#scared 4 my life. i was thinking w my dick while we were making plans and now my brain has caught up and im like. damn.
boimgfrog · 6 months
if anyone's curious I'm currently trapped in a love triangle between me (a trans man), a straight (?) guy who vapes (thinks I'm a girl), and my childhood best friend (male, has a crush on the straight guy). how I got here is unimportant all that matters is I was invited over to the guys house tomorrow and he apparently sleeps on the floor. not even a mattress. by choice.
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teeztheflag · 4 years
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W h o c a t c h e s t h e a l p h a ?
⋆ pairing : alpha!hong joong x werewolf!reader
⋆ genre: werewolf, angst, fluff, suggestive
⋆ warnings: alcohol, cussing words
⋆ words: 5,500
⋆ „You don’t want to break the rules, am I right?“
Right now exactly one day until your birthday. That’s 24 hours, 1440 minutes and 86400 seconds. Then you would be able to meet your mate. Your soulmate. Your destined other half. The love of your life.
You were currently stuck in the nearby town with your two friends to find a cute outfit for the festival tomorrow. It has been pretty hot the last days and you were relived to be in the shopping center that had an air conditioning system.
„When was the exact time you were born?“
„3.06 pm and 54 seconds.“
„Oh okay then let’s go the festival by 4 pm?“
„Yes, I think that’s good.“
You went into many boutiques searching through one clothes rack after another.
„Y/N! Look at this one!“ Jisoo showed you a pretty two-piece set.
„Mh, that should work!“ You smirked at her and took the fabric making your way to the changing room. After stepping out both girls gasped at your sight.
„Hong Joong will love this!“ Your smile faltered and you ushered to her clasping a hand onto her mouth.
„Are you crazy?!“ You gave her a judging look and let go to examine yourself in the mirror.
„It was just a joke, ok?“
„She’s right, Lisa. He‘s our alpha. If the pack clan finds out about your loose tongue...“
„What? Those cocky bastards? If you ask me they are still kids! I am not lying! Last week I saw Jong Ho and Min Gi betting on how many apples he could break in under 30 seconds.“
Well, Jong Ho was pretty strong even without his wolf form. Of course Hong Joong inherited the alpha genes from his father taking him to another level.
Thinking about the black colored wolf. He acted like biggest dick you knew at the moment. Being all cocky and arrogant after becoming the new alpha. You knew him since elementary school. Made sense because of your pack living in a separated town just for werewolves so technically everyone knew everyone.
Since your childhood you and Hong Joong were inseparable. You remember the time both of playing in your wolf forms he led you to a secret part of the forest with a little bay. There he snuggled into your side with his wet nose and promised you that he wanted you to become his mate, his luna. He wanted to convince you that he had a feeling it would happen. You laughed at him and tackled him down not wanting him to realize that his statement made your heart flutter.
„Well, we have to wait until my 20th birthday, right?“
Your dad has been a member of the old pack clan and still was good friends with Hong Joong‘s father. You remember two years ago when Hong Joong suddenly went up to you saying he wouldn’t have much time for you from now on. He and the other boys trained and learned all the affairs for working together as the new pack clan. And you understood. Really. But all the times he declined to just meet for a few minutes made you sad.
One day you couldn’t believe your eyes while being out with your girls in a club when Hong Joong and a girl from your pack named Yeri entered it hand in hand. You quickly learned they were dating and the new popular couple in the pack.
That evening your were devastated.
Having built up a deep crush on Hong Joong over all those years made your heart break at the sight. You didn’t understand why he was doing this. But at this time you knew to never believe in his promises again. So you started to ignore the boy. Wherever you saw him you turned another way or occupied yourself with others. If he entered the pack house you would be on your way to the exit. If your family visited his one you made up other plans. Alone the sight of him made you suffer. So you didn’t look at him and slowly his face vanished out of your mind to be remembered.
Unfortunately one day he had to become the alpha. And you couldn’t ignore him anymore. Listening to him at pack meetings or bow to him everytime he passed your way. On his side still the beautiful Yeri. Her white fur caused the male wolves to fall on their knees. One point for her.
But she wasn’t a good fighter. One point for you. Because after Hong Joong didn’t talk to you anymore you spent a huge amount of your time on the training battlefield for distraction. And that’s where you grew close with Jeong Yun Ho. A big fluffy ball of happiness.
Hong Joong found out about the two of you when Yun Ho came back one day with all your scent over him. As soon as the boy entered their pack clan house Hong Joong thought you just entered his place and got so excited he emerged down the stairs but instead of being met with your person Yun Ho grinned at him. The boy carefully sneaked back into his own room leaving Hong Joong in front of the entry.
Did you sleep with Yun Ho? Were you giving away your precious virginity before finding your mate?! He felt himself heating up at the thought of you mating with someone else than him and ran outside to change into his wolf form and running a long time until his anger vanished.
Hong Joong was a really proud boy. And not to talk about his wolf. Ever since he knew he was to become the new alpha a strong pressure weighed down on his shoulders. Always wanting to be good enough for his pack and strong and admirable.
When you were back in school Hong Joong already knew he totally fell in love with you over the years. Everyone knew you couldn’t choose your mate but there was this strong feeling whenever you were around him.
One time made his love for you waver so much it changed something in him. He overheard you talking to a friend that was nagging you about him. How you were totally into the little alpha and when you would tell him. That’s when you snapped and declined your love for him. You said you could never be into him and didn’t wanted to be burdened with all the tasks a luna had to carry. Hong Joong didn’t know your real thoughts about being scared of not suiting him. There were indeed prettier, stronger and more intelligent girls in your pack. You understood your love for him was a dream and it would be quite embarrassing too if someone found out about your feelings.
If the two of you had just had talked with eachother about your feelings.
„Anyways, leave the comments you snake. I hope Yun Ho likes my outfit!“
You giggled a last time at your sight and got back into the changing room. Lisa and Jisoo watched you being excited for your boyfriend seeing you in your cute outfit.
When you were back in the pack town you got a message from Yun Ho asking if you wanted to join them for a barbecue evening.
Being in a relationship with the brown haired beauty brought along the unpleasant case of seeing Hong Joong from time to time. Yun Ho and the others didn’t know about your feelings for each other back then. Woo Young was the only one that caught a moment between you and Hong Jong back when you were young where it was obvious the alpha was into you. Nevertheless Hong Joong pleaded with him to not tell anyone. Nowadays being the alpha he just could use his predominance to shut up anybody even if it was a good friend. So Woo Young stayed silent and watched Hong Joong forced a smile on his face whenever Yeri plastered him with kisses.
You quickly texted him a ‚yes‘ and waited for the evening when he picked you up. It was a little bit chillier outside this night and when you entered their big clan house you were already met with the now well known testosterone. Alpha, beta and pack clan scents lingered in every corner. You pushed yourself into Yun Ho‘s side sniffing in only his alluring boyfriend scent to blank out the dominating alpha odor.
„Oh, cool you are here, Y/N!“ San embraced you in a big hug and you laughed at Jong Ho pouting behind him for not letting you go. Soon the boy made space and gave Jong Ho and the others a chance to greet you, too.
Last one having Min Gi to hug you from behind and shake you from side to side.
„Y/Nah, let’s take a run after we’ve eaten! I bet my wolf is quicker than you now! I trained a lot with Woo Young!“
„Maybe, if you let me go I will think about it!“ You laughed at him when Yun Ho pulled the equally tall boy back by his ear.
„Everybody wanna‘ steel my girl! Come on baby.“ You smirked at him and gave him a quick peck when he pouted at you.
Yun Ho mad himself comfortable on the outdoor couches and you snuggled into his lap. Soon you were into a big discussion about the worst movies ever with the other boys when the alpha and his girlfriend finally arrived in the garden.
You stood up and bowed halfheartedly to quickly sit back into Yun Ho‘s lap and continue to enjoy the atmosphere. Hong Joong took a peek at your form being cuddled by Yun Ho and ignored the urge to roll with his eyes.
He took Yeri‘s hand into his and lead her to the table and sat down.
You greeted Yeri with a small smile to which she sent you one in return. You were not close with her despite being the only girls in this circle. Yeri had a bunch of popular girls around her and back in school she wasn’t the nicest, too.
But now you could see she was definitely in love with the alpha and they looked really good together. You repeated that quote everytime you came into temptation to take a look at Hong Joong.
It was obvious to everyone who was the more likable couple at the table. It just happened to be that you and Yun Ho were a funny constellation. Hong Joong always seemed tense when you were around joining conversations not as often then. No one really recognized accept of Woo Young and yourself and to Hong Joong‘s dismay Yun Ho, too.
But he kept his mouth shut. He knew you were good friends back in school and once heard you had a big fight after that. Although Hong Joong was his alpha he had to accept that you were his girlfriend. So he didn’t gave the topic more attention than needed.
After the barbecue you went for some cocktails and beer to enjoy the rest of the evening. You didn’t forget Min Gi‘s request and remembered him before the two of you became too intoxicated.
After an hour chasing eachother through the woods you changed back and joined the others again a few of them quite drunk by now.
„Baby! Who won?“
„I don’t know if I should feel insulted by this question.“
„Everyone knows Y/N is the quickest out of the girls!“ San wiggled with his eyebrows while being occupied by finishing a bag of chips.
„I hope so. I’ve not trained her for nothing.“ Yeo Sang smirked at you and stealed the chips out of San‘s grip earning a glare from the boy.
„Is that so?“
Hong Joong shot you an interested look and you decided you would stand the challenge.
„Sangie‘s just exaggerating. But thanks to him, I could improve my skills.“
You weren’t looking away. Why was he suddenly talking to you? He technically didn’t for years. He found it funny you didn’t budge down from his gaze. So he used some of his alpha power to show you who’s in charge.
You saw his eyes turning darker and knew he wanted you to submit back. When his power finally reached a point to feel your wolf nudge you to show respect you sat back down next to Yun Ho and looked away. Hong Joong being satisfied with his work took a sip from his beer and smirked to himself. So he was still having an effect on you.
„Y/N, tomorrow is a big day for you, right?“
„Oh, Jong Ho please stop...“
„Wait, what is tomorrow?“
„Mingi, first the festival is tomorrow. And second, Y/N is going to turn 20...“
San clapped into his hands. All of them being still unmated making you a potential partner. Because only girls held the ability to inflame the mate bond.
„Yah, you thirsty boys better stay away from my girl! If she ends up with someone of you I will literally throw up!“ Yun Ho laughed out loud at this and the others joined him except of Hong Joong and Woo Young.
Yun Ho knew there wasn’t a high chance of you two being mates but there was hope. And if it turned out you were to be with one of his pack clan members so be it.
As soon as someone finds their mate all their romantic feelings for another being vanish. It was just how nature wanted it. So he had to be patient and wait for the outcome of tomorrow.
You took Yun Ho‘s hand feeling his discomfort because of the statement and kissed it bringing him out of his thoughts. He smiled at you and pecked your cheek.
But even you had your doubts Yun Ho would be the one and you couldn’t put your hand on what let you feel this way.
The final day came soner as you wished and Jennie, Rosé, Lisa, Jisoo and you prepared for the festival. After everyone finished the last details you went down to the kitchen being greeted by your family. You mum baked a cake for you with a big ‚20‘ on the top and your dad and brother watched a soccer game in the TV. The only one freaking out were the girls but you knew your dad was nervous as fuck, too. Your brother being grumpy all day because he didn’t want you to love someone more than your big brother.
„So, honey. When do you plan on meeting Yun Ho today?“
„Mh, we want to meet at the festival.“
„At the festival? But isn’t this a little... you know... unromantic?“
You cringed at her words. Of course it wasn’t as romantic as other potential mates did it. But if it turned out he wasn’t the one than you both could spend some time for yourself with your friends.
„Don’t worry Mrs. Y/L/N! We will take care of her even if she doesn’t find her mate today!“
„And if he finds her first?“
You looked at Jennie with widened eyes because her comment made you blush. Of course, she already found her mate just like Jisoo and Rosé.
Your thoughts were a mess searching for all the unmated boys of your pack in your head. Shit, it literally could be anyone. Jisoo seemed to noric your panick mode and ushered to your side.
„Everything will be alright! The moon goddess always chooses wisely.“
Ah, yes. The ball of stone knows what it does.
„5 minutes left!“ Lisa shouted to your dad and brother and they turned down the TV to join you in the kitchen.
After a moment they counted down the time and you officially became a 20 year old girl. You blew out the candles and wished for Yun Ho to be your mate. One after another gave you their birthday wishes and hugged you.
„Ah, finally a woman my little baby!“ You mother had tears in her eyes and took of a photo of every moment.
„So, do you feel different?“
„I remember to have a displeasing feeling in my stomach. But it was just the pasta we ate the day before haha!“ You glared at Jennie at your side.
„I-I feel nothing. I mean no change...“
It was quiet in the kitchen. The atmosphere a little bit awkward but Rosé took you arm and suggested to make a toast. While the others prepared the champagne you looked at your phone to finde a message from Yun Ho saying ‚Happy birthday princess <3 can’t wait to see ya‘.
You smiled at his text and butterflies emerged in your tummy. Maybe this was a good sign?
After some time finishing five bottles of champagne you made your way to the festival.
This was a mistake.
All of you turned into a giggling mess while stomping over to the middle of the town. Everything was decorated in a pretty way. Laterns and fairy lights hanging from the houses and turning the town into a cozy place. Children played an giggled everywhere and the elder sitting by benches and talking. Boys and girls going on their first date and groups of young people trying to test their limits and enjoying the free atmosphere.
And five girls being drunk on their way to the opening ment.
„There are so many boys here. How am I supposed to find the one I am searching for?“
Jisoo turns to you while walking down a street and bops your nose grinning from ear to ear.
„Waeee, oh. I understand.“
You smell him. To be exact, you are able to smell your mate‘s scent. People say your mate smells like your favorite perfume and their odor pulls you in like a magical weave.
So you poked out your nose starting to sniff the air.
The fresh air did good things to you drunk girls and when you neared the big town court you first grabbed something to eat. After looking around and greeting some people you managed to make out quite a number of male wolves that were checking you out looking if your scent gave something off. But everytime you waited for something to happen it didn’t.
No goosebumps or alluring scent. It was quite disappointing but made you happy nevertheless. Your chances of having Yun Ho as your mate grew with each unmated boy you passed.
A bell rang and you and the others went further to the stage where soon the pack clan would hold their opening ment. Your hand suddenly became very sweaty and you waited for Yun Ho ho to appear on the stage. People started to clap when someone pulled at your skirt.
„Wh-Eun Hee? What are you doing here?“ A little girl you babysitted from time to time looked up at you from her little form.
„Noona, I cannot find my mama!“ She had tears in her eyes. You weren’t realizing the pack clan already emerged onto the stage and Yun Ho‘s eyes started to search for yours.
„Oh, don’t be afraid little one! I will find your mum!“
She couldn’t get too far by the way. While scanning the crowd a light scent of richness took in your nostrils. You were trying to concentrate on the people when you luckily saw Eun Hee‘s mother only a few meters away from you.
„Mrs. Kim! Here!“ You waved at her holding Eun Hee‘s small hand in yours and giving her an encouraging smile when her mother discovered you and made her way through the crowd.
Suddenly your ears were infiltrated with a melodic sound of the most beautiful voice you’ve ever heard in your life. You followed it‘s source onto the stage when your breath got stuck in you lungs.
Your gaze landed on Yun Ho. But he wasn’t the one talking. You saw him finding your form and your eyes that were filling with tears. Yun Ho‘s brows furrowed but he understood it sooner as you would’ve thought.
He wasn’t your mate.
By the time Mrs. Kim picked up her daughter your gaze stopped at your real mate. Your soulmate. Chosen by the moon goddess.
It felt like seeing the most beautiful man on earth for the first time. You were happy. Your wolf howled at you and filled your head with thoughts about going to him and marking my as yours.
But your smile faltered when he took a hand in his that wasn’t yours. Jealousy immediately engulfed you and your eyes went dark at the sight.
„Y/N?! Is it Yun Ho or not?“
All the girls were looking at you now waiting for an answer. But you only felt your wolf becoming angrier by each second your mate was with another girl on the stage for everyone to see.
„Don’t touch me. I have to go.“ You gritted out with clenched teeth and a shaking form. The girls new you were just about to change in front of the whole town and let you fight your way through the crowd.
Hong Joong smelled it, too. He was confused why the odor was the best he every was met with. It was intoxicating.
His wolf pushed him to the find the source of the scent.
He frantically searched the crowd for the girl the scent belonged to. His wolf growing impatient by each second passing that he couldn’t make out where you were.
He totally forgot about the girl on his side by now when he finally found you rushing out of the place into the direction of the woods.
Don’t let her go!
He left the audience in shock when he jumped down the stage and followed you leaving his pack dumbstruck by his actions.
„Ehm, our alpha will be back in a few seconds.“
Yun Ho watched Hong Joong following your form with teary eyes and as soon as he turned around a corner he stomped from the stage into another direction. Out of all people why was it him to be your mate.
As soon as you entered the forest you got out of your clothes and changed into your wolf running away like an army was chasing you.
Whimpers and cries left you from time to time and your wolf asked again and again why you were not defending your mate and claiming him for yourself.
You went to the secret bay Hong Joong showed you back then knowing no one would find you here. You stopped in front of the water taking in your black reflection. Your wolf managed to get a quite loud howl out of you to which you panicked someone could have heard. And to your personal dismay a large equally black wolf emerged from behind a tree.
You immediately knew it was Hong Joong because of the new undeniable attraction you felt for his figure. You shook away the thought and got into a fighting position showing your fangs and snarling at him.
He stopped in his tracks being confused by your hostility. He rounded you changing the angle of his head from time to time. He took in your form and licked his snout at your scent.
One moment of you being distracted was enough for him to near your butt and smell your scent where it was the strongest next to your neck and it caused him to heckle at the alluring potion.
You flinched away from him and snapped at him earning a warning growl from the much bigger wolf.
You took the chance an started to run away from him.
Oh, she wants to play! Let us catch her Joong!
He never felt this excited before to run after your beautiful wolf. But as it was a play for him and you were dead serious on the other side. This asshole wasn’t going to get you, mark you and all the other stuff he was wishing for.
You were running as fast as you could him being dead on your track the whole time.
She’s really pretty fast! Enough playing, let’s get her now.
You jumped over fallen trees, stones and little water banks when you thought not hearing his paws hitting the ground behind you anymore. When you were sure he stopped chasing after you you slowed down your running until you came to a halt in front of a wide meadow. Time has passed and the sun started to set into a beautiful purple and pink colored sky. You sneaked over the meadow to reach the other side where your territory was slowly ending. It was prohibited to go further in your wolf form but fuck the rules at this moment.
Y/N, I want to be with our mate!
Ah, stupid bond.
After a few minutes you found yourself in front of the end of the meadow going further with careful steps. As soon as you set feet onto the foreign land someone crushed out of a bush into your side pinning you down under him.
As you came back to your senses you made out the black wolf on top of you even seeing his smirk in this form.
„You don’t want to break the rules, am I right?“
„Let me go!“
„I am not. You are my mate!“
You squirmed under him only causing to arouse his inner wolf. He leaned into you fury neck and sniffled you scent and rubbed himself on the point.
He purred into your form making your wolf nearly fall into unconsciousness at the overwhelming pleasure his movements were causing you.
„N-no... Please... Let go!“
You had no choice against his much larger form on you and were surprised when he changed back into his naked form sweat on his forehead and still holding you in place like you were a puppet.
What?! Was he dumb or something?!
„I said change!“
He used his alpha aura to intimidate you into submission and you felt your wolf quiver at his dominance in a welcoming way.
You changed back and were now lying naked under a also naked Hong Joong somewhere on a meadow. That indeed felt strange.
Hong Joong smirked at your obedience and his wolf was proud you obeyed him.
„Look at me.“
You followed his order and took in his face the first time since years. You wouldn’t thought he could become more beautiful than in the past but how wrong you have been. His features were soft, lips opened a little bit and his hair messed up because of the running.
You didn’t know how long you layed there him straddling you holding your arms in place next to your head and taking in your features like it was the first time.
„My luna.“
As soon as the words left his mouth your brows furrowed. You remembered all that has happened the last years and thought back to Yun Ho.
Hong Joong was irritated by the simple word. He grinned at you.
„No? What are you saying there my love. Do you want to make me suffer?“
„S-stop talking to me like this! I am not your mate and I won’t be your luna! This isn’t right! The moon goddess made a mistake!“
Hong Joong backed away from you a little bit because of the outburst.
What does she mean? Doesn’t she want to be our mate? But we love her! We did since we knew her!
„You-you are not meaning this, right?“
„I do!“
Y/N no! Look at him! He’s starting to cry because of what you are saying! Don’t lie to him!
