll answer my question or yes you like me?” A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips, and I put my headphones back on. I’m putting up the hugest front right now but in all actuality, my heart is beating so hard that I hear it in my ears and feel like it’s about to burst out of my chest. A sheet of sweat keeps reappearing on my forehead no matter how many times I wipe it off. I’m messing around by not giving him an answer because I don’t know if his question has good intentions.
He pulls my headphones off, and I look at him as if he committed a federal offense.
“I like you if that helps influence your definite decision or not.” I feel my heart stop. I never thought I’d hear him say those words.
“You still deal?” I ask after turning my full attention towards him.
“Depends on who’s asking.” I give him a pointed look and roll my eyes. “Yes, princess, I still deal. You lookin’ in the market?”
“Depends on how much you’re charging nowadays.”
“For you? A date.” I laugh at his pure corniness.
“I don’t think Rick will appreciate not getting his profits.”
“I’ll overcharge some freshmen. So, what do you say?” I smile and nod my head at him.
After that moment, the day went by pretty fast. Eddie didn’t bother me as much, but I would catch him staring at me a lot more. I basked in the attention but feigned to be oblivious. The only time I got true peace was when we went to lunch and that’s only because when he went to the cafeteria, I went to the library. You’re counted as truant if you’re caught, but the librarian and I are cool since I’m in here every day and treat her like an actual human being.
As I walk out of the classroom, I don’t even get a moment to blink before Eddie has my hand in his and we start walking the halls. I look around and see a few people giving us questioning glances. I stiffen up my hand before slipping out of his grip, becoming paranoid. Hawkins is probably one of the least racist cities, but I can’t help but still feel nervous. We finally make it outside and we move over to the sidewalk.
“My place or yours?” Eddie asks me with a look on his face that I can’t decipher.
“We can go to mine. Parents are gone for the weekend, so we can play house.” I say while trying to lighten the mood.
He agrees and we decide to just take our own vehicles and meet at my house. Not to save face or anything. Just so we can both still have our cars instead of driving all the way back up here to get our shit. It also gives me time to calm myself down before spending more time with him. I don’t even have my seatbelt on before I’m zipping out of the parking lot. No music, no nothing. I just want to get home before Eddie. I’m zipping in and out of traffic and skillfully dodging the cops, so I don’t get another speeding ticket. Can you believe they give speeding tickets in this small town? It’s some bullshit. Feels racially motivated. Let me shut up.
The drive goes by faster than this morning. I don’t even both parking straight as I turn off the car and rush to unlock the door. I toe off my shoes by the door and look around. Everything seems to be in order. I should probably have something cooking, right? I mean, we’re usually fine just ordering pizza. But we have food in the house. But pizza is good. But you already spent your paycheck on hair products…
I walk over to the fridge and see some leftover chicken alfredo that I completely forgot I made. I take it out and place it on the counter. Now, where did I put that casserole dish at? As soon as I find it, I dump the pasta in. Shit, I forgot to preheat the oven. I turn the dial and then hear a knock on the door. I didn’t even get a chance to check my room to see if it was decently clean enough or not. I yell “one sec” before taking off toward the door.
“Hey,” I say before turning back around and walking back to the kitchen. I grab a spoon and make sure that everything is out of the container and into the pan. I open the fridge and look for the shredded mozzarella. I put an even layer on top of the pasta and carefully put it in the oven. I’ve never really done it this way, but I’ve seen it in cookbooks so why not? Okay, timer, timer, where did I put it? I look around the kitchen and see Eddie standing in the doorway, holding the timer.
“Aw, look at my wife making food for me after I’ve had a long day at work.” I roll my eyes and walk over and grab the timer from him. I set it for fifteen minutes. I also set a mental note to sporadically check it, because some part of me tells me that that’s too long for it to be in the oven.
“I’m sorry I didn’t have it ready before you got here. I was just cleaning away and thinking of my dear husband and the time got away from me.” I say matching his energy.
“That’s okay, dear wife. I’ll forgive you just this once because I love you, but next time there will be consequences.” I feel myself freeze at him saying I love you, but I shake it off just as quickly knowing that he most likely doesn’t mean it.
“Thank you, my dear husband. Care to join me in the bedroom?”
“How could I ever say no to that?” His eyebrows wiggle suggestively before he grabs my hand, and we walk upstairs. My heart starts palpitating as we closer to my room.
I take a quick peek and it’s not as dirty as I thought it would be. A few (1/3 of the floor is covered) clothes are on the floor and my bed is unmade. I think it gives the room character. We walk in and he makes himself comfortable on the bed. I guess I spaced out because I look around, too nervous to do anything else, and notice that his lunchbox is right next to it, but I don’t even remember him having it in his hand.
“Do you have a musical preference this afternoon, husband?”
“Whatever you want, wife. I’m not picky or proud.” I snorted, knowing that was a lie. If it’s not rock or metal there’s a fat chance he’ll listen to it. I actually have a custom cassette tape that I made. It’s somewhere in this pile of junk, but it’s not really his type of music. None of my tapes are labeled so I guess we’re gonna play cassette roulette. I tell Eddie to look in my bottom nightstand drawer and get my grinder and tray while I find something to play. I’m not looking long before I hear Eddie talking.
“What?” I ask as I turn to him.
“Robin thinks I should do it, but Chrissy (gag me) told me I should play it safe and get with a college boy-“ I start chasing him around the room before he runs to my bathroom and locks himself in.
“YOU LITTLE SHIT! I TOLD YOU THE BOTTOM DRAWER, NOT THE TOP!” I yell while banging on the door.
“I’m most likely gonna do neither. I’m in love with Eddie..” His voice starts fading from a high-pitched girl voice to his regular tone, “and I don’t think that’ll change even if I’m not his type.” I could almost cry from the embarrassment. The timer rings from the dresser. I don’t even bother waiting for him to come out of the bathroom before hurrying downstairs.
Why doesn’t he listen? I clearly said the bottom drawer. Right? I’m pretty sure. Whatever. I open the oven door and the pasta looks good, but I’m gonna give it about two more minutes. I lean over the kitchen counter and put my head in my folded arms. I have to face him eventually. He’s in my house. Sooner happened rather than later because right after that statement I felt a hand on the middle of my back.
