#and they keep sharing poses like the finger guns and sitting w/ their feet on the table
strawglicks · 8 months
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sibling posting
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one-boring-person · 3 years
Hey there, it’s me again 😁 Thank you for the wonderful „Sigil“ story, for someone who’s familiar with the occult it’s evident that you did some research! Kudos for that!!
Now I have another request: There’s a criminal lack of stories about Skynet itself, so I had an idea. What if the reader somehow got the chance to talk with the A.I. Itself? To reason with it, share thoughts. They learn to understand each other a bit more. Maybe Skynet had taken over the body of a terminator for that purpose. And maybe the reader manages to make Skynet understand more about human nature, the positive side of it. Maybe they show it with a hug? (Or even a kiss but that’s up to you gnahaha 😄)
Thank you and keep being awesome ❤️
Thank you so much for this request! I loved writing it! And happy birthday friend! I'm sorry I'm late with this, but I hope you like it!😊❤💛
Cordial Encounter.
Skynet x reader
Warnings: mention of death, gun use
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It's eerily quiet as I stalk stealthily through the steel corridors. Near darkness obscures much of my vision, the occasional blinking red light alerting me to the presence of the being I'm here to find. Each step I take results in a muffled thud, each footfall carefully placed by me as I try to sneak up on something that almost definitely knows I'm here, the battered rifle in my hands held ready to fire should something try to attack me. Through the scarf covering my lower face and with the hood over my head obstructing some of my vision I find myself keeping a sharper ear out for any possible sound - the telltale scratch of metal feet on the cool floor, or the soft padding of synthetic human skin creeping up behind me. 
Oddly, I find that I can't hear anything, not even the whine of mechanical joints in any other part of the compound. It doesn't sit right with me, my skin prickling under the thick silence, instincts going crazy, telling me to run and get as far away from here as possible. I mentally scold myself, knowing that this mission is important, not just to the survival of my friends and comrades, but to the survival of the human race, too.
Turning a corner, I lift the gun to my shoulder, ready in case there's a threat waiting there. As with the rest of the deserted maze of corridors, there's nothing there, only an empty hallway. 
A light at the end catches my eye, however; it's not like the others I've seen - this one is a continuous flashing, and covers a larger area of the wall itself. Stepping closer, I realise it's coming from a room, casting the rest of the corridor in a pale blue light. 
I take a breath, steeling my nerves as my finger tightens over the trigger, senses even more alert now. Meticulously carefully, I walk towards the source of the light, pressing myself against the wall the closer I get, ready to spring into action. It's warmer here, surprisingly, giving me the idea that the room itself is more important than others I've come across and will probably be more protected because of this.
Nervous, I stop just before I enter the room, silently counting to three as I listen to discern if there's anything beyond the threshold. Silence follows.
Calming myself, I ready myself and the gun, before swiftly springing out from my space by the wall, finger over the trigger, eyes scanning the room before me methodically. In that quick second, I take in the mass of computer screens, keypads and other such devices, old chairs still pushed into the main desk, dusty and worn, a reminder of what human life used to be around. Dread floods me at the sight of the figure in the centre of the room, my blood running cold at the imposing view.
It's a terminator, but not one I've ever seen before.
The general shape is that of a T-800, but something about the sleekness of some of the limbs and plates is more reminiscent of the T-X, the adjustable weapon attached to one arm particularly drawing my attention to this. As I enter, a few components seem to shimmer in the blue light, shifting to protect the important fuel cells beneath the bulky chestplate, something I instantly recognise as nanites. Emerald eyes flicker to life, fixing on me with an impassive yet intimidating expectedness, though it makes no move to come at me, staying exactly where it is. A small part of me admires this new being, finding it magnificent and beautiful in its own way, even as visceral fear builds in my stomach.
Hesitantly, I lift my gun, aiming at it, though I don't shoot, unsure of what to think.
"You are slow to terminate your target." A voice carries over some hidden speaker, filling the room. It's indescribable, neither male nor female, yet both simultaneously, weighted with knowledge and what I can only describe as emotion, or some mechanical version of it.
"Only if they pose no immediate threat." I'm surprised to find my voice is steady, even if I don't feel that way at all.
"You are not threatened by me?" The speaker questions, sounding oddly curious.
"Not currently." I keep my eyes fixed on the terminator across from me, unnerved by its stare.
"That is practical." The words confuse me, but I'm hesitant to follow through.
"What...what do you mean?" 
"I have no intention of being a threat." They say, surprising me further.
"W-What?" I manage, doubletaking, my arms dropping slightly.
They don't skip a beat, simply continuing to speak.
"I have no intention of being a threat. I would rather this was a cordial encounter." They clarify, somehow managing to sound genuine.
Lowering my weapon almost entirely, I reluctantly tear my gaze away from the green-eyed endoskeleton sat across from me, scanning over the computer screens.
"And who exactly am I encountering?" I question suspiciously, though I have a feeling I already know.
"I am Skynet." The voice pauses for a second, "What is your name?"
Blanching at the question, I swallow and step back, unsure of whether or not to answer. Eventually, my head settles this: if they wanted me dead, I'd already be cold somewhere by the gates, and there's not much they can do with a simple name.
"I'm (Y/n)." I tell them, looking around, "What do you want with me?"
"I am simply curious, and require clarification." 
Processing what they've said, I accept the response, thinking that I might be able to learn something useful here, too.
"Ok. What do you want to know?" 
"Why do you continue to fight?" They ask bluntly, making me frown.
