#ship name applesauce
tundrakatiebean · 26 days
Am very happy :)
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serfuzzypushover · 1 month
shout out to the ppl wwho specifically post meowwrails content and then put in the tags "not a ship" i wwant to study you wwhat the FUCK are you talking about
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mana-jjk · 6 months
yuuta is shonen coded but is fighting for his life to be shoujo and toge is shoujo coded who thinks he’s shonen.
toge really sits criss cross applesauce on the floor watching his silly little youtubers or spends his day humming in the garden as he waters the flowers, and thinks to himself “i’m so dangerous, i am a weapon and can never live normally because my entire existence is against the law of our society.”
meanwhile yuuta who has killed multiple people, severely injured even more, bit the face off of a cockroach spirit, has an aura that stops some of the most powerful people in their tracks, has been repeatedly referred to as the prodigy of the jujutsu kaisen world, twiddles his thumbs and kicks his feet at the idea of romance. this man probably plucks petals from the blood stained flowers at his feet and sulks when it ends in, “he likes me not.”
the ship is literally toge “cursed someone(s) in his youth and hasn’t lived a day without thinking about it and struggling with deserving to feel worthy of love because of it,” and yuuta “has a trail of bodies behind him that will absolutely grow because he would do literally anything for the people he loves because that is his worth.”
anyway, no one is more willing to accept the blood covered roses than the one named after the thorn that was hated for for simply existing.
also omg 16 followers, i’m feeling so famous right now ✨ no but ty for listening to my rants, more to come ! 🫡
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averysmolbear · 7 months
A/N: This is very self indulgent and self ship coded. As always I hope that you enjoy it anyway. It’s just complete fluff as well (which seems to be my specialty). It hasn’t really been proofread so there’s bound to be some mistakes in here. Sorry about that. The reader isn’t explicitly stated to be female but keep in mind that with it being self ship coded, it was written with a female reader in mind. There’s some pet names in here as well, in case that’s not your cup of tea.
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You hugged Taishiro’s arm a little tighter, causing your pro hero boyfriend to let out a chuckle as he looked down at you. You shivered a little as the chilly morning air felt like it was cutting right through the sweater you were wearing. He placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer before pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head as you let yourself snuggle into Taishiro’s side. He was somewhere between his slim and full fat forms and to you that meant he was perfect for cuddles.
“Feeling a little chilly, cupcake?”
You looked up at Taishiro and shook your head. When you saw him looking at you with an eyebrow raised and a slight frown on his face, you knew that you couldn’t lie about something like this with him. “Maybe a little,” you softly said with a sheepish smile, snuggling in closer to him.
Taishiro laughed softly as he pulled you even closer, happy to let you use him for warmth as the two of you wandered around outside. “Coming to the orchard was your idea. I was perfectly fine with running to the store for snacks and spending the day curled up on the couch together.”
You rolled your eyes and shook your head. This was one of the rare days that you had Taishiro to yourself and you were going to take full advantage of every moment of it. “No, it’s fall. That means we need to come pick apples so I can make a bunch of stuff when we get home.”
Taishiro held up the empty basket in his other hand with a grin. He, of course, wouldn’t argue about getting to make some freshly baked treats with you. Plus if you were happy, he was happy. Taishiro just wanted to be able to spend the day with you. “Then let’s go fill this up, You know I won’t say no to fresh baked treats.”
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Shortly after making it back home with more apples than you had expected, you had made your way straight for the kitchen to wash the fruit and to start prepping for the baking ahead. Taishiro, for his part, gave you space for the moment. He knew that when you got into the kitchen, you could be a bit of a whirlwind and while he didn’t mind, he figured that he would let you get the prep work done before he tried to pop in to see if you needed any help.
He wasn’t sure how long you had been in the kitchen but it had honestly started to feel like it was just too long and he had to check in on you. Taishiro watched for a moment from the doorway as you bounced from task to task. He was starting to get a bit concerned when he realized that one of the things you were trying to do was chop some of the apples so he carefully walked up behind you, placing his hands on your hips.