“Why wouldn’t you be my type.” His soft tone is what triggers the tears.
“Because I don’t look like any of the girls we go to school with. You should be with someone like Heather, Nancy, fuck maybe even Crissy. Besides. People would probably look at us funny. Interracial relationships aren’t very common.”
The timer goes off. I open the drawer next to the sink and get my oven mitts. I take this moment to gather my thoughts and breath, so I don’t have a mental breakdown. I open the oven door and thankfully the food looks good. I pick it up with both hands and close the door with my foot. I lay it down on the counter to cool down and I sit the oven mitts next to it.
“Look at me.” He says. I’m hesitant but eventually, turn to him. “My type is a girl that spends more time maintaining her hair than actual sleeping. My type is a girl that designs her own clothes because she doesn’t like the stuff at the mall. My type is a girl that skips lunch every day because she has social anxiety. My type of girl is you.” I look into his eyes and see the exact look I’ve been giving him since I met him.
“Now, I don’t know what I did to give off the impression that I was sitting here comparing you to other girls, but I have you right now and that’s all I need to care about.” Heat rushes to my face at the confession. I turn around and open the top cabinet and reach for a couple of bowls. His arms wrap around my middle, startling me a bit but doesn’t deter me from reaching for a serving spoon.
“By the way, I meant what I said earlier. I do love you. Even if you were late with dinner.” I laugh at his quip as I spoon the pasta into one of the bowls.
Eddie Masterlist | Hawkins
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thebreakfastgenie · 5 months
oh i GOTTA know about hauntkeye
Sorry for the long wait! I got this after I went to bed and then I spent all day today thinking about how I was going to answer it well.
Hauntkeye is the document title name for my ghost AU, which I've talked about a lot on here but not so much recently. Hauntkeye/Ghost AU does have an actual title, but I'm not allowed to share it until I get more of it written.
The premise of the ghost AU is that Hawkeye dies, under circumstances very similar to Where There's a Will, There's a War, and continues to haunt the 4077th as a ghost. The ghost mechanics are based on the canon MASH ghost episode, Follies of the Living--Concerns of the Dead, so Hawkeye can't be seen or heard by anyone. There's an exception in that episode, where Klinger can see the ghost while suffering from a high fever, and this is something that will eventually come up in ghost AU, too. It's not a canon divergence from Where There's a Will, There's a War, though. It incorporates a lot of events from the show, reworked to include Hawkeye as a ghost, and some of those come from before season 10. Some of the events incorporated come from Oh How We Danced, Heal Thyself, Period of Adjustment, and more. It features the later cast, with BJ, Potter, and Charles, but Radar is still present.
Ghost AU was going to be my magnum opus until the time loop WIP took hold of me and now they're both going to be my magnum opus. I've sort of shifted my focus to finishing the time loop first, because it's slightly more manageable. Ghost AU is outlined at 13 chapters, plus a rather extensive epilogue. I've never finished something that long before, so it's intimidating, and I think having a finished project under my belt will build confidence and momentum.
The first chapter covers Hawkeye's death, and after that is divided between Hawkeye dealing with being a ghost and everyone else balancing their grief with running the unit without him. It's all from multiple POVs, so we get to see every character's thoughts, and occasionally we'll see living and dead perspectives on the same events.
This isn't really a spoiler, since it happens in the first chapter, so I'm going to tell you... Hawkeye gets wounded at the aid station, but he's brought back to the 4077th alive, where one of the other surgeons tries to save his life, but isn't successful. I'm not saying which one it is. :) You can guess; you have a 1 in 3 chance of getting it right.
Here are a couple snippets of the current draft, subject to rewrites:
The countryside, Hawkeye had noticed, always looked more scenic on the way back from battalion aid. Even in the dark, maybe especially in the dark; the wounds stood out less in the moonlight. Korea might be a beautiful country, he thought, if all the armies stopped blowing it to pieces. It was a shame to think he wouldn’t be here to see it, but once he left this place he doubted he’d ever have the stomach to come back. He never saw his patients whole, either. Father Mulcahy confessed to him once that he prayed for their lives, for their souls, and that they’d never come back. He’d seemed a bit anxious about whether the Pope would approve, but Hawkeye thought God—if he existed—would expect nothing less. 
He worked mostly by touch. The boy was in shock, but he was still breathing. He found the pulse easily, which was a good sign. It was rapid, which wasn’t such a good sign. The problem was the chest. Even in this gray light, he could see the shrapnel wound. It was big and bloody. Very bloody. 
I miss talking about hauntkeye and I miss working on it....... soon, I hope. There are a few scenes in particular I'm dying to share.
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lazystar · 11 months
The one where SKZ has an “Intervention” for Two Idiots in Love
Breakdowns Part 2B
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||Bang Chan x Reader||
Summary: The one where the kids play relationship counselors and … let’s just say they shouldn’t quit their day jobs in this AU.
A/N: Hello everyone I am so glad you seemed to like part 1! Tumblr operates on a system of reblogs so if you like my writing please consider reblogging my work! Or if you would like to comment instead that would mean the world to me.
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CW: Went more of the comedy route because I cried a lot the day I wrote the draft of this. Reader is the dumb one here. All of SKZ are himbos here, Hyunjin comedian era, Jisung dad friend era. Felix in his water sign era fr here, yes I know he’s a virgo anyways -.-, we stan the kids being our comedic relief for our two bumbling idiots in love. Hyunjin fr acts like such a pisces here and we stan!
WC: ~2K
Written on my phone on my docs bc my laptop is barely functioning rn. so sorry for any errors !! If u like it consider reblogging or commenting your highlights!
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~ At Jisung’s Apartment after the phone call~
Jisung felt like a sad circus ringleader as his older friend sat on his floor sniffling and clutching at the stuffed wolf his younger twin left behind. It hurt him to see two of his favorite people in the world both struggling to cope with their emotions and knowing he was wholly unqualified to help them. He wasn’t a psychology major he studied music production what the hell did he know about feelings or healthy coping skills? Looking over as Chan begins to lament about losing the love of his life again and how the stuffed wolf doesn’t smell like your perfume anymore.

