#rogertaylor x oc
bulsara-babe · 5 years
First We See The Stars (QUEEN friendship fic & some Roger Taylor x OC )
Summary: We all know what happened when one art major and three science majors met. They formed a band and produced an eruption of art and music to be remembered for generations. (Also: a bunch of rabid fans for life.) Now, how would have things fared if we add a business major into the mix?
NOTE: OWN CHARACTER (OC) who is developed and who has her own arcs, focus on friendship-- a self insert for ya’ll who wants to be friends with Queen, slow burn romance, Planned Arcs, series, eventually planned to be LONG (lots of chapters, I hope?) So I’ve been nursing this baby since before the fanfictions have come out and the only ones I’ve read were Maylor smut (in old tumblr and ancient Queen websites), and what spawned from months of accumulated ideas, and a 100k word document for NOTES, is this. I hope, I REALLY HOPE, you like it! Please, give me a chance!  (Reblog, Comment and Like? Or just read!)
Warning: cursing, suggestions of sexual intercourse
IF LOUISA WAS BEING HONEST, it was really all her fault. Her father was being nice by sending her on light errands, things he thought she could ‘handle’.
Louisa pushed the plunger deep into the toilet bowl, as deep as the depths of her despair can get it and, with all her might, released.
The toilet water splashed straight into her face and she wailed in misery.
Of course, anyone thinking she couldn’t take on the big jobs for any reason is easily a detestable idea. She argued with her father for hours on end, and he gave in, finally giving her one of the more challenging tasks.
Her father, it turns out, had different ideas of what she meant by “the demanding jobs, the more adventurous ones, where I feel at least invigorated to move—these menial tasks are so dull and—”
She angrily threw ‘Lucifer’s stick’, which prompted more splashing, and, more shit on her face. Literally.
Louisa took a calm breath. She was a calm person, quiet in frustration and graceful in adversity, she was not like this. Not like this at all. But one look at the stick and the abolsutelydisgustinghumanshit that was on her face and she could do nothing but growl in the deepest contempt.
She picked up the stick again and wiped her sweaty face with her blouse.
This has got to be the lowest point in her life and it was just starting!
How could she have known her father’s definition of invigorating was running around to the orders of everyone and—and UNCLOGGING THE FREAKING LOO! A week in, and her father had her unclogging the loo. Life, huh?
If Louisa was being honest, she shouldn’t even be here. Ideally, she would have been far away, starting her budding business and showing off her brilliance. Or at least, she would have died trying.
But as life had it, her father was the “tour manager” (which she only knew existed now) to this band “Mott the Hopple” (haven’t heard of it, and honestly, wouldn’t want to). What she thought was a house she could stay in until she could start her business was actually a small van running around with a touring band.
She flushed, plunged, flushed and plunged at the mark of the intuition she gained throughout the whole ordeal.
Louisa was wet, unprepared and fuming. But when that toilet bowl gave that deep, resounding, and dare she say, beautiful sound, she had never felt so happy in her life.
Perhaps, unclogging this ungodly bowl for the first time was an achievement she could be proud of?
Louisa opened the stall and was grumbling at her own insanity.  There was still one more toilet and she was done. Finished. She’ll be enjoying both heaven and paradise in that pitiful van’s bathroom.
That was when she spotted a wide eyed blonde staring at her with surprise etched on her pretty face.
She stopped to acknowledge the blonde. “I think you’re in the wrong loo. Some gentleman forgot to flush the rest of himself when he left. What a piece of waste,” Louisa grumbled, grimacing at the quiet blond.
When she doesn’t seem to be responding, Louisa weakly waved her hand in dismissal, “Anyway, I’m obviously cleaning here. The women’s loo is at the other side.”
IF ROGER TAYLOR WAS BEING HONEST, he thought there was a couple doing the deed in stall number three. And he would have left, then and there, after he was relieved, of course.
But instead of the expected moaning and, ah, begging, he heard a couple of high-pitched shrieks of frustration (?), scandalized gasps here and there which he swear belongs to a (very angry) woman’s, and the livid call of “Lucifer’s stick”.
Maybe, maybe, the deed wasn’t going so well. And he should probably be leaving now, because even though this is the seventies and the world is wide and wild, he wouldn’t want to stay here enough to be called a voyeur, a peeping tom, deprived (he was not, he was… well supplied). Especially since the band’s been getting quite a bigger fan-base now that they’re touring with Mott the Hopple.
When he heard the consecutive flushing and splashing of water though, he began to doubt his initial thoughts.
What the devil is happening there? Lucifer’s stick? It isn’t what I thought it was?
He couldn’t stop himself. He peaked underneath and found one pair of feet in black and expensive looking sandals. Upon further inspection, he also found that the floor is wet.
And then inside proclaimed, in a triumphant tone this time, “God heeds those who wield his sword! But this time it’s Lucifer’s STICK! AHAHAH!”
Roger heard the stall door opening and he whipped his body back, standing rigid just in time for the person to reveal herself.
She was wet. Literally. Her posh blouse and skirt were splashed everywhere with toilet water, and her brown hair was sticking to her face with sweat. Or something he didn’t want to think. On her left hand is—ah, this must be Lucifer’s stick.
Before he could speak, a teasing reference to her stick and all the grunting she did inside, she had beaten him and said:
“I think you’re in the wrong loo. Some gentleman forgot to flush the rest of himself when he left. What a piece of waste,” she grumbled and then looked at him for a long time; as if they were having a connection he couldn’t understand—wait, the WRONG LOO?! What the hell does she think—
Roger was ready to show her, that, no, he wasn’t in the wrong loo, in fact, he belongs here with his Lucifer’s stick—he might even show her if she wanted—
But then she had already dismissed him, leaving as she exhaustedly mutters, “Anyway, I’m obviously cleaning here. The women’s loo is at the other side.”
Roger is not a man who gives up. In fact, he is a man who persists in the face of failure and even death. While he would have blown her off at that moment, he believed, and he truly believed this, that people, especially pretty women, deserved second chances.
And so he smiled it off.
“Miss, I think you’re mistaken.”
She stopped on her way to the stall at the end of the loo and turned back at him, surprised. “Oh! Is the loo on the other side unavailable? I’m pretty sure it was alright when I checked i—”
“No, s’alright. What I mean was,” Roger paused, the woman gave him an encouraging nod, “I have a Lucifer’s dick.”
“I MEANT—I have a Lucifer’s stick as well!”
“You… want to help me clean the toilet?” she asked warily.
Roger would have slapped his face right at this moment if he weren’t too busy correcting himself, “No, what I meant by that was, I have a Lucifer’s—” Fuck it with the Lucifer metaphor! He let out an exasperated sigh, “I’m a man, alright?!”
It was embarrassing. It was already enough for men to catcall him in the streets or try to pick him up in the bar, but it was at least understandable because it was usually dark. This was in broad daylight, and while he was agonizing on the ways to bury this memory forever, the bird decided to chirp.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought you just had a really raspy voice… um, mister…”
“Roger,” he grinned instead, “Roger Taylor.”
The woman smiled as much as one could when submerged in what seemed like toilet water, and then nodded, “I’m Louisa, uh, Louisa, um, Blanc,” she finished with furrowed eyebrows.
Roger ignored that look and sauntered towards her, “Let me help you out with that then.” As he was grabbing her plunger, Louisa tightened her grip on the stick and then smiled again. This time it looked forced.
“No, I’m alright Mr. Taylor, you don’t have to do anything.”
“Oh, but I do,” Roger successfully stole the plunger and headed straight for the last stall. Louisa followed.
“Really, Mr. Taylor, it’s alright. I implore you to stop.”
A plunge to the bowl.
“Roger. Call me Roger. I don’t want to sound like an old accountant.”
“Um, yes, Roger. Please stop, this is my job, Mr. Williams will get mad—”
“No he won’t. He won’t know.”
Another plunge. This seems to be harder than he thought. How did she get that beautiful sound from earlier?
Did he just call the sound of a toilet beautiful? This whole affair must be forgotten and buried on the ground after it is burned from the depths of his memory.
Really, if it were anyone, they’d be weeping in joy for someone as handsome as him to help them with their manual work. She just looked snappy.
Louisa began tapping her classy heels, having put her hair into a low ponytail to get out of the way. In hindsight, he should be wondering why a woman in clothes like those was even here bothering with the toilets. Usually, she’d be the one ordering others to do the work.
Such is the world.
When Roger failed yet again, after many plunges, to submerge the damn faeces, Louisa began to walk forward.
“You should pour the bucket of water—” Roger took the bucket and poured it as she said, “NO! It should be at this angle!” And then stopped midway when she grabbed the bucket from him.
“Why don’t you just let me work this out on my own? You should be glad I’m helping you—”
“Well I’m not, okay, Mr. Taylor?” She snapped, “Let me do this.”
When he didn’t move, Louisa slowly released a breath. If he hadn’t interfered, she would have been in heaven right now. But he just so decided to be a knight in shining sneakers (he was wearing a pink glittery one) and wasted her time.
She decided that, if she wanted this done, she had to fight for it.
And so she did.
Louisa forcibly took back her Lucifer’s stick and pushed him out of the way, feeling a little bad, but ultimately not caring because she was already suffering from the beginning.
He was just in a bad place at the wrong time.
“Hey! You don’t have to be such a bitch!”
“Well you don’t have to be such a wanker!”
Roger glared at her, oh she was getting it. She. Was. Getting. It.
First she calls him a woman and then she pushes him after his valiant offer? What a woman!
Roger took the plunge and submerged it and then released, as fast as he could while blocking the angry woman. He then took the bucket of water, and poured it all on the toilet. For extra measure, he even pushed the lever down a few times.
And it gave that beautiful sound.
The water never receded.
In fact.
It was getting higher and higher.
