#she's so busy I don't feel like i can bother her for minor things like that
thatrandombystander · 7 months
For the most part I'm content with my job. I'm not passionate about my work but I don't hate it and am not too bad at it. I like most of my team members, even.
But then sometimes it starts really stressing me out, such as today where I spent half the day trying not to have an anxiety attack.
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seokgyuu · 5 months
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There is nothing worse than wanting what isn't yours. Sunghoon is your roommates boyfriend. He is also the one thing occupying your mind ever since you first laid eyes on him. And never would you have guessed that the feeling is mutual.
Pairing: Sunghoon x Fem!Reader (minor Jake x Fem!Reader)
Contents: Cheating!! I don't condone cheating in real life, but decided to have this be the main theme of this story, work of fiction!! be warned!, jake plays a big part, calls reader pretty girl, roommate is named yeri but pls don't picture rv yeri thats my baby ok? SMUT! MDNI
Smut Warnings: making out, dirty talk, usage of the words "sweetheart, "baby", "princess", "good girl", fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it friends), creampie
wc: 3.7k
a/n: i know i said my first ever enha fic would be the heejayhoon fic but... here we are now. sunghoon has been on my mind too much and he needed to be let out, ok!! pls don't cheat on your partner ok, sunghoon is not doing things correctly here but oh well, what can we do. thanks for reading <3
It’s not fair, you think. How she gets to sit on his lap, how she gets to run her fingers through his hair. How right now his hands are on her hips and how he holds her so close to his body, his eyes following her every word. You wish you could tell him. How she has been seeing this other guy behind his back. Nothing physical, you think, but still. You wish you could go up and tell him she’s not being entirely faithful. But you can’t. It’s not fair. 
She says something and he laughs and you finally turn away to grab the drink Jungwon has poured you ages ago. He is too busy talking to a girl you don’t know to notice you haven’t even taken the cup. You bring it to your lips, letting all of its contents run down your throat in one go. Maybe getting drunk is the only way you’ll survive this stupid ass party you didn’t even want to host in the first place. 
“Slow down, pretty girl,” you suddenly hear a voice next to you and you almost choke. It’s Jake Sim, his best friend. 
“What?” You put the cup back down and look at him with one brow raised. Jake chuckles, pushing a hand through his soft looking black hair.
“There is enough alcohol for everyone, no need to drown it all in one go.”
“Maybe I want to.” You challenge him with your eyes and he takes the hint, smirking as he grabs the bottle of vodka that's standing on the counter. 
“I got you, pretty girl.”
Talking to Jake is fun. He is fun. He is also handsy. After five minutes of talking, he has his hand on your thigh, looking at you attentively as you tell him some story about you in middle school. You’re feeling hot all over, but it’s not because of Jake or his hand or the way he looks at you. It’s because of how he is looking over.
Park Sunghoon. Still with your horrible roommate on his lap, with his hands still on her waist, with her mouth so close to his ear you’re sure she’s saying the dirtiest things to him right now. But he is looking at you. 
“How do you know Yeri?” Jake asks then, bringing you back. 
“She’s my roommate,” you explain and take a sip from the drink Jake mixed for you earlier. His eyebrows shoot up.
“Oh! You are her roommate!” He grins, “I knew you looked familiar.”
“I did?” You wouldn’t have bet on Jake knowing who you are as much as you wouldn’t have bet on Sunghoon visibly being bothered by you talking to his best friend. 
“Yeah. Sunghoon mentioned you before. Showed me your insta.” You can’t hide the surprise on your face.
“He did?” Jake chuckles again, leaning forward, his mouth almost as close to your ear as Yeri’s to Sunghoon’s. 
“He mentioned you’re not that talkative. He also mentioned you like to look at him. And you know what I think? He enjoys it when you do.” 
You hate your treacherous heart for beginning to beat quicker. Why would Jake say that? Wasn’t he hitting on you? Mentioning what Sunghoon liked or didn’t like - wasn’t this… counterproductive? 
“Why- why would you tell me this?” You finally ask back, looking at Jake with wide eyes. 
“Because,” he begins to explain, his hand wandering further up your thigh, making you gasp, “because I know that he likes looking at you, too. And I never liked Yeri. You seem much nicer than her.”
His breath is still hitting your neck. His touch is soft and while it should probably feel more sensual, it doesn’t. You realize his plan, realize that he is doing this because he knows Sunghoon is watching and you feel your cheeks heat up. 
“If you let me kiss you now, he will for sure come find you later.”
In retrospect - maybe it was a bit naive of you to just let him kiss you. Or well, for you to kiss him as a response. He could have played with you, could have used the knowledge that you wanted Sunghoon to his benefit. Something about him, though, made you feel like you could trust him.
Jake is a good kisser. He knows where to put his hands and how to suck on your tongue in a way that doesn't feel like too much. He knows how to turn his head and how to make you crave more, knows exactly how to make it look believable - so believable, Sunghoon can’t concentrate on Yeri on his lap anymore, on how she kisses his neck and whispers things into his ear he’d normally eat up, things he would normally be excited to hear. 
It’s not fair, he thinks. He’s not being fair. This has been going on for way too long. At this point he should just break up with Yeri as he had planned months ago. But he’s just a weak man and Yeri knows him too well. She’s not a good girlfriend and he’s not a good boyfriend, but never would he ever cheat on her. Or so he would like to think. Because right now? Looking at you on the other side of the room, your hands buried in Jake’s hair and his hand on your thigh, so far up it’s almost underneath your god forsaken skirt - he wants nothing more than to drag you into your bedroom and show you he’s better than Jake. 
The thought scares him enough to stop Yeri in her motion and excuse himself to go to the bathroom. 
“Wanna meet me in my room in five?” Yeri giggles in his ear when she’s off his lap and Sunghoon tightens his jaw. 
“I think you should entertain your guests a little more before you leave to your bedroom.”
Yeri pouts up at him when he gets up.
“But Hoonie…,” he knows her antics, he knows them well enough, probably better than anyone. What normally would have worked right away, doesn’t this time. He shakes his head and just walks off, making a pit-stop in the kitchen to get some more alcohol in his system to survive the night. 
Sunghoon knew it was bad, he was bad, when he walked into you in nothing but a short towel wrapped around your body two months ago. It had been totally out of his control - the way his body reacted to see you in your almost naked form, water dripping from your hair onto your shoulder, over your collarbone and down your chest. You suddenly became so much more than before. He had found you cute before. Cute and funny and nice. Never had he seen you as anything but his girlfriend’s roommate. You and Yeri weren’t even really friends, more like in need of each other. Yeri’s old roommate had moved in with her girlfriend and so the room became vacant. You were the first one to apply and stayed. This had been six months ago.
And now? Now Sunghoon feels more drawn to you than he had ever felt to Yeri and it drives him crazy. That is why he is drowning two shots of tequila in the kitchen with Jay and Jungwon and that is why he practically hides behind the door frame to watch you and Jake make out. He knows it’s not fair to be jealous. He also knows he probably shouldn’t watch the way Jake is kissing you, the way you are kissing Jake, because all it does is make his body burn. 
He finds himself wondering what you taste like. If you like the way Jake tastes. He’s pathetic. Pathetic and a horrible boyfriend. Sighing, he finally moves to the bathroom, glad to see there is only a small line he has to wait in. Crossing his arms, he leans against the wall, trying to forget the visual of you and Jake but failing miserably. Maybe he should have told Yeri to meet him in her bedroom after all. He could have taken his pathetic jealousy out on her. Just fuck her until he forgot. Imagine it was you instead. 
“Jesus, look at those two,” a voice rips Sunghoon out of his thoughts and he turns his head - immediately regretting his decision. 
It’s Jake and you and he has you pushed against the wall right next to the kitchen, kissing you hard and you kiss him back, hands on his nape and Sunghoon feels like the universe is out to get him tonight. Why the fuck would you follow him outside? Why couldn’t you have stayed in the living room, why-
He stands up straight again. 
You followed him outside. You are making sure he sees you. 
Sunghoon doesn’t have a coherent thought left in his brain. His legs carry him to you and Jake, squeezing through people he doesn’t know and then he is right there, his hand landing on Jake’s shoulder, squeezing hard.
“Heeseung is looking for you.” He says with a blank face and Jake parts from you, needing a few seconds to realize what’s going on. The moment he recognizes Sunghoon, he has to try really hard to suppress a smug smile.
“And that can’t wait? Kinda busy here, mate,” Jake raises his brows. Sunghoon’s jaw tightens once more.
“No. Said it was urgent. Better look for him.”
The apartment isn’t that big. There is a kitchen that’s separate from the living room that does house a good number of people. Jake has just seen Heeseung there. Talking to some red-head and most definitely not looking for him. Grinning after all, Jake nods and turns his head to wink at you quickly before finally taking off. 
“So,” Sunghoon starts, eyes traveling from the back of Jake’s head to you, “Jake, huh?” 
There is no chance in hell you can respond to him. In all honesty, you hadn’t really believed Jake’s plan would work out. Sunghoon getting jealous and stopping you from making out? When Yeri is right there? It seemed absurd. Apparently, though, it wasn’t. 
The surprise on your face is clear as day and Sunghoon scoffs, shaking his head.
“Is this how you want to get my attention, sweetheart? By making out with my best friend?”
“I- I didn’t-,” it’s no use. Both of you know exactly why you had kissed Jake, why you had followed him into the hallway. 
“You didn’t, hm? Didn’t mean to kiss Jake? Didn’t kiss him just to make me jealous? Or what?” 
He’s so close to you now. Too close, if you think about it. What if someone sees you? Sees your roommate's boyfriend this close to you at her own party? 
“Sunghoon, I really don’t-,” you try again, but this time Sunghoon’s hands grab your waist as he pushes himself closer to you, your breath hatching in your throat.
“Don’t lie to me, princess. I can see it in your eyes. Fuck, I can see it in your eyes everytime I’m around. You want me, just admit it.”
Your skin is burning where he is touching you. His eyes are staring into yours and you wish with all of your being he wasn’t who he was. 
“I can’t. I- I don’t want you, Sunghoon, you’re not mine to want.”
Your words reach his ears but they don’t make sense even though they should. Looking around, Sunghoon grabs your wrist and drags you to your bedroom, holding out his hand.
“Keys, I know you locked it.”
You stare up at him, lips trembling, knowing better than to give in. 
“Give me the keys, Y/N.”
The way he says your name has your knees growing weak. Swallowing, you let your hand slip into the pocket of your sweater, handing the waiting man what he had asked for. 
Without a word Sunghoon unlocks and opens the door, pulling you inside behind him, hoping to god no one paid you any mind. Once the door behind you shuts, you feel your back hit it, feel Sunghoon’s breath on your face, his hands back on your hips, the look in his eyes wild and angry and so full of want it almost causes you to whimper. 
“Do you want me to be yours to want?” He asks with a raspy voice and his fingers dig into your flesh. 
“Does it matter?” You reply quietly. 
“If it didn’t I wouldn’t ask you, sweetheart.”
“Stop calling me that.” You immediately say, your thighs pressing together traitorously. Sunghoon catches your movement and he lets out a breath.
“Why? You like it?” 
He is so close to you. So fucking close. You could count every single mole and freckle on his face if only you had the strength to look at him for longer than two seconds.
“Sunghoon, please. Y-You’re Yeri’s boyfriend.”
“That doesn’t stop you from staring at me whenever I’m here, does it?” It’s wrong. He knows it and so do you, but it just feels too good. His hand moves from your waist down, sliding in between your thighs to part them. You gasp, eyes widening when you feel his fingers trailing up your thigh.
“I- I am not- I would never, Sunghoon!” 
It’s a light touch, but it’s right there on that one sensitive spot on your inner thigh. Sunghoon bathes in the way you look, the way your breath hitches when he touches you.
“Yeah? What was that, baby?”
“‘Am not staring at you!” You try to shoot daggers at him through your eyes, but all that reaches him are silent pleas to touch you more. 
“Is that right?” Sunghoon leans forward, his free hand now cupping your cheek, thumb softly caressing your face.
“Not staring at me, hm? Not wishing it was you on my lap instead of Yeri, no?”
“No! Of course not, I-,” you gasp again when he moves his hand further up.
“Stop lying to me, baby. Please, I need you to be honest, need you to tell me how much you want me.”
His voice is deep and his begging almost brings you to your knees. While the rational part of you tells you to push him away, the irrational part tells you to stay right where you are.
“I- what about Yeri, Sunghoon?” Your hands find place on his chest and he bites down on his lip, softly shaking his head.
“I’ll break up with her. I promise, princess. I just need you to tell me exactly what’s on your mind, please?”
I’ll break up with her, the words echo in your head over and over. You should think about this more, you know you should. And yet… 
“You- You are, Hoon, you are always on my mind.”
“Fuck, princess, tell me more. What am I doing in your mind?” His nose touches yours and the hand that was on your cheek moves down to your neck, a shiver running down your spine.
“Doing everything you do to her… to me.”
“Keep going.” His instructions are clear, but with the way his hand has now reached your throbbing core, with how his fingers glide over your soaked panties, feeling just how fucking wet you are for him, you don’t even know how to say your own name. 
“You kiss me, not her. You… touch me, not her.” The words stumble out of your mouth and Sunghoon breathes them in, his cock hard against his jeans as he lets his fingers push your panties to the side, feeling your warm and soft folds right then against his skin. He groans, head falling onto your shoulder.
“Shit, you’re so wet, baby, fuck.”
You whimper when he finds your clit with his thumb and you would have landed on the floor, if his arm hadn’t wrapped around you just then.
“Sunghoon…,” you breathe out, but he just shakes his head, kissing the side of your neck.
“Am I touching you like this in your mind, baby? Am I making you this wet?”
As if to accompany his words, he pushes one finger into you and you cry out, hands fisting the material of his shirt. 
“G-god, yes, just- just like this, Hoon.”
He’s dizzy, you are making him dizzy. Your smell and the way you feel around his finger, your voice dripping in pure lust, it’s about to drive him fucking insane.
“Fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me,” he mumbles before finally kissing you, his lips devouring you like starved man, a moan escaping and landing in your mouth. Every bit of composure that might have been there a second ago is now gone. Your arms wrap around his neck as he continues pushing his finger in and out of you, your small whimpers getting caught by his busy lips. 
Sunghoon thinks you’re like a drug. Now that he’s got a taste, he can’t stop, he can’t get enough. He licks into your mouth to taste more of you, pushes another finger into your sopping pussy to prep you for his cock that is aching behind his pants. There isn’t much time, he knows someone will notice if he’s gone too long. 
“Been dreaming of this, Hoon, need you so, so bad.”
Your whispered words are like a prayer to Sunghoon. He moans against your lips and wraps both of his arms around you now, your cunt feeling so empty without him all of a sudden. You cry out when he puts you down on your bed and kisses you again, his hands busy getting your panties off your body, leaving your pussy bare for him to dive back into with his fingers. 
He kisses you again, his tongue circling around yours, his lips hot and red and perfect against your own. Nimble fingers slip underneath his shirt, caressing his soft skin as your hips move against him, his fingers even deeper inside of you at this angle. You whine into his mouth and Sunghoon bites down on your bottom lip.
“Gotta have you, baby, gotta fuck you, yeah?”
“Yes, please.” 
He rids himself of his jeans and boxers, pushing them down enough for his cock to spring free, his eyes taking in your body, your face, the way you look wanting him. How many nights had he wished it was you underneath him? Cursing under his breath, he pushes you further up the bed, your head landing on the pillow behind you, gaze wide as you watch him lean forward, his soft brown hair falling into his face. He doesn’t waste any time, pumping his cock a few times before lining himself up with you, easily slipping into your wet heat. 
“Kiss me.” You whisper and Sunghoon’s eyes fly open, sinking into your further as he leans forward, his lips catching yours in a sensual kiss. Your legs almost automatically wrap around his waist, helping him to completely sink into you. Moans are exchanged between the two of you and your fingers grab Sunghoon’s hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss his neck. He hisses, hips beginning to thrust into you, your tongue lapping at his skin. 
“Fuck, you’re so perfect around me, sweetheart. Never had a pussy better than this.”
He grabs your hand and pins it over your head, eyes wild as he stares down at you, his hips beginning to move mercilessly, cock hitting you right where you need him to. It takes everything in you not to scream for him, your eyes rolling back and your back arching, wanting more of him, wanting all of him. 
“Hoon, am already close,” you admit with your face hot and Sunghoon moans once again, letting his head fall down, back between your shoulder and neck, kissing your skin.
“Yes, baby, want you to cum on my cock.”
It’s true. He doesn’t think he has ever wanted something as much as this. His words are like a spell, your pussy clenching over and over again as your orgasm erupts you, making you cry out in pleasure, your hands flying to the his back, hips moving rapidly against him, basically fucking yourself on his cock through your orgasm and Sunghoon feels like he is about to pass out. 
“Good girl, such a good girl for me, fuck.”
He kisses you again, lust and want mixed with desperation as he continues to chase his high, twitching inside of you, your walls tight and warm around his hard cock. If he could, he would fuck you for another six hours, but he knows tonight is not the night for that. Fuck, he’s gonna need to get you a new apartment, he needs to get you as far away from Yeri as he possibly can. 
“Want you to cum in me, Sunghoon, please, make me yours, fill me up, please.”
Black and white dots appear in front of his eyes when you whisper these words in his ear and he can’t do anything but have your wish be his command. He curses your name once, twice - then he cums, thick stripes of white filling your awaiting pussy, the feeling of being filled by him getting you over the edge a second time. You can’t help the loud moan this time, can’t help clawing your fingers into his skin underneath his shirt. He rides out his orgasm and your legs fall off his waist, overstimulation hitting you and making you whine, Hoon kissing your neck and your cheek and finally your lips as he pulls out, quick to part from you again to look at how pretty your pussy looks filled with his release. 
