#as shown in the first img
strawglicks · 8 months
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sibling posting
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stinkypeanutbutter · 3 months
img silly sbg art class headcanons for the folks !!!
Guess who’s first .
Ben , obvi . Who did you think ??? Aiden ?? Loser / j
Actually enjoys art class the most out of his other classes
Usually turns things in on time , but forgets the little things though like those stupid papers that tell you to copy and draw a nose 3 times
likes using charcoal pencils !! It’s his favorite out of everything , but he dislikes how messy it gets because the charcoal always covers his hands and arms .
not the best at painting , but he’s well known of his complimentary colors and what looks good with what .
Usually listens to music while he’s drawing if Taylor is busy or gone from class . He likes taking instrumental recommendations from Ashlyn .
Takes a drawing class , obvi , along with Taylor because he didn’t really want to be alone . Plus , She’s a nice buddy to have !!
Takes a drawing class with Ben as said before !! Whenever they have to pick partners , they go for each other the most .
she’s not the BEST at drawing honestly , but she takes it so she can study in machinery , like drawing and mapping out designs .
She likes using those kids markers , whatever their called . She prefers using the marker FIRST then going over it with pencil to really pop out the design . Digital art also works out for her , it’s one of her favorites because there’s so many options ( sometimes )
uses google for inspo or to copy certain parts down cause Pinterest is blocked on the computers and drawing gears is hard to do ( real 😿 )
Draws little cats on her work when she’s bored or smiley faces on Bens work just cause she’s silly ( trademarked smiley — Aiden / j )
Doesn’t have photography , but she does join Logan after school to help out with certain camera functions or just take photos of eachother for her memory book ( she has one , cannot tell me otherwise )
Also uses highlighters just cause . I mean they’re fun so why not . Her and Aiden share a bunch of random stickers that he got on like eBay for customization 😼
A ;) DEN !!! :
I swear I won’t repeat the same “ Aiden is totally good at art “ headcanon but …….. 😅😅
Went into painting just so he can have fun with the colors and , sigh … he’s good at mixing them . ( he’s not allowed too , but he makes it work out . Sometimes )
RARELY gets things done in time , like he’ll be doing anything other then drawing in class , yet somehow turn it in . Well , after a few weeks past the due date .
becahse of that , no one really knows what he draws but the teacher is impressed so 🤷
I like to imagine he has one other hidden room in his house , filled with unfinished paintings , sketches , projects , puzzles , yadda . He hasn’t really shown anyone where it is , or let’s anyone inside but has let Ben check it out a few times cause he’s special 🫶
Always does his projects in his room . Why ? Cause it’s bigger , more room to work , duh . Also , so he can BLAST music because music just gives him ideas of what he can work on ( projection go hard 🤟🤟🤟 )
he doesn’t really care what he uses , but he hates charcoal , opposed to Ben . It gets everywhere ( in a bad way ) , it’s dull , he hates having to blend it with those stupid paper things because they sound and feel gross , yadda yadda yadda . Butttt he LOVES markers and crayons . Colored pencils work if he’s feeling slightly unmotivated .
uses giant AF canvas’s cause more room to work plus more detail . He loves detailing the most random stuff because it all had to blend correctly , right ? 😼☝️
likes pottery , but he doesn’t like the feeling of it drying on his hands . It’s gross and crusty . Plus he got in trouble once for throwing some of it around the class lol
Totally draws on his arms with sharpie ( ashlyn tells him no cause poisoning or something but pshhhh what does she know ? He’ll still doodle on his pants ) .
Probably does Rubix cube art when he’s feeling extra silly . Also glues and sticks whatever he can find onto what he’s working on for pizazz . But he doesn’t really like anything he’s made so 😿
also the reason why he has so many unfinished projects is because woopsy doo ADHD . It’s always “ oh I should work on this one “ but then there’s “ but this once looks funner to do “ but oh then there’s a “ which one would take me less time to do ? “ and “ if I do this first will I have time to do the other one ? “ and either ends up doing nothing or multitasking .
ASH TRAY !!! :
Takes painting with Aiden because she really didn’t want to go alone .
thought about pottery once , tried it , hated the feeling of it getting under her nails and it kept drying up and she had to wash her hands constantly and it kept getting in her hair and it was a bad experience . ( more projection )
painting really isn’t her favorite , but she likes the look of the colors mixing and it’s kinda like dancing to her , with the long , sometimes constant movements and new variations . Look it just puts her in a slight trance .
doesn’t do well with creativity coming into play , but she managed to find a way with turning art into dance , like referencing other dancers online and copying their moments onto a canvas to make it dramatic or something .
Prefers prismacolor pencils over most things , sometimes joins Taylor and Logan after school to try out photography .
