#seriously though the reference I used straight up looked the same
murdleandmarot · 1 month
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@toki-toro *emerges from the woods with sticks in my hair* Hiya :D!!
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fuck-customers · 5 months
Kind of a fuck customers but also a satisfying story at the same time.
My role in the call center I work in involves taking specifically corporate calls, which means I spend all day talking to “business professionals” (and I use that term loosely) including CEOs. As you can imagine, over 90% of these CEOs are the scum of the earth and the most entitled assfaces on the planet.
A week or so ago, I took a call and went through my usual routine of greeting the cardholder and then began going over verification questions. Since we’re A.) a bank and B.) a bank that handles corporate and government credit cards, we take security seriously and require a caller to be able to verify 3 pieces of information based on what the person responsible for their credit cards put on the account. If they don’t pass, we refer them to their company to get the right details.
So as I’m doing this, the guy on the phone is getting increasingly irritated as he keeps getting the security questions wrong. I’m calm and professional the entire time but firm. Eventually I run out of things to verify with him and tell him that we won’t be able to assist and that he needs to contact his administrator. This is apparently where I went wrong.
“LADY I AM THE ADMINISTRATOR!!” He screeches. Ok, great. I look him up and that’s true but there’s a second admin listed, so I ask him to check in with him. He then yells “THERE IS NO OTHER ADMIN! I’M THE CEO OF THIS COMPANY FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!!”
I apologize and tell him while that may be true, he still got his security questions wrong and needs to reach out to his account coordinator then. This man then proceeds to scream at me for the next minute or so saying how we’re an awful bank, how he’s had problems with us for years, blah blah and how we have the worst customer service ever. Keep in mind, I’ve been nice and empathetic this entire time but also I’m not gonna lose my fucking job just because a guy in a suit doesn’t know his shit. I give him the email to his account coordinator and stress again that he needs to talk to them. Then this exchange happens:
Him: “So let me get this straight. You are saying you are REFUSING and UNWILLING to help me, right?
Me: “No, actually I’d love to help you, however we have these security procedures in place for yours and your company’s protection and cannot make exceptions for anyone.”
Him: “This is fucking UNBELIEVABLE! I’ve HAD IT with this bank!!”
Me: “Ok, I’m sorry to hear that. Anything else I can do for you before we disconnect?”
Me: *gives my first name and spells it for him even though it’s a very basic 4 letter name because I’m a bitch*
Me: “We don’t give out anything but our first name for the safety of our employees.”
Him: *insert that condescending, pissed off chuckle middle aged men do when they’re mad here* “Well I’ll tell you what (My Name), when I close this account and pull my MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of (bank name) and they ask me why, I’ll make sure to tell them that it’s (My Name)’s fault. And I will see to it that you won’t be able to get another job outside of the minimum wage fast food job or whatever you had before this. How does that sound?”
Me: “Sounds great. Now seeing as how this conversation is no longer productive or professional and threats are being made, I’ll be terminating the call, have a nice day.”
Me: *click*
And that’s how making rich, powerful men rage-cry became my new favorite hobby. Thankfully, I haven’t gotten any feedback on that call; not that I would, seeing as how I did my job exactly how I was supposed to. Anyways I hope I’m his 13th reason. ❤️
Posted by admin Rodney.
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naneun-no · 4 months
From my drafts so it’s late but:
Today’s delulu thought is that Standing Next to You has too many lyrical coincidences to not be about Jimin.
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You are free to disagree. You probably should 🤣
I mean we know it wasn’t written by Jung Kook but obviously the version he recorded was arranged with and for JK, and “leave your body golden” can’t be a coincidence right? Like it’s the whole ass album name, plus a word that carries connotations of JK himself, which the ppl who worked with him on Seven must have known.
So if that wasn’t a coincidence… then what about:
1. “How we left and right is something we control” — a callback to both Left and Right by CP feat JK, but also a nod to Butter, a massive BTS hit and a song that he performs alongside his boyfie bestie JM.
2. “When it’s deep like DNA, something they can’t take away” — a callback to another massive BTS hit, interesting. And *delulu warning* also reminds me of JM and JK’s extreme similarities that they themselves have referred to before?? They’re wired the same, they have the same sense of humor, they live and breathe for the same shit and even though they have some very key differences, they really do seem like twin flames (even if you just see it as platonic). They are similar in ways that seem braided into the fibers of their being. Like, in their DNA 🧬 some may say. *delulu warning #2* I’m also reminded of Jimin’s Letter lyrics: “After all this time has passed will we still be the same? Just like we were when we first met.”
Also, “something they can’t take away” is an interesting turn of phrase… more on that later.
3. Okay the real meaty part:
Screaming I’ll testify that we'll survive the test of time, they can't deny our love. They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time I promise I'll be right here
[I seriously can’t believe how closeted-couple-coded this song is]
First off, again with the Letter lyrics mirrored here with the “test of time.” Then it’s got all this drama about being ripped apart and how it won’t happen and how they’ll be next to each other no matter what and that they have “something they can’t take away.”
Not only does all that line up with other Letter lyrics, but it is so goddamn dramatic and for what?
Be for real, what straight couple in this day and age would have this much working against them?? The only possible explanations are: 1) within the fantasy world of a song I suppose this could be some sort of Romeo and Juliet/West Side Story motif, and to be fair the music video did have a kind of rival gang/crime family look to it? Sort of? With the men fighting below the stage? Idk. Or it could be 2) the fact that idols do in fact often have to hide even their straight relationships, which is wild to me. But I know it’s a thing, so. I suppose there’s that. JK doesn’t seem the type though honestly. I think he’d be even more open about it than V.
On the other hand, the lyrics seem SO fit for a couple who are a) queer, b) closeted, c) currently in/about to be in a legislatively homophobic military and country (am I saying that right? Lol) and d) internationally famous pop idols in the SAME BAND who are both widely regarded as heterosexual sex symbols and would be shunned by many people in their homeland AND internationally if their queerness were to be revealed, much less if they were truly an item and THAT news broke.
Whew. That was a lot but like… that would be a real example of a relationship that would be VERY threatened by outside forces plotting against them and trying to separate them. Not JK and a hot blonde model, not him and a Korean actress, not basically any other scenario but a queer relationship.
Idk I know he didn’t write it but like ??? What the hell is that theme? I’m dying to get inside the mind of the people who DID write it, because are they or are they jikookers at this point like?!
4. Just for fun I’ll also point out the “leave your body golden like the sun and moon” 😏 like. Okay. At this point the songwriters are watching Jikook compilations, drooling over @slaaverin edits like convince me they’re not. CONVINCE ME.
5. “Deeper than the rain”?! “The pain”?! Alright I’m not even serious at this point but ??? Rainy day fight 🌧️?!?! 🤣🤣
6. “Standing next to you” oh you mean like… for 18 months? In a companion enlistment program? Like that?
Alright alright I’m done but you get my point. What even is this song if not an anthem of jikookery?! It’s more on-the-nose than Letter, more sneaky than Still With You. It wasn’t written by JK but at this point I’m calling that the songwriters are as delulu as me.
Hope y’all are well. If you made it to the end of this thank you for donning your tinfoil hat with me and I hope you at least got a giggle.
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flowerandblood · 1 year
Rokeby Venus
[modern! photographer • Aemond x female]
[warnings: sex content, domination, sexual tension, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is a photographer dealing with works referring to the painting of the old masters. His sister poses in class for a girl who catches his attention. He decides that she would be a perfect model for one of his photos. Lots of sexual tension and slowly built fascination.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
This is Part 5 (and the last) of story: Girl with a Pearl Earring
After the photo shoot Aemond had to go straight to a family dinner. She didn't know what to think about what he had told her, but things started to clear up pretty quickly. Later that evening she received a long text from him.
[Aemond]: "Next week my photos will be in a large group exhibition. I want you to go there with me. Your portraits will also be on it. I will drive us there in my car. You can decide whether you want to sleep in a separate or shared room in the hotel. Think about it and give me an answer tomorrow."
She was shocked by his proposal. She wondered if he wanted to take her there to show off. She didn't like the thought.
She felt like she wanted to think it over calmly and didn't reply back, afraid that the sudden joy and excitement might lead to a hasty decision. She wanted to think about what this would entail.
She guessed that then she would definitely get the label of his lover and the woman who got in front of his lens through his bed. Even though it wasn't true, she dreaded the thought and felt uncomfortable with it. She blushed at the thought that she might have chosen to sleep in the same room with him.
The next day he came to her in the morning when she was alone in the painting class, taking her completely by surprise. She thought he was trying to get her decision out of her, but he came to tell her that he had already chosen the painting they were going to replicate this time. She gave him a shocked look when he told her it would be Rokeby Venus painted by Diego Velázquez.
She knew it was a female act, and even though woman's back was to the viewer, she would have to pose naked for it. She swallowed hard, putting the paintbrush down on the easel and looking at him uncertainly.
"Then everyone will be talking about us sleeping together. You're about to graduate, but I'm staying here for three more years." She said to him with a hint of resentment, recognizing that he hadn't thought at all about what awaited her after he got bored of her. Aemond pursed his lips, frowning.
"Let them talk. I'm going to sleep with you now and after I graduate." He said it so seriously and calmly that for a moment she thought she might have misheard. Her cheeks turned scarlet. She lowered her gaze, ashamed of his directness.
"Tell me if you don't want it. I won't hold any grudges." He immediately added, looking at her expectantly. She was silent for a long moment. After a while she swallowed hard and looked at him, defeated.
"I want this." She said softly. Aemond smirked at her words.
"Good. See you at the photo shoot." He muttered, giving her one last look and left the room, leaving her alone with his words.
From that moment they became a couple.
Since then, she and Aemond have been texting each other a lot. They arranged the details of the photo shoot and their trip. Aemond would often show her paintings he found interesting, and decide with her which ones they should use in the future for his thesis.
She was glad that he took her opinion into account throughout this project. She could see how serious he was about it. He also no longer showed dissatisfaction when posing for a portrait she was painting. On the contrary, during the breaks he would come up to her and watch her progress. He made remarks to her which were often right and helped her improve her painting.
"You have a very sensitive eye for color and chiaroscuro. You solve it in a very interesting way. I like your expression." He spoke casually and she smiled warmly at him. He looked at her and pursed his lips.
"I want to kiss you." He said softly.
She looked at him surprised. She was touched that somehow he was asking her permission. She moved closer to him and let him do what he wanted. His lips were warm and wet, pressing against her hungrily.
Neither of them tried to bring about full physical intimacy. They knew that their first time would be at an upcoming photo shoot. They didn't talk about it or even suggest it. It just seemed obvious.
On the day of the photo shoot, she felt a lump in her stomach from the morning. She took a shower and dried her hair, putting it in a bun like Venus had in the painting. She arrived at the studio a few minutes early, unable to contain her excitement any longer.
She saw that Aemond had really taken care of the scenery this time. A variety of thick light and gray fabrics lay on a wooden platform, with a cherry-colored bedspread thrown diagonally in the background. The only object lying there was a large decorative mirror. Aemond flinched at the sound of her footsteps, and they both looked at each other with wide eyes.
She couldn't look at his face in embarrassment, so she quickly moved to the next room to change. Undressing slowly, taking off the layers of clothes, she had the impression that she was also getting rid of illusions and what she was denying herself.
She wanted him more than anyone else in her life.
She put on a thin robe over her naked body, knowing that she wouldn't be able to just walk around the room without any cloth on her. She opened the door quietly and looked out. Aemond looked at her, his mouth parted slightly. She saw him swallow hard and drop his gaze, apparently unable to contain his excitement himself.
She walked on bare feet to the wooden platform where she was supposed to lie down. She turned her back to him. She felt her hands tremble as she untied her robe. She inhaled sharply as material slid to the ground.
She lay down on the soft, fragrant fabrics and rested her head on her hand, just like in a painting. She saw her face reflected in the mirror, flushed and hot, her eyes shining, her mouth full of desire. She thought that she wanted to be a goddess to him today in every sense of the word.
His Aphrodite.
She heard his quiet footsteps. He stood behind her head.
"Lift your right arm a little higher. That's right, perfect. Tuck your right leg deeper into the sheets. Stay like that." He spoke softly and she heard the shutter sound.
"Turn your head a bit towards me. Yes, that's right. Look at my reflection in the mirror." He said with a hint of excitement, and she blushed even more, actually seeing his face behind her in the reflection. She heard the shutter sound again.
Aemond took a few more shots from different positions, tweaked some of the fabric to make it drape better, and finally took another series of shots.
She heard him shift again and waited patiently for his further instructions. She shuddered, snapped out of her toughts when she felt his hand untie her hair, letting it fall freely down her back.
"Look at me." He said, his voice trembling slightly. She saw in the reflection as her lips parted involuntarily, her eyebrows pressed together pleadingly, her heart pounding like crazy. She was unable to move.
"Look at me." He repeated softly, his hand gently grabbing her cheek and turning her face towards him. His gaze darted from her face to her collarbones and soft, firm breasts, heaving uneasily. She lay shivering on her back, resting her head on the soft sheets, surrendering completely, letting him look at her entire naked body in the lamplight.
Aemond stared at her with his mouth slightly parted as if he wasn't looking at a human, but some divine being he was afraid to touch. His fingers brushed gently over her soft cheek as he sat down next to her. For a moment he just stared at her in awe as if he couldn't believe she existed.
"I would like to see you too. All of you." She said quietly, ashamed of her own words.
Aemond looked at her, swallowing hard. It was obvious that he felt better as an observer of events than someone who had to open up to someone on his own.
He lifted his hands lazily and took off his turtleneck. She pursed her lips seeing how well built he was. He stared at her intensely as he unbuttoned his pants. He smiled as he saw her nipples harden at the sight of his naked body.
"Do you like me that much?" He asked teasingly, purring as he lay on his side next to her. His hand ran gently over her body. She tried not to look at his hard, throbbing manhood.
"What can I say since you look like a greek statue." She mumbled, looking at him with wide eyes. He chuckled lightly, and she blushed as she saw for the first time that something amused him.
"You're so sweet. You caught my eye right away." He said leaning over her, kissing her bare shoulder. She blinked at him in disbelief.
"What do you mean?" She asked quietly, his fingers on her body driving her crazy.
"When you turned to me for the first time when I was looking at your painting, you looked at me like a girl from a Vermeer portrait." He said, his hand caressing her cheek gently. Her fingers rose to touch his hard, bare chest. She felt a shiver run through him.
"I knew that if my cock was hard from just one look from you there was no hope for me." He murmured, leaning over her, his mouth pressing down on her greedily, sucking on her lips. She moaned into his mouth, surprised and aroused by his words.
He pulled her close, kissing her hungrily, his mouth caressing and sucking her lips as if they were ripe fruit. She moaned softly, delighted, tangling her hand in his hair, returning each kiss with devotion.
He pulled away from her, wanting to look at her body again. He ran his hand down her cheek, over her shoulders, down to her breasts. His fingers traced gently over her soft skin, teasing her nipple once in a while.
She felt her cheeks burn, the space between her thighs crying out for the long-awaited fulfillment. She moaned softly, wanting more intense caresses. He smiled as he decided to take his time, touching her body as if she were a map he was slowly discovering. The touch of his fingers made her body shiver.
"Do you know how often I've imagined this before going to sleep?" He asked quietly, his voice quivering slightly with excitement. He was delighted with the view that lay before him. His hand slowly slid between her thighs, and she sucked in a breath, meekly spreading her legs in front of him.
He inhaled sharply at the sight. His fingers slid between her moist, warm entrance, gently massaging her clit. She moaned, pressing her face into the fabric, unable to bear the tension building in her lower abdomen.
"Please…please, I need this so much." She whispered helplessly. Aemond remained unmoved.
"I'll make sure you remember it well." He purred, massaging her a little more intensely. He forced his tongue between her lips, muffling her loud moan. They both started breathing louder, kissing chaotically.
She threw her head back and squeezed her eyes shut as she felt his finger slide inside her, rubbing her wet skin exactly where she needed it.
"God, Aemond, yes" She moaned, her hips moving involuntarily to the rhythm of his hand, seeking the desired fulfillment. All she wanted was to come and finally feel relieved.
Aemond licked his lips at the sight. To her delight, he slipped his finger out of her. He pulled her buttocks closer to him, lifting one her thigh up, threaded his hand through her hair, and kissed her hungrily. His tip teased her entrance, sliding in and out slowly, causing both of them to moan to each other's mouths.