He let go of you fully and sat beside you looking into the distance. Instantly guilt feelings rushed though your system seeing your mate sad because of you.
„Look, I didn’t mean it...“
„I-I am just saying this has to be a mistake! I mean you’re in a relationship with Yeri and I am not suited for you and becoming the luna!“
„What the fuck are you saying?! Why shouldn’t you be suited for me? Heck, I’ve always wanted you to be it! I told you! You were always perfect for me and the position...“
What? He thought you were perfect for him? You wolf teared up at his confession and you blushed hard at his statement.
„Buf Yeri, she’s prettier than me and very intelligent... She would be a better luna!“
He turned towards you tears streaming down his cheeks.
„You are and always were the prettiest, funniest most intelligent girl for me! You are the one that I wanted since high school! Why don’t you understand that!“
You were afraid your heart would burst out of your chest at that moment. You never knew he thought about that way.
„But...you were the one that wanted nothing to do with me anymore!“
„Because I heard you talking about never going to love me and only seeing me as a friend!“
Oh shut up... He heard that crap back in school!
„I-that was a lie...“
You looked down to the ground too ashamed that you weren’t the only one causing the misunderstandings.
„A lie?“
„Yes, because I was so insecure of my love for you. I was afraid the others would laugh at me and especially you...“
After that a long pause came. Neither of you saying something and you still blocking your breast with your arms from his sight.
Suddenly Hong Joong started laughing next to you causing you to join him because the situation was just strange.
Hong Joong carefully took your hand and watched your reaction to be sure you wouldn’t shy away from him.
„Y/N, I am sorry for how everything went the past years. I know I can not make it up to you in one day but I will give everything to convince you that you are perfect for me. I want you to believe in yourself. You are such a pure soul I know you will be the greatest luna ever. I promise you I will stand by your side the whole time and love you unconditionally. That is... if you give me the chance and want to accept me as your mate.“
You saw his eyes literally sparkle while saying these wonderful things to you. You thought back to Yun Ho for a moment being sorry for everything. But you knew that one day he would meet his mate, too. And then he would forget about his romantic feelings for you like you did the moment your eyes landed on your new found mate. And the things you felt for him were real.
So you decided to be brave.
„After all the problems we had gone through... I think I wouldn’t want to be separated from you any other minute!“
Hong Jong‘s eyes lit up and he engulfed you into a big embrace breathing in your scent of your neck again and peppering kisses all the way upwards until it landed on the side of your moth leaving you a giggling mess.
His eyes turned black again and you seductively bit your lip at the excitement you were feeling. He slowly made his way to your lips and kissed you in a slow and passionate style. You moaned into the kiss feeling your two souls emerging into one at the contact. Your whole body felt like spacing out into another dimension at the feeling of your mate’s heat.
After some time relaxing into eachother you both became aware of still being naked somewhere in the nature. You changed into your wolf forms to make your way back home.
„By the way... I know it will be a little bit awkward with Yun Ho... But I cannot wait to wash off his scent from you. Like I can literally not wait to leave my mark onto your form.“
You tensed at his declaration. What did he me with wash off his scent from you?
„Ehm, okay. I hope we can take things slow... It will be my first time, you know?“
Hong Joong stopped in his tracks. He eyed you a with swift shake of his head. Suddenly his tail began to wiggle.
„Y-you mean your are still a virgin?“
„Yes, I wanted to wait for my mate...“
You shyly looked to the ground and not understood why he was so excited about the fact.
„Did you sleep with Yeri?“
„Nope. Same reason like you.“
Your wolf approved of this new information and you liked the thought, too.
You both continued your way back to the town sometimes playing with eachother like chasing the tails or nudging the significant other.
Just as you reached the beginning of the town you stopped in your tracks. A new life would being for you today. And you couldn’t hide the fact that you were indeed a little bit scared. But as you watched Hong Joong from behind you were happy. Happy to have found your mate. Your soulmate. Your destined other half. The love of your life.
„What’s wrong my love?“
He gave you a reassuring smile. Coming back to you and licking your ears and cheeks. You purred at the new feeling of contact and cuddled into his side to smell his wonderful scent.
„Nothing. Now everything’s finally perfect.“
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dumbkiri · 4 years
Fate Changes Final
Parts: [1, 2, 3, 4 ,5, Here ]
Summary: Not every star-crossed couple has to have a tragedy end like Romeo and Juliet. The end of [Name]’s note proves that. 
Pairing: Jason Todd x Female! Reader
Genre: Fluff? Slight angst? 
Word Count: 2.1 k, 6 pages (pretty short)
Warning(s): NONE..for once lol
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A few days later…
“I get why you’re doing it,” Dick walked up from behind [Name], staring up at her Batsuit in a glass enclosure, “although, I will miss you on the field. Nobody really fights like you do.
”[Name] scoffed with a smirk on her face, “Do you ever get bored of complimenting people? Is that a skill others can acquire? I’m very interested.” She turns around with her arms crossed over her chest. Her [e.color] eyes had lost their color. Dick would describe it as a thin film of sadness covering her bright [e.color] hues.
 “If you are interested, I can give you lessons on how to ‘woo’ people.” Dick placed his hands on his hips and smiled down at [Name].
 “Now that you mentioned it, I’m not a simp,” [Name] laughed at Dick’s funny reaction. Her childish laughter echoed in the cold Batcave. 
“I’ll ignore that for now,” Dick’s smile faded away when he redirected his gaze to the enclosure. He never imagined that she would retire from being Batgirl. She didn’t stop fighting crime when Jason died. His death only fueled her. Even after death, Jason was still her motivation. “So what’re you going to do now?”
[Name] sighed and uncrossed her arms and followed Dick’s own pose. She leaned on one leg and rubbed the back of her neck tiredly, “Actually, that’s what I was going to discuss with you guys.”
Dick awaited her response in anticipation. 
“I, uh, got a job as a kindergarten teacher, it’s something I always dreamed of-- well at least, w--when...whatever I don’t have to explain. This is embarrassing enough for me.” [Name] stopped sputtering and ignored the incredulous look she was receiving from her best friend. 
“I can’t believe it!” Dick exclaimed and hunched over from laughter. He held his sides and his body shook with happiness. He straightened up and noticed the deathly glare from the female. He wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and breathed out, “Wow! The Brave Cardinal is now a kindergarten teacher? I just can’t believe you go from fighting thugs to caring for younglings.”
 [Name] turned her back on Dick and huffed, “Laugh it up, but I want to live a normal life.”
She faced him with a determined look and pointed at herself with a newfound confidence, “I am going to live a normal life and have a normal job. I’ll start a normal family and have normal problems. If I want that then I need to retire being Batgirl.”[Name]’s eyes connected with Dick’s, “And I hope you guys, are fine with that?”
 Dick smiled at [Name] with kindness and with hope, “Of course, all that we ask of you is give us a visit from time to time. Alfred would love some normalcy in his life.”
 “I can manage that,” [Name] giggled and raised her arm up, her hand in a fist. Dick formed his hand into a fist as well and they both bumped their closed hands together,
 “See you soon, Dick Grayson.”
“See you soon, [Name] [L.Name].”
 Three Years Later…
Bruce held the bundle of joy carefully in his arms. He stared at the baby girl with wide eyes as his arms adjusted to a comfortable position. Then he looked up at the mother of the child.
 “Why are you staring at me like that? It’s embarrassing…” [Name] looked away from Bruce with a blush. Her hands fumbling with each other. 
Dick jumped up in excitement while Tim choked on his coffee when they saw The Bruce Wayne holding a child no older than two years old. Dick ran over to Bruce with the biggest smile on his face. He reached out to the baby girl, but Bruce pulled away.
 “Dick, I just got the chance to hold her,” Bruce muttered.
 Dick’s shoulders slumped and he backed away to give [Name] a bone crushing hug. He lifted her off the floor and spun her around. The two of them laughed at the happy situation. Dick finally set [Name] down and asked his questions. “This was the surprise?! How come you didn’t tell us sooner? Where is Henry, I thought he was going to be here too?”
 [Name] chuckled, “Henry had some business with his employees and told me to introduce you all to the new family member.” Her [e.color] eyes looked over to her baby girl. Alfred was helping Tim hold the baby, but Tim was stiff as a statue.
 [Name] looked back at Dick and announced loud enough for everyone to hear, “Her name is [D.Name] Martha Davis. We had trouble with her middle name, but then we thought of Bruce." 
The older woman looked at her mentor with a kind smile, "Henry and I wouldn't have met if you didn't introduce us together. We are so grateful that you did because you guys granted my wish."
 "And what was that?" Tim asked, holding on [D.Name] carefully. He was lolling her to sleep without even noticing it.
 [D.Name]'s [e.color] eyes watched her mother with a certain shine in them. Her [h.color] hair was fluffy and short. People said she was the spitting image of [Name] and the mother couldn't deny.
 [Name] placed her hands on her hips and walked closer to her family, "A normal life." 
There's so many things I want to say to you. So many apologies. So many acceptances. I know that moving out of Gotham was something unexpected for you and I knew the news devastated you. I was also feeling the same way. 
We never really got the chance to love each other right. I think we missed those chances. But I'll never forget the fleeting moments between us. They were nice while they lasted, right? 
I missed that Christmas night when Bruce held an event at the manor. You had to attend because you were his ward and you invited me as your date. Everyone was dancing and I remember when you walked up to me with that goofy smile on your face. You asked me if I wanted to dance with you. I declined and your smile just disappeared.
 So later that night before I left the manor, I went into your room to surprise you. I hope you remember this night as much as I do. You opened your door and oh god, you were so surprised. I still remember that funny look on your face. Makes me laugh every time I think about it. 
I asked you if you wanted to dance with me and you happily agreed. You didn't hesitate at all. So you started up the music on your favorite station and what would be our song, Fly Me to The Moon, played. You held me so close that I could smell the faint cologne you had put on earlier. You smelled like chocolate and mint.
 I know you did because all you ate at the party was chocolate and the mint? I still have no idea why mint. We danced almost all night and I ended up staying the night. You let me sleep in your bed even though there were plenty of other guests rooms. You just wouldn't let me go and I wasn't complaining. 
That's when I found out you were Robin and Bruce was Batman. Then for some reason, there was a push. Like someone was telling me to join you two. Fight the bad guys. Bring justice. Enforce fear. You two were the dynamic duo in my eyes. You had this incredible chemistry that I longed for with somebody. That I wanted in a family.
 So I ended up being Batgirl. Those were the days. Fighting crime with Batman and Robin. I thought I was dreaming for some time. But once I got a punch to my face, I knew the pain was real. That I wasn't dreaming. 
You protected me on those patrols. You fought for me. You took bullets for me. Knife wounds. Bruises. You did everything in your power to make sure I was safe. That I would come back. 
I wished I did the same for you. I wasn't there for you in your time of need. I didn't read your letters for weeks because my life in Metropolis was so consuming. I didn't do what you did for me. My guilt consumed me so much that I forgot how to be me.
 I returned to Gotham, but like you said I was too late. I came into the manor with my belongings and Alfred told me Bruce was searching for you. That you ran away to go kill Joker. I waited all night in the living quarters for you to come back home. Bruce returned with nothing. He couldn't find you. 
Then we got a video. I never felt so disgusted with myself. I never felt so hurt watching you be near that maniac. Joker, he was all fun and games. He brainwashed you till the point where you were going to tell him who Batman was.
 I jumped at the sound of the gunshot. I cried at the sound of your body dropping. I fell to my knees at the sound of Joker laughing. 
My heart broke so much that it was beyond repair. I did what I did best after your death. I took out all my anger and frustration on the vermin in Gotham. I took out all my shame and guilt on me. I was keeping watch on Harvey Dent one night and I got a call from Alfred. He was speaking so fast that I couldn't understand him.
 All I got in that sentence was Joker, your name, kill and Batman. Our mentor was going to kill Joker. I sat on the roof for a minute thinking, 'Finally, finally Batman is getting rid of the stupid clown.' He deserved to die. The Joker was nothing, but the darkness in Gotham City. But then I came back to my senses.
 I know, you hate him. You have a damn good reason to. I hate him as well, but we can't dictate who dies and when. We don't have the authority to plan or think how a person should die. So I ran.
 I ran. I jumped. I rolled. I stopped. 
Batman had Joker in his hands. A tight grip on his neck and if Bruce squeezed any harder, he would have killed the deranged clown. I watched on scared. The man who taught us the one important rule was going to break it. He was going to break the rule.
 "We are no better than them!" 
That's what I shouted. That's what got Bruce to release Joker. I was relieved that I stopped him from crossing that line. Because once you do, you can't ever go back.
 I'm sure you heard that Joker died. It wasn't a gruesome death, no. It was a sickness that got him. And I think it's ironic. Joker was a plague in Gotham City. And he died from an illness. He died.
 I lived on for months always dreaming of you. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw you. You were my everything. You were my protector. You were my Romeo. And I was your Juliet. 
Our paths have never touched. Yes, we held hands. We kissed. We hugged. But we never were on the same page. And that is what breaks my heart. We were star-crossed lovers. 
Joker was the one to separate us. He was our outside force. Another reason why I hate him so much. He took you away from me. 
But our love doesn't have to end. Our story doesn't have to end like Romeo and Juliet. I'm not saying we can be lovers. I already said we missed those chances. But what I am saying is that we can still be in each other's lives.
 And I want you to meet somebody. It's been a long time since we last talked. It's been three years? I heard from Dick that you're coming around lately which is great. I often come back to the manor as well.
 I live in Gotham now, close by Wayne Manor for various reasons. The main reason was because of my daughter. She's two years old and if you saw her, is basically, she's the spitting image of me. I want you to meet her.
 It sounds selfish. I know. But you're still a part of my family. You will always be a part of my family.
 I want you to know I love you, Jason Todd. I'll always love you no matter what. And in an alternate universe, I hope that our fate changes. 
Your Juliet, [Name] Davis
“Hey can you slow down a bit? It’s difficult to run in a dress!” 
“I told you that we were going outside! It’s not my fault you don’t listen!” 
A teenage girl huffed after the male in front of her. His midnight black hair soaking in the sun. His red shirt and black pants showing off his built body. She watched as he stepped over a creek with ease and he turned around just in time to help her hop over it. 
He held her hand gently and smiled at her, “The dress does look good on you though.” 
[Name] blushed and lost her footing. Her body ended up bumping into the boy and they fell onto the flower bed. “Oh, Jason! I’m so sorry about that! These shoes aren’t good with grip and-”
“My god, [Name], do you talk this much when you’re this flustered?” Jason chuckled and reached a tentative hand toward her face. She leaned into his palm and sighed in content while he stared at her. 
“Jason, what are you thinking about?” [Name] questioned staring at the male with worried [e.color] eyes. She adjusted her body on top of him where she sat on his lap still facing him. 
The teenage boy sat up with his hand remaining on her delicate face. His blue eyes reflected the bright blue sky. “I just, I’m glad we’re together. I was afraid that you’d reject me and that your parents would refuse my courting toward you.” 
[Name] grabbed his hand and traced circles on his palm. “Yeah, I’m glad too. I don’t know what I would do if we didn’t have each other.” 
Jason smiled and whispered, “I love you, [Name].” 
She heard his words and stared at him with wide eyes. Then she made the first move. She moved forward and pressed her lips against his own soft ones. [Name] pulled away and noticed the pink tint on his cheeks. 
“Can we do that again?” Jason asked and before he could get another kiss, [Name] stood up and brushed her dress. Then she started running toward the castle where Jason was crowned prince. 
“Only if you can catch me, your majesty!” [Name] laughed running ahead.
Jason had this familiar goofy smile on his face and he jumped to his feet. He proclaimed, “Oh I will and when I do, you won’t regret it!” 
And in an alternate universe, I hope that our fate changes.
TAGGED Fated Changers: @anotherfan07​ @httpfandxms​ @greyxdaze​ @zalladane​ @iwriteaboutstuff​ @cutiepoo16​ @kaylinfayezink​ @thescottpack​ @izzieg3987​ @loxbbg​ @seymoourr​ @terralupa​ @backstagepaige​ @downtownbabyyeah​ @http-used-eraser​ @laggyphone​ @osejn​ @realityshifter111​ @ishanequa​ @ryryryleigh @fvckthebatboys​
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Chromeskull x Cop!Reader x The Collector
A dark themed erotic novel for the twisted minds
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Resume: When there’s a third party, things might get a little difficult. Jealousy is an ugly characteristic and it might get you into a whole lot of trouble. 
Chapter 1: Nightshift Turn Out
Chapter 2: Twisted Tongue
Chapter 3: Rising from fire like the Phoenix
Chapter 4: Video Shadows
Chapter 5: New beginning and Past memories
Chapter 6: Lovers Reunion
Chapter 7: Sweet Blackmail
Chapter 8: False Freedom
Chapter 9: Ugly Jealousy (You are here)
Chapter 10: Sinful Ecstasy
You woke up with a headache, the sleep you had wasn't enough and it didn't help that you had to get your ass out of bed to prepare yourself for work. You took a quick shower, trying to wash the tiredness from your face, then dressed. Breakfast was out of the discussion, you weren't hungry, but you filled your dog's bowl with food before exiting and going to work, acting like everything was fine. You didn't want to have your co-workers ask you millions of questions if you were alright.
Everything went fine, some office paperwork, today you had no patrolling so you took all your time into the office, the AC blowing behind you, a sigh leaving your lips as your exhausted eyes took a glance at the clock on the wall; lunchtime. Maybe coffee and something sweet would ease your tension. Closing your laptop, you told your partner you will take some time off to get food, which he replied with a simple nod, his eyes too pulled into the stacks of papers and the computer.
Walking down the hallways, you exited the police station and were ready to go across the street to get yourself the nutriments for today, only to stop dead into your tracks, when your eyes meet the tall form of Jesse, leaning against the side of a Chrysler, 300c, all black with his hands into the pockets of his slacks, a smirk on his scarred face.
He wouldn't do something in public, in front of so many people and especially coworkers of yours that were outside smoking. You gulped down and got the courage to walk towards him, trying not to look scared, mostly so as not to raise unwanted questions and suspicions.
"I haven't told anyone anything, not a soul." you firstly said, trying not to stumble over your words. He pulled out his phone from his pocket, typing a message.
'I know, princess. We have our eyes on you all the time.'
Well, that calmed you down very much, but still, that didn't answer your question about why he was here.
'I thought you might be hungry since it's lunchtime. I brought you something.'
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as he opened the passager seat and pulled out a box, which contained your favorite food, along with a cup of coffee, just how you liked it, a little bitter with some milk, and what you loved most, strawberry cake.
"Why?" you hesitated, taking the box anyway since your stomach was making the thinking for you now.
'Why not? Isn't this what a lover is supposed to do to his most valuable person in life?'
That message made you all the more confused, not to mention a little angry. He wasn't your lover or boyfriend or any synonyms specified.
"You're not my lover. You kidnapped me, hurt me, and not to mention blackmailed me." you explained, trying to sound assertive, but at the same time trying not to draw attention to the both of you. You knew how your coworkers liked to gossip and prey on any juicy stories.
'Details, doll.' he waved off as it was nothing as if the words you said were just a joke to him, but then he narrowed his brown eye, his hand pulling you flush against his chest, a gasp leaving your lips. On one hand, he still had his phone, typing away with precision.
'Kiss me.'
That command, because request sure as hell wasn't, made your eyes widen and shivers to run down your spine, a bad feeling coming into your chest.
"W-What?" Kiss him in public? In front of your coworkers that was a few feet away from the two of you, clearly observing the whole scenario.
'I'm not a shy one, doll. Let them all see that you're taken, not to mention...Isn't it rude not to thank me for this treat?'
The bastard was playing with you now, and you knew that if you denied his words the outcome wouldn't be pretty; you constantly thought of your brother and how you need to protect him, despite you being his little sister.
"If I kiss you, will you leave?" you asked in a hushed voice, your face inches from his own, that smirked at your question, nodding slowly.
Taking a deep breath you leaned on your toes, so you could reach him and pressed your lips shyly against his rough ones, the kiss all innocent, until his free hand moved from your waist to the back of your neck, his fingers stroking the skin there, his tongue pocking out to brush against your lips.
You opened your eyes and looked into his half-lidded brown one, his gaze speaking 'Open up or else', so you slowly parted your lips, allowing him entry and he sure did take advantage of it, deepening the kiss and rubbing his tongue over yours, a slight moan vibrating from you, then as it started, it ended, leaving you a shocked and breathless mess.
Jesse knew you enjoyed it more than you let it know, the smug look he gave you, speaking much more.
'Thanks, doll. You're a peach, also I will pick you up after work and we are going to my place for a drink or two.'
