#so that was the recent dream!!!! i'm excited to read y'all's!!!
bitterlyromantic · 1 year
giving y'all a week to have one if you haven't already. also feel free to tell in the tags!!! :D ik i will
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anogete · 5 months
Hi. Update of random shit in case anyone cares.
The scary test I was stressed over in the fall when I was posting my last fic? It was the CFP (Certified Financial Planner) exam. Yes, I passed it. The designation requires a bachelor's degree, so I had to go back to school to finish my last 10 classes. Then I had to take 7 more classes that are pre-reqs for the exam. Then I spent probably 700 hours attempting to cram everything you could think of related to personal finance (my god, there is a metric shit ton) into my head. The designation also requires 5,000 hours of experience in the planning field (which I thankfully already had). By the time I passed the test, I was no longer proud of the accomplishment, just relieved to have it behind me.
Work was intensely busy in November and December. I got little reading and no writing done.
I have a WIP featuring the Darcy/Rumlow pairing that has been languishing on my computer since 2020. To be honest, I've mosty forgotten what the conflict driving the plot was going to be. I think I was trying to tie it into the events of Wandavision. Took place after the show and had Monica Rambeau and Darcy kinda sorta working together and trying to figure out what, if anything, crossing the barrier that Wanda had thrown up did to them. Of course, Rumlow is alive and scarred and back with the good guys. And also really annoyed that his recent gunshot wound stuck him on desk duty watching the nerds complete their physicals as part of employee onboarding. Darcy doesn't want to have gym class with Rumlow, and Rumlow doesn't want to be there either but he's also kinda into the sassy brunette who tried to sweet talk him into passing her without making her run a mile. In the chapter or two I did write, the banter between Darcy and Rumlow was so fun, so I'd love to go back to it and try to move it along.
I got sucked into reading Draco/Hermione fanfic recently. Blame those damn Snow edits from the latest Hunger Games movie. Guys, I have never read those books or seen the movies, but blonde Tom Blyth is looking like the fanfic Draco of my dreams. How dare. This rabbit hole led to me deciding I needed to write a Dramione piece. It's maybe 6 pages and has gone nowhere even though I have a vague idea of the plot. My muse is struggling.
I found my old folder of all the fic I wrote in the past 20 years. There are still a couple hockey fics I haven't posted to AO3. There are also Anita Blake fics (I was a hardcore Anita/Edward girlie) and Harry Potter fics (don't cancel me but I used to write Snape/Hermione; NO student/teacher stuff though). I think I have an old Doctor Who fic featuring Nine/Rose (yes, I'm a Nine girlie). And a very old Forgotten Realms fic that paired Catti-Brie up with Jarlaxle. Look, I don't know. It was ages ago. With the exception of the hockey fics, I do not think any of these are of the same quality I've posted on AO3, but I've been toying with the idea of trying to clean them up and posting them so more of my work is archived together instead of spread over various fan sites. Does anyone have any interest at all in reading this shit? Like, at all?
I decided 2024 is going to be my book binding era. I bound isthisselfcare's Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love a couple weeks ago. I did all the typesetting with the help of some macros. Printed it, folded the signatures (the booklets that comprise the book), sewed them together with waxed linen thread, glued the text block together with some mull, and used chip board and book cloth to make the case. It feels and looks like a book, y'all! I could do a better job with lining the signatures up when punching the holes for sewing and with the measurements on the case, but overall I am pretty proud of it. If anyone is interested, I can link a nice tutorial series on TT and/or post progress pictures I took during my book binding experiment. I have to say, it's exciting to have the ability to put my fav fanfics on my physical bookshelf.
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lexosaurus · 10 months
Hey, Lexx! Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
Okay I couldn't narrow it down so I'm adding a 6th fic akjnsdfksjnd. So here's my top 6 fics with some commentary because I'm extra af:
1: Everything Was White: After being accidentally revealed to the public and taken away by the government, Danny deals with the aftermath of his time with the GIW.
Yeah, this won't come as a surprise to many. This VERY angsty longfic sorta marked a turning point for me where I started taking writing more seriously, really looking at plot structures, doing research, interacting with other writers. I went into this with "I'll just do a twoshot cuz I suck and I'm not capable of writing much more," and seeing how far I've come in skill and confidence has honestly kept me totally enamored with this fic. I love that I can see my improvement as the fic's gone on. I've gone back and cleaned up the early chapters, and I can still see a distinct difference. Makes me very happy!
2: Morge: It was a beautiful day outside. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming...a corpse was found in the woods.
This was my first Invisobang fic and also my first (and only? so far?) Outsider POV fic. I loved exploring the perspectives of Amity Park and Phantom from somewhat regular people who don't know much about ghosts. And, of course, writing Danny slowly losing it as the fic went on was a great bonus!
3: Transformation Troubles: A hit from one of Skulker's weapons leaves Danny temporarily unable to transform out of his ghost form. Unfortunately for him, he still has classes to attend.
This fic is just a vibe, honestly. It's a "guilty pleasure" category of DP fics that are few and far between (glitching powers, still has to go to class) but I absolutely inhale any chance I get to read one. College AU, post-reveal MY BELOVED real tea y'all. This basically came from me wanting a niche thing and going, "Fine, I'll write it myself!!"
4: and then he woke up: In his dreams, he woke up in his cell again.
This oneshot is similar to EWW where it's my take on what a realistic GIW recovery might look like. Aka, Danny Has A Bad Time. It's a very sad hurt/comfort fic, but I think it also represents a "level up" in my descriptions and pacing that I've been trying to employ more in recent fics.
5: Black and White Roses: When he died, he didn't get a memorial service. He didn't get the vigil, the flowers, the headstone. In fact, no one even found his body.
Dude idk man I just really love Valerie and Phantom's dynamic. Also, thought it'd be really interesting to write a full ghost AU fic, which it was, because as I was writing it I realized like hey, he'd have a corpse, and corpses are kinda freaky aren't they? Like how would you react if ur ghost friend was like "Hey yeah my corpse is over there." That'd be fucking nuts.
6: Birthmark: “No, it’s…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyebrows were pinched and he looked almost sick. When he finally spoke, his voice was small. “They’re not tattoos.”
Lichtenberg HC my beloveddddd seriously I love it so much I am SO normal about it. That and Phantom and Valerie becoming friends fics. Literally so fucking normal guys. Just trust me bro.
Yeah 5 and 6 are so similar so I couldn't pick between them hahaha. But this is my current top fave fics!
I'm also REALLY excited to release all the stuff that I've been working on the past year this fall. Not tryna gas myself up here but I've been sitting on so much stuff since last NaNo and I'm just ahhhhh!
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likeshipsonthesea · 11 days
I love your recent posts about Eddie and Shannon and their relationship. I just don’t see how the show can address any of that with the way they’ve written this arc. There’s no one who can criticise Eddie’s feelings of ‘she was the love of my life, I’m broken without her’ except us the audience. There are no characters who saw their relationship as it actually was, so how can the show steer Eddie in that direction? I feel like they’re gonna leave it as she’s his Great Dead Love and that’s that
i see what you mean, and tbh i'm not sure what the show is going to do with this arc on-screen. they have a bunch of storylines to tie up in this finale episode (here's hoping we don't get any cliffhangers 🤞) and i don't know how much time they will have to devote to eddie, or even what they want to do with that time. it's possible they have a completely different perspective on this and will take it a whole other way, but i have faith that the show will tell the story they want to tell and, if the past six seasons are any indication, i will enjoy that story
all that being said, if we're talking dream arc, this is what i would want
as far as who can tell eddie "hey, you're looking at your marriage with rose-colored glasses, this is how it actually is," i've got two ideas for this. one is eddie himself, and the second is his parents, specifically helena, who has been rumored to be in the s7 finale. i'm kinda more excited about the second, so let's get the first one out of the way
eddie himself - hopefully after the clusterfuck that is explaining to his son that he's been seeing a dead ringer for his dead mom and she cosplayed as mommy to give eddie closure, eddie will talk about this in therapy, and through the skills he's learned and a frank discussion (pun intended) he will be forced to confront the reality of his marriage and start to address the trauma he has from everything with shannon
p cut and dry, my typical eddie-goes-to-therapy kinda story. we've all been here before.
now, for the good stuff 😈 (putting this under a read-more bc i have Thoughts)
helena. the diaz mother we all know and have complicated feelings over. or not-so-complicated feelings over, given the "don't drag [chris] down with you" line. i know i keep asking y'all to think of things from the white woman's perspective, but bear with me just one moment while i do this again
helena married into a large mexican family in the 80s. she had a mother in law whose cooking was renowned, a husband always away on business, and three children to bring up along with keeping her home together. given how everyone in their family seemed to treat shannon, i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume there were some heavy expectations on helena to be the wife everyone thought ramon deserved, and i'm gonna assume that meant a lot of tradition--cooking the right things, doing the holidays the right way, teaching the kids the right values, etc. etc.
i think it was hard. i think helena didn't always meet the expectations put on her. i know it was played as a joke, but during ramon's retirement party, eddie and pepa were concerned that helena was cooking a specific dish (i can't remember which one atm) until abuela assured them she was in charge of it. meaning this is probably a running joke, helena not cooking things as well as she ought to.
also, raising three kids with a physically absent husband in a town that (i'm assuming) is full of in-laws seems hard to me, too. (if this is sounding familiar, yes i'm about to make a shannon comparison just gimme another second). the stories we hear about eddie as a kid are yes, reflections of traditional masculinity and eddie falling short of that, but also reflections on his parenting--how could helena let her son try to cook? that should be her job, she should be watching him! how could she let him try to drive at 8? tsk tsk and all that
i think helena has become a part of the diaz family fully, but i don't think it was always easy, and i think when her son married a white woman who didn't fit the expectations of a diaz wife either, helena recognized that. i think helena saw herself in shannon so clearly.
and instead of breaking the cycle and offering shannon that support and empathy that shannon (and young helena) needed, helena enforced those expectations even harsher. helena did it, so shannon had to, too.
maybe it was out of protection--she wanted shannon to fit into the family the way helena had learned to. maybe it was common generational sentiment, i.e. it's the Right way or it's the way I did it so therefore you have to do it that way, too. maybe it was a means of reinforcing her own place in the family, as she was no longer the newbie, shannon was.
whatever it was, i don't think she was conscious of it, and especially after shannon left her son, helena refused to acknowledge she was anything like shannon at all.
until now.
