#sitting here at work like somebody pray for me. there r so many things to do and stomach cramp/pain is my weakness
munamania · 2 years
im beginning to think i just have a problematic stomach she needs to be cancelled...
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buck-nialled · 3 years
All Shook Up - T. Holland (01)
NOTE: fuck it, let’s start a new series! a fifties au featuring poindexter!tom x cheerleader!reader, and also a meanie harrison. let me know if i should continue this!
TAGLIST: @niallberry @swiftmendeshoran​ @theshyspy @clarabsevero @golden-hoax @dudethisiswhyyoudonthavefriends @organicpurplepants @wowitsel @sunwardsss
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“Hey Poindexter,” the brunette turns away from his locker, eyes scanning over all of the gelled haircuts and letterman jackets for the nasally voice no doubt summoning his attention. “Where’d ya get those glasses? Geeks “R” Us?” Tom only groans quietly to himself before facing his small cubicle once more. As he tried drowning out the shrill laughs coming from the clan of girls adorning poodle skirts congesting the tiled corridor, the boy takes a sharp inhale through the nose at the sight of a hand slamming the door to his locker closed.
“How goes it, Poindexter?” Tom had suffered enough regular visits from Harrison to know two things. One was to never make eye contact in fear of earning a shiner and a broken pair of specs to trash, and the second was how to ensure he would live another day. “I’m here for my fee.” The proximity between the two allowed Tom a deep whiff of the tobacco Harrison was chewing that morning. Pushing a gag back down his throat, Tom nodded and hastily swung his knapsack around to sift through it. A few moments of silence pass when Tom’s hand zips the first pocket to his bag back up and tries the next one.
“Don’t tell me you forgot,” Harrison tilts his head in a taunting manner, adding “you know what happens when you don’t have my fee.” Tom curls his toes as Harrison’s fist collides with the door of Tom’s locker a couple of times. The boy shivers at the memory of the last time his lanky body was crammed mercilessly and without regard into the small space. He missed three periods and was forced to wait for the janitor to pass by and hear him pleading for somebody--anybody--to set him free.
“I-I have it...I know I put it somewhere in here…” his trembling hands reached the zipper to the smallest pocket, which thankfully held enough for his lunch. Or, in this case, Harrison’s lunch.
“Ah, thanks, Poindexter.” Tom eyes the hand attached to the leather-clad arm snatch the bills from his scrawnier one. “Try to be quicker tomorrow, eh?” He can only nod in response, feeling the bell to first period vibrate his core. He trudges to first period with his head hung low, already suffering a sinking feeling in the pit of his gut that today would be no good. No day at school ever was for Tom. He accepted that from the very first day he stepped into class lacking a proper haircut and twenty-twenty vision, he would be the pet of every teacher and the butt of every joke, whether he liked it or not.
“I never liked fish stick Friday, anyway.” He says to himself before approaching his usual seat towards the front of the classroom. It was the desk every student feared; apparently, the wooden seat had a stigma for sticking out to the teacher, who would call on whoever sat in it. More recently, it had grown attractive to his peers’ eyes for being infected with “nerd germs”. Truthfully, Tom didn’t think himself all that smart compared to his classmates. The only difference he could academically between himself and those occupying the desks around him was that he put forth real effort into his assignments, especially those which excited him. Sometimes he becomes certain he missed a memo about only being excited over last night’s football game or the malt shop’s new jukebox.
On the way to his desk, Tom couldn’t focus his eyes anywhere except the bright red lipstick complementing Y/N Y/L/N’s lips. He supposes admiring her was an activity he and the rest of the school did enjoy together. And Tom could not blame anybody for their disposition towards the girl. Being head cheerleader with the niftiest poodle skirts in Midtown history were perks that drew eyes and fished for compliments, unlike Tom and his four-eyed, shaggy hair appearance. Tom’s quirked lips fell as he witnessed the sight of Y/N’s opening to chat with Harrison, who claimed the seat beside hers. He tried to pull himself away from the sight by finally sitting his rump down in the chair and reading the list of assignments written on the chalkboard by the teacher, but his ears refused to leave the conversation alone.
Amidst her melodious giggles, Tom heard Y/N and Harrison discussing the big football game tonight. “It’s gonna be bitchin’,” he caught Harrison’s deep voice poking through the rest of the pre-class chatter, “especially since I’ll have you cheering for me.”
