#slytherin rose weasley
James Sirius Potter Facts
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• He loved quidditch. Like really loved it. Knew he was expected to be a seeker like his dad but being a chaser is way more fun.
• He thought he was only popular because of his family but people actually really liked him for who he was.
• Has a lot of muggle born friends because at least when he started school they had no idea who he was.
• Struggles to open up to people, even the ones he’s closest to. Only started opening up more when he was diagnosed with cyclothemia.
• Even though Fred is his best friend he is probably closest to Teddy or Dom.
• He was kidnapped for 5 days when he was 9 by some remaining death eaters. He tells everyone he doesn’t remember anything but he does.
• Didn’t actually care that Albus was in Slytherin and was first to stand up and applaud after his sorting.
• He wasn’t actually that good at school. He struggles a lot with the theory side of things but he was one of the best duellers at Hogwarts so people didn’t really notice.
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beavillains · 5 months
Commission for the lovely @scorpiusmalfoylovesoscarwilde!!!!!!
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They are so nice! And I'm really happy I got to do a piece for them the process was supper fun!
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I threw the original thumbnail in bc it's quite the escalation.
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Moodboard of Slytherin!Dominique and her girlfriend.
Face-claim: Danielle Rose Russell.
Requested by: anon.
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hoomandoescosplay · 5 months
Too Much Love and Fire Whiskey | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy
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As I'm sitting at the Slytherin table in the great hall with Scorpius I notice Rose is making her way over here. I turn to Scorpius to see if he's noticed her as well and he gives me a look to show he's not sure why she's coming over either.
Rose takes a seat across from us at the table and tries to make small talk. "Hey Albus," she pauses then glances at Scorpius giving him a small nod, "Scorpius. You two must be excited for this year finally wrapping up." She exclaims.
I nod, giving her a questioning look. "Do you need something Rose? You don't usually just come by here to talk." I say trying not to come across as rude.
I can tell she's caught off guard from my directness and she replies slowly. "Well..." She starts, thinking over her words as it looks like she's considering the best way to approach this situation. "Since you're both in Slytherin I figured you both heard about the party happening tonight." She pauses and looks between Scorpius and I. "And I was wondering if you two were going to go to it." She gives us a big smile and I can tell that she's indirectly implying she wants us to go.
Scorpius pipes up. "Oh yeah, that party that's tonight? We're probably just going to chill in our dorm instead." He turns to me making sure we're on the same page. "Yeah," I start to say. "Parties aren't really our thing, you know that Rose." She pouts at our answer.
"Really? Not even for one last party before school gets out? It's the end of fifth year guys, we need to celebrate that." She adds trying to convince us to change our minds.
Scorpius takes some candy out of his robe to eat as I continue the conversation. "How about we'll see. I'm not making any promises but I know you'll stay here until you get something other than no."
I can tell Rose is still determined to get a yes out of us but she backs off for now. "Fine, fine." She says with a small pout still. "Well, if you end up changing your mind I think both of you will have some fun. It would be a great way to let loose especially after how much happened this year." She stands up after that saying bye to both of us and heading back to some of her friends at the Gryffindor table.
"Well she sure was determined to get us to go." Scorpius says continuing to eat some candy. I nod my head in agreement. "Yeah, I think she wanted to see us get a little more wild tonight than maybe we're up for. I think she was hoping to see a side of us that she hasn't seen before." I grin slyly and Scorpius chuckles.
I'll admit we definitely do have a wild and rebellious side but we don't show it off often. Especially with our reputation at Hogwarts we'd rather keep a low profile most of the time.
I reach out my hand for a piece of candy and he gives me a few in return. "Thanks Scorp." Smiling he replies, "You're most welcome. I think sharing is the best part of having candy." He smiles then pops another candy into his mouth. It's also a convenient excuse to touch Scorpius a bit I think to myself without realizing.
Soon after, many students exit the great hall for many reasons. Some go to finish up last minute assignments, some hang out with friends before heading home for break tomorrow, while others find a nice place to relax.
Scorpius and I are some of the ones who choose to find a nice place to relax a bit before going back to our dorm. We ended up just choosing to relax in a quiet corner of the common room that's out of the way and has a couple of chairs.
I plop myself down into one of the chairs and look at Scorpius, waiting for him to join him in the other chair. Scorpius sits down a second after and starts to fiddle with his wand.
I quickly notice how I can't keep his eyes off of Scorpius, watching him fidget with his wand. I absolutely love observing Scorpius when he does these small things; it's sweet and playful.
I can't help but smile at him especially since it's clear he isn't aware of my observation as he continues to fiddle with his wand. I eventually speak up. "Do you think we should try going to the party? Rose has got the idea stuck in my head now." I sigh.
Scorpius takes his attention off his wand to look up at Albus. "Hmm..." He pauses for a moment debating it. "I mean we could go," he says, not entirely convinced. "It might be fun to get out and see what everyone else is up to."
I take a moment to think. "Yeah you're right. It could be fun I guess." I get more comfortable in my chair before continuing. "Worst case we could always just go to our dorm if we get bored." Scorpius nodded at the idea which made me smile.
"Yeah, that sounds great. We could try the party, and if we don't like it, we'll just go back to the dorm. We don't have to stick around if it sucks." Scorpius grins, thinking about how much fun they could have at this party which makes me smile wider.
"It's settled then. We'll be partying it up tonight." I say laughing at the thought as Scorpius joins in. "Yep, sounds like an excellent way to wrap up the year. Who knows, maybe we'll have the time of our lives tonight." He gives me a cheeky smile. His smile makes my whole body light up and I smile with him.
I stand up dusting off my robes turning back to face Scorpius. "Wanna head to our dorm to chill before they start setting up for the party down here?" I ask as he nods his head. "Sounds good to me." As he stands to start walking towards the stairs I follow him getting excited to go to a party with him later.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
The music from the party is pumping even all the way back down in the Slytherin common room. It's obvious that this is going to be a very high-energy party.
I crack a smile as I hear the music, and Scorpius follows my lead. We walk down the stairs eager to go and see what this party has in store for us.
I quickly scan the room and notice that I recognize a lot of the people at the party; most of which are fellow Slytherins and some from other houses. It's interesting seeing everyone in a different light outside of the classroom.
"There seems to be a lot of older students as well as some fellow 5th year classmates." Scorpius says close to my ear making sure I could hear him. I feel my face heat up from our close proximity as I nod. "It's probably how they were able to get so much fire whisky for the party." I point out glancing at the drink table.
My comment makes Scorpius chuckle. "Yeah, I forgot that they wouldn't have as much trouble getting a hold of fire whisky, and it looks like they got an insane amount of it." Scorpius says, looking at the table with all the bottles.
We both notice that there's no shortage of students already taking full advantage of this free alcohol and getting pretty tipsy pretty quickly.
Scorpius's heart flutters as he feels Albus's hand on his. Something about their physical closeness is so exciting and thrilling!
"Hmm..." Scorpious starts to say, looking back over at the alcohol with a grin on his face. "It would be rude not to have a couple of drinks, wouldn't it?" He smirks back at me, making my heart flutter.
"Why yes it would be very rude not to have at least a few." I reply playfully. "Well, I guess let's start getting tipsy, shall we?" Scorpius says with a wry smile, holding my hand a bit tighter and leading me over to the table of free alcohol.
After we both grab a cup we walk towards one of the sofas to sit down and watch the party in full-swing around them. Scorpius takes a swig of fire whisky and I follow suit so we're both on the same level.
We both observe the people around us, many of whom are already noticeably tipsy from the fire whisky. "You know this isn't so bad. Watching everyone is actually pretty amusing." I say getting more comfortable on the sofa.
"Yeah it is," Scorpius agrees, taking a few more gulps from his cup. "People-watching is a fun activity, especially when people are getting a little tipsy. It's incredible what people will do when they're feeling the effects of the fire whisky and their inhibitions are lowered." I hum in response, taking another swig from my cup.
We continue to talk about random topics that come into our minds as we continue to drink more of the fire whiskey. I'm starting to feel a bit tipsy myself but I try not to show it too much.
I never thought I was much of a light weight until now. Scorpius has had about two more drinks than me and he's not even half as tipsy. "I never imagined I'd get tipsy so easily," I mumble from his place next to Scorpius on the sofa.
"Hmm? Sorry, what was that?" Scorpius asks me, noticing that I said something but not sure what. I blink a bit, realizing that Scorpius didn't hear what I said. I speak up a bit louder this time, slurring slightly. "I said I never imagined I'd get tipsy so quickly. This fire whisky is strong, you know?"
Scorpius gives me a warm smile. "Yeah it's definitely a bit stronger than usual." I lean my head on his shoulder letting out a sigh. "Mhm, very strong." I mutter.
Feeling comfortable I lean over a bit, moving my body to be even closer to Scorpius. Looking down at me I can tell he's noticed how tipsy I've actually gotten. In response, I feel Scorpius wraps an arm around me pulling me even closer to give me more support.
A few minutes pass with both of us just leaning on each other until Rose and James Sirius walk towards us.
I can tell Rose and James are also a bit tipsy from the fire whisky as they greet us with big smiles on their faces as they seem eager to talk. "Hey guys!" Rose calls out happily. She sounds a bit slurred but still mostly coherent. "I have to admit I'm shocked you both actually came to this."
I lift my head off of Scorpius and shrug. "We got bored and figured it wouldn't hurt to come for a little bit." I replied.
"At least you two had a choice." James says. "She dragged me to this against my will." Rose just rolls her eyes at his comment. She then smirks with amusement and nods at Scorpius and I.
"Boredom is certainly a good reason to come to a party. So how's the party so far?" She asks, her eyes taking in the scene and she takes a sip of her fire whisky.
Scorpius answers her question this time. "Not bad actually. We've actually been having a blast just watching everyone. Very entertaining stuff." He says making me laugh.
Rose seems to appreciate Scorpius's answer, as she chuckles as well. "Yeah, there's been a good amount of entertainment at this party so far," Rose says, looking around at all the people. "Plus there's plenty of drinks all around." She sips her fire whisky and smiles. It's clear that she's quite enjoying herself.
James agrees with the fire whiskey comment and takes another sip of his own cup. "This party is really kicking it up a notch," James says with a grin, holding up his cup of alcohol.
Rose smirks. "Yeah that's for sure, you can thank the older years for bringing all of this fire whisky. They really know how to throw a party." She turns her head at the sight of something and her eyes light up. "Oh one of my other friends just got here, let's go say hi." She quickly drags James off leaving Scorpius and I alone again.
The conversation seemed to sober me up a bit which is good. Tapping on the rim of my cup I look towards Scorpius. "So," I begin, sipping some more of my fire whisky, "Are we really just sitting here, watching everyone, because we don't know what else to do?"
Scorpius thinks for a second. "It seems like we are." He laughs. "Yeah... it does seem that way," I laugh as well and take another gulp of my fire whisky. I then pause for a moment, taking a second to think. "You know, in all honesty, I'm not complaining." I smile at Scorpius.
I look at Scorpius for a few more seconds before blurting out. "You have really pretty eyes by the way." I immediately get flustered by my own words as Scorpius lets out a small laugh and gets up.
"Wait, where are you going?" I mumble, not wanting Scorpius to leave me for too long. "To get you some water. You need some." Scorpius replies with a smile still on his face.
I can feel my cheeks burning even brighter from that smile on Scorpius's face. "W-well, I mean, yeah... but... you don't need to, I'm fine." I mumble, hoping that he'll just sit back down with me instead of leaving.
"If you give me your cup I'll sit back down." Scorpius bargains. My heart skips a beat as I hear this from Scorpius. I'm so focused on wanting Scorpius to stay that I almost immediately hand my cup to him. Realizing, I make sure to take a second before passing it off though in the back of my mind I'm waiting eagerly for Scorpius to hurry and sit back down.
