#so...i think the answer has to be that catherine believed she would win
fideidefenswhore · 1 year
How do we know that COA was offered her daughter made bona fides and kept princess? When was this?
It was an offer made by Henry alongside Campeggio when he was there before the trial, that her acceptance of the offer meant the trial could be foregone ....
We (Wolsey and Campeggio) are agreed in opinion to test the mind of the Queen, and to persuade her to consent to the separation, and to enter the profession of some religion. For this purpose his Lordship promised me the assistance of himself and all the prelates of the kingdom, and the favor of the King, and that the Queen shall have any honorable conditions which she demands, retain her station as Queen*, and not lose anything except "l'uso della persona del Re," which he (Wolsey) says she has lost for many years; allowing her her dowry, rents, ornaments, and assignments for her support, and many other things; especially that the succession of the kingdom for the present shall be established in her daughter, by the ordinance and consent of all the estates, in case there should never be any legitimate male heir. 
....(although, actually I don't exactly remember, that might have just been one stage of the offer...another might have been that her absence from the trial would ensure a result in Henry's favor; as we know she refused to attend after her speech and it did not, so whether or not that was true...Campeggio had a decretal comission to declare the marriage valid or invalid at Blackfriars and didn't, so in some sense they both got played, although Catherine only in hindsight...ironically, she would later vehemently complain about the severe injustice of the delay in any resolution, but she was the one that had interceded for that delay**, demanding the case only be tried in Rome). Even her counsel at the time, before becoming as contumacious as he did (Bishop Fisher), advised her to take this 'deal', as it were. Off the cuff, I don't remember every reference made to it, Chapuys some months later does also mention (very conditional) 'offers' made to her, but the dispatch is frustratingly vague:
Meanwhile the Queen is daily assailed by people making her all manner of offers, if she will only consent to the divorce; but she remains as firm as ever [...]
In 1533 Chapuys reports Catherine as having said she was willing to take the 'offer' made to her by the King's council three years ago, that then she had thought it was a feint to induce her to accept demotion, but she would accept it now. He does not specify what this offer was, I remember I went back to the sources of when Henry's council visited and argued with her and it was not clear then, either, but I always wondered if that was what she was alluding to. If so it was too late at that point; Henry had decided that the issue of any union that contravened divine law was irrevocably illegitimate (although technically, he would not manage to garner Parliamentary assent for this notion until three years later, he only managed it by implication in 1534), and he believed that was what it was.
Often apologia of Catherine's stance in the late 1520s has been, why should she have even considered that inducement, how was it even presented as an 'offer', even if the papacy had annulled the marriage, Mary would be bona fides regardless, etc. It was presented as an offer, inducement, compromise of sorts because in England that was not the legal precedent (ie, an offer made on behalf of her daughter that was not guaranteed otherwise):
"[Henry VIII] now argued she would would be barred by illegitimacy. This contention puzzled continental contemporaries because elsewhere in western Europe those children born to couples who in good faith believed themselves validly married were treated as legitimate. Nevertheless, Henry was right. After a period of some uncertainty, by the late fourteenth century England had opted out of the bona fides principle. As Sir John Baker notes, 'succession problems were usually debated in legal terms and in accordance with the common law canons of inheritance.' A successful challenge to his marriage would thus automatically bastardise Mary and leave Henry no direct heir... [although] Mary could have been legitimated by statute." - JF Hadwin, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
*One assumes this meant only a ceremonial title of some sort, ie Dowager Queen of England, as her sister-in-law was still referred to as Queen of France.
**Probably not anticipating resolution would not take place for another four years, but...still.
#anon#so...i think the answer has to be that catherine believed she would win#and she was vindicated although this was something of a pyrrhic victory for her own lifetime#and beyond it if we are considering 1536-52#or maybe she was not aware of this precedent which doesn't speak very highly of her advisors#her stans kind of want it both ways in a lot of aspects of the GM which is sort of like...#well either she was ignorant of certain things or knew them and decided to take the gamble#which presents a bit of an either/or with the Genius of the Tudor Court versus Devoted Mother Above All except for them it has to be both#the pragmatic solution would have been to put henry to oath with witnesses that mary would be first in succession after any sons#by subsequent marriage... in exchange for her agreement#to either enter convent (although as the article i quoted argues that wouldn't have really been an entire solution in and of itself) or#to tell charles v not to interfere and let the matter run its course in the courts#that is of course something of a secular perspective but isn't that the win win? if you win then great she's ahead of everyone#if you don't at least there's the chance for the throne#this was basically what did end up happening with the caveat that she was still illegitimate but at that point it had nothing to do w/ coa#more like in spite of her#royal retirement also /= an admission of sin; people seem to have really minimal historic literacy on this subject...#charles v retired to a monastery in 1556.#although traditionally it was for royal widows#(catherine of valois; eleanor of provence; elizabeth woodville...)#there might have been the crux of her moral opposition.#henry insisted she was arthur's widow; catherine insisted she was not
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Thranduil and Josie Pt. 127- Three Kings
Summary: Josie shares another dream memory. She awakes in Narcisse's bed. Josie is still angry with him but the persuasive warlock soon wins her over. Legolas receives three visitors. A long awaited secret is revealed, with a price. Catherine's evil reign continues. She tries to break a curse but it is too late. Stephane is injured. Catherine pays. Thranduil arises and demands answers. The Elvenking soon finds himself in a self induced predicament.
*Warnings* Angst, language, violence, poisoning, mentions of death,
Stories Stories Stories Masterlist
"Thranduil....Thranduil where are you my King...please, take me away from this awful place, I beg of you." you weakly cried out in your dream as you lied upon the forest floor, your head throbbing in pain and bleeding. Someone knelt beside you with an overpowering floral scent but you couldn't force your eyes to open. Something cool and soothing softly touched your forehead and then you began to float.
Muffled voices echoed about you, sounding of a man and a woman. The woman's was so beautiful and angelic.
"My lord, she is human. Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"
The man's was deep and decorative, yet so heavenly and protective.
"Do not question my authority. She is injured and needs my help, and I am going to offer it."
"Yes my lord."
You then realized you were not floating, but that he was carrying you.
"Thranduil!" you shrieked in panic as you awoke, forgetting where you were for a brief moment until Narcisse came running to you.
"Jo..it's alright, you're safe." he assured as he placed his hand on your cheek, in which you quickly threw your arms around him, remembering what happened with Asher. After a few moments, you then also remembered what Narcisse had done and how he treated you. Shoving him back, you swiftly stood up to realize you were now in a robe and not your bloodied dress.
You looked at him in panic. "How did I get into this?? Did you undress me??!!"
"Calm down Jo, of course I did not do such a thing. I had a female servant tend to you while I left the room. I know you think the worst of me, but I would never violate you like that."
You burst out laughing. "You mean like when you drew me naked and left it for all of Dorwinion to see?! I should never have came here. I need to get to my daughter, my god where is she??"
"Relax, relax Jo, she is safe with Lola in her chambers. I made sure to go find her when you collapsed at my door...and I also had my guard remove Asher and the soiled rug from your room. Everything is alright."
"Oh...." you softly said as your anxiety eased a bit. "Well, I still should never have come here."
Stephane arrogantly smiled in disbelief. "That's it? No...thank you?"
"I did not ask for your help nor do I want it."
"Oh but you did by coming to me and no one else. Not Haldir, not Garrett....me."
"Yeah well, Haldir is upset with me as if you didn't know that because of what you did and Garrett...well...." You thought quickly on that and made up an excuse. "I...I had blood all over me. He wouldn't have been able to handle that."
Honestly, you really weren't sure why you did not call for Garrett. He could have handled the blood. For being a vampire, he had self control like no other which you believed was the human that still resided within him, considering he would only seek out evil people to exist off of..... There was so much involved with what you felt for him. You told yourself it was about Raven...but deep down you knew it was guilt about Legolas and Thranduil.
"You can tell yourself that all you want Jo but you weren't thinking clearly at the time to worry about all that, and yet here you are. Your instincts brought you to me because I make you feel safe." Narcisse said with confidence.
"HA! Don't flatter yourself! You are the last person I feel safe with. You intentionally hurt me and it didn't even phase you in the least...you sat there and gloated over my humiliation! I am so over this and I am going to go get my daughter now and..."
"And what Jo? Where are you going to go? Back to the room where you just killed a man? You can't even get into your bath over a simple rat!"
He was right. Where were you going to go now? You definitely could not stay in that room ever again after that, for you knew you would see that horrible man laying there in every waking moment.
"Then I guess I will have to swallow my pride and go to Haldir. He may be perturbed right now, but he would not turn me and Leean away. I will just go to Lorien with him as planned and be free of this awful place!"
"First of all, he is not here right now. Lola said he went into the city...and secondly, you're going to go to him looking as you do, in a robe with dried blood underneath all over your skin that soaked through from your dress? I can see it on your neck Jo."
You gasped and placed your hand over your throat, which made you flinch as it was still tender from Asher's death grip.
"Are you alright??" Narcisse asked in concern as he came to you, pushing your hair back away from your neck. "Are you hurt? Show me."
You slowly removed your hand and pointed to a spot on your throat.
"Here...he grabbed me."
Narcisse tenderly glided his fingertips over your neck, noticing the newly peaking bruising underneath the flaky blood. His lips pursed in anger as his hand dropped.
"I wish I would have ended him myself and much sooner, back on the boat. I should have fed him to the sharks, but no, I wanted to make him suffer instead. This is all my fault."
He rubbed his hand over his mouth in frustration and turned away from you.
You stood quietly for a moment, taking in the fact that he was genuinely remorseful for what happened.
"Stephane....this. This is not your fault. You...you took care of him and he shouldn't have even been able to even walk but....somehow he escaped."
"Not once, but twice!" he reeled as he spun around. "It is my fault Jo because I am certain of how he escaped this time and she will pay ohhhh so dearly."
"You mean...Catherine? You think she set him free?"
"Oh I do not think it, I know it." he snarled. "I..I should have listened to you and done what you said by handling her, and yet I did nothing out of avoiding her wrath and what she holds...."
He quickly ceased his words which insanely perked your curiosity.
"What she holds? Stephane....what is going on? Has she done something to you or have something on you? or threatened you...or me? Is that why you did what you did to me??"
His eyes fell as he walked to the window. You followed him and made him turn to you.
"That's it isn't it? I felt something was off because I knew you were not acting yourself and that you wouldn't be so cruel to me like you were. Don't bother denying it because I saw it Stephane...in your eyes. It hurt you in doing what you did....and I see it now too. Please, tell me the truth."
The turmoil he was in had now greatly multiplied for he knew he could not tell you the truth, not all of it anyways so he offered half of it.
"You are right. It is Catherine. I believe she has placed some kind of dark magic upon me with your spell book that went missing, for I have not felt myself in days, and it all occurred shortly after you informed me of the missing book....She also had threatened you if I did not make you leave, but...I..I could not bring myself to do it, for I did not want you to go, so I cowardly tried to make you want to leave by doing what I did to you. Jo...I took no joy in hurting you like you believed...or still believe I did...I will make this right. I swear it to you."
You wanted to believe him, in fact, you did believe him but you were still scared to trust him, especially if he was right about a spell being cast upon him.
Your silence and your eyes told him that you were still wary of him.
"I can see you still do not trust my words."
"Can you blame me? You have been far from honest about all this...and now...you believe you are under some black magic curse. I mean...what if I made you angry..."
"I would never hurt you and you know that." he defensively replied as he stared directly into your eyes.
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"If you were mine, I would protect you with my life and much more. I will even do so regardless of how you feel about me."
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"S..Stephane...I...I do not know what to say to that."
"You do not have to say anything. You may have this room. I will relocate to my private home across the lands."
"How is that protecting me with your life if you are not here with me?!"
He gazed at you for a moment, not sure of what to say.
"You will have Haldir and Garrett and the guard... I will not be far. I'm a warlock, remember? I can be here in a matter of minutes and of course I would still remain here most of the time. I fear that you fear me and you have lived in fear long enough."
"Stephane, this is stupid. I..I don't feel you would hurt me and I don't want...."
You paused and walked away.
"You...don't want me to go?"
You slowly turned to face him. "No..."
"Well now...was that so hard? You know...you could always bring Leeanduil and reside with me at my place. Of course, you would have your own chambers. The only others that stay there are the help and guard. It would be much quieter, smaller....and private. The offer will remain open no matter what you decide. In the meantime, why don't you entertain another bath and I will go and check on Leean for you while you think over your options."
"Or....you could just remain here....with...me. I...I mean of course, I would sleep here on the sofa and Leean has her crib."
"Nonsense. You will not sleep on such discomfort. If...I were to agree to this, you may have my bed and I will sleep on the lounge. You can let me know what you decide when I return or later if you wish. Please, go enjoy another bath and relax. I will be back in one hour....and I will also see if Haldir has returned. The door will be secured behind me and I have a guard out there as well....Mayyyybe we could enjoy a peaceful dinner and drinks later this evening?"
He didn't give you time to respond and abruptly left.
"My lord Legolas, Bard the Bowman has arrived, wishing to have word with you...and Moose, he has been somewhat unruly since his return here with you. The beast attempted to bite me and kicked the stableman." Feren relayed in frustration to the new King of Mirkwood.
Legolas was lost in thoughts of you in his father's chambers as he sat at his desk trying to organize the piled up mess of duties since his father's absence....but he was getting nowhere as his mind kept wandering to the kiss you both shared. It played over and over in his mind and then so did the one you and Garrett displayed right before his very eyes. He saw you crying, and heard your words echo of begging him not to leave you.
"My lord??"
"What? Oh...Feren, my apologies. Yes, I will be right there." Legolas replied, still seemingly lost in a daze.
Feren huffed under his breath and left. Legolas sighed as he closed his eyes, fondling a bottle of your perfume that he must have smelled a thousand times since he had returned, then forced himself to put you out of his mind for the time being.
"King Legolas, it is good to see you my friend."
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"Bard, it has been a long time. Please, you can just call me Legolas as you always have."
"I am very sorry to hear about King Thranduil. I wanted to come and offer my condolences to you and the Queen when I received word that you had returned from Dorwinion...and also congratulate her on the birth of the magical princess."
"Josie and Leean did not come with me." Legolas replied with a sorrowful tone.
"Where did she go?"
"Narcisse's castle. It was too painful for her to come. She and my sister will be going to Lorien with Haldir."
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"Lorien? I am sure you are aware of the dragon fire upon the goblin kingdom. The realms are not far apart. Forgive me for asking but is that really the safest option? I have heard of Jareth's destruction atop Lestat's mountain and now a dragon attack upon goblin town. I do not feel that was a coincidence, but the wrath of Lestat and Lothlorien lies dead in the center. Why else would the serpents of the North come all this way and attack his kingdom? Lestat is the only other besides Thranduil that would dare summon them."
"She has all the protection she needs. Narcisse, Haldir and....Garrett. I was not needed."
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"Garrett? It is none of my business, but of course you are needed. The Queen adores you and would be safest with you, especially here in the magical protection of Thranduil's halls."
"She does not feel that way about.....it does not matter now. She has made her decision and I was needed here."
"I see." the bowman skeptically stated.
Bard could see alright, that the former prince was deeply in love with you and running away from his feelings.
"Does she know?" Bard presumptuously asked.
"How you feel about her?"
Legolas was taken aback by the bowman's assumption...a very correct assumption.
"It is irrelevant. The Queen and I share only friendship. I do not know how you have come to such a conclusion."
"We both know that is not true Legolas Greenleaf." Tauriel called him out from the edge of the forest.
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"What are you doing here?" Legolas growled as he glared at her.
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'I am sorry my lord, she followed me from Laketown. I told her not to come but she would not listen. I was about to inform you." Bard explained.
"You are not welcome here or was my banishing of you not clear enough? I suggest you get back on your horse and leave before I have you escorted out of the woodland realm."
"Legolas, I come in peace. I too had heard of your return and wanted to offer my condolences about King Thranduil...."
"Do not say my father's name...and your sympathy is not wanted nor needed after what you have done. In fact, I would prefer it if I never had to see your face again."
"Surely you will not make me travel back alone with night falling soon after I came all this way? I do not know if you are aware, but since you have been gone, the spiders are becoming an enormous menace and their abundance of new nests have hatched, not to mention, Shelob has been spotted in the vicinity. She has been here for quite some time and I have reason to believe she has relocated here from Mordor out of spite towards all of us for destroying her nest and injuring her."
"There is no us and I have been aware of her presence for a long time now. Tauriel, you are a warrior of great skill and stealth. Do not expect me to believe you cannot handle her and a few arachnids."
"I think you missed the part where I said their were multiple new nests that hatched. Legolas, you have a serious problem and if you had been here instead of dealing with issues that were not your problem, you would know that. Even your elven guard cannot keep up with all of them."
"What I do is none of your concern! and neither is this realm, for you are no longer a part of it! I am very much aware of the issues at hand here but I had to deal with other threats that put my family at risk, so yes, it was very much indeed my problem."
"Then why is Josie not here with you? Instead, she is in a warlock realm. No risk there. Why is it really Legolas, that Josie would not come back with you?"
"Again, none of your concern...but if you must know, what I speak is the truth. The memories here are too much for her to face right now and... maybe part of it is that she couldn't face the fact that you slept with my father right here in his halls."
Bard was flabbergasted by Legolas's comment as he was unloading barrels and couldn't help the "wow" look that formed on his face.
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"You...you told her?"
"I did, and I bet that makes you quite happy to know the pain you have caused someone that you once called your best friend."
"I do not take pleasure in that. What I do take pleasure in is that you got exactly what you deserved after pining for her while I was your wife."
"Oh, you mean like you did for Kili....and my father both while you were my wife??" Legolas swiftly retorted.
"I am sorry to interrupt this happy reunion, but I must be going now Legolas. As Tauriel said, darkness will soon fall. I will be back in a few days."
"Very well. it was good to see you Bard. I hope your son Baine is well. Bring him with you sometime so he and I can catch up on our archery tournaments."
"Indeed. He is becoming quite the archer as it is. After all, he did assist in taking down Smaug."
"Yes he did. A brave warrior he will be like his father.....Tauriel, glenn hi!" (leave now)
"Do you hate me that much that you would let me die?"
"Do you really want me to answer that? Then go with Bard."
"And what of my horse?? Legolas, it is only for this one night. I will leave in the morning at first light when the spiders are less active."
"You will not stay within my halls, nor even enter them. Make use of the guest hall and then be gone as you said...and do not return."
Legolas then whipped around and marched back to his business. He was soon stopped by none other than the Seelie Queen whom awaited him at the back entrance, her appearance yet again changed to an older version close to that of Legolas's physical age.
"Amara? Why have you come here?"
"I have stumbled upon some news that I think you will greatly desire and even pay a hefty price for."
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Legolas tilted his head at the faerie who now strikingly resembled you with her big blue eyes, copper red hair and similar moonstone necklace she wore about her neck. She even dressed like you. In her twisted mind, she thought she may have a better chance with her dream prince turned King, if she appeared like the one thing Legolas loved more than anything, you.
"I am listening."
"Well as you know, I hear things from the birds, bugs and trees as they're all in my service. I can give you back someone you love dearly that you have believed lost forever. Someone you thought was dead dead dead, but in fact is not. In return for this information, you will give me what I have so long desired."
Just then, your crow cawed and circled about high in the sky. Legolas glanced up at him and then back at Amara in utter confusion.
"Amara, respectfully, I can offer you nothing until I know what it is that you think you know."
"Oh I do not think it, I know it. I cannot lie, remember?"
"That may be true, but you can always be mistaken, believing what you have heard to be true."
"It is true. There is a witness and he chose to tell me because I am the only one who can understand him."
"Amara, please. What do you know? If you do not tell me, I cannot help you."
"Very well. The King of Mirkwood, your father, is very much alive....but I will tell you no more without an agreement."
Legolas forgot to breathe for a moment as he gawked at her in disbelief.
"Now I know you must be mistaken. I saw his lifeless body before me with my own eyes, so did his Queen."
"Illusions my dear King Legolas. True witchcraft was at play."
"Who told you this??!!!" Legolas now raged as he felt it to be some sick game of hers like she displayed with you and Garrett.
Amara glanced up at the crow who now sat in a high tree, peering down at the two of them.
"I think you know he will not lie as well, for he is in the Queen of Mirkwood's service."