"Please, please, please" She moaned like a prayer, trying to impale herself on him harder, wanting to feel him deeper, but his hand held her steady.
"So wet and horny for me. I will reward your devotion, sweet girl." He said as he pushed deeper into her, she moaned loudly, her hands clenching on of his back.
"Yes, yes, Aemond" She sobbed as she felt him finally start to move faster, entering her fully, panting heavily. His hand gripped her hip hard, pumping brutally into her with the wet sound of bodies hitting each other. They gasped into each other's mouths, kissing once in a while, writhing under each other in pleasure.
When she was looking at their bodies writhing in exciting, hot, sticky pleasure she thought they were like Aphrodite and Ares. There was something raw about him, like in sculpture, inaccessible, aggressive and sensual at the same time. They snatched their love from each other, fought for it and for their fulfillment, fucking mercilessly.
Aemond forced her to lie on her back and began to fuck her with all his might, panting and moaning loudly with her, neither of them controlling their movements anymore.
One of his hands propped up beside her head on the sheets, and the other slid between her thighs, rubbing her clit with calm, confident motions that drove her crazy. Aemond groaned low as her core tightened on him.
"You're so tight." He said helplessly, he had never wanted a woman so much in his life. "I'm begging you, tell me you're taking birth control pills."
"I do, I do, please, come inside me" She sobbed loudly and he opened his mouth in a silent moan, his hand closing around her buttock and fucking her even faster, on the verge of breaking down, putting all his strength into it.
"Is this what you want? Want me to fill you?" He hissed, feeling that a few more thrusts and he would come.
"Yes, please, please, please" She moaned helplessly and loudly, throwing her head to the side as she felt a wave of orgasm run through her body. She squeezed her eyes shut and her lips parted, unable to catch her breath. She heard his helpless, low groan.
"Oh, God... Fuck!" He moaned, laying helplessly on top of her, feeling his warm cum spill over her insides. His hips moved inside her for a moment longer. He rested his head against her face, closing his eye, breathing raggedly.
"My muse. My Goddess. My Aphrodite."
Here I decided to end my mini-series. I had a great time writing it, thank you all for receiving it so warmly! If you liked it, here is my Masterlist and my other fanfictions! ♥
Aemond Taglist:
(bold means I couldn't tag you)
@its-actually-minicika @notnormalthings-blog @avgdusterfan @nikstrange @zenka69 @bellaisasleep @k-y-r-a-1 @random-ocity @g-cf2020 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @iiamthehybrid
@tinykryptonitewerewolf @malfoytargaryen @toodlesxcuddles @fan-goddess @skikikikiikhhjuuh @diosademuerte @hanula18
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judasgot-it · 1 year
I forgot who originally wrote this hc but there was once where I read that tecchou didn't understand the concept of dating and would refer to his s/o as his "wife,husband,spouse" etc. If that isn't the most tecchou thing I don't know what is.
Oh my God that is the most Tecchou thing ever
OK I actually really love this ask so much because I've seen the theory that Tecchou grew up in the military and that he himself fought in great war A LOT. Which I'm gonna roll with cuz I kinda like the idea of him being a kid soldier.
But anyway, I feel like he wouldn't fully understand dating - he views the world in black and white, so it'd probably be the same over there. You either love someone, or you're using them for sex.
Taking the kid soldier headcanon here but if he grew up in that environment he definitely would have seen some horrible relationships so I can see him doing everything he can to apply his 'fighting for justice' attitude to anything romantic relationship he's in. He would look to find someone to love no matter how hard it is, because he would never want to use someone.
And in his eyes, if you love someone, you're going to be married. Even if it's not an official one - marriage is still endgame. He doesn't play with hookup culture or that situationship shit at all, he is 100% a commitment guy. (Someone find me an IRL Tecchou lol)
It's one of the few comforts he could ever afford anyway - he's barely human as it is, but he probably has some gooey little romantic inside of him that says that they can't take away his ability to love. It's cute.
But if you're ever dating him, he's calling it marriage. He tells everyone you're his spouse, no matter if you actually went to a church and officiated or not. I don't think he would need that - dude would probably be ok with exchanging rings and calling it official.
Side note but I feel like he would own the genre of man who let their partners 'claim' them with clothing items and shit. Like look at me and tell me this dude wouldn't wear a bright pink scrunchie and a bag that isn't his like a badge of honor. The dude would proudly say "That's my spouse's" if anyone asked. Never would feel embarrassed, even if he probably should have at least been a little ashamed.
If you're with Tecchou, though, you already knew what he was looking for. He's not shy about his morals, and if anyone asks about dating, he's going to tell them what he'd genuinely want in a relationship. He very straight to the point.
He just doesn't really care to "shop around" for partners - once he trusts someone that's it.
Oh I could actually write so much on him, they haven't given enough of his backstory yet but based on what I've found from his literature he seems like such a softie. Seriously dude gives me stereotypical childhood hero vibes from what I can gather.
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🦋!Whenever , Wherever, we’re meant to be together!🦋
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Pairing: Quinn Hughes x Lina Valentina (femOC)
Word count : 14k
Summary: in which Trevor accidentally steals a baby and while returning said baby they finally figure out who jacks new neighbour is.
Or: in which Quinn’s longtime crush on Spanish popstar Lina Valentina is brought to life when they find her baby in the hallway.
Warnings: fluff. Babies. Confident and knows what she wants Lina . Annoying brothers , Quinn being awkward and in love . Smut. A lot of taylor swift and shakira references because if you can’t tell already i love them <3 I think that’s it. Just a bit of a funny , fluffy one . Lemme know what u think xoxo
Quinn was seriously wondering if he had mistaken his multi vitamins for some hallucinogenic drugs of some kind , as he looked away from his brother to see Trevor skipping back into his apartment holding a baby in his hands , who couldn't have been older than a year old, high in his hands like the poor thing was a trophy.
Both he and Jack stopped their casual conversation to stare at him in various degrees of shock, Quinn's face more worried and horrified , while his brother just merely looked amused at the sight of his friend holding a baby , that they had never seen before. As though this was a completely normal thing to happen (it wasn’t).
"Something you forgot to tell us dude? Condom broke again?" Jack joked, already laughing loudly to himself as he bent his head down to coo at the baby in his friends arms. Awwing at his cute little face all scrunched up, wide eyed and utterly confused.
Trevor just rolled his eyes with a casual grin, holding the baby out like he was apart of the lion king.
Quinn's hands quickly darted out as he moved closer to him, afraid that he was going to drop the poor baby onto its head . Blinking in absolute disbelief as he looked between the two idiots silently , utterly speechless .
"No! I just found the little dude crawling around in the hallway outside our door. He was making vroom noises. Look at the curls on this kids head!" He gushed in amazement , Jack leaning down to ruffle said curls gently . Both looking like kids at a candy shop as they cooed at the babbling baby happily.
Quinn finally had enough of this concerning bullshit and snapped
"let me get this straight-" he took in a deep breath to try and calm himself down, it was incredibly difficult thing to do then, feeling his heart racing in his chest as he glared over at Trevor in absolute disbelief-
“-you found a stray baby and instead of looking around to see if one of the neighbors left the door open , or were panicking looking for him- you-" he took yet another long , angry breath , eyes flickering back down to the baby that was now looking back at him with big , bambi eyes "picked him up and brought him to jacks apartment?! That's kidnapping! You've stolen a baby! Have you lost your mind?!" He shouted in disbelief , concerned beyond it.
Trevor let out a groan as though he was the idiot ruining his good time . "little dude was right outside the door! Have you never heard of the phrase finders keepers losers weepers?" He joked, just to get on his nerves some more.
He adjusted the baby in his arms again and Quinn's heart lept , crossing his fingers tightly and praying for some patience .
Jack laughed loudly while Quinn's scowl just deepened.
"That does not count in this situation! Oh my god- you fucking-"
"Not swearing in front of the baby!" Jack exclaimed, still laughing. Unable to help himself, finding this situation far more amusing than he should be.
Trevor started laughing too, the poor baby looking up at his grinning face with wide eyes, making little noises as though he was trying to speak but had no words .
Quinn felt the same way, reaching the end of his patience as he reached over and quickly took the baby from Trevor’s arms before he could accidental hurt him. Glaring at him all the while as he awkwardly held the baby in one arm, wincing to himself as his little hand darter out to grab onto his hair with an iron grip.
God. Was he having a nightmare? What the hell was going on?
All he had wanted was to hang out with his brother , maybe play some video games and order takeout or something. Instead he was awkwardly rocking a fussy baby in his arms while glaring at the two idiots in front of him in disbelief.
"I can't believe you-" he was ready to give him another stressed out mouthful , maybe a slap too. Gently patting the small hand in his hair as he tried to get him to stop pulling on it so damn hard, worried he was going to have a bald spot by the time the baby was done with its fun.
Either the guys were going to give him one or the babbling baby was . This was unbelievable.
Trevor laughed carelessly "calm down man. I only brought the little dude here so we could all go look for the mamma. Do you think she'll be a milf-?" He looked at Jack with a sick smirk, both of them giggling like little kids as they joked around. Apparently unconcerned with the sudden appearance of a random baby at their door.
Quinn didn't know whether to hit them both or simply leave. Maybe both. Could he do that?
"Or maybe they'll be a dad waiting out their ready to beat out asses for having his baby! I know I would if I found some strangers holding mine!" He hissed at them annoyed , worried and pissed off all at once.
He couldn't believe that his relaxing Friday night was turning out like this. Holding a baby that wasn't even his .
He turned his head a little to check in on him, face softening a little as big , wide eyed stared back up at him. Framed with long lashes and a freckled nose , rosy cheeks and a pacifier in his mouth. Quinn had to admit that it had got to have been the cutest baby he had ever seen in his life . With wild Curly hair sticking up in every direction thanks to his brothers ruffling hand, he gently smoothed his soft hair back down for him. Smiling a little when the baby let out a giggle .
"mamá." He started repeating , looking around the room as though he would find her there with them .
Quinn snapped his head back over to dumb and dumber with a darkening glare , gently rocking the mumbling baby in his arms in hopes of calming him down now that he had finally realised that his mamma wasn't there with him.
"See? He's upset now! Asshole!" He hissed at Trevor , furious with him for not thinking like a normal, logical human being for once.
Who the hell picks up a baby from the floor and brings it inside without looking for the parents first?
Fucking Christ! Quinn felt like his heart was going to fall out of his ass with worry. He really did.
Jack looked at his brother with a easygoing grin, snorting a little in amusement at the stressed out look on his face. Finding it hilarious how awkward and out of place his older brother looked holding baby like that. The baby still refusing to let go of his hair.
"Always so positive." He couldn't help but remark , unbothered by his hot glare in response.
He just let out a small chuckle "calm your tits man. My neighbour at the end of the hall has a baby. Ive heard it crying some times and they play a lot of Lina Valentina music to calm him down. I think I could speak Spanish now from the amount of songs I've listened to lately." He told them casually as he led them over to the front door, ready to return the baby before his brother had a aneurysm or passed the fuck out from stress .
Trevor looked over his shoulder at Quinn with a teasing grin as he heard her name .
“That's that spanish pop star that you always listen to but pretend you don't right?" He quipped , amused.
Quinn coloured , deciding that he absolutely hated Trevor now. Childish and right. He hated it. Bastard.
He carefully adjusted the babbling baby in his arms and glared at him sourly "I do not- not all the time. Just when she comes on the radio-" he tried to defend himself, weakly. There was no point.
His brother easily called his bluff "liar! You made me go with you to see her gig when she finally came to the states. I think that's the only time I've ever seen you flustered over a girl. It's the belly dancing thing right?" He teased him, wiggling his eyebrows at him to annoy him.
Quinn just huffed, fed up with the both them.
Trevor had stolen a baby and he was the one getting bullied.
Unbelievable. Just Really nice.
"She’s famous  for a reason jackass. Don't act like you didn't pop a boner as soon as she started dancing too!" He hissed to his brother in both annoyance and embarrassment. Hating how he apparently wasn't allowed to enjoy some Lina Valentine in his spare time now either .
I mean, who the hell didn't? She was a absolute icon. The same age as he was and she had already achieved so much. Quinn, admittedly thought that she was amazing. Unbelievably fucking beautiful with the body of a siren , and the way she moved her hips and rolled her waist-
Yeah. He just thought that she was cool. That's all.
She might have been his first and only ever crush , even to this day. She was just something else. That’s it. Nothing strange.
"How haven't you met your neighbour yet? Surprised  you weren't  banging on her door begging to be friends." Quinn muttered pissily at his brother, the complete opposite of mr social butterfly. He preferred his alone time, where nobody else could bother him.
And this, he looked down at the baby in his arms that wasn't his, then back up to his brother and Trevor with a dark scowl. Was exactly the reason why he didn't like leaving his own apartment , because he always ended up getting dragged into somebody else's shit.
Fuck them all. He thought miserably. He was too tired for this shit.
What was next? Accidentally stealing someone's car because he wanted them to see how cool it was? Fucking dickhead.
Jack just rolled his eyes at his moodiness, used to it by now. Knowing that as soon as he had some pizza and beer, he would be feeling much better again.
Hopefully. Fingers crossed.
"What if she's a mean Karen and shouts at me? I don't want to deal with that." He defensible shot back at him. Not wanting to admit that he was too nervous to approach his new neighbour after he had heard loud Spanish shouting through her door one night on his way home.
She had e scary as fuck. Especially since he had no idea what the hell she was even so mad about. What if she had been pissed off about his nosiness after boys night and was ranting about him in another language to the building owner to get him kicked out?
He didn't want to risk it. Too afraid to knock after that. But they didn't need to know that.
Trevor called over his shoulder to them in amusement "well luckily it seems like we don't need to knock because this door is already open!guess this is where the little man wandered from!”
He grinned, sticking his head around the door confidently
"Helllooo-" his sunshine greeting suddenly froze mid sentence as his body did .
Making Quinn warily approach  behind them, clutching the baby a little tighter in his arms with worry while sharing a confused glance with his brother,  who shuffled a little closer to him without even realising   it .
"Oh fuck. Oh my god." Trevor breathed out in shock, eyes blown wide as he blinked at something in the apartment that they couldn't see.
Getting impatient , Quinn snapped "what the hell are you gaping at? Move!" He shoved him aside with his free arm to take his place .
Heaving in a annoyed breath as he stepped into the apartment with a annoyed scowl "look I really don't think that-" he was ready to scold the careless idiot for losing their baby like they had  when his eyes found the source of trevors sudden speechlessness.
He found himself freezing up too in absolute disbelief, paling dramatically , as he wondered dreadfully , if the universe  was playing some sick type of joke on him then.
Was this his karma for being such a sourpuss all the time? For never going to parties and leaving before midnight at every single event? Was this his...slap in the face? Shock to the system?
He swallowed thickly .
He could only look silently down at the woman sat down in the middle of the living room , seemingly attempting to build some sort of chair, crossed legged in only some short shorts and a sports bra. Curly hair wild and free and he swallowed dryly again, throat running dry as he blinked down at her in pure shock. Heart dropping to his ass.
Because what the actual fuck was going on?-
"Holy shit you’re Lina Valentina! We were just talking about you! I can't believe this!" Jack blurted out with a loud , surprised laugh  , giving her a excited grin. Practically jumping on his feet as he realised that his new neighbour wasn't some nutty physocpath , but the Lina Valentina instead.
Master of the hips and voice of an Angel, all three guys took a shuddering breath. Hearts pounding in their chests as they were faced with the celebrity of many a mans dreams.
Startled at the sudden noise , her head snapped up from the instructions In her lap that she was concentrating on , as she took in the three guys now suddenly stood in her apartment. One of them holding her baby in his arms like he had never held a baby in his life before .
It was an strange image to be seen. She couldn't help but chuckle a little underneath her breath despite the way her heart jumped in her mouth with slight fear for a moment. But she quickly took in their youthful , excited faces and knew they weren't going to be a threat.
She relaxed a little , smiling as her little baby let out a excited screech at the sight of her. Wriggling in the mans arms as he clapped happily, eyes wide and full of joy. She felt her soul light up just at the sight of her little man.
Her face momentarily fell a little as she let out a loud, exasperated sigh, bottom lip pushing out a little as she pushed herself off the floor slowly to greet them .
"Oh no. Not again." Her Spanish  accent was thick as she shook her head a little in amusement, eyes on her baby in Quinn's arms.
She didn't even looked alarmed at the sight of them or the worrying situation she had found herself in  , nor concerned or even a little bit angry like he thought she would be .
