#ritual abuse tw
mischiefmanifold · 11 months
Do you have any resources for RAMCOA? Resources for like...the types of programs and stuff like that. We're going through things and trying to research and pinpoint things, but finding resources has been absolute hell. If you get this twice, I'm sorry. Our tumblr is kind of shit.
Hello! I have several resources that I think may be helpful to you:
This document (LINK) of "rare programs" and their descriptions, posted by @killercatboys.
Chapters 4 and 7 of Becoming Yourself by Alison Miller (LINK) discuss programming and chapter 7 includes an anecdote with specific programs and definitions. The entire book is really a great read and is geared towards survivors of RAMCOA, just be sure to take it slow and take care of yourself.
Common Programs Observed in Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse by David W. Neswald (LINK) - massive trigger warning for suicide, self-harm, and abuse.
Spin Programming: A Newly Uncovered Technique of Systematic Mind Control by John D. Lovern (LINK) - includes symptoms, implementation, and uses of spin programs; trigger warning for abuse/torture methods.
Healing the Unimaginable by Alison Miller (LINK) is geared towards therapists and professionals and includes more in-depth information about RAMCOA than Becoming Yourself does. Again, massive trigger warning throughout the book for RAMCOA.
Kinds of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - partial list of torture methods used in RAMCOA; trigger warning for abuse, near-death, and torture.
Mind Control: Simple to Complex by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - describes twelve "stages" of mind control and programming, going from outward compliance to torture/trauma-based mind control; trigger warning for descriptions of abuse.
Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides common indicators of TBMC; most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators, but their presence does not prove the existence of TBMC and their absence does not prove that one has not experienced TBMC.
Adult and Adolescent Indicators of Ritual Trauma by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides indicators of ritual abuse in teens and adults; as with the last bullet point, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
Child Indicators of Ritual Abuse Trauma in Play and Art by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides potential indicators of ritualized abuse in children and pre-teens; as with the previous two bullet points, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
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theforlorn · 19 days
Do you have any advice for systems who are finding out that their system may be programmed?
Coming to Terms With Being Programmed
When you first begin to realize that your system may indeed exist due to even more cruel and strenuous situations than is typical it can be incredibly stressful and terrifying. Realizing in the first place that you have DID or OSDD can be incredibly difficult and in some parts scary. Though many feel comfort and safety within their system including myself, the initial experience of discovery can be jarring. Realizing you had endured a continuous amount of trauma long enough in your childhood to develop these kinds of disorders can be incredibly scary to realize and it often comes with beginning to remember bits and pieces that makes you realize you had been believing a lie about your own past for possibly decades. When you add on top of that a realization that someone wanted this for you- someone actively went out of their way to induce dissociative amnesia and differing alters in order to take advantage of that and force you to do things for them, it can be overwhelming.
It's incredibly hard for a lot of people to finally come to terms with being a programmed system. It took me so much time and pain and tears to finally reach the stage of acceptance that I did. And even then I sometimes struggle with doubting myself, even when my therapist reaffirms the fact that my DID was purposefully induced in me by my traffickers given the way my system functions and alters exist specifically for my abusers own purposes and goals- I struggle.
I may not have all the answers but I do have some advice for people.
Advice For Not Fakeclaiming Yourself
This part is something that, as stated previously, I personally struggle with. And you know what? That's okay. These things are hard and it's okay to not fully be healed yet. In my case I am still very young and only a little over a year into therapy for my DID and trauma.
Remember that it isn't actually that crazy or unreasonable for someone engaging in more extreme levels of abuse to be aware of methods such as programming. Though programmed DID (aka a purposefully induced case of DID and/or OSDD-1) can only be induced in childhood, OSDD-2 is a dissociative disorder which is also known to be the result of programming aka brainwashing and torture. These things are well documented.
An unfortunately true fact of this all is that sometimes very bad people especially those involved in organized crimes or cults, tend to share information or learn about tactics from various places. The information on how to torture people and force children to develop DID is already out there- bad people can get ahold of it because they seek out these kinds of things.