Instead Scorpius takes the cup then reaches his free hand out. "Let's walk around a bit to get you to sober up." I blink a little as I feel my heart pounding in my chest, as all of this close proximity and the lingering effects of the fire whisky have me feeling so many intense emotions. I take Scorpius's hand without saying a word, letting him lead me.
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As Scorpius leads me around the room all I can focus on is him and only him. I can tell the walking isn't helping as much as he thought it would because every so often another new compliment for Scorpius will come tumbling out of my mouth.
Each time I see the corner of his lips curl upwards into a smile. Eventually Scorpius stops walking as we near a mostly unoccupied corner of the room. He pulls me a bit closer to him and whispers in my ear. "You know, I could spend all of the rest of the night just looking at you." Scorpius whispers, letting his voice grow more flirty playing along with my tipsy state.
I'm left completely speechless as Scorpius's words and actions slowly start to race through my mind. Between the fire whisky lingering through my body and all these intense emotions before I know it I blurt out something I never thought I'd ever say out loud.
"I am hopelessly and utterly in love with you Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy and I don't know what I'd do without you." I say as I wrap my arms around him in a tight embrace. As I rest my head in the crook of his neck I register what actually just came out of my mouth and I instantly tense up.
Lifting my head from his neck I immediately let go of him and started rambling trying to explain what I meant without confessing anymore than I already have. Before I know it Scorpius's lips are on mine making me go silent. After a moment I close my eyes and kiss him back. My whole body feels as though it's on fire and every place Scorpius is touching makes my skin tingle.
Too soon he ends the kiss and all I can do is stare back at him. "And I thought I was the one that talked a lot." He says laughing while holding onto me still. I feel myself smile and my face turning even redder.
I internally curse the fire whisky I've had as I can barely wrap my head around what just happened. "Did you mean to do that? I mean- I'm not complaining if you did I just-" Scorpius interrupts me with a laugh as he says "Yes I meant to kiss you Albus. Did you honestly think I didn't also have feelings for you?" I blink at him a few times trying to force myself to sober up a bit more.
After a few seconds I grin and wrap my arms tightly around him in an embrace. "I really hope this fire whisky isn't making me imagine this." Scorpius wraps his arms around me tighter as well confirming this is in fact real.
The embrace could last forever and it wouldn't be long enough, as I continue to hold Scorpius close and tight. I'm reeling from the overwhelming feelings of love and adoration, finally getting to embrace the person I've crushing on and finding no resistance from Scorpius but instead only love.
I finally let go of Scorpius while laughing. "I guess this party was worth going to after all." I say making Scorpius laugh with me. I can only laugh from the sheer joy that this evening has brought me. This is everything I could have ever hoped for right now - this night, this party, and above all else, this boy.
"Oh, it was MORE than worth it." Scorpius beams leaning against the wall were standing near. I follow his lead leaning against it as well while reaching my arm out to intertwine our hands together.
We stand there for a few seconds in silent bliss until I hear Scorpius whisper something. "I am hopelessly and utterly in love with you too, Albus Severus Potter."
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Rose and James were standing near the drink table talking about random topics jumping from each thought with a nice flow. From the corner of her eye Rose's head snaps in the direction of the opposite side of the room.
Her eyes widen as she slaps James's arm repeatedly. "Geez Rose what is it? Calm down will you?" He rolls his eyes at her sudden outburst and sees her silently pointing across the room.
He ruffles up his hair as he turns to look at where she's pointing. "Holy-" James stop's mid sentence utterly shocked. "Is that-" he starts as Rose continues for him. "Scorpius and Albus? YES!" She shouts the last part loudly making some Slytherins glare at them.
"Ahh they're kissing. Merlin, they're actually kissing!" She grins while jumping up and down excitedly. James laughs at her and at the fact those two finally confessed to each other. "Well, I did not expect that to happen tonight."
As Rose continues to celebrate what she just witnessed James leans against the table smiling genuinely happy for his brother.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
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thathuffgurlsart · 7 months
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All the Weasley cousins
+Teddy and Scorpius
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herwold · 2 years
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Bi!Scorpius Malfoy - moodboard
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braveclementine · 2 days
Part 3
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. Also, all of Severus and Elizabeths' childrens names are mine and mine alone.I also do not condone any copying of this.
Marinette paused in the hallway as she saw her cousins, Albus and Rose standing in the doorway of a compartment. In her head, she could see the image of a white haired boy, but she could not actually see into the compartment yet. 
". . . name is Albus. . ." She heard Albus say. 
"Hi Scorpius. I mean, I'm Scorpius. You're Albus. I'm Scorpius. And you must be. . ." 
"Hi, Rose. Would you like some of my Fizzing Wizbees?" 
Marinette crept a little closer, actually curious now. 
"I've just had breakfast, thanks." Rose said coldly. 
"I've also got some Shock-o-Choc, Pepper Imps, and some Jelly Slugs. Mum's idea- she says, 'Sweets, they always help you make friends'. Stupid idea, probably." He said, getting embarrassed. 
Mari was now close enough to look over their shoulders and see the same white-haired boy that she previously had in her head. Strange. 
"I'll have some. . . Mum doesn't let me have sweets. Which one would you start with?" Albus asked, but Rose hit him in the back. 
"Easy, I've always regarded the Pepper Imps as the king of the confectionery bag. They're peppermint sweets that make you smoke at the ears." 
"Brilliant, then that's what I'll- Rose will you please stop hitting me?" 
"I'm not hitting you." 
"You are hitting me, and it hurts." Albus complained. 
"She's hitting you because of me." Scorpius said sadly, since that's who Mari knew was in the compartment. A first year, just like her younger siblings, Rose, and Albus. 
"What?" Albus asked, confused. Strange. Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny must not tell their kids stuff. 
"Listen, I know who you are, so it's probably only fair you know who I am." 
"What do you mean you know who I am?" Albus asked. Mari rolled her eyes. 
'You're Albus Potter. She's Rose Granger-Weasley. And I am Scorpius Malfoy. My parents are Astoria and Draco Malfoy. Our parents- and didn't get on." 
"That's putting it mildly. Your mum and dad are Death Eaters!" Rose complained. 
"So is my dad." Marinette spoke up. She hadn't meant to, she had wanted to hear more of the conversation. But hearing the fact that Rose didn't want to be friends with Scorpius because of who his parents were upset her for some reason. 
Albus and Rose jumped, looking at her. 
"Yeah but your dad was a spy!" Rose explained, though her cheeks were pink. "For the good guys!" 
"Dad was- but Mum wasn't." Scorpius mumbled. "I know what the rumor is, and it's a lie." 
"What- is the rumor?" Albus asks. 
"The rumor is that my parents couldn't have children. That my father and my grandfather were so desperate for a powerful heir, to prevent the end of the Malfoy line, that they. . . that they used a Time-Turner to send my mother back. . ." 
"To send her back where?" 
"The rumor is that he's Voldemort's son, Albus." Rose explained. There was a silence for a moment before Rose awkwardly said, "It's probably rubbish. I mean. . . look, you've got a nose." 
Scorpius laughs. "And it's just like my father's! I got his nose, his hair, and his name. Not that that's a great thing either. I mean- father-son issues, I have them. But, on the whole, I'd rather be a Malfoy than, you know, the son of the Dark Lord." 
Marinette pushed past Rose and Albus, sitting down next to Scorpius. Snowball leapt from her arms, purring as he rubbed up against the young boy. Well, if Snowball liked him, then Mari liked him. . . it seemed she had made her first friend. 
"Yes, well, we probably should sit somewhere else. Come on, Albus." Rose mumbled. 
"No. I'm okay. You go on. . ." 
"Albus. I won't wait." Rose warns. 
"And I wouldn't expect you to. But I'm staying here." 
Scorpius looked between Albus and Marinette as Albus takes an awkward seat in front of the two of them. "Thank you." 
"No. No. I didn't stay- for you- I stayed for your sweets." Albus explained. Mari actually smiled. 
"She's quite fierce." 
"Yes. Sorry." 
"No. I like it. Do you prefer Albus or Al?" 
"Albus." Albus said. 
"And you?" Scorpius asks, popping one of the Pepper Imps into his mouth. 
"Mari." Marinette says, popping one into her mouth too. "These are my favorite sweets as well." 
"THANK YOU FOR STAYING FOR MY SWEETS ALBUS AND MARI!" Scorpius shouts as smoke comes out of his ears. 
"Wow." Albus laughs. 
And for the first time in her life, Marinette laughed too. 
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ladymary1994 · 11 months
O Fic trailer de Sobrevivendo em Hogwarts - 4ª temporada já está no Youtube! Assista agora mesmo!
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writingsbychlo · 6 months
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NONSENSE | theodore nott
summary; you got that holiday glee from your true love.
word count; 7946
notes; there is literally no plot here. the whole thing is supposed to just be fluffy cute nonsense. I hope you enjoy it, regardless. the first fic of the christmas 2023 series, based on this song.
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The lights splashed off of every surface, the usual green of a Slytherin house party was spotted with a festive red, flashes of gold from the lights that had been slung around the room. The smell of fresh pine and berries was drowned out entirely by the spice of firewhiskey and the sting of glitter-powder from the Weasley twin’s mini-firework poppers hanging in the air. 
The classic setting of the annual Slytherin Christmas party. 
Brushing around your upper thighs was the fluff of your dress, a pleasant warmth racing through your veins as your drink settled into your blood. Your body moved, swaying amongst those on the dance floor as your hands settled on delicate hips, Pansy’s own hands on your waist, you both moving together, her head tossed back. The lyrics to the song were shouted from her mouth into the crowd, not a care in the world as she soaked up the atmosphere.
You giggled, her head snapping back up, and a mischievous smile played on her lips as she pulled you even closer. “What, you don’t like my singing?”
“I love your singing, Pans. It’s truly wonderful.” 
She only scoffed. You’d listened to enough shower concerts and drunken raves as her roommate over the years to know singing was one of the very few talents that Pansy Parkinson did not possess. The smell of her perfume flooded your nostrils, and she spun, dropping to the floor in a dramatic show that earned her a few cheers, including one of your own. 
Jingle bells rang out from somewhere in the crowd, muffled in the noise, Pansy made sure to twerk in time to them, her arse grinding against you as you swayed. When she rose again, her sights were locked on Luna’s across the room, the blushing Ravenclaw was doing her best not to stare, and making a poor job of it at that. 
“Oh, go put the poor girl out of her misery would you, Pansy? It’s obvious she’s into you, stop torturing her!” 
She faked a gasp, spinning to face you, and raising a perfectly manicured brow. “Now, is that any way to go about a game of cat and mouse? No wonder you lost yours so quickly.”
“I didn’t lose! I got my man, thank you very much!”
“Yes, you did.” Frozen hands clutched your waist, pushing Pansy’s hands away, their chill seeping through the material of your dress as the tip of a cold nose brushed along your exposed shoulder. “Hello, amore.”
With a dramatic sigh and a glare at Theo, she sauntered away, onto her next game despite muttering about him ‘ruining the fun’. 
The crowd swallowed her up again, leaving you alone. Leaning back into him, the cold of his clothes made you shudder, even when his arms wrapped around your waist and his lips left open-mouthed kissing along your exposed skin. 
“You’re cold, Teddy. Where have you been?”
“Out, getting some more booze. Can’t host the best party of all the houses if you’re not a good host, hm?” Finally, you spun in his arms, catching his cold lips in a kiss, and he hummed happily against your mouth as he returned the affections with vigour. His tongue licked across your lower lip, tracing the faint taste of his favourite alcohol there. “That’s the kind of kiss I get when I go out on a beer run?” 
“You’ve been out in the snow, I was just trying to warm you up.” You smirked, his eyes flashing cheekily at the insinuation, his hands slipping a little further around your body to your back, tugging you flush against him.