“Fuck, sweetheart, I could look at this forever,” he mumbles, sinking down to push two fingers inside you, stuffing his cum back in. You gasp in surprise.
“Park Sunghoon!” 
He laughs, looking up at you with his bangs hanging in his face.
“Need to make sure it stays where it belongs, princess.”
Sunghoon breaks up with Yeri the next day. He takes you apartment hunting an hour later. Safe to say Jake’s plan worked out. And he won’t ever let you hear the end of it. 
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m00nh1gh · 5 months
Bsf's dad!Bang Chan x reader
You knew you had a thing for older men but you didn't expect to be in this situation.
Contains: Unprotected car sex, masturbation (f), fingering, there's an age gap, but the reader is legal AND they didn't know each other when she was a minor, just a little heads up.
Word count: 3.1k.
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Sleepovers at your best friend's house were always the best. You'd watch plenty of movies (or videos on YouTube) and cook together when her dad wasn't home. You had done all of that tonight and even had a photoshoot for new profile pictures and posts for Instagram. You really went all out for it, too.
Though, there was always one thing that bothered you at those sleepovers and it was the sleep part. Yuna snored a lot and it lead to insomnia for you. You'd usually be okay with it, because you never failed to bring your headphones, but this time, you had let them at your house. 
You grunted for the fifth time in a whole minute before letting go of the pillow you'd been using against your ears to try and muffle the sounds, but to no avail. You decided it could be good to take a little walk in her house. You guys were alone anyway, so it wouldn't bother anyone. 
You slowly opened the door of her bedroom, walked out and made sure to close it behind you. You looked around to make sure her dad wasn't here and went to the kitchen silently.
You poured yourself some water in the glass you used tonight and took a big sip of it. You could finally relax once you were away from Yuna. You didn't even know exactly why snoring irritated you so much. It made you feel bad to complain about it so much, but you just had to.
"Y/n? It's late, why aren't you sleeping?"
You jumped and put a hand over your mouth to stop yourself from yelping. You had never heard him coming in the house, even less walking in the room and leaning against the doorframe. He didn't look annoyed or bored. He was, in fact, smiling at you with a raised brow. It made you blush - as usual - and you looked down.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. I just came here to get some water.
- You know it's alright, you should still get some rest though," he placed his coat on the kitchen island as he walked to the fridge, which was right beside you.
His sleeves were rolled up and you couldn't help but to take a look at his arms and hands as he took a plate Yuna and you had prepared for him earlier. He placed it in the microwave for one minute and thirty seconds and then he looked back at you.
"She's snoring again, right?
- Yeah."
He laughed and suddenly, your heart started beating faster. This wasn't right. You shouldn't feel like this around him. He's your best friend's dad, for God's sake!
"I'll be awake for a while more, wanna come to my office? I could use some company. 
- Oh, but I don't want to bother you…
- You won't. I really would appreciate your company. But if you wanna go back to sleep, then it's good too!" His dimples are so hot. His office outfit is so hot. You felt hot.
"No, I'm not going to sleep," you smiled at him before following his lead to his office that was on the second floor. It was the first time you steeped into it and it somehow felt intimate; Yuna had always told you her dad did not let anyone in there while he was gone and now he invited you to sit on the small couch that was settled next to a bookshelf.
"Don't tell Yuna about this, she'll start coming here without my permission," the man sighed as he sat on his chair behind his desk. He turned his computer on and looked back at you while it loaded. "You can do whatever you want, I have books there and other stuff… Just don't touch what's on my desk, not that I think you would anyway," he gave you a wink and a smile as he laid back on his chair, turning his attention back to the screen.
Some time passed since your last interaction with Christopher. You had picked a book from his shelf, but quite honestly, it was just to make yourself look busy. You surely couldn't concentrate on it when you could see him shift on his seat and hear him sigh from time to time, clicking his tongue and grunting. You didn't know what he was working on, but it surely made him frustrated.
You looked at the cover of the book since you didn't even know which one you had picked. That's how uninterested you were about it, but maybe that you should start being, because Christopher's noises made you think some stuff that you shouldn't think about.
"100 Cocktail Recipes; Spice your Drinks Up!"  What the fuck?
"Is everything alright?" You opted on asking, coming to the conclusion that you wouldn't read anything tonight.
"Yeah, yeah. Just work stuff, you know?" He looked rather enthusiastic about you finally talking to him. You guessed he needed a little break from work.
"Yeah, I know," you looked around the room, suddenly feeling really awkward and regretting having talked to him.
"I guess I could take a small break," he sighed and leaned back on his chair, his hands behind his head as he looked back at his screen. "Wanna go on a little drive?
- I'd actually like that, yes," you smiled and you both got up to walk out of the office. 
"Wait just a bit, I'm gonna go change into something else," you nodded and he came back a few minutes later with a t-shirt and simple jeans. The shirt was tight. You didn't even know how it didn't tear because the man is muscular. You shook your head a little to let go of your thoughts and followed Christopher to the entry door.
Once your shoes were on, he let you get out first and he locked the door behind him.
"Let's hope Yuna doesn't wake up," he chuckled and unlocked his car. You smiled and mentally prayed that she wouldn't notice you were out too, walking to the car and getting in the passenger seat as Christopher sat at the driver's seat.
"So, where are we going?
- Anywhere, it's up to you.
- I know a pretty spot somewhere. Let's get snacks and then go there. Yeah?
- Sounds good," you smiled at him and he returned it, starting the engine and driving to a small convenience store Yuna and you went to often. It was the only one that was open the whole night, so when you ever craved something late, you walked there and took whatever you needed. You even became friends with the cashier.
"Hey, Y/n!" Jeongin waved at you and nodded at Christopher. You walked to him as Christopher picked some snacks in the store.
"Is that your dad?
- No, that's Yuna's dad," you looked behind to make sure he wasn't near you and you leaned forward. "He's fucking hot."
Jeongin laughed and shook his head.
"Do you even know how old he is? Not that he looks 60, but that's still her dad.
- He's like in his half 40's, it's alright.
- What are you guys talking about?"
You jumped as Christopher put food and drinks on the counter. Jeongin stayed silent as he scanned the items and you cleared your throat.
"Are you two dating?
- What? No, no!" Jeongin finally spoke.
"That's Yuna's boyfriend," you added, side eyeing Jeongin whose cheeks reddened significantly.
"Am not.
- Not yet," you teased and Christopher laughed.
"I'll be looking forward to our first family dinner with you, then," he paid for the stuff and took the plastic bag after Jeongin put the receipt in it. You said your goodbyes and walked out with a smile still sitting on your face, thinking back to Jeongin's shyness at the mention of your best friend.
"They'd look cute together," Christopher said as you both got back in the car.
"I know, right? But they're both so oblivious that it hurts me sometimes.
- Give them time and eventually, they'll confess."
It was a ten minute drive until Christopher parked his car in an empty parking lot, which was right in front of a small river. There were benches along it and lampposts beside each one of them. It was a pretty spot indeed, but you wished you'd brought a jacket with you if you were to get out of the car.
"We can stay in the car if you want, you're not wearing something adequate to the weather," he remarked and you agreed.
He took out two bottles of water and handed one to you. You opened it and immediately took a sip. You hadn't noticed how thirsty you were, and the water felt refreshing in your throat.
"And what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
- No, guys at school aren't for me.
- Ah, I see," it was silent for a little moment until you heard him unbuckle his seat so he could turn to you the way he wanted to. "What about older guys? You know, you're old enough to have a little age gap in relationships now."
You played with the cap of your bottle nervously, your heart pounded hard in your chest and you could hear it. "Yeah, I like older men.
- Men, huh?" He smirked and turned your head towards him with a hand placed on your cheek. "Have you tried talking to them?"
You shook your head and hardly swallowed, suddenly needing another sip of water. But, you couldn't move. Christopher looked too beautiful in the dark of the night, with only a small amount of light that hit the side of his face. His lips looked extra kissable and they were still a little wet due to his drink and you felt yourself getting needy.
"No, I haven't.
- Then talk to me," he leaned close to your ear, you could feel his hot breath on your neck and you closed your eyes, "Am I old enough for you?
- Yeah," you whispered, and you swore you could hear his smirk. He looked back at you, and it was hard for you not to look away. He was way too intimidating for you to hold eye contact.
"I knew you'd be a good girl for me," he kissed you shortly once, and then the second one was deep. His lips- God, his lips felt so good against yours. They were so soft and fit perfectly with yours, driving you insane and you undid your seatbelt to get closer to him. Christopher groaned lowly as his tongue entered your mouth, and his hand found its way to your thigh, slowly hiking up your shorts. Well, as much as he could.
You shivered at his touch and softly bit on his lower lip, making a moan escape from his lips and that was it: now you were wet for sure and he broke away from the kiss, looking at you with lustful eyes.
"Tell me what you want," he said, his voice deeper than usual.
"I just want you," you admitted, placing a hand on his chest. It trailed down to the end of his shirt. 
"Then I'll show you how much I want you too," he reclined his seat a little and gestured for you to come sit on his lap. You obeyed and immediately felt him through his pants. He was already half hard for sure.
"So fucking beautiful," he took a strand of your hair between his fingers, then putting his hand at the back of your head to pull you closer so he could kiss you. He slid his hand down your waist, making its way under your shorts. His other hand cupped one of your boobs through your tank top. You whimpered and put your hands around his biceps, feeling his muscles flexing under them.
His lips were so rough against yours that it added an edge of excitement to the moment. You were completely lost in this touch, his hand was back out of your shorts and was settled on your hip. His other one was sliding down your sides, feeling your curves.
"You're going to drive me insane," you hummed against his lips and rolled your hips a little, making him groan and pull you away from the kiss. "Touch yourself, baby," he commanded, moving one hand to grab your ass and squeezing it.
"What?" You asked with a small voice, unsure of what he meant by this.
"I want to see you touching yourself," he clarified, his voice as rough as his touch. A hand under your top now, he found your nipple and teasingly brushed against it. You reacted to it, pulling yourself closer to him, and you nodded, spreading your thighs a little. You slid a hand under your shorts and panties, reaching your clit immediately.
His hand finally pinched your nipple and it earned him a moan from you. "That's it, baby," he breathed. "You look so fucking hot."
You hummed again, rubbing small circles on your clit as you absorbed everything he told you.
"So obedient. You like being my good girl? Like touching yourself for me?
- Yeah," you moaned as your hips bucked up, looking down at him.
"Tell me more," he demanded. He wanted you to beg for him, to show him just how much power he held over you.
"I like being your good girl, only yours," you said, pulling the fabric of your panties and shorts to the side so he could have a glimpse at what was going on under your clothes.
"You're such a tease," he teasingly traced a finger along your wet folds. "Look at how wet you are for me."
You whimpered and stopped touching yourself for him to take over. Your hands went back to his biceps. 
"Do you like being teased?" He asked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. He continued teasing your pussy, ignoring how you tried getting away due to how sensitive you had gotten.
"No," you closed your thighs around his hand. 
"Yes, you do," he said, leaning in to kiss you like a hungry man. His free hand squeezed your breasts, pinching your hardened nipple as he started rubbing on your clit. You moaned against his lips, spreading your thighs for him to touch you better as you tugged at the sleeves of his shirt.
With a low chuckle, he pushed your panties to the side more and slid a finger into your sloppy hole, immediately finding your g spot. "Want me to make you cum?" He assumed you were already ready for a second finger, so he slid another one inside you.
"Yes, please. Please," you breathed out, getting used to his fingers inside you. 
"That's it," he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of you. "Feels good?" He asked, placing hot kisses over your neck as he continued with the right amount of pressure and speed.
"Good," you agreed, lifting his shirt up a little so you could have a look at his toned abs, finally touching the skin. That made him groan again, his fingers digging deeper into you as you touched every inch of his chest. Once your hand reached lower, his hips grinded against it slightly, and you didn't waste another second before unzipping his pants and cupping his dick through his boxers.
He moaned, his hips grinding a little more against your palm. "You're so hot,"
You moaned when his finger brushed against a certain spot inside you and it made you squeeze his cock a little. He lifted himself up a little so you could slide his pants and boxers down a little. Christopher's breath hitched a little and his eyes locked with yours, filled with lust and anticipation. "Fuck."
"Want you inside me, Chris. Please?" You asked, pumping his dick slowly to spread his precum all over his shaft.
"Alright, baby," he hissed a little at your touch. "If that's what you want. But I can't guarantee I'll be gentle," he warned, guiding himself to your entrance once your hand had left him. You nodded and pushed yourself down on his dick a little so his tip was already inside you. You moaned and put a hand on the back of the seat for support as you sunk down painfully slowly.
Christopher lost some of his patience and grabbed your hips harshly, thrusting into you sharply without warning. You gasped and threw your head back, feeling the stretch of his dick clearly. It hurt for sure, but you didn't say anything. He knew to give you some time to get used to him. He brought you closer and started kissing your neck. "Told you I can't be gentle," he mumbled as he softly nibbled at your skin.
"Can move," you said, rolling your hips against him. He moaned and guided you, giving a small slap at your ass as you rode him. It was your first time, but by Christopher's moans, you guessed you did good, and you found the hem of his shirt to tug at it. 
He got the hint and quickly got it off, throwing it at the back of the car, completely forgetting about it and giving his complete attention to you. Your hands quickly found their way to his upper chest, pawing at the skin. "Fuck, Chris," you moaned against his ear.
His eyes rolled back as you touched him and moaned in his ear that way, picking up the pace of your movements as he guided you on him. "Yeah, feel good, baby? Like having sex with older men? They're better at it, right? They have more experience… I know what's good for you," his lips trailed down your collarbones, and you moved so he could mouth your boob through your top. He softly bit, making your back arch and you lost control of yourself, becoming unstable on top of him.
He cursed and held your hips up, now he was the one pounding up into you at a rapid and rough pace. Everytime his pelvis met your clit, it sent waves of pleasures throughout your whole body and you felt yourself coming closer to your orgasm.
"Shit, gonna cum," he said in a whisper almost and you moaned in response. "Gonna cum soon too, baby?
- Yeah," you agreed and rubbed your clit as he continued thrusting into you. Both of your movements became sloppy and right when he was about to release, he pulled out of you and fucked his own fist until he came all over his stomach. With that vise in front of you, your orgasm hit you fast and your hips stuttered above him as he was still riding his own orgasm out.
"Fuck," you whimpered and collapsed on him. You were both panting heavily and he was now stroking your hair softly.
"Y/n, you're fucking crazy," he said and you laughed.
One of my fav chapters frfr
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awakenedevildays · 8 days
「quarrels and sofas」 Art Donaldson x F!reader
TW: angst, smut (minors DNI), fighting, jealousy, insecurities
you can read the other parts here!
Art knew it was a terrible idea to properly introduce you to Patrick right away, from the moment he saw how his best friend looked at you up and down he knew he was in for troubles. Even more when Patrick "kindly" offered to teach you how to play tennis while "your boyfriend was busy". 
You agreed happily almost immediately: with Tashi busy with her professional tennis career, and you with yours, you didn't have much time to see each other, and when you did you tried to disconnect from your jobs by doing other things and that resulted in not playing that much anymore, expect with Art sometimes.
"your girlfriend is really cute by the way, how come I didn't realize it when we met her years ago" he teased Art after you excused yourself to go to the bathroom of the restaurant. 
Art knew where the conversation was going, but decided not to respond to his best friend's taunts "you didn't realize she was cute? It's your bad I guess" he replied in a snarky way, his fingers playing with his glass "besides, she's been cute since forever, what are you even talking about?" Art asked.
Patrick snickered a little at Art's response, taking a sip of his glass while he kept his eyes on him.
"Oh don't play dumb with me. She's always been on the cute side, but come on... she's seriously gorgeous now. You're so lucky and you don't even realize it" he replied back, a mischievous grin on his face growing as he continued to tease Art.
Art felt anger rise in his body, why did he always feel like he had to compete against Patrick? 
Patrick could feel the tension between them and continued to push further "You should be glad she's still loyal to you. She could easily leave your ass if she wanted to, bet she has tons of men after her" he kept going with a smug smile, knowing fully well he was pushing Art to his limit.
"Yeah well, unlike you I know how to treat my girlfriend right" he bit back, his smile growing. 
Patrick's smile faded a little at the reference to his past relationship with Tashi, but he quickly regained his composure and a smirk formed on his lips "Oh please, I know how to treat women just fine. Tashi simply just couldn't handle me" he said with a laugh, trying to brush off the topic.
Art's frowned his eyebrows in fake confusion, his smile turning into a thin line "Oh... my bad, I heard it went differently, from what I know.. it was you who couldn't keep up with her". 
Patrick raised an eyebrow at Art's response, his smirk faltering slightly as he tried to keep his cool.
"You've heard wrong then. It was Tashi who couldn't handle my life as a successful businessman." he retorted with a hint of defensiveness in his voice, trying to deflect the truth with arrogance.
Art was going to answer but a voice interrupted him "excuse me, I'll leave you the bill" the waitress said leaving the small receipt holder on the table, both men smiled as she walked away. 
Art took his wallet to pay and Patrick didn't bother to stop the blond as he slid the money inside of the card holder before leaving it on the table for the waitress to take. 
Then, Art takes a sip of his beer, his eyes never leaving Patrick's "stay away from her Patrick, I mean it" he warned. 
Patrick rolled his eyes at Art's warning "Oh, come on Art. I'm just being friendly. What's the harm in that?" he replied with a smirk, clearly not taking him seriously. 
"I know what you're trying to do, I know you". 
Patrick leaned back in his seat, his smirk widening at Art's accusation. "And what exactly do you know, Art?" he asked with feigned innocence, though his eyes gleamed with mischievous intent.