You are not alone in this- there are others.
You are not taking away anything from other survivors of various situations by suspecting or believing that your own abusers engaged in similar methods and induced a specific dissociative disorder in you when they knew you could dissociate.
Advice For Acceptance Of What Happened
Acceptance is another key part in all of this, and it is once again a very difficult thing to achieve and hold.
It is okay to still love your system even if it comes from someone choosing to induce it. Alters can still grow and change it takes a lot of time.
It's just as okay to hate your system or alters in your system. Some alters can exist to do harm to yourself and self-destruct. Some may just be cruel or ruin your relationships and that can suck to deal with. Especially for systems where alters are created by an abuser- this can happen and you're not bad or evil for it. You're dealing with the fall outs of torture and that never is an easy thing to deal with.
As much as you may be permanently changed from what happened to you- you are still your own person. They can never take away the fact that you survived. You made it through despite everything and nobody can take that from you either.
Getting therapy if possible is definitely helpful and a great thing to do
In general having friends who know about some of what happened and what you're going through is helpful. It helps you still feel like even in the face of everything you still matter (because of course you do).
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ramcoa-help · 7 months
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chronicallyblogged · 5 months
I had some horrible realizations about my past. It confirms the ritual abuse suspicions. I know my therapists said it happened to me. But I had nearly convinced myself it couldn't have been that bad. But it was. It was worse than i even secretly feared. I'm trying to not let break me. I'm keeping busy. If I even stop for a moment I spiral.
I asked my partner to stay home yesterday bc I didn't feel safe. I felt like I had to kill myself. Today I have therapy and I hope she can help me. I want to be helped so badly. Really I want it to all go away.
I talked to my dad. He believes me which helps. He helped me figure out who it may have been. Just for closure and so I know which of my family is safe. He gave me some information which made some puzzle pieces fall into place.
I dont understand how or why it happened. I dont believe it happened to me. Maybe somebody else. It's complete agony
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syscurse · 6 months
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I really liked this article's conclusion on how the moral panic changed the conceptualization of ritual abuse from a type of abuse that majorly overlaps with CSA, to a "period of hysteria in the 1990s." And how the introduction of more controversial & mystical language like "mind-control" and "false memories" has also recontextualized ritual abuse as something more fantastical, bizarre, etc., adding to how survivors are taken less seriously. The article also brushed upon the racism involved with denying ritual abuse too; how people are more likely to believe in abuse perpetrated by people outside of their country, but not within their own. Overall, it was pretty interesting.
Here's a link if anyone wants to read it.
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granulesofsand · 8 months
Reasons people underestimate the prevalence of RAMCOA:
Untraumatized people don’t think about trauma nearly as much as survivors
People don’t know what the signs are. Trainings are shitty when given, attendees don’t think they’ll need to use the information, and trainings offered are usually online and easy to walk away from
Mandatory reporters don’t usually follow through their contracts. This is sometimes a good thing, but it can leave room in the wrong places for endangered children
People who know the signs will ignore them. They think it unlikely, that they’re overreacting, or they just don’t notice
Survivors are quiet. Speaking up puts us in danger, and more people think of us as media material than peers
The police don’t do jack shit for us. Some stations train officers to overlook our cases, and it’s difficult to take to court if a survivor wants to. In larger cases, government works with organized criminal groups that perpetrate or do so themselves for research
We’re a test question. The only time we are brought up in psychology classrooms is if they want to nod to a DID diagnosis. Few therapists are educated and willing to take us on as clients
Abusers know how to make connections with local authority. In high control groups, members may be taught how to abuse and evade interception
All of this makes it hard to report anywhere how many survivors exist free, and the low numbers in turn make us less believable when we do report
RAMCOA includes severe religious abuse, manipulative coercion, programming, cults, trafficking rings, criminal gangs, and more. Survivors are your coworkers, neighbors, cashiers, librarians.