(yes i've found my way back to the point, i usually do i promise--and yes my adhd meds are THRIVING rn)
both helena's husband and son have done a lot of emotional work in the recent years and i think it's likely she would take a queue from them (and if her daughters are anything like me, i'm sure they're trying to nudge her towards a therapist at every turn). helena very well may be in a place where she can acknowledge how the expectations she's lived under may have been stifling, and given her son's recent encounter with kim, she very well may be in a place to acknowledge how similar shannon was to her.
and that's where, dear anon, your point comes in.
because helena was there for shannon and eddie's entire marriage. ramon was working, eddie was in the war, abuela and pepa were in la, but helena was right down the street (idk if she was actually right down the street but you know what i mean). helena knew shannon as an 18-20yo woman, as a new mother, as a struggling mother. she was in the unique position of watching shannon go through a marriage alone and remembering exactly how that felt.
kim may look like shannon, but she has no idea how shannon felt during her marriage. eddie can say all the things he wants to say, but it's like talking to a gravestone. i think helena can say the things eddie needs to hear, even if he may not want to hear them.
....and now i really wanna write that conversation. fuck.
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vwbugggie · 6 months
Fame D.R. First Shift!
Hey y'all!!! Recently I've been seeing a lot of posts about living in the end or living as if you already have what it is that you want. Obviously what I want is to shift so I thought it'd be fun if a wrote out how my first shift wake up would go. So let's all just pretend for a second that I've shifted (OMG!!! CONGRATS BUGGIE!!!! THANK YOU BESTIES!!!! <333 :*)
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Comments on my DR (opinions, ideas, etc.) are welcome as long as they are respectful towards me and others! Feel free to ask any questions!
If y’all with Fame DR’s (or any DR; but especially if we have DR’s in common) ever wanna chat my DM's are open, don't be shy! (No minors, sorry!)
Anti-shifters do not interact, I don't care what you think. If you are rude or disrespectful I will block you and delete your comment. I'm not going to argue with you because I simply don't care to. (If you see a rude or disrespectful comment before I can get to it I encourage you not to engage, ignore it, thanks!)
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[Also for background we weren't famous when I first shifted, this was at the very beginning of My Chem. Bullets was barely in the works and Frank hadn't joined yet. I hadn't met him, but I did end up meeting him the first day I shifted at the party we went to.]
So this is how my first shift to my Fame D.R. went:
[The day after my two weeks ended and I was officially unemployed, October 1, 2001. I woke up when I felt the bed dip next to me. I kept my eyes closed and didn't move. I felt someone lightly rub my back and gently say]
Gee: Good morning, Bug. Me and Mikey have to go run some errands, afterwards we're gonna pick up Ray, then we'll all come pick you guys up. Then we'll head to the party, ok?
[He looked at me and waited for me to open my eyes.]
Buggie: Yeah, sure 
[I say as I flipped over trying hide the fact that I was freaking out.]
Gee: C’mon Bug, wakey wakey
Buggie: I’m awake
Gee: Prove it
[Finally I opened my eyes and saw Gee smiling down at me, I sat up.]
Buggie: Errands, pick up Ray, then me and Abbi, got it. What time should we be ready by?
Gee: Well we want to be there by eight ish, it's (checks watch) 10:00 so probably 7:00? Gives us enough to finish errands and eat something, sound ok? 
Buggie: Perfect
Gee: Oh, and eat something will you? Real food, not just a Coke. Abbi's cookin', we woulda stuck around and ate with ya, but we’re late
[I nodded my head and held out my arms (a bitch needed a hug fight me)]
Gee: Everything ok?
Buggie: [I nodded my head] Uh huh, I just had a bad dream, would you get Mikey before you guys leave? 
Gee: Sure, I’ll go get him
[I held on for a second, after I let go he stands. A few minutes later Mikey appeared in the doorway.]
Mikey: Hey kid, heard you had a bad dream
[He sits on the bed]
Buggie: Yeah, I just wanted to say bye
[I hugged him, he rubbed my back lightly to comfort me]
Mikey: Wanna talk about it?
Buggie: I’m ok, I don’t wanna make y’all more late
Mikey: Eh, what’s a few more minutes?
Buggie: Really it was nothing, I don’t even really remember it anymore 
Mikey: Ok, but if you need anything just call
Buggie: I will, I’ll see ya later
Mikey: See ya later, kid
The second that door closed I fully freaked out, questioning if this was real, doing reality checks, looking around, grabbing things, you know trying to make sure I was grounded. I was trying to contain my excitement and keep quiet cuz I didn't want to alarm anyone lol. After I somewhat composed myself I ran to my phone to check out my lifa app (yes that's something I kept from old shiftok lol) I explored it a bit, until I was calm, then I decided to go to the kitchen and have breakfast with Abbi.
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Just a lil reminder this was me living in the end! I don't want y'all to think I'm lying or anything I just thought this would be fun and helpful for my journey :)
Anyway thanks for reading! Love y'all <3333
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spoiler alert!!
after reading the new demo im so so so SO excited to see what comes next, u have noo idea. like i'm literally giggling & kicking my feet
i was listening to music while reading and it got me thinking, what song could capture each kiss scene??
T: YKWIM? - Yot club
R: can i - alina baraz & galimatias
S: sure thing - miguel
G: hello? - clairo
i was gonna wait till the public release but i had to say this before i forgot 🙏🏽
WAHHH thanks for sharing those songs!! They were lovely and it's always so awesome to hear what you guys are listening to while playing the game!
Some spoiler alerts for the new update below. (But I guess y'all already know there's gonna be kiss scenes for Rayyan, Tobin and G in the new update).
Tobin - YKWIM
This is possibly my fave song rec of the lot!! AHH!! Like, the chill vibes reminds me of floating star-shaped in a small lake and just contemplating what the hell they wanna do about their feelings. Especially these lines "seems like I care too much / when I'm all alone, oh no / I feel like I care too much / When no one's at home for me" which absolutely sounds like what Tobin's thinking after MC leaves (post-kiss).
Rayyan - Can I
Ooh, I get why you chose this, I guess cause tennis courts at night / quiet locker room with no one else gives an ethereal, "is this a dream or is this reality" vibe, which kinda matches the start of the song? Really liked the slow, uncertain beginning that unfurls into something more like "yo this is happening this is happening". I was listening to "exploding" by mehro a lot while writing the Rayyan kiss, which may have contributed to some of the vibes idk, mostly the kind of quick drum beat and how I imagined Rayyan's heart pounding as they step closer and closer... almost like someone's cranking a machine lever and they're just slowly but surely being drawn together.
Sam - Sure thing
OH dear this entire song makes me feel so sorry for Sam HAHAH what have you done. But yeah won't say too much till y'all get more of a recent, non flash back Sam kiss.
G - Hello
Reeaallly liked the concept of this also! It's like, G grappling with trying to decide if what they feel for MC is a passing / fleeting fancy (fake) or something more... solid and lasting. Liked these lines in particular "frame my life and take my soul / make me crazy, make me old... fake like rappers, fake like jokes" (I mean, the whole rap bit was a vibe), I get the feeling G hides behind banter / behind jokes when interacting with MC because they don't wanna admit there's real feelings involved. Also loved how it kinda references the click of a photograph being taken and how photos capture something 'true' yet fleeting (tension between real / fake) and also is just cool considering how G and MC's first kiss could've also been in the dark room—which is probably something you were thinking too!!
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tubatudiaries · 1 year
Genre:- fluff, angst
Yeonjun x f!reader
an:- this is inspired by the kdrama "soundtrack#1". If you like this, be sure to check out my other works on my Instagram page @tubatudiaries .
Thank you! Love y'all<33 happy reading
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"y/nahh I'm here! "
"Ohh you're here! Come in, it's really hot out there"
You opened the door and let him come inside, you took his luggage and kept it aside.
"Your house is unexpectedly clean, I thought it would be a mess like it used to be when I came over to your house to play " You hit his arm playfully and said " You just came here and started teasing me not fair! I will take my revenge later , sit down and I'll get us some snacks and juice.
He was keenly observing his surroundings, it had been 7 years since the last time you saw each other , he thought it would be awkward to meet his childhood friend after so long but your cheerful energy made him comfortable and there never had been a dull moment with you .
You were in the kitchen, looking for snacks perfect for the hot summer and as you were rummaging through your pantry, you found 2 packets of chips that you had bought last week and nostalgia hit you, they were the same chips you both had all the time when you were young. You smiled and picked them along with juice glasses and entered the room he was sitting in.
You opened the door and saw him smiling at you, the sunlight from the window hitting his face, his pearly white teeth,his cheeks and his rosy lips made him look like an angel who had descended from heaven. Seeing him smile made you realize why you always loved him.
You smiled back and laid the snacks in front of him. "Look! Yeonjun these are the snacks we used to eat when we were young".
" Wowwww! I thought I would never see them again , I'm so excited! Let's eat! "
He looked so adorable, it was so easy to make him happy and excited, the sight of food made him so happy. He did his happy little cute dance while opening the chips . You both talked about how delicious the chips were while reminiscing about the good old days.
"Yeonjun how is your company doing in the
US? "
"It's doing really well and we've earned a lot of clients in the last couple of months "
Yeonjun went to the US 7 years earlier to start his own business and build a company , now his company is one of the most successful in the US.
"I'm glad to hear you are doing great in life"
"y/n are you still pursuing your dream to become a songwriter? "
You blushed at his question, he remembers what you wanted to be even though it had been 7 long years "yes I still am, I have written for some artists and I'm glad they were a hit , but... "
Yeonjun looked at you with eager eyes waiting for you to complete the sentence.
But you were too afraid to ask him, but you had to , his puppy eyes were staring right in your eyes.
"B-but i recently was told to write a love song that shows how a forbidden one sided love turns into a true love"
"That's going to be such a meaningful song! "
"Well it might, but I've never experienced genuine love in a relationship or just love, i-i needed your help. I thought you might have a girlfriend sinc-"
"No I did not date anyone there, I had my reasons, but I'm sure I can help you with writing this because I did and still am going through this one sided love " He smiled as he looked at you, but little did he know ,you had shattered completely.
