#snk ending 1
rithmeres · 2 years
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anatomy practice (exacting a pound of flesh from commanders 14 & 13)
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tatakaeeren · 6 months
I'm fairly new to the AOT world, I love it but I have one question. Did they REALLY have to draw Levi like that?! I know his character alone is fantastic but they made him freaking gorgeous. Those eyes of his, even the way he sits with his legs crossed, one arm put around a chair... That 2D guy just oozes charisma. And they chose Mercer to voice him. That's just plain cruel and my poor pathetic lonely heart can't take it.
Omg really?!? Welcome to the fandom then *hugs* 💖 The animators are as always doing god's work and putting all their souls into making Levi look breathtakingly beautiful :'), in my eyes Levi is perfect, everything he does, everything he says, the way he looks, everything is simply perfect. He as a character has many flaws but those make him even more magnificent 💖 and yeah the voice actors fitted so so well, both Mercer and Hiroshi Kamiya 🙌✨💖😍
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kurapike · 6 months
id be enjoying this 100% if annie wasnt here ruining shit -_- what a poorly written character
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normalfem · 7 months
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What if I was suicidal
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voltronsbutt · 1 year
Haven’t seen the new attack on titan episode yet im really looking forward to it
But y’all should have just made a movie
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emy-bemy · 1 year
With the first special quickly approaching I will say this now… I hope Eren dies
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scumbagjaeger · 1 year
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starring: Eren, Jean, Armin, Connie, Porco, Reiner, Levi, Zeke
rating: mostly sfw! 18+
notes: okay thanks for being patient everyone! This is going to be part 1 of a series I’m starting about vacationing with the snk men! This was super fun to make in preparation to my own vacation that I’m on now! Please let me know your thoughts and what else you’d like to see from me. Any other characters I should include? Solo drabbles or headcanons? Specific scenarios? Drop an ask!!
Part 2
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- Eren’s probably like 75% packed the day of the flight so the whole morning he’s scrambling to get the rest of his shit together
- I bet he has a gift of always having everything he needs? Has never forgotten a single item at home
- Probably looks like a model when he’s going to the airport, TSA and finding the gate and whatnot
- Like so damn effortless?? It’s all in his intense eyes and furrowed brow, he looks like he’s constantly smoldering
- In reality he’s just lost
- “(Y/N).” “What?” “We’ve been going the wrong direction for the past fifteen minutes. Our gate is the other way.”
- Eren is so bad with directions!! He just assumes he can figure it out without looking at a map
- He can’t
- I bet he’d sleep on you, head in your lap or just fully laid on top of you while you’re waiting to board
- Doesn’t want guys to hit on you while he’s asleep so he is literally on your lap the entire time to let them know you’re taken
- RIP if you have to pee he’s not getting up
- He’ll let you sleep on him during the plane to make up for it though? Poor guy can’t sleep on planes
- Just plays games on his phone the entire time or takes pictures of you sleeping to show you later
- Probably has the big clunky headphones for the plane ride but he’ll let you borrow them if you forget yours
- And he’ll sit in the middle seat for you xoxo
- Packed and ready to go the day before your flight
- But he’s the worst when it comes to packing!!!
- “Did you happen to pack an extra charger? Shit..” ends up buying the super overpriced ones at the airport, sorry king
- Otherwise he’d fully forget his carryon bag and have to turn around to pick it up from home, causing you both to almost miss your flight!!
- Probably the kind of guy to pay for TSA pre check or some other fancy upgrades during the flight
- Honestly probably just buys a bunch of expensive ass shit from the airport and doesn’t understand that he doesn’t have to do that?? “Gee, $16 for a burger? Okay I guess” like bro stop at McDonalds beforehand
- Super prepared for TSA and boarding, has you both checked in online already
- I bet he’d actually like walking around the airport and chatting with you, excited to go on a vacation with you! Doesn’t like to sit still while waiting to board
- Probably feels more comfortable having an arm around you or hold your hand while you wander the airport or wait to board
- Just wants to make sure you’re safe, plus he’s an affectionate guy when he’s sleepy and boy can he sleep on flights
- Probably has a neck pillow
- Would also probably be down to do some skincare stuff with you on the flight?? Like a mask or something hahah
- ALWAYS jokes about joining the mile high club with you, raising his eyebrows and elbowing you as you scoot out of your seat to go to the bathroom. “Oh? Should I come too?”
- So sorry. He needs to be in the aisle seat because of his big long legs, so you’re probably going to be stuck in the middle or window (‘:
- Will wake up well rested and is completely oblivious to your suffering. “Mornin’, sunshine! Sleep okay? What do you mean, you didn’t sleep at all???”
- Super prepared and packed
- The type of traveler to provide you with a packing list and an itinerary for the trip??? So cute
- AND he’ll make sure to pack an extra charger just in case you forget one, a true hero
- “(Y/N) I figured you’d enjoy seeing this museum since I know you’re interested in architecture from that period, and I know that their collection has a really nice display!!!“ the whole trip has little surprises that he takes you to see!
- He will get you both to the airport like four hours too early, so sorry
- You guys are both sitting waiting to board for hours and he’s just reading one of the books he brought, so you better make sure you have a way to pass time lmao
- He will absolutely let you borrow a book otherwise :)
- Will talk your ear off (in a good way) about whatever place you’re going to!! Has researched the location thoroughly and will randomly tell you fun facts or anecdotes about the places you’ll visit!
