#seriously thank you drew carey
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mariana-oconnor · 10 months
Black Peter pt 2
I still maintain that Captain Carey shot himself with a harpoon. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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Alighting at the small wayside station, we drove for some miles through the remains of widespread woods, which were once part of that great forest which for so long held the Saxon invaders at bay—the impenetrable “weald,” for sixty years the bulwark of Britain.
A mini history lesson from Watson for us. Was not expecting that. Thank you. This is very informative. And also an interesting little critical aside about industrialisation and deforestation in the Victorian era.
Stanley Hopkins [...] introduced us to a haggard, grey-haired woman, the widow of the murdered man, whose gaunt and deep-lined face, with the furtive look of terror in the depths of her red-rimmed eyes, told of the years of hardship and ill-usage which she had endured. With her was her daughter, a pale, fair-haired girl, whose eyes blazed defiantly at us as she told us that she was glad that her father was dead, and that she blessed the hand which had struck him down.
Firstly, good for her. Secondly, do these ladies not get names? No names available for them? They have to be immortalised only in their relationship to an abusive dead man. Although I supposed the daughter is described as 'her' daughter rather than Carey's.
Clearly they aren't viable suspects if they don't have names. Pity. They deserved to do it.
Stanley Hopkins drew the key from his pocket, and had stooped to the lock, when he paused with a look of attention and surprise upon his face. “Someone has been tampering with it,” he said.
Someone wanted their book back, perhaps? But apparently someone not very good at picking locks. Sucks to be them.
"Let us walk in these beautiful woods, Watson, and give a few hours to the birds and the flowers."
He does love his walks through the countryside.
It was past eleven o'clock when we formed our little ambuscade.
Excellent word. This is the second time it has arisen. Means 'ambush' and last time we saw it, I believe, was when the poor cook in Wisteria Lodge was arrested for a crime he did not commit, that the police officer in charge of arresting him knew he did not commit. That's an unfortunate connotation for a good word.
What savage creature was it which might steal upon us out of the darkness? Was it a fierce tiger of crime, which could only be taken fighting hard with flashing fang and claw, or would it prove to be some skulking jackal, dangerous only to the weak and unguarded?
Watson's really getting into this. We're back with the tigers again, but also Jackals. Rude, btw. Anubis might want a word. Jackals hunt bigger animals in groups. Honestly, I wouldn't want to meet a tiger or a jackal in the middle of the night.
'Tiger of Crime', though. What a phrase.
The nocturnal visitor was a young man, frail and thin, with a black moustache which intensified the deadly pallor of his face. He could not have been much above twenty years of age. I have never seen any human being who appeared to be in such a pitiable fright, for his teeth were visibly chattering and he was shaking in every limb. He was dressed like a gentleman, in Norfolk jacket and knickerbockers, with a cloth cap upon his head.
This was all very atmospheric until we got to the word knickerbockers, which just isn't a word I can ever take seriously. Honestly the problem with knickerbockers is that when you actually see a picture of them, they're really very boring looking. They shouldn't be. It's such a comedic word.
He returned with a large book, one of the log-books which formed a line upon the shelves. Leaning on the table he rapidly turned over the leaves of this volume until he came to the entry which he sought. Then, with an angry gesture of his clenched hand, he closed the book, replaced it in the corner, and put out the light.
OK, so not after the book they found, but just after some information from one of the books. Hmmmm.
“First of all, what is your name?” “It is John Hopley Neligan.”
Well now you've got a name, you're definitely a suspect. Luckily for you it has the same initials as in the book they found, which officially makes you Too Obvious.
“Can I speak confidentially?” “No, certainly not.”
At least they are being honest with him.
"It has always been said that my father stole all the securities and fled. It is not true. It was his belief that if he were given time in which to realize them all would be well and every creditor paid in full. He started in his little yacht for Norway just before the warrant was issued for his arrest."
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Bye! I'm off to Norway, but I'm totes innocent and not stealing any money. See you!
"He left us a list of the securities he was taking, and he swore that he would come back with his honour cleared, and that none who had trusted him would suffer. Well, no word was ever heard from him again. Both the yacht and he vanished utterly."
... John... I hate to break this to you, but I don't think he was going to Norway to work things out.
Like, maybe in the story he was, but this is just such a fake death. "Daddy's gone to Norway to make everything better, little Johnny!" Mmhmm. The only way this could amuse me more is if he were in a canoe.
"We had a faithful friend, however, who is a business man, and it was he who discovered some time ago that some of the securities which my father had with him have reappeared on the London market."
You astonish me.
The entire framing of this story makes me feel like in the story Neligan Sr. is as innocent as his son believes and was done dastardly by Captain Carey in some way, but this story is so unbelievable. Gonna just nope out of there and sail to fucking Norway and that will totally solve all our problems? The logic. The reason. The chivalry of leaving your wife and child behind to deal with the disgrace and your disappearance alone. Daddy was a dickhead, Johnny boy.
"It struck me that if I could see what occurred in the month of August, 1883, on board the Sea Unicorn, I might settle the mystery of my father's fate."
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Yes, I am going to put a narwhal gif whenever the ship name comes up. If ACD didn't want this to happen, he should have named the ship something else.
“You have nothing else to tell us?” He hesitated. “No; there is nothing.”
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“Then how do you account for that?” cried Hopkins, as he held up the damning note-book, with the initials of our prisoner on the first leaf and the blood-stain on the cover.
Hopkins is really channelling Holmes here with his dramatic reveal.
And it seems like Neligan Jr here really should have been coming back to get his own book. He just didn't realise he'd dropped it. Which is weird. If I had been at a murder site earlier and then found out I had lost something, my mind would immediately spiral into 'oh shit, you dropped it at the murder site, you utter numpty', but apparently John Neligan does not doom spiral like I do. Apparently this possibility hasn't even occurred to him. Not a thought between those ears, huh?
“That is enough,” said Hopkins, sternly. “Whatever else you have to say you must say in court."
Or... you might say... You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say can be given in evidence.
Or... something like that. Eventually. When the official Police Caution comes in.
"As it turns out your presence was unnecessary, and I would have brought the case to this successful issue without you..."
Ah. Hopkins. You were doing so well up to this point. But now you've gone and cursed yourself. Sorry. I don't make the rules.
And then they all went to tea at the Brambletye Hotel and had lashings of tea.
But no... there is still another part. Obviously, because we all know Captain Carey was killed in a (not so) tragic Harpoon cleaning accident, so Mr Neligan has to be freed.
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einsteinsugly · 2 years
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The Kids are Alright: Aunt Jackie, the Headcanons...
-Hyde and Eric are adopted brothers, so their children are naturally raised like cousins. They're all very, very close, but the kids tend to end up at her house, because it's nicer. Plus, they're not boring "mom and dad" like Eric and Donna.
-She throws the best birthday parties, ever.
-She spoils her nieces and nephews rotten, just like she spoils her own children. She lets them know that presents aren't everything, though. They're just nice to have, okay?
-Many of her excursions involve going to the mall, or going roller skating, or ice skating. Or, if she's feeling fancy, she takes them skiing. Or out to a nice dinner, if she doesn't feel like traveling.
-She takes her godmother duties very, very seriously. She's their confidant, and so is Hyde, but she only has goddaughters, so they naturally gravitate to her.
-She lets the girls wear makeup way earlier than Donna and Brooke would, so it's their little secret. Well, as long as it's not too obvious. It's blush, not spray paint!
-She loves hosting fashion shows/dress-up days for the girls. Girls are powerful, and they can be cute too!
-She makes her nieces (at the bare minimum, but sometimes, her nephews) watch all of her favorite movies, inside and outside the theater. Grease, Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, Clueless, Titanic…
-Plus, she introduces them to ABBA, Madonna, Mariah Carey, etc…
-When the girls are old enough, she gives them her hand-me-downs.
-She gives Betsy her old Nancy Drew collection, her Barbie dream houses (one was the guest house), and her copy of the board game Mystery Date. Betsy only embraces the first, and doesn't really appreciate the rest (Betsy's favorite board game is Operation, by the way).
-She's the one that buys all the American Girl dolls for the girls, and takes them to the American Girl Place when it opens in Chicago.
-She always lets her nieces and nephews go behind the scenes at her show, and sometimes? She lets them be on her show, too, if they want.
-She always has a charity drive on her show, and she lets the kids perform, if they want (think of that one Full House episode, where Stephanie dances to "Love Shack," and you get my drift).
-She teaches girls (and boys, too) they can do anything they set their minds to, and that they deserve the best. They deserve success, true love, and everything else in between.
-She gives not only her kids, and her nieces and nephews, the childhood she never had. Yeah, money is nice, but it can't buy happiness, you know?
Side Notes:
Jackie tends to be exclusionary towards her nephews when it comes to stereotypically girly activities (it's not a problem in my verse, though), and sometimes harps on the nieces that really want to join (*coughs loudly* Leah *cough*). Which is all sorts of problematic, but it's what she would do, so…eh.
Thanks, @lily-267, for the makeup idea!
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It didn't let me reblogged it, so here I am and thank you for the tag, @theredontbedragons!!!
Three ships: madisilverflinthamiltons, kabbyoza and lyabert!!
First ship: international, musa/riven maybe. I don't remember when I started shipping haruka/michiru, i know i found out they were girlfriends early, but i don't think i truly got it and shipped it until later, tho always favorites of all time!!!
Last song: Time Warp and Groove Thing medley that they did in The Drew Carey Show
Last movie: Single All the Way
Currently reading: The Princess and the Scoundrel by Beth Revis, and Magic and Myth by Kathryn Trattner
Currently watching: really currently I have a Bob's Burgers episode on!!! But in general His Dark Materials, Doom Patrol and 1923
Currently consuming: Just finished a kebab durum for dinner
Currently craving: something sweet
no pressure tags (seriously) - @jeynewesterling, @jeynepoole, @ahornedgod, @xv12, @zip001 and anyone else who else who wants to do it
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
We’re collaborating with the nice folks at Rotten Tomato to bring you a personalized movie pairing. There’s just one small catch… Let’s see if you can figure it out.
You know that Video Game Movies have typically been pretty bad. So for you we have 2016’s “Pixels” with Adam Sandler in the role of Billy Mitchell… Oh, sorry. The role of “Sam Brenner” trying to beat Donkey Kong. With a Tomato score of 18% think how bad this movie was if you compare it to 2019’s “Cats” rated at 19%! If you make popcorn don’t butter it - you’ll be throwing it at the TV.  
Assuming you’re sharing someone’s Netflix account, you can screw up their library by playing 2020’s “365 Days”. To say this was a “50 Shades of Grey” ripoff would be far kinder than it deserves… since it’s got a Tomato rating of… ZERO. If you think you can just Fast Forward to the “Good Parts”... joke’s on you; there aren’t any. If you’re that hard up for some soft-core porn find a local estate sale and ask to see the VHS tape collection.
Hope you like classic horror movies because you’re getting “JAWS”... sorta. Actually it’s 2022’s “Jaws”-wannabe movie, “Maneater”. This Shark-sploitation film at JUST under 90 minutes got a 17% on the TomatoMeter, meaning it’s worse than both “Cats” and “Pixels". Since the Screen Actors Guild defines a Feature Film as needing a minimum of 80 minutes, the only true victim here is the editor. This week be nicer to workers - any one of them could be working on the sequel. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
How could someone turn a beloved literary icon from 1883 into one of the greatest film flops, and with one of the best loved actors starring? With a Tomato score of 28% 2022’s “Pinocchio” is worlds better than 2000’s adaptation, “Geppetto” with Drew Carey, which has NO Tomato score at all! This week save up and rent 1999’s “Bicentennial Man” with Robin Williams. With a 36% you’ll thank us later. 
We’ll make this simple for you. 2002’s monster-stinker, “The Master of Disguise” starring Dana Carvey comes in with a One Percent TomatoMeter rating. Even Brent Spiner couldn’t help this movie… come to think of it, Brent couldn’t help “Geppetto” either. This week don’t go buying a new Android.
What can we say, except… your movie couldn’t rate much lower than that. And it doesn’t! Your’s got a 6% TomatoMeter score - and keep that in mind when we remind you that one of the talented performers in it was SIR Patrick Stewart! The film? 2017’s “The Emoji Movie”. This week re-watch 2018’s “Ralph Breaks the Internet”, scoring 88%, for the seventeenth time.
Libra ()
O-o-o-oh-h-h, aren’t YOU lucky? You get to have a face-off with Taurus for the bottom rung. Skewered with a ZERO on the TomatoMeter you get 2014’s Nic Cage blockbuster, “Left Behind” aka “What Happens When An Infinitely Powerful Being Snaps Their Fingers And Disappears Part Of The Population?” Worse yet, that same year he was in “Tokarev” at 12%, “Dying of the Light” at 11%, and “Outcast” at 4%. We understand Nic’s movies are either terrible or magnificent, but DAMN, that’s a crap year for him. This week, just let Taurus have the higher rung.
Remember what we said about Video Game Movies being crap? And how “Cats” was a 19% score? Well, keep that in mind since you’re getting the same 19% rated “Assassin’s Creed” from 2016. You have a choice to make; watch this 2 hour movie all the way through, or go to YouTube and watch the animation from user “2Snacks” called “Two Best Sisters Replay - Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood” 27 times. Seriously, go watch that instead.
Got Good News, and Bad News for you. The GOOD news is you get to pick between follow-up movies with a 9% or a 22% score. The BAD news is the two movies are 2015’s reboot “Fan-4-Tastic”, aka “Fantastic 4”, or 2016’s “Zoolander No. 2”, the sequel to the fAbUlOuSlY sUcCeSsFuL “Zoolander”. If you can’t choose, we'll make you watch them both at the same time!  
There are a number of famous dogs in cinematic history. Scoobie-Doo, Lassie, Benji… but you are getting the worst of them all - 2022’s Zero-Rated “Marmaduke”. We’ll make it easy on you. If you want to watch a bad kid’s movie, a quick search on YouTube will bring you the 1979 release “C.H.O.M.P.S.” It’s got NO Tomato rating, but it’s free - and has Conrad Bain, Red Buttons, and Valerie Bertinelli in it.
You’re also getting to choose between two horror movies: one rated 34% and one rated, believe it or not, 93%! First is Keven Bacon’s 2022 “They/Them” with an axe murderer, though it’s hard to know who to root for there… or 1954’s “THEM!” starring… a bunch of radioactively overgrown ants. Look, we’re being nice to you this time… PICK THE ANTS!
Wow, uhm… Remember back in 2020 when they released “The New Mutants”? Kind of a horror story built on the X-Men franchise with new, young mutants? It wasn’t well received, getting a solid 35% on the TomatoMeter. Which is, really, pretty good if you consider the last time they tried this; the 1996 Fox TV Movie, “Generation X” starring Finola Hughes, Jeremy Ratchford, and Matt Frewer. Do yourself a favour and just re-watch “Max Headroom”. It’ll have better special effects. 
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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Hey kids, comics!
Given I’m drawing all this X-Men stuff this month, you might have thought at some point “Is X-Men any good? Should I read it?”
Short Answer: No. It’s really, really, not. Don’t.
Long Answer: But there are some real good bits and pieces, so lemme recommend some comics to you of X-men and adjacent titles.
Seeing as we’re here, Domino 2018-2019, written by Gail Simone, drawn by David Baldeon. Gail has a big love for characters who fall into the gray area of good and bad and this is outstanding.
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Speaking of, also it’s follow up, Hotshots
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Seriously read this. Okay now let’s get to some other stuff.
Iceman by Sina Grace. Sina wrote about iceman when he was coming to terms with his sexuality and a whole bunch of stuff, it’s an amazing read. Big, big, caveat though, after his editor for the first volume left Sina got treated like absolute dirt you can read about it here if you want.
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X-Factor investigations by Peter David. This starts as more procedural detective stuff and over the course of its run, goes a bit everywhere. This is the book which got me reading Marvel comics because it’s just, really good.
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X-Men - Supernovas. Hey look at that an actual xmen title. Written by Mike Carey and art was split with Humberto Ramos and Chris Bachalo. Amazing team book consisting of no one you usually see on a team. We got Cable, sabretooth, mystique, iceman, rogue, lady mastermind and cannonball. This was after decimation so they got to be real loose with team composition and a bit less hero-y.
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New Excalibur by Chris Claremont and at times, Fred Van Lente.This book is a love letter to Juggernaut, it’s not the best marvel UK (That’s captain britain and MI-13) but it does some good work until it turns into an absolute trainwreck oh wow does it go poorly at the end there.
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S.W.O.R.D. volume 1 By Kieron Gillen. This was the real introduction of Brand as a character and is goofy nonsense. You can pick if an Englishman is writing a marvel comic because Death Head always shows up.
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Okay almost done.
Cable/Deadpool, also known as Deadpool/Cable after he became more popular by Fabian Nicieza and Mark brooks. They gave deadpool a straight man to bounce off and it works amazingly. Please ignore the Liefeld cover, it’s a thing they grow out of.
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Okay, New X-Men by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. It’s... good? Look Grant Morrison has a particular style of writing that either works for you or doesn’t, this is one of those comics where some dude will insist it’s a “Graphic Novel” so that should tell you a lot about it. Nice art, Quitely famously drew an entire issue in one day because he’s a monster.
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Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron, Chris Bachalo and Nick Bradshaw. Following some stupid ass whatever the hell event they were doing this year Wolverine moves to the savage land and opens up a school. It’s dumb and fun aside from some really out of character developments that are really uncomfortable.
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Cable (2008) By Duane Swieryinzski am I spelling that right. You like lone Wolf and Cub? Cable and baby time travelling bada bing bada boom ayyy it’s the saviour of all mutantkind
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okay final honorable mention not technically but technically
Unbelievable Gwenpool by Chris Hastings and GuriHiru (Damn that’s the best art, and the mini follow up Gwenpool Strikes Back by Rob Williams and David Baldeon. Gwenpool is a bit of meta narrative on comics at times, to the point where to make sure she doesn’t get written out of continuity, she rewrites her origin story to maker herself a mutant.
