#saw a brotha in need
cyberjam · 1 year
THE ANGEL AND THE DEVIL | tangerine x reader
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headcanons based off of this request on tangerine being the absolute softest boyfriend to his absolute sweetheart of a partner.
warnings - a little suggestive(?), mentions of violence
word count - 3.8k
song - no ordinary love - sade ⌁
main masterlist !!
tan - 🍊 | lem - 🍋 | you - 🍑
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- it's very cliché, but you two met at a café.
- it was exceedingly early in the morning.
- you usually didn't work this late (or early). your shifts were usually in the middle of the day, when the sun was shining brightly and the customers would pop in to work on their own separate projects.
- and you would've been working that shift, if a coworker of yours didn't ask you to fill in for her.
- you agreed to do it without a second thought, you were always pretty fond of helping people out whenever they needed it.
- just to see them smile in relief or to hear them praise you for being a 'saint' always made you feel warm inside.
- the harsh rainfall that occurred outside didn't bother you a single bit. you enjoyed the rain more than sunny weather, just the sound of the repeated pitter-patter beating against the window like an angelic tune soothed you like no other.
- you didn't really expect anyone to come into the coffee shop this early in the day, especially with how harsh the weather was. so, you were rather surprised to see a regular customer and what you assumed was his counterpart, enter the shop.
- lemon had become a regular after trying a slice of banoffee pie.
- you liked his name, you thought it was sort of silly to see such an intimidating man rock a name like lemon.
- you expressed your love of his name to him one day and he ended up giving you a nickname himself.
- "lemon, hi! it's so nice to see you. - 🍑
- "mornin', peach. this's ma twin brotha', tangerine." - 🍋
- you didn't admit it out loud but as soon as you made eye contact with him, you felt your stomach erupt like a volcano and your cheeks started to get warm at the sight of him.
- "hello! s'nice to meet you." - 🍑
- tangerine paused for a moment before gently nodding at you.
- to say he was caught off-guard by your gorgeous smile and kind eyes would be an understatement.
- he felt robbed.
- he went his entire life without knowing who you were and now that he's seen you he doesn't want to look away.
- you captivated him to say the least.
- "im guessing you'll have the regular?" - 🍑
- "yeah, but make it double." - 🍋
- as you were fixing their order, lemon and tangerine engaged in a small convo.
- "thas' peach, yeah?" - 🍊
- "yeah, real sweetheart'. makes the best banoffee pie. next time we come you outta try it." - 🍋
- tangerine only hummed as he kept his eyes focused on you. he couldn't really understand why you were so captivating to him.
- your aura was just so...soft and alluring.
- and your voice was simply just enchanting.
- it made him sick.
- he just met you, and there barely was any introduction.
- he shouldn't feel so…..entranced by you.
- he doesn't want to feel this way about you.
- just one look at you and he could tell that you were the type of person to burst into tears if someone even slightly raised their voice at you.
- how pathetic.
- you weren't soft or alluring to him. no.
- you were weak.
- he felt pity for you if anything.
- there was just no possible way he could be attracted to someone so...feeble.
- right? ..
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- he'd constantly tell himself that you're just some pathetic cafe worker, that held no importance to him.
- yet he can't seem to find the will to stay away from you.
- ever since he saw you behind that counter for the first time, an unfamiliar flutter started to thrash around in his chest and stomach.
- that feeling that he hated oh so much, only came around when he saw you.
- he despised you for it.
- but he also despised himself for not putting a stop to his visits.
- he could've easily gotten lemon to start picking up their orders once again, but then that meant he wouldn't be able to see you.
- and the urge to see you was too strong for him to resist.
- his thoughts would constantly scold and taunt him as he'd make his way to the cafe you worked at.
- his mind was telling him no, and saying that he should stay away from you. but his heart and body were screaming at the top of their lungs. begging and pleading to be around you.
- even if it was just for a small fleeting moment.
- sooner or later, you began to notice a spike in visits from tangerine.
- usually it'd just be lemon.
- but after you met tangerine, you started to see the both of them.
- and then it eventually just became tangerine.
- even though you missed the playful banter you and lemon would have, being able to see tangerine nearly everyday had to have been one of the sweetest treats you've ever received.
- tangerine was a bit more gaudy than the men you usually took an interest in.
- he was a rude and violent individual.
- there'd even be certain times where you'd cringe whenever he'd enter the shop.
- with the way he spoke to people you'd think he was completely nullified of any type of manners or emotions besides anger.
- until he started interacting with you.
- he'd talk to a random customer like this:
- "just grab ya fuckin' donut and go, ya cunt." - 🍊
- but as soon as he arrived at the counter and made eye-contact with you, his entire demeanor would change.
- " hey, how ya doin', love?" - 🍊
- his tone was completely different and his deeply furrowed eyebrows that were usually partnered with an annoyed frown were now nowhere to be found.
- it always made you feel more giddy than usual to see him turn on such a sweet persona for you.
- the interactions between you two were always fairly quick.
- greet each other, give him his order, and then send him off with a friendly wave and shy smile.
- it was a rather simple exchange, but it never failed to make your heart flutter.
- after a short while you'd start writing encouraging words on their to-go cups with a cute little animation on the side, hoping to brighten their day.
- have the best day today!! ♡ৎ(˶ ⍤ ˶)
- see you next time. this one was made with extra love! ૮ ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ა
- i loved that tie you wore last time! blue looks nice on you. ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
- i hope lemon is doing well, i don't see much of him anymore. tell him i said hi. (๓´͈ ˘ '͈๓)
- on a particularly empty day in the cafe, tangerine decided to approach you about the sweet messages you wrote.
- "if i didn' know any better i'd think you were flirting wit' me." - 🍊
- you were embarrassed, because in a way you were.
- "i just thought encouraging words could be a helpful pickup for you." - 🍑
- before tangerine could reply, a man quickly rushed to the cash register that you were in front of and started shouting at you.
- "i told ya' 'm 'n a fuckin' rush! stop yer goddamn chit-chat and make my fuckin' order ya lazy harlot." - #!
- you were embarrassed. it wasn't the first time someone had talked to you like that, but the man said that in-front of your favorite customer, a person that you had taken a romantic liking to.
- "ah, im so sorry, sir. i-." - 🍑
- but before you could even finish your sentence, tangerine had already grabbed the man by the collar of his shirt and had his face smushed against the counter top.
- you jumped back in shock, letting out a little yelp of fear as you brought your hands up to cover your mouth.
- "apologize to the lady and i won't beat ya' to a bloody pulp." - 🍊
- his voice was eerily calm as he held the man against the countertop.
- his eyes were blown wide open, a burning ferociousness present in his irises as he held the man against the countertop.
- "i-im sorry. please, jus' let me go." -#!
- the man's voice cracked and drool dribbled from his mouth as he was being held against the counter top. his once pale skin started to turn pink as he pathetically whimpered out apologies.
- tangerine looked towards you, his once burning gaze softening at your frightened stature.
- "you accept 'is apology?" - 🍊
- you froze before quickly nodding, afraid that if you spoke up, you'd stutter.
- that's all it took before tangerine released the man. his hands that were once forcing the perpetrator against the countertop were now fixing the cuffs on his suit.
- the stranger didn't even look at your face once he was released from tangerines hold, he immediately ran out of the cafe, leaving his money and food behind. (as well as a bit of dignity. if he had any left)
- tangerine grabbed a napkin that was nearby and wiped the drool off the counter, he even started picking up cups and stray napkins that fell off the counter top from the aggressive dispute.
- "you-um, you didn't have to do that." - 🍑
- he paused in his steps and stared at you for a brief moment.
- having him look so deeply into your eyes made you weak in the knees and slightly fearful of what his next move could be, in that moment you simply regretted speaking.
- "and just let 'em talk to you like that?" - 🍊
- he scoffed before shaking his head, throwing the used tissues away and leaning against the counter top to get closer to you.
- you lightly flinched as he reached his hand towards your face which made him 'tsk' at your jumpiness before cupping your cheek and wiping away a stray tear.
- "pretty girls like you don't deserve to be treated that way." - 🍊
- you didn't even realize that you were leaning into his touch until he brought his hand away.
- "have a g'day, peach." - 🍊
- you were awestruck at the events that occurred in the past 5 minutes, but as soon as you were able to recollect yourself you had decided then and there that you would show your appreciation for him the next time he came.
- and what better way to show your appreciation for someone other than baking them a tasty dessert?
- even though tangerine seems like the type of person to not like sugary things, you still ended up looking for a sweet treat to make him.
- and after some research you decided on making him a sizable amount of tangerine pudding. (in homage to his name.)
- you went to work earlier than usual to get started on your little project.
- the thought of making a new dessert that you've never tried to make before thrilled you, but the thought of making it as an appreciation gift for someone made it much more exhilarating and meaningful.
- it took a while to make it, but after a few failed attempts and small breaks to gather yourself, you had accomplished your goal of making one of the most perfect tangerine puddings imaginable.
- you were so happy and proud with your work, your excitement was almost able to erase any type of nerves you had.
- after admiring your work for a small moment you took a glance towards the clock and noticed how it was getting closer and closer to the time he'd usually arrive.
- once you fixed their usual order and put the pudding in the mini fridge under the counter that you were at, you patiently waited for tangerine.
- you didn't have to wait long, because just like clockwork, tangerine entered into the shop at the same time he usually did, looking as dashing as usual.
- you waved at him with a giddy smile, he returned a small genuine smile of his own while adjusting the lapels on his suit.
- "g'morning tan! i-uh, i made something special for you. i wanted to thank you for sticking up for me yesterday. i really appreciate it..." - 🍑
- you slid his usual order over to him before grabbing the pudding out of the mini fridge and setting it in front of him.
- "i don't know if you like sweet things, but i made you a tangerine flavored pudding." - 🍑
- tangerine couldn't help but let his once small smile grow into a wide grin.
- "really? you made all this for me?" - 🍊
- you nodded, biting your bottom lip to contain your excitement. (if only you knew how cute you looked to him.)
- he was about to bring the spoon up to his lips, but stopped himself before he could consume any.
- " do ya' wanna sit and enjoy it wit' me?" - 🍊
- "oh, i couldn't. im still on my shift and the reason i made it was for you to enjoy!" - 🍑
- "it won't be much of a treat if i don' have you there to enjoy it wit' me. 'ow bout i come back after your shift?" - 🍊
- "that...that would be great, yeah." - 🍑
- "good. until then, peach." - 🍊
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- He has a very small and limited amount of tolerance for people.
- until it comes to you.
- Then he all of a sudden has all of the time and patience in the world.
- You could be drunkenly rambling about absolutely nothing and he'll just fondly look at you while gently rubbing your back, softly humming in agreement as if he understands anything you're saying.
- He adores taking you shopping.
- Just seeing you light up whenever you see a pretty dress or a stunning piece of jewelry will make him whip out his credit card at the speed of light.
- "ya' like that dress, bun? go try it on." - 🍊
- he'll make a whole day out of spoiling you.
- he'll sit back and sip champagne while you try on the most extravagant outfits that are made out of the finest material from all around the world.
- "get whateva' ya' want, sweets'." - 🍊
- tangerine also really enjoys picking out your outfits. especially for date night.
- he'll make sure you look nothing less than extravagant on your fancy dinner dates.
- he sometimes likes to match outfits, not too often though, it kinda throws him off and he simply just doesn't want to be that kind of couple.
- he'll only 'match' with you if it's solid colors. like black, blue, white/cream. nothing too bright or flashy.
- ladybug jokes around and often says tangerine's your sugar daddy.
- small side note, tangerine absolutely hates the dynamic you and ladybug have.
- ladybug and you have built a nice friendship over the years. you don't see him often, so whenever you do it's always a treat.
- tangerine would've already cut ladybugs arms off long ago, but you were always so pleased to see ladybug whenever you could, and how could he possibly strip you of something that brings you so much joy?
- ladybug is annoyingly spared...
- for now.
- you have caught tangerine on a couple occasions, casually slipping jewelry off of people and then offering it to you, in which you give him a disapproving look with your arms crossed.
- "it would suit you more, dove." - 🍊
- "tan, please go give that woman her bracelet back. i already have 4 just like that." - 🍑
- he'll glumly give the woman her bracelet back and tell her 'she dropped it' but you both know the truth.
- omg, any present that you give him will make him practically melt inside.
- he'll always amp up the gifts you give him, even if it's something he doesn't particularly like or care for.
- "what? you got this fa' me? love, ya' shouldn' have." - 🍊
- whole time it's an itchy ugly sweater that you saw while casually shopping.
- he'll never wear it on his own accord unless you ask him too. then he absolutely will, and he'll wear it with pride.
- why? because his baby got it for him.
- and lemon absolutely adores you more than anything.
- he treats you like his own little sister.
- he'll coddle you like you're the most fragile porcelain in the entire world.
- he gives the best bear hugs ever. he always holds you so tight, it's like being embraced by a warm, soft, cloud.
- lemon has an awful habit of casually barging into you and tangerines apartment without warning.
- let's just say, you and tangerine have learned to keep your intimate moments in the bedroom and lemon has learned to announce his arrival 3 minutes in advance through the phone.
- you and lemon tend to have long and deep meaningful conservations pretty often. you'll try to include tangerine and get his input on some things but he'll never interject.
- mainly, because he's still struggling to be vulnerable with the people he loves. it's a slow process but he's steadily getting there with the help of the two most important people in his life. :)
- you and lemon will talk about any and everything under the sun, from sports, to cooking shows, to disneyland, to funny little memories you've had in the past...basically everything!
- there's never a dull moment between you two.
- but along with being tangerines twin brother and growing up with him, they have some of the same characteristics.
- they both are extremely over protective of you.
- a few examples...
- ladybug says a joke out of hand while tangerine isn't around?
- he's getting a hard stare from lemon, that's partnered with a passive aggressive statement, and a warning pat on the shoulder.
- "oi, watch ya' mouth, yeah?" - 🍋
- you're walking to the grocery store and someone roughly bumps into you?
- lemon will grab them by their shoulders before turning them towards you and asking telling them to apologize.
- some sleazy dirtbag is hitting on you?
- lemon is pulling tangerine off of his bloody unconscious body.
- all in all you basically have two bodyguards.
- theyre both very protective of you, especially tangerine.
- if you ever came home with cuts or bruises because someone assaulted you, he would absolutely see nothing but red.
- he loves you, but there couldn't be enough begging and pleading in the world from you that would stop him from unleashing his wrath on whoever hurt you.
- even if it was just a shitty family member who got too drunk, tangerine doesn't care.
- he'd clean you up first, run a bath for you, wash your hair, and even order food for you. he'll really hold and comfort you like no tomorrow.
- but once he knows you've fallen fast asleep and you show no signs of waking up anytime soon... he's getting himself dressed to go on a personal mission of his own.
- even with lemon and tangerines protection, they worry about you when they're not there.
- which is why they taught you how to defend yourself.
- every other saturday or so, tangerine (sometimes along with lemon) will teach you how to defend yourself.
- it's a pretty grueling process, even when they go easy on you.
- "cmon' you're not hurtin' anyone with those pillow punches, darling. now, again. hit me." - 🍊
- "i-no. i don't wanna hurt you, tan." - 🍑
- "love, if ya' wanna be strong and able to defend yaself', ya have to train." - 🍊
- he says it so softly too :(
- he's always so gentle with you, it doesn't matter the situation or circumstance.
- if you're non-confrontational, he will bring certain things to your attention in the calmest way possible.
- he'll never address you aggressively or maliciously call you out of your name. he'd sooner die than treat you like he treats everyone else.
- it's honestly why arguments between you two don't happen often.
- you two get into disagreements sometimes but they've never led to shouting, storming out on each other, or throwing things out of anger.
- if you cry during one he will immediately drop it, doesn't matter what it's about, it couldn't have been that important.
- "no, no, no, dove. don't cry, m'sorry. please, don't cry," - 🍊
- he absolutely hates seeing you cry.
- it's like someone reached in his chest and physically tore his heart out and stomped on it infront of him. (a bit dramatic, but that's how he feels)
- he feels terrible.
- even if you're an overly-sensitive person and cry about nearly everything under the sun, he will still feel bad about making you cry.
- he never wants you to shed tears because of him. unless it's out of pleasure or pure happiness.
- and if someone else makes you cry?
- they will absolutely get the beating of a lifetime.
- there have been times random men have said incredibly rude things to you while tangerine was lingering around.
- it ends badly for them every time.
- it truthfully doesn't matter who it is.
- if tangerine even gets the slightest hint that you were upset by something someone said, he's making sure they're getting pulled out of the establishment in a stretcher.