He was expecting a little more...drama. Maybe a slap to the face or some sobbing in his arms as she thanked them relentlessly for finding her baby but not this..
Not her... god. He sighed deeply too.
Quinn didn't know what the hell he was supposed to do or what he was supposed to say, he gave a quick glance over to his brother only to see Jack quickly reaching over to introduce himself  . His excitement  obvious on his face, Trevor quickly snapping out of his own shock too to join him as they crowded her, greetings loud and more than pleased.
Meanwhile Quinn just stood aside from them in the corner in absolute disbelief, silently watching them trying to flirt with her while he held her baby to him, even going as far as exchanging a small glance with the little dude as if to say 'can you believe this?' To him.
The baby just giggled and tried to bite his noise, he held him out a little away from him at that. More Nervous now.
Feeling a little like he was going to be sick from the horrible anxiety swarming  in his stomach, unable to take his eyes away from the woman that he had spent years dreaming about.
The woman that  he had bought tickets to see live on stage a few years ago , signing up for pre sale tickets because he knew they would sell out within minutes. They did , and he had been so happy to get his own tickets despite the fact that he hadn't shown it, only privately grinning to himself in the comfort of his own room. the same woman that he shamefully had a crush on for so long now. Even attempting to learn Spanish so he could watch her interviews and understand at least single word she said.
Apparently Lina Valentina was his brothers neighbour. Because of course she was.
He tried to hold back a hysterical laugh. Coughing a little instead , unable to believe what the hell was happening right then. Wondering if he really was dreaming or if someone really had switched his vitamins for acid. Because he had got to be seeing things.
He was So in his own disbelieving thoughts he didn't realise that she was coming over to him until she was stood right in front of him, her vanilla perfume filling his senses as she smoothly took back her baby from his arms while giving him a casual smile.
As though this was a everyday occurrence for her. He sure fucking hoped not. For the baby's sake.
"Maybe I should get a gate  for the hallway too. He’s like a little flash. So fast now." She blew a raspberry on her baby's belly, giggling with him with a face full of nothing but love.
Quinn couldn't believe it. His starstruckness mixed with his usual awkwardness had him blurting out a unimpressed -
“-maybe you should  just keep your front door closed. What if he got out into the street and hurt himself ?" Frowning down at her disapprovingly. Unable to stop himself before it was too late.
Missing the look of pure disbelief that Jack shot Trevor , shaking his head slowly to himself as they watched his brother awkwardly cross his arms over his chest, scowl never leaving his face as he looked down at the grinning , unbothered pop star in front of him.
"God. He couldn't even charm a fish." Jack groaned underneath his breath, both in amusement and second hand embarrassment.
His brother had the woman of his dreams right in front of him and what was he doing? Scolding her.
It was just so Quinn like that he couldn't help but grin even wider once he noticed how unbothered Lina seemed too.
Simply looking up at Quinn with a perfectly arched brow, as though she wasn't stood in front of him in tiny shorts and a thin sports bra. Looking like a messy wet dream .
He didn't know where to look, he settled on her amused eyes instead . Fighting back a horrified wince at his blunt and not cool at all behaviour .
When he had daydreamed about all the ways he would meet her, and charm her, maybe flirt his way (or plead his way pathetically ) into getting her to give him a chance . He imagined telling her how beautiful she looked under the lights , about how she took his breath away every time he heard her songs on the radio . How he sang along and knew everyone word despite his friends and brothers teasing. He had been loyal to her for so long now that it was in his dna.
scolding her for her carelessness was not on his list of first words to her at all. What kind of meet cute was this? He wanted to die a little. He really did then.
This couldn't be happening to him. His felt his face flame , right up to his ears and nose. His lips pursed tighter , not knowing what to feel or what to do.
"Four floors down?" She said in amusement as she kissed the side of her baby's head gently "-plus you have to take the moving box to get down to the bottom to get out . And as smart as Juan is, he can't use them yet." She told him matter of factly , like he was an idiot .
Then she slowly looked him up and down, taking in his outgrown hair and messy stubble. The broken nose and nervous twitching of his fingers by his side.
She stifled a sudden smile of her own before looking away from him, wandering into her kitchen to make Juan a bottle instead.
"Elevator." Quinn muttered , because that was him told. Wasn't it?
His cheeks flushed even darker  as he ignored the two idiots snickering at his own misery . He looked down at his feet for a moment , eyes only flickering back up again when she let out a quite hum.
"Oh. Okay." She simply let out, not bothered at all. Moving box. Elevator . Same thing.
“Trevor. You asked me out . I'm afraid my answer is a hard no." She directed her attention over to the grinning guy behind him instead, giving him a amused shake of her head. Props for trying she supposed . Gotta love the confidence.
Trevor just shrugged, smile never leaving his face. Just happy to be there and to be meeting her. He couldn't wait to get a picture with her to brag to all of their friends about this moment for the rest of his life.
Nobody was going to believe this. It was a thought that they all shared. Quinn the most.
He couldn't help but glare over at him, pursing his lips tightly together as he watched Lina fondly flick his forehead as she passed him as though he was something that amused her greatly . Gritting his teeth to keep his mouth firmly shut.
He Should have known that Trevor would try snd charm his way into her pants. He couldn't blame him. But still.
They had only been there for less than five minutes , Trevor having practically stolen her baby for a good moment there without a single apology .
Didn't he have any shame? Quinn glowered, bitterly jealous that he had all the guts that he didn't have at all.
"Is it because I'm not Spanish? I could download dualingo. I'm a fast learner." He winked at her shamelessly.
Even Jack burying his face in his hands beside him with a laugh , amazed by his over confidence . Even with a famous pop star that was clearly out of his league . Well. Anybody's league really.
Lina let out a loud giggle, smirking over at him. He was cute. She could give him that, she wondered if it was just an American boy thing. Backward caps and American smiles .
She wasn't completely unfazed but her eyes kept going back to the sulking man leaning against her wall instead. Glaring at his friend as though he wanted to melt him with his dark gaze.
That one, her brain supplied like a spoiled child wanting more than they should have.
I want that one. It sang mischievously.
"You're funny. But no. I'm sick of the guys back home anyways. Very beautiful but.." she let out a long suffering sigh "so very stupid. Too beautiful , no brains , Sí?" She looked at them like they should understand .
All of them nodding along as though they did when they so clearly didn't. Just wanting to get on her good side now.
Trevor let out a dramatic sigh "well that's too bad. If you're not looking for beautiful guys then I have no chance. Because clearly I am the most beautiful-"
Quinn rolled his eyes "god. Shut up. Arrogant jackass." He muttered at him, irritated beyond belief at him. Not wanting to admit to himself why either .
Jack glanced over at him knowingly , grinning at his obvious jealously and lack of coolness around her.
He tried to help his big brother out, in a little brother kind of way of course .
"Well If you don't want a beautiful man. You should meet my brother Quinn-" he gave him a pat to the shoulder as he tired to push him towards her.
Quinn immediately shoving him away, flushing a dark red as he shot him a glare. Mortified.
"Shut the fuck up-"
Lina gasped as she covered her baby's ears with a disapproving frown towards him.
"no cursing! He's going to be a good boy. Stop that!" She was the one scolding him this time , reaching out her foot to kick at his ankle like she had seen her own mother to do her father when he was doing something that she didn't like  .
Quinn went silent in shock , eyes blown wide as he looked down at where she had kicked him in disbelief .
"He started it-" he went to defend himself pathetically , Trevor snorting behind him at how childish he sounded . So moody and annoyed that his luck was so fucking shit like this.
Lina just side eyed him , unimpressed. "Shush. Quinn. Huh-" she got sidetracked for a moment as she tasted his name in her mouth.
Completely Missing the way he swallowed and averted his gaze , needing to take a deep breath in as her heard her say his name like that. Reminding  himself how to breath all over again. It didn’t feel so easy anymore.
Not with her there, looking like that… who gave her the right to look so fucking beautiful like this? It really wasn’t fair.
How was he supposed to breathe normally now? His nose was already fucked up as it was, she was making his chest collapse too now.
Fuck. He ran a slightly shaky hand through his hair, swallowing dryly again. Fuck . Fuck.
"I like that name. But don't argue with me." She stepped to his side , no longer looking at him as she spoke up again, changing the subject quickly . Ignoring his kicked puppy look beside her.
"are the two of you men yet?" She smirked over at Trevor and Jack like she was setting a trap. Quinn falling quiet beside her as he watched them fall right into it. Fighting back a amused snort at the sight of them perking up eagerly.
"Hell yeah! Can't you tell by all this muscle?" Trevor flexed his arm at her with sly wink. Jack grinning too as he laughed loudly "yeah. We're manly men. Do you even-have to ask?" He said arrogantly . In way over his head already.
Lina just grinned at them smugly  "I do. Okay then. That's great then . Seeing as you're so strong and manly could you finish fixing up that high chair for me? I can't do it." She softened her voice along with her face as she tilted her head sweetly at them. Perfect manipulation granted.
Both of them melted just like she had planned . Nodding their heads along like obedient puppies as they quickly spun around to sit on the floor in the front room, fighting to get the instructions . Eager  to please her.
"Of course! We've got this! We'll have it up in minutes. Don't you worry." Jack told her confidently as he picked up a wooden piece of it, glancing at it uncertainly . Yet he didn't give in, pride on the line,
Quinn shook his head in disbelief "unbelievable." He muttered as he followed a smug Lina into the kitchen while Side eyeing her in amusement .
"They’re idiots. There not going to have it done quickly." He felt the need to let her know as he leant back against the kitchen counter, watching her bring out a plate of fruit . Looking down at all the different left overs pieces in contemplation.
She just shrugged her shoulders indifferently "I know. Here-" she abruptly turned around and stuck out her arms, nodding down to Juan with a expectant gaze on her pretty face.
Treating Quinn like she had known him for years, as though they were close friends and like he always held her baby for her while she chopped up some fruit in her kitchen. Totally normal.
He didn't even think, too in shock still as he awkwardly pulled the garbling baby from her arms, placing him on his side instead. Looking down at little Juan for a moment as he swallowed nervously.
"I-he's quite heavy. For a baby I mean." He blurted out, suddenly hating the silence that had fell upon them. His nerves forcing his mouth to open and spew out whatever it wanted before his brain could even catch up.
Anxiety. He shut his mouth promptly. Was a bitch.
What happened to his life long vow of being quite and chilled out? He took one glance over at the grinning Spanish woman and inhaled shakily, yeah, that wasn't going to happen. Not with Lina fucking Valentina beside him . Even her name sounded like a love song on his tongue.
Was it hot here? He fanned his shirt a little frantically , flushing . Or was it just him?
Lina just giggled, obvious to his little freak out as she focused on chopping up the fresh fruit for them to eat.
"I know right? When I thought of having a baby I thought it would be so much easier to carry him. Even when he was fist born, the dolls are really misleading as kids. If I'd have known how heavy baby's really were-" she paused her talking to glance up at them for a moment , smiling at the sight of Juan snuggling up to Quinn happily . Just happy to cuddle anyone these days. She got it. She really did.
"-I would have started weight lifting before my pregnancy. But hey!" She laughed, flexing her arm for him to see with a mischief grin "look at my arms now! So strong huh?" She winked at him, enjoying the red painting his cheeks more than she should.
But she was just a woman. As Quinn was a very cute, very awkward, adorable man. She was gonna tease him till his legs gave out and he lost all the paleness in his face.
She could fell her body perk up excitedly , eyes trained on him as she chewed her bottom lip with a thrill.
Oh yes. Maybe this was whst she had been missing since moving here . A Quinn to tease and please and play with. Her heart had been an empty room for so long now, didn't it deserve to let someone in again? To house someone new?
She was a romantic at heart. A tease and a minx. She knew it. Everybody did. Even Quinn did.
That didn't make his heart flutter any less as he tore his eyes away from her toned and tanned arms, smiling a little tensely in her general direction.
Unable to look her in her eyes. Intimated by her natural charisma and easygoing nature, and her beauty .
God her beauty... he felt sick from it. Was that normal? To feel sick to your stomach when somebody smiled at you?
He swallowed again "yeah er- yeah." He shifted Juan in his arms again just for something to do , rocking him a little as he started to drift off again his chest. His eyes softened as he glanced down at him, relaxing a little as he gently patted his small back with his hand.
"What are you doing here?" Realising how rude that sounded , he quickly rushed out "I mean- in America? Here . I thought that you lived in madrid." He was curious to what could pull her away from such a beautiful place. His home was nice but it wasn't madrid. Who could leave there willingly with a baby in tow?
Lina did.
She just shrugged as she placed the plate of now cut fruit onto the table , moving close to him as she carefully lifted up a piece of watermelon and held it up to juans mouth for him to suck at . Smiling down at him affectionately As he tiredly did so, eyes blearily and barely open.
"I like travelling and going to new places. It's not good to stay around in one place for too long plus.." she inhaled deeply as she glanced up at him with a small quirk of her lips , finding Quinn's eyes already glued to her face. Soaking in every word she said like a sponge.
"Plus the whole ex boyfriend putting his tiny dick in his ex girlfriends mouth thing kind of put a dampener on the city for me . Ya know?"
She said it so nonchalantly that he couldn't help but let out a surprised laugh , even snorting a little in amusement how uncaring she sounded , just a little annoyed that her home had been stained if anything .
"Oh no." He breathed out a chuckle , watching her feed Juan some more fruit as he held him carefully for her still. "So that's what happened. He was a footballer right? Everyone was talking about your split."
Lina just nodded her head casually, unbothered.
"yeah. Should have known really. He can only think with his balls, that's all he knows. He can find the back of the net but not the clit." She bluntly told him, giggling to herself as she did so.
“But it's whatever. It's his loss."
Quinn was speechless for a moment , just grinning down at the amazing woman in front of him. So beautiful and so fucking funny..so cool. He let out a sigh without even realising it.
"It is." He murmured before letting out a surprised noise when she suddenly reached up, strawberry in her hand as she tapped it against his mouth gently.
"What are you doing?" He tried to pull his face away, flustered. But she wasn't having it.
Simply rolling her eyes at him with a grin as she tapped the fruit against his lips again , more impatiently this time .
"Open your mouth Quinn. Don't waste my fruit now." She teasingly remarked , enjoying how he couldn't even look at her, face now a permanent red since he had arrived .
He kept his eyes to the wall opposite him as he hesitantly opened his mouth, heart going crazy as he felt her fingertips brush his tongue as she casually fed him the strawberry.
Tapping his jaw gently with her fingers to keep his mouth open as she reached over to feed him some more, face casual and serene , like this was a normal thing to do.
Quinn felt like he was going to collapse. Eyes flickering rapidly between the wall, the fridge , the baby and then Lina . Not knowing where to look as she continued hand feeding him the fruit , keeping her body close to his side as she smiled up at him softly . Pleased with his compliance.
"Not so bad huh?" She glanced down at his pouty lips now stained with Berry and subtly sighed .
"tienes una boca tan bonita." (You have such a pretty mouth.) she murmured in appreciation , finding it hard to look away.
His eyes shot back to her own at those words, eyes widening as he heard a familiar one.
“Pretty?" Bonita. He knew that one. He looked at her for an answer.
Lina just smiled at him and moved herself away from his side finally , coyly shrugging her shoulders at him in response .
“Very. What do you do?" She asked him curiously , mind already making plans.
She wanted him. That much was simple. And judging by his heaving chest and apple red cheeks , he wanted her too.
Quinn took a deep breath in, trying to calm himself down again . Juan now fast asleep in his arms as he watched Lina pack away the remaining fruit and put it back in the fridge , only glancing back over her shoulder at him when he took a second to long too answer.
Still lost in the feeling of her warm fingertips on his lips. He wondered what they would have tasted like if he had sucked them into his mouth and gently wrapped his tongue around her fingers, sweet fruit he knew. His mind supplied him with other dirty thoughts that he was quick to shut down, shifting uneasily on his feet instead .
"I er-I do hockey." He grimaced a little at himself, wishing he was a little more cooler and charming. Wishing that he could be more smooth with his words like Trevor and his brother were. But this was him. A little awkward and unsure "we all do. I'm the better player though." He tried to joke.
She laughed a little "oh yeah? Should I really take your word for it? What if Jack is the better player?" She teased him back. Enjoying it.
He scoffed immediately , chest flaring as he quickly countered back "he is not Better . In anyway." He wouldn't let him be.