“Alright class,” the instructor starts, before taking the roll of the class. Afterward, she sets her clipboard down and clasps her hands together. “Let’s get down to it. It’s time for the annual science fair!” A chorus of groans echoes throughout the concrete walls, but Tom straightens himself up in his seat. This assignment was his favorite of all his classes for many reasons. It was no surprise that each year he wins by a landslide in comparison to the other projects, but he also has the freedom to do it completely by himself.
“This year will be different from the last years, however, because you all will be partnering up with somebody else from this class.” Tom’s shoulders slump, his lips parting in surprise. He was preparing himself to be the last choice of everybody in the classroom. Though it was guaranteed that he would lead himself and his partner to a blue ribbon, nobody would risk social suicide to willingly choose him. “And, before you all flip your lid about who you want to partner with, I will be choosing them for you.” Another series of whines leaves many of the students, leaving the teacher to hush their protests and reach the jar of popsicle sticks located on her desk.
Her voice calling out a succession of names becomes muffled to Tom’s ears. He crosses his fingers beside his legs, scrunching his eyes closed and silently praying for somebody feasible to work with--or really, somebody who isn’t Harrison.
“Harrison Osterfield and…” Her fingers dip back into the jar, stirring the wooden sticks around in a manner Tom is sure is meant to torture him. “Jacob Batalon.” The brunette allows a relieved breath to seep past his lips and hears the two teammates celebrating behind him. Little did they know, Tom was having an internal celebration of his own.
“Y/N Y/LN…” All of the unsaid names in the class, Tom included, held their breath for the lucky person to be drawn. Tom eyes the instructor’s manicured fingers dive back down, swirling all of the possible partners around. Tom shuts his eyes and debates the possibility of his name being drawn. Would it be nice to work with a paper shaker who—more or less—presents herself as an airhead? Yes. But is it worth enduring a possible beating from Harrison if he stole his favorite cheerleader from him? Tom isn’t sure.
Luckily, he didn’t have to debate any further as the teacher drew the next stick, proclaiming, “Diana Ross.” Tom’s eyes darted around the classroom trying to spot Diana Ross in one of the desks, but only found other puzzled stares in return.
“Um,” a friend of Y/N’s who sat on the other side of her in the back of the classroom raised her hand, “I don’t think she’s in this class, Mrs. Weatherby.”
“Oh, my!” Mrs. W giggles to herself. “Her name must have gotten mixed up with your class by mistake. Thank you for correcting me, Barbara. Miss Y/L/N, your actual partner will be...Tom Holland.” Tom nearly gets whiplash from his neck shooting up at such a fast rate. The boy feels his cheeks go red as he turns around in his seat to send his partner a shy wave.
Barbara leans over to Y/N, her mouth agape. “Oh, my stars. You have to be partners with Poindexter?!”
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Science class came to an end before Tom could even muster the courage to properly introduce himself to Y/N. In the classes that followed after, he was imagining every possible scenario of how working with the school’s queen would play out. She could leave him to do all of the work. Maybe she would actually give her input on parts of the project too. The worst scenario that came to mind featured Y/N hating anything Tom brought to the table and ultimately earning the two of them a big fat ‘F’ in Mrs. Weatherby’s grade book. By lunchtime, Tom felt sick to his stomach from the smell of lukewarm fish sticks and these various figments.
He approaches the table Y/N is sitting at with her fellow cheerleaders and leather jacket clan, clearing his throat before speaking. “Hey, Y/N.” The clatter of silverware on plastic trays halts as all eyes turn to scan Tom’s frame up and down in dislike. Y/N studies all of the expressions being delivered to her partner and scoffs.
“Hey, poindexter. What are you doin’ over here?” Her voice saying his—unofficial—name still cues him to gulp down his nerves.
“I came to talk to you about the project, so we can figure out what we’re gonna do.” Her friends kept glancing between the two, absorbing every detail of the conversation.
“Uh...okay…” Y/N concedes, standing from her seat at the lunch table. She wipes her hand down the front of her pink, poodle skirt before grabbing hold of her lunch sack and following Peter to an empty table nearby. He tries not to train his eyes on how her hands reach around toward her backside to smooth the skirt down again before taking a seat.
“So what do you want to do?”
She shrugs her shoulders. “What do you usually do?” Peter eyes her hands as they open the brown lunch bag, removing a sandwich and an apple.
“Well, last year I did a study on kinetic energy--”
“Cool, let’s just do that.” She decides, taking a bite from her sandwich.
“What? No. I just said I did that last year.” She rolls her eyes.