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kachulein · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
tagged by the lovely Bri @thistyrannosaur 💞💗💞
Nickname: Kachu, Lala, Min
Sign: Aquarius sun, Virgo moon, Leo rising
Height: 175.5cm (or ~5'9)
Last thing I googled: Flüssige, saure Speisezutat Kreuzworträtsel (💀)(I could only remember "Weissweinessig" and forgot that "Obstessig" exists)
Song stuck in my head: Nxde by (G)I-DLE (listen I have been in love with this song ever since it dropped and now I found a violin cover on youtube and- oof🤧🥰)
# of followers: 1,518
Amount of sleep: Between 6-8 hours, usually around 7-7½
Lucky number: I don't really have one but I guess, kinda 3??
Wearing: Some comfy teal leggings my mom got me recently, a basic shirt underneath and a white sweater with the print "Je ne comprends pas" ["I don't understand" in French. I wore this sweater out of spite in my French classes, not because I dislike French - I actually like it very much - but because my teacher enjoyed discriminating against students so this was my form of rebellion] in blue on top.
Dream job: Singer & songwriter!!
Movies/books that summarize you: uhm, I honestly haven't really read any book or watched any movie that I could really identify with?? or at least I can't think of any right now... but uhm, for those who know me - if you have any suggestions you think fit me, I'd love to know👉🏻👈🏻
Favourite song: my faves continuously change so I'll write down my current faves... which are... a lot, so here have a Kachu playlist:
Mad Tsai - killer queen
MARINA - Ancient Dreams In A Modern Land, Man's World, Free Woman, Highly Emotional People, Purge The Poison, Venus Fly Trap
Nxde - (G)I-DLE
Lapillus - HIT YA!
Billlie - RING ma Bell
Dreamcatcher - VISION, MAISON
WOOZI - Ruby
AleXa - Wonderland
Stray Kids - SUPER BOARD
B.I ft. DeVita - BTBT
Red Velvet - WILDSIDE
Kep1er - THE GIRLS (Can't turn me down)
Solar - HONEY
Blackpink - Typa Girl
NewJeans - Attention
Fave Instrument: piano, violin & electric guitar
Aesthetic: I have so many aesthetics that I like and I'd say I'm quite versatile but my favourite is edgy/e-girl meets cute/soft girl aesthetic. (so basically black + pastels)(this is specifically for clothing - although, I like this aesthetic in general but if I looked at other kinds of aesthetics, then this section would become a whole novella)
Fave author(s): Jennifer L. Armentrout & Marissa Meyer so far,,, I need to find more time to read to have a more inclusive list here,,, I also like Rick Riordan and Liu Cixin
Fave animal noise: the war cry squeaking of a very angry desert rain frog
(if you've never seen this/heard this frog - you will not regret it, believe me)
Random: This is going to make me sound incredibly stupid, I know, but please bear with me: So, on one hand, I'm kinda hesitant/scared to post about good news... even when I'm really excited about it, I'm afraid people will think I'm bragging and then dislike that something good happened to me (for once🫠). But on the other hand, I'm also hesitant to share bad news, aka things I'm struggling with, because then I'm afraid people will think I'm too negative and that I'm toxic for their mental health... so, in the end, I just kinda end up bottling everything up... which, I know, isn't good, either.
Tagging: (lol I'm not sure I can gather 17 people- so as always, feel free to ignore this, this is in no way something you must do but if you're up for it, I'd love to get to know y'all a little (for those whom I haven't really interacted with so far)💗💗) @http-peachie @littlefallenrebel @mossyforesst @rain-nights @bakerysnake @interstellix @jellihye @marculees @the-troijan-horse @vallkyr @lucyepiccrash @notjustaprettygirl4567 (I can't add you for some reason but if you see this, you're invited to do this tag if you want♥️) @oddlittlefandomist @hanstagram @hanniesunshine @sorikkung @linogram
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mimiatmidnight · 2 years
I love your new layout <3 so pretty! Any fashion prediction on Meghan's appearance in NY in DEC?
Aw thank you! 🥰 I figured, hell it's been long enough, time to grow up and finally install an actual theme lol.
For the gala, what I predict and what I want are two very different things haha. I tried to flip through some photos from this event's previous years to get a vibe, and it seems there is quite a range in the dress code of the attendees. Some of the women are in full formal evening wear and some are in, like, barely business casual. However, Meghan has proved in the past that she's not afraid of being the most overdressed person in the room, so let's cross our fingers that she holds true to that this year! (And promise that if you read through this long post full of evening gowns, and then she shows up in a pantsuit, none of you will make fun of me for dreaming 😭)
So let's start with the more boring, safe options. Meg has mostly not been one for extravagant appliques or patterns or textures. Especially in recent years, she seems to have favored simple, solid swathes of fabric that instead bring their interest with rich, vibrant colors, and occasionally a unique tailoring detail. If she follows this same path next month, I hope at least she shakes things up with a color we haven't seen on her yet, like the options I've got here from a mix of brands, including both Meg-fave brands and new-to-Meg brands.
Starting with Safiyaa, we've got this fun hot pink Barbie moment; a very regal periwinkle; a lovely pale yellow; this soft pink that she's worn several times before in a warmish beige tone, but instead in this cooler-toned variety that I'd be curious to see her in; and this lush mint look that is certainly a well-worn silhouette for her, but with an interesting new neckline paneling.
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Here are more options with the same idea as above, just from other brands outside Safiyaa. There's a Zuhair Murad in a brilliant orange, which she's never worn before; a Romona Keveza in royal purple; a Carolina Herrera in yellow-gold; a sort of Little Mermaid-esque ombré moment from The Danes New York; a Halston in bubblegum pink that I think would be so flattering on her; and finally, another dress from Carolina Herrera, that I'm pretty sure I picked just because it fondly reminds me of her famous 2019 red and purple look.
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Now for the more fun, day-dreamer options. I'm hoping for GLITZ. It's been sooooooooo long since we've seen her in something sparkly, so here are some exciting pieces that I could still sOmEwHaT realistically see her picking out to wear herself. My top pick is this glittering dream (with my favorite, PLEATS!!) from Paolo Sebastian AW22-23. I could also easily see her in this silver-rooted look from Georges Hobeika FW22-23. (I think it's reminding me of something she wore in the past, but I'm not sure what. Maybe a mixture of her ODLR bird dress and the Safiyaa halter she wore to Royal Variety? Idk)
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I'll admit that these next two are less about realistic expectations, and more about squealing "OOH SPARKLY!!!" First, a column of pure glitter gold from Naeem Khan F22. Next, a festive emerald JUMPSUIT (!) from Elie Saab FW22-23.
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Bringing this back a bit closer to earthly expectations, I've got these options in descending order of formality, so it depends on how dressy Meg is feeling. We've got an elegant splattered gown, again from Naeem Khan F22; a lovely pleated dress with gold foil detailing from Marchesa Notte; and last but not least, if she absolutely must revert to her favorite look of all-black pants, why not jazz it up with some fun sleeve paneling, like this jumpsuit from Safiyaa.
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And to finish this whole thing off, just because I'm so charmed by the idea of predicting these two side-by-side, a blazing flame by Elie Saab and a mesmerizing ripple of water from Rene Ruiz.
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And that's my list! Anyways, see y'all next month when, with my luck, Meg shows up in slacks.
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nebulousfishgills · 1 year
flower asks!
white carnation, jasmine, azalea, bluebell, tigerlily, aster (lol), lavender, and/or freesia
Thanks for the ask! This one's a long one so buckle up.
White Carnation - Would you ever want to get a piercing? Where?
This may sound funny, but I have zero piercings (not even my ears) and I highly doubt I'll ever get any. It's just never appealed to me, idk. My grandma never pierced hers, she always wore clip-ons.
Jasmine - Describe your dream partner or best friend. What kind of personality traits do they have?
All my friends I would consider my "dream" friends (my irls and if we're friends on Tumblr you also count). As for dream partner... I mean, I'm not sure. I guess someone who's nice. They should be supportive of me and, to quote a thing my mom sent me, "the weird little things that make my heart happy." Someone who makes me excited to wake up in the morning and who would take me to the theatre once in a while. Someone who encourages me to be the best version of myself. Also someone who can take my darker sense of humor and keep me grounded when I inevitably become a whirlwind of undiagnosed adhd or whatever the fuck I have. Also some blue eyes, same as my mom blue eyes can make me absolutely weak.
That was a tangent, but I am a writer so-
Azalea - What is the most recent song you've listened to? How do you feel about it?
Okay this is gonna sound completely fucking unhinged, especially since it's so short, but last night I had Busted from Phineas and Ferb on repeat for like, three hours as I was doing a doodle because it came across my youtube feed and I realized it's like... exactly like a major scene I have planned for a fic, just without the musical swagger.
Cut to me fifteen minutes into this loop alone in my dorm room pretending I'm [Unnamed Character A] telling off [Unnamed Character B] for [Unnamed Event].
Bluebell - Do you have any pets? If so, what are their names?
I'm currently separated from them by "educational distance" but I have two kitties at home, a Tortie named Jackie and an Orange Boy Cat named Maggie (He has a more feminine name because PetSmart told us he was a girl when we adopted him since they *said* they did a spay operation... but then he had to get a surgery where they told us he was a boy... but by then Maggie had stuck and we'd already gone through three hours of arguing on what to name him in the first place).
Tigerlily - Do you have any favorite quotes from any movies, tv shows, books, or poetry? (Or from people in real life)
Y'all, I have a million favorite quotes from a million things. For now I'll give you one of each
Movie: "Ghosts are real. This much I know. There are things that tie them to a place, very much like they do us. Some remain tethered to a patch of land, a time and date, the spilling of blood, a terrible crime. But there are others-- others that hold onto an emotion, a drive, loss, revenge... Or love. Those-- They never go away." -Edith Cushing in my all time favorite movie, "Crimson Peak."
(I'm also like, 99% sure I'm being followed by a ghost or spirit of some sort so)
TV Show: I'm pretty sure me saying Henry's fifteen minute monologue in Stranger Things is cheating since that's, like, many many quotes, but I'll say it anyways because those fifteen minutes were life changing.
Book: I wish it was easier for me to find a quote, but unfortunately all my books are packed away for move-out in a couple weeks. My memory is eluding me so just pretend like I either said something really profound or something extremely stupid.
Play: "You're still beautiful." "You don't have to lie to me." "It's not lying, it's looking at things another way." From Wicked, my favorite musical (am I basic for that, maybe). Seeing this on Broadway last summer was a religious experience and I'm gonna have another one when I see it from the seventh row next year.