That was his last message before he went inside the car, driving off and leaving you all speechless. Well, at last, you got free lunch, so you headed back inside the police station, not before taking a glance at your coworkers outside who had confused, shocked, and amused faces.
Great, you will be the primary discussion for one week from the looks of it. Walking down the hallways, you got inside your office, your partner still working while one of the female officers was there chatting with him. Her eyes looked up and when she saw you she smirked knowingly.
"What's with that smirk?" you asked, setting down the box with the food, getting ready to eat.
"How come you never told anyone you had a boyfriend? And a rich as fuck one." she said, with a raised eyebrow. Great, she was one of these gossip sharks who would love to sink their teeth into you for more spicy details.
"I don't think that is any business for work." you replied, trying not to give any information to this predator.
"I always thought you were asexual, but my....Girl, you really know how to pick em." she said, sitting down on your partner's desk, making him look up at her with an acidic look. Well, at last, you weren't the only one who wanted to stab her in the mouth.
"I mean...He is one tall fella...I bet his dick is something to be afraid of." she continued, her words made your coworker choke on his coffee, obviously disgusted by her dirty comments.
"How rich is he? Judging by his car and the way he dresses....I bet he rubs his money on your pussy, girl." she joked, laughing, only to stop when you banged your fist on your desk.
"Get the fuck out!" you screamed, a vicious glare shot directly in her direction. She made a quick dash for the door, tripping over her high heels on her way out. Your partner chuckled at your outburst.
"Well, that was quite amusing on your part. Never saw you angry before." he commented nonchalantly.
"All I want is to be left alone and do my work. I hate gossips." you groaned out, starting to eat your lunch, the delightful taste of it calming your nerves down.
"Good luck with that. This place stinks of predators ready to devour any information you have on yourself. I thought you knew this after so many months."
"Well, I wasn't exactly into the spotlight, until now." you grumbled, chewing on your food.
"Get used to it."
The rest of the day at work was full of tension; each time someone entered your office, he or she commented something about your 'lover', some comments were innocent some made your skin crawl.
You stretched your arms above your head as you saw that it was ending of the program; you couldn't wait to get home and have a bubble bath...maybe a movie? Of course, the pleasant dream was destroyed, when you remembered that Jesse had already plans for you.
As you exited the police station, you weren't that much surprised that the luxurious black car was waiting for you. Jesse wasn't joking and it made you start to walk towards it when he honked, signaling for you to hurry up.  You got inside the car, into the passager seat, next to Jesse, but not even sparing him a glance.
'Not gonna give daddy a kiss?' the robotic voice spoke up, making you blush and look slowly at him, reluctant as you saw the serious look he sported. Gulping down, you gave his scarred cheek a quick kiss, making the man smirk and laugh silently.
He let that go, and starting driving to his place, the drive there was as silent as ever, not even him giving you looks or anything, and that only amplified the tension.
After driving for one hour or so, you two got to his place, parking his car and leading you inside. All the flashbacks from what happened inside came to you, making you halt your steps a little, only for Jesse to push lightly on your lower back.
Entering, you didn't even have the time to speak, as Jesse pushed you against a wall, his arms caging you against his body, his nose buried into the crook of your neck, taking deep inhales of breath.
"W-What are you doing?" you shuttered, trying to push a little against his chest. He moved a little from you, taking his phone out so he could communicate with you.
'How was work?'
You narrowed your eyes at his question.
"Because of you, I was feeling like I was in a tank full of piranhas. You have any idea how people love to stick their nose into others business?" you asked with annoyance, glaring up at Jesse, who only smirked at your spitfire attitude.
'I know, but what's the problem? Let them all know who owns you. By the way, love that comment about how you are my sugar baby. Got me a little rilled up, doll.'
You couldn't take it anymore, you pushed hard against his chest, taking him by surprise as he stumbled one step behind.
"I have enough of this! I'm not an object you can own. I'm an independent woman and I can do whatever I want!" you screamed out at him, and in an instant, he had his hand wrapped around your throat, your back connecting again with the wall, but much harsher.
Jesse snarled down at you, brown eye flashing with annoyance.
'You think you have a choice? Well, you do have, but I don't think you want to lose your dear brother, because of this stupid female pride. You will get used to it, and maybe love it at some point, to be my gorgeous trophy on my part of the arrangement.'
Fear struck you, as you tried to pry his hand off of you, but without any luck.
'I suggest you learn your place. Trust me, I'm far worse than Asa.'
You whimpered, your eyes closed to look Jesse in the eye.
'All you have to do is get down on your hands and knees and by my little baby girl. Pretty easy for a spitfire as yourself. I will enjoy ripping this independence off of you.'
You felt humiliated by his words and squeaked as you felt his lips brush against yours. Your mind kept telling you to just take it what comes at you, that being arrogant and prideful won't save you or your brother.
'Don't let the sin of pride destroy what is most precious for you.' That's what your mind kept repeating over and over. A sigh left your lips, opening them for Jesse who smirked in victory and began to kiss you feverishly.
That was...until, a loud bang of the front door caused both of you to pull away, a fuming and angry Asa into the opened doors, obsidian eyes narrowing at Jesse.
"You. I thought we agreed on sharing her." he spoke, surprisingly calm, but you knew he was one more way from exploding into an inner rage.
'What's got your panties in a bunch, old man.' Jesse spoke through his phone, making Asa take a wide step forward.
"I saw her first." Asa snarled and you were shocked that Jesse was all laid-back about this.
'So? She's on my territory now. Finder's keeper.'
That last comment destroyed Asa's calmness and he lunged at Jesse, throwing a fist straight to the taller man's nose, your eyes widening as you took in the scene, both of them fighting, resulting in a bruised nose for Jesse, who spit blood out, and a busted lip for Asa; still they continued.
You couldn't take this anymore, so you followed your instincts, getting between them, your hands pushing against Asa's chest.
"S-Stop it! This is insane!" you screamed, making them stop and looked at you with shocked and unsure expressions.
Jesse was holding his bruised nose, blood coming out, and following down his mouth, his brown eye narrowed at the smaller male. You looked up to see one of Asa's eyes that started to form a purple bruise along with his busted lip, bleeding.
Asa looked down at you with a glare and something else you couldn't point out. You knew he was still angry by his deep inhales of breath.
"I-It isn't his fault! I agreed to come....I-I am sorry!" you tried to form out some excuses. Why? You didn't know. You might as well have let them beat the hell out of each other or even kill one another.
"You're sorry?" Asa calmly asked, taking a step towards you, only for you to step backward, until your back meets Jesse's front, who looked down at you with an equally bruised face as Asa.
"Are you trying to play us?" Asa snarled, eyes looking so feral down at you, all you could manage to get out were whimpers.
"Are you trying to get us against each other?" Asa asked again, his hand crawling up your chest until he grasped your neck, your eyes wide with terror.
"I've been patient, thought maybe we should have taken you easy and gentle." Asa continued, looking at Jesse, who's mouth pulled from a scowl to a smirk, already figuring out what they wanted to do to you.
"You're a brat. You know what happens to disobedient snobby brats?" Jesse's phone spoke up, one of his hands grasping and squeezing harshly your hip.
"You're gonna get punished tonight." Asa spoke firmly, his fingertips rubbing the skin of your neck, making you gulp down in anxiety for what was to come.
"Tonight. We. Are. Going. To. Fuck. You." Each word was spoken from Jesse's device along with a roll of his hips into yours, making you feel what was to come.
You. Were. Fucked.
To be continued...
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myluciferiscody · 5 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever P.3
pairing: Xavier Plympton x Reader
word count: 2,649
warnings: language, torture, kidnapping, abuse, mentions of death/blood, canon(?) not entirely proof-read. *title inspired by Ben Platt’s song*
part 1 part 2 part 4
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Xavier had asked you to stay behind while he went with Montana. You didn’t think anything of it when she said, ‘we’re supposed to be having fun.’ If anything, you figured it meant scaring off whoever decided to explore the grounds and whatnot. You sat back down, finishing off the rest of your water in peace. Your tears finally managed to subside. 
It was nice to finally have a moment to yourself; you needed to calm down and reason for a second. The sunlight outside told you it was nearing seven PM. You lounged around, fearing the inevitable moment when you’d have to leave. 
Xavier was stuck here, something you just couldn’t seem to shake.  There had to be some sort of loophole, something that could save him, right? You laid there as the time slowly ticked by, your mind going to Xavier, your work shift tomorrow, the apartment he hasn’t stepped foot in for over a year- 
You heard footsteps slowly approach you. You tensed up, sitting up and glancing behind you to find you were alone. Your mind was just playing tricks on you, it’s not surprising after the day you’ve had. You started to settle back in your seat, until a firm hand was placed over your mouth, another arm wrapping around your torso and yanking you up. 
A few screams managed to bubble in your chest, all muffled by the hand. You heard a deep, almost husky chuckle in your ear. 
“Do you take Satan as your lord and savior?” he grumbled to you, his hand leaving your mouth to hear your answer, or so you thought. 
He never answered. Instead, you felt a tremendous pain on the back of your head before you blacked out for a second time. 
Montana watched as blood gushed from the neck of the poor souls who decided to trek into their territory. The looks of fear on their faces slowly diminished as the life drained out of them. Ray watched from a slight distance, disgusted at what his friend- or former friend, has become. Chet was nowhere to be found, and Xavier just stood there, a smirk on his face as Montana stood up, a bloody dagger in her hand. 
“Are you done?” Ray asked them both, crossing his arms over his chest. Montana gave the female a kick in the leg, and when there was no response, her grin got bigger.
“For now, until the next one comes along,” she laughed. Xavier, who was usually pretty into this, only smiled. He could only think of you in the cabin, waiting for him to return. Montana didn’t seem to notice her partner in crime’s mind was elsewhere and went to wrap her arm around him.  
“This is wrong, these people had a family!” Ray said. 
Montana scoffed, “Yeah, so did the kid you murdered a few years ago, you ever tell them where his body was?” She smirked, realizing immediately she struck a nerve. 
Ray was desperately resisting the urge to lunge at her, but other things stopped him. First, he never hit a woman. Second, Chet placed his hand on the man’s shoulder.
 "Are we done here?“ Xavier asked impatiently.
 "What, have a hot date with y/n?” Montana teased, a look of hurt briefly flashing in her eyes before it disappeared.
 "She’s been by herself long enough, I want to see her,“ Xavier said, shaking her arm from his shoulder. The other three watched him jog off to the cabins, not bothering to give them, or the dead bodies a second glance. 
"Man, he is whipped!” Chet laughed. Ray smiled, and they high-fived, mumbling obscene things under their breath. 
“It’s nice to see you two made up!” Montana said, her voice genuine.
 "We’re dead, and there was nothing else to do,“ Chet shrugged, "Plus, I’d rather spend my energy pissed at that bitch Margaret than any of you," 
Xavier had a bad feeling as he approached the cabin you were left in. There was nothing abnormal on the outside, everything looked just as they left it. When he slowly climbed the stairs, that’s when it hit him. 
ghostly intuition
Xavier slowly pushed open the door and peeked his head inside. It was empty. 
Xavier stepped in fully, frantically looking around, hoping you were being playful and just decided to hide. He looked under the empty cots, the dusty curtains, only to come up with nothing. He was scared, he knew you wouldn’t leave without saying goodbye.
"Y/N!” he called, now running down the steps. The others had already started making their way back, pausing their laughter at the sound of his frantic voice. 
“Dude, what’s wrong?” Ray asked, noting Xavier’s blue eyes were glossy.
“I-I can’t find y/n,” he admitted, his lower lip trembling. 
“I’m sure she is just exploring, she couldn’t have gotten far,” Chet said. He wasn’t always the best at comforting people, but he tried his best. 
“Chet’s right, we’ll look for her,” Montana said, her eyes attempting to find Xavier’s, but he wouldn’t look at her. She was irritated at your arrival, any plan of fucking Xavier out the window as long as you were around. He said you were just friends, but she knew better. Now that Richard left her, she needed a good dick down. 
They all took turns calling your name, Chet having to be corrected a few times. Their efforts seemed futile as the setting sun wasn’t helping the search, they had flashlights somewhere, but Xavier didn’t want to waste more time. 
You came to with a pounding headache. Your body instinctively went to stretch but found your legs and arms were both bound. Your eyes flew open, observing your surroundings; you were in a dark room, tied up, and it was sweltering. You went to speak but found there was tape over your mouth. 
Xavier, help me!
A dark chuckle startled you out of your wits. A shadowy figure slowly stood up; you could tell he was probably wearing a jacket based on his form. He approached your bed in just a few steps, and the man tilted his head at you as a lamp seemed to magically turn on next to you. 
“You never answered my question, precious,” he sneered. Had he not kidnapped you, you would probably find him rather attractive. He had dark hair that fell over his face and intimidating brown eyes. “I guess it’s kind of hard when you’re bound and gagged." 
Your body was shaking with tremors as you attempted to yank your arms from their confines. You knew there was no use; this guy had to be experienced, just by glancing at the knots keeping your feet tethered to the bed. 
"I don’t usually do this here, I like finding my victims in more intimate places,” he sighed, bringing a hand to your cheek. You flinched away from him, your head only moving so far. “Like their beds, or the bathrooms in their house, that kind of thing.” You didn’t make a noise.
“And then I saw you, y/n, and I realized the best ones aren’t always vulnerable in their own space,” your eyes were prickling with tears, quite a few spilling out now that your body had a proper water supply. “Satan told me to go after you, and he has never steered me wrong before,”
The man standing in front of you suddenly ripped the tape from your mouth. You yelled in pain as some of the dead skin came off with it, your mouth chapping earlier in the day. He mocked your cries, bunching the tape in his hands before tossing it somewhere in the room. 
“I like to keep count, you know?” he laughed at your distress. “After I’m done with you, you’ll be the fifteenth victim of the Night Stalker!”
Your eyes widened, realizing who he was. You heard about him in the news; all of the terror he caused Los Angeles and then San Francisco. Innocent women brutally murdered and raped, then left for their loved ones to find. You knew life didn’t always go the way you planned, and you surely didn’t expect to be at the hands of Richard Ramirez. 
Out of all the things to say, you questioned, “How do you know my name?”
Richard rolled his eyes, a habit he picked up from Montana Duke. “I was here the night shit down with Mr. Jingles,” he laughed at the look on your face. “I saw your friend, Xavier, kick the bucket. It was fun to watch, the way the light just drained from his eyes!” he said, figuring mental torture would be best to start with. “One might say he died a hero’s death, trying to save that bible thumper, Margaret,”
This is the last thing you wanted to hear. You squeezed your eyes shut, hoping that if you did it hard enough, your ears would block out his voice. Richard knew what you were doing and was not having it. He raised a fist and brought it down on your nose, the sickening crack filling the room and making you howl. The smell and feel of blood trickling down your chin and onto your shirt were unmistakable. 
“XAVIER!” you screamed, which only made Richard cackle at your expense. 
“Nobody is coming to save you, precious!” he said, kneeling down, raising his voice. “Especially not Xavier, he isn’t as innocent as you think he is,” he said, clamping a hand over your mouth. He liked hearing his victims cry in pain, but Richard wasn’t sure they wouldn't hear you. He wanted to be confident in his work. 
“After I kill you-” Richard said, now climbing over your body as you wrestled against him. For being bound, he was almost impressed at your drive to knock him off you. 
He grabbed your now broken nose, squeezing it. A mixture of your tears and blood rolled onto the cot, causing you to gasp in pain. “I’ll make sure you die outside the gate, that way you can’t be reunited with your little boy toy," 
There was a looming threat now over the camp that all four ghosts could feel. They approached the last building, knowing if you weren’t in here, there was nothing that could be done. They saw your car still parked outside the gate, knowledge of Xavier, who recognized it with no question. 
"She has to be here,” Montana said. “I can sense it.”
“There’s someone else here, too,” Chet said, “I can feel it, it’s really-”
“-dark,” Ray finished.
Xavier went and peeked in one of the windows, seeing nothing. They went to the door, finding it was locked. It was too weird, as they all tried to unlock it themselves. It wouldn’t budge.
“Y/N!” Xavier called, roughly banging on the door with a closed fist. Chet and Ray scaled the cabin, seeing some of the windows were still covered from last Summer. 
“Who is y/n?”
They looked to see Trevor bounding towards them, his junk almost peeking from his shorts. The three boys avoided looking at him, but Montana was having a blast. 
“Xavier’s girlfriend!” Chet smirked.
Trevor gasped, looking at his friend, who was still visibly panicked, “Congrats, man!”
Xavier didn’t bother to correct him; you’d be his girlfriend now, he didn’t care. He NEEDED you back. 
“Where is she?” Trevor asked.
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out, we can’t find her anywhere,” Ray shrugged. 
“She’s in here, I know it!” Xavier exclaimed, once again beating on the door to no avail. 
“Is y/n another ghost I don’t know about? I saw Bertie earlier, she lost her lighter and is very upset-”
“- she’s still alive, a little too jumpy if you ask me-” Montana butted in.
The now group of five instantly froze at the bloodcurdling scream coming from inside the cabin. It was something they never heard before, even after the number of people Montana killed over the past year. 
“Y/N!” Xavier screamed, his voice cracking. Ray and Chet both tried the lock again, but it wouldn’t open. Montana stood back, her eyes wide, and for once, she was scared. 
“Move! Move!” Trevor said, nudging the three boys away from the door. “This door versus my GUNS!” he said, yelling as he ran full speed towards the locked door, making it look easy as the wood splintered open, sending him flying and landing on the floor. The others scrambled after him, hearing your begging behind another door. 
“XAVIER! SOMEONE-” your voice became muffled as if someone were suffocating you. 
Xavier went to the door, relieved when the door opened with ease. He froze at the scene before him. 
A man was kneeling over you, a blade in his hands. Your jeans were ruined and cut, on the ground beside the bed. The man didn’t stop, despite hearing what was going on on the outside. 
Xavier lunged forward, tackling the man as they both plummeted to the floor. Your attacker laughed as if it were a game, attempting to uppercut Xavier, but missed as Xavier was yanked off of him. Chet and Trevor both grabbed Richard, hauling him up as if he were weightless.
Montana ran to you and covered you up with an old blanket, hiding your cut up legs and intimate parts as you cried. Ray started to untie you, finding that his eyes were prickling with tears.
Xavier kneeled beside your head, cradling it as you sobbed in relief. They all saved you, even the mystery guy with a pornstache who helped Chet in 'escorting’ Richard outside. Yet, the pain you felt in your nose, and now down there still factored in. 
“What do we do!?” Montana asked in a panic. Despite her dislike for your relationship with Xavier, none of them could leave to drive you to a hospital. The phone lines wouldn’t work either, and nobody seemed to notice the lamp still on beside you. She was scared.
Your cries calmed somewhat as Xavier continued to cradle your head while Ray finally freed you. You fell limp into Xavier’s arms, his purple tank now drenched with your blood. Chet came running in, explaining Trevor got 'rid’ of him. None of them were nurses, they didn’t know what to do. 
However, that didn’t stop them from trying. 
Xavier stayed with you as they scattered, gathering supplies to aid your wounds and get you cleaned up. He was guilt-stricken, knowing he should have stayed with you. Montana even felt remorse as she gave you a final look before she ran after the others. 
“Did he?…” Xavier couldn’t even finish, but you knew what he meant.
“No, but I’m sure he would have if you guys didn’t save me,” you mumbled, ignoring the searing pain in your nose. Xavier pressed kisses to your forehead, wishing he was powerful enough to heal you himself. You were dizzy, your skin becoming clammy. 
“I’m so sorry, y/n,” he said brokenly. You reached with a shaky hand to grip his, threading your fingers together.
“It’s not your fault,” you tried to reason with him.
“I left you alone, I-I’m sorry for that, I’m sorry for dying, I’m sorry for abandoning you- I love you, y/n. I’m so in love with you, you deserved the world, you deserved better than me.”
You were shocked. Your body tensed up after Xavier’s admission to you, but neither of you realized it was because of the trauma you had just experienced. Xavier continued to weep, mumbling things you now could not catch. 
Your adrenaline had shot up once Richard really attacked you. You always heard that dying of fright was a myth, and it was, you knew that. You just never realized an unhealthy amount of adrenaline could cause someone to die.
When you unexpectedly took your last breath, Xavier was still confessing his undying love to you. 
taglist:  @thexmancometh @the-walking-daryl @trichy-knitts @shydragonrider @thefandomzoneisdangerous @lemonwhiskers @jetblackpayne @langdonsvcrd​ @okoktrinity22​ @uwonman​
*if I missed anyone, please let me know! if you want to be added to my taglist, you know the drill. only two parts left!*
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disembowel-me · 4 years
SAD SACK is a series of ultraviolent snuff porn comics by meanboss and barbatus following 5 somewhat likable but very maladjusted guys as they commit a series of murders against deserving(?) people. I didn’t know anything beyond that going in, though I was familiar with some of their previous works and loved them so I knew I was gonna love this. This review is split up by my thoughts on each comic, and then my overall thoughts.