“Hey Hyung? Have you reached out to the others for advice? Felix and Hyunjin are pretty smart with communication. I wouldn’t say to call the whole groupchat for advice because well…” and before his thought could even be finished Minho, Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin aka literally every other friend except the two he suggested suddenly piled into the living room, Minho jingling Jisung’s spare key with a look that could only be described as “I’m here to cause problems not solve them”, meanwhile the Three Musketeers were split either helping in the task of carrying a giant white board or carrying armloads of snacks.
Jisung let out an exasperated sigh, pinching between his eyes then rubbing circles on his temples for some sort of relief. “YOU END UP ON MY DOORSTEP FOR HELP AND CALL THESE FOOLS IN FOR HELP?! And to think I took you in after playing referee between you and Y/N, all I ask is you LISTEN TO ME. What am I, some kind of joke Christopher Bang?” Jisung went from concerned best friend to exasperated mother realizing his beloved best friend had no critical thinking when it comes to choosing friends with good advice.

“ Ji I tried to ask them first but Felix and Hyunjin told me they’re with her trying to help her…” The sniveling male replied meekly, feeling like a child who had been placed in time out. Which to be completely honest, he was, even though he was the oldest among his friends.

“FOOLS? THIS IS HOW YOU ADDRESS YOUR FRIENDS COMING IN TO CURE CHAN’S ILLNESS CALLED ‘RUINING HIS LOVE LIFEITIS’?” Minho squawked in clear offense, Changbin and Jeongin both clutched their metaphorical pearls and gave their best looks of offense toward Jisung.
Meanwhile Jisung just ignored them, not even the least bit shocked at their flair for the dramatics. He just shook his head and walked to the white board which was standing tall right in the center of the living room. He took a deep breath and was clearly summoning all of his seriousness, taking on the persona of a professor or CEO.
“Now let’s get down to business. No Changbin, don’t start singing. ANYWAYS! Since she’s my sister I’ll lead the first and hopefully only ‘Saving Chan’s Ass’ meeting. Now to the idiot in question and the reason we are all here—Chan you have a lot of work to do considering she’s in her head just as much as you are and will need some convincing to work this out. You two are a match made in overthinking hell. MOVING ON STEP ONE TO WINNING HER HEART OVER…” Smacking the capped end of the marker to the board to get the group’s attention Jisung began what was to be the most chaotic meeting in existence.

~ At Y/N’s apartment at about the time of the convergence of chaos is occurring~

“Okay so operation save Y/N from homelessness and bitchlessness.” Hyunjin begins holding up a white board marker and gesturing to a white board propped up in the living room. You were wrapped up in Felix’s hug and trying to get your sniffles under control. You had been crying for hours, as you thought over everything that may have to change if you had truly messed things up for good between herself and Chan. After he’d left you realized all of the moments she’d felt those tell tale butterflies in your stomach around him, gotten jealous over his admirers, and all of the moments you had realized you in fact liked him… not hated him.

“He’s not a bitch he’s just kinda dumb don’t call him a bitch.” You rumbled and the freckled young man holding you in one of his classic snuggle hugs could only laugh. Hyunjin sighed exasperatedly and crossed off bitchlessness and wrote himbolessness, grumbling about how Chan in this scenario was indeed a bitch.
Once the dramatic title of the board was changed the three of you laughed as you nodded at the change letting out watery giggles. “Okay so step one should be what, apologizing?” You ask, unsure of where to even begin. Hyunjin shrieked and began to explain how you never apologize to a man but rather make him realize he should have worshiped the very ground you walk on. You somehow managed to tune him out briefly only wanting advice not a 101 on how to somehow turn a radio DJ into a sugar daddy.

Felix gently adjusted your seating arrangement so he could go and steal the market from Hyunjin. “Jinnie please go sit down and let’s actually try to do something about this mess. I hate seeing our friends upset!” He pouted at the taller male. Hyunjin reluctantly sat down and laid his head on your lap and let you play with his hair while he and Felix brainstormed and bickered over solutions.

~let’s now check in back at Jisung’s~

The meeting at Jisung’s apartment was not faring much better as the six men all bickered over the right ways to woo women, how to win their hearts. Apparently Jeongin’s idea of serenading you with a boombox was impractical as life was not a 90’s movie according to Changbin. However, Changbin’s idea of flexing and wooing you with muscles wouldn’t work either according to the entire group. Idea after idea was struck down like bowling pins. Impractical suggestions just bounced around the circle like a pinball in an arcade and it was giving Chan no hope for a good ending to this cacophony of drama he had somehow created.

After a few hours Chan decided he had been through enough shouting and bickering for one day. Tuning out his beloved friends, who at this point began to sound like they were going to bicker for the sake of it, he began to look at his phone. He scanned his screen and noted that the time now was nearly 7pm meaning it had been about 8 hours since the two of you had last spoken, and the only thing he wanted to have seen was a message from you.

But glowing from his lock screen was
nothing, it had been hours since the fight between you two, and his friends’ questionable advice session felt oddly longer than the silence that was happening between you two. Hours of separation and his heart sank and he quadruple checked but it was true not one notification from Y/Nnie❣️ came up when he would illuminate his lock screen. Not a single message reading something like “Come back, I’m ready to talk about this”, nor an “I’m sorry, why don’t we talk in person? ”, not even a “Hey asshole come to the apartment ”. Not a single letter, syllable, or even emoji to communicate how you felt.

He was readying himself to tell his friends his feelings, ready to bare every single emotion to the five other boys and say that this meeting of the minds meant fuck all, and to declare that this whole thing was a pointless effort. Chan was silent and stewing almost about to boil over. The others too distracted by being right in a situation they all grew very emotionally invested in.