Sometimes she and Aiden would share headphones and put on a shared playlist or a podcast on spotify . They always bicker about it though because ashlyn skips through songs often and Aiden can’t sit on a podcast unless it’s playing somewhere background ( still working on this one cause would that work ? Sharing headphones and listening to stuff or would that be too loud cause I’m not sure )
for once please can she see what Aiden has done like he’s always on his phone or playing with another puzzle from his backpack how do they fit in there anyway just Plsplslpsopls he has a good grade in this class how he’s so confusing sometimes double U - tea - eph
TIE - LER !! :
Joined because he already does baseball why not choose something to maybe help him relax
Bad choice , does not relax him ( most of the time ) , can’t understand color theory ( same ) , ended up getting put into the same class with Aiden ( remember when Aiden threw pottery ? Yeah . . Also ashlyn is there that’s cool but still )
He still likes hanging with Aiden , he just won’t admit it and it gets harder and harder too when he keeps writing and drawing on his work ( and him too 😡😡 )
Pretty fond of water coloring , it’s one of the few things that he enjoys doing in his pass time . . . But he’s not that good at keeping the water to a minimum so it ends up dripping everywhere .
He’s not that good at art either , but he’s pretty good at poses , specifically ones he can remember like the “ batter up ! “ stance in baseball or his signature “ crosses my arms and stares at you begrudgingly “ . He’s REALLY good at that one .
He teaches Ben Guitar , Ben teaches him easier ways to draw . Not a babyish style , but just a simplified way to do something without putting too much thought into it .
he and Taylor team up in art projects , but not in class , at home . Ash and Aiden usually partner up in class , and since he and Taylor have seperate classes there , who’s to say they can’t help eachother else where ? Twin telepathy ! ( I think , idk )
Just finishes quick and turns it in . He gave effort , and that’s good enough . If he really wants to try and ‘ finish ‘ finish it , he will . Trust .
DIALOG(an)UE !! :
Literally the only one in the group who really takes pottery ( he’s lonely someone help him )
dw Barron isnt there . He got kicked out for throwing clay at people ( mostly Logan )
Actually really likes taking pottery , it’s fun !!
He makes pots for the plants back home 💪😋
pretty good at using the utensils , one of the only people the teacher can trust to use them correctly
the pottery wheel isn’t his favorite favorite because sometimes it spins to fast and clay gets splattered everywhere , but it’s better then starting from scratch , and turns out really nice when he gets into the zone or something
made mugs for his grandparents !! ( and the gang , which they all used theirs for many different things . They love it )
not that good at coming up with particular designs , so he usually asks for help . Doesn’t matter who , he’s open to everyone’s ideas 😋☝️☝️
takes a littttllleee while to turn things in on time but he’s a good student so the teacher doesn’t mind
IM DONE !!! I DID IT !!! Praise me .
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conceptofjoy · 4 days
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first img is pre aviators and the second is post. idk if dave deleted the application or like temporarily closed it. anyways its supposed to be a parallel to serious business but more bro-y. bro has it on his computer too which doesnt come as a surprise. it has a bot on it that's betty crocker affiliated which is smth interesting. btw if u squint u can see bro has a tab open on his content aggregator to skaia.net too.
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link maybe its a stretch to say dbiz is similar to his bot chat, but theres a lot of overlap.
something else is that half the time delirious biznasty is shown on screen, gamzee's also there around then. one being above and the other is when jane run's into him for the first time at her house.
plus hal uses dbiz to access other people's devices but i mentioned that last post. the betty crocker tiara top and hal shades are parallels but opposite sides of the spectrum. arq lowkey having a crush on crockertier jane checks out.
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nonbinaryaubrey · 1 year
pretty muuch everyone in the cast has some minor inconsistencies between their artbook cover artwork, ingame art work, and sprites. (this is INCREDIBLY nitpicky i do not care thaat much.. but still. wanna point it out. also i am DEFINITELY missing things i am not going too in depth here i am soo eepy)
some small examples:
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in sunny's official artwork, and all of his in game artwork, his vest is completely black, the only time this isnt consistent is in his actual pixel sprite
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he has a preeetty simple design? so his never gets too inconsistent. but at times his sock length are changed.
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(socks higher up)
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(socks lower than the knees)
Obviously, DW!Kels shirt changes constantly between artworks. cant even be annoyed at this one that shirt looks like agony to draw, altho his sprite loses the more pastel coloration.. altho i think this is just kind of a consistent thing with the dw sprites, so i wont point it out much with them.