You jumped a little and let out a sigh as you felt his arms wrap a little more fully around your waist. “You do realize that I have a knife in my hand right now, right? I could’ve hurt myself!” You glance over your shoulder as you speak to see a blushing Taishiro looking down at you with a sheepish grin.
He shrugged before reaching into the bowl of chopped apples to steal a couple of pieces with a wider grin. “I thought you might need my help. Let me finish chopping those up for you. Is it for the pie filling or something else?”
You let out a sigh before handing him the knife, nodding. “Well it’s for the pie and the homemade applesauce I want to make to use in an apple bread.” You watch him carefully for a moment before you catch Taishiro frowning at you a bit. “What?”
Your boyfriend kissed the top of your head softly before nodding to the empty bowl in front of you. “Why don’t you work on the crust for the pie while I finish this? I promise I’ve got a handle on it. You can trust me, cupcake.” 
You nodded, feeling your face heat up a bit before you started to work on the rest of the pie. Soon you were giving Taishiro direction to get him started on cooking the pie filling, laughing a bit as he would sneak a taste or two to make sure it was right as you prepped the pie pan with the crust you had just rolled out. Taishiro even made sure that you got a chance to taste the filling to make sure he had done a good job.
Once the pie was in the oven, the two of you worked together to make something that vaguely resembled a chunky applesauce.Taishiro was soon pulling out his phone to look up how to make candied apples with you gathering the ingredients in the pantry. You were probably indulging him a little too much but the two of you were having so much fun that you couldn’t seem to resist.
With the candied apples cooling, you pulled the pie out of the oven and turned to see your boyfriend grinning at you as he looked from your face to the pastry in your hands. You shook your head with a soft laugh. “You’re going to have to let it cool off before you even try to steal a slice.”
Taishiro chuckled and shrugged his broad shoulders with a wide grin. He wasn’t surprised that you knew he was already thinking about getting to try some of the apple pie. “What about the bread you were talking about making?”
“Tomorrow,” you said as you started to gather up the dishes to wash them.
“How about I make a run to that ramen restaurant down the street to pick up dinner while you clean up?” Taishiro knew that you liked to keep the kitchen in a very specific manner and he didn’t want to get in the way. When you nodded, he happily ran out to get the two of you dinner. He remembered your favorite order after all. He was even thinking about stopping to pick up some of your favorite tea from a shop nearby as well as an extra little surprise.
You cleaned up the kitchen quickly while he was out. Slicing up the pie, you placed a couple of slices on plates for the two of you. You set them on the kitchen table, smiling as you saw the wide grin on Taishiro’s face. Settling on the couch with him, the two of you ate dessert first.
“We need to do this more often,” Taishiro said between bites of the pie.
All you could do was smile and nod, knowing that you would take every moment like this with him that you could get.
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thefandom-casserole · 3 months
Episode 52 Notes-
I say this everytime but god I’m so scared rn
I saw spoilers on discord 😭 
My headphones are still broken this sounds so weird
I love how it’s Taylor singing about Hero instead of Normal her literal brother 😭 
Taylor Fact: Taylor’s personal heaven would be hot soup not spaghetti
Just Italy and Asia have separate personal heavens 
He hasn’t had his coffee 
Linc Fact: Linc’s favorite dessert is applesauce 
Honestly same though. But only homemade 
Pork and applesauce is so good
Normal Fact: Normal still has four baby teeth in his mouth 
Scary Fact: One time Scary’s mom threatened to take her to a chiropractor for an attitude adjustment and now Scary has neck pain 
I know this one isn’t
But still
Oh god
Mercedes can’t kill him fuckkkkkkk
Taylors character arc 😭 omg
Hermie Scampler omg I feel like that hit more than just Dood
Oh no Willy left 
Normal Style
What was that voice from Beth 😭 😭 
Spanish speaking Normal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Autistic Linc strikes again
I love Linc so much omg
God I love hero
I said that to my friend Wil today actually
My favorite bit is Taylor and Hero omg
The dnd experience of not being able to open a door
Hero and Normal love each a hahsjsnansndjd
Persuasion YES
“With the power of love and friendship we’ll save the world!” << Normal’s 24 persuasion roll
Nat one for Dood :cccccccc
“It’s like what my dad says. When life gives you apples, you’ve gotta make applesauce”
It’s actually crazy how much I love applesauce. Especially with cinnamon. Yummmmmmmmm
Wait just found a post about kfc im intrigued wtf
Back to the topic at hand oop
Chaos and darkness, confusion and love, fear and anger
:ccccc soemthing something that correlates to the teens and of course that’s where they go. of course. 
