#she's just so empathetic and in touch with her feelings and with feelings of other people and so decisive and brave i just
ravenofazarath2 · 2 days
I’ve been seeing a fair amount of discourse over whether or not Ricky September was a good person, and I feel like a lot of it takes a very black and white view of Ricky as a character.
One of the recurrent themes in this season (and, well, a large portion of the show), is the importance of hope. And I think that’s what Ricky is supposed to represent.
Hope that there’s kindness in the world.
I think we can all agree that that was basically his thing, right? He didn’t have to help Lindy through the slug monsters, but he did. He didn’t have to try to save her life, but he did.
Everyone else we meet in FineTime is self-centered, vain. Their friendships feel artificial. And that’s probably because they are artificial since they never talk face-to-face. They literally live inside a spherical object that also acts as an echo chamber they can personally curate. That’s one of the most literal metaphoric interpretations of “in a world of their own” I can think of.
And right when it seems that life this way will be the death of them all, here comes this ray of sunshine named Ricky September. He immediately shows Lindy kindness even though she’s a complete stranger. And then they hug, what is likely the first empathetic touch ever in her life. Tells her that he spends most of his time unplugged and reading and learning. He does the Doctor grabs a hand and yells run thing. And when he sees that Homeworld was destroyed, he lies to Lindy so that he doesn’t kill the hope that’s keeping her running for her life—to see her mom again.
I know can’t be the only one who thought, “Oh, maybe his kindness will rub off on Lindy, and she’ll be a better person in the end!” That’s the hope.
That’s what Ricky represents; he’s the hope that, as long as empathy exists in this world, things will get better.
Hope that people can change.
The only shadow in this perfect ray of hope is the fact that, just like everyone else in FineTime, Ricky September is racist.
His micro-agressions aren’t as, well, aggressive as Lindy’s, but they are there. His hands are fidgety and he's distracted. He's giving awkward smiles and chuckles. He does seem uncomfortable working with the Doctor.
But we know that Ricky has empathy. He shows it when he saves Lindy, but I think the most jarring example is when he says he read about manual labor and said, "That life was tough." Lindy's response. "My sit at a desk for two hours and gossip with my friends job's not easy. I get chapping." And he learned this empathy through reading instead of spending all his time online. Which is where he learned about pulse codes, too. So he's empathetic and willing to learn.
(On a side note: Lindy's lack of empathy by this point should have clued us in that she was beyond redemption)
And that's I have no doubt that, had he survived, he would have pushed his biases aside and taken the Doctor up on the offer to travel. He would have worked to unlearn the institutionalized hate he was raised in. He's the hope that people—that we can change, become better people.
Unfortunately, Ricky is just different enough for Lindy to other him in order to justify sacrificing him to save herself.
The real lesson Ricky September teaches us.
Unfortunately, Ricky being a symbol for hope is exactly why he had to die by, essentially, Lindy's hand.
Hope simply existing isn't enough to bring change. If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope, because if we don't, those trying to maintain the hate will snuff us out. And not just for ourselves, but for our fellow man.
If we just sit back and hope for a better world, nothing will get done. We have to act on that hope, be that hope. And not just for ourselves, but for our neighbors, too. If we show each other empathy, we can reach more, spread more kindness, be the change.
But if there's no empathy, then there's no hope for our survival.
And that, I believe, is the lesson RTD wanted us to see.
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I know it’s super selfish but I am so scared and sick of the only close ppl in my life being miserable or depressed or constantly troubled with problems. I want someone happy and then I’ll be happy. It’s that simple. But no matter what all the closest relationships I’ve had have consisted of me dealing with someone else’s misery indefinitely and again it’s super selfish that’s why I’m not acting on it and venting it here anonymously but I just fucking can’t stand it and want to have happy people so that I can actually be okay, and I fucking hate depressing and sad shit it’s horrible. I hate anything sad or raw it’s all awful and terrifying and I just want to escape from the constant fear that someone is going to have their next big breakdown and I’ll have to deal with it.
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theotterpenguin · 5 months
thinking about how katara is the only person zuko tells about his mother, the only member of the gaang who zuko opens up to about his scar, the only person he let touch his scar, the person that zuko gained another scar for in order to protect. thinking about how all the terrible memories wound up in zuko's scars are also now intimately connected to katara's kindness. thinking about how katara is the first person zuko trusted, how she offered to heal his scar out of the goodness of her heart, how much he values that trust she placed in him and so he cares the most about rebuilding that connection with her - more than anyone else - after his betrayal. thinking about katara always being so in tune with zuko's feelings, how she understands the importance of zuko and iroh's relationship and is concerned about zuko during the eip, and how in return zuko chooses to open up to her when he's worried about his uncle forgiving him. thinking about how only katara has truly witnessed the complicated relationship between zuko and azula, how she's seen azula's manipulation of her brother but has also seen how zuko still cares for her and stands by him even when he's grieving the defeat of his sister. and how for all these reasons it only makes sense that zuko would want katara with him for the most difficult fight he's ever had to face, and it only makes sense that azula realizes killing katara will hurt zuko the most.
thinking about how zuko is so in tune with katara's feelings, how even when they were enemies the crystal catacombs he reaches out to her when he realizes she's upset, how he never invalidates her negative feelings towards him, but instead only asks what he can do for her. thinking about how zuko is the only person in the show that katara ever reveals the full story of her mother's death to, and how zuko is empathetic and kind and apologizes to her, despite not being responsible for it. thinking about how zuko is the one who recognizes that katara still has her own story to resolve, separate from aang's, and helps her overcome the most traumatic event of her life. thinking about how zuko understands the strength in katara and trusts her to make her own choices, never questioning katara's personal moral choice not to kill but also not to forgive. thinking about how zuko is the only person in the show that ever looks after katara's wellbeing while she's so busy caring for everyone else, how he asks katara to rest, how he realizes that katara needs to face her past to heal emotionally, how he takes katara to ember island for some alone time to process what has happened, how he is always shown helping out with house chores without being asked. how for once katara gets to be cared for instead of the caretaker. thinking about how zuko never makes his forgiveness a requirement of helping her, and yet, for all of these reasons, it only makes sense that katara chooses to forgive him. and it only makes sense that zuko is the person that katara ends up trusting the most deeply, the person she is willing to run into an agni kai arena for and risk her life because she cares for him and doesn't want him to get hurt.
just thinking about the way that katara and zuko share a relationship that is so unique from any other dynamics in the show, and how they share the most complicated, emotionally intimate connection in the gaang.
and it's no wonder that they always gravitate towards each other the most in the second half of book 3 - because they understand each other the most out of everyone else. they never leave each other's sides in tsr, go out of their way to be near each other in subsequent episodes, and are together in almost every scene in the finale.
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jade-jini · 6 months
omg thank youuuuu g!p loser reader x sana pls 🥺💕
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(Perfect moment to bring Sha-rich AHHH)
Daddy’s rich girl who “works” at the company as well with you. Unlike her, you worked your way up to an important position in the company. You invested time, worked and studied hard, and had a position almost as important as her. Almost. Of course nobody could ever have more power than the owner’s daughter, right?
However, the fact that you were able to have such position already spoke a lot about how smart you were. Not a lot of people, specially at such a young age, could get there. If they didn’t know who Sana was, they’d wonder how tf is she technically your superior. Specially when you’re the one who basically does all the work for her.
“Y/n-ssiii” she called in her respective animated tone. You were talking with some coworkers in their desks when you quickly looked at her and gave her all your attention, feeling already cheered up at the sound of her pretty voice.
“Yes, Ms. Minatozaki?” You answered sweetly with those heart eyes you could hardly hide from others, happy to see her already ‘cause you were wondering when was she gonna get to the office (lost puppy behavior-). You knew it was common for her to just show up at any time she wanted to.
“Father has assigned me some hard hard work.” She said with a pout as she showed you a folder. “and I need the help and guidance of the smartest person here, Aka you. No offense, ladies.” She said as she gifted a charismatic smile and wink to the young secretaries you were previously talking to.
Everybody knew that when Sana said “help her”, it meant that you were gonna do all the work for her.
You, of course, would have gladly accepted right away, but you were full of work too, and wanted to take things slow this week rather than having to focus on working hard on your and her work as well. Again.
“I’d love to, but I also have this project and I act-” you tried to explained but she stopped you, already feeling bored hearing the excuse.
“Ah! This is important, y/n. You wouldn’t want our ceo to be missing such an important part of his presentation for this week, presentation that I remind you, you’re part of, right? Or is it that you can’t handle being part of it? ‘Cause If you can’t I can find somebody else that-” now it was your turn to interrupt.
“No!” You quickly said grabbing the folder from her hands. For some reason the idea of somebody else spending time with Sana like that made you horribly jealous (territorial puppy?). It felt like it had more than one meaning. It was more than just somebody helping her with work. “I can do it, ma’am. I’ll have it ready as soon as possible.”
“Sounds great! See you soon in my office.” She said with a big smile as she softly touched your forearm before leaving. You simply sighed, wondering why was it so hard to resist her. You turned around once her silhouette disappeared, just to see your coworkers looking at you and shaking their heads. You shrugged, and excused yourself to your own office to start working.
Some people would think Sana is using you to look good in front of her daddy and his important partners. You had coworkers looking at you with sad eyes, feeling empathetic about “the poor sunbaenim who is too good to say no and has to work so daddy’s girl doesn’t show how unprepared she actually is for this business”. Most of the people in the company liked Sana though, she was charismatic and that’s something that can get you far in life as well. You appreciated her qualities, and saw beyond. But of course there were always those few employees…
“Y/n sunbaenim should be the one with her position”
“Seriously, she’s so qualified. How unfair” some coworkers would whisper. What they didn’t know is that Sana was compensating you and very well for your help with her job.
In her own particular way.
“y/n! Oh my god. y/n~.”
Sana’s moans were getting loud to the point you were starting to concern that some people might be able to hear you guys from outside her office. But being drunk in her taste, you couldn’t care less about that. And Sana didn’t care at all when she was feeling this good, at the end of the day she (her dad-) owned this place. Who was gonna fire her?
You were almost naked, your upper body exposed, your wrists tied behind the chair you were seated on. Your pants were still on though, and your boner was already hurting but you didn’t dare to complain, focus on the task given to you. Not any important report that she needed to have on her daddy’s desk by the end of the week, or any structure analysis of who gives a fuck. No. right now the only thing that mattered was Making Ms. Minatozaki come in your mouth.
But how did you even get here today? Let me explain, it’s easy.
“Ms. Minatozaki, I brought you the latest report as you asked, with updates about last week’s movements in the graphs that our investment teams have been working on.” You said as you entered the woman’s office, several papers in hand battling not to fall as you fixed your glasses how you could.
Right as you stepped a foot on her office, she closed the door with your back against it and locking it behind your back, making you drop your documents and gasp in surprise “w-what’s going on, Ms. Mi-” but you couldn’t finish your question, as she started kissing you like she hasn’t seen you in years. You were caught off guard, moaning in her mouth as you grabbed her forearms. You always loved when Sana kissed you, sometimes you just wished she’d warn you before doing it out of a sudden.
“Ma’am, please, w-wait” you asked, feeling her hand traveling down to palm your dick over your pants “oh god…not there please…”
“Why not? I’m sure it misses me.” The older woman teased with a smirk, trying her best not to laugh. She went to leave wet kisses on your neck, biting it and grabbing your cock more ‘till she was basically masturbating you over your pants.
“Ms, Wait- fuck~ wait! Sana, wait!” You moaned, feeling weak in her hands, containing yourself from simply surrender to her touch was such a hard task, and slowly your brain almost forgot why would you even try to do it anyways.