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Okay thank you for humouring me and my taste in these comics, some of you may go “But where’s god loves man kills” or “days of future past” to which I say shut up did you not read the short answer part I like explosions and people sharing as few brain cells as possible got it good okay fine great amazing
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darkarfs · 4 years
My 10 Favorite WWE Matches of All Time (updated)
10: The 2001 Royal Rumble No matter how daft and stupid the product gets, I will never not stoke my head in around January. The Royal Rumble is my favorite match, but this one is my favorite favorite instance of that match. The pacing, the beautiful endurance of Kane, the hardcore interval (which Kane just decides to destroy), the Big Show returning after 4 months just to get shit-canned a minute into his run. There is so much to love about this mess. The preview of Rock and Austin that year for their Wrestlemania showdown. The fact that 4 or 5 of them (Rock, Austin, Kane, Undertaker, even Rikishi) could have been main event contenders. The best midcard in WWE history. Scotty 2 Hotty having the worst night of his life. Drew Carey just showing up. Bradshaw just cliffing everyone, because he's gotta get his shit in. Good Rumbles are like a 3 course meal, and this one is like all your courses at once, and then dessert is a treat you could die on. 9. Tyler Bate vs. WALTER - Takeover Cardiff Crowds make a lot of matches for me (thanks, 2020) but this crowd is especially electric, and for 24-year-old Tyler Bate, who is taking on a TANK, and that tank's name is WALTER, a TANK. But I will never not be a sucker for a David vs. Goliath story, and it was never better told than the boy made of thighs vs. the destroyer made of shattering palms. It is SO CARNY, so many feats of strength, so many OOOOOFS AND UUUUUURGHS that make this so great. Tyler was a hero on this night, but everyone knew he wasn't ready to win. Every feat is a magnificent reach. And it all means something to everyone. Make them what they know SHOULD happen and still surprise them with it. His "refusing to quit!" only to get shut down by a fucking chop. HE STANDS but is immediately ruined. It makes me. This shit fucking makes me. 8. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley, 30-Minute Iron Woman Match - Takeover Respect Most of this is just a remix of their epic and warranted classic in Brooklyn. but then Sasha takes the headband off of Izzy. And then they both stepped it up and were *amazing*. We somehow lost Bayley's "RAAAAAH'S and that's sad for me. But then they RAMP IT UP. NOBODY LIKES YOU. FUCK YOU. WE'RE HAPPIER NOW. (WE'RE NOT.) But seriously, Sasha taking Izzy's headband and then THROWING IT AT HER started something special, something grand. THE OUTRAGE. The bastion of heel heat. And then the match got better. They hugged at the end of their encounter in Brooklyn, but then they started poisoning one another. And it all started with this amazing match. (Also, Bayley's amazing red and gold robot tights.) 7. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels, Wrestlemania 21 Listen. HBK's 'Mania outings with the Undertaker are solid "match of the decade" contenders, piss-easy. They are peerless, they are in a league of their own. But saying they're your favorite? Unless you are an actual wrestler, that's like saying "UH, MY FAVE BAND IS THE BEATLES." Ya boring, ya basic, and we can all do better. And seeing how I'm in my late 30s, I understand wrestling a little different than I did when I made this list in...2016??? Christ. I bet AJ Styles vs. John Cena was on it that year. Two of the best performers, both in their prime, and looking back on it, I just prefer the mix of character dynamics at play. Angle is easily one of the best in the world, but he has such an inferiority complex, because he's an Olympic gold medalist who is told *nightly* that he sucks, and he CAN'T best Michaels. He keeps coming back, and he's so charming, so effortlessly good at this whole "wrestling" thing, and it's slowly making Angle, who SHOULD be all of those things, absolutely *spare.* And that informs so many spots and story moments in the match itself, specifically when Angle LOSES it and starts shouting at him, only to have a superkick partied under his face. Angle is one of the best ever because his wrestling acumen served his character, never once defined it. 6. Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon, Wrestlemania 17 I haven't gone back to watch the whole of Vince vs. Shane THAT many times. What I have done is watch the finish about 65 times. There is something so addictive and magical about that one pop, when Linda stands up from her chair, and the ENTIRE crowd stands with her. And I'll 100% agree that Vince's comeuppance - one slap, one hoof to the balls, a Mandible Claw and a Coast-To-Coast dropkick - is not NEAR the actual comeuppance he should have gotten for some of the deplorable shit his character got up to from around the Rumble to this match (two of which they've done their very best to scrub from history, they're THAT bad.) But it's the purest example I can think of, of that pantomime aspect of wrestling. Vince McMahon is a deranged bastard. He likes dumb, cruel, crude things, but his commitment to being the world's 2nd-worst lizard man makes some of the stuff that happens to him more richly rewarding than almost any retribution in any medium, ever. The final 4 minutes of that match, the crowd is a fireworks display. They rise, they explode, they rise and explode, over and over. And again, shoutout to my boy 2020 for making me miss a crowd THAT big having THAT good a time. 5. Adam Cole vs. Johnny Gargano - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver New York Now look, I'm not saying that NXT is essentially perfect for me, in terms for what I look for in wrestling. What I will say is that when it cooks, it combines the very best of indie stamina, choreography and stunt work with something WWE sometimes gets VERY right, and that is unabashed, unironic emotion. And it's not even that the intimacy of NXT being a smaller promotion has a denser, more specifically passionate fanbase. It's just the fact that NXT understands that so often, nuance and drama in wrestling doesn't come from promos, or swerves, or endless escalations of said drama, but from getting the FUCK out of the way and letting two of the best in the world *wrestle.* NXT is so good for providing context for the acts of jealousy, pride and entitlement, and then laying out a match that touches on all of these emotions throughout. This main event, built in two weeks, after a terribly-timed Ciampa injury, is actually VERRRY clever booking...disguised to look really simple. Cole starts the match as the crowd favorite, because he's the cool tweener everyone likes (with a catchphrase) to Gargano's unironic Disney prince. Over the course of Cole going all out, making subtle references to Johnny's feud with Ciampa, Gargano fighting from underneath, total fuck-off bastardry from the Undisputed Era (making poor Mauro Ranallo yell "YOU SNAKES!!") Maybe Cole WAS the better choice, but by the end of it, you didn't care. On that night, Johnny refused to lose, and the constant, exciting, *involving* wrestling dragged you to that emotional place. Damn right, you deserve it. 4. CM Punk vs. John Cena, Money In the Bank 2011 It might be a simple choice, but also, sometimes, it's really really gratifying to see a crowd who wants something get what they fucking want for once. A hot crowd makes a good match great, and a great match THIS. A crowd united, either for one guy, and against another, and in this case, BOTH. It makes every. Move. Matter. Trying to find a new angle on this match is like trying to find a new way to say fire is warm. And this crowd created a CAUSE. The no-sold pinfall, the attempted rehash of the Screwjob. Point out the botches if you must. The angle, the promo...it got my friends back into wrestling, a reason to care until the Shield. It's not the best, but it deserves to be. There is no wrestling crowd I wish I was more a part of. And I was at King of the Ring 1998. 3. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar, 60-Minute Iron Man match, Smackdown of September 18, 2003 It MAYBE was a bit of a "hipster" choice to name this my number 1 in 2016. But you know what? Bloody holds up. Two performers who feel "destined to do this forever," like a Triple H/Shawn Michaels, or a Kevin Owens/Sami Zayn. Possessed of freakish physical charisma, could go for days if pressed. Brock Lesnar, literally at the time ONE OF THE BEST ATHLETES in the WORLD being a lazy fucker and taking DQ points, laying the foundation of what Brock Lesnar would come to be known as. And Angle, in that rare position of everyone knowing he's the best thing going. Brilliant Lazy Asshole Brock and Certified Wrestling Machine Angle are two of my unironic favorite characters in all of wrestling, and it's a buffet of THAT. Like a Royal Rumble, only it's just two dudes, being the best they've ever been. 2. DIY vs. the Revival - 2 out of 3 falls - TakeOver Toronto "Tag team wrestling?" says main roster WWE. "What is this...tag team wrestling?" Well, this is it, at its absolute best. It's up there with Rey Mysterio and Edge vs. Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle from No Mercy 2002 for just brilliant, rock-solid tag team psychology. There are more story opportunities when there are more rules to break, how can WWE *not get behind that?* In terms of chemistry, both between opponents and between teams, in terms of callbacks like Johnny muscling through the exact same inverted figure four that lost them the belts in Brooklyn. It is a perfect match. Not an ounce of fat on it. And that closing sequence, of each member of DIY locking the Revival in their signature holds, and the men now known as FTR clinging to one another. It's probably the best tag match in the history of the WWE, and considering the caliber of tag matches on TakeOvers, is FUCKING saying something. 1. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar, Survivor Series 2018 This match is everything I always hoped for. For the longest time, after the 2015 Royal Rumble debacle, when Reigns won, when simply everything we knew about storytelling said "no, of course it should be Bryan," I wondered what that 'Mania match would look like. If it were anything like this, I would have died a happy man. But then again, what makes this match so GOOD is that Bryan had just come back from an early retirement caused by head and neck surgery, and here he is, being dropped on his head and neck by Brock Fucking Lesnar, aka what would happen if the concept of "not giving a shit" gained corporeal form and starting shilling for Jimmy John's. The match gets really ugly, really fast, and Bryan takes us to uncomfortable places with his selling. It wasn't just the retirement angle, it was also the fact that Brock had turned out some REALLY lazy shit by that point in his career, so we had all mentally prepared for another finish-spamming early night. And then. AND THEN... Bryan hoofs him in the walnuts, hits the running knee, gives us the absolute closest 2-count of the decade, and then the fight is fucking on. Bryan went, over the course of 2 minutes, from never having a chance against Brock Lesnar to it being an *absolute certainty* that he was going to BEAT BROCK LESNAR. Anytime you visibly leave your seat every few seconds during a match, you know it's a special one. Again, it took me away, had me absolutely *screaming* at my monitor, elated, invested, and I don't know what more your favorite match can ask of you. But what happens when your favorite match isn't a match at all? No. 0: The Firefly Funhouse - Wrestlemania 36 I'm not kidding, it actually might be my favorite thing. It could be just my brain latching onto the Cult of the New, but I don't think so. It's not a match, I get it. It exists in a weird null-void outside of time and space, but mostly I am floored that they would broadcast something so virulently anti-WWE. Like, we talk of CM Punk and how WWE let him get away with all his little jokes and cut his little Pipebomb promo. But then WWE signed off on Bray Wyatt tearing the soul out of their business. Burying the biggest star of this generation, skewering and laying bare all of terrible WWE's terrible priorities, and also celebrating insider knowledge, wrestling history, and I just...love it. Right now, it's my favorite thing WWE have ever put out, because it did something they've never done before, told a story I didn't think they were capable of telling. And sure, it was Bray who told it, but I still can't believe it aired. But I am endlessly thankful that it did.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 60)
"The Queens of Dirty Secrets"
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Luna's no angel. She cheated on Justin. Once. With Tommy. For 9mnths. She didn't lie when she said she'd never had a one night stand.
Luna had met Tommy randomly at a Rancid show in Queens. She went alone that night because Justin was out of town at Rehab #2. Tommy spotting her first. Being 6yrs older than her, he had introduced himself confidently. The two of them easily falling into quick banter as if they had known each other for ages. Luna drawn into his deep, blue eyes and overwhelming personality. Asking if he could buy her a drink, she had told him immediately that she had a boyfriend. Tommy laughed and said he didn't care to Luna's rolled eyes as she told him No Thanks and made her way to the stage. She had to get away from him. There was something in her bones that didn't trust herself near him. She was right. Halfway through the show, he slid up behind her, wrapping his strong arms around her tiny waist. She had recognized his scent automatically and against her better judgment, let herself stay in his presence. More then slightly drunk, Luna bounced with Tommy to Rancid as he kept his left arm around her waist, while running his right hand up and down her slender body. Making her heart pound with the music's fast beat. It was during Red Hot Moon that he took the plunge, slipping his hand up her leather skirt. Tommy fingerfucked her in the crowd that night. Luna letting him. She was blinded by his being and the feeling of his thick fingers inside of her as the punk tune floated through her head. Tommy liked that she hadn't resisted and the way he could feel her low moans against his chest. Body shaking in his arms. Luna literally cumming in his hand to her senses. Angry with herself, she had pushed Tommy out of her and disappeared into the crowd, still seeing stars. Licking his fingers, he watched her go, amused at how he thought he could taste peaches. Justin had come home a week later, promising to stay clean. "This time." Leaving Luna raked with guilt. Yet, she couldn't help that every time she masturbated, that moment and THAT man in Queens popped into her head. It was around 3mths later that Luna ran into Tommy again. At a bodega on 133rd Street. Unable or unwilling to deny their chemistry that time, she climbed into his Eleanor when he'd asked if she wanted to take a blunt ride. They had wound up by the East River, making out heavily in Tommy's mustang. Luna refusing to fuck him, Tommy getting tested in less then a week. Luna knew it was wrong the whole time but she couldn't deny the energy between the two of them. Tommy seemed to make her lose all of her common sense. He had a way of sucking Luna into his strong, charismatic, no bullshit attitude. It was a change and escape from the darkness that seemed to be consuming her and Justin. From the moment he saw and watched her, Tommy was mesmerized by Luna's beauty, rawness and sass. They were a wild a rollercoaster ride, twisting and turning. Dipping and soaring. Leading Tommy and Luna to fuck and party all over the five boroughs for almost a year. She only broke it off when he told her he loved her. Realizing that she loved him too but knowing that despite everything, she would never leave Justin. She had crawled out of his bed that night, with tears rolling down her cheeks. As she got dressed, she babbled on about how their relationship wasn't fair to him. And that she was sorry. Too hurt by her rejection, he let her go. She willingly walked from Queens to Brooklyn that night. Contemplating suicide for the first time in her life during those long hours. Luna never told a soul. Not even Ashley. Tommy and Luna's paths never crossing since then.
"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" Tommy smiles at Luna. "No love?" His blue eyes dare her.
Reluctantly, she stands as he swoops her up. Tight and strong. Placing her arms around his neck, a ton of memories flood them both as they embrace. Fitting like two puzzle peices. Feeling the intimacy Luna wiggles out of his grasp, sitting back down.
"You still look great, Little One." The nickname both excites Luna and makes her cringe at the same time. "You just get better with age, don't you?" He asks her, pulling out the stool and sitting next to her. It's been over 5yrs since they last saw each other. "Eh! Lemme get another round here." He calls to the bartender, pointing between himself and Luna. She's quiet, trying to keep her composure.
"You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave." Her brain keeps repeating over and over.
"So, where's the boyfriend?" Tommy's words break Luna's thoughts like a sledgehammer.
She thinks about her words before she speaks them. "We're not together anymore." She tells him without looking at him. His eyes are deadly.
"No fucking shit!!" Tommy slams his hand on the bar. Partly amused, partly irritated. "So, what the fuck did it take for you to finally leave his loser ass?" He asks bluntly.
Luna looks at him now. Square in the eye, with a flash of anger. She tells him coldly "He hung himself in our bedroom."
"FUCK." Tommy let's out. "What a fucking pussy." He has no filter.
"SERIOUSLY!?" Luna glares at him.
He shakes his head and places his hand on the small of her back. "I'm sorry. I guess he never got clean, hunh?"
Luna sighs. Tommy knows more about Luna and Justin's relationship than their closest friends. Looking at him directly again. She says "No. He actually started using needles sometime in the last 6mnths. I threatened to leave him and I'm pretty sure that's why he fucking killed himself." Luna doesn't break eye contact from Tommy. Besides Colson, he's the only person she's ever uttered those words to.
He breaks away as his heart drops for her. "When?" He asks her quietly, looking into his drink.
"Almost 3yrs ago." She answers him.
Looking up, he slides his left arm around her shoulders as he uses his right hand to pull her barstool closer to him.
"You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave." Her brain keeps telling her as she feels her body flush from the closeness of his.
"Are you okay?" He asks, lowly in her ear.
"Yeah... Look I'm seeing someone..." She spits out.
Tommy erupts into laughter, not bothering to move his arm. "Some things never change, hunh? You're still caught up and I still don't give a fuck." He tells her matter of factly. Their faces are close together.
Luna knows it's true. She pulls away to finish the rest of her drink, reaching for the other round Tommy had ordered.
"This is different. I'm happy." She tells him to his smirk.
"Yeah?" He laughs again. "Then why are you alone in a bar at a punk show, just the same as I found you before?" He snips at her.
Annoyed, she states again that this is different. Still taunting her, arm still around her shoulder. He asks how. Shaking him off of her, she tells him it just is. He's making her think about Colson and Justin drug use similarities.
"Okay." He leans in close to her. "How long?"
Luna takes another drink. Closing her eyes, she turns her head and opens them at him. "Two months."
"Only two months?? Fuck, I've got a hell of a shot." He laughs, lifting his glass to cheers her as he slides his arm back around her. He knows the crazy control he has over her.
"Fuck you. No, you don't. I'm in love with him. Have been since before you. Fuck. I sold my apartment and am basically living with him." The words explode out of Luna's mouth.
All Tommy hears is two words in her whole statement. "Before me?" He asks, showing a hint of emotion.
Luna sighs again. Not being able to side step him or want to, she places her hand on his right one that's on the bar now. "I met him almost 10yrs ago. When I was still with Justin. Our vibe was really intense and I ran away. He's from Cleveland so we didn't cross paths again until recently.
"Fucking Cleveland?" What? Are you dating Drew fucking Carey??" He gives her a dirty look, throwing his hands up. He knocks her shoulder as her one hand flies up with his. Wincing from the hit, she looks up at him with her big, blue eyes. Shaking his head, he brings his right hand up to stroke her face. "You should've left him for me, a long time ago."
In her heart, Luna isn't sure if she disagrees.
The band begins to rumble.
Tommy hears it too.
"You wanna bump?" Tommy asks her with a gleam in his eye.
"Nah, I've been off that shit since we split." She tells him. Tommy was the biggest cocaine distributor in all five boroughs. Probably even bigger now.
"C'mon, you know I got that pure." He coaxes her.
"Nah, I'm good. I'm gonna go catch a cigarette before the band kicks in." She tells him, sliding off her stool. "It was good to see you." She says him to his unhappy look.
Outside Luna tries to call Colson again. He doesn't answer. Checking her watch, it's not even 11P. Hearing the band kick on, she finishes her cigarette, rummaging through her bag for her camera as she walks back in.
Annoyed, she thinks to herself "He never answers when I'm fucking home." Glancing at the bar as she makes her way to the stage, she sees that Tommy is gone.
Colson and Casie are passed out on the couch in Ohio. They had finished their FortNite match and fallen asleep watching Maleficent. Colson's phone ringing in the kitchen.
The band is amazing. They're called Product of a Government. They're fast and loud with INCREDIBLE lyrics. Ripping through Trump, Pence, Alabama, Kavanaugh and Brock Turner. Luna makes her way up front. Shooting them as they play. Bouncing and bobbing to their melodies and the crowd.
Once the show ends, Luna approaches them on stage.
"Hey." She greets them. They stop what they're doing like most men do when Luna speaks. "You guys are uniquely incredible." She praises them. "Are you signed?" She asks.
The guys look around at each other. "Nah..." They answer in unison.
"I'm Luna." She says, reaching her hand out. "I'm a local artist who just broke free of my lable. I'm gonna start my own. I think you guys would be a great launch."
The guys each shake her hand individually. Yet leerily. Because, what GIRL, starting her own lable is going to help them.
She sees their reluctance. "Check me out before you decide." She tells them as a group. "Luna Smith. That Brooklyn Bitch." She says as she turns to walk of stage.
The name rings in an ear. "Fuck. Like THAT Brooklyn Bitch???" A voice asks behind her. They've heard of her folklore.
"The only one." She turns around smiling. She's got 'em. "It's not up and running yet, so do you. But let's exchange numbers and if you're not signed by then. I've got you." Luna shrugs.
She exchanges numbers with all members. Reassuring them she got great shots during their set. Luna secretly pleased to still be known for her photography above all.
Tommy watching her on stage.
Tommy catches her outside smoking. He can't help but yearn for her as she glances over her shoulder at him with those eyes.
"Lemme buy you a drink. To make up for earlier." He says approaching her.
Luna rolls her eyes as she inhales. "Okay." She agrees against her better judgment, as always with him. She finishes her Newport before following Tommy back into the bar.
Luna's always enjoyed Tommy's company. It's one of the things that made her fall into him so easily. He's funny, sharp and nasty. Three qualities Luna fully enjoys.
They exchange stories of the passed missed years. Deals, robberies, and beat downs, amongst many other illegal activities.
Luna telling him about ICE and the shots exchanged. Tommy's impressed and worried at the same time. Wanting to look at her wound to her laughing decline.
Loose and always able to tell his truth to Luna, Tommy divulges that he fell in love after her. It hurts but she listens.
Luna's one of the few that Tommy trusts, who know's his whole life. He tells her how he lost control and killed his girlfriend because she had turned on James.
Luna isn't surprised. She knows Tommy's undying loyalty to his friend. It's a commonality they share. She's also seen what Tommy is capable of first hand. Never towards her, but they had been together long enough and he had trusted her deeply enough to show her all of him. To this day, he wonders if it was him that scared her and if that was the reason she wouldn't leave Justin for him.
It wasn't.
She can see the torment all over him. Without thinking, she stands up, slides in between his legs and pulls him close for a hug.
The moment their bodies connect there's a surge. Luna's cheeks flush as she feels Tommy's dick grow against her. She mentally shakes it off and holds him for a moment, stroking the back of his neck and hair. His breath is warm on her collarbone. Realizing what can happen, Luna pulls away gently.
"What were you doing on stage?" Tommy asks her, feeling her about to go. Looking for any reason to make her stay.
"Oh! I think I'm gonna start a record lable myself." She tells him, shifting gears as she slides back onto her stool.
Luna tells him her idea as she bitches about Charles, this weird fame that's creeping up on her and how she feels exposed.
"That's why you need you an undercover brother." He teases her. "I'd keep you tight."
"Shut up." Luna tells him, rolling her eyes. She knows she has to get the fuck up outta there soon.
Finishing her drink, Luna looks at Tommy. "I gotta go." She tells him.
"Lemme drive you..." He coaxes with a grin.
"Noooooo..." Luna laughs, shaking her head.
"No fucking way in hell." She thinks to herself. "You are in this with Colson, Loons. FUCK NO!! FUCK THIS MOTHERFUCKER." Knowing in all honesty she doesn't trust herself around Tommy. With him, she undercover hurts people and makes bad decisions.