- Honestly probably gets a bit anxious when it comes to airports?? They’re super hectic and he just wants to avoid as much stress as possible
- Too anxious to nap while waiting for the plane to board so I’d imagine him almost nodding up and then his head jolting back upright yk?
- But that means he’ll be out like a light immediately after take off!
- Would honestly love the window seat probably but will let you get first pick(: as long as you keep the window open so he can watch take off!!!
- Has one of those mini book lights so he can read without bothering others on the plane, in case he wakes up
- Might be a touch grumpy after the flight but I mean that’s his fault for always opting for the window seat
- After a quick stop at the hotel to drop off bags and take a nap and he’s good to go!
- Contrary to what you might think I promise he is not a constant ball of energy
- Honestly similar to Eren I feel like he would just look so effortless??
- But secretly there is so much effort lol he definitely makes you look at his options for clothes for the AIRPORT
- “I gotta look like I’m not trying, yeah? Which pair of joggers makes my ass look good babe?”
- Chunky headphones, large ass fancy sneakers, etc
- Is so bad at directions too but who cares! Y’all get to the airport with enough time to spare and Connie’s kind of incapable of being in a bad mood when it comes to his vacations
- “Oh, I think our gates on the other side of the airport but check out this dope little snack shop, we can stock up for the 50 mile walk to our gate!” (It’s a ten minute walk)
- Honestly would be super fun to travel with, probably the perfect balance of keeping you busy/chatting and doing his own thing?
- While you guys settle in and wait to board he’s pointing out random people (discreetly!) and giving them entire backgrounds and life stories
- I feel like kids would be drawn to him too? So randomly he’ll nudge you and gesture towards a kid in a stroller who has been looking at him for seven minutes
- “What do I do? Should I square up?” Connie NO it’s a child
- Otherwise he’s probably going to have his headphones on, playing some game on his phone, and has an arm draped around you casually
- For some reason he’s obsessed with airport gift shops? He doesn’t care that they’re super overpriced
- “(Y/N) let’s get souvenir magnets!! 2 for $10!” “Connie we haven’t left our hometown yet” “I wonder if Sasha wants a magnet too…”
- Will probably sit wherever on the airplane so he lets you take the aisle seat, but heads up this man cannot hold his bladder so it might be better to give up the aisle, he’s up five times a flight at least
- Silently brooding for most of the time at the airport
- Doesn’t like them at all?? Too many obnoxious people, security is crowded and stressful, food is overpriced, etc
- Similar to Jean, forgets the most basic things like headphones or a phone charger and has to shell out like $20 for a shitty pair
- Also I feel like he just happens to be stopped for a pat down whenever he flies?? (I got one and they said certain pants materials light up their machine)
- I promise he’s super polite when it comes to TSA and other people at the airport but he’s just constantly inconvenienced by every little thing?? He just has bad luck is all
- Once you make it to the gate he throws on a pair of sunglasses and tucks himself into a chair and sleeps lmao
- He probably has a tradition of watching movies or something all night before leaving for vacation? Just a weird thing but he swears it’s good luck
- “(Y/N) c’mon we have to watch all of the Jurassic Park movies tonight. If we don’t the flight might be cancelled c’mon I already made popcorn for the both of us I can’t eat it all myself. (Y/N), babe, c’mon”
- That’s probably why he’s grumpy at the airport lmao he didn’t sleep at all the night before
- He’s also the kind of guy to insist on holding all of your luggage for you even though you both have 2 bags and it’s kind of a lot
- If you guys end up sitting in an exit row he’d spend a good portion of the trip panicking internally about the hypothetical situation in which he has to open the airplane door
- He spends the rest of the flight asleep or doing a crossword on his phone lol
- Oh he’d love to watch a movie with you on the flight!!
- The back of the seat TV thing yk?? He’d be so bad at trying to sync up both of your screens so you can watch together
- And his $20 shitty headphones are already busted so you guys end up watching together on your screen, cuddled up and using your headphones together
- Oh lord he’d try so hard to prepare everything so that you guys can have a stress free vacation
- The type of guy to take things personally when they go wrong??
- “What do you mean our flight got delayed thirty minutes ☹️”
- Not mad at anyone!! Super polite and respectful obviously!! But he feels like it’s his fault
- “(Y/N)… I’m so sorry. I mistakingly booked us business class seats instead of economy” “Reiner those are literally NICER seats it’s fine!!”
- Will carry all of your bags the entire time
- He’s definitely brought some of your skincare products in his carryon bag because he was worried about you not having room in your suitcase
- Omg he’d also make sure there’s room for souvenirs in his bag!!
- I bet he’d come home with every cheesy little trinket, either as a gift for his friends and family or for you both to keep!
- If you wanted him to, he’d probably clean your cuticles or something while you’re waiting to board
- He just gets so much relief from knowing that you’re taken care of, he’s so honored to be able to take care of you😭 I love him
- That’s why he’ll totally take the window or middle seat to give you more leg room with the aisle
- Which goes horribly wrong because as we know Reiner is a large man
- Will let you sleep on him during the flight too, even if he cannot sleep
- After the flight the poor man just finds the nearest empty spot and lies down on the ground for four minutes to recover from being scrunched up for so long
- Similar to Porco, he just looks so grumpy at the airport, even more than usual
- They’re just so loud and the kids are annoying and they’re so hectic?? And unpredictable and gross??