"I know you can't stand seeing me happy while you're not" he replied immediately and Patrick couldn't help but scoff at Art's words. 
"Oh please, I'm perfectly happy in my single life. I don't need a relationship to make me happy" he replied with a dismissive wave of his hand, though there's a hint of bitterness in his tone.
Art leans on his chair "sure you don't, but don't try to ruin mine too" his smile didn't reach his eyes. 
"Ruin your relationship? Who said anything about ruining your relationship?" Patrick asked with a hint of sarcasm, feigning innocence once again. "I'm just being friendly, Art. I don't have any ulterior motives" he added, maintaining his smile but his eyes betrayed his true intentions.
Before Art could answer you are next to him again "sorry, what did I miss?" you asked innocently, Art's arm wrapped around your shoulder while his other hand takes your fingers in his to play with them. 
Patrick's gaze flickered from you to Art, observing the two of you with a subtle feeling of irritation before he plastered a charming smile on his face. "Ah, nothing much. We were just catching up, talking about old times" he replied smoothly, though his gaze lingered on your hand enclosed in Art's, a flicker of envy in his eyes. Art looked at you and smiled, "nothing important" he said, brushing off the conversation to shift his focus back to you. 
"we should go baby, we have to wake up early tomorrow" Art stood up, you mimic his action. 
"Oh yeah, that's right" you said, slightly puzzled but you quickly brushed it off and leaned into Art's side, giving him a soft smile. Patrick watched the two of you raise from your seats, his smile still on his face "alright then, it was nice catching up" he said standing up as well, giving Art a nod before his gaze went back to you. "It was really nice to see you again" he added, his voice carrying a hint of flirtation you didn’t seem to notice, but Art did. 
"It was nice seeing you too Patrick, I'll text you for that tennis lesson, ok?" Patrick briefly looked at Art and smiled "can't wait, good night". 
Art's grip on you tightened momentarily, his expression tense but he quickly regained his composure to give Patrick a curt nod in return. "Good night" he replied shortly before leading you out of the restaurant, his arm remained protectively around your shoulders. 
Now, a few weeks later, Art leans with crossed arms at the doorframe and watches you getting ready for bed. He can't stop thinking how Patrick looked at you during that dinner and he can't imagine what his eyes saw while you played together, how he probably glanced at your legs and checked you out.
"So how was your match with Patrick?" He hopes you don't hear the jealousy out of his voice. 
"it was good, how was your day baby?" you decide to ignore his jealous tone, you kiss his lips when you pass by him to go to the bathroom.
He kisses you back, smiling when your lips touched his but he can't help thinking of Patrick right now. 
"My day was good," he says "what did you and Patrick do after your practice?" He asks while he changes from his jeans to a jogging pants.
"he gave me a ride here" you shrug.
He tries to hold a neutral mimic by hearing that but his jealousy is too much to not say anything about it. 
"I could've picked you up, baby" he tells you while he sits down on your bed waiting for you to finish brushing your teeth.
"I didn't want to bother you, and we were already together" you explain to calm him down but it's not working as you hoped it would.
You can see his knuckles turning white "it's not about bothering me. It's about you and Patrick together, alone. I don't like him". 
You look at him shocked "what do you mean? he is your best friend Art" you exclaim incredulous. 
"he just has a thing for you and it's obvious and I don't like it" It's like you can touch his anger, it's filling the whole room.
He can't stop imagining how Patrick might have touched you when he wasn't there, how he looked at you... just thinking that he might have looked at you the same way he did during the dinner is making him crazy. 
"I don't want you to see him anymore" he states and his arms cross in front of his chest and you scoff. 
"you're being ridiculous Art, he didn't try to do anything" you say and finally look at him from the bathroom. 
He starts to raise his voice and you can see the veins on his forehead throbbing "don't you see he has a thing for you?! You think he's such a good friend helping you play better? He doesn't give a damn about that, and you're just too naive to see that. He's just waiting for a chance to be with you" he snaps and stands from the bed. 
"I'm sorry are you trying to say I'm cheating on you?" you ask and you really hope he's going to deny it. 
 "I'm saying I'm tired of seeing you give attention to every single male that flirts with you, I mean how much attention do you need, are you really that desperate?" he snaps and immediately regrets what he just said, your hurt expression makes him shut his mouth.
He sighs and walks towards you, but just as he arrives in front of  you take a step back, tears swelling in your eyes and Art's heart clenches in his chest.
How can he explain to you that there is a voice in his head that tells him, every time you look at him, that he doesn't deserve you? that you could find someone better than him? that what Patrick had told him had affected him more than he wants to admit and that he is as terrified of losing you as he is terrified of few other things in the world?
"you're being unfair Art, you know I didn't cheat on you" you defend yourself but your voice tremble and it's difficult for Art to hear you. 
"I know, I'm sor-" but you don't listen to him.  
"I never, ever, gave you a reason not to trust me," your voice raises, you feel so hurt by him right now, you thought his trust in you was stronger than this. 
"I know, I'm sorry you're right, it's just that... Patrick told me some thing last time at dinner and insecurities got the best of me! I'm sorry, I really am baby, its just that..." he tries to explain what he is feeling "every time I look at you I always think you are too much for me, that you could find someone better than me and that you could leave me at any given moment, I love you so much it makes me crazy... Please forgive me" he takes your face in his hands but you don't look at him,  you can't bring yourself to feel sorry for him right now, you're way more hurt than he is. 
"but this is not the right way to show me Art, what you are saying it's unfair, I never, ever gave you a reason to doubt my loyalty towards you and our relationship" you take his hands off of your face. 
You are right, he knows you are, but his thoughts just won him over this time. He gently pulls you closer by wrapping his arms around your waist, he starts kissing you on your jawline and down your neck but you don't hug him back. 
"I..am so sorry baby. You have every right to feel hurt by what I just said and did. Please forgive me, I really am sorry, look we're both tired, can we go to sleep? we'll talk about this tomorrow morning, how does that sound?" he gives you a small smile in hope to soothe you but you avoid his gaze and he realizes he had said too much this time, he swallows the lump forming in his throat.
"I'm sorry, I truly mean it" he whispers with a gentle voice. All he wants to do now is to kiss your pain away, but he know you won't let him this time.
"I think I'll sleep on the couch tonight" you say and slip past him out of the bathroom and the bedroom.
 He watches you leave the bathroom and the bedroom with his heart racing like crazy. You were going to sleep on the couch? No. No way. It hurt knowing that he made you feel bad enough that you would sleep on the couch instead of in your bed with him. His legs moves on his own and he follows you out of the bedroom before grabbing your wrists and pulling you close to him. "Baby please, don't sleep on the couch" he pleaded and tried to press you against his body.
"Art I don't want to be close to you right now, I really need space to think"you pull your wrist back and Art feels his heart sink at your words as his head started spinning. 
He tries to blink away the tears that were in the corner of his eyes, but he can't. So his hands slowly let go of your wrists and he takes a step back. "Okay. If you want space then I will give you the space you need", he says with a cracked voice and looks down at his empty hands.
You smile weakly before giving him a small smile "thank you, night Art" but before you can turn again he surpasses you to sit on the couch before you can reach it "I'll sleep here baby, you take the bed" he says and lays there, his eyes never leaving your figure and the way he is looking at you makes you feel so damn guilty even though he is the one at fault.
You open your mouth to speak but nothing you think seems appropriate, you reclutantly nod and turn around to go back to the bedroom.
He watches you disappear in the dark bedroom. His thoughts were racing. The guilt that was already so heavy on his soul is getting heavier every second. But he knows that you need space now after what he said to you. The only thing that he could do now was to pray that in the morning everything will go back to being alright. So that's what he did before falling asleep after a long time of just simply staring at the ceiling.
You hand caressing his cheek softly stirs Art awake the next morning.
You can feel Art's body tensing up at first at the soft touch of your hand on his cheek, but he quickly melts into it. The warm feeling of your hand on his skin makes his heart flutter and he slowly opens his eyes to look at you. "Baby?" he whispers still sleepy from what you assumed was a bad night on the couch.
"Hi" you murmur and his hand come to rest on yours still on his cheek "I made breakfast, would you like to join me?" if it wasn't for the fact that Art slept on the couch and his burning eyes he would've thought that what happened yesterday was just a bad dream.
Art is confused, he is afraid to speak and ruin this moment, to push you away once and for all and lose you forever "Yeah I would love to, baby".
You gave him a small smile before making your way to the kitchen and Art follows behind you. He still seems exhausted as if he barely got any sleep last night. His heart sinks once his eyes lands on the table. You made his favourite pancakes with maple syrup, but in contrast to all the other days you didn't made coffee this time, only milk.
You sit on your place but Art stands awkwardly at the doorframe as if he needs your permission to approach you. So you give it to him.
The both of you eat the food in silence. Art doesn't dare to say a word the whole time, the only thing that he can't stop doing is stealing a look at you every now and then when he believes that you won't notice it. He can't get over the fact that you were so kind and cooked him his favourite meal after what happened last night. But his heart stops when you suddenly put down your fork and clear your throat. He was so nervous that he can already feel the lump in his throat building up.
"I think we should talk about yesterday Art"
 His heart is beating out of his chest the second he hears that dreaded sentence. The dreaded talk. The talk that would surely decide how everything is going to be between you two from this point. He swallows loudly before nodding his head. "Okay. Baby, listen I-" his voice cracks and he feels pathetic, if only his voice stopped him from speaking yesterday he wouldn't find himself in this position now. 
The second he sees your hand going up to stop his rambling, he immediately shuts up and swallows hard again. The tension in the room is so thick it could be cut trough with a knife. He has no idea what to do or how to start this conversation, so he looks at you with his thoughts racing in his head and fear building up more and more.
"I'll talk first"
He felt the lump in his throat growing thicker, but he nods once to show you that he is listening. "Go ahead," and you nod.
"what happened yesterday was not okay Art, I'm sorry that you feel so insecure of our relationship but you have to talk to me about these things and not accuse me of things I never did and never will"
 Art takes a shaky breath at your words. Everything that you said makes sense and he knows it. He should have talked about his insecurities and doubts, but instead he lashed his pain out on you. He feels so stupid right know.
"You're right. You're right. I'm sorry for what I said and did yesterday", he mumbles while he reaches for your hand to hold it. "I just..I don't know what got into me, but I promise I will never do this ever again".
"I'm not done" you say but take his hands in yours to reassure him. 
He swallows hard as you tell him that you aren't done. So he sits there still, not moving a muscle but also not letting go off your hands while he waits for you to continue. His heart is beating in his chest so fast it feels like it could explode any second.
"If you really think that Patrick is flirting with me, I'll keep him away from me... from us. I don't want to know what he told you that night, I don't care, but I need you to know that I love you, I'll always love you and only you, nothing will change that and I will never cheat on you, and I won't tolerate you behaving or accusing me like you did yesterday". 
Your words hit Art in the heart. He squeezes your hand a bit to show his affection and he nods "I know, I know that you love me and only me and that I'm an idiot for ever doubting that. And I love you too. More than anything. I'll try and work on my self doubt and my stupid insecurities. I'm sorry." He can't believe that you are still sitting in the same room with him.
You get up from your chair and sit on his legs, your hands go to his cheeks and you can feel his breath hitch as he hurriedly wraps one arm around you. Slowly he starts to press his cheek into your hand, he loves feeling your touch on him and he lets his eyes slowly close.
"is Patrick really the only thing that is bothering you?".
Art hums softly as he gives your question a real thought. Is it really the only thing that is bothering him?
He slowly opens his eyes and looks at you when he realizes that there is one more thing that made him jealous when he thought about it. "It isn't only Patrick..." he mumbled.
"what is it then?" 
"It's you" he says truthfully "It's you and how many people find you attractive. Everywhere you go there are so many guys checking you out. I know that they're no threat to our relationship, but everytime I see them looking at you I can't help but wish sometimes to have you all for myself".
"it's your fault for choosing a hot girl as your partner" you joke to lighten the mood. 
Art chuckles softly at your joke. He can feel the corner of his lips slowly twitching upwards to a smirk at your words. It's just like you to try and lighten up the mood and he loved that about you. 
"That's not fair" he mumbled against your palm before he leaned in to press a soft kiss onto it.
"you think I don't feel the same about you? everywhere we go there is always some girls making heart eyes at you and it makes me crazy, have you ever noticed them?" he shakes his head, he never sees them, he only has eyes for you, "and in the exact same way I don't see any other guys that is not you." he blushes and you kiss the corner of his mouth "the fact that I am insecure as you are about other people finding you attractive doesn't mean I get insecure of your love for me or of our relationship, and you shouldn't either" you flick his forehead 
At this point he is simply stunned by what you said and you could literally see on his face, so you are jealous of him too?
Art doesn't know what to say at first so the only thing that he does is to tighten his grip on your waist while his cheeks slowly turns red. "I..I thought you didn't feel the same about..you know..." He trails off when he realized that there aren't any words that can express what is on his mind.
"about other girls finding you pretty?"
Art slowly nods his head. "Yeah..I guess so" he mumbles and looks down at his lap, embarrassed that he has those thoughts and doubts. "I just thought that it didn't bother you cause you never said anything. I thought I was being crazy" he mumbled and looked up at you with guilty eyes.
"I should've express my feeling about it sooner, maybe you wouldn't have felt this way about Patrick" 
"Maybe..." he mumbles while he slides his arm from your waist and gently brushes some loose hair behind your ear "I'm sorry for what I said about you and Patrick baby...I'm so sorry"
"I know you are... I'm sorry too" you murmur 
His eyes widens slightly and his head snaps up so that he can look at you. "What are you sorry about, sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong" his thumb gently brushes over the skin on your cheek.
"about not expressing my insecurity sooner, for making you feel alone in this, we both could have handled this situation better" his heart starts racing in his chest when you lean into his hand and softly press your lips onto it. A small sigh escapes his lips while he keeps his eyes on you "I guess we both have to work on sharing our insecurities baby. Let's not keep anything from each other, alright?"
"sounds like a great deal to me" you whisper and kiss him softly on the lips and he comes alive under you.
He immediately leans into the kiss and presses his lips back onto yours. He feels like all the tension between you is slowly fading out and he cups your face with his hands to pull you closer.
He can't get enough of the taste of your lips. The way you are sitting on his lap kissing him passionately feels so right. It takes all his willpower to slow down the kiss and pull away from you to breath for a moment. His thumb gently caress your cheeks, while he watches you, flushed and looking absolutely wrecked.
You climb off his lap just to straddle him and rejoin your lips together, his hands fly to your hip to pull you closer. The feeling of your body pressed against his makes him groan and his eyes flutters for a moment, before he deepens the kiss again. His tongue licks across your bottom lip and he gently nips on it with his teeth.
you moan and grind your hips on his, the only things keeping your body separate are your short nightgown and his jogging pants. 
A breathy moan escapes his lips at the feeling of your hips grinding on him in such a sweet torture. He pulls you even closer if that's even possible and his fingers digs into the skin on your sides to hold you in place while his hips starts to move on their own. "Baby.." he gasps against your lips at the delicious friction of your bodies, he can't handle how hot you look on his lap.
"I need you Art, please"
The second those needy words leave your lips something inside him snaps. The way you beg him makes him feel like he could explode in any second. "God, I love you" He gasps and pulls his lips from yours just to shower kisses along your jaw. "I need you too, baby." He moans against your skin and his hips rocks upwards to meet your movements.
you grind your hips on his again and again in circolar motions, his lips goes to your neck and lightly suck on it and his hands on your ass to help your movements. Your hands instead goes to raise his shirt to take it off and Art leans back against the chair to help you before going back to the same position as before.
Art groans in anticipation when you start to pull off his shirt that reveals his pale chest and abs to you. He shivers slightly when your hands roams over his bare skin and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. He leaves wet kisses on your skin while he let his fingers sneak under the hemline of your nightgown to feel your skin. 
you take off your nightgown and throw it on the floor with his shirt before raising your hips to slide off his pants and boxer 
While you take the rest of your clothes off he can't stop himself from watching you. You look so divine and beautiful while undressing in front of him that he has to swallow hard and bite his lips at the sight of your body. After all this time you can still make his mind blank and speechless with your beauty. Slowly his hands roams up your thighs and over the skin on your hips while his eyes looks up at you, completely mesmerised.
"you look so beautiful baby" he says while you slid your panties to the side and sink down on his member, you let out a moan.
He keeps his eyes on you while you slowly let yourself sink down on him, his fingers gently grabbing at your hips to help you, while he feels himself becoming consumed in the feeling of you. "You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" he manages to gasp before slowly kissing your lips. It felt like his mind was blank as he could only focus on every single sensation that you make him feel.
His breath hitches at the feeling of your insides wrapped around him and a moan escapes his lips in between the kisses. Art can't even concentrate on anything in this moment apart from you. He starts to move his hips in a steady rhythm with you in his lap.
"fuck, you feel so good baby, I love you" he moans and picks you up, a yelp come out of your mouth and your body trembles in his arms as his member slides deeper than before.
He picks up the pace when he hears you moan out loud, his mind completely blissed out at the feeling of himself buried inside of you while he continues to kiss you everywhere he can reach. 
His idea was to take you in your bedroom but you feel too good and his legs tremble from the pleasure, so he has no choice but to sit you on the table, him between your legs as he pick up his pace.
A surprised gasp escapes your mouth at the change of positions. He spreads your thighs further apart and his hips snaps against you and a groan escapes his lips.
You bring his face to yours and kiss him deeply, your tongues intertwined and your hands slide to his shoulders to dig your nails there and Art moans at the pain mixed with pleasure, one of his supports his weight off of you by resting on the table and the other finds your clit to rub it in circular motions to stimulate you further.