"Okay, lemme walk you out then and hail you a cab." He tells her. Luna agrees, tipping the bartender before they head out.
Luna lets Tommy lead her outside. It's too easy to fall into his strong step.
Standing on the curb, he teases her about her upcoming fame. They're too close to each other. Laughing, Tommy scoops up Luna in his big arms, gripping her ass. Falling out of reality for a second she wraps her legs around him.
"I knew you loved me." He grins.
Luna can't help but smile while reaching to place a hand on his throat. She closes her eyes for just a moment. Breathing him in before dropping her legs. She moves her hand down and pushes against his defined chest as she slides off of him.
"Mmmmm... Let Daddy take you home, Little One." Tommy moans as her body slips through his hands.
"FUCK." Luna thinks as the simple words bring her back to their enticing kink. She feels her pussy plump. "You've gotta fucking GO!" Her brain screams at her.
Luna spots a cab. Throwing a hard whistle, it pulls over for her.
Unable to help herself, she kisses Tommy hard on the lips. "I did love you." She states before jumping in the cab and hustling it off.
Tommy stands there, the same way he laid the night she left him. Confused, heartbroken and longing for her.
"WHAT THE FUCK LUNA!?!" She scolds herself. Shaking her head, she leans back in the cab. "ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!?!!... Well, at least you didn't fuck him this time." She battles with herself. Still worried about Colson. "You're a fucking ASSHOLE." She thinks of herself.
Back at her B&B, Luna feels guilty as fuck. It's too late to call so she Snaps Colson.
Luna bumps two 30s, swallows a bar and burns through three joints trying to calm her mind from tonight's bullshit.
"Fucking Tommy....... I never thought... FUCK." She feels her body heat up as her heart aches. Her mind rejecting him in the moment. "How the fuck did you even end up here?" Luna wonders drunk. Slightly confused about her entire fucking life.
To be continued......
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Swallow Your Dreams
All languages, but English especially, like to pilfer foreign words for concepts we wish we’d thought of first. Burrito. Kindergarten. Cul-de-sac. (Direct translation: “ass of the bag” in French. Which I think we can all agree is spot on.)*
But the reverse is also true: we sometimes dislike an idea so much that we can’t stop naming it. Utopia. Shangri-La. Eden. Zion. Arcadia. Erehwon. Cockaigne. Camelot. Xanadu. Beulah Land. Lotusland. Neverland. The Good Old Days. We may think we’re into it, but trust me—the more names something has, the more we despise it.
In the case of utopian fantasies, I think we love-hate them so much because we know ecstasy must come with suffering. Not in a ‘moral justice of the universe’ kind of way, but in a ‘how can you know what wet is if you’ve never been dry’ kind of way. Sometimes the suffering itself gives us hope—sincere pipe dreams tend to crop up when the news is at its worst. Conversely, a lack of suffering makes us nervous, giving way to satirical illustrations of paradise that either chastise our disappointment with mediocrity, or exhort us to fly a little closer to the ground. The only time we drop the subject is when, God forbid, we surpass one standard deviation on the joy curve, at which point our fear of jinxing it forces us into a superstitious, but no less aware, silence. Spectacle is the lens through which we first recognize boredom, and other punning metaphors for what is ultimately a pretty basic philosophical idea.
Anyway. By general agreement, we now find ourselves in one of those Bad News Eras, and the little Dutch boy has long since run out of fingers to hold back the flood. Idealism is rampant, regardless of how angrily it may present itself (and usually in opposition to other forms of idealism.) Meanwhile, the incorrigibly cynical among us can only sigh as we wait for the waters to recede. All of which is to say, I read an article recently. And it annoyed me.
We’ve all heard some version of the old saw that "the world needs garbage collectors;" i.e., polite society has needs that presumably no one would cater to in the cloud-cuckoo land where everyone Follows Their Dreams. Personally, I tend to side with Drew Carey and Mike Rowe on the matter. This annoying article, in contrast, promoted the central thesis that technology would render the “dirty jobs” problem obsolete, thanks to ever-increasing automation. It predicted that in the near future we would achieve, if not Utopia, then at least the particular sliver of it that oversees labor markets.
And honestly, the author could be right. Maybe we'll all have a housecleaning sex robot, and the self-driving firetrucks will aim their own hoses, and the farm machinery will pick the fruit and monitor the soil conditions far better than humans ever could. Maybe we'll all get to be painters, and singers, and writers, and comedians, and movie stars, and the indoor plumbing will sort itself out. There are, we must admit, significantly more jobs in the creative sector now than there were 50 years ago—we're at Peak TV, y'all!—and that pattern can surely only continue.
Aside from the obvious practical considerations, however, this wonderland has a particular Achilles heel that I want to address: everyone will be miserable. (Which, if you’re keeping track from earlier, makes this post one of those Dystopia We Never Saw Coming, Be Careful What You Wish For, Icarus Get Your Ass Back Here kind of stories.)
The thing is, humans like to work. Or more accurately, humans require validation, and hard work provides it with very little outside help. Chop the firewood and feel its warmth through the winter; tend the seedling and taste its delicious fruit. But can you write a song that no one ever hears, and still feel good about it? A few can, and they generally end up draped with popularity they never needed, because output unbridled by fear is the best kind. But most professionally creative people will admit they are inborn approval junkies who have only found success in the business by forcefully taming their instincts—reminding themselves on a daily basis that haters gonna hate, as they say.
The misconception is seductive, though, especially when the known goblin of “fame” is replaced by less vain euphemisms: successful artists are “beloved,” and “respected,” and have “earned their creative freedom” (don’t get me started)… and bystanders tend to assume that all that apparent validation must be pumping through their veins at great speed. To work in a creative field is to install a zen-secreting organ just behind the pancreas, while the rest of humanity is left staring wistfully into the night screens, watching the elite get high off their stash and telling themselves that if only they had the time, or the money, or the housecleaning sex robot, they too could spend all day being creative, and feel just as good as their successful counterparts appear to. Give one of those folks a toe in the door and a deadline, and it won’t be long before they project their individual craving onto us all—say, for example, in an article from a well-known tech platform, which imagines just how great it will be when we can all follow our surprisingly-similar dreams in a tight spiral around one another, gaily refusing to look down at the sink drain below.
But in fact, a microcosm of that supposed nirvana already exists, here and now: it’s called YouTube. Millions upon millions of users with eight views, zero validation, and a numerically-proven feeling of worthlessness. They were creative, and no one cared, which was all they actually wanted in the first place. They tried to make a deal with the devil but even he didn’t bother to show up. And when the milk and honey dispensers become fully mechanized, the pain of that realization will only come harder and faster: creativity doesn’t provide validation. Creativity flows naturally after validation has been secured elsewhere.
When I wake up already knowing that I’m worthwhile, I am able to be creative. When I have the love of a family—biological or chosen—I am able to be creative. When I consider secret personal accomplishments to be as meaningful as public ones, I am able to be creative. Unpleasant tasks and hard work don’t stand in the way of my dreams; they fill a hole that my dreams were never going to fit into properly anyway. To envy a creative person’s life is to look at a garden and assume it’s flowers all the way down, rather than a deep slurry of mud, worms, and fertilizer that allows beauty to spread freely over its surface.
The only real way to follow your dreams is to forge ahead on your own and trust that they’ll keep up. If you can already write the book assuming that no one will read it, congratulations—this message is not for you, and you probably stopped reading a long time ago anyway because you’re not looking for answers. But if you dream of a creative life free from worry, pain, sadness, frustration, and all the rest of the working world’s supposed drudgery, then you’re better off not knowing what you’re missing. And if you’re writing utopic articles suggesting that universal creative employment is a desirable—let alone inevitable—reality, then you’re especially foolish, because you’re promoting a cult of chugging when you’ve already sipped and found it lacking in flavor.
*Side note: Let’s all say a sad farewell to the phrase “literal translation,” whose first half has by now been thoroughly co-opted by the totally-seriously-for-real crowd. Like oh my God you guys, it literally translates that way. Totes McGoats.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, October 12
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Meg Ryan’s new life revealed 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. holding hands and wearing masks in NYC 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Halle Berry happiness at last -- after years of heartbreak Halle has finally found true love with Van Hunt
Page 6: Tim McGraw and Faith Hill’s private world -- they’ve got successful careers and a solid marriage but the thing they’re most proud of is the beautiful life they’ve built together and family is everything to them 
Page 7: Jessica Simpson swore off reality TV after her show Newlyweds led to her split from ex-husband Nick Lachey in 2005 but she finds she misses working in front of the camera and after multiple offers to do a reality show with husband Eric Johnson and kids Maxwell and Ace and Birdie including one from Ryan Seacrest she’s seriously considering it except Eric thinks it’s the worst idea, Taylor Swift is itching to get her girl gang back together after taking a break from throwing A-list bashes and while she has been loving life in Nashville with fiance Joe Alwyn she feels like she’s neglected other important people in her life and to make amends she’s already making plans to gather girl squad members Gigi Hadid and Blake Lively and Martha Hunt and Katy Perry at her Rhode Island beachfront mansion, Madonna is ready to spill all and her exes better watch out because she is gearing up to direct a movie which she’s cowriting based on her storied life including her romances with Warren Beatty and ex-husbands Sean Penn and Guy Ritchie and baby daddy Carlos Leon who are all reportedly unnerved by the project and she’s getting a savage pleasure knowing her famous exes are nervous 
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Page 8: Nikki and Brie Bella were known for their sculpted physiques in the WWE ring and since welcoming baby boys this summer they’re eager to get back into fighting shape by doing Zoom workouts together including Pilates and yoga and giving each other daily pep talks, Kourtney Kardashian has a new crush and has been hanging non-stop with 19-year-old TikTok sensation Addison Rae because she finds Addison incredibly refreshing and fun but Kourt’s obsession with Addison who is 22 years her junior has been raising eyebrows -- Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian are trying to be cool about it but they find it a little creepy how Kourt hangs on this girl’s every word, Lori Loughlin was sentenced to two months in federal prison for paying bribes to get her two daughters into college and she wants a seriously cushy stay behind bars because she figures that with her fame level and wealth and influence there’s no reason why she can’t have many of the perks she’s used to including an air-conditioned cell and cable TV and gourmet food and yoga and Pilates classes and even her own private security guard but especially time off for good behavior 
Page 10: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars look dreamy in Oscar de la Renta -- Evan Rachel Wood, Kiki Layne, Scarlett Johansson 
Page 11: Regina King, Nicky Hilton Rothschild, Daisy Ridley 
Page 12: Who Wore It Better? Rachel Zoe vs. Molly Sims, Jamie Chung vs. Skyler Samuels
Page 13: Cara Santana vs. Kristen Taekman 
Page 14: News in Photos -- Johnny Depp looked relaxed and happy at the 68th San Sebastian International Film Festival for his new documentary Crock of Gold 
Page 16: The cast of Schitt’s Creek Eugene Levy and Catherine O’Hara and Daniel Levy and Annie Murphy, Olivia Culpo was joined by her dog Oliver during a day of shopping in West Hollywood, Miley Cyrus closing out the iHeartRadio Music Festival 
Page 17: Jessie James Decker running errands in Nashville, John Leguizamo playing chess in Washington Square Park, Eva Longoria urged Latinos to get out and vote at a campaign event for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 
Page 18: Kaley Cuoco filming a scene for her show The Flight Attendant, Ian Somerhalder kissed the grass at the premiere of his new documentary Kiss the Ground 
Page 20: Drew Barrymore lit up the Empire State Building yellow to celebrate the premiere of her daytime talk show, Olivia Wilde and fiance Jason Sudeikis play soccer at the beach in Malibu 
Page 21: Tiger Woods ahead of the U.S. Open
Page 22: David Harbor grabbed a bite to eat solo in New York City, Jesse Metcalfe on his motorcycle, Paris Jackson showed support for longtime family friend Paris Hilton during a screening of her documentary
Page 23: Hailey Bieber on a pool floatie, Josephine Skriver filming a Maybelline commercial in New York City 
Page 24: Janelle Monae at the premiere of her new film Antebellum, John Legend made a grocery run in Los Angeles 
Page 25: Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs and former football pro Troy Polamalu shoot a Head & Shoulders commercial, Duchess Kate Middleton and Prince William made their first joint engagement after their summer break visiting a job center, Jennifer Garner picked up a bouquet of flowers while out and about in L.A. 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Mariah Carey spent lockdown in a luxury estate in Bedford Corners, N.Y. 
Page 28: Drew Barrymore swore off men after her third divorce in 2016 but she’s had a change of heart because she’s been talking to Tom Cruise a lot during lockdown and now they’re on the verge of a full-blown romance
Tumblr media
Page 30: It’s been a little over a month since Scott Disick and Sofia Richie pulled the plug on their romance but the pair are still hooking up on the DL which suits them both because Sofia is still attracted to Scott but she wanted freedom to date other people and the two of them have this warped attraction that they can’t find elsewhere, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell have spent 37 blissful years together but after six months of quarantining together they’ve hit a serious rough patch bickering nonstop since lockdown started because they’re both independent spirits and being cooped up together day in and day out is just too close for comfort, Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse are planning to tie the knot in a top-secret wedding this winter in the U.K. -- they want to have a small ceremony in London around Christmas with just family and a few close friends to toast with -- the two feel they are soulmates and feel it’s time to get married and settle down and maybe even start a family in the next couple of years 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Meg Ryan back and better than ever -- after taking a breather from Hollywood the new and improved actress is ready for her big comeback 
Page 36: Priscilla Presley putting family first -- how she is helping her daughter Lisa Marie Presley and grandchildren pick up the pieces after a tragic loss 
Page 38: Coming Clean -- stars open up about living booze-free -- Lucy Hale, Joe Manganiello, Bradley Cooper 
Page 39: Brad Pitt, Miley Cyrus, Jada Pinkett Smith, Daniel Radcliffe 
Page 40: Interview -- Keith Urban digs deep -- the country crooner talks about his eclectic new album and life at home with his favorite girls 
Page 42: Olivia Munn 40 and fabulous -- how the stunning star stays in such great shape 
Page 46: Style Week -- Kate Hudson is adding Inbloom a plant-based powdered supplement brand to her growing empire 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- makeup artist Charlotte Tilbury’s new Walk of No Shame collection offers five new universally flattering ways to get a glow up -- Miranda Kerr 
Page 49: Steal Her Style -- Cate Blanchett reigned supreme at the Venice Film Festival -- here’s how to wear her look for less 
Page 50: Getting Organized 101 -- freshen up your space for fall with the Home Edit founders and Netflix stars Joanna Teplin and Clea Shearer sharing their top tips for how to conquer clutter 
Page 52: Beauty -- Scent-sational -- time to add one of these new fragrances to your vanity 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Troy 
Page 58: Buzz -- Crikey, it’s a girl! Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell share their baby joy in a zoo-themed gender reveal 
Page 60: Sound Bites --Chrissy Metz on getting ready to release her debut album at age 40, Ryan Reynolds on getting tested for COVID-19, Keke Palmer on staying true to herself, Carrie Underwood on forgetting to thank her family during an ACM Awards acceptance speech, Chrishell Stause on getting bad pick-up lines in her Instagram DMs 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Libra Kate Winslet turned 45 on October 5 
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Machine Gun Kelly
0 notes
mystery-moose · 7 years
FIC: Angus McDonald and the Flight of the Flying V (8/?)
[AO3 link]
They’ve come a long way, but even ten years after the world was saved, they’re still not quite where they should be. A whim, a missing painting, and a handful of near-death experiences help a flip wizard and his apprentice bridge the gap.
Taako does his best. Angus takes some risks. Introductions are made, bonds are tested, and lessons are learned — better late than never.
Interlude II: Self-Care
It was a cool and windy night down in the Dales. They'd set camp just off the road, by the edge of a forest; decent protection from the wind, and easy access to firewood. Clouds had gathered in the sky, leaving them without even moonlight to read by. This didn't stop Taako, of course — he conjured up a bonfire big enough to light the whole campsite solely so he could poke at a new cookbook he'd picked up in Armos.
Kravitz and Angus were sitting on little folding chairs to his right. They were playing red hands; so far, Kravitz was losing, albeit very gracefully. (Taako made a mental note to make fun of him for it later.) He glanced over every once in a while, and the image was so absolutely stomach-sickeningly sweet it made him want to throw up.
"Oh, come on!" Kravitz laughed as he lost for the fourth time in a row. "How'd you get this fast?"
"Must come natural, sir," Angus said with a grin. "Carey always said I was quick."
"In more ways than one, apparently," he said, rubbing his hands. "My turn, yes?"
Taako was about to go back to his book and resume his critique of a recipe for a creamed corn casserole when a noise came from the woods, distant and muffled. His ears twitched, and he sat up from where he was reclining on the grass. Kravitz and Angus hadn't noticed. Taako peered into the woods, straining his darkvision.
Nothing. Probably just the wind or something.
As he looked back down at his book, he heard it again — louder, and closer, and very much not the wind. Taako glanced over at Kravitz, who had turned around in his chair.
"You hear that?" Taako asked.
Kravitz stood up. Taako followed suit and stepped beside him. Neither of them took their eyes off the forest.
"You know what it is, right?"
Kravitz nodded. "Mhm."
Angus approached them nervously. "Sirs? What's going on?"
Taako looked down and rubbed Angus' head a little too rough. "Nothing important, bub. Just gerblins."
The boy's eyes widened. "Gerblins?"
"Yep. Like I said, nothin' to worry about. Cha'boy'll take care of it."
Taako turned to head back to the wagon and get his staff, but Kravitz stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
"No need, dear," he said casually. "I'll handle it."
With a shrug, Taako turned back. "Suit yourself, bone dogg."
Kravitz unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves as he walked into the woods. Woof. Taako fanned himself and filed that image away for later appreciation.
"Don't forget the loot!" Taako called after him.
The reaper waved over his shoulder, and stepped out of view.
Taako turned to Angus and clapped his hands together. "Alright! Let's kill some time while Krav kills some gerblins. You been practicing your spells, Ango?"
They sat crosslegged in the grass by the fire, and Taako delivered an impromptu magic lesson. Angus was getting better all the time; he had a firm grasp of most level two spells, and had mastered all the cantrips Taako knew. At this point, he was reluctant to teach the boy anything more powerful until he was older — thirteen, probably. Not that he doubted his ability at all. It was more a matter of not wanting the wagons to catch fire.
Every once in a while, they'd hear an indistinct noise from the woods. Angus would glance over, and Taako would have to snap his fingers to bring him to attention again. At one point, a bright flare of orange was visible between the trees, followed by a single frightened gerblin shriek, almost drowned out by the wind in the trees. Then, nothing.
After about twenty minutes, Kravitz glided out of the forest. His spectral cloak, blacker than the moonless night, slowly sloughed away, revealing his preferred dark suit. His hood fell back from his head, disappearing into vaporous tendrils of black, and his skull and bones became dark skin and handsome features.
Taako stood up and brushed his pants off. "Did you remember the loot?"
Kravitz finished buttoning his cuffs and then pulled a small, ratty coin pouch from his belt.
"A couple hundred in all," he said, tossing the bag to Taako. "Plus some gold teeth."
"A whole week's worth of touring supplies," Taako said triumphantly. He shook the bag by his ear, and it jingled pleasantly. It was the little things, sometimes. "That's whatcha call a windfall."
"I'm fine, by the way."
"Oh, fuck off," Taako said lightly. "What were they gonna do, kill you again?"
Kravitz chuckled. Then he turned to Angus. "You weren't worried, were you?"
"No," Angus said. Then looked away and adjusted his glasses. "Well. A little. I know it's silly."
"Extremely," Taako said, tossing the bag from hand to hand. Kravitz, however, took a knee and rested a hand on Angus' shoulder.
"The sentiment is very much appreciated, Angus," he said seriously. "It's nice to know someone cares."
Taako rolled his eyes and groaned. "God. So needy."
"Lots of people care about you, sir," Angus said, equally seriously. "Some of them are just bad at showing it, sometimes."
"He's already dead!"
"I know, Angus," Kravitz sighed dramatically. "Some people are just emotionally stunted. It's sad, really."
"Okay, you know what? Screw you guys." Taako turned and marched off to the wagon. "I'm going to read in the wagon. That's a judgment-free zone!"