- he tries his best not to bring his normally hot-headed attitude around you, but sometimes people are able to press just the right buttons that get him all riled up and now he's on edge.
- you can always tell when he's on edge.
- he's a bit more aggressive when he does mundane tasks and he's quietly cursing under his breath while roughly running his hands through his hair.
- "stupid cunt, he's lucky i ain' shoot 'em in front of 'is wife and kids." - 🍊
- and he's doing the dishes...^
- over time you've learned how to easily and quickly calm him down from his little tantrums.
- there are many different ways you could go about calming him down, but the easiest and most effective way is just beckoning him to come lay down on the couch/bed with you and giving him a head rub.
- little moments where you can just relax and hold each other are his all time favorites.
- you have a very comforting smell and presence that just immediately draws him to you.
- sometimes if his missions last longer than he'd like them to, he'll sneak one of your favorite bottles of perfume in his suit jacket.
- he won't use it, he'll just smell the inside of his jacket, it makes him feel comforted, like you're right next to him.
- but missions are always hard, it's just something you both won't ever get used to...
- you'll usually send the boys away by baking them a nice, sweet, tasty treat. it differs from pie, muffins, cupcakes, beignets, and much more.
- tangerine and lemon are both extremely comforted by your baking. they absolutely love it and talk about it quite often on their missions.
- "lucky bastard you are. if ma' girl could bake like this i'd marry her on the spot." - 🍋
- "sooner or later." - 🍊
- he's actually so whipped for you it's insane at this point.
- one of tangerines' favorites things to do is tease you.
- but not in a patronizing way.
- he just likes to see you get flustered, it gives him an incredibly huge confidence boost.
- he'll call you every pet-name under the sun to see you get all bashful and cute for him.
- "ya' look gorgeous as always, dove."
- "c'mere, bun."
- "sleep well, darling."
- "such a pretty thing you are."
- he knows it makes you feel a certain way and he finds it so adorable when you shy away from him because you're too nervous to look him in the eye.
- tangerine likes to act like he isn't completely whipped and in love with you, but he absolutely is.
- anything you ask for, he will get.
- you want a cat/dog even though he's allergic?
- it's all yours, just keep it out of the bedroom.
- you wanna go to paris?
- the hotel and flight are already booked, first class seats and a room with the most gorgeous view.
- you want him to bake with you even though he's not that good in the kitchen?
- the supplies are out and he's already wearing his 'kiss the cook' apron.
- overall, you truly are the love of tangerines life and he would rather die than to ever see you walk away from him.
- he protects you with his life, and he will continue to do so, until death do you part.
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this one was much longer than my last one. this was a request from my lovely moot @kpopgirlbtssvt . i hope you enjoy, love!
- bunnie ᘏ⑅ᘏ
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apollosfavkiddo · 2 months
i saw ur requests are open and i got excited 😵
would u be willing to write a jason grace x apollo!reader one shot? specifically one that’s kinda angsty but has a happy ending?? maybe the reader gets really hurt on a quest with Jason and he’s genuinely scared but she ends up being okay in the end? i’m not sure what other details but i’d love to see what you do with this (if you want!!!)
we’ll be a fine line, we’ll be alright.
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content: jason grace x apollo!reader
warning: bad BAD writing, angst but then it’s fluff, blood, almost dying experience, octavian’s still alive, cursing, post Blood of Olympus
a/n: hello! this is my first request and i wanted to post it before the other stuff i’m working on (especially cause i can’t finish any of the shit i’m working on). this is kind of fast paced but don’t blame me, it’s 12am in brazil right now so.. yea. also, i kinda diverted from the whole hurt in quest thing, i’m sorry! i didn’t have enough ideas for a whole quest. but i hope you enjoy! oh and this is placed after the first book of TOA
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Sure, a heartbreak did hurt. But have you been stabbed by Imperial Gold? Dude. Brotha.
Sure, it was a normal thing for you to argue with Octavian. Hell, it was. normal thing for everyone who’s sane to do. This scrawny boy was just… a piece of shit. Yeah. And the worst part? You’re related. He’s one of the “legacies”, whatever that is. That stupid roman dipshit.
And today was no different. You two were arguing about some trivial shit, as always, but things escalated quickly. Soon you two were sparring (how was a mystery, since you didn’t even know that thing knew how to hold a sword) and it was quite fun.
You see, you got to camp Half-Blood when you were just seven. Since then you’ve been trained all year, since you didn’t have any other family - besides the godly side of it, duh - and Octavian was… well, Octavian. You were much better than him.
The whole problem is that Octavian likes to play dirty. So eventually he makes you trip and fall and he leaves gashes around your arms and legs. But with imperial gold it was sort of painful.
Till one of those times came again, but this time he didn’t leave a gash or a scratch. He stabbed you right in your stomach.
“Oh, gods!” He said, with fake concern. “I’m so sorry, cousin! My bad. I should go looking for your boyfriend, right? But… i didn’t see nothing. Bye!” The blond said with a devilish grin and left.
You knew you needed help. You were applying pressure to the wound, trying to use your healing powers to at least slow down the bleeding.
You tried to get up to look for help, but it was almost impossible. Even with that, you had to. ‘Oh, come on,’ you thought, ‘i’ve faced Kronos, Gaea and Annabeth mad at me. I’m not gonna die for a stupid legacy.’
And that’s exactly what made you move your body towards the via principalis, where you knew someone was gonna help you.
When you got there, the first person you saw was - thanks the gods -, Reyna. When the praetor looked at you, her face was horrified.
“y/n? What-“ She began, but you cut her off.
“I-i’ll explain later. Just… medical cabin. Please.” You begged, your words barely above a whisper.
Reyna nodded and helped you lean on her for support, as she walked you towards the medical cabin. You didn’t know the name of the boy who was currently there, but he looked as horrified as Reyna.
“Oh gods. Oh, my gods.” The boy said and you smiled, trying to fight back the urge to pass out.
“Ha, thanks. I thought it was bad.” You half joked as Reyna and the unkown boy put you on a vacant stretcher. When you were laid down, you looked up at Reyna with pleading eyes. “Bring Jason here, please?”
“Of course. I’ll go find him. The brunette said and left the medical cabin.
“Ok. uh… care to tell what happened with you?” The boy asked and you turned your gaze back to him.
“Got stabbed by imperial gold. What’s your name?” She asked, but the look in the boy’s face didn’t seemed to register the question.
“My gods… i’ll do my best to help you.” He said and grabbed a bottle of nectar, pouring it to your mouth. “Ok, i need to-“
Before he could finish, a certain blonde boy barges past the doors, looking around the medical cabin, desperately trying to find you.
When his gaze fell into you, he rushed to your side, grabbing your hand. His eyes were glossy behind his glasses and she knew he already wanted to cry.
“Y/n, what…? What happened? Are you okay? Who did this?” He asked, and she tried to laugh, but the pain was becoming unbearable. You couldn’t even talk anymore, as the only thing that came out of your mouth was a whiny breath. “It’s okay, i’m here with you, hm? I won’t leave.”
He kissed your forehead and you squeezed his hand softly just before you felt a tear fall in your cheek. That was the last thing you heard or saw before passing out.
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧
Jason is desperate. He’s beyond worried about you.
He knows what imperial gold does to someone. Gods, he was stabbed by imperial gold before. And if she wasn’t treated in the right way… he didn’t even want to think about it.
But other than that, he needed to know who did this. He was going to kill this person with his bare hands.
It had been two days since you blacked out and you hadn’t woken up yet. He was starting to get even more worried, but he hadn’t left your side for one second. You couldn’t even go back to Camp Half-Blood (obvi), so your closest friends and family came to visit.
Will had cried his eyes out when he saw her there. Nico had to comfort him as his pupils leaked salty water. Lester/Apollo was back from his quest with Meg, and he also came to visit his daughter. The man was very… emotional, let’s say that.
But on the third day you were finally beginning to wake up. Of course, Jason was there.
“Hey, honey… you’re back, hm?” He asked, caressing you hair as you smiled, trying to reassure him. It still hurt as hell, but it could be worse. You could be dead.
“Hey…” She mumbled, her voice a little smudgy. “How long was it out?”
“A few days. But you’re back now, that’s what matters the most.” He said as he gave you a soft kiss on the lips. It was no tongue, just affection. He was showing you he was there for you.
“I feel fine. Like, not fine, but definitely better.” She said, as she pulled away from him.
“Yeah, i imagined. But, baby, i need you to tell me something.” Jason said, still holding your hand softly.
You nodded, waiting for him to elaborate.
“Who did this to you?” He asked, and you felt him squeezing your hand tighter. His voice was also harsher, as if he was restraining himself from killing someone.
“It was… it was Octavian.” She said, in a whisper-like tone. His face hardened immediately as he got up and went to the boy that was standing at the door.
“I need you to call Reyna and Frank. Tell them it’s an emergency.” He said and the boy quickly left.
Jason rushed back to your side. “I swear i’m gonna kill that son of a bitch.” He muttered.
When you were about to answer, Reyna and Frank rushed past the door, both looking worried. Behind Frank, there were a few other people - Will, Nico, Hazel, Annabeth, Piper, Leo and Percy -, all looking worried.
“You’re alive!” Will shouted and rushed to your side, tears welling up his eyes again.
“What, you thought that a little stab was going to kill me? Please.” She scoffed and Will laughed.
“So, who did this?” Reyna asked, also going to your side and stroking your shoulder softly.
“The most stupid, idiotic, son of a bitch augur that we ever had.” Jason said through gritted teeth.
“Octavian did that? I knew he was annoying, but at this level?” Percy asked, his face contorted in a mix of anger and disbelief.
“Mhm. We were sparring but… he likes to play dirty, i guess.”
“I’m gonna murder him.” Will groaned.
“Get in line.” Jason, Percy and Nico said at the same time.
You chuckled a bit, even if it hurt. Cause you knew, with that family right there, everything was gonna be fine.
a/n pt2: so… i like it but i don’t but i do. u get that? yea. i don’t know, i think i could do better, but i kinda liked it. I was going to make octavian’s trial and all but it would be too fucking long, so i gave up. that’s it for today, sorry that it took so long!
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1800classiccherries · 11 months
Go home machine!
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⚘ 1610! Miles Morales x black!spider!fem!reader
⚘ idk if this is necessarily fluff... but idk what else I’d classify it. spider gang is featured in this one. it’s basically the reader inserted into the movie
⚘ summary: Miles arrives to HQ only to have every spider in the building after him. Y/n and Margo help him go home.
⚘ wc: 1.2k (yippee)
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You were talking to Margo about something random while she was strolling around the spacious room. Your and Margo's job was to run the “go home” machine. Though doing that job didn’t stop y’all from talking, which led to you two becoming very good friends. 
While you talked, you noticed a Spider-man you hadn’t seen before approaching behind her, but you didn’t say anything about it ‘cause that’s what a spider sense is for. 
“No, but that's what I’m saying, though. Like, imagine if-” She bumps into him.
“So you just weren’t gonna tell me someone was behind me?” she looks back at you offended, getting a shrug in response, before she rolls her eyes at you and looks back at who she ran into.
“I’m Spider-Man.”
“Woww, no way- All of us are.” she deadpans, getting a snicker from you watching this happen.
“Can we just keep moving?”
“what's the rush, Gwen?” you speak up, noticing how she seems on edge.
“Have somewhere to be,” vague answer.
You open your mouth to reply before getting cut off by Miles. “Woah woah woah, w-what are you?” he questions interested. 
Margo explains while starting up the go-home machine. The group proceeds forward in your direction whilst you rock back and forth on a makeshift swing you made out of webs.
“Ah, so you’ve been making the swings. Defacing the workplace; respect,” Hobie says with a proud smile walking up to you.
“Thank you, brotha,” you dap him up.
Gwen turns her head to you, “I thought Miguel told you to stop making them?”
“He did, and then the next day, I saw him sitting in one of them, which basically means keep going. And plus, they’re very comfortable and dissolve after a few business days so what’s the harm” You shrug nonchalantly, not really caring about the webs you leave around the building.
You shift your attention to the unfamiliar face looking at you. You raise your eyebrows in curiosity, prompting him to introduce himself. “Oh, I’m uh- Miles.” 
“Nice to meet you, Miles.”
You get up to go to the control panel, needing to do your side of the work regards to the go-home machine. After doing your part, you walk back over to the group, following their line of sight to the sizeable machine.
“what does that do?”
“apart from having a great name.” 
“The go-home machine”
“What’d I say?” Hobie quips with a singular chuckle.
“I voted against it.” Gwen clarifies.
“We voted for it,” you say, referring to you and Margo, “It’s a cute name.”
 Margo looks over at the group, “It detects whatever dimension your DNA is from and sends you there.”
“Cool, right?” I grin.
“Super humane and not creepy,” Hobie adds inexpressively.
“well, y’know,” I shrug.
After a moment of silence, you see Gwen sigh out of the corner of your eye, “We should go.”
“Uh.. see you two around?” Miles asks, getting a nod of confirmation from the two of us.
“Hey, good luck out there, man,” Margo calls.
“Have fun!” you add with a shout before Miles gets a web shot to his back and is dragged away.
“Okay, bye!”
Margo lets out a laugh, and you sit back on your web swing. As she turns to face you, her smile falters, seeing your slowly spreading grin and giggle, “Why he kinda...”
“Girl, stop.”
“Ugh, Margo, tell me why I can’t get this boy outta my head,” you’re hanging upside down with your hands covering your face giggling.
“Y/n, you had one conversation with him- actually, it wasn't even that- less than that. You said-” A blaring alarm cuts Margo off from continuing to go in on you.
All stations; drop what you're doing and stop Spider-Man!
“Looks like you're finally getting locked up,” Margo smirks.
“Very funny.” you give her a look of annoyance. “I bet every spider in the building is making that joke.”
Ay coño, Miles! Miles Morales! He’s entering sector four!
“Huh. Weird.” You shrug after the hologram from your watch closes.
“That’s all you gotta say?” 
“What do you want me to say, Margo? ‘Well, shucks, lemme go find him right away!’”
“Ooh, you infuriate me.” She seethes.
“Love you too...” you trail off, giving her a stink eye. You put on your headphones and mask. 
“Going on my break. Let me know if you need sumn,” I announce as I walk out of the room.
“What convenient timing...” Margo mutters.
Contrary to Margo's assumption, you were not going on a break to look for miles. You genuinely were just tired of working. You roam the halls, closing your eyes as the music in your headphones plays; suddenly, you feel a body collide with you, knocking you to the ground. So much for a spider-sense.
“Hey! Watch where you’re swing- Oh. Hey,” You backtrack, dropping your aggravated tone when you stand up seeing Miles rushing to get up, looking around.
“You gotta hide me!” He pleads; knowing what’s happening from the announcement everyone had gotten, you nod. “Follow me.”
You jump up onto the ceiling shrinking down 10 sizes.
“Woah!” Miles exclaims, “Can you do anything?” You ask, hoping he has some kind of skill to help your plan of sneaking away.
He fades in and out of being invisible before staying that way, “Perfect!” I cheer, “Let’s go.”
As Miles follows you crawling around obscure passageways and corridors, you figure this is a good time to flesh out the next plan of action. “Where are you trying to go from here?”
“Home, I want to just go home.” he breathes, sounding exhausted.
“Margo and I can send you there with the go-home machine.” You offer, knowing she’ll help.
“Thank you, I really appreciate this.”
“Mhm, no problem. And if you don’t end up coming back here to visit or whatever, I’ll be sure to visit you.” You say with a sweet smile.
Eventually, you and Miles make it back to the room housing the go-home machine.
“Psst! Margo!” You whisper-shout dropping from the ceiling onto her shoulder, still miniature-sized, of course.
“What?” she looks over at you, “why are you so small?”
“I bumped into Miles while I was on a walk, and well, y’know, he’s kind of a wanted man, so I offered we’d get him home,” you explain, hopping off her shoulder, sizing back up to normal. Miles followed suit, letting go of the ceiling and returning visible.
Margo looks at Miles for a moment, “Sure, I’ll start it up.”
You and Margo get to work as Miles swings onto the platform. It was all going smooth until Miguel broke through the glass, yelling, “Stop him! Now!”
“Man, what does it look like I’m tryna do?!” Margo yells back, the both of you acting like you can’t stop it. 
The dashboard to the machine prompts the finalization screen, and you run over to Margo's side of the room, giving each other a nod and then looking at Miles. You give him a thin-lipped smile before Margo presses ‘yes.’
The red lights in the room fade away and silence in the room was loud, deafening even, aside from Miguel’s heavy breathing.
"What do we do now...” you whisper to the avatar beside you, seeing Miguel rip the web swing you made off the ceiling after it brushed against his arm.