"This cannot be...." Legolas whispered and staring wide, feeling like the wind had been knocked out of him. "If this is true...where...where is he?!"
"As I said, there is a price for such information. A contract per se, that can never be broken or there would be consequences."
Legolas was losing his patience with the faerie Queen.
"What is it that you want! I agree to nothing until I see me father standing before me with my own two eyes."
"That can be arranged and we can have the ceremony once you have found him, but you still must agree to my terms or no deal."
Legolas was now fuming just like his father would do when backed into a corner.
"Ceremony?? What ceremony???"
"It's simple really. You and I will become husband and wife, in every way."
"Have you lost your mind?? or do you just enjoy being cruel?? Using my father against me to get what you want. I think you need to leave here at once and take your mind games with you."
"Oh it is no game Legolas, but suit yourself. I guess you will never know then."
Amara began to walk away, knowing she was about to get everything she's always wanted.
"Wait!! Alright....I will give you what you ask, but ONLY if I find him very much alive and well."
She grinned from ear to ear as she held her hand out to shake on it, which would seal the deal. Legolas reluctantly took her hand and shook.
"Now tell me."
"Remember, Legolas. Do not cross me. If you think I am cruel, you know nothing of what I am capable of....but you knew that already."
Legolas slightly gulped and nodded...and so the Seelie Queen began her tale.
Catherine was in the kitchen, still up tp her evil ways as she mashed up a poisonous concoction and placed a heaping teaspoon full of Oleander into a bowl of hot soup.
"This is going to hurt a little bit Josephine. Maybe this time you take me seriously and leave."
Catherine then began to chant as she stirred. ..."Haldir of Lorien sat on a wall. Haldir of Lorien had a great fall. All the marchwarden's horses and all the marchwarden's men, couldn't put poor Haldir of Lorien back together again."
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The servant that had been preparing the evening's appetizers returned to the kitchen after Catherine had stirred in the deadly poison that she picked up in the city, an idea she got out of the spell book she stole from you.
"Ahhh William. Have you brought me what I have requested."
"Y...yes my lady." he stuttered.
The servant reluctantly handed her a small phial filled with a red substance, appearing to be blood.
"Perfect. Did anyone see you with the body?"
"No my lady. Asher was left in the dungeon, rolled inside of a rug."
"Good...Now...make sure this steaming hot soup gets to our guest, the elven marchwarden....and you will be rewarded generously."
The nervous servant did as he was told, for he too, feared the notorious Catherine de Medici after hearing Narcisse's horse was made into steaks.
"Mother, did you hear what happened to Asher??" Claude anxiously announced as she came rushing in.
"I did. Pity that he was not able to finish the simple task I gave him. I guess I will have to handle Cinderella myself. If only Narcisse would have cooperated, his precious Jo would be long gone from here and the attack would not have had to happen, but the stubborn bastard insists on turning me away and that simply will not do. If I cannot have him, neither will she. But first, I have decided to make her suffer more than she already is."
"Well, be warned. I saw Narcisse earlier and he was looking for you and...he had a vicious look in his eye, one like I have never seen. He has seemed so off lately, and honestly, a real dick, pun intended as I still cannot get over what he did to Asher."
"Where is he now?" Catherine asked in concern.
"I saw him speaking with Haldir just a bit ago and their conversation was not pleasant. The quite handsome elf seems to blame Narcisse for what happened with Asher, from what I overheard."
"Oh really? hmmm....this could actually be a bonus soon enough. Time will tell, but first, I must take care of something."
Catherine raced off as if her life depended on it. Out of curiosity and worry, Claude secretly followed her to see what her devious mother was up to now.
Upon entering her mother's quarters, she saw Catherine take something out of a box and rush to the fireplace, tossing it in.
"What are you doing sneaking into my chambers?" Catherine snapped when she saw her.
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"Mother, what was that?! What have you done?"
"Don't you worry your curious little head about that. I am just hopefully undoing something before Narcisse winds up out of control."
"My god, did you...cast some spell on him or something? because that looked to be like...like a voodoo doll. Mother what have you done to him?? And don't tell me nothing after seeing this, because you look seriously worried."
"Claude, it was nothing but a silly spell that I didn't even think would work, but now it's handled and he will go back to his delightful self." she sarcastically said.
"And what if he doesn't? After his actions lately, I fear you have created a monster, and even if you have reversed this sick and twisted thing you have done, it will not stop him from taking his vengeance upon you for what you have done....and black magic does not just go away, it comes back three fold. What were you thinking??"
"I can handle Stephane...now go. I do not want you involved in this."
"I think it's a little too late for that considering what I know now."
"And you will keep that knowledge to yourself, understood!? If anyone, including Narcisse, asks you if you have seen me tonight, you tell them no, that I am still in the city. Now go Claude!"
Claude reluctantly left and Catherine quickly put on her overcoat, then headed out to hide away for the time being until she knew if the spell had been broken, for there was no said way of reversing it in the book, but she knew her daughter was right. Narcisse would still come after her for the Asher incident, and if that happened, she would the use her knowledge of the whereabouts of one certain letter to coerce him into sparing her life.
Just as she opened the door, there stood a ruthless and raging Narcisse.
"Going somewhere, my....love?" he snarled as his nostrils flared.
"Shut your mouth!" he snapped and and slowly approached her. For every step he took, she took one backwards, watching his hand like a hawk as it rested upon his sheathed sword.
"Did you really think you could try to kill Josephine by setting Asher free, and get away with it??? Did you think I would not know who was responsible?? I have lost all patience with you. This was the last straw! She has a child for christ's sake!! All so I would love you?? Anything I ever felt for you is long gone, has been for a very long time, and it certainly was never love. You are as wicked as they come and I should have rid of you long ago."
"Stephane stop! You, you do not know what you are saying."
"Oh Catherine, I know of every word I speak, even under the evil spell you have cast upon me. Did you think I would not figure that out?? You take me for a fool and act as if I am your property. Well no more, for you have crossed a very thin line."
"And what line would that be? Josephine?? You ARE a fool! She will never love you warlock King! Once she knows that her true King is..."
"She will never know!!"
He wielded his sword towards her, placing it at her neck as she fell to the ground in panic. It was clear to her that her efforts in breaking the spell had failed and he was going to kill her.
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"If..if you k..kill me, you will never know where the letter is! I can guarantee you, Josephine will find it and you will lose her forever!"
Narcisse knew this was true, so for the time being, he had other plans for Catherine to try and force the information out of her.
"Get up!"
Catherine wobbled her way up as he lowered his word. She then stood in his face.
"You act so innocent, spell or no spell. We both know you planted that rat and then blamed me so that you could scare that silly girl into your arms."
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"Take her away!" Narcisse ordered to Bash, his new deputy.
Catherine gave one last effort to save herself from being thrown in Narcisse's desolate dungeons and picked up stone candle holder, smacking him in the head.
Narcisse wailed in pain and fell onto Bash, giving her the chance to run. She made it outside but did not get far as Bash came out of nowhere and reprimanded her.
"Unhand me!"
"Not today Catherine! Let's go!"
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"Why am I here and where is my elk and my swords? I demand to leave here this night." Thranduil dictated as he appeared from nowhere, circling about Jareth, Julian, Raven and Harker in both an appetent and mistrustful manner.
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Raven's eyes bulged at the arresting vision of him as the elf lord had physically transformed back into his Elvenking mien. She had taken multiple baths to dissolve his scent in order to keep Jareth from knowing of her once again infidelity but her nerves intensely took over her in worry that Thranduil would reveal what had happened between them. Instead, Thranduil offered her not one glance or word, as if she were not even in his presence.
"Ahhh, King Thranduil. Glad to see you are feeling up to rejoining the land of the living and seemingly back to your oh so delightful personality." Harker jested.
Thranduil was in no mood for small talk. "Answer my questions warlock." he blatantly replied with an expressionless face.
"You do not recall? Your elk left with your son Legolas after the fire that we rescued you from, which is why you are here. You have had a long road of recovery from your injuries, specifically head trauma from a terrible shock you took during my lightning storm atop the vampire mountain." Julian now added in an all out lie.
"Your swords are in safe keeping for you, no need to worry about that. It would seem your memory is still a bit hazy. You should not be traveling in such a condition at the moment." Jareth chimed in.
"My memory is well enough to remember that neither of you before me is in my circle of trust, which is quite far and few between, but in fact, you are viewed as natural sworn enemies, so again, why am I here and why would you rescue me if that is even of any truth...and more importantly, why would my son leave me on that mountain?"
The four of them all glanced at each other, leaving Thranduil to glare at them through slitted lids.
Harker stepped before the skeptical Elvenking.
"Legolas, and everyone else believes you to be dead. In fact, you were for a brief time until Jareth revived you with his ring of power. He and Josephine had saw you with their own eyes, and then just left you there, for the prince was more concerned about your wife and getting her to safety."
"Do not speak that wretched woman's name or refer to her as my wife! and if my son believes me to be dead, then do explain why he has not been informed that it is not of truth??" Thranduil barked.
Harker was very pleased to hear Thranduil speak of you in that manner, now more sure than ever that the conditioning had worked.
"We wanted to make sure you would recover before notifying him, in case our efforts to heal you did not work. Certainly you would not have wanted him to go through the pain of your loss all over again?"
Thranduil's stance stiffened as he leered at Harker, seemingly agreeing to the warlock's reasoning.
"I am quite capable now of returning to my Kingdom and reclaiming my throne. But you still have not offered me a logical explanation as to why any of you would aid in my recovery."
"Because we are allies, with similar interests and enemies. Together, we can rule all of middle earth in the way it was intended to be, full of death and destruction. Is that...not...what you desire...Elven...king?"
Harker was once again testing him, for his obedience and loyalty was still in question.
"It is everything that I desire and more, but I will continue to rule my realm in solitude as I always have with no assistance from your kind."
Now Harker was extremely displeased with the arrogant elf lord.
"You will remain King of your realm, but you will in fact rule alongside of us in all that surrounds it."
"I take orders from no one, especially that of witches!"
"Have you forgotten who's realm you are in now sprite??! You are no King here, for that title belongs to me! Unless you would rather return to the afterlife, as I can arrange that!" Jareth reeled and hurled one of his crystals in anger.
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"You dare threaten me goblin King?! I am no ally to filth and I rule under or with no one! Now return my swords to me."
Harker was now conflicted with the elven adversary, for Thranduil was doing everything he was expected to do, yet still non compliant in joining forces with them.
"It seems you are still not ready to leave here. You make no commands here elf nor are you in any position to attempt to, for you will not make it out of here alive, but if you think you have the power to do so, by all means, give it a try and see how far you get. This can all be so much easier for you if you swallow your pride and obey, or it can get ugly. Certainly, you do not want your realm to fall under our wrath? Which would you prefer? It would seem your at quite a disadvantage for making an irrational decision."
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"I would prefer your head on a stake and to shoot arrows at it while enjoying many glasses of wine." Thranduil snarled.
"Those are your emotions acting without the benefit of intellect." Harker raged.
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"Think of Legolas and Leeanduil. Do not fail them."
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Raven stupidly intervened. "Thranduil, just do as they tell you and you will soon be on your way home to your children."
Thranduil's head jerked to face her. "Whom are you to speak to me? You are no better, if not worse, than the damned and miserable beings before me, for you are two of a treacherous kind all rolled into one revolting vision."
Raven gasped at his words for he certainly did not find her that way the night prior when he fucked her madly. She suddenly saw it in his loathing eyes....he did not remember it.
"You dare speak to my queen in such a way before me?!" Jareth fumed as he walked up to him.
"Queen? I was under the impression she was your whore since your true queen, Ravenna is away, also being a whore." Thranduil antagonized Jareth without a care.
Even Harker's eyes slightly widened at the bravery and boldness the Elvenking displayed, almost enjoying the foreseen response, for this side of Thranduil could not be blamed on his conditioning. He was just being what he had always been. Ruthless.
Jareth was just as ruthless and charged his hand out, zapping the Elvenking with his ring once more. Thranduil fell to his knees and weakly but domineeringly peered up at Jareth with a wicked grin as a group of goblins were ordered to take him away.
"Well that was productive." Harker snarked in annoyance. "We have broken every part of him except his obdurate will, which has only seemed to have intensified. Any more bright ideas brother?"
"Indeed I do. Administer an entire new round of therapy. It seems the King has not learned his place."
"He is a liability and cannot be trusted. Why not just kill him?" Julian asked.
"Where's the fun in that?" Jareth chuckled. "Harker...go get me my book and moonstone since our incompetent brother here failed." Jareth then glanced at Julian in disappointment as he wrapped his arm around Raven's shoulders and walked away.
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firawren · 1 year
Asks about my OTPs
Pick your top 10 OTPs without reading the questions, then answer the questions after you've made your list
Elizabeth and Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
Belle and Beast (Beauty and the Beast 1991)
Anne and Wentworth (Persuasion)
Chuck and Sarah (Chuck)
Killian and Emma (Once Upon a Time)
Peeta and Katniss (The Hunger Games)
Stede and Ed (Our Flag Means Death)
Catherine and Henry (Northanger Abbey)
Snow and David (Once Upon a Time)
Leslie and Ben (Parks and Recreation)
Now here are the questions and answers!
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6? – Probably some time during the second book, when they really become a team protecting and comforting each other.
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2? – Haha yes, and written many!
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver? – Nope!
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be? – They kind of are broken up? It's devastating, but I hope season 2 will fix it!
5. Why is 1 so important? – Because they got me into the entire Jane Austen universe, which is one of my main interests and hobbies now.
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship? – Mostly serious, but they have their funny moments.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry? – Elizabeth and Darcy or Chuck and Sarah.
8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond? – Probably Peeta and Katniss since they went through such intense trauma together.
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom? – 3 times, and I'll do it again.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest? – I don't know what this means. In their canon? Snow and David have been together for over 40 years by the end of the show, I think. In my heart? I've been into Belle and Beast ever since the movie came out over 31 years ago. In fandom? Elizabeth and Darcy have been going strong for over 200 years!
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up? – I suppose they weren't really a couple during the period where Peeta wanted to murder Katniss lol! Plus they were fake dating and fake engaged for most of their relationship, so it's hard to tell what "broken up" means in this sort of context where they're not truly together to begin with.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8? – 2, because Beast is a literal beast with claws and fangs and crap, and Belle is very smart. 8 are sweet little cuties who would get killed immediately lol!
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason? – They both were kind of in denial about liking each other romantically, but that's not really the same thing. And they kind of broke up right after officially acknowledging they wanted to be together! I guess Stede was hiding his relationship when he went back to Mary.
14. Is 4 still together? – Kind of. The awful series finale makes their future murky.
15. Is 10 canon? – Yep, all of these ships are. I'm basic haha!
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win? – Well Beast is the most dangerous physically, but he wouldn't want to kill anyone. So I'm going with Chuck and Sarah due to their physical training and Sarah's skill and lack of remorse over killing anyone she needs to.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship? – Mostly Emma herself haha! I guess Neal and David kind of did, but not really actively/aggressively.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond? –  I strongly believe in all of them, but Belle and Beast are the most in need of defense because some people see them as toxic, so I'm the most prickly about defending their relationship, I guess.
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page? – Nope, they're not super popular on Tumblr. I think only 1, 5, and 7 have a strong presence on Tumblr.
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink? – I guess Catherine and Henry just because they could each easily find someone else to love and be happy with and not be forever devastated by their breakup. They're not, like, soulmates, just two cute young people who happened to get thrown together.
Tagging some people if they want to do this: @loonysama, @thefamilybruno, @annaofthenorthernlights, @bad-at-names-and-faces, @thecassadilla, @keeshya6, @bethanydelleman, @thatscarletflycatcher + anyone else! (No pressure to do this as usual!)
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lumeha · 2 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 23.
I had to wait until I was back home to answer this, but Anon....... please enjoy all these FE3H answers ! :D
1 - Favourite house ?
The Church
The Blue Lions ! Both from first house bias and them being, all around, the house I find the most coherent story-wise (helped by have 5 of them directly tied before they came to the academy), and general some of my faves
I'm biased but honestly, having my favourite house leader, the og ship I shipped and consider to be one of my favourite despite some Opinions TM on how it's done most of the time ('s fraldarddyd. I'm still low key a sucker for them.), Gilbert being part of their storyline (look I Love Him), and... well, yes. Them being the first house I picked. Thanks to Dimitri's eyepatch. Well. They win my heart.
4 - Favourite Golden Deer
Lorenz. Which. Still can't believe I went through the "I hate him" phase before hitting his support with Leonie and realise that, actually, he's a fantastic character. I love this guy. He's so good. Him and his roses. His glow up. His poetry. His medkit. Love that dude
5 - Favourite Black Eagle
Linhardt. Sleepy head............. I love this sleepy scholar. While I didn't S-Support him in my first playthrough (coughIdidGilbertfirstcough), he has a lot of fun supports, a design I really like, and some pretty fun monastery dialogue.
6 - Favourite Blue Lion
I'll have to give it to Felix, that little bastard man has got me good. Dimitri is just very, very hot on his heels, but Felix is the one that surprised me. I genuinely didn't expect to love him as much as I do when I first played. While I love assholes with bad social skills, I didn't quite expect it from Felix at first ? I expected a more ? traditional swordsman from FE ? ... But no. I think he'd fit in with the asshole snipers, which are often some of my faves.
7 - Favourite Ashen Wolf
Constance ! Gods, I love her. She's so fun. She also has a very neat design, I quite love the purple under hair colour ? it's so good ? and while I don't think she fits the arcana of her crest... I truly do appreciate that she is the Hierophant character. It's excellent. Not really a good pick to represent it, but fun nonetheless
8 - Favourite house leader
Already answered, but it's Dimitri
9 - Favourite faculty member
... well.. it is her... Dragon Archbishop....... Rhea. My beloved. I could write paragraphs on why I love her, despite hating her at first. She's a fantastic character.
(After her it's Gilbert, and after Gilbert it's Catherine, just to give an idea. I have a Faerghus bias even when I don't especially try to have one lmao T-T)
15 - Favourite support conversation
HHHH. That's a hard one. But I'll have to elect the whole Gilbert - Dimitri support line. It is an excellent exploration of both characters issues, it reveals a lot about both of their (pretty abysmal) mental state and health, and while it doesn't conclude neatly, and I didn't expect it to, it still explores everything it needs to from start to finish. Excellent work.
But shout out to Catherine and Ashe support line, because it's *also* a fantastic one
16 - What class would you be if you went to Garreg Mach ?
Fun fact, I once ran a twitter poll with this question. People surprisingly answered Holy Knight (... the answers were like. Holy Knight, Dark Bishop, Bishop, and I forgot the last class)
But I personally think I'd be a Bishop. Comfy clothes. And, lmao, more seriously, the faith oriented class, and healing / support oriented class fits me well.
17 - Character you relate to ?
Felix regarding some of his communication / anger / lashing out issues, his relationship with his father ; and a bit Gilbert, regarding his godawful coping mechanisms and the guilt spirals. Like, those were written in a way I just... kinda looked at the screen like "oh, okay, I know that" ahah t-t
I always felt like I should relate to Linhardt, but... hm. I think, in his way, he's too harsh / blunt, so while a lot of his actions are, well, a mood, I don't really end up relating to him. I always found that a little surprising, but, hey.
23 - Favourite class ?
Toss up between sniper (excellent design AND excellent class use, but mostly it's because of the design, I'm weak, it's such a good design !!) and gremory (again, excellent design, and I just enjoy the way the class plays as a sorta sage like class)
I also have a soft spot for holy knight lmao no matter how bad it is, I just think it's a neat class :((
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richmond-rex · 3 years
I’m currently listening to Anne Boleyn: 500 Years of Lies by Hayley Nolan on Audible, and I’m trying hard to like it because it has really good information discrediting some of the beliefs surrounding Anne; but I have to admit that it’s grating me to hear the author stating that the Tudors were “usurpers” and that they were preventing a “more rightful heir” from gaining the throne. I almost screamed in frustration when she blamed H8’s sociopathy on Margaret Beaufort and especially Henry VII, using that one source claiming that H7 once tried to kill H8 in a fit of rage as firm evidence of a miserable childhood (ignoring all evidence stating otherwise); because of course having an overprotective parent (which is all H7 was) is going to cause you to grow up with no conscience. Also is it true that H8 was given absolutely no training in monarchy and came to the throne completely uneducated in that regard, I find that incredibly hard to believe regarding H7.
