#by subsequent marriage... in exchange for her agreement
fideidefenswhore · 1 year
How do we know that COA was offered her daughter made bona fides and kept princess? When was this?
It was an offer made by Henry alongside Campeggio when he was there before the trial, that her acceptance of the offer meant the trial could be foregone ....
We (Wolsey and Campeggio) are agreed in opinion to test the mind of the Queen, and to persuade her to consent to the separation, and to enter the profession of some religion. For this purpose his Lordship promised me the assistance of himself and all the prelates of the kingdom, and the favor of the King, and that the Queen shall have any honorable conditions which she demands, retain her station as Queen*, and not lose anything except "l'uso della persona del Re," which he (Wolsey) says she has lost for many years; allowing her her dowry, rents, ornaments, and assignments for her support, and many other things; especially that the succession of the kingdom for the present shall be established in her daughter, by the ordinance and consent of all the estates, in case there should never be any legitimate male heir. 
....(although, actually I don't exactly remember, that might have just been one stage of the offer...another might have been that her absence from the trial would ensure a result in Henry's favor; as we know she refused to attend after her speech and it did not, so whether or not that was true...Campeggio had a decretal comission to declare the marriage valid or invalid at Blackfriars and didn't, so in some sense they both got played, although Catherine only in hindsight...ironically, she would later vehemently complain about the severe injustice of the delay in any resolution, but she was the one that had interceded for that delay**, demanding the case only be tried in Rome). Even her counsel at the time, before becoming as contumacious as he did (Bishop Fisher), advised her to take this 'deal', as it were. Off the cuff, I don't remember every reference made to it, Chapuys some months later does also mention (very conditional) 'offers' made to her, but the dispatch is frustratingly vague:
Meanwhile the Queen is daily assailed by people making her all manner of offers, if she will only consent to the divorce; but she remains as firm as ever [...]
In 1533 Chapuys reports Catherine as having said she was willing to take the 'offer' made to her by the King's council three years ago, that then she had thought it was a feint to induce her to accept demotion, but she would accept it now. He does not specify what this offer was, I remember I went back to the sources of when Henry's council visited and argued with her and it was not clear then, either, but I always wondered if that was what she was alluding to. If so it was too late at that point; Henry had decided that the issue of any union that contravened divine law was irrevocably illegitimate (although technically, he would not manage to garner Parliamentary assent for this notion until three years later, he only managed it by implication in 1534), and he believed that was what it was.
Often apologia of Catherine's stance in the late 1520s has been, why should she have even considered that inducement, how was it even presented as an 'offer', even if the papacy had annulled the marriage, Mary would be bona fides regardless, etc. It was presented as an offer, inducement, compromise of sorts because in England that was not the legal precedent (ie, an offer made on behalf of her daughter that was not guaranteed otherwise):
"[Henry VIII] now argued she would would be barred by illegitimacy. This contention puzzled continental contemporaries because elsewhere in western Europe those children born to couples who in good faith believed themselves validly married were treated as legitimate. Nevertheless, Henry was right. After a period of some uncertainty, by the late fourteenth century England had opted out of the bona fides principle. As Sir John Baker notes, 'succession problems were usually debated in legal terms and in accordance with the common law canons of inheritance.' A successful challenge to his marriage would thus automatically bastardise Mary and leave Henry no direct heir... [although] Mary could have been legitimated by statute." - JF Hadwin, The Journal of Ecclesiastical History
*One assumes this meant only a ceremonial title of some sort, ie Dowager Queen of England, as her sister-in-law was still referred to as Queen of France.
**Probably not anticipating resolution would not take place for another four years, but...still.
#anon#so...i think the answer has to be that catherine believed she would win#and she was vindicated although this was something of a pyrrhic victory for her own lifetime#and beyond it if we are considering 1536-52#or maybe she was not aware of this precedent which doesn't speak very highly of her advisors#her stans kind of want it both ways in a lot of aspects of the GM which is sort of like...#well either she was ignorant of certain things or knew them and decided to take the gamble#which presents a bit of an either/or with the Genius of the Tudor Court versus Devoted Mother Above All except for them it has to be both#the pragmatic solution would have been to put henry to oath with witnesses that mary would be first in succession after any sons#by subsequent marriage... in exchange for her agreement#to either enter convent (although as the article i quoted argues that wouldn't have really been an entire solution in and of itself) or#to tell charles v not to interfere and let the matter run its course in the courts#that is of course something of a secular perspective but isn't that the win win? if you win then great she's ahead of everyone#if you don't at least there's the chance for the throne#this was basically what did end up happening with the caveat that she was still illegitimate but at that point it had nothing to do w/ coa#more like in spite of her#royal retirement also /= an admission of sin; people seem to have really minimal historic literacy on this subject...#charles v retired to a monastery in 1556.#although traditionally it was for royal widows#(catherine of valois; eleanor of provence; elizabeth woodville...)#there might have been the crux of her moral opposition.#henry insisted she was arthur's widow; catherine insisted she was not
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runesandramblings · 11 months
Violent Delights
Word Count: 6200
Pairings: Kili x reader
Warnings: Unhappy arranged marriage but nothing violent or abusive
Description: A forbidden romance blossoms between King Thranduil's arranged bride to be and the Prince of Erebor. (Loosely inspired by Romeo & Juliet without the death part.)
Will make a part 2 if you guys want it. :)
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These violent delights have violent ends
And in their triumph die, like fire and powder,
Which as they kiss consume.
The breeze felt wonderful against your skin after being indoors for so long. You inhaled deeply, allowing the fresh scent of the forest to fill your lungs as you relished in the sounds around you. The chirping birds, the rustling leaves… The walls you’d been kept behind were quiet, far too quiet for your taste. You were used to the sounds of life in the forest, and to be surrounded by the familiar noises once again filled you with delight. 
“Lady (Y/N), we should probably get back.” 
Temporarily, at least. 
You turned to look back at your escort. Tauriel, the captain of King Thranduil’s guard, had been reassigned as your personal escort the day you’d arrived. She was around your age, both of you quite young for elves, and in spite of the differences in your position she’d grown to be a close friend. Your only friend, really. 
“You don’t have to call me that.” You reminded her once again. 
She smiled, and you knew she would continue no matter how many times you told her otherwise.
“You are a lady, are you not? Soon to be the queen?” 
You grimaced at the reminder.
“Unfortunately.” You muttered under your breath. It was probably loud enough for her to hear, but you didn’t care. She was well aware of your feelings on the arrangement. 
You had not come to the kingdom under your own will. Your father, a high lord of another elven kingdom, had desired an alliance between your people and the much more powerful elves of Mirkwood. In exchange for protection and trade agreements, he’d offered King Thranduil your hand. You were both surprised the king had actually accepted, and as soon as word arrived of his agreement to the terms you’d been sent off to Mirkwood the very same afternoon. 
It was well known to many that the king had tragically lost his wife in a battle against orcs many years before. You were as shocked as anyone that he’d agreed to marry again, after he’d been intentionally alone for so many years. Upon your arrival he had been quick to inform you that the marriage was one purely of convenience, as your people had much to offer Mirkwood. Outside of that one conversation, you had not spent any time alone with the king. You’d not spent any time with him at all, really. Aside from the occasional dinner, which was also usually attended by his son, you had only seen Thranduil a handful of times since you’d arrived in Mirkwood a month before.
He was not unkind. From the small interactions you’d had with him he did not appear to be cruel or malicious. You sensed his hardened exterior had a lot to do with the loss of his first wife, and you could not fault him for that. For the most part since your arrival you had been left to your own devices within the walls of the kingdom. Thranduil had given you your own private chambers. They were large and luxurious, with the finest silken tapestries and hand carved furniture you could imagine. Your time was yours alone, as the king never sought an audience with you, and you spent it as you pleased. You’d grown close to Tauriel very quickly, and Thranduil’s son Legolas was also good company. 
Though you could hardly complain about the lavish treatment and unending free time, it had grown into a lonely existence. Your chambers, though massive, felt cold and empty without someone to share it with. You’d explored every nook and cavern of Mirkwood, read every book and parchment in the library, and quickly grew tired of the same mundane routine you’d fallen into. Which, subsequently, led to your trip outside of the kingdom walls with Tauriel. 
Speaking of Tauriel. You felt her step closer to you as she whispered in your ear.
“It could be far worse, (Y/N). I know this is not what you wanted, but Thranduil is a fair and noble man. You will have a good life here.” 
You knew she was right. As a highborn lady in your home kingdom, you’d watched many friends married off to unsavory men over the years. Of all the arrangements you could have ended up with, you’d been matched to the King of Mirkwood. You knew you would live a good life, a luxurious life. But you also knew you were walking into a loveless marriage, and the prospect of being alone pained you. Elves lived long lives, and you couldn’t imagine being a wife in name only for a thousand years or longer. You desired love and true companionship. 
As you looked back at her, nodding your head in resignation of the truth you knew she spoke, she gestured over her shoulder towards the direction of the gate. Time to return. You relented in defeat, following her as she began winding her way back through the woodland trails. The forest was safe now, the spiders having been driven off for good shortly after the Battle of the Five. The king was still reluctant to allow anyone to leave, and it had taken some persuasion on Tauriel’s part to get him to allow the adventure. You hoped he would consent to regular walks in the forest, so long as you didn’t try to abuse the privilege. He did not strike you as a controlling man, but he was certainly protective of his kingdom and those within it.
You took one last, deep breath of the fresh air before you stepped through the heavily guarded doors behind Tauriel. As you turned to say your goodbyes for the evening, you were approached by a taller, dark haired elf. You recognized him as one of Thranduil’s personal servants as he bowed before you. 
“Lady (Y/N), the king has requested an audience.” 
You looked between the messenger and Tauriel, unable to hide the expression of surprise that crossed your features. Thranduil had sent for you? 
Tauriel nodded politely to you as she bowed, dismissing herself as the servant gestured for you to follow him. 
“You know where to find me should you need me, my lady.” She said before turning and departing.
You followed the servant down the winding corridors, through the only passageways you were still unfamiliar with in the kingdom. As you and Thranduil had separate chambers and living spaces, you hadn’t had cause to explore the areas surrounding his rooms. You were surprised to find he had summoned you into his private quarters, rather than his throne room or the dining hall you semi-frequently gathered in. 
The servant came to a halt in front of a large set of ornate doors and he knocked once before opening it, gesturing for you to step through. You stepped inside and the doors closed behind you. The servant didn’t follow you in, and as you continued on alone your mind raced with the possibilities of why Thranduil might have requested to speak with you. 
You were surprised to find his chambers were not much more lavish than your own. He’d clearly spared no expense on your living quarters, as his shared the same style of furniture and tapestries as yours did. The only visible difference you could detect was that his rooms were just a slight bit larger than yours. As you rounded the corner into the main living area you found the king at last. He was standing with his back to you, and as you approached he did not turn to greet you. You stopped a few yards away from him, standing awkwardly with your hands clasped together. He was a king, after all, and you were uncertain if you should speak first. Surely he’d heard you enter. 
After several long moments of silence, Thranduil finally spoke. 
“How have you been finding the kingdom?” He asked, his back still turned to you. His arms moved as he spoke, and from behind it looked as though he were fidgeting with something on the table he stood before.
“Fine, your majesty.” You said quietly, not bothering to elaborate. You didn’t think he’d care too much for the details anyway.
“Have you been treated well?” He continued, still not turning to face you.
“Yes, your majesty.” 
“You may call me Thranduil.” He finally turned, holding two goblets of red wine in his hands. He handed you one and took a long sip from his own before continuing. “We are to be wed, after all. Even if it is merely an arrangement.” 
You nodded wordlessly as you accepted the glass. You remained silent, uncertain of what to say. He paused for a moment before he pivoted on his heel and began to walk back in the direction he’d come.
“I have received an invitation from King Thorin.” As he spoke he paced around the room, sipping from his goblet. It was clear he was as uncertain of what to do in your presence as you were in his. “They are holding a celebration in honor of the anniversary of Erebor’s reclamation. Would you care to attend with me?” 
That was surprising. Despite the joint effort it took between the dwarves and elves to defeat the orc armies, they were still not on the best of terms. Thorin had, after all, attempted to keep the elves’ jewels to himself and nearly started a war between the two clans as a result. There was an uneasy peace between the two, now that the dwarves resided in the mountain once again, and you were surprised that Thranduil would be willing to travel all that way to be in the company of dwarves.
“Yes your ma- Thranduil.” You quickly corrected yourself.
He paused and turned to look at you, though he did not make a move to step closer. 
“I do not expect love to grow between us.” He said flatly.  “But we should be able to tolerate each other, should we not?” 
You nodded.
“Yes, I would say so.” 
He nodded in return as he held his wine glass out, indicating a toast. 
“Very well then. We leave in one week's time.” 
The journey from Mirkwood to Erebor had taken two days, and with the lavish way in which Thranduil liked to travel it was not an uncomfortable trek as you’d anticipated. You arrived at the mountain kingdom well rested, and rather excited at the prospect of a feast. From what the king had explained of dwarvish parties he remembered from the late King Thror’s time, the feast could go on for days. You would be arriving at the tail end of the celebration, as Thranduil had planned. Dwarves were apparently a rambunctious bunch, and as Thorin had requested Thranduil stay and tour the mountain afterwards he had not wanted to spend more time with them than he needed. 
Erebor was as magnificent as you’d been told. It was amazing how the mountain had been transformed and rebuilt in merely a year's time. Though you were used to the splendor of elven realms, as both Mirkwood and your birth home were lavish and beautiful, there was something awe-inspiring about the kingdom under the mountain. The halls were endless, sprawling on in either direction as far as your eyes could see. The ceilings were impossibly high, and despite the kingdom being built into the side of a mountain there seemed to be an abundance of light flowing from any given direction. To look down at the winding staircases that led deeper into the heart of the mountain would make you dizzy, if you stared too long. The stone walls were carved and inlaid with intricate designs of gold and silver, telling the tales and the history of the line of Durin. You had studied many languages, and Khuzdul was one you were somewhat familiar with. You’d found yourself stopping every few feet along the walk to your chambers to read the inscriptions on the walls. 
Legolas, Tauriel, and a handful of others had made the journey along with yourself and Thranduil. The dwarves had spared no luxury for your group, as you’d each been housed in your own private chamber within the mountain. Dwarvish extravagance was very different from that of your elven home. Where the elves valued natural elegance, which involved a lot of carved wood and intricate silks, the dwarves had more of a rugged taste. Your rooms consisted of chiseled stone furniture and fixtures, inlaid with even more gold and a number of jewels you had never laid eyes on before. Though it was very different from your home in Mirkwood, it still felt comfortable and welcoming. 
The dwarf servant that had been assigned to your care had asked what could be provided to make your stay more enjoyable, and she was delighted at your request for books to read later in the evening. She seemed impressed at your ability to read and understand Khuzdul, as many elves didn’t care or bother to learn the language of the dwarves. You’d noticed the air of arrogance Thranduil and Legolas, and even Tauriel, had displayed since your arrival, and you made it your mission to change the dwarves’ opinion of elves, even if the others chose not to do the same. 
After resting and dressing for dinner, you’d met Thranduil and the others in the hall. He extended his arm out to you automatically, as though it were expected rather than something he cared to do. You’d accepted it regardless. As you walked along he did not look down at you, or even acknowledge your dress or appearance for the event. Was this the life you were destined for? Emotionless, cold… Doing things merely out of duty and not from love? You felt your heart sink as you walked along beside the king. It was a lonely existence. 
The feast was in full swing by the time you arrived. It was chaos. There were long, sprawling tables lined with food and more dwarves than you could count. As you watched, food flew from every side of the room, ale spilled across the tabletops and onto the floor, and dwarves moved about, falling over themselves and each other. It was clear the drinking had been going on for much longer than the actual feast. 
“They behave like animals.” Thranduil muttered under his breath. 
Despite having never been in the company of dwarves before, you found yourself surprisingly unbothered by their behavior. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, which was more than you could say for your royal escort. It was certainly more rambunctious than any elvish party you had ever attended, but at least they were having a good time. 
As your party approached a large table at the head of the room, one of the dwarves stood to greet you. He was dark haired with a matching dark beard. Streaks of gray peppered both his long hair and speckled his face, and with the gold and emerald crown atop his head you took him to be the king. As he stood he extended his hand in a greeting.
“King Thranduil.” He bowed his head out of respect to the elven king as he placed his hand across his chest. “We are pleased you could make the journey.” 
Thranduil nodded tightly in return, also bowing his head to Thorin to your surprise. 
“King Thorin.” He said politely, though you could hear the hint of tension in his voice.  “This is my betrothed, Lady (Y/N). You’ve met my son, Prince Legolas.” 
Thorin nodded at you both before gesturing to the dwarves seated on either side of him. On one side sat a woman, with dark hair similar to his own. They shared a stark resemblance, down to the neatly trimmed beard she wore as well. On his other side sat a younger dwarf, who also matched the seeming familial resemblance to the other two. He had wavy, golden hair with braids woven through. His braided mustache bounced as he nodded his head in respect. 
“A pleasure, my lady. My prince. This is my sister, Lady Dis. My nephew and heir, Prince Fili. My other nephew will be joining us shortly.” As he spoke he gestured to two empty seats on the opposite side of the prince. “King Thranduil, would you and your betrothed join us at the head table?” 
Your eyes traveled to the spot down from the empty spaces. You recognized the king of the newly rebuilt city of Dale, Bard. The one who had been responsible for slaying Smaug, if you remembered the story correctly. 
Thranduil’s increasingly strained smile caught your attention from the corner of your eye, and you couldn’t help but smirk a bit in response. You knew the last thing he’d wanted for the evening was to be sandwiched between the dwarves he still wasn’t overly fond of and the humans he held in equal disdain. However you knew his kingly pride would not allow him to turn down the offer. You, on the other hand, were excited to continue on with your mission of making the dwarves see the elves in a better light. 
“We’d be honored.” He said, forcing an even larger fake smile. As another dwarf servant appeared and escorted Legolas and the others to their table, Thranduil gestured for you to choose your seat first. Unable to resist the humor of making the king even more uncomfortable, you opted for the seat next to Bard, leaving Thranduil no choice but to sit and make conversation with the dwarven king and prince. 
“It’s a pleasure, my lady.” King Bard said as you sat, extending his hand to help you into your seat. “I was not aware that King Thranduil had taken a bride.” 
“It’s a new development.” You said, quickly attempting to divert the conversation away from your engagement. “How is the work on the city going?” 
As the two of you made light conversation and exchanged pleasantries, speaking of the rebuild of Dale and the newly reformed relations between dwarves, elves, and men, you began to lose track of time. Several courses came and went, and ale and wine continued to flow freely. Though the elvish tolerance made your kind more resistant to the influence of alcohol, the steady refilling of your goblet as you chatted and sipped away had your head spinning before you’d realized what had happened. You began to feel warm, and as you breathed in and out your corset suddenly felt overwhelmingly restrictive around your chest. 