(I changed it to play because, fun fact, I don't read poetry that much. Another thing from my mom, she hates poetry... bear in mind this woman has a BA in English)
Real Life: "People are like 'you're weird' and I'm like 'yes, I've been waiting sixty years to get that compliment'" -my history professor. The man's said so much wild shit this semester I have an entire discord channel devoted to recording his quotes, dude's a legend.
Aster - Do you have any fictional crushes on any movie, tv show...
Okay I had a collage I made of every character I've had a crush on, lemme see if I can find it so I can be concise.
(One frantic search later)
It's not fully updated, so lemme just make one rq, every character I actively have a crush on (give or take one or two):
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Moving on.
Lavender - What's currently on your mind (aside from the ask game)
How much of a degenerate I am.
No, but in reality, I have two packages I'm waiting for and I keep obsessively tracking them because I'm terrified they'll not get to me before my move-out date.
Freesia - What do you want people to remember you for? Serious or not serious answers.
I can say my writing in a serious and a not serious way. Remember me for my s tier descriptions and remember me for whatever the fuck this is:
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bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
H, H, H!
of the fic you’ve written, which are you most proud of?
what are some themes you love writing about?
is there a character you love writing for the most? the least? why?
a passage from a WIP
who are your favorite writers?
Cass! You're a darling! Thanks for asking.
1. Of the fics you’ve written, which are you most proud of?
I've written so many fics in my career as a fanfic writer that it's hard to pinpoint which are my favorite. I'd say some of my most recent stuff, like my Top Gun fics, especially my stuff for Bob and Hangman. My writing has improved so much in the past two years that I'm tempted to go back and edit/rewrite my old stuff.
4. What are some themes you love writing about?
It actually differs between my fanfiction and original work. My fanfic is usually focused on romance and the relationship between the characters, while my original work is much more story-oriented.
Regardless, I like to write bittersweet stories. I love to write strong female friendships, found family, and queer stories. I like open and ambiguous endings. In my original work, I like to write coming-of-age or coming-into-your-own stories, while my fics usually feature people who are well-established or in a transitional phase of their lives.
8. Is there a character you love writing for the most? The least? Why?
Let's go with the Top Gun guys because I'm on my Top Gun bullshit. When I first started writing for this fandom, I thought I would write mainly for Rooster, but I actually find him pretty hard to write for. I just don't think I'm able to capture his tone and way of being super well in any depth, so I moved away from writing for him.
I love writing for Bob and Hangman. Bob is a simple and straightforward character to write for, and he has a very distinct presence and personality and is an absolute sweetheart. How could you not love him? A similar principle applies to Hangman. Jake is an easy character to write for because his role is so clear in the movie, as are his mannerisms, cockiness, and confidence. That, and he's just fun to write.
9. A passage from a WIP
I present to you a passage from my upcoming smutty Hangman fic, Talking Body
She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. She didn’t want to admit that he was all she had thought about since meeting him. She didn’t want to admit that he was in her dreams, her nightmares, her dirtiest fantasies. It was all him. Always him.
13. Who are your favorite writers?
@seasonsbloom - May is an incredible writer, and I'll read literally anything she writes. Bad Habit is my comfort fic, and her Bob two-parter had me screaming and crying.
@sunderlust - Sol is an amazing writer who knows how to tell a story and evoke a mood. I'll read anything she writes, too, but you left me no choice had me screaming in her inbox.
@sunlightmurdock - Trouble in Paradise is my favorite Rooster fic, and I check daily for updates. Katie's new Rhett Abbott fic Odds are Stacked is also great, and I'm super excited for part two.
@glodessa - Katie's my go-to person for Rhett Abbott filth. I've never seen the show and don't intend to, but it's Lewis Pullman as a cowboy, so I'll read whatever, and she's just a fantastic writer as well. The Church Girl Universe is hot as fuck.
@anna-phora - This list wouldn't be complete without my online bestie Anna, and I'm not just saying this because I'm biased, and I love her, but her gift of storytelling is insane. I beta-read her WIPs, and let me tell you, y'all are not ready. Fanboy content is coming!
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Thank you so much for asking, Cass! I'm sorry I went a bit overboard with my answers - I guess I got carried away.
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felixantares · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Aaahh! Thanks for the tag @bluesundaycake 💜🥰💜
Favourite colour: That dark blue-green that you get when you look at a forest pre-dawn. Something about it just makes my heart happy.
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Currently reading: Fic: I'm currently reading The Ordeal of Being Known by louisfake (10/10 would recommend). Traditional book: I've been re-reading the Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, currently on book 2!
Last song: Stick Season by Noah Kahan! Something about the lyrics "I'll dream each night of some version of you / That I might not have, but I did not lose" makes me go absolutely feral.
Last series: Ohhh, it's been a while since I've really watched anything, but I think The Owl House or Amphibia was the last? It's been actual months since the last time I picked up a show though.
Last movie: Well I re-watched all the Harry Potter movies rather recently but given that was research for my fic, I'm not going to count them and so the last movie I watched just for myself was Emma.
Currently working on: The longest work I've ever tried to tackle, a fic that's currently projected to be well over 500k. It's rather Snupin and Harry/Draco/Theo centric, and it's inspired by a bunch of different Arthurian legends and pagan traditions. It's incredibly self-indulgent and I'll be super excited once I can finally start posting it!
Tagging: oh I definitely don't think I have 9 but @broomsticks @nanneramma and @megonagall410 (literally no pressure to do it I just think y'all are real cool 💕)
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sultryvodka · 3 years
𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙚! 𝙖𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙤𝙮𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 | 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 1
𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝 𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 - 𝙢𝙖𝙮 4𝙩𝙝
warnings: mild swearing, mildly suggestive (if you squint lol)
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| armin - colt - eren - jean - porco |
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armin arlert
• i think most, if not all of us, agree that armin looks like the type to get all flustered with PDA & shy away from his emotions --- HOWEVER.
• rather than being all over you, he finds himself most comfortable with holding your hand or having an arm wrapped around your shoulders.
• he wouldn't mind you being clingy though 👀
• would occasionally place a gentle peck on your forehead, cheeks & his personal favorite; the palm of your hands.
• you guys' dates would mostly end up being in a library, café & restaurants with a nice warm atmosphere.
• i bet he would be the kind of guy to take you to the beach whenever you're stressed out in hopes of calming you down.
• gets very defensive when his friends tease you, if a man could bark his friends away, it's armin arlert.
• this lad over here would establish a routine with you (with your consent & opinions ofc)
• mondays to friday mornings are centered on school, you guys do your own thing at school & walk you home while making sure to stop by a convenience store for snacks, assuming that you guys don't live together yet.
• both of you make it a point to check on one another to make sure you guys aren't wearing yourselves out.
• which leads me to the conclusion that your parents grew very fond of him & treats him more like their child
• when you guys are having a sleepover, this whole lowkey facade of his takes a 180 and the second you reach the bedroom he'll shower you with cuddles and kisses.
• you would watch movies (mostly rom-com just bc armin makes it work okay) tucked in a warm futon with popcorn and candies between you two.
• armin strikes me as a very studious guy and he does this to ensure you guys' future together ^-^
• all in all armin cares about you so much and he doesn't mind being vulnerable to you. he is your safe haven, and so are you to him.
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colt grice
• okay can we talk about how this perfect man deserves some more attention
• colt, my man, gives me disney's prince florian vibes. the soft-spoken, kind-hearted, & just an absolute dream.
• he's the kind of guy to take you to the park, a greenhouse, & WORKSHOPS!!!
• given the idea that he is in fact a shy little baby, he is actually pretty active with you. every date you guys have is different. mans has a quest planned out for y'all.
• at school i think that you might be the one to initiate skinship. doesn't have to be kisses on the lips, it's more of gently trailing your index on the back of his hand or rubbing a hand on his forearm when he gets a little anxious.
• the type to peek through your classroom's door because bubba's too shy to ask someone to call for you 🤧
• colt, in my opinion, is very domestic in private, now don't get me wrong he may be a little too shy in public because he isn't used to it but i promise you he takes on the nurturing role of the relationship more than you are.
• he helps you with cleaning, folding your clothes, and god if you guys get periods, he's got a whole pouch in his locker just for you.
• he doesn't do it intentionally, he happens to know you so well that he notices the slight change in your moods & cravings.
• colt often reads a book while you guys cuddle during the afternoons once all the work is done, he'd make you tea or whatever you want. he hums a tune, probably from old disney movies that his brother falco used to enjoy as a kid.
• your parents are more invested in your marriage than you and colt combined.
• okay, now if you happen to have a baby or a toddler somewhere around the house, someone keep this man from turning into a putty.
• as much as colt acts prim and proper most of the time, he has his moments where he just wants to be an entire mess. perhaps sleeping past his usual waking time, indulging in more snacks than usual. you know, loosen up? yeah, that is a side of his that only YOU will ever be allowed to see.
• so yes you and colt would be labeled as the: put-together couple who needs a little bit of adventure every now and then.
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eren jaeger
• i hope i don't ramble too long because i love him sm
• mr. loverboy over here is a simp for you, more than you are a simp for him! he is not afraid to show you off and shower you with flattery. now he does this because he feels so lucky to have you.
• he can be a little cliché (well maybe not as much as jean --- more on that later), like he'll randomly interrupt your vacant class with a gift box he put together, & a bouquet. yes. (carla helped him pick out flowers from her shop)
• he's the type to crash his lips with yours in the middle of campus when you achieve something or when he does, vice-versa. if he plays in one of your school's teams, there just HAS to be a bet that if he wins he gets a kiss... or more... or something else.
• dates with eren are usually random than planned. like it pops in his head and he'll inform you right away. he respects your vacancy too of course but if you aren't he might pout just a little bit.
• his ideal dates are prop shop dates, going to hotspots, amusement parks, antique shops! & maybe late night drinks at a quiet bar where you can both enjoy the solace of the atmosphere.
• on special occasions, he does plan ahead. usually it's something on the simpler side. candlelit dinners at home or somewhere you guys both enjoy dining.
• if eren's had a bad day, best believe that he will run to you for comfort. only you can help keep his aggressive response to anger at bay.
• if given the chance he would take you around the world, he's that passionate in making sure you live a little
• hear me out... you and eren would probably have the most philosophical conversations, just laying on your backs beneath his room's skylight? heavenly.
