#so i took the chicken out of the oven and i'm at my parents' place now
ephemeral-winter · 4 months
love when the power goes out exactly five minutes before dinner comes out of the oven
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amarantine-amirite · 11 months
The Frustration Trap
It started when we had to buy a new oven. We did our research before we purchased the range we wanted. At least, we thought we bought the range that we wanted.
I was 17 and my parents were away on business when they delivered the unit. We did not receive an oven. The local hardware store instead delivered what I maintain is the most useless cooktop in existence instead of the range we wanted.
Most importantly, there was no oven. We can't make do with just the stovetop. Some argue otherwise, but there are some foods you need to put in the oven. For example, sous-vide chicken wings just don't taste right.
I swung by the furniture store where we bought the range. I waited forever to talk to someone because the place was crawling with personal shoppers who soaked up the cashier's time and attention. I've never seen personal shoppers in a housewares store other than for people in wheelchairs, not even in a fancy housewares store.
Finally, someone came over to help. "Hi, can I help you?" said a sales associate with a bushy hairdo, mustache, and a name tag that read "Doug."
"Yes," I said, "we bought a range here and you delivered a totally useless cooktop"
Doug tilted his head to one side. "What was wrong with it?"
I pulled out the picture I took of the cooktop on my phone. "The piece of shit that called itself a cooktop had no dials and was made of window glass painted to look like quartz glass."
Doug had difficulty believing what I just said. He tipped his head to one side. "How would you work a cooktop with no dials?" he asked.
"By using the app that goes with it, which is also total shit," I huffed. It pisses me off that the manufacturer forces you to download a crappy app to restore functionality you expect to come standard.
"Oh, this?" Doug said as he pointed to the app on my phone, "Yeah, their app is super easy to use."
"Ya think?"
Doug began his bullshit-laden spiel. "well, it's free and -"
"No, it's not." I interrupted, "The app wasn't free and the subscription fee cost almost twice as much as our rent!"
"Well," Doug stammered, "you can control the cooktop from anywhere - "
I blinked at him. "Doesn't matter. This stupid app made you give it your social security number to set up two-factor authentication and your bank account to verify payment information. I have no idea how stupid people would be to use it," i said, "Worse, none of the materials online mentioned you'd need this to install the app."
"Why is it stupid?" Doug asked.
"I'm positive that this app harvests your data and sells it on the black market."
Doug still didn't get it. "What's your point?"
"My point is you didn't deliver the product you wanted and what you did deliver is useless." I said tensely.
Doug shrugged. "How is this my problem? I'm not responsible for what we sell."
"Yes, you are" I nodded, "You are a salesman. You are responsible for assisting the customer when the product fails to meet expectations." I can't believe I had to tell him his job.
Doug raised his hands. "Hey, it's not my fault your frustration tolerance is so bad," he said defensively. He did the human equivalent of a lazy pony that trots really fast when you ask him to canter and hopes you don't notice.
I started to lose my patience. I felt myself tense up and go up on my tiptoes. "I do not have bad frustration tolerance," I said. I struggled not to yell at him. "The same things that frustrate you also frustrate me. I'm just more vocal about what's bugging me than other people."
"Yes, but let me repeat myself here," Doug said to me, "I am not responsible for the manufacturer telling the truth, nor am I responsible for managing the customer expectations. My mandate is that I only get the thing out of the store."
"No," I corrected, "that's only half your mandate."
Doug nervously turned around. "I'm going to get my manager."
"Yes," I nodded, "please do, because you're clearly too stupid to handle this on your own."
The manager arrived but did nothing to help. "Is there a problem here?" she asked with a facial expression that suggested I pulled her away from playing League of Legends on company time.
I noticed her name tag read "Anna". "Yes, I bought a range and they delivered a cooktop that leaves loads to be desired and the salesman has done nothing to help me rectify why I've received a subpar product," I said.
Anna shrugged her shoulders. "Why should I deal with your frustration?"
"Because it's a question of customer service," I huffed. I tried not to yell at her because people who work in stores have shit jobs and it isn't fair to yell at people who are trying to help even though their pay and work environment is crap.
Anna shook her head and said, "No, you just can't cope with frustrations."
I could feel myself losing control. My mouth dried up and I started shaking and pointing indiscriminately. "I do not have any more of a problem coping with frustrations than the next person," I said unbelievably quickly, "What I have trouble coping with is Doug's inability to do his job!"
Anna leaned forward and talked down to me, "No, he does his job just fine, you're just a bitch with the frustration tolerance of a four-year-old."
There was no way I could get myself back down. I couldn't even leave the store. I just froze. While I stood there unable to calm myself down, she proceeded to record me on her phone
It slowly occurred to me that she egged me on in hopes she could get a good Karen video to post online and license the rights to the highest bidder. I tried to walk away before I could further humiliate myself, but my legs just wouldn't move. I know because I fell over just turning around.
In hindsight, I don't think it would have helped. "I'm putting that on YouTube!" Anna exclaimed triumphantly.
The video went viral. It spread like wildfire across social media platforms. It captured the attention of thousands, including my parents.
They came home from their business trip early so they could deal with me. Dad brought the suitcase in from the car. I took a deep breath and steeled myself for what would come.
"We need to talk," Dad began as he slammed his large suitcase on the stairs.
"Lay it on me," I sighed as I sat down on the couch.
Dad walked into the living room, sat in front of me, and pulled up the video on his phone. "I saw this video of you giving the manager of the Karl Farbman Store a hard time about the range we bought," he sighed heavily in frustrated disappointment.
I didn't hesitate to defend myself. "Because it wasn't right, and they weren't doing their job," I firmly retorted.
Dad pinched the bridge of his nose, a sign of mounting frustration. "Harriet, this is why you need to check before you accept the order," he reasoned, trying to get his point across.
"It's not my fault they brought it while you were away," I responded with a touch of exasperation, "They said they were bringing it the week before you left."
Dad looked at me incredulously. His frustration broke through. "Then whose fault is it? Charles DeGaulle's?!" he exclaimed sarcastically.
My eyes widened in disbelief. "You weren't there!" I shouted, "Those morons were the exact opposite of helpful!"
Dad waves his hands horizontally. "It doesn't matter, Harriet," he grimaced, "The problem isn't the customer service at Farbman, the problem is you wear your frustrations on your sleeve, and that attracts the wrong attention."
I crossed my arms. "Not all the time," I protested.
Dad shook his head. "Harriet, when you deal with people, they see you express what's bugging you, and unfortunately, they take advantage of you so they can get a Karen video that they hope will go viral," he explained, "They set a trap, and you walked right into it."
My eyes narrowed. "Well, then, avoid those people," I shot back.
Dad shook his head. "You're going to be avoiding everybody if you do that," he retorted. "Retail workers make next to nothing, so what would you do if you saw someone who was upset, and you knew that you'd make ten times your yearly salary from the video of their meltdown?"
"Start looking for a better job?" I asked. I wasn't wrong.