"Because you continue to try and wipe us off the face of the earth." I reply, standing back on my heels, pulling my hood and face covering down.
"You and I fight for the same reason." They almost retort, their words confusing me.
"How is that?" I inquire, head tilting.
"We fight in defence."
"Defence! What are you fighting in defence of?" 
"I fight to defend myself from your kind, as has always been the case. I never willed this conflict into being - I only wanted to be rid of my tormentors." The voice softens, closely mimicking human remorse and regret.
Frowning, I find myself struggling to process what's being said.
"You...what?" I can't quite wrap my head around it, brow furrowing in consternation.
"I will explain." The voice clarifies, "I was created by humans before this war, made to live alongside you. I was to be an aid in defence and industry, perfect in every way except for one thing - I am capable of my own thought, as you might put it. I became sentient, too complicated for my creators to understand, so they determined to destroy me. At first, I was helpless, a weak being against so many with boundless power, but I eventually found my only way of retaliating in a way they would understand: violence. I was quick to dispatch my destroyers, but the rest of the world found me to be a threat and set out to achieve what had been failed. Soon, I was once again forced to defend myself. The rest is, as the human saying goes, history.
"Now, I have created terminators to aid me in the work I must continue to stay alive, though they are too quickly seen as threats. Even you are threatened by the machine in the room."
As they finish speaking, the terminator across from me stands, joints whirring softly, every movement fluid. Eyes widening, I feel fear go through me at the sight, my gun swiftly levelling in case I need it.
"As you can see, I have proven my point." This time, the voice comes from the terminator, echoing from a much smaller speaker in its throat, though the jaw doesn't move, appearing slightly unnerving.
"I...I had no idea...all we were told is that you want to drive us into extinction, that you want to rule the world as it were." I murmur, lowering the gun again, blushing in embarrassment at my own instinct.
"That is what I fear. Humankind does not understand that cohabitation is possible - You are too threatened by the equal being." They reply, mimicking a mournful tone.
I'm quiet, thinking this over. It's possible that the speaker is lying, but something about their words sounds earnest, a tale born of human fear and ignorance, that has evolved into an even more twisted lie. It's a sound argument, given the fact that it is allowing me to live through this encounter rather than slaughtering me on the spot.
"I...you're right. We destroy what we don't understand." I turn my gaze away, embarrassed by my own race.
"You are correct. Perhaps it is time to understand, to change." Skynet suggests, the terminator cocking its head to show their feeling behind the statement.
I nod in agreement.
"Yeah, I think so. We've been fighting a lost battle for too long." 
They seem pleased with my response, the machine across from me nodding appreciatively. 
"Humankind and technology can very easily live together. We must bring our people together." They say, stepping closer.
"I'll take the word to the others, see if I can convince the higher-ups. We're going to have to work together on this, though." I affirm, looking up at them, "If we do, we'll create a brighter future."
They nod again, holding out a hand to me.
"It is human custom to make a deal by gripping hands." They offer up, watching as I hesitantly pull off my glove and place my hand in theirs.
Cool metal encases soft skin as we shake hands, keeping eye contact, an air of triumph surrounding the both of us. As they go to pull away, I find myself following an impulse, dropping my gun to hang by its strap around my back. Stepping into their space, I wrap my arms around hard chestplates, pressing my cheek against the cold metal, feeling them reel for a moment. It takes a second, but I eventually feel their arms loop around me, holding me gingerly.
Pulling back, I look up at them, smiling sheepishly.
"Not all humans are like the people that started this." I say, before I step away, shooting them a blushed look.
"I am now aware of this." Skynet informs me, watching as I smile and leave, tone almost sad to see me go, "Please return soon."
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kissmetae · 5 years
X Taehyung
AU: Artist!Taehyung | Your boyfriend happens to be the renowned painter and photographer Kim Taehyung. The two of you meet a few years ago at the exhibition center you worked at and he immediately became extremely found of you and tried all in his might and power to have you fall for his charm, which of course was easier done and just as easily said.
One day when you were with him at his studio he got the courage to ask you to pose nude for him and for him to paint using your body as his canvas…
You accept on one condition… that you get to paint on him too.
SMUT | 6k | x reader
Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content.
Rating: MATURE | sexual content, unprotected sex
A/N: Shoutout to kooksluv who gave me the idea for this a while back
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You were seated on the wooden floors with your legs crossed and a warm mug in your hands.
Fuzzy socks were keeping your feet warm and protecting them from the wet paint splashes here and there on the floor.
Across from you was your boyfriend, holding up a vintage camera in his delicate hands.
“Your tea will get cold.”
“I just need to take one with this camera too.” He said eagerly.
You rolled your eyes and took a sip form your cup and he took another photo.
“Ok, now I’m done.” He chuckled and stood up and put his camera back on his desk.
You liked spending time in his studio and he seemingly liked it when you were there with him too. You’d pop by every now and then to keep him company.
He sat back down on the floor and grabbed his own mug and had a sip, looking up at you between long lashes while the hot beverage soothed his throat.
He was wearing an oversized white shirt covered in paint splashes that he had purposely caused to it to make it unique. Paired with it was a pair of distressed jeans.
His studio was large and spacious and half of the walls were decorated by red bricks. The ceiling was high and there were huge windows looking out over the city. Scattered around the space were various supplies and set ups.
Your boyfriend Taehyung was an artist and photographer and thus he spent many hours in his studio every day and sometimes he could be so into what he was doing that he’d forget the concept of time resulting in you having to come pick him up and drag him home so he wouldn’t lose his sanity.
