#sorry but his screams are sweet music etc etc
drowningparty · 2 months
the world of difference b/w arthur stans who want to swaddle him in blankets and make him hot cocoa and arthur stans who want to put him in a saw trap
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spookykoolkat · 9 months
Plus Size!Metalhead!Reader x Eddie Munson smut idiots to lovers!
The reader is Robin’s best friend and has just moved back to Hawkins after studying abroad.
When she returns she is introduced to everyone and quickly becomes part of the gang. Eddie quickly falls for her as the two have quite a lot in common, however, he doesn’t act on his feelings as he thinks the reader is Robin’s girlfriend. Little does he know she has major feelings for him as well but she thinks him and Steve are together. Eventually they are forced to bunk together on a camping trip (orchestrated by Steve and Robin who have been dying for the two to finally admit their feelings) at first things are awkward between the two but they soon heat up into something neither of them expected.
the cabin in the woods - e.m. request*
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an: just a story i tried to convey the best, about two very confused adults who don't really know how to communicate! i hope this does your idea justice it took me FOREVER i'm so sorry 😭 and its so long omg this is my longest work ever PLS I HOPE ITS NOT BORING THANK U FOR SENDING UR REQUESTS I LOVE THEM 🩷🩷 i'm also doing requests for kinktober if anyone wants to send them in :p thank u everyone to all of ur love on all of my fics u dont even Know how much it means to me 🥹
wc: 10.4K
warnings: 18+ ONLY, mentions of mutual pining, explicit thoughts, mentions of eddie and you wishing the other weren't gay, lots of mentions of sexualities, miscommunication, porn with a plot, p in v, (unprotected. do NOT do this), oral sex (m and f receiving), slight ass play, ownership, pet names (sweet girl, baby, princess, pretty, sweetheart, etc)
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IT WAS WEIRD BEING BACK IN HAWKINS, being back in the states in general felt like a culture shock. and disappointing. the euphoric feeling of learning and living in another country for a year was not comparable, and you promised your best friend robin that when you got back, you'd tell her all about it.
over the year you were gone for your studies, she told you about a few people she met while she was in high school, and had been with ever since. she was excited about bringing you to a party the night of your arrival so you could meet everyone, she said you were all she ever talked about, and how excited everyone was to meet you. 
robin was insistent on your attendance, getting small hesitation on your part, and she swore up and down that you'd fit right in. you questioned her judgment sometimes, especially in women, but you had no other reason not to trust your best friend.
you and robin were complete opposites, you were the girl who liked metal, death metal, and occasionally rock music and she enjoyed the oldies, harboring weird talents and interests that you enjoyed learning about. but you clicked so well, meshed together in a way where you could never be separated.
it wasn't long before you arrived at her place, dressed and ready after hitting your house first, and was met with a lethal scream of your name and tears of joy. it didn't take long to catch up, talk, cry, and laugh so the minute robin decided it was time to go to this party, you guys drove into the city together.
"are you excited?!" she dragged as she noticed your fingers tap against your faded gray jeans that were maybe two sizes too bog, hanging low on your hips with the help of a belt. 
"i'm fucking nervous." you admitted and ran your fingers through your hair.
"for what? dude, these are not people who need to be impressed. they're going to love you and i know it!" she exclaimed.
it was a bit before they drove past buildings, and turned into nothing until they pulled into a trailer park. 
“eddie’s trailer was the destination party zone tonight, so, yeah.” robin said as she parked next to a van, presumably eddie’s. you weren’t one to judge a single person, especially not one you didn’t know, so you just nodded with a smile and stepped out of the car. 
you adjusted your black tank top that, unlike your jeans, was maybe two sizes too small and hugged the curves and rolls of your body.
you liked the way you looked, your wrists covered in bracelets with studs and beads on them, your hair parted down the middle and frizzy from the hawkin’s heat. the makeup you had on was minimal, just black eyeliner smudged around your eyes and lipstick that was lined with black and filled in with a blood red. 
robin was so drawn to you when she first met you. she thinks about it as the two wait at his front door, and how she was so lucky to meet you. to bring her out of her shell and be honest with herself.
she knew being with you meant zero judgment, and if someone dared to fuck with you or robin, robin knew you’d be quick to defend her with your life. you honestly reminded her a lot of eddie once she met him, telling him she had a friend that he would just love. he doubted it of course. eddie didn’t think there was another person like him that existed, impossible.
but robin knew, she believed she knew everything. and she made a small promise to herself that she’d help you find someone, even though you insisted on being happy alone. she knew it was true, but when she first met eddie she realized maybe she could play cupid when you came back into town. 
“robin, did you bring the-” eddie said, opening the door, until he looked beside the skinny, jittery girl.
you didn’t blush at the unsaid compliment, you just watched as eddie looked over your full figure.
“eddie… you’re staring,” robin said, looking between you and eddie to make sure he wasn’t scaring you off. you just laughed a little. 
you stuck your hand out and introduced yourself by your name, “i’m robin’s friend.” 
he took it with grace and stuttered out a small hey, as normal as he could but it was indeed weird. eddie looked at robin, gleaming with pride, and he tried to put two and two together, failing miserably. 
“friend?” eddie asked, looking between the two of you before letting go of your hand. 
“yes idiot! she just moved back to hawkins, she’s the one i’ve been talking about!” robin said as she grabbed your hand and dragged you inside. you give him a smile, and a look over, going with your friend. 
she’s the one i’ve been talking about. how could he be so stupid? he totally forgot about this girl he’d been hearing about. robin would go on and on about her friend coming back from another country, and how much she adored this friend and missed this friend and how badly she wanted the group to meet this friend. 
he didn’t think too much about it, he didn’t want to assume. everyone knew robin played for the other team, so he wasn’t sure if you were her friend or her friend. so, he took advantage of the gray area and checked you out as robin introduced everyone to you. eddie saw how robin held her arm, close to her and tight.
he also tried to pay attention to the groups reactions, to see if maybe they had the same idea as him. he was a shit expression reader. he was going to feel bad about staring at this girl,  imagining her in every way he could, if you were in fact robin’s girlfriend. 
as the night went on, it seemed like it got more difficult. you kept seeing him stare at you sitting on the floor in between nancy and robin, he watched you as you drank and laughed and got to know the crowd that robin found herself in. you enjoyed everyone, nancy was such a nice girl to you, constantly asking if you needed anything and if you were okay.
you wondered if eddie would come over to you and maybe try to talk to you, but he just engaged in conversations with steve.
you got to know everyone, who was studying what, if they decided to go to college next fall or not, life plans and enjoying each other’s company. it wasn’t often you were alone, but the minute robin and nancy got up to get another drink from eddie’s fridge, he slithered his way to sit next to you. 
“i was wondering when you were going to stop staring at me,” you spoke, turning your head as you sat crisscrossed in front of the small coffee table.
“i was trying to figure out, and i’m being honest here don’t laugh at me” he warned before speaking again, “if you were real.” 
you laughed a bit more than you expected, feeling it in your tummy and he gave you a pout. 
“and your conclusion?” you asked, taking a sip again. 
“honestly? i’m not so sure yet.” 
it was the beginning of long conversations, laughter, bonding, and hidden flirting. the two of you were dancing around each other, bouncing off of each other's wit and casual snarkiness. 
it was fun, you could admit. and you finally assessed him, his faded metallica shirt was paired with black jeans that might’ve been tighter than yours, almost the same bracelets. his arms were covered in aimless tattoos that were small and looked like they were just drawn on from how many he had. you loved them. 
“i love metallica,” you murmur against your cup, indulging in eddie while everyone talks amongst themselves and listens to the music.
it was loud enough to not hear your conversation if you were someone else, that you were grateful for. you watched as he sat up a bit to glance at his shirt, and gave you a nervous smile.
“wha- oh, right yeah. me too, i can play a few songs on my guitar actually.” he tried to impress after remembering the shirt he was wearing, and it worked. you were a sucker for guitar players, especially ones who preferred metal and rock. 
“oh yeah? are you in a band or something?” you laughed softly, there was no way he was actually in one because it’d make it ten times harder not to want to jump his bones. “what guitar?” you asked excitedly. 
you appreciated the instrument even with no knowledge about it and would appreciate it more seeing him play it for you. eddie liked seeing the excitement on your face, the way you got closer to him sent excitement somewhere else for him. 
“i am actually, maybe i can play for you one day.” he teased and finally, you blushed.
the way his eyes met yours made you want to melt into it, have his gaze consume you whole. he was everything, he was adorable, handsome, sexy, attractive, funny, and god was he charming. he didn’t even have to do much to send you pining after him.
“it’s on my wall, in my room if you wanna see it,” he suggested and you raised an eyebrow, too distracted to remember what he was talking about and he notices, “the guitar, i don’t use it often but i think this one time is an exception, afterall you might just be my favorite guest. wouldn’t want any of my hospitality going to someone like steve,” he joked and steve whipped his head around. 
“i heard that, asshole.” steve replied over the music, sending you to laugh before looking back to eddie who blew him an exaggerated kiss.
“i’d love to see it,"
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you were staying for good, which meant you had all the time in the world with eddie when he wasn’t working at his uncle’s mechanic shop. he would brag about being the one to take over, shaking his head at the thought of going to college.
you didn’t mind though, you told him that college isn’t for everyone and it’s okay going a different route despite ghosted voices that were haunting him about it.
he admired the fact that you were so similar to him, finding himself getting lost in you when you explained the lore of texas chainsaw massacre and actually being interested in it too. he heard everything you said, listened to every story you told about being in france, and helped you through whatever hump you were trying to get over.
you didn’t believe robin when she said he was actually the only other guy she got along with besides steve, and how she believed it would be the same for you. she was right, but you’d never tell her. 
and she’d never tell you her true intentions by introducing you to eddie, and how she wished that maybe he’d open you up enough to the idea of possibly dating again. but, she didn’t really think it through. she figured maybe she’d let the universe handle it, but then started to notice the dynamic of your idea forming about eddie. 
you found yourself at his trailer a lot, smoking his weed that he offered and drinking, watching movies and enjoying the company of one another while robin was busy. 
he gave you soft touches here and there, let you sleep in his bed with him when you were too high to drive back, gave you massages, picked you up when you needed a ride. he was there when you needed him, there at any moment you called for him. 
and so were you. you really liked eddie, the feeling weighing on you everytime you let yourself take his flirting and touches for more than what they were. you felt guilty for lying next to him or on him when you passed out during a movie, you felt guilty for thinking about his lips on yours and on your body. 
the only problem that kept the two of you from indulging in the fantasies you both had was… you strongly believed that eddie was in a relationship with steve harrington. and as for eddie, he was fully convinced that you were off limits because you were going with robin buckley.
and this was the problem robin worried about.
you knew robin was lesbian of course, and she knew you were bisexual. unfortunately, eddie knows robin is lesbian but figured you were lesbian as well. he couldn’t shake the feeling of craving you and wanting you the way he has, and he felt guilty because in his mind you were robin’s girl.
so, all of his dirty thoughts and ideas about you felt wrong, and instantly tried to bury it when one night he found himself wishing you liked men.
but where was the harm in imagination? eddie was so infatuated with you that his self indulgent behavior was harmless. he knew he couldn’t have you, he knew you only saw him as a friend and that was that. but he was so wrong, and so were you. 
he thought of you daily, and in ways that were almost embarrassing. he craved you, the desire and want he had every time you were near was almost uncontrollable. 
you never asked anyone if eddie was gay, to be fair. it wasn’t your place to ask of course, plus you figured if eddie was into you he’d just simply tell you. 
you just assumed, and the way that he and steve interacted all the time made you think maybe they were romantically involved. eddie’s teasing and flirting towards steve made you wonder if eddie was completely off limits, but affirmed it when eddie would plant a wet kiss on steve’s cheek.
you didn’t know, but that was just what eddie did. 
eddie was a flirt, to everyone but robin in their group. even if it was out of nowhere, that’s just how eddie carried himself. of course in your mind, you hoped that he was at least bisexual.
you felt incredibly guilty about that too because regardless if he was bisexual, in your mind he and steve were still a couple. to not only hope he turned out to be bisexual, but to fantasize about someone else’s partner was just incredulous to think about. 
but there you were. daydreaming about the guy who sat next to you almost every other day on his couch after work, and would have to snap back into reality when he asked you if you wanted to smoke.
it was a routine.
you’d say yes, the two of you would smoke and listen to his cassettes, talk about urban legends and myths, movies and how you always felt like you could act—you couldn’t—and topics that seemed to flow between the two of you. 
it was easy with him, and you appreciated it. 
the only thing hard about the relationship you hold with him is that you’re thinking of being face down for him on your bed with your ass pushing against him. you were fighting every nasty thought of your friend, wondering how he’d feel inside of you and if he’d be able to make you cum.
the attraction the two of you had for each was obvious, so obvious that the entire group were pointing it out to each other. 
robin needed a plan. and quickly, because she couldn’t fathom another minute of you denying yourself as well as him just because he thinks you’re lesbian. she didn’t want to address it actually, she wanted to scheme and plot. better to make them think it was coincidental when really she had something to prove. 
robin felt weird about plotting a set up for you, especially because robin knew there was obviously a better and more logical way to approach this miscommunication between you and eddie. so, in hopes of setting the two of you up, robin goes to steve with her probably weird borderline disturbing idea. 
turns out, steve and robin felt the same way. watching you two was just as painful for them as it was for the two of you. thus, mission cabin in the woods was put into place. 
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you regretted this terribly. you weren’t an outdoorsy person even though the place you were staying was like a cabin. just a cabin in the woods, six young adults, left to their own devices for two days. it wasn’t the absolute worst you soon found out, the cabin was right near a lake that had a long extended pier, trees and dirt and grass surrounding you, and a large bonfire opportunity behind the cabin, right before you went to the lake.
it was more modern than anything, as everyone settled in and went around the cabin, pairs started calling dibs on the three rooms, leaving you and eddie the last pair to bunk together. 
“robin, i thought we were going to stay together? what the hell?” you whispered as you grabbed her arm to drag her down the hall away from everyone. you already settled in while eddie quietly took his things to his side of the room. 
“oh! um, right,” she didn’t think of what would happen after phase one of her and steve’s plan, nervously glancing at steve who was peeking at the girls from his door frame.
“steve, i mean you know steve, he needed to talk to me about how he keeps getting rejected by every woman, like ever. he was a little upset about nancy and jonathan rooming together.” 
she was lying, and you followed her awkward gaze to steve, when he immediately withdrew himself from peeking and behind the wall. but you heard a small gasp from that room since it wasn’t too far from where you and nancy stood at the stairs.
it was steve’s gasp, because when he rested his back against the wall and opened his eyes again, eddie was standing there in front of him with his arms crossed. 
“dude, what the fuck,” steve said, and eddie shook his head. 
“i should be saying that to you. care to tell me why on earth i’m rooming with her?” eddie asked condescendingly, expecting the truth. 
“what’s wrong with that? i thought you guys were friends. robin, she needed my advice to-”
“i’m going to ask you again.” eddie said, “why am i not rooming with you?”
steve looked defeated and he hasn’t even tried, but he knew if he gave no excuse it would be worse than a shitty one. he was also a little scared that robin would become unfathomably upset if steve told eddie what was really going on.
and so would you, so before either of the two could mutter out another lie while you and eddie interrogate them unknowingly at the same time, nancy ended up coming out of her room with a grin, 
“i need to go swimming, come on!”
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the entirety of the day you spent at the cabin on your first day of a three day trip, you spent at the lake. not by yourself of course, you and the other two girls swam and tanned as the guys sat in their swim trunks, drinking beers.
to make things more interesting, the three of you decided to have fun diving off the pier and into the lake, splashing each other, and playing marco polo. 
now the three of you swam around each other, keeping yourselves afloat to talk and converse. the conversation started about you being in france again, and if you met anyone there, if you had a french lover for the semester or if you were too busy with your head in books. 
“there was this one girl, god she was like five foot eleven and just, she was so fucking gorgeous. we met at a cafe and we talked for like a few days until she was like, ‘well i don’t really think i’m gay,’ and i was just,” you explained to the girls and paused. “we kissed and i guess she wasn’t into it so i never heard from her again.” 
“you’ve lived like ten lives.” robin deadpanned and it made a laugh bubble to your throat. 
“so you’re bisexual?” nancy inquired, genuinely. “you know i thought you were straight actually.”
“yeah i thought i was a lesbian for like six years but then i started dating this guy during high school but i still liked girls so, figured i was bisexual.” you said with a small laugh, and the girls smiled at you. 
“so, do you think eddie knows?’ nancy asked the two of you as you guys kept afloat in the water and you raised your eyebrow, looking between robin, nancy, and even glancing over your shoulder to the guys who were now smoking so you could look at eddie. 
only for eddie to already be looking at you while you swam in the water. a blush creeped onto your skin, thanking god that your slight sunburn covered it. 
“knows what?” you asked. 
“that you’re not actually a lesbian,” nancy laughed and you heard robin wince and say nancy’s name.  
“what?” you couldn’t help yourself from the high octave in your voice, and nancy looked surprised.
“she didn’t know, nance.” robin said bleakley and nancy mouthed a small sorry to her. 
“explain. now.” you demanded, swimming your way to the pier to pull yourself up and sit on the ledge. the girls followed you but stayed in the lake. 
“well, see, he kind of thinks that we’re together, like girlfriends. and well, fuck,” robin said as she looked behind you and hit her wet hand against her hand. 
“what?” you asked worriedly and saw a forced smile creep onto her lips. 
“hey!! eddie!” robin said dramatically and you looked behind you to see eddie, standing in nothing but his black swim trunks and right in back of you. so much as to where you were practically face to face with his groin. you whipped around quickly. 
eddie was watching you all day. he couldn’t help but watch you. your bikini set didn’t help him either, steve actually had to tell him to close his mouth when you pulled yourself up from out of the water and onto the wooden pier, every movement causing a bounce and jiggle in your body and sending an ache to his cock. 
he was thinking of you so impurely, so twisted that he didn’t even feel like he was being himself. he didn’t understand why he was so obsessed with you, why everything about you made him want you even more. 
“well apparently those two assholes have suffered major injuries to their legs because they both asked me to come over here and tell you two girls,” eddie said pointing with his index and middle finger at nancy and robin, “that you are wanted as of now.” 
you didn’t bother turning around to peer up at him again, instead you just watched the girls look at you, then at each other, then swimming to the stairs of the pier. eddie takes a seat next to you, legs dangling off the pier. you feel the burn of his body heat sitting right next to you, and you look down to see the distinction between your thighs and eddie’s. 
he’s like half your size. 
you were nervous, you knew that you were a bigger girl and didn’t care, but suddenly you felt like you were taking up too much space. but he sat this close to you for a reason, your thighs spilled over to touch his at this point. 
“is it just me or are they acting reaaaaaaaaally weird?” eddie asked, peeling his eyes from the crease between your tummy touching your thigh, and how the bikini bottom you wore pressed into your hip, to robin and steve. he needed to distract himself before he felt himself forming a tent in his not so stretchy swimming trunks. 
you watched robin and steve from across the lake, sitting in lounge chairs and talking, while looking at the two of you. you tried to think back on the way robin had been acting this last month, wondering if she was showing any signs of suspiciousness to understand why she had been so secretive. 
“he kind of thinks we’re together, like girlfriends,”
you were thinking back to finding out you weren’t sharing a room with your best friend, and instead the man you’ve thought about between your legs. 
she was fucking lying. 
“right…. hold that thought, actually.” you said blankly, lifting yourself from sitting on the wooden edge of the pier and fast walking your way to robin’s seat. 
one, it was hard to sit next to eddie without being awkward about his presence. and two, this would be your only time to talk to robin about whatever she had up her sleeve. 
eddie watched you walk off, how could he not, and watched as the pumpkin orange bikini get taken in between your asscheeks. he was definitely enjoying this view of your curvy silhouette, the rolls of your back, where the strings of your bikini bit into. he was enjoying all of this, and he immediately felt his cock harden again as he let himself consume all of you, and the way your thighs jiggled with every step. 
eddie could say he wouldn’t know what love is, which would be true, but whatever it was, he felt it when you came into the picture. he had crushes before, girls in the classes he barely went to, his newest supplier, a girl he made eye contact with once. but you, you torched his body into flames with every touch and laugh. he was consumed by you, his mind only thinking of ways to make you smile, to make you happy. he remembered your favorite foods, what color you chose to wear out more, and even your own childhood crushes. 
he wanted to be buried in them, to feel the way they suffocate him when he’s face to face with your thick core, spreading your lips to taste all of you. he couldn’t name a person that made him feel like you do, and he couldn’t imagine anyone else being made for him like you were. 
knowing eddie’s eyes were on you, you ignored it as you pulled robin up from her seat. 
“you were lying! steve didn’t fucking need your help, you were trying to set me up with eddie!” you hushed out, your cheeks hot. 
“what?! i would ne-” you tilted your head and looked at her blankly. 
“fuck okay, fine but steve helped me too!” your head whipped to steve who glared at robin and held his hands up in surrender. 
“why would you help?” you asked, confused as ever now. you looked between the two as they looked at each other as if they know something you don’t. 
“i mean, why would you want to set us up? eddie’s gay!” you said, as a matter of fact. 
“and he’s dating you is he not?” you asked questionably, pointing to steve and now as you understood their faces more. 
“what? no! you thought he was dating me?” steve exasperated from his seat, which wasn’t that far from where you stood. 
“eddie’s not gay… that’s why we tried to um, set you guys up because both of you thought the other one was dating us. so, we took it upon ourselves.” robin explained and you crossed your arms over your chest to put a hand on your forehead. 
“why would you think me and eddie were dating?” steve kept on, and robin shushed him as she looked back to you. 
“i mean does it seem like we’re dating? like, am i-” 
“steve. not now.” robin said curtly and you tapped your forehead. 
“eddie’s… not gay?” you whispered to yourself and looked back to him, only to see him standing behind you. 
“you thought i was gay?” eddie asked, finding it a little funny. he was amused, at least. not angry. 
“um, steve i need, uh,” robin said and looked at steve. “that thing, you know like that thing i was talking about that time-”
“just go!” you grumbled, keeping your eyes on eddie as you heard their footsteps falter. 
the only sound you can hear is nature, the lake, and your breathing. the sun was going down already, and the pink hue of the sunset coated the sky, and glimmered on eddie’s face. he looked beautiful, his curls were tighter given the lake water from earlier, dry now and his pale body was glistening with a small sheen of sweat from the humidity. 
“you thought i was dating robin.” you said to defend yourself and his eyes went wide.