“I know you can do this. I think you all are gonna be alright”
And a fucking ad ong omg
Ayyyy Willy can’t travel through realms now that’s good that’s good
“LINC what do you mean we don’t need you”
And that ladies and gentlemen is Scary, 52 episodes in. Beth May you’re a fucking genius. HER ARC WAS SO AHAHAHAHABAHBAJAHABZBBB
I’m unwell
Linc I love him so much omg. 
His soccer special interest makes me so happy. 
Linc is me fr I love him so much 😭 
I love them so much :>>>>>>>
Immortal combat I loved that
Linc always carries a ball pump Jesus
Linc also hasn’t lost his baby teeth
Dolphin diver Linc
Darryl learned a lot!!!!!!! I love Darryl ong
I can’t breath
For how little that was
I replayed it so many times
Go teens!!!!!!!!!!
LINC vs Freddie’s dad who’d win
What a dumb name WILL
My Wil (you know who you are scuttles) if you see this know I’m looking at you. Defense is going down. Way to win rock paper scissors loser /aff
Willy Wonka and the Unknownnnnn
They forgot about Hermie
I’m gonna lose it
They brought Hermie back
And forgot about him
This is fucking hilarious 
They forgot about Hermie 
Ayyy Hermie is back again
Hermie can’t pretend to be water Jesus 
Hot glue normal strikes again!!!
Taylor and Normal arts and crafts duo!!!!!!!!!
Chuggs talks like me in real life actually
Gee whilikers 
Chugs the real life warrior
Scary’s kinda scared of dogs!!! Just like me fr!!!
Swiftli crumbsbsbbabahahahahs
“Little less attitude”
Hermie as Taylorrrrrrrrrrr
Jesus Christ
Taylor is gonna go insane if Willy kills Cassandra
Finale next episode
I’m gonna sob
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banannabethchase · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @aidaronan <3 <3 thanks deary!
Putting this monster under a cut
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
As of this very second, 298. Which is absurd.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,342,926 (I'm well over a million words even taking out my Quintis baby fic holy applesauce)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wrestlefic, mostly AEW. But I will always have a soft spot for Quintis, Pipeyna, Stucky, and my everlove Percabeth.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Oh this is gonna be weird for reasons you'll see: Plus One [Criminal Minds], Back to the Future [PJO/Marvel], The Pros and Cons of Avengers Tower (It's Mostly Cons) [Marvel], Forever After You Will Be My Home [CBS Scorpion], The Rumor of Us [Heroes of Olympus]. Wrestlefandom is just so flippin tiny not a single fic made it in here kudos wise or even came close. It will always baffle me that my highest kudos'd fic is a Criminal Minds story.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! I make it a point to try and make sure most if not all comments are responded to, but I think that's a compulsive thing on my end.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. Good question. I have a fair bit of angst, but the only one I can think of with a truly hopeless and angsty ending is Aftermath of the End, which is a concept of what would happen if Percy had died in Blood of Olympus and Annabeth went mad with grief. It is...very dark, very angsty, and very different from most things I've written.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
You ask the fluff monster what is the happiest ending? This is a hard question. I think Set the World Alight is the overall happiest ending, since everyone gets their best possible outcome, especially after all the tough stuff they worked through in the rest of the fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, but it's usually built from a misunderstanding, I'd like to think.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*gestures to the 95 explicit and 58 mature rated fics on my AO3 account* I mean. Very much yes. And what kind? All kinds, at this point. Too many kinds, truly. See the most recent thing I posted. Yoinks.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have! Craziest one is the one I'm making for my 300th AO3 posting which is AEW based but brings in two of my other college AUs from completely different fandoms. It's pure self indulgent shenanigans.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Oh yes. Multiple people have specifically stolen The Rumor of Us which like. Why???