Air. You needed air. 
Without thinking you turned to your fiance, grabbing his arm in an attempt to get his attention. 
He turned to you, and as his eyes met yours his brief look of annoyance quickly turned into one of concern as he noticed your flushed and panicked face. 
“Are you alright?” He asked quietly, and you were surprised to find that he actually appeared to be worried for your wellbeing. 
You nodded in reassurance, not wanting to cause a scene as you felt the eyes of Bard and Thorin also turning to you.
“I’m just feeling a bit warm, I think I’m going to step out for a moment.”
Thranduil gave a small nod in return, and you quickly stood and excused yourself from the table.
You were uncertain of where to go, as you’d only arrived in the mountain earlier that day and had not had a chance to get to know your way around. The way back to your room felt somewhat familiar, and you decided a quick stroll there and back might help clear your head. As you wove through the crowd, deftly avoiding numerous drunk and stumbling dwarves, you found that a makeshift dance floor had formed directly in front of the entrance, and only exit, to the great hall. You were unfamiliar with the dwarvish music, but it was much softer and merrier than you expected. Dozens of couples twirled around, following footwork that was unknown to you but something they seemed to know by heart. You were transfixed for several moments, watching them move about with an ease and grace that you didn’t know came so naturally to dwarves. After a few minutes you remembered your desire for some air, and decided you’d still like a short break from the commotion before you returned to the table. You tried to move nimbly along the outskirts of the dance floor, trying to avoid crashing into dancing dwarves as you stayed as far out of the way as possible. As you turned back to watch momentarily, still intrigued, you felt yourself collide solidly with another body. Before you had the chance to correct your footing you found you were falling backward. You braced yourself for the impact, but before your body could crash into the stone floor a pair of arms wrapped tightly around you, and you felt yourself being pulled into a broad chest. 
Your gaze turned forward, looking for the source of your rescue in order to thank whoever had saved you from splitting your head open. As your eyes searched the space in front of you they spotted the top of a head of brown hair; the person to whom it was attached stood a few inches shorter than you. It was a dwarf, if you had to guess. He was still cradling you tightly against him, as though he anticipated you might fall backward again at any moment. You felt his grasp loosen as he leaned back to look up at you, though his arms still remained wrapped around your body.
He was young. The difference in how dwarves and elves aged was unfamiliar to you, but judging by his lack of a beard and softer features you assumed he was not an elder. He had wavy brown hair that was pulled partially back, save for a few loose strands and a fringe of bangs that framed his face and a pair of dazzling brown eyes. Though he lacked the fuller beard and mustache that most dwarves wore he did have a sprinkling of stubble across his face. The lack of a beard allowed you to fully appreciate his chiseled jawline and lips, the latter of which currently sported a wide grin. He was quite handsome, and you couldn’t help but stand and stare down at the stranger for several long moments. 
Too long, you realized. How long had you been standing in silence, staring at the nameless man? It would surely look bad if anyone from your party came strolling by.
“I’m sorry sir-” You started. As you stuttered out an apology you moved to step backward, and subsequently tripped again. The young dwarf immediately grasped your arm tighter to steady you and you felt a blush creep into your cheeks in response. So much for the grace and elegance of the elves. 
“The fault was entirely mine, my lady.” He said in return, his kind smile widening at your flustered speech and clumsiness. He didn’t appear to be bothered by your awkwardness; on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy it. His touch lingered on your arm, ensuring you would not fall again before he slowly released his grasp. 
“I’d hardly say so, you were merely walking by and I was not watching where I was going.” Despite your embarrassment you felt a smile spread across your face as well. The kind twinkle in his eyes was contagious, and you quickly felt your fluster fade the longer the two of you spoke.
“Well if you’re so inclined to make amends, you can honor me with a dance.” As he spoke he extended his hand toward you, and in the same motion he nodded his head toward the mass of dancing bodies. The music had slowed to something much less upbeat, something you were sure even you could keep up with. 
You paused. The nameless man had intrigued you, that was for certain. But would dancing with a random dwarf enrage your royal fiance? You craned your neck to look back in the direction of the table you had been sat at with Thranduil and the other royals, but from your position near the dance floor you could not see them. Which meant more than likely they could not see you either. Even so, would it really be that big of a deal? You were supposed to be making peace, after all. 
“That seems only fair.” You said as you turned back to face him. As you accepted his outstretched hand he grasped it tightly, as if he were afraid you’d disappear, and pulled you to the floor. 
The two of you came to a halt in the middle of the mass of bodies. You were surrounded by other dancing pairs on every side, safely hidden away from any watchful eyes. As you rested your hand on his shoulder and entwined the fingers of your free hand with his you felt his other hand rest on your hip. The light touch sent a wave of goosebumps up the side of your body. It was more contact than you’d ever had with the man who was supposed to become your husband. Every point of contact your body had with the stranger felt as though it were on fire. 
Seeming to know you were unfamiliar with the music he took the lead, tugging you gently back and forth until you became comfortable with the simple steps of the dance. You swayed together for a few moments, neither speaking but simply watching each other in a comfortable silence. Though he was a bit shorter than you it was not by much. He stood at eye level with your nose, and you wondered if he were tall for a dwarf, or if you were short for an elf. Thranduil and the others had towered over Thorin, so you expected it was the latter. You had often been one of the smaller elves wherever you’d gone. 
“So you are not from the Iron Hills, I take it.” He grinned up at you as he finally spoke, stating the obvious. There were many physical differences between elves and dwarves, but if your ears and impossibly long hair had not given you away your dress certainly would have. The high-necked and fitted gowns of the dwarven women were a stark contrast to the lower cut and flowing gowns of the elves. 
“I am not.” You confirmed. 
“Are you from Mirkwood?” He continued.
“I am living in Mirkwood, but I am from somewhere farther.” 
“And are all the elves as graceful as you?” He asked. As he spoke he attempted to keep a serious face, as though it were a genuine inquiry. He failed, and before you had the chance to respond to his prodding a smirk broke through his stoic expression. 
“Well I’ve often suspected I’m not entirely an elf.” You said matter-of-factly, playing along with his teasing. “Grace has never been my strong suit.” 
“Why do you say that?” 
“I didn’t know my mother. My father does not speak of her. And as you’ve so keenly pointed out, I do lack the natural elegance of the elves.” Why were you telling him this? You’d only just met the man, and yet you found yourself spilling out the innermost things you’d only ever wondered to yourself. 
“And the height.” He quipped, confirming your earlier thoughts. “But you are no less stunning.” 
You felt a warmth spread across your face, and you were certain you’d blushed a scarlet red. He was more forward than you were used to, and although you enjoyed the company of the cheeky dwarf you were also an engaged woman. To a king, no less. You’d become lost in the conversation, fully absorbed in the moments shared with the handsome stranger. To the point you had almost forgotten you were still in the center of a crowded dance floor. You realized the two of you had stopped moving and instead stood staring at each other again. His eyes were mesmerizing. His fringe of bangs had fallen partially to cover them, and you felt yourself drawn to reach forward and brush them away.
“Are you from Erebor?” You quickly asked, sidestepping his compliment. “Or have you traveled for the celebration?” You turned your gaze to the couples around you and tugged on his hand, indicating you should start moving again. 
Out of the corner of your eye you could see his lopsided grin return, fully aware that you’d avoided the second part of his earlier statement. He followed your lead and began to sway with you, though you noted his grip had tightened on your hip. 
“I live here.” 
“Did you live here before the…” You trailed off, uncertain of how the dwarves spoke of the years the mountain stood uninhabited. Was it a sore subject still? 
“Before the dragon?” He finished. “No. Why do I look that old?” His eyebrows furrowed together as he spoke, his expression unreadable. 
You’d offended him.
“N- no. You don’t. I didn’t- I mean-” You felt your face flush red again as you stumbled over your words. Of course he couldn’t have been old enough to have lived through Smaug. Could he? 
He laughed. 
“I’m only joking.” He assured you. As he spoke he stopped moving again, and gestured over his shoulder to the exit you’d been attempting to make it to before. “Would you like to take a walk? I could show you around a bit while everyone is in here. The halls will be empty” 
You felt a flutter run through your stomach at the prospect of being alone with the mystery man. It was a feeling you’d never experienced with Thranduil, and expected you never would. You checked over your shoulder again, still unable to see the head table from where the two of you stood. But again, would it be so bad? Accepting a tour of the kingdom from a dwarf? You had made it your mission to change their view of the elves, after all. You wordlessly nodded, accepting his invitation, and he grinned widely in return as he took your hand and led you nimbly through the crowd.
The halls of Erebor appeared impossibly larger while empty. The stranger led you up and down staircases, pointing out different areas of the kingdom and showing you various repairs that had been completed in order to reverse the damage done by the dragon. As you walked together you lost track of time again, and you wondered how long you’d been absent from the table. Had Thranduil noticed? Likely not. He never seemed to notice or care when you were gone. 
“So how did you come to live in Mirkwood?” Your escort finally asked, his attention turning from the newly rebuilt throne to you. “You mentioned earlier you were not from there.” 
“My…betrothed.” You started hesitantly. “He lives in Mirkwood.” 
You paused, waiting for the inevitable reaction. You were promised to another, and it pained you to tell him. You felt an undeniable draw to this man who’s name you did not know. There was a familiarity and comfort with him, something you’d never felt before and certainly did not feel with Thranduil. As you waited for him to excuse himself and leave you standing alone in the halls you held your breath, dreading the fallout. 
“Oh.” He sounded surprised at the revelation, but not upset. He made no move to run away from you as he continued. “You do not sound happy about the arrangement.” 
You breathed a sigh of relief, grateful that he had not fled at the mention of your fiance. Though you’d made no mention of your unhappiness with the king, he seemed to have noted that it was not a joyous engagement. You wondered if it were that obvious to everyone when you spoke of Thranduil. 
“I’m not.” 
“Does he not treat you well?” He asked. You noticed a look of concern that immediately furrowed lines in his face. 
“In order to treat me well or not well he’d have to spend time with me.” You said, offering him a sad but reassuring smile that your intended was not an unkind man. “And we do not spend any time together. He told me when I arrived we were to be together in name only.” 
“That sounds terribly lonely.” 
“It has been.” You continued quietly. Your gaze turned back to the designs etched into the stone floor as you walked. Who was this stranger? This man you’d known for an hour at most, but somehow you felt more comfortable with than anyone you’d ever met before. You wanted to know him better, but that would surely be impossible. 
The two of you walked on in silence for several minutes before he spoke again. 
“Has he seen you?” He asked suddenly. 
“What do you mean?”
“Has he laid eyes on you?” He asked again, a hint of urgency in his voice. 
“Well, yes, I’m here with him.” You stated simply. What was he getting at? 
The man shook his head as he turned from you back to stare ahead as you walked. 
“He is a madman, then.” 
“How so?”
“To possess a woman so divine and not spend any time with her…” He trailed off, shaking his head again as though in disappointment. “The only conclusion is he must be insane.” 
You felt your cheeks flush at his statement. This stranger had spoken more kind words to you in an evening than Thranduil had in a month. Who was this man? 
“I don’t know if I would say that.” You said quietly, keeping your eyes focused on the ground as you spoke. 
“I would.” He stopped suddenly and took your hand, pulling you to a stop with him. He tugged you around to face him, and kept your hand locked tightly in his as he spoke. “Tales will be written of your beauty some day. You are the fairest princess in the most wonderful fairytale. The most beautiful and elegant of all the elves in all of the realms. The most precious jewel under this mountain. If he is not insane, your betrothed is surely blind.” 
The way he stared up into your eyes sent another flutter through your stomach. Something you’d sorely lacked with Thranduil. Passion. You felt it as strongly as anything, the unmistakable feelings of desire and attraction swirling within you. It was as though the force of gravity itself had shifted, and rather than grounding you to the earth you stood on it was pulling you towards this stranger instead. 
“You flatter me, sir. I do not even know your name.” You whispered. As you spoke you felt yourself unconsciously pulling against his hand, tugging him closer to you. He stepped forward willingly, bringing your bodies only inches apart. 
“I am-” He began.
The both of you jumped at the unfamiliar voice that invaded the intimate bubble you’d enclosed yourselves in. You quickly released his hand and stepped backward, putting as much space as possible between you as the intruder approached. The young blonde prince you’d met earlier, Fili if you remembered correctly, was strolling toward the two of you. 
“My lady, this is my brother, Prince Kili.” He said by way of introduction as he came to a halt beside him. “Brother this is Lady (Y/N), the intended of King Thranduil.” It seemed as though he were offering a reminder to the pair of you, rather than an introduction. 
His brother. The king’s nephew. Of course it was. 
The stranger you now knew to be Kili was staring at you, the pieces falling into place as his eyes widened. 
“Thranduil…” He mumbled. “Of course.”
Fili raised an eyebrow in confusion at his brother's muttering before turning his attention back to you. 
“My lady, your fiance requested I come check on you. Are you well?” He asked. He was far more formal and royally appropriate than his brother had been for the past hour. 
You quickly slipped back into a more formal mode yourself, straightening your back and clasping your hands behind you. You nodded respectfully at the elder prince. 
“Thank you, Prince Fili. Prince Kili was just escorting me back to my room. Will you tell King Thranduil I am not feeling well and would like to retire for the evening?” 
He nodded. 
“I will. Brother, our king has requested your presence. Do you know the rest of the way back, my lady?” As he spoke he pulled on his brother's arm, indicating they should return to the hall as quickly as possible. You hoped nothing had been made of your joint absence, though given the fact you’d not been introduced earlier the connection would have been a longshot for anyone to make. 
“I do.” You said, giving the older brother a reassuring smile as he turned to leave. “It was nice to meet you, Kili.” You felt a pang of sadness. The evening had gone by far too quickly, and you knew you were not likely to see the handsome prince again.
“And you, (Y/N).” He took your hand in his and kissed it gently, allowing his lips to momentarily linger against the delicate skin of your hand. He released it and quickly stood, leaning in to whisper in your ear before following his brother. “I will find you again.” 
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celebritydecks · 8 months
Elizabeth Huberdeau
Elizabeth Huberdeau
Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena: The Triumph and Turmoil of a Power Couple
Introduction: Elizabeth Huberdeau
Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena were once considered a power couple in the world of professional wrestling. For WWE fans, the name Elizabeth Huberdeau might not immediately come to mind but she used to be the first lady of WWE Superstar John Cena. Many people respected their connection, but sadly it didn’t last.
She was born on 28 September 1979 in West Newbury, Massachusetts, United States. She graduated from Springfield College in Massachusetts, according to sources. With her parents and one brother, Elizabeth Huberdeau enjoys a large and loving family. Elizabeth A. (Jones) Huberdeau is her mother, and Gene R. Huberdeau was her father. Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s father died in 2015 at the age of 76. Her father was a retired police officer. Her mother is currently retired and happy to live at home. Elizabeth’s brother, Adam Huberdeau, is a little younger than she is. He is currently employed by the Groveland Fire Department.
She attended the same high school as John Cena. Currently, she resides in Florida. She formerly worked as a model and currently involved in the real estate industry, according to certain sources.
1. The Beginnings of a Love Story
Long before they became well-known, Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena were in love. They first met in their home town of West Newbury, Massachusetts and they were high school sweethearts. As they exchanged dreams and aspirations for the future, their bond grew deeper.
2. The Power Couple Emerges
Despite the challenges that come with fame and busy schedules, Elizabeth Huberdeau and John managed to build a strong foundation for their relationship. Their shared love for each other and dedication to their respective careers made them an unstoppable power couple, loved by fans worldwide.
In 2009, When they made the decision to get married, John Cena was already well-known. John announced his marriage to Elizabeth public while promoting his movie “12 Rounds”. Elizabeth and John were married on July 11 of that same year in a private ceremony performed in Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth was lovingly called “Liz Cena” by John and she eventually used this name as her nickname.
Huberdeau and Cena worked hard to advance their individual careers as a power couple. They were aware of the value of encouraging one another in their professional goals, whether it be Huberdeau’s endeavors away from the spotlight or Cena��s job as a wrestler.
3. Cracks in the Foundation
Elizabeth and John enjoyed a few happy years of marriage before a few problems strained their union. The pair divorced each other after around three years of marriage. John filed divorce his wife in May 2012. The divorce was finally finalized the same year in July. Regarding the cause of the divorce, there were various theories. Elizabeth later claimed that she was unaware that the divorce had been filed. According to sources, she also believed John had cheated on her, which led her to subsequently question their prenuptial agreement.
Some stories claim that the couple’s early problems came from a disagreement over a home renovation project and john didn’t pay contractors who worked on their property according to the contract they had with him.
John wasn’t ready to be a parent, therefore they never had kids.
4. Life after Divorce
Elizabeth disappeared from public view after the divorce. Furthermore, she doesn’t post anything about her personal or professional life on social media. She is concentrating on her work as a successful real estate broker and owner of her own business. Her real estate agent pay is reportedly rather considerable, thus she can afford to live an almost luxurious life.
She seems to be doing well in her personal life as well. Recently, pictures of her and her partner, Eli Ayoub, have surfaced online, and she appears to be enjoying her partner’s company.
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orfealfonso · 1 year
The following shall be the exclusive property of each spouse:
1. That which is brought to the marriage as his or her own;
2. That which each acquires during the marriage by gratuitous title;
3. That which is acquired by right of redemption, by barter or by exchange with property belonging to only one of the spouses and
4. That which is purchased with exclusive money of the wife or of the husband.
When the property is registered in the name of a spouse only and there is no showing as to when the property was acquired by said spouse, this is an indication that the property belongs exclusively to said spouse. And this presumption under Art. 160 of the Civil Code cannot prevail when the title is in the name of only one spouse and the rights of innocent third parties are involved.
PNB v. Court of Appeals
Clodualdo Vitug passed away without a will. These parcels of land (TCT-2289, TCT-2887, and TCT-2888) were mortgaged to PNB as collateral for various debts taken out by Pedro Bacani, Salvador Vitug, and each of them. The bank foreclosed on all the mortgaged properties since the loans were never repaid. The parcels were bought by PNB as the highest bidder, who afterwards sold them to the Vitugs and the fajardo.
In the meantime, Donata signed a leasing agreement with her sons Pragmacio and Maximo Vitug for the lot covered by TCT-2887-R. A few years later, the same brothers sued the PNB, the Vitugs, the Fajardos, and Marcelo Mendiola, the special administrator of Donata's intestate estate, in the CFI Pampanga for partition and reconveyance with damages. They asserted that the 30 land parcels represent a portion of Donata and Clodualdo's conjugal property, and they claim a 2/11 share of each lot.  They criticized the mortgage the PNB had taken out on those properties as well as the subsequent public sale. They cited the Vitug v. Montemayor judgment, in which the SC decided that the 30 portions of land were conjugal.