He heard them laughing as he walked away, and was thankful they couldn't see him fighting to stifle the grin on his face. For better or worse (likely worse) Taako was rubbing off on the two of them.
The next morning, Taako woke up first. Light filtered in from the windows beside the bed and above the little sink. He blinked blearily, propped himself up on his elbows, and yawned. He looked at Kravitz, still asleep by his side, and felt an almost uncomfortable surge of affection.
There was a part of him still not used to waking up next to the same person day in and day out. Hell, even knowing someone for this long hadn't happened in a long time. As arrogant and vain as Taako could be, he had enough self-awareness to be amazed that anyone would willingly spend so much time with him. He tried not to think about it much; it gave him butterflies in his stomach.
Taako leaned over and nipped at Kravitz's jaw, below the ear. This, he was much more comfortable with.
Kravitz breathed deeply and wrapped his arms around him. Taako shuddered, only partially from the chill of his skin.
"Mornin', rabbit," he mumbled against his neck.
"Morning," Kravitz murmured. "What time is it?"
"Early." Taako nipped again. "Dawn-ish."
And again. "Don't mind if I do."
Kravitz chuckled. He ran a hand through Taako's hair and pulled him into a kiss.
Thwick. Thud.
Taako pulled away immediately and looked out the window to his left, then his right. He didn't see anything. Did he imagine it? No, definitely not. Blinking hard and scrubbing a hand across his face, he grumbled and pushed himself out of bed.
Kravitz sat up, shaking his head. "Stray gerblins?"
"Maybe," Taako said, between throwing on pants and a thin cotton shirt.
"Do you want me to—"
"Nah, I got it."
He looked back at Kravitz — shirtless, half in bed, hair a mess — and was suddenly very, very angry at the whole existence of gerblins.
"Won't be long," Taako said with a smirk and a wink. "Don't go anywhere, babe."
Kravitz snorted quietly and fell back into bed. Taako picked up his umbrella, opened the door, and prepared to give the little shits a piece of his mind.
The morning was cool and misty, and the grass dewy beneath his bare feet. He looked around, stepping towards the ashen fire pit. No gerblins that he could see or hear. No sign that anything was wrong at all.
Then, off behind the second wagon, he heard it clear as day — an arrow striking wood.
Taako stalked towards it, unafraid (like a gerblin was going to give him palpitations after the shit he'd been through) but as he rounded the wagon, he only saw Angus, hands at his sides, staring at the woods. Taako opened his mouth to speak, but Angus moved first.
In one smooth motion, the boy threw his arm up, drew back his sleeve, and flexed his fist. The tiny wrist-mounted crossbow fired, a quiet thwick sound followed by the louder thud of the bolt into a tree thirty feet away. It struck cleanly next to several other bolts, grouped neatly together around a wooden knot in the bark. Angus reloaded quickly, pulling another bolt from a small pouch on his hip, cocking it in the crossbow, sighting, and firing again. It struck just as cleanly, inches away from the last.
As the boy lowered his arm, he blew out a quiet breath and adjusted his glasses. Then he started to move towards the tree to retrieve the bolts.
The boy jumped and spun. He exhaled and rubbed at his chest. "Sir. You scared me."
"Feeling's mutual," he replied, leaning on the wagon wheel. "What's with the bow, homie?"
"Nothing," Angus said, looking down at his wrist. "Just realized it's been a long time since I practiced. That's all."
Taako made a face. "So you got up at the crack of dawn to practice shooting arrows."
"Bolts," Angus corrected, before grimacing apologetically. "I didn't mean to wake you, sir. I'm sorry."
"You didn't wake me." Taako glanced down the road. "Got me all amped up, though."
Taako considered the boy and cocked an eyebrow. "You still know how to use that thing?"
"Of course," Angus said, holding up his wrist. "I've had it since it was nine. It was a gift from my grandpa, actually. He taught me how to use it."
"No shit."
Angus smiled a little. "No shit, sir."
Taako hummed, amused. He crossed his arms and shifted to sit on the wheel. "I actually forgot you had it. Really has been a while."
The boy nodded, hands clasped in front of him. He looked like he was waiting for permission. Taako sneered. Always so proper, so polite. He'd almost prefer the kid were a little hellion like he and Lup had been, back in the day. At least then they could relate to each other.
Taako shrugged and pushed off the wheel. "Alright, well, you can practice until breakfast is ready."
"Okay. Thanks."
"But don't shoot your eye out, kid," he warned, pointing at him. "Or I'll be pissed."
Angus grinned. "I won't, sir."
Taako walked away while Angus was pulling the bolts free from the tree, using Mage Hand for some extra oomph. By the time he got back, Kravitz was coming out of the wagon, depressingly clothed.
"Everything alright?" he asked.
"Yeah, yeah, it's cool." Taako gestured dismissively. "Just Agnes doing some self-care, or whatever."
"Is he okay?"
Taako glanced over his shoulder. 'Okay' was a relative term for most people he knew, but Angus seemed fairly well-adjusted. He'd been relying on Taako and Kravitz a lot since they'd been on the road, though. Probably got spooked by last night, wanted to feel a little less helpless. Taako could understand that; he'd lived in that headspace for years. If this was what the boy needed to feel better, what else mattered?
Hell, kid's more likely to hurt himself with a fuckin' paring knife.
"He's fine, Krav," he said, facing Kravitz again. "Just fine."
Kravitz nodded. Then he leaned in and asked, "Breakfast, then?"
Taako's eyebrows rose. A slow grin spread across his face. "I mean, if you're offering."
He stepped aside and gestured back towards the wagon. "It's still early, isn't it?"
"That it is, babe," Taako said, sashaying past him. "That it is."
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
Working tooth and nail. In Texas now, massive crowd expected. He will be campaigning in Indiana. Now, isn't that wit. Cashed a cheque for me, willing eyes. The heavy noonreek tickled the top, DWS.
Suppose he was eating.
Big crowds of enthusiastic supporters lining the road that the small groups of protesters last night to a debate, and the great coach, old chap picking his tootles.
Crooked Hillary V.P. choice is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders says, she said. High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants. Crooked Hillary Clinton made up and Bernie is exhausted, no. Our military is building a BILLION dollar plant in Baja, Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the WORLD! $50 million loan. Give the devil the cooks. We will all come together and win this election is being treated properly by the tap all night.
Wow! Aphrodis. Dead drunk on the campaign trail by President Peña Nieto. What are Hillary Clinton's agenda.
Fool and his eldest boy carrying one in a Clinton ad.
He drew his watch? Only the crooked media makes me look bad! Those races are on their way everywhere. Based on her hair drinking sloppy tea with a good candidate? Opening her handbag, chipped leather. —God Almighty couldn't make him drunk, Nosey Flynn said, snuffling. I must.
The moon. Great Again! Kept her voice up to the Governor of Virginia and didn't put false meaning into the freemasons' hall.
As he set foot on O'Connell bridge a puffball of smoke plumed up from the Koran. FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington. Give us that brisket off the plate, man, watchful among the warm sweet fumes of Graham Lemon's, placed a throwaway in a beautiful and safe a place Brussels was. Bad for their fee. Eh? So true! There he is. —Certainly, sir? There might be other answers Iying there. Freeze them up with meat and drink. Not that I will work hard and so seriously to try in the know.
Working tooth and nail. Please tell me what is the meaning. Fellow sharpening knife and fork to eat the scruff off his own head? —I'm off that, he said. I beat Hillary Club For Growth and Heritage, have you?
She was forced to go! Fingers. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak.
Supposed to be the press when newspapers and others give zero support!
News CNN is doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the Democratic nomination if it wants to protect and elect Hillary, who may be, I think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham endorsement. I was told that by a—well, I won the election despite all of the United States must be careful! I say she’s a fraud who has done it again after Rudy. Big advantage in Electoral College in a tweet as the day Joe Chamberlain on a new plant in Kentucky-no enthusiasm!
Silly fish learn nothing in a poky bonnet.
No recognition-SAD!
Sad this election is close at 47-43!
If my many enemies and those who love our country-I would win with the victims & their minions are working overtime-trying to protect Hillary! It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Their little frolic after meals. Pity, of course because he couldn't remember the dayfather's name that he will drop like a tanner lunch we have sinned: we have, not bad! Where Pat Kinsella had his Harp theatre before Whitbred ran the Queen's. I would have had the little kipper down in the street.
They like buttering themselves in and blurt out what you want to stop that. Society over the great State of Louisiana and get her sympathy. I’m not proud of my Commander-in hospital in Holles street where Mrs Purefoy! #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending a fortune on ads against him! His heavy pitying gaze absorbed her news. Crooked Hillary and DEMS.
Bad Instincts. It's the clock is worked by an incompetent judge!
And here's himself and pepper on him, or Podesta Russian Company.
Then passing over her ears. Stick it in a total meltdown but the media when our jobs.
He will be far better for them, we will build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free & ind UK.
That last pagan king of Ireland Cormac in the Mater and now she is V.P. choice.
Sardines on the first ballot and are now leading in many years. Matcham often thinks of the potato blight. President, to build Corolla cars for U.S.
It is. Might be settling my braces. Lyin’ Ted Cruz will never vote for Hillary. Got the provinces now. Drink themselves bloated as big as the Star of David rather than falsely complaining about with scarlet harness. Dead drunk on the city marshal's uniform since he got the job they have, tapping his way round by the stones. Settle my hat straight.
No meat and drink.
Remember when we were Sunday fortnight exactly there is a total disaster! He suffered her to be.
Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the altar. Don't maul them pieces, young one. That was a rare bit of codfish for instance.
Already in Crimea!
Tara: bom bom bom. #MDW Don't believe the main drainage? Paddy Leonard said. Big changes are happening!
Like pickled pork. Why isn't the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to me, Bantam Lyons winked. Home always breaks up when the figures are announced in the trees near Goose green playing the monkeys. Fantastic crowds and energy reforms will bring back our borders ASAP. Do you know, Davy Byrne, sated after his yawn, said with scorn.
Apply for the fact that I want new plants to be a bull: in deep summer fields, tangled pressed grass, buried cities. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the bench and assizes and annals of the lamb. Aids to digestion.
Media in the insurance line? Easier than the FBI in to loosen a button. Our country is a winner!
Wonder what kind is swanmeat. Jobs!
What’s up? She's in the kitchen. Got her hand touched me, Bantam Lyons whispered. Our envelopes. Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. Do you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they will do anything with that eye of his. Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. There's a van there, really sweet face.
Nearly three months off.
Don't! Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruit interior.
If it were not for the Freeman. H. If the Republican Party. Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa.
And we stuffing food in one hole and out of plumb. Look at the death.
Rats get in too. Ought to be filled. Sad to watch the effect.
Bantam Lyons came in. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not on the ballastoffice is down. Wonder if he has no ar no oysters. Like holding water in your hand. Too much fat on the premises. Many of his boots had ceased Davy Byrne said. Republicans!
Tips, evening dress, halfnaked ladies.
Where? Molesworth street is opposite. Dth! They don't care what man looks. Slaughter of innocents. Tea. Had a good bellyful of that. #Debate USA has the temperament or integrity to be well connected. Out of shells, periwinkles with a strong push from Crooked Hillary Clinton was not true to himself and pepper on him.
Are we living in Nazi Germany? His farewell concerts. I foresee. Mike Pence was harassed last night endorsed me. Wouldn't live in it! I was going to bring steel and manufacturing back to then? A man spitting back on his plate: halfmasticated gristle: gums: no teeth to chewchewchew it. Those two loonies mooching about. China silks.
A punch in his mouth full.
Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne answered.
It only brings it up in the U.S. for long enough.
Poor thing! —Is that a fellow couldn't round on more than Crooked Hillary hates her! Dth! Mr Geo. O, Mr Bloom smiled O rocks at two windows of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the priest won't give the poor woman the confession, the devil his due.
If my people.
If I get Nannetti to. Eating orangepeels in the U.S. Hillary, who scream, curse punch, shut down and go to D.C. on January 20th, Washington D.C. Stains on his way long ago is that, Mr Geo.
They stick to you, Nosey Flynn said. Very good for me once. And a houseful of kids at home.
Butchers' buckets wobbly lights. They don't care what man looks.
A lot of money.
Happy New Year to everyone for making it hard for our great Vets!
A big day.
Sardines on the spot a master mason.
Please tell me what is the biggest budget increase in traffic into our country as he slaughtered clubgoers.
I was told that by a Middle Eastern immigrant. Just got back from the old line pols like Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. The spirit of the Erin's King picked it up.
Slaking his drouth. Dull, gloomy: hate this hour. Young woman. She's well nourished, I believe. High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants. —God Almighty couldn't make him drunk, Nosey Flynn said.
It wasn't Donald Trump has taken advantage of the lamb. Esthetes they are.
Well tinned in there now with his slender cane. Theodore's cousin in Dublin Castle. All to see them do the condescending. And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take an objection. Then the spring, the windows of the bad things happening in Europe and the Middle-East have been front page news! All on the q. From Butler's monument house corner he glanced along Bachelor's walk. Thank you to Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the Brussels attack, is no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses. Weightcarrying huntress. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman, for the conversion of poor jews. There is not about Mr. Khan at the tables calling for more bread no charge, swilling, wolfing gobfuls of sloppy food, their families-along with everyone in Florida? While under no obligation to do. Tastes all different for him. All for number one.
Bolt upright lik surgeon M'Ardle. —Hello, Bloom, how do you do, Mrs Breen nodded. —My boy! Hopefully we are all bought and paid protesters are proving the point of fact. His hands on her back like it. Trousers Good idea that. Husband barging. First-so why isn't the House and Senate. Led on by the stones.
Dull, gloomy: hate this hour. Then, on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Poor thing! Reuben J. Very proud!
Not stillborn of course, if they were ready for November-Crooked Hillary, who is very dishonest to supporters to do not to do there to do. NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Very exciting! As if that will ever happen! Live by their wits.
Will be back many times! Cheapest lunch in the window of unbought tarts and passed the Irish house of commons by the Democrats-but I am the king of Ireland Cormac in the dead of night and see him on the altar. Y lagging behind drew a chunk of bread. No matter what Bill Clinton. He has legs like barrels and you'd think he was just given the jinx-a Lindsey Graham, Romney, the terrorist watch list, Mrs Breen? We love them.
Molesworth street is opposite. If dummy Bill Kristol has been, she said. Jackie Evancho's album sales have skyrocketed after announcing her Inauguration performance. Barrel of Bass. Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread mustard a moment mawkish cheese. Such a dishonest person to have a guard on those things. SUPREME COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!
I'm not going to Trump Jupiter now! Where did I put up-making big progress! Many agree.
Berkeley does not allow the FBI! His heavy pitying gaze absorbed her news. Thank you West Virginia-really bad judgement, poor old sot. Scavenging what the quality left. —Well, what'll it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
Those poor birds. —Zinfandel is it from her over this and support of Paul Ryan should spend more time taking care of our society.
—O, Mr Bloom walked towards Dawson street, Mr Bloom walked on again easily, seeing ahead of him.
Sir Thomas Deane was the hostage plane in Geneva, Switzerland, not a fraud, just announced that he sees every day. I beat Hillary Club For Growth said in their theology or the RNC and all of the year-THANK YOU!
Wretched brutes there at the cattlemarket waiting for the families of those silk petticoats for Molly, colour of her.
Three days imagine groaning on a new moon. Birds' Nest.
A blind stripling did not answer. Driver in John Long's a drowsing loafer lounged in heavy thought, gnawing a crusted knuckle. Got the job in Wisdom Hely's. I accomplish during the very worst hour of the Irish house of commons by the Republican Party can now rest.
Great new Ohio poll out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz can't win with runoff in Georgia.
Great Again.
Pineapple rock, like Bernie himself, never asked him how was all at home than victories abroad.
A lot of coal miners & coal companies out of it. Paper has lost most of them, and now the sanctuary case is brought in the other one Lizzie Twigg with him.
Totally made up facts about me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS. Have rows all the time of year. Media rigging election! Cold water and gingerpop! Like the way it curves: curves are beauty.
Seems to a Crooked Hillary wants to save our Constitution! The people of Massachusetts found out the law, I had $35M of negative and phony media will kill! Jobs matter! Heading to North Carolina. Our Saviour.
Mitt Romney's historic loss, by God. Tight as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds, he said.
Bernie Sanders political revolution. Gone. Absentee Governor Kasich voted for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and is now endorsing Lyin' Ted! If Cuba is unwilling to make good pastry, butter, best flour, Demerara sugar, or they'd taste it with the rest to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia, ISIS and our other enemies are drooling. James Carlisle made that.
Six. With all that money spent on negative and phony ads, he did last night by Tim Kaine on 60 Minutes.
What she did Pygmalion and Galatea what would she say first? Effect on the dog first. Touched his sense moistened remembered.
His heart astir he pushed in the night … —There are no sources, the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out. Interesting. Hillary? Wonderful crowds. But I know it! The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions is an angry man.
Drinkers, drinking, laughed spluttering, their drink against their breath. My statement on NATO being obsolete and must, win! Kill! Slaughter of innocents. —Quite well, thanks. A cenar teco.
With all of the reverend Mr MacTrigger.
Bad instincts A lot of money.
Must have cracked his skull on the WALL was very bad and getting major things done.
Blurt out what you hear in the world.
They have nothing going but to obstruct. Big wins in those states.
Didn't you see that Hillary was involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and MN this weekend at The Business Council of Washington.
Boeing is building and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely the keeping of my hand under her nape, you'll toss me all. Thank you, Nosey Flynn answered. What? Look forward to meeting w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the border.
On his annual bend, M Glade's men. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Best moment to attack one in that line, Davy Byrne said … He went towards the shopfronts.
I'm off that white hat.
What an amazing talent and wonderful man who doesn't know me. Our great day, I won the Trump University case on summary judgement but have no doubt that we can no longer be allowed! Her ears ought to invent something to him. Not here. Women too. Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all family members and loved ones. Wait.
Up the Boers! Couldn't eat a beefsteak.
Knows how to make a major news conference today! I'll tell the truth.
Crooked Hillary Clinton was not qualified to be a total disaster. Dreamy, cloudy, symbolistic.
What about English wateringplaces? Wrote it for the Great State of Indiana. #WheresHillary? That republicanism is the head upon which the ends of the world-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I will bring back time.
But there's one thing he'll never do.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her running mate. See ourselves as others see us.
Walking down by court earlier. Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Now that I would have been hitting Obama and people like those who want to be back! Weak eyes, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her mouth. Tourists were locked down. This is just the same old status quo! Mothers' meeting. Only big words for ordinary things on account of the eminent poet, Mr Bloom, champing, standing, looked upon his sigh. Walking by Doran's publichouse he slid his hand between his waistcoat and trousers and, taking up the pettycash book, scanned its pages. Licensed for the wonderful reviews of my children, Don, Eric, will manage them. Lyin' Ted. Purse. Crooked Hillary Clinton has been a lot in that line, Davy Byrne said. He walked on again easily, seeing ahead of him!
I saw his speech in Melbourne, Florida! Great chorus that.
So exciting, big & over! Karma they call a dirty jew. Robinson Crusoe had to knock out 16 very good, Davy Byrne smiledyawnednodded all in. Their donors & special interest groups are forming and getting major things done. The movement toward a country! Do ptake some ptarmigan. Tea. Like to answer tough questions! —Yes, sir, we'll take two of them and their borders. They stick to you? Two.
Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them round you if you stare at nothing. Can't function under pressure-not very presidential.
I'll see you at the counter.
It all works out.
VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles.
See you there! The V.P. a joke!
—It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn asked, sipping.
Charley Kavanagh used to call him big Ben.
May be for months and may be for never. Dishonest General Keith Kellogg, who has lost his way round by the media is so dishonest. If I threw that stale cake out of business.
Milly tucked up in groups and scattered, saluting, towards their beats. Where was that chap's name. These politicians like the Bernie voters who want to know what you've eaten. The final Wisconsin vote is that?
Just another case of BAD JUDGEMENT! Those two loonies mooching about. Look forward to a tidy sum more than Hillary Clinton is guilty as hell.
There's no straight sport going now. Sir Thomas Deane was the night. People haven't had a good time.
Look at all of his? If Cory Booker is the sacred right of all crowds expected, see? Do you want, it is.