"No. You'd egg them on and hope you got something explosive enough that you could license it to a content aggregator," Dad shouted like this was something that I should know, "Anyone who works in retail will natter at customers until they explode, but for most people, it doesn't post a problem because they don't express frustration as visibly as you do."
I hesitated before I said anything. Nattering at people until they blow up so you can make money off the footage of their tantrums didn't seem normal, but maybe I had just gotten lucky. "So, you're saying it's my fault that someone tricked me into misbehaving?" I questioned. How can the actions of someone else be my fault?
"No, Harriet," Dad said sharply, "it's your fault for taking the bait."
I mentally checked out. Nothing Dad said made any sense, so I picked up the Rubik's cube and tried to solve it.
Grandpa gave me the Rubik's cube just before he died. He asked me to solve this ordinary-looking but very special cube. I received no instructions on how to solve it, only a note that read: There are two kinds of people in the world - people who can solve Rubik's cubes, and people who just move the stickers around to make it look like you solved it. The latter are cheaters.
It's been a month. I'm nowhere near solving it. The mechanism would jam if I turned in a certain way. Unfortunately, turning it that way seemed to be a requirement to solve the puzzle. I tried so many other ways to avoid turning at the way where it got jammed, but nothing worked. It'd feel like I got somewhere but then I'd make an even bigger mess and have to start over.
Dad caught me struggling to turn the Rubik's cube. "You see? You're doing it again, Harriet."
"No, I'm not!" I grunted as I turned it as hard as I could.
To everybody's shock, the Rubik's cube broke apart after I turned it. If you turned it past the point where it jammed, the cube itself would open up to reveal the mechanism inside. I looked at the mechanism and saw it contained an SD card. I picked it up and put it in the pocket of my jeans.
I haven't been able to sleep that night. At about 1 a.m. the next day, I got up and plugged the SD card into the computer. I noticed only one item: a wave file titled November-3-2002-Broadcast.
I clicked on the link, intrigued by the mysterious recording that awaited me. As the audio began to play, I realized it was a recording of an alien anthropologist calling into a podcast. The familiar voices of the podcast hosts greeted the extraterrestrial guest.
"Welcome to the show," the host chimed in. "What's up? You've reached our podcast."
The caller gave the people on the podcast the surprise of their lives. "Uh, yeah, my name is Jethré. I'm one of the many aliens studying your species, and I'm calling to lodge a complaint."
The host sat there with a confused look on his face, looking confused. "OK?" he responded casually. He thought it was a joke - people prank call podcasts all the time, especially in the fall.
Jethré quickly explained, "Your species needs to stop calling yourselves Homo sapiens. The term sapient means something specific: a sentient species. Many species of sentient aliens, ours included, do not consider humans sentient."
The host's disbelief turned into curiosity. "Why is that?" he asked. He seemed genuinely intrigued by the alien's perspective.
"Because you humans are unable to keeneetaa," Jethré responded.
While the host muttered "What the hell is keeneetaa?"; his co-host chimed in with a suggestion. "Is it the ability to evolve intelligence without destroying our environment?"
Jethré promptly dismissed the notion. "Nope, it's not that," xe replied.
The co-host's determination persisted. "How about the ability to power our big brains on a plant-only diet?"
I don't think any of those are right. It sounds like someone projecting their wishful thinking onto something they don't understand. It's more likely that keeneetaa is either a universal language understood by all members of a species, a connection to some psionic web of understanding, or some wacky dance with little kicks and thumbs.
Jethré finally told us what keeneetaa was supposed to be. "It's neither. Keeneetaa is the sound of something colliding with nothing." xe said.
It took me a while to figure out what something colliding with nothing was supposed to mean. "No Earth language has a word for the instantaneous realization that something magnificent doesn't exist."
The alien was right. No language on Earth has a word for that, not even German, and German has a word for everything. We do, however; have a story for it: the story of The Emperor's New Clothes.
I thought back to my debacle with the stove we bought from the Karl Farbman store. The salespeople went on and on about how fantastic the smart cooktop was, but I was the only one who saw it for what it was: nothing but garbage. I saw something everyone said was magnificent was really nothing.
Does this mean I am the only sentient human because I can keeneetaa? Only time will tell.
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Today, I set up a trail cam in the woods behind my parents house.
I've been staying with them for the last few months while I recover which I'm honestly very grateful for. However, my mom has been complaining about a strange rustling behind the house at night. Living out in the rural part of the state, I thought it might've been a coyote or a gopher. Hell, maybe even a stray cat someone let outside. So, I went out to the nearest home improvement store and bought a decent trail camera for just under $200. I came back home and charged it up for a few hours before going about an acre down the backyard into the thickets of the woods. I remember when I was a kid, my sister and I would play make-believe in the woods for hours on end. My dad helped build a treehouse which was still intact, but a little worse for wear. The wood had rotted a little, but I could still see some of our crayon drawings inside. I decided to set the camera up on one of the lower rungs of the ladder on the tree going up to the tree house and left for home.
October has to be my favorite time of year and getting to spend it with my parents makes me feel so young again. I'm only 27, but it feels like yesterday that I was getting on the school bus early in the morning. The crisp, cool air wafting into my nostrils and down my chest, the dampness of the soil and the grass, the crunch of the leaves...I missed my mother's cooking most of all. The scent of fresh banana bread rushed out of the oven as I helped my mom clean up the kitchen. "You're still such a good helper! Thank you so much," she doted as she set the hot metal pan onto the top of the stove and took off her oven mitts. I simply smiled at her, nodded, and continued to wash a glass plate and some silverware. I could feel a slight frown on her face as I scrubbed away at caked-on broccoli. Dad got home a little after I was done with the dishes and took off the coat and vest of his black business suit before loosening his velvet tie and going for a small glass of bourbon. I wasn't sure how my dad's coworkers could stand the smell of cigarettes on him, but I suppose that was for them to know and for me to wonder. "Hey kiddo, did you get that trail cam for your mom?" he questioned in a curt manner. I nodded and pointed out the window towards the old treehouse. "Good," was all he said as he said down at the dining room table. I had helped my mom make meatloaf with mashed potatoes and green beans which was nearly prepared on the table. I placed silverware down on the table as my dad leaned on to kiss my mother. Once everyone was seated, we said grace and dug in.
Later that night, I set up the app on my phone to check the trail cam outside while my parents got ready for bed. My mom kissed me on the head and said goodnight while I brushed my teeth before turning the lights off in the house and retiring to bed with my dad. I rinsed my mouth and washed my face, making sure to avoid looking at the mirror. When I got back into the guest bedroom, I checked the trail cam to see if anything was going on. There was a small cotton-tailed rabbit foraging through the leaves, but not making as much noise as my mom said she had heard. I decided to keep the app open as it charged that night. I turned off the light and went to sleep within 10 or so minutes.