Signs to look for:
Ritual Abuse
History of self-harm, substance use, sui/homicidality, especially with prescribed patterns
Unusual phobias (red or brown foods, kinds of houses, churches, hospitals, fear of the dark or being alone in adults)
Aversion to or obsession with the occult/witchcraft or other faith traditions
Patterns of nightmares, aversions or obsessions with common or nondescript themes (gore, needles, bugs, rodents, monsters, babies, men or women)
Sudden or irresistible urge to relocate, recontact abusers, participate in abusive ceremonies
High pain tolerance
Repeated phrases with violent, aggressive or religious themes
Mind Control and Coercion
Unquestioning obedience of a person or doctrine
Defers to another, speaks as though scripted, frequently accompanied by another or has to ask permission inappropriate for their age
Sudden or dramatic change in behavior, hobbies, or long-standing habits
Refusal to consume media unless approved by another/without further explanation
Anxious or idealized descriptions of childhood home and family, unable to recall these things
No memory of childhood or missing years
Multiple self-states, especially in high quantities
Organized Abuse and Trafficking
Disconnection from peers, family and friends
Does not attend community events or faith services or is perpetually preoccupied with a single group
Repeated unexplained absences from work or school
Disoriented, confused or dissociated for long periods of time or without explanation
Fearful or self-persecutory behavior, especially with allusions to another person or group
Bruises, broken skin or other wounds in various stages of healing
Minors engaging in commercial sex (including CSEM or survival sex)
Timid, skittish, fearful or submissive behaviors (including when this is the norm)
Malnourished, dehydrated, exhausted or with untreated ails
Without belongings or suitable living space
Many indicators of abuses flow together, as do the events themselves. It’s common that RA and OA perps use MC to keep victims in line, and techniques are often implemented by default in abusive environments. A group using RA or MC also qualifies as OA. This is why the community acronym includes all three.
There are more discreet examples for each. It’s possible to find many symptoms of RAMCOA and have none of those maltreatments as the cause. It’s possible to have none and still be abused.
Noticing indicators in children should be followed up by alerting any available reliable authority. Children sometimes disclose using metaphors or slang words they have been taught, so keep this in mind if you work with them.
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jahiera · 9 months
Please,,,, please more rambles about astarion and him healing and his slowly changing relationship with (-tav-) Sex and intimacy and choice and-
Okay gonna talk about the Grave Scene. this scene truly lives in my head rent free. I've been rewatching it a few times and every way it plays out is so touching. Especially the way he.. hmm... expresses himself here? There's such earnestness to him that frankly is unimaginable to the person we met in act 1. He really went from being both so sly & yet obviously lying ("[you trusted me...] an objectively stupid thing to do.") to someone who admits and lists the way Tav makes him... feel.... SAFE? and held? and I understand why it's not something a lot of people focus on but I actually am so heart-touched by how complex and intricate his journey to reclaiming sex and desire is at the end of this conversation. None of it is gratuitous. None of it is for show. The blending of the nonsexual intimacy, and openness (the grabbing of the hands, the showing of the grave, the raw admittance of so much vulnerable material he gives to Tav; all things he would never have even CONCEIVED of offering up in even act 2.)
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("I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again." ... "With everything that life has to offer.")
It's an extremely nuanced and thoughtful approach to an SA survivor rediscovering & reclaiming what they want to make of their desires, their sexuality, in the aftermath of what was done to their bodies without their consent. It's so thoughtful & beautiful imo. Finally here at his grave, he tells Tav that they're someone he feels safe & accepted with, & he can experience intimacy on both sides with someone who has put forth the effort, the time, the willingness to learn and wait and watch and care for his own desires in a manner no one else EVER has.
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("I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don't want to lose that.")