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RW Kel doesnt have.. anything suuuper noticeable ?as far as i can tell. but his sprite and actual artwork definitely have.. inconsistencies (skin tone, along with the stripe on his pants)
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DW Aubrey doesnt have anything suuper inconsistent i believe? so i wont bring her up. and we have already talked about RW Aubrey. her outfit is. WILLDLY inconsistent between artworks, even in the game itself. (im NOT getting into other official artworks here but . her shoes too i believe tend to not stick too one design)
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for DW Hero, just inconsistencies with the stripe thickness, the collar part of his pajamas, and.. whatever the part near the hands are called being either solid white, solid blue, or striped
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for RW Hero.. oh boy. His shirt collar
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Official artwork (and tag photos) it looks like this ^
in his talk sprite, its still a vneck but with a white stripe
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when he saves you from drowning, it looks like this
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even his pixel sprites have inconsistencies between eachother
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good fucking lord man .!!!
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not too much with her actually!! main thing is. inconsistencies with her having shoes or not. (if u want a bit in non-in game comparisons, some official art has her dw self wearing socks when in game i dont think shes ever shown wearing them?)
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and to end it all off, lets move onto Basil. !!!
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(going to point this out first, in a LOT of both RW in DW Basil's actual artwork, he has 2 little tufts of hair at the top of his head, but in both his talk sprites and overworld sprites, its missing)
for DW Basil there is.. 2 things i think?
1: the flower crown. it varies.. a LOT between artwork. kind of obvious.
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aaand. 2. his shirt . in most artwork ^ like shown above, it has a rounded tshirt neck. but in one specific artwork, it shows it being a collared shirt with a button
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for RW Basil.. i dont think theres much?
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kiiind of the same issue as sunny? tho less obvious ig. his shirt is shown as dark green in the official artwork, but as a muuch lighter green in the sprite.
also in his battle sprite, he loses that... little part between the vest and the collar of his shirt? idk what to call it.
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i beliiieeeve thats.. it for them all? i think i am missing things apologies .but i dont feel like looking thru the wiki anymore . and i have no space left for imgs pretty much
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artsygremlin291 · 9 days
MY FIRST ASK LETS FUCKING GOOOO you have 'first' comment priviledges
okay that aside, I do have a few for the LoS! I've been in PMTOK since the game launched :) Get ready for a lot of text, pal!
Headcanon time.
Olly created each member very carefully, and let their personalities develop over training, which all took place before the events of PMTOK. Olivia didn't know about his full plan during this time, she thought he'd just build a kingdom, not take over existing ones.
Olly was made years before the 2020 Origami Festival, giving the Craftsman time to raise him and stuff. This made the betrayal harder on Olly.
Olly has dark magic, and Olivia has light magic. The Origami Craftsman made them to represent Yin and Yang, and to create balance in the potential Origami Kingdom.
Olly is EXTREMELY ATTACHED to the LoS, they felt like his only family after feeling so betrayed by the Origami Craftsman (and later, Olivia).
The Origami Craftsman actually made Stapler for Olly when he was younger! Olly's had Stapler since it was a puppy :)
Colored Pencils draws himself and the Legion in his freetime. They're his family and he cherishes them.
Rubber Band and Hole Punch make a great duo, with Hole Punch’s Dances and Rubber Band’s singing. They like to take turns with the spotlight.
Hole Punch has ADHD, and can't pay attention very well. He’s found that music helps him focus. (this may or may not be projecting)
Scissors will often hide their emotions, in fear that people will see them as “weak” if they’re shown to be emotionally vulnerable. They only trust the rest of the LoS with their emotional state.
Tape acts as the "most mature" of the LoS, he keeps everyone in line. They all see him as a sort of older brother figure.
Tape knows a lot of fun ocean facts! He likes to study sea stuff in his free time.
Scissors was actually pretty chill before Olly initated the war. They only discovered their love for bloodshed and sadistic nature during the training. Things got 100% worse when they realized they were the last Legion member alive, that completely broke them mentally.
Hole Punch's voice can influence the other LoS members to a degree, he uses this to calm them all down. This only works because they're all connected to Olly's magic, so it doesn't work on others. (like Mario, Bobby, Olivia, etc etc)
Colored Pencils uses He/They/It, Rubber Band uses It/Its, Hole Punch uses He/They, Tape uses He/Him, and Scissors uses They/Them.
okay just olly headcanons this time except a lot of it is projecting onto him
Olly is extremely self conscious about his public image and being perfect.
Olly has ADHD and Autism, but sees this as a problem and something that makes him “imperfect”.
Olly tends to fidget with small objects when he’s bored, like his earrings or the end of his cape.
Olly has an extremely hard time sleeping, much to his dismay.
Olly tends to shut himself in his room a lot, drowning out the rest of the world with music.
Olly loves piano music, and tends to listen to it to calm down. He also knows how to play piano, this headcanon is due to the little piano melody in the beginning of his battle theme (0:06 to 0:10). Faster melodies when he’s stressed or angry, softer melodies when he’s calm and content.