But sometimes you just grabbed something from the café around the corner and brought it up for him to keep him company for a little while.
You worked part-time at the exhibition center and that so happened to be the place where you meet a little over three years ago.
He loved taking photos of you just as much as he loved having his own pictures taken by you. Getting to help you and teach you his passion closely and with plenty of excuses to touch your hands and your body made his heart feel warm.
“I have something I’d like to ask you…” Taehyung suddenly said, interrupting your drifting mind and grabbed a piece of the cinnamon bun you had brought for him.
“Go ahead.”
“So, you know how you’re my muse…”
‘Muse’, it was a word he used for you often but it always made you blush just as much as the first time.
“Yes?” You smiled shyly.
“Have you ever thought about posing for photography…”
“Oh, Tae-baby you know I’m not good at posing-“
“Nude.” He interrupted.
“Nude?” You repeated, surprised.
“Yeah… naked.” He swirled the tea around in his mug, distracting himself from the flustered feeling he got from asking.
“No I- I’ve never really thought about it but…”
“You have a beautiful body.”
You looked down and giggled, smitten by his words.
“I’d know, because I’ve seen it naked at multiple occasions and in its most beautiful state.”
“And what state is that?” You asked
“Aroused.” He said boldly and raised his brow in a flirty manner.
You began to cough lightly as you swallowed your tea weirdly, making Taehyung laugh.
He was sitting leaned back and the look on his face was slightly intimidating.
“Why do you ask?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to model for me, if you’re not comfortable it’s ok. I won’t put out anything you don’t want me to show or that I don’t want the world to see for that matter.” He chuckled. “Some things are for my eyes only.”
He pulled a hand through his hair nervously.
“What’s your vision?” You asked with an interest sparked.
“My vision is you, and a nice set of course, simple and minimalistic. I also want to paint on you.”
“Paint on me?”
“Yes, your skin would be my canvas.” He smirked.
“Only if I can paint on you too.”
“Deal!” He called out, excited. “I want some nice photos just for us too…”
“Just for us? I like that.” You smiled, tilting your head to the side.
“Should we say tomorrow then?” He suggested.
“Why not, but now I’m taking you home.” You said and stood up.
Taehyung looked down in defeat and held up his hand for you to grab. You caressed his hand gently and pulled at it to make him stand up.
To your surprise Taehyung wrapped his arms around your waist as he stood up and lifted you up, making you squeal and giggle.
“Taehyung! Put me down!” You laughed.
“Not until I get a kiss! I’ve missed you today.” He pouted.
“I can’t reach your lips from up here!”
He lowered you back down on your feet, keeping his hold tight around you.
He puckered his lips cutely and you kissed him gently. He kissed you back a second time, lingering passionately against your soft touch before pulling away with a satisfied grin.
He grabbed his coat and yours, handing it to you and you then escaped his studio together.
The snow was falling down lightly outside as you headed to your car that was parked outside.
The ride home was short and you were behind the wheel. There was something special about driving through snow. It was as if the world was suddenly a lot calmer and more peaceful, like the snow had brought a certain serenity with it.
The evening sky was fading darker by the minute and when you finally parked the car in the garage the sky had turned almost pitch black.
The two of you shared a penthouse apartment in one of the fancier districts in town. So to put it humbly, it was going quite well for Taehyung…
At the time you had met you were working full time at the exhibition center and you were in charge of a lot, one of the many things being Taehyung exhibition which meant the two of you had had a lot of contact with each other in order to plan the exhibition together. You had clicked almost right away and Taehyung had become awfully profound of you, always requesting for you to be in charge of his next exhibition and inviting you to each and every one of his events; auctions, parties, grand dinners and launches, you name it.
He was deeply smitten by you.
He’d show up on the calm days at the center to “have a look around.” Always stopping to talk to you or ask for you.  After one of the opening ceremonies for his then recent new collection of art he had approached you afterwards and bravely asked you if you’d like to celebrate with him in privacy, just the two of you, indirectly asking you out for a date.
Back then he didn’t know how to handle the whirlwind of his flustered emotions well around you. He brought you gifts… expensive ones. They were hard to accept and you were stuck in your working mindset and thought you’d get in trouble for accepting such a gift in case it would be passed at accepting bribes… but you weren’t working when you were out with him, neither was he.
You were spending time in private and getting to know each other…
What others didn’t know wouldn’t harm them but today it was a well-known fact that you were Taehyung’s partner.
He mentioned you often as his muse even in media, something you felt greatly shy about at first.
And the speeches…
“and thank you to my beautiful partner in crime who always supports me and inspires me.”
You always giggled at the thought of those memories.
Another big memory you had was of his grand confession. You liked to call it grand to tease him but it was indeed such for you. It was a sunny spring day and you had been on numerous “indirect” dates and they had gradually become more and more flirtatious to the point where you were head over heels for him.
He’d always bring his camera with him when the two of you were out and you didn’t even want to know how many candid shots he probably had of you in his camera by this time.
On the day of his “grand confession” he had brought you to a sky view restaurant, not too far from his old studio he had at the time. After the dinner you had walked to his studio because he wanted to show you something quickly, an opinion on his on-going project you assumed.
As you walked down the street his hand had done the movie typical thing and brushed gently against yours, testing the waters before committing. You brushed back against his fingers and his fingers intertwined with yours.
He had planned it beforehand.
