#she’s a little bit closer to her own goal than the other two
fagidarity · 9 months
i have so many thoughts abt desire and corruption of that + wants vs needs etc. as themes throughout all of riptide but i am just not good enough at wording things to properly articulate them
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redskull199987 · 7 months
What about a Mike x fem!reader where reader helps mike through one of his nightmares?
Lifeless Stars
Mike Schmidt x fem!reader Request
Word Count:1.6k
Warnings:very angsty again, but also lots of fluff and comfort too, I also may have added Abby a bit into this because I love her and I wish I had a sister like her:,), also Movie spoilers
Summary:After the events at the Pizza-Plex, You and Mike both have problems coping with what happened. But at least you have each other…and a sweet little Girl, whose goal it was to make you smile again...
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You felt tired. Terribly tired actually. The Sun had long disappeared behind the Horizon. The House was quiet and all lights were shut off, as the entirety of your little family had withdrawn behind the warmth and comfort of your blankets. 
And theoretically, you should have been asleep. But much to your dismay, you weren’t. You had been awake for hours, downright tired to the verge of passing out, but sleep just wasn’t able to find you.
Maybe it was because of what had happened a few days ago at the Pizza-Plex. The events were still burned into your skull, the images still vivid and every time you closed your eyes, it didn’t take long before that damn Golden Bonnie crept his way up into your dreams. You supposed, that was the reason you were unable to sleep tonight.
With a sigh, you quietly tried to sit up while not waking up Mike, who had his head laying on top of your shoulder and his arm slung around your waist. As cautious as possible, you pushed him off of you and stood up. You looked at Mike once more and gently pulled the blanket back up to his face again, before making your way into the kitchen.
 ‘Maybe a cup of tea could help’, you thought. And you seriously hoped it would. Your last resort would be Mike’s sleeping pills, but you really didn’t want to use them, knowing of how much trouble they always brought Mike.
So, without turning on the lights, the house only illuminated by the shine of the Moon, you stood in the kitchen, waiting for the water to boil, so that you could put on your tea. Your eyes wandered all over the room, gazing at the various pots and plates that were standing in random places. Abby’s drawing of you guys and the kids on the fridge or the Picture of Mike and his brother, when he was still alive. You sincerely hoped that he had found peace too. That he was in a better Place now, looking down on Abby and Mike with a smile on his face while patiently waiting for the day of their reunion.
The sound of the tea pot pulled you out of your thoughts. Quickly, you poured the steaming water into your cup and set it down on the kitchen table to let it cool down a bit, so that you would not burn your tongue when drinking it.
With another heavy sigh, you walked over to the couch and flopped down on it. Your body felt heavy. Too heavy. With a small hiss, you lifted your shirt, taking a look at your still healing injury. Mike might have had it worse than you, but Afton had still managed to nab at you with his damn knife. You got way more lucky than Vanessa though, since she was still in the Hospital. You really hoped that she would wake up soon, so that you could thank her properly. If it hadn't been for her, you would probably all be dead.
A noise from your bedroom suddenly caught your attention. With furrowed brows, you swiftly jogged back through the dark hallways. You could swear, it almost gave you a heart attack, when you abruptly ran into Mike, causing the two of you to stumble to the ground.
“Mike?”, You groaned quietly, blinking in the dark trying to spot him,”Mike, are you okay?”
You didn't receive an answer, but instead, you felt a pair of hands, searching for your own in the darkness.
“Mike, I’m here.”, you mumbled, reaching out for your boyfriend. Your hands hastily found his shoulders and pulled him closer to you. Only now, you noticed that he was trembling. His breathing was fast and heavy and he was slightly sweaty.
“Mike..”, you whispered, lacing your fingers with his,”Come with me.”
You quickly pulled him to his feet and guided him to the bathroom. Once you were inside, you switched on the lights and closed the door. You saw how Mike slightly flinched away, as soon as the dim light illuminated the room. You gazed at him with concern on your face, before motioning to the bathroom counter. He quickly understood and sat down on it.
With your eyes still on Mike, his hands were still trembling, you grabbed a cloth and held it under the water, before coming back to him.
With a reassuring smile on your face, you slowly stepped in between his legs. Mike almost automatically grabbed your waist, pulling your body closer to his.
“Hey.”, you tenderly grasped his cheek, making him look at you. Without another word you raised the cloth to his face, slowly wiping the sweat off of his forehead. Mike only closed his eyes, seemingly just trying to enjoy your sweet touch on his face.
“What happened?”, You finally asked, when he had calmed down again. His hands were no longer trembling anymore and his breathing had returned to normal. 
“I had a nightmare.”, Mike explained, his gaze now focusing on the ground,”I dreamed that..that, I wasn’t able to save Abby. That they took her, just like Garret. And I couldn't do anything. I was just staring like a useless piece of shit-”
“Mike.”, you said firmly, turning his face back to you,”Don’t say that. It was just a dream. Abby is safe. She’s with us. Nothing can happen to her.”
Mike didn’t say anything in return, so you tried something else instead of just talking to him. You swiftly raised your other hand, but not to his face, but to his chest. Your palm rested right above his heart, that you could feel beating rapidly. Mike only looked at you in confusion.
“Mike..”, You mumbled, searching for the right words,”What I can feel under the palm of my hand, is the Heart of a Big Brother, that’s only beating for his sister. A heart that’s beating because it’s owner decided to stay alive for his sister. To be there for her and give her the life she deserves. And not only for her, but also for me. I know what you did to save us and I will be forever grateful for that. So are Abby and Vanessa. You saved us. We’re alive because of you, Mike.”
You could feel tears well up in your eyes, because as you said them, you realized how true they were. You owed Mike your life and you would forever be grateful to have him in your life.
“I love you.”, was all that Mike was able to mutter in response, before he pulled you into him by your waist, connecting your lips in a sweet and tender kiss. You felt him holding onto you tightly and as you parted, he gently leaned his forehead against yours.
“Thank you, Y/N.”, Mike mumbled, kissing you once more on your temple.
Your sweet moment was interrupted, as you saw the lights in the hallway suddenly go on. Mike and you only looked at each other for a second, before he jumped off of the bathroom counter. He pulled you behind his body, as the two of you quietly walked over to the door. With one final step, you walked into the hallway and all your tension quickly dissolved into relief, as you saw who the culprit was.
Abby was sitting at the Kitchen table, sipping on the tea you had made earlier.
“Hey, you little thief.”, You smiled and sat down next to her, “That was mine.”
Abby looked at you apologetically, but not really:”Sorry.”
“It’s fine.”, you smiled and ruffled her hair affectionately.
“Why are you up, Abbs?”, Mike asked, also sitting down next to the two of you.
“Couldn’t sleep.”, the girl answered shyly,”So, I drew a picture for you guys.”
Wordlessly, she slid a piece of paper over to you and Mike. The two of you looked at each other for a second, before glancing at the drawing. Your heart bloomed with joy, as you realized what it was.
In the drawing, you could see Mike, Abby, Vanessa and you playing together. It looked like Hide and Seek and while Mike was the Seeker, Abby, Vanessa and You all hid from him with a smile on your faces.
“That’s really beautiful, Abby.”, you mumbled, trying not to tear up.
“Let's put it on the fridge, hm?”, Mike suggested and promptly did what he just proposed.
Abby only smiled at you and instantaneously jumped up, giving you and Mike a big beary hug. You could only embrace the girl in your arms. You had grown so much closer over the years and you were extremely grateful for that. You really did love her like a sister,
“Let’s all go to bed now, shall we?”, Mike proposed,  a smile now also on his face.
Abby and You could only nod, as sleep was now finally catching up to you. You could barely remember what happened afterwards…
Your eyes only opened reluctantly, but the sun had been poking your face for a while, so you decided to give it a shot. But as you tried to sit up, you realized that it was of no use. This morning, you did not only feel the weight of one body on you, but two.
 You blinked around a few times, before realized what was going on. Abby had asked to stay with Mike and you for the Night, so that she could fall asleep faster and thus here you were. With Mike clinging onto your left side and Abby onto your right.
But all you could do was smile at your little family and close your eyes again, pulling the two of them closer. You really were grateful for everything. And you always would be.
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iinsertblognamee · 10 months
chelsea matches and jerks
summary ― you go to support your girlfriend at the FA Women's cup. some guy sitting next to you doesn't get the hint to back off. Sam takes things into her own hands.
pairing ― sam kerr x reader
warning/s ― fluff
based off this request
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You could feel the excitement of the crowd surrounding you, a smile on your face as you rubbed your hands together to create some sort of warmth. It wasn’t every day that you got front-row seats at the FA Women’s Cup wearing your girlfriend’s number proudly. 
As much as you were enjoying the buzz from the fans, you felt nerves for Sam. You knew how much these games meant to her and you could only hope for a good outcome. You looked around the stadium, blue swarming - music playing as you mumbled the words along. 
It was about twenty minutes before the game was set to start when two guys sat down in the two vacant seats next to you, wearing the chelsea blue that matched yours. Sending a friendly smile to both of them, before turing your attention up to the big screen. 
You smiled to yourself as you overheard them talking about Sam, pride swelling up in your heart. You didn’t think much of the gaze the man sitting directly next to you kept sending your way, shifting your body so you were looking opposite his direction. That should fix it. 
The crowd starts to cheer as you watch both teams make their way onto the pitch - you of course joining in as your spot Sam. Your heart starting to beat just that little bit faster as your brain finally comprehends what was about to happen. 
The whistle goes off before you know it, the crowd getting behind the players, as you clap to support them. 
22 seconds in and you feel your heart drop as Leah Galton swings the ball into the net, crowds of red cheering, as you sit there is disbelief. It doesn’t take long for the goal to been rebutted and Chelsea back in the game. 
The first half goes without a score being added for either side, your nerves getting the best of you, as you wipe your sweaty hands on your jeans. The half time gives you some time to get up and stretch your legs, looking around the stadium once again. 
“I’m sorry, I think you dropped this” turning your attention to the man sitting next to you, your chelsea scarf in his hands, a smile on his face. 
“Oh my gosh! Yes, thank you” you gush out, grabbing the scarf out of his hands placing it around your neck almost instantly, grabbing a seat again - the cold still managing to come through. 
“Good game so far” You give yourself a few seconds, before realising that he was talking to you, his friend now off someplace else. 
“Uh no, really good game” you answer, more to be polite than anything. You left your answer vague, hoping to end the conversation at that. 
“You been to many games before?” he asks, his body somehow had gotten closer in the past few moments. You nod your head, assuming that this would end the conversation once and for all. The whistle for the second half going off. 
“You always been a chelsea fan?” 
God, he doesn’t stop does he. You pretend you don’t hear as the crowd cheers the teams on. You don’t know if he knows your purposely knows you were ignoring him or not but he doesn’t make another attempt to start the conversation up again. 
Edge of your seat, you watch as the ball goes from one end of the field to the other, bouncing off a manchester player and straight for Sam. You jump up as you cheer, the crowd joining in. She passes the ball over, you wait for the ball to go straight into goal but watch as the goalkeeper catches it. 
Grabbing a seat once more, clapping your hands as you watch the game continue. 
“Great player Sam is” 
You give him a quick ‘uh, yeah’ as you try to track the ball once more. 
“She your favourite player?” 
Was this guy serious? As much as you wanted to tell him to shut up, you liked talking about your girlfriend even more. 
“Of course! I hope she’s yours too” 
Your response seems to bring a smirk on his face, his friend nudging him almost as a ‘congrulations’. 
“I don’t think i’d be a very bright man if she wasn’t” 
You bite your tongue, ‘You? A bright man?’ ready to spill but you manage to hold it in. He can’t be that bright if he hadn’t figured out you weren’t interested. 
The game continues on, your nerves setting in as they get closer and closer to the end of the game - still no goals scored. 
You watch the throw-in, excitement of the crowd growing. You spot Sam at the other end of the goal - a good spot to be in. The ball crosses over to her - already up in the air cheering as she scores. The excitment of the goal takes the weight off your shoulders, the man next to you grabbing onto your shoulders - and in that moment you couldn’t care less because your girlfriend just scored a goal. 
The crowd eats up her celebratory flip, shaking your head as you laugh out a choked laugh, Sam making her way in front of where you were seated, shaking her head. You make eye contact for a split second before you were rudely torn away by the man next to you throwing his arms up in the air, practically screaming in your face before turning around to his friend. 
The game continues, Manchester almost scoring a goal but ultimately when that final siren, Chelsea has won the cup. The cheering in the stadium brings a small on your face, you cheering along with them. So proud of the girls performances today, especially Sam’s. 
You start to collect your stuff, bending down to pick up your waterbottle and rubbish - you hear the two guys conversing about something but don’t put too much effort in eavesdropping. Your only mission to get to your girlfriend. 
You realise as you stand up to make your way towards the gate, you need to move pass the two men, a small sigh leaving your lips. You go to excuse yourself but he cuts in before you can even open your mouth. 
“I was wondering if maybe you would want to come down to the pub with us? Go celebrate the win and all that” 
“Oh” great. How were you gonna get yourself out of this one. “I actually have plans after this, but thank you for the offer” 
Perfect, an easy let down that you both can pretend means more than it actually is. 
“Well, how about we give each other our numbers and we can catch up another time?” 
Was he serious? 
The crowd surrounding and inside the area you were seated started to get louder, people standing up - making it harder for you to push your way past the two men and towards the gate. Trying to think of a way to let him down on last time, you hear the calls of your girlfriend’s name and apparently he does too. His head shooting towards the field, where Sam was making her way towards the gate. Fans sticking out posters and jerseys for her to sign. 
You find it funny how quick both he and his friend abandoned you to make their way flush against the gate - asking for pictures. Sam doesn’t pay them any attention, her gaze falling upon you in an instant. 
You slowly make your way down the few stairs towards the gate - taking your time, a smirk on your face as you catch the annoyance growing on your girlfriend's face. You end up standing next to the man again, although he doesn’t even bother with giving you another glance. 
“Hi!” You call out over the crowd, Sam now jumping up so her face with on par with yours - the crowd getting more excited at the aspect of their favourite player being so close. You swear you here the two men next to you let out squeals. 
She doesn’t bother responding as she pulls you in for a kiss, her hand landing behind your neck as she deepens it. It almost made you laugh - you had been kissed by Sam many times after games. To the point where you could tell the difference between a normal kiss and a ‘winning’ kiss. 
This was neither. 
She pulls back for a second, titling her head before moving out of your personal space. Her attention going straight to the two men next to you. 
“Did you say you guys wanted a picture?” She asks, although she has a smile on her face, you can see the annoyance in her eyes. Neither of them saying a word. It takes them a few moments to bring themselves back, his friend handing over his phone as they take a selfie with your girlfriend. 
“Cheers guys! Have a great day and stop hitting on people’s girlfriend” She doesn’t wait for a response as she moves over to the fans on your other side, signing and taking as many photos as she possibly could. 
With a smile on your face, you go to make your way up the steps to give room to some other fans, although as you turn you come face to face with the two men. You held in your laugh as you saw the looks on their faces. 
“I completely forgot to mention! Sam Kerr is my girlfriend. Have a lovely day boys” and with that you were up the stairs. 
+ plus something extra
The car ride home from the celebrations were surprisingly quiet. You driving, as Sam sat in the passengers seat - her hand resting on your thigh. The soft sounds of one of the playlists you and Sam had made playing in the background. 
As you turned the concer of your street, you could feel Sam watching you. Turning your head slightly to see her lip inbetween her teeth. 
“What’s going through that mind of yours?” you asked, squeezing her hand that hand gripped onto your leg just that little bit tighter at your question. 
“Just thinking about the celebration kiss you gave me” you let out a laugh as you shook your head. “I didn’t give you shit, you’re the one that practically snogged my face in front of your fans”
“They weren’t all my fans” she mumbles, although you catch it anyway. 