“Well, I’m still pretty cold. Maybe you should warm the rest of me up, huh?” His body began to shift, moving together with your own as you danced slowly, hips rocking together slowly. He positioned one thigh between your legs, a large hand splaying across your lower back to guide you in the movements. “You know, you look pretty cute in this little get-up you have going on here, Mrs Claus. But,”
You rose a brow, his eyes scanning over the red, strapless dress and trimmed white fur, the thigh-high socks you knew would drive him wild. All donned for the occasion, a cheesy dress for the Christmas pastry before you all went home for the winter break. Leaning in, his lips brush the shell of your ear, voice dropping;
“Penso che le tue calze starebbero meglio sul pavimento della mia camera da letto.”
“Are you teasing me, Teddy? I only understood about half of that.” You murmured, his teeth nibbling lightly on the shell until you gasped, before he pulled back, leaving another kiss on your jaw as he did. 
“I’ll make sure you understand me just fine by the end of the night, don’t you worry.”
Your cheeks flushed, and he noticed, the red only enhanced by the green lights in the room, your bodies moving together as the bass pumped across the stone and marble floors. His once chilled touch now seared into you like flames from a fire. Your foreheads pressed together, breaths shared as the moment was lost on you both, drunk on the feel of his hands on your skin and the smell of him in your nose. 
“Quite the little show you were putting on with Pansy back there.”
“Jealous?” You mused, and his eyes closed, a smile pulling at his lips as he shook his head a little. 
“Not at all, cara mia. Turned on, but not jealous.” He angled his head down a little more, mouth close enough to your own to taste the sugary mint on his every breath, making you want to suck the candy cane flavour from his tongue like a drug. Theo had a unique way of emptying your head of thoughts, of all rationale, of making you feel safe and loved at the same time as putting snowflakes in your stomach, all with a simple touch or look. 
“Good. You’re the only one I want under my mistletoe, Theo.” His hand dipped lower as you kissed the side of his mouth, squeezed your arse as you nipped at his jaw, traced the edge of those thigh-high socks when you rose to your tiptoes to suck on his neck softly. 
“Maybe we should go find some then, sì?” He sounded as breathless as he made you feel, nonsense flirting pouring from both of your mouths as the party roared on around you both like a din in your ears. He was your anchor, drowning everything else out as you retreated to look at him, smoothing a thumb over the mark on his neck that he’d no doubt wear proudly until it faded.
Taking his hand in your own, you lifted your clasped fingers to your lips, kissing across each of his scarred knuckles as you guided him away from the dance floor. His gaze stayed fixed on your motions, lips parting for a short puff of breath before those dark eyes flickered back up to your own. With a cheeky grin, you spun your back to him just as he moved to close the distance, a groan from him vibrating against your back as he all but plastered himself to you once again, his steps matching your own as the two of you shuffled through the room. 
“You drive me crazy, do you know that? Those eyes, that smile… this body in a dress like that.” Your only response was to add a little more of a sway to your hips as you made your way towards the drinks table, taking the long route around and letting him wait. “You’re bad, teasing me like this in front of all these people… naughty girl.”
“Oh, am I?” As you came to a stop, he murmured his response, a kiss to the back of your head and a covert smack to your arse as he leaned over you, swiping for two fresh plastic cups and searching the littered table top for a bottle with something left in. “Does that mean I’m getting coal for Christmas?”
“You’ll be getting something hard, alright.” He whispered, hips bucking into your backside, letting you feel the slight bulge beginning to grow there, and you melted back into him at his touch. His hand slides up from your waist, slides up to your throat, to cup your neck. “Perhaps a new necklace?” He murmurs, squeezing lightly. “Diamonds?”
“You two disgust me, actually.” Mattheo coughed, making you both jump a little as the bubble pops, and Mattheo shakes his head, gagging falsely. He leant across the drinks table, beginning to shake bottles, glass clinking as he drops them when they turn up useless. “Absolute animals, where has all my good whiskey gone?”
“Hello to you too, Matty.” Theo’s hand slid back down to a safer place, resting on your hip as he came to your side instead, letting you tuck under his arm and bury into his warmth and cologne. 
“Hello, lovebirds. Do we have anything to drink?”
“That’s what I have been trying to find out.” Theo mutters, and you shrug. 
“There’s always the mulled wine.”
“Wine is not supposed to be hot, dolcezza.” Your boyfriend’s face screws up, just like it does every time you say something that offends his national pride, and a bubble of laughter erupts from you, only making his expression deepen. He’d looked the same way when you’d mispronounced a dish on the menu of the restaurants he’d taken you to on your first real date, or when you’d brought up the trending ‘lasagne soup’ you’d seen online.
“At this point, I’ll drink anything as long as it gets me fucked up.” Your friend sighs, drawing chuckles from you both as you shuffle from Theo’s arms, and make your way towards the cauldron simmering in the less-crowded back of the room. They follow you slowly, the two boys chatting as you step away from the noise and bustle of the main party, and into the smokey, crowded adjoining den of the common room. Enzo is practically filling a couch of his own as he man-spreads across it, a blunt hanging from two of his fingers as he stares at the game of chess he and Tom have going, only making a move after three more drags from his cig. 
Blaise and Draco sit by the fire, each with a glass of mulled wine and in a heated debate about something you can’t keep up with. Draco’s new car or Blaise’s new favourite holiday destination, perhaps. Maybe, even a way to combine the two. Taking three glasses from the cabinet and crouching before the hearth, several greetings float your way as you pluck up the enchanted ladle that has kept the brew stirring, the smell of orange and cinnamon reaching your nose from within the pot. 
“Not sure why you got three glasses out, darling. I’m not drinking that.” Theo’s nose scrunches adorably as you pout up at him, pouring one steaming serving for Mattheo, first. 
“Oh, please, Teddy. Try it for me?”
Your scoff is all you can muster, filling another glass as Mattheo takes his and leaving one empty, returning the spell-bound stirrer to its task. Standing to your height once again, you clutch your drink between your hands, lowing steam from it. “You really hate mulled wine that much?”
“It’s nonsense. Wine isn’t meant to be hot.”
“It’s delicious this way!”
“Most wine is supposed to be cooled, actually.” He continued his argument, one you’d had for all the years of your friendship before ever getting together, and you sip it with amusement as he raves on about taking you for the perfect glass of wine someday.
“Better not kiss me again, then.” You interrupt, and his head snaps to you, several chuckles from the boys who have gathered.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well, if you hate mulled wine so much, I mean, because that’s all I’ll be drinking for the rest of the night.” You take another gulp, ignoring the heat of it, just to make your point, and licking stray droplets of the red from your lips, watching him track the movement.
“Don’t be ridiculous, dolcezza. You know that I think wine always tastes its best when I suck it from your tongue.” 
You don’t have a chance to speak again, not before his mouth is crashing down against your own and making you squeak in shock, the cup in your hands jostled enough to send some of the hot liquid spilling across your fingers. When you gasp at the sensation, his tongue plunges into your mouth, licking his way in like he’s memorising you all over again, and making your legs shake at the urgency. He has so many ways of kissing, Theo does. The lazy kisses, the high kisses, the good morning and good night and ‘I need you right now’ kisses. 
This was different. This was ‘I love you’ and ‘shut up’ and passion all rolled into one, his fingertips digging into your body as he clung to you, pulling you so close that the spilt wine was no doubt soaking into his jumper and staining the green cotton. Pressing into him, you tried to return it, free hand slipping up into his hair, tangling in the soft strands as his mouth enveloped your own. 
You almost dropped the glass in your hand, tingles shooting across every nerve you had just at the feeling of being near him. Falling for Theodore Nott had been one of the most intoxicating and reckless things you’d ever done. Everything had been just fine for years of friendship, years of laughter and jokes and hugs that never meant a thing, and then one day, the way you looked at him changed and your life had been flipped upside down. 
If you could go back and change things, you would. You’d make sure to go back and let it happen sooner.
“So?” Your breaths come out in shallow pants as he pulls away to leave delicate kisses across your cheeks, prolonging the moment. “What’s the verdict?”
“On what?” He whispered stupidly, voice devoid of any understanding at all, deep and raspy as he nuzzled his way into your hair. 
“I think we got mulled wine on your jumper.” Your own thoughts were just as hazy, just as blurred, and he backed away just enough to look down at the droplets, the liquid still staining your fingers.
Taking the glass from your hand, he placed it down on the mantlepiece beside the empty one, and brought your fingers to his lips. His eyes never left your own as he kissed and licked the wine away gently, sucking your skin clean and humming as he did, your lips parting but no words making their way out as Theo cleaned you up. 
“I suppose it doesn’t taste that bad…” Your head shook at his joke, his fingers weaving through your own when he was done. With a snap of his fingers, the enchanted ladle was topping your glass up, and filling his own. “Come on, cara mia, let’s sit down.”
Theo led you to the couch, sinking into the plush leather cushions and pulling you down to join him. Conversation was flowing like rich honey around you both as you settled, leaning into Theo’s side, his hand tucked against your hip, rubbing softly. 
You sipped at your wine, letting the feeling take over, letting yourself drown in the blurry atmosphere of being with your closest friends and the love of your life. Enzo was telling a story between smokes, a story of the Weasley twins’ latest pranks that he’d managed to be witness to, and laughter filled the room just as much as words did, as he recounted the tale. 
Theo raised his glass to his lips again, your attention moving to him instead, his throat bobbing with every swig he took, and when he pulled the glass away, you wiped a stray droplet from his mouth, sucking it from your finger. He pinched your hip in response. 
“What happened to not liking mulled wine?” You teased as he clicked for the enchanted ladle, refilling both of your glasses, and his lips pressed together. 
“I still hate it, but I’ll do anything to make you happy.” Is what he settled on, despite taking an impatient sip while it was too hot and scrunching his face up as his tongue burned. It may be an insult to his ‘perfect wine tastes’, but you knew that deep down, he loved it. 
His hand moved to your thigh, rubbing up and down slowly. You hid your smirk in your drink, watching him grow more and more needy. It wasn’t long before he was lifting your legs up, twisting you to rest them across his lap. Taking pity on him and laying your arm over his shoulder, your hand moved to his hair, nails scratching lightly at his scalp. 
It didn’t satisfy him for long, because only a few minutes into Blaise’s new debate with the boys, he was rubbing your thigh again. You offered a kiss, and another, but when his touches didn’t cease, you took his hand and moved it higher up. Tucking it against your upper thigh, you crossed your legs, trapping it steady between them and leaving a lingering kiss on the edge of his mouth. 
He squeezed your thigh, grateful for the increase in affection, and slumped a little more into the cushions, taking you with him. 
You drained your glass, adding your input to the story, and throwing in commentary as you went, between kisses shared with Theo, to keep him happy. 
That satisfaction didn’t last long, however, when his hand began sliding its way up your thigh further still, inch by inch, and his lips were tracing your neck as he once again lost track of the conversation. 
One drink down, two, halfway through a third glass each was when the lines became blurry enough that you didn’t mind your friends around so much anymore, but you did mind not having Theo’s tongue in your mouth. Clearly, he was just as affected, because as soon as your head twisted and your mouth closed over his, he was groaning happily, a grumble of ‘finally’, and leaning up to return the kiss with just as much vigour. 
Your fingers were tangled in his hair, a slow kiss that was just enough to drive you wild, your crossed legs clenching each time he sucked, each little sound he made, each gasping breath before he was back. His hand, sandwiched between your crossed thighs, was squeezing occasionally, fingers tracing tantalising touches onto your skin and leaving goosebumps in his wake. 
“Teddy…” You whispered, pulling back as your swollen lips stung from biting kisses, trailing your mouth over his jaw, peppering him with kisses as he bit back a moan at the feeling. You knew how much he loved it, how much he loved the way you’d lick at the hinge of his jaw, or the stretch as he tipped his head to the side to let you get at his neck. 
Theodore Nott was a man who loved PDA and touches, no doubt about it, and he made you feel loved up enough with a single smile to grant him more than his fair share of affection. 
“I missed you today.”
