#son of scarecrow
dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
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Dedric Crane Aesthetics
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
May I have more gen alpha Damian but as Robin? This little boy is a menace to the rouges ... I love this idea 💖💖💖💖💖
Riddler: Riddle me this.
Damian: *starts recording on his smart watch*
Riddler: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great man, while the entire word signifies a great woman. What is the word?
Damian's watch: Heroine.
Joker: You see, little birdie, it all started with One Bad Day—
Damian: *plays the world's smallest violin*
Freeze: With the press of a button, I will ice over the entire Gotham Harbor!
Damian: Cringe.
Hatter: *posts a TikTok monologue threatening the batfam*
Damian: *stitches himself yawning and falling asleep*
Croc: *roars*
Damian: *pulls out the All-Blades*
Croc: ?
Damian: My brother got the DLC.
Harley: *launches her confetti cannon*
*single piece of confetti falls out*
Damian, clapping: Go girl give us nothing.
Clayface: *attacks Damian*
Damian: *rips out a chunk of clay*
Damian: *starts playing with it like slime*
Scarecrow: I've got you now.
Damian: Imagine being a grown man beefing with a middle schooler. Couldn't be me.
Ivy: *ties him up with her plants*
Damian, a vegan: *chomp*
Damian: What are your pronouns so I can eviscerate you properly?
Two-Face: ...
Two-Face: He/they.
Ra's: It's just you and me, my disgraced heir. Let's finish this duel once and for all.
Damian: *taps his phone*
Jon: *flies in and pummels Ra's*
Jon: Thank you for ordering from SüberDefeats! Be sure to share your feedback.
Damian: *tips Jon and leaves five stars*
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robot-carl · 2 months
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It’s my birthday tomorrow so I had to draw my boys 😏.
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gay-robot-boyfriends · 7 months
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Today my son told me to draw Zero playing stardew valley ddjdjsja he's a little genius when he's not asking me to draw gross things
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ryoalouette · 1 year
Danny, in Gotham U, in need of funds coz A) He doesn't want Vlad to fund him, B) Using what treasury gains he get from defeating Pariah Dark would make him unsure if they're cursed or nah and he doesn't want to chance it, C) etc, etc. So he came up with the idea of using his ghost ice power to create ice cream!
Added with him wanting to walk around (or mayhaps it's class scheduling in Gotham U, idk), we have Andre (from Ladybug)-esque ice cream half-ghost travelling all over Gotham.
Danny the travelling ice cream man with no apparent scheduling where he pops up when selling ice cream. The Bats and Birds are Very Suspicious when this ice cream man's ice cream got Lazarus Water sheen on it. In the rooftops half the time when selling his ice cream too at that.
Shenanigans would happen ofc. It's Danny, his ridiculous luck, and Gotham.
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humanplaypretend · 9 months
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Jonathan deserves more love he's my son I love him so much
Also sorry for being afk for a couple days I got a bit busy [depression]
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random-movie-ideas · 4 months
Son of Batman (Movie Outline)
This movie is yet another part of the Cinematic Universe the others I've written have been a part of. This one specifically follows Batman & Batgirl: Arkham Assault which ended with Batman, Catwoman, and eight criminals all being captured by Scarecrow, as well as Nightwing: Under the Red Hood, where Jason Todd was revealed to be alive.
The movie begins six months after the disappearance of Batman and nine high profile Gotham criminals during the burning of Arkham. In that time, the remaining members of the Bat Family have worked tirelessly to find their missing friend while trying to maintain order in the resultant power vacuum that occurred in the city’s underworld.
We see Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, and Stephanie Brown (AKA Nightwing, Robin, and Spoiler) interrupt a meeting between crime lords Carmine Falcone and Rupert Thorne, taking them and their forces down. From the Batcave, Barbara Gordon, now wheelchair-bound and going by the name Oracle, works with Alfred to give them support. They are in constant contact with Barbara’s father, police commissioner Jim Gordon, who has now been let in on the full secret in Batman’s absence. Working together, they manage to take them down and arrest both crime bosses.