Olly seems like the kind of person who would know the lyrics to all the disney villain songs, but wouldn't sing around people. (He specifically likes “Be Prepared” from the Lion King)
Before Olly went mad with power and noticed the “scribble” on his stomach, the Origami Craftsman would sing/hum lullabies to Olly to help him sleep or calm down. Olly later passes this through the family by doing the same with Olivia and the Legion to help them sleep or calm down.
He for the love of god cannot control his anger, he tries to stay composed but my GOD is he petty.
Instead of 4th of July, The Mushroom Kingdom has the Origami Festival on July 17th. July 17 is also Olly’s birthday.
Olly hates emotions in general- not from other people, from himself. He hates feeling things and a lot of the time tries to hide his emotions.
Olly is actually very fun loving! He enjoys singing and dancing, festivals, etc.. he just 'grew up too fast' and prioritizes his kingly duties. He thinks it isn't okay for him to "be childish". He envies Olivia's innocence.
Olly takes a huge interest in the legends surrounding the Crystal Stars and the Shadow Queen, even more so since the Craftsman is a descendant of one of the Four Heroes. He rereads the stories about it a lot.
My version of events
Me and my sister got a sort of AU thing going on- and we both say it's canon we're nintendo real
During the ending festival, Mario thinks back to everything that happened, and how Olivia and Olly didn't really have a chance to LIVE. Sure, they were alive, but they didn't get to experience the world as it is, they didn't get to be kids. (Olly is 18, Olivia is 15) Mario decided to do what Olly did.. and with the help of Luigi, Bowser, Peach, and the Toads, the 1000 Paper Crane wish happened again. Olly, Olivia, and the LoS were all brought back to life. They all reside in Peach's Castle until Olly can handle his emotional/mental state and create his own Origami Kingdom, allied with the Mushroom and Koopa Kingdoms. Olly learns by observing how Peach rules and acting as a sort of assistant to her! (Later viewing Peach as a mother figure)
Olivia ends up meeting the rest of Mario's sidekicks, like Kersti, Goombella, Huey, and the Captain of the Odyssey... Cappy! Together they go on adventures in the Odyssey and explore the world, able to have fun and excitement if Mario is too busy. Olivia gets a good kick out of it and is more than happy to go, she sends postcards to Olly.
The Legion of Stationary all settle down and begin focusing on their passions rather than being soldiers for Olly, since he no longer needs that of them. Pencils persues his art, Rubber Band persues it's acting career, Hole Punch decides to help entertain Toad Town with music and dance, Tape begins working with Captain T. Ode to be closer to the oceans.. and Scissors decides to make use of their love for combat, giving training sessions to Toads who want to help protect the Kingdom.
Maybe I'll go on about the AU in another post, this is already long enough- BETCHA DIDN'T EXPECT ALL THAT, HUH?
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fatt-twitter-updates · 2 months
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PALISADE 43: Where They Are Pt. 1
3:07 PM PDT / 6:07 PM EDT, 29 March 2024 (Source)
And here are the new maps by @/dancynrew (@dancy-nrew) that were mentioned in the episode!
[Img ID: Two illustrated maps of the divine cycle, both depicting a colorful, gaseous, swirling, mirage-like nebula, with diamond-shaped, golden stars along the edges of the deep blue and black of space. The first map is titled 'The Quire System' and shows the system of eight planets (identified with lines that lead to banner-shaped nametags as Brighton, Gift-3, Altar, Seneschal, Skein, Crown, Thyrsus, and Moonlock) orbiting the planet Volition. The planet Volition has scribbly black lines drawn around it, possibly to represent the 'crackling black glass and bubbling oil shores' of its surface. The purple planet Palisade is orbiting on the outskirts of the system, with the Diadem crack along its circumference and its two moons. The nail-shaped station called The Brink is floating next to Palisade. The station looks a little like it's creating currents in the nebula. The orbits of the planets are depicted as glowing white lines, almost like ripples. The second map is titled 'The Twilight Mirage' and is similar to the previous map, except in this map each of the orbiting planets are depicted as buttons, and each button planet is connected by thread to the scribbly thread that surrounds the planet Volition. The Brink is depicted as a needle with a thread that is cut off and not connected to the thread going toward Volition. In the second map, Palisade's moon, Travertine, is also shown as a button and Palisade's other moon, Chimera's Lantern, is drawn as an actual oil lantern. The orbits of the planets on this map are shown as dashed lines, like the stitching on a quilt. The text on both of the maps uses the Divinity Sans typeface. End ID.]