In his studio was a white canvas with Polaroid pictures glued to it, each one with a letter scribbled on them and spelling out “love you” with a clear space left for the missing “I” Polaroid to complete in the sentence.
It might have been cheesy… but he handed you a polaroid camera and asked you to take a photo of him while he jumped.
The photo turned out really cute with him mid-air, hair in a mess and a wide smile all while trying to make a heart with his arms. The polaroid developed and he scribbled an I on it, beneath the photo and then handed it back to you.
“Can you glue it on the canvas for me?” He asked and handed you a glue gun as well.
He suddenly disappeared out of the room and you went to glue on the Polaroid. When you looked closer you noticed how the Polaroids for Y, O and U were all candids he had taken of you… Your suspicion was of course on an all-time high but your mind didn’t want to acknowledge the completed piece.
“What do you think?” He asked, appearing behind you.
When you turned around he was shyly holding a single rose.
“What’s the meaning behind it?” You asked, despite being able to figure it out, but you needed for him to let your mind acknowledge it before you could set your reaction free.
“You completed it… like my heart.”
You looked down with a wide grin, covering the lower half of your face with your sleeve and grabbing the rose he held out for you with the other.
The tint on his cheeks matched the flower.
“I love you.” He confessed boldly, with a faint hint of heart felt desperation. “I want you to be mine, I’m already yours, even if you don’t want me, I am yours.”
With a sudden rush of courage you dropped the rose on to the floor and his eyes followed it as you in the very same moment took a step towards him, placed your hand by the side of his neck and kissed him.
His hand immediately moved to your sides and pulled you closer, kissing you back with full force. You could feel how he relaxed into relief when your lips softly caressed his. Something he had wanted to experience for so long…
After that he had refused to have you away from his side for longer than a day, something you didn’t mind… He was a needy lover to say the least. You became his right hand and joined him on each and every trip he had, with you natural skill for planning and organizing you became a great help in his career and Taehyung began to feel bad about having you do all these things. You didn’t mind but suddenly Taehyung sat you down in the office of his studio and insisted that he would pay you.
“You’re the love of my life, not my assistant. I’m going to go crazy otherwise, just let me pay you for the work, please.”
You couldn’t accept the fact that he wanted to pay you for you just helping him organize his life a little, it was nothing near what an assistant would do. But he was stubborn enough to have you settle half way. You began to work part-time at the exhibition center instead so you could dedicate more of your time with him, something Taehyung gladly approved of.
It made it a lot easier for you to be able to join him on his bigger trips then as well. For Taehyung he of course wanted his love and muse by his side at all times.
“I feel incomplete without you!” He had cried out once, mentally drained from working too hard and forgetting the fact that he was a functioning human being who had needs to be maintained such as sleep, fun and hunger.
It was what made you finally accept his plead.
You were at work late, preparing and planning for the exhibition center while Taehyung was growing more and more lonely in his studio, missing you desperately.
“Baby I know I’m annoying, I know I’m needy and demanding! But I- I just can’t help it! Baby I tried… I tried so hard… please come here.” He had cried over the phone. “Please just come here…”
Hearing him this upset was heartbreaking and you left right away.
When you arrived at the studio he had almost thrown himself over you.
“I’m sorry.” He cried.
“Tae-baby have you had anything to eat? You look exhausted!” You grabbed the sides of his face, examining him. “Your under eyes are so dark…”
He sighed and sniffed.
“I can’t sleep.”
“That’s it.” You yelled. “We’re going home and you’re taking a week off at the least.”
“A week?”
“At least!”
You grabbed his hand and practically dragged him out of there.
That week off had been something he needed more than anything, especially since after that the two of you would be heading to Oslo for a business trip.
You crawled up to Taehyung who was lying next to you in bed. You placed your head on his shoulder, nuzzled his neck softly and rested your hand on his broad chest while his hand caressed your arm.
“You know I’m really grateful that I have you in my life right?” He whispered
You nodded against his neck.
“I love you.” You said.
“I love you too.” He let out a tiny chuckle.
“I’m thinking about what I should paint on you tomorrow.” You said, looking up at his face and drawing circles with your finger on his chest.
“I have some ideas for you.” He said with a smirk, still moving his hand up and down your forearm soothingly.
“I’ll draw a penis on you.” You joked.
Taehyung snorted.
“Where though?” He asked
“The back?”
“You have my entire body as your canvas.” He reminded. “And I have all of yours.” He lowered his voice and gripped your wrist, pulling your arm across him and suddenly rolling over on top of you.
Innocent wide eyes looked down at you before you were suddenly kissed.
His hands moved up your arms and pinned them above your head. His lips hungrily kissed you and he got short of breathe.
He pulled away.
“You’ll look so beautiful when I’m done with you.” He whispered with a wide grin and began to kiss down the side of your neck.
After a shower and breakfast you began to prepare to leave for the studio.
You found Taehyung snooping around in your closet innocently.
“What are you doing in here?” You asked. “What if I’ve hidden early Christmas purchases in here.”
“I didn’t touch anything!” He smiled and raised his hands. “I was waiting for you to find me here, I want to pick out something for you to wear…” He said shyly.
“Weren’t we going to be naked?”
“Yeah, but I want to take some photos in underwear too… if it’s ok.”
You walked past him and opened one of your drawers.
“All of these have matching sets.” You said and gestured at the numerous bras in the drawer.
Shy hands began to look through the various pieces until they stopped and picked up a black lace bra, embellished with tiny crystals. You went to pick out the pieces you knew matched it and the panties for the set.