It REALLY... gets me in the heart here. It doesn't avoid the difficulties of sexuality in the aftermath of abuse, and it ultimately shows one individual's journey toward reclamation and reconciliation with autonomy on their own terms. That's so vital here, that he reaches out, chooses to make the step forward, HIS choice. There's no lingering gratuitously on the trauma, if that makes sense? the descriptions and vulnerability are raw; Tav is grounding person here, Tav gives him room to speak. The true balance of intimacy in verbalizing his feelings, intimacy in being close physically with Tav, intimacy in discerning for himself what he desires, intimacy in accepting touch, contact, affection, togetherness. It's all so... [BITES INTO FIST SCREAMING]. And the ending. Where he and Tav get to set off on another adventure. Get to explore who they are truly now, with each other, without any higher powers looming over and putting a yoke around their necks. I'm personally partial to the "finding a way for you to be in the sun," ending myself but all of them are just ... so delightful. He really SHINES in a way that exceeded my expectations so completely in act 3. he went from totally closed off and locked away and unaware of how to navigate his own personal relationships, no idea what a "relationship," even was, no idea how to express boundary or unravel his complicated ideas and feelings around his body, what it was forced to do for Cazador, to:
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("For nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost while the person I was lay here, dead and buried. Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.")
also laying a flower on his grave and all he says is "cute." but there's such a minor moment of tenderness there. I weep I wept I will weep.
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mischiefmanifold · 11 months
if you don’t mind me asking, what is hc-did? i have heard of c-did but not the other one😅 also do not feel obligated to answer this at all if it makes you uncomfortable!
Highly Complex DID (HC-DID) is a community term created to describe the experience of systems who survived torture/trauma based mind control (TBMC) programming. It is a nicer term for "programmed DID," which is how many professionals who write papers on HC-DID put it.
HC-DID includes all the features of C-DID, plus other traits such as sidesystems, alter hierarchies, and hyper-specific system structures (alters organized by color, flower, gemstone, etc.) and roles (e.g., internal programmers, enforcers, higher ups).
I hope this is helpful :)
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suwisuwii · 8 months
Astarion's story made me think a lot and reflect on how freedom after a lifetime of captivity and abuse can be difficult to get used to. I think most people who have never experienced that don't realize how intense of an experience it is.
I might go into some details on my own life experience as a survivor of ritual abuse and human trafficking, I still don't know to which degree as I'm trying to organize a pool of thoughts, so scroll past if that's triggering to you. It's going to be somewhat lenghty.
I started really "living" around 3 years ago.
To give some context, the approximate timeline of what happened to me:
--- birth-18 y/o: grew up in a cult, I was ritually abused on a regular basis as a child, developed DID (I wasn't diagnosed until adulthood) I endured physical and psychological torture. I mean forced food purging, forced food poisoning, waterboarding, scalding with boiling water, smothering with pillows until I almost passed out... I could go on. I lived behind a wall in the living room and my wardrobe was a bin bag.
18 y/o: I ran from home after my father threatened to kill me. I was poor (I left with 50€ and nothing more) and answered an ad that offered a job in a pub and a place to stay. It required me to travel to another city, so I spent some of that 50 for the train ticket. Desperation makes you do some careless things. I was picked up by what would become my pimp (we called him "the entrepeneur" ). I travelled all across italy like that. Spent some days in a place and then was sent off to another. The day I escaped, I didn't know where I was.
19 y/o : I escaped! I had been sent to a new brothel, and noticed the club owner flirted with me the whole night in between customers. Once the night was over, I seduced him, stole some money and RAN.
The brothel was in the countryside, but I eventually found a bus stop. I got on and asked where I was.
19y/o to 28 y/o: I got into a relationship. Forced pregnant, had a child. Forced back into sex work because my partner took me to his home country and we were both unemployed and he had no intention of finding a job, 3 months after I almost died giving birth and had an emergency c-section.