1. Can the PNB rely merely on the torrens certificate of the title covering Donatas properties for the processing of the respective mortgage loan application
2. Is the earlier action for reconveyance and partition concerning the 30 lots real action and binding upon the PNB by virtue of the Vitug vs. Montemayor decision?
1. Yes,The PNB had sufficient reason to rely on the torrens certificate of the title of the mortgaged properties. The SC ruled that in processing the loan is applications, the PNB had the right to rely upon the face of the certificate of title.Clearly, it appears that Donata (a widow) owns the properties and the PNB had no reason to doubt her status and ownership. The PNB also found no liens or encumbrances covering the properties. The clean facts reasonably cancel the need to make further inquiry.The Court applied the well-known rule in jurisdiction that a person has a right to rely upon the face of the Torrens Certificate of Title when dealing with a registered land. It is not necessary to inquire beyond its face, except when such person has an actual knowledge of facts and circumstances that would prompt him to inquire further. The Court ruled that a Torrens title “concludes all controversy over ownership of the land covered by a final degree of registration” and upon such registration, the person is assured of ownership without going to court or sitting at the veranda ofhis house to avoid the fear losing his land.
(2) No. The SC maintained that although actions for recovery of real property and for partition are real actions, they are action in personams, which are binding only upon the parties thereto. The PNB is not a party in the cited case and is thereto not bound by the decision.In addition there is no showing that PNB was aware of ghe case decision when it extended the mortgage loan involving the subject property.The court settled that if the PNB knew that said properties were conjugal it would not have approved the mortgage application without securing the consent of its co-owners.Therefore the PNB is considered purchaser for value in good faith when it sold the goreclosed properties at a public auction.The complain is dismissed.
0 notes
xxxii. Beauty and Her Beast
@claudeng80 ha ha ‘a title has not helped Obi express himself better’ - truer words never spoken XD Ryuu just processes too slowly to keep up with things, and you’re so right, everyone is still shell-shocked and twisted around!
@bubblesthemonsterartist awwww, yeah, probably safe to say that Obi and Shirayuki are not doing great at seeing the bigger picture here XD I’m a little chagrined, putting them through these situations that push them so far outside their healthy canon!
@the-pompous-potato hahaha thank you for accepting my slightly contrived criteria for the wedding ceremony XD wish I were one of those authors who meticulously researches culture/history but ANS is such a mishmash! You are too sweet about the writing and feels and everything; makes me so happy to know that you’re enjoying it! <3
<<Previous || first arc || second arc || AO3
The first prince entertained very few visitors in the wake of the intensive administrative outpouring surrounding his public address.
There was too much to do, to rebalance the scales and irrigate the neglected areas of his responsibilities.
After revolving on its hinges in the days leading up to the grand announcement, Izana’s door presented now an unyielding front to almost all callers.
When Kiki Seiran presented herself, however, the guards admitted her at once.
She found the prince deep in thought, chin resting on a long-fingered hand. 
Only his eyelids flickered in acknowledgement of her entrance. He knew without asking what she had come to deliver to him.
She laid the report on his desk: her official account of their journey north. 
As she backed away, Kiki inclined her head in deference to his position and to the gravity of the task. He had entrusted her with a deep and dangerous secret, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last time.
He regarded her with that slight smile that was more forbidding than another man’s frown. “Your service will not be forgotten, Kiki Seiran.”
It is a compliment, but also a promise.
As she turns to go, her eye catches on a pair of figures, plainly visible in the courtyard below through the prince’s sweeping glass doors.
The woman’s hair flames, while the man’s swallows the light. They linger together before parting.
He slides in the direction of the pharmacy; she starts towards the castle.
Kiki’s eyes dart towards the prince, but he is watching her, still with that same slight smile.
Izana is enigmatic as a mirrored window. He let you paint your thoughts onto his facade, inviting any interpretation, any fear, no matter how wild. 
All the while, he revealed nothing of himself.
Kiki bows herself out.
She knows without knowing how that Shirayuki wants to speak with her, so she goes to make herself available - to intercept the intended second princess before anyone else in the castle does.
Calculating without conscious effort a range of factors from the relative privacy that they might expect, to the likelihood that Shirayuki will seek her there, Kiki positions herself in an alcove with a view of the forest.
As she gazes on the waving branches, Kiki thinks of nothing in particular, content to wait, and see.
It is as if her body remembers for her: riding horseback, side by side, perfectly in synch.
She had known the day she met Mitsuhide that he was the man with whom she wished to spend her life. 
Subsequent exposure had served only to confirm, as snarls arose and pulled smooth in a spiral of increasing intimacy.
His awkwardness, his uncertainty around her, had gradually transformed from cause for misgivings into evidence in his favor.
She had weighed and measured each of his qualities, each exchange that passed between them, and found him worthy.
She no longer wondered who would preside alongside her at Seiran manor, whose crest would join hers over the fireplace in the great hall, whose name she would carve into the seal of the wooden chest delivered on her birth.
Now she doesn’t even know where he is.
Still that wooden chest waited.
As she grew, she had added to its contents: laboriously contrived needlework, then finer things, and more recently the delicately crafted weapons that one might slip under an embroidered sleeve or wear along with layered skirts.
The chest had accompanied Kiki to the palace alongside trunks of finery which she had made use of perhaps twice since arriving: once at the ball where she met Mitsuhide and once to play charades with Zen in the garden.
Shirayuki is smaller than I am, Kiki thought, but some of the simpler shifts might suit her. She could wear one intended for garden parties, sewn at tea-length, without having to pin up the hem.
Such a dress would easily stretch to cover Shirayuki’s ankles and render her acceptable according to the unwritten yet ironclad rules of the game that Shirayuki had decided to play.
Kiki had feared for her less when Shirayuki had engaged to play with Zen as her partner.
He wasn’t - hadn’t been - all wise, or impervious to attack, but he was native to it. He was also by nature brave and generous, and that, combined with his own peculiar insights into the hearts of others, meant that he had known when to bow before the rules and when to break them.
Kki had believed they would find a way together, and she had been proud to walk beside them.
Now she felt no such assurance.
She wouldn’t say that Shirayuki and Obi were like the blind leading the blind - despite their carelessness and outright willfulness at times, she knew them better than that.
It was more that neither spoke the language of the court from birth - and on whom could they reply to interpret?
Instead of a loving prince, they now relied for patronage on Lord Haruka, a reluctant and embittered enemy, who would have gladly seen them both vanish off the face of the earth had his duty not impelled him otherwise.
Kiki shook her head.
She didn’t like it any more than she had before the announcement, news which she had greeted with the grim resignation of one accustomed to witnessing births, marriages, and deaths all managed like pieces on a chessboard, as it suited the political purposes of those in power.
Shirayuki and Obi might have convinced themselves that the game was over, but Kiki knew that it had just begun.
Shirayuki saw with relief that Kiki didn’t look busy - she was only standing by a window, as if lost in thought.
She approached the other woman shyly, still more relieved when Kiki greeted her with the customary quiet smile.
Friendship was a strange thing: Shirayuki would have trusted Kiki with her life, as she had while sailing on a ship with an evil captain into unknown waters -- but now she felt nervous.
She had never asked Kiki for a favor before.
Shirayuki joined Kiki at the window. The thought crossed her mind that her friend looked sad, even as Shirayuki was preoccupied with churning doubts over how to broach such a sensitive subject.
“I,” she faltered, blushing. “I’ve heard that--at least, here in Clarines--”
“I have a dress that will fit you,” Kiki answered, in unhesitating agreement with the question that had yet to be asked. “You won’t need much more than that.”
“Oh,” Shirayuki squeaked. “Really?”
“It will be a small ceremony, and you can keep your underclothes.” Kiki paused. “Unless you want silk stockings.”
“What? No, no!” Shirayuki waved her hands, her face flaming. “That’s not--I don’t need…” She stopped when she saw a twinkle in Kiki’s eye.
Shirayuki smiled back weakly. “Thank you. That’s very kind. Very, very kind!”
“This way.” Kiki was already in motion. “You can have it from my chambers now.”
“From…?” Shirayuki stumbled to keep up. 
An uneasy thought struck her. “Kiki...is it...your dress?”
“Tell me if it’s too long, and we’ll find a tailor.”
“But!” Dismayed, Shirayuki caught at her sleeve.
Kiki looked over her shoulder, her expression gentle. “Don’t worry, Shirayuki…
“...I won’t be needing it.”
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elliemarchetti · 4 years
Red Queen Pride and Prejudice AU (Part 2)
Part 1
Tag list (if you want to be tagged in all my work or only a specific fandom/fic dm me or write an ask): @lilyharvord
Words: 2164
That Miss Skonos and Miss Barrow should meet to talk about the party was perfectly obvious, but the attentive invitation Wren received from Miss Samos and Lady Haven was a real surprise: her gentle manner increased the two's goodwill towards her, and although her mother was considered unbearable and some of her friendships, including Gisa and Tramy, not even worthy of mention, the feeling of wanting to get to know better both her and Mare was openly expressed. Wren received this attention with great pleasure, but Mare still saw arrogance in their behavior towards everyone, barely mitigated in the presence of the homeowner, whose admiration for Wren, reciprocated, was more than evident, although the younger had noticed with pleasure that it wasn’t likely to become public knowledge, since Wren combined a great intensity of the feelings with a composed temperament and a uniform cordiality in the manner, which protected her from impertinent suspicions. Mare talked about it with a dear friend, Miss Farley, the daughter of a colonel discharged after a bad wound that had practically made him blind in one eye.
"Maybe in this case it can be positive", Diana replied, "to be able to hide it from other people, but sometimes to be so wary has its drawbacks. If a woman hides her own affection with the same skill to the one who is the object of it, she can lose the opportunity to conquer him, and it’ll be a very poor consolation to think that the world is equally unaware. We’re all free to start a slight preference, is more than natural, but very few of us have such feelings that they really fall in love without being encouraged. Nine times out of ten, a woman would do better to show more affection than she feels. It’s indisputable that Samos likes Wren, but he may never express more than that if she doesn't help him do so.”
“But she’s helping him!” exclaimed Mare.
"Remember he doesn't know her the way you do, therefore he may not understand it," the other wisely suggested. Although Diana wasn’t married, she always had good advice, whether it was sentimental, about family or neighborhood disputes, and the suggestions she was giving her, if it hadn’t been the romantic Wren she was talking about, would’ve been really good; although closer in age, Mare's two closest friends were very distant in terms of social class, and couldn’t be more different in character, which made the idea of organizing a cognitive meeting that wasn’t a social event of extended dimensions, a folly.
"Well," Diana said, "I wish Wren with all my heart to be successful, but if she married him tomorrow, I believe that she would be as likely to be happy as she would be studying his character for a year. Happiness in marriage is just a matter of luck: as much as two people can know each other thoroughly previously, or have similar characters, that won’t affect their happiness in the slightest, as they will always find something later that will divide them. Maybe it's better to know as little as possible the defects of the person with whom
you’ll spend the rest of your life, or we’re all destined to die alone.”
Both girls burst out laughing, and in the hilarity of the moment, it was far from Mare's mind to be in someone else's thoughts; General Calore had barely admitted at first that she was pretty, and at the ball he had looked at her without any admiration, as it had happened in their subsequent meetings, where he had done nothing but criticize her with his friends. But as soon as he convinced himself  that her face barely had any nice features, he began to find that her intelligent dark eyes were able to render her expression beautiful, and although his critical eye spotted more than one symmetry flaw in her physique’s proportions, he was forced to acknowledge that she had a lean and pleasant body, and those discoveries had only been followed by others, equally embarrassing. Of all this, she was completely unaware; for her he was only a man who made himself unpleasant everywhere and didn't think she was beautiful enough to invite her to dance. Yet he began to want to know her better, and as a first step towards a direct conversation, he paid attention to her exchanges with others. This way of doing caught the girl's attention, and while they were at the Skonos’ house, where a large group had gathered, she spoke to her friend about it.
"Why was General Calore listening to my conversation with Colonel Farley?"
"It's a question that only he can answer," replied the other, "but if he does it again, let him know you're noticing his strange behavior."
Mare took her friend literally, and the girl soon found herself forced to distract her from teasing the poor young man, who seemed incredibly uncomfortable, inviting her to play and sing for the little gathering. Following her performance, it was her sister who took her place on the stool in front of the piano, and though the youngest of the Barrows had neither genius nor inspiration, vanity had provided her with determination and a pedantic and presumptuous way of doing things  that made her get everything she wanted. Mare had been listened to with much more pleasure, although her voice didn't sound so good, but Gisa, at the
end of a long concert, was still pleased to obtain praise and gratitude from everyone, except for the General, who had remained in indignant silence for that way of passing the evening, which completely excluded conversation, and was too busy with his own thoughts to notice having the owner of the house next to him until he started talking.
"What an enchanting pastime for young people!" the man exclaimed, looking at the couples, including his daughter and Mr. Samos, who had started dancing. "On the other hand there is nothing like dancing; I consider it as one of the main refinements of civil society. "
"Of course, sir; and it also has the added bonus of being in vogue among the least civilized societies in the world. Any savage can dance. "
The man just smiled, as if he had realized something that was obscure to Cal, an attitude that annoyed him immensely, but never as much as his attempt to make him dance with Miss Mare, who seemed to have no intention of giving him the honor, despite his good disposition. Her reluctance, however, hadn't hurt her in the eyes of the gentleman, who was thinking of her with a certain satisfaction when he was approached by Miss Samos.
"Can I guess the subject of your reverie?" she asked, turning her gaze to the room and covering her thin, pale lips with a glass.
"I would say not," he replied, sardonically.
"Let me try: you are considering how unbearable it would be to pass many evenings like this, in such company, and I absolutely agree with you. I was never bored that much! The nonsense, plus the noise; the nullity and the importance that all these people give themselves! What would I give to hear your comments on them! "
"Your hypothesis is totally wrong, I assure you. My mind was engaged in more pleasant things: I was meditating on the great pleasure that two beautiful eyes can give. "
Miss Samos immediately stared into his face, and asked him to tell her who was the lady who had the merit of inspiring such a reflection. Cal replied intrepidly, mentioning Mare's name, but had to quickly placate his friend's sarcasm and remind her that he hadn't forgotten their agreement, if only not to attract too much attention. Unfortunately, the General couldn’t suspect that he had been overheard by the young Gisa, who, returning home, reported everything to her sister just for the sake of hearing the malice that her mother would’ve expressed towards that man so cold that he hadn't even bothered to compliment her performance.
"From the way I hear you talk, you must be the silliest girl in the neighborhood," her father retorted. "I had suspected it several times, but now I'm convinced. "
Gisa was so disconcerted that she almost began to cry, and it was only her mother's intervention, and the subsequent quarrel between her and her husband, that allowed her to reach her room undisturbed. As for Mare, she listened, since her father's opinions were always well thought out, and certainly more reliable than those of her mother or even her brothers.
"From what you say, those two have been friends all their lives, and even their parents were friends before them, so it wouldn't surprise me if they secretly agreed to get married, if they were left without a partner for too long,” Mr. Barrow decreed, putting an end to the discussion, at least aloud, as his words reverberated for days in his daughter's mind, until the importance of the news was outclassed by a letter that came directly from the Hall of the Sun: Wren had gone on horseback to a lunch with Miss Samos and Lady Haven, but she had been surprised by a thunderstorm and now remained a guest of the Samos until her indisposition, which consisted of a severe sore throat and a pounding headache that had barely allowed her to write that note, had passed. Seriously worried about the matter, and despite her father arguing that she was going to be fine, Mare had decided to visit her, even though, with the ground made extremely muddy by the rain, making the carriage completely unusable,  and given her ineptness as a horseman, she was forced to go by foot.
"How can you be so foolish?"asked her mother, rhetorically, " You won’t be presentable once you get there!”
"I'll definitely be presentable to see Wren, which is all I want," she replied, and Gisa's objections were to no avail since she was even supported by Shade and Tramy, who were willing to visit the Farleys, who lived right off the street. It was just dawn when the trio left the house and took the road to the Hall of the Sun, but as soon as she separated from her younger brothers, Mare continued along the shortcuts she remembered from when she was a child, walking briskly through field after field, climbing over fences and leaping puddles with agile impatience, eventually founding herself in sight of the house with sore ankles,
muddy socks and a face that shone, warmed by the exercise. She was ushered into the breakfast room, where all the residents, except for Wren and Mr. Lucas, were gathered and where her appearance caused a huge surprise; that she had walked three miles so early in the morning, in all that mud, and alone, was almost unbelievable to the two young ladies, and Mare realized they despised her for it, yet they welcomed her with great courtesy, as opposed to General Calore, who spoke very little, and the owner of the house, who didn’t said a word, probably upset by her unannounced arrival, or feeling as if she was questioning whether her friend was being properly cared for. The answers she received regarding that specific issue weren’t particularly encouraging: Miss Skonos had slept badly due to the high fever and she wasn’t feeling strong enough to leave her room.  Mare was pleased to be immediately led to her, and Wren, who had refrained from expressing in her note how much she desired such a visit only for fear of creating alarm and disturbing, was very happy to see her come in, although she couldn’t have much conversation, and once Miss Samos had left them alone, the two merely had breakfast in silence. Once they finished eating, they were joined by their hosts, and Mare began to like them more when she saw how much love and care they showed for Wren. The pharmacist arrived, and after examining the patient he said, unsurprisingly, that she had caught a severe cold, and that there wasn't much to worry about; he advised her to go back to bed, and promised to get her some medicine. The advice was promptly followed, as the fever had risen and the headache had worsened. Mare didn’t leave the room even for a moment and the other ladies weren’t away for long either, but since the gentlemen were out, in fact they had nothing else to do. When the clock struck three times, Mare realized she had to go, and she said it very reluctantly. Miss Samos offered her the carriage but Wren seemed so anxious about parting with her that Miss Samos was forced to turn the carriage offer into an invitation to stay for the time being at the Hall of the Sun. Mare accepted gratefully, and a servant was sent to warn the family and to bring back a supply of clothes.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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JONATHAN REEVES is THIRTY YEARS OLD and a BARMAN at THE WHYTE WVRYN in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like LANDON LIBORIAN and considers himself NEUTRAL. He is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, bodily harm, kidnapping, imprisonment
A name that was once synonymous with promis, Jonathan Reeves has always felt on the back foot in life no matter how hard he has tried to overcome his shortcomings. The eldest child of Pure-Blood witch ARIANWEN SMITH, Jonathan was born out of forbidden love on his mother’s part that threatened to cause the Smith family disgrace. One of the oldest Pure-Blood families in Wales, the Smith family were mild mannered though they were known devout purists in more recent years with a taste for tormenting those they considered to be of lesser blood. Jonathan’s mother Arianwen and her brother AERON were not like their parents. Having been Hufflepuffs at Hogwarts the siblings were more like their ancestors and filled with idealistic ideas of love and happiness. For Aeron he’d fall in love by chance with a beautiful Pure-Blood witch who he vowed to raise better than the way they had been, whilst Ariawen would form a romantic attachment to a Muggle-Born servant named SAMUEL REEVES. The pair began a secret relationship which resulted in pregnancy. Arianwen and Samuel kept their relationship and growing family a secret until one night when a parlour witch came to the Smith family home during a party to read the fortunes of those present. As Arianwen sat across from SEIRIAN PROFFWYD the cards were not flipped in her favour and a dangerous prophecy foretold.