“What was that honey?” this time she’s the one shaking her head, claiming she said nothing. Wanting to stir the pot just that little bit extra, you let out a fake ‘oh no!’ bringing your hand that was rested on top of hers to your forehead. 
“What? What is it?” she jumps up immediately, looking around as if that would help her figure out what was wrong. 
“I forgot to get the number off that guy at the game today! He invited me down to the pub to watch the next chelsea game” 
“I- What?” 
“No, I know. I said the exact same thing - the next chelsea game isn’t til September but I guess he really enjoyed my company”
“Y/N. There’s no way in hell you’re going to a Pub to watch my game. You’ll be in the stands, cheering me on from where I can hear and see you” 
You had made it to your driveway, the car parked as you unclipped your belt and turned your body to face Sam. 
“I mean, with everyone else in the stadium I doubt you can hear and see me? Like really Sam, there’s a lot of people. Plus a pub I could get some good food as I watch” 
“If that’s the problem, I’ll get our caterings to cook you up something for the game, nice and hot for you” 
This girl was something else. “Sam! You can’t do that.” 
“I can and I will if that’s what it’ll take for you to come to my game rather than watch it in some stupid pub with those jerks” 
You can’t hold it anymore, as you let out a laugh. Sam’s face strunching up in confusion only makes you laugh harder. You bring her face closer to yours as you peck her lips. 
“I don’t think your fans would appreciate you calling them jerks lovie” 
She lets out a scoff, as she rolls her eyes. “Anyone who hits on my girlfriend is a jerk - fan or not” 
“Do I sense some jealousy Miss Samantha Kerr?” 
She goes to deny it, as you raise your eyebrows. Practically saying ‘I dare you to try and come up with an excuse’. 
“I just don’t appreciate jerks hitting on my girlfriend at my game as she wears my last name on her back”. 
Deciding you had tortured her enough, you bring your lips to hers once again. 
“I know baby, but no matter who tries to hit on me, it doesn’t change the fact that I come home with you after every game” 
“Hm, I like the sounds of that” 
So do I, you thought to yourself as you went in for more kisses.
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futbol16 · 1 year
Mi Hermana  • Alexia Putellas
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I really hope you guys like this! I’m super happy about how well the first part did and thank you to the anon that requested it!
Requests: To ‘Alexia Jr’: Awesome… possible part 2 with alexia ripping into the team about how they’ve been acting?
can we please have more of Alexia jr 😫
I love alexia jr is it possible to do a part 2? Thanks ❤🦄
Part 1 Alexia Jr
Word count: 2,8k
Since that night on the pitch with your sisters, Alexia paid more attention to the team’s interactions with you, or sometimes the lack of it. Now that she has been cleared to start working with a ball again she is around the team more often and though she still has training separate from you, she’s also a lot closer and can hear how the girls talk to you. To say she’s baffled would be an understatement and it’s only been two days since your admission about the situation. 
Although she wants nothing more than to give them an earful when it happens, you had made her promise to handle it in a mature way. You didn’t want to mess up the team dynamics even more.
 Barca’s game that following week, your sister watches you play from next to the benched players and the proud smile is hard to miss. However, cameras that were supposed to be on you at this moment as you dive down the length of the field with the ball at your feet, are on Alexia instead who’s wearing that pleased look. It’s wrong of them to focus on her when you’re in the midst of showing exactly why you’re in Barca’s first team. 
She cheers loudly with the rest of the girls as the ball is chipped over the goalkeeper and you nod towards the fans, your hand above your eyes as if you were shielding them from the sun, almost like you were saluting the crowd. Your signature celebration. 
That prideful glint in Alexia’s eyes turns into disappointment when she notices that none of your teammates celebrate with you or congratulate you. She does however feel a slight sense of relief when she sees Mapi clapping in her position, far back on your side of the field. The brunette’s jaw clenches at the lack of support you’re receiving from your team after each and every good pass or chance on goal, she is beyond saddened. 
It’s only moments later when just as you receive the ball from Patri the defender on the other team comes in fast and takes your legs out. The air time you get before harshly landing on your side is something Alba would joke about but when you don’t immediately get up your sister realizes this could be serious. While you lay there for a bit, gripping the grass for a second to take your mind off the searing pain in your ankle, the defender gets her yellow card. 
Still, Mapi is the only one coming to check on you near the left side of the pitch. 
Once again, Alexia is grateful that her best friend is looking out for her little sister but she feels like the rest of the girls have let you and her down at the same time, she expected more of them. She shot up to her feet the instant you were tackled and she had leant forward wanting to see more and make sure you were okay. You slowly get up though, thankfully, assuring Mapi and the referee that you’re good to continue playing. Your sister plops back in her seat with a long exhale of worry and Marta, who’s sat next to her sends her a reassuring smile. 
Eventually the match comes to an end and you wander off the field with a 5-1 victory, shaking the hands of the opposition as you do. Most of the girls have already ran off towards the bench, no doubt wanting to see your sister and your thoughts are proved to be true when you look in the direction. Alexia’s eyes connect with your own and though she holds a bright expression, happy for the team, there’s a look in her eyes that you don’t quite recognize. 
Paula swings an arm over your shoulders, the Levante player a good friend of yours from the national team. You look over at her, noticing the way she purses her lips in thought and you nudge her to start talking.
“Do they always just leave you like that?” she voices her thoughts as she watches your teammates interact with your sister. Not one of them had clapped your back after the final whistle was blown even though they’ve done it to each other. You shrug at her.
“Most of them.” the sympathetic look she gives you is one that makes you regret answering the question and you bid her goodbye as your team starts their way towards the changing room. 
You’re rather surprised to find Alexia waiting for you in front of the door and you give her a questioning look before she pulls you into a hug.
“You were so good out there hermana, I’m so proud of you” she tells you sincerely as she rubs a hand over your back and you sink further into her embrace.
“Gracias Ale” your voice is muffled by her shoulder but she presses a kiss to your forehead nonetheless. “Are we gonna go in or..?” 
“Sí, but I’m going to talk to them and-”
“Ale, no” you plead with her, shaking your head rapidly. “Not now please, we just won I don’t want them to be upset because of me” 
She stares at you for a second, her eyebrows furrowing and her signature frown on her face, but she gives in with a sigh. Even in times like this when you were so deeply hurt you put others’ feelings above your own.
“Vale, not today, but I will and you won’t get to stop me then” she holds the back of your head as she explains, bringing you into another quick hug. “They need to know what they’re doing is cruel” 
You roll your eyes at her wording, but nod along as you open the door and walk in with your sister behind you. 
“Good game chicas” you clap your hands only to be met with silence until one of them looks up and squeals at Alexia’s arrival. 
You thought most of them already had their fair share of time with her outside but even now they surround her, turning a blind eye to your presence. 
With another huff you get changed quickly and shove the last of your things into your backpack. Alexia tries but fails at hiding her annoyance at the team’s behavior and when she sees you about to exit she shrugs off the rest of the girls lingering around and with a half-sincere apology she’s out the door.
Patri stares at the now closed door in confusion. “What just happened?” 
“I don’t know, but nice goal you scored today” Aitana shrugs as she praises the brunette. Patri looks at her.
“I didn’t score a goal.” 
“Yes you did.” Some of the girls turn to the two as they continue.
“No I didn’t.”
“Yes you did, the 40th minute! Don’t you remember?” Aitana looks to the others for confirmation but they shrug.
“That wasn’t Patri, it was Y/N’s goal” Mapi corrects the two, angrily gritting through her teeth. 
“Yeah, oh” the blonde bites back.
“Mapi-” Ingrid tries but is cut off by Nuria.
“What about the one after half time?”
“That was also Y/N” Irene joins, wondering just how blind the girls have been. Nothing more is said as the girls go back to changing, sensing the obvious tension in the air. 
The next day you have recovery day with the team and as you finish up the last of it you enter the locker room to find most of the team there already. They pay you no mind as you take a seat, though as the minutes tick by Pina finally looks up from her phone. 
“Y/N!” you’d be stupid to think she’s happy because she’s noticed you. “Alexia is coming today, right?”
“Yeah, she said she would!” Bruna adds excitedly and more of the girls turn to you, waiting for an answer.
“Yep, a bit later though” you confirm, not meeting any of their eyes as you change your socks.
“She must be here already then, no?” you glance up at that, sighing at the eager expressions you’re met with. “Could you get her? You know she will come in earlier if it’s her sister asking.” Jana’s words are accompanied with nods from around the room and as you stand with an annoyed huff you only hear one voice thanking you. 
You wander down the corridors towards where your sister was just finishing her rehab session but as you walk the hallways you can’t help but get lost in your thoughts again. 
You didn’t understand what more you had to prove to the team to be accepted by them, to not be as transparent. It seemed that no matter what you did they were only interested in you when it was about your sister. Alexia this, Alexia that. Will we get to see Alexia today? Is Alexia going to be at the game? It’s never, hey Y/N how are you? Or a simple bon dia. Nothing.
You did worry less about your performance however. 
Before, you had compared your every touch of the ball to the way your sister would have done it, wondering if the way you were playing would be even close to her excellence. But the number of times your name has appeared on the scoresheets assures you that you were definitely doing something right, you weren’t only here because of who your sister is. 
You patiently wait outside the gray door after knocking and soon one of the physios greets you with a smile. 
“Hola, is Alexia here?” you ask, politely smiling at him. He nods as he lets you into the room, having recognized you.
“Someone’s genes are strong” he lowly whistles as you approach your sister but the two of you only send him another nod, eyebrows raised. 
“Estás bien, pequeña? Why are you looking for me?” the brunette looks down at you with a tilt of her head.
 “The girls told me to come get you, they wanna see you” you inform her as you lean into her side, needing some comfort from your older sister. Her nails graze the skin of your arm as she lightly moves her hand up and down.
“But I would’ve come anyway” she furrows her eyebrows, sighing at the way her team was behaving. You shrug at her, not saying more. Thankfully her session did just end and so the two of you walk back the way you’ve come and you tell her about how recovery has been before you get to the entrance of the locker room. Alexia abruptly stops in front of the door, effectively stopping you from reaching for the handle as she holds onto your shoulders.
“Why don’t you get that ankle of yours checked out, have it strapped.” she gestures to the ankle you’ve hurt during yesterday’s game. You study her for a second before agreeing and with a kiss on her cheek you leave towards the physios. She didn’t want you hearing what she would come next. Alexia exhales as you round the corner and disappear out of her sight before pushing the door in and entering. 
Enthusiastic yells are soon silenced by the look on her face. She’s wearing a hard scowl, her jaw set and fists clenched. Her eyes are sharp as she looks over the people in front of her, Mapi watching her with her own arms crossed over her chest. She has been waiting for this moment, wondering just how long your sister would wait before going off on the team. 
The team holds their breath as Alexia takes a ragged breath, they’ve never seen her so angry.
“What the fuck is wrong with all of you!” she explodes, and suddenly she’s forgotten all about you asking her to handle it maturely, but how could she do that when they’ve been hurting her baby sister?  Her pent up aggression comes out as she starts, many of the girls’ eyes widening at her tone. 
“What you’ve been doing to my sister is unacceptable! The way you’ve been behaving makes me question if we are a team!” She rages on, making sure to hold eye contact with each and every person as she catches her breath. A second later multiple voices ring out as they try to argue her words but she’s having none of it.
“Enough!” she shouts, a slap echoing throughout the room as she smacks the surface of the door with a spare shirt. They stand, like soldiers waiting for what would come next, beyond frightened by their captain’s rage. “I have seen enough. I have heard enough. You guys, all of you treat Y/N like she’s nothing! Not an ounce of respect in you for her, any of you!” her eyes connect with Mapi, assuring her that she’s not included in this. She had, after all, been the only one to treat you like a person. 
“What does someone have to do to prove their worth? To be included? You all throw her away like she’s some useless rag and I will not have that, especially not when it’s my little sister.” she takes a breath to calm down, her head pounding from all the frustration she just let out and the remaining still in her. The girls cower back into their seats as they realize how they’ve been acting towards you.
 “I am beyond disappointed in this team for making a teammate, you hear that? A teammate feels worthless, because you’ve neglected her even when she’s doing everything in her power to satisfy you all.” 
“I agree, she’s done nothing but show how good she is on the field.” Irene adds that though Alexia is not looking for anyone’s approval, far beyond the point of caring, nevertheless, she does give the woman a nod for backing her up.
“She is insanely talented, without question better than I was at her age. She’s got the passing accuracy down to the millimeters, she shoots goals like no one else on this team and dios mío, she can dribble past all ten players and then finish perfectly!” Alexia throws her hands up in exasperation. 
“She does get us a lot of goals.” Claudia admits quietly.
“And she’s super good at outsmarting defenders” Jana agrees, having experienced your skills firsthand.
 “Yes she's a great player, but she's also a person with feelings and all of you have been ignoring that part.” Your sister concludes as the girls look down shamefully.
“That part too.” Mapi nods, angrily chewing on a piece of gum. The team stays quiet, each of them replaying their interactions with you and chastising themselves for how harsh they’ve been, how uncaring they were.
“We’re really sorry” a chorus of voices say and Alexia nods at that in understanding, finally unclenching her fists.
“I’m not the one you need to apologize to” she shakes her head, flashing the team another disappointed look. “Tomorrow, one by one -I'll make sure, you will all apologize to her. I want actual sorrys not half-assed ones because I asked you to.” she points through the girls who eagerly nod at her, many of them already thinking of ways to show you how much they regret their behavior.
The midfielder does not say goodbye as she slams the door behind her to punctuate all she’s said, though she did make sure to let Mapi know she doesn’t blame her too. 
By the time Alexia gets to the physios room you’re already putting your shoe back on, animatedly conversing with the physio who’s sharing his own stories just as enthusiastically. She smiles at the interaction, happy to see you content even after a day of people ignoring you, people who were supposed to be your friends.
You jump in your seat in surprise when her hand squeezes your shoulder, but you hop off the table with another beaming smile. You wave goodbye to the physio before holding onto Alexia’s waist as you exit the training facility, herself pressing a kiss into your hair.
“Alba and I are taking you out for sushi tonight.” she informs you with a smile as you sit in the driver’s seat of her car. You were still adamant on not letting her drive, you didn’t want her to hurt her knee in any way.
“How come?” 
“We’ve just missed you and besides, sushi is always good” she chuckles when you nod.
“Yeah and I’m always hungry” you cast a glance her way as you pull out of the parking lot of the Estadi Johan Cruyff.
 “And I’ve missed you guys too” you admit, a confession that warms your sister's heart. Of course the three of you have seen each other almost everyday, especially you and Alexia, but you missed hanging out with them. You missed how peaceful your mind was when you were with your family. 
Alexia stares ahead at the road as you drive the two of you home, forever grateful to have sisters like you and Alba. And you’re forever grateful for your big sisters, both who’d protect and love you no matter what.
It was now only your team’s job to recognize just how much they’ve hurt you and try to rebuild their relationships with you. No one was going to cross you again, not if Alexia could have a say in it.
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
Some Forgotten Land Roleswap Beast Pack lore!!
Thought it would be fun to share some more about the Beast Pack ruled by Clawroline, and my thoughts behind some choices I made when swapping their roles! More under the cut-!
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The big three. Queen Clawroline, Leongar her enforcer and second-in-command, and Bandana Dee the Awoofy Prince.
I can't be too detailed about these three because I'd spoil my own comic! But think of Leongar and Clawroline swapping each other's roles like this:
Clawroline is the Queen now but also a sort of Ringmaster based on her circus theme (her boss fight location in Wondaria, and the magic tricks and acrobat attacks she does). That's why she keeps the cape and top hat but accessorizes it a bit more. Also, the jewels on her cape are the purple ones on canon Leongar's cape. You may have noticed in the first page of the prologue, I had Carol and Leon wear one jewel each as a sign of being co-rulers. But now she has both of them. >:)
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Leongar is the Enforcer and loyal second-in-command. To be honest I thought his boss attacks were a little basic before Fecto takes full control of him. Biting, scratching... standard things you'd expect from a lion. So to keep with Clawroline's Ringmaster theme, he is now going to be more of a performer. I'm thinking of some fun moves for him. I mean, he's really buff. He'd make a powerful acrobat. So that's where the bow-tie and ponytail come from. (can't have your hair in your face.)
