#so we can blossom and thrive
sienna-the-doe · 1 year
... Some important Plurality and DID feelings under the post.
I guess we're gonna have to really take the time to get to know ourselves better again. all of ourselves. Being plural sometimes can mean parts come and go but sometimes those parts take important things when they go. I think we really need to search this treehouse and find pieces we know are missing. they have been for too long and none of us could or wanted to acknowledge the gaping holes where rooms used to be. where personalities and people used to be. those people always leave things that they had that were important to us as a system. to us as a Whole. keys. bits of information. tiny fragments of hope, wonder, awe, curiosity,... goals.... dreams.... our sense of who we are and what we want to do and be.
But things have changed. Finally we've acknowledged that things *really are this bad.* and maybe searching for pieces means losing another Person in the treehouse, but it might mean gaining back who we were. who we *are.* and most importantly I think of all... I think We might be able to decide who we want to be.
so yeah. we'll make this next bit its own post too, but...
Lets introduce ourselves. Our system's general name is Sienna its easy that way. This blog is run by me, Sienna Marie (she/they). I'm usually the one of us in control of this shitshow, and am in a fun little relationship with my headmate Kiera.
Speaking of, Kiera (She/her) will be picking @kiera-the-elk back up again soon! More often than not Kiera and I will usually both be around at the same time later at night when its harder for only one of us to keep this treehouse in order.
Our newest friend, and the third most likely to see in general doesnt have a blog yet, is named Aeris (he/she/they/it) and is a little deerthing made of slime. :3 Its gender is really dependent on how his day is and what she feels fits. (Posts on this blog by Aeris will be tagged #slimewords)
@tex-as-toast will be being picked up again soon probably by Tex (He/they). not much to say about Tex that theyd let me talk about. Ill leave that to him on his blog.
Sam (she/they), or Tech as I lovingly call them by, doesnt have a blog of her own yet. might make one, might not. Kiera and I are trying to convince her to have a space. (Posts here from Sam will be tagged #techstore)
August (she/her) most likely wont be around much. she keeps to herself and would rather keep it that way. (she aint gonna post ever)
thats all of us!!! I hope all of us can get to known you
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purplealmonds · 11 months
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This is my tribute to the late Technoblade. I'm well over a week late to the anniversary of his passing, but I think it was worth the wait. I wanted to get this right.
The story I want to tell is of time's passage after his passing, and the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of various aspects of his life depicting that concept.
I have a lot more to say about this painting - three pages just for the symbolism alone. If you're interested, please let me know and I'll share my analysis on a separate post! Edit: I caved. Aight, prepare for a massive info dump below the cut!
Although I put a lot of research into this piece, my knowledge is likely flawed and incomplete. If I missed or misinterpreted a reference, it’s because I’m new to the Technoblade community. If I got a symbolism thing wrong, it’s because I relied on Google search for answers. I fact checked where I could. And with this analysis, I hope I can clear up any misinterpretations! 
There’s lots of imagery to unpack so I’ll try parsing it in a structured manner. Let’s first examine it holistically. 
The story I want to tell here is of time’s passage after Technoblade’s passing. As such,the set dressing of this space is a symbolic amalgamation of that concept.
Prominently featured are the various medical equipments - a nod to the grim reality of his cancer. But let’s not linger upon that aspect of his story.
Of equal importance are the more mundane objects - his gaming setup, the couch and pillow which Floof sat upon in that one photo, the plethora of paraphernalia of branded merchandise, and references to his exploits in Minecraft. These are relics and mementos of his legacy.
All of these elements intermingle in flooded, lushly overgrown room looking out to a rose-tinted exterior. Is it dawn? Dusk? I’ll leave that interpretation up to the viewers.  
The third and final component is the plant life representing his community -us. We beautify this metaphorical space with where it was once laden with tragedy. Yet, despite these riotous blooms, we never quite encroach on the bed - the empty space left behind by him.
Much care was taken in selecting the blossoms and placing them in symbolically significant locations.  And this neatly transitions us into the analysis individual details.
In the foreground, ivy crawls through a lamp and white clovers thrive atop a pile of pillboxes. The lamp base, once a shining bronze-like finish, is heavily tarnished. The lampshade is overgrown with moss and ivy. Even if the greenery has yet to damage the electric wiring, the damp surely has finished the job. Even if the bulb is replaced, the body is too far gone. The light’s never coming on again. 
I was initially put out that my painstakingly 3D modeled pillboxes became entirely obscured, but I think it works in favor of the piece’s overarching theme: the beautiful wilds overtaking a space that once reeked of the desperate fight to prolong life. 
White clover blossoms meaning “thinking of you” is paired with the ivy meaning “everlasting devotion”.  It’s an apt combination. It has been over a year since his passing, and we still remember and carry on his legacy. 
Nestled amongst the foliage is Techno’s compass. It was once used to hunt him down in the Dream SMP. But now, it’s an odd comfort. Even though he’s no longer with us, he’s still somewhere far, far away– or is he? The original idea was for the needle to point heavenwards, but it is currently pointing…sideways?  I’ll get to the reasoning a bit later. 
The Flood:
Moving deeper into the space, we hit the floodwaters. These once turbulent currents are now tranquil enough to nourish this verdant place. The thriving plant life hides much of this darkness. It is beautiful, hopeful, even. But always bittersweet, because everything that grows here is laced with an old sorrow.
White lotus rise from the murky depths. That is us, overcoming our grief. Breaching the surface, we gain a new vantage point to contemplate this loss. Perhaps we can also find a more comforting perspective of it.
Submerged amongst the blossoms is a rusted oxygen machine. I wanted to decorate the machine with stickers, much like one would personalize a plaster cast for a broken limb. It is deliberate that the “Technoblade Never Dies” sticker is in shadow, while the “So Long, Nerds" is in light. 
Immediately to the right was meant to be a box of assorted Technoblade apparel.  But then I flooded the space for narrative reasons, rendering that idea unusable. I eventually converted it into a Welch’s Fruit Snacks box, because apparently Technoblade liked them? It’s one of the shallower references here but it is what it is.
And finally, there is a little cameo floating somewhere in the waters. An Easter egg, if you will. I wonder if you can find it? 
Furnishings from Home:
I found the couch and Technoblade’s gaming setup during my trawl through the Technoblade Reddit page for reference photos. Balancing this space full of impersonal medical equipment with more personalized belongings is grounding. These areas insert familiarity in this strange environment.
Gaming Setup:
The gaming setup is bare bones - just the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. There was no space to add more iconic elements like his Blue Yeti microphone or the steering wheel from that Minecraft challenge. Hanging above but heavily obscured by overgrowth are two framed pictures of Technoblade’s cabin and a potato minion. It is a blink-and-you-miss-it detail, placed in a dim space and requiring close examining to notice. Without the context of the rest of this environment, it is easily mistaken as generic set dressing. 
That’s the point, though. This was a space where he streamed and created videos much beloved by his community. This space was the means of creation, not the creations themselves. Without the creator at the helm, this setup becomes insignificant. Does one dote over the easel on which paintings were created, or the paintings themselves? So now it sits in darkness, a footnote of Technoblade’s legacy. 
Nostalgia Corner:
On the other end, we have the sold out Youtooz plushies and the Agro Pig plush from the recent merch drop sat atop the couch.  If you look closely, you’ll see a Skeppy coin leaning against one of the plushies. Behind the couch is a shelf. A generic shelf, but the important bits here are the sellout bell, Youtube plaque, and vinyl figurines. 
This corner of the room is nostalgic and soft. Everything is bathed in rosy pink light, and it is filled with things that are comfortingly familiar. All across the world, people in his community have these pieces of merch to remember him by. 
The red poppies that also grow here have multiple meanings. It represents the battle - one against sarcoma - which was fought here. It symbolizes death, but also resilience in the face of grueling conditions. It is said that they grow in former battlefields where of fallen warriors. I believe of all the flowers here, this one best represents Technoblade.
The Hanging Mobile:
Strung up above it is a rather last minute addition to the environment - a hanging mobile fabricated from totems representing each member of the Sleepy Bois Inc. friend group. First and foremost is Technoblade’s iconic MCC crown, aptly placed at the top. Although it is untouched by the greenery, the gold and jewelry are somewhat muted and tarnished by time.
This is not the case for the objects below. TommyInnit’s music disc shines iridiscent green and purple - Cat and Mellohi merged into one. To is right is a sky-blue guitar pick with the LoveJoy logo engraved onto it for Wilbur Soot. And finally, below it all is Philza’s Friendship Emerald - sparkling and refracting light - with Elytra feathers fastened at the bottom. They, suspended and isolated from everything, maintain a pristine vibrancy which strongly contrasts against everything else in this space. 
IV Stand:
Next to the computer setup is the IV stand. It sustains life which is incapable of continuing on without intervention. The butterfly milkweed growing on it, in contrast, says “let me go.” The latter, overtaking the tangle of tubes and powered off patient monitor, is victorious. The hooks stand rusted, and the IV bag empty from disuse.
Sat atop the patient monitor but almost blending into the walls is a pig figurine featured in Dream’s latest music video. It stands on a high perch, yet is unassuming as to direct focus on Technoblade, or rather, his absence. 
Hanging from the wired basket is an air freshener tag. If you look on the official website, this is one of the only products which has what I can only call interesting flavor text. Most are merely descriptions and specs of the product. To quote it verbatim:
“Yes, this is a real product. And no, this ‘air freshener’ has no discernible fragrance. ‘Why’ you ask? Because Mr. Technodad and our team agreed this was exactly the sort of air freshener Alex would have found hilarious.”
As morbid as it sounds, I feel like this air freshener tag would not have existed before Technoblade’s passing. It is so unlike any other merchandise I’ve seen in any other branded merchandise store. It’s like an inside joke, secretly shared within the descriptions for the world to eventually discover. 
Unlit candles line the window sill - the aftermath of a candlelight vigil. It is a versatile symbol. It raises awareness of a disease or illness. It pays tribute the dead. Judging from the melted wax dribbling down the candle shafts and the wall below (the opacity was reduced so it looks less like bloodstains), this has been done many times over. But there is so much more candle to burn, representing the people still continuing this ceremony, albeit in the privacy of their own homes.
Above the candles are some broken blinds. When grieving, it would have been so easy for Mr. Technodad to hide away from the world in his grief. It’s understandable, to give into that primal urge to flee from prying eyes when he’s at his most vulnerable. He had the difficult task of reading out his son’s final farewell to us. This barrier between him and us dismantled by this gesture so we can remember Technoblade together. 
Coincidentally, the window frame itself somewhat resembles the kitchen window featured in Technoblade and Technodad's cooking videos. Completely unintentional on my end, but fitting in a way since in both those videos they're pulling back the metaphorical curtains for the audience to peer into a small aspect of their private lives.
To the right of the window is a nondescript clock, forever stopped at the 6:30 as a nod to the date when the "So Long, Nerds" video was published. The minute hand is accidentally left out removed to signify that time will no longer move forward for Technoblade. In contrast, the rest of the world - represented by this space - continues to grow and change around his absence.
A wind chime hangs just outside the window. It is said that the soothing sounds produced by them is a healing balm during tumultuous times. Where there is wind there is stirred up emotions, but it is motionless on this calm, breezeless day. A rare respite, where remembrance overrides grief. 
On a more amusing note, there is an interesting looking moth perched on the window glass. Upon closer inspection, the wing pattern may look somewhat familiar. In Chinese culture, when a huge moth visiting your home is the embodiment of your recently deceased loved one checking on you. Remember the compass in the foreground? Well, here’s why it is pointed sideways instead of upwards. This idea came up rather organically during a VC session in the R/Technoblade Discord server. My handful of viewers and myself affectionately dubbed this doofy looking moth TechnoMoff!
Venturing further beyond the windows, ferns grow with wild abandon. They represent eternal youth, and from a certain point of view, he will remain youthful forever at the age of 23. He lives on through us carrying on his legacy and spreading his story. 
Everything outside is tinged with pink. After someone dies, we start seeing them less as a person and more as a legacy. It is the natural course of things to start seeing the deceased through rose-tinted lenses - hence the artificially pink hue of the outside contrasting with the more grounded color palette of the inside. 
And now we circle back to the centerpiece of this entire composition: the bed and the things that surround it. 
In front of the bed is an over-bed table with a single object: an incense bowl filled to the brim with burnt sticks of incense. A simple shrine for Technoblade. In Chinese culture, we light incense at the altar to honor our loved ones. We may live separate lives and not cross paths often, but we all come together to leave our marks through this ritual. It is proof that he is still very much loved and missed by us all.
The bariatric bed frame is typically seen in hospitals. It allows the patient to comfortably sit up or recline without expending valuable energy. Encased in this frame is something more personal - the mattress and cushions which Technoblade laid upon in his photo with the Youtube plaque. Their unique patterning is a foil for the impersonal receptacle it is caged in. It is spotlit by the window light, emphasizing its emptiness. Not a single blossom dares to encroach upon this space, because to do so would be to erase the space where Technoblade last resided. Like I mentioned before, this is story is about the space around him as much as it is about him. 
Cradling this bed frame are several flowers. Rosemary and forget-me-not’s for remembrance. Appropriate, given its proximity to the bed. Morning glories, for resilience. That’s us, again. For a while, we meander and spread in the upper walls of this space, avoiding the floodwaters which symbolize grief. But eventually, we gather the strength to meander down to the bed, where grief was the strongest.
There is that cheesy quote from that one Marvel TV show – “What is grief, but love persevering?” While this reframes our perception of dealing with loss, grief is not some thing that should linger. The absence of grief does not equate to the lack of love. Instead, I would like you to consider this: remembrance is love persevering. And with our combined perseverance, Technoblade will never truly die. 
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mysunshinetemptress · 11 days
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I’m sorry
Alexia Putellas x reader
Not strong enough part 2
Warnings: ehhhhhh
As you finished your heartfelt words, a heavy silence hung in the air. Alexia looked at you, her expression shifting from anger to a mix of surprise and realization. The weight of your words seemed to settle on her shoulders, and for a moment, it felt like time had come to a standstill.
She hesitated, the fiery intensity in her eyes dimming. "Y/n, I... I didn't realize... I didn't understand," she stammered, her voice softer now. But you had already made up your mind, the pain of constant comparisons and belittlement becoming too much to bear.
You zipped up your bag, your movements steady, and headed towards the door. "I need time to figure things out, Ale. Maybe we both do," you said calmly, looking into her eyes one last time before stepping out into the night.
A year had passed, a whirlwind year filled with nerves and a newfound sense of self. You'd quit your accounting job, a bold move fuelled by the bitter taste of Alexia's words. Following a suppressed passion, you began painting again, sketching again, falling back in love with art again. Your talent blossomed, your designs vibrant and imbued with a quiet strength. Freelance gigs trickled in, then flowed abundantly. Your apartment, once sterile and beige, became a reflection of your creativity - bold colours, quirky furniture, and walls plastered with your artwork.
Life wasn't perfect, but it was undeniably yours. You were thriving, a quiet confidence radiating from you. The ache for Alexia had dulled to a distant memory.
Still you hadn't expected the air to get caught in your lungs when you saw her. Alexia. Here at your gallery, a forced smile plastered on her face. Her eyes darted around the room, a flicker of desperation replacing the usual arrogance. As you mingled with guests, she edged towards you, her face a mask of unease. Alexia, her once-golden glow dimmed by a weary tiredness. The memory of her hurtful words a distant echo.
Suddenly, a hand tapped your shoulder. You turned, surprised to see Alexia standing so awkwardly behind you. Her once fiery gaze was dimmed, replaced by a flicker of something that resembled… regret.
"They're incredible," she mumbled, gesturing towards your photos.
You offered a polite smile, the years of therapy showing their worth. "Thank you, Alexia." Alexia couldn't help but wince still at the use of her full name.
"Can we... talk?" she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hesitantly, you led her to a deserted corner.
"I..." Alexia started, then stopped. Finally, the words tumbled out in a rush. "I was an idiot. A complete and utter one. You were right. I never saw you, not really. All I saw was a reflection of Jenni, a way to fill a void. But you, Y/N, you were a light in my darkness, the one who loved me for me, even when I didn't deserve it."
Tears welled up in her eyes, a stark contrast to the icy queen she used to be and you couldn't help the surprised expression that graced you features for a second at the sight. "I miss you," she confessed, her voice cracking. "I miss your smile, your quiet strength, the way you believed in me even when I doubted myself."
You listened, a million emotions swirling within you. The anger had subsided, replaced by a deep sense of peace.
"Alexia," you began gently, "I saw your work," she continued, her voice dropping to a whisper. "It's incredible, Y/N. You're incredible."
A flicker of warmth sparked in your chest, a remnant of the love you once held. But it was quickly extinguished.
"I'm happy," you said, your voice firm. "Here, with this. I don't need to be anyone's trophy, Alexia, I don't need to be your trophy, I'm enough now, and i've realised i've always been enough"
Alexia's eyes welled up. "I know," she choked out. "I see it now. And I miss you. God, how I miss you."
You shook your head, a sad smile playing on your lips. "Missing someone doesn't mean they're the right fit for you, Alexia. We both needed to grow in different directions."
You sighed tears welling in your own eyes now "You needed to learn to love yourself without me or Jenni, and I needed to find myself, my own voice. What we had was beautiful in its own way, but it wasn't meant to last."
The truth hung heavy in the air. Alexia, finally seeing you for who you truly were, an independent, talented woman, was a sight that would have ached you a year ago. Now, it was a mere footnote in the grand story of your life.
A tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down her cheek. "Is there any chance...?" she started, hope flickering in her eyes.
You considered it for a moment. The anger was gone, replaced by a quiet understanding.
The silence stretched, heavy with unspoken possibilities. You looked at the painting to your left your eyes catching your favourite painting, a testament to your resilience still Alexia's mark had been left on it a small crown on the top left corner, blended so well that only you knew it was there. The future stretched before you, open and bright. A small, hopeful smile touched your lips.
"Maybe," you finally said. "But not today. Today, I celebrate my success."
Disappointment clouded her features, but there was also a flicker of understanding and hope.
As you turned to rejoin your friends, her voice stopped you. "Y/N," Alexia called out, her voice raw with emotion. "Thank you. For everything. And for showing me what I lost."
You offered a small smile, a silent promise of maybe hanging in the air she just had to be patient. You walked away, leaving Alexia with the echoes of your laughter and the realisation that sometimes, an angel can be worth more, mean more than any god. You had found your voice, your wings, and you were ready to soar. The world was vast, brimming with possibilities, and you, the once-disappointment girlfriend, were finally ready to claim your place in it.
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clericofgale · 5 months
The stars will be our bed
I'm seeing a very popular narrative that asking for physical sex during Gale's act 2 scene is better for his character development, and the astral scene is bad for him. Or at least not as good. While I do prefer the astral version more, I disagree with the notion that either one is better for Gale's plot development. I've done both options depending on the what felt right for that specific Tav at the time. As always, if that's the narrative you want to build, there's nothing wrong with it.
For me personally I think both are narratively sound for his character development. Yes Gale needs to know he doesn't need magic to be loved, but Gale also loves magic. It's his life, his passion and his artistic medium of choice. What he needs is balance, not total rejection. You want the man, and the magic.
"Tactful, Bowing to the player's desires"
If you insist on regular sex, that's the devnote that's attached to it. Gale is acquiescing to what you, the player wants. Gale wanted to share his magic with you, but you refused. He doesn't care either way, as long as he's spending the night with you. The approval numbers are the same. He obviously prefers the astral sex because it's what he's used to and confident in, but either is fine.