That has been my life up until 3 years ago. I'm 31 now. The pandemic gave me an out (won't go into details). I broke up with the guy. I ended up in therapy suicidal because I felt I had no purpose (not because of the breakup, I did it and it was my choice). I was free. It's all I wanted, right? I DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY FREEDOM. I was useless. I still struggle with it. I remember the first time I went shopping for food and my mind went blank! I did not know how to shop for food I liked. I didn't know what to get. I always bought things for others. I always ate the scraps and the leftovers. It seems like such a silly stupid thing but once I was done and came home, I looked at my full fridge and I cried. I felt a mix of things. Guilt, selfishness? Also happiness, I was grateful. But freedom felt like such a big, black abyss with nothing to hold me from the fall. I am discovering who I am and coming to terms with it. I have bodily autonomy.
I think Astarion's scene with the mirror, where he looks in and can't see himself, holds a second deeper meaning other than just "a vampire that doesn't have a reflection".
I am now free to do whatever I want to my appearance. But I've always mirrored what other people wanted of me. Hair colours, clothes, style, makeup, weight. I was never in control of it. And now it's so hard to look in the mirror and know what I'd look like if I was me. I don't know. Who do I want to be? It's easier if someone else told me what I look like so I could just be that.
It felt good for Astarion to be "reflected in someone else's eyes" because he still doesn't know who he is. He can't see who he is, because he has been made a vampire. Because of what was done to him.
I hope I explained my point, but anyways, this was more for me, to let out some thoughts. It's 5am I probably have more to say, but I need some rest. I feel better letting some of this out.
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eclipse15 · 11 months
Sources and explanations on HC-DID, TBMC and RAMCOA methods + what makes an HC-DID system
Mind control methods sources (note: you need to make a free account to access. Again; it’s free):
RA specific mind control method source:
Organized abuse sources (includes some RA sources) :
Explanation of fronting triggers and alter manipulation; has personal experience included:
If you don’t wanna read the graphic shit, skip to “summary:”
Within the context of dissociative identity disorder, these resources spell out a lot of what happens to HC-DID systems and how our system works. If you look at the methods used in cults as well as general mind control methods, one thing across the board is that it unfreezes, changes, and refreezes the ego(s). What does this mean for HC-DID? Well, due to the intense RA and OA trauma they were formed under, when parts are formed they are very disoriented. Perfect for this technique, especially since dissociation already aids in identity disturbance. This is where fronting triggers come in.
Most systems know that triggers bring parts to the front. Programmers also know this, and use it to their advantage. One way is that they utilize the above MC methods while a part is being formed/subjected to trauma. Example: Mr. John Doe is an alter that was formed in a rape, and during that the programmers chanted a long number string. Now whenever they need him out they chant the string the brain will be reminded of the rape, forcing him to front. Once they have a control over who fronts when, the programmers utilize their MC techniques. Isolation is already there, since DID of any form makes you isolated from your other parts.
Speaking of isolation, it’s very very easy once they have control of fronting since if they don’t want a part to see anything they won’t see it. That means a parts whole world can be entirely revolved around rape, c0rn (ykwim), being sold, etc. For example, Mr. John Doe fronts when a certain repeat client is raping the system. That’s the changing part.
The re-freezing part is also easy once you’ve got that stuff down. You make sure the part fronts a lot when their assigned role is needed by the programmers, making-like I said-the world revolve around their role. It’s all that they have, and to them it’s all they ever will have.
Summary: Since they are disoriented and controlled via RA/OA trauma and MC techniques at formation, it unfreezes the part. After that they can control when they front via association fronting triggers, and make them believe the world revolves around their assigned role. This is the changing of the part. After that, they make sure the parts world revolves around their assigned role and only that role-refreezing.
That’s pretty much it for this post. It doesn’t cover all of programming but that’s the gist on how it works. Thank you sm for reading, hope you have a great day. Bye
@crowsquackity since I promised I’d mention y’all
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killercatboys · 2 years
PSA TO THE SYSTEM COMMUNITY: stop using number names. it's disrespectful as fuck to us ra survivors. it's not cool or quirky, it's not funny, it's mocking what we've been through. I was programmed into using my number. I was *abused* into thinking my number was the only name I can ever use or think of using. and you make my suffering seem like a sick joke. stop doing it.