I can only say this about Bandee right now: He's the Awoofy Prince because he made a special connection to the Awoofies and they respect him. However, he rose to Number 3 rank in large part because of the special knowledge he could share with Clawroline from being a Waddle Dee, denizen of Popstar, and someone who has traveled between dimensions before. He becomes a really big asset and gets the Pack closer to their goals than they ever were before.
What goals are those? Sorry! Not spilling yet. :')
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Some backstory on Skipperdillo (Roleswap Sillydillo) and Gorimonger (roleswap Gorimondo)! These aren't spoilers, just lore :P
Here's an old post that goes into detail on my thoughts when swapping these two. Basically I swapped the "Anchor Necklace" and wearing "Metal Signs as Armor" aesthetics and things went really smoothly from there, haha.
They don't have a TON of personality in the canon game, so to be honest I broke down their basic characteristics (Silly is.... silly, creative, and chaotic- Gori is strong, territorial, and protective) and made them my own :P
As for why Gori doesn't like Bandee- part of it is because Bandee became Number 3 very quickly, but it also has to do with their first encounters which will be part of the comic :D
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Gori and Skipper work together a lot because their jobs complement each other. They like to fistbump after a job well done- a tradition started by Skipper when it saw it on an old advertisement. :3
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Finally, the Beast Council's eye makeup! Clawroline's distinct eyeshadow, Leongar's winged eyeliner, Bandee's eyeshadow and Awoofy markings, Skipperdillo's "eyepatch", and Gorimonger's "under-eyeshadow"
The reason I made the Roleswap Beast pack look so different to the canon one is because of the difference of my interpretation of Clawroline's leadership.
Leongar's Beast Pack in canon is more focused on returning back to primal roots. Really embracing the powerful beast within. Raw, untamed energy.
I wanted Clawroline's Beast Pack to be the opposite- under her leadership I think she'd evolve the Beasts forward as they learned from the remnants of culture left behind in the Forgotten Land. They wear a lot of "people clothes" for that reason. (the capes, bow ties, armor, hats...) In canon, she's the only Beast who wears true "people clothes" other than Leon (her top hat and cape). I took her canon interest in these "human behaviors" of magic tricks and clothes and ran with it. So her Beast Pack is very expressive in their appearances.
I think she wouldn't mind it because A) it doesn't directly interfere with their goals, and B) even while brainwashed, she's still a creative being at her core. In canon she wears glitter eyeshadow and learned some complex performing tricks like knife-throwing, acrobatics, and disappearing smoke tricks to complement her feline attacks. To learn all that, I like to think she must have had some respect for the cultural remnants of the forgotten world they live in.
However they're not eliminating the "Beast" part of themselves. They are still wild, but they're blending these ancient, forgotten aesthetics and interests with their own. They have plenty of natural talents and skills to fall back on when something doesn't go right.
So those are some of my thoughts behind this swapped Beast Pack! Since there's so much room to interpret them in canon, I had a lot of fun stretching it all further and in the opposite direction!
Thanks for reading! <3
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gtsdreamer2 · 5 months
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"Ahhh~ We're here!" Your step-sister exclaimed, bursting through the threshold of your home. She leaped towards you uncharacteristically, as if hoping for an embrace. You instinctually wrapped your arms around her thin frame, eliciting a happy squeal from her lips.
"Welcome to my house" you said meekly to your sister and parents. It was the first time you had invited them over officially, and there was no better time than now for Christmas. You got them seated in your living room and made sure they had access to all your appetizers and beverages.
"So what took you so long to have us over?" Your step-mom started. "And how come you missed last Christmas?" You father finished for her.
"Well, truth be told, we've been working on a massive project at work, like literally years long, but we're finally nearly finished. I can't really get into specifics, but it's for the military and it's going to help the ground troops. It's really cutting edge stuff. Literally the reason I went to college for." You were beaming with pride and filled to the brim with want to tell them all about the project, but the only one that seemed to look even semi-interested was your step-sis.
She had never made much of an impression on you when you two were living together, and she was far from any step-sibling fantasy growing up. But it had seemed like she had finally come into her own since moving out on her own. She was still rail thin, for the most part, and her face cleared of all her teenage acne. She HAD developed a rather sizable rear, but you could tell that it was from hard work rather than being inactive... not that you were staring. Looking back now, you realized that you hadn't been keeping in touch with your sis or your family much since you started your job at the military research facility.
"It hasn't been from lack of wanting to reach out to you guys, the job has just been really demanding since the get-go." Your excuse didn't seem to work too well on your parents.
"Well, I missed you and I'm glad you're here now." Your sister chimed. "And look at this big fancy house you live in now thanks to all the hard work you're doing! I bet they're paying you really well too!" Her praise was scratching an itch in your brain that was undeniably inflating your ego a little bit. This was very awkward coming from someone who mostly kept to herself when you two shared a house. She did seem interested in the same research that you were and seemed passionate about your dreams and goals, but she for sure didn't pursue the same dreams or actually understand the science behind it. She was always supportive of you reaching your goals though.
As the night wore on, your parents finally decided to bow out and head home, leaving just you and your sister, facing each other on opposite couches. She leaned in closer. "So tell me," she whispered, as if anyone else was in the house to eavesdrop. "what's really going on with your research? I know when we were younger, all you would talk about was making tech to make 'super soldiers'. but did you actually do it? You did, didn't you? You can tell me." Her words seemed almost manic, as if begging for information. You couldn't hold it back any longer.
"We did! It's so exciting. Like, you don't even know. All my research, all the grants, my whole team, it all came together perfectly as a culmination of my dreams and hard work. What we've created and what it can, in theory do, are just mind blowing." You were beaming and gushing at this point, like a parent, boasing about their child. "I can't wait for you to see the practical applications of it in a few years after it had gone through all the safety testing and red tape." She seemed defeated after hearing that last part. 'It's always the waiting' she thought to herself.
"Whaaaat?" She sighed, audibly protesting. "I don't want to have to wait years to properly see my brother's hard work! I want to see it now!" You sister whined like a child when she wanted to get her way, and now was no exception.
"The tech is solid, and the prototype is finished, but there's still lots of hoops to jump through and safety tests to perform before we can just start putting people in it, silly. I still wish you could see it, but it's just not there yet." Her ears perked up at the thought of her opportunity presenting itself.
"Well clearly I've had too much to drink to be able to drive myself home tonight. I think I just need to spend the night on your couch and then I can go home tomorrow." She turned on her side and laid her head on the arm rest, feigning fatigue.
"I have to work in the morning, so you need to be gone before I am, I don't have any spare keys or anything like that." You told her sternly.
"Maybe I'll just come with you to work then, so you can show me what you've been working on and I can praise you properly." Your sister said, filling your cup with more alcohol. You hadn't noticed, but clearly she was trying to get you drunk.
Morning came in a flash as you could barely hear your alarm from your bedroom. You awoke on the couch, not sure of how the night had gotten away from you. "Morning sleepyhead." Your sister teased. "I couldn't move you from the couch since you're too heavy, so I slept in your bed, I hope you don't mind. Also, since your alarm is going off, I assume that means we have to go to work now." She slid a cup of coffee into your hands as the brain-fog began to lift.
"Huh? We? What are you talking about? I can't take you to work with me." Clearly you hadn't been tough enough on her last night.
"What do you mean? You told me last night that I could come see it! You said you were happy to show it off to me and that no one would be there so there shouldn't be any issues! You promised!" You sister started to huff and pout, crocodile tears filling her eyes. Had you promised her that? It WAS true that you were going to have the lab to yourself.
"Did I really promise? I mean, I guess..." You trailed off, knowing already by the smile growing on her face that you had lost and she had won. Grab your things, let me get ready. It'll be a short day and then I'll treat you to lunch." She giggled to herself at your suggestion of buying her lunch. 'That's right you will. It's working!' She thought to herself giddily.
As you strapped into your car, your sister did the same. Turning the air off and making sure the windows were rolled up as she did. The drive was short, but the air was stifling. You moved to turn the air on, but your sister cut you off, blocking the knob. "I don't want to get chilly. Leave it off." She said it as a command, and your body froze. You nodded your head and reluctantly returned your hand to the steering wheel. 'That was a weird reaction.' You thought to yourself, remarking that as the drive wore on the stale air seemed to get sweeter and sweeter. Suddenly, you became hyper aware of your step-sister. You had never been attracted to her in any physical capacity, but suddenly, her feminine charms seemed to be turned up to eleven. The heat rising in the car and your increased heart rate suddenly made you break out in a sweat, and the outside world seemed to fade to grey as you continued driving to your place of employment on autopilot. All the while, you couldn't help but steal glances at your sister. She wasn't oblivious to this in the slightest as she adjusted her low-cut top, revealing her small amount of cleavage. She rubbed her legs together in her fuzzy leggings that clinged to her just tightly enough to leave nothing to the imagination. You started to pant from the blood boiling under your skin.
"What's wrong bro?" She asked teasingly. "You seem kind of hot and bothered." She put a hand on your thigh and electricity jolted through you. You could feel yourself growing hard only inches away from her hand as thinking became harder and more frustrating.
'Focus on the road' You thought to yourself, unable to vocalize any thoughts out loud between pants and stifled moans. Moans? 'Why am I moaning? What's wrong with me?' As you approached a red light, your step-sister grabbed the back of your head and shoved your face against the nape of her neck. As you breathed in her heavly scent, you were sent nearly over the edge.
You could feel your member surge longer, reaching maximum length. Your heartbeat throbbed through it, resonating at the tip, and you felt ready to burst at any minute. Suddenly, your sister pulled you away and turned your head back to the road. "It's green, dummy." She said cheekily. "Are we almost there?" You nodded, trying not to dwell on the fact that you were almost there in more ways than one.
Finally you pulled up to the facility, the gate cam scanning your registered plate and swinging open. You pulled into your parking spot and finally were able to shut the car off, throwing the door open and clamoring out for some fresh air. As you took deep breaths out in the open, you could start to feel the fog in your mind lifting ever so slightly. You were just starting to regain some composure when your step-sister came from behind and put her arms around you, forcing herself too close to you and refilling your lungs full of her alluring aroma.
"Let's go inside, it's chilly out here." You nodded, your eyes clouding over and her control over you reasserting itself. You flashed your card at the door and it clicked open. Your sister opened the door and ushered you through. You shambled after her with her leading you by the hand. It seemed like she knew exactly where she was going. Suddenly you found yourself in the testing room with the tech safely on display in its glass case. Right in the center of the room was a jet black suit that looked like latex. Although very unassuming and more than slightly lewd looking, this was the culmination of you and your team's hard work.
Upon seeing the black suit in the case, Belle immediately dropped your hand and sprinted up to it, placing her hands and nose right against the glass. The suit seemed to shimmer and shiver in response. "So while you're getting everything ready, how's about you tell me what exactly this is and how you made it?"
You cocked your head to the side before trying to shake out more of the fog that was clouding your thoughts. "Get what ready? I'm still trying to figure out how I agreed to bring you here. And what happened to me on the way over." You took this chance to slump into your chair at your control desk and take in some more air away from Belle, who was already quickly rushing over to you.
"What do you mean?" She said in her whiny voice as she perched herself on your lap, throwing her arms around you and placing her neck, once again, in range of your nose. "You told me last night that you'd bring me here and show me your lab and the tech and tell me how it works! You even told me that I could try it out!"
That didn't sound right to you. You wouldn't compromise your project that hadn't even been tested on humans yet. You especially wouldn't risk harming your step-sister...and yet. "Did I say that?" You asked, half slurring your words while reentering your trance."
"That's right. You told me that I could be the first super soldier and that you'd make your little sister grow big and strong." She pouted and snuggled against you, rubbing her scent on you and forcing another wave of arousal to surface. You could feel your bulge pressing into Belle's thigh, and she giggled knowing that she had you back under her spell. "Be a good boy for me and start getting it set up while you tell me all about your project." She whispered in your ear, her hot breath sending chills through your body. She got off you then and walked back over to the case as you turned to your control panel and started pushing buttons and entering codes.
"So basically we found this organism. It's unlike anything from our dimension." you began, telling a speech that you'd been rehearsing for months just for this big reveal "So we theorize that this thing came through a Mandela hole, which basically is a crack in our dimension that leads to a parallel one...but that's not important." As you were speaking, your sister quickly got naked, leaving her clothes in a messy pile on the floor. You were far too engrossed in your trance to notice. You pulled a lever and the glass of the case receded into the ceiling, leaving the suit exposed to your sister's quick clutches. She immediately grabbed it and started to put it on while you continued your procedures.
"So we quickly found that this organism was still tethered to its home dimension and that by binding it to some cutting edge technology, we could channel that energy into a host that the organism more than willingly bonded with." Your sister didn't seem all that interested in the science of it all as she was sliding into the suit that seemed to vibrate and slither further onto her.
"Why is this thing so tight if it's meant for big strong men to put on?" She asked, trying wriggle herself into it. You instinctively pushed a button that sent an electrical pulse through the tech, causing it to immediately expand and envelop Belle, covering her just like an inorganic body suit would. This, however, was not inorganic and seemed to quiver and purr in the satisfaction of being united with other living tissue. "That's better!" Your step-sister squealed, checking herself out and feeling herself up.
You pressed a few more buttons and twisted a big red dial as the screen lit up with your step-sister's biometrics. The screen displayed her vitals and the organisms output, showing just a measly tenth of a percent. As the suit fully bonded to your sister, she made an uncomfortable noise. "OW! It feels like i just got poked by needles all over my body and...and...oh. Now I feel better. Now I feel...kinda good."
"I just need to...need to...Why am I doing this?" With the suit covering your sister's skin, the scent in the air began to quickly fade. You finally looked away from the panel long enough to realize that your sister was fully bonded to the suit. "Shit, Belle. What the fuck? We need to get you out of that right now!"
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"I think it's a little late for that, bro...mmmph. I can feel my body being fed that energy that you were talking about. It's ever so slowly entering my skin through those little needles that I got pricked by. And it's just making me feel so good." You could see now that the suit that had coated your sister was pulsing as it was being fed and, in turn, feeding her, forcing its host to absorb the energy that was being transmitted. You looked from her to the screen. All vitals were improving rapidly. 'This is valuable data,' you thought to yourself. 'but this is way too dangerous to continue.'
"I think we might need to pump the breaks here, sis." You said, trying to be the voice of reason. "You got to try it out. You're super healthy and strong now already according to the vitals monitor. It looks like you're already way stronger than me judging by the muscle density scanners."
"Is that so?" Your sister said, enthusiastically. She sauntered over to you, making sure to sway her wide hips with every step, the fluorescent lights of the lab creating a sheen against the body suit as she did. She was suddenly sitting in your lap again. The suit being on her combined with her increased muscle density made her noticeably heavier than when she sat on you only minutes before. But it was more than that. Her whole form seemed larger. This was a theoretical side effect of the tech, but you still were in awe of getting to see and feel it first hand. "You know..." She started, putting a hand on your chin and forcing eye contact. "I worked really hard to save up the money to get the pheromone concoction that I used on you last night to get you here. Sneaking it into your drink and downing the control agent myself. Forcing you to be in the car with me on the way over to make you even more susceptible to it. It wasn't cheap and it wasn't easy, but it got me here. It's just a little hiccup that my body stopped pumping it out when I bonded with this suit." She gestured to the pulsing blackness that coated her body, running her hands up and down herself as she grabbed two handfulls of her tits. "God, even these feel bigger and better. You have no idea how long I've fantasized about this. ever since you told me about your dreams of making big strong soldiers. Maybe even before that. I've always wanted to be bigger. And now you're making it happen!"