He moans into your mouth the second your tongue finds its way to his and his body presses against you while he does so. That action alone causes him to be deeper inside you and his eyes flutters close despite his best efforts to keep them open to look at you.
"Art- fuck" you moan and tremble against him, your chests pressed together before you let yourself lay against the table completely 
He stands back to look at your spread out body, you look so beautiful that it almost physically hurts him, he gets out of you to turn you around, you whine in response but lay against the table again without much struggle, he slips inside of you again
His pace now is slow and he stops your hips as they try to meet his, you whine in protest 
"Art please... go faster" you look back at him, your eyes pleading while your elbows support your weight, he lowers himself until his chest is pressed against your back and his mouth is close to you left ear "tell me you are mine" he orders while he bottoms out inside of you. 
The way he says that in your ear combined with how deep he is inside of you makes you whimper and shiver runs down your back. "I'm yours" you breathe and your eyes flutter by the feeling of him pressed so close against you. You feel like you're being wrapped up in Art and that feeling alone makes you feel so loved "I'm all yours, please..."
"I swear I'm only yours Art" you say again and his right arm goes around your neck while he brings you up with him in a straight position.
His hand tightens around your neck, making sure the pressure is light as his other hand slips around your stomach to hold you up against him. He then starts to move inside you with slow even strokes. "That's right you're mine..." he groans into your ear, "I love you so much..."
The new position makes his cock hit your cervix and you eyes gets watery from tears of pleasure, he picks up his pace "I'm going to cum Art" 
"me too baby" his hands goes to your clit again and your walls spams around his shaft "can I cum inside of you?" you nod furiously and turn your head to kiss him, when you cum your mouths are still joined and he slides as deep as he can as he reaches his climax too, his mouth now on your left shoulder and your hands wraps around both of his wrists. 
You stay still for a moment, your bodies joined together as your mouths lets out shaky laughs and breaths, he slide out of you delicately and turns you to sit you properly on the table again, his Hans on your thighs as they tremble.
Even in this moment you look the perfect combination of beautiful and wrecked to him. "I still can't believe how prefect you look all the time" he mumbles as he brushes some loose hair behind your ears softly.
You smile and pepper his face with sweet kisses that makes Art close his eyes in content, you slide off of the woodened forniture and take his hands in yours, "how about we take this to the bedroom, my love?"
He immediately nods in response and his eyes flutters when he feels your lips on his face. He feels like in this moment he could stand here and let you shower him with kisses forever. "Lead the way my love" he mumbles with a lazy tired smile on his face, his eyes follows you while you make your way to the bedroom.
do not copy or repost.
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
hi fay! okay so my demented brain thought of dbf!hotch 😭 what if him and reader just stopped seeing each other (he was the one who ended things because he was too old for her or some dumb reason like that lol) & she leaves to go on a date while aaron is at her house hanging out with her dad 🫣🫣🫣 he pretends to be indifferent, but on the inside he gets so damn jealous thinking about her seeing someone else 😩 especially when she looked so pretty in her outfit </3
hiii bestie <333 dbf!hotch is my weakness 😫🫠
this isn't smut but it's still nsfw so minors please don't interact!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Has anyone seen my lipgloss?” you called from upstairs.
“I can see one here on the table, honey,” your dad answered, taking the glittery tube into his hand. “Is it pink?”
“Yes!” you said, and Aaron could hear you running down the stairs to get it.
Your dad leaned in to whisper in his ear, “She has a date.”
Date. The word felt like a knife to his stomach. Had you moved on this quickly? You were getting ready to meet with another man while Aaron hadn’t slept in days, regretting the decision of your breakup.
Maybe he deserved it; he was the idiot who had let you go after all.
“Hotch,” you said, surprised. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Being addressed as ‘Hotch’ by you felt foreign to him. It was a big change after being called ‘Aaron’, ‘baby’ and ‘my love’.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s good to see you again,” he said, trying to cover up the fact that was completely breathless. Saying that you looked like an angel would be an understatement, seeing you in that pretty dress.
It looked suspiciously similar to the dress you had worn the first time the two of you had slept together. Aaron could recall every detail of that night, your dress included. He remembered the way his hands had traveled under it, finding your panties absolutely soaked; the way you kept shivering when he’d run his tongue over the hickeys on your neck; the way you had moaned his name for the first time when his thumb had finally touched your aching clit.
As you walked closer to get your lipgloss, Aaron stared into your eyes, trying to figure out if the girl he had fallen in love with was still there.
Your dad handed you your lipgloss and you lost no time before putting on some. No other man was supposed to find out how that liplgoss tasted. No one but Aaron was supposed to know it tasted like fresh, sweet strawberries.  
“I should go,” you announced, snapping him out of his thoughts. “I don’t wanna be late.”
Aaron curled his hand into a fist, running his thumb over his knuckles, in an attempt to calm himself down. Everything inside him was screaming at him to get up, grab your arm and steal you away, but he knew he had no business getting involved into your life anymore. You were his best friend’s daughter. You going on a date should have meant nothing to him.
“Is he here already?” your dad wondered.
“Oh he’s not picking me up,” you said, a little embarrassed. “I’ll take the bus.”
That fucker had the chance of going out with a gorgeous girl like you and he didn’t even bother picking you up from your house?
“I’ll drive you,” Aaron offered, before even thinking about it.
“Hotch, you don’t need to-”
“It’s no trouble,” he said. “I was leaving anyway.”
As he got up, your dad covered his hand with his own and spoke softly enough not to be heard by you. “Thank you. I’ll be much calmer knowing you’ll be looking after her on her way there.”
Aaron felt guilty at your dad’s words, thinking of all the things he had done to his precious daughter in that same car he was about to drive you with.
“Of course.”
One thing Aaron could always count on you to be was a fucking brat. He could tell by the way you were walking towards his car, or by that cute little pout he was dying to kiss.
“Get in,” he said, sternly, as he opened the door for you, leaving you no room for attitude.
“I am getting in, no need to yell.”
There she is, he thought, fighting back a smile.
Aaron could feel you practically vibrating on your seat. Yes, he was a profiler but he was also a man in love, which meant he knew you like the back of his hand. You were expecting him to make a scene. And even though his jealousy was eating him inside out, he would not reveal himself.
“Where are we going?” he asked.
You told him the name of the restaurant and he started the car.
“Mmm…” he said, smirking. “Nice place, romantic.”
“Very romantic,” you added. “Paul picked it.”
Aaron was gonna kill Paul with his bare hands.
“He must have good taste then. You’ll get along great.”
He could see the hurt in your eyes, as you turned to look at him. “You think?”
“Yeah,” he simply said.
Thankfully the silence during the rest of the ride didn’t turn awkward, since the road to your destination wasn’t long.
“We’re here.”
“We’re here,” you repeated, stalling getting out of the car.
“Well…” Aaron said. “Have fun. And stay safe.”
“Thank you.”
The logical next step was you getting out of the car, but that didn’t happen. Instead the two of you stayed inside the car in silence.
You took a look at him with the corner of your eye. “I’m going.” Your tone was borderline threatening.
Your hand touched the door handle so you could exit the car, but last minute you turned to face him.
“You stubborn old man, I can tell you’re jealous! Why don’t you just admit it?” You slapped his arm softly enough so it wouldn’t hurt.
“Jealous?” he scoffed. “I drove you to your date, sweetheart.”
“Oh please! I can hear you fuming.”
“I’m doing just fine.”
“Just admit it!”
“Come on, I caught you staring-”
Aaron grabbed your face with one of his hands, squeezing your cheeks together to make you stop talking. “Shut up,” he said. And you did.
Not that you had any other choice anyway; his mouth on yours, stealing away any other word you had prepared to throw at him.  
He pulled away just enough to look into your eyes. “I’m gonna burn him alive, before he has the chance to even look at you in this dress. Is that enough for you?”
“More than enough.” You smirked and let your lips fall on his once more.
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morgansunflower · 1 year
Slammed Doors
Bruce Wayne X Wife! Reader
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language and angst
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V
Requested taglist:@too-strong-to-lose
Losing her would end him. He couldn't even look at her thinking each time how close she was gone.
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"what the hell were you thinking Bruce?! Again for the third time this month!" she shouted at him losing her temper.
"I did not see the urgency of a fragment of my night to be so important" he coldly said pissing his wife off more.
"look in the damn mirror! You insisted me to stay on bench for weeks after I had a little stab!"
"that is an entirely different situation!" he defended "it nearly hit your main arteries! You're blind to think otherwise!"
"different?! You're driving me insane! Bullet number one your flank, the next your arm and the third your chest. You had a minor concussion! The only reason I know is because Alfred told me after expressing that he thought you told me.. Just a dammed text or call would've been helpful or dammit Bruce send someone to tell me. Don't tell Alfred not to worry with informing me... " she takes a deep breath forcing tears back "it's bad enough that you won't even hardly look at me" she mumbled
His heart cried while his anger overcomes his feelings of remorse. "you're so damn stubborn! We are not discussing this any further!"
"oh so that's it?! You get hurt and it's nothing" He walks away from her to the bat-mobile. "we are still talking about this Bruce!" he gets in putting his cowl on "if you drive away don't expect to sleep with me tonight or any other night!" she threatened with a cry.
"fine with me" he scoffed with a, grunt and then shuts the door.
The tires skid as he leaves. Y/N kicked the ground pissed. Early in the morning. She couldn't sleep last night, Bruce didn't even bother trying to sleep. She had stayed in the gust room unable to be around Bruce after their fight. She sits on the chair in the dining room. She hears Bruce hitting his fork on his plate abruptly. She couldn't make herself look at him. They had grown distant and cold over the last few weeks. The fight was the last straw to send them into turmoil with each other. It hadn't been this bad since he lied to her about Grayson's death. They had grown busy with their lives, patrol and work. Everything seemed to pulling them apart.
"is everything alright amongst you both?" Alfred asked bringing Mrs Wayne her coffee.
"were fine Alfred" Bruce said with a angered grunt.
Fine?! She needed to get away from him. She raises from her chair. She walked away and slammed the door to her current bedroom. She hears the door to Bruce's study slam shut. That's when she feels a tear roll down her face.
"Mommmmmy.. Are you ok?" Stephanie asked through the door
"things seem pretty heated between you and B" Jay said
"can we do anything for you?" Duke offered
"talk to us Ma" Tim pleaded
She takes a shaky breath and then clears her throat. "I'm ok my loves don't worry"
That night she laid in the guest room. She sighed heavily she hated absolutely hated fighting with him. She can't sleep.. She keeps thinking about Bruce and her fighting. She hears her window door opening. She sighs heavily, she really didn't want him to see her like this.
"I don't want to see you right now B"
"mother?" Damian softly said.
"hey mom, you ok?" Grayson asked right by his little brother. He turns to shut the window.
She sit upward turning the lamp on "oh hi Damian, hi Grayson. I'm sorry boys.. I didn't know it was you. I'm ok"
"what happened between you and Father?" Damian asked entering the room.
"seems like it was a pretty bad fight" Grayson sympathized, he knew from when he was Robin. If Mom was sleeping in a different bed things were really bad.
"oh.. It's, ok. We're just... Just.. Not happy with each other right now" she sighed defeated.
"is it something I did?" Damian asked
"oh no! No.. It's just.. It's going to be OK son" she assured him.
Damian laid beside her and rest his head on her shoulder. Grayson stands by the bed and lays the covers on them. He holds her hand to comfort her. It was so hard to hide how she's feeling. Especially to her older children.
"I gotta go drag Babs into bed or she'll be up for too long again, sleep well mom. Night Dami, night Ma" Grayson kindly said
"thanks son" she mumbled
It'd now been 5 miserable days. Bruce sighed looking at the wedding photo that was on his desk. He had to fix this before there was too much distance between the two of them. His heart was heavy as he craved to be near Y/N. He walked to the room she had been staying in. He didn't see her and her purse was gone. There was a box of Crackers on her nightstand. He smelled vomit? Why would she be going out if she is sick? He stepped into the bathroom. The room was clean. He looked in the medicine cabinet to make sure she was taking proper medication. Bruce nearly gasps from shock. He holds the special vitamins. He softly smiled. That night he told the children that their room was strictly off limits. He prepared their room for a elegant evening. Alfred helped of course. Bruce laid freshly made platter on the bed. He had their wine glasses placed on the platter and the bottle in the bucket of ice. Just as he was finished, he hears Y/N stepping to the room. He opens the door taking her hand and gently pulls her in the room. She was startled and then completely surprised.
"Bruce.. You--I.. I can't believe" she nearly burst into tears.
"I want to be a better husband to you" he pleaded kissing her temple.
He guides his wife to the bed. Her face was full of emotional joy. He adjusted the pillows for her. He holds her hand as she sits down. Bruce moved to sit on the other side of the bed. He takes a wine bottle and he moved to pour it into her glass. Her heart raced. She has to tell him.
"I think I may just have water...."
"really? This is your favorite flavor" he shows her the bottle label. Non-alcoholic f/f wine.
She smiled softly "but, don't you want?.. "
He pours the wine in both glasses "I could use a break"
"you know! I can't believe you know! I promise you that I was going to tell you"
"I know" he softly smiled
Bruce reaches his hand out to hold her face, he softly smiled she looks so beautiful so full of love, he wants to embrace her "29 days ago you were almost killed. You weren't br-breathing, your heart stopped.. Y/N" he sighed letting out a deep breath as he couldn't fight how truly terrible he felt "20 days ago on a cold night in Paris we had outstanding sex" he smirks kissing her knuckles, to which she softly laughed at his words. He rubs her temple tenderly "that night... I was terrified that the closer you stood by me.. The more danger you were in. I was wrong" she began to cry, he kisses her forehead "I was angry and... I was scared. I took it out on you, forgive me?" he holds both of her hands
"Bruce" she kisses his lips covering his heart in warmth of security "please.. Don't... Don't ever push me away again"
He reaches embracing her, the moment caused his breath to be stolen. She was still here. She still forgave him.
"I will never ever do this to you again. I will try my hardest to be the one you deserve... Are you hungry?"
She laughed with tears hugging him tightly "you have no idea"
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athenasgotu · 2 months
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minors and men dni !!!
title: you're all i need.
pairings: teenage!ellie x female!reader
summary: after so many things happening in your life. a break up, sister passing away, and then losing half of your friends. only one person stuck with you and it was ellie. she never left your side, and overtime you grew feelings for her. but you cant get your hopes up.
content warning: mentions of self harm, fluff, some angst, coming in terms with sexuality, swearing, mentions of vaping/smoking, mentions of suicide
i apologize if i miss anything !!
a/n: not proofread.. also, the reader in this is a small, submissive, type of girl.
part 1
it's been a few weeks, still missing your sister. but also missing ellie, a lot. it was quite unusual but you really wanted to be around ellie. she made you happy all the time. just her presence made you smile, how did she do it? she was just your light. all you wanted to do was play with her auburn hair, her fingers, her lips- wait. what are you saying right now? ellie is your friend. friends don't do that and you sure as hell aren't into girls like that. you've only had one boyfriend, he was pretty shitty though. but now you're getting off topic, all you want to do is be with ellie right now. but you don't want to bother her.. she won't mind! you hope.
you take your phone off the charger and go right to ellie's contact, you didn't even realize the amount of messages she sent you. you'd always have your notifications off and you were too busy sulking in your room for hours and cutting yourself but just a little so your mother wouldn't notice. you start texting ellie, asking her if it was okay for you to sleepover.. or maybe that's too much? maybe she wouldn't like that. but you had to stop overthinking and just do it. you finally hit 'send', sighing in relief. it wasn't long before ellie started typing, she sent 'yes! of course.' ellie's dad was very laid back, so he wouldn't mind having a friend of ellie's over. you went over to your mom's room. your mom was smoking as usual, the smell of cigarettes was horrid.
"mom, can i sleepover at ellie's?" you ask, keeping a distance from her. she looked over at you and she didn't care at the moment, or didn't care about you. "yeah, whatever." she grumbles. though, you didn't like the way she replied you were happy she was letting you.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
after a quick bike ride to ellie's house, you knock on the door a few times. you were never so excited until now. you get to see her face, her smile. you felt really warm inside probably the nicest feeling you've had in a while. the door finally opens, you see her. tall, beautiful, ugh.. she was wearing baggy shorts with a tank. her muscles were visible and you looked in her eyes. they looked bloodshot. was she okay? "hey, y/n." she smiles, taking your hand to let you in. her hands were cold but firm and much stronger than yours. she leads you upstairs to her room, her room was a little messy but it was nice. she had an red electric guitar to the side and plushies. her bedroom was pretty edgy and dark. not typically your style. she closes the door and walks to her desk.
"um.. how are you feeling lately? you didn't answer my messages." she says while looking on her desk for something. "i'm sorry. i'm ok, don't worry." you say quietly as you put your bag down. you tilt your head to the side seeing ellie search for something. "what are you looking for?" you ask innocently. she finally picks up the small object and looks at you. "my vape." she takes a hit, blowing the smoke out slowly. you didn't know she vaped, even though you've known her for a while. maybe a new habit? "you vape?" you watch her walk to her bed and sit, you walk towards the bed but don't sit. "yeah," she looks at you, smirking. "you can sit down next to me, it's alright." you blush; not noticing. you sit down, she pulls you closer. she rubs your back slowly. "you don't look okay. you can talk to me, y'know?" she says with a reassuring smile, taking another hit. should you tell her? you didn't want to seem like you were looking for attention. you just wanted to be with her, look now she's basically holding you. "it's just.. my sisters death has done a lot to me. i just want to be with her. my mom doesn't really care about any of this i don't understand how? i don't know.." ellie listens, then takes a look at your wrist. she moves her hand off your back and gently takes your wrist, she sees the few small cuts. "y/n.." she mumbles. you feel your eyes watering, you didn't want her to really worry about that. ellie takes you into a hug, you cry on her shoulder.
she felt so warm. she looks you in the eyes for a moment before cuddling you in the bed. "i don't want you to do this." she says. "are you going to kill yourself?" those words hit you in the heart, you didn't know how to react to that. "no, no.. but i've been thinking about it." you admit. ellie holds onto you tighter, you look at her vape. "can i have some?" you look at her, your beautiful doe eyes. she takes it and looks down at you. "are you sure?" she asks, making sure you didn't want to regret this. you nod. she hands you the vape, you tremble a bit before taking a hit. coughing loudly, ellie giggles. "it's not funny-" you cough in between. ellie pulls you in closer before touching your throat with her pointer finger. you freeze. her touch felt so good. she gently rubs on your throat, she smiles at you. "better?" you whimper a bit then nod. "m' good." she sighs and lays back. "get the lamp for me?" you move a little and turn the light off, you put your head on ellie's chest and sigh. you felt really nice in this position. "g'night, els." you mumbled, then finally shutting your eyes. ellie looks down at you, admiring your appearance. she moves some of your hair away from your face and smiles lightly. "night y/n."