Hello! First of all, there's so much to unpack here. I think we have to go step by step. A big disclaimer is that I have not read Nolan’s book, so I’m only considering what you told me here. Secondly, I will not be addressing any claims against Margaret Beaufort because, frankly, what did that woman ever do be accused of that — the same Margaret Beaufort who 'of marvayllous gentyleness she was unto all folks' , and who 'unkind she would be unto no creature'? Are we talking about the same Margaret? We know one of her old servants, Henry Parker, was talking about his 'godly mistress the Lady Margaret’ to her great-granddaughter Mary well into the mid-1500s, and we know the time Margaret reprimanded a dean in Christ's College for beating one of his pupils (crying ‘gently, gently!’). I don’t see how she could be considered the origin of anyone’s sociopathy, but I also dislike the term — antisocial personality disorder is a medical condition and I doubt we could ever diagnose Henry VIII with that or anyone else who died five hundred years ago for that matter. The rest of my answer is under the cut! 
Well, now for the rest: I wouldn't say all of the Tudors were usurpers. Henry VII very much was one, as he did unseat England's king at the time of his invasion though that hardly makes him worse than other 15th-century English kings (as I've talked here, Henry IV was a usurper, Edward IV was a usurper, Richard III was a usurper — hell, William the Conqueror had been a usurper four centuries earlier). None of Henry VII's successors would have been usurpers, though (unless we should say every English king after William the Conqueror was a usurper, I guess?). Especially if you consider that they were also the natural successors of the Yorkist line via their descent from Edward IV's eldest daughter and heir, Elizabeth of York. I have no idea who Nolan could be referring to as the 'more rightful heir': the de la Poles, the descendants of Edward IV's sister? The Poles, the descendants of Edward IV's brother? Even if you go by Yorkist descent alone (which not everyone in England regarded as the most legitimate), who would have had a better claim in England than Henry VIII, the son of Edward IV's surviving heir and the son of England's most recent conqueror, Henry VII?
As for Henry VIII's miserable childhood, I don’t think there is evidence of that. We know Henry was well-educated; his father made sure to appoint tutors who taught him in the arts, classics, music, dancing, discourse, courtiership and theological disputation. We also know that Henry VII was personally involved with his sons' education, whilst his wife Elizabeth was involved with their daughters'. It is true that Henry VIII was not initially prepared for kingship but once his brother Arthur had died his father began preparing him for his future office. In July 1504 Prince Henry officially moved into his father's household where it seems Henry VII tutored him personally in some subjects. In August of that same year, the Duke of Estrada, a Spanish ambassador, wrote that 'Formerly the King did not like to take the Prince of Wales with him, in order not to interrupt his studies [...] But it is not only from love that the King takes the Prince with him; he wishes to improve him. Certainly there could be no better school in the world than the society of such a father as Henry VII. He is so wise and so attentive to everything; nothing escapes his attention'. So you can see that Henry VIII was assisted and had at least five years to prepare for the office of kingship, which is more than Henry VII himself ever had.
Lastly, it's clear that Henry VII loved his son. The same ambassador, Duke Estrada, also said in his dispatch: 'It is quite wonderful how much the King likes the Prince of Wales'. There are several entries in Henry VII's privy purse accounts describing items and stuff he bought to his younger son, always referring to him as 'My Lord Harry'. For all we know, Henry VII saw much more of his second son than he ever saw of Prince Arthur who lived in Ludlow, away from court. There is that anecdote about the time Henry VII knighted Prince Henry when he was only three years old: during the ceremony the king picked up his young son and placed him on a table for all to see — a gesture possibly made out of love, fondness, and/or delight in his youngest, though we can only speculate. Henry VII seems to have been determined not to expose his remaining son to danger in the same way that Arthur had been, and some of his more overprotective measures (like the setting of the Prince's apartments, accessible only by way of his own) can be understood as born out of paternal concern, all things considered. The rumours that the Calais garrison was not willing to crown Prince Henry in the event of his death were certainly of great concern to Henry VII.
To sum up, there is evidence that Henry VII did love and care for his son Henry. No doubt their relationship may have been strained at times thanks to Henry VII’s overprotective measures, but it’s also true the king let his son shine on many occasions in his place, denoting both affection and trust. Henry Pole's claim, made in 1538, that the king ‘had no affection nor fancy unto’ his heir should be seen in its proper context: one in which his brother, Reginal Pole, was involved in an ideological campaign against Henry VIII — the message was that not even Henry VIII's own father had loved him. I cannot say if Henry Pole actually said those words (anyone with more expertise please feel free to correct me) or if those were brought up as charges against him, but they do belong in the realm of (real or invented) seditious language. I tried to find the claim that Henry VII once tried to kill his son over a fit of rage in the dispatches sent by Fuensalida (allegedly the one who made that claim according to Hutchinson’s Young Henry), but the only thing I could find was something akin to court gossip, saying Henry VII treated everyone badly for a time (including his son) and spent three hours every night with his eyes closed but not sleeping...... which is?? 
(Here I should comment that Fuensalida not only disliked Henry VII but he was also several times denied access to the king and the Prince of Wales on account of what the English most likely considered to be his rude behaviour. He is also the one who said the Prince was kept closeted away like a girl, not realising that he was specifically denied access to the Prince — perhaps not without reason, seeing how Ferdinand had instructed him in winning the Prince over to their cause. Fuensalida was, of course, only serving the interests of his king, but his skills in diplomacy are somewhat unusual. Even Catherine of Aragon would later complain about Fuensalida’s behaviour). 
In any case, I cannot speak about Nolan’s book as I have not read it but I wouldn’t be surprised if the author makes some unsubstantiated claims, considering the book was not peer-reviewed. That’s exactly how many pop history books work and why it’s hard to hold them to high standards. I hope this answer is not a big rambling mess, but really there were so many things to address, I didn’t even know where to begin. Thanks for the ask, anon! 🌹x
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marmolady · 3 years
Her Reason
Main Pairings: Shamir x Catherine
Summary: In the wake of Lady Rhea's death, a lost and grief-stricken Catherine frets after Shamir.
Word Count: 2542
Warnings: Grief and loss. Also, I haven't written FE3H before, so don't expect a masterpiece.
*throws at @greengroove and runs away, hiding face*
The rainstorm that had rolled in further shrouded Garreg Mach in gloom. The downpour came as if to wash away what had been, whether those left behind were ready for that change or not. A sombre atmosphere hung within the monastery’s ancient walls, and nowhere was it more potent than in the audience chamber; where weeping prayers in hushed voices were magnified in their number. Save for the distinct air of mourning, it could have been a scene from before the war. And… save for the absence of the church’s most prominent figure. Where Lady Rhea once stood, a wall of flowers and wreaths paid her tribute.
Few felt that absence more than the archbishop’s most loyal knight. It had been a long time since Catherine had found herself so aimless… bereft. More years than she’d worry herself to count. No doubt it had been noted by her partner, for it was a long time as well since Catherine had been so quiet.
Shamir’s sadness was different. It wasn’t for Lady Rhea-- a fact that she’d never hidden-- it was for her, Catherine. Just this morning before heading out on the mission, Shamir had referred to Lady Rhea with the proper and respectful honorifics, clearly not out of any reverence for the late archbishop-- no way!-- it had all been about treading carefully with Catherine’s emotions. From someone so stubborn…. Well, Catherine knew a thing or two about stubbornness herself, and she knew that some small, subtle acts against the unyielding grain held a lot of weight. If it weren’t for that weight, Shamir’s lack of sorrow for the passing of Lady Rhea might not have been bearable. It wasn’t fair, Catherine knew that, but it was what it was. At least Shamir was honest. She’d take that over the falseness of some of the nobles in ‘mourning’ any day. On a practical level, it meant that Shamir had been able to step up; proving to be a vital force amongst the knights during this period of transition, while others had been made undeniably vulnerable in the wake of their profound loss. It was no secret that this situation was not to last; Shamir, like Catherine, was at a cross-roads. All either of them knew was that it was a transition they would ride out together.
To be honest, Catherine wasn’t sure why she’d come up here. Perhaps it was just a habit that refused to die; when she was lost, Lady Rhea had the answers. But all she found here now was a dull sense of finality. Her purpose for so many years simply no longer existed.
The sound of the rain suddenly became a roar upon the high-vaulted roof. Catherine had to stop herself from flinching. As much of a hindrance that she might have been, and however much both Alois and Shamir might have protested, she’d rather be in the thick of a mission than waiting behind; not knowing what battles were being fought in her absence… not knowing how her partner was faring. She and Shamir were a team for good reason. It was a rare foe that could best their potent combination of belligerent force and sharp precision. There was no doubt that Shamir was perfectly capable without Catherine-- hell, no one could argue against that prowess with the bow-- but… some things were too important to be gambled. Shamir was too important. In this storm, visibility would be compromised….
“Oh, Catherine--”
“Flayn! I didn’t see you there.” Catherine startled, but recovered masterfully. One would have thought being partnered with Shamir for years would have made her immune to being snuck up on… apparently not. Or, she was really off her game.
“How wonderful to see you! It has been a few days… I do not believe I have even glimpsed your face in the dining hall. Not that I…. Well, it is hard not to struggle with one’s appetite in the wake of….”
As Flayn trailed off, her warm smile became sorrowful, but no less kind and genuine.
“Nah, appetite? I don’t even know what that is anymore. It’s a strange feeling for me. All the fire’s just… fizzled out. It’s as if I don’t even know which way is up.”
That was certainly true. It was the same shock that had been so staggering when Lady Rhea had disappeared all those years ago, but the glimmer of hope that driven the fight was now extinguished. And after tasting the sweet relief of finding her alive and-- not well, but alive counted for something, didn’t it?-- but they’d saved her, and then…. It wasn’t just a bitter pill to swallow; it was gutting. Catherine was totally lost. The only thing that made sense anymore, the one thing in all this chaos, was Shamir. How strange that, from the right person, some well-placed snark could court a smile-- even though it be a shaky one. And behind it all, the aloof quietness and the deadpanned jibes, Shamir cared for her. Right now, it made all the difference.
Just get your ass back here safe, partner.
Flayn’s expression was full of concern; no doubt picking up on Catherine’s worry. “If you feel yourself at a loose end, you could do worse than to take the time to care for yourself,” she said gently. “I find a good meal is fine place to start.”
If she could hold anything down…. Actually taking the time to eat a proper meal would, however, kill some time. And maybe she was hungry? Probably just the dread she was feeling, but a bite to eat couldn’t hurt.
The dining hall was bustling; apparently the wild weather had made the lure of a steaming bowl of onion gratin soup simply irresistible. Next to the mournful quiet that permeated the rest of the monastery it was jarring. Well, Catherine had wanted to be distracted.
It was all too easy, though, for the layers of voices to become just an unintelligible roar. The smiling faces grated on Catherine. This was just too normal. It was best she didn’t talk to anyone; just eat her fill and get out of there. She was in no mood for mincing words with anyone who had the nerve to gab away over a meal as if everything hadn’t changed, as if everything wasn’t wrong. These people could take a leaf out of Shamir’s book….
There it was. All of five minutes, and guess who’s on your mind again?
In the wake of Lady Rhea’s passing, it probably only made sense that she was fretting over any possibility that she might lose the other shining light in her life. You could never assume you were going to win any battle, but out of action, Catherine could do nothing except to assume everything was fine. That Shamir was safe. And she couldn’t just do that; the uneasy feeling wasn’t shifting.
She’d just have to deal with it. Thinking about Shamir. All through this wretched storm.
And there was a lot to think about. The proposition that Shamir take Catherine’s hand in marriage had not been forgotten-- not remotely. She cared for her partner deeply, she loved her, and the only future she could see out of this wreckage was the two of them together. There was nothing truly left for Catherine here-- her devotion had not belonged to the church, but for its head--; to disappear with her blunt and prickly Shamir into the sunset was a tantalising lure. But it wasn’t fair. How was Catherine to trust her own judgement when the throes of grief had her on the edge of snapping? That grief-- the price of it-- was not Shamir’s to bear. It would be all too easy to give in to comfort and spare the forethought….
But, a little voice in Catherine’s head stubbornly insisted, you know who you are. You know who you are with her. Any ‘doubt’ is an excuse. You’re just afraid to feel too much; afraid of giving everything and being once again left with a jagged empty space in your heart. Like the one left by Lady Rhea… the one left by Christophe.
If she hadn’t gotten so flustered and just said ‘yes’ then and there, would she be sitting here now? Imagining all that could go wrong on the field of battle in her absence? Perhaps Shamir would have stayed behind with her. Perhaps they’d be huddled together in a quiet corner, sharing a pint… Catherine mourning and Shamir commiserating. And they’d tentatively map out a future. A future different to what Catherine had seen for herself, but not in that they’d be together. That was something she could still believe in. She’d been presented with the perfect opportunity to express her feelings. Why hadn’t she just said ‘yes’?
Soup downed as quickly as possible-- no doubt indigestion would follow-- Catherine made a beeline for the front gates. The sun was going down, the rain slowing; the chances of the mission stretching out any longer than nightfall were slim. Even in a tempest, how long did it take to put down a few wolves, monstrous proportions or not?
As if by clockwork, from out the now-drizzling rain trudged a small group returning from the mission, mud-splattered and --in some cases-- bloodied.
Shamir was not among them.
No, no, no, no no….
Dread hit Catherine like an icy fist to the gut… clenching until she was totally winded. Too roughly, she pulled Byleth aside as they stepped through the heavy doors.
“Where’s Shamir?”
“The group became separated in the downpour--”
Of course it did. Damn it! Not waiting to hear more, Catherine strode off. “Fuck, Byleth! Well, it looks like a nice evening for a walk. I’m going for a bit of… fresh air.”
One hand on Thunderbrand’s hilt, ready to smite whatever creature had lain waste to her partner, Catherine powered on in the direction of the mountainside village the beasts had been threatening. Her angry panting breath caught in her throat, unable to move past the cold, hard lump there.
This was her fault. This was her….
An arrow whizzed in front of Catherine’s face, finding its mark on a tree at the side of the path and making her skid to a halt.
“Is there a reason you’re striding off alone into the forest?”
And Catherine breathed. There she was, sheltering in the trees… perfectly fine. Safe. Thank the goddess. Thank the fucking-- She ran. She ran and took Shamir in her arms.
The force of the embrace swept Shamir clean off her feet and left her winded. Always nice as it was to see Catherine, this was somewhat excessive. Nevertheless, she hugged back firmly. All this upheaval… to be swept up in the arms of the person she loved most in all the world was admittedly a most wonderful comfort.
“...Anyone would think you’d convinced yourself I’d got killed out there….”
Catherine stepped back, and shifted her weight, sheepish.
Sheepish? Catherine? Oh.
Shamir shook her head in disbelief. Jeez, Catherine was really not okay. “Do you think Byleth would have left me-- would have left anyone-- if the beasts had not already been dispatched?”
“What--? Am I the Byleth-whisperer now? Even they don’t know what’s going on in their head!”
Though admittedly, Catherine realised, Shamir had a fair point. There may have been a smidgeon of unnecessary panicking. What was wrong with her head? It was just the thought of her partner fighting off some slobbering beast alone, compromised by a storm…. If anything had happened because Catherine had been too caught up in grief to be there backing her up….
Shamir brought her numb, wet fingers up to Catherine’s cheek, cradling her there.
“If you need me to remain close, then close is where I’ll stay.”
… then kissed her, slow and deep.
When Shamir pulled back at last, she was met with a dumbstruck expression and without a doubt the fiercest blush she’d ever seen across her partner’s face. Oh, the satisfaction. It was not every day the great Thunder Catherine was rendered speechless. Shamir made a note to remember that trick. Not that she’d ever need an excuse to want to…. It had been a long time coming. Too long.
Catherine swallowed hard. She could feel her mind short-circuiting, but she wouldn’t let it happen this time. Not when that had felt…. She leaned forward, touched her forehead to Shamir’s. It did… feel like coming home. Something joyous, impossibly joyous was rearing up inside her, some swell of certainty and desire and love… a feeling so vast she could not cut it down with even the mightiest swing of Thunderbrand. Why would she even try anyway?-- this was glorious.
“I thought I could always read you…,” Shamir said as her partner seemed to return to her senses, “but I was never quite sure if you understood that I meant it. When I suggested we marry.”
“I wasn’t expecting it!” Catherine defended herself, arms raised. Her face still was a glowing red, she could feel it burning. “Trust you to be the one to take me by surprise.”
Shamir held Catherine’s gaze, trying not to get lost in those startling blue eyes, so alight with fire. She had so feared that fire might fizzle and fade. She’d protect that fire, tend it as she would the spark of her own life. She needed Catherine to know that she’d meant it.
“Someday we might lose this,” she said, voice hoarse. “Actually, scratch that ‘might’; we're not naiive. All things end. But for as long as I’m breathing, all I am is yours. We’re in this for the long run…,” A sparkle came to her eye, as she met Catherine’s, an adoring smirk to her lips, “…partner.”
“It’s a relief that you meant it-- it would have been a wickedly cruel trick in light of the fact that I love you.”
“You…?” Shamir’s breath hitched.
“Love you.” Catherine affirmed. “I… love you.” Was it normal for her heart to be beating this hard? It was going wild, as though she was storming recklessly into a battle of impossible odds. She could hear it over the goddamn rain…. But it was nice. Oh, it was nice. “Heh,” she chuckled. “It actually feels pretty good to say it out loud. You should try it sometime.”
The vulnerability behind that dare wasn’t lost. Shamir could almost hear Catherine holding her breath.
“Catherine. I love you.”
Sputtering a breathless laugh, Catherine pulled her partner-- her lover-- into another embrace. Holding her like she’d never let her go. Because there was not a fucking chance in hell she ever would. She had her reason to keep fighting there in her arms.
“We could take a further dive into blatant sentimentality,” she said. “There is a chance I alarmed Byleth enough that they’ll come searching, and see how hard I’m blushing right now. My reputation will be destroyed forever!” She pulled away, painful as it was. It was, though, in aid of something bigger. “Or you could always just… kiss me again.”
The day’s last rays of the sun pushed through the clearing clouds, creating a sparkle on a rain-drenched land.
And Shamir kissed Catherine again.
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dahlia-coccinea · 3 years
What’s your opinion on the main characters in WH (like one for Nelly, one for Catherine etc)? Do you have a favourite and a least favourite?
There are a lot of main characters...I guess Nelly Dean, Heathcliff, Catherine Earnshaw, Cathy Linton, Hareton Earnshaw, and Linton Heathcliff? I feel bad cutting out Edgar and Isabella, they are important characters but I could easily write a thesis on each character and I don’t want to make this unbearably long (you’re going to regret asking me this as it is lol).
Nelly - She is not the “sensible soul” that she esteems herself to be. Compared to other characters she may seem discerning, but that’s partially because she’s just a witness to events that more deeply affect other characters. She can be very biased towards and against certain people, and her opinions tend to be fairly rigid. Her actions and convictions seem more an unconscious exhibition of societal norms of the time and her station in life; rather than her objective rational thinking. She certainly isn't immune to common superstition and small-mindedness. That being said, she is not the villain of the novel as critic James Hafley argued. She certainly isn’t heartless and cruel and she is motivated to do what she believes is the right thing to do. Overall I like her character.
Heathcliff - It's a testament to the complexity of his character that there is such a wide range of narratives on him…some I admittedly don’t understand. While a powerful force in the novel, I think he shows himself to be very human and fallible, and not the “ghoul” or “vampire” he is sometimes accused of being. It makes me laugh how many times I’ve seen critics say he is the human embodiment of the Heights but the first meeting of him it's literally said that he is a “singular contrast to his abode”? It’s also strange that his physical nature is often questioned by critics that reduce him to an elemental symbol, yet I would think Catherine is a better candidate to say she is more symbolic since we first encounter her in a dream and she is merely a memory/ghost in half the novel. Not to mention that throughout her life she displays a fixation on the spiritual and divine (not that I think she is symbolic either). I think he’s meant to be read as a human, not a devil or a symbol, and it makes it more interesting to read him as such. He can be sarcastic and witty and also utterly devoid of humor. His pain and loss is tragic yet his anger and hatred is fearsome. He plans to enact revenge over decades and (kind of) succeeds yet he also is so short-sighted and often misjudges characters and situations. He’s a villain and a victim and never plays either part in exactly the way you’d expect. Despite all this, he never feels inconsistent or out of character. 