“Do you really think they’d notice if you did it again?” Considering he won with his presentation last year, Tom wouldn’t bet on sneaking past the teacher with the same exact concept.
“Yes.” The boy nods his head furiously. “Look, why don’t we just meet up later?” He suggests, only to receive a head shake.
“No can do. The cheerleading captain needs to be present for practice and the game tonight. Unless you want to show up and talk during the game.” She snorts, meeting Tom’s stoic expression.
“What’s so funny?”
“No offense, Poindexter--”
“Tom. My name’s Tom.” He interjects sharply.
“Right. Let’s be honest, you would never show up to a football game for enjoyment. You haven’t even been to one of ours.”
“You don’t know that!” The boy argues but slumps down in his seat as Y/N lifts an eyebrow.
“Really...do you even know our school’s mascot?”
“I...that’s irrelevant.” Tom disputes, face heating underneath her hypnotizing stare. “And for all you know, I could have come to a game to watch.”
“Nope. You haven’t.”
“Really, and how would you know?”
“Because I…” Y/N pauses spewing her argument. Tom sits patiently, eyeing the paper shaker whose mouth remained agape.
“B-because it’s my job as a head cheerleader to keep the crowd entertained at all times. That also includes knowing who’s in the crowd. And I’ve never seen you on our bleachers.”
“Well, you will tonight. Because I’ll be there. And we can figure out what to do then.” From what Y/N had heard of Tom around school, the boy didn’t have a dishonest bone in his body. But something about keeping his word to this level seemed fanatical. Even picturing the lanky boy in his plaid shirt and specs slouching on the cool metal seats proved to be difficult for Y/N.
She narrowed her eyes, skeptical. “Whatever you say, Tom.” His name sounded foreign falling from anybody’s tongue except his parents. But he won’t lie, it made his insides flutter from her acknowledgment. He gazed at Y/N grabbing her lunch sack and departing from the conversation until she reached her original seat near her friends. She smoothed out her skirt once again before plopping down in between Harrison and Barbara and flickered her eyes up to meet Tom’s.
Immediately, both looked away. Y/N, to her lunch sack which she was now ripping open to occupy her eyes, and Tom down to his fingers. Seconds pass before Y/N slyly peeks up again, and notices now that the boy is sitting alone and without a tray or bag of food.
She leans next to Barbara’s ear, murmuring. “H-hey, does Poindexter always go without eating?” Maybe that’s why his arms never properly fill out the sleeves of his sweaters, or why his belt always needs extra notches from a pocket knife, she thinks to herself.
“Who cares?” Barbara inquires between obnoxious chews of her pink bubblegum. “Maybe it’s a new nerd diet or something.” Y/N only hums but feels her eyes narrowing down in suspicion yet again. Harrison nudges her shoulder, breaking her from her thoughts.
“Will you wear my jacket tonight at the game? It’d only feel right to leave it in your hands.” The boy smirked, trailing his eyes up and down her figure.
“Absolutely.” A smile crawls onto her lips as she stares at his wandering eyes. She cannot fight the fact that hers want to do the same, and they flicker back over to where Tom was sitting, only to find the table clear.
She wonders if tonight will be the night she looks for his face in the crowd and finally finds it.
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floorbed · 4 years
hey guys i wanted to do a little annotation of my playlist 4 holland vosijk bc lyric annotations r fun and i have added Many Songs! under the cut >:) i just love this funky guy a lot so much. if u have song recs dm me!
hymn 1 - teen suicide
he took this ailing body from me / for he knew it was causing me pain / he won’t give me a new one cause i had my chance / but he forgives me
nobody - mitski
my god i’m so lonely / so i open the window / to hear sounds of people / to hear sounds of people 
in the woods somewhere - hozier
i turned and ran / to save a life i didn’t have / deer in the chase / there as i flew / forgot all prayers of joining you / i clutched my life / and wished it kept / my dearest love i’m not done yet / how many years / i know i’ll bear / i found something in the woods somewhere
guilty - alex g
are you guilty? / are you waiting to be found? / do you think that you’d be happier with no one else around? / are you hiding / but the trial never comes?
is the truth trapped / behind iron lock and key? / have you buried all the evidence / of what you used to be?