Not with Lina . Not like this.
He looked back over at her quickly "and you don't have to take my word for it. You can come see me play anytime." There. That was smoother, wasn't it? He mentally patted himself on the back for that one.
Biting down on his lip to suppress his proud grin as he watched her giggle at what he said, his chest puffing out a little with pride. That he had made her laugh like that. Him. Not Trevor or Jack.
Lina smiled over at him slyly "I'm usually more inclined towards European footballers but I guess I could try something new." She said casually as though it was no big deal. As though she wasn't spinning his entire world on its axis at the double meaning to her words.
Something new. Like him.
She smirked at him as she carefully took back a sleeping Juan from his aching arms, Quinn barely even noticing. Too busy looking at her like a lovesick idiot. Cheeks red and belly all sticky with the feeling of the butterflies flying around in there, going crazy for her.
God. This was crazy. He let out a breathless laugh , already in love.
"Though i must warn you. I don't like losers Quinn." She said while casually grinning.
He grinned straight back, confidence slowly rising now that he realised that she was only looking at him that wag . That he had her attention.
No amount of dreaming or singing along to her songs in his car could have ever have prepared him for this.
Were they flirting? He hoped they were. He tried his best , he had to.
This was Lina fucking Valentina. And What did Eminem say? You only got one chance, do not miss your shot. Opportunity’s come once in a lifetime . Or something like that.
He wasn't wrong at all.
"That's a lie. Seeing as your baby daddy is the biggest loser out there." He shot back without missing a beat, worried for a moment that she would get pissed off over his offhand comment.
But she just laughed . Loudly . Looking both amused and proud of him, Pointing her finger at him while nodding her head along.
"you're right. I'll let you have that one! But I still don't think you're the best.." she backed away back into the front room, placing the sleeping baby into a small cot in the corner of the room . Tucking him in perfectly before coming straight back to him once she was done.
"No? What will change your mind?" He looked at her in amusement . Liking the back and forth they now had going on. Heart jumping in his chest , hiding his trembling fingers behind his back quickly so she didn’t see them.
She just hummed teasingly "not much. Maybe a lot. So much to prove ya know? Any of your friends single?" She tested him. Seeing if he would play along and fall for it all.
He did. Because of course he did.
"No. There all jackasses anyways." He snapped straight back. Frowning again.
She hid a laugh , so easy . She thought fondly. So cute.
“Hmmm. And you're so lovely? You were scolding me before you even said hello. Actually.." she smirked "I still don't think you have said hello at all. Rude."
He rose his brow at her , rolling his eyes . "Because you were careless. Who leaves there doors wide open like that? Little dude crawled right out!" He exclaimed, not letting it go .
Lina just kicked his ankle again "it's too hot In here! It's summer. Do you want me to get heatstroke and die? Is that it Quinn? You wanted me to melt? I was letting some air in." She countered back , jumping up onto the kitchen table. Feet dangling in front of them, body facing him.
Quinn clenched his hands around the counter top behind his back, eyes flickering down to her bare , swinging legs before quickly darting away again .
"Shut up. Don't be so dramatic. You're used to the heat. Don't even try it." He muttered amused. Kicking her ankle right back.
If possible, her smile grew even bigger at his actions. Chest buzzing with excitement as she took in the shy man in front of her, able to keep up with her whips and dish it right back too.
How perfect.
Before she could resort back and bicker with him some more like she wanted to, Trevor and Jack came rushing back again. Sweaty and proud , with matching grins on their faces.
"It's done! The men built the baby a chair! Can you believe it? It looks so good huh?" Jack smugly said as he pulled her down from the table, dragging her back into the room to see what they had done.
She let out a amused laugh, nodding her head along as she patted their backs. Practically feeling their manly prides boosting as she gave them a sweet smile , both guys cheeks going rosy.
Quinn was glowering at them from beside her , just shaking his head at them in disbelief. Was he this bad? He wondered a little concerned. Before quickly shaking off that question because he didn't want to know the answer at all. (Yes. It was yes. Always.)
"Well done guys! How can I repay you for your help?" She beamed at them. Pleased.
Trevor smirked "with a kiss-" he couldn't even finish before Quinn was smacking the back of his head, hard.
Glaring at him darkly "I will break your teeth." He gritted out in a whisper while Lina was distracted talking to his excited brother . "All of them." He threatened.
Trevor just snorted, side eyeing him. "Jealous are we? In love? Wanna marry her and give her your babies-" he made a baby voice at him, winding him
Quinn went bright red "shut up." He snapped st him quietly . Keeping an eye on Jack and Lina to make sure they couldn't hear . He could only take so much embarrassment before he would simply keel over .
"You should come over tomorrow! We're just gonna hang out, watch some movies , get takeout and have some beer. Wanna join us?" Jack extended the invitation hopefully. already deciding that he was going to be her friend now.
She was never going to be able to get rid of him now, he was like a overly friendly leech. Quinn hoped that lina knew what she was getting herself into. No more quite alone time anymore.
She smiled at him , thankful to be included. "Sure! Sounds fun. What are you eating tomorrow?"
"Just pizza. Any preference?" Trevor asked her.
She grimaced a little but only Quinn noticed the little sad sigh she let out . Barely audible. Already so in tuned with her . He brows furrowed a little as he looked down at her.
"I'll have whatever you guys have. I'm still not used to all the takeouts here. We never really had pizza unless it was home cooked." She told them absentmindedly . Thinking back to home.
Jack just grinned at her "you'll love it! I'll make sure to get one extra cheesy." He said as they all slowly made there way to the front door. Knowing that they couldn't stay with her forever . No matter how much they wanted to.
While they were distracted , Quinn gently
nudged lina's shoulder with his own.
“What would you normally be having on a Saturday night back home?" He murmured to her , curious.
A little homesick , she shrugged. Nudging him back gently just because she could now.
“A range of things . My mamá is the best cook in the world. But - as overly used and abused as it is- Paella has always been my favourite ." She admitted to him quietly "any kind really . It was the only thing my papa could make. Not as good as a cook as my mama ." She giggled fondly while talking about them .
He smiled at the fond tone she used to speak about her parents , In awe that she was even willing to speak to him at all.
He nodded slowly "I'll eat anything so.." he let out a chuckle "I do have a bit of a sweet tooth though." He muttered shyly , watching her play with her wild hair from the corner of his eye subtly .
His breath hitching in his chest, overwhelmed by her.
Lina giggled "me too! I love anything chocolate but- ya know. I'm not supposed to. Only on special occasions." She whispered to him like it was a secret , unable to look away from his shy smile and rosy cheeks.
Both of them completely missing the looks that Trevor and Jack exchanged as they watched the old dust turned to stardust as it fell around the apartment around them, so lost in each other as the inevitable began again.
Falling in love had never been so easy.
By the time Saturday night came around , Quinn was already tired  with the bundle of nerves that had been running rampant over him the whole day leading up to it.
Fretting over every little thing , not wanting anything or anyone to scare her away. He had made Luke promise to not do not say anything stupid , otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to join their movie night either.
In fact in the space of a couple of hours Quinn had maybe , definitely , threatened and blackmailed all three of them to be on there best behaviour or else. Like a couple hundred times already.
He ignored their amused muttering behind his back about how whipped he already was , he completely blanked out their childish teasing . Instead focusing on making sure that everything went perfectly for their night , wanting Lina to feel comfortable around them.
He couldn't imagine how strange and difficult it was being in a new country , with a baby none the less .
He just wanted her to be happy. Wanted to be the one to supply that rush of happiness and hopefully have her smile that mischievous smile at him again, to hear her giggle at his stupid attempts at a joke in the kitchen.
He just wanted her to like him.
He had felt nothing but a lot of self consciousness and sickness as he got ready for the day, looking at himself in the mirror in his best black jeans and clean shirt. Running his hand through his freshly washed hair, ruffling it as he let out a frustrated groan at himself . Pissed off for even feeling this way to begin with.
He had never cared about what he looked like before, not really , not on such a horrifying scale like this one .
But Suddenly he couldn't look away from his reflection as his grimace got deeper and deeper, eyes zeroing in on his large nose, bent and busted from all the breaks it had taken over the years. Fingers picking at the acne on his face that refused to leave even after his teenage years were long over , rubbing mostoriser into his skin with trembling hands in hopes of it somehow , miraculously taking it all away.
He didn't know why he bothered , or why he cared so much.
Okay. That was lie. He knew exactly why he suddenly cared so much. He thought back to linas long line of ex lovers and felt sick to his stomach as he realised how way over his head he was about this.
She was Lina fucking Valentina. She was beautiful. Stunning. This Ethereal goddess that didn't even seem real until yesterday.
She was everything .
And he - Quinn-felt like nothing compared to her. He thought about all the handsome footballers and other sport stars that he had seen her with over the years and swallowed thickly , averting his gaze from his reflection with haste. No amount of cream was going to change the way he looked like, no amount of cream or new clothes would make him look like they did.
He wasn't them. And he didn't want to be.
They may have had the looks, the hot accents and the ridiculous abs and muscles. But what had that accomplished? They meant nothing to Lina now. They weren't here. She wasn't feeding them fresh fruit and trusting them to hold little Juan in their arms like she was with him .
He was. She was letting him in, without Quinn even having to do a single thing .
She had looked at him and seen something that he never would , and that was enough for him.
He had a chance . He wasnt going to lose it or waste it, he had to try. Broken nose, acne and eye bags and all.
So he spent most his day around town getting everything he needed for the night . As he was unpacking the bags he brought home, Jack spotted the containers he placed on the breakfast table and frowned in confusion at his older brother.
"Why have you got food? I ordered pizza!" His voice rose in surprise , looking at him like he had lost his mind.
Maybe he had. Being lovestruck had that effort on people he guessed .
He just shrugged a little as he continued to unpack , keeping his eyes down on his hands as he felt the heat reach up to his neck .
Telling himself that he had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, unable to look at his brother in his eye as he responded quietly.
"I know you did. It's not for you dipshit." He just muttered as he pulled a couple of jars of baby food and placed them on the counter too.
Jack looked at the baby food, the Spanish takeout bag and the big box of chocolate that he was pulling out and felt his mouth drop open in shock.
Blinking at him slowly as he slowly took everything in , realising what this actually meant .
"Quinn- I know I've been teasing you about this but- I didn't realise you-" he was baffled, unused to seeing his older brother in such a flustered state about anything. Never mind a woman.
He looked at Quinn's red cheeks and averted eyes and exhaled loudly in shock.
“I didn't realise that this was real. I mean- you're serious?" He couldn't believe it.
Couldn't believe that the day had finally arrived where his brother was losing his mind over a woman , but no, not just any woman.
Lina fucking Valentina. The same woman that Quinn had been losing his mind over for a long time. He recalled all the gigs he had been dragged along to, all the gifts everyone had gotten him for Christmas as a joke with lina's face on. He thought about the cd's and vinyls , the silent admiration and adapt attention whenever her name was mentioned on tv or on the radio and let out a loud laugh .
Because really. He should have seen this coming. For a long time really .
He just hadn't thought that Quinn would ever have the guts to actually take the chance presented to him like this.
I mean. It was Quinn..
His brother just looked annoyed at him "serious about what? It's just food. We're you planning on giving her one year old baby pizza?" He shot back at him , scowling . Getting Defensive. Hating that his brother looked so shocked about it at all.
Jack just laughed even harder "is there a ring in there too?" He joked.
Dodging the flying kitchen towel that came flying at his head with ease . He smirked at him mischievously, enjoying winding him up like this. He couldn't wait till he got to tell the rest of their family and friends about this, to let them see the uncharacteristic way that he was behaving.
He was going to be in for a lifetime of teasing after this.
"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn snapped at him, irritated and hating being put on the spot like this. His feelings were his own. He didn't want to talk to his brother, or anyone else for that matter , about this. It was stupid .
Jack snorted "why did you get her chocolates as well then?" He teased him.
"They were on sale! I'm just being nice! Something that you should try being !" He lied.
They were not on sale. They were not cheap at all and he had deliberately drove across town to this fancy chocolate shop that did the best homemade chocolates that he had ever tasted in his life.
He just knew that Lina would love them.
He did. So why wouldn't she? They both had a sweet tooth, he just thought that she would appreciate them like he did. That was all.
No big deal.
"You? Nice?!" Jack was laughing hysterically now
"yeah right! You want her! Huggy bear is in loveeeee!" He sang childishly  at him, watching his brother get worked up so easily.
Only further proving his point that he totally was gone for Lina. That this really was a big deal for him.
He didn't know why Quinn even tried to deny it. As though Jack hadn't witnessed him fawning over the pop star for years leading up to this .
"I am not! I'm just nice!"
"No you aren't!"
"Yes I am! Shut up!"
Both brothers were too busy shouting at each other to hear the front door open , Lina walking into the apartment like she owned the place, only to see Quinn glaring at Jack like he wanted to strangle him right there and then.
Laughing to herself as she watched Jack wind him up over and over again, after watching Quinn raise his finger threateningly at him while promising to
Shove something up his ass, she finally decided to make her presence known to them.
"Who's not nice?" She asked them curiously, wondering what had gotten Quinn so worked up now.
He froze in his spot, his head snapping over to where she was stood smiling prettily at them , his blood pressure scaling even higher as he took in the sight of the Red Devil's jersey she was wearing over some shorts.
He felt crazy "no. Absolutely not!" He snapped just at the sight time that Jack happily told her "Quinn! He's not very nice at all!" Smirking smugly to himself one he noticed where his older brothers eyes were glaring into .
The jersey that he had deliberately left at lina's for her to wear , not telling her which brothers it was . Poor girl had no clue , Quinn's face couldn't have gotten any redder it tried to, only with fury this time.
Only his anger quickly melted away when Lina stepped in front of him and reached her free hand up to grip his jaw in her hand, titling his head to the side so she could admire him closely , with no shame at all as she hummed a little fondly .
"I think he's very nice. I've been so sick of those pretty Spanish boys back home anyways." She muttered , leaning up to kiss his cheek before moving away.
Casually turning to greet both Trevor and Luke, the younger brother just as starstruck as he hugged her, excitedly introducing himself while Trevor pulled her closer so that they could take a selfie together.
Quinn just watching on In disbelief , hand to his flaming cheek gently , heart stuttering in his chest while Jack just snickered at his flustered face from beside him.
"You bastard! I know you did this!" Quinn hissed at him, annoyed.
Lovesick and overwhelmed , not knowing what the hell he was supposed to do next. His plans to be cool and collected going right out of the window now, all he could feel was his skin tingling and buzzing from where her lips had touched it.
He inhaled shakily and tried to get a grip of himself , shaking his head in hopes of snapping out of it quicker.
Jack smirked smugly "the jersey? Yes I did. She looks good in my colours eh?" He teased him.
Quinn had enough . He scoffed, tugging at the back of the stupid jersey she was wearing to get her attention again.
"Get that shit off." He told her bluntly , not amused by his brothers antics in the slightest. The only jersey he wanted her ever wearing was his own.
Lina looked up at him in surprise , raising a amused brow as she casually passed him Juan to hold.
The baby just giggling as he cuddled his neck in excitement , Quinn's anger briefly melting away as he swayed him gently in his arms , caressing his curly hair affectionately . Heart melting.
"Why?" She wanted to know . Confused.
He huffed "it's jacks. Get it off." He grumbled , kicking her ankle Impatiently. A new tradition setting in now. For years to come.
She kicked his ankle straight back, laughing at his red face and narrowed eyes. Finding his jealously more than amusing.
"Right now? You want me to strip?" She looked pointedly at the other three guys around her and shrugged dramatically "okay then If you say so-" she made a show of pulling up the Jersey as though she was going to pull it off, showing her bare stomach underneath . Only wearing a bra underneath it.
Panicked , Quinn gasped sharply "okay no! Stop! Ah ah!" He shook his head quickly as he reached out to yank it back down. Everyone laughing at him, he ignored the guys and focused on the Lina's grinning face in front of him instead.
“Never mind!"
After messing about and chatting with the other guys, she wandered into the kitchen to find Quinn again. Smiling to herself in contentment once she spotted him sat at the breakfast table , her baby on his lap as he fed Juan a pot of baby food that he had bought for him without her even having to ask.
Her face softened , a teasing remark dying on her tongue as she looked at them. Throat closing a little as she looked the little bottles of baby food, the container of takeout and big box of chocolates on the table as well.
"You got Juan food? That's so sweet..." she muttered, swallowing as she felt her throat dry.