One thing we have to remember is Gale also uses magic to find connection. In the act 1 weave scene, Gale and you share thoughts over the weave. It's exactly what he's trying to do in Act 2 as well. It's a mind meld sequence using the weave. I don't think Gale is trying to use magic to as a front in this scene, despite the "I can wow you" sentence if you refuse. I think he's trying to share his inner self with magic as the canvas, and connect with you in this most intimate way. It's akin to Fane's scene in DOS2 where you share Source with each other and also mind meld.
Gale wants to distill a lifetime's worth of affection into one night because he feels he will die soon. The scene is his "Last Night Alive". Gale, the artist of the weave puts on his final and private show for his beloved. He weaves stars and invites light to the land of shadows. He's prepared for days for this whole sequence, and you only need to trust him.
If you do he leads you into his innermost world. First, where he feels safest, and the balcony that brings him comfort. Then the book of a thousand days and nights filled with his love for you. The amount of time he wishes he had left to show you his affection, physical or emotional.
But he only has one night.
"There are endless worlds out there. Countless ways to declare love. Infinite ways to express it. Too much for one night.. but we shall try."
The astral scene is him trying. He multiplies as he refuses to let go your hand. He caresses every part of your mind, body, and soul. Gale tries desperately to sear every fiber of your being, of the one he loves onto his own soul. He wants to feel everything you do, and the weave is capable of that.
"Your bodies and minds weave together in a masterpiece of intimacy. Never have you felt such wonder, such love - as vast as the universe itself, and just as heavenly. "
You are one and the same that night. Where Gale ends and you begin is a mystery; he is lost in you and you in him.
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"We are all sensual vessels. Illusory magic lets us sail farther, and feel more deeply."
The scene is beautiful, both narratively and visually. This is not a man trying to use magic to demonstrate his worth so you won't leave him. This is a man trying to use magic to weave a tapestry from two spools of thread in one night. It's ok to let him do so. It's also ok to remind him he doesn't need to. Whichever feels right in that moment is the right choice.
They all end in giving Gale renewed hope. Magic was merely the medium on which it blossomed and thrived. Whether from a bed of stars or a bed conjured under it, your love is what gave it life.
Thanks for reading this way too long cold take.
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sixosix · 7 months
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THAWED (MASTERLIST) — the lyney childhood-enemies-to-frenemies-to-lovers-kinda series that no one asked for, ft. fluff, a whole lot of bickering, flirting, and everything in between
STATUS. mostly updates on sundays!
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DISCLAIMER. will contain spoilers. this series will be as dark as genshin lore can be, and this won’t strictly follow genshin’s actual lore—i’ll be making up a lot of stuff for the sake of the fic so there will be inaccuracies, NOT CANON COMPLIANT!! the timeline of events will be vastly different. each chapter will have their own warnings as well, so keep an eye out for that!
NOTES. hello, everyone !!!!!!! welcome to my lyney series inspired by taylor’s reputation album. how it works is each chapter will be titled after each song off of the album as u can see below,,, hope u enjoy reading as excited i am for rep tv!! :D
tysm to naosaki and kruinka for helping me brainstorm w this fic (and also helping me when i was visibly all over the place because of this series)
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i — are you ready for it?
The House of the Hearth was perfect. This was where you thrived—where no one else could take this feeling away. But then Lynette became a part of the ‘family’, and with it, she dragged along Lyney.
ii — i don’t wanna hurt you (i just wanna be)
You look more like a soldier than an orphan, Lyney thinks. It’s beautiful in all the wrong ways.
iii — you gotta leave before you get left
Desperately, Lyney melts them away, but your footsteps have already gone out of earshot. It’s an answer in itself: Don’t bother. Take the hint, Lyney; you already messed it up.
iv — for you i would fall from grace
“What now? What do you want me to do? Strut back into their lives and demand all their Fatui secrets as if I never left?”
Aether nestles into his seat. “Prove to me that I can trust them just as much as you do. Who knows, you might get something out of this, too.”
v — you must like me for me
Lyney laughs. It sounds like music that has haunted you for years—and with a new one playing, it’ll torment you for years more. He loosens his grip but keeps you caged in, still. You’re twirled around to face him, and something about his expression has you swallowing thickly.
“You’re even more stunning than I remember, ma chérie.”
vi — look what you made me do
You frown at him, your face upside down in his view. “That was unfair.”
“I have to be if I want to beat you.”
vii — all eyes on you, my magician
He doesn’t take his eyes off you, even once when his fingers reached out to fish out a champagne flute. Lyney still has that stupid smile on his face, the rim of his glass against his lips. You’re hit with the startling realization that you want to kiss him.
Fuck, what?
viii — you’ve ruined my life, by not being mine
“You’re so warm,” you murmur to his skin.
Goosebumps blossom all over his body. Your face brushes against the side of his neck. “Do you hate it?”
“I like it. My hands are cold. Every part of you is warm.”
ix — us traitors never win
Lyney knew that this would happen. He knew well enough to predict what ‘Father’ would make them do, but still—
“We understand,” Lynette says, her eyes darting down to Lyney’s clenched fists.
The Knave stares at Lyney, and the strength of her stare has Lyney lowering his eyes to the floor. “Do you?” she asks. They wisely stay silent: Lynette’s hesitance and Lyney’s frustration. “Then I trust this won’t happen any longer.”
x — king of my heart, body and soul
You bit back the bite of ice and wondered how ironic it was that every time your Vision acted out, it was, more often than not, tied to Lyney.
“What, so you expect me to believe you’d just go against your ‘Father’ like that?”
xi — baby can we dance, through an avalanche?
Lyney supposes he can’t hate Aether that much for that. And selfishly, Lyney supposes he can’t truly hate Aether because he brought you back to him. In a vague sense of camaraderie, Lyney understands.
xii — there is an indentation in the shape of you
And so you two stand face to face with your old home, the House of the Hearth. It still had the same grand doors you remember, the same living room, and the same fireplace, but the emptiness was unfamiliar. It was unsettling, like a bad dream.
This used to be your home.
xiii — he built a fire just to keep me warm
“I think it’s special. We’re twins, Lyney and I, but I think if I were in his body for even a day, I wouldn’t be able to recreate what you two have. He treasures you deeply, more than you know.”
more chapter previews soon...!
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thawed related tags you might want to check out:
#thawed fanart <3
#thawed memes i want to hang in a museum
of course, if you want to check out akagi's series of mind boggling fanart:
#akagi0021 carrying the entirety of thawed
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our favorite akagi0021 has been blessing me with THAWED fanart (!!!) and i decided that i need to compile all of them for me and to make YOU see the art as well... BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL SO GOOD (with permission of course)
CH 1 | reader's new outfit reveal
CH 2 | lyney doesn’t know how he looks at reader
lyney and MC height difference before/after IM ON MY KNEES theyre so cute
CH 4 | aether and paimon confronting reader
bonus fanart of lyney and reader after training :(( so cute
CH 5 | lyney seeing reader!!!!!! aahhh his eyes
lyney as a kid and then lyney now (grown up) THIS ONE IS INSANE. little lyney is so adorable but then look at the lyney now
CH 6 | LOOK AT THIS ONE!! scene of lyney saying “she’s hiding something” except akagi made him unnecessarily sexy wtf
CH 7 | drunk reader driving lyney crazy... (i went crazy)
CH 8 | "lyney's not my boyfriend" ; the ending scene with childe, aether, and reader!! they all look so good T__T
CH 10 | lyney's "i would. i would for you" OUGH YESS
and look at this so so so adorable collection of doodles of chapter six by sunny @emanami !!! her artstyle is to live for its SO cute (look at the siblings!!!)
more of sunny's cute drawings: thawed!mc biting lyney's cheek like what i want to do
look at @lacrimae-lotos's version of mc!!!! SO CUTE look at her piercings and her eyes aahhhh
akagi's art dump from different chapters | theyre all so cutue im sobbing i love akagis mc and lyney so much T__T (LYNEY BRAIDING MC'S HAIR)
lyney doing the stretch tactic ohh he is so slick modern au with akagi's thawed!mc and lyney at the beach i fainted
++ LOOK AT AKAGI'S VERSION OF MC! shes so lovely
design headcanons (theyre all so precious)
akagi's reader as a genshin char !!
reader's outfit for chapter seven SO PRETTY
thawed!mc's eyepatch lore... aether is so silly
akagi's au where mc never left the house and they're enemies to lovers yes yes yes yesyse
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just ask through my inbox!!! and make sure that people can tag you pls!!
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© SIXOSIX 2024. all rights reserved. do not repost or reproduce any part of this work.
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writingforstraykids · 29 days
Always back to you - Chp.3🖤
Pairing: Minho x m!Reader (mention of OT8)
Word Count: 4332
Summary: Minho and you slowly find your way back together once he's released from the hospital. Minjun's birthday party brings you both closer than ever before ...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, single dad!min, angst, domestic shit
A/N: Thank you for all the love for the first part especially🤭 I'll have a very busy day tomorrow, so you'll get the next part today already instead🤭🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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You immediately take up the responsibility of caring for Minjun, ensuring that Minho has no worries as he recovers. You bring Minjun to your home and transform it into a safe haven for the little boy who is confused and missing his dad.
You set up a schedule that balances fun activities and quiet time, keeping Minjun engaged and content. Mornings are spent in the garden, where you teach him how to plant seeds and water flowers, explaining the nature of growth and the care plants need to thrive—a subtle lesson you hope he translates into understanding his father’s situation.
Minjun enthusiastically takes to gardening, his curious nature soaking up every detail you offer. He frequently asks questions, his large eyes wide with wonder as he watches little bugs crawling around and you tell him more about them. “Does Daddy need water and sun to get better, too?” he asks one day, his innocence tugging at your heartstrings.
You chuckle softly, ruffling his hair. “Something like that, buddy. Your dad needs rest and a little bit of sunshine to regain his strength.”
During these days, Minjun often speaks of his father, his young mind trying to wrap around why his dad had to stay in the hospital. You assure him that his dad is getting stronger every day, and soon, they’ll be back to playing in the park and reading bedtime stories.
In the afternoons, you work on light educational activities like drawing and reading. Minjun loves to draw; his papers are filled with pictures of his garden and the plants and lots of drawings of him and his dad together, often with a big sun shining overhead. You send these drawings to Minho, who calls every evening to say goodnight, his voice always a mix of gratitude and wistfulness.
Each call becomes a little bridge, reconnecting the threads of the small family. Minho’s voice grows stronger each day, and his words begin to carry hope instead of just fatigue. He shares updates about his recovery, about the small victories of a full night’s sleep or a walk around the hospital ward without feeling dizzy.
One evening, as you and Minjun are setting up a board game in the living room, your phone buzzes. It’s Minho, and he’s calling a bit earlier than usual.
“Y/n, hey. I… I’m coming home tomorrow,” Minho’s voice is tentative, almost shy.
“That’s great news, Minho! Minjun will be so happy,” you respond, watching Minjun’s face light up at the mention of his dad.
“Can we… can I come over when I get back? I want to see Minjun, and I… I owe you a proper thank you,” Minho adds, his tone earnest.
“That's okay,” you assure him, feeling a complex knot of emotions at his return but happy for Minjun’s sake.
The next day is bright and sunny, and Minjun is practically vibrating with excitement. “Is Daddy coming now? Or now?” he asks every few minutes, peering out the window.
“Soon, little bug. Let’s go to the garden. We can show him how much everything has grown since he’s been gone,” you suggest, leading him outside.
You're both kneeling in the garden, Minjun excitedly pointing out each new sprout and blossom, when you hear the gate click. Looking up, you see Minho, thinner and a bit pale but smiling as he watches his son.
“Daddy!” Minjun screams, sprinting towards him with a speed that surprises both of you. Minho drops to his knees just in time to catch him, embracing him tightly. His eyes close as he buries his face in Minjun’s soft curls. 
“I missed you so much, buddy,” Minho murmurs, his voice thick with emotion.
“Missed you more,” Minjun replies, his small hands cupping his face as he kisses his nose. 
You walk over slowly, giving them a moment, before Minho looks up at you, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “Y/nnie, thank you,” he says, standing up to face you. “It means a lot.”
“There’s no need to thank me, Minho. I’m just glad you’re okay,” you reply, your voice gentle.
“No, I need to say this,” Minho insists, taking a deep breath. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry for how I treated you. You’ve been nothing but kind, and I took that for granted. I hope I can make it up to both of you somehow.”
“One step after the other. For now, you should rest; we can talk properly later,” you suggest, offering a smile that Minho returns gratefully.
Minho reaches into his pocket, and you can hear him pulling out his keys. He stretches out his hand almost timidly, offering you your spare keys to his home. “You're always welcome. If not for me, then for him, please. I don't want him to suffer just because I fucked up.”
You hesitantly take them, able to tell he's trying to fix things. “I…I'll think about it. I need time, Min.”
“That's okay,” he assures you. “Your replacement is shit, by the way,” he says with a weak grin. 
You chuckle softly. “No, that's you being used to someone handling things for you more than for the others,” you remind him. You inhale deeply and awkwardly rub your neck. “I'll also think about that, okay?” 
“Okay,” he nods, unable to hide the hope in his orbs at the mere chance of you coming back. “I'm sorry.”
“I know,” you assure him. “Me too…Now, go rest, please. Call if you need something.”
“Bye, Y/nnie,” Minjun says, hugging you tightly as you get down on his level. “Love you.”
You swallow softly, a similar surprise lacing both Minho's and your features. “I love you too, buddy,” you answer honestly and squeeze him gently. “Now go home with your daddy, yeah?”
The quiet of the morning was filled only by the faint sounds of the city waking up beyond the walls of the small, cozy room where Minho found himself slowly coming to consciousness. As his senses sharpened, the first thing he became aware of was the warm, small body pressed against his side. Gently turning his head, he sees Minjun, his little baby, sleeping peacefully next to him, his chest rising and falling in the steady rhythm of deep sleep. The sight fills Minho with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love.
Carefully so as not to wake him, Minho wraps his arms around Minjun, pulling him close. The boy, still deep in his dreams, instinctively snuggles closer into his father's embrace. Even in sleep, Minjun seems to sense his father's need for closeness and comforts him with his mere presence.
Minho’s eyes trace the soft, youthful features of his son's face, noting the faint freckles that dust his nose and the gentle curl of his lips. Memories flood through Minho’s mind—the first time he held Minjun, the first steps he took, the first words he spoke.
Recovering from his incident, Minho was forced to confront his own vulnerabilities and the stark realization of how much he relied on the presence of his son. These mornings, waking up next to Minjun, were sacred. They were not just moments of physical rest but crucial for his emotional recovery as well. 
Minjun shifts in his sleep, a small sigh escaping him. His small hand grips Minho's shirt tightly as if, even in his dreams, he is determined to hold on. Minho’s heart aches with an overwhelming mix of joy and sorrow—joy for his son's presence and health and sorrow for the times he hadn’t been there as fully as he wanted.
“Daddy loves you, Minjun,” Minho whispers into his son's dark curls, his voice barely audible. A tear escapes the corner of his eye as he tightens his embrace, grateful beyond words for his return to health and the second chance it represented.
The sun begins to cast its first rays into the room, streaks of light that paint the walls with the colors of dawn. The light seems to coax the city to life gently, and as it does, it also seems to awaken Minjun. The little boy yawns and blinks open his eyes, surprised for a moment to find himself so close to his father.
“Daddy?” Minjun’s voice is sleepy and confused but also filled with an affection that comes from deep within.
“Good morning, buddy,” Minho says, his voice still thick with emotion. “Did you sleep well?”
Minjun nods, rubbing his eyes with the backs of his hands. “Yes.”
Minho smiles. “That sounds good. Maybe we can go to the park later?”
“Yeah!” Minjun’s face lights up with excitement. “And I can be a hero!”
Minho laughs, the sound rich and full of genuine happiness. “Of course, my little superhero. But first, how about we make some pancakes for breakfast?”
Minjun’s agreement is instantaneous and enthusiastic. As they get up and make their way to the kitchen, Minho keeps his son close, his hand resting lightly on Minjun’s shoulder. Making breakfast together was a simple activity, yet it held so much meaning for Minho, just being home again. 
As Minho watches Minjun clumsily crack eggs and stir batter, he is filled with gratitude for his young son's resilience. He had managed to stay strong and loving throughout the difficulties they had faced.
“Daddy?” Minjun looks up at him, a slight frown on his face. “Are you okay? You look sad.”
Minho is taken aback, realizing that his emotional reflections must have shown on his face. He kneels down, bringing himself to eye level with Minjun, and smiles.
“I’m more than okay; I’m happy,” he assures his son, his hand gently cupping the boy’s cheek. “I’m just very thankful for you, Minjun. You’re my little hero, did you know that?”
Minjun giggles, the sound like music to Minho’s ears. “I’m your hero?”
“Yes, you are,” Minho assures him, hugging him tightly. “My biggest hero.”
Minjun hugs him back, his small arms strong and sure. “It’s okay, Daddy. I take care of you.”
The words, so earnest and sincere from such a young soul, fill Minho with an even deeper appreciation for his son and his eyes with tears. He realizes that while he was often the one taking care of Minjun, his son was also taking care of him in many ways, providing love, motivation, and a reason to recover fully and well.
One week later 
For Minjun's birthday, Minho decided on a cozy movie night—a welcome change from the usual buzz of birthday parties and perfectly suited for their small circle. The boys all love a good movie night, find children's movies hilarious, and, most importantly, they all love Minjun like their own. 
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a soft glow through the windows, they arrive one by one.
Chan and Felix arrive last with a special surprise for the birthday boy. “Jiho, mate, we brought someone with us,” Felix leans down to him conspiratorially. 
“Who?” he asks curiously, eyes growing wide. Chan steps aside and gently pulls you out of hiding. Minjun squeaks in delight, looking up at Minho excitedly. “Daddy, it's Y/nnie!” he says, jumping in place impatiently. 
Minho giggles and gently brushes back his curls. “Well, go say hi, dumpling.”
Minjun doesn't need a second invitation to fall into your arms. “Hey, little bug,” you say quietly. “Happy birthday.”
“Thank you,” he beams happily before moving on to greet the next guest. “Uncle Channie, up!” he says, reaching out for him. 
Chan smirks, lifts him up and throws him into the air above his head a little, catching him safely again. Minho flinches heavily, reaching for Minjun in shock. Felix laughs at him, gently patting his back. “Channie, babe, don't give him a heart attack.” 
Chan laughs, putting a giggling Minjun back on his feet. “Sorry, Min,” he chuckles, and Minho snorts. 
“Alright, come on in, you know the way,” Minho laughs.
The living room was transformed into a fortress of comfort. Pillows and blankets were strewn across the floor, creating a plush sea of soft fabrics that invited everyone to kick off their shoes and sink in. The air was rich with the aroma of popcorn and sweet treats that lined the table alongside a stack of Minjun’s favorite animated movies.
Minho watches as Felix and Jeongin set up the projector, their antics punctuated by light-hearted banter that fills the room with laughter. Hyunjin and Seungmin are tasked with stringing fairy lights around the room, adding a magical ambiance that makes the space feel like a small cinema hall. Jisung and Changbin, meanwhile, busy themselves in the kitchen, popping more popcorn and arranging a variety of snacks on platters. Minho watches his family with a smile, each member contributing to the evening’s success, weaving their love for Minjun into every detail.
The movie starts, the lights dimmed to mimic a theater, and the first frames flicker across the makeshift screen. Minjun sits between Minho and you, a perfect sandwich of his favorite people, his face lit by the soft glow of the projector as he watches with wide-eyed wonder.