3:09 PM PDT / 6:09 PM EDT, 29 March 2024 (Source) (dancy-nrew tumblr post with maps)
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officialgleamstar · 3 months
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[img ID: Two screencaps from the movie Up. The first screencap shows one of the main characters, Carl, saying, "I would like to award you the highest honor I can bestow". The other main character, Russel, is shown from behind, and has been labeled "any ship i like". The second screencap shows Russel from in front, with the queerplatonic flag pasted over his chest. /end ID]
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saintmeghanmarkle · 1 month
Prince Louis Turns 6 April 23rd. Meghan Markle has attempted to upstage it with her own press every year. Proof. What will Meg do to detract from it this year? by u/somespeculation
Prince Louis Turns 6 April 23rd. Meghan Markle has attempted to upstage it with her own press every year. Proof. What will Meg do to detract from it this year? Meg ALWAYS does PR releases of 'old' materials on Prince Louis birthday. She’s still probably fuming over the photo of the late QEII and almost all her grandchildren. Sussex children absent as they declined all summer invites to Balmoral.A recap:1) Prince Louis turns 1. Sussexes release a bunch of old, but 'never before seen' photos for Earth Day.Processing img jcpj7menxpvc1...https://ift.tt/JHIdQ4q. Z23.04.21-193845/https://ift.tt/fHr2i4Y) Prince Louis turns 2. Sussex first attempt is to draw a parallel with Archie’s birthday, a month later. “The Fab Four” suddenly makes an appearance in the press, despite it dying in 2019. Nothing gets picked up by other articles. Sussex second attempt, PR article released to People, you guessed it, April 23, promoting charity work for Project Angel Food they did several weeks prior, despite leading with due to corona virus they never leave their house.https://ift.tt/qKDyeuJ img 4kny8oqxxpvc1...https://ift.tt/0DTG7Wg) Prince Louis turns 3, Meg and Archie’s Backgrid pap walk photo in LA from ‘preschool.’ Two hours away one way with traffic. For a 2 year old. Whose face is shown, yet it’s illegal to publish photos of minor in California without parental consent, allegedly. Harry was also out of town, as is common with Meg's Backgrid pics. Bonus in this archived link shows she also merched it, including her face mask.https://ift.tt/xU4nA7r img 2gkhbp42ypvc1...Prince Louis turns 4. Meg releases the story about the non-fire in baby Archie’s room when he wasn’t even in it, during the South Africa tour in Sept, 2019. I guess April 23, 2022 just seemed like a good day to release it via Archetypes.https://ift.tt/H08x2CO img b9a5tplxypvc1...Prince Louis turns 5. Story in the press about Meg writes to Charles about racism…but this happened after the Oprah interview in 2021, but suddenly resurfacing the day before Louis’s birthday. https://ift.tt/upmZVoX img cquov0q4zpvc1...Happy 6th birthday, Louis!Perhaps she’ll do nothing if she knows she’s been spotted. Or it will be a 'leak' from an unnamed source or other proxy. But then again, leopards, spots. post link: https://ift.tt/JGSIuZD author: somespeculation submitted: April 21, 2024 at 01:39AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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hotd-bigbang · 8 months
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spooky-salesman · 7 months
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Silena is a semi main character and if she was in an official comic run, she would be the main character for a good stack of volumes.
At the start of her story, Silena is 14. A sophomore in Highschool and has a decent group of friends including Gwen, MJ, (Melis Jane) , Percy (Percy Parker), and Hazel Osborne .
She gets her mysterio powers while on a history class field trip where both her and Percy get their powers, Percy is blessed by a spider god while Silena basically has a whole magic necklace (later revealed to be a fragment of a reality stone) (this is also canon btw it’s canon every verse has its own set of stones)
Silena being the over imaginative , artsy,
fantasy and magical girl obsessed nerd she is , decides to use her powers for good and becomes “Mysteria”
It’s rather rocky at first , navigating how to use the stone, not getting flattened by villains, etc. her and Percy reveal their identities to another and grow closer as friends.
Percy has a few things happen to him as well such as MJ (his gf) being completely replaced by a chameleon from another universe .
While Percy is busy, he ignores a mugging (which happens to be Silenas dad , Quentin Beck) thinking the police can deal with it.
Silena finds her dad and thinks he’s dead. (dw he is not)
Silena , being immature and this being a “with great power comes great responsibility “ moment for Percy and Silena, Both see it in different ways .
Silena sees it as a way of revenge
Percy sees it as a way to do better.
A fight breaks out between the two (and by fight I mean fist fight.) and the two reconcile . Which is shortly interrupted by Swarm. (Also no. He is not a Nazi. I’m Jew/Romani. Why tf would I make that apart of his character) and Percy gets the “NO NOT THE BEES” treatment. (Sorry Perc, at least you and MJ can chill together in the after life)
Silena now alone , SMITES SWARM. Or tries to but it flees . Later he is defeated. This catches the eye of silvermane who “takes silena under her wing” aka. Straight up
manipulates her and makes her life straight up hell.
Brief interlude of Villains like Shocker, Rhino, Chamelon (the real one not the other universe one Dr strange killed that one) Black cat, and Wolfmann
Also a breif romance between Molten girl (liz Allen) but it ends up in a Peter and Gwen situation.