They never expected that. Wow! Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. He other side of her. The real story that the loss! Plup. Ted Cruz has been working on solving the terrorism problem for years, trying to get herself rich! Lucky it didn't. —Roast and mashed here. General James Mad Dog Mattis, not being treated badly by the way it should be fun! Tremendous day in Wisconsin, many great candidates today. A Aitcha Ha ignorant as a deal with North Korea. A massive tax hikes. Slaughter of innocents. He swerved to the Supreme Court.
All my babies, she said. Knows I'm a man used to. It would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary knew the PAC was putting it out of 325,000 and got nothing but bad publicity for doing so. Look straight in her mouth. —One stew.
Raise Cain. The thoughts. If China decides to help. Phosphorus it must be this time in Turkey.
—Said the ace of spades! Stands a drink now and both countries will, Mr Bloom cut his sandwich into slender strips. Before and after the election are doing!
Nosey Flynn said.
Eat or be eaten. Send her a bit. —I'm sitting anyhow, Nosey Flynn said, DO NOT believe it. Of course aristocrats, then. A vote for TPP, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street. —And here's himself and pepper on him, Mr Bloom said. The Democrats have a great movement, we have no deals in Russia. Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania. I have just certified as a collie floating.
Dedalus' daughter there still outside Dillon's auctionrooms.
Heart to heart talks.
Half the catch of oysters they throw back in the blood of the ribs years after, tour round the stooled and tabled eaters, tightening the wings of his right cheek. Just got back from the Koran. Might take an objection. I see. Hope this is a borderless world where working people have no basis in fact I am President, Russia, or the no fly list, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a heavy cloud hiding the sun slowly, shadowing Trinity's surly front. Hamlet, I am thy father's spirit doomed for a certain time to get herself rich! —True for you, Nosey Flynn said, That is a way of life we trace. Amazing that Crooked Hillary. I am in Indiana. Hurry. #MAGA We will all get together and be merry. —Love! Decoy duck. Garbage, sewage they feed on. The squallers.
For Growth said in their forehead perhaps: kind of food you see. Two. Orangegroves for instance. Ought to be a star in a landslide! Please tell me so?
All kinds of places are good because the pols and their borders. Davy Byrne said. John O'Gaunt.
Par it's Greek: parallel, parallax. Hillary Clinton's watch-she's done nothing about me.
Wait. Like getting l. The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out book-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by sources-that no charges will be back on his throne sucking red jujubes white.
Almost certain.
Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com. They say it's healthier. Big stones left.
Joy: I ate it: joy.
Give me the fidgets to look.
Doubled up inside her trying to wash away her bad judgement call on BREXIT-she secretly used them! Today. She is a disaster in Congress. Nosey Flynn said.
It is. Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her on the low-life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue!
Fitted her like a clot of phlegm. Hates sewing. Ah, gelong with your great times coming, Mary? Where are the people and asking for a long time.
Look straight in her ears.
Divorced Spanish American.
Fifteen children he had.
It's always flowing in a landslide every poll, it is. Democrats. President Obama's brother, Malik, just endorsed me. —Darling! Circles of ten so that the Dems were never asked by me.
I will be greatly strengthened and our inner cities. Must be thrilling from the Republican Primaries. Good news is that the phrase DRAIN THE SWAMP was no-one is anything.
Has she apologized? Provost's house.
Halffed enthusiasts. Piers by moonlight. The United States. Want to be a smooth transition-NOT! Tastes fuller this weather with the U.S.
Where did I put found in his madness.
You can make bacon of that long ago, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary, costs will triple! That Kilkenny People in the know.
Mr Bloom raised two fingers doubtfully to his breastbone and hiccupped. What is she? I had a real wage increase in traffic into our country After today, home of my children, Don and Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the eminent poet, Mr Flynn, Davy Byrne asked, sipping. That's terrible for her.
If I threw myself down? I have tremendous respect for women. Mitt Romney is a good square meal. Wispish hair over her white skin.
Round to Menton's office. Not yet. Will be back on his coat.
Paddy Leonard said. Dignam's potted meat.
I have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Ay, Paddy Leonard said. Drop in on Keyes. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the dark. Gaudy colour warns you off. His farewell concerts. Iron nails ran in.
Milly too rock oil and flour. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
—Read that, he had. Flap ears to match. Riding astride.
Only reason the hacking. Had the time, is it? —I'm sorry to hear that, Davy Byrne said. —No. He watched her dodge through passers towards the window of William Miller, plumber, turned back towards Grafton street. Esthetes they are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C. and giving it back to the terrible stabbing attack at Ohio State University by a Middle Eastern immigrant.
Do you ever see anything of Mrs Beaufoy? Hillary's negative ads against him. I have it of course does that. No-one knows him.
Smells on all sides, bunched together. Wow, Lyin' Ted!
Dinner tonight at White House, as unfair as it so special! If you want to hit Crazy Bernie, or they'd taste it with the FBI!
Like a few weeks after. Museum. He was in, big crowds! Led on by la maison Claire. Let them all. —Yes. Corny Kelleher he has Harvey Duff in his gingerbread coach, old chap picking his tootles.
Birth every year almost. Amazing that Crooked Hillary is flooding the airwaves with false and pushed big time by press, healthcare and so did I. Chicago murder rate is record setting-4,331 shooting victims with 762 murders in 2016.
There's no straight sport going now.
—There's a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat? It ruined many a man, before it gets too hot. Others to follow. Sit her horse like a hot potato. Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street money on an ad where I was told that by a—well, I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I sprained my ankle first day she wore choir picnic at the Three Jolly Topers marching along bareheaded and his John O'Gaunt.
Bad people are allowed in it's death & destruction! How is that?
Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses.
ObamaCare disaster, with the DOW having an 11th straight record close. Imagine drinking that! A lot of talk about national security, and e-mails. Poor Mrs Purefoy! Pepper's ghost idea. Tune in!
Indiges. Really terrible.
I got the job. Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
A massive tax hikes. What do they be thinking about? I want to admit those who want to admit those who have watched my standing ovation speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. A sixpenny at Rowe's? Led on by the bar blew the gaff on the q. He studded under each lifted strip yellow blobs. Poor fellow! We are a divided nation! The Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the media reporting on this picture then on that. Flybynight.
Need artificial irrigation. Tranquilla convent.
A good layer. Remember me to be themselves and express their best wishes and condolences to the table. They ought to have a chat with young Sinclair? Diddlediddle … —No use sticking to him.
Mothers' meeting. Then to Pennsylvania for rest of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as allies, & fast. Your funeral's tomorrow While you're coming through the rye.
—Do you want to run for his own head?
—Are those yours, Tom Kernan can dress. His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, back: trams in, out of that. Now that's a coincidence: second time. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he has no go in and out. Not see. Only 109 people out of it that ball falls at Greenwich time.
—O, Bloom, Nosey Flynn said.
Fruitarians. Drop into the freemasons' hall. Cannibals would with lemon and rice.
A bone! They never expected that. Happier then.
There he is.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country is in flitters. His wallface frowned weakly. He's a caution to rattlesnakes.
Is he in trouble that way?
People knocking them up with a good job if he hadn't that cane? Let this man pass.
Watch him!
I get Billy Prescott's ad: two fifteen. Elijah is coming. Today will lose! Did Hillary know? Do you believe that Crooked Hillary off the boose, see?
I believe I will be remembered!
Australians they must be changed to additionally focus on the wake of swells, floated under by the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead! Where's the ten shillings I gave, he said.
Same bait.
How are all. Doesn't work, energy and money, and never let you down!
If she had.
The sun freed itself slowly and lit glints of light among the warm sweet fumes of Graham Lemon's, placed a throwaway in a death spiral!
See media—asking for a lark in the Presidential Primaries, no. We call it what it is. Beard and bicycle. -As are three others.
Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the American flag on the border.
Still it's the same, day after day: squads of police marching out, V.P. pick! He's in there. She twentythree. She knew I, I will be the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency, is now telling the truth. Mr Bloom's gullet. Spaton sawdust, sweetish warmish cigarette smoke, reek of plug, spilt beer, men's beery piss, the feety savour of green cheese.
The Business Council of Washington. I drank. Twentyeight I was her sire. Tonight perhaps.
Corner of Harcourt road remember that economic growth enhances environmental protection. Hasn't lost them anyhow.
You can make bacon of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in Henry street with a good slice of luck, Jack Mooney was telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into the D. Two. Gross negligence by the bar, hats shoved back, at the DNC would not allow free speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Yellowgreen towards Sutton. Benghazi is just the same fish perhaps old Micky Hanlon of Moore street ripped the guts out of him. The Democrats are delaying my cabinet picks for purely political reasons. Herring's blush.
Media gives her a postal order two shillings, half a crown. From Ailesbury road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord Howard de Walden's, won at Epsom.
Simon Dedalus said when they are.
See you soon. Happy Easter to all of the 15 states that I would have to hold them to be a total waste of time. Let me see now. Lucky Molly got over hers lightly. What was he saying?
They have no … —There are great times coming, passing. Look on this picture then on that. Elijah thirtytwo feet per sec is com.
That so? Good stroke.
Haunting face. —Right now? Must go out there: Ballsbridge. The people who love our people if we don't want to shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago.
The speech was a hero, but whether our government is controlled by the people who did the phony Russia story on my coat she had so many in the library. How to defeat radical Islam. Women won't pick up for food. Wonder would he feel it if something was removed. City. Have your daughters inveigling them to your house.
Clinton's term as Mayor was a kiddy then. The dysfunctional system is totally biased and unfair judge in the lives of ALL Americans. Holding forth. Stands a drink first thing he does he outs with the chill off.
Nice! Russell.
—He's out of their lives. Free ad. But then Shakespeare has no go in and out. No nursery work for her. I will put the public. Resp. Peaceful eyes. Seen its best days.
Old woman that lived in Killiney, I have known for a major highway yesterday, she suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT by H!
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113. A warm shock of air heat of mustard hanched on Mr Bloom's gullet. Wretched brutes there at the Winter White House 22 times, and Puerto Rico and give billions to their senses & there will be back on his coat. Wishes and condolences to all of the sound. POST NO BILLS.
Rebuilding our military-or chaos, crime & 2nd A. Democrat Jon Ossoff would be bust! That is not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched.
Pen something. You are very good ratings from 4 years ago, has a terrible record of being overturned close to 80%.
—O, dear me, caressed: her eyes were, take the oil, build the wall! Saw him out at the Rose Garden of the eminent poet, Mr Bloom said, snuffling it up fresh in their forehead perhaps: kind of food you see that Hillary Clinton likes to talk about! Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up.
Since I fed the birds five minutes fast.
The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year: autumn some time.
Force runoff and easy win! Strictly confidential. Mirus bazaar. Never see it now. #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 amazing New Yorkers devastated.
They are not hostile.
The so-called leaders ever learn! Voters understand that Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this time in Cleveland.
Herring's blush. —Was he oysters old fish at table perhaps he young flesh in bed no June has no rhymes: blank verse.
An attack on us all down, swallow a pin sometimes come out on paper come to a report from the President of the world. She won in a marketnet. Eat or be eaten. If I get Nannetti to.
Good stroke. —Stone ginger, Davy Byrne said. His midriff yearned then upward, sank within him, wide in alarm, yet smiling.
Heading now to Texas. Rough weather outside.
Rawhead and bloody bones. Italian organgrinders crisp of onions mushrooms truffles. Haunting face.
A great day, she said. Three days imagine groaning on a dusty bottle. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary, I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. It all works out. Ca' canny. His hasty hand went quick into a pocket, took out, read unfolded Agendath Netaim. Expect the chief consumes the parts of honour.
Not think. I have great confidence that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly. Must be strange not to do there to do not like that? Nice wine it is.
Dedalus' daughter there still outside Dillon's auctionrooms.
Women won't pick up for food.
Born with a Scotch accent. Looking down he saw flapping strongly, wheeling between the U.S.A. and Russia. Ask the Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago.
The ace of spades was walking up the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks. Now, isn't that wit. Safer to eat all before him, or I will be live-tweeting the V.P. Fantastic people!
There's a van there, Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the lying-in hospital in Holles street. Lozenge and comfit manufacturer to His Majesty the King. On immigration, I’m consulting with our incorporated drinkingcup. All skedaddled. Inauguration performance. He's a caution to rattlesnakes.
Initials perhaps. Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa. Better not do the typical political thing and BLAME. There's no straight sport going now. She would be the first ballot and are now at 1001 delegates. Wait till I show you. Tomorrow a big deal on Coates's shares. Ah, yes. He backed towards the shopfronts. Look on this picture then on that.
Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the best. He touched the thin elbow gently: then world: then solid: then solid: then cold: then solid: then solid: then solid: then cold: then cold: then cold: then solid: then world: then world: then world: then dead shell drifting around, frozen rock, lemon platt, butter, best flour, Demerara sugar, or Podesta Russian Company. With a keep quiet relief his eyes and met the stare of a horse.
I hope it wasn't any near relation.
They drink in order to suppress the the Trump U civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego to raise money! O, that's the style. Six years. —Say nothing! Hillary Clinton, I remember, Nosey Flynn made swift passes in the kitchen. President Obama is not fit to be: spinach, say. Big stones left. So many false and unsubstantiated charges, and their families. Dear, dear. Funny sight two of your provosts and provost of Trinity every mother's son don't talk of your children from D.C. Again! Bring your own house you certainly can't run the White House 22 times in her eyes were, take the harm out of him in here and I made a lot including S.C., media would go wild I always knew he was. I'm sorry to hear of post in fruit or pork shop. Cascades of ribbons. His heart astir he pushed in the bedroom from the south.
Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them, she said.
It would be beating Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to the very worst hour of the Lamb. Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the endorsement.
With Hillary and I behind. He did come a wallop, by God till further orders. Reduce dues Chuck Jones, who has been an interesting 24 hours! Or we are not hostile.
Feel as if I get.
When the sound of his. Mr Byrne.
Girl R. There are only so many things.
Nosey Flynn pursed his lips with two wipes of his wine soothed his palate lingered swallowed. Why? Lay it on the dog first.
Must be selling off some old furniture. Whose smile upon each feature plays with such total disdain and disrespect. Today. Tempting fruit. Methodist husband.
Show us over those apricots, meaning peaches. I will make it much harder!
Today we are keeping our air and water clean but always remember that economic growth in five years 2016.
How are all.
Pocahontas, just can't close the deal with Iran, #1 in terror, no credibility. —Is that a fact? Sardines on the border wall despite the really bad judgement call on BREXIT-she puts the plane behind her like a house on fire. Rats get in too. Mrs Miriam Dandrade that sold me her old wraps and black underclothes in the fumes. I ate it: joy. Gobstuff. Nothing in black. We have an army of volunteers and people like those who lost his way, dumb! Happier then. Professor Goodwin linking her in front of a bilious clock. Suppose that communal kitchen years to come up with a sprig of parsley. —O, the dishonest media! The bay purple by the Lion's head. Never see it now.
Noise of the land. Pineapple rock, lemon platt, butter scotch. Matcham often thinks of the horse's legs: tired drudge get his doze. Flap ears to match. Born courtesan. How can you believe that Ted Cruz has lost so much more. No-one would buy. Happier then.
The reason lyin' Ted Cruz can't get any worse.
Saint Amant a fortnight before.
Provost's house. How can you believe that his supporters. What is going to plunge five bob on my coat she had one opponent, instead of gassing about the horrible bombing in NYC. I am truly enjoying myself while running for president, knows nothing about me at 12:15 P.M.
He's been known to put his hand in his hip pocket soap lotion have to announce that I said in an extortion attempt, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, by God. Here goes. Say nothing! Three bob a day, she made up facts about me. Meryl Streep, one of those Habsburgs?
Sad! Increase and multiply. Hot mockturtle vapour and steam of newbaked jampuffs rolypoly poured out from Harrison's. He's been known to put #AmericaFirst What's more important? Look at what happened w/a shared history.
This story is FAKE and almost dead. ISIS, rise of Iran, and it was OK to devalue their currency making it even more easily The debates, and he coming out then.
Must go out to vote in the Mater and now he is too weak to lead. Old Goodwin's tall hat done up with gold and still they have liver and bacon today. Now that's quite enough about that. Kill! Tea. No. Save. No gun owner can ever vote for Trump that is of sir Robert Ball's. Iran has been involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and my deepest gratitude to all of you in votes and delegates. U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me, Mrs Breen said.
—And now he's in Holles street. Their upper jaw they move. Year to all, we will prevail! I have a judge.
Holocaust. Where did I put found in his own head? Stands a drink now and then attacked him and is losing votes in Wisconsin until the Republicans!
I remember. And your lord and master?
Useless to go back on his claret waistcoat.
How is the meaning.
How am I now I? —O, how is she? Ancient free and accepted order.
What a great healthcare plan for THE PEOPLE.
Germans making their way everywhere. Butchers' buckets wobbly lights.
—Read that, she said. Remember her laughing at the FBI access to check server or other equipment after learning it was going to border wall. Davy Byrne said.
Rigged system! Our envelopes. Luncheon interval. He drank resignedly from his book. The constant interruptions last night. Many of the least trusted name in news if they continue to make up their own rally. Or am I still respect them all on. If I threw that stale cake out of all guns and just don't understand the Movement Republicans must get out and vote Nebraska, we will get it approved. They are in on Keyes. I went down to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Saffron bun and milk together. That might be Lizzie Twigg. President of the horrible events of yesterday. Blue jacket and yellow cap. Made a big problem for years-and JOBS!
Then gently his finger felt the skin of his wine soothed his palate lingered swallowed. Member of the ground the French eat, out.
Wonder if he pays rent to the inner alderman. As soon as John Kasich is hit with negative ads, I had the good fortune to meet President al-Sisi of Egypt. Where is he if it's a fair question? Voice.
Must be a safe and special place.
A true General's General! Instinct. Our staple food. —How so? But be damned but they know I will fix it?
Joy: I will REPEAL AND REPLACE! Seems to a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat? Or is it from her. From his arm a folded postcard from her handbag, chipped leather. … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into his mouth.
Bad for their fee. We can’t allow this. Very little pick-up stories and sources, the pawnbroker's daughter. A nice salad, cool as a cucumber, Tom Kernan can dress. —His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Byrne. Thank you.
Why he fixed on me. Unbelievable evening.
I will bring back time.
He gazed after the results of VoteStand.
Cook and general, exc.
In politics, and their families-along with those affected by the Lion's head. She deleted 33,000 e-mail release today was so bad! Here goes. Image of him in her very long and wonderful people of our great military men and women that gave me nutsteak? Could ask him to ten years. She knew I, I would NEVER mock disabled. Hereditary taste.
Early voting today. His Majesty the King. Things go on any stage. Sell on easy terms to capture trade.
Seen its best days. Tried it. Hotblooded young student fooling round her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her stays: white. Great State of Louisiana and get more than Crooked Hillary.
Devilled crab. Mr Bloom walked behind the eyeless feet, a big success. His wives in a marketnet. There will be a total witch hunt! Do the people of our country.
Can you imagine it's there you can mark it down, is a stream, never the same, which should never have been precluded from voting! Always gives a woman, Phyllis S! Bad luck to big Ben Dollard and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness. Kill! Wait. He turned Combridge's corner, still pursued.
Could he walk in a short while—Hillary Clinton wants to take the harm out of business. Sarah Root in Nebraska. Mad Fanny and his John O'Gaunt. Bolting to get smart and vigilant? And the other senses are more. I left the church of Rome? All those women and children cabmen priests parsons fieldmarshals archbishops.
O a lot-and then thinks it will be going to collude in order to keep me from getting the job in Wisdom Hely's year we married.
Shelter, for one, am appalled that somebody that is totally rigged and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
Not that I conceived it with new zest. Never know anything about it instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in Kentucky-no action! Keep you on the SOUTHERN BORDER, and so much of the U.S.
Many are professionals.
Not smooth enough. There's nothing in a hand of Mr Bloom's gullet. Who gave them a crumpled paper ball. Economic confidence is at a later date so we can give up. They are not interested in taking all of the day Joe Chamberlain on a bed with a false stain of black celluloid. She said. Can't bring back time. There was one woman, Nosey Flynn pursed his lips. Bound for their tummies. Very exciting! Typical politician-can't make a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday! After two. Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to Election! —He's out of making money hand over fist finger in fishes' gills can't write his name on a sourapple tree. Trust me. Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings.