- If you’re stressed at all he’ll definitely put on a brave face and lead you to your gate
- But in a moment of weakness might reach out for your hand during boarding, just to make sure you’re there
- Will also sleep on you once you’re in a secluded area of your boarding area
- Once he’s out, he’s OUT
- I’d imagine him being a really light sleeper normally, but in high stress situations he’s probably a lot harder to wake
- Especially when he’s going on a vacation with you yk?
- I feel like it’s 50/50 whether he’s prepared for the trip or not btw
- If he is prepared, he has your passport and boarding pass neatly waiting for you
- If not, he’s one of those people who holds up the line as he shuffles through his bag for it 💀 he just forgets that he needs it out it’s not his fault!
- He likes the window seat because he can lean against the window and sleep during the flight
- Doesn’t want to admit it’s because he knows he’s small and should be the one to sit there hahahah
- Also his ears probably pop really bad so the window seat isn’t the best for him but he’s stubborn 💀
- RUNS out of the airport as soon as y’all exit the plane
- Maybe it’s just a Jaeger gene, but he also looks so effortlessly good at the airport??
- Unlike Eren though, he’s good at navigation so he’s got you both where you need to be with little to no stress
- Probably a touch intense when it comes to inconveniences though??? Poor airport workers
- He’s not mean he’s just very direct
- “😐 what do you mean we aren’t sitting together, can’t you just move some other people around?”
- Actually I bet he’d reserve seats for you both so that you can sit together but like each have aisle seats? Honestly the smartest of the bunch because that way you both get leg room
- Honestly I feel like Zeke is super put together so on vacations he might seem kind of lazy?
- But it’s the only time he gets to ease off yk
- So it might seem like he’s being too nonchalant about things or where you’re going yk?
- Like he’d be content just staying home with you for a week and getting to be away from work
- And he is excited about whatever you both have planned!! He’s just a “we’re play it by ear” type of guy
- “So what do you want to do after we drop off our stuff at the hotel?” “I don’t care” 😐😐 thanks Zeke
- But I promise he’s excited okay
- He’d probably want to hold your hand during the flight in between doing his crosswords lol, but he’d squeeze your hand as you prepare to land!!
- Snores on the plane. Sorry.
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Thanks for reading!! Hope you enjoyed(: where would you want these boys to take you? Let me know if you want more of this series!
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kyojinacts · 6 months
Actor AU Headcanons for some of my favorite SNK/AOT characters!
1) Tea with honey is a staple resource on set due to the amount of screaming that the show requires. Eren was, naturally, the one who made the most of that tea during the earlier seasons. However, he was able to temporarily trade off his reputation as a screamer with Zeke, given that his character became more solemn and quiet as time went on. And, well, Zeke's character couldn't be what he was without the screaming.
2) When the iconic members of the 104th training corps met Levi for the first time, they caught him while he was method acting, and were intimidated. Little did they know that, outside of work, Levi has a very warm, kind, and charismatic personality. This catches both actors on set and fans off guard due to the stark contrast it provides against his character's demeanor. He finds it very, very amusing.
3) While we're on the topic of contrast, Hange actually finds titans very unnerving to look at, unlike their character. They typically don't have to encounter many due to most titans being animated via CGI, but there are some (like Sawney and Beane) that were constructed for "authenticity of reaction", much to Hange's chagrin. They maintain a professional front as much as they can. The only one who knows about their discomfort is Levi.
4) Mikasa breaking the floorboard in the scene where she strikes the human trafficker was entirely an accident. According to her, the floorboard had been unnaturally squeaky, but it was the last part of filming for the day, so she and the stage crew agreed to power through it. The poor girl apologized profusely, but Eren argued that it made the scene cooler. It seems as though Isayama agreed as the take was kept, though the audio team had to do some extensive cleaning to wipe out all the gasps and cries of shock that came from the unnatural breakage.
5) Sasha and Ymir are roommates who were both approached by a casting agent while volunteering at a food pantry. Ymir, though intrigued, was almost 100% sure that it was a scam, while Sasha did the research to check and dragged her friend to attend the auditions for shits and giggles. When they got their respective roles, they freaked out. Sasha almost dropped out, out of fear for what her family would think for being reckless, but Ymir urged her to take charge of her life, because opportunities like these don't come by.
6) The plot point of the Attack titan being able to send memories across time distresses Armin due to his belief that there are several timelines/futures that Eren's character could have chosen to follow rather than the one that was settled on. Isayama had to formally ask him to not discuss it during interviews, because the two of them knew that if Armin began his tirade, he won't stop.
6) Grisha and Carla are neither Eren's actual parents (in fact, Grisha is not even a father outside of work) but they both care about him as if he was their own since they saw him grow up on set. Zeke likes to joke that Grisha's method acting is spectacular in that way, since it took Grisha a bit of time to warm up to Zeke due to the latter's later appearance in the show.
7) The boy in the ending credits scene with the dog is Mikasa's little brother. He was always a big fan of his sister, and when presented with the opportunity to be a part of his sister's bigtime project, he took it with both hands eagerly.
8) The first scarf that Eren wraps around Mikasa was the only scarf that they used throughout the show. It has gone through a LOT, and is threadbare in many places. Despite this, Isayama refuses to have it mended. In an interview, Mikasa admits that she had gotten used to wearing the scarf, so during scenes when she wasn't supposed to wear it, she felt very exposed and empty.