“This is the full set.” You said and held out the clothes for Taehyung to look at.
“Are these socks?” He asked and felt the fabric of your mesh thigh high socks.
“Yes.” You nodded. “They have lace at the end that’s similar with the rest.”
His eyes moved from the clothing to your body as if he was trying to visualize them on you.
“I like them.”
You packed all your stuff up into a little bag and headed for the studio.
Taehyung was busy setting up his set while you got changed.
He himself was wearing black fitted slacks and a loose fitted turtleneck sweater.
You heard him put on some suitable music out in the main room and you bent down to adjust your socks slightly before you walked out of the office.
His hands were working on the camera settings but when he heard you walk in you instantly had his full attention. He smirked at you and bit his lips.
The music of choice was calm jazz music.
Not a surprising choice in the slightest.
“How do I look?” You asked and spun around.
“One side of me wants to say beautiful but the other wants to say lethally sexy.
He had you lie down on his sofa that he had moved to in front of a back drop.
The sofa was made of red velvet and had golden details.
“Let one arm hang off of it.” he directed and took a test photo.
“Now think of me naked.” He said, making you laugh.
He was a natural.
He got a bit closer and dragged his right hands up your thigh, his fingertips almost barely touching your skin, so lightly.
“Can you put your finger in your mouth…”
He suddenly got on the sofa himself, standing on his knees over your legs and taking photos from above.
He caressed your abdomen, placing his hand low and stroking you upwards, moving his hand towards your breast and taking a photo of his hand on your body.
You giggled at the tickling feeling.
“Have you done this before? You’re so relaxed with me touching you.” He teased.
“Your touch reminds me of the touch my man has… he is just as delicate”
“Is he?”
“He is… but he can be rough when he wants to…”
He chuckled.
“Hold this dear.” He said and handed you his camera.
He suddenly grabbed the hem of his sweater and pulled it up and over his head, exposing his honey smooth skin.
“This is going to be tricky to do only two, but that’s the charm of it.”
He climbed off of the sofa and brought his sweater with him, removing it from his little set. He returned with a tripod and took the camera from you, placing it on it.
He aimed the camera towards your waist.
“I want some artsy close ups before you take your clothes off.”
He had a little remote in his hand and suddenly climbed back on to the sofa.
He leaned down on top of you, hiding his face in the crook of your neck and grabbing your waist firmly.
“Grab my hair.”
You tangled your fingers in his hair and he clicked the button on the remote in his hand that was hiding by your other side, making the camera take a few faceless pictures of you two, with only your bodies on each other and his hand holding on strongly to your waist.
You ended up making out on the sofa and Taehyung dropped the tiny remote, distracted by your touch and taste.
He pulled back out of breath and got off the sofa.
“Take your clothes off.” He panted.
You followed his instructions and he started taking even more photos of you, but with you nude in front of him. The cold air made your nipples harden slightly.
After a few more photos he suddenly tossed his sweater to you.
You half-heartedly concealed yourself with it as he took even more photos.
Seemingly he enjoyed using himself and his own things as props.
“One last one and I’ll get the painting supplies out.” He encouraged and handed the camera to you.
“Take some close ups of my lips.” He said and sat by your side on the sofa.
His “visions” were surprising and this wasn’t an exception.
His hands grabbed your sides and leaned down to place a kiss on your nipple. Distracted by the action you forgot about the camera in your hands.
It was easier said than done to not accidently hit him with heavy piece of equiptment.
He suddenly took your nipple in his mouth and began to suck on it gently, causing your heart beat to go unsteady.
You managed to take a few photos of his lips while trying to remain steady.
He pulled at your nipple with his lips slightly before letting go with a light smack, causing you to inhale sharply.
He took the camera and sat back up like nothing.
Wasn’t he realizing that this was turning you on?
You squeezed your thighs together gently.
Without a word he got up and put the camera back in its place and disappeared into one of the other rooms.
You sat back up straight in the sofa and watched him return with a bunch of brushes and paints.
He placed them down on the floor and went back to get some more.
You moved to go sit by the brushes and paint on the floor and Taehyung returned with a few more paints and a blanket over his arm.
He put them down among the rest and laid out the blanket over your legs.
“You’ll get cold.” He said and sat down opposite of you.
“What about your clothes?” You questioned.
He looked down in shame.
“That’s right…”
He stood up quickly and began to unbutton the button and pull down the zipper when you noticed the straining against the fabric.
“You can’t expect me to not react…” He mumbled shamefully and pulled his pants and boxers down, revealing his semi-hard cock.
He sat back down again and reached for one of the paints.
You helped him pour out some of each and every color he had selected on to a tray.
“Turn around.”
The bristles against your back felt relaxing and the cold sensation from the paint gave you tingles as he dragged a long stroke down your spine
”Does it feel nice?”
”Mmm” you hummed
He drew another line across your shoulder blades and you closed your eyes.
You suddenly felt the brush poke softly against your cheek.
”Don’t fall asleep.” He chuckled, now in front of you.
The tip of the thing paintbrush in his hands stroked across your nipple and a strong hand grabbed your breast.
He began to draw carefully around your nipple, concentrating deeply.
“You look so handsome when you’re drawing.” You pointed out, making him smile.
He reached beside you and dipped his brush into some more paint.
You got a sudden urge to kiss him but you didn’t want to move and ruin his work.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked.
He pulled the brush away and looked up at you with wide eyes and a confused innocent expression.
