#so like. the whole sibling idea just comes from their dynamic alone
strawglicks · 8 months
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sibling posting
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bestworstcase · 2 months
What do you mean by Tai favors Ruby?
i mean that he favors ruby
to be more specific, yang has been co-parenting her two-years-younger sister with her dad since she was about five, when tai evidently left them home alone on a regular basis. now i’m not in the camp that tai did not do any parenting at all or that yang raised ruby completely by herself—i don’t think the text supports that:
ruby clearly does see tai as her dad, and relates to him that way
“ugh, you sound like dad!” in particular illustrates both ruby’s fairly normal parent-child relationship with tai and yang’s quasi-parental role in her life
both yang (per the text) and tai (in the animated fairytale series) read bedtime stories, although ruby’s recollection suggests that it was yang reading to her more often than tai reading to both of them
—but i do think it’s clear that tai leaned on yang a lot more than he should have. yang remembers him “shutting down” after summer left and that she had to be the one to “pick up the pieces,” ruby expressly thinks of yang as the one who raised her, there’s literally a scene in ice queendom where tai and yang talk about parenting ruby. like:
TAI: It’s gonna be a lot harder to go out as a family after you’re gone. YANG: I really hope Ruby will be okay without me around. She tends to get caught up in her own little world sometimes, you know? TAI: A little independence will do her good! I love that you two support each other, but she can’t rely on you for everything, you know? YANG: I know, I know, you’re right, Dad.
<- that’s not a parent-child conversation.
innately when you have a dynamic where the elder sibling is co-parenting the younger, the younger sibling is being favored. that comes with the territory.
but there’s also the additional factor of both ruby and yang being so strongly identified with their mothers—to the point that their individuality is elided—and summer being up on this pedestal as both the Perfect Huntress and the Good Mother in contrast to raven being the skeleton in the family closet until yang reached legal adulthood. and then when tai finally does start talking about raven, he more or less presents raven to yang as a cautionary tale: i see so much of her in you and that’s great but watch out because her flaws tore our team and family apart.
it’s never said in so many words but that level of comparison and identification with their mothers, when one is the Noble Heroic Paragon and the other is a Complicated Woman Who Ruined Our Family… that. uh. to put it gently, that will trickle down into the treatment of the children.
and between how tai treats yang in v4 and ruby’s summer-identity-crisis in v9, it’s pretty fucking clear that both girls felt that in different ways—ruby’s whole sense of self is fucked because she can’t separate herself from the Idea of Summer Rose, whereas tai is really harshly critical of yang specifically because he projects his ideas about raven onto her, to the point that yang feels the need to go “sorry i remind you of her.”
it goes without saying that none of this was good for ruby either—it just hurt her in different, more insidious ways. but there’s like. this pattern. of yang being given adultlike responsibilities way too young and being held to harsher standards because tai can’t or won’t separate her from raven
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buckybarnesb-tch · 9 months
Mikaelson’s Party Pt.1
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Warning: This is a Human A/B/O fic you are about to read, it contains Omegaverse Dynamics as well as mentions of Non-Con and abuse.
Read at your own risk
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Their parents had gone on vacation for their 25th wedding anniversary and that weekend as Mikael had wanted to take his wife on a couples retreat for older Beta couples, It was the perfect time for Elijah to decide to throw a party. He’s a Sophomore in college and the campus was only 15 minutes from his house giving him the perfect place to have people over, nearly his whole class as well as Freshmen coming, his Beta Katherine having talked him into it as Elijah wasn’t a rule breaker but he would do anything for his mate. The house was packed, drunk college students everywhere and despite his attempts, he couldn’t get his siblings to stay upstairs. Rebekah was making friends with popular Beta girls, Kol was completely stoned with some burn outs in the backyard and Klaus was enjoying his night, watching drunken idiots do stupid shit. Thanks to Klaus’ Alpha status, something he was alone with in his family full of Betas (Betas taking up something like 80% of the population, Alphas at 19 and Omegas at less than 1), most of the kids left him alone or just gave him the odd stare. Alphas weren’t as common as they used to be but there were still plenty of them, though most of them tended to flock together, Klaus however was just happier alone. As an 18 year old Alpha that hadn’t yet found his mate he was always the odd one out, at school and at home, being alone was just more comfortable…even if he secretly hoped he would have a mate that wanted to be around him all the time. Often he even indulged himself in dreaming of finding an Omega mate to spend his life with, though he had been teased about that at a young age, his own family having a good laugh about the impossible idea.
Elijah had joined some of his friends in an intense game of beer pong without a care in the world, having already hired a cleaning crew to come the next morning and make sure everything was back in place. If nothing else, Elijah always thought ahead.
Klaus’ night took a turn somewhere around midnight as he refilled his drink at the make-shift bar, seeing some football players in the corner, laughing at something. It wasn’t until he heard a girl screaming at them that he moved closer, seeing a beautiful girl trying to shove their hands off of her body as they pulled at her shirt, clearly all drunk beyond belief. His body froze before he could step in, her sweet scent washing over him though it was mixed with something bland that he couldn’t place, the scent rushed through every nerve ending in his body sending a buzzing vibration through his extremities, up to his brain and almost violently into his cock. It was as he felt the growl build in his chest and explode out quite loudly that his body listened and moved again, the entire room freezing and looking at him now.
‘That’s enough!’ He snarled, moving between two of them and grabbing the girls hand, pulling her towards him. The largest one grabbed her arm tightly, holding her back from moving away.
‘Who the fuck are you? Get lost kid-‘
‘What the Fuck did you just say to me?!’ He growled, his chest now releasing a constant threatening noise as he glared at this moron Beta who would Dare challenge an Alpha, younger than him or not. ‘I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re just drunk as fuck here, first of all I’m not a kid! I’m 18, I’m Elijah’s brother, this is my house, and despite being drunk myself I still know better that to be molesting a girl at a party while she screams “no” at me. Shove it up your ass and let her go. Now! Or you’ll be wishing you weren’t so God damn stupid when you wake up in the ER next week!’ No one moved for a moment and Klaus could see the girl wincing as his grip got tighter before he rolled his eyes and let go.
‘Whatever man, the ugly bitch is a fucking prude anyway. She’s all yours.’ With that, they were gone and Klaus held the girls hand, pulling her after him gently and getting a cold pack from the freezer before guiding her down the stairs to his room, unlocking the door that he had ensured no one could get into.
‘Come on in, no one will bother you down here. It’s also relatively sound proof, so at least that God awful music stops.’ He joked as he tried to calm her as he could smell her fear, sitting beside her on the couch and wrapping the ice pack around her arm.
‘Thank God, I thought there was no escaping it.’ She giggled, still stiff and uncomfortable but the sound made him smile. ‘Thank you for helping me, they’re these frat jerks who have been fucking with me since the start of term…never thought they would do something like that though.’ Klaus could tell she had been drinking but she also wasn’t so drunk she wasn’t thinking straight which was a comfort for him at the moment, seeing how she held his hand so tightly that she felt something between them too.
‘Why are they bothering you?’ He wondered and she sighed, leaning back into the couch.
‘I have classes with them and I’m quiet, honestly I think it started as a dare to go out with the shy girl who never talked to anyone. When I ignored all of them, they got more…pushy…they started following me around and teasing me. I guess they thought since it wasn’t on campus they could do what they wanted, and assholes mixed with alcohol is a terrible combo. Eventually they’ll get bored and find some other poor Beta to bother but until then, I ignore them.’ Klaus couldn’t explain why this upset him so much. He felt a rage bubbling up in him that was wild and angry, he hated men that tried to force themselves on women of course, he found it disgusting but his anger was white hot and he wanted to go kill those assholes who thought they could harm this girl…his girl…his Omega.
The thought rushed through his head at 100 miles an hour but as he took in her scent again he knew. He had never smelled an Omega before, never being close enough to one not on suppressants, but he knew. ‘I’ll kill them. I will slaughter them for touching you Omega.’ He pressed his lips to the back of her hand, not moving any closer as he wanted to give her space, not knowing how she was feeling right now as she was clearly tipsy and from the bland smell trying to cover her scent, she was on suppressants too. Klaus only smelled through them because she was his mate, and an Omega cannot hide their full scent from their true Alpha.