The next morning, a news report announces the arrests. We see a fourteen-year-old boy with messy hair and dark clothing watching the report on a public television. He looks at a piece of paper with several addresses written on it and puts up his hood. Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the family are in relatively high spirits celebrating their victory. Tim and Steph are goofing off and messing with Alfred a bit. Dick instructs them to do a little recon around the city today, while he heads down to the Bat Cave.
In the Bat Cave, he talks with Barbara, looking over a list of criminal activity she’s compiled, talking about how criminals have gotten bolder with the absence of both Batman and the major players like Joker and Two-Face. Barbara mentions to him again that names like Nightwing and Robin don’t strike as much fear as Batman does, and that maybe he needs to consider taking up the cowl. Dick turns her down flat. They flirt a bit before he heads out to get things done.
He first visits Jonathan Crane at the hospital where he now works. Crane complains offhandedly about not having nearly as good equipment as he had back in Arkham, but other than that, he has nothing new to tell him. Dick then stops by the warehouse where he regularly meets with his brother Jason. The pair talk but Jason has no new leads for him either.
Across the city, Tim and Steph are wandering around in their street clothes, keeping an eye out for signs of trouble. Tim lets Steph badger him into getting some ice cream from a local vendor, where they encounter the kid from the beginning of the movie, staring at the vendor out of curiosity. Steph offers to buy him a cone and he accepts but doesn’t speak to them. He seems to really enjoy it.
Later, Tim and Steph slip into their suits and sneak into the burned out ruins of Arkham. Tim expresses concern, as everyone who had gone in came back out horrified, claiming to have seen horrific visions inside. They decide to do so anyway, because they know there has to be some kind of clue. As they venture inside, one of them triggers a silent alarm. A strange mist fills the air and they end up getting separated. Steph sees someone shambling toward her, while Tim thinks he sees a scarecrow propped up. The figure approaching Steph turns into her father Arthur, riddled with bullet holes, while the scarecrow looks up as Tim approaches. Arthur apologizes to Steph, saying he got back into crime despite his promise to her before dying at her feet, while the scarecrow taunts Tim with images of Bruce, Dick, and Jason, calling him a faker, third in line of a second fiddle title, taking it on for fun while all who came before were forced into it.
Tim and Steph both run, Steph haunted by visions of other people she cares about being gunned down and killed, while Tim’s insecurities are attacked from every angle, with every member of the Bat Family calling him a fake. They both run into each other and find themselves surrounded by their respective specters. The Scarecrow steps out of their midst, laughing at them as more mist releases from his body.
A small hooded figure appears, striking the Scarecrow and knocking him back. He goes to Tim and Steph, giving them breathing masks and telling them it’s all an illusion. They recognize him as the boy from earlier, with his hood up and a breathing mask covering his own face. The Scarecrow attacks the boy, slashing at him and tearing his sleeve to reveal a symbol on his arm. The Scarecrow steps back in surprise as the boy covers it and tells the other two to run for it. The three flee from the mist and escape the ruins.
Tim and Steph wake up back at the mansion, being treated by Alfred. Barbara is nearby, telling them that they both inhaled a large amount of a hallucinogen that invokes a panic response in its victims. She is tending to the small boy, who doesn’t seem to want her help, while Dick and Gordon are both nearby. Dick tells them off for going there when he’d forbade doing so, but the boy says they were right to go there. That if they wanted answers as to what happened to Batman and the nine criminals, the answers were there.
The boy introduces himself as Damian and says that he’s a former member of the League of Shadows. Dick and Alfred both recognize the name, saying that’s the group who taught Batman much of what he knows. Damian tells them they’re a shadow organization that has existed for centuries, subtly manipulating historical events through assassinations and sabotage. Gotham is their next target, and the scarecrow that guards Arkham’s ruins is one of their agents. He set a trap for Batman and the nine missing criminals, and now he remains to make sure no one can find out what happened to them.
Dick questions whether or not Damian can be trusted, and if he’s not the one leading them into a trap. This leads into a debate between them all, but Alfred, who’d been staring at Damian as if he recognizes him, steps in and says they should all get some sleep and talk it over later. Alfred takes Damian to a guest room, but decides to let him into Bruce’s room instead. Damian stares at a picture of Bruce, and Alfred talks to him about him for a moment. Damian dodges his questions, which Alfred takes note of, and Alfred lets him go to sleep.