She readjusted herself in your lap as she stalled you with her speech while the energy continued to flow into her. "I can feel my body changing by the minute. becoming more and more and more and...mmmm...I'm so much stronger than you now and growing bigger and stronger still...I could just make you do what I want now." For the first time in your life, you had become genuinely afraid of what used to be your little step-sister.
"Belle, let's talk about this. It's true that you're bigger and stronger than me now, but that's enough right? How tall are you now? Six? Six and a half feet maybe. That's huge. And your muscles are so tight and toned now that-
"I know!" She cut in, flexing her muscles which rippled and defined themselves against the suit as she did. "I can FEEL how strong I'm getting! It's amazing! This truly is marvelous technology that would have revolutionized modern troop warfare. But it's mine now. And it feels way too good to stop. And your definition of huge and mine are way different. So I need you to be a good brother and turn up the juice. I'm tired of being drip fed this energy. I need you to flood me with it." With that, she got off your lap and skipped back to the center of the room, before twirling around to face you. "And before you even think about trying to say no, just know that even if you were to shut off the whole machine now, it's too late. I'm warning you. I'm so much bigger and stronger than you that you wouldn't have a chance, and I would be far too angry to hold myself back. So it's really your only option. I'm counting on you bro."
"Right..." You uttered, completely defeated by your newly monstrous sister. 'the fucking pheromones' you thought to yourself as you started to play with the controls again. 'that's how she got in my head and made me give her everything she wanted. I wonder if I have any other options here.' You looked at all the controls and came up with only too paths to choose. Path one would open the flood gates like your sister asked and make her an extra bulky bitch in no time, side effects be damned. Option two would be to reverse the energy flow and drain all of her new power back into the organism. That option came with too many risks to calculate. What would happen to the organism with that much energy in it? Would your sister return to how she was, or would she waste away? You were running out of time, and all the while your sister was still being pumped, albeit ever so slowly, full of energy. "Ok, fine. You win. I'll turn up the output. I'll make you stronger. I don't know what else will happen to you though...we haven't even run simulations on this kind of output. Are you sure you don't want to stop?"
"Come on! I need it! Hurry!" She was growing more and more impatient by the second and you didn't want her to end you, so you started to type in codes ignore warning screens and type in more codes to get to the most advanced settings.
"Here goes." You said, voice quivering with fear, and admittedly a little excitement, about your project being used to its full potential. You cranked up the dial from one tenth of a percent to ten percent all at once.
"Oh fuck!" Belle cried out, falling to her knees and then lying down on her back. She immediately started to convulse as the suit pulsed and purred around her, pumping massive amounts of energy into her already enlarged form. "I feel like I'm going insane! There's so much being forced into me! It feels amazing! Umph! Bigger!" You watched as your sister began to pulse larger and larger with each pulse of the suit. As you looked back at the screen, the instruments for her vitals were completely nonsensical. She was literally off all the charts and growing fast. eight, ten, twelve feet went by as she moaned in pleasure. "More more more! Turn it up higher! I can take it!" You cranked the dial to twenty percent and your step-sister doubled in size, orgasming as she did. She felt herself gush hard, her whole cunt clenching as her clit rubbed against the suit while she bucked her hips in ecstasy. Every part of her seemed more sensitive in the most pleasurable way. She felt herself up reveling in the sensation of her nipples protruding against the suit. She rubbed her fingers over them and felt them grow even harder in response. As she twisted and pulled and squished them against her already bigger breasts, she could feel them swell under her fingers, growing faster than the rest of her and evening out her hourglass figure. "That's it! I love this! I feel like I'm ascending! Like I'm finally going to be as big as I've always meant to be!" As your sister became more in tune with her growing body, she could feel the pheromone concoction still in her system. Forcing tiny holes in the neck of the suit to open, she told her body to produce more of the pheromone, and it complied. Immediately, you were overwhelmed.
"Turn it up. All the way." Your sister commanded, still writhing on the ground in growing bliss between constant climaxes. unable to resist, you cranked the dial all the way. Rapidly running out of room, Belle ballooned up to an impressive eighty feet and exploded out of the building, her giant suited foot shielding you from the rubble as it plowed right through your control panel, destroying the connection to the suit. She hardly noticed outgrowing your lab, but the feed of energy being severed left Belle with a sense of longing. She lifted her foot and the surrounding debris away from you before scooping you up into her hand. "Fuck you're tiny." She said, standing up to her full height of one hundred feet. "Everything is tiny. But it could be smaller. I could be bigger. I should be." Using her connection to the suit, free of tech, she reached out to try and find a source of energy. She could feel something in the distance, outside the city. "Where did you say this thing came from? A Mandela hole? I think I can sense one. I want to drink from it." Your big step-sister opened a hole in her suit exposing her vast cleavage and dropped you in. "Lets go 'little bro' I wouldn't want you to miss the show." She began walking towards the source of energy, all the while her suit purring and hungry, just like its host.
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connoisseursdecomfort · 9 months
Embracing imperfection - Yor's reflection on her marriage
The latest arc, I believe, is an arc about their reflections upon their marriage. Since I've already made two posts about Twilight (one about how he's arrived at chapter 79, and the other about him in Ch.86), I'd like to talk about Yor a little bit more.
Why did Yor get married in the first place?
For Twilight, it has always been "for the mission", although it is turning into an obvious excuse. Yor's is slightly different. She got married because of social obligations, i.e. the warning from her colleagues, and the concerns for her brother.
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Because the Ostanian society deems an unmarried 27-year-old as abnormal, in order to act normal, Yor must get married. She wasn't totally dishonest when she told Loid she wanted to ease Yuri's mind, because Yuri did tell her he would not accept the promotion if she didn't find a good enough boyfriend to take care of her. Of course we also know she needs a cover-up for her assassin job.
But the problem is, Yor is also socially awkward - most probably due to her assassin job - and she's painfully aware of it. She understands what the society requires women to do as wives and mothers. Is it fair? No, and Loid actively rejects this idea. He might have successfully alleviated the pressure, but I don't believe that any person, other than Yor herself, can make it disappear entirely.
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On top of this, Yor has been getting more attached to Loid and Anya, particularly Anya.
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And slowly she became closer to Loid as well. She recognises how tired Loid is and actively tries to help. As she slowly settles into her new life, she also realises how important the Forgers have been to her. It's only normal that she wants to become a better family member to her family.
(Spoiler alert)
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Because of the Forgers, she's able to embrace her own strength, because she feels validated. Anya told her she liked her strong and cool mama, and Loid said she's an excellent mother because she's strong.
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However, she still didn't know how to be normal. Her insecurities remained. She still worried about her neighbours gossiping about her not being a decent enough mother for not knowing where to buy tea cakes for her daughter.
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She then thought to herself:
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But there is no such thing as "good at acting normal". The term "perfectly normal" is an oxymoron. Normality isn't about good at something, as shown in the two gatherings Yor'd joined.
Melinda and her friends told Yor that "not knowing what to do is normal":
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During her after-work drinks with her colleagues, she learnt that "having gripes is normal".
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Normality is imperfect. And that goes against what she's been doing as an assassin. She needs to be the best in order to survive. We can see hints of Yor being the zealous and cutthroat assassin she is:
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In chapter 79 there's a similar scene:
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(In the JP version it should be something more similar to "It's better to win.")
Her assassin mentality was also on full display in the volleyball game - to do it alone and to win.
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As an assassin, she needs to cut to the chase and deal with her targets quickly. She takes in the information and must act on it quickly. The feeling of being new to something, which also echoes her situation in her marriage, could also add to her anxiety of not being able to help as much as she wants to. So when she's told everyone has gripes, she has to act on it.
It created an internal conflict and she short-circuited.
On one hand, not knowing how to be normal has always been her biggest problem. Her getting married was initially a way for her to "act normal". On the other hand, what if "being normal" means hurting her family, who has now become very dear to her:
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And of course she knows she doesn't really want gripes:
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She doesn't want to hurt Loid. That's why she did the backflip in Ch.79.
At this point, Yor finally has to face this question: what is her goal? Does she want to act normal for the sake of being normal and find gripes? Or does she want to reflect upon what she really wants to do when she thinks about the possible gripes she might have?
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And therefore she came to a conclusion and decided to be honest with Loid:
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The arc starts with a pretence - her finding gripes in order to be normal, and ends with her being honest while talking about her true concerns and trying to be supportive. She tries her best, and she's happy.
A lot of people have already pointed out this panel echoes the scene in ch. 14.
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I'd like to think this is a new start for Yor.
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sequinsmile-x · 6 months
Wrapped Up in Love
Three Christmases in the life of the Hotchner family.
Hi friends!
This is a little gift from me to you on Christmas Eve!
Happy Holidays for whatever you do, or don't, celebrate, and I wish you all the love and happiness in the world <3
Love you all very much!
Warnings: pregnancy, so fluffy you'll need to floss afterwards.
Words: 3.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily adjusts her hold on the bundle in her arms. She smiles down at her daughter, looking intently at her face, eager to memorise every tiny feature. She hums softly as the baby shifts in her embrace and whimpers.
“Oh Evie, Mommy’s got you,” she says, lifting Evelyn to press a kiss to her forehead, “It’s hard work being born, huh?” She grimaces as she shifts in the bed, her lower body hurting in ways she didn’t know was possible, “Mommy didn’t have an easy time of it either,” she gently strokes Evelyn’s cheek and then her nose, the slope of it more beautiful than it had ever seemed on her own face, “You’re the best Christmas present ever though, even if you did give me and Daddy a bit of a shock this morning.” 
She wasn’t due for another three weeks. 
Emily’s plan for Christmas Day had been to sit on the couch, eat more cookies than any one person feasibly should, and let Jack talk at her about all of his new toys. Evelyn, it seemed, had other plans. Emily had woken up very early in the morning to a pain in her belly that she initially wrote off as Braxton Hicks contractions, an idea she quickly dismissed when her water broke as she stood up. Aaron had woken up to her shaking him, her voice tight, strangled by fear that her baby wasn’t supposed to be coming yet, as she told him she was in labour. 
It was only when they made it to the hospital, Jack safely with Jessica, that she really thought about the fact it was Christmas, that she was having a baby on Christmas Day of all days. She had spent the time in between contractions worrying about the fact her little girl’s birthday was on a major holiday, that she’d never quite get the attention she deserved. Aaron had tried to calm her down, her physical and emotional support as he sat behind her for hours, never once complaining when she was sure she almost broke his hand. 
She looks up as she hears a knock on the door, “Come in,” she says quietly, smiling as her husband pops his head into the room, his smile wide and full of adoration as their eyes meet, “Hi honey,” she looks down at Evelyn, “Look sweet girl, Daddy is back.” 
Aaron’s smile gets impossibly wider at the sight of his girls together, “Are you two ready for a visitor?”
She nods, well aware that there was only one person that Aaron would have with him. He’d only been out of the room for a matter of minutes, his only goal to meet Jack and Jessica in the waiting room so the young boy could meet his little sister, and she’d missed him. Emily had been clear from the very start that she didn’t want visitors in the hospital, and that Jack was her only exception. 
It ended up being one of the benefits of going into labour when she had. She’d sent a text to the BAU team group chat, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, but hadn’t hinted that she was in labour. 
She could surprise them all tomorrow, send a picture of Evelyn and Jack together and announce she’d unexpectedly given birth earlier than expected, but for now, she wanted to live in this little bubble with her children and her husband. 
“Of course,” she replies, winking at her husband before the door opens, revealing Jack standing next to him, his eyes wide in wonder as he walks into the room, “Hi Jack.” 
“Hi,” he says, stepping closer to the bed, staring at the bundle in Emily’s arms. “Is that baby sister?” 
“Yeah, buddy, that’s your sister” Aaron says, picking Jack up and placing him carefully on the bed so he doesn’t jostle Emily too much, “Now be careful, remember-”
“The baby is small and Mom might be sore,” Jack says, his eyes still fixed on the baby, his fascination so intense he misses how Emily rolls her eyes at Aaron over his head. 
“I’m fine, sweetie,” Emily says, encouraging him to sit next to her, rearranging the blankets around her daughter's face, “This is Evelyn, but we’re going to call her Evie most of the time.” 
Jack gasps and leans in closer, stamping a kiss on Evelyn’s forehead before he sits back up, looking back and forth between his parents, “She’s so pretty, Mom,” Jack says, his smile wide as he leans into Emily’s side, “Just like you.” 
Emily chuckles and shakes her head, turning to kiss his temple, “You’re a charmer,” she says, looking at her husband and raising her eyebrow, “Just like your dad.” 
“Can I hold her?” Jack asks enthusiastically and Emily nods.
“Of course, put your arms like mine,” she says, nodding encouragingly as he does so, “Be careful with her head,” she adds as she hands over Evelyn, shushing her as she whines a little bit, making sure she keeps a hand under her head for extra support, “There you go.” 
The family of four falls into a contented silence as Jack looks down at his younger sister, his smile wide. 
“What do you think, Jack?” Aaron asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. He places his hand on Emily’s leg and squeezes, exchanging a small smile with her. 
“I think she’s the best Christmas present ever.” 
Emily was losing her mind. 
She was surrounded by wrapping paper, ‘Happy Birthday’ to her right and ‘Merry Christmas to her left. 
She hated wrapping presents. She wasn’t good at it, didn’t have the patience for it, but it was a necessary evil - especially this time of year. She groans as she looks at the pile of toys in front of her, gifts for Evelyn and Jack mixed in together, and she rests her elbows on the table and her face in her hands. 
“You okay sweetheart?” 
She turns her head just enough to look at her husband, offering him a half smile as he walks over, “I hate wrapping.” 
He chuckles as he sits next to her and places a hot chocolate on the table in front of her, “I know you do,” he says, stamping a kiss against her temple as he reaches out and places his hand on her stomach, rubbing a circle on her bump, “How are you two doing?” 
She smiles as she rests her hand over his, “We’re okay,” she says, scrunching her nose up as she looks at the pile of still unwrapped gifts on the table, “He hates wrapping too.”
Aaron raises his eyebrow at her, “He told you that did he?” 
She shrugs, “He lives inside of me, I just know.” 
He smiles and leans in, stamping a kiss against her lips, “Why don’t you sit there and enjoy your hot chocolate,” he says, sliding it closer to her, “And I’ll take over wrapping.” 
She beams at him, both of them aware that this was the inevitable outcome anyway, and she nods, reaching out for her drink and leaning back in her chair, “The giant stuffed dog is for Evie’s birthday, the PlayDoh Kitchen is for Christmas.” 
“I know, Em,” he says, winking at her as he starts to measure out paper, doing it much more meticulously than she would, “I went to the toy store with you,” he smiles wryly, “And last year she was more interested in the wrapping paper than the toy we actually bought her.”  
She nods, sipping her hot chocolate, “Sorry, honey,” she says, watching him as he works, “I think I’m just…overthinking it. She’s turning 3 and it’s the first birthday and Christmas she’s going to really understand.” 
He puts down the scissors and reaches over to squeeze her knee, “I know, baby,” he assures her, “And you’re five months pregnant, so everything feels a little sharper.” 
She presses her lips together, one of her hands drifting down to her bump, smiling at the sensation of her son moving, “That too,” she sighs, looking over the pile of gifts, “I…I feel bad sometimes. I worry she’s going to grow up and feel bad because her brothers have separate days and she has to share her day with everyone.” 
Aaron shifts closer, wrapping his arm around her as he pulls her into his side, “Em, she’s the happiest little girl,” he says, “And we’ve always made a point that the morning is her birthday, the afternoon is Christmas, and we’ll keep on doing that,” he places his hand on her bump, “And her little brother will understand it all too.” 
She hums, “I hope so,” she says, resting her head on his shoulder, “Speaking of the kids, where are they?” She asks as she looks around, “It’s too quiet.” 