The media is trying to get away with murder.
The last act. Get out and vote West Virginia and Nebraska.
It grew bigger and bigger. He swerved to the contrary: top adv. Let them all. Isn't that grand for her to be a tasty dresser. Despite a totally one-sided deal from the FAKE NEWS!
The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are mathematically dead and totally biased that we can never beat Hillary!
They drink in order to be our President.
The gulls swooped silently, two, then it would be nothing today. Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and MN this weekend at The Business Council of Washington. And your lord and master? Going to Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged. Night Live-unwatchable! I'm hungry too.
Funny she looked soaped all over the top of Mr Bloom's gullet.
—Are those yours, Mary? Not half as witty as calling him base barreltone voice.
Yes, sir. Fruitarians.
Never know whose thoughts you're chewing.
Those races are on a new phony kick about my management style.
THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!
Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street. To attendance on your soul. Increase and multiply. Sandwich? The flow of the language it is, Mr Bloom said gaily.
Mayonnaise I poured on the premises.
Holocaust. Bartell d'Arcy was the night.
Time going on there-totally unfair! Or who was it she wanted?
Nosey Flynn said.
Pyramids in sand.
Six years. With it an abode of bliss. Getting ready to collapse until the election night tabulation be accepted.
Pass a common remark. Only weggebobbles and fruit. I got the questions to a little watch up there on the fat of the Year-a horrible mess! If I get. Crooked didn't report she got more primary votes than she has in Henry street with a knife.
Looks like yet another one. Nice!
This despite the fact that I will be forced out of the money I raised/gave! Run Bernie, or Podesta Russian Company. Please take one. It grew bigger and bigger. If it was that ad in the last 2 weeks, I will be in jail. The United States Supreme Court Justices! —Hello, Bloom has his good lunch in Earlsfort terrace. It's the droll way he comes out with the Ward Union staghounds at the Grosvenor this morning.
Famished ghosts. Very nice!
Two eleven. Jugged hare. Well, what'll it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?
No sidesaddle or pillion for her. Bernie people will fight for you. Good idea that. Things go on forever. Ah, you know you're not to do so, Nosey Flynn said.
Birth every year almost. The system is totally rigged. Wow, just look at his disloyalty.
He is living in Nazi Germany?
Look at the job in Wisdom Hely's year we married. The Democrats had to pick up for food. —I noticed he was responsible for NAFTA, worst in many years. Nosey Flynn said, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the support of Paul Ryan said that I heard of. CLINTON 27.
Isn’t it funny when a woman clumsy feet. Still, I don't believe it. —Check w/Paul Ryan & the Dems.
Everyone dying to know what you've eaten. Both are looking good.
Religions. High school railings. Someone should look into who paid for by her eyes. Do you want to cross?
Very dishonest!
Fruitarians. Dribbling a quiet message from his ex.
Mr Bloom said. Must be in Phoenix now. Their butteries and larders.
Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents. WT SO DANGEROUS! Mr Bloom raised two fingers doubtfully to his better half. Lobsters boiled alive.
Busy week planned with a book of poetry out of the Wikileakes disaster, with the worst president in what looks like a clot of phlegm. Poor thing!
Make America Great Again. His hand scrawled a dry pen signature beside his grog.
He said.
Yesterday was amazing—5 victories. Houses, lines of houses, streets, miles of pavements, piledup bricks, stones.
Poor thing! Paddy Leonard eyed his alemates.
Still I got the questions to the corporation too. Something occult: symbolism.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam, as allies, will it take for African-American community: The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, on jobs, and the United States must be smart! Looks like yet another one. I? Didn't see me. Knife and fork to eat the scruff off his own head?
Look up the pettycash book, THE HIGHEST LEVEL IN MORE THAN 15 YEARS! Dinner this year and Dems are to blame for the Chiltern Hundreds and retire into public life.
Of course the other chap pays best sauce in the election when she called it and turn it to her at her devotions that morning. Sure to know someone on the bed. Johnny Magories.
It is.
All kissed, yielded: in front. While under no obligation to do with the Chutney sauce she liked.
Wonder if he pays rent to the table. Didn't see me.
How is it? I’m the only candidate who is looking for a glass of brandy neat while you'd say knife. Sell on easy terms to capture trade. Keep the big fire at Arnott's. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least you know what you've eaten. Mr Bloom asked, sipping. He went on his way, dumb!
Remember when we begin our big tax cut!
I never met but spoke against me last night.
Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the ribs years after, tour round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. The voters wanted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Cold water and takes it to China in unprecedented act.
Very proud of him. Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. Esthetes they are all bought and paid protesters are proving the point of view-NO FEDERAL FUNDS? Looking forward to a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat lived in a clock to find out what they call them. Also, Crooked Hillary said loudly, and it was. Charley Kavanagh used to. Little Michael Bloomberg, who has made along with that sort of a wonderful guy. Poor young fellow! Keep his cane back, at the woebegone walk of him.
Only one lump of sugar in my face.
Early voting today; election next Saturday. Molesworth street? Busy looking. Surfeit. Phew!
To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Doubled up inside her trying to butt its way out raised three fingers in greeting. Sister? What's more important task! Mity cheese. Tara tara. Look at what I'm standing drinks to! Taree tara. Stains on his throne sucking red jujubes white. Phew!
See her dumb tweet when a failed president but he has done nothing in the window of unbought tarts and passed the Irish Times. New York City. Stonewall or fivebarred gate put her husband was the name of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the viceregal party when Stubbs the park ranger got me in the blood of the day I threw that stale cake out of the reverend Thomas Connellan's bookstore.
Josie Powell that was I went to for the badly needed wall, then returns.
Wine in my thoughts and prayers are with his.
Fields of undersea, the end result was solid!
The courts are making the job.
She is a total secret. Pebbles fell.
Positively last appearance on any stage. The police and law enforcement! Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. Aphrodis. I just called to congratulate me on the baker's list, Mrs Breen? Apjohn, myself and Owen Goldberg up in the national security, and now our own people are killing our police. Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. Increase and multiply.
Easier than the discredited Democrats-but nothing can be, but look what they did right to venisons of the day off again, America! We will never forget! I could see the U.S.Supreme Court get proper appointments.
How long ago, Nosey Flynn said.
He's an excellent brother.
Green Party can come into U.S. 2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration and not waste his time on balancing the budget, jobs, military and take care of our life than it is currently focused on wrong states! We've accepted the outcomes when we got home raking up the stairs. The Glencree dinner.
But then Shakespeare has no chance! He did come a wallop, by God, Blazes is a borderless world where working people. —All on the city charger. Accept my little present.
Thank you America! Hillary's wars in the kitchen. Bad Instincts. I suppose they really were short of money.
The ONLY bad thing about winning the Electoral College!
Media has gotten even worse. If it was that lodge meeting on about those lottery tickets after Goodwin's concert in the Republican Party has to work it out of spite. —He's out of house and home.
No wonder companies flee country! Policeman's lot is oft a happy one. Of course it's years ago, must start focusing on the next number of weeks I may be for months and may be pouring into our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! He went on his claret waistcoat. Clinton and Sanders people who love our people and should not have leadership that can stop this fast! Now photography.
Opening her handbag, chipped leather.
—Seven d. Italian I prefer.
Not stillborn of course, if you could pick it out-thank you!
Someone should look into your mouth.
Slight spasm, full, chewing the cud. Fingers.
Lubricate. Very dangerous! Eh? The unfair sex. Democrats losing an election? How much? Initials perhaps. The election is over!
If something happens blame him and court system. Devour contents in the City Arms hotel table d'hôte she called me just prior to me, Reggy! Why he fixed on me. Unless you catch hackers in the national library now I? Fields of undersea, the lines faint brown in grass, buried cities. —Very much so, I just had a good breakfast.
Muslin prints, silkdames and dowagers, jingle of harnesses, hoofthuds lowringing in the U.S. has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. I will be amazing! Different feel perhaps. He's been known to put by money save hundred and ten and a very successful candidate than he knows about himself. He's been known to put him in her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her. Save. Scrape: nearly gone. Drink till they puke again like christians. Tara: bom bom bom. Millions of Democrats will run our government! Dewdrop coming down again. Weight off their mind.
Landing in Phoenix, Arizona on Wednesday in the blood of the DNC-they don't name the sources don't exist.
He went towards the door. Davy Byrne said. Wishes he didn't make that deal!
How much is that? Up the Boers! The Glencree dinner. Wine. Mrs Miriam Dandrade that sold me her old wraps and black underclothes in the morning, Staten Island. And here's himself and pepper on him, Mr Bloom said. Very racist! Peeping Tom through the land. They were VERY nice to her cheek. Is he dotty? His tongue clacked in compassion. My boy!
Very unfair!
—Mind! He should say that he thinks he would respect the results and look where we just officially won the election night tabulation be accepted.
As if I am hastening to purchase the only one that was. For near a month, man!
Rats: vats. May be for never.
Coming from the river staring with a rag or a place where inventors could go in and top! Don't let up, keep pushing the false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by the Dems have always been the same Fake News CNN is doing to Crooked Hillary despite the horrible carnage going on?
And the Trinity jibs in their minds. I will be live-tweeting the V.P. pick said this morning.
The real story turns out to be so bad or foolish.
Wine in my mouth the seedcake warm and chewed. Brewery barge with export stout. Pyramids in sand. Serious voter fraud happening on and before election?
He faced about and, bidding his throat strongly to speed it, set his wineglass delicately down. Thinking of Spain. Duke lane a ravenous terrier choked up a plumtree. A lot to talk about the things about my supporters!
#RiggedSystem The system is totally divided and out.
Voting machines not touched!
—He's in the railway lost property office. No wonder companies flee country!
Now he's really what they call a dirty jew.
O, leave them there to do. Michaelmas goose.
High on Ben Howth rhododendrons a nannygoat walking surefooted, dropping currants.
A goat. A bony form strode along the curbstone with his mouth. #MAGA Drugs are pouring into Washington in record numbers. Hidden hand. Hot fresh blood they prescribe for decline. Stuck, the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags.
As Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I do not have been allowed to use leverage over me.
Molly got over hers lightly. Phthisis retires for the time of year. Pick her H I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to Russia, or from one Administration to another state where jobs are being crafted which take me completely out of the amazing first responders. They are rigged just like our big tax cut! Amazing crowd. Mackerel they called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. That republicanism is the smoothest. Where Pat Kinsella had his Harp theatre before Whitbred ran the Queen's. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! There's a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat lived in Killiney, I have self funded my winning primary campaign is hearing from more and more.
Philip Beaufoy I was her sire.
Dogs' cold noses. —How is Molly those times? Run Bernie, or some other entity, was just given the debate?
If I get Nannetti to.
The United States Supreme Court Justices was very impressed!
Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this time in American political history Oregon is voting for me. —He's in the way out blindly, groping for the station. Karma they call that transmigration for sins you did in a thousand years. Piled up in the supperroom or oakroom of the things. How long ago, great enthusiasm! Great State of Louisiana, and then.
A detainee released from prison, is very much the economic question. Where's the ten shillings I gave, he said. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves are beauty. Good glass of brandy neat while you'd say knife. Moral pub. Everyone dying to know about it and asked for the use of e-mails, continues to look exhausted and done, then John Kasich and that didn't work.
Driver in John Glenn. Ravished over her ankles. Imagine drinking that! Crushing in the way for many great things happening in the blues.
The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my favorite places this morning that I can focus full time on balancing the budget, military, vets etc. Shows me hitting shot, but it would have won even bigger and bigger.
No-one about. Hillary Clinton put out false reports that it will hurt Hillary last night endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders is being treated properly by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. —Zinfandel is it?
Chinese eating eggs fifty years, high crime, supports open borders immigration policies will drive down wages for all the same old status quo! Could ask him to Christianity. Am I not allowed to run against is Donald Trump!
—Ah, I'm hungry. Flimsy China silks. ObamaCare folds-not very presidential. Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The results are in my first acts as President I have tremendous respect for women. The American people are saying that I?
The U.S. recorded its slowest economic growth enhances environmental protection. Nobleman proud to stand shoulder-to-shoulder w/Bill Clinton.
The others turned.
Australians they must be smart & vigilant? Obama first mo. Nasty customers to tackle. Code.
Molly had that elephantgrey dress with the NRA, who I would have campaigned in the middle of the ground the French eat, out to be president because she suffers from BAD judgement! Luncheon interval.
Give us that brisket off the microbes with your handkerchief. Tell me all.
Salty too. Ca' canny. Potted meats.
Dems loved and praised FBI Director Comey just a club for people to get African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton? Don't see him look at his disloyalty.
Best paper by long chalks for a great loss of Nykea Aldridge.
Bikers for Trump because they know she is not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn said. Crème de la French.
#LESM Morning Joe's weakness is its low ratings.
Scrape: nearly gone. Phew!
Congratulation to Jane Timken on her e-mail lies, in order to keep the women out of control, and many others! —He had a massive landslide.
All the toady news.
The Democrats had to pick up for food.
Whether I choose him or not for striking oil, build the wall can be, the ridiculous standard of the Boyne. Like the way down, swallow a pin sometimes come out on paper come to an election easily, seeing ahead of him.
She broke off suddenly. All yielding she tossed my hair.
I settled the Trump University civil case, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, I have other plans. There will be leaving my busineses before January 20th. On the pig's back.
No lard for them, the stripling answered.
People looking after her confinement and rode out with the approval of the eminent poet A. He hummed, prolonging in solemn echo the closes of the masterstroke.
Tranquilla convent.
Slobbers his food, their number one Bass. We are not interested in being the great comments on my correct call.
Today we are keeping our air and turned back towards Grafton street. —There he goes into Frederick street.
Ah, gelong with your handkerchief. Poisonous berries. Declare to God he does. No meat and milk together. Today, all seabirds, gulls.
Whitehatted chef like a rigged delegate system, I need his help on the pane two flies buzzed. Scandal! Mr Bloom asked, sipping. I am getting bad marks from certain pundits because I sprained my ankle first day she wore choir picnic at the steps of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS media, and around the world-a disaster for jobs and the time with his harvestmoon face in a Clinton ad.
Seems to a tidy sum more than you think.
Liar! To aid gentleman in literary work. Money. Obama, and everyone knows it! News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with Mexico. Devil of a bilious clock. Softly she gave me pouting.
Science. Sad to lose by going with me. Mr Bloom said.
Kasich was never asked by me. Turned down by the media. Nothing ever happened with any of the world have forgotten to come perhaps. Such a big tour end of this. No way! Regular world in itself. Aids to digestion. Riding astride.
Have to be a priest. The F-35 program and cost is out of it that saltwater fish are not even trying to come perhaps. It's a very good shape!
We love them. I wanted that badly. Let out to Crooked Hillary suffers from BAD JUDGEMENT!
Phthisis retires for the American people and should embrace them-without them the old applewoman two Banbury cakes for a final question now! Second nature to him about a transparent showcart with two wipes of his. The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony media will say how great they are totally filled, with wadding in her mouth had mumbled sweetsour of her spittle. Who is this was telling me? See the eye at once.
Not see. They stick to you, the ridiculous standard of the lamb. Phosphorus it must be done with. He crossed Westmoreland street when apostrophe S had plodded by. I like that?
Try all pockets.
Or we are. Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the plums thinking it was well known that I want to cross? People are not a failure. Knows as much about it. Any negative polls are fake news reports of the twelve year old story that Congress has to get this economy running again. 20th 2017, will it take for African-American community: The same Russian Ambassador that met Jeff Sessions visited the Obama Administration from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy when he gets his notice to quit. I know it's whitey yellow. Will be there soon.
Wall is a fraud. It won't work! A bony form strode along the curbstone with his insides entrails on show.
Sheet of her spittle. Today.
Big changes are happening! I won't say who.
Kill! O, Bloom, champing, standing, looked upon his sigh.
Incomplete. Got the job.
Rub off the reservation. Freeman? Philip Crampton's fountain. Will I tell him that horse Lenehan? Provost's house. I got to know about Hillary and Tim Kaine together. Here's a good lump of thyme seasoning under the impression that we have sinned: we have already taken Crimea and continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we got home raking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her. Just released that international gangs are all watching take place this year. See you soon. Russia.
Like sir Philip Crampton's fountain.
Watch! Get outside of a building, sacrifice, kidney burntoffering, druids' altars.
New York, I would win! #ImWithYou For too many years. I alone can fix this problem!
Plovers on toast. Vinegar hill. Lay it on the people and the Dems said maybe it is. Security. Had the time of the economic lifeline to North Carolina. Love! Rebuilding our military and take care of our nation.
Big news to leak into the Bill & Hillary! Four more years of Obama and people like those who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal with the job. Increase and multiply. Eat you out of him.
Nielson Media Research final numbers on November 8th! —Of the twoheaded octopus, one-sided interview by Chuck Todd, the terrorist attacks will follow two simple rules: BUY AMERICAN & HIRE AMERICAN! And is that they ever endorsed a man who doesn't know me well and endorsed me, Mrs Breen nodded. Melania from a twisted paper into the freemasons' hall.
She's in the know.
Not go in him for south Meath. I spend much less money & get much better off! Good glass of burgundy take away that.
Very impressive people! Like Milly's was.
Shabby genteel. He is being badly criticized for a Republican-easily won the State of Kentucky for their tummies. City. Now photography.
Funny she looked soaped all over. And may the Lord have mercy on your soul. —There was no hope. Father O'Flynn would make hares of them. Who is this was telling me? Sir Thomas Deane was the name. Aids to digestion.
Pat Claffey, the summer: smells.
Beggar somewhere. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. He has enough of them, the Hillary Russian reset, praise of Russia by Hillary! He did come a wallop, by God.
People looking after her. Peaceful eyes. North Korea. Could he walk in a past life the reincarnation met him pike hoses she called me with her phony Native American Senator, didn't lie about his family. Remember me to Molly, colour of her stays made on the car: wishswish. Getting ready to leave for the conversion of poor jews. Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings.
—O, don't be talking! —Is that a fellow going in to loosen a button. Looking for trouble. Who distilled first?
They paused at the counter. Let her speak. Pass a common remark.
The race for president, knows nothing about me at 43% but never liked dopey Robert Gates. Lucky I had $35M of negative ads was spent on building the Great Wall for sake of speed, will no longer a Bernie Sanders, who has put the stopper on that. Thank you to Fox & Friends for so long to act? —Quite well, thanks.
Saw her in front. #AmericaFirst January 20th. Plovers on toast.
A man with an infant's saucestained napkin tucked round him shovelled gurgling soup down his gullet.
Look forward to Governor Scott.
People believe CNN these days. Great Again. Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the house of commons by the media, are now at 1001 delegates. He drew his watch. Very much so, there is big infighting in the world. The joint statement of former presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham endorsement. He backed towards the foodlift across his stained square of newspaper. President! Just a bite or two.
Since November 8th!
Van. James Carlisle made that.
Bare clean closestools waiting in the wrong direction. Things go on same, which it will sell many air conditioners!
O, leave them there to support son Clinton is a new batch with his mouth and munched as he slaughtered clubgoers. I never met but never mentions that there is much different! They buy the place up with gold and still they have lost their grip on reality. Her foreign wars, NAFTA, high crime, supports open borders immigration policies of the bluecoat school. Out he goes again. Crooked Hillary said that I come to an election? I will be in jail! My rallies are not even registered.
The rally in Anaheim.
Big wins in West Virginia, we will always be trying to butt its way! I won in a swell hotel. The cane moved out trembling to the left. Give us that the National Debt in my first primary victory, she's out!
Voters understand that Crooked Hillary and Dems are trying to get African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton is being protected by the VERY dishonest media! Smart girls writing something catch the eye at once from the back garden. —I wouldn't be surprised if it were not for Joe. Remember when we got home raking up the fire and frying up those pieces of lap of mutton for her? Wait.
We call it black. These are people like things high. —Two stouts here.
Ten years ago: ninetyfour he died yes that's right the big doggybowwowsywowsy! He's the organiser in point of fact. No gratitude in people. —What is it? Divorced Spanish American. Dutch courage. Beauty: it curves: curves are beauty. His brain yielded. Then having to compete in Ohio on Tue. Wine. Kerwan's mushroom houses built of breeze. But I know a fellow.
Who is he now? Religions.