Down in the Batcave, Dick, Barbara, and Jim talk it over, joined by Alfred. They agree to go in, using the gas masks Damian offered them, but only Dick and Jim would go, while Tim and Steph would stay back at the mansion to continue recovering. Dick goes out briefly to find Jason and ask him to come with them. Jason acts dodgy as well and refuses to help. Later, Jason visits someone else, who tells him he is needed for a job.
The next day, Dick, Damian, and Jim head out to the island, Jim getting them through using his police clearance. Barbara and Alfred assist them from the Batcave. Damian supplies his companions with masks and they head in. Once again, they trigger sprays of mist, but remain unaffected by them. Dick uses a map supplied to them by Dr. Crane, and they work down into the lower levels.
As they travel, Damian tells them about his life before this, how his mother had been the daughter of league’s head, a man known as the Demon’s Head, and how she’d trained him in the same martial arts that Bruce knew. However, when she caught wind of what her father was planning for Gotham, and what he had done to Batman, she sent him in secret to help stop it.
As they reach the lowest levels, they find the door blocked by the Scarecrow. He doesn’t respond to anything they say, he just sits and waits. Then someone else appears behind them. Jason appears, and at first, Dick is relieved, but Damian points out a mark on his arm, and Jason reminds them how he was restored to life in the first place. He attacks them, ripping off Gordon’s mask and going for Damian’s as well. Dick blocks him and fights his brother as Scarecrow attacks from behind, gassing Gordon with a full blast of fear toxin, some of which gets through the damage to Damian’s as well.
Dick orders Damian to get Gordon out, while he holds off Jason and the Scarecrow. Damian struggles to hold his breath and get Gordon out of the mist while the toxin starts to take hold. Gordon starts to hallucinate visions of Barbara as Batgirl, taking a shot in the back, or getting knocked off a high-rise, both resulting in her falling to her death, coupled with images of her actual injuries from the Joker, his friend Harvey on the ground after being attacked by acid, and the small broken body of Jason Todd after being beaten to death by a crowbar.
Meanwhile Damian starts to see images of his grandfather, Ra’s al-Ghul, looking down at him with contempt and calling him an embarrassment and a disgrace. Then his grandfather’s face morphs into that of Bruce, saying the same thing. He cries out for his father and grandfather, when Tim and Steph appear from the mist, collecting up the both of them and pulling them out.
Back outside the ruins, Damian and Jim both come back to their senses, Tim and Steph having inoculated them with a cure for the toxin that had been finished during the night. Barbara comforts her father over their comms, while Alfred brings up what Damian had said during his hallucinations. Damian comes clean and reveals that he is Bruce’s son from his time training under the league. Damian asks how Alfred knew, and Alfred says it’s because he raised a small boy who looked nearly identical.
Down in the asylum, Dick continues to fight Jason while the Scarecrow disappears into the mist. Dick is furious with Jason, but Jason reminds him that his goals are the same as the League’s, to truly cleanse Gotham, not just wipe up after it the way they and Bruce had done all these years. Their battle becomes more and more intense, both breaking each other’s masks. Their strength starts to waver, Jason first as he starts to be overtaken by images of the Joker striking him with a crowbar over and over again. Dick starts to see the very same thing, but with every strike, Jason turns into Tim, and Steph, and Barbara, and Bruce, and Alfred. He tries to attack the imaginary Joker to no avail, and instead, grabs Jason and pulls him through the last door and into the secret lab.
Inside the lab, Dick searches for anything resembling a cure, reasoning that the Scarecrow surely has some for himself. He finds a vial and tests it on himself, finding, to his relief, that it actually does cure the toxin. He then goes to Jason and administers it to him as well. As Dick looks around the room, he sees controls for the entire prison, ten special cells, all of which are crusted with ice around the edges, all leading to a secret train tunnel.
Jason tells Dick that they’re not here, that Bruce, Selina, and the criminals were all taken to a special prison run by the league. Dick demands to know who the Scarecrow is, but Jason refuses to tell him. Dick tells him that if the League gets their way and cleanses Gotham, it won’t just be villains like Joker and Black Mask who suffer, but little street kids like the two of them were. He can’t just let it happen. Jason relents and looks up at his brother. He says, “Is it not obvious?”