Throughout the evening, the adults' eyes often meet over Minjun's head, shared smiles of affection and slight amusement at his captivated reactions to the on-screen adventures. During a particularly exciting scene, Minjun would sometimes stand, pointing at the screen and explaining to you loudly the many details of the plot as he understood them.
"The hero's gonna save everyone. He's strong like daddy!" Minjun's voice is full of pride and excitement, making everyone chuckle, especially Minho, whose heart swells with love and a bit of awe at his son's interpretation.
The room is filled with the sounds of the movie, mixed with Minjun's occasional commentary and the boys' gentle laughs.
Halfway through the second movie, Minjun’s eyelids begin to droop, and he leans more heavily against you, his small hand gripping yours as he fights the pull of sleep. You look down at him, a soft smile playing on your lips, touched by the trust and affection Minjun shows you.
Minho notices this gentle exchange, and his heart is filled with gratitude for your presence in Minjun’s life, especially during the times when he couldn’t be there himself. He makes a mental note to himself to ensure you know how much your support meant to him, perhaps later when the movies are done and the excitement of the day has settled into the quiet of the night.
As the evening winds down and the credits roll on the last movie, Minho gently nudges Minjun awake to blow out the candles on his small birthday cake. With a sleepy grin, Minjun makes a wish and blows with all his might, the room erupting into applause.
"Happy birthday, Minjun!" everyone cheers, making him giggle happily and hide in Minho’s arms shyly. 
Minho soothingly kisses his hair and cuddles him close. Your heart warms seeing them, and glancing around the room, you can tell how much Minho and his little boy mean to everyone. Minho looks almost as tired as Minjun, but both are beaming with happiness. The boys fall back into their usual chatter, and you more or less subtly watch Minho next to you with Minjun still in his arms. They're having a quiet conversation, Minjun resting his head against Minho's and holding onto his hands. You feel the old, familiar warmth spreading through you as you watch them. Getting into that fight with Minho had made you feel awful. You missed your time with Minjun and you realized how used you've grown to Minho's presence in your life. 
Minho's eyes find yours, and your breath hitches at the softness of his orbs. “Minjun's asking if you could read him a bedtime story?”
“Oh, of course,” you nod. 
“The bedroom’s upstairs, second door on the left. You can get comfortable there; he loves cuddling in bed before,” he assures you kindly and watches you leave with Minjun. 
Chan nudges him gently. “You two are alright again?”
“We're working on it,” he tells him, and Chan hums agreeingly. 
“We should wrap it up,” Chan chuckles, and Minho hums agreeingly. 
“Yongbokie and you can have the guestroom upstairs. You'd get home way too late,” he tells him. Chan and Felix live the furthest away, after all. “Jisung and Hyunjin can have the sofa,” he laughs, seeing them already deep asleep there. 
Seungmin, listening in, pouts softly. “I'm tired, I don't want to leave.”
Minho glances at him and Innie, resting their heads on Changbin’s shoulders. “I can only offer you to sleep here with all the pillows and stuff.”
“Sounds great,” Jeongin mumbles drowsily. 
“Mhm, then that's settled,” Chan chuckles, soothingly rubbing Felix's shoulder as the younger one slowly grows heavy against him. “Should we clean up tomorrow then?” 
“Yeah, I'll do it once everyone's gone,” Minho laughs. 
“Lix and I can help,” he assures him, earning a thankful smile. 
About ten minutes later, once Minho made sure everyone had what they needed he made his way to his own bedroom, Chan next to him. “I forgot Lix gets cold easily,” he chuckles and carefully pushes the door open. He stops in his tracks, seeing you comfortably sprawled out on his bed, Minjun on your chest, and a book loosely in your hand. You're both asleep, looking peaceful and content. “Shit, I forgot about Y/nnie,” he curses quietly. 
“You can't really move him anywhere else, look at Minjun,” Chan giggles. 
“And where am I supposed to sleep?” he asks quietly, grabbing a fluffy blanket for Chan and Felix. 
“There's plenty of room next to them,” he says. 
“Chan. I can't just get into bed with my assistant,” he argues. 
“Your so-called assistant is hugging your son and asleep in your bed. I think you're way past that, mate,” he laughs. “It's your bed; just keep your distance or whatever.” Minho anxiously chews on his lower lip, debating a hundred different possibilities in his head. “Or you join me and Lix?”
“No, you two touchy fuckers can have that bed for your own,” he giggles, shoving his chest. “Not interested in a threesome right now.”
“Right now?” Chan teases, and Minho playfully raises his fist at him. “What about-”
“Go sleep, you're talking nonsense,” he laughs and gently shoves him outside. “Idiot.”
Chan giggles and gently shoves him back inside. “I'll hit you if you don't sleep in your own bed tonight. You still need rest, idiot.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he groans. 
Minho stares down at the scene before him, the weight of Chan's words sinking in. He watches you and Minjun, both deep in the tranquil sleep of the innocent and the cared-for, their faces peaceful and free from the burdens that Minho carried on his shoulders.
Gathering all his bravery, Minho slowly approaches the bed, his movements hesitant but deliberate. As he reaches the edge, he pauses, taking a moment to truly look at you—someone who has become so much more than just an assistant. You have been his support system, his son's caregiver, and his unintentional savior in times of unspoken despair. How could he continue to maintain a mere professional boundary when everything about your relationship had transcended those limits?
Minho carefully settles on the far edge of the bed, maintaining a respectful distance. He lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. The soft sounds of Minjun's and your breathing soothe his nerves. 
The room is silent, save for the soft ticking of the clock and the distant sounds of the city. Minho turns his head slightly, watching Minjun snuggle closer to you in his sleep. The sight is both beautiful and a stark reminder of the intimate moments he had missed during his recovery.
After a few moments, you shift in your sleep, perhaps sensing the added presence or the slight dip in the mattress as Minho lay down. Your eyes flutter open, and in the dim light, your gaze meets Minho’s. 
“Sorry,” you murmur, your voice sleepy yet filled with warmth. “I can leave.”
“Don't,” Minho says quickly and swallows hard. “He's comfortable here with you; there's no need to leave.”
“You're sure?” you ask, and he hums in response. “Well, you should get comfortable as well. There's no need to hover over the edge of the bed.”
Those words, softly spoken, are like a key turning in a lock for Minho. They break through his last hesitations, sweeping away the remnants of his doubts. He shifts closer, reducing the distance between him and you, and allows himself to relax fully. You turn on your side to face him, your eyes locking with his in the dim light.
“I’m sorry,” Minho whispers, the words thick with emotions. “For everything.”
Your hand finds his under the blankets, giving it a gentle squeeze. “We’re past apologies, Minho. I fucked up because I took him without telling you. I didn't think and expected you to trust me; that wasn't fair. You overreacted…which is kind of understandable. I'm sorry for my part in this, and you're sorry for yours. We're okay.”
Minho feels a warmth spread through his chest. He nods, accepting your forgiveness, and turns his attention to Minjun, who murmurs something inaudible in his sleep and snuggles closer to both of you.
The early morning rays begin to seep through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room. Your eyes slowly flutter open as they meet your face. Stretching your tired body, you slowly realize that Minjun is gone already…and that Minho has gotten a lot closer overnight. You glance down and see his arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close to himself. His head is buried in your neck; you can feel his breath dancing across your skin. His hair feels soft against your skin and you wonder how it'd feel if you sank your hand into it. 
You freeze, unsure of what to do next. The warmth of his breath against your skin sends a mix of comfort and alarm coursing through you. This is Minho, you remind yourself, technically, he's still my boss. Yet, the intimacy of this accidental cuddling was something entirely new, a boundary neither of you had crossed before.
Minho stirs, his movements slow and sluggish as he approaches the edge of consciousness. You hold your breath, waiting for his reaction when he realizes the closeness you both shared through the night. His eyes open gently, adjusting to the soft morning light, and then widen slightly as he takes in the position you both are in.
There's a moment of silent understanding, a mutual acknowledgment of the unintentional closeness. Minho’s eyes flicker with a mix of surprise and something softer, a vulnerability you've seen only in fleeting moments. He pulls back slightly, his hand retreating from where it had found a place around your waist.
“I-I’m sorry,” Minho mutters, his voice a low rasp tinged with embarrassment. “I didn’t mean to-.”
“It’s okay,” you interject quickly, your voice soft, attempting to brush off the awkwardness. “We were both asleep. Things happen.”
Minho nods, his cheeks tinged with a blush that he can't hide. He sits up, rubbing the back of his neck—anxious gestures that you’ve come to recognize as his way of coping with discomfort. 
Silence fills the room for a few heartbeats. Both of you glance away, then back at each other, unsure of how to navigate this new, uncharted territory in your relationship. Finally, Minho clears his throat, his eyes meeting yours with an earnestness that makes your heart skip a beat.
“I didn’t intend for that to happen,” he says, his voice steady but soft. “But I can’t say I regret waking up next to someone who means so much to Minjun… and to me.”
Your breath hitches slightly at his words, a warm flush spreading across your cheeks. “Minho, I-”
“You don’t have to say anything,” Minho interrupts gently. “I just want you to know that I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for us. For being here, for taking care of Minjun when I couldn’t, for being more than just an assistant, more than just a friend.”
The weight of his gratitude sits between you, heavy and warm. You nod, unsure of how to articulate the jumble of feelings his proximity and his words have stirred in you. 
“Thank you for trusting me, Minho,” you manage to say. 
Minho smiles a genuine smile that reaches his eyes, easing some of the tension. He glances at the clock, then back at you. “I guess we should get up. I promised Minjun pancakes, and I suspect he’ll be storming in soon if we don’t start cooking.”
You laugh, the sound light and freeing, breaking the last remnants of awkwardness. “Pancakes it is,” you agree, getting out of bed. You adjust your clothes, still feeling the warmth of where Minho’s arm was wrapped around you.
As you both head to the kitchen, the normalcy of the routine helps mend the morning’s awkward start. Minjun greets you both with a bright smile, oblivious to the tension from earlier, comfortably on Changbin’s lap. “Uncle Changnin is fun,” he announces, making everyone giggle at his slight mispronunciation. 
“Mhm, of course, I am,” Changbin smirks, shooting the others a glare. “Uncle Changnin is fun..unlike some others here.”
Minho laughs, rolling his eyes at him. “Who wants breakfast?”
Throughout the morning, there are shared glances and shy smiles between you and Minho, a silent acknowledgment of a bond that had deepened in the most unexpected way. As you watch Minho flip pancakes, his laughter mingling with Minjun’s excited chatter, you feel a contentment settle over you. This, you realize, is more than just a job; more than just a responsibility-it’s a part of your life that you cherish deeply.
Later, as you sit together eating the slightly deformed pancakes that Minjun insists are perfect, you catch Minho’s eye, and he gives you a small, grateful smile. You'd be okay. 
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hhughes · 24 days
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ᡣ𐭩 pairing — violet kingston x luke hughes
ᡣ𐭩 AU summary — in which luke hughes falls in love with his best friend
ᡣ𐭩 note — it felt fitting to start the new account with my oldest au but also a piece you haven’t seen before x this one has been in the drafts a while… I adore high school luke and vi so much🥺 as always I hope you like it and please tell me what you think. I feel like a lot of out luke and vi pieces, especially the younger ones, really showcase luke's adoration for vi, and this really gives us more of an insight into how smitten violet is for him <3
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“don’t start,” violet states when she arrives at their chosen table at the cafeteria, her and dylan the first two to arrive as usual.
“I didn’t even say anything,” he defends lifting his hands and violet sends him a knowing look as she takes the seat across from him
“not yet. but by that little glint in your eye I can tell you’re about to and you can save your breath. I’m not asking him, I'm not even sure I'm going," violet says and dylan lets out a frustrated sigh. he's been trying to convince her to ask luke to the sadie hawkins dance for at least two weeks straight but to no avail.
"I'm just saying, if you don't ask him soon, you might miss your shot. another one asked him today, that makes it what? three total..." dylan says and violet freezes mid-bite, lowering her apple and staring wide eyed at her friend
"who?" violet asks, her heart squeezing a bit at the thought of Luke going to the dance with someone else
"veronica williams," dylan asnwers and violet's face immediately turns sour. the nerve of that little -
"why are we talking about her-who-shall-not-be-named?" luke asks as he gets to the table, taking his regular seat next to violet, his arm automatically looping around her waist. he smirks as she slaps his hand when he reaches for a cracker in her lunch box, squeezing her hip in retaliation
"just telling vi who asked you to the dance today," dylan answers innocently and luke shrugs when he feels violet's eyes on him
"don't know why she bothered asking me, she knew I was gonna say no," luke says and dylan hums in agreement. it was a well known fact that violet and veronica didn't exactly get long, to put it lightly.
what started out as an innocent kindergarten friendship blossomed into a toxic competitive rivalry at the end of middle school and ever since then veronica has made it her mission to try and upend violet on every little thing. violet was almost sure half the extra curriculars she did was just because violet showed an interest in them.
violet didn't care when veronica ran for student government, or applied to be the head editor of the school paper, or challenged her for captain of the dance team. violet thrived off a little competition and she loved winning fair and square, as she often did in these little battles between her and the other girl.
violet couldn't quell the growing ball of jealousy, annoyance and insecurity at the thought of veronica going after luke. violet wasn't oblivious to the other girl's model-like appearance, and most of the time she was actually quite nice, when her attention wasn't directed towards violet.
dance captain, president of student government and editor of the school paper? those were all things violet would be more than happy to give her. but luke? her luke? was not something she was okay with sharing. violet knew luke wasn't even veronica's type. she was only doing it to get a reaction...
"easy tiger. are you missing the part where I said heck no? s'no need to get yourself worked up over it vi, you know that's what she wants. and then you have to deal with all that at cheer practice," luke reasons
"I'm quitting cheer," violet announces and luke pulls away to look at her, but she clenches the sleeve of his hoodie on the arm around her waist, keeping him close.
"what? why? if this is about veron-" luke protests but shuts up when violet stuffs a cracker in his mouth
"it's not. I've been wanting to quit a while. I only did it because I wanted to try something out of my comfort zone. and I did, but I don't love it, not like I love dance, and I would rather spend more time doing something I love. besides now I have the time in my schedule to coach your little cousin's winter concert-"
"violet, you don't have to quit cheer to choreograph my little cousin's first grade concert. I promise you no one is gonna remember it in a few years," luke says, pushing his lunch bag closer to her as violet steals a chicken nugget from his container
"she's gonna remember it. why are you so against me quitting cheer anyway? I thought you hated it?" violet asks
"I don't hate it, I just hate the way the football players think that you being a cheerleader means that they have the right to flirt with you 24/7. like what is this? high school musical?" luke grumbles and violet smiles
“gabriella wasn’t a cheerleader…” violet replies amused
“and troy wasn’t a football player…” luke responds
“so what exactly is the high school musical reference?” dylan asks
“you know… stick to the status quo or whatever,” luke mumbles, throwing dylan with a crumpled piece of paper
“you know what I’m gonna miss about cheer?” luke asks, his hand ending up on violet’s thigh and she places hers on top of his
“what?” she asks and he smirks slightly
“seeing you in the uniform,” luke teases and violet playfully pushes his chest
“I can keep the uniform,” violet teases back and luke’s eyebrows raise
“oh? you gonna come wear it at my games? be my personal little cheerleader?” luke asks, his head dropping closer to hers and violet is hyper aware of his nose being centimetres from hers
“you wish,” violet breathes and luke grins
“a man can dream,” luke teases, leaning back with a hand on his chest
“a man can dream to disappear and no longer be witness to this,” dylan mumbles and luke kicks him against the shin
“you uh- going to the dance?” luke asks, scratching the back of his neck, his nervous tick showing and violet smiles slightly
“I’m thinking about it,” she replies
“you should wear red if you are. it’s your colour,” luke says, knowing he already has a number of red ties in his closet
“everything is my colour,” violet teases and luke grins, kissing her on the cheek
“true,” he says, tugging on the strings of the hoodie she was wearing, not even noticing its the very one he was searching for that morning.
“can you calm down? what’s the worse that could happen? he says no?” violet’s little brother asks and her horrified gaze snaps towards him
“oh my god! what if he says no… what if he thinks this is totally lame and he’d rather gauge his own eyes out than go to this dance with me,” violet says and daxton just stares at her for a few seconds before glancing at her poster and back up
“I think it’s sweet and if he doesn’t, then he doesn’t deserve to go to the dance with you,” daxton says folding his arms over his chest and violet smiles at her little brother
“look he’s coming,” her brother says excitedly, and she spots luke on the ice instantly, feeling her heart speed up in her chest as he skates over to them, a puck in his hand
“here you go bud,” he calls, throwing the puck over the glass for daxton before directing his attention to her
“that for me kingston? you gonna let me see it?” luke teases and violet blushes, shakily opening the poster and pressing it against the glass so he could read it.
hey 43, do me a hughes favour and assist me in scoring a date to sadie? 🩷
violet feels like her cheeks are on fire by the time luke finishes reading and sends her a big grin.
“I thought you’d never ask,” he teases, pressing his hand flat on the glass and violet mirrors his action
at the end of their winning game, luke couldn’t wait to get off the ice, shower as quick as possible and go see his girl. doing a little jog towards her and picking her up in a bear hug when he’s in touching distance
“lemme see it. lemme see it,” he says excitedly and violet giggles as he puts her down, reaching for the poster
“can I keep it?” luke asks, clenching the poster tight and violet nods
“thanks for coming, where’s dax?” luke asks, grabbing violet’s hand as they make their way out of the building
“probably passed out in the car by now,” violet jokes and luke squeezes her hand
“are you coming over for dinner tonight? you have to… I have to show mom your poster. shes gonna love it,” luke pleads
“yeah I can come to dinner,” violet agrees, pulling out her phone to text her parents. never being able to say no when he pulls those big puppy eyes on her
“so what colour dress you wearing?” luke asks as he puts his gear in the trunk
“red,” she answers sheepishly and luke smiles, hooking a finger in her belt loops and pulling her into him
“what are you doing?” violet giggles as luke teasingly lifts the edge of her hoodie
“checking to see if you wore the cheer uniform,” he says and laughs as she swats him on the arm
“are you insane? its way too cold. and I think I embarrassed myself enough for one night,” violet replies and luke pecks her on the nose
“I think you looked cute. standing there with your little sign. I’m gonna wow you with my dance moves,” luke teases moving his legs an attempt of some sort of shuffle move and violet laughs
“are you laughing at me?” he asks, tickling her waist and pulling her into another hug
“those legs were made for skating lu, definitely not dancing. lucky for you, you have a super good teacher,” violet says and luke hums agreeing, pressing a kiss to her head
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f1fantasys · 3 months
Always and Forever
Summary: You and Charles have a long history together. Will he finally come home to you?
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A long, smutty, angsty Charles Leclerc imagine.
You had known Charles since the two of you were kids. You families we close friends, so naturally your childhood meant being around Charles a lot. From a very young age you knew you had a crush on Charles, who wouldn't? Your families had always been aware of yours' and Charles' blossoming relationship, but Charles always gently shut down the thought of you getting together, using the excuse that he was older than you (only by 2 years). You had remained close friends, and when Charles started traveling more and more due to F1, you also became close friends with his brother Arthur. Arthur had always known you craved Charles more than you let on, more than anyone else in the family. He was always the one to comfort you whenever Charles had shut you down, or whenever you saw a new girl on Charles' arms in every country he visited.
When you were 22, and Charles was 24, thriving in his career, things changed between the 2 of you.