• eren can get a little poetic expressing himself & i believe that it's just wonderful. no one can describe their feelings as good as eren.
• his favorite look of yours is when your eyes beam with excitement, it usually happens when you spot something that you used to enjoy as a kid or when you're concentrating on one of your hobbies.
• he's a very touchy person too, his hands are usually on your stomach/waist, his kisses are random & they linger for awhile.
• when you're asleep next to him, it's his habit to solemnly watch you while his own drowsiness starts to take over.
• eren is passionate & sometimes people might take it the wrong way. one of the reasons eren loves you is because of the way you understand how he is. mutual growth for y'all ♡.
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jean kirschtein
• jean is not afraid to pull a live performance for you, you see this man is at the top of the world when he's with you. from 80s hits to recent releases this man will blast his playlists catered for you.
• dates with jean are certainly spent on concerts, (him & eren bond over chase atlantic don't argue with me) music festivals, thrifting & late night drives!!!
• personally, i don't see jean as very gimmicky unless you guys are with his friends, he takes you very seriously and you are his top priority.
• at school i think he's definitely one of those flirtatious boyfriends. the kind who would not miss an opportunity to blow you a kiss or throw you a wink. he can be a bit of a dork, who wouldn't be? if he can get one of your rare smiles 🥺
• jean's the type to ask his pals for help when it comes to styling. not because he dresses badly but he's too focused on getting a flush on your cheeks. he's a hopeless romantic.
• if you guys happen to stay at home, he'll definitely serenade you with the amount of songs he had written recently just for you.
• since he bonds with sasha and connie, his jokes are either dad jokes or something that went viral on tiktok. he's the perfect balance of goofy and mature.
• if you aren't much of an active person he wouldn't mind being lazy with you and insist on a diy spa day at home.
• it's just netflix with a tub of ice cream and face masks on.
• since jean is quite the romantic, he would be into couple outfits or items that aren't cringey obv and probably doesn't mind using your perfume or vice-versa.
• jean probably asked you out during one of his gigs, offering you a single rose afterwards.
• he's the type to leave you random post-it notes if he visits your house. just random phrases or doodles. and boy does he pick you up every single day on his smexy motorcycle.
• he'll bring you coffee and breakfast to-go. this man's spoiling you baby.
• aside from that, i feel like jean would make you hand-made gifts with the help of his momma. he thinks it's sentimental when you make your presents because it's one of a kind.
• jean does all these things because he's 100% about you being a constant person in his life. he loves how he can be whoever he wants when he's around you, i'm certain you guys wouldn't have it any other way either.
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porco galliard
• porco can be a dick if he wants to not to you though, this tough guy turns into putty just for you. he definitely loves being treated like a baby.
• at first he might come off as cold because he isn't used to the whole romance thing and he gets flustered with the slightest pecks so you might have to initiate at first.
• but once you guys get through the awkward phase this boy would straight up greet you with a passionate kiss and does not give a damn about everybody who witnessed it. he might even have a stupid smirk on his face.
• like eren, i feel like porco would be very passionate and intense. he doesn't say much but he definitely shows you just how much he adores you.
• speaking of friends (: reiner would tease him every second of the day. i bet he would team up with bertholdt to annoy this poor boy. annie and pieck's not much help either.
•whenever you're stressed, porco would run you a bath and give you massages very often. he'll sit on the edge of the tub while he runs his hand through your hair.
•his type of dates would be watching at a cinema or a drive-in, going to the mall just to look around,he's a simple guy.
•if you guys happen to have an argument, porco would distance himself for a few minutes to a few hours just to process the situation and avoid anything his aggression might cause.
•he knew that if he wanted you guys to work he needed to be better.
•he would come back though and hold you in his arms while you guys talk it out.
•i bet he's one of the aot characters who would be an athlete, so most days you'll end up watching him practice.
•overtime, porco would be more open to being intimate in public and post stories of you two just doing things most couples do.
•he's proud that you're his and he's all yours.
•porco is a great guy and he would do anything just to make you smile.
i hope you guys liked these~! let me know who you guys want to be in the second part. requests are open and as always, stay safe! - 🌸☁️
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
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[image description: a wideshot of the san francisco skyline, tinted orange by a sunset. Above the skyline, in a white serif font reads "REVELATIONS, REVELATIONS." in all caps. below, in lower caps reads "update #2" /end id]
Revelations, Revelations | Update #2
Hey besties! I've got a funky little RR update
I've had a little bit of a love hate relationship with this book in the last two months but I am loving it right now! I think my struggles came from how I didn't really accept that this book is Hard to write. like it's complicated! and it's set in another country in another era like idk what to tell you! And accepting that was such a weight off my shoulders because I'm not putting the blame on myself. I also was really stuck in part one's problems and I had to be like <3 bestie <3 abandon it til post draft editing. So right now it's like:
Part one: I see it as a little stray cat in an alleyway that I kneel down in front of like pspspsp :) and then it hisses and bites me because it is actually a feral raccoon. Definitely not where I want it to be but like I can fix him
Part two: super fun!! A lot of deeper (and messier) elements are introduced here and I feel like the story's ~vibes~ have clicked. It's a lot of fun and it's getting complex. Whilst there's conflict going on in part one there's definitely this false sense of stability and then part two hits all of them like a baseball bat
My drafting has been much more chill and non linear too, just writing the scenes I want to and then connecting them together. I've been focused less on rich prose/descriptions and more on prose that explores character and it's been very refreshing! I love my flowery prose but I think it's easy to get caught up in. I'm also no longer going to do chapter by chapter updates, both for plot privacy but also because this story is very delicate both in content and the drafting process and I don't just want to expose the bare bones of that, you know? So I'm just gonna do some sectioned rambles and talk about a couple chapters under the cut!
also no longer doing multiple taglists because i can't keep up so! general taglist, ask to be added or removed! ; @kowlazovdi @avi-burton-writing @ryns-ramblings @kitblogsthings @ezrathings @aetherwrites @radiomacbeth @bijouxs @bookphobe @haldimilks @alicewestwater @bookpacking @shaelinwrites @onlyganymede @theelectricfactory @write-like-babs @oceancold @veiliza @sidhewrites @wolf-oak @oasis-of-you @coffeeandcalligraphy @cecilsstorycorner @howdywrites @keira-is-writing @flip-phones @svpphicwrites
Only major change to report is I switched to alternate POVs instead of multiple chapters at a time in one POV because I'm insane <3 I had a lot of fun braiding POVs in Life Cycle of Massive Stars and wanted to try it here and it works much better! Though at this point I am simply ignoring the existence of part 1 because it really was the guinea pig part LMAO i experimented so much with structure and form and now it's a mess but it's <3 a future problem <3 i'd rather have one messy part than a whole first draft that's behind on my growing ~vision~ of the story.
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[image description: a slightly purple tinted photo of two arms extending from the top and bottom of the photo, cropped to only show their hands. Their index fingers touch. in the middle, in a white serif font reads "dorothy" /end id]
Not a chapter, I had a lot of trouble with Dorothy in part 1 but I still love her so instead y'all are getting a mini character ramble! I felt really bad about her for the longest time because I've only been writing her since last summer whereas I've known Felix since like 2018 so there's naturally an imbalance, but I Do Not like that!! And she's really taken her time revealing herself, but I am ~fascinated by her.
I feel she's best summarised by this disillusionment for her life but mostly herself, because she's framed her whole identity by illusory perceptions of other people: a mother she doesn't remember, a girlfriend she breaks up with every six months but still shares a bed with, a twin brother she hasn't seen in person for four years and still sees as a teenager drenched in religious manipulation. It's a lot! She assumes that she feels dissatisfied with her life because she's without her twin, but then Felix returns to her life and shockingly this does not fix all of her problems??? She also doesn't know how to be alone, which definitely will not get better after Felix returns oop
The day her brother decides to leave, Dorothy is home alone.
Her San Francisco apartment is hollow like a hungry stomach. Three days ago, she drove Jolie to the airport then came home to cover the bathroom mirror with towels. On the first day she took an extra shift at the book store, drove through Sea Cliff at sunset, bumped into Mona on the stairwell and joined her and Margot for wine and slipped out when they began arguing over rent and office interns, started then discarded a portrait of a fictional girl and slept from two to five in the morning. On the second day she worked and spent an extra hour designing a window display on science fiction that she put together on the third day. Cut and painted a rocket ship on cardboard that she’ll have to scold kids for tugging, then get scolded herself by their mothers.
The day I finalise a design for their apartment it's over but I call this trick Trying To Get Around The Fact I Made Characters In Their Earlier Twenties Live In San Francisco (cw: drowning)
The apartment is nicer than her, but it’s been home for three years and they get $100 off rent each month because Jolie tends the garden and looks just like the landlady's daughter that drowned in the Pacific.
I don't think I've talked about Jolie much here which is funny because she is probably the most well-received amongst my friends! They love her so much and it's because she's a hot but slightly toxic lesbian smh, I'm like no seriously she does some fucked up things and they're like you promise?? Some funky facts:
Her real name is Jolene and she hates it except when the Dolly Parton song came on, that gives her a god complex
We are going to ignore how I accidentally named two characters after words for beautiful and pretty in French we are going to pretend it was intentional because when this gets published a uni student could get some good analysis out of that in their Intro to Literature class
She joined the cult with her mother at 13 and left as soon as she turned 18 LMAO. She was Dorothy's only connection to the "outside world" and the only reason she was able to leave
Her dream job is gardener/florist! We get it I watched Bly Manor last November. She's also a bartender
would probably have this on her car /j
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[image description: a close up of a car sticker of a frog above "MILF" in green caps. below "MILF" reads "Man I Love Frogs" /end id]
Dorothy and Jolie have always been on and off and building tension but Dorothy realises this can't keep going when Jolie gets into a barfight at work and Dorothy feels Insane because she's the only one concerned?? (cw: blood, mild violence)
“You’re lucky it’s not broken.” She angles Jolie’s face, hand under her chin. Even with red blotted around her nostrils and lips, mulberry lipstick smudged, she still smiles like her bruises are a trophy. It’s a surprise she doesn’t dwell on it: it’s just some blood, doll, nothing to worry about. She didn’t even strike that good. Her technique was all off. If she shows her face back here I’ll just teach her how to punch properly. The worst part is over and I’m a big girl. Do I look upset? Am I crying? When they drive home, she’ll ask to stop and see if she can get free cigarettes or beer by holding her nose and making herself cry. She’ll probably ask Dorothy to hit her so it starts bleeding again. But she’s quiet, leans against the basin and lets her dab damp towels on her face. It doesn’t take long to clean up. It was just some blood.