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes a handful.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I don't think so.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh I hate this. I think all time is Percabeth, because come the fuck on, but Quintis, HangMatt, HangMox, Pipeyna, and Stucky challenge constantly for the title.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish that massive undertaking of writing Heroes of Olympus where Reyna and Annabeth were switched instead of Percy and Jason, but it'll never happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, fluff, and porn with feelings.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Writing without stupid puns. Keeping things serious. Editing to make sure I didn't make the same joke/use the same word/repeat phrasing across a fic or all my writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think the only languages I'd be comfortable even attempting are French and Spanish since I'm relatively conversational in Spanish and I took 9 years of French, but I would be very hesitant and would consult a native speaker to help me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
...when I was 6 I wrote a self-insert based on Berenstain Bears and when I was around 10 or 11 I wrote a self-insert where a girl named Mallory met Puddleglum's brother whose name escapes me (because I made it up in 2002) and they had to save Narnia together.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh goodness. I think my novel-length ones are my favorites. Set the World Alight, The Rumor of Us, and Forever After You Will Be My Home were labors of love and dedication that proved to me I can write a single story narrative. I also accidentally imprinted on all of those character designs for these fics, so they are intrinsically related to my interpretation of characters when I'm initially playing around with ideas. Forever After specifically I worked my ass off on with 15 or so hours of research on pregnancy, early childhood, and giving birth which I think shows in the detail.
Should they like to do so, I tag @perseannabeth, @sarahcakes613, @booboo-eyedbambi, and @scissormedaddyass! No pressure though <3
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jazzy-art-time · 2 years
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Apple Ref as of 8/20/2022
She/They Alolan Persian Gentle / Likes to relax - - - - - - - - Another EXPY OC. This time based on my other comfort media. Also she’s in love with Sauce and their ship name is AppleSauce thank yoou very much.
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nightmaretherabbit · 1 year
Im stupid whats AppleSause ?? I kinda gathered from fanart someone made u its a ship but may I please be enlightened by lore and info and basically yknow GRINS AND RUNS AROUND
Applesauce is the ship name for my ocs Gala (Mac's mother) and Salvador.
If I have an applesauce tag of everything involving the two being shipped I believe (Most of em at least) and also if you look at my pinned post there are my lore comics which are about the two as of rn.
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tundrakatiebean · 1 day
Performed two surgeries today. It was a grueling task but it has improved the lives of two very important patients.
I got two stuffies, one for my boyfriend and one for his daughter (if she wants it). But they were both a bit under stuffed. I have the skills and tools to make them fluffier. The patients, child and parent.
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The first surgery on the father
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The waiting room (my beloved childhood stuffy Starbaby was there for emotional support)
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The father was successfully completed and so it was the child’s turn
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The child was MUCH better constructed so easier to operate on
And the family successfully stuffed and reunited happily
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The bigger one needed SO much stuffing. He was so wrinkly.
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Spoilers for the AIO comic strip!
“Blackgaard adopts a child” was definitely not something I was expecting to ever read…
WHY isn’t this an actual audio adventure?? I need “the Acolyte” as an album, I don’t want to live in a world where Buck and Jules’ ship name gets a whole album, but the audience finally finding out what Applesauce actually does is just a comic strip.
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sakurapiss · 4 years
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A terrible She-Ra OC, who i love very much. They are my child. Thank you and goodnight.
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
I’m so bad at deciding but if you wanted to do Húrin and Morwen for any of the ship asks I’d love to see!