As Louisa was getting up, her skirt wetter than ever, and her dignity as low as a rat on the sewers, she heard a rumbling sound that promised hell instead of heaven.
She pushed him away and hissed, “What did you do?!”
Roger was getting paler by the second. He looked at Louisa and squeaked in that infuriating voice, “I think I overdid it a notch.” He turned to the toilet and stared at the rumbling bowl before he stared at Louisa who was twitching in indefinite anger, “You know, this certain characteristic of mine exceeds that of the toilet and straight into the bedr—”
Before he could finish his last words, and before Louisa could punch the first man she would ever take pleasure in punching, the toilet bowl gave its last grumble and shot out everything they had been trying to contain.
The dirty (“Shit!”) water spewed out everywhere. The ceiling was dripping with water and the floor was slowly being flooded.
Roger and Lou stared at each other in wide-eyed panic.
They had to stop this or else the tour manager will have their heads!
Roger’s share from the concert would be deducted and he can’t have that!
“Okay! We just have to stop this— WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?!”
Roger was taking the water head on; he ducked under the toilet tank near the floor and was looking for something. When he couldn’t find it, he stood up and hastily removed the toilet tank lid, putting his hand somewhere inside the tank and immediately ending the overflowing water. But the spraying water was still jetting everywhere.
“Here, hold this! Don’t let go until I say so.” Louisa warily approached Roger, sidestepping the direction the water was gushing towards.
“And what… are you going to do?!”
He ducked again, soaking the entirety of his bell bottoms, and turned a knob that nestled behind a tight spot between the wall and the toilet.
It took him a few minutes before the water finally stopped. By this time, both of them were already dripping wet—Louisa’s designer blouse and skirt, and Roger’s blue button-up shirt and bell bottoms— with the water three inches deep into their shoes.
Louisa almost cried.
Roger whistled.
“This was an adventure.”
From behind Roger, a growl of deep primal resentment resounded, and it only gave him a few seconds before Louisa, the mad woman, starting slapping him with her hand.
“WHAT. DID. YOU. DO. YOU. BASTARD! I worked so hard in cleaning the whole bathroom—I had to endure three men taking the loo while I was a few feet from them and I had to clean the god forsaken toilet from stall three—” Much slapping, Lou took a deep breath, on the verge of crying but not quite, “AND YOU COME IN HERE, THINKING ‘Oh what a GENTLEMAN I MUST BE TO HELP THIS WOMAN’ who NEVER NEEDED YOUR HELP—TELL ME, what did you think would come out of this?!”
Louisa collapsed on a pile of misery, thinking where her life might have gone wrong when Roger tapped her shoulder. She glared at him from the floor.
“Look, I’m sorry alright? I was only trying to help, geez. It was you who forced my hand—and, before you say anything else, I really think we should clean up first.”
“Yeah, I’ll be cleaning up alright.” She stood up and made to grab the nearest mop.
“No, I meant, we have to clean ourselves up. I have somewhere to go and a lot of things to do, some of whom you might be acquainted with, but I won’t be leaving you here.”
Louisa squinted at him, “Are you suggesting I leave this hellhole as it is?” Roger nodded, “You’re mad! Mr. Williams will have my head, and it might not look like it right now but want to live. And if you want to live as well, you’ll help me, because by God, I’m telling on you.”
Roger groaned and dismissed her, annoyed, “I have people who owe me. They could help.”
Wet and miserable. That was how Roger and Louisa exited the loo at the middle of the hallway.
Louisa put a sign that said, “Out of Order” before trudging behind Roger.
People were giving them looks. Not just looks, they were grinning and snickering and God-forbid thinking something else that shouldn’t be thought of between her and this man.
Before she could ask, scandalized, Roger stopped in front of a lazy looking man who was letting a puff of smoke out.
The man named Ratty turned from his trance and looked at them through his shades, “Wot.”
“Remember Jessica? The one a few concerts ago, with the red dress and the black hair?”
Ratty grinned, almost dreamily, “Yeah,” then he paused as if reliving a sweet memory from yesterday, “Best I’ve ever shagged. Thanks to you.”
Roger grinned. Louisa’s face contorted in disgust. She grabbed Roger and whispered angrily, “What the heck are you trying to do? Are you trying to sell me to this man? Who do you thin—”
The blond bimbo just condescendingly stared at her and put his arms up, “Just. Let me handle this.”
“Well, you see Ratty, I had a certain accident earlier with this, uh,” he looked sideways at Louisa who was impatiently stomping her foot, “lovely woman,” he nervously looked back at Ratty, smiled and said, “and I’d love it if you cleaned it up for me.”
“Oh sure, sure. What is it? A dangerous affair? A cat fight? Would I be breaking up with you girl Jill—”
“No, no, no, no, no. God, no. What I meant was,” he was saying this a lot today, “literally cleaning. Can you clean the men’s loo at the hallway? The one with the sign. Please? I have to get her somewhere to get cleaned.”
“Alright man! I can do it. Just, when you have someone as good as, or even better than Jessica, you know who to call.”
Roger grinned and then nodded. He then watched Ratty walk towards the hell zone. Louisa was snapping behind him.
“And where do you intend to get me cleaned? I barely know this area and I can’t go back to my place looking like this. My father will get mad!”
Roger took one sufferable sigh before nodding to the direction of his hotel room.
To anyone who wants to be tagged! Please tell me in the comments section!
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immiesradio-blog · 5 years
You’re My Best Friend ~ Roger Taylor x OC 7.1
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Chapter 7.1
September 1968 Barbara's P.O.V
"Here, I've got you breakfast," I hear Stella mumble, her voice was faded and quiet as I had still not woken up yet physically from the night before, "Barb."
My eyes flickered and blinked quickly, opening my eyes and seeing a blurry, kind of disfigured Stella standing over my bed with a tray of food. Her hand reached towards me and lightly shook me until my eyes widened, "Stella!"
"What? I was just waking you up," she explains, laughing a little when she sees my unamused facial expression, "With food."
I can't help but smile a little at her kindness, "Thank you, I'm sorry, I had quite the night last night."
She placed the tray of breakfast on my lap as I sat myself up so that my back was resting against the head board. Stella then took a seat at the foot of my bed, lifting her feet up onto the bed, "I can tell."
Silence took over as I remembered the events of last night, seeing Roger again for the first time in years. I thought that maybe it had been some silly dream, but I now knew that it wasn't. I felt consumed by confusion, happiness, nervousness, terror, all of these emotions took over me as I thought about the idea of being able to talk to him again, but I was also in a state of panic due to the fact that I was very sure that he had forgotten about me. I wanted to talk to him, to hug him, to forget about our petty fight, that stupid argument, but what if he didn't feel the same if I confronted him? I'm pretty sure I'd lock myself in my own wardrobe and stay there for the rest of my life.
I just wanted my best friend back.
"Barb? God you're all shook up, what happened last night?" I can hear Stella worry about me, leaning forward as she places a hand on my arm, "I'm worried about you, you came back so early last night."
I frowned, looking down at the tray of food on my lap, avoiding any kind of eye contact that would give anything away, I also shook my head quickly, "I'm fine, Stel, it's okay."
"It's not, you can talk to me, you know that right?" She asks as she reaches for the tray, moving it off of my lap and placing it beside me, "You're not fine."
I stayed silence, keeping my eyes on my fidgety fingers beginning to grow uncomfortable about the lack of response or words from Stella, "Tell me, please."
I let out a groan, defeated as I begrudgingly places my hand over my forehead, "Fine, fine, I- er, I saw him."
She squinted her eyes at me, extremely perplexed, "You're not making sense. You saw who?"
I rolled my eyes, "Roger."
"Who's Roger?" She asks, still with the same confused expression on her face, leaning further forward.
I groan again in annoyance, not wanting to go into further depth about the guy, it was not something that I was willing to talk about at all, "Stella, I've told you about him, remember? The day I went on that date with Freddie. My old best friend? The argume-,"
Her mouth comforts into an 'O' shape, her eyes widening, "Him?!"
"Why are you upset? That's amazing?" She asks, a smile broke out onto her face as she grins, "This could be a great opportunity for you."
"I-, I don't kno-,"
"what do you mean you don't know? Can you imagine the amounts of people who have lost their best friends to you know, something like death?" She explains, her face becoming serious, "Some people don't have the chance to rekindle with a loved one, let alone speak to them."
She was right, very right and I couldn't deny it whatsoever, so I agreed, nodding as I grabbed a pillow and held it in front of my face, head butting it, "I know, I know," I reply in a defeated tone.
"Is there anyway you'd be able to see him again, talk to him?" She asks, her voice raising in pitch, hoping for the best, "How did you even end up seeing him in the first place?"
I raise my eyebrows, thinking aback, still in disbelief at the coincidence of seeing him again, and the connection that had been made by Freddie with Roger, "Well, er, he's the drummer in the band that Freddie has been talking about for months, and he also just so happens to be friends with Freddie, the other person working at the stall."
"Jesus Barbara, you couldn't get more of a perfect scenario," she replies, a smile forming on her lips as she begins to giggle.
"What's so funny?" I say, trying to keep a straight face, but becoming amused at how funny she looked.
"I- I don't kn-know, maybe j-ust the fact th-at he has been p-practically under you-r nose this - wh-whole time," she lets out in small fits of giggles, her hand pressed against her chest, "Wow."
"Wow indeed."
"We must go to the stall immediately!" She suddenly squeals, standing up on the bed and jumping up and down.
"No, no, no, not today!" I shout, reaching for the tray of food next to me, holding onto it to stop it from ripping off of the bed.
She groans, falling onto the bed, "Why not?"
"I don't know, I just, I need a day to cool down," I reply, letting go of the tray and steadying myself.