Back at the Batcave, Barbara and Alfred talk with Damian, Jim, Tim, and Steph, having lost contact with Dick during his fight with Jason. They talk about how, if the League is as far-spread as Damian suggests, the Bat Cave may be the only safe place left. A familiar voice scoffs at the idea as Jonathan Crane appears. The doctor says they’ve always known about this place before gassing the both of them.
Dick and Jason re-emerge from the asylum, telling Damian, Tim, Steph, and Jim that they need to get back to the mansion, that all of this here had been a distraction. The team try to contact Barbara and Alfred, but are met only by the voice of Jonathan Crane, telling them that if they want to save their friends, they will return to the mansion immediately.
The group returns to the mansion. They say it’s likely full of the fear toxin, and Steph jokes about it becoming a literal haunted mansion. They each strap on a gas mask and enter. Dick and Jason go with Damian, and they talk to him about him being Bruce’s actual son. Damian tells them his mom had been keeping tabs on Bruce through the league all these years, so he knew all of their names and many of their adventures. Dick tells him welcome to the family.
Dr. Crane torments the team throughout the mansion, using the smoke and mist to keep his location a mystery in lieu of the toxin working. One by one, he lures them into a trap and attacks them, taking each hostage in turn. Soon enough, Dick, Jason, and Damian are left, and they find their way down to the batcave. There, Crane reveals Barbara, Alfred, Tim, Steph, and Jim, all unmasked and unconscious from fear toxin.
Crane talks to them through the computer, saying that the League had been perfectly content to leave their little team be, as they’d never pose the threat Batman himself posed, but they just couldn’t keep their noses to themselves. Dick and Jason both try to attack him and free their friends, but he ends up catching them off guard and capturing them too. Finally, only Damian remains.
Crane talks to Damian, saying he’d heard of him, the Demon Head’s little embarrassment of a grandson, surprised to learn that he’d been the Bat’s child all along. Damian creeps around, keeping Crane talking, until he can manage to track down his actual body. He attacks Crane from behind, taking him by surprise instead, but Crane holds his own, reminding Damian that he’d received League training as well. The pair duel, but in the end, Damian comes out on top, giving Crane an overdose of his own toxin.
All the rest of the Bat Family are freed and administered the cure. They question Crane on the whereabouts of Batman and the villains, and Crane admits that Ra’s took them to a special prison where they will never escape. Damian says he knows of the prison, that it’s a horror story spread around the league. Crane is handed over to Amanda Waller in ARGUS.
Damian wakes up the next morning in his father’s bed. The entire family greets him and makes him feel at home when he arrives at breakfast. As they start eating, the team begins discussing how to move forward, to save Batman and to stop the League’s plans. In a post-credits scene, we see Selina tending to Bruce inside a dark cell, Bruce clearly unable to move. The cell door opens, and the silhouette of Bane appears.
And that's our story. This one will be followed by a two-part Bat Family finale, the first focused on Bane and the prisoners locked in his prison. What do you think? Would you watch a movie like this?
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drjohannn · 25 days
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A few new characters on Limbus: Bazarov, Jane Eyre, Kashtanka, Consuelo, Peter and Wendy, Chatsky, Lena (Scarecrow).
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
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denimbex1986 · 11 months
'He's known around the world for his roles in Peaky Blinders, Dunkirk and now Christopher Nolan's highly praised Oppenheimer.
Yet Cillian Murphy, 47, is famously private - offering only a sliver of detail about himself throughout his years in the spotlight.
So just what do we know about the Irish star? Here, FEMAIL delves into the father-of-two's home life, early career and family as we take a look at the insights Cillian has shared with his fans.
The Tommy Shelby actor was born in Cork in 1976 to a mother who taught French, while his father, Brendan, worked as a schools inspector before moving to the Department of Education. His grandfather, aunts and uncles were also teachers.
But not wanting to follow the family tradition of working in education, Cillian pursued a career in the arts after getting a 'huge high' from his drama module at Catholic secondary school Presentation Brothers College.