Sure! I used a random number generator because I didn't know which ones to do so I hope these are okay, feel free to ask more if you want specific ones? <3<3<3
(From this ship ask game!)
35. Can they name each other’s favourite food? Of course! Morwen can tell you without hesitation that Hurin's favourite thing to eat in all the world is these small apple cakes she bakes on occassion for a very special treat, light and fluffy with applesauce to flavour them and sweetened with honey. Hurin has to think about it a little bit longer before smiling and saying that Morwen's favourite is snow peas. They're very much a comfort food for her, in happier days she had a snow pea teepee and she would spend hours in it, thinking and eating the sweet crunchy snack. Sometimes little Rian would come and eat with her, too.
1. Who loves flower crowns more? Definitely Hurin. But he makes one for Morwen as well, she doesn't make a big deal out of it but secretly she loves it, and has a slight smile on her face the rest of her day whenever she thinks of it. (And the sight of her husband sitting cross-legged in the grass, grinning widely, presenting her with a crown of purple flowers and ivy, is, of course, adorable.)
8. Who is the better dancer? I think they're both probably quite good at dancing, but in different ways. Morwen is better at doing every step exactly as it should properly be, and her quick memory remembers all the moves and dances quite well. Hurin has more of a "style," he's more creative and puts more of a feeling into the dance, though he's not as graceful and mechanically correct as Morwen. He likes to invent new dance steps too.
18. Who likes to read? They both do, but Morwen does read more often. Hurin prefers to work with his hands, so in their rare bits of free time, they'll curl up together and Morwen will read while Hurin whittles and looks over her shoulder occasionally.
53. Who swears more? Hurin swears more. Morwen swears very rarely and when she does, you know something's very wrong.
24. Who has better fashion sense? Morwen. She plans out her outfits very carefully for both practicality and the impression she makes, usually in very dark, regal colours. Hurin usually just throws on whatever is in his trunk that he feels like wearing and suits what he'll be doing.
45. Who makes the other breakfast in bed? Hurin does on Morwen's birthday, he wakes up at an unholy hour to start cooking and making sure everything is perfectly as it should be, laid out prettily on a tray with flowers for her. He puts smiley faces on her pancakes with berries too.
Thank you for the ask @outofangband!
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j4gm · 2 years
Ooh okay
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Favourite thing about them
I was a big fan of the parallel between her descent into despair versus her continuous rise through the ranks of the Horde until she had eventually all but deposed Hordak himself. She keeps fighting her way down this path and blaming her emotional problems on minor Horde-related because she's burying her real emotions. Seeing her begin to shed that mentality in the Crimson Waste was super cathartic, only for her to fuck it all up again once she learned that Shadow Weaver had left her for Adora.
Least favourite thing about them
Cats don't actually have prehensile tails The way she pushed Scorpia away was necessary for her character, but still felt needlessly cruel at times. Let the big scorpion lady be happy :(
Favourite canon relationship
The easy answer is Catradora and that's what I would have answered with 18 months ago when I first watched the show, but in our recent rewatch I really liked her dynamic with Glimmer. Not necessarily as a ship. I just think they work well together because they are each the sort of angry semi-chaotic part of their respective teams. Their relationship on Prime's ship was something special. Tipsy has also made me want to see a lot more of Entrapta and Catra.
Favourite non-canon relationship
That meme with a big book and a small book, and the big book says "SPOP" and the small book says "SPOP if Scorptra was canon". I think Shado might have literally made this meme, I can't remember.
Sexuality headcanon
She's canonically a lesbian so not much more to say here.
What I'd do if I could spend the day with them
Early seasons: attempt to survive. Post-Prime: I feel like she'd get overinvested in a violent shooter video game and I'd end up playing that with her. Alternatively I want to take part in a Roll With It-style DnD campaign with her because she never got that opportunity in the show.
Random fact that I like
By combining multiple Word of God statements you can argue that her full name is Catra Applesauce Meowmeow.