"Tomorrow?" She asks, her eyes widening. I loved how supportive she was of me, how thoughtful and interested she was of my life and my happiness, "We need to go anyway, I miss Mary and Fred, additionally, money to pay for rent."
I exhale, "Tomorrow."
She squealed excitedly, clenching her fists, trying to keep the happiness from bursting out of her. For the first time I smiled to myself, trying to think positively about talking to Roger after not seeing him properly in so long.
For the rest of that morning I had been psyching myself up for reuniting with him tomorrow and had tried not to think about a certain possibility that when he'd see me, he may be angry and ignore me, or worse, he may just not recognise me at all.
Me and Stella had received an unexpected visit from Freddie today too, he wanted to make sure that I was okay after my sudden exit out of the bar last night.
"Me and Barbara would like to come to the stall tomorrow, if that's okay?" I hear Stella ask Freddie from the kitchen as I sat down beside the radio, listening to the latest news.
"Of course, Mary would be delighted, she misses you dearly," I hear Freddie say, and their voices become more distinct and clear as they appear at the door frame, walking into the room with grins on their faces, "I'm sure my new friend will be just as delighted too."
My face flushed as Stella glanced at me knowingly, "Likewise."
"Are you perfectly sure that you are okay there Barbara dear?" Freddie asks, snapping me out of the bubble that I had created, just me and the radio next to me.
"Oh yes, I'm okay Fred," I answer him, my voice a little more high pitched than usual at the sudden question, he didn't look too convinced, "How has Mary been? I haven't seen her at Beba recently."
He waited a few seconds to reply, taking a sip of the coffee that he and Stella had made, "She was a little under the weather."
"Poor thing, I've missed her."
Freddie motioned for me to sit in the space between him and Stella, who was lighting herself up a cigarette. I rolled my eyes playfully as I picked myself up and walked over to the two of them, dropping myself onto the space in between the two of them, causing them to jump up slightly.
"Silly creature you are," Freddie mumbles, "You had me worried sick last night."
"You don't need to worry Fred, I told you, I suddenly felt a little sick," I lie, but my tone stays serious as I keep a straight face, but I could hear Stella giggle lowly at my response towards him.
"Hm, okay," he mutters, leaning away from me so that he could take a good look at me, "Just making sure."
I offered him a cigarette as an attempt at an apology, or the start of one. He gladly took it and reached for the lighter on the coffee table in front of the three of us.
We all sat back as far as we could, staring up at the ceiling, "How's the band going?"
"It's okay, taking a small break, Design has been a fuckwit."
"Boy same, you're not lying."
Freddie didn't stay too long after that, we were all feeling extremely tired even though me and Stella didn't really have a valid reason to be. He hugged the both of us at the same time, tightly, grinning as he did so, "I love you both too much and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow."
"Until then Fred," I reply as I follow him towards the front door, he quickly pressed a friendly kiss to my check before leaving the apartment.
"Right, are you ready to leave for class, Stella?" I ask her, peaking my head into the living room.
She immediately turned her head to look up at me, her brows furrowed and her eyes squinted, "I thought we weren't going there today," referring to uni.
"We haven't got anything else planned at all have we?"
She replied with a shake of her head, "No, not anymore."
"Well then, let's get some work done."
Tomorrow soon became today, last night I had found it hard to fall asleep, thinking too much about Roger and what was to happen when I see him, if it were to be a joyful moment, or a horrific one. My head wandered to the wild times that we had shared as young teenagers on the beach and dancing to the radio, what I'd give to turn back time and live one of those days all over again. I smiled to myself, beginning to think more positively, perhaps this was where me and Roger's friendship would unpause and play. These were the thoughts that helped me fall into a deep sleep as nervous jitters course through my body.
"Wake the fuck up Ba-ba! It's your time to shine baby!" I wake up to Stella's squealing in the morning, she rolls forward onto my bed, bouncing herself until I was sitting up and hitting her repetitively with my pillow.
"Fuck off!" I shout, laughing and snorting at the same time, pushing her off of the bed before lying back down, "How dare you interrupt my beauty sleep."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I know how much you need that, ugly!" She groans, holding herself up as she jumps onto my bed again, "Just kidding!"
I hold myself up on my elbows, "You better be."
"I swear, now get up," she replies, reaching for one of the pillows that I had thrown at her before before chucking it back at me, hitting my head.
"Fine," I say, "I suppose you're helping me with my outfit today then?"
"You bet your ass I am, I'm going to grab something for you," she states, smirking as she leaves the room before running back in around seven minutes later with a tight dress.
"Wait- Stella, no, can I pick my outfit this time please?" I ask, silently praying to the gods above, putting on a fake frown and attempting to look cute in order to get my way.
She practically growls, "Fine, but I have to approve of it."
In the end, the outfit that I had picked out which had been approved by her and myself, it was simple, a pink top with a purple patterned skirt, purple tights, a navy jacket to go over the top along with knee-high black boots. Stella ended up doing my hair, pulling it up into a neat bun before taking a step backwards, "You look so stunning, I'm jealous. I really need to get myself ready now."
I looked myself a few times more in the body length mirror that me and Stella had managed to pay for one month where everything was much less stressful. I smiled at my appearance, this was just a normal outfit I'd wear day to day maybe, the skirt was one of my favourite items of clothing that I owned overall. Almost looking forward to leaving for Kensington, I really wanted to get this over with and get there in order to rid the nervousness that I was feeling at the tension building, the thought of seeing him.
"Can you hurry up?!" I call out after about fifteen minutes of waiting, "I'm practically a skeleton at this point."
Very soon after, she waltzed our of her room, mumbling something along the lines of 'drama queen' as she reaches for her handbag which was hanging by her coat, "Here's your satchel," she says, handing over my pastel pink smallish bag before taking her own and placing the strap over her shoulder.
I quickly checked through my bag, making sure that I had everything with me, keys, cigarettes, some extra ones for Freddie and Mary in case they didn't have any, money and a whole lot of bravery, because I needed much of that.
"Let's go," Stella says, opening up the apartment door and waiting a little to the side in order for to walk past her so that she could lock the door, "And you know the address don't you?"
"Yes, got it all memorised, don't you worry," I reply, stepping quickly down the two little steps in front of our apartment door.
"You sure?"
"Very sure, I've got an astoundingly good memory Stel, now keep me occupied with some entertaining stories, or I'm going to shit myself," I explain as she catches up with me, her footsteps as quick as mine.
"Calm the fuck down, he's not going to kill you."
"But what if he wants to?"
"He's your best friend Barb, and you're his best friend, why on earth would he want to murder you?" I hear her ask as we reach our nearby bus stop, kicking at the floor a little to calm myself down a bit more.
"I can think of one thing for sure."
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
you’re ours now
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(hope whoever submitted this likes it!!! took forever cuz such bad writers block so im sorry if its not as good!!! ily all sm ALSO the first line gave me major 50 shades vibes and i laughed so hard while rereading the thing lmaooo) 
Word Count: 2,856
“Mr. Taylor will see you now.” 
Nervous was an understatement. You couldn't believe that your application as an assistant for the Roger Taylor actually got accepted. You couldn’t believe it when your phone rang and you were told to come in for an interview. You had never been an assistant before and you weren’t entirely sure what the job holds. All you know is that you’re sat in a lobby with your best dress on and your legs shaking beyond belief. The moment the receptionist called out your name, you almost lost your breath. This was it. It’s all or nothing. 
“Right this way.” says the beautiful blonde as she walks you to a double set of wide doors. 
Her heels click on the floor and for some reason, that almost makes you more nervous. You straighten up your hair as she opens the doors widely and turns to smile at you. 
“Here we are.” 
You thank her quickly as you step inside a large room with huge windows that reveal the busy city down below. There’s a desk towards the back of the room with Roger sitting at it. He’s looking at his computer while typing away. You walk up all of the way and nervously tuck some hair behind your ear. Roger catches sight of you as he leans against his chair and finally catches your glare. He smiles for a moment before it drops suddenly. 
“Hi, Mr. Taylor,” you start as you hold out your hand for him to shake. “My names y/n y/l/n. It’s so nice to meet you.” 
Roger quickly stands up and straightens out his shirt. He smiles and reaches his hand out to shake yours. 
“Please, call me Roger. It’s very nice to meet you, Miss y/l/n.” 
“Please, call me y/n.” you say with a grin. 
Roger lightly laughs as he keeps his eyes glued to you. He couldn’t believe just how beautiful you are. He was at a loss for words, but had to force himself to speak. You didn’t even need to have an interview. The moment he laid eyes on you, you already had the job. 
You just didn’t know.
1 Month Later
Work was insane today. Although you work closely with Roger and are practically by his side all of the time, it was hectic and fast. The works on a new movie he’s working on was taking up all of his time. Today was especially busy and hectic though. Today he was meeting the man who would portray him in the movie. It was a big moment for him and even Roger was nervous. 
He was sat in his dressing room as he waited for the makeup artist to come in and touch up the onscreen makeup he had on. He was sitting there with his leg bouncing like crazy as he keeps checking the watch on his wrist. 
“Where the bloody hell is she!?” he asks as he looks around. 
You’re sat on a couch on the other side of the room and watch at how frustrated he’s getting. You stand up slowly and hold your notebook close to you as you walk up. 
“Roger?” you quietly ask, causing him to look over. 
He smiles sweetly as you walk up closer - his demeanor totally changing. 
“Um, I know my way around makeup. I worked as a makeup artist for a few years before starting here and, well, if you’d like me to do the touch ups… I can.” 
You were still nervous around him as you watch his eyes light up at your request. Roger sits up straighter and nods. 
“I would greatly appreciate that, y/n. Thank you.” he says all excited. 