The Leclerc family had invited you and yours to their house for the annual Christmas dinner. It was a lavish dinner with the fanciest foods and the most expensive wines. You made sure to dress as sexy as you could, hoping to make an impression on the one you love. Yes, you can easily say you are in love with Charles. You opted for a satin white dress that hugged all your curves in the right places. Your heels were a high as the sky. Your hair was curled and pinned in a way that made you look stunning and your makeup was simple yet beautiful. You know you looked like a million bucks. To give you a boost of confidence, you decided to forego any panties or a bra. You boobs held the dress perfectly, and you couldn't wait to see Charles' reaction. You were no more the young Y/N, too young for him. You were now a beautiful woman, ready to take her step into the world.
As you entered the Leclerc residence in the heart of Monaco, your eyes quickly searched for him. You hadn't seen him for 6 months, him busy with F1, and you had started a new internship that was in Nice.
You heard him before you saw him, but before you could react and even look around for him, someone pulled you and whisked you away to a quiet place.
'Arthur, what are you doing' you whispered.
Arthur looked at you with sad eyes, he looked scared to even say anything.
After a few seconds of raising your brows at him, he finally started -
'Y/N, maybe we should just ditch the party and go out somewhere. We can have a nice dinner and then hit up a club with some friends.'
Confused, you questioned him again. 'why would we do that? Your parents are throwing an amazing party so why would we just up and leave to go someplace else?'
'It's...it's..-' he stammered. 'Charles. He's here with a girl. Alex.'
Your heart started to heat faster. You didn't know what to make of that. You certainly weren't prepared to see another girl on Charles' arms tonight. Not when you haven't even spoken to him for a few months, and not when you made an effort to get noticed by him, only for him not even give you a second glace.
'That doesn't mean its ok for us to leave the party. Your mum would be very upset with us' you said.
Arthur continued to look at you with a worried face.
'I'll be okay' you lied.
He simply nodded his head and took your hand, leading you back to the living room where everyone was mingling.
As soon as you entered the room you eyes found his. He flashed you his signature smile, dimples showing, eyes crinkling. You felt your heart start to beat faster. Maybe you should have taken Arthur's offer to leave. You felt him squeeze you hand, to let you know he was there for you. And you were grateful for that.
Charles and who you assumed to be Alex, made their way over to where you were standing. 'Y/N' Charles sweetly said, kissing both your cheeks and pulling you into a hug. Your body felt frozen, out of place. This was your Charles, your friend first and foremost, yet you felt like you were meeting him for the first time. 'Charles, how are you?' you managed to smile. 'All well. Oh, this is Alex by the way' he said, looking at her like she was the most beautiful thing in the room. He wasn't wrong. She was beautiful. So beautiful in fact. Her slim figure wore a lovely dress and her long hair looked so soft. You managed another smile. 'It's lovely to meet you.' Charles turned to you 'and this is Y/N, one of my first best friends.' Alex kissed both your cheeks in greeting.
You spent the rest of of the evening mingling with different people. Family members of the Leclercs, friends, when finally Joris, a very good friend of both you and Charles found his way to you. 'All okay?' He asked.
'Yep, all good. Actually getting a bit tired. I have an early drive back to Nice tomorrow to fetch some of my stuff. My internship is over so I'll be back in Monaco for a while'
'That's great. It will be nice to have to back. I miss our catchups' he smiled.
Hearing him say that made you think of the memories you had growing up alongside him and Charles. You always had the best time with them. Only now you couldn't imagine making yourself available to tag alone with them, especially with Alex at Charles' side.
'I need some air,' you croaked out and walked away.
You made your way to the back garden, desperate for some fresh air to breathe. It felt like you were holding your breath the whole evening.
As soon as you stepped outside you immediately regretted it. There was Charles. With this tongue down Alexs' throat. Hand up her dress. You wanted to be sick. This was one thing you could have gone without seeing tonight. It all happened in a matter of seconds. You hoped they didn't hear your heals clanking on the bricks. But they did. Charles' eyes immediately widened at seeing you.
'Y/N' he smiled and let go of Alex. ' I was hoping we could spend some time together. I'd love for you Alex to get to know each other better.'
What was he playing at? He knew you had a 'crush' on him, so why the fuck would he want you and his girlfriend to be friends.
'Oh, sorry for interrupting, I was just one my way out' you muttered, hoping he would shut up and leave you. You started making a beeline for your car, when he ran after you.
'Y/N what is this. You hardly talk to me for months, you somewhat ignore me all evening, and then you don't even attempt to get to know Alex better.'
By now you were fuming. You were hurt for sure, but angry.
'I have a busy life too, you know. You're busy traveling around the world, but I'm not sat here waiting to message or call you every second of the day. You could have tried to contact me too. But it all makes sense now. Alex is keeping you even busier that you can't even check up on a friend or congratulate her for graduating and getting an internship.'
'Oh yeah, it all comes down to Alex.' He scoffed. What? That was what he took away from your whole rant?
'Why can't you just be happy for me that I found someone and I'm in love?'
You felt tears start to sting you eyes.
He continued 'At least i can keep a partner and not have them cheat on me'
That was a dagger to you heart. He knew how broken you were when your ex cheated on you, then broke up with you, as if you had done something wrong. Arthur was away at the time, so it was Charles who comforted you. To have him throw those words to you, you didn't know who he was anymore.
'I need to go' you whispered as you walked past him to your car and drove off.
It was so surprise that you struggled to sleep that night. Arthur had texted, asking where you disappeared to. You told him you wanted to get enough sleep before your drive to Nice tomorrow.
You thought back at the night. It definitely didn't go the way you thought it would. But more so you were disappointed in the way Charles was towards you. Where was the boy who made you laugh, who showed you an endless amount of respect, who gave you flutters of hope every time he smiled at you. Today he only broke your little heart.
As you were deep in thought, your phone lit up and the noise of a new message. Your heart skipped a beat at the name that popped up
'Y/N, i apologize for my behavior tonight. You did not deserve all those things I said to you. I hope you find it in you to forgive me.'
Just as you finished reading that text, another one popped up:
'And i wish I told you in person - you looked absolutely beautiful tonight....goodnight..x'
You heart skipped a heat at reading that and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.
'Thank you, Charles. Goodnight' was all you said back to him.
A few months had passed since that night. Charles was back to his traveling, and you'd exchanged a few texts here and there, and even Face-timed once after he won a race.
One Friday night in, alone at your house in Monaco, when your phone rang with an unknown caller ID.
'Y/N.' You would recognize that voice anywhere
'Charles' you smiled. 'Are you ok? Why didn't you call me from your number?'
'I uh..forgot my phone at home. Yours was the only number i remembered. I'm out at a nightclub..I wondered if you are able to come and fetch me? I really need to talk to you.'
'Of course I'll come fetch you, but is everything ok?' you panicked. But secretly felt happy that he only remembered your number.
'Everything will be better when you're here' he said into the phone.
Not 15 minutes later and you were pulling into the nightclub he was at. You saw him sitting at the curb, surprised he wasn't with any friends or anyone. As you parked, you got out the car and made your way to him.
'Charles are you ok? Why are you sitting here alone? Have you been drinking?'
He smiled 'very little, can i drive?' he stood up and took the car keys from your hand. You followed him and sat in the passengers seat.
He started the car and backed out onto the street, you noticed he was going in the direction of his house.
The car ride was silent, until you started 'Hey, what's going on?'
He looked at you. His eyes bore into yours.
'Alex and I broke up'
Oh. Oh you weren't expecting that.
'Oh, im so sorry to hear that, Charles.' To be honest, you weren't sorry.
'I'm not' he said.
You didn't really know what to say back. It was silent for few more minutes until he started again:
'Breaking up with her made me realize something'
You looked to him, waiting for him to continue.
'It's you'
Wait what? What did he just say? What's 'you'?
'Y/N, I'm sorry. I've dragged you along for too long. Given you hope. False hope. Even though I was lying to myself. I've always had feelings for you. You're always going to be my annoying little best friend, but I couldn't help falling for you.'
I'm sorry, are you hearing this right? Charles is telling you he...likes you? What? You had no words, you weren't sure if you could even voice a word right now. So you stayed silent.
He parked the car at his apartment basement and turned his body towards you.
'I know this is a lot to take in right now. But i needed you to know. I've wanted to tell you since last summer, but never had the guts to. Too scared to hear you tell me you've moved on from me. But i cant hold it in anymore. I really really like you Y/N.'
You were shocked. All you could do was smile but then a doubt crept into your mind.
'if you've felt like this since summer, why did you start dating Alex for the most part of the year?' you asked. It just wasn't adding up for you.
He sighed. 'I started dating her to try and forget about you. I couldn't bring myself to tell you how i feel and be shut down by you, so i thought finding someone else was the solution. I tried to distance myself from you.'
You didn't know what to say. Charles took you hand and kissed your knuckles.
'I still want to be with you Charles. I don't think there will be a time where i don't want to be with you.' you smiled at him.
The pair of you quickly made your way to the elevator to get up to the apartment. Everything was happening quickly. Too quickly even. But you both were so caught up with everything that was said.
The two of you stepped into the elevator. Standing close together, but before the door could even close, Charles had pushed you against the wall. His lips ghosting over yours.
'Can I?' he asked.
You couldn't form a coherent thought or word to say. You simply nodded.
His lips crashed into yours. They were soft and plump, and tasted even more delicious than you ever imagined them to be. (and yes, you imagined what they would taste like....a lot). You both smiled into the kiss. It very quickly got heated. The both of you battling for dominance. In the end, Charles won, as you opened up your mouth to him. You felt him suck on your bottom lip, before his tongue slid into your mouth, and explored you as if there was gold to find. Eventually he pulled back when the elevator dinged. You smiled at each other and walked rather quickly to his door.
As soon as the door was shut behind you, Charles scooped you up and carried you to his bedroom. He lowered you to his bed and began peeling his shirt off. All you could do was stare. Sure you had seem him shirtless before, but this was a whole new ballgame. Charles was looking at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. But he also wore a smirk, that had you wrapped around his little finger.
You took that as a new found confidence, and slowly shimmied out of your dress, completely forgetting you were alone at home before he called, and you weren't wearing any underwear.
Charles' eyes widened and you gasped, but quickly his eyes darkened, and all you could see was lust. Lust for you.
He pulled you flush against himself 'so fucking beautiful, i don't know why i waited this long to see you like this'
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks at his words. The two of you started kissing again. A dirty, sloppy kiss with teeth and tongues clashing. He moved down to your neck and very quickly found your sweet spot. That earned him the sexiest moan from you. 'Fuck' he muttered. He gently laid you down on his mattress and opened your legs up. You should have felt conscious, him staring into your most private parts, but you didn't. If anything, you felted so turned on. You'd dreamt about moments like this. To have your Charles look at your like this.
He started kissing a path up your thighs. Too slow for your liking. He was teasing you, and you both knew it. You moaned 'Charles please' and he smirked. He very quickly realized he would never tire of hearing you beg for him.
Suddenly without warning, his tongue licked a strip up your cunt. You were speechless, you couldn't even breathe properly. In no time he found your clit, sucking and pulling at it with this mouth, earning more and more moans from you. This is what you call eating your girl out. He was a professional. If it were an Olympic sport, he would win gold. Double gold even. The feeling was incredible. The noises in the room were obscene. All it took was a few minutes until you came crashing down. Charles made sure to lick up all of your warm juices, leaving nothing behind.
'So delicious Mon amour'
The nickname made your heart flutter. You grabbed his hair gentle and bought his face up to yours to kiss him. You could still taste your saltiness in his mouth. While kissing, you felt his fingers find your pussy. He slowly started rubbing circles on your clit. He kept getting close to your entrance, then moved his fingers further away. You gave him a groan 'Charles' you said breathlessly. ''What do you want Y/N.' He was smirking again.
He continued his movements, but still didn't give you what you wanted. You continued to groan, getting so worked up. 'You need to tell me what you want Y/N' Fuck this man is going to be the end of you, and is he really making you beg after making you wait practically your whole life for this day?
'Finger Charles, use your fingers, fuck'
And without a second thought the thrust two fingers at once. You both moaned in unison. You at the incredible feeling of his fingers hitting the right spots, him at the how tight you were.
You came a second and third time. Breathless, yet still needing more. You needed to feel him. In your mouth and in your cunt.
You slowly pushed him onto his back and climbed onto of him.
He took your boobs into his hands and started massaging them and pinching your pebbled nipples. 'Fuck Charles' you said as you felt him bring his lips closer and quickly take your one nipple into his mouth while he still played with the other. Once he had enough time with your boobs, you shimmied you way down his body and peeled off his jeans and boxers. His cock sprang free, smacking his stomach. He looked so painfully hard. But oh so beautiful.
'My turn to taste you' you cooed. Charles flashes you his signature smile with his dimples. 'You don't have to-' 'I want to' you interrupted him.
You took him in your hands. No surprise he was thick. And long. And there was a vein at the side that made everything that much hotter. What Charles did next sent a jolt of electricity to your core. He bent forward and let his spit dangle from his mouth down to his dick. If you weren't horny before, you definitely were now. You'd never seen anything hotter in your 24 and a half years on earth. 'Fuck me' you muttered. 'Well, that is the plan' he replied.
You lowered you mouth to take his cock inside it. Obviously, you couldn't fit all of him in, so your hand took care of the rest. You slowly licked a stripe up his shaft and suck the tip of him into your mouth. His pre-cum was already so delicious, you couldn't wait to get more.
'Hmm' you looked up to see his eyes roll to the back of his head, as he pulled your hair out of your face and held it behind your head.
'Fuck Y/N, you take me so well. You're fucking amazing at this' he muttered as you started to bob your head up and down, gagging slightly as you felt him reach the back of your throat.
'Fuck, im close Y/N'
'Come for me Charles, let go for me' and with that you tasted him. Salty and warm, and oh so delicious.
He bought you up to sit on his lap again, kissing you again for what felt like hours. Until he heard his phone ringing. Whining, you climbed off him so he could take the call. It was Arthur, you heard him speak in french 'Charles? Do you know where Y/N is? I've tried calling and texting her but she's not answering.' 'Charles had to keep a giggle in. I saw her at the club earlier, she said she was spending the night at her friends.' They're probably already sleeping, they got quite drunk' he said while sending you a wink. 'Ah okay' said Arthur, 'I wanted to invite her for Charlottes' birthday lunch tomorrow, you're coming right? It will just be the 4 of us and Enzo.' Yes, we''l be there...I mean..I'll be there' Charles said holding in a laugh. 'Great, see you tomorrow' Arthur said as he ended the call.
'How am i going to be in the same room as you and keep my hands to myself?' Charles said quickly. You could only laugh as he pulled you back into his lap, resuming his activities of kissing you as deep as he could.
You started to grind on him, and when you heard a string of french words leave him mouth, you finally, finally lifted yourself up and sank down on him. It felt like you were made for each other. He filled you so perfectly. You mind went blank, all you could think about was your Charles, finally coming home to you. He started meeting you halfway, lifting himself up and thrusting into you, as hard as he could. The room was filled more obscene noises, pants, breath, moans and swear words from the both of you. 'M close, Charles' you managed to say.
He quickly found your clit with his fingers and within seconds you came for a 4th time in one night. Your bundle of nerves were so sensitive, but you still couldn't get enough of him.
He slid out of you and switched positions. This time you were on all fours, and he slammed into you with no warning. 'Fuck, so tight, so fucking tight me ma belle' he panted.
'Charles, i'm close' you muttered, surprised your 5th orgasm was rolling around so quickly.
'Wait for me cherie' he said as he fucked harder and harder into you. By know you legs were shaking, and he had to hold you upright to balance you. You could feel his hot breath on your neck and in unison, you both came undone.
You both stayed in that position for a while, catching your breaths, until he slowly slid out of you causing the two of you to let out a groan. He quickly ran to his bathroom and came back with a warm cloth and wiped you down, leaving you feather kisses all over.
When he returned again, he climbed into the bed beside you can pulled you to his side. 'I know everything is happening rather quickly, but Y/N i want you to know i am serious about you. I've known you for a very long time and every single part of your being, inside and out, is incredible. I love you.'
You eyes started tearing up upon hearing that. You've wanted to hear those words since you found out what a 'crush' is or what 'feelings' are. You snuggled closer to him and kissed his nose. 'I love you too Charlie.' You fell asleep in each others arms.
The next morning you woke up slightly confused with where you were. Until the memories came crashing down. You tried to hide your smile before turning around in the strong arms that were around you. He was still asleep, slightly snoring. He looked as beautiful as ever, and you couldn’t believe he was yours. You took in his appearance. He had a soft smile, dimples peaking out, a good tan and the hottest jawline ever. You quickly pecked his nose as he started shuffling. His eyes flew open and within a second those dimples came to life. He gave you the biggest boyish grin and pulled you impossibly closer.
‘Good morning mom amour’ he whispered.
‘Good morning my love’
‘We’ve got lunch with the family today, care to join?’ He said, wiggling his eyebrows.
You threw him a genuine smile, secretly hoping more days like this would come.
Instead of saying anything, you kissed him. Hard and deep, and he kissed you back. He rolled onto you and removed your (his) tshirt.
Charles started meddling with your boobs, pinching your nipples and earning a moan from you.
‘I’ll never get tired of hearing that my love. It’s so fucking sexy’
To hear him say than in his raspy morning voice turned you on even more. Yes, you definitely were sensitive from last night, but you craved so much more.
Before you could continue, an idea popped into Charles’ head. He suddenly stopped his movements and swiftly removed himself from on top of you, got up and walked to the bathroom, stripping his boxers on the way. Shocked, you looked on. What is he doing you thought. He popped his head out a few seconds later.
‘Coming? Or non’.
You’ve never got out of bed faster than right now.
He had the shower turned on and once the water was nice and hot, you both stepped in. He started to shampoo your silky hair, massaging you, earning moans from you. You did the same to him in return. Suddenly your back hit the cold tiles and Charles knelt down in front of you, opening your legs. You held onto his hair, knowing what was coming. Only it wasn’t what you expected. You thought his mouth would be on you. But he angled the shower head to your most sensitive parts. You gasped as you felt the water spray on your clit. Charles gave you his signature smirk before adding his tongue, AND FINGERS to the mix.
You mind could form no coherent thoughts. You could barely hold your body up. Luckily Charles and his strong arms held you in place. He soon placed the shower head back in place and added two more fingers to you.
‘Y/N you look so fucking hot right now. Definitely a sight for sore eyes’
All you could do was nod.
As Charles felt you getting close, he stood up and replaced his fingers with his painfully hard cock. The stretch was a bit of a sting at first, but when he started pumping in and out of you, the pleasure made it all worth it. He was fucking into you harder than you’d ever had it before.
‘Fuck, Charles’ was all you could say. ‘Fuck fuck fuck’
He smiled, ‘I am fucking you mon amour. You’re taking me so well. So tight and needy for my thick dick’ he muttered, almost to himself.
Within minutes your legs were shaking and your warm cum released from you. You wanted to taste him again, so as soon as you knew he was close, you made him slide out of you and you got on your knees. Taking him as deep into your mouth as you could. Pumping what you couldn’t fit with your hands, and massaging his balls. No sooner than I minute later you could taste his deliciousness and he moaned and praised you for your activities.
You stood up and kissed him again. You could kiss him forever, as you felt his hands massaging your ass.
‘Charles I really am sore now, no more sex for a loooong while’ you said.
He laughed ‘as if. Let’s see who breaks first’
‘Is that a challenge? Let’s see who can’t keep their hands off the other at lunch later’ you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
‘Deal' he said with a smirk.