capable type - momma
before you go you try your best to save me / you’re playing with the capable type
i keep looking out the window / i keep finding stuff to fight / i keep looking out the window i don’t / i don’t wanna play nice / i keep looking out the window / i keep finding stuff to fight / i keep looking out the window i guess / i’m just the capable type
hollow - alex g
don’t talk too much / you’ll hurt yourself / i know (i know) / i’m hollow
coming up roses - elliott smith
and i don’t need your permission / to bury my love under this bare lightbulb / the moon is a sickle cell / i’ll kill you in time / your cold white brother alive in your blood
the body is a blade - japanese breakfast 
try not to get so righteous / about what’s fair for everyone / find what’s left in you / channel something good
kicker - alex g
white bird in a black cloud / rain coming down thinking hey / maybe we should turn this boat around / heaven maybe freedom / whats the word? right i forgot / quiet is the closest thing we’ve got
gardenhead / leave me alone - neutral milk hotel
we feel no emotion as we spiral down to the world / and i guess it’s worth your time / because there’s some lives you live / and some you leave behind / it gets hard to explain
follow me through / a city of frost covered angels / i swear i have nothing to prove
when you die - mgmt
i’m not that nice / i’m mean and i’m evil / don’t call me nice / i’m gonna eat your heart out / i’ve got some work to do
tongues & teeth - the crane wives
i know that you mean so well / but i am not a vessel for your good intent 
body - mother mother
i’ve grown tired of this body / a cumbersome and heavy body
brutus - the buttress
or am i just wishing i could be like you? / that the people would see me, too, as the poet / and not just the muse
and even if i can’t be the one / maybe i could at least make way for him / until the day that he comes / maybe my name could also be known 
100 years - florence and the machine
and then it’s just too much / the streets still run with blood / a hundred arms a hundred years / you can always find me here / and lord don’t let me break this / let me hold it lightly / give me arms to pray with / instead of ones that hold too tightly 
my heart bends and breaks so many times / and is born again with each sunrise
abbey - mitski
i am waiting / i have been waiting / i was born waiting / i was born waiting for that something / just one something / i was born something / i was born 
 there is a light i feel it in me / but only it seems when the dark surrounds me / there is a dream and it sleeps in me / to awake in the night crying set me free
sleepless - girlpool
the room’s beige it’s a mess / you dream to be sleepless
the same things happen to me all the time even in my dreams - teen suicide 
and i am warm and i am bored / and i am drifting through this place / it’s no better or worse than anything else that’s ever happened to me / but i wish that i’d never met a lot of the people that i’ve met / not because i don’t like them but because i’ve only let them down
constantly i feel this weird shameful feeling / like i’m being watched by a thousand glowing vengeful eyes
bag of bones - mitski
clickety-clacking through the night / i’m carrying my bag of bones
and i can take a little bit more / let’s shake this poet out of the beast
soup - girlpool
your dad saw you crying when you looked at the world / sit and stare at your hands cause there’s so much to do / crawl into the birdcage become a cartoon / cause all of the flowers were too much for you
thorns - alex g 
this thing / it haunts me like a shadow / never lets me go
out he goes / part of a whole / puppet of mine / where will they find me?
pearl diver - mitski
oh hunter if you didn’t want the beautiful so badly / perhaps you would have found it in your spirit singing softly / but hunter you were human / don’t forget it and go safely 
it will come back - hozier
jesus christ don’t be kind to it / honey don’t feed it it will come back 
oh, please, give me mercy no more / it’s a kindness you can’t afford
untitled-oct19 - teen suicide
when i go back home / i’ll go to sleep
being alive - stephen sondheim (sung by raul esparza) 
somebody need me too much / somebody know me too well / somebody pull me up short / and put me through hell / and give me support for being alive 
somebody crowd me with love / somebody force me to care / somebody make me come through / i’ll always be there as frightened as you
judge - alex g
that day meant nothing to me / a hiccup in my memory / this life will leave you hungry / i am completely guilty
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I have a really specific request. If its alright, could you write the choi twins reacting to an mc that goes nonverbal when shes really stressed, but hides it? Like shes had bad reactions to it to the point that she cant even bring it up, cause trying to stresses her out enough to make her go nonverbal. But she doesnt want them to think shes ignoring them, so if they try to talk to her she just leans up against them if shes nonverbal, so shes not answering but not ignoring them.
Here comes the good boys here comes fhe good boys
Saeyoung knew that you had your own personal struggles and that at times it could be very difficult for you to cope with your fears and anxiety. 
He understood that you had limits and he never pushed you or tried to make you talk to him about it because he wanted you to open up to him on your terms and nobody else's. You had been so patient with him and he wanted to be patient with you as long as it would take. 