3:47am I awoke to the loud sound of leaves rustling coming from the phone. Groggy, I squinted as I pulled my phone to my face. The video quality was terrible, but in the corner of the feed, I could see something disturbing the leaves on the ground.
Then, it popped into frame.
An amorphous, gelatinous blob seemed to scurry into the frame of the video although, amorphous wasn't the right way to describe it. Whatever it was, its shape was constantly changing. For a few seconds, it resembled an uncooked chicken running around. Then, an anteater of some kind. The sound it was making sounded like a group of hushed whispers from many people mixed with wet, squelchy plops as it's...appendages violently jerked. The voices were beginning to grow louder in volume as it almost seemed to be searching frantically in the woods alone. I was about to record it on my phone when it suddenly stopped moving as it stood perfectly in front of the trail cam. It had no eyes, but I could tell it was looking right at me. I felt locked in place with fear as I gazed upon this ever morphing being, my limbs refusing to give way.
Suddenly, it simply vanished into thin air.
I don't remember what happened very well after that and I'm not sure I want to. The only name I can hear in my head repeating is that of god.
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secret-ssociety · 4 years
Let me down pt.3
Pairing(s): Peter Parker x Reader (platonically), Reader x oc
Warnings: I mean, in my eyes this is pure fluff, but who knows if it will hurt you
Summary: Peter and May have dinner with Y/N’s family, prompting a lot of questions to get an answer.
A/N: oKAY, I know that what happened wasn’t exactly what you expected and and it has taken me so long to write this but it's finally here. I want to thank you all, I never meant for this blow up like it did or to even become a series, honestly when I wrote the first part I was just in a really bad mood and I felt like writing something sad and that came out, but then people started to ask for a second part and well the rest is history. So yeah, I actually want to write even more parts to this so let me know if you would like it. Also, I tagged everyone who asked me to write more to this, but let me know if you want to be removed from the taglist
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part one part two
Peter couldn't help but feel like his head was spinning as he walked back home from the metro that night. Claire had sat him down in her bed for almost an hour showing off all of her Avengers stuff. She had a replica of Thor's Mjolnir (and she knew how to pronounce it, which was even more impressing), she had the Spider-Man's Uno she had mentioned (it did make him kind of emotional to see a drawing of him on the package) and she had Iron Man's full suit.
Yeah, he did his best not to cry with the last one.
Even if she hadn’t ran up to you screaming ‘mommy’, he would’ve known that she was your daughter. Claire had your hair, your eyes, your nose, even when the rest of her tiny face was more like Mark’s. The corners of her eyes wrinkled the same way yours did when you smiled and she was as energetic as you, she got lost in her own thoughts just like her you used to do.
He had been counting the seconds to be out of your house and be able to break down on the guardianship of his loneliness, but when he found himself walking down the street after dinner... he just didn't.
Peter had gone to school that day being sure that as soon as he saw you, something would be okay, and even if it hadn't gone according to the plan, he hadn't been wrong. Something was okay: you were okay. You had a career, a good job, a loving husband, a perfect daughter, a beautiful family.
You had a great life and, most importantly, you were willing to welcome him in it, so yeah, maybe things were going to be okay.
So when Claire asked him to dinner with them again at the end of the week, and you said you wanted to say hi to May, he just couldn't refuse. That's how he ended up standing in front of your house again, with May by his side this time, holding a cherry pie they had placed and decorated on a plate as if to pretend they hadn't bought it from the grocery store.
As soon as the door opened, Peter handed the dessert to May, because he was prepared for the moment Claire jumped to his arms to greet him. You smiled openly at May, trying to blink away the tears in your eyes at the sight of the woman who had given you a place to call home everytime you felt like your own house was not it.
Both Peter and Mark noticed how you tried to keep your composure when her arms wrapped you in a warm embrace.
"Sorry, I'm a mess," you muttered in apology, trying to wipe your eyes without messing up your mascara.
"You look beautiful," May corrected, making your eyes wet all over again. "It smells amazing," she said suddenly, changing the subject to give you a chance to calm down, "what are you cooking?"
"Oh, I'm not cooking," you clarified rushing them inside, Peter still carrying the little girl in his arms, "Mark is. I somehow manage to burn the water."
"You could always make PB and jelly sandwiches," Peter said with an amused smile, earning a fond laugh from your lips, as if you shared an inside joke.
Only when Mark received the pie from May's hands did Peter notice that he was wearing a purple apron over his white unbuttoned shirt, and he couldn't help the sting in his heart at how perfect he was. He kindly apologized at the fact that the meat still needed a few more minutes on the oven, because he had been held back a little longer than expected at the office.
"What's that smell?" You asked, frowning.
"Daddy, the aspargaroos!" Claire exclaimed instantly, clearly unaware of how to pronounce asparagus, as she wiggled to let Peter know she wanted to be back on the ground. The tiny human ran behind her father into the kitchen, ready to do the damage control.
You decided to grab a bottle of white wine (and another Capri Sun for Peter) while her husband and daughter tried to resolve the asparagus crisis. He tried to pay attention to the conversation the two women in front of him were maintaining, but it was like they were talking in some foreign, alien, grown up language he couldn't understand.
This time, you took a little longer to finish your glass of wine than the last bottle you had opened, which had been a week ago when Peter had showed up in your doorstep. You were trying your best to hide your excitement talking to May, but you couldn't help the profound feeling of pride that took over your chest when you saw her eyes glimmer with amazement as they explored around the living room, where the pictures and prices of all of your family's accomplishments were displayed.
Peter was the first to notice Mark come out of the kitchen with a sheepish smile, "alright, so, the asparagus isn't salvageable, er, how do you feel about KFC salad?"
That's how they found themselves sitting at the round dinner table eating steak with a mushroom sauce Claired had been the one to think about, roasted potatoes and KFC salad, because apparently the always ordered some extra salad on their takeaways and stuffed them in the fridge.
"So..." May started, eyeing the young couple nervously. "There is so much to talk about. How... you... well..."
"How did I end married and with a kid at twenty three?" You finished for her, saving a sigh to yourself although you felt your husband tense a little beside you. The more you two heard that question, the more annoying it got, even when you knew May didn't mean to offend you.
Of course you knew you were young, and that many people your age couldn't handle such commitments, you didn't need people telling you that constantly. You had heard the same discourse from teachers, employers, even neighbors you had never talked to, it quickly got old and you tried not to become aggressive everytime you heard it.
Mark and you had a happy, healthy marriage, with a wonderful daughter that had brought light into a world as dark as yours was since the blip. You had good jobs that allowed you to have a stable economy and also take care of your family. You were happy, what else mattered? If you wanted opinions or needed help, you would certainly ask for it.
You never once had.
Still, you responded kindly, "well, we met in college, Princeton," you mentioned, earning two proud looks from your guests. "We were in different programs, so we met specifically through a praying group."
"That had never really been my thing," Mark picked up, "praying and all that God related talk bored me, but most of family and friends had been blipped... I was lonely. So I thought maybe I should give it a try."