“Nursing,” Jolie says.
“What?” “You keep saying you want to go to school but don’t know what for – nursing. You’re too good at taking care of people.”
That ending is like Top Three dialogue lines that made me really Concerned for how this character arc is gonna go :) but don't worry about it y'all. I do think Jolie genuinely loves Dorothy but that does not mean! the relationship is healthy!
Basically I love her a lot now that I know her better and I am excited to see where she goes! I think the biggest part of her arc is motherhood/daughterhood and TBH as a recently realised trans dude it took me a Minute to feel entitled to write her story? But being a cis woman shaped my life for two decades and getting to navigate that and being a daughter from a perspective that's totally distanced from myself is very helpful. It's about the inherent admiration and pain that comes from being a mother's daughter! (cw: blood, diet culture/disordered eating)
She lies next to the table and presses her forehead to the glass corner and imagines what would shatter first: the glass or her skin. And she imagines being a girl again, with French braids and too much baby fat in her cheeks and being picked up by a mother before the blood stains her hands and then her dress. She’d tell the mother she just wanted to read her magazines, the dog-eared articles about divorce and top tips for menopause and the benefits of eating half a grapefruit before your calorie-counted meals. And the mother would just brush the bangs out her face, press a pack of thawed peas on the wound and let her choose between the band aid with hearts or the band aid with flowers. And maybe the mother would know she did it for attention because they both know a daughters cry slices oxygen like glass to skin, but she’d still detangle her curls in the evening and kiss her forehead goodnight and serve her breakfast in the morning with half a grapefruit – the other half on her own plate, untouched and left to rot.
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[image description: an orange firework exploding against a black sky. across the photo, in a white serif font reads "the last 10 hours of 1986" /end id]
This is technically two chapters, one in each POV and they close part one! Title is v explanatory and they're meant to be framed like a countdown - my plan was for the scenes to get shorter as it gets closer to midnight and that didn't really work but? The twins def get messier as the countdown goes down and THAT is what we like to see. This is also the only end of a part where the twins are separated but don't worry about it hehe :)
This chapter is like the First Time Dorothy does something for herself and. Good for her!
She’ll publish poetry under a pen name and horror short stories under another. She’ll paint indigo mountains and magenta oceans and not care when the colours stain her clothes. She’ll teach Felix how to blend acrylics and he’ll teach her how to remember piano notes and they won’t argue about who abandoned who. When Mona and Margot break up, she’ll go down to comfort Mona or Margot and then kiss Margot or Mona. She’ll move out and tell neither of them. She’ll find a landlady with a dead daughter and get a discount on an ocean view apartment with wall-length windows. Isaias will move in next door and they’ll have weekly dinner parties with wine that costs more than $10. She’ll go vegan. She’ll be so in tune with herself she won’t need to read magazine horoscopes or pay $50 for a psychic reading that assumes she knows her grandparents. She’ll know when she’s happy sad angry and why. She’ll take portrait commissions so she can afford a therapist. She’ll love her life and ignore that there’s no space for Jolie because she wants there to be. She’ll need nobody except herself. She’ll try and make things with Jolie work. She’ll kiss a random girl at midnight to see if it’s any different. She’ll go home after the countdown.
I had the revelation (aha) of Isaias and Dorothy as besties and I am OBSESSED! I love Isaias but struggled with his role so I'm really happy about this. Like he practices calligraphy and writes poetry titled after his favourite plants is he not the ideal character!! Hoping this will make it easier to learn about him so we can get that fun content
Felix's is fun because he makes the best decision of his arc but also the stupidest fucking decision of his arc. He truly has the range NOBODY is doing it like him. Here's a part that mirrors the excerpt above because even when they're apart Felix and Dorothy are like hmm we Will Be Intrinsically Connected (cw: drug, vomit and sex mention sorry he's going through it!!)
Two hours before midnight and Felix is alone in the bathroom. The party he abandoned synths through the ceiling. He plays Love My Way on his Walkman. Highest volume. Eyes closed. Imagines 1987 and decides he’s going to be honest about everything and nothing. He’s going to tell strangers at bars that he studies Literature at Stanford. He’s going to date a girl and pretend he has parents to introduce her to, that he grew up on a farm in Ohio and was secretly raised atheist, lie about what lies his parents told him. He’s going to grow out his hair and and blend cyan on his eyelids and send polaroids to his father with no return address; burn his fingertips on a candle flame like Michael will burn the photos of his son. He’s going to adore himself. He’s going to quit smoking and start jogging. He’s going to fuck Pacific Heights husbands whilst their wives sleep in the master bedroom and maybe they’ll angrily call him when they’re served divorce papers and hang up when he laughs. He’s going to get promoted to Assistant Manager and not care that his job is dead-end. He’s not going to kiss anyone at midnight because he doesn’t want to. He’s going to flush the cocaine because he doesn’t want it. He’s going to stare at his reflection until it moves for him. He’s going to vomit in a minute. He’s going to pierce his right ear with a sewing needle.
Felix at the end of part one: I give no more fucks!!! I am going to do whatever I want!!! Life is too short!!!
Felix at the end of part two:
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[image description: screenshot of a tweet by @/idksomedumbshit. the tweet reads, "i can't mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one boys" /end id]
I do think it's iconic that this time last year Felix was a repressed Christian boy and now his dream is to be a homewrecker THAT is growth. I also got to write Felix and Jolie which was fun because they do Not like each other <3 but they respect each other <3 but only sometimes <3 They have their first little bonding moment where Jolie pierces his ear in their bathroom but then Felix says something to piss her off so Jolie is like hmm okay time to chose Violence. This dialogue is funny because Felix does not really hate himself at this stage Jolie just knows she's gonna fuck him up by saying that !! My life would be so much easier if these twins had a normal relationship with the concept of being a twin but also this story would be very boring
The needle pierces his skin and he doesn’t feel it. Only the tequila swirling behind his eyes. The sting of the light-bulb. Jolie speaks again, “but she looks just like you, doesn’t she? Not the same of course, but enough to see each other in each other. That’s the worst part, right? To see the person you hate on the face of someone you love?”
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[image id: a photo of the ocean with cliffs in the background, tinted orange by sunset. in the middle, in a white serif font reads "1/10/1987" /end id]
This chapter is so CUTE and also my first successful attempt at a different form that I can consistently keep in the narrative <3 I really like the idea of a fluid novel form that's adaptive to how the character's perception of the world would change which? Idk how much I can maintain that but this definitely follows it. I need to fine tune the execution but the concept is shots and transcript from a camcorder recording and playing with what the camera sees/doesn't see. The title is what the tape would be labelled, and on 1/10/1987 (american dates throw me off omfg) Beau takes Felix to a seaside town for his birthday and yes it's gay <3 but it's also just a lot of stupid dialogue which was very refreshing because I overthink dialogue so much I always think it has to have deeper meaning when sometimes its like....characters can sometimes...have Fun together. They are simply displaying Relationship Dynamics!
BEAU: Okay, give me a second…(the camera zooms on Felix) There we go! Right, okay, so it’s Saturday, January 10th, 1987, what’re doing out here today?
FELIX: What is this, an interview or something? You sound like a TV host on those morning shows.
BEAU: Oh my God no they’re so annoying, don’t compare me to those.
FELIX: No but I can imagine it perfectly. You’d just be all (holding a pretend microphone) Gooood Morrrning from sunny San Francisco! My name is Beau Teixeira and—
Beau: (laughing) Shut the fuck up!
I love this chapter a lot because you can definitely tell that their dynamic has Shifted but also! They are still just friends being friends and I really want them to just kiss already but also I love the natural progression of friends to lovers....falling in love and not realising it and then suddenly it all makes sense...
BEAU: You wanna try filming? It’s easier if you hold it on your shoulder. Like this. Put your hands where mine are.
[How their fingers whisper against each other. How Beau’s cologne smells of lime and tangerine. ]
Beau steps back into view, runs a hand through his curls. Leather jacket flutters in salted wind. Behind him the sunset flickers over waves like a candle flame. He smiles at the camera.
BEAU: I think you’re a natural! You’re definitely gonna be first choice for cameraman on my shitty morning show.
[How Felix smiles at him.]
(cw: next paragraph talks about the AIDS crisis)
Whilst this is a Fun And Cute Chapter there is more depth to it since the last time we see Beau and Felix before it is the first time they open up about the AIDS Crisis and their fears surrounding it. I have a lot of complicated thoughts about writing this part of history that I could write about all day but it boils down to the fact that "so many queer stories are centred around queer trauma and tragedy and queer people deserve to read stories centred around love and happiness" and "with a queer novel set in 1980s SF it'd be just as bad to completely ignore what happened" are two things that can coexist. I definitely think stories centred around the crisis are necessary (recently read The Prettiest Star by Carter Sickels and highly recommend! Also has a similar camcorder function and an emphasis on preserving. Also made me cry) but shouldn't be the default, especially in a story that if published would have a queer readership, so whilst it's something I want to explore I want to do it in a way that ultimately celebrates queer happiness, love and life. Definitely way more that could be said about this and the function of queer trauma in queer narratives but! Both Beau and Felix feel a need to not only capture as much as possible, but to capture it specifically with the intent to look back in the future, as well as a general We Are Going To Try And Find Happiness Wherever We Can. Also feel like a lot of Beau's character clicked whilst writing it which was very fun!
[How Beau wouldn’t say where they were going but cracked before they left San Francisco because he had too many stories to tell: five year old burning his tongue on café tea, six year old falling into waves and being unbothered, seven year old plucking chrysanthemum petals from stranger’s gardens. How Beau has an orange car freshener and missing headrest on the passengers seat. How Beau drove a longer route because it was closer to the coastline. How Beau played Pet Shop Boys’ Please and knew the words to every song. How Felix realized that he did too.]
