#so im sorry if its not
the-daiz · 2 years
First of all I hope you have a nice day! I was wondering if you could HxH hc Killua x Reader Gon, where the reader turns into a chimera ant (like Palm)? You don't have if you want, thank you 💙💙💙💙
Killua and Gon's reaction to the reader turning into a chimera ant
Genre: kinda angsty, fluff (at the end)
Pairing: platonic! Killua x reader x Gon
Warning(s): mention of death
Hello Anon! Thank you for the request! I actually really like this request, though I did have trouble while trying to figure out the exact timeline and if i wouldn't it to be detailed or not, i ended up making it a bit overly detailed, glad it worked out in the end tho. By how lengthy this is, Im guessing you can tell how much i enjoyed myself writing this :)
Posted on: 7/ August/ 2022
When you didn't come back from the exploration you were assigned by Morel, Gon and Killua immediately knew something was wrong. Something terrible happened to you, they could just feel it.
The chimera ants had already spread throughout the forest and cities, claiming them as their own. Kite had fallen victim to their sinister snapping jaws and a new chimera king has been founded.
Now the three of you were in the hands of Morel and knov, ready to take the risks of putting an end to the invasive species. You were meant to clear out the passage they were taking to sneak into the city the chemira ants had invaded, a simple task considering it was surrounded by mere lower grade ants and you were well versed when it came to combat.
The task was supposed to take a day or less to complete, however, when you didn't return after 3 days and you were no where to be found, panic started to arise in their chests.
When you went missing, the first thing the two did was go looking for you, or any sign of you for that matter.
But they couldn't find anything, nothing that led to you, not even a stray strand of hair. There were a relatively less amount of Ants that roamed the area now which meant you had been here.
Painfully so, Knov had to pull them back to reality when they wouldn't stop looking for you.
Gon was distraught, he was so out of it for a few days
Killua on the other hand tried to keep his composure, but he couldn't, he couldn't hide how hurt he was by your supposed 'death'.
After sulking for a few days, they lifted up their heads and continued hunting down the lethal creatures. Your dissapearance (or death, as they think) played a major role in their infinite feul of motivation to put an end to them once and for all.
It was when they were investigating a few towns, which had unfortunately been massacred by 'the national celebration', that they encountered you.
Well, not completely you, your mutated form. You didn't look the same but you were recognisable.
Its safe to say that they were both speechless and utterly stunned.
You remembered them, your memories were still intact however your emotions weren't the same.
Gon was happy when he finally realised what he was looking at, so you weren't dead after all. He was about to run towards you and envelope you into a hug but before he could, Killua stopped him.
Being the rational one of the two he quickly picked up on your odd behaviour and expressionless face.
Unannounced, you pounced at them, with full intentions to kill, as pouf had ordered you to.
Taken aback, they leaped away from you and continued to dodge your continues attacks, sometimes mistepping and getting hit by one of your many blows.
"What are you doing?! (Y/n) stop it! Don't you remember us?! You're our friend!!" Gon desperately yelled, trying to snap you out of whatever stupor you were in.
"I'm not your friend, I came here merely to kill you two. Sorry but your friend is gone." You responded nonchalantly.
Gon didn't have the heart to fight back despite you actively trying to get rid of him, but Killua knew better, even though it hurt to see you in such a state.
Eventually, he was able to trap you with the strings of his yo-yos and started to try and talk you out of your mindlessness.
"I am not the (Y/n) you once knew, Killua. Your holding on to a false hope. Now quit being so pethatic."
Of course he continued trying, which was all in vain.
Unfortunately for him, while he was going on about the hunter exam and how you met you managed to snap the strings of his weapons. Without a moment to spare you sprinted full speed his way, ready to finally shut him up for good.
Killua didn't have anytime to react, and only gawked at you in the few milliseconds he was given. Gon let out a helpless cry to his vulnerable friend but that was all he could really do
You paused right before him, your face mere inches away from his when all of a sudden the wall built inside your head to block your inner emotions had finally broken down.
Hppy ending! (Yay!)
Gon JUMPED on you, al most suffocated you (literally) with how hard he had his arm wrapped around your chest.
He kept crying about how much he missed you and how he never believed you were dead (partially lying)
And when you were done having your moment with your green haired friend, killua started yelling at you???
Well you weren't sure if he was angry at you or was just really happy that you're alive, but you suppose it was a mix of both.
After he was done yelling at you and gulping back down whatever emotions had managed to break theew his chambers, he engaged in a very awkward side hug with you, which was good enough for him.
Alas, the infamous trio was back and better than ever! They march towards the setting sun, ready to end the chemira species, together!
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pbnmj · 1 year
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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hobie motherfuckin' brown!!!!!!
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bookshelfpassageway · 22 days
yknow i dont go here but sometimes i gotta go: seriously respect clowns. they have the worst pop culture representation in the world and also the best most thorough honor code. they're just here to be silly little guys who bring joy and are very conscientious about doing so responsibly. let them to their merriment in peace you dont hafta take potshots. i dont go here but like maybe i should, you all seem super chill
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electricpurrs · 11 months
i thought the "AND THE CROWD GOES HOME" style jokes were very funny but unfortunately my autistic ass has now become obsessed with just spamming these emojis on everything i say for dramatic effect to an obnoxious level LOOK AT THESE GUYS ☝️‼️💯💪☝️💥‼️🔥💯💪‼️💯☝️☝️☝️☝️
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zekuto · 5 months
i was obsessed the first time i saw someone post leon on that stupid panda rocker but i was never able to find raw footage of it lol, so i decided to compile leon with all the playground interactions because i love him <3
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spoopdeedoop · 2 months
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moonlightmagical · 4 months
the magnus protocol episode 3 - putting down roots:
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porrigens · 2 months
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ryuji kisses for kiss ryuji day!
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goosetooths · 10 months
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what living on earth does to a mf
(i just think that being friends with two queer women and one genderfluid demon would have some influences on muriel and they'd REALLY take to individuality after a lifetime of solitude in heaven. also i love them.)
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stoopidstapler · 11 months
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theoldkyokodied · 5 months
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Guess who has been rewatching iasip...
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dickandballsdotgov · 10 months
I love you he/him lesbians
I love you she/her gays
I love you "weird kids" with split dyed black and pink hair and they/it/bun in their bio
I love you boys in skirts and dresses and corsets who are still cis
I love you trans girls who love their masculine features and don't change how masculine or feminine they present
I love you trans boys who still love being feminine and hope you land the best suckerpunch on anyone who says "but isn't that just being a girl"
I love you gays who kiss their boyfriends and girlfriends and partners and joyfriends and all kinds of significant others in the hallways to flaunt that they're not straight
I love you people who wear flags and rainbows to shove your gayness or transness in people's faces
I love you straight guys who love makeup but can't wear it around your friends
I love you people who coin obscure genders and use only neo/xenopronouns(seriously y'all are so cool and I wish i could design flags half as cool as yours)
I love you all aromantic/asexual people
I love you all the people that the lgbtq+ community chooses to outcast to appease the world which would destroy us all
I hate you lgbtq+ community members who choose to attack those who are on your team in an effort to seem "normal"
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sillysiluriforme · 16 days
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i can't think of a funny caption i have attached myself to this child like a cat foster mom
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qiinamii · 10 months
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"Xiao does things" (and friends) twitter log part 2
-- UPDATE: removed some of the arts to make its own individual post since I am bad at organizing, sorry! (but the last one is new lol) xD
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u3pxx · 5 months
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it's a new year, harrier.
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