╰┈➤ end of part 2 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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akaashiwaifuuwu · 8 months
dress - taylor swift
Lee felix and fem reader
Warning : smut, yn ex is a jerk, very fluffy, last part is inspired by friend (season2 ep 4), being called slut (that's it ig)
(An: I have exams going on its my half yearly, it will end tomorrow plus it's durga puja knocking was very busy with shopping and all I hope you all like it, please interact with my works as it helps me !!)
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you broke up. It's done. All those things just flashed infront of your eyes, the memories, the kisses, the I love yous, it's all gone, he was cheating on you this entire time.
It meant nothing to him, but it meant everything to you all those 4 years went to a vain, he was manipulating you, mental and physical abuse which you ignored because you were so in love with him. They say in love every wrong becomes rights.
"Excuse me, you will catch cold" your dull eyes meet a boy who have freckles. "Are you okay?" He was holding the umbrella above both of you and you nodded yes "tell me, what's bothering you" that's it. You broke down.
He was scared "can I touch you?" He asked and you replied yes causing him to hug you and you cried harder. "Let's get you home, you will get sick yeah?" You nodded.
"I don't know where you live" that guy said "oh, I'm felix, lee felix" he smiled at you "im y/n and I live here" you pointed him your block "no way, i live here" he smiled "your smile gives comfort" you looked down "well, see you soon" he said "don't you wanna come in?" You turned around
"wouldn't it be a problem for you?" He looked at you "not really" you look dull "well we can-" you were cut off my him "I can come some other day okay?" He smiled and went back waving you goodbye.
It has been 3 months since the break up, will you say you're over him? no. You haven't met that guy since that day, you wanted to show him your gratitude.
"Oh my God, we met finally, I was waiting for you to call me, I'm hurt that you didn't" that voice. You turned around to see it was your ex. You wanted to run away. He grabbed your wrist "let's go yeah?" You grabbed his hand which was holding your hand "you're inflicting me pain".
"Me? i could never ever hurt you" He yelled "it's you who hurts me, you know I love you" you were going to give in but his grasp was so tight, you were pretty sure you have bruise now.
"Look she is hurt, let her go mister" ah that freckle boy you saw, he had 7 more ppl they all look so strong "okay whatever you got new people to fuck, enjoy being a slut".
You were crying, again. You were hurt, again.
"I dare you to say that again" the freckle boy said "she is a-" he stopped "whatever, she is a pathetic whore" uh oh "that's it" felix walked towards him and you tugged him, his eyes soften.
You were there, you can't hear anything. "Hey, yn you're okay?" You smiled and walked away. You were so dumb, stupid, so in love.
Felix ran upto you. "Hey, let's go out" he said, the freckled boy heard a whimper as he turn around he saw you crying. Soon you bursed into tears
"Was I not good enough?" You dont know him, yet you trust him.
Here you are, it has been 2 years since that messy break up took place, you and felix have been extremely close, he is studying computer science and you're doing law.
It's peaceful being with him. Comfortable silence you know? It's not awkward.
"Yn" he called you out
| say my name and everything just stops |
"Yes?" You looked at him. Oh how you melted. "I bought KitKat for you!" He exclaimed smilingly. "You remember?"
"Obviously baby" ah. That nickname which makes you wanna scream, yell, rip off your hairs, you were flabbergasted. He held his hands out "let's go?" And you hold his hand back 'webtoon typa shit' you told yourself.
You were walking peacefully when felix told you to go back you were confused and you heard someone call out your name as you turn back, him.
you were in shock. Felix pulled your hand and you both started walking away. "I didn't feel anything" you were dull "I moved on" you smiled and felix wiped your tears.
It's okay yn, you did it, you thought to yourself.
felix was knocking at your door while saying "yn yn yn yn yn yn-" you finally opened the door "oh my god what do you want, it's 3 am, 3 AM!" You looked at him "it actually 3:15 am but nevermind I saw your lights on so I thought to check up on you" wow, wait what? "What were doing late night?" You looked concerned "Stop making that face or else you will get wrinkles".
Deadass. "Okay okay I wasn't able to sleep" you stopped blocking the door and he let himself in, he saw all the notes, books scattered "Woah there, you're cramming?" He looked at you "im sleepy" you said "you ain't wearing a bra?" He was flabbergasted "buffon, I will sleep and you expect me to wear bra while I'm at my room?".
Fair point.
"Let's sleep" felix took your hands and turned off the lights "you can sleep?" You looked at him "my room was cold and I guess I need something warm enough" he smiled while you both lay down. "What are we?" You both looked at eachother, he replied "anything you wants us to be" oh that stupid smile.
| I don't want you like my bestfriend |
Your head was resting on felixs arm. You both were close. Very close. But you were too sleepy to notice anything. Once you closed your eyes felix heard your snores and you turned to him while grabbing his waist. It's normal for you both to cuddle.
In your dream you both had a family and cute little family, where he took care of you both. It was amazing.
You woke up and saw him holding you tightly as if you were a glass which he doesn't want to let you go and slip so that you will break. The way when you broke he picked every piece of you. He is holding you so that you don't break again.
Your heart flutters, bestfriends feels like this right? Once you removed his hair covering his forehead "yes angel?" He looked at you. You are stucked. You just wanna be his.
Today's class was so hectic "lix" you yelled while hugging him and you saw his friend circle "ayo how's you" minho looked at you, you smiled at him.
Oh how jealous he was "soooooooo" hyunjin came and looked at you "Are you dating?" Hyunjin got a no from you "let's go on a date then".
Felix stopped working. "Well I like certain someone if something doesn't work with them, you can be my side chick" you winked at him.
"If he can't fuck you, you're most welcome to come towards me, I bet my fingers will help you" he smiled "anyways" you looked at felix "why don't we watch some movies".
Felix. His name gives you endorphins. You just want him to hold you. "Morning" you heard while you met him on your way to shopping market "youre coming with me" he smiled at your command "Where are we going?" He laughed.
While you were trying on cloths he was taking your packages "how's this dress?" He looked at you "wow, you look amazing" he whispered as if something took his breathe away "look at the back it's so pretty" backless. It was backless.
Right now at the party you were wearing the same outfit with heels and red lipstick. People were looking at you. Felix was definitely flabbergasted.
| only bought this dress so you can take it off |
Here you were kissing him while holding his collars and his knee on between your legs. You were at his place. While whimpering and grinding on his knee while he was kissing you "you looked so pretty, hard to touch". He said as he started removing your heels.
From lips to legs he kissed every inch of your body. "You're so ethereal honey" he removed your dress, you felt so surreal. "I love you" you said it, you were vulnerable and you did. "I love you too, my love"
"Fuck youre this wet?" You were shy "im sorry" you looked away "why are you apologizing?" He looked at you "my ex told me being wet is bad, it means im a slut and get turned on by everyone" you looked at him.
"Oh fuck that bitch, being wet is good and normal there's nothing to apologize for, my love" he took you to his bed.
"Ethereal" he look at your face, "I can fuck you better than hyunjin".
"May I have your consent?" He looked at you "yes darling" he took off his cloths and your bra and panties "wow, I got no words, I'm so mesmerized by you"
He played with your clit causing you to moan, and then he licked your pussy while playing with your clit, you grabbed his hair, while trying to close your leg between which you were unable to due to his head.
"I will come please please" he smiled while inserting the finger and playing with the clit.
Your head rested on your bed "oh you came" you smiled and you looked so fucked up, "how do you feel?" You were not able to answer at all "your leg is still shaking? You won't be able to handle me take rest baby".
"No no no I need you please" you grabbed him while crying "okay okay okay, have me all you want" he said while wearing the condom.
He said while inserting himself and grabbed him so hard, it felt amazing and you screamed, "aw are you feeling good?" He said while thrusting himself "you're so cute" he smiled.
"Felix" you moaned and clenched so hard "fuck baby, you're clenching so hard" you're about to cum and he is too.
He went deep and slow "felix" you screamed and came and he came inside you.
It's morning, "sleeping beauty smh" hyunjin was walking while you woke up and you had cloths on? How? "hyujin, how many times I gotta tell you? This is real life not some texting shit" minho glared at him "whatever" hyunjin threw his head back "180 degree, 20 minutes" once hyunjin heard it, he shut up.
"Yn you're up" bangchan looked at you the atmosphere was too serious "okay I pull up" you said thinking it will lift the vibes "that's the worst way you can try to change the atmosphere, yn you have skill issues" minho walked.
"So are you two official?" Changbin interrupts "what are you talking about?".
"You're wearing his clothes the hell bro?" Jisung said while drinking coffee, you layed down on his bed and turned facing his bed while kicking your feet and giggling, "are you stupid?" Seungmin added "stupidly in love with felix" you mumbled but you were pretty sure no one was able to catch it as your face was pressed into the bed.
"Pardon?" Jeongin asked "nothing" you got up "where's felix?" Once you looked at the guys, you saw they guys closed their eyes, "yn wear pants" chan scolded you "im wearing look" you lifted your shirt but they still didn't open their eyes.
"You know what I will find felix" you sighs heavily, while walking towards kitchen "you're awake" he made a comment "so about yesterday, what are we" you asked him "clearly not bestfriend" he laughed.
"Gimme kiss" you pouted "brush your teeth" he looked at you "okay daddy" you walked away.
Once you were back you saw the guys at the kitchen "you both had sex?" chan banged his hands to the table "okay okay it happened but I like her and she likes me too, it's mutual" chan saw you.
"You didn't even said that to me?" Chan looked so hurt. "You didn't even said you liked her" chan looked at you "I thought I don't have chance so it would've been better".
"You betrayed me" chan looked at you "you know the time, when we heard chan moaning it's cause he was sending a girl memos of him moaning and she gave him money" everyone gasped "how did you know?" Chan exclaimed while pointing at felix "who told you" the pointing fingers turned into minho "you're a death meat" minho looked away.
"Minho have a third nipple" chan exclaimed "you bitch" minho gasped while everyone looking at him "hyunjin pays money to girls to tell him he's a bad boy, and degrade him" minho pointed him "if im going down im taking everyone with me" minho smiled proudly.
"Guy's we are forgetting felix and yn are dating" changbin reminds "okay so we didn't confess but yn would you like to be my girlfriend?" He looked at you "I can't comprehend what just happened but yes I would love too and minho you have a third nipple?" You smiled "don't remind them" minho whispered.
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dejwrites · 2 years
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❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ⠀ ⠀⠀ close to you ⠀ 〳 ⠀ n.brown ‵ ❪ ♡ ❫ ─── ( synopsis ) nicolas brown becomes close with a teacher in ergastulum's 8th district.
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — handyman!nicolas x teacher!reader, female reader, female anatomy described, canonverse, reader knows sign language, soft!nicolas, written with black reader in mind, oral (m.receiving), riding/cowgirl position, protective!nicolas, he feels you up wink wink, i know the gansta fandom about 25 people pls don't let this flop besties, dej is practicing writing soft smut, i put sign language in quotation marks bc i have read in this guide that it's best to do that when writing deaf characters, my entry for @maydayaisha 'anti collab event', wc: 5.2k, minors dni !
♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — click here to join gangsta taglist ♡ ˙ ˖ ✧ — click here for gangsta masterlist
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BEING A TEACHER IN A CITY THAT LURKED WITH TWILIGHTS AND CRIME WASN’T THE EASIEST. To you, it felt like it was the people with the most money that controlled Ergastulum. It sucked that much funding didn’t go towards the school, but you worked with what you had with the money you made. Buying little treats for your students from Gramps snacks to pencils and notebooks for students that didn’t have any. As you sat at the desk, you could hear the sound of your student Isabelle coloring in the coloring book you provided for her as you waited for her parents to pick them up. You could tell the little girl was growing impatient with each strike of the clock due to how harshly she gripped the yellow crayon in her hand. While your classroom lights flickered, you kissed your teeth when you realized that the handymen you requested to change the bub didn’t come today. 
Isabelle glances up at you and your face softens. The little girl was seven and you knew that she was slowly getting a grasp on the things around her. Especially given that she was one of the only deaf students in your class. Her parents had a thing where they swarmed themselves with so much work that they forget to pick up their own child. You were frustrated and angry at the fact that they would rather keep themselves busy with their work than bother to pick up their child or show up to her little school events. You hated thinking that maybe they thought her loss of hearing was a burden. That made your stomach form the most hideous knots at the thought of it and the doe-eyed look she was giving you at the moment was ten seconds away from having your lip quiver. 
You were used to it by now. She didn’t live that far away from the school, her house wasn’t even that far from your house. However, you didn’t trust the wicked streets of Ergastulum to let the little girl walk home alone. So, you found yourself walking her home no matter what. 
“My parents forgot didn’t that?” Isabelle signed to you.
You could see that her bold brown eyes were beginning to water, “I’m sorry. They probably got caught up with work again,” You signed back. “Just let me finish up this lesson plan and we can head out, okay?” You soon signed back and you watched as the little girl lifted her hands to attempt to sign something back, but her movements were put to a halt when you heard a knock on your opened classroom door. 
That’s when you saw him. Nicolas Brown. He wasn’t a stranger around the school—he and his friend Worick always found themselves fixing little things around the building like that one door that never actually closes or the one toilet that doesn’t flush. However, you never actually talked to either one of them. You’ve heard faint whispers about how attractive they were from other teachers, but you minded your business and ignored the mere gossip in the teacher’s lounge. You took notice that it was only him which you understood considering that you just needed a light bulb changed in the room. That task surely wouldn’t need two men to do. You didn’t say much just like him, but it was Isabelle who took note of the way he moved. It was as if she could pick up on his body language. 
The little girl watched as he stood on one of the chairs to change the light bulb. Soon pushing herself from her seat and she waltzes over to him in a state of curiosity. Her head tilted to the side watching as he was changing the light bulb that your students kept complaining about. When he was done, Isabelle took the opportunity to tug at the man’s black-colored slacks he was wearing. When you glanced up after finishing the last lesson plan, you nearly leaped out of your seat seeing how close Isabelle was to him. You weren’t particularly afraid of him being around children, after all, he’s been in the school many times, it was the fact that she was in his personal space. You quickly stood up grabbing a hold of Isabelle’s hand and dragging her back to her. “You can’t be so close to people you don’t know.” You signed to her. “Please apologize.” You add.
Isabelle blinked at you a couple of times before she turned to a confused Nicolas to sign her apologies to him. Your lips parted to explain to him that she was signing that she was sorry, but to both you and Isabelle’s shock, you watched as Nicolas signed perfectly back. With Isabelle, the news that her parents forgot to pick her up causes a grey cloud to lurk over her small body, but watching Nicolas sign back to her—her face lit up so bright that you felt strings tugging on your heart. It was the same look she gave you when you successfully signed something for her. A rich feeling of being comfortable around some people. 
“Okay, Isabelle. Now that Mr. Nicolas fixed our lights for us, we should get out of here. I’ll walk you home.” You signed while also speaking out loud so she could read your lips. 
She gave you a nod before going to collect her belongings, while you did the same. You didn’t even notice that Nicolas was still standing in the middle of your classroom. Still astonished at the little kid signing back at him so perfectly and then struck by the sudden beauty of seeing you and the way you were gentle with the young girl. It was an experience he had never been able to experience growing up, especially with being a Twilight. 
“Thank you, Mr. Nicolas. But we should really get out of here, I would hate to have to walk home in the dark,” You signed.
You watched as the once stern look that was pasted on Nicolas’s face disappeared. His posture relaxed in front of you before he’s signing, “I will walk you two to your destinations.” 
Your chapstick-covered lips parted to argue, hands already going up to protest against his kind gestures. However, the tug at your charcoal grey pencil skirt by Isabelle caused you to abruptly stop. She was perfectly fine with this gentleman walking the two of you to your destination and the way she proudly led you and Nicolas out of the building showed that. The sky illuminated a faded orange color as the sun was just setting, reaching its season where it became darker earlier than usual. As you clutched at your bag, your eyes never left the child that was skipping with joy in front of you and Nicolas. The both of you basking in the silence as your feet followed Isabelle towards her home. She’s done this walk so many times that you were sure she could remember her way home blindfolded. You just didn’t trust to let her walk herself home considering her hearing being gone. 
You and Nicolas’s arms lightly brushed against each other as you were walking alongside the sidewalk. You could see small shop owners prepping to close their stores for the evening. Once you could smelt the sweet scent of cherry pie that always came from Isabelle’s neighbor's house, you knew that the three of you were near. You watched as Isabelle leaned forward to let her small fist knock on the door. You took a couple of steps placing your hand on her shoulders protectively. You had to have this talk with her parents and when the door was opened, the strong smell of alcohol overpowered the cherry pie scent when you saw her father. 