“you’re not dating robin? but she’s been like talking about you since forever and the way she talks about you━wait so you’re straight?” he said once he remembered what he was talking about. 
“well no, i’m bisexual but, still like men.” you smiled.
there was a shift in the air once those words left your mouth, and when eddie’s eyes fell over your body from your face to your toes, you felt your core clench around nothing. there was something in his eyes that you’d never seen before, knowingly at least, and when your eyes raked over his body, you noticed a bulge in his trunks. 
now you felt bare to him, only in two pieces of small cloth that covered your most vulnerable areas. something that eddie noticed too, knowing that he could get you naked bare for him with a pull and a tug on your swimsuit. 
“so you’re single?” you blurted and bit your lip.
eddie smirked at the question, and stepped a little closer to you. 
“and ready to mingle, baby.” 
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it was fairly surprising that everyone decided to shower and settle for watching a movie on the tv in the cozy living room. the fireplace was lit, only because it was practically freezing inside. 
you were the last one to shower and after you finally got dressed in the humid bathroom, you ringed your hair dry with your towel and shook the strands apart. you decided that you were ready to hit the sack, wanting to get as much rest as possible before you find yourself out of breath and passing out from heat exhaustion the next day while you’re on your hike with the group. they wanted to actually try the whole campsite thing, roasting marshmallows and drinking water out of a can, meanwhile you just wanted to go dip in the lake again. 
you decided to say goodnight to everyone who was downstairs, half already snoring, sprawled out on the floor. one person you didn’t see was eddie, who you actively looked for until you guessed he was in the restroom. your heart was already in your chest as your feet hit each stair, only taking you further to having to spend eight hours in the same bed with eddie munson. 
maybe you were nervous. the thought of feeling this guy lay next to you in bed was putting a flutter in your tummy, everything felt like it flipped upside down when the confusion was cleared up between the two. no one ever made you feel like this, not even the six foot straight french girl who seduced you. 
before you could even open the door to the room you were hoping that you’d be asleep by the time he came upstairs, just so that the ache between your legs would finally settle down. but to your dismay, you opened the door to eddie, shirtless and laying on his back over the comforters. 
he sat up without a second thought, and you almost got whiplash with how quickly he moved and looked at you. 
“i can take the floor if you want,” suddenly you felt small. it was a weird feeling, but walking into this room to sleep with him only felt like it was an invitation for more. and you wanted more. 
“no it’s okay, i’m just ready for bed.” you said and smiled, closing the door and going to the right side of the bed. 
“can i turn this off?” you asked looking over your shoulder just to see him looking at the bare skin of your back that your skimpy little shirt didn’t cover. 
“you can do whatever you want, princess.” he muttered under his breath and you turned your head, smiling and pulling the beaded string until you heard a click. his lamp was still on as you pulled your legs into the lifted covers, sliding down to lay on your side and face the opposite direction of eddie. 
eddie on the other hand was thinking of what to say as he turned his lamp off, doing the same maneuver you did to get comfortable, except he was facing you. staring at your back again, his eyes went lower until the blanket was resting at the curve of your waist. he noticed where your shirt copied the and molded your rolls and back. 
eddie felt like now it was a free-for-all. knowing you’re not tied down to someone, and knowing you were still very attracted to the opposite sex. 
“steve and robin tried to set us up didn’t they?” he asked you from behind, his voice still very close to you. 
“they did,” you confirmed, softly. 
“did you want to be set up with me?” he asked, a little nervous. 
“if i tell you then robin and steve would be right.” you said and turned awkwardly to face him, now eye to eye. he couldn’t help but notice the way your tits pressed together. 
“who said we have to tell them the truth?” 
his hand didn’t waste a second to press into your cheek, his thumb rubbing over your lips to trace them. 
“you really want me?” eddie asked. 
there it was, the shift in the dark air that was only scarcely lit by the full moon flooding in through the bare window. 
you didn’t answer, you only shifted from your position to your knees, moving the blanket off of eddie to see his pale white skin, and straddle his hips when he laid on his back. your hands moved to his chest to steady yourself and his hands fell naturally to the dip of your curve, gripping into the fat of your hips.
he tilted his head to look up at you, your hair cascading down your shoulders to create a sort of shield around your face. he couldn't help but tug at a strand,making you smile. 
you just decided to go for it. all the nervousness and teasing and flirting built up to this, when you leaned down to press your lips into his. 
it was odd because eddie pictured this moment just like this, with you straddling him in just shorts and a loose fitting tank, watching your soft lips come closer to his with your eyes closed. you were so fucking cute, and he tried to constrain himself from going wild by digging into your skin. 
the kiss was soft first, eddie let you move your lips on his before he found a rhythm and moved with you, gentle, soft, teasing kisses to test the waters. you were growing wet with every minute you fixed your lips to his, using one hand to put right under his jaw, rubbing his throat with your fingers. 
you thought maybe eddie was just enjoying the kiss way too much as you got a little more messy, the two of you giving hard kisses, but the minute you felt something poking your inner thigh, you realized you had been grinding down on him the entire time. 
you pulled away first, leaving him just as breathless as you, but he followed you and sat up with you, chasing your lips. he had a dumb grin on his face, looking over your disheveled look to see where you two met. god, she looks fucked out already. 
“eddie?” you hummed, letting your fingers trace the small tattoos and the ones that lead to his manhood. 
“fuck, yes baby?” he breathed and watched you take your plush lip between your teeth and sit back fully on his clothed cock. he let out a strained groaned and it brought a smile to your face. 
“can i suck your dick?,” you asked unabashedly, “i’ve always wanted to, wanted to taste you,” 
eddie was practically already close to exploding in his pants, and you felt the throbbing of his cock against your ass now that he’s fully hard. you were sure that a wet stain would be left on his light colored pajama pants.
“you can do whatever you want with me doll, i’m for your pleasure,” he said as he watched you slide back down between his knees, eddie spreading them so you had more room to lay between him, and you rubbed at the skin above the hem of his pants to admire the growing bulge that was asking for relief, pleading. 
“you’re so fucking pretty, baby, can’t fuckin’ believe i could’ve had you since the beginning,” he said in a hushed voice. 
you didn’t take long to drag his pants down to his ankles letting eddie kick them off as your eyes stayed pointed at his cock. it looked almost painful, for you and him. he was throbbing, his cock jerking against his abdomen. you salivated, looking at him as you grabbed his shaft at the base and softly stroked him lazily, looking at every vein, every little freckle, and the waay his slit dripped with beads of pre cum. 
it was a sight to see. you heard eddie’s low moans as he sat up against the headboard, getting a view of you jerking him. 
“you’re dick is so pretty,” you murdered as you watched your fingers tease his slit to use the precum as some sort of lubricant, massaging the head. he let you take full control of him, and the way he tries to buck into your fist made your cunt clench around nothing. 
“baby, please,” he begged as you kept your lazy pace up. he was craving your mouth and before he could ask again, you directed his tip into your mouth to let your tongue swirl and play with the angry head. 
“ah, fuck-shit,” he hissed, finally feeling your mouth envelop him entirely, not faltering when you tried to stuff as much of his as you possibly could. you hollow your cheeks as you sucked him gently twice, releasing him with a pop, and smiling. 
he was focused on only you, not the laughter that came from downstairs, not the crickets singing outside of the window, only the way you went back down to take him in your mouth, reaching the back of your throat this time and gagging. 
“my fuck- fuck oh my god,” he strained, letting his hands find your hair to get a better view of your face. 
“so fucking good, taking my dick so well baby,” he praised and you moaned with your mouth still taking all of him, keeping the steady pace of bobbing, up and down his shaft with a hand wrapped around his girth, following the same motion of your mouth. 
it was a euphoric feeling eddie had, to see his crush be the one to take, or try to take all of him. the girl he’d dream about, think about going down on, was laying between his legs playing with his cock like it is your favorite thing to do. 
and slowly, it was becoming your favorite thing. your air was coming in through your nostrils as you cupped his balls, using the slobber that was falling down his cock to massage and fondle them as you flattened your tongue under the base of his shaft, forcing yourself to take all of him. he was trying to cover his moans with pants, but it wasn’t happening.. 
“fuck, just like that, you’re fucking filthy,” he said sitting up fully now so the top of your head was touching his belly button, still letting your drool and spit create a mess under your hands. you were loving this even when your jaw was crying, you liked being the center of attention for eddie. 
you released him again with a long string of spit connecting from your lips to the head of his cock, sitting up on your knees to become eye level with him, still using the spit to jerk him. your grip tightened, loosened, and teased around his red tip to watch his buck, and jerk his body to you. 
“need you to fuck me, please,” you asked politely, the spit still on your chin, your eyes watery and your nose a little runny. taking all of him was impossible for you, maybe with his help he’d be able to squeeze the rest of him down your throat to make room, but that was for another time. 
eddie’s eyes were on yours, then back between your two bodies to see how your hand worked against him, he felt the heat building up in his stomach, feeling the strings snapping with every stroke. 
before he could even release, he grabbed your wrist and halted your movements, using your vulnerability to flip you on your back, gripping your wrists beside your head. 
“so you do want me?” he queried, and you giggled. 
“no eddie, of course i don’t want you, i’m totally not soaking my panties right now,” you said unbelievably sarcastic as he moved to kiss your cheeks, your neck, licking your jawline and kissing you once more on your lips before he straddle you. 
“you’re gonna lay there, your hands up just like this, and you’re gonna be a good girl and take it, yeah?” he shifted, his voice dark and his eyes pitch black as he grinds his naked cock into your thin shorts. 
“eddie,” you pleaded, not wanting to keep your arms in the fixed position he held them in. 
“need you out of these fucking clothes now,” he said and immediately yanked your shorts and panties down, moving to your shirt. 
“take it off for me,” he encouraged and you did, reaching your tank and arching your back to get rid of it. he marveled at your complete nakedness, spreading your legs to situate himself between them. lifting your legs in the air while spreading them, eddie leaned back to take a mental picture of the way your pussy was dripping for him. slick sliding between the cheeks of your ass, over your hole and onto the bed sheets. 
“this all for me? no one else?” he asked as he tugged on his cock, stroking himself. 
“yes, you, only you, please,” you were bracing for the impact of his hardness pressing and stretching you out, but instead you felt the pads of his fingers trace down your tits, to your belly, to your fupa, and spreading the fat of your pussy lips to see all of you completely.
what he conjured up in his mind was nothing near the actual sight. it was breathtaking, the way your hair fell into a ring around your head, how your tits moved and jumped with every movement you made, the way your belly creased and curved with your legs mid air, the way your thighs looked so meaty with his inbetween. this was heaven, and you were god. 
he watched you completely as he sat back on his achilles, your legs still spread for him like the good girl you were, and teasing your clit. 
“i need to taste you,” eddie groaned, taking the wetness from your clenching hole up to your clit, rubbing smooth circles. 
“eddie, no fuck, please i wanna be full, please,” you moaned, louder than you intended, “you’re just so fucking big, and fucking pretty i just need t’ feel you, need all of you please eddie, give it to me,” 
he’d never seen you so fucking responsive, so vocal with him. he was remembering the way your voice dripped with urgency, and seduction. he couldn’t ever tell you no, even in circumstances of being fully clothed and feet away from each other. 
“just a taste, please baby,” he bargained, too distracted with the way your cunt sounded as he plays with your pussy. he was teasing your hole at this point, threatening to let you feel the stretch of one finger until he got too impatient to wait for your answer. he quickly dove down onto his stomach, letting his arms hook around your thighs and latching onto your cunt like a fucking bottle. 
“you-what the fu-, my god,” you tried to spit it out, but fuck his tongue swirling around your clit and the way his fingers kept your lips spread made you grind against his hand, moving your hands from where eddie told you to keep them and into his curly hair before he pulled up and landed a small slap on your pussy. he watched in enjoyment as it jiggled. 
“what’d i tell ya, keep those fucking hands right there baby, be good for me yeah?” he breathed, going back down to lay on his stomach, arms hooked even tighter now. Your hands were thrown up above your head, gripping onto the edge of the bed to stop yourself from yanking his long hair. 
“eddie, please, fuck,” you moaned out, the feeling of his finger inching inside you was a fucking tease. 
“shit, didn’t know you’d be this tight for me, needa stretch you a little bit, that okay?” 
“yes, fuck eddie it’s okay, just, fuck i need more,” you found yourself out of breath, eddie’s arm reaching from your thigh to toy with your nipple, watching every reaction he pulled from you. 
“pretty fucking pussy baby, look at you, taking my fingers so good for me,” he continued with the praises, the small words as he released your clit to focus on the way you were sucking his fingers, your walls gripping him tight. 
“fuck baby, cum for me, need to taste more of you,” he groaned, unable to help himself when his puts you back into the position of having your calves resting on his shoulders. until he folds you even more with his large hands, to where your knees are touching your shoulders, or at least as far as he could bend you to his preferred shape with your belly in the way. but he liked it, he loved seeing you so mendable for him, pushing your limits of how much you can take. 
he wanted you to be pon full display for him, being able to see both holes shine with your wetness.he practically held your ankles bound together to push against your chest, going back down for the third time to watch your cunt spread for him like this, to watch how you leaked down to your asshole. 
he licked a wide stripe from your clit to your asshole, licking and spitting on your tight hole to start rubbing his thumb to create a ring of spit on it. 
“tell me you want me, princess,” he ordered, eyes trained on the sight in front of him. 
“eddie i want you, fuck, fu-,” you breathed and tried to gasp for air, “need it,” 
“so good baby, look at you holding those pretty legs for me, let me eat you right,” you didn’t even notice your hands went from the edge of the bend to your legs, holding yourself spread open just for him. If anyone walked in right now, they’d see everything. 
the way you were laid for him made you wetter by the second, never being folded or manhandled this way, but as he grabs the cheeks of your ass to move and spread them, he spits on your cunt again and goes back to brutally assaulting your oversensitive bud. 
that pressure on your spine was familiar, and the way you felt tingles spread from your inner thighs to the rest of your body, even your legs going weak as you struggled to keep your eyes on his. it was beautiful, mesmerizing even the way he ate your pussy. it was pornographic, the slurping and wet sounds were only growing louder as eddie shook his head, his ose rubbing against your clit when he goes to lick and fuck your hole with his tongue at the same time. 
“i’m, cum, gonna-fuck eddie, im fuck-” you couldn’t even get it out before your eyes were clenched, your pussy pulsing and throbbing, pushing all of your release out of your hole where eddie was to lick up every drop.
the moans were eccentric, he’d never heard you this way and seeing you come undone because of him made his cock scream for touch. it was something he could listen to for hours, only wanting to finger fuck you and eat your sweet cunt just so he could listen to the little noises that made him feral.
“need to feel you sweet girl, let me fill this pussy,” he lets your legs fall from where they rested after you went slack during your orgasm, letting your feet plant on the bed bent at the knees. 
“can’t fucking  think when you’re looking at me like that, princess, do you want me to cum already?” he smiled, watching you watch him with pure adoration and desire, not seeing him as a freak or a lowlife.  
he saw your softness in your eyes, soothing a part of him that has never been healed until now. 
“please, eddie i want you to make me cum again,” you gasped, lifting your head a little to look over your stomach as much as you can, now letting your eyes lazily travel between eddie’s eyes and where he prodes your entrance with his tip. 
he took pride in the way he made you feel, how you looked sweaty and cockdrunk already. he couldn’t get enough of your frizzy hair surrounding you, and the smell of your shampoo mixing with sweat. 
“can’t believe you want me, you’re unbelievable,” he said, letting his cock slip between the fat of your pussy lips. he wanted to be covered in you, all of you. 
“you’re so big, eddie,” you groaned, feeling his length slip back and forth between your wetness. 
“you want it, baby? want me to fuck this pretty pussy?” he asked, his palm flat against the bed next to your head, gripping his manhood with the other. 
“fuck eddie, yes i need it, need all of you fuck,” you cried, gripping thr back of his neck to lift your head a little, watching your hips try to pushed down on him. 
“let me watch you take it, yeah? wanna see you stretch just for me, only for me,” 
he sat up on his knees and spread your legs, lifting them to rest on his shoulders as he admired your glistening sex. every part of you felt like you were burning up, all of your nerves subsiding and turning into pure greed for him, your want stronger than anything else. 
he pushed in slowly, softly, watching the fat head slip and disappear into your tight hole. 
“holyfuckingshit,” he rushed, watching you take him with a little resistance. it felt like a sting, but spreading into pleasure when you feel his balls against your asshole, filling you up completely. 
now, he pressed into your legs to fold you again, this time he was able to watch you and force you to see him as he ruined you for anyone else. 
“you’ve got to be kidding me,” he was out of breath already, the few slow strokes he did to the sound of your moans were to stretch you enough for him to lose control on you. 
“so, f-, so fucking big,” you almost felt the wind get knocked out of you as you feel the loss of his warmth and length, only to be pushed back into you with more force. hitting the back of your cervix repeatedly, he was lazily smiling at the sounds you were making for him. 
“oh baby, there you go, sound so fucking pretty for me,” he encouraged, letting his arms hook around your thighs for more leverage. he pushed you up a little further, almost bringing your chest to your chin as he pounded you harder. 
“e-eh, fuck, eddie, s’ lot- it’s, oh eddie,” you cried watching him, grinning with an open mouth as he pants out groans and moans from the way you gripped his cock. felt better than anything and anyone he’s ever fucked. 
“what, too much for my pretty girl? what happened?” he cooed, “thought you were, fucking hell, thought you could handle it,” he teased, taking your legs from his shoulders and using his hands to grip at your ankles, spreading further so that your legs are flailing in the air as he fucks you. 
it was fucking intense. you couldn’t make sense of anything but him buried inside you, the way your cunt twitched and squeezed around him, and just how close you were to another orgasm. 
“fuck, this pussy is mine.” he growled, gripping the fat of your stomach and waist, massaging, “always gonna be mine, sweet baby.” 
“tell me, sweetheart . tell me whose pussy this is and i’ll, jesus fucking christ,” he was cut off by the clenching of your cunt, your hole rapidly pulsing as his two fingers dove down to play with your clit, rubbing in lazy fast circles. 
“i’ll let you cum, tell me baby,” he urged and you tried to form the words, but nothing but sounds were coming out. the way your breasts jumped with every hard thrust, the way your fat jiggled on your thighs and tummy, how smooth and warm you felt under him, he was losing his mine. 
not to mention your little sounds. the whimpers, the silent begging, the cries and gasps for air, it was going straight to his cock that was already starting to twitch from your eyes on him. 
“it’s yours eddie, only you fill me up like this, please,” you finally mustered up the words, and you felt your own ball in your tummy growing bigger and bigger with the way you obsered eddie. 
out of breath, his hair was clinging to his sticky face and his silver chains he never took off dangled above you. you watched as his muscles flexed and gripped the hard biceps when he pulled you in for an embrace, holding you as he fucked you. 
your forehead rested against his right shoulder, peeking down to watch the sloppy mess between you grow wetter and messier. he looked down with you, pressing kisses into your damp hair and face. 
“look at that baby, creamin’ all on my dick, my fucking messy girl,” he was aggressive, more aggressive than you’d ever seen him and so much more filthy than anyone could comprehend. 
“look so good, fucking me,” you whispered, not even trying to get him to hear but he did. and he was encouraged by it, looking down again as he heard your labored pants in his ear. it was a beautiful sight. 
your pussy lips enveloped him completely, letting his length reach the deepest parts of you over and over again. your arousal was dripping down your ass even more now that the two of your juices were mixing together, and forming a white-ish ring around his cock. and it just kept building with every thrust, sending your pussy to clench around him again. 
your head was completely empty, nothing but the sensation of being filled to the brim over and over. it was incredible, and having already reached your peak once, to do it again was going to ruin you. 
he was already ruining you, the way he turned so dirty so fast, how he spoke to you and watched you completely. he took all of you in as much as he could and let himself watch you undo beneath him. 
“cum on my dick, baby,” he said, “pussy feels so fucking good sweet girl, don’t wanna fuckin’ pull out,” he sounded like he was slurring, and his fingers went faster on your overstimulating bud. 
he felt the clench of your cunt at his words. “aw you like that? wanna be full of me? give you my babies?” 
it was impossible not to scream no, tell him that mentioning babies was practically a threat to you, but the way he moaned those words as his hand went up to your throat just to grab a hold of you, and his other started to toy with your nipples. 
“eddie,” you dragged, crying out with your back arching when you felt your buildup finally crash over him. you didn’t even need to tell him, he could feel it by the way you twitched and how you clenched so hard you practically pushed him out of you. 
“fuck baby,” he said as he fucked your hole with his tip, the feeling of the curve and edge of the fat cockhead was a different sensation, and as he kept fucking you like that, slow and soft, you felt an oddity in your new buildup. 
it was faster, stronger, and as he teased your hole with just his tip, you were cumming again, but this time it was wet. you could heard the small gush over his cock, coating him and his pelvic bone as he gleamed at the sight below him and feeling his own release starting to snap. 
“fuck, eddie please, you fuck me so good,” you breathed as you pulled him flush to your chest, letting him still slip in and out of you lazily. 
“fill me, please, fuck i don’t care i need it, mark me, make me yours. please, its your pussy please cum inside of me,” you whispered in his ear in a cry, scratching down his pale back as he moaned against you. the vibrations of his noises sent a tingle all over your body, your nipples hardening again. 
the thought of eddie getting you pregnant was intense. for you at least, for eddie, he thought it was the best decision to ever make. of course he’d fill you up. why would he have the opportunity and not take it? he wanted everyone to see you knocked up with the freak’s baby, he wanted everyone to know even if you were too smart and too goddess looking for him, he had you. 
it was even sending another pulse to your cunt, letting your weak and abused hole tiredly clench on his. you were losing your breath at this point, you’d never been fucked and pleasured like this ever, never for this long either. 
he made sure to worship you, to cherish you, to make you feel sexy. he wanted to make you see what he saw, make you feel the way you made him feel. and this was it. 
he was falling in love with you, the way he felt like you were made for him even now was pulling at his insides, pulling hard enough to finally let him still his hips inside of you and letting his cock twitch at the deepest part of your cunt. 
“fucking, mine. my fucking pussy,” he groaned into your chest, your hands gripping in his hair and rubbing on his scalp. 
“s’ yours, only yours,” you said softly as you felt his cock twitch even more, until he groaned and slipped out of you. 
it was a new feeling, still feeling full even though all contact was lost between you two. still feeling warmth inside your cunt, until you felt the mixture of both of your releases leaking out of your hole and sliding down your ass. your eyes were closed after he got off of you, and you weren’t sure how he put on his clothes so fast but when the door opened again you saw him walk back in with a wet rag. 