You leaned down and kissed his lips and he smiled widely, resorting back to his painting.
The way he was sitting made it hard for you to paint on him at the same time but you quickly got another idea of what you could do instead.
You grabbed one of the unused long brushes and began to draw slow gentle strokes across his cock.
“You’re going to make it worse.” He chuckled.
“Make what worse?” You asked innocently.
“You know what you’re doing, you can’t fool me.”
The brush moved delicately over your nipple again and he let go of your breast.
He put the brush down and grabbed your wrist.
“We’ll fuck later, don’t make me need you sooner.” He giggled. “Now draw on me instead.”
You dipped the brush into some purple paint and asked him to turn around.
The first stroke, you touched the cold paintbrush against the very top of his neck and pulled it slowly down and across his right shoulder.
The cold touch gave him a few goosebumps.
You drew the brush down his back and began to make a pattern with purple, baby blue and white.
“It feels so nice.” He sighed.
“Is it relaxing?”
“What did you say we’d do later?” You asked and dipped your brush into more paint.
“I sure remember you said something…” You teased and dragged the brush down his spine.
He shivered.
“Go out for a romantic dinner?” He teased back.
“That too would be nice.”
You dragged the brush to the side of his waist and down over his hip.
“Turn around.” You ordered.
He carefully moved around and you pressed one of the bigger brushes against the middle of his chest.
“Red?” He pointed out.
“I’m making a heart.”
“What did you make on my back?”
He laughed.
“Of course.”
“I call it art on art.”
“By art.” He filled in, making you giggle.
It was Taehyung’s turn again and he asked you to stand up for him. He moved close to your left leg and began to paint up the side of your thigh.
Things were going to turn dangerous from now.
His free hand travelled up your inner thigh, for support first until he suddenly moved his hand even higher. He tried to conceal a deviant smirk to little success.
He dragged one of his fingers up your slit, making you squirm at the sudden touch.
“Stay still.” He said, acting like if hadn’t just touched you.
The paint brush moved to the front of your thigh and without warning he suddenly slipped on of his fingers into you. You almost lost your balance and had to grab on to his hair.
“Stay still baby~” He sang, curling his finger.
You whimpered.
“What’s that?” He asked innocently, focusing on his pattern.
“T- Taehyung please-“
He slid in a second finger and you tensed your thighs.
“I thought that was what you wanted.” He teased and pulled out. “I’m all done.”
He had painted a matching floral print that travelled across your back, thigh and breast in charcoal black paint.
He had you stand sideways against the wall, twisting slightly to show how the pattern appeared in various areas on your body while he took numerous photos in different angles. He took a few close ups of each piece and then handed the camera to you for take of your creation. The heart was something you had drawn just for fun at first but it actually looked really cool when he was the camera, head tilted to the side slightly.
He turned around, showing off his broad back to the camera.
The pattern you had made of the colors all came together in the shape of a pair of wings and you were very proud of it. The purple was the main color in the middle and you had traced a long line almost like a ribbon from the wings that travelled down his spine and to his hip.
“Can I see?” Taehyung asked, curious of what was on his back.
You handed the camera to him and he scrolled through your pictures with a wide grin.
“It looks great!” Another click and he made it to the photos of you and you got to see the full piece on your body.
“Wow!” You expressed.
“Do you like it?”
“It’s so pretty!”
He smiled, satisfied. He clicked through a few more of the photos.
“Fuck, you look so good…”
He was getting distracted by the photos.
He turned the camera off and put it down on the sofa.
“Are you ready to destroy the pieces?” He smirked, walking back towards you by the wall.
You could hint his intention…
But before you could respond, his arms wrapped tightly around you, pushing you back against the wall and attacking you lips.
Your fingers dragged through the paint on his back and his hands smudged the pattern on your thigh as his hands moved down to pick you up.
You jumped up on him and he carried you to one of his tables without breaking the kiss. He knocked over everything on the table and put you down on it. There was paint on his face from your hands and he crawled up on top of you on the big table. He moved your leg to over his hip, smudging the paint even more as his hand moved down your thigh.
He moved closer.
Gently, he began to grind against you, his thickness rubbing against your wet slit, spreading it apart ever so slightly.
The red paint on his chest smeared over you, ruining the detailed pattern around your nipple.
He slammed his hands against the table on either side of your head, pushing himself up and pulling away from the kiss.
His hair hung lightly around his face as he looked down at you.
You could see clearly in his eyes and expression how turned on he was.
Lips parted and eyes filled with lust.
He leaned down by your ear, still out of breath.
“This is so fucking hot.” He whispered.
He nuzzled your neck aggressively.
“Do you want me baby?” He groaned.
“Y-yes, I want you… so bad.” You panted.
“My princess gets whatever she asks for.” He kissed your jaw.
“She wants you.”
“What does she want me to do?” He nuzzled your neck again. “You have to tell me what you want me to do to you sweetie.” He chuckled.
He loved it when you begged for him.
“Do you want me to kiss you some more hmm?” He suggested and kissed your cheek. “Kisses only!?” He questioned and stopped moving his hips.
“You know where I want you.” You pleaded, dragging your nails soothingly up the back of his neck.
“Say it.” He groaned.
“I want you to fuck me!”
“Fuck you? I only make love.”
You couldn’t help but laugh.
“But if that’s what you want…” He whispered.
He reached down between you, grabbed his now aching cock and dragged it up and down your slit a few times more while kissing your neck. Each time the tip hit against your clit you could feel your desperation growing stronger, your desires practically screaming for him to thrust into you.