“You have no idea how much it turns me on when you call me Ms. Minatozaki.” She whispered next to your ear, to then let out a mischievous giggle. “Although my name sounds just as good when it comes from your pretty lips, baby~” Sana teased, and went back to your neck, undoing your tie and shirt. Your trembling hands slowly tried to go to her lower back, but she had other plans “Ah Ah! You’re not using those right now, come here puppy.” Sana guided you to a chair she had in her office, and softly pushed you until you were seated. As she straddled you and went back to kissing you deeply, you didn’t realize that she tied your hands behind your back with your own tie until she stepped up to get something from her drawer and you tried to move.
“Sana? What’s going on?” You asked as you tilted your head, confused but clearly excited, already feeling your member pulsating, needing attention and missing the pressure Sana was giving it when seated on your lap. She was right. Your whole body missed her. Even when you guys hooked up very often you always wanted more of her.
“Nothing we haven’t done before, pretty puppy” she said as she showed you the leash and collar she bought just for you, with a blindfold as well, biting her lip clearly as eager as you were to start.
“You wanna do that here?!” You asked her, clearly surprised.
“What, are you gonna tell me you don’t want it?” She asked back giving you a “you know damn right” look. Sana knew, you could never tell her no.
“… no ma’am.”
And that’s how you ended in the position you were in.
“That’s it baby, keep going like that. I’m gonna come~” you heard the older woman say as you basically fucked her pussy with your tongue, and you wished you could see her facial expressions but again, you didn’t dare to complain, not wanting to be punished. Even though you couldn’t see her, all of your other senses were very awake. The taste of her pussy against your tongue, making you drool creating a mess on her cunt as you felt some of it on your chin. The sounds of her voice moaning your name, as praises also filled the air. The sensation of the leash being pulled, keeping you as close as possible to her. Everything was having you on edge. You felt you could almost come untouched just by pleasing this woman.
Just as she stated, Sana came in your mouth, holding the leash and your head in place as she grabbed your hair a little too hard, sending a little pain, but not too much that you were uncomfortable.
“Fuckk your mouth feels so fucking good…” she moaned as she moved your mouth all over her cunt, helping herself ride the last highs of her orgasm. “It’s time to help you now, isn’t it puppy?” She asked in a cute tone, teasing you over your pants with her bare foot. With how neglected your cock felt, your hips automatically moved towards her foot, desperate for friction. This made the older woman laugh, you were such a cute needy puppy for her. “aw don’t be weird, puppy. I’m not using my feet for that. Got something better for ya.”
And as the seconds feel like ages, with the uncertainty of the darkness, you felt her hands slightly moving your pants to let your member free, and you felt how it hardly slapped against your own stomach. The sensation of your own precum making you groan, but you didn’t find it bothersome actually. The fact that it was still coming even when Sana wasn’t stimulating you at all in any ways made her hungrier for you.
“Aww, poor you. That probably hurts, doesn’t it darling?” She cooed. You nodded, a pout decorating your lips as soft whimpers started to leave them. An almost too loud moan escaped you once she started to slowly jerk you off “Shhh it’s ok, I’ll take care of it.” She said as her palm was now all over your tip, playing with the precum. You thought she was gonna make you come like this, until you felt the overwhelming and warm sensation of her tight pussy. God it felt like heaven. With how sensitive you were, and the desperation of not being allowed to touch her with your own hands. You felt you could come in any second.
Sana started riding you at a steady pace, knowing you were close but also not wanting you to finish too soon. She was playing with the pace, torturing you and enjoying the sounds you’d make when she slowed down robbing you of your own orgasm. If only you could see that damn smile she had on her face. “Sana, please… stop playing with me.. I need to come, please.”
Ouh she loved the sound of that. How you desperately begged her, knowing she had full control over you in every aspect. She needed to hear it more. “Hmmm ask again baby. Ask again and I’ll think about it.”
“Please, please, I’m begging you ma’am, please..” you sobbed, needing your sweet release, unconsciously thrusting your hips up, fucking her as fast as she was fucking you.
“Fuck..! Just like that, baby. Keep fucking going like that. Fuck me good.” She moaned between teeth in your ear, feeling herself getting close to her second orgasm as well. As you came, the sensation of your seed inside her drove her crazy, jumping even faster on your cock making you sob and ask her to please slow down, feeling overstimulated. But of course Sana didn’t stop until she was making a mess on your cock, making you fill her up even more.
For somebody with her own office, she surely enjoyed rather going to more dangerous and small corners of the building.
“Wait, they’re gonna hear us…” you whispered with the little reasoning that was left in your mind as she quickly unbuttoned your pants while you were against the door of a janitor’s closet.
“No, I don’t think they will.” She said as she took her panties off and made you take them into your mouth before getting on her knees.
“Sana, we have a lot of work to do, please.” You said, taking her small piece of clothing out of your mouth for a second.
“Then let’s make it quick, and put that back in your mouth, now.” She said and before you could argue, she started sucking on your tip, moaning at the taste. Your eyes almost went completely white, getting already watery ‘cause of how sensitive you felt and how good Sana’s mouth was. You couldn’t help but to thrust your hips a little, hoping she’d get more of you inside her warm mouth. “Hey what did I tell you, hm? If you wanna fuck my mouth, you ask for it.” She scolded, teasing part of your shaft with her teeth “Understood?”
“A-ah~ yes ma’am. Can I please fuck your mouth?” You almost begged her, your voice coming out muffled ‘cause of her panties and you clenched the edge of the table next to you to try and have some self control while you waited for her answer.
“That’s better, yes you can baby.” She answered as she put her tongue out, giving you more access to her mouth, eagerly waiting for you to use it as your own fuck toy. And of course you did, getting deep inside her throat creating such wet and impure noises that would make whoever walks outside that closet turn around and leave the whole floor. Sana took it out of her mouth as she tried to catch her breath, replacing it with her hand instead. However, you were quick to put it back in, grabbing her head firmly.
“Nu-uh, we can’t risk it falling on your clothes. We can’t go to our meeting all dirty. You’re gonna swallow it all, aren’t you, baby?” You told her looking straight into her eyes, and she nodded, knowing she had no other option. She looked so cute like that, giving you those puppy eyes. People thought nobody could have more power than the owner’s daughter. Yet here you had her, on her knees listening to your every word and letting you use her mouth. People could call you a pathetic loser if they wanted to. As long as you could enjoy Sana. Not so long after, you came in her mouth almost making her choke. Still, she made sure to take everything you gave her, licking your dick clean, and getting a little too excited that you almost were starting to get hard again. However, you grabbed her arms and pulled her back on her feet, you guys had an important meeting and you were almost already late. She groaned, complaining and clearly wanting more “I promise after this meeting we can go wherever you want and do whatever you say, but please let’s go. We worked hard on these papers, remember?” You told her with a pout, a surprising switch on you that Sana was still trying to get used to.
“Ugh, fine..” she sighed as she rolled her eyes, and you both carefully got out of the closet (be who you areeee) after making sure you were presentable.
Getting to your meeting like nothing happened, clearly in a better mood than earlier that day, your cheeks red and sometimes stuttering as Sana continued eye-fucking you, fantasizing about what you promised earlier and impatient for the day to end to take you home,but she had the biggest smile planted on her face ‘cause there’s nothing she loves more than playing with you and having you around her finger during office hours.
A lot of people thought she was just flirting and playing with you, making you nervous or dreaming about a chance with her just so you would do whatever she wanted, but never actually batting an eye your way. The way Sana thanks you for your help (which she very much enjoyed as well, so it was a win-win for her every time), you could honestly say it was very fair tho.
Now, Sana was no idiot. She knew damn right what it was told about her and the way she treated you. She knew some people thought she was taking advantage of you and manipulating you ‘cause you were too good and innocent. You looked so shy and well behaved. “If only they knew” she thought. Yes, you were sweet, but innocent? Impossible, and if you ever were then she was sure she already broke you ‘cause with how easy she made you hard, and with how hard you pound on her, it was impossible to consider you innocent. Well behaved? Of course tho, you were so obedient for her. Just for her<3.
Continuation here <3
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remus x shy!reader (part 3)
author: sj
warnings: fluff; reader is in hufflepuff; uses she/her pronouns; not edited
my masterplan of slowburn is coming together, but its finals so this will take me while <3
part 1 / part 2 / part 4 / part 5
the first time he realizes that you aren't officially his
remus and you were extremely close. to point that the boys just assumed you two would get married. it was just an unspoken agreement that you were remus' and remus was yours. remus would always be touching you, and it got even worse over the full moon so why wouldn't you be dating?
however, it all changed when another hufflepuff didn't catch that drift. you were all sitting in potions, you and james at a table and remus and sirius at the one behind you two. you weren't fully paying attention, when jordan, another hufflepuff in your year, came up to talk you.
he was obviously very interested in you. to the point where he was stumbling over his words and making you feel bad for him. you reached out your hand to him to comfort him as he stumbled over trying to ask you a question.
"jordan, slow down, what is it that you were wondering?" you ask, empathetically, giving him a soft smile.
"i- was just wondering if you'd go to hogsmeade with me this weekend." your face instantly heats, you nodded your head and responded with a small sure. "great. meet in the common room at 9:30?" you nodded your head and gave him a small smile.
the boys, watching this whole thing happen, were aghast. what do you mean our y/n is going on a date with a random boy. peter was shocked it took someone so long to ask you out. james was most horrified at what will be remus' reaction. sirius was most impressed that you accepted. remus had no reaction. his first thought was you were taken so it was funny jordan was even trying because they are dating and then he quickly realized his mistake. they weren't dating. they just... were.
once back in the gryffindor common room, it was awkward and the tension was so thick, sirius thought he was going to choke on it. "what the hell y/n"
"huh? what do you mean?" you asked, confused why he was upset with you.
"you have a date! can we come? are you just going to ditch us on a perfectly good saturday to go make out with a guy you don't know. you could barley even speak to us when we first met, how are you supposed to snog a rando?" sirius asked you, you instantly curling in on yourself. you wouldn't lie, you were also wondering some of those questions.
"she's allowed to hang out with other people besides us, sirius. and i'm sure she'll be just fine on a date. she'll snog the best she's ever had." james said, sitting next to you and patting you on the back.
remus was still focused on the snog part of conversation. you wouldn't snog him would you? how was he supposed to just be okay with this happening? he didn't want to make you feel bad or make it seem horrible that you were asked out, he just felt so shitty for not asking you out yet.
"no you can't come! that defeats the whole purpose of a DATE you idiot!" you yelled at sirius, exasperated, cheeks flushing red.
"but we could watch from a distance!" sirius yelled back at you.
"sirius. she's right. we can't go with her, that's the whole point of a date. she gets to go with him by herself. it'd be weird if we were just sitting at the next table over." remus said, putting a reassuring hand on your back, supporting you.
"remus! a word??" sirius aggressively stage whispered to him.
sirius quickly dragged remus to the boys hall around the corner and once stoped, hit remus in the chest.
"what is wrong with you? are you out of your everloving mind? your wife is going on a date with another man and all you have to say is that we can't go with her? you're supposed to pull the broody protective card you idiot."
"i'm sorry my WHAT?" remus sputters.
"your wife, your buns or whatever the fuck you call her. the girl that you are desperately in love with!!!!" sirius whispers yells at him.
"i'm walking away right now." remus replies, walking back into the common room that the rest of the group is in.
after a while of yelling and chaos and a few minutes of work, remus and you were left to yourselves for a few minutes.
"hey rem?" you ask from the other end the couch, back against the arm rest, your toes tucked under the side of his thighs. he looks up in response, pushing his glasses up to see your face clearer. "what does one do on a date? like should i prepare questions just in case or will he have questions prepared?" you ask, cheeks flushing, voice small, knowing you would only be able to ask him without dying from embarrassment.