Now, he did hold your hand when your brows furthered and your legs started to tremble. The way your lips sucked under your teeth and the way you fixated on one spot of the room and forgot to take a breath at all. 
He knew the signs, but he wasn't always able to provide what you needed. You hid the extent of your anxiety and fears so much that he wasn't even aware of how bad it truly was for you.
He knew you had it hard but what he didn't know was how badly you felt when you got overwhelmed. You often just clutched at him and he let you cry it out while he held you close. You didn't have to say it for him to understand your problems or what bothered you so much. 
He just… got it. He understood and he let you do what you needed to do to cope with the issue. It went without saying that you loved him for not judging you or trying to make a fuss out of it. 
You just didn't want to bother him. 
You didn't want to make him think you were helpless. 
You didn't want to let him know you were a walking ball of stress. 
It was… hard. 
This was how you had been your entire life so you didn't know a life without this debilitating anxiety that made you feel like you were going to choke. 
It was even worse when he started to focus on Saeran's personal and needed recovery because he was spending so many hours away from you. He was the one thing that let you almost feel like you could keep it together for once. 
You understood how important it was that the two of them be able to work out their issues and grow from their trauma together so you didn't bother Saeyoung apart from messaging him to cheer him on in his battle. 
When he was there with you, you almost felt secure in this world; But, without Saeyoung, you fell back to old worries and fears with nowhere else to go. 
You isolated yourself most of that time that you could and prayed that he and the others would eventually come back around. It just got so bad one day that you found yourself sitting at your table with your hands pressed to it and your breathing uneven. What was so frustrating about it was that this was the first morning in weeks that you had been able to spend time with your boyfriend, and here you were struck by your dread. 
It only gave a moment's notice before it would overtake you and control you, and once it hit, you could do nothing but wait for it to pass. 
Saeyoung didn't notice at first, he was talking about what he had been up to but you were struggling to focus on the words meaning. He had so much he wanted to catch you up on but you sincerely could not focus. 
Your throat felt incredibly tight and dry and your digits were trembling.
The most that you could muster was a pained breath to fill your lungs with much-needed oxygen. 
You had just enough in you to reach out for him and grip his hand. It was tight, tighter than you normally would hold him. That was when he noticed. He squeezed your hand back as if to say that he was there for you. 
"Can't speak?" he prompted, gently. 
You managed a nod of your head but it was almost non-existent. 
His golden eyes were filled with warmth and compassion, "That's okay, 606, I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to stay here with you no matter how long it lasts. You're safe. Take a deep breath with me, okay?" 
You listened to his instructions and hung on every word.
You couldn't always communicate what you needed with him directly. That's why he always asked for confirmation or waited for you to text him what was wrong. You swapped between the two depending on how bad you were having a fit. 
"It must have been very tough by yourself. I'm sorry I wasn't able to be here for you all the time. But, I'm going to be here now and I promise you that I'll stay with you as long as you want me here." 
He would never truly know how much you loved him. 
You could not put into words what it meant to have somebody as gentle and sweet as him in your life. 
You and Saeran were as close as two peas in a pod. You clung to him and he clung to you for support. There was a system that you both worked on together and a lot of care went into making sure that the both of you were well cared for and working towards coping with your issues. 
You each had your own set of triggers and long-lasting states of prolonged anxiety. He knew right off of the bat when he learned about you that you had similar pains close to his own. 
He hated to think that you struggled in any sense of the word because he wanted to build a paradise for you that would exist without pain. Both he and Ray had wanted what they thought was best for you but they could now say they should have known better then to assume. They should have just asked you. 
That hadn't gone exactly as planned but now he was just grateful that you let him stay in your life and be with you after all of that went horribly wrong. 
You had seen him at his lowest point and he had seen you pushed to the brink of what held you together, and it… was hard to think about, even now. 
When he had tormented you back in Magenta, you often would go nonverbal and shed your tears without prompting his desired reactions. He thought you were taunting him but it didn't occur to him that it was actually your anxiety that had caused you to do that. He had wrongly assumed you were playing games with him and it got that much harder for you. 
No amount of apologies would ever make up for that, he knew. 
Even Ray had pushed too close to your edge with some of his pressing. His desires were more specific and his emotions blurred into yours so much that his anxiety fits burst yours wide open not long after. Empathy was a hell of a thing. 
You two had so much in common that it was wild at times to think that you were lucky enough to find one another and have somebody who understood what it really felt like to be trapped at your low without much to help it. 