You needed to go home to change since it was already 11.30 and the lunch was for 12.15. You'd decided with Charles that he would drive the pair of you to the lunch. And if anyone raises eyebrows at the fact you came together, he would say you talked about it at the club last night.
You opted for mini summer dress that ended just above your knees, and paired it with a pair of wedges. Charles wore a simple white cotton button up and some shorts - it was just a casual lunch, nothing fancy.
As he parked the car at the restaurant, he turned to you and stopped your movements of getting out of the car. The next thing you felt were his lips on yours surely leaving a bruise. It was hard and rough, his tongue exploring your mouth once again.
Breathlessly, you both pulled away, smiling at each other.
'Just needed something to keep me going through lunch, since i can't even touch you, and until i get you back home to ruin you all over again' he said.
You felt your cheeks get red and you heart beat faster. Not knowing what you say, you smiled and sent him a wink, before climbing out of his pista.
Walking up to the table, everyone's eyes was on the two of you.
'Did you guys come together?' Lorezno asked.
'Yep,' you said, looking at Charles who had his shades on, the sneaky bugger.
'We saw each other at the club last night and decided to come together' he said back.
'Okay, Y/N, where have you been? You hair looks like its just been through a room full of fans' Arthur said, showing you a smirk. He knew something fishy was going on.
'Oh i had the window down in the pista, thats it' you said back.
Of course the only two chairs that were left were next to eachother, which meant the lunch would be 10x more difficult for you to keep your hands away from him.
'Happy Birthday Charlotte', you said kissing her cheeks and gifting her a stunning bouquet of flowers. 'I hope Enzo is spoiling you today,' you said sending a wink to Enzo.
So far the lunch was going well. Everyone was in conversation with each other and it was nice to catch up with Charlotte after a long time. The food and drinks were flowing nicely.
Nicely, until you felt somebody's hand creep up your legs, almost touching your most sensitive parts. You jumped in surprise, and started coughing, having to blame your wine go down the wrong hole. As you settled down again, it came back. This time you had to keep your blush at bay, and you sent Charles a pleading look. All he did was smirk at you, before removing his hand.
Two can play at the game you thought, as you sneakily bought you hand to rest on his bulge, feeling his dick grow hard as rock under your touch. He could barely even concentrate on what Arthur was saying, let alone engage in the conversation.
When he was sure no one was looking, he bought his lips to your ear and said 'behave, mon amour, or you'll be sorry later'
Just the thought of later caused you to squeeze your thighs shut together to release the ache between them.
'We're thinking of taking the yacht out after lunch, to watch the sunset. Care to join?' Enzo said looking at you and Charles.
You wanted to say no. To say you had someplace else to be. But they would surely notice Charles missing as well.
'Of course' you replied, while Charles gave you an annoyed look.
Some time later, all of you were out on the yacht. It was a beautiful day to be out on the waters, and you were glad you decided to come. Although you also wish you were tucked away in yours' or Charles' apartment with him inside you. Thinking about that only turned you on, and for the past 30 minutes you were having difficulty focusing on anything other than Charles and his fingers and his tongue and his dick.
A few more friends had joined your group, and Charles was currently sitting opposite you, sending what you could only describe as heart eyes in you direction. You tried to tell him to stop, but he wouldn't.
The sun was set and the sky was getting darker. Some were in the water enjoying the coolness of the water while others were just lounging around.
You decided you need some air, so you went to the other side of the boat and climbed to the bottom of the steps where the boat met the water, and dunked your feet in. It was nice and relaxing, until someone decided to join you.
'Having fun? Or would you rather be fucking' he smirked at you.
'Oh my god Charles' you whispered. 'You cant say things like that out loud. And get away from here. Its hard not being able to jump you as it is'
'Relax, amour. Everyone is in the water on the other side of the boat' he said as he slowly got into the water himself, and settled between you legs.
The last 24 hours had honestly been a dream Everything you've ever wanted had come true and you couldn't be happier.
'Are you ok, love?' Charles asked as he caught you deep in thought.
All you could do was smile and lean forward, bringing your lips to his.
It was a gentle kiss. Not heated like before. Just a gentle embrace between two people who love each other.
'i love you'' he whispered
'I love you too, my Charlie'
Things quickly took a turn as he started to slide your bikini bottoms down from under your dress.
Before you could process what was happening or worry about the others, you felt Charles gently push into you. To say the feeling was incredible was an understand.
'Fuck, mon cherie' he whispered. 'You feel so good' he said as he started to set a faster pace. You braced yourself, holding onto his shoulders, playing with his hair, moaning into his ear. Trying to be as quiet as you could.
Nothing was gentle anymore. Charles was slamming into you. Fucking into your cunt. Hitting all the right places.
'Charles' you moaned. 'I'm close'. 'Let go princess, but be quiet, unless you want the others to find me fucking you here' he whispered, smiling at you.
'Fuck' was all you could say. You were incredibly sore but you couldn't get enough at the same time.
Within minutes you reached your peak. It was so intense that you couldn't hold yourself together. Charles literally had to carry you into the water, to support you, as well as chase his own high.
'Merde' he gasped as you finally felt him splutter into you.
'You are so amazing, I cant get enough of you' he whispered as he peppered your face in open-mouthed kisses.
You could hear some voices getting closer to where the two of you were, so you quickly separated yourself from Charles and sat back on the step.
'Oooooh, whats going on here?' Arthur and Charlotte said as the approached you and Charles.
'Nothing, just chilling' you said, although your feet were inside of Charles shorts, playing with his willy, but the others' couldn't see that
Arthur gave you raised eyebrows. 'ooookay, well we are heading back now, just wanted to let you know. As he turned on his heel and pulled a confused Charlotte behind him.
'He so knows we're fucking. He knows me too well. And he knows you' you told Charles as he started getting out of the water.
He suddenly gave you a shocked look.
'What?' you almost jumped up because of the way he was looking at you.
'I took your bikini bottoms off of you and i think i let them go in the water' he said, barely holding in his laughter.
'Oh my god Charles, im wearing an almost see-through dress, and that was my favorite bikini' you said pouting.
'I'll buy you a new one amour. and wrap my towel around you. Whatever is under that dress is only to be seen by me, no one else' he said as he helped you on your feet and guided you back towards where the others were.
'Need a ride home?' Arthur asked you quietly. You felt your cheeks heating up. How could you say no without giving away the fact that your were fucking his brother?
'Um-' you started, but Charles quickly interrupted you.
'Y/N, do you still need me to take a look at the thing wrong with your car?'
Life saver.
'Yes please, if you don't mind.'
You looked at Arthur. All he did was smile and mutter 'okay'
'Thanks for the save''' you giggled to Charles as you both got settled in his pista again.
'No problem, babes'
You made a face. You weren't used to being called babes, or babe, especially by Charles, so to hear him say that made you wet. So wet. As if you've had a dry spell for the last 24 hours.
There was a sudden shift in the mood on the way back to your apartment.
'What's got you thinking so hard' you asked as you observed Charles.
He smiled a gentle smile. 'I know everything is happening really quickly, and I wouldn't change it for the world.. But i've realised i dont want to be away from you. At all times. I know that sounds crazy, because i travel so much, and although i would love for you to join me at every race, I can't expect you to leave home and work all the time. Don't get me wrong, i would gladly have you with me 24/7 if it’s something you wanted’ he paused. You waited for him to continue.
He looked at your with eyes that held so much love ‘join me for the triple header.’
You kept silent, rewarding him with a smile.
‘We just got together, and I don’t think I can go 3 whole weeks without seeing you’ he whispered.
‘Charles, I’d love to’ you gushed. Leaning forward and pecking his cheek as he showed you a full dimpled smile.
‘Mom amour’ he said softly, almost to himself.
Two days later (and A LOT of sex later) you and Charles were on a private plane to Austin. Arthur had joined you as well. You nor Charles had told him anything, just the shit-eating grin he had told you both that he knew everything.
As Charles had drifted off to sleep on the long flight, Arthur came to sit next to you.
‘Y/N, I am so happy that you finally got what you wanted. I don’t know how it happened’ he made a face ‘nor do I want to know’ he winked ‘but I’m happy. For the both of you.’ He spoke in French.
‘Thank you Arthur, and thank you for always standing by me. I appreciate you’ you said as your hugged him.
You’d arrived in Austin the day before media activities were to take place. Charles told you he wanted to take you out for an ‘Official first date’ in his words.
He wouldn’t tell you where he was talking you - all he said was ‘dress smart, as you always do’.
This time, you opted for a midi black dress that had a sexy slit on the side. You paired it with a stunning pair of black heels and decided on an up-do for your hair.
As Charles waited for you in the living room of your suite, he nearly choked on his breathe upon seeing you.
‘You know, maybe we should skip dinner. Just go straight to dessert’ he cussed in French as he approached you.
‘Charles! No. I’m very hungry and you owe me a ‘date’’ you told him.
‘Fine, but I might get arrested for public indecency’ he scoffed behind you as your closed your hotel door.
Of course, he rented a Ferrari for your time in Austin. As you settled in the car, his left hand graced your thigh the whole way to the restaurant. He tried, but failed, to get his fingers to enter your lacy panties.
Dinner was amazing. He really picked well. You chatted about everything and nothing at the same time.
Just as your were finishing actual dessert, an idea popped into your head. You excused yourself to go to the bathroom.
You don’t know where the confidence came from, you quickly removed your panties and scrunched them up in your hand. You topped up on your lipstick, and walked back to Charles with some swagger. He smiled as he saw you approach him. You held out your hand as he opened his to take what you were giving him.
When he checked what you gave him, his eyes widened in surprise.
‘Merde’ he muttered. You quickly noticed he was very ansty from then on. Mission accomplished, you thought to yourself.
Needless to say, Charles couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel. He fucked you in the car. Or rather- he made you ride him. It’s safe to say it was the hottest sex the two of you had had til today. The way his dick filled you up was no joke, especially with the limited space to move around. You were flush against him. Your nipple was in his mouth. His fingers were playing your clit. You were pulling his hair, surely leaving marks on his neck. It was hot. You moaned in unison as you came while he still slammed his thick cock into you. A few seconds later ‘fuck Y/N I’m cuming’
You stayed in your positions as you both caught your breathe. Gently kissing each other. Just as your lifted yourself up to let Charles pull out, he ordered you to open your mouth.
‘Open your pretty mouth Cherie’ he whispered. But not softly. It was harsh. You did as you were told, as Charles let his spit dangle from his mouth down into yours. The things this man comes up with. He is incredible.
Back at the hotel, you came a second, third and fourth time. This time though, not only from his cock, but from his tongue, fingers and wait for it-the shower head combo again.
Austin was an amazing race for Charles, and so was Mexico. It all came down to Brazil.
As you entered the paddock with Charles (not as a couple, yet) you couldn’t help but feel excited.
That quickly changed as you both entered the Ferrari garage and saw a familiar face. One you hoped you wouldn’t see so soon. You froze next to Charles, as you felt his face keep switching between you and the woman before you. She came up to you both and hugged him. But what caused you to shiver was the way her fingers ruffled through his hair. And he let her. You just looked at he both of them. It was like he forgot you were right beside him or something.
‘Y/N’ he started but before he could continue, you walked away. You needed some air. What is his ex doing here. Why did he let her touch him like that.
You walked through the paddock until you found a secluded area that hardly had any people. You sat down and tried to calm your breathing.
Maybe you read the whole situation. Maybe he was playing a game with you. But at the same time, he told you he loved you.
You stayed away for the remainder of the day. Charles and Arthur had called you multiple times but you told them you just need space as you returned to the hotel.
Quality was a disaster for Charles. He was started P10 for the race. You didn’t want to add to his problems because you knew he would be beating himself up for doing so bad, but at the same time your life and relationship was no joke.
He walked into your room around 7pm to find you sitting on the couch staring at the tv. He could tell you had being crying.
‘Y/N, please let me explain. What you saw was nothing. I don’t even know why or how she even was there. I guess I didn’t pull away because I was just as shocked as you were. But please believe me there is absolutely nothing going on between us. The last time I spoke to her was two weeks before we got together. I love you and only you. No-one can tell you otherwise’ he said as he sat next to you and took your hand into his.
You felt him wipe away a few tears you didn’t know were even falling.
He took your face in your hands and gentle caressed it.
‘I’m sorry if I over-reacted, but it was so hard to see the two of your together again. You sobbed into him and he hugged you.
‘And I’m sorry I caused you more stress, for not doing well in quail’
‘Whatever’ he said. ‘You will always be first’ he kissed your forehead.
Tonight was the first night since you got together that you hadn’t had some sexual activities with Charles. You just cuddled and fell asleep in each other’s arms.
The next few weeks went in a blur. Things were good with Charles, and before you knew it, it was time for the Leclerc's annual Christmas party again.
As you walked into their house hand in hand, you couldn't help but think back to a year ago. You were still pining over Charles, and he was pining over someone else. But that was then. This time, you were still pining for him, but he was yours, and finally, he was actually pining for you.
He took you up to his childhood bedroom before attacking your lips with his.
'Char,' you tried to say but he quickly swallowed your words by sticking his tongue down your throat.
'Shhhh, lets just be in the moment,' he said as he started to unzip your dress from the back.
You shimmied out of it while he got rid of his own clothes. He was not surprised to find out without any underwear.
'My girl' he smiled as he carried you to his bed and gently laid you down.
He opened your legs to find you like Niagra Falls. Juices already spilling out of you.
Confused, he looked at you.
'Are you already this wet, for me?'
'I'm always wet for you Char, you just found out sooner rather than later tonight'
He flashed you his dimpled-smile.
'I love you, and your juice, baby'
You didn't have time to say it back. He attacked your pussy with his lips. Licking and sucking, eventually sinking two fingers.
'Oh Charles, yes' you panted as you grabbed onto his bed sheets , trying to suppress your moans so no-one would hear what the two of you were up to. He continued his slaughter until you were practically shaking and whimpering underneath him.
'Fuck me' was all you could say as he bought his lips up to yours, pulling you in for a messy kiss. Cum and spit certainty ruining your makeup.
'That's the plan, amour' he said as you rolled him over so now your ass was sitting his obnoxiously large dick. You made out with him some more until you couldn't take it anymore. You needed to feel him in you.
You didn't even take off his pants or boxers properly - you practically pulled his dick out and wasting to time, you sank down on him.
Groaning in unison, Charles sat up and moved the two of you to the end of the bed. His mouth latched onto your boobs while he met up halfway to fuck into you. Once again, the room was filled with obscene sounds - bodies slamming into each other. Juices squeezes between the two of you, Charles' mouth sucking on your nipples, you panting and trying to catch a breath, moaning, and a splutter of french curses leaving his mouth.
Just as you were reaching you high, both your bodies' froze.
''Charles,' his mother knocked on his door. 'Are you inside?' she asked.
As much as you wanted , no needed, to moan, you couldn't hold back a giggle into Charles' neck.
'Yes maman, I'll be down just now' he tried, hoping she would leave.
But of course, she didn't.
'I really need to talk to you, I'm coming in' he said, oblivious to the fact that her son was fucking into his childhood friend-now girlfriend- like there was no tomorrow.
'NO! maman' but it was too late.
She walked in, to find you sat on her childs' lap, boobs in his face, while Charles looked at her with wide eyes. You, you couldn't find the courage to look back at her, so you simply hid your face in Charles' neck.
The room was silent for two seconds until Pascale finally came to terms to what she walked in on'.
'Oh my god, Charles, OH MY GOD Ý/N' she shut her eyes. 'I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything' she all but screamed, while Charles was still in pure shock, neither of you comprehending what was happening.
'Oh wow, I've waited for this day for so long. Oh no, not like that. I mean I've waited for the two of you to FINALLY accept your love for one another.' You and Charles both stayed silent. What is happening right now?
'When neither of you said anything, again, Pascale whispered, rather loudly, ' You know I think I'm gonna go now. I'll leave you two. But please don'' be long, we've got a dinner to host.' and with that she closed the door.
'Fuck me'
'I....wow. I have no words' he stared at you, heart still racing from getting caught.
You laughed into his shoulder.
Slowly, he started a good rhythm again.
'Fuck, Y/N, you don't know what you do to me' he said through gritted teeth, still making you bounce up and done his shaft.
'Char I'm close, please' you moaned into his ear as his thumb found your clit and started rubbing circles and within seconds you came undone, walls clenching around his dick.
'Merde' he all but shouted as he felt himself spill into you, both your bodies shaking from the high.
You slowly felt your movements come to a halt. Content to just give yourselves a few minutes to come back to earth.
Little giggles filled the air as you both recounted the events of the last 20 or so minutes.
'I don't know how I'm gonna look at your mum again' you shyly told Charles.
'I don't know how the fuck I'm going to. I really hope she hasn't told anyone what she walked in on. We'd never hear the end of it' he said giggling back to you.
You quickly cleaned yourselves up and made yourselves look presentable again.
Hand in hand you walked back downstairs, just in time for the arrival of the other dinner guests. You parents included.
Pascale just smiled at you and Charles whenever she made eye contact with the two of you.
The evening was filled with good food, good wine, dancing and a lot of curious eyes.
As the night was coming to an end, you and Charles bid farewell to everyone and drove off in his pista.
'Well that was an eventful evening' you cooed to him.
The roads were quiet at this time of the night-or early morning. He stopped at the side of the road and got out of the car.
He walked around your side and helped you out the pista. You took a short walk to the edge of the hill, and overlooked Monaco-how beautiful she looked all lit up.
'It's beautiful' you whispered, more to yourself, as Charles wrapped his arms around you from behind.
'It is, not more beautiful than you though, mon amour' he said as he kissed your cheek.
You smiled as you held onto his hands and squeezed them.
'Move in with me' he suddenly said. We already spend almost ALL of our time together, either at your place or mine, so why not make it permanent' he said, kissing your cheek again.
You couldn't smile a bigger smile.
'Char, I'd love that' you said, turning around so you could give him a proper kiss this time. Nothing sexual, just pure love. You ended sitting on a near by bench, just basking in each others presence and the love you had for one-another.
Things had progressed well from then-on.
You'd moved in with Charles, graced each and every corner of his apartment with unbelievably good sex, attended as many races as you could. And before you know it your one year anniversary was coming up, when you'd be in Belgium for the GP.
You were due to join Charles in Belgium in a few days.
But today you woke up feeling man down. You met Carmen, George's girlfriend for lunch but halfway through you had to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and be sick.
Must be something you ate, you thought.
You were so wrong.
Carmen lightly suggested you take a pregnancy test, then it hit you. It was no secret that you and Charles had A LOT of sex. A lot of unprotected sex. You were both clean, and you were on birth control. But you should have realized sooner that its not always going to do its job to the max, especially with the amount you fucked. And now that you think out it, you have been feeling low of energy the whole week.
'Shit' you muttered to yourself. You and Charles hadn't really talked about when you'd have kids. It was more of a 'yes, we definitely want kids, in the future.' Not near future.
Carmen drove you to the pharmacy and picked up a few different brands of tests just to make sure they were consistent. Back home, she waited for you in the lounge, while you took the tests.
By now you were hyperventilating. What if they come out to be positive and Charles doesn't want it at this point of his life? What if he pushes you away too?
'Okay, calm down,' you told yourself. 'You'll be okay. You and Charles will be okay' you whispered.
You peed on the 3 sticks, and then came the waiting game. It felt like time was frozen.
The longest 3 minutes of your life, when your phone buzzed with a message from Charles: 'I can't wait to see you baby xx' That put a smile on your face and warmed you up a little bit.