“You woke up in my arms this morning, dolcezza. We spent half the day together.” He whispered, and you pulled back with a frown, his head lazily tipping back to you and eyes refocusing as you deprived him of attention. “What?”
“Nothin’. I just…” Stroking a finger over his cheek, his head tipped into the touch, and he blinked up at you questioningly, waiting. “You didn’t miss me even a little bit?”
“No,” He murmured, your brows furrowing once again at the definitiveness of it. “Because you’re all I ever think about. I spent every minute getting ready to come back to you, and if that didn’t work, I started looking at your latest pictures. I can’t miss you when I know we’re going to spend the rest of our lives together.”
The fracture in your chest healed up in a second, bursting with heat and love and adoration instead as you pressed your forehead to his own. “Really?”
“Of course, amore. Do you truly not know what you do to me? The effect you have on me?”
“About the same you do to me, I suspect.” Your words were whispered against his puckered lips, and you gave in, another series of tender kisses until he was smiling too wide to continue. 
“And what is it that I do to you? Tell me. I want to hear it all.”
“Oh, please don’t,” Draco whined, your head lifting to find him grimacing at you both as Blaise hid his laughter behind his hand. “I don’t think there’ll be any room left in here if Nott’s ego gets any bigger. If I have to listen to any more ‘I love you more’ ‘no, I love you more’ from you both, I’m going to be sick in the fireplace.”
“Don’t be bitter, Dray,” You teased, twisting to sit properly across Theo’s lap once again, your arm around his shoulders and your fingers in his hair, scratching at the base of his neck so that his eyes fluttered. “Just because you’re single at Christmas doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be miserable.”
“I’m not miserable, thank you very much. I’m free. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be shackled at the best time of the year.” Your laughter was hidden by Tom’s,  Mattheo’s and Blaise’s, and this only seemed to ignite the blond man more. “All Theodore does is whine and complain about whether he’s bought you enough Christmas presents, and if he picked a romantic enough card. Too stressful, I won’t do it.” 
“Y’know, ‘won’t’ is not the same as ‘can’t’.” Your tutting turned his cheeks red as the other boys all fell over the edge into hysterics. 
“She’s got you there, cousin.” Enzo teased, eyes red-rimmed and face a state of permanent relaxation from how much he’d smoked, but even he was sentient enough to tease Draco.
“I hate you all. I hope all your Christmas presents suck.” He scoffed, sticking his tongue out at you as he walked away, and you pinched Theo’s chin, smacking a dramatic kiss on his cheek;
“I have all I want right here, Draco! But I’m the one that does the sucking, not that you’d know anything about that.”
He flipped you off, Theo’s hand tightening on your leg at the insinuation as Draco left to no doubt go and find one of his usual roster girls to nurse his ego back up to standards. “I’m holding you to that later, mi amore.”
“I should hope so, Teddy.” Uncrossing your legs from your seat across him and placing one wobbly foot on the floor, his hand slipped up from your thigh to you arse, stabilising you with a squeeze as he smirked to himself, watching you adjust the hem of your dress and turn to him. Taking his hand from your butt and weaving your fingers together, you tugged expectantly as he finished off his third glass of mulled wine, and then yours, too. “Dance with me?”
“If I ever say no to that question, I want you to avada me, okay?”
Staggering to his feet as you laughed, he let you tug him toward the centre of the room. Your arms wrapped around his neck, his own around your waist, and the two of you began to sway out of sync to the music, noses brushing and smiles matching as you revelled in the festive atmosphere. 
“It’s strange,” His words were quiet, and you offered only a questioning hum to his vague statement, stroking the tips of your fingers over the back of his neck soothingly. “Feels like we’ve always been like this. It doesn’t feel as new as it should. It doesn’t feel like we’ve only been together a few months. It feels like we have always been in love, just like this. It’s just… sembra il destino con te.”
You considered his words for a moment, letting them roll around in the blur of your mind. “Fate?” You whispered eventually, and the glow of the smile that broke his face as the few Italian words you’d been picking up on rang clear. 
“Yes, mi amore. Fate. It feels like fate with you.”
“I love you, Theodore Nott.”
“I love you more, (y/n) Nott.” He teased, lips sealing over yours in a promise that one day that name would be true. Your heart skipped a beat, your swaying continuing as you pulled yourself up a little closer, leaning into him for support to continue the kiss. Theo was everything, everything you needed and never knew. “Good thing Draco wasn’t here to hear that.”
“He’ll find this one day.” You stole another kiss, and another as Theo leaned in to meet you halfway, his hand sliding up your arm to clasp with your own. Lifting one hand away from his shoulder, Theo took a real step now, swirling you in a proper dance as he held your joint hands out, and giggles burst free as he began to twirl you around the room. 
Weaving between furniture and friends, Regulus barely had a chance to snatch his legs out of the way from where they rested on the cluttered coffee table before Theo was waltzing you past him, stumbling around the room in a clumsy mess of loving and drunken movements. 
Suddenly, over the top of the music in the room, came the baritone voice of one highly inebriated Blaise Zabini, crooning the lyrics to ‘All I Want For Christmas’. You smiled, joining him with the lyrics, then Mattheo and Theo and Enzo too, as the boys hunted for the tucked-away karaoke microphones that had been hidden in one of the cupboards. 
With no batteries and no purpose, one was thrust into your hand. Just like that, you found yourself dancing the span of the room with all of them, belting the incorrect lyrics to any Christmas song you could think of between laughs and swigs of drinks. 
Mattheo dropped first, out of breath and lay across a whole couch with a bottle of whiskey clutched in his hand, and a blunt in the other. Theo stood beside him, lifting Mattheo’s limp hand up every so often to steal a drag. 
He occasionally added the words, mostly happy to stand with his arm around your waist as you danced against him, aiming all the particularly romantic lyrics his way with a smile. 
“Well, someone has a little too much holiday cheer, huh?” Pansy emerged again, with suspiciously swollen lips and a dazed-looking Luna on her arm. Though, Luna could also just have eaten a few too many of those brownies she brought too, you think…
“What can I say?” You said through panted breaths, the carol still playing in the background as Blaise and Enzo continued to butcher the Christmas classic without you. “My true love gave it to me. How goes your evening, Pans?”
Her eyes widened for a fraction, before narrowing into a glare at your insinuation, and Luna only giggled. “Our evening has been going quite well, has it not, Pansy?”
“‘Course it has, Loons.” She mumbled, tightening her arm around the smaller girl’s waist, and guiding her towards the couches. When Luna couldn't see, she stuck her tongue out at you, and you pouted to hide your laughter, shoulders shaking in a betrayal.
“Your true love, huh?” Theo questioned from behind, making you jump in shock, and you turned around to swat at his chest. 
“Don’t fucking sneak up on me like that, Nott.”
“Uh-huh.” He shook his head at your antics, leaning in to steal a kiss from your lips before you could swerve away. “I’m getting bored of this party now. How about you come and show me a little more of that true love back at my dorm?”
“Lead the way.”
“So you can stare at my arse the whole time?” He chastised, but took your hand in his own, beginning to lead you both back through the crowds, your departure covert before anyone could make you stay. 
“The quidditch training does you well, what can I say?” Leaning forward to pinch him as he walked, he almost stumbled over a step, reaching behind himself to grab at your wrist, tugging you around to his side as he scowled. His cheeks were red, but there was a grin he was trying to hide, shining his eyes, and it broke free after another second. 
“You’re a menace.”
“You do this to me, what can I do? You drive me crazy, Teddy.”
“Don’t say things like that to me unless you want me to bend you over that drinks table right now.” He muttered, the words tumbling from his lips like he was reading off a shopping list, and your heart skipped a beat in your chest as a shock of heat raced down your spine. “I can’t get you back to my dorm any faster than this, but you’re testing my strength.”
He began to push through the crowds with even more force, no longer polite as he wove but simply pushing his way through any gaps or spaces, dragging you behind him until he was ushering you up the stairs. Through the cold halls, the music dulled and faded to nothing but a distant throb of the bass, and even that was sealed out to nothing as he closed his dorm door, locking it with a spell. 
Pressing him back into the wood, Theo was happy to go with your movements, pliant to your every wish as the bliss of the night continued to blanket you both. Your lips met his, a simple kiss he hardly had a chance to return before you were kissing at his cheek, his jaw, down in a trail along his neck, and over his covered chest. 
Sinking to your knees before him, a shot of cold raced across your skin from the cool stones of the floor. He looked down at you, fingers brushing tangling into your hair, and smirking as he held it out of your way. 
Your fingers began tugging at his belt in return, undoing it and slipping the leather out of the loops, he let out a happy sigh. Slumping further against the wood, you tugged at his jeans, mouthing every inch of exposed skin along his hip bones as they slid down, boxers too, his already hard cock bouncing up to smack across your cheek. 
Hot, wet skin throbbed against your face, and you turned, tongue out and dragging along the length of his dick, before swirling around the tip. He hissed through his teeth, eyes dark and half-lidded as he stared down at you, that serious expression that always made you weak in the knees melting away to something else. 
“Oh, you’re going to let Santa come down your chimney, dolcezza?”
Even in a moment like this, with your lips wrapped around the tip of his cock, Theo managed to make a joke, your laughter muffled against him as you pulled back, and his own laugh was cut off by a moan at the feeling. His hips bucked, tip prodding at your lips as you grinned up at him, pinching his thigh for his poor excuse of a joke and terrible timing. Surely, you thought, you should be turned off or angry, something other than complete love filing you as he made jokes right now. Instead, it only made you feel more for him, his goofy nature behind closed doors that only you got to see, his sweet and funny and silly side that was hidden from most of the world. It was all part of what made him.
Somehow, his stupid jokes turned you on even more, a twisting in your stomach like snowflakes in a storm, your thighs clenching together. So, you matched his energy. If sexy Christmas puns were what he wanted, you’d certainly win. 
“Will I get a white Christmas this year?”
Licking the underside of him, from balls to tip, he let out a throaty groan, angling your head with the hand in your hair and sinking himself deep enough to make you gag, never taking his eyes away from your lips. “Oh, we’ll paint it white.”
His gaze stayed glued to your mouth, watching as he set a slow pace, controlling the bobbing of you up and down his cock. Only half in, and he was already beginning to fray at the edges, fixated on watching himself disappear in and out of your mouth. Taking him by surprise, you pushed a little further, all the way until you gagged and more, swallowing as much of him as you could until tears were pricking at your eyes. 
Again and again you let him take over, just to snatch it away when he least expected it, driving him over the edge, until he was muttering curses in Italian and throbbing in your mouth. Again, you took him down, deep until you couldn't breathe for the weight of him in your airways, and he fisted at your hair hard enough to burn.
Your throat flexed around him, swallowing and wet as spit gathered at the edges of your mouth, stretched around his considerable girth. Only when your lungs burned for breath did you pull back, gasping and messy as you stared up at him. “Santo fanculo, tesoro. La tua piccola bocca calda sarà la mia morte.”
“Turns me on when you talk dirty to me in Italian, Theo.”
“Is that so?” He muttered, hand cupping your throat, one thumb under your chin to tip your head up, and with a wink, he spat onto your waiting tongue. “Ingoialo, perché qualsiasi altra cosa ti do sta andando in quello stretto poco fica.”
A whimper slipped free, and he tugged you up by the fistful of your hair, uncaring of where your mouth had just been as he smashed his against it, tongue forcing into your mouth and kissing you so hard you could barely stand. Stripping himself the rest of the way, he made quick work of your own clothes, between keeping up with your kisses, and leaving his own collection of marks on your neck, Theo had you both naked and gasping in record time. 
“I love unwrapping my presents,” He whispered into the flesh of your breasts, tugging you down into his lap as he sat, your hips rocking against his wet cock, mixing with your juices as he bumped against your clit with every movement. “Told you those stockings would look better on my floor.”