‘Please don’t hurt me?’ She whispered, clearly nervous but unable to hide her interest in his scent as she leaned almost subconsciously closer to his neck.
‘Hurt you? Never…you’re my Omega. I…I want to be a good Alpha for you, I’ve been looking for…I’ve been hoping for…fuck!’ He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to, not knowing what would upset her and what wouldn’t.
A moment later, after wracking his brain for something to say to relax her he felt the couch move as she pushed herself closer to him and held onto his arm with both of her hands. ‘What have you been hoping for?’ She looked at him so sweetly and while he could still feel her discomfort, she wasn’t as scared as she had been and he relaxed himself a bit.
‘I’ve been hoping to find my mate…Beta, Alpha, Omega, it didn’t matter to me, I just wanted someone to…love? I-I feel like I’ve always been alone, my family doesn’t understand me, they think I’m just some stupid Alpha who’s never going to amount to anything, and I always wanted you…someone with that perfect scent who would be the best person for me. I was really starting to think-‘
‘-you didn’t exist…me too.’ She admitted, shyly looking up at him and Klaus tucked her hair behind her ear with his free arm that she wasn’t holding. ‘My family always made me feel useless. My two brothers are Alphas and my dad was so proud…then he gets an Omega daughter that he has to hide, has to pay money for medication to make sure I’m safe and…honestly I don’t think he really cares what happens to me, none of them do.’ Klaus could feel her pain and he wondered for a brief second if she could feel his, answering his own question as he knew she could, holding her hands in his own and staring straight into her eyes. ‘I hoped I would find an Alpha who wanted me as badly as I wanted them…’
‘I do…I really do. I-‘ he cut himself off, taking a breath before leaning in and giving her several seconds to pull away if she wanted to, pressing his lips to her soft ones and feeling as if fireworks were exploding in his body. Not just his stomach but his brain, his arms and legs, everything felt on fire in the most wonderful way possible and he loved it. Suddenly she moved, pushing him back against the couch and climbing into his lap, allowing him to hold her to him tightly, their lips molding together passionately. Her fingers pulled at his blond locks and his hands squeezed her waist before she suddenly ground her body down against his, his cock already painfully hard and needy. ‘Wait!’ He gasped and she pulled back, fear in her eyes but he just smiled. ‘I’m Klaus by the way.’ He introduced, finding hilarity in the fact that names hadn’t been important when they already felt they knew everything about each other.
‘Y/n, nice to meet you Alpha.’ She giggled and he groaned.
‘You’re killing me Omega.’ He tugged her back into their harsh kiss before hoisting her up and moving them to his bed and crawling over her, lips traveling down to her neck while she pulled his shirt over his head and just as she moved to grab hers he caught her hands.
‘What’s wrong?’ She asked, worriedly.
‘You’ve been drinking…we both have, I…I can’t do this while you’re drunk.’ She looked at him, stunned and in clear disbelief. ‘Stay…I’ll lend you some clothes and if you still want to tomorrow then I’ll mark you for everyone to see…I don’t want to hurt you Y/n.’
She paused for a second before nodding her head. ‘I understand…I would rather we both remember it too.’ She joked, kissing him again and moving to sit up. Klaus grabbed her a clean shirt and some boxers for her to wear, turning around as she changed before feeling her arms around his naked torso. ‘You’re really sweet, you know that, right?’ He shrugged, brushing it off but she stopped him as he sat on the bed, her standing between his legs and making him tilt his head to look up at her. ‘I mean it Klaus. Anyone else would have happily fucked me without a second thought…I always worried that’s what would happen to me anyway-‘
‘I will never let anyone else touch you! You’re safe Omega-‘
‘I know. I feel safe with you…you’re a good person Alpha. Fuck whatever your family has to say to you, you’re perfect and they need to get over themselves.’ She straddled his lap and kissed him again, hugging him tightly and snuggling into him as he pulled the blankets over the both of them and flicked off the lights, nuzzling his nose into his Omegas neck and happily allowing himself to drift off to sleep with her in his arms.
Waking up the next morning was comforting for the both of them, Y/n had buried her face into Klaus’ neck and he had his arms wrapped around her body firmly. As he woke he brushed her hair from her face and she blushed, yawning deeply before squeaking and jumping up. ‘Gotta pee!’ She exclaimed and he chuckled, checking the time and seeing that it was only 7am. Y/n fell back into the bed and snuggled back into his body, pulling the blankets around her snuggly and Klaus could instantly see her urge to nest as she was finally so close to her Alpha and not overwhelmed by the effects of alcohol.
‘Hold on.’ He told her, hopping up and opening his closet door to reveal several large blankets and a few pillows that he tossed onto the bed for her as well as a huge comforter. She instantly began fixing his bed just the way she wanted it and he was fascinated, never having seen a real nest before. Some Betas do it and they’re taught about it in school but every nest builder is different and seeing another couples nest is considered very rude. It’s personal. The idea of that was nice to Klaus, knowing no one else would ever see their nest was a wonderful thought. ‘This is wonderful Omega, it looks incredibly comfortable.’ She grinned, nodding her head.
‘Snuggle Alpha.’ She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the intricately molded nest and it truly was incredibly comfortable. Klaus held her body to his chest tightly, his instincts to keep her close to him-especially until she is marked-feeling overwhelming. ‘Can we just stay here forever?’ She asked suddenly and he smiled.
‘I think I would much prefer having our own place where my brothers and sister can’t walk down here and pound on my door whenever they want…would-I mean, would you want to live with me?’ Y/n raised her eyebrows and he could feel her asking him if he was stupid. ‘Right, well my father left me everything when he died a few years ago. There’s a house about 20 miles away that…I mean if you wanted to-‘ She took his face into her hands and kissed him hard, excitement swirling through their as of yet incomplete bond and if this is how strong it is already he can’t imagine what he will feel from and for her once it is and Klaus has never been more happy. ‘I’m going to take care of you Omega, everything you’ve ever wanted, you’re gonna have it!’ He grinned, leaning close and kissing her neck right over her scent gland which cause a sound to trill from her throat that Klaus had only ever heard of…his mate was purring. ‘That’s the loveliest sound I’ve ever heard Princess.’
‘Really? My family always thought it was annoying.’ She tried to play it off but he could see that it really bothered her.
‘I love it Omega, I want to hear it forever. You’re mine now, not theirs, whatever you want is yours.’ Klaus held his mate close and snuggled into the nest with her, drifting back to sleep fairly quickly, the both of them completely content for the first time in their lives.
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There will be a part 2 of them moving in together and a smutty HEA🥰🥰
Part 2
Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Madness combat
Yandere!Platonic! 2BDamned vs Romantic!Yandere! Hank with 2BDamned's child!GN! Darling concept
(2BDad protects his child from Hank)
Oh boy....
General Hank Concept
Platonic 2BDamned Concept
Yandere! Platonic! 2BDamned vs Yandere! Hank
Pairing: Platonic (2B)/Romantic (Hank) - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Isolation, Violence/Murder mention, Jealousy, Stalking, Kidnapping, Forced companionship (2B)/relationship (Hank).
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While 2B "trusts" Hank it can only go so far.
2B loves his kid more than anything else.
It's to the point he manipulates and isolates you for your own protection.
He tries his best to keep Hank away from you but Hank still finds out about you.
Your home is here in this lab where he can essentially control you as your father.
Y'know the whole "Mother Knows Best" song from Tangled?
Your dynamic between you and 2B is very similar... except he has a point when he says everything can kill you.
Despite 2B's efforts to call you away... you still manage to speak with Hank, Deimos, and Sanford.
Deimos and Sanford treat you like a sibling.
Hank's mostly silent... but his view on you is much different than the others.
Considering what 2B does to his kid to keep them as his (see his platonic concept), Hank having you alone is difficult.
2B tolerates Hank around you but no doubt begins to notice Hank's growing... attachment towards you.