For you, you loved him so very dearly but there were times when you had your bad days and they blurred with some of his own bad moments. Those days were the hardest to cope with. You both were doing your best and that's what mattered. It wasn't always easy.
But, Saeran was there and he wasn't leaving. 
You knew what was best for him on a bad day. He needed quiet, peace, and a lot of hugs and tactile feelings. He did his best to help you when it got bad. He needed to coax, touch, and whisper sweet reminders into your ears that it would all be okay. It was a system that took time to learn and grow with. 
Today was a hard day for you. 
You and Saeran were sitting together on the couch just letting a movie play on the television in the background while you chatted about this and that. There had been a lot of work going on with the team at C&R; Saeran was in charge of them all and he was still floored and amazed at how he had wound up where he had. 
You were proud of him.
But at the same time, dread fulled your gut. 
You were worried for his safety and every time he left the house without you, your stomach would knot and you would have the feeling of panic take over you. It had gotten to a point where you were now feeling the after effects of it, and you stopped mid-sentence, clenching your teeth. 
Saeran knew right off the bat what was wrong. Your shoulders were tight and your fingers were trembling against his leg. He wrapped an arm around you to give you a bit of pressure and sensation back that might have been robbed by the anxiety. 
When he felt badly, he would lose feeling in parts of his body so he always did what you did for him back. 
"Breathe," he murmured, gently. "You don't have to speak anymore. I understand. Don't make yourself." 
You nodded your head and tucked yourself into his embrace as deep as you could cocoon yourself into it. It wasn't much but it was damn sure enough to make you feel safer, Saeran was here and he wasn't going anywhere. 
His lips pressed against the top of your head, "I'm sorry. I didn't know it had gotten this difficult… let's try to sit this one out till it's over and then I'll help you get into bed. Just hang on, okay? We can get through this." 
You didn't know what you would do without this man. 
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vxltrxn-imagines · 7 years
The Voltrons- Heathers AU- KeithxReader
(A/N: Hey guys! Mod Pidge here! I’m so happy to be beginning this project. Some notes before we begin.
Yes, some characters will be majorly OOC. I tried to fit people as best as I saw fit and possible with their personalities, but due to the fact this is an AU following Heathers: The Musical some characters will have to be OOC. One primary example of this is Shiro as Heather Chandler. I chose Shiro as Heather because of the fact he is a natural born leader and a lot of people look up to him. Due to this, he will be bitchier and sassier than regular Shiro. I am editing and changing lines not only to fit the AU, but to try to fit lines the best way to characters too.
Not every scene will happen the same way as the musical, I am still trying to make this my own story as well. As such and because of reasons also stated above, some characters will have different thoughts and ambitions than their musical counterparts. The overall theme will be the same but some lines will be different (don't worry, “Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw” will be the same ;p)
As seen from the above note this is a MATURE SERIES. Heathers is a musical that deals with teen suicide, bullying, homophobia, gun violence, murder and a very mature scene featuring two characters having sex. While this is done in a comedic way throughout, it still isn’t meant for those who won’t be able to handle it.
I hope you all enjoy this series! If you have any questions or comments at any point feel free to send in any questions! I love getting asks <33
PS: Really sorry this first chapter took so long to write, given the fact that Beautiful is an 8 minute song it would naturally take longer to edit, plus I wanted to edit out the parts of her talking to the audience since it wouldn’t make sense in a story like this and had to find a way to replace those information moments. This first chapter alone is 9 pages in Google Docs)
Chapter 1- Beautiful (Y/N) sighed as she woke up. It was the first day of her senior year, and while many would be happy about this, she felt numb and normal. Why? Well, Garrison High wasn’t exactly the best high school. The kids there were just..cruel. (Y/N) walked to school and pulled out her diary as she sat on the stairs to write in it,
“September 1st, 1989. Dear Diary: I believe I'm a good person. Ya know, I think there's good in everyone, but here we are first day of senior year. I look around at all these kids I've known all my life and I ask myself: What happened?” She pondered as she looked up from her diary as kids were walking on, calling out insults to each other as the passed in the hallway,
“Freak! Slut! Burnout! Bug-eyes! Poser! Lard-ass!” They all yelled as (Y/N) shook her head and continued to write, trying her best to remain in her own little world,
“We were so tiny, happy and shiny, playing tag and getting chased.”
“Freak! Slut! Loser! Shortbus!” The yells of her fellow students once again distracted her as she continued writing,
“Singing and clapping, laughing and napping, baking cookies, eating paste.”
“Bull-dyke! Stuck-up! Hunchback!”