A sudden rush of feelings falling upon her as she took a seat beside him at the table , tapping Juan’s little nose with a small smile on her face . Overwhelmed . But so grateful.
Quinn nodded a little shyly "yeah. He needs to eat to.I. He likes the chocolate pudding one." He mumbled as he carefully spoon fed the baby it, chuckling at the mess that he was making .
Grabbing a paper towel and gently wiping his chin with it , missing the look of softness that fell over lina's usually calm and teasing  face . Unable to take her eyes off him.
She giggled a little, fiddling with the takeout container as she pulled it closer to her. Heart racing in her chest as she peeked inside to see a familiar food and beautiful smell drifting up to her , looking back at Quinn beside her in amazement .
"You got me paella? Oh my god. Quinn!" She gushed , so giddy. So happy as she inhaled the delicious smell of her favourite Spanish food , shaking her head in disbelief at how good he was to her already.
He still wouldn't look at her, couldn't . Instead he focused himself on feeding little Juan , grinning a little as the one year old try to speak .
"Qqqqq-" he babbled , blinking up at him with his big eyes. Quinn melted. "Quuuuqqq"
"Quinn." He smiled down at him fondly , stroking his soft hair . "You'll say it soon enough little man. So smart already."
Lina let out a silent breath. Her mother's words rushing back to her as she recalled her soft voice talking about her papa. "When you know. You know, you just look at them and think, yes, this is what I want, forever and always. I want this man."
She looked at Quinn holding her baby so delicately , took in his bashfulness and shy smiles. His thoughtfulness and pretty face and let out a small laugh too.
Oh god. Her mama was right.
She was never going to live this one down,
An American boy. Her father was going to have a stroke! She giggled to herself .
Not scared at all by the sudden realisation that she knew exactly how this was going to go. She decided to just let the story play out how it was supposed to instead , to let herself enjoy the small moments and secret grins.
She had seen this film before and she loved this ending. She was finally going to be the starring role in somebody else's universe.
Quinn was going to be the sun in her sky , she could feel it. All the stars finally aligning just the way they were supposed to be.
"And the chocolates?" She asked him quietly , knowingness written across her face as she pulled open the pretty box. Slowly Lifting one to her lips, eyes never leaving his flushed face.
He finally allowed himself to look up at her, his eyes dropping to the small chocolate now between her teeth, his lips parting in a breath as he watched her take a bite. Humming softly as her eyes fluttered close in happiness, smiling around the sweetness as she grabbed another one immediately after.
"You like them." He almost whispered , enjoying the quietness between them. And The teasing smile she gave him setting him right .
"-and I like them. We both like them. So why not? They were on sale." He lied again.
She just laughed quietly , picking up a chocolate and bringing it to his lips. A exact reminisce of the day before with the fresh fruit.
Quinn swallowed and admitted In a mumble like she had some kind of spell on him  "no they weren't."his lips parting as he let her feed him the soft chocolate , humming too. "They're good."
"They should be. They were expensive right?" She called his bluff. Seeing right through him. Just like her mama could with her father.
He just nodded a little in defeat "yeah. They were. You like them?" He looked hopefully at her chocolate covered lips, watched her slowly lick them clean. Shuffling in his seat as he tried not to lose his head right there and then.
She was a goddess . It was night time yet all she made him see was daylight. He felt Alive in a way that  he had never done before. It was surreal. Magical. Erotic . Loving. Strange . All rolled into one fancy chocolate .
Lina smiled "I do. I love it all. gracias." She simply said. Kissing his cheek again, just to see him smile bashfully down at the table , his cheeks a cherry red as he laughed quietly to himself , shaking his head in disbelief.
It was silent for a moment before Quinn hesitantly spoke up again.
“You said you're sick of pretty Spanish boys. That you think I'm nice." He was almost speaking to himself. In disbelief .
Lina frowned a little, nodding her head. "Yes. I think you're pretty too. If that's what you're wondering." It was almost like she couldn't read his anxious mind. She rested her chin on her hand, elbow on the table as she tilted her head at him, still smiling.
He looked shocked, and it made her sad to know that he didn't see himself the way she did. He was fucking beautiful to her. He really was. She liked all the imperfections , inside and out.
She just liked him.
It was that simple. No need to complicate things.
"Really?" He looked at her . Eyelashes fluttering as he fought to hold her gaze. Goosebumps breaking out on his skin. "No kidding?"
She shook her head. Tapping his chin with her pointer finger gently.
“ "no kidding." She repeated just as quietly . Eyes glittering around his face thoughtfully , just taking him in.
“I like really like your nose." She told him . Meaning it.
Quinn couldn't have gone any more red , blinking at her in shock. "Really?" He hated it. Couldn't imagine why she would like it, in his mind it was ugly and far too big and crooked.
Lina told him why , blunt as always, accent thick with something else as she gently caressed his nose with her fingertip confidently .
Before Smirking softly at him "big noses are great for riding . And yours is perfect for it. For you. And me." She winked at him before hearing Jack loudly call her.
She swiftly stood from her seat, kissed his cheek again before leaving him there, flustered , red and swallowing loudly in the kitchen , oblivious baby clutched to his chest , gaping at where she had just been sat , speechless.
He finally inhaled sharply , blinking rapidly as he felt Juans tiny hand pull at his hair , snapping him out of it, shaking his head to himself in disbelief.
"Your mama is going to kill me. My poor heart..." he sighed out , picking out another chocolate and eating it. Smiling all the while .
This was what dreams were made of.
By the time midnight hit, Lina was sneaking into his room to check up on him after he had disappeared a little while ago. Mumbling something about being back in a minute , but he didn't .
She didn't knock, just slid into his room and closed the door behind her.
Quinn smiling up at her lazily from where he was laid stretched out in his bed , looking like he had been waiting for her to come despite neither of them having said a thing.
Some promises were made with quick smiles in the dark.
She had waited until little Juan was asleep and cozy in the portable cot before hurrying off the see him again.
Heart calm and cozy in her chest, meanwhile Quinn's was racing as he watched Lina climb onto his bed and settle in beside him silently , both just looking at each for a long moment, smiling in the dark.
"You okay?" She whispered to him, both of them on their sides facing each other. She felt his hand slowly come up to play with the ends of her hair, a soft sigh leaving him . As though he was already asleep and dreaming something seeet and easy.
"Yeah. Just tired." He murmured , yawning .
Fingertips lightly tracking over her shoulder and down her arm, blinking slowly as he pulled the blanket over their laps , making sure that her bare legs were covered . No wanting her to get chilly, but Lina was burning .
For him.
"Me too." She whispered with a lazy smile, head on his pillow that they both now shared. She lifted her hand to run her fingers through his hair , feeling him let out a shaky exhale , subtly shuffling closer to her till they were as close as could possibly be.
"Want to-" he hesitated for a moment before mumbling quietly "do you want to stay?" He asked her , hope filling his chest as he quickly added to avoid confusion "with me. In here."
She just laughed quietly , soothing her thumb over his burning ear . Finding him so endearing that it hurt.
"In your bed? With you?" She giggled "how scandalous." She couldn't help but tease him. Loving how his tiredness brought out some confidence that he struggled to find around her so far.
He groaned a little and tired to bury his burning face into the pillow, Lina giggling as she followed him down. Pressing her own cheek against his as she hugged his face to her , grinning against his heated skin. Quinn smiling against the pillow as he raised his hand to press it against the side of her face, keeping her face pressed to the side of his own
Giddy with the feeling of falling love with someone you only just met.
Giddy with the feeling of knowing that this this was it. The moment that their mamas had always told them stories about.
"You know I do Quinn." She told him sincerely "I'm gonna stay with you from now on. For a while I think. Because I like your stupid face." She said as she pulled their cheeks away from each other so he could pull his face out from the pillow, done with hiding now that he had some reassurance again.
He looked up at her , biting down on his lip with a shy grin. "Yeah?" His eyes flickered down to the jersey she was still wearing "not in that stupid jersey you're not." He muttered, hand sliding down to settle on her thigh instead. Rubbing soft circles in her even softer skin.
She grinned wickedly down at him, feeling his fingertips wandering up to fiddle with the end of the jersey .
"You want me to take it off?" She teased down to him , biting back a giggle when he averted his eyes to the ceiling for a moment . Taking a deep breath to gather himself and his courage before facing her again, bravely nodding his head yes.
"I want to take it off you." He couldn't help but add a small "please" at the end.so sweet that she couldn't help but smile at him.
This was it. This was what her mama had joyfully  warned her about while Lina just rolled her eyes and listened in disbelief . Not believing that she would ever find a love like that. Being told about Guys like him with their crooked smiles and heated cheeks , good intentions and pure hearts.
She hasn't known that they existed . Until she met Quinn . Now her heart was in her mouth and she was nodding her her head in consent as Quinn's shaky hand pulled up the wrong jersey over her head, his mouth falling open in a hitched breath once it was finally gone .
His eyes tracing over her Tanned stomach , toned from all the belly dancing on stage. Then down to her wider hips , following up to the dip in her waist before settling on her breasts encased in a pale pink, lace bralet.
He swallowed thickly , hands gripping her hips as she swiftly climbed on top of him, straddling his lap as he laid out beneath her , sweaty , flushed and with his heart in his mouth . Body Trembling and she hasn't even touched him properly yet.
"You're so beautiful Lina." He whispered to her . Just like he had always dreamed of telling her.
He finally got to now as his hands softly followed a path up her stomach , caressing the warm skin of her body as she leaned down, settling her own hands on his broad shoulders .
Biting her lip as she let him lean close to kiss her bare shoulder , open mouthed kisses being spread down to her chest, then over her neck . Anywhere that his lips could reach without moving too far from her . His arm around her waist as he hugged her too him, needing her close, having dreamt of this moment for what felt like his whole life.
Unable to believe that this was actually happening, that this wasn’t one of the many dreams he had about her over the years.
She sighed blissfully , gripping his chin to pull his lips away. Looking into his glossy eyes and flushed cheeks , his lips parted And pink from kissing her heated skin. She softened completely .
"Are you gonna buy me flowers just because?" She asked him softly , curious and playful as she pulled off his shirt so she could return his kisses down his body too.
Quinn's breath hitched as he tilted his chin down, utterly breathless as he watched her kiss down his chest , sucking softly at his freckled skin , his hips jumping as he felt her hand slide down to his pelvis , playing with the band of his pants teasingly .
"Yes. Sí! Sí!" He Moaned out breathlessly , hands desperately gripping at her back, then at her hips as she kissed up his neck. Tongue marking over his racing pulse below his ear , he trembled.
"I'll buy you flowers every Friday to mark the day we met." He breathed out. Already planning on which florists he would be running to, which flowers he would pick. Something beautiful. Like Lina.
She smiled softly against his jaw as she teased him some more, nudging her nose gently against his as she felt him try to lean forward to close the gap.
She just pulled away with a breathy laugh , brushing their lips together her softly, slowly as she spoke against the corner of his mouth , her words kissing him . Teasing him. Testing his control.
He whined.
"Will you dance with me in the kitchen? To silly songs?" She whispered quietly into the dark .
He groaned lowly , just wanting to kiss her. Just wanting her completely .
"I'll dance with you in every room. To every fucking song , to all of them..please.." he pleaded . Desperately. Kissing her chin over and over again.
She gripped the back of his neck and held him firmly , pressing their chests together as she let him unclip her bra . The flimsily material falling somewhere on the bed as he Palmed at her breasts messily , lips sucking at her jaw, down her neck , hips bucking up to meet her own. Begging her for more,
"Please Lina.. por favor." He pleaded breathlessly , rocking up into her, sweaty and so in love he could cry.
He sucked lovemarks over her heart , panting against her skin as she held his head close to her chest , head thrown back in pleasure as he got messier , spit leaning a trail against her skin as he gripped her in any place that he could . Fingers bruising and desperate.
"You'll come home? With me? To Spain?"
"I'd follow you anywhere." He promised , eyes wide and showing nothing but sheer desperation and the truth.
“I’ll take you joke to meet my family , I still have your poster on my wall though. Maybe you'll believe me then... I need you.." he told her shamelessly , meaning it with every fibre in him.
She laughed breathlessly "yeah? Should I put a poster of you above my bed too now  chico tonto?" (Silly boy) She teased him with a smirk.
He laughed too , breathless and smile too big for his face as he pulled her face up to his own, their teeth knocking together as he kissed her, hard and messy. Needy and wanting. He kissed her firm and true, just like he had always dreamed of doing .
"We can try right?" He murmured hopefully against her lips , trembling as she bit down on his bottom lip, soothing the sting of it with her tongue .
He sighed shakily, body trembling with anticipation and pleasure. "please? I want you so bad ."
"You want to fuck me?" She giggled mischievously as she leaned back to pull down her shorts and then his own. Eyes never leaving his flushed and sweaty face as he watched her like she was god above him.
He swallowed audibly "yeah." His voice cracked as he admitted lowly "I want to fuck you and you to fuck me , and I want to love you. I just want you. In every way."
Lina paused for a minute as she hovered above him for a moment , both breathless and needy. Quinn whining beneath her as she rocked her hips slowly , humming softly as their eyes fluttered closed in bliss.
"You're gonna love me forever if I let you Quinn ?" She wanted to know . Needed to. This was the real thing for her. It had to be. She had dreamt of moments like this, or all the pieces falling into place.
Hand caressing him firmly as he squirmed restlessly Beneath her , looking like he was going to laugh and cry at the same time. Eyes dazed and teary as he looked up at her , grinning wildly .
He nodded frantically "I am. You're all I've ever wanted Lina." and he meant it and she knew he did.
She sunk down on him , both moaning lowly as he pulled her down onto his body, cradling her close as he buried his face in her neck, breathless pants filling the air as she showed him why she was the one of the most wanted woman in the world.
But that didn't matter anymore because all she wanted was him.
She kissed him, laughing softly against his trembling lips as she whispered softly "I'm going to love you too. Maybe a little too much."
Quinn just moaned louder , mouthing at her sweaty skin with his bruised lips as he gripped at her hips tightly , realising why they didn't lie now. It all made sense as she snapped her hips down and around and around , bouncing and leaning , fingernails digging into his shoulders as she made him see heaven.
Eyes rolling to the back of his head as she fucked him, his lips unable to leave her skin as he wiped away the sweat dripping between her breasts with his tongue , in another world completely,
His heart sang in her voice  as she danced above him, belly moving as she moaned his name quietly , leaning her hands back on his thighs as she felt him hit deeper inside , feeling his body moving.
She made a man want to speak Spanish .
She rolled her hips again, like she did on stage , making him cry out as she clenched around him, his hips snapping up to meet her own as tears filled his eyes , pleasure whitening out his vision as his body shook below her.
"I got you. I got you bebé" she sighed , breathy and high pitched as they came together . Like it was supposed to be.
Holding his head close to her chest as he mumbled her name over and over again like a pray , grunting and shaking before finally collapsing against her body tiredly , pulling her down with him in a heap of sweaty limbs and kiss sealed promises.
It took them a while to calm down, Quinn's face in her neck as they tiredly cuddled into each other , soft kisses in the dark .
He smiled against her skin in joy, overwhelmed with love.
"You meant it? No kidding?" He whispered to her , holding her close and never wanting to let go again.
He was going to get her roses tomorrow, the biggest bouquet he could find.
This was it for him. He knew it was. This was the start of forever . Whenever , wherever , they were meant to be together. She was right. He wanted to hear her sing it again and again and again.
Only he had his own private show now. No more nosebleed tickets and tuning into the radio just to hear her voice .
He has the real thing right here, in his arms , smiling down at him like he was something worth keeping around .
"No kidding." She smiled , yawning as she combed her fingers through his sweaty hair . Holding him close as they both relaxed properly for the first time in a long time. Because they finally had someone to lean on.
"I meant. I'm keeping you forever now. Better get used to the heat because Madrid is even hotter, American boy." She teased.
Already planning on calling her mother in the morning to tell her the news that she was right all along .
She had found her star in a clouded sky of grey, she had found her daylight.
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
Test Dummy - jjk
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college gives you the perfect fresh start, far, far away from your brother and any of his cock-blocking friends. or so, you thought.
» genre: fluff! best friends brother 👀 college au, little steamy and mentions of s3x.
» word count: 4.1k
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Test Dummy - jjk
We’ve all heard about “forbidden love”. We’ve seen all the movies, read all the books, watched all of the predictable tv shows. I mean, what did you think was going to happen, they weren’t going to get together?