9) Annie and Armin have a lot of deleted scenes/bloopers regarding their interactions for when Annie's character was in the crystal. In one scene, Annie is seen to dancing inside her crystal behind Armin as he monologued. In another, they switched places.
10) Connie and Jean are the ones to curse the most frequently after botching a scene. The others keep a tally on how many times. In the end, Connie barely ended up cursing more than Jean by two times. Connie's favorite curse words are "damn" and "shit" while Jean's is any variant of "fuck" like fuck, motherfucker, fucking hell, etc.
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monkey-d-ezekiel · 7 months
A collection of all the countdown illustrations!! Some of these pieces are so goofy and I love them for that 😭. I don't usually post about SnK but it's been a pretty impactful anime in my life. It's probably the first anime I watched with interest? Genuinely such a great anime to start off with. I would probably say it's the best entry level show for peeps who're looking for intricate themes + action and emotion.
I hope they change up the ending a bit though! I don't mind the original incel Eren ending but like. It could have been better, right?
Here's the art! My fav piece would probably be the "6 Days Remaining" art because I love the concept of the AoT cast just filming the Rumbling like a parody movie. What's y'all's favorite illustration?
10 Days Remaining (this one is so sad poor eren 😭😭):
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9 Days Remaining:
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8 Days Remaining:
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7 Days Remaining:
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6 Days Remaining (my fav!!):
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5 Days Remaining:
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4 Days Remaining (painfully wholesome):
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3 Days Remaining:
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2 Days Remaining:
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1 Day Remaining:
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
care to share some of your analyses about Attack on Titan?
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, my analyses can't be found, they were posted on my previous Twitter account, when I used to analyze SNK and Vinland Saga a lot.
There's an anthology of great analyses and interpretations of SNK, it's a manga with a big community that has always taken the work very seriously (unlike CSM's) so I think in any case, it's not hard to find some nice gems.
To give you an idea Anon, I was analyzing things that I felt I didn't see very often, I was very interested in the character of Berthold, who is SNK's most symbolic character, just look at the mark the colossal titan has left in the imagination of fans. Yet his host, the human behind him, is overshadowed, and what's fascinating is how Isayama has treated the character in an implicit, subtle way, notably through symbols (yes, I love symbols).
The figure of the man hanging upside down is an image that permeates the entire end of SNK, and it was set up by Berthold.
I've always been fascinated by Eren too, but I've always analyzed him as he was written, a deliberately pathetic character.
I'm not being negative when I say this, he remains one of my favorite characters, but he has suffered from idealization. His tragic and pathetic aspect is what made Eren very human, but also quite original.
I've been following SNK since I was 13, I'd turned away from manga for a while, I even found it cringe-worthy, I had my popular girl phase who didn't like nerd stuff (which is what I've become).
One day, my twin sister dropped Berserk Volume 1 on my desk and ordered me to read and see the SNK anime that had just come out.
It was a monumental slap in the face………
So I spent my adolescence with SNK, a work that means a lot to me, even if I now see many of its flaws with a more critical eye.
But just as I see them in CSM! I don't necessarily talk about them, my analyses are personal, but I also try to make them neutral enough to make sense to many people.
I don't have any more analysis but I do have some drawings that I haven't posted here, sorry for not having more <3
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teenandbeyond · 1 year
Levi Ackerman x M. Reader [Pt.3]
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After reading a Levi fanfic, I got inspo to make a prequel to my Hero two-shot...now three-shot (technically). This is what lead up to parts 1 and two.
Want more from me? Masterlist 2
Here are Part One and Part Two.
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⚔Love, Sweat, and Tears⚔ (AOT or SNK)
Warning(s): Fluff, cursing (I think? I don't remember), long, low-key angsty toward the end
Levi just wants some tea, turns out he gets something a little sweet, too.
"Where are we going?"
"They say this place has the best tea around here, you like tea, right?"
Levi glared at the outside of the building they stopped at.
He was still deciding on what he thought of the name.
The outside had a creamy purple color with white and gold painted accents in well-placed areas.
"Wanna go in?" Gabi, one of his caretakers asked.
"They better have good tea."
"It's been open for a year exactly today. But apparently it's very popular," she wheeled him inside.
The second they were inside, they were hit with the scents of different teas. Though every individual smell complemented each other.
But the interior was what really caught their attention.
"Whoa...I don't think I've ever seen a shop this clean looking..."
Levi liked this place already, this place was anti-dirt.
Customers were scattered across the shop, talking to each other over white tables, sitting in window seats, and girls were crowded at the counter table.
They didn't look like tea drinkers, so why were they looking so eager?
"It looks like this place is taken over by brats."
"Hello, sorry for the wait. I got the blend you wanted in your preferred amount."
Levi couldn't see who the voice belonged to over the throng of ladies as he got closer to the counter to hopefully be able to order.
"Yes, [Name], this is perfect! Thank you."
You laugh, "It's no problem. You, ladies, might want to start buying in bulk, though. Your usual order of two pouches can last about a week just between 4 people per bag. But you come here every other day ordering more."
"Yeah, we just love tea so much! And we just want to support our favorite shop owner," one leaned in.
"We should go, customer service is shitty here," Levi muttered.