“No idea.”
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Thanks for reading!
sorry if there are any mistakes, this is longer than what I normally write so I wouldn’t be surprised if something got overlooked. also the picture i used doesnt really match but it is what it is.
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callmegaith · 6 months
Oh... I saw a post on Reddit about some fans feeling like Rusty Lake is losing its plot with the last few games and it hurt to read cuz it made me realize... Yeah... Kinda. At first I thought "I just didn't care much about the last 2 games cuz they're about the Vanderbooms who I don't really give much of a crap about." But resurrecting characters like Albert out of nowhere and shit is like... Ugh. We didn't need him to come back his story ended fine in Roots. There are other characters who deserved more lore exploration. I'm biased clearly but literally been waiting so long for Mr. rabbit lore that sometimes feels is never gonna come and I'll forever be wondering why he did what he did. How he got there. And what happened to him or where he is now. And the whole two rabbits mystery yada yada yada. Literally one of the most mysterious characters. Seemed to have a plan and his own story happening in the background of Hotel and Birthday..... And then he's just never brought up again except in Dale's memories.
I miss the story being revolved around Dale and his journey to the lake... He's been stuck in that fucking elevator for ages now and I want the story to progress past that. I know they probably are trying to tie loose ends before they progress to that point but sometimes in efforts to do that, they're just muddying an already complicated plot more than it should be.
Like brotha I went on hiatus from the games for a couple of years and came back AND HES STILL IN THE FUCKING ELEVATOR AND LIKE 3 OTHER GAMES CAME OUT AT THAT TIME. The white door was pretty cool I liked the focus on Bob who had little lore before
The past within tho it has a cool concept is when things just started falling apart
I'm stuck hyperfixating on the games up to paradox cuz thats the golden age for the games for me. Everything after Paradox was just... Meh
People might disagree and that's fine. But something is starting to feel different and wrong about the games and I hope I HOPE the next game puts things back on track.
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princessconsuela120 · 1 month
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Chapter seventeen: Vienna Waits for You —✧
Series masterlist
Chapter Warnings: cursing, labor, pregnancy
Author's Note: Last chapter guys!! This story has been a whirlwind, I almost don't want it to end...I love this story with my whole heart. Leave comments let me know your thoughts and feelings, and send in requests, I'm going to post more about Kyle and Juno in the near future!!!
I think if there’s one thing in this world I love more than Kyle, it was Dirty Dancing. I may have just watched this movie 20 times before and never got tired of it. So being able to relax and sit with my brother in our living room, in our new house, our own house. It felt better than anything ever had. Kyle had a final game today, a huge one in the playoffs. They’d have college recruits and professionals there. But of course I couldn’t go. I had been on bed rest since leaving Kenny’s house a week ago.
“I just don’t understand why she wouldn’t just tell her dad?” Stan said, holding his hand out angrily at the tv screen. I rolled my eyes, shoving a handful of popcorn in my mouth.
“She wants to, he made her too afraid to. She loves him so much, she doesn’t wanna loose him.” I explained, shaking my head at the emotional scene that took place on the screen. Stan nodded, getting up carefully and dusting his pants off as he did.
“Makes sense. I’m gonna go grab a water you want anything?”
“Waters good, thanks brotha.” I said thankfully, doing a quick handshake with Stan before he walked away into the kitchen. I indulged in shoving my face with popcorn until a strange trickle of water started to soak the blanket, catching my attention.
“Umm…Stan!” I yelled, looking down as I pulled the popcorn off my lap, not caring about the popcorn that split all over the couch.
“Yeah Junebug?” Stan yelled back from the kitchen. I stood up, with much difficulty but I got there.
“Either I just pissed my pants or..” I paused, seeing Stan shoot his head out from the kitchen.
“Or?” He said, quickly coming over to me. We both looked down at the puddle on the floor, then back up at each other.
“Thunder cats a go!” I shouted, gesturing for Stan to go grab my hospital bag as before he came back, holding my arm to help walk me to the car.
“Cartman!” Stan yelled, earning a snarky shout back in response.
“What do you want!” He yelled annoyed. He came to the edge of the steps, his eyes widening when he saw Stan and I with my hospital bag.
“It’s go time!” He yelled, making Stan and I nod.
“It’s go time!” Stan yelled, calling Kenny as well as we all made our way out to the car.
“Fall out! Fall out!”
“Oh fuck!” I shouted, making Stan stop to grab my arm.
“You okay?” He asked, making me glare at him.
“No I’m not fucking okay! I have a baby trying to claw it’s way out of my vag!”
“Where’s Kahl?” Cartman asked, me sighing as he did.
“Basketball game, big game, don’t call him.” I explained, running my hands over my stomach to try and soothe myself.
“And risk being cursed by his Jew magic? Um, no thank you.”
“Glad you're back to your old self again Cartman.” Stan said, patting Cartman’s back as Stan and I went through a list of things we needed.
“The admittance forms?”
“Got them.”
“Parking stickers?”
“Got them.”
“Ow fuck!” I groaned loudly, causing the boys to look at each other and nod, both of them holding one of my arms to help me walk as Kenny ran down with the rest of our things.
“Yeah. Here we go.” Stan said, helping me into the car as Cartman and Kenny sat on either side of me in the back, holding onto my hands.
“All right, go.”
“Gas! Gas!” Kenny shouted, causing Stan to snap at him angrily.
“Shut up Kenny!”
“Drive damn you! Why aren’t you fucking driving!?” I shouted, throwing my head back as I kicked my feet from the pain.
“It’s a red light..” stan said, but I moved to be closer to him, pulling his collar.
“I don’t give a fucking damn if it’s a red light Stan, fucking go!”
“Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Out of the way. Out of the way. Hold on.”Kenny cheered, running around pushing me in my wheelchair as we laughed.
“Kenny, stop it. For God's sake, stop it. Don't do that.” Stan said, rolling his eyes as he grabbed the wheel chair and holding it still.
“What? But it's fun.”
“Don't. You're making Tweek nervous.”
“Ugh, oh my god.. Stan where’s mom, where is she?” I asked angrily, trying to breath even though it wasn’t working.
“Mom and dad are on their way.”
“Ugh, dads coming? Ughhh.”
“I know Junebug. It’s okay just breathe.” Stan soothed, holding mu hand, kissing my palm to desperately try to calm me. It seemed to work, my breathing slowed and i smiled at her twin.
“We’re here!” That is until Randy came into the room shouting. “Emergency! My daughter is in labor, I demand to know where she is!”
“Mom, dad!” I called happily, the marsh’s running over to me quickly.
“Oh honey. How do you feel baby?”
“Not good. Not good at all.”
“Welcome to the wonders of child birth.”
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up, pass out and have explosive diarrhea all at once.” I say, making Randy sigh, placing a hand on my shoulder.
“That happens to me when I eat too much chipotle. I get the feeling.” Everyone turned to Randy, glaring at him as he looked around at the group. “Yeah I’ll just stop talking.”
“Where’s Kyle?” Sharon asked, making me sigh.
“He has a basketball game, it’s the finals.” I explained, making Sharon and Randy share a look.
“You didn’t call him?” She asked, making me sigh.
“I didn’t want him to miss this because of me.”
“Juno honey..”
“Just leave it mom.” I yelled, shaking my head as i held onto my stomach. “Please. I can’t let him miss more opportunities because of me. There’s big coaches there and college recruits.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Juno Marsh?” The doctor called, causing everyone with me to look over.
“Yes, that’s me.” I said, smiling at the doctor as my mom sighed.
“Your room is ready for you.”
“Oh thank fucking Jesus.”
It had now been a couple hours of simply waiting. The baby was taking their time, it was evident now after the 5th hour and I was only 2 centimeter dilated. Stan and I had been walking back and forth around the room, them only letting family stay with me yet sonehow Kenny had managed to stay. They said walking helps, which is a load of bullshit because I couldn’t even walk without Stan and it didn’t help.
“When do I get that frigging spinal-tap thing?” I asked, turning to my mom who was watching us pace.
“It's a spinal block, and you can't have it yet, honey. The doctor said you're not dilated enough.”
“Oh, come on. I mean, it's like...I have to wait for it to get worse? Why can't I have the thing now? It’s been five fucking hours of this.”
“Doctors are sadists who like to play God and watch lesser people scream.” Dad said, making us all look over at him until another contraction hit, worse than the last.
“Oww! Fuck fuckity fuck fuck.”
“You were right, I do hate this experience.” Kenny said, earning a glare from Stan who’s hands I was squeezing.
“Just, in through your nose out through your mouth. I got you Junebug.” He guided, but it wasn’t working.
“Ow, Stan it hurts so bad.”
I decided not in call Kyle to tell him I was having the baby. He had a big meet against North Park...And I didn't want him to get all worried about me. But he figured it out anyway.
“I came here as quick as I could!” Kyle yelled, running into the room and grabbing my hand. My eyes widened when I saw him, my heart breaking yet so happy to see him all at once.
“Kyle? Kyle honey, you’re game..” I begged, but he just held my face before pulling me into a hug.
“I knew when none of you were there that it must have meant it was go time.” He said, holding me closely before pulling away. He frowned when he saw tears in my eyes, wipping my eyes with his thumb. “Why are you crying love?”
“Im sorry, I should’ve told you I just.”
“Shh, it’s okay, I know.” He nodded, I nodded back. He kissed me quickly before helping me sit back in my bed, sitting beside me, his hand never leaving mine.
“Hey sweetie, how are you doing?” Mrs Broflovski said, having followed Kyle in, smiling sympathetically.
“Not good. Good god, I don’t know why it’s taking so long. I've already been here for three hours.”
“I know honey, you and Stan were 12 hours.”
“Kyle was 22.”
“Oh god..” I groaned, hiding my face in Kyle’s shoulder as he glared at his dad.
“Not helping dad.”
We sat back together on the bed, and I screamed loudly, hiding my face in the mattress. I grabbed the first hand I could and squeezed, which just so happened to be my father.
“Excuse me. Hey, can we give my kid the damn spinal tap already?” He shouted, sighing happily when I pulled away from the pain I was causing him, making him wince as he shook his hand.
When it came time to final deliver the baby I had practically begged the doctor to lie and tell my family only Kyle was allowed in the hospital room. Of course, Stan and Dad over heard and argued they’re way inside, somehow Kenny managed to sneak in here and my mom was welcomed by me with open arms.
“Breath and push. That's good.” The doctor said, making me scream in pain as they coached me through.
“Push. Keep pushing.”
“Come on, Juno, keep pushing.”
“Keep pushing, keep pushing.”
“I can’t, my god I can’t push anymore.” I said breathlessly, not even able to tell who was talking anymore.
“I can’t watch this.” Kenny said, turning away at the pain his friend endured.
“It’s okay honey you can do it…”
“You try pushing a watermelon out of your ass dad then you can tell me what I can do!” I shouted at him, making him raise a hand hesitantly.
“Randy Marsh if you say anything about PF Changs right now I swear to god…” my mom shouted, making him frown and sit back down.
(if you get it you get it)
“Juno you’re the strongest woman I know, you got this.” Kyle whispered, being the closets person to me, letting me cry into his shoulder.
“It’s hurts Kyle, it hurts so bad, please. I don’t wanna push anymore, I’m scared.”
“What are you scared of? Baby I’m right here next to you.”
It was as if the world paused, and Mr and Kyle where the only ones in the room still going.
“What if I can’t, what if I can’t do it?” I cried, making him sigh, kissing my temple regardless of the sweat.
“You, Juno Marsh, my sun my moon. My sky and stars, whatever you put your mind to you can accomplish. And no matter where you go I will always be right here, holding your hand.”
And then reality came back.
“I see the head!” The nurse yelled, causing the pain to become even worse.
“What?! The head? Oh fuck..”
“Oh my god..” my dad said, before promptly fainting onto the ground.
“He did this when you two were born too.” My mom said, making Stan chuckle.
“A few more big pushes.”
Next it was Kenny’s turn to faint.
“Oh my god! You killed Kenny!” Stan said, looking over to where Kenny was being checked out by nurses after having fainted.
“No I didn’t you bastard he just passed out.”
“That’s why I’m not looking below the stomach.” Stan said, before I could laugh another scream came out.
And then, out of nowhere, there it was. There she was.
“It’s a girl.”
And then came the tears. They placed her on my chest, and once again the world stopped. And it was just her, eyes closed, and so damn beautiful.
“Hi there little one.” I whispered, afraid I would wake bother her if I spoke too loud. She was crying, but I didn’t care. “Oh my god Kyle she’s so little.” I said, holding onto her tiny fingers.
“I know.”
“Oh Juno, she's precious.” My mom said, leaning over to look at the baby. I smiled over at her, my dad getting up just in time as everyone surrounded us by the bed.
“Did she just come outta me?”
“She did. You did it.”
“Oh my god. Hi, hi you.” I cried, Kyle wipping my tears as he laid his head against mine.
“I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“Alright, where are they, where’s my grand baby!” Shelia cheered, running in the room frantically with excitement.
“Over here ma.” Kyle said quietly, making Shelia squeal.
“Oh my goodness. Oh how precious.”
“I knew it was gonna be a girl.” Randy teased, making Juno tease him back.
“Oh Juno honey she’s so beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“She looks just like you Kyle.” Gerald complimented, making him shake his head.
“No, she has Juno’s baby blue eyes.”
“It’s those strong Marsh genes.” My dad said, patting my shoulder proudly.
“Gimme my grand baby. Hello little bubby.” Shelia said, taking the baby in her arms happily.
“Ma, be careful.”
“Aww look at you, already a protective father.” She teased, pinching his cheek making Kyle blush.
“Ma, stahp.”
“Okay my turn, my turn! I was in the waiting room getting my blood pressure done when she was born.” My dad said, taking the baby from Shelia. She immediately snuggled into his arms, babbling lightly. I’m sure she thought he was Stan.
“I can’t believe you passed out.” Kyle’s dad joked, making my dad roll his eyes.
“Shut up Gerald! You watch a baby come out of your daughter then you can judge me!” He looked down at the baby happily. “Hi, hey little one. Oh my god she’s so little, yes you are you’re such a little girl. My little buddy.”
The baby smiled at him, as if she could understand.
“Aww, Randy I think she likes you.” My mom said, dad smiling happily.
“Smart kid.” And on queue, she started crying. “No, no you like me!”
“It’s okay dad, I think she’s just hungry.” I said, holding out my hands so he would hand her back.
“We have to try breastfeeding again..mom?”
“Right, yes.”
“Alright we’ll, we’ll leave you guys too it.” Shelia said, the two walking out the room.
“Thanks guys.”
“Before we go..What’s name did you decide on?”
Kyle and I smiled at each other, before telling.
(You’ll find out soon)
Everyone came in shortly after. And when I say everyone I mean everyone. The room could barely hold us all. But yet they were here, and each and every person got a chance to hold the new baby, with happy smiles on their face. Stan may be her only blood uncle, be man would this baby have so many aunts and uncles to love her.
“Hey, come on in.” Kyle said softly, calling everyone into the room.
“Oh my god.” Wendy gasped, making me chuckle.
Would ya look at that? “Oh my god Juno she’s so tiny.”
“I know right?” I said, gesturing the baby out for everyone to see.
“Look at her little fingers.” Heidi cooed, holding onto one of her hands gently.
“Oh she’s gonna be so spoiled.”
“I can’t wait to spend so much money on you, make you the biggest fashionista ever.” Bebe cooed next, making us all chuckle at her words.
“Aw, Juno can I hold her?” Wendy asked, causing me to nod.
“Of course you can. Kyle?”
“Here, cradle her head, and hold her there, perfect.” He explained, placing her gently in Wendy’s arms.
“I think I’m gonna cry. She’s so precious.” Wendy said, making me laugh. “Kyle she looks just like you. She even has your ginger curls.”
“The only ginger I’ll ever like.” Eric teased, earning a light shove from Stan.
“I can’t believe you made this.” Craig teased, holding Vienna next. Then she was passed over to Butters, who already fell in love with her chubby cheeks.
“Hey little buddy, you’re just a little lady aren’t you?” He said, cooing at her as she shifting gently in his arms.
“Look at those eyes, they’re gorgeous.” Heidi compliments, making Wendy shove Stan lightly.
“Aw Stan she has your eyes.”
“I know, isn't it great?” Stan said wiggling his eyebrows.
“Hey, those are my eyes too, give me some credit.” I joked, causing Wendy to look at me with a pout.
“How to you feel mamas?” She asked sympathetically, making me sigh.
“Okay. A little sore.” I shifted my position, wincing at the pain in my abdomen. “A lot sore. But I’ll manage.”