Also around this time there’s a romance between Silena and her Electra.
Between basically being under silvermanes thumb and getting magical help from Dr Stange , Silenas Life is very busy. Silena also gets other friends like Marcos (hydro man) , Lottie (White rabbit), and some minor villains like Lizard (Kris Connors ) , and Morbius (Dr.Maeve Morbius)
Silverman gets defeated via suit technicality . (Water + technology isn’t good.) also big reveal, Silenas dad is in one piece , Silvermane basically used him as a bargaining chip
Short clone saga arc + Jackal being the worst human being possible. (Dmitri, Both Scopions , and Willow the wisp respectfully experience the horrors )
2 clones introduced
Bianca Riley (Ben Riley with Kaines personality)
And Krystal Riley (Kaine with Ben Riley’s personality.)
Silena gets along great with the two at first but it is quickly shown that Bianca is the evil evil twin. Aka. No morals Spider-Man who is feral. She’s also just cruel to everyone .meanwhile Quentin tries to be a hero like Silena (and gets utterly embarrassed but it’s ok. Can you blame him?? He is just a normal guy?)
And Bianca is the first to get the venom symbiote and genuinely has to be put down after mutating into a spider creature . Honestly very cathartic for Silena and Krystal. (Bianca is a toxic friend.)
Personality wise ; Silenas personality is very fluctuating. In video game terms she would have a changling soul from fear and hunger. In normal terms she has a little bit of an identity crisis , and depending on the person her personality changes. She can either be very optimistic or very pessimistic. Very caring or very crude. Etc etc . But she is very imaginative and a problem solver. Starting out very anxious and having her small handful of friends she grows as a character and branches out more and is more confident. That’s not to say though what she’s experienced hasn’t had an affect on her. She is still a major people pleaser most of the time because of the constant beratment from Silvermane and Bianca . And even then , as a sort of defense mechanism , she’s used the stone to seal away memories she never wants to remember again. Ever. While also being a people pleaser she can be chaotic. Often poking fun (out of endearment) at her friends or others. Though that’s not to say she’s very receptive to sarcasm or cruel jokes.she’s a very fluctuating character personality wise like I said . There is no TRUE way to describe her. She bullies and is also the bullied if that makes sense.
Also another key part is she down plays her trauma. She will always believe that what happened or happens to her is no big deal. That it’s fine and that you shouldn’t worry and that no, the glove on her arm is just for decoration and style! And no you shouldn’t tell her dad because he has so much on his shoulder’s already! Why stress him out with something that he shouldn’t worry about!
Also my voice claim for her !
(konata <the Blue haired one is my vc for her btw!!)
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bathroomgirl0024 · 3 months
Hii if u wanna talk ab anything feel free and/ or to keep ur mind off things fav Kuma sprite / art ^_^
Hiii sors for the late reply.
Ok so monokuma. Theres a lot of images I like of him (all of them) so theres likw be a lot of images but to heres a few that I find special lol. (Under the cut cause I theres is many I will aalao talk abt why I like them to for some lol so yeah) also I might miss stuff cause I still have yet to rewatch the games lol (I will prob in the future tho) so yeah more under the cut !
Ok so first off, sprites
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These too are probably my most favourite sprites of him him imo. Theyre both from V3 and are very nicely polished. I really like how cute he looks, especially in the first one even though that sprite appears only once in the whole game which I think makes it more special methinks. The other is also super adorable. I also like these ones from dr1 (especially the one with hes showing his black side more) and the bonus ones sdr2 too but these are my most fave bearsonally (tbh its actually all of them lol)
Oh yeah and his pixel arts are cute too :3 !!!
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Anyways now for art !!
There is many:
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He is looks very very cool in all of his splash arts. Love him. Love he has one for every game too lol (I also like how the v3 one falls down onto the throne in the opening)
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These close up shots of monokuma are amazing. Like the part where gets serious and menacing and you can see the inside of the red eye is asdffgghjjbbgyvvdt ygjju btuytdverc yeah. (I also really like the “despair, that’s all.” Line he says in the dr1 one)
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AND the ending scene In dr1 specifically like this art lol
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And also in the executions in v3 (specifically kaedes cuz that’s like the only one hes mostly in). Hes drawn so well in the executions compared to the rest of the game for some reason idk why??? But yea
(Speaking of kaede’s execution did you know theres a vine boom sfx when the ceiling or the trial grounds shuts)
Yea that’s kinda mostly stuff from the main games. Its not a lot cause its mostly just sprites of him shown in game (also cause I find all his art great but theres are specifically special 2 me) so yeah
I will also post more monokuma in the reblog cause Tumblr won't let me put imgs lmao
And yeah that’s all the art that that I like of monokuma, I love him very much ^_^ also thank you for the ask this was fun to do and also feel free 2 tell me you fave monokuma sprites/art of him !!!! That’s alls.