2B notices when Hank comes for treatment he often stares at you.
2B tries not to show that he's upset when you talk to Hank during treatments.
Hank's soaking in every word and remembering your appearance as 2B silently seethes.
Hank doesn't entirely feel threatened with 2B around you.
The doc is your father... but if Hank feels romantic intentions towards you, he isn't letting 2B get in the way either.
2B just about nearly throws Hank out of his lab when he notices the physical advances.
2B has planned everything out, you were meant to stay in the lab with him... any form of rebellion or wish to go outside would be smothered.
Yet here Hank is... doing the exact thing he feared would happen if you had a social life.
Hank's treating you in a delicate manner, large calloused hands lightly holding your hands and touching your skin.
He feels at ease around you.
He's... he's never felt a thing like love before.
It satiates his constant need for bloodlust.
So he finds himself leaning closer, wanting to purr towards you and hold you close...
Only for 2B to toss Hank out before trying to remove the idea of Hank from your mind.
This is where things would go down hill from here.
Hank's already fallen for you and isn't willing to just leave without you.
Meanwhile 2B now sees Hank as a complete and total threat to you and fears he'll lose you.
I see the rivalry going like this... Hank steals you from the lab and 2B hunts him down.
Like a wild animal, Hank manages to break into the lab you've always called home and takes you away.
The criminal has his strong arms wrapped around you as he carries you away to somewhere more private.
He sees you as his... so he'll keep you.
Plus... isn't it nice to be outside again?
Now you two are finally alone....
While Hank hides you away for himself, 2B is on the verge of a mental break.
He knows Hank took his kid.
The issue is finding him....
When it comes to how obsessive 2B is about his kid... he won't rest until he has you again.
2B will use everything he has to track you and Hank down.
Once he does... he'll straight up kill Hank if Hank doesn't kill him first.
Then afterwards, he'll take you back home and clear the idea of Hank's existence out of your mind... then you can both be happy again.
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
NATLA - Episode 4: Into the Dark (3/3)
[Masterlist of my NATLA thoughts]
An explanation of what I'm doing here and my history with ATLA.
Of course, full spoilers ahead.
Sokka's instincts make an appearance in this episode too as they're navigating the cave - love that Sokka is smart and figures out the stones light up in the dark - and even though his plan goes awry, just like in the animated show, sometimes his instincts are right, sometimes they're wrong - he's delving more into using his brains to help the group rather than just his battle prowess. Here is where the character beats between him and Katara in animated episodes like 'Jet' come to fruition alongside their interactions last episode.
In the animated version, they have a lot of time (ie beginning of every episode, so 20 times) to have the characters poking fun and mocking each other, but in only 8 episodes, that can feel like tonal whiplash if the characters swing from mocking to learning the lesson then back to mocking then learning the lesson then back to mocking then learning the lesson all in one episode - structurally, it just wouldn't work. Merging Katara's frustrations with Sokka always needing to be in charge and 'he knows best' into these two episodes really let that dynamic breathe, deepen, and be resolved in a satisfying way. They have a really sweet sibling moment reminiscing about home, and Sokka urges them to continue on, doing his best to be a good leader.
They both get to explain why they fell in with the people they did, how Sai helped Sokka and Jet helped Katara. The idea that we don't get through life alone, we need friends and mentors to help us along the way, is a huge part of 1) this episode with Aang and Bumi and 2) the entire series. I like how Katara reminded Sokka that when he was thrust into a leadership position, he didn't have anyone to help him through it - he was just given command and left to his own devices. It's a concept that comes up in the animated show too and I'm glad they're giving it time to breathe this season. Again, we're setting the foundation for character's core traits through the series, Sokka's being: a leader, strategist, inventor, and warrior.
I like that it's sibling love that saves the day in the caverns - I mean, first off, the power of MUSIC is what somehow got the badgermoles to guide them through the tunnels the first time, it makes sense that they'd be a bit more intellectually advanced and be able to sense emotions and follow verbal commands. And second, love the switcharoo with it not being the crystals but rather an emotional through-line. The OG was a bit eehhh for me because honestly, teasing that a KISS would light the way out (and some in the fandom STILL believing that's what got them to safety) is just….eewww to me. Very unnecessary especially since Katara and Aang are literal children. I'm more for them developing a strong platonic bond while they're this age because it really didn't feel organic to me for Aang and Katara to get together after Aang's whole crush that started from the first moment he saw her. It was a little too 'ok, you saved the world, now here's your reward: a woman' in the og for me. Not to say they can't fix that ship, but cutting it for now I think is a good move.
I do think this episode had some of the best moments and some of the most 'eh' storylines for me, so a mixed bag. I loved everything except the Bumi storyline, but again, I get what they were going for with it, I just think the execution could have been better - and by that I mean fully nix the 'crazy king' aspect of Bumi (which would have made the internet even madder than it already is) and just fully reshape his character to fit the tone of the live-action. Characters like Bumi are just SO over-the-top it's really hard to get that balance right in live-action.
But as far as criticisms go, it's pretty mild compared to a lot of plotlines I forgive in other favorite shows, so - eh *shrug* I'll live.
These past two episodes were quite annoying to analyze beside the OG because I'm rewatching the animated version to make sure I get specifics right and these episodes covered are all so late in the season! Omashu happens, then I had to go through storylines that show up later in the live-action but happen earlier in the animated. But, rewatching the OG is always good for me and I stand by the assessment that nothing got messed up plot-wise moving those later storylines up to here, rather I think it built an even stronger foundation for the heavier stuff to come like the Spirit World and the Blue Spirit storylines.
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DC should have never un-twined the Batsons
I mean it, there is so much that could be done today in interesting character developments and analysis or just struggles and issues about their whole dynamic without jeopardizing the “Magic twins in their own found family that fight the forces of evil” thing
To prove my point, I’m going to rattle off ideas that could most definitely have been explored in DC’s “If it’s gritty it’s good” writing mentality and its love for drama
As it goes, their story started on the simple note of the whole switched at birth story, with Mary swapped with another couples dead daughter by said couples nurse to neither family’s knowledge.
That alone is gold, it leaves the Batson family mourning a child while (depending on the canon) doing their best to be active and loving parents to the child they do have. And it doesn’t have to just be the parents, my own brother has a sister that died before he could remember her at all (we are half siblings and I never knew her) and he still makes a yearly trip to her grave to clean it up and keep the grass from covering it. Billy could have very well have mourned too and have had a hang up about being the twin that lived when it seemed like his sister died shortly after birth.
Then, when Nurse Primm does tell Billy the truth in her dying days, Billy could have this whole relief at having his sister or having a sister. It would also open up this whole bag of worms with Mary, because as much as she loves her brother and spending time with him it comes with the revelation that her parents weren’t her parents and her nurse did a horrible thing to their biological parents.
There’s the fact that the Batsons are dead and they died thinking she was gone, she never got the chance to meet them, all she has is her brother who did know them. And then comes the Bromfields, should she tell them or not? She isn’t their daughter, not even legally since she was switched without their knowledge. She’s known them as her parents her whole life up until that point, she might not want to tell them and would have to keep her real relationship to Billy secret and say they’re just friends when that’s her literal twin.
It’s only when they are powered up, turned into Captain and Mary Marvel, that they can even publicly call the other a sibling because that’s their alternate identities. That magic is something they can share as a family, they are explicitly called the Marvel Family with Freddy and Uncle Dudley and the other Lieutenant Marvels who are also like family to them to a degree.
There is a great potential for their power and magic as an allegory for found family, as it’s been used previously in the newer comics. They could have Mary agonizing over knowing she’s not the Bromfields real daughter, they could have them accept her any way and want to bring Billy in too despite his well known independence even at a young age, it could be a real angsty chapter in Mary’s life if her parents didn’t accept her after knowing at the reveal. It could be a reveal! Mary could be hiding far more than her superheroics from her parents!
And with Billy he could still mourn, with as big as his heart has always been, and remember the daughter Mary was swapped with. He could still visit her grave, probably next to his parents’ with the name they gave her (because they’ll insist you name the child you lost to help mourn them) and feel bad for both couples. His parents for grieving someone else’s kid and holding that sadness until their deaths and the Bromfields for not even knowing their kid is buried by another family with a name they didn’t choose.