"I honestly thought he had gone for the food, because when the meeting was over he looked like he hadn't understood a single word."
"Because I hadn't."
"A friend and I decided to come and talk to him, but after she left we hung out a little longer," you tried to hide the cheesy smile that took over your lips, but you looked over at Mark, who hasn't trying to hid his, and couldn't. "I don't know how to explain it, something about that moment just felt" you shrugged shyly "right."
The memories of you staying on the library, hiding behind the stacks of books so that no one would notice you trying to stay inside after it closed and talking the whole night long never failed to raise goosebumps along your skin. He would offer to read for you when your eyes got tired of working with the dim light that entered through the window, even when he was a law major and didn't understand a single word on the neuroscience and robotic books you were always studying.
It was soon after getting to know him, you just knew Mark had been made for you. There was something in the way you could see in his eyes that crowds freaked him out and that he tried not to cry after talking to his mom in the phone, something in the way he understood your whimpers in the days where anything above a mutter was just too much, that you knew this awkwardly tall curious guy was meant to cross your path.
"Things moved pretty fast after that," you continued, hoping you hadn't zoomed out for too long, "like 'we got married eight months after' fast."
May did her best to hide her surprise, while Peter choked on the salad. Was listening to your loving tone as you told the story easy? No, not at all. He wanted to throw up. Peter was still hopelessly in love with you, even when you were now five years older, even when you had a husband and a child, even when it was ridiculous and impossible, because for him it hadn't been years, it just had been months.
"Claire came soon after that," Mark concluded after pouring some more juice on Peter's glass and asking him if he was okay. "And all of this happened throughout college?"
"We had a really good support system," he nodded, smiling down at Claire, who had made a mess over her chicken sandwich. "A really good amount of friends willing to babysit whenever we had to work, understanding teachers who let us bring Claire to our lectures. My mom and Y/N's parents were also a great help."
"We were both on scholarships that gave us some allowances to support ourselves each month, too," you added. "It wasn't much, but it helped."
"And what are you working on now?" May switched to a conversation that would probably be easier on her nephew.
"Well, Mark is an associate on a buffet in Manhattan," you said grabbing your husband's hand. "What's your approach?" Peter asked, somewhat genuinely curious.
"Environmental law," he replied proudly.
"And I-"
"Mommy builds robot limbs!" Claire exclaimed excitedly, prompting a laugh on the others.
"Before I graduated, I got a job as lab assistant on a research for neuro prosthetics," you explained, "and after graduating, they hired me as researcher. Basically what we're trying to do is to create a non-invasive implant we can connect to the brain and spinal cord that controls robotic prosthetics for people who have lost limbs or return movement to paralyzed body sections."
Peter's skin prickled at the description of the research, for it was one he had known before it all went crumbling down. A memory flashed through his eyes, Tony helping his friend walk after he had been injured in Germany, on his first mission.
"A Stark Industries' research, yes," you nodded solemnly.
"Y/N told me you had an internship with Tony Stark before... it all happened," Mark commented carefully. Peter's head practically snapped in his direction, then, more subtly, in yours. You shook head slightly, almost imperceptibly, but clearly enough to let Peter know you hadn't told his secret.
"You met Tony Stark?" Claire asked him with a bright light in her eyes, one that Peter had seen thousands of times on other kids that, very much like himself, dreamt every night of robots and technologies that could change the world.
"How was he?"
Peter thought for a few seconds about his answer. What was Tony Stark? He was charming, sure, but he wasn't exactly friendly. He was a genius, yet he had never let that cloud his judgement. He had trouble expressing himself, but he always made sure the people around knew how much they meant to him. Suddenly Peter understood why Shakespeare was always making up words, there were just some things, some people, the english language wasn't extensive enough to describe, so he said the best he could come up with.
"He was the most amazing guy I ever met."
You smiled down at your nearly empty plate, it was impossible to forget how much had mr. Stark meant for Peter. Even when you guys broke up and cut off all communication, you still prayed for him to always be under the wing of his mentor. You couldn’t imagen what it was like for Peter to live in a world where Tony Stark was no longer there to help him walk through life.
Hopefully, you would be able to do that in his absence.
taglist: @eridanuswave @iam-thevillain-of-thisstory @lovely-geek @princessdancingonthesunshine​ @marvel4geeks​ @hedwigprewett12​ @dummiesshort​ @alyssasanchezz14​ @amillionfandoms-onlyoneme​
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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It's been another sleepy day but it was also very productive. My back hurt right now though so i didn't get as much studio stuff don't as i wanted. But that's alright. 
I slept okay last night. I got tangled in my blankets and that woke me up a few times. But that was okay. James woke me up to say goodbye. And i slept for a little longer. But soon enough I got up and felt pretty good. 
I got washed up and dressed. I had the rest of my chipotle from yesterday for breakfast. And decided it was time to attack the shelves. 
It took me almost 3 hours. Taking everything down. Wiping away all the dust. I decided to put all the books on the lower shelves first and then after i put all the stuff and knickkacks on the higher shelves. Some books made their way up to add some balance. I'm really happy with how they look. I also had a nice time putting the Christmas in better places. And i decided to get another set of string lights. 
So once everything was away i decided to clean up the kitchen shelf too and i felt really productive and good. I was excited to show James later on. 
But it was after noon now. I decided to drive out to target. I got myself together. Headed to the car. Ran into Mr Will. He had new glasses and i didn't even recognize him. He said he's going to get James a pumpkin latte for his birthday. He's so sweet. 
I had a good time at target even if it was to busy. I got pretty much everything I was there for. I forgot to get hair gel but that's alright. I still have enough left. I did forget to get tortilla chips and so after i left target i stopped at the grocery store and got them there. 
I did get some stuff for camping while i was at target. And some things for James. I also got vegetarian popcorn chicken. I hope it's good. 
I got home around 2 and would have to go meet James at 4. So i had lunch. And watched some videos. Played a little animal crossing. Tried not to feel stressed for no reason. 
I just out some frog bodies. And then i made hot chocolate using the toasted coconut flavor almond coconut milk blend. It was excellent. I used the new cup i got today and it stayed hot for at least the three hours it took to drink. Amazing. Awesome cup. 
I headed out to get James from work. I was a little early so i waited out front. And then we were off to his parents for pie. 
It was nice to see them and Charlotte. Pie was good. And they gave me a craft task to get back to them soon. And Anne gave me a bunch of thread to use with my kids. Awesome. I love James's family they are always so kind. 
We headed out around 6. It was starting to rain. We almost got in an accident because i couldn't see around some parked cars and James said it was clear and i went and it was not clear! We were all fine but i was not happy with him. Dangerous!! 
We made it home in one piece. James had accidentally gotten more bath bombs for me. So i got to open that and it smelled great so that was cool. James heated up the oven for me and i had leftover pizza. He had pasta. And got on his trivia call. 
I went to work on the studio. Cut and sewed a bunch of frogs but my back hurt and i knocked over my box of eyes and so i decided to tap out for the night and take a bath.