He chuckles, “Last time I checked Jack was showing Evie how to play a game in the living room.”
She smiles and she nods, placing her hot chocolate down and kissing his cheek before she stands, “Well, your youngest son is bouncing on my bladder, so I’ll check on them on the way to the bathroom.” 
He grabs her hand as she walks past and presses a kiss to her knuckles, “Love you.” 
“Love you too,” she replies, squeezing his hand before she leaves the room, suppressing a yawn as she looks at her watch and rolls her eyes, “It’s only 6 pm,” she grumbles to herself, “You’re zapping all my energy sweet boy.” 
She stops outside of the living room when she hears her children’s hushed voices, pausing just out of sight so she can hear them. 
“I’ll write your name for you, Evie,” Jack says, “And you put on the glitter.” 
“Momma loves glitter.” 
Emily chuckles at the delight in her daughter’s voice, and she covers her mouth to stop herself from disturbing them. She absolutely did not love glitter, especially in what she was sure in large amounts on her hardwood floor, but she loved her children, so she’d put up with finding glitter on the floor for the rest of her life if it made them happy. 
“Exactly. That’s why we’ve got to make her the best card, because she’s the best Mom,” Jack says, and Emily blows out a steady breath, tears already pressing at the back of her eyes. 
“The best Momma!” 
She presses her lips together to stop them from trembling, but tears slip past her lashline, splashing onto her cheeks at the sound of her daughter’s sweet voice. 
“They’re right you know,” Aaron says softly, appearing behind her so quietly that she jumps, her hand on her chest as she turns to look at him, “You are the best.” 
She smiles as he pulls her into a hug, his arms tight around her, and she presses her cheek to his shoulder. Sometimes it was still hard to believe that this was her life, that she had a family of her own. A husband she loved beyond measure and children that were the centre of her world. 
“Aaron?” She says softly, and she feels the way he hums in response, feels it rumble from his chest to hers, “I still really need to go pee so you need to stop squeezing me.” 
He lets go of her, a smile on his face as he steps back, “You go to the bathroom, I’ll go make sure the monsters aren’t entirely covering the living room with glitter as they make our cards.”
On Christmas morning, the presents for everyone still tucked away under the tree as Evie excitedly unwraps her birthday presents, Emily sits on the couch, a cup of tea in hand, and revels in her ordinary, extraordinary life. 
She yawns as she picks up balled-up wrapping paper, unceremoniously dumping them into the recycling bin she’d pulled into the living room. She smiles at the mix of Christmas and Birthday paper, something that had been normal in their house for 15 years now. 
“Mom, do you want some help?” 
Emily turns and smiles at Evelyn, the teenager standing with her arms crossed in the doorway, “If don’t mind, honey,” Emily says, and Evelyn walks in, leaning down to start picking up paper too, “Where’s everyone else?”
“Jack is FaceTiming his girlfriend,” Evelyn says, rolling her eyes when she thinks of her older brother, “Apparently a whole week away from college might be the end of them both.”
Emily smiles as she watches her daughter clean up. Everyone had always said Evelyn was the double of her, in looks and attitude, and she knew it was true. It had been strange at first, raising someone who was exactly like her and struggling to see the faults her mother had always pointed out to her. All the parts of her own personality that people told her she’d struggle with when she was on the receiving end of them nothing short of amazing to her, each of them contributing to the beautiful person her daughter was turning into.
“Be nice,” Emily says, smiling wryly as Evelyn looks up at her with a raised eyebrow, “One day you’ll meet someone and fall in love and be just as disgusting about it,” she chuckles, “But don’t do it too soon, you might give Dad a heart attack and I quite like having him around,” she adds and Evelyn laughs too, the sound matching Aaron’s perfectly, the one thing she’d seemingly picked up from her father, “What about everyone else?”
“Ollie is reading his new book in bed,” she explains, and Emily thinks of her 12-year-old son, his love of learning and reading something that she treasured and would protect forever, even if it meant she had to go to the school and talk to the kids who called him a nerd, “And Dad is reading Willa a story because she insisted and we all know he’s wrapped around her finger.” 
Willa had been a surprise, an addition to their family they weren’t expecting a few years after they’d agreed Oliver would be their last. Emily had assumed her mood swings and exhaustion were perimenopause, the start of the next stage of her life. The sadness, the pull of regret in her belly, felt strange, misplaced even, until her doctor told her she was pregnant, the final piece of the puzzle they hadn’t known was missing. Willa was funny, her sense of humour sharp for a 9-year-old, and she lived to make the people around her laugh. 
“You say that like he isn’t wrapped around yours,” Emily quips, her smile getting wider as Evelyn jokingly sticks her tongue out at her. She smiles as she dumps the last of the wrapping paper into the recycling and she sighs, “Want to pick a movie whilst we wait for your dad?” 
Evelyn’s eyes light up, “I get to pick?” 
Emily smiles, “It’s your birthday honey, of course you get to pick,” she squeezes her daughter’s shoulder as she passes her, “I’ll get the hot chocolate.” 
She makes quick work of making the drinks, making sure she puts extra marshmallows in Evelyn’s, and she walks back to the living room. Evelyn was on the couch now, a blanket over her lap. Emily walks over and puts the hot chocolates down on the coffee table and sits next to Evelyn, she smiles when the teenager puts the other half of the blanket over Emily’s lap. She then rests her head on her mother’s shoulder, sighing contently as Emily lifts her arm and lets her snuggle closer. 
“Did you have a nice birthday?” Emily asks, running her fingers through her daughter’s long dark hair.
Evelyn nods against her, “I did, thank you for all my gifts,” she tilts her head to look up at her, “Can I ask you something?”
Emily nods, “Of course you can.”
“Where do you even find birthday wrapping paper this time of year?” She asks, her brow furrowed, “When I was picking out stuff to wrap my gifts for everyone I couldn’t see it anywhere.” 
Emily chuckles, “I buy it when I buy stuff for Jack’s,” she says, “Just to make sure I have it.” 
Evelyn smiles at her, “Why? I mean, I love it, but you don’t have to worry. I know you’re busy.” 
She shrugs at her daughter's question, “Ever since you were born, and you were that tiny little baby in that hospital room, I promised you that I’d always make sure you felt special on your birthday,” she says, still playing with Evelyn’s hair. 
Evelyn smiles at her, “You’ve always done that, Mom,” she says, “You’re the best.” 
Emily presses her lips together to stop her daughter from seeing them tremble, her children and their open affection for her something that had always been her Achilles’ heel. It was something she treasured, a sign that she’d done what her mother had never done for her - raised them in a way that let them know they were loved. 
“I remember on your second birthday you were more interested in the wrapping paper,” Emily says, changing the subject just enough so she could get her emotions under control. She smiles wistfully as she thinks about when Evie was a tiny little thing, not the gangly teenager who was leaning against her, “You didn’t look at your actual present for days.” 
Evelyn chuckles, “I have always liked shiny things.” 
“You get that from your Dad,” Emily jokes and they both laugh, sinking further into each other, both of them enjoying some rare alone time together. 
“What are you two laughing at?” Aaron says as he walks into the room, his eyebrow raised as they both turn to look at him and start laughing even harder. He shakes his head and walks over, dropping a kiss on his wife’s lips before he rounds the couch and sits on Emily’s other side, sandwiching her between him and their eldest daughter. 
“Nothing, honey,” Emily says, her hand on his cheek as she pulls him in for a quick kiss, making a point of doing it again when Evelyn groans in disgust next to him, “Evie picked the movie.” 
“Well of course,” he says, leaning back to look at his daughter over his wife’s head, “She’s the birthday girl.” 
Evelyn smiles widely, “I’m the best Christmas present ever,” she says. It was something she’d repeated every year ever since Emily had told her that’s what Jack had called her when he met her, something that embarrassed the now 22-year-old. 
Emily smiles and squeezes her daughter against her, “You really are.” 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @hancydrewfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensaurusrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
Join my tag list here!
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savsbizarrefilter · 1 year
feelin a bit devious so thats why im anonymous but can you make nsfw fem reader x jolyne??? just thinkin abt bein fingered by her is making me INSANE ‼️‼️‼️‼️😭😭😭(i love this woman sm)
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jolyne x [fem]reader
warning(s): sexual content, fingering, making out, semi-public.
a/n: MMMMMMMMMMM no cuz youre mind <333 the chokehold the part 6 girlies have on me is SICK. so glad your requested this... thank you anon!
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"You're such a good girl." Jolyne purred in your ear.
you two currently sat in the corner of the library with her hand down your pants while her other hand held your waist in an effort to keep you from squirming too much. you pressed your wrist to your mouth to stifle your whimpers. your hips bucked into her hand, the friction aiding to the pressure on your clit making you shiver.
you were way too scared to make noise. you knew damn well if you were caught in this position, the other inmates would give you no end. her fingers were curled into an angle where she continuously stroked at your g-spot, her fingertips stroking the small patch to bring you closer to your climax.
Jolyne's warmth is overwhelming, and her body heat is driving you insane—not to mention the fact that the warmth of her sweet lips on your neck does no better than to deter you from staying composed. a small whimper slips by your pursed lips as you feel her teeth nip into your skin, her goal to leave a mark for everyone else to see. she runs her tongue over the little bite, teasing your skin to soothe the pain before moving lower onto your exposed collarbone to leave more marks there as well.
with a particular buck of your hips it sends you into frenzy. the sound of your cunt was much more noticeable at this point. your chest rises and falls rapidly as she picks up speed only enough to overstimulate you rather than over do it. your hastily grip her wrist as you ride against her fingers, your head tilting back against the books as you chase your high.
she quickly leans up to place her lips on yours, gladly swallowing your moans within her lips in the kiss. her tongue slips into your wet cavern, a moan of her own is muffled against your mouth as you two haphazardly makeout in the back of the library.
"Mmnnn..." You groan against her lips as you reach your high, body tensing and walls clenching around her deft fingers. Jolyne smirks against your lips and slows down her stroking to help bring you down from your high. she pulls away from the kiss with a trail of saliva connecting you two, her quickly leaning to get rid of it by giving you another chaste kiss. she admires your fucked out state, chest heaving, the dazed look behind your eyes, your disheveled clothes and if it was noticeable the flush of your skin from arousal.
"See? You're perfect." She spreads her fingers to show your slick on her fingers before plopping them in her mouth. she gets up and without a look back she leaves you in the back of the library, a mess.
you'd need to get up soon... and change your underwear.
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                  all rights reserved © savsbizzarefilter
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kinkyintherealworld · 3 months
Sissification - a toxic construction of femininity or getting off on outdated social constructs?
Becca here. 😀
First… I LOVE THAT YOU STARTED THIS DISCUSSION!!!! Thank you so much @youngchastity - who wrote to us (and tagged us in a post) for some healthy discussion around the sissification kink. We’ve definitely had a few things to say about it on the podcast, as have our guests. You can read his post, that started this conversation, here
Rather than speak for both of us at @kinkyintherealworld, I’m going to jump in and answer this from my point of view.
@youngchastity I love your thoughts on gender - I totally agree. I actually reblogged a post by @necromimetics the other day that said: 
“can’t stop thinking about my friend’s cishet partner who said last night that he doesn’t think anyone is the same gender. god-tier take.”
And I agree - we’re all a wibbly-wobbly swirl of masculine, feminine, and everything in between energies, and everyone has their own unique blend. Trying to squash us into labels is lame as hell. 
I like to think I am never one to kink shame (keeping it safe, sane and consensual), and in world where I (and many other women) want to smash the patriarchy, I may be a bit more sensitive to kinks that look down on femininity - or that’s how I have perceived it to date. As someone who has struggled with gender equality issues in real life (your capitalism comment made me give a disgruntled, but amused, snort), it’s hard to not knee jerk react and feel like I need to defend womanhood/femininity. There is still a power imbalance in the world, and equality is still a goal yet to be achieved, but upon dissection, is in the bedroom, playing with kinks, even a place we need to bring this battle? A question that has been raised to me, even before your message.
It’s funny, because I have actually had your very points discussed with me, last fall with my partner, Misty (who if you have read my personal tumblr is trans-personality who enjoys both sides of the gender spectrum fluidly) - we were on a road trip discussing the two episodes you made note of in your post, episode #16 and #19. And Misty, like you, felt we were missing the mark. S/he felt that in no way does sissification for the purpose of humiliation somehow degrade/make fun of/make lesser femininity. For all the same reasons you stated. S/he and I actually talked about doing a podcast about it, to dive more into the topic, Misty felt that strongly. It should be noted that Misty is NOT into sissification or feminization for the purpose of humiliation, and still she felt that we gave the sissification kink a bum rap. 
Hearing her thoughts and yours, I think it is something that should be revisited and, for me personally, I need to take a closer look at why I find it uncomfortable.
Since you made such lovely points I want to try and address each one!
We’ve established that we both agree the trappings around what we consider to be masculine and feminine are made up (and ridiculous). I think, the kink we are talking about here is ultimately humiliation through outdated (but still most commonly accepted) societal norms. IF you get embarrassed about having those things stripped away, and “forced” into the opposite direction… good for you? I mean seriously, how fun is it to get off in weird and wonderful ways with someone who shares your kink from a slightly different perspective! The reality is, I believe, this isn’t hurting anyone. You want a person to lock up your dick, make fun of your little penis (your actual size is irrelevant), or put you in clothing that bends your mind with eroticism and makes you flustered with sexual need - awesome! Life is too short not to enjoy the kinks we have. The bigger question, if I want to dig into the piece that makes me feel uncomfortable is, “Is there misogyny in the specific kink?” - and the answer to that, for me upon reflection, is no. Misogyny comes from the person performing it. So yeah, some kinky things are done with TONS of misogynistic intent… but that isn’t concentrated in one area. Those assholes are everywhere.
To me, feminization is never something that goes hand-in-hand with sissification. My partner feminized himself (their pronouns are all over the place), in a loving way. To empower the feminine in himself. He has often described it as blooming or becoming a butterfly - his higher form of being. So no humiliation to be found, for either of us on either end. I find it hot as fuck when he is all dolled up. 
I haven't dipped my toes into the humiliation via feminization kink (...yet?), so it’s hard for me to wrap my dirty little mind around it. 
Weirdly I do have a bimbofication kink for myself… sometimes. 😁 If I am in a particular mood for the fantasy. I have never found the right time/partner/energy to explore that. Am I feeling humiliation when I go there? I don’t think so…? More the need to feel desired, trophied (yes I made up that word), and used in a deeply submissive way. I’m not embarrassed about that. ;)   I too would be interested in hearing from women who enjoy humiliating others through feminization/sissification, and how they feel about it. Awesome point! 😀
Celebrating feminization! Now that is my jam! 💗 Give me a soft cute boy, and let me make him weak with wanting to be pretty and obedient for me. To me this is a huge mind shift  - the key word “celebrating”, not shaming. Gosh, I could just sink into this topic like the perfect bubble bath. To me, this is a core element to gentle femdom. It is about making boys better… pretty, soft, sweet things that want to please - the D/s element being a key piece. The submissive to be absolutely loved and worshipped for their submission. No shame, not less than me, and certainly not shifting my own very feminine self. I love the feminine. I love to see it in men, and men embracing that side of themselves. Is this a form benevolent sexism? I don’t know. And more to the point, if I am engaging in it with my partners, writing about it on tumblr, and reblogging things that I enjoy around the topic, am I hurting anyone? Food for thought, but I am going to keep doing my thing. ;) I feel like you can look at BDSM here, and for those who wish to criticize it, could for its dynamics. But that feels like a giant, whole other post.    Another thing you mentioned in this point was the strapon, and it’s use as a symbol of power. I have never seen it that way. To me, it is my soul penis… and I love being able to be inside my partner(s). It is an act of love, and makes me want to bring them to amazing places of pleasure (while I get off too). I really don’t enjoy the pictures of women wearing strapons who look like they want to punish their partner with it. But that’s just me. I know lots of people must enjoy that because there is a shit ton of porn that looks that way.