“You did so good. I'm so proud of you.”
Kyle placed a soft kiss to my cheek, leaving a smile on my face as the group smiled at me.
“We all are.”
“I can’t believe you made this.” Kenny said, looking down at the baby in his hands.
“I know, right?”
“So, what’s her name then?”
Kyle and I looked at each other, smiling.
“It was a hard decision, but we came to a decision. Vienna Lianne Marsh-Broflovski.”
“Lianne?” Eric asked, his head perking up at the name.
“You may not know it Eric, but your mom touched a lot more lives then you both knew.” Kyle explained, making Eric smile.
“Yeah, and so will she.”
“Do you wanna hold her Eric?” Butters offered, now being his turn to hold Vienna.
“Not yet, I don’t wanna bruise something so precious.”
I smiled at Eric, butters handing me back Vienna as I carefully shifted her in my arms.
“How do I look?” I asked, making Stan smile.
“Like a new mom. Scared shitless.”
Kyle was up, I don’t think he’s slept since the baby was even born. There was a chair beside our bed, he hadn’t left that spot either. He helped me sit up with the baby, practicing walking myself over to the chair to sit in his lap.
“That’s it, you got it.” He reassured, helping me sit back as I cradled the baby in my arms.
“Careful. I don’t wanna wake her.”
“It’s okay, I got you love, just sit back.”
We both seemed to sigh with joy, before looking down at the baby.
“She’s perfect, you’re perfect.” Kyle kissed my cheek, holding a hand on the blanket carefully.
“She looks so peaceful.” I said, rocking her gently.
“How do you feel?”
“Like I’m home.” I said, my eyes never leaving the baby in my arms.
It ended with a chair.
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jyanihaes · 10 months
snow glaciers ; mark
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˳ mark birthday drabble!
˳ less than 1k words
˳ it's december of 1998, and you're with your childhood bestfriend, mark. he asks you through your pager to go outside because as all your winters were ruined the past few years, he came just because he wanted to make it fun, and he also wanted to keep this winter memorable.
˳ none of this work is in ao3; this work only will be uploaded after the dear brooklyn series
˳ i know i was a day late but.... at least i still made a drabble about this LMAO.... anyway happiest 24th to the brotha from anotha motha of mine, MARK!
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It's the 23rd of December, and it starts snowing right before Christmas. You're alone inside your room, sitting down in your bed while "Everybody Wants To Rule the World" is playing in your radio. You just stared on the window, watching snow fall down slowly while the cold air surrounded the place. While you were sat on your bed while the radio played and all that happening, suddenly, your pager beside you beeped. You heard the beep and felt the vibration that gave you a little bit of goosebumps.
Once you took your pager, you saw a new message. It was Mark, your childhood bestfriend. You read the message slowly, saying, "Look through your window, I'm outside" on it. You stood up, turning off the radio as you looked through your window and saw him standing, looking for you. Once he found you, he waved at you smiling. You wave back, closing your curtains as you changed your outfits and put on your earmuffs to go outside.
"Hey," Once you went outside, Mark greets you, turning off his pager and putting it in his pocket as he looked at you, watching you walk out of your house in the snow. You look at him back, asking while walking to him, "Hey Mark, umm... what made you come here?"
He chuckles, responding, "What would you think if we played in the snow together today? You're alone and I thought maybe you need a companion, like me."
"A companion? Really?" He chuckles, again, nodding. "A companion, really. I just wanted to make you have a fun winter solstice, all your winters have been ruined from the past years and I thought that maybe would be a time to make it your most fun winter."
You smile, now walking with him on the way to your backyard. He smiled, looking at you while he walked with you all the way to the back. You saw him smiling at you at the corner of your eye, but you ignored it.
As you guys arrive to the back of your house, the both of you slowly sink in the thickness of the snow. Earlier, your feet were still on the land and now your feet are now sinking at the thickness and softness on the snow. It's like, water. It feels like your feet sinking into the ocean the farther you walk.
Mark then giggles at the way both of your feet are now full of snow as you guys sink at the thickness of the snow. He then makes up a snowball, throwing it to you.
As you felt the snow be thrown at you by your own bestfriend, you did it too. You made a bigger snowball and threw it at Mark's back, making him fall to his knees and fall down. You giggled, but you ran to him to reassure him. "Did that... hurt?"
"Nah, I'm good!" Rest assured, he was. But, he got up with a bigger snowball but he wasn't gonna throw it to you, because he was gonna make a little snowman.
Little did you know, Mark brought a little letter envelope with him to put it on the snowman's hands. That envelope was all about you, and he wanted you to read it so he made a snowman to make it act like a mailman.
You continued making snow angels and shoveling the thick snow, while Mark continues making a snowman out of the snow on the ground. After worth a few minutes or longer, he finishes his snowman. After he put the stick on the right to make it it's finger, he put an envelope on it that had "Y/N L/N, 23 December 1998" on the back of it. You didn't notice him putting it or anything as you were busy playing in the snow while Mark made his own snowman.
Mark then calls you, beckoning you to go towards his direction as you were at the back, right behind the sliding door. As you saw him there behind, you walked and follow him just to see a big snowman your height, holding a letter envelope on its stick hands.
“I made a snowman,” He says, smiling at you before he took the envelope and gave it to you. “And also…. here,” he hands it to you, and you recieving it. You were confused at first on why he gave you a white envelope, but as you opened it slowly, you saw a heart at the back of the letter, and that’s where you knew he’d confess.
As you took the letter out of the envelope, you unfolded the piece of paper that had a heart behind it. You flipped the letter, seeing Mark’s cursive handwriting that only you could understand. Over the paper, the letter says,
Hi, it’s Mark.
You may find this confusing and weird now that I’m giving this to you and not even saying it directly to you, but it’s not a worry. It’s not about anything like my busy schedules and anything urgent, because here is where I will tell all my feelings, and let it all out into this letter myself. Just, for you.
I really, really like you ever since then. For a long time. I just never showed this because I was really ashamed— and scared. I didn’t want to let my feelings out because I knew you wouldn’t like me so… yeah. Out of everyone that I have a choice with, I’d choose you. Even if you’re not in the choices. I really, do like you.
I’m really sorry that I couldn’t tell this in person… I’m pretty ashamed. So, instead I had to let it out here. Y/N, you’re the one I’d choose even if you weren’t in the choices. Even if I was arranged with someone I would still choose you. You’re the most beautiful, wonderful girl I’ve seen. When I’m with you, it’s like wonderland to me. When I’m with you, you’re my wonderland.
You are the reason why glacier is my favorite word. Because you love glaciers. And because when I feel hot, I’ll always come to my glacier. I’ll always approach and come to my glacier whenever I need something cold for myself. I’ll always stay with my glacier when I feel myself burning.
I love you, Y/N. I hope you know that. Let’s end our friendship and become lovers, yeah?
Sincerely yours,
Mark Lee
As you read the words and sentences slowly, you started smiling. Every word curved your smile. Every word widened your smile. Mark was over there, watching you read the letter and smile to it. Because of that, his smile widened too, and his smile got wider seeing you read his confession letter. Then, you took your pager to text Mark, which he mistook as texting someone else, so his smile faded. But then, his pager beeped, and he knew it was you.
The words “Mark, I love you too. I’ll always be the glacier to cool down every moment you burn” carved a smile in his mouth. He smiled as he read those words, looking at you as you looked back at him.
“It’s cute you couldn’t tell me personally.” You giggled, looking back at the letter. He responds, chuckling, “Because I thought you loved someone else.”
“Quoting your words, I’d choose you.”
A glacier will burn all your problems. That’s why you need one.
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Aim for the head Part 2
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Part two of my crossover imagine. It is a bit more rough than the previous part, so be ready for death scenes or do not read.
Feel free to comment. Hope you enjoy.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Chibs was trying to find any way to escape this trap; he looked around but couldn’t see anything but the empties. Those creatures seemed to fill any available space around, soon both Y/N and Filip could hardly move at all, he felt her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, she was making sure they at least stay close. And what was even worse - the blood and guts on them started to dry out, and Chibs didn’t know how long their disguise would last. He saw panic in Y/N’s eyes as he looked down at her, and he knew it was time for him to be strong. Somehow the responsibility for this lass made Chibs calm down and think straight.
Telford managed to slowly rise his arm up; he hoped that Tig and Juice on the tower could notice it. They probably did, because Chibs saw that they were watching him now carefully. Not much he could show with only one hand. But he pointed at his friends, then he moved his hand away towards another watchtower and showed a move, he hoped could be understood as shooting the gun. “Come on, brothers… please understand me” he thought to himself, while looking into Y/N’s eyes and gave her a soft smile.
"It would be okay, lass" he said with his lips only and she nodded unsure.
If only he knew how much time left for them to stay safe in this sea of empties… Chibs looked up again only to see Juice treading slowly and carefully by the edge of the wall towards the tower on another side of the territory. Telford closed his eyes, praying for Ortiz to hurry up. He felt the crust of blood on his face getting drier and the scent, this awful smell, fading away.
Neither Y/N nor Chibs could tell how long they were standing like that surrounded by the empties. There were so many of them and they were so close, Chibs could feel the quiet groans right next to his ear. It was so disgusting, so frightening, he had to put an effort to keep standing still. Suddenly they heard a sound. Long-awaited, beautiful sound of the gunshot. The sea of the empties began to roil around them, moving towards the new source of noise. The crowd around was so dense, it could easily drag Y/N and Chibs with it towards the other end of the yard, but Filip manages to grab the edge of the metal door of some building next to them. He pressed Y/N closer to himself and closed his eyes. Their lives now depended on his strength, and he was determined to hold on the place no matter what it takes.
New waves of the empties kept following one by one, creatures were crawling slowly, hitting each others, hitting Chibs and Y/N, Filip felt the edge of the metal sheet digging into his skin, but kept gripping it with all of his strength. He didn’t even notice when the concentration of the monsters around reduced. It was Y/N who slightly pulled him away from their spot, so Chibs opened his eyes and followed. They made their way towards the ladder, only several meters. They were so close to the safety and couldn’t reach it. Now finally they were able to climb up to the watch tower. Chibs let Y/N go first and followed her. His hand was so tired he could barely grab the rungs of the ladder, but he finally got on top and laid down breathing hard, while Y/N was sitting next to him, trying to catch her breath. When Chibs finally stood up, he gripped the collar of Laroy’s shirt and looked him in the eyes.
"If ya ever again put any of ma brothas or Y/N especially to risk, I woulda rip the heart outta yer, ya got me?" He groaned and his accent was thick with rage. Laroy nodded quietly. He looked guilty and worried, but Chibs just needed to take it out on someone.
He nodded as well and let go off the 9er, then he turned to Y/N, who stood up as well and was now watching Juice coming back.
"You’re alright, lass?" Telford asked, his voice was now quiet and tender
"I’m fine, Filip." She nodded, giving him weak smile. "Thank you. You saved us. I was so scared, couldn’t think of any way to escape."
Chibs felt warmth spreading inside his chest and took his eyes off of Y/N, as it was hard for him right now to hide his feelings. He distracted himself with Juice coming back safely. Now it was time to come back home. They all needed rest and they, Chibs and Y/N needed good shower and new clothes.
"Let’s get back home. I’m afraid we need to deal with those empties around our bikes." Tig said and started climbing down the wall.
Everyone followed, and soon all five of them were standing on the street, watching new group of empties lurking around their bikes. There was no surprise; Sons saw it many times before. If you drive your bike somewhere it will attract some monsters.
"I’ll take those on the right. You take the others." Y/N was again confident and calm as if she didn’t almost die half an hour before.
She headed to the closest empty, standing on the right side of the road, swaying slightly. As it noticed Y/N it began to walk clumsy but fast towards her and Chibs even raised his gun to protect her. But with one accurate move of her knife Y/N pierced monster’s head and not even looking on its body, made her way towards the next one. Filip sighed and aimed for the head of the empty not far from him. Tig and Juice followed his lead and soon the street was secured. Those bastards were no threat on the open space. When you have a gun the empty might not even notice you before it dies.
"Let’s get back home, brothers." Chibs got on his bike and waited Y/N to sit behind him. Her warm gentle arms wrapped around his waist again making him sigh. It felt so good he couldn’t help enjoying the feeling even in these circumstances.
"Gladly!" Juice smiled, allowing Laroy to sit behind him.
Engines roared again, attracting another bunch of dumb dead bastards to the street already covered with dead empties. Sons drove fast, everyone wanted to get back home to safety. Everyone was still under impression of the whole 9ers base turned into hell on earth. They got back to the club house in no time. Several gun shots followed as their bikes appeared on the street, their brothers were killing creatures gathered around the gates.
"Fucking shit, what happened?!" – Clay exclaimed as Chibs parked his bike and helped Y/N to get off it.
"Niners base is crowded with empties. Only Laroy survived." Chibs answered "We had to go through the crowd of those creatures to save him. Y/N knows how to do it. We all should learn this method."
As they made their way inside the club house, Chibs told everything except for the accident that happened because of the 9er. He was pretty sure, if Clay finds out Laroy had put his daughter to danger, poor guy would end up alone on the street.
"You guys should take shower, change your clothes and have a good rest." Clay stated when Chibs finished his story. They were sitting around the table again, all the club members gathered to listen. "We know now what happened; I’ll send a note to Alvarez. We should always remember how dangerous it might be to hide a bite from others… We already had an issue with it and I hope none of you would ever try to save his ass sacrificing our shelter safety."
Everyone was silent. Everyone understood what Clay tried to say and had no objections. Soon everyone got back to their daily activities and Chibs went to his dorm to take shower. It was a great luck for Sons to build a water supply for their safe house in the first weeks of the apocalypse, they could find all the needed materials and a spare generator in the hardware store in their part of the town. Now they had no need to care about water.
Chibs turned the shower on and stepped under the jets of water, closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift away in his thoughts. He was recalling every moment of today’s adventure, but not about the empties around but about Y/N, her being so close to him, her arms around him, her fingers gripping his leather on the back. If not an army of the living dead around them it could’ve been the most precious moment for Chibs. And now that he knew how her little body felt pressed against him, how if was to hold her close, he couldn’t get it out of his mind. And still Chibs couldn’t allow himself to even dream of having her to himself. So he had to hide these thoughts deep into his heart again.
Half an hour later Chibs was outside on the parking lot, cleaning the seat and wheels of his bike from the guts and blood. He couldn’t allow it to stay on his Harley longer than on his own skin.
"You need help, Filip?" Y/N approached him unnoticed and made him jump. She laughed quietly "Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you"
"That’s file, lass" – Chibs smiled back at her and lit his cigarette, distracting from work "I’m mostly done here, but thank you"
"How do you feel after our little adventure?" She asked and looked carefully at his hand. The mark on his palms was still visible, with some small cuts along it "You hurt your palm… I can take a look on it or ask Tara"
"No, lass, I’m fine, don’t worry" Chibs shook his head "It’s just a scratch, nothing serious"
"I wanted to thank you… If not you, your plan and your strength, we would probably die there…" Y/N stepped closer to him and touched his hand with her fingers
"We wouldn’t have been able to save Laroy if not you, so I’d say we were a great team" Chibs laughed, but hardly stopped himself from catching her fingers when she let go of his hand
"Right!" Y/N smiled but then became serious. "Tell me about Kozik"
"Kozik, eh…" Chibs frowned. He didn’t want to talk about what happened, but couldn’t refuse her. "Let me finish with my bike and I’ll tell you everything. You can get us some scotch meanwhile, I think we deserve it"
"I’ll be on the roof" Y/N nodded and headed back inside.
Chibs watched her leaving and looked at his palm where her fingers were just a few minutes ago. Clenching his fist, he got back to his work. Soon his Harley was shining as a new one and Filip went to his room to wash his hands.
"We have to burn this place! We can’t leave it like that!" Telford heard Jax’s voice from the kitchen, as he headed towards the staircase.
"What if the fire spread to other buildings around their base?" Bobby replied "We need to think it over carefully"
Chibs continued his way. He knew that club now needed to decide how to deal with the 9ers base, but for now he needed to have some rest, leaving all of the future issues for tomorrow. He got out on the roof and looked around. It was Y/N’s favorite place in the whole club house even before she left to San Francisco and now she was still true to her habit. She was sitting on the blanket, bottle of scotch beside her as promised. Chibs couldn’t help but smile, approaching her.
"Hey, lass" He sat down next to her and lit a cigarette, looking at the streets of Charming, small figures moving slowly along them or staying still in the middle of the road. Peaceful sight, if you don’t know what these figures were.