A Half-Blood child born into disgrace would bring the family to its knees, skilled in the dark arts he would turn upon those who wronged him and harness such power those who crossed him would scarcely live to tell the tale. Fear and discrimination would be his downfall, the hatred in his heart boiling over until there was nothing left but darkness and a desire to inflict that hate upon others. Frightened by the tale, Seirian was cast out of the party, the Smith family dragging her name through the mud as a false prophet and limiting her work with high society families in the hope the tale would never be heard or believed. With a heavy heart Arianwen said goodbye to Samuel, accepting the hand in marriage of TARAN WARRINGTON, a wealthy Pure-Blood wizard who agreed to father her son as his own. Jonathan Reeves was born Jonathan Warrington and raised in the beautiful wizarding village of Caerphilly where the Warrington family had been residents. There Jonathan was raised in luxury, in the beauty of rolling hills, silver tea trays and nannies though he never quite felt the past of the family. Despite doing his best to treat him as his own Taran knew Jonathan was not his child and was the son of poor Muggle-Born who had the true love of his wife. When Jonathan’s siblings were born, his sister ALYS and then his brother TRYSTAN it became evermore clear where he ranked among the Warrington family.
Jonathan’s father was cold with him, his mother could hardly bear to look at him and his grandmother CATRIN he often heard calling him a “half-breed”.  Jonathan went looking for answers of his own and lost himself in the process. Years of ill treatment had worn him down and hardened him. He grew to despise his mother, her weakness, her secrecy and strive for the approval of the stranger he knew as his father but knew the title was a lie. His brother and sister were annoyances, background noise he knew he should try to love but couldn’t muster the feeling. Jonathan didn’t hate Alys, he felt indifferent about her whereas Trystan he attempted to actively avoid until the day he received his letter to Hogwarts. Leaving Blackheath Hall was not a painful experience, it was an escape to a world where he could make a new name for himself. As Jonathan Warrington the world was at his fingertips. Sorted into Slytherin he befriended children with names he’d heard mentioned in passing conversation. ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS, DECIUS FLINT and LUCILLE JONES became firm friends of his, each from important families and popular within Slytherin house due to their notoriety. Jonathan can remember as clear as day the event that changed his standing in school to mirror that of the one he’d experienced at home. When he was sixteen his parents died in a carriage crash, their winged horses getting caught in a storm and getting lost over the English Channel.
Catrin, a devout purist who had never liked Jonathan and felt she no longer needed to keep up the charade put in place. Moving him to a wing in the house where she would no longer have to see him, Jonathan was registered at school under his father’s name and told him the truth of his birth. He was a Half-Blood with a filthy Muggle-Born father who was only fit to wipe the shoes of his mother’s family. With the truth of his parentage out he noticed slight changes amongst his group of friends. Decius didn’t treat him the same as he had previously and Ash always had a sympathetic glimmer in his eye similar to the one he had for Lucille. Despite also being a Half-Blood herself, Lucille became much more clipped with him, actively distancing herself from the now disgraced wizard. Jonathan was a teenager with fake friends, a name he didn’t recognise. His family was gone and those he had left he didn’t love. Upon graduating Hogwarts Jonathan left school and went in search of his father with only a name and the knowledge he had worked for the Smith family prior to his birth and subsequent dismissal. Travelling the country with no money to his name Jonathan made money working in bars and doing odd jobs, his search led him to Kent where the Reeves family were said to have owned a cottage. In the darkness he walked to the door and called for a member of the Reeves family to answer, but it was a werewolf instead that answered.
Disgraced by his family and with nothing left to lose Seirian paid off a werewolf who she had been sleeping with to murder him. Leaping from the darkness the wolf sank his teeth into Jonathan’s skin, his cries in the night alerting another wolf who jumped to his aid. Slender and agile, it fought the larger wolf and won, watching it take off into the night before licking the bite. The last thing Jonathan remembered were a set of pale green eyes looking at him before he lost consciousness and awoke to a beautiful woman sitting beside him in a forest. SELENA PETROSYAN was a werewolf who belonged to a pack which rivalled that of the wolf who had come to bite him that evening. Though she was not much older than him she had a kindness about her which was almost motherly which his own mother had lacked. With no one to turn to and werewolf venom coursing through his veins he allowed Selena to take him in, joining the ranks of FENRIR GREYBACK’s pack of wolves and accepting a job at The White Wvryn in Knockturn Alley where he hoped no one would ask questions. His new life was much more simple than what he was used to, but the kindness of Selena and their pack made him feel at ease enough to move around wizarding London and make friends with those he previously felt inferior to. It was on one of these evenings drinking with ERIK BORGIN and CAIUS BURKE he first laid on the witch who would begin to fully heal the hole in his soul.
ROSALIE FLINT sang at The Grave Affair. Her voice was music to his ears and over a string of chance encounters, dates and stolen kisses she slowly became the love of his life. Jonathan Reeves had always been a selfish man but now when his heart beat it did so just for her. Unknowingly he had entered a situation like that of his mother. He was a Half-Blood werewolf and she was a Pure-Blood witch who loved him anyway. Their nights were spent sneaking around and plotting to run away together to build a future away from London when one night it was cut short. As he was locking up after work he was advanced upon in the darkness by SILAS CRUMP who knocked him out and bundled him into a car. When he woke up he was in the cellar of what looked like a brewery. Jonathan was comfortable enough for someone in captivity, Silas was kind to him, explaining he needed his identity to clear his name and look for his daughter. Reluctantly, Jonathan agreed to help in exchange for Rosalie’s protection and the agreement would last no longer than a month. The evening of The Yule Ball, Silas never returned. Jonathan waited but with no one there to fit the chains in order to keep him contained on the next full moon he broke out to be reunited with his love. Back in the wizarding world he found things had changed. Silas was gone without a trace and Rosalie Flint was missing. Separated from her, Jonathan will do anything he can to get her back and make whoever has hurt her pay the price.
Blood Status → Half-Blood (Werewolf)
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexuality  → Up To Roleplayer
Relationship Status → N/A
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → The Greyback Wolves
Family → Alys Warrington (half-sister/adversary), Trystan Warrington (half-brother/adversary), Arabella Smith (cousin), Elezar Smith (cousin), Carys Smith (cousin)
Connections  → Rosalie Flint (girlfriend), Selena Petrosyan (colleague/close friend/family figure), Fenrir Greyback (alpha), Aristaeus Greengrass (close friend), Erik Borgin (friend), Caius Burke (friend), Lucille Jones (former friend), Decius Flint (former friend), Silas Crump (adversary)
Future Information → N/A
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guidedbygunpla · 3 years
Gundam Redux Prequel Chapter 5-Icelina
   “Garma, it has been decided that you will marry Icelina Eschonbach, daughter of the United states President Joseph Eschonbach” Degwin said, his tone solumn, and slow
           “father, we’ve discussed this already, I am not interested in her, you know that my heart is tied to another” Garma called back to the monitor sitting on his desk. His office now the former Oval office, the former seat of the united states government
           “Garma, my son. I of course understand that you are not attracted to Icelina, but you must understand it is imperative that for this plan to work, we need to cement the Zabi among the Earths populace, and having an heir to the throne be a child of the daughter of a USNA President, that might just do the job. They might look at the Zabi Victories as their own.
           “father, I do not mean to be crass, but you understand I am not attracted to women correct?” Garma said dumb founded that his father was still going on with this stupid plan
           “yes Garma, I am fully aware that you have been seeing a captain in the Zeon Military since you were a Junior in the military academy, and I assume that you would rather I propose you marry him, however, the united states President has one child, a daughter, and no son. So we have to work with what we are given, not with what we want. You are a Prince Garma, that carries with it certain responsibilities, bearing me an heir is one of those responsibilities. While I would love if that responsibility could be carried out with someone you wanted to be with, that isn’t necessary at this time.” Degwin leaned back into his chair “besides, it is not necessary for someone of our place in society to honor the contract of marriage to the letter, if I had done that, I would never have fallen in love with your mother Garma. Now, there will be no more discussion of this”            the monitor went black, Garma sank back into his seat. He reached inside his pocket, and pulled out the locket that Char had gifted him that night before they left for their respective military postings. A silver locket, with his photo on one side, wearing his red Captains dress uniform, and wearing his red lensed glasses. On the opposing face of the locket a lock of chars blonde hair.
           “I am no prince, I am no celebrity
           I am just a man, isn’t that right Char…..”            Garma closed the locket and slid it back into his jacket
             The following weeks were a roller coaster, Garma met with President Eschonbach, It appears that the agreement for him to marry Icelina was made under duress, Degwin had agreed to halt the assault on the United States of Northern America if Eschonbach agreed to wed his daughter to Garma, and accept the Duchy of Zeon as its Protectorate, and abolish its military forces. In exchange, zeon forces would halt all attacks on purely American forces, though would still continue fighting federation forces in the area, and it would allow the House, Senate and President to return to Albany Newyork.
           Meeting Icelina was surprisingly a lot less hostile comparatively, it turned out that the young woman was a follower of the Zeon faith of Contolism, and believed in a lot of Zeon ideals. She seemed to be smitten with Garma as well, which made the matter of planning the wedding and the subsequent ceremony far easier to bare for the young prince. The ceremony was held in the assembly chambers, a grand hall of the old age. The air smelled of must and mold, a scent alien to the spacenoid Prince. The ceremony was overseen by the Contolistic priest who had baptized Garma as an infant, and giant video screens hung over head during the ceremony, one bearing the face of each his Father, brother Dozel, brother Gihren, and sister Kycelia.
           The wedding night was, unpleasant. Icelina was a good girl, and Garma hated to break her heart so he tried to perform his duties as her husband, but it felt foreign….and disgusting. After the act was over, Garma made his way to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.            “is everything okay in there my Prince? Are you not feeling well?” he heard Icelinas voice call through the great wooden doors of the bathroom to their Suite.
           “I am no prince, I am no celebrity
           I am just a man…….”
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Beyond the Dragon’s Eyes (part five)
[The finale.]
[part one] - [part two] - [part three] - [part four]
[Part 5: The Sea Serpent's Emergence]
“Is he really back?”
Anna almost sounds nervous as she asks, and, frankly, considering the hand Cromwell played in her marriage and the subsequent fallout, she has a right to be.
“Yes,” Anne says wearily, cheeks still tear-stained and eyes still red.
“Someone call Danielle and Wallace.”
All eyes slowly move to find Aragon, staring at her phone.
“Just do it,” she instructs her goddaughter, who, without any further protest, does as told. 
“Any news on Jane?” Anne asks, wiping at her cheeks again.
“Nothing yet,” Bessie says. She lowers her voice, seeing Katherine moving into Anna’s arms as she trembles. “Well, nothing good. She’s still out, but they were saying she could have any combination of complications after this, if she wakes up.”
Anne feels herself tearing up again. “She can’t die from this,” she hisses. “She can’t.”
“She won’t,” Bessie tries to assure her. “You know Jane, she’s stronger than this.”
Anne opens her mouth, but whatever she wanted to say is killed off her teeth, and instead she collapses into one of the stiff chairs against the wall. 
Maggie sits next to her. “We’re going to get through this,” the young musician says softly. “Jane’s going to be okay.”
“How could you know?” Anne demands. “She could be dying in there, alone-”
“Now you stop that,” Parr chastizes her, taking the seat on her other side. “Jane is going to be okay,” she repeats Maggie’s sentiments.
Anne is silent.
“Say it. Jane is going to be okay.”
“Annie, come on,” Parr encourages, taking her hand. Maggie takes her other hand. “Jane is going to be okay.”
Just as it seems that Anne will finally respond, a flustered and panting Danielle and Wallace burst in. “What is it?” Wallace huffs out.
Catherine taps her phone screen a few times and offers it to the officers.
“Unfortunately, it didn’t quite go as I hoped it would. I was supposed to be able to lock you all inside, but the falling set pieces got you all out quicker than I anticipated.”
“So you-”
“I was going to burn all your friends alive and leave you alone.”
“Who is that?” Danielle asks.
“A man named Thomas Cromwell,” Catherine says. “He must have been brought back to life with us, and now he’s out for revenge.”
“We’re going to find him. That’s a direct confession right there,” Wallace says.
“That might be easier than you think.”
They turn to Anne, who, sniffling, is looking at her own phone. “He’s on the roof of the parking garage.”
Katherine, Anna, Maggie, and Joan stay behind, but Bessie and Cathy accompany Catherine and Anne, as well as the officers, in a mad dash to the roof.
And there, leaning against a lightpost on the roof, is Thomas Cromwell.
Danielle and Wallace are armed, weapons drawn, in a slow approach towards Cromwell. “You’re under arrest for arson and attempted murder.”
“That’s funny,” he remarks idly. He pushes himself to stand upright. “That you think you can arrest me.”
“Why on Earth would we not?”
“Because you can’t.”
“You want to see the handcuffs, I’ve got them right here.”
“I have done nothing wrong, actually. You can’t arrest me for anything.”
“You burned down our second home,” Parr growls, “and tried to kill us all!”
“I almost succeeded too,” Thomas quips.
Bessie is rolling up her sleeves. “I should sock you in the face for what you’ve done.”
Aragon holds her back. “He’s not worth it.”
“Everything I’ve done, I’ve done to serve my king.”
“He’s not your king anymore,” Anne spits.
“You live in this time,” Wallace says, ignoring how odd it felt to say, “you live by this time’s rules.”
Cromwell smirks and takes a few steps backwards, nearing the wall of the garage. “Well it’s a good thing I’m not really here.” He looks to Anne, Catherine, Bessie, and Cathy. “Until we meet again, witches and wenches. I wish Miss Seymour the best. By the best, of course, I mean the best funeral. It’ll be a shame to miss.”
Before anyone can fully comprehend what he’s doing, he’s climbed the wall and stepped over.
They all race to the wall, but there’s nothing to be seen. Where they all would have expected a body on the sidewalk, there is nothing but the passing of pedestrians and pidgeons.
“Do you think he’s really gone?”
Anne’s voice is more nervous, more vulnerable than any of them believe they’ve heard before.
“I hope so,” Catherine says, turning to her. She gently braces Anne’s shoulders. “We should go back inside. Jane needs us.”
“This has been a day I won’t soon forget,” Wallace says, and Danielle mumbles an agreement. They both, however, extend hands to the group in front of them. “If you all ever need anything, you know who to call.”
They all head their separate ways, and once back inside, Anne can’t sit still.
“Please stop pacing,” Katherine pleads, “you’re stressing me out more than I already am.”
“I can’t just sit and do nothing.”
“It could be hours before we have news,” Cathy tries to reason.
“This is going to kill me,” Anne mutters.
Catherine’s call interrupts her pacing, and the nursing student approaches them. “Is there anything?”
“She’s awake,” Caroline confirms. “We’re definitely going to keep her here for a while yet, we don’t know exactly how ‘okay’ she is, but she’s at least not going to die.”
That last confirmation causes a collective sigh of relief.
Katherine comes forward and takes Anne’s hand. “Can we see her?”
After a moment of contemplation, Caroline gives a somewhat hesitant nod. “Just you two, for now. We don’t want to overwhelm her.”
Caroline leads them down the hall, Katherine never letting go of Anne, to the room where Jane is.
The sight is bad enough, but the sight combined with the smells of the hospital room and the rhythmic sounds of all the machines nearly makes Anne throw up.
Jane could look worse, she supposes.
They had taken the tube out of her throat, and while she had a few cuts across her forehead and cheeks, she didn’t look too bad.
“Annie, Kat,” Jane rasps out, weakly extending her arms to them.
Arms, Anne notes, that are wrapped in gauzy bandages from her wrists to halfway up her bicep.
“Good to still see you alive, Seymour,” Anne jokes, but her heart isn’t in it.
“I’m so glad you’re okay, mama,” Katherine whispers, sitting in the chair beside the bed.
“I wouldn’t say I’m okay yet,” Jane corrects, voice heavy and scratchy. “I will be, though.”
“She’s got some burns on her arms and legs,” Caroline clarifies, “but they all should heal up with proper treatment medication.”
Jane looks to Anne, seeing her fidgeting in place and staring at her feet, then back to Kat. She kisses her daughter’s forehead, whispering some soft assurance that they were okay, it was going to be okay, then, “can you give us a moment, love? Maybe you can go get that medication information and tell the others?”
Katherine reluctantly agrees and, after exchanging quiet ‘I love yous’ with Jane, leaves with Caroline, and Jane and Anne are alone.
“Jane, I’m so sorry-”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Cromwell wanted to hurt you all because of me-”
“I know.”
Anne has to admit she wasn’t expecting that. “How?”
“I saw him,” Jane says, “in the fire.”
“J-Jane,” Maria croaks out, face covered in grey ash.
“I’ve got you,” Jane promises. Somehow, she hauls the lighting piece off of Maria, but the drummer is too weak to walk.
“We’re gonna get you out of here.”
Jane lifts Maria into her arms and makes her way towards the door, when a male voice echoes through the crackling theater. “You aren’t making it out of here, Seymour.”
She knows she should just go, she shouldn’t entertain whatever figment of her imagination this probably is. But she can’t help it. “Who are you?”
“Oh, Lady Jane,” the man says, moving closer, “don’t say you forgot me?”
Maria coughs in Jane’s arms as she says, “Cromwell?”
“In the flesh.” He bows, then laughs. “Well, not really flesh, or else I would probably have died by now.”
“What do you want?”
“For Anne Boleyn to suffer,” he snarls. Cromwell steps past them, towards the theater door, and sets out one last small explosive, the same he had used to destabilize the rest of the theater. “I hope you enjoyed this second life, Jane Seymour and Maria De Salinas, for it’s about to end.”
Jane doesn’t wait to see what happens next. She’s running, as best as she can with Maria in her arms, towards the back door of the theater. 
The door is approaching as she hears the fire roar louder behind her.
Then everything goes black.
“You knew.”
“Of course I did,” Jane says.
“But Maria was there too.”
Jane shakes her head. “She was in too much pain to know.”
Anne bites her lip and is silent for a long time. She has a thousand things she wants to say, but she can’t find the words to say any of them, not when there are bandages on Jane’s arms and cuts on Jane’s head and an almost damaged sound to Jane’s voice-
That voice, raspy but still so gentle, calls her attention again. “I’m going to be okay, love,” Jane promises. “I’m going to get better.”