Playing with gender. I like that - and I do it! I love being able to put on a penis!! I really enjoyed trying my hand at Drag King make up and going out as a boy (I’ll post my picture again). I LOVE seeing boys in make up and fucking gender norms right out the window. You said it in your post - gender is made up and stupid. So yeah, let’s play with it, and maybe even break the molds! Though then you’ll have to find something else to get embarrassed and turned on about. ;) Our kinks are about orgasms and pleasure. Let’s enjoy them. In the end, it is all about intent and the people doing it. Not about the kinks themselves. People who want there to be an imbalance of power between women and men will keep doing mean spirited things to keep that nightmare alive - in the streets and in the sheets.
I feel like I have answered your points (I may have jumped around a bit), and I don’t feel the need to argue any of them. Misty had already shone a light on where I may have not been seeing the bigger picture. 
I am SO HAPPY you wrote us a message, and that you took the time to write out your thoughts (that can be read here). So sorry it took me a while to see it and respond! I am always up for conversation and debating (with kindness) any of the points. 
I definitely feel this topic should be a podcast. Any chance you'd like to be on it @youngchastity? ;) 
Hugs! Becca
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authorchu · 1 year
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A/N: My first dip in the water for writing 18+ content, and who's better to write about than Wanda Maximoff? It's not a lot, but I hope you guys like it. Enjoy :)
Warning: The tiniest bit of smut
You and Wanda Maximoff had been dating for a while, and you couldn't have been happier. There was something about her that just drew you in, and you felt like you could talk to her about anything. You loved spending time with her, whether it was just hanging out at home or exploring the city.
One day, you were in the home-gym working out, trying to push yourself to your limits. You were so focused on your routine that you didn't even notice when Wanda walked in.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" you asked, taking a break from your workout to greet her.
"I came to watch you work out," she replied with a smirk.
You laughed, feeling a little self-conscious now that she was watching you. But something about the way she was looking at you made you feel empowered, like you could take on the world.
You went back to your workout, pushing yourself even harder than before. You could feel the sweat pouring down your face, your muscles burning with exertion. But you didn't stop, not until you had reached your goal.
As you finished your workout, you looked up to see Wanda standing there, her eyes burning with desire.
"You know," she said, stepping closer to you. "There's something about watching you work out that drives me crazy."
She pressed her lips against yours, her hands running over your body as she kissed you hungrily. You could feel the heat building between you, and you knew that you wanted her just as much as she wanted you.
You pulled her closer to you, deepening the kiss as you explored each other's bodies. The sweat on your skin only seemed to heighten the intensity of the moment, making it even more passionate and intense.
Finally, you pulled away, gasping for breath as you looked at each other with desire and love.
"I don't think I've ever been so turned on in my life," Wanda said, a mischievous grin on her face.
Wanda pulled you close, her hands roaming over your body. You could feel the intensity of her desire, and it made your heart race with excitement.
Without saying a word, she led you to the bedroom, where she began to undress you with a sense of urgency. You could feel her hands on your skin, igniting a fire within you that you couldn't control.
As you both stripped down to your underwear, you could feel the heat building between you. You knew that this was going to be an intense and passionate night, unlike anything you had ever experienced before.
Wanda pushed you onto the bed, straddling you as she leaned down to kiss you again. You could feel her body pressed against yours, her curves fitting perfectly against your own.
You moaned softly as she moved against you, her lips trailing down your neck as she explored your body with her hands. You could feel her desire growing with each passing moment, and it was making you wild with need.
Finally, she pushed herself back up, looking down at you with a wicked grin.
"I want you, right now," she said, her eyes burning with desire.
You nodded, unable to form words as she moved to the edge of the bed, pulling you towards her. You could feel her fingers on your skin, sending shivers down your spine as she began to explore your body.
The night was long and intense, filled with passion and desire. You and Wanda were lost in the moment, unable to think of anything else except for each other.
As the sun began to rise, you both collapsed onto the bed, exhausted but completely satisfied. You looked over at Wanda, feeling grateful for every moment you spent with her.
You knew that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with her, exploring the world together and experiencing everything that it had to offer. And you couldn't wait to see what the future had in store for the two of you.
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terapsina · 8 months
Hope/Lizzie: Dealer’s choice! 21, 22, 23, or 25!
(lets try to go for broke and pick all)
21. sharing long term dreams, goals and aspirations with one another 22. playful teasing 23. being unable to keep their eyes off of them 25. finding comfort in their scent
--- ao3 ---
Lizzie Saltzman shone.
She was... the most alive person Hope knew. It was hard to look away from, - which... a bit ironic that, considering how it was Hope who killed her.
But it was the truth all the same.
Even on a night like any other, where they were just hanging out in the library going through piles of grimoires and fairy tale books - and what were their lives that both were equally useful now? - the last ones still awake, with everyone else having abandoned them almost an hour back. Even here, under the simple light of the table lamp, Lizzie pulled Hope's eye like a magnet.
Lizzie's hair was pulled up in a messy bun, with little golden tufts of hair fallen out of place and tickling her neck. Little micro-expressions flit over Lizzie's face as she read, - a scrunch between the eyebrows; a sharpening in her gaze as she leaned closer to the book; a brief uptick to the corners of her lips as she took a brief note.
Hope's chest ached with the increasingly familiar sensation of longing.
It was getting harder trying to hide it. If this was what Lizzie had felt during Hope's dramatic roller coaster of a romance with Landon, she didn't know how Lizzie had dealt with being Hope's one big constant at the time.
Which was exactly what Lizzie had been. And it was so easy to see that with all the reflection available to Hope now.
Lizzie had always been there. Having Hope's back, helping Hope even when it nearly cost her everything. Even when they fought, even during the moments in time when Lizzie would proclaim her hatred of Hope, Lizzie would always - always - come through.
And Hope had begun to take it for granted.
"Lizzie?" she asked spontaneously "What do you want to do?"
"What?" Lizzie looked up, blinking rapidly a few times, like she was trying to wipe away the imprint of pages and pages of text from the back of her eyelids. "Figure out how to deal with this brownie infestation?"
"No, I mean... when we leave the Salvatore Boarding School, what will you do?"
"Oh," she bit into her lip and Hope felt it like a slice of a heated blade somewhere deep within the lining of her stomach, her fingertips tingled with the urge to reach over and run them against Lizzie's bottom lip to ease the tiny sting. "I... don't really know. I mean I want to go to college. Go visit Josie in London. But existentially? With potentially the rest of all of eternity? No idea."
There was a moment of heavy silence as the air between them seemed to stretch, their eyes caught by a single spiderweb string.
Frazzled, she grasped for something to say.
"I miss New Orleans," she admitted quietly, "I miss seeing my family."
After her dad died Hope had... kind of walled herself off from everyone. Sometimes she blamed her aunts and uncles for letting her. They hadn't at first, of course, had called nearly every week and visited more than a few times too. But Hope had barely spoken to them, the pain too deep, missing both her dad and her mom too much.
She'd let the calls go to voicemail. Barely spoke during the visits until Rebekah, Marcel, Kol and Aunt Freya finally started giving her the space she'd been fighting for.
It was probably because they didn't quite operate on a mortal timetable. Didn't quite remember anymore what a year or two meant to someone who was sixteen and not one thousand and sixteen.
"I'd like to go to New Orleans someday," Lizzie's eyes dug into her in a way that made Hope think she really could see right through her and into Hope's head. Like she saw into the very depths of Hope's heart and saw it laid bare.
She wondered if she was translucent enough for there to be Lizzie's own face staring back at her.
"I could show you," Hope offered with a traitorous skip in her heartbeat. One that by the way Lizzie's eyes slipped briefly to Hope's chest she had clearly heard too. "I could introduce you to my family, I think they'd like you."
Which was a bit of an understatement, she could already picture Aunt Rebekah taking one look at Lizzie - or better yet, the way Hope's eyes had lately been going to Lizzie with something like a compulsion - and starting to grin like she was having the best day of her millennia-long life.
She wondered what it said about her... feelings, that the thought was strangely compelling instead of terrifying.
"Okay," Lizzie said and pulled Hope back into the present.
"Yeah, I'll come meet your scary family. But just so you know, if I die I'm going to have to sucker punch Frodo and come back as a ghost to haunt you," Lizzie said, tone very frank and practical.
Hope fought back a smile.
It was strange, Lizzie's careless mention of Landon should have hurt and yet somehow it just reminded her that he was still... there. Somewhere in the grand space of reality he wasn't truly gone.
And somehow, as was Lizzie's way, she'd said the exact right thing in what might have been misconstrued by someone who didn't know Lizzie as the exact wrong way to say it. It wasn't though. It was just... the Lizzie way to say it.
And Hope kind of loved-
Hope loved Lizzie.
The thought wasn't new exactly. She'd been thinking it with increasing frequency in the past few months - and with a strangely more pointed edge since Lizzie and MG had broken up; like the side of her that had taken over when she'd switched off her humanity was getting bored with Hope's pace.
Or her complete absence of pace.
Instead Hope just... stewed. At first, not ready to move on from Landon. Then, not ready to face what she'd done to Lizzie and how making her own growing feelings for Lizzie obvious might hurt her just as she was clearly moving on from her confession to Hope. And once she'd dealt with that, there was the fear of being too late.
Hope had hurt her. Hope had hurt her so much. She had killed her, it would only be rational to have moved on from whatever it was she felt for Hope.
And yet Lizzie had remained Hope's best friend and one constant - something Hope was no longer stupid enough to take for granted or to abuse.
And sometimes - like right now - Hope caught Lizzie staring back. A look of something deeply fond on her face, like Hope's brief, swallowed smile had pushed everything else out of Lizzie's head.
"Oh, screw it," Lizzie said under her breath and in one vampire-quick movement of air moved around the table, grasped Hope lightly by the back of her neck, and pulled her forward until Hope's lips landed against Lizzie's.
Blood rushed to her head as she leaned even further into Lizzie's hold on the sheer rush of instinct and pleasure. Lizzie's lips were warm and tasted of cherry lip balm. Her scent, which Hope usually tried to push into the background - she did kinda still need to function sometimes - exploded around her with overpowering strength. It made Hope dizzy and giddy.
She wanted to fall asleep to that scent, to wake up to it, to-
Lizzie kissed her like she was trying to prove a years-old point. And Hope kissed her back like she was finally ready to listen. Their lips moving against each other with the need to meld together. Her own hand moving under nearly its own power to slide Hope's fingers between the messy strands of Lizzie's hair, swallowing into their kiss the response of the little, contracting gasp of air Lizzie released in response.
She'd been wanting this for so long. Waiting. Hoping.
And then, as the emotion of it all reached some kind of crescendo Hope felt veins begin pulsing under the skin of her eyelids, - with the hot need for Lizzie, to pull her close, so close they'd never be parted from this moment - when her suddenly sharpening teeth accidentally nicked the skin of Lizzie's lips.
"'Sorry," Hope gasped at Lizzie's hiss, pulling back, panting heavily.
"It's fine. Though... it's a good thing I used your blood," Lizzie said, rueful and a bit dazed, a look of a tiny smirk blooming on her lips and glinting over her eyes, "it would be very annoying needing to drink from you every time you bit me."
Hope's eyes widened with a brief spike of panic. Werewolf venom.
"Are you okay, do you feel anything? Maybe you should still- just to be safe-"
"Chill, sweetie" Lizzie soothed her, running a reassuring finger over the side of Hope's face "I'm fine. If you'd just poisoned me I'd feel it, Mom told me how it feels, and see?" she extended her lip in brief pout "Already healed."
Hope's eyes flicked back to Lizzie's lips and she swallowed, feeling heat rush onto her face.
An extended beat passed before an old lesson they'd had once also managed to push forward from the back of her mind, reminding her that also-
"You're a heretic, heretics can pull the magic from the bite."
"Oh, right. I forgot. I'm awesome," Lizzie grinned and swung forward to plant a tiny kiss on the very tip of Hope's nose.
Hope smiled, something warm flickering within again and then growing slightly more serious. Asked, "Why did you kiss me?"
Lizzie had never tried to kiss Hope before, not even during their ill-fated road trip when Hope's darker side was behind the wheel and had left more than a few openings for it. She was glad for it now, though, not because Hope thought she'd have regretted it happening - she knew she wouldn't have - but because she was afraid of how she might have hurt Lizzie's heart further with her gaping, empty lack of care.
Or her possessiveness. There had been quite a bit of that in the No Humanity version of Hope where Lizzie was concerned.
"Because you were taking too long," Lizzie smirked matter-of-factly.
Hope widened her eyes in mock offense, enjoying Lizzie's teasing "Was not!"
"I'm immortal now but I think I still would have died of old age before you came out and actually-"
"I would have said something eventua-"
"Hope Andrea Mikaelson, you would have let the universe crumble into dust before you went ahead and actually-"
Well, with fighting words like those there was only one thing Hope could do.
This time, Hope kissed her.
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An Unexpected Taste of Love: Chapter Three
Pairing: Darkling x Female Reader
Rating: Teen and Up
Summary: You are a servant at the Grand Palace, but when a threat to the Second Army’s General leads to the King assigning him a taster, you are forced into a new role that just may be the starting point for a whole new journey.    
Author’s note: I haven’t read the books but there may be a couple of small references to them that I have picked up from other sources (other fics, the grishaverse wiki, etc). Other than that, this fic is solely based on the TV show version of the Darkling.
Warnings: Near death experience, The Darkling is his own warning
< Chapter Two | Masterlist | Chapter Four >
You stifled a yawn as you hurriedly made your way to General Kirigan’s quarters to test his dinner. You had learned from last night’s late call and had not been asleep this time, but it had been a close thing. It had been another early morning and you were still fighting the bone-deep exhaustion that would take much more than two days to recover from, but you couldn’t help but smile. You had rather enjoyed the General’s company last night and were eager to see if it would be more than just a one-time thing.
You knew you shouldn’t get your hopes up, but something about the way he had said goodnight made you think that maybe he had enjoyed your company too.
You reached the General’s rooms just as the server was leaving, and you quickly slipped in before she could shut the door behind her. She seemed to be in a hurry to get out of there, and when you laid eyes on the General, you saw why. His back was turned to you as he looked at something on the massive table in front of him, but you could tell straight away that he was angry. His shoulders were taut and his fists were clenched where they rested on the table, and if that wasn’t enough, there were also the shadows lurking at the edges of the room to give away his bad mood.
‘General,’ you said, softly, announcing your presence. His shoulders seemed to relax a bit at the sound of your voice, but otherwise he didn’t move.
‘The food is on the table.’ His voice was tinged with anger, but you got the impression that he was holding it back from you. Whatever had soured his mood, it obviously wasn’t to do with you.
You tested his food in silence, and when you were sure you would live to see another day, you moved over to where the General was standing by the table. ‘The food seems fine,’ you said.
He nodded but didn’t say anything, so you hovered awkwardly. Partly because he hadn’t dismissed you, and partly because you didn’t want to leave just yet. The thought of him stewing in anger all alone just didn’t sit right with you. It was a new feeling for you to have about someone you served, and you were a little worried about it, but you couldn’t help it.
In an effort to distract yourself, you surveyed the table. ‘The map is impressive,’ you said, more to yourself than anything, but it got the General’s attention.
‘Let’s hope it stays that way,’ he said somewhat darkly, and you followed his gaze to see why. On the table in front of him was a poster of General Zlatan from West Ravka. There were not many words accompanying the picture, but the message was all too clear.
‘General Zlatan would see this map changed forever,’ continued the General. Or perhaps “the Darkling” was a better description for him at that moment. His shadows had gotten closer and were now surrounding you both as he lost himself in his righteous anger. ‘Our own people turning against us, betraying the Grisha.’