“Then we got bigger, That was the trigger, Like the Huns invading Rome” She was about to write more before someone rammed into her on the stairs, despite not being at fault she yelled out, “Sorry!” Before she stood up and started to write now, acting as if she was still writing in her head, “Welcome to my school, This ain't no high school: This is the Thunderdome. Hold your breath and count the days, we're graduating soon.”
“White trash!” Some kids yelled at her as she passed, causing her to sigh internally before continuing (A/N: Sorry if you’re not white I always just interrupted that line as being yelled at Veronica!)
“College will be paradise If I'm not dead by June!” She sighed, before changing her mood and smiling, “But I know, I know, life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray for a better way. If we changed back then, we could change again. We can be beautiful…” She was about to continue internally until she saw a popular shoving someone to the floor, “Just not today.” She finished before running to see the kid who was now on the floor,
“Hey, are you okay?” She asked, offering a hand to help him up, before he helped himself up and yelled in her face,
“Get away, nerd!!” “O-Oh. Okay..” She walked to the cafeteria upset, not understanding why no one around here ever accepted or wanted her help.
“Freak! Slut! Cripple! Homo! Homo! Homo!” The kids in the cafeteria were yelling, causing (Y/N) to roll her eyes at Homo being used as an insult, before she started writing in her diary again as she was waiting in the lunch line,
“Things will get better soon as my letter comes from Harvard, Duke, or Brown. Wake from this coma, take my diploma, then I can blow this town.” She shook her head softly as she continued, “Dream of my ivy-covered walls and smoky French cafes…” Again she was interrupted by someone bumping into her, only this time it was the popular linebacker, Ram Sweeney,
“Watch it!” He yelled at her as (Y/N) breathed through her nose, her anger getting to her more now, “Fight the urge to strike a match and send this dump ablaze!” She was ready to act like nothing happened, until Ram pushed her tray into the air, 
“Ooooops.” He said with a smirk as he started to turn around and walk away, until (Y/N) called after him.
“Hey! Stop being such a huge dick!!” She yelled, causing Ram to turn back around and get up close and threateningly to her,
“What did you say to me skank!?” He yelled in her face, causing (Y/N) to flinch scared and back down, “N-Nothing!” “That’s what I thought!” He shoved her slightly again as he walked away and (Y/N) picked up her diary again,
“But I know, I know, I know... Life can be beautiful. I pray, I pray, I pray For a better way. We were kind before; we can be kind once more. We can be beautiful…” She continued before she felt a tap on her shoulder and turned around to see her best friend,
“Hunk! Hey!” She hugged him softly,
“We still on for food night?” He asked sofly “Yeah! You’re on recipe detail!” “Great! I found a new recipe for cake pops!” “Again? Haven’t you tried them all by now?” “What can I say? I’m a sucker for things on sticks” (Y/N) was about to giggle and respond before the quarterback and “smartest guy on the football team” came up to them and yelled,
“Hunk Garbagetruck!! Wide load!! Ha ha!” He yelled as he slammed poor Hunk’s tray on the ground, causing (Y/N) to snap,
“Hey! Pick that up right now!” She yelled “I'm sorry, are you actually talking to me?” He tilted his head intimidatingly,
“Yes, I am. I wanna know what gives you the right to pick on my friend? You're a high school has-been waiting to happen. A future gas station attendant!” (Y/N) responded without missing a beat but started to get more nervous as Kurt approached her more
“...You have a zit right there! Ha ha!” He walked off proudly as (Y/N) shook her head and started writing in her diary again
“Dear diary: why.... Why do they hate me? Why don't I fight back? Why does he act like such a creep? Why won't she date him? Why did he hit him? Why do I cry myself to sleep? Somebody hug us! Somebody fix us! Somebody save us! Send us a sign, God! Give us some hope here! Something to live for”
(Y/N) had finished just in time to see all the kids fawning as three people strutted into the room
“Ah! Shiro, Pidge, and Lance!” (Y/N) shook her head softly at everyone fawning as she sketched out a quick sketch of the three in her diary, and wrote down her thoughts about them as the kids continued fawning around her
“Then there's the Voltrons. They float above it all.”
“I love Shiro, Pidge, and Lance.”
“Lance McClaine. Made Head cheerleader despite being a male. His dad's loaded - he sells engagement rings.”
“I hate Shiro, Pidge, and Lance!”
“Pidge Gunderson. Runs the yearbook. No discernible personality, but her mom did pay for implants.”