"love, you don't have to prepare questions." he answered, no hint of condescending tones in his voice. "it should just flow pretty naturally. you just get to know each other. no big deal." he responds, rubbing your shins while he talks. you nod.
"but what if we run out things to talk about? like what if the only thing we have in common is being a hufflepuff? then what? and what if he tries to kiss me? i don't even know him! oh my god i should just stay home." you wilt into your hands.
"bun. you will be great. if he doesn't know how to keep the conversation going then thats his fault. you are the easiest person to get along with so its not your fault at all. and if you don't want to kiss him then don't. you don't have to do anything you don't want to do." he says, bringing your chin up with his thumb and pointer. your eyes met his, and his heart cracked a little with the overwhelming love that surrounds you in his mind.
"can i tell you something? you have to promise to never tell the other boys. ever." he nodded settling his hand on your legs. "promise." you whispered.
"i promise, bun."
"i've never been on a date. and i've never kissed anyone. hence the panicking." you whispered.
"what? how?" remus asked, shocked.
"no ones ever liked me like that i guess." you shrugged, feeling a little awkward with the way he responded.
"no, bun. i didn't mean to ask it like that. you just are so sweet and lovely the boys have missed out. there is nothing wrong with having done neither of those things. i'm not accusing you of anything, i'm mad at the boys of hogwarts." he scoffed as he reassured you.
your lips tipped up into a smile and you giggled at his dramatics.
"do you think he'll think i'm weird that i've never done those things before?"
"no, bun. if he does, then thats his problem, not yours. he needs to get over himself." remus replied, getting irritated at the idea that someone would have a problem with you.
"i'm so nervous, i already feel like i'm gonna throw up." you said, leaning forward and resting your forehead on his shoulder.
"love, you will be great. and he's the luckiest man alive that he gets to take you out." and while all of this was true, all remus could think about is how he would do ungodly things to be the one taking you out. he might just have to fix this.
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Hey Val!
So (if you've seen it) what do you think of episode 2?
Here's some thoughts!
When will Gangle know happiness... 
Kinger was adorable as always. I like how the others can rely on him when they're feeling emotionally vulnerable. That scene with Ragatha and her self-doubt, and how Kinger reassures her? I'm glad he has these moments of clarity. Old man even tries to help Pomni, even if he's bad at it. He's so well intentioned. <3
Jax is a terrible person. He was already very bad before, but somehow got worse. No care for his companions (Pomni and Gangle mostly), no care for the NPCs (he was very eager to see them die horribly). There's some indication Jax might have cared about Kaufmo, but overall, his attitude is so dissonant. It's hard to understand what's really going on inside his head.
I like that Ragatha didn't hold any grudges over Pomni abandoning her in episode 1. Ragatha is just so sweet. Constantly worrying for Pomni's well being, being considerate enough to try to cheer up Jax of all people. She makes a huge difference in this group, like a glue that keeps everyone together.
LOVED Gummigoo. Yeah I wasn't prepared for him. I didn't know what to expect of him (he looked like a serious bad guy type?), but what we got was so good. Loves his two gummy gator friends (wants to preserve their minds from the weight of self-awareness). His connection to Pomni, the way they could relate, it was all believable and palpable. Nice guy.
Pomni herself was my favorite. Compassionate, empathetic, expressing her thoughts calmly and sincerely. Determined, inventive - trying to find ways to get herself and Gummigoo out of that place. 
I think the fact that she spent most of these two episodes physically separated from everyone else was no coincidence. Pomni was disconnected from them. The dream sequence at the beginning? A reflection of her own doubts and fears. That she's nothing, or that no one in the circus would care if she was gone. So she, either intentionally or by happenstance, distanced herself. 
I'm super happy that the episode ended on a hopeful note. Pomni found that her companions would care for her and remember her, and so it turned her views on her head. She's not alone. She has people that she can rely on.....
(The Kaufmo funeral was very touching too, especially with Zooble organizing it. I've seen jokes that no one cared much that he died in episode 1, so seeing otherwise was pretty cool.)
I hold no ill will against Caine, and this is coming from someone who really really liked Gummygoo (literally screamed a big NOOO when he poofed). It's a little concerning how feral people are getting about Caine.
Speaking of Caine, I need understanding between them, I need it SO bad. He keeps making these little decisions that impact the human characters. Especially Pomni. And he's not even aware of how much it hurts them, or that it's harmful at all!!
The way some of them are so dismissive (Zooble waiting for him to go away), annoyed, or only see Caine as a bot that fixes things when everything goes wrong... it makes me think they've tried to reason with him before, and it didn't work, so now they treat him like the machine he is to them.
As of now, Pomni understands him as much as everyone else does. She's frustrated, she's livid, and she has every reason to want to punch his teeth in. But after episode 2???? Considering how sympathetic Pomni was with Gummigoo, an NPC/AI himself???? I have a little hope that Pomni can actually get through to Caine in the future.
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disneyprincemuke · 7 months
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midnights, 7 * mv1
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the news is out: three time world champion, max verstappen, and his girlfriend of 6 years have been broken up since the singapore weekend.
pairings: max verstappen x fem!reader
warnings: -
notes: wow i took thE longest break from this
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max isn’t typically the type to let panic settle in. at least, that’s what he likes to think. he likes to tell people he’s not bothered but outsiders are always quick to catch up with his suppressed emotions. 
alas, his worst fears have come true. news has broken that you’ve been broken up for almost 2 months. 
he has not been able to talk about it with daniel, so he can only imagine how things will break down in austin. 
he hopes that it’s not actually that big of a deal. plenty of other drivers have gotten themselves in messier breakups — the post doesn’t seem to touch on any speculations about how yours had come about. he can only bank on the hope that journalists are empathetic enough not to bring you up. 
but you’ve been very involved in his career and the cameras on the paddocks. they never missed the chance to have you speak into a mic or have a private conversation with you. 
pictures snapped of you together are never posted, but would be directly sent to either of you to truly encompass the privacy of your relationship. the respect shared between you and everyone on the paddocks was treasured, which is probably why your presence had been notable after you abruptly disappeared. 
he sinks into his couch, phone in hand as he stares at the pictures that sparked up speculations. it’s a low-quality picture of you leaving the red bull home, head down as your hair shied you away from the camera. the second picture is of him coming out of the building, hair dishevelled as he stood with his arms folded over his chest.
“what do i do?” max mumbles, his finger swiping over the screen again and again, staring at the two pictures. as if it would change the course of things if he did it enough. “do i talk to her?”
“i don’t know, man,” daniel sighs, his face in the far corner of max’s screen. “i mean, the best you can do is to wait it out, right?”
“rumours could spread,” charles mutters, looking away briefly with his eyes widened. “if i were you, i’d want to do some damage control. but that’s probably just me.”
max sits back, staring at the empty half of his hotel bed. your absence is always noted when he’s all alone and he's too awake for his own good, once having the luxury of your company and bright smile making him feel giddy.
the difference between this breakup and all of charles' is that there is no controversy in this one. as far as he's concerned, this is all speculation from photos that are now circulating the internet and your obvious absence on race weekends.
nobody can even really confirm if it's true unless you or max say something. for now, they're just rumours. right?
unless you've started speaking to people, and gossip platforms. but you wouldn't do any of that, or at least that's what he's telling himself. but from what he can dig out of the grave in his brain, there was nothing that happened between you that can be twisted.
but what does he know?
he can only keep praying to the fact that you'll keep it as private as you usually do.
his phone is buzzing endlessly, his other friends sending him texts as the news shocks them as much as the world. lando is asking him if he's holding up fine, martin is expressing how he feels for max, and his own mother asking him why he hadn't told her earlier.
only victoria's message will be getting an answer. after all, she's the first person that found out.
"should i talk to her?" max thinks out loud, maximising the facetime call to get a good look at his friends' reactions. "she never does well with things like this, what if people are bothering her?"
charles' picture is overtaken by alexandra's face, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. "you wanna talk to her?"
max shrugs. "i don't know. maybe?"
"would that be the best choice though?" daniel tilts his head. behind him, heidi is approaching cautiously with a small smile. "babe, what do you think?"
heidi shrugs as daniel's camera slowly turns to her. "my opinion is probably not - it's been two months. and judging by the comments that i read, i don't think there's much disrespect that has to be told off publicly."
alexandra nods as charles slowly comes back into the frame next to her. "it's up to you, max. as of right now, it doesn't seem that serious."
max sighs again, this time louder as he feels everything coming down on him. he drops his head back and stares at the ceiling. "i don't know, you guys," he sighs again loudly. "i just want to know if she's alright."
"maybe not now, mate," charles answers sympathetically, frowning at him through the camera.
"just wait it out. it could die down quicker than you think," daniel says hopefully.
max nods, now suddenly feeling disinterest in their conversation. he only craves to be by himself now. "alright, i'll catch you guys in a bit," his eyes turn to the cats sleeping peacefully on the cat tree, "i've got to feed the cats."
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taglist: @merchelsea @leclercdream @labelledejourr @laneyspaulding19 @lpab @graciewrote @hollie911 @thatsojasminesworld @mycenterfold @princessria127 @ironmaiden1313 @dl-yum @crlsummer @brekkers-whore @minkyungseokie @honethatty12 @barelytolerabled @vellicora @lokigoeschoki @avg-golden-retriever
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penandpaperdreams · 9 months
Are your characters too “perfect”? Struggling to give them negative traits?
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I’ve definitely fallen into the trap of making my protagonists and side characters too “perfect” before. It’s an easy mistake to make, but it can lead to your characters feeling one-dimensional if you’re too afraid to make them seem morally grey.
Here’s a very simple method:
1. Take a character’s main positive trait. Let’s take Hermione Granger, for example - her intelligence is a defining aspect of her character.
2. Exaggerate it into a negative trait. In the instance of Hermione Granger, she can come across to the other characters as a know-it-all. She’s not always portrayed as perfect for her intelligence, which is what makes her character more interesting.
Using this method, we have a number of options for negative traits for an intelligent character - patronising, arrogant, smug - to name a few.
I use the Fatal Attraction theory for this, which suggests that we fall out of love with someone for the same reason we were initially attracted to them. So, if you grew to like someone because you liked how strong and dominant they are, you may become tired of that down the line when their behaviour is controlling.
I’ve illustrated a few examples for how to exaggerate common positive traits into negative ones in the image above, but I have a few more examples to share so you really get the idea:
1. Comic relief / funny - can’t be serious, humour as a coping mechanism
2. Dark and mysterious - emotionally distant
3. Creative - aloof
4. Loyal - neglects own needs, willing to hurt for those they love
5. Compassionate / empathetic - overstepping boundaries
6. Honesty - overly blunt
7. Responsible - too serious
8. Humility - lack of self-belief
9. Trusting - easy to manipulate, overshares personal information
10. Perceptive - rude
11. Flirtatious - inappropriate
12. Organised - controlling, “neat freak”
13. Easygoing - lack of care about serious matters
14. Flamboyant - can be too much for some
15. Spontaneous - puts self in danger
Of course, you don’t have to do this. You can just have a character be spiritual and creative without making them out-of-touch and aloof. It’s completely up to you!
Using a method such as this, even if you only apply it subtly, adds a touch of realism to your writing by making your characters feel more well-rounded. It means that their negative aspects are truly coming from a part of them, rather than selected at random and mashed together from a list online.
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adventuringblind · 4 months
Safety In Your Arms
Dando x Reader
Genre: Hurt-comfort, maybe spicy via implied smut
Summary: Sometimes things go horribly wrong, nothing like what you expected, and it sends you hurtling towards emotions you never asked for. Lando and Daniel hate to see her this way.