Your face scrunched up in disgust while it seemed the grasp on Isabelle’s shoulder tighten. You didn’t want her to go in there when her father was in this state. You watched as he stepped aside to let his daughter inside the house which caused you to finally let her go. You knelt down to her sight giving her a smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m going to come so we can walk to class together.” You signed to her. 
Isabelle gave you a smile and nodded with quickness. Her eyes soon averting to Nicolas—whom you assumed walked away already now that you’ve reached Isabelle’s house. She signed a quick thank you before rushing into her home disappearing further and further inside the home. You stood up smoothing out the non-existent wrinkles in your pencil skirt, “Mr. Newman, I know you and your wife are extremely busy with work, but it’s important to have someone pick Isab—”
You jumped at the harsh door slam in your face, subtly flinching at the aggressive action done by Isabelle’s father. Your breathing hitched in your throat and your fist clenched tightly before your hand went back to knock once again. This time your knock was as harsh as the slamming of the door. When you heard the door unlocking, you could feel Nicolas's presence next to you. When Mr. Newman appeared at the door, in a span of two seconds Nicolas collected him by the collar of his shirt. The grasp he had on the drunken man was so tight that if you looked closely, you could see Nicolas’s knuckles turn white. He tugs him closer so that his mouth was near the guy’s ear. You stood there and witnessed Mr. Novak’s face turn to the most horrified expression. You even could see that his eyes begin to water at whatever Nicolas’s voice croaked in his ears. Then Nicolas released the hold he had on him, letting the man scatter to the ground and cough up apologies towards you. 
“It’s okay, just please make sure to pick up Isabelle on time tomorrow and sober. I don’t want to get the cops involved,” You firmly stated before you’re twirling around and walking away from the house. 
Your heart was pouncing against your chest as you realized what just happened. He defended your honor as if he was your knight in shining armor and you didn’t know what to say or react. As the two of you were walking, him promptly following you to your next destination, you stepped in front of him. The puzzled look he gave you caused your heartbeat to slow down. You now were taking in his features. Now understand why the teachers whispered about him in such a nefarious manner. He was attractive, extremely attractive. 
“Thank you, I’ve always had trouble with her father.” You signed. “I can walk home by myself now.” 
Even when you walked away, he still followed you like a guardian angel and you didn’t bother to protest against it. Once you stopped in front of your home, you would glance around your surroundings. You didn’t need any nosey neighbors peeking through their curtains to see the local elementary teacher letting a man into her home. You couldn’t afford to be the gossip in your small neighborhood, especially when the elderly have been urging you to settle down before your pretty looks fade away. With your keys in your hand, you would fall back on your dorr before signing to Nicolas, “To show my gratitude for you, please join me for dinner. It’s okay if you’re busy though. We can always do it another time.” 
You studied his facial features, once again taking in how gorgeous he was. So caught up in your own thoughts before realizing that he had accepted your offer. His fingers snap in front of your face to break the trace that causes your cheek to heat up like a burning flame. You uttered an apology as if he could hear it before turning around to unlock the door. When you pushed the door open, you would step inside first. You turned the lamp that was in the living room on after quickly kicking off your shoes to slide into the house slippers you kept near the door. 
Your house was like a sacred tomb to you. It was filled with so many memories, both good and bad and you had a thing where you just couldn’t let them go. The house was given to you when your grandparents passed away, some of the furniture once belonged to them. “I can take your jacket for you,” You signed before watching him tug off the jacket to give to you. 
As he was taking off the jacket, his black colored shirt lifted slightly revealing bandages that were wrapped around his torso. You didn’t pester him about it because after all, he was just a guardian angel that looked out for you and your student. You were sure you wouldn’t see him after your kind gesture in return. After hanging up his jacket, you would motion around the living room filled with the comfortable sofa. “I’m going to start dinner in the kitchen, make sure yourself at home. Do you want anything to drink? I have water, beer, wine, anything.” 
“Beer would be fine.” Nicolas signed to you. 
You gave him a smile and twirled away to the kitchen to give him a beer. You walked into the kitchen turned the light on and went to grab the beer to give to Nicolas. Once you returned, Nicolas was comfortably sitting down on your sofa. You just were happy that he felt comfortable even though you two were technically strangers. 
Y/N, your grandmother would faint if she saw you had a complete stranger in this house. 
You placed the beer on the coffee table in front of Nicolas and eventually returned to the kitchen to prepare dinner. When you cooked, you always cooked as if you were cooking for a big family. Even though it was only you that walked around this home, you still had this tendency to cook as you were cooking for a big family. Usually packing the layovers for students who didn’t have lunch or a homeless person you walked by on your way to school. You wore your kind heart on your sleeve proudly and you were confident about that. So in tune with cooking as you hummed the lyrics to a song that was stuck in your head, you nearly jumped out of your slippers when you saw Nicolas leaning against the counter in the kitchen with a book in his hand. 
After putting something in the oven, you wiped your hands onto the towel as he held the book up, “Oh, I used that book to help me learn sign language for Isabelle.” You signed with a smile as stepped forward. 
Nicolas was flipping through the book. It was the same one from when he was younger. He still clung to that copy also but seeing a copy that looked brand new caused his heart to feel heavy. His fingers flipped through a couple of pages to see if anything new was added to the book compared to when he was younger, but it was still the same. He went to return the book back to its rightful spot, especially since while you were in the kitchen he was snooping around your bookshelf that was in the corner of your living room. 
You could hear Nicolas’s footsteps while you were moving around your kitchen grabbing plates and forks to set the table. You stopped in your tracks to look at him as he was about to sign something to you, but he stopped. Perhaps, you were overthinking it. You wanted to think that he wanted to ask more questions about you learning sign language. However, your brain was telling you a man like him could care less about such a moment like that. 
An hour and thirty minutes passed until you two finally sat at the table to eat. You sipped at your wine letting your eyes watch Nicolas before going back to eating dinner yourself. Your eyes glanced down to toy with the vegetables on your plate before hearing a tap on the table. 
“You learned to sign for just one student?” Nicolas signed. 
You could tell that this question was the one that he wanted to ask early. His eyebrows were knitted together in curiosity before he’s leaning his body forward while sitting across from you at the circular dining room table. If he moved any closer–his knees would be brushing against yours under the table. 
“Yeah, it was either that or she would have to go to a school that was too far away from her home.” You signed back. “She’s quite clever for her age, so she’s been helpful as I continue to learn.” You add before letting your hands fall to your side. 
“I can teach you also,” Nicolas signed. 
“You’ve done enough Mr. Nicolas.” You signed back. “I don’t want to be much of a burden in your busy schedule.” You sign. 
“I’ll make time.” Nicolas signed back before his lips formed a sly smile at you that caused your heart to thump against your chest in complete love struck. 
“It seems like that copy of the book you had was important to you. You can keep that copy, I have another one at the school.” You signed to him with a smile before you went back to enjoying his company and the dinner you cooked. 
When Nicolas left your house with the book, his appearance in your life became frequent. Isabelle’s parents seem to get the memo to pick her up from school on time and her father even kept apologizing despite his harsh actions being pushed to the back of your mind already. Instead of walking Isabelle home as you would walk home, Nicolas would be the one constantly walking you home. Some days you were forced to ignore the dried-up blood that was on his shirt or staining the silver Twilight tag around his neck just to adore the moments between you two. ‘Cause, you cherished the walks to your house and dinners at your house before he’s rushing off with Worick. On other days you were stuck reminiscing each time his lips brushed against yours as he’s rushing out of your house with his katana. Gosh, you were lovesick. 
Those days turned to weeks and those weeks turned into a month of you seeing each other and one evening you could tell that something was up. It wasn’t a feeling that left worry in your mind, but you could tell something was on Nicolas’s mind. He was like one of your favorite books that you didn’t get tired of reading. You knew when something upset him, you knew when something bothered him. You just knew him. 
While finishing up the aftermath of dinner, you were getting ready for bed alone. You expected tonight to be special, but Nicolas had to run out to fix something real quick. Frantically signing something along the terms of Worick needing something. It frustrated you that he would dash out here like that for Worick, but he explained the relationship between the two of them and you knew that you couldn’t get in between that. Especially considering the circumstances the two have been through since they were little. You treated the rest of the night as if it was a night before you met Nicolas. You did a little planning for your class tomorrow and you read a couple of chapters of your book before eventually letting slumber take over your body. 
Forty-five minutes passed of you being asleep until you could feel the flicker of your light being switched on. You sat up and instantly rub the sleep out of your eyes before noticing Nicolas’s figure in the doorframe of your room door. You forgot you gave him a spare key to your place. He took a couple of steps forward in your room until he was at the end of your bed. You finally rubbed the rest of the sleep out of your eyes as you notice him holding the bouquet of red roses, some of them being messed up as if he was running with them. 
“Nic, it’s so late. I thought you said you had to do something with Worrick.” You signed in between a low yawn but you did push the pastel-colored duvet off your body before crawling towards his frame that stood at the end of your bed. You sat on your knees in front of his huge stature collecting the roses out of his hand. 
You tiredly chuckle before bringing the roses up your nose to spell them. The scent of the flowers lingering up your nose before you’re looking up at him, “You left to get these so late at night.” You signed to him with a smile as you watch him nod. 
“The very last floral shop was about to close, paid extra money for them.” Nicolas signed with a sly smile. “Sorry that they’re messed up, I wanted to get back here quickly as possible.” He soon adds. 
You felt your cheeks heat up while glancing at the flowers on your lap. “Why?” You sign to him and your curious eyes meet with his dark ones. Those dark eyes that once were so hard to read to you were now filled with possible love. 
“It’s been a month since we first met.” Nicolas signed. 
If you were in a cartoon, you would most likely die and viewers would see your transparent figure float towards the sky. You didn’t even think about what today was, but here Nicolas was leaving in the middle of the night to get you flowers for today. You excused yourself quickly to tend to the roses, being sure to place them in the living room right so they can be the first thing you see when you enter your home. When you returned to your room, Nicolas's eyes followed you with every step you took—you took the place back on the bed. Sitting on your knees and now your eyes were filled with just Nicolas. Your mind was thinking about Nicolas. Your body needed Nicolas. Your hand reached for his belt to undo it as your eyes met his in such an innocent manner but soon you felt Nicolas stop you. 
“You shouldn’t feel obligated to do this just because I gave you some flowers.” He signed to you.
Regardless of his words, you could see the tent that was built in his pants. You chewed at your lower lip before signing back, “It’s what I want and what you deserve, now let me take care of you Nic.” 
You watched as Nicolas’s lips parted to argue before his hands fell to his side and let you continue to push down his pants. When you finally disregarded him of the black pants he wore, your mouth watered at the bulge in his grey-colored briefs. This would be the first time you’ve seen Nicolas's cock. Late and lonely nights when you were left eager for his body, you were stuck with your own imagination of what his member would look like. Or what it would feel like inside you or in your mouth. The mere thought of it caused you to feel dizzy and your panties to be soaked. 
Your finger traced alongside the band of his briefs before you tugged them down also. Teeth nibbling against your lower lip at the sight. It was like your imaginative mind was true all along. You visualized that it was thick. It was quite pretty. His perfect-shaped mushroom tip leaked with precum and his tanned colored shaft was decorated with a visible vein that obviously was noticeable due to how hard he was. You noticed that it had to be a while seeing his trimmed down there, but you didn’t care. Your mind raced with thoughts about just being sure to make Nicolas feel better. You inched closer to the edge of the bed while Nicolas was standing in front of you, his cock waiting patiently for you. Eventually, you’re enclosing the tip of his member in your mouth with ease. The salty taste of precum stains your tongue before you let your tongue wrap around it, gaining a moan from Nicolas. You flattened your tongue to attempt to fit more of Nicolas into your mouth. Your saliva already pooling outside your mouth as you felt the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. You pulled apart after gagging just a bit, the string of saliva connecting from Nicolas’s tip. You inched a little closer to palm at Nicolas’s shaft and eventually placed him back into your mouth. Your hand palmed at the portions of Nicolas’s cock that wouldn’t fit into your mouth while you let your wet tongue swirl around his tip. 
With each second, you spent with Nicolas’s cock in your mouth, you could hear his low whines. You felt his hand on the back of your head while he guided your movement as your head bobbed up and down mimicking the way a person would dribble a basketball. You could even feel Nicolas’s hips driving forward a little just to feel your mouth around him some more. Perhaps, he was attempting to cherish this one moment as if you were going to be taken away from him the following day. You moaned with the taste of Nicolas on your tongue and your hand reached in between your thighs to rub yourself through your panties. You were so eager for more of Nicolas that you were growing impatient.  Soon, you removed yourself from his member with a pop. You let your tongue glide across your lower lip as you were finally able to give your throat a rest. At this point, you could feel your panties stick to your folds due to the wetness. You craved Nicolas immediately. “How’d you want to do this?” You signed, initiating what position he wants to do it in. 
After all, this whole session was to assure the feelings between each other, but you also wanted to make Nicolas feel like the best man in the world. You watched his cheeks stain a crimson color as he fiddled with his thumbs and soon was signing to you with a quickness.
And that’s how you found yourself comfortably on top of him completely naked and ready to please him. Your pussy glides across the shaft of his dick as he grabs ahold of your face to kiss you. His tongue shoves its way into your mouth causing you to moan into the passionate kiss. Your hips grind against his hardened member eagerly before you’re forcing your way out of the kiss. A string of saliva connected the two of you as you lifted up. Nicolas’s fingertips traced alongside your collarbone to down to one of your breasts. Your nipples hardened at the sudden touch before you’re reaching behind you to grab his cock. You lifted your hips a little and lined him up with your entrance. Your juices coated the tip of his cock and you watched as Nicolas’s face scrunched up in pure pleasure. You inched yourself slowly upon his cock and bit by bit you felt him stretch you out. You could feel comforting grasps upon your body as your eyes flutter open to be met with Nicolas’s. 
You rolled your hips in a manner to confirm that you were okay. The once intense feeling of you getting used to Nicolas’s cock inside of you was overpowered by the feeling of pleasure. Your head fell back with each rock of your hips, your mouth stuttered out profanity words and Nicolas’s name. Your hand prompted on his chest to hold yourself up while riding him and with the help of Nicolas's huge hands he was sure to guide the movement also. 
You’ve had lovers in the past, just like you had sex with others also. But for some reason, tonight was much better than those past lovers and flings. Was it because you knew the feelings were mutual? Or perhaps it just was the heat of the moment after Nicolas' kind gesture. 
“Fuck—“ You stuttered out before using your knees to bounce on Nicolas's member. You slick coating his cock with each movement on him. When you made such a lewd movement, you felt Nicolas' fingers dig into the flesh of your skin before he gave up trying to control what you were doing. 
You watched with tear-filled eyes as he was eagerly watching you take his cock like a big girl. His hands found a place behind his head as if he was relaxing and watching an entertaining movie. With each dip of your hips, Nicolas’s head seems to sink further into the pillow in pleasure. His teeth clamped down on his lower lip before his eyes stared in between the space of the two of your bodies. The pornographic sight of watching his cock disappear bit by bit inside your dripping wet pussy. 
Nicolas's body felt like he was undergoing a fever. His breath hitched in his throat when he felt you bottom down once again and let out a broken moan. Nicolas went years without his hearing and had no problem with it, especially considering who he lived with and has been around his whole life. But tonight he ached to hear the way your moans sound or the way you were whimpering out his name. With not being able to hear, he has learned to read your body language quite well. Just by the way your face looked fucked out at the moment, he could tell you were enjoying this just as much as he was. 
He watched as you continued to ride him, your breasts moving with each glide of your hips or each bounce you’ve done on his cock. Nicolas could read your lips as you were gasping out that you were close to orgasming. His large tugged you forward so that your bodies were close to each other. Your bare breasts were now upon Nicolas's chest as his hips bucked upward. With each rock of his hips upward, you could feel the pit that sat in your lower abdomen get tighter and heavier. Sweat droplets decorated your forehead as you could only moan out begging for more like a desperate housewife. The fact that Nicolas's strong arms were wrapped around your frame completely trapping you from running from his lustful thrusting like a madman only was helping you get pushed further to the edge. You could feel the tight grip on your limbs and soon felt Nicolas thrusting become sloppy. The warm feeling of his cum squirting inside you once he felt your walls pulse around his cock caused you to instantly kiss him on the lips. 
Your mind and body were distracted from the passionate kiss you and Nicolas shared to tug each other off the shared cloud of the two of you cumming. You could feel his fingertips tracing something upon your back. Your mind finally was able to mentally focus on what he was tracing until you finally realized. 
I love you. 
TAGS — @eiflawriting @sleepy3 @islascafe @caribbeanwifey19 @happy-mimin @kristvns @a3trogirl @poohbea @shamelesshoefairy @berranurates @weasleytwins-41 @chaos-night @allukanezuko @chubbyblackthottie
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itjazzbicch · 8 months
All of You
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Pairing: Tomas "Smoke" Vrbada x Fem Reader 
Summary: Since the reader and Tomas are very close and clearly feel a certain way about one another, the reader is easily angered by the way Bi Han treats Tomas, showing how she cares and giving each other all of themselves to offer...
Warnings:  SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) Bi Han being an asshole (LOL) slight swearing, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it!) bath sex, praise, body worship
Word Count: 1.4k 
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"My goodness," Tomas smiled in a shoulder-to-shoulder tie-up with me as we were sparring, "You have been improving greatly."
"Thank you," I smirked, reminding him, "But don't get distracted now."
Sweeping him off his feet, I was ready to show him something new I learned about my power, but we both looked as we heard Bi Han's voice.
"Grandmaster," Quickly fixing my stance, I bowed to him; Tomas jumped to his feet to greet him:
The look in Bi Han's eyes alone signaled me to leave, which I did, but as I went, turning a corner, what I heard made me stop.