Making Mary the motherly older sibling of a foster home didn’t add anything, it took her out of the family adventures by having her go off to college quickly too. With Mary and Billy still being twins there is a different kind of sibling relationship there and the possibility for drama that people could eat up!
Idk if it’s just me who’d like to see these things focused on or the fun of these twins being magical siblings who love eachother despite their massed up origins the more you think about them but I want to see it
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oceanera12 · 1 year
So, what do you think would happen if Nine went to other sonic verses?
Oh Anon, you do not know what you just unleashed.
(So many verses so little time, let's try and keep them in a semblance of a line. "Sonic verses" are varied in their definition. So I suppose we'll have to take some guesses in submission.)
(In other words, you weren't specific on what you meant by Sonic verses which means you have unleashed too many ideas at once).
Nine in Sonic SatAM would be absolutely terrifying because everyone would think he's some kind of time-traveled version of their Tails. Aka, they failed in the revolution and Tails turned into whoever this is. Nine would not care to correct them because why should he help some chipmunk princess and her entourage? He just wants to leave/get home, give him some power rings so he can get out of this universe that is much too similar to his with the whole Robotiziation thing going on. Nine is out of there and Tails is left praying he never turns into that weirdo.
Similar situation in Sonic Underground universe but since there is no Tails there, it's more like one of those random off-shoot episodes. They would meet Nine, fixing up his ship, at first fight him because they think he's an agent of Robotnik (the robot metal tails). Then Nine would most likely knock out the siblings, tie them up, and just let them sit there while he continued fixing his ship up. There would not be a lot of bonding it would be more of a, "Well, what are you up to?" "Fixing a ship." "Oh. We are trying to overthrow a tyrant." "Oh. Well, good luck with that." And then Nine lets them go and leaves or something, IDK
Archie Sonic Comics already have so many alternate zones that Nine showing up really wouldn't make anyone panic too much. HOWEVER--
Zonic would be trying to find where Nine is from and be very very confused when Nine is like, "Yeah, I'm from another another universe." Z: ???? *sends him to Sonic Prime because he has no idea what else to do and has a lot more issues to deal with (Scourge is one of them).*
So Sonic Prime and company (Nine: "You all exist here? Weird." *referring to SatAM*) help Nine with little trouble. Tails Prime tries to bond with his slightly older and less social self but it doesn't really go anywhere. Sonic Prime tries to figure out what happened to this version of Tails, but Nine is not really forthcoming so he gives up and they help him back into their ship.
Game Timeline (we'll say after Frontiers because why not?), Sonic is alone because all his friends went off to develop as characters (good for them!!!). So he's a bit concerned/terrified when Nine shows up because he hasn't seen or heard from his little brother in a few weeks.
Poor Sonic thinks Nine has amnesia or something and it takes multiple explanations to get it across that he is NOT Tails (also an actual phone call from Tails). Similar dynamic with Sonic Prime Sonic and this Sonic, only Nine knows that this Sonic is not even going to consider leaving with him because he has a Tails already. However, I do think Game Sonic would give Nine some kind of gift to remember him by (a screwdriver or wrench perhaps?) And Nine would be a little sad to leave but this place already has a him and he's seen enough worlds now to know that no world needs two of him.
Movie Sonic would be absolutely horrified by this duplicate little brother of his and drag the kid to Tom and Maddie and his Knuckles and his Tails in an absolute panic either claim the government is trying to clone them, shape-shifting aliens are invading, or evil versions of themselves are coming to kill them all.
Nine is not amused, yanks himself out of the Hedgehog's grip, climbs up the wall to the ceiling (Knuckles: AHHH! THE METAL TAILED DEMON CAN WALK ON WALLS!), and Nine just glares at them all while explaining he just needs to get to his ship, his name is Nine, not Evil Tails or Tails or Clone Tails, and he is from a different dimension and does not want to be here anymore than they want him here.
Yeah, Maddie and Tom adopt this child instantly as do Sonic and Tails (it takes Knuckles a bit to come around). They almost convince Nine to stay with them (Tails: We could be twins! It would be amazing!) But Nine is a stubborn boy and would sneak away in the night with only a note left behind.
Leaving that world is one of the only times Nine wishes he had his own family to go back to.
Sonic X (post Season 3) for fun let's say that Nine crashes outside of Eggman's base, is found by Shadow or Rouge, and is taken before the evil doctor. Nine is considerably annoyed at the turn of events and single-handedly hacks into Eggman's system, breaks out of his cell, makes the robots turn on Eggman so Shadow and Rouge are kept busy, activates the self-destruct sequence and then just nopes out of the dimension with a stolen power cell of some kind. (Sonic and Co in the distance: "Gee, Eggman must have messed up badly or something because his base just blew up and we didn't do it for once.)
Sonic Boom (TV series) would make Nine want to commit murder. He takes one look around and decides: no, he really doesn't want to deal with the insane Badger or the really really stupid Knuckles. So he does the smart thing and sneaks into Tails' workshop, jumps the kid, explains the situation, and Tails agrees to help him get home. Of course, shenanigans ensue and this turns into an episode of "Guys, Tails is hiding something from us. Let's try and figure out what!" With the incorrect conclusion being that Tails has decided to join Eggman or something and the crew break-in to fight him.
Nine comes back from a supply run (stealing things from Eggman) to find Tails tied up and under interrogation from his friends (Sonic is playing good cop while Amy is trying to be bad cop but Sticks keeps interrupting. Knuckles is holding the bright light in Tails face.)
Nine is not amused and ends up jumping all of them with Sticks screaming about EVIL CLONES HAVE COME TO REPLACE THEM ALL!!!
Tails jumps in and stops everyone from attacking, explains his alternate self, and Nine holds up that last piece he needs to fix his ship and leave.
So he does, with apologies to both Tails and Nine (minus Sticks because Sticks) and Nine leaves.
That is all I got at the moment but GOODNESS GRACIOUS--
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localsharkcryptid · 6 months
Would love to hear both about your cPunz & cPurpled headcanon lore AND your cPurpled joins the sindicate au :D
Anon, you have opened a DOOR and I thank you cause I've been needing an excuse to talk about my thoughts!
Imma try and summarize here but either way this will probably be lengthy - so fair warning on that ^^ (also this is like... So very much based on headcanons that got out of control cause cPurpled has next to nothing going on lore wise till Las Nevadas and I wanted to flesh him out)
I also feel like it's good to note that my Purpled design plays into the alien vibe, bros got four arms, some extra eyes, antenna, the whole shebang - but anyways.
For the background headcanons, it is more so a thing for Purpled, cause yeah it would be funny to say he really is just a bit of an angsty teenager who wants to be left alone but also consider what if he was a bit fucked up. My idea is that due to also being a mercenary (of sorts) Purpled has more recently been experiencing freedom so to speak, till the smp he had been raised up to be a mercenary - raised and trained as a living weapon and only now is he kinda out on his own. Punz has a similar origin but that was years ago for them, they aren't bothered and have long since adapted to their lifestyle of mercenary work.
The dynamic of the two is somewhat brotherly on the surface, but it's more so of an apprentice situation. Purpled was picked out of a crowd to be further trained out in the real world by Punz, their relationship is not particularly healthy in any manner and is far from a sibling bond. Purpled came to the SMP with Punz but due to a stagnation in work on the server Purpled is somewhat left to his own devices, though Punz checks in here and there and they do have semi-regular training sessions. After all Punz does take his job as a mentor somewhat seriously.
I'm still working on actually figuring out the environment that Purpled was raised in, since a lot of what he went through effects his character/gives some reasoning for some behaviors as well as fuels my other headcanons, but yeah uh not a very poggers early teenhood.
As for the Purpled joins the syndicate au, would love to get an official sort of name for it, it uses a lot of my headcanons as a base and namely the background stuff! It's a storyline that would eventually really dive into my interpretation of Purpled and his thought processes as he finally gets into a situation where he can heal from the environment he was raised in.