Warnings: implied sexual content prior to and post incident, r@pe, anxiety, panic attacks, worried partners
Notes: Not sure this is exactly what you wanted because I don't write r@pe fantasies... regardless I hope the requester likes it :)
Side Note: Please leave notes! I think I might have been shadow banned recently as my fics are not being interacted with as much as they used to. Maybe it's just me being self-conscious because I know I couldn't care but I do.
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Her heart thumping in her ears is all she can hear. Just last night, this had been something special and intimate. It was beautiful and loving. Now a stranger thinks he take something that isn't his.
Daniel and Lando are the only ones aloud to touch her like this. Their touch sends shivers down her spine in a pleasant way. This man makes her burn. His grip keeping her pinned to the wall feels like lighter being held against the bare flesh of her hips.
She was almost to the room. Back to the safety of her boys. Just up the stairs and down the hall. Curse the elevator for not working.
She's not sure where the adrenaline comes from. Her fight or flight response is pulling from some unknown energy reserve. It's enough for her to push him off her.
He falls backwards down the stairs. He's disoriented but still conscious. He looks like he might fight his way back to her and finish what he started.
She bolts. Her legs carry her to the door of her shared room. Fists bang on the door in terror.
The door to the stairwell slams open. She leans her weight into the door and slides down. Tears stream down her face at the hopelessness she feels in this situation.
The door flings open. Daniel on the other side catches her crumbling body before it hits the ground. She pushes inside and finds the farthest corner of the room.
She sees the silhouette of the man come to face Daniel. Lando is crouched down in front of her, trying to coax some kind of explanation out of her. She's too worked up to respond.
The loud crack of Daniel's knuckles fills her ears. Her attacker stumbles backwards once more, this time he's out cold. His body falls to the ground, with a soft thud muffled only by the carpeted floors.
Lando exchanges a few words with Daniel. The ringing in her ears makes it hard to understand. It's not until Lando hands her his sweatshirt to hold and Daniel is on the phone that she registers the safety.
"He - He - I was -" She can't even get the words out. Not without realizing how pathetic she sounds.
"Okay, breathe now love, you're safe." She takes a few breathes with Lando. "Can we try some yes or no questions?"
She hesitantly shakes her head yes. Slowly, she reaches to Lando. He intertwines his fingers with hers and both of them relax.
"Did her hit you at all?"
Yes. When he first got her against the wall.
"Did he touch you anywhere intimate?" Lando looks like he's trying not to cringe.
Yes. Everywhere. It burns still.
Lando look on the verge of tears. He's always been empathetic, hurting with them. "Did he - did he rape you?"
She breaks. Burries her face in Lando's sweatshirt and wails. Lando is careful not to touch her in any harsh way; lets her lead him.
Daniel clambers onto the floor with them. She doesn't look at him, but she knows he's there and that's enough. "Love, I'm so sorry this happened to you. The authorities are on their way to take, whoever that was, away. The question now is how you want to go forward." Daniel takes a heavy breath before continuing when she doesn't respond. "We have to go to the hospital, love. I don't want you to suffer any more than you already have."
She's still crying as they bundle her up in Lando's sweatshirt and Daniel's sweats. The soft baggy ones she steals from him all the time regardless.
"Dan, what about... him?" Lando stares at the man lying on the floor. She has to will herself not to vomit at the sight of him.
"I'll meet you there, okay? The police should be here soon." Lando looks hesitant to leave without Daniel. The Aussie plants a reassuring kiss to his forehead. "Take care of our girl, yeah?"
By the time they get checked in, Daniel texts that he's on his way. She hasn't said anything else since the hotel room, but Lando kindly offers her one of his airpods. The music helps, if only a little.
The nurse takes her back to the room alone. She wails the entire time until they let Lando, now with Daniel on his heels, back with her.
She dissociates through the entire visit. Not coherent enough to answer anything but yes or no questions.
The next few days are more of them same. Only getting out of bed to sit in the shower. The water hot enough to burn away her skin.
Daniel tells Max they had an emergency but doesn't go into any details. Max lets them fly out with him. She doesn't talk to him. Too tired to use any energy on conversation.
Daniel and Lando respect her space. They ask before touching her. They announce their presences, especially if they are behind her.
The bruises fade eventually. It's not like the physical evidence was going to remain on her forever. Still, with his handprints gone for her sight, they burn her every time the area is touched.
She doesn't wear anything aside from Lando and Daniel's clothes that are too big on her. Not until they are back in Monaco for the summer break. Four months after the incident.
Daniel gently coaxes her out of the warm clothing. The boys give her space until she's ready to join them and respect her boundaries when she asks not to be touched.
Her skin still burns.
By the end of summer break, she's had time to work her way up to new things. Small bits of skin-on-skin contact and hugs are quickly becoming her new lifeline. She missed being able to not fear the touch of another. Her mind tends to forget she's safe and fights anyone who tries to get to close.
By September she's able to sleep in the same bed as them without waking up panicked that they are going to hurt her in some way. The nightmares remain, but now she clings to the two males when she wakes crying.
On a particularly charged night filled with celebrations. The three of them work through it at her pace. She sets boundaries like her therapist had told her to do. Daniel and Lando tell her everything they are going to do before they lay a finger on her.
She missed this.
She missed them.
Their hands don't burn her skin anymore.
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rookiesbookies · 3 months
Gaz and his Loser as the next part of my Sex Doll AU. This was much asked for and edited by my lovely mutual @shotmrmiller
Gaz’s story of getting bought goes much like all the others. His loser saw an ad on a social media app. She clicked it accidentally and it took her to the sleazy website. He cost a pretty penny but she had the extra cash to spare, so she figured why not. As the girl's cursor hovered over his image on the screen she went ahead and clicked buy.
His arrival was clunky. Getting him through the door was annoying, but he definitely could have been more difficult. She had waited to open him until a special day when she felt she could use the companionship. She did her best to understand the instructions of the manual, which was in some unknown or gargled print of a language she couldn’t recognize.
Gaz awoke with a start, the memories of his previous owner fading away as if it had never happened. Just a flash.
He looked around the unfamiliar room, taking in his new surroundings. It was dimly lit, with plush furniture and expensive decor. He could hear soft music playing in the background.
And then he saw her.
She was standing by the door, looking at him with a curious expression on her face. She was beautiful, everything he could have craved.
His eyes roamed over the silky fabric that hugged her curves, a delicate lingerie in a seductive shade of pink-red. The sight made his breath hitch, and he found himself struggling to keep it steady as he took in every inch of her exposed skin. He could feel his pulse quicken at the mere sight of her, and all he could do was let out a heavy exhale as desire coursed through him.
She seemed nervous under his gaze, his eyes didn't hold scrutiny but she didn't know what to expect... He finally registered how exposed she was. Crotchless panties and a heart shape. Valentine's Day. His poor loser is single on Valentine's Day.
"All ready for me, love?" He teased breathlessly. "Come on, don't be embarrassed."
There was something about him that felt more human, more empathetic. He felt like more than just a sex toy, definitely more than whatever he was marketed as. She could tell he was probably worth more than whatever she paid for him.
"Well, I may not be your ideal Valentine's date but I promise to make it special for you."
She almost couldn't form words as he grew closer, speaking into her lips, "Tell me what you want."
She responded eagerly, leaning to kiss him.
Their lips met in a fervent dance of desire, a tangle of tongues and teeth as they each sought to consume the other. Her hands roamed his body, feeling the firm muscles beneath his shirt, while he cupped her face gently as if she were the most delicate thing in the world. The air between them crackled with anticipation, charged with an undeniable electricity that sent shivers down her spine.
As their kiss deepened, he slowly began to trail kisses down her neck, his warm breath sending tingles across her skin. She tilted her head back in silent invitation, giving him better access to the curve of her throat. With each feather-light touch of his lips, she let out a soft sigh of pleasure, her body responding instinctively to his every move.
He moved lower still, his lips leaving a trail of fire along her collarbone and down to the swell of her breasts. He continued to move down her body and to her crotchless panties, smiling greedily as he dove in.
She was now completely at his mercy, and she relished in the feeling, knowing that he would take her to heights of pleasure she had only dreamed of.
Finally, he reached her crotchless panties and smiled greedily as he dove in. His tongue flicked against her clit, sending waves of electric pleasure through her body. She let out a moan as his skilled tongue continued its exploration, teasing and taunting her until she was writhing beneath him.
His fingers were long and slender, gliding in and out of her with ease. They glistened with her arousal, moving in a steady rhythm that mirrored the rise and fall of her chest.
Her body writhed beneath him, her skin flushed and glistening in the dim light of the room, growing slicker as it went on. His fingers disappeared between her thighs, moving in a quick and skilled rhythm. Pleasure flooded her senses, her mouth watering with the taste of him on her lips.
Her skin flushed pink as he stroked her clit, his fingers moving in a skilled dance. She arched her back and her breasts rose and fell with each desperate breath. His focused gaze on her body showed a burning desire, mirroring her own.
Her mouth went dry as he found her sweet spot, dragging his tongue along her folds and tasting her arousal as his fingers wiggled within. She could taste the salt of her skin on his lips, making her crave more of his touch.
The scent of sex filled the air, a heady mixture of sweat and desire that made her pulse race even faster. As she grew closer to climax, the scent intensified, making his desire for her nearly uncontrollable.
Her moans filled the room, growing louder and more desperate with each moment. The sound of their breathing and the slick movements of his fingers echoed off the walls, heightening the intensity of their passionate encounter.
Just as she was about to reach the peak of pleasure, he suddenly removed himself from between her legs. She let out a whimper of protest, her body craving his touch.
But he had something else in mind. He stripped off his clothes completely, revealing his toned and muscular body to her hungry gaze.
She caught her breath at the sight of him, feeling a rush of desire pulse through her veins. Without any hesitation, he dove back in between her thighs, his mouth hungrily finding hers as he inserted himself between her slick folds.
She let out a gasp at the sudden feeling of fullness, pleasure shooting through every nerve in her body. His spit added an extra layer of slickness and heat as he thrust into her with a steady rhythm. He folded one of her legs up over his shoulder, wrapping around his waist as he began to move after her breathing leveled out.
Their bodies moved together in perfect synchronization, their breathing growing ragged and heavy as they both chased after their own release.
Her mind couldn't wrap around the sex. It felt like he was fitted perfectly to serve the master that is her body. He fit perfectly, like the missing piece to her puzzle.
Her nails dug into his shoulders as she arched into him, lost in the intense pleasure coursing through her veins. The only sounds that filled the room were their moans and gasps for air, mingling together in a symphony of passion.
As they both reached the peak of ecstasy together, their bodies tensed and shuddered in sort of unison. Like his was triggered by her body's release at a deeper level beyond just good sex. An intense wave of pleasure washed over them both, leaving them both breathless and satisfied.
They collapsed onto the floor in a tangle of limbs and sweaty skin, their hearts still racing from the intensity of their encounter.
He pulled her close to him, kissing away any lingering doubts or fears that may have been within her mind.
Masterlist is pinned on profile as always, check out my AU list for more like this. Don’t forget to leave me a comment (i always try to respond) or a request in my inbox (i also try to respond to these when I can), a reblog, or even just a like to let me know what yall want to see!
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fairlyang · 4 months
Let you break my heart again II🕷️
will your friendship be strong enough or will it be easy to crack through?
w/c: 2.9K
pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
tags: angst, more heartbreak, no more playboy, typical girl best friend problems, crazy gf, cheating allegations, betrayal, heartbreak, the end
notes: I dragged a lil ass I wanted it done the next day but writer brain </3 FINAL PART !!!!! (My original idea was for mig to only admit his feelings to reader after she got gwen stacy’ed)
part one
Months had passed and this girlfriend actually stuck around. He didn’t get rid of her and he somehow didn’t grow bored of her like he had with the others.