“baby?” he asked, craning his neck to see your face in the dark. 
“mmm?” you hummed, still laying on your back after turning your head back to the ceiling. 
“let me clean you up and we can go to bed, does that sound good princess?” he asked, sitting on the edge of the bed to separate your legs again. 
you expected to feel the coldness of the rag, but you instead felt his fingers softly spreading your pussy lips apart and it sent a chill through you. 
“look so good like this, fuck, i think i really truly want to die by your pussy. please?” he said, letting his finger dip his cum back inside of your whole. 
“eddie,” you dragged, clenching your thighs together. he just smiled and chuckled a little. 
“alright, lets get cleaned up and you can take my shirt,” 
you lay there, trusting eddie as your eyes fluttered closed and felt him wipe between your legs and wipe your thighs, finding his shirt that he threw on a chair in the corner to bring back to you, but he already hears the soft snores coming from your body. 
he shook you a little before you finally opened your eyes again and smiled sheepishly at him, before listening to his commands and following them, still half asleep. 
all he asked was that you sit up and raise your arms, and he tugged the faded iron maiden shirt that was too big for him, but fitting just loose enough on you. before he could even pull the covers over you, still with your eyes closed, you gripped the blankets and pulled them over your bare legs up to your chin, and nestled into the softness. 
eddie was a man who did his fair share of sleeping around, with all types of people, and he’s been with older, smaller, skinnier, taller, bigger. but being with you, watching you and being able to sleep next to you was a fucking blessing he didn’t deserve. 
so he indulged in it, letting himself wrap you in his arms and holding you until you push him off because you’re too sweaty. 
but you don’t do that. you let eddie hold you all night even after hardly any words were exchanged after. and in your dream that night besides dreaming about your future with eddie, was a dream of you thanking robin and steve for their ridiculously foul plan. 
a ridiculous foul plan that worked. 
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sunflowersteves · 2 years
I know it's not weekend and I'm sooo sorry about the ask but currently can't get the thought out of my head and figured you may understand? Trying to be secretive and have sex etc. with Steve but there's people in the next room or whatever so you're trying to be quiet however Steve has made it his personal mission to get you to be as loud as possible? 🥴
omg no I love this idea,, dirty Steve harrington ;)
warnings || smut, public sex, vaginal sex, dirty talk, dom!steve, little bit of jealous!steve, possessiveness, partying, 18+ only
Music thumped against the hallow walls, the smell of weed and booze wafting through Steve’s walls.
Although, Steve’s mind was far away from the people downstairs. He had you pressed up against the hallway wall, your legs wrapped around his waist.
“S-Steve.” You whispered. You were trying to be quiet—especially being so out in the open where at any moment someone could walk in. They could walk in and see Steve fucking the life out of you.
One of his hands is holding you up on your hip, while the other intertwined your hand and held it above your head. Your skirt had rid up to your tummy as Steve’s cock pounded into your cervix—over and over.
But Steve? Steve just smirked. He knew you were trying to be quiet to not be caught. But Steve wanted to be caught.
“Oh, sweet girl. Why are you so quiet, hmm? Am I not making you feel good?”
You whine—it’s high pitched and shaky from Steve’s cock filling you up to his balls. You almost thought he couldn’t fit.
“N-No, Steve! You make me feel so good—f-feels so good.” A little bit of drool drips from your lips. Steve’s smirk only becomes wider. You’re just so cock drunk and he can’t get enough.
“Yeah? Why don’t you make those pretty little sounds then?” He leans closer to to your ear, his breath fanning against you. “Scream my name, baby. C’mon.”
You open your mouth to fulfill his wishes, but you could only choke on nothing. He almost laughs, your pitiful expression so amusing because his cock is so deep you can’t even scream.
“You don’t get to cum until you scream my name.”
Your eyes widen—knowing Steve is all too serious. You open your mouth again and you’re desperate. Your walls clench around his cock, pleasure teetering on the edge. “P-Please—”
“Sorry, baby, but I said you can’t—” He starts to pull out of you, but your legs tightened around his waist. He can’t pull out now. Not when you’re so close. So so close.
“N-no, please. S-Steve! Please, Steve!”
You were loud. So loud. You made sure that even through the blaring music that you could be heard. You needed Steve to know that you were heard.
He slams back into you—your crashing against the mundane walls. Your mouth hung open in garbled screams and sighs. His hips sputtered from your sweet spongey walls hugging his cock.
“Yeah? Gonna let Eddie hear you? Oh, baby, don’t look at me like that. You know I saw him flirting with you. Saw him lookin’ you up and down.”
His hand squeezed your own, fingers still intertwined despite his mean stature. “Gonna cum for me? Yeah, cum on my cock. L-Let me feel you, sweet girl. Let Eddie hear you.”
And you do, you cum so hard that you start to see stars. Your screams are even louder than before—knowing for sure that people have definitely heard you now. Steve groans at your pulsating hole gripping his cock even harder before.
“S-Shit, baby, yeah. I’m—I’m gonna cum, shit!” Thick ropes of his cum spurt into your walls. You’re still riding out your high, the delicious feeling of his cum made you whine.
He slowly pulls out of you, letting out a small “fuck” as he watched the cum leak from your lips. He gently lifts you up into his arms—his own legs slightly wobbly from his high.
You just smile, pressing your head into his neck. “So, you jealous of Eddie, huh?”
He groans, knowing that this won’t be let down. Ever. “Shut up.”
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heartsoji · 1 year
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starring the bllk boys!
featuring kunigami rensuke, chigiri hyoma, and bachira meguru
a/n: sigh some easy headcanons bc i simply cannot write anymore
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acts of service!
pls acts of service just screams him
hes your hero, after all! hes at your service
you're hungry? here, have some of his food!
on your period? chocolate and midol for you!
cant go to sleep? he has a bottle of melatonin and huge, snuggly arms
he will literally do anything you ask
he's def an 'actions speak louder than words' typa guy so he feels that when he does something for you, its proof of his love
ALSO something that i was thinking ab was yk how kunigami is ripped
if ur feet were tired, he'd carry you on his back with ease
'are you sure im not too heavy?' *looks back at you with disappointment and betrayal* 'hell no."
hes a sweetie
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words of affirmation!
hes a rizzler, ok
he says cheesey things with the same composure he'd have if he was taking a nice stroll in the park
"the stars, the sun, the moon. they're supposed to shine bright, but they pale in comparison to you" with a calm, soothing smile
ok sorry
he also provides really good comfort!
if you're crying from a rough day, he's there with you, rubbing your back, whispering sweet things into your ear
"it's ok, love. i know it feels like the end of the world now, but it was etc etc" WITH HIS SILKY SMOOTH VOICE UGH
ok i hc that after he gives you those cheesy poetic compliments, he makes you look him in the eyes and just lets you melt into putty in his arms
hes just so
(can u tell i love chigiri)
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quality time + physical touch!
he love love loves spending time w/ you
he plans the most fun dates ever and he always makes sure you have a great time
picnic dates, arcade dates, amusement park dates, you get it
hes just so thoughtful and his laughter is literally contagious
hes one of the guys who will be happy just by being with you (and his happiness is contagious so youre happy too)
also hes super touchy
big fan of back hugs. you'll be standing there when you suddenly feel him ram into you, arms circling around your waist
a big cuddler also
i could def see him being either a little or big spoon tbh
he just loves being close to you
sometimes you'l be laying in bed when you hear a "YAHOOO" (like mario) and suddenly hes ramming down on top of you as you let out a loud, "OW"
he has the tightest hugs ever
just grabs you and squeezes you and spins you around
also loves dancing with you
he'll put on some fun music and he just spins you around and laughs and has fun
pls hes so cute i love him
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heartsoji 𑁍 please do not steal, plagiarize, or repost onto any platform. thank you!
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jhpeg · 2 years
thick thighs save lives
plus size reader has a shitty boyfriend. eddie is a sweet king who would happily die being crushed between her thighs. both eddie and reader are over 18.
part two!
part three!
word count: 5k (oops)
rating: nsfw 18+ because swearing, drug use, alcohol, oral sex f receiving, squirting, coming in pants. there is a physical altercation between reader and bf, eddie fighting etc i’m sorry idk how to tag these things
a/n: this is my first attempt at smut and my second fic ever so any feedback is so very appreciated! not beta’d so errors are all on me. could possibly do a part two if anyone is interested???
coming back to hawkins after graduation had never been in your master plan, you had vowed that once you hit the city limits that evening after saying goodbye to your parents, you would never look back. after enduring years of ridicule from your peers, your parents and as of lately, your own damn boyfriend about your appearance, you had convinced yourself that there wasn’t a single soul within the small town that could see beauty in any size above a 10.
despite your detailed plan to stay at least 5 miles away from hawkins at all times, you were currently breaking your own rules as you pulled into the driveway of your boyfriends parents house, barely able to get the car in park before he was out of the car and into the awaiting arms of his parents. the days leading up to this moment had involved a couple of screaming matches, nights on the couch while your boyfriend took the bed, awkward silences and a lot of tears. all of that in an attempt to convince cody that there was no reason you needed to join him at his parents 27th anniversary party. you had only been seeing him for 8 months, were they even at that stage yet? meeting parents, extended family? who had a party for an odd numbered anniversary, anyway?
jolted from your thoughts by cody banging loudly on the window, telling you to hurry up and get out of the car and meet his awaiting family, you inhaled a deep breath and checked yourself in the rear view mirror before putting on your sweetest smile and slipped into the character of the perfect girl, for their perfect son. the bags were fetched by your boyfriends two younger siblings as you were ushered inside and sat down on a couch in the living room next to your boyfriend, his parents sitting opposite the two of you. all you needed now was a spotlight on you and this would feel like an episode of criminal minds, yourself as the suspect. your crimes? not being good enough for their sweet, do nothing wrong, angel of a son.
after what felt like hours of questions about your past, present and future plans with cody, you were finally able to slip away to the guest bedroom to clean yourself up and get ready to meet some of your high school friends at the hide out bar, another place you had vowed to not get sucked into by hawkins but apparently their favourite band was playing. alcohol would help and hopefully some loud music would drown out the thoughts that were lingering in your mind from the exhausting afternoon you had experienced.
your boyfriend drove the two of you to the dive bar, promising you he would stay sober so you could have a good time with your friends. you were wearing a pair of acid wash jeans that had a few rips around the thighs and a loose fitting judas priest t-shirt. you had thought that your clothing choice wouldn’t have brought any ‘jokes’ from your boyfriend, as he liked to call them. you were mistaken when he reached over to grab your thigh, specifically where the jeans were ripped and he let out a short laugh to himself, “babe, you look like those pieces of meat wrapped with string!” he laughed harder after he had spoken, too busy enjoying his humour to see your jaw clenching tight. his attention was back on you when you slapped his hand away and got out the car as soon as he pulled into a parking space. “fucking asshole,” you muttered to yourself, counting your lucky stars that cody hasn’t heard you as he ran to catch up and put a possessive hand around your waist. “you know i’m just playing babe, i don’t care that you’re bigger than other girls.” you could have punched him right then and there.
the sound of ‘the hellion’, one of your favourite songs from judas priest in the distance was enough to switch your anger from joy. if the night was starting this way, it was surely only up from here. you met your friends in the doorway, taking part in the typical traditions of squealing ridiculously and hugging each other before making your way to the bar and ordering yourself a vodka cranberry, a coke for your boyfriend who stood next to you with his hand on your lower back. once you had your drink in hand, you turned your attention to the band that was playing, your eyes landing on a handmade banner that hung above the small stage, “corroded coffin,” you said to yourself, almost gasping aloud when you remembered where you had heard that name before.
your eyes scanned the four members of the band, landing on the guitarist and your cheeks flushed red. no fucking way was eddie munson still in hawkins, playing at the dive bar with five drunk men singing along sloppily to current song. you had been in the same grade as eddie but you hadn’t ever had the guts to speak to him, you simply admired from afar and reminded yourself that you were getting the hell out of dodge when graduation day hit. you remembered hearing that eddie hadn’t graduated, but you had put it down to small town gossip and even if it was true, why was it their business anyway? he clearly didn’t need brains when he had those skilled fingers currently playing ‘pain and pleasure’ another one of your favourite tunes. and that face, those big brown eyes and his long curls could get him anywhere he wanted, you were sure of it.
you didn’t miss the feel of your boyfriends hand on your back, too immersed in the band playing and enjoying the company of your old friends to see where he had gone. that being until the band finished up and you saw cody at the bar, standing close enough to a female that you didn’t recognise, close enough that to make your skin crawl. you stood like a deer in headlights before the anger took over, driving your feet forward quickly as you approached the two of them. when you were a few steps away from the two, you were grinding to a halt at the site of their lips colliding hungrily. “are you fucking kidding me?!” you yelled, happy to draw the attention to the situation, your fists clenched and your cheeks flaming hot. “you drag me back to this hell hole to kiss the first girl you see?!” you continued, grabbing the front of your boyfriends shirt and using your body to push him into the bar. “what the fuck is wrong with you, huh?”
eddie hadn’t expected anything interesting to happen, nothing ever did when his band played every friday at the hide out. the usual crowd were around, a few extra people that were celebrating the end of their week with a drink, but nothing rowdy. that being until eddie was setting his guitar down on the stand after wrapping up, the sudden yelling making him nearly jump out of his skin. “jesus, what the-“ he turned, eyes finding the source of the yelling. now it was his turn to look like a deer in headlights, seeing what seemed like a ghost for the first few seconds that it took for his brain to catch up with the situation. eddie knew her, had known her since middle school, watched her from afar in high school, always too scared off rejection to ever approach her.
to eddie it looked like the situation was heading south fast, the way she grabbed what he assumed was her boyfriend and shoved him into the bar, enough to send a couple of shot glasses to the floor. he willed himself to stay back, almost smirking at the sight of y/n manhandling him, it seemed to eddie like the jerk deserved it from what he had heard you yelling viciously at him. a few moments passed where eddie watched her holding him by his shirt, it looked like you were in control of the situation. the script seemed to flip suddenly and eddie saw red, running across the room rapidly when he saw the guy grab y/n by her throat, flipping their position and holding her shorter frame against the bar.
you hadn’t been prepared for the large hand around your throat, a sharp ache in your back as you were shoved into the bar painfully. “f-fuck off,” you gasped, pushing at his chest in an effort to get him off you. he snarled and leaned into you, his breath hot on your face and it stunk of alcohol as soon as it hit your nostrils. cody pushed you harder into the bar top, narrowing his dark eyes at you as his hand tightened on your throat, “worthless bitch,” he spat, ignoring the pleads from your friends to let you go. “you think you deserve me? i didn’t sign up to date a fat bitch.” the words hit like bricks, it was nothing you hadn’t said to yourself but when it came from someone who you thought you could trust, it stung in a different way. tears stung at your eyes and in a matter of seconds, you were dropping to the floor from your boyfriends grip being ripped away from you.
eddie snagged the back of your boyfriends shirt, yanking firmly and shoving him away from the bar top and more importantly, you. “touch her again, i fucking dare you,” eddie shouted, pushing him again until his back hit one of the round patron tables. eddie was seeing red, throwing punch after punch to his face until the bartender was present and pulling eddie away. luckily he had heard and seen what had happened and he knew eddie well, resulting in y/n’s boyfriend being forcefully removed. once eddie knew that the douchebag was gone, his eyes scanned for you rapidly. you were still on the ground, catching your breath as your friends fussed over you before helping you to your feet.
“i’m fine, i’m okay,” you gasped out to reassure your friends, rubbing your throat where your ex-boyfriends hand had been a few moments ago. you smiled thankfully at the bartender who offered you some water, quickly chugging almost half the bottle. “what a fucking psycho,” you sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. your mind was still reeling from what had happened in a matter of seconds, you scanned the room to see everyone in the bar staring at you. this was a literal nightmare. but soon your eyes landed on what was once a dream, now reality as eddie munson stood in front of you, looking out of breathe and in a trance.
you approach him slowly, forgetting your friends who stared at you in confusion. “eddie?” you stood in front of him, keeping some distance between the two of you. he nodded dumbly, amazed that this was the first time you had spoken a word to each other, of all times and places. “that’s me,” he said with an awkward laugh, bringing his stinging hand to the back of his neck. “you’re.. y/n?” he asked, hoping and praying to anyone listening that he had remembered your name correctly. your lips broke into a smile and you nodded, “yep, that’s me,” you said quietly, noticing his hand that looked red and already bruised go behind his neck. “oh, shit! let me.. uh.. let’s get some ice on that, yeah?” you figured this was a good start to thanking him for stepping in.
you figured eddie was a regular act at the bar with the way he walked around the counter as if he was at home. he grabbed a towel, bunching it around a handful of the ice to hold against his knuckles. you had stayed behind the bar, watching him make an ice pack for what you could only imagine was a very sore hand. you looked over your shoulder at your friends, then back to eddie. “hey eddie, i’ll be back in one second, okay?” you said to him, waiting to see him nod before you approached your friends. “guys, i’m gonna hang back and make sure eddie is okay. i should also buy him a drink, i’ll deal with cody later,” you said, ignoring their confused looks and brushing them off, “go, go! i’ll be fine, i’m a big girl,” you laughed, albeit a bit weakly. anything to get them off your back. they seemed hesitant but left you to it, making sure you promised to call if you needed a place to crash.
you went back to eddie who was now sitting on the bar stool with two beers in front of him, looking at you like a puppy whose owner had just arrived home. “hey!” you frowned at the beers, narrowing your eyes playfully at eddie, “i owe you a drink, not the other way around!” you huffed, taking the seat next to him and despite your protest, you downed a good portion of the cold beer. after a few minutes of comfortable silence, your fingers picked at the label on the beer bottle and your eyes looked anywhere but at eddie. “i- eddie, thank you. my boyfriend, well i guess ex boyfriend now.. he never.. he hasn’t done anything like that before,” the words came out stammered, your breath getting caught around the lump in your throat as tears began to spill down your cheeks.
eddie’s heart broke at the sight of you crying and he rushed to gather you up in a tight hug, knowing that’s what he would have wanted if the roles were reversed. he had imagined this moment many times, imagined what it would feel like to have your soft body wrapped up in his. he would sometimes indulge further, imagining his hands getting to map out every inch of skin before exploring the map with his mouth. “hey, hey,” he soothed softly, holding the back of your head as you cried into his shoulder. “you’re okay, you’re safe. he’s gone. i’ve got you,” he could feel you shaking, but you were allowing yourself to be enveloped by his arms and accept the safe space. eddie thought about his options and where the line was in this scenario, all he wanted was to make y/n feel better and take her mind off of the events that had happened. he cleared his throat, shifting so that he was looking into your eyes that seemed to look anywhere but his, “sweetheart, how about we get out of here? feel free to slap me but this place is a bore and i have weed in my van, if that’s your gig.”
you were nodding before eddie had even finished his sentence. you needed nothing more than to get out of there after what had happened and it wasn’t like you had plans anymore. “yeah, fuck yeah let’s get out of here,” you said with a quick nod, chugging back the rest of your beer and you definitely didn’t miss the smirk from eddie as he watched you. he did the same before grabbing ahold of your hand, lacing your fingers as he walked you to his van that was parked around the back of the bar.
you were tense for the short walk to his van, gripping eddie’s hand until he opened the passenger seat to his van for you, waiting for you to be seated comfortably before he shut the door and made his way to the drivers side. he tapped his fingers along the steering wheel for a moment, pursing his lips then turning to face you with the sweetest eyes you had ever seen. “would you be comfortable coming back to my place? i have some weed, alcohol and music?” he asked cautiously, worried he was teetering close to the line of things that were not appropriate to do with someone who had practically been mauled by their boyfriend.
you didn’t need the promise of weed, music or alcohol, being alone with eddie was all you could ever want. anything else was just a bonus. “i’d like that, eddie,” you looked at him, really looked at him and he looked even more beautiful than you had originally thought. the way he looked at you, like you were providing the air that was keeping him alive, the one holding up the moon and the stars. no one had looked at you like that before and even though this had been the shittiest night of your life, there seemed to be a way to turn it around and enjoy what would probably be a once in a lifetime moment. you smiled wider when eddie clapped his hands together at your response, his smile bright and he was quickly starting the van, making the short drive to the trailer park. neither of you spoke on the drive but the silence wasn’t tense or awkward, it was peaceful and you knew you were safe.
eddie unlocked the door, giving it a push with his foot when it got stuck then holding it open for you. you moved past him with a thankful smile, your eyes immediately caught by the walls that were lined with more mugs than you could have imagined would be in one room. eddie followed behind, simply watching you take in your new surroundings. he also didn’t mind taking in your body for the first time that night now that things were settled and they had left that part of the night behind. he couldn’t help his eyes fixating on your ass, who could blame him? he admired the way your thick thighs filled out the jeans, hugging your figure beautifully. “judas,” he mumbled, taking note of the t-shirt you were wearing. “you like judas priest?” he asked, stepping closer to you until he reached his hand to touch the faded pattern on the back of your shirt.
your breath hitched at the unexpected touch of eddie’s fingers on your back, feeling the heat of his fingertips through the only layer that stopped him from touching your bare skin. not that he wanted that, he was simply admiring a mutually loved band tee. “who doesn’t?” you teased, turning on your heel to face eddie and you gasped when you came near face to face with him, only a mere inch away from his lips. “s-sorry, i probably shouldn’t have chugged that beer,” you laughed, stepping back and diverting your gaze from eddie. you were only tipsy, but it was an easy excuse. “you said something about weed?” you asked, a hopeful smile on your lips and you found yourself laughing as eddie grabbed your hand and ran you down the hall to his bedroom.