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bechdelsghost · 11 months
The Bechdel Test was a test made by Alison Bechdel when she made this comic strip
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IMG ID: a comic strip in a black and white sketchy style.
first panel: a big sign on an old movie theater. on the top it says "Dykes to watch out for" in hard to read lettering, and in the box where movie titles would be it says "presents, THE RULE, with thanks to Liz Wallace"
second panel: two women are walking by the movie theater, one with blonde hair and one with darker hair, the blonde says, "wanna see a movie and get popcorn?" and in the background is a movie poster with a very angry man holding a gun called "the mercenary"
third panel: the dark haired one says "well, ... I dunno. I have this rule, see"
fourth panel: a close up on both of them shot with another angry man movie poster in the back, dark-haired woman continues "I only go to a movie if it satisfies three basic requirements. One, it has to have at least two women in it.."
fifth panel: a movie poster showing the arm of a man holding a gun titled "vigilante" the women's feet are shown on the side as they walk away and text continues "...the two women in it talk to each other about, three, something besides a man"
sixth panel: the two walk and think
seventh panel: a close up on the two. the blonde one says "Pretty strict, but good idea." and the dark-haired one says "no kidding. last movie I was able to see was Alien..."
eighth panel: a close up on the dark-haired woman talking with dramatic hand movements saying "... the two women in it talk to each other about the Monster."
ninth panel: the two walk and look down
tenth panel: the silhouette of the two are walking away from the theater and the blonde says "wanna go to my house and make popcorn?" and the other says "now you're talkin,"
While the test is extremely simple and easy to pass, a surprising amount of media fails it even in the modern day. It has come to be known as an easy test to see if a piece of media has good representation of women. Not to say that every piece of media that passes it has good representation of women, but if it fails it doesn't have good representation of women.
failing the Bechdel test does not make a piece of media bad, it just means it doesn't have good representation of women.
I've made this blog to keep track of movies that do or don't pass because I want to. If you want to participate send in an ask, if you notice an error in one of my posts, correct it in a reblog.
Thank you
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reiseichikaraa · 1 year
Hey, I was looking for an artist to comm and came across your account but I’m struggling to find your prices info and such because I’m on mobile so could I ask for a link or something?
First of all i apologize for the long wait- life happens sometimes🥺 I am more than happy to update right here and now AND THANK YOU so much for considering commissioning me iT MEANS A LOT😭 
Here are the prices along with examples of art!
SKETCHES: 1O€ head - 15€ Bust - 20€ Full body
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2) FLAT COLOURS: 15€ Head- 20€ Bust- 25€ fullbody
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3) FULL COLOUR: 25€ Head - 30€ bust - 35€ full body
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50€ Full body + 10€ for expressions/ head [example 1]
+ 5€ for info sheet [example 2]
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Starts from 60€ and can go up to 80€ depending on the complexity of the character outfit and pose + 25€/ up to 35€ per character based on same criteria
FREE very graphic like dif kind of lines etc
15€ simple/ not many details (ex.sky, room POV) [img ex.]
25€ more detailed (ex.forest, lot of qlues that can be seen clearly etc) [img ex.2]
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Can start from 15€ and go up to 80€ - again depends on the complexity of statue/syntagma/artefact
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7) PORTRAITS: 40€ [comes with graphic bg like the example shown] + 10€ for specific background features
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Payment through Paypal.
50% of payment up-front and the rest 50% after the final 2nd sketch is approved by you.
You have the right to make changes 2 times.
Would LOVE some character refs- if you don't have some drawn it's okay! That's what google image search is for [as in using images to describe what you want to say!! ;>]
The more details you give about the character/ pose/ background thE BETTER- You can even send a specific pose if you have it figured out ;>
I have the right to reject any order that i do not feel comfortable drawing for any reason.
Willing to do anything to keep my clients happy!