"Sorry, Levi."
"Thank you, I appreciate that. But ladies, would you mind moving since you've paid already? There are customers behind you."
They turned to the two dryly, glaring at them before leaving the store altogether.
"Sorry about that, some of my customers can get that way! You look like you two must be new. Would you like to hear the options of tea I have? I also have pastries if you're interested."
Levi dragged his gaze back to you and he swore he stopped breathing.
Who was this beautiful man? [Name] he heard? He was suddenly much more interested.
"Do you need some time to think about it?"
"No. What do you have?"
You began to rattle off all the types of tea you possessed, even some that Levi's never heard of, which you explained when noticing any confusion.
Usually, he didn't like when people talked so much...but he found he didn't mind when you did it.
Privileges of finding you pretty, he guessed.
He stealthily observed you, from your jaw to your white dress shirt to the beginning of your waist until the counter blocked the rest of the view.
After he ordered, since Gabi didn't want anything, you smiled.
"Want any sugar or honey with it?"
Levi cringed, "What kind of moron adds shit to their tea?"
You only chuckle at his language, "It actually isn't too bad if it's done right."
"Nothing belongs in tea," he glared.
You rang them up, "Three dollars–and Mr. Levi, I'm sure I could change your mind. I'm very convincing. I'm pretty good at what I do," you gestured to his cup, "Just see for yourself."
After he was settled, he took a sip and almost groaned at its taste.
He was coming back here.
And he did.
Again. And again.
Until it was a regular thing.
"Welcome back, Levi."
That smile was lethal, did you not know that?
At this point, it'd been months and Levi became a [Name] addict.
"Same thing?"
After serving him, you prepped some tea leaves to grind.
He watched as you work, enveloping the quiet atmosphere.
"I'm so happy I have this place."
"I uh...When I was a kid, things came easy. So they didn't feel rewarding...until I bought this place and grew a business from the ground up...It taught me how to work, it taught me discipline, it taught me that an easier life doesn't mean it's better," you laugh to yourself, "Sorry, I know you don't want to hear this."
"That why you opened this place? To work hard after having an easy life?" he subtly signaled he did.
You snickered, "I know that seems backward, but yeah. I know it's selfish since there are people out there who'd kill to have the easy life I had...but...I wasn't being fed, or stimulated, I had nothing to wake up for. Then I met a military police officer—a good one—and he--he worked so hard, he had a passion for what he did. I wanted that. I wanted to know what it was like to have a reason to live, to serve others. So I left an easy life behind for a life of work...but it was worth it. It's so freeing to live this way. I was never free when it was easy."
After that day, Levi realized he crushed on you, hard. He couldn't talk to you straight after that.
You leaned on an elbow behind the counter one afternoon, "Hey, Levi. You look really handsome today--not that you don't always look handsome, of course. But today seems a little different."
His cheeks flushed pink, "I-I didn't do much brat, just...changed my hair a little..."
And one evening, you got bold.
"Hey Levi, can I get your opinion as an avid tea drinker? I'd feel like you'd be a better judge than me who leans more toward alcohol."
"Wh-what do you mean?"
"I've been testing a new tea brew, but I need another opinion before I decide to add it to the menu or not. Can you try it for me?"
"It's still in my apartment upstairs, I'll take you."
"[Name], I'm in a wheelchair, I can't go up the stairs on my own."
"I know, here."
"Pu-put me down!" he flushed red.
"But you can't walk..."
"You could've just helped me up. The other leg is still fine."
"It's faster."
It became regular for you two to hang out in your apartment above the shop after closing, and one night, you kissed. Neither of you knew how it happened, but it couldn't be taken back.
And once you finally get Levi comfortable with the thought, you decide to try being a couple.
And Levi needed time to get used to the foreign type of relationship.
He had to get used to someone smiling at the sight of him.
He had to get used to someone's lips brushing against his skin.
He had to get used to someone treating him like a prince.
Someone celebrating his birthday that he didn't think was important.
He had to get used to someone remembering the little things.
Someone with an open ear to listen to the feelings he hides within his depths.
Someone saying, "I love you, Levi."
And him saying it back.
And after three years of dating, he had to get used to living with someone he was in a relationship with.
Had to get used to full, warm meals from morning to night.
Someone restoring him back to health when he's sick.
Someone soothing him from the nightmares, someone showing him how to sleep better. And waking to another warm body in a bed he shares (which he had to force, for a while you'd let him have the bed to himself in respect).
He had to get used to finding more reasons to smile, he had to get used to making someone laugh and smile with ease.
He had to get used to someone cleaning for him, someone who's very stubborn with what they allow him to clean, "I know you like to clean baby, but let me do it, let me take care of you."
He had to get used to someone cutting his hair for him.
Someone who didn't judge him for his background, no matter what.
"Levi, you're practicing your writing?" you leaned over his shoulder.
"There's nothing wrong with where you're from. Because without that place, you wouldn't have become the Levi I love now. So don't feel like you have to hide it or be ashamed," you kissed the curve of his neck.
He had to get used to someone being attentive to him and his habits and behaviors. Someone knowing him better than he knows himself.
He had to get used to being protected and fought for, although he still likes to feel like he can protect, too.
"Levi! Never do that again, do you know how worried I was?" you growled, running a hand through your hair, "I swear you want to make me go more insane for you than I already have...Do you not understand that I would shed blood for you if I had to? Please don't take me lightly."