Chan’s brooding caused his inner thoughts to swallow him whole before he could even comprehend speaking, instead his thoughts did the talking to him; they told him the same things he had been repeatedly saying to himself all day. He knew better, he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up, he shouldn’t have thought of you, his roommate, his best friend’s sister, in that way. He should have known better than to fall for his best friend’s sister. He knew better to play his games with your mind, he can’t try to act like he knew he wasn’t upsetting you but he would have rather kept his heart guarded. He only had himself to blame is that damning voice in his head sneered, pouring salt into his wounds.

He was genuinely starting to draft an email to the housing office to move out in his head, the thought of facing you right now genuinely sounded like torture. He couldn’t imagine the eggshells he would have to walk on to feel some semblance of peace.

But then a musical glimmer of hope came in the form of your ringtone blasting from his phone.
“Chan. Please tell me your ringtone isn’t Feel Special by Twice.” Seungmin’s judgemental tone of voice and somehow audible eye roll cut Chan’s happy thoughts that his prayers were answered off.
“It’s Y/N’s ringtone dude, she stole my phone one day and set her tone to that. She kept on saying I should have an iconic song to recognize an icon was calling me. Cute huh?” Chan chuckled, all too happy to be remembering the moment well.
“WELL ROMEO, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR GET YOUR EMPTY HEAD OUT OF FUCKING LALA LAND AND ANSWER THE PHONE!!” Jisung’s shout broke Chan out of his memories and the elder answered the phone.

“Y/N?! I-is that you listen.”
“Sorry mate, listen it’s Felix. Y/N uh, she um… shit how do I say this? Y/N… She ran out of the apartment, she was crying talking about how she was not going to make things right with you. How she was so mean about everything, she was in such a negative headspace it was scary. To make things worse she left her phone behind so we can’t get her location to make sure she’s safe. Hyunjin’s here panicking. I’m panicking. You have to find her dude, I don’t know all the details but you both clearly have a lot to work out. I would get going it’s going to be dark soon.”
“Fucking hell oh my God okay, how long ago did she leave?”
“Maybe 10 minutes ago? We tried going after her but lost her in the park by yours. She is probably still there and terrified, we both know she hates being out alone when it hits sundown.”

Chan bolted up from his seat and threw on his shoes with lightning speed. Not even listening to the others’ questions of what he was doing or where he was going. The park you were probably in was a good 15 minutes on foot away fro Jisung’s apartment and the playground with in the park was covered up by foliage and low hanging branches making it a very private area. It was closer to your apartment and another 10 minutes within the park to locate.

He raced to you like a mad man, knowing your cry spot from times you had walked out before upset due to school stress. The two of you had shared locations just in case anything had gone awry before, at Jisung’s overprotective behest.

After almost 15 minutes of racing on foot rain pelted Chan’s face as the clouds began to pour like they heavens chose to cry alongside him. Another 15 or so minutes later he found himself crouching next to you at the swing set of the playground near your shared home. He was shaking, cold and scared of what could have happened if Felix hadn’t called him. Upon seeing your frame shake with your own cries and your attempt to curl in on yourself as you saw him, Chan wept a little harder just from seeing you in this emotional pain.

All he could do was pull you into his arms as he knelt on the ground. His face found its solace in the crux of your neck and yours did the same. “Oh my God Y/N you’re okay, I was so worried when Felix called me.” He trembled as he gripped your now very soaked hoodie tighter. You nodded into his embrace and clenched your fists into his damp shirt and just shook. Neither of you before this day would have imagined you’d be crying over the other and holding onto each other for dear life, almost as if the second you let go the other would disappear into the cold stormy air.
“I’m okay Channie, I’m not hurt.” You whispered into his neck and just gripped him tighter. You two stayed like that as the sobs subsided into crocodile tears. You both looked at one another for a moment steadying yourselves for the make or break moment that may change everything for the better or worse.

“I’m sorry” simultaneously left both of your lips, both of you thinking you owed the other an apology. A laughter soaked with tears left both of your lips, you went to apologize again when he cut you off.
“Baby look at me, you have nothing to be sorry for, I was a dick when I was hiding how I felt. You were nothing but kind, how could I not fall for that. You are so fucking wonderful. An angel, and if you are willing, I would like nothing more than to call you my angel.” His voice was powerful yet soft. You could barely meet his gaze and couldn’t bring yourself to speak, you didn’t trust your voice not your own facial expressions. So like a deer in headlights you froze again, not believing that he still wanted you. “I should have waited to say that I’m so dumb. I’m sorry you’re still upset with me I—mmph” You tugged him by the collar to your lips and cut his ramble off with a hard kiss. He was the one frozen now, not believing that the girl of his dreams was kissing him. He pinched himself to see if it was real, and indeed it was. You pulled away and saw him fully embody the shocked face emoji, blush and all.

“You’re not a dick just kind of a dumbass, you know that right?” You giggled out as you watched the cogs and gears in his head move to process what had just happened. Once it set in that you had kissed him, he rapidly and dopily nodded to affirm your statement and pulled you in for a deep, passionate kiss again. This one was powerful, filled with the unspoken apologies you both had, the unspoken love you both had realized you felt for one another, the yearning he felt, the desire you held for him. The emotions melding through the movement of your lips and wandering hands. He moved to cup your face and your nails gripped his shirt as you both moved your heads to deepen the kiss. Just as Chan went to lick at the dean of your lips for silent permission to escalate the kiss, loud and obnoxious wolf whistles come out from the bushes. The sounds cut your reunion far too short for your liking and you can tell Chan feels the same way.

The two of you sheepishly looked over to the source of the sound to find the culprits and see your friends’ various reactions to you two. There poorly hidden by some bushes were Felix and Hyunjin holding one another weeping exaggeratedly, Jisung gagging along with Mino complete with heaving over to fake wretch, and lastly Seungmin, Changbin, and Jeongin all clapping like proud parents. You hid your face in Chan’s shirt at the realization your make out session had an audience, he couldn’t help but laugh and pull you closer not wanting to let you go.

“Okay love birds we get it you idiots realize you love one another but this is a family location, I can’t believe I’m telling my sister this but GET A ROOM” Jisung’s shout rang out across the grass. All nine of you share a laugh and you meekly smile up at Chan, before a devious smirk graces your face.