‘Betraying us all,’ you said, pushing the poster away in disgust. There had been much talk of Zlatan in the Grand Palace recently. It was well known that he wanted West Ravka to become its own independent nation, but lately, he seemed to be getting a lot closer to his goal. And East Ravka needed the West. If they were to separate, the East would fall into a poverty that not even the King could escape, and the war would surely be lost.
Zlatan knew all that; he just didn’t care.
‘He would leave East Ravka to fend for ourselves.’ You let out a sigh, your own anger leaving with it. ‘I suppose I cannot blame him too much,’ you said. ‘It does get tiring supporting others with little in return.’
For a moment, General Kirigan looked like he was going to yell at you, but then his shadows receded and his whole body deflated. ‘I feel I must apologise,’ he said, confusing you.
What did he have to apologise for?
‘For my irregular schedule,’ he explained, as if sensing your question. ‘If it were up to me, you would not be pulled from your sleep just to have a bite from my plate.’
You gave him a tired but grateful smile. It was practically unheard of for nobles to even acknowledge the challenges of your job, let alone apologise for them.
‘I am well used to being pulled from sleep,’ you assured him, not wanting him to feel guilty. ‘And I’m sure I will adjust to your schedule. I have always preferred the night-time, anyway. I’ve found it to be much more peaceful than during the day.’
The General’s lips twitched at the corners. ‘I have noticed a certain displeasure for mornings from you, I must admit.’
You felt your face heating up in embarrassment, and you looked back over the map, unable to meet his eyes. ‘I’m not much of a morning person, it’s true,’ you admitted. ‘I apologise if I have shown any disrespect in my zombie state.’
You heard a soft chuckle from beside you and you looked back to see that the General was now properly smiling. ‘No apologies necessary,’ he said. ‘I forget sometimes that Otkazat'sya need more sleep than Grisha.’
You smiled too, happy to see his mood improved. ‘I was always the same,’ you said. ‘Even as a small child, long before I started working at the Grand Palace.’
The General moved over to the smaller table where his food was still sitting and gestured to the two chairs. ‘Where did you grow up?’ he asked, General Zlatan seemingly forgotten, as he sat down and slowly picked at his food. You took the other chair.
‘A few hours ride out of Os Alta. We had a small farm in a small village.’ You smiled at the memories of helping your parents feed the chickens and the sheep, but it soon fell as less pleasant memories took over. ‘It’s not there anymore.’
‘The farm?’
You shook your head. ‘The village. Fjerdans raided it when I was 12. They burnt the whole place to the ground.’
A solemn, yet empathetic look passed over the General’s face. ‘I know what it’s like to be forced from one’s home,’ he said. ‘It’s not something you forget. Is that why you came to the city?’
You nodded. ‘My father died trying to protect the farm, and with the whole village decimated, my mother had no means of supporting us. We lived on the streets for a while as she tried to find work, but in the end, she had no choice but to get a job at the palace, which meant I got one too.’
There wasn’t a day that went by that you didn’t miss your mother. She had died a few years ago, falling off a ladder while cleaning the palace’s high windows. You remembered begging the medics to fetch a Healer from the Little Palace, but they had refused. Healers were not for servants, and without one, your mother had soon succumbed to her injuries.
You hoped the General didn’t ask you about her; you really didn’t want to have that conversation.
So you deflected.
‘Do you have any family?’ you asked him.
‘My mother is around,’ he said in vague tone that made it clear he didn’t want any follow up questions. ‘But other than that, no, it’s just me. It’s better that way.’ There was a faraway look in his eyes that you knew all too well. He had lost people before. People he was close to.
‘Is that why you don’t eat with the other Grisha?’
You were aware that you were really toeing the line with your question, but you felt you had to ask it. You couldn’t help but feel an affinity with the General, despite your different backgrounds and social status.
The General took another bite of his food and chewed it slowly. ‘I’ve lost so many people,’ he said at last. ‘At some point, I realised that it was just easier not to become too close.’ He glanced over at you. ‘Sometimes that can be difficult, however.’
You almost reached out to take his hand and give him the comfort he so obviously needed, but at the last moment remembered your place. You had already pushed your luck with your questions about his personal life, unwelcome physical contact could be enough to get you thrown out of the palace. And despite the danger and anxiety of your new role, you found that you didn’t want to leave it just yet.
‘That sounds very lonely,’ you said, softly. ‘But I get it. Sometimes loneliness is easier.’
The General regarded you as he took another bite of food and then pushed his plate away. ‘You sound like you are speaking from experience,’ he said. ‘I admit I know little of servant life, particularly in the Grand Palace, but surely relationships and friendships are not forbidden.’
You shrugged and picked at a loose thread of your dress. ‘They aren’t forbidden, but it is hard to find time for other people. The only times I really get a chance to talk to my friends are when we work together. Relationships are even harder to maintain. No chance for dates when you are busy serving other people their meals.’ You paused, thinking. ‘I imagine it’s not that different for people in the army, really.’
‘No, we don’t serve other people their meals.’
He said it with such a straight face that it took you a minute to realise he was joking, and when you did, you couldn’t control the burst of laughter that left your mouth. The General’s lips twitched and soon he was chuckling along with you.
After a minute, your laughter subsided, but your smiles remained. It was a vast improvement to the start of the night, and you couldn’t help but feel proud at lifting the General’s spirits. You hoped his good mood lasted after you left for the night, even if only for a little while.
‘Well, I suppose I had better let you get back to bed,’ said the General, looking over at the clock. Was it your imagination, or did his smile fall a bit?
‘I can stay longer if you want me to,’ you said. You really did need the sleep, especially if he’d be having breakfast before sunrise again, but you also didn’t want the night to end. You could already tell that you were too attached to these private moments where you got to be a person and not just a servant.
The General continued to stare at the clock, considering, but then shook his head and stood. To your immense surprise, he held his hand out to you. You took it with a shy smile and tried not to blush as he helped you up, something that was made very difficult by the way his thumb rubbed circles against the back of your hand before he let it go. It reminded you of how his fingers had lingered on your skin the previous night, and you wondered if he even realised he was doing it.
‘Go get some sleep,’ he said, the softest order he had probably ever given. ‘I should probably retire for the night, too.’ His eyes darted to the large table where the poster of Zlatan was still laying, upturned from when you had pushed it away earlier. ‘No doubt the King will be calling on me tomorrow.’
‘I’ll send word to the servers in the Grand Palace to give him an extra ration of bacon with his breakfast,’ you said, also glancing to the poster. ‘It usually puts him in a better mood.’
When you looked back at the General, it was to find him staring at you with a curious gaze. ‘Is that something the servers often do?’ he asked. He didn’t sound angry. Quite the opposite, in fact; he seemed impressed.
You shrugged. ‘We can’t do it too often – there is a food shortage, after all – but we’ve found it can help curve his temper when things go wrong.’
‘I think I had better start paying attention to what the servers give me in the mornings,’ the General chuckled. ‘They are evidently craftier than I imagined.’
You chuckled too. ‘Somehow I doubt you would be swayed by something as simple as an extra serving of bacon.’
The General gave you a look that your tired mind couldn’t quite decipher. ‘You’d be surprised,’ he said.
Something about his gaze made your face heat up, so you distracted yourself by gathering his plate and cutlery. ‘Some of the kitchen staff have rooms in the Grand Palace,’ you told him. ‘They can let the King’s cooks know that it is going to be a tough day tomorrow. I know it’s not much, but I’ve found that any improvement to the King’s mood is a blessing.’
‘Truer words,’ muttered the General as he took a step back, giving you room to get past him with the dishes. ‘Thank you.’
You gave him a polite smile and then made your way to the door, which he helpfully opened for you. ‘Thank you, General,’ you said with a small bow. His next words had you freezing, however.
‘Call me Aleksander.’
You looked back up at him, eyes wide.
‘When we are alone, at least,’ he continued. ‘I think we’ve gone past formalities, don’t you?’
You were fairly certain your heart skipped a beat. You had hoped for more nights like this with the General, but never had you expected to be on a first name basis with him.
‘Are you sure?’ you asked. You half expected him to change his mind, or to laugh at your hopeful expression and say he was joking, but he simply nodded.
‘Okay.’ Your voice was a tad squeaky so you cleared it, giving yourself a chance to compose yourself; it was bad enough that you felt like a schoolgirl with a crush, you didn’t want to sound like one too. ‘Goodnight… Aleksander.’
The smile he gave at that was enough to combat any shadows.
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deludedfantasy · 9 months
Trimax Vol 13 Ch 1-4
I'm leaving on vacation this week, so I want to get my thoughts out before I go. Unfortunately, I'll be too busy to really participate in volume 14 next week, but I'll be reading along and reading what everyone else has to say. But without further ado, part 1 of my thoughts on volume 13!
Ch 1
Legato is back on his killing Vash bullshit. He is so devoted to Knives that he would go against what he wants to give him what he thinks he deserves. There are so many levels of mental gymnastics going on here, I kinda can’t keep up. 
Chronica is so past the point of caring about anything except her own revenge. Civilians in the city beneath her? Who cares! She just wants to destroy Knives. I wonder if it’s about more than the fact that he killed Domina, if there’s something about the fact that he’s an Independent that’s causing so much damage and giving Independents a bad name that’s driving her to act like this. 
Of all the human villains Vash has faced, Legato is truly the most powerful, the one who he would have the hardest time standing against regardless of his morals. How do you fight a guy who can control your entire body? How do you fight someone who is so obsessed with killing you, he’d do anything to achieve it? 
This conversation between Knives and Legato is interesting. Let’s see if I can get my thoughts about it straight. Legato still wants to kill Vash for whatever he did to Knives, even though Knives doesn’t want that and seems to want Vash’s death to be at his own hands. Legato desperately wants to prove to Knives how loyal he is—and Knives flat out tells him he doesn’t care. 
That’s such a blow. And I imagine it would only motivate Legato more, to prove that he is worthy, that he can hold Vash and defeat him, to make himself worthy in the eyes of his god, his truest love, whatever Knives is to him. 
Knives is so cruel to him. What a thing to say to someone who has only ever followed you and done what you asked of them. It makes you feel bad for Legato. 
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I personally have never been able to decide if Knives really cares about Legato or views him as a useful tool. Or if it’s a combination of the two, hampered by his ideology which doesn’t allow him to care about humans or see them as anything other than lowly parasites. This conversation just muddies the waters even more for me. He’s so dismissive of him and his powers whereas at other times he’s shown, at least in his actions, that he cares about Legato and his survival. 
Then Legato also says, “His beliefs against my loyalty.” Which knowing what I know actually feels like a bit of foreshadowing…
Watching Vash fight Legato’s powers is so devastating. And I thought seeing him purposefully push himself closer to death was bad. This is just…a lot.
Add on Legato’s commentary to it and I feel like I’m chewing on glass. It’s been said over and over again lately, but something about Legato pointing it out and the blank look on Vash’s face fills me with indescribable emotions. 
Vash is pushing so hard because he doesn’t want to live anymore. He doesn’t care about the pain or staying alive. Sure, he has a goal to accomplish, but what happens after that doesn’t matter, so he’ll push past the normal limits to do what he has to do. 
What a strange moment of connection too, when Legato sees his own face reflected in Vash’s. They are enemies but they recognize this in each other. Usually, it’s painted as a bad thing when a villain says to a hero, “You’re just like me.” It’s certainly not good, but I don’t know. There’s no real moral judgment here. It’s just Legato realizing that Vash is more human than he originally thought. At least that’s the way I see it. 
Finally, the reveal of the coins and what they do! It’s…a tool to let Legato have a “fair” final battle with Vash? Vash certainly doesn’t sound happy about that. 
Ch 2
Oh, Vash is angry about this. All those deaths, all those people’s lives sacrificed, just for Legato to play this little game with Vash? What a cruel waste of life that spits in the face of everything Vash believes in. 
Legato, what the actual fuck. He just…puts Vash’s gun in his mouth??? What a move though, what a way to prove himself right. That Vash won’t shoot him even when he can put the gun straight into his mouth. 
Okay, I have no idea what’s happening here other than Legato executing some incredibly complicated maneuver and Vash still not shooting him because he’s Vash. But also how does he not crack his teeth doing all of that and keeping Vash’s gun in his mouth for the majority of it? 
Livio and Elendira have the best fight banter. I’m living for it.  
It’s nice to see Livio be confident about something, even if it’s his own fighting prowess. He’s been so anxious and unsure up to now, it’s great to see him really go for something. 
Livio, why are you being so cute right now? You’re in the middle of battle!
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Meanwhile, the Earth fleet secretly descends to the planet’s surface. I wonder what they’re planning?
Ch 3
Where in the world did Legato get his giant Iron Maiden mace from? Like, where has he been hiding it this entire time? I know I won’t get an answer because Nightow plays by the rule of cool, but it’s just so funny. 
I don’t know why I’m even surprised by Legato at this point. Licking Vash’s blood from the floor? Okay, why not! 
So Vash and Legato both want to die, but it’s in very different ways. Vash doesn’t see a place for himself in the world anymore and he can’t see a future beyond this battle. Meanwhile, Legato almost wants to die to prove a point—the ultimate representation of his loyalty to Knives. He’ll die trying to kill Vash the Stampede for him, because his life doesn’t matter, only Knives’s mission. I don’t really know what to make of it, other than it makes Legato a very dangerous person for Vash to be fighting right now. Because nothing will make him stop. 
“Tell me, if it were not for you, would he have accepted me?” → Is Legato implying that he’s been trying to act as a replacement Vash for Knives? The trusted brother and confidant Knives supposedly always wanted Vash to be and Legato has desperately been trying to fill that role for years? No wonder Legato hates Vash so much. 
Livio, sweetheart, I love you so much. Runs around mid fight to get his hat and cloak back like he’s Indiana Jones, makes the cutest little face when he gets them back. They’re so important to him. He literally just got them and he’s unwilling to let them go! They’re the symbol of the new man he’s trying to become. Truly, he’s stronger with them. 
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Ch 4
There’s something about Elendira’s new outfit that reminds me of a skeleton. Or more of an exoskeleton. It’s so strange and we’ve never seen her in it before. Who is this mysterious woman and what is she going to do now?
She’s moving so much faster and she’s suddenly smoking? These are some new and unknown powers for her. 
These poor soldiers are not having a good night at all. Imagine a giant ship just appearing in front of you while the world is ending. I’d be pretty freaked out too. 
But can we trust these new people from the Earth Fleet? Because so far, the Earth Fleet hasn’t done much to help and Chronica has kind of given up helping humanity in favor of revenge. 
As Vance is explaining the situation to Luida and co, I suddenly realized that most people had no idea what was going on or what the Ark was. Or who Knives is! One day, a strange ship just appeared on the horizon, looking like nothing they’d ever seen before, and started destroying everything in sight. That makes the past 7 months even worse. 
Now, not only is Knives actively a threat, he’s holding so much power he could literally destroy the planet. One being was never meant to have so much power and it seems like it’s inevitable that he’s going to lose control of it. 
Can’t get over this description of Vash or Luida’s face when she realizes who Vance is talking about. “For some reason his hair always stands on end.” He does that on purpose because he likes it, Vance. That’s literally it. 
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But I wonder how the Earth Fleet knows about him. And how they think he can help that isn’t just fighting Knives. 
I think the award for most ridiculous gun in Trigun should go to Legato’s oversized Iron Maiden mace. Because what even. How is that a gun. Why is that a gun. Nightow, I have so many questions. 
Wait, did Vash’s coat turn black too? Like in episode 12 of Stampede? He’s using up so much of his power that it isn’t just changing his hair color but the color of his clothing. Or is this just Nightow being symbolic and the coat is still red? 
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Elendira says something about removing her restraints and now I’m wondering if that skeleton suit is her actual body. And who were the other two people she removed her restraints for? Part of me wonders if one of them was Knives and that’s how they met? Elendira, I have so many questions about where you come from and what your powers are. 