The worst part had to be when they made the three month point and he decided it was finally time for her to meet you.
That day your nerves had grown and you weren’t so sure you’d be able to do it. To pull through and not just burst out crying when you watch as he looks at her with pure love in his eyes.
It looked like his playboy days were over and he was finally ready for a solid relationship.
You barely made it through the night and if it weren’t for Peter’s hugs and MJ’s comforting words when Dana went to touch up her makeup and Miguel went to go change clothes, you would’ve been an absolute goner.
It was getting late and Peter offered to take you home to which you immediately accepted. Miguel then offered to take you after dropping Dana off but you politely declined.
Especially after seeing how wide her eyes got and she was (not so) subtly glaring at you.
Usually girlfriends would hate the girl best friend just because they’re a girl, but in this case Dana is a smart girl, and she had an instant inkling of your feelings towards him.
Even though you’ve remained respectful like you always have been when meeting his girlfriends, she didn’t like that Miguel had a girl best friend.
She kept her mouth shut and pretended she was fine but slowly piecing things together in her head.
So after saying your goodbyes and leaving Miguel’s apartment it didn’t take long for you to break down in the backseat of Peter’s car with an empathetic MJ trying to console you.
It only grew more difficult to hide your true feelings. Especially because Miguel would now bring Dana to group hangouts. Which makes some sense, even though Peter and MJ were just friends when you met them, then grew feelings for one another.
Alas you had no choice but to suck it up.
Three more months passed by and your love for him never faded. He didn’t even treat you that differently either which did end up causing some trouble for him from Dana. She apparently didn’t like how close you guys were, even if you did know each other since you were 14.
She claimed she should be his only best friend and what else could he really ask for.
He told her that you’d always be his best friend and he wasn’t going to toss you out just because she wants to be his only best friend. He can have multiple best friends.
How could he throw away an 8 year long friendship?
He then called her crazy for thinking she can control who he’s friends with.
So she recalled his words right back to him when she randomly ended up befriending his younger half-brother, Gabriel, merrily weeks after that argument.
Miguel wouldn’t ever tell you the specifics of the argument, mainly because in a sense he wanted to protect you. He didn’t want you to feel bad that his girlfriend didn’t like you, (as if you didn’t already know) and that she wanted him to drop you.
So when hanging out just as a pair he’d only tell you he was frustrated with her. He told you that she had befriended Gabriel and you only saw red flags but kept quiet.
You tried to remain cautious of what you’d say when he’d come to you about relationship problems. Obviously deep down you want to tell him to break up with her because she’s toxic and controlling but it wasn’t the best idea as the supposed girl best friend that “isn’t” in love with her best friend.
So you told him to maybe spend less time with you, mostly because you genuinely couldn’t think of an actual suitable solution.
But it didn’t matter because ultimately he denied that idea quickly and looked deeply in your eyes promising you, “you’ll always be my best friend. Nothing’s going to change that.”
If only he knew and kept to his promise.
It was now two months after that conversation was had and a whirlwind of actions, words, and lies would turn everything around.
You went to eat some lunch at a cafe outside of campus when your phone died on the way back. You were fine without relying on your phone and just thought you’d charge it during your next lecture on your laptop.
As you finally hit campus and walked past different students sitting around the grass and benches, your eyes focused on a familiar head with its brown bob.
You sigh and felt your heart ache as you walked past Dana eating Miguel’s face out in public like that.
Until you took a double take and dread hit you after realizing it wasn’t Miguel she was making out with. It was fucking Gabriel.
You couldn’t believe she was just openly cheating on Miguel like it was nothing.
You stood a couple feet from them and you couldn’t believe this was real. You blinked, rubbed your eyes, and blinked again but sure enough it was the younger O’Hara brother with a red scarf and those goofy ass (but recognizable) goggles.
You gulped and took your phone out only for the screen to show that it was dead.
You mentally panicked and were afraid they’d catch you so you quickly ran inside and immediately headed straight to your lecture hall.
The klutz in you unfortunately never went away so you nearly fell as soon as you accidentally hit a body after making a turn.
Horror filled your eyes and body as Miguel held onto your shoulders, trying to see what was wrong.
Your eyes were wide and your heart was racing wildly, you couldn’t possibly do this right now.
“I- M-Mig- uh- ‘m l-late for c-chem- sorry!” You stuttered and pushed past him to get to class and manage your thoughts properly.
As soon as you made it and sat at your unassigned assigned seat that happened to be next to MJ, who was worried to see you so stunned, held your hand and tried to get you to be calm because you looked so distressed.
You hadn’t even realized your hands and legs were shaking. How could they not be?
You just witnessed the most brutal betrayal of all time and there was no concrete evidence whatsoever.
Your first instant thought was that Miguel wouldn’t believe you.
He was full on in love with Dana now, in what world would he believe the love of his love would be cheating on him?
Not only cheating on him but cheating on him with his brother?!?
MJ’s mouth was moving but you couldn’t hear a word, you couldn’t even read her lips. All your brain was set on was how of fucking course it had to be you who caught Dana’s ass cheating.
How fast she’d turn it onto you would be so insane. Disgusting even.
What if she exposed your feelings towards him?
What if she could convince him you’re lying?
All you could do is pray he’d believe his ole reliable best friend over a girl he’s been with for 6 months and his brother he never really got along with.
MJ was eventually able to catch your attention but it took the entire lesson for her to get a peep out of you. And that peep only happen to be a sad whisper of Miguel’s name.
As your phone finally charged your first instinct was to text Miguel, quickly typing the words, “need to see you, my place after class?”
He quickly responded with a simple, “sounds good.” Then followed by a, “should I be worried?” Which you had no response to.
You quietly told MJ the unfortunate news to which she nearly gasped out loud. Her eyes were wide and she finally understood why you were so freaked out.
The lecture had finally ended and you collected all your things while MJ was quietly asking you questions to which you quietly answered.
Following your tail as you left the lecture hall and off to find Peter to quickly fill him in, and to help with your nerves because you didn’t even know how to start off that conversation with Miguel.
They were both giving you suggestions on how to break it down gently to him while Peter drove you back to your place.
You could feel the anxiety building in your stomach and it felt so scary not knowing how he’ll react.
And it overall felt even worse that you couldn’t take a video or a picture. This was practically a test to see if he’d trust you enough to tell him the truth or just make up a lie.
You could only pray that he’d believe your words over hers but you couldn’t even begin to prepare yourself in case he didn’t.
How could he not believe you? Even if you’ve been desperately in love with him you’d never do anything to purposely destroy any of his relationships.
You were just too kind-hearted to ever even think about doing that.
Would he really have it in him to not trust your words anymore?
Will he believe her words over yours?
Will this lifelong friendship finally come to its end like Dana has been wanting from the very beginning?
Finally you had arrived at your apartment and you still felt uneasy. Miguel’s car wasn’t in sight until you heard the revving of his car and that’s when things started to get real.
They gave you their final words of encouragement before you got out and climbed up the steps to wait for him.
He parked behind Peter and as he got out you could slightly hear him ask if they were gonna come in to which they obviously said no.
He shrugged and walked over to you as you unlocked the first door before stepping in and walking to the left door that lead up to your apartment.
“Hey are you okay? You seemed shaken up earlier.” He said, walking in and shutting the first door behind him.
You walked in and stepped aside to let him go in then shut the door behind him. The anxiety returned and you weren’t so sure how to start it all off once you turned around to look at him.
Your heart ached and although you might’ve been filled with jealousy for months on end, you would never pray he would get hurt this way.
You always wanted happiness for him, even if it wasn’t with you.
And now that he had it, you had to break his heart.
How could you possibly let him down gently?
You felt your hands beginning to sweat and your legs started shaking again which he instantly noticed and grabbed you, carefully leading you to the couch.
He sat you down and sat right next to you, gently holding your hands, wondering what could possibly have given you such a drastic reaction.
You desperately tried to calm yourself but it was to no use. Your body was panicking inside and out, giving away that this was something serious.
You still didn’t know how to even start.
So you just blurted it out.
“Dana cheated on you.”
Silence filled the room.
You could’ve sworn he could hear your heart pounding out of your chest. He was frozen and immediate tears formed in his eyes.
This was so fucked up.
In all these years of being his shoulder to cry on, you were petrified that it would come to an end. In a way you kind of always relied on him being there no matter what.
This whole situation could make or break that.
“I saw Dana making out with Gabriel on campus…” you whispered before adding, “I’m so sorry.”
You had never felt so nervous in your life. You moved one hand from his and held his while he stared down at the floor.
You were subconsciously tapping your foot on the ground because the anxiety had just taken control and the silence was already killing you.
You couldn’t help but feel sympathetic, he truly has never been so happy, and now it’s just gone.
You looked at his face and as soon as you did, his tears started pouring out. One hot tear fell after another and you grabbed him, him embracing you as he cried into your shoulder.
You felt sick to your stomach, it felt like the most unfortunate thing to ever have happened to you.
Having to tell the love of your life that his girlfriend cheated on him.
Having to see how heartbroken he was.
Nothing would’ve prepared you for his reaction.
The quiet sobs and light shaking.
The way his hands were trembling while holding on to you.
You just hugged him as tightly as you could and gently rubbed his back to try to soothe him. Maybe it was past trauma that suddenly hit him, that he started to sob a little louder.
Your heart was practically breaking right with his. You felt downright horrible and weren’t sure how you could possibly help him. Only thing you could do was be with him, and you’d be with him for as long as he needed.
And you were.
Like the absolute best friend, of course you were.
The day after you explained in full, what you witnessed and he stayed at your place for a solid week before he decided to talk to Dana and listen to what she had to say. You offered to go with him but he said it was best you stayed, though he did really want your support but didn’t think it would be appropriate.
It was midday on a Friday when he had the call and he didn’t come back that night.
Or the next.
Or after that.
You had no fucking clue what was said and neither did Peter nor MJ.
Monday morning your mind kept thinking worst case scenarios which had you feeling uneasy as you were walking on campus to your first lecture.
Suddenly you stopped with Peter and MJ following suit at the sight in front of you. Miguel’s arms wrapped around Dana’s with Gabriel standing in front of them laughing at something.
That was the moment you felt your heart shatter into pieces at the realization of what happened.
Your words weren’t enough.
And in his emotional state and her false sweet voice she definitely used, of course he fell for whatever lying words she told him.
Her manipulative and crazy ass didn’t help from the pain this brought you.
He was your best friend.
Falling hopelessly and desperately in love with someone who was once a shy little nerd that would be there everyday for you, to now a man who doubted his best friend’s word for a girl he knew for less than a year.
8 years.
8 years you had known each other and not once ever lied to one another.
All of a sudden in his mind it makes sure that you lied about something as graphic as this.
All of a sudden he believes her words over your own.
Absolutely nothing could’ve prepared you for the way your heart ached and all you felt was hopelessness.
When Gabriel slightly moved, Miguel was now in clear view of you three, more specifically you.
The most vicious glare was all he was giving you meanwhile Dana only had a mischievous smirk on her face which gave you all the confirmation you needed.
Peter shook his head in disgust while MJ grabbed you, making you walk in the direction of your lecture while Peter walked behind you both before stepping up to him and muttering, “The truth will hit you hard one day.”
And boy did it.
Three months after that Miguel was going back to his place to cook a romantic dinner only to catch Gabriel giving Dana backshots on the kitchen counter.