Anne can’t help the crumbling that follows. She all but invites herself into the space at Jane’s side. “I’m sorry,” she mumbles into her shoulder. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
Jane hushes her softly, wrapping an arm around Anne’s shoulder and ignoring the pain it caused. “You have nothing to be sorry for,” Jane promises. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“That’s what Aragon said,” Anne mutters, “but it is my fault. Cromwell wanted to hurt me-”
“That was his choice,” Jane reminds her.
“You got hurt. You almost died.”
“I didn’t, and neither did Maria or any of us. We’re all okay, and no one is upset with you.”
Anne very shakily nods into Jane’s shoulder. Then, “will you keep holding me?”
The softest kiss is pressed to her hairline, followed by Jane’s patented, “of course I will, love.”
Anne closes her eyes at the soft touch. They might have a long way to go with healing, both physically and mentally, and a theater to rebuild, but they can get through it.
Together, as Jane and Aragon liked to remind her. 
Together is the only way to be.
tag list: @spookabeth @kats-seymour @qualquercoisa945 @jane-fucking-seymour @a-slightly-cracked-egg @justqueentingz @annabanana2401 @wolfies-chew-toy @broad-way-13 @tvandmusicals @lailaliquorice @aimieallenatkinson @sweet-child-why03 @gaylinda-of-the-upper-uplands @funky-lesbians @thinkaboutitmaybe @haniawritesthings @messanaa @rigatoni-ravioli @prick-up-ur-ears @theartoflazy @justqueentwo @brother-orion @paleshadowofadragon @lafemmestars @beautifulashes17 @jarneiarichardnxel @idkimbadwithusernamesandstuff @philopeanut @mixer1323 @boleynssixthfinger @aimieallen @elphiesdance @boleynthebunny @krystalhuntress @lupin-loves-chocolate @bellacardoza16 @bluify @katherines-choker @why-only-have-one-fandom @missmarvelmixer @le-mlp-nerd @0-hufflepuffle-0 @drawinglinesinarbitraryplaces @lesbabe6 @wicked-books-101 @insertmusicaltheatrepunhere @toomanyfamdom @zoalis @rainbowmoose01 @broadwayqueer
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hanalwayssolo · 5 years
Between The Phrases and Pages
A/N: Back at it again! This time I return with my obvious bias lmao
Tagging some pals! @raspberryandechinacea @noboomoon @emmydots @bleucommelhiver @gowithme @hanatsuki89 @valkyrieofardyn @animakupo@lazarustrashpit @blindedstarlight @mp938368 @boo-dangy (i have 6 more remaining in the series, so to anyone interested to get tagged, lmk!)
(Links in AO3) Alternate Universes in Which You and I Belong Together: Noctis | Gladio | Prompto | Ignis | Nyx | Cor | Ravus | Ardyn
Today marks your seventh visit in Once Upon A Page, and Gladio could not resist watching you read his copy of e.e. cummings’ Erotic Poems with clinical concentration.
He tries to imagine what page of the book you are reading. Are you, perhaps, somewhere in the first half of As We Lie Side By Side? “I shove hotly the lovingness of my belly against you,” reads the first couple of lines in the poem. “Do not laugh at my thighs. There is, between my legs, a crisp city. When you touch me, it is spring in the city; the streets beautifully writhe, it is for you.” Funny how Gladio still has it memorized. He can recite the words by heart, even if each line has been soiled by the memory of the nights he made love to his wife—or his ex-wife, rather. The prefix still pricks like a barbed wire at the tip of his tongue.
Gladio dismisses the horrible thought and chooses to study your face instead. From his cash register counter, he observes you sitting on one of the couches in the reading nook. He can see no sign on your blank face for any sort of reaction. Nowhere in the focused gaze of your eyes nor in the firm line of your lips can he tell what’s on your mind. He can spy a tiny tinge of pink on your face, and it might as well be from the heat of this blistering summer’s day. He’s dying to know what your thoughts are on the poem. In fact, he’s been dying to figure you out ever since you bought books of different genres in the last couple of days you have dropped by his bookstore. One day, it’s all fantasy and science fiction with A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George R. R. Martin and the rest of the books in The Broken Earth series by N. K. Jemisin; then the next, a couple of pastel-covered contemporary romance from authors he could hardly recognize. Two days later, you returned to purchase even heavier reads: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace—both of which, personally, Gladio found a bit boring for his tastes. He had to admit that you did pique his curiosity when you picked up copies of Delta of Venus by Anaïs Nin, The Wild Iris by Louise Glück, and War of the Foxes by Richard Siken one lazy Saturday afternoon, or that particular weekend you bought all of John Green’s and Rainbow Rowell’s books—effectively shattering his speculation whether or not you’re into young adult fiction. But what truly earned you his admiration was that time you spent one Sunday evening glued to one of the reading corners, dedicatedly poring over Henruit’s Silence of Knowledge. That book is and will always be his personal favourite, and seeing you read it with the spark of enjoyment in your eyes filled him with a pleasant satisfaction.
As far as Gladio can tell at this point, the only thing he knows about you for sure is this: you certainly love books. There’s no doubt about it. Each of your visits never fail to keep him on his toes. What book are you going to buy next? What genre will you be obsessing over? The more you visit, the more Gladio is keen to know you. But what should he say to you? Usually, he can charm his customers with a simple “Hello, that’s a nice pick for today,” or “How did your last read go?” to make small talk, one that eventually leads to an often interesting discussion about their favourite books. With you, it seems whatever charm or charisma he believes he carries in himself ceases to exist. The first time he had tried to make conversation with you, you only smiled at him and left with your purchase without saying a word. His next attempts were a tongue-tied mess, as if you have been designed to cripple his confidence. But this time, he wants to try again. He wants to learn more about you. He wants to learn what specifically tickles your fancy, what turns you on—
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” Gladio barely notices Iris sidling up to him, one elbow propped on the counter and one eyebrow raised in jest. “You know, you can go up there and say hello.”
Gladio scoffs. “And disturb them away from their read? I don’t think so.”
“So you’re just going to watch them like some creeper, huh.” Iris casts him a withering look.
Gladio, however, remains unaffected. Evenly, he says, “I’m not being a creeper, it’s called people-watching—”
“Did I hear that right? Gladio is back on his creeping business?” Prompto bursts in from the back of the shop armed with a box of newly delivered books. Behind him, Noctis is shaking his head, laughing.
“Like I said—” Gladio sighs in exasperation, tries to make his tone less defensive— “I am not creeping—”
“Sure, whatever you say, big guy.” Noctis pats him on the back, a snarky smile on his face. Prompto and Iris laugh. Somehow, Gladio is relieved that Ignis is off busily tending the café counter on the other side, else all four of them would have easily tore him to shreds with their endless stream of annoying banter.
Nevertheless, Gladio loves this banter all the same. He’s happy to have these four troublemakers by his side. Once Upon A Page would have remained a pipe dream if not for the encouragement of his sister, the constant support of his three best friends, and of course, the sage counsel of his father. At thirty-five, running a bookstore was never a part of his long term plan; Gladio thought that by this age, he would finally reach the zenith of some ideal adulthood: a stable job, a nice house in the suburbs, a loving wife to always come home to. Those things, simple as they may be, have always been part of his grand aspirations in life. But the last two years had all been a merciless undoing, as if his life was pulling a loose thread, happening stitch by stitch: first came his ex-wife’s betrayal and the subsequent collapse of their marriage, then came losing his job after a company merger, quickly followed by his father’s battle with cancer. Everything that held him together came undone so ruthlessly. He had no choice but to rebuild himself from the jagged shards of his broken life, and rebuild himself he did. Painstakingly, rigorously, until his old self became a shadow of the man he had once been.
Somehow, opening this bookstore became Gladio’s saving grace. Each nook and cranny of this shop, he had meticulously laboured and designed out of his rekindled love for books: the rows of mahogany shelves stretching from floor to ceiling, all packed with numerous titles of both old and new; the cozy reading corners draped in beaded curtains and fairy lights, decorated in the casual glory of mismatched furniture; the humble café on the opposite side of the cash register, one that housed tiered pastry stands to showcase Iris’s delectable desserts, and the expensive espresso machine Gladio had received on his wedding day—something his ex-wife refused to take and one he gladly kept—that Ignis now used to brew his signature coffee blends. There’s a platform with a mic stand on the other side, a tiny island surrounded with technicolour bean bags that hosted many of Prompto’s spoken word literary nights. In this small and quaint space, every spot is perfumed by the crisp aroma of coffee, every corner incensed by the smell of old books. Gladio never imagined that he would be owning this beauty of a sanctuary with his closest friends, and now, he could only be grateful for the tumultuous ups and downs of his life. Because now, he couldn’t dare imagine trading this bookstore for anything else.
Iris yanks the sleeve of Gladio’s shirt. “Hey, Gladdy—”
“What?” Gladio says snappily, narrowing his eyes at his sister. Noctis has drifted to the café to help out Ignis serving coffee to a group of sleepless college students huddled on the long table, while Prompto has himself occupied with the inventory.
Iris stares at Gladio, as if he hasn’t been paying close attention. She jerks her head in front of the counter. “Uh, a customer?”
Gladio turns to see you standing by the cash register, watching his brief exchange with Iris. The heat of embarrassment rises to his cheeks.
“Oh, hi,” Gladio says with a nervous smile. He mentally punches himself in the face for making a fool out of himself in front of you. “Uh, sorry about that. How can I help you?”
You shake your head, offering him a kind smile in return. “No, it’s alright. Um, so—” you sweep a hand over your hair, all the while gingerly sliding the copy of e.e. cummings’ Erotic Poems over the counter— “do you happen to have a new stock of this book?”
Iris leans over and checks the title. Startlingly, she turns to Gladio and says, “Hey, isn’t this your own copy—”
“Nope,” Gladio says sternly. He shoots her a deadly glare; Iris shrugs it off. Of course his sister would notice that. It’s only a matter of time before she figures out that he’d been purposely selling the books gifted to him by his ex-wife by hiding it with the rest of their sale.
“Is it true?” you ask. There is no judgment on your face, only a genuine expression of curiosity.
“Uh, yeah. Long story,” Gladio says, rubbing the back of his neck. He clears his throat and asks, “How did you like it?”
“I love it, actually.” A shy smile and a faint blush spreads across your face, and Gladio swears that for a moment, he forgets how to breathe at the sight of it. “It’s… sensual. The author has his way with words.”
“Yeah, tell me about it,” he says, nodding in agreement. “In any case, since my sister had me busted, you can have it. Free of charge.”
You wave a hand. “Oh, no I don’t think I can—”
“No, it’s fine.” Gladio smiles, sliding the book back to you. “You’ve been coming here and buying a lot of books, and you’ve been keeping my sales up. So, yeah. Consider this a gift. I insist.”
You consider Gladio for a moment. The way you are looking at him right now—lips slightly parted, eyes searching in disbelief—sends his heart racing at an alarming speed. Eventually, you say, “Okay. Thank you. It’s weird, this reminds me of that scene in this Disney film—”
“You mean the one from Beauty and The Beast? Where Belle gets a book from her local bookshop?” Iris chimes in, still watching both you and Gladio with brimming amusement.
“Yes, that’s it.” You laugh, and Gladio watches your face brighten into a bubbling radiance. If your smile had his lungs forget how to function, your laughter might have killed him right then and there.
Iris laughs, too. “I think it’s quite apt, in more ways than one. ‘Cause you’re quite a beauty and my brother here’s a beast,” she teases. Gladio only frowns at her, rolling his eyes.
“Oh, but he makes a very handsome beast,” you quickly tell Iris. Then, a pause. A very awkward pause. Gladio looks away with a sheepish smile, hoping against hope he isn’t blushing like an idiot this time around. Meanwhile, Iris is grinning from ear to ear. You nervously stammer, “Uh, I mean, well… never mind.” You heave a sigh and hurriedly say, “I’m so sorry. Thank you so much for this, um—” you squint at Gladio’s nametag, then at Iris’s— “Gladio. And you, too, Iris. Anyway, I gotta go. Bye.”
Gladio and Iris watch you hastily march out of the bookstore, the sound of the metal wind chimes tinkling at your departure.
Iris is still smiling as if she had won the lottery. Wearing a triumphantly teasing look, she says. “Wipe that blush off your face, you handsome beast.”
“Yes, you handsome beast,” Prompto repeats. He is leaning on a shelf, arms crossed over his chest, flashing Gladio a cheeky grin. On the other hand, from across the room behind the café counter, Noctis is looking at him with a giddy smile. So does Ignis.
“Can it, all of you,” he says out of annoyance, but he cannot help the smile that curls the corners of his mouth. He has to admit: he likes the way his name sounds in your lips, how it softly rolls off with the lilt of your voice.
Slowly, it dawns on him that he had forgotten to do one simple thing.
He had forgotten to ask for your name.
Today marks your seventh visit in Once Upon A Page, and you finally catch a glimpse of Mr. Muscle Man’s name tag.
You try to forget how you have so easily embarrassed yourself in front of Mr. Muscle Man—or Gladio, rather—with something completely tactless. A handsome beast. Who casually says that in the middle of a decent conversation? Either way, what’s done is done.
Walking back to your apartment, you clutch the book in your hands. Some part of you wants to entertain the distracting idea that a stranger entrusted you with such an intimate piece of literature, but you are only touched by his gesture. You can only hope that Gladio has not caught you blushing as you read through e.e. cummings’ Erotic Poems, especially when you got to the last half of As We Lie Side By Side. “O mountain, you cannot escape me,” read the remaining lines of the poem. “Your roots are anchored in my silence; therefore, oh mountain, skillfully murder my breasts, still and always I will hug you solemnly into me.” Back in the bookstore, you couldn’t help imagine the rich baritone of his velvety voice reading the lines of the poem to you—or quite madly, you couldn’t help imagine how he’s doing all these carnal things to you that the warmth on your cheeks had traveled between your legs…
You expel the foolish thought, shaking your head at your own severely inappropriate imagination. It is quite obvious that Gladio is awfully attractive and one heck of a devastatingly handsome man; but the guilt of reducing him to a beacon of a fantasy weighs heavy on your stomach. He deserves more than that. After all, with the generosity and hospitality he has extended to you throughout your visits, what you truly want is to earn his friendship. In fact, you’re dying to know what his thoughts are on the poem. You’re dying to know his personal tastes in books. Not once had he ever judged you on your selection of purchases, and you could not help but wonder what his favourite book could be. Or if he even has one. How can a man like him who’s running a lovely bookstore possibly pick a favourite?
As far as you can tell at this point, the only thing you know about Gladio with much certainty is this: he loves books. There’s no doubt about it. He wouldn’t be tending to a bookstore if he didn’t. And that fact alone makes him a hundred times more attractive, which now makes each of your bookstore trips a bit more troublesome. What if he sees you staring at him? What if you see him staring back? The more you visit, the more you are drawn to know Gladio. But what should you say to him? Clearly, you cannot even begin to formulate a normal sentence without embarrassing yourself—as already exhibited in your earlier exchange. Besides, in his attempts to make conversation with you, you always end up shrugging him off with an awkward smile out of your nervousness. You hope he does not think you are too rude or callous. Because this time, you want to properly return his kindness. You want to learn more about him. You want to learn what stirs his curiosity, what makes him smile—
Someone is tapping you over your shoulder. “Uh, excuse me?”
You freeze for a moment. The sound of that voice sends your heart beating violently against your chest. It’s a voice you can probably pick out even in a crowded room. You turn around and see Gladio, all flustered and breathless.
“Hey, so. I think this is yours,” he says, handing you a phone. Which you first find strange. Then, for another second, you realize that it is your phone. Shit. How reckless can you get today?
“Oh my god, I… uh, thank you. So, so much,” you say in a stupefied relief, taking your phone from his hand. “I probably wouldn’t realize that I left this until I reached my apartment.” The sidewalk is glazed with the summer heat and you are already a few blocks away from his bookstore that you just have to ask: “You didn’t happen to run all the way here, did you?”
“Well, I had to,” Gladio says with a crack of laughter. “But it’s fine. I think you’re worth chasing after.” He pauses, then quickly adds, “Because y’know, you left your phone. And besides—” he scratches his cheek, hesitates for a brief moment, then runs a hand through his ponytailed hair— “you got my name but I never got yours.”
You try to chew the smile that threatens to escape your lips, but you fail miserably. You regard him curiously for a second, narrowing your eyes at him. “Do you always ask the name of your customers?”
“No,” he says, shaking his head. “Usually I don’t need to ask since they give it to me on their own.”
You roll your eyes. “Right. Of course. Very charming.”
“So you think I’m charming?”
“Haven’t decided on that yet.”
“How about you decide on that after one date?”
A stunned silence. The cacophony of honking cars and bustling pedestrians fill in the wordlessness. You stare at him and with uncertainty, you repeat, “One date? Are you… asking me out?”
“Yes. Yes, I am.” Gladio nods with a smile. The way his smile illuminates his face, you can promise that this summer afternoon has never been brighter. He digs his hands on the pocket of his jeans, his expression suddenly dubious. “Is it… too soon?”
“No, not at all,” you say. “I’d love to go.”
The said date did prove that Gladio is, indeed, one charming man. Excruciatingly charming, even. Without a shadow of a doubt. He had arranged to close Once Upon A Page the rest of the evening just for the two of you. Without the sight of customers flocking his shop, the place looks even more magical: the whimsical arrangement of furniture, the towers of bookshelves teeming with books, the soft jazz music wafting from the stereo. The both of you spent hours in the reading nook talking about books, trading recommendations, and exchanging good-hearted criticism on reads that never quite left a mark on your reading experience. (”I gave up halfway on Atlas Shrugged, just so you know. While I support Dagny Taggart as a badass female protagonist, it all felt too... wordy? Prosaic? I don’t know how to describe it,” you tell him when he asked you what you thought of the Ayn Rand book you once bought, and he couldn’t help but laugh, because he, too, felt the same.) The majority of the night was then wasted away in a comfortable silence reading each other’s favourites.
The said date led to another. Then one more. Then two, three, four, five... until the nights you had spent with him could no longer be measured in numbers. Days drifted to weeks, weeks meandered to months. By then, you could only measure it by the way he makes you feel each time you are together. As if you are home, as if you are safe, as if you have always loved him your entire life.
Today marks the night that Gladio openly shares with you the story of his life, and you look at him with a genuine kindness that makes his heart swell.
Sitting side by side on the couch of his bookstore’s reading nook, you rest your head on his shoulder, threading your fingers with his. Quietly, he confides in you the pain. It’s all in the past now, but he has not talked about the gravity of it all with anyone else. Not even with Noctis, or Prompto, or Ignis. Not even with his sister.
“So yeah, that’s why you found that e.e. cumming’s book,” Gladio explains. “Quite a petty move, isn’t it?”