"Hey" Y/N replied and opened the bottle. She took a sip and passed it to Chibs. Then she demanded again "Tell me what happened to Kozik"
"Right… - Chibs sighed and took a sip as well" It was in the first weeks after it all started. Kozik, Tig and me, we were out for supplies as usual.
"Wait, wait. First of all… Who this Kozik was?" Y/N stopped him and Chibs realized she left before Kozik had joined them.
"Sure… He was from Tacoma chapter. Visited us couple of times before and when it all began he was here with us, so he stayed" Chibs explained and when Y/N nodded, he continued. "So we were out. I don’t remember what place it was, probably some grocery or whatever… We’ve been scavenging every place we could, gathering everything that could be useful. Long story short, Herman was attacked but succeeded to kill the bastard fast. The bite seemed so small, we wanted to believe it was not a big deal. So we…"
"You came back to the club house with him?" Y/N asked when Chibs paused. She saw he felt guilty for what happened somehow.
"Aye. It was my decision…" Chibs sighed and took a big gulp from the bottle. "Everyone supported it when we came back, but still. So as you might guess, he turned. Within an hour after we came back. We thought that those who were bitten turn very fast; we saw it on the streets in the first days. And I didn’t even think about the first empty I met. He came to St. Thomas an hour and a half after he was attacked and still was human. But I forgot about it completely"
There was silence for couple of moments. Chibs seemed to be drifted away in his thoughts and Y/N wanted to give him some time. He took a drag on his cigarette and let the smoke out in the air watching it fade away.
"He turned when Abel was around" Filip suddenly said and Y/N covered his palm with hers, squeezing it gently. "He… It tried to attack the boy. But Piney was there as well. He distracted it from Abel and was attacked instead. By the time we came for the noise, poor Piney was dead. I shot them both. Guys kept saying they don’t blame me. But I know it was my fault. I decided to let Kozik back in. I just… I couldn’t just shot him"
Last words were almost silent. Chibs gripped Y/N hand as if he was looking for something to hold on. He was shivering slightly and couldn’t calm down. It was too hard for him, this guilt could be put away but was never gone.
"It’s not your fault, Filip" Y/N said quietly after several moments. "When it all began we all were just learning how to deal with it. He was your friend. You needed to try. Don’t blame yourself. You built this wonderful safe place for so many people, saved them, protected them, risking your lives to keep them fed and have everything they need"
"You’re right, lass. But still Piney died because of me. Abel could die" Chibs sighed, but looked at Y/N and smiled at her slightly. She couldn’t take the pane away, but ease it – absolutely. And she did.
"Thank you for telling me. And I’m sorry you had to live through it again. " She said quietly "Let’s just sit here for awhile and have some rest"
Chibs nodded, lying down on the blanket, palms under his head, looking at the sky. Soon Y/N joined.
"Sky is the only thing that didn’t change" She whispered
"Aye… no matter what happens down here, sky is still beautiful. Maybe heaven is still up there…"
"And hell is now on earth"
Next morning when Chibs was sitting at the table, sipping coffee and smoking, Sons started gathering one by one. Telford knew it was for the 9ers base discussion. He joined his brothers soon and took his place. Everyone was tensed, thinking about what happened to that gang.
"Alvarez sent a note to us. He would help with any supplies we might need to deal with those bastards, but he doesn’t have many people at the moment, they had a bad fight with a huge bunch of empties recently, several memners are gone" Clay said, looking at his brothers "So what we need to do now, is to decide how to eliminate those empties. The easiest way seems to shoot them one by one from the wall, but we don’t want to waste so many bullets. So I need you to think of other options"
"Burn them down" Jax stated as soon as Clay stopped his speech.
"Too dangerous, I’ve told you" Bobby replied, and Chibs knew they had the same argue yesterday. "They have wooden fence, they have a lot of trees and buildings around their base. Fire can spread unpredictably! You can’t risk to burn all Charming"
"And we might need some stuff they have in their storages" Chibs supported Bobby. "Maybe we can open the gate, drive in and smash them with couple of cars?"
"Not a bad idea" Clay frowned "But might be trapped in those cars. 9ers had the biggest shelter of our three, by what you said there are probably around a hundred of them if not more"
"Right…" Chibs nodded.
"We can get inside covered in their guts and kill them one by one with knives" Happy suggested and it was obvious he loves the idea.
"Yeah, but we don’t how they would react to it. Chibs and Y/N moved slowly and didn’t make any noise" Juice mentioned. "What if we open the gate a bit and let them out one by one and kill them one by one? Unlike ours, niners’ gate has just one wing"
"That might work" Clay looked at him serious. "But again, there are so many of them. They might just open the gate with their common power and spread all over the streets"
"But we can use a car to hold the gate. Load it with some heavy shit!" Chibs liked the idea Juice suggested. It was a good plan to control the flow of the empties and meet them with knives.
"Sound like a plan. Let’s see. We need a driver in the car. We need three people to be killing empties and couple of people to watch their backs to take down bastards that might be attracted by the car. So we need pretty much everyone to go. And someone to stay here just in case" Clay seemed to accept this idea.
"I’d say we need the same team as yesterday and three more" Chibs stated and Clay looked at him surprised.
"You mean Y/N should go too?" He asked.
"Aye. No one can kill those bastards with a knife as good as her. I’ve seen it yesterday" Chibs nodded. "Hap would be good in it as well I guess. And I will learn"
"Right" Clay nodded "Tig, can you be our driver? And Juice with Ratboy and Miles would cover your backs. Meanwhile Jax, Bobby and I would stay here and take our places on the watchtowers. Everyone agree?"
Club voted. Everyone supported the idea and the plan. They just needed some time for the preparations – to upgrade one of the vans with the metal carcass to make it heavy enough. Chibs also insisted to have several lessons with Y/N on how to kill empties with a knife. He offered Happy to join, but Lowman said he’s fine.
"Quite a good plan you have" Y/N said that afternoon when Chibs and her were walking down the street looking for empties to kill.
"It was Juices’ idea" Chibs nodded, following her and looking around. He had a big knife in his hand, the one Happy lend him, from his waste collection.
"To control how many crawlers come from the gates is sufficient, so Tig should be very concentrated" Y/N noticed and stopped, pointing on the empty in front of them "Now. You come closer to it as quiet as possible, but it will notice you soon, so be ready to hit. Knife if long enough, so don’t wait too long. As it approaches, hit it like this or like that"
She showed two fast moves – one from the top down, to pierce the head and another one from left to right, to cut its head. "Both ways are good, from the bottom up as well, so just try and see what’s more comfortable for you and easier at the moment. I’ll shoot it if you don’t succeed" Y/N took her gun out and looked at Chibs. "Be careful please"
Chibs nodded and began to walk slowly and quietly towards the empty which was standing in the middle of the street, swaying slightly. Many others were inside every building; Chibs knew it, luckily during the day they preferred to stay inside, going out for food only in the darkness. But any noise could attract them as well, so he really needed to be as quiet as possible. The monster finally noticed human and groaned quietly, then moved towards Filip quite fast. But Chibs was ready, he stopped and squeezed the knife tight preparing to hit. The empty stretched its arms forward, as it came closer to Chibs, trying to grab him, his head only fifty centimeters away from Telford. Chibs couldn’t rise his hand up, so he hit from the bottom and pierced creature’s chin with the knife. An awful crack and squishing sound followed as the blade got inside of the dead head. The empty became flabby and stopped moving. Chibs pulled the knife out of its head, allowing the lifeless body to fall on the ground and looked around at Y/N who was watching him. She raised her thumb and smiled approaching him fast.
"Good gob. But don’t let it get this close. It almost grabbed you" Y/N said, as they continued walking.
"Next time I’ll try to meet it with the hit, not wait until it comes closer" He nodded, wiping blood off the blade.
They turned the corner and saw several empties walking their way. Chibs looked at Y/N question in his eyes and she nodded.
"This would be a good training. When we’ll be killing crawlers at niners base, there would be plenty around" Y/N said "I’ll stay close and help if you will need it"
Chibs nodded and headed towards the empties, which already spotted them and now fastened their moves. Y/N followed, ready to fight, but allowing Chibs to lead. He was moving fast, going wide right to give those creatures no chance to surround him. First hit and the head of the empty rolled down the road, next one, and the lifeless body falls down. One by one Chibs was taking empties down and he loved the feeling. He was venting his rage on those monsters, rage that was boiling in him since the first day of the apocalypse. Rage that was caused by those empties. Killing them with a bullet wasn’t that good, and now he could actually feel he’s taking their useless lives with his own hands.
Y/N was just watching him, ready to assist any moment, but Chibs obviously didn’t need any help. He seemed to know what to do, and enjoyed the process. Y/N understood him, she remembered how good it was to kill the first crawler on her own. That bastard almost got her, but she succeeded to grab poker and kill the monster. It was on the first week of her journey, when she stopped to look for food in some abandoned house. She soon found out that the house wasn’t abandoned; its owner just turned to a crawler and was now standing in the living room. When Y/N entered the room she saw him and wanted to run away, but it rushed to her with an unexpected agility and they both fell on the floor. Y/N pressed her knees to monster’s chest, preventing him from biting her and was looking around in panic, trying to find any weapon, anything to protect herself. And she saw the poker beside the fire place. She stretched her arm and her body as much as she could and somehow managed to grab the weapon. It easily pierces rotten flesh and entered the brain of the crawler, making it fall on the side. Y/N remembered that moment as if it was yesterday. And the pleasure she felt when the motherfucker fell down lifeless.
Chibs, meanwhile, was standing nearby, breathing hard, covered in blood of the empties that were now lying on the ground. He killed every single one of them and was now taking some rest. Y/N looked at him and smiled.
"Great job, Filip!" She came closer and looked into his eyes.
"Thanks, lass… It was kinda fun" He replied, smiling back at her. Adrenaline was making his blood boil and he was hardly stopping himself from wrapping his arms around her, pulling her closer "I… Well, I think I’m ready to kill those rotten niners"
"Let’s get back to the clubhouse then. Mom would be grumbling again if we’re late for the dinner" Y/N went back towards their shelter and Chibs followed her.
"Can I ask you something?” Chibs mumbled when they were waiting for gates to open.
“Sure, what is it?” Y/N looked up at him curious.
“Why do you call me Filip?” He wasn’t sure if it was good to ask but he wanted to know. He was so used to hear “Chibs” from everyone that hearing his real name from her made his heart miss a beat every time.
“Well… It’s your name, isn’t it?” Y/N replied, smiling slightly.
“Aye… But everyone calls me Chibs, so I’m just curious why…” He couldn’t finish his question as the gates opened and they entered the territory, and Chibs didn’t want anyone to hear them.
“I just love how it sounds. Filip” Y/N winked at him and headed towards Gemma who was now setting the big table in the yard for the dinner. It was Clay’s birthday, so club decided to have a party.
Chibs froze in his tracks for couple of moments, trying to figure out what that could mean, but couldn’t find any reason to believe it meant anything else than just a slight teasing Y/N was giving him. So he just made his way inside, took a bottle of beer for himself and sat by the bar counter.
“Chibby, you’re okay?” Jax approached him and sat down next to his brother.
“Aye… Why?”Filip looked at him confused. He was so deep in his thoughts that barely noticed Jax coming.
“I just asked if you’re going to join everyone at the table and you didn’t react. So I thought something happened” Jax shrugged and took beer from Chibs, made a gulp.
“Nah, I was just thinking about our mission with niners base” Chibs lied easily, not looking at Jax. “Let’s go join the others. Don’t want to be late for Clay’s party” He stood up and headed outside where everyone was gathering around the table. Jaxon followed him, frowned, he seemed to see something was wrong with his friend but didn’t want to insist just yet.
 Gemma made amazing dinner, it was almost like in the old peaceful days. And the party was big and fun, everyone was laughing, telling stories, everyone needed this to feel as if nothing happened, as if the world was still normal. After meal people went inside, turned the music on and started drinking, playing pool and dancing, just having fun. Chibs took his favorite spot at the bar counter, leaned his back against it and was watching the crowd around, when Y/N exited her room, wearing tight short dress and high hills. He was so used to see her wearing military clothes that this sight made him gasp, gripping the glass of scotch with his fingers. It was too much. She was gorgeous, perfect, so damn hot. And he could only look at her, nothing more.
Y/N joined other women on the dance floor, her hips were slowly swaying, her arms raising up and moving down her body, she seemed to melt in the music and her dance and Chibs couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He emptied his glass and poured more scotch to himself, trying to calm his nerves. But he couldn’t. All Filip could think of now was Y/N, and the pictures his mind was showing to him, the fantasies so real, slowly drove him crazy.
As another song ended, Y/N left the dance floor and approached the bar, her breath heavy after dancing, her eyes shining with happiness. She grabbed a beer for herself and sat next to Chibs, her dress slipped up a bit, revealing more of her thighs to his sight.
“Having fun, lass?” Chibs asked, his voice low and the accent thick. He forced himself to stop staring at her and closed his eyes for a moment.
“Yeah. I do, I haven’t dance in ages and it’s amazing” Y/N seemed to not even notice that something was going on with Chibs.
He nodded, unable to find any word to say. He needed to do something to himself, to take back control of his mind and body. It was too hard for him to stay away from this woman. He was head over heels in love with her and couldn’t help it, but he also knew he can’t allow himself to let his feelings out. And he couldn’t bare the hurt it brought him to know she would never be with him, no matter how much he needed her in his life.
“I’ll go release Ratboy from his duty. It’s not fair he can’t join the party” Chibs finally stated “Have fun, lass. You deserve it”
He forced himself to smile at her and headed outside fast, not leaving her any chance to stop him even if she wanted to. Filip climbed up the watch tower where Ratboy was staying for club’s safety.
“Hey, brother. Go inside, have fun, I’ll stay here instead of you” Chibs gave him a slight smack on the shoulder and smiled, though it was hard for him to pretend careless.
“Chibs, thank you! Thank you!” Ratboy couldn’t find any other words and just hurried to join the party, leaving Filip alone in the darkness. And that was what Chibs needed now.
He leaned against the wall and lit a cigarette, passed his hand over his face and sighed heavily. It was too hard, being around Y/N every day, hiding his feelings, pretending he’s alright. He wasn’t alright, he never felt so lonely before, not even when he left Belfast and moved to Charming where he barely knew anyone. Chibs needed to find a way to put himself together. He needed to stay strong and reasonable enough to protect his brothers and everyone who lived in this safe house. The best way was probably to concentrate on rides and outings, to get distracted from his thoughts as much as possible. And now he was just going to spend this night on the watch tower, guarding the club’s safety.
In couple of days the preparations were over, the van had now a metal carcass and bags with sand on its roof; it was now heavy enough to hold the gate of the 9ers base. So in the morning Chibs, Y/N, Tig, Juice, Happy, Ratboy and Miles were ready to go. They had a plan and were determined to eliminate every empty in the area. And probably find some good supplies in the storehouses. 9ers had a lot of people, so they needed lots of food and other stuff for everyone.
“We’re ready?” Chibs asked as they got into the van and Tig took his place on the driver’s seat. As everyone nodded, he hit the wall to give Tig a sign to go.
The engine roared and gates opened. Van was moving way slower than bikes, especially now when it was heavy. So it took about an hour for the team to reach the 9ers base again. Tig stopped near the gates and gave a signal to his friends inside. Everyone exited the car and looked around, taking their time to let eyes get comfortable on the light.
“So, I guess, we can start?” Chibs looked at others, taking his knife out. He looked at Tig who was still in the car and Trager nodded to his brother, making him know he was ready. Others took their guns and knives out as well, Juice, Ratboy and Miles went further from the base, to take their places and meet any possible enemy, while Y/N, Chibs and Happy gathered near the gates.
“I will open it a bit and join you” Happy said and as Chibs and Y/N stepped away slightly, he pulled the gate wing with a bit of an effort. It opened a bit, leaving a meter gap. Happy looked inside, saw the empties and yelled “Hey, bastards, come get me!”
Then he joined Chibs and Y/N as the monsters moved towards the exit and started appearing one by one. Now it all depended on three of them. While Tig pressed the gate wing with the van, leaving empties no option to open it wider, and while Miles, Juice and Ratboy were covering their backs, the rest of the team stepped closer to empties and started attacking them. Lifeless bodies were falling on the ground, heads were rolling next to them, and soon all three of them were covered in blood but didn’t stop for a single moment.  In about half an hour the pile of bodies at the entrance grew so big, the empties which were still inside couldn’t exit. So Chibs had to give Tig a sign to close the gates.
“We should probably pull those rotten bastards away from the gate to make room for the rest of them” Chibs stated and grabbed one of the bodies. It took them another half an hour to move every body away and clean the space for the next bunch of empties.