Spoilers shouldn’t ruin your enjoyment of these comics, but if you’re the kind of person who cares about that but want to know if I recommend it - hell yeah I recommend it. if you think you’ll like it, you’ll probably like it. This review is also nsfw, which goes for everything on this blog. 
disclaimer: I am not an artist, I do write but not very well or often and have no formal training beyond what you get from k-12 and a basic college degree. I’m just a gore, sex, and death enthusiast here to let you know my thoughts on this awesome comic ‘cause god knows more people need to hear the word
 This is definitely the most fun. It’s a raw, unadulterated revenge fantasy. It’s passionate, it’s angry, but stays pretty light and fun, or as light and fun as a torture porn comic can be. It’s indulgent. It’s violent pleasure to the max. And it's so! fucking! HOT!
Malik’s dirty talk is so raunchy. Raping a nazi? Making him cry and beg for cock? Jesus christ it’s SO hot. I love Stone’s mock-kindness, and how the nazi bends to their whims so fast. And Garv’s skull-fucking is probably one of if not my favorite scenes in all of the comics. Those exposed brains reeaallly hit the spot.
The art is a little rougher than the others, which is to be expected since it’s the first but honestly? I love it and it fits the tone, and it’s really cool to see how the quality is improved with every comic. The visuals are amazing. The facial expressions are incredible and are exaggerated in such a way that conveys the extreme emotion really well. I love the panels where the nazi’s face is reflected in Jake’s glasses and you see how tiny and pathetic he is and feels.
This one is the easiest to digest. There’s not a lot of story here, it gets to the point fast, it feels like it’s not ‘real’, as in it doesn’t feel like it exists in a world like our own where consequences exist..... until the end where Jake has to go back to retrieve Malik’s sister’s knife and the nebulous “torture world” and the real world the boys live in meet. Most torture porn I’ve consumed thus far has only or mostly only been torture porn, so I like that they have lives outside of this, which is explored a lot more as the story goes on. 
This murder is purely emotional, and the only one that isn’t sexual at all. I don’t have as many specific things that I liked to point out here but it’s so satisfying to see a cowardly predator get what he deserves. The only explicitly sexual content is at the beginning where Sal and Stone are violently fucking, but the story and gnarly as fuck gore more than makes up for it (and if you’re into that sort of thing, it won’t hold you back from finding parts sexy anyway). I love the quick tonal shift from violent fuck to a tender and vulnerable moment between them. Sal and Stone’s relationship here is sweet and loving and actually pretty cute. For how intense this one is, it ends fairly light-hearted and I got a real kick out of Garv starting to lick the cock and then get pissy when Malik tells him off, and clearly, Sal did too! 
What really shines in these comics, aside from all the gore and porn and dicks and yummy goodness we’re here for, are the panels featuring faces. The expressions are intense and scary, and they're not afraid to make the characters look ugly. You can feel Sal’s pain and rage through the pages, and his asthma acting up as things spiral in intensity helps convey that even more. And in the end, when he lets out that heavy breath, you can feel the weight that's been lifted from him. 
The brunch date in the epilogue is awfully cute, and I'm glad to see Sal so happy.
Malik is so sexy and charming. I love his sweet talk and dirty talk.  I like that it starts as a consensual encounter… and Vaska slowly realizes something’s wrong as he chokes on Malik’s cock. I love how lost, scared, and pathetic yet so pliant and willing to please he is. I love that he just opens his mouth up for everybody to pass him around and fuck his face, and I love how grody and sopping wet his beard gets with all sorts of body fluids. 
There’s not even any gore until halfway through… but once it comes, boy, things escalate quickly. Ironic revenge is one of my favorites, so it makes his drugged, fluid-soaked face all the more satisfying to watch get crunched. And when Garv fingers his brain… ooh, fuck.
The revelation that Malik’s motive was revenge for something that happened to his sister and not actually to him completely changed the context I viewed it in. You could tell killing him hadn’t relieved Malik of the guilt and anger like he’d expected it to, maybe even made the guilt worse. This seems to sort of mark a turning point in tone for the overall story. Jake and Sal both seemed to be helped by their experiences, but Malik and later Stone were not. If anything, their problems seem to have been made worse by their choice to take somebody’s life, and it doesn’t give me good feelings for the fate these boys are headed for.
3.5.  15°20' FRACTURE ZONE
Simple, sexy, great atmosphere, free. Check it out first if you’re on the fence about buying the others. There’s no gore, but it’s still great.
4. A.M.F.
I think Garv’s date is the most painful thing I’ve seen so far, HAH! 
By this point, I’d been endeared enough to all the characters that I was invested in their dinner and karaoke and probably would’ve still been if they hadn’t been planning their next fetish murder. Stone is an unlikable asshole for the majority and it makes me feel bad for Sal, but I still like getting to see more and more of their real lives and I want to root for him to do better. This was by far the most story-heavy, and by far the one I felt the most conflicted about. I was pretty fucked up my first couple reads of this, so I didn’t realize that Evan, their waiter, was Stone’s victim until my third or so read. Realizing this I had an oh, shit moment, and realizing they were talking about his death right in front of him!!! gave me another oh, shit! moment. That’s so fucked. That fucked me up. Up until this point, most people would agree the victims deserved what came to them, or at least don’t feel bad for them, but this man’s only crime was.... being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Looking too much like Stone’s dad? And all the other guys were ok with this too? That speaks louder to me than anything these characters could say. Also, that’s sloppy. Don’t you know you’re not supposed to kill people you know?
It’s the first time I’ve truly been disturbed by SAD SACK, knowing the feast is just a guy who didn’t do anything wrong. After stewing on my feelings and reading again, it… actually makes it hotter? In the sense that it’s that much more provocative. That context made me more sensitive to the gore, too. The tooth-pulling scene was the first one to actually make me cringe, and I still have a hard time looking at it, so good job guys! Jake talking to Stone while he’s getting fucked out of his mind is so fun, and everyone looks so sexy. Every view we get of Sal’s ass is a fucking gift. I’m so glad Stone sat on Garv’s face against his will, and I’d say he deserved getting blood and shit sprayed all over him… or maybe that just because he’s real cute when he’s upset.
Stone's murder was not a good idea and clearly didn't help him. He wasn't prepared for Evan's death quite yet when it happened, just like he wasn't prepared for his dad's. You can't control death, dude. If anything, just like Malik, it might've made it worse. I could speculate about how maybe both were using their murders as a way to avoid actually dealing with their real issues… buuut I'm not here to speculate. 
5. Pre BOG
I… like Garv a lot. I think he’s a new favorite character. He stirs the same lustful feelings in me that Lawrence did. I want to hurt and humiliate and control him. Unlike Lawrence, he’s an awful person who I don’t care about at all or want any happiness for but man is he a cute little piece of shit! The fact that he fucks (or tries..to fuck...) the dead bodies at the end of each comic definitely doesn’t help my endearment towards him. I’m a little nervous for his comic because he is such a misogynistic piece of shit... but I’m also excited because I love how nasty he is and excited he gets, especially for the dead.
I like that they’re just ‘normal’ guys (minus Garv. Garv is a piece of shit). I like it when people who do bad things are relatable. I like it when you can sympathize with them, and I like it when you can empathize with them, and I like thinking about if I were under similar circumstances, would I be capable of such things? What would it take for me to? Would I ever be able to? How close is the average person to being able to violently murder someone? Is there something wrong with me for even thinking about it? Hopefully, these contemplations will never be anything more than hypothetical but I think it’s still good to analyze my enjoyment of darker things. It’s not just indulgent porn (although it definitely, certainly is that too). It’s an exploration of personal failings, trauma, choosing to deal with your issues through violence and how it does or doesn’t help… but those are topics that would need an analysis, and while one could definitely do a full analysis on this series, I’m not going to otherwise we’d be here for a lot longer.
The art is gross, it’s repulsive at times, and it’s done so well. I love the scant use of color in the mostly monochrome torture scenes, the way their eyes either glow or look hollow, the wonky angles, and exaggerated proportions to maximize the impact.  I don’t know if these count as horror but the art has an awesome horror aesthetic, and a lot of the time the way the guys are drawn is downright terrifying. There’s no way I can talk about every small detail I loved. That’s 769 pages to talk about and at that point, I might as well just annotate every page. If you like gore you’re gonna love these comics. If you like torture, or helpless screaming men, or really dark themes, or nasty stuff in general, you’re gonna love it. Even if you’re not into gore sexually, it’s fucking gnarly, and it has a comedic edge. These guys do gross so fuckin well and I absolutely love it. My creative goals in life are to make erotic art - to make porn, but not exclusively porn, things that are able to be used as wank material but also able to be enjoyed outside of that. SAD SACK accomplishes that, and it’s kind of inspirational. 
I appreciate everything that goes into this project. I wish there was more violent fetish content of this high of quality, so I think it’s important to support creators when it comes to projects like this. Most horror porn I’ve seen also puts the reader in the victim’s position, and as someone who leans generally on the more sadistic side of things, I appreciate the main characters as the perpetrators. If you do too, go check it out. Thank you, RJ and Nick, for all the incredible amounts of work and time you've put into this project. I've enjoyed it a lot and will continue to do so for quite a while, I’m sure. 
Also... I didn’t know where else to put this, but those weeks-old corpses were exquisite <3
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samwilsonsbabymama · 6 years
WILSOn Wednesday has a question for you: u ever made love in the air? Not an airplane. The air. Held by a Man with wings flying you around and leaving you in sub mode. Well Sam Wilson has plans for you on one of the last hot days of September. It’s about to be SAMtember baby. And you can’t escape it.
So the funny thing is that I actually thought about this the other day. about how much fun this would be. I laughed while writing this… well some of it. let me know what you think… Also, there might be spelling errors and such but w/e
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“Wait, you want to do what?“ you asked, unsure that you heard your husband correctly. This man couldn’t have said what you thought he said.
He licked his lips and smiled, "You heard me. I wanna fuck you while I’m wearing my supersuit.” He was full on grinning now. Y'all’s sex life wasn’t… tame. Like at all. Y'all have done some pretty risqué stuff, but this, this was on a whole other level.
“You’re fucking serious right now?” you asked, still trying to wrap your mind around his request.
“You scared that I’m going to drop you?” he asked as he stepped into your space, his hands finding their place on your hips.
This was a trap. If you told him that you thought he was going to drop you, he would surely lift you into his arms and fuck you right where you stood. If you told him that you knew he wouldn’t drop you, he’d ask you what you were waiting for. Either way, he was going to fuck you. And, it’s not like the thought hadn’t crossed your mind once or twice before… Okay maybe more than that, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Sam, what gave you this idea?“ you asked not making eye contact with him.
He didn’t answer right away as he waited for you to look at him. When you did, the laughter in his eyes was clear. "I got the idea from you, honestly. You talk in your sleep, Y/N. I’ve told you that many times,” he laughed, and you felt your face get hot. He’d mentioned before that you talked in your sleep, but you didn’t know that you talked that much.
Sensing your embarrassment, Sam stroked your cheeks, “It’s okay, baby girl, you hardly said anything. All I could gather was "Sam” “supersuit” and “harder”, nothing bad at all.“
He was shaking with laughter now and he pulled you closer to him when you tried to pull away, "Nah, where do you think you’re going? We gotta do this, it’s all your fault, Y/N. You know I won’t drop you. I won’t even go very high. I promise.” He held up three fingers, “Scouts honor.”
You rolled your eyes, what’s the worst that could happen?
“Fine,” you relented. “But it’s gotta be dark out and we can’t do it here. I don’t want anyone to see us,” you said as you shook your head at Sam’s giddiness.
Later that night, you and Sam climbed into his car and headed out. Sam claimed that he knew of ‘the perfect spot’ but he wouldn’t tell you where. It had been a hot day that spilled into the night, so you were only wearing loose fitting shorts and a tank top. You were nervous about what you were about to do, but you were also excited. Every day was something new with Sam and that was one of the many reasons why you loved him.
He drove for what seemed like hours but was only about 30 minutes until he pulled over to an abandoned farmhouse.
“Here? You wanna do this here?” you asked as you stepped out of the car.
“No better place,” he said as he grabbed his supersuit from the trunk of the car. The two of you headed towards the farmhouse in silence as you tried to wrap your head around exactly what you were going to do.
You watched as Sam strapped himself into his suit and fired it up, something you’d watched him do countless times before. He reached his hand out to you and waited for you to take it. Once you did, he wrapped his arms around your waist as you held onto his neck.
“Ready?” he asked before taking off into the air after you nodded. As promised, he didn’t go too high up, 4 or 5 feet.
You looked around you, this was a very different vantage point and you absolutely loved it. You were able to see the stars since you were so far away from the city. Sam’s strong arms held you close to him, and even though your feet weren’t touching the ground, you felt safe wrapped in his embrace. Before you knew it, Sam had begun humming a tune that you couldn’t quite catch, but it was lovely. As he hummed, he slowly spun the two of you around in a circle as if you were dancing. You looked up into his eyes and smiled. Even after all these years of being together, you couldn’t believe that you had managed to snag him. He was your everything and you were his.
The two of you stared at each other for a few seconds before Sam pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss. Your arms tightened around his neck as you raised your legs to wrap around his waist. The thrill of what was about to happen began to seep into your bones once again and you smiled as he deepened the kiss. You moaned when you felt Sam move one of his hands from around your waist to between your parted thighs. His hand slipped easily underneath your shorts and lightly touched your lower lips.
“if I’d known you’d get this wet, we would have done this sooner,” Sam mumbled against your lips as his fingers slipped inside of you.
You tightened your legs around him, desperate to bring him closer to you, but the motion only mad you grip his fingers tighter. He cursed lowly as he continued to finger you. He was trying to make you cum. This was not what you had in mind, you thought he was gonna fuck you. Not that you were complaining, you just had pictured something different.
“Sam,” you panted. “Please, Sam. I want you in me.” Your voice was low, and your breaths were coming out faster with each pull of his fingers. He knew your body well and he knew that you were close to cumming.
He shook his head, he wanted to watch you cum around his fingers before he made you cum around his dick. “Not yet baby girl. I wanna feel you come undone by my fingers first,” he growled as he moved his fingers faster pushing you even closer to the edge.
Your mouth fell open as you got closer to cumming and tears sprang to your eyes when you felt Sam pinch your clit. That little bit of pain sent you hurtling over the edge and you moaned through your orgasm. Your walls gripped Sam’s fingers tightly as he continued to finger you through it. As soon as he felt you begin to relax, he slipped his fingers out of you and quickly pulled down his pants to free himself. He moved your shorts to the side and slid right in, letting you get used to the stretch. He held you at your hips and began slowly moving you on his dick. You weren’t sure how he was able to keep you both in the air while he fucked you, but he did it. As he continued to fuck you, you felt him begin to rise higher in the air and you squeezed your walls around him catching him off guard. The sudden feeling of your walls tightening made him lose focus and he lost a little bit of height, but he caught himself. The sudden change in height made your stomach flip. You felt like you were on a roller coaster, and normally you didn’t like roller coasters, but this… This was different.  You liked it.
“Do-do that again,” you pleaded. He smirked as he rose higher in the air and suddenly dropped causing your stomach to flip once more. Your pussy clenched again, and you came… Hard. The scream that was ripped from you echoed around the two of you.
He chuckled, “I knew you’d love this,“ he thrust harder into you. "Fuck,” he groaned as he dug his fingers into your thighs. “Do you know how much I love you, Y/N? Everything about you is amazing. Fuck, I don’t know what I would do without you.”
His words plus the feeling of him moving inside you sent you spiraling into another orgasm, this time dragging him along with you. He thrust deeply within you one last time shooting his cum deep inside of you. You tightened your legs around him as he lowered the two of you back to the ground. Weak from your orgasms, you laid your head on his shoulder as he slipped out of you and gently moved you so that you were standing. He reached down and pulled his pants up and when he stood back up, you leaned closer to him. He chuckled as he slipped off his supersuit and lifted you back into his arms. He carried you back to the car and buckled you into the passenger’s seat then headed towards the driver’s seat. When he pulled off, you turned and looked at him with a smile.
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Yall know i love this survey shit<3
1. List 5 things you want to do before the year ends.
-finish 5 books
-lose 20 lbs
-produce more art
-travel out of the state & country
-heal my heart and love myself a lil more
2. What color are your pants?
not wearing any
3. Favorite motivational quote.
damn, there’s A L O T. prob something simple and to the point. I like “proud, but never satisfied” and “the distance between your dreams and reality is called action”
4. When was the last time you drank coffee?
yesterday; got a new french press for christmas<3
5. What was the last thing you ate?
lmao the weirdest shit. hot cheetos, some hummus, and a bar
6. Favorite animal.
soo many; always been fascinated by sharks. Elephants are up there too.
7. Favorite song.
currently anything Kid Cudi - he soothes my soul
8. Last movie you watched?
National Lampoon family vacation I think?
9. Any turn ons?
of course; im one of those gay people who gets turned on by having an emotional connection first and foremost; but if were strictly talking physical shit - any neck action is sexy af. or just taking breaks to make eye contact.
10. Any turn offs?
bad breath lol and just being a dick in general or inconsiderate
11. List 4 big words off of the top of your head.
cognizant; superfluous; compelling; anguished
12. What are some meaningful movies?
First ones that come to my mind that left an impact or a meaningful message are Shawshank Redemption, Avatar, Wall-E (lol), Forest Gump
13. 2 most important people in your life right now?
Myself honestly 
14. What are 3 things you want to do before the month ends?
Find a desk, order a blender, and form a morning routine
15. When was the last time you read a good book?
Currently reading Michelle Obama’s -Becoming; before that I read the Alchemist and it was good
16. How long do you study for usually, if you study?
I don’t
17. Do you have any nicknames?
Pollo, Hayls
18. Favorite kind of perfume? (fruity, alluring, etc.)
Viva la Juicy, but honestly all of them - been sticking to essential oils or all natural shit lately - anything with Amber is good.
19. Do you have any international friends / friends who live out of state?
20. What is something unique that you do every single day?
lol shower? I dont really do anything special i dont think?
21. If there was a movie based on your life, what would it be called?
“Becoming” lol because I feel like I am always growing and changing and adapting and learning and ill never just be one thing
22. When was the last time you bought a gift for someone?
Recently - christmas time
23. Are you a shopaholic?
no - but i just got an amazon prime account and thats game changer fa real
24. What are some songs that always make you feel better?
Love - Kid Cudi, 
25. List 3 activities that you can only enjoy by yourself.
Sitting in the tub (otherwise that shit is too crowded lmao)
Reading a good book
Masturbating prob?
26. If you could live in any biome (and survive) which biome would you live in?
Tropical island
27. How do you like being roused in the morning?
cuddles and soft music (prob reggae) and if i aint got shit to do a bluntttt fam
28. How was your day? What did you do?
it was ok - fighting some inner demons lately and feeling really low :/ but i got a little bit done so im giving myself a break
29. What did your last text message say?
30. Do you respond to texts quickly?
depends on who it is lol
31. Who was the last person you called?
my mom
32. List 5 things that are on your wish list.
i wanna learn another language
I wish to be able to see more things change for the better in our world
i wish to skydive
i wish to live in another country for a while
and i wish to love myself
33. If you were famous, what do you think you would be famous for?
maybe being a host of a talk show lol
34. Winter or summer?
35. What is a quality that all people should have?
36. If you could have a large collection of one item, what would that item be?
my inner white girl and materialistic ass says shoes - but idk i think it would also be cool to have a collection of books or photographs - ya know that sentimental shit i be on
37. What have you been thinking about lately?
wow so much - a lot of reflecting honestly about who i have been and how i’ve treated others and how i am trying to change myself - so ironically enough, i’ve also been thinking about the future and trying to focus on who i want to be and where i want to be
38. What is the secret to a happy life?
taking it day by day im sure
39. What are some phrases you say often?
“nice” lol to my clients a lot
40. Favorite food?
lately its been asian - like thai and vietnamese. fuck now i want some dumplings and curry and egg rollllz
41. List 3 wishes.
already fuckin diiiiiddd fam
42. What are some of your greatest fears?
memory loss, dying, losing others
43. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
idk whats app prob
44. Most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)? 
machu picchu
45. Spicy food:Like or dislike? 
46. Scary movies:Like or dislike?
47. Do you like to travel?
Do you know me lol
48. Any regrets?
yeah always, but i try to live my life without any and honestly id never go back and change em
49. Do you like rain?
obsessed; fav weather actually
50. What do you spend most of your money on?
51. Would you rather visit the past or the future?
past bc im a sentimental person; future is exciting and i like surprises and the unknown and dreaming about that shit - id rather not know.