“No, I don’t think so,” you tell him sincerely. He pulls you even closer, and you look up at him with a smile. “We all have our ways of coping with heartbreak. I remember my mum once telling me that we do all these things to move on because we put the people we love on a pedestal. And I think she’s right—there's a sense of trust in that, because in a way, we equip them with the weapons we know that could hurt us, all the while firmly believing that they would never wield it to do us any harm. So when they fall from grace—unconsciously or otherwise—the easiest response is to put the blame on ourselves, rip out our feelings and memories of them to be cured faster of the hurt.”
Gladio nods pensively. “Yeah, but most of the time, in the process, some eventually close their hearts to love.”
A solemn silence lingers. Then, you cast him a searching look. “Have you closed your heart to love?”
“At some point, I was about to.” His lips quirk into a small smile. “But then I met you.”
You say nothing. You can’t say anything. Did he just…
Gladio immediately understands the bewildered expression on your face as he goes on to say, “Y’know, you made me realize that I don’t want to live the rest of my life with my heart closed to others just so I could avoid getting hurt. To love is to live. To hurt is also to live. I’d rather feel anything than choose to feel nothing.” He tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, and a wide smile spreads all over his face. “So I guess what I’m trying to say here is yes, I'm in love with you.”
Again, you say nothing. Instead, you meet his lips with yours. Somewhere, you hear the wild cheers from Iris and Noctis, and Prompto saying, “Get a room, you two!” but you didn’t pay anyone any mind. Gladio doesn’t mind them, either. Because he kisses you as if the world is on fire and your mouth is the only way to extinguish the flames. He has been used to carrying the burden alone, but with you, the burden feels lighter. With you, he feels like he is home. Like he is safe. Like he has always loved you his entire life.
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six Reasons Why You Should Have a Living Trust
When you've ever thought about a living trust, it's possibly because you hate the particular idea of going through probate. Living trusts have got been heavily marketed on that basis within the last many years and, yes, living trusts certainly do stay away from probate. But, there's a great deal more to living cartouche than just that. Within fact, avoiding probate will be not even oneof the particular top three reasons regarding money trust. In our opinion, it's #4. To be able to set the record right, here are the best 6 main reasons why you need to have a living confidence. Reason #1: Protecting House for many Beneficiaries. This will be seldom mentioned as the reason for a lifestyle trust, but it's possibly one of the most important reasons. Any time the majority of us think about house planning, we believe about offering our property to the husband or wife, our own children, as well as other loved ones after we die. On the other hand, sometimes our intended beneficiaries just aren't able in order to handle an inheritance. Minor youngsters are the usual suspects here. Many states don't even allow minor youngsters to own property due to the fact they're just too younger. Instead, the state appoints a guardian to maintain the property until they will reach majority age (usually age 18). Even then, parents cringe in the thought of an 18-year old getting any amount associated with money. The very first thing they might do is quit institution, buy an expensive automobile, and head to Cancun. However minor children aren't the only ones who spend money. Most experts agree that no one under the age of twenty five should be given a great inheritance outright because they will need time and energy to finish institution and start a profession. Associated with course, there are numerous people older than 25 that shouldn't have money possibly. Some are spendthrifts from heart, others are inside not-so-good marriages, still others are dealing with bankruptcy. After that there are those who are merely too frail and crippled to manage property by themselves. Giving any amount associated with property to any regarding these people will certainly not be the good idea. That's when a trust becomes a vital part of your current estate planning. A trust allows you to possess your cake and eat it too. Let's take a look at the typical example and notice how it works. Parenthetically that you have a new 20-year old son who is a junior inside college. If you along with your wife both die, you desire your son to obtain all your property, including typically the equity in your house, your lifestyle insurance, retirement plans, etc. If you reduce your entire property to cash, it may easily amount to $250, 000 or more. Yet, having your executor compose a check to your current son for $500, 500 is typically not a good idea. Instead, it would end up being far better to create a new trust for your boy with someone else, point out a buddy, family relative, legal professional, or if your local bank, like trustee. The trustee would hold the money and invest it for your boy's benefit until he reached a more mature age, say age 25. In the meantime, your trustee would use the cash to pay for your own son's schooling, his general living expenses, and just about any other expenses you may possibly specify in the trust instrument - including a downpayment on a home or perhaps a new company. When your boy reaches the required age, the trust would end in addition to your son can be provided a check for typically the full value of the particular trust during that time. Revocable living trusts happen to be used to be able to protect property for hundreds of years, in addition to it is probably 1 of the most essential reasons for a revocable living trust today. If you have any beneficiaries who are in this particular position, then a revocable living is a necessary element of your overall property planning. Reason #2: Reducing or Eliminating Estate Taxation. Many people say of which a revocable living trust doesn't save estate fees. Technically, they're right. There are no provisions in the federal tax regulations that exempt revocable dwelling trusts from estate fees. However, living trusts are often used by individuals in addition to families to take benefit of certain deductions plus credits allowed under the particular tax laws. That sounds like trash, but allow me explain. For folks declining this year, up to be able to $1, 500, 000 is usually not affected by federal estate taxes. This exemption is referenced to as a "unified credit. " Besides the particular unified credit, no property tax is levied on any property passing in order to a surviving spouse. This "marital deduction" is limitless, so you could exchange any amount of money in your spouse without paying estate taxes. Here's just what typically happens when a hubby and wife have simple wills. Let's assume that each of you has a $1, 000, 000 estate. Let's also assume that you pass away first and that your can leaves all of your property to be able to your wife. Your house pays no estate taxation because of the marriage deduction. Upon your wife's subsequent death, her house (then $2, 000, 000) is left to your current children. Your wife's estate would then need to pay a good estate tax of approximately $235. 000, as your wife's unified credit covers just the first $1, 500, 000 of her house. The remainder is taxed at graduated rates attaining 47%. You can remove this $235, 000 estate tax very easily along with a revocable living rely on. Let's assume, for example , of which you only give your current wife $500, 000 plus that the other $500, 000 is put in your revocable living trust. Your current estate still doesn't shell out an estate tax because the property given to be able to your spouse is exempt under typically the marital deduction and the particular property given to your rely on is exempt under your unified credit. Now, however, your wife's estate is usually only worth $1, five hundred, 000 (her original $1, 000, 000 plus typically the $500, 000 you offered her). Upon her dying, no estate taxes can be paid by the girl estate as the entire $1, 500, 000 is included by her unified credit. The $500, 000 on your revocable living rely on is not taxed in your wife's estate due to the fact she didn't own that, even though she was your preferred beneficiary and could receive distributions if the girl needed some money. This very simple but extremely effective technique - authorized by the use associated with a revocable living rely on - would eliminate roughly $235, 000 in federal estate taxes in the previously mentioned example. For this purpose, any married couple with a combined estate inside excess of the single credit (currently $1, five hundred, 000) should consider the revocable living trust to be able to take advantage of this tax-saving technique. Reason #3: Managing Property upon Inability. One of the major concerns that many of us have right now is not about declining - it's about living too long! We notice it all around us - we be worried about our parents living in their very own home. We worry about their bills being paid out and whether someone will certainly walk off with their own money. Oftentimes, we usually are powerless to help all of them because all of their own property is in their own name. Unfortunately, without performing some prior planning, the particular only option we have is to file a credit card applicatoin with the probate court to have a guardian appointed regarding them. What a gut wrenching experience because all their particular personal and financial extramarital relationships will have to end up being paraded before total strangers, and they will have to suffer the indignity in addition to humiliation of being announced incompetent. It doesn't have got to be this way. Numerous people try to prevent that result by putting certain properties (particularly examining and savings accounts) inside joint name with the son or daughter. That will enables the son or perhaps daughter to pay their own bills, but it won't provide a large amount of help along with other financial matters. That also creates more problems when the parent drops dead because those accounts pass automatically to the son or daughter and leaves the other children out in the cold. A better solution is a tough power of attorney. A new durable power of legal professional allows you to designate the people you would like to help you together with economical affairs. However, as good as a tough power of attorney is usually - and I'm the firm believer that everyone over the age regarding 50 ought to have one - it will experience some shortcomings. First, your attorney-in-fact may find a few financial institutions difficult to function with. Second, it may not supply your attorney-in-fact all the powers needed to control your affairs. For instance, if you were producing gifts to family users on a regular schedule, your attorney-in-fact would not necessarily be able to continue making those gifts unless of course that was specifically stated in the document. A much better fix is the revocable living trust. A revocable living trust permits your successor trustee in order to take over whenever you resign or become disabled. There exists generally no disruption in the management of your own property, and no the courtroom supervision. Revocable living trust agreements also enjoy a larger stage of acceptance throughout typically the legal and financial community, and almost all states provide a broad range of statutory capabilities about the management of believe in property. While it will be true that a residing trust isn't effective except if your property is in the trust, a tough power of attorney will enable your attorney-in-fact to be able to transfer property into your trust if you cannot do this on your own. Reason #4: Avoiding Probate. It is true that property in your revocable residing trust will not experience probate when you pass away. That's because the rely on instrument spells out who else get's the house. It's a lot like life insurance, usually are, 401(k) plans, IRAs, in addition to company retirement plans - those properties do not go through probate because they will each have a designated assignee. Jointly-owned property, with protection under the law of survivorship, doesn't go through probate, either. That passes automatically towards the making it through joint owner. That does indeed not mean, however, that will your successor trustee will be free to distribute the trust property immediately. It's not as simple as that. Just because your current property is in trust doesn't mean that your own outstanding debts don't have to be paid. Also, the federal government nevertheless would like to collect its estate taxes; your state authorities still desires to collect their inheritance taxes; and the particular probate court still desires some fees although most of your property might avoid probate. There most likely will be trustee's fees and attorney's fees as well. In view associated with all these expenses, typically the successor # trustee might be able to make some advanced distributions from the trust, but enough cash has to be maintained in the trust in order to pay all the financial obligations and expenses. Still, the reasonably efficient successor trustee will be able to be able to determine fairly quickly just how much the possible debts and expenses can be, and he or she will then have the ability to help make advanced distributions accordingly. Inside the final analysis, the majority of revocable living trusts are able to distribute home more quickly and together with a lot less cost than is possible through probate. Does that mean that everybody should avoid probate? I actually don't think so. Many people suggest a threshold reduce of $100, 000, bar real estate, in order to justify the price regarding a revocable living believe in. I think the cut-off should be much lower compared to that. Most states have a simplified probate for estates valued at less than $20, 000. If you're in that situtation, next a simplified probate is probably right for an individual. However , if your probate estate is valued from more than $20, 1000, then you really want to look closely at a revocable living rely on, especially if any of the some other reasons for a revocable living trust use to you. After all, it doesn't take much to make up for the few dollars it will take to create a revocable living rely on. Reason #5: Avoiding a Will Contest. It really is a fact that a will is far more likely to be contested than a revocable lifestyle trust. That's as a can goes into effect only if a person dies, while a revocable living trust switches into effect as shortly as the trust instrument is signed and generally takes some time right after the owner's death. When you're going to tournament a will, all a person have to do is usually prove that the testator was either incompetent or perhaps under undue influence at the precise moment the will was signed. To contest a revocable living trust, you have to be able to provide evidence that the grantor was incompetent or under excessive influence not only whenever the trust instrument was signed, but also any time each property was transferred to the trust, when each and every investment decision was produced, and when each and every supply was made to typically the owner or anyone otherwise. That is virtually not possible to do. Moreover, this costs nothing to contest a will. All a disgruntled member of the family has to be able to do is object whenever the will is introduced for probate, then seek the services of an attorney on the contingency fee basis, plus wait for the end result. A disgruntled family fellow member has nothing to shed. On the other hands, contesting a revocable residing trust generally involves the substantial commitment of moment and money. Whereas the will contest is noticed in probate court, a new revocable living trust competition is heard in city court where there are really substantial filing fees and formal procedures that possess to be followed. Still, some people argue that will will contests are seldom successful, so why bother with a revocable living trust? The answer is usually threefold: First, a may contest puts a screeching halt on the negotiation of an estate. Most will contests have a minimal of two or even more years to complete and, in the course of that period, no droit will be made to be able to anyone. Second, defending a new will contest involves a lot of attorney time of which results in large attorneys' fees. Even unsuccessful will contests end up priced at $50, 000 or more in attorney's fees. 3 rd, many will contests usually are settled before they actually be able to court. In that case, the estate will certainly be further diminished by the amount of the negotiation. Within the final analysis, may contests are time consuming and expensive. The easiest method to avoid them is through a revocable living trust. Reason #6: Privacy. Most of us naturally dislike the concept of probate due to the fact it is a general public process. Theoretically, anyone might go into probate courtroom when a person dies and appear at the property file. You can read the may, you can find out and about who the relatives plus beneficiaries are, you can look at the promises of creditors and the particular set of assets, and a person can find the phone numbers and addresses of house beneficiaries. Unscrupulous sales individuals often go through house files to find grieving future heirs to victimize. Disgruntled future heirs, even friends and neighbors, often such as to poke their noses into an estate file to see what's right now there. Revocable living trusts could prevent all of that. Revocable living trusts usually are private; they don't get filed with the probate court, and no one gets to look at them unless of course the grantor or the trustee allows it. Some people put a top worth on privacy - a few people don't. In the experience, most people know regardless of whether they will have a challenge with a family member or some one else concerning their estate. In those cases, privacy becomes a really important concern and one that will properly be address having a revocable living rely on. These, then, are the top 6 reasons exactly why you should have a revocable living trust. In case more than one of these causes apply to you, then you should consult an expert to see whether a revocable living trust tends to make sense in your total estate planning.