“I want Shiro, Pidge, and Lance!”
“And Takashi Shirogane, The Almighty...He is a mythic bitch. They are solid Teflon - never bothered, never harassed. I would give anything to be like that..” She finished her writing as the bell rang, and she followed The Voltrons into the CoEd bathroom. She heard the sound of vomiting, and figured it was probably Pidge. The poor girl had bulimia, and hardly anyone seemed to actually care. (Y/N) hide behind a stall and started writing something as she listened into the conversation that was now happening,  
“Grow up, Pidge. Bulimia is so '87.” Shiro called out as he worked on perfecting his eyeliner
“Maybe you should see a doctor, Pidge.” Lance said as he looked sympathetically towards the stall Pidge was in.
“Yeah, Lance. Maybe I should.” She replied weakly. As she replied, a teacher, Ms Allura, walked in,
“Ah, Shiro and Lance.” She started, as the sound of Pidge vomiting erupted again, “... and Pidge. Perhaps you didn't hear the bell over all the vomiting. You're late for class.” She called, as (Y/N) was silently grateful that she had been prepared for this situation, and was ready to come out when the time called for it,
“Pidge wasn't feeling well. We're helping her.” Shiro replied with his arms crossed, causing Allura to chuckle softly, not backing down,
“Not without a hall pass you're not. A week's detention.” She said causing the Voltrons to roll their eyes as Pidge emerged from the stall and (Y/N) came out from her hiding spot,
“Actually, Ms. Allura, all four of us are out on a hall pass. Yearbook committee.” She held out a piece of paper and Ms Allura took it to examine it,
“I see you're all listed. Hurry up and get where you're going.” She said as she started to hand back the hall pass to (Y/N) before Shiro intercepted it to examine it with the rest of the Voltrons behind him,
“This is an excellent forgery. Who are you?” He asked,
“U-Uh (Y/N) (L-L/N). I crave a boon.”
“What boon?” Shiro asked with his arms folded,
“Let me sit at your table at lunch. Just once. No talking necessary.
If people think you guys tolerate me, they'll leave me alone....” (Y/N) started as the Voltrons started to erupt in laughter and walk away before (Y/N) continued with something that grabbed their attention, “Before you answer, I also do report cards, permission slips and absence notes.”
“How about prescriptions?” Pidge asked, stepping out of her position from behind Shiro slightly.
“Shut up, Pidge!”
“Sorry, Shiro…” Pidge got back in her place as Shiro examined (Y/N) who was standing still in front of him, wondering why he was examining her so closely,
“For a greasy little nobody, you do have good bone structure.” He mused, as Lance stepped out of place to join in on it,
“And a symmetrical face. If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull,
I'd have matching halves. That's very important.” He said, patting (Y/N)’s back softly as he finished
“Of course, you could stand to lose a few pounds.” Pidge mused as she walked in a small circle around her. Shiro smirked and started singing softly,
“And ya know, ya know, ya know? This could be beautiful. Mascara, maybe some lip gloss, and we're on our way. Get this girl some blush; And Lance, I need your brush. Let's make her beautiful.”
“Let's make her beautiful” Pidge joined in before Lance did too,
“Let's make her beautiful.”
“Make her beautiful... Okay?” Shiro asked, but it wasn’t really a question, and (Y/N) nodded,
A day passed, and it was now lunch again. Things were going as usual, everyone yelling and insulting and pushing each other, until Ms Allura made an observation,
“Who's that with Shiro?” Everyone’s heads snapped up as they all started watching the door anxiously to get a better look at this mysterious person,
“Whoa! Shiro, Pidge, Lance... And... someone! Shiro, Pidge, Lance... And a babe! Shiro, Pidge, Lance…” They all were confused and were about to state their confusion again until Hunk was able to recognize who this was,
“(Y/N)!?” He exclaimed, shocked that his best friend he’s known his entire life was now drop dead gorgeous. (Y/N) nodded towards him, before she burst into song out of happiness,
“And ya know, ya know, ya know life can be beautiful. You hope, you dream, you pray, and you get your way! Ask me how it feels looking like hell on wheels... My God, it's beautiful! I might be beautiful And when you're beautiful... It's a beautiful frickin' day!” 
“Shiro! Pidge! Lance! (Y/N)! Shiro! Pidge! Lance! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!” The kids around them all had started cheering, as (Y/N) was practically jumping up and down in joy. This was the start of a new day, and a new life. Maybe Senior Year wasn’t going to be all that bad.
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