The following is considered copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially -> means making money off it in any way
Claiming the Artwork as your own
Removing my signature from the artwork
Altering the artwork without my consent
Incest / pedo
Extremely complicated designs such as robots
Heavily detailed backgrounds
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poliodeuces · 2 years
i chatter directionlessly abt fling posse 2 electric boogaloo
will i ever stop obsessing over fling posse's (group) songs consistently having imagery of travelling, like how shibuya marble texture has them taking a detour, stella and black journey w the three of them coming together for a journey into the unknown......the temporary stop w their champion song...and the recognition of the journey being smth that never ends w torima gotf, although now much more bearable cause they have eo being the still point they see in a world that moves too fast and in perpetual chaos. doesnt really mean they stop struggling w their demons but at least their presence makes reality less cruel than they have already been to them. it's so lovely !!!!! the nihilism to existentialism pipeline
and i love that pervading feeling of impermanence w fling posse, that sure they Are travelling together now, but theyre not going to the same destination, not really, they might still have to separate @ one point (even if they want to stay together, and it makes sense for them to doesnt it bc they never belonged and now they do :(( . i love how in the mv for kizuato the colours associated w each of them are shown as points first, then extend to be lines in a drafting paper creating the pattern which fp's symbol is derived from— the shippou-tsunagi
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(img src) a symbol of harmony, fortune, eternal happiness, family prosperity, good relationships etc etc
i love that theyre shown standing in the scramble crossing in that same mv bc oh man, the intersecting points (again!) got me feeling an emotion. they r just passing by......but they'll see eo again.........like what they sing in the last refrain of torima gotf......singing "i'll see you on the other side" is a bit ominous when you got a group with 1) a member on the brink of death [ever thought abt how when ramuda says he's hungry it's also cause he's runnin out of lollipops] and 2) members joking around their past and next lives
and don't you just love how fp's symbol is shown in their design. gentaro and ramuda wears them so small, like a brooch, but dice got a large print of it on his coat ww so dice wont gamble or pawn them for sure, but yknow .... smth abt it feels really special :"
sigh....fling posse love each other.....
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure: (2020) {Reboot} ~ J.P.N Version ~ Ep. 42 featuring DUO{s}: 2020!Taichi & 2020!Koushiro {KouTai} / {Taishiro} {in background} 2020!Koushiro & Gerbemon (as Friendship) ~ MOMENTS & Interactions {as Friendly/Supportive} + Koushiro's {Canonical} Character Traits / Patterns
"Koushiro-kun, You've shown me your DEDICATED SOUL {Tamashi} for Science."
(Politely responding but sounding clearly grateful) "N-no, if it wasn't for your invention... It's {also} all thanks to you."
{Koushiro makes the request for Gerbemon to focus on Gerbemon's "desired research", "without being HAUNTED by 'revenge'"};
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"...Koushiro-han?" - Kabuterimon, hesitant voice reflecting a clear concern for Kabuterimon's partner's thoughts, in this moment;
{after earlier, with Koushiro, clearly reflecting on the concept of 'revenge'};
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"You evolved when YOU THOUGHT you should TAKE after Koushiro-kun?" - Gerbemon, in happy surprise - Searchmon evolving, Crest of KNOWLEDGE on its Back
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IMGs all by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post} {PLEASE ASK TO USE} {DO NOT remove caption}
{usage of gifs may be allowed if permission is asked / or if credit is given. However, read my about & FAQ pages first. Please do NOT use / ask if you match anything in my “Do Not Interact” sections.}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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kineticpassion · 2 years
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Adapted from First They Came by Pastor Martin Niemöller
On June 24th, 2022, the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, which had established that abortion is a constitutional right.
Obergefell v Hodges established the constitutional right to marry the person of your choosing regardless of gender/orientation.
Griswold v Connecticut declared it unconstitutional for states to outlaw the use and promotion of birth control.
Virginia v Loving established the constitutional right to marry the person of your choosing regardless of race.
Know your history; know your rights.
So much is held together by Supreme Court precedent that is no longer legally sacrosanct.
Don't believe they're coming for other rights? Check out the concurring opinion. Also, here's what they did this week alone. (They chipped away at Miranda rights and let the abortion ruling outshine that in the news cycle - such is the far-right MO.)
We cannot allow lifetime-appointed justices to put their (racist, misogynistic, and homophobic) personal politics and those of lobbyists ahead of the duty of their office.
We must demand congressional action to codify these rights into federal law.
Congress has legal limitations on what they can impose as federal law. All of the above rights can be said to affect interstate commerce, taxation, or any other avenue which Congress can reach.
But then those federal laws can and will be challenged in the Supreme Court, which would likely, based on this ruling, declare them overreaching.
So we must also demand their impeachment.
Only one supreme court justice has ever been impeached, and he was not convicted (x). But, much like the presidency which brought us here, these are unprecedented times. And SCOTUS itself has shown us that precedent is out the window.
They must be impeached for perjury in their confirmation hearings.
They must be investigated and impeached for bribery where applicable.
They must be impeached for failing to uphold the duties of their office.
And beyond that, Congress must pass term limits for the Supreme Court.
(img ID under the cut)
[Img ID: the First They Came poem with the identities crossed out and replaced with landmark US supreme court cases:
First they came for Roe v Wade
And I did not speak out
Because I did not need an abortion
Then they came for Obergefell v Hodges
And I did not speak out
Because I was not in a same sex relationship
Then they came for Griswold v Connecticut
And did not speak out
Because I did not need birth control
Then they came for Virginia v Loving
And did not speak out
Because I was not a person of color
Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me
end ID]
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