And yet, we continue to eat it up, every time, without fail.
“What is your beef with romance? Would you rather it be easy and straight to the point or do you think writers should end every romance in tragedy?” Mina scoffs and laughs at the foot of the bed as she proof-reads my essay. “I just don’t understand your point, y/n.”
I snatch the laptop away from her, “If you’re going to start making comments before you even finish reading it, I’m not going to let you read it at all!”
She laughs and rolls onto her back on my bed, “Fine, whatever, you probably don’t need anyone else to read it anyway, I’m sure it’s great.”
I nod, “You’re right, I don’t, you asked, remember?”
She grins, “Did I?”
I roll my eyes, “Shoo, leave my house.” Her boyfriend had texted her fifteen minutes ago saying he was on his way from her parents house, “why didn’t you invite your new boyfriend again?” I ask, referring to the cellphone in her hand as she slings her coat on and grabs her purse.
Her brows raise and she thinks about her words before speaking, something I most definitely never do, and she reminds me all the time. “Honestly? I knew your brother and his heathens would be back too, and the last thing I want him around is more testosterone.”
She laughs, having previously mentioned this one is the jealous type (which is apparently, something she’s into) and she was correct in assuming my house would look the same it did in high school, Seokjin and his friends all running around the house, being loud, eating all the food, and bothering any other life-forms in the house.
“Yeah you’re right, this place is still a sausage fest. However, I think today only four of seven losers are here. Not sure though, they’ve been quiet the last hour.”
She nods, “Must be eating.”
I shake my head as well, “Food! Oh god I’m totally gonna go crash their party, I’ll walk you out.”
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I bid Mina goodbye and sigh in relief as I close the door. Not that I didn’t enjoy Mina’s presence, we’ve been friends for years and despite going to different schools after graduating, we’ve still kept in touch, but entertaining people for that long, is always taxing on my social battery.
Just as Mina and I make a habit out of reuniting during school breaks and holidays, as does Seokjin and his annoying group of friends.
I stroll around the downstairs area of my family home, parents gone somewhere I’m sure they mentioned but I’m sure I ignored, and no boys to be found. “Must be in his room or something.” I mumble to myself, opening the fridge and bending down to grab a soda.
“Actually we’re in the basement dusting off the pool table, hand me one?” I practically jump out of my skin at the sound of another voice in the room, let alone directly behind me. He grins widely, “Hi, pretty.”
I smack his shoulder and shove a drink in his hand before walking past him, “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, and furthermore,” I lower my voice and turn to face him, now separated by the kitchen bar, “why the hell are you talking to me like that here? That is beyond off-limits!”
He’s still sporting a shit-eating grin, “You were actually being serious about not telling your family?” I widen my eyes and gesture around us, he scoffs, “Y/N, seriously?”
I sigh, “Jungkook, this is just,” I pause, “too weird to deal with right now.”
He circles the table coolly, still leaving a respectable distance between us, “I vividly remember you saying something different a few months ago, probably when we were in my bed, but oh! Maybe it was yours?” He laughs, as if what he was saying was actually funny, “Sorry, after so many times I just get confused.”
I scan the room again, my face dark red and my hair falling from behind my ears as I aggressively point my finger, “We already talked about this and you promised me Jungkook! Now drop it.”
He takes steps closer until his chest is brushing against my finger and I drop my hand in defiance, “I didn’t agree to be your sneaky-link, I want to be your boyfriend.”
“No.” I state simply, turning to leave the room.
Jungkook quickly grabs onto my arm, “Come on Y/N, just rip the bandaid off, and tell them you’re seeing someone! Better yet, he’s right god damn here to support you! Aren’t you exhausted from this constant tug and pull thing you’ve got going on?”
I pull away from him and very theatrically tell him, “NO.” He sighs dramatically and I scoff, “What on earth do I have to tell anyone? Not only are we not together, but you are also Seokjin’s best friend.”
He throws his head back in annoyance, “I don’t understand-”
“And I will be more than glad to talk you through it, after break.” I stop him right there, tired from repeating the same argument over, and over again.
Before leaving for university, the thought of ever being with one of my brothers delinquent friends sounded appalling. I had to listen to their male nonsense my entire life, being dragged around and made fun of and simultaneously, extremely cock-blocked. Not a single date-night, crush, date to dances, anything. If I wanted one, he’d be scrutinized and scared off. It was impossible, and incredibly annoying.
So imagine my delight, leaving for school knowing I had successfully avoided both my brother, and every single one of his associates.
That is until Jungkook transfers his second year, and didn’t tell anyone where-to until it was too late.
Which I figured, whatever. The likely chance we’ll ever cross paths is slim to none, no problem!
Except he latched onto me like an actual parasite. It had taken him long enough to find the overlap in our schedules, my study time coincided with his! Oh and his gym-time too! And he liked getting coffee around the same time as me as well! Oh and he doesn’t like the treadmills at the gym anymore, and would much rather run at the same time as me, on the same path, and at the same pace.
I questioned his motives from the start, and eventually gave up on pushing him away. I could have worse company, I suppose. And compared to the rest of his and Seokjin’s friend’s, I did know him the best, and disliked him the least.
We actually grew close in a short amount of time and I found myself enjoying his company, although I still struggle to admit it. I tried so hard to clear my life of my brother's shadow looming over me but Jungkook never mentioned it. He actually seemed to pick up on my avoidance, and what I was trying to do by going to a big school and one I knew no one else was attending. He was perfect in the sense that I never had to tell Jungkook what I was thinking, he just, knew. He also knew what to do, and just what I needed.
As one should have expected, you can’t just fling yourself into the dating world head-first and expect everything to work out how you imagined it would. I had no experience! No precursor, no context clues, no cues, and absolutely zero clue that the rules and expectations of college-dating was completely different to those you read about.
I was on the third failed date when Jungkook decided it was time to ask, even though I knew he was hesitant.
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It was autumn, the leaves turning cool to warm-tones and trees shedding, I remembered the extra crunch during my morning run with Jungkook. He sat against my bed with a textbook in front of him and a notebook in his lap when he looks up at me on my bed, “How did your date go?”
I hum, looking at him questioningly, knowing damn-well I had never mentioned my dating life to Jungkook. “You know, you won’t shrivel up and die if you ask people for help.”
I begrudgingly chuckle at his comment, “I don’t need to ask for help. Men are just stupid and horny.”
He nods, “I don’t deny that, but, perhaps you’re fishing in the wrong pool.”
I sigh, “I’ve fished from different pools! I did the ‘helpful guy in my maths class’ and the ‘cute guy always in the library’ and even dating apps! And one would think if you just wanted to have sex, you would NOT put ‘looking for a relationship’ in your bio, but I suppose some people just aren’t that logically-inclined?”
He grins and leans his head back against my bed, “actual dating isn’t what half of the guys your age are looking for right now. Sorry to say it, but unless flings are what you’re looking for, first-year guys aren’t going to offer more.” He speaks easily, almost tentatively, as if he was breaking hard news to me. “At least, not this early in the year. But I get your enthusiasm, it’s not like you got out much in school.”
I raise my eyebrows to that, “That’s for damn sure.” We both chuckle, and I sigh annoyed, “It’s just upsetting, like everyone is at a completely different place in their lives than me, I mean, fuck I’ve never so much as made out with someone!” I laugh and he hesitantly laughs after me, looking at me with an expression I couldn’t register at the time, but I continued, because he was listening, and for once I felt comfortable enough to tell someone other than Mina, and I needed that. She wasn’t here anymore, and doing things on my own wasn’t working. “I just, feel so detached and angry.”
He nods, leaving a few moments of silence to ensure I was done before speaking, “I mean, if it bothers you that much and you think it’d help, I will certainly volunteer to be your test dummy.”
I smile before his words really sink in and I look down to him with brows furrowed, he’s grinning with a pained expression, “what do you mean by that Jungkook?”
His eyes widen and he raises his hands in surrender, “I-I strictly mean it in a if-it-would-help sense, just, trying to offer solutions! Sorry, that was weird and wrong.”
He slouches back down and buries himself in his work, and it’s not spoken of again.
Two weeks later, and my morning runs with Jungkook have become a given, and as the leaves turn redder and begin to brown and fall off, I find his presence more and more comforting. I’m not sure exactly when the lines blurred. I wish I could say I was on something. I wasn’t sober, I was lonely, I was just being stupid. But none of it was true. Well, that last bit is partly true, I was stupid, for not seeing what was going on until it was right in front of me.
“Why not you?” I speak aloud, almost as if my thoughts had slipped past the gates in my brain and right out of my mouth.
It catches Jungkook off-guard, my out of context bambling. He was just stretching against a nearby tree after our run, and asked me what coffee shop I was in the mood for. “Why not me, what?”
I stare at him, mouth agape, and I’m sure it takes me much longer than it should have to conjure up a response. I ran through my options, lie, surely. It’s not supposed to go like this.
Or, just tell him. Jungkook had been a more than good friend to me up until then, why not? “Why not you?” I repeat. He doesn’t speak, leaving me to fill in more of the blanks. I catch my breath finally, “You, Jungkook.” I say, he nods, slowly, almost like he was worried or scared. “Why not go on a date, with you?”
He stares at me. Emotionless. He doesn’t react. He doesn’t respond. He doesn’t so much as move the stray hair falling into his eyes from underneath his hoodie. I laugh, “Nevermind, that was stupid of me.”
He stills, before shaking out of it then shaking his head profusely, “No no no no, not stupid.” I raise my brows and he looks me in the eyes, “I mean, are you being serious?”
I nod slowly, “Well, yeah, it makes perfect sense, and you even brought it up, a while ago.”
He hums, “Yeah, I’m sure I did, but, when?”
He asks for a reminder, “When you told me you volunteered to be my ‘test dummy’ for relationships. So why not, show me what it’s like.”
Something told me his reaction was disingenuous, “Oh, yeah, sure.”
He smiled anyway, picking up his bag and water, “Well, in that case, let our first date be a coffee date, on me.” He animatedly looped his arm around mine and walked away from our running trail and towards the nearby shop.
Jungkook was, as expected, a perfect gentleman. And I thought, that was what he was supposed to be. We were doing this whole thing so I could get some experience under my belt with less hassle and pressure, it was perfect.
There was always something, though. A little voice screaming at me that something is wrong and needed to be addressed. But neither of us did. Not when he walked me to my ‘doorstep’ (the front of my building) on our third date and told me, “this is when any good man would likely try to kiss you.” He looked at me, I looked at him and nodded, “the third date?” He nodded, “Yep, of course, only if you’re showing signs you’re interested, and even better if he explicitly asks.”
I nod and smile up at him, both of our hands shoved into our pockets, the wind making the nighttime much chillier. He bites at his bottom lip and shifts his weight from his toes, to his heels, and back and forth, until I say, “so, are you going to ask?”
This stops him, “ask… what?”
I laugh, thinking how stupid of a question, “To kiss me?”
His eyes widen, and then he leans back, shaking his head with a grin, “No no, this isn’t-”
“What, did I do something wrong?”
He quickly shakes his head, “No, nothing, you’re perfect.”
I ignore the way my cheeks flush despite the cold, “Okay then.” I lead on, he looks at his feet. He never tried to leave, he never told me goodnight, offered to kiss me on the cheek, he just did, nothing.
And I simply wasn’t having that.
I leaned up on my toes and pulled my warm hands from my pockets and placed them tentatively on his face, and I kissed him.
It was quick, I had kissed someone before, albeit years ago, and I was not confident at all in my skills. But I was confident in myself. I knew he wanted to kiss me but didn’t think it was right.
I bid him goodbye that night, and life went on just as it always did. From that line crossed, every line there on after became more and more blurred. When exactly “trial dating” became real dating, I’m unsure.
It gave me a perfect excuse as to why I was spending so much time with Jungkook, and why I was enjoying it, until I tried wine for the first time. We both had a decent amount, and I had sex for the first time.
That, still, is one of my largest regrets. I mostly wish we could go back, and do it differently. Or had at least weighed the outcomes of putting me, the guy I liked, and a bottle of wine and zero reference of a tolerance in a romantically-set up room.
From then on, Jungkook and I have argued over what we are, what to do, what we were doing, at all. I had made a bubble. A perfectly constructed, safe space. No one holding me back, judging me, or shadows looming. I was comfortable in my bubble.
That was until break came, and my bubble literally, popped.
I told Jungkook, (I’ll admit, rather coldly) that from the moment we were back in our hometown, none of this had ever happened. “If they ask, we kept up with each other on campus as friends, but that was it.”
He did not take well to this, but what was I supposed to do? Re-introduce one of my brother's closest friends as “my friend I go on dates with and kiss and sleep with every so often but he’s not really my boyfriend I don’t know we haven’t figured it out yet.” ???? Absolutely not. It is too complicated, too fast, too much for my brain to deal with all at once. It is bad enough returning home, and even worse knowing my problems were following me and harassing me in my own kitchen.
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Jungkook sighs, having relented, “I don’t know what else to do, y/n.”
I pause for a moment, then shrug, “I’ve told you, i-it’s a hard situation. And any normal guy in your position would most definitely not be invited to my home during holiday, let alone bonding with my entire family and even join us for freaking christmas dinner if he wanted.”
His eyes look past me before nodding solemnly, “I get that, really, I-I’ve kept my distance! I’ve done what you asked, but you’re not even meeting me halfway.”
I put my hands out in front of him, “There is no half-way Jungkook.” I look to the basement door when I hear a voice and the steps creaking, “As of right now, there is nothing to talk about.”
He opens his mouth to complain and I loudly hush him, “Ah! Stop talking.”
He tries speaking again, no doubt further complaints about how unfair I’m being, and thankfully he notices Seokjin seconds before he slings his arm around him with a grin, “Wondered what was taking you so long to grab my coke.”
He laughs it off and Seokjin crosses the kitchen to grab a drink from the fridge, and I turn to leave before he calls out to me, “Yeah?”
“There’s still pizza down there, and we found the missing 4 striped ball.” He points at the basement door with the drink in his hand and chuckles, “Which if I remember correctly, you lost when you practically threw it at me.”
I roll my eyes, “I did not throw it at you, you hid it from me so I couldn’t win, I was beating you so bad you had to cheat.”
He chortles, “Yeah, that may be, but I’m nowhere near the best player anymore, you could easily win even if I cheated.”
I nod, “Yeah I’m sure-”
“Actually, Jungkook beat me twice and Taehyung forfeited, that's why we sent him up here, so we could have our own losers match.” He makes himself laugh even harder, walking back over to Jungkook, “We’re gonna go play mario kart in my old bedroom, you can join us or see if y/n is still the best at pool.” He speaks to Jungkook, but looks at me.
I shake my head, “It’s not that deep-”
“Of course! We have to.” Jungkook says quickly. I narrow my eyes towards him and he grins cockily, “unless you know you’ll already lose.”
I roll my eyes, “Comedic, you’ve always been a sore loser, I refuse for the sake of your ego.”
He scoffs, “Nope. Liar. You know you’re no good anymore and you’ll lose.”
I shake my head, “You’ll say anything to get me to play.”
He leans against the table, “Just one round. And I’ll even offer best of three, when you lose.” He grins cockily and I mock him.
“Whatever. ONE round, that’s it.”
Seokjin claps, “Perfect! Winner can run their victory lap around the house and boasting rights until next year, and loser pays our dinner later.” He pats our backs excitedly before jogging up to his room, Taehyung not far behind him.
Jungkook and I enter the basement, setting up the game and talking shit, as one does. “Who’s breaking?”
He smiles, holding his chosen pool cue, “Ladies first.”
I nod, “Such a gentleman.”
He laughs, “Yeah, that’s what got me into your pants.”
I mess up my shot and berate him. “I have half the mind to come over there and use this forcefully.” I lift up my pool cue and he pretends to be scared.
“Oh no! Please don’t!” I walk over to him, slap his chest and I only get one good (albeit, wimpy, compared to his strength) hit in before he grabs both of my hands and backs me into the pool table. He leans into me, our bodies touching leaving absolutely no room, and he kisses me.
I’m able to forget my surroundings and lose all rationality when he kisses me. He licks at my lips and I let his tongue slide past, soon enough his hands drop the cue, mine long forgotten as his hands slide down my body and he lifts me onto the table.