However, his first performing love turned out not to be acting - instead he turned his talents toward music.
Cillian and his The Sons of Mr. Green Genes bandmates, which included his brother, were even offered a five-album record deal.
However, they were forced to turn down the opportunity by his parents, with the actor explaining: 'My brother was still in school. I was 18 and he was 16, the idea of losing two of us was just too outrageous and horrifying for them so it didn't happen and then everything just kind of fell apart.
'In retrospect, the music industry is just terrible. Unless you're super successful it's really hard to make a living. We’d have crashed and burned pretty quickly in that industry,' Cillian told the Armchair Expert podcast, via The Irish Examiner.
The Corkman went on to study law at University College Cork before he dropped out in an effort to break out into the world of acting
But recalling the moment he told his parents of his decision, he said: 'It wasn't a happy moment in our family history', reported The Independent.ie.
Cillian also discussed his 'pretty average upbringing' in a video with Vice, saying: 'I grew up in Cork, my parents are teachers.
'Pretty average, middle-class upbringing, you know? They were, I think, probably anxious that I did well at school and went to college, did all that stuff.
'I foolishly decided to pursue a law degree. But I was playing music. I was playing in a band, and I just started acting then.
'Those two things were happening and they became much more important than going to college. I didn't really go in at all, and I failed gloriously in the first year.'
But he soon found success as an actor, appearing in late 90s Irish film Disco Pigs and Danny Boyle's violent horror 28 Days Later in 2002.
He's also known for his appearance in director Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy as the villainous Dr Jonathan Crane and his alter-ego Scarecrow.
Most famously, he played Birmingham gang boss Tommy Shelby in Peaky Blinders for six seasons from 2013 to 2022 - but said he couldn't have stuck to the work schedule without his 'amazing wife'.
He married Irish artist Yvonne McGuinness in 2004, after the pair first met at one of his rock band's shows in 1996. They went on to have two children together, Malachy, 17, and Aran, 16.
Cillian told GQ of his work schedule: 'I couldn't do this without [my wife] and her understanding. But it is a struggle.
'I think it is for any dad whose work takes him away, which it generally does, and which consumes him, which my work does.'
He added: 'I make sure that I try not to go from job to job to job, because that means you live in a bubble of set, hotel, set, hotel, plane, film festivals - which, to me, is not reality. So I just check out from that for six months a year.'
Cillian and his family now live in Dublin after he reportedly splashed out close to £1.7million on a Victorian townhouse.
The four-storey home, originally built in 1863, is located in Monkstown, south Co. Dublin, and has six double bedrooms as well as four receptions rooms.
However while the family are now based in Dublin, his sons were born in London and stayed there until 2015 before they all moved to Ireland, with the actor joking they moved because his sons were developing 'very posh English accents'.
'We were in London for 14 years, both our kids were born there. We only came back to Dublin in 2015,' he told the Armchair Expert podcast.
'It's kind of an Irish story, you know, to move away, do your thing and then come home. That seems to be a common narrative for Irish people.
'We wanted the kids to be Irish, and they were sort of at that age where they were preteens and they had very posh English accents and I wasn’t appreciating that too much. Our parents are a certain age and it was just a nice time to come home.'
The 5ft7 star also noted that his sons were almost taller than him.
It also seems he won't be following in the footsteps of the acting elite, claiming he 'couldn’t envisage' upping sticks to Los Angeles.
Cillian said: 'I love visiting and I love the food and I do love the weather. I don’t know, I just feel European, I just feel Irish. I’d feel like a bit of an interloper if I lived in California, I couldn’t envisage living there permanently.''
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dc-ocs-200x · 1 year
Funny one shot inspired by this post from @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear (sorry for the tag but like if you're looking for good Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane content definitely check them out!)
It was clear to anyone that, even at the young age of 7, Dedric Crane was just as fascinated by fear--following painfully close in his father's footsteps-- as Jonathan. The thought naturally thrilled Jonathan, determined to teach anything he could to his son about his favorite topic. Luckily enough, Dedric absorbed all of it in return, listening to his father's lectures as he looked up as though Jonathan had hung the stars and the moon.