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pantsact67 · 2 years
Visitor Visastourism, Study Chinese, Business
Business disputes between U.S. residents and Chinese business partners can typically result in bodily confrontation or kidnapping. Go straight to the police when you really feel threatened or relocate to a public place. Failure to register with the police inside 24 hours of arrival within the nation could result in fines and deportation. You can register with lodge staff or the native police station. ItsEasy maintains the visa requirements to all countries, including china. Use the widget above to see your explicit requirements for visiting china based mostly upon your citizenship and state of residence within the USA. Passport and Entry Control in Beijing, ChinaIf your paperwork are not valid, you will be turned away and made to take the subsequent flight out of China. However, since 2016, visa fees have once more been officially listed in Russian ruble only. The agreement has been amended by each parties in early 2017 which paved ways to long run, multiple-entry visas. From 15 June 2017, Argentine candidates are eligible for multiple-entry L and M visas valid for 10 years. The value for such visa is US$60 or roughly ARS$2,four hundred. Hong Kong permanent residents are eligible for a 3-year visa if they have acquired at least one 6 or 12-month multiple-entry visa prior to now. Non visa-exempt nationals of ASEAN countries listed under can go to Guilin with no visa for a maximum of 6 days in the occasion that they journey with an approved tour group and enter China from Guilin Liangjiang International Airport. Entry clearance is critical for Thai nationals for journey to China. A Chinese Visitor Visa for Thai nationals may be granted for visits of as a lot as 30 days per entry in a period of 6 or 12 months. Foreigners who wish to enter China for tourism purposes will want an L visa, which has a period of between 30 and 90 days. Canada and U.S. citizens could qualify for a multiple entry tourist visa legitimate for ten years. Visa Application_embassy Of The People's Republic Of China In The United States Of America Circumstances in which a visa or residence allow shall not be issued as prescribed by the provisions of Article 21 or Article 31 of the Exit and Entry Administration Law. A foreigner holding a residence allow for examine shall not engage in any off-campus work-study or internship until the knowledge prescribed within the previous paragraph is specified in his or her residence permit. China Discovery is a professional and experienced journey companion who offers high-value and worry-free excursions for you. The type must be crammed in completely, clearly and in truth, fastidiously reviewed and checked before submission and printed out. Any false, deceptive or incomplete information may lead to denial of the visa or refusal of entry into China. Fill within the all sections of the form clearly, completely and really, and upload a professional photograph, save and submit the form, keep your utility number. All air passengers to the United States are also required to offer contact data to airlines before boarding flights to the United States. A negative COVID-19 take a look at result taken no more than 1 day earlier than journey. There is also an possibility for individuals who have documented restoration from COVID-19 in the past 90 days. Article 5 The scope and measures for issuance of diplomatic, courtesy and official visas shall be specified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Original and replica of proof of relationship, e.g. marriage certificates, start certificate, etc. For students making use of for an X1 visa, additionally, you will need to supply the original and replica of the JW201 or JW202 Foreign Student Visa Application Form. If you want to turn into a permanent Chinese resident, you'd apply for a D visa. Previously, business people would be granted the F visa more often than not, but it has now advanced to be for people on an exchange program for sports, well being or culture, amongst others, or for these conducting scientific research. Today, the M visa, issued to foreigners visiting China for commerce and commerce business, has turn out to be most common. Scholar Visas Step-by-step instructions to ensure you have the correct visa and/or entry paperwork to study overseas are available in your myIESabroad account once you're accepted to a program. Normally, the Hong Kong Immigration department will problem your coaching visa 4-6 weeks after they obtain all required materials. The Chinese touris visa payment for U.S. citizens could change relying on the present conversion price and is often $140. Have a pal or family member submit your application to your consulate in your behalf. There are additionally plenty of funding schemes targeting specific groups of scholars, such asstudents from developing countries andwomen studying male-dominated subjects. Nothing within the regulation prevents an organization or a person from paying the complete tuition costs for the student. However, the fee can not come from public funds. The scholar should nonetheless present that he or she has sufficient funds to cowl schooling and living expenses while in the United States. Once you allow the us after finishing your studies you are not eligible to re-enter along with your present I-20. During scheduled breaks like summer time trip, worldwide college students may work full-time. With a Canadian study permit, you can change your college or program at any time. To achieve this, you will want to make positive you are following the proper procedure and staying throughout the circumstances of your study allow. Is any faculty that's allowed to admit international college students. China Visa Necessities, Required Documents Of China Visa Utility American passport holders whose passports are legitimate over 6 months are eligible for visa exempt entry to Taiwan for up to 90 days no extension. You must have a ticket showing the exit date is earlier than the 90 days expire. A visa utility type could be submitted by the applicant himself or entrusted to a 3rd party . A PRC embassy or consulate could request for authentication of the applicant, that's the reason the latter shall affirm the signature in the software type. Most foreigners will only need to register on the native police station, go for the health examine, and go for the interview at the PSB, and even then an area colleague will most likely accompany you. The zero-tolerance approach to COVID-19 by the PRC and Hong Kong governments severely impacts journey and entry to public providers. All travelers should put together to quarantine at a government-designated location for a minimal of 14 days upon arrival. While in quarantine, well being authorities will check travelers as typically as every day for COVID-19 and will not allow vacationers to go away their rooms. The rush application is just valid in selected countries and for dire emergencies as approved by the Chinese Consular. Foreigners who want to completely reside in China need to use for this visa. X1 Visa – Students requiring a hundred and eighty days examine interval or more. Students who want to examine or have their subject of research work in China will go for an X visa. However, upon certification from the varsity and different authorities, college students qualify for an internship. China Visa Software For many, the thought of traveling to China to do enterprise could seem like a frightening task. INS Global’s major aim is to assist companies do enterprise across borders in a simple, environment friendly method. Contact our specialists at present and allow us to assist you to simplify your business abroad. Visa candidates ought to fill in the visa software kind online. It is possible in some circumstances to extend your M visa if you ask for an extension no much less than seven days before the original expiration date. This may be an excellent possibility for you if the permitted period is insufficient to cowl your trip. Citizens ofCambodia,India,Indonesia,Laos,Myanmar, andVietnamcan apply on-line for an R.O.C. Travel Authorization Certificate from the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior. The paperwork and necessities are received by Ambassador Passport and Visa Services. Although the requirement for Chinese visa largely remains the same throughout completely different Chinese Consulates, there are some particular guidelines pertaining to each different Consulate. Click here to see if there's further requirement for your jurisdiction. Please check with the link for China visa picture specific requirement. Please use paper clip to connect the photo face-down to the shape. 台胞證 must have two or extra consecutive clean pages. This is the place the visa stamps and different visa-related stampings will be positioned. Only these paperwork are executed in Northern California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington and Alaska can apply to the Visa Office of the Consulate General of the P.R.C. in San Francisco. Sender tackle can notbe the visa workplace of Embassy or Chinese Consulate General. China Family Reunion Visa The card aims to attract experienced professionals in the fields of Science and Technology, Education, Culture and Arts, Sport, Law, Architecture and others helpful to Taiwan's economy. Applicants should cross a talent qualification procedure involving the submission of documents to validate their claims. three.7 Unless in any other case notified by the Application Centre, shoppers should gather their passports and visas earlier than the expiry of the visa. The Application Centre accepts no obligation of taking care of any passport if shoppers fail to collect the paperwork earlier than the expiry of the visa. Alternatives include a regular 10-year vacationer visa or a transit visa for a keep of not extra than three days. Visa candidates can take pleasure in a 180-day length of stay when applying for Q2 visas if they have "particular needs". The software payment for a Chinese visa is US$140 for regular processing and US$160 for expedited processing (2-3 enterprise days), whereas 1-business-day rush processing is US$170 and solely on the discretion of the consulate or embassy. Rush and expedited services are not offered by the Los Angeles consulate. In the latter case, the local diplomatic mission could outsource the dealing with of purposes to a Chinese Visa Application Service Center , or a Chinese Visa Application Service Facility . The Visa Center is "a business service group registered in accordance with local laws and rules and acknowledged by a Chinese Embassy or Consulate-General to deal with the every day routine work of processing ordinary visa functions". The CVASF is analogous group but is run solely by VFS Global. The Governments of the United States and China entered into an association on a reciprocal basis, to concern customer visas with 10-year validity. The arrangement recognized that travelers could be required to periodically complete an online type updating their biographical info. Completing this type will help facilitate the admission of Chinese travelers into the United States. The Form I-765 may have a filing charge of $550, whereas the Form I-131 could have a submitting payment of $590. This brings the total submitting charges to $2,270 for applicants filing the Forms I-485, I-765 and I-131 concurrently, which is almost double the present charges. There have been a quantity of questions regarding the September 15, 2020 U.S. It has come to VFS Global’s attention that, individuals misrepresenting themselves as VFS Global’ brokers or representatives have approached individuals to offer fraudulent/fictitious employment opportunities, with the intent to steal personal data or solicit money from individuals. On-line Reservation System & Booking Software Program Planyo Now the Irish authorities have overturned these adjustments, returning to their old ways. The new utility process for re-entry visas turned effective starting September three, this 12 months. It requires from candidates to file their applications by way of the registered postal system, at least five to 6 weeks before journey. If the application is complete your passport, software kind and paperwork might be held briefly by the applying heart. Please observe that you can not take the passport during the application course of with you, if you have to take your passport for whatever reason the application might be canceled and you will want to re-apply. Applicants holding service or diplomatic passports ought to fill within the on-line application form by way of our website. Next, you’ll receive an email that may allow you to schedule an appointment for your Swiss Schengen Visa application. The ultimate segment asks you to report any entry permit issued by a country exterior of the Schengen Zone, which you’ll visit during your journey. For instance, when you plan on leaving Switzerland and flying to Turkey earlier than returning to Greece , you’ll need to report that entry allow here. Please arrive not extra than 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment. In order to obtain your U.S. visa appointment, you should first file the DS-160 on-line visa utility through the us Depending on the sort of visa you’ve utilized for, this process to evaluation and course of your utility may take a number of days or a few weeks. The online applications might be permitted just for candidates in extraordinary situations with emergency journey wants, e.g., travel related to a severe illness or demise in the household. Fees might be applied for visa processing, which start from €80 for a single journey visa to €160 for an emergency visa. Ireland ceased to merely accept walk-in applications for re-entry visas in 2015, and introduced on-line purposes instead. Your passport should be legitimate for a minimum of six months past your interval of keep within the United States, except exempt bycountry-specific agreements. If a couple of person is included in your passport, each one that needs a visa should submit a separate application. Every applicant should complete the appliance kind with right and real data, and will take full obligation for the authenticity. Any false or incomplete info offered by the applicant, or any use of somebody else’s photo, shall be thought of as fraud and will result in visa rejection or refusal of entry. Consideration Required! Make sure to print out the web page containing your code for future reference. The web page may even embrace an software guide, an estimated tuition fees quantity, an inventory of paperwork you will want to submit with your software, and pointers on your next steps. On the other hand, those planning to enter for other functions than those talked about above will want to obtain a Schengen visa. While SEVP will make refunds when a I-901 SEVIS payment is paid twice, only the scholar or exchange visitor may request a refund. However, if the coed or exchange customer does request a refund and your establishment paid the payment, the refund shall be sent to your institution, not to the scholar or exchange customer. The answer to this query is decided by the error. SEVP processes the payments the day they're obtained, so it's doubtless that we've already processed your type or returned your Form I-901 and fee. If you do not complete the cost course of and obtain a management number or a affirmation quantity , your on-line Form I-901 just isn't saved. You will need to start the process over and select a fee technique. Some Embassies/Consulates require you to pay by way of a bank, while others accept money. If you may be pondering of visiting Indonesia as a tourist, you could not even have to use for an Indonesia Tourist Visa at all. That’s as a outcome of the Indonesia visa coverage is very lenient, and the vast majority of persons are exempt from tourist visa necessities. Except as we clarify below, you must file Form I-601 with the USCIS Lockbox in the United States by mail.
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celebritydecks · 8 months
Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena: The Triumph and Turmoil of a Power Couple
Introduction: Elizabeth Huberdeau
Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena were once considered a power couple in the world of professional wrestling. For WWE fans, the name Elizabeth Huberdeau might not immediately come to mind but she used to be the first lady of WWE Superstar John Cena. Many people respected their connection, but sadly it didn’t last.
She was born on 28 September 1979 in West Newbury, Massachusetts, United States. She graduated from Springfield College in Massachusetts, according to sources. With her parents and one brother, Elizabeth Huberdeau enjoys a large and loving family. Elizabeth A. (Jones) Huberdeau is her mother, and Gene R. Huberdeau was her father. Unfortunately, Elizabeth’s father died in 2015 at the age of 76. Her father was a retired police officer. Her mother is currently retired and happy to live at home. Elizabeth’s brother, Adam Huberdeau, is a little younger than she is. He is currently employed by the Groveland Fire Department.
She attended the same high school as John Cena. Currently, she resides in Florida. She formerly worked as a model and currently involved in the real estate industry, according to certain sources.
1. The Beginnings of a Love Story
Long before they became well-known, Elizabeth Huberdeau and John Cena were in love. They first met in their home town of West Newbury, Massachusetts and they were high school sweethearts. As they exchanged dreams and aspirations for the future, their bond grew deeper.
2. The Power Couple Emerges
Despite the challenges that come with fame and busy schedules, Elizabeth Huberdeau and John managed to build a strong foundation for their relationship. Their shared love for each other and dedication to their respective careers made them an unstoppable power couple, loved by fans worldwide.
In 2009, When they made the decision to get married, John Cena was already well-known. John announced his marriage to Elizabeth public while promoting his movie “12 Rounds”. Elizabeth and John were married on July 11 of that same year in a private ceremony performed in Boston, Massachusetts. Elizabeth was lovingly called “Liz Cena” by John and she eventually used this name as her nickname.
Huberdeau and Cena worked hard to advance their individual careers as a power couple. They were aware of the value of encouraging one another in their professional goals, whether it be Huberdeau’s endeavors away from the spotlight or Cena’s job as a wrestler.
3. Cracks in the Foundation
Elizabeth and John enjoyed a few happy years of marriage before a few problems strained their union. The pair divorced each other after around three years of marriage. John filed divorce his wife in May 2012. The divorce was finally finalized the same year in July. Regarding the cause of the divorce, there were various theories. Elizabeth later claimed that she was unaware that the divorce had been filed. According to sources, she also believed John had cheated on her, which led her to subsequently question their prenuptial agreement.
Some stories claim that the couple’s early problems came from a disagreement over a home renovation project and john didn’t pay contractors who worked on their property according to the contract they had with him.
John wasn’t ready to be a parent, therefore they never had kids.
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Statistics show that approximately one-third of Americans find themselves in a stepfamily relationship. Whether they are taking on the role of stepparent, stepchild or stepsibling, the stepfamily structure is not uncommon. Nor are the blended family challenges it brings.
According to data from the National Stepfamily Research Center, 60% of all remarriages end in divorce, compared to 43% of first marriages. Among those remarriages, 25% end in divorce within the first five years. Meanwhile, the average time between first marriage and remarriage is about 3.5 years.
If blended families are so prevalent, why are so many step couples and parents surprised by the challenges that they face?  
Despite the lower chance of staying together long-term, couples in remarriages still appear hopeful and willing to enter into the commitment. However, are they truly prepared? And does preparing oneself for step parenting increase your chances of success?
Anecdotal evidence from blended family experts Dr. Patricia Papernow and Dr. Tamara Golish suggest that preparation is a factor in blended family happiness.
We carefully reviewed the lessons Papernow and Golish gleaned from decades of experience counseling blended families. Below are three key takeaways we believe will benefit all step families and stepparents.
It is our hope that one or more of these tips will prepare you for the changes you will face and even tip the scales in your family's favor.
1.  Embrace the Step Parenting Struggles
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Perhaps the most challenging reality parents and stepparents face in a blended family is the hardwired attachment children have with their birth parents. While this can be seen as an ultimate benefit, this attachment provides an obstacle for stepparents.
"In a stepfamily, parents and their children have a pre-existing... attachment to each other," says Papernow. "They come with established agreements about everything, from whether Grape Nuts is a breakfast food or a form of cardboard, to the 'appropriate' price for a new pair of sneakers."
Children find it harder to adjust to divorce and subsequent remarriage than the adults involved. For them, the change is unchosen and, therefore, uncomfortable. On top of that, the birth parent is usually the only person who can help them cope with the transition. This can, in turn, create tension for the new couple.
Children over the age of eight, (particularly female children) have the most difficulty accepting their new reality. They find it harder to bond with their stepparents and face more emotional hurdles in the process. For many children, adjusting to a stepfamily is more challenging than adjusting to divorce.
"Good therapy for stepfamilies does not stop at strengthening the couple relationship," says Papernow. "Children in a stepfamily also need regular, reliable time alone with their parents."
According to Golish, "traumatic bonding" throws another wrench in a step parent’s plans. This occurs when a parent and child (especially mother and daughter) form a very close bond after the divorce.
Other unique challenges include managing boundaries with the children’s other family, unclear parental roles,  competition for resources (such as money, privacy, and personal space) and differing styles of conflict resolution.
2.  Rid the Words "Either" and "Or" from Your Vocabulary
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According to Papernow, stepfamilies are unique in the innate insider/outsider dynamic they create.
"Extremely strong step couple relationships are linked to poorer well-being in stepchildren," says  Papernow. "probably because kids are not getting the parental connection that they need."
Imagine John and Martha are part of a first-time marriage, for instance. Their nine-year-old son, Daniel, needs help with his Math homework. When Daniel approaches John and Martha for their support, he is not encroaching on their private time with one another.
He is merely asking his parents to restructure their focus to him, their child. He is asking them to engage in parent/child time instead of husband/wife. It's a natural reversal of priorities and attention that most parenting couples face.
However, this exchange would look quite different if John and Martha were step couples in a blended family. Imagine now that John is Daniel's biological father. Imagine, Martha is Daniel's stepmother. Also, imagine that instead of approaching both parents, Daniel approaches John and asks "Dad, will you help me with my Math homework?"
Immediately, an either/or scenario is born. Either John continues giving his attention to Martha, or he reverts his attention to his son.
Martha is also left with an either/or scenario. Either she leaves the room and gives them time alone, or she stays despite the fact that Daniel asked for his father's help, not hers.
Both options leave Martha feeling isolated and John feeling torn and divided.
"In a healthy first-time family, insider/outsider positions shift between the adults. Sometimes one parent is the center of the child’s attention. Sometimes it is the other parent," says Papernow. "In a stepfamily, insider/outsider positions in the adult couple are stuck."
Must John and Martha continue this vicious cycle? No, according to  Papernow, there is another way. The key is for the step couple to carve out alone time for themselves and dependable alone time for the parent and child. Also, Emotionally Focused Therapy has been proven to help couples communicate constructively.
While this puts an added burden on the birth parent, the stepparent can ease that burden by responding honestly and openly about what he/she needs. Instead of saying "You made me feel left out," for example, the stepparent can say "I need a hug today," or "Please make time for me."
3.  Don't Rush Into Disciplinary Roles
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One thing both researchers strongly advise stepparents to avoid is immediately stepping into a disciplinary role.
As we demonstrated, children have the hardest time coping with the change. They are also less likely to accept direction and correction from a stepparent before an emotional bond is made.
Meanwhile, stepparents tend to desire more order and control, while biological parents desire more love and understanding for their children.
This dichotomy stimulates conflict surrounding discipline. According to Papernow, the best course of action is to let the biological parent retain the disciplinary role with the children, while allowing the stepparent to communicate their concerns in private to their spouse.
"Across cultures, authoritarian (cold and firm) parenting by a stepparent proves extremely toxic to stepparent-stepchild relationships," says Papernow.
For Papernow, becoming a stepfamily is a process, not an event. It takes years, not weeks or months. However, there is hope. After five years, the relationship between parents and children in stepfamilies can look a lot like those of first-time family counterparts.
Golish also emphasizes the power that both communication and compromise play in healthy stepfamilies.  Therefore, the way each parent, stepparent and stepchild respond to one another will determine the health of that family over time. Even couples on the brink can develop new tools and strategies to cope with blended family challenges.
In Summary
In short, stepfamily structure provides an innately different foundation on which to build a family.  On the other hand, coping with blended family challenges is not an impossible task. Acknowledging the challenges head-on plays a key role in success.
Spending dedicated one-on-one time together and openly confronting issues in a respectful way can help all parties involved better adapt to the transition.
Why not flip the statistics on their head and focus on the fact that 40% of all stepfamilies make it the long haul?!
We hope these tips and information will help you and your family achieve that goal.
Also, there is simply no replacement for objective, research-based couples therapy. If you, your partner, children or stepchildren are having trouble coping with a blended marriage, reaching out to a licensed couples therapist might be the way to go. From the Gottman Method to Emotionally Focused Therapy to the PACT model, we apply science-based methodologies to every couples retreat, relationship retreat and couples therapy weekend we offer. We also offer weekly sessions for those who can find time to break away during the week.
At NCCT we offer specialized services to stepfamilies in the form of couples therapy to help the couple stay strong and simultaneously stay connected (and strengthen connections) with the kids.
Request an appointment.
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weareteamsquid · 4 years
Wedding ring
New Post has been published on https://www.inspiredbycreativityjewels.co.uk/wedding-ring/
Wedding ring
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Image by/from Photo by Derek Ramsey (Ram-Man)
A wedding ring or wedding band is a finger ring that indicates that its wearer is married. It is usually forged from metal, and traditionally is forged of gold or another precious metal.
The earliest examples of wedding rings are from Ancient Egypt. Western customs for wedding rings can be traced to ancient Rome and Greece, and were transmitted to the present through Christendom in Europe, which adapted the ancient customs.
Depending on culture, a wedding ring is typically worn on the base of the left or right ring finger, if the wearer is left handed often it will go onto the right hand. Many spouses wear their wedding rings day and night, causing an indentation in the skin that is visible even when the ring is removed.
It is commonly believed that the first examples of wedding rings were found in ancient Egypt. Relics dating to 6,000 years ago, including papyrus scrolls, are evidence of the exchange of braided rings of hemp or reeds between spouses. Ancient Egypt considered the circle to be a symbol of eternity, and the ring served to signify the perpetual love of the spouses. This was also the origin of the custom of wearing the wedding ring on the ring finger of the left hand, because the ancient Egyptians believed that this finger enclosed a special vein that was connected directly to the heart, denominated in Latin the “Vena amoris”.
The Western traditions of wedding rings can be traced to ancient Rome and Greece, and were first associated with the marital dowry and later with a promise of fidelity. The modern exchange of rings derived from the customs of Europe in the Middle Ages as part of Christendom. In both the United States and Canada, wedding rings were initially only worn by wives, but became customary for both spouses during the 20th century.
During the 16th and 17th centuries, European husbands bestowed a gimmel ring upon their wives. Similar to the puzzle ring, the gimmel ring consisted of two interlocking bands. The bride and groom both wore one of these bands after their engagement, and the two bands were reunited during the wedding ceremony. Subsequently, the wife wore the combined ring.
The poesy ring was a style of ring that was popular during the Renaissance era. It was a band of sterling silver inscribed with a poem or “poesy”.
Different cultures used many other historical styles of wedding ring. For example, see the image below of the Byzantine ring depicting Christ uniting bride and groom. Also, in the Middle East the puzzle ring was a historical custom: this ring consisted of several pieces that joined together into a cohesive band when worn properly. The object of this style of ring was to render it very difficult to put on the finger properly such that, if the wife removed it, her husband would know. The fede ring, being a band consisting of two hands clasped in betrothal, is another historical custom of Europe that ostensibly dates from antiquity.
In 1942 during the Second World War, British wartime restrictions on the manufacture of jewelry resulted in “utility” wedding rings that were limited to a maximum mass of two pennyweights, being slightly heavier than 3 grams, and were forged of 9 carat gold rather than the traditional 22 carat. The Regional Assayer Office hallmarked these rings, which guaranteed their gold content and compliance with the wartime regulations with a special utility mark adjacent to the mark for the year on the inside of the band; the hallmark resembled a capital “U” with the bottom curve absent or two parentheses enclosing a space, i. e., “( )”.