Immediate regret hit him and he realized you were indeed telling him the truth.
He realized Dana’s bold lie that you were the liar, and made that stuff up about her was because you wanted to steal him from her, was indeed not real. That you weren’t deeply in love with him and needed to fabricate the perfect lie to finally steal him.
But before they both left (half dressed), Dana had to let him know that he was the easiest to manipulate out of all her exes. Then that the reality was that you were in love with him, the only lie being just that you didn’t plan anything.
She just hated girl best friends but also wasn’t in the mood for something so serious. She wanted a cop out. A way out.
So she figured you were the easiest target and making up that his other two friends, who she also didn’t like, were also in on it, was the best way to go about it.
The only reason she came back to Miguel was because she grew bored of Gabriel and wanted him back.
And he fell right into her trap.
And there was no way to fix or mend what he so badly broke.
It was far too late.
But at last, you’d never let him break your heart again.
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amazinglyegg · 5 months
a bit of an angsty ask-- could you do companions react to sole having a panic attack?
Of course! Angsty prompts are my favorite <3
Companions react: Sole having a panic attack
Includes: Cait, Curie, Codsworth, Danse, Deacon, Gage, Hancock, Maccready, Maxson, Nick, Piper, Preston, and X6
As long as she’s known Sole for more than a few days she’ll be pretty decent at comfort
She gets it. Panic attacks suck. All she can do is try to make it less-sucky.
Won’t get all sappy or dramatic but will just sit with Sole somewhere and remind them that they’re alright
She also won’t let it overstay it’s welcome either, if that makes sense.
Once the panic attack is over and Sole’s willing to continue Cait will just get up and go along with her day, not bringing extra attention to what happened or trying to talk about it or anything
Catch her re-reading (or even writing) notes while Sole’s panicking
Obviously Sole’s comfort is top priority but Curie doesn’t remember everything she’s supposed to do! She’s gotta read up on it!
“Think about something nice… like a field of flowers, or a puppy!”
She's very empathetic so she might end up crying a bit alongside Sole, and will probably tell Sole to just ignore her and focus on themself
Great at talking through emotions with! She'll never judge Sole for what they're feeling, even if it's "irrational" or "dramatic". Emotions are confusing, she gets it!
Codsworth will do whatever he can to make up for his lack of ability to give physical comfort
Blankets, drinks, distractions via books or games, more blankets…
A lot of verbal comfort as well, but he might gear towards gentle jokes or stories rather than traditional comfort
He will mother-hen Sole for a while, even after the panic attack is over. Acts of service is his love language and he really wants Sole to know how much he loves them!
Might stress-clean afterwards, he’s just really worried about Sole and has a bit of abandonment issues he's gotta work through
Surprisingly he’s not terrible at helping!
Gets Sole away from the situation, gives them some water, asks simple yes/no questions, etc. etc.
You can kind of tell he has a mental checklist going on and once he exhausts it he just kinda sits there and waits for the panic attack to end
Other than that he has no real clue what to say, so don't expect much more than a "there, there" and an awkward shoulder pat
He's definitely open for Sole if they need to vent or whatever but he's terrible at letting them know that, so Sole will probably have to be the one to initiate any further conversations about it
Catch him reading some medical book written in the 1900's for advice and going up to Sole like "Have you tried cocaine?"
Uhh. Panic.
Deacon is NOT good with these things! Lots of awkward laughter and (gentle) jokes and tense body language that kinda makes Sole a little more stressed
He’ll get better with time (and practice) though, although he may still need Sole to tell him what they need from him from time to time
He IS good at reading body language and such, so it won't take long for him to pick up details like whether they want to be touched or not
Definitely mentally noting down what triggers Sole’s anxiety so he can help them avoid it in the future
Will straight up admit he has no clue what to do.
Doesn’t want to make things worse and doesn’t want to accidentally piss off Sole so he’ll probably just give them space and leave a beer next to them
The best Sole will get out of him is a pat on the back
Does defend Sole from any onlookers and will gently guide them somewhere more private if there are people around when they have the panic attack
To him, he'd be mortified if anyone saw him panicking like that! Catch him telling Sole embarrassing stories about himself so they feel better about being that vulnerable around him (even if they don't mind at all)
I think he’ll be good at recognizing the signs of a panic attack and comforting Sole even if they aren’t super close yet
He’s just the type of guy to get along with strangers, and that goes with comforting them too
He’ll rub Sole’s back and talk them through it quietly without drawing too much attention to it
He’s willing to just continue the conversation or act like nothing’s happening if it’ll help Sole - sometimes ignoring it will make it go away faster!
Generally just lets Sole take the lead and picks up on what they want/need from him
Nick Valentine
Okay we all know he'd be AMAZING at this
He'd notice Sole's anxiety, potentially before they even have the panic attack, and will lead them away somewhere calmer to de-stress
He's great at reassuring them of whatever they need to hear ("It's going to be okay, you're safe, I'm here...) and he'll stay calm and composed in the process
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he kept like, a stuffed animal or something in his giant coat of his for this reason
Might be hesitant on physical touch, or even eye contact - he's self conscious and afraid he'll freak them out with his eyes or metal hand
WILL let them wear his coat like a blanket though... if they can excuse the smell of cigarettes
He doesn’t know what to do but he can’t just leave them, so he’ll try anything really
Talking them through breathing exercises, keeping them away from crowds/busy areas, patting their shoulder awkwardly, hell he’ll even give them a hug if they ask
Tries to just be there for them, even if he doesn’t really know what to say or do
Might just resort to “keeping watch” by sitting a few feet away from them with a gun, both so they can have their space and so they know they’re safe and he’s still within earshot.
Definitely a “just calm down” / “just breathe” type of guy
Either that or he’ll straight up panic and send Sole to the med bay thinking they're having a heart attack
He’s never really had anyone to role model good responses to these kinds of situations before! He’s trying his hardest but he has no clue what to do
He WANTS to know what to say though, so if Sole explains it to him after the fact he’ll pay attention and use their advice for any future panic attacks
Canonically he views mental health as just as important as physical health, so he will definitely take Sole seriously and do whatever it takes to keep them happy and healthy
“Haha what’s wrong Sole?? 😀 … oh shit what’s wrong 😥” type of reaction
Basically it might take her a bit to realize Sole’s having a panic attack, but she’ll do what she can to help once she notices it
Takes “rest and digest” literally - will give Sole food and tuck them into bed if she can
Might try to throw every coping strategy she knows at Sole all at once in hopes one of them will work well
Uhh BREATHING and FOOD and and PET DOGMEAT do you want to go on a walk?? How about some hot chocolate???
Might be a good idea for Sole to make a checklist for her to go down one by one...
Great at speaking gently and keeping Sole from panicking more
Slow movements, low voice, maybe holding their hand or rubbing their back comfortingly
He doesn’t always know exactly what to say so he’ll focus on self-soothing for himself to help Sole calm down as well
Things like taking deep breaths so Sole can follow along or going on a walk with them
He's also very respectful of their space and privacy, and will immediately give them space if they ask for it (even though he's almost worried sick about them)
Will reassure them that he doesn't think any differently of them or their ability to lead the Minutemen!
I think X6 would actually be pretty good at comforting Sole, all things considered
The last thing you need while having a panic attack is other people panicking as well, right?
And X6 will definitely stay calm, that’s for certain.
He might also end up overloading Sole with facts about panic attacks though
Sole will be like “I think I’m having a heart attack” and X6 will respond by giving a list of every single symptom of both to compare and contrast as proof it's a panic attack
You can definitely catch him silently panicking the first time Sole has a panic attack though
He’s not good with emotions man he’s trying his hardest
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directdogman · 11 months
Dialtown short story + art piece - Wheels Within Wheels
Finally went through with polishing the short 6 page story about Mingus + God discussing the possibility of restoring Crown’s memory! This scene was devised originally as a potential flashback for the final route, but the flashback scenes were cut because they made the final route feel too narratively disjointed imo. Now you guys get to hear a conversation that you wouldn’t have otherwise!
I’m not the best narrative/descriptive writer in the world (and even then, I’m not 100% happy with it), but hey, at least this way people get something to gawk at :)
Rhythmic mechanical whirs resonated from the complex system of exposed gears on display, their ceaseless revolutions punctuating the resounding silence of a still operating room with a dim, but reliable tick. Wheels within wheels, revolutions within revolutions. After a prolonged, sterile pause, the mayor's alert stare shifted from the head of the centenarian titan lying on the operating table in front of her to meet the rueful gaze of the sole conscious person in her vicinity.
"So?" the mayor asked her guest, her tone firm and imposing, "What do you think?" The man to her left stood with a meek, shiftless posture, discomfort plastered across the face displayed on the CRT screen in the place of an organic face. "Yeah..." the man trailed off, his eyes glancing slowly from the controlled chaos within the patchwork phone to meet the mayor's hungry gaze, "...I don't think there's anything I can do." Pearlescent white fangs materialized as the mayor's maw contorted into a sneer. "You barely LOOKED." the mayor snarled back at the man, prompting the man to lean back slightly, putting distance between himself and the rage bubbling within the mayor. "I took as long as I needed to know I don't have the remotest idea how to fix this." the man replied, his voice almost a murmur. The mayor's eyes fixated on the man's face as she took an imposing step forward.
"So..." the mayor snarled, lowering her head while keeping her gaze fixed, "...You're refusing to try?" Sensing imminent danger, the man held his hands out shakily and uttered his hesitant defense. "N-No, no, it's not-" the man stammered, wringing his hands, "It's not THAT, ma'am, I just... I wouldn't know where to BEGIN, y'know?" The mayor's gaze loosened as she slowly nodded her head in reluctant comprehension. "The way I see it..." the authoritative tabby declared, "...Given Paw-Paw's near-constant lack of lucidity, consistent inability to recognize others, and TOTAL lack of awareness of his surroundings, ANY meaningful change would logically have to be positive, correct?" The hound's eyes shifted towards the floor, unable to meet the mayor's engrossed stare. "I mean… I could blind him, deafen him..." the man muttered back, still staring at the floor, "Hell, I could KILL him. There's... substantial risk with me touching anything in there." The mayor scoffed resentfully at the feeble hesitation exuding from her guest's replies. "No achievement is bereft of risk. I didn't get where I am without taking risks." the mayor affirmed, her tone and posture seeping with grandiosity, "My Paw-Paw didn't get where HE did by shying away from peril." "...Certainly not, ma'am." the man muttered, as his wincing gaze shifted back to the geriatric governor lying on the operating table.
"Y'know, if anything happens to him from me meddling..." the man uttered, his voice almost a whisper now, "You'd hold ME responsible." The mayor rolled her eyes. "So, you're asking me for total impunity before you act, is that it?" the mayor asked, folding her arms impatiently, "You're asking me to promise that I'll spare you should you make an error." "It's not just that, ma'am." the tattered guest replied, as his expression shifted from fearful agitation to an empathetic peer, "Are you willing to throw the dice, knowing it'd likely mean that it'd likely mean losing your Paw-Paw? Have you considered what that could do to you?" For a fraction of a second, the mayor's stare loosened, as her mind visibly considered a possibility too agonizing to contemplate. Within a second, the mayor's face shifted back to its invulnerable and imposing leer.
"Think of how much better off we'd all be if you WERE to restore his memory." the mayor asserted, decisively gripping the man's right arm, "This isn't just about what I want. You'd be saving the whole human race." The man peered down to notice the mayor's claws embedded into his sleeve, causing him to stumble backwards, glancing uncomfortably from the unmoving relic on the table to the bargaining tyrant as he relinquished himself from her grip. "Look, I, uhhh- I wouldn't be the most qualified person to, uhhh-" the man stuttered, his body now trembling slightly, "Maybe you're better off getting a neurosurgeon to take a look at your Paw-Paw." A scoff sounded from the mayor as her expression twisted into an embittered sneer.