He had to get used to someone reading to him, someone tucking him in.
Someone making him try new things, like sugar in his tea. He couldn't believe it.
Someone...calling him beautiful...
Someone bathing him and joining him sometimes just for the pure connection of intimacy.
Someone that didn't need to have sex with him to connect with him.
Someone that will ask him how he's feeling, and happily fill the silence when he doesn't want to divulge.
Someone who buys him whatever books he wants. Spoils him and works hard to earn back the money spent.
Someone showing their love in physically any way they could, showing what it was like to have a gentle touch.
Someone who won't let him go to bed angry.
"Please, don't leave me, [Name]!"
"I-I'm sorry, I do need you! And—And not just because you take care of me," Levi looked up in desperation, tears welling up in his eyes, he regretted every nasty word he'd just said to you.
You look like a broken-hearted puppy, "It really hurt, Levi."
"I know...I know, I...I'm not good with this 'feelings' stuff. I don't know how to tell you things, I don't know how to show you I care about you. But I'm tired of people leaving me! And you're the only person who hasn't, I don't want to be the reason why you finally do. So please," he approaches you with shaking hands, his face burrowing into your torso as he grips the back of your shirt. "Don't leave me...Please. I love you, I love you. I'm sorry."
(But he didn't tell you the real reason he blew up at you that night...because of his own hidden thoughts...)
He had to get used to someone who cried from his tears, someone holding him tight, keeping silent about the tears he knew they felt.
He had to get used to having a reason to keep going.
He...had to get used to you...
The one he loved more than anyone.
The one he wanted for the rest of his life...
...and the last person he'd want to see at the end of it.
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frostfires-blog · 8 months
SNK ED 7: Akuma no Ko Hanakotoba Analysis
-> Evening Primrose
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The first flower pictured in Akuma no Ko is the white evening primrose (Oenothera speciosa). Evening primrose is known as tsukimiso (月見草) in Japanese and its hanakotoba meanings are “silent affection” and “transient spirit”. In English floriography, they symbolize mute devotion, inconstancy, and faithfulness. As its name suggests, evening primrose blooms at night thus avoiding public view. This is where the meanings of silent affection and mute devotion are derived from. White evening primrose flowers turn pale pink when they wither in the morning, this is where the flower's meaning of inconstancy and transient spirit are derived from. In the visuals of this ending, young Eren is surrounded by countless white evening primrose flowers as our focus is drawn to a single evening primrose a single drop of blood stains the flower. This could symbolize Eren being corrupted by hatred, trauma, and loss or Eren’s love for those he is close to corrupting his morals. Eren’s shortened lifespan greatly contrasts his lofty goals and immense determination which ties into the flower symbolising transient spirit. Eren has stated that he will keep “moving forward” and has greatly changed since his first appearance both physically as well as mentally. This fits in well with the flower symbolizing inconstancy. Eren has hidden his feelings and intentions from his friends and loved ones, especially Mikasa, until the moment of his death. This ties in well with the flower symbolizing mute devotion, faithfulness, and silent affection. 
-> Wildflowers (Part 1)
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As the song reaches its chorus both the cage surrounding Eren as well as the accompanying darkness disappear as he is surrounded by a bright field of blooming wildflowers. The most notable of these wildflowers are yellow daisies and lavender. Daisies (Bellis) are known as hinagiku (デイジー) in Japanese, and they hold the hanakotoba meanings of faith, “secret love”, hope, beauty, peace, and faith. In English floriography, yellow daisies symbolise joy, and growth as well as a turning point or new beginning. Season 4 has been an immense defining moment for Eren, and his final actions have resulted in a tentative peace sort of new beginning for humanity tying into the flower symbolising turning points, new beginnings and peace. Lavender (Lavandula) is known as rabenda (ラベンダー) in Japanese. Its hanakotoba meanings include “expectation”, “suspicion”, “distrust” and “answer me”. In English floriography, lavender flowers symbolise devotion and love in addition to distrust and silence. The tranquillizing effect of lavender and its mysteriously strong scent is what its meanings of silence and distrust have given rise to its respective meanings of “silence” and “distrust”. Throughout most of the final arc, Eren’s motivations and feelings have been secret to his friends and comrades. In the days leading up to his defection from the scouting regiment, others regarded him with suspicion and distrust whilst simultaneously having expectations for him. After his defection, his friends demanded answers from him to no avail. This ties into lavender’s meanings of expectation, distrust, suspicion, silence and “answer me”. Lavender’s meaning of devotion complements Eren’s determination towards protecting his loved ones is shown through his willingness to dirty his hands, go through immense suffering and even temporarily hurt them for their own ultimate benefit.
-> Wisteria
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We are then shown various locales in Paradise Island including Trost district and Utgard castle all of which are pictured as decrepit, uninhibited ruins overtaken by various plants. The most prominent of these is the wisteria pictured growing on the brick walls of the Trost district. Wisteria is known as fuji (藤) in Japanese. Its hanakotoba meanings are “kindness”, “welcome”, “never leave” and “intoxicated/drunk in love”. In Japanese culture, wisteria has also come to symbolize honour, wisdom, endurance, steadfastness and support. In English floriography, wisteria is associated with being steadfast, faithful and welcoming. Additional meanings include tenderness and sensitivity. Wisteria’s meanings of steadfastness and endurance complement Eren’s determination and stubbornness while its meanings of honour and kindness contradict Eren’s willingness to sacrifice the greater good in order to protect those important to him. Wisteria’s tendency to grip tightly to trees to grow up straight is what has led to it coming to mean an unwillingness to let go or being drunk in love. This concept strongly encapsulates Eren’s feelings towards Mikasa, particularly highlighting his unwillingness to see her move on after his death.