My hands are split, one tangling his hair and the other feeling his chest. He continues to kiss me fervently, hungrily, like he was touch-starved and in dire need of attention. He pulls me close and rubs against me, showing me how bad he wants me and it takes all the strength I have left to pull away, calling out to him. He ignores me the first time, kissing me in response to his name. I pull away again, “Jungkook.” he hums, busying himself with kissing and biting my neck, “Jungkook, w-we can’t.”
My pleas fall on deaf ears. “Jungkook, please,” my hands tug on his arms that are wrapped around me, “not here.”
He buries his face in my neck and leans into me with an annoyed groan. I let him rest like that for a while, waiting until he lifted his head and looked at me. “I don’t actually want to play pool.”
I chuckle, “Me neither.”
He takes a deep breath and nods, “Okay so let's use this table for a much better purpose.” He leans back into kiss me and I turn away, laughing at his desperate attempt.
“Jungkook, it’s bad enough, what we’re doing, let alone to do it in my house, where Seokjin is literally in, right now.”
He whines, “I don’t care! I will go up there right now and tell him-”
“Tell him what?!” Jungkook stops in his tracks. “Tell him what, Jungkook?” He doesn’t respond. “Exactly. We don’t have a label. I’m not ready to figure this out yet, there’s nothing to tell them now.”
His gaze softens and he steps towards me, his hands resting on my thighs as he draws circles on them, “But we’ll tell them eventually? It won’t be like this, much longer?”
I sigh, scratching his head and looking him in the eyes, “if we become official, if we really work out, then yes, of course. We’ll tell them.”
He kisses me again, barely parting our lips, “Okay, I’ll stop.”
I kiss him back and laugh, “Really? That’s all it took?” He furrows his brows. “Jungkook, I’ve been saying that since the beginning. Albeit, quite meaner.”
He nods, “You were being a megabitch, but I really like you so I didn’t mind.” He presses our noses together and smiles. I push his chest offendedly and he doesn’t move an inch, “You were stressed, worried, and confused, I don’t blame you. I should've been more sympathetic.” I kiss him again and thank him, followed by my own apology for mistreating him. “But there is still something different this time.”
I hum, “Yeah? What.”
He grins, “You acknowledged us being together.”
I roll my eyes, knowing I couldn’t hide the way my cheeks heat while trapped in his arms, “Whatever, stop talking.”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
heyyy thanks for reading! if u liked it check out my masterlist for more :) also!! i am (tentatively) accepting requests! send them in via dm or askbox! hope u have a gorgeous day! - ara <3
masterlist | request taglist
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taglist: @marvelahsobx @notbotheredtho @fragmentof-indifference @jwnghyuns @heronstairsxd @isab3lita @shescharlie @jeonzll @kooookie @nickyisityou @laylasbunbunny @morganaah
425 notes · View notes
bluegekk0 · 6 months
10, 14 and maybe 8 if you'd like for Holly?
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
i think so. i'm an introvert and i lose energy for human interaction very quickly, and holly is very "stationary", they don't talk and they'd be perfectly fine just hanging out in each other's company. i personally really love doing that with people, just existing in the same space, chatting from time to time but mostly just enjoying each other's presence. so i could absolutely see myself becoming best friends with them
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
i'm a complete amateur when it comes to fashion, i mostly just go with vibes rather than specific aesthetic, i don't know any names or terms either. but luckily i did draw them in the modern au so i guess i'll just post that to answer the question
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i don't know if this even has an aesthetic name, but i could see them wearing something like this. loose and comfortable, but still relatively formal looking
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
hmm. despise is a very strong word and i rarely have such strong feelings on anything. well, i would reserve it for things like... all the incest stuff for example. with hornet, with ghost or with pk (seen way too much of that and i absolutely hate it). but that's not really fair to the rest of the fandom since it's just a small portion of it that does that
oh, but i do know what a lot of the general fandom does that i hate. when they call them "he". god, so many people do that and it pisses me off so much. it's literally such a big part of vessels as a concept, do these people just not play the game? though then again, with so many memes and inside jokes that are just misinterpretations or straight up made up crap, i wouldn't even be surprised. but it especially annoys me when i see those misinterpretations creep into people's actual headcanons, aus or straight up character analyses. it's so irritating. i got a little carried away but i'm sure this also applies to hollow specifically
but yeah, every time i see hollow referred to with he/him pronouns i die inside a little. seriously. they/them or it/its are right there. use those. i beg you
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hathorneheiress · 8 months
A night of drama
(A continuation of "A night to remember)
"Where is she?"
I hear my brother's voice before I even see him. And I can tell from the tone that I am in big trouble. He found out, there is no doubt about it.
"Grayson, calm down." I hear Savannah say.
"I am calm!"
He was not calm.
"Hello Mr. Broody. Take-yourself-too-seriously." I say, stepping out of the shadows. Hiding wouldn't be the best plan.
"Juliet." My brother replies crisply.
I turn to face him. I will never get over how handsome he is, or how much he looks like dad. His light blonde hair was stylishly brushed back showing a slight wave to his usually straight. He wore his three-piece jet-black suit like armor. No wrinkle or crease in sight. Icy blue eyes stared back at me in the form of intimidation beneath chiseled cheekbones. He had even inherited our father's broad shoulders.
I was tall for a girl, being 5ft 7. But I still felt small next to my brother's 6ft 1 frame. It also didn't help that he was scowling, though he almost always scowled. He really should smile more.
"Didn't I tell you not to be seeing Mattias Slater, did I not?" My brother went right to the point.
"You strongly advised me not to, but I like dangerous things and bad ideas, so I ignored you."
He inhaled sharply. "I'm trying to protect you." He said softly.
"I get it." I said. "You're trying to protect me, and I appreciate it. I really do, but I am fine."
"I know you're fine. You're strong, but I still don't want you seeing him. He works for a very dangerous person, and I don't want anything to happen to you."
"Eve." I said softly, knowing who he was referring to. "You're scared she might do something to me by using Slater." It was something I had known but had never said it out loud.
Grayson didn't say anything, but I knew from his stiff posture that I was right.
He was right, but I so badly wanted to see him again. Legally, Grayson had no authority over me, but I did like having a father figure back in my life. Even if he a pain in the rear end.
"I'm not going to promise that I won't see him, but I will be more careful, and I will try to not see him as much."
"Gigi!" Savannah cried. "This is not acceptable! I forbid it!"
"Oh, stop it Sav! Even though you're seven minutes older then me, it doesn't mean you get to boss me around."
"That's enough!" Grayson cried. "You both need to stop." He then corrected himself. "We all need to stop."
Savannah and I stopped and looked at him.
"We are all tired and stressed out. We can pick this up in the morning." Grayson said.
Savannah departed and I was getting ready to do the same, when he gently caught my arm. "Juliet." He murmured softly. "I'm not mad at you, I get it, I really do, that you want to find someone. But I also don't want to making bad decisions and having to live through the consequences. I want what's best for you, and I hope that you believe in me enough that what I am saying is totally true."
I nodded. "I know." I whispered. "I also know you hate more the thought of what Slater might do to me, then the man himself. And I appreciate that you are willing to be there to protect me. But I don't want protection, I want support."
He saw what I was saying. "Please." I begged. "Give him a chance. try to see him differently like I do. You don't have to like him, you just have to be nice to him."
"No promises." He said stubbornly. "But I will try. Satisfied?"
I latched my arms around him, squeezing him into a hug. "More then you will ever know."
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kwillow · 11 months
Answering Some Asks!
Forever ago, I said I'd try to answer more of the asks I get with text, so I don't have them sitting around for years on end. Then I didn't do that. Well... gonna try to do a few now!
Character Stuff
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Probably not, since it's solid all the way through, so there's no space for the air to vibrate and make cool sounds. It'd be like flicking a column of glass or gemstone, probably just make some tapping or "thnk" noises and that's it. Alas!
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Beggars can't be choosey.
But more seriously, probably words of affirmation/compliments or quality time. Though he doesn't believe compliments often even if he wants them - he's more apt to believe he's just being mocked or manipulated unless he already trusts someone (and even then, he has his doubts).
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I talked a bit about this in the tags of this drawing, though I can elaborate in a bigger font size as well, haha.
As his story stands now, he has exclusively pursued women as partners. I tend to think of him as straight.
That said, I'm not opposed to his hetero being flexible if, in the future, a story opportunity popped up where he'd need to be curious about a man. (Jack, another character of mine, started off as straight and then slid inexorably to "bisexual, heavy on the girl" so it has happened before, haha.) AND if other people want to write/draw/think of him as straying from straight n' narrow that's obviously fine with me. :P
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He's not a royal - he wishes, haha. He is nobility, though! His father his a marquis, which gives him the courtesy title of count (or "comte", using the French variant) until he inherits his father's title (though the Old Kingdoms are destroyed before that ever happens). Tough when he's much older he just assigns himself pope-kingship so I guess that counts as self-appointed royalty.
Yes he's had crushes, infatuations, love affairs and flings. Too many. Though it's interesting you bring up status - as a lot of his crushes tended to be on people from lower societal positions than he was. His first crush, and one of his longest (and most tumultuous) relationships was with a stablehand's daughter. When he did get infatuated with well-born women, it tended to be women who were already engaged, married or otherwise unavailable for him to marry. He's just got a taste for things he can't have...
It was extremely infuriating for his father.
(Of course, another part of his lack of discrimination between noble and common ladies might be due to him seeing himself as above ALL mortals, so what's the difference between a peasant and a noblewoman, really?)
Non-Character Stuff
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Hahaha well I welcome that! Ambroys should be bullied on as many fronts as possible.
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Thank you! It's a combination of purposeful research while also ignoring what I research for stuff I think just looks fun. Admittedly, I also am bad at drawing things consistently, so in some ways it's easier for me to just put a character in an entirely new outfit instead of trying to draw an old outfit the same way again, ha. xD
Not to sound like a soccer mom, but I'm a fan of Pinterest for browsing and collecting reference images of outfits that just "feel" like a character, so you have a broad visual library to draw from. You should also pair that with research into how the clothes you want to draw are supposed to fit. For historical outfits, you can get a lot of mileage out of the blogs of historical fanatics who enjoy eviscerating movie costumes from their period of interest. For modern day clothing, you can look at style blogs and tailoring information to learn how clothes are supposed to fit - and then break those rules if you want (for example, in mens' suits, the pants are not supposed to be bunched around the ankles, but I draw Theo's trousers that way to emphasize that he has unusually short legs).
My secret tip for coming up with lots of outfits for characters while keeping them cohesive is to determine a few things about their fashion sense (using Theo and Ambroys to contrast with each other):
What cuts/kinds of clothing do they wear often? What's their "taste", basically. For example, Ambroys wears tight pants/breeches, ostentatious coats and vests, lace and lots of jewelry. Theo, on the other hand, always wants to wear formal clothes that cover most of his body. From that, you can find other clothes that fit that mold and take inspiration from them, expanding what kinds of clothes they wear while still making it feel like "them".
What color palettes do they tend to wear? Theo wears dark colors and red and purple pretty much exclusively, while Ambroys wears a lot of colors, but only in light shades.
What thematic elements can you incorporate into their outfits as decoration? For Theo, I tend to include blood-drop designs and heraldic symbols like the ermine spot, while Ambroys is associated with flowers (especially roses), eyes and wings. You can add these elements to outfits to add a little extra spice (there are a lot of Ambroys' outfits that are really the same thing, but in one I put daffodils on him and another I put feathers on him, for example).
I hope any of that is helpful!
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Thank you so much! I honestly have no clue what I'm doing when it comes to rendering, so I'm glad it's looking okay, heh!
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I've heard Gravity Falls is great, but like many shows that I've heard are great, I have never made time to watch it. I know vaguely of Stanley Pines, though.
But thank you so much for saying you like Theo. He's a nasty little guy but he's very near and dear to my heart, and it really touches me that you see complexity and charisma in him. I do aim to make characters that are textured, weird little bastards.
And I don't mind you roleplaying with Theo, I think it's sweet. xP I'm glad he got to enjoy some pizza.
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brokenfoxproductions · 3 months
It just dawned on me that, since I came out as non-binary and trans to my mom almost ten years ago, her attitude has gone from saying "you can call yourself whatever you want, but I had a daughter and I'm calling you what I named you" to her and my stepdad referring to me as their kid or son, always using my preferred name and pronouns, and my mom offering me her advice as a nurse and lawyer on where to get hrt and how to get my insurance to pay for surgeries because of our family history of breast cancer.
Like, my mom has always been pretty open minded to neutral about things like this, she's suggested before that she might be bi, she took me to my first pride, she's has been an ally to the LGB part of the community, so I'm glad that she outgrew the ideas about trans people that she had when I was younger. Basically she thought that trans people could only exist as straight binary trans men or women, and that they're basically full time drag performers, because she had only met two or three trans people before I came out and they were all older straight trans women who had previously done drag. She didn't understand what "non-binary" was, it wasn't in her vocabulary at all.
When I came out as non-binary, and later demi-masculine, she basically just thought it was another social label, similar to me being a juggalo. She saw me being non-binary as just shaving my head and having a phase, and really didn't take it seriously. She was under the impression that it would just blow over in a few months. Then it didn't.
I'm not sure if it's because I socially transitioned, because she got more information, because she just "got it", but eventually she got used to it and accepted it. She started using the right name and didn't make a big deal about it, even though she's been vocal since I was a 4 that she didn't like it (I changed my name to a longer, proper version of a childhood nickname but I still go by the same nickname). She stopped calling me "she" and her daughter, even to her friends. It was gradual, but she really got better with it.
Obviously not every parent is going to warm up to you being trans like my mom did. I don't think my dad would have accepted it if he was still alive. But there's hope. So if you just came out and your parents are still confused or not understanding of your gender identity, please don't give up hope. People grow and change, and hopefully you can look back in ten years and see how much your parents tried and grew as people, and hopefully your relationship with them is better. 💗
And if your parents are just shitty, I'll adopt you. I'm your mom now.
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magnumdays · 8 months
Magnum PI 5.12 - Three Bridges review
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Little bit late this week because I had trouble finding the ep and well this new mid-week airing time, it's at a pretty inconvenient time of the week for me.
The promo for this episode was misleading as (when is it not) but in this case it was a really good misleading. We did get funny sting-ray case but that was just a side plot for laughs.
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And for me it worked so well because it gave us more Miggy scenes and man, do I love how they're doing Magnum and Higgins as a couple now. It's established, comfortable but still sweet with that hint of sexy they always had and IDK, why can't we just have 10 seasons more of this?
The Case
Seems like a semi-straightforward "trusted the wrong person and got my money stolen" case. But this being Magnum PI, there is of course a huge trafficking ring behind it and the bad guy is actually a good guy and everyone (except for the Triad) gets a happy ending. (Brushing over the trauma of trafficking and being used as a human sheild at and also sort of betrayal of trust and stealing lots of money from people, and all that jazz. Because goodness will win out and happiness reign supreme -that's just how we roll in Magnum PI land.)
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I liked it, even if finding the hotel (which granted took the combined power of Kumu and Higgy) and then just getting walked straight into the heart of the Evil Overlords organization was a bit convenient. Like if I was a boss bad-guy I would have just told my underlings to walk potential spies and cops and other interested parties off the property. And then just moved my operation.
Just saying, a bit sloppy for a 97-million-dollar operation...
The end bit with findning Haun (Han?) after he'd been sold off again, maybe that should have ended sadder or more dramatic. Like Haun could at least have gotten shot in the arm or something... just a little suggestion.
Or Higgy should have gotten shot because she was just walking straight into the path of this guy's bullets...
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The Miggy
What took you so long?
I was about to ask you the same thing.
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They are so adorable and just maybe the ultimate modern battle couple of all time.
Seriously was there one Miggy moment when the banter was not on point?
"Get where it's going and intercept it!"
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Side note: does someone on this show have like a drowning kink? I feel like waterboarding is the to-go torture method of choice for all bad guys. I mean Nuzo was water-boarded before he died, Higgy was, then she almost drowned and now we got TM getting all drown-y.
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And love the look Magnum gives the guy when the bad guy is all "This ain't gonna work - go get his friend". Like from mildly smug (above) because hey, Mr. Navy Seal "I can hold my breath for five minutes" isn't worried about anything to 'not amused' in like a second.
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(I mean of course Higgy being all kick-ass going to get her Hubby, also lovely.)
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TC - Sometimes you just need your mom
So TC pushing everyone away after last week when he seemed to be opening up and doing a bit better with Shammy and Kumu felt like a step back, but also very real. Because rehab and progress is not linear nor does it "make sense" for most people in a logical way.