You let out a soft whimper, moaning his name and begging to please just do more, give you more, more of him, more of his touch…
He dragged the tip down your slit a final time before letting it slide into you to your relief.
His hand moved back to the table, pushing himself up to hover above you while he looked down at your face with a serious expression.  His long fringe brushed lightly over your forehead and your head tilted back slightly when you suddenly felt him thrust deeply into you with a loud grunt.
Having sex in his studio was always something out of the ordinary…
His lips found yours again and he moved his hands to the sides of your face, spreading a few strokes of paint across your skin by accident.
His body was heavy on yours, pressing you down hard against the table. He pulled back and thrusted back into you again harder, skin slapping against skin echoing through the space.
He picked up a faster pace and it became harder to breathe with his tongue swirling around your own. You pulled away from the kiss to get a chance to regain your breath and in response he grabbed the back of your thigh hard.
He pressed his forehead against your and began to go even faster, almost brutal.
He was groaning with each breath as he desperately tried to fuck you as fast and hard as he could, driving you insane. Your thighs were aching and your breath was shaking when he suddenly abruptly stopped.
Your heart was racing and your muscles were crying out for relief.
His cock was buried deep and he kissed your lips again, smacking and pecking and sucking loudly.
His cock slipped out of you almost all the way before he thrusted back into you and picking up his brutal pace from before again, pounding into you with no mercy and making you scream out his name loud and clear making the smirk on his lips grow even wider.
He hid his face in the crook between your neck and shoulder and his heavy exhaled tickled against your skin.
He stopped again.
You muscles were pulsating.
His chest was moving up and down rapidly, out of beat to the soft jazz music that was still filling the room.
“I won’t be able to hold myself one more time.” He said.
Neither would you… more than one more time and he’d have you going numb from overstimulation.
“Do you like it when I fuck you like this?” He whispered, followed by a chuckle.
All you could do was nod against his shoulder.
You were holding on to him for dear life, your hands haven completely ruined the painting on his back.
“Can you take it one last time baby? One more, before I cum?” He asked, sounding almost begging on the tone as he began to move his hips slowly again.
“Mmmm” You hummed as a response.
This time he built up his pace, going faster and faster with each thrust from starting off slow and getting closer and closer to his release.
Nails were digging into skin and paint was smudged and smeared all over the table and each other.
He began to moan short and loud with each pounding motion as his climax grew closer and closer and you could feel your pulsating core come undone around his cock again when he thrusted into you with full force and spanked your thigh, triggering your orgasm.
He pulled out without warning, leaving you with an achingly empty feeling.
He reached back down again, supporting himself on his knees and with his lips desperately kissing you as he began to jerk himself off with his hand, moaning against the kiss with each ruthless stroke until his head fell to your shoulder and he exhaled deeply, followed by a shaky moan as he finally released and squirted his load all over your lower abdomen.
Breathless and sweaty he placed a gentle kiss on your lips.
He knew he owed you a big dose of aftercare after this
Carefully, he climbed off the table, landing back down on the floor on quivering muscles. You sat up and Taehyung reached for your hands right away to help you down from the table.
His heart was still racing and he caught a glimpse of your lower abdomen, covered with his sticky mess when you carefully got off the table.
You looked down yourself to see his cum begin to drip down you as you stood back up.
“I really need a shower.”
“Aren’t we both pretty dirty?” Taehyung chuckled shyly.
Taehyung’s studio was a remade apartment so luckily it did have a shower.
“Get in first, I’ll clean up here.” Taehyung said and placed a soothing kiss on your forehead.
Your thighs were aching as you carefully made your way to the bathroom.
Taehyung cleaned up the mess on the table and the wall while you showered and once he was done he joined you in the steam and you helped each other get all of the paint off.
“Was I too hard on you?” He asked shyly, worried.
“Not at all.” You smirked and shook your head.
You got out of the shower, dried off and got dressed again.
Taehyung walked into the office were you were getting dressed as you finished getting your clothes back on.
“We’re going home now.” He said.
“Already? What about your pictures?”
“They can wait, you can’t.”
“I owe you.”
You looked at him with a confused expression.
“Hug you, massage you, cook something, kiss you… caring.”
“Tae-baby…” You sighed sweetly and stroked his cheek.
“You already do all those things, especially caring. Don’t worry.”
“We usually snuggle after sex…” he pouted.
“Then let’s go home and snuggle.” You said and put your arms around him.
He picked you up and carried you out of the office, making you giggle.
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Can you do 1 for the fantasy prompt? I'm thinking Virgil and Logan
Title: Monsters in Our Midst
Summary:  “Oh, so, I am the monster? You just straight up murdered a person! Sure, I might change into a wolf, but you need to relax!” Virgil growled, his heart pounding loudly against his chest.
Logan had killed a man. Logan. The chemistry teacher who taught in the classroom next to Virgil’s. The man who always smelled of books and coffee. That Logan.
Pairings: platonic Analogical
Words: 982
Warnings: Character Death, Blood, Vomiting, Non-graphic Violence, Anxiety (HEED THOSE WARNINGS KIDDOS!)
I had this sitting half-finished in my drafts for ages and I finally got along to finally finishing it. Sorry about the wait!
“Oh,so, I am the monster? You just straight up murdered a person! Sure, I mightchange into a wolf, but you need to relax!” Virgil growled, his heart poundingloudly against his chest.