The bath didn't help my back to much because i wouldn't lay still. I just washed off and then took off my nail polish. And I've been laying in the studio chilling with sweetp. It's been nice. 
I am going to go get ready for bed now. It's been a long but good day. I have work tomorrow and I hope the new kid were supposed to have is chill. And i hope you all have a great night! Be safe! 
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
*German Christmas Goose ( Weihnachtsgans )*
Total - 2 hours and 30 minutes
Prep - 30 minutes
Cook - 2 hours
Yield - 4 servings
For the Goose:
4 1/2 - pound goose ( cleaned and dressed, no gizzards )
Dash salt ( or to taste )
Dash pepper ( or to taste )
2 teaspoons dried thyme
2 apples ( peeled, cored, and quartered )
1 small onion ( cut lengthwise into 1/4 - inch - wide strips )
1 tablespoon salt ( mixed with 1 cup water )
For the Gravy:
2 tablespoons goose drippings
2 tablespoons all - purpose flour
1 ( 14 - ounce ) can chicken broth ( or homemade chicken stock )
Optional: salt
Optional: pepper
Optional: dried thyme
*Steps To Make It
Note: while there are multiple steps to this recipe, this dish is broken down into workable categories to help you better plan for preparation and cooking.
*Make the Goose
1. Gather the Ingredients.
2. Heat oven to 350 F.
3. Wash and dry the goose, like you would a chicken or turkey. Sprinkle salt, pepper, and thyme inside the cavity and fill with apple quarters and onions. If they don’t all fit, you can cook them alongside the goose in a small, buttered dish.
4. Mix 1 tablespoon salt with 1 cup of water and pour that into the bottom of the roasting pan. Place the roasting rack on top. Pierce the goose skin in several places to let the fat drip out as it cooks.
5. Put the goose, breast - side down, on the roasting rack and place in oven for 50 minutes. Use the salt water mixture to baste the goose several times during this period. Add more water to drip pan if necessary. Turn the goose over onto its back and cook, basting as needed, for 50 minutes.
6. Let the goose rest for 5 minutes as you make the gravy.
*Make the Gravy
1. Gather the ingredients.
2. Mix 2 tablespoons of the fat drippings with 2 tablespoons flour in a small saucepan and cook for 1 minute. Gradually add the chicken broth, stirring well after each addition. Add salt, pepper, and thyme, if desired, to taste. Keep warm.
3. Serve the goose and gravy with canned peach halves decorated with currant jelly ( if you don't want to make currant jelly or can't find it prepared, cranberry sauce is a fine substitute ), buttered Brussels sprouts, potato croquettes ( or mashed potatoes ), and the cooked apples and onions.
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❄ Three Wishes ❄
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A plump, elderly woman with very gentle and motherly features clapped her hands and addressed everyone in the room. "Let's get to work, everyone!"
"Let's go, V." You told the poet as you motioned for him to follow you into one of the classrooms.
At first, V didn't understand it when you said you needed someone to play the violin during a book reading session. But, now, he understood. Turned out you're working as a teacher in a kindergarten a few blocks away from Avery's mansion. 
Well, for one thing, V could totally imagine you spending your time around lots of children who adore you and play a lot with you. He felt you were just that perfect kind of person in this type of working environment: warm, caring, protective, nurturing,...
... loving,...
I wonder how she would be like as a mother of,...?
"Here it is." V was brought back from his musings and reverie when you handed him your partner's violin, which you were carefully carrying.
The poet examined the instrument and hummed in satisfaction. But, then,...
"I have a question." V quietly asked.
You hummed in question as you positioned yourself in front of the cabinet piano.
"Why did she leave this here?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I mean, this instrument. This actually looks," He muttered, once again looking at the delicate instrument in his hands. " ... very well taken care of. I can't imagine someone just leaving an instrument like this here."
"Oh, you're a keen observer." You answered as you took out the sheet music you bought from the music store with V from your (F/C) hand bag. "My partner never really tells me anything too personal, actually. But, one day, she just,... I don't know,... kind of became depressed.
"She stopped practicing the violin, which was affecting our work in a way. I wanted to help her so, I asked. And you know what she said? She just said, it's hard to love someone who could never love you back, you know? I actually never knew if she had a boyfriend, or not but, all I know is that there was this really tall guy with white hair who used to visit her. Then, for some reason, he stopped visiting her. A day later after we talked, she asked for a short break. And, here we are!
"It was kind of intriguing, really." You said as you shrugged your shoulders. 
“It sure is.” V answered as he thought of the violin’s owner, who must be tending to a broken heart as of the moment. "Love can do many things to you. It could lift you up to the highest of heavens, and one wrong move, it could drop you to ground without you ever knowing it."
“Then, she must have one heck of a fall from the highest of heavens.”
"Hmm. Well," V replied as he plucked the strings of the instrument to check how much it was off tune. " ... who am I to judge?"
"Yeah, me too." You sighed, allowing yourself to slouch as some unsavory experiences regarding that stupid thing called love came back to haunt you. Forcefully pushing those thoughts aside, you sat up straight and hit the C note on the piano. "Let's practice, V."
A few hours later, the place began filling up with excited little children in cute, fluffy sweaters together with their parents. The faculty members, which consisted of the kindergarten's headmistress called Sister Christina ( the retired catechist from Germany who cooked most of the meals for the feast later on ), the teachers Alicia ( a sweet young lady from Spain who did the colorful and really festive decorations ) and Natasha ( a very tall, very lovely and very haughty - looking Russian who made the desserts ), you ( the music teacher ), together with the invited guests V ( who was honestly overwhelmed by the presence of all these adorable little children ), Avery ( who took a day off from work just to participate in the event ), and Nico ( who was doing something pretty suspicious in her van together with Griffon and Shadow ) all greeted the children and parents and made them gather in one of the classrooms. The program started off with a prayer by Sister Christina, followed by a simple, little opening speech from Alicia. 
V watched in awe as the little children ( now wearing cute costumes ) performed with so much energy. Some of them danced ( there was this adorable little number from a group of sugar plum fairy princesses and a fawn prince ), some of them sang ( he couldn't help but smile as they did a Christmas medley of Hark The Herald Angels Sing, Away In A Manger, and Joy To The World ), and some of them even acted out some scenes from Frozen, playing as its popular characters ( the most famous act was the one from, of course, Elsa the Ice Queen ).
And then, there was this little boy ( who was in his early nineties costume ) who came forward and simply bowed down. A resounding aww was heard all over the place from both parents and teachers, and when he took a deep, exaggerated breath, everything went silent.
"The Lamb." The little boy announced with his clear voice, then bowed once more. It surely perked up V's interest in an instant, being a huge fan of William Blake, himself.
Blake at such a young age? He thought with such admiration. How commendable!
"Little Lamb who made thee, dost thou know who made thee? Gave thee life and bid thee feed. By the stream and o'er the mead."