“sorry about the mess, wasn’t plannin’ on having a pretty girl here tonight,” eddie said, frantically throwing the pile of clothes off his bed, straightening the covers as much as he could but you stopped him from doing much more when you sat on the bed. you smiled fondly, sitting yourself down in favour of getting off your feet and out of your boots, your feet were aching and you yearned for the softness of a bed. “it’s no problem, eds. sit with me?” you looked up at him, watching him frown and kick a couple more things aside before sitting down next to you on the bed with his back against the wall and his legs splayed out, his tin lunch box sitting on his lap. he had thankfully pre rolled some joints, he never had the energy after a show to roll. “here you go, sweetheart,” he smiled widely, holding out the joint to you in one hand with a lighter in the other hand.
one hour and two joints later, you were on cloud nine, the cloud in this scenario being eddie’s face. “fucking hell, eddie,” you moaned, gripping his hand that was on your hip, reeling at the sensation of his cold rings against your hand, knowing they were going to create indents in your hips soon. you couldn’t remember who went in for the kiss first but it had all been a blur of hurried tugging of clothes, a stubbed toe and a bra clasp stuck on eddie’s hair. all of those leading up to him begging you to sit on his face, his pleas mumbled out around your nipple as he sucked eagerly, “baby, please. please let me taste you, i want you on my face. please?” your first answer had been no, protesting that you were going to crush him, but you could only resist him for so long when his tongue was already proving to be just as talented as you had imagined. you had asked him three times if he was sure, hovering above his chest nervously and with the fourth time, he grabbed your hips and pulled you down until your pussy was flush against his lips.
eddie was sure he had died and gone to heaven the moment y/n finally gave in to her wants, her wet pussy colliding with his lips which drew a low moan from his lips. “princess, you taste so fucking good, my god,” he groaned, lapping eagerly at your clit, his eyes locked on yours. he brought the hand that wasn’t entwined in yours up to your mouth and you immediately parted your lips, sucking on two of his fingers eagerly while grinding slowly against his tongue. you moaned around his digits, chasing them as eddie pulled them from your mouth which made him chuckle. “you’re fucking beautiful,” he growled, bringing the soaked digits to your hole that was already more than wet enough to take him, he had simply wanted to see your mouth full and your spit on his fingers. you threw your head back when he plunged his fingers in, giving you no time to adjust as he was curling his fingers up and pressing in with slow, deep movements.
eddie was lapping at your clit, his moans sending vibrations through your body that rattled your bones and pulled a loud moan from your lips, “eddie, fuck- oh my god!” one of your hands found its way into eddie’s curls while the other was behind you on eddie’s chest, your fingers clutching at the soft hairs.
eddie’s eyes squinted open when he felt your fingers slink into his hair, almost like you knew it would make him weak. he considered keeping his thoughts to himself but he was feeling a little bit selfish, needing something to ease the ache of his hard dick that pressed into the denim of his jeans. “pull my hair, please?” he hadn’t intended to sound so needy, but having a literal goddess sitting on his face did things to a man, who could blame him?
you raised your eyebrow slightly at eddie’s request, never having encountered anything quite like him in your past sexual experiences but how could you deny those sweet eyes staring up at you? you couldn’t. “anything for you, eds,” your fingers curled tighter around his locks before tugging firmly which in turn brought his face closer against your wet heat that he continued to suck and lap at like his life depended on it, a deep groan coming from him as you pulled on his hair again, earning yourself another moan from the gorgeous boy below you. “you like that, don’t you?” the answer was already loud and clear, but you were really starting to enjoy this little game eddie had started.
eddie nodded rapidly, taking a quick moment to lean his head back and take a breathe after suffocating himself inside her sweet nectar. “fuck yeah baby, keep pulling, just like that,” he moaned, diving straight back into your clit with vigour while his fingers doubled in speed, filling the room with the wet noise of his fingers fucking you open. “come for me baby, i want you to come on my face, wanna taste you,” he thought he sounded pathetic and horny but you seemed to enjoy it if your high pitched moans were anything to go by.
there was a deep pressure building in your stomach, the constant force of eddie’s fingers inside of you and his lips locked around your clit brought you to the edge and you physically couldn’t stop your thighs from clenching around his head while you rode the incoming wave of ecstasy. you had anticipated that eddie would have stopped but he pushed further, deeper and faster inside you, making you near scream from the sheer force of him, “e-eddie! i can’t, i ca-“ the crashing force of please cut you off as something you had only ever seen in porn happen, too quickly for you to move away from eddie’s face, a quick gush of liquid streamed from your pussy and onto eddie’s awaiting tongue.
eddie’s eyes flew open wide when he felt the first splash on his tongue, followed by some more that he eagerly slurped up until you were wiggling away from him, feeling far too over sensitive for another touch. “holy hell, y/n. did you just squirt on me?” licking his lips, eddie gently helped you move onto the bed and lay down on your stomach while you caught your breathe, his hand resting on your back.
it felt like years before you could speak again, turning your head to rest your cheek on eddie’s pillow so you could look at him and you couldn’t help but blush wildly when you saw the wetness coating the lower half of his face. “i.. i guess?” shyness was starting to creep back now that the high was fading and you reached out to find something to cover yourself, not getting too far before eddie was sliding his arm around your waist and bringing your back against his chest, making you the little spoon. “where you off to, beautiful?” his soft voice trickled through your ear, making it easy to melt into his hold. “sorry, kind of a habit,” your words were barely above a whisper.
eddie hummed happily when you curled into his arms, feeling bold enough to slink his arm around your front and rest his hand on your tummy. “this okay?” he asked, smiling brighter when you nodded and hummed in approval. you leaned back into eddie, nudging your nose against his curls. “do you need.. i mean.. are you.. can i do anything for you?” you sighed at your awkwardness, cursing at yourself internally. eddie chucked and shook his head, pressing his lips against your ear. “i’m good, i blew my load when you squirted on me,” he answered simply with a shrug. “how about i clean us up and then we can sleep, if you want to stay?” he put on his best puppy eyes, even going as far as to pout at you.
your heart jumped happily in your chest when eddie asked if you wanted to stay, meaning you could live in this safe bubble for a while longer. “i’d love that eddie, thank you.” you smiled, sitting up and following him to the bathroom where he ran a wash cloth under warm water, bringing it between your legs and around your thighs until you were all cleaned up. he removed his jeans and sticky boxers, kicking them to the corner of the bathroom to address another time, preferably when he didn’t have the prettiest girl in his bed. he remained close to you, his hand on your back as you walked back to the bedroom and all but collapsed into the awaiting bed.
the thin sheet on eddie’s bed covered you while eddie locked up the trailer and switched the lights off, returning to you with a running start from the hallway and a leap of faith onto the bed which sent you both into a fit of giggles. the sheet now gone, your naked body was entwined with eddie’s as you settled into him, your head on his chest and one leg swung across his hip. “thank you, for.. well, everything,” you whispered, the darkness of the room making the words easier to speak into reality. eddie smile, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. “you’re welcome, princess. get some rest now, yeah? it’s been a long night,” he hummed, smoothing his fingers through your hair.
you dozed off in a matter of minutes, the events of the night catching up to you quickly now that all the adrenalin was gone. eddie waited for you to start snoring softly, telling him you were in a deep sleep before he allowed himself to let sleep take him, his eyes sliding shut but not before he gave one last squeeze to the beautiful woman in his arms.
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bratzforchris · 9 months
hi!!! i’m a newer follower and have been reading your work for a while before following, and i was wondering if i could request a fem!reader and dom!luke smut where luke and the reader is part of the band, and like and reader are in an interview talking about meanings behind songs, and he admits he wrote valentine and no shame about reader, knowing that reader had a massive crush on him and then they eventually yk 😋
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Summary: Above
Pairing: Luke x feminine and lead singer!reader
Warnings: sexual content, some language/blasphemy (oh god, etc.), p in v, hair pulling, genital worship, small hints at a sir and size difference kink, oral (m receiving), fluffy ending
Word Count: 3695
A/N: Thank you for the request, anon! This was so sweet and fun to write. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things after traveling for my 5sos shows and getting settled at college, so thanks for your patience<3
Please do not read if you are under 18
“Please welcome…5 Seconds of Summer!” Ryan Seacrest cheered as he welcomed you and the boys to the stage. 
You and the guys walked out, waving to the fans who had made the journey to come to the On Air studio. With it being CALM release week, this was the fourth radio show today, but you didn’t mind. You loved it. 
“Take a seat, guys. How are you?” Ryan asked, sitting down in his host chair. 
“We’re good!” You smiled, sitting in between Luke and Michael. 
At the very start of your career, you and the boys had decided that you would be the sort of “spokesperson” for the band. As the female lead singer, the boys wanted your fans to have someone to look up to. You always tried to do that, not only for the fans, but for yourself. 
“So, let’s talk CALM,” Ryan smiled. “What do you think, Michael?”
“I think CALM is our best album yet, honestly. We did a lot of exploring in not only our music but in us as well, y’know?” Michael said, talking animatedly. 
You and Luke looked at each other and shared a smile, looking into each other’s eyes. The making of CALM had been a new time for you both. Luke had begun to explore his femininity more and you had encouraged him the whole time. Being the only girl in the whole band, you were the one he came to when he had started wanting to wear makeup. You were both so caught up in looking at each other that you didn’t even notice Ryan asking a question. 
“Luke?” Ryan asked. “Luke, you with us?”
Luke snapped out of his trance, looking away from you and towards Ryan. “Sorry.” he said sheepishly, flashing that million-dollar-smile that made the girls in the audience scream. 
“Now that you’re paying attention,” he chuckled. “Which song on CALM has the most personal meaning to you?”
Luke pretended to mull it over in his mind, but he knew what the answer was. It was the one song he had written solely alone. He usually ran songs by you guys before they were finished, but this one felt more personal. Mostly because he hadn’t felt like being asked what the song was about during the writing process. 
“Probably No Shame.” he smiled softly. 
“That’s an interesting choice, y’know. Because it’s not one of the deeper songs. It’s fun, it’s upbeat, it’s loud. Can you explain that choice to us more?” Ryan waved his hand across the crowd, looking at Luke. 
Luke blushed, his cheeks tulip-pink. He had only told one person the real meaning of No Shame, and it was Ashton. He hadn’t planned on saying it on national television, but it was now or never. 
“Can I admit something?” the blond asked. 
“Absolutely, let’s hear it.” Ryan grinned, eager for any pieces of juicy gossip on his show. 
You, Calum, and Michael looked at Luke, cocking your head. Your answers for live-viewing shows were usually pre-planned so it was incredibly odd that Luke was going off-script. He wasn’t usually one to do that. 
“I wrote No Shame about Y/N…” Luke blushed, giggling and covering his hands with his face. 
The crowd went wild. You looked over at Luke who had hunched over, covering his face with his hands. Despite your shock, you couldn’t help the blush that crept onto your cheeks as well. You smiled over at Luke, placing your hand on his knee as the other boys exploded into fits of giggles. 
“God, I can’t believe I just said that on national TV.” Luke mumbled. 
You giggled yourself, looking up at Luke with happy eyes. You’d had a crush on the beautiful blond for quite some time now, but hadn’t acted on it. In your mind, Luke was way out of your league. Even though you were both lead singers, there was just something about Luke that made him a star. Looking up at him made something shift in you, though. If he could admit such big things about you on national TV, then you could do the same to him. 
You tilted your chin up and pecked Luke’s freckled cheek, giggling softly. “I like you too, Luke.”
“Well, if that isn’t a moment that will go down in On Air history!” Ryan cheered, looking out at the audience and encouraging them to up the cheering. 
You and Luke were both red in the face as the crowd cheered and your other bandmates egged you on with dumb jokes. It had been a leap of faith, but seeing everyone’s positive reactions so far made the both of you confident in your decision. 
The show eventually came to an end, with the last segment being an unscripted part where the band read the latest tweets about you and Luke. Most of them used the term “OTP” and had a plethora of heart emojis, but you and Luke couldn’t care less. 
“That was amazing, guys!” Your manager smiled once the cameras were cut and you were walking backstage. “Great way to boost the ratings for them and us.”
“Oh…that…wasn’t for publicity,” Luke mumbled sheepishly. “It’s the truth.”
You smirked, grabbing your songwriting journal from off of a coffee table and throwing it into your tote bag. “Same here.”
“Ugh, lovebirds.” Calum rolled his eyes jokingly as he brushed past you, heading to the bus.
Eventually, you and Luke followed the rest of the crew out to the bus, trailing slightly behind everyone else. It was a warm, March day; the perfect type of weather for crush confessions, in your opinion. 
“So, um, sorry if that was awkward.” Luke rubbed the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact. 
“I’ve liked you for a while too,” You giggled. “Valentine is actually about you.” You said, looking down at your Doc Martens. 
“Really?” Luke asked, finally making eye contact with you. 
“Mhm.” You whispered softly, tucking a strand of your dyed-purple-hair behind your ear and smiling up at him. 
Luke giggled and your heart swelled. You had always thought his laugh was the cutest sound ever, but thought that if you told him that, he would think you were flirting with him. Now seemed like the perfect time to say it, though. Couldn’t get anymore ballsy than you’d already been today. 
“I’ve always loved your laugh. It’s so pretty.” You told him honestly. 
The blond blushed, before picking you up and spinning you around. “I know it’s early for this, but do ya know what I love?”
“You.” he said, planting a soft kiss on your lips. 
You grabbed the back of Luke’s head and neck softly, entangling your fingers in his blond curls before kissing him back just as deeply. It wasn’t a “sexy” kiss per say, it was more of a kiss with longing. You and Luke had both wanted each other for so long, but had been too scared to act on it, and now you were finally doing so. As you pulled back from each other and giggled, Luke carried you up the bus steps and inside, still holding you with your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands under your bum. 
You heard the low chuckles as Luke carried you past where they were sitting in the living area, but right now, you didn’t care. All you cared about was Luke’s body on yours after wanting him for so painfully long. The blond carefully laid you down in his bunk, pulling off your shoes before doing the same for himself and climbing inside. He let out a shy giggle, looking at you with nothing but love in his eyes. 
“You’re so beautiful. I’ve wanted to tell you that for a really long time.” Luke admitted. 
You sat up and pecked Luke’s lips again. “I feel the same way, Lu. But I do have a question.”
“Mhm.” he mumbled, rather lost in thought as he looked at you. 
“Did you really write ‘I love the way you’re screaming my name’ about me?”
Luke chuckled. “I did,” he said with no embarrassment, craning his head to softly suckle on your neck where the neckline of floral, scoop-neck dress dipped. “Is this okay?”
You moaned lowly, moving to sit yourself in his lap. “Please. Keep doing that.”
The blond did as told, slowly making his way from behind your ear to your collarbone, leaving gentle hickeys everywhere. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” he mumbled. 
You blushed at Luke’s words, slowly adjusting yourself in his lap. You didn’t even put that much friction in when you tried to move, but you felt his dick becoming hard as it brushed against your thigh. Luke paused, pulling back from your body and gripping your hips. 
“What do you think you’re doing, missy?” he chuckled out, fully aware of the tent growing in his pants. 
“Sorry.” You giggled, looking up at him with big doe eyes. 
Luke smirked, laying you back against the bunk. He slowly moved the neckline of your dress, beginning to leave more hickeys just above your boobs. He had carefully angled himself just so, so that his erect dick was brushing against your crotch. You let out a strangled moan, tangling your fingers in his blond curls and pulling softly, yanking his face ever closer to your own. 
“Are you leaving heart shaped hickeys on me?” You huffed out, your cheeks blushed. 
“How did you know?” he giggled so softly. 
Your heart practically melted with love for the blond boy. He was so perfect in every single way already. “Just a hunch.” You said sweetly, grinding your body up to meet his. 
“We can hear you in there, y’know,” Ashton laughed out. “Get a room.”
Luke abruptly pulled back from you, cheeks burning. “Sorry, Ash!”
You smiled, straightening your dress and Luke’s collar and pants. “Good thing tonight’s a hotel night, huh?” You winked and pushed yourself out of the bed, going into the living area. 
Luke intended to follow you, but for right now, he was content to lay back against his pillows, palming himself slowly and thinking about how today had been. 
Luke had had a crush on you since you were both fifteen, at the very start of the band. You were beautiful, with long pink and a smile that shone like he was getting into heaven. It was innocent at first, just him wanting to hang out with you and maybe give you a little kiss, but as time progressed, he wanted you. He wanted to know every inch of your body and how it would feel, sweaty and grinding against his. He’d been able to keep the crush at bay for several years, but as you grew and matured into a beautiful young woman, the blond couldn’t help but to admire you once again. 
You’d felt the exact same way. You loved Luke with such a passion it almost hurt sometimes. He was kind and caring and handsome, and if you were being completely honest, sexy. To know that he finally felt the same way about you was like getting closure after all these years. 
The blond sat up, dragging himself out of bed and heading to the tiny bus bathroom for a cold shower. He didn’t need the guys, and especially not you, to hear him jacking off after he’d just made out with you. Fifteen minutes and some very cold water later, Luke’s “issue” was fixed and he wandered into the living area where the rest of you were. 
You and Michael were sitting on the couch, looking over some lyrics and humming melodies while Calum watched something on the television and Ashton scrolled through Twitter. Luke watched eagerly, wondering what you were writing now. 
“Oh, hey!” You smiled when Luke sat down next to you with a sandwich. “Mike and I were just working on some lyrics and stuff.”
“And no. They aren’t about you and your horny ass,” Michael joked. “Oh fuck fuck fuck. Right there, Y/N. Feels so good!” he said in a high-pitched, low quality rendition of Luke. 
“Fuck off.” Luke mumbled, throwing a pillow at Michael as your cheeks burned. 
Michael laughed, turning to Calum. “Remind me not to get a room next to these two tonight.”
Calum completely ignored him, fixated on the true crime show that was playing. “Mhm.”
“Did you hear what I said?”
“Sure. Luke and Y/N are horny.” Calum shrugged, turning back to the TV. 
You and Luke looked at each other before bursting out into a fit of giggles. You both knew it was true, but hearing your bandmates say it so bluntly really put into perspective what you and Luke had done on national television. 
The rest of the afternoon passed slowly, with a mix of movies and trading lyrics and song ideas with the band. You had taken a soft nap against the window of the living room, listening to the rain beat against the side of the bus as it drove through various cityscapes to your next destination. You were still rather groggy as the band unloaded off the bus in Seattle, walking into the hotel sleepily. 
“Alright, room assignments. Michael, room 1197. Calum, room 1194. Ashton, room 1199. Luke and Y/N, room 1169. It’s the only one with a king-sized bed on the eleventh floor.” Your manager informed the group. 
“Anyone else think it’s ironic that Luke and Y/N are in room sixty-nine?” Michael chuckled. 
“Shut up, Mike,” You laughed, shoving his shoulder softly. “You’re just jealous you don’t get any.”
Michael’s face was absolutely appalled as you all stepped off the elevator and headed towards your separate rooms. Luke held your hand, humming softly as the rest of the guys went their way. 
“You’re so cute, you know that?” he asked as you unlocked the room door. 
“Says you.”
Luke blushed, holding the door open for you and pulling all your luggage inside. “I mean it. That’s what drew me to you. You love to banter, you’re funny, you’re kind, and you’re really fuckin’ hot.” he smirked. 
“Oh yeah?” You asked, sitting on the bed as you slipped off your cardigan, your shoes, and your socks and let your hair down. “If that’s the case, why don’t you show me a little acoustic version of No Shame, yeah? After all, it’s for me.” You flashed Luke a million-dollar smile, nodding towards his guitar. 
The blond absolutely couldn’t say no to you, so he quickly retrieved his acoustic, sitting next to you. “I wrote this one for a very special girl.” he chuckled. 
You nodded and listened as Luke began to play, but as soon as he reached the end of the chorus you stopped him. “I think you really need experience to relate to this song, y’know?”
“How do you suggest I do that?” Luke asked, raising a cocky brow and resting his arm on his guitar. 
“You tell me.” You grinned, running your pointer finger along his chin. 
Luke quickly got up, placing the guitar back into its case before laying down on the bed and pulling you into him. “You, my love, are a musical genius.” he giggled, kissing the tip of your nose. 
“I dunno. You just wrote that masterpiece.” 
He began to trail kisses all over your face, neck, and chest, running his hands along your back until he finally came to the zipper of your dress. “May I?”
You nodded frantically, strands of your lavender hair falling in your face. “Please.”
Luke did as you told him to, running his hands along your bare back and the clasp of your bra, moving to passionately make out with you. His lips moved in sync with yours, your tongues whispering soft hellos instead of fighting for dominance. The blond only pulled back from you as his fingers traced over the hooks on your back. “Is it okay if I do this?”
“Thank you for asking,” You blushed. “Yes, please do it.”
The way Luke was asking for consent about everything made you sure you had made the right choice. He slowly pulled your bra and dress back from your chest, and you swore you saw his jaw drop. 
“You are so damn beautiful.” he whispered, rolling over so that you were now on the bottom. 
“Touch me. God, Luke. Please.”
“Oh, so you’re impatient too,” he laughed. “Don’t be so greedy, princess.”
You watched as Luke sat up, straddling you, and unbuttoned his shirt, throwing it carelessly onto the floor. You had seen Luke shirtless many times before, but this was different. You longed to have his body pressed against yours. As if he could read your mind, Luke slowly slid your dress off your hips and threw it next to your shirt, leaving you in just your lacy, pink panties. 
“Goddamn.” he huffed out, eyes wide with hunger for the feast in front of him.
He pressed his body against yours, making sure you could feel his growing tent against your already-sensitive clit. He began to trail more hickeys along the ones he had left earlier, marking sure you were thoroughly marked up. You ran your nails along Luke’s back, moaning at the new and wonderful sensation. 
“Lu, Luke,” You whimpered. “Feels so good.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” he smirked, slowly sliding your panties off with his thumbs. 
Luke slowly crouched and began to kiss your inner thighs, before sitting up to undo his belt and remove his jeans. Both he and you couldn’t have been more eager. The second Luke’s boxers were off and his dick was standing tall, both of your hormones went wild. The blond had retrieved a condom from his back pocket and rolled it onto his erect dick, already panting heavily at how sensitive he was. 
“Can you take it with no lube?” he nearly growled, trailing his finger along your wet folds. 
You nodded, reaching up for him. “Want the pain,” You moaned out. “I just need you inside of me.” You almost wailed. 
“Roll over.” Luke said, placing a kiss to the area just below your belly button. 
You did as told and Luke placed a pillow under your hips, wanting to make sure he nearly overwhelmed you with sensations for your very first time with him. Without another warning, he slammed into you, and you gasped at the sensation of being overly full. You weren��t a virgin, by any means, but you’d never been with a man as big as Luke. 
“Oh my god,” You panted. “So big.”
That absolutely stroked the blond’s ego, which led to him speeding up the pace. Luke railed into you at an almost alarming rate, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoing through the small hotel room. 
“God, you’re so tight for me.” he huffed, landing a smack to your plump ass. 
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back. “Luke!”
“Awww, almost ready to cum, princess? Already? But I haven't even had my fun.” Luke pouted sarcastically. 
“Just makin’ me feel so good.” You nearly cried out, a tear rolling down your cheek at the overstimulation. 
“Good girl.” Luke’s husky voice filled the air as he continued to ride you, working the rhythm. 
That nearly made you cum on the spot. You whimpered as Luke tugged on your hair, loving the sensation of pain coming from so many different areas. 
“Need to cum.” You whined. 
Luke landed another smack against you. “Am I making you feel good?”