Catherine - I’m such a broken record on her lol. We get a lot of negative opinions about her from Nelly but everyone else loves her? So I think it’s worth questioning what Nelly says about her. I don’t agree with popular narratives that exaggerate how terrible she is. She is certainly proud, quick-tempered, and her strong, unrelenting nature is unique for any character and even more so for a woman. These traits also make her Heathcliff’s natural counterpart, although she is never cruel in the way he can be, and she doesn’t seem to enjoy that side of his character either. I think audiences/readers often forget the better parts of her character, such as her love for her father regardless of his constant admonishments, her love of Heathcliff despite his harshness and his wrongdoings, and her brother Hindley in spite of all his cruelty. The tragedies of the novel are not her fault as it has sometimes been suggested. 
Hareton - It is interesting his character probably has the most physical descriptions and I’d say is the most flatteringly portrayed male character. Yes, he starts off being described as brutish by Lockwood, but we later get many moments showing he also has a gentleness. His faults are normally immediately shown as not wholly his doing and I’d say he has the most character growth, even more than Cathy. Cathy’s appearance gets a lot of mentions too, but because Lockwood is kind of a romantic and in a faraway, lonely place, it makes sense that he projects a lot of romantic notions on her. We don’t need to know that Hareton is good-looking but it’s certainly made known lol. I think it’s in part because Cathy’s and Hareton’s good nature are meant to be shown as desirable and Nelly certainly makes an aesthetic connection there in her descriptions of them. I really like his character, and how despite everything, and his initial pride, he tries repeatedly to help Cathy, even though it does nothing in gaining her good opinion and only puts him at odds with Heathcliff, who he sees as a father. He also shows that you don’t have to be the product of your upbringing.
Cathy - I really like how she tries to do the right thing and is good, yet doesn’t allow anyone (even Heathcliff) control her. She has faults but she’s able to grow from them. She also has a lot of similarities to her mother. For both Cathy and Hareton, I really dislike the idea that their move to Thrushcross is the symbolic win of culture over nature. That’s never made any sense to me and makes even less sense when you consider that Emily preferred nature, and the freedom and spirituality she found there, and not riches and formality. And after all, Cathy and Hareton are the successors of Catherine and Heathcliff. I can’t imagine they will become supremely refined, cultured, and gentle. Everyone forgets they are both wild and proud, and at their worst, they both physically hit the other - Cathy cuts Hareton with her whip, and years later Hareton hits her. This notion of their new domesticity comes from the narrative of the Heights = wildness and Thrushcross = respectability and progress, and I’ve mentioned before this also distorts our image of Isabella and mislabels her as a weak, refined, gentlewoman, even though she shows herself to be highly spirited. Sorry, got a little off-topic at the end there. I think they can forgive and learn to be kind to each other without equating it to them becoming genteel and upper-class. I don’t like that critics do this. 
Linton - I get why he’s no one’s favorite character but I don’t hate him. He is tragic, despite the fact that he also very annoying and bratty lol. I understand why he doesn’t care to better himself, and it seems pretty clear his behavior is a cry for the safety and affection that has been missing in his life since his mother died. He’s a pawn in a game he doesn’t understand, and yet he’s very aware of his role as a pawn and that his life will be short and its meaning and worth are ascribed inasmuch as he can prove useful. It’s understandable that he would cling to Cathy and her kindness to him. Of course, some of his sufferings are his own making. It seems he could less lonely if he was perhaps a little kinder to Hareton who doesn’t seem to have a preconceived dislike of him but is pushed away by Linton’s snobbishness. 
Favorite: That's a really difficult question. The simple answer is I love them all hah! It does change, but I do often go back to Catherine Earnshaw. Charlotte Bronte wrote that there is a “certain strange beauty in her fierceness” and I think that sums it up perfectly. The fact she dies tragically young and the closest we get to her as a narrator is the little bit of her diary Lockwood reads, and that her memory lives on so strongly with Edgar and Heathcliff, all make her a compelling figure. The fact that so many readers hate her also makes me like her more lol. 
Least favorite: Everyone always says Linton and Joseph are the worst so I’ll say Zillah because she doesn’t get picked on enough lol. She literally didn’t realize Nelly was being held hostage and instead believes some bullshit story about her being lost in a marsh and assumes Heathcliff saved her?? She was terrible to Cathy - granted she had been proud and stiff-necked but she was clearly being held against her will? Like is Zillah just not at all aware of her surroundings? She doesn’t get Dr. Kenneth when Linton is dying and instead leaves Cathy alone crying in the stairway, supposedly out of fear of losing her job if she disobeys - yet she didn’t seem worried about that when she puts Lockwood in Catherine’s old bedroom? She also knowingly embarrasses Hareton when he shyly asks her to ask Cathy to read aloud for him - she immediately says that Hareton is the one asking for it. Zillah is just one of those people that has no self-awareness and no consideration for others beyond her self-preservation. So yeah she wins the spot of “least favorite” lol. I’m not sure if you meant my least favorite of the main characters? If so then it would have to be Linton just cause no amount of sympathetic feelings towards him makes him less annoying lol sorry. 
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kiarcheo · 3 years
Meowsunderstandings 3/3
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
Some folks on the server asked for a third part and I caved. Hope you like it.
Part 1             Part 2                  OR                   can read on ao3 here
‘You won’t believe what–’ Catalina proclaims loudly as she enters the house.
‘Won’t believe what?’ Anne asks.
‘I was talking to Kat.’
‘What about me? You're my girlfriend.’
‘Where was I when you asked? And she is my Kat.’
Said girl is curled up on the couch, head in her cousin’s lap, content expression on her face at having her head scratched.
‘Oh,’ Catalina breaths out, ‘I see it now.’
‘See what? Also what do you mean where you were? Why am I the one supposed to ask?’ Anne dislodges Kat as she gets fired up. The younger girl lets out a whine. ‘Sorry Kitty.’ Anne goes back to petting her. ‘You said you only sleep with people you are dating. We sleep together so we’re dating.’
Kat rolls off the couch with a groan. ‘Do you really need to discuss this when I’m here?’
‘Sorry, Kat,’ Catalina apologises, ‘blame your cousin.’
Catalina ignores Anne’s protest and fishes her wallet out from her purse. ‘Why don’t you go out and do something with Cathy? I just left her and she told me she is free all afternoon.’ She hands Kat some money.
Kat looks between the notes and Catalina. ‘You do know I have a job, right?’
‘Just take them. Make me feel better about kicking you out from your own place. Again.’
Kat sighs. ‘I wish that for once you’d have your “discussions” at Anne’s.’
Cathy raises her eyes from her laptop. ‘Kat!’ she beams at her. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you had plans with Anne.’
‘Catalina told me you’d be here.’
‘Oh?’ Cathy’s smile freezes. ‘What did she say?’
She knows she didn’t manage to come across as nonchalant when Kat frowns. ‘I don’t want to bother you.’
‘No, no,’ Cathy splutters hastily, ‘you know I’m always happy to see you, I was just...curious.’
‘If you are sure...’
Cathy pushes a chair away from the table with her foot in a wordless invitation. ‘Yes, I am.’
‘By the way, she just suggested for us to do something together,’ Kat says sitting down. ‘She and Anne had to discuss some stuff.’
‘What is it this time?’ Cathy is quite sure she had never met a couple that bickers as much as they do.
‘Whether sleeping together automatically makes them girlfriends or not.’
‘Let me guess...Anne thinks yes and Lina thinks no.’
‘Bingo. But we all know how their discussions end so I had to vacate the house to avoid being scarred.’ Kat shivers at the thought. ‘But anyway, she said you’d be free and perhaps we could do something...she even gave me money.’ She stops to think about it. ‘I wonder if that’s how it feels to have a parent.’
‘Look what they got us!’
‘Us?’ Catalina eyes the kitten currently in Anne’s arms, eyebrow raised. ‘As far as I know you don’t live here and your studio doesn’t allow pets.’
'We got her for you,’ Jane tells her.
‘But we can take care of her together!’
‘We already have a Kat to take care of,’ Catalina reminds her.
‘Yes! Me!’ Kat pipes up from her spot in the sunlight, twisted into a frankly painful-looking position.
Jane tilts her head. ‘How are you comfortable like that?’
‘She is flexible like that,’ Anne comments, before glaring at them. ‘Minds out of the gutter.’
‘Too late,’ Anna mutters nudging Cathy.
‘Her name is Catherine,’ Jane informs Catalina.
‘Are you kidding me?’
‘Nope.’ Jane hands her a certificate. Indeed CATherine is written there.
‘That’s going to be confusing.’
‘You tell me,’ Cathy mumbles.
‘You can’t change her name. Wouldn’t want her to have an identity crisis, would you?’ Jane insists.
Suspicious, Catalina looks at her friend. Then at the others. Anna is avoiding her eyes. Cathy is staring at Kat, of course. Anne is cooing at the kitten in her arms.
‘Fine by me.’
She doesn’t know what game they are playing, but she will play anyway. And win.
‘How are things at home?’ Jane hasn’t heard anything about how CATherine is settling, and she is curious.
‘I left the cats having a deep conversation.’
Catalina’s words get the other two girls’ attention too. She quickly taps on her phone and then turns the screen towards them, starting a video.
Kat is lying on her belly, CATherine in front of her.
‘I just want to make some things clear. I’m the first Kat of the house, okay?’
They stare at each other in silence, until she snaps her fingers in front of the cat. ‘Meow if you understand that.’
The animal headbutts her hand.
‘Is that a yes?’
‘Can you send it to Cathy?’ Anna asks as the video ends. ‘What? You want it, right?’
‘Well, yes, but,’ Cathy, who had hit her on the arm, stammers.
‘Were you going to ask for it?’
Catalina gives Anna an appreciative look. Seems like she isn’t the only one working on the matter.
‘Anne, stop stealing Kat’s food,’ Catalina rubs her temple.
‘What? She is not going to miss one or two grapes.’
‘And a whole chocolate bar.’
‘Isn’t that bad for Cat?’ Anna doesn’t know a lot about cats, but she knows it’s bad for dogs.
‘See, she agrees, I’m doing it for your own good!’
‘Wait. Which Cat are we talking about? Kat or Cat!Cat?’
‘Do you really think I would eat cat food? You know what? I don’t think I want to know the answer.’
Jane is on the phone with Catalina when she hears a crash. ‘Everything alright?’
‘Cat is high, misjudged the distance, fell off the couch and took the lamp on the side table with her,’ Catalina tiredly informs her. ‘It has been like this all afternoon.’
‘Anne had the brilliant idea to get catnip so now I got a hyper cat. And a useless housemate who is just filming it rather than help!’ she adds pointedly.
‘Come on, Cata! It’s hilarious!’
‘Oh, that Cat.’
‘I think we made a mistake,’ Jane whispers leaning over Anna.
‘What? Why?’
‘Can you tell when Catalina is talking about Kat...and when she is talking about CATherine the cat? I’ve tried to get her to use Cat the cat but apparently it doesn’t flow.’
Jane suspects that her friend knows exactly what she is doing, but she can’t complain too much when she was the first one who tried to mess with her getting her a cat named CATherine…to share with a girl named Katherine and nicknamed Kat.
‘KatKat,’ Catalina calls.
‘What if human Kat is Kat and CATherine the Cat is cat!Cat?’ Anna proposes, before chuckling at her friend. ‘Lina, I think she is ignoring you,’ she tells her, as the pet doesn’t even spare her owner a look.
‘What’s up?’ Kat pops her head into the room.
Jane turns to her girlfriend as Catalina talks with Kat about whatever she had called her for. ‘You were saying?’
‘What are you looking for?’
Cathy jumps at the voice and then at how close Kat is when she turns her head to look at her.
‘Cata asked me to give you a hand.’
‘She asked me to get a new sponge, but I can’t find it.’ Cathy shares with her, eyes back to roving through the shelves of the pantry.
‘We don’t keep those here.’ Kat frowns. They are with the other cleaning supplies. ‘Why would–’ As she tries to turn the handle, she encounters resistance. ‘Catalina!’
‘Cathy needs to tell you something,’ is the reply.
Kat turns to face her, curious expression on her face.
‘I,’ Cathy’s eyes dart around, ‘I thought you were a cat,’ she then blurts out.
‘What??’ Catalina echoes Kat from the other side of the door.
‘Look, I can explain, it made sense, and I was not the only one, it was Catalina’s fault actually–’
‘As in...animal cat,’ Kat interrupts Cathy's rambling.
‘Yes?’ Cathy hesitantly confirms with a wince. ‘Are you upset? Say something please?’
‘It explains a lot of things,’ Kat finally says.
‘It does?’
‘Is that why you got Cata CATherine? The actual cat?’
‘That was not my idea.’ Cathy wants Kat to know that.
They then hear Anne’s voice. ‘What was that?’
Catalina is not very convincing as few seconds later Anne wrenches the door open.  
‘What is this?’ she asks glaring at Cathy, realising the close proximity to her cousin.
‘Ask your girlfriend, she locked us in.’
Cathy can guess what Lina was trying to do, or trying to get her to do, but she isn’t going to admit that to Anne. Not when Kat doesn’t know...and not when Anne is already glowering at her like that.
A scowl now directed at Lina, who however appears unfazed, merely grumbling, ‘You are all useless.’
‘What did I do?’ Kat pouts, slinking out of the pantry.
‘Nothing, you're perfect.’ Catalina smiles at her.
‘I didn’t do anything,’ Anne points out.
‘And you locked me in a closet?’ Cathy feels the need to remind her friend.
‘It had been a long time since I had to come out of a closet,’ Kat chuckles.
‘Since you changed your major to Joan?’
‘Stop it!’ Anne snaps at her girlfriend. ‘If I never hear that again, it will be too soon.’
‘Who is Joan?’ Cathy is not jealous. She is not.
‘Kat’s first crush.’
‘Changing my major is a song from a musical. And she was my first girlfriend,’ she corrects her cousin. ‘She used to play in a band with Anne’s best friend.’
‘She doesn’t anymore?’
‘No. But thankfully not because Anne broke her fingers like she wanted to,’ Kat sends her a reproachful look.
‘She should have respected the code.’ Anne shrugs, no trace of guilt.
‘The code?’ Cathy isn’t sure she wants to know the answer.
‘Kat is off-limits.’
‘I’m not,’ Kat counteracts, ‘and stop scaring her, or she’ll never ask me out.’
‘You know?’ Catalina and Cathy then ask at the same time.
‘I...hoped?’ Kat smiles at Cathy gingerly.
‘You hoped I would ask you out?’ There is disbelief in Cathy’s voice, as she peers at her crush.
‘I don’t sleep with just anyone, you know? Anne and Cata, but they are family.’
‘I don’t like this.’
‘Nobody cares, Anne.’
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
‘Not too much! And I want her home by ten!’
‘Ignore her.’
‘I’m serious!’ Anne insists.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep her busy.’
‘Thank you but also ew.’
Catalina laughs at Kat. ‘I so look forward to teasing you two!’
‘Absolutely not! And certainly not on a first date!’
‘If we live by your words, we slept together already, so we are girlfriends–’
Cathy isn’t sure what possessed her but the last thing she sees as Kat grabs her hand and starts to walk away is Catalina holding Anne back and using a foot to close the door.
‘She is going to kill me, isn’t she?’
‘Don't worry, I'll protect you,’ Kat squeezes her hand, ‘I can take her.’
Cathy has no doubt about it. As if she could ever forget the first time she had met Kat. What worries her is when Kat won’t be there...so she sets out to avoid being alone with Anne.  
Which she manages to do successfully until one night out, when she finds herself sitting in a booth, boxed in between Jane and Anna. Kat and Catalina are nowhere to be seen when Anne plops down on the opposite bench, gleeful glint in her eyes as she plants her elbows on the table, folds her hands and rests her chin on them.
'Well, well, well, the day of reckoning finally arrived.’
‘What? What's going on?’ Jane looks from Cathy to Anne and back.
‘It’s been weeks, why don’t you let it go?’
‘Let it go? Let it go? Never! You, you...Katnapper!’
‘What do you have against kips?’  
Cathy knows what she means though. ‘Does it count if she is willing?’ Probably not a good idea to antagonise an already-worked-up Anne, but she can’t help herself (and the drinks she already had don’t help her either).
‘You defile my Kat and-’
Anne stops, taken aback. ‘Not?’
‘Not your business.’
‘Kat is my business.’
‘I’m not going to talk about it with you. If Kat wants to share, she will.’
Cathy stands firm despite the glare and Anne finds herself half-annoyed and half-impressed.
‘We are talking about human Katherine, right?’
Before Cathy can say anything to Jane (which would have been a sound WTF), Kat skids to a stop by their booth, breathless.
‘We need to go. Now,’ Catalina says, already pulling Kat towards the exit.
‘What happened?’
‘Cata kneeled a guy so we had to beat it.’
‘She did what?’
‘To be precise, she tapped him on his shoulder, waited for him to turn around, kneeled him in the groin, told him “she said no, capullo” and then we skedaddled.’
Anne turns to Catalina after Kat’s explanation. ‘No more making fun of me, then.’
‘I was not banned.’
‘Because you ran.’
‘Because I’m smart.’
‘Are you saying I’m stupid?’
‘You okay?’ Cathy asks while the bickering carries on.
‘Yeah.’ Kat shrugs. ‘It’s never nice, but I know I can always count on Anne and Cata–’
‘And me. I might be tiny but I’m fierce.’
‘You’re a cutie, that’s what you are.’ Kat cups her cheeks and pecks her on the lips. ‘But thank you.’ She kisses her again.
‘What is this?!? What are you doing?’
Kat sighs at her cousin’s interruption, leaning her forehead against Cathy’s. Then she straightens up, sliding an arm around the shorter girl. ‘Kissing my girlfriend? To thank her?’
‘She didn’t even do anything!’ Anne protests. ‘It was all Catalina!’
‘I can kiss your girlfriend to thank her then.’
‘What? No!’