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Mommy-TC showing up and both showing him that she not leaving because she loves him and wants to be there for him and talking to him about weakness and stubbornness, was the right play. Because when life sucks sometimes you just need your mom right?
It's also a nice call back to last "season" which they've been so good at during season 5. Like with Higgy and the Mandarin and just little references to stuff (still waiting on the tattoo though...)
Rick and Love
So I guess Piper was only in the picture to push Rick and Suzy together then? Maybe? I kind of hope she sticks around and has some other nefarious purpose. But if she's not in the next episode or 14, I guess she was just there to get the Suzy/Rick ship to sail.
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Which, I mean, we did all want that and it is sooo very cute and I'd want to see happy-family feels! Let Suzy or Rick have a birthday and we can end with a surprise party or something this season (and bring a real baby this time).
Overall + I'm on a break next week
I enjoyed this episode so much, possibly a bit more than last week's ep even, and I'm a bit annoyed with myself it took me like 4 days until I could watch it. I guess, part of why I postponing watching is because each week means one episode closer to the last one. Urg, why did they end our show!!! It's such a freaking shame because it absolutely feels like they've found their groove with the Miggy relationship and just the whole vibe of 5a and so far 5b!
Next week I'll be traveling so I might not be able to get access to the episode at all before I return home, which sucks because it's my favorite plot-device: my faves going undercover.
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But yeah, 13+14 might end up being a double episode for me (+ double review!) in two weeks but we shall see!
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originemesis · 24 days
// some reference notes for adam's physique/state of being in each verse!! since he's not actually a shape shifter by any means, but bitch changes like one at each notable point in the timeline while yelling 'it's not a phase! it's that next level shit-'
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promised paradise ;
- fresh out of the Creator's ez bake oven and on a strict vegan diet straight out of Eden's pussy. Know all the twinky fanart of Adam you tell yourself can't hurt you because it's not real? This is him! Your literal nightmare and did I mention he's nude?? In all seriousness, he's got a strong jaw, a faint dusting of freckles between his eyes that extends along the bridge of his face, and a massive (ye it needs to be) manifestation of golden light in the shape of an actually average sized fig leaf that stays just sort of floating/concealing the reason why you should call him dick master. has a scar on his flank where the rib came out. - out of Eden, he gets clothes and eventually looks like your average Minecrafter. (Not even elaborating except letting you know block Adam is likely real and we should fear him.) calloused hands from totally farming with tools and not throwing them at Michael. no longer trusts fruit and sustains a meat and potato heavy diet, and is thicker with more musculature. one hand is permanently fucked up because eve keeps breaking it during every birth and she do be populating-
the crusades ;
- standard commander of the exorcist wardrobe and nearly exclusively how someone will happen upon him unless they catch him off guard, on laundry day, or is Lute. if laundry day, he'll be in a spare exorcist uniform (yes the skirt 1) or a maid outfit someone (probs Gabe) convinced him into thinking was a robe. - when he's first brought to heaven and shown around by Sera, he basically is a combo of both Eden verses- younger again, freshened up, half thick with farm work and (don't forget naked!!) Sera eventually helps him find his main robe to wear because he's mclosing it since the apple made him woke to these things and dying didn't change that. said robe is actually just the massive bell shaped bottom of one of Sera's dresses that she chopped and stitched up for him (he grows into it.) - beneath the uniform, he's still got muscle but it only shows when he's in battle using that farmhand strength to direct his weight around like a literal train wreck. he's gotten chubby from not trusting fruit and not having a woman to fix him home cooked meals anymore, opting for convenience style food (not that he has to eat, but he develops a binging tendency from a combination of the stress of not fitting in to heaven's mold before the 'angel skin' helps him fake it, and from tendencies formed on Earth since food could get scarce just depending on the weather's fee fees) and he holds it in his chest, stomach and ass, though his garb of choice gives him the classic church bell body. - his freckles are still there, but they glow with a faint golden light that's only really obvious in the dark. his wings are composed of golden feathers that are rather impressive when first hitting the sunlight in heaven, but Sera will admit they don't look as nice as that first time now since he doesn't take spectacular care of them, delegating the preens to his exorcist flock and they currently can't outclean the speed at which he accumulates Cheetoh dust in them. - the combination of him being alone for some time before Lute takes over, not taking general care of himself, and being without his rib support beam (that first wamman!) has caused fairly dark circles under his eyes and he generally has an air of deterioration about his actual face when on display. - his actual human nails are usually painted black under his talon gloves. Lute does them for him while they talk shit.
six months remaining ;
- same as above. he ends up with a wing injury from attempting the archangel proposal process (being not a full one himself but kind of like in training? so yeah that fucks his shoulder and wings up a bit.) this confines him to his apartment where he's forced by Lute to just hang out in off duty comfy sweatpants. though he's stuck in short shorts when she makes him go to early morning physical therapy yoga.
dead on arrival ;
- arrives as he came and slowly goes through hell puberty - which is a settling into a demon form that all souls inevitably take while being exposed to hell for too long (and well since it's forever... y'know!!) - since he insists on still wearing his helmet once Vox tech fixes it, he's unaware of the changes at first. gradually his skin starts looking more ashy and toasted like it's trying to shed to match the charred color of his arms that end in actual talons. his eyes were scalded by an archangel (Lute's), and the whites of them eventually fade out to black with pinpricks of gold for a pupil. - eventually his forehead starts to form horn nubs over each brow, but they don't get much bigger than that and sort of resemble piercings. one of his wings is missing (from a comatose meeting with a cannibal who finally got to taste God's chicken-) and he keeps the remaining one permanently tucked at his side like he's worried about losing that one too, though the feathers are faded and look like they might be darkening. the feathers he has sprouted (a couple tucked behind his ears like hair), and those that form a fan at the end of his tail, are dull brownish gold and speckled with black. - in addition to his rib scar, he has a large scar over the solar plexus and on the opposite side between his shoulder blades made of many small entry points, and with how the flesh has healed- it resembles the beginnings of a large rock hitting water impact. - he starts to ignore these changes and continues to just exist as he did in heaven with his helmet on, though trades the robes out for joggers and any other fuck boy rock star gear that Velvette puts him in when he's under contract. and yes, when he wears a hoodie- he just cuts holes in the hood for the helmet's horns. 🤘 - his appearance stays relatively stable to the point he still appears human despite the changes, however- this form can ' break' during high stress situations or even peek through when he's hitting a hardcore metal part of a song. this looks like his eyes inverting colors (so the gold prick widens until it swallows up the whole eye - basically looking like the eyes on his mask), skin on his face becoming essentially losing its corporeal form in the sense it becomes 'void', a dark twisting mass of static energy.
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(Disclaimer that these are all only my opinions)
I imagined Philip as looking more like Philza Minecraft, to be completely honest. So tell me why they made him kinda..???
THEY FUCKED UP HIS CHARACTERIZATION (imo). In the book, he’s just a victim of what he was born into as well. He’s rigid & kinda a dick because it was what he was taught to be to survive, the movie completely took that away, giving him literally two scenes.
I feel as though they were afraid to criticize the British monarchy too hard, which is why they gave the king the good grace they did (plus other changes done, I don’t think they included the cliticization of the British Museum stealing all those artifacts either)
Frothing at the mouth over the fact they not only took away Luna, but completely got rid of the fucking sex abuse scandal in favor of a jealousy plot. Explodes you with my mind.
Going back to my point above that one, I feel they might not have wanted to add that seeing how many Richards are out there. Can’t fan too many flames, huh?
They also gave Bea way less screen time, & took away the whole “Powder Princess” thing, I think the way they talked about their dad passing & how it effects the family was kind of cheap.
AND they fucked up Henry’s moms characterization. She just straight up wasn’t in it, only mentioned, & in a negative light. Again, they really didn’t give the dad passing the attention it deserved.
The beginning went by pretty damn fast. But in all fairness for that & I suppose a lot of points, the movies already two hours long with all that missing, so I suppose I can give some leniency on some of these points.
June obviously wasn’t there either, but it at least doesn’t feel like anybody’s missing. I guess they managed the Nora & June merge well. THEY DID NOT MANAGE THE LIAM & LUNA MERGE WELL.
Seriously fuck them for taking away Luna & subsequently his character arc
Do love all the terms of endearment Henry uses, honestly don’t remember if that’s in the book or not.
Can we circle back around to how attractive Philip is. Sorry who said that.
I like the way they handled the cake scene better, definitely feels more realistic.
Admittedly also kinda happy the Henry magazine photo thing wasn’t added, kind of made me cringe reading about it lmao
Is there a copy right reason they couldn’t include Henry being a Star Wars fan? If they just simply choose not to then I am Disappointed.
Really liked how they did the phone calls, with them appearing in front & them as though they’re in the same room, together. Great touch.
Edit to add this bullet point because it’s really important to me. Alex says he’s bisexual, Henry says he’s gay. Ellen asks if Alex is gay, fluid, bi, pan. Ellen references transgender people. They talk about the LGBT+ community. They say all these words, they don’t whisper them, or talk around them. They say them loud & clear as day. Idk, this just makes me really happy because of how often you’ll see people talk around these words like they’re bad or dirty words (yes I’m aware this is a movie where they have gay sex multiple times on screen but it’s still important to me shut up)
It was alright. I don’t regret watching it. It was entertaining, but admittedly not the type of movie I’d usually watch, so I think other people could enjoy it way more then I did. But I definitely still enjoyed it despite all my criticisms.
Definitely not as good as the book, but not bad at all. I’d say it’s absolutely worth the watch.
I’m sure you can also find posts that can better articulate why this movie is so groundbreaking & important as well, which is something I didn’t particularly touch on in this post.
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bb-editing · 1 year
ROXANA (Chapter 61)
*E/N: Most readers know the late brother of Roxana as "Asil," but since the S2 translation of the manhwa refers to him as "Achilles," I will be using the latter name going forward to clear up any confusion. ("Achilles" also sounds better.)
“Are you alright there, Miss Agriche?”
On my way back to my lodging, a man approached me. Silver hair…? No, not silver- white. 
“My master wanted to give you this.” The man handed me a bouquet. 
“Give him my thanks,” I said, and he hurried away; he seemed to have more to say, but I had no interest in him. My mind was occupied with other matters. Now that Cassis had made his public appearance, the fun was about to begin. A sweet smile of conviction graced my face and I crushed the rose in my hand. I began walking away, leaving red petals fluttering in the breeze. 
* * *
I arrived in Father’s room, where, as expected, he was pacing around the room after failing to meet with Noel Bertium.
“Father, I think we should return to House Agriche immediately.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I just met Dion and heard the news…” Father’s face contorted violently. “... it seems Fontaine tried to start a rebellion while you were away.”
* * *
The Agriches left Yggdrasil soon after. Jeremy, who had left the banquet hall immediately after receiving word from me, had prepared the servants in advance for our departure. 
Cassis was quickly informed of this information. “Are you ready?” He asked his soldier while removing his banquet robes. 
“We have done as you ordered.”
“Then,” Cassis said, “we'll begin.”
Donning a dark blue cloak and crude leather boots, he stepped into the hallway. He appeared more like a trained knight or seasoned hunter, rather than the heir to an aristocratic family. Today was the last day of the reunion meeting, and now the banquet was in full swing- perhaps that was why the lodgings were empty. It was better this way.
Cassis noticed Sylvia approaching him. “Cassis, you must be careful.” She looked at him with the same golden eyes as his, though they were warmer, softer, and tinted with worry.
He reached out his hand to pat her head. “Go back to Father. When I’m finished, I’ll head straight back to House Pedelian.”
He had already finished my preparations, and there was no need to say goodbye to his father. Cassis left Yggdrasil as quietly as he arrived. 
We were both heading for Agriche, the place where we first met.
* * *
A scorching red sunset painted the horizon, and there was a deep, unfamiliar warmth settling over House Agriche- an ominous energy had permeated every inch of the land. 
“BRING HIM HERE, RIGHT THIS INSTANT!” The moment he stepped foot in the mansion, Lanche Agriche ordered Fontaine to be brought to the courtroom. The courtroom- used to dole verdicts and punishment- the same place where Achilles was murdered.
The mansion’s interior was cluttered, perhaps due to the turmoil that took place during Father's absence. Several curious wives and siblings left their rooms to bear witness to the commotion. Among them was Grizelda, Roxana’s half-sister. As I followed Father, she quietly crept up behind me. “Are you ready?” I asked.
“The preparations are complete.”
My face betrayed no emotion, and we distanced ourselves physically. A red butterfly disappeared silently through the wall. “Jeremy. You take care of business on the outside.”
“Yes, sister.”
Father and I entered the courtroom.
* * *
Fontaine was dragged into the courtroom. “Fontaine… are you prepared?” Father approached him as Fontaine kneeled on the floor. While attempting to stage a coup, he had been caught, overpowered, and arrested by Dion, leaving his body seriously injured.
“Ah, Father!” Fontaine tried to rush forward towards Father. “This is all a misunderstanding,” he started hurriedly, “bu- GUEGH!” He was struck by one of Father’s officers. 
Father hit him without hesitation, a hit so hard it seemed like he'd intended to kill Fontaine. Blood splattered onto the shiny marble floor as the cane made contact with his face. Father was merciless. 
“How dare you!” BAM.
“You… how dare you stab ME in the back!” WHACK.
Father's cold eyes regarded Fontaine with unbridled fury. Despite being middle-aged, Father's appearance and strength appeared no different from Fontaine’s. Fontaine had been weakened by imprisonment and torture, Father's discipline had now reduced him to a further state of servile helplessness. WHAM!
Eventually, the cane in Father’s hand broke, and finally, the beating stopped. “Shit-for-brains. I raised a boy who can’t even take a beating. How DARE you betray me.” He stared at Fontaine, now covered in his own blood, and discarded the broken cane on the floor.
“Did you think I was unaware of your schemes? I even tried to give you a second chance, but you dared to go through with it and betray me like this?” 
Fontaine’s eyes were burning sharply, though he gritted his teeth to endure the pain. ‘Damn, how did I get caught?’ He thought. ‘All my plans were perfect.’ He glared at Dion from the floor. “Father, this… everything is Dion’s fault! That bitch tried to frame me! This is unfair!”
“You’re still talking bullshit.” Despite his child’s agony, Lanche studied him coldly. “You’re out of your mind. I can see right through you. Did you think I wouldn’t know how you started recruiting private officers behind my back, while I let Dion take charge in my absence?”
(Ch. 62) NEXT ->
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thetwelfthcrow · 1 year
i guess bailing out of an eager last lap overtake attempt and using an escape road is considered "binning it" now and anon just .... doesn't know the definition of "binning it" lmao but I'm assuming what they mean is lando's attempted last lap overtake on esteban (it's around the 7 min mark of the highlights video here https://youtu.be/yX_GUhWiBHk , definitely not "bad driving" imo, especially not after the guy spent the entirety of the race being one of the only drivers to perform overtakes, usually in non-overtaking areas of the track like those corners because mclaren's straight line speed sucked so bad, without making any contact. if it is this recent canada gp anon is referring to to claim lando can't race wheel-to-wheel, like ... that's a choice LOL (f1's socials have literally been posting clips of and praising his wheel-to-wheel racing and overtaking at this particular race basically since it happened). also cherry-picking at its finest since lando REGULARLY raced wheel to wheel against both ocon and fernando last year, and unless i'm forgetting something, never really had any incidents with either. in fact, he and fernando were actually pretty complimentary of each other's wheel to wheel racing in interviews last year, fernando even went out of his way to praise lando's wheel-to-wheel driving last year after they spent LAPS battling before lando, coincidentally, got it done on the last lap (i think this was COTA, would have to do some research to be sure though) 🤔 think i'm going to go with the opinion of a WDC on this one.
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haha no i'm kidding i love it that this is fought out in my inbox. i feel like a ref in a ring. i agree with you tho anon!! lando has shown time after time again that he's an insane driver with amazing skill and he should very much be taken seriously on track. and holding back in the last lap to make sure you bring the car home is NOT THE SAME as risking everything for, what, p11?
lando has shown consistently that he's an amazing driver. like, look at the standings! he's outperformed every teammate thusfar except for carlos, BUT in lando's SECOND YEAR he was only 8 points behind carlos - who, mind y'all, had been in f1 for 4 years longer than lando had!
i'm too lazy to look up the cota battle but i believe you wholeheartedly. lando's not just someone in that seat. he deserves to be there. he's fucking talented. he should not be underestimated bc he's driving a tractor.
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