52. Favorite clothing store?
depends - urban outfitters is my style but i like goodwill just as much
53. What is the best advice you can give to those who are feeling down?
this too shall pass
54. How often do you think about your future? Does it scare you?
honestly not often enough, i try not to over think things or it tends to give me anxiety. why worry about things that are far out of our control? I just take shit day by day
55. What angers you the most?
ignorance. and rude ass people. when someone isnt being genuine
56. When was the last time you got majorly angry?
57. When was the last time you got really sad?
58. Are you good at lying?
im sure everyone is to some degree
59. What foreign language would you like to learn?
60. How many languages can you speak and what are they?
just one - semi fluent in spanish
61. How often do you go to parties? If you don’t, what do you do instead?
62. What books do you plan to read this year?
not sure! I have a couple but we shall see
63. Do you have breakfast every morning?
yes i try to - its my fav meal
64. Tell us a secret.
then it wouldnt be a secret
65. How many concerts have you been to?
a few
66. Last hug?
wasnt long enough
67. Who knows you better than anyone else?
68. Baths or showers?
ooooooh damn, depends
69. Do you think you’re ambitious?
i could be a little more
70. What song is stuck in your head?
lmaooo wake up in the sky by gucci mane and bruno - thats been my shit lately
71. Countries you’ve visited?
Peru, Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Caymans, Philippines
72. What do you most value in your friends?
Communication and laughter
73. What helps you to sleep better?
putting my got dang phone away from me
74. What is the most money you have ever held in your hand?
prob like 2 grand or some shit
75. What makes you nervous?
when i over book myself or take too much on and have a lot on my plate - so time management i suppose
76. What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?
to live in the present moment; and to take care of myself 
77. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
forgive for sure - i dont really ever forget
78. First mobile phone?
ayyy a flip phone and it was see thru and lit up and had a walkie talkie!
79. Strangest dream?
lmao ew no im so ashamed
80. Best dream?
flying or something
81. Who is the smartest person you know?
my grandpa it seems
82. Who is the prettiest person on tumblr?
83. Do you miss anyone right now?
very much, always
84. Who do you love? Why?
everyone, because life is too damn short for hate
85. Do you like sharing?
yeah lol bc i expect ppl to share w me in return
86. What was the last picture you took with your phone?
idk actually
87. Is there a reason behind everything that happens?
yeah id like to think so
88. Favorite genre of music?
i was raised on hip hop so i feel like that is my go to but honestly i love reggae, alternative, a lil bit of electro chill shit, R&B, oldies, jazz, anything 
89. If you had one word to describe yourself, what would it be?
90. Describe your life in 5 words.
roller coaster. fun. emotional. loving. growth.
91. Describe the world in 4 words.
crazy. beautiful. strong. vast.
92. Craziest thing you’ve ever done?
skinny dip?
93. First three songs in your favorite playlist?
cocaine model - zhu
is this love - bob marley
tadow - masego
94. Are you more creative or logical?
def without a doubt 100% creative/emotional/empath/sensative/does things based on feelings rather than reason type person lmao
95. Would you rather lie or hurt someone with the truth?
truth always
96. What are you most proud of?
my ability to communicate and understand people
97. What personality trait do you admire in other people?
98. When you imagine yourself as really, really relaxed and happy, what are you doing?
smoking a fat ass blunt doing yoga on a sunny day while its 68 degrees out and im on a beach 
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elinor-sutton · 6 years
Fuck MAGA: Then & Now
I started this blog right after the 2016 election.
I was angry, and it was an outlet that I needed, but after a few posts, I did not consider my rage a priority worth my time.
I was told that it might be unhealthy to indulge an anger so deep that it began to form, for me, an existential foundation of being—almost always in hair-trigger battle mode, rhetoric and righteous anger at the ever-fucking READY.
BUT I have a life that needs attention and only occasionally merits ferocity, so I gave up blogging.
And now? All this time later, I am still in a near-constant state of slow burn, and it’s been way too long without an eruption.
In the year-and-a-half since I let the blog slide, the Perpetrator-in-Chief has lived down to the worst of my expectations, and he shows no signs of improvement. It’s a narcissist thing. He CANNOT improve because he cannot recognize ANY of his infinite faults. Here’s one: GROWN-UPS don’t play Keep Away or Made You Look or the fucking Dozens with psychotic nuclear-arsenal-wielding tyrants. [It should go without saying that, if at all possible, nuclear arsenals should not be handed to psychotic tyrants in the first place, but MAGA, or whatever, right? If you live, maybe you learn. FINGERS CROSSED!]
But really, are we STILL living in a world where the safety of [at least] half the planet comes down to a man-child measuring contest?
Dear President Prick-for-Brains,
If you have to start a motherfucking WAR over it, it’s NEVER going to measure UP!
If you’re looking at the world—and the supposed leader of those parts of it which are purportedly “free”—and you’re not losing your damn mind, you must have some sort of pre-established lunacy. [I’m not speaking of mental health problems. Mental health and mental healthcare are legitimate issues ignored by the thoughts-and-prayers crowd unless they need a scapegoat/catchphrase for the walking, shooting consequences of MAGA-indoctrination.] I’m thinking of the WHITE-NATIONALIST-NAZI-RACIST-MISOGYNISTIC-PATRIOTISM-BEFORE-PEOPLE-BUT-REALLY-ME-FIRST-AND-FUCK-EVERYONE-ELSE psychosis that passes for conservative politics since 45 first got his ridiculous feelings hurt by a black man and a “nasty woman” who were—and ARE—undeniably his betters. Or maybe since Mitch McConnell crawled out of his deep, dark shell and STOLE A SUPREME COURT SEAT while we sat on our hands and muttered, “Can he do that?”
Evidently, he can! AND with ZERO consequences—not for him or any other limp-dick Sentry of the Status Quo tip-toeing his way across the Glass Ceiling, stroking his Keys to the Kingdom, or hiding under his Protector of the Patriarchy parasol because HE KNOWS—they ALL know—that “Zero Consequences” comes with a big, fat, fucking YET, and she is a BOSS BITCH—woke and coming ready with a to-do list several centuries in the making. Her list says, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” It says Black Lives Matter, Me Too, My Body/My Choice, LOVEisLOVE, NoH8, and NO MORE. She’s got Science-based, Evidence-based, Fact-based TRUTH with ZERO Alternatives because TIME is fucking UP!
And that means White Male Privilege [WMP—pronounced “wimp,” right?] is coming to an end. I can’t pinpoint the starting line, but scared-shitless white men with money and/or guns have been running THE REST OF US down since well before this “great” nation was founded, and there are far too many of “the rest of us” who buy into their bullshit—53% of white women [pronounced “silly twits”]?! If you don’t fall into any category that benefits from WMP, and you voted/plan to vote for more of this nonsense, your patriotic duty, as of this moment, is to wake up every morning and punch yourself in the fucking face until something like SENSE prevails. Side effects MAY include REASON and a newfound appreciation for ACTUAL FACTS as opposed to the alternative variety, but if that fails, it is my heartfelt hope that when you make your way to the voting booth—to do what is, of course, your civic duty—you may just do us all a favor, and GET LOST!
[On a friendlier note, if you benefit from WMP and DID NOT vote in favor of our present national tragedy, congratulations on your conscience! Please take your place in the crowd, and resist the urge to act like you know everything. Instead, memorize this mantra and repeat to yourself as often as necessary to convert words to action: I’VE HAD MY TURN TO TALK. NOW IS MY TIME TO LISTEN.]
I am still angry, and I will remain so as long as “Making America Great” looks like:
1. Children murdered at school with unregulated guns or ripped away from immigrant parents who thought they could find safety in this “great” country,
2. Law enforcement abusing and KILLING men and women of color without consequence,
3. Tax cuts designed to further line the pockets of the few at the expense of the many and promote the “trickle-down” bullshit we’ve been forced to swallow, off and on, since the fucking 80s—when it didn’t work the first time.
4. Ordinary Americans struggling, or going without, while working full time for LESS THAN A LIVING WAGE,
5. Ignoring veterans who are homeless, wait months for promised healthcare, and/or commit suicide at more than twice the rate of civilians,
6. Women facing unconstitutional restrictions on access to reproductive healthcare and a choice that is STILL A LEGAL RIGHT,
7. LGBTQ+ people living with discrimination from bathrooms to bakeries and everywhere in-between—including public schools and the workplace,
8. People with disabilities at risk of losing the protection of the ADA, and disabled children at risk of losing their right to a “free and appropriate public education” under IDEA,
9. Underserved children, or those who suffer illegal discrimination in schools, losing protection from the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights,
10. Environmental protections rolled back to protect corporate profits,
11. The sex offender/demagogue/imbecilic slab of semi-sentient slime—AND the soulless mob of Republican/MAGA-minions fighting to stroke his [gross] ego—that we have given ourselves in place of legitimate leadership,
12. And the untold number of HUMAN BEINGS suffering from the tragic FOLLY of a deluded minority of voters.
For as long as this country is attacked by toxic overgrown toddlers who play at governing, and in their incompetence, damage its environment, menace its people, abuse the fundamentals of democracy and the republic, and terrorize those who protest, I will NURSE this rage and STOKE its fire.
This is MY COUNTRY. I love it, and I recognize that TRUE LOVE does not ignore fault. This country has NEVER achieved “greatness” for all of its people. It is fortunate for “the rest of us” that patriotism does not demand blind loyalty. It does not hinge love of country on absolutes, and it does not forever marry us to White Male Privilege and what has been done in its name. We pledge allegiance to an IDEAL, and then we work the phones, yell ourselves hoarse, march until our feet bleed, and fucking VOTE to mold OUR COUNTRY into what it should be.
We DO NOT forget the progress we have made. We remember every step forward even as we recognize that the ignorant, forgotten [whatever], and privileged—with their long-overdue last gasp—forced us to take two steps back. We didn’t NEED to go backward. Nobody needs this bullshit—EVER. But we can use this. We can take a look, MARK what we missed and LEARN where and HOW we can do better. We can do what needs to be done to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Step One: EMBRACE the anger. We can be appalled at all the FUCKING BULLSHIT the MAGA-goons have wrought and amazed that WE STILL HAVE FUCKS TO GIVE. We can revel in the madness that living in this time brings us—because progressives know how to USE rage. We know how to mine it. We have a long history of crafting change from righteous anger, and [always] moving on—an inch or a mile at a time—pushing a reluctant nation to keep its promise of “LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL.”
Numbers, time, and momentum are on OUR SIDE. We need to get MAD, and we need to do it TOGETHER—FOR FUCK’S OBVIOUS SAKE—and then we need to run these backward motherfuckers down with an ever-loving TIDAL WAVE OF PROGRESS that will put two steps back so far beyond the last red mile marker that even Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell will regain consciousness in the gender-neutral bathroom of an inclusive, well-funded public school with no fear of shooters, fully aware that Black Lives Matter, wearing a pussyhat, shouting TIME’S UP, and feeling grateful for the motherfucking PRIVILEGE!
So yeah, I’ve been paying attention, and I’m still angry, and it’s long past time to start talking about it again.
Stay tuned.
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translightyagami · 6 years
Otp questions for Matsuda/Light?
dflkjskaljf;ldfsakj ALL OF THEM????? aight dude.
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
i don’t think either of them spends a lot of money on each other. their relationship isn’t rlly....over the table. but i think matsuda gets light presents sometimes like that sashmi phone charm or fun socks. he definitely DEFINITELY gets light something on valentines day bc he sort of hopes light will do the same but uh light has to go on his lunch break to the nearest convience store and buy some shitty chocolates bc he doesn’t want matsuda to know he forgot. except matsuda like knows, he’s just too nice and a little too into light to say anything.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
matsuda will lay his head on light’s lap while light is doing paper work. its late on a tuesday when they hv light’s apartment to themselves which almost nvr happens and he’s running his hand thru matsuda’s hair. its almost like they’re a real couple. it’s almost like light cares.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
they r both way too conservative abt their bodies to walk around half naked anywhere but if matsuda spills something on his shirt he’s not gonna soak in that cold coffee. he’ll strip that shirt off and use light’s washing machine and then chill in the kitchen. light yells at him, which scares the shit out of matsuda bc light almost nvr yells at ppl if he can help it, and tells him that misa is going to b home in like an hour so he can’t b waltzing around w no shirt on. then he stops, sees matsuda’s wide eyes and his anger slinks back into it’s cage so he offers to blow him as an apology.
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
matsuda is always getting on light for staying up too late. “you’re giving kira too much of your time!” he says and light just gets this ugly look on his face like he’s halfway to a laugh but also abt to melt. “how else can we bring him to justice,” he says, “if we aren’t giving up some parts of our comfort?” that shuts matsuda up.
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
god they both suck so hard at cooking. matsuda tries to make them like romantic meals and light lets him bc he loves it when ppl do things for him ever at all. all the meals end up burnt and light tells matsuda he doesn’t mind but he rlly rlly does bc then he has to explain to misa why their apartment smells like burned chicken. they order takeout or go somewhere to eat and its rlly uncomfortable for the rest of the night.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
oh for sure matsuda sees those, like, couples memes and wants desperately to send them to light and b like “ha that’s us” but he’s not sure if they count as a couple since light makes him leave immeadiately after they fuck. so instead he just sort of casually will announce that this meme makes him think of someone and light doesn’t look up from his work like “what’s a meme?”
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
god they r like different sizes but sometimes, if light is weak and lets matsuda convince him to go to his place, light borrows a shirt from matsuda that’s too big on his all flat angles body. it hangs on him and it kind of....turns matsuda on a little?? they’re all his old college track shirts. light always returns them promptly the next day, washed and folded in a plastic bag.
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
light likes to send matsuda on errands bc he knows he can and also he hates hving to do small tasks so he’ll like send him to get lunch and then when he gets back will get huffy if he forgets to bring like...enough napkins.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
it’s canonical in my headcanon that light is a very bad driver and matsuda actually had to help him learn so matsuda drives them most of the time. light gives surprisingly good directions for what a shit driver he is, mostly bc he has a good memory and spent a lot of time using the subway so he knows his streets. get him out in the country tho and he’s like “uhhhh turn left?? maybe right??? lets use the gps.”
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
light poses and matsuda draws a shitty stick figure w a tie on. light must stiffle the urge to rip it up and it’s the greatest feat of strength he’s ever managed.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
uhhuhuhuuhhh shit man i literally hv no idea with this one!!! neither of them can do a backflip but matsuda is convinced that if given the chance, he could do one and then light and he hv that charlie and mac argument of “u can’t do a backflip” “i do a backflip every day of my life!!”
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
literally. neither of them stops the other one. light doesn’t drink a lot but matsuda will take him out clubbing which means light gets drunk off two cocktails and half of matsuda’s rum n’ coke. he dances to ariana grande and pulls matsuda on the floor and matsuda is so flattered by the attention that he lets light get drunker until he’s swaying and they hv to take a cab back to his apartment bc he can barely stand.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
i think i said in the first question, but matsuda often leaves light little gifts.
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
dslkfjla;skdfj;aslkfj;slfa matsuda sometimes puts yagami as his last name but that’s only bc he spends so much time w that family. he’d b so pleased to marry into it honestly. its a secret dream of his to propose to light and for light to accept and it keeps him warm on nights when light won’t return his calls.
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
neither of them take the spider outside but matsuda will just smack it w his shoe. light gets the bug spray and watches the spider die, slowly and painfully. he only ever does this when no one else is around but god, it’s a little thrill to take the edge off.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
matsuda forgets his jacket A Lot and so light will offer his as a token of affection (or at least as much a token as light can manage). it nvr fits but the same song and dance happens every time. matsuda wishes that light would forget his jacket once so it would b the other way around but uhhhh mr. five hundred plans at once has nvr been unprepared for bad weather. except once on a certain rooftop but like who’s keeping score?
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
their relationship is secret so nobody. but if sayu knew, she’d hv a word or two for matsuda abt dating her wonderful brother who deserves the best boyfriend life has to offer.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
hmm. this one is......tough. neither of them every say anything but matsuda almost does. it takes a while. it takes several times of matsuda getting up to put on his shoes and looking over his shoulder, asking if light’s sure he wants to be alone. its a lot of him “dropping by” when he knows misa isn’t home but light didn’t ask him to come over and just watching tv together. he’s like a frog in water slowly boiling until he realizes the water is too hot and he’s burning with some kinda something for light. so he works up a little courage and a little stupidity and one night, after sex, he rolls over and asks light what they are. light blinks and smiles. “we’re friends,” he says and matsuda’s heart is a brick sinking into his stomach. “oh,” he says. “okay.” he doesn’t bring it up again.
a week later, light calls one of their outings a date and the brick starts to lift.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
Oh They’d B Such Shit.
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
is this.....are you trying to ask me who does 1337 speak? okay okay. u would b surprised but i think light uses a lot of text chat when he messages ppl he’s closer to. if its like a work message, its all business but if it’s like a booty call to matsuda its like “hey wyd?” matsuda texts in such.....text code....u would hv to hv one of those “what is ur teen saying” guides next to u to understand. light can’t keep up. the only time matsuda texts with perfect grammar is when he’s sexting and honestly? that is half of what drives light wild.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
here’s the facts: light likes matsuda but if he saw him getting bullied or anything and protecting him meant bringing himself to literally any harm? he’d turn right around and go in a different direction. matsuda defends light constantly whenever someone says something abt him being kira. anyone got anything to say abt light yagami? matsuda is on ‘em at the drop of a hat.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
god matsuda makes so many puns. he’s out of control. every time he opens his mouth its light’s worst nightmare which is nice humor and fun. he’ll grit his teeth and smile but inside he’s in special dead hell which is for ppl hearing bad jokes. BUT there’s one time where light is doing something and doesn’t catch himself b4 just out loud making a pun and the grin on matsuda’s? could’ve lit up an entire stadium.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
if matsuda ever brought a puppy into light’s home, he’d b out on his ass in a minute. his dick game isn’t that strong.
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
matsuda is actually a little stronger than light, he’s like short-ish but built and frequently has to carry light home from clubs bc he can’t handle his alcohol. when he does carry him, light gets v handsy and matsuda has to like try and calm him down which is hard bc matsuda is drunk too? uhuhuh here’s something: one time when matsuda was carrying light home, light kept up this stream of conversation abt nothing and then started to make this weird, choked crying noise and matsuda was like whats wrong and light just kept saying “he’s dead” all gargled n shit. matsuda got him home and everything and light offered to hv sex with him but there was something so dead eyed abt him that matsuda was like “uhhhh i’ll just go home.” and light looked v small and matsuda knew he should probably stay, that light would b sick soon and probably vomit and he should definitely stay but he leaves anyway. he thinks abt that a lot after he shoots light. abt the way he lay there like a corpse, like he died six years ago and was haunting himself.
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
every once in a while light will do some intramural sports like soccer just to keep up his physique (he’s one of those ppl that like sports over like gym time) and matsuda always goes w misa under the pretense of their friendship. secretly tho he’s checking out light’s legs in shorts. light has v defined thighs.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
matsuda takes eight selfies every rare occasion light sleeps on him and uses the kitty ear filter on them. he only sends the snapchat to his mom, who is the only person that knows abt him and light, and keeps the photo saved on his phone. light nvr finds out abt them. matsuda’s mom snapchats him back a thumbs up.
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
light would definitely give matsuda pointers and he actually does it, unsolicited, pretty often. if he could get a crack at matsuda’s waredrobe? god. the amount of macy’s casual wear he would shove in there. he hates matsuda’s day off clothes. worn jeans??? no thanks!!!
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
matsuda has a lizard named suds and light is not terrified of it, okay??? he just doesn’t like how it feels when it touches his skin and also how its eyes look and also he’s maybe a little scared of it so whatever
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
light insists on holding the umbrella bc he’s taller and likes the control but if he’s super busy and speedwalking he lets matsuda do it. also bc he likes flexing his ability to make ppl do things and it makes him feel royal to hv someone else hold his umbrella.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
well, they’d literally nvr go on vacation bc they r not in that kind of relationship BUT if they did, they’d probably just go out to the country to a bed n breakfast in the gayest fashion possible. light would use the time to read some books he bought but nvr got around to reading. matsuda attempts to write a science fiction story which he is too embarassed to show light. light hacks his computer when he’s asleep so he can read it and finds out that the love interest is just a thinly veiled version of himself so he shuts the computer and crawls in bed, blushing bc he’s flattered and bc there were a lot of alien sex scenes w his character.
matsuda takes several phone pics of light falling asleep in the car on the way to the bed n breakfast and is sorely tempted to save one as his phone background. he doesn’t but he does keep one of those pictures even after light dies. it reminds him that light was human. that somewhere there was a person in there, that he didn’t sleep with a monster.