You smile sweetly and place your notebook down. You rummage through the makeup desk and find exactly what you need. You grab a small brush and a color that matches Roger’s complexion. You stand in front of him and lean in close. Your eyes lock with his as you freeze for a moment, the two of you just admiring one another. Roger smiles even wider as you look away and feel your face burn. You look back to him and begin going to work. Roger’s eyes are glued to you as you attempt to concentrate. 
“I love your eyes.” Roger say quietly. 
You pause and look to him, your heart speeding. You smile and blush even harder. 
“Thank you.” you almost whisper.
You finish up your makeup duties as you lower your hand and admire your work. 
“All done.” you whisper as you smile. 
Before you can walk away, Roger reaches out and grabs your hand. He doesn’t let go as you face him once more. He pulls you towards him and you allow it. Your breathing picks up as he scans your eyes. 
“Thank you.” he tells you.
“You’re more than welcome. Just trying to help.” 
“And I appreciate it.” 
Roger’s hand is gently rubbing tiny circles on yours. It makes your skin tingle and your stomach to flip flop. You should lean away from Roger, but you don’t. Instead, he’s leaning in as his eyes gaze to your lips. Anyone could walk in at any moment, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was the moment Roger’s lips touch yours. You never thought this would happen, but to your greatest surprise, it is. Your eyes flutter close as Roger pulls you closer against him. 
Your hands find their way to his neck as his rest on your lower back. The kiss speeds up until you’re both out of breath. Suddenly, there’s a loud knock at the door and the two of you pull away fast. You bring your fingers to your lips and graze them. Roger clears his throat before telling whoever it is to come in. The door opens up and inside walks the makeup artists. She looks so apologetic. 
“Mr. Taylor, I am so sorry for being late.” 
Roger is no longer upset about her tardiness. He can't get rid of the smile on his face as he shakes his head and gently laughs. 
“Believe me, it’s fine. It worked out perfectly.” he says as he looks to you with a smile. 
You couldn’t help but return one as you bite your lip. 
“He’s here!” someone shouts as you sit next to Roger and await the arrival of the man who’s going to portray him. 
Roger and you keep glancing at one another and laughing as you try to keep what just happened between the two of you a secret. As you’re looking at each other, the door opens up and in walks someone. You look over and spot a young, handsome guy enter. He smiles to the person that holds the door for him and thanks them. Roger stands up and you do the same. The guy spots you two and freezes for a moment. He swallows hard as he looks to you and grins. You smile back and look away fast. The casting for this movie was spot on after meeting him. You look to Roger and his eyes are glowing as he reaches out to shake his hand. 
“Hi, Mr. Taylor. I’m Ben Hardy. It’s such an honor to meet you.” 
Roger smirks and looks to you, then back to him. 
“Honor is all mine, Ben. This is my assistant, y/n.” he says sweetly as Ben looks back to you. 
He smiles and looks you up and down, before realizing what he’s doing. 
“Oh, nice to meet you, y/n.” 
Your heart was thumping as Roger and Ben begin talking about anything and everything. The connection the three of you have was out of this world. You were somehow drawn into the conversation as you laughed along with them. You’re all sat on the couch as you sit a little too close to Roger, something Ben noticed. You felt this feeling deep down in your stomach and you couldn’t understand it. You looked to Roger and Ben and felt something odd. What you didn’t know was that Ben and Roger felt the same exact way. 
2 Weeks Later 
You and Roger were spending so much time with Ben, you practically felt like you already knew him. You knew his interests, his life story and vice versa. Filming for the movie hadn’t started yet. The plan was to have Ben learn as much as he could from Roger, which meant spending almost every waking moment with him - which you weren’t bothered by. 
That kiss you had with Roger wasn’t just a one time thing either. Every so often, you find yourself in his hotel bed - naked limbs tangled together. It was like a dream come true. One particular night in his bed, Roger had decided to bring something up.  
“So,” he starts as he rubs your arm. “What do you think of Ben?” 
You’re taken aback by his question as you look up to him and narrow your eyes. 
“I think he’s kind and funny. Why?” you ask suspiciously. 
Roger just shrugs and stares up at the ceiling. 
“Do you find him...attractive?” he asks randomly. 
You almost laugh by his question as you sit up on your elbows. 
“You’re really asking me that?” you giggle. 
“Yes really.” says Roger as he looks back to you, a sly smile playing at his lips. 
“Well… I mean… He’s not ugly.” you say, trying to make sure you don’t set off something. 
Roger smirks as you speak. 
“Why?” you tease as you lean in and kiss him on the cheek. “Do you find him attractive?” you joke. 
Roger smiles and looks away as he stretches. 
“I do actually.” he says, catching you off guard. 
“Do you?” you ask, watching him closely. “Then… I find him attractive too.”
“Perhaps we should invite him out for dinner tomorrow?” purrs Roger as his hand runs down your side. 
Your skin tingles as you bite your lip and nod - finally understanding what he’s getting at. 
“Perhaps we should.” 
The Next Day 
“I have to make a phone call, so why don’t you go ask Ben about tonight.” 
You were nervous about Roger’s request, but you can’t say no to him. He smirks as he watches you narrow your eyes to him and turn around to walk towards Ben. He’s sat on the sofa in the lounge room, his phone in his hands. He’s scrolling through something as he stares at it intensely. You make your way up to him and clear your throat. You were horrible at things like this. Your nerves always got the best of you, but you had a feeling that you’d do fine. Ben hears you and looks up fast, lowering his phone. His eyes go bright as he smiles to you. 
“Hey, y/n.” he says sweetly. 
You smile and feel your face beginning to turn pink. 
“Hey, Ben. I had a question for you.” 
You find yourself sitting next to him. He turns to face you and his attention was all yours.
“Would you, possibly, like to, maybe, have dinner with Rog and I tonight?” you ask, finding yourself stuttering a bit. 
Ben notices and smiles at how cute he finds you. His eyes glance over to Roger, who’s on the phone and looking over at the two of you for a moment. He raises his eyebrows and smiles before turning around. Ben looks back to you and his eyes narrow a bit. He leans in to you - causing you to do the same. 
“Can I ask you something?” he asks, his voice low. 
You nod and are curious. 
“Are you and Rog… Ya know… A thing?” 
You lean back and weren’t expecting that. 
“Oh,” you say fast, trying to find the right words to say. “Um, well, I’m not sure how to answer that at the moment. I guess you could say it’s complicated.” 
Ben smiles as he stares at you, his jaw tensing a bit. His hand moves forward and gently grazes over yours. 
“I like complicated.” he says, his voice low once more - causing your stomach to flip. “And I’d love to have dinner with you two.” 
All through dinner, the three of you laughed and talked about everything. Not one moment did it feel awkward at all. It’s as if the three of you had known each other all of your lives. The chemistry was definitely there - you all could feel it. 
“This was absolutely delicious. Thank you so much for inviting me! I always enjoy being around you two.” says Ben with a smile. 
“We love it too. Don’t we, y/n?” asks Roger. 
Just then, Roger’s hand slips under the table and slides up your thigh. You swallow hard and jerk a bit, causing Ben to watch you sternly. Nobody could see Roger’s hand, but they could definitely see the odd look on your face. 
“Oh!” you gasp. “Yes, we love it.” you say, trying to cover up your sudden burst of excitement. 
Roger smirks to you and raises a brow, telling you that you know what to do next. He pauses his hand movement in order for you to speak properly. 
“Would you like to come back to Roger’s place with us?” you ask suddenly. “I can make us all coffee.” 
Ben leans back against his chair and smirks. He looks between the two of you and nods. 
“I’d love nothing more.” 
A perfectly innocent cup of coffee turned into something more. You all were standing around Roger’s room with the glasses in your hand. 
“Would anyone like anything stronger than coffee?” Roger jokes as he pulls out some liquor. 
You and Ben both say yes as you laugh. You sip on the drink as Roger then pops on some music. Ben and Roger are stood close as they are talking about something you can’t hear. You’re staring at them as you practically drool. You’re not sure where this sudden burst of confidence came from, but it’s here. You sit your drink down and stare at Roger until you walk up to him. He’s in mid sentence as you grab his face and place your lips on his. The kiss is hot and fast as he moans against you, caught off guard completely. Ben’s stood there as his eyes go wide. His pants begin to get a little too tight and he’s suddenly embarrassed. He can’t break his eyes away from you. 
You lean away and smile as Roger catches his breath. You nod your head slightly and Roger knew exactly what you were referring to. He smirks and nods back. You bite your lip and turn around quickly and walk up to Ben. You grab his head and pull him in. Ben goes with it and the two of you are kissing as well. You slip your tongue into his mouth and that’s when he was practically melting. You both pull away and smile to one another. Just then, Ben looks up to Roger and they lock eyes. You stand back as you watch Roger walk up and do the same exact action you had just done. Their lips lock and it felt like you were in a dream and didn’t want to wake up. You bite your lip as they pull away and suddenly they’re both staring at you. They looked hungry and needed more - which is exactly what you were going to give them both. 
6 am was nearing as the 3 of you cuddle together in bed. You had your head on Roger’s chest as he rubbed your arm. Ben was curled up behind you as Roger soothingly runs his hand through his hair, causing Ben to smile. You were almost asleep when you feel the bed dip down. You slowly open them and look over to Ben as he slowly searches for his clothes. You sit up on your elbows and watch him with a confused look. 
“And where do you think you’re going?” you ask, your voice laced with exhaustion. 
Ben looks to the both of you. He looks like a deer in the headlights. 
“Oh, um… It was getting early and I was going to try to catch a cab before it gets too busy…” he trails off. 
You raise a brow and look to Roger and then back to Ben. 
“Get back in bed.” you order him in a stern tone. 
Ben’s face softens as he looks to Roger for reassurance. 
“You heard the lady.” says Rog, placing an arm behind his head.