"I've HAD scores of neurosurgeons summoned in here from around the COUNTRY." the mayor spat back at her guest, "Not one of them had so much as an INKLING of how to fix my Paw-Paw." The mayor's sneer shifted into a defeated scowl. "Each relented that their skills mainly lie in correcting organic defects, NOT in prying data from fine-tuned machinery." the mayor stated, enthusiasm fading from her voice. "The neurosurgeons recommended I instead get a visitor who repairs swiss clocks for a living to diagnose what's wrong with Paw-Paw's brain." the mayor whispered, her gaze now fixed on the moving parts within her grandfather's head. The stifled ticking from within interrupted the momentary pause. "The clock-mender couldn't make heads nor tails of what he was looking at. Wouldn't touch a thing." the mayor murmured, her gaze still fixed on the relentless mechanisms whirring away, "Said he wasn't comfortable playing God." The man's bewildered gaze then met the mayor's. "So, you thought I'd be up for the task, then?" the vagabond asked.
"I've had dozens upon dozens of experts grace this room, and yet, not ONE of them were qualified enough to fix my Paw-Paw. Who else IS there to ask?" the mayor demanded, folding her arms warily. The man glanced away, clearly unable to answer. "You dare crown yourself a GOD among men, and yet, you shy away from MY challenge?" the mayor spat, "You call yourself a GOD? Prove yourself. Prove yourself to me, NOW." The man placed his right hand on the back of his neck. His face now betrayed him, with bewildered indignance showing at the corners of his mouth. "I have nothing to prove to you. There IS nothing that I can prove to you, ma'am." the man replied calmly, "I never claimed to have the answers. I never claimed to be anything other than a vagrant with life experience."
"So, who are YOU going to pawn this bothersome task onto, then?" the mayor growled, leaning into the dog-faced drifter's space, "Who are YOU going to pass the buck to, huh?" "I'm not passing the buck, ma'am." the man replied, his gaze drifting back over to the mechanical wreck lying in front of him, "I don't think anyone other than your Paw-Paw would know how to fix whatever's wrong." The mayor's expression softened as a new possibility evidently entered her hirsute head. "I see now that fear doesn't effectively motivate you." the mayor crooned, her tone now one of bargaining, "Well, then. Go on. State your demands. What will it take for you to make an earnest attempt to fix my Paw-Paw?" "I'm sorry, but... There's nothing that you can offer me, ma'am." the man replied honestly. Unable to accept this answer, the mayor relented. "Nonsense! There isn't a person on earth who isn't looking for SOMETHING." the mayor affirmed, "So, what is it that you most want? Go on, then. Spit it out." The man took another step back, sensing what was to follow wasn't going to benefit anyone present.
"What will it take for you to care? Hmmm? Countless riches? Societal power, perhaps? The respect of each and every person you see on the street?" the mayor bargained, pacing towards the man, "What do I need to offer you to get you to try something, ANYTHING-" "Ma'am..." the man interrupted meekly, his hushed tone intelligible against the mayor's relentless pleas. "I can give you EVERYTHING you've ever wanted, you know. Whatever life you'd most like to live!" the mayor implored, "I can give you ANYTHING that your heart desires." The man paced backwards, visibly distressed, but the mayor continued. "You may think I only have MY OWN paltry resources to offer you, but no!" the mayor desperately ranted, "Why, after you restore Paw-Paw's memory, I would ensure that he- that he'd know that he has YOU to thank for-" "MINGUS." God boomed, causing everything in the room, save for the conscious duo, to cascade away into darkness, leaving the pair standing together in a vast, unending void. The mayor stood paralyzed, unable to speak, with an expression of trauma plastered across her face.
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A stifled silence emanated from the abyss. As the man sheepishly realized what he'd done, he exhaled deeply, and placed his hands over his face, causing the room (and Crown) to phase back into view. An unbearable hush presided over the two.
"I CAN'T fix your Paw-Paw." the man stated, his quivering lips holding back a snarl and flattened hand moving with every stressed word, "I'm SORRY." The mayor's gaze stayed glued to her Paw-Paw, tears now welling in her eyes. "Listen..." the man stated emphatically, compassion leaking through his voice, "Even IF I wanted to-" The man trailed off, realizing he'd almost sorely misspoken. The mayor's gaze slowly drifted back to the vagrant's face, her left brow now raised and her lips curled into a sneer. "I'm.. sorry." the man meekly stated as he glanced away from the mayor's oppressive stare while wringing his hands, "I wish I could take your pain away. But, there's nothing I could show you that wouldn't just hurt you even more." "Useless." the mayor spat at her guest, "You call yourself a God, but you're just a CHARLATAN. Pathetic." He shook his head slightly before a slight grin graced his face. He turned back to face the mayor's feline gaze.
"Y'know..." the man trailed off, unsure of exactly how to broach the thought that had entered his head, "...Might I offer you some advice?" The mayor scoffed with vocal aggrievance. "Why would I want to hear what YOU have to say?" the mayor sneered with bared teeth, "All the years you've spent on this planet and what have you built? That's right. NOTHING. You've achieved NOTHING." The man nodded slowly before replying. "I admit it. The bold rat usually gets the cheese." the man replied, desperately trying not to visibly glance at the incapacitated Crown, "But, the crafty rat watches the bold rat die in the rat trap and gets to return home with a piece of the cheese." The mayor's sneer retracted to a snowl, and her brow raised inquisitively. "Human history is basically just a chronicle of mistakes." the man added, his expression now back to its default vacant grin, "I think it'd be a disservice to your family's good name if whatever eventually snags ended up being something you could've seen coming." "Alright, then." the mayor responded, curious to hear the advice of this hapless immortal, "Out with it, then. Give me your sermon, while we're still young."
"Are you familiar with the Roman emperor, Caligula?" the man asked, with an unassuming smile. Mingus nodded. "Yes, yes, I know my history. Especially the stories of powerful rulers who've come before me." Mingus replied, "Caligula was the mad emperor who promoted a horse and declared war on Neptune and had his soldiers attack the sea." The man beamed with joy. "Wow! You already knew the story I was gonna tell!" he replied with genuine enthusiasm, "You're smart. Maybe I don't need to give you this advice at all." The cat scowled. "If the moral of your story was genuinely going to be 'don't stab water', or 'don't wage war on things that DON'T EXIST'..." the mayor growled, "...I'm going to kill you with my hands." "It... uhhh. It wasn't." the man sheepishly replied, "Although, those aren't bad lessons to learn EITHER, per se." The mayor glanced away, trailing off in thought. "Some sources theorize that Caligula declaring war on Neptune was actually just a pointless task he gave his skittish soldiers after they refused to invade Brittania by sea..." the mayor muttered, "They brought home sea shells as medals. Then, there's those who think the whole story was fabricated by his detractors. Envious peasants love to tell lies about the powerful."
"Trust me, it happened." the man replied, "I was there." The mayor's gaze drifted back towards the man, bewildered. "I think people just like to assume it didn't happen because of how goddamned RIDICULOUS the whole thing was." the man mused, "Don't ask me WHY. I've never been one to see into the head of an autocrat." The man averted his gaze away from the disembodied relic on the table, realizing what he'd just said aloud. He continued. "It genuinely was AS ridiculous as it sounded, y'know. Thousands of armor-clad Italian dudes just... stabbing at the waves." the man stated, his gaze drifting upwards as if vividly recalling the sight. "Heh. I remember turning to this Gallic dude to my left and telling him…" the man grinned nostalgically, "...that I'd be SHOCKED if the sea actually, like, LOST, seein' as the waves outnumbered the soldiers at LEAST five to one." The mayor tapped her heel on the floor impatiently. "Whatever the POINT of this story is..." she growled, "It had better be FAST approaching."
"Look, do I need to spell it out?" the man replied, "The soldiers fought the TIDE." The mayor raised her eyebrow and leaned forward slightly. The man continued. "Hey, I'll be the first to admit: Humanity's got MOXIE, y'know?" the man shrugged,  "We live in an age of space shuttles and, like, five THOUSAND flavours of ice cream, most of which are TERRIBLE. Seriously, who eats ice cream and thinks: "Wow, this flavour is already pretty good, but y'know what it could use? Huh? RAISINS." Now, amirite, or amirite?" The mayor stared back, mouth slightly agape. "Sorry... Went off topic there for a bit." the man sheepishly added, "My point was, when you fight the tides, you make an enemy of the WORLD." "And IF you fight 'til your last breath against the WORLD..." the man continued, "The story can only end two ways. With your destruction, or the whole world's." The mayor's gaze shifted nervously over to her grandfather. "When a large wave comes, would you rather be riding it, or FIGHTING it?" the man asked, causing the mayor to glance back to him.
"You know... There's something to be said for accepting that there's things out there that you CAN'T change." the man replied quietly, a quiet sadness appearing in his eyes, "...In accepting your own powerlessness in things." The mayor scowled. "That's just something that SHEEP tell themselves..." the mayor muttered, "The people whose destinies are controlled solely by people like me... It's just something they tell themselves so they can sleep at night." "There's nothing wrong with being able to sleep at night." the man replied in a sympathetic tone. The mayor didn't reply to this, instead choosing to stare down at the floor. Sensing emotional vulnerability from the mayor's posture, the man persisted. "Y'know... I think the concept of closure is massively underrated in this day and age..." he trailed off, "Maybe... Maybe the best end in this case would be if we accepted that there's nothing more that can be done for your Paw-Paw and w-" Predicting the course of action that her guest was about to suggest, the mayor cut him off.
"Choose your next words... VERY carefully." she snarled. The man stood silent, realizing he'd almost carelessly talked his way towards his own doom. Several oppressive seconds of silence presided over the room before the man regained the courage to speak.
"I'm sorry, ma'am." the man reaffirmed, "I can't fix your Paw-Paw."
"Well, that doesn't matter ONE IOTA to me. And do you know why that is?" the mayor growled, tears welling in her eyes, "Because I'll find someone who WILL. I'll ask every single person on EARTH if I have to." The mayor's claws unwittingly extended, though she didn't notice. "I'll even learn how to fix him MYSELF if I have to. I'll move mountains, I'll split atoms, I'll PART the TIDE and CLEAVE THE HEAVENS IN TWAIN, IF I MUST." she bellowed, "Even if the whole WORLD has abandoned Paw-Paw, I WON'T." "When Paw-Paw's himself again, HE'LL know." she spat, "He'll KNOW that I never gave up on him!"
The two stood in silence for what felt like an eternity. Mingus saw what she hated most reflected back at her through the eyes of her guest. Pity. Shortly after this, the mayor's guest silently excused himself from her company with a wordless nod and a wincing expression of understanding, leaving her alone in the dim, sterile operating room with her grandfather. Blinking back tears, she stared into his head, and looked upon what appeared to be a roll of film, being pulled along a belt, not unlike the surface of a treadmill. Constantly circling back and forth. Locked inside this incomprehensible mechanical safe, her Paw-Paw. No matter how futile it seemed, she would never be able to forgive herself for giving in. A single lock stood in the way of the salvation of the whole world, and by extension, herself.
The Mayor stood alone, transfixed with the impenetrable puzzle before her. Rhythmic mechanical whirs resonated from the complex system of exposed gears on display, their ceaseless revolutions punctuating the resounding silence of a still operating room with a dim, but reliable tick. Wheels within wheels, revolutions within revolutions.
(Art piece was by the talented Jen Jenneration! Check her stuff out, it’s top notch!)