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meepface · 7 years
 i don’t want to even think about the mountain of things i am supposed to get done tonight for my classes tomorrow
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? 
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? 
yeah, i do. i’m trying to forgive more  
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” 
a cat
4: what’s something you really want right now? 
a glass of wine bc i feel tense and nervous and sad and wine makes me calm n sleepy
5: are you afraid of falling in love? 
i definitely was at one point. still am juuuust a lil. being vulnerable with someone is so scary and letting someone really get to know all of you and giving them the power to hurt you is so terrifying to me lmao but i trust that my gf is gonna be gentle with me
6: do you like the beach? 
nah i am terrified of the ocean and i just don’t see the appeal
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? 
8: what’s the background on your cell? 
my lock screen is a cute picture of childish gambino and my home screen is my girlfriend at a carnival we went to
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? 
??? mine, my brother’s, my parent’s and my friend Kate’s
10: honestly, are things going the way you planned? 
not really but not all of it is bad
11: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? 
a boy i made friends with in spanish!!! 
12: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? 
emotional for sure
13: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? 
the zoo if it’s not really hot outside but i like em both
14: are you tired? 
yes a little but not enough to go to sleep lmao i was so tired today and i passed tf out while i was with my gf today and i haven’t been tired since. i might drink some wine so i can fuckin calm down and sleep though
15: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? 
lmfaooo since like 6th grade i think. he was my first “boyfriend” and now he works at whataburger so i see him every once in a while and he always says hi and is excited to see me. he’s a nice dude but i’m probably gay lmao so
16: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? 
noooooo all my exes are ugleeeee and gross and have bad personalities
17: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? 
no it is way too early i do not feel ready for Marriage Level Commitment yet
18: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? 
19: is there a certain quote you live by? 
“be kinder and gentler, thank you” and lately: “sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, so what. that’s one of my favorite things to say. so what.”
20: what’s on your mind? 
i am: Sad a lil bit and i wanna talk to someone bc i am lonely as hell. also my brother managed to get a free ticket to harry styles tomorrow from his friend and i’m salty as all hell bc he knows like!!!!!!! two songs
21: do you have any tattoos? 
a sun and moon on my wrists and “lovely” on my left bicep
22: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? 
tomorrow !!!
23: who are you texting? 
i was texting my friend Kate a little bit but now nobody 
24: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? 
25: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? 
yeet my good pal Joe and also my friend Brendon (except we haven’t talked in forever and i miss him a lot he was my besssttt friend for sooo long and now he lives in fucking Alaska lmao anyway) and also my brother
26: do you think anyone has feelings for you? 
27: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? 
i get told that fairly often actually
28: were you single on valentines day?
29: has anyone upset you in the last week? 
30: have you ever cried over a text? 
oh yeah plenty
31: where’s your last bruise located? 
my ankle bc i had a really bad spider bite and it turned into a bruise lmfao i probably should’ve gotten that checked out bc it was making me sick but it’s gone now so it’s chill
32: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? 
hmmm probably that one day at work last week where i was Crying in front of customers lmao but also today when my dad was being a dick to my mom and i was awkwardly standing in the kitchen with them
33: who was the last person you were on the phone with? 
my mom!!! i called her bc there were two dogs just runnin around on the side of the busy highway and i was scared they were gonna get hit but i was already late to work so i couldn’t stop and save em so i was calling my mom to see if she could go save em or at least post somewhere about them
34: do you wear hats if you’re having a bad hair day? 
yaaa i love hats
35: would you ever go bald if it was the style? 
no i don’t have the face for that
36: do you make supper for your family? 
not really but sometimes i make everyone dessert bc that’s all i’m somewhat good at
37: does your bedroom have a door? 
yeah thank god
38: does anything on your body hurt? 
my head and my throat and my stomach and also like .... my soul u know
39: are goodbyes hard for you? 
40: how is your hair? 
not cooperative 
41: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? 
no i am content with being alone in my room right now
42: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? 
i have plenty of people who make me smile
43: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? 
i was so exhausted yesterday and that was making me emotional as fuck and i was telling my girlfriend how much i love her and started crying so many happy tears and i was just thinking about how i needed to go the fuck to sleep before i kept Embarrassing myself but also that i love my gf a lot
44: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? 
oh all the mcfuckin’ time!!! i cry a lot
45: how old will you be in 5 months? 
20 but make it 6 months and i’ll be 21!!!!! 
46: where is your mum right now? 
she’s in the office probably emailing people
47: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? 
48: how many people have you liked in the past three months? 
49: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? 
50: will you talk to the person you like tonight? 
i hope so
51: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care?
i mean as long as it was like, somethin not really bad then no i wouldn’t care but my gf doesn’t like that kinda stuff 
52: who was your last received call from? 
my brother asking me if i could pick him up from school today and his phone was dying and to please answer asap or he’d have to ride the bus and i was literally taking a nap w my girlfriend when he sent that and i saw it and was gonna respond but i just sorta fell asleep again lmao and i responded ten minutes later saying i could go get him but his phone had died and he was already on the bus so i felt bad
53: have you ever trusted someone too much? 
yeah lol 
54: do you get along with girls? 
yes!!! i love girls
55: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? 
i don’t think so???
56: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? 
yes :)))
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sadrien · 7 years
staos, ch5: panic! at the fake dating
on Ao3 | on ffnet 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
so....been a while, huh?
i just wanted to say that french paparazzi laws are totally different from this fic. they're actually incredibly strict, and the way the paparazzi in this fic act is more similar to the us, but still possibly kind of extreme? i probably should've googled that before using it as a plot point, but i didn't, and now it's a fairly major one, so i won't be going back and changing. i apologize for the inaccuracies!
shoutout to @reyxa​ for helping me with parts of this chapter and also thank you to everyone who hopped on when i was streaming! it was really fun and if people are interested, i'll probably do it again!
Adrien rests his forehead on the glass of his window and stares at the darkened city below him. He needs to move on with his life, but he can’t. Not yet. For now, he just needs to process this new information.
Marinette has a crush on him.
Marinette is great. Adrien thinks she’s great. He likes her a lot. Of course he does, he wouldn’t be planning to spend actual time fake dating her if he didn’t. But this— 
It is new information. And it adds a new layer of complexity to an already way too complex situation.
The universe is a dick.
Plagg cackles. “Man can you imagine how much she’d freak out if she realized she was fake dating you? HA sounds like a soap opera!”
Adrien groans and sits down on the floor. He needs some time to process this. If anything, he had been under the impression that Marinette was still uncomfortable around him because of the gum incident. The way she stuttered and got all blushy around him—
“How didn’t I notice before?” Adrien mumbles. He hits his head against the glass in frustration.
“Careful there, you’re going to hurt yourself.” Plagg rests on the top of Adrien’s head and Adrien can feel him moving around his hair to make a nest. “And you didn’t notice because you were so caught up in Ladybug.”
Adrien sighs. “Now I feel bad.”
“Hey it’s not your fault that you don’t feel the same way,” Plagg says. “And it’s not like she actually told you about her feelings or anything like that. It could be worse. She could’ve asked you out. And you could’ve not realized what she was doing. You guys are hilarious to watch interact, I hope you know that.”
Adrien’s eyes go wide. “Holy shit,” he whispers.
“I tried to set her up with Nino! Oh my god.” Adrien buries his face in his hands. “God this is so awkward,” he says, his voice muffled.
Plagg tugs on his hair. “Hey, stop that. It won’t be awkward until you make it awkward. Or more awkward than it already is.”
“I’m just supposed to act like everything’s the same?”
“Duh. Did you forget you’re both dating superheroes? Or at least pretending to be? Now’s not the time to bring up her crush.”
“You’re right,” Adrien admits. Plagg scoffs. “Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”
“No you’re not.” 
“I am this time.”
Adrien closes his eyes and breathes in the quietness of the house. He wishes he’d left a window open, just to feel the cool night air on his skin. It always keeps him calm and steady. His fingers are twitching to do something. He has the strong urge to create a flowchart or something, just to organize all the thoughts that are flying through his brain.
“Do you think she’ll come tonight?” he whispers.
“How am I supposed to know, kid?” Plagg asks.
Adrien shrugs. “You’re a god or something aren’t you?”
“If I could predict the future, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Trust me.”
Adrien laughs softly. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Yeah, so are you,” Plagg counters.
“No wonder we ended up together.” Adrien watches cars pass on the streets below him, small and and colorful, like toys. Everything is a game, life is a game, he just doesn’t know how to play it. “Do you ever think—”
“More than you do.”
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Do you ever think about how things would be different if someone else had gotten the miraculous?” His fingers find his ring and run over the sharp corners of it.
“Getting sentimental, are we?” Plagg teases.
“You say that like I’m not always sentimental,” Adrien says with a scoff.
“Alright well, you were always going to get the miraculous. Destiny and shit.”
Adrien frowns. “You believe in that sort of stuff?”
“I’ve lived a long time, kid,” Plagg says. “And the miraculous? There’s a reason for all of this stuff.”
“Does ‘this stuff’ include a fake dating disaster?”
Plagg snorts. “Definitely not. That’s your own fault, not the stars’. You made your bed, now you have to sleep in it.”
Adrien hums thoughtfully. Plagg isn’t wrong. He did get himself into this mess all on his own. He probably would’ve been better off just swallowing his pride and telling Ladybug he screwed up. But no, he’s here now and he has to deal with it.
“I’m not good at this,” he murmurs, more to himself than to Plagg.
“You’ll figure it out,” Plagg promises.
“I will?”
Adrien sighs. “Great.”
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” Plagg says, patting Adrien’s head. “No one has any idea what they’re doing. Ever. People might have an inkling, but really, we’re all just winging it. Wing it until you fly.”
Adrien blinks. “That’s…surprisingly deep and inspirational.”
“Ew,” Plagg grumbles. “I take it back. Pretend you never heard me say that.”
Adrien smiles and rolls his eyes. “Heard you say what? I heard nothing.”
There has to be something good to come out of this mess. Adrien isn’t sure what it’s going to be, but it can’t be just a disaster. That’s statistically improbable.
He finds himself listing the good, because otherwise, he’s never going to stop thinking about the negatives.
Getting to know Ladybug better.
Getting to know Marinette better.
He’ll finally find out how his dad feels about dating which…might not be a good thing, but at least they’ll finally have that conversation.
Spending more time with Ladybug outside of akuma fights and patrols.
Spending more time with Marinette alone, since before this, their only conversations were five minutes of stammering and he usually only hung out with her when with Nino or Alya.
Adrien swears he was better at this optimism thing at some point.
Marinette wakes up and stares at her ceiling for a very long time.
She’s kind of scared to check her phone. But she does anyway, because she can’t just lock herself in her room away from the world for the rest of the time. Although that sounds really nice right about now.
The first thing she sees is a text from Alya, and her heart soars a little bit because she loves Alya and is so glad she has Alya standing by her in this. Even if Alya has no idea how convoluted this whole mess really is. It makes Marinette’s head spin a little bit, if she’s being honest.
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      morning babe!!! <3      just a reminder that i love u a lot      ill see you at school w/ fists ready 2 fight off the haters and paps (ง'̀-'́)ง
From: partner in (phone stealing) crime To: the best™      Thanks al <3      Hows it looking??
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      :(      dont look      ily but dont do it ill give u a recap @ school k?
From: partner in (phones stealing) crime To: the best™      That….isnt encouraging      Alyaaaa D’:
From: the best™ To: partner in (phone stealing) crime      im sorry :’(      but really      if u wanna look at stuff thats fine i just wanna be w/ u if u do      actually it doesnt have 2 b me i just want u 2 b w/ SOMEONE      theres some Bad Shit™      i dont want u 2 read it alone      itll either hurt u or ull hurt some1 else and as ur bff id like to avoid both of those things
Marinette sighs and puts her phone down on her stomach. She’ll respond to Alya in a minute or two, but for now she has to let herself imagine what kind of things people have said while she slept. She can definitely imagine. Imagining might be the worst possible thing she could be doing right now, but she has to wallow in her own thoughts for a little bit. People get death threats a lot on the internet, right?
“Tikki?” she asks suddenly as she sits up, realizing that Tikki isn’t next to her on the bed.
It takes a moment for Tikki to zip up to her bed. “Yes, Marinette?” Tikki asks with a cheerfulness that’s only a little bit forced.
“Do you think this whole fake dating thing is a mistake?”
Tikki blinks. “You know what I think about it,” she says after a long pause. “I think it’s overly complicated where it doesn’t have to be, and clearly it’s causing more harm than good. But if you’re happy—”
Marinette gives her withering look.
Tikki coos and nuzzles Marinette’s cheek. “You can stop whenever you want, Mari,” she reminds her softly. “If it’s not good for your mental health…”
Marinette sighs and looks down. “Yeah I just…I’m committed to this now. Or something like that. I don’t know.” She flops back on the bed. “I really didn’t think this through.” Her phone buzzes a few times on her stomach. “Is it important?” she mumbles.
She feels Tikki flip her phone over and hum. “It’s from your group chat,” Tikki says. “From Nino.”
Maybe it’s not super important, but it’s still probably something she should read. She picks up her phone and stares at the screen for a second before she processes any of the words.
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      first of all our gc name is now almost ironically appropriate
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      lmao
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      second are we going out for lunch today or nah
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Can we?      My dad is back in time for lunch and I want to stall
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      rip off the bandaid marsh
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Yeaaaah no thanks
From: Marinette / mari berry / partner in (phone stealing) crime To: what the happ is fuckening      Can we hide in the bakery/my house      I dont wanna deal
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      That sounds perfect
From: ninope / the best bro / bae (biggest annoyance ever <3) To: what the happ is fuckening      thats cool with me my dudes      see you at school
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      im stealing baked goods      also @marsh i already told mari but i got my fists and am Ready 2 Fite (ง'̀-'́)ง
From: Adrien / my main man / sunshine To: what the happ is fuckening      Please don’t actually fight anyone Al, but I appreciate the sentiment <3
From: the best™ /  Alya / the babe with the power To: what the happ is fuckening      booooo i wanna fight      but ok fine      see u nerds in a bit!!!
Marinette forces herself to get out of bed and get changed. She feels like a robot as she gets ready, putting on her makeup and doing her hair more out of habit than anything else. She thinks that her emotions may have shut down out of instinct to protect herself, because she’s pretty sure that below the blank emptiness there is pure terror.
Yesterday, things had been bad. Now, people have had hours to digest the “Marichat” thing. On one hand, people could’ve calmed down. On the other, it’s had time to spread and people have had time to say things that are significantly worse.
She has a plan for telling her parents. And that plan is shouting out that she’s dating Chat Noir just as she runs out of the door for school and then sprinting away from her house so she doesn’t have to deal with it.
Adrien is surprised to find Alya and Nino standing in front of the steps of school instead of hiding out in the bushes. At least, he’s surprised until he steps out of the car and suddenly someone with a camera jumps out from the bushes and starts taking pictures.
Nino crams his hat on Adrien’s head as Alya grabs Adrien’s arm and drags him inside. Caught by surprise, Adrien is barely able to register what’s happening, let alone protest. Not that he would. He doesn’t want another picture of his face all over the tabloids. Don’t they have enough pictures to use from photoshoots?
“You could’ve warned me,” he mutters once they’ve hauled him inside. He hands Nino his hat back and smooths down his hair.
“Sorry, dude,” Nino apologizes. “We were caught up in planning how to get you inside.”
“I don’t think we succeeded,” Alya admits. “These guys are vicious.”
“They get paid to be,” Chloé snips from behind them. She studies her nails and leans against the wall. “They’re rats and it’s their job to be.” “What’s your excuse?” Alya asks.
Chloé rolls her eyes. “Am I taking him off your hands or what, Césaire? Don’t you have a different friend you’re supposed to be watching for?”
Alya’s eyes go wide. “Shit you’re right,” she mumbles. She pulls out her phone and sends off a quick text before dragging Nino back out into the fray.
“Why am I getting handed off to you?” Adrien asks Chloé.
“Babysitting duty,” Chloé says flatly. “I’m here to make sure you’re not being a dumbass.”
“I can take care of myself,” Adrien promises.
Chloé shrugs. “I know that. They both know that. But we also know you have a tendency to take what people say about you to heart, and—” she reaches over and plucks his phone from his hands, “we don’t want that.”
He opens his mouth to protest before he gives in and leans against the wall next to her. “People aren’t really saying anything bad about me.”
“Just your relationship.” Chloé flips his phone over in her hands a few times. “Besides, there’s no doubt that you’ll feel bad about what they’re saying about Marinette, despite the fact that none of that is within your control.”
“Of course I feel bad about what they’re saying!” he says defensively. “She’s my friend, why wouldn’t—”
Chloé gives him a look.
Adrien sags against the wall. “What’s that for?” he grumbles, casting his eyes to the floor.
She crosses her arms. “Adrien Agreste, do not tell me you’re that oblivious.”
He winces. “I might be.”
Chloé groans. “You aren’t serious.”
“Someone may have had to spell it out for me,” he admits.
“I hate you.”
“Fair enough.” Honestly, Adrien kind of hates himself for not noticing too. It’s only fair someone else hates him for it.
“No.” Chloé slips his phone into her pocket and grabs his hands. “You are not allowed to hate yourself for not returning someone’s feelings,” she says seriously. “You are not allowed to hate yourself because you didn’t realize someone felt something that you didn’t. Got it?”
Adrien stares at her.
“Got it?”
“Yes, mom,” he says, only realizing afterward how much those words sting both of them.
Chloé scoffs and drops his hands. “If you try to check any social media I’m taking this back and locking you out,” she says before handing back his phone.
“How would you lock me out?” Adrien asks, checking his notifications. He notices an email from Nathalie about lunch today and reminds himself to email her back with her plans before class starts. “I’ve never told you my password.”
Chloé smiles deviously. “I have my ways.”
Adrien narrows his eyes at her. “I’m changing my password now,” he announces.
“I have my ways,” she repeats.
“You know, between you and Alya, I’m starting to think that maybe I should just go back to writing letters and using carrier pigeons.”
Chloé snorts. “That would just make our jobs easier,” she points out. “You can’t escape it, Adri. Nothing is unknowable.”
He finds his thoughts going to Ladybug and brushes his fingers against his ring. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
Chloé grabs Adrien by the arm and pulls him closer as Alya and Nino drag Marinette inside the school. Marinette glances back over her shoulder with wide eyes, face pale as she stares at the paparazzi behind her.
“No damage done?” Alya asks Chloé.
“I know what I’m doing,” Chloé snipes.
Marinette takes a shaky breath. “Holy shit,” she whispers, looking to Adrien with wide eyes.
“You okay?” Nino asks, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She nods quickly. “Yeah it’s just— It’s been a morning.” She glances toward the door and lowers her voice. “I told my parents I’m dating Chat.”
Adrien notices Chloé’s eyebrows raise slightly as she leans the tiniest bit forward. She’d die before admitting that she’s interested in what Marinette has to say, so he’ll ask for her. “How’d it go?”
“Um…” Marinette tugs on a pigtail. “I don’t know?”
Alya frowns. “What do you mean?”
“I sort of—” Marinette takes a deep breath. “Okay, so I was running out the door because I was late—”  
“Typical,” Nino murmurs.
She flips him off as she continues her story. “And as I ran out the bakery I sort of just shouted ‘I’m dating Chat Noir bye!’ and left. So…” She meets Adrien’s eyes. “That happened.”
Chloé snorts. “Sorry,” she apologizes when Marinette glares at her. “But that’s one way to handle the conversation. By not handling it.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder. “Hope they don’t google it.”
Marinette goes pale.
“Smooth, Chlo,” Adrien mutters.
Chloé shrugs. “I wouldn’t google yourself either.”
“Why were you googling Marinette?” Alya asks, eyes narrowed.
Chloé hums and turns her attention to her phone, typing rapidly. “I’ll see you later, Adri,” she says, tapping him twice on the shoulder before walking away toward the locker room.
Alya’s phone buzzes and she purses her lips as she reads the newest message. “Right,” she murmurs. “Anyway, I hope your parents are cool with this,” she says, wrapping Marinette in a tight hug.
Marinette sighs and sinks into the hug. “No promises,” she mumbles.
By the end of the school day, Marinette is just about ready to sleep for rest of time.
Of course, Hawk Moth doesn’t work like that.
“You alright?” Tikki asks as she flies out of Marinette’s purse.
Marinette sighs. “No, not really. I just want to curl up in my room and stop thinking and experiencing life for a while.”
Tikki nuzzles her cheek. “We can do that after this, if you want.”
“I’d love that,” Marinette admits. “Spots on, Tikki.”