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syscurse · 6 months
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finally a good fucking point about how the satanic panic impacted both RA & CSA awareness
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hi! i’m pretty sure we’re a polyfragmented system, but i’ve seen people say polyfragmentation proven to only occur because of ritual / religious abuse. my “i don’t think i went through anything that bad!” mindset aside, i’m certain i didn’t go through ritual or religious abuse. i can’t find anything about this, but is it true it only happens as a result of those? it sounds unrealistic for it to only have two possible causes, but i was wondering if you knew anything more about it?
RA is not the only cause of polyfragmentation. It is common for RA survivors with CDDs to be polyfragmented, though. There is not a lot of research or sources on polyfragmentation, but you might be interested in the ones below. TW for abuse.
The phenomology and treatment of highly complex multiple personality disorder:
In this study, only 35% of polyfragmented/complex systems experienced RA. All of them experienced "longstanding severe abuse," however. Ongoing severe abuse which continued into adolescence & adulthood was also very prominent (81%), as well as incest (92%).
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Understanding and Treating Dissocaitive Identity Disorder: A Relational Approach
Janice is described as a polyfragmented multiple with “at least a hundred parts, many of them for particular purposes or roles, existing in many clusters and layers, parts behind other parts.” Her DID was diagnosed after a hospitalization, and it was discovered to be polyfragmented over the course of therapy. Prior to her diagnosis, Janice had a history of depression and suicidality which she felt like she didn’t deserve help for.
As a child, Janice grew up with a chronic illness and a neglectful, emotionally abusive family. She also survived a few instances of COCSA and CSA. Numerous stressful experiences extended into her adult life.
Incest-related Syndromes of Adult Psychopathology
Miss CL is diagnosed as polyfragmented MPD and described as having "five principle systems of personalities and many fragments." She spent a very long time in the foster system, living with over 10 different families, and was eventually adopted. Her adopted family was emotionally abusive. Her father & one of her brothers were alcoholics and her mother was sometimes physically abusive. She also survived two instances of CSA from people outside the family. She was in the mental health system for 7 years prior to being diagnosed with MPD.
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oiouoiiiokkm · 8 months
Hello. I’m pretty newly discovered HC-DID system. I’m adult. And I wanna make friends and find community around ramcoa but I’m pretty scared. I’m autistic.
I escaped my own hell two years ago. Now I’m safe and trying to start living. My life before escaping was only surviving. Now I learning how to live in out word, how to heal and live as system too. Hello?
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granulesofsand · 1 year
I lost the posts we wanted to respond to, but I think I remember what we were gonna say
🗝️🏷️ RAMCOA with vague examples, syscourse?
Highly Complex DID
What “Complex” Means:
From what we’ve read, it seems like Complex refers to the specific disorder’s criteria. C-PTSD is PTSD with a different presentation; in this case, multiple/prolonged trauma causes difficulty tracing symptoms in the same ways as other PTSD cases. C-DID is DID with a different presentation; here it’s more intricate mechanisms that lead treatment down another path. Even CDD, which is dissociation into self-states instead of one dissociating self-state. The C just means that thing, plus some extra. There are going to be cases where a Complex patient is actually more simple to care for than a non-Complex patient — it’s just a matter of narrowing it down with more criteria.
Highly Complex:
As far as I know, there are no other communities that use Highly Complex as a label. It’s a specific word to whittle down the topic even further; C-DID but with more specifiers. For HC-DID, the specifiers are programming and structuring. Every human who experienced programming and lived is a RAMCOA survivor. Not every RAMCOA survivor considers themself a HC-DID system. Some survivors didn’t form systems at all. Others don’t think their system qualifies. Maybe people just don’t want to identify themselves this way. Even if it were a medical diagnosis — it’s not — forcing people to use labels they don’t want is rude at best.
RAMCOA stands for Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse. Surviving any of those is enough to belong in the community.
Ritual Abuse - maltreatment (of anyone) including ceremonies or traditions. It can be anything from religious sacrifice to underage marriage.