It's rather canon divergent, being post prison break and basically, due to a turn of events Purpled ends up effectively "saving" Tommy from Dream and this leads to Golden Duo getting help from Phil and Techno, Tommy basically doesn't know where else to go and defactos to finding Phil- Purpled sticks with him due to the fact that Punz has more or less brought him into their & Dream's plans as a 'failsafe' of sorts - so Purpled briefly scrapping with Dream and interfering certainly isn't going to go over well and Purpled would much rather to just avoid whatever would come out of that consequence wise.
So not only are Golden Duo forced to deal with eachother, they now also are staying at the commune for a bit. They have some fun interactions and exchanges during this but my Golden Duo thoughts are for another day. Tommy does eventually leave, but Purpled sticks around for a bit longer - despite his denial of any assistance and consistent "I don't need your help" statements.
This eventually segways into a little mission to go get Dogchamp from his base, since while Purpled isn't opening up about it Techno and Phil can both kinda tell that the kid doesn't want to go back to the general SMP for some reason. So of course once worries of his dog are mentioned Techno makes the offer to go help get Dogchamp and to bring him back to the commune since he understands the value of a good animal companion.
Purpled of course tries to say that he doesn't need help, unfortunately for Purpled Technoblade does not care and can see through his angsty "I don't need anyone's help," bs.
So they go get Dogchamp, during this Techno probably does some prodding and questioning to try and get some details outta the alien, this doesn't really work but my idea is that Purpled makes an offhanded comment about being trained to be an effective living weapon of a mercenary. This offhanded comment seals his fate pretty much, cause by the gods does Techno understand that treatment wayyy to well. So an offer is given for Purpled to join the book club, and well, the syndicate gains another member after some time - even if said member is a bit walled off, he's a member none the less.
I still don't have a code-name for Purpled but that's kinda how the whole thing starts, I have additional notes but I'll save em for now since this is a long enough post as it is- but yeah, it's a silly little concept that I really do like and hopefully I can do something with it at some point.
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rattlingmycage · 9 months
Will they have a "happy" ending (get together) at all? I love to see all this horrible they-are-so-bad-for-each-other dynamic and it makes me wonder just how compatible Astarion and Hescrates really are (or not).
Much like the game, I have multiple endings and multiple AUs for these two chuckle fucks, and how it plays out depends a lot on whether they can overcome the worst of their tendencies around power and freedom. They're good for each other in that they understand where the other is coming from on a deeply personal level, and bad for each other in that they enable the other's selfishness and distrust for the world. The fact that they eventually come to trust/maybe even love one another is antithetical to their whole "I'm in this for myself" notions, and I like the idea of them both struggling with the cognitive dissonance of it. Here are the "canon" headcanon timeline endings lol.. Bear in mind these are from pre-release so there was no concept of "ascending" at the time. (It's... long. I'm sorry I have brainworms) Bad end 1 Cazador is defeated, Astarion turns fully, and out of fear/twisted love/entitlement/whatever, Hescrates is enthralled against their will. Attachment becomes possession, talons closing in. They eventually trick Astarion into finishing the process and become a bitter, eternal nemesis. Or as I like to call it, divorced. Bad end 2
They lose. Badly. Cazador regains control and commands Astarion to kill Hescrates. They've had to kill a lover that turned on them before, but it's different when the person coming at you with a knife is begging you to run. If Hesc dies, it just reinforces to Astarion that he will never escape, that any and all attachment is a grave mistake. If Astarion dies, Caz gets a new spawn - probably the most stubborn he's ever had, lol. Hesc would probably neg him for having shite torture methods. Mid end
They leave Cazador alone and Astarion mooches off Hescrates' begrudging generosity. I think this one is funny because he gets to be all silk no vitamins again, this time with a parade of knights forced to clean up after him. Happy end Cazador is defeated, and the cognitive dissonance I mentioned goes the other direction. It turns out that there is value to helping at least some people. Attachment becomes respect and trust, the desire to see the other free, even if that means letting go of the notion of "'safety' forever". In this one I like to imagine that Astarion breaks free of the cycle first; relinquishing power while Hescrates protests. "Why would you do this? Isn't this what we've been working towards this whole time?" Because they're part of a cycle too, except they'd chosen the power option long ago. It doesn't make sense. (I wrote Hescrates to have murdered their nine siblings 2 years ago when I designed them, and it honestly threw me for a loop when the game released that A, Astarion has "siblings" and B, he also has the option of sacrificing them. Just imagine my reaction when he said he had six "brothers" and "sisters" for the first time. I was DERANGED I tell you). And then it's kind of a reverse Vlad Dracula Tepes/Lisa of Lupu moment. A hapless stray cat of a vampire spawn asks a powerful, burnt out tyrant to travel the world, because there's so much he hasn't yet seen, and maybe it will look different when it's not being razed to the damned ground. "You freed me, let me free you too." By now Hescrates' petrified heart will have softened enough to agree to this objectively stupid request, and they find a way to make it happen. Neither of them will have ever fully atoned for their crimes (I always imagined this being ex-corrupt magistrate Astarion), and there is no guaranteed "safety", because this time, freedom isn't found in regal, sublime protection, it's found in the mundanity of each other's company. They'll both probably still be menaces in their own right, just... much more low key about it.
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ok basically im completely butchering my friend's original idea for this AU. but its ok he loves me and i can do whatever i want. sorry mar.
OMORI HLVRAI AU!!!!! In which after HLVRAI, Gordon inserts his & the science teams (+others) data into Omori, unaware of The Horrors.
full explanation under cut since its going to be a long ass post :3
ok so. basically. literally. yeah.
The hlvrai character data replaces the existing omori characters, basically just inserting them into the roles the game needs. (Ex: Gordon = Sunny, Sunny has been replaced by Gordon and Gordon now fills that role as the protagonist)
Gordon = Sunny: Gordon's the protagonist, obviously, so it makes sense. Plus the whole sunny/omori conflict reflects how omori!Gordon is just a copy of the Real Gordon. Omori-Gordon is the representation of who Gordon is supposed to be, but can't.
Tommy = Kel: Self explanatory I think. It just fits. I don't have alot to say on this one BUT!!!!
Darnold = Hero: LISTEN!!!!!!!! Soda guys are just paired 2gether methink. ALSO ALSO!! Because the science team replaced the original omori character data, the fact that Kel and Hero are brothers is instead replaced with "Tommy and Darnold are best friends (and they were roommates)" They technically still have a connection but the are NOT now brothers in the game.
Bubby = Aubrey: Ik Aubrey is just really mean following the greif of Mari and being mad at Basil, and Bubby isn't just mean for no reason, but I think the way he's sorta detached from the rest of the group for a bit and off doing his own thing in this new world they were thrown into sorta fits. idk he just deserves to fuck around with the hooligan guys. also get a baseball bat.
Coomer = Basil: LISTEN. Coomer being Super Aware right along with Gordon really fits, bc Coomer was the one who suggested putting the data in a new game in the first place!!!! Also also Coomer is Very Aware at SEVERAL points in the series and it fucks me up every single time. Coomer and Gordon DESERVE to be unreality trauma buddies. Gordon and Coomer BOTH being desperate to keep the game happy and wholesome like they thought it was supposed to be, both in their own ways, leading to Coomer vs Gordon unintentionally hurting themselves or other people, including each other. They mean alot 2 me.
Benrey = Mari.: Benrey still appearing to Gordon as nightmare bathroom monster ghost shit just makes SENSE TO ME. BENREY JUMPSCARE. Gordon feeling GUILTY about leaving Benrey to die so Benrey manifests in Gordon's headspace and haunts him in faraway. (Once again, sibling dynamic is NONEXISTANT!!! Headspace frenrey is real.)
Also Forzen is just one of the hooligan kids. Probably the maverick.