They heard gun shots from behind. Chibs looked around and saw several monsters walking towards their spot, but Juice, Miles and Ratboy took care of them fast. So the work continued, Tig drove away slightly and the empties began to walk again, one by one, hitting each other, falling down and finally being killed by the blade. Filip felt his hand tired but didn’t stop, he had no time to check on the others, but they were probably fine as well. It was a very satisfying but tiring process, and there seemed no end. They had to repeat the process several more times before the territory of the 9ers base was finally cleared.
“Jesus Christ” Chibs muttered as they were finally done, he sat on the ground and took a big gulp of water from the flusk. Y/N and Happy sat next to him, breathing heavily. And now they had to scavenge the territory as well.
“We can have some rest, but we need to hurry” Y/N said, looking up at the sky “We probably have three or four hours before it gets dark”
Chibs nodded. He knew she was right, but needed just some more time to give rest to his tired muscles. Happy laid down on the grass and smiled.
“That was awesome” He stated.
“You’re sick motherfucker” Tig laughed, he just left the car to check on his friends.
“I didn’t think I would ever hear those words from you, not about you, Tiggy” Y/N smirked gently, looking up at Trager. Everyone laughed, even Tig himself. He knew what reputation he had and didn’t mind being teased.
“Okay, guys. Let’s search for something useful and get back home” Chibs finally said, standing up. “But don’t get too comfortable, there might be some other empties inside of the buildings”
Happy stayed by the van on guard and the others took big sport bags from the car and entered the 9ers territory. It seemed completely empty, but Chibs was right, some bastards might’ve been hiding in the darkness of houses. So everyone was walking carefully, looking around. Laroy made a map of the base for them, so they knew exactly where to look for supplies. The team divided into pairs. Tig and Y/N went to the kitchen to check on the grocery supplies, Juice and Chibs headed towards the garage to see if any materials and tools could come in handy for the club needs, and Miles with Ratboy decided to check the living area.
“Can’t believe you grew up so fast and became so strong and badass, princess” Tig notices as they were walking towards the building. He remembered her being a child and now Y/N was the full member of the team unlike other women around the club.
“I had to… My uncle Tiggy wasn’t around to protect me” She laughed, teasing him slightly.
They entered the kitchen, armed, ready to meet an empty, but no one seemed to be around. While Y/N was checking the doors to be sure they are safe, Tig started opening fridges and closets, and putting everything edible into his bag. Y/N joined him soon as the kitchen was really empty and they had nothing to worry about.
Suddenly, they heard a scream from the yard and rushed outside to see what was going on. The scene they saw was blood chilling. Miles was running away from one of the houses, followed by the empty. Not the usual slow bastard, this one was different. It was moving faster than a human can move, running on all fours like some kind of an animal. Ratboy was trying to shoot it, but couldn’t aim. And the empty was now catching up on Miles. Chibs and Juice appeared from the garage as well and were also trying to aim the bastard, as well as Tig. But they just couldn’t succeed. With one long leap the empty hit Miles on the ground piling on him and next moment its teeth were already ripping poor guy’s neck. Only then could Ratboy, who was closer to them, shoot the monster.
Everyone rushed towards Miles, and he was lying on his back, crying and trying to stop the bleeding. Chibs kneeled beside him, took bandana off his wrist and pressed it to Miles’s neck.
“Hold on, boy, you’re gonna be okay” – Chibs mumbled quietly, even though everyone understood, he won’t. Blood quickly soaked the fabric and was now making a puddle under poor guy’s head. He was trying to say something, gripping Chibs’ hands, but couldn’t pronounce a word, only quiet groans escaping his mouth. Soon he froze, his eyes rolled. Chibs stood up slowly, wiping blood off his palms and took his gun out. “I’m sorry, brother” He whispered, pulling the trigger.
Everyone was silent for several minutes, just looking at their friend’s body on the ground that now had a small hole in his forehead. At least they made sure he won’t ever become one of the empties.
“He just opened the door and this… this…” Ratboy was shaking, he saw the moment this creature appeared and was now trying to explain others what happened. “It jumped out of the house so fast, I couldn’t do anything… I couldn’t aim, it was so fast… I just…”
Y/N hugged Ratboy tight to make him calm down a bit, while others gathered around the creature’s body. Sons had seen such an empties before, but from afar and never had to face it so close. This new one was pale, but had redness around its eyes and mouth, its arms and legs were longer than those of the normal human body, it also had claws on its fingers and toes.
“What the fuck is this creature?” Juice turned away, disgusted.
“I think it is some kind of a mutation… And it’s bad.” Chibs shook his head. “Okay, guys, pack up what you managed to find and let’s get back home” Then he lifted Miles from the ground and headed towards the car.
Everyone got back to their bags, packed what they found and loaded the van with supplies. Nobody said anything; they needed some time to come with terms with what happened today. It all started as an interesting adventure, they even had fun and now everything went.  The road back was silent; no one knew how to support each other and was deep in their thoughts.
In the darkness of the van Y/N carefully took Chibs’ hand and squeezed it gently, to support him or to relive her own pain – she didn’t know herself, but feeling him helped her a little. Chibs in his turn was slowly rubbing her palm with his thumb, not even noticing it.   
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yoiashroom · 1 year
Hello hello I've been starved for Apex content recently so I was hoping I could request Gibraltar (if you write him) with a crush? (If you don't want to do this feel free to delete have a good day!)
of course, I can write for him hopefully you like this. and don't worry you'll be well-fed here
Gibraltar with a crush
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when Gibby first saw you he was certain that you would become good friends it takes a while for him to catch feelings he barely even notices it he just thinks of you as a really close friend.
once Gibraltar realizes he has feelings for you he starts to leave signs such as acts of service giving you food, if you have a shield lower than him he'll give you his if want a certain gun he'll look everywhere for it. "hey brotha here's that R301 you wanted, anything else you need ask, Gibraltar's always got you".
Gibby does little things hoping you notice it so he doesn't have to confess himself but lifeline notices this and tries to help him out to confess to you.
pretty much everyone knows he likes you it's obvious to everyone but you although at some point Gibraltar does pull you aside at a party mirage threw and confess his feelings to you bashfully.
if you accept Gibraltar's feelings he will be the happiest legend at the party and will instantly give you a bear hug and spin you around and if you want he will tell the other legends the great news that's only if you want to if you don't he will understand hell still be very happy but silently so the others won't notice.
That's all hope you like, it fun fact I was writing this while looking for stardew valley mods cya.
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thenarryparable · 1 year
trust part 1 : yuimon (yuichi kimura x lemon/elliott).
please be kind im not the best at writing.
id play lemon boy by cavetown while reading <3
Yuichi stood at the edge of the hospital bed his asleep son laid in. Thomas The Tank Engine playing in the background of the gently lit, quiet room. But one question still lingered in his head, how could he let his own son get hurt? Even after his lesson after 'The Bullet Train Incident', he still felt immense guilt.
He just stood there, gripping the edge like he did before he head off to the bullet train before he heard a loud pounding sound from the door, startling Yuichi. Surely that couldn't have been a nurse or even a doctor. They usually would just open the door anyway.
"Kimura?" A voice said, it sounded a bit loud and familiar but Yuichi couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from until he opened the door a bit. There stood Lemon, wearing a soft button-up and a bright yellow tie.
Yuichi's eyes went wide as he looked at Lemon. What the fuck was he doing here? After what he had said and had done to Yuichi? After he had shot him? What was Lemon doing here?
"Do ya mind if I come in?" Lemon asked, smiling, holding what seemed to be a blue color gift bag stuffed with dark blue tissue paper. The tag on the bag saying 'Wataru'.
Yuichi just stared at it and gave a soft nod. Maybe Lemon didn't have such bad intentions, perhaps they could forgive and forget. Whatever that meant.
As Lemon walked in and set down the gift bag Yuichi walked up to him. "What is it that you want?" Yuichi said harshly, through gritted teeth. It sounded quiet, Yuichi was always quite soft-spoken despite his job and all.
"Woah woah, relax luv. I don' want anythin'. I just wanted ta be nice." Lemon said putting one of his hands out toward Yuichi so if he wanted to attack him he could push him away.
Yuichi's expression softened. "I wanna bring ya son here a gift, heard what the fuckin' diesel did to him, I felt bad man. Plus, I kinda need to apologize for shooting ya and all so..." Lemon stated, as Yuichi put his guard down, maybe he could trust him.
"Is it alright if ya son-" "Yes" Yuichi said, walking over to Wataru. "Wataru" Yuichi said, gently rocking him awake. Wataru stirred awake. "Gift" Yuichi said, pointing at the bag. Lemon looked at Wataru and smiled, the boy was adorable despite all the bandaids and bruises covering his body.
Lemon waved at Wataru and sat down next to him, "Hey there, little guy. I got ya somethin'. Hopefully ya like it, heard ya really liked Thomas as well from ya pops over there. Ya have really good taste." he said handing the gift bag to Wataru, who smiled widely and nodded at Lemon.
Wataru took out the tissue paper gently and saw it. A plush toy of his favorite Momonga, the 'little blue one' and then tucked at the bottom was a blue train toy...Thomas. Wataru's eyes lit up as he took it out. Lemon chuckled at the boys reaction.
Wataru held it up to Lemon and Lemon gently took it out of the weak boys hand. "Ya really like him huh?" he said, making the train move in the air. Wataru nodded.
"I like Thomas as well kiddo. Ya know, I think..." Lemon said taking out a sticker sheet. "Ya seem like a Thomas, like my brotha" he stuck a Thomas the tank engine sticker on Wataru's forehead and the little boy giggled, happily.
Yuichi looked over and felt, happy. The type of happy he felt when he met Wataru's mother. The woman who made his little bundle of joy. Maybe it was because of how Wataru was beginning to interact with Lemon, how close they seemed already even though it had only been a few minutes.
Maybe he could trust Lemon. Maybe. Just then he saw Wataru do something he didn't expect...
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 1 year
Casey And The Ink Machine
Chapter 1: Can’t Be Erased
“Raph took a deep breath as his hand was holding the knob.
This isn’t gonna end well.
He opened the door and entered.
“Hey brotha. How ya doin?” Raph asked softly as he peeked in.
Leo was sitting at his desk, his eyes red and puffy as his face leaned onto his fists, hiding his mouth.
Leo’s glance wasn’t at Raph, but at a picture on his desk. Upon noticing Raph, Leo moved the picture face down and regained his composure.
“Oh I’m just… thinking” Leo said as he fixed his collar. He sat up in a professional position as Raph crossed his arms and leaned on the wall.
This is a bad time…
“Why are you here?” Leo asked, trying to keep a poker face. Raph looked at Leo and then looked down as he sighed.
“I need to talk to you bout somethin. You cool with that?” Raph responded. Leo gave a confused look.
Raphs not the type to ask if he can say something.
“Yeah? What is it?” Leo asked. Raph bit his lip.
“I’m leavin the studio” Raph finally said. Leo’s eyes went wide.
“What… why would you…” Leo whispered. Raph looked away.
“I know… I know it’s a bad time” Raph started before being interrupted.
“Bad time?” Leo scoffed as he sat up. “You’re tryin to abandon us? Especially now?”
Raph glared at Leo as he uncrossed his arms. “What do you mean by that?” He asked with contempt.
“We started this place as a family. We made it successful as a family. Now one of our family members is gone and you wanna abandon us?!” Leo spat.
“If family’s so damn important to ya, maybe ya shouldn’t have worked me to the bone to make my own damn toons that YOU profit off of!” Raph yelled.
“Oh please! Everyone, including me, tried to get you to take a break but you’d never listen! Now it’s MY fault it wore ya down?!” Leo yelled back.
“Yeah cause extending my hours without my permission and without extra pay and then gettin mad when I call you out on it is encouraging! I barely see my wife anymore! AND SHE WORKS HERE!” Raph shouted
Leo glared at him. “You’re willing to run away from your own damn family over some hours?!” Leo yelled.
“With family like yous, yeah! I am!” Raph responded as he turned to walk away.
Leo clenched his fists as he thought. “Raphael! If you walk out that door, then your creations are mine, ya hear!” Leo tried to threaten him with.
Raph grabbed some papers out of his pocket and threw em at Leo.
“Take em! I don’t care about those damn toons! I just wanna be with my wife and away from you!” Raph yelled.
He turned and walked out, slamming the door behind him. Leo looked down at the papers Raph threw at him.
It was of Raphs creations.
Donnie The Mechanic.
April The Angel.
The Demon….
Leo raised back up the picture he was looking at earlier. It was of him, Mikey, Raph and…..
Leo punched the picture without thinking. He dropped the photo and winced as he felt glass cutting into his skin.
That was goddamn stupid.
Leo looked for a mes kit as he held his fist. A drop of blood fell onto one of the drawings.
Leo used a towel on his desk to wrap up the wound as he saw the stain.
It fell directly on Casey the demon, covering the drawings pie cut eye.
He said under his breath as he grabbed the picture. He tried to wipe off the drop, only for it to smudge.
He said. He ruined Raphs drawing.
It wasn’t Raphs.
Not anymore.
They were his.
His creations.
His masterpiece…..
Raph took a deep breath as his hand was on the knob. He held up the note in his hand as he sighed.
“Alright Leo” Raph started as he opened the door.
“Let’s see if we can find what you wanted me to see” he finished as he walked in.
The place looked…. Strange.
For starters, everything was black and white.
Moreso black and yellow.
But it wasn’t just that. Everything looked… sketchy….
It felt like he walked into an old decayed sketchbook.
The place was dead quiet. All he could hear was the distant sounds of wood creaking and… something… dripping?
He had seen enough.
He turned around, preparing to leave. Only for the door behind him to be gone.
His eyes widened as he took a step back.
Did… did he remember where he went through wrong?
But.. but that can’t be he just went through there-
He took a deep breath.
Just… stay calm. And find another way out.
He told himself.
His heart raced. He felt hot in the face but cold in his limbs. He felt both too light and too heavy as his anxiety went up.
In through your nose. Out through your mouth.
He repeated in his mind as he walked forward.
He was about to yell out for Leo before deciding against it as he saw a room with a projector playing.
Raph crossed his arms as he watched the cartoon playing. His stress eased as he let out a small smile at the cartoon.
It was of Casey on a stage tap dancing to a little tune. It was simple, but cute.
Raph was impressed. The animators Leo got since he’s been gone have a real knack for movement.
Something shifted for a split second. Raph didn’t quite catch it, but for a second he swore the lil dancin demon had….
Strangely realistically drawn eyes…
And a sinister grin.
Raph decided to turn around and leave, not seeing the toon on the walls eyes follow him.
Raph went down a hallway. He saw black goo dripping from pipes around the area. Raph avoided the ooze as much as he could, unsure of what it was.
He stopped as he saw something from the corner of his eye in the room next to him. He turned to see “The Creator Lied To Us” written on the wall with black goo.
He decided to not look into it and continue on his way. He saw a sign pointing to several rooms, but one caught his attention.
“The Ink Machine”
What is that?
Raph decided to follow the sign to this…. Ink Machine.
He turned a corner and gasped as he thought he saw someone. Only to realize it’s a simple cardboard cutout of Casey The Demon.
Raph groaned as he pinched his nose.
He knocked over the cutout as he continued on his way. He turned another corner as he saw the entrance to “the ink machine”
He went inside, not noticing until it was too late that black sludge was pooling on the floor, stepping in it.
He looked up and saw that he was on a ledge. Below was nothing but black goo that was so high it was spreading onto the floor he was currently on.
He turned to his right and saw a lever. Without thinking, he pulled it.
Raph quickly covered his ears as the room became deafeningly loud with the sounds of gear’s turning and chains clanking.
Out of the black ocean, several chains raised up a giant machine. The sludge slid off the hunk of metal as Raph saw a giant tube attached to it pouring out more black sludge.
There’s gotta be a way to turn this… ink machine off.
Raph thought as he looked around. He then saw to his left a wheel on a giant pipe. Next to it was a sign saying “ink pump”.
Raph went to turn the wheel, but the wheel was stuck. Try as he might, it wouldn’t budge.
“DOW!” He yelped as his hands slipped. He winced as his hands burned from the friction.
He looked down and saw a toolbox. He kneeled down and opened it, hoping to find a wrench for the job.
Unfortunately, the slot that seemed to be for a wrench was empty.
The hell did it go?
Raph got up and walked out of the room. He looked around the area, hoping to find the missing wrench.
He stopped for a second as he SWORE he saw a shadow behind his own from the corner of his eye.
He fixed his collar as he tried to calm down.
Dammit this place is too quiet
He thought as he continued. He turned another corner as he noticed something in a room near him.