"What did I tell you about meddling with that girl, Tomas?"
"She is powerful, Bi Han," Tomas explained, praising me, "She will be able to accomplish great things in the Lin Kuei with more training."
Tomas's praises put happiness in my heart, but Bi Han's filled it with solid anger:
"Even if that's true, she can do so alone. We have duties."
"I'm only trying to help her, brother- "Tomas continued to show how he felt for me, only to be put down:
"I don't care! What father saw in you? I have no idea. I've never seen you as a brother, so remember your place."
The silence I heard after left me shaking, wanting to confront Bi Han myself, but I waited too long as Bi Han spat:
"There's a situation that requires our assistance. We're leaving. Now."
Looking around the corner, Tomas's head was hung low, following Bi Han and leaving. Bi Han wasn't acting like the grandmaster I thought him to be, and after hearing what he told Tomas, my blood was boiling. I needed to release it somehow.
So, I continued training, releasing the anger through my fists into a punching bag. It was already nightfall by the time I felt it was time to stop. Heading to my room and unraveling the tape that protected my hands, I heard by the door:
"You just now finished training for the day?"
"A few minutes ago, yes," I told Tomas, wiping away the sweat on my brows, hitched breath proving my words true to him.
"Resting is vital to gaining strength too, you know?" He only showed that he cared, but Bi Han's words circled their way back into my mind, reminding me why I had been in the dojo for so long; he realized the emotional shift in my eyes, "Is something bothering you."
"I understand that Bi Han is the oldest and that he's grandmaster," I whispered, looking deep into his eyes as I asked, "But what he said to you earlier? You deal with that?"
His head hung low again with a deep sigh, mumbling, "It's hard, but he's- "
"Whether it's because he's older or grandmaster, that's still no excuse," My intense gaze made his eye fix on me, the brief silence between us making me apologize, "It's none of my business. I'm sorry that I brought it up."
"It's okay," He assured, taking my hand softly, "I appreciate your concern."
"You're such a kind soul, Tomas," Squeezing his hand, I wanted to show my pure intentions, explaining how I felt, "I couldn't help but feel anger when I heard him talking to you that way."
"I'm the kind soul?" He smirked, truly appreciative, making me giggle, "He can yell at me all he wants for 'meddling' with you."
"That did interrupt our sparring. I almost had you," I laughed with him, butterflies forming deep in my stomach as he pulled me closer, smiling:
"You do have me, Y/N."
I was lost in his gorgeous eyes, bliss nearly levitating me as our lips met; at first, a soft press poured in passion and pleasure, making us crave more as our lips began to dance.
Holding his face and quickly becoming impatient, a singular thought in mind tempted me into leading him into my room, lips still dancing, having to stop to laugh and hide my face as he wiped some sweat away from his hair:
"I'm so sorry. Gosh, that's embarrassing."
"It's not embarrassing," He laughed along, sitting me down on the bed and answering my curiosity, "You've been working so hard today. Should I run you a bath?"
"Join me too?" It was apparent how he felt, so I decided to take a leap; my cheeks filled with heat when he took my hand, leading me to the bathroom.
We didn't need words, only smiles as our lips magnetized back together, leaning to fix the bathtub and run hot water.
Once clothes started to disappear, I was so fixed on his physique that I was almost in another world, not realizing he was climbing in and relaxing back into the tub:
"Not going to leave me all alone, are you?"
"No, of course not," I stuttered out of my puzzled state, tossing the rest of my clothes, dipping a toe into the water, and showing my all to him.
"Gosh, you are so beautiful," He whispered, admiring me from head to toe, the water rising as I sank to join him.
"And you're a piece of art," I cooed, humming at the hot water, hands finally getting to feel his body like I fantasized so many times, sitting across his lap as he began to do the same, lips discovering my neck and chest, whispering:
"I can't wait to worship all of you."
His lips grazing down my breasts had soft moans forming, his hand running through his hair with his mouth closing around my nipple, sucking softly, and the pleasure made me naturally grind against him, feeling his stiff cock.
He felt so impressive that I had to touch, slowly stroking my hand up and down, subconsciously going faster as I loved what I was feeling, eyes fixing on him as his slight groan shook me.
"Want to go all the way?" Seeking confirmation, I fixed my legs, wrapping my arms around his head and giving him that confirmation:
One of his hands rested on my ass, the other dipping between us, lining his cock with my entrance, then easing me down carefully, moaning his name into his ear.
"I'll be gentle," He cooed, creating tiny ripples of waves as he thrusted his hips, soft and slow, "We can take our time."
"No one makes me feel as good as you do," I cooed back, lost in a realm of pleasure, slowly rolling my hips to meet his, continuing to moan at how much deeper his cock inched into my walls, but still smiling into his ear, "Have I ever told you that?"
"That's the first time," He smiled, holding my hips to his, slow but powerful in his thrusts, as deep as possible, earning every ounce of emotion and bliss I expressed with noise and body language, "Have I ever told you that you do the same to me?"
Slouching chest deep into the water, the shift let his cock slide in more profoundly, hitting sensitive points that brought me new feelings, my nerves jolting, moans growing to a higher pitch so much that I buried my face into the burrow of his shoulder, arms wrapped around his head tighter.
"You feel so good inside," Hugging and squeezing me, neither of us could fight our feelings, calm water turning into waves with his hips moving faster, moaning softly at my spasming walls, "Gosh, it's so good."
"Mhm!" I whined with closed lips, inching closer to my orgasm, afraid of how loud I was becoming, but he took all my worries away, holding my chin:
"Don't fight your feelings, sweetheart. It's only nature."
"I know," I breathed in deep, whining, "I just don't want to get us in trouble if I'm too loud."
"I'm loving my woman," Staring deep into my eyes, it was like all the pleasure grew more potent, serious, and working to get me off the edge, "I'll gladly deal with the lecture."
"Damn!" Setting my moans free, his tip brushing past my sweet spot and instantly making me crumble, shaking in his hands as he took two handfuls of my ass, squeezing and groaning at how my orgasm engulfed both of us, squeezing the hell out of him, "Tomas-"
Still having some left in him, we settled back into the water, hips rocking leisurely downward, the brightest smile that I'd seen from him all over his face as I looked up at him:
"I'm never going to be able to keep my hands off you now."
"I'm not complaining," I smiled back, kissing his chest and against his cheek, "You can have all of me whenever you want." 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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sashaisready · 6 months
Chapter Eight - She said stop
Bucky Barnes Mob AU x Femme Reader
You're hard at work in Pepper's Bakery when notorious mob boss James 'Bucky' Barnes darkens your doorway one typical afternoon, and life is never the same again.
Warnings: Drinking, some noncon kissing/groping with minor character
18+ - see Masterlist for full list of warnings
Chapter 9
Series Masterlist
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It had been three weeks since the phone call and Bucky had not been back to the bakery since. Neither had any of his men.
You knew you should be relieved. You had been uncomfortable having such close association with a mob boss and being on the periphery of his world, you couldn't get used to being followed or having watchful eyes accompany you everywhere you went. You weren't confident schmoozing in high end restaurants or being someone's arm candy. This was a clean break, it was over.
But...you missed him. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you did. You missed looking up as he came in and finding his smile in the doorway. You missed the way he looked at you, gazing at you intently as you spoke to him. You missed the fluttering in your stomach when he joked with you, the jolt of electricity when you passed his card back and your hands grazed. You missed his shocking blue eyes, the way a single glance from them made you feel like a deer in headlights.
You had thought about texting him. But what would you say exactly?
Hey! I know I rejected you but can you come back to the bakery and flirt with me? 🙂
Hi! I'm sorry I said no to the date – I'm a big coward and I'm scared you'll think I'm unsophisticated and boring (and maybe slightly scared of your job? Idk) xx
I know you hate me and I get it but can you just come to my apartment for a few hours and lie on top of me?
You sighed as you adjusted the cake stands and began to wipe down the counter.
"That's it" Wanda snapped.
"What?" you asked.
"You. You haven't stopped moping and sighing since that call. And as you're not going to call him, we are going out tonight. No arguments" she said sternly.
You scoffed. "Out where? I'm not in the mood Wa-"
"I just said, no arguments" she interrupted, folding her arms. "You're going to put on a tiny dress and we're going to get drunk and dance and maybe hook you up with a hottie. This place is closed tomorrow for Pepper to do her audit so we don't need to get up for work - no excuses".
You roll your eyes, knowing full well she'll wear you down eventually so you might as well give in now and save yourself the bother.
"Fine..." you huff. "But you're buying the first round..."
"Good" she sang triumphantly. "Let's get you cheered up..."
Later that evening you strolled into a nightclub at Wanda's side. You liked dancing but clubbing wasn't really your scene, still - it felt good to be out and getting your mind off things. You were wearing a blue dress, one of your favourites. Not too revealing but it highlighted your best features and you felt good in it. You wore heels, they were a decent height – but still comfortable and not the ridiculous type you couldn't walk in. Wanda had styled your hair and you'd both gone to town on her impressive make-up collection, carefully accentuating your eyes and lips. You both drew a few admiring stares from men as you strolled in which caused Wanda to shoot you a wink.
You hadn't been here before, it was somewhere Wanda had heard about. It was busy – but not too packed. The atmosphere was lively and buzzing, a mixture of people dancing and splayed over the seating areas enjoying their drinks. There were a lot of handsome guys here, none quite as handsome as Bucky (you couldn't help but think), but still easy on the eye.
There was a VIP section in the far corner, roped off and protected by a couple of burly bouncers. You couldn't see much due to the angle of the seating (you supposed privacy was a VIP perk) but a throng of beautiful girls dressed up to the nines were being ushered inside.
"Drink?" Wanda shouted over the music as she gestured with her hand to her mouth.
You whipped back around to face her, nodding enthusiastically as she drags you over to the bar.
Wanda ordered two fruity cocktails, handing you one as she pulls out her purse to pay. You push her bag away from the bar.
"I'll get these" you said firmly, retrieving one of the hundreds from your own purse.
"I have built myself up something of a nest egg recently..." you wink.
Wanda laughs and takes her drink as you hand the money over to the bartender.
"Can you break this okay? Sorry..."
Working with cash yourself you know it can be a pain when someone gives you a large bill.
"No problem..." he laughs as he takes it from your hand.
You sip your drink eagerly as you lock eyes with him. You suddenly feel a flash of recognition, but can't place him. He had dark hair and glasses, and seemed to look back at you with the same hazy recollection as he handed over your change. Was he a customer? Maybe.
You were just about to ask if he ever went into the bakery when Wanda hurriedly pulled you to the dancefloor. The mystery man was suddenly forgotten as you followed her, stuffing the bills back into your purse.
Unnoticed by you, the barman watched as you disappeared into the crowd and hummed thoughtfully, then craned his neck to peer over at the VIP area.
Wanda was right, this was just what you needed. You were letting loose on the dancefloor, the alcohol sweeping away all of your inhibitions as you moved to the music with your best friend. Your mind began to clear and soon enough you weren't thinking of anything, no Bucky, no work, nothing. Only the song that was playing and the freedom that you felt in that moment.
You and Wanda took turns going to the bar over the next few hours, bringing back all manner of elaborate cocktails and shots as you slowly began to feel intoxicated. All on Bucky's dollar, of course. You weren't a lightweight by any means by hadn't drank like this in a long time. The bartender you recognised had been replaced with another, and you'd already forgotten his face as you enjoyed your night.
After some more dancing Wanda mouthed that she needed the bathroom and you nodded, asking if she wanted company. Just as you asked her - a cute blond guy appeared next to you, grinning and dancing close. He had a sweet smile, very all-American and clean cut. You smiled back at him.
Wanda's eyes flitted between you and the blond, then grinned and shook her head at you – implying she was fine to go by herself. She gave you a knowing look and shot off to the Ladies, leaving you alone with him.
The music was loud so he leaned over and spoke into your ear.
"You wanna dance?" he asked.
You turned to face him and nodded enthusiastically, he smiled and took your hand – and the two of you moved to the music for a few songs. Occasionally he gave you a little spin or dipped you, which made you giggle. His hand felt nice in yours and you allowed yourself to get swept up in the warmth of him, powered by the booze in your veins.
"I'm John, by the way. John Walker." he said into your ear.
You smiled, leaning to him and telling him your name.
"I think you're very pretty" he shouted over the music, just as the end of the song dropped out, meaning his voice carried loudly across the dancefloor. A few fellow clubbers turned to look at him, and you cackled as he hid his face in mock embarrassment.
"Thank-you" you replied bashfully.
"Can I get you a drink?" he asked.
You nodded – but then realised you hadn't seen Wanda in a while. You surveyed the room for her as John went ahead of you to the bar.
You soon saw her curled up on a sofa with Vis, who must've shown up at some point while you were dancing. They were making out heavily as usual and you rolled your eyes, smiling. Wanda caught your eye and grinned at you, pointing at John and giving you a thumbs up. You rolled your eyes again, miming 'get a room' as Vis saw you and gave you a wave.
You chuckled at your friends' antics as you got to the bar. John had ordered you a gin and tonic and moved it in front of you as he paid. You furrowed your brows slightly, he hadn't asked what you wanted and you didn't really like gin much. You weren't a big fan of people making decisions for you without checking. Still, you didn't want to be rude so accepted it – giving him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, you were a bit tipsy and wanted to go with the flow.
John smiled at you as you sipped the drink. You smiled back, feeling a bit shy and unsure of what to say. The evening's beverages had gone to your head a bit, making you feel a bit unsteady on your feet.
"I meant what I said" he shouted over the music, leaning into you. His breath was hot on your ear and you realised he was slurring slightly. "You're really pretty".
You blush, smiling up at him. "Thanks, that's sweet of you".
Without warning he pins you against the wall of the club, shoving his tongue into your mouth and harshly groping your breast with his hand. The kiss is rough and sloppy, he tastes like stale beer. He misses your mouth initially so you end up with his saliva spotted across your cheek.
You gasp and roughly push him off of you.
"Hey! Stop, John!" you shout angrily, wiping your mouth and adjusting your bra where he had felt you up.
He rolls his eyes and moves in again. You move your head to face him and glare daggers at him.
"I said stop". 
He scoffs. "C'mon don't play hard to get, honey. You've been rubbing up against me on the dancefloor and you let me buy you a drink. We both want this".
Your jaw clenches as you feel your rage simmering.
"We were just dancing, I didn't sign a contract to do anything else. And I don't even like gin" you scold.
He laughs mockingly at you. "All girls like gin..."
You raise your shoulders in disbelief. The worst part was you had thought he was cute and probably would've made out with him eventually. But not like this. And not now he's behaved this way.
You roll your eyes and go to move away from him but he pushes your shoulder hard against the wall and tries to continue the kiss. You hit him, hard. The back of your hand strikes his cheek with a loud 'thwack!'. The sound rings out even over the loud music and he cries out, staring at you in disbelief.
"I said stop..." you repeat defiantly.
His eyes harden, he glares at you with fury and his face contorts into an ugly grimace. You feel your breath hitch as he bares his teeth.
"You little..."
But he halts as a gloved hand comes down hard on his shoulder and yanks him away. John is suddenly jerked backwards.
"She said stop..." warns a low voice.
"Who the fuck asked you-" John yells as he turns to face whoever dared touch him.
Both yours and John's faces fall as you realise who it is, but for slightly different reasons.
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dolls-quill · 10 months
Recovery, Recourse.
The next time this one opens its eyes, it finds itself back inside, surrounded by the other Dolls. They're fast asleep, it feels from the gentle tik-cliks of their Devices. It's afraid to move, in fear of waking the ones around it.
.....Fear? Oh, no. No, no no. The others are understanding if they're accidentally woken by another Doll. Something is..... Wrong. This one needs to find its Witch, and hope she can help.
It slowly works its way out of the Doll-pile, making a note of the time as this one passes the pendulum clock by the door. Just past four in the morning.
.....It hopes the Witch isn't sleeping, for once.
It wanders the halls, peering room to room, until it reaches its Witch's study. She seems to be busy at her desk..... Normally, it would probably chide her for staying up so late, but..... there are more pressing matters at hand, at the moment. The chiding can come later.
"M-Mistress? This one is..... worried about something." it finds itself speaking from the doorway. "Sage? Oh, goodness. Up so soon, darling?" the Witch jumps in her seat, looking up from the books she was so intently focused on just before.
".....As much as it wishes it were still asleep, this one's..... found itself feeling its old emotions again. And it was hoping to see if you could possibly do something to change that." Sage fidgets where it stands, examining it's shoes. "Ah... I see. Come here, darling, please. I can't do much with you all the way over there."
The Doll slowly makes its way over to its Witch, standing just in front of her desk. "Over here, silly. I can't help you if you have a desk in the way." She pulls out a stool and adjusts it for Sage to sit on comfortably. It walks around and lightly sits on the stool, crossing its legs as it fidgets more. "Look at me, please." This one returns its gaze to its Witch, unable to keep the fear bubbling up again.
"Oh, Sage, darling... You needn't be fearful around me, I promise. You're in safe hands with me." Her Witch gently cups her hands underneath Sage's chin. "I.... It can't help itself. Don't wanna feel like that, but can't help but feel so." She rests her thumbs over its lips, softly cooing. "Relax, my Doll. It'll be over in just a moment. Close your eyes, and count to three." Sage follows her words, its eyes fluttering shut.
It barely gets to two when this one feels the Witch's gentle kiss to its brow, and everything but her touch seems to fade away.
"Now... Sage, my dearest? How are you feeling?" she moves her thumbs away, but keeps her hands in place. "It..... It feels better now. Everything else has melted away, the troubles bothering this one." A faint smile graces its lips, the worries a thing of the past and gone. Its Witch smiles before giving another forehead kiss. "Good, good." she smiles again, and the Doll feels its Device click faintly in its chest.