There we go! Quite a few of you guys asked for it, so receive it you shalt...’ve(?) Thanks.
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linnorabeifong · 6 months
I Physically Can’t Get This Idea Out of My Head
How many people actually know Lin got her scars from Su ? I was rewatching the Zafou episodes and I don’t think Lin ever explicitly mentioned Su giving her the scars. So none of the krew knows. So I get why her anger doesn’t look justified to them and why they would pressure her to make up without that context. But I so badly want them to discover it. I want to see their reactions . I want them to see photos of Lin before she was scarred. How would their perceptions of Su and Lin change ? Would they be more empathetic towards Lin ?
Additionally I don’t think Su’s kids know the truth. Opal really loves her aunt I imagine she would be quite angry if she found out and while Lin’s bond with her nephews isn’t explored in the show ( which it should’ve been I want to see her play power disk with Wei and Wing, and praise Huan’s art and have a heart to heart with Baatar) I think they’re also attached to her and would be upset.
Further how about the air kids, Lin seems quite close to them and they’re all very curious. They’ve probably asked her several times before. Did she lie to them to protect her sister ? Does she give up and tell the truth one day ?
How about Kya, Bumi and Izumi ? Were any of them actually there when it all went down ? Did she tell them ? ( I don’t think she would it seems painful for her to talk about ) How would they react to the truth thirty years later?
Also I think Toph has the capacity for empathy. I think she’s ignorant to the full extent of Lin’s injury and that’s why she was so apathetic about it and just wants to move on. She’s blind. She never saw the bandages or saw how deep the scars ran, how large they were but if she did would she have acted differently? I think so. Sure she’s neglectful but she’s not a monster. If she actually felt the scars I think she would’ve comforted her daughter. She would’ve been more mad at Su. In her eyes Lin has a little scratch and Su was an accomplice in a crime. So if course she thinks Lin is overreacting. In her eyes sending Su away for being an accomplice is a crime is proportional to the harm done. She thinks Lin’s anger is just her being a square and normal sibling bickering. If she knew the whole truth maybe she would’ve punished Su more and made her make it up to Lin somehow.
( does she even know that Lin has a scar afterwards? Does anyone mention them in front of her ?)
and Lin would never let anyone touch her scars ever so how is Toph supposed to understand? How can she without feeling them ?
More thoughts about Toph: Raising both of the girls while being blind must’ve been difficult. Think about it she can’t see if their clothes get stained, can’t see if they have a bruise or see if they’re crying. So much of communication and understanding is nonverbal. She misses out on so many social cues and so much visual information. On top of being blind both her and Lin dislike physical affection.So all they really have left is verbal communication and both of them are too emotionally stunted and prone to bottling things up to ever say what they need to. Let’s be honest Toph isn’t a great listener either so she probably doesn’t fully realize/respond to what Lin is trying to say. Lin may be better at writing out or drawing her emotions but Toph wouldn’t be able to read what she wrote or see her visual work. Lin would have to learn braille and sit down and write in it to get her mother to understand which I honestly don’t believe she has the patience or desire to do. Nor do I believe Toph has the patience or desire to sit down and read all of that. ( Does Toph know braille ?) They can’t communicate with each other properly. There are so many barriers. Of course their relationship is strained. While it may not be wholly Toph’s fault it has produced a huge impact on both of her daughters that none of them can address.
An epiphany : LIN IS A SILENT CRIER. She doesn’t sob. Are you following me? Rewatch the Zafou episode if you don’t believe me . Nonverbal - audio communication ( I don’t know if there’s an actual word for this) doesn’t happen between them. Lin isn’t vocally expressive. She doesn’t cry out loud or scream or make any other vocalizations when she is in physical or emotional pain. She may grunt in some of the fight scenes but she isn’t loud. Think about when she got her bending taken. Probably one of the most physically and emotionally painful moments of her entire life. In that scene she didn’t make a single sound. Or the reverse she got her bending restored a huge moment of relief she didn’t laugh or make any other sounds of joy. She just thanked Korra. Lin is silent . Toph can’t hear her.
In conclusion communication is everything and everyone of them needs therapy.
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bestbouy · 8 months
i think i just love the idea of the different universes with their like, styles???
like how Gwen's is totally watercolor and Hobie's is all scrapbookish punk n newspaper, y'know???? and, of course, Miles and Pavitr's are both more "normal" but they still have that... you know... v i b e... they're both normal but they have elements that make it their own. Like how Pavitr's universe is mainly super warm colors?
anyways this got me thinking y'know how it's super obvious Hobie has a different universe style?? not so much for Gwen because hers is a little different, but with the whole. changing skin, the OUTLINE, it's very obvious
I think it'd be super cool if in Hobie's universe, it's kind of like the opposite for anybody who's not from it? They have their own like, radius of... their own dimension???
I'm only comparing this to Hobie's dimension, it's very obvious none of this would happen in CANON so I'm literally just spitballing. Also because Hobie is the only one with the outline and funny overlay thing, and it'd be fun to play around with the other three's possible like,,, vibe!!
Gwen would leave like, imprints of watercolor? like dabbing it on a piece of paper, leaving color that dries out back to normal over time?? it would bleed into the world around her, it might even mimic her emotions with the color!
If she was upset it would be harsh, spread more, it would come out in spiked reds and blacks?
happy would seep in a lot more subtly, and cover a lot more space, but you wouldn't realize how much room it's taking up just because it's so slow to take it up and really is only at about.. idk, 20% opacity, slowly builds up the happier she gets? it would be more visible in puddles, just like with normal watercolor (Compared to anger, which would be very in-your-face and obvious)
It would rely a lot on her emotions, methinks, the stronger they are, the more visible the color!
Miles would have a sketchy, drawing-like atmosphere to him, kind of like what you can see on the spot y'know? and, since the spot came from Miles' dimension, I think it makes sense!
It would be less noticeable, but the things he interacts with would probably turn into a slightly stylized version of itself? A cup he holds or drinks from wouldn't change DRAMATICALLY, but it might copy his look and have sketch-like lines around it. Nothing huge, but enough that you can tell what he's touched in the past few minutes/hours
Pavitr would have a similar vibe to Gwen's, but with warm colors instead! His effect wouldn't change with emotions like hers, but it would probably bleed in the same way as hers. He would leave behind trails of warm oranges and yellows wherever he goes and leaving it behind on what he touches. He wouldn't notice this, but it would be veeery obvious to Hobie or anybody from his dimension.
Actually, I think the way that we can spot Hobie because of his differences in outline/radius effect would highly apply to them in his dimension! Everybody in Hobie's world can CLEARLY tell that Gwen, Miles and Pav aren't from there, and while the common person might not recognize they're from another universe, they might get the same feeling as if you were seeing like.. a skinwalker, or something. They're human, but it doesn't feel like it.
ANYWAYS back to Pavitr
He has a warm, cozy vibe, I think unlike the others his can seep more into emotions, I think he's an empathetic person and that melts into his little area effect. if he's super happy or excited about something the people around him get a tiny bit happier too!! when he's sad (and it's rly hard to make him sad bc this boy is POSITIVE THINKER #1) his colors get a bit colder, but I don't think they would affect other people like his happy ones do, honestly just SEEING such a normally happy guy so sad would do enough to ur mood than some radius effect lol
ANYWAYS that's just a lil thought. they are silly. and this is going into my ideas folder. have a good one n remember to drink water
(I would go on but this is super long already XD)
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butdaddyilovehim-hs · 8 months
Tolerate It III
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"Tell me I've got it wrong somehow."
Read Part II here
Harry watches as Kendall leaves, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation. He turns his attention back to Y/N, who stands there, waiting for his explanation. He knows he doesn't have much time to make things right, and he takes a deep breath before he starts speaking.
"Y/N, I swear, I didn't invite her over. I had no idea she was coming. I've been a mess since you left, and I've barely left this place. She must have just shown up on her own," he pleads, his voice full of sincerity.
Y/N's grip on her bag loosens slightly, but she doesn't sit back down. Her eyes are still filled with hurt and doubt, and Harry can see her fight or flight kicking in.
"I know I messed up, and I can't even begin to express how sorry I am for everything. I love you, Y/N, more than anything in this world. You and Elle mean everything to me, and I've been a fool for not showing it," Harry continues, his voice cracking with emotion.
Y/N remains silent, her gaze fixed on him. Harry knows that he needs to give her more than just words. He needs to show her that he's committed to making things right.
"I'm going to make it up to you, Y/N. I'll do whatever it takes to rebuild your trust. We'll go to counselling if you want, and I'll be more present in Elle's life. I promise to be the husband and father you both deserve," Harry says, his voice filled with determination.
Y/N finally sits back down, her bag still in her lap. She looks at him with a mixture of sadness and hope in her eyes.
"Harry, this isn't going to be easy. Rebuilding trust takes time, and I can't just forget everything that's happened. But I want to believe that we can work through this," she says, her voice quivering.
Harry nods, relieved that she's willing to give him a chance. He reaches out and gently takes her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I love you, Y/N, and I'll spend the rest of my life proving that to you."
Y/N's eyes soften, and she leans in to kiss him. It's a tender and heartfelt kiss, filled with all the love they've shared over the years. It's a kiss that signifies a fresh start, a chance to rebuild what was broken.
As they pull away, Y/N gives him a small smile, the first genuine one he's seen in days. "Okay, Harry, let’s try and fix it.”
Harry nods, his heart feeling lighter than it has in days. "I know, and I'm ready for all of it. I just want us to be okay again."
Y/N places her hand on his cheek, wiping away a stray tear. "We'll get through this together, Harry. But it's going to take time and effort from both of us."
Harry leans into her touch, closing his eyes briefly before opening them to meet her gaze. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes, love. I promise."
And in that moment, as they sit together on the couch, holding onto each other, they both believe that maybe, just maybe, they can find their way back to the love that had once been so strong.
So they do it. They go to counselling for the first time and Harry is a shaking bundle of nerves and Y/N is internally breaking down. Because what if it doesn’t work out? They sit in the waiting room, the minutes ticking away slowly, the tension in the air palpable. Harry's leg bounces nervously, and he can't help but feel like he's about to face a judgmental tribunal. He glances at Y/N, who is lost in her thoughts, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of her sweater. He reaches out and gently touches her hand, offering a reassuring smile. She looks at him and manages a small, trembling smile in return.
When their names are called, they enter the therapist's office together. The therapist, a calm and empathetic woman, greets them warmly and invites them to sit down on the cozy couch. The session begins, and Harry and Y/N take turns talking about their feelings, their fears, and their hopes. It's difficult at first, and there are moments when tears flow freely. They confront the pain they've caused each other and the scars it has left on their relationship.
The therapist guides them through various exercises, helping them communicate more effectively and teaching them strategies for rebuilding trust. They start to see the deep-seated issues that led to their problems in the first place, and it's not easy to confront those truths.
As the session progresses, Harry's nerves start to ease. He realises that this process isn't about judgment but about healing. Y/N, too, begins to feel a glimmer of hope as they explore ways to rebuild their relationship.
After the first session ends, they step out into the daylight, and Harry takes Y/N's hand in his, squeezing it gently. "How are you feeling?" he asks softly.
Y/N looks at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Nervous, but I think it's a step in the right direction. We have to try, Harry, for ourselves and for Elle.”
Harry nods in agreement, his heart heavy with the weight of their journey ahead. "I know, love. And I promise you, no matter how hard it gets, I'm with you every step of the way.”
A/N: Finally the end to this series. Thank you for all the love on it :)
Tags: @lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @velvetballaspark @harrys-flower @macy-tpwk @mema10 @jerseygirlinca @daphnesutton @rafaaoli
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