He went in to see what it was, only to freeze in horror as he realized what it was.
In the middle of the room, was a corpse on an examination table.
Except it wasn’t a human corpse.
As raph stared, he recognized the tall body as…
Donnie The Mechanic?
His- it’s body was torn and stitched up and leaking black ink.
Leo what the fuck were you doing?
He then saw the writing on the right wall.
“The heart of the damned in now ours, Angel of Above and Demon so Below”
Raph looked at the body again. He noticed it’s chest was ripped open, a wrench sticking out of the cavity.
Raph but his lip as he tried to relax, his eyes wide.
It’s a prop it’s a prop it has to be a prop
His body felt like jello as he slowly walked to the corpse.
I’m gonna kill Leo for this.
Raph looked at the things Xed out eyes as he grabbed the wrench. His stomach dropped as pulled.
His body was tense as he felt he couldn’t put all his strength into yanking the thing out.
He put a foot on the exam table as he pulled as hard as he could, falling on his back as the wrench gave.
“Oww” he groaned as he got up. He looked at the body and then at the ink covered wrench.
Just focus on getting out.
He turned to walk out. As he was at the room’s entrance, he couldn’t help but turn to look at the “prop” one more time.
Only for the exam table to be empty.
Raphs heartbeat was felt in his entire body as he quickly walked out.
He stopped for a minute once he felt far away enough. He leaned on a wal as his body felt shaky.
It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine
Just focus on getting out
In through your nose, out through your mouth
It’ll be fine
Just. Get. Out.
Raph took one big deep breath as he stood upright. He slowly regained his composure as he continued on his way.
He finally got back to the ink machine room when he saw that the entrance was boarded up.
When did….
Just focus on getting out
Despite his body yelling at him not to, he went up to the boarded up entrance.
He looked at the wrench he was holding. Maybe if he used enough force, he could break the planks of wood with i-
Raph barely processed the eye popping up through the holes between the planks as he heard wood shatter and felt something yank him up and inti a wall behind him.
He dropped the wrench as his hands grasped around the arm choking him. He tried to gasp for air as he could feel his neck bruise and crack from the pressure.
He looked down to see, through blurry vision, the thing choking him. He wasn’t sure what he was looking at.
But it wasn’t human.
It was a black and yellow beast. Somehow having sketch marks, half of its face was dripping with black ink, it’s raggedy hair and sharp horns blending into the black.
The other half of its face seemed yo have a skull painted on it, with a demented black eye with a red slit staring at him and an unnatural fanged grin enjoying his pain.
The arm choking raph was skeletal but with long, sharp claws. The other was inhumanly gigantic with two holes through the hand.
Raph could hear a low growl from the thing as it moved slightly and… strangely.
It’s movements were quick but rickety. Small but noticeable. As if every movement was a single frame put together to create something uncanny.
Raphs consciousness was starting to slip as he couldn’t breathe.
“Heh heh” the thing let out a small chuckle.
“You’ve been away for far too long” it said in what sounded like two voice’s speaking at once.
One sounded like a normal person with a Brooklyn accent, the other was the growling, distorted, deep voice of a beast.
Raph desperately tried to think of a way out as the things grip tightened. He kicked the thing in the face as hard as he could.
Only to scream as the monsters fingers slipped down to grab his jacket and he felt two rows of something sharp burrow into his foot.
He looked and saw the creatures head had split open vertically, revealing two rows of fangs on each side that were digging into Raphs ankle.
Raph quickly took the opportunity to unbutton his jacket and slip out of the monsters grasp.
As quickly as he could, he grabbed the wrench he dropped and slammed it across the things face before it could grab him again.
He ran off as the tall beast was distracted, adrenaline allowing him to ignore his wrecked ankle.
He turned for a sec as he ran and saw the thing was on all fours, chasing him with incredible speed.
Raph turned a corner and caught himself before hitting the wall and continued running.
The creature ended up sliding too far and slammed into the wall, slowing itself down and giving raph time to find a door.
He quickly went through the door, slammed it closed and lower the metal bar attached to it to lock it.
He could hear and feel the monster slam into the door with a gooey thud, unable to break through the metal.
He slumped down as he heard it bang on the door and growl. He took a sharp, shaky, deep breath as his ankle was in horrible pain.
He looked down at the wound. On both sides of his shoe he saw deep rows of gash marks that he thinks may have hit bone. The wounds were leaking blood and…
He wiggled off his shoe as he saw the area was swollen real bad. He wiped away tears as he looked around for a med kit.
He saw one on the table in the middle of the room. He held the wall next to him as he got up, careful not to stand on his wounded foot.
He heard the floor creak as he hopped to the desk. He managed to get to it and lean on the desk, about to grab the med kit when-
“AHHH!” He yelled as the floor gave way, causing him to fall into the abyss below.
Raph could barely process the fall before slamming into the floor below. His body was writhed with pain as he struggled to breathe.
His vision was blurry as he tried to get up, only being able to get to his knees. He couldn’t tell where he was as he covered his mouth to let out a harsh cough.
He looked down at his hand as he was wheezing from pain. His hand was soaked with blood.
He looked down and saw a broken plank of wood sticking out of the side of his chest as he smelled and tasted nothing but blood.
He looked up as his vision blurred and his consciousness slipped away. Only able to let out one word before falling over.
He fell on the floor, unable to do anything but lie down and bleed out.
He saw someone or….. something stand over him. His vision was far too blurry to make it out.
He felt his shoulders being grabbed and his body being dragged away.
He passed out before he could find out who possible savior, or possible killer, could be….”
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"Tell it to the Frogs" Pt.4
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Main camp
As Daryl, with Bow slightly farther behind him ,reaches everyone they hear Shane talking to Rick “Well, look, I… I don't, okay, Rick? So could you just… Could you throw me a bone here, man? Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon?” 
“Hey, choose your words more carefully,” Daryl warns Shane as he points to him using his bolts. “No, I did. Douche bag's what I meant. Merle Dixon…The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst.” Shane glares at Daryl, Rick then speaks up "What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst… me. Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being.” Lori speaks up “So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?”. Rick pauses and looks over at Glenn, catching Rick's eyes Glenn looks away “Oh, come on,” he says “You know the way. You've been there before… In and out, no problem. You said so yourself. “ Glenn removes his hat, weighing his options “It's not fair of me to ask… I know that, but I'd feel a lot better with you along. I know she would too.” Rick says looking over to Lori. Shane scoffs “That's just great. Now you're gonna risk three men, huh?” “Four” T-dog chimes in, Bow looks over to him, proud that he was willing to help even after what Merle did to him, Daryl huffs “My day just gets better and better, don't it?” “You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?” T-dog asks, “ Why you?” Daryl asks still cleaning his bolts, T-Dog gets a lost look in his eyes “You wouldn't even begin to understand. You don't speak my language.” “That's four.” Dale states  Shane is quick to step in “It's not just four. You're putting every single one of us at risk. Just know that, Rick. Come on, you saw that Walker. It was here. It was in camp. They're moving out of the cities. They come back, we need every able body we've got. We need 'em here. We need 'em to protect the camp.” “I’ll go to” Bow pipes in, and everyone turns to look at her, “That’s a definite no, we need you here to keep the barrier up, to make sure none of those geeks get here and don’t try and fight me on this Bow, cause you know I’m right,” Shane says with his officer voice. “I’m not just gonna sit here and do nothing, plus we don’t know what state Merle could be in I can help him if he is injured” Bow states not missing how Daryl flinches at the thought of his brother being seriously hurt, “No Bow I’m sorry but Shane is right, you are most important here, we can’t risk you getting hurt” Glenn joins in. Bow scoffs and walks off, Daryl sighs and followers her. They both end up next to the truck the others used to escape the city. “Can you believe them, they seriously think they can forbid me from going like I’m a child!” Bow exclaims, Daryl looks down at the ground “I agree with em’ Bowie” he says in a low almost whisper, Bow looks over to him “you what?” she questions “I agree, ya should stay here where it’s safe, can protect camp while we are gone” “Oh come on Dare not you too” Bow frowns and shakes her head at Daryl “Listen I know you wanna help and I appreciate it but, Bowie if ma brotha ain’t there, n I lose you out there, I wouldn't be able to handle it” Daryl locks eyes with Bow “Ya all I got left and I ain’t gonna lose ya, so stay please for me” Daryl is begging at this point, Bow not being able to resist nods her head “Fine but I’ll be watching you guys” “If that’s what it takes for you to stay” Daryl states 
Later Glenn and Daryl are sitting in the truck waiting for Rick and T-dog. After they convince Dale to let them use his bolt cutters they walk over to the truck, “Hey, Rick, got any rounds in the python?” asks Shane, “No” Rick answers, Shane pulls out his old sheriff's bag “Last time we were at the gun range, I'm sure I wound up with a few loose rounds of yours.” “You and that bag… like the bottom of an old lady's purse.” “I hate that you're doing this, man. I think that it's foolish and reckless. But if you're gonna go, you're taking bullets.” “I'm not sure I'd want to fire a shot in the city, not after what happened last time.” “That's up to you. Well… Four men, four rounds. What are the odds, huh? Well, let's just hope that… Let's just hope four is your lucky number, okay?” Shane hands Rick the four bullets “Thank you.” Shanes nods his head, “wait” They are both stopped by Bow. The two men look over to her, “Here, I would like for you guys to carry these with you, please” Bow hands Rick three red crystal necklaces, Rick gives her a questioning look. “I made them with my powers, they will provide you with protection, block out your scent so the geeks don’t smell you, It can also be used to contact me if you need any help, just ask Daryl he has his own crystal so he can explain more of need be” Bow explains. “Ok thank you” says Rick as he puts one on. Rick gets in the truck and they take off to Atlanta once more.
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letamthoughts · 1 year
Bad Axe (2022)
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i really like it (mid tier?) 10/10
It was pretty good. I teared up a whole one time. 😅 curious to know more about what Ma was like; wish we could see video footage of her seems like some degree of a "we're not racist" town 🙄 nice that mom & dad got their first vacation running that place seemed stressful; extremely moreso when antimaskers came in the make a point interesting that people feel it's okay to so blatantly shove their politics in everyone's face but are anti such freedoms for contrasting views glad i finally saw this even though i heard about it a long-ass time ago "you don't live here" wish i wasn't in such a hurry during the pre-credits so i could actually take it all in -_-
(Minor Spoilers)
the main/oldest was ballsy as hell; like, i likes her spunk; probs gets it from Ma sad dad was so hurtful, but glad mom called him out and he owned up i felt that "nothing would matter anymore" frustration
(Moderate Spoilers)
curious to know even more about what dad experienced in Cambodia; def' needs therapy, holy shit the brotha definitely could use some therapy (and Afro peers in his life if he lacks any); being very uncomfortable talking about race as a BIPOC is a flag to me; unpack dat shit with a professional
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vinnival · 3 years
GF, Zelda, and and Link with a fem S/O who’s passion is music and dance? like she will try and pull them into a dance whenever she has the chance! Thank you!!
OHOHOHO!!! of course !!! I need more zelda/FNF rqs Pronto. Enjoy :]
You'd turn almost everything you had into some type of beat, yknow- improvise
GF has seen her fair share of music battles (obviously), so she is a good judge on how your music sounds
Sometimes if there's music playing you'll yank her from wherever she was and just waltz it out, no matter what song or genre it was
She likes electro swing, it gives her a nice jive vibe, and she could listen to it all day
You ofc make her electro swing tracks and she swoons over it
Even with her whole ass parents around, you'll just grab GF and twirl her around
Your vibes are too immaculate, DD and MM can't resist the jolly lil vibe going around and will also dance :,]
Now this... depends on which Link you want
Same with Zelda
Im assuming you mean BOTW Link and Zelda, so im doing them!
Link has no music experience whatsoever... but he DOES have the loveliest bird bard to contact if you ever need help!
He had standards, there's either "kass's music", or "not as good as kass's music"
You ofc make a new genre "better than kass's music"
He watches while Kass teaches you various different ways to improve your music
Forget You trying to dance with Him, this man will grab you at any hint of a potential good song and will dance his heart out
And you love that about him
Will dance to the stable song Kass plays
Honestly Kass is best wingman (?)
Hes hyping you two up by playing music what more could you ask for
You love picking link up and spinning him around HSHAHAHA
He gets flustered but then he does the same to you. Uno reverse brotha
She appreciates you for always managing to cheer her up by playing music for her
Whether it be a gentle tap and a hum of her Lullaby, or the Prelude of Light, or anything like that... it always calmed her down
Sometimes you'd absent-mindedly lead her to the ballroom, and continue humming, you two gracefully spinning your way through
This usually would happen when you saw visible distress and sadness on her face from her current situation as the powerless princess
She gets you the most expensive and best instruments you could have, and she loves hearing you play and improvise on them
Her favorite is the violin
There's something so hauntingly beautiful about it
She especially loves when you play her lullaby on said instruments, it reminds her of better days, where there were no prophecies, and you two were just little kids playing with Zelda's new dolls
zelda requests.... BARBABRAJRL give memeee. I hope you liked this, op!
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kakubun · 3 years
hiii!! side note, merry christmas eve :)
anywho, i was wondering whenever you had time, if you could write about a tall seijoh and/or karasuno female manager? like around 5’10 ish? anyway, have a good day!!!
seijoh x fem!reader, karasuno x fem!reader
helloo, i don't celebrate christmas but merry christmas to yall who celebrate it :33
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iwaizumi is now a target
you both are actually the same height!
iwaizumi would have to constantly close his ears because of comments of his height but you couldn't and you giggled to each and every one of them
hanamaki: aww, you can't reach the shelf iwa chan? how about you ask y/n-chan for help?
y/n: brotha i can't even reach it
(shelf meaning matsukawa carrying kindaichi on his shoulders dangling iwa's sport shoes around)
but you are salty sometimes that some people gotta be tall
you didn't care about the third years cause yes, it made sense why they're tall
but people like kindaichi and kunimi or the other boys are no fair
they're so tall for no reason at all
y/n: can i eat your milkbread?
oikawa: hm, why?
y/n: by any chance, i get taller than you?
oikawa: when pigs fly, yeah
when you need protecting from creeps, you're your own bodyguard💀
you're taller than any of the guys who keep creeping on you
oikawa just tends to worry about you but the team know you'll be fine on your own
creep man: hey baby-
y/n: leave or i'll break your back into an ironboard and iron my clothes on you
oikawa: *just rounding the corner to find you* *swet*
same with oikawa's fangirls, you're like a mini date tech iron wall to his fans and you could brush them off easily so they won't distract him
the team's greatful you can handle things on your own like harassment and reaching for stuff (mattsun said this a lot of times because you're a saviour to others when they struggle to get their stuff in a higher place and you're annoyed by him already)
although seeing you argue with one of oikawa's toxic fangirls and her height difference with you is so damn comedic💀💀
if the fangirl would say you were gonna steal her mans, the team would one hundred percent believe her
you look like you're ready to kidnap oilawa with that height
the meme team won't stop comparing you to many things when you argue with fangirls
a sapling and a tree, a baby and an uncle, a dog and a turtle
the list just goes on
sometimes the team could visibly see the fangs you're baring to the girls when they won't listen, you were intimadating eventhough there's no need since you're just expressing you anger once and the whole team's like 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️
the other first and second years treated you normally, unlike some people
other than that, they still love their short manager, yes short
(iwaizumi doesn't have a say in this)
hinata and nishinoya ogled at you when you first joined the team
you know the thing when nishinoya got on hinata's back and did a handstand, both boys now do it to you (except for hinata because he still fails at doing handstands)
you were okay with that, it was fun when noya tried to balance himself on your shoulders but it wasn't when he fell, ouch
yachi loves you😔
you're like a fluffy teddybear and a big sister
she likes clinging on your back when she's tired and you guys live on the same street and her mom would recognize you when you struggle to pat her off your back
she doesn't mind, she likes that her daughter has a sister figure at school
i'm not biased shut up but kiyoko almost fell for you
you were kind and respectful and you also made her open up a little which made noya and tanaka (maybe part of the team) tear up when they saw their queen laugh to your jokes
she hits you with a big smile when you didn't bother to stop and asked you to get back to your task
ah, petty arguments with tsukishima
you're sTilL shoRt compared to tsukki
when others ogle at you for being taller than the average human being, he would scoff
it also lead to you to being close with yamaguchi as well
you threw hands with his best friend and now you're friendly with his best friend
(okay i'm confusing)
yamaguchi is calm with you, treating you like tsukki (he's not flustered that much)
you gladly calmed his anxiety when you teach him some methods
tanaka and you were also a team when you wanted to gang up on tsukishima but he successfully ignored yall and shifted your attention to something else
kageyama sometimes lets out weird ass thoughts like "could you fit in a bed, do your feet dangle?" like idk sir how bout you💀💀
the third years have these days where you spend time with them and they love having you along
you just have to somehow stop suga from tickling and carrying you around (making your feet almost hit daichi's or asahi's face)
mostly you and suga are rowdy with each other and daichi and asahi just sighs seeing the both of you cause chaos
(i am not good at height requests cause all i've experienced is my friends envying my height and tall girls comparing their shorter friends to me idk man💀 i'm the same height as levi except slightly taller, all my friends are like oompa loompas-)
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Jensen Ackles: Tired
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Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Wife!Reader, Jared x Gene
Pov: Jensen 
warnings; Panic, anxiety, guilt, collapsing, more panic, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, Swearing
Summary(request): Ouuuuh I'm sooo happy that you write for Jensen!!! Can I pleaaase request a one shot of Jensen x wife reader in which she collapses because she's been exhausted taking care of the kids and he feels guilty that he didn't notice and he's determined to help more ?? I'm so sorry if this sound dumb. No pressure if you don't wanna write it.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N- This wasn’t a stupid idea, I know that this had taken me a bit of time to write, so I’m sorry about that. I absolutely love this idea. Thank you for requesting/anon it.  (Your eye color: Y/E/C) @firefly-graphics for divider
Jensen masterlsit: 
Main Masterlsit
"Kids I need you two to sit in the living room while mommy cleans the kitchen." I heard Y/n say from my upstairs office. I was currently working on my second album for Radio company.