You nodded eagerly. “Mhm.”
“Then go ahead, sweetheart.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You immediately let go of that white-hot ball of sex that had been building in your tummy for the past while, eagerly crying out Luke’s name as your walls clenched around his dick. 
“You are such a good girl.” he cooed, slowly pulling out and massaging your shoulders, leaving tiny kisses on them. 
“Can I make you feel good? Please?” You asked, rolling over and  looking up at him with big eyes. “It’s what you deserve, sir.”
There was no way Luke was able to say no to that. Especially not after those words just came from a pretty little fucked-out mouth with a face of running mascara that he had ruined. Luke laid on his back and you spread his legs, crouching in between them. You rolled the condom off of him, smiling up at him the whole time. 
“It’s so big.” You smirked, palming his erection and running your thumb across his pretty pink tip. 
“Maybe you’re just tiny,” Luke panted out. “I love it. You’re making me hard, Y/N.”
“Were you not already hard?” You asked with an innocent smirk. 
Luke moaned, throwing his head back. “Suck.” he demanded. 
“If you say so,” You giggled. “It tastes so good.” You mumbled around his dick as you slowly took him into your mouth. 
“Oh god,” Luke gasped out. “Fuck fuck fuck, feels so good.”
By this point, you had taken nearly all of his eight inches into your mouth and were bobbing your head back and forth, stimulating his sensitive dick. The rest that wouldn’t fit received a nice handjob from you, with you pumping just right to match the rhythm that you were sucking him off. 
“Gonna cum.” he almost cried out and it was probably the most beautiful sound you’d ever heard. 
You nodded against him and Luke released, sending thick, white, ropes of cum shooting down your throat. You moaned as well, feeling the way he had absolutely coated your mouth. 
“I love you.” he moaned as you moved to snuggle into his chest, both of you panting and trying to ride out your highs. 
“I love you too, Lu.” You whispered. 
Both of you were sweaty and naked, but this was the most comfortable you had ever felt around each other. To know you both felt the same way was the best feeling in the entire universe. You now knew Luke on a whole new level and he felt the same way about you. 
“Thank you, On Air with Ryan Seacrest.” the blond chuckled quietly, holding you closer to his cheat. 
140 notes · View notes
jjungkookislife · 2 years
Butterfly Tattoo Studio: Taehyung and Jungkook
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pairing: apprentice!taehyung x piercer/tattoo artist!jungkook x f. reader x piercer!hoseok x jimin
genre: poly au, s2l, piercers/tattoo artists au, smut [18+]
wc: 8.1k
summary: Two weeks have come and gone as you step onto the front step of BTS. Unfortunately, you've come at a busy time and Hoseok can't see you as quickly as you'd like, but don't worry, Taehyung and Jungkook are more than glad to help.
warnings: cursing, tattooed and pierced!tae, hoseok, and jungkook, heavy use of petnames (doll, baby, babe, princess, sweetheart, etc), detailed descriptions of piercings, mention/use of needles and fear of needles, blood, sex at a workplace (tae's and jungkook's and hobi's), marking (hickeys, biting), hair pulling, oral sex (f. giving and receiving), fingering (f. receiving), multiple orgasms, threesome, voyeurism, bd!Taehyung, protected sex, slight manhandling, (idk if there's a spank in there but just in case), cum swallowing
date: June 4, 2022
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Two weeks passed rather quickly and despite keeping in contact with Hoseok, the two of you hadn’t had a chance to see each other since your last appointment. 
Once again, nerves bubble in your stomach, coating every bit of you as you grab the doorknob, tugging at the hem of your yellow sundress. 
Music blared from the speakers when you walk in, drowning out the chime of the bells above your head. 
Jimin, however, has ears like Dolores from Encanto and looks up immediately, turning the music down. He perks up in his seat, shoving the man beside him off the desk. 
The man next to him huffs, glaring menacingly at Jimin before he notices you. 
“Oh,” he says simply, eyeing you up and down with a hunger you’ve only seen in Hoseok’s eyes. 
“Hi,” you chirp, biting your lip as the stranger’s eyes follow your movement, his tongue swiping along his bottom lip. 
Jimin is gazing at you from beneath his long lashes, mouth-watering and pants tightening at the sight of you. Ever since Hoseok had shared you with a kiss, you’ve been all he could think about. It was near torture having to listen to Hoseok go on and on about you and the sweet sounds he got you to make that night. 
“Hello! Welcome back,” Jimin grins, and your nerves instantly triple. How could you forget how gorgeous he was? 
“Thank you! I’m here to see Hoseok but I also wanted to get two more piercings, maybe,” you bite your lip nervously and Jimin can’t help but wish it was him who was biting and sucking on your bottom lip while his hands gripped handfuls of your ass. 
“You’re here for Hoseok?” You turn to the man beside Jimin, meeting his gaze for the first time. He’s gorgeous but you weren’t surprised after the few people you’ve come in contact with. However, he was a different type of pretty. While Jimin was soft and delicate, more angelic than anything else, this man screamed sin! His dark hair curled over the bandana he wore, and his black and white button-down was large over his frame but the sleeves were rolled up to show his toned defined arms. He appeared to be chewing gum but never once did you get a scent or sight of it. 
He was broad and tall and the slope of his nose was perfect for looking down at you in an almost pretentious way but then he smiled and all those thoughts left your head. His smile is soft and sweet and it makes him look so much younger. Even the tattoos on his arm appear to be of anime you recognize and watched as a child until you started reading manga instead. 
“Sorry, doll,” he gets your attention, still chewing on his gum. “Hoseok has a list of clients a mile long today.” 
You look to the waiting room and see at least six people waiting. You forget they always welcome walk-ins. 
“I’m sure I can squeeze you in before his next client,” Jimin says as he looks at his list for a moment. He ignores when the curly-haired man pokes him in the side. After a few more incessant pokes, Jimin huffs. He glares at the man and then gives you a friendly, flirty smile that has your heart fluttering. 
“Or Taehyung, here, can take you with him and Jungkook,” Jimin finally grits as he points to Taehyung. “Tae’s our apprentice and Jungkook is finishing up a tattoo, but he’s also one of our piercers.”
“You’re in good hands with me and Kookie, doll,” Taehyung licks his lips as he walks around the desk to stand near you. You can smell his cologne, a cedar scent with a hint of citrus, and it has your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Fuck, you were a sucker for a good-smelling man. 
“Won’t Hoseok be upset?” You turn to ask Jimin, who’s leaning forward with his chin cradled in his hands. 
Jimin smirks. “Hoseok isn’t bothered by sharing with us. He’ll still see you after your piercings are done, and I’m sure he’d be glad if Tae got some new experience. Don’t worry, pretty, Hoseok isn’t unaccustomed to sharing. In fact, he enjoys it.”
You miss the look Taehyung and Jimin exchange as you nod. “Come with me, baby.”
Taehyung takes your hand in his, and you wonder if he can hear the way your heart is pounding against your chest. If he can, he doesn’t say anything as he leads you down the same hallway as last time, humming softly as he goes. 
When you arrive at a black door, he stops, poking his head in before turning back to you. 
“My studio is still under construction, so I use Jungkook’s. It’ll just be a second,” he assures you as he waits for Jungkook to finish up with his client. 
“Here we go!” Taehyung exclaims when the previous client walks out and you walk in guided by Tae. “Just have a seat in that chair, baby.”
You nod, swallowing thickly as you look around the room. Similar to Hoseok’s studio, there are pictures on the wall and certificates as well as licenses. There are a few piercing photos, a few amazing tattoo pieces, and sketches and near the giant desk pushed to the far wall. There’s bright art from every horror movie you grew up watching. 
Sitting at the desk in a black leather chair is the man you assume to be Jungkook. He’s got his broad back turned to you but you can still admire his physique and catch a glimpse of his full sleeve save for the wrist down. 
You hadn’t even seen his face yet but you could assume he was drop-dead gorgeous, as gorgeous as everyone else in the building. Licking your lips, you sit back as your knee jiggles up and down. You’re not sure why you’re this nervous again, you’d done fabulously with your last piercing and this should be a piece of cake. However, those thoughts do little to stifle your nerves. Oh well. 
“This is your next client,” Taehyung points to you, saying your name in a tone that leaves you breathless as you wave meekly to Jungkook when he turns around. His black cargo pants are right against his thighs as he spins in his chair, manspreading as he looks at you. 
Fuck, you think. Your eyes immediately focus on his combat boots and for a split second, you wanna ask him to step on you. 
Jungkook is even hotter than you thought! His onyx locks are long, reaching the collar of his shirt.  His hair is slightly messy, almost as if he’s been running his hand through it enough to keep it off his forehead and some of it falls over his right eye. You can see the shine of an eyebrow piercing beneath his fringe and you’re immediately taken in by the glint on his lip from another piercing. 
“Hello,” he says simply, introducing himself as he turns to place his phone on the desk. His right ear is pierced to the max and you wonder just how high his pain tolerance is. You don’t think you could ever get that done all at once. 
“What are we doing for you today, love?” Jungkook’s voice is smooth, and for a moment you want him to say your name just so you can store it for later and play it back again and again. 
“I wanted to get my nose pierced and maybe my eyebrow,” you state. “If you think it’ll suit me.”
Taehyung leans closer to you, shutting the door after him as he gets a better look at you. You’re very beautiful. That was obvious from the moment you walked in, and after hearing about you from Jimin, he was eager to meet you. You knocked the wind out of him when you stepped through the doors just minutes before, and he was almost thankful Hoseok was busy. Sure, not all the clients waiting in the reception area were here for piercings, but who was he to pass up the chance to pierce you and get you to himself and Jungkook?
“I think it would suit you, babe. What do you think, Kook?” Taehyung moves to the side, allowing Jungkook to walk up to you. 
Immediately your breath is caught in your throat as this magnificent specimen leans forward. His dark eyes study you for a moment, his hand raising and you see the tattoos on his knuckles. 
“May I?” He asks softly, almost shyly as his hand lingers in front of you. Taehyung chuckles from the side but says nothing as his friend waits for your answer. 
“Yes,” you answer as you look up at Jungkook. His fingers grip your chin, turning you this way and that. 
“It’ll suit either side you want, love. Which side did you want to do?” Jungkook asks as he releases you, taking a step back. 
“The right side,” you answer automatically. Jungkook smirks, “We’ll match.”
“What side did you want for your nostril?” Taehyung asks as he pulls up a chair beside yours. 
“The left,” you answer and he nods before turning to Jungkook. 
“I can do the nose and you can do the brow. What do you think?”
“That works. Lemme just get the stuff ready,” Jungkook busies himself with grabbing his tools, pulling a small table on wheels to the side as he walks around the room grabbing the essentials. 
“There’s no need to be nervous, babe.” Tae tries to reassure you, his fingers lacing with yours with ease. “I’ve been an apprentice for a good while and Jungkook was a piercer long before he was tattooing. You’re in great hands.”
“I’ve seen your work online, both of you. It’s great,” you compliment. “I’m glad you both work here with Hobi.”
Taehyung looks over at Jungkook, smirking. And Jungkook returns the smirk, his eyes a little brighter, filled with mischief as Taehyung turns back to you. 
“Hobi, huh?” He teases, noting the way you look up at the ceiling but his hand squeezes yours and you can’t help but meet his gaze. “I didn’t know you were so close.”
“Oh, he, uh said I could call him that,” you flush, biting your lip. Had you overstepped? 
“You must be very special, love,” Jungkook states seriously. “He doesn’t let just  anyone call him that. He must really like you.”
Your eyes widen, heat heavy on your cheeks. “Oh, I wouldn’t know about that. Maybe he was just being nice.”
“Don’t do that,” Jungkook scolds. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got a lot to offer.”
With furrowed brows, you wonder what he means by that but before you can gather the courage to ask, Taehyung is releasing your hand and rising to his feet. 
There’s a slight tension in the room and it almost stifles Taehyung. Instead of letting it get to him, he goes to wash his hands, asking which piercing you would like first. 
“Which will hurt more?” You ask, feeling the thundering of your heart against your rib cage. Why were you doing this again?
“Hmm,” Jungkook hums. “The nostril, I’d say. But Tae’s the one who’s gotten that pierced. My brow wasn’t that bad and neither was my lip.”
“It depends on you, doll,” Taehyung adds. “Could be either. But we can do the nostril first if you’d like.”
“Sure,” you agree and he grins before drying his hands and putting on a pair of black gloves. He grabs a marker and a hand mirror before he leans in front of you. Jungkook watches from the sidelines, making sure Tae remembers all his training. He knew he had nothing to worry about, he’d been an apprentice for a while and was doing very well so far. 
“Have a look, sweetheart. I can change the placement now, not later,” Taehyung reminds you with a chuckle as he hands you the mirror, his hands purposely brushing yours. 
Smiling softly, you take the mirror and admire the black dot for a moment from all angles before deciding it’s a good spot. You hand the mirror back. Taehyung takes it to set aside before he’s grabbing an alcohol wipe. You watch as he rips it open, cleaning your nose gently as he hums. 
His cologne pleasantly engulfs you, focusing on not moving as he leans closer and you can see down his shirt. His golden skin looks soft to the touch, flawless as you get a better peek when he leans further to tilt your head up slightly. 
“Do you want me to count, baby?” Taehyung’s question brings you out of the myriad of thoughts swirling in your head, almost all of them obscene. 
“Please,” you respond.
“So polite,” Jungkook grins mischievously as he steps closer to watch Taehyung. 
“Isn’t she? She’s very sweet from what I’ve heard,” Taehyung snickers as he opens a needle. 
Jungkook says nothing else, smirking to himself. He too had heard about your escapade in Hobi’s studio. Not that Hobi was bragging, Jimin just didn’t know how to shut the fuck up when they were all together at home snuggling on their giant bed. 
“You can close your eyes if you’re scared of needles, babe. No judgment here,” Taehyung clicks his tongue and Jungkook immediately agrees. 
In a second, your eyes are squeezed shut. You’re very aware of all the noises in the room and you relax when you feel a hand grip yours. You squeezed it in thanks, inhaling as you felt the press of the needle and grit your teeth. Fuck, that hurt a little. 
Taehyung’s deep voice is explaining everything he’s doing, praising you as he goes until he’s finally done. 
“Breathe out for me, sweet girl. The worst is over,” Jungkook instructs as Taehyung easily gets the jewelry in your nose. He steps away to grab a napkin, pressing it to your nose. 
“Just a bit of blood, babe. Nothing to worry about,” he explains. You give him a thumbs up and realize your hand is attached to Jungkook’s. 
You apologize but he just squeezes your hand in response. Taehyung pressed the napkin to your nose, waiting for the bleeding to stop and grinning once it did. 
“You’re such a good girl,” he praises as he throws the napkin away in the trash. Jungkook inspects the piercing, praising Taehyung for a job well done as he releases your hand.
Jungkook goes to wash his hands as Taehyung takes his previous spot. His fingers lace with yours as he asks how you’re feeling, making sure you don’t feel faint.
“I’m okay,” you assure him.
“We can take a few minutes. There’s no rush, baby doll. We’ve got all day for you,” Taehyung smiles sweetly and you melt.
Meanwhile, Jungkook is getting his gloves on in preparation to pierce your brow. He waits until you’re ready, listening to Taehyung talking your head off to try and calm you, but you’re nervous, regardless.
“Ready, princess?” Jungkook asks as he lifts the marker. He looks at the dots he’s marked and opens the new needle.
“Yes,” you answer, receiving a squeeze from Tae’s hand.
“You’ve got this, baby girl. You did so well with me. Don’t you wanna please JK?” Taehyung teases, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“Y-yes,” you stutter.
Jungkook chuckles. “Tae, don’t fuck with her.”
“Hey, I’m just trying to help!”
“Mhm,” Jungkook hums as he stands beside you. “Well, aren’t you pretty?”
Taehyung snickers beside you. “And I’m the one flirting with her?”
“She’s cute.”
“She’s right here,” you interrupt. Jungkook apologizes, asking if you’re ready before you’re squeezing Tae’s hand.
“Yes,” you listen to Jungkook’s instructions, inhaling deeply when he says so. “Oh fuck!”
“Yeah, that one hurt, huh?” Jungkook asks once he gets the bar through. “Worst part’s over though. You took it well.”
Taehyung snickers from beside you. Your hand is still laced with his but the other is on his thigh. You hadn’t even realized you had moved it.
“No need,” Taehyung smirks and you feel your face flush with heat.
“Your brow isn’t even bleeding. What a good girl you are, huh? Eager to please,” Jungkook smirks as you look away, squeezing Taehyung’s hand.
“You tease too much, Kook,” Taehyung scoffs as he leans in close to you, his free hand cupping your face, his nose just millimeters from yours. You hold your breath as you look up at him but he just hums in response, his featherlight touch sending sparks down your spine.
Jungkook watches the two of you intently. 
“Perfect.” Taehyung hums as he caresses your cheek with his thumb. “Just perfect.” 
His breath ghosts your face and you blink owlishly. How were these two worse off than Hoseok? How did you ever think you’d survive them both?
“Just perfect,” Taehyung repeats as his lips press against yours. Your eyes widen for a moment before they’re squeezed shut and you’re kissing him back. Jungkook watches from the sidelines, a smirk on his lips as Taehyung grips your hips to hold you closer and you’re on your feet before you realize it.
You’re not shy in kissing back, your tongue slipping past his lips, surprising him as he allows you in. Your fingers thread through his dark locks, moaning when his hands cup your tits. Your mind is spinning, but who are you to deny someone as hot as him? You can’t pass up the opportunity, not when his kisses are just as sinful as you imagined they’d be.
“Fuck,” a low curse captures your attention, and it’s then you remember you’re not alone. 
Jungkook’s eyes are dark, glazed with lust as he watches you with Taehyung. He’s biting his bottom lip, his tongue playing with his lip ring. Your heart flutters.
Taehyung’s large palm cups your face, turning you to face him. “Want him to join us?”
You swallow thickly, nodding. “Yes, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, smirking as he approaches the both of you. He takes you from Taehyung easily, leading you to the table where he hops on first, spreading his legs to situate you in between. 
“Easier access for Tae,” Jungkook says simply as your back meets his chest and his hands are gripping your thighs, cursing at the softness and warmth of them. “You look so beautiful in this dress. Tell me, love, did you wear this for our sweet Hobi?”
Jungkook’s teasing tone sends tingles down your spine as his lips brush against the sensitive skin of your neck.
“Is it that obvious?” you ask meekly as your eyes meet Taehyung’s.
“Only a little,” he answers as Jungkook’s tattooed hand grips your hip, moving upward slowly to cup your breast over your dress. You gasp, turning to Jungkook, who closes the distance between you with his lips. 
Taehyung watches his boyfriend kissing you, groping you as you make out. He’s been in this position plenty of times before, and he can’t help the heat that floods his body every time he sees Jungkook with someone. There’s something about him that drives him wild, finding it hard to just stand back and watch. Maybe it’s the fact that Hobi already had a taste of you? Maybe it was that his soulmate had as well? Or maybe it was the cute way you shied away from him but still managed to surprise him with little bursts of confidence, like kissing him with tongue? Whatever it was, it made it hard for him to hold back for too long as he stood between your legs.
Jungkook is the first to pull away from the kiss, smiling up at his boyfriend. Taehyung grins, leaning forward and you gasp when he bypasses you to kiss Jungkook.
Despite his lips occupied by Jungkook, Taehyung’s hands grip your thigh. You’re not sure what to do, but he notes this and takes your hand to place on his shoulder. He smirks at you before he’s kissing you again.
“She’s pushing against my cock,” Jungkook says with a grin. You whine in embarrassment but Taehyung nips your bottom lip. “None of that, doll. No need to be embarrassed with us. We just want to please you.”
“Please you,” Jungkook repeats as he pushes your hair over one shoulder to kiss the other. His lips are soft against your skin, teeth gently scraping the heated flesh. You’re overwhelmed by both but Taehyung kisses you, guiding your hands in unbuttoning his shirt as Jungkook’s hands toy with your dress.
“Can we take this off, love?” Jungkook asks as he lets your dress go. You turn to look at him, his beautiful brown eyes taking you by surprise, his cute smile almost looks bashful as you note the hearts in his eyes. How did someone with such a rough-looking exterior look so sweet and soft when asking to undress you? It made your head spin, talk about duality.
“Yes,” you answer confidently, moaning when Taehyung starts kissing your neck, nipping and sucking on the column of your throat until your fingers thread through his hair, mindful of his bandana as his hands and Jungkook’s are helping you out of your dress.
They’re both surprised to see you in nothing but a pair of white panties that cling to you. 
“Fuck, you look good enough to eat,” Taehyung licks his lips, biting his lip as his hooded gaze meets Jungkook, who's busy cupping your breasts, rolling the pert nipples between his fingertips as his lips find their home on the column of your throat.
“Tae,” you moan when he grips your thighs, putting them over Jungkook’s. He nips at your inner thighs, loving the softness and warmth of your skin as his tongue laves over your wet panties.
“So good for us, aren’t you doll? Want us to make you come for us?” Jungkook asks in between kisses, your hand moving behind you to grab a handful of his thick black hair, tugging as you beg him to make you come.
“Don’t get too ahead of yourself, princess. We both want to get a taste of you,” Taehyung tuts as he pulls your panties down your legs with little trouble. He tucks your panties in his back pocket so he won’t lose them when they’re done with you.
“Please,” you plead, your eyes softening for Tae. 
“My tongue isn’t pierced like Hobi’s, but I know I can get you to come just as easily without it,” he brags as he drops to his knees. 
Jungkook grips your chin with his forefinger and thumb, turning you to him, his soft lips meeting yours as Tae licks a stripe along your wet folds. Jungkook chuckles, his breath fanning across your lips as he kisses you again, feeling every inch of your body that he can.
He eventually guides your hand to Taehyung’s hair. “He likes when you tug on his hair.”
Taehyung groans at Jungkook’s words, affirming them. You’re tentative at first but note the way Taehyung reacts, tongue diving deeper into you. You arch into Jungkook, his lips kissing every bit of you within reach as he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, praising you for being so good for them.
“Taehyung,” you moan, hips rising slightly to meet his face. Jungkook smiles at your eagerness, his attention on your face, and the way your expression changes as you grow closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Keep going, Tae. She looks like she’s ready to fall apart on your tongue,” Jungkook groans, cursing as you pull him into a kiss that’s all teeth and tongue. 
Taehyung looks up at the two of you, his cock throbbing in the confines of his pants, his hand moving to stroke it over the denim, popping the button open before pulling the zipper down. There’s nothing hotter than watching his boyfriend with someone else, and he knows Jungkook must be just as hard as he is.