“Well lucky for you brother we already have an apartment, so we can go get several rooms!” Chan couldn’t even laugh; he just sputtered at your boldness, panic already seeping into his pores. Jisung looked about ready to kill you both as Chan scoops you into his arms, places you over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes and begins to run to your shared apartment. You were laughing, kicking, and shrieking as Jisung just stood there glaring and pouting in your direction. Rather than informing Chan that your brother was in fact not trailing after you both ready to commit a crime, you just accepted your fate of being carried like a kidnapped princess.
“Nevermind on calling you angel, you are a little demon.” He panted out whilst still running like he was in an Olympic race.
“Stop complaining, keep running! Also, you love it so hush.” You giggle playfully smacking his behind that was just in smackable distance from your face.
“First of all paws off the merchandise. Second of all You’re damn right I love it, my little demon.” He returns the favor placing a hand on your butt giving it a playful squeeze. You yelp and continue to laugh obnoxiously. He finally sets you down and kisses you as you reach the entrance to your apartment building. All was right in the world, you both found your pieces of joy in the midst of a breakdown. Like the Japanese art of kintsugi you had taken something broken and had turned it into something beautiful.
•End Scene for Giggles•
Meanwhile back at the rain soaked playground the seven meddling males stood in a circle nodding and smiling with satisfaction at the fact their friends succeeded in getting together. Minho sympathetically clapped Jisung on the shoulder as he stood there in shock over the events of the day, more specifically at your brazen response to his teasing. His baby sister (he was merely ten minutes older than you but he would forever rub that fact in your face) was all grown up, and that was something he was not prepared for at all.
Gathering his voice and his wits he looked around the circle, “From now on let’s not interfere in relationships for our friend group? I don’t think I can be scarred again watching another confession make out session combo.” The others agreed, all except for Hyunjin and Felix. They both were somehow still hugging and sobbing violently, like they had seen Bambi’s mom die or something similar rather than a moment of love. Or this may have been their reaction to seeing love find a way in the end? Who knows other than their odd telepathy.
“It was like a drama Ji! You can't shame my adoration for true love. Look at the material we had here; falling rain, a confession, a heartfelt moment, a kiss made for a romance story! A KISS IN THE RAIN HELLO! All of the parts to a romantic moment fit for the movies. It was- it was just. IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFULLLLL!” Hyunjin looked up and exclaimed whilst Felix nodded and glared at Jisung with a protective expression as terrifying as a baby chicken. He continued patting his friend’s back and comforting him.
“It’s okay Hyunjin one day we’ll have our own romance movie moments and they’ll be even better than Chan and Y/N’s.” Felix said with a comforting rub to the taller male's back. He lightly sniffled at the thought and then began to blubber with more tears and muffled cries.
“What now Felix?” Jeongin, the youngest of the group asked as he glanced over at the freckle-faced boy with a look of concern.
“I’ll answer for him with his typical quote whenever he makes us watch a romance related movie ‘I just really love love you guys!’” Seungmin interjected whilst Felix nodded and the group gathered into a large hug. Laughter settled over the group as the rain ceased.
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callioope · 1 year
I'm this close to finishing the first draft of my rebelcaptain fencing AU... yes, I know I've been saying that since NaNoWriMo 2020. My new year's resolution for 2023 is to finish and post it!
In the meantime, here's a brief summary, a link to the snippet from chapter one, and a snippet from chapter two.
Description: A rising star in youth fencing, Jyn Erso was once on track to become an Olympic-level athlete. But then, age 16, she quit unexpectedly. Her break from fencing unraveled her life. Three years later, she still refuses to discuss the subject, even with her father, a former Olympic medalist, and her best friend, Bodhi, who’s just returned from competing in the Olympics. It’s fine, it’s working – until she meets Cassian Andor, the kindest, most interesting person she’s ever met. Except for one problem: he’s also an Olympic-level fencer. 
Excerpt from chapter two:
Jyn crosses her arms and waits. She’s elbow to elbow with strangers in the crowded cafe she and Bodhi chose for their weekly lunch. It’s not normally this popular, but it seems the dreary weather has convinced everyone and their mother that a cup of soup sounds quite nice.
Sighing, she glances over her shoulder, towards the filled seating where Bodhi has aggressively commandeered a table. He waves when she catches his eyes. She smiles back, but then looks past him, at the gray sky and gathering water droplets on the windows. 
The days trudge along, minutes dragging like hours. It’s been two weeks since she scampered like a coward from Cassian’s home, from a well-cooked meal, from hope and possibility. Sometimes, she thinks she sees him passing on the street or in the hallway, and she ducks into an alcove or a classroom. Saw would be ashamed. That thought does nothing to help, merely reminds her why she’s in this mess in the first place. 
“Order for Erso!” 
She jolts back to the present, sees an employee place their order on the counter: a tray for Jyn’s meal, a tray for Bodhi’s, and two drinks. If only Bodhi hadn’t needed to stake out a table; now she’s stuck trying to balance it all.
“You seem like you’re carrying a lot.”
Turning, she sees her English professor. “Hi, Professor Malbus. My friend went to save a seat.”
He nods. “Chirrut’s doing the same.”
“Well, it’s good to see you.” Jyn moves towards the seating area, but her professor keeps talking.
“While you’re here,” he starts. It sounds ominous, and it occurs to Jyn that had her food been called just twenty seconds earlier, perhaps she could have avoided this conversation entirely.  “I wanted to talk to you about your last paper.”
“Oh.” Yeah, bad feeling justified. 
“I appreciate you handing it in early,” he says. The writing takes her mind off things. “But it seems a little rushed. You still have time before the deadline, if you want to take another stab at it.”
His phrasing pierces her a little more pointedly than he probably realizes. Am I really this sensitive to it after all this time? What doesn’t help is that she’d actually spent quite a bit of time mulling over that assignment. 
“Of course, professor.” 