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[image description: a man and a woman sit next to each other on a bench. the photo is taken from behind them. in the background, you can vaguely see water, hills and the golden gate bridge. across the image, in a white serif font reads "everything the same about dorothy and felix" /end id]
Little title explanation: part 1 has two chapters, "Everything Different about Felix" and "Everything Different about Dorothy" which introduce their relationship + impression of each other after not seeing each other in person for four years (and also how they have images of each other in their heads that are false but they're attached to and it's really not helping the whole complicated twin relationship thing but don't worry about it) and I'd like to expand on that in part two so! An attempt was made. This takes place the day after the above chapter on the twins' actual birthday, the first one they're celebrating together since they were 18 and the first one in the "outside world" so it's a moment!
I'm not happy with how this chapter came out but I think it's just because it's an important one to me! Partly because it helps cement the idea that in spite of their complex relationship, Felix and Dorothy never stop being twins and they never stop loving each other even on the days they dislike each other. But mainly because: these are two adults who lost their childhood to trauma and they finally have the freedom to live their life and! Sometimes that means living for the inner child that never got to be a child. As a certified Adult With Childhood Trauma having a chapter like this was v important because trauma never leaves you but that doesn't mean you can't be happy!! Also it's just. cute. They run around San Francisco, bake a really shitty birthday cake, talk about whether or not San Francisco is real, I want what they have. There is underlying conflict because hoo boy there is Shit simmering rn! But it was nice to have this and the previous chapter as just like. Two little golden moments you know. Calm before the storm if you will
Midnight. Dorothy lies on a mattress on the floor in an apartment in San Francisco. Her brother’s head in her lap. “You know what’s crazy to me? Nobody ever asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. That just wasn’t something we were allowed to think about. I know it’s depressing, I just think about that a lot.”
Felix keeps his eyes on the ceiling. The clock ticks. “Well, what do you wanna be when you grow up?”
“Astronaut, of course.”
“I was gonna say astronaut.”
“You definitely weren't,” she says. “Besides, I already claimed it.”
He looks at her. “I was thinking it. Before you said it, I claimed it in my mind.”
“That’s not how it works. I can’t read your mind.”
Felix sits up. “Wait, you can’t? Gee Dotty, some twin you are.” He grins. So does she.
Usually I am like. I don't think they would care too much about the twin thing. But I also think they would definitely joke about it, like if someone asked a stupid question Felix would be like "well of course we can read each others minds, dont you know how twins work?? like right now my twin sister who is my twin is thinking about giving me, her twin brother, $200" But lets end this on an excerpt where Dorothy doesn't give him $200 but she does think Oh How Did I Spend Four Years Without My Brother
(cw: death mention + missing persons mention, plane crash + boating accident mention)
Dorothy is used to his presence, has been for a year: coffee stains on the table, cupboards left open in the kitchen, clustered ashtray in the living room, hair gel and Jazz aftershave behind the bathroom mirror, Queen or Bowie or Alphaville sifting from his room. His voice. How he always knocks on her door to say goodnight. How he weaved himself into the ecosystem like air but tonight she watches her brother do nothing but breathe and she remembers waking up every January 11th in 1983, 84, 85, 86, and chucking a towel over the bathroom mirror. How she told strangers at bars that she’s an only child; or that she had a younger brother, but he died in a plane crash or a boating accident or went on a hiking trip and never came back, was likely immortalised as a John Doe in Oregon or Nevada records. How she went four years without coffee stains and open cupboards and goodnight knocks and Queen or Bowie or Alphaville renditions when he forgets that she exists in this space too. How hollow those four years were.
And that's all I have to share! I'm not sure when the next update will be, but I much prefer this format of talking about the story! If you read this far I love u <3
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solargroup09 · 4 years
Solar on Weekly Idol
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- MCs: “They’re an 8 member group, each from their own planet who have come to steal the hearts of many with their wit and spunk. They recently debuted with their first title track ‘Solar System.’ Please welcome Solar!”
- Solar joins the MCs, bowing towards them while waving and smiling towards the cameras. Once everyone is assembled, Mina begins to count down: “3, 2, 1″ and the other members chime in:
“Your rays of sunshine. Hello, we are Solar!”
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- INTRODUCTIONS: “Solar’s intros” -
- Mina smiles and waves with both hands, before making a finger heart which she shoots towards the camera like an arrow: “Hi everyone, I’m your brightly shining Mina, the eldest and leader of Solar - I hope you’ll take care of us today! We’re really excited to be here, thank you for having us!”
- Skitz winks at the camera and gives a smirk while shooting finger guns between the camera and hosts: “Just because I’m the coldest doesn’t mean I can’t melt hearts. Heyo, I’m Skitz!”, she gives a two fingered salute and bow.
- Yueliang bows swiftly and smiles: "As bright as the moon, it's Solar sweetheart Yueliang!". She sends a flirty wink and a finger heart at the camera.
- Ari gives a small flirty smile to the camera and a little finger wave. “I’m the sweetest heat of Solar, you can call me Ari” She does a dramatic model pose before laughing.
- AJ smiles at the camera and cups her cheeks with both hands, “I’m Solar’s small ball of sunshine! It’s always nice to see you, I’m AJ”, she does a finger heart before the camera changes to the next member.
- Luna smiles sweetly and sends a little finger heart to the camera. "Just like the moon, I'm always there for you. Hi i'm your Luna"
- Rin scrunches her nose up at the other members' introductions and when it's her turn, flashing her gummy smile as she awkwardly does a ✌️ pose to the cameras (the wrong ones) and then - when Mina tilts her body to the camera - she just does the blank tight lipped smile: "yes, hi, uh I'm Rin! Uh....it's nice to be here! yes! yes...." she looks over to Mina to ask for help to get out of this very awkward introduction time; Mina just smiles at the younger member before noding towards the MCs to continue.
- MCs: “Your maknae, Hannah, unfortunately couldn’t make it today as she has gone on temporary hiatus to focus on her school work. Anything you want to tell her?”
- all the members nod: “We want to say that we love and miss her, and that we can’t wait for her to come back and join us again - and, of course, that we’ll be happily cheering for her to succeed in school! Hannah, fighting!” The members shoot different kinds of hearts towards the cameras, smiling and waving. 
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- MCs: “So, each member represents a planet - could you tell us a bit more about that?”
- Mina flashes a smile, before beginning to explain: „my planet is Mercury, the ruler of communication, messages, eloquence and wit. But not only can I talk for hours, I can also listen for hours - so please know that I‘ll always have an open ear for you!“ Mina shoots a flirty wink towards a camera.
- Skitz smirks and points to her face. “Just like my planet Uranus I have 13 rings around my body! I represent being weird, art, science, originality, the unexpected, libido. And I symbolize discovery, not being traditional, insight, expression of self, and shock value. So don’t worry, I’ll keep you on your toes!”
- Yueliang smiles again: "In Solar I'm Jupiter which is the planet of growth and good fortune so keep me close to your heart, I'll be your lucky charm!
- Ari nods. “I represent the planet Mars, the planet of energy, action, and desire. You’re always in for a good time when I’m around”, she tries to wink a fails miserably.
- AJ: “My planet is Venus! It’s the planet of love, beauty and aesthetics and pleasure! I live by ‘Give the love around and back around it goes’ I think it’s a good philosophy that matches my planet!” 
- Luna: "In Solar, I represent Earth. I am the Earth, the Earth is me, so I own everything you're walking on !", everyone laughs. "I'm joking, I picked Earth, well... it was kind of the last one", she giggles, "I'm happy I got it though, as nature, like music has a healing effect on people's souls. And I truly hope I can heal yours through my music"
- Rin, clenches fist and does a 'hwaiting' motion. "I represent Neptune. It is associated with dreams, inspiration, psychic receptivity and illusion. The members always say that I always zone out so I guess it fits me quite well!"
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- MCs: “Soo, about Skitz - “tired parent who carries a caffeine drink with her….where is this drink then?” 
- Skitz smirks and motions toward the manager hiding behind screen. “Actually I was told I couldn’t bring one on set today.... so what you see is me fighting the urge to scream and cry and nap on the floor.” 
- MCs: “Skitz can sing and rap? Like at the same time?” The group laughs as Skitz shakes her head with a snort: “I’m the rapper of the group, but I can sing as well. I auditioned as a singer at J. Tune and passed with a rap I came up with.”
- MCs turn towards Ari now: “Lived in Boston and in Korea growing up... can you do a Boston accent?” Ari starts going off in English with a Boston-accent, saying something about one of the girls stealing her candy.
- MCs smile at Mina: “It says here that you’re not only the oldest and tallest, but also the one with the biggest hands? Can you show them to us?” Mina laughs and hides her face behind her hands for a few seconds, before holding both hands towards the camera. Everyone makes “ooh” and “aah”, before the MCs give Mina a ruler to measure one hand - it’s 17cm, and Luna grins slyly while grabbing for one of her leader’s hands. “Perfect size for holding mine!”, she says, making everyone laugh, Mina hugs her lovingly.
- MCs continue: “According to your profile, Mina, you’re the main vocal and can also play the piano really well - we heard you prepared a little performance for us?” Mina smiles and nods, before getting up and walking towards the keyboard that has just been set up for her. She then sings an acoustic cover of Heart of Gold by Neil Young while playing the piano. Yue and Luna hold up imaginary lightsticks and dramatically swing their arms around to the music, while Skitz seems a bit touched by the performance of the leader. Everyone cheers and whoops when Mina finishes, and she smiles and bows towards the cameras and MCs, before taking her seat again.
- now it’s Yueliang’s turn: "We can see here that you have played the violin since you were three years old, can you show us? We prepared a violin for you!" Yueliang looks a bit taken aback but she accepts the challenge right away. When she sees the violin, though, she burst out laughing. It's a 1/32 size, basically a child violin. Despite the small and cheap instrument, she tries to play some famous pieces but since the violin is made of plastic the sound is terrible. Yueliang can't stop laughing and all the members are cheering and clapping excitedly like it was a real concert.
- the MCs look at AJ: “It says here that you do CF’s, and you have experience in MCing and variety”. AJ nods, listening attentively, “I do. I have done quite a few, mostly for make up brands”. “You actually sold out a lip tint... is that the brand you’re wearing today?”. AJ panics a bit, “Well... actually no... it’s sold out!” everyone laughs at her quick save and she smiles shyly.
- one of the MCs waves at AJ: “Come to this side, you’re going to be an MC with us for a while” they gesture for AJ to join them on the other side, where the staff brings a chair for her and a new name tag with the letters MC quickly scribbled. AJ laughs and bows before taking a seat next to the MC, trying to read the cards over their shoulders. After failing to see the questions and just swinging her legs over the chair, the MC’s dismiss her, ripping the MC tag from her dramatically.