The transformation and magic washes over her, calming some of her anxiety and clearing her mind. She’s always able to think more clearly as Ladybug. Maybe that’s because she knows exactly who Ladybug is. She still has questions about Marinette.
Ladybug swings up to the roof of a tall building to get a better look of the streets. The akuma had gotten away while she’d been finding a place to hide and transform, and its trail of destruction is more minimal than most.
She squints in the sunlit as she looks around Paris. She finds a sign of the akuma, a car crash, and after checking to make sure the civilians are all safe and able to get out of their cars, she follows the akuma’s path from above the streets.
Ladybug’s breath catches in her throat as she sees Adrien duck into an alley, the akuma on his heels.
“Shit,” she whispers. She didn’t really want to be making appearances with Adrien as Ladybug, but like hell she was going to leave him cornered.
Ladybug swings down into the alley, wrapping her arm tightly around Adrien’s waist as she swings by.
Adrien yelps and throws his arms around her neck, burying his face against her shoulder.
“S-sorry!” she shouts, landing them on a roof. “The akuma—”
“It’s fine!” Adrien says quickly. “You were doing your job. Saving my life.” He glances over the edge of the building before stepping back, and closer, to Ladybug. “Thank you for that, by the way.”
“Of course. Doing my job,” Ladybug says. That was all. Nothing more. Of course.
“Uh…so how do I get down?” Adrien asks.
Ladybug hesitates. “I can set you down somewhere safe,” she says after a moment. “If you’re okay with that?”
Adrien nods and puts his arms around her neck carefully. “Is this okay?”
Ladybug swallows and tries not to think about how close they are. She can scream to Tikki later. “Yup, it’s fine. Hold on tight.”
Adrien clutches onto her tighter as she leaps from the building. She’s more careful with her swings than usual. Even when she has to swing Chat around the city she’s not this careful. Chat always lands on his feet, and he has the bonus of a protective suit.
Adrien has neither of those going for him and that’s kind of terrifying.
She moves away from the akuma, landing as lightly as she can in the first clear street. She makes sure that Adrien’s feet are firmly on the ground before she loosens her grip on his waist. “Are you alright?” she asks.
Adrien nods before his eyes go wide. He whispers, “People are watching,” and presses a quick kiss to her cheek.
Ladybug tenses, her cheeks heating up. She can see the people Adrien mentioned out of the corner of her eye, phones and cameras raised, all catching the moment.
More news for the tabloids. Joy.
She jumps away from Adrien as there’s a large crash somewhere a few streets over. Car alarms start blaring and she gives him an apologetic. “I, uh, I have to…” She motions toward the akuma hopelessly.
Adrien nods. “Yeah, I’ll… I’ll find somewhere safe.” He chews on his lip and glances at his feet. “I’ll see you later?”
Ladybug is barely able to nod, screaming to herself as she throws her yoyo and swings off to the akuma attack. Chat arrives on the scene only a few minutes after her, panting and apologizing for being late, saying that he got caught up in something on the way. Ladybug just nods and focuses on not grabbing him by the should and screaming that Adrien Agreste kissed her! Her cheek. But still! His lips touched her skin.
She would’ve forgotten the fist bump at the end of the fight if Chat hadn’t raised his fist first. She gives him a small smile as she bumps their fists together before she breaks off in a spring and swings off.
The moment she’s detransformed and in her bedroom, Marinette presses a pillow to her face and screams.
“Are you okay, Mari?” Tikki asks nervously.
Marinette lifts her head from the pillow. “Yeah I’m good,” she says before burying her face in the pillow again and continuing to scream.
Adrien Agreste is going to be the absolute death of her.
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beast-bae · 7 years
Sterek Fic Rec (last updated 21.2.17)
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.Hey :) because I’m always searching for new sterek fanfics on tumblr and I love seeing Sterek Fic Recs  I decited to make a post with all of my favourite (can I get this word even bigger? bc I love those fics to death!) Sterek fanfics. 
I will continue updating it ;) and I would really appreciate it if you could send me links to your favourite Sterek ffs <3 
All of them are on Ao3! Also all of them are complete (except for Home by  TheTypewriterGirl but there is only one chapter missing )!!
Also there is no specific order!
Also I try to find the authors on tumblr so you can visit them <3
This is gonna be a LOOooOOoONG post
Have fun reading :)
Prince Among Wolves by  tylerfucklin (Deshonanana) | 101k, Explict | kid fic |
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable. 
Home by  TheTypewriterGirl  | 160k, not finished yet 17/18!! |  @stiles-and-the-sourwolf |
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Move a Mountain by  ZainClaw | 69k, Explict | road trip/biker fic | @zainclaw |
Stiles goes camping with his friends in New Mexico after graduation where they befriend a biker gang led by Derek: a guy whom Stiles can’t decide if he will be either relieved or devastated to never see again once their week is up.
my wings a hurricane by  kellifer_fic | 20k | dracon fic | @kellifer-k |
Stiles had been like any other kid growing up in the era of dragons. He'd watched the cartoons, the news stories, had the lunch box. When his screening at Beacon Hills High had come up negative, he'd been disappointed but unsurprised. His positive results were returned three years too late for it to be in any way convenient or cool.
Or, the one where they ride dragons.
Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill | 32k | time travel fic | @mirrorkill |
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?
Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Sweeter Than a Cherry Pie by  kitsunequeen | 5k | pretend relationship | @stilesbansheequeen |
When Cora asks Stiles to be her pretend boyfriend for a New Year's family dinner, he figures he can do a friend a favor. When he hooks up with an incredible guy, Derek, the night before, only to wake up alone in the morning, he supposes he can handle that too. But when he shows up at Cora's house and Derek turns out to be her brother, well... that's a bit of a bigger problem.
Hale of a time by  jamesm97 | 3k | halebait!stiles | 
Stiles knows that his werewolf family are acting weird around him, not that that's strange they are werewolves after all but they don't know that he knows they are. They seem to be getting progressively touchy feely as his 16th birthday approaches.
HALEBAIT! STILES STILINSKI - where all the Hales are attracted to Stiles, but only one of them is insanely in love & lust with him
Settle down by  wearing_tearing, whatthehale | 153k, Explict | mpreg!!| @hoechliniseverything ( whatthehale) @dylansneck (wearing_tearing) |
Stiles is a struggling author barely making ends meet.
Derek is a successful architect whose biological clock is ticking.
Enter a surrogacy agency, two packs, and a particularly sticky and toe curling heat week and you get a match made in heaven.
Stilinski’s Home for Wayward Wolves by  owlpostagain | 35k | 
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” 

“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
I Was Present While You Were Unconscious by  CharWright5 | 19k, Mature | @kitstiles |
Stiles had often thought about how he'd meet his soul mate, the literal muscular man of his dreams. He just didn't ever imagine finding him on Facebook where a friend had shared a news article about a werewolf John Doe in a coma after a car wreck four hours out of town. And he also didn't expect to bond and fall in love with the guy's family before ever saying two words to him out loud.
But Not With Haste by  uraneia | 21k, Explict | x-man AU |
It's been years since Derek escaped from the hunters who killed his family and bound him in his human form. He travels solo, never staying in one place, keeping under the radar--until a skinny, smart-mouthed kid stows away in the back of his truck.
Four months ago Stiles's first kiss put his best friend in a coma. His dad gave him a couple hundred bucks and a hug and told him to run. By the time Stiles witnesses the cage fighter known as Wolverine take out a shotgun and its wielder with his bare hands, he's got a plan. He knows there's a school in New York for kids like him. All he has to do is get there.
OR, in which Derek is the werewolf version of Wolverine and Stiles is Rogue and the plot of X-Men progresses accordingly, with a few notable deviations.
Cornerstone by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen |
Suffering from PTSD, ex-Marine Derek Hale moves back to Beacon Hills to open a bookshop and find a calmer life. That’s where he meets Stiles, completely by accident. Stiles is talkative, charming and curious. Somehow, despite the fact that he’s blind, he’s able to read Derek like no one else.
just to know your name by  bibliosexual | 3k | @bibliosexxual |
They're about fifteen minutes into the Skype call on Tuesday night when this guy wanders straight out of one of Derek’s wet dreams and into the frame, wearing nothing but black boxer briefs and a tight grey Guns N’ Roses tee. He’s lithely muscled, with a cute upturned nose and some of the most beautiful bone structure Derek has ever seen. Derek can see his nipples through his shirt. He feels all the blood in his body rushing to his dick.
“There should be a note about that on page nineteen,” Scott is saying, distantly, while Mystery Guy yawns adorably, nose scrunching, and runs a hand through his messy hair. He looks like he’s totally oblivious to Scott’s webcam, or to Scott. He looks like he just woke up. He looks like something out of an underwear ad, or softcore porn.
Mystery Guy bends down, thigh muscles flexing, and starts digging through Scott’s dresser drawers for a pair of sweatpants. Scott doesn’t ever turn around. He just keeps talking about… something. Something unimportant.
Mystery Guy has a mole high up on the back of his right thigh and Derek wants to lick it.
Bite Down Hard by  KuriKuri | 26k, Explict | @authorkurikuri
For a moment, Derek can’t breathe.Because moles aren’t the only thing marring the pale skin of Stiles’ neck. Oh no, that’s –– that’s a bond bite. A bond bite which Stiles definitely did not have yesterday, and which appears to have roughly the same dimensions as Derek’s own mouth.Shit.
(Or: In which Secret Service Agent Derek Hale accidentally gets bonded to First Son Stiles Stilinski. Oops.)
Tangled Up In You by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 105k, Explict | BDSM! | @sterekbros
Something is missing from Stiles’ sex life. Maybe it’s the fact that none of his partners share any of his kinks. While doing laundry over Thanksgiving break at Berkeley, Scott finds a flyer adverting, “WALK ON THE WILD SIDE! LET US TAKE YOU INTO THE DARKNESS AND BRING YOU SAFELY OUT AGAIN! EXPERIENCE PLEASURE AND PAIN AT THE HANDS OF ONE OF OUR EXPERIENCED, DISCREET PROFESSIONALS.” Stiles thinks it’s his kinda thing, but doesn’t have the money to pay for a session. Scott offers, only if Stiles refrains from telling him all about his kinky needs, so Stiles agrees. Enter Derek Hale, professional dominant. Stiles has his first session with Derek and can’t get enough (plus, Derek is HOT and Stiles just wants him all for himself).
It’s a Schlong Story by  floatingstark | 33k, Explict | ex-porn star Derek | 
"Do you like him?"
"Of course I do, he’s great!"
"Then what is the fucking problem?"
"My dick!"
Ex-Porn Star Derek Hale has a lot of issues but Ice Cream Parlor Owner Stiles Stilinski is not one of them.
I Might Be A Fool by  prettylittlementirosa | 35k, Explict| College AU |  @bisexualbcky
The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings. He may be painfully hard but that doesn’t mean he’s not also ready to strangle Derek for having the audacity to act like this is something that’s happening to him, not something that is almost entirely his fault. So when Derek let’s out what must be his hundredth long-suffering sigh, Stiles snaps.
(or the one that was supposed to be a GRΣΣK AU but is mostly just a study in the gratuitous and inconsistent use of punctuation)
Expiration Dates by  KaliopeShipsIt | 227k, Mature | mpreg! | @kaliopeshipsit 
When 13-year old orphaned Derek Hale tests positive as a male carrier, his newly appointed guardian and uncle Peter uses his influence to make the test result go away, aware that in their deeply carrier-phobic society his nephew’s status could prove to be the downfall of the family company.
16 years later Derek is pressured into firing eight months-pregnant Danny Mahealani, creating a publicity scandal that, as the Equal Rights for Carriers movement gains more and more ground, results in an unprecedented media outrage targeted towards Hale & Argent Publishers.
A very reluctant Derek finds himself forced into defending his company’s prejudiced views on national television, facing off in heated debates against Stiles Stilinski, a guy he happened to have a one-night stand with months ago and has been pining over ever since. Stiles is a disgruntled former Hale & Argent employee, a staunch supporter of the ERC movement, he hates everything Derek stands for … and, courtesy of an expired condom, he’s also, unknowingly, the father of the child Derek wasn’t even aware he could carry in the first place.
Between Dusk and Dawn by  impalagirl, wilddragonflying | 19k, Mature| vampire fic | 
He's in the middle of a crowded bar when he smells it. For the first time in fifty years, Stiles Stilinski's mouth begins to water, and he's suddenly on high alert, twisting in his seat to scan the room with sharp eyes. Of course, it doesn't take long to spot him. He's as gorgeous as ever, tall and broad with dark hair and light eyes. He's wearing glasses this time, and damn, he looks good with a beard. Stiles had almost forgotten that; it's been so long since he's seen him with more than yesterday's stubble.
Marks and Mics by  DLanaDHZ | 70k, Mature | Soulmate AU | @dlanadhz
Hale siblings Derek and Laura have been hired to run security for Stiles Stilinski's music tour. Business as usual, except someone is trying really hard to prove they're incapable and hurt Stiles. Derek finds himself curious about Stiles' bitter attitude and a strange illness that plagues the singer. And on top of that, Derek's soulmate remains elusive.
I Hunt For You With Bloody Feet by CharWright5 | 200k, Explict | SoulmateAU Stillinski Twins | @kitstiles
“Mates don't always mean happy ever after.”
When twenty-year-old born omega werewolf Stiles Stilinski received that cryptic email from his twin brother—who'd been missing for two years exactly—in a language the two of them had made up, his drive to find Stuart is doubled. The search leads him to Oak Creek, the most secured and heavily fortified city in all of California, where he finds that not only is his brother dead, but also the literal alpha of his Dreams in Derek Hale—who just happens to be his twin's Mate and the main suspect in Stiles' eyes. Despite an agreement to fight mutual feelings, the two are still drawn to each other as they try to solve the case themselves, uncovering a plot that goes deeper than the murder of just one wolf.
Hidden Omega by  Akinasky | 107k, Explict | College fic | 
As Stiles leaves for college, he must hide who he really is and then he meets his roommate and likes him ... a lot only there is no chance for him to fill the needs that Stiles has as an Omega. Then he also finds his Alpha, Derek Hale (of course) and they all struggle to find their way and learning more about the special aspects of being an Omega and trying to have a unique relationship that will never be typical especially with Stiles, pushing and bossy Stiles as the Omega.
Fucked Up Like You by  damnfancyscotch | 38k | @damnfancyscotch
The boy was dirty. Very dirty. Most likely from the trap he’d been found in, the leg snare Derek figured, even though Peter hadn’t mentioned what type of trap it was. Mud dried and flaked off in patches on his left forearm, caked into the front of his sleeveless rough-hewn tunic and threadbare pants, up from his bare feet all the way to his knees, a dark streak painting the right side of his neck and continuing up into his clumsily cut brown hair - clearly he’d done it himself with a knife and perhaps no reflective surface, though judging by his appearance, a pond or puddle could have done just fine for him. Derek realized a lot of the spots he assumed to be mud were actually moles that dotted all along the boy’s skin.
Derek watched as the boy studied him back in silence, sitting with his arms wrapped tightly around himself. He stared hard at the crescent-shaped insignia picked out in silver and green sewn onto the dark gray fabric over Derek’s heart, a slight frown wrinkling his brow. The boy had to know about the Hales if he was part of the Argent pack.
“What’s your name?”
“St… Stiles.”
I Could Be Long Gone by  idratherwrite | 26k, Explict | A/B/O-Dynamics | @ashleighblogs
Humans alphas and betas are used to treating human omegas like objects. Stiles and his father have managed to hide for years the fact that Stiles is an omega. When Stiles arrives at Beacon Hills he meets one Scott McCall and his friends and family, who are hiding an even bigger secret.
It's almost everything that Stiles wants.
Baking My Way Into Your Heart by theSilence | 178k, Mature | College AU | @effinlemon |
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new.
A Princely Claim by  kaistrex (weishen) | 40k, Explict | Royal Stiles | @kaistrex
In a world where werewolves die if they’re unable to Claim their mate and to refuse them is classed as murder, Alpha Derek Hale makes his very public Claim for Crown Prince Stiles of Beacon. The Royal Family are left with no choice but to accept, no matter the Prince’s imminent marriage to Princess Lydia of Kanima, to whom he’s been betrothed since birth. After having already faced the future of one loveless marriage, Prince Stiles is determined to make things with Derek work.
Kaleidoscope by  Vendelin | 54k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles spends a year before college working at the all-night coffee shop in town. It's nice and quiet, until one dark and brooding Derek starts coming in every morning, ordering coffee so strong that it should not be fit for human consumption. Ever. Stiles tries not to be affected by the mystery guy, but it's not like anything else happens around here, so really, what did you expect? And when he's already in too deep, he realises he might even be in way over his head...
Play Crack the Sky by  WeAreTheCyclones | 122k, Mature | Rock Band AU | @wearethecyclones
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Excerpt from “Smokes for Harris: Gladiator,” SPIN.com – Feb. 2015 “Smokes for Harris gives in a little to the pop punk of yesteryear in their sophomore effort, but rather than pandering to fans of a lost era they elevate the genre in a way that hasn’t been seen in quite some time. Frontman Stiles Stilinski works double duty as singer and primary songwriter and proves that he can handle the task even without former bassist Derek Hale."
Grey Rainbow by  LoveActually_rps | 13k, Mature | @loveactually-rps
“Stiles?” Derek glanced at Stiles’ sleeping form. He didn’t even twitch. Derek continued. “If we…” his lips curved in a fond smile, fingers moving to smooth the creases of Stiles’ eyebrows, his voice coming as whisper. “... as in, you and me - If we get a chance someday… any day, to be together, y’know? I wouldn't mind you wooing me with flowers and all that cliched romantic shit. And you can even flirt with me. I approve.” He gazed at Stiles’ calm face for a long while before drifting off into quiet slumber with the sound of Stiles’ soft snoring in the background.
[aka, after pinning for his best friend for four years, Derek learns his teenage crush is easy, but his life isn’t]
Animal Instincts by BlueRunawayMoon | 262k, Explict | 2nd part is NOT FINISHED | @
Things are not going well for Stiles. Not only is he drifting from the pack, but he cant sleep and hardly eats, and its never been more clear to him that being a human leaves him at a major disadvantage. As if things weren't bad enough, he and Malia are on the rocks, and then there is the fact that Derek wants to kill him, of course. Derek, who he dreams about every night. Derek, who is losing control of his inner wolf, when said wolf seems to want Stiles dead.
But because Stiles is the universe's bitch, a new, terrifying and seemingly unbeatable monster arrives in Beacon Hills, and the pack have no idea how to stop it. When people start going crazy and attacking others, the Pack learn the creature is involved somehow. Now, with Stiles life in jeopardy, they must find a way to cure him before its too late.
Slow burn with lots of sexual tension and build up.
*There is a Stiles/Original Character pair up, but end game is Sterek. Pinky promise :) *
Strong Alpha, Strong Pups by  Snare | 7k, Explict | A/B/O -Dynamics | @4fuxake​
Omegas are weak. Stiles is an Omega, but Stiles has magic. Stiles is strong.
Stiles is strong, so Alpha needs to be stronger. Strong Alpha, strong pups.
Stripped & Polished by  Morgana, Winchesterek | 77k, Explict | 
Stiles is 17 and he’s sick of being a virgin. The last two and a half years of trying to get laid by every guy in the school (both straight and gay) haven’t worked out and the time he came onto his long time crush Jackson Whittemore blew up in his face. That was it. He was going to go out to a club and find someone to fuck him and they would be just as good as anyone else he was trying to have sex with. He goes to Jungle to scope out his prospects.
Just to See You Again by  MellytheHun | 15k, Explict | @loserchildhotpants​ 
A sterek college!AU where writing student Stiles specializes in love letters, runs a blog about it and can be commissioned to write love letters on behalf of lovers who are at a loss for words.
He makes some cash, he’s good at what he does (especially when he gets to be a little more explicit in his letters), it pays for his textbooks and that’s all he’s really looking for and life is fine. That is, until someone anonymously commissions him to write a love letter to mathematics student, Derek Hale.
Reach Out by  weathervaanes | 20k, Explict | @weathervaanes
Or, In Which Stiles Falls in Love Twice...With the Same Person
Stiles sees the flyer on his very last day at Beacon Hills High School. It’s hanging, unassuming, in the hall near the front entrance along with bulletins and other flyers, advertisements, posters for free student concerts, but the fact that the word “sex” is written in a font two times larger than the rest of the page catches his attention.
It’s an advice hotline for a whole range of things, from teenage angst to how to deal with your parents telling you you’re adopted and a whole mess in the middle. Stiles thinks it’s funny, though, that they offer advice on sexuality and sex education. It makes sense on the one hand, since high school sex ed does jack shit for actual learning, but anyone who really wants to know stuff has an infinite source of knowledge right on their phone—the internet.