He frowns. “I’m sorry — you’re busy. Let’s talk it over in my office hours next week.”
Her steps might be a little heavier as she leaves the counter area and winds her way through the seating, but at least she’s pretty sure they wouldn’t qualify as outright stomping. 
At least this day couldn’t possibly get any worse.
Midway through the seating, she realizes she has no idea where she’s going, and she looks around again for Bodhi.
And instead, she finds Cassian.
Never think it can’t get worse, she reminds herself.
In fact, Cassian is, for some reason, talking to Bodhi, so at least she’s succeeded in locating her final destination. 
She stands there staring for far too long, other customers bumping past her, until Cassian glances away from Bodhi just for a second, just long enough to accidentally meet her gaze. 
She wonders if she looks as caught off guard as he does. 
Bodhi follows Cassian’s gaze. “Oh, finally!”
His words jumpstart her mind, and she covers the remaining distance between them. 
During that time, her mind screams, “How the hell do you two know each other!”
But instead, she says, “Sorry for the wait.”
“It’s fine,” they both answer her, although Cassian’s sounds a little less sincere.
All three of them frown. Bodhi and Cassian glance back and forth between each other and her in confusion.
Slightly faster on the uptake — she did have a split second advantage — Jyn places Bodhi’s food in front of him, all the while avoiding the intensity of Cassian’s gaze. “So,” she says, staring at her seat but not getting into it, “how do you two know each other?” 
“I — we — what?” Bodhi says. He shakes his head as if to shake his thoughts loose. “He’s our bronze medalist in epee.” 
Jyn’s eyes widen, but it shouldn’t be that shocking. She had remembered he’d taken gold at that Junior Olympics all those years ago. Just because she left fencing behind didn’t mean everyone did. Bodhi, after all, had stuck with it.
Before she can respond, Cassian says, “Wait, how do you two know each other?”
Both Jyn and Bodhi hesitate. And then Bodhi sends Jyn a look that somehow manages to be both apologetic and defiant, and says, “We used to train together under Saw Gerrera.”
Cassian meets her wide-eyed gaze with his own. “You’re… Jyn Erso?”
Sighing, she settles into the seat next to Bodhi. “Yeah.”
“Wrong f-word.”
His gaze bores into hers, like he’s trying to figure her out. She thinks — she hopes — that maybe he has enough information to understand why she ran, since she hasn’t been able to find the words to explain it. 
“Well…” he finally says. “I should go.”
“No one’s going anywhere,” Bodhi says, and they both jerk guiltily toward him, “until we get to the bottom of this.”
That wasn’t the line, Jyn thinks inanely. But Bodhi thinks as fast as either of them, maybe faster, and apparently has no need to ask the same question a third time.
When he doesn’t continue, Jyn says warily, “There’s no … bottom… Bodhi…”
“Yes, there is, and you both are stuck in it.” 
She looks down at her food, pokes her salad with her fork.
“It’s fine,” Cassian says. “You don’t need to—”
Startled into compliance, Cassian sits. Despite everything, Jyn smirks. Cassian, it would seem, is less familiar with Bodhi’s determined “I will aggressively logic you into happiness” routine. It really only works because disappointing him is literally the worst feeling in the world, worse even than losing a fencing bout had been, once upon a time. And that’s really saying something because she wasn’t the most gracious loser.
“You’re miserable,” he starts, pointing at Jyn with his own fork, “because you haven’t seen that photographer chef since that date two weeks ago. You know, the one where you were all, ‘this is the best date I’ve ever been on’…”
“Whoa.” Jyn’s eyes dart nervously between Bodhi and Cassian. “I didn’t say it like —”
“And you’re miserable,” Bodhi says, turning to Cassian, “because the last date you went on, two weeks ago, the awesome writer undergrad you met left early and hasn’t returned your calls.”
“If she’s not interested,” Cassian says, without looking up from the table, “that’s not her fault.”
Jyn winces like he just thrust his sword into her heart. 
Of course, it would seem that she’d struck him first.
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project-aphelion · 1 year
05.24.2023 - Chapter 7
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Word Count
> Chapter 7: 4632
> Total: 41464
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Whale whale whale. The last time I updated was in June 2022. It’s basically been a whole year. What happened? I’m glad you asked!
First: I was just getting kinda tired or and burnt out by this story. It’s quite large and there’s quite a bit of intricate worldbuilding and backstories that weave through the narrative, so it uses up a Lot of my problem-solving brainpower. I got stuck in chapters 6 and 7 and couldn’t get unstuck, so I decided it was time to take a break from APHELION.
Second: But that doesn’t mean I stopped writing! I moved onto my backup wip, SUDDENCE, which is much smaller in scale and much shorter. I thought of it as my breath of fresh air, and I reasoned that if I managed to finish a draft of it, it would make me realize that i CAN write a whole story, and I would get a new surge of motivation and confidence for APHELION.
And what do ya know! I finished draft 2 of SUDDENCE last week! It clocks in at 49k words (which is more than what APHELION has so far, which is. wild) and it taught me a valuable lesson: KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE. My problem with APHELION was that it was much, much, much too complicated for no good reason, and I had to learn how to pare things back.
That’s something I kinda knew for a while, but working on SUDDENCE really just drove it home, and it gave me practice for how to simplify things.
What’s Different?
So anyway! I know I skipped Chapter 6 (oops) but I finished Chapter 7, which is Rian’s chapter. In this one, he struggles with the idea of running away and having his own life vs. staying and helping ~save the world~. “Saving the world sounds pretty noble, why would he run from that?” BECAUSE you see the people he works with (or rather, for) may not have entirely noble intentions and helping them might end up (and did) hurt people. And Rian doesn’t want that on his conscience! But if he runs away, he loses his avenue to do good to the world because he’s just a 13-year-old kid. He doesn’t have the resources and know-how to run around and perform miracles. Plus, he hates being on his own. This kid’s got a lot going on.
The entire second half of the chapter was changed. Originally Rian is asked to perform an interrogation with his superpowers, and it goes on for a while, and it leads to this whole thing of him accidentally implicating Cay etc etc ANYWAY that was the part that was definitely too complicated for no reason, so now Rian just pretends he has a headache and manages to get out of doing it. The whole thing about Cay was just taken out entirely (it was too plot-conveniency anyway).