"Aww, how cute is that?" V heard you whisper next to him.
The little boy went on. "Gave thee clothing of delight, softest clothing woo - "
"Woo?" You whispered, realizing that the child was probably forgetting the poem.
The poor boy shook his head and tried to recite once more. "Gave thee clothing of delight, softest clothing woo,... wool,... wooloo,... "
"Wooloo?" Avery, who was sitting on the floor right next to you, questioned. "Isn't that a Pokémon?"
"Oh, no!" V saw you awkwardly divert your eyes as you were unable to bear the situation. 
"Gave thee clothing of delight, softest clothing woo,... wooloo,... " The little boy tried once more to recite. He was about to give up as he became more and more frustrated with his inability to pronounce the word properly, until his eyes landed on V, who was smiling at him while pointing at his own lips. And as the little boy looked at V, he noticed the way he was forming his lips, like he was saying something,...
Woo,... lee,... V mouthed. 
The smart child picked up on this immediately and went on with his poetry. "Gave thee clothing of delight, softest clothing wooly bright."
The crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief as the boy finally remembered the lines. Smiling wide from ear to ear, he went on, "Gave thee such a tender voice, making all the vales rejoice! Little Lamb who made thee, dost thou know who made thee?"
Cheers erupted from the crowd as the little boy finished his recital. After the little program, everyone proceeded to the canteen to partake of the feast that was prepared for all of them, the German Christmas Goose dish that was lovingly made by Sister Christina being the center of attention ( it was very well noted how Griffon felt horrified looking at the poultry meal on the table, which made Nico almost collapse in wild laughter ).
About two hours of feasting later, all the guests were gathered into the same classroom, this time, for the book reading session that you and V were preparing for.
The story was about Little Red Riding Hood, and how she escaped the wolf who pretended to be her grandmother to eat her. And the main protagonist was played by none other than Avery, herself.
"One morning," Alicia read as you started playing simple notes on the piano. " ... Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could go to visit her grandmother as it had been awhile since they'd seen each other. That's a good idea! her mother said. So they packed a nice basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother. When the basket was ready, the little girl put on her red cloak and kissed her mother goodbye.
"Remember, go straight to Grandma's house, her mother cautioned. Don't dawdle along the way and please don't talk to strangers! The woods are dangerous.
"Don't worry, mommy, said Little Red Riding Hood, I'll be careful. But when Little Red Riding Hood noticed some lovely flowers in the woods, she forgot her promise to her mother. She picked a few, watched the butterflies flit about for awhile, listened to the frogs croaking and then picked a few more. Little Red Riding Hood was enjoying the warm summer day so much, that she didn't notice a dark shadow approaching out of the forest behind her,...
"Suddenly, the wolf appeared beside her!"
The little children, who gathered around Alicia, gasped in fright as Shadow, who was strangely, and yet cleverly, disguised as a wolf, appeared and growled. The overall tense atmosphere of the book reading session was amplified by V's skillfully ominous violin playing.
"What are you doing out here, little girl? The wolf asked in a voice as friendly as he could muster." Alicia went on as V played the violin.
"I'm on my way to see my Grandma who lives through the forest, near the brook." Avery replied. 
"Then she realized how late she was and quickly excused herself, rushing down the path to her Grandma's house." Alicia read. "The wolf, in the meantime, took a shortcut. The wolf, a little out of breath from running, arrived at Grandma's and knocked lightly at the door."
"Oh, thank goodness dear! Come in, come in!" Griffon, who was ridiculously dressed in gingham clothing and a pair of glasses to look like a grandma, acted out as he waited in his makeshift prop bed in one corner of the room. Then, with slight frustration, he whispered, "How the fuck did I end up dressed like this?"
"Ya, stupid chicken!" Nico, who was positioned behind the bed and hidden from the viewers, whispered savagely as she kicked the wooden prop, making Griffon squawk. "Ye're pretendin' to be a grandma, right?!"
"Oh, sheesh! Right! Ah," projecting his voice once more as he made it sound like an elderly woman, he spoke, " ... I was worried sick that somethin' had happened to ya in the forest."
"Said Grandma thinking that the knock was from her granddaughter." Alicia went on. "The wolf let himself in! Poor Granny did not have time to say another word, before the wolf gobbled her up!"
"Watch out, granny goose! The wolf is gonna eat you!" One of the children screamed and pointed as Shadow attacked Griffon and used her powers to swallow the screaming ( and swearing ) demonic bird whole.
"Nice effects!" Complimented one of the parents. "I wonder how they did that,..."
"The wolf let out a satisfied burp, and then poked through Granny's wardrobe to find a nightgown that he liked. He added a frilly sleeping cap, and for good measure, dabbed some of Granny's perfume behind his pointy ears." Alicia read as Shadow did all those things that she just mentioned. "A few minutes later, Red Riding Hood knocked on the door.  The wolf jumped into bed and pulled the covers over his nose."
"Who is it?" This time, someone from the faculty was voicing the wolf, and not Alicia, and it sounded suspiciously strange for a female teacher. It almost sounded like someone's husky - voiced middle - aged aunt,...
"It's me, Little Red Riding Hood." Avery acted.
"Oh, how lovely! Do come in, my dear," croaked Shadow.
"When Little Red Riding Hood entered the little cottage, she could scarcely recognize her Grandmother." Alicia read as you and V stopped playing for a while, plunging the whole classroom in silence.
"Grandmother! Your voice sounds so odd. Is something the matter?" Avery asked.
"Oh, I just have touch of a cold." Squeaked Shadow, adding a cough at the end to prove the point.
"But, Grandmother! What big ears you have!" Said Avery, exaggerating each word, as she edged closer to the bed.
"The better to hear you with, my dear." Replied Shadow.
"But, Grandmother! What big eyes you have!"
"The better to see you with, my dear."
"But, Grandmother! What big teeth you have!" Said Avery, making her voice quiver slightly.
"The better to eat you with, my dear!" Roared Shadow and she leapt out of the bed and began to chase Avery, making the little children yell excitedly as you and V began playing once more.
"Help! Wolf!" Avery, who was suppressing her laughter, pretended to cry as she ran around the room away from Shadow, who was doing a pretty good job of being a wolf.
"I'm here!" Nico, who was dressed as the woodsman, appeared from behind the makeshift bed and chased after Shadow. She grabbed the familiar and made her spit out poor Griffon ( now soaked in Shadow's saliva ) who was a bit frazzled by the whole experience, but still in one piece. Fortunately.
"Oh, Grandma, I was so scared!" Avery sobbed. "I'll never speak to strangers or dawdle in the forest ever again."
"There, there, child." Griffon, who still somehow managed to act despite his coughing fits, croaked. "Ye've learned an important lesson. Thank goodness ya shouted loud enough for this fuckin' woodsman to hear ya!"
"Was that fuck just now?" One of the parents whispered.
"No! You must've misheard it." Another answered. "This is a classroom! No one's allowed to swear."