Until you timer went off. Bracing yourself, you gave yourself another small pep-talk, and finally checked the tests.
Positive Positive Positive
'Pickles' you mumbled, but you couldn't keep a smile off your face.
You needed to figure out what to say to Charles. You needed to prepare yourself for happy tears or sad tears.
As you arrived in Belgium, two days later, it was also the day of your anniversary.
As soon as you got to your shared room with Charles that morning he had pulled you in and his lips were on yours instantly.
'You're finally here mon amour' he mumbled as his tongue fought yours for dominance.
'Happy Anniversary baby' you said as you pulled away and hugged him as tight as you could.
'Happy Anniversary Y/N, I love you more than life.'
His words warmed your nerves. There was no way there were going to be sad tears when you told him. Right? You could only hope and pray so.
Since media duties for the race only started tomorrow, the day started with a good round of lazy sex and a beautiful bouquet of flowers from your boyfriend. Charles then took you on an unofficial tour of the city. He'd been here for 4 GPs now, so he had a couple of his favorite spots that he wanted to show you.
You had a lovely lunch at a tapas bar and then the afternoon was filled with more touring. You were glad today was a better day and you weren't feeling so ill.
You'd decided to tell Charles the news after dinner tonight. To make it a bit special, you had a onesie made in red that had a picture of a Ferarri and 'Baby Leclerc' written on it.
Dinner was lavish. He took you to an expensive restaurant meaning you dressed extremely smart with a black satin dress that showed your curved off in the most delicious way. It was no doubt that you would forgo any underwear today. Although once you told him the news and shed happy tears, you would go and change into some teeny lingerie for him.
As you got back to the hotel room, you told Charles you needed to talk to him, just as he was about to pounce on you. He said the serious look in your face and immediately backed away. He got so worried so you had to reassure him that everything was fine and it was nothing bad.
You made him sit on the couch while you went to get his gift.
Handing him the gift bag he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He smiled and started to open it up.
By now your heart was pumping out of your body and you were shaking.
You bit your lip as he finally took the onesie out and looked at it, with a puzzled expression.
Then, he looked at your with wide eyes. You just gave him a smile.
Then his dimples flashed out at you. 'Y/N, is this for real? Are we actually having a baby?' he talked in quick French.
'Oui, we are, Charles'
He quickly pulled you in for the tightest hug.
'Oh my god, i can't believe it' he cooed in your neck.
Then he bought his hands down to your stomach and gently rubbed it, tears stinging his eyes and yours.
Pulling back, he had a brightest smile.
'Y/N you are such an incredible person. I can't tell you how happy you make me' he said, pulling you in again, this time for a kiss.
He breaks away to look that the onesie again, smiled growing impossibly bigger.
As you watched him, you wondered how you ever let yourself think Charles would be unhappy.
'I'll be back' you mumbled as you went to the bathroom to quickly change into your lacy black lingerie.
When you walked out and Charles looked you - let's just say he would die a happy man right now.
'Fuck me. What did i ever do to deserve you?' he said as he stood up and made a beeline to you.
He pushed you to the bathroom door and kissed you. He kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Full of passion. Full of love. And full of lust.
You opened your mouth to him and he explored all of your mouth, sucking into your bottom lip before giving you a small bite.
Quickly though, he removed himself from your hold and lowered down to his knees. He touched you stomach again and started talking.
'Hi baby, it's you daddy here.' he whispered, pecking your tummy.
'Mummy is keeping you safe, and i can only hope you turn out to be as amazing as she is. I love you so much, even though i just learnt about you not 10 minutes ago' kissing you stomach again.
You giggled at his words before pulling him to stand up again.
'He, or she, is only the size of a a grape right now' you told him.
'Grape or orange, i love them all the same. And i love you Y/N, so much'
'i love you too, my Charlie. I am so incredibly happy right now. I could burst' you told him.
'Oh non, please don't burst now' he laughed before his lips were on yours again.
'Wait, is it safe for us to have sex? Oh my god we had sex this morning. Are you ok? Is the baby okay?'
You all but giggled. 'Of course its safe my love. Plus, i am incredibly horny'
He didn't need to be told twice. He scooped you off your feet and set yow down on the bed.
'Let me show you how much i love you. Oh and i'm definitely fucking you with this still on, but another day' he said, pointing towards your lingerie. He quickly removed it before settling himself between you legs, aiming himself at your cunt.
He licked a warm strip up your pussy before sucking on your clit.
'Oh Charles. Fuck. You're amazing' you moaned while tugging on his hair.
'Cherie, you are the amazing one. Merde' he whispered before sinking two fingers into you.
It didn't take long to reach your first orgasm. He continued to finger fuck before you tried to move away.
'Need to feel you in me, Charles. Please. Please fuck me'
'A bit eager today, are we?' he smirked
'You fucking better get used to it. These hormones are not playing anymore' you laughed as he settled his weight on you.
He gently slid in and set a slow pace.
'Charles?' 'Hmm?' ha answered.
'I said fuck me. Not make love to me'
And so he did. He slammed into you. Filling you up so perfectly.
'Y/N' he breathed. 'You're so tight. Clenching around me so nicely. Fuck'
His thumb found your clit and you cried out. Your orgasm fast approaching. Charles as well finished rather quickly today. His warm cum feeling better than ever.
As you slowed down and both came down from you high, he slowly slid out of you.
As you looked down on him you noticed something.
'Char, you're still so hard' you said with a shocked face.
'Y/N, you don't know how turned on i still am' he said, almost shyly.
'Oh my god, please fuck me again. But this time i want to taste you, so finish in my mouth' you said as you both quickly found your places again.
You certainly were sore and sensitive, but you still couldn't get enough of him.
In no time you were crashing down again.
'Fuck, Charles' you moaned into his ear.
You quickly felt him pull out and place his feet on the floor as you sat up and took his dick into your hands.
He held you hair out of your face as you took him into your mouth and started bopping your head up and down.
'Fuck Y/N. Yes baby. Fuck' he all but screamed as he emptied himself to the back of your throat.
You swallowed everything you could.
You both tried to catch you breath as he sat back down on the bed and took you into his arms.
You were so overwhelmed. Now, you were crying.
'Are you okay Y/N? Did i hurt you? Shit, I heard you'
He barely held in a laugh. 'No Char, you didn't. I'm just so happy. I love you and out life so much.'
He kissed your forehead.
'I've never been happier my baby'
He got up to get a cloth to clean you both up the settled back into bed.
He pulled you to his side and just cuddled you.
'I love you, and happy anniversary amour'
'Love you too Char. Happy anniversary''' you replied back.
He kissed you. Long and soft. And you both were so excited for the rest of our lives together.
Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it!
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carionto · 7 months
Party Moon
Humanity expands to every corner it can inhabit. Oftentimes to ones they can't, but decide they'll deal with the whole "the land is lava, the sea is poison, the air is radiation" once they're there.
One of the earlier attempts at expansion was on one of Saturn's moons - Iapetus.
They shot lasers at it until it got warmer and made an atmosphere.
Once it did (sorta) the first colonists began experimenting with outdoor farming, among other things, to become fully self-sufficient. Due to a mix of low gravity and *something* in the thin atmosphere, many plants failed to grow at all, but a few mutated and started to thrive. None of them, however, were nutritionally capable of ensuring Human survival and well being. Not because they lacked certain core elements, but because they all invariably developed additional... properties.
Not even one month in and the Human government stopped receiving regular reports from Iapetus and nobody seemed to leave the moon either. Worried about some kind of horrible malfunction or outbreak, the investigative team quickly discovered that it was fine. Everything was, like, so fine.
They couldn't even describe how fine. Like sand, but less coarse, not as irritating. In fact, not irritating at all, more like...
waterfalling into a sweet blossoming cherry tree enveloped by your mother's arms held so tightly you never wanna let go of t h e
Oh right - cannabis.
Yeah, most things just kinda evolved to sorta have euphoria inducing properties, but on a bit of a delay. The spores hang around in the air and after a while they begin to interact with the chemicals the heating up process released into the atmosphere. Then the regular pheromones they release change into toxins that have a mild effect on Human brains.
Thing is, we suspect it was deliberate. The ones in charge of the agriculture effort must have realized what was happening, but ignored it. Or worse, expanded it themselves. There were an awful lot of open air farms for the small number of colonists at first. After this "discovery" instead of turning things around into a more safe environment, they made almost the entire moon into a giant farm for this stuff.
They even started packaging the stuff, calling it "Ia-peace-it-up", and now it is one of the most popular recreational drugs among Humans.
The moon itself is now both heavily guarded by volunteer fleets at all times, and has thousands of structures built for the sole purpose of "partying it up".
We requested a radio blocker be placed around it because of all the unsolicited messages the rest of the Galaxy started to receive from it. They begrudgingly agreed to "turn it down a bit".
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herlondonboy · 11 months
I Can See You
pairings: Taylor Swift x gn!reader
summary: a hallway romance with Taylor Swift on the set of Valentine’s Day idk what else to say
warnings: it’s mostly just you and Taylor making out tbh, doesn’t really follow the song greatly idk. Probably spelling mistakes
word count: 2.2k
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You can see her.
You can always see her. She does it on purpose. Flaunts herself in ways that only you would be able to notice. Whether it be the way she flips her hair or how her hips sway whilst she’s walking.
You watch Taylor from across the hall, completely captivated by her every move. The way she carries herself with confidence and grace mesmerizes you. It's in these stolen moments of observation that you realize your heart has been claimed by her.
Your joy knows no bounds when you remember that you and Taylor are in a secret relationship, even if it means keeping it hidden from the world. The thrill of knowing that your connection is something special, something intimate, fills your heart with warmth.
As you pass by Taylor you carefully slip a folded note into her pocket, your hand trembling with excitement. The note simply reads, "meet me at midnight. you know where."
The thought of meeting Taylor in the secrecy of night sends a rush of anticipation through your veins. You both share the knowledge of that special place, the secret hallway where your romance blossoms. It's a place where you can be yourselves, away from prying eyes and judgment.
With each passing moment, your excitement builds, wondering if Taylor will find the note and accept your invitation. The thought of being in her arms, even if just for a stolen moment, makes your heart flutter with anticipation.
As the clock strikes midnight, you find yourself standing in the familiar secret hallway. The dim lighting casts an ethereal glow, setting the stage for a clandestine meeting. Every second feels like an eternity, until finally, you hear the soft sound of footsteps approaching.
And there she is, Taylor, standing before you, her eyes filled with the same longing and excitement that you feel. In that moment, the world around you fades away, and it's just the two of you, wrapped in the warmth of your secret love.
The weight of the formal attire lingers on your shoulders, but the sight of Taylor entering the hallway brings a spark of joy to your weary heart.
As she approaches, a tender smile graces Taylor’s lips. “You’ve been looking quite dapper today,” she says, her voice filled with admiration. “But let me fix that tie for you.”
You stand still, grateful for her presence and the touch of her gentle hands. Taylor steps closer, her fingers delicately adjusting the knot of your tie, her eyes locked with yours.
“There we go,” she says, her voice a soft whisper. “Now, you’re perfect.”
The intimate gesture fills your heart with warmth, and you can’t help but reach out, placing a hand on Taylor’s cheek. “Thank you,” you say, your voice filled with gratitude. “You always know how to make everything better.”
She smiles, her eyes filled with affection. “It’s my pleasure,” she replies, her voice carrying a hint of tenderness.
As you embrace, you savour the sweetness of this hidden connection, cherishing the stolen moments and the magic they bring. In this secret hallway, your love can thrive, untouched by the outside world.
“I missed you,” you whispered into her neck.
Taylor giggled at your words. “We saw each other an hour ago.”
“So?” You ask as you break away so you can rest your back against the opposite wall.
Taylor's gaze meets yours from across the hall, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, she strides purposefully toward you, her steps filled with determination. In an instant, she presses you against the wall, her lips crashing into yours with a passionate intensity.
Your heart pounds in your chest as the world around you fades away. The feeling of her touch, the taste of her kiss, ignites a fire within you. The hidden hallway seems to shrink, encompassing only the two of you in this stolen moment of desire.
But just as the heat of the moment reaches its peak, a sound in the distance catches your attention. A faint rustling, an indication that someone may be approaching. Reluctantly, Taylor breaks the kiss, her eyes filled with a mixture of longing and caution.
“What if it’s your parents?” You ask in a whisper.
Taylor shushes you. “It’s late, they’ll be asleep.”
The air crackles with anticipation as you both catch your breath, your bodies still pressed against each other. The possibility of being caught heightens the intensity of the moment, the risk making it all the more exhilarating.
With a shared understanding, you exchange a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the need for caution. This secret love affair, although thrilling, carries the weight of secrecy. In this fleeting moment, you must retreat, allowing the world to return to its unaware state.
Reluctantly, you disentangle yourselves, stepping back from the wall. The hallway regains its anonymity, concealing the passion that sparked between you. But the electricity lingers, a reminder of the hidden love that continues to thrive within the shadows.
“Taylor,” You call out last minute, making her turn to you. “I love you.”
The blonde grins at you. “I love you too, baby.”
As you part ways, your eyes lock for a brief moment, filled with unspoken promises. The secret hallway will always be your refuge, a place where your love can flourish away from prying eyes. And until the next stolen moment, you carry the taste of her kiss and the memory of her touch, fueling your desire until you can meet again.
And as the night unfolds, you know that no matter how hidden your romance may be, the love you share with Taylor is a treasure worth protecting. In the silence of the secret hallway, your hearts beat as one, bound by the strength of a love that can withstand any obstacle.
You can't resist the overwhelming desire that consumes you after that stolen, passionate kiss with Taylor. The need for more, for deeper connection, drives you to take a daring step. Under the cover of darkness, you find yourself sneaking into Taylor's trailer.
Heart pounding, you carefully navigate through the quiet film set, making sure not to draw attention to your covert mission. The anticipation mounts with every step, your mind filled with visions of what lies ahead.
As you enter Taylor's trailer, the familiar scent of her lingers in the air, intensifying your longing. The space feels intimate, a reflection of the private moments you've shared. You search for her, your heart racing with both excitement and apprehension.
Finally, you find her, sitting near the vanity, engrossed in her own thoughts. You approach silently, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty and vulnerability she exudes in this private sanctuary. Her presence fills the room with an intoxicating energy.
Without a word, you reach out, gently tracing your fingers along her cheek, eliciting a shiver of anticipation. Taylor's eyes meet yours, and a knowing smile dances on her lips. The unspoken connection between you deepens, an invisible thread that binds your souls.
Time seems to stand still as you draw closer, your bodies gravitating toward one another. The air crackles with electric anticipation as your lips meet once more, this time with a hunger that surpasses any previous encounter. The world outside fades away as you immerse yourselves in this stolen moment of pure passion.
Your heart races as you feel the soft touch of Taylor's lips against yours, igniting a wildfire of desire within you. The sound of footsteps drawing near becomes a distant echo, drowned out by the intensity of the moment. In this private haven, where it's just the two of you, nothing else matters.
You cling to Taylor, your bodies pressed close, unwilling to let go. The urgency of your connection overrides any sense of caution. Time seems suspended as you savour the taste of her kiss, the warmth of her embrace, relishing this stolen moment.
Despite the approaching footsteps growing louder, you choose to stay, to revel in this private bubble you've created. The outside world becomes a mere backdrop to your shared passion, a distant murmur that fails to intrude upon your sanctuary.
With each passing second, your desire deepens, and the embrace intensifies. The urgency of the situation only heightens the sensations, as if the risk itself adds fuel to the flames of your love.
Finally, as the approaching sound reaches its peak, reality crashes back with a jolt. You reluctantly break away, breathless and longing for more, knowing that discretion is crucial to preserving the secret of your love.
But as you catch your breath and lock eyes with Taylor, there is an unspoken understanding. The connection you share is too powerful to be confined by the constraints of the outside world. In this private moment, your love feels unbreakable, invincible.
As you part, the sound of footsteps retreats, and the world outside your embrace falls back into focus. But the memory of that stolen kiss lingers, a reminder of the passion you share, a secret flame that burns brightly within you both.
In this private haven, you find solace, knowing that no matter the obstacles or the risk, your love for Taylor is worth every moment of clandestine bliss. And as you walk away, the anticipation of your next stolen encounter fuels your spirits, ready to face the world until you can be together again, in the secrecy of your love's embrace.
With a final, lingering glance, you retreat from Taylor's trailer, leaving behind the traces of your stolen intimacy. The taste of her kiss, the touch of her skin, remains etched in your memory, fueling your desire until the next illicit affair.
As you step back into the world, you carry the weight of this secret love affair, the knowledge of what lies between you and Taylor. The thrill of these stolen moments intertwines with the ache for something more. For now, the secret hallway and the hidden moments continue to be the stage for your passionate connection, an enigmatic romance that dances on the edge of discovery.
You and Taylor had been cautious about your secret relationship, trying to keep your emotions under wraps on the set of your film. But it seemed that your cast mates had become more observant than you anticipated.
One day, as you and Taylor shared a subtle exchange of glances during a break, you noticed a mischievous smile pass between Emma, one of your co-stars, and Carter, another cast member. Their knowing looks spoke volumes, making you realize that they had been keeping a watchful eye on the two of you.
As the days went by, more instances occurred that hinted at your cast mates' suspicions. They would drop playful hints or make comments that seemed innocent to others but held deeper meaning for you and Taylor. The whispered gossip behind closed doors became more frequent, making it clear that your secret wasn't as hidden as you had hoped.
Faced with this newfound awareness, you and Taylor held a private meeting in the secret hallway, where your love had blossomed. The dim lighting and the familiarity of the space offered solace and comfort as you discussed the situation.
“We can't deny that they're onto us," Taylor admitted, a mix of concern and determination in her eyes. "Our secret isn't as secret as we thought."
You nodded, understanding the need for caution. "It's better to be safe than sorry," you replied softly. "We have to be more careful, even if it means not revealing our relationship to anyone. Quieter.”
Taylor sighed, her fingers intertwining with yours. "I wish we could shout our love from the rooftops, but I agree. For now, we have to protect what we have."
The decision weighed heavily on your hearts, but you knew it was necessary to safeguard your love and maintain a harmonious work environment. The secret hallway, once a place of passionate rendezvous, now became a haven where you strategized and found strength together.
From that day forward, you and Taylor became masters of subtlety. You kept your interactions on set professional, always aware of prying eyes and listening ears. Any longing glances or stolen touches were hidden beneath a façade of friendship, allowing your love to simmer beneath the surface.
It was a challenging task, suppressing your emotions and refraining from displaying your affection openly. But in the quiet moments when you were alone, you found solace in each other's arms, cherishing the stolen moments that only the secret hallway could offer.
As time passed, your cast mates' suspicions seemed to fade, their attention shifting to other matters. The initial intensity of their curiosity waned, leaving you and Taylor with a sense of relief. Yet, you remained vigilant, knowing that the eyes of others were still watchful, even if less openly.
In the end, your secret relationship became a testament to the strength of your connection. It proved that love could thrive even in the most hidden corners, and that the power of shared secrets could strengthen your bond.
And while you yearned for a time when you could openly share your love, you found solace in the whispered exchanges and stolen moments that continued to fuel your passion. The secret hallway, with all its memories and the love it held, became a symbol of resilience—a testament to the enduring power of your love.
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ressonancee · 11 months
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Seokmin can't really explain why, sure you both are attractive, you guys make a cute couple, and you guys have chemistry, but none of that explains why Seokmin feels so fucking curious, it doesn't explain why he feels like he is trained to watch you two from afar.