I also rearranged the general order of events. Can’t go too much into it because #spoilers.
Excerpt! Here’s Rian and Holly, AKA his only friend in the world.
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Holly sighed through her nose and brushed the hair out of his eyes. “I’m sorry, Ri. I know you don’t feel well. Eat as much as you can, alright? I can help you eat the rest.” She tugged at one of his curls, frowning slightly. “And then we can do something about this hair—”
“I don’t want to cut it.” The words came out stuck together like jam. He felt awful for talking back, and he didn’t know why. Just yesterday he had threatened to shoot her. Why did this feel like crossing a line?
“You don’t want to cut it?” Holly tucked the lock of hair behind his ear. “What about just a little trim? So we can get this”—she drew her finger across his brow, sweeping the hair once more out of his eyes— “out of the way? Would that be alright?”
Rian didn’t see a point in arguing, so he nodded.
Holly smiled. “Okay, then. Now eat your breakfast. It’s good, I promise.”
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His breakfast is pancakes, btw.
Up next: finishing Chapter 6. It’s actually mostly done, and there’s just a bit of action in the middle I have to figure out. This is a loooong one.
In other news: I’m rereading the Grisha Trilogy now that I finally got my hands on physical copies. My kinda odd opinion is that while everyone seems to hate how slow and political the second book is, I kinda like that aspect. I think Bardugo is veryyyy good at political intrigue, which is why I liked the first half of King of Scars but not the second half and why I probably will never finish that duology.
C’est tout!
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Chapter 9: Riptide
Summary: making hero names and leaving for training
Trigger warning: none that I know of
It’s now the next day after everything and the family at the store getting things for dinner. I yawn and get out of bed. I get ready since Izuku is coming over. I go downstairs and open the door for Izuku before he can knock.
“I forgot you could do that.” He says.
“Come on.” I open the door more and he walks in. I close the door and head to my room. I sit on my bed and he sits at my desk.
“I wanted to talk about-.” He stops and looks at a notebook.
“Is that my hero notebook?” I nod and he grabs its.
“I was fixing it, It’s not done but you can take it if you want.” I look at my hands not wanting to really talk about the notebook.
“Thank you Y/n. I thought it was gone, I’m really glad its still alive!”
“Yeah, anyways you wanted to talk.”
“Oh yeah! I’ve been thinking about your quirk and what had happened during the usj. I think I have a solution.” I raise my eyebrow.
“So from my understanding something happened in the water. Causing you to uh, change? And your sixth sense could prevent it!”
“So we use my weakness to prevent the worst.”
“Yes! Though we’d have to find the in between too much and too little.”
“So we’d have to do testing. Which could either go really well or really bad.”
“We’ll start with a few then go up, though I need to find a way to build something to keep on you.” He starts mumbling, I just let him finish. Ring ring, I grab my phone and see it’s Denki.
“One second.” I go to the hallway and answer.
“Hey Denki.”
“Hey! So I would ask Sero but he’s busy. Oh- not that you don’t have good taste!“
“All good, what’s the problem?”
“Do you like, “Hey name Denki Kaminari!” Or should I go with, “Hi! I’m Denki Kaminari!” Maybe something different?”
“I think the first ones good. I do have to go I’ll see you at school.”
“Okay bye!”
“Bye!” I hang up and go back to him still mumbling.
“Oh- sorry! I’m gonna go home to do some research. I’ll talk to you later about it!” He goes with his notebook and I just wave. Man, it’s Sunday, school’s tomorrow.
“It's different when they broadcast the matches on TV after all, huh?” Denki says.
“So many people talked to me on my way here!” Mina says.
“Yeah, me too!” Kirishima says, why’s everyone around my desk?
“People were staring at me, too. It was kind of embarrassing!” I honestly don’t know her name.
“Isn't that normal for you, Hagakure?” Sero asks, Damn.
“Anyone notice you?” Mina asks. I nod.
“This kid went up to me and tried to punch me, same kid asked for my tooth, and then the dad yelled at me for saying no.” I say.
“I-.” Kiri stumbles.
“Your tooth??” Tsu asks.
“The kid started to cry then I felt bad. So I gave her 20 bucks.” Denki pats my back.
“She still cried.”
“Where was Bakugo for this?” Sero asks.
“She got fucking lost in target.”
“Fuka are you okay?” Momo asks.
“I just wanted a lego.”
“Here.” Momo gives me 20 bucks. I shake my head, no.
“I’ll just get my college savings.”
“For the last time a bunch of bubbles in a treasure chest is not money!” Katsuki yells at me.
“Shut it you two.” When Sensei get here? Everyone sits down.
“Mr. Aizawa, your bandages are gone. Kero.” Tsu says.
“The old lady went overboard with her treatment. More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today.” Oh no, I didn’t study for anything.
“Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names. This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. The drafts begin in earnest in the second and third years, after students have gained experience and can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation.”
“Easy we just gotta prove ourselves!”
“Sure, and here are the totals for those with offers.” He moves to the side and shows the list.
Todoroki- 4,123 Bakugo- 3,556 Fuka- 3,118 Tokoyami- 360 Iida- 330 Kaminari- 272 Yaoyorzu- 180 Kirishima- 68 Uraraka- 20 Sero- 14
“In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three this year.”
“I thought I’d have none.” I say.
“Why?” Uraraka asks.
“I threatened multiple people.”
“Right, well maybe they looked pass it!”
“Todoroki's first, and Bakugo's second? It's the opposite of their placement in the sports festival.” Kiri says.
“Some people are too scared to ask for a guy, who had to be restrained on the podium.” Sero says.
“What're the pros scared of?” Denki asks.
“Katsuki alone, Katsuki with me, Katsuki with his mom, Katsuki fighting Izuku.” I reply.
“His mom?” I nob.
“Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internships with pros. At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, but it will still be meaningful training for you to see pros at work firsthand.”
“That why we got hero names!” Mina says.
“Can mine be a swearword!”
“No Fuka.” Suddenly Midnight comes through the door.
“Well, those hero names are still temporary, but if you're not serious about it…You'll have hell to pay later! Because a lot of hero names used by students become recognized by society, and they end up becoming professional hero names!” She says.