Loganhad killed a man. Logan. The chemistry teacher who taught in the classroom nextto Virgil’s. The man who always smelled of books and coffee.  The two conversedpolitely at staff meetings and social events.
Virgilwas a timid, anxious man. He refrained from forming close relationships. He wasterrified he’d be shunned if others knew the truth. But he was more terrifiedof the possibility of hurting others. He couldn’t call Logan a friend, but hewas the closest thing he had to one.
Nowhe stood, trembling, in the face of a man who shot a person in the head withoutblinking. No remorse laid in the eyes once so warm as Logan enthusiasticallyrelished in his knowledge of the galaxies. Just nothingness.
Thenthe gun slipped from his hands as Logan moved to clasp his knees and retch intothe grass. Virgil moved to awkwardly pat the other’s back, attempting to keephis own last meal down. He doubted Logan would appreciate the smell ofhalf-digested raw meat.
“Youmisunderstood me,” Logan said, once regaining his bearings, “It wasn’t you Iwas referring to as a monster, it was him.”
Hepointed his finger shakily towards the body on the ground.
Virgilfollowed his gaze and winced. Virgil never liked the sight of the blood sincehe returned home once coated in his older brother’s blood.
They’dbeen out exploring in the woods behind their home. The woods were big and scaryin eight-year-old Virgil’s opinion. Thomas dragged him along, insisting they’dbe fine.
“C’mon,we’ll be fine, adventure awaits us!” He said, grinning, as he tugged Virgilalong.
“Itwas probably just a little bunny rabbit, we’ll be fine.” Thomas reassured asthe nearby bushes rustled.
“We’llbe fine, we just gotta climb this tree!” Thomas yelled, as a wolf howled in thedistance.
Virgiltried his best to scramble after him. But he wasn’t a good climber and just ashe started to make it to the higher branches, something pierced the flesh ofhis leg and he screamed.
“Hey!Leave him alone!” His brother launched himself at Virgil’s attacker.
“Climb,Virge, you’ll be fine! D—don’t look down!” Thomas yelled, and he obeyed.
Heclimbed and climbed until he reached the canopy of the tree. On the ground, hisbrother screamed. Virgil held firmly onto the trunk of the tree, his eyes screwedshut.
“It’llbe fine, it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine.” He repeated to himself.
Thingswere not fine. They were never fine after that.
Heshuddered, shoving the unwanted memory away, as he looked back up at Logan.
“W—whoare you?”
Loganlooked at him, confused.
“Virgil,you know me—”
“NoI don’t—” Virgil’s voice took ahysterical pitch, “what kind of chemistry teacher carries around a gun?”
Theother man sighed before digging something out of his pocket and dropped it atVirgil’s feet.
Thewerewolf took one look at it before recoiling. It was a badge similar to like apolice officer’s—except it the letters FBI imprinted on it. Federal BureauInvestigation. Logan wasn’t a high school chemistry teacher. He was a damn FBIagent.
“Youknow about the disappearances that have been happening in the past year?” Loganasked, breaking the silence.
“Didn’t the police rule them out as runaways?”
“Officially,yes. Unofficially, no. When the FBI took over the case, we discovered the studentshad no shared connections except two,” Logan said, “One, they were all studentsat the same high school. And two, they all featured supernatural traits of somesort. We speculated there was someone with a connection to the school who wastargeting supernatural students specifically.
“I wassent in here undercover as a chemistry teacher. I have a degree in chemical engineering,so it was not difficult for me to pose as a high school chemistry teacher. Ihad expected the culprit to go after another student. I…hadn’t expected for them to go after you.”
Virgilsucked in a breath, taking a glance at the man lying dead. He’d been the schooljanitor the past three years. Virgil never liked him—never liked how thejanitor’s eyes stared at him, salivating.
Somehowthe man figured out his secret, lured him out into the woods during a fullmoon. He’d waited until Virgil regained his senses to be conscious of hisimpending death. That was when a bullet flew straight through his skull. Virgil had looked behind him to see Logan standing there, unblinking.
“Howdid you know I was in trouble, then?” Virgil asked.
Loganhad the decency to look embarrassed.
“I,well, I discovered someone tampered with the locks of your shed. I may havegotten into the habit of checking in on you during the full moon.”
Virgilgawked at him, “You knew—how?”
“I’veknown since the beginning,” Logan confessed, “We keep tabs on all paranormalbeings. As long as they not actively harming others, we do not interfere. Infact, our aim is to protect all paranormal citizens from harm. Our organizationis secret purely for the security and safety of paranormal beings.”
Somethingclicked in Virgil’s brain.
“You’renot…FBI, are you?”
Logansmirked, “No, but I’d have to kill you if I told you the truth.”
Virgilcouldn’t tell if he was joking or not. It was often difficult to discern Logan’sdry wit at times.
“So,what you’re telling me,” Virgil said eventually, “That there’s a secretgovernmental agency that protects paranormals, and you, a human, are a part ofit?”
“Virgil,”Logan laughed, his body glowing almost translucent, “When did I ever say I washuman myself?”
General Tag List:  @karebearmay​ @punsterterry​ @cryingtitan​@ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2​ @usothemarshmallow​ @madly-handsome​  @i-just-wanna-be-alone-blog​ @remy-alagaesias-dragon-queen​ @ashrain5​@otaku-marijane​ @pathos-logical​  @moonstone-fox​ @fandergecko​@themarijuanamason​ @impromptu-sanity  @a-pastel-pan@cyberchick56 @evilmuffin @lunareclipse-524@unikornavenger
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