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Grey’s Anatomy Prompts
I’m going a tad stir crazy, so I decided to make a prompt list of 80 Grey’s quotes I love. This may have been done before but I don’t care. It’s mostly angsty prompts and it’s long as hell. (Break at 15)
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1 “When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. I was done. So all the boys, and all the bars, and all the obvious daddy issues, who cared? Because I was done. You left me. You chose Addison. I’m all glued back together now. I make no apologies for how I chose to repair what you broke.” —Meredith Grey
2 “Don’t let what he wants eclipse what you need. He’s very dreamy, but he is not the sun—you are.” —Cristina Yang
3 “Your choice, it’s simple: her or me? And I’m sure she’s really great. But I love you. In a really, really big pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window, unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” —Meredith Grey
4 “If you love someone, you tell them. Even if you’re scared that it’s not the right thing. Even if you’re scared that it’ll cause problems. Even if you’re scared that it will burn your life to the ground, you say it, and you say it loud and you go from there.” —Mark Sloan
5 “It always feels like there is just one person in this world to love. And then you find somebody else, and it just seems crazy that you were ever worried in the first place.” —Lexie Grey
6 “Don’t let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice, so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence.” —Meredith Grey
7 “Not everyone has to be happy all the time. That isn’t metal health. That’s crap.” —Meredith Grey
8 “Breakthroughs don’t happen because of the medicine. Real breakthroughs happen because someone is scared to death to stop trying.” —Derek Shepherd
9 “We don’t get unlimited chances to have the things that we want, and this I know. Nothing is worse than missing an opportunity that could have changed your life.” —Addison Montgomery
10 “And if you can't do it, if you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping, even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.” —Amelia Shepard
11 “Oh screw beautiful! I’m brilliant! If you want to appease me, compliment my brain.” — Christina Yang
12 “You were like coming up for fresh air. It's like I was drowning and you saved me.” — Derek Shepard
13 “The only time I don't feel like a ghost is when you look at me, because when you look at me, you see me. You see me. This is me.” — Owen Hunt
14 “It's good to be scared. It means you still have something to lose.” — Richard Webber
15 “You are my person. You will always be my person.” — Christina Yang
16 “It doesn't matter how tough we are. Trauma always leaves a scar. It follows us home, it changes our lives. Trauma messes everybody up. But maybe that's the point. All the pain and the fear and the crap. Maybe going through all that is what keeps us moving forward. It's what pushes us. Maybe we have to get a little messed up, before we can step up.” — Alex Karev
17 “Please, don't chase me anymore, unless you're ready to catch me.” — Callie Torres
18 “Change … we don’t like it, we fear it. But we can’t stop it from coming. We either adapt to change, or we get left behind. It hurts to grow. Anybody who tells you it doesn’t, is lying. But here’s the truth: Sometimes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. And sometimes, oh, sometimes, change is good. Sometimes, change is … everything.” — Meredith Grey
19 “Intimacy is a four letter syllable for- here’s my heart and soul, please grind them into a hamburger and enjoy. It’s both desired and feared. Difficult to live with, impossible to live without” -Meredith Grey
20 “You can have the worst crap in the world happen to you and you can get over it. All you gotta do is survive.” -Alex Karev
21 Walk tall. All you can do is be brave enough to get out there. You fought. You loved. You Lost. Walk tall.” -Mark Sloan
22 "Just because people do horrible things, it doesn't always mean they're horrible people."-Izzie Stevens
23 "I am woman. Hear me roar." - Miranda Bailey
24 "I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you and I think you love me too. Do you?" -Jackson Avery
25 “If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, stop accepting crap and demand something more.” -Cristina Yang
26 “You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!” - Callie Torres
27 I am not an ugly duckling. I'm a swan."-April Kepner
28 “Okay, here it is, your choice... it's simple, her or me, and I'm sure she is really great. But Derek, I love you, in a really, really big 'pretend to like your taste in music, let you eat the last piece of cheesecake, hold a radio over my head outside your window', unfortunate way that makes me hate you, love you. So pick me, choose me, love me.” - Meredith Grey
29 “I’ve had to give up things but what I’ve learned is that I don’t need much. I don’t need much to be happy.” -Arizona Robbins
30 “I need the day off. For drinking.” -Addison Montgomery
31 "It turns out sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to find out who we really are." -Denny Duquette
32 “In the beginning everyone is there, but then they forget.” - Amelia Shepherd
33 "Knowing is better than wondering. Waking is better than sleeping, and even the biggest failure, even the worst, beats the hell out of never trying." -Meredith Grey
34 “You have to go back to the beginning to understand the end.” -Teddy Altman
35 “Yeah we’re friends…I mean right now I’d probably say you’re one of my best friends.”-George O’Malley
36 “I’m just gonna feel bad that I made it so you can never love again” -Jo Wilson
37 "The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes." -Owen Hunt
38 “There’s a land called passive agressiva, and you’re their queen” -Derek Shepherd
39 “Let’s play a game of whose life sucks the most. I’ll win. I always win.” -Meredith Grey
40 “I take things personally. I get emotional.” -Lexie Grey
41 “Stop looking at my like that. Like you’ve seen me naked” -Meredith Grey
42 “Pretty good is not good enough, I want to be great.” -Cristina Yang
43 "Don't let fear keep you quiet. You have a voice so use it. Speak up. Raise your hands. Shout your answers. Make yourself heard. Whatever it takes, just find your voice, and when you do, fill the damn silence." - Meredith Grey
44 “Let’s just make-out on the couch.” -Nathan Riggs
45 "Maybe we like the pain. Maybe we're wired that way. Because without it, I don't know; maybe we just wouldn't feel real. What's that saying? Why do I keep hitting myself with a hammer? Because it feels so good when I stop." -Meredith Grey
46 “Deal with your jealousy. Deal with your shortcomings. Don’t put your crap on me.” -Stephanie Edwards
47 "I know I'm not a lot of things that you've gone for in the past - I know, but I would never leave you. I would never hurt you. And I will never stop loving you.." -George O’Malley
48 “Sometimes you have to be a shark.” -Lucy Fields
49 “Don’t look at me like that. Like I’m damaged goods. I’m still me. I’m still here.” -Adele Webber
50 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
51 "More tequila. More love. More anything. More is better." -Meredith Grey
52 "For a kiss to be really good, you want it to mean something. You want it to be with someone you can't get out of your head, so that when your lips finally touch you feel it everywhere. A kiss so hot and so deep you never want to come up for air. You can't cheat your first kiss. Trust me, you don't want to. Cause when you find that right person for a first kiss, it's everything." -Alex Karev
53 "You can't be an ass to me all day and then expect me to give you respect." - Lexie Grey
54 “Some days, the whole world seems upside down. And then somehow, and probably, when you least expect it, the world gets right again.” -Meredith Grey
55 “Shut up. Dance it out.” -Cristina Yang
56 “We may only be together five minutes every two months, but when we do we will savor every second. We know how valuable those five minutes are.” -Ben Warren
57 “There comes a point when you have to suck it up and stop whining and start living” -Callie Torres
58 “Please don’t give up on me. Promise. Promise me you won’t.” -Arizona Robbins
59 “Bad things happen, but you have to move past it. Leave it behind. The sooner, the better. Or it’ll eat away at you and stop you from moving forward.” -Miranda Bailey
60 “This is the way the world changes. Good people, raising babies right” -Catherine Avery
61 “The problem is we are human. We want more than to just survive. We want to love.” -Lexie Grey
62 "There's a club. The Dead Dads/Moms/Parents Club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try to understand, you can sympathize. But until you feel that loss... My dad/mom/parent’s died when I was AGE. NAME, I'm really sorry you had to join the club." -Cristina Yang
63 “I’m going to die because these people aren’t properly trained” -Derek Shepherd
64 “I believe if you were dead, the world would be a better place” -George O’Malley
65 “You think you broke me, NAME? You’re the one who put me back together.” -Mark Sloan
66 “I want so much for you. For both of us. So much more than this. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck. I want you to feel free.” -Callie Torres
67 “Every kiss before the right kiss doesn’t count anyway” -Derek Shepherd
68 “The expected is what keeps us steady. It’s the unexpected that changes our lives forever.” -Meredith Grey
69 “Promise that you’ll love me, even when you hate me.” -Meredith Grey
70 "The problem is, fairytales don't come true. It's the nightmares that always seem to become the reality." -Meredith Grey
71 “How are you fine? How are you just completely fine? I am ruined, okay? I am dead, I am wrecked." -Cristina Yang
72 “I didn’t like teenage girls when I was a teenage girl.” -Cristina Yang
73 “So you fight. Until you can’t fight anymore.” -Amelia Shepherd
74 “Don’t analyze everything. Just do it.” -Alex Karev
75 “Some lies aren’t lies. They’re love.” -Meredith Grey
76 “That’s where love exists, in delusional fantasies.” -Meredith Grey
77 "Friends are the family we choose." -Meredith Grey
78 "Don't ever date a man who can't handle your power." - Meredith Grey
79 "It’s not hard. It’s painful but it’s not hard. You know what to do already. If you didn’t you wouldn’t be in this much pain." —Miranda Bailey
80 “You’re my heaven. But maybe ... maybe I’m your hell.” — Denny Dequette
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fireemblems24 · 4 years
Flame Emperor Reveal Analysis
This game is all over the place with this. This level delivered some of the most intense and emotional moments so far, but doesn’t always capitalize on character development and conflict. 
I’m playing all four routes in Fire Emblem Three Houses mostly blind. Below is spoilers for all four routes (which I’m learning the names of now). And for the first it’s actually 4! 
Crimson Flower & Silver Snow
I lied. Originally I planned on writing a different analysis for Crimson Flower and Silver Snow, but the build up is the same. Only the fallout is different, and yeah there’s a lot to say about how things played out. 
The Black Eagles routes have the biggest advantage for this scene because your main character is the Flame Emperor. It does not hold back. All of your students, sans Edelgard and Hubert, are terrified, confused, and hurt. None of them grasp fully what’s going on when Edelgard takes her mask off and orders her army to kill anyone who stands against her. The voice actors do a fantastic job here: Dorothea, Caspar, Bernadetta, and others sell the mess of emotions the Black Eagles experience, and Edelgard sounds stone-cold and in-command. Her betrayal is the gut-punch it should be. 
The level presents a no-win scenario. One of your students is willing to kill you and everyone else you’re supposed to protect, and Rhea is out for blood. No matter what happens, no matter what you do, you lose. It’s a heartbreaking, emotional mess of a situation the writing sets up. 
Even prior to all this, the dance between revealing to much or to little about Edelgard’s true intentions is fantastic. Where the Blue Lions basically dumps the answer in your lap and the Golden Deer gives little to no hints at the Flame Emperor’s identity, the Black Eagles is the only route where I do not know if I would’ve guessed correctly or had so few clues that I didn’t bother trying to guess. 
Edelgard drops enough hints to guess correctly if you’re looking for them. She always questions Byleth about his thoughts on the Flame Emperor, trying to drive a wedge between the Emperor and the heinous actions the masked knight is involved in.  Likewise, Edelgard constantly asks Byleth if he’d pick her over the whole world. She also makes alarming declarations that tow the line between reformer and despot. All of these actions make sense in retrospect - she was fishing to see who would and would not side with her regardless of her actions. 
The scene in the Holy Tomb builds up to a crescendo, Edelgard is defeated, and Rhea makes her demand to kill Edelgard. It’s a bit telling Rhea needed to go so extreme in order to make siding with Edelgard believable, but it’s counteracted  by the game going as far as making Edelgard an enemy unit who can and will kill her classmates. Both women resort to extremes. Rhea is emotional, hateful, and screaming for blood. Edelgard is cold, calculated, and resorting to using victims of human experimentation to kill her own friends. These are two driven, passionate women exposing their ugliest sides in an emotional scene ripe for fantastic character development and conflict. 
And then . . . the wrap-up. 
Silver Snow
Should you choose to kill Edelgard, you land in Silver Snow. Rhea’s angry rant against Edelgard is fantastically delivered and makes me anticipate further development from her character. Back in Garreg Mach Monastery, Rhea  juxtaposes her earlier scene for a softer one. She implies a willingness to sacrifice her life to protect her home, and asks Byleth to take her role should something happen to her. Rhea’s plan all along was to put Byleth (who is connected to Sothis, who is connected to Rhea, though the details are still unknown to me) in charge. After hearing Rhea call for blood, it’s a sweet scene between Byleth and the archbishop. The problem with it is that every route gets these scenes sans Crimson Flower. It’s two great scenes for Rhea, but not unique to Silver Snow. 
And here’s the weird part - there is no unique content for Rhea outside of a few initial lines when choosing to kill Edelgard. Instead, we get the Black Eagles upset and unsure about Edelgard’s actions, a few wondering how much she planned all along and how involved she was in every horrible thing that happened during their school year. It’s necessary, but there’s nothing stand-out in anyone’s dialogue to bring home a real gut-punch. 
Seteth gets the best unique content in Silver Snow when he offers the Black Eagles a chance to defect to the Empire should they desire. It’s delivered softly with no threat behind it, showing an earnest desire for the students to feel comfortable even if it means they’re going to turn around and try to slaughter him in thanks. Thankfully, none of the students leave. Cyril and Catherine automatically join your team, and Hilda is now recruitable as well to make up for losing Hubert and Edelgard.   
The fall out for choosing to stand against Edelgard is . . . fine. For such a unique event in Fire Emblem (siding against your lord, possibly losing two units you’ve heavily invested in should you not know what’s coming), I expected a bit more drama and flare and a lot more Rhea. However, this is only the start, and it gave what it needed to give. 
The stage has been well set. Everyone’s in a no-win situation. Should they lose, they and everyone else in Fodlan will suffer an all-out, dragged-out war. They’ll lose their school and have to fight against their home country (sans Petra) where most of their family and friends live. Killing Edelgard ends the conflict, but she is their former friend, classmate, and rightful leader. She gives them no choice - fight for me or die standing against me. Neither option will leave Byleth and the remaining students wholly satisfied, so I foresee more bittersweet confrontations coming, and I look forward to it.
Crimson Flower 
Deciding to protect Edelgard lands you on the Crimson Flower path. I have to say, I’ve read and watched thousands of stories and this one scene stands out among all others. 
Never in my life have I ever seen characters react to a situation in a way that makes less sense. Even more baffling is how much potential gets tossed out the window. Stories thrive on conflict and character development and this scene is ripe with potential, but instead of even letting the fruit grow rancid they just . . . act like it never existed. 
After Byleth picks to guard Edelgard, Rhea loses it and is ready to tear Byleth to pieces before turning into a dragon. The Black Eagles and Edelgard all run away and, not long after, make it back to Enbarr safely. How they escaped a rampaging dragon or successfully fled Garreg Mach is hand-waved away. This is the kind of hand-waving I can forgive. It’s lazy writing, but it doesn’t really impede the story. What I cannot forgive is the hand-waving that comes next. 
Edelgard has a brief scene where she tells her classmates her intentions - she wants to rid Fodlan of the Church of Serios’s control, claims that Rhea and her fellow beasts have secretly ruled humanity and held them back, and is going to declare war. She asks who will join her. Predictably, all of them do - except Flayn. Edelgard mentions that Flayn has opted not to stay with the group. 
Hmmm. I wonder why. Could it be Edelgard’s lackey kidnapped and tortured her for a whole month, preparing her for blood experiments at the hands of an evil group of mages who just happen to be Edelgard’s allies? Maybe that had something to do with it. The fact the game presents this is as some magnanimous act is hilarious. I believe Edelgard would let someone like, say Petra, turn away too, but she deserves no “brownie points” for allowing someone who she allowed to get tortured and set-up for a slow death as a human sacrifice to leave and not decide to attack her the home where her father still lives. I think this aspect of Edelgard’s character would’ve hit home significantly harder if someone who wasn’t so throughly victimized by Edelgard’s actions had fled, or you actually saw Flayn leave. 
No one asks about the Death Knight. No one asks about Flayn’s kidnapping. No one asks about Kostas attempting to kill students. No one asks about the students kidnapped and experimented on or Remire Village or Jeralt. No one asks where the Crest Beasts Edelgard is using came from. No one asks about the fact she just tried to kill all of them, or what she’s going to do with the Crest Stones. No one even mentions the Flame Emperor. No one questions the history she spilled on them, claiming the church was behind the splitting of Fodlan despite not even having enough knights to guard their own monastery and needed students to help out at events. 
I could buy the Black Eagles running away with Edelgard. The scene where Byleth chooses Rhea or Edelgard is highly emotional. Things happen quickly and no one is given much of a chance to process anything. Rhea doesn’t give anyone much of a choice by shifting into a dragon. I wish they didn’t rely so much on “Rhea bad” to make any sense of siding with Edelgard, but it is believable. What I cannot buy is how no one questions anything afterwards. 
It’s like the whole cast just forgot the first eleven chapters. No one even mentions the Flame Emperor’s existence. The moment the mask came off, it ceased to exist. Everyone mindlessly believes everything Edelgard says, and no one even asks any questions - not about Rhea, not about the history of Fodlan, not about the Flame Emperor’s actions. Barely anyone bats an eyelash at the idea of attacking their own school and killing former classmates, teachers, and friends. Everyone comes across borderline brainwashed. Did the writers have so little faith in Edelgard’s position they were afraid to even attempt exploring it? Even worse is the strategy meeting is just Edelgard, Hubert, and Byleth - the Black Eagles are no where to be seen. It makes them come across like mindless puppets rather than anyone remotely rational - like pawns arranged on a board required for gameplay reasons than actual characters.        
Never in my life have I seen a story throw away so much potential character development and conflict. The situation here is intriguing. Edelgard’s stance is fascinating, but everything falls short when all that’s interesting about it is getting tossed out the window because Rhea is secretly evil and nothing Edelgard did beforehand seems to matter anymore. I am seriously concerned about where this route is heading, because despite the massive potential, it seems like it cares less about that and more about making sure Edelgard looks good rather than complex and interesting, even at the cost of logic, character development, and by turning other interesting characters black so Edelgard has someone she can look better than in comparison rather than standing on her own ideals.     
Verdant Wind
Am I correct in assuming the fandom consensus is that Verdant Wind had the least impactful Flame Emperor reveal? Because it did. 
Edelgard had little to no presence in Verdant Wind. Outside of pre and post class vs class battle banter, her only scene consisted of interrogating Claude and getting and giving no answers. Claude has no connection to Edelgard and neither does Byleth or any of the Golden Deer. When the mask comes off and it’s her face behind it, there’s no emotional response. 
The fallout is equally lackluster. Claude demands answers from Edelgard, which she refuses to answer, and she warps away. Afterwards, things play out the same way they do on every route. And that’s the core issue here. Claude and the Golden Deer bring nothing unique to this scene. Elements of surprise that Edelgard is the Flame Emperor, her willingness to kill all your units to get crest stones, and her declaration of war is there on every route. Claude’s character and goals have had no impact on the plot. 
Analyzing this scene has brought to light my main issue with the Verdant Wind route thus far. It’s that Claude and friends have done nothing to move the plot forward. Things just happen; no character is making anything happen. You could argue it’s the same for the Azure Moon route, but Dimitri’s clearly defined goals and emotional connection makes it a streamlined story with a sense of forward progression instead of plot points getting dumped in the player’s lap. 
It’s too bad, because Verdant Wind could’ve approached this differently. Instead of Claude getting nothing done and shouting about every relic that showed up, he and Byleth could’ve solved mysteries together a la Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boy. For all of Claude’s questioning everything, very little attention was paid to unmasking the Flame Emperor. Verdant Wind guided its players to look at the wrong mysteries - mysteries that ultimately got no answers while ignoring the one part one was actually about figuring out, and if this was flipped, Verdant Wind would’ve had a much more impactful Flame Emperor reveal. 
I will give Verdant Wind major bonus points though. It is nice to see a character question Edelgard about her involvement in things. Dimitri’s too caught up in his Duscur trauma (which I don’t believe Edelgard participated in) and neither Silver Snow and especially Crimson Flower question Edelgard’s actions as the Flame Emperor, but Claude throws at her all the questions I wanted to hear: what about Flayn? What about Jeralt? What about Remire? So congrats Claude, you’re the only character and the only route that’s holding Edelgard actually responsible for her actual actions. If only she was the mystery you were investigating instead of one that went exactly no where for eleven straight chapters. 
Azure Moon
What’s interesting here is that the Flame Emperor’s reveal is less about who the mystery person is and more about our protagonist’s, Dimitri’s, reaction to it. And that is core reason behind this scene’s success. 
Multiple users on here told me to play chapter eleven of Blue Lions first, and I’m both glad and upset I listened to them. Glad, because they were all right, this route had by far the best Flame Emperor reveal, but sad because it all went downhill from there. 
The Crimson Flower/Silver Snow routes should’ve had the best Flame Emperor reveal. After all, those are the routes where Edelgard plays the biggest role, but the follow up to the scene is fairly lackluster, especially in Crimson Flower. Azure Moon, on the other hand, did everything Crimson Flower was afraid to - address the elephant in the room.   
Characters in Crimson Flower respond to the situation as if Edelgard didn’t just try to kill all of them, nor do they ask any questions about her actions as the Flame Emperor. Everyone acts as if none of that ever happened, and by not bothering to even mention it, those actions stick out even worse than they would’ve otherwise. 
The opposite is true in Azure Moon. Everyone is unnerved by Dimitri’s violent outburst. Felix jumps at the chance to tell everyone, “I told you so.” No one knows what to do about Dimitri, nor do they really have time to process anything with Edelgard’s war machine knocking on their front door. However, this is the base expectation of a story - that characters respond realistically to what happened prior instead of teleporting to some surreal dimension where Edelgard isn’t working with people who perform human experimentation. 
So what exactly did Azure Moon do to make this reveal so successful? It utilized the route’s unique aspects: Dimitri’s mental instability and desire for revenge, terrible family history, and emotional connection to Edelgard. 
Unlike Verdant Wind, Edelgard has an actual presence and relevance in Azure Moon thanks to her connection to Dimitri. He cares about her like family, which makes her betrayal more personal and automatically more impactful than in Verdant Wind. Even more brilliant here is milking the emotional aspect of what happened. Instead of focusing on “shocking” the reader with Edelgard’s betrayal, it drops hints about her secret identity with all the subtly of a lead brick. 