Also Stranger is gman. Cus uh. He didn't sync with the game properly and is stuck in Gordon's headspace and fucking with him & telling him how Very Bad this game is for the science team & gordon. or somethign. this whole au isnt entirely thought out leave me alone or ill shoot you with my lazer eyes (/j)
AS 4 HOW HEADSPACE WORKD!!!!!! pretty much the same lolz. It's all Gordon's interpretation of how the game is supposed to be and how the characters are supposed to act now, and Real Gordon is how he's supposed to be. Benrey manifests in headspace, Gordon repressing his trauma from Black Mesa by trying to repress Coomer fucking with his head and telling him nothing's real (and Gman too), and he just tries his best to make everything work.
Gordon can almost completely control headspace, which comes with being the protag in this game, and he likes that because outside of headspace, he can't control anything. Once the science team and him were put into the game he couldn't change anything else because he's not the Real Gordon. Everything just works out well in headspace, so he aims to kind of keep the game like that. Coomer obviously is against this bc headspace Coomer isn't him, and the headspace versions of the whole science team are just other copies, and he wants to let himself and the rest of them experience the real game outside of Gordon's control.
SO YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im cring. can u tell this AU is only halfway thought out or am i insane.
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wu-kongs · 11 months
Can I just say how much I love your Ao3 fanfic and how you write stuff, like my favourite thing are the characters dynamics.
My favourite one has to be the one between Macaque and Bai he. I adore how Mac shows his parental side with her (reminding him of how he used to take care of the little monkeys in the past) and that he genuinely worries about her, relating to having bad expierences with Wukong but at the same time being aware that Bai He and MK, despite their similarities, are not Macaque and Wukong. He also cares about her well being like when he goes to see her in their trip to Flower Fruit Mountain and make sure she's alright when Wukong appears, ready to get her out from any uncomfortable situation and ready to jump in when she and Wukong slide if anything goes wrong.
And although Macaque isn't able to help her with her fears reganding Wukong, Bai He comes to him anyway because hes a safe space for her to talk to and thinks he's a good monkey and how baffled is Macaque by her not being scared of him in the slightest. I'm pretty sure Bai He also sees him in a good light like with MK due to him saving her from her fall and gently placing her in the ground in "Destiny Fullfilled", and also due to the fact she was probably watching how LBD treated him in "The Winning Side" and "Benched", fearing for his safety (who knows, maybe getting flashbacks to what happened to the Spider Demons in S2 finale) and feeling in a similar situation as they were both forced to be part of LBD's plan. Plus, I think Mac might have inspired her to be brave and go check for herself about her feelings regarding Wukong with his phrase of: "If you want to figure out what to feel about him, well... That's something you'll need to do on your own" Other little details I adore were how Macaque refrains to say anything that might scare or hurt her, him invinting her to sit with him in the bench, Mac letting her chip at the paint of the bank even if it grates his nerves, him deciding not to lie to her, how Mac was willing to throw hands when he thought Wukong did anything to her when she was fiddling with her hair strands and when he showed up and Bai He had to stay with him, Mac refering to Bai He as his little ward and Mac wanting to go comfort her once she starts crying even if he has no idea on how to cheer her up (he wants to be there for her in her lowest moments).
Also, the Traffic Light Trio being like older siblings to Bai He is honestly very heartwarming. With MK making sure she's not lonely ever again, Mei serving as a safe space for her to hide when she's nervous and that Red Son promises to keep her safe and actually helps her with her elbow pads. And the fact that she refers to Mei and MK as older sister and older brother respectively-My heart!
I also greatly appreaciate how you wrote Wukong and the dynamics with the other characters. Like how he's also a victim of LBD just as much as Bai He and Macaque and he never meant to harm anyone but things went sideways (with Nezha appearing, the Monkie Kids accidently starting the ritual and Mac's intervention. Plus he isn't happy about harming an innocent kid but the sake of the world was at stake if he didn't kill LBD, so he had to but it doesn't mean he didn't feel guilty for how everything turned out) And also that despite what happened in s3, Mei, although not really forgiving him for the whole Samadhi situation, she doesn't seem to hate him and is willing to accept him in their plans even though their relationship cant be like it was before S3. About Bai He and Wukong, I loved how you wrote their conversation, with Bai He admiting her fears about him and Wukong accepting it but also showing her that she's not alone, as they are both damaged. And them reconciling and her making physical contact with Wukong like taking his hand, her accepting his offer of sliding with him and him carrying her like a monkey cub; this is a great step for them both considering that in S2 and S3 most of their interactions were him being violent towards LBD, the spirit inside her body and Bai He realizing that Wukong was also scared, just as much as her with LBD.
And the baby monkeys!!! Aaaah! They were adorable!!
getting a message like this is wild because i've never had anyone go into the depths you did with any fic i've ever written, and i've written a lot. you really just. gatdamn. my reaction was so visceral and incredibly overwhelming that i sprung a few tears at how you genuinely saw what i was trying to convey. i mean it's not that serious but also i'm overjoyed that you enjoyed it so much and saw so much of it that you wanted to tell me, it sincerely means more than i can express. i'm delighted. i'm in shambles. i can't thank you enough.
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managician · 1 year
Getting back into Sonic has reminded me of how much I love sontails... It's such a cute and fluffy ship, they just warm my heart so much. 
I’ve seen a lot of hate for it lately, though, so I ended up writing a whole essay (aka rambling) about why I think they’re great together. Figured I’d share that here for anyone that might need a pick-me-up :) 
(Or for people interested in learning the perspective of a shipper, ig. I’m open to discussion.)
“What’s so good about them?”
I know plenty of people hate it romantically, but I really adore their bond in any shape or form. The idea of this really cool hero that's just some guy and his nerdy life partner settling together feels so wholesome to me, with how much they appreciate each other.
There's a closeness and mutual understanding in their dynamic that is simply perfect. I can see them casually growing into a relationship once it hits them how much they need each other in their lives — and it'd be the mushiest thing known to man, I tell you. 
To Tails, Sonic is his light and source of inspiration, after saving him from bullies; to Sonic, Tails is the best buddy he could've asked for, someone loyal that will always keep up with him. They mean the world to each other. They're very attached, to the point the other character feels 'wrong' when they're alone (Sonic: Tails... it’s weird without you following me... [Frontiers], Tails' whole disappearance act after Sonic went missing [Forces]).
It isn't hard to imagine the adoration they hold for each other in a romantic light.
They're always together, through thick and thin. They were each other's first friend. Wanting to keep the other safe, wanting to support them… those are emotions just as powerful in friendships than in relationships, and very much present in their case. 
They're literally called the Unbreakable Bond. Their friendship has been put to the test before, but it always stays firm in the end — so how would their closeness work in case either of them developed feelings...? It's pretty cute, it can be drama-free if you want it to, but it can be kinda angsty and interesting all at the same time. 
With how important they are to each other, anything that alters or touches on their bond can make for great character development. That really drew me to them in the first place.
(Here's the point when someone would come in and say "You're a freak, please kys", to which I'd reply, I have to wonder what part of what I described is 'freaky' whatsoever. 
I see them as best friends, and their ship dynamic as an adorable, budding love born out of their dozen adventures together. I've clearly stated as such. If that's gross to you, I got nothing, to be honest.)
“Okay, but they’re brothers. You’re disgusting.”
Of course, I understand why people see it brotherly as well, and respect that vision. But I grew up with them in the 2010s, with them being strictly best friends, and with their bond always getting the spotlight in the titles I was initially familiar with [Colours, Lost World]. 
They complimented each other perfectly back then, and they still do now that I’m familiar with more of the Sonic franchise.
I feel the whole brother thing is prominent in English versions of the media, such as certain scripts having Sonic call him "lil' bro" as a term of endearment, or the old cartoons [AoSTH] where they are actual family. I never got that impression from them while playing the games in Spanish, and I think the fact it's a well-known ship in the fandom overall shows I'm not the only one.
Being "as close as family" is also a very popular trope for people into romances, whether you personally like it or not. It can stay like that, with the characters treating each other like the sibling they never had, or evolve into them seeing each other in a different light as time passes, thanks to their closeness. Both are good, healthy outcomes.
“They also have an age gap.”