“I can’t do names so she’ll do it.” He then goes into his shack.
“It will be fun!” She pass out white boards and I think of what to put. Me and Katsuki have had the same hero name since 3rd grade, so it wasn’t that hard. After a couple people go I go up.
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“Riptide, stretch of turbulent water in the ocean, which is caused by the meeting of currents or sometime abrupt changes in depth. Basically comes out of nowhere and drags you into the ocean.”
“Doesn’t that cause deaths?” Midnight asks.
“Everything does.” I say back.
“This is going to scare kids.”
“Girl, fuck them kids.” Some kids holds in their laugh.
“Young lady-.” She puts her hands on her hips.
“If a name of a normal occurrence is scary to a kid then that isn’t my problem. There are much more scary thing then a name. Hell, I’m scared of orcas yet you don’t see me pissing my pants every time Gang Orca is mentioned.”
“But your naming yourself after a traumatic experience.”
“I’m going to become a villain and name myself kitten and rainbows then.” She stares at me and sighs.
“You can keep the name if you can name one other hero with a scary name. Go.” I smile.
“Midoriya.” He looks up from his board.
“Gunhead, Master Driller, Godzillo, Deatharms, Snipe, Fireblas-.”
“Go sit.” Midnight cuts him off. I sit and watch Katsuki go up. Dudes gonna make a fool of himself.
"King Explosion Murder." He holds the broad, everyone starts laughing.
“You probably shouldn't use something like that.” Midnight says.
“Why not?” He raises his eyebrow.
“You should be Explosion Boy!” Kiri yells.
“Shut up, Weird Hair!” He yells.
“What about Kem? It’s shorter.” He glared at me and I shrug.
“Lord Explosion Murder.” He says as if that’s better.
“The king part wasn’t the problem.”
“Shut up y/n!”
“Damn he used your real name.” Denki says.
“Oh my god I just thought of the best one.” I get up and whisper it to Katsuki. He thinks about it and erases the board. He writes it down and Midnight smiles at it.
“Ground Zero.” (Broski dynamight or however you spell it sucks ass 💀)
“Good!” We go sit and wait for a few others to go. After that Sensei comes out.
“Now that everyone's decided on their hero names, we'll go back to talking about the internships. They will last for a week. As for where you'll have them, those who had offers from pros will be given your own lists, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't have offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns. They all work in different places and have different specialties. For example, Thirteen would be focused on rescues from accidents and disasters more than fighting villains. Think carefully before you choose.”
“Yes sir!”
“Turn in your choices before the weekend.”
“That’s only 5 days!” I says.
“How much time did you need??” Mina asks.
“I don’t know man I suck at making decisions!”
“Samee.” Sero says.
I look at my list and even though I disagree with numbering heroes. I decided I’ll only do top ones, I’m not gonna go through 3,000 something people. My highest being best Jeanest, too proper. Gang Orca? Hell no. I skip through and see Mirko. I think I’ll go with her? I mean she’s a great hero, so why not?
It’s finally time to leave. We’re all outside waiting for the buses.
“You all have your costumes, right? Remember, you aren't allowed to wear them in public.”
“Yes sir!”
“Make sure you mind your manners with the heroes at your internships! Off with you, now.”
“Yes, sir!” We all head to the bus I wait back and walk to Sensei.
“What’s wrong Fuka?”
“I know this sounds super weird but could you take this bag?” I hand him one of my bags that was heavier then the rest. He raises an eyebrow but takes it.
“His names Lenny, just get him a coloring book and he’ll be cool.” He takes a double take and I blotted to my bus. Once I’m on I grab my phone and text the gang for a bit.
Chapter 10
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gurugirl · 9 months
Sorry to burden you with this but it’s just been too much for me to keep in. My brother went to go see my dad after like 10 years because my dad left us when we were younger and my dad noticed that on the back of my brother’s passport the emergency contact was a family friend that we see as a dad instead of my actual dad and he got really angry. But instead of telling us, he went to his cousins wife and badmouthed my mum completely about it. When I heard I was so angry because he acted like a baby so I called him and I told him that next time he has a problem he should come directly to us rather than telling other people. He seemed fine with me saying that until today my mum got a call from my dads cousins wife shouting at her for telling me about what my dad said and how it was rude that I apparently told her that it’s none of her business. It hurts that after so much evil things my dad did I still love him and the one time I would hope he’d keep stuff between us as father and daughter he spread it. It hurts that my mum is being abused by everyone because they support him instead of her when he’s the one that’s cheated on her for years, started another family behind her back and even had a child with another woman and proceeded to hide that child for around 2 years until we found out ourselves. I’m so sad for my mum, my heart hurts for how much she’s been through and how bad my dad is adamant on making her look. My heart hurts for the little daddy’s girl in me from decades back that thought that her dad loved her more than anything when it’s just not true. I’ve always known my dad wasn’t a good person but for some reason, I feel like he hasn’t just offended me but my precious mum, and the 3 year old child in me who loved her dad more than anything. I’ve never been in as much mental pain as I am in right now and I just had to let it all out. I’m sorry for putting this all on you. Also I really love everything you write, you’re incredibly talented ❤️
OH ANON I'M SORRY THIS IS JUST NOW GETTING POSTED! I responded to your ask (below) and thought I hit 'Post now' but instead it saved it to my drafts and I had no idea it didn't post until going through my drafts just now to find something.
Family stuff is so hard. Believe me, I get it. My dad and I don't get along well at all and life is easier without him around. I rarely speak to him and see him even less.
I'm sorry you're going through any of this. It sounds like you have some toxic family members and you're being a huge support to your mom (even if you don't feel like it) but taking her side and just loving her. She'll always remember you being by her.
It's okay to love your dad and miss him as he once was but you're also aware of what kind of person he is now and can keep your distance if that's what winds up being the best thing.
I know none of that helps but I'm always willing to listen. I wish you well, anon!
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