“God, just kiss me, Theo. Before you make me lose my mind.” Your hands were on his cheeks, tugging his face back up, and he was muttering a spell as your lips met. Using his nose to nudge your attention upwards instead. He took a nipple into his mouth as you leaned back, staring up at the small green plant he had conjured above you both, and giggling through a moan as he scraped his teeth across the bud. “Is that mistletoe?”
“But, of course, mi amore. It was the one thing missing.”
Flicking your gaze over the room, you took in the mess of Christmas decorations the pair of you had put up. You’d taken to decorating his dorm like it was decorating your first house together, celebrating your first Christmas as a couple. 
A small, wonky Christmas tree sat on the dresser, a garland over the window, a wreath on the outside of the door and lights woven onto the headboard of his bed, flashing a myriad of colours on his profile now that only made him more beautiful. 
Smoothing back the hair from his face to see him fully, you pecked his lips, and again, “I love it.”
“Anything to make you happy.” His words were cheesy, but so smoothly spoken in such a deep voice that you shuddered nonetheless, and his eyes sparkled. “What else do you desire, my love? You’re already in my lap, so why don’t you tell me what you want?”
Pausing your rocking, you shuffled back just enough, dragging a nail down his chest and between your bodies, cupping his balls and giving them a squeeze in your palm as his mouth dropped open, and eyes rolled back. “Why, you got a present for me in your sack, huh?”
He was groaning and laughing at the same time, his face buried in your neck as you continued your ministrations, his whole body tight and every muscle locked as you did, until he was shaking, unable to take it any longer. “That’s what you want? It’s all yours. How do you want to take it?”
“Let me go for a ride, be your vixen.”
He bit at the juncture of your neck, before lifting his head, eyes playing out a plan as he looked to you. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about some different uses for these lights… interested?”
“Always.” You breathed, letting him twist you around with ease, until you were on your back amongst the pillows, arms being stretched above your head, and thrill racing through your body like a new high as you felt the wires and lights coil around your wrists. With a test tug, they pinched at your wrists, leaving you strung up to his headboard like nothing more than a decoration yourself, and he whistled at his work as he pulled back to admire you. 
Spreading your legs apart for himself, he settled onto his stomach, and anticipation overtook you in waves. Squirming on the bed before him, Theo chuckled to himself, blowing a stream of cool air onto your clit, making you squeal. “You look better than a whole fuckin’ feast. Look at you…”
He licked a single, firm stripe across your core, lapping up everything that had gathered so far, tongue parting your folds, and prodding at your clit as he did. When your hips bucked up to follow his face, legs crooking and feet planted on the bed, he placed a hand flat across your hips, pinning you down. 
“Be a good girl and have some patience.”
Your whimper spurred him on, back in again and again, until the noises he was dragging from you were closer to cries and sobs. He teased at your entrance, dipping his tongue inside just enough to drive you wild before pulling back and focusing his attention on the needy bud between your legs. Sucking and nipping, he dragged you to the brink, all before pulling back and leaving you hanging, marking your thighs with his bites and bruises. 
Again and again he played, until you were a writhing mess under his hands, tugging at the wires holding you down, desperately rocking against his face as his arms wrapped under your legs. And only then, did he give in. Just like that, every light touch became demanding, every teasing drag became more like a punishment, as Theo took what he really wanted. 
Screams of his name from your lips bouncing off the worlds, your juices a mess on his face as you came, and he wouldn't let up. Pleasure so intense it blinded you, an orgasm tearing through you, your body spasming from the sensations, back arching, and his only response was to slide two fingers into you and abuse your clit as he scissored them.
Sobs became wails, your voice cutting out and catching as you panted for breath you could no longer drag into your lungs, all as he traced filthy words and claims onto your body with his mouth, while pressing to that spongy spot inside of you that made you see stars. 
“Oh, Theo— fuck, baby, I can’t—”
“You will.” He murmured, a third finger slipping in, and your body went taut, hips leaving the bed entirely as you seized, a second orgasm tearing through you and juices gushing as he kept his pace, riding you through the high and over the crest of it. He took everything you had to give him, cheeks shining and eyes locked on your movements, you could feel the burn of his stare into your skin, branding you as his as he almost killed you with his mouth. “Una ragazza cosí brava cazzo per me.”
As soon as he pulled away, your thighs snapped shut, your trembling body collapsing against the mattress as you gasped for breath. “H-Holy shit, Teddy.”
“Shut up.”
“That’s not a very nice thing to say to someone who just had you begging for mercy, is it?” He tutted, pushing your knees apart, the cool air in the room sweeping across your still soaked core as you continued to leak, no doubt dripping onto the expensive silk sheets he owned. “Perhaps you no longer deserve my mercy.”
“Let me at least catch my breath,” You muttered, one of his hands coming to land beside your head as he leaned over you, the other pulling your leg up onto his hips. Brushing his lips across your own lovingly, you smiled, puckering them for a kiss,
With that, Theo slammed himself into you, your eyes rolling back as your still fluttering walls were forced to accommodate his length, your core twisting so tight you thought you might come again just like that, feeling him slide deeper and deeper, all the way, until your hips were sat snugly together. Your fingers became fists, jerking at the lights and rattling them on the headboard as your instinct to cling to him, to tear his back apart with your scratches took over. 
Instead you were restrained, all you could do was cling to him with your legs, return his eager kisses as best you could, head spinning, utterly overwhelmed with the feeling of being his. He gave you a chance to adjust, at least, his own face screwed tightly. Shallow pants on his lips as he steadied himself not to burst right away, and you made sure he struggled, clenching around him and rolling your hips into him until he had to hold you down. 
“Stop teasing me,”
“I’m not doing anything.” Your denial was useless, his glare said everything, that he knew you were lying, and he would make you pay for it, too.
“Oh, you’re a vixen, alright. Piccola troia.”
“That’s right,” You whisper onto his lips, “But I’m your little slut.” 
Just like every time you understood his first language, his eyes lit up, sparking with fire and adoration as you claimed him like he’d claimed you, lips searing as you kissed him. His hips began to move, in rhythm with your kisses and picking up speed. 
Every thrust of his hips has the breath knocked from your lungs, stretched out and full of him in the most perfect way. Before you’d been together, your sexual experiences had been limited and disappointing, and your first time with Theo made you realise just how good sex could be. It didn’t matter how or when, whether it was bent over a table in the back of the library with his fingers in your mouth to keep quiet, or in the astronomy tower, high and lazy, it was always so good. 
But this,
This was something else. This was mindblowing, your toes curling as he pounded into you, taking you to new heights of pleasure. His skin was slick, as was your own, sliding together perfectly as you shared breaths, foreheads pressed together, no longer even having the strength to kiss, nothing but the movements of your bodies. 
“You’re so fuckin’ good, tesoro. So perfect for me.” His praise covered you like a blanket, only adding to the way you felt, helping build you higher and higher toward the orgasm that would blow the others out of the water. 
“Oh, Teddy…”
“Yeah, you feel good?” One extra sharp thrust, your nails digging into your palms, and you began to roll your body up desperately into his own, searching for a release that would leave you in bliss for hours to come. “I love to make you feel good, you make me feel so good too.”
“So good, Theo. So big,” Your words were strained, eyes rolling back, and he licked his way across your mouth, a cheap and lousy kiss that barely counted, but it gave you enough of a taste of him to explode, Shaking as you came, your body was out of your control, more and more as your orgasm kept going. 
His pace faltered, the way you screamed his name enough to make anyone feel dizzy, a dazed smile on his face as it reached his ears. One, two, three more thrusts and he was collapsing down onto you, shuddering against your body as he smothered you, moaning your name with hot breaths on the shell of your ear as he came. 
His cock twitched between your walls, filling you up deep inside and making your jaw drop open just at the feel of it. He was still going as he pulled back, pulled out, the last of his load dripping down your folds and into the bed sheets, leaving you shuffling at the feeling, your whole body still reeling in the after-effects. 
He pushed sweaty hair out of his face, staring down at you and admiring the mess he had made you into. 
Your legs were still shaking as he leaned over to untie you, his own fingers a little unsteady and weak as he worked, freeing one wrist and kissing it softly on the red-marked skin. 
“What the hell am I supposed to do without orgasms like that for two whole weeks?” You sighed, and his laughter erupted from him in a burst so hard he almost collapsed down on top of you with the suddenness of it. You could only smile up at him as he stared down at you, hovering over your face and trying to calm his amusement. “What?”
“I was trying to be romantic just now,” He chastised, the blow never hitting, and he worked on freeing your other wrist, and kissing that one too. When you had the use of both arms back, you propped yourself up as best you could, watching as he wandered away to retrieve a cloth. “You could always send me sexy letters in the post about all the things you think about, and I’ll make them all come true when we get back.”
He reappeared in the room, and you raised your brows. “Oh, you want a wish-list of all my sexy, nonsense fantasies, huh?”
“I want literally nothing more than a sex bucket-list with you.” A quick cleaning charm, and a soothing swipe of the cool, damp fabric between your thighs, and then he was crawling back up the bed, collapsing down amongst the blankets to rest his head on your chest as your arms wrapped around his shoulders. His head bounced with your residual giggles, his arms circling your waist as best they could, snuggling into you as you lined the top of his head with kisses. “I love you, cara mia. You’re all that was on my wish-list this year.”
“I love you more, Teddy.” Another kiss, to his forehead as he looked up to you, a devoted smile on his face. “You’re everything I could ever wish for.”
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sebasluv · 1 year
sebastian sallow headcannons + reader (crush)
a/n: doing this for the community 🫡 jkjk | spoilers (ofc)
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whether you met him first in the common room or the defense against the dark arts class, you are sure something more than a spell sparked that day; a friendship, perhaps
"not bad, not bad for a new student," he dusted himself off the floor. glancing at your stretched hand, he took it gladly; as you pulled him off the ground.
"thank you...i was nervous about what i did back there, hope you are alright"
"i've had it much worst, believe me," he smiled.
occasional meetings at dada (lol) became frequent meetings throughout multiple classes. whatever fate wanted, you were glad to be greeted with those eyes you know so well
"class, welcome the newest rose to our garden," professor garlick smiled warmly at you. being ever politely you are, you returned the gesture, only to be distracted with the burning hole in your head.
'shit, he is staring at me,' you thought. staring back, he doesn't seem fazed by your gaze, 'is he zoning out?'
of course, professor garlick had to put you next to him. *wink wink*
can't also help that professor weasley tends to call him to help you with everything.
"excuse me, mr. sallow, please come to my office after this class," she pierced through her eyeglasses, and sebastian can't help feeling a sweat drop off his face.
'shit, what did i do'
"please, accompany ms. l/n to hogsmeade for her to buy her supplies," she assigned him without even looking up from her parchment.
"professor, but, why me?"
"don't you worry, i saw you with her in the class, you don't have to hide your feel-"
"no!- erm- i mean- no, she was just- stuned me during our duel"
"then, good, she will need a lot more practice to get comfortable," she replied. "now, run along."
"thanks for getting me out of detention," he chuckled as he walked side-by-side with you to hogsmeade.
"you're welcome?" 'fuck, he is staring again'
he got those chocolate hair and eyes...which it seems that you can not get enough of them
loves accompanying you around the vast castle of hogwarts
walking together after class is one of your favorite activities to do together
picking and packing up your books after charms class, you’ve noticed a green robe coming up to you.
“forgot this?” he passed your notebook.
“thanks, seb”
“what about…if i say…would you fancy a butterbeer this evening?” he questioned while staring at your hurried gestures.
“i- erm…i don’t know, i got a potions essay to work on…you know…they are quite the pain in the arse”
“hey, c’mon, butterbeer’s on me? it’s friday night,” sallow chuckled. “please?”
“hm…fine, meet me up at 6, quidditch gate,” you hurled your book bag up your shoulder as you reach for your wand.
“alright…see ya”
of course, being the ever gentleman he is, he will walk you to your dormitory. from the very highest ravenclaw towers, to the lowest hufflepuff dungeon, or even the golden house of gryffindor. (ofc if you are in slytherin, he will not miss a chance to send you to your room)
“alright…thanks for tonight, it’s my cue here,” you halted before your destination.