-> Wildflowers (Part 2)
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The final panels in this ending show older Eren walking freely in the field of wildflowers. As our focus is shifted to his feet trotting through the myriads of flora. The most notable of which are white daisies, violets, white globe amaranth, nemophila and cosmos. Daisies (Bellis) are known as hinagiku (デイジー) in Japanese, and they hold the hanakotoba meanings of faith, “secret love”, hope, beauty, peace, and faith. In English floriography, white daisies symbolise innocence. The concept of childhood innocence being corrupted by cruelties of war and discord is a central theme in Attack on Titan. Violets (Viola) are known as sumire (菫) in Japanese. Its hanakotoba meanings include “humility”, “sincerity”, “small happiness” and “love”. While in English floriography they represent faithfulness, modesty, affection and virtue.  The meaning “small happiness” resonates with Eren’s ideology as he is willing to sacrifice many so that those he cares for (a small minority) are happy. Nemophila are more commonly known as baby blue eyes and are called rurikarakusa (ネモフィラ) in Japan. Its hanakotoba meanings are daintiness, “I forgive you” and “success everywhere”. Although Eren maintains a determined and cold persona in order to fulfil his plans, deep down he is scared and unsure which ties into the flower symbolising daintiness. In the end despite dying and being stopped partway, his loved ones are able to live fulfilling lives tying into the flower’s meaning of “success everywhere”. White globe amaranth (Gomphrena globosa) is known as sennichikou (センニチコウ) in Japanese. Its hanakotoba meanings are unfading love as well as timeless/eternal love. In English floriography, they symbolise unfading love, immortality, hope in misery as well as what is unchangeable. The name and meaning of this flower both derive from the flower’s long flowering period. The phrase “hope in misery” perfectly encapsulates what many of the characters including Eren have been struggling to grasp.  The meanings of unfading, timeless and eternal love describe many of the friendships and relationships in the show and encapsulate its themes of love and loss. At this point, Eren is set on fulfilling his goals despite his friends wanting to change his mind. This ties into the flower symbolising what is unchangeable. The Cosmos flower is known as kosumosu (宇宙) in Japan. Its name is derived from the Greek word "Kosmos" meaning harmony and order. This has contributed to the flower coming to symbolise harmony, beauty and peace in English floriography. Its hanakotoba meanings include humility, purity, affection and modesty. The Cosmos flower is also said to represent "the joys that love and life can bring". Ironically Attack on Titan rarely focuses on the joys that love and life can bring but instead highlights that while beautiful, the world is also especially cruel. Additionally, the cosmos flower’s meanings of peace, purity and harmony are juxtaposed with the dark themes of war, loss, corruption and sacrifice in the show.
-> Bellflower
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Bellflowers have made consistent appearances in Attack on Titan since the first episode. Bellflowers are from the Campanulaceae family and are known as berufurawā (ベルフラワー) or kikyo (キキョウ) in Japanese. Its hanakotoba meanings are gratitude and sincerity. While in English floriography they symbolise constancy, sorrowful regret, humility and kindness. The flowers made notable appearances in the opening scene under the tree where Eren and Mikasa were sitting as well as in season 2 where Eren unlocked the co-ordinate power of the founding titan after Mikasa’s speech. In both scenes, we see characters being vulnerable after having premonitions of future loss and having faced repeated loss. This ties in with the flower’s meanings of humility, sorrowful regret, and sincerity. After Mikasa’s speech—wherein she thanked Eren for everything he had done for her—Eren gets up and is motivated to persevere once more. This ties in with the flower’s meanings of constancy, kindness, and gratitude.
[If you liked this post, check out my other hanakotoba analysis posts here ❀]
[I didn't go into a lot of detail here because everything is very abstract and subtle and is thus difficult to explain than with other shows... Also, many people—including myself—have very conflicting views on and interpretations of the ending of Attack on Titan... So, I don't want to stir up discourse.]
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
hi this is the same anon about the acwnr ask! im glad i decided to resend the ask because i loved your insight and it made a lot of sense to me! so, thank you for answering <3 i also have another question, which i think you may have answered before in the past, but im not entirely sure so i apologize if you've answered this already. i saw a few asks you answered recently about erwin's role in acwnr and it really opened my eyes more to erwin as a character and his mindset. i also reread the manga recently and i remembered how differently erwin's speech at the end was handle in the anime and i wanted to know which you prefer/seems more like erwin. im not sure if isayama wrote acwnr or not so im not entirely sure which accurately depicts erwin during that moment.
No worries! I'm glad to answer any questions you might have!