So it starts off as a joke.
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by  grimm | 118k, Explict | @coyotoqueens
There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life.
There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
One life stand by  Vendelin | 84k, Explict | @ljummen
Stiles is used to selling himself to make ends meet. But it's getting harder to keep those ends meeting, and there's only so much of Stiles to go around. Until a too-fancy car shows up in his neighborhood, and he meets Derek Hale.
All Derek wants is Stiles's time, someone to stay on his arm for events and smile for the cameras. It's the easiest job Stiles has ever had, the best-paying one he's ever had, and he's more than happy to sign up.
Derek is everything and nothing Stiles expects him to be, with his tailored suits, sharp mind and his quiet way of caring. But it's just a job and Stiles never meant to fall in love.
Can’t rely on me by  Littleredridinghunter | 116k | 
Set at the end of season 2, Gerard beats Stiles up, but it's a lot worse than anyone knows.
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
247 notes · View notes
survivormuxloe · 5 years
Episode #1 & 2: "so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell" - Ahrre
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So I'm so confused right now lol. Like I feel like discord should have a similar format to skype, but maybe I'm just dumb and cant figure it out. Also the only people I know/heard of are on the other tribe which is fun. Hopefully I can set myself up so my lack of understanding Discord doesn't make me look like a liability to the rest of my tribe.
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we legit just got into our tribes.. missus sweyn.. LOL. i legit don't know ANYONE!! APART FROM MY BABY RYAN!! LIKE WHO ARE THESE PPL? liek i've heard of rhys and malik from like other orgs but the other people like god.. why can't I just have my circlejerk like in emvv. ): and idk WHO IS EVNE ON THE OTHER TRIBE WHICH MAKES IT WORSE I COUD HAVE LIKE A BUNCH OF RLY STRONG PLAYERS who are gunna win every single immunity challenge.. and i ain't wantin to go premerge nnn. uhm. ya. thats my mood rn. Xo
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Oh wow, hi it’s me, Mo. I’m going into this game with an advantage of not having a social life so I can be more active. I like my tribe so far everyone’s really nice. I only know Fabricio because he won the game I got PoTS on. But I think I’m going to withhold that information of him winning his last game because I kinda wanna be allies.
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First impressions of my tribe, they’re pretty cute I guess I like people well enough but I’m always nervous about pre existing relationships people may have in other communities so that’ll be fun to manoeuvre around my plan is just to lay low be social and hopefully not stick out as a target
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deadass the challenge has barely started and wes already has 2 images.. meanwhile his ass has prob spoke in the tribe chat like once and he aint comin in  my pms anytime soon so. LAMJHNFG . better hope his social game saves him over the physical x
this is my 3rd one already but this is important. linus is the first person to say haha to me. TWO! FUCKING! HA'S!!!!!! JUST SAY LOL!!!! SAY LMAO!!! IDGAF!! Omg this is geniunely my pet peeve and i wanna scream a a a a a  a a a a a  aa
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Man, I'm back with Tobi from Survivor Ko Chang and that scares me to death. He claims he wants to start on a clean slate with me and work together again, but I don't trust him one bit and the first opportunity I have to take him out, I'm gonna do it, cuz I can't have somebody like him around. Bad for my game.
On the other hand of the spectrum, I know Michael from Zwooper and we've always had a good relationship so I think that's one person I can fully align with right out of the gate. I've also worked up some social connections with Dani, Jose and Ahrre so far, and they all seem pretty chill for the most part.
Right now, my focus is to win. I'm gonna go hard in this first immunity challenge and rack up as many points as I can. Losing the first challenge always sucks and I wanna make sure that doesn't happen for me again.
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Okay im like mad excited to play this game. One Ive been kinda down, and this should help me be able to invest my time into something and potentially help me feel better.
Seeing this cast. I love it. I have really only worked with Felix in a past org before but we havent talked in ages. So I dont have any past connections which feels great because I hate people assuming were working together because were friends?. So this wont happen this season which is great.
So far my tribe is okay. Havent had a chance to speak alot to everyone yet. However the people I have done are alright. So far my favorite person is Scott or Scooty Toots. Hes British as well as me, he's 18 and we're both starting University without a clue what were doing. Like twins?!? So hopefully he feels the same way about me too.
Alliances are key. I want to make a few smaller ones to form a majority for me. Like two allainces of three. Giving me 4 allies. Not sure if this will happen soon or not, but its my goal to take control of this game, as Ive never done it before. I dont want to come across as controling however so smaller groups is the way to do it in my head.
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Omfg y'all...... The game started like maybe 16 hours ago and I have barely spoken to most of my tribe bc I was a lil busy last night & had some damage control to handle in EMVV but like..... ??? I already found the idol in the Play Room CTFUUUU. We fucking stan. I immediately told my son Scooty because he's my bae.... I haven't had my hands on an idol in an org since like...... 703 San Marcos when I was voted out w it in my pocket (i think?? i cant remember any others so..) so BEST BELIEVE I'm going to use this correctly. THAT IS MY MAIN MISSION. I'm craving that satisfaction of a successful idol play...... I would love to cross that off my imaginary org goals list..... BUT WHEW I'M PUMPED.
I am making a pact with myself to not be an overly annoying gamebot this season because I just wanna have fun with it and make it a chaotic season, and this lil buddy is gonna allow me to be as extra and messy and turbulent as I please <3 big dick energy
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Helloo so here I am doing this org thingy so you're stuck with my thoughts of regret until I die, or you could just not read them that's also an option.
Anyhow god save the queen blabla after more time that it should've taken me I get that I'm in one of two tribes of 9 which is kinda good because with snaller tribes I feel lime everything is more claustrophobic and shit hits the wall the moment we lose a challenge. But with 9 players imo I feel more relaxed.
So summary of who am I stuck with, there are a few who I know from before so let's start with that.
First off Jose, already played an org with him and we were good allies so my first instinct was to call him a bastard and hey he took it well so hopefully it will be a smooth sailing with that lad.
But after Jose I don't expect the meta to be kind to me.
Michael and Mo were both in my last org and I blindsided them both. Tbh they were good allies until that point so I'm more than willing to work with them in this game, hopefully they feel the same way.
But anyhow then there's Felix who I think I technically played with? We meet during a merge and he went out early without us ever talking much so really this is gonna be my first time really playing with him, he's the only one that I haven't talked to yet though I hope he gets online.
Then there's Tobi. I've heard of him and from the get go he strike me as a very straight shoot-y player. Those are always interesting to play with so let's see how that goes.
There's Dani, she seems nice and compared to Tobi she seems more social instead of strategy focused but then again it's been one day and I'm talking out of my ass.
Then there's jaylen who seems nice aswell even if I haven't talked much to him.
And finally David the absolute unit, and I say that bc he instantly started focusing on the challenge, which is a breath of fresh air plus he's Canadian so what's not to like thus far.
Talking about the challenge I get anxiety by just looking at it, scavenger hunts are always hard for me bc I live with people and I want them to remain thinking I am a normal member of society so I always need to be sneaky to do this crap, plus I don't have a car or anything so I have to use public transport if I need to go anywhere.
Apart from that well I would like to set up a 5 man majority alliance just to be safe, my only fear is the ever so feared overplaying-doom. But I feel like someone like tobi would jump on that idea pretty easily so I'll have a chat with him about that idea.
Oh and also look at me I remembered to guess for the idol TWO times in a row. I could die this very same week doesn't matter that's already an improvement on my usual gameplay.
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Hi since I’m required to do these once an episode, I’ll use this one to talk about my tribe and maybe a few on the other tribe that I saw were on.
Guacamole - They seem fun. I talked with them last night, but our convo went short because we played jack box together. They seem nice though.
Linus - Mix feelings. I can get a completely loyal Linus here, or a cutthroat linus, so I’m kinda wary right now towards him but the vibes I’m getting I don’t think he’s going to be an issue, atleast for now.
Madison/Madisin - She was also at the jackbox last night and I enjoyed her, she was dying laughing at the games and I thought she was funny. So hopefully I get a chance to talk to her today.
Malik - Who? Let’s not talk about that bitch.
Rhys - He literally waits until we’re in a game to talk to me, so I peep it. And you could say I should reach out to him but it’s annoying when I have and he doesn’t do it until we’re in a game together. Boggles the mind. If I can overcome doing that, so can you. But I enjoy our current coversation as of the moment.
Ryan - We just played Mount Olympus together recently and that was a bust for us both. I’m kind of hoping we can be on the same side since it’s been a while since that’s happened. However, Ryan says he just wants to have fun so I don’t fault him if he does crazy things down the road!!
Scooter - I don’t know about him yet. We haven’t talked at all but he seems interesting. Maybe I can give a better opinion when we talk.
Steven - Very hilarious and I’m also intrigued by him. His thinking and way of talking during the jackbox had me DYING I loved it. I think he’s my new favorite new person here so far.
Wes - I only saw him once but we haven’t talked yet so idk what to say. He said he’s from ndims and is an alias of someone, I just don’t know if I know the alias since I was on that site also. But hopefully it could be someone who knows me as Orlando.
Now for the people I know on the other tribe:
Ahrre - I cant stand him too much after our last season of JPORG. He has this self righteous attitude to him and I don’t like it. However, I warmed up to him a bit during the movie times we had been present for awhile back so hopefully if we see each other again, I won’t have that opinion anymore.
Big Tuna aka Danielle - YASSS I love ha! I know her from the Skype minis and she’s amazing. I hope I finally get to play with her for once in a non mini game ❤️
Felix - Felix is a fucking wildcard. I love him, but he has really pissed me off in games in the past, and I’m hoping this one won’t be like those other ones.
Jaylen - A mess but a friend! He plays how he wants and doesn’t care what people thinks or tweaking it to better it but that’s Jaylen for you! Accept it or don’t phew.
Jose - He’s a fucking snake at times LOL but he’s lovely. I wouldn’t mind too much of being on a tribe with him.
That’s all from me for now so hope I stay around longer to see how this season goes!
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so the tea is that this tribe is drier than an old lady's pussy and its so hard to talk to these people... there are no personalities... the only people i feel mildly happy talking to are ahhre and jose... and the tea is that both of them asked to be allies w me im like o ok sis lets do this so i have at least like 2 votes i know abt... and i know david from a prior org but thats not really a good thing bc i fucked him over hardcore and like... he knows im a snake LKJHDFSLK I really don't know how to maneuver strategically with this cast butttt ill try my best hehe
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Oh wow!! I can't believe I haven't made a confessional yet what a shocker. BUT HI! I'm kind of just trying to get myself acquainted with everyone in the group, I'm not as active as I'd like to be :C but I'm trying my best teehee. On the first night or so Linus, Malik, Stephen, Madison and I played Jackbox games and it was SUPER LIT and We bonded over that and I'm v happy about thatttt. (ofc I already know madison and I already love her but I haven't talked to her in game yet aklsdjf) I just started talking with Scooty today, or Scooty? I might just call him Scooty, ANYWAY yeah we got to talk about how we type similarly and that was nice, we bonded over that and it was littY. I also got to talk to Rhys!! He also seems like a neat guy - I still haven't talked to him a lot but I think he's cool. I honestly don't know who else is on the tribe, Wes and Ryan right? Wes and I talked a little bit, but barely. and Ryan hasn't talked to me at all lmao. Hopefully right now I've made enough connections though. I'd like to make tribe swap so I can meet more people and make friends lololol - wish me luck gang!
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I’m getting along with everyone really well so I know I won’t be the first fine at the very least so I just need to lay low laugh and Kiki with everyone and hopefully I can survive for the long term
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I’m doing the Scavenger Hunt and knowing me I decided to wait till the last two hours to do everything I can. So now I have an hour and a half to film a bunch of videos
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Okay so talking to my tribe Im begining to feel less at ease with them. Mostly because most of them hardly seem to talk. Which dosent bode well for me. Could mean im on the outs and they dont like me. Or that They're all inactive.
Madison seems like the easy boot right now just because like, who?!?. Shes not been around Ive messaged her once and she left me on read.
So Steven had to leave but we still have to do the challenge as if he was competing which PROBABLY means were going to tribal. So ive been working on getting an allaince going. Ive talked to Malik and Brought the Idea of us forming a trio with someone. Luckly he picked Linus because I talk to him aswell. So fingers crossed we can get that going.
I also have a great feeling from Scooty aka scott. So like Hopefully i can get another trio with him going aswell. So then I will be solid untiill a swap.
I do have a concern that Scott and Ryan are close and Malik and Linus are close. More so that I would be their second choice out of the trio if one is made. However thats not going to effect me I dont think this early. So fingers Crossed.
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uhm so!! STEVEN QUIT which im rly sad for two reasons. one for him bc i know he wanted to do well and i hope hes doing ok and i geniunely wish the best for him and the other reason is selfish bc i literally.. planted my seeds on him already? like. all that work for nothin. and now we sitting here actin as if madison aint afk and aint gunna submit nothing..
like its the only reason ive done these dumb videos so that i wont be seen as the weak link if we ever lose again almdlddg.. but uhm hopefully my seeds that are in rhys/jones keep me safe bc if madison gets out here i have ryan/rhys/jones to keep me safe.. so im not gonna be that upset if we lose LOL esp bc ik linus/malik r gunna be scary af later on
hopefully we win tho? so i dont have to deal with this stress? i dont wanna relive louvre where i visitted every single premerge tribal except for 2.. even tho i did well hehe uhm. YAH WE’LL SEE :)
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I'm kinda bummed that this last challenge wasn't immunity anymore because we smoked the other tribe, LOL. But at the same time, I'm glad cuz I wouldn't wanna lose the challenge after one of my tribe members quit, that'd just be sad as fuck, LOL.
Also, I feel a good rapport developing further between Danielle and I. I feel like her and I can dominate this game together, but I can't get too ahead of myself here. The first couple of rounds are meant to create social bonds and I feel like I've done a good job of that thus far. Only person I haven't talked to is Jaylen and I'm okay with that, cuz if we lose the immunity challenge, he's most likely the first one to go.
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Okay, thankgoodness that the challenge was changed to reward last minuet. Because we wouldve gone to tribal.  Maddison is legit missing. I dont even care if we win or loose this next challenge because she needs to go.
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So firstly that reward was weird like woo thanks pretty crown but there’s nothing else so I’m thinking that someone else has the clue and my best bet would be jaylen bc he got the Crown Jewels the most important piece. Overall I’m very nervous for this battleship challenge because in my mind it’s mostly luck based so my fate is really out of my hands.
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Well, not much honestly but I'm gonna write a confessional for round 1 and stuff so I don't get a strike
The game is going okay I'm trying not to be aggressive talking to people, but just letting people come to me and make conversation right now honestly I'm trying to play UTR since I think considering madison doesn't exist right now I think I'm able to do that TBH. Hopefully it all works out.
I volunteered to do the battleship challenge thing because I have no life and it looked like no one else was gonna volunteer.
I actually know Linus he played with me in Epic SBB in Hell, so that's nice to not be going in with no connections period.
Sorry this wasn't that long but it's something I guess
If we lose probably another confessional will be writen but right now there isn't much to report
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I’m for sure feeling a little bit more nervous now because a lot of this challenge is about being organised and teamwork and we could barely have someone sit out so fingers crossed
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Heyo so we won the challenge so that was fun, and by fun I mean hell but hey we've got bragging rights, which is pretty much it since unfortunately Steven was medevaced out of da game so even though the other tribe lost they didn't go to tribal.
A bit annoying knowing you did that for nothing but oh well the other tribe seems to be having a rough time by itself with steven quitting and someone (Madison I think) not submitting anything lol
And I say for nothing bc technically we won reward but it was one of those first come first serve things and I only got seved a jpg image so nothing fancy there...
But at least now the next challenge is something where 8 out of 9 people on the tribe don't have to do anything and you bet your ass after that first challenge I'm gonna be one of the 8. David the unit took it upon himself to carry us to victory so godspeed lad.
However this challenge is pretty luck based so I'm saying fuck that I'm not talking my chances.
Following last confessional I talked to tobi about making an alliance and he was onboard, he proposed to have Jose on it which is great since that was my idea anyways, plus I told dani and she was also on board, and to finish up the hipotetical majority of 5 she said he was cool with Michael.
I haven't talked to him yet and Jose hasn't been online but hopefully we should be fine.
Ngl would like to have an alliance with david and felix too, david bc he seems like a total lad with the challenges and Felix because he later told me he felt the most confortable with me.
But regardless hopefully we won't even have to go to tribal (and if we do at least there are other options for the vote)
For now I shall be the dumb cheerleader of the bunch for a game of battleship.
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Ahhh, I feel so bad that I lost the challenge for my tribe. I feel like going into a challenge with the weight of the win or loss stacked against you is huge. But I did come REALLY close and my tribe seems to respect that I almost got us the win. I don't think I'll go anywhere tomorrow for tribal, but you never know.
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Yesss we won immunity. I’m happy we could after Steven left. They made our challenge a reward for that and we lost but it’s fine because WE WON immunity phew. And it’s all thanks to Wes. So far to me, Madison is looking the easiest vote off right now because I haven’t talked to her and I haven’t seen her so that’s my view on it. The three I talk to the most on my tribe are Rhys, Linus and Scoots. Then Ryan and Guacamole. Then Wes and finally Madison. I hope this game doesn’t pull a JPORG Fitzroy Island, I don’t wanna be screwed over by a random ass tribe swap. But I basically dig my tribe and hope that I won’t be the first to go.
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Whew we won?! What. I thought we were gonna fuckin loose. Noah fence Wes.
Sad tings though because Madison is probably going to strike out. Oh well.
Ya boi still hasn’t gone to tribal so stay mad.
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It’s fucking gross having to go to tribal council and I can’t be dealing but I seem to have found myself in two alliances with only dani connecting the two so I’m gonna work with dani to ride this middle ground and make it further
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I’m going home omfg. I can’t really have a deep convo with anyone, which means I don’t have an alliance even though I’m sure one has been made ugh. I’m gonna focus on surviving this round then seeing what I can get set up next round. Wish me luck whew
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I’m pissed because it’s super obvious that the other 7 on my tribe are in a mega tight alliance. Steven was my only alliance in this hole game, and like, he even told me he found an idol and then on his way out he didn’t even slip me the idol??? Can’t wait to be voted out 7-1 because he wanted a souvenir.
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So the tea is that ahrre and I made an alliance of 5 which includes him, me, Jose, Dani, and Michael which I think is cute but they are really boring so meh idk I’ll just flip during merge x JDJSJD I’m a messy bitch
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ugh i'm so glad we won immunity bc our tribe is already severely lacking in strong members bc Steven left us out to perish and Madison aint shown her face yet... so the numbers getting back to even is great for us <3
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Right so unfortunately we lost the battleship game so that means we're heading to the first tribal of the game, fun stuff.
Now as we lost I got the Me-michael-jose-dani-tobi alliance set up. Meanwhile Felix was telling me that for him it was between Jose or Jaylen, since they've been the least active. Understandable but more understandable is that I'm in an alliance with Jose so for me it seems like it's gonna be Jaylen, who I also haven't spoken much with so I don't mind, albeit every tribal we go to before swapping or merging I see it as a potential ally down the line going home, which shucks.
Either way the alliance (and everyone else for that matter) agreed on jaylen, I also told Jose in kind words to get his shit together before he gets sent home but that's pretty much it. I'm gonna try to lay down for now I don't want to bring any unwanted attention to myself.
Hopefully tribal goes well.
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Oh wow hi it’s me, Mo. Ok so currently the plan is to vote out Jaylen which I don’t have a problem with, it’s kinda sad because he is actually really nice but somewhat inactive. I’m on my way to get a burger and fries and I’m fucking ecstatic like I’m so fucking hungry it’s stupid. Also watch me get blindsided.
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So we went into this chalenge on a high after wining the reward and I was the one who got the most points out of everyone :))). Although I’m nervous this will put a target on my back, I’m happy that I have kind of proven my dominance in this game! After losing the challenge, I’m upset!! This was all luck based which sucks! After that, I started talking more with Felix, David, Michael and Ahree. Within the span of like 30 minutes, I got added to 2 seperate groups. I was like “iiii” because this can get messy fast. Michael is in both of the groups as well so I don’t feel too bad because at least there is someone else in my position as well. I get along with Felix a lot and have had quite a few good convos with him! David seems to want to lead things in the group he made, which is whatever. Keeps the target off of me, especially if we go to tribal again. I expect to make more confessionals throughout the course of the game, usually videos but I’m pretty tired right now haha.
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I just took a nap and there's no tribal and I'm always trying my best. My tribe doesn't hate me for some reason even though I sure would. Oh well. I really miss Steven I hope he's okay.
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Steven quit half way through this episode. Then Jaylen was voted out 8-1. 
0 notes