✦ LEE SEOKMIN, YOON JEONGHAN - f!reader ✦ genre: smut (minors don't interact) ✦ word count: 5.2k ✦ title inspired by Carly Ra Jepsen - No drug like me
✦ Thea note: My mind is a vast place and sometimes conjures images that I think oh nice everybody needs to hear about this! and you guys can argue, and can make a 3 pages letter but in my head seokmin is jeonghan's favorite - and jeonghan knows that love is sharing so 🫶also @userelv hope you enjoy this
✦ Content warning: threesome, slight degradation (?), please everyone be safe and sound use condoms!!!, cum eating, penis in vagina sex, I feel like we need a warning like Jeonghan is crazy kind of thing, also mention of hell (i was raised catholic we see a wrongdoing we think of hell), also there is little seokmin x jeonghan action so there is that, also seokmin is horny for them both so just to make that clear, so yeah homoerotic action and subtext just to make it clear
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Seokmin is a nice guy.
Seokmin is known for being a nice guy. And Seokmin likes being a nice guy, he actually thrives at being nice. The nicest. 
He likes being well-loved, nicely treated, being told he is the nicest person ever. He loves it, and he works himself to be even nicer.
So when Jeonghan shows up with a girlfriend, Seokmin does what he is best known for: he is nice, the fucking nicest person ever.
But why he feels so fucked up in the head when he is just being nice?
Seokmin feels fucked up in the head every time you go near him, and it is even worse when Jeonghan is right there at your side. Seokmin feels fucked up when you guys go to a nice club, nice enough for idols to go and not have pics all over the internet. And thanks god for that because half of the night Jeonghan's hands are under your skirt, and his lips are on your neck. And Seokmin feels fucked up because somehow he can't take his eyes off you both. Seokmin watches the way Jeonghan's hands are on your hips, or hiding beneath your clothes. Seokmin watches the way you claw onto Jeonghan's arms, and he also watches when you get a little tipsy and it's your lips on Jeonghan's jaw, leaving an open-mouthed kiss on it, tugging Jeonghan's hair and making your boyfriend give you more.
Seokmin feels fucked up in the head because you and Jeonghan are in a two years relationship, and his eyes still are glued to you two when you both are together. Seokmin can't really explain why, sure you both are attractive, you guys make a cute couple, and you guys have chemistry, but none of that explains why Seokmin feels so fucking curious, it doesn't explain why he feels like he is trained to watch you two from afar.
So when Jeonghan calls Seokmin and asks if he wants to come over eat something and watch a movie Seokmin does what he does best; he is a fucking nice guy and he says yes, dreading his answer when Jeonghan hangs up. And when time comes Seokmin does what he also has been doing so diligently, he watches how you both lay on the couch, you between Jeonghan's legs, how Jeonghan hands don't stop caressing you for a minute, and how you whine softly, Seokmin's ears almost not catching the sound.
And Seokmin thinks Jeonghan knows. To Jeonghan, Seokmin has always been an open book, a transparent vase, easy to read, easy to decode. Jeonghan must know, right? But if Jeonghan knows why Seokmin is the only one always invited? Why Jeonghan keeps calling him and asking if he is free? Why the hell Jeonghan calls Seokmin and ask if he wants to go to the beach? Why the hell would Jeonghan ask if Seokmin want to joy in a villa with them? That seems like the nicest trip to a couple - beaches, bikinis, cocktails, and a nice hotel bed, and none of that should include Seokmin. 
So when Seokmin says "Sure hyung" he doesn't think he is fucked up in the head, he knows that he is clinically and undoubtedly fucked up in the head. Being a nice guy fucked him up.
When Seokmin sits in the backseat he knows for a fact that he is dumb and he almost opens the door and throws himself in ongoing traffic when he remembers that you guys planned a four days trip.
"It's going to be so fun!" You say excitedly and turning to give Seokmin a big smile, and he can see how Jeonghan's hand rest on your thigh, and he can see how you are already using a bikini because he can see the way it's tied around your neck.
"Sure," Seokmin tries to match your excitement because he can't really say how this is the worst idea ever "I hope it doesn't rain."
"It won't we checked the weather," Jeonghan says looking at Seokmin through the rearview mirror.
Seokmin thinks that trip is exactly what his personal hell looks like. Hell crafted just for him, like a special present handed by Satan. Because he always feels Jeonghan searching for him in the rearview mirror, and Seokmin feels like he can get caught.
He can actually feel Jeonghan's eyes on him every time Seokmin looks at his hand on your leg. And Seokmin doesn't really know why, but he thinks he is obsessed. Every time Jeonghan caresses your skin Seokmin feels a tug in his chest. And in a way, Seokmin can't make himself look out the car window and enjoy the scenery. He can't bring himself to pick up his phone and just find something to keep him entertained.
It's not like he didn't question himself in the begging. He did, but he still didn't know why. He asked if it was jealousy, he asked himself if it was curiosity. He asked himself if it was because of you, or because of Jeonghan. Seokmin was about to check the boxes with the option all of the above.
Seokmin even spent an entire night thinking about if he was jealous of the relationship, of the idea of it. But he ended up jerking off because he replayed every single intricate memory that was stored in his brain. And Seokmin could feel them on the tip of his tongue, every time he replayed a touch, a soft spoken word, a smile or a glance.
He can't pinpoint really. When he realizes he is knee-deep in the water and he continues to enter the sea even tho the waves get stronger and stronger.
The car ride itself is not that awful. In Seokmin's mind, it was worse, like him popping a boner in the backseat every time Jeonghan and you touched, but it's not that bad, and he thinks that's because you sleep 30 minutes in. Seokmin thinks he knows Jeonghan enough, he knows that Jeonghan is mischievous, and he knows Jeonghan likes to banter. But Seokmin also knows Jeonghan enough to know that Jeonghan gives exactly what you can take, not a single drop more of what you can handle. And Seokmin knows that's why Jeonghan just enjoys the music and focuses on the drive, because if you are sleeping that's no fun - Jeonghan needs someone who can actually squirm and put up a fight, even tho everyone knows Jeonghan will win at the end.
And that's why Seokmin is sure that Jeonghan must know.
When Seokmin opens up the door to his room he realizes he can actually breathe and relax. The villa is cozy, with a nice private pool, and houses that look like little bungalows, and is so close to the beach that Seokmin can actually smell the sea. 
But Seokmin's peace and quiet don't actually last that much, with Jeonghan knocking on the door and urging him to change clothes and go to the pool. Jeonghan excitedly said to Seokmin that he basically ordered the whole drinks menu.
Seokmin thinks he is in the bad place. Everything is beautiful, and amazing actually, but the only thing he can think of is that he is sure he is going to hell. He is going to spend eternity in the flames. He is going to see the devil face to face because the way he can see your nipples on the fabric of that excuse you call a bikini makes his mouth water and his dick hard really. 
If that wasn't enough for him to earn a ticket to hell the fact that your boyfriend is right there seated on Seokmin's side with a drink in his hand seals the deal.
That makes Seokmin feels fucked up in the head, makes Seokmin feels dirty and filthy because even if Jeonghan is right there, Seokmin's eyes are on your body every step you take until you seat right there - arms reach but on Jeonghan's side.
"The water is pretty good you guys should give it a go." You say twisting your hair in the hope the droplets don't get everywhere before picking up a drink, and Seokmin can actually see the water droplets travel on your skin.
"I'm okay enjoy the view really," Jeonghan says voice lewd, and Jesus Seokmin is going to hell for sure.
"Jeonghan-" You scold giving your boyfriend a little shove and the only thing Seokmin can focus on is how Jeonghan's smile opens up and how his hands rest on your waist, pushing your body against his.
"What? Didn't even say anything" Jeonghan replies.
"Anyway, we should ignore him," you say to Seokmin, and he thinks his life would be easier if he could ignore the way that Jeonghan's hand is resting on your hips, against your bikini bottom. "Come on, you should have fun with me and leave him alone, he would probably die in five minutes"
And Seokmin knows that's not what you mean. You are talking about the pool, he is sure of it, but Seokmin's mind is big and vast, and he can think of every possibility of what having fun mean. And the way you say it, the way your voice rings against Seokmin's ear doesn't help Seokmin's states really.
"Don't be mean," Jeonghan says giving your shoulder a kiss but eyes focused on Seokmin, "Seokmin is having a hard time already."
And it's all so fucked up really that Seokmin don't even feel entitled to feel mad, to get angry, to answer Jeonghan and say that playing with his feeling like that Is wrong. Because to be honest, Seokmin is in no position to do so. Seokmin is always there, of course, because they invite him to be there, but again he could've said no. Every time they go out Seokmin is like the third piece of the puzzle. Seokmin is always too close when hands wander, or when lips crash, he lost count of it really. 
And when Jeonghan says things like that Seokmin can't really go against it, because yes he is having a hard time, he is always going against his urge to get dick hard when the topic is his friend and his girlfriend. So yeah, Seokmin is having a hard time because every time he sees Jeonghan's hand against your skin he doesn't actually feel the need to break that contact, to tear you two apart, but he feels the urge to put his hand on top - to be in this together. 
This is even more fucked up because Seokmin knows that maybe the voyeur experience is allowed, but to take part in it is another whole story.
So when Jeonghan is by his side after taking a shower and fixing himself up for dinner Seokmin feels like he is one step away from having convulsions, two steps of just dying right there. 
"What?" He asks as if he didn't hear, or didn't understand, but in reality, he heard Jeonghan just fine, but his mouth is dry and his heart skipped a beat.
"I mean," Jeonghan blocked his phone and gave Seokmin his full attention. "I think I am not wrong right? You are into my girlfriend or am I reading all wrong?"
"Hyung," Seokmin tries to start already feeling like he fucked up everything. Head falling and hand gripping the nearest furniture, grip so strong his digits are white. "It's not really-"
"I mean," Jeonghan cuts him and Seokmin doesn't even feel angry, he feels relieved really because what the fuck he was going to say? "for us it's not a problem really, I am not the jealous type, and if you actually say that you are not into her and I have to delivery that news to her she is probably gonna cry." 
"What?" Is the only thing Seokmin can say really. Because the words leaving Jeonghan's mouth are altering Seokmin's brain. And he thinks for a second Jeonghan is trying to mess with him, because that would be something that Jeonghan could do, but when Seokmin thinks and ponders he doesn't see Jeonghan as a mean person. Scratch that, Seokmin doesn't see Jeonghan as downright sadistic.
"Yeah, I'm telling you, why aren't you believing in me? Did I have lied to you?" Jeonghan says, voice still low and taking a step to get closer, and the only thing Seokmin can think is how he wants to just run away. "Oh wait. yeah probably, but like not in a serious setting involving you fucking my girlfriend so-" Jeonghan continues but Seokmin is so on his own head, in a way he feels so aware of everything, the way he finds weird how his eyes are blinking, or how he is aware of his own breathing rhythm - in a way he never actually cared about breathing outside the stage or studio. "what I mean is I heard about how hot you are for what feels like a decade."
"I-" Seokmin tries to answer but even his mouth feels weird, his tongue dry, his brain not forming words in the same way he is used to. His mind is just a blank space, and Seokmin thinks that Jeonghan finally won, Jeonghan broke his brain.
"Look this is weird, I know I am begging you to fuck my girlfriend but you need to step up," Jeonghan says, having the audacity to give Seokmin's back a little tap of encouragement. "Do you want me to join? Do you have any things you won't do? I mean I can totally watch in the side even tho cuckolding is not really my thing but what can I do? I am a man in love I do anything to make my girl happy"
"What the fu-" Seokmin says voice small
"Hey are you guys ready? I think the uber is arriving" You say like Jeonghan was not talking about Seokmin fucking you, you say like the three of you are just having a funny vacation on a villa, a few days to distress, to re-energize. Seokmin tho feels like he just lost a whole year, actually, five years, his longevity will be fucked up after this trip.
"Oh? Already?" Jeonghan answers putting his hand on the small of your back. "I was just having a great chat with Seok here."
And Seokmin is aware of everything.
He did suspect that Jeonghan knew. The thoughts always plagued his mind. But now that he knows that Jeonghan knows about everything just unlock another dimension on Seokmin's brain, and the fact that Jeonghan's words left him hyper-aware of everything doesn't help.
Everything just seems like Jeonghan is trying to break Seokmin's mind. 
He suspects when the three of you hop in the backseat of the uber, you in the middle with Jeonghan manspreading, Seokmin thinks it's intentional the way that Jeonghan makes you shift to Seokmins side, the way that Jeonghan arm just rests against the backseat so near Seokmin's nape. Seokmin thinks it's intentional every time the uber does a sharp turn you lean on his leg, hand hot against his thigh and he was insane enough to just wear shorts.
Seokmin thinks it's intentional when Jeonghan chooses a table that is almost hidden, in a dark corner of the restaurant, near the beach. Seokmin thinks it's intentional the way Jeonghan always leans to whisper something in your ear but his eyes not leaving Seokmin, the way that you hold Jeonghan's jaw so delicately makes Seokmin melt against his chair. The way that Seokmin can't make himself look away makes him question his own sanity.
Seokmin knows it's intentional when Jeonghan just keeps reordering wine for you and Seokmin's favorite soju. Seokmin knows it's intentional when every time Jeonghan mouths brush against your ear you look at Seokmin, both your and Seokmin's face red. 
Seokmin knows it's intentional when you hold his hand, it's a silly gesture really, just two of your fingers intertwined with Seokmin's when they back to the villa. And Seokmin knows it's intentional when you don't let go of his hand even tho Jeonghan is kissing you, body pressed against the door.
And again Seokmin can't bring himself to look away, can't bring himself to distance himself, so when Jeonghan leaves your mouth and trails kisses to your jaw and neck and you tug Seokmin's hands he just gives in.
Seokmin knows that he never really had a chance or the strength to say no.
Because in the next second you are kissing him, position weird enough because Jeonghan is right there, and Seokmin thinks he is crazy but the way he can feel the whisky and wine mixed together on your tongue, the faint trace of Jeonghan makes his whole world spin. 
"Do we-" You finally say when your mouth leaves Seokmin's but hand still holding him, fingers hot against his wrist. "Hannie" You say trying to get Jeonghan's attention and Seokmin realizes how your boyfriend is still on your neck, hands against your hips, almost rutting against you. "don't we need to talk about it?" 
And Seokmin again feels his mouth dry, his tongue weird on his mouth. Seokmin knows that everything about this is wrong, he just kissed his friend's girlfriend. He can feel how hot it is, how his clothes cling to his skin, how he can feel the warmth radiating from you and Jeonghan, how your hand doesn't leave his arm. And for the first time in a while, Seokmin just give up on being nice, and he just kiss you again, feeling the urge to just act for once and leave his head. 
And your hand finally leaves his arms, but just to grip on Seokmin's nape and he feels like you and him are just hanging for dear life, one step wrong and you both could fall. 
Because the way Jeonghan feels against your body, the way his mouth feels against your skin feels amplified when Seokmin's mouth is against yours. 
And in a way, it just feels too much already. The feeling of two bodies against yours, the way Seokmin feels against you - totally different of the way Jeonghan does. The way that the unknown feels in Seokmin's touch and the familiar feeling of Jeonghan by your side makes it hard to grasp. 
"fuck-" Jeonghan's voice rings against the silence making your mouth and Seokmin's disconnect. "you two are so hot together but really I think the bedroom is a better place."
So that's how Seokmin is pulled to the bedroom by you, hands-on Seokmin's biceps and Seokmin feels grateful he is hitting the gym regularly, but Seokmin also is so aware that he can feel your need to touch him, hand squeezing his muscle and almost leaving an imprint on it.
Seokmin thinks the whole world is enhanced. Like his touch and his vision just increased, like he has a new set of senses and he is just discovering now. Because when you tug on his clothes the sensation of it against his skin feels new to him. Because when his eyes land on Jeonghan's fingers opening up your dress, feels new to him. And when you speak your voice feels foreign, because he never heard you like that, panting and begging.
"Can you take this off?" You ask so prettily that Seokmin almost sinks on his knee but in contrast to that Jeonghan just giggles.
"Since when are you polite during sex?" Jeonghan asks still laughing but not stopping opening your buttons and Seokmin can see your boobs peeking through the fabrics.
"Jeonghan" You complain.
"Just because we have visits she is behaving nicely" Seokmin feels fucked up in the head because it's a level of intimacy he never actually saw, a whole new experience that he never actually taped into. And in a way, Seokmin feels so close to his personal hell he can actually feel the flames burning his skin - the funny thing is he doesn't actually care anymore. 
Seokmin actually hears your pained whimper when he takes a step away to take his shirt off, but that's what needs to be done really, and because Seokmin is so fucking eager to please he just get his short off but then he feels your hand splayed against his stomach. 
"God you are so hot" You say before giving him a kiss and Seokmin's head starts spinning because one second all his focus is on how you lick his mouth but then your hands are on his boxers, and then he hears Jeoghan.
"Seokmin is pretty right? Go on praise him." And the thought that Seokmin thought he knew Jeonghan flickers in Seokmin's mind because that Jeonghan too is a new version Seokmin never experienced, a Jeonghan he never saw.
"Can I suck you off?" You ask, already palming Seokmin's dick, hand inside his boxes, with Jeonghan glued on your back, kissing your shoulder, and working on your bra strap. 
Seokmin is not a difficult guy really when a pretty girl asks to suck his dick he goes haywire, mind fucked up and body limp, so when you give him a little push he just melts, his knee gives away and he just sits on the bed because really that's the only reaction he can do.
Seokmin feels like his brain is almost leaking out of his ears because the image of you on your knees between his leg is almost enough to make him cum. Just the fact that you, his friend's girlfriend is sitting so pretty between his leg is so fucked up Seokmin need to close his hand against the base of his dick trying to not cum right there.
"Fuck" You start to nuźzle his thigh. Hands still on the floor, mouth open, tongue tracing Seokmin's thigh. "God I love your thighs they are so big." You say giving Seokmin's thigh a little kiss.
"Come on baby, you can do better than that," Jeonghan says kneeling behind you, and now Seokmin knows he is going to hell or going crazy. Jeonghan grabs your boobs - the bra still acting like an obstacle in Seokmin's view, and the need to actually see Jeonghan's skin against yours makes Seokmin crazy.
Seokmin feels your teeth graze against his skin he can feel himself leaking, dick so fucking hard it almost hurts, head already gone - he can't even think about what is right and what is wrong anymore. 
"You can praise Seok a little better or at least say thanks to him because he is fulfilling your crazy fantasy" Jeonghan says fingers thigh against your stomach, while the other is still grabbing your boob. And oh god Seokmin is jealous, he is jealous of Jeonghan touching you like that, he is jealous of you being so at ease moaning head against Jeonghan's shoulder, he is jealous of you two and the relationship you both build. And Seokmin thinks he is the worst person ever.
"Oh god baby you are already this dumb? You want Seokmin so much you are already in this state? He didn't even fucked you properly." The way Jeonghan speaks makes you and Seokmin whimper in unison, both failing to hide the neediness.
"Come on, open up." And Jeonghan's digits tap against your lips, and his other hand guides your head in Seokmin's direction. And when you lap on his dick Seokmin almost cries. Because you are so fucking beautiful, hair held by Jeonghan, lips swollen, and you look so fucked up. And that should be enough for Seokmin really, but then Jeonghan starts again;
"That's it, baby, take Seokmin's pretty cock in your mouth I know you can do it," He says eyes glued on your mouth enveloping Seokmin. "You talked so much about how he must have a nice cock right? Now that you have the opportunity you need to choke on Seokmin's dick right? So fucking big-" 
And Seokmin goes crazy every time Jeonghan says his name, and every time he feels your lips rubbing against his cockhead Seokmin he feels really close to insanity. And when you actually gag a little because Seokmin's hips twitched, Seokmin thinks he has nothing to lose.