The general consensus seems to be that Erwin's speech in the manga is the one that hues closest to Erwin's actual character. A lot of people criticize the OVA for making Erwin colder than he is in the manga, either the main one or the "No Regrets" one. Isayama didn't write "No Regrets", but I suspect he had input on the graphic novel, because Levi's characterization in particular is much better than it was in the visual novel that the manga was initially based on. Isayama also conducted an interview with the artist on the manga, which is included in the back of the collected edition of it. I really like the OVA, despite some people bad-mouthing it, lol. I thought it was really well done, and I really liked some of the additional scenes, like the one of Levi telling Furlan and Isabel that they aren't going on the first mission outside the walls and he grows visibly upset and frustrated when they fight him on it. That's very in character for Levi, to try and protect them as best he can. Most of the criticism seems to come from it's characterization of Erwin and from them having to cut several scenes due to probably time and budget constraints. Otherwise I think it's very well done, but Erwin definitely comes across much meaner and cold hearted in the OVA than he normally would. In certain scenes, he's downright dismissive toward Levi and seemingly not very sympathetic to his pain. I think in the manga, at the beginning, Erwin came across that way, but as the story progressed, he slowly became less cold toward Levi. So when discussing "No Regrets" in relation to actual canon, I always refer to the manga and nothing else.
I wrote a super long chapter by chapter analysis of "No Regrets", if you're interested in a more in depth examination of it, which you can read here:
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maoam · 1 year
Some ending defender idiots hate Historia so much they seriously try to say that Eren just manipulated/coerced her to get pregnant. Do these people realize they are saying Eren would support r*pe culture? Nowhere in the manga or even guidebook it’s said Eren did that. People just pulled this out of their ass because they hate Historia so much due to shipping bs. And they hate her so much that they’d rather have Eren be r*pey rather than him genuinely caring about Historia.
I don’t want to get into shipping discourse in snk, but Isayama wrote Eren show concern for Historia’s safety 4 times after the basement. The only times he smiled after basement was when 1) he saw her again 2) he saw Historia was happy. Hange even noticed that and brought up Historia later to get under Eren’s skin. What’s the point of that if she’s just a thot that Eren is ready to throw into trash because she’s just that irrelevant lol. She’s definitely a dear friend to her.
When Historia said “You protected me then, that’s enough for me” as a way to tell Eren she is fine with being sacrificed, Eren responded “maybe it’s enough for you, but not for me. --- I won’t let them”. Who says that to someone they don’t care about?
How about you people just focus arguing what ship has romantic feelings instead of degrading the characters and relationships just because you hate a character?
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soldier-poet-king · 4 months
get to know you better game! answer the questions and tag 9 people you want to know better. tagged by @galahadiant
last song I listened to: Incandescent Ruins - The Mountain Goats!
currently reading: finishing up Flannery O'Connor's short stories, a historical nonfiction overview for work research, Victoria Goddard's At The Feet of The Sun, Blood and Ash series (IT'S SO BAD. HOLY SHIT. it's for hater bookclub and is probably the worst thing ive ever read), FMA manga, James Baldwin's Notes from a Native Son, Fun Home
(i always have a zillion things on the go and switch between as the mood strikes)
currently watching: nothing?? i dont really watch tv ;-; i put on critical role when crafting if that counts? technically I ave snk, the bear, and the untamed all on the go, but i watch VERY sporadically, mostly just when im too sad to read or play video games, which i prefer to tv
currently obsessed with: when am i NOT obsessed with something? I dont think I really 'get over' obsessions, inasmuch as they enter the ever growing rotation in my heart, and everyday it's a wild guess what will get me super emotional. in 2024 thus far it's been: Sad Russian Man Simulator Pathologic, Pentiment (video game), BG3, Under Jurisdiction Book 1 by Susan R Matthews*
*this is NOT a rec. omg. this is not a book most people would enjoy. it is super graphic and violent and deliberately horrifying and uncomfortable. i loved it. it very much asks questions and explores themes at the intersections of all my interests - submission to Duty vs. Authority, questions of loyalty and devotion even to a 'bad' person, mercy and justice to 'bad' people, being worthy of care regardless, questions of autonomy and dehumanization and what does choice really mean when you are not free?, facing the monster of the self and refusing to hide from it and acknowledging the terrible thing you are, questions of responsibility, duty and care of a Master over his servants, and man to man, family angst, religious angst, what does the ends and the means really mean when it's harm reduction? when it's doing something unspeakably awful to prevent something even worse?
THAT BEING SAID. it is still like. a book about a doctor who is forced against his will to become a government sanctioned torturer in an evil space empire. and to his disgust and horror he realizes he's a sadist. he's not only /good/ at it, some part of him /enjoys/ it. and he has to live with that knowledge, that burden, that guilt. Andrej is Not A Nice Man, by any means, but maybe, MAYBE, he can try to be a good one, or as good as circumstances permit. im compelled by this exploration of things so horrifying. we cannot look away from the horrors. cannot refuse to ask the difficult questions. and art is just. the place for that exploration of things too terrible to stomach irl
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wisebeth · 1 year
Warning : Manga spoilers !!!!
Ch. 1 / Ch. 138
“Eren wake up” / “Mikasa get up”
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“No but I feel like I just had the longest dream..” / “Feels like I just had a long dream”
“Were you really so sound asleep that you were still dreaming when you woke up?” / “You must've been really tired”
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“Why....are you crying?” / “Mikasa...why are you crying?”
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Eren's dream / ch. 138's ending
“See you later...Eren” / “See you soon...Eren”
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Did you see how mikasa's hair and outfit in eren's dream is similar to how she's looking in ch. 138? And the fact that they both say the same thing to him. And he has the same expression in both?
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