Ah, yes, there's the matter of age difference as well. I didn't know about their ages when I was a kid, I found the discourse surrounding them absurd when I was a teenager, and I'm not gonna care about it now that SEGA removed them from their profiles, since it's obvious they didn't ever make much sense. What kind of 8 or 12 year olds drive planes and cars?
In the games I’ve played, Sonic and Tails have been consistently portrayed as best friends, first and foremost, by most writers. That's the media I care the most about, and the one that made me invested in the characters in the first place.
(Also, fun fact, official Sonic designer Naoto Ohshima has occasionally liked and retweeted sontails art. So I don’t think it’s “wrong” to their eyes in current canon.)
In conclusion: I see an endearing friends to lovers narrative in sontails. I see Tails thinking Sonic is the coolest person he's ever met, and Sonic thinking the same about him in return. I see them finding a perfect partner in each other, falling in love with the person that saved them from solitude.
They're cute as best friends, they're cute as bros, and they're also cute as a couple. I just love them. 💙💛
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People are perfectly within their right to be uncomfortable with the ship or its fans. But if you dislike them and read this far, I hope I could make you understand, even if just a little bit, why they're not bad to my eyes. 
To any sontails fans out there, keep being awesome (and feel free to interact/add on to this post, I’d love to meet more people that like them too!)
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tomwambsmilk · 1 year
i feel like there is hope in the finale though? the siblings (at least rome and ken and con) are out of the company and out of the ‘cage’ and there is some freedom and hope in that. they have a better chance at being happy then they would have if they stayed in the company. kendall can either die from it or be reborn. rome seems content. the worst thing happened and now they can move on if they choose
Yeah I agree! I do think there's hope in the finale! But I think the edit is deliberately structured to downplay that. I don't think that when we watch the last couple of minutes, we're supposed to think of those things as including glimmers of hope. I think they're deliberately written and performed and cut and soundtracked to feel bleak, or feel like the end of the road, or like proof that these characters won't ever change, particularly because these are the final moments of the show, which turns them into a sort of thesis for the show as a whole. (Especially on this show, which has always been so careful about its final moments, and the producers have talked about choosing final shots deliberately to convey key themes and ideas from each season). With Tom and Shiv we end on the not-handholding, emphasizing the new power dynamic in the relationship (particularly Shiv's lack of power) as well as the death of any real trust or affection between them. Roman maybe has the most ambiguous ending, but even so, we end on him alone in the bar with the martini, which is a reminder both of the loss of his relationship with Gerri and by extension the loss of the potential to be a different kind of person than he is. With Kendall, we end on the water, something which has always been a symbol of death for him - physical, spiritual, and moral. With each of them, the impression we're left with at the end of the show, the moment which becomes the show's ultimate thesis, is one of spiritual death and personal decay. Even the decision to end in the immediate aftermath of the board meeting, rather than adding some kind of brief coda which would lift the characters and audience even marginally out of that emotional intensity and despair, indicates what the audience's main takeaway is supposed to be.
And Jeremy Strong's latest interview (on the podcast I think?) indicates pretty clearly that this was intentional. He talks about the episode as an 'extinction level event' for Kendall; he also talks about questioning some of the choices as being too bleak or cyclical but ultimately relenting because he felt this ending was more truthful to Jesse's vision as the characters being trapped in "a doom spiral" or "a silent scream". In the 'inside the episode' Jesse acknowledges that there may be a future for these characters, but ultimately emphasizes that, in his mind, there is no coming back from the events of the show. So this isn't something that I'm projecting onto the show - I really do think you're supposed to walk away with bleakness, not hope.
And I just disagree with that as a worldview, and personally I think it's not even true to the actual worldview that plays out in the show, which (in my mind) has always included glimmers of hope. But then again, that interpretation is very much rooted in my own worldview. That's where it's sort of difficult to articulate my criticism because I don't think there are any serious artistic or narrative flaws in the finale. It's literally just that I disagree with the philosophical perspective Jesse has brought to this show and these characters, and so I don't like that he chose to emphasize what he did in its final moments. It's not even that he made a bad choice - he didn't! - it's just that I disagree with what it is he's trying to say.
I also don't think that choice negates the quality of the finale, btw. I do think the entire sequence of events, including the boardroom implosion, is a perfect ending. Mark Mylod talks about the inevitability of this ending, and I think he is right, and it does highlight a lot of the core ideas that have always been present in the show. I don't even dislike the final shots in themselves, all of which I think communicate key information about the characters. And I don't think I would object to this ending if there were another season, because the existence of another season would provide implicit hope. Really and truly the only thing that doesn't work for me personally is that this is where they've decided to end the entire show (and by 'this' I mean specifically those 3 shots), because that choice has philosophical implications that I fundamentally disagree with.
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megumixtsumiki · 1 year
Hi! This is in response to your post on Megumi and Tsumiki. Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending? I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan. But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship. Sukuyuro had one scene together and it was so one sided. I think it's because Yorozu and Sukuna are the complete opposites of Megumi and Tsumiki. They don't cater the same values or bonds to one another. Sukuna doesn't care about Yorozu. Whereas Megumi has always been consistent with his priorities when it comes to Tsumiki. Yorozu is completely selfish. She does what she wants without any regard for anyone else. Tsumiki cares to a fault and it causes a rift between her and Megumi. MeguMiki just worked.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me. I too feel like reading copious amount of fanfic to help ease the pain.
Sorry for the long post. Love your blog by the way :D
Hey hey! First, thanks for the mail and the compliment. This blog is for megumiki fandom so, whatever you guys want to talk about, let's do it!
Second, sorry! You know how it goes... life.com.
Can I just say that I was completely underwhelmed with the outcome of their story and it almost feels a little comical. Like what the heck was that ending?
A straight up dose of irony, Gege style. That's what that ending was.
Looool 🫠
Let's taco'bout it under the cut...
So I have to admit I loved parts of how the whole tragedy unfolded because I personally loved Yorozu, but overall I do feel empty when it comes to megumiki and more specifically, Tsumiki.
How to say... like I never expected Gege to come out and overtly say megumiki is canon (because he seems to only do it for very specific ships), but...
Excuse me, wut?
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We don't even see them interact in real time?
I seriously don't even know what or how to feel because, as of chapter 225, it's all still so inconclusive, and with the way Gege is rushing, who knows whether he'll elaborate.
That said, the story is not over yet and he might still reveal something. Otherwise I have to come to terms with the idea that Gege gaslighted me lol 🤡.
And, yes, I feel gaslighted because I know a "canon" ship when I see one! I know I've said this three hundred million times, but the way Gege introduced this dynamic was soooo ambiguous.
He presented them as "childhood friends to lovers" and then *boom!* jk they're step siblings. Gege is a troll, let us never forget that.
I was genuinely upset that she ended up dead because it felt like we were going to get this big reveal with them and it just never panned out
I'm curious to hear more about what you thought would/should have happened.
I think for me, I would have liked to see that apology. Perhaps even Megumi letting his guard down and being vulnerable with her. But he literally wears his "cold and aloof emo boy" mask right up until he realizes Tsumiki has been long gone.
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The sheer look of terror in his face is *chef's kiss* and probably some of the realest panels with Megumi since he hardly ever shares how he feels.
Also, the fact that he says "all this time" implies the obvious idea that Yorozu was acting like Tsumiki all along--I just also feel like it isn't out of the question to overthink and assume Yorozu might have been leading Megumi on as Tsumiki.
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That's not to mention his inability to see Tsumiki as having her own sense of self and agency. To Megumi, Tsumiki is a doll, an idea to be protected, not a real person with her own desires and thoughts. That's not to say Megumi didn't love her, just that Megumi is immature about how he relates to her. Heck, they both are!
So I am not surprised by the outcome because to me it feels like Gege was always going for tragedy with megumiki. On so many levels too... but I have to be honest, I would have liked to see her, Tsumiki. Not Megumi's idea/memory of her.
So again, it makes sense we never saw Tsumiki because we're experiencing jjk through Megumi's pain rn, and in Megumi's mind, Tsumiki is a damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. She's an idea, a projection of Megumi's emotional life.