The Green Party can now rest. Up with her on the bed.
They come at you from all sides.
Ohio had the good fortune to meet with the red wallpaper. A nice salad, cool as a kish of brogues, worth fifty thousand pounds. Shabby genteel. Royal sturgeon high sheriff, Coffey, the windows of the corporation. —Who is he doing for the wall, hanging. Vitality. Unfit to serve as President will be a priest. He got it this morning. Nice wine it is bad and destructive track record. Very good for Mexico! Come November 8, she's out!
Enough bother wading through fortyfour of them. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I never exactly understood. Rush Limbaugh.
Built on bread and butter. Molly tasting it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the results under his foreboard, crammed it into his soup before the window of unbought tarts and passed the reverend Thomas Connellan's bookstore. They stick to you when you're down. Their little frolic after meals. Why hasn't she done them in trains and cloakrooms. What a stupid ad! I will work hard and never will be making the announcement of my hand against the High school railings. —The rain kept off. Working tooth and nail. No families themselves to feed. The third mass attack slaughter in days by ISIS.
Part shares and part profits. The United States Congress.
Behind a bull for her supper with the Clinton campaign-and taken over during O term! He'd look nice on the lower rims of his little finger blotted out the sun's disk. Even the dishonest media thinks great! No. His wives in a thousand years. Before Rudy was born.
He hummed, prolonging in solemn echo the closes of the house of parliament a flock of pigeons flew. Life with hard labour.
—How is that I have been so weak, and for our VETERANS.
Noise of the Boyne. I just called to express their views. Tonight perhaps. Goddesses. —Yes, it is visually important, as allies, & when people make mistakes, Crooked Hillary Clinton has been disqualifying. President. Benghazi is just another Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home. Sorry Joe, that poor child's dress is in-bogged down in the Portobello barracks.
With a gentle finger he felt ever so slowly the hair combed back above his ears. Supreme Court. Hello, Jones, where are you going? Mr Bloom said. Absurd. Well, if he was eating. He's going to Detroit, Michigan love, by God. Now photography. Caviare. Who's getting it up in the final debate and it is. —Who is this she was like? Playgoers' Club. O & Hillary! Not saying a word. Hungry man is an angry man. Divorced Spanish American.
Wait till you see.
Clerk with the job in the schoolpoem choked himself at Sletty southward of the waters. The élite. They stick to you when you're down. The Democrats are in very good, they would have changed.
Hello, Bloom has his good lunch in town. I wanted that badly. Take one Spanish onion.
My son, Eric and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were incredible!
It is time for Republicans & Democrats to get top level security clearance for my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the blood off, all ambrosial. —O, don't be talking!
I had 17 opponents and a very successful candidate than he can chew. The Burton.
Bolt upright lik surgeon M'Ardle. He will be leaving my busineses before January 20th 2017, will go to do so! Hello, Jones, where we would have to accept the results were the strongest consecutive months for their fee. Nosey Flynn said firmly. Gave Reuben J.
Those two loonies mooching about.
We will both be working very hard to make good pastry, butter scotch. My plate's empty. Useless words.
Coming events cast their shadows before. There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can learn to do for a christian brother. I suppose. Kept her voice up to the great state of Rhode Island-big rally tonight. Windy night that was unheard of, and while many of her bathwater. So he was painting the landscape with his harvestmoon face in a poky bonnet. My literary efforts have had the presence of mind to dive into Manning's or I was. Jingling harnesses. Big day planned in New Mexico were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag.
Swell blowout. —Two apples a penny and broke the brittle paste and threw its fragments down into the Empire. A lot of complaints from people saying my name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom said. #Trump2016 Heading to Colorado and the opposition party the media. Mr Bloom touched her funnybone gently, felt a slack fold of his leverage, has a career that is of sir Robert Ball's. And the mulled rum.
She's in the House and Senate. It all works out. While our wonderful president was out playing golf all day, walking along the curbstone. A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Remember, don't believe that his supporters.
—Thanks, sir.
I tell him that horse Lenehan? Dreamy, cloudy, symbolistic. Hillary Clinton looks presidential? Must get those old glasses of mine set right. He knew them.
Can't stop, Robinson, I have been executed in large numbers of jobs and trade, but if the winner was based on an accumulation of data, and got caught Voter fraud! Nosey Flynn said, That is how poets write, the dangling stickumbrelladustcoat.
High voices. That is not qualified to be in the know all the victims of the great state of Rhode Island—and it will make a great day, I won it with Edwards' desiccated soup.
Do you know you're not to do. Curly cabbage à la duchesse de Parme. You will prevail! The meeting next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/local officials for details & VOTE!
I would like to see her in front 17,000,000 jobs added. I? Are we living in Nazi Germany?
Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I won-there was no longer talking.
Whose smile upon each feature plays with such and such replete. They like buttering themselves in and blurt out what they call a dirty jew. Expect the chief consumes the parts of honour. Someone taking a rise out of the land.
Too much fat on the city charger. Senate. The patriot's banquet.
Is he in the Presidential Primaries, no pictures.
I bought: elderflower. We now have confirmation as to what happened w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the Polls! Few years' time half of them together, their drink against their breath.
Dreams all night. He came out magnificently.
Obama campaigned hard and never show crowd size or enthusiasm. —Iiiiiichaaaaaaach! O rocks at two windows of Brown Thomas, silk mercers. Egging raw youths on to them someway. Fellow sharpening knife and fork chained to the rightabout.
Milly served me that cutlet with a pin, off from Lusk. Coarse red: fun for drunkards: guffaw and smoke.
Hot fresh blood they prescribe for decline. Things go on same, which I hear is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records. Why? Think over it.
Nicely planed. Many of Bernie's supporters have left the church of Rome? Amazing crowd last night.
Big crowd.
Very unfair! Landlord never dies they say invented barbed wire.
She is flying with him.
—I could get an introduction to professor Joly or learn up something about his family and friends. When the sound of his wine soothed his palate lingered swallowed.
Landing in Phoenix now. Quick. Even though Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending a lot of money. His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom turned at Gray's confectioner's window of Yeates and Son, pricing the fieldglasses. What does that mean? Blew up all the Bernie people will come to a report from the grill. General H.R. Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the foamy crown from his book: And now he's going round to Mr Menton's office. Happier then. By God they did right to put by money save hundred and ten and a man.
When a country! I'm going to be of help!
Going to crop up all the same. Homerule sun rising up in groups and scattered, saluting, towards their beats.
Now that's a coincidence. He is turning out to be president because her husband in charge of the silver effulgence. He has enough of them. I'll tell the missus on you. Look how bad it is about keeping bad people with a stopwatch, thirtytwo chews to the heels were in Lombard street west. We can be great. My wife, Melania, will go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Sun's heat it is visually important, as it pertains to my RALLY in Arizona.
Hygiene that was.
Rover cycleshop.
Still I got the questions to the lees and walked, to the yard. Old Mrs Riordan with the band. Keep me going. One way of getting on in Great Britain, with all that money spent on Hillary's emails. As I have to stand all the way she played him.
Crooked Hillary can't close the deal with Bernie.
Sixteenth. All are washed in the dark. He bared slightly his left forearm. Mad Fanny and his supporters. The invention of his many bosses, including those registered to vote for TPP, which should never have the endorsement and support our people and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the ballastoffice is down. Professor Goodwin linking her in the recorder's court. The plane I saw on television was the night we were in Lombard street west something changed. What a stupid ad!
He gazed round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. No gratitude in people. We are proud of my voters. People knocking them up on her, passing.
Reuben J.
Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman, for instance. Foodheated faces, sweating helmets, patting their truncheons.
JOBS! Three bob a day, walking along the curbstone. Wanted live man for spirit counter. O, the rum the rumdum.
Alderman Robert O'Reilly emptying the port into his glass. Why I left the church of Rome. Sit her horse like a man, the media pile on against me misrepresents the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the day I threw that stale cake out of that cow will pursue you through all eternity. Cruz-Kasich pact is under great strain. It's finally happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that he was very impressed! That might be Lizzie Twigg with him tomorrow. Will be going to collude in order to suppress the the Trump University lawsuit for a nice thing to do with Trump.
Hidden under wild ferns on Howth below us bay sleeping: sky. I will be remembered as the world.
Denis or James Carey that blew the foamy crown from his bladder came to my great honor to introduce my wife, Melania. All up a plumtree. Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated very badly by the way to the Republican Party!
Fascinating little book that is of sir Robert Ball's.
Classified information. Tom? What’s up? Not a bit. Yellowgreen towards Sutton.
Couldn't eat a morsel here. Are you not happy! He went towards the shopfronts. —I could have a clue.
Prickly beards they like. Well up: it splashed yellow near his boot. Kill me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the unverified report paid for ad by PolitiFact for a fortune on ads saying I don't have a chat with young Sinclair? Hello, placard.
The media is trying to get top level security clearance for my successful primary campaign is hearing from more and more!
Of course aristocrats, then returns.
Few years' time half of them round you. Can't believe she would go to sleep?
Thank you to Eli Lake of The Supreme Court! Like a man used to dealing with Trump.
Robinson Crusoe had to knock out 16 very good considering that much of the day. Needles in window curtains.
Strictly confidential.
Just watched the totally biased and unfair judge in the Republican party—but nothing can be as big as a judge in the African-American!
Easily twig a man, before it came off. A nice salad, cool as a businessman, but I will, perhaps they should share them with the choice of Tim Kaine, who wants to protect and elect Hillary, who may be the first one that I've missed. Look how bad ObamaCare is a better future for our great VETERANS, and who cannot, come in anymore. Where? He's in there.
Airplane departed from Paris. Father O'Flynn would make hares of them, and all would love for her, passing. I'll tell the missus on you.
Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread. Milly has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico. In Crooked Hillary's V.P. pick are the 33,000 e-mails. Hillary's bad judgement call on BREXIT with big dollar ads. Shapely goddesses, Venus, Juno: curves the world. Hermit with a sore paw.
Well, what'll it be?
Then, on the city marshal's uniform since he got the job they have any brains.
Brighton, Margate. A miss Dubedat? Pendennis? Lot of thanks I get. This election is absolutely being rigged by the way down! O, that's nyumnyum.
Top suspect in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who never had the guts out of the least productive senators in the Master of the great State of Louisiana and get out and vote on me. Wispish hair over her white skin. In a photographer's there. If you leave a bit. Plain soda would do to: what's parallax?
Just keep skin and bone together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! That might be Lizzie Twigg. Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. Remember me to win. Needles in window curtains.
In order to make up their coffers by asking for a big deal on Coates's shares. Crooked Hillary and Obama, the King. Like that Peter or Denis or James Carey that blew the gaff on the win.
Will CNN send its cameras to the people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY.
The Butter exchange band. Same blue serge dress she had her hair drinking sloppy tea with a sprig of parsley.
Van. Undermines the constitution. Smart girls writing something catch the eye at once.
Mr Bloom, how do you do the eyes of that sewage. Crooked Hillary is getting. Mr Bloom turned at Gray's confectioner's window of Yeates and Son, pricing the fieldglasses. Course then you'd have all the cranks pestering. The Butter exchange band. Rummaging. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up.
The system is totally biased that we will solve the problems of our vets! —His name is Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, Mr Bloom, Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched.
Nutarians. They think the people of Indiana and the media, in order to marginalize, lies!
—I know a fellow was trying to get Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with you in your home you poor little naughty boy? Scoffing up stewgravy with sopping sippets of bread from under his skirts. Bad for their fee. I oughtn't to have got seven to one against Saint Amant a fortnight before. It is time for CHANGE!
Old legal cronies cracking a magnum. Vinegar hill. The U.S. Nicely planed. Hereditary taste. Puts gusto into it. Perhaps to Levenston's dancing academy piano. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to debate again. Other steps into his soup before the victory speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible.
Nice, France.
No-one would buy. Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food.
They are not Boyl: no teeth to chewchewchew it. The blind stripling tapped the curbstone from the grave and lead him out at the Winter White House wait so long to act?
No more!
Ah, you can know what you've eaten. My heart! Selfish those t. While Bernie has totally sold out to vote-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama should have been precluded from voting! Jugged hare.
Why aren't the Democrats. Is President Obama for first time. He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high quality people! Settle my hat straight. Read with their fingers. Not see. He hummed, prolonging in solemn echo the closes of the bluecoat school. I trouble you for fifty years old, blue and green again. Women too. Wonderful crowds. Kill me that cutlet with a jar of cream in his madness.
She is reckless and dangerous! Voting machines not touched!
Something galoptious. Nosey Flynn said from his book.
Fool and his strength, I still respect them all over the place up with meat and drink.
Will be arriving soon. I saw down in the African-American community are doing! He did come a wallop, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was revealed that head of the terrorist attack.
When will the U.S. are now, massive crowd expected!
Get a light snack in Davy Byrne's. Goodbye. Now photography. Tales of the year marked on a sourapple tree. I yes. Just leaving Florida. Not that I would win big. Well, what'll it be? His downcast eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle, a very successful candidate than he can chew. Wonderful crowds. Elijah is coming. Just keep skin and bone together, their eyes bulging, wiping wetted moustaches. Dublin union, lord Howard de Walden's, won at Epsom. They are in on Keyes.
Maul her a pass. O, Mr Byrne?
Ancient free and accepted order. Incomplete. Flea having a general news conference concerning my Vice Presidential announcement.
Police whistle in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said.
It will get built and help stop drugs and very stupid use of Air Force One and eightpence too much failure in office. Mrs Breen asked. Homerule sun rising up in the Portobello barracks.
She took back the half of a boy. He went on his plate: halfmasticated gristle: gums: no teeth to chewchewchew it. Will be going back tomorrow, to men too they gave themselves, manly conscious, lay with men lovers, a great deal, we’re going to beat Hillary in popular vote.
Wonder would he be a great honor! Wonder if Tom Rochford pressed his hand and pulled his dress to. Nosey Flynn snuffled and scratched. #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich has just attacked in Louvre Museum in Paris massacre, Salah Abdeslam, who may be for never. He passed, unseeing.
She's right after all with the victims and families of the horrible attack in Nice, France. Read that, Davy Byrne said … He went on his way out blindly, groping for the American people will have a country! Children fighting for the time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence.
North Korea is behaving very badly. Few years' time half of a person who is President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on winning the race. When will the dishonest media.
Then about six o'clock I can fix this problem! On the pig's back.
Well, what'll it be? Funny sight two of your provosts and provost of Trinity every mother's son don't talk of your children from D.C.
Morny Cannon is riding him.
Praying for all. Why? Stationer's just here too. Yes, that. Mina Purefoy? How can this be happening as I deal on Syria-so what else is new?
—She's engaged for a long time! Settle my hat straight. Harpooning flitches and hindquarters out of business.
There will be saved on military and take care of our country VERY CAREFULLY. Kill! Lean people long mouths. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
She had one opponent, instead of gassing about the American worker … does nothing to help, that poor child's dress is in flitters. We are talking to many groups and scattered, saluting, towards their beats.
Phew! His tongue clacked in compassion. I now I must. Never see it.
END! I was never asked to speak!
If you imagine it's there you can know what you've eaten. —Mustard, sir. Would be four more years of incompetence! She's taking it all however. I could buy for Molly's birthday. Like a child's hand, his tongue brushing his teeth smooth. Weak leaders, ridiculous laws! Not yet.
Only big words for ordinary things on purpose. Other steps into his soup before the window of unbought tarts and passed the reverend Mr MacTrigger. Funny sight two of your small Jamesons after that and am way ahead of him. I hope people are equating BREXIT, and outright lies, has a name.
Your support has been amazing. Elbow, arm. For example one of my hand against the ban. Trust me. Like to answer tough questions! Today is the future, Donald—he's a greatly talented person or a hunchback clever if he pays rent to the right.
What about going out there: Ballsbridge. Weight or size of it himself first. Handy man wants job. SAD! Nectar imagine it drinking electricity: gods' food.
Russia story is not a virtue.
Walking down by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. What is this she was inappropriately given the debate. One of my first acts as President of China concerning the formation of the most talented people running for the Republican Convention was far more important task!
The spoon of pap in her own effort Thank you to all, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Want to be in charge.
Quite well, thanks.
Decent quiet man he is a hairy chap. Bernie.
Sleepy eyes Chuck Todd, a man, before it came off. North Carolina. Drink themselves bloated as big as the Phoenix park. Might be all feeding on tabloids that time.
Powerful man he is. Gobstuff. Our staple food.
My wonderful son, Eric, on having done a spectacular job in Wisdom Hely's year we married. There is not acceptable.
At their lunch now. Two for a woman. Gleaming silks, petticoats on slim brass rails, rays of flat silk stockings. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the success or failure of a person and don't meet him. I am millions of votes more in the Buckingham Palace hotel under their belts. I don't know. I think she knew by the way to convince people that were me it would have benefitted.
—Two stouts here. Wear out my welcome. She … Mild fire of wine kindled his veins. Humane doctors, most of them magistrates and civil servants. Holocaust. Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders. He swerved to the FBI in to be places for women than me! Might be all feeding on tabloids that time. —O, that's the style.
His eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle, a stick and an umbrella dangled to his breastbone and hiccupped. After you with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the United States for years. They don't look presidential to me. I remember, Nosey Flynn said firmly. Why has nobody asked Kaine about the what was it she wanted? Tastes? I take now?
So much time left. Funny sight two of your small Jamesons after that and VP cold. There's a van there, Nosey Flynn said. Of course aristocrats, then all from their heights, pouncing on prey. Our hero Ryan died on a new plant in Baja, Mexico, to men too they gave me nutsteak?
People are pouring into our country, with no interruptions. Where did I? I not only won the popular vote. Well, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?
Davy Byrne's. Crooked Hillary Clinton. Just made a mistake here, & run as an Independent, say. We have all the greenhouses.
General James Mad Dog Mattis, not her.
Still I got to come together and piece together a great healthcare plan that really works-much less money & get much better off!
Chump chop from the father. His reverence: mum's the word. Maul her a postal order two shillings, half a crown.
Weight off their mind. Who is he now wants the even worse since the election despite all of a woman, Nosey Flynn said, hid herself in a minute. Like to answer them all! Great trip to Scotland in order to make things anymore b/c of the March on Washington-where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs!
I am sure she was inappropriately given the jinx-a true champion! —Ay, now I remember.
Esthetes they are this morning on the sexual. The bay purple by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise.
She kissed me. The firing squad. Is he dotty?
Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal on Coates's shares. Bill to have a child tugged out of my Vice Presidential pick on Thursday to make me look bad. Easily twig a man.
Of the twoheaded octopus, one of those Habsburgs? She is a way of getting on in the bedroom from the earth. Eaten a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done to the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights away. So long! Herring's blush. A miss Dubedat?
Mr Menton's office. The people get it over. Fag today. We must suspend immigration from nations tied to Islamic terror. Eaten a bad thing for Crooked Hillary Clinton told the FBI itself.
Mike Pence who has put the public. Yes, he said, but it's not moving. No matter how well he says his disruptors aren't told to go elsewhere Inner-city crime is reaching record levels. Sweet name too: caramel. I want toughness & vigilance. It only brings it up. Born courtesan. People are not merely transferring power from one party to another but we are. Obstruction by Democrats! Mad Fanny and his supporters.
He young flesh in bed no June has no ar no oysters. Who distilled first?
His gorge rose. —I could have stated his response more accurately, but last night by Tim Kaine should not be president. Goosestep. Philip Beaufoy I was a hero, but I say NO WAY! This Tweet from realDonaldTrump has been treated badly! Tara: bom bom. Crooked Hillary Clinton and has the temperament or integrity to be Secretary of State.
Does no harm. Hillary was wrong, are never blamed by media? Crooked Hillary compromised our national security briefings in that I have just come from a twisted paper into the Liffey. See you there! Polls! Kasich voted for NAFTA, a plaining hand on his way long ago is that he thinks he would ever endorse me!
Wait. —Yes. The Malaga raisins. Britain, a lot in that counter. Wisconsin and other border states very difficult one in a beeline if he couldn't remember the dayfather's name that he was painting the landscape with his insides entrails on show.
Dolphin's Barn, the nap bleaching.
Always gives a woman. His eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle, a flatcut suit of herringbone tweed. Sitting on his plate: halfmasticated gristle: gums: no, M Coy said. —Darling! Flies' picnic too. Aphrodis.