Mind Control - manipulation of psychological processes. I genuinely don’t know if there has to be negative intent or a specific plan from the abuser to qualify, but even targeted McDonald’s ads make use of mind control (probably not abusively, I’ve never looked into that).
Organized Abuse - maltreatment that involves multiple perpetrators collaborating in their perpetration. If two people meet at a bar and then hurt a child together, that’s enough. It can be elaborate groups like churches or criminal groups, but the only requirement is more than one perp.
It can be one or a mix of any, but it’s still RAMCOA. Usually, the DID community uses RAMCOA to talk about surviving programming (Trauma-Based Mind Control for the purpose of creating a system), and we label our systems Highly Complex.
Extra Criteria:
To be Highly Complex, survivors are usually closest to C-DID. But wait, there’s more!
HC-DID systems also receive:
Programming - I only know of TBMC being used to split off dissociative alters, but I’d budge on that if someone knew otherwise. Abusers control the child (body) by causing calculated suffering until they get the results they want. Perps split off alters with goals in mind for them, and continue to break them until they fit the desires of the abusers. This control extends to every other aspect of HC-DID, and is the reason another label exists at all.
Layers - different dimensions of innerworld. Sometimes this looks like literal other realms inside, but it could also be like floors of a building or planets or other separate worlds. Layers are often assigned a name or cue that allows outsiders to maneuver a system’s landscape from the external world. Perps don’t go in as much as they bring out, by assigned alter or other cued manipulations.
Subsystems - alters with alters, except also programmed. Cues are assigned to each subsystem alter as well, usually related to the subsystem as a collective. Just like programmed singlet alters, subsystems can be arranged by outsiders for memories, tasks, etc.
Sidesystems - kind of multiple systems within the metasystem. Groups might be contained in a separate innerworld pocket, unwilling to communicate with other alters, or otherwise unreachable in the same way other groups are. These sidesystems usually have a collective task, or function as a whole other system in the body. Details of what they do and why are also conditioned.
Programs - conditioning attached to cues. Programs might force amnesia, give body memories, set off chains of tasks, or any other typical or atypical system capability. Programs might be perceived as wires and buttons, or files, or whatever else programmers decide.
Not all HC-DID systems will have the same level of programming. Not all programmed systems will be more “complex” that other systems. Having a term to describe our unique experiences helps a lot of survivors to feel understood, especially if they’re already open about their past.
RAMCOA survivors are kept in a strange position online and irl. We’re used as examples of “unimaginable trauma” and “extreme abuse”, but are largely told to sit down and shut up; we’re too dangerous to speak up about what was done to us, too unbelievable, or too much at all. Finding help is a nightmare, sucks butt for everyone involved, and is fairly necessary for long term recovery. Like many systems, we beat the odds time and time again to call ourselves “survivors” instead of “victims”. Like many systems, we are rejected by most of society. Unlike most systems, we are a secret within system communities.
Being Complex is not being special, it’s just a haughty way to say there are extra requirements. Recovery for many systems is already a stretch. For HC-DID systems, we are healing the impossible.
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anonsystem · 2 months
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[Image Description: three replies to this post.
The first is from almond-sadness and says "I wanna know what this means so bad".
The second is from this blog, and it says "like, what a script is?"
The third is from almond-sadness again, and it reads "yeah, I'm not sure what that means in this context".
End ID]
@almond-sadness It's a programming thing, first off. A script, in programming, is when abusers use a piece of media as a blueprint for the system. Areas of the innerworld may reflect significant locations in the media, there will be parts named after characters from the media, and the relationships between parts will also be similar to the relationships in the media.
Further information under the cut: cw for names of scripts.
Common scripts include Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz, Christian Mythology, and Classic Disney. Other scripts I've encountered or read about in clinical literature include The Matrix, Star Wars, Narnia, Norse Mythology, Greek Mythology, Loony Toons, Star Trek, Sailor Moon, and DC Comics.
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