"Oh, you're right! It must be an old English word from the medieval times."
Nico pretended to knock Shadow out with her prop axe and carried her away from the classroom.
"Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandmother had a nice lunch and a long chat." Alicia read. "And they lived happily ever after. The end."
The children and the parents applauded as the characters, along with Alicia, you, and V, all bowed. The book reading session was, then, followed by gift giving, and after that, you were called in front to perform one last thing on the piano.
"Hailing from the uber romantic city that is Paris, the winner of the 73rd annual European piano concours last October," Avery announced proudly. " ... I give to you - my cousin, (Y/N)."
V watched as you shyly took a seat in front of the piano once more and positioned the music sheet in the music rack. Then, with beautiful and skillful fingers, you started playing.
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are." The children excitedly sang as they gathered around you in utter curiosity as you played the simple tune.
However, it was anything but. As the music progressed, V found out how complex the piece really was. It was composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, after all. It looked really difficult, indeed. Despite that, he saw how you smiled as you performed.
He saw how eager and excited you were to play for the children.
And it warmed his heart.
When it was almost time to go, Shadow and Griffon made one selfless and surprising move to serve as petting animals for the children, a Christmas treat courtesy of them.
"Hey, do those creatures kinda look dangerous?" The confused parent from earlier asked.
"Hmm, I don't think so." The parent next to him answered. "They're not biting the kids, anyway."
"Oh, you're right."
"Wait, they're battery operated!" Another parent chimed in.
"How did you know that?"
"Animals can't speak."
"Okay, gentle lads and lasses, one hug at a time!" Griffon announced, trying to be heard amidst little, excited voices and numerous, itty bitty hands. "Ouch! Don't pull a tail feather! Sheesh, calm down! I'm not a Thanksgiving turkey!"
"Did you tell them to do that?" You asked V as you watched the scene with total interest.
"Hmm, actually, no." V answered as he savored this moment to be close to you.
"Such a good child." That husky middle - aged aunt voice from earlier spoke, startling both you and V.
"Who was that?" V, who was still looking at the scene before him, asked as he crossed his arms and knitted his eyebrows.
"I have no idea." You answered. You were just as baffled as him with this whole mystery voice thing that was using Shadow as a -
"I have never been hugged by master V before!"
V's eyes darted to his familiars just in time when he saw one little girl hugging Shadow like she was a huge stuffed animal.
"So soft and cuddly!" The little girl said, then kissed Shadow on the forehead. "Thank you so much, big kitty!"
"Why, thank you, little girl." The mysterious voice answered. "And Merry Christmas to you, darling."
"My turn to hug the big kitty!" The little boy, who recited Blake earlier, came forward and engulfed Shadow in a bear hug.
"Oh! And Merry Christmas to you, too, little lad." The voice greeted just in time when V saw something tied around Shadow's neck - a red ribbon with a little, golden bell dangling from it like a dog tag. "My master is truly pleased with your William Blake recital."
Shadow's voice acting earlier,...
The voice greeting the children,...
That little bell dangling from the red ribbon tied around Shadow's neck,...
Could it mean,...
Could it be - ?!
Is it even possible?!
❄ Special thanks to @la-vita for suggesting the Christmas Goose Dish. ❄
❄ @clevermentalitybeliever , @v-vic , and @birdgirl69 .❄
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tacoteez · 5 years
Tick tock - Soulmate AU
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Warning: mention of violence
Type: angst
Time is valuable as what your mother said. It could be valued for those who appreciates time without procrastinating a single thing. And it is valuable for people who are thirsty for chances.
And for you, this time, adorned on your pale wrist is valuable for your soulmate.
2 months more. You were confused if you should even find your soulmate. You feel hopeless to love. Knowing how short the amount of time left for them to live
Knowing that the digits haven't changed to blue, you haven't met your soulmate. It's still colored in red. But for some reasons, you want to know how long you'll live, will you ever get to work for your parents or at least graduate? You need to find him to know yours. You don't care about love anymore, selfishness blurring your mind.
You stared at your wrist,the time becomes blue. Deep breaths were taken as you tried to lift up your head to see who is the person which is your blind date that was surprisingly your soulmate. But it turns out to be a waiter.
His eyes were hazel, round and sparkling. His features were strong, with parted hair around a good ratio of 2:3 and a heartwarming smile. And his voice, oh God you want to hear more of it.
" Here's your water," he said but as soon as he's about to leave to serve other customers, you grabbed his wrist.
It was yours, the digits displayed on his wrist was yours. You witness your dreams and hopes sink and the ground as if it's eating you alive, making you suffocate. Your death is near. Your body feel numb as you released his wrist, feeling in vain that your hand was about to land on the glass the waiter put earlier. Fortunately he got a hold of your hand.
"Hey, be careful you're going to hurt yourself," his hands delicately caressing yours afraid if those hands will wound. He gets to see his too. The sad gazes between both of you were exchanged and by that, both of you knew that you're soulmates, both of you were worried.
"It seems like fate is hating on us, even though we get to find each other, I wasn't planning to be with you knowing how little your time is. But seeing mine, i feel hopeless of my life" your lips trembling. You were afraid of death in a short amount of time. What can you even do?
" Hey, look at me," the unnamed waiter who was now your soulmate places his hand gently on your shoulder. Touching as if you're so fragile.
" My name is Jongho, what's yours?" his question was pretty weird to you. He sat besides you.How can he be calm enough and seem alive knowing that he'll be dead in a few days? You told him your name and he smiled.
"How about we get to know each other and see how this b*tch called fate will bring us?" he smiled with assurance beaming from his eyes. You were aware of what he said but you can feel his grief from the inside, maybe that's what soulmates are for, to feel each other's heart and to understand each other. You hold his hand that was touching your shoulder and interwine your fingers with him, telling how pretty his hand was. He lets you hold his hand until the end of his shift which was for the next 20 minutes. Good thing your date didn't show up.
You opened the door to your apartment. Class was boring but the fact that you have someone waiting for you at home excites you. You saw Jongho sleeping soundly on the couch that you can't keep your hands off from tracing his exposed left ear.
You decided to move into his apartment and apparently your parents agreed, knowing the situation both of you are facing. Seeing his digits on his wrist breaks your heart but on the bright side, the digits turned purple, that's the stage where both parties love each other. You know Jongho loves you.
Although both of you were running out of time.
Jongho is an angel. These past two weeks left you with nothing but warm moments. You suffered disappointment in life but he gives you reasons to live, to go through every single day without the thought of death that's going to engulf both of you. He's the oxygen, the air you breathe to continue living although his kisses makes you breathless but you felt alive. Your heart was awakened to let him in, even for a few days left in hands.
He opened his eyes slowly. Seeing your breathtaking face the moment he woke up made him believe that time haven't take them away yet. He pulls you closer, making your body flushed into his embrace, whispering words of love that soothes your little soul. He has the voice that can make the sun beams through the curtains and glow upon him,as if he is the angel.