Of course, still being a child, Jonathan made sure to try and monitor what he exposed Dedric too, he didn't need to traumatize the boy. Still, when on a grocery run and seeing the Halloween mask section, an amusing idea came to him. Dedric never expressed fear to the classic horror movies, rather pleading for them to watch some together, so surely a plastic mask would be harmless. A little surprise spook then rendered to a simple child's toy. Satisfied with the idea, he tossed a ghost face mask into the cart knowing it was one of Dedric's favorites.
He'd waited a bit to enact the idea. A good week of it hiding in his room. If Jonathan was honest, he'd forgotten about it, until stumbling upon it when looking for his notebook for work later when Dedric was fast asleep. With a chuckle, he enacted on his plan. With the mask pulled over his head, little pressure bulb in his hand and hidden behind his favorite arm chair. He knew Dedric would be entering soon enough, being a little creature of routine, or at least as much routine as he could have with a rogue father.
Sure enough, it wasn't too long until Dedric came through looking for his afternoon snack, "Daddy?" he chirped peeking into the kitchen. It didn't unease Dedric too much to not find him there knowing there were times Jonathan got a little too absorbed into his work. As he went to check Jonathan's room however, he passed the chair which Jonathan took as his time to strike, jumping up from behind it with a yell, ensuring to squeeze the pump to make the faux blood run down the white portion of the mask.
Dedric was startled enough to fall back, all it took was one look at the mask for the boy to burst into tears. This surprised Jonathan who quickly pulled the mask off and disregarded it on the floor in favor of picking his little boy up, rubbing his back, a bit panicked by the sobs, "Oh darling boy, it's ok," he murmured, "it's alright. Its just daddy with a mask..."
Dedric hiccupped softly, immediately clinging to Jonathan's shirt as soon as he heard his father's voice, only able to manage out, "Sc-scary mask! W-with blood, daddy!"
Jonathan winced slightly at this, he hadn't anticipated the blood being an issue, then again there was a stark difference in seeing it from the safety of a television screen and seeing it right before your face. He sighed heading to the kitchen resolving to settling his son first and getting him his snack then handling the mask, for now though, distance from it seemed to be a must for Dedric's sake.
"I know. I know it, but there's no need to be scared, little boy. I wouldn't let anything hurt you. Certainly not some mask," he reassured, getting a bowl of various fruits like blackberries and peeled orange slices from the fridge, having prepared the snack beforehand.
"I-I don't like it!" Dedric sniffled, "Don't ever want to see it again," he mumbled miserably, still, the boy took the bowl, picking a strawberry out first.
Jonathan sighed simultaneously relieved at his never-ending ability to comfort his son in a matter of minutes, and stressed at how the little prank went so wrong.
"You won't have to," he promised, "the mask is going away for a long time.." '
'In a closet,' his mind finished bitterly.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 months
Has Jon Kent ever met the other Jon? (Jonathan Crane)
I can only imagine how that would go...
Crane: With this organic compound, I will not only make you see your greatest fear, I will MANIFEST them.
Crane: *pushes a button*
Crane: Tremble as your worst nightmare comes to life!
Crane: *disappears*
Jon: *tears up because he's all alone*
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forevercloudnine · 2 years
I need help finding a panel, its the one where Jon's mom kissed Batman. My friend believes me but I still wanna prove its real
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Year One: Batman/Scarecrow #2! I'm guessing Jonathan wasn't happy about that, because four years later he's still tormenting her in the DC Universe Holiday Special '09.
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w13zhao · 2 years
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“Would you like to keep me company while I read, Malpense?”
I’m two days late but happy Father’s Day to Jonathan Crane, best crow dad to my five shapeshifting crow OCs that I took away from another OC, haha.
If anyone wants to know more about my verse’s Hattercrow or the crows, feel free to send me an ask! I do enjoy info dumping :)
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flower-do0dles-dump · 9 months
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another wip cooking up! Next stop...butch cow..!!! I would finish buy it is almost 1 am and my back hurts!!! Time to go meemoo and listen to my nightly sleep meditations. It's what she would want...
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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I’d Love to Take Orders from You (1936, Tex Avery)
Merrie Melody #60
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