Slowly, Taehyung swirls his tongue on your clit, sucking it and nipping it lightly to gauge your reaction. You cry out, whimpering and begging for more as you writhe in his boyfriend’s lap. Taehyung listens, intent on pleasuring you as much as possible, and just like Jimin had gone on and on about you, you taste just as divine as described. He couldn’t get enough of you. You flooded his senses and made him want more and more. Taehyung was sure he could devour you whole if given the chance.
“Do you want to take his cock, love?” Jungkook asks in between kisses. He’s glad the marks he’s left on your skin are slowly blooming, pride swelling in his chest. He tongues his lip ring, lust-filled eyes locked on yours. You’re pulsating, blood rushing in your ears as you nod. “Yes.”
Jungkook pecks your lips, his hand caressing your cheek.
“We can stop whenever you want, okay?” he assures you.
“Yes,” you nod. “I want it. I want you. Both of you,” you look at Taehyung, who nods. He slowly teases your entrance with two of his fingers, collecting your arousal before he’s pushing into you. He maintains eye contact as he curls his fingers, watching your face to see what you like and what you don’t.
When his fingers speed up and Jungkook rubs your clit, you start moaning louder. You try to muffle your moans by kissing and sucking on Jungkook’s neck, but both men want to hear you come apart for them.
“Moan for us, or I’ll stop, baby,” Taehyung threatens. That’s all it takes for you to be more vocal. You lose yourself to the feeling, your body growing hotter and hotter as pleasure pools in your belly, embarrassed by the lewd sounds of your arousal as Taehyung finger fucks you faster and faster.
You fall back onto Jungkook, who steadies you with a firm arm around your waist. 
“That’s it, baby. Are you gonna come for us?” Jungkook smirks, kissing your cheek.
“Yes! Yes! Tae! Please!” you nearly sob as he licks your clit and your thighs tremble. You’re so close, you whine. Taehyung doesn’t falter, eyes glued on you as you tug on his hair rather harshly, causing him to groan.
“Taehyung! Tae!” you scream, nearly in tears as you arch into him, wanting to fuck his face as your orgasm hits and you soak him, your thighs, and the table beneath you. 
“Fucking hell, baby girl,” Jungkook curses as he watches you combust. You’re panting heavily, a sheen of sweat covering your body as your head falls forward, your hair falling over your eyes.
You’re whining softly, gripping Jungkook’s thigh hard as you try to catch your breath.
Taehyung slowly pulls his fingers from you once he’s sure you’ve ridden your high. He pops them into his mouth, cursing as your essence coats his taste buds. 
“Share,” Jungkook huffs with a pout. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes, used to his boyfriend getting his way as he rises to his feet. He kisses Jungkook with no hesitation. The younger man’s tongue meets his, eager to get a taste of you.
You watch on, licking your lips. Feeling the heat of your stare, Jungkook turns to you and kisses you roughly.
Taehyung watches for a few moments, licking his lips and running a hand through his hair. When you and Jungkook break for air, he quirks his head in question. “Still want me to fuck you, baby?”
“Yes,” you answer bashfully.
“No need to be shy with us, love.” Jungkook nuzzles into your hair. 
“He’s right,” Taehyung nods in agreement as he helps you off Jungkook’s thighs and then the table. Jungkook chuckles at the wet spots on his jeans.
“Whoops,” you grimace when you spot them.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jungkook shrugs as Taehyung turns you to face him. He cups your face, bringing his lips down on yours while Jungkook takes his shirt off. He watches the both of you with hungry eyes, his hand going to palm himself over his jeans, biting on his lip to keep from moaning.
Taehyung is exploring every inch of your body with his large hands. Touching everywhere and lighting a fire deep inside you as he holds you to his body, your arms draped over his shoulders as you kiss him. 
“Can’t wait to be inside you,” he murmurs against your lips. You moan in response. Taehyung rests his forehead against yours. “Why don’t you help Kook out of his pants?”
“Yeah. Y-yes,” you swallow audibly, so lust drunk you can barely think as you turn around to face Jungkook, who smiles warmly at you.
“Hey, doll,” he grins.
“Can I?” you ask, eyes glued to his abs as your hands rest on his thighs. 
“Go for it, princess,” he moves his hands out of the way, planting them behind him as he leans back to allow you room to undo the button of his pants and tug the zipper down. He raises one leg at a time as you struggle to pull his tight jeans down his thick, muscular thighs.
With a laugh, Jungkook helps you until you’re tugging his boxers with his pants down to his knees. When his cock smacks against his abdomen, cock drooling pre-cum, your mouth waters. 
“Please, can I?” you beg as you meet his hooded gaze. He languidly strokes himself. His tongue plays with his lip ring, gaze hard and pierced brow raised as he studies you.
“Why should I let you?” his question befuddles you as he continues to stroke himself.
“Because I want to taste you, Jungkook,” you answer honestly. Jungkook tongues his cheek, nodding his consent as your hand replaces his.
“Don’t scare her,” Taehyung clicks his tongue at his boyfriend.
“Just want her to work for it a little,” Jungkook shrugs. 
Taehyung rolls his eyes but says nothing else as he runs his hands over your body. His lips plant gentle kisses on your shoulders, kissing down your spine while he kneads your ass. Your dulcet moans fill the room, and he reaches into his wallet to take out a condom. 
You look so delectable bent over in front of him. He loves how wet you are, your thighs coated in your arousal and he knows he can’t go much longer without being inside you.
“Doll?” he hums.
“Yes?” you question, looking at him over your shoulder. He holds the condom up, “Wanna keep going?”
“Yes, Tae. Please!” you exclaim.
Taehyung chuckles, his breath hitting your skin and sending tingles down your back. It takes him a moment to rip the condom packet open, stroking himself a few times with a few guttural groans escaping him as he slides the condom down his length.
Jungkook focuses on your hand as it moves up and down his dick, your spit hitting the head. He grunts, biting his lip.
“Put your mouth around it if you want, love,” he encourages but leaves the choice up to you. You nod eagerly, glad he’d said something because you were too shy to ask if you could take him in your mouth.
Your tongue swirls around the head once, using your spit to coat him. 
“Don’t be a tease,” Jungkook warns with a raised brow. You smile, gasping when you feel Taehyung pushing into you. You curse, crying out for Jungkook as you get pushed forward. Taehyung’s big hand grips your hip while the other pushes his cock into you further. He knows it’ll take a few minutes for you to accommodate him enough to take all of him, but fuck, you’re so warm and wet even through the condom. His head lolls back, tongue peeking from between his lips as he pushes past the tight ring of muscles that squeeze him just right.
“Oh, fuck! Taehyung!” you rasp, clutching Jungkook’s thighs, nails leaving their mark on his skin. 
“Breathe, baby,” Jungkook says softly. “Breathe.”
“So big,” you utter as you look up at Jungkook.
“But you can take it, right?” Jungkook checks in. You nod, cock hungry and ready for more. Taehyung takes his time, slowly pulling out and pushing back in little by little until his pelvis is pressed to your ass.
He rubs your back, moving down to your ass.
“You’re taking me so well, princess. You’re so tight and wet,” he curses as he gives a tentative thrust and you gasp.
“Fuck me, Tae.”
Taehyung shakes the hair out of his eyes as he thrusts into you, setting a slow pace that allows him to reach deep inside you, right where you need him.
“Fuck,” you groan as try to focus, a hard task when Taehyung’s huge cock is buried inside you and Jungkook’s is inches from your face.
Jungkook smirks, knowing what it’s like to feel stuffed to the brim. He doesn’t say a word as you stroke him slowly, lips wrapped around him as you try to find a rhythm while Taehyung’s fucking into you, smacking your ass and using it to pull you to him.
When you finally bob your head up and down, spitting on his length and twisting your wrist to please Jungkook, he’s losing it. Mind reeling, cock hard and dribbling pre-cum into your pretty little mouth, moaning your name as he hits the back of your throat and you suck him off like your life depends on it.
Jungkook’s fingers weave through your hair, tugging as he fucks your face, listening to you gag around him. You meet his gaze, both fiery and full of lust as you bob up and down, making sure you roll his balls in your hands as your saliva runs down to them. He groans as he leans back further. His eyes flutter shut, his whiny cries making you wetter and wetter as Taehyung grips you hard enough to bruise, fucking you open for his fat cock as you sob his name, muffled by Jungkook’s heavy cock on your tongue.
“That’s it, baby girl. Take my fat cock like a good girl. Come around me, I know you want to,” Taehyung grunts as he fucks you faster.
The table Jungkook is on, slams into the wall with his thrusts and Jungkook curses as he pants, feeling you moan around him. His hair is disheveled from him carding his hand through it, too overcome with pleasure, unsure of what to grab onto.
Taehyung meets his gaze, and Jungkook loses it when you tongue his slit. 
“Fuck, fuck. Doll, I’m gonna cum,” he warns but you don’t stop. You continue bobbing up and down, hollowing out your cheeks and tonguing his slit until he’s gripping your hair and thrusting into you, fucking your throat as he cries out for you. 
“Baby! Baby, baby, baby!” Jungkook sobs, whining as he cums in your mouth but you don’t stop sucking him off. He whimpers when you tongue his slit again, collecting the remnants of his orgasm before releasing him and he hisses when he falls back onto the table.
His head lolls back as his pretty eyes sting with unshed tears and he stares at the ceiling as he tries to regulate his breathing. “Fuck, you’ve got a mouth on you, love.”
You make a show of swallowing before you grin proudly, but soon it’s wiped from your face as Taehyung grips your arms, putting them behind your back as he uses them for leverage. 
“Come for me, baby.” Taehyung urges as he holds your hands behind your back with one hand and the other moves between your thighs, rubbing your clit in rigid circles. Seeing his boyfriend stuff your mouth full of come had riled him up more so, wanting to do the same.
Your cries grow in octaves. Taehyung’s name rolls off your tongue in broken sobs as your thighs tremble. Jungkook watches you intently as Taehyung makes you orgasm once again, soaking his cock and clenching around him until he’s pulling out.
“Can I come in your mouth?” Taehyung asks as he rips off the condom, stroking himself.
“Yes! Yes, please!” you nearly sob as you hastily drop to your knees in front of him. Taehyung curses. Your hand wrapped around him as you press your lips to his cock. You use your tongue to lick at the head and it doesn’t take too long until you’re rewarded with Taehyung cumming in your mouth, spurt after thick spurt hitting your tongue as you wrap your lips around him even as some of it runs down your chin.
Taehyung’s eyes are wild as he watches you swallow, again and again, only pulling away when you’re sure he’s done. You make a show of sticking your tongue out, licking up what you can from your chin before he’s helping you to your shaking legs and slotting his lips over yours, getting a taste of himself and Jungkook.
It’s a dirty, messy, kiss that leaves your toes curling as he walks you back into Jungkook, who kisses you next.
You’re left breathless and naked with your hand over your chest to try and calm the rapid pounding of your heart. You’re relieved to find Jungkook and Taehyung just as breathless as you. Jungkook is the first to get dressed before he’s picking your dress off the floor.
Jungkook helps you get dressed, kissing you as he pulls the dress over your head. He kisses you after you slide your arms into each of the armholes and then Taehyung steps up with your panties in his hands. His tattooed arm gets your attention as he holds your hip and you hold his shoulder to steady yourself as you step into your panties. 
Jungkook makes sure your dress isn’t stuffed into your panties before he’s pulling you into a hug. Fuck, he didn’t want to let you go.
Taehyung wraps his arms around both of you. “That was unexpected.”
“But good?” you ask hesitantly.
“So good, princess,” Jungkook assures you as he sits on his chair and pulls you with him while Taehyung gets dressed and cleans the table. 
Jungkook places your hands on his shoulder as he nuzzles into your neck, kissing it softly. You melt into him, not wanting to let him go.
Taehyung crouches down in front of you both, his hand resting on your thigh. He wishes you were at his home, he’d be able to cuddle the both of you to his heart’s content but he’s very aware that your activities haven’t gone unnoticed and it’s only a matter of time until Jimin or Hoseok are knocking on Jungkook’s door.
Taehyung steals a kiss from your lips, smiling when you grow flustered.
“We should get you to Hoseok, baby,” Taehyung whispers.
Your eyes widen, and suddenly you remember what you were here for, aside from your two new piercings.
“Oh, yeah!” you flush with heat as you get off Jungkook’s lap in a hurry. Taehyung chuckles as he rises to his full height.
“Come,” he takes your hand while Jungkook gets up and leads you to the door.
Dazed with a bright grin on your face, Jungkook and Taehyung walk with you hand in hand toward Hoseok’s studio. Jungkook wraps you up in his arms, his head on your shoulder as he sways you from side to side while Taehyung steps forward to knock on Hoseok’s door.
“Come in!” comes Hoseok’s response as Tae turns the knob and pushes the door open. Hoseok smiles when he sees his boyfriend looking absolutely delectable with his just fucked hair, he assumes he and Jungkook may have gone at it again in between clients. The two youngest always found it hard to keep their hands to themselves, especially in close quarters.
“Hey, babe,” Hoseok waves him over and Taehyung shakes his head. Hoseok raises a brow. Something was up.
“I brought someone,” he says simply before he looks over his shoulder and Jungkook is bringing you in. Hoseok is at a loss for words for a moment, swallowing thickly.
Well, this wasn’t exactly how he planned on easing you into his lifestyle.
“Hey, sweetheart! I was starting to worry you weren’t gonna show up,” Hoseok greets you easily as you step forward and pats the chair for you to take a seat. You do so, thighs still trembling and face still flushed thanks to your shenanigans with Jungkook and Taehyung.
Smirking, Hoseok rolls his chair forward. He can smell his boyfriends’ colognes on you, a scent he knows he can get used to when it melds with your soft flowery one.
“Ooh, you got two new piercings,” he comments as he gently cups your face. The rings on his hand are cool against your hot skin. 
Turning to Jungkook, he asks, “Was this your doing?”
Jungkook looks away, his ears turning red as he finds the ceiling irrevocably interesting. Hoseok tuts, turning to Taehyung and raising a dark brow. Your thighs press together, remembering the last time you were in this studio, and Hoseok notes your movements before he’s turning to face you.
His dark eyes are nearly black as he takes you in, from the heavy rise and fall of your chest to the budding marks on your skin. If he looks a little closer, he’ll note the very, very familiar indents of the younger’s teeth, always a biter, that one. 
“I did her nose,” Taehyung finally finds his voice. Licking his lips, he shoves his hands in his pockets as he leans against Hoseok’s desk, careful not to disturb any of the work that lies on it. “Jungkook did her brow.”
Hoseok nods as he leans in closer, noting a bit of swelling on your eyebrow, but nothing looks worrying at the moment. “Did you take it well, princess?” 
“I did. It hurt,” you answer honestly as your hand goes to touch your brow, but Hoseok’s fingers wrap around your wrist gently.
“Baby girl, didn’t you promise you’d be good and not touch?” Hoseok asks in a low tone that has you biting back a moan. What was it about him that made you want to be the best girl for him? To please him and be praised by him again and again? Fuck, he was a danger to your health and he knew it; if his devilish grin was anything to go by.
“I did. I promise,” you clear your throat, hoping to rid yourself of the knot that forms. Jungkook giggles beside you, he’s all too familiar with Hoseok’s no-bullshit aura, and seeing its effect on you makes him giddy. 
“Good!” Hoseok claps his hands softly. You pout, not liking how quickly his touch has left you. Taehyung snickers, covering his mouth with his hand. He exchanges a look with Jungkook before he’s walking over.
“Well, it looks like you’re in good hands,” Taehyung says with a hint of laughter. 
“Yeah, we’ll see you upfront. I think we’re closing in a bit,” Jungkook states as he grabs Taehyung’s hand before either of you can protest.
“Subtle,” Hoseok rolls his eyes but is glad when they’re gone. You seem to relax a bit when they’re gone, and Hobi knows how overwhelming it can be when they’re all around.
“How does it look?” you ask, referring to your septum piercing and Hoseok switches to professional mode. He moves in closer, his hands on your cheeks once again as he tilts your head back a little bit. He inspects it, asking if you’ve been following his directions to the T and you nod as best as you can before answering verbally.
You ask him a few questions and he answers them all before he’s tapping your nose. “You’re the poster perfect client, babe. Did Tae and Kook take your picture?”
“No?” you think back and shake your head. “We got distracted.”
“I bet you did,” he laughs as he moves his leg forward and digs into his jeans pocket to take his phone out. You can’t help how nice his thick thighs look encased in his jeans and your eyes innocently waver over to his crotch.
“Brazen, are we?” Hoseok chuckles as he meets your embarrassed gaze.
“I-I was just…”
“Hoping to see my cock?” Hoseok grins salaciously and you bite your lip. 
“And here I thought you were my good girl,” he clicks his tongue, feigning disappointment before he’s asking you to sit up. He rises from his seat, taking pictures of your new piercings before he’s slipping his phone back into his pocket.
“Do you have plans tonight, baby girl?” Hoseok asks as he holds his hand out for you to take. His hand is warm in yours and you’re careful as you rise off the chair, smoothing down your dress with your other hand. 
“I’m free,” you answer, wondering what it is he has planned.
“Would you like to go out with me tonight?” Hoseok asks as he leads you into the hallway, pausing to turn the light off in his studio. He doesn’t need any of his belongings for tonight and he can pack a different bag for work tomorrow, anyway.
“Of course!” you blurt out, groaning at how overeager you sound. “Sorry.”
“No need to apologize, sweetheart. I like your enthusiasm and besides, you already know I like you, so seeing you so excited to go out with me makes me incredibly happy.”
You smile, feeling the fluttering of butterflies in your stomach.
Hoseok returns your smile, his hand pushing a lock of your hair behind your ear. “You look so beautiful, love. I like your dress.”
“Thank you. I wore it for you,” you say honestly, maintaining eye contact. Hoseok nearly growls at your admittance, gently pressing you to the wall beside his studio as he captures your lips with his. It had been hard keeping his distance from you, trying to remain professional but he’d been hoping to see you since the first time. Work had been drowning him lately and he’d been looking forward to today immensely. He was glad to have you in his arms once again, kissing you and rekindling that initial spark from that night.
“Hoseok,” his name escapes you in a heady tone that makes his cock throb. Fuck, he wants another taste of you but he’s set on taking you out first before any of that occurs again.
“I know, baby. Fuck, you’ve got me losing my mind,” he admits, kissing your cheek before he’s leading you down the hall to the reception area.
Jimin smirks when he sees both of you holding hands as you stroll to the reception desk. “Well, don’t you look ravished?”
Jungkook shoves his foot into the back of Jimin’s chair, causing him to be squished into his desk. Jimin sends a glare over his shoulder to Jungkook, who rolls his eyes.
Clearing his throat, Jimin smiles and tries again. “Don’t you look ravishing!”
“Thank you,” you nod. “I wasn’t sure if the eyebrow piercing would suit me.”
“You look great, love,” Taehyung assures you and you note he’s in the same spot you’d seen him in when you’d first walked in earlier. You thank him sincerely.
“Oh, I need to pay,” you say as you reach for your purse and Hoseok stops you, handing his card to Jimin, who smirks like the cat who ate the canary.
“Hobi, you didn’t have-” Hoseok shushes you with a kiss. “Don’t worry about it.”
“Then dinner’s on me,” you reply and he’s about to protest, but you kiss him before he can say a word.
“Ooh, she’s got you matched,” Jimin giggles as he hands Hobi his card and receipt.
“She does, doesn’t she?” Hoseok asks with sparkling eyes as his heart skips a beat. He wraps his arm around your waist to pull you close and you smile shyly as you lean into him.
Jungkook and Taehyung watch the two of you intently, grinning to themselves before Jimin is rising from his seat, and grabbing his backpack off the desk.
“Well, everyone else has left for the day, and a shop without piercers doesn’t need to be open. Do you want to go to dinner?” Jimin asks Tae and Jungkook, who nod.
“You better not follow us,” Hoseok raises a brow.
“Now, would we do something like that?” Jungkook asks in the best innocent tone he can conjure, his hands over his heart.
“Yes, yes you would,” Hoseok scoffs as he leads you out of the shop and walks you to your car. He tells you where to meet him, stealing a kiss from you before he’s shutting your car door once you’re settled in. He watches you go before he’s looking over his shoulder at his three boyfriends, who have hearts in their eyes along with mischief.
They were definitely going to show up to dinner.
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
love song.
request: can you write a hc of rin, ikuya, asahi, kisumi, and natsuya reacting to their song writer s/o wrote them a love song? i believe that rin is such a sucker for this cheesy kind of things 🥺🥺
# tags: headcanons; current relationships; singer!reader; musical instruments; love songs; soft romance; fluff; kisses & hugs; sfw
includes: gender neutral reader ft. ikuya kirishima, kisumi shigino, rin matsuoka, asahi shiina & natsuya kirishima {free!}
author’s note: sorry for waiting so long! thank youuuu so much!
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↘ PDA or cheesy things are not close to Ikyua, so when he hears a song dedicated only to him, he will be surprised and slightly touched at the same time. He has always liked your voice, so a song sung by you and for him will be the best gift (for no occasion or for a specific occasion).
↘ If he’s also had a bad time or day due to work, school or a failed swimming race, your precious song will really help him relax and get rid of unnecessary, weird thoughts. It’s amazing how music can heal a person so quickly.
↘ If you both lie in bed together and you sing to him, he will surely snuggle into your belly and fall asleep after a while.
↘ After some time, he’ll surely thank you with a tender kiss on the forehead or cheek with a shy smile on his face and go back to nap.
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↘ Kisumi is the definition of the biggest fan and also supporter. He loves everything you create; from the lyrics, through the music or playing the guitar/piano/etc. He loves listening to your voice and watching you concentrate on reading notes, writing a new song or recording something on Soundcloud.
↘ He often helps you out and suggests new things to create or encourages you to do a cover of one of his favorite songs (I think he’s a Bebe Rexha fan, lol). Kisumi also loves to make you small gifts such as new guitar picks, a new writing pen or paper on which you can write and create songs.
↘ So when you write and present him your new love song that will be only for him, he’ll be really happy! And also be indescribably grateful to you.
↘ Will definitely brag to all his friends about this situation!
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↘ Rin knows that music is as important to you as swimming is to him, and you both support each other in your passions and enjoy each other’s achievements and awards together. If your boyfriend wins the race, you’re the biggest ball of joy in the world, and if you win a music competition or write a new song, Rin will suggest romantic dinner at your favorite restaurant or a lazy evening with a glass of your favorite drink (e.g. wine, lemonade or fruit juice).