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readbyred · 2 years
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𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝘂𝗽 𝗺𝘆 𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗲, 𝗶‘𝗹𝗹 𝗴𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲 - 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗼 𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲. 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗻 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿
🐚my name’s noelle but my friends call me red [lately i’ve been trying out wendy so you can use that as well]
🐚i use they/them
🐚this is a mixed blog, mostly includes self shipping, writing (x readers) and drawing
🐚i don't mind sharing, i’m just here to have a good time and talk about fictional people; let me know if you want to do any trades (art/writing/f\o letters)
🐚if you want to chat, my inbox and pms are always open; and please tell me about your f/os whenever you want! if you want to tag me in something, i’m okay with it too! asks about my f/os appreciated; idc about spam likes, do as you please
🐚fandoms: hp; witcher; rivardale; the secret history; dead poets society; moomins; mphfpc; total drama; mbav; twilight; starkid; craig of the creek; lord of the flies; the owl house; demon slayer; dear evan hansen; camp camp; fear street; little shop of horrors; it; stranger things; tangled; derry girls; stand by me; charlie and the chocolate factory;
🐚comfort movies: mulan; legally blonde; grease;
🐚personal playlist:
-» airplane mode
-» perfect day
-» hotel
-» girlfriend
-» runaway
-» alright
-» kids in the summer
-» sour patch kids
-» when i grow up
-» pocketful of sunshine
🐚general self ship playlist
-» applesauce
-» puppy princess
-» teenage dirtbag
-» asymptotic
-» out of my league
-» nights like these
-» i dare you
-» peach
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Okay so for kinks. Dom/sub dynamic, voyeurism, rough sex sans impact play, possessive/jealous role play, and quirofilia but honestly I'll take any and all recommendations from the experts!
We would like to suggest that you give these frisky reads a try:
And we lay nocturnal, speculate what we feel - EggplantSalad
Anything you want - @blackandwhiteandrose
Conference call - @januarium
Get up I feel like being a sex machine - @redwineandqueer
Kink!verse - @yourbuttervoicedbeau (*check tags for each, some include impact play)
Mine - Mihaly
Say my name - EggplantSalad, @januarium, @samwhambam, @ships-to-sail, @this-is-not-nothing, @yourbuttervoicedbeau
Thompson Farm’s sweet ‘n’ spiced artisanal applesauce - @schittyfic
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Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better.
I was tagged by both @ladyjunebridgerton and @youritalianbookpal, thank you both! 🥰
Three ships: I mean obviously Polin (Penelope and Colin) from Bridgerton, as they are my currently obsession. Also Fitzsimmons (Fitz and Jemma) from Agents of Shield and Percabeth (Percy and Annabeth) from Percy Jackson, that’s one of my favorite series of all time. I am a friends to lovers hoe!
First ever ship: My first ever ship was probably Nejiten (Neji and Tenten) from Naruto, I’ll never forgive them for doing my son so dirty.
Last song: Worlds on Fire by Zerbin, it’s a bop
Last film: She’s the Man, it is so much cringier than I remembered but it makes me feel very nostalgic and is still pretty funny.
Currently reading: Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson, it’s the third book in the Stormlight Archives series and I’m obsessed with this whole world, Adolin Kholin is an angel and I would die for him but I really like almost all the characters and the world building is just 😘👌🏼 My friend Vicki recommended them as he’s her favorite author, 10/10 would recommend!
Currently watching: I’m not watching anything right now but I keep meaning to start Hawkeye and also watch season 2 of The Witcher, I’ll get there eventually. It’s just hard to make myself start doing anything, even if it’s something I enjoy
Currently consuming: Some applesauce between patients at work while I wait for lunch
Currently craving: A neck massage, honestly. I’m trying to fix my posture and it’s so bad so its sore and giving me a headache but it will get better!
If you’ve already been tagged or don’t feel like it, just ignore me haha but I’m tagging: @britishteacup @ourlilinfinity @thereadersmuse @sungbeen @nuenyyx @jake-amy @all-other-blog-names-were-taken @fan-girl400 @foggycloudrecesses 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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