- the MCs look at Luna’s profile now: "Grew up in London. Fluent in Japanese as well as Spanish. Could you say something to International fans watching Weekly Idol ?" She agrees to do so and starts with Japanese. "Hello everyone, I'm Solar's main dancer Luna, we hope you'll like this episode of Weekly Idol,please give it lots of love. Thank you for supporting us ! Bye bye !" And translates it in Spanish. "Hola encantadores de Weekly Idol. Me llamo Luna, soy la bailarina principal de Solar. Esperamos que les encantará este episodio de Weekly Idol y le dará mucho amor. ¡Muchas gracias por apoyarnos ! ¡Adiós!"
- the MCs applaud her and ask: "You also have a special little dance that is 'similar to the Carlton Dance'. What is it ? Can you show it to us?" She explains briefly what the Carlton Dance is and gets up to show it which sends everyone into a laughing fit as she moves her body from left to right dramatically. "Now I will show you my version." Luna says before flailing around dancing again, in a very over the top manner. Giggles happily as she goes back to her seat, like a child who was just given candy.
- it’s finally Rin’s turn, and the MCs read: "Master Bone Cracker, nickname is Crunchy. So Rin, I guess you have a really old body?" other members chime in agreement, while Rin just gummy smiles again "So before you crack any more of your bones while waiting for your turn, let's get the game started. You have to produce at least 30 pop sounds to pass the challenge." Rin nods and waves to the camera, "this is easy peasy. my fingers alone can crack 22 times in one session. guys, are y'all ready to win?"
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- Ari enjoys learning new dance choreos, so is having the time of her life. But makes the most dramatic noises throughout, which makes the other girls laugh and mess up
- During a song switch, Mina somehow slips on the ground and falls down, making everyone laugh. She quickly gets up and bows to the hosts and members, apologizing for messing up all while still giggling uncontrollably. 
-Skitz is the one that enjoys having fun with the dances, and depending on which song comes on, will make faces at the camera or be completely serious and in the moment.
- In the end of all the dancing Skitz falls to the floor and groans. “No morrreeee.” Tries to nap instead and gets sat on by Luna.
– AJ knows lots of other groups choreos but she stays sitting and just dancing softly to herself, letting the other members showcase their talent. Nobody has seen AJ more confused in her life during the 2x version. She keeps making funny faces that the MC’s can’t help but point out and she’s basically singing to herself to remember where she’s supposed to go. Celebrates like she just won the World Cup by the time the challenge is over.
- Luna is one of the members who does pretty well unless someone starts making noises and it distracts her, which is exactly what Ari does so Luna giggles and smacks her arm in fake anger because she can barely get her moves straight. In the x2 version she is one of the members who does really well, along with Rin.
- Yueliang is the one who shouts at the members to correct their position and identifies which section of the song they're dancing to when it's confusing. All of this while giggling.
- Rin knows every single choreo, and does the 2x perfectly too. slightly out of breath at the end and is just standing there looking at the other members panting like “👀 y'all good?”
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- Mina is first in line and stands beside Luna, using her as an arm rest and starting to tease her for their height difference right before the game starts. They’re both laughing too much when facing each other, immediately failing to proceed with the game and having to take a new paper.
- Ari stands next to Yueliang in the “pass the paper by your mouths” game and she plays up their ship so hard. Mina finally has to tell them to calm down
- Yueliang can't stay concentrate during the game because Skitz face when she tries to take the paper from Yue is too hilarious.
- AJ is the last in the line and feels slightly concerned about the game. She keeps laughing at her members failing but doesn’t wanna fail herself aka gay panic. In the end, although they succeed she still gives a loud kiss on the cheek to each member.
-Skitz is in between Yueliang and AJ, always making both girls laugh at the faces she makes as she’s trying to take and pass the paper. She gets flustered with the girls and ends up yelling at them to focus, while still laughing herself in the end because she knows how crazy she looks.
- Rin loves affection and kisses are one of her favorites. Watch her not even try so she can get a free kiss 🤩
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- MCs: “Well, we had lots of fun with these girls today! Thank you so much for joining our program, Solar - we’ll make sure to invite you after your new comeback, too.”
- all members thank the MCs, bowing to them, and start waving towards the cameras, shooting finger hearts and blowing kisses, before Mina counts down “3, 2, 1″ and the other members chime in: “Your rays of sunshine. This was Solar! Thank you very much!”
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jayflrt · 2 years
yeah, 60 credits!! i think i'll have around 50, so... close enough, but not enough for me to do a 13th year of school
i didn't have a phone until middle school so i could text my parents that i was on the bus safely (or i wouldn't've had one at all until high school), but both my parents are teachers and were up by 5:30/6 for work, and my dad drove me everyday, so i got to school at like. 6:45 and sat in a before school program, played games, etc. until 9:15 every school day from 1-6th grade
now that i only have one class a day, i am as heavy a sleeper as you can get LMAOOO like. i am a rock.
i spent... like $150 on the game? couple bp, couple welkins, and $100 genesis crystals to get my ganyu (and all the extra primos went into my kazuha fund since ganyu was guaranteed)
i didn't even have sucrose until recently, so i had no anemo battery and i have self-sufficient xiao. i've soloed all but like... 4 bosses w/ him? and i did half of them no dmg if i remember correctly
and omg yeah building takes so long, i say stick w/ ur main team and his current build until you have time and resin for him.
HELP YEAH IT WAS!! it was like,, book knowledge, literacy and grammar, and also just generally how nice you were. i think we had like a 50-100 person literate group and it felt like it was actually hogwarts because it was so active 😭😭😭
i started posting on quotev at 11. wattpad always scared me, so i stuck to quotev and ao3, but i've always been a good writer, and i think i still have like... drafts of my first AWFUL original pieces in my drive somewhere
maybe i will make a gc, idk LMAO i'm very bad at keeping in touch and i'd feel bad nkjdfsjdf
yeah i need sfw yong </3 honestly all of 127 in crazy underrepresented on tumblr (excluding hyuck and mark bc they're included in dream works) when it comes to sfw fics or reactions or anything.
i of course am Adding to the dreamzen supremacy w my mainly dream reactions and dream series on my sideblog 😭😭😭but i've written a 10k yong fic for a collab i was in which was so fun!!
AHHH TAEIL ANOTHER MEMBER I BARELY SEE FICS FOR ☹️💗 but that’s so cute !! son of apollo definitely suits him <33 and i get what you mean !! i did smthn similar for my nct series — mc for jaemin’s installment was jaehyun’s younger sister, and that was alluded to in other installments as well + many of the members appear in each other’s fics (ex. mark being in jaehyun and johnny’s installments as well as getting his own) 🤧
yeah, i like having ur series connected yk? like it feels so nice to write in that little nod that only the people who have read the other fics will get as like an easter egg! and it makes it feel more real <3 which is so fun and interactive
taeil not loved enough for being our vocal slayer. like those high notes y'all love? appreciate this man bc he's not gonna be slaying for us much longer he gotta go to the military😭😭
it is!!!! i appreciate any attention i get, especially if it's on my shitposts and stuff LMAOOO like it's nice that people care? and thinking abt the fact i have a following and stuff is so crazy. it's really nice to have people support your work!!!
i just wish there was like. a cheat code? to make longer fics more popular again bc they used to be POPPING when i joined kpop tumblr 2 years ago and now the attention span is gone 😭😭😭and long fics take so much more effort than reactions so getting a diminished response can be disheartening
omg you’re so close !!! 💖💖 i’m not sure how many units are allocated for each class where you are but that sounds like about 2-3 classes you need :o for me the units are distributed differently tho so it might be different for you !! but good luck, that must be so exciting 🥰 
HAHAHA YEAH SAME except it was for me walking to school and i had a flip phone 🤧 i enjoyed it a lot tho HAHAH i played my lil game of tetris over and over again and took pictures with my 144p camera <3 i started walking to school when i was in middle school bc i lived so close so that's why i got my phone :') and then we upgraded to a galaxy s1 and then an iphone for high school WOOOO (but man it's so weird to think i owned a galaxy s1 HAHAH beginning of an era??) 
omg you have one class a day?? that's so nice :o my monday classes are like that !! it's very relaxing but annoying that i have to go all the way to campus just for one class 🤧 i don't have a car either so i get in my daily cardio at least LMAOAO
omg i have not used the $100 for the top up crystals yet BUT it is very tempting especially with the bonus :'') i just wish the top up shop reset the bonus thing every banner or two ,, i feel like mihoyo would make so much more money doing so right ??? i just hope i get kazuha 🥰 
omg sucrose is sooo good and her ult is so pretty omg :'o i got c2 jean now so i feel like i should build her HAHHA but also i have her at lvl 80 and wanna focus on getting childe and raiden to 90 🤧 plus i wanna level up all of yanfei's talents :'') but yeah im focusing on my main team rn bc resin is so scarce 🏃‍♂️ 
that sounds so fun tho !! 💗 i can see how that transferred over to writing fics HAHAH but omfg i cringe looking at my old writing LOL like at least i tried ,, i can pat myself on the back for that :') but it's so funny looking back at how awkward my dialogue used to be and how 2d my characters felt. i also moved onto ao3 from wattpad but i feel like ao3 is kinda losing it's charm now ?? idk like before i felt like i could find so many gems and all the writing was top tier but now im seeing so much toxic romanticization and people writing smut for minors :// 
omg yeah i agree i think nctblr is geared toward the dreamies D; i mean i ult dream and also fall victim for writing more for the dreamies (mostly jaemin) HAHAH but i think 127 and wayv are neglected sometimes <//3 save for jaehyun and sometimes johnny, but i agree the other members (esp taeil!!!) deserve more fics 
yesyes i agree !! 💕 it's like a little special easter egg or cookie for the readers and i love seeing readers connecting the dots 🥰 plus i get emotionally attached to my characters so i wind up wanting to write more of them :] i love the little storyverses they're so cute <33
and omg yes :((( i remember long fics were a lot more popular around 2020 to early 2021??? idk what happened after that but ppl started shifting to shorter pieces like reactions/headcanons and smaus 🤧 i understand that it's easier to read but i personally think it's more rewarding to write your heart out for a long fic and receive love about it 💘 i think nctblr still appreciates a good longfic tho !! tbh they're more prominent in the fandoms that aren't enhablr LMAOAO 
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