You know what inevitable, dramatic, and tragic outcome is coming. Edelgard, Dimitri’s only remaining family (outside of an uncle he’s on bad terms with), is working hand-in-hand with the people who caused the deaths of his family which led to the genocide of a race of people and the source all of his trauma.  Dimitri makes it quite clear he’s out for revenge, and that anything related to Duscur triggers his PTSD so bad it seems like a dissociative or psychotic episode. Azure Moon does not build up a mystery, it builds up an emotional conflict - like watching a train wreck that you know is coming and can’t stop. 
And that’s the brilliance of it - this scene isn’t about Edelgard being the Flame Emperor, we already know that, it’s about Dimitri, who this route is about and who the player is emotionally invested in during this version of the story. 
Nor does this game disappoint here. There’s no softening anything to try and make Dimitri look “better.” He has a full-on violent breakdown. It’s devastating. He is succumbing fully to his demons after fighting against it over and over while getting tossed into triggering situations ad nauseam and getting no help in return (after all, therapy, medication, hell even the concept of mental illness simply doesn’t exist). All the signs that the route has built up explode in an emotional scene, and probably thee best cut scene so far with some of the best voice acting in Fire Emblem to carry it out. Every plot thread comes to a head: Dimitri’s lust for revenge, his unstable mental health, the mystery of the Flame Emperor’s identity, etc . . . 
The upcoming battle has more meaning now. It has what is at steak in the other routes - win or lose and the fear of having to kill former classmates - and more. Because it isn’t just about the battle of Edelgard vs the world, but also the battle for Dimitri’s mental health and for his soul. There’s a bit of a catch-22 here, is Edelgard dying really the best ending? Killing her saves many lives, but at the cost of Dimitri’s mental health? What if she dies and he doesn’t kill her, but what if he does? Would he kill himself now that the dead are avenged? Or what if she lives and this drags on longer? No option is good. There isn’t an easy win button by offing Edelgard or taking over the school. Every possible ending is a bad ending. Your lead character is in the middle of a mental breakdown, and giving into his demons and lust for revenge (which is a separate issue exasperated by ill mental health) and the situation only makes it worse and is to dire to properly let anyone deal with said breakdown. The tension, the drama, the sense of foreboding dread, is all so much more here than in all the other routes. 
What makes Azure Moon’s handling of the Flame Emperor so good is that it widely succeeded where the other two routes failed. Verdant Wind didn’t make the reveal relevant to anything Claude was interested in or working towards. Crimson Flower completely and utterly failed to address Edelgard’s actions let alone use that to create compelling tension. Azure Moon did both. It made the Flame Emperor reveal relevant to the route, even made it actually about the main character of the route. Nor is it shying away from conflict and tension, even if it means letting it’s main character fall out of grace and risking the player’s infatuation/admiration/whatever with/of Dimitri by having him succumb to his dark side. Because it’s not protecting him, he’s going to turn out a way better character for it. 
I will admit though, that I think playing all four routes impacted this a bit. It didn’t benefit Azure Moon, but I think this route spoiling who the Flame Emperor is hurt the other routes. Verdant Wind might’ve had at least some tiny smudge of an impact because it’s the only route where there’s very little way to correctly guess who the Flame Emperor is - the only one where it may be truly a surprise. Crimson Flower/Silver Snow does make it a bit more obvious, but doesn’t quite spell it out for you the way Azure Moon does. Here, the player kind of has to be looking for it. Obviously though, you can only learn this once, and good writing could’ve made all the routes impactful with very small tweaks - have Verdant Wind actually focus on the mystery that’s solved at the end of Part 1 (who is the Flame Emperor) and actually have characters react to and get answers about Edelgard’s actions. I also think the choice between Silver Snow and Crimson Flower looses its tension when you go into it knowing you’ll pick both. Azure Moon easily had the best reveal, so I want to ultimately thank everyone who told me to do this one first - you were all very, very right. 
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 1
Word Count: 3,296
POV: Starts with Reader and switchs to Crosby
Warning: Language
Notes: Ok so I’ve wanted to do a Crosby series for awhile and this idea has been stuck in my head. I’m not sure how long this series will be, kind of just seeing where it will go. Hopefully you’ll all stick around and see where this goes.
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It was September of 2015, that was the first time Sidney Crosby met the woman who would change his life; only he didn’t know that then. He first saw you at Marc-Andre’s house, when you were standing there talking to Flower’s wife, Veronique. He didn’t know that a chance encounter at the same salon had led to you and Vero becoming best friends. What he did know was that you had to be one of the most beautiful women he ever saw.
You were wearing a pair of white shorts with a navy peplum off the shoulder top. To Sidney, you looked gorgeous, cute and casual; not really trying too hard knowing you were at a party with a room of NHL players. He could already see all the young single guys on the team sniffing around you. He couldn’t really blame them, considering where his thoughts had drifted the moment, he laid eyes on you. Wanting to know more about you, he made the decision to introduce himself. “Great party Vero, thanks for having everyone here before the season gets underway.”
“Yeah sure, it really wasn’t anything. Marc-Andre and I were glad to do it.” Sid shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he waited for his friend to make an introduction to you. Veronique finally took pity on him after a minute or two. “So Sid, this is my friend (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Sidney Crosby.”
You held out your hand to him, and he took. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Sidney…or Sid…I mean everyone calls me Sid…so if you want…” You hadn’t really intended to say his name, and it seemed like he just realized that as a small blush crept up his cheeks.
“Well, Sid it is, then.” And then you added, just to put him at ease. “Everyone calls me (Y/NickN), so feel free.”
  That comment seemed to put him a little bit more at ease. “So how do you and V know each other?” You proceeded to tell him how you and Vero met at the salon and bonded over the same Starbucks order. When she found out you were in marketing, she asked to pick your brain for her children’s clothing line, she was starting with Catherine Letang. The three of you became fast friends, going to brunches and dinners; so it was natural when they invited you to this pre-season get together. The conversation with Sidney was so natural neither one of you noticed that Veronique had left the two of you alone. Sid talked a lot about hockey, but you really weren’t surprised, as the face of the NHL and one of Pittsburgh’s premier athletes; you expected as much. What you were surprised about was when he switched the topic of conversation to history. It was as if he knew you were a history buff.
You found yourself talking about your last trip to Europe, where you tried to take in as many historical sites as you could, and Sid chimed in with some of his favorite places. It wasn’t until both of you had an empty glass that you realized you’d passed the last couple of hours just chatting essentially about nothing with Sidney Crosby.
“So, can I get you another drink?” He asked staring at your empty wine glass.
“Yes, please.” He took the glass and headed inside the house.
Catherine was the first one to sneak over to your side. “Looks like you and Sid are hitting it off.”
“Oh stop. We’re just talking is all.” Grant it, it was probably one of the best conversations you’d had with a guy in a long time. “I mean…well, he’s Sidney Crosby and I’m just…well, I’m just me.”
“Oh my god (Y/N), you have no idea how absolutely great you are, and Sid would be lucky to be with you.”
“That’s sweet of you to say, but I’m not going to get my hopes up. It’s literally one conversation.”
“Fine, but don’t mind me if I give it a little nudge in the right direction.” Catherine raised her eyebrows as Sid came back with the wine.
“So where were we, was it Rome, Paris or London?” You smiled at his cute little joke, as the two of you continued talking. By the end of the night, you felt like you were floating on cloud nine. He walked you to your car, but never really made a move; which was both sweet and confusing at the same time.
By the time you made it home, you convinced yourself that the whole night really didn’t exist. This was only confirmed when you didn’t hear from him the following week, not that you really expected him to call, but it set the tone for next time you saw him. Which ended up being after the first home game of the season when everyone went out to celebrate the win. You’d ended up at the game with Veronique and Catherine, so it was only natural when you went out to the bar with them afterward.
Sid was casual and maintained a safe distance around you. It felt kind of weird after the great evening you’d had before, but if that’s the way he wanted to play it, so be it; you were not one to go chasing after someone that didn’t want you. So, you spent most of the evening talking and laughing with Beau. And so went most of the season. You’d basically become an honorary wag, just without being a wife or a girlfriend of a player. You were at most home games and ended up going to several events that involved the team. Each time, Sid was polite, but things never went back to the way they were the first night that you met.
As the season went on, you got a behind the scenes look at what it was like to either be married to or dating a player and if you were being honest; you were glad things with Sidney hadn’t progressed. It was stressful and you saw what a toll the long road trips and constant on the go schedule took on relationships. It wasn’t until later in the season though, that you truly saw how difficult being a significant other could be. Marc-Andre had gone down, after taking a puck the helmet. Everyone in the arena could tell something wasn’t right, and as you saw him get help skating off the ice Vero grabbed your hand for support. There was no news, no one went running down to the tunnel to see what was going on and no one called to say what had happened. You literally just sat there telling your friend that things would be fine. It wasn’t until after the game was over that you found out he had suffered a concussion and was being taken to the hospital for further evaluation. Since it was his second of the season, the Pens were taking every precaution possible with their star goalie. The question in your brain though, was why someone hadn’t told his wife that.
A week later when you, Vero and Catherine were having dinner you questioned them about it. The answer coming back that it’s just the way things work. “Well, I think that’s stupid. They should have a person that keeps in contact with you guys and lets you know what’s going on. I mean what happens if it’s at practice do you get a call then?”
“Not usually, unless it’s from one of the other guys.”
“See that’s just messed up. There should be someone, I don’t know like a…what’s the word I’m looking for?” They both exchanged a confused look with one another as if they had no idea what you meant. “A liaison, that’s it.” To which they stared at you as if you grew three heads. “I don’t mean it like that, like a go-between. Someone that helps with communication and such.”
“I totally agree, but it seems like no one has any time to do that,” Vero told you. “They’re too busy playing the game and working on the injured player to think about us who are sitting there worried sick out of our mind.”
“So, they should create a position. I mean I’ve seen a couple places where the organization is falling short on things and you guys seem to be stepping in.”
“What do you mean?” Catherine asked.
“Well like when the WBS players get called up there’s nowhere for them to go, but a hotel, unless they end up staying with one of you guys. If you had a liaison there, that person could facilitate a place for them to stay and stuff. I mean other than just getting them here. They could do the same for any players that get traded as well.”
You seemed to have both Vero and Catherine sold on this idea. Though for some reason you didn’t think you were selling anything, this was just more like a little rant because you’d seen how upset Vero had been when her husband got hurt. The three of you hashed out all kinds of details about it the entire night. What you didn’t expect was the phone call you received, several days later, from Mario Lemieux’s office asking you to come in. You assumed it was about the position you’d mentioned to Vero and Catherine, but also expected them to be there. However, it was quite evident they weren’t when you finally went to talk to the legendary NHLer.
You’d been introduced to him before at parties, but never truly sat down and had a conversation with the man, and even though you’d met some famous people in your life; you were still a bit intimated meeting Mario. “Have a seat (Y/N), I assume you have an idea why I called you in?”
“Well, I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I would say it has to do with the lack of a position in your organization that I talked about with Veronique and Catherine.���
“Yes, they both called me, as well as their husbands and were quite excited about the prospect of us implementing this into the team. Honestly, I can’t believe we hadn’t thought about it before.” You never expected Mario to say something like that. “When I spoke to my wife about it, she agreed that it would’ve been something that eased her mind when I was playing, especially later in my career. So tell me a bit more about it?”
You then proceeded to highlight some of the situations the girls and you had discussed previously. “It might not be a full-time position, more something that could be distributed out to a couple different people who are already on staff.” You added that part because truly you didn’t know, this was really uncharted waters for you.
“I disagree. I can see this being a very full-time for someone. I would expect them to be at every practice, every game, both home and away, just the way our training staff is. Plus, there would be all the outside interaction as well, like contacting people we’ve just traded and getting them settled; not to mention transitioning the WBS players as you said.” When you looked at it that way, you supposed that the job would definitely be over forty hours a week for whoever took it over. “It’s why I want you to take the position.”
“I’m sorry, what?” You’d heard what he said but you really hadn’t comprehended it.
“This is your idea and a hell of a one at that. You seem to have the vision of it, and I can’t see anyone better to run it.” To say you were flabbergasted was an understatement. Never did you anticipate that this was where your conversation with Mario would go. “Obviously, there will be kinks that need to be worked out, and who better to iron them, then you.” You simply nodded your head, still digesting the whole idea. “You already have a great rapport with the team and their significant others, so there’s already a trust level there. Which is something I feel the job would need.” You had to agree about that factor, though you hadn't thought about it until he brought it up. “I’m not saying this a lifetime position, but it’s definitely something I want to try for at least the next year or more. So, what do you say are you in?”
Were you? Part of you was dying to take the job, it would be something so completely different than what you were doing now, but then your current job paid you pretty well so you weren’t ready to give that lifestyle up for the unknown. Mario must have seen your hesitance. “Look, I’m going to make it worth your while.” He scribbled down a figure, sliding the piece of paper over to you. You couldn’t hide your reaction when you saw the amount scratched out on the paper. It was definitely more than you were making now, but there was still that unknown factor of where you would be in a year.
Weighing the options out in your mind, you decided that this was a once in a lifetime chance. You held your hand out to Mario, saying, “It looks like you’ve got yourself a new staff member, Mr. Lemieux.”
“Welcome aboard (Y/N) and from now on it’s Mario.” Later, after you went over the details of when you would start, which you both decided would be after you left your current job; you walked out of the office looking forward to what new adventures lay ahead, for you had an idea it was going to be very interesting.
After that first night that you’d met (Y/N), you literally couldn’t get her out of your head. She was the last thing you thought about that night and the first thing that came to your mind when you woke up. Maybe it was how incredible she looked last night or the way she carried on a conversation with such passion, but you couldn’t seem to get her out of your brain. It was the reason you were late for practice, as you found yourself lying in bed just a little bit longer daydreaming of when you would talk to her again.
All through drills, you couldn’t get her off your mind. Wondering when you should call her; was today too soon? What you didn’t notice was that you’d missed half your shots, made extremely sloppy passes during the powerplay drill and practically had a puck hit you in the head as you were thinking of all these things. Geno, finally skated up to you, tapping your helmet with his stick. “Earth to Sid. Where you at today?”
“Sorry, Geno. Guess my mind really isn’t in the game today.”
“Well, you better get it together. Season is starting soon.” Geno was right, if (Y/N) could occupy your thoughts after one conversation, what would happen after one date, and if you were worse after one date, what would happen if you were actually in a relationship. It was that thought that convinced you not to call her. There would be time for relationships when hockey was over. So, (Y/N) might be the perfect woman for you, but if it was meant to be she would still be there when your career ended.
Still, it was hard to see her out at the team get-togethers. She’d practically became a member of the group. Of course, you tried to be nice, but you could tell that when you didn’t call her after that first night; she’d taken the hint and kept her distance. Still, it was hard to watch her laugh at something Jake or Schultzy would say. Harder yet to see her touch Beau’s arm in an intimate way.
It may have been killing you inside each time you saw her, but you knew it was better for your career this way. If there was any silver lining to this, it was at least you didn’t have to see her all the time. There were times when she came to the games, dressed all cute in jeans and a sweater, and you wanted nothing more than to take her home with you those nights, but (Y/N) wasn’t the kind of woman you took home for the night and then forgot about. She was too much of a distraction, so you tamped down your lust for her and focused solely on hockey. That was until you walked into the film room and she was standing there with Mario. Seeing her at parties and the bar was expected, but having her invade your work-life caught you off guard. There wasn’t a chance to ask her what she was doing here, as players filtered in and she remained in conversation with Mario.
Once, everyone was settled Coach Sullivan turned things over to the owner. “I know you all know (Y/N), so I’ll save the long introduction, but I’m sure you’re wondering why she’s here.” It was the question foremost in your mind. “I’ve hired her on as the team’s new Personal Players Assistant. I know you’re probably wondering exactly what this position entails, so I’m going to let (Y/N) fill you in on that.”
“Hi guys, I know most of you never thought you’d be seeing me here that’s for sure, and on the other hand, a couple of you may already know about this. This position was brought about because of the lack of communication between the team, players and their significant others when there is an injury. I’m basically going to start off being a liaison or go-between for you guys, along with a bunch of other things, like…” You sat there listening as (Y/N) talked about her new job with the team, though you wouldn’t lie it was hard to pay attention when she looked so damn beautiful. As she spoke, you couldn’t help but watch the way her lips moved and couldn’t help imagining how they would feel on your skin. You closed your eyes in hopes that would make your mind stop wandering, only it served to have other images pop into your head. Thoughts of those lips wrapped around your cock, as she knelt before you looking up from between your lashes, permeated into your brain. Your eyes flew open and it was then that you realized you’d missed half of what she said.
“So on that note, I have these papers here for you guys to fill out and get back to me.” She handed them over to Rusty, and he took one and started passing the rest. “Hopefully, this crazy idea will end up being advantageous for everyone and you won’t get too sick of looking at my mug at every practice and game.” Wait did she just say she was going to be at every practice…and game? Shit, you should’ve been paying attention instead of daydreaming about this woman. “If you guys have any questions, my contact information is on the paper, and my office is just down the hall. I’m looking forward to working with all of you.”
“Thanks (Y/N). I’ll make sure these get back to you.” Coach Sullivan said and then she and Mario slipped out of the room. You stared at the paper in your hand, seeing nothing but (Y/N)’s face staring back at you. How were you going to make it through every day seeing her face, her body? The better question was how were you going to concentrate on hockey with (Y/N) around you? There was only one answer, and that was you were going to have to avoid her at all costs.  
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damejudyhench · 3 years
1, 4, 9, 16, 22, and 35 please :) you don't have to answer them all though!
You asked for it - you got it ;)
(This is a long post and I’m on mobile so I’m not sure how to do a cut, I’m sorry everybody)
1. From one to five stars, how would you rate your writing? (No downplaying yourself!)
I’m a solid three, rising to four when it comes to smut. (The Max/Ideal Max/Pearl fic may be a five).
4. Are there any writers that inspire you?
@funkypoacher has been a huge inspiration to me in this fandom. Hers was the first TOW fic I read. And talking to her has helped so much in terms of thinking about character and motivation. I’ve never written an oc the way I am now and that’s down to her.
@paliseizy and @vairasmythe ‘s writing really encouraged me to let my own freak flag fly. I love you guys.
In terms of published authors, Kazuo Ishiguro, Annie Proulx and David Mitchell just blow me away with what they can do with words and I dream of one day being able to do a fraction of what they can.
9. Which character(s) do you find most difficult to write?
Characters whom I consider bad or wrong but like, in a mundane way? To use examples from the Outer Worlds, I’ve written Rockwell cause he’s hugely entertaining, cutting about the place high on space cocaine laughing at the suckers who are gonna get iced. I haven’t, but I feel like I could write Akande, cause I feel she’s a paladin, a true believer and that’s fascinating even though her beliefs as I perceive them are diametrically opposed to my own. Ellie is just kinda selfish? And she makes a big deal out of rejecting Byzantium but her values are kind of exactly the same? I feel like if I ever wrote a character gettting into a debate with her it would just end up as a mouthpiece for me arguing with her as the embodiment of all too many real life people. And I don’t know if writing myself as winning or losing would be worse.
Pearl just told her that if she wants the big cabin that badly she can fight her for it, and that shut her up.
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
I really like when characters who pride themselves on being in control are forced to get overwhelmingly horny. So sex pollen, heat/rut fic, alien sex rays etc. I don’t like ABO though, it’s subtly different in a way I can’t quite put my finger on.
22. Do you listen to anything while you write?
I’m pretty much always listening to music, and if I hear something that really reminds me of a character or situation, I’ll save it and listen to it again while I’m writing. Characters I really vibe with get their own playlists, but I don’t have a specific writing playlist
35. Ramble about any fic-related thing you want!
I am gonna take the opportunity and point out that I dropped one of my oc’s into Terror on Typhon as an Easter egg and no one has asked about him!
The man Nyoka is arguing with and then kisses at the start is Aloysious Millstone, a professional gambler and con artist and her future husband. His mother was a Rizzo’s secretary, his father was an executive who was visiting Cascadia. He never acknowledged his son, hence Millstone.
Unlike Nyoka, Aloysious was evacuated from Monarch when it was abandoned by the Board, but he resented everything about Byzantium and fled back to Monarch as soon as he was able by talking his way onto the catering crew of a space yacht headed for Fallbrook. Once there, he abandoned ship and got a job in Fallbrook tending bar. He is able to ‘code switch’ between Monarch native and Byzantium elite, and he uses this ability to scam the patrons out of some extra bits.