I have my issues with Gege and the way he kills off his female characters as a way to power up other characters. I am not a fan.
Yeah, not to excuse him, it's just that the way I see it we're just seeing the edge of feminism in Japan. I'm not sure a lot of fans are aware that Japan ranks low in the feminism index for being a developed nation.
Coincidentally, a moot recently posted about how the women in Gundam Wing basically serve the purpose of powering up other characters, most frequently males.
I reckon this might be a frequent theme in manga geared at young boys? idk...
I like to think that the women getting sacrificed in jjk is an unconscious cultural and societal bias about how women's role is to support men? Who knows...
But I feel like everyone else got some closure when their character died. Megumi and Tsumiki did not get that closure.
Yeah I totally get you!
Hell, as of right now, Megumi himself does not have closure. We don't even know if he'll survive.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed tho. I can't imagine Gege won't at least say something about only Megumi's most important person.
I would go a step further to say that the last real conversation they had was when she threw the strawberry milk at him. Because she was possessed by Yorozu and I don't think that Tsumiki was in there at that point. So they left on horrible terms. Which is completely heartbreaking.
Na, that was Tsumiki.
Remember she went into a comma when she became possessed.
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Regardless, as you say, they totally left off in bad terms, which only makes it all the more tragic. So, again, we're seeing Megumi's immaturity showing.
I may or may not be exploring this theme in the fic I've been working on someday I will finish it dammit.
It's just that I 👏🏼 am 👏🏼 telling 👏🏼 you, Gege is one of those mangaka that does 👏🏼 not 👏🏼 do 👏🏼 happy pairings.
I know "tragic" ships that are "meant to be" is not everyone's cup of tea but I find it so compelling.
I view Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship as completely different from Yorozu and Sukuna's relationship.
Yes! I do too. I just also agree with the idea that, psychologically, Sukuna and Yorozu are an exploration of the toxic traits of the bond they shared.
Basically, Tsumiki is a girl who takes her role of "big sister" a little too seriously, possibly to the detriment of their "romantic" bond because it causes conflict with Megumi.
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So you have Sukuna mirroring that very same dynamic with Yorozu in which Sukuna is not interested in how Yorozu tries to relate to him. Yorozu basically wants to own and subdue Sukuna.
What is Tsumiki doing when she's nagging at Megumi not to fight? Well-intentioned or not, Tsumiki is trying to control Megumi and Megumi does not like it.
Anyways, that's how I see it.
But again, yes! They're their own person. Sukuna is not Megumi and Tsumiki is not Yorozu.
I think above all, regardless of how uninterested Megumi might "look", I just can't imagine that Megumi would have killed someone if it wasn't because of how much she means to him.
I think I already mentioned this but there's a post in this hellsite that implies Megumi and Tsumiki had a rocky relationship because of the panels we see of them. But I couldn't disagree more with the post because...
1) it fails to acknowledge that Megumi's poker face is an act. Megumi is the kind of character who looks aloof while there's an emotional storm brewing within
2) again, if they really had such an awful relationship and there were no good times for Megumi to think back on, why would he go through such great lengths to save her?
In the end, these are two kids who were abandoned, who've had no one else but each other to rely on. They don't know what a healthy relationship looks like so it's likely they had a rocky and dysfunctional relationship.
Anyways, I was so sad when she died. I really wanted Megumi to get up and fight but he was so defeated it crushed me.
I know 🥲.
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He's all traumatized... I need him to save himself...
Sorry for the long post.
Sorry for the long wait!! I've literally been just working and have been working on answering your ask for a couple of weeks now. Thanks for your patience!
Thank you for stopping by and keep the #thoughts coming! <3
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sea-owl · 2 years
Do you Think anything would change if instead of Eloise and Penelope being best friends it was Daphine and Penelope being best Friends? Would Daphine give Penelope better confidence on the marriage mart since Daphine doesn't resist it like Eloise does.
So I'm going to stick with book verse for this answer but I do think at the very least dynamics would be played out differently.
Daphne and Eloise are on different sides when it comes to marriage and frankly patience. Daphne has always wanted to be married and have children. She was willing to put in the work in the marriage mart, because remember she was on her second or third year by the time the Duke and I came about. We also see this her patience's demonstrated early in the book when she is rejecting Nigel Berbrooke for the second time. She is still trying to be friendly with him before she finally snapped and punched him when he decided to get too close to her personal bubble.
Meanwhile Eloise did not mind the idea of marriage what she truly wanted was a love match, an instant connection like what Benedict described he had on the night he met Sophie. She wanted a companion and didn’t want to be alone. Penelope was that companion until she and Colin got married. That’s when Eloise looked around and decided that it was time to get married. 
I believe the two girls levels of patience is also demonstrated with the first meetings of their husbands. Simon was always going to be the one to come to Daphne. Daphne was actually specifically told by Violet not to go near Simon at first when they heard he was back in town. If he hadn’t run into her that night when he came to her aide with Berbrooke then they would have met when Simon came to the dinner Anthony invited him to. With Phillip and Eloise she is the one to initiate first contact by writing the condolence letter to Phillip when Marina died and she is the one to keep the correspondence going by purposely writing questions in her letters for him to answer. While Phillip is the one to propose the idea of them seeing if they suit Eloise is the one to take action by showing up on his doorstep out of no where. 
Anyway back to the what if of Daphne and Penelope being friends instead of Eloise and Penelope. Canonically Penelope met them at 15, close to her birthday so Daphne’s debut would be very soon or she was already in her first year depending on when Penelope’s birthday fell. If it was before her debut I could see Daphne getting curious about the girl whose bonnet unseated her favorite brother from his horse. Seeking her out would be something else though that I don’t really see happening. Daphne taking her chance though if Violet invited Penelope over just to show there was no hard feelings about what happened is something she would do. 
 I could also see them meeting at a younger age. Violet trying to arrange Eloise and Penelope being playmates in an attempt to bring Eloise out of her shell during the time period after Edmund’s death and Eloise clung to Violet. Eloise not ready to make that friendship yet rejects Penelope and Daphne, who has always come off to me as a person who wants to take care of others, starting a friendship out of pity at first but then growing to like the younger girl. 
Penelope probably wouldn’t be as miserable in her first season if her and Daphne were best friends because they would have each other and she would probably feel a little more prepared after witnessing Daphne have her own first season. Likewise if Daphne had a female friend during that time period she would probably enjoy the parties as is instead of trying to dodge Violet the whole time. They can hide from their mamas together. It also amuses me because pairing off Penelope and Daphne as best friends also means Penelope would be around ABC more because of the age divide among the siblings. Daphne definitely taught Penelope how to throw a punch because she was going to need it hanging around them rakes. 
Also you can not convince met that once Daphne found out about Penelope being in love with Colin, she wouldn’t try to play matchmaker. Her favorite brother and best friend? Hell yeah she’s gonna try to hook them up. Penelope on the other hand knows her best friend is in love with Simon before she does. She starts doing subtle things to defend Simon or paint him in a good light towards the brothers so they won’t do something stupid like break into Simon’s house because he upset Daphne. (They still did it, got dragged out by their ears by Violet and then punched by Penelope because why they trying to ruin her bestie’s marriage?)
The spinster years are where I can see the real change. As I said earlier in the post Daphne has always come off to me as someone who wants to take care of those she holds dear. While Eloise always talked about moving in together with Penelope as spinsters Daphne is in a position as a duchess to actually help her best friend. I can see in 1820, when Penelope is 24 and declared a spinster Daphne walking into Simon’s office and telling him they were hiring Penelope to be her companion or a governess for the kids. Simon pulls out two contracts for the positions and hands them to Daphne. She makes the trip out to London and returns with a signed contract and Penelope. Daphne is happy to have her best friend around more. 
Things get shaken up though come the 1824 London social season. 
Colin gets punched multiple times in 1824 by both his wife and his sister
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captainkirkk · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Ships are fun, but I also love, "Our friendship has always been platonic and you're like a very annoying sibling to me now, but oh man, I had the WEIRDEST, most intense crush on you for like, three weeks" as a dynamic
745 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
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