"This one does have a minor bone to pick with you, Mistress. Don't you know what time it is? How long have you been up? Have you slept at all?" Sage gently pokes its Witch's chest, just under the collarbone. "Oh! Oh, heavens. I got lost in my research again. I really must get a clock in here..." she goes wide-eyed at her Doll's questionings. "That is something for the Dolls to worry about. This one is in charge of making sure you get to bed. Whatever you had planned for tomorrow is in this one's more than capable hands." it smiles as it stands, tugging on its Witch's arm to bring her to the Doll-pile it left half an hour before.
"Alright, alright, Sage," she chuckles quietly. "You needn't fret, darling. I trust you to handle it."
"This one knows~" it smiles again. "That's why it said what it said."
"Cheeky." its Witch laughs.
The two of them reach the bedroom, and the Doll gestures inside. "The other Dolls are still sound asleep, but this one is sure they won't mind being joined by you, Mistress." it folds its hands into its lap as it gives a gentle bow, its Witch walking inside and removing her hat.
Sage closes the door behind her with a gentle snik and goes on its way to start its Witch's tasks for the day.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
isn't it romantic? | myg (prologue)
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Many things in life have a polar opposite: left and right, night and day, yin and yang, you and Min Yoongi... Hopeless romantic meets gloomy cynic. The only thing you seem to share is a magazine column but even then, you still can’t seem to understand how Yoongi can be called ‘The Love Doctor’ when he is the antithesis of everything love represents. 
pairing: yoongi x f!reader; past taehyung x f!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni)
genre/warnings: coworkers to lovers, fluff, angst, eventual smut; crying, central themes of cheating, that's pretty much it for the prologue
word count: 777
note: the yoongi brainrot is real y'all. he's really wreaking havoc on my life and forcing me to drop everything to focus on him when i have no much other shit to write 😩 but anyhow, this is exciting !! my first yoongi fic aaaa !! please show her some love y'all cuz this may or may not be a deeply personal story to me 💕 i wanted to say more but i forgot just as i sat down to write this a/n lmao. ANYWAY, massive thanks to @daechwitatamic and @luaspersona for beta'ing this for me on such short notice (and jo for telling that there's stuff in here that i should go to jail for bc that's always the best thing to hear 😌) y'all are awesome and i love you <3 and @jeonwiixard for being hurt by this 😚
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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You are 7, and life is good, as life should be for all children.
You have two parents who adore you, and a sister with whom you constantly bicker but that’s okay, because it’s how siblings love each other. You have constellations hanging from your bedroom ceiling, someone to read your bedtime stories every night, hot meals on the table every day. Every summer, your family takes a trip somewhere beautiful and a week feels like forever when it's just the four of you together, surrounded with only warmth and laughter. You don’t know any other way to live life.
Love is abundant, because that’s what love is supposed to be.
You are 7, and you don’t know how to accept that everything can be different in just a blink of an eye.
When your father comes back from a business trip, the first thing you do is dig through his bag in search of his phone, to look for that video game that you don’t understand but love playing so much. What you find instead, is a picture he took with a strange woman, on a beach somewhere, wearing straw hats and tacky shirts and bright smiles. You show it to your mother, and life forever changes.
Children can be nosy sometimes. It’s inherent to being kids.
You don't know what it means. It's just a picture. You just want your game.
You are 7, and how is a child supposed to react when their world is turned upside down?
No one reads you bedtime stories anymore. Your mother rarely goes out of her room. Your sister has to grow into an adult when she herself is still a teenager, to take care of you, to make sure that you’re fed and clothed and have all of your books when you go to school.
You don’t know that people can be sad even as they’re smiling and laughing. People can be sad even as they’re telling you that they aren’t, and that everything is just fine. People can be sad even when they’re happy.
Your mother doesn’t have that same light in her anymore. You can’t tell if she’s just tired, or if there’s something else bothering her, a secret gnawing at the back of her mind that she doesn’t let you in on.
Answers to simple questions like “When is dad coming home?” used to be “In an hour,” or “He’ll be back to read to you before bed.” Now, she answers you with tears in her eyes before she turns away, and you have yet to discover that words have the power to hurt, and hearts are things that can break even when they're healthy and beating.
Your sister learns to be more careful with her words because she knows things that you don’t, things that you’re too young to understand. She knows of burdens that you have yet to bear but will inevitably have to.
You are 7, and your parents aren’t holding up the sky anymore. Occasional late nights at the office turned into a constant absence at the dinner table. Laughter has since dulled into taut silence that never relents, only stretches on and on and on, until it forces you to adapt to the absence of joy in your home.
If someone were to ask you what envy was, you wouldn’t be able to tell them the definition, but you can describe to them what it’s like. It’s a foreign concept, yet so familiar at the same time. Before, you used to feel envious when you see another kid holding a cooler toy or wearing a prettier dress. Now, you’re envious when the other children at school have parents waiting to take them home after a long day. You don’t want your sister to be the only one who shows up. You want love to be abundant again.
You are 7, and you haven’t yet learned how to hold back tears. You miss your father because he rarely comes home anymore. When he does, your parents would argue. Yell at each other. Sob until screams turn into hiccups. Slam doors. You cry because the house feels like it’s going to collapse. 
You still remember the picture on your dad’s phone, or at least, you remember the color of the water. It was blue, like the color of the sky on a beautiful sunny day. Blue, like the cover of your favorite fairy tale, splattered with golden sparkles. Blue, like the walls of your parents’ bedroom. Blue, like the feeling that no child should experience. Blue, because that’s all you have to remember your stolen childhood by.
You are 7.
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 24.04.2023]
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iamknicole · 7 months
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A/N: Bare with me the holidays are a busy time for me so it'll most likely be week day uploads when I do start posting chapters! Enjoy! Comment, reblog & share! Updates depend on engagement! 🌻
Warnings: A bit of cursing, 18+, Minors DNI
The sound of kids talking and playing filled Shania's ears as she entered the three year old classroom. A few kids noticed her, running to give her hugs then went back to playing. She watched them for a moment then went to the connected boys restroom, peeking in. 
"Hey, Ms. Martina. You buzzed for me?"
Martina stood from her kneel in front of the middle stall. "Yeah. Jaden has a stomach thing and no clothes."
Shania walked in to check on the child, giving him a soft smile. "Not feeling good, buddy?"
His voice came out weak and sad. "No ma'am."
"I'll get somebody to bring you some ginger ale and extra clothes while I call mommy and daddy. Sound good?" Giving him another pout, she turned to Martina. "If you want when he's cleaned up, you can bring him to the office with me. Tell me the last name again."
Leaving the classroom, Shania power walked through the daycare back to her office and to her desk. After going through her software, she found his profile and dialed the first number. 
"Good morning, Mrs. Fatu. This is Shania Taylor at Busy Bees. Jaden's not feeling well and he's had an accident so you're gonna have to come pick him up. Thank you. See you soon."
Shania left the same message three times with Jaden's mom, dad and uncle. She sighed softly realizing there was only one more number to call. Dialing the number, she put it on speaker so she could pull her curls away from her face. 
The deep voice startled her a bit as she honestly wasn't expecting anyone to answer. 
"Helloooo," the voice sang out, "Somebody there?"
"Sorry, yes." She picked her phone up, moving it closer to her.  "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you. This is Shania Taylor from Busy Bees. Is this Joshua Fatu?"
"Uh, yeah, this Josh. Busy Bees?"
"Yes, Busy Bees. Your nephew, Jaden, is enrolled here."
"Oh shit, my bad," he said quickly, "I don't think I ever knew the name. He aight? He need something?"
She glanced at her office door when she heard a light knock, finding Martina standing in the doorway with Jaden in tow. She waved them in, pointing at the ottoman in front of her window. 
"He's actually not feeling well and had an accident. He didn't have any clothes but I keep extras here so that's taken care of. You are gonna have to get him though."
Josh went silent for a moment, Shania could hear rustling around in his background.
"I don't mind at all but did you call Jon or Trinity first?"
"Yes sir," she said softly as she rolled her chair over to Jaden. She covered him with her throw blanket. "I called them and the other uncle they had listed, no one answered."
"Aight, I'll try to call them. I'm on the way though, Ms. Taylor."
"Thank you, see you soon."
The small monitor on her desk chimed and real time video popped up fifteen minutes later. Easing up from her spot, Shania checked the monitor then went to the front door of the center. She pushed the door open for him, a small smile on her face. 
"Hey, Mr. Fatu." She watched him as he stepped inside. "Thank you for coming."
He looked around the foyer then at her, giving her a small nod. "Josh. Just Josh. I gotta get em from the class?"
"Nope, he's actually been in my office with me. Fell asleep not too long ago. He had me watching toy videos so the nap was a blessing in disguise for us both," she joked. "Since he is asleep, I can go ahead and get a copy of your license."
He frowned a little at that. "Why?"
"I make copies of everyone's licenses when they come to pick up one of my babies. State law. Keeps them safe. You can step into my office."
The two stood in silence while she made her copies. Josh grabbed Jaden's backpack, bag of soiled clothes and the small bottle of ginger ale beside him. He watched Shania move quickly around her office from the printer to the filling cabinet then to her desktop, lingering there for a few minutes. She wrote something down on her post it before peeling it off. Going to Josh, she held it out to him smiling. Slowly, he took it then looked at her. 
"What's this?"
"Your family's code to get into the door so you don't have to wait to be let in whenever you come get him."
"Thank you," he stuffed it into his pocket then carefully picked up his sleeping nephew, "I need to sign em out?"
"I'll take care of it. You just take care of my buddy. When you talk to his parents, let them know he can return when he's been symptom free for 24 hours."
"Gotcha. You the boss lady huh?" He joked adjusting Jaden in his arms. 
Her smile grew a little wider, her cheeks pushing her eyes into small slits. "I wouldn't say boss lady but I am the owner."
"Shit. Forreal?"
"Yes and we don't talk like that in Busy Bees, Josh." She chastised playfully.
He flashed her a quick smile, giving a peek of his gold fronts on his bottom teeth. "My bad, Ms. Taylor. Ima let them know though. Have a good day, don't work too hard."
Walking in front of him to the door, she propped the door open for him to exit. She watched him effortlessly unlock his truck, put Jaden's things in then Jaden into his seat. She called out to him before he could open the driver side. 
"What's up?"
"Call me Shania."
His fronts made another appearance. "Yes ma'am."
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AITA for not reacting/cheering for my aunt and her kids?
I (24F) am in an extended family groupchat. I usually do not have time to actually read all the messages, much less to write anything. I often open it and skim through the messages and everyone can see I've read them. Sometimes I do participate if it is a topic I can help with (I can usually help with plant related stuff, and I often jump right into a debate when I catch my aunties falling for facebook lies about ingredients or things like that)
Anyway, at one point my grandmother said that one of my aunts (35ish? I really don't know, sorry) was really sad I was not interacting with her messages at all. And while it wasn't intentional, it was true. I scrolled back to see what I've said to whom, and I never interacted with that aunt. But it wasn't because I did not like her, it was just... I had nothing to respond. I honestly do not care about her family having a trip to the zoo, what she had for lunch and I really did not watch 5 minute videos of her kid (2nd grade) playing football. So I just did not respond, because I had nothing to say and I wasn't interested. Besides, my other aunts interacted plenty with her, so I never thought I should be obligated to respond.
Anyway, I am usually fueled by spite, and my grandmother pointing that thing out had the opposite effect - I stopped interacting with the groupchat at all, even when I did have the time and something to say. I contemplated just leaving the groupchat, but I was tagged specifically one day to respond to something, so I stayed and tried to be nicer, just by leaving emoji's to that aunt's messages. However, life is life, and my efforts soon were forgotten because I just... don't have the energy.
However, one day, my aunt posted a facebook link to a post from a geography competition. And I was pretty sure my cousin (her son) won something, and I even opened the link, but there was a long list of kids and I just didn't bother to find my cousin's name there, so I, once again, did not react.
A day later my grandmother sent me the same facebook link and said my aunt would be happy if I reacted to the message in the groupchat. Which I think is ridiculous? Especially because the kid isn't even in the groupchat, and only his mother would see it? Anyway, I kind of got in a fight with my grandma about that, saying no one ever praised me as a kid for winning competitions, especially the same aunt who now feels bad for me not cheering her and her son on. So, I did not react to the message and once again went mostly silent in the groupchat.
But overall, I feel like I am the asshole for not being interested in the lives of my relatives and their kids. It really is not that hard to engage in groupchat conversations, right? However, I don't really want to act like I am interested, while I am not at all. Maybe I am cold hearted for not caring about their holiday trips, work/school events and minor health problems (eg someone having a fever).
However, to defend myself, I was actually very busy during the described events. I worked and studied full time (it is hell don't do it) (graduating soon though yeehaw), and most messages I read while walking from one point to another, skimmed through in the evenings before bed or when I was waiting in a queue for something. Moreover, the said aunt never has expressed any interest in my life, so I did not feel any obligation to be interested in her life. However, I never also said to anyone how I was doing, and no one really knew I was dying from exhaustion most of the time, so they probably assumed I was just... specifically being a dick.
So was I? Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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myveryownfanfiction · 4 months
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Sharpuary day 8: Scarborough
tags: @illiana-mystery, @iobsessoverfictionalmen
warnings: swearing, mention of Aesop Sharp's time as an Auror and injuries
Aesop hadn’t been back since…that night. For whatever reason, he allowed me to convince him to take a small vacation to the beaches of Scarborough. Aesop busied himself with the luggage while I handled everything else. Once we were in the room though, he immediately went to the bathroom and I heard the water running. Sighing, I looked out the window at the beach.
“I know you’re worrying about me.” Aesop said as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “You don’t have to. I’m fine. I’m going to be fine.” I turned to look at him, noting the small smile and shining eyes.
“If we end up anywhere near that dock, you tell me and we’re out of there.” I said. Aesop nodded, not losing his smile. “I’m serious Aesop. You tell me.”
“I will.” He assured me before kissing me softly and dragging me out of the hotel room. That night when we had returned, I headed to the bathroom while Aesop put away everything that we had brought with us and purchased. I tried not to think too hard on what it must feel like for him to be back here, even though I did not yet know the full story. Aesop was a closed book when it came to the night he had lost his partner and gained his injuries. Turning off the water, I wrapped a towel around myself before venturing back into the main room.
"Aesop?" I said softly when I saw him sitting at the little desk, lost in thought. "Sweetheart?" Aesop looked up at me and gave me a small smile.
"Feel better?" He asked. I nodded, having gotten all the sand out of my hair. "Good." Aesop turned to look out the window and I moved to get dressed, knowing he was getting lost in his own thoughts even if he was trying to have a good time with me. "You can see the dock from here." I had just pulled my shirt over my head when Aesop spoke again. "At least I can. Sort of. Maybe I'm staring off in the direction of it since I know it should be there."
"I know what you're going to say," I said as I walked over to look out the window with him, hand on his back. "But do you want to change rooms?" I started to rub his back as I waited for his response.
"No. I don't want to be an inconvenience when I honestly am probably just imagining things." Aesop shook his head. "Besides, you deserve to know." He turned to look at me.
"I don't need to know Aesop." I whispered, watching as he opened a door in the wall he had built up. "You don't need to do this unless you want to." He smiled at me and wrapped an arm around me.
"Always looking out for me." He breathed as he kissed my head. "I want to. You know that I was cursed on that dock. I lost my partner." I nodded as I let him pull me closer. Aesop pointed out the window. "The dock should be just over there." I followed his finger and nodded as I could just make out the dock in question. "My partner was my childhood friend, Ashley. She was an even better Auror than I was. And I don't say that to be modest. She really was. We had a tip that there would be smugglers coming to that dock. They were part of a ring we had been tracking for months and this was going to be our chance to take them down. What we didn't know, or rather didn't bother trying to find out, was that they were expecting us. We don't know who tipped them off. We didn't even know who tipped off the Auror's office." He sighed and squeezed my shoulder. "A fight broke out. I thought Ashely could handle her own so I barely gave her a second thought. I was so sure we'd both get out of there. I had just finished off the last of the smugglers. Or so I thought." He ran a hand down his face. "The bastard came out of nowhere. Ashley didn't have a fucking chance. She was dead before her name even left my mouth." I tightened my hold on Aesop as he squeezed his eyes shut.
"Aesop..." I breathed out. "It's not..." He shook his head.
"I was frozen. Couldn't do anything." He breathed out. "Next thing I know I went flying back as I was cursed. Other Aurors had shown up by then. Managed to surprise the smuggler so that he only hit my leg. Part of the curse managed to clip my face. It's not as bad as my leg but it still hurts on some days." I turned and wrapped Aesop in a hug. I buried my head in his shoulder and felt him slowly hug me back.
"I didn't know." I breathed out. "I can't believe that's what happened. The Ministry covered it up didn't they? I don't think...I never heard..." Aesop nodded against me as he laid his head on my shoulder, eyes finally falling close.
"They did. Wouldn't want the wizarding world to know that one of their greatest Aurors had failed." Aesop said, a bitter edge to his voice. "It's not the curse that makes it hard to talk about. I..." He trailed off and I nodded in understanding.
"It's Ashley." I breathed out. "You didn't fail her Aesop. You did everything you could to protect her. If you had known, if you had moved faster...it's all just playing into variables you had no control over." He nodded and buried himself deeper into me. "I think she'd be happy you came back here." I finally said, tangling my fingers in his hair. "I think she'd tease you about our relationship." I felt his laugh rather than heard it as he nodded. "And I think that I would probably get along nicely with her. Finding out all about how you were as a child and a teen." Aesop pulled back, a twinkle in his eye.
"Oh I can tell you that." He laughed. I smiled softly at him as he nodded towards the bed. "What do you want to know?"
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