One time however, he makes the mistake of trying to scam Lilya Hagen - he’s never met her, has no clue who she is, and she does seem kind of absent minded. He is locked up while the SubLight management debate whether or not to feed him to Mini Malin, but ultimately they decide that he adds a touch of authentic seedy glamour to the image Fallbrook projects, so he becomes a professional gambler and card sharp in residence, under Catherine Malin’s protection in return for a cut of his takings.
Nyoka initially despises him because she thinks he’s a phoney through and through. But she comes to see that he loves the thrill of the hunt just as much as she does, only his prey is different. They both want to see a strong independent Monarch. And he doesn’t lie about himself to her - he’s very honest about who he is and what he wants, and unlike her previous partners he would never exaggerate his skill on the trail to impress her. He couldn’t kill a rapt to save his life, but he does look very fetching in a pair of rapt skin boots, and she likes being the one who hunted them for him.
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noona-clock · 4 years
I Never Knew - Part 2
Genre: WWII!AU
Pairing: Brian (Day6) x You (Female!Reader)
Warning: Mentions of war
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Epilogue | Words: 3,503
*gif courtesy of @cramelot​
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When your eyes fluttered open the next morning after a long, very restful sleep, the first thought you had was I think last night may have been a dream.
I mean, you’d been to plenty of parties on plenty of military bases by now. You’d met your fair share of soldiers. But never in your life had you ever met someone like Brian. Someone who made you feel the way Brian made you feel. Someone you had kissed the very same night you’d met him. But, last night, all of that had happened to you. So, it must have been a dream.
You let out a soft, sleepy groan as you stretched your arms up toward the ceiling. And then you winced when you felt the soreness in your upper arms and shoulder. Stretching your legs out brought about the same slight pain, and you realized... it couldn’t have been a dream if you were this sore from all that dancing.
A giddy smile crept onto your lips as you thought about what else you’d done last night.
Brian had walked you home, draped his jacket over your shoulders, told you a little about his life, pointed out constellations... and you’d kissed him. A somewhat brief, very innocent kiss, but a kiss nonetheless.
It felt so good to think about it that you didn’t even want to get out of bed. Your role as a General’s daughter, however, had ingrained a habit of rising early into you, and you now felt like you were wasting time if you stayed in bed past 8am.
Unsurprisingly, your father was already sitting at the kitchen table when you arrived downstairs, his usual breakfast of coffee, toast, and oatmeal sitting in front of him.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night, Cupcake?” he asked as you shuffled over to his seat. You bent to place a quick kiss on his cheek before answering his question.
“Morning, Daddy,” you mumbled. “Yes, I did. Very much so.”
“Did you dance the night away?” 
“Yes,” you chuckled before you headed to the fridge for an apple. “How much money did you win playing poker?”
Your dad let out a hearty laugh and said, “You aren’t supposed to know that’s what I’m doing.”
“Oh, come on,” you smirked. “You raised me to be observant, remember? I wouldn’t be your daughter if I didn’t know all the details, even the ones I’m not supposed to know.”
“This is true, I suppose,” he sighed, though the tone of amusement hadn’t left his voice. “We’ll say I broke even and leave it at that.”
“Good,” you noted. “I like when they don’t let you win just because you’re their boss.”
You slid into the chair next to him, bringing one leg up and curling it underneath you as you bit into your apple.
After a few moments of silence (save for your apple-crunching and your father’s coffee-slurping), your father cleared his throat and glanced over at you. “What’s on your agenda today?”
“My agenda?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. “I... don’t know. I guess I’ll explore the base or something. ...There’s a hospital nearby, right?”
Your father hummed, nodding before he gulped down the last of his coffee.
“I’ll probably go there, then. See what I can do to volunteer.”
Even though you had no medical experience whatsoever, you’d always seemed to find yourself ending up at the base hospital, helping the nurses with whatever they needed. You’d gotten tired of just sitting around at home while your dad was at work, and since every military base had a clinic or hospital, it was the obvious choice. Plus, you found the work incredibly rewarding (though you couldn’t quite say you had the desire to actually become a nurse -- right now).
“That’s my girl,” your father grinned. He set down his mug and pushed his chair back from the table, gathering up the remains of his breakfast to clean up. “I may or may not be home for dinner, depending on how the day goes.”
“Okay, Daddy,” you answered. You were used to his ‘depending on’ schedule by now -- one thing about this military life you were used to, in fact. “Have a good first day.”
“You, too, Cupcake.” He dropped a light kiss on the top of your head as he carried his dishes to the sink, and within a few minutes, he was out the front door.
After finishing your apple, you headed upstairs to get ready for the day. You put on one of your favorite dresses, wanting to make a good impression on the nurses at the hospital since they were the most likely candidates to become your friends; but you also put on a pair of your most comfortable shoes so you could easily walk all around as you volunteered.
You’d lived on so many bases and had so many First Days, you were practically a professional. You just... didn’t get paid. But you were volunteering, so that was kind of the point.
It was just after 10am when you stepped out of your house and into the warmth of the sunshine. The air was cool, though not as chilly as last night. And, of course, you were thinking about last night as you walked down the pathway outside of your house, passing the spot where you’d kissed Brian.
You knew it hadn’t been a dream, but you still couldn’t quite believe you’d done that.
Did you regret it? No, absolutely not.
Were you... maybe a little embarrassed? Yes, probably.
But, oh well. There was nothing you could do about it now -- not the actual kiss, at least. You couldn’t take it back, though you didn’t even want to.
As you began to stroll down the sidewalk, you realized you’d been too absorbed in thinking about the kiss that you had no idea where you were going. Where even was the hospital?
Your brow furrowed as you lifted your gaze and searched the surrounding area. Within seconds, you noticed a three-story brick building just a few blocks away, a large, red cross adorning the outside above the entrance.
Aha. If that wasn’t the base hospital, then you wouldn’t know what was.
It only took about five minutes to walk there, though you had never been a slow walker. Being the daughter of someone in the military had not only forced a structured schedule on your daily life, but it had also made you yearn to be as efficient as possible. Why take seven minutes to get somewhere when it could take you five if you simply walked a little bit faster?
It sounded ridiculous, but it saved you time!
When you arrived at the front door (five, not seven, minutes later), you took a deep breath before you reached out and pushed it open.
The receptionist sitting at the front desk looked up, her brow furrowing softly when she saw you. You grinned over at her and wrung your hands together nervously as you approached the desk.
“Hello,” you greeted. “I’m Y/N, I just moved to the base? My... my father is the new General, and I was just wondering if there were any opportunities to volunteer?”
The young woman’s face morphed from an expression of slight confusion to one of friendly surprise. “Oh, hello!” she said as she stood from her chair. “Yes, absolutely. Let me find Catherine, she’s the head nurse on duty right now.”
You nodded, watching as she stepped out from behind the desk and turned down the hallway to walk back into the hospital.
You only stood there awkwardly in the lobby for a minute or two before the receptionist returned, another young woman walking behind her.
“Hi,” the young woman greeted with a half-smile, half-smirk. She was, obviously, the head nurse on duty, and she stuck her hand out toward you once she got close enough. “I’m Catherine, but please, call me Cat.”
“Nice to meet you, Cat,” you answered as you shook her hand. “I’m Y/N.”
“I heard you’re looking to volunteer?”
“Yes, I would love to help out wherever it’s needed,” you nodded.
“Come with me, then.” Cat’s lips tugged into even more a smirk, and she nodded her head back toward the hallway she’d just come down with the receptionist.
You shot the receptionist a small, thankful grin before following Cat, hurrying your steps to catch up with her.
“Since the war just started and these boys haven’t been shipped out yet, it’s pretty quiet around here at the moment,” Cat explained, glancing over her shoulder at you. “We have exactly two patients right now. One slipped on the stairs and broke his leg a few days ago, and the other has the flu. But, don’t worry. There’s still plenty for you to do, Y/N.”
“All right,” you chuckled. “I’m willing to do anything.”
“Be careful when you say that, I just might take you up on it once things get busy.”
You grinned to yourself as you continued to follow Cat down the hallway, the fluorescent lights and sterile smell actually bringing you comfort. No matter the base, all of the hospitals where you’d volunteered had been the same. Strangely enough, they had been one of the few constants in your ever-changing life. While some people recoiled at the smell of hospitals, you simply felt like you were home.
“For now, though, you can help with the laundry.” Cat slowed to a stop in front of a door, opening it and revealing the hospital’s laundry room.
“I may not be very helpful when you really need it, but laundry, I can definitely do,” you replied with a confident nod.
“Come on in, then.”
Within the next few minutes, you and Cat were folding and sorting towels. It was definitely one of the tamest tasks you’d done while volunteering at a clinic or hospital, but you truly didn’t mind. And Cat seemed quite lovely -- definitely someone with whom you wanted to become friends.
“So, you’re new here,” she stated rather than asked. “What’s your story?”
Why did you immediately remember that Brian had asked you exactly that question last night?
“Well... my father has been in the military my whole life. We moved around a lot. Still do, actually,” you shrugged, trying (and basically failing) to push thoughts of Brian out of your head. “This is the third base in the last year.”
Cat quirked a brow at you, the corners of her ruby lips turned down into a tiny frown. “Do you think you’ll stay here?”
Did you want to stay here? There was no question about that in your mind. You wanted to stay here and get to know Brian, more than any other person you’d ever met.
“I hope so,” you replied with a soft, somewhat bashful grin. You couldn’t help it. Thinking about Brian only made you think about your kiss, and --
“I know that smile,” Cat chuckled, interrupting your thoughts. “What’s his name?”
Your cheeks warmed, and your grin became even more bashful before you answered her. “I mean -- we just met last night at my father’s welcome party, it’s not --”
“What’s his name?” Cat repeated. “I can tell you about his medical record.”
Your brow instantly furrowed. “...You can?”
Cat shot you a smirk and laughed softly. “No, that’s totally against policy. But if I look up his record, I can probably remember him.”
You kept your gaze focused on the towel you were folding. “His... name is Brian.”
“Oh, Brian,” Cat replied without hesitation. “I don’t even need to look up his record, I remember him clear as day. Truly one of the most handsome faces I’ve ever seen. And one of the nicest, most genuine guys. Also got 20/20 vision, that one.”
“I thought you weren’t allowed to tell me anything about his medical record,” you said as you held back a laugh.
Cat let out a soft, dreamy sigh before tossing her folded towel onto the pile. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for love stories.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say --”
But you were cut off by a voice. Not Cat’s voice, either, but another voice entirely.
“I thought I heard you.”
You nearly dropped the towel in your hands when you heard him, and you thought surely it wouldn’t actually be him. Why would he be right here, right now?
But when you turned toward the laundry room door... there he was.
Brian, in all of his handsome glory.
“Br -- what are you --” you stammered, your heart skipping a beat before it began to pound inside your chest.
“My friend broke his leg, I came to visit him,” he explained with a tiny smile. And -- still, somehow -- that tiny smile made your heart race even more. “What about you?”
“Oh, I -- I’m just volunteering,” you told him somewhat bashfully.
His smile grew -- and so did your heart.
“Could you, uh... maybe... meet me outside? In, say, an hour?”
Without thinking too much about it, you nodded quickly. And you were glad you did because Brian’s grin only got bigger.
“Great,” he murmured. “See you then.”
“Bye,” you said in almost a whisper, lifting one hand to wave at him as he stepped away from the laundry room and headed down the hall.
When you slowly turned back to Cat, you were not surprised in the least to see an incredibly lopsided smirk on her lips. “As I was saying, I’m a sucker for a good love story.”
“Would it... be all right if I headed out in about an hour?” you asked as innocently as you could, though you felt your cheeks flaming both from Brian’s unexpected appearance and from Cat’s comment.
“Of course, hon,” Cat replied. “You’re a volunteer. You can come and go as you please.”
You shot her a half-apologetic, half-grateful smile before getting back to work folding the stack of towels in front of you.
Once the two of you were finished with the laundry, Cat delegated you to sorting and organizing the new shipment of supplies until the hour was up. She said she was going to check up on all two of the patients, and before she left, she reached out and gave your elbow an affectionate squeeze.
“Good luck,” she murmured as she winked slyly at you.
“Thanks,” you chuckled.
For the next forty-five minutes or so, you worked slowly -- though not too slowly. You just didn’t want to finish before the hour was up. Now that you knew you would be meeting up with Brian, your mind wasn’t really able to focus on much else. Sorting and organizing hospital supplies was the perfect activity to fill the time until you saw him, and if you finished early, you’d have to find Cat and ask her for something else to do. She’d probably just tell you to leave, but then you would be waiting outside for Brian for who knows how long. Hence why you were taking your time with this task.
You had just put away the last item in the box when Cat appeared at your side. You must have been too in the zone because you hadn’t heard the click of her heels on the hospital’s tile floor.
“It’s about that time,” she murmured, nudging you softly and wiggling her eyebrows. “I saw him leave just a couple minutes ago.”
You honestly weren’t sure how your father would take it if you and Brian ended up dating or in a romantic relationship (which you assumed you would, at this point), but even if he took it badly, at least you had someone in your corner. Cat, apparently, was rooting for you and was more than happy to help you.
“Thank you,” you replied after you set the empty box on the floor and turned toward her. “I’ll be back tomorrow, and I promise I’ll stay longer.”
Cat let out a soft chuckle and reached out to gently place her hand on your shoulder. “Honey, if things go well, I wouldn’t blame you if you never showed up here again.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, shaking your head. “I will show up again,” you assured her with a somewhat shy smirk. You’d never been the type of girl to get so caught up in a relationship that your whole life centered around your significant other, especially not now when a world war had just broken out.
Cat simply lifted one shoulder into a half-shrug before she nudged you again. “Go on, scoot. Get outta here!”
You chuckled softly and followed her instructions, hurrying out of the supply room.
As soon as you exited through the front door, you saw Brian sitting on a bench, one arm lazily slung over the top and drumming his fingers on the wooden surface.
Your heart, of course, sped up at the sight of him, even though you could only see him from the back. But just the fact you knew he was waiting for you made you anxious... in a good way.
He must have heard the click of your heels on the pavement as you approached him because he turned around, eyebrows raised expectantly.
And then his face lit up with a smile.
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Your knees instantly went weak, and you almost toppled over onto the sidewalk.
Brian stood from the bench and took a few steps to meet you. “Hi,” he greeted.
“Hello,” you replied breathlessly. “How’s your friend?”
“Oh, he’s fine,” he told you with a chuckle. “Just embarrassed. How was volunteering?”
“It was great! I didn’t see any blood, so that’s always nice.”
Brian’s smile grew more amused at your words, but you somehow managed to keep on speaking (even though your heart was pounding and butterflies were racing around in your stomach and his smile was still taking your breath away).
“I really like the nurse, though,” you added. “Cat. She seems like a heroine from a Katharine Hepburn movie.”
“She does,” Brian agreed jovially. “My friend, the one who broke his leg, is carryin’ a real big torch for her. Says she’s got gumption, and that’s exactly what he likes in a woman.”
You were sorely tempted to ask Brian what he liked in a woman, but it felt just a touch inappropriate. And brazen. And you were neither of those.
“Anyway,” he continued, interrupting your thoughts. “I was hoping I would see you around.”
“Me, too,” you admitted. “After I was done here, I was planning on exploring the base to see if I could accidentally run into you.”
The look on Brian’s face after you said this made it very obvious he was pleased with your words. He clasped his hands behind his back, rocking a little on the balls of his feet. “Would you... like a tour? I can show you around.”
You were, obviously, going to jump at the chance of spending any time with him, so you immediately nodded. “Yes, I would love one.”
Brian held out his arm, ushering you down the sidewalk and leading you in a somewhat slow stroll toward the base. And, for probably the first time in your life, you were happy to leave your usual brisk walking pace behind.
For the next hour or so, Brian showed you anything and everything you wanted to see -- or, at least, everything he was able to show you. He told you stories about things which had happened in certain places, making you giggle and gasp and nudge him with disbelief. He pointed out his favorite spots, and in the back of your head, you wondered if maybe they would become yours, too.
Even though he did amuse you greatly during your tour, he was also the perfect gentleman. He barely touched you, and he gave no indication that he wanted to hold your hand or caress your cheek or kiss you... 
By the time the two of you arrived at your house, your curiosity about his behavior was bubbling over.
“Can I... tell you something?” you asked anxiously as you slowly came to a stop beside the mailbox.
“Yes, of course,” Brian answered without hesitation.
“I... Well, I can’t help but... The more I think about it, the more I wonder if...”
All right, Y/N. Pull yourself together.
“I know that I kissed you last night, and I’m just... a little unsure if I should be embarrassed or not.” 
Brian’s eyebrows rushed up his forehead, his lips parting slightly in surprise. “Em -- No, definitely not embarrassed,” he assured you, much to your relief. “I... I had a really great time last night.”
You couldn’t stop a smile from curving your lips, and you bit your lower lip as Brian unclasped his hands and reached out to take one of yours. He grasped your fingers delicately, running his thumb over your knuckles.
“Actually, I was wondering... if you’re not busy tonight, could I take you out to dinner?”
Part 3
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Ghosts Are Just as Real as You and Me - Part 3
Here is part three of my Henry fic that I simultaneously love and hate. I’d like to PSA that I wrote this whole chapter while listening only to Britney Spears. You should probably know that while reading this installment. This chapter’s pretty short and is mostly dialogue and filler, but I promise future chapters will have more action in them. (Sorry for any spelling/grammatical errors) Also: PARRLYN CONTENT! FINALLY!
Writing Masterpost
Again, y’all can send in asks and requests, I’m happy to write almost anything, and I love hearing from you all! Here are some prompts:
Prompts | More Prompts | The Trifecta of Prompts
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of Henry VIII
Part 1 | Part 2
“So why is he going after Kit?” Jane asked protectively once Anna joined the group. She had helped Kit get into a bath earlier to help herself relax, and now she was with the other four queens as they discussed Kit’s claims.
“Isn’t it obvious? Henry can’t beat us by brute force like he’s used to, so he’s going for the next best thing,” Cathy explained. At the confused looks of the other queens, she clarified, “Okay, imagine you’re trying to break a board in half.” The other queens nodded. “Are you going to try and break it where the wood is the thickest or where the wood has already started to bend?”
“Where it’s starting to bend, obviously,” Anne answered.
It was Aragon who processed Cathy’s words first. “He knows Kit’s the most vulnerable, so he’s targeting her first. Going after the weakest link.”
Anne stood up in frustration and accused, “Are you calling my cousin weak?”
“No Anne,” Aragon said, “but Henry is. And he’s going to poke at all her wounds until she inevitably breaks.”
Jane cut in, voicing her own concerns. “But Anna said Henry’s also planning to come after all of us. When do you think he’ll make a move?”
“Henry’s all talk,” Anne spit. “I wouldn’t believe any of his threats. We probably won’t hear from him until he thinks he has the upper hand.”
It was Cathy who shook her head. “I don’t know Anne, Henry might have been planning this for longer than we think. He could be ten steps ahead without us having any idea about it.”
“That’s not a comforting thought,” Aragon chimed in.
Anna had her head down, unable to contribute to the conversation. She knew that out of all of them, she mattered the least to Henry. In fact, they actually had a pretty good relationship after the annulment (even if it was all for appearances sake). She could only feel helpless thinking about everything Henry could do to hurt her Kit. “Hey Anna, you okay?” Cathy asked.
“What?” Anna asked, tuning back in. “Yeah, yeah. I’m just worried for Kit. She’s gotten so much stronger since we all came back, and I don’t want Henry ruining that.” Anna growled, “If he hurts her, I’m going to kill him.”
“Not without me,” Anne slammed her fist down against the kitchen table. The rest of the queens chimed in their support.
A voice came from the other side of the room. “What about you guys?” Kit asked, her hair damp and tied up in a loose ponytail. “Henry’s going to come after all of you. You should worry about yourselves, not me.” Her voice was small, the trembling reminiscent of when she was first reincarnated among the others. It frustrated the queens to see how easily Henry had forced her back into the fearful mindset she had lived so long in. 