I had been up here for the past couple of days. Once or twice a day I'd hear Y/n get louder than normal, saying something to the twins about how they needed to stop fighting with each other.
Our twins, Ada and Jay. A boy and girl. They were bundles of energy, they run up and down the halls. There little feet leaving loud echos around our home.
"Yes, mommy will turn on Disney. You want to watch frozen two again?" I heard Y/n say. This was the first time that it sounded like the two littles had agreed on something.
A moment later I heard the soft intro music of frozen two. I smiled and continued to work on the new lyrics for our second album. We had promised our fans that the album would be out relatively soon. By soon I mean within a month's time.
I needed a break, I wasn't able to get anything done on an empty stomach. So I made my way down our elegant stairs. I saw the littles entranced by the tv, they didn't even notice me come down the stairs.
I let them be through thinking about how long it had taken for Y/n to get them to calm down. Mostly how much it had taken Y/n to get them to be quiet.
I shuffled my way into the kitchen,, passing behind Y/n as she cleaned a day's worth of dishes. I wrapped my hands around her mid-section, whispering in her ear, "Hey my love." She leaned into my touch and took a rather deep breath closing her eyes.
"Hey honey, what are you doing down here? I thought you had your album to work on." She said trying to unscrew one of Ada's sippy cups. I took the cup out of her hands and unscrewed the top with ease.
"I needed some food in my belly. Looks like you've got those kids preoccupied."I said release her from my hug and slipping a look into the fridge.
"Yeah I do, they've got me going in circles." She said finishing up by putting the cleanish dishes into the dishwasher. She turned to face me, motioning me to grab her water bottle from the fridge.
"I can see that, but hey remember you've got it. If you need anything come get me okay." I said giving her a chat kiss and walking back through the kitchen up the stairs.
I heard the music for the ending of frozen two come and go, but I could smell the start of dinner. I was done with working on the new album, so I changed into some more comfy pants, and went downstairs.
The twins were asleep on the large couch in our living room. Y/n was humming to a song in her head, I stood there and watched her. She danced around, cutting up peppers and messing with the oven for chicken.
She turned around and let out a loud shriek, "Jensen, you scared me!" She said with a huff. "You should be more careful, hell I could have thrown this knife at you." She said setting the knife down.
While I was staring at my beautiful wife I noticed a few things. Her skin seemed dull, I could see the bags under her eyes, her dancing wasn't a full-motion like it usually is. She stops and takes deeper breaths.
"Are you feeling okay?" I asked her out randomly. Giving me an odd look, a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I'm feeling fine. Why?" Y/n asked me. "I was just wondering, that's all baby," I said kissing her cheek.
"I'm going to wake up the twins okay, if not they'll be up till five in the morning," I said, smacking her ass playful. The roll of Y/n eyes was the last thing I saw before I made my way into the living room.
"Ada, Jay. It's time to wake up." I said softly, Ada stirred in her sleep and Jay didn't even move. Ada slept like my wife does. Very softly, now on the other hand Jay sleep like a rock like his father.
"Ada, it's time to get up. Mommy is making dinner, you want dinner?' i said coaxing her to wake up. Jay still laid asleep, Ada's eyes fluttered open, "Dada!" "Hey baby girl, did you sleep good?" I asked her, hugging her.
She wrapped her small arms around my neck and looked at me with a wide smile, "Yes I sep good." She said, she giggled. A giggled much too Y/n's. "Do you want to help me get your brother up?" I asked Ada.
"Do we have to wake him up." She said a frown replacing her smile. "Yes, I'm afraid we have to," I said smiling. "Fine Daddy."She said unwrapping her arms from my neck and climbing next to her brother, she patted his shoulder.
"Jay, brotha daddy says you gotta wake up now." She said going from patting his shoulder to poking his side. "JAY! WAKE UP!" Ada screamed at the top of her, "Hey, hey there's no need to scream at him, baby." I said interru[ting her screaming session.
"Here let daddy show you how to wake him up," I said with raised eyebrows. "Jay, mommy says you'll get dessert if you wake up and eat all your dinner," I said rubbing small circles into Jay's back.
He opened his eyes and looked back and his sister and me. His eyes reminded me of his mother's Y/E/C eyes. Ada's eyes were the color of him, dark forest green, and when we went outside to play or to the beach, Ada's eyes turned to a light green something resembling an emerald.
All of a sudden my thoughts were interrupted when I heard the crash of something from in the kitchen. I rushed to go see, worried about Y/n. When I rushed in she was collapsed on the floor. "Y/n, honey," I said walking over to her. "Y/n... Y/n are you okay?" I questioned.
"Mommy?" I heard Ada and Jay say at the same time. I needed to make a quick decision. So I called Jared. Telling him that Y/n had collapsed on the floor.
Moments later I heard the door open and shut. "unc Jar." I heard Jay say, then I heard the click on heels behind him he had brought Gen with him. "Jared let me take the kids, you go help Jensen and get Y/n some washcloths a glass of cold water. Okay," Gene said.
"Hey, Auntie." Heard Ada say. "Come on kiddos let's go get some stuff from y'alls bedroom." I heard. Trying to keep Y/n's head elevated. "Hey, Jensen, What happened?" He asked. "I don't know Jar, One minute she was fine and she was cooking dinner, and next I heard a crash while getting Ada and Jay up."
"Jensen just breathe." He said, " How can I relax Jared, my wife.. my wife is lying unconscious on the kitchen floor. And I don't know how to help her." I said running a hand down my face.
"Jensen. Stop take a breath. Got get some washes clothes to get them cold as you get them. And come back here, okay." he said patting my shoulder.
I ran up the stairs passing the twins' rooms, gene gave me a sympathetic smile and was packing the twins' bags. It's a good idea take the kids to your house for a moment. I ran into our closet grabbing far too many, running back down the stairs.
Missing a few at the bottom almost tripping over my large stature. "Get them wet we're going to put some on her forehead, neck, and wrist. Get that glass of water too." Jared said.
Eventually, after Gene had taken the kiddos to their home, Jared and I moved Y/n to the couch. She started to wake up, her eye fluttering open. It was more than too nice to see her Y/E/C. Jared excused himself telling me that they would keep the kids for the rest of the night.
"We'll keep the kiddos, give Ada, Jay, Shep, and Odette a surprise a sleepover," he said patting my shoulder then left. We sat in silence for a moment.
"Wait?" Y/n said first. "I asked if you were okay," I said. "Yeah you did and I wasn't lying." She said, "So, why did this happen then, Y/n?" I questioned her.
Again we sat in silence, "Because Jensen, I feel like I'm doing this all by myself, you're so sucked into finishing the damn album you've left your wife, your wife to deal with two toddlers." She said arguing with me. She took the washcloths off her forehead and wrists throwing them onto the coffee table.
I hadn't realized how much weight I had put on her shoulders. I guess I kind of just expected that she could take it. "I... I guess I didn't realize that I was doing that." I said.
"No, you didn't. You know what just forget it, okay Jensen. I need to finish dinner and then get Ada and Jay from Gene." She said. Truing to get up, but ending up bouncing back onto the couch.
"No, look. I know that I was forgetting about things. And forgetting that you can't take this all by yourself. Yes, you're my wife and you mean the world to me. You don't realize the amount of panic that went through me when I heard that crash. I understand now.' I said
The tears starting to come out. 'You don't know what I would do without you. I wouldn't know what to do without my wife, my beautiful, strong, amazing wife. I'm sorry I fucked up. Please, Let me fix it." I said begging with my wife now.
She stared at me, reaching her hand over to my face wiping the stray tears that had fallen while I was talking away. "Okay, I guess we both fucked up. I didn't say anything to you, and you wouldn't have been able to know." She said scouting closer to me, her hands staying on my cheek.
With her warm hand still on my cheek, I leaned into the touch. "I'll finish dinner, you, Y/n you relax please." I said pleading. She shook her head, "How about we do it together." Y/n offered I smiled and grabbed her hand bringing her up from the couch. "I like that idea," I said.
Going in for a much-needed kiss. She meddled into it. "We can take advantage of the littles being at Gene, and Jared." She whispered against my lips. "Naughty," I whispered back. "Dinner first though," I said stripping the moment of its erotic nature.
"Okay, baby But you've got dish duty for a while," Y/n said her hand sliding up and down my chest.
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Completed On: 04/25/2021
Taglist: @akshi8278 @wonderfulworldofwinchester @deanswaywardgirl @hit-meup69 @fofisstilinski @doctorlilo
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magictehnique · 3 years
One Wish
Jax Teller x Reader
Disclaimer: I do not own SOA or the song. Just the plot.
This little idea came to me the other day. I hope you guys like it!
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As a matter of fact I was the one who said I love you first.
It was about eight years ago don’t act like you don’t know. 
Y/n and Jax first laid eyes on each other in high school. Y/n was brand new to Charming and caught the blonde biker’s eyes walking through the halls in ripped jeans, combat boots, and a rock band t-shirt. Throughout high school, she became close to both Jax and Opie. Spent most of her time after school at TM. From day one her and Jax felt there was something other than just friendship between them. Hell, the club and school peers could see it. Many women tried to win over Jax, Tara Knowles included, but none of them could seem to catch his heart like y/n did. 
At one of the infamous Friday night parties, the two friends escaped up to the roof, for some time away from the rowdy men and women. By this point, Jax and Opie dropped out of school to prospect for the club. The two of them sat for awhile, just enjoying each other’s company. Jax being the first to break the silence, “so, you thought about what you are going to do after you graduate?”
Y/n thought for a minute. “I don’t know Jax. I know my family wants me to go to college, but I don’t know what I even want to do. Your mom has offered me to continue working in the office and tending the bar. Couple of the guys said they would teach me mechanics.”
Jax smirked, “they love having you around. You may not have grown up in the club, but you understand this life as if you did. I know it’s your choice but I know I would love to have you around more.”
Y/n smirked back and met his baby blue eyes, “what’re you saying, Jax?”
“I’m sayin’ I love you too much to let you go Darlin’.“
If I had one wish, you would be my boo
Promise to love you. Trust me I’ll trust you.
Y/n and Jax were married five years after the night he confessed his love for her. They didn’t have the easiest of relationships. The club had gone through a lot of shit in those years and theirr relationship was tested numerous times. In the end, y/n and Jax always pulled through. 
The wedding took place during one of the many lockdowns at the clubhouse. Y/n and Jax had been engaged for a few months. Both were sitting at the bar with Jax and Gemma, y/n looking around at all the family and friends gathered here. Gemma looked over at them and said, “so, have you guys set a date yet for the wedding?”
Jax was first to answer, “nah not yet. Been waiting for all the shit to die down. Not only have we had the Mayans starting pissing matches, the other charters have been going through shit.” Gemma nodded in agreement.
“What about now?” y/n said, breaking the silence. Both Gemma and Jax’s heads snapped to her.
“You mean like now? Here?” Jax asked.
Y/n shrugged her shoulders. “Why not? Our friends and family are all here. Chibs is ordained and could marry us. Nows as good as any. I don’t need some lavish wedding Jax. As long as I’m saying vows and kissing you at the end, I don’t care how it happens.”
Jax broke out into the biggest smile she had ever seen. He grabbed her face in his hands and gave her a passionate, and loving kiss. Gemma was beaming at the pair in front of her. She couldn’t have picked a better girl for her son than y/n. 
Jax separated from y/n and whistled, getting everyone’s attention, “hey everyone! Y/n and I decided that instead of waiting, we’re going to get married right here, right now. We love all of you so much and want you to be apart of our big day. So Chibs, you mind marrying me to my best friend?”
Everyone starting clapping and cheering for the couple. Chibs walked over and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “I would be honored brotha.”
The rest of the night was spent celebrating y/n and Jax’s marriage biker style.
If I had one wish, we would run away
Making love all day. Have us a baby.
Three years had passed since the wedding and y/n picked up more hours at the office while Gemma took a step back. Clay was getting close to stepping down as president and the two wanted to have more free time to enjoy their “retirement”. Jax’s demands and time with the club had started to increase. Y/n knew it would happen, but it didn’t stop her from missing her husband. She made the best out of the time they were able to spend together.
She was sitting at the desk in the office, rubbing her temples to ease the headache she woke up with. Gemma walked in the door, “hey baby how are you feelin’?” For the past couple of weeks y/n hadn’t been feeling well. She was always nauseated and tired. The past few days she spent her mornings hunched over the toilet seat throwing up. 
“Awful. I haven’t been able to shake the nausea and the headache,” she replied leaning back in the chair.
Gemma looked at her for a second before replying, “when was the last time you had your period?”
Y/n’s head snapped up. “I don’t know, maybe a month ago? I think. I don’t actually rem... wait, you don’t think I might be pregnant do you?” Y/n replied.
“Only one way to find out,” Gemma reached into her purse and pulled out a  couple pregnancy tests. “I got these the other day at the store. Wouldn’t hurt to do them.”
Y/n grabbed the tests and headed towards the bathroom. A long three minutes later she was staring at all three tests bearing the same result: positive. 
Gemma let y/n take the rest of the day off and relax at home. She was happy Jax had been taking care of club business and hadn’t been at the shop that day. As soon as she got home, she was pacing back and forth, thinking about how she was going to tell him. Sure, they had talked about babies and how much they wanted kids. Any other time she would be ecstatic, but the club was going through shit and Jax already had enough on his plate. He had been getting home late at night and leaving before she woke up in the morning. She couldn’t think of the last time they shared a meal together. 
The rumble of a bike pulling into their driveway pulled y/n out of her thoughts. She turned around right as Jax was opening the door. He looked at her with a smile that quickly turned to a look of concern when he saw her face. “Hey darlin’, what’s going on? Are you okay?”
Y/n took a deep breath before answering. “You know how I’ve been feeling a little under the weather lately? Well I found out why. I’m pregnant Jax.”
Jax stood in shock. She could see various emotions flashing through his eyes; shock, confusion, fear, and happiness. “Wait, really? You’re serious, like hundred percent sure?” He asked, walking to her and cupping her face with one of his hands. 
“Yeah. I took three tests. They all came back positive.” Jax leaned down and gave her a hard kiss. He didn’t have to say anything else, the kiss conveyed everything.  
When they finally broke apart, he crouched down and lifted up her shirt, placing a few soft kisses on her stomach. Y/n ran her hands through his hair, eyes tearing up at her husband’s actions. 
He looked up at her and said, “you don’t know how happy you just made me.”
If I had one wish, I’ll make you my whole life.
Sitting on the picnic bench, Jax reflected on his life and how it’s turned out. He had no clue what he did to deserve the life he had. He looked across the lot where y/n was talking to his mom. She had their youngest child on her hip, the second oldest was playing with other kids in the play area, and his oldest was in the shop, learning how to work on cars with their uncles. Y/n was his rock in this life. She kept him grounded, always his support to lean on, always willing to help the club when she could. She never once tried to change him. Never once asked him to leave this life. She trusted him to turn the club around make it safer. Legitimate. And that’s what he did. 
If he had one wish, to go back and redo his life, he wouldn’t. Y/n, the kids, and the club were his whole life. He already has everything he could have ever wished for. 
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