"God you are drooling you really wanted that dick in your mouth, right babe?" Jeonghan continues, but now Seokmin can see the way his hand disappears between your legs, your panty hanging between your thighs. "Poor you," Jeonghan coos, and Seokmin can feel the way you just swallow and hums against his dick. "Did Seokmin was too hard for you to get? But now he is here, baby go on, choke on his dick." And Jeonghan's hand leaves your hair to caress your cheek, and the juxtaposition of Seokmin's hard dick against your mouth and Jeonghan's acts make everything so wrong.
When Seokmin hips buckle he knows he is so close to cumming that he can almost taste it, he closes his eyes and waits but his orgasm is ruined it never arrives, and when he looks down Jeonghan's hand is on his shaft, fingers tight against his base. "You can't cum now, she likes when we cum inside her."
"God," Seokmin says, hand tugging his own hair. "this is fucked up"
"How do you want her?" Jeonghan asks like he is talking about furniture or about Seokmin's laundry.
"Shouldn't you be asking her that?" Seokmin asks because really he is taking what he can get, he isn't picky. But you look almost so out of it really Seokmin almost laughs in disbelief because you and Jeonghan are always bickering - but now your body is so pliant against Jeonghan, his hand still going between your legs.
"Not really I know she will enjoy it in any way but-" Jeonghan hands stop and Seokmin can hear you whine, and Seokmin's eyes don't blink when Jeonghan helps you to get on your feet. "She can ride you, I mean this way is better for me to watch."
Jeonghan says patting Seokmin's thigh so Seokmin can lie on the bed, and when Seokmin's back hit the mattress Seokmin feels your mouth against his, and he can actually taste himself on your tongue. And the way you kiss him, almost lazily makes his hand claw at your waist. And when Seokmin feels your legs caging him in, thighs against his hips he just wants to enjoy what he is feeling. And when you whimper against Seokmin's mouth because his dick is finally against your folds Seokmin just gives up.
When you actually sink into his dick Seokmin can almost taste his downfall.
"Fuck-" Jeonghan says tugging at his own dick. When did Jeonghan get naked? Seokmin has no fucking idea. He just grabs your legs and focuses on the way that you feel, your body against him, because if he thinks too much about how your mouth is hanging open at the sight of Jeonghan's dick he may malfunction. "You are so pretty together, gonna keep this going, you guys can fuck anytime if you let me watch it." 
"Hanie" you moan and the fact that Seokmin dicks on you but you are moaning another name makes his head spin - he is a nice guy, he has nice guy bones, he is a nice guy down to his core and he has nice guy cells why the fuck he is partaking in this situation?
It just feels so fucking wrong. 
It feels wrong the way you call Jeonghan and the way Seokmin can feel your pussy clench when you and Jeonghan kiss. It feels wrong the way your hands grab Seokmin's pecs when Jeonghan kisses your jaw. 
"You can cum on her, she likes it messy."
It feels wrong the way every word that leaves Jeonghan's mouth makes you and Seokmin twitch at the same time, hips buckling. And Seokmin feels like he is so close to hell, but when Jeonghan actually uses his body to help you keep your body straight he knows he is lost for eternity really, Seokmin knows he never gonna experience anything close to that. When Jeonghan's hand travels on your body, digits lazily on your clit Seokmin just lets everything goes.
Because everything is so fucked up he can't actually take it, the way you keep chasing even after Seokmin is done, and the way that Jeonghan keeps coaching you until you cum makes Seokmin's mind spin. 
The way Jeonghan just laughs when he helps you chase positions, body spent is so fucking crazy to Seokmin he can't wrap his mind around it. And when you chase Seokmin's mouth to give him a kiss when your back hit the mattress doesn't help Seokmin's state of mind.
"Come on princess, my turn now," Jeonghan says, again doing what he wants to your body, and opening your legs so he can put himself in between. Seokmin can't wrap his head around this either, he never actually thought about how Jeonghan could manhandle you. "Gonna fill you up too don't worry." 
The way that you touch Seokmin's body when Jeonghan enters you make Seokmin swallow nothing. Seokmin never really saw himself as a voyeur, even tho he was always watching, but the way Jeonghan fucks you so slowly and the way Seokmin can hear you whimper just make him crazy all over again. The way you actually hold Seokmin's hand for dear life, the way that Seokmin can touch you while watching takes everything to a new level. And when Seokmin can actually tell you are close he thinks he can't get even more fucked up.
Seokmin feels like the world just stopped for a second or two after Jeonghan cums, everything gets so silent and so still that Seokmin starts to question what is real.
"Come on baby," Jeonghan says and Seokmin looks even tho he thinks Jeonghan is talking to you, but to his surprise, Jeonghan is talking to him, because Jeonghan's free hands are turned to him. 
So Seokmin does what a fucking nice guys does, he complies.
Seokmin gets closer, and Seokmin thinks he can cum again, untouched, because your pussy is so fucking messy, cum dripping out of your hole and dripping on Jeonghan's fingers, and Jeonghan gives Seokmin a little smile and fuck the cum back to you, you squirming because you are so fucking sensitive. "Come on Seok you need to clean up the mess we made." 
And Seokmin feels like he is about to collapse and drop dead because he is so spent how is he feeling horny again? But he does what Jeonghan says, he licks your pussy, cleaning and fucking his tongue on your hole trying to put everything back. "please I-" you say but Seokmins ignores it, continuing his job, cleaning up the mess that he and Jeonghan did. 
"Oh, baby is sensitive?" Jeonghan coos. "Maybe next time you think about wanting two cocks baby. Or maybe next time Seokmin may stretch your ass to give this pussy a rest." Jeonghan says and Seokmin puts his mouth against your clit, lapping at it, because just to think about a next time is enough to make him actually cry "Fuck, you are such a whore," Jeonghan laughs "Do you want to come in Seokmin's mouth thinking about his dick on your ass?" And Seokmin can see you two kissing when he still eating you out. "God look at him, he keeps going."
"You guys are perverts," Jeonghan says like he was not involved in the whole scheme. Laying on the bed, spent, Seokmin keeps going until you cum against his tongue.
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lilly-chou-chou · 3 months
Evolution of Gyaru
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Hello everyone the long awaited post is here!! Sorry for the delay I has gone back to my he country to celebrate Lunar New Year.
As we all know Gyaru was and still is one of the most important fashion movement in the history because it's roots of opposing the "good girl" and "submissive" societal views of women that Japan had imposed into them.
During 90's with Namie Amuro being the first idol ever to popularize the Gyaru culture created a huge wave of community in all over Japan which eventually created many subcultures under it, over the years gyarus blossomed for 2 decades heavily but around early-mid 2010's the culture slowly died because people were now really trying to shun them out of the society, gyarus was losing it's popularity and old gyarus were getting to age of finding jobs or trying to get married yet the culture is still alive. There have been multiple support and love coming from international fans too.
Egg magazine, which is holy grail for us gyarus followers is still up and running to this day <3
Today i'll show you just a little glimpse of modern gyaru. Hopefully this will help new followers too.
Gyaru of the past:-
So let's start with how gyarus are usually seen, pictures below are gyarus from their peak eras so definitely from 90's to 2000's. They are all different subcultures but they all have one thing in common the eye makeup, gyarus were and are still known for their beautiful luscious eye makeup. They are what you call
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They were our guide, our mothers and everything! Gyaru has always been the most supportive community to ever exist, over here women were allowed to cuss, they were allowed to be brash, they were allowed to have male friends without the judgement of two goody shoes with insecurities, they were allowed to wear clothes that liberated them doesn't matter short or modest.
People often forget that gyaru exists more than manba, agejo and kogal, few of the modest and lesser knows subcultures are amekaji and roma gyaru, although amekaji is is blue eyed perfect grass is greener on the other side take of American inspired fashion. Either way it is one of the most fun subculture to exist.
We as gyaru followers ow everything to these past mother figures, without them and without brands like alba rosa, D.I.A and MA*RS we and egg Magazine teaching us what? How? And why? We would never thrive in this era. We owe it to them all even after decades and decades the magazines, scans and tutorials on YouTube by the OG gyarus have done it all <3
Modern Gyaru:-
The pictures below are the present models of Egg magazine. The last OG gyaru issue was stopped in 2014 which was Egg last physical print of magazine but in 2018 Egg came back as online magazine.
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A lot has changed in gyaru world. Long gone are the days of owning specific clothing brand or even wearing clothes that resemble even the least of typical gyaru fashion. The only key point which hasn't changed is eye makeup because that is utmost necessary thing for a gyal to have.
Over the years of almost dying to again alive fashion culture the meaning of gyaru has changed a lot, from dressing like the OG gyarus we have now evolved to the whole "gal is mind" mindset, now in this era dressing up as gyal doesn't mean that much because you can still have pointy acrylic nails, iconic eye makeup, wear casual clothes and still be a gyaru.
These days even the gyaru slangs have changed so much like instead of poyo, atonsu, pachikoku now we use yarirafi, kyun-desu, daijuobu-so?, tobu-zo and so on.
Although there are egg models that still somewhat follow OG gyaru fashion like @ / mahiroisme (left) and @ / kae. 06256 (right) on IG.
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By this post I just wanted to show that as time passes it is inevitable that everything changes and fashion changing is a no brainer. What is hate is companies capitalizing and making their own rules for lure in newbies gyals who would do anything to "fit in" and ring the nostalgia bell for old gyarus and all I have to say is that no, you don't have to spend 100-500$ on eBay trying to find the OG gyaru brands because you can definitely wear your own casual clothes and still be a gyaru because if egg magazine who raised whole generation of x gen, millennials and Gen Z of gyarus then who are we to judge them?
Although if you still wish to dress up like OG then I definitely recommend finding clothes that match the subculture that you want to follow for example I follow agejo, Tsuyome and kogal so I shop in Amazon, local stores, Instagram stores, I order clothes fr abroad the most helpful and fast way to do that finding a vendor and my vendors are all from Instagram. Hope this helps.
I will meet you all in my next post bye gyals <3
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bengiyo · 5 months
Not sure if you’ve already answered this one or not but I’m curious what your top 5 BL character development moments/achievements would be?
My personal fave is Charn’s process of opening his heart to Tin and how it changed him but didn’t detract from his sassiness.
Hmm, this is an interesting one to consider. It requires the character to change in some way. It's notable because a lot of times it only happens for one of them.
Alex from The Warp Effect
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I actually really like the arc for Alex. I think seeing a character reckon with the consequences of his choice or lack of choices was really well done in this show. I like that part of learning for him was about how his people pleasing hurts the people he's trying to appease and making the choice to take better care of the people around him by being a more active participant in his own life.
Nakamichi Misaki from Me, My Husband, and My Husband's Boyfriend
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I think I really liked how much she learned that she can choose the kind of relationships she wants from the people around her. I like that so much of her learning about what kinds of love are possible is grounded in her genuine love for Yuki. I have some complex thoughts about where the show chooses to end, but I like how assured she seems about her own life by the end of this compared to the way she seemed trapped at the beginning.
Uea from Bed Friend
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Continuing even into Middleman's Love, I really love that Uea learned that he doesn't have to dim himself. He is beautiful. There's nothing wrong with that. It's not his fault that people treat him a certain way. He is also unwell. I'm glad he admitted that and is getting help. I'm glad he's built a support network that knows about his struggles so they can take care of him. I'm glad he severed ties with his horrible mother. He is thriving as himself and not who he was told to be.
Kawi from Be My Favorite
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In so many ways I thought Kawi was an incel at the start of the show. I like that so much of his arc was about seeing people around himself in a kinder way, and also treating himself more kindly. I like that he had to face that no matter what he tries he will always eventually lose his dad. Grief is one of the constants of being alive. Everything dies, and so we have learn to cherish what we have and accept that nothing lasts forever. I actually came to like Kawi by the end of the series and could see what Pisaeng saw in him originally.
Amane in If It's With You
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I love this boy, and I love how much he's comfortable with the fact that he's attracted to men. I like that his journey with Ryuji is learning that he doesn't have to skip over the cute stuff about first love and run directly to the apps and hookup culture. I like how, even though I wasn't necessarily keen on the chaste ending, it didn't feel like Amane regressed into a sexless being. It's hard for a lot of us who didn't get to have these cute experiences as teens. Dating is hard. We didn't get to practice in simpler settings. I like seeing Amane get a second chance at high school love and blossom as a result.
Ask Me Top 5 BL 2023 Anything
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bestworstcase · 7 months
mankind, salem says, is strong, wise, resourceful, passionate, and ingenious. (she notes “resourceful” twice.) there will be no victory in strength, and notably she excludes “strength” when she lists the traits that allowed humanity to prevail and thrive despite the grimm; ergo wisdom, resourcefulness, passion, and ingenuity are the four virtues she actually values.
wisdom—experiential knowledge and soundness of judgment—choice.
resourcefulness—the ability to analyze a problem and apply what you have intelligently to resolve it—knowledge.
passion—intense emotion and, via christianity, connotatively profound suffering and death leading to resurrection—destruction.
ingenuity—inventiveness and originality, imagination—creation.
these are the four divine qualities she’s talking about, creation and destruction, knowledge and choice, but rather than recite them by rote as ozma does, salem defines what they mean to her, and in doing so she reveals that she values knowledge above all, because she sees choice and destruction and creation as things arising from different forms of knowledge. when she says ‘there will be no victory in strength’ what she means is ‘victory lies in knowing.’
[in ‘the shallow sea’, the god of animals is characterized as sagacious, perspicacious, and veracious—wise, insightful, honest—and fascinated by human adaptability or, you might call it, resourcefulness. do you hear the way this rhymes?]
you have traveled here today in search of knowledge, says ozpin, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. but all i see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. you assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. it is up to you to take the first step.
salem believes that knowledge is everything; that it underlies creation and destruction and choice, that it is essential, that without it humanity would have never risen from the ashes the brothers left behind and could never have survived in this unforgiving and unforgiven world.
ozpin states in no uncertain terms that the pursuit of knowledge is a waste of energy. he believes—or at least he would like his students to believe—that knowledge is impotent, that what matters is to be given direction and guided by unerring purpose. what he values is faith, as he tells coco in ‘after the fall:’
Make no mistake, there is a higher power guiding our actions. Call it Fate. Call it Destiny. Call it the gods. Or maybe it’s simply the randomness of existence. Whatever it is, I have to trust that we are here for a reason.
from the very beginning, in plain sight, this story has been about the ideological conflict between one who champions the truth and one who stands for blind faith. the undoing of ozpin’s cause is his decision to lay his hopes on the shoulders of a more honest soul.
the grimm are manifestations of anonymity, pyrrha says. that is why they lack souls, why they are the darkness and we are the light; but it’s about knowing, understanding both dark and light (and everybody has some of both). yet it is the grimm-witch who values knowledge and the huntsman who rejects it.
while ozpin tells ruby that she has to be perfect all the time lest everyone turn against her, port tells weiss that her bad attitude reflects poorly on her and she ought to spend less time worrying about not getting what she felt entitled to and instead focus on honing her skills and becoming the best person she can be. both ruby and weiss take the advice they’re given utterly to heart, winding it into the very core of their selves; ruby drowns, and weiss blossoms.
the subtext has a bullhorn.
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dippindotsdio · 1 year
Pink in the Night
A part of some nonsensical yandere Josuke I've had written for a while. This has been in my drafts for too long...
Gender neutral reader. Obsessive (and probably ooc) Josuke.
Josuke's feelings were blossoming for you with every passing day and every moment you were in his presence (which was basically 24/7 now). He feared if he didn't confess soon, his heart would crack, and like a breaking dam all his love would spill out. He was worried about scaring you away but deep down he knew you'd stay with him. He's all you have after all.
That night he gave you his confession, and his heart, whether you wanted it or not.
"I'm in love with you, I've loved you so much ever since we were kids and these feelings- these feelings just keep growing and growing and growing. I can't take it anymore, the longer I hide my love for you, the more I feel like I'll die. All I can ever think about is you and how much you mean to me. My heart beats for you and only you." He spoke in such a soft but stern way. Your hands were intertwined and he looked deep within your eyes as he poured his heart out to you. It felt like he was staring at your very soul and you got a taste of the overwhelming, sickly sweet feelings he held for you. His violet eyes were so intense and dark, you felt like the longer you gazed into them you'd begin to drown in all that love.
Nonetheless his confession made your heart flutter. The skin on your face had warmed and you swallowed nervously. You'd been friends this long and he'd already been crossing the boundaries of a normal friendship, why not accept his feelings? Even if you weren’t sure what you felt was love, you still liked him to some extent.
"I like you too..."
He pulled you into a bear hug and buried his face into your shoulder, making you freeze at the sudden intense contact.
"I'm so happy...you have no idea how happy you've made me right now.." he mumbled into your shoulder. "I love you so much, [y/n]."
All you could do was stand there and hug him back. His words brought a small smile to your face and once again you couldn't help the quickening pace of your heartbeat.
You didn't understand why he gave you all his attention and love but the way his arms were wrapped around you so tightly, oh it made you feel so loved... He made you feel things you've never experienced before and you loved it. All the sweet little things he'd say to you, and only you, they gave you the sweetest butterflies. He gave you all the affection no one else could ever give to you, and you thrived in it.
Josuke finally let you go after what felt like forever but gave you a look like he still has something he wanted. He breaks eye contact and his lips turn up into an awkward smile. You can't help but smile back as you wondered what was up with him.
"You're so pretty, y'know? Sometimes when I look at you, I just wanna kiss every inch of your face and see that smile of yours."
[I finally posted the full version which you can find here if you liked this bit!]
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imascar · 8 days
The thought of Eddie struggling at the beginning of Season 8 juxtaposed with the rest of the FireFam thriving....
Mara settling in and blossoming under the joint parentage of Maddie and Chim and Hen and Karen and having two siblings to play with, Jee and Denny....
Buck and Tommy are continuing to carve out their own little bubble of happiness. I'm endgame Buddie, but Buck & Tommy are safe and fun for now....
Athena and Bobby taking time to be with each other.....
Eddie will indeed be isolated because he won't want to drag anyone else down with him (that sounds familiar, great parents he's got) and without a set time frame for Christoper to return, Eddie will flounder. He will lose himself and possibly his identity as a father.
Couple that with what Ryan said about Eddie possibly reverting back to his military persona under Gerrard.... it would be so heartwrenching to watch Eddie stumble and fall while those around him rise.
I'm eager to see where they go from here. Maybe, as Ryan said, his sisters can make an appearance and provide that metaphorical foundation. Buck would want to be there for him, but I can picture Eddie telling him no, that he should be with Tommy and Maddie and co.
There are a lot of possibilities. I just hope they bring Christopher back sooner rather than later because their relationship is such a pleasure to watch. Ryan's love for Gavin bleeds through.
On a selfish note.... I'd love for Season 8 Eddie to do group therapy or hang out with Linda or bond with Ravi. Or find something that is his own, work on himself. Maybe even join a gym where he can fight it out in a supervised environment. Or do a DIY home improvement project (just stay away from the hardware store, lol).
The idea that Eddie has to break in order to rebuild is a lot and very true. Sometimes, we have to hit rock bottom before we can float to the top.
Idk, but I'm here for Eddie's Sink or Swim.
And this got wordy, sorry about that.
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