Ben slightly smiles as he looks down and drops his clothes. He slowly walks over and slides back under the covers. You turn to face him and gently cup his face with your hand. 
“You’re ours now.” you whisper, causing Ben to turn red and smile. 
You lean in and gently kiss him. He melts against you as he runs his hand up your hip. You pull away and smile as you run your finger against his bottom lip. You feel Roger turn to spoon you as he kisses your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” he whispers. “What she said.” 
Tag List: @roger-bang-the-drum​ @sj-thefan​ @marianaletosnape​ @green-queen-17​ @brianssixpence​ @maggieroseevans​ @im-in-love-with-roger-taylor​ @sonic-volcano​ @oxuminaa​ @literatureandqueen​ @lainkaulait​ @myinterpretati0n​
Perm Tag List: @loudxxstar @iambuckyrogers @babebenhardy @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeakyjazzyjoe @sheridans-dynamos @bethany-cc @onexlittlespark @idontbelievethiss @having-a-freddie-time @denimmay @bensrhapsody @manuosorioh @writing-in-hell @cupcakehardy @toms-irish-girl @a-kind-of-magik @thesecondlastjedi @dianamarie-has-a-blog @ezmina98 @finnbalortrash21 @frostedsugarcookiemint @yourealegendroger @popcrone818 @wronglanemendes @sj-thefan @borhapqueen92 @httpfandxms @haileylansley @arrozsocarrat @quirkydeaky @vanitysfairr @rogmeddows @loveandbeloved29 @vousmemanqueez @hearts-to-the-sky @shewantsthe-youngamerican @sherlollydramoine @culturefiendtrashqueen @mamiigg @drowseoftaylor @hissom1933 @roger-bang-the-drum @rromanovv @benders-diamond-earring @its-a-kind-of-magic-20 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @psychosupernatural @im-just-a-musical-prostitute​ @shelby1baby @shesakillerquueennn​ @renaissanceflower @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @a19103​ @musicalrogertaylor
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
Truth or Dare, Part 3
Ben Hardy x OC (original character)
Summary: Ben and Jane have been friends since they were eleven years old. They’ve shared secrets, their sorrows and happiness, but there is something they have never confessed to each other - and it’s their love.
Warnings: strong language (again, yuh), mentions of alcohol, drunken behavior, smoking, a bit of angst (ummm yeah it is there somewhere), author’s spelling mistakes (spoiler: spelling’s not the only one mistake hehe)
A/n: i do not own any of the gifs. credit to the owners uwu
also this and some next chapters are flashbacks, and that’s why they’re in the past tense. 
love y’all. hope you enjoy!!
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Ten years ago.
A month had passed since Naomi ‘outed’ Jane in front of the whole school; two hours had gone since Leah said “Romeo, thy dick is thick” on stage; and zero minutes and seconds since Ben didn’t felt weirdly around Jane.
She was still his best friend, no doubt; but there was something about her that made him weak in his knees. He only started feeling this way a month ago, but he certainly was now noticing things about her he hadn’t seen before.  He saw the way she tucked her hair behind her ears every time she was nervous; how she bit her lip subconsciously almost all the time. He noticed how she clenched her hands whenever Naomi or Leah were around; and if he was there, he always took her hands in his so just she wouldn’t hurt herself.
“We have to do something!” Ben heard a loud whine and turned his head to see Jazminne; she was shitfaced drunk. She was sitting on a couch in front Ben and near her, there was Jane – wasted as hell. Her eyes were half-open, a drunk smile was shining on her lips; her red hair was pulled in a high ponytail but some of her babyhair was falling onto the sides of her face. She looked (and felt) tipsy, but still incredibly pretty. “We have to do some fun shit!” these Jaz’s words made Jane actively nod and Ben grinned.
“Didn’t you have enough already?”
“Oh, Jones, just shut up” Jazminne snorted; she got up – but she did it too fast and fell back on the couch right on Jane’s lap. Jazminne spilled her drink all over herself and her and Jane laughed loudly.
“That’s called karma”, Ben said quietly as he smiled at that whole scene.
“Jazminne’s right”, Oliver added, after he took a sip of his drink. Oliver was a captain of their school’s soccer team and the most popular guy in school. Ben and Oliver had known each other since they were seven, but Ben never considered Oliver to be his friend. Just a dude, with whom they occasionally hung out and picked up girls. Just the regular activities of seventeen year old boys, nothing much. “T’s boring here. Gotta do something about it or I’m leaving”.
Ben rolled his eyes. Of course, Oliver loved to manipulate people; he knew how popular he was and how everyone wanted him on their parties. Emily Ferguson, the one who organized this party, was no exception. Sometimes Ben couldn’t understand why Emily and Jane were best friends – they were too different to even communicate. Emily was too dependent on being popular and relevant, and Oliver Hamm leaving her party was a total and complete disaster for her.
So Emily sobered up immediately; she got up from the chair she was sharing with her boyfriend and rushed to Oliver’s side. “Hamm, stop that. It’s raining cats and dogs outside! We don’t want you to fall ill or something”, Emily giggled like an idiot while clinging onto Oliver’s sleeve. Ben’s gaze was fixated on Ferguson’s boyfriend, Aiken, who was rolling his eyes non-stop, while seeing his girl clutching on Hamm’s hand. Ben let out a laugh; Aiken was his best friend and he knew how often stuff like this happened.
“Alright, Emily”, Oliver smiled, “I’ll stay. Only ‘cause you’re being very nice”. Emily seemed to melt under Hamm’s grin and it made Aiken furious. Ben thought that the night might end with a fight.
“Great!” Ferguson clapped her hands and turned to everyone, as Oliver sat down near Aiken’s chair. “I suggest we play a game!”
“Hope it includes alcohol!” Ben’s other friend, Eugene, exclaimed. Previously he was kissing with some girl on the couch right next to Ben.
“You’ve had enough already, haven’t ya, Williams?” Ben turned his head to look at Eugene.
“Oh, Jones, just shut up”.
“Let’s play ‘Spin the Bottle’!” Emily suggested.
“Don’t wanna kiss no one in this room”, Eugene mumbled.
“That’s boring”, Jazminne whined, “innit, Jane?”
She frowned, trying to understand what was happening. “I wanna go home”, she said quietly, taking another sip from the bottle. “Feel like sleeping right now”.
“No, you don’t!” Emily pinched Jane’s shoulder. “And I know how to convince you to stay. Let’s spice things up”, Ferguson said with a devilish grin on her lips. “It’s not just ‘Spin the Bottle’ then – let’s add ‘Truth or Dare’ here. So it would be more interesting”.
“Let’s do what again?” Aiken asked, looking utterly confused.
“You spin the bottle, that’s pretty obvious” Emily explained. “Whomever the bottle points to, must answer your simple question – “Truth or Dare”, she grinned again. “It’s much more fun, right?”
“I agree”, Oliver added. “Love taking the risk” Ben saw him wink at somebody across the room; the realization whom he winked at hit him like a truck.
Fucking Oliver Hamm winking at Jane?
Ben felt his blood boil suddenly; he got so angry that it almost made him breathless. “How dares this obnoxious piece of shit winking at my girl?” Ben thought to himself, while tightly clenching his fists. And then again, the reality hit him.
His girl?
Since when his best friend was his girl? Since fucking when, Ben?
Ben frowned for a moment, trying to get his feelings together. He had never thought of Jane as his girlfriend or something; it happened only now and completely messed up his mind. Why the hell he was feeling like that? He couldn’t stop thinking about Jane in that way for a month already, and he wasn’t able to stop it. He didn’t want to, if being honest. Jane always made him feel different types of things – from anger to happiness – but never this. And what was it anyway? Lust? Caring too much? Love? Ben’s heart skipped a bit.
It was different kind of love, not “the best friend” type of love – he could feel it in his bones. And it made him scared to lose her.
“Alright, let the game begin!”
At one point Ben was sure nothing terrible would happen. Of course, he didn’t want to make out with one of his friends or, God forbid, with Jazminne or Emily – but he knew nothing horrible would happen. It’s just a simple game. Right?
“I’m gonna be the first!” Emily said happily, taking the empty bottle in her hands. So she spun the bottle; and immediately, at first attempt, it stopped its spinning and pointed right at Jane’s confused face. “Yay, Janey!” Emily screamed.
“Fuckin’ shit”, Jane mouthed, sighing deeply.
“So, what is it, sweetie?” Ferguson grinned. “Truth or dare?”
She should have chosen truth. She had always chosen truth. But this time she was too drunk to think straight.
“Dare”, Jane muttered.
“Bold enough, Chinny”, Aiken whistled; his smiled vanished from his face when he saw Ben giving him a death stare.
“Alright!” Emily’s smile was too wide and Ben knew – she was up to no good. “Then I dare you to make out with Oliver in the closet”.
Ben’s jaw dropped when he heard those words. But he felt his heart breaking when he heard Jane’s response.
Um, what?
“Jane, are you nuts?” Ben said, being completely startled. She slightly looked and him and shrugged her shoulders. “That’s your response? Shrugging your shoulders?”
Eugene moved closer to Ben. “Take it easier, mate. Everyone’s making out at parties”.
“Yes, actually”, he heard Jane’s voice as she was standing up from her seat. “You’re making out almost with every girl on every party. I don’t ever tell you anything”. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before Jane took her eyes off Ben. “Come on, Oliver”.
“Jane, you’re shitfaced drunk”, Ben continued, “You won’t be able to make it through the door, not to mention take the stairs to the second floor”. 
She took a deep breath and shook her head. “I bet you just jealous ‘cause I’m gonna have a good shag, when you didn’t”.
“That’s a good one, Chinny”, Eugene said in puzzlement.
“Shut the fuck up, Williams”.