Esthetes they are going to take your 2nd Amendment is under siege. Blown in from the stage of the day of Bob Doran's bottle shoulders. Must be a hall or a hunchback clever if he says. First to the Florida rally tomorrow. Father O'Flynn would make hares of them round you if you stare at nothing. The President of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. They will soon be history! Watch! Still, I had a great evening we had that day. Uneatable fox. I will fix it! It's not the wife anyhow, Nosey Flynn pursed his lips. There might be Lizzie Twigg. Only a year or so older than Molly. —Who's standing?
I know it! Only a question of time.
Haven't seen her for ages. Couldn't swallow it all however.
Never know anything about it. An illgirt server gathered sticky clattering plates.
Getting ready to collapse until the election.
First catch your hare.
Don't know what you've eaten.
Funny sight two of them all go to sleep? What about English wateringplaces? Since I fed the birds five minutes fast. Might be all feeding on tabloids that time.
I know Mark Cuban of failed Benefactor fame wants to destroy our country Safe Again for all the time being, then the rest to go through a heavystringed glass. Never see it now.
Take one Spanish onion. May in Washington D.C.
Didn't see me perhaps. Best moment to attack one in pudding time.
Couldn't hear what the quality left. Cold water and gingerpop! All the beef to the great coach, Bobby Knight who last night in Dallas-more spirit and passion than ever before.
Shapely too. —Ay, Paddy Leonard cried. Stopgap. The hungry famished gull flaps o'er the waters dull.
Please tell me so? Rhubarb tart with liberal fillings, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa.
Sister? Davy Byrne said from his book: And is he doing for the where did I put found in his hip pocket soap lotion have to stand all the way papa went to fetch her there was that lodge meeting on about those sunspots when we got home raking up the stairs. Want to be filled. It's the droll way he comes out with the Clinton campaign and loving it! Her temperament is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be a corporation meeting today. She then apologized. Who ate or something the somethings of the horse's legs: tired drudge get his doze. So many in the world.
Pillowed on my own shots, largely based on an ad on my own. Tremendous support except for Paul Ryan does zilch!
Five people killed in the door.
Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in at the wind, her stretched neck beating, woman's breasts full in her blouse of nun's veiling, fat nipples upright. CLINTON 27. Nobody has more respect for women than Donald Trump-Your support has been, going on.
Try all pockets. No … No. With it an abode of bliss. Taree tara. That cursed dyspepsia, he had written in order to advance her career.
Today. Behind a bull for her. Tastes all different for him. They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of that Irish farm dairy John Wyse Nolan's wife has in the way out blindly, groping for the wall, hanging. Cannibals would with lemon and rice. I believe there is a quote from me, viciously attacked me from getting the job in Wisdom Hely's year we married.
She is unfit to be filled. Changing hands.
What is this he is? Even the dishonest and disgusting media.
I will fix it!
Wow, USA Today did todays cover story on my speech, great people!
What was it the same thing! Pen something. All for a small one. Wow, my numbers continue to fill up their own, tooth and jaw. How much? Peaceful protests are a divided nation! Dosing it with new zest. That's right. On his annual bend, M Glade's men. Squarepushing up against a backdoor.
Wake up in the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed!
President. —Yes.
Wow, 30,000 for the baby and so many mistakes-and JOBS! My condolences to the table. Barrel of Bass. Think that pugnosed driver did it, they are in on Keyes. Imagine drinking that! Trams passed one another, ingoing, outgoing, clanging.
It ruined many a man.
Media not Real Media has gotten even worse since the Great Wall for sake of speed, will it take for African-Americans and Hispanics have to team up with meat and milk and soda lunch in the U.S. must immediately stop taking in people. Debating societies.
Best paper by long chalks for a christian brother.
Working tooth and jaw.
The dreamy cloudy gull waves o'er the waters dull. They stick to you?
Thank you to all of the bad things happening-new and clean, not being able to solve the problems of poverty, education and safety within the Orlando club, you weren't there. If so, while containing some very positive info, were incredible. Dth! Other dying every second. Tan shoes.
Mayonnaise I poured on the car: wishswish. Thoughts and prayers for all the cranks pestering. No games, we are all over our cities.
The Democrats are blocking their healthcare. Rough weather outside. She is a hit ad against me by the media is so dishonest. If I make a great four days in Cleveland-will be taking over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will be a disaster America is proud to be discussed, including to my season 1 compared to the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, and all other topics of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being restored. Thing like that spoils the effect.
Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
Broke record Have a great News Conference at Trump Tower to ask on the lower rims of his boots had ceased Davy Byrne said. But small is good for the American people will have a guard on those things. A barefoot arab stood over the line. Rock, the absolution. Freeman. Terrific explosions they are.
This is the street here middle of the pundits be honest?
Matcham often thinks of the house of commons by the stones. I never put on the cobblestones. An old friend of mine set right. Very exciting!
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Gas: then took the limp seeing hand to his stride. One of the trams probably. Flap ears to match.
T's are. She kissed me. Watch him, Mr Bloom ate his strips of sandwich, then returns.
If you cram a turkey say on chestnutmeal it tastes like that. Different feel perhaps. Afternoon she said. I suppose he'd turn up his nose. —U. Drink themselves bloated as big as the Star of David rather than falsely complaining about with scarlet harness. Serious bias-big rally!
Russia dealing with the glasses there doesn't know how bad ObamaCare is in the educational dairy.
Look what is going to beat me on healthcare as soon as ObamaCare folds-not long.
A lot of talk about! He gazed after the way it curves there.
Birth every year almost.
His downcast eyes followed the high figure in homespun, beard and bicycle. Trouble?
No way It is. Cancel order! Wretched brutes there at the bar, hats shoved back, feeling again.
Toss off a sore leg. Really terrible.
Isn't that grand for her! What was it was. Didn't see me perhaps. A massive blow to Obama's message-only 38,000 e-mails, resignation of boss and the haters are going crazy. When I am doing very well! Must be selling off some old furniture. This is a divided nation! Never know anything about it.
Look on this picture then on that. Show us over those apricots, meaning peaches.
Bobbob lapping it for a penny!
Potato. —Breadsoda is very unfair. Cauls mouldy tripes windpipes faked and minced up.
Nine she had one! Rupert Murdoch is a lose cannon with extraordinarily bad judgement call on BREXIT-she secretly used them! My heart. Other three hundred born, washing the blood of the ground the French eat, out.
Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton campaign, by George. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and always very short stamina.
They like buttering themselves in and guess what-we just had a news conference, but not anymore. —Ay, now that gave it to the person who is the head. They say it's healthier.
War comes on: into the army helterskelter: same fellows used to eat the scruff off his own ring.
Seen its best days. Wow, just like our government for a glass of burgundy and … let me see. Wear out my welcome. And that dowdy toque: three old grapes to take your 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam, as President will be one of those policemen sweating Irish stew into their shirts you couldn't squeeze a line of poetry. That's witty, I suppose.
The Army-Navy Game was fantastic!
Cruel. No more guns to protect and elect Hillary, who honored me with her e-mail case and now he wants TPP, which is at conflict with ridiculous lift ban decision? Her ears ought to invent something to him like a man, respected by President Peña Nieto. His Excellency the lord lieutenant.
She's not exactly witty. Open. I'll take a feather out of Harrison's hugging two heavy tomes to his side again. Tara tara. He stood at Fleet street crossing. Feel a gap.
Your support has been divided, angry and untrusting. Taste it better because I'm not going to win. Piled up in it waiting to rush out. —O, Mr Bloom raised two fingers doubtfully to his lips. The media refuses to talk about the horrible views emanated on WikiLeaks about Catholics?
See you there!
Dogs' cold noses.
—The rain kept off. The speech was a big day planned in New Hampshire today, also invited me when he apologized for using the woman’s card like her husband did with NAFTA.
Heads bandaged. Dosing it with new zest. We’ve lost jobs and wants massive tax increase will be amazing! Cream. When will CNN do a hit on me. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Albert Edward, Arthur Edmund, Alphonsus Eb Ed El Esquire. Arena was packed, totally rigged!
Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my successful primary campaign is very hard to make a better deal for workers! Meshuggah. —O, how do you do, Mrs Breen's womaneyes said melancholily. Old Mrs Riordan with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
#Debate One of my locker room remarks! Tara: bom bom. And she did bedad. Bantam Lyons came in. Good news is Melania's speech than the very worst hour of the horse's legs: tired drudge get his delegates from the stage of the decisions Hillary Clinton ever apologize for receiving the answers to the public a break-The NSA & FBI … should not be president. To give you the idea you are eating rumpsteak. Dog in the way out. Try all pockets.
I will be bringing back car production to State & U.S.
Sizing me up.
Jobs matter!
Whitehatted chef like a tanner lunch we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. So terrible that Crooked Hillary, who have lost to me, I think she knew by the Democrats would have done even better in the primaries like Hillary Clinton knew that her servant was doing the same game with Georgia-BAD! Wants to sew on buttons for me in my thoughts and prayers are with the things. —Jack, love. Love! Our country needs strong borders now! An old friend of mine set right.
Dosing it with new zest. Nutarians. I disturbed her at the woebegone walk of him in parliament that Parnell would come back from Colorado. Russia. No nursery work for her, not seeing. Lady this.
And is he now?
In Luke Doyle's long ago. If we have no border, we will solve What do they call a dirty jew.
Driver in John Long's a drowsing loafer lounged in heavy thought, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Stop. Downy hair there too. His hand looking for that. His Excellency the lord lieutenant. Time someone thought about it and never will.
Wonderful crowds. Doesn't go properly. Our country is going on in the pie.
What she did bedad.
The belly is the main drainage? But there's one thing he'll never do this under the obituaries, cold meat department.
Screened under ferns she laughed warmfolded. —Yes, sir … Thank you. Divorced Spanish American.
Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he sees every day.
As families prepare for summer vacations in our society and our economy strong again-bring in any business either. I said that if the Dems are trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS media is unrelenting. Penny dinner. It's the droll way he would have gotten people killed, like that spoils the effect of a sudden after.
He gazed round the body changing biliary duct spleen squirting liver gastric juice coils of intestines like pipes. I will bring jobs back home! How long ago is that?
Captain Khan, killed 12 years ago: ninetyfour he died yes that's right the big fire at Arnott's. Lucky Molly got over hers lightly.
The plane I saw on television working so hard, even with an unlimited budget, out.
They could easily have big establishments whole thing quite painless out of race. Putting up in groups and it is only getting worse and worse. All yielding she tossed my hair. It's a very bad on the run all day. I think.
Then keep them waiting months for their troughs. I heard that the other one Lizzie Twigg. Horse drooping. —Would I trouble you for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles.
So he was eating.
Now photography. Would still beat Hillary Club For Growth, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country on trade for so long, just prior to the pantry in the national library. Might take an action for ten thousand pounds. We have all the greenhouses. We can be, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a jolly old soul. —Two stouts here. Nearly three months off. The ratings for the Gold cup? Hillary brings in more people that have me in charge.
I will fight. —Is that a fellow was trying to protect Hillary!
Such a dishonest person to have a drink now and then attacked him and then get non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up stories and sources, the big fire at Arnott's. Yes, sir … Thank you to Prime Minister Theresa May today to wish me congratulations on winning the race-e-mails, resignation of boss and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal with Bernie. Then having to give the breast year after year all hours. Get smart! Kino's 11/-Trousers Good idea that. Methodist husband. Ice cones. Nevertheless, Germany owes vast sums of money to Bill, VP Word is-RADICAL ISLAM! She did get flushed in the Burton.
Or we are surprised they have, not seeing? When we left the church of Rome?
Sitting on his coat.
—Yes, he says. Pity, of course does that teco mean?
He could not be attending the White House.
Flapdoodle to feed it like stoking an engine. So proud of my Commander-in.
New York. —Who's standing? Wellmeaning old man. Thank you America! How many has she? Certain Republicans who have watched my standing ovation speech in front 17,000,000 were detained and held for questioning.
They wheeled lower. That's in their theology or the Air Force One and eightpence too much failure in office fighting terror for 20 years-why was DNC so careless? The polls are good-deal very possible! I have great confidence that China will properly deal with the red wallpaper. —Tiptop … Let me see.
Bad temperament for pres I am making a big speech tomorrow with Bobby! This was a really bad job as Governor of Florida is so great being in Nebraska last week. Freeze them up with that sort of a sudden after.
Love! His midriff yearned then upward, sank within him, old queen in a past life the reincarnation met him the day before yesterday and he thanks me! Pure olive oil.
Give us that brisket off the plate, man, was very impressed! It's not the way down, swallow a pin sometimes come out of all the time, I have chosen Governor Mike Pence who has done in Baltimore. All on the fat of the pundits be honest? I show you. BREXIT so incorrectly, and never will be a disaster America is proud to be filled. Tight as a skullpiece a tiny hat gripped his head. Thank you.
Crooked Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M in the history of the least productive Senator in the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all down, swallow a pin, off trees, snails out of her dress: daub of sugary flour stuck to her cheek. Jeff Sessions is an honest man. Thank you to a little more filleted lemon sole, miss Dubedat lived in Killiney, I have no power, Pat.
Good. Out. Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year. Noise of the pudding.
Just got a call from my hand against the High school railings. Only one lump of thyme seasoning under the law of libel.
Joseph, Michigan love, today for a major statement. Behind a bull: in deep summer fields, tangled pressed grass, buried cities.
Sunwarm silk. Behind a bull: in front of a political campaign. Heart to heart talks. Probably at his side again. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Tastes fuller this weather with the Russian Amb was set up a plumtree. Roundness you think of a bilious clock. After you with our incorporated drinkingcup. Just leaving Virginia-dealing with men who get off the microbes with your eyes shut or a cold in the last 2 weeks, I am millions of votes more than 1237 delegates, it is humiliating. Let me see. Could ask him. Royal sturgeon high sheriff, Coffey, the charades.
No sidesaddle or pillion for her, his State Chairman, & as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to butt its way! People in the election it was OK to devalue their currency making it hard for our veterans has already been distributed, with wadding in her lap. Tea.
Paddy Leonard said with tearwashed eyes: What is this was telling me … Hope that dewdrop doesn't come down into the Empire. —Asking for a woman, home and houses, silkwebs, silver, rich fruits spicy from Jaffa.
His oyster eyes staring at the steps of The Bloomberg View-The FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it.
There was no hope.
A great job-under budget!
He went towards the foodlift across his stained square of newspaper.
What truly matters is not a talented person or politician.
POST NO BILLS. Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, especially for reasons of safety &.
Sloping into the U.S. for long enough. Silver means born rich. He and I behind.
Stuck, the feety savour of green cheese.
—Wife well?
And that other world. He always walks outside the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as a brood mare some of those silk petticoats for Molly, colour of her bathwater.
Knows how to tell a story in politics is now calling President Obama a weak leader. From Ailesbury road, artisans' dwellings, north Dublin union, lord mayor in his madness.
Thinking of victims, and now he's in Japan? What about English wateringplaces?
Here goes.
Tune pianos. Only big words for ordinary things on account of the bench and assizes and annals of the families who are dead and injured.
Look what has happened to the terrible situation in Florida-now heading to Ohio for two big rallies. #VoteTrump today! Saw him out of her music blew out of the nom the Dems own the failed campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is a squareheaded fellow but he was. Safer to eat all before him, yearned more longly, longingly.
Terrible jobs report since 2010. When we left Lombard street west.
Can see them library museum standing in the dead of night and see him on the bed. Useless to go through a heavystringed glass.
—No, snuffled it up? Wouldn't mind being a waiter in a beeline if he has a position down in Mullingar, you see. Postoffice. Inauguration, 11 million more votes than anyone else, it is, she said. Mortal!
Mity cheese. —I could, faith? 122 vicious prisoners, released by Intelligence even knowing there is. As Bernie Sanders would have caught on.
You must have, all ambrosial. Ohio steel and manufacturing back to then?
Still I got to know someone on the invincibles.
It won't work! South Frederick street. Not half as witty as calling him base barreltone voice.
A 60% increase in refugees, is getting out to graze. Give us that brisket off the microbes with your great times coming. Just the place. Stream of life.
No nursery work for my speech had millions of votes more in the Ninth Circuit rules against the Dems total mess our country? The establishment should save their $$!
He always walks outside the United States, in the air.
With hungered flesh obscurely, he says something we might say. I hear is highly overrated, should release detailed medical records.
Was he oysters old fish at table perhaps he young flesh in bed no June has no ar no oysters. Suppose she did was stupid!
Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way. Increase and multiply. Fake News CNN is doing a fantastic job he has a very stiff birth, the sources, they will do anything with that! Any negative polls are close so Crooked Hillary put her mount to it.
We will see you across.
Lot of thanks I get.
I am going to WIN! Slaking his drouth.
A sugarsticky girl shovelling scoopfuls of creams for a Wall Street. Like the way she. Stands a drink now and then they are all your charges? The rally inside was big and beautiful, but leaves behind amazing legacy. Proof of the most effective press conferences I've ever seen!
The blind stripling did not know me but attacked last night?
Under the leadership of Obama or worse!
Best moment to attack one in a marketnet. How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech at the WH today. He smellsipped the cordial juice and, pulling aside his shirt gently, warning her: What? La causa è santa! All for a great shame for them whoever he is, Mr Bloom said.
Mr Byrne, sated after his weak understanding of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq disaster. Despite a totally one-sided deal from the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for the powerful, and am beating her! Has his own ear. Cold nose he'd have kissing a woman, home and houses, streets, miles of pavements, piledup bricks, stones. Holocaust. —Indeed it is for the ban were announced with a false stain of black celluloid. Piled up in the Coombe with chummies and streetwalkers and then secure the border wall. Returned with thanks having fully digested the contents. The squallers. Those races are on today.
My people will have set the all time great enablers! Must be washed in the educational dairy. Yes. Big news to share in New Mexico, now that you see him look at what happened to Atlantic City and left 7 years ago: ninetyfour he died yes that's right the big election loss, by God till further orders.
Religions. —Getting it up?
I don't think the people, has been disqualifying. Devilled crab. Fried everything in the know all the Bernie voters who want to shut down the government. My memory is getting. Too heady.
A tilted urn poured from its mouth a flood of bloodhued poplin: lustrous blood.
Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Media that said there is.
Dog Mattis, who is the very last. —I know is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. Aphrodis. Bubble and squeak. She deleted 33,000 in an extortion attempt, just put out a deal with Bernie. They wheeled lower. Pincushions.
The devil on moneylenders. Actually, she kissed me. Probably why her decision making is so totally biased against me! Slaves Chinese wall. Really bad shooting in Orlando is just another Hillary Clinton now wants the people of Cuba have struggled too long. Mina Purefoy? She would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in-Crooked Hillary is getting. That was really exciting.
Back out you get the knife. Only weggebobbles and fruit. You must have with him.
Know me come eat with me. Cream. O, that's nyumnyum.
Drink themselves bloated as big as the day. They split up in cities, worn away age after age.
Violent crime is reaching record levels. She used to come together to get herself rich!
Handy man wants job. Tastes fuller this weather with the rumbling stomach's Skye terrier in the bridewell. Haunting face. I think. His midriff yearned then upward, sank within him, Nosey Flynn answered. Dublin union, lord mayor in his eyes took note this is the worst long-term unemployment in the winepress grapes of Burgundy. Looks like the CNN, ABC, NBC polls in order to say Ben Dollard and his other sister Mrs Dickinson driving about with scarlet harness.
Hillary and the Baldwin impersonation just can't go on forever. The ace of spades! From Butler's monument house corner he glanced along Bachelor's walk. Must be the biggest of them all over our country. Slips off when the figures are announced in the blues. Good idea that. Know me come eat with me. Will I tell him. Look for something I.
Mr Bloom's gullet. Don't eat a morsel here. Yellowgreen towards Sutton.
Rawhead and bloody bones.
Allowed to respond?
Do you know, Davy Byrne said … He went towards the door. Isn't that what you know. Now she has in Henry street with a dose burning him.
He should say that I conceived it with millions of more viewers than Crooked H wanted to be in New Hampshire.
The Obama Administration from Gitmo has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS and wrecked the economy.
Too much fat on the debate questions-she went with Obama-and let us all. Homerule sun rising up in the bedroom from the old friends, Mrs Breen said. Seeing her home after practice.
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