The double-ring ceremony describes the exchange of wedding rings by and for both spouses. In several European nations such as the Nordic countries, it is common to exchange plain engagement rings of the same form for both sexes, and typically, an additional, more precious, and bejeweled wedding ring is given to the bride. In the nuptials, the groom’s ring becomes a wedding ring also, and can be bestowed anew by the bride as a part of the wedding ceremony. The engagement is commonly a matter of agreement between the two, and the wedding rings are chosen together. Both engagement and wedding rings are worn on the left hand, the bride having both rings together. Occasionally, the groom receives a separate wedding ring. In Germany and Austria, both parties use engagement rings worn on the left hand. At the nuptials, a wedding ring is placed on the right hand, as in several east European nations, including Bulgaria, Poland, and Russia. This can be a new ring for the bride or both, or reusing the engagement rings. Any engagement rings can then remain on the left hand or be transferred to the right hand. In Germany, it has been customary for both the bride and the groom to wear a wedding ring since at least the 1870s and mentions of couples exchanging rings during the wedding ceremony in the Netherlands can be found at least as far back as 1815. In Brazil, Mexico and Spain both sexes also wear engagement rings, and the groom’s ring often becomes a wedding ring in the nuptial exchange ceremony. In The Netherlands plain bands can be worn on either hand, left for Catholics and right for Protestants. When engaged, both bride and groom wear what will be the wedding band on the opposite hand and switch hands after the wedding.
In Western nations, wedding rings are often forged of gold, palladium, platinum, argentium silver, titanium, tungsten, or more recently, silicone. The perpetuity of noble metals symbolizes the permanence of the marriage. Common engravings on the inside of the ring include the name of one’s spouse, the names of both spouses, the date of the wedding or a phrase of significance to the spouses. In many nations the engagement rings are plain while the bride’s wedding ring commonly is bejeweled.
Some customs include the wedding ring as the final of a series of gifts, which also may include the engagement ring, traditionally given as a betrothal present. This custom was practiced in ancient Rome and is possibly much older.
In several traditions, the best man or maid of honour has the duty of keeping track of a couple’s wedding rings and to produce them at the symbolic moment of the giving and receiving of the rings during the traditional marriage ceremony. In more elaborate weddings, a ring bearer (who is often part of the family of the bride or groom) may assist in the ceremonial parading of the rings into the ceremony, sometimes on a special cushion.
Among Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic Christians, the exchange of rings is not technically part of the wedding service, but rather are exchanged at the betrothal. It is always a two-ring set given to her by the priest or by the best man. The orthodox Christian Church of Greece has recently stopped performing betrothal blessings separately, as these were often non-committing, and now a betrothal ceremony is the initial part of the wedding service. In many families an informal blessing is now performed by the betrothed ones’ parents in a family dinner that formalizes the betrothal. The ceremony of betrothal is now possibly performed immediately before the wedding (or “crowning” as it is more properly called), and the actual symbolic act of marriage is not the exchange of rings, but the crowning.
Historically, the wedding ring was connected to the exchange of valuables at the moment of the wedding rather than a symbol of eternal love and devotion, a sign of “earnest money”. According to the 1549 edition of the Book of Common Prayer: after the words ‘with this ring I thee wed’ follow the words ‘This gold and silver I give thee’, at which point the groom was supposed to hand a leather purse filled with gold and silver coins to the bride. It is a relic of the times when marriage was a contract between families, not individual lovers. Both families were then eager to ensure the economic safety of the young couple. Sometimes it went as far as being a conditional exchange as this old (and today outdated) German formula shows: ‘I give you this ring as a sign of the marriage which has been promised between us, provided your father gives with you a marriage portion of 1000 Reichsthalers’ (approximately 20 kg of silver).
Modernly, after marriage the wedding ring is worn on the hand on which it had been placed during the ceremony. By wearing rings on their fourth fingers, married spouses symbolically declare their life-long love for and fidelity to each other. This symbol has public utility, and is presently expected as a matter of tradition and etiquette, so much so that its absence is often interpreted as meaning that the person is single. Many spouses wear their wedding rings day and night. It is not uncommon for either marriage partner who have professions that the wearing of jewelry may be dangerous such as, actors, police, electrical workers, not to wear rings. So it is not uncommon for one to wear it on a chain around their neck. This is socially equivalent to wearing it on his/her hand. Since the 19th century in the West, it has been considered unlucky to remove a wedding ring once it has been placed on the finger in church.
Some cultures exchange additional rings: In some parts of India, Hindu women may wear a toe ring or “bichiya” instead of a finger ring, but the bichiya is increasingly worn in addition to a finger ring. In eastern India, primarily in West Bengal, women wear an iron bangle denominated a “loha”. Increasingly, this bangle is plated with gold or silver to improve its appearance. In Romania, spouses celebrate their silver wedding anniversary, i. e., twenty-fifth anniversary, by exchanging silver wedding rings, which are worn on the fourth finger of the left hands along with their original, and usually gold, wedding rings.
While most Christian Churches (such as the Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican) have the exchange of rings within their wedding liturgies, some Christian denominations eschew the use of wedding rings.
The wearing of plain dress has historically been practiced by many Methodist Churches, in keeping with the teaching of John Wesley, who stated that people should not be “adorned with gold, or pearls, or costly apparel” (this clause is contained in The General Rules of the Methodist Church). The first Methodist liturgical text, The Sunday Service of the Methodists, omitted the ring ceremony. As such, members of some Methodist Churches, such as the Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection and Bible Methodist Connection of Churches, do not wear wedding rings. On the other hand, other Methodist Churches contain the exchange of wedding rings within their services for Holy Matrimony. In the wedding liturgy for the Free Methodist Church, for example, the groom and bride say the following when exchanging rings: “This ring I give you in token and pledge of our constant faith and steadfast love”. “A Service of Christian Marriage, Rite I” contained in The United Methodist Book of Worship states that the exchange of rings is optional but when it is done, they are blessed and pronounced as “the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, signifying to us the union between Jesus Christ and His Church”. Following this, the bride and groom state the following as they exchange rings: “Name, I give you this ring as a sign of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I honor you; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”
Mennonites do not wear jewelry, including wedding rings, as part of their practice of plain dress.
Among Quaker Christians, especially Conservative Friends and Holiness Friends, the wedding ring is traditionally not worn as a part of their testimony of simplicity. Among Quaker groups that do wear wedding rings, the following wording is used by the bride and groom as they are exchanged: “With this ring, I thee wed.” The Friends General Conference, for example, teaches that “Although wedding rings are not necessary in a Quaker wedding, the couple may exchange them if they wish. This is often done after they speak their vows.”
Traditionally, adherents of the Seventh-day Adventist Church do not wear wedding rings. The usage of wedding rings among Seventh-day Adventists, however, has increased.
Media related to Wedding rings at Wikimedia Commons
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amitsinhavidhi · 5 years
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Pre – Nuptial Agreements are the new trend now. Starting from the foreign countries where a Pre – Nuptial is very common these days the same has come into force in India and has ever grown in the society.
The term Pre – Nuptial also known as [PRE – NUP] or Pre – Marital agreements has been widely used in India on and after 2016.
In my blog I shall discuss all the details which a lay man should know about such agreements. My blog shall cover the following topics in chronological order.
1.     What is a Pre – Nuptial Agreement?
2.     Where has the idea come from
3.     What are the views of PRE – NUP in India?
4.     Pre – Nup and Personal laws
5.     Pre – Nup and MOU
6.     Requirements for a Pre – Nup
7.     Is a Pre – Nuptial agreement legal in India?
8.     What are the pros and cons of Pre – Nuptial agreement
9.      Conclusion
A Pre – Nuptial agreement is a before marriage contract which is made between two parties namely
1.     The Husband and
2.     The Wife
Such an agreement is executed before the marriage ceremony which must be signed, registered and shall be notarised as a document.
A Pre – Nuptial agreement is a formal and written agreement which is duly signed and witnessed by the two parties above named.
It shall list all the articles which were exchanged between the parties at the time of marriage. I.e. [Gifts/valuables given from the groom’s side to the bride and vice versa].
A Pre – Nuptial agreement primarily covers the following issues. They are:
1.     Distribution of Property
Ø Whether acquired Jointly/Individually during the time of marriage.
2.     The custody details of the children.
3.     The liabilities for the children. I.e. [who takes how much responsibility for the upbringing of the child]
4.     Setting up the maximum cap for claiming alimony. ETC
The very basic purpose of this agreement is to safeguard the interest of both the parties. As we all know marriage is a big responsibility and breakdown of the same can happen for a variety of reasons in the future which cannot be predicted at that very moment.
As the saying goes “precaution is better than cure”, a Pre – Nuptial agreement is a precautionary measure taken by the parties safeguarding their interests if in case there need be to take a divorce.
Such an agreement also makes the process of divorce smooth and hassle free.
The idea of such agreement has come from the western nations. The concept of Divorce being prominent there had brought about this change where spouses could enter into such a contract and pre decide the consequences if the marriage falls apart.
It is stated that about 60-65% of the spouses in foreign countries enter into a Pre – Nuptial agreement. Hence this trend is followed in foreign nations.
However, the same is not seen in India due to a variety of reasons.
The major factor being “the social stigma”
However contrasting it may sound, but the idea of Pre Nuptial agreements are very similar to Euthanasia.
Similar to Euthanasia, PRENUPS have a divided view and has no statutory law to clearly decide upon the concept.
The baseline is that: The legal system in India does not hold such agreements as legal however, there is no categorical law governing the same.
The views on Pre – Nuptial agreements are as follows
1.     Governed by the law of contract
Ø Pre – Nuptial agreements are said to be governed by the contract laws of India as for the validity of the same they need to satisfy all the essential ingredients which are laid down vis proviso 10 of the Indian Contract Act, 1860.
Ø As such these agreements are not governed by matrimonial or personal laws of the land but are governed as separate contract laws. This is because the basic crux of this agreement and the binding force is on the dependency of fulfilment of directions and clauses mentioned in the contract thereof and breach of the same would be a breach of contract similar to that of the contract act.
Ø That the nature of such agreement is contractual and hence shall not be dealt with matrimonial laws but the Contract Act, 1860.
2.     Void u/s 23 of The Indian Contract Act, 1860
Ø Pre – Nuptial agreements are said to be violative u/s 23 of the Indian Contract Act, 1860 on the grounds of
·        Defeating the provisions of personal laws
·        Immoral and
·        Opposed to Public Policy
As we all know that marriage in India is not a contract but is said to be a sacrament. Even if we look at the Muslim personal law, the conflict of Nikah as a contractual marriage is very well explained and negated.
Marriage as an institution is based on customs, usages and other sacraments and is not based on any sort of contractual obligation. It has more morality and values than obligations and paperwork.
As such these agreements are said to be void u/s 23 of the said Act.
3.     Special Marriage Act
Ø Pre – Nuptial agreement are accepted to be binding if in case the marriage has been solemnised under the Special Marriage Act and that all the relevant documents have been provided to the registrar.
With reference to Pre – Nuptial agreement and Personal Laws there are certain disagreements. Personal Laws are based completely on sanctions, morals, ethics and customs. Whereas Pre – Nup is a western concept completely derogatory to the ethics and values levied by the personal laws.
All the personal laws see marriage as a sacrament and not a contract. The basic idea of a personal law is to keep the marriage intact.
The concept of divorce and annulment of marriage is not at all accepted.
Etymologically speaking annulment of marriage was said to be the last resort.
In case of these agreements they destroy the very crux of adjustment and compromise which is a much-needed thing for the right working of a marital life.
The Pre – Nup on the contrary lays down individual interests and a rule of thumb to be followed. Unlike science, marriage has no formula and to make it work both the people involved in it must be in complete sync which these Pre – Nups will never allow.
It is treated as an easy way out and to shove away all the responsibilities which come in the way of marriage.
There lies a fair bit of confusion between MOU and Pre – Nup. Both of them are treated as one and the same.
However, an MOU is made generally at the time of dissolution of marriage and a Pre – Nup is created before the marriage to decide over in advance how such breakdown will be dealt.
MOU can however be an alternative to a Pre – Nup but they cannot be the same.
Though both of them are made for the same concept and the have a lot of peculiar similarities, both of them cannot be said to be the same. There lies a thread line difference between both of them.
Though to a layman both would look one and the same but when we dig into the technicalities of both of them are completely different.
Now we shall discuss what are the essential requirements for a Pre – Nuptial agreement.
A Pre – Nuptial agreement shall contain the following:
Pre – Nups create certain rights and liabilities for the spouses which are common in nature and should be followed accordingly. In the light of this, there are certain common clauses which are found in almost all such agreements. In my blog, I shall be discussing such points in detail and its effect for the same and also its use.
1.     Separate Property and Shared Property
Any property which is owned or acquired by either the husband or the wife during the lifetime of the marriage irrespective of the fact that on whose name has such property been taken shall be deemed to be joint property and shall be distributed and divided equally at the time of such separation/dissolution. Such property shall be called marital property or Shared Property.
The spouses may however, if the need be classified and specify certain property which will not be divided and shall be deemed to be Separate Property.
2.     Earnings during the marriage
It is a well-known fact that the earnings of both the spouse together accumulates the income of the family and it is upon the contribution of both that they run a family financially. Finances are thus shared according to the income standard of the husband and wife individually. In case of dissolution the income may be asked to shared and thus to avoid such a scenario both the spouse add a clause by way of which such earnings become separate property, subject to the responsibility towards payment of alimony and maintenance.
3.     Provisions relating to Alimony/Maintenance/Support/Custody of Children etc
Pre – Nups also provide the settlement for Alimony/Maintenance/Support etc. As we all know that Alimony and Maintenance is one of the biggest questions after marriage. To avoid this, the spouse, decide over the same prior to the dissolution making it non – litigious and simple to handle. The following questions are dealt with in such clause. They are:
·        What should be the amount of alimony or maintenance to be given if the spouse is earning?
·        If the spouse if not earning, what should be the amount of support given to him/or her?
·        What shall be the changes in such payment if the spouse who [at the time of dissolution of marriage] was not earning and subsequently starts to earn?
·        Custody and support of children
·        If there is more than one child then how shall responsibilities and support be distributed?
·        Who shall take how much burden of the finances and maintenance of the child?
By adding such a clause, it makes the work of the court easier to deal with such amounts as has been already pre – decided by the parties with free consent. Hence the same shall be working and complied with.
4.     Transfer of Property
The spouses upon their choice decide upon the transfer of their property and the disposition of the same upon their death. They can also include wills and codicils thereto. Irrespective of the obligations that the husband and the wife hold under such agreement, this clause shall stand independent. However, such a clause shall be enforced with caution as both the spouse might find it as a small window to do away with their responsibilities by making such clause as independent [notwithstanding the obligations]
5.      Applicable Law
The agreement shall also provide the law which shall be applicable on such agreement. In case there is no specification of any such law then, the following two maxims shall be applied by the court of law to come to a decision. They are.
·        The rule of Lex loci contractus       OR
·        The rule of Lex loci celebrationis
Though there have been a lot of differences of opinion regarding the question above. Pre – Nuptial agreements are not held to be valid or legal in India on the basis of the grounds which are already mentioned in my blog above.
However, The Supreme Court of India has on several occasions taken help of a Pre – Nuptial agreement to come to a proper decision. Given below are a list of cases whereby Pre – Nuptial agreements played an important role to come to a conclusion by The Supreme Court of India.
ü Sunita Devendra Deshprabhu v. Sita Devendra Deshprabu
ü Anjali Sharma who is a business woman, forbade her husband to remarry after divorce. She also claimed the custody of all pets which were bought during the time of marriage with the help of a Prenuptial Agreement.
On other occasions, The Supreme Court has taken a different opinion and has declared Pre – Nuptial agreements as Invalid. Below are the cases whereby the Supreme Court has upheld its view.
ü Tekait Mon Mohini Jemadai v. Basanta Kumar Singh and Krishna Aiyar v. Balammal.
Believe it or not, couples before entering into marriage in GOA can enter into a separation of assets agreement also known as “Pre – Nuptial Agreement” which shall draw up a list of possessions that belong to one another.
Such an agreement is irrevocable. However, it is not binding to the children who shall have equal claim on both parents’ assets.
The Civil Code in GOA provides for a Pre – Nuptial agreement.
Everything has its own positives and negatives and so does a Pre – Nuptial Agreement.
I have discussed some of the advantages and disadvantages of such agreement below for understanding purpose.
1.     The agreement protects the rights of both children and grandchildren from a previous marriage.
2.     It lays down a complete, clear and transparent view of liability of both the partners.
3.     Protecting the assets in case the spouse is working [in case of separation].
4.     Non sharing debts if one of the spouses is debt free individually.
5.     Advance settlement of maintenance, alimony, settlement, court charges etc and any further costs involved in the process of separation.
6.     Protection against Domestic Violence Act, 498A and also protection against false prosecution against the same.
7.     Clarifying the financial rights of the spouse clearly with proper transparency.
Though there are certain advantages of such agreement we cannot deny the disadvantages which they carry. Some of the major disadvantages are listed below.
1.     Preparation of such agreements encourage divorce.
2.     Such agreements can also add a “No Child” provision if the husband or wife opts for the same.
3.     Such agreements can lay down the religion which is to be followed by the child who is being raised.
4.     Such agreements may also require the spouse to follow a code of conduct. This shall dilute the very essence of marriage whereby both the husband and wife adjust and make the best out of such marital life.
5.     It also provides a cap to get divorce and can also reduce the grounds.
6.     Comes with a terms and conditions applied which is never fruitful for a married life.
Though the concept of such agreements is very much prominent in the western nations, it is yet to be implemented in full force in India. The nature of such agreements is yet to be understood and deciphered by the Indian Society.
Such agreements have been on trend after 2016 and are more prevalent in the capitalist families and the rich families. More people are inclined to this in the metro cities as they find that such a pre-planned reduces their risk of marital life and also covers all the unnecessary hassle which comes from time to time.
India being a multi linguistic, diversified nation state will definitely take a long time to implement this idea as it will have various schools of thought which will make it all the more troublesome for the Parliament to and the Indian Government to take a step towards it.
Such agreements no matter how lucrative they might seem on paper are a far-fetched option. It is an easy way out to opt out of the responsibilities which one has to carry after marriage. There cannot be a marriage without sacrifices, adjustments, compromises and other variables which time and again need to be dealt with for the proper functioning of a marriage. Also, we cannot neglect the social stigma which revolves around the institution of marriage in India.
It is undoubted that such an agreement does reduce the risk factor for maintenance/alimony/support and financial assistance but the cost of such risk reduction is far too great to compromise with.
Such agreements can end up being arbitrary inculcating the silliest of clauses. It looks to me more like a code of conduct to be followed after marriage, the breach of which will be subject to prosecution.
Summing up, the breach of such an agreement would not provide any direct legal relief to the aggrieved person and such agreement [if made] should be very carefully and cautiously weighed with the advantages and disadvantages it brings. Content Reference from Legal Blog
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