↘ Nobody would expect it, but Rin is a really sensitive guy, so when you dedicate a song to him one day, which you also wrote yourself... He will be really touched.
↘ If you’re home alone, he’ll give you sweet kisses all over your face and act like a lovestruck teenager.
↘ “I love you so much, Y/N.” He would talk all the time, grinning from ear to ear and holding a paper with the lyrics of the song written on it against his chest (I’m sure this paper will be his talisman and he’ll put it in his wallet).
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↘ He behaves even worse than Kisumi. He literally keeps asking you what the notes mean, when you’re going to sing a song for him again or when you’re finally going to be famous. Poor kid doesn’t know it’s not that simple...
↘ Asahi loves you very much and always supports your creativity; whether you’re writing songs for yourself or taking part in competitions – he’s always cheering you on and if the situation calls for it, he makes good food for you and holds a banner with your first name and some big hearts on it.
↘ If you add songs on Soundcloud, Spotify or Youtube, be sure that your boyfriend will take care of promoting them to friends and strangers. He is like a manager.
↘ That’s why you probably know how Asahi will react when you write and sing a love song for him, right? The world will explode with his scream and a deluge of tears!
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↘ Unlike others, I don’t think Natsuya is a music fan. He probably likes some old anime openings, but he doesn’t like music in general; he doesn’t know the difference between rap and trap, he doesn’t like pop, he definitely knows nothing about classical music and I don’t think he likes country and funky music either.
↘ But YOUR music is different. He always compares your songs to amber found on the beach, and other artists to ordinary broken shells on the sand. Sometimes you don’t understand his approach, but you know what he means and you appreciate it.
↘ If you ever write and sing a song for him, I’m sure he won’t understand the lyrics the first time. Only when you explain to him how much this song means to you will he smile and thank you.
↘ Then he’ll say some stupid line like “Sing it at our wedding” and you’ll roll your eyes in embarrassment.
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groupiewhoreee · 1 year
could you maybe write an nsfw a-z for slash?
i think i didnt see one on ur blog but sorry if u wrote it already😭
haha, thanks for ur request! i'd love to write an a-z for slash. love him. i haven't written this before so i appreciate you asking me too! 🫶🏽 again, thnx for your request.
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Saul 'Slash' Hudson NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Slash is very sweet. He wants to take care of you, and make sure ur okay. He isn't too much romantic, like a hopeless romantic like Tommy Lee, but he definitely tries his best for you. After sex, he'll clean you up, and ask if you want a bath or just straight to bed. If bath he'll clean ur hair and you can do the rest, and if Bed he'll put you to bed and eventually hold and spoon you while he falls asleep. He'll kiss you and tell you he loves you. He definitely wants you to feel safe with him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
If Slash had to say what he'd like on you, he'd say everything because every part of you is beautifully different and amazing. But, he loves ur lips, its the perfect place to kiss. He adores your voice, how it moans and makes the cutest noises and says the perfect things. But if sexual, he'd say ur boobs. He likes his hands because guitar playing, and his hair. His hair is curly and he likes to jam out.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He'll usually ask you first, but if straight up its anywhere on you or in ur mouth. He likes to cum on ur ass or stomach depending the position you two are in. Or if you wanna get freaky and with Slashes Breeding kink, inside of you all the way. He likes to fill you up.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is an open book, and doesn't wanna hide anything from you, and doesn't wanna get you mad because of it, but He'd share you with Axl Rose or any one of his band mates. He won't tell you that though, he'll make a statement or joke about it but definitely won't straight up tell you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Guys.. really? Rockstar, Groupie? Make sense? He's totally got experience on him thats for sure. He knows how to get you going and scream his name out.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Any position is alright with Slash. He likes Doggy style though and Reverse Cowgirl, but any way you two end up is fine with him as well. He is pretty chill with that stuff, honestly. He's willing to try any position you'd like.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Both, definitely. He'll smile and do something stupid to make you laugh during sex. He'll giggle like a school girl if you make a weird noise or accidentally fall off the bed. But he get's a tad bit too serious in the moment and will remain eye contact with you but you end up laughing.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Uhhh, from what i've seen its like.. a jungle there. Matches the hair on his head and body. He doesn't have much hair on him, but definitely has a ton down there. He has a little happy trail. Yeah the carpet matches the drapes. He is totally willing to groom or trim them for you. He knows that it can get uncomfortable.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He is somewhat romantic during sex and tries so hard to be for you because he is a tad bit too used to fucking groupies. He definitely wants to make sure sex and him with you is sweet and everything. He will do the candles and chocolates y'know, try and do the music but ends up turning it off. He isn't like Tommy Lee. He doesn't go all out.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't masturbate much, only when he's on tour and can't see you. He only does it during phone sex usually.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
He has a major breeding kink to the point it's too much. He loves to fill you up and know ur womb is filled with only his cum. He has somewhat of a bdsm kink, but he doesn't have much kinks.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Usually on the bed where the fluffy pillows are, but anywhere is chill with Slash. On the floor, couch, in public, under the table, in a public bathroom. Anywhere is chill with him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you in the lingerie he bought you gets him going, when its black or has little bows and its lace gets him feral. He can't help but take photos.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn't hurt you and doesn't wanna do a kink thats too gross (you know which ones i'm talking about.) And if you do ask he'll most likely end up not having sex with you anymore. He doesn't wanna hurt you as much but if thats whatcha want he'll do it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
As much as he appreciates receiving, he is totally in it for giving. He has skills like a skilled wolf. He is love's getting in between ur thighs and just eating you out, he loves it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Usually fast and rough most likely, if not slow and sensual with you. It most likely depends on how he is feeling and his mood. If he is fast and rough he's calling you names and tugging ur hair and if slow and sensual, he's whispering sweet nothingness.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He's totally chill with them, and it isn't as often. Real sex doesn't happen much so quickies are bound to happen but he is a busy rockstar. He wants to have real sex with you as much as he can.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Of course, he is totally game to experiment with you. He wants to try as many kinks and positions and shit like that with you and wants to make sure sex is as pleasant with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
A few rounds, he can go 5 rounds at the max, and he lasts somewhat a long time but he is quick with it so he can last a while.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He has toys, but he uses them on you and not himself, he likes to see you experience pleasure that isn't him giving it to you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn't tease you as much but its bound to happen to you. He loves to see you squirm and whine for him to just touch you already.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He isn't loud at all. He actually is very quiet. He lets out like low, husky groans that are quite quiet and aren't loud at all. He grunts too.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Totally would share you with Axl.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
I have no idea. 8.1? Something. But it leans towards the right and sometimes touches his stomach when it gets hard.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High on tour but not as high when he's with you. So a 8.9 on tour and a 1.5 with you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Quite quickly. He is like a big bear.
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toffeebrew · 20 days
Just read dream's canon character analysis so in honor heres some miscellaneous dream headcanons
ermmm i still feel like I don't know dream completely and will probably reread the analysis a few times. so sorry if its still ooc AJSMAJ.
- he doesn't care for cursing. He doesn't have anything against people who do. He just doesn't think to do it. That, and in the role he is in he thinks he probably shouldn't do it anyway, even if he wanted to, cause like hes a symbol or whatever. However do not insult other with your swearing or he will bonk you ("thats not very nice!!")! or curse in front of children.
- He uses those goofy replacements for curses, like H E double hockey sticks or FUDGE!!
- When he gets upset or embarrassed his voice cracks, alot. He's a little embarrassed by it.
- to add onto that his scream is incredibly high pitched. so much that it hurts to hear, like your ears will start ringing.
- While he often doesn't have the time, he picked up the habit of reading books. He has a different taste then his brother, but he finds the act of doing it nostalgic and comforting in a way? He likes reading them out loud as well, even when reading to himself. But he also finds pleasure in reading to others as well. Like telling bedtime stories to help others sleep.
- his favorite ponies from mlp would be celestia, twilight and fluttershy. i think hed also like magical girl anime.
- He lovessss flowers, all types!! He makes flower crowns sometimes as well. He loves yellow flowers the most, sunflowers, buttercups, marigolds pompons, daises etc.
- He loves to dance, i feel. Like it isn't uncommon that when idle dream will just bop his head his head to a beat that isn't there or hum softly. He'd be the guy who dances in room when playing music. He likes elegant dances the most, things like the waltz, tango or paso doble.
- He doesn't need sleep to survive, but he does function less optimally without it after awhile. He can go way longer than most people without it, but it can definitely catch up to him. Like it can lessen reaction time/brain function (or whatever the hell is up in that noogin of his). Everyone needs a mental break after all.
- he had a tamagatchi once, he left alone too long and it died and he cried. where did he get it? idk multiverse probably has a tamagatchi out there.
- we know he loves sweets, but i imagine he loves baked goods the most. Along with those hard drop candies.
-he likes drinking tea with milk. he cant stand bitter things. he prefers warm drinks over cold.
- He did eventually fix his cape, but updated it to look more sun? like? instead of there justing being a sun there. along with some other clothing updates :3
-when he blushes it makes the mlp squee noise
this one ↓
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signedmio · 4 months
Hi! I just saw your post of the Hazbin hotel mashup! Can I have mine? I have to say I’ve been binge reading all of your works, they are really good!
My name is Melody
Pronouns: I don’t mind pronouns, any is fine but most people use she/they for me
Personality: I would say I’m shy and quite at first but when you get to know me I become very loud, energetic. Practically become the sunshine character + golden retriever in books, my friends tell me anyways. Which I see it. I also become really sassy overtime but in a kind way? I don’t know how to describe it, I become sassy to the person when I know them really well. I’m also very sarcastic as well
style: My style changes a lot to be honest, haven’t quite figured it out. But I would say my style is mix of romantic, dark and light academic and cottagecore
love language: physical touch is up there but when I know that the person close to me that doesn’t like physical touch (example: my friends), I show them my love for them by gift giving but hand made
hobbies: drawing, painting, poetry, reading, pottery, archery, writing
Interests: heavy on fantasy (Merlin BBC, Doctor Who, The hobbit, Lord of the rings), anything mythical, Greek mythology, true crime, history
appearance: I have a medium length butterfly cut, black hair but red is in there as well. You can see the red only when the sun hits my hair. I’m 5’3, dark brown eyes and Carmel skin
Dislike(s): rude people, people who does not have any manners, bitter food, really spicy food I only can take mild spice 🥲
Like(s): books, animals all kind, nature, sweets (I’m a sweet tooth person), all kinds of music it all depends on my mood, stuff animals, flowers, all kinds of potatoes (hash browns, chips etc)
Hopefully that’s enough information, sorry if it’s a lot! Take care of yourself and have a lovely day/afternoon/night :]
AAAA i love hearing people binge read my stuff and enjoy it, so tysm!!💕💕 i didn’t get what gender you preferred so i hope what i picked is okay but here is my pick for you…
Husker !!
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First then I thought of when you said you have ‘sunshine + golden retriever’ energy was AAA HUSK ‘grumpy + sunshine’ duo and I just about screamed because I fucking live for that shit LMAO
When Husk first met you, he instantly likes you, you were quiet and chill which was a contrast to pretty much everyone at the hotel
But then you guys got closer and started dating BOOM it was like a smack in the face!! Within the blink of an eye, you were this energetic and talkative person! Husk didn’t mind by any means, he was just shocked
Husk doesn’t mind physical touch in small segments, but the fact that you think he is worthy of a gift? He doesn’t understand, but he accepts the gift, even if it’s something stupid
Also your hair matches his color scheme, so I thought that was cute :3
Ya know how Husk takes Angel and dances with him in that one part in ‘Loser, Baby’ in E4, yeah, you too do that shit all the time
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federica-2601 · 11 months
Hobie Brown x Fem! reader spicy
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imagine, you and Hobie are together at a party with your other friends, like Gwen, Miles… etc. etc
in this small party, the place was very crowded, the music was loud but at that moment you didn't care that much, you just wanted to have fun for one night
You were bored so you made Gwen come to the dance floor with you because Hobie walked out of the party with Miles
While you and Gwen were dancing you feel a hand on your ass, at first you didn't pay much attention thinking it was Hobie when you turned around and were shocked and scared at the same time
the unknown boy said, "hey cutie what's a little thing like you doing here?"
Gwen replied to the boy defending you: “who do you think you are? leave her alone!”
the boy gave Gwen a hand on the shoulder making her fall, after that he started stroking your cheek and said “come on baby, could you come to my house and be together~”
you were about to reply in a rage when I heard a hoarse voice: “get those dirty hands off my girlfriend, you dickhead”
you turn around and see it was Hobie, Miles was there as well helping Gwen up off the floor
the boy replied with a laugh: "Why asshole otherwise what are you doing?"
Hobie walked up to me and said: “baby could you do me a favor and close your eyes? you won't like the show"
you were about to stop Hobie when Miles grabbed your arm leading you out of the club, you were worried… but Miles he try to calm you telling you Hobie will have no problem arguing with that guy
after half an hour of time, you saw Hobie leave the club with a pissed look on his face, you tried to hug him but he said: "when we get home let's have a talk"
this time you were more worried than ever, Hobie picked you up clinging to the buildings and you arrived at your apartment
have you tried to speak saying with teary eyes with the fear that he wanted to leave you: "hobie I'm sorry I acted like a fool, I should have known how to defend myself but I was so scared ... and sorry-"
he took your cheeks with one hand kissing you hard and said: "don't say those things anymore, I will do everything to protect ya, I'm so pissed that asshole put his hands on ya”
he approached your ear whispering and licking the lobe and biting it gently: "only I can touch ya, no one else… because you are mine and only"
after you heard those words spoken by Hobie, you felt your cunt throb, this whole situation was turning you on more and more
“Do ya understand baby?”
to answer her question, you nod your head because it was a completely awkward situation
“Nono baby, I wanna hear ya”
you looked down completely red in the face, Hobie always had this sexy and dominant attitude that turned you on… from the first day you saw him
“look at me when i talk to ya baby… i want your pretty eyes on me”
you finally looked up to face and please him:
“Yes… Hobie, I- I understand and I’m yours”
he laughed and started looking at you with a hunger in his eyes, all he wanted was to make you scream his name
“good girl, was it that hard to say it?”
after that, he releases his hand from your cheeks and with both hands he begins to explore your body causing more excitement
“In this dress it wouldn't surprise me that some motherfucker is approaching ya"
you looked at him and you say: "Hobie I'm sorry, if you want I won't wear it anymore... I-"
"Shut up, that's not what I meant, ya look beautiful in that dress I just mean that you are so beautiful that every guy approaches you and this makes me jealous"
in response to what he said, you hugged him and said against his chest "Hobie, I only want you"
he returned the hug by squeezing your hips and kissing your head
“I just want to protect ya and love ya, that's all I want”
“Hobie…awww you are so sweet, you gonna make me cry”
you pulled away from him, kissed him and he reciprocated making the situation hot again
“how about we go to the bedroom now huh?”
you had no chance to answer that he grabbed you and threw you on the bed closing the door
do you all want a second part~?
For those interested, I'm writing a wattpad story about Hobie brown!
Account: federica2601, story name: “you are my muse” <3
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kiss-me-muchoo · 2 years
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 ☆ 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺 ∿ 𝘉𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 1989, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘦𝘹 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘵 𝘚𝘵𝘶𝘥𝘪𝘰 54. 𝘏𝘪𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘪𝘳𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘳𝘶𝘯𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴. 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩. 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ∿ 𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳!𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦, 𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘺!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳. 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘬, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵, 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 80’𝘴, 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘭𝘴𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘯 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴, 𝘴𝘰 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦. 𝘈/𝘕 ∿ 𝘐 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘺 𝘔𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘊𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘐 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘛𝘣𝘩, 𝘐 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘵 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘖𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘕𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳. 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘱𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸… 𝘐 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘴𝘬, 𝘐 𝘞𝘐𝘓𝘓 𝘔𝘈𝘒𝘌 𝘐𝘛 𝘏𝘈𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘕, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 ?, 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩, 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦. ⋞𝘊𝘖𝘊𝘖𝘔𝘖𝘑𝘐𝘛𝘖’𝘴 𝘐𝘕𝘋𝘌𝘟 (𝘮.𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦)⋟
The second round of shots and Eddie is still sober. He knows he’s very screwed for drinking and smoking more than eating and drinking water. However, that doesn’t stop him from doing the most usual things a rockstar would do, of course not.
“Hey, Eddie! Look, there is Betanny” Garett said screaming, hoping his friend would listen through the loud music playing in the club. Corroded Coffin was invited to Studio 54 for the second time, meaning that they were very famous by November 1989.
“Ugh…” Eddie rolled his eyes sighing. Betanny was a sweet model who was a good lover for him, but that was over. Since last year. “Going to get take a joint”
Just like that, he stood up from the big table surrounded by his bandmates and their groupies. When he got into the restroom, Eddie thanked it was empty. He needed a moment alone. As he looked into the mirror, he got so lost in his head, going outside of reality.
He was 22, he was a famous rockstar after he barely survived the events of Hawkins. He had friends, talent, fame, lovers, and economic stability. Everything was fine, just one thing still ached very badly in his heart.
“Hey, dude. Do you mind?” someone said taking him out of his thoughts. Apologizing for smoking in the actual restroom and not the anteroom he walked away. “Sorry, mate”
As he walked through the club, he was able to identify various artists like Bianca Jagger, Truman Capote, and even fucking Cher was there. The colorful lights made everything shine a little, making it harder for those who were under the effects of drugs, alcohol, etc.
Some loud noise was evident, it came from outside, but Eddie didn’t pay attention as he sat on the edge back with his friends.
“What’s that fucking noise?” Jeff shrugged while drinking. The two girls who came with Garett started to look more interested in the growing crowd near the entrance of the club. “What’s saying your chick, man?”
“Oh my God! It’s her, Maddison! She’s here!” Eddie wasn’t understanding anything of what the blonde girl was screaming at her friend. But it made sense when the big crowd started cheering at someone who entered the club, you.
Eddie’s heart stopped. Well, no… his heart started to beat incredibly faster than ever. Nothing in his life prepared him to see you again. At least not so soon.
Garett and Jeff started to cheer too, joining the girls at the table.
“I can’t believe it’s y/n. I’m getting like this girl here” Eddie was pale. Even so, he was scanning every movement you were making. Short hair, almost bangs but not bangs. The most stunning sparkling dress ever made, with the sexiest red thighs and elegant heels. Your sweet face was looking perfect, everyone had to look at you because you were in fact, your look was very unmistakable.
“You have to go and talk to her…” Jeff said to Eddie, but he was still in shock, ignoring him. “Dude…”
Eddie had all the magazines you had appeared in, all the books you wrote and at least one picture of all the fashion shows you had directed for differing brands like Prada, Valentino, and your favorite, Dior.
He bought you the Poison perfume from Dior at Macy's for Valentine’s Day in 1985. And now you were directing their runways every year. You were a successful and respected celebrity, he saw your pictures with Molly Ringwald shopping in New York. And your rumors of a romance with William Zabka, which got him super mad.
He broke your heart in the summer of 1986, he ditched you, he trampled on your innocence and he left you alone. He regretted it two months later, when his national tour was about to start, but when he returned to Hawkins, Nancy Wheeler told him that you left for your hometown in California to start college. He knew he lost you.
He called you, sent you letters, he even looked for you in California, but you never answered. And he couldn’t blame you, he was aware that you two had a perfect relationship, you had a special union and he fucked up everything.
You came to the club to meet with Johnny Koffa, an Italian designer who wanted to have a business talk with you but also have a little fun. You couldn’t wait to go back to Hawkins for Christmas and tell your cousin Nancy everything you had been doing.
“How’s been treating you New York?” you giggled, raising your eyebrows. College wasn’t over, but your career wasn’t in high demand. Nevertheless, your life was… busy.
“Chili dogs are good. A homeless stole my bracelet and I saw an alligator being rescued from a drain” Johnny started laughing. “Well, you’re kind of a big celebrity around here. I’ve seen your work and it’s amazing petal”
He ordered a few cocktails, and you noticed that nobody seemed to care you were still 20. Probably everyone thought you were 21 already, or if it was because you appeared to be very mature, you wanted to think it was that.
“Thanks, I assume you wanted to meet me for something related to your brand, correct?” he nodded, lighting a cigarette. Some girls greeted you on their way to the restroom, making you say hi back. It was weird, you weren’t a celebrity, you were a random girl with some luck. “Correct, I want you to write two of my festivals for the Milan 1990 fashion festival”
“Everyone is going with a futuristic style for the new decade. Do you want to stick with that?” 1990 was just around the corner. Everyone was already feeling the new vibes of the upcoming decade. You weren’t excited, it was just another year, the same life. Even though it changed, your life was pretty much in monotony.
“No, darling. I’ve seen your works and I want something that screams ‘y/n y/l/n wrote and directed my runway’, You know?” his fluttering words made you blush. After writing a romance novel with horror, a lot of people were wondering what would your next novel was going to be about. It wasn’t a book, it was a high-prestige fashion runway.
“Alright. I’ll schedule a flight to Milan for next week and we’ll see your drafts. That’s okay?” Johnny was extremely tall, half of his hair was green, a ghostbusters Slimer green, and the other half was pink. All of him was interesting, and the fact that every week a new gentleman was kissing him in the magazines was a sign of it.
“Straight to the point, I like it” after a shot together, everything was getting to know each other, forming a friendship instantly.
Meanwhile, Eddie had been watching you the whole time. He was looking like a creep, analyzing each sip you take of your cocktail, how you laughed at the extravagant man in front of you. You were still a girl, very young and sweet. But he knew you weren’t naïve anymore. By the time he turned 23 a couple of months back, after lots of moments of thinking, he couldn’t understand why you hated him so much. He understood he left you alone, but he never thought you would completely ignore him, not even answering some messages he sent with Nancy after he visited Hawkins to see Wayne.
“So. We were supposed to head out half an hour ago, we’re still here. We wanted to get close and say hi to y/n, but you didn’t let us. What the fuck are we doing?” Eddie sighed, Garett was right. “Just…, let me think clearly. For the first time in a couple of time”
He couldn’t let the guys see you because you would acknowledge his presence. But, he didn’t want to leave without saying anything to you.
“Dude, just fucking go. She’s gonna leave soon, come on” His knee bounced nervously, trying to disguise his feelings, he stood up, still looking at you.
“Shut the fuck up. She’s at the bar, her friend left, I could go and-” Corroded Coffin had never seen Eddie so nervous in his life. Not even when one of his groupies thought she was pregnant, after that, Eddie stopped sleeping with women. He realized that words really had power. “Then stop telling us every detail of what’s happening and have the balls to go and talk to her”
“Oh, and say hi for us” Jeff added when Eddie started to walk towards you.