“Come on, love”, Oliver got up and looked at Jane, “Jones is trying to be caring here. That’s what best friends do, innit?” Ben wanted to wipe that ugly smirk from Hamm’s face with his fists so badly, that he almost did it. But almost was never enough. 
This piece of shit called her “love”. Hearing it from Oliver was disgusting, because Ben had heard this million timed before. Oliver said “love” to that one girl and the next moment they were already making out in some room. That wasn’t certainly a thing Ben wanted for Jane.
And what exactly he wanted from her?
Jane nodded at Oliver’s words. Was she serious? Making out with Oliver Hamm in the closet in Emily Ferguson’s house? “If you wanted to be more irresponsible, Jane, that’s your fucking chance”.
“Then I’ll take it, I guess. Don’t have anything left to lose anyway”. Oliver chuckled at her words.
Are you fucking serious, Jane?
Ben sighed deeply as he watched this whole thing from the couch. He was still angry – with Oliver, Jane and himself. But mostly with Emily. Bloody Emily Ferguson and her bloody, stupid game! 
Oliver gave Ben a pat on the shoulder, and Ben glared at him angrily. “Wish me luck there, mate”. 
He wanted to get up and punch Oliver in his face until he was a mess of blood and tears; instead Ben just clenched his hands and forced a smile. “Good luck, mate”, he said through his teeth.
“Take it easy, Ben”, Eugene whispered as Oliver and Jane headed to the door.
“I already told you to shut up, Eugene”.
Jealousy is never healthy, and Ben was totally jealous; deep inside he knew that he was so angry only because he wanted to be in Oliver’s shoes. Not with drunk Jane, though. 
Ben felt sick, thinking that Hamm will certainly try to take advantage of Jane while she’s in such condition. He knew Oliver too well not to assume that. And Jane was too drunk to say no; Ben just knew what she was like when she was wasted.
But fortunately, Jane didn’t even make it to the exit. She stumbled upon her own feet and fell down on the floor; Ben rushed to her side immediately. 
“You alright?” he asked.
“My arm hurts”, she whined; Ben saw her eyes filling with tears – at that moment he knew that was the end.
“Okay. Let’s get you home”, she nodded slightly and Ben helped her get up; she held on him so tightly that he thought his shoulder would be dislocated.
“I may do that as well”, Ben heard Oliver’s voice; it made his blood boil again, and he desperately wanted to start a fight with Hamm. But then he suddenly calmed down. Oliver wouldn’t be touching Jane. At least, not tonight, not when she’s that drunk.
“I wouldn’t trust you with my best girl’s safety”.
My best girl. These words were echoing in Ben’s mind, as he was helping Jane to get to his car. She mumbled, “Sorry for being a bitch earlier”, and when  fastened her seatbelt, he felt a pat on his shoulder. Turning around, Ben saw Jazminne.
“You promised to take me home”.
Ben sighed. “Hope you’d forget, Gardner”.
“Asshole”, she muttered as she got inside of the car, to the backseat. “Is she alright?”
“I am”, Jane mumbled, “Just a bit tipsy, that’s all”.
“Is her arm broken?”
“It’s not, Jaz”, Ben responded tiredly, as he was starting the car. “She wouldn’t move it so easily if it was broken”.
“I know that, you wanker”, she snapped, “My mum’s a doctor”.
Ben took a deep breath. He and Jazminne never got along really well; they’ve known each other since they were four, and they always managed to fight over simple things. They were arguing – once Jaz even punched Ben in the face – quarreling and screaming at each other. At first, Jane tried to reconcile them, but eventually gave up; now she didn’t even pay attention and just closed her eyes.
“I fucking know that, Gardner”, Ben said.
“Don’t talk to each other like that”, Jane muttered. “I want you to be nice and polite to each other”.
“Jones is a fucking asshole with a stupid face”, Jazminne was quick enough to interrupt her best friend. “Don’t think I’ll ever be nice to him”.
“You don’t even try, Jaz”, she answered weakly. “Ben’s good, you just don’t know him”.
Ben felt his heart racing, being ready to jump out of his chest. He turned to look at Jane and saw her look back; her gaze was fixed on him and she was smiling – so happily and lovely, that he almost forgot he was driving a car. She looked so beautiful and terrific that he felt like a person in those stupid love stories – Ben felt butterflies in his stomach. He had never felt like that before.
“You’re probably the one to think this way”. Jazminne saw the looks Ben and Jane exchanged and suddenly felt jealous.
After a couple of minutes, Ben stopped the car at Chinny’s house’s driveway. He helped her get out; after locking the doors and silently praying for Jazminne not to destroy his car, Ben took Jane to her house’s front door, guiding her step by step.
“There you go”, he said quietly when they reached their destination. “Good job, Jane”.
“I feel really bad”, she whispered before Ben could knock on the door, “Don’t let me drink ever again”.
Ben smiled softly. “You know that I can never stop you if you don’t want to, right?”
“I do”, she sighed. “You’re such a good friend, Ben”, Jane looked at him and it sent shivers down his spine. “I really love you for that”.
“You know I do too, Jane”.
The door suddenly opened, ruining the moment, and Jane’s stepdad, Paul, showed up, looking displeased and unhappy.
“Dad!” Jane exclaimed, abruptly leaving Ben’s arms and hugging Paul. “I missed you so much!”
“She got drunk?”
“Mr. Murray, I can explain”.
“Ben, you are supposed to look after her, y’know?” Paul said. “You promised it yourself, didn’t ya?” Ben nodded silently. Paul sighed and looked at Jane who was still clinging onto him. “You’ve got to be thankful your mother left town tonight or you would be grounded for the rest of your life, Janey”.
“I know you won’t ever do that to me, Dad”, she mumbled. Paul sighed again.
“I love you too much, unfortunately”. He looked at Ben again. “I don’t blame you for anything, Ben, hope you understand that”.
“I do indeed, Mr. Murray”.
“Just… don’t let her get wasted like that again. She’s not supposed to drink this much at the age of seventeen, even if it’s the lifestyle you, teenagers, have”.
Ben nodded. “I won’t let anything like that happen to her again, Mr. Murray. I promise”.
Paul smiled. “Good thing. Gonna try to put this drunken disaster to sleep. Good night, Ben”.
“Nighty-night, Benny!” he heard Jane’s voice before leaving Chinny’s doorway and coming back to his car.
When he sat down on his seat and sighed deeply, he felt a hand on his shoulder. “The fuck you doing, Gardner?”
“Wanna hook up?”
This took Ben completely off guard; he frowned and then turned to Jazminne. “Are you out of your goddamn mind?”
“You didn’t really protest the last time”, she shrugged her shoulders and then leaned to the back of the seat and lit a cigarette.
“We decided that it never happened. Was a drunken mistake”.
She chuckled. “Sure t’was. It is a mistake especially now when you have heart-eyes for Jane”.
“Alright, that’s enough talking. I’m talking you home”. Before Ben could start the car, Jaz continued talking.
“Oh, come on Jones. It’s too obvious. Particularly after you pulled the card of a jealous boyfriend tonight”, she sighed. “I can’t blame ya for that; Jane’s too good to lose her virginity with Hamm. You? The perfect match for that”.
Ben covered his face with his hands. “Jaz, you’re talking nonsense”, he mumbled.
“No, I don’t”, she was quick to object. “You have feelings for her, just admit it. Don’t lie to yourself. Jane doesn’t at least”.
“What do you mean by that?”
“You seriously don’t get it?” Jazminne was a bit surprised. “She’s had a crush on for at least three years. Couldn’t admit to having feelings at first, but then she accepted and embraced them fully”.
Ben rolled his eyes and looked at Jazminne through rearview mirror. “I get it; you’re shitfaced drunk, Gardner. But even this doesn’t give you a right to say something like that”.
“You think I’m kidding?” she chuckled. “Oh, go on and think this way. I’m telling you the truth, Jones”.
“Did Jane tell you that? ‘Cause I can hardly believe her doing that”.
“She didn’t tell me. I read her diary”.
Ben frowned and turned to look at Jaz. “What kind of friend are you, Gardner?”
“A dedicated one”, she let out a big puff of smoke in Ben’s face.
“Dedicated friends don’t read their best friend’s diaries. And they certainly don’t sleep with their best friend’s crush when they know about their feelings”.
Jazminne laughed. “Oh, you wouldn’t tell her about that, would ya?”
hey y’all! sorry it took so long to upload a new chapter, i had a really crazy (in a good way) weekend. hopefully the next part will come out faster and it’ll be much better!! (cause i fell like my writing it constantly degrading hehe)
Thank you all so much for reading! <3
@the-freak-cassie-131  @lilliekrs  @thebohemianpenguin @emmieliabedelia  @josephdeaconswife
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pigapigaaa · 5 years
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Inktober Day 24: Titanic Pose ..... whyy?? x"""D #pigapersona #inktober #inktober2019 #bucinktober #inktoberindonesia #inktoberindonesia2019 #illustration #drawing #ink #doodle #traditionalart #dailyart #artwork #sketch #fanart #rogertaylorqueen #rogertaylor #queen #queenfanart #black #red #originalcharacter #oc https://www.instagram.com/p/B3_0X-kFOuH/?igshid=1gj88g53ywtge
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immiesradio-blog · 5 years
You’re My Best Friend ~ Roger Taylor x OC
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Roger Taylor, Barbara Rosabella's 'love of her life', regardless of the fact that they are best friends. Having known each other since the beginning of their teenage years, they grow up together and bring out the best in each other, talk about their dreams and what they make of the future. Although they have their tough times, both of them can't seem to ever let go, perhaps due to this indescribable feeling of love that they inhibit within themselves for each other.
This book will contain swearing, violence, mention and use of drugs, smoking, mention of sex and smut!
I will also try my hardest to keep the timeline accurate, apologies if I make any mistakes or if any order of events is wrong.