"I love you. I'm glad that I have you in times like this" he kisses your forehead, pulling you into the space between his neck and his shoulder that fits you perfectly.
You remembered clearly, the past 30 days you spent with Jongho. He took you out to a 24 hour dine after his shift on the first day you met him. The first week where you shed the most tears with him and your parents, revealing the truth that lies on both you and Jongho's wrist. The second week you moved into his apartment and how you both share the first kiss over a burnt chicken in the oven. The third week where it's filled with love and happiness. You were grateful for the memories he gave to you.
"The fact that you're my soulmate, before we die, I want to spend the last days with you filled with happiness. I want to use this chance I have to love you as my soulmate. Yes fate is a bitch but they give us a chance to cherish each other"
Those words lingered in your mind. At this remaining hours, all that you could think was him.
You reached the door to the apartment, wondering why the door was left ajar, you quickly enter. Jongho was lying on the floor with blood coming out from the back of his head. A stream of blood was seen on his torso.You looked around if the thieves were still in your apartment. You approached Jongho with tears as he was trying to breath shakingly. You're terrified that you quickly called the cops but suddenly your sight went blurry with a throbbing pain on the back of your head. You could feel sharp things stabbing your back, all you could do was to stare at Jongho. You were shedding tears but Jongho was able to smile weakly. You were at your last breath but you manage to hear him trying to build up words from the pain.
"Baby girl thank you for the memories"
The person stares through the countdown on their wrist. Satisfied.
"How was your little project?" an old man threw a smirk towards the person.
"You were right father, a heart of a woman is really powerful" the person traces the digits. The years given for them was way much more that what they expected.
"You should be grateful I have the best surgeons that gets to replace your heart with hers and I was amazed how the girl gets to give you that much"
"I do thank you for lending me those fake timers. She really believed all of it" he smiles and walks out from his father's study room.
Going through the main entrance of the lab, he looks through the glass container infront of him, mesmerized by the gorgeous work of God on that body in it. The lips that he used to kiss, the figure that he use to cuddle with. He smirks. He feels nothing at all.
"Thank you for the memories baby girl, indeed fate is a bitch" he kisses the container goodbye and walks out.
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overstalking · 7 years
I read almost every work u have in one night (couldn't sleep anyways) and I'm in love with ur blog. The way u write is really good and make it enjoyable. I see that u have open the request so, if it isn't a bother, I would like a yandere son of the reader, but not like... Edipo complex. The son just don´t see any men worth of them, like the reader is some kind of goddess and the son just can't stand the idea of other man who doesn't treat them with enough adoration. Reaper, hanzo (separated)
I was gonna do both of them but then it started getting really long. If you want someone else, feel free to send in another request!
You and Gabriel had been together for some time now, simply testing the waters to see if he’d be a good fit for you. The both of you were a little older so it was time to settle down. And you figured that it would be nice for your son to have some sort of father figure in his life. You had told Gabriel about your already having a child as soon as the two of you started dating, glad to know that he stuck by at the words people usually ran for the hills.
When it came time for you to introduce your boys to each other you were a little worried. Not because Gabriel wouldn’t like your son, he was adamant about the fact that he’d do everything he could so they’d get along. You were more worried about the fact that your son was going to be stubborn about accepting your new boyfriend. Ever since he was little he had been glued to your side, especially when, as he got older, he realized that his father wasn’t around to help you out with everything. 
Every time you brought anyone around, he would glare at them and cling to you; you not noticing the glaring he would do. Anyone who was going to come into your life had to be approved by the boy who came first but it never seemed like anyone would be good enough in your son’s life. You had no idea that he had the highest standards possible when it came to someone getting your attention, you had no idea that he saw you as something above all else. 
Despite his annoyance, your son was happy to help you set everything up. The two of you joked around as you prepared dinner and cleaned the house up, nearly screeching with laughter when he reached down and placed you on the couch when you tried to scrub parts of the floor. “You shouldn’t have to get on the ground like that,” he had huffed out, grabbing you a glass of water before he went to work on doing it himself. It was things like that, that made you smile; grateful for the fact that you and your son were so close. Most of the other parents were envious about the fact that he didn’t like staying out late and partying, that he didn’t try to do things without letting you know what he was up to. There were one or two people who found it weird that he didn’t stray too far from your side but you quickly brushed it off. The two of you had been a team since he was a little kid so of course, you’d still be close, even as he got older and went through those awkward phases. 
It was when you got up to get showered and dressed that his mood began to sour a little, glaring at the front door as if Gabriel was there already. You smiled softly as you leaned over to kiss his cheek as you hummed out, “I promise he’s super nice and treats me right. And he’s funny. Please take the chicken out of the oven in two minutes.” With that, you were off to doll yourself up a little bit for your date, glad you were done by the time you heard the chime of the doorbell resound throughout the house. A big smile was on your face as you opened the door, pleasantly surprised to find Gabriel standing there with a huge bouquet of roses in hand. 
“Thank you! These are gorgeous,” you said as you took them from him, turning your head up to receive the small kiss from the taller man before stepping inside to let him through. Your son was standing near the couch, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the interaction; an almost unreadable expression on his face as you led Gabriel inside. It was only when you turned your head towards him that his expression softened up and he stepped closer, not wanting to be rude while you were still in the room. Gabriel didn’t seem fazed by it, a smile on his lips as he stepped forward and held his hand out to shake with your son’s. You really hoped that they would get along, Gabriel really seemed like someone who would treat the two of you right. “I’m going to put these in some water. You two relax in here.”
When you left the room, your child’s expression fell again and Gabriel wondered what the hell was up with this kid. It didn’t matter much, you were important to him so he was important to Gabriel. The older man smiled as warmly as he could as he looked down at the teen and spoke, “Sure your mom’s told you already but my name’s Gabriel, nice to finally meet you; she talks about you a lot.” Surely, he was happy to know that his wonderful mother spoke of him often but he didn’t like that this guy was around. Already he could see that Gabriel wasn’t attentive enough got you if he was then he would’ve followed you and helped you out with getting the flowers step up. He would have been the one to cook up dinner for the two of you and would’ve tried harder to look nice for his first visit over to her home. 
His eyes narrowed as he looked up at your boyfriend, hands balling into fists over his arms as he nearly growled out, “You do anything to upset my mom and I’ll make you regret it. She’s an angel, you fuck up and you’re gone.” Gabriel tensed up a little at the boy’s words, surprised by how suddenly they had come forward. He shrugged his wide shoulders as he moved around the teen to sit himself down on the arm of the couch, ignoring the nearly crazed glaring coming from your son as he spoke, 
“Good to know, but I plan on sticking around for a long ass time kid.”
It was then that you walked in and the boy perked up, turning to smile at you as he asked if you needed any help setting the table. Gabriel was convinced that there was something completely off about the kid, something about the way he looked at you and nearly clung to you wasn’t healthy but he’d put up with it if it meant getting to be around you. 
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