And Razlo makes an appearance! We haven’t seen him for a while. I wonder if that’s what Elendira senses here. Though I wonder how she even feels him. Sometimes, the theories about Elendira being part Plant in Trimax feel very correct because of things like this.
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lgbtqmanga · 7 months
New Releases Oct. 17, 2023
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Breasts Are My Favorite Things in the World! vol. 7 by Wakame Konbu
When bosom buddies Chiaki Ichihara and Hana Harumi share an accidental kiss, Chiaki realizes there might be more to life than just fondling breasts—now she wants Hana’s heart too! Will she be able to confess her feelings during a steamy hot spring vacation...? Meanwhile, discipline monitor Riku Matsuzaka has an awakening of her own!When bosom buddies Chiaki Ichihara and Hana Harumi share an accidental kiss, Chiaki realizes there might be more to life than just fondling breasts—now she wants Hana’s heart too! Will she be able to confess her feelings during a steamy hot spring vacation...? Meanwhile, discipline monitor Riku Matsuzaka has an awakening of her own!
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The Lawyer in Shizukuishi Sleeps With a Wolf (novel) by Akira Sugano
Shizukuishi, a small town tucked away in the Tokyo metropolitan area, is home to the law practice of one Sora Oushuu. His devotion to justice ensures that he is good at what he does, but he also has a secret: The white dog he looks after is actually a wolf. This wolf also happens to be his brother, Fuuka, who can return to human form only when the two are alone. The brothers found themselves in this strange state of affairs many years ago, and ever since, their paths have repeatedly crossed with an old enemy of Sora’s. Their journey has been long, but Sora is beginning to see a glimmer of what lies at the end.
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Love is an Illusion! vol. 4 by Fargo
Things have been going great for Hye-sung and Dojin’s relationship, and soon they’re finally tying the knot. When Dojin returns to his band and nets a big hit, he suddenly becomes a hot commodity. Though he wants nothing more than to be at home with Hye-sung and Byul, he finds himself working more than ever. Hye-sung feels pushed aside, especially when Dojin’s college ex enters the picture. Can the newlyweds overcome this obstacle, or is it enough to drive them apart for good?
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The Girls’ Pasts Connect to a Cruel Reality. The passion of the artist has been enflamed, and even Sana’s formidable shield buckles under the weight of Alina’s fury. Just as Iroha and Sana begin to despair, rescue arrives from an unexpected quarter as Mifuyu steps in to subdue her teammate. Mifuyu maintains that her only goal is to save the magical girls of Kamihama, holding out her friendship with Yachiyo as proof of her good intentions—but can Iroha and her allies truly trust one of the Wings of Magius?!
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When Akira Minato inherits an old, run-down laundromat from his grandfather, he sees it as an opportunity to recover from his grueling corporate job and spend his days in laid-back leisure. But all that changes when a new customer comes knocking—one who’s maybe a bit too good-looking. Despite their growing closer, Akira is determined not to let high school hottie Shintaro Katsuki find out he’s gay…until a casual slip of the tongue gives away his secret.
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Three months after going from roommates to boyfriends, things are going well for cameraman Mao Tsuchiya and new addition to the drama club Hisashi Otomo—maybe too well. As the two try to find time for each other in their busy schedules, Mao begins to wonder if he’s keeping up his end of the relationship, or if he’s boring his more experienced partner. 
Things get even more complicated when the second year film club’s movie goes viral; suddenly, everyone wants a piece of Hisashi. As their individual paths diverge further apart, Mao and Hisashi must decide whether the ties that bind them together can stand the test of time, or whether their cinematic romance has met the end of the road.
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conretewings · 1 year
Better Left Said (Vander x OC) NSF/W
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-Oh hi yes *nervous laugh* Enjoy this random and utterly self-indulgent idea. Featuring younger (early twenties) versions of Vander, Silco and Benzo in the days of building The Lanes as well as Rosemary, who works at both her family's repair business and as a singer at bars and clubs. Lots of banter and spicy flirting. EDIT: Header image by the wonderful @thefutonhermit
-Vander x OC. Alcohol and smoking. Very suggestive content. 18+ only please
"What?" asked Silco, leaning closer to Vander, "I don't remember anything about chips."
Vander pinched his brow and sighed, "No, I said 'shipments'-maybe this wasn't the best place to meet up today..."
Friday nights were always crowded and noisy at Iron Bear, one of the group's favorite taverns. The owners knew them and knew their...illicit business, but didn't care so long as they brought in more coin than trouble. Vander, Silco and Benzo had their usual corner booth, paperwork spread on the table and discreetly arranged so no prying eyes could see the contents. Trying to build a black market empire was a complicated and dangerous affair, but they knew if successful it would be a boon to the Undercity's people...and a critical step toward their ultimate goal.
Benzo cleared his throat, reached forward and ran his finger over a list of figures on one of the pages, "Everythin' looks ta be in order. Those crates of gunpowder and-"
A loud whooping and whistling interrupted him as the three young men quickly hid their papers a little more, then looked up to see the object of the hullabaloo; a woman picked through the crowd, dark chocolate curls bouncing-along with other assets-her denim jacket doing little to cover her low-cut silken green dress that caught the light and cast an almost ethereal halo around her.
Vander found himself staring, an increasingly all-too-familiar warmth blooming in his chest and time seemed to slow as he watched her, all radiant smiles and quick, graceful movements, her curves flawlessly framed by her dress. They'd been friends for a few years now, but more and more he'd been finding himself looking at her through a different lens, one that made his heartbeat kick up a notch or sometimes embarrassingly, other parts very excited.
He gaped stupidly, mouth hung slightly open and Benzo smugly grinned at his friend, who composed himself upon noticing with a growled 'shut it'.
The woman rolled her eyes playfully or laughed with various patrons as she weaved her way to their table and plopped herself next to Benzo with a dramatic exhale, threading her arms through one of his.
"Wooo! I made it!" she beamed at them, hazel eyes bright and full of mischief as she smoothly purred in a well practiced, upper-class lilt, "Hello gentlemen. What must a lady do to get a drink around here?"
"Go order one." replied Silco with a smirk, taking a swig of his own ale.
"Hey Rosemary!" Vander and Benzo greeted in unison, grinning as she stood and rounded the table to lean over and hug Silco around his shoulders from behind.
"Oh, don't be like that Silcy I've missed you lads!" she pouted with mock hurt, snorting as he twisted to glower at her and push her off.
"I told you not to call me that!" he hissed, and this time she raised her hands, "Sorry, sorry. Well now we're even for that comment a moment ago eh?"
Silco shot her a sour look but quickly smiled again and gave an affirming tip of the head. Vander waved a hand to one of the staff, who nodded and went to grab another round, then turned to her as she sat back down, working to ignore the ample bit of visible cleavage, "Haven't seen ya in what? Almost a week? What you been up to Rosie?"
"Rumor has it you been gettin' pretty popular topside." added Benzo.
Rosemary ran a hand through her hair, the bubbly energy starting to fade along with the more 'upper crust' accent she'd been using, "Really now? Well, we got two trucks 'n several smaller projects at the shop ta finish, I've got two-wait...no, bloody hell three gigs comin' up. Tellin' ya the coin is fantastic but they run me ragged sometimes."
"Speaking of, I assume you came straight here from a performance? I couldn't help but notice the dress. Very stylish." Silco cut in.
"Thank ya! Aye, this lil' jazz club along the docks," Rosemary nodded, then bit her lip, "It ain't too much is it?"
"No." all three quickly replied, Vander's face flushed red as his eyes darted away awkwardly and she couldn't hold her brief, coy grin; so she wasn't imagining things. Not being blind nor stupid, she'd been noticing more lately how his gaze would linger on her when he thought she wasn't paying attention, or how he'd react to things she said, those silver-blue eyes holding hints of things that made her core burn and coil in delicious torment. She'd be lying if she denied the thought of being with him-in one form or another-hadn't crossed her daydreams more than once. Maybe tonight she'd work up the courage to say something.
Her gaze flicked to the papers in front of them and lowered her voice, "But enough 'bout me. How's things 'ere?"
There was a pause and muttered thanks as the waiter dropped off their drinks, then Silco leaned in, a cue for them all to follow suit and cracked a wicked smile, bottle-green eyes sharp as the knife he kept on his hip, "Plans have been going splendidly. I feel it's finally safe to say we're making headway..."
-"Come ooooon boys one more round!" cried Rosemary joyfully, her face flushed and beer tankard almost sloshing onto the table as she raised it too fast.
"Oi watch it don't be wastin'-hic-good ale!" Vander huffed with a laugh and a hiccup while Silco rolled his eyes and took a more measured sip of his whiskey as the pair continued to banter.
It was a couple hours-and drinks-later and the group had hashed out a plan for the next few weeks, Rosemary volunteering as always to glean what information she could regarding the movement of goods in and out of Piltover from her more loose-lipped audience members. Business being wrapped up as much as possible for the moment, the group concluded since it was the weekend, a bit of inebriation, chatter and comradery were in order.
"Good ale?! If I wanted that I'd 'a gone somewheres else than this leaky bucket! Only reason I come 'ere is for you lot!" she snickered.
"It's not bad!" Benzo knocked back some more then licked his lips thoughtfully with a shrug, "Ah've had worse."
"Oh I see how it is!" Vander huffed, crossing his thick arms dramatically, "She's gettin' too good for us!"
"Oh Van!" she reached across Benzo and patted his shoulder, giving him a wink and a very good show of that cleavage, "You'll always be perfect for me!"
Vander paused, mouth half open with the smart rebuttal he'd had catching in his throat; something deeply sincere in her green-flecked eyes and gentle smile shot right through to his heart. There it was again, that sweetly torturous heat rising to his chest and spreading outward, and he fumbled for a response until he gave up and simply gave a short bark of a laugh and eyeroll, "Yeah yeah..."
An employee, apparently having overheard Rosemary's outburst and all too happy to oblige, appeared with four more mugs, three of the four being snatched up almost as soon as they were set down. A few moments later a man approached and Benzo did a double-take.
"Rocky! What can I do ya for mate?" he asked cheerfully.
"'Ey Benzo! Wanted to thank you for helpin' me get ahold of the thing I needed. You uh, got any more deals?"
"I might, I might. Why don't we step out for a sec? Hard to hear in here," Benzo stood, Rosemary having to scoot out to let him by, and pointed sternly at his drink as he turned to go, "This better be full when I get back!"
Vander flipped him off with a sarcastic smile and Rosemary gasped in mock disbelief, Silco raising an eyebrow and smirking before going back to the paper in front of him. Rosemary then gulped a bit of her ale, head already swimming pleasantly and body fuzzy-when she realized abruptly there was now nothing between her and Vander but air. She glanced sideways at him, he and Silco studying a couple of the pages and mumbling inaudibly between each other.
She watched him slyly, admiring his handsome face, the scruff growing into a short beard, how his eyebrows would knit together adorably whenever he was concentrating, those gorgeous steel-blue eyes she could lost in, his thick brown hair that just begged for her fingers to run through it, those lips that looked so soft and kissable, how those large hands could hold her so snugly and-shit. She felt the heat rise up her neck to her face; she really was in it.
Vander must have sensed her eyes on him, as he glanced in her direction briefly, doing a brief double-take, brow wrinkled lightly in curiosity.
Then he smiled softly, that goddamn, devilishly charming smile, and any semblance or thread of control or doubt holding her back crumbled.
"Can I help ya?" he pondered, sliding himself closer to her.
"Hmmm..." she mirrored him, moving nearer, "I can think of a few things."
"You gonna tell me 'bout them?" he teased, taking a cigarette from his pocket, lighting it and blowing a wisp skyward before turning to face her more.
Rosemary's heart skipped; that half-lidded, inviting smile gave her both pause and courage. Alright then, she mused after only a moment's hesitancy, if he wants to play this game we'll play.
Resting her chin on her fingers and head tilted upward slightly, she gracefully crossed one leg over the other so her foot was against his leg, "Oh Van...I can see right through you. You're all cool 'n suave when ya wannna be but right now you're runnin' quite hot..."
He froze for a second, not only for how her foot was gingerly rubbing against his calf, this simple contact causing more internal havoc than it had any right to, but also from the warmth and-dare he think-desire pooled in her beautiful eyes. They'd coyly 'flirted' many a time before, making a game of tossing sly double entendres and comments to each other, and he had to admit there were times, especially lately, he wouldn't have minded it going further, but abruptly faced with what he realized was her taking that leap caught him off guard.
"A-ah," Vander stammered, the alcohol coursing through his veins doing him no favors, "Am I n-now? Dunno about that. In fact seems you're the one makin' bedroom eyes at me."
She scooted herself to press right up to him now, laying a hand across his wrist and stroking a line up the stiffened muscle of his arm. It was at this moment he realized other things beginning to stiffen and he swore silently.
Finishing the brief, hushed discussion he'd been having with one of his contacts, Silco turned back around-and wrinkled his nose upon realizing they were shamelessly flirting. He grimaced briefly before going back to the paperwork he'd still been studying and resolving to ignore them. If they wanted to flirt and act like horny teens that was their business. He only prayed not to overhear anything too personal.
Forcing down her trembles, buzzed and high off the adrenaline Rosemary tilted her head , "Know what I think? I think deep down, you'd like it to be more 'n just my eyes. I think, you'd like...all of me in the bedroom..." she licked her thumb suggestively and to his continued stunned surprise, wiped a stray smudge of mud off his cheek, "Dirty man..."
His hand was clenched tightly on the table, heart pounding and he definitely had a raging boner now. He swallowed thickly, scrambling for a response that wasn't an incoherent ramble or direct confirmation of her...irritatingly spot-on comments. Another thought creeped into his lust and beer addled mind; was this just the ale talking? Part of the game? Or did she genuinely want him how, as she deduced, he secretly longed for her?
"So ya th-think ya know what's goin' on in my head eh?" he managed, hoping he didn't sound too worked up and smushing out his cigarette with shaking hands.
She winked, "You're not hidin' it too well love. At this point it's a matter of knowin'. Like how I know you're enjoyin' this. Or how you're definitely picturing what I look like under this dress..." she leaned in to purr in his ear, "And I know it'll be my name on your lips when you're strokin' yourself later-"
At this Vander suddenly stood, so fast and forcibly he bumped the table hard enough to wobble it, their drinks nearly spilling. Before anyone could ask he sputtered out, "Gotta piss sorry-" and stalked away, dodging other people and accidentally bumping some in his haste, including Benzo who tried and failed to ask what the rush was.
Benzo returned to the table and sat heavily, jerking his thumb behind him, "Anyone know what that big lug's issue is?"
Threading his fingers together, Silco cocked an eyebrow and hummed, "Perhaps Rosemary would care to give some insight..."
She, in turn, had slid down somewhat in her seat, as if she could hide from the embarrassment and her scarlet face; oh dear. Perhaps that had been too much.
"Fuck." she mumbled.
-It was a few days later, and murky greenish neon light from outside seeped through the thin curtains of Vander's room, casting a perpetual, dim glow. The numerous noises of the city drowned out the low groaning pants of it's namesake occupant, one hand thrown over his eyes as the other pumped his cock. Of all the sinful thoughts swirling in his mind, one kept snapping back into clearer focus; one particular woman straddling him, rocking her hips in rhythm with his as his hands clutched her ass, her chest, wherever he could reach. He bit his lip hard, imagining her flushed cheeks and mouth half-open as she blissfully rode his dick, moaning his name as she reached climax at the same time he did-
"R-Rosemary! Rosie...oh-!" he stuttered out, gripping the sheet and back arching as he came. He lay there, drifting down like a leaf on a gentle breeze, breath ragged but calming, absorbed in the high before he remembered what she'd said.
"...Fuck..." he grumbled.
@vander-affectionate @barbersjoy @immortalbumblebee @catgoblinchelly
@archerofthemists @prwincessqwin-blog @band--psycho
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