Jane stood up from the table and moved over to stand with Kit. “Kitty, of course we’re going to worry about you, we want you to be safe.” Kit gave Jane a weak smile and walked to the table. She sat next to Anna, subtly reaching her hand out for the German to hold. Without hesitation, Anna grabbed the hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Kit, I hate to ask this but… are you sure you saw Henry?” Aragon asked.
“Aragon!” Anne shouted, protective of her cousin.
The queen recoiled. “I’m sorry Anne, I have to be sure. Kit,” she turned to the small queen, “Look me in the eyes and tell me that you saw Henry.”
There was a moment of limbo where everyone held their breaths, watching as Kit struggled to raise her eyes. When she did, her eyes bore directly into Aragon’s. “I woke up and he was standing in front of my bed. It was him, Catherine. Henry was in my room. I wasn’t seeing things, I promise you. Henry was here.”
Aragon nodded, satisfied. “I believe you Kit.” The girl sighed in relief, dropping her eyes. “But that does pose the question. How is Henry back?”
Cathy immediately had an answer. “It shouldn’t be hard to believe. He must be back the same way we are. For some reason, we’re in the present, maybe to have a second chance or work through our trauma. Maybe the only way that’s possible is to face Henry.”
“I don’t like how right you sound,” Anne mumbled. “Well he’s still a dick now, that’s for sure.”
“We can’t let him win,” Anna stated coldly. Kit looked up at the German queen and furrowed her eyebrows. “I won’t let him hurt you Kit. Not again. Not if I have anything to say about it.”
Kit looked around the table at all the other queens, each voicing their support for her. “But this is my problem, you shouldn’t be forced to deal with anything I’ve caused.”
“We aren’t forced to deal with anything,” Cathy replied. “Kit, you’re a queen, and this life has taught us that us queens stick together. If Henry threatens you, he threatens all of us.” She gave Kit a reassuring smile from across the table.
Anne nodded her head in agreement. “Like hell we’ll let you deal with this alone. That bastard’s gonna have to take down five queens before he can get to you.” Her resolve was fiery and passionate and very much screamed Anne Boleyn.
“We’re all in this together,” Aragon offered.
“We have your back, Kit,” Jane added.
At the overwhelming support, Kit felt her heart start to warm. She had thought she was alone, that’s what Dereham and Mannox and Culpeper had kept whispering in her ears. But their voices were drowned out by those of the queens right in front of her, alive and willing to fight. “Mein Schatz, we’re all going to face this head on, together. We’re all here, by your side.”
Kit let a laugh escape her mouth. “Against all of us, does Henry stand a chance?”
“Not even a little bit,” Anne answered.
Later that night, Anne and Cathy were the only ones still awake. The two of them were down in the living room, sitting in comfortable silence on the couch and lounge chair respectively. Cathy was reading a book and Anne was mindlessly scrolling on her phone. “Hey Cathy, do you think we came on a little too strong?” Anne asked, staring across the room at the other queen.
Cathy looked up from her book and fiddled with her reading glasses. “Huh?”
“Just, we were all very forward with confronting Henry. Is that the right way to help Kitty?”
Exhaling, Cathy put down her book and took her reading glasses off, knowing this was going to be a long conversation. “I don’t think there’s any right way to deal with this. It’s not like you can wikihow how to deal with your reincarnated dead husband who’s come to exact his revenge on you.”
“Yo, what if that’s actually an article,” Anne gasped, frantically typing on her phone.
Rolling her eyes, Cathy hid a smirk. “That’s not the point Anne. Don’t spend your time worrying about how to handle this. Just make sure Kitty knows you’re in her corner, that’s the most important thing. She knows how much you love her.” The writer stood up from her chair and migrated over to Anne on the couch. She curled up against the cushions and smiled at Anne.
When Anne continued to stare at her phone screen, searching through wikihow, Cathy shook her head at the girl’s determination. Cathy grabbed the phone and turned it off, putting it face down on the coffee table. “Hey,” Anne frowned. It only took a moment before a tiny smile grew back on her face. “Okay, okay, you’re right. I just can’t help but worry that I’m not enough for her. She deserves people like Jane and Anna there for her, not the fuck up Anne Boleyn. I’m scared she’s gonna think I’m not there for her.”
Cathy reached her hand out and held Anne’s hand. “Anne Boleyn, you are not a fuck up. You’re a smart, talented, amazing woman, and Kit knows that. You’re her cousin, she would never think badly of you.”
Smirking, Anne leaned across the couch and pecked Cathy on the cheek. “Thanks Cathy, you’re the best.”
Blushing a bright red, Cathy waved Anne off. “I just believe in you Anne. So does Kit.”
Her confident persona restored, Anne bounced up off the couch. “You always know what to say Smarty Cathy.”
“I don’t think that rhymes as much as you think it does,” Cathy giggled in confusion.
“Damn,” Anne grumbled good naturedly, “Guess I’ll just have to workshop my pickup lines. See you in the morning Cathy!” she called before bounding off to her room in the attic.
Watching her go, the writer gave a small wave. “See you later Anne.”
Upstairs, Anne was silently congratulating her boldness. For so long she had been flirting with Cathy, and getting a reaction was her favorite reward. The giant grin plastered on her face could not be wiped off by anything. Even when she spotted the pristine white letter on her bed, Anne didn’t think much of it. She picked up the letter and opened it up, expecting a bill for one of her latest random purchases (had she paid for the furby yet?).
Instead, the letter was something far different. Anne Boleyn, it started.
I’m going to need your help if my plan’s going to work, and you’re the perfect woman for the job. Now here’s a list of things I’m going to need you to do. Oh, and if you don’t comply, I have plenty of eyes on your precious cousin. One step out of line and I’ll kill her.
Your love,
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unhingeddumbass · 4 years
Ben, Kevin and Gwen answer random questions:
😷Where or with who are you spending quarantine? 
Gwen: I’m staying with Kevin at his mom’s house.
Kevin: What she said lol
Ben: At home with my folks, since Grandpa Max is a risk patient, he’s staying at Galvan Prime with Azmuth. 
✊🏾What’s your position with the current racism tragedy? Are you getting involved in any way? 
Gwen: I’m horrified. I can’t believe we’ve come to such high levels of intolerance and hate and that the government just adds more violence instead of trying to change the situation peacefully. I’ve been getting informed and learning, doing videos teaching people about racism, posted them on my social media so I can try and teach people more. I’m claustrophobic so I don’t go to protests, but I’m supporting from home. 
Kevin: I’m fucking angry. I’ve been at the protests with Ben and we’re trying our best to keep people safe. I’m also working on a piece of tech to cover tear gas before it blows and some bulletproof stuff.
Ben: Like Kevin said, we’ve been on the front with protesters providing help and keeping everyone as safe as possible. Our parents are donating and we’re trying to get the Plumber’s help too, but they said it’s not their jurisdiction. Either way we’re doing our best and we’ll always stand with justice, peace and equality for everyone. 
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
Gwen: Yaaaas, it’s so romantic! 
Kevin: Uh.. *Looks at Gwen* Only if it’s her. 
Ben: Dafuk’s a soulmate?
💌- diary or journal?
Gwen: A mix between both, I love scrapbooking.
Kevin: Das some soft shit bro *He secretly hides a journal but he’ll never admit*
Ben: Why wasting paper? It’s better to keep everything on the Cloud
💕- are you crushing on someone?
Gwen: Hmm… Patch Cipriano *Kevin glares at her* JUST KIDDING, only you. 
Kevin: This babe right here *Grabs Gwen’s waist and kisses her forehead*
Ben: *Simping* Jennifer Lawrence, Selena Gomez… there’s too many 
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
Gwen: A rainy autumn day *Daydreams*
Kevin: Three words: Dark. Backseat. Lake *Smirks and winks at Gwen*
Ben: *Cringes for the Gwevin moment* Anywhere I guess. 
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
Gwen: Fishing with Grandpa Max and my first karate tournament
Kevin: Buying my car xD
Ben: THAT ICONIC summer vacation, hell yeah
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
Gwen: Yellow roses, ofc.
Kevin: Weed *Gwen elbows him in the chest*
Ben: None, tho I kinda like sunflowers
💖- have you ever been in love?
Gwen: *Looks at Kevin and smiles*, yes. 
Kevin: *Starts singing I’m in Love With My Car by Queen, Gwen glaring at him* Ofc I love you babe, I’m kidding.
Ben: My love belongs to Mr Smoothies
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
Gwen: Both! Also love coconut.
Kevin: Those are some lame ass flavours, I rather chocolate or blueberries.
Ben: As long as it can be made into a smoothie, I’ll love it.
🍯- describe your favorite smell
Gwen: A new book and a autumn scented candle
Kevin: Gasoline and... *blushes*... Gwen’s shampoo.
Ben: Pickles and chili fries, duuuh. 
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
Gwen: An infinite supply of books, making high education to be accessible to everybody and to reverse the damages the human race has made to the environment.
Kevin: My car to be completely indestructible, free food forever not only for me but to everybody and…*whispering* getting to see my dad at least one last time.
Ben: Infinite chilli fries and smoothies, to stop racism, misogyny and homophobia, and Grandpa Max to be around for a lot of more years. 
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
Gwen: Freshly baked cookies!
Kevin and Ben: *Screaming* Cookie dough! Salmonella won’t ever stop us!
☕- coffee or tea?
Gwen: Coffee in the winter or at college, tea for relaxing.
Kevin: Bring me the strongest coffee! *Slams fists on table*
Ben: F U C K I N’  S M O O T H I E S 
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
Gwen: I can’t choose, I’d love both.
Kevin and Ben: *Smirking with pervert thoughts* MERMAIDS!
🍂- what’s your middle name?
Gwen: Catherine, but I rather being called Gwendolyn instead.
Kevin: Ethan, but dare to call me that and I’ll yeet you into oblivion. 
💫- what is your zodiac sign?
Gwen: Cancer (14th July)
Kevin: Scorpio (4th November)
Ben: Capricorn (27th December)
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
Gwen: Read, drink tea and listen to calm music.
Kevin: Either I sleep all day or I’ll go to Gwen’s house. 
Ben: Eat, sleep, TV, and rave repeat. 
🍭- how tall are you?
Gwen: 5’6
Kevin: 6’3
Ben: 5’10
💒- which show would you want to live in?
Gwen: The Vampire Diaries or Friends.
Kevin: Law & Order *Screams DUN DUN*
Ben: Summo Slammers!
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
Gwen: Thanksgiving, because of the family reunion.
Kevin: Saint Patrick’s Day, cuz I have an excuse to get fucking drunk and party
Ben: Christmas! Good food and gifts heck yeah
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
Gwen: Warm Vanilla Cookie or Pumpkin Spice.
Kevin: Enchanted Pine
Ben: Citrus Mint
🎶- favorite song right now?
Gwen: Sit Still, Look Pretty by Daya
Kevin: I’m In Love With My Car by Roger Taylor (Queen)
Ben: Human by Cher Lloyd or Game Over by Falling In Reverse
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
Gwen: Don’t be a dickhead, be supportive, be funny.
Kevin: Respect my space, be brave and plz don’t hate my car
Ben: Be playful, funny and patient of my lifestyle which is very hard
🍩- current mood?
Gwen: Normal, concerned about the pandemic and missing my bff
Kevin: Meh, I don’t go out as often anyway
❄️- what is your favorite season?
Gwen: I like summer but I love autumn
Kevin: I don’t actually mind
💍- your current relationship status?
Gwen and Kevin: Taken! *Kiss*
Ben: *Gags and glares at the happy couple* single and enjoying my peaceful life.
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
Gwen: Organizing my books by height, having always my room clean and never leave my house without my earphones
Kevin: The volume on the tv has to be in an even number, my car has to be always well maintained and my phone is mostly on silent or vibration mode.
Ben: Never spend a day without a smoothie, text Grandpa at least once a day or two, and collecting stuff I like.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
Gwen: Hardworking, introverted and intellectual
Kevin: I’ve got some roguish charm *smirks* and a little soft sometimes
Ben: Quirky, loud and funny.
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
Gwen: Some call me golden child or goody two shoes. Probably teacher’s pet too.
Kevin: *Points at Ben* well, he thinks I’m strange and dangerous, so I guess other people think that too, maybe also an asshole.
Ben: A couple people think I’m an egocentric pain in the ass.
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
Gwen: Physical appearance isn’t important, but I love smiles. I like a person who I can be myself with and is honest always. 
Kevin: If a girl is fearless, strong and independent I become a simp for her tbh *Looks at Gwen* That’s how you got me at your feet babe. 
Ben: I really like someone supportive and understanding, also bonus points if they’re not that serious, I want to joke around.  
🍓- one secret about yourself
Gwen: I tend to be a people pleaser and I struggle with standing up for myself around my parents. 
Kevin: I’m a sucker for my mom’s food and I’m actually sensible around the people I care the most about. 
Ben: I’m not as careless and cocky as I pretend to be. Also I secretly love Lady Gaga’s music. 
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
Gwen: Gossip Girl, bakery shows and Stranger Things
Kevin: CSI and Law & Order, also Pimp My Ride cuz hell yeah old MTV shows
Ben: I mostly watch Summo Slammers but I also like Rick and Morty, Big Mouth and Stranger Things.
💗- who do you miss?
Gwen: My family and my best friend, Emily. 
Kevin: ...my dad. 
Ben: Grandpa Max, no cap. 
🥀- last time you cried?
Gwen: The other day, while we watched A Dog’s Purpose 1 and 2. 
Kevin: I don’t wanna talk about that soft shit
Ben: I had a very lucid nightmare the other day and woke up crying
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
All of them: Coming back from death in Legerdomain
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kumeko · 4 years
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A/N: For the FE Lovable bonds zine, I wanted to do some for the definitely canonly married Cathmir.
Summary: Shamir knew that one day, she’d leave Garreg Mach. She just didn’t know how hard Catherine was making that.
Catherine was objectively handsome. Shamir had to admit as much, if not aloud, then to herself. There was something about her strong jaw and large build, the constant laugh lines around her eyes that indicated a life of mirth. Even when she talked, her lips were always drawn to a smile, as though laughter was just waiting around the corner. However, she was never more handsome than when she was fighting, determined eyes glaring at her foe, her muscles tense as she prepared to strike.
 Shamir was quite fortunate then that they were sparring partners. It gave her an excuse to look (not stare, not oogle, just look) without anyone the wiser. Not that anyone was around to witness it anyways; the training grounds were vacant this early in the morning. Pulling out one of her daggers, she flicked it in Catherine’s direction, aiming for her eye.
 Grunting, Catherine whirled around, her sword blocking the dagger. It bounced off the larger metal harmlessly. “Ha,” she sneered, widening her stance. “That all you got?”
Even her voice was rougher when they fought and Shamir resisted the urge to shiver. Instead, she tossed another two daggers as she rushed forward. Catherine parried them with ease. That was exactly what she’d hoped for. With that small distraction, there was an even smaller opening. Slipping behind her partner, Shamir laid her knife flat on her throat. “Yield?”
 “Are you kidding me?” Catherine groaned, her shoulders slumping as she relaxed her grip on her sword. Her long hair tickled Shamir’s throat and perhaps it would be better if she’d just cut it short, removing any disadvantage. “Ugh, fine. Your win.”
 Shamir smirked, releasing her grip and pulling away. “What happened to all that confidence?”
 “Don’t brag.” Catherine rolled her eyes as she rubbed her neck. “Besides, we’re just tied again.”
 “No, I have one more than you now,” Shamir corrected. They’d stopped long ago keeping track of the exact number. It was easier to just keep track of the differences between their victories. The number was usually one or zero.
 “Then I’ll just have to tie again next time.” Catherine sheathed her sword. “How’d you get behind me anyways? I swear to Sothis, sometimes it’s like you teleport.”
 “Nothing that fancy.” Shamir shrugged, putting away her daggers. She walked over to a side in the training arena, picking up the ones that Catherine had managed to bat away. Luckily, they didn’t look too damaged; a little sharpening and they’d be good to use again. “Just a feint and some speed. You’re just really slow.”
 “Again with the insults. Is that all your mouth’s good for?” Catherine frowned, though her exasperation sounded more fond than irritated. Running a hand through her hair, she plopped on the ground. “Another bout in five?”
 “Sure.” Shamir frowned as Catherine sprawled flat on the dirt floor. There was no telling how many boots had crossed this space and just what tracked in with them. “You know how filthy it is down there, right?”
 Catherine shrugged carelessly. “That’s what baths are for.”
 “And that’s a good reason?” Shamir shook her head, resting a hand on her hip as she stared down at her partner. “At least move to the stone steps, they’re marginally cleaner.”
 Catherine guffawed. Her laughter was always a rough thing, solid enough to be a character on its own. “It’s not that bad.” When Shamir gave her a look, she added, “I’m covered in sweat and grime anyways, this isn’t going to make that much of a difference.”
 “Uh-huh,” Shamir replied dryly.
 “Just give it a rest, I’m tired.” Catherine closed her eyes. “Hey, how long are you planning to stay?”
 “Hmm?” Shamir cocked her head, though her questioning expression was wasted on Catherine. The knight still had her eyes closed. “What do you mean?”
 “You’re always travelling, aren’t you?” Catherine brushed back her sweaty bangs. “You’re not even here for Lady Rhea, right? Once you’ve repaid your favour, you’ll leave.”
 “Ah.” Shamir wondered if there was a plaintive tone in Catherine’s voice or if she was just imagining it. If it was the latter, she didn’t want to think about what it meant. “Well, like you said, once I’ve repaid Rhea, I’ll probably move on.”
 “Lady Rhea,” Catherine corrected. She opened her eyes now, her gaze as direct as her candid words. “So you don’t know how long you’ll be here?”
 “Well, she did save my life, so the debt is a little hard to pay back.” Shamir bit her cheek as she crouched on the ground next to Catherine. It was too awkward to keep standing while they talked. “It’ll take a while.”
 Catherine didn’t say anything, though the corners of her lips turned up. She really only had two modes, happy or angry. Shamir rested her cheek on a hand, observing her partner’s face. When she’d first came here, she hadn’t expected to like working with others. If she were honest, she still didn’t. It was just comfortable fighting alongside Catherine; the dedicated knight was somehow attuned to Shamir and knew when to aid and when to back off.
 “Where do you think you’ll go next?” Catherine asked, closing her eyes once more. “I don’t think there’s much left for you to explore.”
 “There’s still places I haven’t gone.” Shamir shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “But I’m not a traveller, it doesn’t really matter too much if I’ve been there before. I go where my work takes me.”
 Catherine snorted. Perhaps it was a good thing she wasn’t a noble anymore; there wasn’t an ounce of lady-like class in her at all. “Sure, that explains why you keep travelling further and further from Dagda.”
 “That’s because I don’t want to go back to Dagda. Not yet, at least,” Shamir countered tensely. Despite the time, despite the distance, her homeland was still a sore subject. She wondered how long it’d take before she could think of it fondly.
  “Fine, if you had a choice, where would you work next?” Catherine conceded, changing her question.
 Deciding to humour her, Shamir tapped her cheek. It wasn’t a question she had put much thought to before. “Hmm…well, I haven’t gone to Almyra yet…”
 “Almyra?” Catherine looked at her, incredulous. “You’d have to go through the locket.”
 “Yeah, why not?” Shamir smiled slyly. No border was ever truly secure; her time as a mercenary had thought her as such. “There’s always a way across if you want to.”
 “Knowing you, there probably is.” Catherine’s brow knit as she considered it. “Still…that’s far.”
 Shamir wondered how deeply she should read into those words—how much would Catherine miss her? What did she want the answer to be? While she was a firm believer that one should always know themselves, she wasn’t inclined to probe too far into her own feelings. It was enough to know that she was attracted without knowing the extent of it.
 The next words that popped out of her mouth surprised her. “Well, I might not go to Almyra. Maybe I’ll stay here.”
 What surprised Shamir more was that she meant it.
 “You?” Catherine shot her a wry smile. “You hardly tolerate being here now.”
 “That’s true.” Shamir looked away, done with the conversation. She’d said too much as it was. Maybe if she stayed here long enough, she’d get whatever this was out of her system. This moron would die for Rhea and she didn’t need another hopeless case on her hands. “Well, either way that’s a long time away.” Getting up, she stretched her arms above her. “Ready?”
 Catherine stared at her thoughtfully before nodding and getting up. “Sure. It’ll be my victory.”
 Shamir smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
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