“you’re welcome, butterbeers are still on me next time, good night,” he smiled.
“night, seb”
sebastian was not quiet, no, he wasn't very close to being the quietest in the class. you will always find yourself, or perhaps, your ears, catching a glimpse of his voice in the busying class.
he can be the biggest teaser and a sarcastic commentator, which you act like you hated it. (no, you love it)
"i hope you don't mind me tying your shoe laces for you, cause i don't want you falling for nobody else," he chuckled.
"oh, please"
but one thing you have noticed is that, he will always find a good use of his chocolate eyes; they always find themselves searching through the sea of people to catch you.
he can be quiet if he wants, zoning out isn't the furthest of his forte
throwing out a joke or a comment were not something you are not used to as well.
of course, he finds a good blush in your cheeks everytime.
as cheeky and cunning he is, you couldn't ignore the feeling in your gut every time sebastian mentions his sister.
his demeanor shrinks and all you can hope is to comfort him in your arms.
he is loyal as a hufflepuff, quite interesting to find a slytherin boy as well-mannered as him.
'please, no, please, no-'
"who did you brought here with tonight, mr. sallow?" the librarian questioned.
"no one, ma'am"
"such a shame, mr. sallow, i will call the headmaster on this. just imagine what your uncle would-"
with one last glance, you mouthed him a 'thank you' and a smile on your face. your heart was beating so fast that it might nearly jumps out and pump itself on the floor.
you can lie to me, but i will never believe that sebastian does not love hugs.
he loves a good ol' hug. side hug, back hug, front hug, bear hug, a soul crushing hug, anything hug. plus one if it is a surprise hug.
mans love to joke around sometimes but, in the end, he is super protective. just a glimpse of how he would protect his sister. a gentleman, yet a bold friend.
standing up for you and always believing in you. hell yeah, he can even take a punch in the face for you *wink wink* and he can definitely place a punch for you; perhaps, a curse
the great hall is such a buzzing place, filled with students and delicious food to the brim. but undeniably, one of the best places to throw glances across the room for sebastian and y/n.
whether you are sitting across the room or just across the table, his eyes will always search for yours.
"i got my eyes on you, remember that"
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little-emerald-snake · 3 months
Any chance we can pretty please get a spice level 1000 smut with ominis and mc?
You write so well and atm all im seeing on tumblr is seb.
Im an omi girl and im starving lol
If your current circumstances permit, could you delve into your deepest darkest smut mind and give us a golden heap of descriptive and intricate filth? Haha xxx
We all love you.
I squeal whenever you post. Xxxxx
Hope youre doing well
Did you just come from the Undercroft!? - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
Ohhh boy this one is wayyyy better than my last Doninis request so I apologize. But holy heck…this came from the dark fucked up recesses of my brain so enjoy that 🤣 Thanks for reading love, I’m doing much better after cutting back how much I’ve been writing, I feel rejuvenated and have much better inspiration (ignore the fact I’m posting twice a week again 🙄) 🫶🏻
Warnings: reliving the trauma of Ominis yelling at you for coming out of the Undercroft, Dominis, degradation, name calling (seriously I did not hold back), spitting, spit swallowing, clit/pussy spanking, rough fingering, squirting, spanking thighs and ass, unprotected rough sex, marking, threats of impregnation, threats of defamation, gaslighting, so much use of the word slut, overstimulation, crying during sex, degradation, oral m receiving, cum swallowing, no aftercare (hang in there loves, it’s a tough one)
2.4k words
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She carefully stepped out from the undercroft, glancing around to see the coast was clear before stepping out. Much to her surprise the familiar blonde Slytherin stood there almost as if he was headed there himself. “Hello Sebastian. Wait.”
Her heart began to race in her chest and she momentarily debated making a run for it or staying absolutely silent and pretending she wasn’t there at all. “You there. I can hear you.”
Well there went that plan. The blind Slytherin wasn’t to be trifled with. That much she knew. No sense in hiding if he already knew that she was in fact there and it wasn’t in fact his best friend. “Oh, hello Ominis, isn’t it? I believe we have a few classes together, right?”
The blonde's brows rose and he looked momentarily puzzled before standing a bit straighter. “I recognize that voice. Heard you talking to Garreth Weasley in Potions class. You’re the new fifth-year.”
She was about to cheerily agree but a scowl met his features and her stomach sunk. He looked absolutely furious. “Did you just come from the Undercroft? How did you get in there?”
She swallowed nervously, deciding in that moment that she wouldn’t rat out Sebastian after he’d taken the fall for her in the library. “Oh? That room’s called ‘the Undercroft?’ Ah. Well, I was exploring and suddenly found myself in a strange passageway-“
He frowned deeply, interrupting her with a cutting tone. “Don’t lie to me. No one ‘stumbles’ upon that room. Sebastian told you, didn’t he?”
He suddenly shifted closer to her, nearly pinning her against the clock decorated door to the Undercroft and she swallowed again. “I can’t risk you telling anyone about this place, you know. Sebastian’s going to get an earful about this. He gets into enough trouble as it is and doesn’t need your help in doing so. Come with me.”
He stepped away from her, bringing his wand up to guide him before grabbing her arm and yanking her away from the opening. He carefully opened the passageway to the Undercroft and shoved her inside, stepping in after her and gripping her arm again.
She stumbled as he easily guided her to the couch and tossed her down roughly. She debated getting up and making a run for it but he stood right in front of her, blocking her exit unless she jumped over the back of the sofa. “I’m going to punish you for lying on behalf of Sebastian. I bet he only showed you this place so he wouldn’t be interrupted while taking your sweet pussy. He should know better. This is my hideout. He shouldn’t be bringing his mischievous romps down here anyway.”
She stuttered over her words, anxious as Ominis’ body language changed and his words lost their proper tone and changed to a different, more demanding tone. “I-I…we weren’t doing anything like that. H-he simply was showing me a place to work on my magic since I’m behind. I-I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone about it and I meant that. I-I’d never-“
He tsked her, placing a finger under her chin and tipping her head up to look at him. “You’re loyal to Sebastian. Not me. Therefore I can’t trust you. As for Sebastian, he’s showing you the Dark Arts isn't he? You’re learning the curses with him aren’t you? You will not sully my Undercroft with Dark Magic or your vile sexual acts.”
She pressed herself against the back of the couch, heartbeat thundering behind her ribs all the way down between her legs. She couldn’t explain why his anger was working her up but it was.
He chuckled, wand blinking in his hand. “My my, your heart sure is beating away. Partially because you're scared but there’s something more isn’t there? What? Sebastian teaching you the Dark Arts is riling you up is it? Are you greedy for power? You do realize I’m a Gaunt, right? Sallow is a pureblood wizard but I’m a direct pureblooded descendant of Salazar himself. My blood runs thicker with tragedy than any other wizarding family known to the wizarding world.”
Her mouth went dry. That wasn’t what she was about at all. It had nothing to do with power or learning the Dark Arts which she actually feared. But the way he was speaking to her, boasting himself up and almost trying to compete with Sebastian for her attention had her going. This was a very different side to Ominis.
He snickered, tucking his wand away and lowering himself to kneel on the couch with his hands on the tips of the cushions behind her and his knee between her legs. Her body went rigid when hot breath ghosted across her neck and a hand caressed her stomach, slowly adding pressure and moving downwards. “That’s right. I know you’re a pureblood. I could easily fill you with a Gaunt heir and you would very quickly become an important witch. Your name would be in everyone’s mouth.”
His hand now lifted the hem of her skirt and she nearly choked when a devious smirk decorated Ominis’ features. Shame burned through her. “No bloomers on. You filthy slut. Now I’m sure of it. You were down here trying to fuck Sebastian weren’t you. He’s ever the playboy you know. He’ll stick his cock in anything. You aren’t special.”
Her heart raced, squirming as his fingers traced up her inner thigh to find her soaking wet pussy. He groaned, yanking her skirt up and moving her knees apart a bit to spit directly onto her sex. The action caught her off guard but he flattened his palm, rubbing her pussy with his flattened fingers by starting slow and getting rougher.
She held back whimpers and moans but this only made him angrier. She gasped as his free hand moved off the cushions and squeezed her cheeks. The action forced her lips to open and that was when he spit inside her mouth, fingers still roughly rubbing against her sensitive sex.
She hesitated, freezing with his spit in her mouth now and unsure what to do. He chuckled darkly, seeming to sense her dilemma. “Swallow it. Filthy slut. You better consider this an honor.”
She swallowed. It felt wrong but that didn’t stop her body from responding with hot electric tingles spreading down her body. He chuckled, finding her clit with the ball of his palm and rubbing aggressively. The sensation it caused danced on the line of torture and pleasure. The pressure was too much but that didn’t stop her hips from canting upwards.
This was all too much. She was careening toward an orgasm, hips bucking and moving to try and wring pleasure from the overstimulating torture. In a moment of relief he pulled his hand away, spitting down on her pussy again, releasing her jaw and caging her in with his arm. She thought the torturous pleasure would be done but that’s when his palm reunited with her sex in a loud slap.
The sound got her more than anything but the intense heat that burned from the sensation of the spank caused her to whine. He only grinned spanking a few more times in quick succession.
She reached down to grip his wrist and pull him away but he only chuckled, overpowering her with strength and shoving two fingers inside. She lost her battle, still holding his wrist but no longer pushing him away as he began a brutal pace, finger fucking her rather agressively. “This is how you learn, useless slut.”
It was intense but she couldn’t deny it had her hips lifting in pleasure again. Especially when those long slender fingers curled, hammering directly against her g spot and dragging her closer to the edge her body was teetering on. “Ah! Oh Ominis! I-I’m gonna-!”
He kept up the brutal pace, laughing at her pitiful behavior below him as he kneeled over her and drove her to the brink. She gave a sharp cry, body arching upwards as a pressure she’d never felt before took over. “You’re not supposed to like this, greedy little slut.”
When the pressure faded and the high of her orgasm faded she floated back to reality, ears still lightly ringing. She could hear Ominis’ condescending tone trying to break through.
After a moment she finally registered when he was saying. “How dare you make a mess of the furniture in my Undercroft. Look at this fucking mess. Are you listening to me!? Your pleasure should be irrelevant to me.”
She opened her eyes, glancing down between her legs where Ominis had pulled his now dripping fingers away to motion at the damp cushions below her. Luckily for him, he’d managed to dive away before getting splashed with her mess as his clothes were dry. His hand and the furniture below her had no such luck.
She had hot tears welling in her eyes. She’d never squirted before and now from something so rough. How could this have happened? She didn’t have long to process before Ominis’ hand landed on her parted thigh with a slap that echoed through the stone walls of the room.
She gasped, the heat that blossomed to the top of her skin, making it red and sensitive, surprising her. He spanked her again just a bit higher and she snapped her legs shut, causing him to laugh. “What? Can’t take a punishment properly? You shouldn’t have lied to me then, you stupid girl.”
She whimpered and he took her hand, helping her up. She sighed a breath of relief. It was short lived though as he flipped her over and positioned her on her hands and knees in front of him, yanking her skirt up to leave her bare before him.
His palm came down hard on the round cheek of her ass, causing her to gasp and lurch forward in surprise. “That’s for making a such a fucking mess.”
She peered over her shoulder, swallowing harshly as she heard the zipper of his trousers and felt the blunt tip of him against her entrance. She didn’t have time to deny him as he shoved into her, slamming his hips forward and burying himself inside her wet warmth.
She gasped, biting into her lip at the slight sting of such a quick intrusion. He filled her so completely full she’d never felt anything like it. She gasped when he moved, dragging himself back out and grunting as he stuffed himself right back in.
He held her hips in a firm grasp, fucking into her agressively. With every slam of his hips it became just a bit clearer that this fucking was meant as a punishment. Yes it felt incredible but his pace was brutal, rough and quick and meant to get a point across.