Your profile lets him see your dark cherry earrings, super elegant and sexy. Eddie had to take a long breath before being able to spit two words.
“Hi…” just as the words left his mouth. You turned to see who the hell was trying to initiate a conversation with you. A long swallow came after seeing Eddie Munson in front of you. “Uh…hello”
“I can’t believe you’re in front of me now” he babbled, enough to raise your ego and forget about the shock of seeing your ex-boyfriend after three years and a half. He was the same, his long hair, dark outfits, and tons of rings decorating his hands. Yet, he looked classy, at least he looked like a decent rockstar. “Well, believe it, Munson. I might look like a deity. But I’m still a human…”
“I’ve been trying to reach you for years. I have a lot to tell you, I-“ after seeing you roll your eyes, he knows you don’t like being around him. He wants to just say everything he had been thinking for years, but… you weren’t having it. “Oh, grow up, Munson. This is not a high school reunion, everything I need to know about you can be found on the tv”
“No, this is different…” again; you’re rolling your eyes. “What?, You’re gonna apologize for breaking up with me when we were kids? I don’t fucking care”
Well, you did care, a lot. But if Edward Munson taught you something, was being the proudest girl in the world.
“Is that why you hate me so much?” At once you finish your drink. Eddie’s gaze set on the lipstick mark you left on the glass. “Oh my goodness. Have a nice night, Munson”
Before you can leave, he grabs your arm. His gentle touch was the same, warm and sweet, but desperate to keep you close. Soon you remember all the articles and pictures of him with whores being by his side on the run. And the fucking concert, that fucking concert. So you move away from his grasp.
“Y/n, please. I need to know why you hate me so much. It’s a torture that I’ve been dealing with since we broke up” you giggle, you’re laughing at him. Rage building up, and showing on your face.
“Oh no, poor Eddie Munson. Haunted by the memory of his high school sweetheart.” He gets super nervous when you get closer, your chest skimming his own. “You fucking know what you did, Eddie. But I bet your rotten mind for the drugs and alcohol can’t let you remember, so I will.”
“You left me because of your dreams. Painful, but understandable. Do you know what fucking tear me apart? all those images with you and those nobodies, bunches of groupies showing their tits to you in the middle of a fucking concert.” the venom in your voice was evident, and it made him weak. He knew he was hurting you all those times, but… it was the life of a rockstar he was living. “That was bearable, I knew I could deal with the pain because I had no right to be jealous. But it became personal the moment Corroded Coffin was live on Montreux. Remember?, you closed the show with a new song, Dusk. It wasn’t only a new song, you dedicated it to the most insignificant whore I’ve ever seen in my life.”
That’s when it clicked in Eddie’s head. An awful pain invaded him. Shame and shock washed through his memories, flooding him with a lot of sadness.
“That was my fucking song. I wrote that letter to you, you even said it wasn’t that talented, just cute. And you go there and present it, no remorse, no credits.” It was you who remembered you were at Studio 54, with some people already watching, curiosity over their faces. “I could never hate you, though. Now… fuck you, Eddie Munson”
He didn’t think twice. He followed you across the club, ignoring all the looks you two were getting. He pushed the door, the cold air hitting him. The entrance was finally empty, just some young couple kissing on the corner. Eddie spotted you walking towards a black and expensive car, your private vehicle he guessed.
“So now what, y/n? You just won’t ever listen to me again?” he screamed. Stopping your movements just when you were about to hop into the car. You looked over your shoulder, trying to avoid his face. Back inside the club, your eyes were watering after staring too long at his chocolate bright eyes. Even though you tried to sound and look firm, Eddie saw the tears approaching.
“That will only happen because you caught me unnoticed while watching tv” without any other word, you closed the door and the vehicle was out of Eddie’s sight. If he had found you just after the breakup, he would scream at you about how much he loved you. That he needed you just as you needed him. No drugs, no tons of alcohol, no groupies, no stolen song letter, just you and him. After too many lovers, and bad decisions, he accepted that he would never love someone as much as he did it with you. And everything because of that song?
He grabbed his hair, frustration on his face illuminated by the Christmas decorations on the street. While lightening a cigarette, an idea popped into his head. Only by tv, I could catch her attention.
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harus-simp · 1 year
Love is in the air
-Haruto x reader-
Warning: pure fluff
Word count: 780 approx.
You and Haruto have been friends for a while but there's something in his eyes that just brightens your face every time you see him.
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Waking up in the comfort of your bed is the best feeling you could have in the morning,your alarm clock ringing in the distance as you start to fall again into a deep slumber. Wait...Alarm? Fuck. You were running late to classes again. Damn this is the third time this week y/n.
As fast as you can you get dressed, eat a single toast and head to your school as fast as your legs allow you. Bumping with everyone who crosses your way and apologising for it immediately you make your way into the entrance realising that you are actually on time. You slow down and breathe for a moment taking a little break. But you are startled since you feel yourself being hugged from behind by certain someone.
"Ahhhhh" you scream
"Woah woah easy there, it's just me"
"Oh it's just you..."
"Hey! What do you mean? It's THE Haruto" he says sassily.
Yep that's your best friend, Haruto Maeda, aka your crush for the last two years. He's one of the sweetest, funniest and kindest people you know. There's just this aura around him that you find mesmerising and his eyes seem to sparkle every time he's speaking.
"Hahahahaha don't be silly Haru!"you say
He smiles at you kinda mocking you as you make your way through the corridors to your class.
There you both part ways as you don't share any subjects that day.
"Well see you later boo" he says "Later" you respond
Hours went by veeeeeery slowly, prolonging your boredom for longer and longer. Until the bell ranged and you could finally be free.
You straightly went to the entrance where you always meet with Haruto, and as you approach you see him waiting kind of nervously? Your Haru getting nervous? Well that's new... You finally get to him and all his possible nerves were nowhere to be seen.
"Hey" "Hey, is all good?"
"Yeah...so are you free this evening?"
You almost choked yourself to his question. Is not that you guys don't hang out, it's just you where genuinely surprised by the spontaneity of it.
"I am actually, don't have any plans with the theatre class.
"How about movie night at mine's?"
"Sounds great! I'll be there by 5?"
"Yeah sure"
You both start chatting and you eventually separate ways as your houses are in opposite directions.
When the time arrives you found yourself at Haruto's house which now that you think of it, you've never been to. Your butterflies making their obvious presence in your stomach as you wish this was an official date.
You both start doing your own thing, fighting for choosing the movie, playing background music, dancing, ordering food as cooking would come with a really bad result,etc.
You both finally sit down to watch the movie, but just keep on making silly comments and making a fool of yourselves.
And then...silence...abrupt silence surrounds you both. You turn around to find him already looking at you,curious of his behaviour you start questioning him." What, is there something on my fa-"
You are suddenly blocked by a soft pair of lips kissing you tenderly and with such sweetness you might get diabetes from it. Too stunned to do anything you remain in the same position making him regret his actions and start to pull away.Until you finally react and pursue his lips in search of more. You kiss him back with the same care and passion he put into the other one making it such a romantic and pretty moment between you two. He sneaks his arms around your waist as you put your arms around his neck enjoying every moment of it.
You both pull away due to the lack of air and stare at each other completely fascinated until Haruto breaks the silence and your heavy breathing. "Sorry y/n, I couldn't help myself when you look like that"
"Don't be, I enjoyed it very much and I've actually been meaning to confess for a long time but I guess you got ahead haha".
He looked at you with those sweet and sparkling eyes you love so much and you get lost in so easily.
"I love you"
" あいしてる "
The way his smile got bigger gave you a tingling sensation that no one else could ever give you.
"Would you go out with me?"
And you both spent the rest of the night cuddling and spending quality time as a new born couple.
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あいしてる (ai shiteru) = I love you
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mercityart · 2 years
So, I've been thinking and I wanna do a creepypasta x y/n type thing, if y'all could send requests n stuff that'd be awesome. For now tho, let's start simple.
Tw: these characters are mentally unwell individuals who don't typically have the means for therapy or medication, they aren't meant to be perfect, and just like so many other ppl they can be toxic and exhibit bad behavior such as self harm, possessiveness and so much more.
Toby- ooooh boy buckle up for this one. Toby is extremely sweet, almost sickeningly so if we are being honest. However, he does have really bad episodes. Toby has many mental issues, some being schizophrenia and bpd(borderline personality disorder), along with bipolar. His mood can switch so quick and violently it's nauseating. He has episodes he has little to no memory of and severely struggles with self harm, eating disorders and much more. He does not mean to hurt himself and/or others. He tries his best to treat you like a prince/princess/royalty/etc. He loves to take you on hikes and anything physically active and outside, always having far too much energy. He's the type of lover who will carry you on his back or shoulders if you are too exhausted or even hurt. Speaking of which, never tell him you are hurt or gods forbid it's the end of the world. He will baby tf outta you. He's the true definition of "golden retriever boyfriend". Although I see him more as a rednecks bullybreed in my opinion. Sweet, smiley, overly energetic, smart but super ditzy but will bite someone if told to, forever loyal. During episodes where he's super down just rub his back and hum to him, don't force him to do stuff and take everything at one miniscule step at a time, instead of thinking "just take a shower then rest before something else" think "ok, turn on the water, see how far you can go and if you are too tired that's ok, I'll help you, if you just don't wanna, that's ok I'm here let's watch or listen to music". Honestly he just needs a lot more love. He will be protective, playful and always willing to help. A good boy.
Tim- Oh dear Thanatos give me strength. This man is such a softy for his lover(s). He has such a gruff exterior and will always display it, however, when it comes to you that'll soften significantly. You are baby. That's that. He will treat you as his equal, always. This is good and bad though as he will forget that you aren't used to the shit he goes through as the unfortunate victim of the Operator. Don't get me wrong, he will eventually realize but it takes his brain a lil bit of calibrating first. For example, he can say something super insensitive then after a few minutes he's all, "aw shit, darlin I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that, are you ok? What I meant was-" He tries his damnedest I swear, he's just a mentally ill southern man, he ain't the brightest at times but he tries. Now, he can have a temper but rest assured it's unlikely he'll ever lay a hand on you, some other poor soul? Maybe, but definitely not you. He may slam a door or stomp about but he won't even breathe on you. Sometimes though, after a really rough day he can end up in a screaming match with you, but he'll try and make up for it like crazy. Breakfast in bed, more per names, maybe an "I love you" he seldom gives, hell he may even slow dance with you in the kitchen while you guys make food. This mf do be making dad jokes like crazy, he's toughen up a lot since marble hornets but he's still Tim. He's a goofball at times. And let's not forget whats also not battery powered. Cue the music. He loves sitting out on the porch or the windowsill strumming at his guitar or ukalele while writing lil lyrics, later presenting you with his song once it's finished. Also, he gives the best hugs, we love our strong short chubby king.
Brian- look at this hunk of a man. He is like a mix of Tim and Toby. He's smart, calculating, absolutely charming, but he can also be tough, silly and oh so caring. He will always throw around jokes and give the biggest smug grin afterwards showing his gorgeous smile(the cute Lil tooth gaaap) He loves to pick you up and swing you around with his big strong arms. Actually, he loves showing off for you in general when he can. He's really fit, constantly working out, but it's a bit unhealthy, hence why he's so obviously muscular. He doesn't eat a healthy amount and excercises too much, unlike Tim who is just as strong bit looks less fit. This man is the definition of a highschool Jock except he's actually super fucking smart. Now, be aware he's a psychology major, he can be very quite at times and is able to analyze every move you make. He is extremely protective, at times to the point of possessiveness but sometimes it's as though he couldn't really give af. He is an absolute beast of a man, he will use his extreme height, broadness and muscle mass to his advantage. However he is so soft with you. If y'all fight though he is not going to hesitate to pick you up and put you over his shoulders, put you somewhere soft and quiet and then leave for a few hours to cool down. He isn't prone to violence but be careful, if he snaps he blacks out and even Tim would panic in that scenario. He does do everything he can in his power to prevent this from happening, taking medication, smoking weed, going on a long hike, taking anger out on trees, etc. Tbh him and Tim are like dads.
Jeff- Jeff, oh boy. Now, he is definitely a lil rat bastard, as most short trans men(such as myself) are, but xe's not as bad as you may think. Honestly he likely will treat you like a best friend. It will make some morbid jokes, smoke with you if you want, do some stupid shit like vandalism, he don't give af. Xe is very into alternative fashion and music, if you enjoy doing makeup and all sorts of artsy stuff count him in. He won't hesitate to put you in a headlock btw. He will 100000% throw you around and wrestle with you for shits n giggles. It is also, surprisingly a hopeless romantic. He may act all cool on the outside, or at least try, but xe honestly is all heart eyes at the smallest bs. He is so supportive in his own way, saying stuff like "babe, I promise you, you have the absolutely fffffffffattest ass I have ever seen. You is THICC!" Also, please please please pleeeeease call xem "baby boy", "handsome" or even "bunny", he will absolutely melt, and do this while playing with it's hair while he's sitting down playing on his phone between your legs while yet on the couch? Aaaagbkghklg. This man will do anything you want istg. Also, hope you like dogs bc he's got two. Smile dog(aka smiles) and smiley. I know. So creative right? It didn't want to rename them after finding them so he just stuck with it, but he dies tend to call smiles princess though. Also, will absolutely make you his favorite food growing up that his madre made growing up, empanada.
Liu- ah, big mans. Oooooweeeeee. Liu's side is very reserved and quiet. They will kiss your palms and watch you all puppy like when you talk. He isn't huge on talking as he found with Sully it leads to more arguing. He is a body mods artist so if you want tattoos, pricings, etc. You bet he's doing em. Any price of you he modifies he will kiss oh so sweetly, however, they prefer to reserve kisses for spots you dislike about yourself or past scars to remind you how much he loves and appreciates you. He loves to be big spoon but they prefers you two facing each other equally giving affection so he can see how you melt into him while you also can see just how much he cares about you. Due to their job he does get some big bucks so you better love being absolutely soiled and pampered. Anything you show even the slightest smidge of interest towards is yours now. Also, please do his makeup if you do yours in the morning. Having you sit in their lap doing eyeshadow while he rubs your sides his so therapeutic for him. Extremely gentle giant, his issue is they have a hard time communicating and shuts down when confronted. The best time way to deal with an issue is through notes. He likes to pass notes to one another before speaking and agreeing to a solution fully. They don't usually outwardly show if he's upset, but trust me, you will know. Sully doesn't keep his mouth shut ever.
Sully- Sully is very different from Liu. He's very outgoing and brutally honest, extremely blunt and talkative. He will be extremely wary of you at first, and he has severe, and I mean severe, commitment issues. They'll eventually come around though. They love to show you off, constantly holding you up on a shining pedistle for all to see. He likes to hype you tf up. They also love to dance with you, please dance to some Spanish music with them, it'll make their heart race. He also will give you so so so many kisses if you do anything to honor his heritage as his mother is Latina and he grew up around his Mexican family and even lived in Mexico part of his life growing up. If you sing porque te vas to him he will absolutely smother you with kisses. His favorite food was for sure tamales whilst Liu preferred mole.
Otis- Now, Otis is extremely reserved and can come off as cold when he's not masking. He does card though. She just has a hard time showing it he's not huge on giving physical affection or verbal. He typically shows his love through handmade gifts. He does enjoy cuddling on the couch after a rough day though. They don't hate physical or verbal affection, but growing up he was forced to give affection when he didn't want to and was more often shown "affection" through violence, not to mention she's worried that whatever you are wearing will set off their sensory issues. Otis will 10000% shut down if in a argument, but if anyone threatens him or puts hand on them, she will kick their ass no matter what. Otis is a big boy and exhibits behavior very similar to that of a cat. Her favorite thing to do is to sketch, draw, or paint you when you aren't paying attention. He just loves the way you look and the emotions he feels when observing the work they've created. On a really bad day the best thing for you two to do is take a bath bubble bath together surrounded by yummy smelling candles, ambient lighting, and of course having your skin touch hers. She loves the way your skin feels but hates clothes, if he had it her way he'd never wear clothes but sadly society says otherwise. Their thought process is(as is mine) nothing is innapropriate unless someone makes it innapropriate.
Jack (E.J.)- This man is very cold. He doesn't comprehend emotions as much as he used to before the incident. He loves observing you and trying to determine what emotions he is feeling in that moment. He is extremely blunt and anilitical, always saying whatever he is thinking to say. He struggles with having mercy on your emotions. He does apologize and feel guilty when he finds out it made you feel negatively and is always willing to learn and work things out. He wants you to feel safe, comfortable and loved with him. He believes he is a hard person to love due to his situation, believing he is a hideous monster. He severely lacks confidence and it takes a long time for him to even give you a peak at his skin, nevermind not wear his mask around you. He believes you are the most gorgeous person in exhistence and wholeheartedly believes it. He struggles a lot with his hair and it's very damaged. Jack, prior to the incident was a black man and as such his hair was extremely thick and had a super tight curl pattern. Now he typically keeps it straight, please teach him how to take care of his hair, he loves his natural hair but no one taught him how to take care of it as he was adopted by a racist white family growing up as a teen. give him some locks, cornrows, extensions, box braids, hell, teach him how to keep his hair in a natural state while styling. He loves you touching him and you doing his hair not only boosts his confidence but also is extremely therapeutic for him and he views it as romantic and affectionate. He loves to take care of you and you taking care of him makes his heart swell with love. This man is extremely loving, he won't be too clingy or overbearing, he respects your boundaries. He's simply content with the fact you don't hate or fear him. He does like to sneak up on you though. The little noises that come out of your mouth when you notice his large frame towering over you suddenly is both adorable and hilarious. You are his little rabbit, his mate, his lover, what more can I say?
For more scenarios and characters pls simply comment or send me it privetly as an ask or message.
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sheislethal · 2 years
the jinx with a very shy but sweet s/o headcanons <333 (I'm the same one who requested it)
may I request jinx's reaction to a very shy but sweet s/o getting bullied? 👀
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JINX x shy but sweet s/o
WARNINGS: gn! reader, mature themes such as cussing, death, etc.
Notes: God, I love jinx. I love her violent side even more.
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Electrifying music drifted through the building from the jukebox. There were sweating bodies everywhere as everyone was dancing, playing games, and getting wasted.
The smell of smoke that invaded the room comforted me since it reminded me of home.
I lifted the rim of my glass to my lips, sipping the alcohol. I was at the Last Drop by myself. Without Jinx. The experience was nerve-wracking since I usually hated places crowded with people I didn't know.
My goal was to come out of my shell a bit. Very unlike me, but I figured it would do me some good.
Jinx surprisingly agreed to let me come here by myself, which was strange. She always seemed to be attached to my hip at all times, and that's exactly how I liked it.
She was my comfort when I unwillingly entered uncomfortable situations. I would say this was a prime example, but I did come here willingly.
Thieram stood behind the counter and washed a glass as he spoke with me. We joked about how Jinx would always call him "Chuck" for some reason.
While we weren't close, I would consider him a friend. It was nice to at least know one person here.
"Jinx feeling sick, or something?" He asked curiously, putting up the clean glass.
I shook my head in response. "Nope. I just wanted to come here by myself for once."
"Wow." His eyebrows lifted in surprise. "I thought you didn't like people?"
"I don't not like people, I'm just a little shy." I clarified with an amused smile.
My fingers drifted across the fabric of my long-sleeved, form-fitting shirt. It wasn't as extreme as what other people here were wearing, but it did accentuate my figure.
Thieram and I chatted about nothing in particular for a while until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
My head twisted around to see two women standing by my chair. "May I help you?" I asked with a curious smile, still amused by a joke Thieram had just told.
"Yeah, we're gonna need that seat." A tall blonde spoke with narrowed eyes. My eyes widened and I moved to get up before I paused. Jinx's words about standing up for myself and not being a pushover echoed throughout my mind.
I turned back to the women and politely shook my head. "Sorry, but I'm chatting with my friend, here. There are other seats over there, though." I motioned to the other side of the bar.
Their expressions soured. "Did we ask where other seats were? We want this one, so move."
I furrowed my brows at their tone as they continued. "The fuck are you wearing, anyway? You know this is a club, right?" The other girl spoke.
The blonde chuckled. "Yeah. You can't just show up in whatever you made from stuff in the dumpsters out back."
I eyed her up and down, trying to hide my hurt feelings. We were in Zaun. Of course, people weren't going to be wearing Piltover clothing, if that's what they were expecting.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not moving," I stated, trying to keep my smile from wavering.
"Fucking bitch." Spat the brunette. Both Thieram and my eyes widened once she abruptly moved to shove me off the stool, only to fall to the ground.
A loud bang echoed throughout the building and everyone froze, turning their heads to see the girl now dead on the ground. A bullet had gotten lodged right between her eyes, causing blood to run down her forehead and onto the wooden floor.
My eyes were wide and panicked, and my lips parted in shock. The whole room was silent, only with the distant mumble of music.
I heard a loud thump from behind me on the counter, and I sighed, shutting my eyes tight. The blonde woman's eyes darted from the body of her friend to the person behind me, then screamed in horror before running toward the door.
She didn't get far, though. Another shot was fired right before she could reach the door. She collapsed onto the ground after having been shot in the back of the head.
Everyone was still for a hot second before registering who had shot them. Since this was typically a regular occurrence, they simply went back to whatever they were doing and loud talking filled the room once more.
I turned around to face Jinx's figure standing tall on the counter, her gun still smoking at the barrel. She must've been up in the rafters watching me the whole time.
Of course, she wouldn't have let me come here without her. Or at least, without some sort of protection, aka her. I shouldn't have been so naive.
Her eyes were narrowed and furious. She shoved the gun into its holster and hopped down from the counter, not sparing a very shocked Thieram a glance.
Jinx gripped my arm and pulled me from my seat, leading me out of the building, stepping over the body on the way.
I was used to her killing people for me by now. That didn't mean it wasn't still an unpleasant experience, though.
"Jinx," I stopped and pulled my arm gently from her grasp. "You shouldn't have done that. You could have just scared them away, or something." I reasoned.
She turned to me with a remorseful face, then moved to cup my cheeks with her cold hands.
She tilted her head and frowned. "I had to do it, trinket. No one is allowed to speak to you like that."
She inched closer to me. "No one." Her raspy voice sent chills down my spine. I moved my hand up to caress her wrist that held me. "Promise you won't kill someone when something like that happens again?"
She huffed a laugh and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me against her and touching my nose with hers. "I'm not going to let something like that happen ever again." She told me with determination.
"Now how about we go somewhere quieter? Maybe watch the stars on the roof, again?" She offered and I smiled. "You know me too well."
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