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benhardyisdaddy · 4 years
the christmas gift
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(welcome to this fluffy christmas bxrxr story!! i needed something super soft and cute so here it is!! i hope you like it <3) 
Description: a sweet christmas surprise from ben and roger 
Word Count: 1,852
“Merry Christmas Eve!” 
You’re stood in your living room with Ben as Roger comes bursting through the front door. There’s a huge grin on his face as white snowflakes cover his hair and clothes. You and Ben both slightly jump at the sudden commotion. The two of you were busy listening to Christmas music and decorating the tree. 
“We’re really late with the tree.” you had said sadly. 
“Hey,” Ben says softly. 
He walks behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. He nuzzles his face into your neck and peppers sweet kisses along it. 
“We’ve just been really busy lately. Better late than never, right?” he asks. 
You smile and lean back against him as you stare up at the bare tree in front of you. 
“You’re right,” you say, slightly pausing. “Just wonder what’s taking Roger so long at the store.” 
Well, now you have your answer. Roger’s arms are full with bags upon bags of god-knows-what. You pause your decorating as your eyebrows go up and you lightly laugh. 
“Roger?” you ask. “You do realize you don’t have to carry a whole load in, right?” 
He gives you a big goofy grin as he wobbles down the hall and towards the bedroom. 
“I know, but I’m lazy!” he calls out. 
“Did you buy out the whole store!?” yells out Ben. 
He’s standing on his tippy toes as he tries placing some ornaments on the top of the tree. Your job was to decorate the bottom and Roger’s job was… Well, Roger’s job was to not break anything - which he’s done amazing at so far. 
“Just about!” laughs Roger as he walks back to you both. “Don’t look in our closet, because your gifts are in there.” 
Before either of you are able to speak, Roger gets a very serious look on his face which makes you giggle. 
“I mean it!” he says loud. “No peeking! Especially you.” he says with narrowed eyes looking to you. 
You’re taken aback by his sudden comment as you almost gasp and look shocked. 
“Me!? I don’t peek!” you argue back. 
“Oh, really?” asks Ben with a smirk on his face. “So you didn’t peek at your birthday gift last year?” 
“Yeah and we never found you crying in the bedroom after you peeked at it, because you were so happy?” asks Rog with the same look on his face. 
You look guilty as you just shrug and roll your eyes. 
“Okay, fine! I won’t peek! I promise.” 
Both boys look to one another and shake their heads slightly. You turn back around and continue decorating the tree. Roger makes his way to the kitchen as Ben turns up the music's volume. He walks up to you and grabs your hand before pulling you away from the tree. He spins you around to face him as you’re laughing. He’s biting his lip as he twirls you around and pulls you close to him. The two of you are dancing and you can’t stop laughing. 
“Ben, I can’t dance!” 
He just laughs and shakes his head as he twirls you once more. 
“Really? Looks like you’re dancing to me!” 
The both of you continue on until Roger slowly makes his way back with a small tray in his hands. On the tray are three mugs filled with hot cocoa and marshmallows. 
“Hot chocolate milk anyone?” he asks as he sits the tray down on the coffee table. 
You and Ben laugh at his weird name for hot cocoa. You all grab a mug and slowly sip on the hot drink. The sweetness makes you sigh as you look over to the living room window and spot snow pouring down. 
“Look at how hard it’s snowing now!” you gasp as you rush to your front door and step outside. 
The cold hits you like a ton of bricks as your eyes water and your skin tingles. The hot cocoa is still in your hands as you look around at all of the tiny, white snowflakes falling everywhere. It looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. The boys are stood behind you as they look to one another and slightly smile. Roger gives Ben a tiny nod as they look back to you. 
“Should we finish the tree and watch a Christmas movie in bed?” you ask with a big smile on your face. 
The boys hearts melt as they agree with your idea. The three of you hurry inside and finish decorating the tree. You all stand back and admire your work. 
“It’s beautiful.” you say in awe. 
“Takes beauty to know beauty.” says Rog quietly. 
You look over and scrunch your nose to him. He laughs and leans in to kiss you. 
“Cheesy?” he teases. 
“Just a little.” you say with a smile. “But I like cheesy… And I also like Christmas movies, so let’s go!” 
Roger and Ben follow you into the bedroom as you all slide under the covers and try to get comfortable. Roger has his head on a pillow while your head is laying on his belly and Ben’s head is on your belly as well. Your hand is running through Ben’s hair all while Roger’s is running through yours. You all lay there all cozy and warm as you watch Rudolph. You’re watching the TV when something catches your eye. You look down to Ben’s hand and spot a ring on his wedding finger. Your heart jumps as you reach forward and grab his hand. 
“When did you get this?!” you ask as you admire the silver band. 
Ben looks nervous as he stutters with his words before Roger chimes in and helps. 
“He and I have matching silver rings. It was a spur of the moment thing while we were out shopping a few days ago.” 
Your heart slightly falls. They got each other rings, but not you. You didn’t mind so much. You love them both and know they love each other. You just always imagined yourself having a ring with them too one day. You smile to both of them and go back to watching the movie. Everyone’s silent and before you know it, you’ve fallen asleep. 
You’re woken up by tiny sun beams peeking through your curtains. You squeeze your eyes close as you wiggle around. Your hand reaches towards Ben’s side of the bed, but he’s not there. Your eyes open slowly and you find yourself in an empty bed. You sit up and look around. Today’s Christmas! You smile to yourself as you stand up and search for your robe. You slip it on and go to walk out of your room, but pause. 
You hear whispering in the living room as Ben and Roger talk about something. They seem to be having a very serious conversation, but you can’t make out what it’s about. You listen for a moment longer and find yourself walking out fully. The boys spot you and they instantly stand up straighter and smile. 
“Merry Christmas, beautiful!” coos Roger as he walks up and brings you in for a kiss. 
You melt against him as you kiss back and smile. Ben walks up to you and kisses you before he even says anything. 
“Merry Christmas.” he whispers. 
Your face hurts from how much smiling you’re doing. 
“Merry Christmas! You two are in such a good mood this morning.” 
Roger just shrugs as Ben’s eyes peer down underneath the three. There’s present filled all around it as your eyes go wide. 
“When did you have time to wrap them!?” you ask shocked. 
The boys say nothing but smile as you look back to them. Your heart was beyond full at their loving gesture. 
“There’s one gift that we want you to open first.” says Roger. 
“It’s from the both of us.” explains Ben. 
You raise a brow and are excited as Roger walks to the tree and picks up a tiny box that’s wrapped. The boys are watching you closely as he hands it to you. You look at the gift curiously and grin as you begin slowly unwrapping it. Once the paper is removed, underneath is a tiny blue box. Your heart begins racing as you look up to the boys. Their eyes look nervous as they both bite their lips in anticipation. You look back to the gift and quickly open the box up. Your eyes go wide. 
A beautiful diamond ring is staring back at you. It has a big stone in the middle as it’s surrounded by much smaller stones. The ring of your dreams. You stop breathing as you gasp and can’t look away from it. 
“We love you,” starts Ben. 
“We want you to always know that we’re yours and nobody else's.” whispers Rog. 
“We have our rings as well. Remember?” asks Ben as they both lift up their hands. 
You look to them and can’t stop smiling. Tears well up in your eyes as they trickle down your cheeks. You nod your head as you quickly rush up to them and bring them both in for a hug. 
“It’s perfect.” you whisper. 
You lean away and look between them both. 
“You’re perfect.” you tell them. 
Ben wipes away a tear as Roger sniffles. 
“So you’re saying you’ll wear it?” asks Rog in a hushed tone. 
“I’m saying that I’ll never take it off for as long as I live.” you tell him with a smile. 
They both let go of a breath they’re holding as they lean forward to kiss you and to kiss each other. 
“Can I put it on?” you ask as you look back to the ring. 
“Ben can-” 
“No, no.” says Ben fast. “You should be the one to put it on her.” 
Roger slowly smiles at Ben’s sweet comment. He leans in to kiss him once more before turning and removing the ring out of the tiny box. You hold out your wedding finger to him as he slips on the ring. It sparkles in the light and you don’t ever think you’ll ever get tired of looking at it. 
“So, you like it?” asks Ben. 
You look back to them as more tears well up in your eyes. You nod your head fast as you take their hand in yours. 
“This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever gotten. I love it,” you whisper. “And I love you both.” 
“I love you.” they say at the same time. 
“Shall we open up some more gifts?” asks Roger fast. 
He looks like a little kid as he smiles wide and looks down to the presents. 
“Well, now I have a gift for both of you… But it’s not wrapped.” you say lightly. 
Their eyes open wide at your comment and suddenly they don’t care about the presents. 
“I want to open that gift.” says Ben fast as you grab his hand. 
“Now!” Roger says as he grabs Ben’s other hand and practically drags you to the bedroom. 
You lay down on the bed as the boys stare at you with wide eyes. 
“Merry Christmas to us.”