Just as she was beginning to fall into pleasure and tighten around him he was pulling out of her and flipping her onto her back. He wasted little time slamming back into her and resuming the animalistic pace of fucking her.
He leant down over her, baring his teeth against her neck and scraping against her delicate skin. He fucked her faster, biting and suckling bruises into her soft skin.
The pleasure was driving her closer and closer to the edge but she knew people would surely question her about the hickeys he was leaving. She attempted to shove him off, causing a snarl to rise from his throat and he released her abused flesh and growled against her ear. “If you tell anyone it was me who marked you, I’ll deny it. I’ll tell everyone you’re a filthy little liar and that you are nowhere near my league. I’ll publically humiliate you. Is that what you want?”
She pitifully shook her head and tears bubbled up to the surface. She was moaning and crying, pain, pleasure and emotional whiplash being the cause. But her body shook and she experienced a soul shredding orgasm. Fat hot tears rolled down her cheeks as she rippled around him, whimpering and crying out as she came.
He growled in frustration, pulling out of her and falling back against the couch, pulling her with and seating her in his lap. “How dare you cum on my cock without my permission. You’re going to fucking earn it this time, you hear that slut? Ride me to get your pleasure since you’re such a greedy cock slut.”
She was so lost in the pleasure and the chaos that she did, placed her hands on his shoulders and rolled her hips on his, riding him and whimpering. “That’s right. Take my cock. Forget all about dallying with Sebastian. Enabling him like a naughty little bitch behind my back. Stupid girl, playing with the Dark Arts.”
She cried, overwhelmed from how good it felt to fuck him and how hot it was to be degraded by him but his words did cut deep. She hadn’t slept with Sebastian at all but the idea that Ominis wanted to fuck Sebastian out of her system lit a fire inside of her. He laughed heartily at her tears. “Are you overwhelmed silly slut? Can’t take being told what a useless and dumb little hole you are? Thats alright. I’m done with your pussy. Get on the floor where sluts belong. This filthy pussy isn’t good enough to be bred by a Gaunt. Your mouth will have to do.”
He practically shoved her off, more or less tossing her to the floor before sliding forward on the seat and gripping a fistful of her hair and using her mouth. She watched through watery eyes as he fucked her mouth, pumping her mouth full of thick, hot, salty cum.
She immediately wanted to spit it out but he pinched her nose and pulled his cock out, forcing her head back and brushing down the front of her throat till she swallowed his essence. He laughed meanly, tapping her cheek. “That’s right. You’re a good slut. Even if you are an absolute shit liar.”
He stood up, straightening himself out and putting himself back together before pulling his wand from his robe pocket and sauntering towards the door. “No more encouraging Sebastian to get into trouble? You hear me? If he comes up with some ‘brilliant plan’ you bring it to me immediately. Now, go clean up and go to bed…although, I must admit you are prettier when you’re overstimulated. And remember what I said. You tell anyone anything about this and I’ll have this entire school pitted against you. I’m not afraid to exploit my father being friends with Headmaster Black if I need to.”
Without another word he left her, tears streaming, throat raw, and pussy aching from the roughness.
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dramioneasks · 6 months
Top 10 Most Favourited (Completed) Fics on FFNET of 2023:
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The Education of a Lady by thewanderers'wanderingdaughter - M, 34 chapters, Words: 365,605 - COMPLETE. Fourth and final (for real this time) part in the His Little Bird series. The story of survival, betrayal, and tragedy. A monster took everything from her. Now she's expected to be a willing participant in the world he's built for them. They want her to become one of them. She only wants vengeance, and now that she has her power back, she can make that a reality.
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scorpiusandstars · 1 year
Some sad Albus Potter headcannons (but it ends nicely)
When he was a small child, Albus’ siblings used to joke about him being the odd one out because he didn’t have red hair. Lily’s was just like her mother’s and James’, whilst less vibrant, still had undeniable red hues. But Albus was the only of his siblings to get his dad’s. He didn’t mind it so much back then. After all, he wasn’t actually that different from them. They were just messing around.
Albus never liked quidditch growing up. His mum was an ex-professional and his dad and his siblings were all exceptional at it too. Albus didn’t really get it. He preferred being on the ground. He accepted that maybe he didn’t fit in in that regard either. But that was okay. He was still a Potter.
Albus’ heart plummeted the moment the sorting hat announced where he’d been placed. He was the first of the Weasley bloodline to not be put in Gryffindor, he was the first of the Potter bloodline to not be put in Gryffindor. It wasn’t right; he was getting further and further away from the rest of his family. He briefly let himself dwell on a memory; an argument he’d had with James. He was nine, and he’d snuck into James’ room over the Christmas holidays and put his Gryffindor uniform on. James was angry that Albus had gone through his stuff, but Albus just wanted to be like his big brother. The memory turned sour.
Selfishly, his heart broke to see Lily go into Gryffindor. He’d hoped maybe he wouldn’t be the only one, that maybe she’d be like him, that maybe she’d prove he wasn’t the odd one out. He didn’t know why he was kidding himself, because at that point he’d already accepted that he was.
Lily made the quidditch team in her second year. Albus was happy for her, of course. But she made it onto a team captained by his brother and with Rose as their star player. His parents gushed about James and Lily’s playing, and his aunt and uncle praised Rose for her’s in equally high regard. Albus would just pick at his dinner as his family’s conversation effortlessly continued on without him.
When Albus was in his fourth year, James got a serious girlfriend for the first time. James had gushed about plenty of girls before, but he really meant it with this one, Albus could tell. She wasn’t James’ first girlfriend though, that had been when he was fourteen - Albus’ age. Albus often got quipped for that, about when he’d get a girlfriend. It wasn’t exactly his fault that his brother and his dad had done so well by his age. Albus wasn’t even sure he wanted a girlfriend. Maybe that was just another way he didn’t fit in.
Albus realised he was in love with Scorpius Malfoy not long after. Despite everything, that was what made him feel more left out than ever before. Now he wasn’t just a dark-haired, un-athletic, Slytherin Potter, but he was a dark-haired un-athletic Slytherin Potter in love with the son of his father’s old school rival. What on Earth could be more isolating than that.
Albus struggled for many years with the feelings of isolation and the knowledge that he was so different from the rest of his family. But he did find something that subsided it, because it turned out out that Scorpius Malfoy loved him back. Suddenly, none of the other stuff seemed to matter so much. He’d found somebody who loved him regardless of all those things, maybe even because of all those things. Suddenly, all of the things that made him different seemed stupidly fortunate. Maybe he wasn’t quite like the rest of his family, but finally he felt able to revel in having something that was unique to him - getting to be loved by Scorpius Malfoy
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akechiguro · 1 year
how hogwarts legacy boys would react to meeting your parents 💗
headcanons / imagines
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Synopsis | various of Hogwarts Legacy’s boys reactions and scenarios to meeting your parents for the first time.
Included | sebastian sallow, ominis gaunt, garreth weasley, amit thakkar.
Word Count | 1217.
Content Warnings | gender neutral reader.
Author’s Note | please let me know if you would be interested in a female version <3
sebastian sallow:
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“Hello! I’m Sebastian Sallow. I’m sure you’ve heard of me?”
-he’s very respectful and makes a point to show up with some sort of gift. he believes flowers are too impersonal, so he makes a point to get something that feels more homey than flowers that will inevitably die.
-he brags a LOT, not obnoxiously, but to prove to your parents that you’re in good hands. your father is very proud that you’re dating Hogwarts’ best duelist and your mother is very impressed that, despite being from Feldcroft, he’s a very polite boy.
-he offers to help with cooking dinner. solomon usually cooked for him and anne, but after she was cursed, he helped as much as he could— meeting your parents is no different. if all worked out, these would hopefully be his parents by law in the future, he needs to show them that he’s capable of more than dueling and adventuring.
-if you have little siblings, he’s very kind to them, even playful. after helping with dinner, he offered to watch the little ones, despite not being…amazing with kids. he showed them Levioso and Revelio as long as they promised not to tell anyone, and continued to answer any questions they had about magic; granted, with a bit of an exaggeration.
-after dinner, he bid farewell to them and brought you out of the house for a bit of late-night fun. an adventure was due after such a big event, even if it got his nicest suit dirty.
“Your parents are lovely! It’s no wonder you turned out to be such a gem.”
ominis gaunt:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]. I’m Ominis Gaunt of House Gaunt. It’s lovely to meet you.”
-contrary to Sebastian’s beliefs, he insisted on bringing a magnificent bouquet of flowers. his parents have money and he’s fully making the most of it. the flowers he chose consist of daffodils, yellow roses, sunflowers, and yellow tulips. all to symbolize the new, positive relationship between him and your parents.
-he keeps his conversation respectful and professional. he doesn’t ask anything too personal of your parents and tends to deflect any questions regarding his family. they’re apprehensive due to the rumors of the dark arts they use, but his silver tongue eases their worry.
-though his disability prevents him from being able to help with anything around the house, he still entertains any requests your parents make— within reason. if whoever is cooking needs an ingredient they forgot, he’ll grab it for them. same with any tools or miscellaneous items they may need.
-he’s very awkward around little siblings. they’re too high energy for him, but he still makes an effort to keep them entertained. his near-sentient wand fascinates them, so he plays it up like there is a wizard trapped in his wand and he’s just keeping him hostage for his own service. he also tells them about the mermaids outside the Slytherin common room, in the event any of them get sorted into it. they find this all very, very entertaining.
-his parents are so sad to see him go, and make a point to tell you how lucky you are to have him after you leave, saying that inheritance money is going to be life-changing. you roll your eyes at this and leave to hang out with ominis before he officially has to go home. he says he loves your parents, and that you won’t love his; but he’s enjoying the moment while it lasts.
“I adore your parents. I’m looking forward to what the future may hold for us.”
garreth weasley:
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“Hey, I’m Garreth! Garreth Weasley? Have they talked about me at all?”
-he brought sparkling cider for dinner after you convinced him not to bring a potion of his own concoction. he explained to you that the potion was supposed to make any food item taste better than anything you’ve ever eaten in your life, but after he said he’d never tested it, you concluded it was a bad first impression present.
-your parents fell in love with him immediately. they’re obsessed with his charisma and his overall energy and listen very attentively to his tales of potionmaking. they do worry about your safety, especially after hearing about how many of his potions end in disasters, but he assures them it’s nothing to worry about and he would never do anything to harm you.
-he’s actually very bad at cooking! he tried his hardest to help whoever is cooking with dinner, claiming he knew a “probable shortcut” (his words), and almost burned your house down. he lost favorability with your parents but made up for it by covering the cost of buying dinner from a local market…his aunt Matilda was not happy about this.
-this boy is a wizard with kids. your little siblings are naturally drawn to him and he’s excellent with them. he has a whole bag of tricks and treats to entertain them with if his already childlike personality isn’t enough. your siblings argue with you about sitting next to him at dinner because they like him so much.
-your parents invited him back home as soon as he left. your little siblings cried and begged him to stay. he came back after 10 minutes because he forgot his wallet. all is well.
amit thakkar:
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“Hello, Mr. and Mrs. [L/N]! I am Amit Thakkar. I have heard so much about you!”
-like Ominis, he also brought flowers, but rather than fully putting thought into the bouquet, he brought stargazer lilies as an immediate icebreaker; “I’ve brought you stargazer lillies because my favorite hobby is stargazing!” your parents love his dorky charm right off the bat.
-though his initial conversations with your parents are very awkward, he doesn’t say anything to make himself look bad. your parents were mostly interested in his story of how you met and asked to see the famed telescope that brought you two together. they’re entranced with the thought of him being fluent in gobbledegook, and since neither of your parents have had an authentic encounter with the language, they’re very impressed.
-he cooked beforehand and brought a side dish, Scottish Rumbledethumps. he was so nervous to make a good first impression that he didn’t want to overcrowd your kitchen while cooking that he went ahead and made his own. your parents, once again, fell in love. your mother told you that this boy is a keeper immediately after he revealed he brought food.
-your little siblings do not like him. he’s far too awkward to do anything that will make them like him and they’re far too ruthless to even try and get along with him. putting them in a room together led to a couple minutes of excruciating silence followed by panicked screaming from your boyfriend and the distinct sound of war-cries from your siblings. you had to go in there and save him– though, some relationship between them was salvaged when he started to point out constellations.
-of the boys, your parents love him the best. he’s very respectful and very smart, and absolutely adorable, ultimately just the perfect boyfriend. before you left to finish the date with a bit of stargazing, they joked that if you didn’t marry him, one of them would.
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btsbabe7 · 2 months
A/N: a spontaneous semi-spicy drop of a draft that’s been sitting since April 1st, and now that I just watched Challengers and it’s pretty much on brand with this, that’s the mood I’m in. I also didn’t edit this, but I will post it anyways. 🙃
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Words: ~2k, (Mature, 18+)
Pairing: Sebastian x Ominis x reader
Natty and Poppy teamed up to put together a small get-together with certain members of your class; however, words and owls got around, and a party of ten had turned into fifty. Overwhelmed, but determined to make the best of the situation, Natty and Poppy were able to get things under control, from snacks to Butterbeer and entertainment, it turned into a literal house party.
You find yourself sandwiched between the two boys you’d managed to get close to over the past few years, Sebastian and Ominis, both surprisingly enjoying themselves, thanks to your presence.
“Wanna try this jelly bean I made?” Garreth exclaims, scaring you from behind while nudging your arm. He stretches his arm between you and Ominis, out towards the light, where a single jelly bean is hoisted between his fingertips.
“Not tonight, Weasley,” you giggle and shrug his arm away. “I’m not in the mood to have smoke coming from my nostrils or other extremities again.”
“Suite yourself,” he replies with a shrug before trailing off to find another potential victim.
You watch Garreth walk over to another girl, one you know to be from Gryffindor, whose name is completely unknown to you. You watch her giggle as he holds his hand out and offers her a tiny red bean. The one he’d offered you had been yellow, for Hufflepuff. Her polish red nails pinch into his palm as she grabs the bean and pulls it between her lips with a teasing smile.
You see Garreth grin softly, but he turns his attention away quickly, right back to you in fact.
“He fancies you,” Sebastian states as if he’s already right and knows it all. “You have him wrapped around your finger.”
“As if you’d know, Seb. It’s not like you’re consulting with a Gryffindor.”
You hear Ominis’ snort, clearing getting a kick out of it too. You watch Sebastian’s cheeks grow ruby red in annoyance.
“I’m just saying, it’s pretty obvious. Offering you yellow jellybeans as if the rest of us don’t realize what he’s doing. As if we don’t see how he acts around you in The Great Hall, in class... Always showering you with gifts…”
“Well… I do love Garreth’s gifts,” you hum in amusement now that you’re on the subject. “Jellybeans aside, he did have his owl deliver a beautiful bouquet of daises and roses about a week ago.”
“H-he sent you flowers?”
You can hear the disappointment in Seb’s voice. Because why hadn’t he thought to send you flowers? Is the tone that laces his voice and gains a pat on the shoulder from Ominis.
“Even as a Slytherin, this conversation is becoming awfully dreadful. Care for a dance, Y/n?”
“Yeah, let’s dance!”
Ominis smiles deeply and stands to his feet to reach out for your hand. Sebastian tries to slap it away, but you take it before he can.
��Sorry, Seb,” you whisper mockingly.
You and Ominis find a spot in the corner of the room, away from the prying eyes of Sebastian or Garreth, a spot where they’d have to look if they wanted to find you.
“Sebastian‘s right, you know?”
“Oh, not you too, Omi… Garreth and I, were friends.”
“Friends fall in love. We all know that’s not quite uncommon here,” Ominis states, knowing he’s right and that any protest is just an excuse from you at this point. He wraps his arms around your waist tightly, which makes you smile into his shoulder.
“Friends can fall in love, but that doesn’t mean I’ll fall for Garreth. No matter how cute and sweet he is.”
“You find him ‘cute?’”
“Omi!” You giggle loudly and smack his shoulder playfully before falling silent and twirling around with him. It had to be Poppy’s idea to throw a slow song into the mix. “I think Garreth is adorable, admirable even, but he’s not Seb… He’s not you. And I see how miserable Seb is when Garreth is around.”
Ominis smiles, a very telling smile, and you nuzzle against the crook of his neck.
“We can’t invite him. He wouldn’t understand.”
“He may be a Gryffindor; however, that doesn’t make him stupid… or less understanding. The point is freedom from understanding. It’s for fun.”
You know this, but you don’t press further. Omi always wins in the end anyways and if you press it, you’ll find yourself more than sandwiched between your three favorite boys.
He sways you around the livingroom, one hand at the small of your back and the other placed firmly against your mid-back, and your fingers find comfort in the thickness of the sandy blonde hair that sits at the nape of his neck.
“Do you still think about it?”
Your whisper is so low, you almost hoped he hadn’t heard it. You wish you didn’t still feel the electricity coursing through your chest when he touches you, when he’s near. You try to cool it when Sebastian is around, but most of the time it feels as if you’re fighting your own being to keep the peace between friends.
“Well, you certainly made it memorable,” he replies softly and leans his head on your hair like he had the very first time the two of you danced together.
You find yourself pulling back ever so slightly until his gaze meets yours. You find yourself fluttering again, lost in the beauty of his pearlescent eyes, his tiny sprinkled moles, and the soft look of his pink lips.
His hand pulls your chin upward and he stops mid-turn, your back against the wall and his to the party, concealing you as his your lips find each other’s. You can’t remember the last time you had Ominis’ lips, and his alone, without Sebastian needing you at the same time. It takes your breath away just as it did years ago.
A soft cough breaks your kiss and you and Ominis pull away with reddened cheeks.
“Am I interrupting something?” Poppy laughs sarcastically. “I mean of course I’m not, my best friend would’ve told me if she were dating a Slytherin, or you know, dating in general?”
“Poppy, it’s…”
“Exactly what it looks like,” Ominis breathes. “I asked Y/n to keep it between us. After all, Sebastian has feelings for her too.”
“Sebastian has feelings for you? And you’re okay with kissing his best friend in the same room?”
You sigh, rubbing your temples as if everything will soon come apart at the seams. You’d expect this reaction, this level of immaturity from Sebastian, not Ominis. Why would he admit that after you’ve all been hiding it so well?
“He may have feelings, but I’m… I’m in love.”
You choke, dropping your arms from Ominis’ neck in disbelief. If he were in love with you, there would be signs. There were signs, but why would he admit it here?
Poppy notices your distress and pulls you by the hand.
“Gonna borrow her for a moment,” she calls, pulling you further away from the sad looking boy. She pulls you into a room, banishing everyone out before slamming the door behind you both. “Y/n, are you… insane? I mean of course you aren’t, you’re the smartest person I’ve ever known, yet you deliberately got involved with not one, but two Slytherin boys. Nat and I told you to be careful since day one!”
“I know,” you breathe and kick your shoes off before bringing your knees up to your chest on the bottom of her bed. “But it’s Seb and Omi, they’re harmless.”
“Harmless?” She scoffs. “That man just said he betrayed his friend, who has a crush on you. I mean you two were snogging! As if it’s completely normal. The way he said he loved you as if he meant it, as if he’s been completely enraptured by you. How did this even happen?”
“We… spent time together. We’ve been friends for years now.”
Poppy places a hand on her hips, believing only a small portion of what you’re admitting. She takes a deep breath and settles on the bed next to you.
“What’s really going on between you and Ominis, Y/n?”
You deflect from her prying eyes, all your steady thoughts and chaotic ones overlapping and tangling with each other in your mind as you do. You can’t tell a lie without part of the truth. And if you tell the truth, you can’t lie. Not to her.
“Poppy… Ominis and I have been seeing each other.”
“Seeing each other?”
“S-sleeping together,” you mutter softly. Your hands go cold and the coldness travels up your shoulders and washes down your body, all the way to your toes under your striped lime and cherry blossom knitted socks Ominis gifted you with last Christmas.
“Sleeping together? Like in his dorm?”
“No,” you sigh. “Like sleeping together… sex.”
All color in her cheeks flush and she shoots off the bed like a rocket.
“You’re sleeping with Ominis!?”
You can’t bring yourself to repeat it. It’s not like you’re embarrassed, you just knew your girl best friends would react this way. Garreth would react this way or say he somehow already knew. But Sebastian’s always the one you’ve been scared of hurting.
You nod.
“And Sebastian?” She dares to ask with widened eyes.
“I… we... I don’t know Poppy. He and I, we’ve done it once. Two Christmas’ ago when he took me to meet his family in Feldcroft. I told Ominis about Sebastian, but I can’t tell Sebastian about Ominis. It’s happened too many times with him, Sebastian would never forgive us,” you cry.
“Y/n… I, for once don’t know what to say.”
“There’s not much you can say,” Sebastian groans, coming from the connected bathroom with a scowl.
“Why’re you in here!?” Poppy yelps.
“Other restrooms were taken. But that’s beside the point, Y/n, you betrayed me? You and Ominis went behind my back? Didn’t think to tell me, to just let me know? I had my suspicions, but I… I didn’t want to believe that my two best friends would go behind my back.”
“Seb, it’s not like that. It’s—“
“It’s what? You’re in love with him, aren’t you? That’s the only reason you wouldn’t tell me? You couldn’t bear hurting my feelings, so you just hid your own?”
You climb off the bed and walk over to him, tears still in your eyes as Poppy steps out the room to give you two privacy.
“Sebastian, I love you both, truly. But what I feel with Ominis…”
“You don’t feel with me?”
“Seb, what I feel for Ominis, I can’t keep hiding. But I love you too. Since our first night together, I’ve always felt something.”
Sebastian’s features fall as if everything in his life has come to a halt and has never been in his favor. You know this was never fair to him since the beginning, since his interest had been you, but yours had been in his best friend.
“I should’ve known, I tried to ignore the signs,” he sighs and falters a bit.
You reach out for him, wrapping your arms around him as he sobs into the crook of your neck. You want to say words, but they would change nothing. If anything, it’d probably make matters worse for the three of you. You don’t know what admitting your feelings will do to your friendship, but you can’t afford to lose either of them, not after having them this long.
Sebastian trembles softly in your arms as you rub his back.
“I don’t want things to end this way,” he mutters against your wet skin.
“Nothing has to end,” you reply and pull back to look at him through tear blurred eyes. “We don’t have to end anything.”
“But if you’re in love with him, it won’t ever be the same.”
“Sebastian… please.”
He shakes his head as it begins to settle in. As it does, Ominis steps into the room. You hear the lock snap shut and a soft sigh from Sebastian’s lips.
When you glance down at Sebastian, the smirk of his lips is what makes you uneasy. You’ve seen this smirk before, back in the living room of his uncle’s house in Feldcroft.
You’re cut off by his lips pressing hungrily into yours. His palm massages into your curls and the other into the flesh of your ass under your short dress.
You moan softly, almost forgetting about Ominis who stands sheepishly near the door.
“Care to join?” Sebastian mutters into your neck before licking a stripe up the length.
“Perhaps somewhere more private.”
Sebastian chuckles, ready to take you anywhere as long as he can have you right now in this moment. He kisses you deeply, his own moaning sending vibrations throughout your lips and straight to your core. He’s inching closer to Ominis with each twist of his tongue, and once you’re close enough, you grip his shirt at the shoulder and apparate to the one place where you know you’ll have all the privacy in the world.
Your Room of Requirement.
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Feel free to check out my other fanfics :)
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Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction, but please don’t copy! Written purely for fun :) Please only repost to other socials w/my permission and credit! Reblogging w/credit is fine. Thank you! ♡
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