Tag List: @sitonmyhot-seatoflove​ @thekllrqueen​ @sj-thefan​ @killer-queen-87​ @roger-bang-the-drum​ @acciodallas​ @queengavemeasheerheartattack​ @fairestkillerqueenofall​ @raylan-c​ @literatureandqueen​ @angels-fall2​ @fangirlofeverythingme​ @rogerstoast​ @abigfatmess​ @walkingwheels​ 
Perm Tag List: @loudxxstar @iambuckyrogers @babebenhardy @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeakyjazzyjoe @sheridans-dynamos @bethany-cc @onexlittlespark @idontbelievethiss @having-a-freddie-time @denimmay @bensrhapsody @manuosorioh @writing-in-hell @cupcakehardy @toms-irish-girl @a-kind-of-magik @thesecondlastjedi @dianamarie-has-a-blog @ezmina98 @finnbalortrash21 @frostedsugarcookiemint @yourealegendroger @popcrone818 @wronglanemendes @sj-thefan @borhapqueen92 @httpfandxms @haileylansley @arrozsocarrat @quirkydeaky @vanitysfairr @rogmeddows @loveandbeloved29 @vousmemanqueez @hearts-to-the-sky @shewantsthe-youngamerican @sherlollydramoine @culturefiendtrashqueen @mamiigg @drowseoftaylor @hissom1933 @roger-bang-the-drum @rromanovv @benders-diamond-earring @its-a-kind-of-magic-20 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @psychosupernatural @im-just-a-musical-prostitute​ @shelby1baby @shesakillerquueennn​ @renaissanceflower @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @a19103​ @musicalrogertaylor​ @killer-queen-87​ @rafosa09​ @mamaskillerqueen​ @lovelymrvl​ @wtiting2survive​ @blushingwueen​ @hamiltonwrotetheother51-xo​ @yeeterparkersblog​ @thankutaron​ @ken-yee-not​ @johndeaconshands
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
my plus one - part 9
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(ik its been a while for an update and im sorry!!! jobs been crazy and being an adult SUCKS. lolll i hope u all like this part and i cant wait for the wedding chapter *evil face*)
Word Count: 1,351
The adrenaline you felt as you rush out of the after party was insane. You were a shaking mess as you move your head around fast in hopes of spotting Roger nearby, but you didn’t. Your heart was racing as you stop suddenly and cover your face with your hands. You know people were staring at you as you just sigh loudly. You were frustrated and needed a moment to think. Your brain felt scrambled after everything that had just happened. This wasn’t making it any better. 
You hear a voice call out your name as you turn around with a bit of hope. It was only your sister with a champagne glass in her hand and a genuinely worried - almost glossy eyed - look on her face. 
“I saw you run out like there was a fire. Everything okay?” she asks as she walks up to you. 
Your face falls as you try to compose yourself. You couldn’t tell her why you were so riled up. You should, but you don’t. 
“Oh, um… I’m just looking for Roger.” you tell her as you catch your breath. 
“Oh, yeah. I saw him rush off as well. Is he alright?” 
“I just need to find him!” you say a little too loud, causing her to step back. 
“I… I think maybe he went back next door to the resort possibly.” 
Before she finished her sentence, you were already sprinting towards the large building. Why hadn’t you thought of that!? Of course that’s where he’d go! You hurry inside and zoom towards the elevator. You click the button and impatiently wait for it to get to you. You’re tapping your foot as you stare up at it. You clench your jaw as you slam your hands on the metal doors in front of you. 
“Hurry up!” you half shout, ignoring the whispers and stares from all around.
Finally the elevator beeps and arrives to your floor. You take a step back and as soon as the doors start to open, you’re rushing forward, but stop. You half run into Roger as he’s stood inside the elevator with a bag in his hand. His eyes are wide when he realizes it’s you. You almost gasped as you back away and allow him to step out. 
“Roger,” you whisper, not knowing what to say. “Roger, I-” 
“Stop.” he says fast as he closes his eyes. “Just… Stop. You don’t have to explain anything. I understand completely.” 
You knit your brows as you try to wrap your head around what he was trying to say. 
“Understand what?!” 
Roger just stares at you with big, blue puppy dog eyes that almost broke your heart. 
“You invited me here to make yourself look better, y/n. Don’t deny it, because we both know it’s true. You wanted to make Alex jealous and, well, it apparently worked. You got what you wanted, right?” 
You shake your head fast and take a step towards him. Your eyes were pleading as you speak. 
“No! No, that’s not true! I wanted you here, because you’re my best friend!” 
“And because you didn’t want to look lonely at your sister’s wedding! You know, you actually made me believe that you liked me back. You really need an Oscar for that performance.” he snarks. 
Roger goes to walk around you, but you follow close behind. 
“I wasn’t faking anything, Rog! Please just let me explain!” 
Roger flings around fast and his eyes are now red and glossy. 
“Explain what!? How you used me to get back at Alex and your sister? What? You were going to kiss him and then rub it in your sister’s face? Well, what are you waiting for? I’m no longer needed here anymore.” 
He shrugs his shoulders and turns back around and walks away. 
“That’s not what happened! You won’t even let me explain!” you shout frustrated.
Roger continues walking as he speaks. 
“For someone who’s been severely heartbroken, you’re really good at doing the breaking. Must’ve learned pointers from Alex.” 
You stop walking at his last sentence. That shattered you. Your shoulders slump as he exits the resort building and disappears into the dark night. He wouldn’t even let you explain how it was Alex who kissed you. You didn’t want it. But now he’s gone and you’re stood all alone in a resorts lobby with your tears smearing your mascara. You didn’t know what to do now. You wanted to run after him, but you wanted to go to your room. You wanted to scream, but you wanted to curl up and sleep. You wanted to move, but you couldn’t. 
You just stare down at the floor beneath you and wrap your arms around yourself. You turn your head and watch as people with sad faces watch you. They were almost hurting for you as well. They heard everything that had happened and you were beyond embarrassed. You quickly smile and wipe your eyes as you keep your head down and walk back to the elevator. It opens up and you walk inside. You press the button and lean against the wall, resting your head back. You close your eyes and allow silence to wash over you. You reach your floor and go to your room. You lock the door behind you and finally allow yourself to sob like you’ve wanted to. You stumble to your bed and fall onto it.
Everything was, once again, falling apart all around you. Maybe you had a curse or just very bad luck. Whatever it is, it drove the one person you loved away and you weren’t sure how to fix any of this. Luckily, tomorrow was a free day due to all of the guests arriving. You were planning on hiding away and slumbering all day. You’d order room service and stare at the TV until you couldn’t hold your eyes open any longer. Your heart was hurting, but you felt numb. It was the oddest sensation. 
You had finished sobbing and threw yourself onto your bed. You closed your eyes and all you could think about was Roger. You should've chased after him, but that wouldn’t have gotten you anywhere. Sleep overtakes you as you’re still dressed in the clothes you had worn to the rehearsal. You didn’t care, you just wanted this day to be over with. 
And it finally was. You had done everything you planned to do. You stayed in bed as you randomly had outbursts of tears. You ordered room service and watched crappy daytime television. You knew you should go greet everyone and say hi, but you couldn’t. Tomorrow was the wedding and you were torn if you should tell your sister what had happened or just let her have her happily forever after with Alex. As much as you were angry at her, you still love her. Just because you couldn’t get your good ending, doesn’t mean she can’t. Even if the fairytale she’s in is fake. Nobody would believe you anyways.
It was dark now as the moon hung high in the sky. You could hear the waves outside your room crashing against the shore as you felt yourself dozing off. 
Your eyes shoot open as your heart races. You look around fast and to your phone on the nightstand table. You rub your eyes as you lazily reach for it and suddenly wake up a bit more. Roger was calling you. You click the green button and bring it to your ear fast. 
“Roger?!” you ask as you hold your breath. 
You don’t hear anything on the other side as it hangs up. You frown and lower the phone as you toss it on the bed beside you. He must’ve butt dialed you. You got your hopes up once more and lay back down. You exhale as you turn to your side and stare at the empty wall. Tomorrow’s the official wedding and you weren’t sure how you were going to cope with it. 
What you didn’t know is just how interesting it’s going to be.
Tag List: @shesakillerquueennn @sevenseasofryheisthequeen @ohsnaprogertaylor @jazzman-19 @culturefiendtrashqueen @crazysaladchopshop @luckytrashgooprebel @xtrashmammalstefx @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @julessbrown @oxuminaa @caborhapch @rogershoe @benders-diamond-earring @howaboutnotcaring @awkwardangelshezza @honimello @jazzman-19 @crazysaladchopshop @kimmietea @demo-wise @geek-and-proud @bohemiansweede @lilytalebi @young-and-youre-crazy
Perm Tag List: @loudxxstar @iambuckyrogers @babebenhardy @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeakyjazzyjoe @sheridans-dynamos @bethany-cc @onexlittlespark @idontbelievethiss @having-a-freddie-time @denimmay @bensrhapsody @manuosorioh @writing-in-hell @cupcakehardy @toms-irish-girl @a-kind-of-magik @thesecondlastjedi @dianamarie-has-a-blog @ezmina98 @finnbalortrash21 @frostedsugarcookiemint @yourealegendroger @popcrone818 @wronglanemendes @sj-thefan @borhapqueen92 @httpfandxms @haileylansley @arrozsocarrat @quirkydeaky @vanitysfairr @rogmeddows @loveandbeloved29 @vousmemanqueez @hearts-to-the-sky @shewantsthe-youngamerican @sherlollydramoine @culturefiendtrashqueen @mamiigg @drowseoftaylor @hissom1933 @roger-bang-the-drum @rromanovv @benders-diamond-earring @its-a-kind-of-magic-20 @onceuponadetectivedemigod @psychosupernatural @im-just-a-musical-prostitute @shelby1baby
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rogerina-yee-haw · 5 years
Truth or Dare (Ben Hardy x OC) Part 4, SNEAK PEAK
And her face was so close; and yet she was too far away. She was as far as the stars on the night sky – Ben wanted to touch them so desperately that it made his hands ache. Too far away, in an unknown galaxy, in a place Ben could never reach them. Reach her.
“D’you know this constellation?” she asked pointing at the sky. “It looks really beautiful”.
“It does. ‘Cause it’s you. You are this constellation in my life”.
in case u still remember about this fic..hello there!! i’ll upload the next part tonight or tomorrow (hopefully)
this sneak peak looks ugly but the chapter doesn’t!! (i hope??)
@the-freak-cassie-131  @lilliekrs  @thebohemianpenguin @emmieliabedelia  @josephdeaconswife
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